irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040116

00:00.03*** join/#asterisk adkr (
00:00.33{^DaNi^}zoa for incoming calls if one pri fail our telco will redirect this call
00:00.36{^DaNi^}to the other pri
00:01.00{^DaNi^}we select cisco phone as they could use more that one sip gateway
00:01.23jetsdamned monkeys
00:01.23aggelosif one sip gateway fails, it goes for the next one
00:01.48aggelosbank, yes, these guys whould have money for sucha thing
00:02.13aggelosyou would save on nortel or something pbx, that would probably work out the same,
00:02.24aggelosdid you do some cost analysis ?
00:02.29{^DaNi^}yes no problem, the first option was a cisco call manager we have the same money for spend in asterisk :)
00:02.58grozcisco would be turnkey, asterisk more fun, or more work, depending on your perspective
00:03.30{^DaNi^}I prefer have access to the code for request new features
00:03.53*** part/#asterisk Ramereth (~lance@ramereth.registered.freenode)
00:04.05jetsdani: i've deployed callmanagers v ery nice, but not nearly flexible enough
00:04.16c4uldr0nhow do I disable asterisk from picking up phone calls really quick? (I'm using X100P)
00:04.17jetsdani: if you are an opensource shop, and want to integrate with mysql and spend 1/3 the $, then go with *
00:04.26dantwho's the chimp?
00:05.34{^DaNi^}our risk is that if asterisk fail ....
00:05.52{^DaNi^}will be a very bad thing for our departament
00:06.13{^DaNi^}any idea about support on call ?
00:06.31Connoranyone used a sipTone with asterisk ?
00:06.48{^DaNi^}if we get a bug  if out there someone that we could pay for get resolve quick?
00:06.49jrollysonyou can pay digium or various consultants for support
00:06.52ConnorI wonder if you could use LVS with SIP
00:07.04Connoror HeartBeat + Mon
00:10.13{^DaNi^}hmm maybe an option. But we prefer expend more money in the phones
00:10.29*** join/#asterisk n00dle (~ccraft@
00:10.42jetsdant: i dunno but it pissed me off
00:11.38n00dleHi.  I just tried one more time with the DevKitLite, but the thing won't run, even with the supplied configurations... anyone else solve a segfault-on-start problem with this?
00:14.07zoarollyson, you here ?
00:15.16*** join/#asterisk PilotPTK-Home (
00:15.57n00dleMaybe I should ask, "Has anyone else got the DevKitLite to work?"
00:16.27*** join/#asterisk Tekati (
00:18.22*** join/#asterisk ursenj (
00:22.08Miken00dle: it should work
00:22.38Miken00dle: what version of asterisk you running?
00:22.40*** join/#asterisk bdf (
00:25.49n00dleMike: Asterisk CVS-01/15/04-16:54:39
00:26.12{^DaNi^}other question, is out there any project for asterisk announce their numeration plan
00:26.20{^DaNi^}something similar to bgp or rip?
00:26.34{^DaNi^}for voip extensions
00:27.56{^DaNi^}may be cool announce numerations plans between organizations that  use voip for peering
00:28.09{^DaNi^}with them an save some $
00:30.51bdfAnyone have any Adit 600 CB experience in here?
00:30.51jrollysonzoa: bug 697, you still having that problem?
00:34.08*** join/#asterisk clh (~clh_@
00:34.50n00dleThis is the fourth machine, third version of Linux I've tried to get the DevKitLite to go on, but none have worked for me...
00:35.04n00dle...has anyone got the DevKitLite to work?
00:37.20*** join/#asterisk KillerBee (
00:39.10KillerBeewhere is everybody?
00:39.30n00dleI have posted the /var/log/dmesg and output from `asterisk -vvvc` to my website under if anyone would care to take a look.
00:39.51n00dleKillerBee: Dunno... the one person who started to answer my questions vanished. :(
00:40.03KillerBeehummm..l probably FROZEN
00:40.51KillerBeeI have been keeping my t1 warm with coffee all day...
00:41.07KillerBeepackets are SLOWING DOWN!!!!
00:41.26n00dleIt was only down to 3F this morning at my house... but I'm very far from the atlantic coast.
00:43.42*** join/#asterisk km- (
00:44.37n00dleHas anyone got the DevKitLite to work?
00:45.04tclarkbdf: yea i a have few installed, not handy atm what is your q?
00:46.06*** join/#asterisk clh_ (~clh_@
00:50.12bdftclark: Well, basically I added a four port FXO card into a new Adit 600.  I was wondering if on the adit they would automatically configure themselves at ports 1 - 8?
00:50.19bdfBeen trying to read the adit 600 manual all day
00:50.25bdfmaking some progress
00:50.47tclarkhmm "four port FXO card " they are only 8 port ?
00:51.08bdfsorry, meant 8
00:53.30bkw_download it again here in a few
00:55.47*** join/#asterisk joako (
00:56.37KillerBeeJan 15 19:53:08 WARNING[1234455344]: rtp.c:856 ast_rtp_senddigit: Don't know how to represent 'f'
00:57.07JerJerF ?
00:57.14dext0rin what source file is execute() located?
00:57.27JerJerKillerBee turn on the old dsp routines
00:58.04*** join/#asterisk brent21 (
01:00.39n00dleWell, I'm off... if anyone cares...
01:01.46dext0rI'm trying to track down my hangup problem
01:01.47tclarkbdf: yea as i recall i config the craft port, use a serial port program to get to the cli, set the date/time, then config the t1 interfaces, then set the signaling on the fxo/fxs cards & think i need to alos reduce the rx gains
01:02.02KillerBeela la la la la,, if fuckin' cold it's fuckin' cold it's fuckin' cold
01:02.21simprixwhen are the exten lines to get something to ask for a extension
01:02.27dext0rasterisk thinks it's receiving a hangup on a pri, but I have a t1 tester, and it says that asterisk is sending the hangup
01:02.40simprixim new to *
01:02.43dext0rI'm tracing back the source
01:02.50swirlnetsbkw, jerjer: how many is the most calls you have had active on asterisk?
01:02.58dext0rand I'm looking for the execute() call
01:03.08dext0rin what source file is it located?
01:03.12brent21cold here too
01:03.15brent21lots of snow today
01:03.18tclarkthe port analog ports do auto configure to a default state for signaling and tx/rc gain enought to use then you nned to tune as i recall
01:05.00KillerBeehumm old dsp routines?
01:06.58jimmyzanyone using zapbarge
01:08.23jimmyzis it listen only are can you talk to the two parties also
01:09.10simprixI want it so when someone calls in on my pstn line i want it to ask them a extension to put in to go to what i have is this but it doesn't work
01:09.10simprixexten => 23,1,Wait(2)
01:09.10simprixexten => 23,2,Playback(vm-extension)
01:09.10simprixexten => 23,3,Wait(8)
01:09.10simprixexten => 23,4,Dial(${EXTEN:1})
01:10.45jimmyzexten => s,1,Wait,1
01:10.45jimmyzexten => s,2,Answer
01:10.45jimmyzexten => s,3,Background(vericore)
01:10.45jimmyzexten => s,4,DigitTimeout,5
01:10.45jimmyzexten => s,5,ResponseTimeout,10
01:11.18mishehusimprix: is this exten 23 in a different context than the extensions it will be asking the caller for?
01:12.25simprixgot it thanks
01:12.59anglertime to go home
01:13.01*** join/#asterisk jpiterak (~jpiterak@
01:14.21*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
01:14.22ManxPowersimprix, get rid of the wait, the system will wait until digit timeout or absolute timeout
01:14.26ManxPowerWait does NOT accept DTMF
01:14.27*** join/#asterisk LaidBack_01 (
01:14.29jpiterakHello all... any Digium people out there willing to help me with a bizzarre problem with a new TE400P?
01:14.55LaidBack_01Now this is the fax/answering for linux channel right?
01:15.15extremisManxPower: is there an option to wait and accept digits? like a playback of silence for x seconds
01:15.25denonLaidBack_01: it's a PBX, its not an answering machine
01:15.33*** join/#asterisk blaisen1 (
01:15.36ManxPowerextremis, You set the timeouts
01:15.43blaisen1anyone using handytone ata 286
01:16.02LaidBack_01Im looking for the "other one".  See asterisk is very comprehensive, and has way more features than I need. There is one that has a very blue website, begins with V (I think) and I cant find it.  It's basically just an answering machine.  You guys know what Im talking about?
01:16.03extremisManxPower: what I"m asking is between my playbacks I want to add a pause and during that pause to except input
01:16.14extremisactually, between my 'background'
01:16.21ManxPowerextremis, you need to play a sound file with x seconds of silence
01:16.27denonwhat's wrong with wait()?
01:16.28ManxPowerNo_Carrier_, wait will ignore DTMF
01:16.32ManxPowerNo wait will ignore DTMF
01:16.35denonI thought wait was sposed to accept dtmf now?
01:16.40denonno? damnit.
01:16.41extremisManxPower: how do I specify how long to background playback a file?
01:16.51denonextremis: make a silent gsm file for x seconds
01:16.54denonand Background() it
01:17.08ManxPowerextremis, However long you record it for.  I think jtodd has various length silent gsm files on his siite.
01:17.12extremisbah, I don't want to create one for every timeframe
01:17.27denonextremis: then background the same 1second file over and over
01:17.28extremisManxPower: alright, I thought there was a sexier way
01:17.30denon10 times for 10 seconds
01:17.49extremisdenon: can you do it with 1 line, or do I need 10 steps?
01:18.09denon10 steps .. or some kind of Goto and setting a variable maybe
01:18.14denonincrementing it once for each loop
01:18.17extremisstill ghetto
01:18.24extremisoh well, doesn't matter
01:18.29denonget used to it .. extension configs get big
01:18.38extremiswait should take a parameter to tell it to accept input
01:18.42extremisthat would be sexy
01:19.01denonyea .. or just have background accept a number
01:19.04denonin milliseconds
01:19.07denonand just play silence
01:19.42denonIve just gotten used to putting silence in the gsm files
01:19.46denonI hate it .. but oh well
01:19.58ManxPowerWrite a patch
01:20.23denonI dont hate it enough to care about it for more than about 45 seconds at a time
01:20.24denonso .. nah
01:20.48jimmyzso with zapbarge is it listen only are can your barge and talk
01:21.13anduextremis: I have a bunch of "silence" files for 1-10s
01:21.21anduhi denon
01:21.33denonhi andu
01:21.53andudenon: how are things
01:21.58denongood, you?
01:22.04andudenon: anymore problems with that debian install
01:22.20andustill trying to figure out my card
01:22.22denonI havent touched it since .. finnicky package shit :)
01:22.33ManxPowerjimmyz, ZapBarge should be zalled ZapEavesdrop
01:23.59jimmyzok will still work for me but the barge part would have been good
01:24.19denonyou could force a transfer into a meetme
01:24.39jimmyzwhen you do show channels does it show you the extension and the zap channel it's on?
01:25.00denontry and see :)
01:25.04jimmyzdenon: i was trying to find a way for all calls to goto a meetme and then dial the number
01:25.14denonyeah, I thought about that too ..
01:25.16denonkinda messy tho
01:25.25denonbut yeah, thats an easy option too
01:25.28jimmyzi can't try don't have a t1 card yet
01:25.46jimmyzi tried the meetme but i can't make it work
01:26.25*** join/#asterisk clh (~me@
01:26.31jimmyzi can make it goto the meetme but not dial a number out
01:26.58denonwell, to answer your question, yes it will show zap channel, context, state, data, etc
01:27.26*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
01:27.33jimmyzso you would know what extension is talking on what zap channel right
01:27.45denonpbx*CLI> show channels
01:27.53denonzap/25 is the trunk im calling out on
01:27.59denonSIP/cl12 is my phone
01:28.10jimmyzok...thanks that helps alot
01:28.45jimmyzsucks when your company doesn't want to spend money to test stuff lol
01:28.54jimmyzbut they want the world
01:29.01denonmost of us build a * box for the house to play with
01:29.13jimmyzyea i have one
01:29.29jimmyzbut i don't even have a pots line...only cell for the past 4 years
01:29.56jimmyzthat's just another bill i don't need
01:31.55jimmyzdenon: what phones do you use
01:32.11alex-homehmm, is £400ish good for one of those cisco wireless phones?
01:32.15denonCisco 7960s and some ADSI phones
01:32.34blaisen1is there ANYONE using the Handytone ata 286 with asterisk?  I'm having a problem with it where it will just die, (no dial tone when I pick up the set, and it won't accept the password when I try and login), power cycling fixes the problem.  oddly it still shows up in sip show peers
01:32.52jimmyzwe use 7940 and 60's on ccm trying to find out how many lines a  snow has
01:35.03bkw_just ditch ccm
01:35.12bkw_put sip on those cisco's
01:35.14bkw_and use asterisk
01:35.18bkw_and be a much happier camper
01:36.30jimmyzlol...i'm trying...but have to give reasons not to use a cheaper phone
01:37.03*** join/#asterisk CarlosR (
01:37.06CarlosRhey guys
01:37.13*** join/#asterisk sa4mata (~bobiNkAaA@
01:37.29jimmyzccm is going long as the asterisk test are fine
01:38.10CarlosRany idea why my g729 fails when run asterisk as /usr/sbin/asterisk and it works when i use a -vvv
01:38.52bkw_CarlosR NO SHIT use safe_asterisk and you won't have that problem
01:39.01bkw_oh and -vvv is verbose
01:39.06bkw_but if you use safe_Asterisk it will work fine
01:39.07LaidBack_01Im looking for the "other one".  See asterisk is very comprehensive, and has way more features than I need. There is one that has a very blue website, begins with V (I think) and I cant find it.  It's basically just an answering machine.  You guys know what Im talking about?
01:39.20bkw_one v would be plenty to make it work
01:39.23*** join/#asterisk brent21 (
01:39.24denonLaidBack_01: nfi
01:39.34bkw_its a voiceage crack head no good weasle ass crap
01:39.42bkw_I just wanna smack the people over at voiceage
01:40.13bkw_WELCOME to the world of open src.. where you do truely get what you pay for! :)
01:40.27bkw_har har har
01:40.29bkw_ok i'm in a mood
01:40.34*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
01:40.38bkw_stop me now.. i'm about to rip apart something else in asterisk
01:40.46*** join/#asterisk Pierluigi (
01:40.53PierluigiHi @  all....
01:40.54jimmyzbarge and monitoring i hope lol
01:40.57bkw_I have been doing nitpick (attention to detail patches) all day
01:41.02bkw_we have barge
01:41.04bkw_and monitoring
01:41.09denonbarge is +r
01:41.14bkw_yes that
01:41.16jimmyzbarge is monitoring
01:41.18PierluigiSorry i have a problem with txfax and rxfax
01:41.22Tangentbkw_: I'm looking to implement amplitude normalisation for voicemail messages... Where should I look to kludge something in? app_voicemail? formats/wav ?
01:41.31Pierluigii receive this error
01:41.33PierluigiHDLC underflow in state 9 ... Changed from phase 4 to 3
01:41.36bkw_accually it has something like that
01:41.44bkw_Tangent read the code a bit closer
01:41.46Tangentbkw_: Oh.. better yet :)
01:42.04bkw_I recall something about that on a patch on the bug tracker but we have something like that already
01:42.09bkw_ok question
01:42.13TangentI noticed the GAIN parameter in format_wav, but wasn't sure what I'd break by messing with it
01:42.13bkw_what can we break now?
01:42.21Pierluigiplease help me.....
01:42.25CarlosRhey the ata-186 with g.729a codec does not work with g.729b?
01:42.31*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
01:42.32LaidBack_01oh well
01:42.33bkw_it will work
01:42.34bkw_and work well
01:42.35Pierluigimy rxfax txfax return HDLC underflow in state 9 ... Changed from phase 4 to 3
01:42.37*** part/#asterisk LaidBack_01 (
01:42.39bkw_a and b are compatible
01:42.43jrollysonhmm. I wonder what it would cost to completely buy the rights to g729 ;)
01:42.47bkw_the stream is the same.. its how you get that stream is diffrent
01:42.54bkw_jrollyson my left nut
01:43.00bkw_then my right one for g723
01:43.09bkw_but since they won't take that.. we are SOL
01:43.21bkw_I would like to smack the patent people silly
01:43.28CarlosRJan 15 17:26:14 WARNING[6151]: chan_sip.c:1967 process_sdp: No compatible codecs!
01:43.28CarlosRJan 15 17:26:15 WARNING[6151]: chan_sip.c:1967 process_sdp: No compatible codecs!
01:43.38CarlosRdisallow=all                    ; Disallow all codecs
01:43.50joakohow about G726 support for asterisk?
01:43.53jrollysonbkw_: I'm thinking there should be some inititive to perform hostile takeovers on patent holders, and free the technology
01:43.58bkw_CarlosR you have to modify the settings in the ata
01:44.02bkw_the lbr codec
01:44.10bkw_joako haha thats a kram deal
01:44.18CarlosRlbr codec?
01:44.21bkw_jrollyson you know what it would be nice
01:44.30bkw_the ata defaults to g723
01:44.39bkw_change audio mode to 001400014
01:44.43Pierluigisorry any idea for RxFax TxFax error: HDLC underflow in state 9 ... Changed from phase 4 to 3
01:44.53bkw_Pierluigi nope
01:44.57bkw_its not a supported application
01:45.00angler_bkw_ how was dinner
01:45.01extremisWhat is the syntax to have musiconhold from a shoutcast feed?
01:45.08bkw_angler good
01:45.15denonbkw_: since when is any of this supported?
01:45.17angler_bkw_ what u have
01:45.36joakoshould we use zaptel from cvs for asterisk 0.7.1? or the one from the ftp site?
01:45.45denonjoako: cvs
01:45.51bkw_denon ok let me rephrase that.. I dont wanna support it
01:45.53denonunless you dont like being bleeding edge
01:45.56CarlosRthanks mate
01:46.03bkw_joako just stay with CVS its getting better and better by the second
01:46.15joakoso i shouldnt use 0.7.1?
01:46.20bkw_you can
01:46.23bkw_its nice and stable
01:46.27jrollysonbkw: I wonder what such a hostile takeover would cost.
01:46.35bkw_jrollyson let me get the gun and a inkpen
01:46.40bkw_that should be all we need
01:46.55bkw_can't get much more hostile than that
01:47.47bkw_i'm trying to find mgcp warez so I can work on chan_mgcp
01:48.01bkw_anyone have any they would like to donate to my cause? ie an FXS gateway or something
01:48.03bkw_even FXO
01:48.07bkw_just show me love
01:48.30*** join/#asterisk cybyc (
01:48.49extremisso, shoutcast?
01:49.41joakoIf I donate an MGCP FXO can you get ADSI working on it?
01:49.50*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
01:50.13joako*mgcp fxs....
01:50.13bkw_joako I can try but i don't have an ADSI phone so you will have to send one of those too
01:50.26bkw_OH bug 861 is such bullshit
01:51.09bkw_WHY THE HECK can't people realize to attach a diff instead of copy and paste
01:56.40tclarkjoako: can fsk tones actually map over a MGCP ?
01:57.12bkw_NEXT ON MY LIST.. lets fix mpg123
01:57.14bkw_how about it
01:57.14joakohow does asterisk handle it? does it generate the tones, or tell the mgcp gateway to generate them?
01:57.38denonbkw: fix echo cancelling once and for all :)
01:57.40zoabkw, what is wrong with mpg123?
01:57.48zoayes bkw
01:57.48bkw_denon I don't have echo chancel
01:57.52joakofrom what I have tried, I get the inital FSK tone, and asterisk hangs up. The phone does not register anything
01:57.58tclarkjoako: only on zap channels its send fsk modem data
01:58.00zoaand fix jitter buffers !
01:58.00denonyou dont have echo cancel?
01:58.02denonor you dont have echo?
01:58.06bkw_two mpg123's per hold class
01:58.14bkw_no echo here
01:58.16bkw_hold on
01:58.17bkw_wanna tes tit
01:58.20zoai have no echo either
01:58.28denonwe have it hit and miss
01:58.47bkw_I never have it
01:59.02bkw_try it out
01:59.12bkw_on two lines for the price of 1
01:59.28bkw_har har har
01:59.34bkw_hold on it wont work I don't think
01:59.42bkw_ya I have to fix it
01:59.44bkw_hold please
02:00.30bkw_now it will
02:00.34tclarkjoako: what does the call path you are try to use with  MGCP & adsi ?
02:00.54denonnobody screw it up in the next 10 seconds!
02:00.59bkw_haha no
02:01.18denonok, im current .. you can screw it up again
02:01.37bkw_try the unload chan_zap thing
02:01.45denonim still compiling
02:01.46bkw_very very graceful now
02:02.07*** join/#asterisk l3 (Guy@
02:02.13*** part/#asterisk l3 (Guy@
02:02.28*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
02:02.36bkw_anthm and i smashe dthat bug that caused a segfault when starting asterisk and zaptel was confied wrong
02:02.43bkw_you know the one
02:02.47denonuh huh
02:02.50bkw_I think we all have seen that one
02:02.56denonactually, I havent ..
02:03.04denonbut I can only imagine what would happen
02:03.07bkw_* still won't start but it will exit and pla nice
02:03.32denonoh, so now * has some log rotation stuff doesnt it?
02:03.37denonI should figure out how that works
02:03.50bkw_logger rotate
02:04.01denonwhats it do?
02:04.03bkw_you can debug,warning,error on -r console now
02:04.04denonI mean .. how's it set up
02:04.11bkw_logger rotate will rotate the logs
02:04.22bkw_ie move them and re-open them
02:04.29bkw_logger restart will just reopen them
02:04.31denonso you just call it from crontab or somethin?
02:04.35bkw_you can
02:04.45bkw_or just use logrotate and call logger restart
02:04.53bkw_its really your call
02:05.01zoabkw: what do you think of the iax2 incoming/outgoing limit request ?
02:05.03denonso it uses linux log rotate crap?
02:05.07bkw_zoa good request
02:05.09denonor it actually rotates it itself?
02:05.21bkw_logger rotate  does it inside of asterisk
02:05.30bkw_you can use external stuff even syslog if you like
02:05.33denonbkw: so logger is actually a binary?
02:05.40bkw_its a cli
02:05.51denonwell .. its a standalone binary tho ..
02:05.55denonits not an argument to asterisk
02:06.09bkw_asterisk -rx "logger rotate"
02:06.13bkw_asterisk -rx "logger reload"
02:06.15denonah ic
02:06.16bkw_take your pick
02:06.33denonand it GZs etc?
02:06.53denonah .. bummer
02:06.56denonsuch is life
02:06.59bkw_thats why you can use something like logrotate and then call logger reload from its post rotate script
02:07.11bkw_er logger restart I think its called
02:07.19bkw_no its logger reload
02:07.21denonbut rotate cycles the log out, right?
02:07.30bkw_but it does them kinda backwards
02:07.31CarlosRbkw thanks very much... you always help
02:07.40denonwhy is it new features are backwards ..
02:07.54denontotally clean slate to start with .. and we do it backwards
02:08.06puzzledzoa: I think the incoming/outgoing iax2 request is good too
02:08.07bkw_well we are making progress at record pace now
02:08.23denonwhat the hell . .I restarted my phone system and everything didnt ring
02:08.25denonsomeone fix that?
02:08.32bkw_haha :)
02:08.42denonit didnt always do it ..
02:08.43denonbut 99 times out of 100
02:08.44bkw_told ya
02:08.52bkw_asterisk is hauling ass now
02:08.53denonjeez .. im almost gonna miss that
02:09.04bkw_we can revert that if you like?
02:09.05denonI dont believe it actually .. im gonna restart it again
02:09.13bkw_I hope its fixed for sure
02:09.25denonhmm .. doesnt wanna restart tho
02:09.32denonthere we go
02:09.51bkw_did it ring?
02:10.01denonhome sweet home
02:10.02bkw_damn it
02:10.12bkw_try the unload stuff
02:10.16bkw_then load it back
02:10.18denonetc etc
02:10.35*** join/#asterisk Teeli1 (~Tili@
02:10.35bkw_got PRI?
02:10.36*** join/#asterisk jm2 (
02:10.45denonthats on a channel bank
02:10.51bkw_it should sip rith thru the chan_zap unload then
02:10.52denonand yes, i know the CB is telling it stuff
02:11.03bkw_PRI has a small delay
02:11.09jm2tyring to move production to 0.7.1 from august cvs, but no sound is recorded in vm.
02:11.10denonmark said the T1 going down is what freaks out the CB
02:11.12jm2any ideas?
02:11.13bkw_when you unload pri we have to kill the d channel monitor threads
02:11.36bkw_jm2 let me guess grandstream phones?
02:11.49jm2actually no.
02:11.52bkw_what ya got?
02:12.02jm2I tried both from an analog phone and snom200
02:12.12denonsee your msgs bkw
02:12.46joakoIs there any reason why we cant use the FreeBSD zapata drivers in (gasp) freebsd with asterisk?
02:12.53zoajoaka: i guess so
02:12.55*** join/#asterisk tessier (
02:13.04zoathe freebsd zapata drivers evolved into the current drivers
02:13.07jm2i read I could just copy leave my configs from previous. Actually moved from one machine to another using tar to move configs from /etc/ast and /var/lib/ast and /var/spool/ast
02:13.10zoabut there were a lot of fixes
02:13.21joakobut the current drivers dont work in freebsd AFAIK
02:13.28h3xthe architecture is probably way way different
02:13.33jm2using a t100p into an adit 600 CB.
02:16.27jm2bkw still there? Any ideas?
02:19.28*** join/#asterisk Epitaph (
02:19.33*** part/#asterisk km- (
02:21.42puzzledanyone know if the "C" option in Dial is ResetCDR or ResetCDR(w)?
02:21.58zoawhat is the difference ?
02:22.01bkw_resetcdr(w) will write it out before reset
02:22.09zoafigured that one out already
02:22.13zoai think its "C"
02:22.19zoabut you could easily test that
02:22.28zoaif you dial with iax2 to * to PSTN
02:22.29bkw_or look at the src
02:22.37zoatry if you have 2 lines or 1
02:23.16*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
02:24.56bkw_I just unloaded chan_zap on a PRI system and loaded it back without drama
02:27.02*** join/#asterisk kimo_sabe (
02:27.36brent21running * with a T100P to an Adit 600 CB, and Sip Polycom phones... when I set echocancel=yes can't hear anything besides an occasional pop or his, but when set to no, i get bad echo
02:27.41brent21any ideas on how I can resolve this?
02:29.26jm2not sure why this worked, but changing format=wav|gsm|wav49
02:29.38bkw_what did you ahve in there?
02:29.40bkw_what order?
02:29.41jm2in my voicemail.conf has the voicemail working again.
02:30.54bkw_it wasn't there before?
02:31.13zoabkw, so did i :)
02:31.14jm2it was in a different order. I am looking it up
02:31.26*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
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02:32.11jm2my 8000 to record gsm file is still not working though.
02:32.40*** join/#asterisk LaidBack_01 (
02:33.19jm2ok, figured that one out too. having an extension error.
02:33.28LaidBack_01denon hey I found what I was looking for.  It prolly wont be of use to you, but maybe if someone else asks... It's VOCP
02:35.47jm2one last question, I noticed the the order from the new sample voicemail.conf attaches much smaller files, but media player gives me an error after playing, is there a way to fix that?
02:35.57zoathe snoms firmware system is soooo great
02:36.02zoamuch better than ciscos
02:36.12zoa+ it runs on linux
02:36.18bkw_wav49 is silly
02:36.20extremisjm2: format=wav|gsm|wav49
02:36.29jimmyzbut does the snoms work as good a cisco's
02:36.30zoawhy not only use wav ?
02:36.32bkw_it should email in wav format
02:36.36zoasnows sounds worse
02:36.59jimmyzglad i passed the "snows" on lol
02:37.18zoayeah now w e have snows and barbietones
02:37.26zoaand friscos
02:37.59Shido6_oh wow
02:38.02Shido6_is nice looking
02:38.08Shido6_who brought that up?
02:38.15jm2extremis, I went ahead and put that in there, I would just love to make the foot print on our email server smaller with the wav49 file sizes. It actually "works" but I know i will get calls on the error message.
02:39.35jimmyzprobalby could probably do gsm and convert it with sox -g and get it playable ...that's just my guess
02:39.42extremiszoa: you don't want any gsm files around?
02:40.05zoawhats the use of gsm files ?
02:40.16zoayou can't mail those to anyone
02:40.19*** join/#asterisk Calisto (
02:40.44jimmyzi'm doing sox file.gsm -g file.wav same size almost for recordings
02:40.47zoaif you ask a snom with version 2.0.3j
02:40.51zoato update firmware
02:40.55zoait goes to 2.0.2t
02:41.24jimmyzwhere windows can play them
02:41.39extremisjimmyz: how do you get it to convert before it emails?
02:42.07jimmyzdon't know...but probably able to somewhere...
02:42.22extremisheh, why bother?
02:42.39jimmyzlol...depends how bad you want it
02:42.47jm2jimmyz interesting, how do you work the sox call into the flow prior to the email getting sent?
02:43.15jimmyzwhat i'm talking about it monitoring...just figured you could do it in voicemail
02:43.28jimmyzhave not tried it or looked at it
02:43.42bkw_accually that might be a feature I work on
02:44.02*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
02:44.11extremisso, with dbput and dbget, where do you define your DB settings?
02:44.52jimmyzwith monitoring all calls i needed small size and that's what i came up with
02:44.57PilotPTK-Homeextremis, it just goes into the asterisk database...not a mysql or pgsql type.
02:45.37zoai am actually monitoring all calls
02:45.41extremiscan you add a user to multiple queues with one variable?
02:45.41zoaand convert em to mp3
02:45.50jimmyzzoa how many at once
02:46.01zoaaround 40 to 50
02:46.08zoadual xeon
02:46.21zoabut, the machine is configured in pass thru
02:46.23jimmyzany problems doing that many
02:46.36zoaso without monitoring there is like 0,1% cpu
02:46.39jimmyzi need at least that many
02:46.48jimmyzlooking at dual 2.8
02:46.53zoaalthough now that i use trunking (thnx to bkw!) it might be a lot higher
02:47.08zoaits a dual xeon 2,0 i think
02:47.11zoamaybe 2.4
02:47.27jimmyznice to know someone else is doing it
02:47.31zoado you do termination on the machine or any kind of codec conversions ?
02:47.40jimmyzg711 calls
02:47.41zoaoh and i have raid 5 scsi
02:47.50zoawith fast disks
02:47.51jimmyzi'll be raid 5 ide
02:48.57zoai even move the files after they got muxed and compressed
02:49.09zoaand put them into different folders
02:49.21jimmyzi plan on that or either just folders on the * box and move them every night
02:49.26zoawhere they can be viewed by an active-x mediaplayer for internet explorer
02:49.51jimmyzi do it now but not using *
02:49.53zoathey are ordered by person calling, called person, and date
02:50.15zoa+ i parse all mp3's for call length
02:50.15jm2I just ordered a dual 2.4 today from racksaver for our production system, hoping to do about 400 desks
02:50.16jpiterakzoa: what did you say your current cpu load was with that config (w/monitor)?
02:50.18jimmyzmine so far or date time and called number
02:50.31zoai can't remember the cpu load, sorry
02:50.38zoathe load is over 2 that i'm sure
02:50.45zoabut the idle time of the cpu's is nice
02:50.56zoa70% idle or so i think
02:51.14jpiterakzoa: s'ok... Be interested tho. We have a customer want's to get rid of 'look who's calling'
02:51.16jimmyzmy largest off will not go over 100 people per server
02:51.25zoaif you don't need trunking you might save a lot of cpu power
02:51.32jimmyzat most 50 calls at once
02:51.35zoawell if you have 100 people
02:51.40zoathey will never call with hundred :)
02:52.00zoathere is always someone procreating with the boss
02:52.10zoaand some people tend to go to the bathroom sometimes
02:52.15jimmyzare on the phone with u
02:52.22jimmyzand smoke
02:52.30jimmyzand flurt
02:52.49jimmyzand try and call the home to count as phone time
02:53.37sadjonany recommendations on a ISDN BRI card to use with * ?
02:55.38*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
02:56.06zoaavm works great for me
02:57.11sadjonSorry, this would be for NI-1 (US).  Are they homologized here?
03:05.24*** join/#asterisk MageMinds (
03:05.37sadjonavm site doesn't say if they are...
03:05.45sadjonanyone use eicon?
03:08.19*** join/#asterisk GhostNr1 (~Ashmed@
03:15.46*** join/#asterisk _jackhamr (~jackhamr@
03:16.31_jackhamrhey is the latest CVS completely jacked or what?
03:17.25_jackhamrI can get nothing to register :(
03:18.36*** join/#asterisk bluerock (
03:19.27*** join/#asterisk Moc-Home (
03:20.21Moc-Homehi kram
03:20.25kamileonre kram
03:20.27jimmyzmoc: i do video editing also
03:20.31bluerockHi, All: I am looking to build a simple voip network useing an asterisk, anyone for hire ?
03:20.32kramgreets kam
03:20.44Moc-Homejimmyz, I get tired
03:20.47kamileonbluerock : im for hire
03:20.53jimmyzi do weddings
03:20.54Moc-Homefor a 15min video
03:20.59*** join/#asterisk Sobek (~btatton@
03:21.01bluerockEmail me at
03:21.09jimmyzget tired of of the samething over and over
03:21.36zoabluerock, you can probably do a big part yourself
03:21.49zoabut it will take a lot longer if you have no experience whatsoever with asterisk
03:22.15zoawhat do you need bluerock ?
03:22.20*** join/#asterisk Horshack] (
03:22.27bluerockYes but I am in the business office., with a med degree of tech knolage
03:22.40Horshack]anyone have some time/insight into a possible SIP => IAX2 issue?
03:22.50zoaHorshack]: yes
03:22.55zoai'm here to serve you
03:22.59zoayour wish is my command
03:23.08*** join/#asterisk bobman (
03:23.09zoabut make it fast
03:23.14zoaas its already 4.30am here
03:23.16Horshack]well... this is my first time dealing with IAX2
03:23.21Horshack]so I have 2 * boxes
03:23.34Horshack]1 behind a firewall serving sip clients
03:23.35Horshack]1 outside the firewall
03:23.39jimmyzis that allison talking lol
03:23.42Horshack]I'm trying to get SIP urls to work
03:23.53Horshack]so the outside box registers with the inside box with IAX2
03:24.09Horshack]the only entry on the outside box's extensions.conf is a switch statement
03:24.11zoathe inside box must register to the outside box
03:24.24Horshack]why's that
03:24.29Horshack]I have the IAX ports mapped
03:24.33zoaah k
03:24.36*** part/#asterisk tholo (
03:24.37zoathat would also work
03:24.47Horshack]so I call the outside box
03:24.54Horshack]I have nat=yes in the sip.conf
03:25.01Horshack]my softphone is behind a firewall
03:25.03Horshack]so I dial
03:25.09Horshack]outside box calls inside box
03:25.14Horshack]inside box calls sip phone
03:25.17Horshack]sip phone rings
03:25.19Horshack]noone answers
03:25.22Horshack]voicemail picks up
03:25.25Horshack]but I get no audio
03:25.29Horshack]now here's the kicker
03:25.36Horshack]I wait a while and do some talking
03:25.47Horshack]soon later... I get an e-mail with the voicemail i left
03:25.51*** join/#asterisk LaidBack_01 (
03:25.52Horshack]so I have audio in 1 direction
03:26.20Horshack]I am correct that audio running over IAX will not look like conventional RTP packets correct?
03:26.28zoawhat happens if you do pickup the line ?
03:26.29Horshack]I'll just see packets running between the iax ports
03:26.46Horshack]zoa: hehe... I can't at the moment...  I could try tomorrow when someone is in the office
03:27.06Horshack]so tcpdumps at my firewall here show RTP going out
03:27.11Horshack]but nothing coming from the outside box
03:27.26zoathat doesnt sound very logical does it ?
03:27.31Horshack]no... not at all
03:27.45zoaif there is no rtp in that direction
03:27.55Horshack]well... I'm not getting any rtp there
03:27.57zoayou would not hear yourself talking in the voicemail message
03:28.07Horshack]but it seems that I'm getting rtp between the inside and outside boxes
03:28.24Horshack]at least there's a lot of udp traffic in both directions
03:28.48zoaare you sure that rtp is also being forwarded ?
03:29.03zoamaybe try not to forward any ports
03:29.04Horshack]I tcpdump'd the outside box
03:29.09zoajust register the inside box
03:29.12zoato the outside box
03:29.23Horshack]now can I still use a switch statement?
03:29.31Horshack]or do I do a
03:29.32zoai wouldnt know why not
03:29.44Horshack]exten => s,1,Dial(IAX2/user/context/BYEXTENSION)
03:29.47zoait would not change a think
03:29.57Horshack]just change the direction of the registration
03:30.10Horshack]I will try that and see what happens
03:30.30zoadid you look at rtp.conf
03:30.38zoaand are sure that you forwared those ports as well ?
03:31.27Horshack]possibly not
03:31.53*** join/#asterisk heison (
03:32.06Horshack]thx zoa
03:32.27zoaalso check this bug
03:32.34zoaif you have multiple ip's
03:33.04zoaalthough that should not be related :)
03:34.30*** join/#asterisk ssokol (
03:35.44heisondoes anyone remember the AT command to disable the second port (the phone port) on a modem while dialing out?
03:36.09zoaHorshack]: the registration in the other direction is probably easier and more secure
03:36.20zoaas the outside box is the only machine that can have axx to the other one
03:37.13*** join/#asterisk lichen (
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03:38.29ssokolanybody seen kram?
03:39.03Horshack]zoa: is there something special I have to do since inside => registering with outside the inside is behind a nat
03:39.16Horshack]ok shiza
03:39.22Horshack]I know what I did wrong
03:39.29Horshack]wanna know zoa?
03:39.45Horshack]fuck me
03:39.55Horshack]I have like 4 subnets behind this firewall
03:39.59Horshack]all in the ipnat.conf
03:40.05Horshack]I created a new subnet for the ip phones
03:40.19Horshack]what I forgot to do is add a mapping rule for the sip server on this new subnet
03:40.29Horshack]so the inside box was sending packets to the outside box
03:40.38Horshack]from an ip that it didn't know
03:41.06brent21I am having a problem with * connected to my ADIT 600 Channel Bank, the calls were working great for 2 or 3 hours, and now whenever I call I hear nothing except an occasional very faint click, and the calling party here nothing as soon as asterisk picks it up.. has anyone had/seen anything like this before?
03:44.01brent21Also when I do a cat /proc/zaptel/* it says (IN USE) on 6 of the lines and none of them are in use
03:44.19Horshack]zoa you rock
03:44.26Horshack]I also changed the registration direction
03:44.28Horshack]it's all good
03:44.53Moc-Homebkw_, are you there ?
03:45.04zoai havent seen bkw in a while
03:45.10zoaso i guess he's not here
03:45.18zoayou might try to yell very loud though !
03:46.23kramgreets brent
03:46.33kramgreets ssokol
03:46.45brent21hey kram, hows it going?
03:46.46Moc-Homecan't load * anymore ;)
03:46.59Moc-Homebkw_ told me about this..
03:47.08Moc-Homebut was I didn't listen ehehe
03:47.28Moc-Hometoo tired, I can't even put my word at the right place
03:48.18kramnot bad brent, you?
03:48.49brent21not too bad thanks, got my T100P card today and CA ADIT 600, been playing around with that
03:51.15kramcool any luck?
03:51.24brent21yeah, everything was working great for about two hours
03:51.45brent21and now all of the sudden whenever a sip phone picks up an incoming call or places one, i hear nothing, calling party hears nothig
03:51.58brent21not sure why it just crapped out all of the sudden
03:52.54brent21and when I cat /proc/zaptel/* it says that the 6 lines are (in use) even though they arent and they accept incoming calls
03:54.04brent21hmm, think it might be the adit 600
03:54.04kram"in use" means they're opened
03:54.13*** join/#asterisk adke (
03:54.23brent21ok, cool thanks, yeah the adit is acting a little strange, gonna tweak that and see where we get
03:54.34kramare you sure they're FXO?
03:54.39ssokolsay, Kram, did you get a chance to look at the trace?
03:54.39kramcan you use zttool to see?
03:54.51kramnot yet, ssokol
03:56.22bkw_yo yo yo
03:57.03Moc-Homebkw_, what did you told me about chan_iax2 ? ;)
03:57.14brent21yeah, zttool shows everything as fine, I think when I logged out of the adit 600 telnet session, everything went back to the way it was (hence the problems)  is there something in there I wonder like cisco where you have to wr mem?
03:57.17bkw_did you restart asterisk first?
03:57.31bkw_I see a problem
03:57.41bkw_hey kram we have a bug in chan_iax
03:57.44bkw_er iax2
03:57.49bkw_the usecount keeps going up and up and up
03:57.53bkw_even when not in use
03:57.59SobekI am sure this has been addressed...sorry if ti has. I have an issue with meetme rooms.
03:58.11bkw_unload -h
03:58.30Moc-HomeIm trying to start asterisk
03:58.35ssokolwow.  could tha have anything to do with issue in the iax2 library?
03:59.05bkw_Please note that Dell cannot be responsible for typographical or other errors, and reserves the right to cancel any
03:59.05bkw_orders resulting from such errors.
03:59.14bkw_ssokol doubt it
03:59.16kamileonanyone know if * will compile on a cobalt raq?
03:59.29bkw_kamileon if its x86 yes
03:59.53kamileonits a k6-2
03:59.57bkw_Moc-Home try to unload
04:00.07kamileonbut i dont have access to the cobalt kernel source
04:00.11SobekSomeone calls in I transfer them in to a meetme room. Then I dial in and do a conference call on my cisco 7960 with a zapbarge I then hang up and the barge is left in the meetme room with the person I transfered in.
04:00.12Moc-Homebkw_, in module.conf ?
04:00.16bkw_at the cli
04:00.23bkw_recall it was segfaulting before
04:00.25bkw_it shouldn't now
04:00.28Moc-HomeI can't get to cli..
04:00.30Moc-Home* WONT LOAD
04:00.35bkw_what does it say
04:00.40bkw_did you make clean first?
04:00.42bkw_after you updated?
04:00.49Moc-HomeJan 15 22:47:19 WARNING[1074398976]: loader.c:407 load_modules: Loading module failed!
04:00.58bkw_make clean
04:00.59bkw_make update
04:01.02bkw_make install
04:01.09bkw_see what she does after that
04:01.17Moc-HomeI just download the cvs
04:01.45bkw_well blow the the asterisk dir away and try again
04:02.33*** join/#asterisk _asr_ (
04:02.33Moc-HomeThat what I did hehe
04:02.48Moc-HomeI deleted all zaptel libpri and asterisk and downloaded CVS
04:03.23*** join/#asterisk ursenj (
04:03.35bkw_did you make sure you did make install
04:03.57ursenjhas anyone used v 3.0 on there ATA 186??
04:04.01Moc-Homelol yes man..
04:04.37*** join/#asterisk jelque (~jelque@
04:04.38bkw_Estimated Shipping Date: Jan 29, 2004
04:04.43bkw_what is dell smokin?
04:04.56ursenjbkw_, dell is way backed up
04:05.06extremisdell is always backed up
04:05.10Moc-HomeWell CVS seem broken hehe
04:05.19ursenjI have an order for 110 gx260 6 weeks out
04:05.40bkw_well its worth the wait
04:06.02bkw_I might have it just in time for my bday
04:06.15bkw_anyway they gave me 60 days same as cash so I didn't hav eto shell out the $$$ tonight
04:06.18*** join/#asterisk Mike-69 (
04:06.26ursenjdell is the only thing I'll run in the server room
04:06.38bkw_and I only buy from dell's business division
04:06.44bkw_the consumer side is crap
04:06.53bkw_even if it is a personal laptop
04:07.03bkw_I got the cheapest i could get
04:07.07ursenjya,. it is,  Dell is really built for the buisness side
04:07.20bkw_with exta ram and hd
04:07.23bkw_extended battery
04:07.28ursenjI have a x200 LOVE it
04:07.32bkw_for less than 1k..
04:07.39bkw_thats all I needed anyway
04:07.47bkw_its not like I play games on them
04:07.52ursenjLattitude or inspurion
04:08.03ursenjno dock then
04:08.09bkw_I had an Inspiron 3500 that served me well
04:08.13bkw_for 3 years till I sold it
04:08.17bkw_its still kicking to this day
04:08.42ursenjcool, lattitude is more a corprate Laptop,.. it has a dock two powers uplies all the goods
04:08.53bkw_my 3500 had a doc and dual battery
04:09.09bkw_I could work 8 hours without power
04:09.12ursenj3300,.. two years old??
04:09.48bkw_its was a few years old when I sold it
04:09.56ursenjI don;t think I have worked with that one..
04:10.03ursenjI realy a server guy
04:10.04bkw_you know what sucks about dell.. if you set a bios password and you forget it you have to buy a new botherboard
04:10.15ursenjwhat model
04:10.17Moc-Homewhat do I do bkw_ ?
04:10.17bkw_er mother
04:10.30bkw_Moc cd /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
04:10.31SobekCan't you short the CMOS?
04:10.33bkw_and rm *.so
04:10.37bkw_Sobek nope
04:10.39bkw_we tried that
04:10.53SobekReally.. Only on their laptops?
04:11.09bkw_yep I suspect so
04:11.16ursenjfind the bios chip and get the PDF from the manuf. and short it to defualt
04:11.19bkw_if someone takes off with your laptop its pretty much useless to them
04:11.22*** join/#asterisk mr (
04:12.16SobekI have shorted a number of dell towers but have never tried on of their laptops. Thats good info to know
04:12.19ursenjbkw_, you used any of dells servers?
04:12.22rocketmanbkw_: my inspiron 8000 has a PDF that shows where to short it to reset the password .. found it on dells site one day
04:12.29bkw_I have a poweredge 500SC here
04:12.32bkw_I run asterisk on it
04:12.36bkw_WORKS great
04:12.43SobekDell = way to expensive
04:12.45kamileondell servers kick ass
04:12.49bkw_we have some 2300's and 1700's at work
04:12.51bkw_yes they do
04:12.54kamileoni have  apoweredge 2400 that rocks
04:12.56bkw_Dell = worth it
04:13.18kamileonand a cluster of 600C's, 8 of them at a friends house
04:13.23rocketmanThats ok I just have a couple sunfire V880's :p
04:13.59ursenjI have 16 2650,. 4 webapp 100, 9 2400, 9 2450, 7 1650, 5 6450, 3 6300, and a bunch of old shit that does rack
04:14.12rocketmanThe Hp servers are nice too .. hee hee
04:14.17ursenjhp sucks
04:14.21crontibs400sc can get one for like 299
04:14.27kamileonursenj : at work? or home?
04:14.29rocketmansupport is decent though
04:14.33Sobekpenguin computing!!
04:14.34crontibsits celery and 128 ram
04:14.35*** join/#asterisk cha0ster (
04:14.43bkw_celeron's are good
04:14.49bkw_if its over 800mhz
04:14.57crontibsyour sc
04:14.59ursenjwork.,, that list was of the top of my head,... my speedshett has about 100 of them on it
04:15.02crontibsor p3
04:15.04bkw_its a 1ghz P3
04:15.11bkw_but I had two 1.2 ghz celerons also
04:15.14bkw_they did just as good
04:15.16kamileoni run * on my p200mmx!!!
04:15.20crontibshow many slots does it have
04:15.22kamileoni should put it in my quad ppro
04:15.25*** part/#asterisk rocketman (
04:15.37crontibsi'm thinking about ordering 1 to be my main asterisk server
04:15.59kamileonwhat are you using * for crontibs ?
04:16.36*** join/#asterisk cman (~cman1@
04:16.50ursenjI had my 100 year power outage on Christmas day and the Master By pass the UPS melted and I lost all power and had a really rough start when it all come back on, I did not loss one dell server but lost 3 hps and 6 compaqs
04:17.11crontibsoffice pbx kamileon
04:17.22bkw_the 400SC has 3 PCI slots
04:17.23kamileoni run my house pbx on it :)
04:17.42crontibsgood enough for me
04:17.44crontibs1 x100p
04:17.49crontibsand 1 tdm400
04:17.49angler_bkw_, my friend is selling a nice yzf 600r
04:17.51bkw_ya the 400sc's are nice boxes
04:17.57kamileoni got a x100p and a tdm400
04:17.57crontibsand maybe pri card
04:17.59*** join/#asterisk Meridian (
04:18.01bkw_angler I just bought a new laptop
04:18.10angler_bkw_, bikes are more fun though
04:18.19kamileonyes they are
04:18.22bkw_accually yes they are but I don't get to ride enuf
04:18.25mrangler how do you know about lampi?
04:18.27MeridianAnyone ever connected Asterisk to a Meridian Succession?
04:18.27kamileonhey angler sup
04:18.49ursenjMeridian what model
04:18.50SobekI ride every day there is not snow or rain.
04:19.10angler_mr, i had a class with this kid and his mom owned lampi
04:19.10angler_kamileon, not much
04:19.10mrwhy they out of business?
04:19.12ursenjwhat DS1 options do you have
04:19.21kamileoni need some florescent lights
04:19.27kamileonceiling mount white ones
04:19.31kamileon6' or so
04:19.51ursenjMeridian, what T1 capibiliters does it have
04:19.52angler_mr, i dont know
04:20.09Meridianits has 8 T1
04:20.20ursenjpri or non
04:21.11Meridianursenj: do you know anyone who has done this before?
04:21.45ursenjno but I have a Avaya ds at work and we tieall kinds of crap to our t1 cards
04:21.51ursenjds ds3
04:22.11bkw_angler call me
04:22.11heisonbkw_: does TDM work well with modems?
04:22.20bkw_heison modems?
04:22.23bkw_what do you mean?
04:22.34bkw_its not true TDM I think
04:22.34bkw_not totally sure on that
04:22.43ursenjMeridian, do you have csu build in the cards or just a dsx port
04:22.52heisonbkw_: I attached a modem to the FXS and try to dial out... but it can't seem to negotiate...
04:22.55bkw_angler hold on
04:23.04Meridianursenj: both
04:23.05Moc-Homeok now zaptel segment
04:23.06bkw_heison not sure don't think it will work unless you turn off echo chan totally
04:23.07bkw_er can
04:23.08heisonbkw_: I would imagine this is the same as faxes
04:23.39bkw_who knwos
04:23.47Meridianursenj: So you dont recomend it?
04:24.01ursenjMeridian, ok, the digum t1 cards have a csu in them ,.. you should just beable to roll the pairs and make a cross over and set the prameter on both sides and be good to go..
04:24.38heisonbkw_: how do i turn off echo?
04:24.43Meridianursenj: that sound great
04:24.52kamileoncan you aim me, are you busy
04:24.55kamileoni have ques
04:25.42SobekAnyone having issues with people being left in meetme rooms?
04:25.54Meridianursenj: is it possible to use the Meridian internal SIP interacting to the Asterisk using TCP/IP
04:26.16angler_kamileon dont u know my aim by now?
04:26.31ursenjI have in my Definity an ext 3160 which hands of to a full DS1 pri trunck which ties to a cisco3600 with a modem bank,  I them have 12 Definity across the contry tied with t1, I can then dial local to one of the switches and dia ext 2160 and connect to the nectwoek,  I dont see how this is diffrent
04:26.31angler_kamileon your now on aim
04:27.19crontibsAnybody else in here use Nufone service besides me. How does one know how much is left on there account ?
04:27.34ursenjMeridian, I would just signal standard voice to the * first
04:27.47kamileonyer not on
04:27.56Meridianursenj: yeah true.
04:27.58angler_aim angler
04:28.14angler_"aim angler"
04:28.29ursenjI think you hit a license issue when you try to use voip feature, at least that is the case with avaya
04:28.43Meridianursenj:  Do you know anyone who has been using Nortel Meridian with Asterisk? ;)
04:28.43Moc-Homeok got it to load... chan_zap still segment fault
04:28.48*** part/#asterisk cha0ster (
04:29.33Meridianursenj: thanks alot
04:29.41ursenjIn my previse job I did alot with Definitys and prologics, I tied to any airport Meridan for 4 digit dial but that is it
04:30.24*** join/#asterisk _gorman (
04:30.55ursenjMeridian, what you are doing shold ne vary possible,.. let me know how it goes,.. I looking in useing * as a Confrence brifge
04:31.00ursenjne be
04:31.39*** join/#asterisk rollyson (~jrollyson@
04:31.49Meridianursenj: no problemo
04:32.05ursenjretail confrence bridge is like 30k
04:33.11ursenjok here uses the ata 186, I just bought 2 of them of ebay,..
04:33.19ursenjof off
04:33.44ursenjI firmware v3,.. any issues??
04:36.08*** join/#asterisk dknecht (~dknecht@
04:36.46dknechthi... has anybody had success with setup hylafax and asterisk?
04:37.58bkw_why would hylafax have anything to do with asterisk?
04:38.42*** join/#asterisk heison_ (
04:38.52dknechtwant to have asterisk handle inbound fax through voicepulse and send it hylafax
04:40.08*** join/#asterisk heison__ (
04:40.35*** join/#asterisk DanJr_TechSuppor (
04:41.31Moc-HomeI must say Sipura device is nice..
04:45.57SobekMoc-Home, did you get asterisk to build?
04:46.08heison__bkw_: okay, if I disable echo on the modem (DIP switch 4), I can connect at 24000 at the most. If I connect directly to the phone line, I get 52000.
04:46.39Mike-69i see theres roundrobin for agents but is there round robin to take lines??? like i press 9 and i want to go trou a channel?
04:46.57Moc-Homeyes finally..
04:47.10SobekMoc-Home, what was wrong?
04:47.24bkw_ is running continuity/mk4 mod0 on Linux
04:47.25MikeMoc-Home: was i wrong? about sipura?
04:47.45Moc-Homefirst time I dont know, second is still that segment fault
04:47.59bkw_continuity is nice.. but back to apache
04:48.01Moc-HomeMike, I like the configuration using the phone
04:48.17Moc-HomeLike to get the IP address of the device..
04:48.40MikeMoc-Home: the only thing is if i could remap the keys would be awesome
04:49.16Moc-Homeheu ? Why would you want to do that ?
04:49.32MikeMoc-Home: my cordless has hold and transfer
04:49.35MikeMoc-Home: but they dont work
04:51.16Moc-Homewell it seem to work number 1 being a NAT
04:51.49*** join/#asterisk groz (
04:52.49*** join/#asterisk DanJr_TechSuppor (
04:53.04MocI just hate device that dont have a .txt file backup
04:55.08wwwhatever ever happened to openenum?
04:55.24Mikeim starting to like g723
04:56.59crontibs723 new codec mike?
04:57.44Mikecrontibs: theres a new codec?
04:58.46*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
04:58.57Mikeits g723.1
04:59.19crontibsbetter then g729
04:59.39Mikethe g723.1?
04:59.48bkw_ww you alive?
05:00.00*** part/#asterisk ___log (
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05:01.09crontibshumm is it worth getting g729 for home pbx stuff?
05:03.22Mikedamn xlite doesnt support g723
05:03.56crontibsbkw- so i should stick with g711
05:03.58*** join/#asterisk dannie (
05:04.56crontibsi'm using nufone so all my calls going to nufone are formated for gsm
05:05.09crontibswhile the voicepulse are g711ulaw
05:07.56TestMasTersnom 700 dollars.... is that the going rate?
05:08.07bkw_force them all GSM
05:08.17bkw_and use ulaw from your phone to the * box then from there do gsm
05:09.16wwbkw_ barely
05:09.27crontibsok sounds good bkw i'll try that out ..
05:09.28simprixhow do i fix this yet
05:09.30simprix*CLI> Jan 16 00:06:01 WARNING[229391]: chan_oss.c:238 sound_thread: Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable
05:09.35crontibsthanks bkw
05:10.26wwno clue about bug #254
05:12.01bkw_ww me either I can't recreate it
05:13.34jpiterakbkw_: I'm getting complaints from my users... similar to 254. Happens when voicemail is stopped with hangup rather than hitting #
05:14.03jpiterakWould it help to have some samples?
05:15.04Sobeksimprix, is your sound card full duplex?
05:16.00h3xi guess im gonna get in the DID business
05:16.03bkw_jpiterak I see the problem WMP is on crack
05:16.08bkw_this is a windows media player issue
05:16.19bkw_I can play the file in everything from winamp to sound recorder
05:16.21bkw_but not WMP
05:16.24h3xnobodys doing it how they could be doing it for shit
05:16.55jpiterakbkw_: heh... undoubtedly... any idea what causes WMP to croak, tho?
05:17.54bkw_jpiterak it runs on windows and MS made it
05:19.04simprixSobek i think so how do i check
05:19.39jpiterakbkw_: Someone mentioned earlier about using sox -g to convert gsm->wav as wa way to compress files...
05:20.15bkw_sox infile.wav -r 8000 -c 1 outfile.gsm
05:20.17bkw_works fine also
05:20.18jpiterakI think you mentioned something about adding this to the vm email routine... Was I sleeping or is that so?
05:20.34bkw_voicemail will send .gsm files
05:20.38bkw_just make sure its the first listed format
05:21.05jpiterakRight... but Windoze users can't read them wo quicktime...
05:21.11bkw_yes they can
05:21.25jpiterak???! Really...
05:21.37brent21argh, im about to chuck this adit 600 out the window
05:21.42rollysongood evening
05:21.53Sobeksimprix, what is your soundcard?
05:23.05jpiterakbkw_: I'll have to retry that... wasn't working for me.
05:23.12Sobeksimprix, run cat /dev/dsp > /dev/dsp
05:24.19*** join/#asterisk brent21 (
05:27.00*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
05:29.17bkw_har har har
05:29.36angler_blah blah blah
05:30.35brent21argh argh argh
05:30.41brent21sound like a pirate :)
05:30.52dknechtso can anyone point me in direction of how to send incoming fax to hylafax from IAX
05:31.43Mocok Sipura work, it ain't bad at all..
05:32.15MikeMoc: you see?
05:32.41Mocstill need to do testing on it , seem dialing tone on that device is slow to start
05:33.42Mocbut my phone battery is dead
05:35.44brent21any channel bank pro's in here?  i've hit a wall.. well i hit it a long time ago :(
05:37.12Mikeanyone has tryed
05:37.14simprixwell brent21 how much do those adit 600's run
05:37.18Mikexlite with a 56k?
05:37.41simprixi have a few friends that have installed many of them but i won't be able to get ahold of them till tomorrow
05:38.09brent21simprix, this one was expensive
05:38.20simprixSobek: doesn't do anything
05:38.30simprixbrent21 do you have the cmg router card
05:38.58brent21simprix, nope, just a 8 port fxo card
05:39.35kimo_sabehmm, I'm not sure I fully understand all the things going on but...
05:39.47simprixhow see ive only used them on the data side with the cmg router
05:40.23kimo_sabeI just called the FWD number assigned to this barbietone through IAXtel, using the crappy analog set connected to a Cisco POS doing MGCP 0.1, and it worked
05:40.41bkw_I love this
05:40.42bkw_A Microsoft version of GSM 6.10, sometimes referred to as MSGSM, is shipped with Microsoft Windows. MSGSM is fully compatible with GSM 6.10.
05:40.48kimo_sabeso incredibly useless, but still awesome
05:41.09rollysonwierd, I just tried a stop now, I can't get it to die that way.
05:41.49kimo_sabehmm, and I think it did a native bridge from the Cisco to the grandstream on my home network.
05:42.05rollysonbkw_: do we need any debugging on this?
05:42.12simprixhow do i check if i have a full duplex sound card
05:42.35*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
05:44.46bkw_rollyson on which one?
05:44.49bkw_the 254 one?
05:44.59bkw_its a MS issue
05:45.04rollysonbkw_: I just had a freeze on stop.
05:46.28bkw_heison I told you the x100p doesn't do true TDM and that it wasn't a bug
05:46.50bkw_its pseudo-TDM
05:48.08h3xthe cisco 1601's are cheap as hell on ebay
05:48.24h3xso much for needing to use a zaptel port !
05:48.43*** join/#asterisk MocMoc (
05:49.19bkw_1601's can't do voi
05:49.34h3xi know
05:49.37h3xbut i mean for data access
05:49.42h3xfor customers that have asterisk boxes for voip
05:49.49h3xor whatever other reason
05:50.07h3xthey go for like $50 dude
05:50.17h3xwith a wic-1t
05:50.37h3xim sure its all telco provided equipment that lusers stole!
05:50.55h3xor clec auctions
05:52.18brent21anyone know how to resolve timing issues with the T100P?
05:55.02h3xthis just gave me a brilliant idea
05:55.20h3xi'd hate to get in the ISP business but its just too good to pass up
05:55.48h3xim gonna sell an annual prepaid dedicated t1 deal here in vegas to start with
05:55.57h3x$3600 for a year including router
05:56.03h3xthats $300 per month
05:56.07h3xthen i dont have to do invoices every month
05:58.03h3xbandwidth costs me $70 per meg and the local loop is probably $50-$75 depending on mileage here
06:00.15cmangrandstream behind way communication only ... help
06:01.12rozoh3x: sell me some colo
06:01.21*** join/#asterisk mr (
06:01.29rozoh3x: stop teasing me
06:01.30voipwhat are all the packages required to compile *?
06:01.47simprixwhere should i look if i have a incoming call come in that is not able to hear me from a sip client
06:01.53simprixover a x100p
06:02.14h3xim moving in to my telco hotel suite on the 1st of feb
06:02.23*** join/#asterisk KryoStoffer (
06:02.34simprixand there is a 5 second delay on the sip side
06:03.17KryoStoffer\who #asterisk
06:03.42*** join/#asterisk PlainWhiteTrash (
06:04.24TestMasTerI can`t find a copy
06:04.30rozoh3x: you're in Vegas right?
06:04.37rozoh3x: i'll be your first customer.
06:04.44drgalaxyh3x: would you do dinstinctive loops?  I would imagine that getting the loops from their location to a telco, then handing off the loop as a PVC on a ds3 would be cheaper for you at least equipment wise
06:04.49h3xyeah im in veags
06:05.07h3xdrgalaxy: Thats what im doing, all the telcos are within 1/4 mile of me
06:05.13h3xand the one im using for local loops is next door
06:05.37*** join/#asterisk ipso (
06:05.45drgalaxyso you are goign to do it with ATM?
06:05.52h3xrozo: I think the first thing im going to do is offer DIDs in 38 cities and 3 canadian cities
06:05.54simprixhow do i fix a delay with sip clients
06:05.57drgalaxyI had a similar idea for my city here, but I decided the market isn't enough
06:05.58simprixor where do i look
06:06.08h3xdelivered over voip (internet, private line, or colo), with toll 1+ backup
06:06.26ipsoDoes Asterisk have the capability to allow callers in a queue to enter there phone number, hang up, then once there call would normally be answered, they would be called back and connected to a agent?
06:06.32h3xI would be better off with ATM since im sure most of them would be underutilized
06:07.37bkw_rollyson whats this crash?
06:07.44bkw_stop now had a delay?
06:07.44bkw_or what?
06:07.49drgalaxyh3x: roger that.  you can get various cards that will run on linux with atm here
06:07.53rozoh3x: 38 cities? How are  you going to do that? Are you using that company back east?
06:08.05rozothe same company efax uses?
06:08.36rollysonbkw_: just froze on a stop now
06:08.48drgalaxyI crash my * every time I dial my own extension
06:12.15h3xrozo: No, xspedius
06:12.38h3xill add more if it works out well
06:13.08h3xI sell stuff for them, but happened upon a wholesale rep
06:13.20h3xwhen making plans for this facility im moving into
06:14.03*** join/#asterisk jpiterak (~jpiterak@
06:17.01bkw_rollyson strange
06:17.30bkw_exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/${EXTEN})
06:17.32bkw_someone test that
06:17.39bkw_you can call the US and canada
06:19.07bkw_you can't
06:19.14bkw_US and CA areacodes only
06:19.35bkw_Jan 16 00:19:24 NOTICE[360456]: chan_iax2.c:4358 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '914164178893@iaxconf' does not exist
06:19.37bkw_see told ya
06:20.39heisonbkw_: works.
06:20.50bkw_who did you call?
06:20.51heisonexten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(IAX2/${EXTEN:1})
06:21.03heisonI called my lan line
06:21.04bkw_did it sound good?
06:21.35bkw_shouldn't be
06:22.08bkw_we have 7 person conf calls on this dsl line without 1 big of jitter
06:22.52heisonhmm... it sounds like cell phone with about .3 sec delay
06:23.19bkw_callerid didn't show up did it?
06:23.24heisonthe first time was a little choppy, especially during the ring...
06:23.32heisonthe second time was much better.
06:24.06*** part/#asterisk cman (~cman1@
06:24.59heisonyou just stop it?
06:26.02heison- Called
06:26.02heisonJan 16 01:24:58 WARNING[1158883520]: chan_iax2.c:4445 socket_read: Call rejected by No such context/extension
06:26.16bkw_seems 1905 isn't in my areacode allow list
06:26.23TestMasTerbkw_,  do you know if * will work with a normal php script ??
06:26.31brent21why is this CB and T100P card doing this to me.. :(  It works for like 10 minutes, and then stops working
06:26.33TestMasTerthe kinda of design i would do for a website
06:26.36bkw_what is 905?
06:26.46heisonMarkham, Ontario - north of Toronto
06:26.52bkw_let me see
06:26.54heisonlet me unforward my cell phone and try again
06:27.31heisonIncoming call - private
06:27.52heisonwhen it goes to my cell.
06:28.10heisonunavailable - unavailable when it's forwarded to my home
06:28.15h3xim gonna be selling voip DIDs in toronto and vancouver soon
06:28.22h3xand canadian outbound term
06:28.29h3xsadly before i do US48
06:28.42heisonh3x: i'm interested.
06:28.47grozso am i
06:28.55h3xit'll be provided via sip though
06:29.11heisonh3x: why not IAX2?
06:29.27h3xbecause that will be just a sip proxy off of a primus wholesale account
06:29.28TestMasTerh3x,  let me know when you do that
06:29.51h3xtheres no point of burning up my bandwidth when all i need to do is negotiate the call setup and teardown
06:30.06TestMasTerh3x,  how much for a did? or are you setup
06:30.24h3xWell, im just trying to figure out how to integrate a sip proxy with billing system right now
06:30.28heisonh3x: i wish JerJer could offer DID in toronto thru IAX.
06:30.50h3xand ill have more stable bandwidth available in a month
06:30.52h3xor less
06:31.05h3xno, wiltel
06:31.22heisonhow much bw are we talking about
06:31.42bkw_thats not bandwidth
06:31.42h3xI can't get ethernet handoff because the POP next to me is VYVX not real wiltel
06:31.46heisonat a co-loc?
06:31.47bkw_thats a taste of bandwidth
06:32.03h3xIts too much bandwidth for proxying sip connections :P
06:32.27h3xheison: I'm building my own suite out in a telco hotel here in Las Vegas
06:32.33heisonbkw_: i still like cogent at 100Mb
06:32.47h3xI'm in the same building as wiltel, broadwing, xspedius, xo, qwest, and im sure i'm forgetting one or two
06:33.08h3xi figured that for .62/ft^2 i can get 1400 square feet
06:33.25h3xinstead of paying three times that for $20/ft^2 for 8x8ft cage in a colo
06:33.36h3x$$money saved == generators and HVAC
06:33.56heisonyes, you do need HVAC in LV
06:34.08h3xi need HVACACACACAC
06:34.16heisonhow do you like all the IBM folks this week?
06:34.33h3xhavent been paying attention to conventions
06:34.47*** join/#asterisk Simon_ca (~sedgett@
06:35.13h3xAnyhow, I don't really care that much about my internet bandwidth because most of my business will be done on private line
06:35.33heisonanyone familiar with CRTC regulation of CFB as a essential service in Canada?
06:35.39h3xI'm going to order interstate PL to customers and drop in asterisk boxes
06:36.17h3xPL is actually cheaper than paying for internet on two sides
06:36.18heisonbkw_: are you done with the test?
06:43.02grozany easy to set up soft clients for a windows box one can use to test a few things ?
06:43.25groz<--- has no clue what clients are out there, and kinda simple to set up
06:44.10h3xx-lite and diax phone
06:49.03*** join/#asterisk Buana (
06:54.07grozthanks guys
06:54.13grozi got diax dialing to xlite
07:06.05brent21anyone, please anyone, I will pay you :)  know how to trouble shoot some Channel bank issues I am having
07:09.17JerJerflip the switch to on
07:12.10*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:13.27JerJerbrent21: what problems are you having ?
07:13.54brent21its a nightmare, basically everything is cabled up, it works great for an hour, and then the next hour it doesn't
07:14.10brent21when I try to place a call from the sip phone when its not working, the dialtone is really high
07:14.18*** join/#asterisk adkr (
07:14.31brent21but I have rxgain = -9 on the ADIT 600, and txgain = -3
07:14.59brent21it will work, wont make any config changes and then it will stop working
07:20.02brent21don't think its a timing issue either
07:20.08brent21im ready to pull my hair out
07:20.32grozmay as well do it now, save you the grief of hair loss later in life
07:20.58pros12heya heison..
07:21.32JerJerbrent21: what is your span line?
07:22.24brent21and on the CB clocksource 1 is set to internal
07:24.06*** join/#asterisk groz (
07:24.48voipwhat are all the packages required to compile *?
07:25.17JerJerbrent21: try span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs
07:27.03brent21I had that earlier with the same result :(
07:43.42Aviaa"Unknown RTP codec 19 received"
07:43.50Aviaawhat does mean ?
07:49.26*** part/#asterisk groz (
07:50.11*** join/#asterisk srinivas (~srinivas@
07:50.20srinivashi all
07:52.15kamileonhi sim
07:56.34kamileonhow do i call my * box with a software iax client?
07:57.05TjardickAviaa, I thought it was silent supprension, but not 100% sure
07:58.44Tjardickkamileon, just call it's IP
07:58.50kamileoni tried
07:58.54Tjardickif your dialplan answers properly
07:59.03Tjardickmake sure to use user guest
07:59.05kamileonit answers iax
07:59.23kamileoni can get iaxtel calls
07:59.37kamileonmaybe guest is my problem
07:59.49kamileon24.214.198.33 / 17004286222
08:00.02TjardickIAXtel usually is setup in the iax.conf with it's proper user name etc
08:00.35kamileoncan you try my 700 # ?
08:01.03kamileonok thanks its ringing
08:01.22kamileoni cant get to it though
08:01.44Tjardickhow do you mean can't get to it ?
08:02.11kamileonim 2 rooms over, with 2 laptops on me
08:02.18Tjardickah ok :)
08:02.32kamileoni have my whole house running thru *
08:02.43kamileononly a few probs left to solve
08:02.55Tjardickget yourself a dect phone like i did ;)
08:03.27kamileoni have a cordless on the * box
08:03.40kamileonit doesnt ring on incoming iax
08:04.17kamileonanyway, thanks for help, gotta go do something with my woman
08:04.24Tjardickok have fun :)
08:04.29*** join/#asterisk dknecht (
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08:12.17Tjardickmorning ;)
08:12.22*** join/#asterisk mbranca (~matteo@
08:21.23mbrancaJerJer, you here?
08:26.36AviaaTjardick but in this moment all users is not channel :)
08:27.21*** join/#asterisk clive- (
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08:28.04clive-anyone here from India?
08:31.57*** join/#asterisk chrono75 (
08:33.54chrono75I'm getting the following error "Unknow extension *callerid*did* in context incoming-calls
08:34.30TjardickAviaa :)
08:35.40chrono75is there a way to use a wildcard extension for now, until I talk to digium
08:36.13*** join/#asterisk asterisk-bg (~asterisk-@
08:36.18Tjardickchrono75, what are you trying to do ?
08:36.34Tjardickand show me the exten row if possible
08:38.03chrono75get our did's to pickup, I just updated the source, been working with digium, they fixed it somehow to be able to just use the did as the cextension
08:38.42chrono75not sure what they did, but they did say that it should be on the next cvs
08:38.58chrono75so I'm just looking for a quick fix till I talk to them
08:42.26Tjardickwell on ISDN i use DID, action
08:42.36Tjardickor DID/callerid
08:42.58Tjardickbut don't think that will be of any help then if digium is on the job ;)
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08:53.53ZapaUser1Hello, is any one here who could help me with my new TE410P card??
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09:17.41*** join/#asterisk groz (
09:17.55grozgood evening folks
09:18.32grozhas anybody here got any real world experience using asterisk with sip endpoints over a satellite link ?
09:19.21clive-groz where you going to?...whats the latency?
09:19.37grozwell, i'm going to a boat at sea, and currently we use globalstar
09:19.50grozbut what i'm looking at now, i'm putting a VSAT system on board
09:19.58grozthat gives me 128K data link bi directional
09:20.07grozso i'm thinking of putting an asterisk system on each end
09:20.15grozone on the vessel, one on the office
09:20.19grozthen interlink them
09:20.28grozso i can give the folks on board a 'real' phone system
09:20.39grozthat's not running $1+ a minute to call home in the evening
09:21.11grozi set up asterisk here this afternoon, been playing with it
09:21.25clive-only one hop, should be latency of about 600ms
09:21.26grozlooks like it'll do the job nicely, but i'm curious what the satellite delays will do to it
09:21.50grozyah, we have a qos controlled link, so, i should be one hop, and it should be a reliable system
09:21.58clive-it will work fine,,,,you may just have to get used to a little delay, but 600ms is very usable
09:22.01grozi'm not concerned about  delay that much, we already have that
09:22.05grozon globalstar
09:22.34grozhehe, ya, the delay is not my worry in terms of the audio delay and how it's annoying
09:22.42grozi'm more concerned with how the software will react
09:22.48grozie will it get all unhappy on such a lagged link
09:24.27clive-as long as yor packet loss is not bad, shouyld work fine
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09:24.52grozwe shouldnt have much packet loss if any, its _claimed_ to be a good reliable link
09:25.08grozthen again, its bound to be problematic in heavy seas, but, that's live
09:25.38grozjust curious if anybody here has done anything like this, and has first had experience with satellite delays
09:25.58clive-not with IAX, but with H323,,,,works fine:)
09:26.12grozthat's good to hear
09:26.26grozbasically what we are thinking, since we got flat monthly rate on the data feed
09:26.36grozif we can interconnect boat and office like this
09:26.46clive-give it a bash, the worst thing that will happen is that you will have a PC to play games on if you cant make calls on it
09:26.50grozit'll give the folks on board a 'local dial tone' for 'no extra charge'
09:27.01grozworst thing that will happen
09:27.08grozi've got a 45,000 dollar antenna
09:27.15grozand a 1500 dollar a month data system
09:27.21grozthat doesn't do what we bought it for
09:27.35clive-you bought this just for voice?
09:27.41*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
09:27.57grozno, we are looking at buying it, and voice will become it's main use, voice and email
09:28.08grozits to replace globalstar systems
09:28.16grozthat we do about 1200 minutes a month on right now
09:28.21grozat $1+ per minute
09:28.40clive-intersting....does the antenna on the boat have to track the satelite as it moves?
09:28.53grozyes, it's a 1.2 meter antenna on a gyro stabilized platform
09:29.12grozwith 0.2 degree accuraccy i'm told
09:29.31grozhehe, it's gonna be a fun system if it works as advertised
09:29.46clive-if you go over a big wave, will it re-find the connection to the bird?
09:29.50groz2b isdn speeds, delivered anywhere
09:29.59grozactually, it wont lose the bird
09:30.12grozit can mve at a rate of 60 degrees per second
09:30.26tessierI took a cruise last spring and the cruise ship had internet access on board
09:30.26clive-sounds impressive
09:30.28grozso once it's locked, it's supposed to stay locked
09:30.31*** join/#asterisk vindex (
09:30.54tessierPresumably using a system like you describe
09:30.54grozand i 'discovered' asterisk this morning
09:31.00grozspent the day playing with it
09:31.03grozand now i'm sold
09:31.23grozi can tell the sat folks we dont need thier voice lines
09:31.33clive-I had a freind installed ground stations for internet on moving satelites... they had to manually find the bird after a power outtage, and this had to be done manually..:)
09:32.01*** join/#asterisk brent21 (
09:32.04clive-deep dark one has a clue
09:32.18grozwell, i'm looking at this, and we already have 802.11 on board
09:32.22grozeverybody already has a laptop
09:32.26clive-well the computers lights went out:)
09:32.36grozand if i see this right, i should literally be able to assign every laptop an 'extension number'
09:32.42grozand link those all to a system in the office
09:32.54grozand effectively give everybody a phone line that's located 'at home'
09:33.16clive-let us know how it goes...sounds interesting:)
09:33.17grozwith bandwidth limits of the link of course
09:33.47grozwell, if today is an indication, should be interesting
09:33.53groz<--- knew nothing about voip this morning
09:33.58grozit's 16 hours later
09:34.10grozi got 2 asterisk systems running, with dial plans to properly forward
09:34.19groz<--- is impressed
09:34.23clive-im impressed...
09:34.35grozi'm debating how to simulate a satellite delay
09:34.46grozahh, it doesn't get much easier
09:34.49grozcvs checkout
09:34.51grozmake clean
09:34.55clive-took me a week every evenning a few hours to install linux and get * going
09:34.55grozmake install
09:35.07grozoh, well, i've been doing embedded linux for years
09:35.15grozso linux was nothing new
09:35.16clive-ok, you have a head start
09:35.28grozguess you dont wanna hear then
09:35.42clive-toial newbie to linux here...ask me about crap cisco
09:35.48grozthe systems i built are embedded boards running from flash, ready to plug in some fxo / fxs hardware now
09:36.21clive-you could sell those as IAX ata;s, everyone here wants em
09:36.45clive-have you heard of an ATA?
09:36.59optimus1Hey all
09:37.02grozin varous contexts, is yours different ?
09:38.26*** join/#asterisk olivier__ (
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09:43.58Mucklhas asterisk a jitter buffer for outgoing SIP calls?
09:46.21srinivasHi optimus1:
09:46.54brent21When are the four port FXO's supposed to be coming out?
09:47.14srinivasthats the multi-million dollar question brent21..
09:47.22brent21haha :)
09:47.37srinivasbut I thought that the TDM400Ps  in future would support FXO/FXS type thing or something like that
09:48.02RoyKseems asterisk will hang if setup to log to a postgresql base, and then the pgsql base goes down :(
09:48.09brent21i cant wait until the day when everything is just voip so i can send PSTN to its grave
09:48.16brent21analog lines have given me more headaches
09:48.36brent21still no luck on the damn Channel Bank
09:48.45brent218 hours of work
09:49.04srinivaswhich channel bank are you using breant21
09:49.07srinivaswhich channel bank are you using brent21
09:49.13brent21ADIT 600
09:49.18brent21weird weird problems
09:49.31srinivasI heard they are good.. I myself got Newbridge shipped to me from US
09:49.40brent21does it work?
09:49.58srinivasIts in customs still will be cleared today or tomorrow.. then I can play with it...
09:50.05brent21I heard the ADIT's were good too, and played nicely with *, well not mine, and its not a config issue
09:50.27brent21I think the one Carrier Access sent us is bunk
09:50.28srinivasone word of caution I was given was about signalling...
09:50.44srinivasI dont even remember what it is now!!
09:51.14srinivasCarrier Access and Adtran are the best is what I heard which are well tested with *
09:52.01srinivasI'll start posting my set of Qs when my channel banks turn up!! :) brb.... gotta go for grub!
09:52.03brent21yeah, this thing works great for about an hour, then goes in the crapper for about 45 minutes, then decides to work again (on its own, I do nothing) and then it goes back to crap
09:53.14brent21going back out to the demarc to hook my clients OLD pbx up :(
09:54.19grozbrent, that sounds suspiciously like a possible grounding problem
09:54.29grozif you've got a floating ground int he system
09:54.42grozthat kind of on and off can show up very frustratingly
09:56.23brent21you mean ground problem on the channel bank itself?
09:56.38grozi'm thinking a grounding issue on either the bank
09:56.41grozor the computer
09:56.45grozfloating ground somewhere
10:00.28*** join/#asterisk sack (
10:00.44sackHi guys
10:02.05sacki have an issue about DTMF with Cisco AS5300 ( IO 12.2 ) and outgoing call , when i did a PSTN -> CISCO -> Asterisk , DTFM works
10:02.47sackBut when i did and outgoing call from asterisk -> CISCO -> PSTN , asterisk or Cisco AS5300 don't manage fine the DTFM
10:03.02sackanyone know anything about ? any clue ?
10:08.09RoyKhas anyone tried zaptel on 2.6 yet?
10:08.39_discordiaonly compiled. but not tested
10:09.38_discordiathis are mine too. 2.4.24/2.6.1
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10:10.58RoyKI have a test box on 2.6, but not with an e100p
10:11.23_discordiaim only testing it with chan_capi on 2.6.1
10:13.41*** join/#asterisk Serp (serp@
10:13.49Serphi all
10:14.16RoyK_discordia: and that works fine?
10:14.43Serpis 0.7.1 available on the CVS?
10:15.42_discordiaRoyK: i couldnt see any probs until now
10:16.05sxpert_workwould * benefit from this ?
10:16.06vindexhi, I configured cdr_pgsql.conf to log calls to a postgres database, restarted asterisk (latest CVS) but nothing gets logged. Must I load the module in modules.conf ?
10:17.50*** join/#asterisk kape (
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10:20.00hmodesit's too goddamn early
10:20.09Serp1019 here lol
10:20.14grozor late, depending on your perspective
10:20.26hmodestrue true
10:20.50Serpso.. anyone know if the CVS is updated with 0.7.1?
10:22.22*** join/#asterisk geertn (geertn@
10:25.11grozSerp, is there a way to get it to print version ?
10:25.14grozi cant seem to find it
10:25.19_discordiamorning kape
10:25.24groz<--- running a build checked out earlier today
10:25.45vindexwhy is app_sql_postgres commented in the /apps/Makefile ?
10:25.51Serpgroz: can't remember tbh :)
10:26.10*** join/#asterisk Bonbon (~bonbon@
10:26.37grozheh, i found it, not much help
10:26.52grozcayman*CLI> show version
10:26.52grozAsterisk CVS-01/15/04-13:39:34 built by root@cayman on a i686 running Linux
10:28.28Serpah lol
10:29.12Serpyeah mine says 01/09/04
10:30.36*** join/#asterisk sobol_ (~druid@
10:31.19kapemorning _discordia
10:31.30brent21groz gets the points for the evening
10:31.33brent21it was a bad ground
10:31.40brent21Channel Bank problem solved
10:31.51brent21Thanks Groz!
10:32.02grozno problem
10:32.05grozmy pleasure
10:32.19_discordiaare you already in geilenkirchen kape?
10:32.52[Sim]hey kapejod
10:33.59sobol_hi guys
10:34.55Serpanyone know anything about defining the trunk over zaptel? I have Zap/31-36 as trunk
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10:36.04Serpwb groz :D
10:36.58grozminor networking hiccup somewhere
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10:37.42Serpoh dear
10:37.42Serpnice split there
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10:39.07Serpok, bbl :)
10:39.12RoyKsplit splat splatter?
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10:43.58sousouHas anyone experienced jittery voicemail? No X, etc
10:44.31sousouSeems to happen on playback but I don't think the recording is that good either
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10:44.35sousouUsed to be fine
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10:58.09ChrisDEhi. get an error error=0x1103
10:58.39ChrisDEERROR[311317]: File chan_capi.c, Line 928 (capi_write): error sending DATA_B3_REQ (error=0x1103, datalen=160) B3in=3
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11:08.37RoyKChrisDE: blame kape
11:08.44ChrisDEalready did :-)
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11:29.58Aviaawhitch protocol and codec use skype ?
11:31.05brent21it shouldnt be very common to get a red alarm on a channel bank no?
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11:36.15Bonbonanyone seen kapejod?
11:36.38point~seen kapejod
11:36.40kapejod <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2h 47m 47s ago, saying: 'morning'.
11:36.40AviaaLast 3 hours was .....
11:36.40RoyK~seen kape
11:36.41kape is currently on #asterisk (1h 18m 51s).  Has said a total of 1 messages.  Is idling for 1h 5m 22s
11:37.31pointRoyK: :)
11:38.32RoyKprolly lost his surname
11:39.52pointI have a problem with chan_h323 when dtmfmode=inband ... sometime * clears connection
11:40.27Aviaatry dtmfmode=info
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11:43.10pointAviaa: I know but there was no problem before mid of dec ... something  with dsp ...
11:43.59Aviaathen cant help U - dont know
11:48.18jrollysonfrom where?
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11:57.54andreac'e' nessuno italiano per una domanda su un centralino -> asterisk ?
11:58.19geertnanybody here worked with pyst?
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12:25.40RoyKanyone that knows where I can get new grandstream firmware?
12:25.50fonzaigs tftp?
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12:26.33RoyKwhat's the IP?
12:26.50RoyKthe firmware on their web site is really old
12:26.57muppmatwhat ports shall i forward to get asterisk work
12:27.10fonzaiRoyK: ok, I don't know any more than that
12:27.16muppmat5060, any more?
12:27.20muppmat(for sip)
12:27.51KryoStofferI Just bought a qaudBRI card does anyone have some kind of description of the jumpers ?
12:28.57fonzaiRoyK: I'm using .3.81 version on my phones. Do you think there are newer ones available?
12:28.57fonzaimuppmat: udp 5004, 5060,and rtp 10000-> afaik
12:28.57RoyKfonzai: there's a long thread on the ml about .4.something
12:28.59fonzaimuppmat: all of them udp I mean
12:29.08muppmatfonzai, ok *tries*
12:29.23muppmatdoes anyone have a * or a proxy i can try to register to?
12:29.24fonzaiRoyK: ok, I haven't had time to follow the latest discussions :(
12:30.44geertnRoyK: So there is a new one at the tftp server? I'm not satisfied with the current firmware, it crashes very often
12:31.58geertnsorry, I'm seeing the mail discussion now:)
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12:34.37fonzaigeertn: seems to give currently
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12:35.27geertnfonzai: ok, I assume it will be better then my 3.81 one so I'll plunge in
12:39.10geertnfonzai: But I already ordered some snom phones so I will not be using these pesky phones for long..:)
12:42.27ChrisDEDoes anyone else have rxfax running?
12:42.49ChrisDEget a CRC-Error on 90% of the faxes
12:43.10ChrisDEChanged from phase 4 to 3
12:43.14ChrisDECRC error - 9 bytes
12:43.19ChrisDET4 timeout in state 9
12:43.31fonzaigeertn: good for you :)
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12:47.23RoyKgeertn: I couldn't connect to that tftp server
12:53.15*** join/#asterisk Aviaa_ (
12:53.19geertnRoyK: well, it doesn't update but I can connect with command line tftp
12:53.43geertnRoyK: tftp> get
12:54.08geertnRoyK: Not sure what is in it, but it is downloading here..
12:54.20Aviaawhitch codec and protocol use skype ?
12:58.15geertnRoyK: The that I downloaded from the tftp-server is corrupted. Downloaded it twice so I think the file is corrupted at the server.
12:58.53Serpback :)
12:59.44geertnanyone doing sip url dialing in extensions.conf?
13:00.27Serpexten => 5234,1,Dial(SIP/,20,Ttr)
13:00.32geertnhow do you do it? Is this the best way? (having extension 9 provide the access to sip url dialing) exten => _9.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@${SIPDOMAIN})
13:01.07Serphmm I think you're needlessly complicating it :)
13:01.27geertnSerp: I want to be able to dial anything, not onyl url's mapped statically in extensions.conf
13:01.40Serpif you have your phones set to your asterisk as SIP proxy, you should just be able to dial anything@anything
13:01.47Serpno prefix or anything
13:01.49ScaredyCatanyone else getting problems with reload ?
13:02.06Serpnot so far :)
13:02.18Aviaawhat does mean: Unknown RTP codec 19 received  ? how resolve this problem becouse dtmf dont working (i use SIP)
13:02.22Serpmind you appears my build's still from the 9th
13:02.42ScaredyCatdo you do a make update or cvs update ?
13:03.01ScaredyCatonly make update will change the date
13:03.11SerpAviaa: sounds like you're trying to use a codec asterisk doesn't know, use GSM the alaw/ulaw at worst, and try the different DTFM=inband etc
13:03.17SerpScaredyCat: I use cvs update
13:03.22geertnSerp: I get a 404 when dialing an url...
13:03.24ScaredyCatonly make update will change the date
13:03.44Serphowever I'm not sure whether the cvs is updated, no-one's told me yet :)
13:03.46AviaaSerp in sip.conf i have dtmf = info
13:03.51ScaredyCatis SIPDOMAIN defined ?
13:04.13Serpgeertn: you have got your DNS setup, right - on the phones?
13:04.14ScaredyCatin your globals or the specific context
13:04.44AviaaSerp, and i make call to other cisco , into cisco pick up ivr with .... "please input 9 to connect salles man :) " and this not working
13:04.56geertndns is setup yes... SIPDOMAIN is not defined
13:05.23*** join/#asterisk KryoStoffer (
13:05.23SerpAviaa: ah :) ok I see where you're coming from, surely you'd want it to go to something specific then?
13:05.45Serpexten => 9,1,Dial(SIP/,20,Ttr)
13:05.50RoyKgeertn: that means it's not running tftp
13:05.52RoyKdumbo:/data/windoze/PRONTOTV# netstat -l --udp|grep tftp
13:05.52RoyKdumbo:/data/windoze/PRONTOTV# tftp localhost
13:06.08geertnRoyK: I can download the
13:06.08AviaaSerp, no no no :)
13:06.21geertnRoyK: And I see 4 .bin files in it but it is still corrupted
13:07.11SerpAviaa: ok then you just need the proxy set, DNS set correctly, and dial the SIP URL?
13:07.30AviaaSerp, i doing this ..... noname gateway > * > cisco ..... into cisco pick up IVR with text "blablabla" ... 01exten => 123,1,Dial(SIP/,20,Ttr) i must dial only: 123 waiting for pick up ivr and next step dial 9
13:08.05Serpugh :)
13:08.08RoyKtftp> get
13:08.08RoyKTransfer timed out.
13:09.00Serpok so if you dial 123 off the internals it'll call the IVR?
13:09.24Aviaa123 is external, and 9 internal
13:09.36Aviaa123, .... Dial .....Ttr)
13:09.48Aviaacisco pick up with IVR
13:09.52Aviaaand waiting for next
13:09.56Serpok think I'm understanding :)
13:09.59Aviaalike example : 9
13:10.19Serpso it'll be exten => 9,1,Dial(SIP/,20,Ttr) - then you need DTMF?
13:11.03Aviaaright its correct but when i connect to :) .... waiting for next dial example 9 to connect
13:11.11Aviaasomethink like DISA
13:11.37Aviaa"Good morning welcome into :P plaeas dial 9 to director :)
13:11.37Serpok so the IVr goes "press 1 for sales, 2 for donkeys, 3 for potty training" etc?
13:11.47geertnayan@colo:~/release$ tftp
13:11.47geertntftp> get
13:11.47geertnReceived 159518 bytes in 83.7 seconds
13:12.05AviaaSerp, right
13:12.14geertnayan@colo:~/release$ unzip
13:12.15KryoStofferkape: hi thanks for the quadBRI, do u have som kind of description of the jumpers.
13:12.24Serpok then they'd press 9 for Director and then what happens?
13:12.25Aviaabut IVR is not my , only my friend
13:12.42Aviaawhen dial 9 .. than connecting to director :)
13:13.07Aviaa2 stange dial .... 1 stange is 123 ... wating .... blablabla .... and next step i must dial 9
13:13.26Serpok to the IVR is effectively dialling 9?
13:13.32geertnSerp: DNS is setup... still no URL dialing withouth the extension..
13:13.51Aviaano no
13:13.55AviaaIVR dialing
13:14.05Aviaasometimes 999
13:14.24Aviaawhen I putting into sip.conf dtmfmode=rtc,,,,
13:14.25Serpgeertn: all I can say from mine is that that's how I've got it configured and it works :S
13:14.38AviaaIVR none dial
13:14.55geertnSerp: ok..
13:15.12AviaaSerp, when putting dtmfmode = inband ... IVR dialing NOT 9 .... dial 99 .... sometimes 999 .... U know
13:15.41Serpam lost a bit :)
13:16.06Serpok so caller just wants to dial 9 to get to director?
13:17.34RoyKgeertn: what version does that contain?
13:18.20Serpaavia: ok getting you confused with geertn
13:18.22AviaaSerp, :) again .... see this: example: in IVR i must dial 789 to director, when I put in * in sip.conf dtmfmode=inband .. IVR dialing 7789 or 7889
13:18.55Aviaarepeat digit
13:19.00Serpah ok :)
13:19.02Serpwith you now
13:19.07Serpyou tried other DTMF modes?
13:19.21Aviaano i use: dtmfmode=info
13:19.27Aviaabut tried inband
13:19.30Aviaathe same
13:19.49geertnRoyK: I don't know. I only see 4 .bin files withouth versioning info in the filenames. The file are from 22-08-2003
13:19.56Aviaawith dtmfmode=rtc... not working IVR
13:20.01geertnI cannot open them because it's corrupt
13:20.15RoyKgeertn: try again...
13:20.30geertnRoyK: No:) I already tried 3 times...
13:21.01geertnRoyK: The ip gives a fair amount of packetloss (6%) here so maybe that's the case....
13:21.19SerpAviaa: am researching
13:21.35Aviaainto rtp.c i find this:
13:21.42*** join/#asterisk milibit (
13:21.49Aviaaelse if (rtpPT.code == AST_RTP_CISCO_DTMF
13:22.10Aviaaelse ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Unknown RTP codec %d received\n", payloadtype);
13:22.26SerpAviaa: seen this threat?
13:22.32Serpthread sorry :)
13:22.41Aviaalet me see ....
13:23.33AviaaSerp, "Tones are to short."
13:23.36Aviaa?? :)
13:24.23Serpyep, to do with misreading
13:26.23SerpAviaa: I've found quite a bit on IVRs with * on Google searching with "dtmfmode IVR" if that's any help
13:27.14Serpcould it be worth trying the rfc8233 for your setup?
13:28.22Aviaadont understand
13:28.45Serpsorry dtmfmode=rtc2833
13:28.51Aviaai do this
13:29.00AviaaIVR not dial when putt this
13:29.29Aviaaonly dial IVR, when info, or inband - ... but repeat digits
13:29.43Serpok so try the dtmfmode=rfc2833
13:30.07Aviaalet me try again
13:31.28AviaaAs i said IVR no dial
13:33.14Serpusing that dtmfmode?
13:33.27*** join/#asterisk jam13 (
13:33.44Aviaaset into sip.conf 01dtmfmode=rfc2833
13:33.50AviaaIVR not working
13:33.55*** part/#asterisk jam13 (
13:34.02Aviaaset into sip.conf 01dtmfmode=info or inband
13:34.12AviaaIVR wokring but repeat digits
13:34.49Aviaasometimes no repeat ....
13:35.10Serpjust like an occasional stutter?
13:35.18Aviaabut almost repeat . 10 times //// ...... 8 times was repeat .... 2 times IVR dial correct
13:37.13*** join/#asterisk olivier_ (
13:37.31Serpok, just doing some quick research to see if I can come up with anything
13:37.54RoyKgeertn: I found the error. my firewall doesn't support tftp nat
13:38.25RoyKgeertn: and I tried downloading the file several times, keeping the copies, and they matched, so the error is probably on gs's side
13:39.06hmodeshrmm..  7960 just locked up
13:40.00SerpAviaa: nope :( nothing I can come up with on this one :( sorry
13:40.59AviaaSerp how U think, it possible that is wrong connection beetwen 2 points  - poor connection
13:41.33Serpit's quite possible there's a break in the comms yep
13:42.43Aviaadtmfmode=inband ... dtmf going via net ... poor connection one pakect loss and one dtmf loss .. hmm
13:42.53Aviaaits stupit
13:42.56Serplike a stutter, can you put a xover cable from the IVR to the * box and give it a try?
13:43.24Aviaasorry can not
13:43.25*** join/#asterisk wriandyc (
13:43.36Serpah ok
13:43.49Serpok gonna jet again :) in demand off site lol cyas
13:44.05wriandycAnyone care to help me? I can;t get my X100P's to recognise a remote hangup...
13:44.52geertnRoyK: Yes I think so.. I also tried the  SIPphone's server at but I do not get permission to download there
13:46.18RoyKI wish gs had some real support for their shitty phones
13:47.16geertnyes:-) But it's cheap so you know what you get
13:48.12RoyKlike asterisk - you get what you're paying for, and it's free
13:49.49*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
13:50.22geertnok:) But I still cannot do sip url dialing withouth a prefix... :)
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14:00.07JerJerexten => 1234,1,Dial,SIP/  ?!
14:00.11JerJeri dont' see any prefix
14:00.42*** join/#asterisk dan (
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14:01.53mbrancahi JerJer! got my mail?
14:02.16JerJerthere's about 200 messages waiting for
14:02.48mbranca:) mine was sent not to sales@
14:03.07geertnJerJer: I do not want to map url statically, just dial them and go... This is how I do it now: exten => _9.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@${SIPDOMAIN})
14:03.14JerJerthen where did you send it?
14:03.20c4uldr0nI just downloaded the newest CVS... How do I add voicemail? I can't find the "addmailbox" command in /usr/src/asterisk (where I downloaded my source to)
14:03.25*** join/#asterisk derrick (~derrick@
14:03.25JerJergeertn  and the problem is?
14:03.40JerJerc4uldr0n:  its there, look under contrib
14:03.40mbrancaJerJer, this morning, was the answer to your question 'bout h323 core dump
14:03.45c4uldr0nk, thanks
14:03.54JerJeror vi voicemail.conf
14:04.15JerJermbranca: ahh ok i see it...   duno man, i didn't implement the transfer stuff
14:04.23geertnJerJer: well I'm not sure if it is possible to just dial the url's withouth having to dial a prefix?
14:05.00*** join/#asterisk dandan (~dan@
14:05.01mbrancaJerJer, ok. that's not a real problem. i was just playing with h323, so wanted to let u know.
14:05.12JerJerexten => _XXXX,1,Dial,SIP/<<font lang="ISON wasim erik tclark kram _aggelos_ vmiles Precion
14:05.47dandanI am trying to load the g729a codec and I receive Jan 16 13:57:06 WARNING[16399]: File codec_g729b.c, Line 511 (load_module): Unable to initialize va stuff: -1  Anyone got any ideas?
14:06.00JerJerexten => _XXXX,1,Dial,SIP/${EXTEN}@${SIPDOMAIN}    <--- route 4 digit extens to SIP
14:06.13JerJerdandan: get the new binary off ftp
14:07.12dandanI just download
14:07.28JerJermake sure its the only laying around
14:07.35geertnJerJer: ok I'll play with it
14:07.37JerJerthen make sure you are running a full console
14:07.39geertnJerJer: thanx
14:07.55JerJer_9.  is bad
14:08.09JerJertry to make some standard routing decisions
14:08.22JerJerlike  _1NXXNXXXXX  for US-48
14:08.45JerJerok i'm outa here... heading to Canada, then to NYC soon
14:09.16dandanNo other files to be found
14:09.37dandanWhat do you mean by full console?
14:09.38JerJerdandan: and your starting asterisk with a full console every time?
14:09.57JerJerjust typing asterisk tain't gonna cut it
14:09.59dandanthen yes I am for testing
14:10.08JerJeryou need to run safe_asterisk with a console
14:10.36JerJerdandan: u gots a IDE drive in ur box, right?
14:11.36dandanno...scsi with an adaptec zero channel raid
14:11.46JerJerwon't work
14:11.59JerJercontact Martin at Digum for a workaround
14:13.13JerJerok i'm off like a prom dress
14:13.19dandanok...I'll call him.  This doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but I'll ask him. Is this a problem with the Adaptec specificaly.
14:13.33JerJerno, if your gonna bitch at someone bitch at VoiceAge
14:13.53JerJer== va
14:14.05JerJerVoiceAge == va
14:19.32*** join/#asterisk mrIT79 (
14:21.14mrIT79anyone use Asterisk with a Cisco AS5300 as the PSTN gateway?
14:21.22Seba2yes I am
14:21.27Seba2I use
14:21.34digger_me too
14:21.46Seba2What's your problem?
14:21.47mrIT79the AS5300 or the AS5350?
14:22.07Seba2What do you need?
14:22.11mrIT79no problem, I am assessing our abilities to use Asterisk
14:22.22digger_ours is also AS5300
14:22.24Seba2It works ok
14:22.27digger_running h.323 in and out
14:22.37Seba2only I had problems with Cisco 3640
14:22.43mrIT79I need to get the voice card and DSP's off ebay
14:22.53digger_seba: you use g729 ? I have some troubles with that
14:22.55Seba2I am using SIP on 5300
14:22.58Seba2not H323
14:23.28mrIT79SIP works better than H323 on that platform?
14:23.29Seba2Actually I don't have licensces for G723, I am using Ulaw - Alaw
14:23.59mrIT79do you have to use G723?  This is an internal-only implementation
14:24.06mrIT79so no compression is necessary
14:24.33Seba2I am confused
14:24.34ConnorHey guys using scsi/raid...  Buy a single license.. INSTALL A IDE CDROM.. and put a CDROM in the drive and MOUNT it.. then do the install of the g729
14:24.39Seba2G729 is compressed?
14:24.43Seba2or G723?
14:25.20mrIT79you're right, G729 is for compression
14:25.22Seba2I use Alaw
14:25.33Seba2or Ulaw
14:25.39Seba2and work very good
14:25.41Connorif it works, then upgrade to the # of g729's you need.. it worked on my system.
14:26.09Seba2I didn't test that
14:26.12Seba2I will
14:26.36mrIT79what brand of phones are you using?
14:26.49Seba2At the momento, Cisco ATA 186-188
14:27.29mrIT79ok, so here's a question, if I buy Cisco phones, do I need to get them with licenses if I'm not running AVVID?
14:27.59mrIT79Cisco's version of Asterisk
14:28.20Seba2really I don't know, I think yes
14:28.23mrIT79well, actually Unity Messaging is the Cisco product
14:29.07Seba2If compression is doing in *, then you need licenses
14:29.39mrIT79is anyone doing any kind of integration with Exchange or other groupware?
14:29.40Seba2but really I never test that
14:29.59c4uldr0nhas anybody used the Budgetone 101 phones?
14:30.21c4uldr0nI have 3 of them being sent, I needed a cheap solution
14:30.34c4uldr0nI'm hoping they work well
14:31.14mrIT79hey Seba2, how did you build your AS5300?  Did you buy it through Cisco the way it is now, or did you put it together yourself?  I need info/config suggestions
14:31.56mrIT79the config I purchased was to fill a dial-up need, so I have a quad T1/PRI and 48 Mica modems, and that's it.
14:33.28h3xit costs more to buy voip cards than it does to buy the whole damn thing
14:33.46mrIT79not on ebay  :-)
14:33.56h3xon ebay
14:34.20h3xbesides, lucent max tnt shit is way cheaper
14:34.28h3xor apx series
14:34.41mrIT79or even Digium has stuff here too, right?
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14:34.56h3xfor like the price of a quad t1 as5300 you could get a max tnt that can do a whole damn ds3 of voip :P
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14:35.22h3xadd a $3500 firmware upgrade if you have to and yuo can do all the itu algos plus gsm, and sip
14:35.41h3xbut if not use a asterisk box to translate to h.323
14:36.01mrIT79you still there Seba2?
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14:36.26montaghi, any italian here (a question on italian BRI ISDN access ....)
14:36.50h3xis it euroisdn there?
14:37.38montagh3x: i don't know, i've a BRI NT1 connect to my physical PABX, i can connect (in parallel...) asterisk to bus S/0 ???? any trouble ?
14:37.48montagconnect via a I4L card
14:39.02h3xDon't use isdn4linux
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14:39.08h3xonly use CAPI which is seperate from asterisk
14:39.27h3xi4l works by using a isdn ta as if it was a modem
14:39.34h3xit sucks terribly
14:39.39sackSeba2: Did try outgoing call from asterisk <-> Cisco <-> PSTN ?
14:39.49h3xi mean, it literally uses the AT command set to place and receive calls
14:40.19montagh3x: i know, bu it's only for testing purpose, in production environment i'll use an active card.
14:40.36sackSeba2: Couse we're using AS5300 with SIP as a GW , but we had problems with DTFM with outgoing calls :-/
14:41.02montagh3x: the junghanns capi driver are compatible with any linux isdn card ???
14:41.08h3xsack: sounds like a problem with how signalling is set up on your cisco
14:41.22h3xmontag: No, but you should get a card that is like the AVM! Fritz
14:41.59h3xkapejod is actually building some proprietary bri boards for use with chan_capi
14:42.00sackh3x: Could be , but the problem only appear with outgoing calls not using this scheme PSTN <-> CISCO -> Asterisk
14:42.46montagok, but it's possible to connect my NT to siemens PABX and to Fritz card on same time (with S/0) ???
14:43.09h3xif its S/T interface, why not
14:43.26h3xi'm not framiliar with the european isdn terms, thats probably what S/0 is
14:43.46montagThe interface used to connect an ISDN Phone or a G.4 fax
14:44.14h3xcapi supports call deflection with euroisdn too btw
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14:47.17RoyKis Eicon Divas pci 2.01 CAPI compliant?
14:47.38h3xi think so but those are hella expensive
14:47.54Seba2where I can find addon for mysql
14:48.09RoyKSeba2: cvs co asterisk-addons
14:48.24c4uldr0nI have my Asterisk server configured for voicemail/extensions and SIP... I have to configure my X100P devices now... I'm having trouble understanding zapata.conf... anybody have a good link?
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14:49.11c4uldr0nor possibly help me understand how I tell the X100P's to answer phone calls, and or send phone calls
14:49.12mrIT79Seba2, you get my Q's?
14:49.27Seba2no sorry
14:50.43Seba2really I didn't test DTMF on outoing calls
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14:58.34c4uldr0ncould somebody with multiple X100P devices please private message me... I'm not getting zapata.conf
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15:10.43PrutserHi all... Someone into the i4l driver? I've setup * for test purposes with an I4L ISDN adapter, and it kinda works:
15:11.04Prutserone can call in, phone is answered, but sound is kinda choppy (no CPU usage, no KDE or anything)
15:11.10Prutserand DTMF detection is not working at all
15:11.31PrutserSomebody a clue? Googling didn't help me much
15:12.16geertnPrutser: capi is better i4l sucks
15:12.34Prutsergeertn: I know :) I've got to get myself an AVM Fritz for testing :)
15:12.57PrutserAnd after that I'd like to go ahead testing with the E1 boards
15:13.15Prutserbut first make a working testing environment to persuade the mgmt :)
15:13.23geertnPrutser: nice:)
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15:14.01PrutserBut right now I only have a really old Teles ISA adapter :(
15:14.36geertnPrutser: I never did i4l, sorry:(
15:15.20Prutserwas a breeze to get running frankly
15:15.29Prutsertoo bad it doesn't work 'as advertised' ;)
15:17.17c4uldr0nwhat is "extension s"?
15:17.36sackSeba2: thanks anyway for the feedback
15:18.19c4uldr0nwhen my Zap/1-1 answers, it says "invalid extension "s""
15:19.58Seba2sack: what problems?
15:20.28Seba2I have this config
15:20.59Seba2in my sip.conf config
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15:23.52sackSeba2: i'm using inband
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15:24.22dougheckause dtmf mode info....
15:24.36dougheckado not use inband unless your using gsm
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15:25.03sackbut with rfc2833 is the same issue
15:26.18sackwe are using ulaw/alaw with inband and incomming call works fine but not outgoing ( well only DTMF )
15:26.43dougheckadunno, never had the problem
15:26.53dougheckawait a bit, till the more smarter people show up
15:27.10srinivaswere u thinking of me doughecka :)
15:27.37sackdoughecka: Could you show me your config file , well the related part with this issue ?
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15:30.08dougheckacallerid="Doug H" <2000>
15:32.22sackdoughecka: do you mean that is the user that is usging asterisk to make the outgoing call ??
15:32.31c4uldr0ncan somebody help me out with my extensions.conf, reguarding extension "s"... I want to make a answer script asking for extensions to enter
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15:33.31TeleRiddAnyone having problems compiling current version of the CVS
15:33.44sackdoughecka: ok , but we test many times and without adding any client to make outgoing call was working ( we didn't test yet the DTMF )
15:34.04sackdoughecka: anyway thanks a lot .. we will test in both sides ( asterisk , cisco )
15:34.18TeleRiddsack, what was the problem?
15:34.52sackTeleRidd: that making outgoing calls from asteriks <- CISCO AS5300 <-> PSTN the DTMF is not working :-/
15:34.56TeleRiddI am having a current problem where my X101P cards won't take the phone line "off hook" and can't dial out
15:35.11TeleRiddLet me guess, incoming calls work fine right?
15:35.18sackTeleRidd: yes
15:35.27TeleRiddI am having the same problem
15:35.42TeleRiddHave had our lines and cards tested, everything seems okay hardware wise
15:35.54TeleRiddDid you listen on the line with an analog phone
15:36.20TeleRiddWe did this check and found that only 1/2 the number was getting dialed but the card was not taking the line off hook
15:36.23sackTeleRidd: outgoing works as well however the DTFM no ... so maybe is a problem of config in asterisk client for outgoing call or the setup in CISCO for outgoing call
15:37.16TeleRiddMy config: asterisk <- X101P <-> PSTN
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15:37.23TeleRiddusing Snom200 for our phones
15:37.32TeleRiddSeemed to change overnight though
15:37.41TeleRiddnot config file changes just stopped dialing out
15:37.57TeleRiddAlso found we have very high current on the line
15:37.59TeleRidd80 mA
15:38.28TeleRiddshould be about 25-27 mA, so put in resistors and brought it down, still now luck
15:38.42dougheckableh, 10 base t sux
15:38.56TeleRiddIf you guys find out anything more, post it to the list
15:39.26doughecka47807 packets transmitted, 47806 packets received, 0% packet loss
15:39.34TeleRiddWell, I built a new box and just got the current CVS and moved my cards from my old machine to the new one but the asterisk directory won't compile
15:39.46TeleRiddanyone else had compile problems
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15:40.58sackHey Ares :-P
15:41.06Areshi my friend
15:41.21sackDid you fix the problem in CISCO already ? }:-)
15:41.36steesanyone know if there is a way to do this: transfer a call, but before connecting the other 2 people, talk to the person you are transferring the call to?
15:41.41AresI was expecting a solution from you
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15:41.57sackAres: well not yet ... time to make some test , brb
15:42.07steese.g. to say "john, it's Bill from Microsoft on the line, putting you through"
15:42.23michael__i need to map IAX to RTP, any ideas how to do this
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15:43.54sumasumai want to add sip users to db and access from db dynamically
15:44.22sumasumawhen i look into the source code i could see that * loads all users into memory
15:44.54sumasumawill * become unstable when i add millions of users ?
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15:45.37sumasumacan anyone help me with that ?
15:46.18AresALWAYS ABOUT OUTGOING CALL, is it  normall that asterisk try to setup the outgoing-call using ULAW ?  File chan_sip.c, Line 5590 (sip_request): Asked to get a channel of unsupported format ULAW while capability is ALAW
15:47.21sumasumado you have anything in your sip.conf like, allow & disallow ?
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15:49.48czmokshort (stupid) question
15:49.54czmokexten => _NXXXXXX
15:50.01czmokwhat was N was was X again ?
15:50.21sumasumareads docs czmok plz
15:51.07czmokhowever we are REALLY close on getting the csco 7920 working .
15:51.16czmok(with chan_sccp&asterisk)
15:51.30czmok[ just a a short info for all lurkers ]
15:51.32jsmithczmok: N is 2-9, X is any digit...
15:51.44czmokthanks jsmith!
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15:54.33jsmithssokol_: Get caught up on all your projects yet?
15:54.57ssokol_very close.  I would be happy to accept an assignment if you have one.
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15:56.37ssokol_I'm still a newbie when it comes to most features of Asterisk, but I could probably handle something simple.  I do have fairly extensive experience wit the manager interface.
15:57.12ssokol_And I am slowly coming up to speed on the inner workings of IAX (though you still have me beat there).
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15:58.58michael__are there any docs on IAX2 anywhere
15:58.58ssokol_not that I have found.  Is this Michael Van D?
15:59.01sumasumamichael__: I think only source code
16:01.12ssokol_jsmith: you have some experience working with the iax2 code, don't you?
16:01.12michael__i'd like to map IAX2 to RTP and need a starting point
16:01.12coppicewhat do you mean by "map"?
16:01.12michael__strip IAX headers and put RTP header
16:01.22michael__specifically i need timestamp, seq number and codec type
16:01.32coppiceit doesn't work like that
16:01.53michael__how does it work
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16:04.12coppiceSIP has nothing to do with the audio. It is purely a signaling protocol. IAX merges signaling and audio
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16:04.12olivier_Now my E100p works fine, i'm looking for H323 Softphone for Windows with at least G711 and GSM codec, CLI, and Nat transersal. Do you know some ?
16:04.12sumasumais it not possible to seperate signalling and audio ?
16:04.12michael__i'm not using SIP
16:04.12michael__i need the payload from IAX along with some info
16:04.12ManxPowerMost VoIP protocols use their own protocol for SIGNALING, but almost of them use RTP for audio.  IAX and IAX2 do not do this.
16:04.12michael__to make RTP packet
16:04.12sumasumaso that signalling passing through many servers and audio just passes only through between points
16:04.12coppicewhy not let * do that for you?
16:04.50ManxPowermichael__, look at how asterisk moves audio between SIP and IAX and you'll have a good idea of how to write a channel driver to do what you want.
16:04.50michael__is what i want a channel driver?
16:04.50sumasumacoppice: does * asterisk does like that ??
16:05.43coppice* will translate between protocols for you
16:05.44data^heapsaid teh fishie
16:05.57sumasumacoppice: i'm asking between iax2 to iax2 itself, will it just pass the signallig through the * and the audio between the IAX2 endpoints ?
16:06.17michael__coppice: where in the * source
16:06.35coppiceMy guess is RTP is dead, and we'll all be using something like IAX2 soon
16:06.58ssokol_but isn't RTP where QOS is managed?
16:07.11ssokol_packet priorities and all that?
16:07.28coppiceNo. RTP doesn't do QoS. QoS does QoS
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16:07.55coppiceIP6 will never happen. NAT will grow. RTP will not work.
16:07.57Corydon76-workYou need to do the QoS at the IP level, during routing...
16:08.45Corydon76-workTrying to do QoS at a higher networking level is a recipe for failure.
16:09.58coppiceMore than a recipe for failure. Its just impossible. Only the packet scheduling level can control packet flow to provide QoS
16:10.01ssokol_ok, then what does the Real Time in Real Time Protocol mean if not prioritized delivery?
16:10.52ManxPowerNo_Carrier_, QoS is managed at the IP level.
16:10.54coppiceRTP is intended for multimedia real-time flows. Its just a way of framing the data blocks.
16:11.12*** join/#asterisk folsson (
16:11.16folssonHi guys!
16:11.17bkw_RTP doesn't require ACK's
16:11.33bkw_or does it every now and then
16:12.04coppiceits doesn't ack at all, although the related RTCP protocol returns performance quality info
16:12.53ManxPowermichael__, a channel driver is a driver that interfaces Asterisk to some protocol.
16:13.11bkw_didn't think so
16:13.18bkw_coppice have ou talked to mark yet about the DSP routines?
16:13.48coppicebkw: I talked. I looked. I found the problem. I haven't cured it yet.
16:14.09sumasumabkw_: I want to implement SIP 300 response for asterisk, can you help me to put my nose in right point
16:15.25sumasumaI have found i need to implement it on  handle_request in chan_sip.c
16:15.39Bonbondoes anyone use chan_h323? All it does is crash.
16:16.02Seba2yes, I do
16:16.03bkw_coppice kick ass
16:16.13Bonbon#20 0x49ece4f4 in H245TransportThread::Main() ()
16:16.13Bonbon#21 0x49838cdc in PThread::PX_ThreadStart(void*) ()
16:16.13Bonbon#22 0x4003e9b1 in pthread_start_thread () from /lib/i686/
16:16.21Seba2but I prefer SIP
16:16.31sumasumaunder the if section,   else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "INVITE")) {
16:16.37ssokol_anybody know why * would send an incorrect (out-of-seqence) sequence number with a new IAX2 call?
16:16.52*** part/#asterisk groz (
16:16.54sumasumabkw: can you help me out to work on it ??
16:17.06ssokol_this seems to be the bug that is causing so much havoc with iaxclient UAs.
16:17.26bkw_sumasuma thats a kram question
16:17.36bkw_sumasuma :)
16:18.17sumasumaoh ok, i will keep in touch with him
16:18.27sumasumawhat time he will be online usually ?
16:19.38coppicessokol: In my playing with iaxclient I don't seem to see that. I wonder what we do differently
16:20.40bkw_sumasuma just catch him or be on the next conf call we have
16:20.51Connor~seen atacomm
16:21.02atacomm is currently on #asterisk (17m 27s)
16:21.02sumasumabkw: thanks
16:21.36bkw_coppice while your at it lets fix progressdetect :)
16:21.44*** join/#asterisk easydone (
16:21.54coppicewhats the issue with progressdetect?
16:22.00Seba2a question
16:22.10Seba2Can I use AbsoluteTime inside AGI?
16:22.33Seba2I am developing a Calling Card application
16:22.48Seba2But I don't know how make call have certain duration
16:22.58Seba2is somebody knows
16:23.11Seba2please give me a clue
16:23.22olivier_Seba2 Yes you can
16:23.34Seba2can you tell me how?
16:24.03olivier_For instance in perl
16:24.29Seba2ok, yes
16:24.55Corydon76-workOr you could set up a signal timer, getting SIGALRM when your time is up
16:25.50Corydon76-workperldoc -f alarm
16:26.01Seba2I am using PHP
16:26.03olivier_Seba2 using for instace Asterisk::AGI in your perl AGI, : $AGI->exec('AbsoluteTimeout',"$timeout");
16:26.17Seba2ooo tx
16:26.31Seba2thas is I was looking for!!
16:26.41Seba2I think I have to use PHP AGI
16:26.46Seba2but is not problem
16:27.00Seba2I know there is something developed
16:31.28ZoaVeryBusySeba2: try
16:31.28ZoaVeryBusythere is something on that site
16:31.28ZoaVeryBusyfor calling cards
16:31.37coppicebkw: what's the issue with progressdetect?
16:31.42*** join/#asterisk Bogdan_ (
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16:31.55ZoaVeryBusyand you might pay bkw for support
16:32.46Bogdan_question: i want to use a E1 port for a channelized data (30 channels), is this posbble ?
16:33.20Bogdan_i want to connect a leased line to it.. can someone indicate me where to look ?
16:33.27bkw_coppice it doesn't detect pickup sometimes
16:34.34coppicebkw_: reliable detection of pickup is just not possible, despite what some people (eg Dialogic) might claim - unless, of course, you have answer supervision in the signaling
16:35.08bkw_wish we had a setting to adjust the sensitivity of it
16:35.23bkw_I don't care about errors on answer but sometimes I call and it NEVER detects it was picked up
16:35.25ManxPowercoppice, But some products are more reliable than others. 8-)
16:35.32bkw_like if the person on the other end talks softly
16:35.51data^heapwoo its a bkw_
16:36.03coppiceYou can detect if ringback tone stops - assuming it ever started :-)
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16:36.19simprixhow do i convert mp3 to gsm with sox
16:36.52bkw_coppice that would be a nice option
16:37.25ScaredyCatanyone using ResetCDR ?
16:37.38coppicehahaha. It doesn't work. People often answer so fast there *is* no ringback tone. I've had huge problems with that using Dialogic and NMS in the past.
16:38.32*** part/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
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16:38.53coppiceIf you reset a person, do they become a newborn again?
16:39.03ManxPowersimprix, For the most part you don't.  use sox to convert the GSM to WAV then use an MP3 encoder to convert from WAV to MP3
16:39.31simprixso do i want it in mp3
16:39.46bkw_coppice I would just like to make that accually work like it should.. :)  or better
16:39.47ManxPowercoppice, One would assume if there was no ringback and the call stayed up for more than x seconds you can assume an answer.
16:40.05Corydon76-workcoppice:  is there a book you'd recommend if I wanted to get up to speed on software dsp?
16:40.16ManxPowersimprix, I don't know if you want it in MP3. You asked how to do it, not if you should do it.
16:40.29coppiceManxPower: maybe it never arrived at its destination :-)
16:40.41Serplots of talking now :)
16:40.49simprixwell then how to set my extensions.conf to play back a mp3
16:40.55coppiceCorydon76-work: I'd suggest an EE degree course :-)
16:41.04ManxPowersimprix, you use MP3player
16:41.10Corydon76-workcoppice:  heh
16:41.24ssokol_coppice: sorry (phone call).  What platform does your client support?  Win32, Linux?
16:41.32jpiterakHello all... Anyone from Digium hanging around?? Have a (hardware?) problem with a new TE410P.
16:41.33ManxPowershow applications mp3player
16:41.33*** part/#asterisk tias (
16:41.35Serpsimprix: I have an extention config'd with: exten => 2001,3,mp3player(/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/music.mp3)
16:41.54ManxPowerjpiterak, Why don't you try calling them, they do provide free support for their hardware
16:42.12Serpanyone know, is the CVS updated with 0.7.1???
16:42.25coppicessokol: I'm using Linux, but I doubt that makes a difference here. The IAX2 protocol code is the same for Linux and that other system
16:42.33jsmithSerp: Yes... where do you think 0.7.1 came from?
16:42.53ssokol_true.  Michael and Dan are having the same problems with their clients as I am.
16:43.10jpiterakYes... Tried that. Left a message last night... Sent email to followup with details, sent another followup email this morning...called again, no support staff...left voicemail :-)
16:43.10Serpjsmith: just worth checking ;)
16:43.22simprixit just hangs up when i do that
16:43.28ssokol_I am wondering if this is an Asterisk issue, rather than an iaxclient issue.  Like I said, the incoming (from *) sequence number is wrong.
16:43.34Serpjsmith: had many instances of out of date CVSs and updated tarballs is all
16:43.38jsmithjpiterak: What's the problem you're having...
16:43.40simprixi get errors like this an 16 11:40:00 WARNING[344082]: rtp.c:375 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read error: Resource temporarily unavailable
16:43.40simprixJan 16 11:40:03 NOTICE[344082]: app_mp3.c:93 timed_read: Selected timed out/errored out with 0
16:43.46simprixJan 16 11:40:13 WARNING[344082]: pbx.c:1829 ast_pbx_run: Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'local-access'
16:44.26coppicessokol: Does this happen at a predictable time? Every call? Whatever?
16:45.05ssokol_coppice: no.  it seems to happen after one or two calls.  it is then hit-or-miss thereafter
16:45.30Serpalso can anyone help me with the correct syntax for a zaptel trunk?
16:45.40jpiterakGetting odd problem where preiodically, outgoing sound is not recognized to the server... Asterisk does not get DTMF, even tho it senses off-hook. Restart Asterisk/reload kernel mods and you're OK for another 1-3 hrs.
16:45.56ManxPowersimprix, the timeouts don't really make sense with SIP, since SIP sends ALL the digits at once, once you have finished dialing.
16:46.05coppicessokol: I want a solid iaxclient, so I will try to find some time to look at this over the weekend
16:46.10jpiterakIf you call into the system, symptoms match... You can hear the caller, but they can't hrear you.
16:46.15ssokol_coppice: the client fails to get the incoming call event because down in the guts and goo of iax.c (the iax_header_to_event) function does not return an event if the sequence number is out of order.
16:46.35voipwhat are all the packages required to compile *?
16:46.42jpiterakbizarre... Since it works OK after restart!
16:47.00juhasDoes the sip channel provide any information about the remote end (in incoming calls) as channel variables? Like remote address, call id, etc?
16:47.03jpiterakThis happens on BOTH adtran ta750's... Totally separate hardware
16:47.11simprixManxPower thats what i get
16:47.45ssokol_coppice:  oddly, I begin to suspect the current incarnation of * because calls from IAXTel always seem to work - their call ID numbers are good and their sequence numbers are correct.
16:48.06jpiterakOdder.... NOTHING shows up in /var/log/asterisk/messages or syslog that is out of sorts...
16:48.21ManxPowersimprix, make sure you REALLY have mpg123 installed in the system and not mpg321.
16:48.32coppiceAh, this might make sense. My testing is through IAXtel, and an oldish * serverssokol:
16:48.41ssokol_coppice: you can download a copy of my hacked iax.c file from
16:48.58*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
16:49.04coppicessokol: What is it hacked to do?
16:49.09jpiterakThis happens with CVS from 1/2 and yesterday's
16:49.54*** join/#asterisk dknecht (~dknecht@
16:50.04ssokol_coppice: it includes logging (with an WIn32-style file destination -- must change for Linux) that shows incoming and outgoing command messages
16:50.25Serpanyone got experience with the syntax for zaptel trunks?
16:50.49coppicessokol: OK, that sounds valuable. Time for bed now! I'll try to look at this ove the weekend
16:50.51ssokol_coppice:  you will also need to replace the GetTickCount() function with the standard c time() function.
16:50.52*** join/#asterisk itsa (
16:51.06ssokol_coppice:  cool!  the more eyes the better!
16:52.33TeleRiddWhat version of mpg123?
16:52.45TeleRiddThis might be contributing to my problem as well
16:52.50*** join/#asterisk user8925 (
16:52.57TeleRiddI have mpg123-0.59q-1
16:53.00*** join/#asterisk sousou (
16:53.00user8925hi everyone
16:53.23TeleRiddand mpg321 is not installed on my system
16:53.40ManxPowerTeleRidd, most versions of mpg123 should work.  I have
16:53.41*** join/#asterisk jason1 (
16:53.42ManxPowerHigh Performance MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 Audio Player for Layer 1, 2 and 3.
16:53.42ManxPowerVersion 0.59r (1999/Jun/15). Written and copyrights by Michael Hipp.
16:54.15ManxPowerI've not heard of versions of MPG123 not working, but I suppose it's possible
16:54.31ManxPowerI guess mpg123 is Hipp software, huh?
16:54.37TeleRiddjust noticed the my dial out problems started when I was adding an mp3player extension to play an mp3 file
16:54.42jason1no, early stages
16:54.44user8925I was about ready to order some Digium cards to hook up to 4 PSTN phone lines and I just realized that there is no 4 port version of the analog X100p card :-(    does digium have an analog 4 port card for interfacing to the PSTN / POTS ?
16:54.51TeleRiddit crashed my system and it hasn't been able to dialout since
16:55.01TeleRiddstill receives calls just fine
16:55.13jason1what distro r u using
16:55.25ManxPoweruser8925, NO, but there are rumors they will have one soon.
16:55.46ManxPowerTeleRidd, I've seen bad MP3 files totally screw up Asterisk
16:55.47TeleRidduser8925, I am using 3 X100P cards in 3 PCI slots and has been working just fine up until yesterday
16:55.50jason1anyone know of a robust java API for Asterisk AGI?
16:56.11coppiceuser8925: Santa will bring you one soon :-)
16:56.14TeleRiddI am doing a fresh install on a machine right now
16:56.14ManxPowerjason1, You are welcome to write one.  The AGI interface is incredibly simple.
16:56.27TeleRiddsee if that fixes it
16:56.30jason1well that will be upto my colleague :D
16:56.40jason1i'm the sys admin guy
16:56.50bkw_HOLY HELL BATMAN
16:56.54bkw_I just mad a customer understand
16:57.24bkw_"Ok you know when you have bad windshield wipers on your car and its RAINING really hard and no matter how fast those wipers go you still can't see?  Thats kinda what you modem is doing .. the line condtions are so bad it just can't keep up!"
16:57.42bkw_AND SHE GOT IT!!
16:57.54jpiterakbkw_: lol...
16:57.57bkw_man she was mad at first thinking our service sucked.. but she is 20 miles in the middle of nowhere
16:58.10bkw_and expects 44k connects
16:58.24Corydon76-workTime for her to get ISDN
16:58.34bkw_apparently her windshield wipers are bad also.. haha
16:58.41bkw_ISDN is 200/mth here just for the line
16:58.53ManxPowerbkw_, move to TN, it's $20/month there.
16:58.58jason1bkw, do you have a successful consultancy implementing asterisk?
16:59.01Corydon76-workAh... I forget that Oklahoma sucks... :-P
16:59.06bkw_jason1 what?
16:59.34Corydon76-workManxPower:  They would, if they weren't decommissioned shortly after the ISDN decision
16:59.38jason1are you a small business owner that implements asterisk?
16:59.38jpiterakbkw_: guess dsl'd right out, eh :-)
16:59.39ManxPowerBellSouth even has a FAQ about why ISDN is so much cheaper in TN than in any of the other states BellSouth is in.
16:59.50ManxPowerCorydon76-home: HUH??????
17:00.04Corydon76-workManxPower:  yep
17:00.17ManxPowerCorydon76-home: What moron did that?
17:00.18jason1btw, all, the feb 2004 issue of linux journal has an article on asterisk!
17:00.27bkw_jason1 yes we know
17:00.27Serpbkw_: do you know anything regarding the syntax for a zaptel trunk in extensions.conf?
17:00.29bkw_HEARD IT
17:00.31Corydon76-workManxPower:  budget cuts are murder
17:00.54ManxPowerI thought the utilities paid the PSC/PUC?
17:01.06bkw_Serp ie Zap/1/${EXTEN}
17:01.28ManxPowerDoes anyone here have infomation on colocation companies, prices, comments on them?  /msg me.
17:01.32Corydon76-workManxPower:  all I know is that it went away shortly after the ISDN decision
17:01.45Serpbkw: yep I have a TE410P with zap/1-24 going to internals then zap31-36 to an E1 trunk
17:02.04Corydon76-workThe ISDN decision was virtually the last decision they made
17:02.10bkw_Serp you setup groups
17:02.27Serpbkw: lol thanks ;)
17:02.30ManxPowerCorydon76-home: At least they went out with a bang
17:03.01ssokol_anybody in here know the proper sequence of IAX2 messages to do a native IAX call transfer?
17:04.17maikbkw_: can you record that "NEXT!!!" and convert it to a cisco ringtone? :)
17:05.19*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
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17:06.39sephenIs it possible to get Asterisk to work with a voice modem for the incoming analog line?
17:06.41bkw_maik good idea
17:07.03Serpbkw_: save you answering us novices ;)
17:07.10maikbkw_: rajo wants a copy of that too :)
17:07.31ManxPowersephen, In theory, but I'm not aware of anyone that's actually gotten it working.
17:07.50ssokol_ok.  let me rephrase that.  Has anybody seen documentation of the transfer sequence for IAX?
17:08.02ManxPowerssokol_: No.  Read the source.
17:08.21sephenManxPower: In theory. =) I read some of the manual and it says ISDN4Linux and others that are supported, but I didn't see anything saying that a plain voice modem was.
17:08.40ManxPowersephen, what bkw_ said.
17:08.42bkw_oh chan_modem sucks
17:08.45bkw_no callerid
17:08.47ssokol_yea. yea.  I'v read the source till i'm blue in the face.  it doesn't tell me the proper sequence.
17:08.58ManxPowerbkw_, We need to have Allison record "NEXT!" with a Dominatrix inotation.
17:09.09bkw_ssokol its black magic it just happens
17:09.20bkw_ManxPower HAHAHAH
17:09.29bkw_Exomorph_ nope.....
17:09.32ManxPowerssokol: You need to post to the mailing list.
17:09.36sephenThat does suck if it doesn't support caller ID. I assume that the zaptel hardware does support it though?
17:09.38bkw_its my trademark phrase! hahah
17:09.45Exomorph_Maybe even a timer as well... So if he doesn't say it within 2 minutes, it auto goes off! ;)
17:10.11folssonWhy is it that when you do a asterisk -rx reload you get some output in the already opened console and some in the shell where you executed the command?
17:10.29folssonOk, I can see why but I don't think it should be that way
17:10.33bkw_folsson its normal
17:10.33ManxPowersephen, Zaptel analog hardware supports FSK CallerID if it's delivered after the first ring.  (The UK and countries that use UK caller id will not work)
17:11.29folssonbkw_: Ok, but why?
17:11.54bkw_because the output starts before the command finishes :P
17:12.01c4uldr0nCan somebody give me some direction on setting up my "S" extension... so I can prompt the caller to enter the extension they wish to talk with
17:12.01sephenManxPower: What about incoming faxes? I know this probably isn't Asterisk's realm here, but can it detect an incoming fax tone and hand it off to the right application to receive it, such as hylafax or something?
17:12.02SerpManxPower: Telewest's CID works fine
17:12.03bkw_or your computer is too slow
17:12.15hlagbkw_: sell your bike?
17:12.21bkw_hlag yes
17:12.28ManxPowersephen, no, it can't
17:12.30hlagasking price?
17:12.43folssonbkw_: ...........
17:12.54ManxPowerc4uldr0n, See my sample extensions.conf
17:12.56ManxPowerGo to and look at the "Unofficial Links" section.  This section has links to a wide variety of 3rd party Asterisk related pages.  My page is the "Asterisk Resource Pages".
17:13.07jetssephen: thats the fax,1 in exteions
17:13.22bkw_hlag it was 2000
17:13.24ManxPowerjets, That only sends the call to a specified port, it does not call an application
17:13.29ZoaVeryBusy2000$ ?
17:13.35sephenjets: So you'd just have to let people know that want to fax you to hit a 1 after a pickup so it'll hand off the an AGI?
17:13.37ZoaVeryBusyyou insane ?
17:13.39jetsi jumped in to the middle of a conversation
17:13.44zoawho are you ?
17:13.48bkw_I also purchased a new laptop lastnight
17:13.58ManxPowersephen, I'm sure you can write a patch and post it to
17:13.58c4uldr0nManxPower: Thanks
17:14.10zoaAre you lance armstrong ?
17:14.14ManxPowersephen, that would be an EAGI application if you wanted to do it that way.
17:15.28folssonThe echocancel-directive in zapata.conf: how many taps does yes correspond to?
17:15.45sephenManxPower: Thats highly possible though right? (Since all I have is a modem, I haven't been able to test this stuff yet). Asterisk can't detect the tone, but it could pass the connected call to a fax program? The Zaptel FXO hardware will pass it?
17:16.24bkw_you know the number of bugs are lower than every now
17:17.00zoaand all your base are belong to us bkw
17:17.17*** part/#asterisk No_Carrier_ (~NoCarrier@
17:19.24ManxPowersephen, there is an alpha softfax available for Asterisk, check I think, the link is near the top, but it does not work for everyone.
17:19.51ManxPowerI know it requires a Zap card, but I do not know if it needs a digital connection or will work with the Zap analog boards.
17:20.41sephenManxPower: We're looking at asterisk as an additional solution at our office. I'm looking at it to replace my TalkWorks Pro at home, so I have one less program dependant upon windows. =)
17:20.57sephenHence all of the analog questions. =)
17:21.10ManxPowerfolsson, I think "yes" = 128
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17:26.44bkw_and if I could type I might sound a bit smarter!
17:26.54bkw_I swear I think it.. but my fingers don't type it
17:27.24bkw_ya know my asterisk installs are hlla stable now
17:27.28bkw_er hella
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17:28.05jimmyzwhen someone dials to pickup a parked call how can i resetcdr where i will get a new record for the # that picked up the call
17:28.53Serpbkw_: got another NEXT for ya ;)
17:31.04Serpam getting this now
17:31.06SerpJan 16 17:27:23 ERROR[1074424544]: chan_zap.c:6540 start_pri: Unable to open D-channel 40 (No such device or address)
17:31.06SerpJan 16 17:27:23 ERROR[1074424544]: chan_zap.c:7482 setup_zap: Unable to start D-channel on span 2
17:31.18jetsin the manager api, extension state always gives me a status of -1
17:31.45Serpzaptel.conf is configured with:
17:32.06zoasounds weird to me
17:32.15zoawhy is 40 a dchan ?
17:32.27zoais that E1 ? T1 ?
17:32.31Serpwell I had 37, but then it came up with that, so I changed to 40
17:33.09bkw_kick ass you can unload change zapata.conf and load it back now.. w00t
17:33.55sephenManxPower, bkw_: Thanks for the input. I'mg going to go play with it now and see what I can get working.
17:34.26Serpbkw_: stupid thing is it registers all the B channels
17:34.36Serpthen as soon as it comes to the D, down it goes
17:35.37zoaserp: i think it should be 16
17:35.40zoaand 42 or so
17:35.44zoalemmy check
17:35.51Serpzoa: ok thanks
17:36.23Serpset D-chan in zaptel.conf to 42 and it still says 40
17:36.35bkw_DAMN thing
17:36.51*** part/#asterisk huats (
17:37.00bkw_progress detect should answer if ringing stops after the first ring
17:37.03zoaoké this is weird
17:37.16zoain my zapata, i only have span 1 uncommented
17:37.23zoahowever, all 120 channels work
17:37.27ManxPowerSerp, what about zapata.conf?
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17:37.28bkw_if it gets 1 ring.. then answer after ringing stops
17:37.32*** join/#asterisk token (
17:37.33bkw_else try to detect it
17:37.34SerpI've got the 4 span card, but only running 2 chans
17:37.38Serplet me check
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17:38.05zoaoké on E1:
17:38.06token[BKW]  Does * do pre-paid calling?
17:38.08SerpI habe..
17:38.09zoathe dchans are:
17:38.15Serpswitchtype = euroisdn
17:38.15Serpsignalling = pri_cpe
17:38.15Serpgroup = 1
17:38.20jsmithtoken: Only if you program it to :-)  
17:38.20Serpchannel => 31-36
17:38.37tokenThanks [JSmith]
17:38.43Serpzoa: ok let me try 47 in zaptel
17:38.56zoai have E1 with euroisdn
17:38.59zoaso that should work
17:38.59tokenhas anyone used PREPAID with Asterisk or started any code to do it?
17:39.07Serpzoa: nope. it keeps looking for Chan 40
17:39.14Serponly 6 B channels tho
17:39.15ManxPowertoken, see the mailing list archives.
17:39.23tokenwhere are those
17:39.31zoaserp: don't forget to do ztcfg due
17:39.55bkw_har har har
17:39.56derrickall 50 lines of it
17:40.02bkw_haha yep
17:40.05Serpoops :)
17:40.07bkw_with amusing comments too
17:40.09Serptrying now
17:40.25tokenthanks man
17:40.36derrickquick token, go get rich!
17:40.39ManxPowerARGH!!!!!  The last of my Cat5 is 6 feet too short for the run I need.  ARGH!
17:40.53Serpzoa: nope still insistant on D-chan 40
17:42.38Serpok set to 40 again and a ztcfg and we have *
17:43.33CriponManx: make you wish you were a bit more conservative on previous pulls?
17:44.00tokenIs anyone here using calling card option with *?  Could be some good $$'s in it?
17:44.01Serpzoa: thx :)
17:44.08tokenNo jokers please?!!!!!
17:44.17Serpnow I gotta figure out why it just drops the calls lol
17:44.42PBXtechtheres no money in prepaid
17:44.51PBXtechtoken yes you can do it however
17:44.56tokenWhat if I told you there is!!
17:44.58jpiteraktoken: have you lgoogled Lots there...
17:45.15PBXtechmarket is saturated
17:45.17tokenBKW are you interested?
17:45.35*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
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17:45.38tokenthis is specific and is already a very profitable business!
17:46.27PBXtechdo prepaid to mexico. that is good
17:46.35PBXtechAIX2 to mexico is cheep
17:46.37tokenMaybe China?
17:46.39srinivasyou think so PBXtech
17:46.57srinivasI have seen so many of those cards already floating all around the place....
17:46.58bkw_token no
17:47.08tokenThis is actually all set up and running 30,000 subscribers already!!
17:47.16Serpzoa: that's worked :) now am getting.. Jan 16 17:45:40 WARNING[1184048960]: chan_zap.c:6113 pri_dchannel: Ring requested on unconfigured channel 1 span 2
17:47.28bkw_wonder if it will work better with a channel bank
17:47.33PBXtechtoken you already have 30,000 prepaid customers?
17:47.39tokenOK no problem!!
17:47.47tokenI'm out!
17:47.47srinivasthats quite good token
17:47.48*** join/#asterisk rtoups (
17:47.51jpiterakbkw_: go at it baby!  Let me know if YOU can get it to work...
17:48.13PBXtechthere are a few prepaid companys here in utah. running NACR switches
17:48.15zoaah you didnt configure chan1 on span 2
17:48.22tokenNo!  The Client who needs this feature does!
17:48.22Serpzoa: lmao
17:48.23*** join/#asterisk adkk (
17:48.55PBXtechif it were me i would work a deal with exising people. i can get you wholesale cards
17:48.56Serpzoa: sorry I'm completely new to the zaptel stuff, I've always done BRI stuff with kape's stuff :)
17:49.38jpiterakbkw_: re channel bank... Doesn't work w/ my adtran 750's
17:49.40zoacould somebody tell me how to jump to another priority in an asterisk app ?
17:49.44*** join/#asterisk rip (
17:49.56tokenNah!  Thanks anyway.  I think you are just being foolish.  I have no time for this!! THanks anyway!!
17:50.00zoalike jump to exten => 1,999 ?
17:50.18PBXtechif you have no time, then go with an existing company for sure
17:50.23*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
17:50.45PBXtechi bet i can get pre-paid no fee cards cheeper than you can buy LD
17:50.46tokenThey are the company!!
17:50.55tokensee ya
17:50.57PBXtechoh your trying to take them over?
17:51.01Serpzoa: I have fxoks=1-24, bchan=31-36, dchan=40
17:51.04zoaserp: once again, don't forget to do ztcfg
17:51.10zoaserp: its not enough !
17:51.14zoathats only span 1
17:51.18zoayou still need span 2
17:51.32zoa+ why is your dchan 40 again ?
17:51.36zoajust type what i just pasted
17:51.38Serpzoa: I have in full
17:51.42zoathats your current config
17:51.49PBXtechdoes anyone want to build a cheeper PC? i bet we can take down IBM
17:51.51srinivasis the uniqueid in the database set only for incoming calls? or will that be set even when we make outgoing calls without any FXO cards?
17:51.58Serploadzone = uk
17:51.58Serpdefaultzone = uk
17:52.06srinivasPBXtech: :)
17:52.08zoawhy is span 2 not the same type as span 1 ?
17:52.13zoatwo different carriers ?
17:52.20Serpzoa: yep, and dunno why about 40, it just seemed to ask for it
17:52.29SerpI have a T1 channel bank in Span 1
17:52.35zoano no no no no
17:52.40Serpoh :D
17:52.49zoaa channel bank in span 1
17:53.26PBXtechbkw you making money for all the work you do on *? (consulting or what not)
17:54.06zoabkw you here ?
17:54.24zoawhat happens if i set a maxtimeout to a negative value ?
17:55.32bkw_PBXtech yes I make a little
17:55.49bkw_but most of what I do is people just sending me money
17:55.57bkw_zoa not sure
17:56.07bkw_it should just disable the timeout
17:56.09PBXtechpaypal rocks :)
17:56.35zoaany idea how to jump to another priority from an asterisk app ?
17:56.36*** join/#asterisk n00dle (~ccraft@
17:56.36bkw_I don't make money hand over fist.. but oh well
17:56.36zoa.c ?
17:56.45bkw_zoa yes
17:56.54zoahow ? :)
17:57.21jetsin the manager api how can i work extensionstate
17:58.20zoathnx bkw !
17:58.22*** part/#asterisk flipflop (
17:58.25zoanever fear, bkw was here !
17:58.38bkw_I still have alot to learn
17:58.45bkw_but i'm learning faster and faster now
17:59.05bkw_i'm becoming self aware.. better watch out
17:59.40n00dlebkw_: I've got one for you... how do I find what the problem is when asterisk fails to initialize on a fresh install of the DevKitLite?  (I get a segfault)
18:00.21Serpzoa: am I right to have span=2,1,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4 as the 2nd line?
18:00.26ManxPowern00dle, start asterisk as asterisk -cvvv and it might give you more info
18:01.40n00dleI have... the last message I get is:Jan 15 17:37:11 WARNING[1074465504]: loader.c:312 ast_load_resource: load_module failed, returning -1
18:01.41zoathat sounds like the second line to
18:01.51n00dleOof... let me de-ansi that...
18:01.59Serpthe full context I get is
18:02.08SerpJan 16 17:45:40 WARNING[1184048960]: chan_zap.c:6113 pri_dchannel: Ring requested on unconfigured channel 1 span 2
18:02.14n00dleJan 16 11:02:09 WARNING[1074465504]: loader.c:312 ast_load_resource: load_module failed, returning -1
18:02.27Criponnoodle: 2.4.X?
18:02.32Serp-- Accepting call from '7901234567' to '566' on channel 12, span 2
18:02.41Serp-- Playing 'demo-thanks' (language 'en')
18:02.48n00dleCripon: Yep.  RH9, 2.4.20
18:03.00Serpoops ignore last 2 lines :D
18:03.42*** part/#asterisk sousou (
18:03.49*** part/#asterisk ChrisDE (
18:04.55Criponso you modprobe zaptel, wcusb, wcfxo... ztcfg -vv and then start *?
18:05.27Criponwhen is your cvs from?
18:06.19n00dleI never passed -vv to ztcfg... just did so and recieved...
18:06.36n00dleZaptel Configuration
18:06.36n00dleChannel map:
18:06.36n00dleChannel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
18:06.36n00dleChannel 02: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 02)
18:06.39n00dle2 channels configured.
18:06.45n00dleZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 2: No such device or address (6)
18:06.53bkw_sounds like someone has issues
18:06.56n00dlecvs from last night, Asterisk CVS-01/15/04-16:54:39
18:06.57bkw_take out channel 2
18:07.07bkw_and config just the 1
18:07.13bkw_and try to ztcfg it
18:07.15bkw_you may have a bad card
18:07.51Bonbonanyone use debian? is it rpm-based?
18:07.51Criponor a bad pci slot
18:07.57n00dleI have never got the fxo card working, have been on the phone w/Digium, have RMA'd a unit, have tried several machines and several linux versions...
18:08.23jetsBonbon: thank god its not rpm based
18:08.27jetsBonbon: its .deb based :)
18:08.27CriponI'd say you have a bad card.. just play with the fxs card.. did you get an s100u?
18:08.27TestMasTerquestion i have a exter x100p card can i use it as you would a ata?
18:08.37n00dleCripon: Yes.
18:08.46jetsTestMaser: no thats an FXS card
18:08.52Bonbonjets: ah, thanks. so is there a place that we get the packages from? We use redhat and are looking to use debs
18:08.58jetsTestMasTer: the x100p is an fxo card, you need an fxs card to send out dialtone
18:09.09Criponn00dle: you can still make calls through iaxtel :)
18:09.17jetsBonbon: uhm there is the apt-get platform for redhat... .but i don't think you can really use .deb's on redhat too well
18:09.23TestMasTerjets,  well that sucks lol Hrmz what do i do with this card
18:09.38pros12sell it to me
18:09.43TestMasTerjets thanx btw
18:09.55TestMasTerpros12,  you need a card?
18:10.09jetsTestMasTer: you can bring dialtone frmo your telco in to voip
18:10.34ManxPoweror bring calls in from your telco to your FXS card.
18:10.38TestMasTerjets,  ya i am already bringing enuff dailtone in lol
18:10.55Serpzoa: no need to reconfig the card to have the PRI channels on span 1 right?
18:11.07Criponn00dle: after you remove chan2, restart * and dial ext 500 on your phone that's plugged in to the dongle.
18:11.10TestMasTerI just thought i heard someone say they could use this card like that before....
18:11.24jetsTestMasTer: nope thats there FXS cards.
18:11.54extremisJan 16 12:09:12 NOTICE[1228819]: chan_zap.c:3587 zt_read: Fax detected, but no fax extension
18:11.55Cripondigium has 3 fxs devices... s100u, tdm400p, s100i
18:12.03extremisheh, I'm still getting that on yesterdays cvs
18:12.06extremisI thought it was fixed
18:12.20TestMasTerjets  ok thanx.. i`m going to go look at getting one
18:13.13extremisCripon: eh? I just bought the tdm10b... should I have not goetten that one?
18:14.17n00dleCripon: K... have to do the configs...
18:14.32bkw_who has a taos hash keygen?
18:15.03bkw_msg me if you know of such a beast
18:15.09Criponextremis: sure.. it's a nice card.  you have a 4 port tdm card with 1 ringing module right?
18:15.24jetswhats the easist way to call forward from my phone set (say my cisco ip phone) to voicemail
18:15.36CriponManxPower: the official name of the iaxy device
18:15.41jetsaka i forward to the 8500 extension i have setup as VoiceMail(${EXTENSION})
18:15.45jetserr sorry
18:15.46ManxPowerIt's not realeased yet, is it?
18:15.59jetsactually i think i may have just answered my question
18:16.01CriponManxPower: I've seen boxes in the office. ;-)
18:16.19ManxPowerIt's not shipping to general customers yet, is it?
18:16.37CriponManxPower: perhaps a call to Greg Vance will answer your question.
18:16.38heisonCripon: is the s100i the long waiting 4 port X100P?
18:16.43ManxPowerjets, actually ${CLIDNUM}
18:16.55ManxPowerheison, no, it's something even cooler
18:17.07Criponheison: no. the s100i is an IAX to FXS module.
18:17.16ManxPowerheison, a 1 port IAX device similar to the ATA-286, ATA-186, and SIPura.
18:17.55Serpbkw_: any ideas on the WARNING[1184048960]: chan_zap.c:6113 pri_dchannel: Ring requested on unconfigured channel 1 span 2?
18:17.59ManxPowerheison, rumored to be between the size of a box of matches and a pack of cigs
18:18.11heisonso, i put the s100i on a PC that has internet connectivity and my phone attached to it and it calls via IAX2?
18:18.25ManxPowerSerp, it means you have your channel config messed up. 8-)
18:18.33Serpmanx: lol
18:18.46heisonCripon: when are expecting to see the 4 port X100p?
18:18.51ManxPowerheison, no, you plug the s100i into the Ethernet and power and plug a phone into it.
18:18.56Serpmanx: do I want to be concentrating on zaptel.conf or zapata.conf?
18:19.10heisonoh, it's an actual appliance? cool
18:19.15Criponheison: still working out the bugs.. Mark is concentrating on problems with the 410 and 5v 410 card right now
18:19.25ManxPowerSerp, check both.  It looks like Asterisk thinks Channel 1 Span 2 is configured as a D channel
18:19.57Serpmanx: the oddity is I set channels 31-36 as B channels, and 37 as D channel, it then demanded 40 as D
18:20.01denon( - hmm, didnt know he was from vonage
18:20.17Criponheison: yes.. you can take this anywhere and it will tunnel into your server and give you the extension.  it has an  rj-45 and an rj-11 adapters
18:20.30ManxPowerSerp, I dunno.  I'm not familiar with the Euro D-channel stuff
18:20.39Serpmanx: ah ok thanks
18:20.48bkw_Serp buy me a PRI and we will talk
18:20.50n00dleCripon: I have removed channel 2 and * now loads up...
18:20.53jetsya i am going have people forward there phones to 85006005 (if they are extension 6005) i have a _8005XXXX,1,VoiceMail(${EXTEN:4})  -- so they can forward there phone to voicemail from there phoneset if they dontw ant to make phone calls
18:20.57Serpbkw: <G>
18:21.11Criponnoodle: thank bkw as well.. he lurks and then beats people to the punch. ;-)
18:21.37n00dleCripon: ...but the phone I have plugged in to the S100u doesn't get dialtone.
18:21.44n00dleOk, ...
18:21.51n00dlebkw_: Thanks. :D
18:21.55*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by bkw_
18:22.01Criponnoodle: did you modprobe wcusb?
18:22.09*** join/#asterisk jorgeraidel (
18:22.31n00dleYes, but let me shut down, rmmod and modprobe again.
18:22.32jorgeraidelI have many problem with *
18:22.48Criponjorgeraidel: sorry to hear that..
18:23.03jorgeraidelwhen I called it put many warning all time
18:23.04Criponnoodle: I have to go to class.  sorry I can't go on.
18:23.30jorgeraidelI made update yestarday and is the same
18:23.41ManxPowerBTW, how big IS the IAXy device?
18:23.55bkw_this isn't the IAXy you are looking for
18:23.58n00dleNow I get "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)"
18:24.13ManxPowern00dle, What hardware do you have?
18:24.29bkw_OH no wonder
18:24.39ManxPowern00dle, Oh.  I don't know anything about those evil spawn of satan devices.
18:24.56n00dleI was sold this... thing by Digium!
18:25.09ManxPowerIt's the ONLY Digium product I can't ever reccomend (but that's mostly because USB seems flakey in general)
18:25.10bkw_they dont sell them anymore
18:25.19ManxPowerbkw_, They might still sell them.
18:25.30ManxPowerbkw_, For laptops, for example. what do I do for fxs?
18:25.47ManxPowern00dle, Check the mailing list archives, there's lots of stuff about configureing that device.
18:26.00Serpbkw: got it ;)
18:26.19ManxPowern00dle, Before the Digium 1-4 Port FXS device was available the S100U was the only FXS device available for small numbers of ports.
18:26.54ManxPowerThe S100U is still the only device availble for comptuers without PCI slots.
18:27.12bkw_EVIL DEVICE
18:27.28Bonbonjets: no, i have a debian platform. just want to know where to get things like tftpd and other packages for debian
18:28.02*** join/#asterisk denon (
18:28.27*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by bkw_
18:28.31bkw_denon stop that
18:29.37*** join/#asterisk denon (
18:29.40ManxPowerDoes anyone here have infomation on colocation companies, prices, comments on them?  /msg me.
18:29.47[Sim]evening voidptr
18:30.21voidptr_hey sim :)
18:30.28*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by bkw_
18:30.34bkw_denon WAKE UP
18:30.55*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:31.28denonyeah yeah im awake ..
18:31.51Serpbkw_: I'd left a gap inbetween the channel numbers was all it was :)
18:32.21n00dleYeah, when I started on this project, the S100u was the only FXS device available.
18:32.54n00dle...maybe I'll try what I saw on the archives... have the phone plugged in when the machine's powered up and leave it there.
18:33.21*** join/#asterisk jorgeraidel (
18:33.28bkw_Serp HAHA no gaps
18:33.39extremisCripon: eh? I just wanted a PCI card that would generate dialtone for a fax machine... is the tdm10b not the write hardware?
18:33.50extremisright even
18:35.50Serpbkw_: we live, we learn ;)
18:37.42*** join/#asterisk ww (~user@PARC.STYX.ORG)
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18:42.32n00dleNow ztcfg -vv is complaining:
18:42.33n00dle[root@cc4 root]# modprobe zaptel
18:42.33n00dle[root@cc4 root]# modprobe wcusb
18:42.34n00dle[root@cc4 root]# ztcfg -vv
18:42.34n00dleZaptel Configuration
18:42.41n00dleChannel map:
18:42.47n00dleChannel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
18:42.51n00dle1 channels configured.
18:42.55n00dleZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22)
18:42.57n00dleDid you forget that FXS interfaces are configured with FXO signalling
18:42.58ManxPowerextremis, YES, the TDM10B is the righy device.
18:42.59n00dleand that FXO interfaces use FXS signalling?
18:44.26n00dle...this is from a freshly powered on machine.
18:47.26bkw_n00dle you need to configure this FXO_KS because FXS is signaled with FXO
18:47.31bkw_whats your config look like?
18:48.00bkw_that should be FXO Kewlstart on an FXS iface
18:48.43n00dlebkw_: Besides removing the second channel from the config, the configs are stock right from Digium in the devkit package.
18:48.57zoano way
18:49.02*** join/#asterisk ok_ (
18:49.21n00dleloadzone = us
18:50.07n00dle...and the relevant line from /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
18:50.38jorgeraidelWritten by Mark Spencer <>
18:50.38jorgeraidelConnected to Asterisk CVS-12/28/03-06:21:31 currently running on voiceip (pid = 1176)
18:50.38jorgeraidelJan 17 02:52:28 WARNING[1133718080]: chan_sip.c:471 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 6b2725253e02dd0c567c06cf7ea258cf@ for seqno 102 (Re
18:50.51n00dlelet me fix that...
18:50.54jorgeraidelhey my * when I called
18:50.59jorgeraidelwhat happend
18:52.09jorgeraidelyou with this new versions that * all the wron conf in extensions the * report
18:52.24n00dleNow I've changed the signalling to fxo_ks, and I get the segfault again. :(
18:52.53*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
18:53.47n00dleJan 16 11:53:33 ERROR[1074465504]: chan_zap.c:5203 mkintf: Signalling requested
18:53.47n00dleis FXO Kewlstart but line is in FXS Kewlstart signalling
18:53.47n00dleJan 16 11:53:33 ERROR[1074465504]: chan_zap.c:7189 setup_zap: Unable to register channel '1'
18:53.47n00dleJan 16 11:53:33 WARNING[1074465504]: loader.c:312 ast_load_resource: load_module failed, returning -1
18:53.47n00dleSegmentation fault
18:54.29outtoluncpower down disconnect power cable, go bac coffee come back try again
18:54.38outtoluncer get
18:54.53*** join/#asterisk maxipapa (
18:55.09outtoluncthat or run ztcfg again <G>
18:55.25n00dleI had run ztcfg again.
18:55.31n00dle...and it was happy.
18:55.35outtoluncthen do the power off thing
18:56.40outtoluncplease tell me today really is friday <G>
18:57.35n00dleoy...  Can I get Digium to exchange this POS for heavy discount on a TDM400P??
18:57.45Serpbkw_:should I give you another next? ;)
18:58.16*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
18:59.30Serpbkw_: Caller ID, coming inbound on the E1, forwards ID to SIP phone without a problem... to an ADSI on the channel bank it's not arriving
18:59.55n00dleOof... did a lsmod, discovered it had loaded wcfxo.
19:11.12*** join/#asterisk DL4GRC (
19:12.39*** join/#asterisk Matta (
19:14.01DL4GRCjtodd, Are you around?  I have a query about your ENUM project.
19:14.37Mattajust dl'd asterisk, are there good places to get documentation?
19:16.20Mattathanks.  looks like people have had good experiences with asterisk...
19:16.32ManxPowerGo to and look at the "Unofficial Links" section.  This section has links to a wide variety of 3rd party Asterisk related pages.  My page is the "Asterisk Resource Pages".
19:16.47Mattai've been tasked with coming up with a viable VoIP project at work
19:17.10Mattathanks a lot for the links.
19:17.52*** join/#asterisk {^DaNi^} (~dcp@
19:18.17bkw_Matta I use asterisk daily in production and at home
19:18.21bkw_takes care of those pesky telemarketers
19:18.28bkw_and people who piss me off
19:18.31bkw_har har har
19:18.44Matta:-) you use it at home too?
19:18.52bkw_I have two 7960's at home
19:18.56bkw_and two phonelines running on asterisk
19:19.00voidptr_anyone has the slightest clue if chan_capi will work with 2.6?
19:19.10bkw_voidptr ask kape
19:19.20voidptr_i would, if he was around :)P
19:19.34Mattabkw - how many users on your production system?
19:20.25bkw_but I manage another one that has 20 or so on it
19:20.27bkw_works perfect
19:21.07Mattawhat type of hardware?
19:21.16Matta(thanks for answering all these questions btw)
19:22.47ManxPowerMatta, ALWAYS put togather a prototype system, then a semi-production system!  VoIP is hard stuff and new enough that compatability issues and oddball limitations are always an issue.
19:23.25Mattayeah - i hear that.  i've been tinkering.  so far, i've setup/torn down the same system about 4 times
19:23.37Mattafirst it was an iptel server
19:23.47Mattathen a SIPQuest server
19:23.51ManxPowerMatta, For what Asterisk does it does it very well.
19:25.26*** join/#asterisk chrono75 (
19:26.07bkw_FuzzyCat stop trying to get me to fix bug 207
19:26.41bkw_better do it backwards
19:26.48bkw_so I see it when I look in the mirror
19:26.48chrono75I get the following error after updating to the new version of asterisk
19:26.50outtolunche'll never see it <G>
19:26.52chrono75Jan 16 11:23:37 WARNING[2375714]: RTP Read error: Resource temporarily unavailab
19:26.56bkw_FuzzyCat ww is looking at fixing 207
19:27.05chrono75any ideas?
19:27.06FuzzyCatbkw_: doing code? ????
19:27.49bkw_FuzzyCat yes
19:28.00bkw_ww is damn good at this stuff so is anthm
19:28.29bkw_gotta be on the conf calls when we have them
19:28.37FuzzyCatprack or timers?
19:29.03bkw_we are looking at timer support
19:29.15FuzzyCatok... so not prack then
19:29.21bkw_whats prack?
19:29.37FuzzyCatit's an active ack from the phone
19:29.46bkw_ah is it in a RFC?
19:29.57bkw_get that on the 207 notes also
19:30.02bkw_we might just do both if we can
19:30.04voidptr_FuzzyCat !
19:30.13FuzzyCatlo voidptr
19:30.16FuzzyCatlo voidptr_
19:30.31bkw_FuzzyCat when I get my laptop I will be in a better mood to code since I don't have to be right here at this desk doing it
19:30.39Mattai got a funny question - - what kind of companys do you all work for...?
19:30.50bkw_I work for an ISP from home
19:31.00Mattawoah - i gotta get that gig
19:31.04ManxPowerI'm an indie tech consultant
19:31.04bkw_I have only been in asterisk for like 6 months
19:31.10denonI work at the local 7-11
19:31.13bkw_asterisk has been the motivation to learn C
19:31.35bkw_denon have you seen some of anthm's perl code?
19:31.40bkw_he likes complex data structures
19:31.41denonWould you like a Big Gulp with that?
19:31.42Mattai'm trying to get my company to push the voip stuff into production - but i have to be convincing
19:31.42chrono75here's a more detailed message from debug  rtp.c:375 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read error: Resource temporarily unavailable
19:31.46denonoh,  sorry, slipped out
19:31.56denonbkw: no, cant say I have..
19:33.00denonMatta: you can say that 36 fortune 100 companies are using *, or plan to be in the next 6 months
19:33.08denonbut you'd be lying
19:33.21Mattahaha - ...... tried that.
19:33.21*** join/#asterisk n00dle (~ccraft@
19:33.24denonbut you'd also be convincing
19:33.27h3xvonage uses *
19:33.35Mattathey do?
19:33.39denonfor voicemail
19:33.39h3xfor voicemail at least.
19:33.46Mattaah.. cool
19:33.56Mattai use vonage actually - and i was wondering what their backbone was
19:34.12denoncall mangler
19:34.17Mattawhile i'm here - anyone know how to place a SIP call to your vonage phone?
19:34.26h3xhaha mangler
19:34.27denonyou cant
19:34.29denonvonage locks the ATA
19:34.38denonhook up an FXO card
19:34.50Mattayou used to be able to place a SIP call to
19:34.59FuzzyCatplug it into your network, fire up ethereal
19:35.03denonoh .. well .. like that maybe
19:35.08denonIm not sure bout that
19:35.09h3xvonage dosent even ship out ATAs anymore
19:35.20Mattait doesn't work....that's why i was asking ;-)
19:35.23denonbut you cant directly attach to voange from *
19:37.56ManxPowerMatta, You may still be able to, I don't know.
19:38.07h3xscrew vonage
19:38.14h3xthey are the assholes that brought VoIP to the FCCs attention
19:38.42Mattait would've happened eventually anyway
19:39.01denonits been happening for 6 years
19:39.09denonmore than that actually
19:39.17denonI can remember .. hrm .. maybe even 8 years ago
19:39.20h3xno one did enough of it to piss the bells off
19:39.22Mattathe infrastructure of the country's isn't going to get overhauled with getting the attention of the FCC
19:39.38outtoluncdamn near 9
19:39.43denonh3x: yeah, but the only way for voip to get big, is for it to get big
19:40.07h3xthats getting big in the wrong way
19:40.13h3xthe services they provide really should be regulated
19:40.32denonyou think the only way it should get big, is linux geeks tying their home pbxs together and talking to eachother at 3am?
19:40.43denonhehe tclark
19:41.07denonwe're closed!
19:41.14h3xits marketed as a replacement for PSTN
19:41.22denonh3x: right .. as it should be
19:41.27h3xand i want to emphasise this because they MAKE YOU USE TEHIR EQUIPMENT
19:41.35Mattaits marketed as a long term replacement for PSTN
19:41.35h3xyou cant get it any other way than a PSTN adapter
19:42.30denonthey only force you to use their gear, because they dont want to support every wanker trying to download xlite
19:42.45denonthey pick good gear, lock it up tight, and force updates
19:42.54h3xno they make you use their gear so people dont dump shitloads of calls on a single, unlimited use account.
19:43.00denonsame way the telco forces you to use their NIU
19:43.07SerpAnyone know of issues with Caller ID to FXO channel bank which does support CID?
19:43.09Mattathe only way to mass-distribute a product without getting SWAMPED with support
19:43.11denonh3x: they could restrict to a single call
19:43.20h3xdenon: How, when you have a distributed systemk.
19:43.24h3xthats almost impossible
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19:43.58denonh3x: how do you figure? if it can authenticate, and log the call .. it can reject it too
19:44.18Mattahence the existence of registrars
19:44.46denonwell, the register is more for incoming .. but yeah
19:45.46Mattahas anybody written or found REALLY REALLY good documentation for a VoIP setup?
19:46.02MattaI mean like running it through a gateway to the PSTN
19:46.21denonfor 'voip' or for asterisk in particular?
19:46.35*** join/#asterisk dalabera (~Dalabera@
19:46.44Mattawell, maybe i'm on the wrong channel to be asking....but for voip in general
19:46.47tclarkSerp: what model, i once had an issue with ring debouce, from a CAC cb to t400 the zaptel did not detected the rings correct from the cb's T1 siganl so missed when to start callerid detected
19:46.59Serptclark: I'm running a Rhino CB-24
19:47.16*** part/#asterisk chrono75 (
19:47.22Serpall I'm getting is the WARNING[1225991360]: chan_zap.c:3003 zt_handle_event: Didn't finish Caller-ID spill.  Cancelling.
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19:48.00tclarkoh its sending callerid to an fxs cb
19:48.21Serpneg, this is an FXO I believe
19:49.02RoyKStarting to write CD/DVD at speed 4 in real TAO mode for single session. 8(
19:49.43Serpoops sorry FXS my bad!
19:50.14Serpalways getting the 2 mixed up
19:51.54Serpso yep is sending callerid to fxs cb as you said :$
19:52.51[Sim]not good
19:52.55[Sim]baaad mental picture
19:53.18outtoluncthanks for sharing <G>
19:53.29[Sim]I hate to suffer alone
19:54.25tclarkSerp: looks like the 2nd ring is finshed b4 its is able to complete sending the callerid fsk tone stuff
19:54.46Serptclark: ok, so it's gonna be a recompile again by the looks
19:54.52tclarkdoes it happend on all ports on all phones
19:55.08tclarksame model phones every where ?
19:55.24Serpyep, Nortel/Aastra PT 350s
19:56.13tclarksome timing issue ? where the channel banks is too slow processing the callerid spill, are you uisng us tone idications ?
19:56.22*** join/#asterisk sinosnet (
19:56.51Serpneg am using UK
19:57.17tclarkah just to see if that is issue try us indications
19:57.38Serptried that before also, I just realised, sorry
19:57.41tz-afkgod damn I wish I knew how to eliminate this jitter
19:57.50james1anyone have sip.conf example for useing vonage softphone
19:57.56tclarksame issue even with us indications ?
19:58.02sinosnetI am with a problem in oh323 in asterisk, I alguem I can help me?
19:58.34Serptclark: have reset back just to make sure
19:59.06tclarksinosnet: think you will find chan_h323 support here not many using oh323
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19:59.46sinosnetUsing gnugk and asterisk, I obtain to make calls of h323 you sip, but of sip for h323, the call after falls to be taken care of.
19:59.48Serptclark: nope same again
20:00.19SerpI judt tried to edit the chan_zap.c to give the Define DEFAULT_CIDRINGS to 1 and it won't compile lol
20:00.54FuzzyCatmmm.. that's my beer! ;)
20:01.02sinosnetsorry, but so I am asking for an help.
20:01.28tclarkthink i try changing the ring timing sequence to make a greater delay between rings rather than chg the CID_RINGS
20:02.50sinosnetnobody had experience with oh323 in asterisk?
20:03.06Serptclark: hmm
20:03.27tclarkif ((ast->rings > p->cidrings) && (p->cidspill)) {
20:03.27tclarkast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Didn't finish Caller-ID spill.  Cancelling.\n");
20:05.31Serptclark: I changed cidrings to 2, I now don't get the spill message but still not getting CID
20:06.37tclarkyea i d guess it just get corrupted bcus the ring now rides the end of the cid spill
20:06.59tclarkthe 2nd ring
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20:08.44Serpyep, it's got me confused anyway lol
20:11.01FuzzyCatlol :
20:12.06[Sim]yeah, groklaw has a nice item too
20:12.09[Sim]silly sods
20:12.55[Sim]wassup void?
20:13.14[Sim]got your setup to work properly ?
20:13.25voidptr_not yet
20:13.26Serptclark: oh well thanks for trying :)
20:13.30n00dleWhohoo!!! I got dialtone out this blasted S100U!!!
20:13.31voidptr_today was do something else day
20:13.55voidptr_finally figured out how to make an extension to dial an external number without being programmed to a port
20:14.15voidptr_just make an empty group and make it forward to an external number when it is empty
20:14.31voidptr_1996 pabx
20:14.35[Sim]I dont understand what your trying to do
20:14.48voidptr_kpn -> * -> pabx
20:15.01tclarkSerp: curious do the adsi menus in voice mail work ? (that uses fsk tones as well)
20:15.18voidptr_i want to have internal numbers on the pabx to dial an external number
20:15.23voidptr_like 888 is our helpdesk...
20:15.30[Sim]ah yes
20:15.41voidptr_that isn't possible by design
20:15.45[Sim]our ancient kpn pbx has the 7000 range for that
20:16.28voidptr_couldn't find anything for it, except this
20:16.28Serptclark: yep
20:16.28voidptr_now i seriously hope
20:16.33voidptr_that the number of groups isn't limited
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20:18.48voidptr_what is possible for example are forwards for: all non-programmed extensions forward to number... but since that makes me lose the exten dialed... its no use... (etc etc)
20:19.03voidptr_i was shocked to discover someone actually had the extension 112 ;)
20:19.34voidptr_my guess was those would always be forwarded to 112 on the outside line
20:19.59[Sim]heck no
20:20.07[Sim]who cares about emergency services anyway :-)
20:20.19voidptr_i'm not gonna risk that
20:20.32voidptr_people don't think when something happens
20:20.36voidptr_they would call 112... and say
20:20.44voidptr_"fuck noone is picking up!"
20:20.47FuzzyCatyeah, if there's a fire you'll be too busy trying to rescue your * box anyway
20:20.56voidptr_me, yes :)
20:21.11FuzzyCatwel need app_fireextinguisher
20:21.11voidptr_i'll tell them they vaporized :)
20:21.27voidptr_make my own emergency handling
20:21.31voidptr_ivr :P
20:21.44[Sim]to report a fire, press 1
20:21.51[Sim]to report a theft, press 2
20:21.59[Sim]for other mischief, please hold
20:22.11[Sim]our representative will be with you shortly
20:22.11FuzzyCatto order more donuts press 3
20:22.38voidptr_[Sim] : i was thinking of putting the frans bauer song "heb je even voor mij..." in the music on hold for the helpdesk queue ;)
20:23.00voidptr_that should help in keeping it short
20:23.07[Sim]I bet :)
20:23.18*** join/#asterisk jeroen_ (
20:24.02*** part/#asterisk Matta (
20:24.56Serptclark: interesting thing happened
20:25.04Serpit showed CID on a call waiting call
20:25.19tclarkyea i beleive that
20:25.31*** join/#asterisk ariel (
20:26.31arielHello Asterisk group. Hope everyone is having a good day.
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20:26.57tclarkits looks like a timing issue, the channel is slow to process the callerid spill & b4 the 2nd ring starts that why i think adding a delay between rings would fix it
20:27.12Serpok which section do I need to change?
20:27.15tclarkchannel bank is slow to process the callerid spill
20:28.05*** join/#asterisk wreckdiver2 (~goaway@
20:28.07tclarki was just looking that not sure if zap uses the indications.conf but even if it does not sure it allow spec of delay between rings
20:29.02Serpah :|
20:30.02tclarkanyone else quick pointer where we could chg the delay, dont realy have time right now to dig in the code ..
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20:32.03swirlnetshas the dsp.c or do we still need to uncomment the old dsp routines
20:33.34FuzzyCatlatest cvs fixes that issue
20:34.37bkw_I'm about to sue someone
20:34.41bkw_GOD DAMN EBAY is at it again
20:34.43bkw_same bullshit
20:35.43swirlnetsbkw: what did ebay do?
20:35.54Serptclark: don't think they're listening ;)
20:36.02*** join/#asterisk milibit (
20:38.18Exomorph_Anyone notice that Native Bridging doesn't work with the snom phones?
20:39.18swirlnetsShould #740 be open?
20:39.36Exomorph_Whats bug 740?
20:41.21*** join/#asterisk jsharp (
20:42.40jsharpIf I define an an accountcode in a sip peer, when an incoming call from it comes in, it should set the account code, right?
20:42.44swirlnetsI have a x100p and a tdm card, and I am here lots of soft static?
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20:45.05swirlnetsit would seem like the dsp issue is NOT fixed
20:46.34Serptclark: ok well thanks again for trying
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20:50.21jeroen_Does anybody know voip gateways (residential) taht support gsm codecs .. most of them do 711 723 729 .....
20:50.41[Sim]jeroen: once mark is done the iaxy probably will
20:50.48[Sim]but there is not much on the market
20:51.02RoyKmark is working on something residential?
20:51.08jeroen_But how do you see asterisk to be used ... does not support e.g. g723
20:51.08[Sim]small ata-like thingy that does iax
20:51.25[Sim]g711 works nicely in LAN-world
20:51.31ManxPowerDoes the SIPura support GSM
20:51.32[Sim]royk: yeah I know
20:51.57jeroen_G711 sucks ---- way too much BW!
20:52.00*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
20:52.27jeroen_nice in LAN environment ... but not for internet or other medium where BW is costly
20:52.30[Sim]jeroen: 80kpbs is not too much :-)
20:52.34RoyK[Sim]: what sort of thingie is mark working on?
20:52.57Exomorph_jeroen_: Speex is the next codec I think...
20:52.59[Sim]roy: small 'take it with you' iax device
20:53.04Serpok all I'm gone, speak to you all later :)
20:53.16jeroen_Simon_ca: with 80 kbps a bottleneck somewhere in the chain is easily created
20:53.33RoyK[Sim]: do you know anything about pricing?
20:53.47[Sim]nope, no clue
20:53.58[Sim]I have only heard people who have seen mark use it
20:54.01[Sim]nothing else
20:54.03ManxPowerI've hears "around US$100" for the IAXy
20:54.19ManxPowerBut you know these things are never set in stone until it's released.
20:54.55FuzzyCatoops... did  i say that out loud
20:55.38jeroen_do you know where I can download the g723.1 for *?
20:55.49jeroen_Was in the defautl cvs a long time ago
20:56.11FuzzyCatRoyK: depends what ur buying
20:56.36zoajeroen: you can't
20:56.45jeroen_Where did the codec go?
20:56.53FuzzyCataliens took it
20:57.00zoathere is no license for it
20:57.04zoaso nobody can use it
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20:57.28jeroen_The codec is free ... only the usage is not allowed (that's the patent stuff)
20:57.44jeroen_go to ITU and you can get it for a couple of bucks
20:57.47bkw_NCO IS SO FULL OF SHIT
20:57.54FuzzyCatSCO ?
20:58.16RoyKwtf is NCO?
20:58.28FuzzyCatNon comissioned officer
20:58.29dfcox530Quick question anybody. I've installed an x100p but ztdummy still loads is this normal
20:58.32tz-afkNigga Cruz Operation
20:58.54FuzzyCatunless you;re bkw_ RoyK. ...
20:58.57zoabut then again, bkw  has very fat fingers
20:59.02FuzzyCathe's prolly drunk again
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21:00.15crontibshow do i adjust the echo on when i get call from pstn i hear my self echo
21:00.24crontibswhile i talk
21:00.38*** join/#asterisk PilotPTK-Home (
21:00.42delchiAfternoon folks
21:01.07delchiNewbee here, was wondering if anyone knew the location of some good how to docs for a basic VOIP only setup.
21:01.10*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
21:01.47delchilooks good
21:02.01delchi<-- building a private network, 4-5 users with IP phones and * in a colo
21:02.10bkw_I love asteirsk
21:02.15delchiI'm about to love it
21:02.16FuzzyCatand asterisk too
21:02.19bkw_I have all 4 of these calls with NCO recorded
21:02.28bkw_wanna hear me blow up on them?
21:02.31FuzzyCatbkw_: who are NCO ?
21:02.48delchiIt's my goal for the weekend. I have * , some other oftware , a case of guiness, a bottle of jagermeister, and some pizzas
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21:03.08FuzzyCatNipple Clamps Org ?
21:04.29FuzzyCatahhh 20 trillion different definitions...
21:05.07zoaNitrogen, Carbon, Oxygen
21:05.15zoaso thats what he's been smoking tonight !!
21:05.42jsharpIts the new atkins diet.  You cut out the carbonitrates.
21:06.05RoyKgoogle for define:usa
21:06.09RoyKUnconditional Self Acceptance
21:06.21*** part/#asterisk wrtr (
21:06.31jsharpShouldn't the callerid defined in a [friend] in sip.conf override what the client is sending?
21:09.47voidptr_jsharp : yes
21:10.06jsharpWell, foo.  It doesn't seem to be.
21:10.16voidptr_it worked like that on iax2 last time i tested
21:10.23extremisdoes the tdm10b require external power?
21:10.30voidptr_extremis : yep
21:10.30extremisther eis a DC cocnnector on the PCI card
21:10.39extremiseven for 1 port?
21:10.40voidptr_it won't work without
21:10.54FuzzyCatit uses a hd poer connector thang
21:11.00voidptr_(the driver will mentiones it)
21:11.12jsharpIt draws power for the ring generator and talk battery generator from the HDD connector.
21:11.39extremisdoes it get hot, shoudl I put it next to another card?
21:11.51voidptr_to my knowledge it doesn't get hot
21:11.58FuzzyCatput it in a bucket of water
21:12.15*** join/#asterisk ctooley (~ctooley@
21:12.19jsharpb3 31334 and overclock your TDM400.
21:12.30ctooleyI can't seem to get long distance or toll free dialing to work.
21:12.32tz-afkjsharp: you mean I can get 8 ports out of it with proper cooling?
21:12.32extremiswell I'm trying to decide what box to put it in
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21:12.50ctooleydoh! already found it.
21:13.32tz-afkSPI sucks
21:13.40brc007check that link :p
21:14.15voidptr_well noone here uses ie
21:14.17extremisjsharp: its 31337
21:14.22arielSomething is wrong with my snom phone. It keeps rebooting and I can't get the lates .bin installed on it.  Does anyone here worked with them before?
21:14.31brc007yeah..only works in IE
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21:16.49heisonare there tools available that can generate histogram of calls?
21:17.09heisonbased on the .csv files?
21:20.24ssokol_tclark: did you see my latest post regarding the iax2 message issue?
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21:22.47bkw_GOD DAMN I hate collections companies
21:24.38jsharpcallerid & account codes aren't working.
21:25.18*** join/#asterisk {^DaNi^} (~dcp@
21:25.22ctooleyjsharp, I'm with you on the caller id thing.
21:25.23bkw_mine are
21:25.35bkw_what makes you think its not working?
21:25.38ctooleymy caller id is showing up as "asterisk"
21:25.41jsharpMine too.
21:26.06bkw_nope mine work fine
21:26.20jsharpI'm making an * to * call over SIP.  Even if I define callerid= in the peer part of sip.conf on the destination * box, callerid shows up as "asterisk" <asterisk>
21:26.26jsharpAnd accountcode doesn't show up at all.
21:26.36bkw_what endpoints?
21:26.40bkw_and did you restart asters?
21:26.41jsharp* at both *
21:26.42ctooleyoh my * to * calls work find.
21:26.42bkw_er asterisk?
21:26.46FuzzyCatworks ok here ... which is prolly not what u wanted to hear
21:26.55jsharpI'm using * cause I don't have a SIP client.
21:27.05FuzzyCat* is * :)
21:27.06ctooleyit's the inbound PSTN calls that I'm not seeing callerid for.
21:28.03bkw_I get inbound too
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21:29.31jetsi fucked your mom
21:29.49ctooleywell, now that was appropriate
21:30.00ssokol_my, my.  such language
21:30.06bkw_jets I know better
21:30.21ctooleybkw_, did you do anything special to turn on callerid?
21:30.22FuzzyCatthat's wat your mom with a bag on her head jets
21:30.30bkw_ctooley nope
21:30.38ctooleywell, poo
21:31.07adamanyone notice on a cisco phone when you hit the speakerphone button the call hangs up?
21:31.12adamon CLI i see this:
21:31.17adam...do_senddigit: Unable to handle DTMF tone 'f'...
21:31.41adam* doesn't like "f" huh?
21:31.48bkw_adam nope mine works fine here
21:31.53FuzzyCatmine too
21:31.58dantadam, not had that before
21:32.12c4uldr0nreally quick, can somebody tell me how to configure my X100P to not answer incoming calls... I just want to have it dial-out
21:32.22zoaJan 16 22:26:08 WARNING[32787]: file.c:521 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame
21:32.23adamhum.  you guys using dtmfmode=inband?
21:32.26zoawhat could be causing this ?
21:32.34bkw_c4uldr0n dont have a s exten
21:32.37zoaon an iax2 call ?
21:32.38ctooley<sigh> oh well, callerid can wait another day.  thanks for the info folks.
21:32.42bkw_inband is EVIL
21:32.43bkw_dont use it
21:32.45*** part/#asterisk ctooley (~ctooley@
21:32.53adamhum.  what about NAT'ing situations?
21:33.05c4uldr0nwhen I take out "s" extension, it gives me a ton of shit ;)
21:33.14bkw_c4uldr0n no way around it
21:33.25bkw_why do you not want it to answer
21:33.36bkw_you could do exten => s,1,Wait(1000)
21:33.54bkw_or some other setting
21:34.03c4uldr0ni'm in the progress of converting my phone system
21:34.16bkw_close early and lets get started
21:34.30c4uldr0nI just don't want to interupt whats going on with incoming calls yet
21:34.48c4uldr0nbut I want to test outgoing calls with my sip phones
21:34.55bkw_un plug it till you need to test
21:35.09c4uldr0nlol, but I want to test outgoing ;)
21:35.22bkw_well plug it in and make a call
21:35.26bkw_then when done unplug it
21:35.31bkw_stop being so difficult
21:35.40c4uldr0nk... :(...
21:36.05bkw_but really an exten => s,1,Wait(300)
21:36.07bkw_that would do it
21:36.17bkw_i'm sure you phone won't ring longer than 300 seconds
21:36.25c4uldr0nI'll try it out really quick, thanks
21:38.30jsharpwell, apparently, you can't define callerid in a sip "peer", but you can in a sip "user".
21:38.43c4uldr0nbkw_: k, that worked
21:39.03bkw_they don't call me an astmaster for nuttin
21:39.15c4uldr0nbkw_: I don't suppose you can give me a quick lesson ;)
21:39.35c4uldr0nI'm 2 hours new ;)
21:39.55bkw_lesson's cost $$
21:40.07c4uldr0nwhat would I put in my extensions to make outgoing calls... "press 9 - then phone #"
21:40.28bkw_exten =? _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1})
21:40.35bkw_exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1})
21:40.47bkw_exten => _9NXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1})
21:40.48bkw_for local
21:41.04bkw_exten => _011.,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1})
21:41.05bkw_for international
21:41.11bkw_exten => _011.,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN})
21:41.14bkw_thats correct
21:41.16TestMasTerbkw_,  AStmaster lol
21:42.17c4uldr0nLets say I have 2 x X100P's... (sorry for being difficult)
21:42.19TestMasTerbkw_,  that was ment as a good thing
21:42.27c4uldr0nso Zap/1 and Zap/2
21:42.33KryoStofferWhat is the best way to get dialtone on to a zaptel quadBRI with a ISDN a/b converter ?
21:42.34bkw_c4uldr0n you setup group=1
21:42.39bkw_then do Zap/g1
21:42.48bkw_group=1 will be in zapata.conf
21:42.54c4uldr0nahhh, k... I was wondering how the hell groups worked
21:43.01TestMasTerlol pick me
21:43.12bkw_ok ok shoot
21:43.20KryoStofferno me
21:43.20TestMasTerNa don`t need help just bored
21:43.30c4uldr0nso, group=1 == g1? and group=2 == g2.... etc?
21:43.48c4uldr0nw00t pwnage ;)
21:44.00bkw_your moving along fast
21:44.06TestMasTerbkw_,  btw i don`t like calling scripts
21:45.08extremisi think this tdm10b fried my mobo
21:45.32TestMasTerBecause I guess i`m still alittle away. From understanding how to use AGI.. I can`t even get * todrop down... It says its requesting it   and all i get is fast busy
21:46.18extremisafter removing all the cards I can't ev en get it to power on with just the agp card in now
21:46.22*** join/#asterisk TJ (~beavis@
21:46.37TJhi folks
21:47.08TJanyone home?
21:47.18TJi need some help
21:48.00jsharpThere's nobody here but us chickens.
21:48.04anglerTJ: whats up?
21:48.06jetsand chimps
21:48.10TJhi angler
21:48.24TJI can receive incoming calls to my SIP phone just fine
21:48.27jetsso who wants to hear chimps
21:48.44TestMasTerhey angler
21:48.50anglerwhats up
21:48.51TestMasTerbkw_,  understand what i mean?
21:49.04TJbut when I try to place any outgoing call (even to an internal extension, not using the X100P), it gives the error Masximum retries exceeded on call .....
21:49.06TestMasTerangler not... Come along ways since you first helped me
21:49.22anglerthats good
21:49.34TestMasTerhow are things with you?
21:49.55anglerpretty good... eating a double cheeseburger right now
21:50.09bkw_or thats what he likes to call it
21:50.16anglerbkw_: whatever
21:50.28malcolmdbkw_: if i can get mark out of the board meeting in time, the conference call should be @ 4pm cst
21:50.33jorgeraidelto everybody
21:50.38bkw_malcolmd you got it setup
21:50.43anglermalcolmd: what conf?
21:50.51TJangler - any idea what's causing that?
21:51.08malcolmdshit..i meant to /notice that...
21:51.19*** join/#asterisk Bogdan_ (
21:51.54*** join/#asterisk carbon60 (
21:52.07Bogdan_quick question: anyone using the 4E1 board with 64-bit/66MHz 3.3V PCI slot ?
21:52.33zoai am
21:52.38anglerBogdan_: i think many people use it with those slots
21:52.59Bogdan_so .. no need for 100Mhz ones ..
21:53.05*** part/#asterisk adam (
21:53.10malcolmdit won't work @ 100mhz
21:53.16*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
21:53.46ZX81is there anything wrong with this: exten => 818,1,Dial(Zap/g1/0518211387245)
21:53.52jsharpIs the 5V version of that card due out anytime soon?
21:53.56Bogdan_how many E1 can you use on a PC ?
21:54.39Bogdan_malcomd: let's say an light ivr app
21:54.53*** join/#asterisk seti (
21:55.27ManxPowerBogdan_, That depends on a lot of things.  8 is the most I've heard of.
21:55.55*** part/#asterisk Cinzas (~ashes@
21:55.56jsharp2 4 port cards works well, 3 is iffy,'d better start praying.
21:56.26Bogdan_ok: 10x guys
21:56.40TJwhen I have an incoming SIP call, it says SIP/extension-NNNN as an argument to each call.. what is the NNNN?
21:56.57anglerID for the channel
21:57.29ZX81Does this seem correct then? exten => 818,1,Dial(Zap/g1/0518211387245)
21:58.01ZX81:-) k
21:58.47zoaZX81: yes
21:59.48TestMasTeranyone know of any windows softphone that supports G729?
22:00.26TestMasTerzoa thanx
22:01.28*** join/#asterisk septimor (
22:05.12c4uldr0nI'm trying to figure out where I'm getting feedback with X-lite SIP client / Asterisk.... I can hear myself talk "LOUD" and can't concentrate talking...
22:05.38ManxPowerturn down the mic and/or speaker
22:06.11c4uldr0nI don't get feedback while using it normally, do you think it's X-lite or Asterisk causing the problem?
22:07.48zoalower the volume in xlite
22:07.55zoaxlite has very loud volume
22:07.57c4uldr0nk, lemme try
22:08.00zoaalso disable auto gain control
22:08.12c4uldr0non X-lite (auto gain)
22:11.42FuzzyCatroflmao : "Nanotechnology could be huge"
22:12.01*** join/#asterisk david2000 (~david2000@
22:13.08*** join/#asterisk Serp (
22:14.19*** part/#asterisk david2000 (~david2000@
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22:17.25jorgeraidelzoa I made in my * one extension the my friend and he installed the X-lite I can call him and works fine but he doesn' call me?
22:17.36*** join/#asterisk hmodes (
22:17.47voidptr_i'm off to sleep
22:17.52voidptr_my mind is weak
22:18.05jorgeraidelbut I have another firend that i made one extensions and works fine
22:18.18jorgeraidelI think that is the nat
22:18.27jorgeraidelor something like that
22:18.38voidptr_has anyone else used handytones perhaps?
22:19.18jorgeraidelyou know whay?
22:19.46*** join/#asterisk jpiterak (~jpiterak@
22:19.59voidptr_jorgeraidel : yeah nat and sip is trouble
22:20.30jorgeraidelbut is posible with nat that he receive me but he doesn't call?
22:20.39jorgeraidelis possible?
22:20.54voidptr_possible, but usually call setup works alright...
22:20.59jorgeraidelbecasue if I call him works fine
22:21.01voidptr_not sure though
22:21.22voidptr_i'm off, i'm falling over ;)
22:21.26jorgeraideland the configuration is rigaht
22:22.11*** join/#asterisk sbo698 (~cgiirc@
22:22.49*** part/#asterisk sbo698 (~cgiirc@
22:22.53*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
22:22.58jorgeraidelyou know since I put the released *report everything jajaja the* let me know  the wrong extensions
22:23.24jorgeraidelI know now that my extensions works but is wrong
22:24.41jorgeraidelall time the asterisk report me wrong extensions
22:25.30*** join/#asterisk clh (~tink@
22:25.57clhwhat!?? no jerjer :(
22:26.04clhanybody know when he's coming back around?
22:26.33clhquiet today
22:27.40outtoluncwho dare wake me <G>
22:27.48carbon60A little off-topic, but are there any instant messaging clients that will use a SIP proxy like FWD?
22:28.25*** join/#asterisk PoBK (
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22:29.48*** join/#asterisk mmco (
22:30.13PBXtechmsn 4.7
22:30.16jetshrm any reason vomit would convert the rtp packet dump to wav files at to quick of a pace
22:30.25jetsaka the wave files sound like chipmunks
22:31.01PBXtechlike alvin?
22:32.33bkw_Ok I need to find someone with a 3com NBX phone system
22:32.37bkw_anyone in here have one?
22:32.41*** join/#asterisk PoBK (
22:33.11PoBKanyone know where jerjer is?
22:33.23FuzzyCatsend me one bkw_ and I'll help :D
22:33.45bkw_we want to write chan_nbx.c
22:33.53bkw_but we need to find someone with one to collect some packet traces
22:34.01bkw_then we will be able to smack 3com also
22:34.08FuzzyCatok, hang on....
22:34.23dougheckaooh, they ARE making voip stuff, aint they
22:34.24jetsi know a company i can maybe get some packet dumps from
22:35.15bkw_jets I already know th ephone gets its firmware/download via http
22:35.19FuzzyCatk, he's not about atm bkw_...
22:35.31FuzzyCatbut when he appears I'll slap him a bit...
22:35.32bkw_but we need to capture a trace when it setups up and tears down a call..
22:37.32*** part/#asterisk PoBK (
22:37.49FuzzyCathe';s appeared
22:37.56doughecka"Our friends at are reporting..."
22:38.07carbon60PBXtech: Any others? I'm running Mac OS X... *roll eyes*
22:38.20dougheckaI wanna do that someday
22:39.13brc007cool...64 Bit Athlon Notebooks Hit the Market
22:39.24FuzzyCathe says that you get a lot of unknown packet types when you sniff them bkw_
22:39.46zoabkw, what is the digium welcome line ?
22:39.52zoathat demo call thingie ?
22:40.07zoaIAX2/ ?
22:40.28c4uldr0nbkw_: I get some "crackling/popping" in my line when I call people... I get feedback too... got any suggestions
22:40.52jrollysonbkw: I have the phones, just not the callmanager
22:40.56tclarkc4uldr0n: with soft phone on PC speaker ?
22:41.17c4uldr0nwith X-lite, headset & mic
22:41.44zoabkw, do you know how to use the AES ?
22:42.02Serpzoa: got the E1 working =)
22:42.14FuzzyCat<planetWayne> 3com havent / wont release spec on protocol - for 'security' purpose - supposed to be encrypted :(
22:42.22jrollysonbkw: is your conf still there?
22:42.26Serpzoa: I'd er.. left a gap between the first and second spams lol
22:43.19Serpspams? spans :)
22:44.31zoaencrypted my ass
22:44.32Serpkram: that bad eh? ;)
22:44.41zoakram: how can i use AES ?
22:47.15Serpzoa: CID still doesn't work inbound.. it does work on call waiting tho
22:47.59jetsdoes anyone know of a wav player that will ignore the riff header?
22:48.18tclarkc4uldr0n: you hear your voice right even on a pure VoIP call, check the pc sound card driver/seeting, on win32 a lot of em feed the audio stream back to the out put
22:49.46jjanzerjets, have you tried mplayer?
22:50.47*** join/#asterisk loko-moko (
22:50.49jjanzergo look it up
22:51.04c4uldr0ntclark: in normal application, my sound card mutes playback
22:51.08*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
22:51.17c4uldr0nI think X-lite is enabling it
22:51.27jetsMPlayer is a movie player for LINUX
22:51.43jetsi love it when people capitalize "LINUX
22:51.50jetsI run asterisk on my LINUX server
22:52.56n00dleJust a word of warning... I've only just got asterisk to run.  Very newbie.
22:55.23*** join/#asterisk TLC (
22:56.15*** join/#asterisk chrono75 (
22:57.09n00dleDoes someone have an example of how to set up the dial plan (extensions.conf) to put calls through to IAX2?  I tried the one from, but haven't had any luck.
22:58.18jjanzeri hate when people say GNU/LINUX
22:58.48*** join/#asterisk Aviaa (
22:58.59jetsi want a gnu/linux darwin fish
23:00.46dougheckawhat IS gnu/linux?
23:00.52SerpDebian :)
23:01.08c4uldr0nWhen I dial my mail box and record a message, I don't get feedback in my headset, but when I call somebody or answer the phone I hear myself (through headset) talk... I have my MIC output muted in Win32
23:01.16TJi want an os x darwin fish
23:03.09n00dleLooks like I've got * to register w/
23:03.10Serpn00dle: don't forget to also put out as IAX2 not IAX, otherwise it won't go
23:04.17jetsnah mplayer requires the danged riff header
23:04.32n00dleI have "register => n00dle042:************", does that need iax2 somewhere?
23:04.52n00dle...and all my Dial() thingies have IAX2/ in them.
23:05.01Serpn00dle: no that's fine :) on both
23:05.44clhanybody know when jerjer is expected?
23:05.51n00dle...and I included my [iaxtel] context in my [home] context, so...
23:05.52doughecka~seen jerjer
23:06.04jerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 8h 51m 55s ago, saying: 'out'.
23:06.06i heard seen is a weird thing
23:06.06TJdo people get warnings about missing .h files when they include asterisk/ ?
23:06.08clhapproximately seen
23:06.08Serpgoodo :) I made the IAX/ instead of IAX2 for ages
23:06.18clh~seen jerjer
23:06.19jerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 8h 52m 10s ago, saying: 'out'.
23:06.24n00dle"exten => _17XXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/${EXTEN}@iaxtel)" should get me there.
23:06.25doughecka~seen santa
23:06.25santa <> was last seen on IRC in channel #picogui, 393d 20h 26m 24s ago, saying: 'file: yeah, but i did it fedex, so it won't show up until april'.
23:06.50clhk tx
23:07.03n00dleOops! Gotta change my password now...
23:07.03dougheckathy food is such as hath been belch'd upon by infected lungs, jbot
23:07.03FuzzyCat~seen ww
23:07.05ww is currently on #asterisk (4h 29m 23s)
23:07.11dougheckaOOH HIS PASSWORD!!
23:07.26dougheckan00dle: if you didnt say that, nobody would have noticed
23:07.33FuzzyCatn00dle: you can't!!
23:07.33clh~seen jerjer
23:07.34jerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 8h 53m 25s ago, saying: 'out'.
23:07.43Serpoh dear lol
23:07.53clhjbot is a bot, huh
23:07.55parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, clh
23:08.10doughecka~message for clh: no matter how many times you ask it that, jerjer wont come back anyfaster
23:08.17FuzzyCat~whaleslap clh
23:08.21ACTION slaps clh upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
23:08.21clhthis is fun
23:08.24doughecka~meepgun clh
23:08.27ACTION shoots clh with a   neutron gun
23:08.28dougheckaok, /me is out
23:08.36clhi'm lost fellers, what the hell is going on?
23:08.39FuzzyCatchange you password
23:09.09n00dleOh, FFS!
23:09.10KalDis there a good tool to convert wav files to gsm for asterisk?
23:09.24FuzzyCatn00dle: just regiter again
23:09.31clh~seen clh
23:09.33clh is currently on #asterisk (44m 3s).  Has said a total of 20 messages.  Is idling for 2s
23:09.35sox is probably Sound Processing Tool. URL:
23:09.41clhi learned about the bot
23:10.38clhdoes that command work for every user on the server? or just the channel?
23:11.02FuzzyCatjust this chan
23:11.21clhi'm actually having a nice chat with the bot
23:11.27TJis there anyone here from digium?
23:11.36FuzzyCat~kill clh
23:11.40ACTION shoots a inverse pseudopositrino gun at clh
23:12.57clh~kill jbot
23:13.01ACTION shoots a super-inverse  proton gun at jbot
23:14.29n00dleOk, that f--kup is somewhat fixed, but now my 700 number isn't easy for me to remember. :(
23:14.44Serpn00dle no-one'll prob care :)
23:15.23clhok, this is off topic and i'm a pea brane, so I will leave after someone tells me to rtfm, but where can i get info on a good IRC bot and can i run my own IRC server...ok, flame away
23:15.40n00dleWell, maybe I'll call digium and have them wrench the wreckords.
23:15.42denongoogle for eggdrop
23:15.47clhi have fallen in love with the bot
23:15.51clhtx denon
23:16.02denonoh ya, and rtfm :)
23:16.11clhok, now i'm leaving
23:16.13clhto rtfm
23:16.16clhtx fellers
23:16.21n00dleIs there a test/echo number to dial on iaxtel?
23:19.18c4uldr0nugh, this is frustrating me, whatever I say into my computer mic with X-Lite comes through my headset
23:20.42n00dleI did "add extension 199,1,Dial,IAX2/ into home" and picked up and dialed 199, and got several seconds of dead air, then fast busy.
23:21.44n00dleWhich debug commands would be best to show me where I've screwed up?
23:22.22bkw_DELL CAN BITE ME
23:22.26Serpn00dle: paste the line from extensions.conf
23:22.39n00dleI did it from the CLI
23:23.39n00dle...but I did get some helpful info... (didn't look at console while dialling, d'oh!)
23:23.40n00dlechan_iax2.c:4445 socket_read: Call rejected by No such context/extension it is trying.
23:24.07*** join/#asterisk kape (
23:24.24extremisdo I need to define a span for a e&m CT1?
23:24.47*** join/#asterisk JerJer[road] (~jj@
23:25.48zoase penis !!!
23:25.53n00dleIaxtel can be used for 1-8nn calls, yes?
23:27.14Serpn00dle, paste the line
23:27.29citatsextremis: any T1 needs a span line.. it doesn't matter what type of signalling your using
23:27.45extremiscitats: heh, well ztcfg gave me an error
23:27.57extremisZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22)
23:28.25extremisthats what I have defined
23:29.22citatsextremis: check /proc/zaptel/* to make sure the devices show up (or use zttool)
23:29.31citatsi gotta cruise now, so your on your own :)
23:29.53FuzzyCatcitats is cruising
23:30.18extremisheh, its showing up under span2
23:30.36citatsextremis: you must have ztdummy or ztrtc loaded then
23:30.44citatswhat does /proc/zaptel/1
23:31.00citatsmmmmm cheese
23:31.03h3xJan 16 15:41:35 WARNING[12301]: chan_zap.c:6117 pri_dchannel: Ring requested on channel 2 already in use on span 1.  Hanging up owner.
23:31.09h3xand then my asterisk box just froze
23:31.12h3xI think i found a bug!
23:31.44extremisSpan 1: WCFXS/0 "Wildcard TDM400P REV E/F Board 1"
23:33.15anglerextremis: why do you have a span configured with a tdm?
23:33.36c4uldr0nI hear clicking in my lines, seems to be consistant. I have two X100P's. The lines are clean when I use normal analog phones... Could this be the X100P's or audio codecs?
23:34.20*** join/#asterisk ryguy (
23:34.24*** join/#asterisk brunner (
23:34.25h3xlooks like theres a glare problem with PRIs in Zaptel
23:34.35h3xi got a call going in and out on the same channel at once
23:35.09anglerwhich card
23:35.13extremisanger: I only defined one span in my zaptel.conf... I'm not sure why both got spans, but I think that is something that gets autoconfigured by the driver
23:35.19extremisSpan 2: WCT1/0 "Digium Wildcard T100P T1/PRI Card 0"
23:35.34ryguycan asterisk do TAPI integration?
23:36.01h3xryguy: The better question is who in their right mind would want to
23:36.16*** join/#asterisk ryguy (
23:36.29n00dleSerp: from the CLI prompt I did: "add extension 199,1,Dial,IAX2/ into home" and it worked!
23:36.52Serpn00dle: ah ok :) I'm used to going and editing the confs ;)
23:37.55n00dleI love the fact that it's dynamic.
23:38.16n00dleNow to get inbound working...
23:38.17brunnerhmm... I just got my TDM10B today
23:38.38brunnerbut I just realized that the box I put it in has a dead PSU
23:38.49brunnerso I'll have to wait until tomorrow to try out Asterisk
23:39.14ryguyi got disconnected did anyone answer my question? I was wondering if you could integrate Asterisk with TAPI for screen pops
23:39.20brunnerhow long does it usually take to setup?
23:39.43n00dleUmm... now I'm lost... how does an inbound IAX2 appear?
23:41.21pros12n00dle what happend if you stop and restart * do you lose the 199 ext: ?
23:42.03n00dlepros12: If I didn't do "save dialplan" it would be lost.
23:42.14pros12ahh ok
23:43.37Criponnoddle: so you got it working?
23:44.05*** join/#asterisk dhh (
23:44.52n00dleCripon: Yeah, things seem to be working fine, so long as I've spelled the configs right and reload modules enough times in the right order.
23:44.57brunnerwhat kind of CPU power does Asterisk need to run on one or two analog lines?
23:45.11n00dleCripon: Working on IAX2 inbound now... and I'm lost.
23:45.13brunnerI couldn't find any requirements on the official site
23:45.22Criponhmm. that's not good.  you shouldn't have to load and reload your modules
23:45.37Criponnoodle: did you put the x100p back in?
23:45.38dhhany voicepule connect people in here?
23:45.46dhhpulse i mean :)
23:45.46c4uldr0nbrunner: I'm running a PII 350 w/ 128MB RAM w/ 2 x X100P cards
23:46.25n00dleCripon: Remember, I'm using the execrable S100U. The X100P is in and loading... haven't got it hooked in yet. (have to configure this blasted lucent box-o-crap for a two-wire extension first)
23:46.48c4uldr0nanybody here using X-lite?
23:46.50brunnerI've got a 233 with 256mb of ram, do you think 233Mhz is enough?
23:47.26c4uldr0nI think 233 might be fine... not really too much slower than 350, hehe
23:47.30ManxPower233 would be enough for a couple of analog ports, and VoIP w/ulaw, but that's abou it.
23:47.36Criponnoodle: which channel do you config first in your zap configs?  x100p or s100u?
23:47.38SerpI run * on a PII-233 without hitches
23:47.58brunnerawesome, thanks
23:48.05c4uldr0nwhat's a good software SIP client... ?
23:48.07dhhsame here p2 350, one x100p and 10 sip phones/extensions
23:48.10n00dleMy zaptel.conf has:
23:48.16Serpsjphone's quite good
23:48.20c4uldr0nfree? - yz free
23:48.35c4uldr0nI'll check it out
23:48.45c4uldr0nI need to rule out some ECHO I'm getting
23:48.47n00dle...and I'm #
23:49.06Criponnoodle:show me how you load your modules and start *
23:49.14dhhdoes any one use vp for an incoming did?
23:49.31n00dleOof... I'll try to re-create the sequence that worked the last time...
23:50.51n00dleThe last time I stopped and tried to re-start *, the S100U failed to supply dialtone, so I did...
23:51.44n00dlermmod wcusb
23:51.44n00dlermmod wcfxo
23:51.44n00dlemodprobe wcfxo
23:51.44n00dlemodprobe wcusb
23:51.45n00dleztcfg -vv errors, so I then did...
23:52.22*** join/#asterisk adkr (
23:52.25n00dlermmod audio
23:52.25n00dlermmod wcusb
23:52.25n00dlemodprobe wcusb
23:52.25n00dleztcfg -vv
23:52.31n00dle...still got errors, so I did...
23:52.34Criponnoodle: your sequence should be... modprobe zaptel, modprobe wxfxo, modprobe wcusb, ztcfg -vv, safe_asterisk
23:53.28n00dlermmod wcusb
23:53.28n00dlermmod wcfxo
23:53.28n00dlermmod zaptel
23:53.28n00dlemodprobe wcfxo
23:53.29n00dlemodprobe wcusb
23:53.31n00dleztcfg -vv
23:53.33n00dleasterisk -vvvvc
23:53.36n00dle...which worked.
23:53.53Criponthe order you probe the devices, is the order of the channels
23:54.20Criponsince your x100p card is 1 and your dongle is 2, you should probe in that order that I gave you.
23:54.21n00dleWhen I get the error message probing wcfxo, it doesn't load, so I probe twice, then it loads fine.
23:54.52n00dle...and I had unplugged the S100U for 40 seconds while the modules were unloaded, as well.
23:55.01*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
23:55.23c4uldr0nSerp: I get mic data through my headset with SJPhone too
23:55.36Criponyeah.. the s100u's stink a bit.. you have to unplug them at times
23:55.58n00dleWish the other cards had been available when I got the kit.
23:56.25Criponnoodle: how long have you had this?
23:56.37Serpc4uldr0n: ok :)
23:56.48n00dleQuite a while... it's been frightfully busy here, so the project got shelved for several months.
23:57.39c4uldr0nSerp: U use SJPhone w/ Asterisk?
23:57.45Criponnoodle: in my configs, I have a s100u as well, just looking at them I do this for full reload/restarts of *
23:57.58Cripon#! /bin/sh
23:57.58Criponrmmod wcusb
23:57.58Criponrmmod wcfxo
23:57.58Criponrmmod zaptel
23:57.58Criponrmmod ppp_generic
23:57.59Criponkillall -9 mpg123
23:58.01Criponmodprobe wcfxo
23:58.03Criponmodprobe wcusb
23:58.05Criponmodprobe zaptel
23:58.07Criponztcfg -vv
23:58.07Serpc4uldr0n: yz, have done
23:58.09Criponsafe_asterisk -vvvc
23:58.38KalDif a variable is set - how do I bail out of a call tree?  
23:58.58n00dleCripon: What do you have in modules.conf (if anything) tied to any of these modules?
23:58.59c4uldr0nSerp: Do you hear yourself talk through your speakers when talking into the mic? This is my issue and only happens on my computer when I use SIP clients / Asterisk
23:59.23c4uldr0nSerp: When I use my mic in any other application, I don't hear myself at all
23:59.24SerpI'd still say use a headset tho :)
23:59.25Criponnoodle: I just call this script at boot time from rc.local
23:59.31c4uldr0nI'm using a headset
23:59.36Serpsjphone's been alright for me
23:59.46Serpcalled over FWD using it too and it's find

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