irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040112

06:06.35*** join/#asterisk jbot (
06:06.35*** topic/#asterisk is 0.7.0 to be released Monday. if you have bugs to be fixed, talk to a marshal today
06:06.53timecopall becaues of session timer
06:07.22*** join/#asterisk tholo (
06:07.55bkw_timecop care to assist in writing it?
06:08.24timecopbkw_: i would have done it a while ago if I knew the internals of asterisk more.
06:08.28timecopbkw_: I can certainly help testing though
06:08.32wwtimecop -- theory is, like bug 25 describes but send OPTIONS packets instead of invite...
06:08.34timecopsince my provider needs that stuff.
06:08.44Mocbkw_, didnt chose good severity for bug 802
06:09.02timecopww: well, the specification is clear its either INVITE or UPDATE, according to the draft
06:09.31wwhm... i would have thought that might confuse some devices...
06:10.02bkw_Moc do a complete check out of asterisk fresh
06:10.15bkw_and retry 802 because I don't see that
06:10.20Mocjust did it
06:10.27bkw_what distro?
06:10.32Mocredhat 9
06:10.49bkw_hrm ok
06:10.53bkw_note that on the bug please
06:11.16Mocok done
06:11.19wwso only on canreinvite=yes, i would assume.
06:12.07Mocbkw_, even if make update doesn't update, make still recompile cli.c and asterisk.c
06:12.09Mocnormal ?
06:12.40Mocha ok
06:12.44bkw_because the .version changes
06:13.07Moc[root@data1 asterisk]# asterisk -vvvr    
06:13.07Moc[root@data1 asterisk]# asterisk -vvvr
06:13.14MocI dont have error message that * isn't loaded
06:13.29Mocha ok
06:13.59*** join/#asterisk ola (~ola@
06:14.14Mocbkw_ did you post the chan_zap patch ?
06:14.41jsmithMoc: Is this on a completely fresh checkout?
06:15.00Mocjsmith, yes, just did it when bkw_ said to test cvs
06:15.14Moclet me do it again ..
06:15.23*** join/#asterisk mmco (
06:15.50Mocunload and reload still make warning AND make stop command disapear
06:15.51bkw_yes 726 is in cvs now
06:16.14bkw_see if unload still dies
06:16.20wwquery: how does one create a timed event? does it require zaptel?
06:16.31Mocdidnt seem to die, Im redownloading again CVS from scratch
06:16.39Mocand try again
06:16.41wwor do we have to make a new thread?
06:17.36Mocoh yes * Rules
06:17.41jsmithNo... what rules is that there are CVS updates going on in -doc as well!
06:17.46Mocprogrammers rules also ...
06:18.11jsmithProbably not as many CVS updates as JerJer is doing, but hey... I'm trying to help!
06:18.28Moclol yes JerJer is gone CVS made ..
06:18.36Mocasterisk-cvs can't keep up
06:18.47Mocmade / mad
06:20.19Moc[root@data1 asterisk]# asterisk -vvvvvr
06:20.19Moc[root@data1 asterisk]#
06:20.25Mocthis still happen, should I open a bug ?
06:20.40jsmithMoc: Ask JerJer or bkw_ before you do...
06:21.14Moc-r doesn't show anymore than asterisk isn't loaded
06:21.24tclarkbkw_: i dont see any codec_726?? in codecs , some special check out ??
06:21.25ww4. Session-Expires Header Field Definition
06:21.33wwThere is no absolute minimum value for the Session-Expires header
06:21.35Mocand asterisk -vvvvc if already loaded doesn't say so
06:21.47bkw_Moc yes we know about it
06:22.13Mocoh bkw_, unload still crash
06:22.30jsmithtclark: Let me know when you figure out how to get it :-)
06:22.33Mocwhich is normal I guess
06:22.42jsmithtclark: It's probably in another CVS module, if I had to guess
06:22.50timecopwww: my provider has a minimum of 300 seconds
06:22.59timecoper MAXIMUM
06:24.19bkw_jsmith no g726 yet that I know of
06:24.51bkw_ww care to fix that asterisk not bitch when its already running?
06:25.17jsmithtclark: Maybe thats bug 726, and not the g726 codec....
06:25.23bkw_but 726
06:25.26bkw_er bug 726
06:25.46jsmithtclark: Way to go... get my hopes up...
06:26.52jsmithtclark: That would work too...
06:27.05jsmithLater everyone...
06:27.14Mocbkw_, I confirm to 726
06:27.16tclarksee ya agent smith ..
06:28.36Corydon76-homebkw_:  did the server just die?
06:28.42bkw_join back
06:28.44TestMasTeranyone know of any good billing systems that work with *?
06:28.46bkw_we have a bt on logger to fix
06:28.49bkw_#0  0x400238c2 in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/
06:28.49bkw_#1  0x40025e24 in flockfile () from /lib/
06:28.49bkw_#2  0x40151e28 in fclose@@GLIBC_2.1 () from /lib/
06:28.49bkw_#3  0x0805288f in reload_logger (rotate=0) at logger.c:259
06:28.49bkw_#4  0x08053652 in handle_logger_reload (fd=0, argc=2, argv=0xbdbff61c) at logger.c:298
06:28.50bkw_#5  0x0806ddda in ast_cli_command (fd=32, s=0x0) at cli.c:1007
06:28.52bkw_#6  0x08086fb0 in netconsole (vconsole=0x80c72a0) at asterisk.c:214
06:28.54bkw_#7  0x40022bd0 in pthread_start_thread () from /lib/
06:28.56marcus-will handle 900 calls?
06:31.01TestMasTerAnyone if the CVS for the * docs are updated on the website yet?
06:31.52Mocwonder, should I beable to ../../../ on load and unload module ?
06:32.27Mocor we should be locked to /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
06:34.08bkw_it blew up
06:34.16bkw_ww logger reload cores * after a few of em
06:34.22bkw_two like clock work on my box
06:34.52wwok first thing. i know why it doesn't bitch
06:35.41MocI ask show voicemail users for default
06:35.52Mocand it still show context other, Bug ?
06:36.00Moc(from sample configuration)
06:36.06LinkBKW can the Asterisk Broadcast a message to IPPhones any how like merdian did with it intercom system
06:36.24Linkone drawback
06:36.35Linkno paging
06:36.36Mocbkw_, no to who ? me or Link ?
06:37.21bkw_ok Link
06:37.25bkw_er no was to Link
06:37.49Linksorry to interupt
06:37.52Linkmy bad
06:38.56*** join/#asterisk Muckl (
06:39.18bkw_syslog.local0 => notice,warning,error,debug
06:40.00bkw_ok abuse is good
06:40.07bkw_we can smash that ASAP
06:40.49bkw_ww bug 803 with bt and bt full are attached.
06:41.33LinkAnyone Knowif you can have a broadcastmessage fork to all your phone in the company at one time?
06:42.18JerJerLink: it wouldn't be trivial but i'm sure it could be done
06:42.27ZOPi'm goin to bed tho
06:43.03LinkHas anyone done it though
06:43.27Linkhow do you setup dial group like that
06:43.28trogsJerJer: found another issue with 755 , when you dial the vip30 from another ext, and it's on hook, you get segfault
06:43.35Kumbangguys, how do you configure alsa
06:43.53trogser, off hook
06:44.28Voipsafe_asterisk is gone?
06:44.35Zebblekumbang:  check your specific soundcard directions at
06:44.41Mocin contrib I think Voip
06:44.49*** join/#asterisk uphy (
06:44.54trogs775, even, man, my hands are bork tonight
06:45.06bkw_Voip no its in scripts
06:45.13Mocbkw_ bug ..
06:45.14*** join/#asterisk Zebble_ (
06:45.15bkw_and won't install unless its not installed
06:45.20Mocinstall -m 755 contrib/scripts/astgenkey $(DESTDIR)$(ASTSBINDIR)/
06:45.26Mocno sorry..
06:45.35Mocok forget I said anything this time
06:45.46Mocmy eyes are playing tricks
06:45.53bkw_cvs update -d
06:45.54JerJercvs up -d
06:45.57bkw_or clean checkout
06:45.59JerJerand/or clean checkout
06:48.03Moc*CLI> logger reload fdsfds
06:48.03MocSegmentation fault
06:48.18MocI heard someone working on logger I think
06:48.47bkw_take the take syslog out of logger.conf
06:48.47JerJermake clean install
06:48.52JerJeryeah that too
06:48.59bkw_because syslog will blow it up right now for some odd reason
06:49.53Mocok, Im trying to play with everything and make it crash
06:50.41bkw_Moc keep it up
06:50.53bkw_we are lining these up and knocking them out like crazy tonight
06:51.06bkw_we need to have someone run under valgrind
06:51.10bkw_Moc you up for it?
06:51.13jrollysonanything we can blow up now is something that won't have the chance to blow up later.
06:51.20Mocbkw_, well Im working in .. 3 hours.. :(
06:51.24bkw_3. How to use valgrind to help find a memory leak:
06:51.24bkw_valgrind can be found at and should be installed
06:51.24bkw_before proceeding to the next steps.
06:51.24bkw_cd /usr/src/asterisk
06:51.24bkw_make clean
06:51.25bkw_make valgrind
06:51.27bkw_valgrind --gdb-attach=yes ./asterisk -vvvgc
06:51.29bkw_It should load up and asterisk should run like normal but slower.  Now try
06:51.31bkw_to perform the task that caused the previous issue and/or memory leak and
06:51.33bkw_watch the output.
06:51.39Mocbut can play alittle more ;)
06:51.55bkw_but valgrind will give more detail about whats going on
06:52.01bkw_and you will see all kinds of neat stuff
06:52.03TestMasTerbkw_,  i will do it if you like
06:52.15*** join/#asterisk angler__ (~angler@
06:52.48bkw_TestMasTer do it
06:53.10bkw_asterisk*CLI> show voicemail users for other
06:53.10bkw_No such voicemail context "other"
06:53.16bkw_asterisk*CLI> show voicemail users for dasdfasdf
06:53.16bkw_No such voicemail context "dasdfasdf"
06:53.21jrollysonTestMasTer: beat the shit out of it
06:53.24bkw_asterisk*CLI> show voicemail users for default
06:53.24bkw_Context    Mbox  User                      Zone       NewMsg
06:53.24bkw_default    10    Brian West                                0
06:53.24bkw_default    11    Brian West                                0
06:53.57Mocbkw_, your voicemail.conf is to clean ;)
06:53.59bkw_Moc I can't dupe 804
06:54.02Mocadd another context
06:54.53MocI got a bt full on logger crashing
06:54.58Mocwant it ?
06:55.12bkw_Moc I got that already
06:55.21bkw_804 is confirmed with more than one context
06:55.26TestMasTerbkw_,  ok what gave the mem leak before
06:55.28bkw_Corydon will have to fix that
06:55.39bkw_ilbc and adpcm will give you errors on valgrind load
06:55.44bkw_press C to bypass
06:57.54TestMasTerbkw_,  i`ve never used this program before so i am just going to paste everything it puts out in to a text file then i will dcc or email it to you is that ok?
06:58.12*** join/#asterisk iewebguy_ (
06:58.19bkw_TestMasTer open a bug and attach
06:58.22bkw_do test calls
06:58.25bkw_what not
06:58.28bkw_misc stuff
06:58.34bkw_then attach that to a bug so we can look at it
06:58.55TestMasTerok do you want me to place it in the body of the bug message or attachment... text file?
06:59.07bkw_attach all output
06:59.12bkw_in the body of the bug isn't very handy
06:59.35wwbkw_ bug # 805 should fix the message nto getting printed.
06:59.39wwnow onto the segfault...
07:00.11babuhi! I'm (a newbie) running asterisk-0.5 (from on a debian box. after I start asterisk, it takes over the audio device and audio applications work only after the asterisk (daemon?) is shut down. I'm concerned if this will affect IVRs/voicemail. If anyone has experience with this, please suggest a work-around. (should this go to the mailing list as well?)
07:00.48bkw_ww can you cvs update because this patch on 805 appears to have the stuff from 800 not in it
07:00.53bkw_which was applied already
07:00.55Mocbabu, if you can wait for latter today to get 0.7.0 and start from there, we are working on the final touch
07:01.14Mocand you will have a current version so we can help you on it
07:01.21wwi moved the time stuff up in the function as well -- it was repeated enough time.
07:01.26wwi thinkg the patch is fine
07:01.28JerJeriewebguy: hold on for the ride, its not over yet
07:01.43*** join/#asterisk Vaelek (
07:01.47bkw_ww ah ok
07:01.48wwohg no...
07:01.55wwyou're right
07:02.10bkw_ww we are in the conf if you wish to join
07:02.16Mocurm ! command in console is weird ..
07:02.42Mocisn't it more dangerous than usefull ?
07:03.01babu0.7.0 --> is there a place where debs are available? [of course, I don't mind a make install]
07:03.07bkw_Moc no its useful
07:03.19bkw_0.7.0 isn't tagged yet
07:03.26bkw_we are working to touch it up now
07:03.42Mocallright bkw_
07:04.34Mocbkw_, in show applications you can TAB ...
07:04.39Mocdont see why
07:05.03bkw_! and tab?
07:05.18bkw_!ps aux
07:05.20Mocyes that too..
07:05.26bkw_!vi /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
07:05.30bkw_and you will see the usefulness of it
07:05.33Moc!\t\n doesnt do nothing
07:05.45bkw_Moc ok but ! drops a shell
07:05.51bkw_from console
07:06.23*** join/#asterisk ample_ (
07:06.39MocAnyway, the way I think of it, AGI run scripts outside anyway so, allright hehe
07:06.41wwthat should be better now in 805
07:07.06Mocbut look good now ... except chan_iax and chan_iax2
07:07.46bkw_we are getting there
07:08.02Moc[root@data1 asterisk]# exit
07:08.02MocJan 12 02:05:59 WARNING[1082792752]: asterisk.c:255 listener: Select retured error: Interrupted system call
07:08.30bkw_check logger.conf console= line
07:08.56Mocbkw_, happen only when I do !TAB ENTER
07:08.58Mocand !
07:09.00Mocand exit
07:09.14*** join/#asterisk hclai (
07:09.52Mocor keep doing !TAB ENTER
07:10.05bkw_Moc I can't get it to reproduce
07:10.10*** join/#asterisk jaxxan (
07:10.41Mocwhen I say TAB i mean the key TAB ;)
07:10.55bkw_I know
07:10.59bkw_but I rollback to the prompt
07:11.20Mocbut do it a few time
07:11.20bkw_moc I think thats normal
07:11.25bkw_ok we will see
07:11.52TestMasTerevening JerJer
07:12.40MocJan 12 02:10:35 WARNING[1074398976]: cli.c:838 parse_args: Too many arguments, truncating
07:12.40MocJan 12 02:10:35 WARNING[1074398976]: cli.c:8Jan 12 02:10:35 WARNING[1074398976]: cli.c:838 parse_args: Beginning asterisk shutdown....
07:12.40MocSegmentation fault
07:12.46Mocok Im over killing it but still
07:13.36Mocgiving too much input, and stop now make * to segmentation fault
07:13.45bkw_bt it
07:13.51bkw_and open a bug with all the info
07:14.19bkw_do this
07:14.24wwneed faster machine... ppro200 compiles slowly...
07:14.27bkw_collect all the misc stuff up under one bug
07:14.45bkw_then open 1 bug outline all the misc things you fine
07:14.46bkw_er find
07:14.59Mochehe ok ok ..
07:15.06bkw_then keep adding to that
07:15.42*** join/#asterisk l-fy (
07:16.41bkw_my call bandwidth on my DSL today
07:18.06daorki have never seen something called '*core*' go that slowly ;P
07:20.21bkw_its uber l33t
07:20.24bkw_its a cisco 4500M
07:20.53daorkthey are EOL, last i checked ;P
07:20.59wwi've a fddi interface for one of those if you want it...
07:21.09bkw_yep but mine was brand new when I got it a year ago
07:21.26bkw_ww hehe kewl
07:21.28bkw_send it on
07:22.01TestMasTerok well thats all the bugs i get
07:22.08Mocwhat does that mean :
07:22.08MocPreparing for Asterisk restart...
07:22.08MocRestarting Asterisk NOW...
07:22.08MocCannot find user-level thread for LWP 7868: generic error
07:22.43Chotairemorning all.
07:22.55ChotaireI didn't sleep at all tonite although I tried best to watch the worst crap there is on TV
07:23.39bkw_ww syslog is logging when not enabled but isn't crashing care to look?
07:23.42Chotaireand if there's anything that I hate more than shopping crap on TV, then it's the fact that I gotta work in a few minutes.
07:23.45bkw_VERBOSE is getting logged
07:23.54Mocso I can't reload using gdb ... now I know
07:24.13Mocrestart I mena
07:24.18Chotairehm 0.7.0... :)
07:24.34*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
07:25.44wwbkw_ yes, i'll look. first thing is sigsegv though
07:26.03bkw_we are getting to it
07:26.11bkw_JerJer where did ya go?
07:26.27bkw_does asterisk -vvvvgc bitch if asterisk is already started on any patches that you submited ww?
07:26.42wwyes -- 805
07:26.50bkw_ok thats what I thought you said
07:27.06wwproblem was -- bitching is from ast_log... and log chain not set up in that circumstance
07:27.08TestMasTerbkw_,  posted
07:27.21bkw_ww but at the cli its nolonger bitching
07:27.33bkw_so if asterisk is running and I do asterisk -vvvvgc it should bitch and say that
07:27.35JerJervalgrind is whining
07:27.46bkw_let me start mine with it
07:27.51JerJeruninitialized values
07:28.03JerJer==1562== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
07:28.04JerJer==1562==    at 0x80527FA: ast_log (logger.c:440)
07:28.04JerJer==1562==    by 0x43D96EED: ??? (chan_iax2.c:5551)
07:28.04JerJer==1562==    by 0x43D93F4C: load_module (chan_iax2.c:6119)
07:28.04JerJer==1562==    by 0x8054DB7: ast_load_resource (loader.c:311)
07:28.05JerJerfor example
07:29.16bkw_I get that also
07:29.25TestMasTersame here
07:29.42JerJeri get lots of emon a call
07:29.54JerJeri get lots of them on a call (uninitialzed value)
07:30.33TestMasTeranyway if you need me to do anymore testing let me know.. i`m going back to finsh this billing system off
07:31.11bkw_ok the conf is back
07:31.37wwfsck. i can't reproduce the logger reload segv.
07:31.57bkw_syslog.local0 => notice,warning,error,debug
07:32.01bkw_in logger.conf
07:32.04bkw_as per your example
07:32.11bkw_and do logger reload twice in a row here
07:32.23bkw_and KABOOM
07:32.32wwJerJer: which revision of logger.c?
07:32.40bkw_with 805
07:32.51Mocsorry guys but i gota, 1,2 hours atless..
07:33.03bkw_its just uninitialised values
07:33.08bkw_gott check and double check those
07:33.14Mocseem better, only bug bug is chan_iaxX but Im sure you guys will fix it soon..
07:33.14bkw_that should fix logger
07:33.27bkw_Moc ya
07:33.49MocExcept that logger seg.. and rest seemed fine so far, but we wont be testing it for a long period..
07:35.01wwhm... still can't reproduce segv on the freebsd testing box... will try a linux box.......
07:35.40bkw_yep kaboom
07:35.48*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
07:35.49bkw_on logger reload
07:35.52bkw_on linux
07:36.28TestMasTerbkw_,  A bug i forgot to report, on Fedora os, and Freebsd and you do reload restart it doesn`t re-read the extension.conf file or the sip.conf
07:37.47bkw_hrm strange
07:37.58bkw_we have some stuff to double check
07:37.58TestMasTerbkw_,  i`ve also tryed on redhat 9
07:38.13MocI think the samething
07:38.30Mocwe should have the 0.7.0 for atless 1 day stable no ?
07:39.00Mocquality control...
07:39.30discordiaare you testing with actual cvs from now? because if i make a new update i could test too in a few hours ... have a test-sys here
07:39.49wwplease do
07:40.08wwMoc: i would tend to agree
07:40.28discordiaok ... all actual bugs are on right ?
07:40.30Moclet make a 0.7.0-RC1, that would be fine
07:40.30bkw_yes 0.7.0 will prob be 1 day delayed but you can see we are atleast working to that point
07:41.38Mocyes discordia, check comments
07:41.40Mocfor status
07:41.58Mocwas there zaptel-cvs update ?
07:46.30bkw_look at all the canges
07:46.31wwok. i have reproduced it.
07:46.35bkw_er changes
07:47.15bkw_that box I did that on was friday nights latest
07:47.59Mochehe nice ;)
07:48.00discordiaok ill test this evening (its in 4-5 hours here) :)
07:48.07discordiacu then guys
07:48.17Mocso alot of code to be tested before being stable
07:51.00*** join/#asterisk rajo (
07:55.28*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
07:58.38wwok, i think this fixes the segfault
07:58.51wwlogger.c line 128 should be
08:00.16*** join/#asterisk dude_again (
08:00.26bkw_memset size of 0
08:00.50wwno, chan is a pointer. sizeof(chan)  = 4
08:01.03wwsizeof(struct logchannel) is... bigger...
08:01.46bkw_so a buffer overflow?
08:02.14bkw_JerJer is trying this
08:02.59bkw_that fixes it
08:03.04bkw_he's logger reloading like mad
08:03.17bkw_now figure out why syslog logs when its not turned on :)
08:03.35bkw_ww he's commiting that fix
08:03.45wwpatch is uploaded. too ...
08:04.14wwnot a buffer overflow -- just a structure with garbage in it because it wasn't initialized to zero properly
08:04.26wwnow. extra syslog logs...
08:04.58bkw_that could be why valgrind was bitching so much
08:05.07*** join/#asterisk oej2 (
08:06.11*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
08:06.13jrollysonoej: IAX2/guest@
08:06.16*** join/#asterisk dimmik (~kold@ios.intranet.GR)
08:08.11wware you sure you're config is right?
08:08.19wwi just commented out syslog and i don't see it...
08:08.34bkw_er again
08:08.39bkw_let me recompile with lastest cvs
08:08.53bkw_;syslog => notice,warning,error,debug
08:08.53bkw_;syslog.local0 => notice,warning,error,debug
08:08.55bkw_commented out
08:09.06bkw_Jan 12 02:08:41 src@asterisk asterisk[14580]: VERBOSE[213005]:     -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected
08:09.29wwsrc@asterisk ????
08:09.33wwwhat sort of syslog is that?
08:10.21bkw_I just haven't setup a rule for asterisk yet but it shouldn't be there! :)
08:10.33bkw_anywho let me recompile
08:10.58[Sim]morning ppl
08:13.00bkw_Jan 12 02:12:45 src@asterisk asterisk[19668]: VERBOSE[196621]: Asterisk Event Logger restarted
08:13.00bkw_Jan 12 02:12:46 src@asterisk asterisk[19668]: VERBOSE[196621]:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/logger.conf':
08:13.00bkw_Jan 12 02:12:46 src@asterisk asterisk[19668]: VERBOSE[196621]: Found
08:13.00bkw_Jan 12 02:12:46 src@asterisk asterisk[19668]: VERBOSE[196621]: Asterisk Event Logger restarted
08:13.06bkw_har har har it doesn't seg now
08:13.13bkw_but its still logging to syslog when it hsouldn't be
08:13.14bkw_ok I have to get sleep
08:13.44wwok. 'night. i'll see if i can track that down. otherwise tomorrow...
08:15.10pros12nite bkw
08:15.20wwaha. i know why
08:15.53*** join/#asterisk Spy007 (
08:15.54wwit's only the ast_verbose() calls not ast_log()
08:20.05*** join/#asterisk digger (
08:22.15wwbkw_: ok, bug 808 fixes that issue
08:22.38wwbut -- verbose messages no loger go into files... maybe that one's for 0.9.0
08:22.49wwwell, files via syslog anyways...
08:23.32JerJerat least -r has the whole picture now!!
08:29.27*** join/#asterisk andya (~andya@
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08:32.16*** join/#asterisk rajo (
08:33.08*** join/#asterisk Zebble (
08:35.28voidptrmooo moo :)
08:37.21[Sim]morning void
08:53.04*** join/#asterisk rajo (
08:53.44*** join/#asterisk loko-moko (
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08:55.11*** join/#asterisk Frobmiester (
08:55.48JerJerConditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
08:55.48JerJer==7652==    at 0x4030185E: _IO_vfprintf_internal (in /lib/
08:55.48JerJer==7652==    by 0x403207E1: _IO_vsnprintf (in /lib/
08:55.48JerJer==7652==    by 0x40309F92: __snprintf (in /lib/
08:55.48JerJer==7652==    by 0x4248484D: ??? (chan_sip.c:2520)
08:56.00*** part/#asterisk Frobmiester (
08:56.15JerJerm2 is  char m2[256]
08:56.32JerJerstruct sockaddr_in vdest;
08:56.33*** join/#asterisk huats (
08:59.12*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
08:59.33*** join/#asterisk PETE1 (
08:59.51Kumbangdo you guys run alsa for console channel?
09:06.01*** join/#asterisk mbranca (~matteo@
09:07.31*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
09:07.40miller7hello everyone
09:09.11*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
09:09.22*** join/#asterisk geertn (geertn@
09:11.32kapemorning #asterisk
09:11.42*** join/#asterisk Aviaa (
09:11.46mbrancamorning kape
09:11.58mbrancaand  morning all
09:12.13jrollysonwatch for falling bugs.
09:17.15*** join/#asterisk netwind (
09:17.36netwindhow asterisk can work with SS7 ?
09:18.22netwindi thins have a drivers for digium cards , but does asterisk work with that drivers?
09:19.30netwindvery some countries only ss7 allowed to exchange with others telecom operators
09:20.55jrollysonnetwind: we have to use a different switch to convert IMTs to PRIs
09:25.55h3xthis rules
09:25.59h3xi have a tri head video wall
09:26.05h3xall hail x2vnc
09:31.40hclaidid any one try to use a softphone to call a analog phone through X100P?
09:31.59hclaiit has very bad echo at the softphone side
09:32.04hclaihow to solve?
09:32.23hclaii had tried to adjust the gain but it doesnt help
09:33.03h3xnetwind: I agree, it would be nice if someone made openss7 work with asterisk
09:33.16h3xbut i think openss7 is far from completing their work
09:33.36daorkgood god
09:33.53l-fyopenss7 is based on LiS, which is a big pain in the ass
09:33.59h3xim not even sure if ISUP works on openss7
09:34.14h3xi think they were mostly focusing on TCAP services and mobile and some other shit
09:34.18voidptrmooo mooo
09:34.35h3xi would think it would be easier to modify libpri to do ss7
09:34.38h3xisup that is
09:35.14JerJertoo many cvs commits this weekend
09:35.14l-fyJerJer > we know this already :)
09:35.43JerJershut up and cvs update
09:36.00JerJeri don't wana hear any bitching either
09:36.42l-fylol :)
09:38.49h3xi need a bigger mousepad!!!!!!
09:40.17l-fyh3x > if you are a bad boy and you are using a mouse
09:51.44*** join/#asterisk ack (
10:00.33zoaheyhey don't you guys ever have to sleep ?
10:00.59zoa<JerJer> at least -r has the whole picture now!!
10:01.10zoa-> you mean also on a remote server ??
10:01.19JerJercvs up
10:01.22zoait works now ?
10:01.22JerJertry it
10:01.27mbrancacvs up -d
10:01.29mbrancais better
10:01.46*** join/#asterisk Al (
10:01.46*** join/#asterisk tydel (~tydel@
10:01.51zoai always do a complete install and archive the previous sources for 30 second rollback time :)
10:02.15tydelIs there a guide/manual/tutorial for setting up Asterisk?
10:02.26tydelI didn't really see anything pop out at me on the website
10:02.54tydelThanks muchly :)
10:03.10Al even
10:03.28AlThere's lots of stuff linked from the docs page on
10:03.38AlBut that link's prolly the most useful.
10:05.27*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
10:08.57miller7hey void
10:14.51*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
10:14.55l-fyhi cypromis
10:14.59cypromishi diana :)
10:15.10miller7hey cypromis, long time no see (happy new year hehe)
10:15.35cypromissame to you :)
10:19.46*** join/#asterisk magicman (
10:25.17*** join/#asterisk Bonbon (~bonbon@
10:27.49Bonbonneed a place to buy around 6 cisco atas, new or second-hand to uk. Anyone know any good suppliers?
10:28.39*** join/#asterisk seg4l (
10:32.03kapecheck out telappliant ;)
10:32.32RoyKBonbon: ebay?
10:32.49Bonbonkape: who is telappliant?
10:33.05RoyKBonbon: dot co dot uk
10:33.26miller7I think Bonbon is kidding :)
10:33.48Bonbonyeah, ha ha. but I do need to get some ata 186's for testing with out service
10:34.15Bonboni'll check ebay.
10:34.26Bonbonand is there any issue with running both ports at g711?
10:34.43*** join/#asterisk ennuyeux7 (~ennuyeux7@
10:40.08l-fy~seen a
10:40.15a <> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 42d 8h 47m 4s ago, saying: 'hi'.
10:40.22l-fy~seen rollergrrl
10:40.23rollergrrl <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 8d 9h 48m 36s ago, saying: 'I never said I was lesbian :p'.
10:45.05*** join/#asterisk clona (
10:45.16clonaHey hey guys!
10:45.51kapehey hey clona
10:46.27clonakape: eeyh . how are yea?
10:48.44clonado you know who I should talk to when I have a weird problem with a cisco 7960 running Firmware 6.0, and is getting Calling (OUT INV)
10:48.52clonarob--: poor guy..
10:49.02clonawont tell me anything
10:49.15clona"use cisco's own software"
10:49.26kapeget the CCM
10:50.35clonakape:  he he.. Yup
10:54.14l-fyhi kape
11:01.50*** join/#asterisk ManxPowr_ (
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11:09.57*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
11:12.12*** join/#asterisk Jon_UK (
11:12.36Jon_UKCan anyone give me some advice on what ADSL routers work well with * ?
11:13.33*** join/#asterisk Zoran1 (
11:13.47dmewhat functionality are you expecting from the ADSL router?
11:14.15Jon_UKwell at the moment I am using a Dreytek router, but I seem to loose alot of packets even though my server is in a DMZ
11:14.33Jon_UKso I am wondering if the thoughput of the router isn't really up to what I need for IAX2 comms
11:14.54Zoran1Anyone there with an idea on what MP3 player can be used with * - have tried MPG123 and no good.  Have also tried to install MPG321 and can't get all files
11:15.11dmethat would be bad.  given that BT peak at 2Mb/s, it shouldn't be hard to build a router than can keep up.
11:15.37Jon_UKZoran1: there is loads of information all over the internet on how to set that up
11:16.24Zoran1Thanks Jon, I have searched high and low incl Red Hat but still hitting a brick wall :(
11:16.28Jon_UKdme: well taking a step back for a moment, my exact problem is that I am using IAX2 to route calls though a third party, and every so often about a second or so of audio just drops out
11:16.46Jon_UKZoran1: 2 mins, and I will give you a hand
11:17.02Zoran1Thx mate
11:17.22dmeJon_UK: if the third party is cooperative, i'd be tempted to run some kind of continual traffic generation and monitor the results.  
11:17.41Jon_UKdme: just to test their throughput?
11:17.55dmeJon_UK: well, to test end to end throughput, latency, etc.
11:18.36Jon_UKdme: withought going though it all in detail, can you point me in the right direction, how I could do that?
11:19.06BonbonJon_UK: who is the provider?
11:19.30dmeJon_UK: a simple but rough approach would be to leave a large packet ping running and periodically check the rtt numbers.  
11:19.46dmeJon_UK: interesting, as I'm considering using their serivce :-)
11:19.58Jon_UKdme: they seem to be pretty good
11:20.21Jon_UKdme: took a while to get it al working, but once it was all sorted. I have been quiet pleased except for this occasional drop out
11:20.47Bonbonthat's strange. are you on the latest cvs load?
11:21.05Jon_UKYes, I litterally rebuilt the server yesterday
11:21.20Bonbonyou're using IAX2?
11:21.57Jon_UKthe only other party I can see causing me problems is my ISP
11:22.00*** join/#asterisk HADREST (~Hack@
11:22.07Bonbonhave you modified any of the jitterbuffer settings in iax.conf?
11:22.24HADRESThi all
11:22.53Jon_UKCurrently running...
11:23.14HADRESTcan i use Eicon Diva PCI 2.01 for Asterisk?
11:23.27Bonbonturn the jitterbuffer off
11:23.43Jon_UKyou think that could be my problem then?
11:24.04Bonbonit could be that.
11:24.08Bonboncould be bandwidth
11:24.11Jon_UKok, I'll give it a shot
11:24.16kapeHADREST: you can use it with chan_modem_i4l, but you wont have much fun (latency, echo)
11:24.23Jon_UKI am just about to change ISP and go to 2mb ADSL service
11:24.28Jon_UKso I hope that also might help
11:24.32Bonbonwhich carrier are you using?
11:24.49Jon_UKAt the moment BT Openworld, just changing to Pipex
11:24.58BonbonOPenworld is crap. Pipex is better
11:25.05Bonbongo to
11:25.20Bonbonthey review the fastest providers
11:25.35Jon_UKI know BT is terrible... been waiting for my 12 months to be up, so I could change
11:26.01Jon_UKI've already been there :)
11:26.06Bonbonah, ok.
11:26.24Jon_UKZoran1: ready for assistance?
11:26.27Bonbonyeah, try the jitterbuffer setting first.
11:26.37Zoran1yes I have been reading your comments re ADSL
11:26.47Jon_UKThanks Bonbon, dme :)
11:27.04HADREST<kape>  what hardware is better to use?
11:27.13Jon_UKZoran1: do you have text based internet installed on your Linux box?
11:27.19HADREST<kape> from Eicon?
11:27.20kapeHADREST: anything that talks capi
11:27.40HADREST<kape> DIVA PCI 2.01 supports CAPO 2
11:27.43kapeHADREST: for eicon that would be the expensive diva server bri-2m
11:27.44HADREST<kape> DIVA PCI 2.01 supports CAPI 2
11:27.48Zoran1I am quite new at * and Linux...  running RH9
11:27.48kapeno it doesnt
11:28.28HADREST<kape>so what ghardware is better, not expensive
11:28.29kapeHADREST: it supports capi on windows, but not capi4linux
11:28.31Jon_UKZoran1. I'll private call you to go though this ..
11:28.46Bonbonkape: you talking about Eicon cards?
11:28.53kapeHADREST: if you dont want to spend much then go for the avm fritz card
11:29.01kapeBonbon: yes
11:29.27Bonbonkape: eicon supports capi
11:29.59kapeBonbon: ARGHHH... NOT the PASSIVE eicons
11:30.06HADREST<Kape> 10xs
11:30.18kapeHADREST: ?
11:33.06discordiaHADREST: get a AVM fritz like kape said ... it works great and is cheap
11:33.25*** join/#asterisk macTijn (
11:34.50macTijnanyone care to help me ?
11:35.27macTijn'haha' :)
11:35.45macTijnI have some trouble dialing out over an E1
11:35.49macTijnbut it worked before
11:36.15macTijnans asterisk doesn't want to reset the channels
11:36.19macTijnand, even
11:38.01*** join/#asterisk xs (
11:39.20*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
11:40.38kapemorning puzzled
11:40.56puzzledhi kape
11:42.01puzzledthe amount of commits to cvs is really amazing
11:42.14macTijnmust be release time :)
11:43.09*** join/#asterisk folsson (
11:43.25folssonHi there!
11:43.59mbrancastrange idea to release a version after a massive bug fix and cvs commits... who has tested what?
11:44.34kapembranca: shhhhh...dont let the marshals hear you ;)
11:44.46mbrancawhy not! HEY YOU MARSHALS!
11:45.32kapegood... they are still sleeping ;)
11:46.16macTijncan anyone tell me how to reset E1 spans
11:46.25mbrancabut this release perhaps is only a stop to the new feature devel and a go for bug fixes ...
11:46.27zigmanpush the button
11:46.52mbrancamacTijn, mmmh... restart * ?
11:47.12*** join/#asterisk maciejka (~maciejka@
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11:48.41macTijnmbranca: again ? :)
11:49.05*** join/#asterisk iCoolJin (icooljin@
11:49.05mbrancago back with cvs then
11:49.14macTijngrr, even
11:49.18mbrancaat least to the version when was working
11:49.26macTijnI didn't upgrade :)
11:49.28iCoolJinwhat's asterisk?
11:49.38mbrancaiCoolJin, a super nuker
11:49.43kapemacTijn: is the cable alright?
11:49.44iCoolJina super nuker?
11:50.04macTijnkape: I called over that same cable
11:50.13iCoolJini dont understand it
11:50.15mbrancaiCoolJin, yep, a tool to remotely nuke VoIP networks
11:50.17macTijnthe exact same setup used to work
11:50.22mbrancaa sort of hacker tool
11:51.02iCoolJinwhere can i download it?
11:52.04iCoolJini see "Page Not Found"
11:52.13macTijnmust be in maintenance then
11:52.18macTijntry later :)
11:52.42kapeyou guys are so mean ;)
11:52.53macTijnkape: who? us? naaaaaaaah.
11:53.03iCoolJinI try to connect in a many time but i cant
11:53.22kapeAsterisk is a friend of Obelisk, who has a small dog called Idefisk ;)
11:53.25macTijniCool: I said it's in maintenance. try again later.
11:53.34iCoolJinoh, sorry...
11:53.44iCoolJinmy english isnt good
11:53.49iCoolJinim korean
11:53.52macTijnshit happens.
11:54.08macTijnmy... condoleances!
11:54.25mbrancapoor iCoolJin ....
11:54.42iCoolJinwhy poor?
11:55.05macTijnnah, whatever
11:55.12mbrancaiCoolJin, asterisk is a soft switch, capable of handling VoIP (sip,h323,skinny,...) and standard TDM channels. see for more info
11:55.32Asterisk is a PBX (Private Branch eXchange) and telephony toolkit. URL:, or 42
11:55.32kapembranca: does it support capi?
11:55.47mbrancakape, mmmh... I think yes. but is very alpha for now
11:55.57kapeok, then i will stick to i4l
11:56.38macTijn!@#%$ stupid thing, reset!
11:56.40*** part/#asterisk iCoolJin (icooljin@
11:57.01macTijnman is he clueless
11:57.21mbrancamacTijn, connect the telco e1 cable to 220 volts outlet (or 110 if u're a usa boy)
11:57.34mbrancaperhaps this way will be restored :)
11:57.57af_hi mbranca
11:59.20macTijnmbranca: I don't think the admin of the pbx on the other side of that cable will be happy :)
12:00.14kapewhy should he be happy when you are not?
12:01.06jimmyzanyone tell me why i have to start * this way form my macros to work
12:01.07jimmyzLD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 asterisk -vvvvgc
12:02.07kapebecause you are using red hat?
12:02.25jimmyzyes red hat
12:03.00folssonDoes anyone know if the TE410P can be used in a PCI-X slot?
12:03.01kapethat LD_ASSUME ... disables the NPTL
12:03.23kapefolsson: PCI-X is a 64bit pci slot and should have 3.3volts
12:04.09geertnkape: pci-x is backward compatible with pci isn't it? Will your quadBRI card work in it?
12:04.50folssonBut the card is 32-bit, right? "downward compatible"?
12:05.12kapegeertn: the quadBRI is dual-3.3-5 volt card, it can be jumpered to use the 3.3 or 5 volt
12:05.18*** join/#asterisk IPDES (~Hack@
12:05.23IPDESHI all
12:05.24kapefolsson: yes
12:05.35folssonWasn't the E400P 66-Mhz?
12:05.47geertnkape: ah
12:06.31jensdgertn: but a 64bit and 32bit slots have different slots i think - so you might have difficulties to fit the card in the slot?
12:06.37kapefolsson: hmm...probably, but i dont remember
12:07.01kapejensd: the 64 bit is longer, but a 32bit fits in
12:07.03folssonjensd: The slots are different, but the card still fit
12:07.19*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
12:07.33folssonjensd: It's just that the 64-bit slot is somewhat longer
12:08.18jensdok i see - didnt try to plug anything into my only 64bit slot yet ;-)
12:09.00jimmyzanyone used the supermicro x5dpe-g2 motherboard?
12:09.25jimmyzit has 6 pci-x slots
12:10.42folssonjimmyz: Are you planing to use all of them? =)
12:10.50geertnjimmyz: I think I have it in my asterisk server lemme check
12:11.10jimmyzno not all...probably would be an irq problem
12:11.24jimmyzbut good for future groth
12:11.27folssonjimmyz: Think so too =)
12:12.13folssonWhat's the recommended maximum number of TE410P's in a system?
12:12.14kapejimmyz: why an irq problem?
12:12.37geertnjimmyz: I have the supermicro X5DP8-G2 with: 2 64-bit, 100MHz PCI-X (default), 4 64-bit, 66MHz PCI (default)
12:13.00jimmyzi don't know for sure it was a guess and depending on busmastering
12:13.28folssonIs PCI-X always 3.3 volt?
12:13.34jimmyzjeertn: so it's been working good for you then
12:13.44kapeohh..wait...1 pci slot is shared with the intel chipset stuff...but i put a 3com in there and it works fine
12:14.47geertnjimmyz: It's working splendid.. did have some troubles with debian installation... And I do not have any pci crads yet... Ordered a fxs card will be here in a few days I hope. And going to order a quadBRI crad probably...
12:15.02folssonkape: Is all the slots filled?
12:15.11kapefolsson: yes
12:16.02folssonkape: How many T/E4x0P?
12:16.02kapebut i am using the local apic and io-apic stuff, not the old xt-pic
12:16.21kapefolsson: that depends on the application, voip? which codecs? etc
12:16.55folssonkape: I was just wondering what you got
12:17.20kapefolsson: no te410Ps , just quadBRIs and an octoBRI
12:17.58jimmyzare the te410p bustmastering cards?
12:18.16folssonkape: I don't need 6 slots because I only use QuadPRI in these ones
12:20.11zigmanafter cvs update cdr_odbc stops loggin the cdrs
12:20.16zigmanbkw where are you ;)
12:20.56folssonWhat did you say about PCI-X always being 3.3 volt?
12:21.42kapefolsson: that was rather a guess
12:23.16folssonkape: I thought that the standard voltage for PCI-slots was 5 volts?
12:23.42bobcovAnybody: Where do I change default port 5060 besides sip.conf? I changed it there, but I still see connections on 5060.
12:24.16kapefolsson: hmm...that was for the old pci slots... i remember that pci 2.2 should favor 3.3 volts
12:25.01ScaredyCatbobcov: every phone/sip device will try to connect to that port by default, so if you have any sip hardware/software then change them too
12:28.12zigmanahh there it goes ;)
12:28.57folssonChecked it out, PCI supports 5/3 volt (different slot).
12:30.15kapezapBRI users: i just uploaded 0.0.1d ... which fixes some (not all) bugs and makes multi-card support usable
12:32.01zigmanbut not the single chip ones
12:32.42zigmanstill qozap only right ?
12:32.53kapeyes, qozap is single chip too
12:33.57folssonCan someone tell me if this: will work with a TE410P?
12:34.20kapeRoyK: multitasking
12:34.25macTijnfolsson: what you generally need is PCI-X slots
12:34.51macTijnfolsson: that thing should hold 3 TE410P's
12:35.26folssonI've already ordered it, but I'm getting second thoughts about the bus-speeds
12:35.32macTijnthat's ok
12:35.36macTijnit's all backwards compat
12:36.03macTijnruns nicely
12:36.05folssonThe card is 33MHz, there are 66 and 133 MHz slots
12:36.16macTijnfolsson: they are backwards compatible :)
12:36.36folssonThe card would go in the 66 MHz slot?
12:36.41macTijnin all of them
12:36.58folssonWhy are there then different slots for 66/133?
12:37.39macTijnmy * dials out again
12:38.01macTijnnow to see how I put sox on this overkill-firewalled box
12:38.24folssonmacTijn: thanks
12:41.02geertnmacTijn: How did you fix it?
12:41.28*** join/#asterisk zwi (
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12:43.44*** part/#asterisk gadams666 (~wileyuser@
12:46.13bobcovScaredyCat, I did change sjphone to 4060, but when I do "sip show peers" I see people on 5060 outside of the nat and those inside as 4060.
12:47.26ScaredyCatthe db may not have been refreshed...
12:47.53ScaredyCatdatabase deltree SIP will remove them from the db (they will need to register again)
12:49.15*** join/#asterisk JoeCool (~dcgomes@
12:49.42timecopScaredyCat: hi, i heard you had something to do with sip session timers
12:50.26timecopoh so it is
12:50.27]data[all day!
12:50.41ScaredyCattimecop: I spent the early hours of this morening trying to get them implemented
12:51.00timecopScaredyCat: interesting. did you get anywhere? (whats your interest in it, your provider requires it?)
12:51.17ScaredyCatbut the dev guys said it was prolly better to do that in a future release
12:51.30ScaredyCatnot coding it timecop, trying to get them to implement
12:51.32*** join/#asterisk vaewyn (
12:51.45timecopI got a workaround for my self
12:51.50timecopbut that cuts teh phone after 5 minutes
12:51.52ScaredyCatwhat is if
12:52.00timecopsince I'm not actually handling it properly
12:52.08timecopScaredyCat: INVITE's alwas get a header inserted
12:52.24ScaredyCat5 minutes regardless or 5 minutes if it hears nothing?
12:52.26timecopin transmit_invite
12:52.30timecop5 minutes regardless
12:52.45timecopwhich is why it needs to get fixed
12:52.51RoyK~seen levon
12:52.57levon <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 13d 3h 33m 26s ago, saying: ';)'.
12:53.00timecopScaredyCat: so whats your reason for it, your provider wants it? or some other reason
12:53.12ScaredyCatI think i got them to agree on a temporary hack using qualify...
12:53.39ScaredyCatie if it cant contact the client for say 4 x the qualify period then it destroys the channel
12:53.48vaewyngood day all
12:53.53JoeCoolhey, why is this happening when I dial from console : File pbx.c, Line 1153 (pbx_extension_helper): No application 'Meetme' for extension (local, 1002, 1)
12:54.05JoeCool(yes, the damn OSS console)
12:54.11ScaredyCatplus, absolutetimeout does not work in those situations timecop
12:55.08vaewyneep! I'll see your error and raise you a non-functioning device warning:  "WARNING[278544]: File chan_zap.c, Line 2968 (zt_handle_event): Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 1"
12:55.21vaewyndoesn't truly pick the phone up
12:55.28ScaredyCattimecop: the reason for it is that if the channel stays up ... the * considers the call live, so you get billed until someone does a soft hangup on the channel or a * restart
12:55.30vaewyn(fxo interface)
12:55.31timecopwell they closed my bug with it and moved all discussion to 207
12:55.35timecopso hopefully it'll get fixed in a while
12:55.40timecopScaredyCat: yes I know.
12:55.46timecopScaredyCat: my sip 'provider" bills per minute
12:55.52timecopso they must use this otherwies they'll have no customers in a flash
12:55.56timecop(not like that isnt happening already)
12:56.09ScaredyCatyes, this is a huge problem imho...
12:56.23JoeCoolwow, lot's of problems here today
12:57.08vaewynTeach me to upgrade 3 months worth of CVS changes :P
12:58.18timecopthis sip session timer has been a problem since early this summer
12:58.20diggerdoes the Intel 865/875 chipsets also use the usb_uhci driver, so one can use ztdummy ?
12:58.22timecopi'm glad its finally getting looked at
12:58.50timecopi thought there was a zaprtc driver too
12:59.34diggertimecop: i know. but still curious...
12:59.50JoeCoolWhy : No application 'Meetme' for extension (local, 1002, 1)
13:00.44JoeCoolwhy Meetme does not come up at show applications ? Damn ...
13:00.44vaewynJoeCool: means you are trying to dial a "conference" and you don't have the module compiled/loaded
13:00.54JoeCoolok ok
13:01.01JoeCoolI'm stupid
13:01.12vaewynnah... he's stupid
13:01.46*** join/#asterisk sniffe (
13:01.52ScaredyCattimecop: the nasty thing is even if the zap channel is destroyed the other end isnt
13:01.54JoeCoolis it needed to be loaded at modules.conf ?
13:02.11vaewynshould autoload unless you have a noload for it... (as long as it is compiled)
13:02.25timecopScaredyCat: i know. my asterisk setup has random dead-but-not-expired sessions all the time
13:02.45timecopJoeCool: meetme requires a digium card or a dummy timing driver
13:02.47timecopdo you have either?
13:03.00JoeCoolI lodaded ztdummy
13:03.13JoeCoolmodprobe ztdummy, it's there, ok, up and running
13:03.23JoeCooldoes it need anything zaptel.conf ?
13:03.50timecopi dont remember I was hoping you had a card, huhu
13:03.57JoeCoolhehehehe I wish
13:04.09timecopasterisk -vvvc and check for shit related to meetme during loading scroll
13:04.15JoeCoolthere is no doc for ztdummy ... pretty hard to put it working
13:04.40timecopwell, i think it needs /dev/zaptel etc made. which means you must make install in zaptel dir at least once
13:04.41JoeCoolI've done that, no shit about it. And show applications neither.
13:04.54JoeCoolI did make install, too
13:05.00mbranca~slap ScaredyCat
13:05.07ACTION slaps ScaredyCat, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
13:05.33timecopis app_meetme in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules?
13:05.47JoeCoolI'll check
13:06.09ScaredyCat~lart mbranca
13:06.18timecop~kick timecop
13:06.22bugger off sod!
13:06.22JoeCooldamn, it's not there
13:06.29ScaredyCat~whaleslap mbranca
13:06.32ACTION slaps mbranca upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
13:06.32timecopJoeCool: well that would answer it huhu
13:06.39timecopJoeCool: now find out why it didnt get compiled/installed
13:06.51JoeCoolhehehehehe, yeah, thanks
13:08.22timecopi havent kept track of asterisk cvs for the last 3 months or so since its running on a somewhat "production" machine, so i duno but my ugess is meetme has always been compiled by default
13:10.54*** join/#asterisk gorman (
13:11.07ScaredyCatdebg messages on remote console is working
13:12.55vaewynHehehe... screen -x   as many consoles as you want :P
13:13.14sniffeIs there any documents about these DATABASE GET/PUT etc. functions?
13:14.07YoYo^ACK!!  how do I /un/ monitor a bug?
13:14.29YoYo^some idiot is using bugs as a chatroom
13:14.58ScaredyCatclick stop monitoring
13:15.47*** join/#asterisk Mike9 (
13:17.42sniffegeertn: thnx
13:20.14YoYo^Scaredy, I dun see that anywhere on the bug page
13:20.30YoYo^I see only a button that says 'Monitor Bug'
13:22.33FuzzyCatwhat bu no YoYo?
13:25.51timecopi dont see any chat in that bug
13:26.05timecopoh never mind
13:26.07timecopit was still loading
13:29.47FuzzyCatYoYo^: just unter the reporting part it should have a End monitoring button...
13:29.52JoeCoolI recompiled and I think it worked, timecop
13:30.09FuzzyCatif you don;t see it then that suggests you aren;t monitoring it..
13:30.18*** join/#asterisk Dominante (
13:30.39FuzzyCatPirates! Arrrr
13:30.44JoeCooljust one stuff is strange, maybe OSS/dsp isn't cool for conferencing : -- Created ZapTel conference 1023 for conference '1234'
13:30.47JoeCoolWARNING[245776]: File chan_oss.c, Line 679 (oss_indicate): Don't know how to display condition -1 on OSS/dsp
13:32.31Mike9is there a way to send a SIP NOTIFY to all phones registered with asterisk to reboot them?
13:33.11YoYo^fuzzy, one would think... however, I get emails everytime someone posts to that bug
13:33.34FuzzyCatlogged inas a different user?
13:33.43YoYo^this is silly anyways... it's a goddamned web page, not a mail list.  it shouldn't be generating emails in the first place
13:34.02FuzzyCatmm.. i like that feature
13:34.29YoYo^it's retarded
13:34.33YoYo^if I cared, I'd go look
13:34.48YoYo^I don't need it to spam me when someone decides to use it as a BBS
13:34.58YoYo^anyways... I'll wait for bkw to wake up
13:35.13YoYo^mebbe his god-powers will be able to get it to stop spamming me
13:35.38FuzzyCatfuck me! mgcp dtmf detection is fixed!
13:36.19FuzzyCatppph baby
13:36.33FuzzyCat000h baby..
13:36.56FuzzyCatsomeone moved my keydoard slightly to the left
13:37.56vaewynMM... my wcfxo thinks it is answering ... but doesn't really...
13:37.59vaewynThis sux
13:38.16vaewynEven worse... it knows it's screwed up  "Jan 12 08:36:09 WARNING[245776]: chan_zap.c:2991 zt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 1"
13:38.16YoYo^for a good time, call IAX2/guest@
13:39.10vaewynnonono.. for a good time call 555-1212
13:40.10YoYo^phhht... at least I give a valid call destination
13:40.41vaewynMine's valid... works on any phone... :}
13:41.00vaewyneven my asterisk phone has a 555-1212  :}   tt-monkeysintro and tt-monkeys :}
13:41.00YoYo^yeah?  mine works from anywhere
13:41.07FuzzyCat555 isn;t a valid area code is it
13:41.17YoYo^hell, it's even going to have a PSTN # assigned when I get them ported over
13:42.19YoYo^LOL... once isn't enough, is it?
13:43.25vaewyn555 is "internal" numbers for phone LATAs... any area code that you try and append 555-1212 to it should give you a valid number :P
13:45.00ExomorphWOW! We get a 0.7 release today!
13:45.18YoYo^"well, m'am, the first time you tried to log in, your password was blank.  The second time, you left the 'el' out of children, which is your password.  The third time, your password was blank again."
13:45.28vaewynyeah... but if todays CVS is any indication... dan't do it if you have a wcfxo card :P
13:45.30*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:45.59Exomorphouchies... I'm sure Mark will fix the bugs up...
13:46.08*** join/#asterisk voidptr_ (
13:46.20voidptr_phear me!
13:46.20YoYo^WTF?  enter zip code, and look up from mapquest, then parse out the stuff?
13:46.22vaewynFuzzyCat: Oo Oo... I know GIS stuff... I should write that !
13:46.24voidptr_for i am the astmaster :P
13:46.40vaewynoops... segfaulted myself
13:46.49YoYo^seg faults are fun
13:47.09YoYo^never did understand all that pointer and reference bullshit
13:48.41vaewynHmm... so with a zaptel problem do I bug kram directly... or post to the list?
13:49.19vaewynBeen a while so not sure on ettiquite anymore
13:49.20YoYo^"M'am, what's your password?"  "Jesus"  "Ok, that's what I thought, but somehow, your computer is sending 'Satan' as your password."
13:49.48YoYo^"M'am, I think your computer is posessed.  You better bring it in for an exorcism."
13:49.56DigiumARhey, Its my friend Copice !!!!
13:50.14DigiumARHi Steve
13:51.17JoeCooldamn MSN ...
13:51.41vaewyntech support YoYo? :}
13:51.41coppiceDigiumAR: Hi there
13:51.50YoYo^vaewyn, only when I have to
13:52.07YoYo^which is a lot lately since I fired 2 people last month
13:52.08DigiumARSteve, may we speack in private?
13:52.27YoYo^coppice! you lucky dog!  go get your cyber!
13:52.44vaewynman.. at it was just getting kinky :P
13:53.11DigiumARjajajaja nice people
13:53.13JoeCooldoes anyone knows how to make MSN 4.7 dial a Asterisk extension ? That stuff sucks
13:53.54vaewynJoeCool: heh... well I know the round about way... I use Jabber to message someone on MSN 4.7 and tell them to call me :P
13:54.24YoYo^"Sir, I understand that you're typing in the correct password, but the thing that you need to understand, is that the really smart computers are really quite stupid and can't understand that 'A' and 'a' are the same.  You /need/ to turn off the CAPSLOCK key to check your email."
13:56.30JoeCoolvaewyn : yeah, I'm wondering where I enter the number/address
13:57.28JoeCool"Start a voice conversation"
13:58.53JoeCoolat "Service" Combo box I put "Communications Service" and at Enter Email Address I put the Asterisk extension ... guess what ? Nothing happens at asterisk
13:59.08JoeCoolbut the damned MSN receive calls when I dial from DIAX to its extension
14:02.19*** join/#asterisk jtodd (~jtodd@
14:03.28coppiceDigiumAR: maybe you should ask about private conversations in private :-)
14:03.58DigiumARok steve
14:04.40*** join/#asterisk rot200 (~YO@
14:06.13*** join/#asterisk jimmyz (~jimmyz@
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14:12.57vaewynAFKHmmm a couple people had the same problem as me back in august...
14:13.18vaewynbut no answers to their messages :{
14:14.01folssonIs here someone who uses two "clustered" Asterisks?
14:14.26discordiawhat do you mean with "clustered" ?
14:14.44zoayou cant cluster them
14:14.51zoain the way you pprobably mean
14:16.24folssonTwo or more separate servers who serve the "same" clients
14:18.38folssonAt the time we only have one server with one PRI, so all SIP UAs register at that point... everything is "standard"
14:19.08folssonBut how do I go about to add the new ones without separating the dialplan?
14:21.40vaewynset up another box and have the main one be a "switch" the for the second one... then your dialplan is only on one machine
14:21.42sniffeDocs. for these Language settings?
14:22.18coppiceHey, if you have hazelnut clusters, why not * ones? :-)
14:22.49FuzzyCat<gsr> the UK air farce just 'accidentally' droped a 225kg bomb on a small village in yorkshire...
14:22.54sniffeexten => 3,1,SetLanguage(fr) <- I'll guess it is beeing used to have several different sound-files in different languages in some way?
14:23.22diggersniffe: exactly
14:23.38folssonvaewyn: I'm not following.... explain
14:23.54oejsniffe: There's a lot of info on multilanguage in the Wiki,
14:24.16coppiceFuzzyCat: Don't you know that Bin Laden is a Yorkshireman? :-)
14:24.29oejsniffe: It's used for sound files and indications (indications.conf)
14:25.03sniffeoej: thanx, I'll check out and take a peek into indications.conf
14:25.28vaewynfolsson: In any extensions.conf you can specify another machine as a "switch" and it will auto lookup anything on that remote machine that is in the context you define... Like on my remote machine I have:
14:26.04vaewynanything in the dialout context on my main box can be dialed and handled from that remote machine also
14:26.25vaewynkeeps the configs nice and easy :P
14:27.50vaewynyou just have to make sure you don't make a "switch" loop by using a switch statement on both machines for overlapping contexts
14:29.12folssonAll the servers will have their own PRI
14:29.34*** join/#asterisk Moc (
14:29.41Mochi all
14:30.07vaewynThen you would provide switch statements on the main server for each remote server for outgoing on the pri... and a context on each that switches to main server for incoming on the pri
14:30.09folssonI don't want to "lock" an SIP UA to only be able to call out from one of them
14:32.58*** part/#asterisk ecd (
14:36.24folssonHow do I the main server know to which server the call should be switched?
14:37.37folssonI wanna get somekind of loadbalancing
14:37.56tzangerbkw you around?
14:37.59vaewynThis is where I start getting hazy... sorry... I know this is one way they do it but I havn't done beyond endpoints that have distinct extensions for each
14:39.05folssonI've been thinking about this alot but haven't really decided how to do it
14:39.14folssonHow knows?
14:39.31*** join/#asterisk dimmik (~kold@ios.intranet.GR)
14:41.01folssonImagine a number of servers at a large number of different locations, how would I go about to decided where the call should exit to the PSTN
14:41.59vaewynYou would have to segment it based on call destination.. (ie usually number/extension dialed)
14:42.50vaewynYou can also "span" groups of interfaces to provide call out pools... but not sure if you can do that accross multiple servers or not.
14:43.43folssonI use that feature right now, but I didn't think you could do it between servers.
14:44.00folssonGrouping the PRIs gives you a "local" loadbalancing
14:44.24tzangerdoes anyone know why the mailing list does not seem to deliver any mail on the weekends?
14:44.34tzangerI get no messages all weekend, then a flood on Sunday night/Monday morning
14:44.56bdfDoes anyone know of anywhere good to reccommend for a CAC ADIT 600 w/ 8 FXO ports, or a Adtran Total Access 750?
14:45.05tzangerbdf are you Lance Arbuckle?
14:45.07bdfAll the suppliers I call of their websites are idiots.
14:45.17tzangerAdit600 is awesome, and you get it off of ebay
14:45.41tzangerit's nigh impossible to get one with FXO ports though ... I think tclark steals them all off ebay :-)
14:46.05tzangerThe Channel Bank I and II work very well **SO LONG AS** you do not need far end disconnect notification.  i.e. they are awesome and cheap channel banks for FXS ports
14:47.47*** join/#asterisk illc0mmm (
14:48.30illc0mmmhey, anyone know of anyone running astersk on any of the Soekris platforms?
14:48.45illc0mmmthat would be asterisk
14:49.07sniffeWhere is the localized sound files placed? In a sub-directory of the sound-directory?
14:50.06sniffeIt doesn't seem to work very well, probably my config ...
14:53.38sniffeSeems that the problem is when I do something like 'Background(directory/somefile.gsm)' it wont work in the localized version.
14:53.50tzangerok how the hell do you get "red alarm" on an X101P?  It's not a T1 interface
14:54.13vaewyntzanger: unplugged cord can do it
14:54.28tzangervaewyn: on an *X*101P?  i.e. 1-port FXO winmodem card?
14:54.31vaewynabout the only thing that can though
14:54.40tzangervaewyn: wow I did not know that
14:54.44tzangerI've never seen that either heh
14:54.56bdfI get red alarms even when there are dialtones on the line
14:55.20tzangerI don't actually have an X101P in use anymore though... my house is pure * and VOIP
14:55.36vaewynbdf: You can get the from some phone systems that are "under volt" out of spec
15:00.46*** join/#asterisk jensd (
15:03.05vaewynOk... dropped my bug into the tracker... hopefully someone has an idea
15:03.28vaewynIt is right.. the state it is getting to in the code is VERY messed
15:07.54*** join/#asterisk Alric (
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15:11.33voidptrehm, what do I use to catch any extension dialed in a context?
15:11.48[Sim]exten = _.,1,Foo
15:12.37voidptrah yes... forgot the _ ;)
15:12.47voidptr[Sim] care to check my config? :)
15:14.22*** join/#asterisk HotDog (~alex@
15:18.21FuzzyCatwhat's wasims farfone site again
15:21.16FuzzyCatmmm.. can';t get to it
15:21.43voidptr_yes true
15:21.54drgalaxyI try to follow my void pointers, not stab at them
15:21.56illc0mmmget rid of the !
15:22.06illc0mmmworks for me
15:22.16voidptr_illc0mmm : it does? humm maybe dns change or so
15:22.21voidptr_or crappy routing ;)
15:22.24voidptr_ah works now
15:22.26vaewynworks for me
15:22.28illc0mmmyour link had an ! in it
15:22.31swirlnetsdoes anyone have a "farfon"
15:22.39voidptr_illc0mmm : i'm not that retarded
15:22.44illc0mmmI was
15:23.17drgalaxyI wonder why the forums on farfon are locked
15:23.27illc0mmmnot much activity this year?
15:23.54drgalaxyso their response to not much activity is to lock it?  I guess they just don't want random people posting on there
15:29.13*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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15:36.17mbrancadrgalaxy, are u subscribed ?
15:36.42*** join/#asterisk folsson (
15:37.01mbranca~seen wasim
15:37.06wasim is currently on #asterisk
15:38.39voidptr_isn't it monday by now? ;)
15:38.43voidptr_it sure feels like it
15:39.27voidptr_my head pounds like no other day... :S
15:39.43*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
15:40.51]data[voidptr_: mark didnt say _which_ Monday :)
15:41.12voidptr_sorry my head hurts too much to think about that one
15:42.11FuzzyCattoday....but in us time :D
15:43.07AlricSo it's not out yet?
15:43.12]data[its 10:42am east coast and 07:42am west coast
15:43.17*** join/#asterisk _E_ (
15:43.22voidptr_what is!?
15:43.36AlricCVS looks different from Friday.  Maybe it's just me
15:43.40]data[the time0r
15:43.56vaewynCVS is updated from yesterday even
15:45.20*** join/#asterisk JerJer[ghost] (
15:45.26tzangerare there any traffic classification wizards here?  I have a script I am trying ot understand
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15:45.48tzangerthis is linux, btw... with the 'tc' command
15:46.08drgalaxytzanger: I have setup a few things with it, but I wouldn't call my self a wizard
15:46.25drgalaxyin the same vein, I'm looking for cheap quad port nic cards (new) any ideas anyone?
15:46.41barrysI can't seem to get audio from playback, background, moh, etc...  A sip to sip conversation works ok though.  Any ideas
15:47.05tzangerdrgalaxy: I don't think cheap and quad port go together
15:47.05tzangerwe have a nic edlink one that works well
15:47.05*** join/#asterisk No_Carrier_ (~NoCarrier@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:47.17barrysI can't seem to get audio from playback, background, moh, etc...  A sip to sip conversation works ok though.  Any ideas
15:48.02tzangerthat's the script
15:48.11tzangerI'm just trying to understand how the tree is built
15:48.25*** join/#asterisk loid (
15:48.32loidAsterisk run in freebsd?
15:48.35tzangerI see that I generate a default queueing discipline
15:49.08tzangerthen I create a class tree with the parent being 1:
15:49.20tzangerand I generate queueing disciplines for each of the smaller classes
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15:49.37*** mode/#asterisk [+bbb *!*tofubar@* *!*dan@194.158.*.* *!*] by
15:49.37*** mode/#asterisk [+bbb *!*shane@* *!*globalthr@* *!*NoHost@*] by
15:49.37*** mode/#asterisk [+bbb *!*carlossan@* *!*@* *!*PooPoo@*] by
15:49.37*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*FearOfGOD@*] by
15:49.37*** mode/#asterisk [+q sant!*@*] by
15:49.51tzangerand I *think* what happens next is that I have four filters which 'tag' data based on its priority which I set via iptables
15:50.26tzangerI'm trying to get a grasp on the 'prio' and 'handle' fields in the filters
15:50.31tzangerand in the queueing disciplines
15:50.59*** join/#asterisk h3x (
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15:51.32*** join/#asterisk sudhir (~sudhir@
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15:52.21sudhirhas anyone used asterisk on opteron?
15:52.32RoyKcheck the ml
15:52.38RoyKI beleive someone's doing it
15:53.15heisonhas 0.7.0 been released?
15:54.02]data[heison: not yet
15:54.07YoYo^just do CVS and be happy
15:54.27sudhirI am under the impression that Opterons offer better price/performance compared to Pentiums, hence am considering a dual opteron system for a Quad T1 card based * implementation. Any comments?
15:54.53sudhirWhat was the previous version of Asterik?
15:55.23FuzzyCatsudhir: releas 0.5.0
15:55.41h3xi was thinking about using an opteron as a database server for billing
15:55.41FuzzyCatbut cvs it mre uptodate
15:55.52h3xbut i dont think id try to run asterisk on it, i donno
15:56.04sudhirwhat kind? if it is changing compiler flags for proper compilations, I can handle that but if it has problems with drivers, I cannot
15:56.26YoYo^I just asked for a quote on a dual Xeon system for my billing system
15:56.33sudhirh3x: I have been using an Athlon based machine for my webserver and database. Excellent performance
15:56.37h3xUm i think the biggest problem is that youd have to use like 0day linux on it
15:56.59]data[here's teh kram :D
15:57.05YoYo^software raid in win2k just isn't up to the task.  And if I'm giong to spend >$2k for a proper storage system, I may as well drop another $2k on a decent system
15:57.06]data[morning :)
15:57.17YoYo^no, kram is not here... it's an optical illusion
15:57.28sudhirKram might have some input about use of Xeon, Opteron, or Pentium 4
15:57.33h3xare you out of your damned mind? haha
15:57.46h3xsudhir: What are you doing with * on this box
15:57.56puzzledanyone also see cvs dump core at startup when compiled with DEBUG=-g -pg?
15:57.57YoYo^sudhir, actually, JerJer would probably be the better person to ask
15:58.08YoYo^AFAIK, he's got the largest * installation of anyone to date
15:58.11h3xjerjer's answer to everything is "get a dual xeon"
15:58.27JerJer[ghost]h3x: yep nothing less
15:58.41h3xme> I want a machine to play tetris on
15:58.45JerJer[ghost]spend the extra hundy or two, its worth it in the long run
15:58.45h3xJerJer> Get a dual Xeon
15:59.06h3xits a bit more than that
15:59.08sudhirYes, a dual Xeon from JerJer. But cheaper Xeons have 512K of cache as opposed to 1MB on cheaper opterons.
15:59.14JerJer[ghost]um, no
15:59.20JerJer[ghost]not from my suppliers
15:59.38h3xxeon is the same as a p4 with more cache and a slower fsb and shittier chipset
15:59.49h3xget a p4 !
15:59.59*** join/#asterisk haighis (~chatzilla@
16:00.01sudhirMy main application is conferencing, on quad T1 card, plus some VoIP traffic as well
16:00.15YoYo^my P4 is 533 FSB... my Dual Xeon box is 533 FSB
16:00.18sudhirMy conferencing system is going to be quite busy
16:00.27h3xand p4 is 800FSB with dual DDR
16:00.35YoYo^oh, I do have a P4 with an 800 FSB in one box
16:00.51JerJer[ghost]asterisk likes cache
16:01.00JerJer[ghost]and dual proc
16:01.02h3xhas anybody actually benchmarked this stuff
16:01.09sudhirDo P4 come with multiprocessor option
16:01.14JoeCoolAHA !! MSN have a tick !
16:01.16YoYo^well, HTT
16:01.18h3xno but its got hyperthreading
16:01.21JoeCooldamn bastard
16:01.26JerJer[ghost]2.4 doesn't support hyperthreading
16:01.31YoYo^but I've not yet seen a straight answer as to wether or not HTT is true dual processor or not
16:01.35JoeCoolP4 2.4c rulez
16:01.35JerJer[ghost]and will casue problems
16:01.43sudhirWhen I put together my system, I sure am going to benchmark and publish for the community
16:01.45YoYo^JerJer: P4 2.4Ghz 800FSB is HTT
16:01.58h3xI got it to work somehow
16:02.00h3xdont remember exactly
16:02.01JerJerYoYo^: you still only have one proc
16:02.11YoYo^P4 Xeon 2.4Ghz is HTT too
16:02.19JerJeruntil 2.6 stablizes
16:02.42YoYo^XP at home on a 3.0ghz
16:02.44JerJerwe have it disabled on all of ours
16:02.45h3xi need to set up a test bench
16:02.49YoYo^XP at work on a 2.4Ghz/800FSB
16:03.00YoYo^and FBSD on a Dual Xeon 2.4Ghz for mail
16:03.10h3xpipe a shitload of calls through a pair of asterisk boxes with matching configs
16:03.33h3xlook at stability and listen in to see if the call sounds screwey
16:03.40h3xjitter, etc
16:03.54JoeCoolP4 2.4c is overclock champion
16:03.54YoYo^h3x, how would you simulate 100's or 1000's of calls being transcoded?
16:04.01h3xthats pretty easy
16:04.04YoYo^silence is pretty easy on the CPU
16:04.05h3xyou need 4 boxes though
16:04.15h3xwell actually 3
16:04.16h3xi guess
16:04.35h3xyou could stuff one box with a couple cards that just generate calls going all the way through the others and back
16:04.38JerJeri've ran chan_h323 thru a hardware traffic generator box thingy
16:04.42h3xjust do Playback and record...
16:04.59h3xMonitor actually
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16:04.59h3xor Barge and listen...
16:05.08h3xbut have a bunch of recorded conversations going both directions
16:05.27h3xanyway, and tie those with say 4 t1s to a couple boxes going iax between them
16:05.39YoYo^4 T1s is easy
16:05.48YoYo^thats only 96 channels
16:05.54h3xYeah, and then go up to say 8
16:06.09h3xbut everybody says you cant do more than 4 on a dual xeon ?....
16:06.13h3xwith compression stuff
16:06.36YoYo^hmm... I heard 2 quad cards in a dual xeon box
16:06.42YoYo^but then I hear lots of things
16:06.49JerJerwe only do 1 TE410P
16:06.58JerJerand rack up more boxes
16:07.01h3xI think its one quad with ilbc or g729
16:07.08sudhirJerJer: what kind of load do you have on your machine
16:07.19drgalaxytzanger: sorry, I am unable to help with your tc script
16:07.39JoeCoolyesss scream to me MSN @)(!#&(!@
16:07.52drgalaxytzanger: read through it, didn't really see anything that struck me as wrong
16:08.12JerJersudhir:  we have had all 4 T-1 spans lit up and the box isn't even sweating
16:08.26YoYo^each box would be diskless
16:08.39YoYo^that's some 168 T1s
16:08.48h3xYoYo: And still i want soemone to tell me how this is more cost effective than say, MAX TNTs with DS3 cards? :)
16:08.49YoYo^that could be fun
16:09.01h3xeven if the TE410P's were free.. it would cost more
16:09.09YoYo^TNT loaded is $16k
16:09.17h3x$9k on ebay
16:09.24*** join/#asterisk Aviaa_ (
16:09.27citatsbah you can get TNTs for anywhere from 4-11K
16:09.34h3x$3500 for 0day firmware to be legal
16:09.35YoYo^h3x: with DSPs or modems?
16:09.39drgalaxyyou can buy max TNTs for cheap on ebay
16:09.42h3xwith 96DSPs
16:09.50h3xon all ports
16:09.59sudhirJerJer: Great. Can you tell me the processor speed and motherboard. I will try to stay in the same ballpark. On someone's suggestion, I am eyeing a server from Supermicro and your input will help me a great deal.
16:10.09h3xthe only drawback ive come up with so far is you cant do ilbc or speex
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16:10.16h3xbut you can do gsm, g.everything
16:10.22vaewynHmm while we are on the topic of massive installs... what do the "big guys" run if they want to fan out a * box to ohh say.. 100+ analog phones
16:10.41drgalaxyvaewyn: a big channel bank and some T1 interfaces
16:10.41h3xvaewyn: channel banks and te410p cards
16:11.00vaewynyeah... but which channel banks... everyone seems to gloss over which ones work the best for them :P
16:11.01*** part/#asterisk mmco (
16:11.11citatsyouy can fit 2 adtran TA 750 side by side in a 19" rack
16:11.18h3xI've got a carrier access AB-1 here at home running my phones
16:11.22YoYo^vaewyn, at that level, I'd do it by department
16:11.23drgalaxyyou can get a MAX TNT with everything and 2x 8 port T1 cards for $2k buy it now
16:11.29h3xno problems at all.  I think the only issues youd have is them as FXO
16:11.48h3xdrgalaxy: I bought a couple like that but they had the wrong dsp cards to do voip
16:11.52h3xeven though it was hashed for voip
16:11.54drgalaxyahh bum
16:11.55h3x48MOD dosent work
16:11.55jsmithvaewyn: Channel banks... I like the Adit 600 from Carrier Accesss
16:12.12JerJera TNT is a dumb box
16:12.17tzangerI have a tc prio question -- if I have a class that is prio 0 and a class that is prio 1 and prio 0 is NOT using up its allocated rate, the prio 1 class can get that extra bandwidth right?  the notes on seem to disagree
16:12.18JerJerasteisk is the whole package
16:12.21h3xyou need the right version of ethernet card, multidsp cards, and other shit like that
16:12.35h3xJerJer: but you could have a single asterisk box in between processing thousands of calls with no codec trans
16:12.39drgalaxyh3x: most of the ones you see for sale are from liquidated ISPs, so I would imagine the voip stuff is more rare
16:12.52vaewynI almost have the telecom guys convinced to start going ethernet only on the new phones... but we have a LOT of analog lines we still need to deal with... and even more old meridian digitals we are probably just going to trash
16:13.02JerJerh3x: until you burn a pwr sup or hd
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16:13.04h3xdrgalaxy: depends. If someone bought a hundred of them they come hashed for everything
16:13.16JerJerand it will have to transcode gsm and ilbc
16:13.18vaewynhate to waste that kindof money but... they are going for @#$@ on ebay
16:13.20h3xJerJer: redundant power supply and compact flash
16:13.32h3xNo, the max tnt latest firmware does gsm
16:13.45JerJernot 0.6.10
16:13.57srinivasHi All! Got a simple question.... what signalling is used on the T1/E1 cards from digium? Is it R2 signalling by any chance? is it 5024 or 5030? any idea anyone?
16:13.58h3xThats old.  Latest is 11.x
16:14.26drgalaxyfor dialup, those TNTs are the best that I have used
16:14.35h3xlatest can do SIP too
16:15.23vaewynwb kram
16:15.43YoYo^I TOLD YOU! Kram isn't here, it's an optical illusion
16:15.43sudhirsrinivas: Your T1/E1 provider will tell you the signalling. Match * with that
16:15.54h3x0day firmware is $3500 or less
16:15.58sudhirE&M, E&M wink is pretty common in US trunks
16:16.03vaewyn"greatings and salivations"
16:16.27YoYo^ok, who mentioned the $2000 TNT?
16:16.40YoYo^that one will /not/ do VOIP
16:16.49vaewynheh... those Adit 600s aren't bad on Ebay either :P
16:17.07]data[SIP release 6.1 is out then for cisco then i see
16:17.23srinivassudhir: thanks.... but I wanted to use it with a channel bank.. and the provider of one channel bank asked me this info..
16:17.24h3xI don't think digium stuff will do R2 signalling
16:17.29h3xin a lot of countries you have to use R2
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16:17.44h3xevery country is different too
16:17.58h3xthe best vendors for that sort of thing are aculab and ericsson
16:18.16sudhirsrinivas: what kind of channel bank do you have? your problem is that both channel bank and asterisk are quite flexible :-)
16:19.00YoYo^hell, ask and ye shall receive
16:19.02sudhirI have a Carrier Access channel bank. If you ping me tomorrow, I can tell you what I am using there
16:19.11srinivassudhir: I was just searching for one who can do a local make... but there is these guys in India called Valiant who say they dont sell within India... They asked that question when I said heck.. I 'll buy them outside India
16:19.12YoYo^fully optioned shelf controllers right there on EBAY
16:19.14sudhirMy machine at home is off right now
16:19.32sudhirARe you in India?
16:19.37sudhirwhere about?
16:19.52sudhirWhat are you trying to make?
16:19.55h3xYoYo: just make sure you have 96dsp or better and the wacky ethernet card with a dongle
16:20.37srinivassudhir: Im in Hyderabad and Im trying to setup a call center for someone
16:20.39sudhirsrinivas: will you be interfacing with VSNL trunk?
16:20.40bkw_RISE AND SHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16:20.56]data[woo its bkw :)
16:21.14srinivassudhir: not really...
16:21.18jsmithbkw_: That's the beginning of the fight song for one of the universities here...
16:21.26jsmithbkw_: Rise and Shout! The Cougars are out...
16:21.37sudhirAre you trying to put together a PBX like stuff, i.e. hang off analog phones off your * and do VoIP ?
16:21.40JerJerbkw_: ur late :)
16:21.50srinivassudhir: exactly
16:22.00bdfWhen plugging phones lines using an Amp 50 cable, a typical phone cord reverses polarity (e.g. green goes to red, red - green) how would I wire it up from the demarc to the Adit 600 CB?
16:22.18YoYo^h3x, actually, the dongle ethernet do-hickies aren't good
16:22.32h3xbdf: you always use straight thru unless its from the phone to wall
16:22.33sudhirsrinivas: in that case it does not really matter. take a look at the * signalling modes, and you are fine as long as your channel banks can do that
16:22.55srinivassudhir: ok..
16:23.01bdfcool, thanks
16:23.19bdfwhat about the X100P cards?
16:23.29YoYo^what about them?
16:23.46h3xYoYo: what model
16:23.52h3xyou need sl-e100-v-c or better for voip
16:23.55h3xaccording to the docs
16:23.59YoYo^the fuck if I know... it's 1 100Mbit port, and 3 10Mbit
16:24.04h3xive got a sl-e10-100 and it dosent work
16:24.14h3xthats the one that dosent work :)
16:24.27YoYo^{ shelf-1 slot-1 0 }         UP    UP     4ether2-card
16:24.27h3xthat one is also prone to DoS's but that shouldnt matter
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16:25.09YoYo^the guy colocated next to me has the dongle one... he said it sux
16:25.19h3xtheres one better than the dongle one
16:25.22YoYo^there's like 10 TNTs in that colo room
16:25.30h3xbut in any case, all the newer ones use PMC cards mounted on a carrier
16:25.55YoYo^then I could go buy a couple APX8k boxes
16:25.58h3xI'm trying to figure out how to get the HVAC set up to accomodate MAX TNTs in my new office :)
16:25.58YoYo^which would be most l33t
16:26.17wsuffYoYo: what ya selling =)
16:26.22YoYo^wsuff, dialup
16:26.27derrickhahahhaha, you need enough power for three small villages for those tnts
16:26.32SioBDoes anybody know the recommended syntax for SetCallerID - I see different variants being used
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16:26.52wsuffYoYo: just in VA?
16:26.54YoYo^hell, I'll sell unlimited one-way PRI for say $200/month
16:27.07vaewynHmm.. anyone ever tried interfacing to meridian phones with anything but their actual phone switch?
16:27.16h3xyou have to compete with coloco
16:27.32FuzzyCatthe is digital phones vaewyn
16:27.37YoYo^anyone want unlimited one-way PRI?  Only catch is that it needs to be primarily day-time usage
16:27.48h3xinbound or outbound or does it matter
16:27.48FuzzyCatwhich way?
16:27.54h3xon concept
16:28.07wsuffwhat happens at night
16:28.09*** join/#asterisk NirS (~nirs@
16:28.09YoYo^I could do outbound, but that'd be between you and the telco
16:28.14vaewynFuzzyCat yep... digital... was wondering if anyone had found a way to hook them up to * without the @@#$@# meridian switch PoS
16:28.19h3xi figured youd say that coz outbound is metered or message rate
16:28.21NirSYo Yo Yo, I'm back :-)
16:28.34h3xlong distance?
16:28.37YoYo^why you use my name in vane?
16:28.44FuzzyCatvaewyn: you'd need a box to emuluate the meridian :/
16:28.48YoYo^actually, my outbound is unlimited
16:28.59YoYo^LD charges apply though
16:29.01NirSwassup everybody ?
16:29.06NirSit's been a while since I was last here
16:29.08vaewynFuzzyCat: yeah... which I figured wouldn't exist but... worth an ask :P
16:29.08h3xSomeone would make a damned fortune if they made a meridian or avaya station interface board
16:29.10h3xfor asterisk
16:29.12NirSbeen busy like crazy lately
16:29.24h3xthen you can drop the shit in
16:29.27h3xand no one would notice
16:29.29YoYo^h3x, hell yeah
16:29.33bkw_YO YO YO
16:29.33FuzzyCatvaewyn: well if you do find one lemmie know... the phones are sweet!
16:29.34vaewynh3x: *nods* I would pay a fortune to get off that @#$@#$ Box
16:29.45YoYo^I'd SO love to have a proper business phone
16:29.56wsuffproper biz phone
16:29.57wsuffheh e
16:29.58h3xit would be much easier to make merlin legend mlx phones work
16:30.05h3xthey are bri isdn
16:30.06YoYo^bkw, NOT VOIP phone... a proper business phone
16:30.09wsuffbkw_: are u a cisco sales man?
16:30.10h3xjust have to reverse engineer the d channel
16:30.13FuzzyCatbkw_: 207
16:30.14YoYo^like an MLS-18D
16:30.14FuzzyCatbkw_: 207
16:30.21YoYo^or whatever the Nortel equiv is
16:30.23bkw_FuzzyCat hehe I know I know I know
16:30.34h3xi have an office full of MLX-20Ds
16:30.38h3xkind of crazy
16:30.42h3xbut they are $90 each on ebay
16:30.43YoYo^mlx is ISDN?
16:30.44h3xso who cares
16:31.01h3xThe problem is the hardware cost of a bri interface that will do network side
16:31.56h3xpartner phones arent MLX's
16:32.02YoYo^I know
16:32.05SioBbkw: Any idea what the official syntax for SetCallerID is ? I see various versions being used...
16:32.10YoYo^but I don't have a legend system
16:32.21h3xive got two of em
16:32.23h3xi love em but...
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16:32.35YoYo^find an EE and sacrafice one
16:32.36h3xi wish i could find that guy on here that wrote a voicemail system replacement dialplan
16:32.39vaewynWhat I want is like the budgettones with true multiple line support :P
16:32.53h3xdont really need an EE
16:32.57vaewynThen i can sell all the meridians on ebay and buy BTs :P
16:32.57h3xjust need a bri sniffer
16:33.01h3xor build a bri sniffer
16:33.15h3xwith two bri cards in a computer sitting between the phone and the legend
16:33.29h3xsniff out that 16k D channel
16:33.38h3xfigure out how its pushing shit to the screen and keys
16:34.04h3xim sure the rest of it is standard, since lucent sold phones that were physically identical to MLX's that were ISDN phones
16:34.42NirSl-fy ?
16:34.44NirSyou there ?
16:34.56h3xbut whats the point
16:35.10h3xit would be cheaper to manufacture your own voip phones that work worth a damn
16:35.11NirSguys ?
16:35.16h3xand take about the same amount of time
16:35.19NirSanyone here from Romania or Bulgaria ?
16:35.26h3xbri chipsets cost too much
16:35.47YoYo^I just want a phone with 10-30 buttons and blinky lights
16:35.57YoYo^so people can see who's on and who's not
16:35.58JerJerload average: 1.05, 1.15, 0.98  <--- 20 IAX->PSTN calls and 3 seperate PSTN confs (3 users,  6 users and 4 users)
16:36.08vaewynscrew blinky lights... I just want multiple lines :P
16:36.41folssonJerJer: Specs for the system?
16:36.47JerJerdual xeon
16:36.58YoYo^fuck the bugs
16:37.02bkw_JerJer did it finally run under valgrind?
16:37.08JerJerbkw_: yep
16:37.09YoYo^bkw, first bug to fix, is to have bugs stop emailing me on bug 214
16:37.10vaewynI wish my bug would bugger off :}
16:37.21JerJerits cleaner now that one fix went in last night
16:37.22folssonJerJer: Speed, memory, codec?
16:37.23jsmithbkw_: Another conference?
16:37.46JerJercpu MHz         : 2399.392
16:37.48JerJer2 gig ram
16:37.59JerJermodel name      : Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.40GHz
16:38.16NirSjerjer, wassup dude ?
16:38.20NirSbeen a while
16:38.32NirSbusy is good
16:38.35NirSbusy is very good
16:38.42NirSbusy means business
16:38.43bkw_YoYo^ turn your prefs on Mantis to not email you
16:38.50NirSall hail the mighty kram
16:39.08bkw_YoYo we have busted our asses over the weekend on this stuff
16:39.15NirSkram, i will be installing 2 asterisk boxes in china on Feb
16:39.26NirSif all goes well, by the end of the year, there will be 10 boxes in there
16:39.31UnixDawganyone here have Dial-praties.agi ?
16:39.33NirSall with TE410P cards
16:39.44JoeCoolchina in box
16:39.48NirSbeijing china to be more exact
16:39.54NirSbox ?
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16:40.08NirSwhat do you mean by box ?
16:40.16JoeCoolyeah, it's a chinese food here
16:40.35NirSwell, 2 weeks ago i was in Beijing
16:40.41JoeCoolwas a joke, nevermind
16:40.43bkw_I think we had record speed on bug fixes over the weekend also
16:40.46bkw_har har har har
16:40.56NirSand I was conducting meetings with China's second biggest cellular operator on this project
16:41.02NirSand i got the green light today
16:41.02JoeCoolu crack me up ...
16:41.38sudhirSomeone just mentioned a one way PRI line for $200? Hell, I can give a 24 line Trunk, for $200/month. Of course you pay for the traffic at extremely cheap rates, e.g. around 2 cents for 800 termination :-)
16:41.41NirSbtw, anyone seen l-fy ?
16:42.24NirSoh, btw, I need a couple of good asterisk AGI programmers that can work out of Romanina or Bulgaria, anybody ?
16:42.25JerJeryeah, she's came in here and bitched me out a few times
16:42.38JerJeryou can code anywhere in the world
16:42.40jimmyzcould you monitor somones phone call by dropping them into a conferance with you
16:42.47NirSsorry to say, JAVA is a must
16:42.52_E_bkw_ or kram if you have chance to look at bug 782 today i can give you access to the box , it's the 127 conncurent call bug
16:42.59jimmyzand also could you kick them out of the conference
16:43.22JerJerNirS: its gonna fail then
16:43.31NirSJJ, of course I can, but prices in Romania and Bulgaria are very very cheap on the full time basis
16:43.47wsuffnirs: outsourcing cheap labor =)
16:44.01NirSfor example, I have a couple of programmers in Bulgaria, each one costs 350$ a month, and they are excellent
16:44.29UnixDawgis gastman still being developed ?
16:44.48NirSwsuff, if the avg salary in bulgaria for a programmer is around 250$ we are willing to pay 350$ and 400$, if the guy is good
16:45.03NirSjj, we have AGI's running with JAVA smoothly
16:45.22NirSrunnning around 10,000 calls each day, no problem, running on 3xE1
16:45.25wsuffNirS: supose
16:45.28Corydon76-workYes, gastman is still being developed
16:45.34UnixDawghas anyone developed a web interface for * yet
16:45.51NirSI admit that I don't like JAVA, and I would prefer C,PHP,PERL any day, but hey, it makes developing stuff really easy
16:45.54JerJerNirS: give it time
16:46.02bkw_JerJer did you apply 808?
16:46.07Corydon76-work~google asterisk web interface
16:46.08NirSbesides, we are thinking of re-writing the shit to MONO (C#)
16:46.16SobekAre you saying php is not easy? :-)
16:46.39JerJerbkw_ um
16:47.05NirSPHP is very easy, but when it comes to AGI programing, you need something that handles STDIN/STDOUT easily, JAVA/C# give a very good solid interface for that
16:47.09bkw_808 fixes verbose goign to syslog even when no configured
16:47.23JerJerits in
16:47.37JerJerbut the cvs list notiification stuff puked
16:47.39SobekI write all of my agi in php.. and have had very few issues..
16:48.22NirSin that case, you are a better php coder than I
16:48.41swirlnetssobek: can you send me some examples of php agi code?
16:48.54vaewynPerl with template toolkit... only way to go for agi stuff :P
16:48.56bkw_JerJer no 808 doesn't seem to be in cvs
16:48.56wwany major issues today?
16:49.41Corydon76-workww:  only with people who insist that their inability to code a dialplan constitutes a bug.
16:49.57JerJerbkw_: tells me up to date
16:50.05bkw_ok hold on
16:50.12vaewyna couple X100Ps have issues with being in the wrong ring state
16:50.13wwc76: heh
16:50.33bkw_1.22 here
16:51.03bkw_hrm let me rebuild
16:51.13tzangerbkw_: regarding the zaptel driver crash bug -- does the athlon CPU not support MMX?  /proc/cpuinfo seems to indicate that it does
16:51.45bkw_kram said no mmx
16:51.59tzangerbkw_: I have recompiled without it to test, I am just curious
16:52.08bkw_its worth a shot
16:52.11Corydon76-worktzanger:  I believe the Athlon is missing a single MMX instruction
16:52.20tzangerCorydon76-work: you're shitting me...  unbelievable
16:52.24wwi just closed 808
16:52.39Corydon76-workIt's something stupid like that
16:52.40tzangerwouldn't that give me an illegal opcode oops then instad of a full-out panic that doesn't mention invalid opcode?
16:52.41bkw_ww I'm not sure thats in CVS yet or that it fixed it.. let me rebuild and see
16:52.44haighisNirS, I am working on a Java interface/framework to the Asterisk Call Manager...that uses unix streams and the new Java NIO or New Input/Output
16:52.50wwi just checked -- it's in cvs
16:52.53bkw_ah ok
16:52.54YoYo^hmm... I'm running zap hardware on 2 athlon boxes
16:52.59YoYo^what's the bug?
16:53.35haighisNirS, it will be done soon ... with a half decent Swing
16:53.35tzangerYoYo^: it'd only happen if you enabled MMX in the makefile is the current guess
16:53.53YoYo^zap makefile?
16:53.55NirSsounds ultra cool
16:54.35bkw_ww w00t thats right it fixed it full make clean install was needed
16:54.40YoYo^I'd be happy to have a quieter -r console
16:54.46YoYo^don't need manager messages
16:55.16bkw_set verbose 0
16:55.24bkw_har har har
16:55.35wwif 726 is fixed, can we close 795 which is about the same issue?
16:56.23bkw_795 is rsolved
16:56.35bkw_thats all that we need to do when its fixed is resolve it.
16:57.20wwi just resolvced it in the bugtracker then....
16:57.55*** join/#asterisk digger_ (
16:58.47wwshould i resolve 466 as well now? (getting messages with -r)
16:59.10YoYo^ok, this sucks
16:59.10bkw_since your patch took care of that
16:59.24YoYo^nothing left to do but take a shower and head to the office :/
16:59.43czmokshort question: does works now with asterisk ?
16:59.51loidAsterisk run in freebsd?
17:00.09wwresolved :)
17:00.15wwyes it does
17:00.23wwjust without some features...
17:00.25czmokcould remember about missing params ...
17:00.31loid<Corydon76-work> NO!
17:00.33loidis for me?
17:00.37Corydon76-workDon't people read the list?
17:00.47czmokCorydon: people do :-) but not all
17:00.54wsuffCorydon76-home: NO! not enuf =)
17:01.09wsuffrather ask here and get chopped down like a pine tree
17:01.40manyczmok :)
17:01.43vaewyn~lart wsuff
17:01.53vaewynhad to :}
17:02.10JerJerBug 772
17:02.10bkw_is that monitor thread issue in chan_iax2 like it was in sip?
17:02.37bkw_I like that also
17:02.59JerJeri don't think iax uses the monitor thread idea
17:03.09JerJeror its totally different than sip/h323/mgcp
17:03.37bkw_ok Moc opened a bug on it crashing when you unload
17:03.40bkw_which I have done
17:04.02Corydon76-workYou've made it crash on unload of ?
17:04.09*** join/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
17:04.26bkw_yes it sure does
17:04.48wsuffbkw_: then don't do it =)
17:04.48Corydon76-workWe need to have him post a 'bt full' for every and any crash.  We're going to ask for it anyway.
17:05.00bkw_I was about Jan 12 11:04:46 WARNING[196621]: channel.c:164 ast_channel_register_ex: Already have a handler for type 'IAX2'
17:05.00bkw_Jan 12 11:04:46 ERROR[196621]: chan_iax2.c:6122 load_module: Unable to register channel class IAX2
17:05.00bkw_Jan 12 11:04:46 WARNING[196621]: loader.c:312 ast_load_resource: load_module failed, returning -1
17:05.07bkw_take a guesss what that is
17:05.14bkw_same problem chan_sip had
17:05.24Corydon76-workEspecially since I was able to find that bug so quickly the last time he posted a bt full
17:05.39bkw_the cli stuff isn't getting unregisterd
17:05.53bkw_Jan 12 11:04:46 WARNING[196621]: cli.c:691 ast_cli_register: Command 'iax2debug' already registered (or something close enough)
17:06.57bkw_10 cli registers... and only 6 unregister
17:07.03bkw_so we have 4 just left hanging on unload
17:07.42bkw_just like chan_sip was doing lastnight same problem same symptom
17:08.31*** join/#asterisk ElJefe (
17:08.34puzzledbkw: dunno if it helps but I get this on the console: WARNING: Freeing unused memory at 0x8132250, in ast_cli of cli.c, line 45
17:08.55bkw_no thats no help to me.. but I think its doing what it shoudl...
17:09.12Bonbonanyone heard of sip phones just hanging up after around 10 seconds of being connected to an ISDN call?
17:10.00jsmithBonbon: Sounds like it *might* be a SIP re-invite failing... maybe set canreinvite=no in sip.conf and see if that helps?
17:10.06czmokBonbon: nope. chan_capi or chan_modem_i4l ?
17:10.44czmokwhich card ? avm ?
17:10.50czmokavm works like a charm here.
17:11.03Bonbonand with me. it's a customer with a budgetone
17:11.25czmokhmm. what does asterisk say ?
17:11.26Bonbonhe's using it on the same land as the * box, and making outgoing calls to isdn bri
17:11.45Bonbon"didn't get a frame from channel"
17:12.07sniffeHas anyone built a automatic telephone survey in asterisk? How could you do that?
17:12.17JerJernot hard
17:12.17wsuffautomatic telephone survey
17:12.46wsuffif u think our service sucks press 1
17:12.48wsuffif we need to be taken out back and shot press 2
17:13.15sniffeKinda like that, but in a more serious manner. I'm creating some stuff for the local fire departement here, to call inn people.
17:13.44wsuffshouldn't be too bad sniffe
17:13.48*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (
17:14.00SobekIt would be pretty simple actually
17:14.07wwinn people as in innkeepers?
17:14.18wsuffww: call in people =)
17:14.21ww... or thier guests?
17:14.35wsufftyping and spelling isn't an irc strongpoint
17:14.39sniffeAny examples? I'm pretty newbie when it comes to beeing creative in * :-D
17:14.40JerJerEtat                accepté => résolu  
17:14.58sniffewsuff: sorry, inn is the Norwegian spelling for 'in' .. ;)
17:15.39wwdid that distinctive ring inbound on fxo patch ever get imported? can't remember the bug id...
17:15.59jsmithww: Last I heard, it hadn't been imported... ask bkw_... I think it was his patch
17:16.27wwah yess, bug #504
17:16.42wwi have used it quite successfully for some time, as have others i believe.
17:16.59wwit's actually phdshft's patch
17:17.02*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:17.27wwmy inclination is to suggest it be imported and resolved...
17:17.56wsuffsniffe: interesting
17:18.03wsuffsniffe: learn something every day
17:18.20wsuffsniffe: not life threating but still can add it to my useless knowledge
17:19.29outtoluncomg, news brief says with the release of 0.7.0 bugs marshalls will be eplicit orders on using deadly force <G>
17:20.55*** join/#asterisk variable1 (
17:22.41bkw_ok bak
17:22.54bkw_ww 504 is in cvs
17:22.58bkw_just needs to be resolved
17:23.30Mike9what's the word on the queue re-write?
17:24.03wwme too
17:24.21wwonly problem -- and this is not a problem with the patch
17:24.38wwis for each of the two numbers i have on the line, incomming long distance calls ring the same
17:24.45wwso i can't tell which one it was...
17:25.31ww~slay bell
17:25.35ACTION brandishes Excalibur!  "With this sword, I vanquish thee, bell!"  apt lops off bell's head.
17:25.36bkw_hehe ya thats bell
17:25.54jsmithSobek: Buy some cheap ones!
17:25.58*** join/#asterisk Serp (serp@
17:25.58digger_is there a place to find examples of production-uses of * ?
17:26.11Serphi all
17:26.16jsmithdigger_: Yeah... ask me.  (Eveyone else seems to ask me.)
17:26.17*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
17:26.31jsmithHello Serp
17:26.32cypromishi jsmith :)
17:26.38Serphiya jsmith :)
17:27.04*** join/#asterisk Zebble (~Zebble@
17:27.08SerpI'm exceptionally happy, got a Rhino bank working on the TE410P :)
17:27.18digger_jsmith: I have read a lot, and done some testing... but still, what parts are ready for real production ?
17:28.42Serpanyone know anything about ADSI scripts? lol
17:29.51jsmithdigger_: I've been using Asterisk in a *large* production environment for a long time... it's still got a few warts, but Asterisk really does work well.
17:30.45digger_jsmith: very nice to hear.. what kind of setup, hardware, protocols, codecs ? :)
17:31.06jsmithdigger_: I'll send you a private message, so that I don't hog the channel...
17:31.43wsuffjsmith send me a copy too =)
17:31.48wwbug #812
17:32.05wwthis doesn't fix the bug but...
17:32.25wwit is my feeling that these routines in rtp.c should check their arguments to make sure they don't dereference null pointers
17:32.27*** join/#asterisk clh (~tink@
17:32.39*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
17:32.39wwthat will prevent a crash
17:32.56jrollysonare we in conf?
17:32.57wwbut not fix the source of the problem, why the pointers were null in the first place
17:33.08ww'morning jr
17:34.15bkw_ok who joined the conf as I restarted the box?
17:34.30jsmithNot me... I'm the only one in the conference...
17:34.37jsmith(Or is it a different one than last night?)
17:34.42swirlnetsbkw: do you have an cisco 7960 AND an extention that just plays MOH
17:35.06bkw_Jan 12 11:34:51 WARNING[196621]: channel.c:164 ast_channel_register_ex: Already have a handler for type 'IAX2'
17:35.07*** join/#asterisk Q-At-Work (
17:35.20Q-At-Worktoday is monday :)
17:35.22bkw_exten => 999,1,MusicOnHold
17:35.45swirlnetsbkw: dial that on your cisco 7960 and press the mute button, does that moh stop?
17:35.52jsmithbkw_: Where's today's conference?
17:36.02Q-At-Workbkw_ he's our man!
17:36.10Q-At-Workmm bounce
17:36.27]data[tis only a virtual bounce mind, too fecking knackered to move irl
17:37.08bkw_I see no ast_channel_unregister in chan_iax2
17:37.17*** join/#asterisk hmodes (hmodes@
17:37.31bkw_swirlnets yes it does
17:37.41jrollysonbkw_: I can't get in to conf
17:37.43]data[bkw_: on a roll today eh? :)
17:37.53]data[mornin JerJer
17:38.24jrollysonhas someone confirmed 812 ?
17:38.31swirlnetsbkw: according to cisco, it should only mute the mic on the cisco phone, not the caller....if someone calls the phone and I mute them it works fine, just not with MOH, should I put this in mantis?
17:39.09bkw_swirlnets you do and I will break your arm
17:39.21wwviolence! violence!
17:39.23]data[now now :)
17:39.25swirlnetsbkw: forgive me for being stupid, but why?
17:39.52bkw_because its not a crash, block, major issue.. and I suspect its a cisco related issue
17:40.08bkw_yep its cisco
17:40.09Serpanyone know anything about ADSI Scripts or a resource for commands?
17:40.16bkw_asterisk doesn't have stopping music on hold
17:40.28jsmithSerp: Nope... maybe check the mailing list archives, or the Wiki?
17:40.42bkw_if it were an asterisk issue you would see "Stopped music on hold on SIP/10-5886" when you press mute
17:40.54Zebblebug 617
17:40.55]data[on the cisco note!
17:40.55swirlnetsok sorry
17:40.56Serpjsmith: yep have done.. only think on the Wiki is the ADSIProg command and list's drawing a blank so far
17:41.01]data[remmeber! 6.1 SIP is out
17:41.09bkw_6.1 has that mute issue also
17:41.10]data[released on the 9th Jan 2004
17:41.13*** join/#asterisk PilotPTK-Home (
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17:41.27bkw_DAMN IT
17:41.28jrollysonww: 812 - is that a confirmed crashbug?
17:41.29swirlnetsbkw: it only does it with the MOH not anything else
17:41.31bkw_ok chan_iax2 is fixed
17:41.36*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
17:41.45mishehuheh, the folks who call my company line all like my selection of MOH...  since it's not the typical shit they put on at most companies.
17:41.46ZebbleSerp:  "show agi" will show you a list of AGI commands
17:42.17bkw_swirlnets I suspect something silly in rtp we will still look at it..
17:42.28swirlnetsbkw: can I wait 2 weeks then add it to mantis?
17:42.57SerpZebble: alas that doesn't help much with the programming of asterisk.adsi :/
17:43.10Zebbleit just uses stdin/stdout
17:43.21Zebbleyou can try using the Perl AGI module.
17:44.29bkw_but 799 fixed
17:44.32bkw_someone test and confirm
17:44.34ZebbleSerp:  nevermind...  i'm asleep.  asterisk.adsi has no documentation.
17:44.42bkw_chan_iax2 can now be unloaded and reloaded about a segfault
17:44.55Serpit's the stuff like the DISPLAY "callnum" IS "$Call1s" JUSTIFY LEFT etc I need to work out tho
17:45.03SerpZebble: lol nps
17:45.36SerpI think there was something I found on IBM's site about ADSI over the weekend, some PDF thing that has something, however that's at home, I'm at work :)
17:45.36bkw_ok i'm in the conf
17:45.39bkw_someone wanna join
17:45.50astbthe conf
17:45.53bkw_asterisk*CLI> unload chan_i
17:45.53bkw_asterisk*CLI> unload
17:45.53bkw_asterisk*CLI> load
17:46.00bkw_Jan 12 11:41:23 WARNING[196621]: chan_iax2.c:5510 set_config: Ignoring port for now
17:46.01*** join/#asterisk Mike (
17:46.10bkw_sorry for the flood
17:46.32derricksomeone quickly break brian's fingers
17:46.38bkw_i'm fixing bugs
17:46.40derrickhe's causing an imbalance in the force ;)
17:46.52FuzzyCatbkw 207
17:47.24jtoddhuh huh huh... you said "seeding brian".  Huh huh huh.
17:47.32jtoddSorry... Beavis moment there.  I'm better now.
17:47.40derrickbkw, i can cause the sip 127 overload if'n you want to look at it i'll give ya a shell
17:47.49Exomorphbkw_: So hows things for actually getting a release today?  (0.7.0?)
17:47.52bkw_derrick after the 0.7.0 release we can do this maybe
17:47.57derrickcool, no sweat
17:48.07derricki know you're uber busy
17:48.21Q-At-Workwhere :)
17:49.52h3xQ-At-Work: i was gonna say the same thing
17:49.58h3xwarez the 0day c0nf !?%#!@?
17:50.01*** join/#asterisk mike-add (
17:50.08derricki saw a blip on the cybertelecom list about vonage having a motorrolla device that goes _inbetween_ your cable modem and the provider now...for QoS..anyone know what this is?
17:50.24mike-addhello all
17:50.33voip_Are there any pictures of the S100U anywhere?
17:50.37h3xderrick: Air gap, so your network dosent get slow from the DoS attacks
17:50.52derrickscissor protocol fixes that
17:51.34jrollysonderrick: you mean S.N.I.P.
17:51.47jrollysonsysadmin network interrupt protocol
17:51.57derrickworks for me
17:52.01h3xconf t
17:52.03h3xint s0/0
17:52.12h3xwr m
17:52.20h3xSNIP at its finest
17:52.39derrickor your drunk CO tech tripping on the cable
17:52.43derrickthat's my fave
17:52.56derrickor the one-eyed security guard that spills coffee on the equipment
17:53.11derrickhe was more of a pet than an actual security guard
17:53.24h3xdogs do more to stop assholes than rentacops
17:53.36astbhhahaha *laugh*
17:53.48jsmithvoip_: Why do you want a picture of one?  They suck!
17:54.11derrickhmmm... there coudl be a market for pre-op transexual security guards...people'd be so creeped out they'd just leave
17:54.14*** join/#asterisk jorgeraidel (
17:54.15puzzledanyone know what value TOS low_delay is? 4?
17:54.25h3xunless yer in san fran
17:55.09jorgeraidelweel is ready the 70?
17:55.37astbhrm is the conference call an all can speak?
17:55.50Serpok guys thanks :) cyas
17:56.26Zebblepuzzled:  should be 16 (0x10)
17:56.41mike-addanyone know if DNS SRV lookup is to be supportedby *  for the sip.conf register =>?
17:57.04puzzledZebble: so low_delay is 16? know where I can read about these values?
17:57.17astbAT&T WorldNet Services ATT (NET-12-0-0-0-1)
17:57.17astbUVNET INC UVNET-IN45-36 (NET-12-174-36-0-1)
17:57.25bkw_ok chan_iax can unload and reload from CLI properly without seging the box
17:57.52FuzzyCatgood, onto the next bkw_ >:)
17:57.58*** join/#asterisk russT (
17:58.20Mikewhat time is asterisk releasing?
17:58.36wsuffMike: when it's ready =)
17:58.52FuzzyCatcan i here you say 207 ?
18:00.11mike-addanyone here ever work on channels/chan_sip.c ?  looking to have DNS SRV support added for the SIP register function.  Is today the wrong day to ask with a release coming out?
18:00.46h3xi guess you could say that :)
18:00.51bkw_WRONG DAY FOR THAT
18:01.03bkw_is my hold music on the conf on?
18:01.42mike-addalrighty, will try again after the release
18:01.42Alric* just died.
18:02.06jtoddmike-add: though it's nice to have it; are you a coder?  Write up a patch and submit it to and perhaps sometime in the next few weeks it will be added.
18:02.26zigmanbkw what have you done
18:02.31jtoddmike-add:  err... wait.  I think it's already supported.
18:02.32zigmanwhat have you done to odbc
18:02.39jtoddmike-add: surf the code.
18:02.45*** join/#asterisk mike-add (
18:03.08Mocwoohoo got my Cisco 7960... it soo nice
18:03.23jsmithMoc: I told you you'd like it :-)
18:03.29astbYes, the 7960 is wonderful
18:03.42bkw_THEY BE SEXY
18:03.50MocI dont have time to play with it :( !!!!
18:04.08MocI got a TFTP server, but dont know hows to do nothing yet ... hehe
18:04.40jsmithouttolunc: Take a small sticker down to Kinkos and ask them how much it'd be for a 2 foot copy... :-)
18:04.49astbjsmith: 6 0 0?
18:04.55*** join/#asterisk rajo_home (
18:05.02jsmithouttolunc: On fade-proof self-adhesive vinyl...
18:05.08jsmithastb: 6.1 is out...
18:05.10outtoluncgood idea
18:05.22*** join/#asterisk seemore (
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18:05.27astbjsmith: _really_
18:06.21zigmanbkw  whats the userfield in odbc for ?
18:06.21zigmanand what type should the field be
18:06.21zigmanwhy was it added anyway ?
18:06.21zigmanare there some infos ?
18:06.21MocGot P003AM30
18:06.34jsmithastb: Yes, really... just barely came out...
18:06.56*** join/#asterisk heison (
18:07.30astbwell then
18:07.32astbthats exciting
18:07.46jsmithNot really... it's not much different from 6.0
18:08.10jrollysondid conf die?
18:08.15Mocjsmith, got version.. dont know ... P003AM30
18:08.23wwyes dial back in
18:08.32heisonexcept that both 6.0 and 6.1 requires dtmfmode=outband (it used to be inband)
18:08.37czmokMoc: 7960 is nice :-)
18:08.47jsmithMoc: That looks like a skinny firmware, not a SIP firmware...
18:08.51seemorecan anyone help with a basic * configs for a small business, awnser incomming to 2 extensions with voicemail?
18:08.52czmokat least it works :-)
18:08.55jsmithheison: Inband sucks!
18:09.04Mocok... how does I make it SIP É
18:09.10czmokMoc: easy.
18:09.22heisonand inband doesn't take DTMF while speaker is on.
18:09.30czmoki prepared my PBX to do it.
18:09.47Mocdo we have a page about 7960 and asterisk
18:09.47jsmithseemore: There are plenty of tutorials out there... are you having a specific problem, or just need help getting started?
18:09.47mike-addseemore - whatcha need?
18:09.59jsmithMoc: Not that I know of... why don't you write one!
18:10.14czmokMoc: just configure your dhcp to give out tftp server is and your phone gets upgraded
18:10.15MocI will dont worry..
18:10.20czmok(it's my tftp server)
18:10.23seemorejsmith:I've looked and looked, just cant seem to get it to work right
18:10.30Mocok let me try that
18:10.44jsmithseemore: Send me a /msg and I'll take a quick look
18:10.47czmokokay starting tcpdump on my side :-)
18:11.21czmokbut just wait 5 mins, upgrading to latest firmware
18:12.36*** join/#asterisk _Yog_ (
18:13.20iewebguy_here is a page about 79xx  and asterisk  is that what you want?
18:13.30vaewynarggh... someone downgranded my bug because they didn't read the full report...
18:13.37vaewynthought it was warnings only...
18:14.56vaewynAnyone that can pop the priority back up on 811 for me?
18:16.08MocDamn I can't ...
18:16.51vaewyndoesn't have to be "high" just not at hte minor level or it will never get looked at
18:17.42jrollysonwhat else is it doing?
18:17.53vaewynnot truly answering the call
18:18.08vaewynit thinks it has... but it never actually brings the interface off of ring state
18:18.45vaewynupgraded from CVS 06/24 to 01/11 and it started doing it...
18:18.51*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
18:19.06vaewynWould downgrade... but I had to upgrade to get some IAX changes
18:19.13vaewynand they are more critical
18:19.55Mocwhat is the DHCP id Number for TFTP config ?
18:20.10vaewynThe log attached to the bug is what is happening while I am sitting on the calling phone listening to it *ring* *ring* *ring*  :}
18:21.31vaewynand yes... still in CVS 1/12 :}
18:25.13*** join/#asterisk addaline (
18:25.28addalineseemore, did you get your question answered?
18:25.34*** join/#asterisk Sathya (
18:26.36jsmithaddaline: I'm helping him out...
18:27.22addalineok, i run a 2 extension + vm server if you have ?'s
18:29.36*** join/#asterisk DanJr_TechSuppor (
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18:33.50bkw_Moc its option 66
18:34.40jtoddcorydon, bkw: what words need to be encoded for the release stuff today?  I can't do everything; I have a real job to take care of, but a few strings can be clipped...
18:34.52jtoddAllison returned the files already. She's very fast.
18:35.23tim27jtodd: why does some people here say Allison speak french ???
18:35.28voidptrthe cat
18:35.46FuzzyCatey up voidptr
18:36.20jtoddtim27: because she's from Canada, perhaps, a dual-language nation.
18:36.36nononejtodd: where are the files?
18:36.38FuzzyCatboooonnnn jooooouurr
18:36.45jtoddnonone: not up yet.  
18:36.46bkw_jtodd we ned the voicemail box full one and the pin one for meetme
18:36.48bkw_those are it for todays
18:37.21tim27jtodd: i emailed her and she told me she dont speak french
18:37.23*** join/#asterisk voidptr_ (
18:37.24wwyou know not everyone in canada can speak french
18:37.31bkw_so true
18:37.34wwin fact most people outside of quebec can't speak french
18:37.39FuzzyCatmais oui
18:37.41jtoddtim27: And by all appearances, nor do you speak English as a primary language.
18:37.53voidptr_bkw_: check the host ;)
18:37.57jtoddAnd if my last sentence is any indication, nor do I.
18:38.04tim27fuzzycat you speak french ???
18:38.29tim27jtodd: i dont speak english lol
18:38.29FuzzyCatlol voidptr_
18:38.42FuzzyCattim27: un petit
18:38.48tim27un petit peu
18:39.08tim27your french is as bad as my english
18:39.28voidptrje parlez toes du pas de francais
18:39.36FuzzyCattim27 this is irc...
18:39.38voidptror something ;)
18:40.06tim27the important is to understand each others
18:40.24tim27do not who invented thoses stupid languages
18:40.25voidptrmais oui
18:40.37jsmithjtodd: Any chance of getting them all in 0.7?  It doesn't really matter to me, but for others it might be a great thing
18:40.50FuzzyCat~x en fr You are correct my french is very bad indeed
18:41.07FuzzyCatthere perfect :P
18:41.08bkw_jsmith they will make it in the SayAlpha and SayPhonetic stuff we came up with...
18:41.10jtoddjsmith: no, not a chance for all of them for two reasons: one, Idon't have time to cut them all today, and 2, I don't think we want to include all of them anyway; there are lots on my site which aren't included in * as a default.
18:41.20tim27we need a sexy french lady voice to do vm prompt
18:41.37jsmithbkw_: Cool..
18:41.57tim27any know if french prompt exist ???
18:42.07jsmithjtodd: I understand... I just hate to see a ton of useful prompts on your website, when some of them really ought to be in Asterisk...
18:42.41*** join/#asterisk lecram (
18:43.26tim27the lady of bell canada speak french and english with no accent... that a true bilingual...
18:44.14voidptr_as long as she isn't bisexual... although that is good too from time to time...
18:44.27h3xim trisexual
18:44.29h3xi'll try anything
18:44.41FuzzyCatespeciially if you have a video camera voidptr
18:44.56bkw_i'm BuySexual.. Buy me something and I will get sexual..
18:44.58voidptr_no experience there :)
18:45.18vaewynquadrasexual... anyone or anything for a quarter :P
18:45.27tim27bkw: b mean bryan w: west what k mean ???
18:46.20voidptr[Lag ??]
18:46.26voidptri guess my other machine is about to die.
18:46.40voidptror some freenode node is dying again
18:47.05FuzzyCattim27: k = kinky
18:47.20Q-At-WorkI'm betting Keith
18:47.22atacommgrrrr, sometimes i feel like kicking customer's asses
18:47.24Q-At-Workor Ken
18:47.32Q-At-Workdunno, he just seems like a Keith or a Ken
18:47.36bkw_ww did you leave?
18:47.43vaewynatacomm: only sometimes?  the shock therapy must be working :P
18:48.01wwyes... have to go for a few minutes. back soon
18:48.01atacommvaewyn: heh....well when they pull this yes, lol
18:48.08vaewynwb kram
18:48.17bkw_bug 813 coudl be a bad(tm)
18:48.43vaewyn811 is bad... :P  but only for me so far
18:49.25vaewynanyone else have a X100P and trying to run it on todays CVS?
18:49.42bkw_what is 811?
18:49.44vaewynor yesterdays
18:50.00vaewynX100P thinking it has picked up... when it really didn't
18:50.12bkw_oh you need to answer on an x100p
18:50.15bkw_then resetcdr
18:50.19bkw_then exec the bridge
18:51.32Corydon76-workbkw_:  Olle posted 813 on the list, so I thought I'd do the patch
18:51.51bkw_vaewyn if you never answer on the x100p you have no way to signal it.
18:51.59bkw_is if the remote iax end answers
18:52.04bkw_the local x100p won't
18:52.11bkw_or so thats how I see it
18:52.20*** join/#asterisk token (
18:52.22bkw_if it were a PRI or digital interface then it would work
18:52.27bkw_haha 207
18:52.28*** join/#asterisk dannie (
18:52.46tim27bkw: do ata186 can work with a fax and a alarm system ???
18:53.03vaewynbkw_: Umm it's incoming on the x100p... and it gos through the motions as if it had picked up.. but the remote caller only hears ringing because it never actually picked up
18:53.19vaewynworked in CVS 6/24 ... upgraded yesterday to CVS 1/11 and it broke
18:54.02Q-At-Workvaewyn: exten => s,*something*,Answer where *something* is the appropriate number?
18:54.39vaewynQ-At-Work: it works with my config as is... but only if I drop back to older CVS... so I seriously doubt it is a config issue
18:54.49Q-At-Workcan you answer my question?
18:55.06Q-At-Workwithout the "answer" in there, things go nuts
18:55.12vaewynohh that was a question?  hehehe
18:55.19Q-At-WorkI forgot the ?
18:55.32outtoluncwhy ask why
18:55.33Q-At-Workactually I didnt!
18:55.36vaewynumm... not sure
18:56.18vaewynQ-At-Work: mine for the FXO looks like:
18:56.19vaewynexten => s,1,setmusiconhold,default
18:56.19vaewynexten => s,2,responsetimeout,20
18:56.19vaewynexten => s,3,noop,${CALLERID}
18:56.35Q-At-Worktoss an answer in there
18:56.46vaewynthen it hands it off to a bridge and then voicemail if that fails
18:56.47Q-At-Workafter you do all your setup magic
18:56.57vaewynbut I don't want to answer...
18:57.02Q-At-Worksure you do :)
18:57.08bkw_you have no choice
18:57.11Q-At-Workor it cant go to voicemail
18:57.12bkw_its an analog iface
18:57.18vaewynit worked on 6/24 without an answer
18:57.23vaewynhas that changed?
18:57.27Q-At-Workthe fact it worked was probably a bug
18:57.44Q-At-WorkI've had an answer in mine since I started this
18:57.52voidptr <- is this correct or do i need to add something like: Zap/g1/${EXTEN} ?
18:57.56Q-At-Workfound that without it, it went nuts
18:58.31vaewynUmm... ok... so.. what does it do when I tell it to "Answer"  does it go silent for used or generate it's own ringing?
18:58.38vaewynuser even
18:59.37Q-At-Workthe PBX has to answer the call before it can do anything with it
18:59.49Q-At-Workand what it does will depend on what you configure next
18:59.56vaewynCause I want it to stay ringing until either a) the user on the end of the bridge picked up... or B) the voicemail is called becuase that failed
19:00.01Q-At-Workyou need the ${EXTEN} too
19:00.40Q-At-Workdo do a dial after the answer
19:00.46Q-At-Workyou can set it to ring
19:00.48Q-At-Workor not
19:01.25*** join/#asterisk hlag (
19:01.59vaewynHmm odd...  ok... so in:
19:02.01vaewynexten => s,1,setmusiconhold,default
19:02.02vaewynexten => s,2,responsetimeout,20
19:02.02vaewynexten => s,3,Dial(IAX/bridge:testing@143.207.x.y/s@bell,7)
19:02.02vaewynexten => s,103,Goto,outgoing|s|4
19:02.02vaewynexten => s,4,Goto,mailboxes|100|1
19:02.12vaewynI would put it before the Dial... aka 3
19:02.48vaewynwhat option do I have to put in order for it to keep "ringing" in one fashion or another?
19:03.42Q-At-WorkI believe its Dial(foo,30)
19:03.52Q-At-Workwhere foo is the device you dial
19:04.00vaewynok... already have that
19:04.02Q-At-Work30 seconds timeout
19:04.12vaewyn7 second time out thogh :P
19:04.19Q-At-WorkI use ,tm for enable # xfer and music on hold
19:05.54[Sim]voidptr oh, extensions.conf would probably need something like _.,1,Dial(Zap/g2/${EXTEN})
19:06.00[Sim]I missed that earlier :)
19:06.34dalaberaDoes anyone tell me is this config on my extension.conf is valid for sip?
19:06.42dalaberaexten => 1010,1,Answer
19:06.42dalaberaexten => 1010,2,Ringing
19:06.42dalaberaexten => 1010,3,Wait,3
19:06.42dalaberaexten => 1010,4,Dial,Sip/pedro
19:06.42dalaberaexten => 1010,5,Voicemail(u1010)                ; Right to voicemail
19:06.42dalaberaexten => 1010,105,Voicemail(b1010)
19:07.58*** join/#asterisk DL4GRC (
19:08.23vaewynQ-At-Work: works great now! Thanks!
19:08.23[Sim]dalabera: correct syntax is Dial(SIP/pedro)
19:08.31bkw_oh sure no thanks to me
19:08.45bkw_har har har
19:08.46vaewynthanks also bkw_ :}
19:08.51bkw_also r on the dial willd o ringing also
19:08.59vaewynand dalabera for the "Ringing" line even though didn't know I was stealing it :P
19:09.11voidptr[Sim] :)
19:09.53vaewynOhh I am so making a template-toolkit web form for writing these extensions.conf entries...
19:10.03bkw_macro macro macro
19:10.34vaewynhehehe... yeahI use macros like crazy... but editing the priority stuff I always forget to change the 10x ones :P
19:10.45]data[fish fish fish :)
19:11.02[Sim]vaewyn: I'm working a nice webdatabase to deal with it yes :)
19:11.04*** join/#asterisk Spy007 (
19:11.26bkw_CVS is on FIRE!!!
19:11.39bkw_burn baby burn........
19:11.54bkw_you can now unload chan_iax and chan_iax2 without seging your box
19:11.59bkw_I like
19:12.01*** join/#asterisk KalD (
19:12.41vaewynhmm... ringing app isn't working... that suppose to work on a x100p? or is that a pri thing only?
19:12.48bkw_do this
19:12.57bkw_do this
19:12.59bkw_exten => s,3,Dial(IAX/bridge:testing@143.207.x.y/s@bell,7,r)
19:13.04bkw_als 7 seconds
19:13.08bkw_that seems kinda low
19:13.12bkw_thats not rings thats seconds
19:13.21vaewynis 2-3 rings
19:13.26Q-At-Workisnt dial by default ,r tho?
19:13.28vaewynwhich is what I want
19:13.29bkw_is it me or is asterisk restarting faster than it did before
19:13.33bkw_it seems to haul more ass now
19:13.43Q-At-Work"new CVS checkout syndrom"
19:13.48vaewynrestarts damn fast compared to code from june/july :P
19:14.25bkw_yes I could do restart now then asterisk -r and still catch the startup output
19:14.27bkw_but now I can't
19:14.30bkw_its already done
19:15.18vaewynyay... the ,r worked... thanks bkw
19:15.55vaewyncan't wait for my budgettone to come in.. then I can (mostly) avoid that nasty analog interface totally
19:16.22vaewynany other good cheap IP phones besides the BTs these days?
19:16.31dalabera<bkw_> also r on the dial willd o ringing also ... I'm working with and it's not working, that's why I tried to use the ringing option
19:17.17*** join/#asterisk airlink (
19:17.18tim27vaewyn 7905g sold for 90-100 $ on ebay
19:17.29tim27very good phone
19:17.51Q-At-Workgotta get me one of those
19:18.22tim27got two of thoses phone
19:18.29airlinkhello, can anyone know if asterisk work avaya systems ?
19:18.58Q-At-Workairlink: what are you trying to interface it to?
19:19.00jsmithairlink: Yes, Asterisk can be made to work with an Avaya system... if you know what you're doing and have the right equipment
19:19.09dalaberabkw!! thanks now it works!
19:19.18vaewyntim27: thanks.. will check them out
19:19.25bkw_token yes
19:19.36airlinkokey, i don't know a lot of VoIP i starting to learn
19:19.40tim27vaewyn i think they sell a kit of 5 7905 on ebay
19:19.46tokenyou got time to help me dial out through my FXS?
19:20.03tim27lol not 5 , 9
19:20.08tokenis the Macros in EXT set up with dial pattern for 9
19:20.22tim27but they seem little more expensive than just buy them separate
19:20.30bkw_token no
19:20.37tokenk man
19:20.44airlinkdoes anyone has like of documentation for a beginner ?
19:21.06tokenI'm off
19:23.07vaewynbkw_ is on a bug killing roll :P
19:23.28bkw_i'm trying
19:23.37Q-At-Workhes RAID!
19:23.42atacommhows 0.7.0 coming along?
19:24.30mishehuasterisk next generation?  heh
19:25.03tokenanyone add modprobe to auto start up on reboot
19:25.16tokenfor x100p
19:25.16*** join/#asterisk voidptr_ (
19:25.33*** part/#asterisk airlink (
19:25.37vaewyntoken: I have it in my /etc/modules to load it on boot (debian install)
19:25.50*** join/#asterisk extremis (
19:25.53tokenanything on RH
19:26.07extremisDoes anyone here have a technique for mirroring mailboxes between * servers?
19:26.13tokenimagine same config for the most part
19:26.31vaewynnot sure what the RH equiv for /etc/modules is
19:26.53mishehuextremis: rsync perhaps?
19:27.06[Sim]extremis: you might be able to run the mailboxes off a nfs or samba mount
19:27.35wwbe careful with nfs or smb...
19:27.41tokencan I see the line you added
19:27.48bkw_GOD DAMN IT
19:27.49*** join/#asterisk JoeCool (~dcgomes@
19:28.00[Sim]nfs can be done properly, but you have to deal with locking carefully
19:28.04bkw_this lady wants to signup but doesn't want to give me a password
19:28.05vaewyntoken: for my /etc/modules?
19:28.25vaewynthat't is
19:28.28vaewynthat's even
19:28.30tokenthought so
19:28.32tokenthanks man
19:28.34czmokJan 12 20:28:17 WARNING[1075713120]: loader.c:239 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_duplicate_ha_list
19:29.04wwbkw_: why do you say
19:29.14wwDon't use those together.. use one or the other.
19:29.15Corydon76-workbkw_:  the appropriate response is, "Lady, we've got a password generator here, but the passwords it generates are 30 characters long and damn near impossible to remember"
19:29.23wwin bug 558?
19:29.38wwas far as i can tell, defaultip is only useful in conjunction with host=dynamic
19:29.42_207_Catla la la la la
19:29.46mishehuthe password is PASSWORD!
19:30.11JoeCoolhey, what's the problem with this : exten => 3XXN,1,Goto(iaxphones,${EXTEN},1)  ? Saying that this extension is at "sipphones" context ?
19:30.13Corydon76-workczmok:  yeah, complain to Olle
19:30.31JoeCoolAsterisk says there's no such extension  such as 3001@iaxphones
19:30.53JoeCoolphones at sipphone are like 3001,3002, etc ..
19:31.09ww3XXN is not a pattern. you need the leading underscore
19:31.18JoeCoolI tried with _93XXN, and dialed the 9 stuff , same error
19:31.30JoeCoolleading underscore
19:32.15*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
19:32.36JoeCoolI tried also _93XXN,1,Goto(iaxphones,${EXTEN:1})
19:33.02mbrancahi all
19:33.08jsmithHowdy mbranca...
19:33.32Calistoevening all. Well anyone from the uk at least
19:33.39JoeCoolso I put everybody at "default" hehehe
19:33.52mbrancaCalisto: from uk TZ, at least :)
19:34.19voidptr_mooo mbranca
19:34.33Calistothats what i said well actually everyone from uk TZ east to about +4.5HRS
19:34.34mbrancamoo voidptr
19:37.17jsmithmbranca: What have you been up to lately?
19:38.51mbrancawriting a *proprietary* web interface for asterisk... full config+monitor+contacts+admin area, linking of several * pbx with iax2 and so on... still in alpha, btw
19:39.08mbrancabut I wanna *leak* some part :)
19:39.23derrickleak away :)
19:39.34bkw_yep leak all over the channel
19:39.45derricki wonder what the middle button does...
19:39.58mbrancabkw_: !
19:41.14mbrancabkw_: my third level doesn't work... you fixed my dns entries?
19:41.38bkw_email me the nameserver info
19:42.31derrickget AST MAN license plates a-la seinfeld
19:42.40*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:43.53mbrancabkw_: sent!
19:43.58*** join/#asterisk alex4152 (
19:44.43alex4152hi all !
19:45.39_207_Catno yet, give us time
19:45.50alex4152could you help me with converting cisco *.au files to format which asterisk pbx can use as voice prompt ?
19:46.13alex4152which program can done it ?
19:46.27derrickalex, `sox`
19:46.28_207_Catwhat format are the .au ?
19:46.44Calistoanyone got an fwd i can call for a test as I was having echo problems
19:46.47derricksox out.wav
19:48.04Calistoww: can i call you again to see if it's better than yesterday
19:48.13pros12try my FWD@ 75418
19:48.39Calistopros12: just for info where are you
19:48.41alex4152yes i know this problem but when i run as say ... sox generated file which asterisk cant use ... it wite wav format error ..  
19:48.50pros12calgary alberta
19:49.03czmokalex: use SOX :-)
19:49.22pros12cant hear me?
19:49.28Calistopros12 can't hear you
19:49.41JoeCooldah, why this !@(*(&*!@# doesn't work ? [iax]
19:49.41JoeCoolexten => _3XXN,1,Goto(sip,${EXTEN},1)
19:49.45Calistopros12: can you hear me
19:49.53pros12give me your number
19:50.03JoeCoolkeep saying request 3001@iax does not exist
19:50.05Calistoincoming to me seems foobared
19:50.30JoeCoolit's really cracking me up
19:50.48alex4152i can send .au file example .. may be you can try convert it and test ? :)
19:50.55pros12give me a sec
19:51.01pros12it seems to be my end
19:51.10Calistoi do iax2/2203@ and it don't work seems to go straight to vm with no console msg
19:51.19_207_CatJoeCool: you are dialing 1 ring count?
19:52.29JoeCool1 ring count ... sorry, what do you mean ?
19:52.57JoeCoolit's a DIAX (that windows IAX soft phone) dialing Asterix
19:53.08JoeCoolit works if I put everybody at "default" context
19:55.00JoeCoolmy mistake
19:55.33JoeCoolsomeone spank me
19:55.58*** join/#asterisk Kurt (
19:56.12bkw_coppice WHERE ARE YOU
19:57.51KurtI am a newbe to this product but know a little about VoIP, does anyone know how to get incoming pots lines connected to the astrx software
19:58.06*** join/#asterisk ecd (
19:59.37addalineanyone know if * supports voicemail.conf username/password stuff from a postgresql database now?
19:59.53*** join/#asterisk pros12 (
20:00.37pros12calisto: sry i had to reboot try again
20:00.45addalinekurt, not I, but share your hardware info
20:01.02Calistopros12: can i try it through iaxtel
20:01.51JerJerno conf?
20:01.51*** join/#asterisk Sobek (~btatton@
20:02.08pros12yup 17004397303  then press 2000 to get to me
20:04.04addalinecan anyone confirm postgresql (not mysql) now works for storing voicemail configs?
20:04.14addalinethe wiki is wish-washy about it
20:05.28pros12lost ya
20:05.31Calistopros12: oops it seems to have died
20:05.57Calistonice chatting need to play some.  Maybe call you again l8r
20:06.04pros12yup np
20:06.18benngardany news about 0.7.0?
20:06.20Mocok how the hell Im I gona make a dhcp here ..
20:06.28Mocbenngard, we working all the weekend on it ..
20:06.54benngardI know and I do like what u are doing!
20:06.55MocProgrammers worked alot this morning to fix bugs, so they had to sleep...
20:07.13bkw_SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!!
20:07.29wsuffu tell em bkw
20:07.35bkw_BUGS ARE EVIL
20:07.38Moclol ;)
20:07.43pros12Passes beer to all that have worked so hard on asterisk theis weekend..
20:07.53bkw_Moc you can now unload chan_iax and chan_iax2 without drama
20:07.58benngardWhere should I send them? :)
20:08.11Mocbkw_, great
20:08.19MocI'll try to test stuff tonight again
20:08.26bkw_for some reason all the cli apps and channel type wasn't getting unregistered
20:08.28bkw_which was EVIL
20:09.26bkw_I think cvs is getting hammered right now
20:09.39bkw_because everyone comes to work and sees all the shit we fixed and starts to update
20:09.59jsmithbkw_: Yeah, the mailing list is hammered too..
20:10.17oejbkw: ACL works as expected now. Both in chan_sip and chan_sip2. I can limit autocreatepeer now :-)
20:10.36TestMasTerquestion Call comes in via iax from voice pulse, then i`m transfering it to another box over iax all i get is a busy sign,
20:10.51TestMasTermy configuration is correct
20:10.52drgalaxythe cvs and mailing list being hammered are _good_ things
20:11.07bkw_oej kewl
20:11.47jsmithdrgalaxy: Yes, they are... I'm not complaining...
20:12.33bkw_this is funny
20:12.35sxpertanyone in arizona on the channel ?
20:13.24jsmithsxpert: Is Utah close enough?  Why Arizona?
20:14.01jsmithbkw_: What's funny?
20:14.31*** join/#asterisk okrumm (
20:15.28*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
20:15.33ennuyeux7in a file can i have:  Channel someexten@somecontext ?
20:15.40ennuyeux7in a file can i have:  Channel: someexten@somecontext ?
20:15.57sxpertjsmith: my mum wants to buy a house (priced in USD) with her EUR in the kingman area
20:16.32sxpertjsmith: I'm looking for info about the available broadbant net there
20:17.50jsmithsxpert:  Hmmmn, can't help you there...
20:18.15*** join/#asterisk alex4152 (
20:18.23bkw_jsmith cvs is getting hammered
20:18.30bkw_people I guess are updating
20:18.44*** join/#asterisk rfligg (
20:18.46malcolmdbkw_: the list server is slammed, too
20:18.55*** join/#asterisk japple (
20:18.57bkw_malcolmd yep its crazy
20:19.24oejDoes  Linux Support Services, Inc still exist or is that company renamed to Digium?
20:19.41jsmithoej: I think LSS is "doing business as" Digium...
20:20.07oejjsmith: That is why  Linux Support Services, Inc is named in the README then...
20:20.52Criponthey changed their name from LSS to Digium last year
20:21.06*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
20:21.14Criponbecause Linux Support Services didn't really cover what they were doing.
20:21.19jsmithCripon: Officially?
20:21.33Criponjsmith: Yes.
20:21.39jsmithmalcolmd: Is Digium officially Digium now, or still LSS?
20:21.51jsmithCripon: OK... I'll ask malcolmd...
20:21.51bkw_ya know what we should have already setup cvs mirrors
20:22.08jsmithbkw_: Uh, yeah... that would have been a good thought...
20:22.09bkw_because when 0.7.0 gets tagged its going to be HELLLLLLLLLL
20:22.14bkw_too late now
20:22.21Criponbkw_: everybody says they should have a backup after the system goes down. :-)
20:22.24*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
20:22.30jsmithbkw_: hindsight is 20/20
20:22.56bkw_but we talked about it last week
20:22.58dantbkw_, mirror packages?
20:22.58ZX81does anyone know if there is a way to record the goings on of a meeting room from time to preferably a windows pc?
20:23.33Criponwindows.... mount a samba share
20:23.37CalistoOT question: Anyone know of an app to make voice calls via a mobile from a pc... even better if asterisk could do it via a data cable (i'm thinking nokia phone here)
20:23.54ZX81Cripon, but how would I do the recording?
20:24.25oejIs the Xing MP3 recorder (mentioned in README) still part of Asterisk?
20:24.28bkw_Calisto just create a wap app to do the call
20:24.30*** join/#asterisk TeleRidd (
20:24.30Criponyou want the calls to be recording before they're dragged into the conference right?
20:24.32bkw_oej no
20:24.39bkw_codec_mp3 was jerked out
20:24.46oejbkw: Thank you, I'll remove it from README then.
20:24.52ZX81no I just need to record the contents of the conferemce
20:25.09Calistobkw: wouldn't wap make it a data call (excuse stupidity i'm not that up on wap)
20:25.30okrummis there a web interface to manage * ?
20:25.30*** join/#asterisk wreckdiver (~goaway@
20:26.01bkw_Calisto wap supports http auth
20:26.08bkw_oh and SSL
20:26.10wreckdiverhey folks, what is the best CODEC to use, that will sound most like a regular telephone call, and what is the most respected when limited with bandwidth?
20:26.12TeleRiddQuick question, I am purchasing a Dell 2650 server for our new asterisk box and am going to put an T100P card into it.  The Dell server comes with PCI-X slots, is this compatible with the 64-bit 3.3volt slot example show on Digium's site?
20:26.46CriponZX81: you could setup conference so the initialization started recording the goings on of one of the channels that's a part of it.  say the first, and then the last to leave perhaps.
20:27.41Criponor after the last leaves
20:28.09Criponwould be better than listening to someone breath waiting to talk in a conference.. maybe on the second and stop on the next to last makes more sense
20:28.12jsmithwreckdiver: Its debateable, but I really like iLBC
20:28.28bkw_ilbc is more of a CPU whore than gsm
20:28.33bkw_but oh well
20:29.01oejShould we keep QuickNet phonejack as recommended hardware in Readme?
20:29.09puzzledTeleRidd: I know the 2650 works with the 410 cards
20:29.13JerJeri vote no
20:29.26puzzledTeleRidd: make sure you disable HyperThreading
20:29.31vaewynbuggy and $$$$
20:29.40puzzledoej: I vote no too
20:29.40TeleRiddpuzzled, did you have to change the voltage on the slot?
20:29.52puzzledTeleRidd: I didn't install the box but heard no such thing
20:29.53TeleRiddlooks like it is defaulted to 5.0 V
20:30.13loko-mokodisable hyperthreading why
20:30.21folssonpuzzled: Why should he disable HyperThreading?
20:30.27wreckdiverbkw/jsmith, what is the best quality codec?
20:30.30puzzledbad, evil, bad things will happen
20:30.36TeleRiddyeah, upgraded the kernel the other day on our current 2650, but we got the proc that doesn't support hyperthreading, so snmp kernel didn't help much
20:30.38bkw_wreckdiver best quality is g711
20:30.39wreckdiverforget about resources.
20:30.43TeleRiddWhy disable the hyperthreading?
20:30.46loko-mokoi didnt have bad evil things happen on my 2650 with hyperthreading on
20:30.48puzzledHT & kernel 2.4 are no friends.
20:30.59wreckdiverbkw, what is best for low bandwith, hence lower quality?
20:31.18folssonI use it
20:31.27bkw_I use gsm when I need to save CPU
20:31.29bkw_but ilbc otherwise
20:31.34*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
20:31.38JerJerDUAL XEON
20:31.50wreckdiverbkw, are both g711, and ilbc supported by the 7940's?
20:31.58vaewynJerJer is really just a 1 minute loop tape :}
20:32.05*** join/#asterisk alex415 (
20:32.16derricki've never had HT stability issues on 2.4
20:32.21bkw_wreckdiver 7940 only supports g711 and g729
20:32.51TeleRiddthanx, for the info guys
20:32.59wreckdiverbkw, i am using both the i2004 by Nortel, and two 7940's, and the Nortel sounds cleaner, the 7940's sound a little tinny. any idea?
20:33.17JerJerwreckdiver: ot question, are you also a professional photographer?  (i know a guy that uses that nick)
20:33.53wreckdiverno, just a diver, but did own a Nikonos V with 15mm and dual strobes.. :)
20:34.23*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
20:34.38wreckdiverbkw, almost like the low-end frequency spectrum is being cut out, so you only get highs....
20:34.46*** join/#asterisk wsuff|zzz (
20:35.05wreckdiverI run many hyperthreading boxes with 2.4.
20:35.28wreckdiver2.6Ghz, with dual channel ram.
20:36.25TeleRiddAny news on X100P cards and echo, know this is a big topic because there is not supported ECAN, just wondering
20:36.42vaewynbkw_: thanks for closing my bug :P now I don't have the spectre hanging over my head... or something like that :P
20:36.56jsmith-awayTeleRidd: Check the wiki... there's a good page on how to tune the echo cancellors...
20:36.58oejbkw/jerjer: Added patch to README (818). Check with Mark if it's ok to change to Digium, it feels a bit more up to date.
20:37.36TeleRiddI have minimized my echo by tweaking tx/rx settings, using MARK2 and AGRESSIVE_SUPRESSOR, but still get the first 5 seconds while echo training is kicking in
20:38.04tclarkTeleRidd: try also echotraining
20:38.11*** join/#asterisk clive- (
20:38.57clive-can anyone please help me figure out how to get the debug to turn on
20:39.23bkw_oej JerJer can't commit anything .. CVS is hammered.. plus mark needs to approve that one! :)
20:39.54rozoWhat devices are people using when they need more than 3 or 4 FXO ports?
20:40.17bkw_3 or 4 FXO cards
20:40.36bkw_I am cornholio!  I need UTP for my consolio!
20:40.37rozowhat if you need 8 ports?
20:40.39vaewynrozo: usually go to ISDN or T1/E1
20:40.46bkw_rozo go to T1 and channel bank
20:41.10rozobkw: okay. thought there might be another card or a SIP gateway
20:41.28vaewynHmm.. will a FXS bank "dumb down" enough to handle fxo?
20:41.56vaewynshould be able to you would think
20:42.03*** join/#asterisk mbranca_ (
20:42.30bkw_no they make channel banks that do FXO
20:43.26Bonbonif i don't have an 'h' extension defined and I issue a hangup, then will * go to the next line in extensions.conf?
20:44.11drgalaxyTeleRidd: .  the 2650 is listed on there
20:44.47Bonbonanyone want a zhone channel bank?
20:44.59clhanybody used rhino?
20:45.10_207_CatBonbon: how much?
20:45.16_207_Catand is it any good
20:45.47Bonbon207: make me an offer offline. Brand new. Don't know how good. You'll have to ask people on this channel
20:46.23*** join/#asterisk illc0mmm (
20:46.33_207_CatMake sure you know what your buying, use as FXS interface is OK
20:46.33_207_Cat (cache)
20:46.34_207_CatFXO Interfaces: flakey far end disconnect supervision, NO CallerID detect, no impedance matching, possible echo
20:46.36Bonbonif i don't have an 'h' extension defined and I issue a hangup, then will * go to the next line in extensions.conf?
20:46.36_207_CatFXS Interfaces: No Forward Disconnect on FXS
20:47.12Bonbon207: you talking to me?
20:47.46Bonbonso hangup just quits out of context?
20:48.08jimmyzdid something happen that this doesn't work just compiled this morning /usr/src/asterisk/addmailbox
20:48.19*** part/#asterisk illc0mmm (
20:48.54bkw_addmailbox was moved to contrib/scripts
20:48.57bkw_and isn't needed anymore
20:49.03bkw_you need to make sure you do a fresh cvs checkout
20:49.40ennuyeux7207: is bonbon right that hangup just quits out of the context?
20:49.49bkw_someone REALLY wants bug 207 fixed
20:49.49clive-can anyone help me stop the phone from getting a hangup (busy) signal before I even finish dialling
20:50.29bkw_ww was laffing at the RFC on session timers
20:51.41jimmyzbkw fresh as of when it was done this morning 9:30 cst
20:51.42_207_Catmight also be worht looking at rack
20:51.47_207_Caterrmm prack
20:52.38bkw_jimmyz rm -rf asterisk then check it out again
20:52.49bkw_if you get an error please paste it in the channel and we will look at it
20:53.27*** join/#asterisk barrys (
20:54.26wwsession timers... yeah... 30 minute timeout reccommended? heh
20:55.16wwi will work on it immediately post-release
20:55.24ww... of 0.7.0
20:58.24jtoddOK, I couldn't resist doing one more clip early.  sox will convert this appropriately to .gsm....
20:58.43jtoddSpecial for all you IRC channel listeners out there.
20:58.49wwbkw_: suggestion re: cvs mirror -- put a '(cd /usr; tar -czvf /some/where/public/cvsroot.tar.gz ./cvsroot)' in a crontab?
20:59.01puzzledkape: chan_capi segfaults with cvs from 21:12 CET
20:59.14barryscan someone point me in the right direction for connecting a t1 to another t1 via crossover cable
20:59.32puzzledbarrys: search the list archives. has been discussed before
20:59.33bkw_ww ok we can do that but its just cvs snapshots
20:59.45bobcovNewbie question.  I want to install SER, but when I run the CVS, it says it needs to move away the directories for asterisk.
20:59.48bkw_we can do a full cvs mirror with rsync over ssh
20:59.48_207_Catww: you might wanna look at prack too
21:00.05wwrsync is better, i agree...
21:00.12wwnot familiar with prack
21:00.12bobcovWhy doesn't it just put its files in its own directories? Will it destroy the asterisk install?
21:00.28czmokjtodd: hehe THAT prompt is cool :-)
21:00.30clive-what is the correct CLI command for debug ?  debug channel 2 " doesnt work,
21:00.32barryspuzzled, have been but nothing much there.  I've made my crossover correctly but other than a few conflicting config examples not much out there
21:01.09puzzledbarrys: oh, thought you were after the pinouts. no idea about the config of what you want to do
21:02.17barryspuzzled, At one point I was continuously getting problems because it thought the call was a fax so I abandened that direction
21:02.57Tangentbarrys: That sounds like the 'new dsp code' problem that I was having
21:03.21Tangentbarrys: If you Uncomment the line 'USE_OLD_DSP_CODE' in chan_sip.c then the fax problem vanishes
21:03.31*** join/#asterisk adkp (
21:03.58ww207: oh, no i thought you were talking about the cvs mirror!
21:03.58barrysTangent, very cool.  Are you also using te410p cards
21:04.11_207_Catno ww... sorry...
21:04.31bkw_Tangent its in dsp.c
21:04.33bkw_not chan_sip
21:04.33Tangentbarrys: I'm not.. i have just a single X100P card
21:04.47Tangentbkw_: Thanks... good point
21:04.51bkw_and I think 0.7.0 will default to the old stuff
21:06.21tokenanyone know why zttool won't work
21:08.28*** join/#asterisk Tili (~Tili@
21:09.01bkw_gotta have libnewt installed
21:10.00derrickanyone know what vonage's backend is?  did the dev their own or buy something?  is it *'s secret funder? :)
21:10.10voidptr_may the ast gods be with me :(
21:10.28voidptr_if it works i'm settled
21:13.02ZX81Cripon, how do I set it up so it starts recording when the second person enters and finishes when there is less than two people inside?
21:13.38voidptr_well i'm off.
21:13.57vaewynlike a prom dress?
21:14.15vaewynor intel floating point?   :P
21:14.24derrickwow, that takes me back
21:16.01*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
21:20.28dncor the milk in my fridge
21:21.27extremiscan the context of inbound zap calls be changed?\
21:21.55tzangeroff like a bride's nightie is how I usually hear it
21:24.36*** join/#asterisk flavour (
21:26.02ZX81Anyone, how do I set it up so it starts recording when the second person enters and finishes when there is less than two people inside?
21:26.13ZX81i.e. a conference room
21:26.14barrysTangent, bkw_, thanks for the help.  Got it working somewhat.
21:28.13*** join/#asterisk jets (
21:29.49Corydon76-workHello, hello.  I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello.
21:30.43jetsXO isn't seing my D channel
21:31.12Corydon76-workBlame the telco.  Always.
21:31.18*** join/#asterisk kc-barney (
21:31.59_207_CatI say high, you say low.
21:32.00_207_CatYou say why and I say I don't know, oh no.
21:32.05JerJeryay bug 674 made it in!!!
21:32.12*** join/#asterisk kapejod (
21:32.15*** join/#asterisk alex4152 (
21:32.27Corydon76-workOh, so it's only taking an hour for CVS to allow each commit?
21:32.44Corydon76-workAt this pace, we'll be ready to release in 2017...
21:32.45jetsI verified the settings with them, he just said he couldn't see the D channel even though /etc/zaptel.conf was configured for b 1-23 and d 24
21:32.52jetsast0:/etc# cat zaptel.conf
21:33.19jetsgroup = 1
21:33.19jetschannel => 1-23
21:33.23jetsstarting at the switchtype= that is my zapata.conf
21:34.46*** join/#asterisk Tili (~Tili@
21:35.02Corydon76-workHad the same problem with ConEd in NYC.  Took them 5 days to figure it out and fix it
21:35.06bkw_ok cvs is alive and kickin again
21:35.13kc-barneyif I have an incoming SIP call that gets sent to vm2, it plays the unavail greeting fine... If a call comes in over IAX, hits the directory app that is running, and is sent to vm2, it just does the default "The person at unavailable" message.  Under the console, both show that they are playing voicemail/${CONTEXT}/${EXTEN}/unavail.  Anyone have any ideas?
21:35.38Corydon76-workbkw_:  is 816 in there yet?
21:35.46bkw_its about to
21:36.21Corydon76-workGood, once that's in, I'll get you the next patch
21:36.25*** part/#asterisk tim27 (
21:37.18*** join/#asterisk gage_dude (
21:38.02gage_dudeFile loader.c, Line 312 (ast_load_resource): load_module failed, returning -1
21:38.03gage_dudeSegmentation fault
21:38.09gage_dudeanyone know this prob
21:38.32zoagage_dude: ztcfg
21:38.43gage_dudewhat is that
21:39.23zoajust run ztcfg before running asterisk
21:39.25zoasee if it helps
21:39.30gage_dudeok thanks
21:39.53drgalaxyif the microphone on a 7910 isn't functional and everything else is, are there any software settings that would impact that or is this most likely a hardware issue?
21:40.08JerJerno speaker fone on 7910s
21:40.35wreckdiveris call center features inherent in Asterisk?
21:40.45wreckdivercan we have phones login?
21:40.52gage_dudezoa get syntax errors when running ZTCFG
21:40.56zoawreck: try the mailinglist
21:41.11zoapaste the erros
21:41.14zoaerrors please
21:41.15Corydon76-workgage_dude:  have you considered that you might not have the drivers loaded?
21:41.35zoawhat is that ?
21:41.48gage_dudeNotice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
21:41.48gage_dudeline 1: Syntax error.  Should be <keyword>=<value>
21:41.48gage_dudeline 1: Unknown keyword ';'
21:41.49gage_dudeline 2: Syntax error.  Should be <keyword>=<value>
21:41.49gage_dudeline 2: Unknown keyword '; Zapata telephony interface sample configuration file'
21:41.49gage_dudeline 3: Syntax error.  Should be <keyword>=<value>
21:41.54gage_dudenore though
21:41.58gage_dudemore though
21:42.12kc-barneygage:do you have any digium hardware in the box?
21:42.20zoado you have a config file ?
21:42.25gage_duderan lspci
21:42.52zoapaste the first lines from the config file please
21:42.53kc-barneywhat card do you have?
21:43.05gage_dude02:01.0 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Intel 537
21:43.07gage_dudeis that it
21:43.15zoapaste the first lines from the config file please
21:43.24gage_dudewcfxo                   9056   0  (unused)
21:43.29Corydon76-workgage_dude:  do you think you might have to fix those errors before things will start working?
21:43.35gage_dudezttool looks good
21:43.47zoasomehow ztcfg thinks that everything is uncommented
21:43.59zoapaste the first lines from the config file please
21:44.01zoapaste the first lines from the config file please
21:44.06Corydon76-workThat's because zaptel.conf uses the # for comments, not the ;
21:44.14zoacat /etc/zaptel.conf
21:44.26zoadid you type those ;'s ?
21:45.03gage_dude; X100P plugged into PSTN
21:45.13*** join/#asterisk HotDog (~alex@
21:45.27Corydon76-workgage_dude:  why did you copy /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf to /etc/zaptel.conf ?
21:46.14*** join/#asterisk pliew (
21:46.24Corydon76-workThey are neither the same syntax, nor are they for the same purpose.
21:46.40zoabut they start with the same letter !
21:46.43*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
21:46.43zoathey have to be the same
21:46.47zoafile a bugreport !
21:46.52zoaThunderbirds to the resque !
21:46.56Corydon76-workOh, please NO
21:47.00vaewyn~lart zoa
21:47.23zoawe need quotes on the bot :)
21:47.37zoa~quote add why did you copy /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf to /etc/zaptel.conf ?
21:47.51Remote Authentication Dial In User Service. URL:
21:47.51zoawtf is that
21:47.57vaewynstock quotes
21:47.58JerJerdamit someone changed it
21:48.04vaewyn~quote CSCO
21:48.31vaewyn~quote SCOX
21:48.31loko-moko~quote lu
21:48.40JerJer~quote ^dji
21:48.58JerJerdow industrials for the lame :)
21:49.20JerJer~quote ^ixic
21:49.25*** part/#asterisk pattieja (
21:49.28vaewynheh... well the short sales on SCO made their target today :}
21:50.06JerJer~quote nufone
21:50.07vaewynnext thing JerJer will be doing ~quote DUAL XEONS
21:50.31JerJeri've done my own testing, i know they are superior
21:51.06vaewyndepends on the application
21:51.12vaewynSSL... Xeons rock
21:51.25*** join/#asterisk stonefly (
21:51.35JerJeri could sustain many more calls on a xeon than p4
21:51.43vaewyneven on *... depends on codecs and call targets
21:51.53vaewynbut usually I would agree with you
21:51.53gage_dudeloadzone = us
21:52.04stoneflyI wonder how well * would do on a opteron..
21:52.15kc-barneyHaving voicemail2 issue: If I have someone call ext 6711 via SIP and they don't answer, it passes to voicemail2 and plays the unavail greeting.  If I pass the call from another Asterisk server that handles incoming calls from PSTN and pass it to the server via IAX and call the same macro for ext 6715 it just plays the default unavail greeting instead of the users prerecorded greeting.  Under the console, both show "Playing voicemail
21:52.15kc-barney/${CONTEXT}/${EXTEN}/unavail.  Anybody know any known issues?
21:52.19bkw_Corydon that bug is about to go in ..
21:52.25gage_dudeztcfg works now but still seg faults
21:52.30bkw_cvs is just chewing a bit slow
21:53.00kc-barneythat should have read "call the same macro for ext 6711"...
21:54.49gage_dude[1074485984]: File loader.c, Line 312 (ast_load_resource): load_module failed, returning -1
21:54.50gage_dudeSegmentation fault
21:56.37Corydon76-workEVERYBODY:  Please stop using 'cvs update' for Asterisk unless you are a developer actively fixing bugs for the 0.7.0 release.  This will help the effort in getting 0.7.0 released today.
21:57.05vaewyngage_dude: just as a check... are you running this asterisk as root?  If so did you become root by doing 'su'  'su -', 'su - root' or logging in as root?
21:57.23vaewynwhich method?
21:57.58Corydon76-workgage_dude:  ls -l *core*
21:58.02vaewynmake sure to do a "su -"   or "su - root"  environment variables in your environment can sometimes cause issues like this
21:58.38vaewynthe - makes sure you only have ROOTs environment... not yours
21:59.13vaewynnot sure if it will help... but is a big gotcha for beginners on a lot of the module stuff
22:00.06*** join/#asterisk bdf (
22:00.19gage_dudeERROR[1074485984]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5124 (mkintf): Signalling requested is FXO Kewlstart but line is in FXS
22:00.20gage_dudeKewlstart signalling
22:00.20gage_dudeERROR[1074485984]: File chan_zap.c, Line 7081 (setup_zap): Unable to register channel '1'
22:00.21*** join/#asterisk Mike-69 (
22:00.36gage_dudehow do I fix this
22:00.56Corydon76-workgage_dude:  zaptel.conf does not match zapata.conf in terms of signalling per channel
22:01.14gage_dudewhat do I need
22:01.17gage_dudefor channel
22:01.21Corydon76-workWhat hardware do you have?
22:01.30ZX81to dial using voicepulse what do I dial?  When I dial any numbner after the one it doesnt work
22:01.44*** join/#asterisk voip (
22:01.51ZX81exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial...
22:02.27ZX81ne1? Please?
22:02.41ZX81what does N stand for?
22:02.49JerJervoicepulse doesn't support their customers?
22:02.50jsmithZX81: N is a number between 2 and 9
22:02.56ZX81ok sweet
22:03.04bkw_;   X - any digit from 0-9
22:03.04bkw_;   N - any digit from 2-9
22:03.06ZX81JerJer, probably but no irc
22:03.15Corydon76-workZ - any digit from 1-9
22:03.19bkw_No_Carrier_ == VoicePulse
22:03.21zoacan i use asterisk as non root user with zaptel hardware ?
22:03.21bkw_bug him
22:03.23jsmithWhat about M?
22:03.25jetswhats the standard exten => for a did that i want to go to exten -> s
22:03.32jetsi have an 800 # i want to hit exten -> s
22:03.35bkw_Corydon Z isn't in the examples
22:03.45jsmithjets: Just make an extension for that DID, and then use a GoTo()
22:03.49Corydon76-workbkw_:  yeah, but it's in the driver
22:03.54jsmithGoTo(s,1), that is
22:04.19bkw_exten => 18001231234,1,Goto(s,1)
22:04.31bkw_Corydone kewl
22:04.38bkw_fucking bitchx
22:04.49Mike-69bkw_: you guys have a release hour?
22:05.07bkw_Mike if people don't stop killing CVS its not gonna happen till later tonight
22:05.15bkw_guess the updates have prompted alot of people to CVS
22:05.15Mikekilling it?
22:05.35bkw_as in SLOW AS HELL
22:06.10Mikebkw_: alot of bug fixes huh?
22:07.02Mikei dont know why people cant wait a few hours for the full thing
22:07.09Corydon76-workbkw_:  line 543 of pbx.c
22:07.39zoabkw, is that cvs on a fast connection ?
22:07.50Corydon76-workbkw_:  change the topic to ask people to stop using 'cvs update' until 0.7.0 is released
22:08.51ZX81.haha I had it in the wrong context!
22:09.29tzangerfor fuck sakes
22:09.34tzangerhow do you define a pointer to a function?
22:09.34*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> stop using 'cvs update' until 0.7.0 is released
22:09.47bkw_zoa no its on a T1
22:09.56tzangervoid (* func)() varname was how I thought you did it
22:10.22Mocbkw_, you dont want us to test current cvs ?
22:10.38malcolmdhey, at least you guys aren't on the same line as the cvs trying to make outbound connections :D
22:10.39bkw_well not at this point its so hammered we can't commit anything
22:10.47Mocha ok
22:10.48gage_dudebkw how can I shut of anonymous answering and making me add callerId
22:11.03bkw_gage_dude don't ask me please read
22:11.21atacommis 0.7.0 almost ready?
22:11.49zoabkw, got anything else you want to see tested tonight ?
22:11.59*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
22:12.05*** join/#asterisk Exomorph_ (
22:12.13bkw_clh thats REALLY OLD
22:12.18clhreally good, though
22:12.22*** join/#asterisk titu (~loco@
22:12.34bkw_I was 16 at that time
22:12.39bkw_I'm far from that skinny now
22:12.43bkw_and that image looks stupid
22:13.01tituIs it possible to perform prepaid ivr with astrisk only with voip interaction??
22:13.15zoatitu: yes
22:13.24zoago check
22:13.56tituwith h323 ?
22:14.02zoago read it
22:14.04tituthnx zoa
22:15.14clhwhat is prepaid IVR?  where you prepay to navigate through some really neato prompts?
22:17.02daorkIVR for prepayed calling card
22:17.32vaewynI should charge 0.02$ everytime someone calls just to listen to the monkeys taking me away :}
22:18.23ZX81does anyone know what the stealthnet guys nick is?
22:19.15ZX81~seen StealthMan
22:19.21ZX81: i haven't seen 'stealthman'
22:19.26Moc~seen Stealth_man
22:19.27stealth_man <Stealth_Ma@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3d 16h 13m 33s ago, saying: 'how is going ?'.
22:19.29bkw_JerJer where did you go ho?
22:19.40Moc3 days ?
22:21.28extremisso, whats teh command to interact with voicemail?
22:21.52tituzoa: I've just looked on the site and I found some agi script for calling card but nothing specific about using h323
22:22.26rozomake: warning:  Clock skew detected.  Your build may be incomplete.
22:22.31rozoWhat would cause that error?
22:22.36anthmtouch `find .`
22:22.42rozothat was after I compiled zaptel.
22:22.43snifferozo: exactly that.
22:23.02tokenanyone know how to setup outdial from FXo
22:23.04rozoWhat does Clock skew mean?
22:23.25Corydon76-workrozo:  it means the clock changed during the build
22:23.26snifferozo: it means that the timestamp on your files may be ahead of your system clock
22:23.54rozoit's a new box, just installed.
22:25.50*** join/#asterisk clueless (
22:26.17cluelessanyone want to help me with a new SIP/* setup?
22:27.10*** join/#asterisk lancey (Laptop@
22:27.40lanceyanyone know of a good IAX VoIP termination provider
22:28.21_207_Catbkw_: has callwaitingcallerid gone?
22:28.28bkw_dont know
22:28.29bkw_has it?
22:28.31bkw_har har har
22:28.53_207_CatJan 12 23:19:36 WARNING[8192]: Don't know keyword 'callwaitingcallerid' at line 14
22:29.28*** join/#asterisk astusr (
22:30.04bkw_ask malcolmd
22:30.06bkw_or kram
22:30.19_207_Catmalcolmd : has callwaitingcallerid gone?
22:30.20*** join/#asterisk opsys (
22:30.35_207_Catkram : has callwaitingcallerid gone?
22:30.41tokenANyone Help me with Dialing out FXo
22:30.47lanceyis voice quality OK with NuFone
22:30.50tokenI keep getttin 403 forbidden
22:31.17malcolmd_207_Cat: no idea
22:31.27_207_CatJan 12 23:19:36 WARNING[8192]: Don't know keyword 'callwaitingcallerid' at line 14
22:31.31opsysDoes anyone have different sounding dialtones on *??
22:31.53*** join/#asterisk alex415 (
22:32.13bkw_its not funny Muckl
22:32.20bkw_its stopping us from getting 0.7.0 out
22:32.28bkw_they have basically DoSed CVS
22:32.33_207_Catcan we use  make update then?
22:32.36tokenanyone help a FXo user to dial out from sip UA
22:32.43Mucklmachine overload or network bandwith too narrow?
22:33.02*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> stop using 'cvs update' until 0.7.0 is released (this includes 'make update')
22:33.15*** join/#asterisk killerbee (
22:33.21bkw_its network I suspect
22:33.28lecrambkw_: would offering a mirror be of any help?
22:33.33Mucklbkw_: or do you just need some extra time for additional bugfixes? ;)
22:33.40bkw_we will be doing that soon
22:33.50kc-barneyjust set up some iptables rules to drop traffic from people who aren't working on the release...
22:34.04opsysMirror off of 100Mbit in SouthFlorida being offered.
22:34.12bkw_then the mailing list would be flooded with "IS CVS DOWN?"
22:34.50daorkso duplicate the CVS tree
22:35.10daorkthey can get the version as it is right now, until it's released properly
22:35.16Muckldaork: let them just have their time ;)
22:35.40killerbeeALL YOUR BASE R BELONG TO US!
22:36.23zoai could offer 100mbit on 2 server in 2 different states in US + 100mbit in belgium + 4mbit in bulgaria
22:36.27zoafor mirrors
22:36.39killerbeebah.. who deleted init.asterisk from cvs
22:36.45bkw_its in scripts/init.d
22:36.50zoa:) too I can offer mirror space
22:37.05Mucklzoa: oh great, may i have root shells on each?
22:37.05zoakillerbee: for divx's ? :)
22:37.28zoabkw, did someone send in a startup script for debian yet ?
22:37.30zoaand gentoo ?
22:37.36zoaand suse ?
22:37.39bkw_gentoo yes
22:37.48Sp3ciaL_Kbkw how do I start asterisk?
22:38.16YoYobkw, what's the best way to blow my load?
22:38.17killerbeeme dont see script subdirectory...
22:38.29Mucklwhats bkw_'s preferred word? :)
22:38.34UnixDawgneed to add to safe_asterisk
22:38.37lanceyzoa: where is the 4 Mbit mirror in Bulgaria?
22:38.41UnixDawgso it works on fbsd
22:38.51UnixDawgI had to shang it
22:38.55lanceyfbsd, that's good :)
22:39.00YoYofbsd > *
22:39.03Sp3ciaL_Kasterisk works on fbsd now UnixDawg ?
22:39.05YoYolinux < *
22:39.07zoalancey: sofia
22:39.20UnixDawgjust no drivers for zaptel
22:39.26YoYono drivers :(
22:39.29lanceyzoa: yeah, i assumed it's there, it's the capital of the country. which is the provider?
22:39.36UnixDawgit works for voip
22:39.36ZX81Is there any way to try multiple * boxes to see which one has an available FXO?
22:39.37*** join/#asterisk lorena1 (~asd@
22:39.40lorena1hi to all
22:39.40lanceyi live in Bulgaria, too, that's why i'm so interested :)
22:39.47zoawhere do you live ?
22:39.53zoai'll have two links soon, btc and orbitel
22:39.56zoaatm only btw
22:40.01gage_dudeZOa can you help me Dial out my FXo
22:40.06zoanopez :)
22:40.13zoanot at this time
22:40.15lorena1are release 0.7.0 is CVS ?
22:40.15zoatoo busy
22:40.17zoamaybe later
22:40.27gage_dudeAnyone? Bueller? Bueller?
22:40.28UnixDawgDutch_ is suppost to have drives he is workign on but have not heard from him since dec
22:40.30lorena1or not yet ?
22:40.36ZX81bkw_, does * support load balancing?
22:40.55ZX81or ne1 else?
22:41.07Muckllorena1: dont use cvs.. but ask bkw_ for more about that ;)
22:41.10Sp3ciaL_Ki see bkw jumping off a bridge soon.
22:41.13killerbeebkw broke the CVS
22:41.14killerbeeNo description for sounds/vm-mailboxfull.gsm
22:41.14killerbeemake: *** [datafiles] Error 1
22:41.26lorena1Muckl. so .. not updates?
22:41.28JerJeryeah yeah
22:41.31ZX81JerJer, was that to me?
22:41.35_207_Catbkw_: is ur mailserver fux0r3d ?
22:41.36lorena1I take troubles
22:41.42Muckllorena1: no, wait a year or two
22:41.44JerJeri cannot commit
22:41.47lanceyzoa: is BTC or Orbitel working with Asterisk?
22:41.48lorena1jeje.. GOOD
22:41.58killerbeesup JerJer
22:42.48extremiswhats a good codec to use across iax2?
22:43.04extremisfor between 2 loadbalanced * servers?
22:43.10lorena1work the Openss7 with E100P ?
22:43.33killerbeeJerJer or are U taking resposibility for breaking CVS??
22:43.38Mikeextremis: gsm
22:44.15extremisMike: hrm, seems like it could be beter quality
22:44.24Spy007is nufone's website ready?
22:44.42Mikeextremis: i think gsm its really good quality
22:45.20extremisMike: have you had any luck with rxtxxgain without echo?
22:45.22killerbeeJerJer Are you changing souds.txt?
22:45.29JerJerI CAN'T
22:45.31JerJercvs is hung
22:45.35killerbeeor the gsm file names
22:45.37Mikeextremis: yes
22:45.38JerJeror locked or something
22:45.56killerbeebut just so I can make the mod manuallly
22:45.58JerJerdinner time, back in 30
22:46.08killerbeeand not be tooo outta date with the code?
22:46.44extremisok, so is Rx on the ztmonitor what gets adjusted with rxgain?
22:47.04_207_CatPeer             User/ANR    Call ID      Seq (Tx/Rx)  Lag      Jitter  Format
22:47.04_207_Cat212.127.129.67   (None)      0ea612fa3d6  00102/00000  00000ms  0000ms  UNKN
22:47.30_207_Catany one know why these appear then vanish, then reappear?>
22:49.07zoa0207: kram says those can be registration calls
22:49.11lanceySpy007: pretty not :)
22:49.25_207_Catzoa: ta
22:49.40zoata ta ra ta
22:49.41zoatata ta
22:49.44bkw_dman it
22:49.45Q-At-Workis there a way to factory reset the ata-186 from cisco?
22:49.46zoatata ta ta ta ta
22:49.47killerbeela la la la
22:49.49zoata tarara ta
22:49.51Q-At-WorkI think I broke my config :)
22:50.02Zebbleformat c:
22:50.06Q-At-Workheh :)
22:50.09Q-At-Worktried that!
22:50.16ZebbleI think you can hold the button while powering up
22:50.29Q-At-Workit took its config from tftp once
22:50.35Q-At-Work(wrong of course)
22:51.48killerbeeQ-At-Work.. just change the config file and re-boot the ata
22:52.16Q-At-Workits not re-reading the config for some reason
22:52.17killerbeela la la
22:52.32Q-At-WorkI edit my text config, then binary it
22:52.38Q-At-Workthen move it over to my tftp server
22:52.56Q-At-Workname it ataMACADDRESS (with the real mac)
22:53.19zoathe correct phrase is
22:53.22*** join/#asterisk TLC_ (
22:53.31zoaor MOOSE PENIS!
22:53.35zoaboth will do fine
22:53.43Q-At-Workgot it :)
22:53.43killerbeela la la la la
22:53.51Q-At-Workwe'll see if you get to yell NEXT! or not
22:53.52killerbeezoa BROKE IT
22:55.10dantI really should check out CVS before fixing a bug
22:55.18killerbeeQ-At-Work..If you get the password prompt.. Ur screwed
22:55.57killerbeela la la la la ....let it snow let it snow.. let it snow
22:56.17Q-At-Workno pass
22:56.22Q-At-Workits... doing something
22:56.36*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
22:56.37gage_dudeanyne help with dial out FXo
22:57.26killerbeegage_dude exten => _9.,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN})
22:57.33*** join/#asterisk fyman (
22:57.39Powerkillevening all
22:58.10killerbeeask him
22:58.19Q-At-Workthat worked better :)
22:58.24Powerkillany idea why I'm not managing to get CALLERIDNUM in my AGI
22:58.25gage_dudekillerbee where doesthis go what
22:58.30bkw_JerJer come back to the conf
22:58.34bkw_my lines are now fixed
22:58.34Q-At-Worknow when I dial, I get fast busy as soon as something answers :)
22:58.38bkw_sbc fucked em up
22:58.51Q-At-WorkI figure I'll have this up by midnight
22:59.00Powerkillkillerbee exten => _9.,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1})
22:59.04dantkillerbee, you probably wouldn't want to send 9 to the PSTN :)
22:59.04killerbeebkw_ went fer dinner
22:59.09Powerkillyou have to remove the 9
22:59.11dantgah Powerkill types faster
22:59.51gage_dudewhat [ ] does this fall under
23:00.00Powerkill$AGI = new Asterisk::AGI;
23:00.00Powerkillmy %input = $AGI->ReadParse();
23:00.14Powerkillmy $calleridnum = $input{CALLERIDNUM};
23:00.19gage_dudegot that
23:00.22Powerkilland when i verbose it i can't get it
23:01.38*** join/#asterisk JerJer[dinner] (~jj@
23:01.58_207_CatPowerkill: use my $callerid = "$input{'callerid'}";
23:02.09*** join/#asterisk zoa3 (~john@
23:02.28_207_Catthen to get the numbers only use:
23:02.29_207_Cat$callerid =~ s/[^\d]//g;
23:02.33killerbeeJerJer bkw_ wants you back
23:03.08killerbeeerr in the conference call
23:04.18killerbeemmmmmm dinnner!
23:04.25swirlnetswhere are things?
23:04.41swirlnetswith the release?
23:04.42PowerkillScaredyCat not working :(
23:04.47killerbeemy wife must want something... shes cooking my favorite
23:05.00bkw_I now have two phonelines
23:05.02ScaredyCatPowerkill: then it's a coding error
23:05.15killerbeebkw_.... two unlimited LD?
23:05.18Q-At-Workbkw_: help me get my one working :)
23:05.30PowerkillI got my name in $callerid
23:05.57*** join/#asterisk stan_ (
23:06.07ScaredyCatcallerid contains bot
23:06.07Powerkillbut nothing else
23:06.07extremiscould someone that has good volume on their X100P cards test soemthing for me?
23:06.30lanceyzoa: are u there
23:06.35bkw_extremis whats up?
23:06.48killerbeeextremis what do U need?
23:08.41Mikesomeone has made a real bench mark on gsm & ilbc for quality?
23:08.48extremisjust curious what what ztmonitor shows for rx when its onhook
23:09.05jsmithMike:  Quality is almost indistinguishable...
23:09.20Mikejsmith: what codec has better quality?
23:09.30Mikejsmith: gsm when i speak loud i can listen how it breaks
23:09.35ZX81Mike: quality is subjective
23:09.37ScaredyCatPowerkill: I've just tested it here - it works
23:09.51PowerkillScaredyCat i got "Powerkill <123456789>"
23:09.52ZX81Mike: probably above 0db digital distortion
23:09.53okrummi have a situation where there are 5 phones lines, and there's no pbx, what cards should i buy to connect all 5 phone lines..., cause there are no enough free pci slots available.
23:10.12Powerkillyour regex extract the number from < > ?
23:10.16ZX81okrumm, T1 card and channel bank
23:10.20ScaredyCat<_207_Cat> Powerkill: use my $callerid = "$input{'callerid'}";
23:10.20ScaredyCat--> zoa3 (~john@ has joined #asterisk
23:10.20ScaredyCat<_207_Cat> then to get the numbers only use:
23:10.20ScaredyCat<_207_Cat> $callerid =~ s/[^\d]//g;
23:10.28addalineget more pci slots
23:10.33extremisRx ##########################        Tx                                  
23:10.36extremisthats mine
23:10.40extremiswhen its onhook
23:11.00*** join/#asterisk outsourc (
23:11.11killerbeemine shows Rx ################ Tx
23:11.27ZX81addaline, yeah replace cpu with anpother pci slot - should have enough bandwidth
23:11.31okrummZX81: can you point me to where can i find and buy this channel bank ?
23:11.35extremiskillerbee: have you adjusted your rxtxgain?
23:11.48ZX81okrumm, go to ebay and search for channel bank...
23:11.51extremiskillerbee: what are they?
23:12.03ZX81okrumm, either carrier access or something
23:12.29ZX81okrumm, then go to digium and buy either their 1 port T1 or quad span T1
23:12.48ZX81okrumm, although you can fit 24 lines on 1 socket
23:12.56*** join/#asterisk mike1 (
23:13.11extremiskillerbee: you raised rxgain because what your office users heard was weak? (inbound to the x100p) ?
23:13.33mike1can someone help me with incoming call routing?  I'm having troubles sending incoming calls to a sip phone
23:13.41extremiskillerbee: how did you get those values? and do you have echo?
23:13.50killerbeelol.. yah... but more likley I copied someone elses values
23:14.12extremisRx ##################################Tx                                  
23:14.19extremisat rxgain of 8.2 that is what I have for onhook
23:14.20ZX81killerbee, DOESNT EVERYONE SHOUT AT YOU?
23:14.39killerbeeZX81.. no should they
23:14.53ZX81or is it a quiet line
23:15.00addalinemike1 message me
23:15.02extremisScaredyCat: how did you get a good enough line for 0.0 0.0 ?
23:15.09ZX81ZX81 has 0.0 and 0.0
23:15.11kc-barneyOk, the first set of extensions is hit via PSTN->Asterisk2->IAX->Asterisk1.  The second is dialed via a SIP phone registerd with Asterisk1.
23:15.11kc-barney#extensions.conf for Asterisk1
23:15.11kc-barneyexten => _5555551212,1,Dial(SIP/6711,20,tr)
23:15.13kc-barneyexten => _5555551212,2,Voicemail2(u6711@company)
23:15.15kc-barneyexten => _5555551212,3,Hangup
23:15.19kc-barneyexten => _6711,1,Dial(SIP/6711,20,tr)
23:15.21kc-barneyexten => _6711,2,Voicemail2(u6711@company)
23:15.25kc-barneyexten => _6711,Hangup
23:15.29kc-barney#extensions.conf for Asterisk2
23:15.33kc-barneyexten => _5555551212,1,Dial(IAX2/asterisk2@asterisk1/5555551212@test)
23:15.37kc-barneyI get to voicemail either way.  It just doesn't playback the unavail on the IAX call.  Plays back fine on the SIP call.  Both calls show up as playing voicemail/company/6711/unavail on the console.
23:15.40ScaredyCatextremis: European quality ;)
23:15.43extremisZX81: no one complains abou tvolume?
23:15.48addalinemike1, what you need?
23:15.59PowerkillScaredyCat pv please
23:16.08killerbeeZX81... not really... I use the ZAP interface only for inbound... so it just makes the recording easier to hear
23:16.13killerbeedunno call me
23:16.16ZX81kc-barney, you need to jump 100 down for busy but unavailble should be played
23:16.53ZX81i.e. exten _6711,102,Voicemail(b6711@company_
23:17.11ZX81what is voicemail2?
23:17.16malcolmdcvs down for a few so it can catch its breath
23:17.34ZX81leave it off :-)
23:17.39ZX81create stable release
23:17.40jsmithmalcolmd: Oh sure... now you take it down!
23:17.48addalinevoicemail2 is now just voicemail
23:18.10malcolmdjsmith: ;)
23:18.40kc-barneyyeah, but unavil doesn't play... or busy if I set it up.  It's weird.
23:18.57UnixDawgyou dont use addmailbox
23:19.30UnixDawgjust add it to voicemail.conf reload and the first time some one calls the and gets the vm it creates it
23:19.52addalineyeah vm is nice like that
23:20.06UnixDawgyes it is
23:20.26killerbeeZX81 call me...
23:21.45UnixDawgbbl din din time
23:23.26*** join/#asterisk UnSane (
23:24.02extremisso I have 2 x100p cards and I have rxtxgain at 3.2/1.2 and when I forward calls in one x100p out another x100p it really kills teh volume... is there anything in * that would do this?
23:24.07ZX81left you a message killerbee
23:24.13extremisbecause most calls sound fine
23:24.14ZX81back soon
23:24.24extremisits just the forwarding is really weak
23:24.37UnSaneWho was I talking to about fax last night?
23:25.07*** join/#asterisk draconius (
23:25.16*** join/#asterisk scud (
23:25.39draconiuson to the 4th linux install. geez.
23:27.17*** join/#asterisk nate187 (~nate@
23:27.42UnSanecan the dsp.c answer a fax call?
23:27.54bkw_it forwards to exten => fax,
23:28.00bkw_but dsp.c has small bug
23:28.35bkw_let me know when you get back so we can change that one line in cdr_odbc.c
23:28.41UnSaneit doesn't 'answer' tha call it passes it?
23:28.45JerJer[dinner]i can do that now
23:28.50bkw_oh ok
23:28.51JerJer[dinner]give it again
23:28.59bkw_change the WARNING to NOTICE
23:29.11JerJer[dinner]what's the prinout?
23:29.22nate187has anyone integrated hylafax with asteisk, as opposed to routing a fax call to a fxs port?
23:29.25bkw_ast_log(LOG_NOTICE,"cdr_odbc: Logging uniqueid\n");
23:29.31bkw_that what it should be
23:29.40bkw_its WARNING now
23:29.44*** join/#asterisk jorgeraidel (
23:29.45bkw_which makes little sense
23:30.04*** join/#asterisk Om3gAnGeL (
23:30.06jorgeraidelI am here :)
23:30.42dalaberaDoes anyones knows if the cisco 7912 is working fine the *
23:30.53*** part/#asterisk Om3gAnGeL (
23:30.58*** join/#asterisk km- (
23:30.59bkw_dalabera yes
23:31.04bkw_its a 7905 with a switch port
23:31.08bkw_km- wasabit
23:31.13bkw_join the conf
23:31.14km-ah, nammach
23:31.26km-joined, nobody there!
23:31.33jorgeraidelbkw where I make the download?
23:31.44jorgeraidel: (
23:32.52JerJer[dinner]%vm-mailboxfull.gsm%sorry but the users mail box
23:33.16denonooOooh .. my bug gettin fixed? :)
23:36.23JerJer[dinner]cvs is laggin again here :(
23:36.54JerJer[dinner](on commit)
23:37.00bkw_damn it
23:37.08*** join/#asterisk loko_moko (
23:37.31rollysonany reason time based include syntax wouldn't be working?
23:37.42ScaredyCatuser error?
23:38.05bkw_i'm testing this meetme pin patch
23:38.19rollysonI'd have thought that, but they were working until this morning, and have just stopped working
23:38.41JerJer[dinner]hmmmm we haven't done anything tht would break that
23:39.45bkw_Corydon its not retrying pin when invalid
23:39.49bkw_it just hangs up
23:39.53bkw_but it does work
23:39.58bkw_just a small fix for that
23:40.34dantbkw_, allowretry?
23:40.34Corydon76-workbkw_:  is that a problem?
23:40.50bkw_is allowretry need to be set?
23:40.53JerJer[dinner]ok i'm gonna finish dining and head home
23:41.00Corydon76-workbkw_:  it should allow for a retry if the conference number is unspecified
23:41.07bkw_let me test that
23:41.32*** join/#asterisk jorgeraidel (
23:41.45*** join/#asterisk km- (
23:41.50high-rezkram: you arouind?
23:42.23bkw_it shoudl allow retry on that also shouldn't it?
23:42.36Corydon76-workOn conference number, yes
23:42.37bkw_what if I have a number directed at the meetme and I want to do that?  maybe a flag to allow retry?
23:42.45extremisI wish that * had auto volume adjustment
23:42.55extremisover 2 months now
23:42.56bkw_extremis hint don't fuck with rxgain
23:43.01bkw_and only set the txgain to like 5
23:43.08denondont even ask for auto volume crap, we just want functional echo cans
23:43.09Corydon76-workbkw_:  we can add that later, don't need an extra flag
23:43.21extremisbkw_: txgain is what the remote party hears right?
23:43.24rollysonanything look wrong with this? include => earlylate|17:00-00:00|mon-fri
23:43.27extremisthats what I've seen so far
23:43.37Powerkillhow can i reset log in a goto command like in dial with |C ?
23:43.55bkw_Coryon76 add the flag later or the retry later ?
23:44.32Corydon76-workbkw_:  add the retry later
23:44.41Corydon76-workLike tonight after work
23:45.12bkw_ah ok
23:45.22bkw_ya we are going to be late getting 0.7.0 out I suspect
23:45.23km-bkw: I'm in
23:45.36bkw_since the CVS server is being a bitch
23:45.59astbwhats the rush on 0.7.0
23:46.29denonrushing to release a stable tag .. kinda funny
23:46.54bkw_nope no rush
23:46.57denonIve been thinkin that all day ..
23:46.59bkw_0.7.0 isn't considered stable
23:47.00denonjust kept my mouth shut
23:47.08denonbkw_: whats the point of tagging it then?
23:47.09km-come on, how can a release be stable with all of us working on it
23:47.35denonif its not considered a stable version, I dont see a point in having a version number at all
23:47.38*** join/#asterisk crontibs (
23:47.48astbis it just rushing to hae our first version number?
23:47.55denonits not the first
23:47.56bkw_mark said we might see an 0.7.1
23:47.57dantdenon, we don't need odd numbered kernels then
23:48.14crontibshey bkw
23:48.24bkw_crontibs yes?
23:48.24denondant: kernels are a little different. . there are stable, release, etc builds ..
23:48.28denon* is just "Cvs as of today"
23:48.35denonor as of a week ago, if today's is screwed
23:48.42bkw_but see the more we get in the less we have to keep porting between branches
23:48.47denonunless we get consistent with build numbers
23:49.00crontibsahh.. jtodd get enough for the allison fund
23:49.02bkw_denon its about to get that way
23:49.15denonbkw: I remember seeing such enthusiasm about a year ago on this topic ;)
23:49.17*** join/#asterisk KillerBee (
23:49.21astbwhy is jtodd getting an allison fund?
23:49.37dantcrontibs, I think he'll be doing this again, he looks to have made a killing on it ;)
23:49.40denonhe's trying to buy a night with her
23:49.41Q-At-Workbecause nobody else grabs the bull by the horns
23:49.56Q-At-WorkI thought about it, but he seems to like her more :)
23:50.01astbwill she atleast do sexy prompts?
23:50.04zoahe will have her say:
23:50.04crontibsi dropped in 20 bucks to the cause
23:50.11Q-At-WorkI sent him $10, even if he doesnt use it for allisons voice, I dont care
23:50.12zoa"jtodd, i want you so bad"
23:50.15zoai'm so horny
23:50.15denonastb: sexy prompts in the nude .. $300/hr
23:50.20denon$600 if you want to watch
23:50.30bkw_you guys are not
23:50.31denon$300 just to know she's nude as you listen
23:50.34crontibsjsmith hows the new job
23:50.49jsmithcrontibs: I start Wednesday... half days until I can wein the old job away from me...
23:50.53Q-At-WorkI think we should use BKW's voice as the new voice of 0.7.0 :)
23:51.04denonehhhh .. nh
23:51.06jsmithQ-At-Work: Uh... no.
23:51.11astbjsmith: you are moving away from drg?
23:51.22bkw_Q-At-Work HELL NO
23:51.24Q-At-WorkI've talked to him on the phone, he's perfec
23:51.27crontibsjsmith thanks for all the help you gave me last week with * i got my box working pretty good so far
23:51.28denongot a lot of complaints when we used her prompts :\
23:51.30jsmithastb: Yes... I am... another company made me an offer I couldn't turn down...
23:51.36Q-At-Workdenon: yes, but shes already 80% in * as it is
23:51.40astbjsmith: will you be doing voip stuff still?
23:51.59denonQ-At-Work: 95% of the world used h.323 for voip 3 years ago..
23:52.00jsmithastb: A little... I'll still be doing Asterisk at home, and working on the docs! <shameless plug>
23:52.08Q-At-Workdenon: true
23:52.20Q-At-WorkI'd like to see a male voice bundled with it
23:52.23jsmithastb: Send me a resume, and I'll give you a shot at it... it's only about 10-15% Asterisk stuff though...
23:52.24crontibsjsmith i hope i can get nice gig like yours
23:52.27denon<shamless plug/>
23:52.29Q-At-Workthe dude from the visa line
23:52.41jsmithdenon: I know...
23:52.41Q-At-Worksounds like he's got a cold :)
23:52.46*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
23:52.48jsmithdenon: But I thought people wouldn't wonder why the slash...
23:52.48denonjsmith: Im just bein' mean :)
23:52.55astbjsmith: thats fine, i'm a router boy (ccna, ccnp, ccda) linux/server geek, fileserver geek, and local tech support for local machines as it is now.
23:53.01jsmithdenon: I've been doing the docs in DocBook... so I know XML...
23:53.03cypromisanybody tried the odbc stuff with interbase/firebird ?
23:53.07denonjsmith: after a few days of xslt, you just start adding / to everything
23:53.11jsmithastb: Then send me a resume...
23:53.15denoneven conversations/
23:53.16jsmithdenon: Amen!
23:53.18bkw_jrollyson you bridged that support call into the damn conf with me
23:53.27*** join/#asterisk seemore (
23:53.30jsmithdenon: You wanna do some XSLT stylesheets for the book?
23:53.39denonjsmith: I didnt say I was any good at it ..
23:53.41denonjust  that I add /
23:53.47jsmithI see how you are...
23:54.04denonoverworked and unspayed?
23:54.07denoner, underpaid?
23:54.26jsmithWell... I'm overworked... but now that I've got a new salary... I can't complain about being underpayed...
23:55.03denonbut thats my own fault, I just gotta get on it
23:55.18bkw_OK FOLKS I can't find CVSSYNCD
23:55.25bkw_tholo told me the url the other night
23:55.27bkw_but I can't find it now
23:55.51KillerBeeZX81 got Ur message... sounds LOUD.. I should mess with rxgain
23:55.58zoaQ-At-Work: bkw will kill you
23:56.04*** part/#asterisk JerJer[dinner] (~jj@
23:56.17bkw_jrollyson you are SOOOO gonna laff at this
23:56.19Q-At-Workmy * appears f00ked, so I'm waiting for Mr. BKW to say its ok
23:56.33Q-At-WorkI'd hate to abuse the poor 'lil cvs server
23:56.46bkw_denon we haven't broken anything
23:56.50cypromisyeah same here ..
23:56.52bkw_or anything that we know of
23:57.05bkw_har har har
23:57.06Q-At-Work... yet
23:57.10denonbkw's so anxious to get new code in, I think he's been piping /dev/random to the cvs while he's sleeping or eating
23:57.13zoayeah, last nights cvs works sweet
23:57.14cypromisany changes to voicemail ?
23:57.21bkw_denon haha no
23:57.36bkw_denon voicemail now says the mailbox is full
23:57.40bkw_instead of hanging up
23:57.42*** join/#asterisk km- (
23:57.43denonwell done :)
23:57.45bkw_meetme supports pin
23:57.49denonyou fire off an email or somethin too?
23:57.50bkw_tanks to Corydon
23:57.56Q-At-Workyou guys are machines
23:57.57km-"Hi, I'm having problems with my dialup"
23:58.05denon"CHECK YOUR MESSAGES YA TWIT. thankyou bye"
23:58.11km-"I keep getting error 645"
23:59.15Corydon76-workdant:  can you fix your patch to have leading tabs instead of spaces?  Purely a matter of style.
23:59.22UnSanehey bkw_ i'm scanning through dsp.c... this will answer line a modem for inbound faxes based on dnis?
23:59.37dantCorydon76-work, sure, was tabs on here, I'll redo it

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