irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040108

00:00.04ScaredyCatkewl crontibs...
00:00.15ScaredyCatwas it preconfig'd or sommat?
00:01.37ScaredyCatbkw_: if i supply a patch then i need to sign a disclaimer
00:01.56bkw_ScaredyCat yes
00:02.05ScaredyCatand u could fix it in 3 seconds...
00:02.18malcolmdScaredyCat: 'bout to fix it..
00:02.47bkw_don't think that would require a disclaimer
00:02.47bkw_damn its not much
00:02.47ScaredyCatwhereas waiting for me to get my ass in gear will take months
00:02.47ScaredyCatkewlies malcolmd
00:02.52bkw_token check /usr/src/asterisk/configs
00:03.22malcolmdScaredyCat: recompiling and make install to verify right now...
00:04.13malcolmdharhar :)
00:04.22Mucklcan i debug voicemail somehow? vm works fine, * just sends no emails
00:04.38ScaredyCatMuckl: you have config'd it to do so?
00:04.43ScaredyCatin voicemail.conf/
00:05.02ScaredyCatyou have a sendmail (or similar) installeD?
00:05.07zoaMouse penis ?
00:05.08MucklScaredyCat: it did send mails and then i changed a thousand things and now it doesnt any more :(
00:05.14ScaredyCatmoose zoa!
00:05.22zoamickey moose penis ?
00:05.29ScaredyCatMuckl: then change them back ;)
00:05.41bkw_OMG i'ma bout to shoot someone
00:05.45bkw_these customers are not nice
00:05.50zoathere should be a trigger in here for newbies
00:05.54ScaredyCatat the top of voicemail.conf Muckl
00:05.56bkw_"Look its not my fault some jackass cut some fiber"
00:05.57malcolmdScaredyCat: make install went ok... ??
00:06.05MucklScaredyCat: whats there?
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00:06.19zoamuck: candyman ? :)
00:06.37ScaredyCatmake sure they are right 4 u
00:06.45Muckloh yes, right...thats indeed an option i changed.....setting back....
00:06.54joakoif I update my Linux kernel, do I need to recompile asterisk?
00:07.11zoaonly zaptel
00:07.17zoaand libpri
00:07.39joakoso, update kernel, reboot, recompile libpri + zaptel?
00:07.58alex-homeWARNING[1024]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 5466 (set_config): Ignoring port for now
00:08.02alex-homeIgnoring port for now?!
00:08.51joakozoa: for a second I thought you were BKW
00:09.23joakodoes asterisk need libpri, or is it zaptel that needs libpri?
00:09.42zoaalex: i had it too before
00:09.46zoacan't remember why
00:09.49alex-homeYou dont need libpri unless you've got a card.
00:09.52alex-homezoa: gah :|
00:09.54Wixanother question along that line, will Asterisk compile with out zaptel and libpri?
00:10.02zoait will i think
00:10.06zoait won't
00:10.29malcolmdanybody dupe bug 737?
00:10.29zoayes it might
00:10.29zoatry IT!!!
00:10.34extremiswhat codec should I use to reduce echo as much as possible when increasing rxgain/txgain?
00:10.38joakoyou do NOT need zaptel and probably not libpri
00:10.42zoaalso known als boeing 737 ?
00:10.51malcolmdzoa: soon to be replaced by the 757
00:10.52zoaextremis: its not codec related
00:10.52WixZoa, I have, this is what happens
00:11.02malcolmdthen the E-Liner...oooo...ahhhhh
00:11.12extremiszoa: well I can't touch rxtxgain without getting echo
00:11.16zoawel it doesnt work then :)
00:11.19extremisI've been calling digium for help on it for over a week
00:11.29zoaextremis: try agressive echo cancelling ?
00:11.35zoacompile it with
00:11.36extremisstill echo
00:11.40zoathen delete zaptel modules
00:11.41Wixbut thats also on FBSD too, it may be different running a Linux of some sort
00:11.52ScaredyCatextremis: echocanceller=yes
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00:12.07extremisScaredyCat: of course, but without the ler
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00:15.39joakoI ALWAYS get echo!!!!
00:15.46joakodoes nothing....
00:16.15ScaredyCatI ALWAYS get echo!!!!
00:16.28extremisheh, as soon as I touch rxgain , b00m echo
00:16.36jsmithScaredyCat: Did you follow the echo-training instructions in the Wiki or in the book?
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00:16.38extremiswith agressive on , I can touch txgain without echo
00:16.51ScaredyCatjsmith: it was a joke...
00:16.52joakowiki URL?
00:16.59bkw_ztmonitor is broken
00:17.10extremisnot 'echotraining'
00:17.23extremisyeah, ztmonitor would be cool
00:17.29jsmithjoako: I think it's or something like that...
00:17.46extremisbah, I feel like I'm being mocked
00:18.00jsmithextremis: There's a written procedure on how to reduce echo...
00:18.12extremisjsmith: yeah, way bast that
00:18.25extremisthe written procedure isn't exhaustive enough
00:18.39extremisit expects that it just works, reliance on magic
00:18.42alex-homeSo, c'mon who knows why my IAX port is being ignored? :p
00:18.52extremisbut when thats not the case you are in my shoes
00:18.58alex-homeScaredyCat: !?
00:19.01alex-homeThere isn't one.
00:19.03renequestion: is it posible to make asterisk to end a call?
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00:19.17ScaredyCatat all alex-home?
00:19.25alex-homeScaredyCat: Not on that machine no.
00:19.47joakoare you guys trying to drive me crazy? echotraining=yes, isnt that correct?
00:19.48ScaredyCatu reg'ing 2 boxes on ur lan?
00:19.55alex-homeNot on my LAN.
00:20.05ScaredyCatso one is outside?
00:20.32alex-homeYou reckon?
00:21.14ScaredyCatgot a fw at either end? or both?
00:21.36extremis"Lower the number of taps in the echo canceller"
00:21.40extremishrm, how do you do this?
00:21.45ScaredyCattap tap tap
00:23.10extremisis that the echocancel value?
00:23.14extremismultiples of 2
00:23.25extremisthen what is it?
00:23.39bkw_; Use either "yes", "no", or a power of two from 32 to 256 if you wish
00:23.40bkw_; to actually set the number of taps of cancellation.
00:23.53bkw_if I calc correctly
00:24.20extremisso, that is the echocancel value at a multiple of 2
00:24.27extremisI don't understand why my original statement was false
00:24.44joakoIt's possible to choose a different algorithm for the echo cancler?
00:24.50joakoFACTORS not MULTIPLES
00:24.59extremisjaoko: ahh, I mispoke
00:25.02bkw_zaptel makefile
00:25.04extremismy mind wanted factors
00:26.08extremisdon't you mean zconfig.h?
00:26.17extremis#define ECHO_CAN_MARK2
00:27.17joakocan I select them all?
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00:27.44joakoeven if I could it would probably still have echo
00:27.57bkw_I don't have echo
00:28.02alex-homebkw_: !
00:28.06joakobut I do, and it wont go away
00:28.06extremisbkw_: why don't you have echo?
00:28.07alex-homeI need your expert help.
00:28.31bkw_because if you fuck with tx/rxgain you will have echo
00:28.41joakoI removed them from zaptel.conf
00:28.42bkw_I'm trying to find out why
00:28.47bkw_its zapata.conf
00:28.56joakothe one with a z in /etc/asterisk
00:29.10joakoI only need to recompile zaptel, correct?
00:29.45ScaredyCatextremis: you are RESTARTING * after any changes to zapata.conf right, not reloading
00:29.51crontibsis it possible keeping the user name for example for voicepulse in the
00:30.04extremisScaredyCat: yes, and unloading the modules
00:30.06crontibsand then call it from extensions as variable like this
00:32.55extremisoffice-pbx-01 zaptel # ./ztdiag 1
00:32.56extremisopen(/dev/zap/ctl: File exists
00:33.25MucklScaredyCat: sendmail crashed again, that was the problem...
00:35.11extremisI guess Celeron 500 procs don't have MMX
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00:35.54james<james> if i have a 24 port switch, I could potentially connect 22 SIP phones and the other two ports could be used for LAN and Internet connections..correct?
00:36.21jameshello scaredycat
00:36.39jamescan you tell me the best way to connect 4 POTS lines
00:36.48jamesto * box
00:36.57ScaredyCati thought you didn;t want POTS
00:37.00jamesalong with a 24 port switch
00:37.04extremisno fxo
00:37.12extremistoo hard to find a box you won't share irqs in
00:37.14jamesI don't want it but its good to know the options
00:37.15JerJerTE410P+channel bank
00:37.16extremis2 in 1 box :)
00:37.22ScaredyCatuse x100p's or wait for the fxo modules for the tdm400p channle banks
00:37.32jamesthats too expensive
00:37.47jamesI may not need FXO at all since my application is a call center
00:37.50JerJerthen hold off for the FXO modules on digium's TDM chassis
00:37.55jamesbut if I knew, I could make some use of it
00:37.58ScaredyCatbut iirc 3 is the max for x100p;s in a single box, wiht a bit of fiddling
00:38.23jamesJerJer, is digium coming with a 4 port FXO?
00:38.24crontibsJerJer able to get me DID now
00:38.45jamesare there any alternatives?
00:38.55jsmithjames: They are, but we're not sure when they'll be done...
00:39.15jameshmmm...any alternative for a 4 port FXO?
00:39.21jsmithjames: In the mean time, it's a little more expensive, but more expandable to get a T100P and an FXO channel bank
00:40.01jamesi thought about the channel bank solution but this thing is for call center and those ppl would like to use SIP
00:40.25jamesI don;t know why but I think they believe that if I go broke, they can atleast reuse the SIP phones with other vendor
00:40.44crontibsjames what kinda sip fones are you using
00:40.46jsmithI see...
00:41.14jamesI haven't decided on SIP phones yet, but I will let the customer (potential one though) decide it
00:41.30jamesi am gathering info right now so that I can prepare a reasonable quote
00:41.48jamesthese guys are generally cool and willing to bet on a new technology
00:41.54jamesif its cost effectiver
00:41.55ScaredyCatzoa: i bet that;s voidptr ....
00:42.10zoait must be bkw
00:42.15jamesi have convinced them of * features and reasonable cost and wide support etc
00:42.28alex-homeOK, i've got a problem again.
00:42.35jamesi just want to know the FXO connectivity issue incase if I get asked for one
00:42.36angleranyone know the bug number for agentcallbacklogin with moh?
00:42.54alex-homeEvery single call i make says "Everyone is busy at this time"
00:42.57alex-homeAny idea?
00:42.58jamesany other suggestion besides wait from digium for FXO
00:43.46jameswill 2 supra work with the switch?
00:43.56crontibsyeah its ethernet
00:44.11jamessipura...i am sorry
00:44.31crontibsits got 1 ethernet port and 2 pots ports
00:45.43jamesoh no... its the FXS
00:45.46jamesjust read it
00:46.11jameshow to I get the PSTN line to talk to asterisk if channel bank is not the option
00:46.18Mikewe need an app that tells the temperature
00:46.22jamesi can spend on IP phones or the TDM card and channel bank
00:46.34Wixthanks for the help.  TTYL
00:46.43jamesi'd rather spend on IP phones and a ethernet switch
00:47.31ScaredyCatMike: from where?
00:47.46extremis<james> i have convinced them of * features and reasonable cost and wide support etc
00:47.48MikeScaredyCat: an app that takes the temperature as gnome applets
00:47.50jamesi know tigerjet has a FXO card
00:47.50Mikeor gdesklets
00:47.53extremiswide support. hah!
00:47.57ScaredyCatuse AGI/perl and GEO::Weather (if ur in the usa)
00:47.59jamesbut that's just a single port
00:48.03MikeScaredyCat: i call every morning to my exten that says the hour
00:48.15MikeScaredyCat: i dont have to look the hour at a clock i can not see at night
00:48.24MikeScaredyCat: i would love to have the temperature also
00:48.48jameswow....temperature and then * will make coffee lol
00:49.11Mikejames: well at night its dificult to look at the hour at a regular clock
00:49.16Mikebut not hard to listen to it
00:49.22Mikeam i right or not?
00:49.29ScaredyCatMike that's what I'm saying... use perl and AGI so you can dial an exten to tell you
00:49.33Mikeif so the temprature would be an excelent option there
00:49.39jamesi may agree with the clock but that's too much
00:49.45ScaredyCath/w even
00:49.52Mikejames: why?
00:50.18MikeScaredyCat: i dont code perl
00:50.19jameswell...... i am spoiled by bay area weather....its never that harsh so what the heck
00:50.32bkw_blah timmah
00:50.50ScaredyCatjames: why not the temp! /me does that... I can turn lights on and off with mine too
00:50.50jamesif you are somewhere in east coast or can then i can (may beO understand
00:51.21jameslights on off.....what are you guys upto? its an PBX or a robot
00:51.38ScaredyCaterrm, well there's more...
00:51.50ScaredyCatcan dial in and control my music too...
00:51.59ScaredyCatand my tv/vcr
00:52.03zoahelp me out
00:52.06jamesstop are killing me man....let's focus on the PBX part for now
00:52.16zoahow can i replace the ringtone with a custom wav file ?
00:52.22zoalike instead of ringing
00:52.24MikeScaredyCat: you hurt my feelings
00:52.27ScaredyCatjames: it just show that * can do ANYTHING
00:52.29zoahave a custom wave file
00:52.33MikeScaredyCat: i want to do all that but monday im back to school!!!
00:53.01jameswell, then suggest me something for 4-Port FXO
00:53.02MikeScaredyCat: i made so much in this xmas vacations with asterisk
00:53.07zoado i need to use moh for that ?
00:53.10MikeScaredyCat: and going back to school will limit me
00:53.14ScaredyCatany James was joking abot making the coffee.... I'm not
00:53.18alex-homebkw_: Can you jst help me with that *last* one thing :((
00:53.59ScaredyCatMike: but you can still mess with * at night, under the sheets :P
00:54.12MikeScaredyCat: not enought
00:54.18jamesmike is having too much fun...i guess
00:54.22MikeScaredyCat: you need all day long to mess with asterisk
00:54.39zoacan i do it in an other way than using the dial,m function ?
00:54.42MikeScaredyCat: to really mess with it
00:54.49MikeScaredyCat: make intresting stuff
00:54.56Mikejames: im
00:55.14zoaalex: what last thing ?
00:55.29alex-homezoa: Every call i try and make, im getting "Everyone is busy at this time"
00:55.30alex-homeThat error..
00:55.33alex-homeWHATEVER i call..
00:55.34jamesalright...back to FXO...any suggestions for a 4 port FXO implementation
00:55.39alex-homeEven if im using a different gateway.
00:55.41zoaoutgoing call on pstn ?
00:55.50zoause debugging
00:55.50ScaredyCatalex-home: sounds like the phone isn;t registering
00:55.52Mikejames: 2 sipuras
00:55.52zoaiax ?
00:55.55zoasip ?
00:55.57Mikejames: 100bucks each
00:56.00zoause sip debug
00:56.01alex-homehmm, sip phone, but going out over iax.
00:56.05jamessipuras don't connect to PSTN
00:56.05alex-homeThe phones registered.
00:56.09zoause iax debug
00:56.09Mikejames: 2 FXS ports each that conect to asterisk via sip
00:56.12jamesjust to the phone instrument
00:56.12zoasip show registry
00:56.27ScaredyCatsip show peers should show the phone alex-home
00:56.28Mikejames: 1 x100p?
00:56.28jamesi want to connect to PSTN
00:56.40jamesneed 4 ports though
00:56.44alex-homeScaredyCat: Thats got me fine.
00:56.48Mike4 x100p
00:56.52jamesit will be too much if i buy 4 cards
00:57.06ScaredyCatalex-home: what context are you using for your phone?
00:57.08ScaredyCatin sip.conf
00:57.26ScaredyCatand are the extensions in the same context in extensions.conf
00:57.28alex-homeFor my phone here, "alex"
00:57.53ScaredyCatie in extensions.conf u have :
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00:58.01ScaredyCatthen the extens
00:58.27bkw_token mine is the same as the sip.conf.sample
00:59.22alex-homeScaredyCat: The context=outgoing on my user.
00:59.55zoabkw, do you have an idea on how i could fix that ?
01:00.08zoaor would i need to patch app_dial ?
01:00.30ScaredyCatok.. and are the other extens in the same context
01:00.50alex-homeeach exten has a name.
01:00.53alex-homee.g. theres myself and mat
01:00.56alex-homeso its ..
01:01.10alex-home(with other stuff)
01:01.16alex-homesecret etc..
01:01.18ScaredyCatis that estensions.conf
01:01.22ScaredyCator sip
01:01.53ScaredyCatdoes [alex] have more info (ie were you abbreviating)
01:02.01alex-homei was abbrev :p
01:02.09alex-homeit has secret allow, disallow etc
01:02.35ScaredyCatok.. in extensions.conf  [outgoing] you define ur extens correct?
01:02.52alex-homeumm yep
01:03.06ScaredyCatok, who which one isnt working
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01:03.52ScaredyCatso not who
01:04.04alex-homeScaredyCat: Well, as the other phones aren't around *sigh* i can't test on those, but basically everything from my phone comes out with busy.
01:04.13KillerBeeKillerBee is in da house!
01:04.23franciscoFrancisco in the house !
01:04.23ScaredyCatpaste one of the extens that doesnt work
01:04.29alex-homeKillerBee: We're playing try and fix alex's problem for a cookie.
01:04.31alex-homeScaredyCat: k
01:04.52KillerBeeso I can get a cookie if I fix it?
01:05.57ScaredyCatadd the context at the end (after the {exten}
01:06.02ScaredyCatthe target context
01:06.12JerJeralex-home: oh god use a damn type=peer man
01:06.14ScaredyCatand  make sure it matches the one in iax.conf
01:06.39alex-homeinclude => outgoing
01:06.42alex-homethat you mean? :P
01:07.33hmodesGAH, hometime
01:07.45alex-homeScaredyCat: ^^
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01:08.01JerJeralex-home: have you read any of the documenation?
01:08.09alex-homewhat documentation!
01:08.20zoayeah alex: try that italian site
01:08.20alex-homesome yea
01:08.31zoaotherwise we will get very very not friendly :)
01:08.47alex-homeYes, i have read the docs :P
01:09.02alex-homeNot recently, but printed off most of that HUGE development one..
01:09.43zoai also copied a lot of books when i was at the university
01:09.52zoathat doesnt imply that i actually read some of them :)
01:10.00MadNachosanyone offer a online service to print docs and mail then to you? It cost a fortune for me to print on my damn inkjet....
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01:11.35zoamr nachos: do that at work :)
01:12.49zoawow malcomd is on a killing spree
01:13.42bkw_this next week is going to be a killing spree
01:13.49bkw_getting caught up over the holidays
01:13.50zoakram is back
01:13.55zoathat will be groovy :)
01:14.01bkw_then I fliped the bug tracker on its head lastnight
01:14.17zoabkw: do you know something about the rumours about that new app_queue ?
01:14.23bkw_its not a rumor
01:14.25bkw_its going to happen
01:14.33zoaits being written by ?
01:14.35bkw_tclark and denon are working on it last I hear
01:14.43tholoAnthm and tclark, maybe?
01:14.54zoadon't think its anthm
01:14.55franciscowhat is the use of asterisk without a FXO and/or FXS board ?
01:14.58francisconone ?
01:14.59zoaas he wrote all the patches
01:15.03ScaredyCatmore info bkw_
01:15.07KillerBeeman go away for a day or two... and the whole world goes upsidedown
01:15.10zoaanthm: you are ?
01:15.22tholoHe is still quite interested in a redesigned queue implementation. :)
01:15.35zoafrancisco: maybe euhm
01:15.38zoasip phones ?
01:15.39bkw_anthm your not starting with it from scratch
01:15.41zoaiax phones ?
01:15.53zoaiax pass thru ?
01:15.54bkw_anthm your doing alot of work on the current one.. but tclark and denon are starting from scratch
01:16.16franciscozoa : what is euhm ?
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01:20.42anthmbkw you didnt know i am coding the new queue ?
01:20.59zoaoké, i'm lost now
01:21.02zoaanthm tell me all about it
01:21.08zoai want to help you think :)
01:21.23zoa+ i hired someone to do some patches on app_queue
01:21.29zoasomehow i think i better fire him
01:21.47bkw_anthm really?
01:21.59bkw_anthm thats good news
01:22.22anthmbkw , me and tclark had the inital desire and he got his buddy to help
01:22.28bkw_ah ok
01:22.39tclarkdenon is not a coder :)
01:22.41bkw_anthm how is that coming along?
01:22.50denontclark: not a pronounced one anyway
01:23.14anthmbkw so far its app_noop
01:23.26anthmbke but it has a shell and compiles
01:24.38jamesbkw_ I know you can suggest a good alternative to a 4 port FXO from digium (since its not yet available)
01:25.02jamesi don;t need to buy one right now. its just for a proposal
01:25.22jamesas long as something exists (that can be bought), i am happy
01:25.45jamesany idea anyone?
01:26.11bkw_james nope
01:26.15jamesi wish sipura had a reverse phone gateway
01:26.34bkw_use a cisco 1751 with VIC-2FXO's
01:27.31jameswow....1751 is expensive :-(
01:27.42bkw_see take your pick
01:27.48bkw_you can put 4 FXO's in a box
01:28.50tclarkbkw_: have you used the ata 186 with v3.0 firmware behind a NAT to register to public IP & are able to Dial(SIP/ata181 blah) to the register'd NAT 186
01:29.45jamesbkw_: channel bank seems much cheaper than the cisco option
01:30.20jamesso * is lagging on reasonably priced multiport FXO ...hmmm
01:30.26jamesnot a good situation
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01:31.13bkw_tclark no more ata's here
01:31.16jameswhat is a big deal about FXO by the way?
01:31.31bkw_james a t1 card and channel bank
01:31.38bkw_24 FXO's
01:31.41jamesyup...thats the only option left
01:31.48tclarkbkw_: did you ever try that when you got the 3.0 firmware
01:32.00bkw_tclark I hate nat.. but i'm using it now
01:32.03bkw_for my wireless stuffs
01:34.09tclarkbkw_: ok do you know anyone here IRC doing NAT with the ata's ?
01:34.30zoanat is no good
01:34.34zoait always gives problems with sip
01:34.38zoano matter how hard you try
01:35.10tclarkzao: i mean if you register to the public IP , not calling back into NAT SIP
01:35.23anthmtclark what is the url for ppl to look at the cvs of the icd
01:35.29loko-mokoUnrelated request... Is anyone using comcast digital cable with more than 2 or more digital boxes?
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01:43.53halfwitdoes anyone have a good understanding of the bridging they use in Asterisk.. trying to understand it for a test app I am building
01:47.52halfwitanyone here tonight.. or is this Java app crash on me?
01:47.54_Eagle_bridging, no... conferencing, yes
01:48.17_Eagle_although i assume the bridging is probably similar to how they do conferencing
01:48.21_Eagle_give or take
01:49.01_Eagle_can you describe what you need to know in like 3 sentences or less?
01:49.03halfwitjust was wondering why when I use this one function it seems to crash .. but I guess thats kind of my problem since I am kind of hacking thinkings here
01:49.09_Eagle_if others are lurking, they will jump in
01:49.25anthmbridging is defined in res_parking.c in ast_bridge_call  
01:50.06halfwiti'll take a look at it.. my problem is..  I am kind of a beginning programmer and it gives me more headaches because of that too :P
01:51.07anthmalso see channel.c
01:53.02anthmwhen you brifge a call that func is executed on both channels at once
01:53.14anthmstruct ast_channel *c0, struct ast_channel *c1
01:53.32anthmyou us if st to see which copy is which and perform various task
01:54.41halfwithow about the native bridges?
01:55.37halfwitI was messing around with some things.. and it seemed when I used one function it couldn't establish a native bridge
01:55.57halfwitI am sure I was missing something.. but right now I am kind of learning things..
01:57.53*** join/#asterisk Wix (
02:02.47*** join/#asterisk T` (tome@
02:04.10*** join/#asterisk Lee3 (~MMM@
02:09.27*** join/#asterisk Mike-69 (
02:11.56Mikeif i have a 2 pair cable for my local panasonic pbx to asterisk server about 50 meters could take be making my calls to sound weird?
02:13.19_Eagle_mike:  what grade of cable?
02:13.29_Eagle_you should always use cat5 for voice for new installs
02:13.43Mikethats for networking use
02:13.51_Eagle_yeah, its good for voice too
02:13.56_Eagle_reduces interference and noise
02:14.05_Eagle_i do all my voice with cat5
02:14.08_Eagle_calls sound awesome
02:14.24Mike_Eagle_: the 2 pair cable seems with better
02:14.28_Eagle_cat5 is cheap
02:14.30Mikethe one that goes to the telephone box
02:15.07Mikethe small one that goes from the post to the telephone box
02:15.08Mikethat one
02:15.14Mikethat 2 pair cable seems good
02:15.30_Eagle_yeah, but underground it's not passing any interference sources
02:15.42_Eagle_like your fridge motor, furnace motor, microwave, etc
02:15.48_Eagle_computers, fans, etc
02:15.50Mikeno not that weird sounds
02:15.52_Eagle_electric lines
02:16.27Mikei had to set on my zapata.conf jitterbuffers=90
02:16.35Mikeso the weird noise would go away
02:16.39Mikebut im talking to someone
02:16.47Mikeand the zap hangup
02:16.55bkw_sip to sip doesn't have jitterbuffrs
02:17.11Mikebkw_: im using panasonic pbx to asterisk server with x101p
02:17.27Mikebkw_: and i call the local ext at the panasonic server and link up with the asterisk server
02:17.37Mikebkw_: but im talking to someone and sudendly the card gets hangup
02:17.46bkw_use gs or ls
02:17.48bkw_not ks
02:17.55Mikewhat do you mean?
02:18.08bkw_don't use that on a PBX
02:18.09Mikegs or ls?
02:18.10bkw_use gs
02:18.12bkw_or ls
02:18.20Mikewhats the difference btw gs and ls?
02:18.28bkw_just try em
02:18.41Mikeok do i take jitterbuffrs
02:18.42Kumbangduh, asterisk freeze if i reload config, cdr_odbc.conf not found
02:19.02jimmyzanyone seen this copy of the t4100p
02:19.43*** join/#asterisk Moc (
02:19.51Mikebkw asterisk wont run with gs or ls
02:20.01MocI hate Quicken !!!!
02:20.02bkw_change /etc/zaptel.conf also
02:20.08Mikebkw_: to what
02:20.08bkw_re run ztcfg
02:20.18loko-mokojimmyz looks interesting
02:20.22bkw_Mike THINK you know this stuff :)
02:20.33bkw_jimmyz yes
02:20.35jimmyzi doubt it it though
02:20.45bkw_its the same card but not the same quality
02:21.07Mikebkw_: ive been looking like the whole week for this minimal detail why didnt you told me:)
02:21.08jimmyzi want the quality
02:22.18loko-mokoif you have 4 PRIs, saving $500 is nothing
02:23.14*** join/#asterisk seemore (
02:23.33*** join/#asterisk buddy (
02:23.38anglertime for home now
02:25.32bkw_wtf is up with people running into houses
02:25.44loko-mokowhatever happened in your case
02:26.07Moclol no idea bkw_
02:26.18bkw_loko-moko dont know yet
02:26.21MocPeople in US must drive really bad ...
02:26.23Mikebkw_: using fxs_ls do i need jitterbuffers=90
02:26.25Mikebkw_: ?
02:26.34bkw_leave that alone
02:26.37jimmyzyea you should see my GF
02:26.39bkw_jitterbuffer=4 is enuf
02:26.46Mikebkw_: i had to use jitterbuffers=90 to make sound good
02:26.50Mikebkw_: using fxs_ks
02:27.00bkw_that has nothing to do with it
02:27.02Mocok G is everywhere thought I guess..
02:27.11Mikebkw_: what do jitterbuffers=90 do?
02:27.54bkw_; Configure jitter buffers in zapata (each one is 20ms, default is 4)
02:28.13bkw_1.8 seconds of jitterbuffer ARE YOU MAD
02:28.19bkw_if you have that much lag you need to fix it
02:28.33Mikemy line its 50meters way
02:28.35Mocok finally my SIPura is on the way ..
02:28.45MikeMoc: i got my 3 sipura today:P
02:29.24MocMike: hehe , I ordered it 3 day ago, and it was picked up today (01/07/2004 15:48)
02:29.39Voipwhere ya getting em from?
02:30.10jtoddMoc: let me guess:
02:30.22Mocnope pulver
02:30.26bkw_pulver is cheaper
02:30.47jtoddMoc: Ah.  Ok.  I just happened to be on the phone with the voxilla guy this afternoon as he packed up/shipped a few dozen of them.
02:31.14Mocok checking my 7960 tracking number now..
02:31.38MocStill no update on site ... I bought it off ebay, starting to think I got ripped off
02:33.06_Eagle_someone's gonna get a bad feedback rating
02:33.28_Eagle_i dont trust the concept of ebay
02:33.28MocIf I could yes, it was on ebay, but bought off ebay actually :(
02:33.38_Eagle_probably because i generally dont trust people
02:33.40Mocbut anyway maybe it UPS PRoblem ..
02:34.05Moc_Eagle_: Same here, except bkw_ and kram, but I tryed
02:34.36Mocand maybe the guys is allright also.. might just be UPS problem
02:34.48MocThe guy work at the Army
02:34.51bkw_keep telling yourself that
02:35.00bkw_jtodd I suck at writing docs
02:35.12jtoddAh, you'll get better as time goes on.
02:35.33bkw_the only problem is i'm trying to core * so I have a corefile to work with while writing this doc
02:35.43bkw_but I have tried to do it via the reload over and over and over agian thingy
02:35.45bkw_but NO GO
02:35.48bkw_so that person must be on crack
02:37.00MocI tryed the lastest CVS with the Reload bug I had, and it doesn't happen anymore
02:37.16bkw_Moc then please post about it
02:37.37jtoddbkw: Just insert some garbage into pbx.c and re-compile.  :-)
02:37.41Mocbkw_: Did I ? (Moc Think...)
02:37.57MocI posted something recently..
02:38.14jimmyz order this phone to test today is a valid Army Domain ?
02:38.32jtoddMoc: Yes, is valid.
02:38.34bkw_because mothing pisses me off more than someone opening a bug then falling off the face of the planet
02:38.42jtodddoughecka: 12 distinctive rings?  Interesting.
02:38.47bkw_sounds like sipura
02:38.48extremisheh, I've been paying for 4 lines now for 2 months and cannot use them
02:38.58Mocok the guys I bought it from is real.. I guess it just my ongoing badluck with UPS
02:38.59extremiszaptel is getting on my nerves
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02:39.46Mocbkw_: Hey, first no one posted about fixing it ..
02:40.15Mocdamn forgot my pass on bugs..
02:42.30Mocok sorry bkw_ it still crash
02:42.40extremisok, so how much do I have to pay someone in here to fix my volume issue without introducing echo?
02:43.19extremisseriously, I need this done
02:43.24extremisand I obviously lack the ability
02:43.30bkw_extremis happen to check the polarity of the phone jack?
02:43.36MocI just tryed copy paste reload ... alot of reload at the same time in the console and it crash
02:43.46extremisbkw_: ?
02:44.04extremisyou mean you think 1 and 2 are crossed?
02:44.31extremiswould that be why whenever I load wcfxo the telco detects a short?
02:44.59bkw_extremis could be
02:46.00extremishrm, so what meter do I need to determine the polarity, and what should the reading be whenever I touch the 2 center on the rj11
02:46.19Mocbkw_: Have you closed the bugs ??
02:46.23bkw_Moc no
02:46.29bkw_Moc their are two of the same bug
02:46.33bkw_I have to sort thru em
02:46.37_Eagle_tip = green = blue/white, ring = red = solid blue....   ring is always more negative than tip
02:46.55Mocok can't see it anymore, but it still there sorry..
02:46.59MocJust tested it again..
02:52.04_Eagle_measure voltage from each wire to ground...  ring is always more negative than tip
02:54.05extremisso on a 4 wire rj11, the center 2 are tip then ground from left to right?
02:54.47Mike_Eagle_: your sick
02:55.04extremisor even better
02:55.14_Eagle_mike:  huh?
02:56.13_Eagle_i dunno the pinout on rj plugs
02:56.15Mike_Eagle_: measuring voltage on the cables
02:56.19Mikeits not good practice
02:56.26Mikenot for the mind health
02:57.04_Eagle_mike:  its low voltage, you wont kill yourself
02:57.05extremisso... on the x100P card if thet pins are on the bottom
02:57.17extremiswhich is tip and ground
02:57.38_Eagle_there is no ground
02:57.42_Eagle_its tip and ring
02:57.58_Eagle_tip is green, ring is red... thats line 1
02:58.07_Eagle_line 2 is black and yellow
02:58.28_Eagle_look on the internet for the proper pinout for an rj11 plug
02:58.36_Eagle_there should be some schematics out there
02:58.46extremisignore the rj plug
02:58.52extremisI'm talking about the x100p now
02:58.56extremisI'll map it down the wire
02:58.59extremispins on bottom
02:59.02extremisclip on top
02:59.06_Eagle_chances are, the zaptel card is fine...  your problem is most likely the phone jack
02:59.38_Eagle_its far easier to repair the phone jack then to change the zaptel card
02:59.39extremisok, but since I'm not using those colors, It only matters how it hits the card
02:59.49extremissome asshole ran our cable
03:00.01extremisand I can't tell which pin maps to what on the jack
03:00.14extremisso instead, I can make a cable and make sure that the right cable hits the right pin
03:00.22extremisbut I have to know what the pinouts are on the card
03:00.27_Eagle_describe your setup...  how are you getting dialtone?
03:00.31_Eagle_hey kram
03:01.03extremis_Eagle_: from bell
03:01.03tholoSo, did the Xilinx tech show?  Was he able to help?
03:01.03extremis4 analog lines
03:01.03extremisthe run from the xconnect in the building over 2 cat5 to my patchpanel
03:01.03bkw_hrm good idea
03:01.09extremisI made an rj45 to rj11 cable
03:01.27extremispins 1 and 2 on the rj45 go to 2 and 3 on the rj11
03:01.36extremisbut as bkw said, they may be backwareds
03:02.09_Eagle_extremis:  no offense, but thats a piss poor way to do phone connections
03:02.18extremis_Eagle_: not my choice
03:02.36_Eagle_why are you connecting the pots lines to an rj45 patch panel?
03:03.18_Eagle_buy yourself a couple of phone hacks for $2 each, cut the wire, strip it, and wire the jacks by hand yourself
03:03.30_Eagle_hacks = jacks
03:03.33_Eagle_damn keyboard
03:04.18_Eagle_if he ran 2 cat5's, did he put 2 lines on each cat5 then?
03:04.48extremis_Eagle_: I understand that you are trying to help, and I appreciate it... but I'd rather not do that
03:04.50_Eagle_was this a telco guy?  or just some asshole kid that works for the colocation company?
03:04.56extremistelco guy
03:05.19_Eagle_well first of all, dont use an rj45 to rj11 cable
03:05.24extremis_Eagle_: yes
03:05.29_Eagle_an rj11 jack will fit just fine in an rj45 jack
03:05.40_Eagle_it goes right in the center... it will fit fine
03:05.45extremis_Eagle_: not if he wired it up to pairs 1 and 2 and not 4 and 5
03:05.54extremiswhich he did
03:06.02_Eagle_why dont you want to re-wire it then?
03:06.08_Eagle_its not hard
03:06.16extremisbecause its up high and there is alot of equipment in the way
03:06.27extremisbut that isn't keeping me from fixing the problem
03:06.31extremisit sjust keeping me from doing it y our style
03:06.46_Eagle_ok... then he's what i would do....
03:07.15_Eagle_take a cat5 wire...  put an rj45 on ONE end of it.... and plug it in
03:07.27_Eagle_then strip the other end, and break it out into 4 pairs
03:07.50extremisdigium was saying that I should not send 4 wires to the card
03:07.55extremisinstead I should only send 2
03:08.04_Eagle_then install a jack on the appropriate pairs that accepts a modular cord
03:08.10_Eagle_thats correct
03:08.28_Eagle_look...  you'
03:08.45extremismodular cord?
03:08.58_Eagle_you can either spend 3 or 4 hours f**king around with it, or you can correct the mistakes made by your installer the easiest way you can :-)
03:09.13_Eagle_do you have some cat5 wire?
03:09.22_Eagle_do you have an rj45 connector?
03:09.29_Eagle_do you have crimpers?
03:09.41_Eagle_ok...  then measure an appropriate length of cat5
03:09.51_Eagle_probably better to leave it longer than you need, just in case
03:10.04_Eagle_install the rj45 connector on one end of it
03:10.29_Eagle_on the opposite end, strip the instulation and break it out into 4 separate pairs of wire (no connectors)
03:10.45_Eagle_plug the end with the rj45 connector into the patch panel jack
03:11.15_Eagle_now you should have dialtone on the wires with no connectors
03:11.29_Eagle_chances are, they put line 1 on 1 pair, and line 2 on another pair
03:11.46_Eagle_find which pairs have dialtone
03:11.50extremisok, he sends back 5 lines over 2 wires
03:12.05extremisand he breaks each line out into their own rj45 jack
03:12.20_Eagle_then use a cheapo $2 phone jack...  it has 4 screw terminals... red and green and black and yellow
03:12.21extremisand he said that they were on pins 1 and 2 of each rj45 jack (on the patch panel)
03:12.35_Eagle_use 1 jack for each pair that has dialtone... on the green and red terminals
03:12.54*** join/#asterisk buddy (
03:12.56_Eagle_then use a standard rj11 phone patch cord between the jack and the digium zaptel card
03:12.57tholoTake him out back and shoot him?
03:13.17extremis_Eagle_: why is that better than making an rj45 to rj11 cable it each rj45 jack only has 1 line?
03:13.31MocI guess the US Army guys is ok, the one I got the 7960, he still reply to my emails
03:13.36loko-mokoAnyone here in Los Angeles?
03:13.46extremisand that still doesn't answer what ports on the x100p are tip and ring
03:13.51extremisrather what pins
03:14.15_Eagle_extremis:  the x100p has a standard single line phone jack on it
03:14.19_Eagle_it should be the center pins
03:14.24extremisthats fine
03:14.29extremisbut bkw asked about polarity
03:14.37extremisso I should put tip on the tip pin
03:14.38_Eagle_look on the internet for a pinout that tells you which one is tip and which one is ring
03:14.42_Eagle_i told you that already
03:15.02_Eagle_there's a standard way of wiring these things
03:15.02extremisok, about the difference in what I have now and your method is?
03:15.10extremisits the 'right way'
03:15.30_Eagle_look...  if you do it your way, then you have to play around with it until you find which pins go where
03:15.56_Eagle_if you do it my way, you're just unscrewing screw terminals and swapping wires if the polarity is backwards
03:16.11_Eagle_in your case, you're cutting and re-crimping every time you get it "wrong"
03:16.29MocI hate those 110 things..
03:16.30extremis_Eagle_: ok, that I understand
03:16.34_Eagle_you can make it work your way, but it will take far more effort and time than to do it "the right way"
03:16.53MocI ratter like the Nordx Bix
03:17.10*** join/#asterisk buddy (
03:17.45extremisok, so if the pins are on the bottom (of the x100p card) then 2 and 3 would be tip and ring accordingly
03:17.51_Eagle_and besides, when i started telling you how to do it, i was still under the impression he had put 2 lines on each patch panel port
03:17.54extremistholo: thanks
03:18.03extremis_Eagle_: nah
03:18.10extremisbut thank you fro taking the time
03:18.50_Eagle_no problem
03:18.50extremisso tip is usually more or less negative?
03:19.02_Eagle_ring is always more negative than tip
03:19.05extremisfrom what I see, tip is + and ring is -
03:19.09_Eagle_i cant tell you a volyage to look for
03:19.20extremiswell, swb was seeing 50
03:19.33extremisis it measured in volts?
03:19.35extremis50 volts?
03:19.37_Eagle_tip might be -37 and ring -46 for example
03:19.47_Eagle_but ring is always more negative
03:19.50extremisok, Imma test at the house
03:20.02_Eagle_its usually negative volts dc
03:20.16extremisheh, I'm glad I have a fluke multimeter
03:20.24extremisrather, I'm glad I never gave it back
03:21.00_Eagle_you're measuring the potential difference
03:21.08_Eagle_best way is to measure from each wire to ground
03:21.47_Eagle_once you know which pair has dialtone on it, measure from 1 wire to earth ground, then from the other wire to earth ground
03:21.54_Eagle_whichever one is more negative, is ring
03:22.52_Eagle_now remember, i'm talking the pairs from the telco
03:22.56_Eagle_not from the zaptel card
03:23.36_Eagle_i dont know what you'll see from the zaptel card
03:23.48*** join/#asterisk Link (
03:23.53Linkbwk you there
03:24.09*** join/#asterisk loko_moko (
03:24.10_Eagle_well, i gotta run and get some stuff done
03:24.30MadNachosI just purchased a nice multi-meter...gotta have one ;-)
03:26.21*** join/#asterisk ample_ (
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03:28.30*** join/#asterisk T`` (tome@
03:30.25Mike its dead now
03:31.38Linkanyone know why I am getting error 481
03:31.52Linkwith macro
03:33.38Linkanyone see sip error 481 using macros
03:38.54ErikNis there anyway to force sip rtp sessions to a specific port?
03:40.04Linksubscriber does not exist
03:40.08Linkanyone seen this
03:40.15Linkusing macros
03:41.57*** join/#asterisk bobov (
03:44.09bobovIs "circuit-busy" a generic catch-all for any and all connection problems regardless of the cause? My friend can register and call in and we can converse, but I cannot cal out to her.
03:44.27bobovI suspect she has a port blocked. She's behind a Nat.
03:44.31*** join/#asterisk No_Carrier_ (~NoCarrier@
03:46.01bkw_Link in the channel please
03:46.10bkw_481 means it can't find it
03:46.11bkw_show me the macro
03:46.13bkw_and how you call it
03:46.30bobovbkw, are you addressing me?
03:46.45bkw_bobov no
03:47.18bkw_Link if you can paste me your macro and extensions.conf entry
03:47.35Linkbkw it is the one you gave me earlier
03:47.40Linkthat macro
03:47.45bkw_ok show me how you called the macro
03:47.56Linkfrom extensions
03:47.59Linkor from sip
03:48.39bkw_the macro is in extensions.conf
03:48.44bkw_and so is the calling portion of it
03:49.00Linkit is exactly like your default
03:49.06bkw_what file did you put it in?
03:49.15Linkinclude => sip
03:49.26bkw_what file did you put the macro in
03:49.41Linkhow would I
03:49.50bkw_give me root on the box
03:50.04ErikNme too plz
03:50.06bkw_I think you missed a step
03:50.09LinkI can't its on vpn
03:50.20bkw_that macro has to be in extensions.conf
03:50.22LinkI am not in the office to open it up
03:50.31Linkwant both files
03:50.36Linkwould that be easier
03:50.45bkw_put them up so I can look at it
03:50.48bkw_msg me where they are
03:51.00bkw_or send them in txt format
03:51.03*** part/#asterisk No_Carrier_ (~NoCarrier@
03:51.08Linksend to:
03:51.39ErikNJerJer: that looks like my folks place :-)
03:51.44bkw_I wish
03:51.45*** join/#asterisk No_Carrier_ (~NoCarrier@
03:51.54JerJerTroy Birdsall,
03:51.54JerJerFairbanks, Alaska
03:51.54JerJerJan. 06
03:51.59JerJeris who/where/when
03:52.17bkw_woo wooo wooooooo
03:52.20ErikNJerJer: my folks live in Wasilla - 200~ miles south of fairbanks
03:52.23*** join/#asterisk angler__ (~angler@
03:53.44Mikewho is the head coder of gnophone?
03:53.47bkw_ok lets revisit my sick twistedness
03:53.51Mikewhy did the development stop?
03:55.19bkw_guess it just did
03:56.24JerJergood stuff!
03:57.05Mikewhy does my question about gnophone always gets ignore?
03:57.25hellercuz this isn't a gnophone channel?
03:57.38Linkbkw sent files
03:58.04Mikeheller: thats not the reason
03:58.44helleroh. then, if you know the reason, then why did you even bother asking. live with it.
03:58.52*** join/#asterisk srinivas (
03:59.35Mikeheller: loosers like you live with things like that not me
04:00.06MucklMike: did someone shit into your brain?
04:00.17hellerno. 'loosers' (it's losers, btw) like me go and find the appropriate forum for the questions we need to ask.
04:00.42heller[to Muckl]: dude, i've taken smarter shits than that so please don't insult my turds.
04:01.18Mikeheller: losers like you start this kids fight
04:01.31Linkbkw you there bud
04:02.22Mucklheller: its just that i mentioned your answer is just the most correct i can imagine when you said it
04:02.24heller[to Mike]: what? i started nothing. I told you the reason that people aren't answering your off-topic question. you didn't like that.
04:03.07hellerand on that note, i stop listening to mike.
04:03.13Mikeheller: good you start accepting your a loser, now stop it now
04:03.20JerJerso there i was in this hallway right
04:05.29helleri thought it was fairly obvious too. . .
04:05.30ErikNJerJer: right
04:05.48bkw_Link how the hell did you send these files?
04:05.51bkw_because they aren't text files
04:06.04bkw_[brian brian]$ file extensions.conf       ^W Where is          ^V Next Pg           ^U UnCut Text        ^T To Spell
04:06.04bkw_extensions.conf: Microsoft Office Document
04:06.12Linkyeah pasted them
04:06.21LinkI have no Xwindows here
04:06.29bkw_scp or copy them bitches around
04:06.32Linkcan you view them
04:06.34bkw_I refuse to open these
04:06.42bkw_MS products EVIL
04:06.46bkw_send them as text
04:06.56Linkwordpad ok
04:07.02*** part/#asterisk No_Carrier_ (~NoCarrier@
04:07.08bkw_the raw conf file is what I wanna se
04:07.25bkw_I use pine on a box thats 110 miles away
04:07.35bkw_I have to save them.. rename them open winscp and copy them over...
04:07.44bkw_unless i'm getting my regular 60.00/hr I refuse to do it!
04:07.52bkw_nothing against ya but I hate MS
04:08.10bkw_email is text.. and should have stayed text
04:09.33*** join/#asterisk delink (
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04:13.57bkw_the first annual asterisk config off!
04:14.01bkw_who's up for it
04:14.14*** join/#asterisk Damin ([
04:14.38bkw_gets what?
04:14.42bkw_the clap?
04:14.59*** join/#asterisk arcaidy (
04:15.14*** part/#asterisk No_Carrier_ (~NoCarrier@
04:15.29hellerdrunk? stoned?
04:15.49hellerooooh. aaaah. someone on irc getting laid!
04:15.57*** join/#asterisk No_Carrier_ (~NoCarrier@
04:16.00bkw_heller i get it every day just about
04:16.02bkw_har har har
04:16.22bkw_doughecka good your back is to me then! :)
04:16.33bkw_Link you alive?
04:17.08bkw_you know what it does when you pico somemsofficedoc.ext ????
04:17.20bkw_fucking putty
04:17.23Linkbkw sent bud
04:17.34bkw_oh sweet
04:17.36bkw_I can read this
04:18.09bkw_see this line:
04:18.10bkw_exten => _1X,1,Macro(stdexten|${EXTEN}|SIP/${EXTEN})
04:18.15bkw_change it to:
04:18.21bkw_exten => _68XX,1,Macro(stdexten|${EXTEN}|SIP/${EXTEN})
04:18.41bkw_see these lines in macro-stdexten:
04:18.42bkw_exten => _1X,1,Macro(stdexten|${EXTEN}|SIP/${EXTEN})
04:18.42bkw_exten => _1XXX,1,Macro(stdexten|${EXTEN}|SIP/${EXTEN})
04:18.44bkw_remove them
04:18.54Linkok standby
04:21.49*** join/#asterisk _gorman (
04:22.20bkw_In file included from /usr/include/ptlib/contain.h:222,
04:22.26bkw_this sucks ass
04:24.55JerJercheck your open h.323 and pwlib versions
04:25.05JerJercvs won't cut it
04:25.14JerJerthey changed a whole ton of shit
04:25.23bkw_i'm using the verisons you said worked on rh9
04:25.25bkw_but they no workie for me
04:25.33bkw_oh well I don't need the evilness
04:26.09bkw_MOTHER FUCKER
04:26.10Kumbangi use the latest version  of pwlib and openh323 works ok with me
04:26.18bkw_one of our TINY ASS competitors is a mirror for this
04:26.27bkw_OH and they suck
04:26.42JerJerKumbang: that's different than cvs code
04:27.16*** join/#asterisk cdavis_ (
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04:28.29*** join/#asterisk rollyson (~asterisk@
04:28.31*** join/#asterisk Menace (menace@
04:29.41rollysonI just hacked up my chan_agent to have a AgentCallBackLogoff ;)
04:30.41JerJersubmit it to bugs
04:30.46*** join/#asterisk cman (~cman1@
04:30.52JerJerbkw_: pm me the h323/ make
04:30.56JerJercmd line shit
04:31.15cmanget me out of this error
04:31.17cmanWARNING[20496]: File rtp.c, Line 375 (ast_rtp_read): RTP Read Error:
04:31.18cmanResource temporarily unavailable
04:31.33Kumbangrollyson : that's great, do you have any for agent aux?
04:31.53JerJerthe resource is temporarilly not availble
04:32.06rollysonno, that was my first attempt at hacking the * source.
04:32.17cmani think its permanently not available...
04:32.35cmanwhen will it be available.. i ahve been getting thi s error since 3 days..
04:32.42JerJercvs update
04:33.04cmanit was working fine
04:33.18cmani just kept my * outside NAT..
04:33.24Linksent configs
04:33.27cmanand its showing this error
04:33.32Linkdam crap
04:34.10bkw_Link did you reload?
04:34.14bkw_you have to reload
04:34.18bkw_and are phones registered?
04:34.20bkw_sip show peers?
04:34.30LinkI even killed and restarted
04:35.23bkw_show me the ouput
04:35.30Link6802             (Unspecified)   (D)  0        Unmonitored
04:35.30Link6801             (Unspecified)   (D)  0        Unmonitored
04:36.27bkw_you have NO PHONES registered
04:36.32bkw_no wonder its not working
04:36.35cmanmy phones are registered...
04:36.44cmanbut i get WARNING[20496]: File rtp.c, Line 375 (ast_rtp_read): RTP Read Error:
04:36.44bkw_cman i'm not talking to you
04:36.44cmanResource temporarily unavailable error...
04:36.45LinkI am using a soft phone
04:36.50bkw_its not registerd
04:36.51cmancalls are successfully made
04:36.57bkw_cman its a warning
04:37.00cmanbut i can't hear voices...
04:37.04bkw_stop running in debug and use safe_asterisk
04:37.14cmanhow can this be get ridden of
04:37.18bkw_cman dont know
04:37.35bkw_search the mailing list.. I have to get away from all this for a few.. i'm about to go insane.. well go.. I don't have far to go.
04:37.56jimmyzbkw: don't go insane lol
04:38.02Linkbkw no problem I think I am just going back sstatic
04:38.05Linkthis is insane
04:38.11Linksucks but oh well
04:38.24rollyson   <- AgentCallBackLogout
04:38.44jimmyzlink sounds like your sip.conf is wrong....but i'm new lol
04:39.40rollysonif someone wants to double check that my patch doesn't break anything, please do ;)
04:40.37bkw_Link get me into the box tommorow and I can fix it in like 10 seconds
04:40.39jimmyzanyone know a way i connect a local site the is callmanger to a remote site that is asterisk
04:40.53bkw_Link you had the config correct
04:41.10Linkwhy do you think it doesn't reg ?
04:41.25Linkis it SJphone
04:41.40cmando i have to do make samples while updating cvs???
04:41.52rollysonhmm... when passing an extension into AgentCallBackLogin as an argument, does it have to be numeric?
04:42.03cmanit will overwrite the files i guess
04:42.05cmanis it?
04:43.22bkw_cman no
04:43.23bkw_don't do it
04:43.25bkw_just make update
04:43.28bkw_then be done with it
04:43.50jimmyzlater all going to sleep
04:45.26cmanNOTICE[5126]: File chan_sip.c, Line 5615 (sip_poke_noanswer): Peer 'grandstream2' is now UNREACHABLE!
04:45.31Link6802             (Unspecified)   (D)  0        Unmonitored
04:45.31Link6801             (Unspecified)   (D)  0        Unmonitored
04:45.39Linkbkw is that registered
04:46.02*** join/#asterisk adkr (
04:46.06cmanu should get an IP now Unspecified
04:46.07bkw_when its registerd you will see an ip and port
04:46.14Link6801    (D)  5060     Unmonitored
04:46.21bkw_THERE we go
04:46.31Linkit time out though little after
04:46.53LinkGOt SIP response 481
04:47.13Link-- Got SIP response 481 "Subscription does not exist" back from 192.168.123.
04:47.48Linkworking dude
04:47.58Linkcalling my self but oh well
04:48.05*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (
04:48.47bkw_481 is from the phone
04:48.48bkw_isn't it?
04:49.32LinkI tried dialing 500 digium
04:49.36Linkand got that
04:49.45bkw_um your config doesn't have that from what you sent me
04:49.52bkw_you sent me my config with a few mods
04:50.03Linkit is good
04:50.04bkw_500 don't exist
04:50.13LinkI will set up another phone tomorrow
04:50.17Linkand test
04:50.43bkw_we are getting somewhere thats what matters
04:50.51Linksorry burnt you man
04:51.02bkw_no not your fault
04:51.04bkw_I need a vacation
04:51.06bkw_like BAD
04:51.13Linkhave a good night dude
04:51.18bkw_ok you too
04:51.19Linkyou are the man
04:51.25bkw_thanks :)
04:51.29LinkI wish I had hours to spend with this
04:51.36bkw_I work from home
04:51.46Linkme tooo
04:51.51bkw_I have been at this desk for 10 hours today
04:51.58LinkI noticed dude
04:52.06bkw_I have a tv and pvr behind me
04:52.10Linkeyes burning?
04:52.32bkw_personal video recorder
04:52.36Linkoh cool
04:52.45Linkwell night man
04:52.48Linknice Rover
04:55.33bkw_my dog is spoiled
04:56.36Linkmost dogs are
04:56.58bkw_we got this mixed dog food.. she picks out the chicken bits and throws the rest of the floor
04:57.06bkw_we make cookies.. we have to make some for her
04:57.10bkw_she eats popcorn
04:57.19bkw_and get this.. she likes vegies
04:57.24bkw_if we eat it.. she will
04:57.44Linkveggies?  no dogs like them
04:57.53Linkshe is a person that dog
04:57.55bkw_I know strange isn't it
04:58.01bkw_she's smart too
04:58.03Linkwhat kind
04:58.07bkw_just a mutt
04:58.14LinkJade right
04:58.25Linkthin dog
04:58.30Linklooks like a breed
04:58.38bkw_I dont know what she is if anything
04:58.39Linkhard to believe it is a mutt
04:58.47bkw_someone left her in the walmart parking lot
04:58.50bkw_we saved her
04:58.54bkw_she about got run over
04:59.07bkw_brought her phone.. toook 1 day to house train her
04:59.09Linkthat is why she is thin
04:59.18bkw_we have had her a year this march
04:59.35bkw_those pics are like a month old
05:00.00*** part/#asterisk ___log (
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05:00.39Mucklwhere can i find a complete list of options for a SIP/Skinny/IAX-channel?
05:00.58bkw_what do you speak?
05:00.59bkw_what options?
05:01.09Mucklparticularly: the options for one [device]
05:01.15Muckllike auth=plain
05:01.19bkw_in the sample configs
05:01.22bkw_or read the src code
05:01.28bkw_read the src
05:01.31bkw_best way
05:01.34Mucklthey are way off complete
05:01.34Linkis she heavier now
05:01.42bkw_Link nope
05:01.47Mucklisnt there a documentation?
05:01.57bkw_Muckl has alot
05:03.29*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
05:03.47Mucklbkw_: yes, that site is great, but i still dont know if its a complete list
05:03.50rollysonhmm... anybody in conf while I'm still @ a voip phone?
05:04.56bkw_rollyson I can be
05:04.58bkw_hold please
05:05.29bkw_i'm currently the only person in this confrence
05:08.39*** join/#asterisk seemore (
05:12.27Mocthere is no such thing as a complete documentation...
05:13.05Mocoh well sleep time now ... work tomorow..
05:17.54*** join/#asterisk ERIC (
05:18.11ErikNERIC: hi
05:18.25*** join/#asterisk cman (~cman1@
05:18.48cmanRRTP error begging....
05:21.25bkw_JUMP ON IT
05:23.57angler__ah im to poor for that good price on that though
05:24.06angler__bkw_ buy it for me
05:24.31jtoddProb'ly doesn't have a power supply.
05:28.40bkw_fuck I su - on my router and ena on my linxu box
05:28.42bkw_thats fucked
05:30.43h3xbkw_: answer is "no" on the portability
05:31.02h3xi have a new product that resells the bell so maybe you can use that
05:31.11h3xill have more info by the end of the week
05:31.19*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
05:32.28cmani have * (publicIP), NAT, SIP (privateIP).. SIP phones don't seem to work in this way....
05:32.42cmanRTP error everytime i call..
05:32.50cmantrying everything i can..
05:54.20*** join/#asterisk loko-moko (
05:55.14Mucklwhat was that 1700 extension with the grat speech recognition? something with "tell" at the end
05:58.09Mucklah: 800555tell
05:59.50*** join/#asterisk cjs ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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06:02.05heisoni'm having problem with GotoIfTime, can someone help?
06:05.04*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
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06:09.31heisonis anyone using GotoIfTime?
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06:12.02heisondoes anyone use GotoIfTime?
06:13.58*** join/#asterisk Muckl (
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06:15.40heisondoes anyone use GotoIfTime?
06:16.11Muckli dont get it... i have following lines in extensions.conf: "exten => _1800NXXXXXX,1,Dial..." and "exten => _.,1,Dial" and wheni dial 18005558355, the second pattern matches :-( when i delete the second one, the first one matches
06:16.52heisonMuckl: show dialplan
06:17.33Mucklheison: hmm,there the second pattern is listed first. but why?
06:17.42*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
06:17.56jeb-c4I was on and saw that they have snom iax code -- is that just for the 100 or does it work on others?
06:20.14heisonMuckl: All lines within a particular context are re-sorted upon loading into memory in numerical order.
06:20.40heisondoes anyone use GotoIfTime?
06:20.44jtoddMuckl: see the Wiki and look for the description of how to use the "include" statements for ordering pattern matches.
06:21.02Mucklheison: numerical?? by the pattern?
06:21.54heisonMuckl: if you want to force it, break it up into different context and use include statments
06:22.26heisonthis doesn't seem to work, and I have no idea why...exten => 1,2,GotoIfTime(6:00-18:00|*|*|*?incoming,s,1)
06:22.42heison-- Executing GotoIfTime("Zap/1-1", "6:00-18:00|*|*|*?incoming|s|1") in new stack
06:24.33*** join/#asterisk Voip (
06:25.39heisoncan someone help me with GotoIfTime?
06:25.46Mucklheison, jtodd: ok i think now it works, thx
06:27.00heisonwhich one is the new voicemail? voicemail/voicemail2?
06:27.03jtoddheison: looks like the right syntax to me.
06:27.09jtoddvoicemail2 is what you should be using.
06:27.21*** join/#asterisk cman_ (~cman1@
06:28.27heisonjtodd: but it doesn't work...all i get from CLI was:
06:28.35heisonExecuting GotoIfTime("Zap/1-1", "6:00-18:00|*|*|*?incoming|s|1") in new stack
06:30.08jtoddDo you have an incoming|s|1 context/ext/pri?
06:31.06heisonyes, [incoming]
06:31.06heison; We start with what to do when a call first comes in.
06:31.06heisonignorepat => 9
06:31.06heisonexten => s,1,Wait,2                     ; Wait a second, just for fun
06:31.07heisonexten => s,2,Answer                     ; Answer the line
06:31.09heisonexten => s,3,DigitTimeout,5             ; Set Digit Timeout to 5 seconds
06:31.11heisonexten => s,4,ResponseTimeout,10         ; Set Response Timeout to 10 seconds
06:31.57jeb-c4Anyone have a preferred site for buying phones (maybe one that gives back to * )?
06:32.45cman_WARNING[15376]: File rtp.c, Line 375 (ast_rtp_read): RTP Read error: Resource temporarily unavailable
06:32.48jtoddheison: someone reported similar problems on Dec 19; not sure if that's been reported or fixed, and i haven't had the time to keep up on the bugtracker.
06:33.12heisonjtodd: what's the url? bugs?
06:33.26jtoddheison: gotta go to sleep now anyway.... fading fast.  If you can't find a bug on it, open one up.
06:34.05jeb-c4and does anyone have a preferred phone (I would like to get 2 to start learning * )
06:41.50rollysonand btw, avaya has problems
06:42.04rollysonmeant for query
06:47.58Voipavaya is my daddy
06:49.29rollysonthe market for $2 million switches is drying up ;)
06:58.14Voipbut is the market for $2 million packet switches growing?
06:58.48*** join/#asterisk cronjob (
07:08.10*** join/#asterisk decode (
07:08.23decodeInteresting :)
07:10.55*** join/#asterisk vvenka1 (
07:11.03Mucklcan i get rid of "Context 'parkedcalls'" ?
07:11.38vvenka1What is the "unique ID" in the CDR file?
07:12.53heisonif you are intended not to use it...
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07:39.01*** join/#asterisk Stealth_Man (Stealth_Ma@
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07:46.24*** join/#asterisk shifter (
07:50.20Voip~seen stealth_man
07:50.31stealth_man <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 14d 10h 50m 11s ago, saying: 's odoes everyone ...'.
07:51.09*** join/#asterisk loko_moko (
07:53.48*** join/#asterisk TJ (~beavis@
07:54.00TJanyone awake?
07:56.13TJwhat is mxp the movie
07:56.23cjswatch the preview and see
07:57.12Voiphow dumb
07:57.35cjsof course
07:58.59Voipwhat a waste of time
07:59.01TJanyone know about the X100P?
07:59.15shifterTJ: yes.. it's a single port FXO.. hehe
07:59.32TJanything else? :)
07:59.38Voipit works good
07:59.46shifteri've got one.. i like it
07:59.47TJnot for me.
07:59.55cjsi got my developers kit in today
07:59.57Voipdid you buy it from digium?
08:00.01cjshaven't opened it yet
08:00.04TJI got the TDM dev kit
08:00.13TJgot mine today too
08:00.28cjsim so behind in projects right now
08:00.34cjsworking on another project for school
08:00.40cjsand still finishing my mythtv box
08:01.06TJcan't even get the TDM400P to be recognized
08:01.14TJbut asterisk starts up fine with the X100P
08:01.26TJbut when I call in to the line..nothing happens, it doesn't pick up
08:02.11TJany ideas?
08:02.13angler__tdm card show on the pci bus?
08:02.35Kumbangwhat sound driver does redhat 8 have
08:02.37TJyes, linux is asking me to load the tigerjet driver
08:02.42*** join/#asterisk cman__ (~cman1@
08:02.47TJbut I removed the TDM card just to get the X100P working
08:03.08angler__TJ if you do "lspci" how many lines have "tigerjet" in them?
08:03.16cman__sip behind NAT... * outside NAT doesn't work????
08:03.24cman__getting me RTP error...
08:03.40cman__both outside NAT or inside NAT are doing fine..
08:03.42shiftercman__: uh-oh.. i hear that's a hot topic.. hehe
08:03.55TJangler: one -- 00:0b.0 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Model 300 128k
08:04.42cjs<cjs> and still finishing my mythtv box
08:04.42cjs<TJ> can't even get the TDM400P to be recognized
08:04.42cjs<TJ> but asterisk starts up fine with the X100P
08:04.42cjs<TJ> but when I call in to the line..nothing happens, it doesn't pick up
08:04.42cjs<TJ> any ideas?
08:04.43cjs<angler__> tdm card show on the pci bus?
08:04.45angler__is the tdm card in the machine?
08:04.45cjs<Kumbang> what sound driver does redhat 8 have
08:04.47cjs<TJ> yes, linux is asking me to load the tigerjet driver
08:04.49cjs<Kumbang> oss/alsa?
08:04.51cjsoops sorry
08:05.07TJthe TDM card is removed
08:05.09TJjust the x100p
08:05.23angler__how fast is your cpu?
08:05.30TJ1.6 GHz
08:05.46angler__stick the card back in the machine
08:05.51TJright now?
08:06.11TJlet me think about that
08:06.17Kumbangdo i need to install oss manually
08:06.39TJdoes the TDM card really have to be in there for the x100p to work??
08:07.17TJhow can I tell from the CLI if an incoming call is assigned to a channel?
08:07.27TJor even if I'm getting a signal for an incoming call?
08:07.35angler__what are you trying to get to work, i thought your tdm didnt work?
08:07.37Voipdo you have an s extension in your ext.conf?
08:08.26TJangler: I am trying to get the x100p to work first..then i'll worry about the tdm
08:08.44TJvoip: yes, I was using the "incoming" context per the faq. now I am just using the "demo" context
08:08.56TJit waits 1 second then answers
08:09.22angler__so you hear the demo file play when you call in?
08:09.29Voipare you running * with asterisk -vvvvvc?
08:09.31TJit doesn't even pick up
08:09.38TJno i just used -vvvc
08:09.41TJlet me try 5 vs
08:09.58TestMasTerAnyone know how many users a dual 1.6 system can handle at the same time... running Sip ?
08:11.01TJvoip: it still does not print any messages when the phone is ringing
08:11.33angler__if you run zttool what is the status of the card
08:11.36Voipyou should get something like --Starting simple switch....
08:12.05*** join/#asterisk many (
08:12.13TJangler: Alarms RED Span Wildcard X101P Board 1
08:13.03angler__are you sure you have the line plugged in the line port and not phone port?
08:13.04TJRed alarm doesn't sound very good.
08:13.12TJI tried both ports.
08:13.16TJbut it's in line right now.
08:13.52discordiaraaaaaaaaaaaaa :)
08:14.20TJwhat would cause a red alarm?
08:17.09voidptr73609 packets transmitted, 73609 received, 0% packet loss, time 74344082ms
08:17.27voidptrrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.196/1.820/24.093/2.171 ms
08:17.38TJdid u get my message?
08:17.51TJi'm not very good at irc
08:18.05voidptrthats nearly 20 hours of wireless
08:18.15voidptrno single lost packet
08:18.40voidptrbefore it was nearly 2%
08:18.49*** join/#asterisk mbranca (~matteo@
08:19.19voidptrmorn mbranca
08:19.57denonso .. any of you guys deal much with postfix? (namely wondering if there's a way to have it send a *copy* of everything to another MTA, without adding bcc headers or such)
08:21.17TestMasTeranyone here used a pingtel Phone?
08:23.26voidptrdenon : i can ask if its really pressing :)
08:23.49*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
08:25.01TJoh really?
08:25.22denonvoidptr: its not super pressing, but its somethin I gotta figure out pretty quickly, and im not getting many answers
08:25.24denonwho can you ask?
08:25.37angler__let me know when its back up
08:25.48angler__wrong window
08:28.31*** join/#asterisk TJ (~beavis@
08:28.51voidptrdenon : humm, sorry he isn't here :S
08:29.15denonah, bummer
08:30.31Kumbangguys any idea whats this oss/alsa
08:30.43Kumbangalias sound-slot-0 via82cxxx_audio
08:31.06zigmansound driver
08:31.13zigmanvia chip alsa
08:31.53denonvoidptr: postfix is a little like asterisk, ya gotta know someone who knows :)
08:32.39Kumbanghmmmm alsa
08:32.59ZzzzzzzOSS is Open Sound System, a commercial set of API and drivers for *BSD and Linux
08:33.10Zzzzzzzit died out a long time ago but the API is still a standard
08:33.17ZzzzzzzALSA is advanved linux sound architecture
08:33.21Zzzzzzzit's the successor to OSS
08:33.32Zzzzzzzi'm sure it has an OSS compatible interface as well, at least in one mode
08:33.32*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
08:33.40Kumbangwhy asterisk instalation didnt produce
08:33.54Zzzzzzzasterisk is funny like that
08:34.03Zzzzzzzwhen you build it, make sure the driver for the sound card is already loaded
08:34.05Zzzzzzzrecompile asterisk
08:34.13Kumbangi did
08:34.15Zzzzzzzthat's what i had to do to get chan_zap to appear
08:34.28Zzzzzzzyou have to dig into the Makefile then and check it out
08:34.43Kumbangive look Makefile in channels dir
08:35.31Kumbangtheres option for alsa, but alsa modules didnt compiled
08:35.34ScratchY^workwhere i can find the de tonezone patch ?
08:36.10*** join/#asterisk okrumm (
08:36.34ScratchY^workplease help :)
08:36.44okrummanyone has put an eye on SER ?
08:36.52Zzzzzzzlooks like Makefile tests for the existance of /usr/include/alsa/asoundlib.h before it will compile
08:36.57Zzzzzzzmake sure you have that file in that place
08:37.05Zzzzzzzfind /usr -name asoundlib.h -print
08:37.27mbrancamorn voidptr
08:37.43Zzzzzzzalso, it tests for alsa-monitor.h
08:37.47Zzzzzzzbut it doesn't specify a directory
08:38.01Zzzzzzzoh that's just for a certain feature
08:38.12voidptr51 packets transmitted, 51 received, 0% packet loss, time 50498ms
08:38.12voidptrrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.260/32.713/76.705/25.892 ms
08:38.30voidptrduring transfer using scp of 34MB at 1.1MB/s
08:39.02voidptrthis new firmware rocks.
08:39.22TestMasTerAnyone here have the problem that there sip phones hang up after 6 mins of talk time?
08:39.35Zzzzzzzwhat kind of phone?
08:39.51TestMasTerZzzzzzz,  GS but thats not the problem
08:40.02Zzzzzzzwhy, you can reproduce it with other phones ?
08:40.27TestMasTerZzzzzzz,  i tryed cisco as well and had the same problem
08:40.27okrummwhich sip is better the grandstream or the snom ones ?
08:41.07TestMasTerIts has something to do with my new extension setup.  if i use one could that doesn`t include DND its fine.. if i use the one that does include DND its not
08:42.24TestMasTerZzzzzzz,  do you use DND in any of your extensions?
08:42.34ScratchY^workwhere i can find the de tonezone patch ? please help
08:42.48TestMasTerScratchY^work,  not sure sorry
08:43.11TestMasTerZzzzzzz,  ok.. thanx anyway i`m sure the code is correct but i stil have the problem
08:43.23Zzzzzzzasterisk is full of bugs
08:44.10TestMasTerZzzzzzz,  ya i know thats what happens when you use cvs. but its still bugging me with no errors or anything to help with debugging
08:44.31Zzzzzzzare you using 'sip debug' on the console ?
08:44.41Zzzzzzzthat would be the first step
08:44.42TestMasTerya no errors
08:45.00Zzzzzzzis dnd part of asterisk or a patch onto it ?
08:45.04Zzzzzzzperhaps it's breaking something in asterisk
08:45.12TestMasTerits part of asterisk
08:45.37*** join/#asterisk hmodes (
08:45.45Zzzzzzzdig into the source code
08:45.56TJ>msg angler__ i am going to south america on tueesday for 1 month and I REALLY wanna get this working before I leave :)
08:46.11hmodesanyone awake that feels like debunking a random idea i just had for no good reason for me?
08:46.12TestMasTerZzzzzzz,  i would but i don`t know C at all
08:46.20hmodesi need a reason not to learn c in a week
08:46.45TestMasTerhmodes,  well if you did you could help with *
08:47.16hmodeswell, yes
08:47.30*** join/#asterisk max5529 (
08:47.32hmodesbut i need input on the idea either way
08:47.37hmodesand i'm hoping it has some fatal flaw
08:47.52TestMasTerhmodes,  from what i hear learning C is a good idea.
08:48.00hmodesi'm currently furiously reading docs on the ssi project and trying to find out if ss7 supports circuit/switch failover
08:48.01TestMasTerto help you learn other things like c++
08:48.27*** join/#asterisk geertn (geertn@
08:48.40hmodesimagine if * could run on a highly available cluster of machines
08:48.46*** part/#asterisk cman__ (~cman1@
08:48.47hmodesthat had a very very fast interconnect
08:48.48TestMasTerhmodes,  i know at this time i wish i knew C maybe it would help me figure out my problems lol
08:48.53hmodesso all the threads could share memory
08:49.07hmodesany number of machines could have a shotgun fired in to them
08:49.08TestMasTerthat would be sweet
08:49.09*** join/#asterisk lele (
08:49.13hmodesand call processing wouldn't be interrupted
08:49.25hmodesif you combine that with ss7-based circuit failover
08:49.38hmodesyou'd have enterprise voip and pstn switching from asterisk
08:49.58TestMasTeryou would.
08:50.04hmodesand i have a funny feeling if i knew c and was familiar with ssi and ss7 it would probably be pretty easy to do
08:50.18hmodesit's mostly just
08:50.28TestMasTerthat i can`t say
08:50.56hmodesshare memory via cluster api and store state in shared memory, manage network connectivity via cluster api, and learn to speak ss7 which i think someone was already working on
08:51.00TestMasTerAnyone in here using DND? in there extensions
08:51.24TestMasTerhmodes,  i think it would help * for sure
08:51.42hmodeswell yeah but there has to be some fatal flaw
08:51.47max5529someone test to pick up sip call ?
08:52.12*** join/#asterisk kape (
08:52.12TestMasTermax5529, ?
08:52.24TestMasTerhmodes,  I wouldn`t be able to say sorry
08:53.12hmodesno shared memory in ssi that i can see
08:53.26hmodesand mosix sucks at network device management and is buggy as hell last time i checked
08:53.47hmodesi wonder if running oracle rac on a gfs device would work
08:53.51hmodesor be fast enough
08:54.03hmodesthat'd be alot of oracle licensing too
08:54.38*** join/#asterisk sousou (
08:54.45TestMasTerhmodes,  Do you know of anyway i can debug a problem with out any errors?
08:55.14hmodeswhat's the problem?
08:55.32max5529Testmaster: I'm trying to capture with my phone another channel I'm using *8# but nothing happen
08:55.46hmodesthat's pickupgroup right?
08:55.48TestMasTerhmodes,  i use DND in my users extensions And i get like 6 seconds of talk time
08:55.59TestMasTerthen it hangs up
08:56.05hmodesyou have it set properly in incoming channel config and client phone peering?
08:56.29max5529hmodes yes in the same pickup group
08:56.37hmodeswell shit
08:56.41hmodesthat sounds like a bug in dnd
08:56.58hmodesdoes dnd print anything when it exits?
08:57.01TestMasTerhmodes,  thats what i`m thinking but thats been like three cvs`s updates
08:57.06hmodese.g. you've watched vvv+++?
08:57.23TestMasTerya one second let me try again then i will get what it says
08:57.29hmodesi'd say it's conceivable nobody else is doing that
08:57.59hmodesfor some reason my 7960's mwi hasn't worked for weeks, i think mark being out of the country seriously stunted updates to things that cropped up last month
08:58.14hmodesand i've sortof enjoyed not knowing about messages anyway
08:58.21*** join/#asterisk pepepe (
08:58.50hmodesbkw was indicating bugs need alot more attention last night too
08:59.11hmodesapparantley now that alot of people are using * they're bitching alot more then can be fixed by the people actually doing the fixing
08:59.50TestMasTerhmodes,  no there is no errors sorry i was wrong
08:59.54hmodesi fixed my ringing problem with some crafty copy/pasting tho
09:00.29hmodesdoes dnd print anything if you call the extension and don't try to pickup indicating it exited due to timeout?
09:00.57hmodesmight try finding the exit point and adding a log message
09:01.07TestMasTerhmodes,  can i msg you for a second i will paste the full thing
09:01.13TestMasTerMaybe i`m missing something
09:01.17hmodesi bet you'll see it when you get hung up on during the pickup
09:01.53hmodesthen you'll have evidence to file a bug, might even submit a patch to add the exit message for testing if it isn't obvious how to fix it
09:02.17]data[morning all!
09:02.28hmodesit's not morning yet damnit!
09:02.46]data[nah its definately morning
09:02.49*** part/#asterisk pepepe (
09:03.01hmodesyou're not being very helpful
09:03.05TestMasTermorning ]data[
09:03.06TestMasTerhmodes,  if you can sleep you are lucky
09:03.09hmodesalthough i suppose the sun will be ab00t soon
09:03.19TestMasTernot here its 2:am
09:03.27hmodesi really must avoid that..  cannot be overly late to work tomorrow.
09:03.30hmodes4am here :)
09:03.39TestMasTeroh ok lol
09:03.47hmodesgotta leave by 9, so not overly dire yet
09:03.53hmodesbut cutting it abnormally close
09:04.02TestMasTerya i would say
09:04.05TestMasTerbut i`m the same
09:04.17TestMasTerI`ve got to leave at 9:00 and i won`t be able to sleep again
09:05.11TestMasTer]data[,  where you the person testing to see how many extensions you can have at once?
09:06.42]data[i added 1million extensions into asterisk :)
09:07.04sumais digium giving new york telephone numbers for free ??
09:07.10TestMasTer]data[,  anyidea how many people talking at the same time * will handle?
09:07.50]data[TestMasTer: depends on ya setup, certain codecs use more cpu than others, depends if asterisk is bridging the call or if it natively handed it off etc
09:08.00hmodesi finally found a good reason to learn c
09:08.17*** join/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
09:08.19hmodesi feel obligated to be helpful because i don't contribute code
09:08.23hmodesand i hate being helpful
09:08.36hmodesif i contributed code i could be a salty prick like bkw!
09:08.36TestMasTer]data[,  its going to be  a full asterisk pbx system and i will be using sip
09:08.53TestMasTerhmodes,  lol
09:08.55hmodesdamnit, ending up in this channel will be the end of me
09:09.07sumahmodes: Society does not go down because of the activities of criminals"
09:09.07sumaBut because of the inactivities of the good people
09:09.07]data[dunno then
09:09.27TestMasTer]data[,  u don`t happen to use DND do you?
09:09.40hmodeswell you see
09:09.45hmodesthe irony in that is that i'm a criminal
09:09.58sumaha ha
09:10.00hmodestho' i didn't really do anything to become one
09:10.08hmodesso i'm a bit pissed off at society
09:10.16hmodesand not feeling very motivated to contribute to it
09:10.32hmodes* is an exception tho, it's actually useful
09:10.34sumawhy you took criminals, i said you are a very good person
09:10.51sumadid you read the second line next to it ??
09:11.01sumahmoded:  But because of the inactivities of the good people
09:11.02*** join/#asterisk anthm (
09:11.10hmodesi took criminal from being in the midst of litigation regarding two counts of unauthorized use of a computer system
09:11.14hmodesof which i am accused ;p
09:11.33hmodesthere used to be one of criminal conspiracy, but i got that dropped because the U.S. judicial system is lazy
09:11.39TestMasTeranyone here use DND i just need someone to take alook over my extension for that... i personal don`t see a problem with it. but maybe a second person would
09:11.51hmodesnow i'm being told I don't even have an opportunity to prove my innocence on the other two charges
09:11.56sumahmodes: is Digium giving New York numbers for free ??
09:12.07hmodesi'm just supposed to take some 'easy way out' for 'kids' where i do a bunch of community service
09:12.33hmodessuma: as far as i know there are no free inbound pstn numbers for digium/iaxtel
09:12.45*** join/#asterisk huats (
09:12.48hmodesalthough there was some 248 number listed on gnophone years ago that i've never had work has a nyc access number via tho
09:13.38hmodesnot a did, but people can call you from nyc by putting in an access code
09:13.46hmodesand it works wonderfully with *
09:14.39hmodeslast time i checked they didn't have a limit on number of connections per client
09:14.56hmodesconferencing multiple people who can call any of the access numbers works as long as your * box has enough bandwidth
09:15.17hmodesit's about the best you'll come up with for free
09:15.29hmodesalternately and sell iax-based DIDs
09:15.35hmodesi know vp has nyc, dunno about nufone
09:17.16*** join/#asterisk yaboo (
09:17.36TestMasTerhey yaboo
09:17.46yaboohey TestMasTer
09:17.48TestMasTerDid you ever fix your hangup problem?
09:17.58yabooTestMasTer, no
09:18.13TestMasTerwhat phone are you using again
09:18.43TestMasTerI don`t have your config anymore. do you want to resend it I will see if i can locate the problem
09:18.59yabooTestMasTer, ok
09:19.43*** join/#asterisk s3gal (
09:21.50*** join/#asterisk cikli (~licombat@
09:23.19sumaTestMaster: you have a test results of asterisk ??
09:23.59TestMasTersuma, sorry a over all test or for the DND problem?
09:35.03*** join/#asterisk l-fy (
09:35.08sousou~seen capi
09:35.17capi <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 18h 10m 15s ago, saying: 'your mind looks confusing to me ;)'.
09:35.28l-fy~seen rollergrrl
09:35.29rollergrrl <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 4d 8h 43m 42s ago, saying: 'I never said I was lesbian :p'.
09:39.11TestMasTersuma,  you still here?
09:40.31*** join/#asterisk fyman (
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09:47.33*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
09:48.00ManxPowerI don't suppose there are any gurus here that know a lot about the unix "find" command?
09:48.08zoawhat do ya need ?
09:48.24*** join/#asterisk jamie (
09:48.40ManxPowerI need to find all files in any directory named ".Trash"
09:48.40*** join/#asterisk s3gal (
09:48.52ManxPowerBut I don't want to find the actuall directory.
09:49.03ManxPowerjust the names of the files in that directory.
09:49.34user8925how about cd .Trash; find .
09:50.01user8925or cd .Trash; ls -alR |less
09:50.43ManxPowerUm, there are 300 .Trash directories scattered across 300 directories
09:50.59user8925how about this
09:51.31user8925cd to_the_top_level_directory_containing_all_the_trash_directories_
09:51.53ManxPowerI suppose I could do something like find . -name ".Trash" -exec pushd \{\}; rm -rf *; popd \;
09:51.56user8925find */
09:52.41user8925are you trying to empty all the trash directories ?
09:53.29ManxPowerWell, trying to empty the trash dirs of files older than 30 days, yes.
09:55.00*** join/#asterisk cinzas (
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09:55.58ManxPowerthe trash files are in /home/username/.Maildir/.Trash
09:56.29user8925how about find *.Trash* -ctime -30 > delete_me;
09:56.53*** join/#asterisk johncrof (
09:57.11cinzasof-topic question :)
09:57.12ManxPower[root@mail home]# find *.Trash* -print
09:57.12ManxPowerfind: *.Trash*: No such file or directory
09:57.15user8925then check the contents of delete_me to make sure it's just trash files
09:57.23cinzasAnyone tryied to connect a cisco ata 186 with a gatekeeper ?
09:57.37ManxPower[root@mail home]# find . -name "*.Trash*" -print
09:57.37ManxPower[root@mail home]#
09:57.39user8925hang on....
09:57.44user8925cd /home/
09:57.51ManxPowerThat's where I am. 8-)
09:58.36ManxPowerI suppose I could do something like find . -print | grep -v ".Trash$"
09:59.36user8925foreach f(*)
09:59.45user8925cd $f;
09:59.56user8925cd .Trash;
10:00.29user8925find . -ctime -30 >>& /home/delete;
10:00.48cinzasthink not ....
10:00.50user8925cd /home;
10:01.41user8925review /home/delete make sure it looks good
10:01.57user8925then feed it's contents to rm
10:03.09user8925did my foreach more thru ok ?
10:03.30user8925did my foreach come thru ok ?
10:03.33*** join/#asterisk pliew (
10:03.45ManxPowerI think I got it using a different method
10:03.55user8925whatever works
10:04.06user8925I like for loops ;-)
10:04.07*** join/#asterisk kn0rki (~kn0rki@
10:04.34Bonbonguys, how do I know is the g729 codec is installed on a system?
10:04.58user8925but you probably always want to make sure it worked the way you wanted it to work so you don't delete all your customers' home directories by accident
10:05.34user8925"trust but verify"!
10:05.40Bonbonh.323 show codecs for instance doesn't show anything
10:07.48ManxPowerfind . -print | grep "\.Trash/cur" | grep -v "\.Trash/cur$"
10:08.41*** join/#asterisk seg4l (
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10:10.58huatsDoes anybody can explain me how to use multiple commands on the same extension ? in fact I want to use Record and ZapScan... is it possible by the way ?
10:11.16zoause record before zapscan
10:11.20zoaand that will work fine
10:11.37zoause monitor i mean
10:13.05*** join/#asterisk user8925 (
10:13.22huatszoa: ok I try right away
10:13.29huatszoa: thanks again
10:15.46*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
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10:26.18*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
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10:28.12miller7hey all
10:32.08miller7Hey RoyK, I hoped you'd be fragged too but where such luck :P
10:38.07miller7]data[ is alive too!
10:39.42mbranca~slap all
10:39.46ACTION slaps all, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
10:40.30miller7people who say * is hostile know what they're saying :P
10:40.48zoayou bet !
10:41.19miller7there are some really funny threads in the mailing list lately
10:49.27*** join/#asterisk max5529 (
10:59.07voidptri don't understand this
10:59.33voidptrthose linksys ap's have a left and right antenna... i put all power to the right one
10:59.47voidptrbut it works on 1 of them on both antenas
10:59.55voidptrand the other only on the right one
11:00.11voidptri think its an older version (the one that still works)
11:00.11ManxPowerI thought one was send and the other was receive.
11:00.43voidptrradio is half duplex anyway :)
11:01.40ManxPowerI thought there were different TX freqs and RC freqs == RX
11:02.12ManxPowerI KNOW that's how cell phones work.
11:02.30ManxPowerI just assumed that's how 802.11 worked as well.
11:06.19huatszoa: I've seeb onthe wiki that after using Monitor I just have to mix the files. What soft are you using to do so ?
11:11.34*** join/#asterisk hclai (
11:11.41hclaihi all
11:12.09hclaidid anyone try to call a iptel user from the asterisk extension?
11:12.11*** join/#asterisk wriandyc (
11:12.18hclaican it works?
11:12.58hclaianyone can help?
11:14.07*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
11:18.27voidptr1142 packets transmitted, 1142 received, 0% packet loss, time 1152413ms
11:18.27voidptrrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.162/3.659/304.844/16.523 ms
11:18.39voidptrmaybe a coincidence
11:19.29voidptrbut suddenly some crappy latency pops up
11:19.53voidptralthough the minimum latency is lower then the previous 21 hour test
11:20.09carrar1400 byte packets?
11:20.13carraror 64
11:21.11carrartry ping -s 1392
11:21.37voidptrits for wireless
11:22.24carraror for good fun ping -s 1392 -i 0.125 blah
11:26.28voidptri'm off for a walk
11:29.15FuzzyCatonly up to 'H' :(
11:34.04*** join/#asterisk charly_m (
11:34.25charly_mHi to all
11:34.36charly_many have a E100P installed ?
11:35.28*** join/#asterisk charly_m1 (
11:44.59yabooseem to have a lot of echo
11:46.05*** join/#asterisk [Rami] (
11:46.10[Rami]Hi all
11:47.17[Rami]does anyone know how I can make the callerid work out of the states? I get an error saying:  Line 192 (callerid_feed): fsk_serie made mylen < 0 (-17),  CallerID feed failed: Success, CallerID returned with error on channel 'Zap/1-1'
11:53.03manyis it only me or does more people have trouble connecting to fwd via an asterisk lately?  it registers fine, but all numbers give "the user you are calling is currently unvail".
11:53.14denonmany: that's intentional
11:53.18denonpulver doesn't like innvoation
11:53.46denonhe sees asterisk as some kind of threat, and doesnt like people using it to connect to FWD
11:54.41ManxPowerMaybe he just wants Asterisk users to connect via the IAXTel/FWD gateway?
11:55.02denonManxPower: I didnt think that existed anymore
11:55.25ManxPowerI don't know.  I think both services are pretty useless. 8-)
11:55.30denonbesides, he claims himself that he doesnt like PBXs conneting, since it "was designed for clients to connet directly"
11:55.39[Rami]does anyone know of any way to connect asterisk with the packet8 network?
11:55.40denonFWD was pretty cool when it had free international long distance earlier .. :)
11:55.50denon[Rami]: FXO card :)
11:55.55[Rami]or to use a packet8 account?
11:56.07[Rami]denon: yeah that's what I'm doing now...
11:56.11denonthey force you to use their gear I thought
11:56.27denonif so, then yeah, thats how it is
11:56.34[Rami]denon: yeah but I thought that there would be a way...
11:56.36manywell, does the iaxtel<->fwd gateway still work?
11:56.57denon[Rami]: doubtful .. you could probably crack whatever authentication they use .. but it could change tomorrow
11:57.02*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
11:57.03denonmany: i thought mark took it down
11:57.11denonbut I really dont know
11:57.16ManxPowerIn theory, if you change the SIP UA info in the Asterisk source you can connect to Packet8, but even then it was never reliable.
11:57.17manydunno, thats why iam asking =)
11:57.41ManxPowerThe best way is with an X100P pluged into the Packet8 DTA310
11:57.55[Rami]anyone has the callerid working in a country other than the us or canada?
11:58.05ManxPowerRami: YES!
11:58.14[Rami]ManxPower: How?
11:58.16denonyou mean other countries have callerid?
11:58.21denonwow .. the world is advancing ..
11:58.24ManxPowerRami: I have no idea.  I'm in the USA.
11:58.45[Rami]I've been trying for the past hour with no luck...
11:58.54ManxPowerRami: check the mailing list.  If you are in the UK or other country that sends the CallerID BEFORE the first ring it will never work on the X100P
11:59.32zoai have it working in bulgaria and belgium
11:59.46ManxPowerBut if you are in a country that sends it between the first and second ring, then it will work or you can make it work by patching the Asterisk source code, or getting the technical details of how CallerID is done in your country and post the info as a pug report and on the mailing lsit.
11:59.46[Rami]I'm in kuwait but here they mostly use technologies from the uk...
12:00.31[Rami]hmm better then connect a speaker to a phone line and see when the called id info is sent...
12:12.46*** join/#asterisk T` (tome@
12:13.35yabooanyone got a fwd number I can call them or they can call me on
12:21.17geertnIs it possible to use chan_capi on a SMP system?
12:30.46puzzledgeertn: i don't see why not but you could ask kape as he wrote it
12:30.57puzzledmorning kape
12:31.12kapemorning puzzled
12:31.26kapegeertn: yes it is possible, but probably not with the passive AVM
12:31.38kapealthough i remember that someone from .se did that ... and it works
12:32.45puzzledgeertn: if you run into problems you could try to disable HyperThreading (if you have it) on the box in the BIOS or on the kernel commandline with "noht"
12:33.08puzzledseems HT & kernel 2.4 don't really like eachother
12:33.44kapeyup, HT is a mess on the 2.4
12:34.11puzzledkape: do you know which is better: disabling HT in the BIOS or with noht?
12:34.40kapeuse a non-smp kernel and disable it in the bios
12:34.45*** part/#asterisk stan (
12:34.47kapejust to make sure ;)
12:35.17puzzledright. but if it's a dual Xeon box than I have to use the SMP kernel
12:35.26*** join/#asterisk Frobmiester (
12:35.40kapebut then the fritz might not work
12:36.17FrobmiesterCan anyone here help with a dual linejack system?
12:36.29geertnYes, I have now a single Xeon processor, but will add one later when needed
12:36.33puzzledkape: I guess if you can afford dual Xeon's you might as well get an Eicon server card
12:36.34kapepuzzled: i guess it depends on a try
12:36.53kapei dont see the point in using a dual Xeon for a BRI system ....
12:36.55puzzledkape: or get your cards off course :)
12:37.08kapepuzzled: or at least buy the eicon from me ;)
12:37.20geertnkape: well it's still a single one now, but we will probably do a lot of conferencing..
12:37.42kapegeertn: how many channels?
12:38.31kapeit's just alaw ... you almost need no cpu at all
12:38.39geertnkape: We need 6-8 ISDN channels, but the conferencing will be mostly SIP conferencing..
12:38.40NixManxPower: I though all countries sent the caller ID before the first ring?
12:39.11puzzledkape: can you put 8 channels in a single conference on the box and it still sounds good?
12:39.11kapegeertn: if you use g711 on SIP then your single xeon is already overkill
12:39.24ManxPowerNix, No, very few do.
12:39.43Nixgeertn: I did some load testing last week on a Dual 1Ghz P11 Xeon box
12:39.43kapepuzzled: sure, conferencing is noting special....  just some adds and subs
12:40.13geertnkape: ok... do you have any suggestions for a BRI 3-4 lines ISDN solution supporting SMP?
12:40.28geertnNix: and? The load testing must be still ne done here
12:40.42[Rami]ManxPower: the caller id information is sent before the first ring and it's dtmf... is there a way to have the modem detect it?
12:40.51Nixgeertn: With 30 simultaneous calls comming in via Digium E1 and listening to Music on Hold the CPU usage was 5%, although it does peak up to 15% is you start all 30 calls at the same time..
12:41.03kapegeertn: if you need it for production now you can go for the expensive eicon, if you dare to play a little then you can go for my quadBRI card ;)
12:41.26ManxPowerRami: No way whatsoever with the current chip the X100P uses.  Search the archives for UK callerid info.
12:41.45[Rami]ManxPower: ok thanks so much...
12:41.57Nixthat was an IBM Netfinity P111 Dual Xeon with scsi hard disks, with the PostgresQL backend enabled eccepting calls via en E1 tie line from an Alcatel PBX
12:41.57geertnkape: I just saw that page:) I was wondering about the level of "experimental"
12:42.16kapegeertn: the level of "experimental" will drop in the next 2 weeks
12:42.29kapeit's just a driver issue, the hardware is stable
12:42.45[Rami]anyone know of a searchable asterisk mailing list archive?
12:42.52geertnNix: Ok, that's nice..:-) I have a rather nice server here so it should be enough
12:43.11geertn[Rami]: Try google search: " search query"
12:43.17Nixyeah.. Those IBM boxes are really nice.. eold P11 models :-)
12:43.37[Rami]geertn: yeah i guess that's the best way to do it... thanks...
12:43.40geertnNix: This is a supermicro... know them?
12:43.54Frobmiesterno linux telephony driver users on now I guess
12:44.31geertnkape: What's the price of the card? I might be interested to try. I have still three months before the solution has to replace the phone system so..
12:44.48kapegeertn: 600 euros excluding VAT
12:45.55mbrancahi kape
12:46.09kapehi mbranca :)
12:46.12lelehello kape, mbranca
12:46.14*** part/#asterisk Frobmiester (
12:46.16kapembranca: i know .... ;)
12:46.23kapemorning mr. lele, sir!
12:46.29ManxPowerRami: Look at  There's LOTS of useful info fo you there.
12:46.34ManxPowerSpecificaly the documentation pages
12:46.36ManxPowerGo to and look at the "Unofficial Links" section.  This section has links to a wide variety of 3rd party Asterisk related pages.  My page is the "Asterisk Resource Pages".
12:46.38miller7kape's ISDN card works fine for me so far :-)
12:46.39lelemorning mr. kape, sir!
12:46.48mbrancakape: lol
12:46.49kapemiller7: cool , that surprises me ;)
12:46.57miller7kape: why? :-)
12:47.02kapenever mind ;)
12:47.08*** join/#asterisk Frobmiester (
12:47.25miller7ok... I have never connected an ISDN phone on it though, just receiving calls
12:47.29lelekape: once i convince it to start it works quite flawless for basic calls here :)
12:47.31*** part/#asterisk Frobmiester (
12:47.34geertnkape: I'll have to discuss that that's not so cheap:) The other option is a PRI-15 with an E1 digium card but 15 lines is a bit overkill here..
12:47.56kapegeertn: look up the price for the eicon and come back :)
12:49.24lelekape: are there any progresses on the qozap stuff?
12:50.16kapelele: there is work in progress, just installed a p4 test system last night, and also hfc-pci work in progress
12:50.33geertnBut I'm glad to hear people already have good experience with the quadBRI:) I see the prices... bit more expensive indeed.
12:51.22lelekape: do you have any guesses on the problem during first time init of NT mode?
12:51.24kapegeertn: and you dont want no stinking binary only firmware, right? you want GPLd drivers :)
12:51.45kapelele: make an incoming call first, that fixes it
12:52.02kapelele: but i know what i have to change to make it work...
12:52.35lelekape: uh, sure? it wasn't working when i tried
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12:52.59kapelele: hmm......
12:53.08lelelet me try again
12:53.19lelemaybe it was somthing else
12:54.56lelekape: as long as you know where the problem is it's fine, nut let me know if you need more info about it
12:55.24kapelele: thanks
12:55.43leledheckaman: s/nut/but/
12:55.48dheckamanthought so
13:03.49*** join/#asterisk vaewyn (
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13:07.52vaewynbeen too long... needed to come hang out with the * folks again :P
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13:13.47ScratchY^workgot the failure inapproiate ioctl device
13:15.01AlAnyone interested in an IAX load generator?
13:16.17Al(well, IAX2)
13:16.36*** join/#asterisk fyman2 (
13:21.12dheckaman("Windows CE: They don't call it wince for nothing.")
13:26.57geertndamned those 4 or 2 port isdn cards are very expensive....
13:28.03RoyKgeertn: not neccesarily - ask kape
13:28.24RoyKhe's got some HFC PCI based quad/octo BRI cards :)
13:28.27geertnRoyK: I know:) We just a had a discussion here thats why...
13:28.47*** join/#asterisk bobov (
13:28.59voidptrI am teh ownz!
13:28.59geertnI was looking at the avm c4 and c2 now..
13:32.41bobovCan I ask a SIP dial out question about extensions.conf?
13:33.09geertnhmm well, I'm probably going for the 4 port quadBRI but I'm not sure yet. It's a lot cheaper then a cisco. Or do you have a few AVM C2's for sale, RoyK?:-)
13:33.41RoyKgeertn: the '4-port quadBRI', actually :)
13:33.55geertnbobov: Just ask if someone knows they will answer
13:34.41geertnRoyK: Sounds like some starwars movie..
13:34.42bobovAs a newbie, I feel I've made a slight mistake. I can dial my two phones behind NAT, outsiders can dial the two phones, but I cannot dial out beyond NAT.
13:35.20bobovI have in extensions.conf  [internal] exten => _84XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
13:35.29bobovI think that somehow this is where my problem is.
13:35.31RoyKgeertn: just thought that 'quad' meant something like 'four' so I didn't quite see the point of adding it was a 4-port
13:36.32geertnRoyK: oh ok:)
13:36.35kapeRoyK: they are not hfc-pci based
13:36.44kapethey are hfc-4s / hfc-8s based
13:37.18geertnbobov: did you check sip debug?
13:37.28bobovhaven't figured out how to turn that on.
13:37.40dmebobov: at the console 'sip debug'.
13:37.44bobovIt seems to just die instantly on trying to dial out.  Okay.
13:37.53geertnyou can go into asterisk by typing: asterisk -r then you can type "sip debug"
13:38.06bobovIt could be because of problems on the friend's end, but I wanted to be sure that it wasn't asterisk related.
13:38.44geertnbobov: sip debug should give more infoo.. personally I always also check /var/log/asterisk/messages when debugging
13:39.19jimmyzhow can i connect asterisk to callmanager where they can call each others extensions
13:42.07*** join/#asterisk dannie (
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13:50.00*** join/#asterisk Gustavo1 (
13:50.21Gustavo1I have a question!
13:50.23dheckaman~convert 100440000 miles to lightyear
13:50.39Gustavo1Can some h323 Guru help me?
13:51.25vaewyn1 furlong = 2.12639285 * 10^-14 lightyears
13:51.45vaewynbet you use that conversion a lot :P
13:52.12Gustavo1is it possible to have  phone1----fxsport----linux1-eth0----------------linux2-eth0--fxsport--phone2    ????
13:53.33vaewynGustavo1: yes it is possible... I use 2 asterisk gateways to do just that over my wireless link from work
13:53.56Gustavo1thank you!
13:54.14vaewynalso run a FXO -> * <--> * -> FXS setup
13:54.15Gustavo1are you using h323?
13:54.20vaewynnope... IAX
13:54.44vaewynmuch nicer protocol for * <-> *
13:54.58Gustavo1i have an h323 network
13:55.36Gustavo1and i would like to use h323 with the fxscards
13:56.03Gustavo1do you know where can i found examples on how to make the fxs cards work with h323??
13:56.12Bonbonanyone want extreme networks summit 24e3 switches?
13:56.16Gustavo1or any information or manual?
13:56.52vaewynGustavo1: sorry I don't... I avoid h323 like the plague since I don't have to use it :P
13:58.52*** join/#asterisk arcaidy (
13:59.22Gustavo1i read that asterix soft supports h323
13:59.34Gustavo1but i can´t find any examples
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14:10.43Gustavo1anyone who works with H323???
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14:12.53jimmyzhow can i connect asterisk to callmanager where they can call each others extensions
14:13.23voidptrmgcp, sip or h323
14:13.26*** join/#asterisk token (
14:13.57tokenbkw are you there
14:13.57voidptri think mgcp is preferred, but i don't know the status of mgcp...
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14:14.36arcaidyjimmyz, i'd like to know who if you can get that to work
14:14.55jimmyzyea i'm pretty stuck though
14:15.31Gustavo1i need to do the following using h323....
14:15.53Gustavo1is it possible using h323?
14:15.58Gustavo1and asterisk??
14:16.09Gustavo1has anyone do this before??
14:18.07*** join/#asterisk cinzas (
14:18.16cinzasHi !
14:18.50voidptranyone got a clue on what phone is meant by: "IP 201"
14:19.16cinzasI'm trying to dial  using OH323 a netmeeting that is directly connected with the gw
14:19.39cinzasexten => _8XX,1,Dial(OH323/${EXTEN})
14:20.26jimmyzthey say you can do it with oh323
14:20.53Gustavo1but if i have a linux box with an fxs card
14:21.12cinzasI got this error
14:21.12Gustavo1i do not want to use any soft for dialing
14:21.29Gustavo1i want to dial from the telephone
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14:22.51cinzascan anyone help-me ?
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14:26.02cinzasow to directly dial h323 end points ?
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14:30.40cinzasPhone -> Gatekeeper -> Asterisk -> Phone
14:30.41cinzasvia h323
14:30.46cinzasis it possible ?
14:34.01[Sim]I think it's been done before, but I have not
14:34.07[Sim](haven't tried, either)
14:34.08Bonbondoes anyone know what sort of reduction in bandwidth we get when running trunked iax calls with ilbc?
14:34.26heisonBonbon: 13.2k
14:34.38heisonsame as gsm
14:37.29cinzasDone !
14:40.04Bonbonheison, and without trunking? 15K?
14:40.16voidptr3 tdm400p's, anyone know a nice machine to put that in?
14:40.25voidptror should i buy ip phones now?
14:40.25heisonBonbon: that i don't know
14:40.39heisonBonbon: what do you mean by trunking?
14:40.48dheckaman_Bonbon: trunking helps with more than 1 channel
14:41.01arcaidyjimmyz, thanks for the link
14:41.08dheckaman_so 2 and up conversations will be saving BW
14:41.10dheckaman_ask bkw_
14:41.12heisonBonbon: do you have multiple iax channels?
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14:46.11hclaidid anyone face any echo when calling through digium card
14:46.24kapethe new wifi iax2 phone:
14:47.26kapeit runs linux
14:47.28heisonkape: I have cordless iax2 phone with ATA186
14:47.52heisonmine is 2.4G too :)
14:47.53kapeheison: but you cant surf the web with a dect phone
14:48.49jimmyzarcaidy: i suck at linux so i can download pwlib
14:48.54jimmyzand i don't see it in cvs
14:51.03Bonbonheison: yes
14:51.32Bonbonheison: i mean the trunk=yes param. I just wanted to check how much of an improvement that has on the bandwidth requirments.
14:52.25jtoddBonBon: search the archives for messges containing the terms "iax2 codec comparison" in the subject line
14:52.51jtoddBonBon: I did a short study on the topic.
14:54.25Bonbonah, ok
14:54.33Bonbonin summary any interesting findings?
14:55.13Bonboni've found the email discussion. very interesting.
14:56.22*** join/#asterisk Moc (
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15:07.28wriandycAnyone got any idea why I can;t get music on hold working? I have mpg123 installed (not mpg321) but it complains that it can't start....
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15:16.56arcaidyjimmyz, i suck at linux as well... hence the reasons for all my questions
15:16.59drgalaxyBonbon: when you find jtodd's codec summery, link to it on please!
15:17.13*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
15:17.37drgalaxyarcaidy: if you think you suck at linux maybe you need to set some goals with it and follow through on them
15:18.10JerJer[ghost]arcaidy: yeah start an ISP
15:18.15tzangerJerJer[ghost]: hahaha
15:18.36UnixDawgok anyone here on gento and have * working
15:18.43JerJer[ghost]setup a box that does http, email, and dns.... when u make all of them work, you'll have a damn good understanding of linux
15:18.43drgalaxyBonbon: ohkay, someone already linked to jtodd's report in the comments of that page
15:18.58tzangerUnixDawg: whwat's not working with gnetoo?
15:19.06malcolmdUnixDawg: compiles ok here
15:19.12vaewynohh much better JerJer :}
15:19.13UnixDawgno I am about to try it for the first time
15:19.16drgalaxyhurrah its JerJer
15:19.59vaewynman alive... I have been away too long... I remember most everyone but don't remember their specialties anymore :{
15:20.02malcolmdUnixDawg: should be okay, but every now and then I end up w/ a library that pukes when compiling zaptel
15:20.12*** join/#asterisk Alric (
15:20.12JerJerUnixDawg:  bkw_ reported issues with chan_h323 and gentoo, but he also said he was gonna recompile everything and i never heard back on what happened
15:20.14UnixDawgahh ok
15:20.21RoyK"As is widely recognized, recent U.S. fiscal policy has been extremely expansionary. The federal fiscal balance has swung from a surplus of 2½ percent of GDP in fiscal year 2000 to a deficit just under 4 percent of GDP in fiscal year 2003."
15:21.24JerJeruse 1.12.2 and 1.5.2, if u really need h.323 support
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15:30.07svewell, I've got problems, I've got Cisco ATA186 and running Asterisk gateway, its working, but how could I connect to PC phone ? I downloaded several SIP clients but I'm having problem with dialing/logging ?
15:30.21JerJersoft fones suck
15:31.00sveJerJer: its just for test
15:31.11JerJeri've heard ppl have had various levels of success with xten
15:31.14dheckaman_its a fact
15:31.14JerJerbut i've never used it
15:31.36JerJerthen there is sjphone, which worked for me once
15:31.41sveyeah I downloaded it, but I can't login to asterisk ?!
15:31.53JerJersounds like a personal problem to me
15:31.53sveJerJer: I've got this one too
15:32.20sveJerJer: well, thats why I'm asking
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15:33.50JerJerworks good here
15:34.44JerJeryou may have to do sip:extensionuwanttodial@
15:36.10heisonhow many fanouts can i put on each fxs port?
15:36.33JerJerfanouts ?!
15:36.59JerJerlike you talkin REN ?
15:37.14tzangerJerJer: yeah, how many phones can you hang off a TDM400P module before you run itno problems powering them
15:37.34JerJeri've had three on one port without issues
15:37.50JerJerbut two of them were cordless
15:37.55JerJeronly one real 'ringer'
15:39.01heisonJerJer: it works now... 4 phones with almost 50ft in length total
15:40.15dheckaman_so you could plug it into the house wireing
15:40.22dheckaman_and unplug the phone company
15:40.29dheckaman_and ring da hole house
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15:41.38heisonI only have 3 fxs ports and a SIP phone and I have to replace that with my existing 7 phones, so some have to share :)
15:42.12Mikeheison: you have a hardware pbx?
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15:46.42sveJerJer: I figured out that I missed some settings
15:46.48heisonMike: asterisk running on linux
15:51.05vaewynHmmm ok... anyone know how I can set the timeout for an IAX Dial... I want it to return after 2 seconds if the connection to the remote machine fails
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15:51.50vaewynbeen too long since I did that... should have it on the top of my head
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15:56.19vaewynfound it... never mind :P
15:57.45vaewynok... no I didn't... It waits for the IP connection timeout and ignores the ring timeout
15:57.58vaewynso... how do you change the connection timeout
16:00.33vaewynwith  "Dial(IAX/bridge:testing@w.x.y.z/s@bell,2)" it only rings two seconds... but if the remote machine isn't up is waits like 10 seconds before giving up on connecting... I want it to only try for 2 seconds
16:00.43JerJerthis just in, AT&T bastardizes VoIP
16:01.00JerJerwholy fuckin use a type=peer man
16:01.05vaewynNow I remember what JerJer specialty wat :P
16:01.07vaewynwas even
16:01.14kapevaewyn: qualify=yes
16:01.29*** join/#asterisk Kilroy (KilroyWRK@
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16:01.43vaewynkape: in? iax.conf??
16:02.02kapevaewyn: make a type=peer entry in iax.conf for that box and add qualify=yes
16:03.08sudhircan an extension belong to multiple group? I mean can I specify say,  group=1,2
16:03.18sudhirbefore channels in zapata.conf
16:04.04vaewynkape: thanks... seems to work
16:04.14kapevaewyn: de rien
16:04.45sveJerJer: just want to ask you something
16:05.53vaewynkape: "de rien" french equivelent of "it was nothing" correct?
16:06.10sveIts ok now, I'm ringing from PC to Phone, but when I pick up phone I get just tone
16:06.28Pj_vaewyn: of "you're welcome"
16:06.41Pj_as in "thank you - you're welcome"
16:07.26vaewynkindof like someone saying "it was no problem" as a way of saying welcome
16:07.31olivier_I use a Dial command in a AGI script and i need to know the call duration after the user hangup. Do you know how to make that ?
16:07.36vaewynyour welcome that is
16:08.53olivier_i have also make that but the ticket is write just after my agi script no during
16:09.20Pj_Strictly speaking, it means "for nothing" as is "thank you - for nothing"
16:09.46vaewynakin to spanish of "de nada"
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16:11.08Tjardickhi all, long time no see happy new year :)
16:11.17dheckaman_new year?
16:11.22kapehi Tjardick, happy 1904
16:11.24dheckaman_you mean new mellinium
16:11.35Tjardickdhe :)
16:11.42TjardickHiya Kape, how are things ?
16:11.48*** join/#asterisk nitram (nitram@
16:11.59kapeTjardick: pretty good
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16:12.26TjardickAny news on the S0 side ?
16:12.52kapeyup, on the quad side .. .hfc-pci is still in the works
16:13.48Tjardickthe hfc-pci would be killer card for business with ISDN allready in place internally, so keep me posted ;)
16:20.26heisoni'm running asterisk in -vvvgc (console mode), how can I safely exist the console (daemonizing it) without taking down existing calls?
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16:21.46Tjardickheison nope
16:21.50Tjardickyou need to run it in deamon mode
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16:22.21Tjardickeasiest is just to run asterisk
16:22.28Tjardickthen connect to it with asterisk -rvvvv
16:22.55Tjardickthen that session you can safely exit while * keeps running nicely
16:25.01steeswhen i get a call coming from an external line, the caller id is set to 'asterisk'
16:25.05steescan I change that
16:25.19steesor even change it per zap interface ?
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16:30.09HewpiStudi'm having a slightly weird IAX2 problem... i have three boxes; 1 knows about 2, 2 knows about 3, 1 and 3 can reach each other.  calls are routed from 1 to 2, then from 2 to 3, but asterisk does a native bridge between 1 and 3.  this is fine, except 1 never actually sends traffic towards 3...
16:30.27skeeziksDoes anybody know offhand if the quad-span T1 card can talk to a (Cisco?) DNX-11 that is pulling T1s out of an DS3?
16:31.00skeeziksI'm having a hard time finding signalling specs on the DNX-11
16:33.23jetsskeeziks: ya it all depends on the dnx-11 signalling
16:33.27jetsbut more then likely it should.
16:33.46jetsalso, do you need to use a T1 crossover (self terminating) cable instead of a straight-through?
16:33.50svehey someone have active ATA in internet, so I could call him ?
16:35.51steesmm... nope
16:36.02steeshow do I get hold music to come on !?
16:36.10steesi've set it up in *
16:36.40AlricYou have mpg123 installed?
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16:37.08WFF-dheckamanyo jsmith!
16:37.31jetsbueno jsmith!
16:37.35sveAlric: I get the following error when trying to listen some radio, any idea: RTP Read error: Resource temporarily unavailable
16:37.38WFF-dheckamanhows life/dog/cat/farm animals/family/<insert polite thing in here>/etc
16:39.43*** join/#asterisk ciego34 (~ciego34@
16:39.49Alricsve: Not really.  Don't recognize the error.
16:39.53jsmithI'm tired... and confused... and in the middle of a bidding war between my current employer and a potential employer...
16:40.14FuzzyCathey that's nt bad jsmith
16:40.36jsmithFuzzyCat: It's tiring, and in the end both companies are gonna hate me :-(
16:40.47jsmithFuzzyCat: I didn't want this to happen, actually...
16:40.55sveAlric: and have you ever make such a thing ?! I mean its suppoused to work ?!
16:41.24Alricsve: MOH/MP3 playing/streaming from the net works for me.
16:41.28*** join/#asterisk anthm (
16:41.37FuzzyCatjsmith: you can't stat where you are, you already showed that you were prepared to leave... they give you money and they know it's short term
16:41.38*** join/#asterisk arcaidy1 (
16:41.41svethats application, right ?
16:41.43Alricsve: Installed mpg123, think there was some path thing I had to set, then it worked.
16:42.18jsmithFuzzyCat: Exactly... and I already told the new employer that I wasn't interested in starting a bidding war, so if one breaks out, I look like a liar.
16:42.20Alricsve: there's an MP3Player app, I think.  Don't have my docs around atm.
16:42.54sveAlric: yeah, I'm using it, its working but when it comes time to stream something ...
16:43.00FuzzyCatjsmith: just tell ur boss that unless he offers obscene money you go
16:43.05Alricsve: Have mpg123 or no?
16:43.14bkw_jsmith its not your fault
16:44.38sveyes, I do
16:44.59Alricsve: Can you play normal MP3s?
16:45.03ciego34hi, i receive today my E100P card, have a question, the card have J5, J2, J3 and J1 on top.. any use for this connectors??
16:45.23HewpiStudmmm.  ok.  log line!
16:45.26HewpiStudJan  8 11:45:03 WARNING[1229843]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 2466 (iax2_send): Out of trunk data space on call number 16385, dropping
16:45.40sveyeah, just played one
16:45.46HewpiStudthat is... odd
16:46.02Alricsve: Might be timing out getting the streaming info from the `net
16:46.06sveat the CLI> i'm reading the info about it
16:46.47sveAlric: well, it appears immediately
16:47.32Alricsve: No idea.
16:48.23svethanks anyway
16:48.35Alricbkw_: You around?
16:48.37ciego34??? can´t find doc for this
16:51.23Corydon76-workAnybody configured TelAppliant's SIP service?  I'm having trouble getting it to come into a context other than default.
16:51.37arcaidy1looks like digium only offers 9-6 cst support
16:51.38jsmithbkw_: I know... but it's more complicated than that...
16:51.45vaewynWow.. it has been a while since I was playing with * last :P  "Asterisk CVS-06/24/03-13:10:43"
16:51.56arcaidy1anyone know of anyone else that does support for asterisk?
16:52.10bkw_jsmith my boss has made threats to people that have tried to hire me away.. (well it was his friends trying to hire me)
16:52.11jsmithbkw_: My ex-boss is the one that told me about the new job opportunity, so it makes him look bad too...
16:52.29malcolmdbkw_: check your pmsg :D
16:52.43drgalaxyI have registered my box with another via iax2, now how can I put my phone in the default context of the remote server?
16:52.49jsmithbkw_: And so I've got another meeting with my current CEO in five minutes :-)
16:53.07*** join/#asterisk Sobek (~btatton@
16:58.13*** part/#asterisk No_Carrier_ (~NoCarrier@
17:04.17*** join/#asterisk km- (
17:04.27km-hey guys, how's 2.6 support coming?
17:04.46bkw_README.Linux26 in zaptel
17:04.50bkw_its getting there
17:04.56*** join/#asterisk mikeb (
17:04.57km-just noticed it
17:05.54*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:06.01WFF-dheckamansee topic
17:06.21WFF-dheckamanthat does not mean is RUNS
17:06.25WFF-dheckamanjust that it compiles
17:06.28outtoluncof course <G>
17:06.46bkw_must have devfs or something for it to compile
17:06.50WFF-dheckamanhow easy is it to upgrade the kernel on redhat?
17:06.58outtolunci never did get the time to work on asterisk dev over the holidays
17:07.26km-you're fucking shitting me
17:07.36mikebIs there a good GUI interface (preferrably web based) for configuring and monitoring Asterisk?
17:07.41km-I'm not going to use that, linus said something about depreciating that
17:07.51km-it seems to be compiling fine though
17:08.12km-wcfxo just compiled just spanky
17:10.12sveone last question, well we don't have enough money, so is it possible to connect static phone PBX to the ATA and make call transfers ?
17:11.20Nixanthm: Yep. I crashed speex the other day
17:11.34Nixdidnt have time to test it further so I havent submitted a bug report yet
17:14.36WFF-dheckamanho kram!
17:15.09WFF-dheckamanhows life/dog/cat/family/<insert polite object>/etc?
17:16.10[Sim]nix: what version of speex did that happen with ?
17:16.36NixI was using latest Asterisk cvs. this was 2 or 3 days ago
17:16.55Nixrpm -q speex
17:19.34*** join/#asterisk Roger1 (
17:20.20Roger1Any experice using * with service?
17:20.27*** join/#asterisk crontibs (
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17:25.54*** join/#asterisk zoa (
17:27.20km-hey guys I just want to let you know
17:27.39km-I've been trying to get voicepulse to answer my queries and their customer service is *abysmal*
17:27.45*** join/#asterisk T` (tome@
17:27.50km-I mean, and you guys thought trying to findn JerJer for support was bad
17:27.58anthmSim speex 1.0.3
17:29.03jsmithkm-: I've never had a problem getting ahold of JerJer...
17:29.25km-I've heard people say they passed up nufone because they were afraid they couldn't get support
17:29.33drgalaxykm-: poo! our biz was just about to get a voiceplue account
17:29.34km-needless to say I am cancelling my voicepulse ASAP
17:29.52km-drgalaxy: I'd go with nufone if I were you
17:30.18drgalaxythanks for the advice
17:30.38[Rami]does anyone know of a way to get DTMF input from the caller and place it in a variable?
17:30.52km-no problem; community helps each other! :)
17:31.01drgalaxykm- there are no prices or anything on nufones page though
17:31.28km-they're not too swift on the web page stuf
17:31.35km-seek jerjer and he'll give you all the details
17:31.44drgalaxyand he does long distance?
17:32.00drgalaxythats mainly what I want is long distance
17:32.05km-1-800 number termination at the moment
17:32.11km-he'll be doing nationwide DID's eventually
17:32.11drgalaxywell I want that too
17:32.13km-he said it's on the plate
17:32.16km-2.9c a min in the US
17:32.21km-with the 1-800 number
17:32.29drgalaxyooh ooh thats what I want
17:32.45km-it's fantastic service
17:32.54km-he's just a little too high ping wise for my slow connection
17:33.00km-where is your company located?
17:33.20*** join/#asterisk Zebble (~Zebble@
17:34.33zoadrgalaxy: he will email you the prices
17:34.36zoaif you contact him
17:34.42drgalaxythanks, I just filled out the form on his webpage
17:34.45zoait depends on the amount of calls you do
17:34.48drgalaxyour company is in lubbock, texas
17:34.51zoaand how much he likes you :)
17:34.58drgalaxyright now, 3 people at 3 different houses
17:35.29*** join/#asterisk mortck (~test@
17:35.44drgalaxyI have asked questions of mr Jeremy before, he really is a community asset
17:35.47*** join/#asterisk jamie (
17:35.55drgalaxyplus he stopped a store robbery
17:36.12drgalaxyzoa: what depends on the ammount of calls and how much he likes me?
17:36.24zoathe rates
17:36.39zoaif you do 1 million minutes a month
17:36.50zoait will prolly be cheaper than 5 minutes a month :)
17:37.16drgalaxywell yeah!  isn't that how all businesses are?
17:37.42drgalaxyI mean, thats why walmart is taking over, right?  volume discount
17:42.32*** join/#asterisk wreckdiver (~goaway@
17:42.52wreckdiverhey folks.
17:43.48wreckdiverdo the 7940's support the 802.3af PoE standard??
17:44.50wreckdiverI bought a netgear poe switch, and the Cisco won't power up, is there some proprietary prestandard?? Anything I can do? Am I screwed?
17:47.29wreckdiveris this room filled with bots?? :)
17:47.43AlI don't know wreakdiver, is this room filled with bots?? :)
17:47.45WFF-dheckamandoes not compute
17:48.00rpbCisco does alot of their power management with their CDP protocol, which the phones use.  Don't know if they know about 802.3af.
17:48.19Sobekwho you calling a bot bot
17:48.44wreckdiverare their any settings, or do I need to run a 6000 blade or 3500 power switch?  that would suck.
17:50.22*** join/#asterisk shkoo (
17:50.22rpb3524 XL PWR or power cubes is accepted practice.  Cisco does have a power insertion module somewhere, but I've found it is more expensive that going with the 3524.
17:50.46bkw_rpb use the linksys stuff
17:51.19wreckdiverbkw, i got a poe netgear switch and no go with 7940, any suggestions?
17:51.37wreckdiveri was looking for a minimum 24 port, 1U form factor.
17:52.30rpbbkw:  works with the phone?
17:53.35bkw_rpb yes just use the one end
17:53.43bkw_someone in here told me about it a few days ago
17:55.25km-3524 xl power cubes?
17:55.44km-linksys e h
17:56.38*** join/#asterisk rajo_home (
17:58.43bkw_km- you can find em for 32
17:58.45bkw_just search
17:58.57rpbfroogle maybe
17:59.41km-pricewatch said44.99
18:00.47[Rami]does anyone know of a way to get DTMF input from the caller and place it in a variable?
18:04.18*** join/#asterisk killall-9 (
18:06.05jtoddrami: "show application background"
18:06.22jtoddSystem uptime: 7 weeks, 6 days, 23 hours, 32 minutes, 24 seconds
18:06.26jtoddNot bad.
18:06.33jtoddNot my best uptime, but not bad.
18:07.38*** join/#asterisk wsuff|afk (
18:08.01*** join/#asterisk devel (
18:09.03bkw_jtodd ya I had 5 weeks till jerjer found that fd leak in chan_h323
18:09.25*** join/#asterisk adkk (
18:09.31bkw_JerJer but I had a bazillion fd's to clean up
18:09.32JerJeri do it a ton with iax/iax2
18:10.19TestMasTerbkw_,  wanna hear something fucked up
18:10.23JerJerjust got out of a meeting with a bunch of stuffed suits
18:10.32wsuff|afkheh e
18:10.37rozois the fd leak fixed in the latest cvs?
18:10.49NixJerJer: do you have any figures on the CPU cost and latency of converting from H323 to IAX2 which acting as a softswitch?
18:11.02JerJeri came up with a good statement though, "Asterisk is an open, hybrid PBX that is not hindered with a business model around it"
18:11.27AlNix: I do that on an Athlon XP 2200+ with 1Gb RAM. Can handle a couple of hundred channels at once, no problem.
18:11.53JerJerNix: buy a deal xeon and you won't have to worry for quite a while
18:11.58NixAl: how many ms or latency does it add do you know?
18:12.01AlNix: Latency I've not measured, but I see no reason why it shouldn't be in the 20ms range, just like everything else.
18:12.07zoaaha, jerjer you found the leak ?
18:12.14zoait was in chan_h323 after all ?
18:12.38AlI'm amused that my Java IAX2 stack scales better than the C-based * one, though. :)
18:12.39zoa<-- zoa now has DID in UK, FR, NL, BE, DE
18:13.07NixJerJer: I have 4 dual Xeons already :-) I have multiple calls centres around the country run * and want to accept h323 into one location and switch it from there over an IAX2 trunk
18:13.09JerJerAI: bullshit
18:13.11killall-9Al: well, latency is higher since most drivers buffer at least that amount and codecs also need relatively large buffers
18:13.25killall-9Al: think speex - >= 100ms
18:13.39AlI can handle 1000 simultaneous calls on an Athlon XP 2200+ on Java.
18:13.45bkw_TestMasTer shoot
18:13.50Al* runs out of puff at about 600.
18:13.55NixAl: what do you have in Java?
18:14.03zoaAl: sound suspicious
18:14.10TestMasTerbkw_,  remember that exten i should you i was having the problem with
18:14.19*** join/#asterisk ample_ (
18:14.19bkw_TestMasTer yes
18:14.25AlI think it's due to the way * processes incoming packets - it looks up the sessions in a very stupid way
18:14.26zoaespecially as i never got up to 600 calls on asterisk :)
18:14.27TestMasTerbkw_,  well dnd is working with out it
18:14.32AlI look them up in a hash table.
18:14.35NixAl: what do you mean by "handle". what are you doing with the calls?
18:14.39JerJeri can bring java to its knees in less than a dozen lines of code
18:14.49Al* does a linear search through the entire session table.
18:14.49bkw_JerJer you can do that with linux too
18:14.51bkw_er C
18:14.51*** join/#asterisk dimmik (
18:15.00bkw_while fork()
18:15.01killall-9JerJer: i assume he's not having onr thread per channel
18:15.12AlJerJer: I can bring C to its knees in three. What's that prove?
18:15.20JerJerbkw_: its better than while (1) } fork(); {
18:15.26AlNo, I'm firing up 5 threads to handle absolutely everything.
18:15.33bkw_ok dslexic jerjer
18:15.45bkw_while(1) { fork(); }
18:15.47JerJerit would compile in my compiler
18:15.58AlI can't give you the Java source code. But I could give you an ethereal packet sniff.
18:16.02killall-9Al: some drivers need one thread per chan or at least they work better that way
18:16.08JerJeryeah typical vapor
18:16.35AlNix: yes, what/
18:16.42JerJerevery channel driver needs its own thread
18:16.42killall-9ether vapor ;)
18:16.51AlJerJer: why?
18:16.53NixAl: what do you mean by "handle". what are you doing with the calls?
18:17.05killall-9JerJer: in * yes but others may not need
18:17.15JerJeri'm talking about asterisk
18:17.39killall-9well, i assumeal's program isn't a java port of * :)
18:17.47AlI make 500 outbound calls looped back into the stack. Each outbound call plays a wave file down the line. Each inbound call gets picked up after 2s of ringing and plays a wave file down the line. So two-way audio.
18:17.48JerJerjust give me the compiled java, i'll decompile it and post the source
18:18.05AlWhich is effectively 1000 calls (500 outbound, 500 inbound)
18:18.07*** join/#asterisk devel (
18:18.11AlJerJer: QUITE
18:18.20JerJerand he thinks i'm kidding
18:18.27AlNo I don't.
18:18.36AlHence the capitals.
18:19.23AlBut seriously, we should fix the session-lookup in the IAX2 channel driver. I've not profiled it, but it must be dead slow.
18:19.48AlEven given the context switches for threaded IAX2 stuff, it should still be quicker than the Java, prolly.
18:20.17bkw_AL 1000 calls?
18:20.19AlJust goes to show that (a) JIT java isn't slow any more (b) it makes more difference how you code than what you code in.
18:20.28bkw_500 inbound and 500 out? is that two streams per call
18:20.32bkw_or 1000 total streams?
18:20.37Al1000 total streams
18:20.41bkw_then 500 calls
18:20.50killall-9Al: i agree with you about the quality of code
18:20.52AlWell, not really.
18:21.04AlIt does process the packets, it just doesn't do anything with them.
18:21.05bkw_1000 one way calls aren't very useful
18:21.13AlIt's two way.
18:21.18*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
18:21.20bkw_so its 2000 streams then
18:21.36bkw_2 streams per call
18:21.36AlIt's 1000 wave file streams being sent.
18:21.44JerJerhis lie is breaking down already
18:21.47AlAnd 1000 incoming streams which disappear.
18:21.50bkw_ok that == 500 calls
18:22.02bkw_ScaredyCat OH REALLY
18:22.06vaewynScaredyCat: She was just holding Ned back  :P
18:22.07AlIf I tried to record them all to disk, it wouldn't be able to handle 1000 calls.
18:22.13mbrancahi all
18:22.15JerJershe wanted too much money
18:22.20AlAs Java's IO blows goats.
18:22.27AlIn fact, Linux IO blows goats generally.
18:22.34bkw_thats not true
18:22.43AlYeah, disk IO kills you for things.
18:22.54vaewynDisk IO blows goats... everything else is just sucky programming :P
18:22.55bkw_depends on what discs and scsi system you use
18:22.58AlIt just blocks for too long.
18:23.05bkw_IDE may block
18:23.07AlNah - you want to be streaming the stuff over the network.
18:23.08killall-9Al: then go click-click in winduhs
18:23.10bkw_but if I recall SCSI shouldn't
18:23.31bkw_but we aren't all lucky enuf to have scsi
18:23.40AlIt's not that it blocks for ages - it's that it just takes so long to move the disk heads about if you're trying to record 1000 calls at once.
18:24.00Algiven a typical 9ms seek time.
18:24.22wsuffbbl fellas
18:26.25drgalaxyAl I don't think anyone believes you
18:26.25Al<vaewyn> Disk IO blows goats... everything else is just sucky programming :P  <-- that's about right :)
18:26.25AlWell, you can all sit and disbelieve away.
18:26.47AlIt doesn't alter the fact that chan_iax2.c's incoming packet session-determining function sucks.
18:26.58zoathen go fix it !
18:26.59AlNeeds a hashmap in there or something.
18:27.02AlYeah, yeah.
18:27.03JerJerhell yes
18:27.07*** join/#asterisk IPDR (
18:27.12*** join/#asterisk Mike (
18:27.35IPDRis anybody available?
18:27.39AlI will submit a patch at some point, but I'm rather busy, which is why I came on here to bring it to the attention of people to see if anyone else felt like it.
18:28.30drgalaxyhaha so instead you wrote an IAX2 stack in java?  wouldn't patching the c one take less time?
18:28.49AlErm, no - I didn't write a stack in Java because of that :)
18:29.03AlSee e-mails to devel list from a couple of months back, when I started doing all this.
18:29.06drgalaxyIPDR: are you a pretty girl?
18:29.09AlI want to do IVR.
18:29.17AlAnd Asterisk's IVR isn't very good.
18:29.30alex-homeHas anyone got a good stun guide?
18:29.32AlI'm aware I could lash together stuff using Perl, etc.
18:30.11AlBut I want things that are nice and pluggable, use XML, RMI, etc. and Java seemed the best fit (not least because that's what all the distributed apps the IVR has to integrate into are written in)
18:31.20AlSo either I write a decent JNI wrapper for the dialogic stuff (the dia jtapi stuff isn't anywhere near feature-complete) and pay a fortune for hardware, or I use digium stuff and write a VoIP IVR platform.
18:31.21drgalaxyhmm very interesting
18:31.41AlSo I tried doing that with JAIN SIP and the JMF.
18:32.06AlBut JMF is *really* poor for server apps, because it forks silly numbers of threads for audio playback, rtp, rtcp, etc.
18:32.12Al(15 per channel, typically)
18:32.32AlWhich is no use when you're trying to scale to at least 120 channels per 1u box (with a TE410P or whatever).
18:32.37jsmithWow... that's a lot of threads!
18:33.05AlYeah. You run into per-process thread limits on 2.4 kernels.
18:33.25AlNot to mention the fact that all the CPU is doing at that point is context-switching, rather than any real work.
18:33.26*** join/#asterisk devel (
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18:33.47vaewynhahaha... anyone noticed that if you hit instead of you get digiums page
18:34.08zoawhat is g.703 ?
18:34.09AlSo I thought I'd throw away JMF and write my own native RTP/audio stuff. And I realized I'd be better off doing the whole lot with IAX2, because with Java, you really need a single thread per UDP port you're listening on.
18:34.35kapezoa: a coaxial connector, iirc
18:34.54AlAnd of course, IAX only runs on a single port. Which makes it ideal for doing an event-driven stack rather than a hugely-threaded one.
18:34.58*** join/#asterisk tony1 (
18:34.59kapesome electrical spec
18:35.11AlAnyways, I'll shut up now, as you're all prolly bored. :)
18:35.15drgalaxyAl I am listening
18:35.22AlEveryone go and look at this instead:  :)
18:35.31AlricAs am I.
18:35.45Alquite :)
18:35.55Al~seen kram
18:36.05kram is currently on #asterisk (2d 12h 8m 39s).  Has said a total of 14 messages.  Is idling for 18h 43m 9s
18:36.46drgalaxyAl your project is very impressive to me.  I never really limitations in AGI
18:36.47mbranca~seen jbot
18:36.48jbot is currently on #ipaq (2d 11h 59m 20s) #pet (2d 11h 59m 20s) #gct (2d 11h 59m 20s) #storm (2d 11h 59m 20s) #botpark (2d 11h 59m 20s) #magnia (2d 11h 59m 20s) #kiss (2d 11h 59m 20s) #tacobeam (2d 11h 59m 20s)
18:36.48tony1Anyone every have an error like this? "Power alarm on module 1, resetting!"
18:36.56Mocdamn .. it got hight
18:37.30lelemorning mbranca
18:37.44mbrancalele lol...morning :)
18:38.08*** join/#asterisk dimmik (
18:38.08JerJerAI: you can rant all you want, until you proove what your talking about it is simply vapor
18:38.15kapedid italy change to kape time? ;)
18:38.22*** join/#asterisk devel (
18:38.24lelekape: yes
18:38.34kapeanother country on my list ;)
18:38.49mbrancalele: you ever noticed a issue with ciscos and restarting * ?
18:39.25lelembranca: the error they are sending back at restart?
18:39.49jsmithHowdy mbranca... what's new on your side of the globe?
18:39.49mbrancaat * restart, not phone restart
18:40.06lelembranca: which btw is different from the 7960 and the 7905
18:40.29lelembranca: one says "not found" the other "invalid", lemme try
18:40.47*** join/#asterisk _XR_ (~vitorio@
18:41.00lelekape: NT mode rocks :)
18:41.05*** join/#asterisk devel (
18:41.19kapelele: :-)
18:41.38kapelele: finally a nice phone to use for voip ;)
18:41.59Mikebkw_: fxs_ls made my jitter go to 6 insted of 90 but the calls get hangup any ideas?
18:42.00lelekape: now, if only there would be some way to have the progress tones, am i missing something? ...
18:42.29kapei am working on that's a bit tricky
18:42.40kapebut app_disa can fake a dialtone ;)
18:42.49lelekape: ok, so i am not missing anything :)
18:43.07mbrancalele: if you do a restart now on asterisk cli, you can't call the cisco... it must be rebooted
18:43.22AlJerJer: it's Al with an "L" not, AI with an "I" :)
18:43.23zoacould you all paste all voip termination firms you know ?
18:43.29lelekape: i know, but the phone don't like it much
18:43.35zoalike nufone, vonage, packet8 etc ?
18:43.55AlJerJer: And I'm not ranting. I'm simply w00ting a bit 'cos after two months I'm happy it all works and that it scales. :)
18:44.00drgalaxyzoa: look on
18:44.06JerJerAl: i'm typing A<tab> and trillian finishes it for me
18:44.17JerJerif you say so
18:44.25JerJeri can proove how well asterisk scales
18:44.31JerJerif u know WTF your doing
18:44.33lelembranca: uh, no, not here... what cisco are you talking about?
18:44.54mbranca7940 & 7905
18:44.55killall-9mbranca: it will eventually timeout and reregister
18:45.14lelembranca: oh, right until it hasn't reregistered
18:45.15JerJerso who's gonna send me a 7920 so I can make skinny better?
18:45.25drgalaxyJerJer: if I had one I would!
18:45.32lelembranca: i forgot about it beacuse i have short register timeout
18:45.32dheckaman_so whos gonna send me a 7905 so I can be happy
18:45.35AlJerJer: Hey, don't get the wrong idea - I'm not attacking *. * is lovely. Digium is my temple and I worship at the * altar.
18:45.42drgalaxyI wish I could send you a beer, just got my 7910s working
18:46.00JerJerno class 5 features though :(
18:46.17drgalaxyis there a method to make the soft keys do something?
18:46.23AlIt sure would be interesting to run a profiler on chan_iax2, though.
18:46.36JerJerprofileer?  memory?
18:46.41*** join/#asterisk devel (
18:46.49AlAmount of run time spent in each function.
18:47.09JerJercan't be very long
18:47.13AlSo you can see where scalability bottlenecks are.
18:47.22*** join/#asterisk Riisto (
18:47.26kapedo it, send the results to the ML :)
18:47.38extremisfighting low volume sucks ass
18:47.44AlNo, obviously. But 1000 simultaneous "can't be very long"s multiplied by one packet per 20ms rapidly becomes quite a bit, no?
18:47.48extremisthe polarity change didn't help at all
18:47.48Alwill do
18:47.56rpbJerJer:  you mentioned something about proving scalability of *.  Please do so.  People keep asking about it.
18:47.58AlAnyone know of any decent profilers for Linux then? :)
18:48.10mbrancalele: I get Got SIP response 404 "Not Found" back from
18:48.24jsmithAl: VTune for Linux, but it ain't free...
18:48.32lelembranca: yes, until it reregisters
18:48.35JerJerrpb: any nufone customer can speak of our quality and uptime
18:49.05dheckaman_nufone is all quality and uptime
18:49.22mbrancaso I must lower the register timeout
18:49.33rpbWould you be able to reveal #'s like total customers, number of active calls, or some similar stats?
18:49.36wreckdiverwhat decent phones out there, similar to cisco 7940 are compatible with the 802.3af standard?  I just bought a Netgear 24 port managed PoE switch for $1100, and it doesn't work with Cisco, unless you purchase adapters.. any suggestions?
18:49.39AlOooh, oooh, vtune does java too.
18:49.51AlI might have to see if I can get our purchasing dept. to buy a copy.
18:50.05*** join/#asterisk guest (
18:50.05JerJerrpb: bkw can voutch for just the latest box i turned up last night
18:50.09extremisare there any other ways of increasing volume on a X100P card without touching rxtxgain?
18:50.18mbrancalele: and Got SIP response 484 "Address Incomplete" back from from a 7940
18:50.30JerJerrpb:  i think while he was on i hit 80 channels
18:50.40JerJer86% idle
18:51.03JerJer..he was on it hit 80 channels
18:51.30Aldrgalaxy: Thanks for the memprof link. Want something that does CPU not RAM, but that'll be useful for other stuff.
18:51.38extremiswow, I touch it by .1 and I get echo
18:52.15voidptrwreckdiver : all others *should* work.
18:52.16rpbJerJer: are they all iax2 to tdm?  Do you do much g729 to tdm?  Can you fill up 8 pri's with that sort of thing and have cpu to spare?
18:52.18JerJerextremis: rxgain is what does turn up the volume
18:52.32extremisJerJer: yeah, but it causes too much echo
18:52.44JerJerextremis: lower your TX then
18:52.52wreckdivervoidptr, is this hardware incompatibility with Cisco, and can it be solved by software upgrades or no?
18:52.53extremisyou mean into - ?
18:52.56JerJerand complain to the telco about your line :)
18:53.00extremisI did
18:53.13extremisand they charged me $200 to say "there is no problem"
18:53.13JerJerrpb:  this latest box was all H.323
18:53.23zoaany problems with cvs today ?
18:53.26wreckdiveri like cisco, i hate proprietary standards..
18:53.28zoaor is it safe to upgrade ?
18:53.29kapeyeehaaa ...analog phone crap
18:53.43dheckaman_mbranca: I had that
18:54.04dheckaman_was set in general, killed all my sip phones
18:54.14dheckaman_and now fwd doesnt work
18:54.14extremisJerJer: the funny thing is that when I use a normal phone on these lines I odn't have volume issues
18:54.25JerJersounds like u got a bunk x100P then
18:54.30extremis4 of them?
18:54.32JerJerdidja get it from digium or flebay?
18:54.40crontibsWARNING[19476]: File rtp.c, Line 375 (ast_rtp_read): RTP Read error: Resource temporarily unavailable?
18:55.00JerJeryour resource is temporaily not avalable
18:55.21dheckaman_be nice :P
18:55.30mbrancabah... Cisco crap... don't understand the reason for that
18:55.35lelembranca: i can't reproduce it here anymore, if i reset * and call any 7960 it just rings
18:56.24extremisneat, ztmonitor is still broken
18:56.26JerJercronjob: dive into the code
18:56.33JerJerit tells you the exact file name and line
18:56.51JerJerdon't be scared, it won't bite
18:56.58crontibsheh thanks jerjer
18:57.18JerJerdon't be scaarred, its only pussy
18:58.13dheckaman_if I set autodial on my phone...
18:58.13dheckaman_to DISA... and get a dial tone...
18:58.13mbrancalele: 484 address incomplete from the 7940 until they register again... can't understand why
18:58.13Aldrgalaxy: this looks interesting:
18:58.13extremisdoes tip usually have 0 voltage and ring have -50 volts?
18:58.13dheckaman_it would be like a real pbx
18:58.14dheckaman_so I dial 9... and it would drop me to a external dail tone...
18:58.14JerJeri don't care for DISA
18:58.14lelembranca:  i do not think it's the cisco
18:58.18dheckaman_can I get the dialtone out of the x100p, without dialing anything?
18:59.09lelembranca: probably * is sending different INVITESs when the cisco is registered and when it's not
18:59.42mbrancalatest cvs here...
18:59.47mbrancadigging into sip debug
18:59.57lelembranca: try comparing them i can't reproduce it
19:00.09dheckaman_mbranca: what problem?
19:00.26extremisis there any way to increase the rxtsxgain when forwarding from 1 x100p to another x100p?
19:00.28mbrancadheckaman_: restarting * I cannot call ciscos until they register again
19:00.29lelembranca: does the invite have the sip local part?
19:00.30dheckaman_you have an externip=blah in sip.conf?
19:00.39extremisbut not during voip calls
19:00.40dheckaman_diferent problemo
19:01.03mbrancalele: shit... look here : INVITE sip: SIP/2.0
19:01.07mbrancaseems wrong
19:01.11extremisis there a codec used for * -> zaptel?
19:01.23lelembranca: that's it but why i have it right?
19:02.30mbrancathat's weird
19:02.53mbrancaadded username=<username> into the sip.conf definition, and it works
19:03.17lelembranca: yes i do have it
19:03.45mbrancaI thought that username was not needed
19:03.50dheckaman_it isnt
19:03.55dheckaman_the user name is in the blocks
19:04.13mbrancadheckaman_: but fixes the restart * & cisco issue
19:04.21mbrancaperhaps someone must fix chan_sip so
19:05.07*** join/#asterisk vvenka1 (
19:05.31mbrancadheckaman_: yup... seems a bug
19:05.49vvenka1How to get the Call-ID of a SIP call in a CDR?
19:05.49mbrancausername must be used in a correct way in chan_sip
19:06.36mbrancaI must report that?
19:07.27lelembranca: report it, it seems weird to me
19:08.05lelembranca: i remembered having seen those errors but since my scripts sets the username i forgot about it
19:08.13dheckaman_dumb fwd
19:08.19*** join/#asterisk loko-moko (
19:08.30mbrancalele: just try to be sure... remove username part , restart * and try before cisco registers again
19:08.40mbrancajust to have another confirmation
19:09.29Mikeradiostorm closed?
19:09.47lelembranca: Got SIP response 484 "Address Incomplete" back from 195.72.x.x
19:09.51mbrancaeh eh
19:09.57mbrancaconfirmed so.
19:10.01mbrancagoing to report this
19:10.08voidptryes, sir!
19:10.40lelembranca: ok! now back to IT timezone for dinner
19:12.28*** join/#asterisk digger (
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19:12.58Zebble~seen atacomm
19:13.02atacomm is currently on #asterisk (2d 7m 57s).  Has said a total of 49 messages.  Is idling for 20h 3m 45s
19:13.07wreckdiverany non-cisco switches exist that emulate the 7900 series PoE negotiation???
19:13.27voidptrwreckdiver : powerdsine powerinjectors
19:13.41voidptrthey can do cisco aswell, in special model
19:13.59voidptrwithout adapters.. afaik... (but you lose 802.3af)
19:14.15wreckdivervoidptr, can you use the pdsine splitters without their injectors?
19:14.24diggerwhat cheap fxs/eth adapters do you recommend to use with asterisk ?
19:14.35voidptrwreckdiver : no idea... don't have them...
19:14.59wreckdiveri will end up returning these netgear PoE's and buying cisco.
19:15.05rpbdigger: Sipura looks good.
19:15.24rpbIAXy when it comes out.
19:15.33diggerrpb: that was my impression as well, after reading bits here and there :)
19:16.15*** join/#asterisk killall-9 (
19:18.22diggerI have a Phonejack fxs card, but have trouble with cutting sound. Are they supposed to work well ?
19:19.19Alricdigger: Like sound chopping in and out?
19:19.22vaewynAFKPhonejacks are ok... but not great... the digium hardware (IMO) works much nicer
19:20.29diggeralric: I run the demo setup with asterisk, I run h323 fine in/out to a cisco 5300, I can hear sound well on the phonejack, however what I say from the phonejack is like you say, in and out
19:20.53diggeralric: either when I call out, or call in from/to the phonejack
19:21.13Alricdigger: ztdummy installed?
19:21.21killall-9question: what should i write in zaptel.conf to install just ztdummy and ztd-eth ?
19:21.42killall-9i mean how to make it clock source?
19:21.59diggeralric: no
19:22.19diggeralric: just asterisk, openh323 and oh-323 module
19:22.23Alricdigger: I had timing issues on my phonejack until I installed ztdummy
19:22.49*** join/#asterisk Q-At-Work (
19:22.59diggeralric: and asterisk complains a lot during the calls  .. "File chan_phone.c, Line 113 (phone_digit): Dialed F"
19:23.39Alricdigger: Hmmm.  Haven't seen that one.  I didn't use the phonejack a lot, only to test some IAX stuff with another box that had digium hardware.
19:24.10diggeralric: but thanks for the tip, I will install it right now. I will get some more hardware, but right now I have to play with that I have
19:24.56Alricdigger: Know what you mean.  Thats why we were working with a phonejack in the first place =)
19:25.05diggeralric: got an askey mgcp device as well, which is next one :)
19:26.43*** join/#asterisk navfam1 (
19:27.13diggeralric: using * for anything in production ?
19:27.28Alricdigger: Yes
19:27.52Alricdigger: PBX system for a CLEC and an ISP.  Yay.
19:27.55*** join/#asterisk t4k (
19:28.18diggeralric: nice.. I just installed it two days ago, so nice stuff
19:29.05t4khello... I just updated my source via cvs, and tdmoe is broken now
19:29.08Mikesomeone has ever linked up a hardware pbx to asterisk using a x101p?
19:29.13diggeralric: what kind of hardware do you use ?
19:29.15t4kTDMoE: Invalid MAC address in: eth1/00:01:02:9b:39:72
19:29.15t4kDriver 'eth' (Ethernet) rejected address 'eth1/00:01:02:9b:39:72'
19:29.25jimmyzis there any problems with echo and the T100P or anything like that?
19:29.33t4kno config has changed
19:29.33Zzzzzzztake eth1/ out of the mac address
19:29.35Alricdigger: bleh, digium 4 port T1 card.  Don't know the tech name
19:29.36Zzzzzzzobviously the syntax has changed
19:29.38*** join/#asterisk arcaidy (
19:29.46t4koh... "obviously"!
19:30.25t4kInvalid TDMoE address (no device) '00:01:02:9b:39:72'
19:30.25t4kDriver 'eth' (Ethernet) rejected address '00:01:02:9b:39:72'
19:30.46Zzzzzzzok, something is broken
19:30.53Zzzzzzzeither your ethernet driver or asterisk
19:30.57Zzzzzzzdid you change anything in linux ?
19:30.59bkw_he has it setup wrong
19:31.12Zzzzzzzwhat he sdaid
19:31.22bkw_their is a TDMoE howto
19:31.26bkw_~google TDMoE howto
19:31.35voidptralso on the wiki
19:31.37t4kbkw_ -> it was just working
19:31.47*** join/#asterisk hmodes (
19:31.52Q-At-Workanyone selling ata286's with stock?
19:31.55t4kbkw_ -> has something changed?
19:32.01Q-At-Workpreferably located in Canada
19:32.06Q-At-Workand shipping from Canada
19:32.08bkw_t4k did you rerun ztcfg?
19:32.13bkw_make sure both ends have the correct info
19:32.16t4kyes.. that's what gives the error
19:32.49ZebbleQ:  of course
19:32.51Mikebkw_: fxs_ls didnt work same problem
19:33.05Mikebkw_: fxs_gs make asterisk not to start
19:33.07bkw_Mike try gs?
19:33.08t4kworked. updated cvs. recompile. install. unload old drivers. install new drivers. run ztcfg. dosen't work.
19:33.10Mikebkw_: i did
19:33.14Mikebkw_: asterisk wont start
19:33.16bkw_did try change both zapata and zaptel?
19:33.22Mikebkw_: yes
19:33.26bkw_did you rerun ztcfg after you changed it?
19:33.41Mikebkw_: yep
19:33.52Mikebkw_: tryed different cvs versions of zaptel also
19:34.05Mikebkw_: what does ztcfg makes exactly?
19:34.09bkw_fxsgs in one and fxs_gs in ther other
19:34.13bkw_ztcfg -vvvvv
19:34.38Mikeon zaptel fxsgs=1
19:34.41Mikeand in zapata
19:35.06bkw_I think double check the default config
19:35.37*** join/#asterisk rot200 (~YO@
19:35.37Mike--->ztcfg -vvvvv
19:35.37MikeZaptel Configuration
19:35.40MikeChannel map:
19:35.45MikeChannel 01: FXS Groundstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
19:35.50Mike1 channels configured.
19:36.01MikeNotice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
19:36.01Mikeline 132: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
19:36.01Mike--->modprobe wcfxo
19:36.02MikeZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22)
19:36.04MikeDid you forget that FXS interfaces are configured with FXO signalling
19:36.06Mikeand that FXO interfaces use FXS signalling?
19:36.08Mike/lib/modules/2.4.24/misc/wcfxo.o: post-install wcfxo failed
19:36.10Mike/lib/modules/2.4.24/misc/wcfxo.o: insmod wcfxo failed
19:36.47HewpiStudW-2's are in
19:37.01*** join/#asterisk jon1 (
19:37.24jimmyzdoes the t100p work in a  pci 32bit pci slot v2.2
19:37.46jon1can anyone tell me what the minimum requirements would be for a small home asterisk pbx box, basically just 2 lines
19:40.14killall-9should i add a span for ztdummy?
19:40.30zoanot that i know
19:40.34zoaask your girlfriend :)
19:40.46killall-9she sleeps - she got a cold
19:40.57zoasend her my wishes
19:41.00killall-9and she never used ztdummy
19:41.15zoathe watch should have shipped today i think
19:42.13Q-At-Workjon1: you need 2 FXO ports, and either 2 voip phones, or 2 FXS ports and a 1ghz or better machine roughly
19:42.33zoamake that a 300mhz machine
19:43.07Q-At-Workcan you still buy 300mhz?
19:43.18Q-At-WorkI was assuming he was buying new :)
19:46.57Q-At-WorkI've personally run it on a 500mhz p3
19:47.01Q-At-Worknothing lower
19:47.44jtoddjon1: I've got it on a PIII 400mhz toaster box.  Works fine with a single channel of transcoding; haven't tried with more than that.
19:48.03jtoddjon1: and works very very well (>8 channels tested) if there is no transcoding.
19:49.06*** join/#asterisk IronHelixz (
19:53.07UnixDawgok its there a way to make it so when a person is transfered to voicemail the can backout by dialing a exten #
19:57.57*** join/#asterisk oej (
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19:58.48HoopyCatunix:  # will end the message and proceed to the next priority, i believe... 0 will go to extension o
19:58.57HoopyCat(note zero versus small oh)
19:59.04jetsso you can do hdlc on digium cards
19:59.07jetshas anyone reported success?
20:01.33bkw_  <-- EVERYONE READ THIS
20:01.37bkw_let me know if its helpful
20:01.40bkw_or does it need more detail
20:01.42*** join/#asterisk dimmik (
20:02.12zoabkw its usefull
20:02.19zoavery usefull
20:02.22zoabut more detail is better
20:02.32zoamaybe with a deadlock example
20:02.33bkw_I SUCK at this
20:02.41zoathat already happened
20:02.44zoaa realtime ex
20:03.04*** join/#asterisk Tekati (
20:03.09bkw_and a crash
20:03.14bkw_because I can't get it to do it
20:04.19bkw_guys read that
20:04.24Pj_I can help you if you want ;)
20:04.28Mikebkw_: did you see my error msg a few lines above?
20:05.43bkw_Mike nope
20:06.32Mikebkw_: be kind and scroll up a few lines:)
20:06.43Mikebkw_: your finger wont get hurt:P just two scrolls
20:09.01jetswhat would be an example of zaptel settings for an isdn pri
20:09.08jetsin the states what are the normal encodings / etc
20:09.40JerJerman ppl need to learn how to give phone numbers on voicemail
20:09.46jetsya they do
20:09.49AlricAgreed =)
20:09.58Pj_"hey it's me, call me back"
20:11.01*** join/#asterisk geertn (
20:11.12JerJeror they just run thru it very quickly once in the middle of a throat clear / cough
20:11.32dheckaman_phone numbers are over rated
20:11.37dheckaman_we need something better
20:11.51AlricEmail.  Get to it at your leisure.
20:11.58ScaredyCatcheese burgers!
20:20.22arcaidyhow long does it usually take digium to reply to email?
20:20.22JerJerdepends if your on good graces with the benenovlant dictator
20:20.22mbrancaarcaidy: depends on how much $$$ you sent in the email :)
20:20.22arcaidyumm, none
20:20.22arcaidybut it involves possible future $$$
20:20.22bkw_Who has the link to the Linux Journal story on asterisk this month?
20:20.22mbrancaarcaidy: no matter, I was joking :)
20:20.22arcaidymbranca: i know
20:20.22bkw_mike are you using fxsgs and fxs_gs?
20:20.22bkw_or what?
20:20.22Mikebkw_: on zaptel.conf fxsgs
20:20.22Mikebkw_: and on zapata.conf fxs_gs
20:20.22*** join/#asterisk killall-9 (
20:20.23killall-9ztd-eth made my 8139too panic the kernel :(
20:20.23kapeget a real nic ;)
20:20.23*** part/#asterisk mmco (
20:20.23bkw_mike unload the modules and zaptel
20:20.23bkw_and reload them
20:20.23kapekillall-9: why dont you use iax2 with trunking instead of tdmoe?
20:20.23jetsin /etc/zaptel.conf does this look about right for two 100 t1 cards for ISDN PRI:
20:20.31killall-9kape: because i'm writing a zaptel driver for another program and i have no real hardware
20:20.46bkw_your making it work with Bayone aren't you
20:20.46Mikebkw_: i always do that ill try running safe_asterisk
20:20.50bkw_or what every that crap is
20:20.58Mikebkw_: is it better to run safe_asterisk or just asterisk?
20:20.58kapeyate i gues
20:21.17killall-9bkw_: bayonne is good for other things, not pbx
20:21.23MikeJerJer: whats the differences on safe and asterisk
20:21.30killall-9bkw_: it's much better for ivr
20:21.37geertnbayonne doesn't do SIP, right?
20:21.45*** join/#asterisk arcaidy (
20:21.47killall-9geertn: it will do soon
20:21.52JerJerkilroy2k: i disagree
20:22.06arcaidywhat is safe_asterisk?
20:22.43oejany ast-gurus online? I'm hitting the wall night after night with the permit/deny stuff that I can't get to work...
20:23.03killall-9JerJer: were you talking to me?
20:23.04*** join/#asterisk arcaidy (
20:23.09kapeoej: hitting the wall wont help!
20:23.41oejkape: It hurts less than not being able to deny myself access to my PBX .... or....
20:24.08oejConfused, permitted to be confused, no one is able to deny me, at least not with Asterisk. Hahah.
20:25.11UnixDawgok gento is cool thus far
20:25.19UnixDawginstall was easy
20:25.40Q-At-WorkUnixDawg: what did you use before?
20:25.57PBXtechIf there are linux driver for NMS boards for linux will * work with them? or will there need to be code work done to the source also?
20:26.35UnixDawgin the past I have use slackware and old redhat
20:27.01zoaoej: permit deny is broken
20:27.04arcaidydoes asterisk have acd function?
20:27.06zoasee the mailing list
20:27.10zoaarcaidy: no
20:27.17zoabut there are call q'
20:27.19zoaso yes :)
20:27.47zoahi kram
20:27.47arcaidywhats call p?
20:27.56*** join/#asterisk erik2 (
20:27.59zoacall Queue's
20:28.09oejkram: Can't get permit/deny to work. The examples do not work for me. Any clue?
20:28.10UnixDawgnow I am installing needed items for *
20:28.15arcaidyhow do the queues work?
20:28.19zoaoej: its broken !!!
20:28.22UnixDawgfestival sphinx what els
20:28.40arcaidycan you set up weights within the queue?
20:28.50zoanot really
20:28.56zoanot avaya like no
20:29.04oejzoa: great, one more that hit the wall. I did not find that bug. There's a bug in parsing sip.conf, but if you go beyond that, is it really non-working?
20:29.14arcaidyor is it like a basic rollover to next available?
20:29.52JerJerhold off for the new system tclark is workin on
20:29.58zoaits very simple
20:30.01zoawait some more
20:30.03JerJerand/or help him out
20:30.11zoaanthm and tclarck are doing some great stuff
20:30.15arcaidydoes asterisk support multiple line appearances?
20:30.30zoalook at the patches on to have it as good as it gets
20:30.37zoawhat do you mean arcanoid ?
20:30.48oejzoa: Can't find that bug. One that bkw noted as fixed in november, and my own reports on sip.conf parsing.
20:30.49JerJerarcaidy: skinny, can support it
20:30.50arcaidylike same number on different devices?
20:31.16JerJeryep and provide its status
20:31.25JerJeroperative word being CAN
20:31.37arcaidyjerjer, so if a call number that is on two phones, will both phones ring?
20:31.58JerJerthat's how it would work, yes
20:32.48arcaidyare there any devices out there like an ATA that are FXO?
20:33.01Q-At-Workwouldnt that be nice :)
20:33.02arcaidysomething with 1 or 2 ports?
20:33.37arcaidyQ, so i take you know of none
20:33.57JerJernothing out there today, no
20:34.12arcaidybummer, thanks
20:35.19rpbDoes this help?
20:35.49arcaidywhat kind of hardware would i need if i took 2 fxo cards and put them in a pc running *. what kind of system, bare minimum?
20:36.09jetshrm this channel isn't much help most of the time :)
20:36.10*** join/#asterisk mmco (
20:36.33mbrancajets: we're all newbies
20:37.00arcaidyrpb, I've heard different reviews of fxs-fxo converters..
20:37.22*** join/#asterisk dalabera (~Dalabera@
20:37.25rpbAnd the results of those reviews?
20:37.27mbrancaarcaidy: ATA fxo? yes, does exists something
20:37.37Q-At-Workdlink made one
20:37.42Q-At-Workit was h.323
20:37.51arcaidyrpb, not very good
20:38.18rpbSo that would mean.... that they aren't better than nothing?
20:39.39arcaidymbranca, thats probably what i was looking for, you know their cost?
20:39.40dalaberahas anyone has tested the SNom 200?
20:40.13arcaidyrpb, I'm not sure, i might work for testing...
20:40.48rpbHow many ports and how much are you willing to spend?  I think I might know of something else.
20:40.54mbrancaarcaidy: mmh... we have the fxs device, dunno the cost. I can ask 2morrow at the office
20:40.55dalaberaWhat are drawbacks or benefits of the snom 200? if anyone knows
20:40.59Q-At-WorkI'm not sure how well those FXS-FXO converts will work
20:41.36rpbThey are only $40.  The answer to whether they work or not would be to just give it a try.
20:42.12arcaidycurrently, i just want something with 1 or 2 ports
20:42.18jetshrm product data sheets on are broken
20:42.23Q-At-Workit would need a good method for detecting hangup
20:42.28*** join/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
20:42.37mbrancaFXO to sip is simpler that FXS to sip (no flash hook detection is needed for example...)
20:42.40arcaidysomething that supports 323 or mgcp would be good also
20:42.41Q-At-Workor phantom ports would plague it
20:42.41*** join/#asterisk dahmak (
20:42.54mbrancaarcaidy: these devices are h323 or sip
20:43.06arcaidyi guess it may be worth a try for 40 bucks,
20:43.18Q-At-Work40 bucks is 2 pizzas! :)
20:43.41wsuffQ-At-Work: what kind of pizza cost that much
20:43.42arcaidy2 pizzas, thats like 3
20:43.48Q-At-WorkCanadian funds
20:43.51mbranca20 bucks for a pizza .... argh... very pricey
20:43.55Q-At-Workour peso...
20:44.00dahmakHi, does anyone if Iaxcomm is gpl or lgpl?
20:44.02wsuffQ-At-Work: nuff said
20:44.04mbrancaand canadian pizza?
20:44.05Q-At-Workwhich is at an all time high today I might add
20:44.11km-dahmak: I think iaxcomm is gpl
20:44.17rpbSome people are happy with the convertoers, so, heh, you might just win the coin toss
20:44.33km-well isn't iaxcomm a program, therefore not able to be lgpl?
20:44.38km-since it's not a library
20:44.41dahmakI thought so, someone should fix the description on sourceforge :>
20:44.48dahmakit says lgpl there
20:44.53km-well, who knows
20:44.57mbrancakm-: you're right
20:45.16arcaidywell, i may try one fro proof of concept, but i need something thats designed for fxo
20:45.19wsuffdahmak: Like the iaxclient library, iaxComm is provided under the terms of the LGPL:
20:45.20km-talk to critch, I think he's the gfuy who has sourceforge access to it
20:45.38wsuffdahmak: from the readme
20:45.47rpbarcaidy:  how many ports?
20:46.02dahmakyes but when you look at the headers it says it is gnu gpl :<
20:46.23Q-At-Worknothing like clarity to stifle a project :)
20:46.25arcaidyfrom 2 up to 8 or 10
20:47.42UnixDawgcan you put Voicemail in the background like you can with .gsm fiels to allow the pbx to still respond ?
20:47.55km-rock on
20:48.10mbrancaUnixDawg: can u be more clear?
20:48.20Q-At-WorkI think UnixDawg wants to be able to exit voicemail?
20:48.46rpbarcaidy:  ?
20:48.52rpbabout $700
20:49.08dahmakHas anyone ever used the GIPS (Global IP Sound) voice engine with IAX2?
20:49.12UnixDawgexten =>_x.3,Background Voivemail${EXTEN}
20:49.20mbrancaUnixDawg: why?
20:49.24UnixDawgis what I want to do
20:49.28mbrancabut why
20:49.30JerJerrpb: and it does IAX right?
20:49.39voidptrwe just got this idea for thinkgeek... something like a 19" rackmountable fridge
20:49.41UnixDawgso that if a caller wants out of vm to go to another exten
20:49.44Q-At-WorkI actually thought about this morning
20:49.50Q-At-Workhit 0 to escape the vm
20:49.51rpbJer:  pretty darn funny :)
20:49.54voidptrto keep the beer on those long lonely nights in the server room
20:49.56Q-At-Workand ring the atendant
20:50.11Q-At-Workit would probably need to be coded into voicemail2
20:50.12UnixDawgdont wnat to ring the attendant
20:50.14mbrancaQ-At-Work is right
20:50.14voidptrnot fridge... cooler
20:50.33dahmaka cooler in the server room sounds extremely cool :>
20:50.38Q-At-Workok 0 escapes, then prompts you for an exten
20:50.41JerJerverisign slashdotted !!!
20:50.41UnixDawgother pbx's do it btu want to know if * can do it
20:51.03UnixDawghmm ok
20:51.19Q-At-WorkI was going to look at doing exactly that
20:51.48Q-At-Workonly because I called my own office, punched the wrong extension, and then had to redial
20:51.57Q-At-Workgloved fingers on a cell phone
20:52.04Q-At-Workevil small buttons
20:52.09arcaidyrpb, thanks for the link, looks good
20:52.12UnixDawgthast why I wounder if putting it in the background would work
20:52.57UnixDawgexten =>_x.3,Background(Voivemail${EXTEN})
20:53.01UnixDawgshould that work
20:53.19*** join/#asterisk extremis (
20:53.27Q-At-WorkI dont believe so
20:53.32UnixDawgor is it going to have to be coded in the vm software
20:53.44ScaredyCatit needs to be coded,
20:53.45rpbarcaidy:  multitech has something similar
20:53.54ScaredyCatyou're trying to background an app...
20:53.55*** join/#asterisk DL4GRC (
20:54.01Q-At-WorkUnixDawg: how do you like gentoo
20:54.13UnixDawgso far it is nice
20:54.13Q-At-WorkI dumped debian, went back to slackware
20:54.28UnixDawgit has ports like bsd so thats a added
20:56.56Q-At-WorkI'm having evil issues with php and apache on 200+ domains under debian
20:56.57Q-At-Workmmmm ports
20:56.57UnixDawgno hunting down libs and needed files
20:56.57JerJerwholy someone has too much time on their hands:
20:56.57JerJerfunnny shit
20:56.57mbrancaJerJer: superlol
20:56.57dahmakhas anybody ever used the GIPS voice engine?
20:56.57ScaredyCatlol JerJer
20:57.07ScaredyCatyou mean like RoyK?
20:57.27malcolmdpornolizer rules :)
20:57.31Q-At-Workman thats funny
20:57.39malcolmdthat's how i view all my pages when i'm in the labs
20:57.43*** join/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
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20:59.01ScaredyCatWelcome to Digium, your Open "Omar Pussy" Source telecommunications supplier
20:59.17voidptrare managers supposed to be happy with a 7905? ;)
20:59.23JerJerread that second paragraph
20:59.24Q-At-WorkWelcome to Digium, your Open "Mistress Anal" Source telecommunications supplier
20:59.29mbrancaAsterisk "Big Cock" Survey
20:59.32ScaredyCatDigium will be exhibiting at the Linux "Mouth-full-o'-cock" World Conference and Expo on
20:59.56Q-At-Workthe name they gave Mark sure is not fun :)
21:00.12JerJeri can't stop giggling here
21:00.26UnixDawgwell it would be nice but I guess I will have to wait for it to be coded
21:00.31mbrancaJerJer: is your fault!
21:01.34Q-At-WorkUnixDawg: when I get some time I'm going to do it, the problem is... finding the time.
21:02.32UnixDawgits just a feature that would be nice
21:02.47Q-At-WorkI've always thought it was missing
21:02.53UnixDawgand yes good for if you dial a wrong exten
21:03.41Q-At-WorkI need to figure out where to return the user once they hit 0
21:03.52UnixDawgthere is pbx-trandsfer
21:04.16UnixDawgbut its a scripted ext
21:04.22UnixDawgat the moment
21:04.27ScaredyCat"Enters "Spunksupper" Launch Creams MP3 player "
21:04.57zoaoh no not again
21:05.03zoaMOOSE PENIS ALERT !
21:05.22UnixDawgI want a xbox emulator
21:06.50Q-At-Workbuy an xbox, run * on it :)
21:07.49diggeralric: ztdummy fixed it!
21:07.58Q-At-Work2.6 works now?
21:08.39Q-At-Workand when I say works, I mean doesnt hard lock? :)
21:08.39UnixDawgI am desiging a small system using a CF drive and a nano-itx mb
21:08.48*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
21:08.52UnixDawgbut have to talkt to digium to make a card for it
21:08.52Q-At-Workyeah? I started work on one with a tiny 32mb thumb drive
21:08.58*** part/#asterisk dahmak (
21:09.01Q-At-Work32mb is too small :)
21:09.02swirlnetsis there a secret to getting fax detection to work
21:09.08*** join/#asterisk dahmak (
21:09.12UnixDawgI have it on a 32 cf drive
21:09.12Q-At-Workswirlnets: its hit and miss
21:09.25UnixDawgwith fbsd
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21:09.32UnixDawgbut still have problems
21:09.44Q-At-WorkI was just happy when my thumb drive booted
21:09.56UnixDawgI find cf drives better
21:10.05Q-At-Workof course
21:10.13UnixDawgusb thumbdrives are a pain to get to boot
21:10.13Q-At-Workthis was $19 :)
21:10.20Q-At-Workmy bios boots em no prob
21:10.30Q-At-Workeven the unbootable ones seem to boot
21:10.40*** join/#asterisk Karim34 (
21:10.53Q-At-Workasus p4p800
21:10.57UnixDawgwell the current model has a 256 meg flas
21:11.14Q-At-Workwonder how many writes the thumb drives are good for
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21:11.31Q-At-Worksounds like a lot
21:11.36UnixDawg1 million
21:11.42UnixDawgfor the chips
21:11.42Q-At-Workyou'd want to run outta ram I'd figure
21:11.57Q-At-Workuse the thumbdrive to boot, load the image into ram
21:12.06UnixDawgthats where we have the problem you have to have about a gig of ram
21:12.27Q-At-Workhow big of a PBX needs 1gb
21:12.29UnixDawgand you have to have space to save the vm to the cf
21:12.46Q-At-Worka multi bay CF drive would be ideal
21:12.51Q-At-Workuse a microdrive for vm
21:12.56Q-At-Workand cf for the boot
21:13.01UnixDawgso we figure its going to be the 1 gig micro drive
21:13.05UnixDawgfrom ms
21:13.12Q-At-Workcost on those?
21:13.30UnixDawglast I saw 60 bucks
21:13.40Q-At-Workwoo, thats cheap enough to make it viable
21:13.50mbrancatime for some rest
21:13.52mbrancasee ya
21:14.21UnixDawgwe are using a case from a dsl modem
21:14.35UnixDawgthe old square white onse
21:14.44UnixDawgones I for gt the name
21:15.17bobovAnybody with clues on outbound SIP dialing?  People beyond the NAT can dial and talk to me, but when I try to dial them, I get error.
21:15.20bobovThe error is...
21:15.21UnixDawgthus far it works
21:15.41Q-At-Workwhat kinda mobo?
21:15.42UnixDawgwe have the 2 network port board
21:15.58UnixDawgnano-itx via chip 1ghz
21:16.03bobovUnable to create channel.
21:16.09Q-At-Workno problems with the via chip
21:16.29Q-At-Workcost on the board?
21:16.58UnixDawgworks great just 1 mini pci socket and no serial or parallel or ps/2 ports
21:17.07Q-At-Workits got USB tho
21:17.37UnixDawgnot sure school bought it
21:17.45UnixDawgand video
21:18.02UnixDawg1 to 2 10/100 2 usb 2.0 ports
21:18.10geertnsomeone here using the snmp module?
21:18.16UnixDawgand 1 video port
21:18.32af_geertn: I wrote it
21:19.00af_I guess
21:19.03UnixDawgjust need to come up with a web based interface to edit the files
21:19.19geertnaf_: ah great:-) Just wondering if it was usable.. as in working because I do not see much about it
21:19.41af_geertn: right now I guess it works easlily on debian woody
21:19.58af_geertn: I am planning to port it under the new net-snmp in the next days
21:20.10UnixDawgbut for the mostpart when we are done  you should never have to access the unit
21:20.24UnixDawgexecpt to add iax clients
21:20.30af_geertn: that will permirts an easy build on others distro
21:20.35arcaidy1are you able to set up a "bat phone" feature on asterisk? say when you take a phone off hook, it dials a number automatically?
21:20.36UnixDawgor g729 clients
21:20.50ScaredyCatarcaidy1: yes
21:20.59geertnaf_: ok, well I'm using debian woody so that's nice. Thanx for making this module...
21:21.00wsuffbat phone
21:21.04ScaredyCatbut only for zaptel devices
21:21.07af_geertn: thanks to you :)
21:21.12UnixDawgyou can in grandstream phones
21:21.16jjanzeris there a spot in the asterisk configs where you can run something on all 'outbound' calls coming from an extension?
21:21.25UnixDawgit has offhook dialing
21:21.32af_geertn: I am here often, don't hesitate to contact me if you have any quastion
21:21.36arcaidy1thanks scaredycat
21:22.03russTTrunks are only used for connections between asterisk servers, correct?
21:22.37*** join/#asterisk karimkarim (
21:22.45UnixDawgyes todays flash build works
21:22.54geertnaf_: great, I think I'll get it working but it's nice to have some fallback
21:23.13UnixDawgin sip.conf
21:23.42UnixDawgis there a way to macro extensions like in extensions.conf
21:25.19UnixDawglike having [_1XXX}
21:25.29UnixDawgand have all the needed info for those lines
21:25.44UnixDawgor do you have to add each exten
21:28.02km-hey guys
21:28.07km-can I supply multiple contexts
21:28.14km-in context= of an iax.conf entry?
21:28.33km-for instance, I want to call s@crap when context=default
21:28.36km-and I get a no authority found
21:28.46km-or do I just specify multiple iax users with the same username?
21:29.27zoakm i dont think so
21:29.45JerJerbuild your dialplan properly on the far-end
21:30.08*** join/#asterisk Muckl (
21:30.10km-what do ya mean, jer?
21:30.15*** join/#asterisk denon (
21:30.27JerJerhave one landing context for your users
21:30.38km-I guess it really does work better to have two seperate users
21:31.00JerJeryou mean seperate user and peer ?
21:31.14zoacan't you use an include
21:31.19JerJersee there is a method to my madness
21:31.35km-I mean seperate users and peers
21:31.46km-but yes, I subscribe to your hatred of type=friend
21:31.55UnixDawganyone head from dutch latly
21:32.02russTnoone has an answer to my question?
21:32.12km-JerJer: the issue is, I do have a landing for users, but now I'm trying to make a landing for one of our zap channels too
21:32.18km-JerJer: that forwards to the default incoming context
21:32.31km-as opposed to the 'default' dialing context
21:32.55TestMasTeranyone know what would be used first exten => _1NXXXNXXXX or exten => _X.,  ?
21:33.03JerJerfor example
21:33.10JerJer; your ld extens go here
21:33.17JerJer; local
21:33.18MucklTestMasTer: show dialplan
21:33.19zoaexten _1NX i suppose
21:33.24zoaas is fits more
21:33.28JerJerexten =>....
21:33.32zoayou could of course try it
21:33.34zoaand find out :-p
21:33.35JerJer; user to user
21:33.39*** join/#asterisk Ariel (
21:33.51JerJerthen you would have clases of exten's
21:33.57JerJerthen you would have classes of contexts
21:34.05JerJerinclude => longdistance
21:34.08JerJerinclude => local
21:34.14JerJerinclude => stations
21:34.23JerJerinclude => local
21:34.27JerJerinclude => stations
21:34.34km-I think I'm going to just use guest to go into the voicemail context
21:35.00jsmithTestMasTer: The more specific exten is used first, as I understand it...
21:36.54TestMasTerjsmith,  ok because i have _X., for my users extension... but When i try under the longdistances dial out i did  _1NXXXNXXXX and it always uses, _X., first
21:36.55ArielHello all!  I have a strange problem with a new setup. When I start Asterisk up it comes up in what seems greek letters. I do not know how to change this.
21:37.39*** join/#asterisk dimmik (
21:37.39jsmithTestMasTer: Are they in the same context, etc.?
21:37.45TestMasTerjsmith,  no
21:38.14jsmithTestMasTer: Then the "more specific applies first" rule doesn't apply... change the order the contexts are included then...
21:38.41jsmith(include the other context before or after the definition of the exten)
21:38.56TestMasTerok let me try that brb
21:39.13km-Debug: sleeping function called from invalid context at /usr/src/pbx/zaptel/zaptel.c:3333
21:39.40km-and  there's a backtrace
21:39.47km-doesnt seem to be killing anything though
21:40.15russTjsmith, are trunks only used between asterisk servers?
21:40.32jsmithrussT: Are you talking about "IAX2 trunks", or trunks in general?
21:41.32zoaariel: i've heard that before
21:41.36zoadunno how to change that :(
21:41.55jsmithrussT: Well, in general, yes... I personally define a "trunk" as a connection between two systems that takes concurrent calls... but they don't necessarily have to be Asterisk servers...
21:42.05jetsanyone have some SEPDefault.xml for cisco skinny phones
21:42.11jetsim trying to get a phone using * with SCCP
21:42.18russTjsmith THANK you for your help.
21:42.25Arielto zoa- I made clean and then make install again.  But that did not fix it. either.
21:42.27*** join/#asterisk zigman (~zigman@
21:42.31jsmithrussT: For example, you might create a "trunk" between your Asterisk srver and a SIP proxy, or a VoIP provider using some other software besides Asterisk
21:43.04jsmithrussT: No problem... just trying to help out... (me makes another shameless plug for #asterisk-doc)
21:43.32russTjsmith, what's that channel?
21:43.42russTjsmith, for creating doc, or discussing it?
21:43.43jsmithrussT: We're writing a book about Asterisk...
21:43.50russTjsmith, ah
21:43.56jsmithrussT: Both creating and discussing...
21:44.03jetspublish it with O'Reilly!
21:44.06jsmithrussT: There's also a mailing list...
21:44.13*** join/#asterisk [Marsgov] (
21:44.18jsmithjets: I'd be honored if they'd publish it... but I gotta get it written first :-)
21:44.24russTjsmith, I subscribe to he list, but I'm about 9,500 messages behind.
21:44.29ArielI could use a detail book.
21:44.44jsmithAriel: The book *will* have a lot of details and a lot of examples...
21:45.24jsmithjets: The primary purpose of the book isn't to make money... it's to give people some good dead-tree documentation
21:45.47jsmithjets: Some will use the book to learn Asterisk for the first time... some will use it as a reference... some will laugh at my writing ability...
21:45.50ArielStrange I am getting as mush information together now to make my own setup instructions.  It's almost a book.
21:46.18jsmithAriel: Great... feel free to help contribute to our effort if you want to...
21:46.26jsmithAriel: And if you'd rather do your own, that's OK too...
21:46.39ArielOne of the thing that is missing in most is what and where to install it on like Linux Red Hat, Mandrake. There are many different views on this part.
21:47.01[Marsgov]question: can I include a conf file into another file? (I am testing a configuration, and it'd be nice if sip.conf could include sip_x.conf). Can't find any such capability documented.
21:47.54jsmith[Marsgov]: at the top of sip.conf, type #include sip_x.conf
21:48.03zoa -> ScaredyCat
21:48.10dheckaman_everyone ping flood that ip :P
21:48.15ArielWhere can we got to take part in the book?  I have allot of things working but I feel I am long way off in helping others yet.
21:48.32*** join/#asterisk Sobek (~btatton@
21:49.01[Marsgov]Jsmith: Thanks!
21:49.36[Marsgov]Ah, I see it now, it *was* mentioned on the mailing list.
21:49.37*** join/#asterisk dimmik__ (~dimmik@
21:49.52[Marsgov]I will see if I can wiki it into some page
21:50.00TestMasTerjsmith,  This is weird
21:50.17ArielI still am looking into away to get my 2nd box back to english in stead of greek! Do I need to re-install all?
21:50.17TestMasTerIt still using the _X., first
21:50.46jsmithAriel: Which linux distro?
21:50.52dimmik__Anyone using chan_capi with echo problems?
21:50.52*** join/#asterisk greg2 (
21:51.00ArielI am using on the 2nd box Red Hat 8
21:51.27greg2is anyone familiar with an h.323 gateway i can connect through to test a client that i am building?
21:52.02zigmandimmik i had some
21:52.04zigmanbut not anymore
21:52.05jsmithAriel: try typing "EXPORT LANG=C" before starting asterisk... and that might make a difference...
21:52.31*** join/#asterisk jvdeepak (
21:52.43jvdeepakhi guys
21:52.51jsmithHello jvdeepak...
21:52.55jvdeepakhas anyone configured asterisk for account?
21:53.09jvdeepaki am having difficulty in getting it work
21:53.10Arieljsmith: do you mean in the startup script for safe_asterisk?
21:53.19dimmik__zigman: Did you do something to get rid of it?
21:53.46jsmithAriel: Yeah, that should work...
21:54.06jsmithAriel: Or tell safe_asterisk that you don't want a console, and then just connect via "asterisk -r"
21:54.24Arieljsmith: OK let me try it.  I will get back in a few minutes.
21:54.31jvdeepakkm: its account
21:54.59*** part/#asterisk Aharonov (
21:55.04jvdeepakkm: provide long distance calling
21:55.13zigmandimmik nope
21:55.15zoafor free ?
21:55.20zigmanecho things turned on ?
21:55.21alex-homeScaredyCat: ?
21:55.23km-I'm looking at their site nnow
21:55.23km-it looks like fwd or sipphone or any other free sip provider
21:55.35zigmandimmik here pls
21:55.52km-zoa: no, the pstn costs money
21:55.53alex-homeAnyone know where ScaredyCat's howto?
21:56.09jvdeepakkm: the problem i have is , i am able to dial all international calls but when it connects (i mean the other end answers) i don't get any sound
21:56.28jvdeepakkm: i can't hear the other end nor the other end can hear me
21:56.42dimmik__zigman: echosquelch does funny things after say 5 minutes in my case
21:57.12dimmik__zigman: plus it mutes the other party
21:57.26jvdeepakkm: i have asterisk with a public ip and i have a X-lite configured as extension on the internal side
21:57.32*** join/#asterisk cybyc (
21:58.04jvdeepakkm: i register with them to an internal extension, will that cause a problem?
21:58.05km-it might be an x-lite problem and not an asterisk problem
21:58.24km-for instance, x-lite will not work on my boss's laptop which has win98
21:58.25dimmik__zigman: did you have to twick the echotrail?
21:58.36km-x-lite will connect and all that
21:58.40km-but he cant send or receive audio
21:58.56jvdeepakkm: oh , i use it to connect and speak with fwd........ it works fine
21:59.08jvdeepakkm: but with it wont work
22:00.05Arieljsmith: Well the greek thing did not go away.  I tried both the and it did not help.
22:00.55jvdeepakkm:  i dont know what to do......... i recently started using asterisk and i am not much familiar in debugging also
22:01.06[Marsgov]what's the URL for scaredy cat?
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22:03.54jvdeepakhas anyone registered with and willing to assist me in testing?
22:08.56*** join/#asterisk zoa (
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22:10.47nate187has anyone set up a cisco ata with mgcp on asterisk?
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22:15.45jimmyzanyone know if i can disable the speakerphone on a 7960
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22:19.44sumahi nate187
22:19.54sumai have a mgcp ata with me
22:20.09sumabut i really dunno what makes the difference between mgcp and sip ?
22:20.57geertnsip is a real standard
22:22.12greg2does anyone know of an h.323 gateway that i can connect through to test an h.323 client i am building?
22:22.53*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
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22:26.19MadNachoswhen talking on a phone through my cisco ata186 I get a 'ping' sound every 30 seconds or so...anyone know what that is?
22:26.35pros12does anyone have a good script or know what im missing to allow a user in VM to review there message before leaving it?
22:26.48bkw_jimmyz disable the speakerphone why on earth?
22:26.49bkw_just don't use it
22:26.54bkw_what did the speakerphone do to you?
22:27.03jimmyzit's to keep people from using it
22:27.04*** join/#asterisk _Sobek_ (~btatton@
22:27.07*** join/#asterisk zanta (~sanamon@
22:27.13bkw_jimmyz why on earth?
22:27.31jimmyzi record phone calls from the headsets
22:27.32bkw_send me all your 7960's
22:27.41bkw_why not do that with asterisk?
22:27.50jimmyznot on asterisk yet lol
22:27.51sxpert_all your 7960's are belong to us
22:28.10*** join/#asterisk jsmith__ (~jsmith@
22:28.10jimmyzcallmanager i can disable speakerphone sip i can't so far
22:28.27jimmyzuntill i get * recording the calls i have to do it my old way
22:30.02zantazanta wonders why m.o.h. and voice menues are silent after cvs update...
22:30.41ScaredyCatgerman santa?
22:30.55zantaswedish zanta... :-)
22:32.32*** part/#asterisk outtolunc (
22:35.09ScaredyCatsex n beer, beer n sex
22:36.31zantaanyone using the latest cvs version and have musiconhold working?
22:36.59*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
22:37.17*** join/#asterisk jsmith_ (~jsmith@
22:37.31*** join/#asterisk _Sobek_ (~btatton@
22:37.53ScaredyCat--> jsmith_ (~jsmith@ has joined #asterisk
22:37.53ScaredyCat<-- _Sobek_ has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
22:37.53ScaredyCat--> _Sobek_ (~btatton@ has joined #asterisk
22:37.59ScaredyCatholding hands?
22:38.36*** join/#asterisk yaboo (
22:38.55*** join/#asterisk sts (~sts@
22:40.14*** join/#asterisk l-fy (
22:40.28jsmithScaredyCat: Something like that... we're co-workers, so when he loses connectivity, so do I...
22:40.31l-fy~seen kapijod
22:40.40l-fy: i haven't seen 'kapijod'
22:40.46ScaredyCatyeah yeah we believe you jsmith
22:40.46l-fy~seen rollergrrl
22:40.47rollergrrl <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 4d 21h 49m ago, saying: 'I never said I was lesbian :p'.
22:40.57l-fy~seen capijod
22:40.58capijod <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 6d 5h 10m 14s ago, saying: 'voidptr: berlin is still up and running!'.
22:40.58ScaredyCat~seen kapejod
22:40.58kapejod <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 4d 8h 36m 15s ago, saying: ''.
22:43.18*** join/#asterisk Greg1 (
22:43.20*** join/#asterisk TurboSquid (
22:43.51*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (
22:43.54TurboSquidello, can any one answer a technical question i have?
22:44.27zoahey lfy
22:44.38l-fyehlo ppl
22:44.42l-fyhi zoa
22:44.44jsmithTurboSquid: We can try... what's the question...
22:44.48TurboSquidI would like to build two PBX's using asterisk but i dont need a fancy telephony card, can i just use a standard harware modem?
22:44.59zoano you can't
22:45.01jsmithTurboSquid: No, you need to buy a card...
22:45.06zoasupport digium
22:45.16zoabuy a card
22:45.22TurboSquidi only need to handle one phone per unit
22:45.38zoathat won't make a hardware modem work
22:45.38jsmithTurboSquid: Then just but a one-port card... they're not expensive...
22:45.40ErikNTurboSquid: buy two analog cards from digium :-)
22:45.40TurboSquidi want to use it as a telephone gate way for long distance
22:45.48zoaif you want it to work, patch it :)
22:45.50*** join/#asterisk Cadey (
22:46.10TurboSquid1 min, let me look at the prices
22:46.45pros12does anyone have a good script or know what im missing to allow a user in VM to review there message before leaving it?
22:47.36TurboSquidhmm, $595 X 2, hellz no
22:47.41CadeyI suppose all of you already tried Asterisk?
22:47.50ErikNTurboSquid: ?  the analog are 100 bucks
22:47.51zoa$595 ???
22:47.56*** join/#asterisk GhostNet (~Ashmed@
22:48.01anduTurboSquid, I think you looked at the wrong onw
22:48.01jetsCadey: yes
22:48.34Cadeyi need to try such solution for my small company
22:48.51Cadeybut don't know where to start, there's no "quick start" guide?
22:49.03ErikNCadey: start by downloading it :-)  via cvs
22:49.36jetsCadey: on the right hand site choose download
22:49.39jetsdo the cvs download
22:49.52jets:P and start with's documentation, there is an 'asterisk handbook'
22:50.21Cadeythanks, but can I test something if I do not have any hardware at
22:50.39zoaread this
22:50.53zoayou can without any hardware
22:51.23Cadeybut what to test without hardware?
22:51.34CadeyI mean, what can I test?
22:51.36jetsYou can use a SIP soft phone
22:51.56jetsand test it's functions like writing scripts for it, how it takes digits, or extensions, etc
22:52.20jetsYou can also buy an FXO card for about $100 to do more testing and see if you like it
22:52.40Moccan get a SIPUra SIP with 2 FXS
22:52.45swirlnetsi need someone who knows AGI to write a 'semi-large' script for pay
22:53.01*** join/#asterisk TLC_ (
22:53.20Mocyou cannot not love *..
22:55.34ScaredyCatswirlnets: what u want?
22:55.34zoawhat do you want
22:55.34swirlnetsI need a script that will ask for an id, valaide that id, read questions, record the dtmf of the answars
22:55.35zoathats easy
22:55.35ScaredyCateasy enuff
22:55.42zoawhat do you pay ? :)
22:55.56zoai don't want you scaredycat :)
22:56.14swirlnetsthe questions need to be stored in a db, and the software writer has to make a web based front end with differnt teachers being about to access it
22:56.23puzzledzoa: you can't have him. he is mine. mwuhahahaha
22:56.38ScaredyCat$ euros pounds?
22:56.46l-fyswirlnets > 300 or 1000?
22:56.47ScaredyCatphp asp ?
22:57.00CadeyI'm trying to download directly from the CVS, but my linux box do not recognise CVS command...
22:57.07ScaredyCatmysql postgres?
22:57.08swirlnetsfor the web, and the client would aslo like the agi in phpo
22:57.15puzzledCadey: then install cvs
22:57.32ScaredyCatinstall cvs Cadey
22:57.38ScaredyCatit's not on ur box
22:58.09zoascaredycat after i am ready with him :)
22:59.10ScaredyCat  <-- the real ScaredyCat
22:59.42zoayou look like a wussie to me :-p
23:02.06ScaredyCatswirlnets: timescale?
23:02.13zoayesterday afternoon
23:02.19ScaredyCatphp 4 agi is b0rked aint it?
23:02.29ScaredyCatb0rk b0rk b0rk
23:02.40zantaCadey: try cvs, not CVS...
23:02.56ScaredyCatdid u see google swedish chef interface?
23:03.07Cadeyzanta : same
23:03.13Cadeyi'm downloading cvs
23:03.15zantatoday ?
23:03.35Cadeyit's long?
23:05.02Cadeydamn, my linux box has a dns problem also...
23:05.08zoaits like a zillion gigabytes
23:05.38*** join/#asterisk razen (
23:05.49sxpert_zoa: unlike gnome, which is a zillion of zillion of gigabytes :D
23:06.06razenanyone know the difference between HDLC and BOM frames?
23:06.25zigmanhas anyone in here played with linuxbios ?
23:06.44ScaredyCatzoa :
23:07.30zantaseriously, no one having any ideas why i can't seem to get m.o.h. or v.m. to work after updating from cvs, when it worked with cvs version about one month old? (and no, i'm not using mpg321 :-)
23:08.07*** join/#asterisk joakimsen (
23:08.25zantaMp3player still works...
23:08.57zigmanprolly the timing thing
23:09.41zantausing ztdummy...
23:10.53zantathis happened on two different * servers today... one at work and one at home :-(
23:11.28dimmik__zigman: a friend was playing with linuxbios on epia. It worked
23:12.18*** join/#asterisk token (
23:12.33tokenbkw you there?
23:12.44pros12i did a new csv today and all the sounds work
23:13.14tokenbkw ?
23:13.31zantapros12: U have any hardware that gives timing, or using ztdummy?
23:13.56jsmithpros12: That's always a plus!
23:14.56ErikNwhy exactly is the timing needed again?  if you are doing modules can't you rely on the the system timer?
23:15.13Cadeythanks all, i need to fix my linux box first ;-)
23:15.14Cadeysee u
23:16.53jetsany callmanager dorks here?
23:16.58jetsi need some of the example xml config files
23:19.13pros12i have no hardware
23:19.20alex-homemoo ]data[
23:20.09*** join/#asterisk adkr (
23:24.46Corydon76-workHeh, topic reminds me of a dot-bomb saying:  "It compiles!  Ship it!"
23:26.15jsmith]data[: This whole "move to the other side of the company" trick you pulled a couple weeks ago
23:26.31tokenyou there
23:26.32jetsjsmith: what conference phones does your company use
23:26.38jetsand are they SIP?
23:26.51jsmithjets: Nope... Good ol' analog Polycoms...
23:27.00jetsgood idea
23:27.02jsmithjets: But the speakerphones on the Cisco 7960s work well too
23:27.19jetsya very true i like them
23:27.35jetsi bought a 7935 conference phone........  trying to get it working with skinny... and it actually registers to *
23:27.46jetsbut it keeps restarting looking for its tftp config file and im trying to find an example for it
23:28.06bkw_NO I"M NOT HERE!!!
23:28.10*** join/#asterisk Mike (
23:28.11bkw_i'm about to go postal
23:28.55HoopyCathmm, if i give you $5 will you mail this for me?  it's gonna need a customs form, but that's about it
23:29.41Mikewith $5 you could buy a candy
23:30.00*** join/#asterisk MadNachos (
23:30.25HoopyCator i could mail that, plus a couple other things; got a few cast pictures to send to lovers and family.  :-)
23:30.28MadNachoscan someone tell me what this is? WARNING[-1221321808]: File chan_zap.c, Line 4704 (handle_init_event): Detected alarm on channel 1: Red Alarm
23:30.37jjanzeri think jets is going to go postal as well
23:30.45jetsone day
23:30.55jetslets just wait from rob to text me "faggle rock" one more time
23:31.02Mikewhats the difference btw running "asterisk" or "safe_asterisk"?
23:31.21h3xOh fuck
23:31.24HoopyCatmadnachos:  that would appear to be your T1 on channel 1 going out for a sec...
23:31.41HoopyCator a minute, or quite awhile...
23:31.41h3xI have 100 DIDs on my PRI, and I didn't realize the fax extension i set up captures calls for all of them the way i did it
23:31.49h3xso now im getting fax spams on 100 numbers!#%^$!#^
23:32.06jetsya fax,1 grabs all faxes ;P
23:32.07TestMasTermike safe_asterisk auto restarts it self if there is problems
23:32.08HoopyCath3x:  is it $500 per number?  :-)
23:32.09jetswhich is very cool
23:32.17jetscause your extension did becomes a fax # too for people
23:32.22MadNachoshmm...dont got a T1 here...just a test system with one X100 and a Cisco ata186.
23:32.25h3xHoopyCat: Good point!!!
23:32.47HoopyCatmad:  ok, then i'm not sure.  :-)
23:32.51jetshoopycat : did's are cheap like 15 cents a number
23:32.53diggerusing the g729a codec and h323 to a cisco5300... get "Wrong Pitch 1st subfr" msg from *, any ideas ?
23:32.56MadNachoscool...thx though ;-)
23:33.05MikeTestMasTer: what kind of problems
23:33.19*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
23:33.19HoopyCatjets:  i know, but sending junk faxes :-)
23:33.31TestMasTermike i`m not sure.. thats just what i was told besides it works better i find running it in safe_asterisk
23:33.37*** join/#asterisk _Sobek_ (~btatton@
23:34.01jetsHoopyCat: context's are your friend :P
23:34.17*** join/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
23:34.38HoopyCatjets:  in the US at least, you can (if you can trace everyone down, file the right paperwork, persist long enough, etc) claim $500 per junk fax received...
23:34.57jetsoh sweet
23:35.23jetsit'd be pretty easy -- you could file it off to a php script which wrote up the PHP document for you with AGI
23:35.27HoopyCatjets:  every time i pitch a junk fax into the recycling bin, i think of perhaps chasing that down....
23:35.32jetsand then you could fax it off to the company signed
23:36.29zantaHey! if i don't load ztdummy sound prompts etc works!
23:38.06HoopyCathmm.  apparently, customer sent a batch of DNS changes into us, but deleted one of them, but their mail client didn't actually delete it from the e-mail, it just made the HTML version display it as white on white.
23:38.15Mikeanyone here has made gnomemeeting work with asterisk?
23:38.31*** part/#asterisk dimmik__ (~dimmik@
23:38.35HoopyCatso, well, we don't parse HTML on inbound tickets......
23:39.29HoopyCatthe customer is apparently hopping mad
23:39.51HoopyCatvery annoying when people don't fully proofread their requests before submitting them.  :-)
23:46.55_XR_hi somebody hwere could help me to configure the dialplan ?
23:47.41l-fy_XR_ > really what's your problem?
23:47.54_XR_no i just with a few doubts
23:48.09_XR_for example a attache two phones in one FXS board
23:48.27_XR_but configured the 2 ports
23:48.47_XR_but whe i pick the phone and try to dial i receive busy signal
23:49.03_XR_the two phone attached toa fxs card
23:49.21*** part/#asterisk bitsko (
23:49.23_XR_we have develop an fxs and a fxo
23:49.41_XR_and now i'm putting asterisk inside a gateway developed by us
23:50.07MadNachosI just purchased a 'no solicitor' sign from a site and noticed it had info on stopping junk is the url since the topic came up a bit ago:
23:50.51_XR_the problem is make a calll from phone on device 0 to phone on device 1
23:51.51ample_well what do you have in your dialplan?
23:52.12_XR_the extensions.conf ??
23:54.03_XR_include => default
23:54.05_XR_exten => s,1,Wait(1)
23:54.07_XR_exten => s,2,Answer()
23:54.09_XR_exten => s,3,DigitTimeout(5)
23:54.12_XR_exten => s,4,ResponseTimeout(15)
23:54.13_XR_exten => s,5,BackGround(br/demo-congrats)
23:54.17_XR_exten => s,6,BackGround(br/demo-instruct)
23:54.21_XR_exten => 4000,1,Goto(demo,s,1)
23:54.23_XR_exten => 4001,1,BackGround(br/demo-moreinfo)
23:54.25_XR_exten => 4001,2,Goto(demo,s,5)
23:54.27_XR_exten => 4004,1,Playback(br/demo-echotest)
23:54.29_XR_exten => 4004,2,Echo
23:54.32_XR_exten => 4004,3,Playback(br/demo-echodone)
23:54.34_XR_exten => 4004,4,Goto(demo,s,5)
23:54.36_XR_exten => 4080,1,Milliwatt
23:54.38_XR_exten => 4080,2,Goto(demo,s,5)
23:54.39_XR_exten => #,1,Playback(br/demo-thanks)
23:54.40ample_err not the hold thing
23:54.41_XR_exten => #,2,Hangup()
23:54.47_XR_exten => t,1,Goto(#,1)
23:54.49_XR_exten => i,1,Playback(br/invalid)
23:54.56_XR_oops excuse me
23:55.16bkw_HOLY SHIT
23:55.16_XR_exten => _700[0-3],1,Dial(Phone/phone${EXTEN:3},20)
23:55.16_XR_exten => _94NXXXXXXX,1,Dial(Phone/phone4/${EXTEN:2},20)
23:55.17_XR_exten => _95NXXXXXXX,1,Dial(Phone/phone5/${EXTEN:2},20)
23:55.17_XR_exten => _96NXXXXXXX,1,Dial(Phone/phone6/${EXTEN:2},20)
23:55.17_XR_exten => _97NXXXXXXX,1,Dial(Phone/phone7/${EXTEN:2},20)
23:55.21_XR_exten => 889,1,Dial(Phone/phone1)
23:55.23_XR_include => demo
23:55.27_XR_include => demo
23:55.29ScaredyCatkick kick
23:55.29_XR_exten => 888,1,Dial(Phone/phone0)
23:55.30ScaredyCatkick kick
23:55.31_XR_i finhed excuse folks
23:55.32ScaredyCatkick kick
23:55.39_XR_i'm sorry
23:55.39bkw_I don't have ops anymore
23:55.41data[Zzz]calm down ScaredyCat :)
23:55.46karimkarimdoes anyone know of an lgpl'd voice mail or answering machine software ?
23:55.50ScaredyCaty not bkw_?
23:56.08bkw_ScaredyCat got discoed and kram never re-oped me
23:56.18ScaredyCat!op bkw_
23:56.20_XR_excuse people
23:56.28denonbkw_: yeah, I feel so naked without em
23:56.30bkw_karimkarim asterisk can do that
23:56.38bkw__XR_ its ok just don't paste fullconfigs in here
23:56.40karimkarimyes but it is gpl'd
23:56.51_XR_ok pardon me
23:56.53bkw_karimkarim you can get a non-gpl lic from digium
23:56.59karimkarimthe company I work for does not want to use gpl
23:57.18_XR_ample_, any idea ?
23:57.24karimkarimfor just the voice mail system?
23:57.38ManxPowerkarimkarim, You can buy a non-GPL license from Digium.
23:57.52bkw_karimkarim why do you need non-gpl?
23:58.14ManxPowerbkw_, Hush.  If he wants to pay the money for a non-GPL license, why should anyone try to talk him out of it?
23:58.22karimkarimwe are developing a p2p voip system and we need a voicemail system for it
23:58.43bkw_karimkarim if its just for usage and not sale you can use gpl software
23:58.50ManxPowerkarimkarim, Call Digium, ask about pricing for a non-GPL license.
23:59.20bkw_karimkarim the neat thing is you can write a channel driver for * to talk to your P2P setup
23:59.24bkw_then it won't matter
23:59.26karimkarimthe problem is that there will be a free version and a commercial version, and they obviously don't want to release the code

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.