irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040103

00:01.03kapejodRoyK: i will accept that slap :(
00:01.08jsmithScaredyCat: Yeah, that's the one...
00:01.20brc007rpb: cool...searching
00:01.24l-fyRoyK > are you coming in Aachen?
00:01.44ScaredyCatme arms... me arms... they are Aachen
00:01.54rpbsc:  that just shows the commits, I'm looking for a master comment list of all commits each date.
00:02.23rpbBut that link is handly.  I'll keep that one.
00:02.31RoyKl-fy: Aachen? wtf is that?
00:02.42l-fyRoyK > ask kapejod
00:02.54RoyKkapejod: ?
00:03.10kapejodRoyK: the OS telephony summit
00:03.15kapejodin a small town near Aachen
00:03.33RoyKthat west german place?
00:03.38dougheckaask kapejod
00:03.54kapejodRoyK: yes
00:04.03ScaredyCatit's really just a field...
00:04.09kapejodit's in Geilenkirchen
00:04.09ScaredyCat..with a few cows in it
00:04.11dougheckaand a barn
00:04.19dougheckano, a lean too
00:04.21kapejodwhich you might translate to "horny churches" ;-)
00:04.24dougheckaand tis filled with beer
00:04.45jetshorny churches
00:05.07ScaredyCathorny church beer
00:05.11brc007rpb: I searched for  john todd at oreilly and I don't see anything...
00:05.32rpbor search for asterisk, that might pop something up.
00:05.46*** part/#asterisk Shido6_ (
00:06.17jsmithrpb: Are you talking about
00:08.12brc007rpb: is it a book? or an Article?
00:10.06brc007nm found it
00:10.49rpbWhere's that bkw when I need him?
00:11.01UnixDawgwhat is a good sip client software for windows
00:11.14ScaredyCatUnixDawg: linux :)
00:11.39brc007duno if it's good...try SJphone
00:12.28rpblinphone is dead simple and easy
00:14.40*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
00:15.40rpbJerJer do you know the web link to get the latest cvs posting comments ?
00:16.14kapejodtake that as a no ;)
00:16.30discordiahi men
00:16.59discordiaand women :)
00:17.30kapejodyou mean woman
00:18.34*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
00:22.30zoagoddamn kram
00:22.32zoago back to bed
00:22.39zoayour wife needs you
00:22.41zoamr insomnia
00:22.51l-fyhi zoa
00:22.53krami can't
00:23.02krami'm working on a secret project and a not so secret one
00:23.07l-fykram > can i be your wife?
00:23.14kramsorry babe
00:23.21denonthe secret isnt a girlfriend, is it?
00:23.24l-fykram > in this way i can be free all the time
00:24.26rpbkram:  do you know the web link to digium to get a listing of cvs commits and comments?  the summary page?
00:25.14dncrpb: do you mean the changelog?
00:25.24rpbyes, thanx
00:25.34denonthat's not at digium, you can think citas for that
00:25.45rpbthanx citas
00:25.52kapejodtoo bad that the green card lottery is over already ;)
00:27.35zoabut she could mary a us citizen no ?
00:27.46kapejodonly 5.6 million participants this year
00:29.31*** join/#asterisk radkon (
00:29.38dncis that what they want for visa's now?  
00:29.45kapejodScaredyCat: dont worry, they already have your dna ....
00:29.50dnci'll happily donate some of your dna for a visa :)
00:30.13ScaredyCatkapejod: that's only cos i crapped on the bar at the airport
00:30.41killall-9RoyK: looser
00:31.01zoaoh oh oh
00:31.02RoyK~kill Kil
00:31.06ACTION shoots a  fluxquark gun at Kil
00:31.06zoalook at that topic
00:31.06RoyK~kill killall-9
00:31.09ACTION shoots a super-inverse tachyon gun at killall-9
00:31.10zoagimme some updates :)
00:31.26ScaredyCat~x en es eat my shorts
00:31.30kapejod~gimme more beer
00:31.42kapejodwhatever ...
00:31.57RoyK~x no en zoa, du få ikke mer øl nå...
00:32.06killall-9RoyK: try /whois me & l-fy
00:32.11zoaits not working
00:32.12ScaredyCat~x es en coma mis cortocircuitos
00:32.38zoakillall-9 haxored her pc
00:33.06zoaor maybe they only have one public ip adress for the entire romania :)
00:33.28dncromania is one giant NAT network :) ;)
00:33.36RoyKkillall-9 killall-9
00:33.47ScaredyCatkill them
00:33.53ScaredyCatkill them lal
00:34.01cjssweet.  i got the go-ahead to order the equipment to build a testbed * system
00:34.17cjsbut i'm wondering... would I be better with a TDM400P or some Cisco IP phones?
00:34.30ScaredyCatnyee nyee nyee nyee nyee nyee
00:34.35cjscan you still use all the features of the Asterisk PBX from the Cisco phones?
00:34.43cjsie MP3 music on hold, etc
00:34.46jsmithcjs: Of course... why would you?
00:34.49dncim so disappointed in serbians.  ive had an wifi network with a fairly decent internet connection behind it wide open for nearly 3 months and still noones connected to it yet :(
00:34.49ScaredyCatif u have the money get cisco
00:34.50killall-9zoa: i can turn on the webcam but she'll send me a SIGKILL
00:35.07cjsi'm kind of confused between IAX and SIP
00:35.19l-fykillall-9 > nope, but you won't get any sex for the next month
00:35.37jsmithcjs: They're different transports... think of it as two different languages...
00:35.41ScaredyCati bet he will
00:35.42cjsscaredy, im thinking of getting the developers kit + (1) cisco
00:35.49jsmithcjs: They both do the same thing, they just say it a different way
00:35.57killall-91, 2, 3, .... 30 day - that's loooong
00:36.04jsmithcjs: You'll be happy with that combo...
00:36.18cjsi'm wondering where to start...
00:36.23kapejodkillall-9: next month is february, that is just 29 days :)
00:36.39jsmithcjs: Start with the dev-kit light, and then go from there...
00:36.46l-fykapejod > i mean a month like 31 days, or that mean for me
00:36.49cjsshould i start by hooking a phone to the TDM400P
00:36.54l-fykillall-9 > do you want to risk that?
00:36.56cjsand then worry about the cisco later?
00:37.00jsmithcjs: Yes...
00:37.04cjsthanks for the url scaredyy
00:37.23jsmithcjs: <--- an incomplete guide
00:37.33kapejodkillall-9: no risk, no fun!
00:37.54freeBaseand i wait for this train
00:37.57*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
00:38.06l-fykapejod > now i'm sure you won't get any fun with me :>
00:38.11dncfeb has 29 days?  shit... its a fucking leap year again.  damnit i hate leap years... they confuse the shit out of me (just like daylight savings time)
00:38.22kapejodl-fy: ok.
00:38.37cjsim hoping that the Cisco phones won't be too much of a bitch to get working with *
00:38.54*** join/#asterisk sxpert_ (
00:38.55ScaredyCatcjs: there are pretty easy
00:38.56cjsi know the boss will want to see the Cisco phones.. they add the coolness factor with their good looks
00:39.18dnccjs: dont forget their seriously wicked ringtones
00:39.26cjshaven't heard one yet
00:40.15ScaredyCatcjs: tingtones can be whatever you want
00:40.16ScaredyCatyou can make your own
00:40.31dncsomewhere ScaredyCat must have a ringtone of my snoring
00:40.32cjsoh wait, the TDM400P that comes with the dev kit only works for one phone
00:40.38zoaturn on the webcam !
00:40.46brc007who's got the wc?
00:41.06ScaredyCatcjs: you can buy extra modules
00:41.13cjsso is that TDM400P software upgradeable to 4 modules?
00:41.15ScaredyCatup to 4 in total per 400p
00:41.38ScaredyCat$60 (ish) per port
00:41.49ScaredyCatif you buy when u buy the card
00:42.38*** join/#asterisk pete_ (
00:43.51*** part/#asterisk kapejod (
00:43.57*** join/#asterisk ample (
00:44.38bkw_citats you around?
00:45.23*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
00:46.19zoa --> lol
00:47.19ScaredyCatzoa: roflmao!
00:47.50Criponzoa: heh
00:47.51dncwhat is it? its not loading for me :(
00:49.27dncstupid embed tag
00:51.29l-fydid you see my message?
00:52.43dncthats pretty damned funny
00:54.35*** join/#asterisk okrumm (
00:54.54cjsi wonder when the cisco wireless phones will support SIP
00:55.07*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
00:57.41*** join/#asterisk Tili (~Tili@
00:59.40sumasumai think few support skinny
01:00.18*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
01:00.28dougheckais there a mailing list that commits are posted to?
01:02.00sumasumano idea dough
01:02.13sumasumadid you scan through all the mailing lists in ?
01:02.19dougheckanot yet
01:02.24TangentAwesome.... SJPhone on my laptop... with wireless card and bluetooth headset :)
01:02.53sumasumai think there is one for cvs
01:02.59sumasumathat might do i think
01:03.18jsmithdoughecka: It seems like there's an asterisk-cvs list
01:03.46sumasumathat works
01:03.53dougheckathat only have commits?
01:04.02rtcgdoes the music on hold stop  playing if there is noone listening to it????
01:04.20sumaif you hangup the call it will stop playing
01:04.23dougheckaI yhink
01:04.24dougheckaso that means less of a load on the server...good.
01:04.49sumadoes any used iaxclient.lib ?
01:04.50rtcgIt also means that the same song could be playing for a month! ):
01:05.00sumayes rtcg :)
01:05.06ScaredyCatmmm... if a tree falls in the forrest and there;s no one around, does it make a noise...
01:05.33sumaso please normally don't hold then, they will break the phone when they hear the music for one month
01:05.48rtcgdang forest noise polution.
01:06.25rtcg'night all
01:06.34rtcgI'm making progress...slowly..but progress
01:08.35okrummi need help with the cisco ata-186, how can i change the ip address that the ethernet port has ?
01:09.22*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
01:09.40sumaokrum: study the ivr menu
01:09.54okrummsuma: ivr menu?
01:10.04sumaokrum: do you have access to http to ata-186 ?
01:10.23TangentNow I've got past the ultimately painful bit at the start... asterisk is really starting to kick ass
01:10.28sumahttp://ip/dev will help you to change it
01:10.32okrummno not yet..., that's the problem...
01:10.38okrummsuma: no not yet..., that's the problem...
01:11.15okrummsuma: what would be the ip ?
01:11.19sumaTangent: to get something good, you need to work a little. You can see, i lost all my hairs and still no girl friend, still searching :)
01:11.30sumakorum: what os you use ?
01:11.53okrummsuma: windows
01:12.06sumayou can try with angry IP scanner
01:12.14sumato get the available ip address on your network
01:12.32Tangentsuma: I'm still a long way from my ideal config... I'm just trying to work out how to transfer a call currently
01:12.45okrummyeah but what is the default ip address the first time the ata-186 starts up ?
01:12.46sumatransfer a call ?
01:13.08Tangentsuma: If I answer a call on one extension and want to pass it across to someone else
01:13.09sumaokrum: I think it contacts the DHCP for an IP
01:14.08sumathe tr at the end will do the transfer if possible
01:14.11Tangentsuma: I was more looking for... press * then the extension number...
01:14.23sumaotherwise asterisk will bridge the call to make the call possible
01:14.50sumayou can put the extension such that  _*XXXXX.,1,Dial ....
01:14.54TangentI also want to do conf calls
01:15.07sumayou need to study meetme.conf
01:15.07okrummsuma: no it won't look for the dhcp server....!   :-(
01:15.23sumaokrumm: i dunno you need to refer the manual
01:15.30okrummsuma: thanks
01:15.53sumasuma: as far i have learnt, it comes with dhcp enabled
01:16.23sumaany developed iax with the iaxclient.lib ?
01:16.32sumaany developed iax2 client with the iaxclient.lib ?
01:17.29Tangentsuma: Wow.. the 'transfer' button on one of my handsets works just like you'd expect :)
01:17.56sumaenjoy tangent
01:18.50*** join/#asterisk KillerBee (
01:19.32TangentAwesome.. conferencing works too... That was a bit too easy.. I didn't need to change anything
01:20.11TangentI guess the next question is... Should I run asterisk on my firewall to avoid nat problems?
01:21.09KillerBeeTangent me thinks it would solve more problems than it creates....
01:21.34jsmithTangent: Yes, as long as you trust Asterisk to be hack-proof :-)
01:21.35KillerBeeTangent as long as you know what Yer doing with a linux firewall
01:21.42TangentKillerBee: It's just the security issue that bothers me... but I don't see that running ser is necessarily more secure
01:21.49TangentFirewalls are my thing
01:22.01KillerBeeTangent then go for it
01:23.49KillerBeeif your good with firewalls then dont let unkowns access the ports
01:24.01jsmithWhat, my opinion doesn't count?!?
01:24.05TangentAlthough I can run it on _my_ firewall... I can think of lots of places I'd like to run asterisk with cisco and nokia firewalls
01:24.31TangentI've had no problems running my 7960s through nat till now
01:24.44TangentSurely it can't be _that_ hard to make asterisk play
01:25.10KillerBeeTangent Your correct.. but it can be a pain in the arse
01:25.19jsmithTangent: The 7960s seem to work fine behind nat, as long as nat=yes and Asterisk *isn't* behind NAT
01:25.32KillerBeeif Ur comfertable with networking should be a breeze
01:26.06KillerBeekinda like ftp and non passive ports
01:26.24KillerBeejust can be a REAL pain in the ass if your having problems ..... that's all
01:26.27TangentI'm a firewall/router by trade
01:26.44sumaKillerbee: How are you today?
01:26.57KillerBeesuma IT's all good.. how about you?
01:27.04sumafine thanks
01:27.23sumahave you used iaxclient.lib with Windows IAX2 client development ?
01:27.44KillerBeeTangent if ya leave the machine behind NAT then U have to set the IP address (in the conf file) to your public IP
01:28.18KillerBeeTangent then obviously you need to tell the NAT machine to port forward...
01:28.39KillerBeeTangent but you knew that ...
01:28.50KillerBeeWhoooaaa bkw_ in the house
01:29.00*** join/#asterisk radkon_ (
01:29.18sumabkw_: i have a problem compiling iax2 client with iaxclient.lib, i used the recent cvs tarball
01:29.19TangentKillerBee: Currently I have nat=yes, externalip= but * fails to register with fwd
01:29.31sumabkw_: can you please help me
01:29.34*** part/#asterisk radkon_ (
01:29.44KillerBeebkw_ made this fer ya
01:30.22*** join/#asterisk Joony (
01:30.30KillerBeeTangent...I think yer gonna have to port forward public IP to the * box....
01:30.38JoonyDoes anyone have a minute to answer my noob question?
01:30.44*** join/#asterisk radkon_ (
01:30.44l-fyJoony > try us
01:30.54KillerBeescrew that Tangent dont you have extra public IP's
01:30.55TangentKillerBee: Already set up
01:31.04TangentKillerBee: I have enough public IPs
01:31.09bkw_KillerBee I don't get it
01:31.10KillerBeeif ya gots a nokia.. set up a firewall segment
01:31.20JoonyOk, so I have a Cisco 7940 IP phone along with a soft phone on my Pocket PC, will asterisk be able to link them together?
01:31.22TangentKillerBee: I reassigned some of the forwarding for one of the ciscos
01:31.30KillerBeebkw_ .. U dont watch lord of the rings
01:31.50bkw_KillerBee nope
01:32.00KillerBeeoh then nevermind...
01:32.08RoyKkillall-9: timing
01:32.21KillerBeeTangent just set up a dmz segment and be doen with it
01:32.21bkw_KillerBee I don't have the attention span for it
01:32.33*** join/#asterisk Tili (~Tili@
01:32.43KillerBeebkw_ ADD huh
01:33.05bkw_in a bad way
01:33.28KillerBeeTangent then only let ports in ya want.. 5060 or 5036 or whatever
01:33.39Joonyanyone answering my noob question?
01:33.45killall-9RoyK: still sux
01:33.51KillerBeeTangent or set up a VIP on the cisco
01:33.59Tangentkillall-9: Let's assume that I already set up a DMZ... and that I'm doing 1-for-1 static nat on the box in question
01:34.07Tangenterm.. tat was for KillerBee
01:34.17RoyKkillall-9: there's a couple of other timing drivers, such as ztrtc
01:34.29RoyKon kapejod's homepage
01:35.11joesmithis jerjer around?
01:35.15bkw_Ok these Cisco Aironet 340's are FUCKING KICK ASS
01:35.31RoyK~google asterisk timer
01:35.36joesmithbkw: yes they are I have about 6 of them inproduction with SIP phones
01:36.06killall-9i did 'rmmod -r ztdummy' and that killed my usb host and webcam
01:36.29RoyK~slap killall-9
01:36.37ACTION slaps killall-9, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
01:36.38blitzragekillall-9: what kind of webcam and what software?  I want to get one setup on my linux box as well
01:37.26killall-9blitzrage: Philips PCVC720K (ov518) + webcam
01:37.27JoonyIs Red Hat 9 good for asterisk?
01:37.30KillerBeeTangent...just set up ACL's then on the router... copy the rules on the * box...
01:37.41blitzrageJoony: depends, but I'm running it on it
01:37.46sumaJoony: yes
01:37.47KillerBeeTangent .. many ways to skin THAT cat
01:37.58Joonyemm, I love red hat
01:38.06blitzrageso use iut
01:38.13Joonyyeah, i'll try
01:38.15blitzragealthough some people swear by gentoo :)
01:38.26blitzrageI've been running it on RH9 for like 6 months now
01:38.43blitzragekillall-9: what software are you using in linux though ?
01:38.51bkw_joesmith I paid 60.00 each for these
01:38.56bkw_they were new
01:39.09joesmithbkw: where did you get them?
01:39.09blitzragehrm.. I need to get some phones soon...
01:39.20blitzrageor an IAXy if they would come out anytime soon :)
01:39.21KillerBeecisco's ROCK!
01:39.28sumablitzrange: wait you can get farfon
01:39.33Joonyso, with Asterisk, will I be able to communiate my Cisco 7940 with a SIP soft phone on my PPC?
01:39.34blitzragecan't afford a $400 cisco phone
01:39.49blitzragesuma: how long
01:39.53killall-9blitzrage: 'webcam' (from xawtv)
01:40.00blitzragekillall-9: oh ok :)
01:40.02sumablitzrange: first quarter of 2004 :-)
01:40.07blitzragesuma: too long
01:40.14blitzragesuma: need one in the next week or two
01:40.30sumablitzrange: You know what, a company in INDIA developing a sip phone for $10
01:40.34bkw_KillerBee yes I know they are EOL
01:40.46bkw_but they are going to support them till 2007
01:40.49sumablitzrange: release might be in april
01:40.51KillerBeesuma... SHARE
01:41.10blitzragesuma: again.. too long away :)  I'll be done school then
01:41.16KillerBeesuma show US the LOVE!
01:41.25blitzrageI need to replace the TDM400P that the school is going to ask back for this week
01:41.31sumablitzrange: yes, but i really dunno their internal arch.
01:41.37KillerBeeuhmmm.. well show bkw_ LOVE... give me the info
01:41.46sumayes Killerbee
01:41.52Joonywhich forum for Asterisk is the largest?
01:41.54killall-9blitzrage: try china
01:41.55*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
01:42.02blitzragekillall-9: for what
01:42.15sumai was really wondering when the price is for $10, but they made it
01:42.22killall-9blitzrage: sip/h323/mgcp phone for ~ $100
01:42.28KillerBeesuma link?
01:42.31killall-9blitzrage: ask l-fy for details
01:42.34sumait is with the help of a company called hcl tech
01:42.51KillerBeesuma I'll order 1000... and resell em for fifty
01:42.54*** join/#asterisk hmodes (
01:43.01ScaredyCat$10 for a sip phone.... does that mean they'll be worse than barbietones (if that's possible)
01:43.40blitzrageugh.. I need a CHEAP cisco phone..
01:43.44denon10 bucks for a hard phone?
01:44.06joesmithcan someone send a link on where to GET this phone?
01:44.14dougheckawell thats extra
01:44.21dougheckathats our PREMIUM service
01:44.25sumaScaredyCat: i'm really not sure how they design and what tech they use
01:44.27dougheckapaypal 10 bucks to...
01:44.36KillerBeeoh yeah.. the SIP image... well THAT is $100
01:44.49dougheckaKillerBee: hahahahhhahahahahhhhahhhhaahhhahahhahahahahahahahahh
01:45.00sumaha ha
01:45.10KillerBeejust send cash to me
01:45.32sumayou know i get normal analog phone in the UK for just $0.50/-
01:45.50doughecka50 cents?!?!
01:45.57sumayes, wanna trade ?
01:45.58dougheckaugh icky poo poo pie
01:46.01blitzrageanyone know where I can get a Cisco phone for approximately $200 or less ?
01:46.10sumai'm using one like that for the past two years
01:46.10dougheckablitzrage: 100ish for a 7905
01:46.17sumasounds better than any other phone
01:46.22blitzragedoughecka: that would be PERFECT
01:46.26*** part/#asterisk balleman (
01:46.32blitzrage./msg me some info if you have some
01:46.37KillerBeesuma ever get that feature of the 7905 fixed?
01:46.50dougheckablitzrage: eh
01:46.52sumanot yet Killerbee
01:46.53dougheckaI forgot where
01:47.00sumaworking on it
01:47.01*** join/#asterisk ample (
01:47.07ScaredyCatthere.... on the stair
01:47.11blitzragedoughecka: well what good are you then!? :)
01:47.16killall-9suma: is that $.5 phone made out of paper?
01:47.23dougheckabut someone was talking about a 100 dollar cisco phone
01:47.27sumawith VAT bill
01:47.35blitzrage~slap doughecka
01:47.38ACTION slaps doughecka, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
01:48.12KillerBeeThe Towers are the PLAYERS!
01:48.15sumacisco SIP Phone ??
01:48.17loko-mokoblitzrage - $200 phone off the back of the cisco delivery truck
01:48.20KillerBeeThe Towers are the PLAYERS! yall
01:48.31blitzrageloko-moko: I don't care where it comes from :)
01:48.36loko-mokoblitzrage, I have seen them go for $250 on ebay
01:48.38KillerBeedoughecka ..sup
01:48.40loko-mokoDo you need the power adapter?
01:48.44blitzrage$50 too high though
01:48.45dougheckablitzrage: here!
01:48.46sumai love cisco in SIP phone, with their reliability
01:48.58loko-mokoyou can prob get a 7940 for $200 on ebay
01:49.07dougheckaits got 7905 and phone
01:49.09dougheckain there somepalce
01:49.18blitzrageummm... dude...
01:49.28blitzrageit's a bobble head calico cat :)
01:49.31joesmithI like the 7912's but they are about 230ish
01:49.35sumadoubh: you sell cat as well in ebay ?
01:49.37KillerBeewho buys that shit
01:49.38*** part/#asterisk doughecka (
01:49.40loko-moko$192, 2 hours left on auction
01:49.45*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
01:49.49dougheckabloody hell
01:50.09blitzragedamn.. shipping only to the US
01:50.11blitzrageI'm in Canada
01:50.17dougheckasend me 210
01:50.20dougheckaand I will buy it
01:50.24dougheckaand I will ship it
01:50.28KillerBeesend me 200
01:50.29dougheckaso add shipping to that
01:50.32loko-mokosend me $200 too
01:50.37sumaha ha
01:50.41blitzragewell, I gotta wait for a $200 US cheque to get here and cashed before I can buy anything :)
01:51.05dougheckabtw, no powersupply
01:51.10loko-mokowe need to find the route of that cisco delivery truck
01:51.16blitzrageyah.. not bidding on that on anyways :)
01:51.32KillerBeeanyone here in china?
01:51.44KillerBeerecon the CISCO truck for us
01:52.19sumaCISCO truck
01:52.37loko-mokoi saw $1500 and was ready to bid right away
01:52.39loko-mokofuckin Euro
01:53.12sumaok friends
01:53.15ScaredyCaterrm... why would you pay 1500 for that,,,
01:53.15*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
01:53.17sumalet me go to sleep
01:53.27loko-mokodid you read what it includes
01:53.29loko-mokolike 5 phones
01:53.31KillerBeenighty nighty suma
01:53.33ScaredyCatand it's GBP not euro
01:53.36atacommgrr, i hate notifies me today that i owe $50 in customs charges because a canadian customer back in august refused to pay the customs.......then god damn return the merchandise, dont let htem keep it, fucking fedex
01:53.48sumagood night all
01:54.02dougheckaatacomm: ho ho
01:54.10loko-mokoatacomm i had that same problem, then fedex double billed me for the same delivery, after that i stopped using fedex to ship from US to Canada
01:54.16atacommdoug: south park was right
01:54.25dougheckaThis is hte Self Preservation Society!!!!!!!!!!
01:54.28blitzrageatacomm: I got one of those once... forgot to pay it about 2 years ago :)
01:54.39ScaredyCatloko-moko: 1500 gbp = 2,688.00 USD
01:54.47bkw_atacomm dont pay it
01:54.56bkw_you didn't agree with it.. haven't you heard of NAFTA
01:55.00loko-mokoScaredyCat yea I saw that- I wont pay $2600 for it, but $1500 would have been a decent deal
01:55.21bkw_but it looks like Fedex gave you the SHAFTA!
01:55.31dougheckahey bkw_
01:55.34KillerBeebkw_ oh!!!!!!! nice
01:55.38blitzrageatacomm: got any cheap cisco phones kickin' around? :)
01:55.45dougheckayou owe me 50 bucks, for existing...
01:55.55bkw_doughecka you own me 50 for being a jerk
01:55.57bkw_lets call it even
01:56.01dougheckaok doke
01:56.16atacommi wonder if i have the customers card on file
01:56.33bkw_atacomm if you do .. call that customer and tell them they are about to pay for it
01:56.33KillerBeeI only accept $500 to be an ass
01:56.36ScaredyCatanyone used a cisco 7935 with * ?
01:56.40bkw_ScaredyCat no
01:56.43dougheckanever heard of it
01:56.45bkw_thats a sccp only conf fone
01:56.47dougheckamust suck
01:56.47blitzrageatacomm: well, looking at the prices on your site... a 7905G would probably be in my range :)
01:56.58ScaredyCatconference phone.... like the polycom one
01:57.08bkw_ScaredyCat yep
01:57.15ScaredyCatchan_skinny stick suck?
01:57.19atacommblitz: i can find pricing, wouldnt be until monday
01:57.25dougheckabtw, is there any conference phones that work with asterisky?
01:57.30blitzrageatacomm: no problem, not in a huge hurry
01:57.44dougheckashould we hack a iaxy with a keypad and a speaker/mic
01:57.48KillerBeeatacomm get an wisip's yet?
01:57.48dougheckareal good speaker/mic
01:58.01blitzrageok.. back to reading my book, later
01:58.04atacommKiller: Nope, i wonder if they will ever exist
01:58.05dougheckawhat book?
01:58.13dougheckaemail it to me, will ya?
01:58.27blitzragedoughecka: "The Theory of Poker" by David Sklansky
01:58.32dougheckanm then
01:58.35ScaredyCatwisip ... hahahaa they make me laff
01:58.43blitzrageand I actually bought it.. not downloaded in PDF :)
01:58.53KillerBeegonna have a talk with that boy
01:58.56dougheckaI made a new word!
01:58.58atacommi need to ask Polycom when they are doing a new conference phone firmware with SIP.....
01:59.45bkw_3 of them suckers.. muhahahah
01:59.55Joonyhow powerful are your Asterisk boxes?
02:00.00doughecka5 of them suckers.. muhahahah
02:00.07ScaredyCatpheenets are better for range...
02:00.08dougheckaJoony: 500 mhz, 128 megs of ram
02:00.22Joonywhat is minimum for Asterisk?
02:00.41dougheckaJoony: no hardcoded min, but 500ish mhz would be resonable
02:00.47dougheckait likes ram
02:00.53dougheckaand cpu
02:01.00doughecka200ish in a pinch
02:01.06dougheckawithout any codec translation
02:01.19JoonyHow about a dual Pentium pro 200mhz w/ 256k cache and 384megs of ram?
02:01.35dougheckait will run
02:01.45Joonycodec translation?
02:01.47dougheckadunno how many (l)users
02:02.02atacommi'm a (l)user
02:02.04dougheckayea, where it converts a codec to another, like ilbc to gsm
02:02.10jsmithdoughecka: How much you want for those switches?
02:02.14dougheckaatacomm: trillain shows a heart
02:02.17ScaredyCator ulaw to alaw ;)
02:02.19dougheckajsmith: nien, not mine
02:02.26atacommdough: what?
02:02.31ScaredyCatright nite all.... cu tomorrow
02:02.35dougheckajsmith: but they are SLICKER than deer guts on a door knob
02:02.40dougheckaatacomm: (l)
02:02.45dougheckain augest
02:02.51dougheckaduring a thunderstorm
02:02.52Joonyemm, Catalyst 3500, with inline power!
02:02.59jsmithdoughecka: I'll bet!
02:03.09dougheckamine are 24 port 2950s or something
02:03.25jsmithNot bad...
02:03.34killall-9hmmm, from libpri/pri.c: This program is confidential
02:03.50Joonywho has the highest Cisco certification here?
02:03.52jsmithkillall-9: That's interesting... confidential code in open-source programs...
02:03.53dougheckadont look at it
02:03.58dougheckaor we will shoot you
02:04.02killall-9while the README claims libpri it's GPL
02:04.14jsmithkillall-9: Submit a bug!
02:06.51hellerit's limited to those who belive in the GPL
02:07.23Joonyanyone have links to good Asterisk tutorials?
02:07.42jsmithJoony: A soon-to-be-good one is at and in #asterisk-doc
02:08.03jsmithJoony: There's some links from Digium's Documentation page...
02:08.14jsmithdoughecka: Not to you didn't!
02:09.33Joonydoes anyone know what the minimum DC voltage is needed to power the Cisco 7940?
02:09.53jsmithJoony: Depends on whether the phone is ringing, idle, or in a conversation...
02:09.55JoonyI'm trying to make a ghetto Power supply by putting 12v power supplies together
02:10.10jsmithJoony: Not exactly smart...
02:10.16Joonywhy is that?
02:10.24dougheckamoooooooo, coooooowwwwwww,, moof moof moof, !!!!!
02:10.48jsmithJoony: Are you making one for the power connection on the phone itself, or PoE?
02:10.59Joonyphone itself
02:11.24jsmithAhh... well, you'll probably be OK then... just search for a cisco 7940 power brick on eBay and look at the specs
02:11.35Joonyemm, alright
02:12.04killall-9two wires attached to a hd/fd connector in a pc should be ok
02:12.32Joonybut they have a common ground?
02:13.50dougheckaeveryone call 1-360-215-5326!!!
02:14.26jsmithdoughecka: C'mon... this is #asterisk... you have to ask in the form on an exten...
02:14.45dougheckatis a regular phone numba
02:14.49dougheckaand I am playing MUSIC!
02:14.56jsmithdoughecka: as in "Everyone call exten=12345,1,Dial(Zap/g1/13602155326)
02:15.25jsmithdoughecka: Why would I dial long-distance just to hear your stinkin' music?!?
02:15.32dougheckatis good musik :P
02:15.58KillerBeedoughecka.. comon.. give us an iax2 address
02:16.15*** join/#asterisk cybyc (
02:17.12dougheckaisnt there a iax-fwd gateway to allow me to recieve fwd calls?
02:17.13*** join/#asterisk Moc (
02:17.19dougheckamy bloody firewall blocks sip
02:18.00dougheckanobody is calling me!
02:18.20dougheckaMessage sent Succesfully
02:19.47*** join/#asterisk Moc (
02:20.10dougheckawould be nice...
02:20.27dougheckathus I can get a free michigan DID, and have in come into his pbx
02:20.35dougheckawould it be outgoing too? :)
02:20.50dougheckagimme root access
02:21.01Mocmake doughecka a vmware session
02:21.04KillerBeedoughecka np root access
02:21.22dougheckaMoc: ugh
02:21.33dougheckatiming would be ugh icky poo poo pie
02:22.30MocIt work for me here when I first installed it
02:23.08dougheckathats taken
02:23.25brc007anybody know if there's a version of the top logo on this page by Matt Ericson that says linux 2.4 or 2.6?
02:24.33dougheckaphotoshop to the rescue!!
02:24.46brc007or GIMP
02:24.50brc007probably photoshop...
02:25.14Mocasterisk take 100% of cpu !!! wtf ..
02:25.31brc007only reason I asked is it has a drop shadow which is a bit hard to replicate
02:25.53KillerBeedoughecka where are you that U have no sip access? work?
02:26.03Mocblocking ? what does that mean ?
02:26.09dougheckastupid lame RETARDED sonicwall
02:26.24KillerBeedoughecka.. welll throw it out
02:26.38dougheckaits got 50ish ipsec vpns attached to it
02:27.02KillerBeelol... at the very least... re boot it a few times...
02:28.30*** join/#asterisk Lee3 (~MMM@
02:29.41Mocthat only 4 dvd !! ;)
02:29.41zoakillerbee, gimme that ftp server pass :)
02:30.05KillerBeezoa.. sure.. password... astmaster
02:30.26KillerBeeno... I'm ripping them from my replay tv
02:30.40zoaoh too bad
02:31.07MocKillerBee: I do the same with DishNetwork 508 receiver
02:31.12KillerBeegotta burn them to DVR for my sistah.. in law
02:31.57Mocrecord Asterisk and Lucky Luke and put on DVD ..
02:32.02dougheckaare day mooovees?
02:32.14dougheckameesa, noosaa JarJar Binks!
02:32.58MocCan't find why * took 100% of cpu... I got basic config rightnow
02:33.13dougheckakazaa is taking 100%
02:33.14zoadebug it!
02:33.45Mocwell I started it back and try to play with the only 2 extention available, but can't make it happen again
02:33.55*** join/#asterisk SioB (
02:34.01dougheckaanyone in 208 area code?
02:34.37KillerBeedoughecka what can I not call Ur fwd number again?
02:34.56Moche have SIP problem I think
02:34.57dougheckamy fwd numba is 55213
02:35.01bkw_got my cisco smartnet on my 7960
02:35.03dougheckabut tis not working
02:35.09zoawhat is cisco smartnet ?
02:35.09bkw_nextday biz replacement too
02:35.10dougheckabecause its the stupid work thing
02:35.24bkw_zoa service contract
02:35.30bkw_8.00/yr you can't go wrong
02:35.31zoawhat is the difference between the 7960 and the 7960G ?
02:35.36zoalicense thingie ?
02:35.37bkw_has pictures on the buttons
02:35.40dougheckait works on other planets
02:35.46zoaits more expensive
02:35.47bkw_the non G has words on the buttons
02:35.51bkw_other than that they aren't diffrent
02:35.51MocIt cost us 2$ per phone right now ... PER MONTH ..
02:36.00Mocfor Meridian 2616 with Display
02:36.03bkw_G = Global
02:36.03zoabut you have some stickers with them
02:36.09bkw_zoa yep
02:36.23Moc~seen Stealth_Man
02:36.29stealth_man <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 9d 5h 36m 10s ago, saying: 's odoes everyone ...'.
02:36.55zoaso you have to pay like 40$ more to have a global one ?
02:39.35JerJerbkw_: I THINK I JUST CRACKED IT!
02:39.44*** join/#asterisk Moc (
02:39.45*** join/#asterisk Moc (
02:39.57dougheckaJerJer: WHA"T?!?!?!?!
02:40.09JerJerfd leak in chan_h323
02:41.09MocHow many phone can I put on 1 port of TDM400 ?
02:41.15bkw_Cracked what?
02:41.18bkw_JerJer talk
02:41.21dougheckaI thought you meant the ata
02:41.27JerJerfile descriptor leak
02:41.29Mocwell ATA also (SIPUra)
02:41.34bkw_let me cvsup and check it?
02:41.40JerJeri haven't commited anything yet
02:42.32KillerBeek .. who knows harry potter?
02:42.39bkw_I do
02:42.41Mocthe little guy
02:42.41bkw_I watched those
02:42.45KillerBeewhat is the wizard slithern's first name?
02:42.59bkw_check it out
02:43.01Mocgot the book in .lit format
02:43.19KillerBeebkw_ wont help...
02:43.26KillerBeehe's not IN the movie
02:43.30MocIm just at page 15 !!!
02:43.32dougheckathe little potter guy?
02:43.48Moclet me do a search
02:43.49dougheckaKillerBee: you have fwd working fine?
02:43.50KillerBeeno the original wizard that created the scoot
02:44.00KillerBeedoughecka up
02:44.03Mocwas it in the first book ?
02:44.12KillerBeeerr the school
02:44.24dougheckaKillerBee: hmm, can you have 2 incoming fwd numbers?
02:44.31KillerBeedoughecka yup
02:44.49KillerBeedoughecka but U cannot call Urself
02:45.14KillerBeedial fwd1 to fwd2 from the same machine
02:45.26dougheckaI wont be calling you
02:45.27KillerBeeand too the same machine
02:45.30dougheckaso all is good
02:45.58dougheckayou have a stable high bandwidth connection?
02:46.16dougheckajust would be nice to route calls from ipkall to his box
02:47.06MocGot 100mbits inet link, but cost 1.25$ CND per Gig
02:47.27KillerBeeMoc who do ya use?
02:47.32Mocfriend of mine
02:47.48KillerBeedoughecka less than a buck US
02:47.49Mocthey arn't really open to public so
02:48.28MocI got the key and IP range so I put my machine as I wish
02:48.40KillerBeeMoc.. nice
02:48.51Mocbut it just for having my email and stuff unblock (Home Cable block port 25 and port 80 !!!)
02:49.24Mocis it ? isn't provider offer 1000gig month transfer for 70$ in the states ?
02:49.46KillerBeeMoc who?
02:50.01dougheckaand they supply the server
02:50.06Mocsomeone post something here yes... also
02:50.08dougheckaand a few others
02:50.10Mocyes that it
02:50.26dougheckasome have better deals than the matrix
02:50.57Mocanyway their web server is slow ...
02:50.59KillerBeedoughecka do tell..
02:51.57dougheckaI forget them though
02:53.30dougheckaI hear cogent sux
02:55.21JerJercogent runs lots of the so called 'big' sites out there
02:58.06JerJerbkw_: cvs up
02:58.17dougheckabeam be down, CVS!
02:58.31bkw_JerJer ok here in a few.. waiting on this damn thing to reboot
02:58.43dougheckawho reboots?
02:59.23dougheckasomeone call 360-215-5326
02:59.27dougheckaeveryone call
02:59.32dougheckasee if supports multiple people
03:00.09Mocim not going to speak..
03:01.04JerJerfast busy
03:01.08*** join/#asterisk Moc (
03:01.10dougheckanm then
03:01.12bkw_JerJer try again
03:01.43bkw_JerJer chan_h323 isn't fixed
03:01.55Mocmy Nufone link is down... didnt finish configuring my new box
03:02.14MocIm sure it my side JerJer
03:02.21JerJeri've made a dozen calls and it always goes back to 36 fd's in use
03:02.34Mocyes forgot to add international context in default
03:03.33dougheckaJerJer: hmm
03:03.43doughecka36 in use?
03:03.51JerJeryou shouldn't really use default
03:04.03dougheckathat worked
03:04.05JerJerjust in case something breaks and gains access to default by defalt :)
03:04.15bkw_JerJer let me try again
03:04.22doughecka2 calls!
03:04.24*** join/#asterisk ample (
03:04.38bkw_JerJer nope I gain 2 every time
03:04.41KillerBeedoughecka gonna try in a sec
03:04.45dougheckathis is crazt
03:04.50JerJerbkw_: you recompile everything?
03:04.56JerJerwell h323/
03:05.46dougheckanice music?
03:05.54Mochehe could be better..
03:06.06Mocyou dont have a selection options for different type of music ?
03:06.21dougheckaI have all sorts
03:06.24dougheckawhat would you like?
03:06.25bkw_JerJer yes
03:06.30bkw_let me do it all
03:06.35*** join/#asterisk sudhir (
03:06.43bkw_yes I recompiled it.. but maybe its freaky
03:07.05sudhirhow does one specify the first available channel in extensions.conf
03:07.09Mocdoughecka: my long distance cost me alot, i'll have to hang up ;) hehe
03:07.14bkw_sudhir you make groups
03:07.14dougheckahand up
03:07.18bkw_then zap/g1
03:07.21dougheckadont want to cost you anyhitn
03:07.25Mocyou flushed me ..
03:07.37*** join/#asterisk dannie (
03:07.38Mocdoughecka: Damn cost me a big ... 4cents !!! IM RUINE
03:07.59Mocviva NuFone and low rate..
03:08.02sudhirthanks bkw_
03:08.21dougheckasame here
03:08.41MocI got a 1800
03:08.46dougheckaI got a 2866
03:09.00MocGot lucky I guess..
03:09.16Mocor it 1800 work more in canada than 1866
03:09.39dougheckashould all work fine
03:10.09MocI tryed 2 other 1800 voip provider and they didnt work..
03:12.18Mocyep, since he didnt had a 514 area code, I took a 1800..
03:12.55Mocbut 1 bug is I can't call the 2 1800 I got at the office
03:13.01Mocbut I can dial the 1800 from IAXTel
03:13.10dougheckafrom canada?
03:13.12dougheckaor the US?
03:13.21JerJeru can send toll-free via nufone
03:13.32dougheckaand its free
03:13.49MocJerJer: Yes but for some reason, the 2 number I got at the office doesn't work..
03:13.54Mocbut they work from IAXTel
03:14.31JerJerthen that toll-free isn't setup to call cananda
03:14.33JerJerbe called from
03:14.52MocIt work in the US, but guess not from all the citys
03:15.09dougheckashould work nationwide
03:15.19*** join/#asterisk coppice (~Steve@
03:16.07Mocdoughecka: you have a phone at home ?
03:16.12Mocnot VoIP ?
03:16.20Mocand your in the US right ?
03:16.36Moccan you try to call 1-877-711-1011
03:16.41coppicea padded one?
03:16.44Mocit should be a Modem that pick up
03:17.21dougheckaa modem
03:17.24dougheckanice one
03:17.30dougheckawe had a nice confersation
03:18.00Mocseem to work now with nufone, or my config is corrupted again ..
03:19.07MocI guess it was a Routing problem from a US Phone provider... it work rightnow
03:20.34Mocoh well it work, moving from IAXTel to Nufone then ..
03:20.45MocNext step, try to send FAX throught NuFone ..
03:22.03dougheckagood luck
03:23.03MocIt seem I can't select ulaw
03:23.09MocI can just use GSM
03:23.40dougheckailbc should work
03:23.51dougheckaJerJer problebly has ulaw off
03:23.55dougheckabecuase its a BW sucker
03:24.38Mocyep it worked ..
03:25.36*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj- (
03:26.02*** join/#asterisk angler__ (~angler@
03:32.13*** join/#asterisk eyeon (
03:34.01*** join/#asterisk eyeon (
03:35.38eyeonAnyone out there willing to hepl me out?
03:36.07Mocask your question
03:38.08*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer_ (
03:38.14TestMasTer_anyone here using XLite??
03:38.35*** join/#asterisk jhb (~jhbaach@
03:38.41dougheckawith fwd
03:38.53TestMasTer_doughecka you ever used it with *?
03:39.13joesmithyes I have
03:39.18TestMasTer_doughecka ok maybe you would know anyway... i can have someone call in.. it works but call out it doesn`t
03:39.33dougheckanever used it with asterisk
03:40.05TestMasTer_ok thanx anyway
03:40.16joesmiththere is a setting telling it to register
03:41.11TestMasTer_joesmith it registers i think... i`m able to call from my gs fone to the xlite fone.... but not from xlite to gs
03:41.57*** join/#asterisk cybyc_ (
03:42.00joesmithI don't know go to logger and set debug into messages and do a tail -f /var/log/asterisk/messages
03:43.15TestMasTer_joesmith i`m watching the debuging though the * console... and when ever i pick up to dial all that comes across is 0 headers, 0 lines
03:43.15TestMasTer_Sip read:
03:48.59cybyc_TestMaster_: have a look under XLite's main menu -> Advanced Syst settings -> Diagnostic -> Diagnostic Log, there may be a more specific error
03:50.06*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
03:50.51*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj- (
03:51.31MocJerJer: You told me I shouldn't put international in Default
03:51.43Mocwhere should I put my phone then, create a context Home Phone
03:51.59Mocand include => default and include => international ?
03:53.41*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
03:55.23TestMasTer_cybyc Established SIP protocol listen on:  
03:55.45*** join/#asterisk ryuku (
03:56.00ryukuDid Asterisk always use shared libs/modules?
03:56.49*** join/#asterisk hermie (
03:58.02cybyc_TestMaster_: yes - that's for inbound... (which you say IS working, right?)
03:58.21TestMasTer_cybyc yes... but nothing from the outboung
03:58.46cybyc_what did you put in your "Out Bound Proxy"?
03:59.43TestMasTer_i put the addresss for the * box
03:59.57cybyc_with the :5060 at the end?
04:03.37TestMasTer_cybyc_ didn`t fix it ?
04:04.42Mocnow all my call is ulaw by default, can't put it back to GSM ;) that funny ..
04:06.46cybyc_TestMaster_: clear the log (probably full of REGISTER's) and try to make a call... then look in the log again
04:08.31cybyc_testMaster_: You should see an INVITE followed by a bunch of RECEIVE/SEND's - look for any errors there
04:10.58*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
04:12.03okrummis the version of the ata186 very important ? i have version 2.11 and i cannot get the ata186 to sign on the * box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
04:12.56okrummwhere can i download the upgrade for the ata186 ??
04:13.08okrummplease help!!!!!!!!
04:14.08Moccost 8$ per year for support from cisco include software
04:14.19Mocbut if your 186 is locked you can't do much
04:14.32okrummMoc: how could i know that ?
04:14.46JerJeris it brand new?
04:14.52JerJeror flebayd?
04:15.00ManxPowerokrumm, If the device used to be used with Vonage then it's prolly locked and is best used as a paper weight or a bookend.
04:15.16JerJerManxPower: they can be unlocked
04:15.22TestMasTer_cybyc_ i`m going to try resetting Everything and go again
04:15.22JerJerquite trivially actually
04:15.39ManxPowerJerJer, I'll take your word for it, but I still don't believe it.
04:15.58MocI guess Sipura device is the best at he moment, even compare to cisco 186
04:16.02JerJeri've done it
04:16.02ManxPowerCome to think of it 2.11 could NOT be locked, could it?
04:16.16JerJerno 2.11 is pretty old
04:16.17ManxPowerJerJer, And you've documented this where?
04:16.25ManxPowerSo if his ATA has 2.11 it can't be locked.
04:16.29*** join/#asterisk _gorman (
04:16.34ManxPowerJerJer, Then you didn't do it as far as I'm concerned.  *tease*
04:16.55ManxPower"If it ain't documented, it ain't real."
04:17.02JerJersomeone already has spoken about this on asterisk-users
04:17.12*** part/#asterisk gadams666 (~wileyuser@
04:17.38jrollysondocumented proceedures will just encourage them to make the process harder.
04:17.40MocJerJer: is IAXy really that good to wait for it, or it working ? I mean the SIPUra seem nice
04:18.16ManxPowerjrollyson, Vonage doesn't use ATA's for new customers anymore.
04:18.17JerJerSIP isn't very nat friendly
04:18.54Mocyes :( ... I dont know, I guess Digium will release it at the upcoming Expo..
04:19.09Mocbut Sipura have 2 port for 100$, IAXy will be 1 port for 100$
04:19.23JerJermaybe 100 at first
04:19.35JerJerbut i'm sure the price point will be lower once it hits production
04:19.37jrollysoniaxy will be nat friendly though. Big plus.
04:19.48jrollysonwell, friendlier ;)
04:20.13ManxPoweriax is as NAT friendly as SMTP, HTTP, or IM
04:20.30Mocthey can't really sell it too cheap, Im sure it cost more than a TDM400 PCI card to make so ..
04:21.10Mochehe.. Stack them..
04:21.23jrollysonyeah, true.
04:21.44jrollysontheres a norstar in the closet that hasn't been used.
04:21.48TestMasTer_cybyc_ could i message you a second
04:21.54Mocbut your right, a Rackmount 12 or 24 port IAXy device like could be nice
04:22.01cybyc_Testmaster_: sure!
04:24.39*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer_ (
04:24.42*** join/#asterisk cman (~cman1@
04:25.05okrummanyone has CCO cisco account ?
04:25.38ryukuanyone see this IAXy song?
04:25.45ryukui google'd for IAXy and got this PDF heh.
04:25.53h3xMoc: its called a channelbank!
04:26.08*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
04:26.15bkw_ok I have the network blingbling
04:26.19bkw_okrumm what ya need?
04:26.51angler_ryuku, thats was the presentation given at phreaknic
04:27.01angler_which had the iaxy song for another guy to sing
04:27.03cmanmy grandstream sip phone doesn't seem to register to my * box
04:27.09zoaits 5.30
04:27.16ryukuangler, did you witness this singing?
04:27.17Moch3x: Ok your right, just theres isn't alot of info about them.
04:27.21zoawhere did i deserve that :(
04:27.31angler_yes i did
04:27.35angler_JerJer did too
04:27.51h3xMoc: whatcha mean
04:27.55ryukuawesome. heh.
04:28.07angler_theres a video somewhere too
04:28.08ryukubtw am i stupid for porting Asterisk to Cygwin?
04:28.16ryukui've seen people mention it, but no one did it.
04:28.20jrollysonryuku: waste of time.
04:28.27ryukui thought it'd be fun.
04:28.29h3xryuku: yes, you need a high resolution 1ms timer
04:28.37h3xi think windoze will fuck that up
04:28.42ryukumost likely
04:28.48zoawhy would you do that ?
04:28.49h3xyour mouse would sputter on the screen
04:28.55ryukubut I mean just for a Personal Gateway with the X100P would not require that, eh?
04:28.56zoawhy the hell would you port it to windows ?
04:29.08Mocanyone selling Cisco 7960 at 200$ NEW ? :)
04:29.13h3xwhy not buy an iaxy or ata or something
04:29.28zoai buy em directly from ciso
04:29.31jrollysonryuku: yeah, X100P would probably need the high resolution timing.
04:29.34zoaand they are more expensive :)
04:29.40ryukujrollyson: but why
04:29.57Moczoa: How much
04:30.15jrollysonryuku: asterisk is designed around having a high resolution timer.
04:30.17zoai dunno for sure, but i think the 7960 is around 250euro
04:30.26zoaand the 7960G is around 280
04:30.36zoajust a wild guess
04:30.47JerJertry like 300+
04:30.53ryukuPsuedo-TDM it says. zut alors.
04:31.03JerJernot with a power sup and user license
04:31.11Mocmean like 330$ ...
04:31.14zoamy prices are not end user
04:31.15Mocpower sup is seperate ?
04:31.17denonman I love bandwidth .. just sent out a mailing to 5,000 users with a ton of graphic content (product images) .. went out in like 4 minutes
04:31.28zoadenon likes spam :)
04:31.30ryukuwell i've gotten so far i may as well try it. shrug.
04:31.34denonnah, its legit spam
04:31.36zoadi you send me some spam ? :)
04:32.01denonI highly doubt you're a dealer of this gear
04:32.03MocDamn denon, I just receive this SPAM :  When we do it doggie style I can feel wads of kum landing on my back at the end
04:32.05Mocyou dog ..
04:32.14denon*rolls eyes*
04:32.30bkw_Moc thats wrong
04:32.39zoaHow would you like to
04:32.39zoayour P_E_N_I_S at no risk?
04:32.39zoaWell now you can as a new scientific breakthrough has allowed a team of 14 DOCTORS to develop a penis enlargement pills which gives an increase of over 3 inches over a 4 month period. It even comes with a
04:32.45zoatrue denon, i'm not using that :)
04:33.17Mocbkw_: what ?
04:33.18denonyou weirdos
04:33.24*** join/#asterisk Kumbang_ (~unknown@
04:35.30cmanhello. everyone i need a little help
04:35.34cman* gurus...
04:35.35zoacisco price in october for a 7960G+license was 350euro
04:35.42Mocshot cman
04:35.49zoagood luck searching for one for $200
04:35.53cmani have this scenario
04:35.56zoacall me if you find some :)
04:36.12zoajerjer was right
04:36.13zoaagain :)
04:36.19cmani have 3 IPs from my ISP
04:36.21zoaalthough i think prices dropped a little
04:36.36zoadollar going down the drain etc :)
04:36.38cmanrouted to my netgear....
04:36.50cmanone ppulblic IP is given to my * box
04:37.09cmanand others are in the DHCP mode so private IPs to other computers
04:37.10Mocbut i dont trust ebay
04:37.27cmanwhen i try to register SIP phones... its not registering...
04:37.44cmanbut IAX clients are registering successfully..
04:37.54cmanhow can this happen?
04:38.07Mociax and sip is 2 different config file
04:38.50cmanbefore * was also using private IP and SIP was worling ok
04:39.02cmanbut now hen i changed it.. its not working..
04:43.37*** join/#asterisk s3gal (
04:46.32*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
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04:47.55*** join/#asterisk igorct (~igor@
04:48.46igorctcould smb help me with sip?
04:48.55igorcti'm getting "WARNING[13779012]: File rtp.c, Line 328 (ast_rtcp_read): RTP Read error: Resource temporarily unavailable"
04:51.54cmananybody help me
04:53.07*** join/#asterisk crontibs (
04:55.05Mocgive more informations
04:55.57loko-mokoif i am using a T1 card should I be compiling zaptel?
04:56.08loko-mokon/m im wasted
04:56.13loko-mokothat was a stupid question
04:56.59*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
04:57.27igorctguys... how to resolve "RTP Read error: Resource temporarily unavailable', i'm loosing calls
04:57.37crontibsdoes anyone have the nufone rates .csv file in handy
04:57.49Moclibpri loko-moko
04:57.54MocI guess since T1 is PRI
04:58.02Mochehe ok
04:58.18Moccrontibs: International nope ..
04:58.35loko-mokocrontibs i do
04:58.36MocUS/CA is 2.9cent I guess
04:58.37loko-mokowhats your email
04:58.42loko-mokoCA is 2 cents i think
04:58.46Mocsend it to me also ..
04:58.58loko-mokothis file is a month or 2 old, so dunno if changed
04:59.35loko-mokooh its from september
04:59.37loko-mokoill send it anyways
05:00.02*** part/#asterisk ___log (
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05:02.01Mocthanks loko-moko
05:03.22Mocfrom this 'old' cvs, canada is cheaper than US ...
05:03.29Mocthat funny hehe
05:03.47loko-mokoi think it still is
05:04.01MocI guess Canadian Telco is more uptodate
05:05.21MocMaybe since the 1800# I got have no monthly cost. it 2.9c everywhere canada/us
05:05.53crontibsMoc did you get your 1800 from Nufone
05:06.54loko-mokomauybe they increased it, dunno
05:07.05Mochey dont care, it still good ..
05:07.38crontibshow was the startup costs on it moc if you don't mind me asking
05:07.44crontibsi was looking in to that
05:08.55Mocnothing, well it a prepaid service, but that it...
05:09.17Moche offer US DID also.. but none in Canada at the moment, but it the only one that I fould who have 1800 working in Canada
05:12.34crontibsDoes * support  Overhead paging
05:12.55loko-mokoIs anyone familiar with US business tax laws
05:13.20loko-mokoIf I declare a loss of say $10,000 in 2002, and a profit of $15,000 in 2003
05:13.31loko-mokodoes the 10k carry over, and I only pay tax on $5k net profit
05:13.41loko-mokoor do I pay income tax on all 15k with no carry over
05:13.47bkw_you pay on the whole thing
05:14.06loko-mokodamn it
05:14.08loko-mokowell that sucks
05:14.12loko-mokonow i cant buy my hummer
05:14.17bkw_trust me they will NAIL YOU
05:14.51loko-mokoi need to make atleast $60,000 profit in 2004
05:14.56bkw_so this is why you make SURE you don't have a profit
05:14.56loko-mokothis really sucks
05:15.15loko-mokoi was going to buy a hummer and expense it
05:15.20loko-mokobut if it doesnt carry over
05:15.26bkw_why would it?
05:15.31bkw_where did you get that idea?
05:15.33loko-mokothen I will need 60k profit in 1 year to write it all off
05:15.38loko-mokojust was getting my hopes up =)
05:15.55bkw_trust me.. they calc taxes in such a way they always endup with more
05:16.17loko-mokothey didnt get a cent from me in 2002 or 2003
05:16.17bkw_our founding fathers came here because of taxes (or mostly) and here we are again
05:16.22bkw_TAXED TO DEATH!
05:16.25loko-mokoi was sure to buy servers and shit to show no profit
05:16.28igorctPlease help: what kind of limitation is this: "RTP Read error: Resource temporarily unavailable" ?
05:17.03cmanmy sip phones aren't registering to my *
05:17.11cmanwhile IAX ckients does
05:17.20loko-mokoare you using nat
05:17.36cmanmy config is really confusing...
05:17.42Mocshit ... 911 is FAST !! I call and hangup like before x100p finish to dial.. and they called me back ..
05:17.45*** join/#asterisk kimo_sabe (
05:17.47cmani have one line from ISP...
05:18.03JerJerMOC: make sure you tell them you mis-dialed
05:18.06kimo_sabewoot! (re: topic)
05:18.10bkw_Moc what did you tell them?
05:18.26bkw_you can call 911 to test.. just make sure they know that right off
05:18.42cman6 different IPs....routed to netgear (NAT??) and have used one IP to * and one to windows... from which other computers are given DHCP addresses...
05:18.44MocI was doing PBX testing sorry, I thought the call didnt dialled out yet
05:18.50loko-mokodo you call them first to tell them you are calling them back later to test <G>
05:18.56bkw_Moc what did they say?
05:19.20cmanother computeres are brwosing ok....and iax clients like iax-com and diax are registering to * with public IP and working fine
05:19.23loko-mokoMoc if you don't answer when they call back the police show up =P
05:19.28MocIt perfect, but said If i call too much they owuld charge me !!!
05:19.34cmanits only that SIP phones and x-lite aren't working..
05:19.51Mocthe guy was calm and friendly ..
05:20.14Mocwell voip-info 911 tips work ;)
05:21.35Mocmy office phone can't call 911 !!!
05:22.23cmanno one knows...
05:26.12*** join/#asterisk Gazzas (
05:26.19MocI know I removed the service class..
05:26.53*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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05:37.09MocTo access TelCo operator, should it be 90 ?
05:37.38*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
05:38.49*** join/#asterisk j35 (
05:39.06_Eagle_how's it goin, moc?
05:39.13j35Is there anyway to forward to a Vonage # (I know the ip of the ATA) from Asterisk?
05:39.40hmodesnot without setting a cpl on vonage or dialing out from the * box
05:40.00j35a cpl?
05:40.44hmodeswhen you set forwarding/voicemail options on the site it 'writes' a 'cpl' to your account
05:40.58hmodescall processing language or some shit like that
05:41.02hmodesfear dynamicsoft
05:41.31hmodesalthough i think that might be an actual legitimate sip term
05:41.32hmodeswho knows
05:42.08j35so i'm an idiot i dont have a clue on this doing a cpl on vonage :(
05:42.25hmodeslogin, go to features, set forwarding options?
05:42.48j35but how could i forward something from the Asterisk box to vonage ATA without dialing out of the asterisk box
05:43.01hmodesyou can't
05:43.14j35figures lol
05:43.16hmodesyou could theoretically use 3pcc to have the * box call a vonage line and a CID #
05:43.23hmodesbut that's not particularly useful
05:43.33j35true true
05:44.09*** join/#asterisk srinivas (~srinivas@
05:44.23j35thank you
05:44.34loko-mokocan anyone recommend any shopping cart software
05:47.49*** join/#asterisk ample (
05:51.34loko-mokothanks xlite is working ok now...
05:53.07cmandon't know how???
05:53.19cmanbut my grandstream is not...
05:54.35hmodeshooray for icyhot!
05:57.59crontibsanyone seen this before with asterisk and sipura 2000
05:58.21hmodesthe sipura sent a notify?
05:58.24hmodesthat seems abnormal
05:58.50hmodesnot that i've ever had a sipura directly bequethed to my evil bidding
05:59.48crontibswhy is it sending notify
06:00.10*** join/#asterisk ^sly^ (
06:00.11hmodesperhaps it's trying to keep nat alive?
06:00.22hmodesnotify seems to be the hip way to keep nat state
06:00.51crontibsi see
06:01.03hmodesusually the provider is the notifying whore tho
06:01.41hmodesi guess if the sipura can make it a two way notify-fest all the better tho
06:02.40bkw_I bet thats what its doing
06:02.50hmodessilly sip and it's nat-challengedness
06:03.39hmodesit would have been so much easier if the rfc had just specified 'duh, nat happens, and here's how to make it not suck'
06:03.40crontibsok i just turned it off on the sipura
06:03.46hmodes'twould be much more predictable
06:03.54crontibsseems it stopped sending notify
06:04.03hmodesbut the notify is good if it's natted
06:04.08hmodesdon't squelch it
06:04.27hmodesunless you have a nazi isp and you can't afford the couple extra packets
06:04.34MocNOTICE[1217669936]: File chan_zap.c, Line 3562 (zt_read): Fax detected, but no fax extension
06:04.41MocI guess fax detection isn't good at all
06:05.00hmodesold dsp owns j00!
06:05.04*** join/#asterisk jorgeraidel (
06:05.27jorgeraidelciego34 que bola brother
06:05.31hmodesapparantley kram has been distracted by dirty frenchies
06:05.31jorgeraidelllegue de la calle
06:05.42jorgeraidelhello connor
06:05.55jorgeraideland hello to everybody
06:06.51hmodesfunny how cvs hasn't changed since he's been in fr
06:07.22jorgeraidelok and them I need to know something
06:07.36MocTake 1 good programmer full time on *, alot can be done in 1 day.. if it not debuging stuff
06:07.57jorgeraideland is if i have one pci gateway if need the PRI service incluid in the T1?
06:08.25hmodesi wish i was l33t enough to decypher half teh source
06:08.39Mocme too..
06:08.43hmodesi just shadily hack things to work the way i want
06:08.45MocI dont understand jorgeraidel
06:08.51hmodesit's been working well enough so far
06:09.47jorgeraidelok I have in my asterisk one te410p pci gateway and them i need to know if i need the PRI incluid in the T1 service?
06:09.47Mocok I need junk food, and watching TV..
06:09.55jorgeraidelvoice T1 service you know?
06:10.06Mocwell generally T1 is PRI
06:10.32Mocfrom what I understand, T1 is the transport for PRI
06:10.35hmodeshrmm..  i need to look in to bri costs around here at some point
06:10.41jorgeraidelthe card pci works without the pri service
06:11.03Mochmodes: BRI cost 115$/month CNd here, PRI cost 600$CND ..
06:11.10Mocso bri is expensive ..
06:11.14Mocfor 2 channel
06:11.26hmodeswell i think i could probably get ubercheap per-minute bri here
06:11.39hmodeswhich would be a step up from relying on ipkall as my overflow route
06:11.51Mocjorgeraidel: Dont know, it use PRI but dont have one...
06:11.55hmodesthat and i bet i could pick up isdn gear for damn cheap
06:12.21MocWell I use Inet with nufone insted of getting a BRI witch is hell better..
06:12.29jorgeraidelwell i want T1 foe my isdn te410p but only voice
06:12.42jorgeraideland another T1 only data
06:12.50hmodeswe all want multiple t1s
06:12.59hmodesunfortunately we often don't get that which we want
06:13.14Moceach port can be set independently
06:13.17jrollysonhmodes: I don't want multiple T1s
06:13.30jrollysonI want multiple OC-192s ;)
06:13.32jorgeraidelis better
06:13.47hmodesoh, well since you put it that way
06:13.51hmodesi'll take two of those
06:13.59jorgeraidelis better to divide
06:14.02loko-mokoi want time
06:14.11loko-mokoalls i want is 40 freakin hours in a day
06:14.19hmodesto be divided and conquered, or conquered and divided?
06:14.39Mocyou can do both with the T410 card, make data or voice.  For more details maybe someone having one actually could give you more info
06:14.46jorgeraideltell me the T1 service wich is the way for my line phne the same to dsl o for one cable?
06:14.49hmodesi just want my fibre to teh premisis
06:14.59hmodesthey've been promising it for long enough
06:15.15_Eagle_jorger:  there are 2 types of T1 voice service.....
06:15.26Mocgo _Eagle_
06:15.34jorgeraidelyes i know
06:15.40_Eagle_the first one is Channelized T1, also referred to as CT1 or CAS-T1 or robbed bit signalling
06:15.44jorgeraidelvoice and data is two service
06:15.54_Eagle_the second one is ISDN PRI....  Primary Rate Interface
06:15.56jorgeraidelbut I think that is better differnt company
06:15.57blitzrageFuzzyCat: tell brc007 what your website address is
06:15.59_Eagle_the first one is 24 channels
06:15.59hmodesvoice and data is the same service!
06:16.02blitzrageI'm going to bed now
06:16.06hmodesthe providers just haven't realized it yet
06:16.11_Eagle_the second one is 23 voice channels and one data (D) channel
06:16.41jorgeraidelin this channel of data wich information is incluid?
06:16.47Moc_Eagle_: they are both 24 channel, but PRI need a D channel, if you have 3 T1, you can only have 1 d channel
06:17.00_Eagle_the transport for both is exactly the same.. i.e.  a T1 rides on a DS1 circuit
06:17.14_Eagle_the only difference is the signalling that is used
06:17.47coppice_Eagle_: and ESF
06:17.53_Eagle_Moc:  i dont believe asterisk supports NFAS, so every PRI on asterisk is 23 voice channels
06:18.14Mocoh that suck hehe
06:18.16hmodesfree yourself from the pstn bondage!
06:18.35hmodesthere are many companies that will eat the interconnect fee for you
06:18.36jorgeraidelbut why is this 23channel for voice and the another channel is data about that what
06:18.44hmodesand yield better efficiency via data!
06:18.47jorgeraideli want to know jajaja
06:18.56_Eagle_the D channel, or data channel, on a PRI is used for signalling purposes
06:18.59igorctdoes anybody have a production SIP incoming traffic on * ?
06:19.09_Eagle_it provides the call setup, call tear down, caller identification, etc.
06:19.12MocD channel is communication between both asterisk and remote equipement
06:19.17jorgeraideloh ok
06:19.25_Eagle_the D channel allows your equipment to talk to the remote switch...
06:19.42jorgeraidelperfect very important that
06:19.53_Eagle_if you're doing voice services, PRI is generally more desireable than Channelized T1
06:20.30_Eagle_asterisk supports both, and the zaptel T1/PRI cards support both
06:20.38_Eagle_if yuo have the choice, go with PRI for voice
06:20.43hmodesvoip, voip, voip
06:20.50jorgeraideland for example if i want to offert traffci to another carrier or something like that i need another hardware such as swish,gatekeeper ect or not only conf.?
06:20.50hmodespreferrably iax
06:20.54_Eagle_if you dont have a choice, CT1 will work too
06:21.21_Eagle_depends on what you mean by "traffic" and what you mean by "to another carrier" ?
06:21.49_Eagle_with a 4 port T1 card, you can mix and match all you want
06:21.53Mocyou can connect and route between 2 T1 in your *
06:22.03_Eagle_CT1 and PRI on the same card, each circuit can go to a different telephone company, etc
06:22.23_Eagle_if you have 4 local phone companies, you can have 1 circuit from each
06:22.37Mocon a single card
06:22.39hmodesfeh, pstn is for loosers..  and now i wander off to sleep.
06:22.44_Eagle_or you could have 1 going to your local phone company, and 1 going to a dedicated long distance wholesaler
06:22.57Mochmodes: PSTN is still needed ... ratio is still low
06:23.01jorgeraidelfor example I want to traffic with my astersik server between to carrier
06:23.09hmodesright, but you let other companies eat your pstn cost
06:23.18Moclike 1% or 0.05% IP
06:23.21hmodesthat's the only merit in their business plan currently!
06:23.22jorgeraidelto resell minuts you know
06:23.28hmodesand they'll bleed for you
06:23.34_Eagle_hmodes:  i wouldnt trade my PRI for voip even if you paid me
06:23.55jorgeraideli need good prices for cuba : )
06:24.01hmodesas much as i would love to have my own pri, it's simply cheaper to let some other fucker work out the deal for me
06:24.05jorgeraideljajaja i finder
06:24.16Mocdepend of the usage..
06:24.30hmodesi make my $.01 off the dumb fucks, and wait for voip to take over and destroy the whole market
06:24.59hmodeseventually it will be peering agreements just like internap does now
06:24.59_Eagle_jorg:  i hope you're not in the US...  cuz calling cuba from here is a big can of worms
06:24.59hmodespstn is on the way out
06:25.07*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
06:25.11jorgeraidelI am in USA
06:25.23_Eagle_hmodes:  thats a long ways off
06:25.37_Eagle_hmodes:  TDM will be around for at least another 10 years
06:25.42hmodesi dunno, i'd hedge 'long way' will be less then 5 years
06:25.57hmodesin the meantime i'm happy to make a penny off the interconnect
06:26.14coppiceI'd say somewhere between 5 years and never :-)
06:26.18_Eagle_telco's take 3 months just to plan how and when to take a shit
06:26.33hmodesthey're going to have to move faster
06:26.36_Eagle_they'll never replace thousands and thousands of switches with voip switches in 5 years
06:26.40jorgeraidelwho is telco sorry
06:26.50hmodesthere's an explosion of voip players who want their market share
06:26.59hmodesand they can all do everything cheaper
06:27.05MocI'll say 20 year
06:27.13JerJeri want my 1%
06:27.17_Eagle_Moc is closer than hmodes
06:27.20coppicetelco are moving. AT&T and BT aren't know for speed, but they have made recent residential VoIP announcements
06:27.21hmodesmmmm, 1% of telco
06:27.39Mocand if FCC get in this, 35year
06:27.42Mocand +
06:27.43Zzzzzzzvoip providers can only "do everything cheaper" because they ride on the existing infrastructure
06:27.58Zzzzzzzeverything, most IP traffic included, runs over TDM at some point
06:28.11hmodesbut what if the majority was voip
06:28.12Zzzzzzzchannelized lines
06:28.13MocIPv6 is still not here also ..
06:28.15jorgeraidelok i don't need more hardware for astersik with cisco gateway or quimtum mulktitech or somthing like that?
06:28.21hmodesand someone like fwd interconnected them all for free
06:28.27hmodesit would destroy the market
06:28.30Zzzzzzzeventually that will happen
06:28.34jorgeraidelin g7.29 or sip of course?
06:28.36hmodesit's coming
06:28.38hmodessooner then we think
06:28.39Zzzzzzzbut it is just on the horizon right now
06:28.43hmodesand * will drive it
06:28.43Zzzzzzzwe aren't even 5% of the way there
06:28.56Zzzzzzzbah, cisco and other big players will drive it
06:29.02hmodesbut * is free
06:29.08Zzzzzzzi can't even get * to talk to my cisco ata186 properly right now
06:29.10hmodesand works better then cisco's crap
06:29.13coppiceI'll predict what with 5 years non-IP telephones will be rare in large businesses
06:29.14Zzzzzzzit's depressing
06:29.26Zzzzzzzputting a number on IP deployment is silly
06:29.29_Eagle_hmodes:  5 years from now, most end users will still be using TDM...  more than 50%....  even if voip becomes FREE
06:29.44hmodesi dunno, 2.5 maybe
06:29.51hmodes5 i'd say will be the break even point
06:29.54hmodesvoip is fast shit
06:30.03_Eagle_no way
06:30.06hmodesand it's so goddamn easy to roll out
06:30.19hmodeseven verizon will be up on it for local dialtone within a couple years
06:30.31_Eagle_residential users cant even touch voip unless they have broadband, and most people dont want broadband
06:30.40hmodestrue many people may still have a copper pair to their home in 5 years
06:30.41MocISDN was supose to replace all the old Telco line
06:30.42jorgeraideloh you know i have one ata 186 in my astrisk server and works fine the 2 extensions but I can't make the musci on hold
06:30.45Mocit never happen
06:30.48hmodesbut i'd bet half of it will be voip on the tail end
06:30.52jorgeraidelsomebody know that is worjs in ata 186
06:31.33hmodeshigh density gateways are insanely cheap compared to oldschool pstn switches
06:31.44hmodesanywhere there is a need to expand or upgrade, it will be there
06:32.09Mocand also, 1 thing that will make PSTN stay, are DSL
06:32.12crontibsdoes it provide dialtone right after
06:32.16crontibsyou hit 9
06:32.16Zzzzzzzyeah but most of the world can't even get a good DSL line, yet alone any kind of real broadband access
06:32.20hmodeshrmm..  dsl..  yeah...
06:32.39Zzzzzzzunless you're in a populated area where it makes sense for the providers
06:32.39MocDSL is nice here.. probably because our Telco infrastructure is better
06:32.43_Eagle_now, in 5 years, interstate, international, and possibly local interswitch traffic might be 50% voip... but not to end users
06:32.44hmodesbut dsl doesn't need a dialtone!  that's a giant lie perperated by the telcos
06:32.52_Eagle_end users will be mostly TDM for at least 10 more years
06:33.01hmodeseven the big ones are preparing for a shift to being an isp
06:33.03MocI know, but still... ppl will keep DSL..
06:33.15hmodesfeh, tdm is dead
06:33.28Zzzzzzzwhat is it now, 80% of the fiber out there is IP ?
06:33.33hmodesit's cheaper to give people a hybrid device that gives them dialtone for cheap
06:33.34MocDSL cost 29$/month CND for 2.5mbits down 640kb/up no ratio, no blocked port
06:33.39jorgeraidelhey sombody hane the music on hold in one ata 186?
06:33.48Zzzzzzztelcos are switching to VoIP internally because it scales much better
06:33.53Mocwitch is better than cable
06:34.04ZzzzzzzAT&T says their TDM network can only hit about 30% utilization, that's a maximum
06:34.37hmodesand at&t is already ready with a voip/mgcp strategy
06:34.44hmodestho i have yet to hear a single good thing about it
06:34.49coppiceZzzzzzzz: where did you hear that?
06:34.50_Eagle_zzzz:  80% of the fiber is unused... still dark....
06:34.58hmodesTO MY HOUSE
06:35.09hmodesNOW NOW NOW!!!
06:35.16hmodesthose bishes need to hurry up
06:35.24Zzzzzzzhey can anyone peek at my * configs and tell me why it is being such a piece of shit ?
06:35.43hmodes* lubs j00
06:35.47hmodescompare it not to poo!
06:35.56_Eagle_moc:  in the US, DSL is practically limping
06:36.18_Eagle_moc:  in the US, only 10% of internet users have broadband...  and the majority of that 10% have a cable modem
06:36.18hmodesasia owns the us on dsl penetration
06:36.23jorgeraidelI thought to put dsl 1.5 by 1.5 but is not full duplex
06:36.29hmodes'cause we're a bunch of geographically distributed bishes
06:36.34jorgeraidelis better the T1
06:36.55coppicenot all of Asia
06:36.57_Eagle_cable modem is kicking DSL's ass right now
06:37.09_Eagle_but dialup is kicking cable modem's ass
06:37.11coppiceKorea and HK certainly do, though.
06:37.14hmodesyeeah, cable is so much better suited to the us
06:37.26hmodesmy neighbor sure as shit isn't using the 30mbit we share
06:37.47hmodesif only they wouldn't cap me
06:37.51Zzzzzzzcable modems suck
06:37.53_Eagle_cable will get much worse over the years... their coax is degrading every year, and they're stressing it more and more as they add more customers to a finite amount of bandwidth
06:38.01Zzzzzzzpoint-to-point architecture to the customer is always superior
06:38.15Zzzzzzzthe cable company here was one of the first to deploy
06:38.35hmodesi dunno, dsl is technically superior, but cable is so much cheaper to get me so much more fastness
06:38.38Zzzzzzzand they have to keep splitting up their nodes because as they get too many customers on a node, the congestion kills
06:38.42coppiceZzzzzzz: Why? Let me share a 10G fibre with the rest of my tower, and think I will still have a winner :-)
06:38.44Zzzzzzzthat's why cable is cheaper
06:39.14hmodesas long as the average user sucks, i'm golden
06:39.22Zzzzzzzfiber is different than a modulated RF network (Cable) that can't handle any serious traffic (it can handle megabits of traffic, as long as the packet per second count is LOW)
06:39.33cmanwhats this??
06:39.34cmanWARNING[5126]: File chan_sip.c, Line 464 (retrans_pkt): Maximum retries exceeded on call b40f8c0d-7d20-4b26-2f22-3af4420e5280@ for seqno 40939 (Response)
06:39.58jorgeraidelhow many call simultaneous to support the dsl 1.5 to 1.5 with good quality for example in g7.29
06:40.05_Eagle_DSL is only as good as the copper it is riding
06:40.06cmanmy grandstream has ip.. it needs to register to
06:40.12jorgeraidelto differen to t1
06:40.15cmanbut don't think its registering...
06:40.21Zzzzzzzi just figured out that my ata186 works a whole lot better if i put in the default router
06:40.22cmangetting this error though
06:40.23cmanWARNING[5126]: File chan_sip.c, Line 464 (retrans_pkt): Maximum retries exceeded on call b40f8c0d-7d20-4b26-2f22-3af4420e5280@ for seqno 40939 (Response)
06:40.23Zzzzzzzerr route
06:40.27_Eagle_and the copper in most areas is so old and horrible that its degrading just like the coax is
06:40.33coppiceThe few people I know with cable modems get excellent service, but maybe the sharing ratios are low here. DSL is a PITA unless you are not too far from the exchange
06:40.42cmanany help pls
06:40.42Zzzzzzzeven though it doesn't talk to anything over the default route
06:40.44hmodesi've got copper, i've got coax
06:40.47*** join/#asterisk MocMoc (
06:40.48hmodesthe coax is 10x faster
06:40.54hmodesand 1/10th the price
06:40.59hmodesso i lub it, for now
06:41.02MocMoccable cost more
06:41.17hmodes384kbit sdsl == $160 US
06:41.29MocMocyour crazy
06:41.30hmodes3.0mbit/256kbit cable == $40 US
06:41.33hmodesi'll take the cable
06:41.39jorgeraideland them the T1 is for cable way or line phone ?
06:41.50MocMocdsl is 2.5mbits down 640kb up for 29$ CND
06:42.00coppiceMocMoc: if cable costs more where you are, that is unusual. Over mosr of the world it is cheaper, especially if you want TV as well and get a package deal
06:42.05MocMoccable 4mbits down, 640 up is 79$ cnd
06:42.13hmodeswell yeah, this is why i need to move to canada
06:42.25jorgeraidelbut is asimetric
06:42.33hmodessdsl in the us is mad loot
06:42.40hmodesit's quite depressing
06:42.42coppiceMocMoc Cable 10M each way is $9 here, ADSL 3M + 512K is about twice that
06:42.44jorgeraideltellme simetric what is the prices?
06:43.23hmodesoy, time to flee
06:43.30MocMocwould love 10mbits both way at home
06:43.51jorgeraidelbut in dsl is half duples the 1.5 by 512k is not real
06:43.54MocMocwe have dsl at 5mbits, but it like 40$ Cnd
06:44.04Zzzzzzzdsl is not half-duplex
06:44.39jorgeraidelhow is the dsl?
06:44.41MocMocthere is 2 way to setup a dsl. problem provider use the one that make the performance and ping look bad
06:44.53ZzzzzzzOk, I just figured out why I had days and days of problems with * and cisco ata186
06:44.58_Eagle_moc:  i dont know how the canadians are doing that cheap DSL, but its unheard of here
06:45.00MocMocthe one my brother have get better speed than me ..
06:45.08Zzzzzzzthe cisco 1. can't use the same username and pw for uid0 and uid1 and 2. you must have a default route entered
06:45.12Zzzzzzzwhat a piece of shit
06:45.25MocMoclike i said, telco is more uptodate here
06:45.26Zzzzzzzotherwise it HALF WORKS and things seem to work but act broken in various ways
06:45.27jorgeraidelbut the dsl is full duplex?
06:45.44Zzzzzzzhey does anyone want firmware 3.0.0 for cisco ata186 ?
06:45.54coppiceYes. DSL is full duplex
06:45.58MocMocalso anyone can start a dsl compagnie witch is cool, national wide
06:46.15jorgeraideli have itr
06:46.19coppiceSome early systems ping-ponged, but the standards based ADSL is full duplex
06:46.19jorgeraideli have it
06:46.25jorgeraidelthe freware 3.0
06:46.34MocMocBell canada HAVE to sell low price dsl to resellers
06:46.39Zzzzzzzdo you have the full zip with cfgfmt and all those programs?
06:46.47Zzzzzzzand the windows program that the ata can load from ?
06:47.52_Eagle_moc:  ahh.. newer network... yes... i forgot most of canada didnt have phone service until the late 1980's... your copper is newer...  when did you get electricity again?  1975?
06:48.56jorgeraidelwell I am going to ask to my provider of dsl if they can offert the dsl 1.5 by 1.5 full duplex is more cheap tham the t1 for data of ciurse
06:49.02MocMocwe got everything about the same time..
06:49.47MocMocwe have a damn good power system also (in quebec at lease)
06:49.53_Eagle_jorger:  most T1 loops are provisioned on some form of DSL anyway.... like HDSL
06:50.19MocMochdsl cost alot ..
06:50.23MocMochere at less
06:50.45_Eagle_the difference between a T1 and a DSL line is that if your T1 goes down, the average repair time is less than 4 hours...  where as if your DSL goes down, your repair time can be 3 weeks
06:50.46jorgeraidelok tell the best prices that you know?
06:50.52Zzzzzzz50 calls ? you need a bit of cpu power for that
06:50.54Zzzzzzzmaybe that's why
06:50.56Zzzzzzzwhat codec ?
06:51.20MocMocbut telco want to make microcentrals witch be about 600meters of everyhome so they can offer hdsl at low cost (include TV,internet,phone,alarm) with the old copper
06:51.27MocMocwitch = wich
06:51.53igorctZzzzzzz: i'm getting g.729 and send it to H323 gateway using g729 too
06:52.16Zzzzzzzg.729 is very cpu intensive. digium says that you can do about 60 calls on a dual xeon 1700
06:52.48Zzzzzzzi'm sure it depends on how good your g.729 implementation is
06:53.00igorctZzzzzzz: the problem is that i'm getting "Line 328 (ast_rtcp_read): RTP Read error: Resource temporarily unavailable" and after it the system doesn't recognize DTMFs
06:53.02Zzzzzzzbut that covers the one they sell, anyways
06:53.03*** join/#asterisk j35 (
06:53.11igorctZzzzzzz: i'
06:53.17jorgeraidelok tell me i have one dual xeon but only cpu 2.4 and 1 gb memory and i put the TE410P 4xT1 I need more resort for move the 96 channel that this card?
06:53.19coppiceZzzzzzz: we tried Intel's MMX based G.729. It wasn't much better than that
06:53.38_Eagle_considering canada only has about 22 million citizens...  figure an average of 3 per household... that's 7 million households in a country that has... what... the largest or the second largest geographic area in the world?
06:53.41jorgeraidelfor example in g7.29?
06:53.52_Eagle_thats gonna take a hell of a lot of "microswitches"
06:53.55Zzzzzzzthat line 328 error is a failure of recvfrom
06:54.05igorctZzzzzzz: i'm nor transcoding g.279
06:54.37igorctZzzzzzz: do you know what is th problem with it?
06:54.56Zzzzzzzyou might have to up some limits in linux
06:55.00_Eagle_why are you using g.729 anyway?  use a better codec and you dont have to worry about cpu power
06:55.07Zzzzzzzfile descriptors or something
06:55.09coppice_Eagle_: The plan a number of telcos have had for the past 20 odd years is to move to concentrators of some sort in every electricity substation. Few have actually make much progress in that direction, even for new estates
06:55.19igorctall limits are 'unlimited"
06:55.31jorgeraideljajaj men what is the website the telco?
06:55.45igorctZzzzzzz: and it's just a 53 sim calls...
06:56.13Zzzzzzzthose limits are in your current shell not system limits
06:56.18_Eagle_coppice:  well, telco CO's are more plentiful around here than edison substations
06:56.42_Eagle_i think there may be 1 or 2 substations covering our city, and yet 3 telco CO's
06:56.42jorgeraideltelco have website?
06:57.11coppice_Eagle_: Eh? substations are usually littered everywhere. You only need a CO per 10,000 - 100,000 people
06:57.48igorctZzzzzzz: do you know how to fix it? i didn't find anything on google
06:57.57Zzzzzzzcall digium :)
06:58.08coppice_Eagle_ I don't mean the 275K -> 33k substations. I means the little ones that feed 110V or 230V down your street
06:58.12*** part/#asterisk AKOBELAN (
06:58.59sumahi good morning
06:59.08_Eagle_coppice:  oh... we call those transformers....  and they only service 3 houses each
07:00.07_Eagle_around here, there's an average of 3 houses per transformer
07:00.23jorgeraidelhey somebody send me the website of telco
07:00.33sumatelco ?
07:00.38_Eagle_jorger:  which one?  there are hundreds
07:01.04jorgeraidelfor internet service
07:01.13sumawhere are you based
07:01.19jorgeraideli need t1 foe next week for my astersik
07:01.22coppice_Eagle_: Ah, that sounds a rather low density area. In Europe most people in suburbs have a substation thats about 1 per 2 or three streets - maybe 100 houses.
07:01.25jorgeraidel.....: )
07:01.38_Eagle_jorger:  well, good luck... typical install time for a T1 is 4-6 weeks
07:02.08coppice_Eagle_ bloody hell. we complain about waiting 5 workign days!
07:02.12jorgeraidelyes I know
07:02.24sumahow do i know whether the registration of a SIP is succeded or failed in *
07:02.32sumaor even IAX
07:02.45sumais there is a way to register a callback agi ?
07:02.52jorgeraidelfor that I need to find the best offert about prices and quality service
07:03.11_Eagle_coppice:  first it has to go to engineering... then they go to provisioning... then to dispatch... then 2 truck rolls...  then testing... etc
07:03.59_Eagle_jorger:  what city and state?  residential or business?  voice or data?
07:04.11coppice_Eagle_: Well, I still think 5 working days is too much :-)
07:05.20jorgeraidelok house Miami
07:05.29jorgeraideldata and voice it if possible
07:05.50_Eagle_jorger:  find a local CLEC in florida... they'll have better pricing than your ILEC
07:06.16Zzzzzzzcan someone try calling me over iaxtel ?
07:06.22jorgeraidelI going to search in google
07:06.27jorgeraidelis CLEC?
07:06.57_Eagle_CLEC = competitive local exchange carrier
07:07.11_Eagle_local phone companies that compete with the big incumbent carriers
07:07.18_Eagle_made possible by the 1996 telecom act
07:07.38Zzzzzzzor anyone that wants to buy low level telco services at non-tarrifed rates
07:07.41_Eagle_contact local ISP's in miami and ask them what CLEC's they know if in the area
07:08.12Zzzzzzzor just ask your PUC who is registered in the state
07:08.46jorgeraidelbut sorry what is the clec
07:09.00srinivassomeone here shipped through UPS international?
07:09.09_Eagle_i just told you what a CLEC is
07:09.30srinivasI had problem shipping two channel banks from them yesterday....
07:09.36jorgeraideloh yes sorry
07:09.48jorgeraidelI read
07:11.55_Eagle_well, i need sleep
07:11.58_Eagle_bye folks!
07:12.00srinivasAlso.. anyone here from India with Channel banks???
07:12.12srinivasusing * from India?
07:14.10jorgeraidelhey wiich is the exacly uses of channel bank
07:14.56*** join/#asterisk AKOBELAN (
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07:17.36jorgeraidelwell bye every body
07:19.26sumais there is a SIP API already implemented in C ?
07:19.51sumahi srinivas
07:20.34*** join/#asterisk manoz (
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07:31.24amplehi i'm high
07:32.30srinivassuma: hi
07:32.38srinivassuma: was away for a while...
07:36.20*** part/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
08:04.20MocWARNING[1142135600]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 4798 (socket_read): Received mini frame before first full voice frame
08:04.39Moceach time I compile a new CVS, I see new errors ... hehe it funny ...
08:05.28sumaha ha
08:05.36sumathere is something new out there Moc
08:05.59sumaMoc: you know any implementation of SIP in C ?
08:06.00MocWell, I heard about SIPUra device today
08:06.11Mocnope, well asterisk itself
08:06.11sumaoh, tell me Moc
08:06.28sumaNope, asterisk does not has full SIP capabilities
08:06.38sumaSUPURA ??
08:06.47suma*SIPURA ?
08:06.53Mocwell it ata 186 like device, but web interface is nice, and has more feature, and cost 100$
08:07.07sumayes i know Moc
08:07.16sumanot sure about its functionalities
08:07.24sumahow reliable like Cisco
08:07.31Mocppl started talking about it, it seem very nice
08:07.32sumaI'm using Cisco for more than a year
08:07.43sumanot even faced a single problem
08:07.57sumalet us wait for their good firmware
08:08.03sumathey have something buggy out there
08:08.22Mocyes, also ppl started talkinb about a new beta for GrandStream version b35
08:09.05sumaGrandstream is doing perfect
08:09.08sumai like it
08:09.24sumai like always best price Moc
08:09.30Mocwell I hope next GS firmware better than 30 version
08:09.44sumathere is a INDIAN company coming out with a SIP phone for $10
08:09.47Mocyes price is nice, but plastics of device could be better
08:10.08sumais the plastic that much worst ?
08:10.23Mocwell, it could have being better, to make it look like a good phone
08:10.28Mocit cheap plastics
08:10.31sumai c
08:10.38sumaeverything is cheap inside
08:10.42sumais it :-)
08:11.15sumaMoc: do you have experience with channel banks ?
08:11.18MocI hope farfon will get some new design..
08:11.21Mocnope none
08:11.31sumafarfon will change the market,
08:11.41sumai really appreciate wasim for that
08:11.52sumayou know what
08:12.01sumafarfon holds a asterisk inside
08:12.46sumait must be with complex functionalities  and simple device
08:12.47Mocwell donno about that. .. but we will see
08:13.10sumait will released in early 2004 it seems
08:13.17Mocthe hardest is making the board, once it done, you can make the shell that you want... and market it
08:13.28MocIAXy is also comming soon I hope
08:13.41sumaless than a month ??
08:13.58MocI think so, my best bet it will be launch at the linux expo
08:14.11sumawhen is linux expo ?
08:14.38Mocthis month
08:15.30sumadate ?
08:16.28Moccheck linuxexpo website
08:16.34Mocor digium website
08:16.40brc007are full SIP capabilities planned for asterisk?
08:16.43sumayes doing that Moc ?
08:16.50sumanot surebrc
08:17.11brc007what is IAXy?
08:17.11sumaseen in one email there is a little complexities with few functions
08:17.30Mocbrc007: ATA 186 device but using IAX instead of SIP
08:17.43Mocsmaller than Cisco, and cost less
08:17.52brc007I see
08:17.53sumai wish these devices must have a FXO Moc
08:17.58sumawhat you say
08:18.01brc007any idea on a price range?
08:18.14Moceverything is about 100$ rightnow ..
08:18.14*** join/#asterisk jcsitte (
08:18.16brc007not bad
08:18.18sumaha ha
08:18.31Shido6_try 125
08:18.53MocSIPUra is kind of better since it have 2 independent port for 100$, but it still SIP..
08:18.56sumashido6_  you can go to even 75
08:19.22brc007is there any more info on the IAXy somewhere on digiums site?
08:19.27sumano brc
08:19.32sumaconfidential :)
08:19.35sumanot sure
08:19.37sumayou can google it
08:19.48suma~google iaxy
08:19.49Moctalked to ppl that had the preproduction models
08:20.29sumathere is a confusion with maths here
08:20.32sumaxy variables
08:20.40sumagoogle got confused
08:20.50sumashould get clear in a month ;)
08:21.22Zzzzzzzdoes any1 have a g.729 codec for * ?
08:22.02sumaha ha
08:22.07sumacheck it
08:22.19sumanothing is free in this world :)
08:22.21Zzzzzzzoh, come on, somebody has to have some g.729 code
08:22.25Moccan't be free, patents.
08:22.28Moci guess
08:22.44Zzzzzzzthe patents don't prevent a free implementation
08:22.54brc007Moc: what'd people who have preproduction IAXy's think of it?
08:22.56Zzzzzzzalthough they might prevent its use in countries where it is patented
08:22.59sumaif you get the code, please share it with me
08:23.10sumai'm also looking for it
08:23.20Zzzzzzzsomeone on here jsut earlier said they had tried a non-digium g.729 with * and had a limit of 53 simulated calls
08:23.50sumaheard people saying 120 licenses in a sinlge asterisk machine
08:23.52Mocbrc007: This isformation is clasified
08:24.05brc007you can kill me after you tell me
08:24.11brc007no really you can
08:24.13Criponbrc007: I like mine
08:24.43Criponbrc007: I have #1 sitting here next to me.  Works like a charm and the quality is top notch.
08:24.48sumaCripon: you know any implementation of SIP Library ?
08:24.55sumain C
08:25.24Criponsuma: nope. sorry.
08:25.26sumais there is a 24fxs to T1 converter ?
08:25.34sumacripon: thanks for your time
08:26.00Criponsuma channel bank.. adtran 750 with 6 fxs modules
08:27.02sumais digium is not having such like ?
08:27.05brc007is there a list of * developers anywhere?
08:27.10*** join/#asterisk dsm123 (
08:27.24sumathere is a developer list in asterisk website
08:28.51brc007thanks, guess I just missed it
08:29.45Criponsuma: where is that?
08:30.21sumawhat cripon ?
08:30.34Criponsuma: dev list
08:32.06suma~google asterisk dev
08:32.25sumacripon: did you gave proper search ?
08:33.44sumai think channel banks were costly than ATA 186
08:34.51Criponyou said there's a list of developers on the asterisk site.. I'm saying.. show me that list.. not point me to the dev mailing list.
08:35.09sumaoops ...
08:35.28sumait is a mixed of lot of softwares
08:35.48Criponsuma: :-) no worries.. U all have a good night..
08:35.51sumanot sure whether it will fill any pages if yout put its developers list
08:40.06*** join/#asterisk fyman (
08:57.37Zzzzzzzhas anyone here used SCCP or MGCP with * ?
09:06.06denonya know ..
09:06.09denonapt-get moo rocks
09:08.25bkw_emerge rocks
09:09.19denonmore than apt-get moo?
09:10.15bkw_emerge just rox
09:17.04*** join/#asterisk kent (
09:17.42kenthow far our is 2.6 + zaptel?
09:20.52denonhow come? its perfectly stable on 2.4
09:22.14*** join/#asterisk argos (
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09:25.58Mocbkw_: still here ?
09:28.39*** join/#asterisk ^sly^ (
09:29.23brc007bkw don't you ever sleep?
09:35.36denonhe's snoozin on the job as we speak
09:36.26Moclol hehe
09:36.51brc007hey you happen to know if the announce callers position in line and aprox wait time patch ever got into CVS?
09:37.11MocI dont think so
09:37.42brc007reading the bugs...
09:37.46brc007should be sleeping instead
09:38.10brc007any idea if it's going to happen? from what I could tell it's ready...
09:38.16Mocsame here, but I decided to see if doing something like might be a good idea
09:38.32Mocsmall news site for *
09:39.15brc007your site?
09:39.29Mocyes just decided to do that 40 min ago
09:39.50Mocok 1 hours ago hehe
09:39.57Mocbut im burning dvd at the same time
09:39.59brc007I like the design
09:40.36brc007any plans for a comment system (al'la slashdot)?
09:41.17Mocmaybe ... It manual rightnow ..! (muhahahah)
09:42.42brc007comeon post some more jucy news!
09:42.48brc007I've read it all now :)
09:43.41brc007change the <title> when you get a chance :p
09:44.15Mochehe yep..
09:44.56Moclooking into installing slashdot
09:45.45brc007big project
09:47.29brc007hey look it's a cow! quick grab it!
09:49.24voidptrgrrr, damn who put that stupid bell around my neck
09:49.40brc007'grab it' (TM) said in pledge 'GRAB IT' (TM) duster voice
09:49.49brc007I HATE that ad
09:53.02brc007I*SNIP* oh forget it
09:53.43amplesweet moc
09:53.50amplelike the website
09:54.35amplehaving slashdot would be nice
09:54.39ampleso we can make comments
09:54.47ampleeven phpnuke would work
09:54.51*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
09:55.29MocI might not want ppl commenting my english is VERY BAD on everypost ..
09:56.10ampleit add character
09:56.51brc007write a patch to add spell checking to slash code :p..bunch of /. people have been askng for it for a long time
09:57.09brc007while you're at it write a dupe checker would'ja?
10:01.03ampleand an anti-troll thingie
10:01.10ampleand an auto-news-poster
10:01.17ampleand a free beer
10:01.28MocI keep it simple for the moment and see how ppl kind of like it .. hehe
10:01.31brc007and an anti tubgirl thingie
10:01.56brc007I love thingies
10:01.57ampleand an anti-hottub-poop-floaty
10:02.15amplei better crash
10:02.26brc007haven't seen that one'
10:02.46brc007saw a quarter of tub was a hacked amazon link
10:02.50brc007didn't want to see more
10:02.58brc007have fun with /code
10:03.51Mocgona keep plain old html for the moment like I said
10:12.32*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
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10:56.04*** join/#asterisk l-fy (
10:56.29voidptrmorning l-fy
10:57.09l-fyhi voidptr
11:03.45*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
11:32.26*** join/#asterisk bobman (
11:33.15*** join/#asterisk foo8ar (
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11:39.59bobman*yawns* *mumbles* G'morning.
11:42.52*** join/#asterisk foo8ar_ (
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11:43.20kapejodhi foo8ar_, how's .se?
11:45.58*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
11:48.04*** join/#asterisk Tangent (
11:48.17TangentMorning all
11:51.56*** join/#asterisk foo8ar___ (
11:53.02sumagood morning
11:53.19kapejodmorning suma
11:53.28af_moin to all!!!!
11:53.41sumakapejod: i'm looking for SIP C Library in linux
11:54.13kapejodsuma: there is chan_sip.c ;)
11:54.15kapejodaf_: morning
11:54.34*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
11:54.59sumacan i call chan_sip.c from outside asterisk ?
11:56.08sumalike, sipsession sip = new sipsession(); sip->register("server","username","password");  sip->getresponse(); like that
11:56.25kapejodwell, it will take a bit of effort, but it can be done
11:56.26kapejodno, not like that
11:56.51sumai have seen LIBSIP++ but could not download it from anywhere
11:56.53kapejodyou are thinking c++
11:57.16sumaeither a C or C++ library it is alright for me kapejod
11:57.50kapejodwhy dont you use *?
11:58.04sumai want to register and check the status of registration
11:58.10sumaof a SIP register
11:58.37sumacan i register a callback with asterisk to get the response codes ?
11:59.01*** join/#asterisk foo8ar____ (
11:59.16kapejodlook at chan_sip
11:59.56sumagot my brian out when i look at that codes
12:00.08ScaredyCatyou have a brian?
12:00.17ScaredyCata personal bkw ?
12:00.27sumaha ha
12:03.38foo8ar____hi cape
12:05.04kapejodhi foo8ar____
12:06.19*** join/#asterisk foo8ar (
12:06.46foo8arhi kapejod
12:07.00foo8arby link joddles today
12:07.05foo8army link
12:07.27kapejodraindeer on your dsl line? ;)
12:08.00foo8ari just moved in to my new house and got myself a vdsl link
12:08.29ScaredyCatglad to see you have your priorities straight :D
12:08.49ScaredyCatstep 1:Move in to new house
12:08.56ScaredyCatstep 2: get vdsl
12:09.09ScaredyCatstep 3: go in irc, join #asterisk
12:09.29foo8arhowever i guess it needs some tuning
12:09.29foo8arwell its hard to get a vdsl line without a adress
12:10.05ScaredyCatunpacked boxes
12:10.10foo8arwhat about chan_capi, did you get those new card out yet?
12:10.33ScaredyCatooh yeah... your Octo card ready kapejod?
12:10.56kapejodthe quadBRI is out (with experimental drivers)
12:11.08kapejodchan_capi needs some work too
12:11.38kapejodi will have an octoBRI prototype on tuesday
12:12.15kapejodfoo8ar: come to the OS telephony summit and see it
12:12.32ScaredyCatit's in a field - in Germany
12:12.35*** join/#asterisk sniffe (
12:16.50foo8arso the silent night still rules?
12:17.13foo8arnot much of activity today, or still cracking nuts?
12:17.36foo8arwell not those
12:18.02ScaredyCatit's saturday...
12:18.11ScaredyCatprolly all sleeping still :D
12:18.17foo8artrue true
12:19.12foo8arat 1300 hours
12:19.42ScaredyCat... well... they could be doing the weekly shop too...
12:19.53ScaredyCati can't account for them all..
12:21.47foo8ari was thinking on getting CID info from a url
12:21.47foo8arhas either of you two seen anything like it
12:22.18ScaredyCatwhy a url?
12:23.24ScaredyCator do you mean from a sip call?
12:23.36kapejodi think pino did something for italy...
12:24.37foo8arbecause I dont have a full db of all the numbers in .se
12:24.37foo8ari dont even have a db
12:24.37foo8ar:) ?
12:25.39kapejod*sigh* is sweden yeah?
12:26.04ScaredyCat... ok
12:26.17ScaredyCatgimmie a .se phone number then
12:26.26foo8arbut I can send a url like and get a name
12:26.41ScaredyCatcountry code + 5 digits should do
12:26.43foo8ar+46 18 255052
12:27.03kapejodwrite a small agi in php to set ${CALLERID} with the name
12:27.13ScaredyCatConnecting to MySQL...
12:27.13ScaredyCatLocation: Sweden Uppsala
12:27.13ScaredyCatClosest Match: 4618
12:27.22kapejodpiece of cake
12:27.25dncive been there!
12:27.28dncit was nice
12:27.36dnclots of trees
12:27.43dncand lakes full of brown alge stuff...
12:27.48dncit was like swimming in tea
12:28.06foo8ar+46 18 257881
12:28.16[Sim]hi guys
12:28.32dncsorry we arent thrilling you [Sim] :(
12:30.30ScaredyCatsame foo8ar...
12:30.43ScaredyCatif you have more local codes that would be good
12:30.56ScaredyCatwake up sleepy
12:31.22voidptrmoo @ everyone
12:33.00foo8ar+46 709 279400
12:34.31ScaredyCatConnecting to MySQL...
12:34.31ScaredyCatLocation: Sweden Mobile
12:34.31ScaredyCatClosest Match: 46709
12:35.35ScaredyCatit sould be ptretty eary for u to write an agi script to send and parse the output from that web page foo8ar
12:35.55foo8arI will look into that
12:35.56ScaredyCatpretty easy even
12:36.09[Sim]powerfailure in my house did have one good effect
12:36.15ScaredyCatI don;t have it down to that scale - except for some countries
12:36.20[Sim]strangely enough my rtp seems to function again
12:36.57ScaredyCat[root@ASTERISK agidev]# ./cli-lookup 12125939244
12:36.57ScaredyCatConnecting to MySQL...
12:36.57ScaredyCatLocation: USA New York VERIZON NEW YORK INC.
12:36.57ScaredyCatClosest Match: 1212593
12:36.57voidptr[Sim] probably your firewall is wide open now
12:37.14[Sim]thats ok, we have another box to deal with that
12:37.19voidptrScaredyCat : time it :)
12:37.34ScaredyCatI fixed it during the night [Sim]
12:37.42ScaredyCatvoidptr: it's too quick
12:37.54voidptrtime ./cli-lookup 12125939244
12:38.09ScaredyCat[root@ASTERISK agidev]# time ./cli-lookup 12125939244
12:38.09ScaredyCatConnecting to MySQL...
12:38.09ScaredyCatLocation: USA New York VERIZON NEW YORK INC.
12:38.09ScaredyCatClosest Match: 1212593
12:38.11ScaredyCatreal    0m0.196s
12:38.13ScaredyCatuser    0m0.004s
12:38.15ScaredyCatsys     0m0.008s
12:38.16[Sim]scaredycat, ah okay
12:38.21[Sim]thanks then :)
12:39.06ScaredyCatis that too slow voidptr?
12:39.09[Sim]in that case we'll need to go and drink beer :)
12:39.12voidptrdunno :)
12:40.54ScaredyCatvoidptr: it seems fairly consistant
12:46.58voidptryou should use some random numbers maybe :)
12:47.26ScaredyCati have
12:47.39ScaredyCat[root@ASTERISK agidev]# time ./cli-lookup 995585884
12:47.39ScaredyCatConnecting to MySQL...
12:47.39ScaredyCatLocation: Georgia
12:47.39ScaredyCatClosest Match: 995
12:47.42ScaredyCatreal    0m0.183s
12:47.44ScaredyCatuser    0m0.002s
12:47.46ScaredyCatsys     0m0.012s
12:47.48ScaredyCat[root@ASTERISK agidev]# time ./cli-lookup 12321923932
12:47.50ScaredyCatConnecting to MySQL...
12:47.52ScaredyCatLocation: USA
12:47.54ScaredyCatClosest Match: 1
12:47.58ScaredyCatreal    0m0.196s
12:48.00ScaredyCatuser    0m0.004s
12:48.02ScaredyCatsys     0m0.006s
12:52.50*** join/#asterisk sxpert (
12:56.24dannieScaredyCat: where'd you get that database?
12:56.39*** join/#asterisk foo8ar_ (
12:56.51ScaredyCatdannie: i built it
12:57.35ScaredyCatonce i've cleaned it up i'll release it
13:00.28dannieScaredyCat: cool!
13:01.20ScaredyCatdon't hold your breath... i've got a bucket load of stuff to do... it's pretty low on my list
13:06.34*** join/#asterisk foo8ar___ (
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13:15.00puzzledtholo: you called?
13:15.41sxpertlevon: heya
13:16.18tholoYeah -- let me send you the current (not yet released) schema that has some comments about what fields are for.  Then tell me if that is enough to answer your questions...?
13:16.47*** join/#asterisk foo8ar____ (
13:18.55tholoHm.  Or maybe it was t he wrong Patrick...
13:19.18puzzledtholo: yup, I have no idea what you are talking about :)
13:19.25tholoSorry. :)
13:21.32*** join/#asterisk foo8ar_____ (
13:34.16zoatholo, you still awake ?
13:36.21*** join/#asterisk foo8ar______ (
14:02.07danniehow long before the shockwave game of feeding babies to crocs appears?
14:04.03*** join/#asterisk dimmik (~dimmik@
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14:09.05KillerBeemorning all....
14:10.16coppiceYeah. When I see some coffee writing software, I'll be content to do some :-)
14:10.59*** join/#asterisk Seg4l (
14:11.34*** join/#asterisk foo8ar (
14:12.22voidptrhappy newyear boy ;)
14:13.04KillerBeevoidptr ahahahahahahahah.. was that YOU
14:13.35TangentWhat's the best way to go about making .gsm samples to use for voicemenus etc?
14:14.25cdegroothigh quality recording, then use audacity to cut the prompts and then sox to resample and renormalize to gsm
14:14.51Tangentcdegroot: OK.. thanks
14:15.00TangentWhat's the easiest way?
14:15.05cdegrootpeople who tell you that because it is just 8kHz sound you can use your built-in laptop mic don't know a thing about sound recording ;-)
14:15.24TangentI don't have any good microphones
14:15.25cdegrootdunnow - I use a Yamaha digital studio and a studio quality condenser mic.
14:15.37cdegrootbut the mic alone will set you back 400 dollars...
14:16.07TangentNod... The best Mic I've got is the desk-mic that came with my Soundblaster
14:16.25coppiceTangent: Take it from a hardened voice prompt recorder. If you give a damn about your prompts, that *is* the easy way. Choose a quite room. No machines running. No aircons and such like. Its suprising the noise they make.
14:16.33cdegrootshould be good enough as long as you cut down on environmental noise and don't speak into the mic, speak 'sideways'
14:17.18cdegrootyou're probably better of using a casette tape recorder in a quiet room then trying to record with your computer fans running.
14:17.36zoajust use an ordinary headset
14:17.41zoaits for voip remember
14:17.45zoaquality doesnt have to be good
14:17.50cdegrootzoa: bull.
14:17.55Tangentcdegroot: Given the number and variety of machines I have, recording in here has no-chance
14:18.36cdegrootzoa: if you start with shitty sound recording, you'll get shitty voice prompts. Environmental noise and mic distortions will just happily be downsampled together with your voice
14:19.08cdegrootTangent: long cable to the next room, hit record on your PC, run to the next room, and start talking ;-).
14:19.44cdegrootmaking an accoustically dead box e.g. by crawling into a sleeping bag helps a lot
14:20.07TangentMmmm... sleep...
14:20.28coppicezoa: bull is right. people's perception of voice prompts is totally different to their perception of chit chat quality they will never hear twice
14:20.30voidptri can imagine me sitting at work
14:20.39voidptrwith a headset, and a sleeping bag over me
14:22.01coppicevoidptr: I've worked in places that cold
14:24.32*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
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14:29.33*** join/#asterisk Link (
14:30.52LinkDoes anyone know of a reputable provider that will terminate my T1/PRI DID's with my asterisk
14:31.29*** join/#asterisk bobov (
14:32.07LinkCan some of you tell me who you are using to terminate your Asterisk using T1
14:32.53bobovDoes anyone have the tolerance to help a newbie with asterisk compile problems? New to linux , too, so it could be slow going.
14:34.38Tangentbobov: What problem and which linux distro?
14:37.24bobovI have redhat 9 on a Pentium II. I was following instructions from
14:37.56bobovThere is a part where I use cvs to get the asterisk stuff. that went fine, but during the compile of some of the times, I get lots of errors.
14:38.01bobovthe zaptel went fine.
14:38.15bobovbut asterisk has many not found messages.
14:38.35Tangentdo you have openssl-dev and libreadline-dev and bison all installed?
14:39.10Tangentand kernel source in /usr/src/linux?
14:39.29*** join/#asterisk Traiden (
14:39.34bobovI will check again. I did download some type of ssl and many dependencies. I also did bison. I also did something called readline4.
14:39.43bobovI don't think I have libreadline-dev.
14:40.09TangentI'm not sure what it would be called under redhat... in debian it's libreadline4-dev
14:40.15ScaredyCatSelect ‘Flat View’ and ensure that the following ADDITIONAL items are selected:
14:40.20ScaredyCatNcurses C++ Devel
14:40.23*** join/#asterisk folsson (
14:40.28bobovI do not have a folder call linux. I did download linux source at one point.
14:40.40bobovYes, I have those.
14:40.44*** part/#asterisk Shido6 (
14:40.57Tangentbobov: Is it failing on some linux/include stuff ?
14:41.41jimmyz? on vpn and nat
14:42.09jimmyzhow do i get * to use my vpn address instead of my outside address
14:42.21jimmyzfor sip x-lite
14:42.32bobovI will run it again and tell you. Should i start from the beginning with the zaptel directory, then libpri and then asterisk?
14:42.51TangentJust the bits that are failing
14:43.36bobovokay. does it hurt to do them in a different order? In otherwords if some parts of libpri fail, will that hurt trying to compile asterisk? And should I have a directory called linux somewhere?
14:44.09Tangentbobman: I expect that you need libpri in order for asterisk to compile
14:44.14bobovscaredycat, I never was able to find a way to do flatview.
14:44.31ScaredyCatmight have changed in rh9 ..
14:44.45bobovokay i'll do libpri again becuse I don't recall if that ran clean or not. As I understand it, I should type make install.
14:44.59Tangentmake clean && make install
14:45.00ScaredyCatmake clean; make install
14:46.40bobovThat seemed to go okay.  now i will go to the asterisk directory in /usr/src/asterisk.
14:47.59bobov"make[1]:Entering directlry /user/src/asterisk/codecs
14:48.02*** join/#asterisk foo8ar__ (
14:48.20bobovMakefile:95: .depend: No such file or directory.
14:48.33bobovThat happens with the make clean.  But there is a directory with that name.
14:48.50bobovis that a problem?
14:49.17TangentYeah... that looks like a problem
14:49.35ScaredyCatwhen u did a cvs checkout you did:
14:49.40bobovThen there are seven lines about codec_g723_1.c about no such file or directory.
14:49.46The sleazoid bites the panther. The beholder is killed! The demilich eats a jackal corpse
14:49.47ScaredyCatcvs checkout zaptel libpri asterisk ?
14:49.58bobovone sec...
14:50.27jimmyzhow do you get * to use the right ip address when connect by vpn
14:50.32jimmyzfor x-lite
14:50.40ScaredyCatthen u did cd zaptel;make;make install
14:50.41bobovmy cousin also had me re-download it via ftp as opposed to cvs, last night.  same thing.
14:50.55ScaredyCatnot v 0.0.5 ?
14:51.01ScaredyCator sommat...
14:51.08ScaredyCata tarbakk?
14:51.24bobovyes...that a bad idea? I can wipe out and do again.
14:51.25ScaredyCat(ending in .tar.gz ?
14:51.36ScaredyCatyes... that version is bug ridden
14:51.38bobovI did cd zaptel, but did NOT do make, just make install.
14:51.50bobovyes, ending in tar.gz.
14:51.58ScaredyCatok, use cvs versions...
14:52.09bobovokay. should I just delete all or is there a procedure to remove this stuff?
14:52.31ScaredyCatjust do a cvs checkout again from  /usr/src
14:52.37ScaredyCatcd /usr/src
14:52.48ScaredyCatcvs checkout zaptel libpri asterisk
14:52.48*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
14:52.58bobovi'm there...will do it now.
14:53.06*** join/#asterisk nguyen_sh (~Nguyen@
14:53.08ScaredyCat(you might want asterisk-addons too)
14:53.15ScaredyCatcvs checkout zaptel libpri asterisk asterisk-addons
14:53.24ScaredyCatbut it's not essential
14:53.32bobovThe guide to asterisk says to do export CVSROOT= and a buch of stuff. I still have to do that, right?
14:53.47ScaredyCatif you are still logged in to cvs no prob.
14:53.55ScaredyCatyou don;t need to do it agian
14:54.06bobovNo, haven't logged in today.
14:54.32ScaredyCatwell, if you do a cvs login and it bitches at you then you will need it
14:55.54bobovI'm ready to do the cvs checkout.  This procedure will automatically overwrite the existing directories so that I won't have old stuff in the way?
14:56.57bobovokay, it is doing it now. thanks very much for taking the time. It's appreciated. I'm very very very impressed with how far Linux has advanced.
14:56.57ScaredyCatok, when it has done the checkout... do
14:57.00bobovI've been looking for a way out of the Microsoft prison...
14:57.07data[Zzz]good luck
14:57.08ScaredyCatcd zaptel ; make clean; make install
14:57.14data[Zzz]caus once j00 check in, j00 can never leave
14:57.23ScaredyCat:) lol
14:57.51bobovmy girlfriend must think i'm nuts in here chuckling outloud to myself and typing furiously.
14:58.01]data[don't they all :)
14:58.12]data[cept if ya have a gf that uses irc too
14:58.21]data[then she'll be nickin ya keyboard
14:58.31ScaredyCator nicking yer nick
14:59.00dougheckacomputer case mod
14:59.02]data[hmm, i've never had that
14:59.14bobovokay, the zaptel is going fine so far.
14:59.40bobovnext I do libpri...
15:00.43bobovwhile i am waiting for zaptel to finish, i see somelings that say -I/usr/src/linux/include ....but I don't have a directory structure like that.
15:00.48nguyen_shGuys, just a little question, can I use the T100P with Adtran (or whatever) for splitting the T1 to 24 analog channels? I don't have the T1 to telco, just want to facing the old analog PBX here.
15:00.55ScaredyCatdoughecka: ok, even tho i think case mods are dumb, that''s quite impressive
15:01.13data[DERP]back to coding DERP
15:01.29bobov"gcc -I/usr/src/linux-2.4/include blah blahb...but I don't have that directory.
15:01.52ScaredyCatdid you install the kernel sources?
15:02.09ScaredyCatls -la /usr/src
15:02.20ScaredyCatyou ave a linux dir?
15:02.44bobovI see it created a shortcut to the actual folder name.
15:02.47bobovnever mind...
15:03.04ScaredyCatit would be moaning at u if it couldn;t find them
15:03.52bobovokay, zaptel is done. It definitely took longer than the first time. Also, i have a message "you have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root but how can that be? I don't have an email account.
15:04.23*** join/#asterisk coppice (
15:04.29dougheckabobov: haha
15:04.31dougheckaI get that too
15:04.39dougheckaits an internal email thing
15:04.50dougheckaI have a cvs script that runs every 5 min
15:05.00dougheckaand theres bug where if its allready running... it emails root
15:05.14bobovoh.  Linux is fascinating. It's the first time in many years that I'm forced to sit and read a manual. It's very interesting.
15:05.22ScaredyCatbobov: you do have a mail account, you just don't know it
15:05.27bobovokay libpri is done.
15:05.41ScaredyCatyou are prolly running sendmail too
15:06.00ScaredyCatdon;t worry about it.. the system will send u mails about stuff
15:06.02bobovmakeclean still shows the codec directory errors.
15:06.15bobovmails that I don't know how to read!
15:06.53ScaredyCatquit to exit, d <number> to delete
15:07.12ScaredyCatyou have a public ip bobov?
15:07.15bobovi quit
15:07.25bobovyes, but I'm behind a firewall.
15:07.34bobovI don't dare to put it in the dmz on this public channel.
15:07.40bobovprivate chat, yes.
15:09.43jimmyzquestions on vpn and default gateway on the vpn connection
15:09.46jimmyzanyone got a min
15:11.54*** join/#asterisk point (~litw@
15:12.07*** join/#asterisk telecomt (
15:13.20jimmyzwhen i make a vpn connection to my work vpn and use that as my default gateway i can register my sip phone
15:13.48jimmyzbut if i uncheck "use default gateway" on the vpn connection i can't use my sip phone
15:14.13[Sim]what happens exactly ?
15:14.47jimmyznot using default gateway on vpn * users my external ip so it doesn't work
15:15.09jimmyzi have an internal ip but i can't get * to use it
15:16.13[Sim]you're still not being clear enough about what happens, but I can imagine the following
15:16.33[Sim]if you use a sip phone, by default asterisk will try to connect your rtp stream directly to the one of the other party
15:17.01[Sim]if you don't have your vpn router as a default gateway, I can imagine you cannot route directly to the other party's phone
15:17.28[Sim]if you want to try that, add 'canreinvite=no' to your sip configurations (your phone definition) there a way in the sip.conf to force * to use a certain ip address
15:18.45[Sim]for most intents and purposes, yes
15:18.45[Sim]you could make a static ip definition to your sip.conf entry by adding a host= field
15:18.45jimmyzi can make it work if i use "default gateway" on the vpn connection but then all my internet traffic goes through work also when i do that
15:18.45[Sim]yes, it does that
15:19.06jimmyzok let me look at that host=
15:19.44*** join/#asterisk jon_ (~jon@
15:20.21jimmyzhere is what i have
15:23.05jimmyzok change nat=no and it works now
15:23.55jimmyzcan host="dns name" ?
15:30.58*** part/#asterisk nguyen_sh (~Nguyen@
15:46.14ScaredyCatbug in cvs!
15:46.39dougheckaWHOOP WHOOP WHOOP!!!!!
15:47.23ScaredyCat%vm-forwardoptions.gsm%forwarding options
15:47.29ScaredyCatneeds to be added to sounds.txt
15:48.31dougheckacp busy vm-forwardoptions.gsm
15:49.22ScaredyCatit needs to be added to the text file, or the make install fails
15:49.56j35I'm looking at for service and I can't even seem to find their rates
15:51.26voidptrj35 : you have to request them by calling them
15:51.32voidptror mail
15:51.33j35lol makes sense :)
15:51.52j35how are they compared to voicepulse connect?
15:52.06dougheckaj35 2.9 cents, incoming and outgoing...
15:52.13doughecka10 bucks/mo for DID on east coast
15:52.19dougheckaand free incoming with a DID
15:52.29j35but isn't that the same rates as voicepulse connect?
15:52.31dougheckawithout a DID you get a toll free numba
15:52.39j35oh cool
15:53.41voidptrpom pom
16:01.48TangentThe sleeping bag worked nicely
16:02.03TangentBut cooledit's noise reduction worked best of all...
16:02.44TangentHow do I convert from WAV/PCM to .gsm ?
16:03.50FuzzyCatuse sox
16:04.03TangentJust installing it
16:04.09TangentAny idea of the parameters I need?
16:05.59*** join/#asterisk df_intell (
16:06.06df_intellGood morning.
16:08.03FuzzyCatsox wav-filename -c1 -r 8000 gsm-filename
16:08.21TangentFuzzyCat: Thanks
16:09.31voidptrtime to make dinner
16:09.42*** join/#asterisk Link (
16:09.48FuzzyCatstampot again voidptr? :P
16:09.58voidptrno i hate that stuff
16:10.03voidptri hate potatoes
16:10.04FuzzyCatglad to hear it
16:10.17voidptri had to eat them for 20 years every day
16:10.22voidptrNever again!
16:10.33LinkAnyone know why using windows recorder @ 8khz or 44khz sounds bad with making prompts
16:10.45Linkman this is suppose to be simple
16:10.49Linksounds bad
16:10.53voidptrbaked potatoes are oke though :)
16:11.03FuzzyCatLink: how are you converting?
16:11.11Linkusing Sox
16:11.17FuzzyCat"sox $src/$_ -c1 -r 8000 $sd/$f";
16:11.23FuzzyCatsox wav-filename -c1 -r 8000 gsm-filename
16:11.36LinkI am doing that after recording yes
16:11.58Linkwhat is the -c1
16:12.09df_intellvoid:  Are you irish (re potatoes)
16:12.21FuzzyCatok, bbiab shopping for fewd
16:12.28df_intellvoid:  Ok... it could be worse then :)
16:12.53voidptrpotatoes is one of the few things that actually grows here
16:13.10df_intellmmmm.... coffee :)
16:13.14voidptrpure river clay
16:13.23df_intellBTw, I got * installed in vmware..
16:13.30df_intellseems to work ok right now..
16:15.03*** join/#asterisk Jon_UK (
16:15.10Jon_UKAfternoon everyone!
16:15.27Jon_UKback with more SIP questions :)
16:15.54df_intelldoes anyone know when h3x usually is online?
16:16.22Jon_UKI think I am getting close to getting * to work with FWD from behind my NAT router. I now have got as far as getting the * server to register with FWD, however when a call comes though, there is no audio in either direction being sent though
16:16.51Jon_UKcould this be a protocol problem, or a problem with not having the right ports open at the router?
16:19.08okrummis it possible to connect the ata186 to fwd ?
16:19.32Jon_UKokrumm, there are loads of web pages with info on how to do that
16:19.48okrummplease point me to one that works!
16:20.05*** join/#asterisk telecomt (
16:20.35Jon_UKokrumm ...
16:21.35Jon_UKno one have any ideas about my FWD question??
16:23.16KillerBeeJon_UK .. its the rtp ports that are your problem
16:23.25*** join/#asterisk vindex (
16:23.48Jon_UKKillerBee, thanks for replying, any ideas how I can get past that problem ?
16:24.04KillerBeemy guess is that your letting through (nat) the 5060 (signalling ) proto but not the ...
16:24.45KillerBeeJon_UK send me 50 thousand dollars or answer a question fer me
16:24.56Jon_UKso far I have the following ports open.. 5060 5036 4569 10000-20000
16:25.25KillerBeeI'm guessing Ur in the UK.. what the the current percent of VAT
16:26.10Jon_UKreal hassle when your running your own business!
16:26.35KillerBeenow back the the problem..,, 50 thousand dollars fee waived
16:27.36KillerBeeJon_UK .. U have the 10000-20000 forwarded to Ur nat box
16:27.57Jon_UKall those ports I listed are forwarded directly to my * box
16:28.59KillerBeehave u done a tcpdump or ethereal to see if the packets R comming back?
16:29.02jimmyzcan someone look at my sip debug. trying to figure out where * is getting this ip from
16:29.34Jon_UKKillerBee: no, but that sounds like a good place to start
16:30.15Jon_UKI'll be back!!
16:30.19KillerBeeJon_UK ... U just messing around or are U doing a production install
16:30.31Jon_UKJust messing about at the moment
16:30.41Jon_UKstarted playing with this all yesterday... and love it so far!
16:30.48KillerBeecause U might want to chnage rtp.conf to make the rtp port range smaller for debuggin purposes
16:31.08Jon_UKok, thats a file I haven't even looked at yet !
16:31.26KillerBeeJon_UK... also ... make sure that iptables is not preventing the packets
16:31.54Jon_UKsounding really dense... where do I go to check that?
16:33.01KillerBeewhat firewall R U using?
16:33.19Jon_UKjust the inbuild one in the router
16:33.29Jon_UKI am not restricting much at the moment into the * server
16:34.04KillerBeehumm.. problem....R U making the * box a DMZ machine?
16:34.21dougheckaResponse Time     Usually measured in nanoseconds; sometimes measured in calendar months.
16:34.35Jon_UKnot really, just opening ports as required
16:34.44KillerBeedoughecka... give me money .. it helps improve response time
16:35.26KillerBeeJon_UK just to be clear... YOU've only allowed the ports we're talking about
16:35.35Jon_UKthats correct
16:35.56Jon_UKand only UDP at the moment on those poorts
16:35.58Jon_UKports I mean
16:36.00KillerBeethe reason I ask twice is that we're about to turn off all port restrictions built into the linux box.. JUST for testing
16:36.10KillerBeewhat distro R U using
16:36.34Jon_UKrehat 9
16:37.12KillerBeetype /etc/rc.d/init.d/iptables stop
16:37.30KillerBeethat will turn off all the ip "filtering"
16:37.36ScaredyCatservice iptables stop
16:37.39TangentIs there some way to put a time delay into extensions.conf? I want a few seconds pause before repeating a message
16:37.54ScaredyCatTangent: use Wait(x)
16:37.59ScaredyCatwhere x = seconds
16:38.01dougheckaP.S. The new disk quota of 30 blocks per user became effective yesterday. Anyone caught exceeding the quota will lose their accounts (this means you, Butterman!).
16:38.02TangentScaredyCat:: Thanks
16:38.15ScaredyCateg : exten ->1234,1,wait(4)
16:38.17Jon_UKok... I'll try the call again now
16:38.33ScaredyCat=> not ->
16:38.34KillerBeedoughecka....'comon give me an exception...
16:39.03ScaredyCat30 blocks! tight git
16:39.21KillerBeeso tight he might be able to make DIAMONDS
16:39.25ScaredyCatwhere will they store all their pr0n?
16:39.34ScaredyCatlol KillerBee
16:40.18heisonanyone knows why a macro doesn't work? I'm using the default macro-stdexten, but when i try to initiate with exten => 1002,Macro(stdexten,Zap/2), I only get a fast busy.
16:40.36KillerBeebrb almost noon. time for first beer
16:40.51loko-mokocan * be used to allow me to dial into my box for internet access?
16:41.11loko-mokoso when im traveling I am call my 800 number which goes into * (which also sits on the internet), and get online
16:41.32ScaredyCatloko-moko: in theory
16:41.38heison; Standard extension macro:
16:41.38heison;   ${ARG1} - Extension  (we could have used ${MACRO_EXTEN} here as well
16:41.38heison;   ${ARG2} - Device(s) to ring
16:41.40heisonexten => s,1,Dial(${ARG2},20)                                   ; Ring the interface, 20 seconds maximum
16:41.42heisonexten => s,2,Voicemail(u${ARG1})                                ; If unavailable, send to voicemail w/ unavail announce
16:41.45heisonexten => s,3,Goto(default,s,1)                                  ; If they press #, return to start
16:41.47heisonexten => s,102,Voicemail(b${ARG1})                              ; If busy, send to voicemail w/ busy announce
16:41.50heisonexten => s,103,Goto(default,s,1)                                
16:42.01ScaredyCatok, so you are missing an arg then
16:42.40heisonI was using exten => 1002,Macro(stdexten,1002,Zap/2)
16:42.49ScaredyCatyes that;s it
16:43.08jimmyzcan anyone tell me why host= but in sip debug it is using 65.169.x.x
16:43.08ScaredyCatexten => 1002,Macro(stdexten,Zap/2), I only get a fast busy.
16:43.16ScaredyCatis wrong..
16:43.30ScaredyCatis correct
16:43.37ScaredyCatprovided ZAP/2 exists
16:43.43ScaredyCatand vm ox 1002
16:44.05heisonI mis-typed the first time...
16:45.11heisonexten => 1002,Macro(stdexten,1002,Zap/2) still gives me fast  busy
16:45.52ScaredyCatyou have a phone in ZAP/2 ? is this a tdm400p ?
16:47.58Jon_UKKillerBee... I've tried that but still no audio
16:48.23KillerBeeJon_UK time to check packets.....
16:49.18KillerBeealso .. use ethereal... U can see the sip packets.. and any messages in the packets
16:49.52KillerBeemight see some interesting messages like.."NAT environment not allowed"
16:49.54heisonyes, it is a tdm400p, and this is working currently: exten => 1002,1,Dial(Zap/2,20)        
16:50.08KillerBeethen you'll have to register with the fwd proxy
16:50.48heisonthere is a patch for chan_sip.c to allow * to work behind NAT
16:51.18Jon_UKis registering with the fwd proxy an easier thing to try to start with? if so, what would I put in the sip.conf file to do that?
16:51.56*** join/#asterisk sniffe_ (
16:52.01KillerBeeheison tell
16:52.11KillerBeedont be shy.. share
16:52.50*** part/#asterisk df_intell (
16:54.07*** join/#asterisk coppice (
16:55.09KillerBeeJon_UK lets wait for the patch.....
16:55.23KillerBeesip and NAT do not play well togther
16:55.51Jon_UKI'm holding my breath for it ;)
16:56.03KillerBeeI'll drink beer while I wait
16:56.15Jon_UKthat sounds like a better idea!
16:56.34data[DERP]mmm beer
16:57.00jimmyzcan someone tell me why * will not use my host=ip address
16:57.07jimmyzin sip.conf
16:58.15Jon_UKthat link gives an access denied message?
16:58.20jimmyzit keeps trying to use the routers ip address instead of the one i put in host=
16:58.37Jon_UKdoh... got there
16:59.35*** join/#asterisk zwi (~zwi@
17:03.17heisontry make -j 2... but don't do it for asterisk, it fails.
17:03.26*** join/#asterisk foo8ar (
17:06.37Jon_UKKillerBee, can you run me though what I need to do with the patched file / files?
17:08.31KillerBeedownload the newest patch chan_sip.c.1.259.diff and put it in the /usr/src/asterisk/channels/ directory
17:08.46*** join/#asterisk sobol (
17:08.52*** join/#asterisk jorgeraidel (
17:09.14jorgeraidelI'm here jajajaj : )
17:09.17KillerBeethen goto the directory and type patch -p0 < chan_sip.c.1.259.diff
17:09.39KillerBeeit should ask you what file to patch...enter chan_sip.c
17:10.16*** join/#asterisk foo8ar_ (
17:11.05jorgeraidelhey please somebody tell me if it works musci on hold with ata 186 I flashed to 3.0 and works fine ?
17:14.45jorgeraidelsomebody know?
17:15.54loko-mokoi dont understand what your asking
17:16.00j35any idea where i can get some documentation that is actually useful on setting up voicemail ;)
17:16.12jorgeraidelok is my english ok
17:16.44jorgeraidelok I have one ata 186 conected to my asterisk server
17:16.48jorgeraideland works fine
17:17.06jorgeraidelbut it doesn't work musci on hold
17:17.23Corydon76-homeHow are you trying to invoke it?
17:18.10Corydon76-homej35:  try looking in voicemail.conf.  The comments are quite explicit
17:18.29j35thx :)
17:18.43Jon_UKkillerbee, do I need to do anything else?
17:19.06TangentI've uncommented the 'loud' line in musiconhold.conf
17:19.12KillerBeere-compile .. cd /usr/src/asterisk
17:19.15TangentThat's all so far
17:19.53KillerBeemake clean
17:19.57KillerBeemake install
17:20.08Jon_UKok brb...
17:20.12KillerBeeTangent... pick up the phone.... say please hold
17:20.19KillerBeeTangent then start to sing
17:20.37TangentKillerBee: I guess that's one solution :)
17:20.44KillerBeeJon_UK then dont foreget to restart *
17:20.44jorgeraidelI make everything and nothing
17:21.06TangentIt says it... Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/1003-c15f
17:21.10Tangentbut I don't hear anything
17:21.39KillerBeeTangent....have U U installed mpg123
17:21.47jorgeraidelmy asterisk said music on hold started but i don't heard nothing
17:21.48KillerBeeTangent or is it mgp321
17:22.03KillerBeeI forget.. the BEER is getting the better of me
17:22.04TangentI have now... testing again
17:22.31Corydon76-homejorgeraidel:  Yes, but WHAT are you running to try to listen to it?  i.e. how are you putting the call on hold?
17:22.43KillerBeeTangent.. what Is Ur fwd number?
17:22.46TangentYay... hold music
17:22.56TangentKillerBee: 17772... but it's out of order right now
17:23.08jorgeraidelwell I heard in the server when i running the mp3
17:23.19KillerBeecomoin log in.. I have some MOH fer ya
17:23.22TangentI haven't got around to moving my asterisk config over to the freshly installed copy on the firewall yet...
17:23.30TangentIt was still compiling last time I looked at it
17:23.42Corydon76-homejorgeraidel:  Run this on your command line:   echo | strings `which mpg123` | grep -c mpg123
17:24.08*** join/#asterisk ElJefe (
17:24.23KillerBeeTangent left ya a message.. check it soon
17:25.50*** join/#asterisk Mike-69 (
17:26.03jorgeraidelI am going to test now
17:26.11Jon_UKstill the same.... I guess its packet monitoring time then!
17:28.00Corydon76-homejorgeraidel:  what was the output of that command?
17:28.21jorgeraidelok wait sorry I turn on the server
17:28.34jorgeraidelI am going to put now
17:30.35jorgeraideli strings which mpg123 i grep -c mpg123
17:30.35jorgeraidel[root@voiceip asterisk]#
17:30.43jorgeraidelit said this
17:31.04KillerBeeJon_UK... can U give it a public IP?
17:31.13jimmyzis there a certain gsm codec you have to use to playback VM messages from an e-mail
17:32.27Corydon76-homejorgeraidel:  those aren't i's, they are pipes (vertical bars)
17:32.55Corydon76-homePlease cut and paste if possible
17:33.00Jon_UKKillerBee: I've just ordered a set of 8 address's from my ISP but thats about 10 days away yet
17:33.03jorgeraideloh ok sorry
17:33.18jorgeraidelbut my script I can't cut
17:33.22*** part/#asterisk Menace- (
17:33.26KillerBeeJon_UK.. that is really the simpliest way
17:33.36Corydon76-homeand the ticks are backticks
17:33.43Jon_UKI know... just impatient!
17:34.11Jon_UKalso being told something cant be done or is dificult is just a challenge for me :)
17:34.56KillerBeeJon_UK.. it can be done.. the question is DO YOU WANT TO TAKE THE TIME?
17:38.37Mochey he was here at 3 or 4am this morning
17:38.47Moc~seen bkw_
17:38.49bkw_ is currently on #asterisk (4d 11h 13m 27s).  Has said a total of 1533 messages.  Is idling for 8h 28m 34s
17:38.49ScaredyCatlazy sod
17:38.56Jon_UKOk totally differenct subject.... well kind of anyway!
17:39.20ScaredyCatbkw_ has been idling for a lot longer than that ;)
17:39.46Jon_UKI'm looking at the VOIP phones, and cant decide wheather to get the Budgetone phone or the Snom 200
17:39.58Corydon76-homeNo, that's consistent with 3 am
17:39.59Jon_UKis the functionality much better on the SNOM 200?
17:40.08*** join/#asterisk holger (
17:40.23ScaredyCatok, if you want headaches get the barbitones
17:40.32ScaredyCaterrm, budgetones...
17:40.46ScaredyCatthey are, and i think I speak for everyone, shit
17:40.46*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
17:40.49holgeris "the" asterisk channel?
17:41.00ScaredyCatit could be
17:41.06Corydon76-homeHey, if you want inexpensive and good, there's nothing that beats a Zaptel T1 and a channel bank
17:41.14ScaredyCatten again it could be a small apricot
17:41.14Jon_UKScaredyCat: Thanks, for the heads up
17:41.17KillerBeeScaredyCat shit eh.. I would say crap
17:41.34ScaredyCatKillerBee: you're just fussy
17:41.36KillerBeeor garbage or ....
17:41.38holgeris anyone personally familiar with the XP100
17:41.41Jon_UKand what are your thoughts then on the SNOM 200 phone?
17:41.50ScaredyCatX100P holger...
17:41.59holgeryes :- )
17:42.00ScaredyCaterr,,, expensive
17:42.10holgertecnically speaking?
17:42.12Corydon76-homeYou're trying to make a dessert out of shit (SIP), and that just doesn't work.
17:42.22ScaredyCatholger: yes
17:42.43ScaredyCatCorydon76-* it beats h323/mgcp
17:42.55Jon_UKI know the Cisco 7960 looks good, but they are just too expensive I think
17:42.56holgerhow does it work with regard to echo and call success rate?
17:42.56Corydon76-homeScaredyCat:  It doesn't beat Zaptel/IAX
17:43.09ScaredyCatholger: flawlessly for me
17:43.19Corydon76-homeThere's a much better solution out there... just use it...
17:43.23holgerok.. what is your config?
17:43.28ScaredyCatCorydon76-* no this is true... but getting a cb in eu ins;t cheap
17:43.52ScaredyCatholger: it depends  - is it the only card you have in the machine?
17:43.53Corydon76-homeScaredyCat:  getting an E1 channel bank isn't cheap, but what's stopping you from using a T1 channel bank?
17:44.08ScaredyCatthe cost of import/shipping
17:44.32jon_voivemail is driving me mad. I have setup a couple of extensions and can leave messages but I can't retrieve them. I have an ext (2999) which goes to the VoicemailMain(${CALLERIDNUM}). When I dial 2999 * asks for a password but it never seems to get one :(
17:44.40ScaredyCatand then of course i need a t1 card or e410p... then of course if it's a 410 i need a new 3.3v machine
17:45.05jimmyzhow do you play back vm messages on a windows box
17:45.10ScaredyCatjon_ use s${CALLERIDNUM}
17:45.14holgerScaredyCat: I currently currently have not physical PSTN interface only through IP (VoicePulse) and am contemplating whether to use the X100P or the Fritz 1 x BRI
17:45.19jimmyzgetting an error that the file can't be played back
17:45.43ScaredyCatholger: ok, not used fritz but heard good things about them...
17:46.06Corydon76-homeholger:  digital always trumps analog.
17:46.09ScaredyCatholger: where are you?
17:46.15*** join/#asterisk foo8ar__ (
17:46.21ScaredyCatjimmyz: what format are the messages in/
17:46.34holgerScaredyCat: Copenhagen
17:46.44ScaredyCatok, then i'd go for BRI...
17:46.49jorgeraidelI write this command and nothing
17:46.51jimmyzformat is set WAV|wav49|gsm
17:47.00Corydon76-homejorgeraidel:  nothing or 0?
17:47.05ScaredyCatCallerid is standard for BRI, you wont get it on the X100p
17:47.09jorgeraidelno ok wait
17:47.33jorgeraidelsorry my problem
17:47.35ScaredyCatjimmyz: are they being emailed to you?
17:47.36jorgeraidel[root@voiceip asterisk]# echo I strings 'which mpg123' I grep -c mpg123
17:47.36jorgeraidelI strings which mpg123 I grep -c mpg123
17:47.36jorgeraidel[root@voiceip asterisk]# ls
17:47.51holgerthe BRI is know to give an echo when you call out to an analog subscriber (you hear it) and not when calling to a PRI subscriber
17:47.53Corydon76-homejorgeraidel:  there's an echo before that
17:48.01ScaredyCatok, iirc you want wav49 first...
17:48.16Corydon76-homejorgeraidel:  and you need the backticks
17:48.25ScaredyCatholger: oh, have youy spoken to kapejod?
17:48.34ScaredyCathe wrote the chan_capi drivers
17:48.54holgernot yet I will try him personally tomorrow (landline)
17:49.11holgerScaredyCat: where are you?
17:49.24ScaredyCatjimmyz: no, but I don;t use my windows box to listen to them,, if mediaplayer doesn;t understand them then I'd try wav49
17:49.28ScaredyCatholger: holland
17:49.44jon_ScaredyCat - If i use s$ I get a 403 error back. Before, it was asking for a password just never accepting it. My password is simply 1. I don't know if this is an * config prob or a phone prob. My phone is a budgetone 102
17:49.54holgermaybe we could have an IAX chat sometime.
17:50.07ScaredyCatJon_ did you add the mboxes to voicemai.conf?
17:50.41jorgeraidelok I put echo ok
17:50.48jorgeraideland them
17:51.24jon_ScaredyCat - the mboxes are in the conf file and I get an email with the message
17:51.43ScaredyCatthen it's prolly the dtmf setting for the phone
17:52.04ScaredyCatand it's s${CALLERIDNUM} not just s$
17:52.05jon_should the mboxes exist in the same context as the extensions.
17:52.24Corydon76-homejorgeraidel:   echo | strings `which mpg123` | grep -c mpg123
17:52.43ScaredyCatit will look in /var/spool/asterisk/vocemail/default if no context is specified
17:53.01ScaredyCatie use default context
17:53.17jorgeraidel[root@voiceip asterisk]# strings which mpg123'
17:53.17jorgeraidel> grep -c mpg123
17:53.29jorgeraideland them nothing
17:53.32jon_ok they exist in the default and in the correct dir
17:53.35Corydon76-homeNO!  BACKTICKS!!!
17:53.45jorgeraidelnothing there
17:53.52Corydon76-homeUpper left side of your keyboard.  Those ticks!
17:54.00jon_I'll have to read up some more on the phone then.
17:54.04ScaredyCat` not '
17:54.22Corydon76-homeYou have to enter it EXACTLY as I typed it
17:54.36ScaredyCatjon_ what do you have in sip.conf
17:54.48ScaredyCatCorydon76-* that takes all the fun out of it ;)
17:55.56Corydon76-homeYeah, I know, I should have given up already and left him hanging...
17:56.07*** join/#asterisk rajo (
17:56.38jon_[2000] type=friend username=2000 host=dynamic defailtip= dtmfmode=rfc2833 mailbox=2000 context=sip callerid="test1" <2000> secret=test   - all on seperate lines and similar for the 2001 exten
17:57.07jon_I'll try different dtmfmodes
18:01.03*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
18:02.22*** join/#asterisk eeee (
18:02.41jon_yipee :) setting dtmfmode to inband sorted it. I can go and have some food now :)
18:02.56*** part/#asterisk jon_ (~jon@
18:03.45voidptrme, myself and i
18:04.55Corydon76-homeThe silver lining of being in here is that the truly clueless make me feel a whole lot more secure about my job...
18:05.02sniffe_Is Asterisk working with the HFC-S chipsets in NT mode?
18:05.16kapejodsniffe_: not yet
18:05.36[Sim]hey kapejod
18:05.54sniffe_kapejod: how is the progress, if any at all? Read in some forums/mailing-lists back from 2001 that this was something that might be interesting.
18:05.55kapejodhey [Sim]
18:05.59sobolhi asteriskians
18:06.05Corydon76-homeScaredyCat:  kinky...
18:06.20kapejodsniffe_: i still did not get to finish the kernel driver
18:06.29ScaredyCatCorydon76-* no, just making sure I'm safe :)
18:06.51sniffe_kapejod: oh, you're the developer of this driver?
18:06.59Corydon76-homeSafe from ???
18:07.42ScaredyCatI've never forgiven you for that url
18:07.46Corydon76-homeIt must be a Dutch thing...
18:08.23voidptrjust admit it
18:08.26Corydon76-homeOK, it must be a European thing...
18:08.27voidptryou have been assimilated
18:08.48voidptryou are now one with the collective :)
18:08.48*** join/#asterisk af_ (
18:09.14Corydon76-homeWhich URL was that, anyway?
18:09.14voidptrwooden shoes, god that is so 1850 ;P
18:09.19*** join/#asterisk ken (
18:09.23voidptrwe all wear rubber ones these days
18:09.23sniffe_kapejod: what about <- this guy? I have not looked at it at all in-depth.
18:09.26ScaredyCatCorydon76-* 8 ball
18:09.38Corydon76-homeOh, that?  Wasn't even me...
18:09.57ScaredyCatmaybe not, but you ent me the url...
18:10.06kapejodsniffe_: jolly has done i4l kernel modules for that ... i am working on zaptel drivers
18:10.23ScaredyCatvoidptr: rubber shoes, rubber minds
18:10.35Corydon76-homeOh, there's far worse.  If I knew what you looked like, I might send you a URL of some pr0n with somebody resembling you...
18:11.06Corydon76-homeOf course, who knows... it might actually have been you...
18:11.15sniffe_kapejod: So the kernel-module is finished, and we are gracefully awaiting your work then? :-D So, what is the progress?
18:11.59kapejodsniffe_: the i4l kernel modules are not of much help .... mine is still not finished
18:13.16ScaredyCatwtf format is a .isdn sound file :/
18:13.46Corydon76-homeBetcha it sounds digital... :-P
18:13.47ScaredyCatCorydon76-* I look like Cameron Diaz
18:14.08ScaredyCatso go find me some cameron diaz pr0n :D
18:14.32sniffe_kapejod: Maybe I'm misunderstanding (I haven't quite followed the development in Asterisk). The i4l drivers are moving out of 2.6.x kernel-series,and there is work on an own zaptel module that will support it (or something)?
18:14.52jorgeraidel' '
18:15.03Corydon76-homeHeh... I found some pics that looked remarkably like a 19yo straight boy... he was soooo embarassed
18:16.05kapejodsniffe_: yes, i am working on a zaptel driver for the hfc-s, so everybody with those elcheapo cards can enjoy zaptel timing too ;)
18:16.12Corydon76-homeeh... you can't hide your face forever... ;-)
18:16.16*** join/#asterisk jsmith (
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18:18.02*** join/#asterisk km- (
18:18.35*** join/#asterisk YoYo^ (
18:19.10voidptri really want to kick against something
18:19.26voidptrhumm, that bucket on ScaredyCat's head looks nice
18:19.32sniffe_kapejod: Nice, elcheapo cards is the only way I'm in near future are going to enjoy asterisk so that would be great.
18:20.29Mochi km-
18:20.39km-sup moc
18:20.55Mochaving fun writing reviews ...
18:21.14km-reviews of what?
18:21.22voidptrsex toys
18:21.23Mocmy first is the BudgeTone phone
18:21.30km-I'm here trying to figure out how I'm going to swap out the spark plugs on the dakota
18:21.42km-it's almost like pulling the engine would be easiest
18:21.45jsmithkm-: One at a time :-)
18:22.00jsmithkm-: You do have a spark-plug wrench, I presume?!?
18:22.01ScaredyCatwith the engine off?
18:22.03km-jsmith: they're hard to get to...  My truck is kinda high.
18:22.06km-jsmith: yeah.
18:22.09MocIm trying to make a website ( and see if ppl like it
18:22.26jsmithkm-: I know... at least the Dakota has enough room to climb under the hood *with* the engine...
18:22.36km-jsmith: i've got all the equipment, but the plugs are hard to reach in the compartment..  And the distributor cap is all the way in the back of the damned compartment!
18:22.40km-jsmith: ah, did you have a dakota?
18:22.45jsmithkm-: These stupid cars these days are impossible to work on... I had to drop my wife's engine just to change the belt
18:22.59jsmithkm-: No, but I love trucks...
18:23.08km-see you need to move out here to tinker with my truck! :P
18:23.27jsmithkm-: Whoever designed the Pontiacs to have the belt go around the engine mount ought to be drug behind a truck by his toenails
18:24.44Corydon76-homeKinky (and flexible) boy...
18:24.44km-the belt in the dakota is wicked easy to replace
18:24.58km-most of the stuff in the dakota is pretty easy to get to
18:25.00jsmithkm-: Yeah, it should be...
18:25.08km-I'm kinda annoyed that I have to take the alternator off to get at the thermostat
18:25.35jsmithkm-: Like I said... with a truck you can usually sit on the wheelwell with your legs hanging beside the engine and work quite well...
18:26.10km-there's not THAT Much space in it :)
18:26.17jsmithI know, I know...
18:26.32*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
18:26.41km-I'm going to have trouble crawling into the engine compartment just to get the cap changed
18:28.29km-a guy on the DML says that having a 3 foot extension to your ratchet would be a "Good Thing"
18:30.33jsmith3-foot... maybe 1 foot... but three?
18:30.48km-its for the rear plug
18:30.52km-it's hiding behind the master cylinder
18:33.09Mocmy first all time review :
18:33.18Mocalso my first all time biggest english text I wrote ;)
18:34.27MocI should have read myself after writing...
18:34.53brc007perfect...been wondering if those are any good
18:35.12*** join/#asterisk foo8ar___ (
18:36.12ScaredyCatMoc. ... you could ave saved some time and written : "They are shit"  :)
18:36.20brc007so I see
18:36.30brc007what do you reccomend instead?
18:36.49jsmithbrc007: Ciscos... either the 7940 or the 7960... definitely worth the extra money
18:36.50km-cisco 7905
18:36.51ScaredyCatbrc007: if funds are endless, Cisco 7960/7940
18:37.03km-the cisco 7905 is a fantastic stand-in for the budgettone
18:37.07Mocbrc007: It the only VoIP Phone I got so far, but I compare it to any regular phone at the moment (like Panasonic cordless)
18:37.10km-it costs a little more
18:37.12km-but it's worth it
18:37.15ScaredyCatI have a nice Actel phone here...
18:37.15brc007funds are not endless...
18:37.24Mocyes cisco is the way at the moment
18:37.25km-you can get 7905's for $100 on ebay
18:37.36km-and I've got 4 of them here that proves they work just spanky with asterisk
18:37.38brc007good idea
18:37.45ScaredyCatbrc007: how many phones do you expect to use?
18:37.59brc007jsmith are the 7940's that much better then the 7905's?
18:38.03brc007around 12 to start
18:38.23ScaredyCat7940's are 7960's but with only 2 lines
18:38.28km-7940's have two lines
18:38.30km-and a speakerphone
18:38.35brc007I see
18:38.37km-7905 does not have speakerphone
18:38.45km-and can only provision a single line
18:38.49brc007probably don't need more then two lines
18:39.07km-this does not mean you cannot receive more than one call on it
18:39.07Mocoh forgot about speaker phone on budgettone in my review
18:39.08Powerkillevening :)
18:39.21bkw_the 7905 can do two calls
18:39.22bkw_1 line
18:39.25ScaredyCatMoc: back to work then :D
18:39.26km-you can get multiple calls coming in, but it only can provision to 1 number
18:39.29Mocyep ..
18:39.38brc007got it...I think :p
18:39.49km-bkw: how the hell is it going westy
18:40.15brc007what do the 7940's go for?
18:40.22Mocwb bkw_
18:40.42ScaredyCatbrc007: I'll sell u one for $20k
18:41.00*** join/#asterisk Jon_UK (
18:41.07ScaredyCatlook on ebay... around $200
18:41.12Mikebkw_: found how to make sipura make the last digit send the call sooner
18:41.19Mikebkw_: its really simple
18:41.21Jon_UKcan anyone tell me what the message "No ISA tormenta card found at D0000" means?
18:41.26bkw_its in the dialplan
18:41.29Mikebkw_: yep
18:41.34Mikebkw_: its like asterisk dialpan
18:41.38brc007*hhh hhhh WEAZE* 309.00 *GAG* *EYES roll up in head* *CRASH*
18:41.38Mikebkw_: i think its the same
18:41.41ScaredyCatJon_UK: it means you don;t have a card in that machine
18:42.04Jon_UKwhich conf file would have the defined in ?
18:42.18ScaredyCatbrc007: huh?!
18:42.30ScaredyCatJon_UK: do you have a card in that macine?
18:42.41Jon_UKno, just starting out with *
18:42.49ScaredyCatok, just ignore the error....
18:42.56Jon_UKcool, thanks
18:43.10dant*drool* *drool*
18:43.27brc007:p *joke*
18:43.27km-yes yes
18:43.29km-very pretty
18:43.33ScaredyCatif that' a 7960 with a colour screen ur getting a alsp!
18:43.34km-expensive as all hell
18:43.35bkw_999 bucks
18:43.44bkw_its caled a 7970
18:43.54bkw_it does 8 lines
18:44.05km-I have enough trouble getting 6 lines provisioned!
18:44.11bkw_km- you got issues then
18:44.11brc007can you stream it video?
18:44.13km-I'm running out of things to do with it!
18:44.29bkw_my 7960 is registered with 3 asterisk servers
18:44.30ScaredyCatkm-: home automation!
18:44.33Powerkilldant i want it
18:44.33km-bkw: dude, one line for me, one line for kristy, one line for kristy's avon, three for FM
18:45.11jsmithkm-: And one for a speed-dial :-)
18:45.22km-I didnt set any speed dials up
18:45.34ScaredyCatthat was a good idea in the latest fw...
18:45.36km-jsmith: speaking of which, I'm thinking of rewriting your directory php a bit, namely using pgsql
18:45.38jsmithNo kidding...
18:45.39bkw_who needs speeddials
18:45.41af_may be iaxtel is down? someone knows?
18:45.43jsmithkm-: Please do!
18:45.48bkw_km- odbc
18:45.57jsmithkm-: I'd like a second revision, and then we'll put it in CVS
18:46.05km-bkw: hell, might as well write it in C!
18:46.09jsmithkm-: And then more people can use it...
18:46.17jsmithbkw_: You really don't want to, do you?!?
18:46.25brc007anyone used the 7920's?
18:46.34km-those are the wireless suckers right?
18:46.47km-way too expensive
18:46.53km-rather get a wisip
18:47.04km-or hook an iaxy to a wireless bridger
18:47.39ScaredyCatwisips suck
18:48.31Mocok done with my site for the moment, i should get out of the bed and eat some foods
18:48.55km-bkw: I'm not talking about the directory() app in asterisk, btw
18:48.58voidptrwifi sucks for phones
18:49.00km-I'm talking about a directory lookup PHP
18:49.19ScaredyCatno, those wisips are just expensive junk
18:49.29ScaredyCatshite backlight
18:49.35ScaredyCatpoorly finished
18:49.38voidptrinsecure :(
18:50.13ScaredyCatI'm not sure I'd use one if i was given one for free
18:50.28af_it's not down
18:50.29Moctalking to me ScaredyCat ?
18:50.32af_it was my *
18:50.36ScaredyCatno Moc
18:50.48ScaredyCattalking about WiSIP phones
18:50.51voidptreven dect is more secure then wifi
18:50.55voidptrconsider that :)
18:51.10MocIt just I added backlight info for BT101 in my reviews.. I said i liked it hehe
18:51.16voidptri love it
18:51.52ScaredyCatmy dect phones understand *'s caller id name and number too
18:51.57ScaredyCatvoidptr: errr,,,
18:52.13ScaredyCatjust plug your base station into a tdm400p
18:52.13af_e telco provider here will offer wi-fi voip phones soon
18:52.16voidptryeah, on tdm400p i guess?
18:52.29ScaredyCattis what I do
18:52.34ScaredyCattis kewl
18:52.34Mocbluetooth voip
18:53.07voidptrScaredyCat : i do the same, only analogue conversion might be crap :)
18:53.25*** join/#asterisk Jon_UK (
18:53.31ScaredyCatwell, works ok for me, for voip and pstn calls
18:53.59voidptrbluetooth has even worse reach than wifi :(
18:54.04Jon_UKbluetooth.... the poormans WIFI :)
18:54.07helleryou can't possibly eat too many! :->
18:54.22voidptrScaredyCat: which ones do you use?
18:54.37Jon_UKcan anyone recommend some reasonable SIP software for a Pocket PC ?
18:54.42ScaredyCatDECT phones or lebkeuchen ?
18:54.52ScaredyCatheller: oh u can
18:55.20voidptrdect ;)
18:55.31ScaredyCatpanasonic DECT phones, Baren Schmit lebkeuchen
18:55.34voidptrwe use philips, and itw as prett nice
18:56.13voidptrwe also have those cheap startel things, but they have no callerid :S
18:56.23ScaredyCati get caller id NAME too
18:56.39ScaredyCatbut only from my db
18:57.00ScaredyCatbut the phones display it..
18:57.16ScaredyCatand i get a little face that fashes when i have vm
18:57.19voidptrwhich ones are they?
18:57.38voidptrgimme gimme gimme
18:57.43ScaredyCathang on a ec
18:59.14voidptrhey bkw
18:59.15ScaredyCatI got one that had 2 phones and one base station..
18:59.29bkw_voidptr yes?
18:59.58Mikewe need a release!!!
19:00.15*** join/#asterisk sudhir (~sudhir@
19:00.30af_I am planning to work more on the snmp stuff
19:00.36voidptrbkw_ : i meant hey as in hi, hello etc :P
19:00.47sudhirHi bkw_
19:00.47af_1thing will be to use the new net snmp 5.1 effort
19:00.50voidptrScaredyCat : neat
19:01.24ScaredyCatbase station + phone
19:01.33Jon_UKthose phones look pretty cool!
19:01.33bkw_YO YO YO YO
19:02.23sudhirI have a T1 card which is connected to a trunk. When I dial the 800 number associated with the trunk, I always see the following message:  
19:02.24sudhirNOTICE[1200825920]: File chan_zap.c, Line 3562 (zt_read): Fax detected, but no fax extension
19:02.33ScaredyCatcan use plantronics headsets too
19:02.47voidptri see
19:03.04ScaredyCatbut i don;t have a headset
19:03.20voidptri guess we can get a bunch of those ;P
19:03.36ScaredyCatthe really cool thing is you can enter numbers in the phone book on one phone..
19:03.42ScaredyCat... then copy them to the others
19:03.56ScaredyCatso you only enter them once
19:04.07jsmithsudhir: In dsp.c, uncomment the line that says OLD_DSP_ROUTINES...
19:04.12jsmithsudhir: I had that same problem...
19:05.16KillerBeedid anyone find out what slithern's first name was\
19:06.17voidptrScaredyCat : also neat
19:06.43voidptrScaredyCat : but if i use my digital phonebook, i could set the caller id name from that right?
19:07.00ScaredyCaton the phone?
19:07.09foo8ar___hey SC, got my CID working!
19:07.11sudhirthanks jsmith
19:07.21voidptri hope you meant calleridname via * -> tmd400p -> phone
19:07.24jsmithsudhir: No problem... I had the same problem a couple of days ago...
19:07.34ScaredyCatvoidptr: YES!
19:07.39ScaredyCatfoo8ar___: kewl!
19:07.57voidptrsweet :)
19:07.59jsmithsudhir: Mark will supposedly be looking at the problem next week and hopefully we'll get it fixed.
19:08.01km-jsmith: have you ever noticed that sometimes the 7960 stalls with "Connecting to http server" and then says "http connection closed"
19:08.11jsmithkm-: Nope... it just plain works for me...
19:08.19jsmithkm-: Which firmware are you using?
19:08.20km-I cant imagine what the problem is
19:08.21ScaredyCatvoidptr: that's why i wrote my app for *
19:08.28voidptri see
19:08.38voidptrdo you have the "cdfoongids" yet? :)
19:08.43*** join/#asterisk foo8ar____ (
19:08.43ScaredyCatno :(
19:08.49bkw_km- read the mailing list
19:08.53voidptri'll look into it
19:08.55bkw_its an encoding issue with the http client
19:09.06data[DERP]speaking of http client
19:09.08voidptrbefore i had those 400MB mysql dumps for them ;)
19:09.10bkw_someone posted how to get apache to slice and dice the response
19:09.16data[DERP]anyone considered writting app_http ? ;-)
19:09.18km-bkw: no, I fixed the chunked encoding issue
19:09.26bkw_km- ah what firmware you have then?
19:09.29km-bkw: that fixes the ass-long wait
19:09.35ScaredyCatvoidptr: nice!
19:09.38sudhirjsmith, is uncommenting the #define OLD_DSP_ROUTINES  sufficient?
19:09.39km-bkw: I'm talking about even making the http connection
19:10.08km-now it works fine
19:10.09km-it's really odd
19:10.14km-sometimes it doesnt work other times it works great
19:10.27jsmithsudhir: Yes, uncomment that and recompile...
19:10.41jsmithsudhir: It's at
19:11.01*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
19:11.02jsmithkm-: Could be differences between your version of apache and mine...
19:11.11jsmithkm-: Or maybe a configuration thing...
19:11.31jsmithkm-: Mine did have problems when I had a load-balacer between the phone and the web server...
19:11.58jsmithkm-: The load balancer was changing the order of the packets (sometimes, not always) and making it so that the phone would only load part of the logo
19:13.35km-it might be that my encoding hack doesnt work on 6.0 because of different browser version
19:13.36km-lemme check
19:13.43jsmithkm-: That's probably it!
19:13.52jsmithkm-: Let me know what you find :-)
19:14.04km-BrowserMatch "Allegro-Software-WebClient/3\.10b1" nokeepalive downgrade-1.0 for$
19:14.18jsmithkm-: I know they re-did a bunch of the dsp routines for the 6.0 firmware... they probably upgraded the browser as well...
19:14.25*** join/#asterisk dsm123 (
19:14.25bkw_my 7960 just rebooted
19:14.38km-same browser version
19:14.41jsmithbkw_: You've been hacked!
19:14.56jsmithbkw_: (or your power-plug is loose)
19:15.12jsmithbkw_: I had one phone that kept doing that... it was a bad power brick
19:15.28jsmithbkw_: It would only reboot when the phone tried to ring
19:15.33ScaredyCatcan u get uptime from the ciscos?
19:15.45jsmithScaredyCat: Not that I know of... but that would be cool...
19:15.49bkw_jsmith it goes for weeks witout issues
19:15.57bkw_I just imagine its an issue with that web browser
19:16.09bkw_I tried to pull up the xml site like 10 min ago
19:16.20zoaive never had any problems with the ciscos
19:16.20jsmithbkw_: Yeah... probably just the watchdog timer noticing that something in the firmware hung...
19:16.22zoathey rule!!!
19:16.29bkw_jsmith yep
19:16.36jsmithzoa: They're not perfect, but they beat everything else out there...
19:16.47bkw_i'm on 802.11b wireless
19:16.52bkw_accross the office
19:17.14bkw_jsmith really... chop chop fix the grandstreams then
19:17.20bkw_who's up for some reverse engineering?
19:17.37dougheckaI know qbasic!
19:18.12jsmithScaredyCat: No you don't!
19:18.18jsmithbkw_: Reverse engineering what :-)
19:18.24bkw_jsmith the grandstreams
19:18.40voidptri'm not gonna copy past that
19:18.40jsmithbkw_: No thanks...
19:18.41bkw_ScaredyCat its called tinyurl
19:18.48bkw_GO FIX IT
19:19.40*** join/#asterisk rwe (
19:20.17jsmithWelcome rwe...
19:21.43bkw_ok who knows of a good util for XP that shows the signal info for wifi?
19:22.23voidptrthe rest i know are commercial
19:22.31bkw_that sucks up the card and you can't use it
19:22.37bkw_I want just the signal info
19:22.40bkw_XP doesn't give me that
19:22.44dougheckabkw_: the built in app?
19:22.47bkw_and "Excellent" isn't a good description
19:22.56bkw_I want hard numbers
19:23.04dougheckawhat card?
19:23.19dougheckamost manufactures make thier own util
19:23.45bkw_this is a linksys
19:24.05ScaredyCatpffft... use a real one and you get the numbers..
19:24.25dougheckaminimum amount for a gift cert @ itunes is 10 bucks
19:26.53ScaredyCatoh voidptr...
19:27.18ScaredyCatyou can add distinct ring and colour for callers too
19:27.39voidptrlol :)
19:28.42amplehow do i post to the mail list inline with a current post instead of making it root?
19:29.10ScaredyCatmy display goes green for pstn calls and orange for voip and red if someone from the office calls...
19:29.44ScaredyCatample: hit reply...
19:29.47dougheckaScaredyCat: my work cell phone has a multicolour external screen... when calling it goes green, red, purple, orage, etc
19:29.49*** join/#asterisk plavalc (
19:29.51dougheckaover and over till its connected
19:30.33dougheckaI want that on a ip phone
19:30.37ScaredyCati bet it wont play jingle bells tho...
19:30.49dougheckaof course the LCD inside is full 1 million colours
19:30.55dougheckaoh, yes it willl!!!
19:31.09dougheckagee, its not that bad at my house...
19:31.43voidptrScaredyCat : red means don't pick it up i guess, probably has no ringtone associated with it either :)
19:32.15ScaredyCati couldn;t find 'Run to the hills' ringtone
19:32.35dougheckaand is that girl in that article reading a sybex book?
19:32.52ScaredyCatI hate nytimes shit
19:33.05ScaredyCatI'm not registering just to read a fucking article
19:33.12dougheckaas the user
19:33.16dougheckaand as pass
19:33.22*** join/#asterisk jon_ (~jon@
19:35.06*** join/#asterisk dsm123 (
19:35.22ScaredyCatta doughecka
19:35.47dougheckaif anyone would like to send me 10 bucks via itunes gift card.....
19:37.39*** join/#asterisk dsm123 (
19:38.06dougheckaQED - Quite Easily Done
19:38.26dsm123been a while since I've used IRC.. forgot about flooding
19:38.41km-bkw_: you there?
19:38.46dougheckaget a real irc client
19:38.56km-bkw I need ya for a sec
19:38.56dougheckathat wont let you flood, and it will pase it all out
19:39.08dsm123anyway....  I just installed Mirc for the first time since the mid-90's.. :)
19:39.50dsm123so my sip provider is 407i
19:39.57dsm123ng my * server..
19:39.58voidptrslashdot has a new article..
19:40.50voidptryou can buy a lot hardware for 15k
19:40.51dsm123when I connect from a Soft client to my provider, the Poxy-auth line looks different than what * is doing
19:41.11dsm123Proxy-Authorization: Digest username="dsm-mobile", realm="MCOW", algorithm="MD5", uri="", nonce="62ade38565d5181ad6b4bd6e10f55b51.1073080251", response="4ca828a23f51bef0d91e7b04067b1e55"
19:41.28dougheckavoidptr: ahahaahha
19:41.57dsm123that's what * shows...  my soft client does not have alogorithm="MD5" and is successful
19:41.58*** join/#asterisk ample (
19:42.11dougheckavoidptr: and yet, I would NOT put file server, mp3 server, web server, PVR?!?!?! and a PBX?!? on the same bloody box
19:42.25voidptrme neither :)
19:42.53helleri would.
19:42.56*** join/#asterisk jrollyson (rollyson@
19:43.08dougheckano you wouldnt
19:43.14dougheckait would be skip city
19:43.23dougheckaPVR would be taking all the interupts
19:43.35hellerso that if you get a call it can play the clid off to all other sources.
19:43.58ScaredyCatheller: NO, jusat NO don't do that
19:44.08dougheckaheller: ugh
19:44.25dougheckaand make sure the firewall is seperate of anything else
19:44.28hellerand, if the pvr kicks in it could send a signal through the mp3 & web. or call in and control it.
19:44.50ScaredyCatheller: that's what home automation systems are for...
19:44.53dsm123I can see a day where I call from my hotel room to my PVR extension on my pbx, so I can watch *MY* channels, not the hotels...
19:45.08hellerdude. i've got a 6 year old athlon 700 with a 100Mhz bus doing pvr with no real problems modern bus speeds could handle it without any issues.
19:45.27heller[to ScaredyCat]: and that's what this is! a complete home automation system!
19:45.36km-my 650 is 6 years old?
19:45.38dougheckapetribar: Any sun-bleached prehistoric candy that has been sitting in the window of a vending machine too long.
19:45.42ScaredyCatheller: no please no dont do it...
19:45.48jon_Would anyone like to explain why it cost $15K ????
19:45.50heller*gasp*! you'ld use a home automation system as a home automation system? how dumb!
19:46.02sxpertheller: the oven starts to act up :D
19:46.22ScaredyCatno... i USE dedicated home automation hardware ALREADY ... not a fsking pc
19:46.39Powerkillwow asterisk sip traverse nat without any problem
19:46.50dougheckaok... 500 maybe for video input/output card... ~100 for 120 gigs drive space... ~1000 maybe for system... ~100 for POTS ~150ish for FXS...
19:46.54dougheckano where near 15000
19:47.00dougheckaPowerkill: hah
19:47.06sxpertScaredyCat: dedicated home automation is totally overpriced under performing crap
19:47.08dougheckait dont work fo me
19:47.31ScaredyCatsxpert: i disagree.... and you can alwayys build you own
19:47.44Powerkillyes it's amazing i install stun on the server and i have 4 phone registering to my public asterisk server without problem
19:47.52sxpertScaredyCat: I did, after checking the commercial offerings in my area.
19:48.00dougheckastun on what server?
19:48.14sxperttheir wall wart things don't do half what my home-built stuff does
19:48.20dsm123phones have to have STUN support...
19:48.24ScaredyCatI have all my ir fed back to a single box (can control via the web/phone) if i really want
19:48.45TekatiI use MisterHouse and it does everthing I ever need it to do and integrated with * very nicely
19:49.01jon_pita to configure tho I found
19:49.02sxpertScaredyCat: I don't use IR any more... all the audio/visual equipment has been hacked up with pic microcontrollers inside
19:49.11dougheckapic rox
19:49.14TangentTekati: I'll have to work out how to intefrate my homeautomation stuff with * woo
19:49.20dougheckathough basicx is easyer
19:49.34sxpertScaredyCat: much better, as it allows for 2 way control, send order, and verify it's been done
19:49.35dsm123misterhouse is pretty slick..  I'm trying to justify spending some $ on netremote (want to use PDA's w/ 802.11 ala Philips Pronto)
19:49.45ScaredyCatsxpert: yeah, but I'm not going to open my 3k amp to add a pic!
19:50.00dougheckaScaredyCat: sure you would
19:50.01sxpertScaredyCat: I BUILT my 5.1 amp
19:50.06TekatiThat would rock I currently use 3Com Audreys around the house but would love a more wireless solution.
19:50.18jsmithTekati: How are the Audreys?
19:50.27ScaredyCatsxpert: then you didn;t need to add the pic, cos u thought ahead.. :D
19:50.29dsm123just waiting for PDA's w/ integrated wifi to get a bit cheaper...
19:50.30Powerkillmy grandstream change his password admin don't work anymore any idea how to recover it ?
19:50.40sxpertScaredyCat: as 5 independant amps, plus one that has double the power for the bass
19:50.49sxpertScaredyCat: and the pic was built-in :D
19:50.51*** part/#asterisk jon_ (~jon@
19:50.59dougheckaPowerkill: go into menu and look for reset... it will reset your settings...
19:51.01TekatiThey work okay just for menu driven stuff they dont work too well for voice distribution as it lags by 5 or so seconds.
19:51.11ScaredyCatthere's a nice net <-> Meridian device in the ukha_d list
19:51.12dougheckaonce you choose the option, you need to enter the MAC address
19:51.18Powerkillthanks doughecka
19:51.31dougheckaI think
19:51.33dougheckanever done it before
19:51.47Powerkillwill try what firmware are you using ?
19:51.52sxpertScaredyCat: and that's only part of the complete system. 16 zone digital sound network in the works :D
19:51.56sudhirHow does one dial a number, say 5712245737, on the first available channel of a trunk?
19:52.20TekatiI am trying to write a PHP interface for some cdr data and am having trouble converting a JavaScript function to a PHP function any good JavaScript/PHP guys in here willing to take a look at it?
19:52.31ScaredyCatsxpert: you really need to go to ukha 2004 ... with any luck KAT5 will be there...
19:52.34wasimsudhir: dial(zap/g1/5712245737)
19:52.45sxpertScaredyCat: what/when is that ?
19:52.46ScaredyCatvideo distribution device...
19:52.54dougheckaHEEEY WASIM!!!!
19:52.55sudhirI try : exten => 1785,1,Dial,Zap/g1/5712245737|15 but does not work
19:53.00ScaredyCaterrm 2004 , march iirc ... uk
19:53.14wasimsudhir: assuming you have group=1 defined in zapata.conf
19:53.19[Sim]tekati: what are you trying to do ?
19:53.21wasimdoughecka: heya
19:53.30sudhirI do have group=1 defined in zapata.conf
19:53.30dougheckahows dah fons?
19:53.45wasimshipping the first one out this week
19:53.49sudhirI get the response,
19:53.58dougheckawasim: of the 50 prototypes?
19:54.03dougheckawasim: I would buy one...
19:54.16wasimdoughecka: nope, #3
19:54.22dougheckato whom?
19:54.23*** join/#asterisk DigiumAR (
19:54.32brc007ScaredyCat: what do you use for your dedicated home automation hardware?
19:54.40wasimkapejod, voidptr, and cypromis and ! were just discussing that
19:54.44dsm123I use Russound for multi-room audio @ my house...  I like the IR repeating, but hate the static LCD displays..
19:54.46brc007I've been considering setting up misterhouse
19:54.49brc007ever try it?
19:55.00TangentI wrote my own thing.. HomeMagic for my automation needs
19:55.16ScaredyCatthe big problem with pc based home automation is if your pc crashes so does your house
19:55.19jimmyzwhat do you have to do to get a ring sound when call from a sip phone to another sip phone
19:55.24dougheckaScaredyCat: haha
19:55.31dougheckause bsd
19:55.32brc007ScaredyCat: true
19:55.34dougheckaand never crash
19:55.52dougheckaMY HOUSE runs BSD!
19:56.09dougheckanone of that lame housnux stuff
19:56.09ScaredyCatbrc007: u use windows?
19:56.25brc007currently? yes
19:56.30sxpertScaredyCat: that's only true if your home automation runs on windows (such as the samsung internet enabled fridge I just saw at saturn !!!)
19:56.37brc007I'm also installing gentoo
19:56.53ScaredyCatit's worth taking a look at homeseer then... very windowsy.. and easy to use
19:56.55dsm123jimmyz - define pattern matches for each extension and rules on what to do
19:57.01sxpertdoughecka: my car runs Linux From Scratch
19:57.03km-jsmith: I kinda rewrote the whole thing, but used some of your ideas
19:57.04brc007I really don't get the point of the iFridge
19:57.27jimmyzok i'll look into that
19:57.27dougheckasxpert_work: my car runs GENTOO!!!
19:57.44ScaredyCatsxpert: linux does crash... I just prefer dedicated hardware - the extra stuff runs under linux.. but they are not core featutres..
19:57.48dsm123look for John Todd's bare-bones * howto
19:58.15dsm123it shows everything you need to do to make 2 SIP stations talk to each other
19:58.16ScaredyCatso if it crashes, I just get a degraded house
19:58.30sxpertdoughecka: luuuusert yourself... my car also has linuxbios to boot with :D
19:59.13brc007John TOdd's barebones asterisk howto:
19:59.37sxpertScaredyCat: my electric switches use IPV6 on an CAN bus electrical layer
19:59.41brc007ScaredyCat: got a webpage with info on your home automation setup?
20:00.03jsmithkm-: That's great... mine was a hack from two or three other people's code, so I'm not attached to it in the slightest bit...
20:00.04ScaredyCat :D
20:00.06Mikeby muonzoo (106581) on Thursday January 01, @07:45PM (#7856115)
20:00.06MikeYes, BUT; Asterisk has some growing up to do. It isn't a standards BASED system. Sure, it implements standards, but the SIP support was ad-hoc and an afterthought. I'm not trying to take away from the amazing accomplishments on this project, however before it storms the masses, it's going to have to speak SIP at the expected interoperable level that we all expact from Apache and HTTP. Imagine if you could only view Apache pages in Mo
20:00.08Mikezilla, or, that images wouldn't work in IE, only Mozilla. These are real problems. Once Asterisk has that level of interoperability with OTHER IP based voice systems, it will be posed to really clean up. Exciting indeed, but some time will have to pass first.
20:00.10sxpertScaredyCat: the car has a 60G HDD to boot from, and no floppy drives
20:00.12Mike[ Reply to This | Parent ]
20:00.44Mikehaving those comments in slashdot rated 5 are not good for *
20:00.58brc007I've got 5 modpoints....
20:00.59ScaredyCatbrc007: there's some good info on
20:01.05dsm123if they would spend more time coding * and less time writing articles @ slashdot.... * would interopate with everything!
20:01.10jsmithkm-: But please let me know when you're done hacking on it, and I'll put it in CVS somewhere...
20:01.13brc007what's the CI ..nevermind
20:01.14l-fyMike > SIP in Asterisk suxx big time
20:01.18l-fybut not for long
20:01.19sxpertScaredyCat: horribly broken X10 crap :D
20:01.32jsmithdsm123: Amen, brother... or if people would write more docs in #asterisk-doc <shameless plug>
20:01.45MocIve started making a VoIP equipement pages, Dont worry better VoIP phone will get on the list :
20:02.06Mocbrb in 2 sec
20:02.18ScaredyCatsxpert: yes, in this house... but it's all comming together for the next place where i can make lots of holes in walls etc :D
20:02.48Mikel-fy: how do you know not for long?
20:02.51*** join/#asterisk Moc (
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20:03.11sxpertScaredyCat: what will you be using in the new house ?
20:03.44ScaredyCatcustom built stuff... but  the wife wont let me make holes in the walls...
20:03.49ScaredyCatin this place...
20:04.06ScaredyCatso the next place will be somewhere that needs rennovating
20:04.52sxpertScaredyCat: I am interested in helping you with the custom built stuff
20:04.53ScaredyCatsxpert: I don;t want any non-hardwired systems in the next place...
20:05.04ScaredyCatwell - except for the phones :D
20:05.15Mocyes wire is the best ..
20:05.25sudhirwasim, any suggestion why asterisk is always trying to place the call on the first channel even if that channel is busy
20:05.27ScaredyCatsxpert: kewlies... got anything about ur setup?
20:05.33sxpertScaredyCat: non-hardwired as in power and network ?
20:05.59brc007sxpert: where'd you get the ipv6 switches?...
20:06.14sudhirthis is the message I see
20:06.28sxpertScaredyCat: I have lots of it in head only so far. only got the multimedia stuff done really. still have to write control software.
20:06.57sxpertScaredyCat: and the electric switches I talked earlier are only on paper :D
20:07.01brc007ScaredyCat: ... #homeautomation :)
20:07.06ScaredyCatsxpert: i mean i want to do away with IR (ie adopt something akin to what you do)  - feedback is the key (and response to status requests)
20:07.13Mikehow can i restart asterisk on bash?
20:07.23sxpertScaredyCat: yeah, IR is total crap
20:08.02ScaredyCati know... but it;s availability that;s the key.. and stuff is ir atm... until manufs. catch up
20:08.11sxpertScaredyCat: and X10 like signals riding on top of the power are horribly broken
20:08.26jimmyzi think i type my questions wrong, i can call from sip to sip...but you don't he a ring on the sip phone that makes the call but the other sip phone is that just how it works
20:08.27ScaredyCatsxpert:  #homeautomation
20:08.47ScaredyCatyes, it's so bad in europe for x10, at least in the usa they are cheap
20:08.47*** join/#asterisk Lafinion_ (
20:15.33Tekati[Sim] sorry went to #php for help but man what a bunch of winners over there.
20:15.47voidptrwhiners? :)
20:16.01Tekativoidptr: That too!
20:16.16TekatiI was just using the sarcastic method :)
20:16.58TekatiIf anyone can convert this to a working php function I would greatly appreciate it.  Here is the JavaScript version.
20:17.01Tekatifunction nextNearest(value, number) {
20:17.11Mikewhat do i have wrong here
20:17.13Mikeexten => s,1,Answer
20:17.13Mikeexten => s,2,Wait(2)
20:17.14Mikeexten => s,3,Playback(${SOUNDS}/numero)
20:17.16Mikeexten => s,4,DISA,no-password|asterisk
20:17.59TekatiSo nextNearest(3.56343243, .25) should return 3.75 and nextNearest(3.56242343, .01) should return 3.57 etc...
20:18.01km-jsmith: I'm puttering with it now, wondering why even though there are seven rows returned, it's only returning the first row
20:20.06*** join/#asterisk Aviaa (
20:21.12jsmithkm-: I can't help you without seeing the code :-)
20:21.52km-jsmith: is there a function to take off excess whitespace at the end?
20:21.54km-can I use chop
20:21.56km-or something like chop
20:22.07jsmithkm-: Trim...
20:22.13PowerkillTekati you have this function already done in php
20:22.13km-jsmith: my problem was implicitly defining the row I wanted to read back
20:22.15km-it wasnt necessary
20:22.35km-jsmith: I've written this version to be able to have portable database types
20:22.53TekatiPowerkill I converted it via what I would have thought to work but it does not.  I need help making it work.
20:22.54km-jsmith: I'm writing it in odbc, but people will be able to write db_<dbtype> files to import for the particular application.
20:23.06jsmithkm-: Why not write it with something like AdoDB, and make it database independant
20:23.11jsmith(that's what I was gonna do)
20:23.33km-I'm writing it in odbc at the moment
20:23.40km-I'm writing the db_odbc.php file
20:23.49TekatiPowerkill this is what I made it in PHP
20:23.49km-but I'm making it so people who dont want to use odbc
20:23.52Tekatifunction RoundUp($value, $number) {
20:23.56km-can just write db_whatever()
20:24.14TekatiBut the remainder does not work.  It always comes back as a blank var.
20:24.14km-I'm sure the way I've started it out will make it easy to use adodb instead at some point
20:24.40jsmithkm-: If you've never played with AdoDB, it absolutely rocks...
20:25.52*** join/#asterisk Moc (
20:26.21km-I dont even know what it is as it relates to php
20:26.29km-I've used it in embedded vb
20:26.36km-I take it it's just another ODBC
20:27.59Zzzzzzzhas anyone setup * to automatically call a phone number each day and record it ?
20:28.10*** join/#asterisk GhostNet (~Ashmed@
20:28.18*** join/#asterisk km- (
20:30.40km-jsmith: hey, do you know how to make the php command line client believe it's received a get/post variable?
20:30.58km-[unixODBC]Requested value changed., SQL state 01S02 in SQLExecDirect
20:33.08*** join/#asterisk charly_mateando (~asd@
20:33.25charly_mateandosome changed for do Make install in ZAPTEL CVS?
20:33.32charly_mateandonot compile it
20:33.37bkw_km- what are you doing?
20:33.46bkw_SQLExecDirect doesn't require a prepare
20:33.47charly_mateandoMake file :4  mising  separtor
20:33.53bkw_just an FYI
20:34.38brc007hey is anyone here going to CES?
20:36.28brc007Consumer Electronics Show (Las Vegas)
20:36.42brc007January 8-11
20:36.50TekatiHell no going to the porn convention instead :)
20:37.18dsm123didn't they start charging for admission to *THAT* show?
20:37.18brc007is digium going to have a booth?
20:37.42mishehudigium is going to have a booth at the pr0n show
20:37.54brc007they charge admission to *all* the've just gotta have a 'contact' or know where to go to get free show floor tickets
20:38.20brc007I went to Comdex
20:38.30brc007they charge 100 bucks for floor tickets
20:38.38Mocbrc007: online is generally free
20:38.42brc007but I got free ones through M$
20:38.57Mocbtw gota buy a XBOx ..
20:39.17brc007IIRC comdex charged 100 bucks online too...(unless you had a promo code(
20:39.18JerJeryeah buy an xbox
20:39.20*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
20:39.23JerJerthen never buy any games for it
20:40.15Mocyep exactly
20:40.25Mocjust to make MS lose $$4
20:40.58Mocha I get promo from comdex
20:41.54km-this "http connection closed" thing is getting annoying digium booth at ces afaict
20:42.06km-there's going to be a digium booth at LWCE though
20:42.41brc007when is that? 20somthing?
20:42.54brc00720'th - 23'rd
20:42.59brc007blah...I'll be gone
20:43.06brc007be nice if they had it right after ces seems...the links on aren't working with mozilla...weird
20:44.30kapejodhi RoyK
20:44.50km-jsmith: the only thing I didn't implement
20:44.55km-jsmith: was the "only show 30 entries"
20:45.01RoyKkapejod: morning!
20:45.06RoyKor something
20:45.28af_hi to all
20:46.26Powerkillhi RoyK
20:47.01km-ooh, searching too
20:47.12km-maybe I'll make the ability to add too
20:47.32km-nobody's going to want to add entries on the phone!
20:47.56km-on a scale from one to ten on the annoyance factor of that, it'd be like 12
20:48.30*** join/#asterisk okrumm (
20:48.59voidptrk well
20:49.02voidptrnight all!
20:49.26voidptrgonna see if there is some fun outside :)
20:49.35km-nite void
20:50.22dougheckastart replying!!
20:51.13brc007damn! mod points JUST expired...had 3 left
20:51.25dougheckaI just mod the first 5 as funny
20:51.39soboldoughecka: :-)
20:52.31brc007the vgetty guys already got to it :P
20:52.35Mikedoughecka: can you send me the divx?
20:54.40brc007only one * related reply so far... 3 or 4 vgetty
20:55.22RoyK/j #asterix
20:56.10dougheckaMike: of?
20:56.21brc007royk not in #asterix...
20:57.11charly_mateandosomeone have hte zaptel/makefile GOOD ?
20:57.27RoyKwhat's wrong with the makefile?
20:58.03Moc152$ for Xbox is alot ?
20:58.09charly_mateandomakefile:4 missing separator
20:58.13tholo~meepgun RoyK
20:58.16ACTION shoots RoyK with a   pseudophoton gun
20:58.53citatscharly_mateando: you trying to compile on *bsd?
21:00.20km- do you make an irc href?  is it <a href=irc://>click</a>  ?
21:00.41km-#asterisk I think brc
21:01.00RoyKtholo: how's the trollphone project going?
21:01.08brc007k :)
21:01.37tholoReasonably well so far, except for a showstopper problem with the TE410P that kram is working on.
21:02.14kapejodtholo: are you coming to the os telephony summit in .de?
21:02.38brc007it seems slashcode screws up irc links... "irc://ircdebianorgasterisk/"
21:02.45tholoNah, I don't think I'll be going to Europe for that.
21:03.04tholoHowever, my partners in Norway might be interested...  Send some info to Morten (whom you have been speaking to)?
21:03.19kapejodtholo: oki, will do that
21:03.46tholoWhen is it, btw?
21:03.57kapejod19th and 20th january
21:04.20kapejod19th conference, 20th tutorial day
21:04.21tholoOkay, he (or one of my other partners) might make that.  The 15th would not work. 8-)
21:04.34kapejodand 16-18th is developer workshop
21:04.40charly_mateandoReading makefiles...
21:04.40charly_mateandoMakefile:4: *** missing separator.  Alto.
21:04.45charly_mateandohow i can fix it ?
21:04.52charly_mateandoin zaptel makefile
21:05.09charly_mateandoit is for CVS
21:05.36tholoPersonally I'd be interested in that, but like I said...  And I've got plans for that weekend anyways.
21:06.12charly_mateandoRoyK can u help me ?
21:06.27angler_woohoo.... got my car fixed
21:06.32RoyKcharly_mateando: have you checked your floppy drive? might be that
21:06.42charly_mateandonot.. for what ?
21:06.59charly_mateandoI compilated w/o problem each CVS, but this have changes
21:07.04*** join/#asterisk zooyork (
21:07.39charly_mateandoasterisk Compilate good, but zaptel have ptroubles
21:07.42kapejod~lart RoyK
21:07.50kapejodthere ya go, punk
21:08.16citatscharly_mateando: you trying to compile on *bsd?
21:08.26charly_mateandono.. RH9
21:08.38kapejodRoyK: dont SIP it IAX it!
21:09.09tholokapejod, tell RoyK what öl is...
21:09.16tholoOops, too late.
21:10.13tholoThe norwegian word for beer is öl (spelled øl, but)...  So I thought he'd walk into that if he had not encountered it before.
21:10.24*** join/#asterisk Fest22 (
21:11.32tholoBut RoyK apparently does not know what öl is... 8-)
21:11.36*** join/#asterisk crofton (
21:12.13kapejodit just looks swedish
21:12.36tholoTrue -- but I had the german word in mind for him...
21:12.47kapejodmake that Öl then :)
21:12.56tholoOh, duh.  Yeah. has more Öl then ol (/)
21:14.04tholoYeah, but only cuz the øl keeps being drunk up...
21:14.33tholoHowever, they'll have øl for long after all the Öl is gone!
21:14.44km-confutatis maledictis!  Flammis acribus addictis!
21:14.47*** join/#asterisk rpb (~rpb@
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21:15.24kapejodi am glad that .de has better ol (/) than Öl ... and more of it...
21:18.48*** part/#asterisk KillerBee (
21:18.57*** join/#asterisk crontibs (
21:20.13*** join/#asterisk killerbee (
21:20.39killerbeeyo yo yo.. YEOW
21:22.10killerbeela la la la la... let it snow let it snow
21:24.42killerbeewho has recommendation for hosting ....
21:27.10brc007hey bkw did you do a stage 1 gentoo install?
21:27.15*** join/#asterisk kape (
21:27.27charly_mateandoJerjer... Ur driver work fine for termination of Calls.. But with Origination with G729 work very bad.. for what ?
21:27.38*** join/#asterisk sudhir (
21:29.37LinkDoes anyone know how to do a company dial by name on *
21:31.53Linkanyone here
21:33.16ManxPowerLink, "show application directory"
21:33.56ManxPowerIf the user has recorded their name in the voicemail system the system will read it back when it finds matches.  It looks at the name field in voicmail.conf for the spellings of names.
21:34.31ManxPowerThis has been covered in the mailing list archives and is prolly on the Wikki as well.
21:35.37sudhirWasim, I got the call working on a trunk interface. On trunk, it was expecting 1+number, and I was not supplying 1. Asterisks error message was confusing.
21:35.37ManxPowercharly_mateando, You are using Cisco boxes to terminate the Asterisk initiated calls, is that correct?  That is a known issue, but I don't know what the solution is.
21:36.34*** join/#asterisk MocMoc (
21:42.17brc007is editing the wiki for minor layout/grammer fixes encouraged?
21:43.35brc007for example I noticed "(both documents are fine, just choose whichever you are more comfortable with) and should be faxed to *snip*
21:43.36brc007Either is fine, just choose the one that makes you most comfortable. Thanks! " and wondered if I should fix it.
21:43.39Mikewhats wrong in this exten
21:43.41Mikeexten => 245,1,Answer
21:43.41Mikeexten => 245,2,Wait(2)
21:43.41Mikeexten => 245,3,Playback(${SOUNDS}/numero)
21:43.41Mikeexten => 245,4,DISA,no-password|asterisk
21:44.19Mikei get dialtone on DISA but when i dial the exten i want to dial from context asterisk nothing happends
21:47.37km-mike: didja try hitting pound again?
21:47.46km-mike: the no-password may not be working?
21:47.58Mikewell if i hit pund
21:48.02Mikeill transfer the call
21:48.16Mikeit gives me dialtone
21:48.17dougheckaDont Worry, Be Happy!!!!
21:48.25km-no you wont, in that extension context
21:48.26Mikeif there was a password it wouldnt give me dialtone
21:48.39km-you dont have transfers enabled (since you'd need to do it via Dial()
21:49.02Mikekm-: its a FWD that connect to that extension
21:49.13Mikekm-: im dialing the FWD number and exten 245 answers
21:49.19Mikeso i want to dial the extensions in there
21:49.36brc007 dead?
21:49.46brc007chan stats...
21:51.16km-is there a contrast adjust on the 7960's?
21:52.33*** join/#asterisk charly_mateando (~asd@
21:54.32Mikekm-: care to help me do a test?
21:54.52charly_mateandozaptel need now 2.6 source ?
21:55.22Lafinionhalo, anybody can tell me somethink about UDP. I trying see packiets via iptraf  - udp - and see - one time when connect to other * - bytes 44, and when i try connect my * to example krisko than is 64 bytes
21:55.29km-mike: I got dialtone for a brief second, then congestion
21:56.34Mikekm-: try again i made timeout hiegher
21:58.31km-same effect
21:58.55Mikekm-: im using dtmfmode=inband
21:59.05Mikekm-: shall i change it?
21:59.20km-would be a good bet
22:00.08Mikekm-: try now
22:00.32km-I hit 21 and nothing happens
22:00.53Mikewell i have this
22:01.02Mikeinclude => asterisk
22:01.02Mikeexten => 245,1,Answer
22:01.02Mikeexten => 245,2,ResponseTimeout(20)
22:01.03Mikeexten => 245,3,Wait(2)
22:01.04km-why not specify a password
22:01.05Mikeexten => 245,4,Playback(${SOUNDS}/numero)
22:01.07Mikeexten => 245,5,DISA,no-password|asterisk
22:01.11Mikeand on the context [asterisk] i have
22:01.19Mike; Papa
22:01.19Mikeexten => 21,1,Dial(Zap/1/21)
22:01.19Mikeexten => 21,2,Congestion
22:01.31km-are you starting asterisk with verbose debugging?
22:01.36Mikekm-: like DISA,1234|asterisk
22:01.41km-and is Zap/1 an FXO or FXS?
22:01.43km-yeah, like that
22:01.56Mikeits a FXO but its pluged to a propietary PBX
22:02.03Mocfound a bug, when you put show channel and do tab t time, it does do the same thing than in zap show channel ;)
22:02.03Mikeso it can dial the extension
22:02.09brc007 cool :p
22:02.21*** join/#asterisk IanT0469 (
22:03.40brc007somebody buy mark a new dilbert calender
22:04.02dougheckawhos mark?
22:04.13voidptrdoughecka ?
22:04.22dougheckathee mark?
22:05.58dougheckaa robot
22:10.03dougheckadirty floor
22:11.04voidptri guess the floor is the only clean thing here
22:12.25*** join/#asterisk neo_roon (
22:14.50voidptri have a room which looked nice about 40 years ago...
22:15.05voidptrconcerning the walls
22:17.33LafinionAnybody can see in yours linux - iptraf , then connect via * to anywhere, and tell me how big is yours packets UDP ?
22:18.38jimmyzhow do i tell if i'm registed in * to iaxtel are not
22:18.49dougheckaiax show registry
22:18.50voidptriax2 show registry
22:18.51dougheckaI think
22:20.35jimmyziaxtel doesn't work behind nat does it
22:20.43dougheckasure it does
22:20.47dougheckaits iax
22:20.49dougheckaworks great
22:20.53dougheckabut you need to forward ports
22:20.55jimmyzdo i have to forward port
22:20.57jimmyzoh ok
22:21.064569 and 5036, or pronounces "Eeks"
22:21.11dougheckathem ports
22:21.59dougheckaMessage sent.
22:23.42*** join/#asterisk MocMoc (
22:23.55dougheckaSo dont worry, be happy
22:24.54data[DERP]Data's Extension Routing Protocol
22:25.23dougheckauh huh
22:25.58data[DERP]*CLI> show peers
22:25.58data[DERP]4000            game      Not Connected  0
22:25.58data[DERP]2000           marge     Connected      17
22:26.15dougheckawhats dat?
22:26.42km-that looks sort of interesting
22:26.44*** join/#asterisk jelque (~jelque@
22:26.54data[DERP]*CLI> show dialplan peered
22:26.54data[DERP][ Context 'peered' created by 'app_peer' ]
22:27.18km-sort of like a selective switch
22:27.20data[DERP]basically a dynamic routing protocol, that will allow someone in america to announce extensions
22:27.29data[DERP]and someone in uk can pick it up
22:27.34data[DERP]and use them if he wants
22:27.42km-sort of like the whole enum thing?
22:27.42data[DERP]and announce freephone uk for example
22:27.57data[DERP]i had a brief look at enum and decided it smelt bad
22:28.01data[DERP]not as bad as trip mind
22:28.22data[DERP]yea ENUM
22:28.26km-I've gotten enum to work amazingly well
22:28.31km-that is, as long as I dont call it enum
22:28.43km-but that's a joke that only the asterisk-doc crew will truly pick up on
22:29.01km-data: oej yelled at me because ENUM is not a generic term and the author doesnt like it used generically
22:29.13km-data: I wrote the chapter on getting enum to work in the new asterisk-doc project
22:29.20data[DERP]oh cool
22:29.25data[DERP]perhaps i'll take a looksie at that
22:29.33km-please, be my guest
22:29.40km-I've got a working enum database at
22:30.29km-dinner, bbiafm
22:30.33data[DERP]The Hitchhiker's Guide to Asterisk
22:30.52TestMasTer~seen Stealth_man
22:30.54stealth_man <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 10d 1h 30m 35s ago, saying: 's odoes everyone ...'.
22:31.13TestMasTer~seen testmaster
22:31.13testmaster is currently on #asterisk (1d 2h 4m 6s).  Has said a total of 2 messages.  Is idling for 0s
22:31.42data[DERP]regex powah
22:33.41dougheckato km-...
22:33.56dougheckawhen I add an enum entry
22:34.04dougheckawhats needed on the server?
22:34.18manywhere do you add it and what server do you talk about?
22:34.32dougheckamy server
22:34.39dougheckain extentions.conf
22:34.40dougheckaand iax.conf
22:34.58manythe voip-info wiki has a pretty good section about that.
22:35.39manybasically, if youre on the receiving side, you dont need to touch asterisk, just the zone, if you are on the sending site, you dont need to touch iax.conf(?)
22:36.14dougheckaso how does my box know where to route incoming call
22:36.24dougheckaif there isnt any registration info?
22:36.54manymh. dunno about IAX, but: it gets the the extension.
22:37.07manyso you can just use extensions.conf to route through.
22:37.26manyokay, wait, ill give you my example (which is actually sip only)
22:37.34dougheckabecause I have guest only going to incoming
22:37.45YoYo^static on port 2
22:37.49YoYo^any ideas?
22:38.23manymany@krikkit:~$ host -t ANY NAPTR 100 100 "u" "E2U+sip" "!^\\+4991130999(.*)$!sip:\\!" .
22:38.51manyso you call 49 911 30 999 60 and get forwarded to
22:38.53dantYoYo, bad cable?
22:39.12manyso you have an sip call incoming which hits exten 160
22:39.49manyand in extensions.conf i just tell * to route 160 like any other call (via IAX to another *)
22:40.24manyany flaw in my logic? :-)
22:40.50dantmany only the source of the '1' in 160 :)
22:41.08dougheckawhats a valid US number
22:41.11dougheckathat I can test
22:41.25manyerr, sorry. the 1 comes from that my old exten was 60 and the new is 160, ignore the 1, it aint there. you dont see it. you were just halluscinating(sp?)
22:41.34ScaredyCatlots of snow!!!!!!!
22:42.19doughecka[ Context 'intern' created by 'pbx_config' ]
22:42.45dantdoughecka, 800-915-3355 - dell home sales :)
22:43.05dougheckainclude => enumcheck
22:43.05dougheckainclude => fwd-out
22:43.05dougheckainclude => phones
22:43.05dougheckainclude => incoming
22:43.06dougheckainclude => other
22:43.08dougheckainclude => outgoing
22:43.11dougheckadoes that match?
22:43.22manylemme think...
22:43.31dougheckadidnt think so
22:43.39dougheckaso why aint it seein it?
22:43.44dougheckafwd-out isnt there..
22:43.48dougheckathats why fwd doesnt work
22:44.39dougheckaso wheres my other things...
22:44.52dantdoughecka, reload? ;)
22:44.59dougheckaI did a stop now
22:45.04dougheckaand started it again
22:45.10dougheckato make sure
22:45.11dantyou have [enumcheck] ?
22:45.16*** join/#asterisk YoYo_ (
22:45.23dantspelt correctly?
22:45.42dougheckacopyed off the page
22:45.43*** join/#asterisk heller (
22:46.41dantwhat's in enumcheck then?
22:46.46dougheckastill says call rejected by remote
22:46.58crontibsDoes asterisk support Conf Calling
22:47.05*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
22:47.10dougheckacrontibs: ?
22:47.16dougheckalike.. calling people, and putting them into a conference?
22:47.37dougheckajust forward them to a meetme
22:47.37dantcrontibs, conf works with cisco phones
22:48.05crontibsok i'll try that
22:49.06jimmyzanyone here good with cisco ios...trying to forward ports
22:49.21jimmyzi think there is an access list blocking it
22:50.05dantdoughecka, does enumcheck showup in show dialplan?
22:50.17ScaredyCatsnow snow quick quick snow
22:50.21dougheckaoh wait...
22:50.28dougheckahow is extentions.conf spelled?
22:51.05YoYo_I didn't think that illeterate people were allowed to use the internet
22:51.10YoYo_illiterate that is
22:51.20YoYo_or however the fuck you speel that word
22:51.28dantYoYo, that's what <tab> complesion was created for ;)
22:51.30ManxPowerI screwed up the spelling of extensions.conf at the very beginning too
22:51.40dougheckadant: tab is what was wrong
22:51.44jimmyzthat's why i started using computers in the first place....spellcheck
22:51.48dantvi ext<tab><enter>
22:51.49ManxPowerdoughecka, "show dialplan" would have shown you that the file was not being read.
22:51.50dougheckaManxPower: no, this is a new thing
22:51.59dougheckaManxPower: thats what was puzzling me
22:53.42YoYo_fucking shit!  2.4.20-24 modules aren't compatibile with 2.4.20-27 kernel?
22:53.47dougheckait just hung up
22:54.00dantdoughecka, yep... would do
22:54.03YoYo_so, like, with linux, I have to rebuild 98% of all binaries anytime I sneeze?
22:54.16Zzzzzzzlinux blows
22:54.23dantYoYo, nope, only modules
22:55.03YoYo_wait... if I configured this stupid thing to automatically run yum update, then it would update the kernel
22:55.08dantdoughecka, the enumcheck from the site is only a very basic context to get you started
22:55.16YoYo_so, on the next reboot after that time, the new kernel would be active
22:55.21YoYo_which would render all modules useless
22:55.46dantexclude kernel*
22:56.10dougheckadant: and?
22:56.28dougheckaso I cant make 1800 calls?
22:56.41dougheckawhats a valid number that works on ENUM?
22:57.01dantdoughecka, you probably want to include the important bits of that in your outgoing context or something so that if there is no entry in that specific enum zone that it will fall back
22:57.26dantdoughecka, whoever has added themselves to the fierymoon enum...
22:57.59YoYo_ok, and if the modules don't load in /etc/rc.local, then safe_asterisk loads and continuously runs asterisk
22:57.59dougheckahey hey, we are the monkees!!!!
22:57.59YoYo_which puts the load avg up to like 12
22:58.01dougheckadant: oh?
22:58.18dougheckaI se
22:58.38YoYo_drama is over
22:58.43YoYo_and my static is gone from line 2
22:58.50dougheckastatic is bad
22:58.55dougheckait destroys hardware
22:59.00YoYo_/sbin/poweroff fixed it
22:59.05dantYoYo, raise a bug then... maybe safe_asterisk should do a sanity check before trying to launch?
22:59.44dougheckadant, whats a working ENUM number?
22:59.46YoYo_dant: prolly not... but if asterisk exits for whatever reason it was exiting, then safe_asterisk should also exit
22:59.54YoYo_but no biggy
22:59.58YoYo_now I know what to look for
23:00.12YoYo_at least yum got new kernel sources as well as the new kernel
23:00.27MocYoYo: Apt is alot better
23:00.41Mocyum is so slow to get sync and stuff
23:00.44dantI prefer apt to yum
23:00.55danteven prefer up2date in fedora core
23:01.08Mocup2date in fedora is good ?
23:01.11km-doughecka: you had a question?
23:01.27dantMoc, supports yum and apt repositories directly
23:01.36Mocha ok
23:01.37YoYo_cd /usr/src && cvsup /usr/share/examples/cvsup/stable-supfile && make buildworld && make kernel kernconf=FOO && make installworld && shutdown -r now
23:01.50km-doughecka: ooh.  That's a cool idea, I can make the script auto-generate the iax2 user field so you can cut and paste it in
23:01.54data[DERP]is there any way to manually query the enum servers? i.e to see the extensions available? without dialing the whole interweb?
23:01.57YoYo_cd /usr/ports && cvsup /usr/share/examples/ports-supfile
23:01.58dougheckakm-: yah
23:02.01YoYo_portupgrade *
23:02.04dantdoughecka, I don't know of any numbers that work with enum
23:02.06km-data[derp]: I don't think so.
23:02.19km-for free calling
23:02.25dougheckawhat area is that
23:02.31km-also 484 and 267
23:02.35dougheckawhats a number I can call?
23:02.38data[DERP]757 i need :)
23:02.51dougheckaneedi snt in there?
23:02.56crontibsHow is Asterisk on Freebsd
23:02.58dantkm-, yeah?
23:03.00crontibsis it stable
23:03.00data[DERP]dunno :)
23:03.03data[DERP]aint tried it hehe
23:03.06YoYo_dant, up2date is borked, though I'm sure I grabbed the fedora version
23:03.11km-dant: yep, I've got a database full with my local calling area
23:03.11YoYo_still won't run without a RHN account
23:03.19km-dant: so if it's in my local calling area it can be called
23:03.29YoYo_crontibs: supposedly it works, but no hardware support yet :/
23:03.39dougheckaand rot13 is too
23:03.49dantkm-, your own enum suffix or in
23:03.58km-dant: I dont use e164
23:04.00*** join/#asterisk No_Carrier_ (~NoCarrier@
23:04.01dantkm-, ahh cool
23:04.14km-I'm trying to get everyone to register in
23:04.22dantkm-, I would....
23:04.24dantkm-, but....
23:04.28km-that way we've got a database free of people in charge
23:04.32MocCan I build a patch file from current source and CVS changes ?
23:04.37dougheckakm-: I have a zap card... covers at least 2 area codes for free...
23:04.38km-it's kinda like bkw and openenum
23:04.45dantkm-, it's not exactly non-US friendly ;)
23:04.46km-doughecka: exactly what I do
23:04.59dougheckaif you tell me how to configure it...
23:04.59km-dant: oh, I changed to let international numbers be in there
23:05.20dantkm-, changed the sample context?
23:05.29km-the extensions context on is just a sample
23:05.32*** join/#asterisk Aharonov (
23:05.43data[DERP]ya need a lookup box :)
23:05.43km-you could change that to _4.
23:05.55dantkm-, aye, I know... but... if I were to add myself in there, at least doughecka wouldn't be able to call me
23:05.59dougheckathats what I did
23:06.00dantkm-, as he's used the sample
23:06.28km-doughecka: you need to dial after that you know :)
23:06.33dougheckaTangent: leave the firewall as is, my rule of thumb is let the firewall to be firewall
23:06.36dougheckapbx as pbx
23:06.43dougheckakm-: oh.
23:06.44km-doughecka: you can try my home number, 6106351197
23:06.53km-look at
23:06.57km-there's a sample context there
23:07.00dougheckaexten => _4.,1,EnumLookup(${EXTEN:1})
23:07.00dougheckaexten => _4.,2,Dial(${ENUM})
23:07.00dougheckaexten => _4.,3,Hangup
23:07.00dougheckaexten => _4.,102,Hangup
23:07.01km-for extensions.conf
23:07.08dougheckathats what I had
23:07.11dougheckaand it hung up
23:07.24km-610222 probably isn't in my enum
23:07.29km-I dont think 222 is a valid prefix in 610
23:07.39km-try 6106351197
23:07.50YoYo_Tangent, fwiw, I built 1 leenoox box for my home
23:08.09dougheckaI BROKE IT!
23:08.18km-doughecka: did you put anything in enum.conf?
23:08.28YoYo_uATX MB, P4/2.6Ghz, 256MB, 2 ethernet, TDM30P and X100P
23:08.38dougheckathe line you put
23:08.40km-doughecka: did you restart? :)
23:08.44dougheckastop now
23:08.57dougheckaretarded thing
23:09.06km-*CLI> NOTICE[147466]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 4328 (socket_read): Rejected connect attempt from, requested/capability 0x2/0x2 incompatible  with our capability 0x400.
23:09.07YoYo_running PPPoE with VZ, does DHCP for my home network, and has asterisk running for personal and as and extension for my work machine
23:09.11Tangentdoughecka: I'd prefer firewall as firewall, but I can't work out what's going wrong with my calls to fwd currentlty... firewall seems to be doing all of it's nat correctly
23:09.36dantyou no like gsm?
23:09.37km-dant I may have the enumuser set only to ilbc
23:09.40km-lemme check
23:09.47dougheckaI can use ilbc...
23:09.58dougheckaworks with nufone I think
23:09.59km-dant: try now
23:10.01dantI'll add it back at a lower pref
23:10.09km-thats odd
23:10.12km-I said allow=ilbc,gsm
23:10.16km-and it still wont let ya
23:10.36YoYo_run *, nat, email all on one server
23:10.47data[DERP]ENUM got '0'
23:10.52data[DERP]^ i take it thats bad ;)
23:10.54km-dant: try again
23:11.13dougheckastill not working for me
23:11.25dougheckahey hey we are the monkees!!!
23:11.29km-weirdly enough
23:11.32dougheckawe are just tryin to be friendly!!
23:11.32Ihrrm... that didn't sound right
23:11.37km-it didn't show callerid
23:12.14dougheckastill dont work
23:12.18km-I know why...
23:12.31dantkm-, not trusting callerID?
23:12.36dougheckaits not trying to call
23:12.38km-it was forcing it's own callerid
23:13.39km-doughecka: your system may not be allowing DNS queries to my host?
23:13.39*** join/#asterisk Dedushka_Moroz1 (irc_trg_ru@
23:14.13data[DERP]both numbers i use arent in there :o
23:14.22*** join/#asterisk I (
23:14.26km-data: what numbers?
23:14.35km-or at least prefixes
23:14.38dantParse error: parse error in /var/www/ on line 46
23:14.44data[DERP]hehe dant
23:14.49km-dant: I'm in the middle of changing the script :P
23:14.53dantahh :)
23:14.55km-dant: my bad
23:14.58km-dant: you can try now
23:15.04km-if you have a lot of numbers you want to add
23:15.21km-you can e-mail me the prefixes and I'll add them to the enum through shellscripting
23:15.48km-the web interface is more for adding one-line-entries
23:15.48data[DERP]km-: you should display stats on the site, i.e how many prefixes are in it
23:15.51km-like just your phone number
23:16.01km-data: I dont know how I'd get that kind of data though
23:16.03*** part/#asterisk Dedushka_Moroz1 (irc_trg_ru@
23:16.09dantkm-, just gonna add my main number for now... what format should I use for an international number?
23:16.12km-data: since it's not like I can say to my NS server "give me back all NAPTR's
23:16.16*** join/#asterisk YoYo^ (
23:16.19*** join/#asterisk cjam (
23:16.21km-dant: country code first
23:16.27dantkm- ok...
23:16.46km-just put your number in, country code first, and then fill in all the other data
23:16.51data[DERP]km-: cat /etc/bind/bla/enum | wc -l NAPTR ? ;)
23:16.51YoYo^oh how retarded... registered names on this dumb network
23:16.55data[DERP]or whatever
23:17.11km-data: that'd work, except that new entries are stored in un-parsable journal files in BIND
23:17.17data[DERP]doh :)
23:17.21data[DERP]ah well
23:17.24km-data: I'd have to HUP the named every time I wanted to look at the number of prefixes
23:17.25dougheckaenum.conf right?
23:17.29km-doughecka: yeah
23:17.41dougheckasearch =>
23:17.44dougheckalike that
23:17.46dougheckaone line only
23:17.46km-but, if you want an idea of how many prefixes are there still
23:17.59data[DERP]yup :)
23:17.59km-yep, under the general context
23:18.04data[DERP]just curious :)
23:18.10dougheckaa context..
23:18.22km-root@aeneas:/var/named/pri# cat|grep NAPTR |wc -l
23:18.28*** join/#asterisk jimmyz (~jimmyz@
23:18.39dougheckathats better
23:18.48data[DERP]ntb ntb
23:19.06dougheckakm-: ok, and if I add my number...
23:19.33dougheckawhat do I do?
23:19.41km-that's weird
23:19.45km-doug, your call was denied
23:19.50dougheckaI hung up
23:19.57data[DERP]"ACCESS DENIED"
23:19.57km-Rejected connection attempt it says
23:20.20km-you were using username iax2?
23:20.24km-that's not right
23:20.30dougheckait hang up
23:20.34km-lemme see something
23:20.47j35asterisk isn't putting the CDR in /var/log/asterisk/cdr_csv how do I enable it?
23:21.11km-somethings wrong with your enumlookup
23:21.32dougheckaits whats on your web site
23:21.54km-I mean
23:22.01km-something's wrong with your enumlookup application
23:22.16km-since it's calling iax2:enumuser@ as opposed to enumuser@
23:22.31dougheckaso how to fix?
23:22.34Zzzzzzzhey is anyone using voicepulse here?
23:22.37Zzzzzzzi can't get asterisk to register
23:22.48dougheckaAsterisk CVS-09/30/03-13:06:11
23:22.58dougheckaits more up to date than that
23:23.03km-if you dont run make update
23:23.05km-it wont update the date
23:23.12dougheckais current CVS ok?
23:23.24km-but that's odd because the last enumlookup update was 8/15/03
23:23.55TangentI can't understand why * isn't registering my SIP channel with fwd... it doesn't even seem to be trying anymore
23:23.57doughecka[root@localhost asterisk]# make update
23:23.59dougheckaUpdating from CVS...
23:23.59doughecka[root@localhost asterisk]#
23:24.03dougheckadidnt do anything
23:24.22*** join/#asterisk holger (
23:25.38km-that's totally weird
23:25.41km-I dont know what's wrong
23:26.04*** join/#asterisk h3x (
23:26.08Zzzzzzzi have '9' dump me into DISA on extensions.conf
23:26.22Zzzzzzzbut when i dial 9 on the cisco ata186, it takes forever before the cisco decides i'm done typing in the number
23:26.26dougheckarunning it again fixed it
23:26.52km-always good to upgrade to latest cvs when having weird things happening
23:26.53*** join/#asterisk neo_roon (
23:27.58dougheckasame problem
23:28.05dougheckaAsterisk CVS-01/03/04
23:28.24*** join/#asterisk Moc (
23:29.00km-it should be rewriting iax2: to be IAX2/
23:29.02km-in your dial string
23:29.14dantkm-, you got the lines for that?
23:29.26km-dant: line numbers?
23:29.38km-around line 105 of app_enumlookup.c
23:29.50dougheckaCorydon76-work: lol
23:30.19dantdoughecka, you did do a make clean?
23:30.29km-doughecka: show your Dial( line when you try to dial
23:30.32Zzzzzzzcan anyone send me a sample of how you are connecting to voicepulse?
23:30.53dougheckashould I?
23:31.18j35asterisk isn't putting the CDR in /var/log/asterisk/cdr_csv how do I enable it?
23:31.26dantdoughecka, if you don't do a make clean, you'll never be recompiling *
23:31.39km-doughrcka: that's totally weird
23:31.40ScaredyCatyou muppet
23:31.50km-doughecka: i'd recompile the whole damn thing
23:32.00data[DERP]rm -rf asterisk
23:32.00km-i.e., make clean :P
23:32.08dougheckatis recompiling
23:32.26dantdoughecka, that explains why you're still using code from before august :)
23:32.40lecramshouldn't make see the newer .c files, and recompile those?
23:32.52data[DERP]Asterisk CVS-09/27/03-00:01:48 built by root@homer on a i686 running Linux
23:32.54data[DERP]hmm :o
23:32.58dantlecram, if the .so doesn't exist?
23:33.10lecramit should check the timestamps on the files
23:33.27ScaredyCatit's only if te .so don;t exist...
23:34.19ScaredyCatno.. lecram is correct
23:35.04km-doughecka breeds problems
23:35.06lecramif the .so doesn't exist then it'll make it..
23:35.48dougheckafree pstn!!!
23:36.16lecramnice project, but I wonder how long they'll last
23:36.30km-where'd ya see that post?
23:36.46dougheckamailist list-
23:37.22dougheckatis my * boxen
23:37.32Corydon76-homeYou apparently think you know me, ScaredyCat
23:37.43km-dant's calling the box to hear my wife's voice!
23:38.20dantkm-, sweeet ;)
23:38.40km-trust me, if you annoy kristy she'll make me put the toys away :)
23:38.42dougheckasame error
23:38.52dantkm-,     -- Executing SetCallerID("IAX2[apple@apple]/1", "+448451301300") in new stack <-- that's why :)
23:39.14ScaredyCatlol @ the message
23:39.16km-dant: I fixed it, it came through this time
23:39.33dougheckakm-: does it goto a menu?
23:39.36dantkm-, I realised I was sending out bad CID anyway :)
23:39.39j35stupid question if you forward an incoming call out via a voicepulse connect will the caller id of the original call be kept?
23:39.52km-someone just flashed my Zap/1
23:39.53dougheckawhos calling me
23:40.03dougheckakm-: that was me
23:40.05bkw_the bay boi
23:40.07bkw_er gay
23:40.10ScaredyCatit just said : 2 3 and that was ut
23:40.19bkw_sicne when?
23:40.23km-doughecka: ya hung up before my system could get the caller id
23:40.23bkw_er since when?
23:40.24TangentMy firewall's doing everything right, but * is embedding "Contact:.<sip:17772@>" within the sip packets and as such the call isn't working.. Is there any way to fix that within &
23:40.26dougheckayea, I need to redo me menus
23:40.28TangentMy firewall's doing everything right, but * is embedding "Contact:.<sip:17772@>" within the sip packets and as such the call isn't working.. Is there any way to fix that within *
23:40.28ScaredyCatwhat doughecka
23:40.34dougheckakm-: oh?
23:40.39dougheckakm-: let me call it
23:40.55km-ah there it is
23:40.58km-you can hangup now
23:41.02ScaredyCatI can;t get over te wierd message on tat servive
23:41.25dougheckadats it
23:41.42dougheckaenum still dont work
23:41.48km-doug: just for you
23:41.49data[DERP]bkw_: :))
23:41.54bkw_i have had a little bit to dring
23:41.56bkw_er drink
23:41.56km-doughecka: dant is using it just fine
23:41.58bkw_so i'm not all here
23:42.12dougheckawhats wrong
23:42.13km-NOTICE[98311]: File chan_iax.c, Line 3861 (socket_read): Rejected connect attempt from, request 'exten=16106351197;callerid="Doug-Home" <18129496228>;language=en;context=enumloc;username=iax2;formats=2;capability=2147483647;version=1;adsicpe=0'
23:42.30dougheckatis seeing me
23:43.09km-don't make me put you in the corner
23:43.46km-bkw: any idea why doug's enumlookup app is screwy?
23:43.48dantTangent, ;externip =     ; Address that we're going to put in SIP messages if we're behind a NAT
23:43.48dougheckaA Breene, (610) 635-1197, 401 Conestoga Way, Norristown, PA 19403
23:43.55km-bkw: for some reason, his URL is IAX/iax2:enumuser
23:43.55ScaredyCatUSA Terre Haute IN
23:44.02km-bkw: as oppsed to IAX2/enumuser
23:44.16dantdoughecka, how easy would it be to nuke your source tree and regrab it from cvs?
23:44.25km-doughecka: that's not my address :P
23:44.31dougheckakm-: bah
23:44.50*** join/#asterisk joako (
23:44.51km-that wasn't even the last person that had this number
23:44.56km-her name was like annamarie milan or something
23:45.18km-doug: but if it makes you feel any better
23:45.36km-doug: A) conestoga way is like three miles from my house
23:45.44km-doug: B) my address is in the whois for
23:45.46*** join/#asterisk pc1 (
23:45.56km-so send me christmas cards
23:46.07dougheckatoo late...
23:46.13dougheckavalentein cards?
23:46.18Tangentdant: Ah.. I was trying with externalIP./.. not externIP
23:46.22km-and just in case someone says to me "Why on earth would you use your real address?"
23:46.25km-the answer is
23:46.27km-"I've got guns"
23:46.32dant* doughecka is now known as psychodoug
23:47.01ScaredyCatok, so now we know tat km has guns and were e lives, now all we need to to is wait til he goe sout
23:47.12km-my wife hates guns
23:47.22km-but I've showed her how to operate them
23:47.43km-mishehu is packing bigger heat than me!
23:47.58ScaredyCatthat must mean someting over there...
23:48.12km-the galil is like a sub machine gun I think
23:48.30dougheckait can clear 5 square acres
23:48.35dougheckaor miles... I forget
23:48.35ScaredyCaterrm, that begs the question why
23:48.49TangentDo I want nat=yes or nat=on ? Different docs say different things
23:48.55ScaredyCatis that 'redneck' country?
23:49.08km-scaredycat: norristown?
23:49.14km-it's robbery country
23:49.17mishehuthe galil is a modify ak that fires a 5.56 round
23:49.17ScaredyCatTangent: yes or 1
23:49.42dougheckaaka sawed off
23:49.43TangentScaredyCat, Powerkill: Thanks.... I guess it must be something else stopping it working now
23:49.44km-one of these days I'm going to get a beretta 92FS
23:49.48mishehubut I don't own one.  but I have used galil, Uzi, and m16a1
23:49.57km-I wouldn't mind an uzi
23:49.59mishehuused to carry an m16a1 everywhere I went, even the bank.
23:50.02dougheckaone of them sniper things
23:50.03km-very illegal though
23:50.09mishehukm-: you know what Uzis are good for though?
23:50.14km-mishehu: what country do you live in?
23:50.29ScaredyCatyeah, doughecka.. and you'll modify your car so u can hide in the trunk?
23:50.33ScaredyCat... again?
23:50.35mishehukm-: I live in two countries (though I've not yet figured how to do that simultaneously ;-) )
23:50.36dantkm-, fancy trying enumin' me on 448451301300
23:50.45km-mishehu: I dont know, what does the uzi do good?
23:50.46dougheckaput it on the dash
23:50.47km-dant: just a sec
23:50.54ScaredyCatUK Freephone Telecom Ltd
23:51.10mishehukm-: if you run out of hand grenades, put the Uzi on automatic, and toss it where you'd throw a hand grenade
23:51.18ScaredyCatis that a pstn 2 fwd number?
23:51.41dantScaredyCat, my number?
23:51.52km-WARNING[147466]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 4404 (socket_read): Call rejected by No such context/extension
23:51.56km-mishehu: hehehe
23:51.57dantScaredyCat, nope...
23:52.01mishehukm-: Uzis are also good for the girls and for lazy soldiers who dont' want to carry a galil or an m16...  though m16 is the lightest one of the bunch.
23:52.02dantkm-, d'oh ta
23:52.13dougheckamake[1]: *** [chan_zap.o] Error 1
23:52.19dougheckacvs is broke eh?
23:52.23ScaredyCatis this enum stuff doc'd ?
23:52.24dantScaredyCat, 448700689190 is pstn2iax tho
23:52.26mishehukm-: part of my life I live in .il, part of it in the usa.
23:52.28TangentScaredyCat: 0845 004 55 66 - UK FWD pstn gateway
23:52.39doughecka~country .il
23:52.44Country codes are at
23:52.49dougheckalol is israel
23:53.07ScaredyCatIs it the DID pstn 2 fwd one?
23:53.16dougheckachan_zap.c: In function `do_monitor':
23:53.16dougheckachan_zap.c:4855: `ZT_ONHOOKTRANSFER' undeclared (first use in this function)
23:53.18km-dant: ready for another try, let me know
23:53.32dougheckachan_zap.c:1083: `ZT_ECHOTRAIN' undeclared (first use in this function)
23:53.32dougheckachan_zap.c:1083: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
23:53.32dougheckachan_zap.c:1083: for each function it appears in.)
23:53.36mishehuand I've very much like to get a friend of mine in .il to setup asterisk, so I can route some cheap calls thru
23:53.41data[DERP]doughecka: cvs update ya zaptel folder
23:53.43km-doughecka: you need a new version of zaptel/zapata
23:53.57data[DERP]christ you were using old code :)
23:54.07km-so much for cvs update for him
23:54.22Mochow can I make x100p dial *67 before eachcalls (to hide calling number)
23:54.36dantkm-, aye, ready, I think
23:54.44km-moc: you could format your dial as *67,${EXTEN}
23:54.54doughecka[root@localhost zaptel]# make install
23:54.54dougheckaMakefile:23: *** missing separator.  Stop.
23:54.54km-dant: still not happening
23:54.59Moc, will make the pause ... urm right
23:55.03km-moc: right
23:55.05ScaredyCat0870 340 3004
23:55.14data[DERP]doughecka: hehe, ya borked ya makefile, you been tinkering?
23:55.22data[DERP]doughecka: if not, rm it and cvs update again :)
23:55.26km-dant: did you make an extensions.conf context of fierymoon-enum?
23:56.30data[DERP]Asterisk CVS-01/03/04-23:44:16 built by root@homer on a i686 running Linux
23:56.33data[DERP]better :]
23:56.36dantkm-, yep, one mo...
23:56.44km-dant: ready?
23:57.08l-fycan i convince asterisk to dial another asterisk on mgcp?
23:57.42*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
23:58.04dougheckal-fy: with enough money
23:58.05dantkm-, just need to add something to the context...
23:58.12dougheckabribery maybe
23:59.17ScaredyCatis this enum stuff doc'd ?
23:59.29km-scaredy: I wrote an enum section in the HGTA on asterisk-doc
23:59.31mishehuboc boc boc
23:59.33l-fydoughecka > did i mentioned that i really want this to work and i don't need your jokes now?
23:59.36ScaredyCatoooo ok
23:59.39km-scaredy: there is some wiki info
23:59.44Shido6enum isnt that hard..
23:59.45dougheckal-fy: nope :)
23:59.47TangentOK.. some progress on the NAT stuff.. I can now call FWD... but the call's awful... The handset on is now trying to reply to
23:59.49km-scaredy: but jsmith thinks my section is pretty good

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.