irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040109

00:00.07bkw_either way if its worth something the * community will reverse engineer the voip protocol and write a channel driver :)
00:00.07ManxPowerSounds like the exact reason Digium has a non-GPL license, just for cases like that.
00:00.18ScaredyCatlol bkw_
00:00.39bkw_chan_skinny woop
00:00.48karimkarimthe voip protocol will still be based on iax2
00:01.03bkw_p2p using IAX
00:01.25bkw_or iax2?
00:01.33karimkarimwe will be using a commercial codec from GlobalIP Sound
00:01.34bkw_wait he said 2
00:01.34ManxPowerOr iax3?
00:01.37denonis anyone actually using IAX1 anymore?
00:01.46bkw_karimkarim what codec?
00:02.02karimkarimsame one Skype is using
00:02.21bkw_they use ILBC also its in the credits screen
00:02.24ManxPowerThey also are one of the patent holders for G.723,1 aren't they?
00:02.30karimkarimbut our client will run on Linux, Win32, wince and osX
00:02.39bkw_karimkarim kewl
00:02.46karimkarimilbc is the free version of GIPS
00:02.50ManxPowerwince?  A truer name could never be cound.
00:03.13karimkarimWindows CE
00:03.35ManxPowerI prefer your abbreviation.
00:03.36ScaredyCatwindows ce, me and nt... ...Windows CEMENT
00:04.24*** join/#asterisk devel (
00:04.30karimkarimwhere did I see this "it is recommended to use win 95, 98 NT or better so I chose linux" :>
00:04.50ScaredyCaton the box windows comes in :P
00:05.29karimkarimdoes anyone know if Skype is using a modified version of iax?
00:05.38bkw_doubt it
00:06.07*** part/#asterisk tholo (
00:06.09bkw_even with lgpl dont they have to release the code when we request it?
00:06.17*** join/#asterisk tholo (
00:06.35data[Zzz]i thought skype sucked? :p
00:06.37ScaredyCatooo... handbags at dawn
00:06.42karimkarim>>bkw no I don't think so
00:06.52jimmyzis GIPS that good
00:06.57bkw_jimmyz its ILBC
00:07.07jimmyzisn't that "robot"
00:07.13bkw_thats LPC10
00:07.18ScaredyCatno that;s robbie
00:07.24karimkarimSkype's magic is in the commercial codecs from GIPS
00:07.25bkw_LPC10 isn't bad
00:07.37bkw_karimkarim if you think that then you need help
00:07.41jimmyznever tried it just read about it
00:07.48ScaredyCatMr Roboto
00:07.53karimkarimbkw_ what do you mean?
00:08.12bkw_karimkarim the codec is pointless without some framework to make/connect/find people
00:08.21karimkarimyes I know
00:08.30HoopyCatpeople worry too much about codecs
00:08.39HoopyCatactually, people worry too much about most things
00:08.44bkw_just go with the rtp flow
00:08.51karimkarimwe are using a dht based on Kademlia to locate people
00:09.05bkw_karimkarim need to write a plugin for asterisk
00:09.13bkw_a channel driver or something
00:09.18HoopyCatwhat you worry about isn't what'll get you... it's what you're oblivious to that'll blindside you, like sending faxes with heavy jitter
00:09.26karimkarimwe probably will :>
00:09.35bkw_karimkarim because that would be nice.. :)
00:09.37*** join/#asterisk wsuff (
00:09.43bkw_would save us from having to reverse engineer it
00:09.43jimmyzwhat about cRTP header compression
00:10.15jimmyzor is that the same thing iax2 does
00:11.39bkw_trunking does the same thing
00:15.07*** join/#asterisk angom (~angomg@
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00:15.49doughecka"Champagne for my real friends - and real pain for my sham friends!"
00:16.10TestMasTerthisis weird a Hung delay from the time the landline rights to the time the * box starts rining
00:19.42TestMasTerIs there anyway to speed up the transfer of a call.. right now its takes about 10-12 seconds to transfer.. is there anyway to make this faster
00:20.01bkw_AT&T offers unlimited international calling plans
00:20.19bkw_I should hook those up and sell termination from my lines.. haha
00:20.42*** join/#asterisk barrys (
00:20.57denonbkw: $80/mo tho
00:21.16denonthere's sip providers doing unlimited asian and euro for less than that
00:21.21denonhalf that even
00:21.34bkw_ok thats nice
00:21.52barrysDoes any get the Power alarm on module x error or the Ouch, part reset, .... error?
00:21.59TestMasTerdenon,  who is that?
00:22.33TestMasTerdenon,  thanx
00:22.37denon49 .. forgot, thought it was 39 . .so not quite half
00:23.25*** join/#asterisk gpowers (
00:23.44bkw_thats not bad
00:23.49barrysI noticed a thread just before xmas about fxs cards loosing dialtone on one or more channels but asterisk still working
00:23.59barrysany more progress on that one
00:24.10denonbkw_: yeah .. though Ive heard mixed results about p8
00:24.19denonthen again, ive heard mixed results about everyone
00:24.31wsuffrcn does unlimited for 20
00:24.57wsuffinternation is more expensive let me see
00:25.01denonyeah ..
00:25.25gpowersDoes anyone know what Digium's price is to add ports to the Wildcard TDM400P card?
00:25.38denonwonder how long till a pstn line just "comes" with unlimited international ..
00:25.45denonthat its just a given, like getting an Internet connection
00:26.06ScaredyCat75$ iirc gpowers 65 is you buy at the same time as the cards
00:26.58ScaredyCatit's not
00:27.10ScaredyCatphone them up (over IAX) and ask
00:27.15ScaredyCatthat's what I did
00:27.18*** join/#asterisk bob1 (
00:27.25bkw_I want international plans DAMN IT
00:27.38denonbkw: so grab a p8
00:27.39diggerusing the g729a codec and h323 to a cisco5300... get "Wrong Pitch 1st subfr" msg from *, any ideas ?
00:28.22ScaredyCat1st subframe was in the wrong key, * prolly wants it in B flat
00:28.59diggerscaredycat: what does that mean ?
00:29.35diggeralright then :)
00:30.23tclarkbkw_: did you find the url for the Linux Journal story on * you were asking about
00:30.30bkw_tclark nope
00:30.33bkw_did you?
00:31.37tokenI have set up voice mail
00:31.39*** join/#asterisk otl-pendi (
00:31.45*** join/#asterisk sts (~sts@
00:31.53tokendid your extensions reference a number to dial to collect voicemail
00:32.59bkw_token 300
00:33.10*** join/#asterisk francisco (~francisco@
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00:37.07TestMasTeranyone here have * to call over seas lol
00:37.39*** join/#asterisk Moc (
00:37.45ScaredyCatwell, overseas depends where u r
00:38.09TestMasTerScaredyCat,  i`m calling from canada to Aus
00:38.14wsuffbkw: got a sec mr. astermaster
00:38.18TestMasTerbut i can`t figure out if i have enuff XXX`s lol
00:38.48*** join/#asterisk jackhamr (
00:38.50ScaredyCatuse X. then :)
00:39.18TestMasTerScaredyCat,  can i do _011X., ?
00:39.32gpowersanyone here have expierence with Digium's S1000U USB FXS?
00:39.53TestMasTerScaredyCat,  Great thanx
00:39.59tclarkdigger: cisco5300 what sample rate do you g729 set for on the 5300
00:40.24ScaredyCatgpowers: if you haven;t purchased one - don't - if you have - my condolences
00:40.35gpowersI see. That bad?
00:40.45ScaredyCatevil things
00:40.49gpowersthanks for the warning.
00:40.53ScaredyCatno probs
00:41.28*** topic/#asterisk by kram -> Big Asterisk Development Updates
00:41.35gpowersi always thought usb was a little evil...
00:45.54*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
00:46.24swirlnetsis anyone else having issues with nufone 800 numbers?
00:48.28*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
00:51.05Powerkill~seen kram
00:51.14kram is currently on #asterisk (2d 18h 23m 48s).  Has said a total of 14 messages.  Is idling for 1d 58m 18s
00:51.23MocIf im lucky, I get my 7960 tomorow ...
00:51.25Powerkillhi all
00:51.50Mocswirlnets: What kind of issues ?
00:54.19JerJeryeah, what kind of issues
00:55.32Mocmy 1800 working number 1 ...
00:56.26MocHi JerJer, how things going ?
00:57.03MocI guess
00:57.21mikebIs there a good GUI interface (preferrably web based) for configuring and monitoring Asterisk?
00:57.50Mocmikeb: I got tired to ask that question here..
00:57.54*** join/#asterisk zoa (
00:57.54zigmanpick one
00:58.02Mocbasicly, vi is good...
00:58.27tokenbwk are you there
00:58.32*** join/#asterisk TJ (~beavis@
00:58.35zoa80 new messages in the last hour
00:58.37zoai'm dying
00:58.45zigmanml ?
00:58.47JerJerlol 80 is nothing
00:59.36Mochehe... I got a 1800 but no friend to call me.. that a problem ;) hehe
00:59.42Mocbah let call myself again..
01:00.21Mocdamn ppl sell fuse on ebay, what the hell is going on..
01:00.46JerJerfuse ?
01:01.05JerJerlike green safety fuse or a fuse for an electral box?
01:02.00zoa80x24 is like getting a lot of messages a day
01:02.07zoaif i take a holiday for 2 weeks
01:02.13mikebMoc: I'll take that as a "No". ;)
01:02.14zoai'll never be able to compensate that
01:02.25tokenBKW Come in BKW?
01:02.27zigmanzoa standard console is 80x25
01:04.02Mocmikeb: there is a web interface to see and edit .conf files
01:04.58heller[to JerJer]: where did you find out about this notacon thing?
01:05.02zigmanalso went from 1.0.0rc2 to 1.0.1
01:05.20jimmyzmoc: what is the name of it
01:05.23zigmanreminds me of ther kernel 2.4.23-pre4 to 2.4.25-pre5 thing
01:05.29JerJerheller: i'm leet
01:05.39tclarkzoa: have you tried zaptel T410 on 2.6 now ?
01:05.45hellerobviously. . .
01:05.56helleryou have some affiliation with it?
01:05.58Mocit in... asterisk ftp I think
01:05.59zoatclark: not yet
01:06.02zoanext week probably
01:06.04Mocdont recall the name sorry..
01:06.05zoawill put up another server
01:06.09zoato avoid problems
01:06.10Mocastweb or something
01:06.19JerJerheller: nope
01:06.31zoai think it was
01:06.37Mocthat was cheap..
01:06.38zoaits like an editor for txt files
01:06.45zoadunno what it could be used for :)
01:06.50helleri'm trying to figure out how this got scheduled without me knowing.
01:07.24Mocalso this
01:07.41MocIm starting to feel the love of ebay .. (well as soon as I receive 1 of my items ..)
01:07.47TestMasTerAnyone, know of a Company that offers Australia did`s
01:08.46*** join/#asterisk jackhamr (
01:08.46*** join/#asterisk _jackhamr (
01:08.52*** part/#asterisk _jackhamr (
01:13.08*** join/#asterisk TheHermit (
01:14.56zoaist the astweb writer in here ?
01:16.19*** join/#asterisk vinnie (
01:17.05*** join/#asterisk vinnie (
01:17.17vinnieguess I've got to sign on
01:21.51jackhamrso what's the big development update?  Jerjer's going to upgrade h323 to run on Redhat 6.1? :)
01:22.37JerJerit already does
01:23.15jackhamrit runs on fedora that's fer sure ghetto mama
01:24.25*** join/#asterisk zoa (
01:24.30zoai just tested astweb
01:24.32zoaits broken
01:24.38zoahas a problem with non dos linefeeds
01:25.15*** join/#asterisk wilane (~user@
01:25.29Connor_I would be happy if it h323 would work with CCM
01:25.36tclarkjackhamr: see ml, basically as of Jan 12 there will be a cvs stable & unstable branches
01:25.42Connor_not a word about CCM JerJer.
01:26.17JerJerit can be made to work, but its gonna take 15-20 hours of hardcore re-development
01:26.23tclarkAND .. only bug fix's will be merged onto the stable brach unrill a next tagged release
01:26.27jackhamrtclark:  that sounds like a great thing.
01:26.38tclarkNO SHIT
01:26.55Connor_JerJer: So Get cracking! :)
01:27.23tclarkand cvs instable will be the play-pen it should be ...:)
01:27.30JerJerConnor_: and my motivation is?
01:27.34jackhamrso who's head did the rock fall on?
01:27.56Connor_JerJer: Because you love * and wanna see it work with everything? :)
01:28.10zoai can imagine jerjer might have other prioritys
01:28.11jackhamrconnor: just downgrade to redhat 4.2 and you'll be fine.
01:28.17JerJerthat doesn't pay bills or put food in the mouth
01:28.46swirlnetsasterisk needs to get some large companies to pay people to add features to it
01:28.51*** part/#asterisk wilane (~user@
01:29.06jackhamrswirl...not the way the license is.
01:29.31zoawhy would they do that ?
01:29.31JerJerjackhamr: chan_skinny was paid for GPL development
01:29.31jackhamrwho was the developer?
01:29.35zoajerjer :)
01:29.45zoaand who was the client ?
01:29.49jimmyzlive monitoring and barge
01:29.51zoai can imagine it was not cisco :)
01:30.03zoawe should start making funds
01:30.03jackhamrsay, for example, redhat wanted to release a new asterisk version, lets call it pudendum.
01:32.06jackhamrzoa: i've got a color laser printer
01:32.18*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
01:32.25jackhamrchurn out some pink 20's :)
01:32.28JerJerzoa: an isp that hated dealing with CCM
01:32.56JerJerbut then once i started showing them asterisk they decided to drop CCM totally and run with Asterisk
01:33.11_Eagle_what's the topic mean?
01:33.12JerJerso chan_skinny never got polished up nicely
01:33.43JerJer_Eagle_; no habla engles?
01:34.01PBXtechhas anyone run * on an xbox yet?
01:34.06JerJerPBXtech: yep
01:34.13JerJermark had one at PN7
01:34.14ScaredyCat~xes en no habla engles
01:34.21ScaredyCat~x es en no habla engles
01:34.21_Eagle_jer:  my brain died a few weeks ago...  i need it simplified
01:34.30PBXtechthink im gonna try it
01:34.36zoais it good on an xbox  ? :)
01:34.43zoalooks like pretty cheap hardware to me :)
01:34.53PBXtechnot PCI slot thou
01:34.58zoaoh crap
01:35.05zoa250 new messages in the last 30 minutes
01:35.09zoawtf is going on
01:35.22PBXtechthey make fxo usb stuff for linux?
01:36.17_Eagle_zoa:  ever heard of the digital millenium copyright act?  make sure you have a good lawyer
01:36.27gpowersyes. and i hear it's terrible.
01:36.32zoai think its legal in belgium :)
01:36.45gpowersScaredyCat: gpowers: if you haven;t purchased one - don't - if you have - my condolences
01:36.45gpowersgpowers: I see. That bad?
01:36.45gpowersScaredyCat: horrible
01:36.55_Eagle_sheesh, i keep forgetting how many foreigners are on this thing
01:37.15PBXtechaliens huh
01:37.55tclarkbkw_: just read, does Mantis have some major reason why the search on it is hopless, that is one cause of those dup bug rpts
01:38.28_Eagle_jer:  so what updates are "big" in asterisk today?  Or is "Big Asterisk" a new version of asterisk? :-)
01:38.54PBXtechsomeone change the topic! heh
01:39.12*** join/#asterisk jorgeraidel (
01:39.16Mocyes what's Big ??
01:40.21Mocasterisk-cvs seem just small changes
01:40.23PBXtechdamn it I just copied that mysel
01:40.46MocI need to stop buying stuffs..
01:40.53km-what's the default password on grandstreams
01:41.17km-thank you
01:42.06tclarkfor more fun set the tftp to
01:42.25PBXtechhow many employees does nufone have?
01:42.32MocI know atless 1 ..
01:42.48Mocbut there are a 24hours support shift so ..
01:42.52jimmyzyou can receive faxes on a fxs card correct
01:42.54_Eagle_35,000 in the US...  17,000 overseas.....  best as i can tell
01:42.54MocI guess quite a few
01:42.55yabooTestMasTer, you about
01:43.04yaboohey Moc
01:43.19Mocjimmyz: Yes
01:43.30PBXtechdrugs all on drugs
01:43.36jimmyzok thanks
01:44.13Mocyea yaboo
01:44.32Mocdamn gota record finding Nemo..
01:44.51joakimsenis JerJer around?
01:44.58_Eagle_he was
01:45.06PBXtechdoes vonage,etc own thier own local pop's or use a network of providers?
01:45.08yabooMoc got the gs phone finally working
01:45.17_Eagle_until i asked about the topic, then he fell off the face of the earth :-)
01:45.28Mikesomeone knows why when an incoming call from the house on the x101p comes in the other person CANT listen my voice?
01:45.29Mocyaboo: not from office
01:45.34Mikebut i can listen yo him
01:45.52joakimsenMike: with what phones?
01:46.18*** join/#asterisk zoa (
01:46.22_Eagle_pbx:  i dont know... but my best guess is they use several CLEC's and then have hardware in various data centers across the country
01:46.31zoawhat are the development updates ?
01:47.35_Eagle_zoa:  kram added support in asterisk for the new microwave module PCI card... so you can nuke a snack while you're coding
01:47.56PBXtechand get cancer
01:47.57zoai told him i wanted coffee first
01:48.21_Eagle_it works in the new Dell PC's with the 2000 watt power supplies
01:48.59*** join/#asterisk Voip (
01:49.18joakoI wanted them to develop a GSM/bluetooth module first
01:49.36_Eagle_i also hear he's close to market on the new solar powered FXO card
01:51.14_Eagle_i'll betya that if kram changed the topic to something like "new solar powered FXO card in beta testing" that people would actually believe it
01:52.00*** part/#asterisk jackhamr (
01:52.02joakoshouldnt you just have a solar powered computer?
01:52.52_Eagle_or maybe the new fingerprint scanner add on for telephones...  so you can authenticate your calling card calls with a fingerprint
01:53.18jimmyzor taking your # to another phone
01:53.33_Eagle_or the "Busy Signal On Demand Module"
01:54.25_Eagle_just dial this number, and we'll provide you with hour after hour of beautiful busy signal tones....  all for just $29.95/month
01:55.19jimmyzstill want an easy way to take my number to another hard phone
01:55.37_Eagle_thats easy
01:55.51_Eagle_just set up an asterisk server in a colo center with a PRI
01:55.58_Eagle_then port your phone number to that PRI
01:56.08_Eagle_then have all your calls come into the asterik server
01:56.15_Eagle_and forward them to any number you want
01:56.43_Eagle_i do it now
01:56.55jimmyznot the same...want to login any phone i want at anytime
01:56.59_Eagle_i cancelled my SBC centrex business lines
01:57.42_Eagle_so, just program the server with an agi script or whatever...  dial a number, enter your passcode, then enter the phone number you want your calls forwarded to
01:57.49_Eagle_any phone, any time
01:57.52joakoAgentCallBackLogin, or whatever it's called....
01:58.06jimmyzthat might work
01:58.38_Eagle_i've considered offering a service like that here in michigan....  "keep your phone number even if you move"
01:59.03_Eagle_but to dial out, they either need voip over broadband, or i have to dial them on a TDM channel, which costs me per minute
01:59.20_Eagle_so i'd have to charge them per minute too... and they wont like paying per minute for incoming calls
01:59.36_Eagle_businesses might accept it if the rate was low enough, but residential people wouldnt
02:00.26jimmyzthat's the only ccm will do that * want..but now it might
02:00.51_Eagle_another plan is "movers voicemail" where you port their number, then redirect it to voicemail for them....  
02:01.18*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
02:01.55_Eagle_"Hi, you've reached the blah blah household...  we've moved.  Our new number is blah blah.  Thanks for calling"
02:04.06_Eagle_which trunking?
02:04.13bkw_4k for the first call... about 2k more per call there after
02:04.24bkw_I fit 3 calls in the same space two no trunked calls fit
02:04.39jimmyzspecs please
02:04.41_Eagle_ah... iax trunking?
02:04.52_Eagle_be specific man!
02:05.00_Eagle_trunking could mean anything
02:05.15bkw_what else could I be talking bout?
02:05.30jimmyzwhat codec
02:05.33_Eagle_from T1/PRI/IMT to elephant noses to the suitcase holding aunt betty's wedding gown
02:05.35bkw_I used GSM
02:05.44jimmyzok thanks
02:06.16Zzzzzzzhey can anyone compare iLBC and GSM for mE ?
02:06.47tclarkjimmyz: not your socks off
02:06.49_Eagle_isnt that a brand of fozen yogurt or something?  ilbc?
02:07.17_Eagle_or a cable news network?
02:07.22zoabkw, too bad its acting very strange sometimes :(
02:07.29_Eagle_the illinois broadcasting company
02:07.34zoalike trying doing it with a dynamic ip
02:07.45zoawith host=dynamic i mean
02:08.05alex-homeScaredyCat: Got it working btw!
02:08.09zoacan somebody tell me if the zoneinfo is needed for TE410p cards ?
02:08.14zoaor only for analogue cards ?
02:08.31zoayou mean like the busy/ring/fast busy signals ?
02:09.00TJis anyone here from digium development?
02:09.01tclarkzoa: can you trunk with,
02:10.39tclarkyea ok sure, you just canr register like that with trunk
02:10.47*** join/#asterisk rollysonj (rollyson@
02:11.17zoai mean like busy... etc etc
02:12.20km-hey, anyone know why grandstreams would send their authentication ID as the exten they're trying to reach?
02:13.02zoano idea
02:13.24zoapossibly for authentication with ?
02:13.31km-not as their callerid
02:14.12km-but if given the bt101 is authenticate id 3001, you dial like 91234567 it instead dials 3001 on the asterisk server
02:14.16km-regardless of what you dial on the keypad
02:15.37zoai've already seen it a lot that this thing is somethimes dialing completely wrong numbers
02:16.16km-spend $40 more and get the 7905
02:16.34*** join/#asterisk illc0mmm (
02:16.56sxpert_GWB is to announce humans are going back to the moon
02:17.07zoa7905 = sip ?
02:17.16km-where the fuck did you hear that?
02:17.35_Eagle_is that on the news?
02:17.50blllI read it on the internet, so it must be true
02:17.59jimmyzjust saw it on the news
02:18.02blllbut that's it right there
02:18.20sxpert_it's on nasawatch
02:19.15km-moon bush shows less than 10 mins ago it was announced
02:19.23km-(on google news search)
02:20.11sxpert_mebbe there's gonna be less of "war on irak" and more of "let's invade mars"
02:20.33km-oh god
02:20.44km-I know why he's fucking doing this
02:20.48km-he's guaranteeing his reelection
02:22.07*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
02:22.18sxpert_no shit
02:22.38km-fucking cockwhore!
02:23.12km-I'm all about moon missions
02:23.31illc0mmmanyone provide IAX to PSTN in 813 or 727?
02:23.32alex-bedHas anyone made a reminder call system for asterisk?
02:23.42alex-bedi.e. you setup a reminder to go off at bla..?
02:23.56MocFinding Nemo is cool...
02:24.10illc0mmmkm-: moon mission wont get him relected perse
02:24.28illc0mmm~seen xvoip
02:24.31xvoip <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 31d 20h 44m 7s ago, saying: 'kram: sip/iax2 issue on iaxtel .. did you made any decisions ?'.
02:24.58km-yeah he made a decision a couple days before that
02:25.02wsuff~seen Stealth_Man
02:25.03stealth_man <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 15d 5h 24m 44s ago, saying: 's odoes everyone ...'.
02:25.12km-that is, to stop supporting iax and fwd on iaxtel !:P
02:25.16illc0mmmwhere is he?
02:25.22km-probably went out of business
02:25.26km-vaporware and all, ya know
02:25.27wsuffillc0mmm: wondering the same thing
02:26.20*** part/#asterisk vvenka1 (
02:26.20bkw_Levi's closes last two U.S. plants
02:26.20arcaidy1does anyone know of any other company that supports asterisk other than digium?
02:26.20bkw_well looks like no more levi's for me
02:26.26bkw_arcaidy1 consulatants
02:26.28bkw_arcaidy1 like myself
02:27.04arcaidy1not looking for consultants, i'm looking for software support from a company
02:27.22arcaidy1consultants won't work
02:27.29km-au contrare
02:27.31km-we work very hard
02:27.34izoarcaidy1 : why not ?
02:27.35km-because we like to eat! :P
02:27.45arcaidy1not saying they don't
02:27.57arcaidy1saying that consultants won't fill the need I have
02:28.04km-what is the need?
02:28.16arcaidy1why does this thing put a 1 after my name????
02:28.33illc0mmmmaybe because there is already an arcaidy
02:28.36km-web based irc clients are always weird
02:28.47illc0mmmarcaidy1: What do you need? What functionality?
02:28.55arcaidy1something managment will by off on
02:29.12illc0mmmso someone to blame? :)
02:29.15km-when we mean consultants
02:29.21arcaidy1a legit company that can provide 24x7x365 or close to it
02:29.25km-we don't mean "oh, this is what's broken, you figure out how to fix it"
02:29.28km-we mean
02:29.38km-"we're core developers who like to make some side dough!"
02:29.39illc0mmmwhere you located arcaidy1?
02:29.58bkw_km- you up for it?
02:29.59Mocif you want that, it will cost you alot ... I know because our office pay big buck to have that kind of service
02:30.01illc0mmmI know a company up there who might be able to help
02:30.15illc0mmmThey have been in telecom for 40+ years
02:30.25arcaidy1we pay cisco support now, so as long as it doesn't cost more than that
02:30.28illc0mmmthe head guy there has 4 patents for switch gear. smart guys
02:30.35MocCost 30k$ Year
02:30.39bkw_arcaidy1 why pay .. why not learn it and support it yourself?
02:30.49arcaidy1not up to me
02:30.49Moc+ hours rate on after hours support
02:31.10illc0mmmbkw_: some companies want someone outside to blame
02:31.10arcaidy1company is not going to put something in that can't be supported
02:31.21bkw_illc0mmm they won't like my contract then
02:31.27jimmyzTAC doesn't charge 30k lol
02:31.34illc0mmmbkw_: right
02:31.38bkw_jimmyz TAC
02:31.45bkw_no TAC is diffrent
02:31.46Mocbkw_: We have 550 phones also supported, + Hardware of PBX...
02:31.51arcaidy130k flat rate won;t work
02:31.54Moc+ 2 console
02:31.58illc0mmmarcaidy1: what is the size of your company? how many phones? what do you have in place now?
02:32.17arcaidy1work for Cox, that should give you an idea
02:32.33MocSo basicly, Support of * Cost less than a Cisco or a Nortel system ;)
02:32.34arcaidy1currently have about 1500 phone on call amanger
02:32.34bkw_those bastards accused me of theiving cable
02:32.39Mocbecause hardware cost less..
02:32.45arcaidy1were you??
02:32.57illc0mmmarcaidy1: Single site? Campus?
02:32.57bkw_arcaidy1 they are selling our market ot some tyler tx company
02:33.12bkw_arcaidy1 7960's?
02:33.13arcaidy1I am looking for something for site around 50 phones or less
02:33.15bkw_or what kind of phone?
02:33.25arcaidy179XX, depends
02:33.31arcaidy1from 7905 to 7960
02:33.42arcaidy1plus conference phones
02:33.43illc0mmmarcaidy1: Well, if your serious I have a guy in Atlanta who can talk in detail with you abou this.
02:33.55illc0mmmActually in Buford.
02:33.56bkw_well you want sip
02:34.07bkw_so 7940, 7960 and 7905 or 7912's
02:34.14bkw_anything else with asterisk will be drama
02:34.16jrollysonugh... tech is too close to mic
02:34.20illc0mmmwanna stay SIP
02:34.22jrollysonI can hear him breathing.
02:34.31TestMasTerAnyone know of any companies offering Did`s overseas Like Australia?
02:34.37MocShould be shipped tomorow afternoon.... I hope my first eBay Item ok..
02:34.49km-so many ebay virgins in here
02:34.49jimmyzfirst ebay item
02:34.52sxpert_jrollyson: darth vader style ?
02:34.57bkw_EBAY EBAY EBAY
02:35.02Mocyep first ebay item..
02:35.03km-bkw and I are ebay whores
02:35.12MocI got a rating of 2 ok .. woohoo.
02:35.38illc0mmmarcaidy1: If you want more information. Send an e-mail to
02:35.42*** join/#asterisk arcaidy (
02:35.53arcaidysorry, lost connection
02:36.04jimmyzcox internet
02:36.04arcaidycheap ass wap....
02:36.13MocI found a few Nordx stuff really cheap
02:36.15illc0mmmarcaidy: drop me an e-mail if you want to talk with the guy in Atlanta
02:36.56arcaidyI'll send you one now.
02:37.13bkw_km- I just gots 33 feedback
02:37.14arcaidybefore I go forward on asterisk, i need to make sure there is support
02:37.16bkw_damn people don't leave feedback
02:37.58km-bkw: what do you say we sell each other some stuff and we inflate our feedback artificially!
02:38.00learatharcaidy: sure, buy it from someone
02:38.09learathkm-: I think that's disallowed
02:38.10bkw_km- hahaha they would eat us up
02:38.21bkw_I buy alot from the same people
02:38.29bkw_so their feedback doesn't count but once on the total
02:38.43arcaidyi sent an email to digium asking them
02:38.44Mocsell me something good and cheap bkw_ ..
02:38.44bkw_Feedback Summary  42 positives. 34 are from unique users.
02:38.52bkw_I have 1 negative
02:38.59illc0mmmbkw_: a lot of people sell receipes and stuff
02:39.02Mocha bkw_ is a bad seller then ..
02:39.02illc0mmmlike $0.99
02:39.02learatharcaidy: they'll support you if you pay enough
02:39.02arcaidythey said they offer support between 9 and 6
02:39.26arcaidyI sent another email with more detail saying what I wanted
02:39.27*** join/#asterisk Lee3 (mmmmm@
02:39.33learathI've got 2 negatives.. one by "mistake" (fucker) and one cause they refused to confirm the condition as listed in the auction, so I wouldn't pay
02:39.39arcaidythat was around 12, haven't heard back
02:39.47zoahow do you fix the problem with rating ported numbers ?
02:39.52km-aight time to go
02:39.53zoayou know, number portability ?
02:39.55puzzlednite all
02:39.55km-wife callling me :P
02:40.04zoahtf are you supposed to know what network they are on ?
02:40.33bkw_number portability database
02:40.34arcaidyillc0mmm, email has been sent
02:40.58Mocbkw_: Got 2 cheap FXS module for me ?
02:41.16bkw_I got 2 cheap FXO's for you
02:41.36Mocurm how much
02:41.47Moc/msg me ;)
02:42.01arcaidydoes anyone make modules with multiple FXO ports??
02:42.08jimmyznot yet
02:42.21jimmyzsuppose to be in the next few months from what i heard
02:42.27MocI got a Compaq SSF 400mhz with 2 PCI slot, nice small little pbx,
02:42.27zoabkw, and how to you get axx to that ?
02:42.39zoathey ask like 250.000 euro for that in belgium alone
02:43.01arcaidycisco has 4 on one card, how come no one else does this?
02:43.14jimmyzyou can use the ones in the cisco router
02:43.27Mocarcaidy: Digium work on FXO Module, but awating certification..
02:44.16arcaidywhats a small cheap motherboard with 2-4 pci slots??
02:44.46jimmyzdepends if you want the 4 port t1 card in it
02:45.04arcaidymoc, whats the time line on it?
02:45.16arcaidymean, when they think it will be ready
02:45.36arcaidydon't have a need for a 4 port t1 card
02:46.01arcaidyjimmyz, were you able to make ccm and * talk?
02:46.15bkw_zoa I dont know
02:46.18jimmyzno...but i read you can with h323
02:46.21MocGuys get this and put 2 PCI card in it :
02:46.30jimmyzthat got put on hold for me right now
02:46.38illc0mmmarcaidy: best way to do multiple FXO is a channel bank IMHO
02:47.01bkw_so he can get a laptop
02:47.10illc0mmmlaptops are overrated
02:47.12illc0mmmwant mine?
02:47.22bkw_I will pay shipping
02:47.22MocI love laptop...
02:47.24jimmyzdepending on how many lines you might want a pri
02:47.26illc0mmmwhat you going to give me ?
02:47.35illc0mmmGateway 600
02:47.35bkw_2 dollah
02:47.47bkw_i'm getting a new dell next month
02:47.49jimmyzinstead of doing fxo's
02:47.49illc0mmm15.7" screen, 2.2GHz P4 512MB 60GB
02:48.03wsuff800 u gotta be on crack
02:48.12bkw_yes on crack
02:48.17illc0mmmmaybe so
02:48.26arcaidylooking to keep costs down, plus the smaller sites will need FXO
02:48.35bkw_I want the cheapest dell laptop I can get with 256 megs of ram
02:48.45illc0mmmnot I
02:48.48illc0mmmlaptops are slow enough
02:48.49jimmyzoh ok
02:48.51arcaidybig money to upgrade to pri on some of those small key systems
02:49.02_Eagle_it would be cool to find a little "appliance" PC to run asterisk, with 2 pci cards
02:49.03illc0mmmdont need the 4200 rpm and celery to make it slower
02:49.18wsuffi got a 233 and a 166 lappie
02:49.21wsuffin need of and upgrade
02:49.28illc0mmmI have laptops like crazy
02:49.33arcaidyeagle, thats what i'm looking for
02:49.35bkw_I want one so bad
02:49.37bkw_I had one but had to sell it
02:49.39illc0mmm2 300mhz 2 500mhz a 133, 166, and a 90
02:50.02ManxPowerWow, and I thought my laptop was old.
02:50.04illc0mmmI think I'm going to go with a tablet convertable next
02:50.04_Eagle_arcaidy:  if you wanna build your own...
02:50.05*** join/#asterisk Ron-K (~trillian@
02:50.23_Eagle_or something like that
02:50.23_Eagle_hey Ron
02:50.23_Eagle_welcome to #asterisk
02:50.23illc0mmm_Eagle_: the mini-itx stuff isn't robust enough I dont think
02:50.23Ron-KWhats up Nick.
02:50.23jimmyzarcaidy are you looking to do any redundacy on the * server at that site
02:50.32illc0mmmYou need redundancy
02:50.32arcaidyeagle, looked there today
02:51.05bkw_illc0mmm yes it is
02:51.05bkw_illc0mmm it can do the job for a T1
02:51.05illc0mmmredundant power?
02:51.05illc0mmmI'm talking stability
02:51.05illc0mmmI know it can handle the load
02:51.05jimmyzand raid is what i would say
02:51.06bkw_illc0mmm it might not sure
02:51.06*** join/#asterisk loko-moko (
02:51.13illc0mmmI have 3 of them. they work okay but they are flaky at times
02:51.21bkw_ah I don't have one yet
02:51.24illc0mmmUse them for desktops now. :(
02:51.29arcaidyjimmyz,  yes and no, I would like something along the lines of what the ccm offers
02:51.38_Eagle_Ron, tell us about that pundit
02:51.40jimmyzwhich one from ccm
02:51.44illc0mmmYeah, I'm thinking you want rack mount and redundant power
02:51.48Ron-KThe little quite PC thing?
02:51.49arcaidythe small pc would be for me
02:52.00Ron-KI mean quiet.
02:52.01illc0mmmfor home ITX is cool
02:52.04*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
02:52.06arcaidyraid 1 with server failover
02:52.06_Eagle_would the pundit work for asterisk?  does it have any pci slots?
02:52.12Ron-KTwo PCI slots
02:52.24TJdoes anyone know if iChat does SIP calls?
02:52.29Ron-KNeeds a driver for the built-in Ethernet from Broadcom for Linux.
02:52.32jimmyzbasicly any pc would work and a ide raid card
02:52.57_Eagle_what processorr speed/ram and what price?
02:53.20TJor what is the best soft SIP phone for OS X?
02:53.25arcaidyprobably a server, something like a 380, like our call managers are on now
02:53.28swirlnetswhy when a fax mechine calls me the fax detection does not work?
02:53.29bkw_TJ yes ichat is sip
02:53.34bkw_but they use mp4 codec
02:53.37Ron-KI think the case/MB was $180. Everything else is off the shelf. It supports the 3Ghz PIII Hypertheaded CPU.
02:53.38bkw_not free
02:53.42bkw_so it can't work with *
02:53.44MocSupport: As with all Digium products free support is availabe for the original installation
02:53.47jimmyz600sc from dell
02:53.50TJbkw so there is mp4 codec implemented for *?
02:53.54Mocfree support on installation of a sticker ... that nice
02:53.54bkw_TJ no
02:54.00Ron-KI mean P4
02:54.07arcaidywe have the 7835's at work now
02:54.13TJbkw do you know of a good SIP client for OS X?
02:54.33bkw_you mean 7935?
02:54.37arcaidycisco call manager
02:54.43bkw_those are SCCP only
02:54.57bkw_they look just like the polycomm phones
02:54.58jimmyzif you own it just turn it into * server
02:55.20swirlnetsanyone able to help me with the fax issues?
02:55.39jimmyzor use a pc tell you get it up and running then copy the configs to the cisco server
02:55.43arcaidyi have multiple servers in my lab that I can put * on, I am just not going to put the effort into it if I can;t use it
02:55.49bkw_swirlnets read for info
02:55.58Mocbkw_: I dont think those work in * ...
02:55.59bkw_swirlnets lots of fax drama with new DSP goodies
02:56.04bkw_Moc no they don't
02:56.05MocIve looked for SIP support and havent seen any
02:56.07jimmyzwhat is stopping you
02:56.13bkw_Moc they are SCCP but they could work with Chan_skinny
02:56.15swirlnetsbkw: I have uncommented the OLD DSP stuff
02:56.26bkw_swirlnets totally update and do it again
02:56.28jimmyzoh ok
02:56.42illc0mmmanyone make an SIP conference phone?
02:56.45illc0mmmI would think SNOM would
02:57.02swirlnetsbkw: I download CVS this morning, edited dsp.c and uncommented the define old dsp routines
02:57.14arcaidyit doesn't matter if I have 1000 people that say they will support it if they don't have a company name in front of them
02:57.18jrollysonillc0mmm: IIRC polycom has one.
02:57.27MocWell I think wasim better release his phone, and make a Conference one (but I guess Polycom has some patents technology)
02:57.39jrollysonillc0mmm: think so.
02:57.44illc0mmmit cant be shaped like a Y
02:57.54jimmyzsupport is stopping us but might now be when they see the price difference and we run it for a while
02:57.58MocStartrek phone I call them
02:58.20illc0mmmoh okay
02:58.25illc0mmmSoundStation IP 3000
02:58.44TJhas anyone here played with snom phones
02:58.55illc0mmmYeah, how's wasim coming along with that anyway?
02:58.57TJand compiled their code from the embedded linux source?
02:59.00illc0mmm~seen wasim
02:59.07wasim is currently on #asterisk (2d 20h 31m 41s).  Has said a total of 2 messages.  Is idling for 2d 19h 29m
02:59.07Mocthose x100p clone are hard not to look at !! :(
02:59.39arcaidyjimmyz, price isn't going to make that big of a difference for us on the larger sites, I need something for the 50 or so phones and smaller
02:59.40swirlnetsso can anyone help with the fax isues
03:00.06jimmyzso is talking to ccm a big thing
03:00.10Mocswirlnets, never did fax yet.. sorry
03:00.19illc0mmmarcaidy: Why aren't you just hosting the CCMs at a central location for the smaller sites?
03:00.25bkw_jrollyson those are ugly
03:00.35bkw_jrollyson 7960's are sexy\
03:00.35illc0mmmYou guys should have decent bandwidth, no?
03:00.48jrollysonbkw_: should have a decent speaker though
03:00.58arcaidyillc0mmm, failover, what happens when that link fails??
03:01.00jimmyzstill lots of money has to go into routers with no ccm at remote sites
03:01.09illc0mmmWhat does Cisco do?
03:01.09Mocbkw_ handfree on 7960 is good ?
03:01.13arcaidyinstall ccm express or srst
03:01.17bkw_Moc yes
03:01.18jimmyzrouter takes over
03:01.18bkw_DAMN good
03:01.23bkw_headset works great too
03:01.27arcaidyhave to have local resources then,
03:01.32illc0mmmISDN backup?
03:01.33arcaidythats where the money is
03:01.47arcaidyisdn backup?? not enough bandwidth
03:01.52illc0mmmfor emergency
03:02.06jimmyzneed bus class sdsl or cable
03:02.09jrollysonISDN would be really nice here.
03:02.20arcaidyhands free on 7960 is no where as good as the polycom's
03:02.26illc0mmm128K/8K = 16
03:02.27jimmyzwell depending on what went down and where
03:02.27MocAll I need is to make it work ..
03:02.37bkw_arcaidy its still not bad
03:02.44TJhas anyone here played with the pulver innovations 802.11 SIP phones?
03:02.51Mocit bidirectional I hope
03:02.55arcaidyit can be, put it in a small room, echo can get nasty
03:03.10jimmyz* with pots is the less amount with fail over if you can make them work together
03:03.26jimmyzccm and * that is
03:03.46arcaidyI don't need them to tie into *. LD is so cheap that it's not worth it.
03:04.08jimmyzis that what you are going to do for office to office
03:04.24arcaidyjimmyz, do what?
03:04.27jimmyzeverything that is local to us goes out ld
03:04.41*** join/#asterisk loko_moko (
03:04.42jimmyzjust b/c we don't want to pay for more local lines
03:04.57jrollysonjimmyz: what about 911 ?
03:05.09jimmyzwe have 4 local
03:05.17arcaidysites have LD and local PRI's. LD is so cheap, that it does not pay to get rid of the circuit
03:05.19MocI found my 911 number for my area
03:05.21jimmyzbut they can't call 911 right now
03:05.30jimmyzpri are $$$
03:05.47arcaidyyes, they are, but required
03:05.53wsuffmoc: should be public info no?
03:05.54jimmyzb/c they keep calling 911 and they where about to start charging us
03:06.00arcaidyeveryone wants a DID
03:06.08Mocshould be
03:06.16illc0mmmDIDs rule
03:06.16jimmyzin the small sites
03:06.24Mocyes did are nice ..
03:06.34illc0mmmI surprised COX isn't starting their own teleco
03:06.41jrollysonhmmm... is there a market for VoIP emergency services?
03:06.42jimmyzthey do here
03:06.45illc0mmmBrightHouse / TW is doing it
03:06.46MocI wanted a BRI but they cost 115$CND
03:06.48arcaidyhaha, they have
03:06.49jimmyzcox does NO telco
03:06.57jimmyzNO=new orleans
03:07.05illc0mmmwell, there you go
03:07.05arcaidylook out and CA
03:07.20Moca PRI cost 600$... so BRI are over charged
03:07.21arcaidycox is also rolling out VoIP to its users
03:07.46illc0mmmwhat are they using? CCM?
03:07.51arcaidycox has a nice fiber backbone now, many nice things to come
03:07.52bkw_bet not
03:07.54arcaidyoh now,
03:08.02arcaidyccm can't handle that
03:08.13jimmyzand would cost too much
03:08.14arcaidythey use soft switch
03:08.30arcaidyha! softswitch way more than ccm?
03:08.34arcaidyccm isn;t that expensive
03:08.39arcaidysoftware anyway
03:08.45bkw_ccm sucks
03:08.46illc0mmmits the support
03:08.47arcaidyhardware are the big costs
03:08.49illc0mmmthats where they get you
03:08.53jimmyzccm itself no the rest DSP's etc.
03:08.58arcaidyccm is a good product
03:09.07*** part/#asterisk Ron-K (~trillian@
03:09.09illc0mmmIt's okay
03:09.14arcaidystable and good features
03:09.14illc0mmmbut it should be better
03:09.23illc0mmmI'm real surprised at cisco for going to Windows 2000
03:09.24arcaidybetter compared to what?
03:09.25bkw_it runs on widnows
03:09.28bkw_it can't be stable
03:09.34arcaidyit has been
03:09.36jimmyzit's stable
03:09.40illc0mmmI mean. the IGX stuff with the solaris that was nice
03:09.43jimmyzbeen running it for 3 years now
03:09.50arcaidyits a hacked version of 2000
03:09.57illc0mmmWe beta'd CCM
03:10.11arcaidyjust had my first call manager fail, and it was hardware
03:10.12illc0mmmwant to talk about nastyness
03:10.14bkw_CCM was purchased from another company
03:10.24bkw_can't think of the name of the company
03:10.25illc0mmmas everything w/ cisco
03:10.30arcaidyeverything cisco was bought form somewhere...
03:10.31illc0mmmnot sure either
03:10.37bkw_starts with an S
03:10.42jimmyzyea and now they are selling a seperate sip server
03:11.09arcaidyheard rumors that ccm will run on linux soon
03:11.10*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by kram
03:11.12jimmyzso ccm will probably never to sip
03:11.20illc0mmmarcaidy: would be good
03:11.30arcaidyheard 4.x may run sip
03:11.37bkw_it better
03:11.52arcaidypersonally, i see no need for ccm to run sip
03:12.20bkw_I see no need for CCM
03:12.22bkw_when you have asterisk
03:12.27jimmyzit just gives you more options in hardware and connectivity
03:12.32arcaidysupport and huge name behind it
03:12.51bkw_you know asterisk is in the cisco labs.. it has to be
03:12.55arcaidyyes, but why have multiple peices when you only need a couple?
03:13.05bkw_because more is better
03:13.18bkw_ok I think I fixed my 7960 it was freakin out today
03:13.19bkw_don't know why
03:13.28bkw_very strange..
03:13.29Mikebkw_: cisco sucks
03:13.29arcaidycisco gear with the discounts is no more expensive than everything else out there
03:13.31Mikebkw_: face it
03:13.34bkw_Mike no it doesn't
03:13.36Mikebkw_: its that shit:P
03:13.43Mikebkw_: do i listen like someone familiar?
03:13.48jimmyzin new orleans we must not get discounts
03:13.56jimmyzand takes us 3 weeks to get a quote
03:14.06bkw_CISCO ROCKS ME!!!
03:14.27learathand then steals all your money
03:14.29arcaidythat sucks, we can have a quote the same day if we want it bad enough
03:14.38arcaidybut, we're a large company
03:14.56Mikebkw_: sipura was made by someone related to cisco ata?
03:15.02jimmyzyea we are about 100 one office about to open another
03:15.08arcaidyI said qoute, still takes a while to get the gear...
03:15.20bkw_sipura was komodo phone
03:15.22jimmyzyea gear takes a while
03:15.24bkw_komodo sold to cisco
03:15.28arcaidywe spend big bucks with cisco, really big bucks
03:15.50Mikebkw_: so they do good stuff
03:16.08joakoOk, I uncommented zt.dummy, compiled zaptel (bkw_) and recompiled asterisk, why does meetme not work?
03:18.15wsuffjoako: did u modprobe it ?
03:18.54jimmyzi think if digium would offer 24x7 that would help things
03:19.17learathjimmyz: pay em enough and they will
03:19.27arcaidyjimmyz, it would
03:19.47marcus-mmm cisco
03:19.47jimmyzwe called this week about it also
03:19.50arcaidylearath, tell them to answer emails with questions about it
03:20.00illc0mmmthat doesn't look good
03:20.16illc0mmmthere's two people this week alone
03:20.41joakowsuff: of course not
03:20.56illc0mmmalright, I'm out
03:21.08wsuffjoako: i just  fought w/ that today  too
03:21.14*** part/#asterisk illc0mmm (
03:21.20arcaidyif I can't get someone to answer my emails, how can I get them to support me?
03:21.23joakonow somehow I dont have the kernel source
03:21.42wsuffsrcs hafta match joako
03:21.55joakothey should
03:22.07joakoJust a few days ago I installed kernel-2.4.20-28.7.src.rpm and kernel-2.4.20-28.7-i686.rpm
03:22.25joakobut now that I look, in /usr/src I only have linux-2.4.20-20.7
03:22.31jrollysonjoako: don't mess with precompiled kernels ;)
03:22.47joakoOk, but at least the source, where else should I get the kernel??
03:24.23jtoddbkw: cisco bought komodo; sipura seems to simply be many of the komodo employees.
03:24.46bkw_jtodd yep
03:25.01bkw_thats what I ment! :)
03:25.07bkw_ok I hate h323
03:25.09jtoddHas anyone seen John Brown from Chagres recently on the channel or list?  
03:25.10bkw_HATE HATE HATE
03:25.16bkw_jtodd no he dropped off the planet
03:25.20bkw_so did Stealth_Man
03:25.39yabooanyone using a gs phone here
03:25.52bkw_yaboo they all SUCK
03:25.57wsuffyaboo: yes
03:26.01wsuffyaboo: w/ difficulty
03:26.27Mikebkw_: its call vacations
03:26.30Mikebkw_: or murder
03:27.44*** join/#asterisk SioB (
03:28.40SioB'Big Asterisk Development Updates' ?
03:28.56Mikeanyone knows why x101p takes so damn long in hanging up when no body answers i hang up the phone and it takes like 5 to 10 secs any ideas?
03:29.06Mikeif i active detect busy tone the calls sometimes get droped
03:29.34SioBcalling out or in ?
03:30.04MikeSioB: both
03:30.36SioBoutbound from * it should hang up when the source clears the call
03:30.55jtoddSioB: See the lists for Mark's comments on CVS branching.
03:32.56yaboowsuff did you have to regulate what codecs worked in your sip.conf
03:33.07SioBjtodd: thx
03:35.55SioBMike: inbound depends on various things - does your provider drop CO battery when the calling party disconnects ?
03:36.45MikeCO battery?
03:36.50Mikehow do i know that
03:37.38SioBConnect barbie glow in the dark phone and see if it doesn't glow so good for a short while after disconnect :-)
03:38.30SioBTrue !
03:39.34SioBI can rent you one - I'll send it in a plain package with no identifying marks ;-)
03:40.36SioBMike: Any phone that uses line power to (say) illuminate the dialpad will show you if CO battery is dropped
03:40.54MikeSioB: let me try
03:41.05SioBMike:So will an old analogue meter but digis can be confusing
03:41.32Mikeusing busydetect works but
03:41.36Mikemy call get hangup
03:46.23joakoOk, i got zaptel recompiled
03:46.28joakomodprobe ztdummy
03:46.34joakomeetme still does not work
03:47.16Mochow can I make a dialtone when I press 9 on my phone ?
03:47.46crontibsMoc thats actually good question
03:48.41Mocignorepat can be used to instruct drivers to not cancel dialtone
03:48.53Mocurm I guess ..
03:49.03Moclet me try it
03:49.09wsuffya that
03:49.30Mocworking ok good ..
03:53.55*** join/#asterisk `anthony (
03:54.03Moclet make TechTV a * Sponsor ;)
03:54.41Mocha fuck... video filming early tomorow at work :(
03:56.38Mocgoing to get a XL1 !!
03:57.28`anthonyHey there. Is there a draft RFC or somesuch describing IAX? I'm curious about the possibility of adding it to shtoom.
03:57.50wsuffthere is a iaxclient lib
03:58.15wsuffbut dunno about a RFC
03:58.27`anthonyor documentation aside from "read the source"?
03:58.45*** join/#asterisk dannie (
03:58.53`anthony(shtoom's a pure-python voip softphone, so a C code iax client isn't a lot of use to me...)
03:59.07wsuffya i didn't know that at the time
03:59.24wsuffgoogle enlightened me
03:59.53*** join/#asterisk Poincare (
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04:07.09_jackhamragent smith.
04:07.20jsmithThat would be me :-)
04:07.23bkw_I need some testing here
04:07.28jsmithbkw_: Testing what?
04:07.32_jackhamrbkw: does it have anything to do with h323? :)
04:07.53bkw_exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/longdistance@${EXTEN})
04:07.58bkw_I have it limited to the US50 now
04:08.27jsmithbkw_: Before you do, you should block some numbers in the Carribean, etc...
04:08.35jsmithbkw_: Toll fraud schemes and all...
04:08.41jsmithbkw_: You want a good list?
04:09.04bkw_jsmith it only allows the US 50
04:09.11bkw_I have put an inlucde just for the US
04:09.23bkw_the Carribean isn't even in that list :)
04:09.38bkw_jsmith but yes send me the list
04:09.38jsmithI see...
04:09.39bkw_just in case
04:09.49jsmithbkw_: You want me to paste it in here, or send it to you?
04:09.58_jackhamrit looks like vocal pulled the sip to h323 proxy off their page.
04:09.59bkw_how many lines?
04:10.00jsmithbkw_: Or in a private msg?
04:10.06jsmithbkw_: ~20 lines
04:10.07bkw_priv it
04:11.58bkw_go for it
04:12.07bkw_1 line is all I got
04:12.13tclarkmaybe by monday :)
04:12.46jsmithbkw_: Why not make an app where you type in a 10-digit phone number, and it tells you whether or not it's blocked :-)
04:12.54bkw_whats the point
04:12.57Mocwill be -22oF tomorow morning :(
04:13.03tclarkagents, customer & caller are at a base level, working on the firs load able distributor now
04:13.08Mocand lower with wind factor
04:13.23bkw_tclark its getting somewhere eh?
04:13.55Moc-38.2oF !!! DAMN that cold..
04:13.58crontibshey tclark
04:14.02crontibslong time no speak
04:14.16tclarkyea, been pouring a lot of foundation concrete, the features should be faster
04:14.20bkw_exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/longdistance@${EXTEN})
04:14.34bkw_tclark ya a solid foundation is nice
04:15.54Mocdoesnt work bkw_
04:16.06tclarkcrontibs: heya
04:16.23*** join/#asterisk beorn (
04:17.02tclarkalso writing design docs/test cases, b4 coding :)
04:18.14jsmithbkw_: There's about a 3/4 second lag, but the sound quality is fairly reasonable
04:18.50tclarkanthm did a nice revised hash today so we can pass around name/value paits but the values can be char, strucs, functions ptrs etc
04:18.54bkw_its my cellphone
04:19.11jsmithOh really... one with unlimited minutes and free long distance?!?
04:19.45jsmithbkw_: Too bad it doesn't handle concurrent calls... :-(
04:20.17beornanyone know if people have worked on a pre-paid calling card app??
04:21.07joakoYes, there is an AGI somewhere....
04:21.13*** part/#asterisk angom (~angomg@
04:21.20bkw_and its not flawless
04:21.47beornI heard people had a c app
04:21.55bkw_yes its better to do it in c
04:22.33*** join/#asterisk _gorman (
04:25.08beornWhat are the big asterisk development updates?
04:26.02tclarkbkw_: do you mean to throw this err if invalid number ' Call rejected by No such context/extension'
04:26.30bkw_how did you call it
04:26.53tclarkwith an areas code in .ca
04:27.02bkw_I don't allow ca
04:27.16crontibsdamm bkw thats pretty freakin cool
04:27.55tclarkyea i just wondered if you wanted to play a congestion or sumfin
04:28.12T`someone here played with PIC microcontrollers ?
04:30.13*** join/#asterisk klicTel (
04:31.33jsmithbeorn: 1) Asterisk 0.7.0 will be released on Monday 2) CVS will be branching to stable/devel 3) Mark will be spending 5-10 hours a week squishing bugs, with the help of BugMasters like bkw_
04:31.57*** join/#asterisk Link (
04:32.25klicTelhi all
04:32.26joakowhen an IAX call is up there is no way to get caller id info??
04:32.47beornSounds cool jsmith
04:34.10jsmithjoako: IAX passes caller id... why?
04:34.50klicTelis it possible to send/rcv fax over iax2? if my fax machine is connected to a channel bank with *, and another * has a PRI connected, and between the two Asterisk I have IAX2
04:35.35jsmithklicTel: It's possible (at least in theory), but in practice doesn't work too well...
04:35.39Mikeexten => s,3,Dial(SIP/101&SIP/104,90,Tt)
04:35.45Mikewhats wrong on that line guys
04:35.57klicTeljsmith: I'm having problems receiving and sending
04:35.57Mikewhen i answer on 101 i can hear the people on theother side of the line
04:35.59Mikebut they cant
04:38.05jsmithklicTel: Too things... make sure you use ulaw or alaw as your codec, and make sure the latency is *low*
04:38.20jsmithklicTel: Also, you can try dialing with the 'd' option... it's been known to help...
04:39.06_jackhamrhey guys, i'm having DTMF problems with a sipura box...the sip entry is set to rfc2833 and the spa config is AVT....still no dtmf recorgnized
04:39.46klicTeljsmith: thanks for the advise... i'll try it first thing in the morning
04:39.48jsmithklicTel: In my experience though, you never get more than two or three pages through at a time :-(
04:40.02jsmithklicTel: Hope it works better for you than me...
04:40.19bkw_har har har har
04:42.49Corydon76-homeCan I get somebody to download and use 690, please?  It's really not an invasive patch, it's not going to break anything...
04:43.46*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (
04:50.19bobovWhy does SIP proxy registration fail when you change sjphone from udp to tcp?
04:50.25jsmithCorydon76-home: I'll probably try it out tomorrow... bug me and remind me...
04:50.28*** part/#asterisk bobov (
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04:50.36bkw_bobov beacuse * only does UDP
04:50.38jsmithbobov: Because Asterisk only listens on UDP
04:50.44jsmithbkw_: You beat me!
04:50.46bkw_jsmith BOOOOOOYA!
04:50.46bobovThat's a veyr very good reason.
04:51.21jsmithbobov: Yes, it is...
04:51.39bobovLet me up the ante then...
04:52.06bobovWhat causes "failed to create channel" when I try to dial out beyond my local network?
04:52.37bobovPeople from outside the network can dial into me fine, and I can dial nodes inside mynetwork, but I cannot dial out.
04:52.39jsmithbobov: What kind of channel?  IAX?  SIP?
04:53.10bobovI'm wondering if my exten station is screwy.  Oh, you think it is because of NAT?
04:53.17jsmithbobov: Paste the whole error, please...
04:53.17bobovThe server is in the dmz though.
04:53.49jsmithbobov: Naw... I doubt it's NAT... but please paste the whole error...
04:53.55bobovUm...I have a wee problem there. First, because I"m less than 7 days old with Linux, or maybe 8 days, I don't know how to capture the log.
04:54.06bobovSecond, it's on a different machine, but I can retype a lot of it.
04:54.53bkw_doughecka you ass
04:54.54bkw_who did that
04:55.25bkw_oh a gay registrar
04:55.30dougheckawant me to forward an email address?
04:55.48bobovactually, I don't have anybody registered outside of the nat at the moment so the log will be inaccurate, but when I can get it, I'll come back.
04:56.02bkw_doughecka who did that? now goes to
04:56.38bkw_doughecka you aren't nice
04:56.51dougheckaget your own account
04:56.59dougheckaand I can cancle it :P
04:57.08bkw_leave it
04:57.11dougheckathen it will be yours
04:57.48bkw_what your penis?
04:57.56Corydon76-homeHeh, moosepenis?
04:57.58bkw_I don't need all 2 inches of that.. THANK YOU
04:58.31_jackhamri knew a girl that said she didn't need 2 inches of that...I said ok, let me stick it up your ass!
05:00.01*** part/#asterisk ___log (
05:00.02dougheckaNote that FREEDOMAIN.TK domains expire after 90 days when less than twenty-five (25) users have been to your website.
05:00.03*** join/#asterisk ___log (
05:00.12dougheckahi ___log
05:01.25_jackhamrthat nick reminds me of ren and stimpy.
05:01.43doughecka"Foxnews just placed an article on their website saying that Bush is expected to make an announcement towards the middle of next week, proposing a manned mission to Mars as well as a return to the moon.
05:02.00_jackhamrif we don't, the chinese will.
05:02.09_jackhamrrace to colonize the moon....
05:02.12malcolmdarticle's @ drudge, too
05:02.33malcolmdi think it's a great idea; i hope we finally forget about the money and just do it
05:05.10_jackhamrwhy is it that every time i listed to 'black tape for a blue girl' i have an irresistable urge to consume psilocybin  
05:09.16*** part/#asterisk bobov (
05:09.52joakoI would, but I couldnt stand the thought of eating that stuff
05:10.13_jackhamrit goes down much easier when it's minitabs :)
05:12.55_jackhamrmicrodots, same thing
05:13.13_jackhamrnot that i've ever seen or consumed any, of course.
05:13.20joakoaround the same size?
05:13.49_jackhamrlittle smaller than a white cross.
05:13.50VoipMy * automatically calls 911 when people start talking about drugs.
05:14.06joakowhats a white cross?
05:14.25_jackhamrthe evil, recently banned ephedra.
05:15.08*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
05:16.40joakoAnyways, how about them Digium cards?
05:16.57Voipthey're overrated
05:17.22joakoyea, I made my own
05:17.28Voipi just bring a bunch of ICs and resistors in a big box of solder
05:17.30Voipand mix it around
05:17.45Voipthen *poof*
05:17.52VoipT1 cards fall out the bottom
05:18.06joakomake sure to connect it to 110V or they wont work!!
05:18.28Voipwell i made my own nuclear reactor generator
05:18.30Voipso that's no problem
05:21.37_jackhamrhey is the word IAX trademarked?
05:21.52Voipi doubt it
05:21.58_jackhamrit is now :)
05:22.21jsmithIts an acronym... I didn't think you could trademark an acronym...
05:24.05yaboois iax another voice protocol like sip and h323?
05:24.43*** join/#asterisk jorgeraidel (
05:24.43jsmithyaboo: Exactly... it's one made specifically for Asterisk :-)
05:24.46Corydon76-homeNot like.  It's better.
05:25.09jsmithhello jorgeraidel
05:25.19jorgeraidelhey tell me something
05:25.36Corydon76-homeOkay, the square root of 49 is 7.
05:26.00Voipnow I can die a wise man
05:26.33Corydon76-homeAnd we can both die as wise asses, too... :-P
05:27.07jorgeraidelI am going to put sdsl 1.5 x 1.5 garanty full duplex its work to traffic equally to T1
05:27.57_jackhamrA T1 is just HDSL so go for it
05:28.03jorgeraidelmy provider garanty me 95% the banw.
05:28.11Mike_jackhamr: no its not
05:28.52jorgeraidelno is not equally
05:28.58_jackhamrThat's what is says on my NIU.
05:29.50Mikebkw_: you drop dead? or something?
05:30.32jorgeraidelis possible that he is sleeping mike
05:31.02Mikeno not at this time
05:31.23yaboojsmith thanks
05:31.32yaboobut also what handsets support iax?
05:31.52Mikeyaboo: iaxy?
05:32.04jorgeraidelmike tha another thing is that I am going to test my traffic with sdsl or hdsl
05:32.38jorgeraideland I don't sure that it's work
05:32.52jorgeraidelbut weel go on
05:33.50jsmithyaboo: Not many, yet...
05:36.10joakohow much traffic do you plan to put on the sdsl/hdsl?
05:37.18crontibswould this be the correct syntax if i wanted to force all international calls that start with 011 to go through
05:37.18crontibsexten => _1011.,1,Dial(Dial,IAX2/fgravato@NuFone/${EXTEN})
05:37.18crontibsexten => _1011.,2,Congestion
05:39.09citatscrontibs: that would be for calls that start with 1011
05:39.12yabooMike iaxy, is there a url
05:39.37heisoncrontibs: yes, but is your account enabled for international calls?
05:39.38yaboojsmith like one brand of handset or hacked firmware onto existing handsets
05:39.51crontibshumm i hope so
05:40.17heisoncrontibs: i have problem dialing international... us and canada works fine.
05:40.31*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
05:40.45crontibsi'll guess i'll try it once i got my extensions redone
05:40.47crontibsto test out
05:41.49crontibsexten => _011351.,1,Dial(Dial,IAX2/fgravato@NuFone/${EXTEN})
05:41.59crontibscould this work
05:42.04crontibsif i specfiy the country
05:42.11crontibs351 which would be portugal
05:42.22crontibswhere my relatives are from
05:43.22heisoncrontibs: should work...
05:43.33crontibsthanks heison
05:43.43heisoncrontibs: you may want to get rid of the second Dial
05:44.16crontibsthe on inside the brackets
05:44.22crontibsthe one inside the (
05:44.24heisonexten => _9011.,1,Dial(IAX2/hfgravato@NuFone/${EXTEN:1})
05:44.24heisonexten => _9011.,2,Congestion
05:44.35crontibsoh thanks
05:44.55crontibshumm 9011 would force me to dial 9011
05:46.03heisonthat's how i get an outside line, and you don't send the '9' by using ${EXTEN:1} vs ${EXTEN}, you also want ignorepat => 9 so that the dial tone doesn't change when you first hit 9
05:48.00*** join/#asterisk mmco (
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05:48.48heisonbkw_: are you around?
05:50.39jsmithheison: He was a half-hour or so ago...
05:51.20heisonjsmith: thanks, i'll just add a bugnote
05:52.39jsmithheison: I'm sure he'll appreciate that...
05:53.51joakohow much bandwidth does G711 use?
05:54.42jsmithjoako: Lots :-)  64kbps in each direction, if I remember correctly
05:54.52heisonie 128kbps on a live conversation
05:55.06joakoare you sure?
05:55.13jsmithThat sounds right to me...
05:55.13joako64kbps total?
05:55.14heisonyes, positive
05:55.17citats64k for the codec, but dont forget the overhead.. works out to about 84kbps
05:55.23heisonno 129kbps total
05:55.24jsmithcitats: Exactly...
05:55.40jsmithcitats: Hey man, what's up?  
05:55.55citatsjsmith: not a whole lot, been keeping pretty busy lately
05:56.17jsmithcitats: Me too... I just accepted an offer for a new job, so I've been running around like mad...
05:56.44jsmithcitats: What's keeping you busy, can I ask?
05:57.08citatsjsmith: reality, work, and more work
05:57.33jsmithcitats: Sounds like a lot of work... I'm hoping this new job will be less work (and more pay!)
05:57.44jsmithmalcolmd: Yeah, it's that place I never seem to be
05:57.47citatsjsmith: thats the way its supposed to work :)  good luck
05:57.55jsmithcitats: Thanks...
05:58.05jsmithmalcolmd: You'll understand once you're married... :-)
05:58.37jsmithmalcolmd: You guys having problems with your fax machine?  I've tried several times to send this NDA, but it doesn't wanna go through...
05:58.41yaboojsmith what handsets use iax protocol?
05:59.01jsmithyaboo: None, so far... FarFon will, once Wasim finishes it...
05:59.09malcolmdjsmith: hmm...dunno
05:59.18malcolmdjsmith: april for the married part, though
05:59.21jsmithyaboo: Maybe somebody ambitios will make it into an RFC, and then maybe it'll be supported
05:59.22yabooFarFon jsmioth
05:59.29jsmithmalcolmd: Yeah, I remember...
05:59.59yaboostupid question is there any hardware design like a reference showing sip hardware as in the handset
06:00.27jsmithyaboo: I'm not aware of any... but I'm not the guy to ask...
06:00.35yaboojsmith thanks
06:00.47yaboojsmith home time your not in AUS by any chance?
06:01.54*** join/#asterisk hmodes (
06:03.32jsmithyaboo: Nope... USA...
06:03.46yaboojsmith because it home time here in AUS
06:04.05jsmithyaboo: It's way past my bedtime here...
06:04.40*** join/#asterisk Stealth_Man (Stealth_Ma@
06:05.33jsmithStealth_Man: Long time, no see!
06:05.54Stealth_Manhow is going ?
06:08.15heisonanyone here using 7960?
06:09.43hmodesno 7960s here!
06:10.05heisonhmodes: is that what you have?
06:10.06Corydon76-homeNo, those phones are the worst!
06:10.53Corydon76-homeGive me a Grandstream phone, any day
06:10.57hmodesindeed heison.  you're too astute for my deception i see
06:11.11_jackhamrchrist i just dialed out on one....i had to dial the same number 3 times before it would take
06:11.15hmodesyes, those huge pastel buttons and firmware sucking are the BEST
06:11.33heisoni'm wondering how to program the phone to do 3-way calling and call parking?
06:11.36jsmithStealth_Man: Not too bad... how about yourself?
06:11.51heisondo i need to run a tftp and bring the firmware uptodate?
06:12.00hmodesoh my
06:12.06heisontransfer doesn't work properly either...
06:12.11jsmithheison: Yeah, that's usually the easiest...
06:12.16hmodeswell 3 way has worked for a long long time
06:12.19jsmithheison: What version is your firmware...
06:12.19hmodeswhat firmware do you have?
06:12.44hmodesparking i would imagine you'd do the same as zaptel and wouldn't rely on firmware really
06:12.54hmodesnot that i know
06:12.57hmodesnever tried it
06:13.07*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
06:13.11heisonApplication: POS30200 || Bootload PC030300
06:13.38hmodeswow, pretty old
06:13.44hmodesshould still work for 3way tho
06:14.04*** join/#asterisk user8925 (
06:14.09jsmithheison: Yes, upgrade it...
06:14.25heisonhmodes: but there is no flash...
06:14.34hmodesyou don't flash
06:14.37heisonjsmith: I think that's what I should do...
06:14.43hmodesjust create a new call
06:14.47hmodesi usually put people on hold
06:15.00hmodeswhen you create 2nd call you'll have a join option i believe
06:15.32hmodeshold -> newcall or line button -> dial -> join
06:15.32*** join/#asterisk eonbleu (
06:15.37eonbleusup niggerfaces
06:15.51sumahi all
06:15.54sumagood morning
06:16.17hmodesyou can also transfer two calls to meetme and then dial the meetme
06:16.34hmodeswould save bandwidth between phone and * if that's a concern
06:16.36heisonafter I push hold on the first call, and made a second call... I have "Hold", "EndCall", "Trnsfer", "Confrn (greyed out)", "BlndXfr"
06:16.48hmodesgreyed out?
06:17.00hmodesinbound call?
06:17.03heisonyeah, like it's not enabled...
06:17.23hmodesupdate firmware :)
06:17.28hmodesworks fine for me
06:17.54heisonwhat's the easiest way to update the firmware?
06:18.16heisonand what load? since i don't have Cisco support
06:19.26*** part/#asterisk _jackhamr (~jackhamr@
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06:20.40hmodesas in you don't have access to firmware?
06:21.01heisonhmodes: no i don't
06:21.28hmodesyeah, that's rather dickish of them
06:21.40*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
06:21.43hmodesyou'd think once you've shelled out an assload of money on a device you should get free updates
06:21.55learathheh.  what a wonderfull theory
06:21.57hmodesespecially when there are known problems with the device and they sold it to you broken
06:22.14learathbut, see, that would reduce the ammount of cash they can aquire from you
06:22.20hmodesoh right
06:23.41bkw_buy the 8.00 smartnet on the phone
06:23.44bkw_and you get access to CCO
06:23.51bkw_and next day replacement of the phone for a year
06:24.59bkw_If a Qualify time is set in sip.conf for a phone, then Asterisk assumes that it should respond to an invite within twice that time (chan_sip.c:885), otherwise it must be down. Some phones take much longer than their ping time to respond (e.g. Cisco 7940 takes about 150 ms).
06:25.04bkw_you guys see this bug
06:25.20bkw_mine does it a few times a day
06:25.24bkw_nice to know its asterisk
06:25.32hmodeswait, $8?
06:25.34jsmithbkw_: That's nice to kow...
06:26.03bkw_hmodes yep I just got one on my phone
06:26.15jrollysonthe cisco tax  ;)
06:26.20bkw_well worth it
06:26.26crontibswould this variable work ringall=Zap/2 & Sip/2204
06:26.28crontibsexten => s,3,Dial(${RINGALL},20,tr)
06:26.32crontibsin this case
06:26.36jsmithcrontibs: No spaces!
06:26.38bkw_NO SPACES
06:26.48crontibswould this variable work ringall=Zap/2&Sip/2204
06:26.55bkw_beat ya
06:26.57crontibsahh thanks
06:27.09*** join/#asterisk kxor (
06:27.19jrollysonI should be able to type faster.
06:27.28bkw_ACK whats with this flood of strange and new bugs
06:27.29jrollysonesp. with a dvorak kb ;)
06:27.30jsmithLater all!
06:27.34crontibsthat work also
06:27.39crontibsor there limit
06:28.18bkw_yes that will work
06:28.18jsmithcrontibs: That will work also
06:28.18crontibsthank you
06:28.18*** part/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
06:28.26kxordoes this channel allow open questions?
06:28.35e-to-da-zZzkxor no, stay in the closet
06:28.59kxorfunny :)
06:29.11bkw_I swear to god if someone opens anotehr FAX related bug without reading I'm gonna smack em
06:29.29bkw_kxor yes ask
06:29.34bkw_ASK AWAY
06:29.47e-to-da-zZzbkw_ do you like clowns?
06:29.59bkw_no I hate them
06:30.00hmodeswow, that's hot bkw, thanks for mentioning it
06:30.07hmodesi always just assumed 'support' == $$$$
06:30.12e-to-da-zZzbkw_ what about burger king Whoppers
06:30.15bkw_hmodes contact
06:30.22bkw_hmodes thats who I just got mine thru
06:30.26Shido6wish they would sell the "whale" again at burger king
06:30.30TestMasTerI guess that will teach me for installing * on to a box with no digium hardware
06:30.39bkw_TestMasTer yep
06:30.40hmodesnice, thanks
06:30.43bkw_I have an X100P I will see you
06:30.46bkw_er sell you
06:30.53TestMasTerbkw_,  how much?
06:30.56bkw_hmodes talk to Raymond Canada
06:30.58Shido6get that sale
06:30.59e-to-da-zZzi'll sell you a kidney
06:31.06kxorI have some cisco 7960 phones connected to my asterisk box - and when I put one on speakerphone and the callee starts talking the call is terminated
06:31.07bkw_ya ya ya
06:31.32bkw_kxor x100p?
06:31.33TestMasTeris this a normal error when install the zaptel with out the hardware to support it /usr/include/linux/proc_fs.h:193: warning: `create_proc_read_entry' declared `static' but never defined
06:31.33TestMasTermake: *** [zaptel.o] Error 1
06:31.50bkw_kxor busydetect and progressdetect on?
06:31.53bkw_if so turn them off
06:32.00bkw_using ks,ls or gs signalling also?
06:32.06kxorin zapata.conf?
06:32.13kxorbut this is between sip phones
06:32.21bkw_sip phones
06:32.26kxornever happens on the outside calls
06:32.37yaboohey TestMasTer
06:32.41bkw_um make usre your handset is firmly down
06:32.42yaboogot my gs phone working
06:32.55TestMasTeryaboo,  did my code do it?
06:33.08kxorthis only happens on cisco phones with 5.3+ firmware
06:33.17bkw_I have 6.0 firmware works fine here
06:33.20kxorand is completely reproduceable on 2 seperate setups
06:33.24bkw_just make sure your handset doesn't bounce
06:33.45bkw_mine did that a few times.. I hit the desk or bumpted the phone.. that handset bounces up just a little bit the call is gone
06:33.46yabooTestMasTer, I made the gs unit only do ulaw and alaw and set the dtmfmode=info
06:33.51hmodesdamn bouncy hand...sets.
06:34.03yabooTestMasTer, probably did
06:34.04bkw_if the fone is full upright it happens more
06:34.04jrollysonbkw: how backed up is the bugtracker?
06:34.11bkw_jrollyson why?
06:34.18bkw_its WAY backed up
06:34.24kxorhandset has been in my hand when doing the speakerphone action
06:34.35bkw_kxor then I dont know what to tell ya
06:34.35kxor(to ensure it doesn't bounce)
06:34.40jrollysonbkw_: days? weeks? months?
06:34.50kxorI'm not looking for the holy grail in answers here
06:34.55TestMasTeryaboo,  Good i`m glad i could help
06:35.01TestMasTerMind if i message you for a second?
06:35.02kxorjust wanted to know if you had heard aboot it :)
06:35.03yabooTestMasTer, thanks
06:35.50malcolmdkxor: i've got a couple of old 7960's w/ 2.03 firmware and they don't exhibit that problem
06:35.57bkw_OLD OLD OLD
06:36.03malcolmdnew new new
06:36.03bkw_malcolmd lets update those
06:36.16malcolmdbkw_: dude, these things crap their pants every time i try
06:36.22bkw_you know why
06:36.30bkw_that firmware has to have 8.3 filenames
06:36.35bkw_and TINY cnf files
06:36.53bkw_very picky
06:36.59kxorthe interesting thing is that this problem has only started showing up since a cvs update (to jan's latest) from novemember
06:38.00malcolmdright, sip000xxx.cnf file i'm using has 14 lines
06:38.16bkw_but hint if you look at the status messages thingy when it fails
06:38.18bkw_it tells you why
06:38.30malcolmdi'll give the 8.3 thing a shot...
06:38.45bkw_but yes that is OLD firmware that expects 8.3
06:38.53bkw_it may have to go 3.x first
06:38.58bkw_if you need 3.x let me know
06:39.07malcolmdi've got 3.1 and 3.2
06:39.10malcolmdlet's try 3.1
06:40.53kxorshould I try filing a bug report for this? or just post to the mailing list?
06:43.40jrollysonbkw: - I can no longer duplicate as of last night, so perhaps it was inadvertantly fixed in CVS?
06:48.27*** join/#asterisk Muckl (
06:49.17bkw_jrollyson could have been
06:49.25bkw_I will leave it till saturday or so
06:49.27bkw_remind me
06:50.19mishehumaybe we should slow the rotation of the earth so that we can have 30 hour days...  the days are just never long enough.
06:50.35crontibsok let me see if i'm on the right track this is for my incoming lines for voicepulse connect
06:50.36crontibsexten => ${DID1},1,Dial(${RINGALL},20,tTm)
06:50.36crontibsexten => ${DID1},2,Playback(pls-wait-connect-call)
06:50.36crontibsexten => ${DID1},3,Macro(dialvpulse,${MYCELLPHONE},20)
06:50.36crontibsexten => ${DID1},4,Voicemail(u${MASTERPHONEVM})
06:50.36crontibsexten => ${DID1},5,Hangup
06:50.38crontibsexten => ${DID1},102,Voicemail(b${MASTERPHONEVM})
06:50.40crontibsexten => ${DID1},103,Hangup
06:50.46crontibsis that correct
06:50.50crontibsor am i missing something
06:51.27jrollysonbkw: however, this one hasn't been touched :)
06:51.48TestMasTeranyone here running * on rh 9.0?
06:52.09TestMasTeruser8925,  Did you get a load of errors on install?
06:52.34crontibsbkw that look ok
06:53.34kxorheya guys, I found the log entry that correspons to my calls terminating
06:53.40kxordo you want me to paste it in?
06:54.27kxorhere we go :)
06:54.28kxorJan  8 22:39:17 WARNING[262156]: File channel.c, Line 1296 (do_senddigit): Unable to handle DTMF tone 'f' for 'SIP/101-d447'
06:54.28kxorJan  8 22:39:17 WARNING[262156]: File res_parking.c, Line 226 (ast_bridge_call): Bridge failed on channels SIP/101-d447 and SIP/102-011c
06:56.44mishehuDTMF tone 'f' ?  here I'd have thoguht that a DTMF would be a numeric
06:57.28`anthonymishehu: no, 0-9a-f
06:58.06*** join/#asterisk jeb-c4 (~jeb-c4@
07:01.53jrollysonmishehu: there are some special DTMF tones not found on a normal keypad, but in the spec anyway.
07:02.26jrollysonOften if the extra ones are provided, its only A-D.
07:03.30Voipbayonne hardware is pricey
07:03.55jrollysonI've only ever seen one handset with A-D keys.
07:14.57jrollysonmhc-pbx*CLI> reload
07:14.57jrollysonDisconnected from Asterisk server
07:14.57jrollysonS} 1>&/dev/${TTY} </dev/${TTY}
07:14.57jrollysonAsterisk ended with exit status 139
07:15.04bkw_get a bt
07:15.06bkw_and bt full
07:15.11bkw_and SHOW ME LOVE
07:15.24jrollysonwas trying to duplicate 725
07:15.36jrollyson31 reloads and boow
07:19.43*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:20.20_jackhamrnight guys
07:24.28jrollysonbkw: lots of bt love added.
07:24.37jrollysonseems I can reproduce this on demand
07:25.32jrollysonmemory corruption.
07:26.07jeb-c4bkw_, what phones do you use/prefer?
07:26.27jrollysonbkw_: that what you need?
07:28.26citatsjrollyson: just looked at your update on that, it always happens at the indications stuff?
07:29.18jrollysoncitats: lemme play
07:31.29jrollyson(gdb) bt
07:31.29jrollyson#0  0x0805238b in ast_sched_del (con=0x80f5d18, id=132) at sched.c:273
07:31.29jrollyson#1  0x404144ed in iax_destroy (callno=12) at chan_iax.c:1053
07:31.29jrollyson#2  0x4041485e in attempt_transmit (data=0x810f840) at chan_iax.c:1094
07:31.29jrollyson#3  0x0805204b in ast_sched_runq (con=0x80f5d18) at sched.c:376
07:31.30jrollyson#4  0x40421853 in network_thread (ignore=0x0) at chan_iax.c:4523
07:31.32jrollyson#5  0x400220ba in pthread_start_thread () from /lib/
07:31.51jrollysonthat crashed in a different place.
07:32.03citatsjrollyson: can you noload chan_iax and see if you can reproduce it?
07:36.11jrollyson115 reloads later, * still standing.
07:36.26jrollysonI can't crash it that way anymore.
07:37.09jrollysonIt won't die!
07:37.35citatsare you running reload from a remote console or the main one?
07:37.51jrollysondoesn't matter, have tried both ways.
07:38.19jrollysonwell, I could crash it both ways before.
07:38.22citatsi'm not able to reproduce this at all, i wonder if thats because i use the astmm stuff
07:38.37crontibsNOTICE[1175706416]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 4301 (socket_read): Rejected connect attempt from
07:39.01citatsdefinitely a memory leak in res_indications.c though
07:39.03jrollysonbkw: still here?
07:39.16citatsand probably chan_iax2.c
07:39.39jrollysonI left chan_iax2 loaded
07:39.52jrollysononly unloaded chan_iax
07:39.55citatsjrollyson: i'm just commenting in general about some increased memory usage
07:40.53jrollysonI'll leave chan_iax out for now though ;)
07:41.32citatsjrollyson: but the indications one still happens every once in a while?
07:41.48jrollysonwith chan_iax out, I can't crash it at all.
07:42.09citatsoh ok, so something in chan_iax was probably really causing it but it just looked like indications :)
07:42.20jrollysonI guess.
07:42.56crontibsany ideas to why i'm getting rejected connect
07:43.05jrollysonprobably memory corruption starting in chan_iax
07:44.39jrollysonanyone else able to confirm/deny this? :)
07:45.01citatsjrollyson: i can't reproduce it here and i have iax enabled
07:45.26*** join/#asterisk srinivas (~srinivas@
07:45.34jrollysonok. Whats different?
07:45.49citatsjrollyson: i have astmm enabled but i'm recompiling now without it
07:47.35citatsjrollyson: do you register to something with iax/iax2?
07:48.32jrollysoniax2 to iaxtel
07:48.40jrollysoniax2 from iaxcomm
07:48.58citatsjrollyson: iax and iax2 share the config file so it would have been trying both
07:48.59jrollysoniax 1 was loaded but unused
07:49.25citatson the host i was testing on i dont register to anyone, it only has people registering to it
07:49.52jrollysonneed a sanitized iax.conf ?
07:50.41crontibshumm what am i miss here ? Jan  9 02:48:32 NOTICE[1175706416]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 4301 (socket_read): Rejected connect attempt from
07:52.57*** part/#asterisk kxor (
07:53.58citatscrontibs: that error is generated when the check_access function doesnt accept auth.. so something isnt right in your config
07:55.30denonhey citats, long time no ascii
07:57.32*** join/#asterisk Voip (
07:57.42citatshey denon, yeah i've been pretty busy lately and havent had much time to *
07:59.44jrollysonAny suggestions as to better ways of doing this?
08:04.01hmodesso i don't suppose tellme licenses their engine do they?
08:04.16hmodesi get the sinking feeling they only do hosted apps
08:06.00denonhmodes: hard to say, I wonder if 800 Directory would allow someone else to host the IVR
08:06.12denonI bet if you offer enough green they'd give you the engine
08:09.24denonmornin vp
08:10.11TestMasTeranyone here good with linking to * servers together with iax?
08:10.14crontibshello all
08:11.24*** join/#asterisk james (
08:11.53jamesany * expert out there?
08:12.07jamesknock knock
08:12.34jamesthis is james
08:12.36denonjust ask your question james
08:12.48[Rami]does anyone know where I can get the RxFax application from?
08:12.51jameshello denon,
08:12.59jamesi have two questions
08:13.21james1. Asterisk config programming GUI....does something like that exist?
08:13.30voidptrhey denon
08:13.34james2. Is there a reasonable 4 port FXO out there?
08:13.37voidptrgood to see that mail of mark
08:13.39hmodesguis are for the weak of heart!
08:13.40denonjames: 1. no, nothing comprehensive enough for a newbie to be happy with it
08:13.48denonjames: 2. Not quite yet
08:13.56denonbut you can use channel banks etc
08:14.22jamesyaa. i wanted to stay away from channel bank and really use ethernet switch and SIP phones
08:14.35denonyou can still use sip phones
08:14.38denonjust use the channel bank for FXP
08:14.56jamesand I really want a programmable GUI to make client happy and to prove that they don't need to hire an expert in order to maintain this baby
08:14.57[Rami]What's a good free SIP softphone?
08:15.21jamesi have x-lite....thats good
08:15.28denonwhere'd all the bots go, damnit
08:15.58[Rami]hmm I've been having problems setting up the client itself. It's not connecting to the server... any docs about that?
08:16.54denon[Rami]: google it .. I know I saw a "HOWTO" for * and x-lite somewhere
08:16.56voidptrsjphone seemed good too
08:16.58denonbut I dont see the url in my faves
08:17.07denonsjphone isnt as good as x-lite imho, but it was easier to set up
08:17.15denonI havent spent much time with either, though
08:17.18denonIm a 7960 kinda guy
08:17.40[Rami]ok another stupid question. Where can I get the rxfax application from?
08:17.55denonits already in * afaik
08:18.02citatsdenon: i dont think it is yet i think is the url
08:18.12denonoh, isnt it?
08:18.34denongood thing I tacked on that "afaik", apparently I dont know :)
08:19.27[Rami]citats: oh cool thanks...
08:22.22*** part/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
08:23.21*** join/#asterisk pliew (
08:29.31jrollysoncitats: could you duplicate 725 with astmm off?
08:31.41citatsjrollyson: nope i couldnt
08:31.42*** join/#asterisk geertn (geertn@
08:36.05TestMasTeranyone here good with iax2 and could help me out for a second?
08:38.53TestMasTerEveryone asleep?
08:39.21*** join/#asterisk kape (
08:41.15ScaredyCatmushroom mushroom
08:41.30*** join/#asterisk dimmik (~root@ios.intranet.GR)
08:42.34oejtestmaster: Good morning, I just woke up!
08:42.58oejtestmaster: Any results on permit/deny in iax?
08:43.10oejscaredycat: A cup of tea would do nicely, thank you :-)
08:43.25TestMasTeroej,  I didn`t get a chance to work with bkw
08:43.37TestMasTerbut I`ve been testing my self and the it doesn`t work for me
08:43.43jrollysonI'll take the tea too.
08:43.58ScaredyCat1000's of hours learning * and I'm relegated to making the tea... *sigh*
08:44.03jrollysonhot tea > *
08:44.14oejtestmaster: Ok, time to report a major bug then, if both of us can't get permit/deny to work.
08:44.44TestMasTeroej,  I`ve been playing with it for the last three hours
08:44.48oejscaredycat: Making hot tea is an ancient art form and requires a professional. Dumping tea bags in not-so-hot-water can be done by any newbie
08:45.46jrollysonoej: insert water into cup, insert teabag into water, insert cup into microwave, press "hot tea" button on microwave ;)
08:45.48TestMasTeroej,  question for you.. i have to * servers linked to gether
08:45.50oejanyone else that has tester permit/deny acl functions in sip or iax channels?
08:46.15oejtestmaster and I can't get it to work, I've denied myself access to all my asterisk's but I'm still logged in.
08:46.49TestMasTeroej,  Hrmz, by two are linked together
08:47.44oejtestmaster: ...and the question is?
08:49.13TestMasTerwait never mind I figured it out
08:49.15TestMasTerThanx anyway
08:50.01kapemorning everybody
08:50.07TestMasTermorning kape
08:51.07TestMasTerkape,  hrmz  :-)
08:52.58*** join/#asterisk trogs (
08:54.14trogsI have a cisco 12sp+/30vip , and I'm looking to get it going with asterisk
08:54.40trogsbut I think it needs a configuration file tftp'd to it when it starts up?
08:54.43*** join/#asterisk knight- (
08:55.15kapemorning nick
08:55.37kapeoh...sorry...thought you were someone else
08:55.48knight-nope :)
08:56.38*** join/#asterisk dimmik (~root@ios.intranet.GR)
08:57.14*** part/#asterisk dimmik (~root@ios.intranet.GR)
08:57.33knight-it's 1am here
08:58.04knight-and i'm _still_ trying to track down a sip/iax2 provider who can give me 650 DID's with "unlimited" incoming calls
08:58.40kapeknight-: ask jerjer
08:58.52knight-i have
08:58.59knight-i've given up on them
08:59.06knight-i've emailed them so many times
08:59.14denonwhat on earth do you want 650 DIDs for?
08:59.17knight-they apparently dont care about new clients
08:59.18denonjust curious
08:59.22knight-AC 650
08:59.35knight-not a count
08:59.45denonthought you meant you wanted 650 of em
08:59.53kapeme too
09:00.05denonwas gonna say .. sounds like a spamming callcenter to me ;)
09:00.47knight-i'm just a little guy in an apartment who wants to replace his landlines :)
09:00.52denonwe had a guy contact us a while back .. he wanted dedicated servers on like a dozen different subnets
09:01.01denonhe wanted like 10 class Cs
09:01.11denonand he was willing to pay 10x our going rate
09:01.13denonfor 3 months
09:01.23denonI dooont think so mr viagra
09:01.57*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
09:02.01denonfunny, though .. commercial spammers .. I wonder where they get that kinda money
09:02.07denonhe offered to pay in advance/etc
09:02.47hmodestakes integrity to turn down dirty money
09:02.49dmetake the money then bitbucket his traffic?
09:03.15denonhmodes: you cant stay in business long pulling crap like that
09:03.17denonor enabling others to
09:03.25denonintegrity's good for business long-term
09:03.34hmodestake the money and transparently proxy all his traffic to an expendable cablemodem at a residence :)
09:03.54hmodesthat way you don't comprimise the business and you can rob the dirty spammer blind
09:04.02*** join/#asterisk dimmik (~kold@ios.intranet.GR)
09:04.04jrollysondenon:  I donno, certian tier one providers have no integrity.
09:04.06hmodesjust leave out the bit about the transproxy in the contract
09:04.23denonjrollyson: look what happened to worldcom :)
09:04.24denonintegrity's good for business long-term
09:04.42kapedenon: also for short-term!
09:04.57denonhmodes: yeah, I was thinking of pissing him off, giving him a whole class B .. and natting him
09:05.00jrollysondenon: also look at spamhaus's records ;)
09:05.16hmodesyeah, it's never bad for business to screw the forces of evil
09:05.17denonhe didn't say he wanted all those IPs publicly routed :)
09:05.23hmodesunless they're forces that might retaliate
09:05.42denonwe just told him that we in no circumstance would support unsolicited email, sorry, goodbye
09:05.46jrollysonhmodes: a lot of spammers are in league with packetkiddies now.
09:06.08hmodesgood point
09:06.22hmodesstupid forces of evil
09:06.32jrollysonI know this, because I make it a point to piss spammers off.
09:06.43jrollysonOccasionally, I take packets because of it.
09:06.57denonnot to mention, if this guy has other spam operations like this ..
09:07.02denonwith all those IPs and all that bandwidth
09:07.07denonhe could launch his own DoS
09:07.19hmodesso have a good agreement with a good upstream isp to shield you from them :)
09:07.24*** join/#asterisk huats (
09:07.32*** part/#asterisk kape (
09:07.40denonhmodes: pretty hard to sheild from a good DDoS
09:07.43denonjust ask microsoft
09:08.09jrollysonhmodes: 500 cablemodems aimed at the right spot is usually very effective at taking someone down.
09:08.19*** join/#asterisk kape (
09:08.28jrollysonand thats a *small* DoSnet.
09:08.46denonyeah .. I'd not be too worried about 500 cablemodems ..
09:08.52denonspecially since most are 128 up these days
09:08.57denonbut there are much larger ones out there
09:09.11denonand anything sustained could be a real pita
09:09.13jrollysondenon: yeah, ask any EFNet IRC admin ;)
09:09.24hmodesrouters need to be much much faster, and bgp-like acls need to be possible
09:09.32voidptrany images? :)
09:09.36hmodesproblem solved! :)
09:09.40hmodesin another 10 years anyway
09:09.42jrollyson100000 or more hosts.
09:09.46hmodesstupid slow ass technology
09:09.51denonhmodes: yeah, would be nice if you could just run juniper-style filters on the core routers ..
09:09.56denoncourse .. you'd need 1000x the cpu
09:10.24hmodesi'm really dissapointed we haven't made a leap like that yet
09:10.25hmodesseems we just keep speeding up the same retarted instructions
09:10.38denonwe need quantum physics :)
09:10.39jrollysondenon: I had some sort of idea a while back for source filtering.
09:10.41kape[Sim]: he wanted octoBRI pr0n ;)
09:10.41hmodesi can do a couple thousand CISC operations per second
09:10.51hmodeswhy not just say 'go' properly instead
09:10.59hmodeshell yes, quantum needs to get up on that shit
09:11.07hmodesthis binary crap is so wildly brute-forceish
09:11.20jrollysonI should do a spec.
09:11.24trogsso you guys don't know anything about these cisco 12sp+'s that talk skinny that are really crappy?
09:11.30denonhmodes: it's not so much the comparison operation, as it is the comparing with a large array of data
09:11.49denononce you have a table of 5,000 "bad things" .. you have to compare each with all 5k
09:11.50kapetrogs: send one to jerjer if you want it working with chan_skinny
09:11.59hmodestrogs: will cisco even still answer questions about that thing?
09:12.01trogswell, apparently they do work
09:12.06trogsi saw some mailing list posts
09:12.09denonwhat we need is better *logic*
09:12.13trogsbut damned if i know how
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09:12.17denonor, yeah, an instruction set designed for routing
09:12.21jrollysondenon: its actually fairly simple. connection tracking at a router near the source. every new connection has a penalty.
09:12.24trogshmodes: nup, they're long EOL'd :)
09:12.32kapesxpert: what are you doing in .de?? ;)
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09:12.57dimmikI will have 2 fritz cards and 2 isnd connections (DID). Will this work with chan_capi?
09:12.57jrollysondenon: with a greater penalty applied if previous attempts failed.
09:13.02[Sim]kape heheh
09:13.02denonjrollyson: yeah .. but you cant rely on physically near the source .. needs to be distributed to all the peers ..
09:13.06denonala bgp I spose
09:13.10sxpertkape: I am staying at a friend's place for the holiday
09:13.10kapedimmik: if DID means p2p, it wont
09:13.39denon'cause the source could have a dozen peers .. all dozen need to have the filter
09:14.10dimmikkape: I am not sure if it's p2p. How can I tell?
09:14.21jrollysondenon: but most DDoS nets consist of end user systems, which won't have a dozen peers.
09:14.37kapedimmik: connect 2 isdn devices to it, if it works it is p2mp, if not then probably p2p
09:15.00kapesxpert: what holiday?
09:15.03denonjrollyson: right, but if you're going to implement the system ..
09:15.13jrollysondenon: any network which is large enough to warrent 12 peering connections is large enough to warrent a full time NOC that I can call to get the plug pulled on an offending machine.
09:15.20denonwe learned from ipv4 that you need to implement things to scale well :)
09:15.36dimmikkape: p2p works only for single card?
09:15.53denonjrollyson: what you're suggesting is already being done .. an end-user or multiple end-users doing a ddos will get pulled by the provider
09:15.56sxpertkape: well, I am on holiday till jan-11
09:16.00kapedimmik: no, it doesnt work at all with the fritz and capi ... slap avm for that
09:16.08kapesxpert: ahh...vacation...
09:16.17denonwhat im suggesting, is that it happens by a controlled, trusted authority .. tier1s
09:16.34denonthen allow others to take the filters along with bgp, if they want to be good netizens
09:16.35sxpertkape: yeah, whatever :D
09:16.53jrollysondenon: what I want is to automate the process of identifing a DDoS at the source.
09:17.06denonyeah the core, where all the info is available
09:19.17dimmikkape: btw, are there any problems with echosquelsh? I have noticed that after 10 minutes, it does funny stuff (maybe because I had it on debug level 3?)
09:20.00sxpertkape: what city are you in ?
09:20.18jrollysondenon: a new connection pool of 30 connection attempts per end user system. To start talking to another system, a connection attempt is made out of that pool. When the host acknowledges the connect positively, the attempt is returned to the pool with no further penalty. When the host rejects, or fails to respond, a penalty is applied before the connect attempt is returned to the pool.
09:20.33kapesxpert: Berlin
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09:20.56denonjrollyson: you just described bittorrent :)
09:21.40jrollysondenon: similar model, but using it for IP traffic.
09:21.45denonits always going to be a game of cat and mouse, because you can always make an attack look VERY MUCH like an authentic connection
09:21.50denoner, legitimate connection
09:22.39sxpertkape: ah, too far... mebbe we can meet when the next CCC camp takes place :D
09:22.42jrollysondenon: if you make "new" connections an extremely limited resource, a simple flood attack won't work so well.
09:23.04ScaredyCatsaterisk ?
09:23.08jrollysonUDP is still a problem.
09:23.19dmesomeone who makes fun of open source PBX efforts.
09:23.21sxpertScaredyCat: the * of satellites :D
09:23.31jrollysonbut you an effectively stop SYN attacks that way.
09:23.47kapesxpert: i was about to speak at 20c3 but they didnt manage to organize it
09:23.48sxpertScaredyCat: open source communications satellite ;D
09:24.22sxpertkape: well, I was in berlin last august for the camp
09:24.37ScaredyCatreload satellite co-ordinates when convenient
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09:26.44sxpertScaredyCat: I envision people fighting about the satellite's position :D
09:27.11sxpertScaredyCat: let's move it over europe, no over the US, no...
09:27.22jrollysonhmmm. wonder what jim would charge for a asterisk capable satalite or 3
09:27.43sxpertScaredyCat: and then "hey guys, we're out of hydrazine :D
09:28.00zoathis client keeps calling me
09:28.04zoain the middle of the night
09:28.54sxpertzoa: do the work and charge him night shift hours :D
09:29.04Powerkill~seen kram
09:29.07kram is currently on #asterisk (3d 3h 1m 41s).  Has said a total of 14 messages.  Is idling for 1d 9h 36m 11s
09:30.25knight-~seen knight-
09:30.26knight- is currently on #asterisk (35m 43s).  Has said a total of 17 messages.  Is idling for 1s
09:30.43jrollyson~seen bkw_
09:30.43bkw_ is currently on #asterisk (3d 3h 3m 17s).  Has said a total of 962 messages.  Is idling for 2h 15m 32s
09:30.52jrollyson~seen jrollyson
09:30.53jrollyson is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 94 messages.  Is idling for 1s
09:31.04jrollysonbleh, only 94 messages?
09:31.19pros12good links to the past
09:31.28pros12then there was asterisk
09:32.30zoathere is no fucking problem
09:32.38zoai have recordings on both ends
09:32.43zoaeverything is working great
09:32.48ScaredyCat~seen FuzzyCat
09:32.49fuzzycat is currently on #asterisk (2d 18h 21m 47s).  Has said a total of 15 messages.  Is idling for 16h 49m 49s
09:32.50zoahe says he has all bad calls
09:32.58zoaand everytime he calls me
09:33.04zoasound quality is great
09:33.12zoaall recordings sound great
09:33.15zoaboth ends
09:33.25zoawtf is this guy doing ?
09:33.39hmodesbeing an uppity bish!
09:33.49hmodesbut you can charge cash money for that
09:34.27zoathey have a service contract
09:34.33zoathey can call me anytime they wont
09:34.43zoai think that guy is lonely
09:34.57zoa*they want
09:35.14zoameanwhile the fucking police will give me a parking ticket
09:35.42huatsdoes anybody has used the asterisk manager API, and can give me tips ?
09:37.56hmodeshope that was one hell of a lucrative contract
09:38.09hmodesor had a clause about waking you up for absolutely no identifiable reason
09:38.46hmodespeople who abuse 'unlimited' priviledges suck
09:40.46zoathe guy has issues
09:40.54zoaand then i ask him to mail me the numbers
09:40.58zoathat i can try it myself
09:41.02zoaand he says yes
09:41.08zoaand he doenst send them
09:41.28pros12did anyone check those links?
09:41.29RoyK/j Junics
09:42.38kapedamn....try to find a 2BRI over Cat5 cable economizer :(
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09:45.04jrollysonany recomendations for hardware for US isdn?
09:45.33ScaredyCatisdn hardware, prolly
09:46.24jrollysonany specific adaptors ?
09:47.22kapejrollyson: for asterisk?
09:48.10kapewell...dont try isdn4linux...go for capi ... although the only capi card that will work in the US is a bit expensive
09:48.22jrollysonkape: which?
09:48.26kapeeicon diva server BRI-2M
09:48.29denonwhat's money when it's for a good cause like a pbx?
09:48.45*** join/#asterisk Gun_Bkk (
09:48.51jrollysondenon: this is for a home system.
09:49.09denonhehe yeah
09:49.34denoneven more reason to bring in a PRI
09:49.36denongets the chicks
09:49.43trogsok guys, i waved my hand over the phone or something, now it says "program Update" on the phone display
09:49.53zoagoddamn i hate this guy
09:49.56trogsReceived CapabilitiesRes
09:49.56trogsWARNING[245776]: File chan_skinny.c, Line 2259 (get_input): Skinny Client sent less data than expected.
09:49.59trogsNOTICE[245776]: File chan_skinny.c, Line 2317 (skinny_session): Skinny Session returned: Success
09:50.02zoai worked for him till 4.30 this morning
09:50.13zoawhy can't he just let me sleep sometimes :(
09:50.18jrollysondenon: I have a PRI at work. PRI at home would be too damn expensive.
09:50.28kapezoa: why do you pickup the phone?
09:50.45zoai have to
09:50.55zoai'm on standby 24/24 7/7
09:51.03denonpretend you're on another call
09:51.06kapelucky you;)
09:51.10denonset yourself off hook and go to bed
09:51.42zoahmmz, thats not a bad idea :)
09:52.07jrollysonholy shit
09:52.16zoalets reprogram that marketeer shit :)
09:52.21kapejrollyson: for the eicon?
09:52.26RoyKjrollyson: what
09:52.28RoyKjrollyson: what's that?
09:52.52jrollysonkape: yeah, for the eicon
09:53.10kapejrollyson: i can sell you that baby for less
09:53.48ScaredyCat"kape is selling babies again"
09:54.11kapehehe.... ScaredyCat, i thought that is nothing unusual in .nl ;)
09:54.29jrollysonnot sure that I want to spend anywhere near that much on a * system.
09:54.42ScaredyCatkape: prolly not, if there's money to be made...
09:54.56jrollysonmy only justification being telemarketer torture ;)
09:55.38kapejrollyson: let me look up the price
09:57.39jrollysonhmm... can a PRI card be made to play with a BRI ;)
09:57.51h3xwhere do you live?
09:57.54jrollysondidn't think so.
09:58.02jrollysonnorth carolina, us
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09:58.52jrollyson(if it was morehead city, I'd have a PRI :( )
09:59.04kapejrollyson: a PRI card can be made to play with BRI if you buy a $5k channelbank ;)
09:59.12h3xis that a suburb of something
09:59.16h3xor out in the middle of nowhere
09:59.29jrollysonh3x: not really - middle of nowhere.
09:59.31h3xhaha.  no one uses isdn channel banks
09:59.51jrollysonh3x: sprint
09:59.58h3xah ok
10:00.08h3xim gonna have wholesale rate cards on sprint local tomorrow
10:00.15h3xill let you know if they have a fractional pri deal thats cheap enough
10:00.35h3xlike i have xspedius in winston salem thats only a couple hundred a month for 4B+D or whatever
10:01.32denonhuh .. Tom Cruise is doing japanese samurai movies?
10:01.32denonhow weird
10:03.02h3xactually 4B+D and 548Kb is $375 with loop
10:03.28jrollysonh3x: not sure how far I'm from the wire center.
10:03.32jrollysonlemme look it up
10:04.03h3xwell i dont see any sprint lecs on the SSA for these guys
10:04.09denonthe irony is, you could get a buncha DIDs from someone else, and get a cablemodem to support that much voip traffic ..
10:04.17denonfor a fraction of the cost of isdn gear
10:04.51trogsok, got the stupid cisco phone going
10:05.03trogsannnd, i can segfault asterisk by dialing my own extension, yay
10:05.17denonthough, admittedly, I dont think I'd trust my voice traffic to a cablemodem or dsl
10:05.48jrollysontheres the switch...
10:06.12*** join/#asterisk Stealth_Man (Stealth_Ma@
10:06.51h3xthe thing that sucks about north american bri is most every lec's switch dosent support call apperances (DIDs)
10:07.01denonso, what's the difference (these days) between WATS and toll-free service?
10:07.04h3xand they cant make a trunk group with rollover out of multiple BRIs
10:07.39jrollysonh3x: if I was closer to work, I'd get my lines from there. unfortunately, I'm not.
10:07.48h3xjrollyson: I do have a deal with flat rate long distance t1 loops from MCI for $250
10:07.54h3xbut it requires $1000/mo min usage :/
10:08.25denonkinda steep for home users :)
10:08.28jrollyson$1000/mo of long distance? holy shit... theres no way I'd do that.
10:08.30h3xkind of useless anyway since MCI needs the option 2 network for ld + internet
10:08.40h3xwell if you wanted to resell the stuff with IAX :)
10:08.58*** part/#asterisk Shido6 (
10:09.19jrollysonI need call appearances.
10:09.28jrollysondon't need
10:09.33jrollysonwould like to play with ;)
10:09.38denon[really want] :)
10:09.38h3xget someone to make a E&M 2 wire card for asterisk .
10:10.00h3xthen you could just buy DIOD trunks
10:10.22jrollysonI strongly dislike inband signaling.
10:10.22h3xwith dtmf ani & dnis delivery
10:10.29h3xme too but that would be far cheaper than bri cards and service
10:10.51jrollyson2B+D is like $40 last I checked.
10:10.57*** join/#asterisk olivier_ (
10:11.07h3xis NC a metered isdn market ?
10:11.18jrollysonIIRC, not anymore.
10:11.22jrollysonused to be.
10:11.48jrollysontheres so little demand for ISDN that sprint is just about willing to give it away.
10:12.18h3xyeah thats about what it costs here in veags
10:12.18h3xwe have sprint too
10:12.32denonqwest has some great isdn deals too
10:12.39denonwould be great if we could use it for small offices
10:13.27jrollysonh3x: what amazes me is that ISDN never caught on.
10:13.28kapedenon: send me NI-1 specs and use the elcheapo hfc-pci cards
10:13.47h3xit didnt because first we had a shitload of proprietary switch types that not every piece of equipment supports
10:13.54h3xand it died before National ISDN came about
10:14.07denoncablemodems killed isdn
10:14.09h3xand then we had those new england states charging a shitload for minutes
10:14.33jrollysonanalog lines should have died long ago.
10:14.48denonjrollyson: I think they're hoping to replace them with something better than isdn
10:15.02denonlike unlimited distance dsl, and demux the analog ports at the premise
10:15.22h3xwe need a BRI that uses DSL as the D channel
10:15.32h3xso you get two 64k bearer channels
10:15.42h3xand like 1.544Mb/sec ATM with the D channel inside of it
10:15.51denonI dont think that'll work :)
10:15.53h3xthe rest can be a PVC for internet access
10:15.59denonnot quite enough room in the spectrum for that
10:16.10h3xok well then
10:16.22h3xi donno
10:16.28h3xsprint ion was a good idea
10:16.28denonoh, well, i take that back .. plenty of ROOM in the spectrum, just really hard to get our gear to use it ..
10:16.35denonand wires not to blow up
10:16.58h3xif someone really tried, T1s could be useful for residential applications.
10:17.04denonfiber's the way . .though I still like low-orbit satellites
10:17.05h3xthe actual loop cost isnt that much wholesale
10:17.25denonh3x: I agree, but you'd need to come up with cheaper line cards, and ways to do higher densities in old switches
10:17.38h3xall you have to do is build cheap t100p type cards and make hdlc work under windoze
10:18.06h3xor talk net2net way down on their ethernet -> t1 devices
10:18.16h3xor copy their idea and build your own
10:18.42denonwhat we need, is govt-subsidized telco :)
10:18.48denonthen we could afford all this cool stuff
10:19.07jrollysondenon: what we need is to ban ILECs from having direct customers
10:19.19jrollysonthen let the CLECs compete.
10:19.23denonwe need low-orbit satellite
10:19.29denonthen we can have a totally adhoc network
10:19.38denonand redundancy is easy
10:19.44h3xthey do compete,  they are just too dumb to provision anything but t1s
10:19.44denonbackup with wireless
10:19.51denonand backup backup with fibre, for the paranoid
10:19.59h3xfacilities ones that is
10:20.52jrollysonh3x: the CLEC I work for provisions mostly dry pairs.
10:20.56h3xthats cool
10:21.15denonI still dont know where I heard its illegal to use dry pairs for data
10:21.22denonI was told somewhere you can only do it for alarm/etc stuff
10:21.29denonmaybe it was a telco person that told me .. bastards
10:21.34jrollysondenon: its not IIRC.
10:21.49h3xit just isnt conditioned, therefore not guaranteed for data
10:22.05denonI dont really ahve a need .. though I coulda saved a bundle on a fiber run recently had I thought about a dry pair
10:22.30h3xhow can dry copper compete with fiber
10:22.32denonso are dry pairs billed by the mile or .. ?
10:22.37denonh3x: I needed distance
10:22.39jrollysonh3x: we can put in orders to condition a line, but it costs $$$
10:22.42denoncross-campus connect
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10:23.12denonultimately I dont think I woulda been happy with the speed of a dry pair anyway
10:23.30h3xfunny stuff, someone hired nevada power here to run fiber between two adjacent government buildings
10:23.34h3xthey are like
10:23.37h3x"why didnt you do it yourself?"
10:23.46h3x... "Because they tell us we have to lease everything"
10:23.57denonvegas mentality
10:24.07h3xi think they even lease their pens and office chairs
10:24.21denonh3x: so is it really as expensive to live there as people whine about?
10:24.32h3xuhm... well
10:24.35jrollysonrunning a PRI on dry copper at work. ~ 1 mile run.
10:24.41h3xnot compared to california or new york or anything
10:24.52h3xapartments cost about what a house payment does
10:24.54denonjrollyson: 1.544 isnt much for lan traffic though
10:24.58h3x(dont know why i havent moved into a house yet)
10:25.33denonjrollyson: can you do a dry run cross-carrier?
10:25.33jrollysondenon: probably not, but you can probably pull more across it.
10:26.18jrollysondenon: not sure.
10:26.18kapeat least 2mbit
10:26.18denonhook up E1 gear :)
10:26.20jrollysonthis was a 1 mile run.
10:26.24h3xclecs should use E1s
10:26.27jrollysonfairly good lines.
10:26.34h3xjust so they can be like "our pri's have 30 channels not 23"
10:26.43denonjrollyson: I had like an 800ft run
10:26.55denonit ended up being cheaper than LRE to just go fiber
10:27.08denondirect-bury copper was half the cost of fiber
10:27.26jrollysondenon: thats well in range for 802.11b
10:27.39denonyeah .. but then you've only got 11m
10:27.47denonand really only like 8 usable
10:28.09denonand the gear+ant+light arrest is again 3/4ths the cost of the fiber
10:28.36denonso why not run 3 pair of gigabit over glass
10:28.38denonfor just a lil more
10:28.48denonwas a tough call to make
10:28.58denonwhat SUCKED .. was that at the time we were using all analog pbx
10:29.07denonso I dropped 12 pair of copper in the trench too
10:29.18denoncoulda just lit up one more pair of the fiber already there now :\
10:29.50jrollysonI always pull 3 times what I need when pulling cable
10:29.50denonI just couldnt get the sip stuff pushed through fast enough
10:29.55denonand people without phones is a bad deal
10:29.59denonjrollyson: same ..
10:30.06denonso I had to do the copper .. against my will
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10:30.51h3xi just had to expand a call center that had to go to a building next door
10:30.57jrollysonI'd have dropped 2 50 pair drops.
10:31.02h3xso i had a guy trench the parking lot and just run our own conduit
10:31.10h3xwith 4x 25 pair cat3 and about 5 cat5's
10:31.20denonwhy bother with the cat3?
10:31.24denon5's so cheap
10:31.37]data[Morning Everybody
10:31.38denonyeah, but if you just use 5, you can always do ethernet over it later
10:31.52h3xUh, because cat5 25 pair cable costs like 10 times as much
10:31.59h3xbesides, 25 pair cat5 sucks anyway
10:32.11denonand occasionally I end up clipping some voice stuff and punching it down for data :)
10:32.22h3xYeah, great way to burn up some ethernet cards.
10:32.30denonwell ..
10:32.34denonunplug the other side first
10:32.57jrollysonh3x: heh, you should have heard our telephone guy moaning about 25pair cat5 ;)
10:33.04h3xwhy would you want a wire pair with a ringing phone at 90VAC 30Hz or whatever next to your gigE data
10:33.07denonblah, postfix list isnt much help
10:33.17denonI gotta find someone who really knows postfix
10:33.17jrollysontook him a while to punch down. ;)
10:33.23h3xYeah that cat5 shit is a pain in the ass to untwist
10:33.34h3xI use cat6 for my own data stuff
10:33.46denonyou find cat6 easier?
10:33.46h3xits like cutting coax...
10:34.01denonmost people prefer cat5 over 6, when wiring to spec
10:34.02h3xHell no but its a lot better for gige
10:34.26h3xbesides, i got a 1000ft spool of it from work coz they didnt use it
10:34.27denonwell, in that case, fiber's easier .. just get pre-terminated run and plug it in :)
10:34.58denonSCs are your friend
10:35.09h3xconsidering that im only using like 1 cat5 since its going from one switch to the other
10:35.40h3xThere is equipment out there that takes 8 T1s and converts to a fiber pair
10:35.47h3xkind of spiffy
10:36.02denonneat stuff
10:36.19denonhmm . .I should go to vegas, been a while
10:36.30denonguess I'm a little late to go for CES
10:37.02h3xall the trade shows here suck now
10:37.09*** join/#asterisk netwind (
10:37.14netwindhi guys
10:37.20denonh3x: last year I heard there was actually parking in the front lot of CES
10:37.23denonbad sign
10:37.31netwinddoes anybody trying asterisk with tainet venus gateways ?
10:37.36h3xyou can run a bowling ball sideways through comdex
10:37.48h3xi mean
10:38.03denonbowling balls are round, arent thye?
10:38.15netwindit supports mgcp only and low cost and hi desinty
10:38.27denonnetwind: you can do mgcp with *
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10:39.03denonnetwind: ive never tried with tainet, but test it out and let us know :)
10:39.07netwindi know ...but in practice
10:39.25netwindit seems supports even mgcp 0.1
10:41.17h3xyou wanna know something really funny
10:41.43h3xthis chick from hawaii public utilities commission was trying to fax me a list of their carriers today
10:41.52h3xand when she called me it showed a 702 number
10:42.01h3xguess their telco is using some voip kungfu
10:42.06h3xso, the stupid fax wouldnt work
10:42.13h3xit would get about 1/8th of a page and hangup and retry over and over again
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10:48.36miller7hello people
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10:51.21Mike--hi all
10:51.35miller7hey Mike--
10:51.53Mike--anyone in here good with * and sql ?
10:55.05Linkanyone know how to use xlite
10:55.17LinkI got phone registered
10:55.22Linkcan't get thing to dial
10:57.17trogsdial the number then push the green button?
11:06.40*** join/#asterisk montag (
11:07.43montaghi, it's possibile to use h323 video conferencing apps with asterisk, for video conferencing too ??? I want to  use gnomemeeting client for normal calls, and for video too.
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11:19.23sumamontag: i don't think it does suppport video codecs
11:19.31sumamontag: why don't you test it ?
11:20.18ScaredyCatiirc video is supported...
11:21.52montagsuma: i need a gatekeeper ???
11:22.04miller7anyone used Sipura lately (I mean anyone who's currenly awake)
11:22.49ScaredyCatthough i'd be happy for someone to send me one :)
11:23.38miller7apparently this box has 2 ports which makes it interesting at its cost
11:23.54miller7I think bkw has tested it
11:24.04ScaredyCat2 fxs ports
11:24.47ScaredyCataren't they just ata186's? from the original designer?
11:25.23miller7they are?
11:25.45ScaredyCati might be wrong..
11:25.49ScaredyCatgot a piccy of one?
11:26.25miller7they sure look dummy though :)
11:26.47ScaredyCathehehe... yes
11:27.53*** join/#asterisk john_galt (
11:28.17ScaredyCatso what's the problem miller7?
11:31.43john_galtwill asterisk use sound cards?
11:32.06miller7ScaredyCat: what problem?
11:32.07ScaredyCatbut only localls
11:32.11ScaredyCatbut only locally
11:32.30ScaredyCat<miller7> apparently this box has 2 ports which makes it interesting at its cost
11:32.31ScaredyCat<miller7> I think bkw has tested it
11:32.36ScaredyCatthought u had a prob
11:32.53miller7no, just curious about it
11:33.14miller7thinking whether the sample money (and mainly time...) will worth it or not
11:33.25john_galtonly locally?  seems strange it would do anything else
11:35.14ScaredyCatyes it does... but you should see some of the questions we get asked
11:35.29*** join/#asterisk Natrix (
11:35.44miller7I've read the list
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11:36.11miller7but I always keep a distant relationship to the questions on mailing lists
11:36.12ScaredyCat<ScaredyCat> sorted..
11:36.12ScaredyCat<ScaredyCat> nearly anyho..
11:36.12ScaredyCat* ScaredyCat looks for zaptel hardware.....
11:36.12ScaredyCat<ScaredyCat> :/
11:36.22miller780% of them are just bad setup/implementaion
11:37.34miller7my personal opinion on mailing list questions
11:38.24john_galtcan one can a sound card be a bidirectional endpoint or only used for things like paging?
11:38.47ScaredyCatu can use * as a phone
11:39.06ScaredyCatyou just type the commands from the CLI
11:40.14john_galtcool I've been looking for an app that would do sip AND H.323
11:40.28john_galtSIP being the hard part
11:40.58ScaredyCatSIP is the easy part :)
11:41.40john_galtbut it seems harder to find free software support for
11:41.59ScaredyCatonly cos it's newer that h323
11:42.15ScaredyCatyou run a doze box?
11:42.58john_galtnow the idea of running GNOME Meeting and asterisk on the same box sounds interisting
11:43.08john_galtnope - linux
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11:43.53ScaredyCatiirc sjlabs have a linux client - not sure about xten ..
11:45.15*** join/#asterisk asa (
11:45.34AlThe upcoming GnomeMeeting was supposed to support SIP, but I'm not sure it will. It does ALSA, though, which is nice.
11:47.41ScaredyCatu can use Gnophone to... IAX to * and sip/h323/whatever -> where ever
11:49.17john_galtnow if I could just get sip running on mi zaurus...instant 802.11 celphone
11:50.33ScaredyCatpocket pc ?
11:50.55john_galtthat's what I had in mind h323 to * to sip
11:51.19ScaredyCatif it's a pocket pc then install sjphone
11:51.29john_galtzaurus = sharp linux pda
11:51.48ScaredyCatmy bad
11:51.59john_galtgoogle for sl-5500
11:52.39john_galtso how much ps to run *
11:52.58john_galtnot ps
11:53.50john_galtperntium 90?
11:55.55Mike--hi allif I need help in configuring * with SQL .. who can help ?
12:00.12ScaredyCatdid u install openzaurus john_galt?
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12:02.19miller7$275 for the Zaurus? Isn't that expensive?
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12:39.04_dgt_hello all
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12:45.33vaewyngood 12:46UTC everyone
12:51.42LinkDoes Asterisk CDR's work
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13:06.42Gun_Bkkhello all
13:07.01Gun_Bkkhow to disable digits (f) in oh323
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13:08.54krammonin jerjer
13:08.58l-fy~seen rollergrrl
13:09.06rollergrrl <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 5d 12h 17m 19s ago, saying: 'I never said I was lesbian :p'.
13:09.06l-fyhi JerJer
13:09.06l-fyhi kram
13:09.06kramhi l-fy
13:10.11user8925good morning every1 :-)
13:10.42DL4GRCkram: do you have time for a comment about the email list?
13:14.28vaewynmorning kram
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13:22.21blitzragewoh.. tons of stuff going into CVS the last 2 days!
13:22.29illc0mmmanything good :)
13:22.35blitzragelots of bug fixes
13:22.56blitzragenothing terribly exciting, but at least some of the bugs are getting quashed!
13:22.57kramwhat about the mailing list?
13:23.16blitzrageI'm not subscribed to -users anymore.. just -dev
13:23.17kramsomeone was asking about the mailing list i think
13:23.26blitzrageoh.. that was probably before I got here :)
13:23.38kramthere's been little comment about our big announcement yesterday
13:23.40krammaybe i'll hear more today
13:24.07tholoMaybe it just got lost in all the noise?
13:24.07kramwe could have a moderated list *shrugs*
13:24.09blitzragetholo: that's why I unsubscribed :)
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13:24.22kramit was sent both to -dev and -users
13:24.31kramor we could cause -dev to be moderated
13:24.39blitzragekram, I read it, and am very excited ab out it, but didn't comment on it :)
13:24.39krambut who has the time?
13:24.48kramokay that's fine, as long as people care
13:24.51blitzrageI don't have the time anymore unfortunately...
13:25.00tholokram, there is (or was) an announce list too...  Maybe send it there, too?
13:25.01blitzragekram, I've been waiting a couple months for this announcement!
13:25.26blitzragekram, don't worry... if anything... I"m very excited :)
13:25.29kramsokay even *I* don't have the time to read much from the list
13:26.39illc0mmmkram: Announcement?
13:27.23miller7perhaps there should be distinction between new users and "old" ones
13:27.35miller7or a "newbies" only mailing list
13:27.40miller7where everyone would post
13:27.49illc0mmmah, yeah. traffic on the list is crazy
13:28.06miller7200 emails per day is a lot!
13:28.15blitzragemiller7, for sure
13:28.23blitzragemiller7, I couldn't keep up anymore.. so I unsubscribed
13:28.37tholoSeperating new and old users is not the right way to go, I think.  Moderation would be better.
13:29.00miller7tholo: perhaps moderation to post questions to different mailing list? :)
13:29.05illc0mmmman, that would be a full time job
13:29.15blitzrageyou'd need multiple moderators for sure
13:29.25miller7well, what about:
13:29.27blitzrageeither that, or posts would take like 3 days to get sent to the mailing list
13:29.30tholoAnd block simple FAQ questions, too.
13:29.40blitzrageand make a FAQ :)
13:29.46illc0mmmWell, I think that the Wiki could use some more work too.
13:29.50miller7a new subscriber is added to "newbies" only and then if his questions are ok he is moved to another mailing list?
13:29.50illc0mmmit's very good.
13:29.59illc0mmmbut there are some things in there that dont make sense to new people
13:31.41*** join/#asterisk zwi (
13:33.14tholoThe asterisk-announce list should be used for the kind of announcements that kram sent out yesterday, anyhow... ;-)
13:33.28miller7noone is subscribed to that list I think :)
13:34.01illc0mmmWhat was the announcement? I missed it. :(
13:34.29vaewynillc0mmm (and others):
13:34.36*** part/#asterisk zwi (
13:34.36illc0mmmthx :)
13:34.40vaewynnp :}
13:34.40tholoI am.  Never received anything tho.
13:35.12*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
13:37.03DL4GRCkram: Sorry.. was over writing an email on -users about your announcement yesterday and email list suggestion.
13:37.42DL4GRCkram: didn't see your reply here... didn't want to fill up IRC with a long dissertation if you were busy elsewhere.
13:37.52kramsokay i'm here but only a little bit
13:37.58kramgotta take a shower and go to work eventually
13:38.08krambut for now i'm here while i code :)
13:38.24tholoHey, did that Xilinx guy ever show...?
13:38.34miller7oh, it was you kram who didn't shower? (kidding!!) :P
13:39.09DL4GRCkram: It should be on the list. I sent it before coming back over here... in a nutshell.. Your announcement yesterday is good news and I think that all the discussion should stop and everyone work to implement what you posted.
13:39.34blitzragehehe.. asterisk back up and running on my Fedora box in less than 10 minutes
13:39.47DL4GRCkram: email list:  Suggest ListServe with topic keywords instead of multiple mailman lists.
13:40.15DL4GRCblitzrage: complete build in 10 minutes?
13:40.35blitzrageDL4GRC, configuration... if you include time to pull it from CVS and build time.. like 15 mins...
13:41.35blitzrageDL4GRC, I already have the .conf files from before, so I just had to moved over the init files for zaptel and asterisk to /etc/rc.d/init.d, edit the zaptel file, cp over the zaptel config file to sysconfig, move the .conf files back to /etc/asterisk, and I'm done :)
13:41.38DL4GRCblitzrage: not bad.. takes signifantly longer on my Pentium 100!!! But then it is a P100 32 MB.  BTW.. I never heard from that IT guy over here about student jobs at our factory over there.
13:42.36blitzrageDL4GRC, yah, this is building on my AMD 1800 with 256 RAM :)
13:42.42blitzragea touch quicker...
13:46.09blitzrageok.. gotta go and get ready and head to the school for a long day of work.  Later all
13:47.12*** join/#asterisk jamie (
13:48.48vaewynhahaha... I had never listened to the tt-* sounds... those are HILARIOUS!
13:49.33kramstill here, DL?
13:52.58miller7LOL -->
13:53.11DL4GRCkram: yes
13:53.17voidptrtime for new years drink
13:53.19voidptrfree beer
13:53.58max5529someone know how I can enable log for in and out call in the file master.csv
13:59.08FuzzyCatJan  9 14:40:05 WARNING[1467415]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 2297 (iax2_send): Out of trunk data space on call number 16388, dropping
13:59.08FuzzyCatJan  9 14:40:05 NOTICE[1503254]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 1787 (iax2_read): I should never be called!
13:59.08FuzzyCatJan  9 14:40:20 WARNING[1491988]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 2297 (iax2_send): Out of trunk data space on call number 16387, dropping
13:59.08FuzzyCatJan  9 14:40:20 WARNING[1467415]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 2297 (iax2_send): Out of trunk data space on call number 16388, dropping
13:59.10FuzzyCatJan  9 14:40:20 NOTICE[1504272]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 1787 (iax2_read): I should never be called!
13:59.22RoyK~lart FuzzyCat
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14:07.37max5529someone know how I can enable log for in and out call in the file master.csv
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14:09.10john_galtsorry I've been away...I will be installing open zaurus
14:15.07]data[is anyone seeing pages of: WARNING[2051]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 3925 (socket_read): Error: Resource temporarily unavailable type errors recently?
14:15.27]data[like every 4-5 secs?
14:15.38RoyK]data[: it means that your CDROM is spinning backwards
14:15.51]data[RoyK: nice try, but server has no cdrom :)
14:16.12RoyKthe floppy drive, then :)
14:16.37illc0mmmhard drive >
14:17.30knight-anyone know where I can get a 650 AC DID with unlimited incoming calls?
14:18.11jrollysonwhere is 650?
14:18.26knight-Bay Area, California
14:18.40knight-more specifically, i'm in Palo Alto, CA
14:18.43h3xAC ?
14:19.24knight-A)rea C)ode
14:19.26h3xoh area code
14:19.33ManxPowerknight-, Packet8, Vonage, both need external hardware.
14:19.55ManxPowerUnlimited mins or unlimited calls at the same time?
14:20.40ManxPowerYou can also try voicepulse.
14:20.52ManxPowerI'm sure there are a few more than I don't know of
14:20.55knight-I have voicepulse, there's no west coast.
14:21.17knight-I dont have hardware... just the asterisk box with my x100p and my quicknet
14:21.59ManxPowerPacket8 and Vonage both provide hardware that you can connect into an X100P
14:22.07ManxPowerSince their devices emulate a phone line
14:22.26knight-Right, I dont want their hardware :P
14:22.39ManxPowerI don't blame you.
14:22.42ManxPowerBut there MAY be no other choice.
14:22.43knight-I plug my 900mhz cordless into my PhoneJack
14:23.04knight-Then I stick to trusty, faithful, and fairpriced SBC
14:23.13ManxPowerYou can always wait 6 months, there might be more options then.
14:23.28knight-indeed, i've thought about becoming a provider here
14:23.32tholoHey, did that Xilinx guy ever show...?
14:24.24kramyessir he did
14:24.25ManxPowertholo, Which problem?
14:24.37jrollysonkram: the announcement yesterday sounds good...
14:24.38kramalso, tholo...
14:25.38kramwhile we haven't completely finished the new firmware...
14:25.38tholoAn issue with the TE410P on certain systems.
14:25.43krami have a new suggestion which may make a difference
14:25.43kramyou are running IDE right?
14:25.46tholoNope, SCSI.
14:25.46illc0mmmwho is illc0mm?
14:25.48kramoh :(
14:25.53tholoYou were gonna suggest forcing a different DMA mode for the disks, weren't you?
14:26.09kramwe could definitely duplicate that causing problems
14:26.42illc0mmmkram: what about command queuing?
14:26.43tholoWith the modified firmware as well?
14:26.50krami don't know
14:26.58kramwith the modified firmware only in so far as it hasn't yet been fixed :)
14:27.02illc0mmmI've seen that cause some funky errors in windows
14:27.12]data[ello kram :)
14:27.27krameven with the modified firmware, it still makes it take errors, but the problem here is recovery
14:28.15]data[What would cause pages of 'WARNING[2051]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 3925 (socket_read): Error: Resource temporarily unavailable' messages between 2 asterisk servers? 1 just forwarding calls to another via IAX2/guest@ ? :{ getting em every 3-4 seconds atm :{
14:28.38kramtypically a bad UDP checksum
14:28.42tholoThe previous fix would almost be acceptable, except I am now seeing it happen in the opposite direction (much more seldom), and that is a bit harder to detect...
14:28.43kramethereal should be able to confirm that
14:28.54kramtholo: yes
14:29.02kramwe're working on a hardware fix though
14:29.27tholoI.e. now purefuly firmware?
14:29.40kramerr, firmware, sorry
14:29.47krambut point being the fix resides preimarily on the xilinx
14:29.51kramnot in the driver
14:29.55krambut it's very tricky
14:30.05*** part/#asterisk illc0mmm (
14:30.14tholoYeah, I had kind of expected as much once I actually understoon your explanation of the problem. ;-)
14:30.50krameven on the xilinx, we're getting it to the point that it still can move from one channel to another
14:30.58krambut only off by one as far as we've seen
14:31.03krambut clearly it must be able to become off by 0
14:37.19tholoEven if it has to be done by injecting all zero frames...  Just to stay in sync.
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14:50.08KillerBeeanyone having issues with IPKALL?
14:53.42tclarktholo: still here ?
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15:00.45KillerBeeyo yo yooooooooooo!
15:01.02KillerBeeanyone else having problems with IPKALL.........
15:06.06ManxPowerSubject: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Development Updates  <-- YAY YAY YAY!
15:06.29ManxPowerKillerBee, Does anyone even know what IPKALL is?
15:06.45KillerBeeManxPower.... Dunno
15:06.49Arc_TangentAnyone have problems with call holding and transfers with Cisco 7960 phones? (Doesn't seem the affect my Grandstream ones)
15:07.13upsitetangel nope ..but with 7940&voicemail ;)
15:07.20KillerBeeManxPower  just wondering.. if it's just me...
15:07.37upsiteTangent nope ..but with 7940&voicemail ;)
15:07.58*** join/#asterisk HADSARE (H@
15:08.25HADSAREwhich ISDN card supports CAPI?
15:08.30Tangentupsite: What sort of voicemail problem?
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15:09.32zigmanHADSARE eicon divas and avm fritz card
15:09.39upsiteTangent .. the phone need nearly 5 minutes to get informed of a new voicemail ...and after hearing it an readilng the voicemail its plaing .."you hav...god bye"
15:10.11upsitewhat is the correct dtmfmod value for the 7940 ?
15:10.44zigmanHADSARE glad i could help
15:10.44Tangentupsite: Hrm.. I don't know how to fix those ones :(
15:11.07zigmanupsite rtfm :P
15:11.25*** join/#asterisk CharS (~chris@
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15:11.28zigman?? wiki
15:12.09CharSDoes anyone have any experience with Fritz! crads from AVM?
15:12.17zoathey work sweet
15:12.20CharSI want to put 2 of them in a box
15:12.24zoalike a baby's ass
15:12.34zigmanCharS work very well
15:12.39faq is, like, at, or asking smart questions at
15:12.58CharSok. some reseller told me I could only put 1 in a box
15:13.04zigmanCharS nope
15:13.13zigmanwith some tweaks you can use 2
15:13.20CharSbut then again he said the driver was closed source as well
15:13.28zigmanwhat do you want to do ? is many an issue ?
15:13.42zigmanbad typo
15:13.54CharSI have 2 BRI
15:14.25zigmanif you want a good system go with the
15:14.28CharSand approx 4 PSTN phones.. I want to use
15:14.32*** join/#asterisk crontibs (
15:14.51CharSyeah, that's what the salesman told me
15:14.59CharSit's about 700 euro's
15:15.23CharS2 fritzes would be 160
15:15.25sumai have a problem configuring mgcp with *
15:15.54zoastay away from pstn
15:16.17sumayes, when i gt something free i should utilise it right without money
15:16.27sumai have got a unit from BT
15:16.36sumaand it has its ata config with mgcp
15:16.46sumai have free calls to anywhere in the UK
15:17.39sumabut i could not configure  MGCP with * with the existing ata parameters
15:18.36CharSbut apart from the 2 extra TN/TE BRI which I could connect with the ISDN2analog boxes we use now.. What are the con's for 2 fritz cards instead of the QuadBRI?
15:20.44netwindsuma: i can't change ata parameters?
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15:22.27mbrancawb kram
15:24.46kramthank ye
15:26.35*** part/#asterisk sts (~sts@
15:27.35upsiteGot SIP response 484 "Address Incomplete" back  ?!?!? wtf ?
15:27.54sumanetwind: what is the problem ?
15:28.58netwindsuma: same question to you)
15:29.25netwindsuma: asterisk haven't problems ..most
15:29.41sumai have an ata with mgcp parameters
15:29.43netwindexcept gateway namings with []
15:29.56sumai have an ata withadmh323
15:29.58KillerBeesuma .. put the SIP image on it/
15:30.14sumamy provider only supports MGCP
15:30.33sumai want to connect with them MGCP with the ATA Parameters
15:30.47KillerBeedunno.. I use the SIP image...
15:30.58sumayou mean with the BT, UK ???
15:31.02sumaoh ok
15:31.06netwindand what?
15:31.24sumahow would I configure ?
15:31.40netwindusemgcp 1, set call agent
15:31.40sumathere is no parameter such as username & secret with MGCP
15:32.11netwindata have channel names instead
15:32.35JerJerthe Fax already hadled bug hasn't been stomped on yet?
15:33.02netwindof course you network must be secure, mgcp totally haven't security features
15:33.15sumathat is really good for me netwind
15:33.36sumanobody can misuse with asterisk, i want to control with asterisk
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15:44.08dmesuma: is this 'BT Broadband Voice' or something else?
15:47.26upsitecan i write with a 7940 the running config to the tftp-server? for updateting/archiving the conf-files?
15:47.56]data[bt sucks
15:48.09bkw_upsite don't think you can
15:48.11jetsupsite: you lost me in your english.
15:48.17jetsupsite: ohh i gotcha
15:48.19jetsupsite: no.
15:48.23*** join/#asterisk HoopyCat (
15:48.29upsiteok thnx ;)
15:48.42upsitegot lost in my english too ;)
15:49.04HoopyCatknow how iax2 will natively bridge two iax2 endpoints (e.g. if you route a call 1 -> 2 -> 3, and 1 and 3 can reach each other, it'll send the packets 1<->3)?  is there any way to turn that off?  :-)
15:49.33*** join/#asterisk Zebble (
15:50.33HoopyCat180 packets transmitted, 111 packets received, 38% packet loss   <--- bad way to start a morning
15:51.24zoatell me about it
15:51.35zoai suddenly have a 2seconds delay on a big link :(
15:51.39zoasome cable broke
15:53.02HoopyCatvoice is, amazingly enough, working ok; however, our sales department, in their infinite whizdumb, sold them fax service... and the shortest path between here and there involves two backbones, two major cities, and a carrier that has been bought out thrice in the last year
15:53.11HoopyCatbut that's neither here nor there.
15:53.57HoopyCat(we also got a DoS attack this morn; which is, also, neither here nor there.  and our PBX rebooted this morning, and didn't bother to actually bring the T1 between it and the asterisk server back up... but, again, that is water under the bridge.  and did i mention my breath tastes like extra sharp cheddar and i have no idea why?)
15:54.31bkw_stop suckin on that cheese stick
15:54.32KillerBeeHoopyCat.. I got ya beat...
15:54.41HoopyCatbut yes.  these two places need to not talk to each other.  :-)
15:55.20KillerBeeHoopyCat Some moron in our network department decided to "add a static route"  to one of our edge routers
15:55.36KillerBeeI guess cause they though .. It would be best...
15:56.00KillerBeehad an outage for almost 18 hours... cause he would not own up to it
15:56.12HoopyCatkiller:  i was that moron once.  *once*.  now i have an ACL filtering our BGP announcements...
15:56.47KillerBeeI want to drink a little more coffee.... BEFORE I START TO BEAT HIM
15:57.00HoopyCat"Hmm, can't reach you very well over (carrier1).  But (carrier2) looks good.  How 'bout I put a static route in...  (ip route theirnetwork theirnetmask ournexthop)"  "Well, we'll see how tha-- uhh..."
15:57.24KillerBeeHoopyCat... It's one thing to make a mistake.....It's a VERY different thing NOT to own up to it..
15:57.35KillerBeewe could of had it fixed real fast
15:58.09HoopyCat*nod*  god knows i make mistakes
15:58.21KillerBeeI think I'm gonna give the guy a few days off to think about it....
15:58.23bkw_KillerBee I would have fired him
15:58.58bkw_KillerBee rancid would have helped
15:59.01KillerBeebkw_... see how it goes.......just might...
15:59.24bkw_anytime a conf is changed se diff it automatically and store it
16:00.11KillerBeeI had to run around for 8 hours.. everyone pointing to someone else...
16:00.19*** part/#asterisk benngard (
16:00.40bkw_Routing is something I NEVER touch on border routers
16:00.47bkw_that shit is black magic as it is
16:00.55]data[arouting rox :]
16:01.23bkw_we have OSPF spewing forth all over our network
16:01.29]data[HoopyCat: notransfer=yes is your friend
16:01.44HoopyCatdata:  ah, cool.  i shall try that.
16:01.46*** join/#asterisk snotaars (~snotaars@
16:01.50]data[i use it all the time
16:01.57HoopyCaton the phone with digium now.  orbital / halcyon + on + on == awesome hold music
16:02.20KillerBeetwo fucking carriers AND the local guys... all pointing to each other....
16:02.46]data[static routes rock!
16:02.56]data[none of this igp bollocks :}
16:03.59KillerBeeI'm sure at the very least you know... if it stops working after messing with static routes.......
16:04.52HoopyCati also discovered there's a box of new electrical outlets on my desk, and i have a wiring project this weekend at home
16:04.55wsuffdamn i gotta go computer shopping
16:05.11KillerBeetoo bad I cant use corporal punishment
16:05.20KillerBeeman I miss "THE OLD DAYS'
16:05.32wsuffgonna hit dad up for a new hub what the hell
16:07.13JerJerNO you want a switch
16:07.27JerJerBGP! BGP!
16:09.20jetsJerJer: so i'm reading around about SCCP.... did you write chan_skinny... or i guess my question is what skinny protocol support have you written
16:09.49JerJeri wrote chan_skinny, yes
16:10.12jetsalso the other day you mentioned if i sent you the 7935 conference phone you'd get it to work :P  -- Woudl we get the phone back / would you charge us for it?
16:10.32JerJeror yeah 7935 is good :)
16:10.41HoopyCatooh yeah.  notransfer r0x.
16:10.54jetsJerJer: huh?
16:12.08zoayou should at least tel him have the phone
16:12.12JerJeri spoze i could ship the fone back when the work is done, but it would be nice if i could keep it so i can get something for my time
16:12.21bkw_for 34.95/mth I can get unlimited calling to Canada and the US50 on two lines
16:12.22zoafor bugfixes etc :)
16:12.37zoacool bkw
16:12.40zoahook me up :)
16:13.00[Rami]does anyone know what could be the reason of ignorepat not working for me? I have it in the begining of the context and still no use...
16:13.36_E_lookin' for a hand with a segfault scenario
16:13.37_E_WARNING[33663047]: File channel.c, Line 843 (ast_waitfor_nandfds): Thread 33663047 Blocking 'SIP/', already blocked b15376 in procedure ast_waitfor_nandfds
16:13.37_E_!! Forcing immediate crash a-la abort !!
16:13.49_E_i think i found the thread that died and the lock
16:13.51bkw__E_ good info
16:13.54_E_using the stuff from voip-info
16:13.57*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
16:14.09bkw_[Rami] ignorepat only works with zap devices not sip..
16:14.10_E_just wanna make sure i get everything i needed in the ticket
16:15.21[Rami]bkw_: oh so it wouldn't work with my ata...
16:15.45[Rami]that explains it...
16:15.55[Rami]bkw_: that's dude..
16:16.02[Rami]that's thanks
16:16.20_E_will the bt and the ast_mutex_t contents be enough ?
16:16.34*** join/#asterisk _jackhamr (~jackhamr@
16:18.38KillerBeek... I'm off the beat the network engineer... be back later
16:18.40heisonwhat am i doing wrong here...
16:18.44heisonexten => _9NXXNXXXXXX,1,ChanIsAvail(${TRUNK})
16:18.44heisonexten => _9NXXNXXXXXX,2,GotoIf($[${AVAILCHAN} = Zap/1]?3:4)
16:18.44heisonexten => _9NXXNXXXXXX,3,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:1})
16:18.44heisonexten => _9NXXNXXXXXX,4,Dial(IAX2/heison@NuFone/1${EXTEN:1})
16:18.58_jackhamrwhat are you trying to accomplish
16:19.03ManxPower[Rami], SIP devices provide their own dialtone, therefore ignorepat won't work with SIP devices.
16:19.30heisonwhen i try to dial a number, i get a fast busy, and all I saw on the console was:
16:19.35ManxPower[Rami], Some SIP devices, like the Cisco ATA-186 allow you do configure a dialplan in the device and do something similar to ignorepat
16:20.04heisononly the last line
16:20.40*** join/#asterisk vaewyn (
16:20.50bkw_who wants unlimited calling to the US and Canada?
16:20.51j35i do :)
16:21.06vaewyngot it already :P
16:21.13JerJeron pri, right?
16:21.19bkw_JerJer I wish
16:21.30bkw_SBC is silly
16:21.36bkw_they let that one plan cover two lines
16:21.50bkw_lets add a line and rape them for all we can
16:22.47ManxPowerBellSouth has similar "unlimited" LD plans on residential lines.
16:24.19zoabkw bkw bkw
16:24.21zoame me me :)
16:24.46*** join/#asterisk Exomorph (
16:24.55*** join/#asterisk _jackhamr (~jackhamr@
16:24.55vaewynarghh... any way to tell if the phone on the passthrough on the FXO interface has picked up... and if so DON'T go to voicemail  :P
16:25.13ManxPowervaewyn, No way at all.
16:25.39vaewynManxPower: can I listen for a second and see if there is silence.. and if not then do the voicemail?
16:25.56ManxPowervaewyn, I don't know, but I doubt it without patching Asterisk.
16:26.14ManxPowerBut you can always ask on the mailing list or check the archives.
16:26.39vaewynWhen I pick the passthrough up the meridian stops the ringing... there would have to be a way to detect that
16:27.14YoYoline => * => all your other phones
16:27.32zoawtf is a BOUNTY ?
16:27.38vaewynYoYo: would mean getting another card though :{
16:27.39YoYoIOW, don't use the pass through on the FXO
16:27.42zoaisnt that some kind of chocolate snack ?
16:27.45jetszoa: I have a bounty out on your head.
16:27.46]data[16:12 < HoopyCat> ooh yeah.  notransfer r0x.
16:27.48YoYovaewyn, so?
16:27.50]data[sure does :D
16:27.52*** topic/#asterisk by kram -> 0.7.0 to be released Monday. if you have bugs to be fixed, talk to a marshal today
16:27.56*** join/#asterisk [Marsgov] (
16:28.00vaewynYoYo: so... == $$$$$$
16:28.06zoacooool kram
16:28.14ManxPowerThe passthru is there for when asterisk has crashed and you need to make a call.
16:28.15YoYoeverything else goes through *
16:28.16zoa~en fr bounty
16:28.42vaewyn]data[: kinky
16:28.48zoa~fr en bounty
16:29.10]data[vaewyn: :]
16:29.13vaewynohh well.. thanks for the info guys... I'm outta here :P have a good weekend
16:29.28*** part/#asterisk vaewyn (
16:30.28kramthat's cute
16:30.44*** join/#asterisk l-fy (
16:30.44HoopyCatkram:  btw, orbital / halcyon == good hold music track :-)
16:30.46zoakram kram kram
16:30.51zoawtf is bounty ?
16:30.53kramwhat's up?
16:31.04krambounty is if someone says "i want to pay for this bug to be fixed"
16:32.22zoaheya lfy
16:33.04zoakram, any chance of anthms patches making version 0.7 ?
16:33.10zoaespecially the deadlock fixes ?
16:33.38JerJerzoa: have they been WELL tested?
16:33.41kramprobably needs to come through a marshall
16:33.50JerJerzoa: do you need a system to test them on?
16:34.24jimmyzwhen you monitor a call where does it there a default
16:34.34YoYo* is so cool...  3" of snow on the ground, and my employee is working from his home
16:34.44zoajerjer: anthm is running them in production
16:34.50zoafor quite some time now
16:35.05YoYoI'm using anthm's patches (queue 12.01) in production
16:35.10T`is there any voip company which allows free 1800 numbers in the US ?
16:35.16tholoBut if only Anthm is testing / running them, that's not enough people...
16:35.19YoYothe later patches were hacks he did for me, but weren't well tested
16:35.21T`calling 1800 numbers freely i mean
16:35.22VoipYour employee has to work from home because of 3" of snow????
16:35.36YoYovoip: school is closed... he stays home with his kid
16:35.38zoathe problem is that a Q is difficult to test
16:35.44zoawith a lot of load
16:35.46zoafor a long time
16:36.03dnckram: is there anyway apart from starting asterisk yourself to get all the messages printed to the console.  it seems if you connect with -r you dont get half as much information
16:36.05YoYoalso, the tires on his car came with a warning label: "not safe in snow or ice"
16:36.19zoadns: true
16:36.25zoabut i think there is a patch for it
16:36.29zoadnc i mean
16:36.39zoaand i also think it should be in 0.7 :)
16:36.39*** join/#asterisk bobov (
16:36.46YoYozoa, the queue is /easy/ to test
16:36.53zoayes but not under heavy load
16:36.56tclarkdnc: use screen, or apply patchs for ,log & tail the messages file :)
16:36.58dncits a real pain - because i cant keep on taking my servers down for me to restart them myself - just to see the error messages being generated
16:37.04YoYome and bkw loaded up the queue with 50+ calls for the patch we did
16:37.08bobovAnybody know what to do about "Peer is now TOO LAGGED" message?
16:37.09zoadns: same here
16:37.16zoayoyo: how did you do it ?
16:37.20T`someone can please allow me to call a 1800 number through their US gatewey if possilbe ?
16:37.31zoagot the code for that call generator ?
16:37.45YoYoor some such shit
16:38.03anthmdnc use screen to run the console so you can detach and rejoin and leave it running  
16:38.38dncanthm: ive had problems with asterisk crashing if you leave the proper console open for 24+ hours
16:38.41tholobobov:  Fix the network or increase the max latency in qualify= or stop using qualify=yes
16:39.14zoamy telco gave me a new telephone number
16:39.20_jackhamrdnc: what console are you leaving open
16:39.23zoathat belonged to the helpdesk of a calling card company before
16:39.26zoathat is not funny
16:39.29tholoKewl! :)
16:39.48tholoDuh...  Errr...  My card doesn't work...  Can you, like, help?
16:39.50dnc_jackhamr: if you start asterisk with say asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvgc and leave it running... after a day or so it breaks very badly
16:39.58zoamy card doesnt work, help me out
16:40.00zoain bad dutch
16:40.14zoaits very usefull :)
16:40.16_jackhamrdnc: oic.
16:40.43tclarkdnc: i do that under screen on for production box's ?
16:41.16zoabut then you don't have safe_asterisk
16:41.16[Sim]dnc: find all the printf's in the code and replace them with ast_verbose
16:41.20dncso my asterisk's are started with init.d scripts - all to run, so we can connect with asterisk -r when we need to see the console
16:41.20zoaif you use safe_asterisk
16:41.23[Sim]do the same for all your AGI's
16:41.28[Sim]that will help :)
16:41.37zoayou should be able to do asterisk -r -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
16:41.51kramanyway if there are bugs, get them through a marshall to me
16:41.53kramso i can look at them
16:41.55tclarkscreen -a -d -m asterisk -vvvvvvgnc
16:41.59dnci think that the -vvvvvv stuff should be improved to get the correct messages going to a remote console
16:42.01kramtclark: did that ztd-eth fix owrk?
16:42.25bobovtholo, while I was waiting for an answer, I set qualify to yes. It had been at 200 millisecond.
16:42.28zoakram: do you have some time ?
16:42.34tclarkmark i did not have that issue, was just posting to some one on the user-list :)
16:42.37kramzoa: not really
16:42.42kramnot right now anyhow
16:42.47krami'm working on TE405/TE410P stuff
16:42.54bobovHave you ever seen "auto_congest" in the SIP log?
16:42.56zoaaha, thats great
16:43.03srinivaswhat is TE405?
16:43.14ManxPowerI still think that with IAX2 trunking, TDM-ETH spans should go away
16:43.14tholoA 5v version of a TE410P
16:43.21dncsrinivas: 5 volt pci version of the TE410P
16:43.25zoakram i noticed in cvs that there is something to monitor
16:43.33zoathe stop generating interupts
16:43.39zoahow can i see that ?
16:43.54zoain the changelog its says something as logged missed interrupts
16:43.58tholocat /proc/interrupts ?
16:44.04tclarkrandom non power off reboots
16:44.26tclarkyea what tholo says is how to see it
16:44.31*** join/#asterisk pisces (
16:44.36zoagoddamn another call from those bastards
16:44.43zoamy card doesnt work
16:44.45bobovAnybody know what causes SIP debug message "auto_congest"?
16:44.48tclarktholo: you have seen the same issue ?
16:44.49zoamaybe i should start selling cards
16:44.51jets~seen zozo
16:45.00jets: i haven't seen 'zozo'
16:45.00_jackhamrzoa: good idea
16:45.00piscesNeed help with compilation, can someone help me? :)
16:45.16tholoI have not seen interrupt issues, no.  I've seen other problems.
16:45.25zoatclark and tholo : i don't think so
16:45.29zoait should log it somewhere
16:45.34zoaaccording to the cvs changelof
16:45.52tholoA missed interrupt is different from stopping generating interrupts.
16:45.53piscesCan I just paste the error message from my Asterisk installation ?
16:46.00zoawel a missed interrupt then
16:46.12zoafish: go ahead
16:46.15tholoA missed interrupt would be logged...
16:46.23pisceszoa: Allright. Hold.
16:46.23zoawhere when how ?
16:46.25zoawhat file ?
16:46.38tclarktholo: like not passing dialed digits some times ?
16:46.46tholoSomewhere in zaptel.
16:46.55*** join/#asterisk bde (
16:48.00tholotclark: No -- subchannels on a PRI getting out of sync (such that the D channel starts being received or transmitted on something else than offset 16 on an E1)...
16:48.14zoakram if you want axx to a box that already stopped taking interrupts for 3 times now, let me know
16:49.50piscespbx_gtkconsole.c: In function `__verboser':
16:49.50piscespbx_gtkconsole.c:101: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type
16:49.50piscesgcc -shared -Xlinker -x -o pbx_gtkconsole.o `gtk-config --libs gthread`
16:49.50piscescollect2: ld returned 1 exit status
16:49.50piscesmake[1]: *** [] Error 1
16:49.50piscesmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk/pbx'
16:49.52piscesmake: *** [subdirs] Error 1
16:50.01pisces.. ?
16:50.12l-fypisces > do you need gtk console?
16:50.27piscesYes please
16:50.51tclarkzoa: if you reboot(dont power cycle) that box when it stop generrating interupts, then load the drivers & cat /proc/interrupts does it show 0
16:51.18tholoThere seems to be at least one line missing in that paste -- exactly why ld/collect2 failed.  The stuff before it is just a warning.
16:51.52T`anyone can suggest a frees sip client for windows
16:52.03piscestholo: yes, my irc client didn't paste one line
16:52.15piscesT`: x-lite
16:52.26bkw_T` Windows Messenger
16:52.32pisces/usr/include/gtk-1.2/gtk/gtkitemfactory.h:48: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
16:52.33piscesthat line
16:53.00tholoWhich is just a warning, too, and does not have anything to do with the collect2 or ld problem...
16:53.08pisceswhat do i have to do=
16:53.17tholoNo idea -- I don't use GTK.
16:53.29zoatclark i cant remember
16:53.33zoamaybe lfy remembers
16:53.37zoalf-gyyyy :)
16:53.52zoa<tclark> zoa: if you reboot(dont power cycle) that box when it stop generrating interupts, then load the drivers & cat /proc/interrupts does it show 0
16:54.00zoado you remember lfy ?
16:54.08l-fyzoa > what?
16:54.18zoawhat tclarck is asking me :)
16:54.29zoayou had a look at my server when i had that problem
16:54.32l-fyzoa > i'm not your memory
16:54.44l-fyyou mean cdr
16:54.44zoabut you had a look at it
16:54.48l-fyor interups?
16:54.52zoathe interrupts
16:54.56zoaSE PENIS !
16:55.02l-fythe problem was with acpi
16:55.10piscesI want to get this thing working :/
16:55.16l-fythat was so crazy about staying loaded
16:55.29bkw_doughecka did that
16:55.42zoayeah right
16:55.45zoayou did it yourself
16:55.46zoai'm sure
16:55.50*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
16:55.52JerJerthat's funny!
16:55.53bkw_doughecka did it
16:56.05tholoIt is nice that the signal-to-noise ratio here is declining almost as quickly as on the mailing lists...
16:56.09l-fyzoa > i did what?
16:56.21zoano no, bkw did it himself :)
16:56.32bkw_SHHH back on topic please
16:56.32zoalfy: a lot of people seem to have the same problem
16:56.35bkw_we have alot of work to do
16:56.37zoai don't think its acpi
16:56.41*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by bkw_
16:56.46l-fyzoa > is a problem with acpi
16:56.52bdeanyone know why calls would suddenly hang up when i dial in from a regular phone line, but it works if i dial sip phone to sip phone  
16:56.53bkw_tholo I swear its not my fault!
16:56.56l-fyzoa > you have to disable that from bios
16:57.15bdeit hangs up as soon as i accept the call in sjphone, when its from an outside line
16:57.17bkw_bde callprogress and busydetect
16:57.18l-fybde > man do you have in zaptel.conf busywaiting= yes?
16:57.32piscesNoone could help me?
16:57.53zoanot me fish
16:57.58bkw_pisces we can only help those that are willing to help themselves
16:58.03tholobkw_: You swear the declining s/n ratio is not your fault?
16:58.04piscesbkw_: I am?
16:58.10zoabut if i see nemo, i'll send him your way
16:58.11bdebkw: what do those do?
16:58.14bkw_tholo haha yep
16:58.20jimmyzbkw: is there docs on how to record all phone calls
16:58.35bkw_jimmyz show application Monitor
16:58.41bkw_and toss in some imagination
16:58.56bkw_exten => s,1,SetVar(CALLFILENAME=${TIMESTAMP}-${ARG2}-${ARG1})
16:58.56bkw_exten => s,2,Monitor(wav,${CALLFILENAME})
16:58.59tholobkw_: I am not at all sure I agree with you on that, actually... ;-)
16:59.41*** join/#asterisk jtew__ (
17:00.35Alkram: Are xilinx being cooperative?
17:00.37*** part/#asterisk pisces (
17:02.15bkw_bling bling
17:02.43bkw_or is that blink blink
17:03.18bkw_zoa good point stable GCC is a pus
17:03.25loko-mokoarg fuckin california taxes
17:03.25bdebkw: should i set callprogress and busydetect to on or off?
17:03.35loko-mokoPRI taxes are $150 in LA
17:03.37bkw_bde no
17:03.50bkw_loko-moko look at the federal tariffs
17:03.55bkw_loko-moko they might trump the states
17:04.16loko-mokoFederal excise tax (3.00%)
17:04.16loko-mokoCA- State E-911 (0.72%)
17:04.16loko-mokoCA- PUC  (0.11%)
17:04.16loko-mokoCA- ULTS (1.10%)
17:04.16loko-mokoCA - DEAF (0.047%)
17:04.16loko-mokoCA - High Cost B(2.20%)
17:04.16loko-mokoCA - High Cost A(0.17%)
17:04.16loko-mokoLos Angeles, CA utility user tax (10.00%)
17:04.32bkw_haha Its the Terminator Tax
17:04.33_jackhamrloko: thats because it's a communist state.
17:04.49loko-moko10 % for LA blows
17:05.01*** join/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
17:05.02zoabkw, do you have some time in an hour ?
17:05.41zoato do some debugging ?
17:06.01zoaguys guys, how many of you are using trunking ?
17:06.13zoaas i suspect there are a lot of issues with trunking :(
17:08.02zoaand i think noone is using it :)
17:08.20jsmithzoa: I'm using it... a ton!
17:08.25jsmithzoa: What's the problem?
17:08.30tholoI'm using it, and not seeing any problems.
17:08.38zoawell, in the beginning it worked fine
17:08.43zoathen i did some changes in iax.conf
17:08.51zoaand on a iax2 trunk debug, it showed nothing
17:09.06zoalike if there were no peers that had trunk=yes
17:09.13zoai recreated the file from scratch
17:09.15jsmithzoa: Two thinks break trunking... first, you can't use host=dynamic
17:09.29jsmithzoa: Second, you *absolutely* have to have a timing device
17:09.31*** join/#asterisk arcaidy (
17:09.37zoaafter that it seemed to work
17:09.44bdebkw: it still hangs up, any other ideas?
17:09.49zoaso after putting a host=ip
17:09.49jsmithzoa: (Third, if you're using the ilbc codec, you have to change some things to make it work)
17:09.55zoai'm using ilbc
17:09.59zoatellme :)
17:10.03zoaits working but only one way
17:10.14zoathe host = dynamic sounds stupid to me
17:10.19jsmithzoa: Hold on... let me look at my config...
17:10.36zoaanyway, i think the fact that can't set host=dynamic is a bug
17:10.44zoaa i see no reason for that
17:11.06zoathere seems to be some obscure parsing error (maybe invisible characters?)
17:11.30zoaand its very weird to see one way trunking :)
17:13.57heisoni'm trying to use my nufone account as a back to my PSTN line when dialing local calls, but it doesn't seem to work, any clue?
17:13.59heisonexten => _9NXXNXXXXXX,1,ChanIsAvail(Zap/1&IAX2/heison@NuFone)
17:13.59heisonexten => _9NXXNXXXXXX,2,GotoIf($[${AVAILCHAN} = Zap/1]?3:4)
17:13.59heisonexten => _9NXXNXXXXXX,3,Dial(${AVAILCHAN}/1${EXTEN:1})
17:13.59heisonexten => _9NXXNXXXXXX,4,Dial(${AVAILCHAN}/${EXTEN:1})
17:15.25*** join/#asterisk asterisk (~asterisk@
17:15.52*** join/#asterisk ample_ (
17:16.44*** part/#asterisk asterisk (~asterisk@
17:17.27ample_Is there a way to see a version number in cvs?
17:19.45Al"show version" at the console
17:20.03AlWill show you when * was built if you did a make update
17:20.18Al(or checked it out fresh)
17:21.14ample_but it doesn't show the same version kram is talking about
17:21.29huatsusing manager what cna I do to get all the currently used Channels ?
17:23.18*** join/#asterisk token (
17:23.27tokenbkw you there
17:24.14tokenAnyone Switch SCCP Cisco Phone to SIP?  I can do MGCP --> SIP no prolem SCCP --SIP sucks
17:24.20*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
17:25.40mbrancaeh eh marshals :) nice name
17:25.51bdeanyone know what this error means? WARNING[1200825920]: File file.c, Line 725 (ast_streamfile): Unable to open sales (format ULAW): No such file or directory
17:26.19zoajsmith, honey i'm hoooome :)
17:26.29dougheckalol, #bzflag is crazy :)
17:27.03dougheckaeverybody join in the festivitys!!!
17:27.32tokenAnyone Switch SCCP Cisco Phone to SIP?  I can do MGCP --> SIP no prolem SCCP --SIP sucks
17:27.35*** join/#asterisk russT (
17:27.42heisongot it... no need to check channel...
17:27.49HoopyCatbde:  are you playback/backgrounding a file called sales, that doesn't exist?
17:27.52heisonexten => _9NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:1})
17:27.52heisonexten => _9NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(IAX2/heison@NuFone/1${EXTEN:1})
17:28.09heisonjust those line would work, since the ${TRUNK} will report busy
17:28.25*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
17:29.23jsmithbde: Are you using a version from CVS before 12/31/03, and using AGIs by chance?
17:29.57HoopyCat"Dude, I'm telling you.  Stop eating those.  I can't afford you to have you out for two months because your stomach explodes."  "These are non-toxic!  They're designed to be such!"  "Dude, they're not a food product.  They're not FDA-approved."  "Well, neither is Ephedra!"  "..."
17:32.05*** join/#asterisk hmodes (hmodes@
17:34.48KillerBeeHoopyCat... POP rocks?
17:34.55*** join/#asterisk [Rami] (
17:35.08HoopyCatkiller:  nope, packing peanuts
17:35.26jjanzerdidn't ephedra just get placed as an illegal-to-sell product in the US, in the next month or so?
17:35.36jjanzerHoopyCat, the kind that disolve in your mouth?
17:35.44HoopyCatjjanzer:  yup.  cornstarch.  :-)
17:36.01HoopyCatback in high school i could eat an entire box of them in an hour
17:36.14HoopyCat(yeah, i went to high school in rural iowa, why do you ask?)
17:38.15*** join/#asterisk Lee3 (M@
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17:43.50crontibsignorepat => 9
17:44.09crontibsis that correct syntax
17:45.05crontibsshouldn't it give me dialtone right after
17:45.23russTthat's the theory
17:45.34crontibshumm i'm getting nothing
17:45.39crontibswhich is really weird
17:45.52SunBoxOk -- so call me stupid, crazy, insane, unfortunate ~ whatever, but the only box that I have that I can run a proof of concept on is an Ultra 10. I've loaded the SuSE build of Linux and am about to set out to compile asterisk. I am only interested in using the Asterisk as a proxy and will not be connecting any TDM interfaces. Has anyone ever been successful in this endevor?
17:46.23zoai think so yes
17:46.29zoabut i can't remember who did
17:46.35zoadid you try to compile it yet ?
17:46.54SunBoxyeah with the base package of tools that came with SuSE 7.3
17:47.01zoadid it work ?
17:47.14SunBoxit fails when trying to assemble the k6opt.s
17:47.30SunBoxin the GSM module
17:48.44SunBoxthe version of gcc is kinda old (2.95.3) should I take the time to upgrade the compiler and all of the libraries?
17:49.07jsmithSunBox: I think the k6opt stuff is MMX optimizations... make sure they're turned off in the makefile...
17:49.20jsmithSunBox: It's just a guess... but it might solve the problem for you...
17:49.33SunBoxok -- will try that next
17:49.46SunBoxthx -- I'll post here if I get it to compile
17:50.35*** join/#asterisk Moc (
17:51.14heisonI have these on my 7960 - Application: POS30200 || Bootload PC030300, what is the safest load to upgrade to?
17:51.34*** join/#asterisk digger (
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17:54.48SunBoxzoa -- thanks, removing the k6opt from the make stream helped, Asterisk is compiled ~ now on to configuration =)
17:54.55comet1anyone: does te410p support gr303 and v5.2
17:56.15*** join/#asterisk Mike-69 (
17:59.08zoathooooloooooo :)
18:00.01russTdoes anyone know why the conf files use "=>" instead of "=" - I mean, was there a reason for this?
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18:02.40russTor was it just a serendipitous design decision?
18:03.59russTis the ignorepat directive context-specific, or a global setting?
18:07.37HoopyCatrusst:  i believe it was just a design decision
18:07.42HoopyCatand i think it's context-specific
18:08.46*** join/#asterisk barrys (
18:09.48barrysI was following the "TDM Card loses Dialtone and Battery" thread and was wondering if anything has come out of it
18:11.14*** join/#asterisk T` (tome@
18:12.30wsufftime to rewb00t this pos =/
18:12.35wsuffgotta replace my gateway
18:12.40*** join/#asterisk dxmdcc (
18:13.15jimmyzwhen you pick up a parked call does the callid info come with it?
18:14.48JerJerjimmyz: good question...  i would think not to your callerid display, but it would be in the CDR, i would guess
18:15.07JerJertry it
18:15.24jimmyzonly thing i see in the cdr is 701 the parked number, but it was a sip to sip call
18:15.36*** join/#asterisk nickb (
18:15.53JerJerso then that's a no, in both cases
18:16.11jimmyzjust making sure i'm not missing something somewhere
18:16.27jimmyzthat will mess up call records probably
18:17.01ManxPowerI seem to recall a patch in bugtracker that allowed you to tell asterisk to set the callerid of the call to the caller if of the incomig call that's being transfered.
18:17.09JerJeri seriously hope your not billing using callerid
18:17.24jimmyzno accounting for salesmen
18:17.37jimmyzamount of time they where on the phone today
18:17.51JerJerthen use acountcode not callerid
18:17.54jimmyzand phone search...who talked to this person that called
18:18.11heisonI have these on my 7960 - Application: POS30200 || Bootload PC030300, what is the safest load to upgrade to?
18:18.35zoajerjer: how do you arrange rating for numbers that were ported? (number portability?)
18:19.08JerJerzoa: doesn't matter whatsoever
18:19.37zoai have rates that double :(
18:20.04JerJeraparently your not approaching the problem the right way
18:20.07HoopyCatheison:  i'm running P0S3-05-3-00, which works fine, but you can't go back to older versions as it now expects signed upgrades
18:21.38*** join/#asterisk mgraves (
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18:22.07]data[JerJer: you don't get billed the same as us then :)
18:22.24]data[number portability is definately an issue of sorts in the uk as well
18:22.37mgravesHi all, I have issue with my X100Ps for FXO ports. Anyone here using another gateway device?
18:22.42]data[its the mobile networks that bugger it all up :)
18:23.18*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
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18:26.27JerJer]data[: i have one licensed system in UK right now, in fact
18:26.54*** join/#asterisk arcaidy (
18:27.00JerJerand they haven't complained to me with any issues
18:27.11]data[JerJer: uk telco's charge different rates for numbers that have been ported from one mobile network to another
18:27.13russTHoopyCat, thanks for the info :)
18:27.38bkw_zoa what did you need?
18:27.44JerJer]data[:  it is all in how you deal with the problem
18:27.50*** part/#asterisk Aharonov (
18:27.58bkw_JerJer you cant go IAX2 => * => H323
18:28.05bkw_it hangs up when the call is bridged
18:28.12bkw_or answered
18:28.44bkw_SIP => * => IAX2 => * => H323
18:28.46]data[JerJer: the problem is you don't know if a numbers bridged, so if ya trying to do cut rate calls, i.e 13p to orange, 15p to vodaphone etc, ya may end up paying 30p for a 'ported number' call, is all i'm saying :)
18:28.52]data[bridged? ported :)
18:28.53bkw_no debug what soever
18:29.04bkw_the traces and such don't provide any output at all
18:29.07]data[anyway, i'll shut up now so bkw_ can get ya attention instead :)
18:29.20bkw_]data[ go head
18:29.31JerJerbkw_: send me what prints out on the screen
18:29.42JerJersomething has to cause it
18:29.54JerJerno h.323 trace, just h.323 debug
18:30.13bkw_well motherfucker its working now
18:30.21bkw_all lastnight I tried to get that bitch working
18:30.29*** join/#asterisk loko_moko (
18:30.33ErikNdoes asterisk support calling other h323 things?  Like avaya ip office?
18:31.14tz-afkum is * _supposed_ to quit immediately if ^C is hit?
18:31.15JerJeryou ceritanly do not trunk asterisk's together with H.323
18:31.50JerJertz-afk: sure in -r
18:32.04zoabkw, got some time now ?
18:32.13bkw_zoa shoot
18:32.18zoa-> priv
18:32.21ErikNJerJer: ok so the avaya has to register w/ asterisk as an h323 client?
18:32.27tz-afkJerJer: no -r..  -vvvvgc
18:32.30JerJerErikN: no
18:32.37JerJeryou don't register in H.323
18:32.42tz-afktried it 6 times now just to make sure I wasn't crazy
18:32.53JerJerasterisk is an H.323 gateway
18:33.25ErikNJerJer:  Ok - this is what I want to do: (maybe easier)     avaya has its own digital and analog phones - want to dial from them to asterisk and from asterisk to them  asterisk and avaya both to h323
18:33.50heisonwhat are the names of some voip providers...
18:33.54ErikNum - ok english is not my friend - they both use h323
18:34.23jsmithheison: If you're using Asterisk, it doesn't get any better than NuFone...
18:36.03*** join/#asterisk Q-At-Work (
18:36.13ErikNJerJer: that make sense?>
18:36.34JerJersure, its very simple
18:37.08ErikNJerJer: if they both act as h323 gateways is it still simple?
18:37.34]data[heison: i recommend nufone too :)
18:37.59ErikNJerJer: k - thx - I'll try to figure it out now that it is simple
18:38.12*** join/#asterisk angler__ (~angler@
18:44.52TangentBugger... my cisco account has died :(
18:45.02mbrancaat last!
18:45.17DL4GRCam I blind? Don't find anything about Nufone rates on their website (Or IAX for that matter)
18:45.18Q-At-Workgreetings all
18:45.38mbrancaciao Q-At-Work
18:45.51bkw_Yes its IAX
18:45.59bkw_2.9 cents/min US48
18:46.39DL4GRCbkw_: Where do you find their rate/subscription charges?  Would also be interested in costs to Europe
18:47.10bkw_email or msg Shido6 or JerJer in the channel here... and they can h00k you up!
18:47.53mbrancaI'm going to put on a free IAX server like iaxtel, but also with SIP. and probably with iaxtel peering. just for let people try voip for free. perhaps with pstn termination later. any special suggestion?
18:48.17mbrancaand to let asterisk be known...
18:48.31*** join/#asterisk T2 (
18:48.52*** join/#asterisk JoeCool (~dcgomes@
18:49.29[Sim]mbranca, I've done that locally too, asterisk will do it for ya
18:49.38bkw_i'm going to setup freepstn to US50 and Canada
18:49.50mbrancacool bkw_
18:49.51[Sim]whatsthat ?
18:49.58ScaredyCat50 states
18:49.58KillerBeebkw_ I though U already did that?
18:50.00[Sim]ah okay
18:50.17ScaredyCatalthough alaska will be fun
18:50.19doughecka !!
18:50.33bkw_KillerBee not yet
18:50.38bkw_I ordered another POTS line from SBC today
18:50.39JoeCoolneed doc about conferencing with *, where can I find? the handbook draft 2 ?
18:50.41mbranca[Sim]: i know asterisk will do that :) I was just asking if someone has very special suggestions for that... or opinion
18:50.48bkw_and the unlimited calling to US and Canada for 34.95 for both lines
18:50.50KillerBeeI wonder whom I can kall in alaska
18:51.06mbrancaKillerBee: the whales
18:51.13bkw_canada unlimited was 4.95/mth extra.. so I had them throw that on
18:51.15bkw_har har har
18:51.30KillerBeeoh... KillerBee is from Kanada
18:51.49wsuffbkw_: cool stuff
18:52.33mbranca~seen wasim
18:52.40wasim is currently on #asterisk (3d 12h 25m 14s).  Has said a total of 2 messages.  Is idling for 3d 11h 22m 33s
18:52.40bkw_KillerBee I have two lines
18:52.47[Sim]mbranca: approach: I've setup a database frontend that can be used to export iax.conf and sip.conf sections
18:52.59[Sim]and then used a macro to try IAX2 first, then IAX, then SIP
18:53.03*** join/#asterisk arcaidy (
18:53.03[Sim]for each account
18:53.06[Sim]works nicely
18:53.12bkw_iax needs to die
18:53.22KillerBeebkw_ sok I will use as my provider.. what about in bound... LOL
18:53.27mbranca[Sim]: ok... db part is already done here
18:53.35mbrancamine will be only iax2 and sip
18:53.37bkw_KillerBee no inbound at this time :)
18:53.48Corydon76-workYou can get around to killing IAX if you put SIP out of its misery first.
18:54.00bkw_IAX2 is the shit
18:54.01JoeCoolI have no digium hardware. I need ztdummy to have SIP conferencing, righto ?
18:54.08*** join/#asterisk bde (
18:54.15[Sim]joecool yes, or zaptr
18:54.17mbrancanow building up web pages to register, get a free number, manage account (proto,cdr)
18:54.35JoeCoolany main diff between them ?
18:54.36bdeanyone know why when I call in to my DID with voicepulse, it gives me a disconnected tone while other times it connects properly?
18:54.44KillerBeebkw_  I though I was going to get a few t1's fer ya..... CHEAP.. then I could give ya inbound
18:54.52*** join/#asterisk Zebble (~Zebble@
18:54.55bkw_KillerBee kewl
18:55.04mbrancaa dual p3 1.4 ghz with 1gb ram will be ok? (compaq server)
18:55.11[Sim]joecool: ztdummy will use the USB driver for timing, zaprtc will use the RTC  ph0ne Service
18:55.21JoeCoolI see, thanks again
18:55.22bkw_no no no
18:55.37miller7anyone tested the sipura thingy?
18:55.44mbrancaand perhaps voicemail... 1 or 2 megs for user
18:55.44bkw_miller7 yes they work great
18:55.58KillerBeebkw_  How about Backdoor productions....
18:56.00miller7bkw_: have you tested in with public IP or behind NAT?
18:56.30*** join/#asterisk sobol_ (
18:57.11[Sim]mbranca, sure should do nicely, depending on number of concurrent users ofcourse
18:57.25KillerBeemiller7  Works like a charm
18:57.34miller7cool, who sells them in EU? :)
18:57.36KillerBeewhat ever the hell THAT is
18:57.44wsuffhow do u set caller id for nufone calls?
18:58.29*** join/#asterisk arcaidy (
18:58.50mbranca[Sim]: sure... if the service will grow, I'll add another server & bandwidth. but... how about numbering... I mean, I'm thinking a good way to generate phone numbers...
18:59.17kape~lart mbranca
18:59.26mbranca~slap kape
18:59.30ACTION slaps kape, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
18:59.42sobol_hi humans
18:59.43[Sim]mbranca: yeah thats the ongoing issue isnt it
18:59.57[Sim]try and fit it into your national numberplan if possible :)
19:00.01*** part/#asterisk skeeziks (
19:00.12mbrakape larted me... sorry
19:00.20kape~lart mbra
19:00.25kapelet's see...
19:00.33mbra[Sim]: that seems reasonable
19:00.50kapehow low can you go? ;)
19:02.00mbrancaitalian numbering plan sucks
19:02.17mbrancahas not fixed-lenght numbers...
19:02.23bkw_was about to say that SUCKS
19:02.45mbrancabkw_: uh?
19:02.45*** join/#asterisk argos_ (
19:02.51kapethat doesnt suck at all .. same in .de ... giving you millions of DIDs for free :)
19:03.19*** join/#asterisk haighis (
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19:03.34mbrancakape: ipv6 for pstn?
19:03.40kapeand they are still internationally dialable
19:04.17kapembranca: ISDNv6 ;)
19:05.02jtodd-zzzOK, that confused the hell out of me.  Never forget that you have SER running at bootup if you're trying to debug Asterisk on the same server.  
19:05.13jtodd-zzzI killed off Asterisk, and the CALLS WERE STILL COMPLETING.  Crazy stuff.
19:06.02pros12can anyone point me in the right direction to get more info on how people perview and re-record the vm
19:06.23*** join/#asterisk mortck (~test@
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19:07.32wriandycI'm sure this is probably a FAQ, but I can;t find the answer anywhere... DOes anyone know what I have to do to make an X100P detect hangups properly in the uk?
19:07.54dougheckahmm, if I have a nufone DID... whats the limit of incoming calls at once I can have?
19:08.07mbrancawriandyc: using kewlstart as signalling
19:08.27*** join/#asterisk nicolas (
19:08.37mbrancabusydetect=yes in zapata.conf ?
19:08.57wriandycAh ha - I haven;t got that, just let me try it...
19:09.03mbrancawriandyc: ok
19:10.03*** join/#asterisk angom (~angomg@
19:10.30zoafuck jerjer with his non friends :)
19:10.45bdeanyone know why when I call in to my DID with voicepulse, it gives me a disconnected tone while other times it connects properly?
19:10.46*** join/#asterisk dannie (
19:11.11miller7bde: you should best contact voicepulse for it
19:11.25bdeok, did that
19:11.39wriandycmbranca: sorry, no joy....
19:11.49bdejust sort of cant wait, since i just realized it was happenin
19:11.51*** join/#asterisk deeno (deeno@
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19:12.00deenohello everybody.. i need help badly.
19:12.23mbrancawriandyc: restarted * or only reloaded?
19:12.34Q-At-Workdeeno: ask away, we'll do our best to flood you with useful, and accurate suggestions to rescue you from your own personal hell
19:12.51deenoim having problems connecting to my cisco gateway.. setup is ata->*->ciscogateway
19:12.56wriandycTried both. Reloaded first, then restarted. Should I rmmod the modules as well?
19:13.16*** join/#asterisk jcbm (
19:13.19mbrancawait, phone
19:13.33wriandycno probs
19:13.33Q-At-Workdeeno: cisco gateway is what?
19:13.42deenocisco gateway is cisco 2600, or cisco5300 or cisco 5350.. i tried all of them.
19:13.49jcbmhi everybody
19:13.55Q-At-Workdeeno: h323 on the cisco?
19:14.01bkw_deeno no that works
19:14.03bkw_I used that
19:14.20dougheckabkw_: you know if I have a DID from nufone, if I can have unlimited incoming calls
19:14.24Q-At-WorkI've never used a cisco as a gate
19:14.39Q-At-Workdoes the ata register with the * box
19:14.42deenobkw.. ya, i've seen in the mailing list that "it should work".. but i don't know why mine don't.
19:14.47jcbmany one knows about * and voicetronix
19:14.58deenoyes, ata is registered in *.. and it can connect to * as voicemail is working fine.
19:15.02Q-At-Workso you can check voicemail / hear the demo
19:15.14*** join/#asterisk klicTel (
19:15.20Q-At-Workis the * box multihomed
19:15.21klicTelHi all
19:15.26deenono * has 1 eth only.
19:15.36deenothough it has 3 eth interfaces.. the other 2 is disabled.
19:15.39Q-At-Workdo you see the gateway register?
19:15.48deenoyes.. i do.
19:15.48Q-At-Workerr registered
19:16.14deenoi see the call hitting the cisco gateway.
19:16.22deenoand the funny thing is, im getting SIP message: 487
19:16.27deenomeaning request cancelled.
19:16.36klicTeldoes anyone have a good knowledge of the iax2 lib under windows?
19:16.54*** join/#asterisk chrono (
19:16.56bdewould forwarding my toll free number to the voiecpulse DID cause problems?
19:17.05pros12can anyone point me in the right direction so i can have preview and re-record for people leaving VM ?
19:17.21*** join/#asterisk adkc (
19:17.22Q-At-Workdeeno: have you played with reinvite and canreinvite in the ata's config?
19:17.23chronoI have a question regarding caller ani
19:17.38Q-At-Workin sip.conf
19:18.36deeno(i am only getting the 487 message from 5300 and 5350.. on 2600, something else.. on 2600 i see that my call is active.. but the call is disconnected already..)
19:18.39chronowhen my phone company sends me a call with no ani, digium sees the DID thats being dialed
19:18.58chronobut when they send ani, digium sees *ani*did*
19:19.12chronoi.e. *5599080000*5592722500*
19:19.21chronoand i get this number has been disconnected or is no longer in service
19:19.21bkw_thats easy
19:19.23*** join/#asterisk jcbm (
19:19.27h3x*ANI*DNIS* is typical
19:19.28deenoq-at-work.. no i am not aware of that parameter.. what i have is careinvite=yes
19:19.38Q-At-Worktry setting both to no
19:19.39bdechrono: any way to fix this? because i have the exact same problem
19:19.42chronohow do I tell digium to expect that?
19:19.46chronoer asterisk i mean
19:19.49jsmithchrono: With an AGI...
19:19.54bkw_exten => _*XXXXXXXXXX*XXXXXXXXXX*,1,blah
19:20.08bkw_then slice and dice ${EXTEN} with substr or what not
19:20.11deenoreinvite=no and canreinvite=no?
19:20.12bkw_or what jsmith uses
19:20.16jsmithbkw_: That works, but an AGI would give you better error checking...
19:20.17chronook thanks
19:20.18h3xasterisk should do it at a lower level than that
19:20.20Q-At-Workyah, give that go
19:20.20bkw_reinvite doesn't exists
19:20.30deenoshld i put careinvite=no too?
19:20.32Q-At-Workdoesnt it?
19:20.36Q-At-Workdeeno: sec
19:20.51h3xi donno if 10 digit DNIS is a good idea with inband
19:20.57Q-At-WorkI believe bkw is about to school me
19:20.59h3xthat will take like 2.5 seconds before the call even starts ringing
19:21.04bkw_Q-At-Work on what?
19:21.18bkw_reinvites are b0rked
19:21.19h3xmaybe 4 if they are sending them slow
19:21.30Q-At-Workdeeno: ok just set canreinvite=no
19:21.49deenook.. let me try that one.
19:21.56zoajust don't use user/friend :)
19:22.16bkw_zoa it should work with user/peer combos but I never have gotten it to work like that
19:22.21Q-At-WorkI'm in an oddly good mood today
19:22.24zoabkw didnt help fix it, bkw fixed it !!!
19:23.03Q-At-Workso there I was mounting a CPU on a mobo, and I slipped with the screwriver cutting a trace in the board...
19:23.15chronoin my configuration i have now- exten => _*XXXXXXXXXX*2722503,1,Macro(extens,5203,Sip/jesse2)
19:23.18Q-At-Workgunna try and fix it :)
19:23.21chronoin my configuration i have now- exten => _*XXXXXXXXXX*2722503,1,Macro(extens,5203,Sip/jesse2)
19:23.34chronoin my configuration now i have exten => _*XXXXXXXXXX*2722503,1,Macro(extens,5203,Sip/jesse2)
19:23.39chronooh shit
19:23.40chronoim an idiot
19:24.04h3xEr.. no you should split the ani and dins out into variables and use a goto
19:24.11h3xor something
19:24.19chronopretend like I don't know how
19:24.29*** join/#asterisk mortck (~test@
19:24.46zoaQ-At-Work: nothing some ducktape can't fix!!!
19:25.08deenoq-at-work, bkw.. i still get the same.
19:25.11Q-At-WorkI have my wife hunting for my old school magnifying glass light thingy so I can solder it :)
19:25.13zoaor put the box online, i'm sure bkw can fix it :))))))
19:25.27Q-At-Workdeeno: thats all I can suggest playing with...
19:25.37KillerBeezoa  Give me the r00t passwd .I'll fix it
19:25.51zoafix what ?
19:25.59zoabkw fixed everything already
19:26.03zoathere's nothing left to fix
19:26.04UnixDawg~seen dutch
19:26.11dutch is currently on #debian (1h 18m 16s)
19:26.11Q-At-Workthis thing mounts to a desk
19:26.11Q-At-Workits like 7 inches across
19:26.12KillerBeebahhh... give me r00t....
19:26.23chronoanyone know how to fix that
19:26.28UnixDawg~seen dutch_
19:26.30dutch_ <~dutch@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 16d 9h 44m 27s ago, saying: 'Well, the new one are a bit better to look at ;)'.
19:26.48Q-At-Workhrmm, wheres that stats page again :)
19:26.52ManxPowerchrono, patience, grasshopper.  Look at README.variables in the asterisk src dir.
19:27.00UnixDawggrr where is dutch with the bsd drivers for zaptel
19:27.26deenoq-at-work.. this is a sip log message.. maybe u can help me from here?
19:27.30deenoSIP/2.0 200 OK
19:27.30deenoVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK725b8931
19:27.30deenoFrom: "Jess" <sip:6882332@frontline>;tag=as58145696
19:27.30deenoTo: <sip:0015519985424@>
19:27.30deenoDate: Fri, 09 Jan 2004 19:24:14 GMT
19:27.30deenoCall-ID: 1f11f39e62ef02dc2bcfa38f10c2f19d@
19:27.32deenoContent-Length: 0
19:27.34deenoCSeq: 102 CANCEL
19:27.36deenoJan  9 19:24:14: Sent:
19:27.38deenoSIP/2.0 487 Request Cancelled
19:27.40deenoVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK725b8931
19:27.42deenoFrom: "Jess" <sip:6882332@frontline>;tag=as58145696
19:27.44deenoTo: <sip:0015519985424@>;tag=46E8A50-65C
19:27.46deenoDate: Fri, 09 Jan 2004 19:24:14 GMT
19:27.48deenoCall-ID: 1f11f39e62ef02dc2bcfa38f10c2f19d@
19:27.50deenoServer: Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x
19:27.52deenoCSeq: 102 INVITE
19:27.54deenoContent-Length: 0
19:27.56deenooops sorry
19:27.57Q-At-Workuse pastebin :)
19:28.05*** join/#asterisk Ariel1 (
19:28.20bkw_deeno please try not to do that
19:28.32zoaMY EYES, THEY BURN !!!
19:29.18zoaMOUSE PENIS !
19:29.36dougheckaits a gr8t site
19:29.48nicolasHello all
19:29.58deenoya, sorry.
19:30.04Ariel1Hello all I have a stupid quetion today.
19:30.07zoadoughecka: let it point to the pronolizer url that points to :)
19:30.07bkw_TOLD YOU doughecka did it
19:30.59Q-At-WorkI'm not sip expert,
19:31.21Q-At-Workbut, it looks like the cisco is trying to get the ata to talk directly to it via invite
19:31.27Ariel1In asterisk the user lookup uses the voicemail.conf for names.  What happens if you want to hide some of the users off the list but you still need them to have voicemail?
19:31.34Q-At-Workbetter? :)
19:31.42bkw_Q-At-Work not a proper regexp
19:31.45nicolasBrian, I have a question for you...
19:31.45bkw_will not parse
19:31.51bkw_nicolas yes
19:31.58bkw_1 2 3 go
19:32.15nicolasI have just submited an ugly patch, with an experimental feature some people need
19:32.30HoopyCatAriel1:  leaving the name blank, or making it something else, will probably do it
19:32.31bkw_what feature might that be? and bug number?
19:32.39Q-At-Workmissed the last /
19:32.53nicolasId 773
19:33.00HoopyCati'm not sure of any side effects, but the human name in voicemail.conf isn't really used for much other than the directory app
19:33.07nicolasIts my first time, so I made a few mistakes
19:33.08chronoactually I got it working by using exten => _X.*DID but not it wont the diplay the caller id of the person calling in
19:33.16HoopyCatbkw will, naturally, yell at me if i am wrong ;-)
19:33.21chronobut now
19:33.23bkw_nicolas any chance you can do those notes in english?
19:33.31nicolasI should write [patch] in the Summary
19:33.35Q-At-Workhe could imortalize you by chastizing you in his blog :)
19:33.36nicolasyes, I can
19:33.42bkw_HoopyCat correct
19:33.56nicolasIn fact, I can remove those log files, they were ment for debuggin
19:34.01nicolaslog lines
19:34.04Ariel1Ok I will leave the name off the list and see if that works.  Thanks.
19:34.17nicolasShould I sign a disclaimer, right?
19:34.25Q-At-Workso, what do you say to a guy that knocks on your door at 9am, explaining how his son drove thru your chainlink fence at 4 that morning :)
19:34.58bkw_nicolas is this configurable
19:35.03HoopyCatQ-At-Work:  "Well, I suppose I'll be wanting to open a claim with your insurance company..."
19:35.11bkw_does it add a flag to AbsoluteTimeout to enable it?
19:35.14Q-At-Worknah: he offered to fix it himself :)
19:35.15nicolasno, its not
19:35.18nicolasits hardcoded
19:35.20nicolasits ugly
19:35.25Q-At-Workits dead of winter here too
19:35.27HoopyCatQ-At-Work:  hope they at least got the corner that needed fixing anyway
19:35.27KillerBeeQ-At-Work .. how about "have it fixed by 5
19:35.29nicolasits not CVS ready
19:35.29bkw_nicolas lets see if we can get that...
19:35.30Q-At-Worktold him to come back in spring
19:35.39bkw_nicolas ya we can get there
19:35.50bkw_I wish we coudl play a file.. but doesn't look like it
19:36.20HoopyCatQ-At-Work:  get his name, address, and his insurance info, and say that if he ain't there by the time you plant the tomatoes, you'll take a fencepost and beat him with it
19:36.56Q-At-Workit was funny as hell
19:37.02Q-At-WorkI'm still laffing about it
19:37.08Q-At-Workchainlink destroys paint
19:37.11HoopyCati have a few segments of fence i wish someone would back over
19:37.17HoopyCatthey are, unfortunately, in the back yard
19:37.30*** join/#asterisk loko_moko (
19:37.37HoopyCatQ-At-Work:  *nodnod*  fixing the fence is, generally speaking, the easy part.  ;-)
19:37.43sobol_can someone help with GrandStream configuration
19:37.59sobol_Transmitting (NAT):
19:37.59sobol_SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
19:38.13TekatiHoppyCat: Ask Brian I think he has someone who will just drive right through the house to get to that back fence :)  Sorry bkw.
19:38.49HoopyCatsobol:  is authentication set up correctly in sip.conf as well as on the phone?
19:39.07HoopyCatTekati:  eh, i just installed a dishwasher and i'll be darned if anyone's going to drive through my kitchen
19:39.11KillerBeeTekati.. no no no.. It was bkw_ who drove through his negihbors garage and burned it down
19:39.19sobol_HoopyCat: hmm i think yes
19:39.21Q-At-Workthe tire tracks are the best
19:39.46KillerBeeQ-At-Work ... seems like too much to drink..
19:39.55Q-At-Worknah, kis was stoned
19:39.57Q-At-Workerr kid
19:40.02Q-At-Workno question :)
19:40.04KillerBeeQ-At-Work.. did not even slow down
19:40.07Q-At-WorkI met the kid
19:40.36Q-At-WorkI'm just glad the fence got him before he nailed the house
19:40.48KillerBeeor THE BOAT
19:40.58TekatiOr the boat!
19:40.59Q-At-Workgood point
19:41.01deenoq-at-work.. what must be my sip.conf to connect to the cisco gateways?
19:41.03bdecould anyone please tell me why I am getting this error?  WARNING[1125329600]: File chan_sip.c, Line 464 (retrans_pkt): Maximum retries exceeded on call 78c1e29c41330ad87c3809197283c448@ for seqno 102 (Request)
19:41.04bkw_fload what boat?
19:41.09Q-At-Workit would suck not to go fishing this summer
19:41.21Q-At-Workdeeno: I'm not sure what you need
19:42.06Q-At-Workthe fence stopped him, and then couldnt get out, so he drove right under the fence
19:42.20KillerBeeQ-At-Work Dumbasss
19:42.20Q-At-WorkI'm pretty sure the grass needs to be re-sodded in summer
19:42.21deenoq-at-work, what i have is [mycisco]
19:42.25HoopyCatsobol:  i don't have the configuration right in front of me, but make sure you have the username (in []'s in sip.conf) in two boxes on the top part of the grandstream config screen
19:42.37KillerBeeI mean the kid
19:42.40deenoand under that, i have type=friend, and host=<ip of the cisco gateway>
19:42.41Q-At-Workdeeno past it to me in a message
19:42.43deenoi sthat enough?
19:43.38Q-At-Workhrm, do you have to use a "register" statement?
19:43.47Q-At-WorkI've never used a cisco gateway
19:43.59deenoyes i have the register statement in [general]
19:44.05Q-At-Workthe fence scaped the hell out of every panel in the car
19:44.31Q-At-Workif you coment out the [mycisco] section, does anything change?
19:44.37deenoq@work: it doesn't matter if cisco or not.. i just want to make sure that my format is correct..
19:44.47bkw_OK WTF
19:44.49deenoit won't connect
19:44.55Q-At-Workdeeno: I've never used anything non-digium for FXO
19:45.08bkw_I shipped a cisco ATA and power supply to canada. The power supply is missing from the box when it arrives
19:45.14deenobec im using mycisco in exten=>_.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@mycisco,tr)
19:45.15bkw_this makes twice this has happened to me
19:45.16Q-At-Workcustoms needed it
19:45.18*** join/#asterisk ZOP (
19:45.25bkw_Q-At-Work do they open stuff sometimes?
19:45.28bkw_because this is bullshit
19:45.44Q-At-Workyes they do, BUT its always got "OFFICIALLY OPENED BY CUSTOMS" tape all over the box
19:45.55bkw_well this makes twice this has happened to me
19:46.03Q-At-Workthats why I try hard to order hardware from Canada
19:46.08Q-At-Worktoo much BS at the border
19:46.18bkw_fuck this
19:46.23Q-At-Workdont blame canada!
19:46.31Q-At-Workwe're the happy people north of the USA :)
19:46.42Q-At-Workask your customer if the package says officially opened
19:46.48KillerBeebkw_.. why U shipping to Kanada
19:46.55Q-At-Workif not, put in a claim to your carrier
19:47.05Q-At-Workif the customer didnt ask for insurance...
19:47.13JerJerblame canada
19:47.17Q-At-WorkNO! :)
19:47.20Q-At-Workstop blaming Canada :)
19:47.27KillerBeeBLAME CANADA!
19:47.29Q-At-Workwe didnt sell you any damn tainted beef :)
19:47.45ErikNQ-At-Work: that cow was from canada :-)
19:48.04Q-At-Work7 years ago...
19:48.21Q-At-Workif a cow lived for 7 years with "mad cow"... :)
19:49.16Q-At-Workmy poor lawn
19:49.38*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
19:49.51ErikNQ-At-Work: make the kid come back in the summer and fix it
19:50.10KillerBeeQ-At-Work naw.. make the kid do it.. IN THE COLD
19:50.11Q-At-Workactually, he is his dad suggested it
19:50.12bdeanyone know why when I call in to toll free number that forwards to a DID with voicepulse, it gives me a disconnected tone while other times it connects properly?
19:50.17Q-At-WorkI agreed it was a good idea
19:50.40Q-At-Workits -23C here :)
19:50.43Q-At-WorkI'm not that mean
19:50.58Q-At-Workwoo -8C!
19:51.02Q-At-Workparty time!
19:51.06ErikNQ-At-Work: heat wave!
19:51.13Q-At-WorkI can go install my car starter today!
19:51.19ErikNQ-At-Work: :-)
19:51.32JerJer12*f here
19:51.32zoayou got such a gasoline based car starter ?
19:51.40zoa10 degrees Celsius over here :)
19:51.48Q-At-Workits for my old truck :)
19:52.40Q-At-Workthe fat guy in the pictures in my gallery isnt me, unless I'm standing infront of the store... thats me :)
19:53.03Q-At-WorkI too am fat tho
19:53.09Q-At-Workbrb, work!
19:53.22ErikNQ-At-Work: your out of uniform... I thought all canadians wore levi
19:53.38ScaredyCator Mountie uniforms ;)
19:53.38*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
19:53.48bkw_man this is pissing me off
19:53.53bkw_oh well I'm covered
19:54.17*** join/#asterisk jelque (~jelque@
19:54.38Q-At-Workcurrently I'm wearing "Marks work wareshouse" imitation levi's :)
19:54.55Q-At-Workwe cant wear mountie uniforms, the RCMP sold the rights to disney in the 90's
19:55.03deenoquestion... when i do sip show peer.. shld i see the private IP of the ATA or the public NATIP?
19:55.08Q-At-Workok really afk now :)
19:55.18ErikNQ-At-Work: later :-)
19:55.19deenoq@work wait..
19:55.24deenoquestion... when i do sip show peer.. shld i see the private IP of the ATA or the public NATIP?
19:55.25oejdeeno: Depends on the nat= setting in SIP.conf
19:55.35ScaredyCatoh Q-At-Work
19:55.39bkw_Shido6 you alive
19:55.55oejYou're seeing what Asterisk is using, propably the outside public IP that the packet arrived from
19:55.58deenooej: i don't think it depends on the setting of sip.. but rather depending on how it is setup..
19:56.06bkw_you see the internal IP
19:56.11bkw_or I did when I toyed with it
19:56.15oejbkw: ?
19:56.29bkw_sip show peers shows the RCF1918 space ip for the sip peer
19:56.35deenooej.. like if my ata is behind nAT.. i shld use nat=yes. correct?
19:56.42oejIf NAT=yes, Asterisk overrides the IP sent by the client with the IP from the IP interface
19:56.43bkw_deeno yes
19:57.23oejdeeno: Yes again
19:57.30deenobkw.. ok so it's normal that i see the public ip of the NAT as it is the IP that my * is "peering with"..
19:58.45oejdeeno: yes, sip show peers shows where Asterisk can reach the client. Asterisk can't reach clients on the inside of your nat by IP adress...
19:59.17chronois there a way to diable caller id for outgoing calls?
19:59.20deenoso basically, my * is setup correctly then. :( i wonder why i can't connect to cisco. i am using g711ulaw.
19:59.30bkw_deeno cisco's are silly sometimes
19:59.34bkw_I do it with h323 right now
19:59.40heisoni'm having problem upgrading 7960, can someone help
19:59.54deenoso u suggest build up my * with h323 to connect with cisco?
20:00.30deenocan * handle ATA(inSIP)->*->Cisco(inh323)?
20:00.50*** join/#asterisk loko-moko (
20:02.19JerJerdeeno: sure
20:04.27deenojerjer: what setup r u using?
20:04.47*** part/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
20:05.09bdeanyone know why when I call in to toll free number that forwards to a DID with voicepulse, it gives me a disconnected tone while other times it connects properly?
20:06.06*** join/#asterisk mbranca_ (
20:07.18ScaredyCat[Sim]: ????
20:09.53chronoor is there a way to have outgoing calls use a certain did?
20:11.26[Sim]whatsup scaredycat
20:11.41*** join/#asterisk miller7 (~none@
20:11.46ScaredyCathave you got a nl phone number ...
20:12.00*** join/#asterisk AssLEX (
20:12.00ScaredyCatnot going to call it.. just want it to test sommat
20:12.40[Sim]yea sure
20:13.33*** join/#asterisk buh (~alex@
20:15.18AssLEXhappy new year everyone
20:16.44haighisgood stuff
20:17.10*** join/#asterisk karimd (
20:18.29barrysHas anyone installed * on fedora?
20:19.09kapedont listen to voidptr.....
20:19.12voidptrScaredyCat : we know what oyu wanna test
20:19.26voidptri also told sim you are doing illegal stuff!
20:19.33ScaredyCatchrono: your telco should allow you to dial *69 or something like that to
20:19.49ScaredyCatit's not illegal... it;s public info!
20:19.50*** join/#asterisk loko_moko (
20:19.51voidptrtomoorw i call the cops on you!:~~
20:19.55kape[22:03:51] <voidptr> you guys have no idea
20:19.55kape[22:03:56] <voidptr> of how waster i am
20:19.56barryshow did it go?
20:20.04Q-At-Workillegal in asterisk?
20:20.25Q-At-Workhow do I get in on it :)
20:21.03miller7woooooot? asterisk is illegal? :P
20:21.11miller7I think voidptr should be in jail
20:21.28kapemiller7: didnt you find it suspicious that it is free???
20:21.30heisonafter upgrading from 2.0 to 2.3 on 7960, I can nolonger dial out... incoming still works. Should I proceed to 6.0 straight?
20:21.46miller7kape: yeah, I had some suspicion
20:21.53voidptrsomeone got warez
20:22.10Q-At-Workthe new banned asterisk bootleg cdrom!
20:22.12voidptri got keygen for app_queueu
20:22.17miller7I want a crack or a key generator for asterisk
20:22.39voidptrsomeone wanna tradze0r witjh m!e
20:22.44kapevoidptr: stop smoking the crack that miller7 wants...
20:23.01Q-At-WorkI hear if you use 1112-111111 it works for all asterisk products :)
20:23.24miller7Q-At-Work: really? gonna try it now! Will I have the G711 codec free as well?
20:23.40Q-At-Workchange the last 1 to a 9 for G711
20:23.55*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
20:24.10Q-At-Workwoohoo last work day before the CCRA (Canada's IRS) comes and audits me
20:24.31tholoThat sounds like great fun...
20:24.36kapeQ-At-Work: hide your asterisk CDs
20:24.41Q-At-Workdunno what they figure they are gunna find..
20:24.50Q-At-WorkI'm so broke its not even funny :)
20:25.09ScaredyCatvoidptr: 0.02 sec lookup time,  6,368,881 records
20:25.15*** join/#asterisk kc4sfe (
20:25.23haighisRegarding CallerID in CANDA ..can someone point in the direction as to where i would modify the code that passes callerid thru for is different up here...doesn't adhere to the bellcore standard like the USA
20:25.36haighisshit..that's canada
20:25.49kapeblame canda ....
20:25.51ScaredyCatC eh? N eh? D eh?
20:25.57Q-At-Workmy callerid works here in Alberta
20:26.03Q-At-WorkI'd say 90% of the time
20:26.10Q-At-Workthe other 10, its a toss up :)
20:26.21AssLEXmy callerid works 99.999% here in Toronto
20:26.26haighison ISDN or on x100p?
20:26.41voidptrScaredyCat : 6.4m recors?
20:26.43ErikNMy caller id never works - but that is because I'm too cheap to pay for it :)
20:27.00voidptrbetter it has good indexing
20:27.03Q-At-Workwonder if telus fixed my forward
20:27.10tim27is that true that 7960 was built with better quality parts than 7960g ???
20:27.23ScaredyCatwassuo voidptr not enuff records or too long to lookup?
20:27.27haighisQ-At-Work: what is your zapata.conf setup ?
20:27.35Corydon76-workcallerid works more reliably with 800 numbers...
20:27.38voidptr0.;02 sounds good
20:27.44haighiswill it work with a x100p or just x101p
20:27.51tim27haighis: use x100p here and dont get any prob with caller id
20:28.11Corydon76-worktim27:  you've had your x100p for more than 2 years?
20:28.16voidptri bet i can get my boss in buying a faster machine if needed
20:28.25voidptrjst for cdfoongids
20:28.33Corydon76-worktim27:  then it's probably an x101p, not an x100p
20:28.38ScaredyCatI'll sell u the data voidptr ;)
20:28.42tim27i things they are x101p.. i buy them couple month ago
20:28.51Q-At-Worksignalling=fxs_ks callerid=asreceived
20:28.59voidptrthe data i minE!
20:29.01tim27x100p didnt work well with caller id ???
20:29.29voidptritsmine b.v.
20:29.31Q-At-Workdunno why sometimes it doesnt pick it up
20:29.32voidptris mind
20:29.35Corydon76-worktim27:  no, it's just an earlier model
20:29.36ScaredyCatok then voidptr you can have it, but i charge by the cpu cycle :)
20:29.45Q-At-Workits ok tho, * kicks ass
20:29.58Corydon76-workbut that might explain why my x100p doesn't always pick up cid
20:30.01Q-At-Workand I dont plan on being on the x101's forever
20:30.17Q-At-Workone day I'll have the quad t1 card
20:30.29HoopyCathometime.  bbl!
20:30.44tim27x101p got few sec echo over... ipphone... not always
20:30.57*** join/#asterisk senbot (
20:30.57Q-At-WorkI've learned that echo is a FACT of voip
20:31.02Q-At-Workyou get used to it tho
20:31.10kapeQ-At-Work: paypal will send you an email if you get cash
20:31.28Q-At-Workreally, want to help me test it? :)
20:31.40kapei know it works ;)
20:31.48tim27not so bad echo at all...
20:31.55senbothi, everyone... I'm trying unsuccessfully to install asterisk on FreeBSD from ports...
20:32.02Q-At-WorkI run the agressive mark2
20:32.03senbotopenh323 is broken.
20:32.09Q-At-Workhiya tclark :)
20:32.23senbotwhich is a dependency, and not your program
20:32.29tim27Q-At-Work: where are you located
20:32.31kapeyes. h323 is broken (by design)
20:32.34Q-At-Worktclark: you finally killed your echo?
20:32.40Q-At-WorkI'm in Edmonton, Alberta
20:32.57senbotbut I was wondering if you had any suggestions or knew anything about getting it to work
20:33.14tim27oh ... far away and great place to stay
20:33.21tim27joey tomatos restaurant :)
20:33.21russTkape, why does everyone hate h323 so much?
20:33.38kaperussT: because it sucks?
20:33.46Q-At-Workits old and tired
20:33.47russTkape, specifics?
20:33.47tclarkits been dead for while (tellab echocans) , it was never there on VoIP calls just PSTN
20:33.49karimddoes anyone know what the skype protocol is based on?
20:33.50Corydon76-worksenbot:  Install Linux
20:34.12*** part/#asterisk senbot (
20:34.13Q-At-Worktclark: yeah, voip<->voip sounds better than toll
20:34.14kaperussT: tried to NAT h323?
20:34.18tim27voicepulse and nufone have the same voice quality ???
20:34.25russTkape: lol tried to NAT SIP?
20:34.44kapebut i didnt say that SIP is good ;)
20:34.50Corydon76-workGoodness, I didn't think he'd accept that answer so quickly
20:34.59russTkape aside from any NAT problems...what else sucks about h323?
20:35.44tclarkkarimd: not sure of the protocol but i beleive the codec is a commercial version of ilbc has no cool name
20:36.02bkw_jtodd-zzz WAKE UP
20:36.10kapeand it's so 90s ;)
20:36.10heisonis there a keysequence to reboot the 7960?
20:36.23karimdRegarding the codec they are using the GIPS voice engine
20:36.47karimdI am more interested in knowing what signaling protocol they are using
20:36.49russTkape, lol
20:37.10tclarkyea GIPS == commercial version ilbc correct ??
20:38.15kapembranca_: and for people that smoke crack!
20:42.37*** join/#asterisk asterisk (
20:43.06*** join/#asterisk _jackhamr (
20:43.21_jackhamris anyone else having bad luck with DTMF on 7940/60's?
20:43.26_jackhamrand the latest firmware?
20:43.46Connorgetting a coredump when someone trys to call my 7910 while I'm on the phone with someone else.. any ideas?
20:43.48bkw_works fine here
20:44.02_jackhamrbkw: dtmfmode=rfc2833 and avt on the phone?
20:44.08bkw_OK if you have drama with Cisco 79XX's and you have items on your network that speak CDP turn off CDP
20:44.18bkw__jackhamr yes
20:44.42_jackhamrinband over g711 won't even work.
20:44.54_jackhamrcisco crap.
20:45.37*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
20:45.43tim27Conor: the 7910 work with asterisk ???
20:46.19Connoryes. using chan_skinny.. but, like I said, I just had a core dump. :)
20:46.40_jackhamrconnor: what version
20:46.42tim27i got 7905 ... it support 7905 with new image ... and work good
20:46.50bkw_7905's are nice
20:46.58tim27Conner: but it dont support sip for 7910
20:47.18Connortim27: that's why I'm using chan_skinny
20:47.33Connorjackhamr: version for what? the phone or asterisk?
20:47.49Connorcouple cvs's back.. uping the cvs now.
20:47.55tim27bkw_ i bought another 7905 on dec 30 on ebay... and paid and it and dont received anything... i think i will bad comment this seller
20:48.12_jackhamrconnor: application load p00403020204?
20:48.34tim27bkw i received a comment about 7960 vs 7960g
20:48.36tim27check this
20:49.35_jackhamri'm going to up the dtmf_db_level to 4
20:50.51tim27any know where we can buy cheap 7905 ie in the 90-100 $ range ... none on ebay presently
20:53.40*** join/#asterisk kc4sfe (
20:54.16Connorcrap.. conflicts with the cvs merge and my running copy of asterisk..
20:55.10haighisso can someone CONFIRM please that CallerID does indeed work in CANADA for an x100p card? please
20:55.16kc4sfeanyone know how to dirct a particular channel from a T100P to first ring a particular exten? ex ch 8 ring exten 7626??
20:55.34haighisI am going to call Hell and have them turn on callerid ....want to make sure first
20:57.10Q-At-Workhaighis, are you sure you have a x100p and not an x101p?
20:58.04Q-At-Workuggh! busy day at work, back in a few
20:58.18haighislet me check
20:58.26Q-At-Workquick :)
20:58.47haighisQ-At-Work: what is the official then it works with both cards or just x101p?
20:59.07Q-At-WorkI cant speak for the x100p
20:59.15Q-At-Workbut I have 2 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Intel 537 (x101p) that work fine
20:59.19Q-At-Work90% of the time
20:59.25Q-At-WorkI think the other 10% telus is sucking
20:59.49Q-At-Workbut I really have to run now :) I'll be back later
21:00.44voidptrgood zzz
21:03.25]data[hurrah! hurray, its time to code today!
21:05.36tokenanyone know by default why Grandstream calls an extension and keeps ringing
21:05.55ScaredyCatbecause they are shite phones
21:06.03tokendude work with me
21:06.07ScaredyCatkill it now
21:06.22ScaredyCatwell, they don;t work with you .. do they ;(
21:06.27data[DERP]my grandstreams just fine
21:06.30data[DERP]fine i tells ye
21:06.32bkw_DERP DERP
21:06.50data[DERP]haha :}
21:07.48kc4sfelooking for info on how to send t100p channel to particular exten. Any ideas??
21:08.05kc4sfehave 8 incoming lines to channelbank
21:08.10data[DERP]many bugs to quash for mondays release then bkw_ ?
21:08.21kc4sfewant direct dials for techs and support
21:08.27klicTeldoes anyone have a good knowledge of the iax2 lib under windows?
21:08.42data[DERP]klicTel: iax2 lib under windows is still reasonably broken :)
21:08.48ScaredyCatit 0.7.0 is anything like 0.5.0 there'll be a rush on CVS
21:08.56data[DERP]ScaredyCat: have faith!
21:09.16miller7kc4sfe: just make a plan based on the number dialed, I think that should be easy enough?
21:09.20klicTeldata[DERP]: can you please elaborate on 'broken'?
21:09.50bkw_ScaredyCat no we should have a CVS mirror by then
21:09.58kc4sfenot sure I follow - kinda a noob :-(
21:10.02data[DERP]klicTel: the best thats floating about atm is at
21:10.08data[DERP]klicTel: #iaxclient
21:10.18ScaredyCatklicTel: well, it uses windows, so that;s the broken bit ;)
21:10.34bkw_tholo can you point me to some info on that and we will run that?
21:10.46ScaredyCatbkw_: you have the b/w ????
21:10.49data[DERP]klicTel: the iaxclient one just about works in 'debug' mode but doesnt work with release atm :/
21:10.52bkw_ScaredyCat 10mbit
21:11.21klicTelI compile it in debug and release and use it in a home made softphone
21:11.31data[DERP]ScaredyCat: hehe
21:11.39miller7ScaredyCat: LOL
21:12.52klicTelI wanted to know if anyone can recommend a good way for recording the calls on the agent's station, the agent using an IAX2 based softphone
21:13.09haighisthanks Q-At-Work
21:13.11ScaredyCatuse sommat like total record
21:13.27data[DERP]klicTel: are you using iaxclient natively in VC6 ? or using using Dante's .dll file?
21:13.51klicTelno dll... I'm using it in VC 7 (.NET)
21:13.54ScaredyCat'total recorder'
21:13.59miller7data[DERP]: I use dante's DLL for testing, why?
21:14.15haighistholo: do you know a bit about cvs?
21:14.22bkw_yes he does
21:14.35ScaredyCatoh, klicTel you mean you want to code it...
21:14.42miller7data[DERP]: is there a problem with dante's DLL (other than the usual iaxclient probs)?
21:14.49data[DERP]miller7: just wondering because i'm sure iaxclient list would appreciate any patches on the current iaxclient cvs to get it to work proeperly :)
21:14.57klicTelScaredyCat: I would like an API where I can start the recording from the softphone
21:15.00data[DERP]miller7: natively in VC i mean :)
21:15.20miller7data[DERP]: ah, ok
21:15.40data[DERP]miller7: Tili did some ground work a few weeks ago to get it compiling in VC6 and posted to the list
21:16.01ScaredyCatk, well why not 'take a copy' on it;s way to the soundcard
21:16.13klicTelbut i'll still look at total recorder... could be a quick way of doing it
21:16.41klicTelScaredyCat: That could be an option as well... I'm still thinking of the best/fastest way of doing it
21:16.44data[DERP]klicTel: did you modify the iaxclient project much to get it compiling properly?
21:16.44miller7data[DERP]: I see... Have a long time since I last touched vc so... :(
21:16.51klicTelwith the least modifications of course
21:16.52ScaredyCatthey have an SDK
21:17.10*** join/#asterisk Tili (~Tili@
21:17.15data[DERP]speak of the devil!
21:17.18data[DERP]hi Tili ;)
21:17.35data[DERP]We were just talking about you :o
21:17.49Tiliwhat about me
21:18.11klicTelScaredyCat: I'll look at it thanks
21:18.18data[DERP]Tili: about your efforts to battle the evil IAX2 and VC6 :)
21:18.29crontibsZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 2: No such device or address (6)
21:18.36klicTeldata[DERP]: I did some slight modifications yes
21:18.43crontibsZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 2: No such device or address (6)
21:18.43crontibs/lib/modules/2.4.20-8/misc/wcfxo.o: post-install wcfxo failed
21:18.43crontibs/lib/modules/2.4.20-8/misc/wcfxo.o: insmod wcfxo failed
21:18.52bkw_modprobe wcfxo
21:19.00crontibsi got that
21:19.05crontibswhen i rebooted the box
21:19.16ScaredyCatyou have to do it every time oyu boot
21:19.23Tilidata[DERP] i believe that windows software is best done with VC. GCC is not efficient at all.
21:19.24data[DERP]klicTel: could you perhaps update the iaxclient mailinglist with what you did? we'd all be very interested i'm sure :)
21:19.29crontibsahh i see
21:19.39miller7data[DERP]: is there an iaxclient DLL that is maintained / developed continually?
21:19.49pros12Q-At-Work: Where in Alberta are you? im in Calgary
21:19.51data[DERP]Tili: klicTel has modified the iaxclient library and has got it working apparently :)
21:19.57crontibsbkw do you have couple mins to spare to talk to me briefly

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.