irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040101

00:00.00bkw_chick is better
00:00.10ScaredyCatok tim27 - well the IRA are terrorists supported by a large protion of the USA population...
00:00.24bkw_ScaredyCat since when?
00:00.37macTijnand then it was 2004 in the uk too
00:00.38panny-htlnks-mxHAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!
00:00.43ScaredyCatsince forever bkw_
00:00.43tim27we will all eat salad
00:00.47bkw_hell I don't even support the IRS
00:00.48tim27and chicken
00:00.49kapejodhappy new year panny-htlnks-mx
00:00.52bkw_ScaredyCat Bush is a terrorist
00:00.58*** join/#asterisk tyu (
00:00.59ScaredyCatbkw_: u r a redneck... you don;t count
00:01.06bkw_ScaredyCat hahaahaha
00:01.09bkw_and a gay redneck at that
00:01.16macTijnhny panny :)
00:01.22bkw_panny-htlnks-mx what is that?
00:01.30panny-htlnks-mxHNY chaps!!! come to our conference !! :)
00:01.36tim27kapejob: where you from
00:01.45ScaredyCatbkw_: sounds like a porn site
00:01.46panny-htlnks-mxlisten to the fireworks going on in london town :)
00:01.56kapejodtim28: from .de
00:01.56macTijnlondon eh ?
00:02.03macTijnberlin, amsterdam, london
00:02.06macTijnbig cities :)
00:02.16kapejodmacTijn: berlin is a big village
00:02.18tim27so your beef was sick before us...
00:02.21macTijnanyone from paris here ? :)
00:02.28macTijnkape: true, true
00:02.38*** join/#asterisk hermie (
00:03.12kapejodhappy new year kram :)
00:03.31bkw_hey lets use JerJer's box
00:03.42ScaredyCatanyone seen 28 days?
00:03.48bkw_exten => 4569,1,Dial(IAX2/
00:03.51bkw_lets do that
00:04.11bkw_come on people join the conf
00:04.12bkw_exten => 4569,1,Dial(IAX2/
00:04.45macTijnjsmith: later dude
00:04.47bkw_exten => 4569,1,Dial(IAX2/
00:04.48bkw_exten => 4569,1,Dial(IAX2/
00:04.49macTijnand thanks again :)
00:04.50bkw_NOW NOW NOW
00:04.51TestMasTerbkw_,  lol no one whats to talk to you :-)
00:05.02jsmithbkw_: I'll jump in some other time... thanks again for the help today
00:05.07kapejodbkw_: exten => 4569,1,Echo()
00:05.32ScaredyCatexten => 4569,1,noop
00:05.44bkw_two drunk people in a conf
00:05.59kapejodexten => 4569,1,Goto(4569|1)
00:06.01macTijnexten => 4569,1,Congestion
00:06.14soboljoins us
00:06.17bkw_JOIN JOIN JOIN
00:06.27ScaredyCatexten => 4569,1,Indegestion
00:06.35TestMasTerI will after i`m done my call
00:06.36bkw_sobol is in the conf
00:06.40macTijnexten => 4569,1,Constipation
00:06.42bkw_so am I
00:06.52ScaredyCatexten => 4569,1,Indignation
00:07.10ScaredyCatanyone heard from wasim lately?
00:07.13tim27timain is there now
00:07.18macTijnexten => 4569,1,NukeWhiteHouse
00:07.52macTijnI love 2ghz :)
00:08.20ScaredyCatkapejod: pissed again eh
00:08.22tim27who speak in the conf ???
00:08.28ScaredyCatme speak
00:08.29macTijnXFree86 Version (4.4.0 RC 2)
00:08.32macTijnw00t :)
00:08.49bkw_exten => 4569,1,Dial(IAX2/  <--- join
00:08.54bkw_NOW NOW NOW
00:08.56soboljoins us now
00:09.08tim27it that you
00:09.08bkw_tim27 join
00:09.11kapejodthis feels like #asterisk-spam again ;)
00:09.47data[coding]moo :)
00:10.02data[coding]come join the chat :)
00:10.08tim27we are 3
00:10.10*** join/#asterisk Alex^ (
00:10.12tim27we need more
00:10.18data[coding]^ that one
00:10.19data[coding]we have 8
00:10.22data[coding]and lots of fireworks :)
00:10.28kapejodbridge those 2 confs
00:10.31bkw_IAX2/  <--- I can't join that one
00:10.34data[coding]can we/
00:10.35bkw_it no workie
00:10.39data[coding]bkw_: why? :{ ya need ALAW
00:10.55bkw_YOU NEED ALAW...???!?!?!
00:11.09kapejodwant some?
00:11.12ScaredyCatI fought ulaw, and ulaw won
00:11.17data[coding]he's just changed it
00:11.19data[coding]to allow all
00:11.22data[coding]so try again :)
00:11.25data[coding]join teh party
00:11.38kapejodALloW all?
00:11.48PowerkillHappy New Year :)
00:11.54kramthanks powerkill
00:12.00data[coding]you too kram :))
00:12.10PowerkillHi Kram I try to call you this evening :)
00:12.19krami think i got your message
00:12.26krammom took it down from the machine
00:12.36kramare you around paris?
00:12.38*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
00:12.42PowerkillYou stay in paris for sometimes
00:12.49kapejod[Asterisk-Dev] Crappy New Year - AGI is b0rked
00:12.51Powerkillyes i'm in paris 13eme
00:13.09data[coding]bkw_: ya gonna try again? :)
00:13.17data[coding]we need JerJer too hehe :)
00:14.34bkw_IAX2/  <--
00:15.23bkw_MORE LUBE!!
00:18.20sobolI can't join
00:18.36bkw_alow ulaw
00:18.46sobolall the time man
00:18.54kapejodnever ever
00:18.59tim27i joint with gsm
00:19.15sobol-- Executing Dial("Zap/2-1", "IAX2/|Ttr") in new stack
00:19.36tclarktry forcing gsm
00:19.52tim27why zap/2-1
00:20.00macTijnzap ?
00:20.05macTijnusing your normal phone ?
00:20.06bkw_he's on a TDM card
00:20.09kapejodzip zop zap
00:20.32tim27sobol is working now ???
00:20.52soboli still can't join
00:21.08tim27why you dial to zap ???
00:22.52kapejodhe isnt dialing TO zap, he is dialing FROM a zap channel
00:23.02tim27oh because
00:23.09tim27he use a analog phone
00:23.11sobolok im in
00:24.09data[coding]moo! :}
00:25.09sobolkapejod: are u in conf
00:25.24kapejodsobol: nope
00:25.24tim27how mush we are
00:25.38tim27why you dont come here kapjod ???
00:26.30tim27can we ear you music
00:26.37tim27we need some music
00:26.53kapejodlast time, some people complained about my abba music....
00:27.33bkw_I LOVE ABBA
00:27.43tim27can we hear it
00:27.47kapejodi know...
00:30.17ErikNWhy does iax eat up all my kernel network buffers?
00:30.41JerJerfeel the bass
00:30.48bkw_LOVE IT
00:30.53tim27cisco will need phone
00:31.03tim27with subwoffer
00:31.52data[coding]hehe tim
00:32.25kapejodno abba ... that was ateens covering abba :P
00:32.30*** join/#asterisk denon (
00:32.36*** join/#asterisk fyman (
00:32.53tim27kape you come in the conf ???
00:33.19kapejodnope, no headset over here
00:33.26kapejodanother song? ;)
00:33.36tim27we want some music
00:33.38bkw_gay horse... har har har
00:34.24kapejodslap me when it's enough ;)
00:35.35bkw_KILL THE MUSIC
00:36.01bkw_Hey Mr. DJ take the fucking record off!
00:36.13tim27your neighborb will not like you
00:36.15Alex^hallo! bkw_
00:36.21kapejodkape already has a job
00:37.34*** join/#asterisk Moc (
00:37.57ErikNkram:  What might be causing iax to eat up all my kernel network buffers?
00:38.08kramtoo many calls?  i dunnno
00:38.20kramback in the morning
00:38.27ErikNkram:  only have one call on...
00:38.30ErikNkram:  night
00:38.52data[coding]nn kram :)
00:40.06atacommhmm, i must have done something wrong, MCI wants to partner with me
00:41.57denon"partner" is used pretty loosely these days
00:42.50atacommas in send all their VoIP customers to me for hardware....
00:43.22denonsounds like fun
00:43.45atacommlol, yeah, looking at even maybe a co-branded store for them
00:44.53denonman, I shoulda made new year's plans
00:45.21MocYea, resolution for next year, get a PRI
00:45.21denonpissed me off, FWD stopped their freebie stuff
00:45.32denonwas gonna call overseas again today
00:45.42denonended up doin it on my nickel instead
00:45.46denonno biggie .. just cooler when its free
00:45.51atacommi'm not doing anything tonight, i'm still here at work looking over the last 3 days of orders
00:46.15denonI wanted to get together with friends .. havent been able to get ahold of anyone tho
00:46.33denonshoulda thought about it before now :)
00:46.36Mochire some webserver
00:47.12panny-htlnks-mxfun fun fun
00:47.14atacomm? dont need a web person.....need someone to charge cards, verify orders, handle vendor contacts for drop shipments, and to ship packages
00:47.27Mocisn't that all automatic ?
00:47.27bkw_did the conf dine?
00:47.30bkw_er die
00:47.35data[coding]not for us
00:47.43atacommMoc: in a 2 person company? no, its not all automatic
00:47.48data[coding]its all just gone to shite tho :)
00:48.04booi've tried to call
00:48.07bkw_where is the conf?
00:48.08atacommits becoming more automatic every day though
00:48.08boonobody responds
00:48.11data[coding]it vanished
00:48.23data[coding]bye bye asterisk :)
00:49.11bkw_IAX2/  <-- is this dead?
00:49.20denonone friend just called back ..
00:49.30denonhis wife's having contractions .. guess he wont be around
00:49.45data[coding]bkw_: yes
00:49.48data[coding]its just died :)
00:49.51bkw_fix it
00:49.54data[coding]he is
00:49.55denonanother good friend's line has been busy for about an hour now .. guess he got a girl
00:50.26*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by bkw_
00:50.41denonwhat is this w00p you speak of
00:50.45bkw_my as
00:50.49*** join/#asterisk brainsto (
00:50.51denondont wnana know
00:50.51boooooh nice
00:51.02bkw_boo you have a pic online yet?
00:51.10booahh no
00:51.12booforgot to
00:51.20boowill have one up tomorrow though
00:51.51boomaybe i can get some pics of my drunk ass tonight
00:51.58bkw_no your face please
00:52.03boowell ya
00:52.07bkw_I'm not too fond of ass!
00:52.20boowell i am
00:52.25*** join/#asterisk flubber (
00:52.43denonumm.. ok ..
00:52.47boobut i'll restrain myself
00:53.11denonZIP IT!
00:53.57bkw_for a non-dead conf IAX2/
00:54.00bkw_JOIN NOW!
00:54.05bkw_get the picture?
00:54.28denonthat would require me opening securecrt
00:54.31denonand pasting a line in
00:55.03bkw_DO IT ... DO IT NOW!!!
00:55.20Moc ... Shes in the conference, join us !!!
00:55.33denonMoc: Ive got a wife .. real nice one
00:55.37denonI dont really care 'bout chicks anymore
00:55.39data[coding]i just setup IAX2/
00:56.25bkw_got the bandwidth
00:56.32carrarisn't it suppose to be call for a good time: IAX2/
00:58.24Mocthat patetic ;) hehe
00:59.18bkw_I linked the nufone conf to the one
01:00.19MocOk now got alot of problem understand all those english now in the conference ;)
01:00.38Mocgot problem switching between all the different type
01:01.47denonlotsa hellos
01:01.51denonbut where's the lively?
01:01.52Mocit echo denon
01:01.57Mocwe are fixing it ;) hehe
01:03.25*** join/#asterisk zoa (
01:03.38data[coding]IAX2/ || IAX2/ :}
01:04.16*** join/#asterisk zoaaa (
01:04.28*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> IAX2/ || IAX2/
01:04.43Mocsound is little bad ..
01:04.44zoaoké, its a very bad bad idea to put 100 .call files in the outgoing directory
01:04.51Moclike 1ms cut
01:04.51zoaif they all have the same hour and date
01:05.04Mocfor the person who is talking right now
01:05.19zoamy asterisk server had to send a newyear message to 100 people at the same time
01:05.24Mocish ..
01:05.28zoaand the server now stops responding
01:05.30zoaas in DEAD
01:05.32zoano ping
01:07.19Connor_why did it have to send a newyear message to a 100 people ?
01:10.18Mocit keep cutting on my end
01:14.54Mocalot of echo in the conference
01:15.18*** join/#asterisk maxeh (
01:15.30Connor_what's the conference about?
01:15.46Mocstrange stuff
01:15.56MocI dont understand much basicly
01:16.13Mocthere is like 4 different english running in the conference ..
01:16.19Mocmessing me up
01:16.37Moc+ echo + ppl speaking in back ground ... im lost
01:16.55Connor_4 different english running ? how do you mean?
01:17.14bkw_i'm drunk
01:17.35tholoI'm shocked.  Not.
01:18.13*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
01:18.27Mocwell different... like texas, Englans, general US ...
01:18.57MocArgh ... UK !!
01:19.40brc007any o
01:21.26Connor_Southeren! :)
01:23.02Mocbah what ever hehe
01:27.26bkw_beer and queer
01:27.41maxehno more lube then.
01:28.20bkw_lube lube lube
01:28.26bkw_ok ok spit on it
01:28.30maxehwasnt me
01:28.46bkw_lube is good.... just dont use wd40... OUCH!
01:29.11bkw_WD40 its whats for dinner!
01:29.38maxehsuperglue ur ass?
01:29.40Mocstop watching american pie !!
01:29.42maxehwhat time? :)
01:29.58data[coding]american pie heh
01:30.04*** join/#asterisk david-test (
01:30.26maxehamerican pie 2
01:31.21brc007just tried to make clean ; make install in zaptel (from cvs) and I got a ton of "zaptel.c:2542: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type" errors...(with different numbers)
01:31.44brc007anyone know what's wrong?
01:32.12data[coding]american wedding is good too :)
01:32.29MocAP1 and AW are the best..
01:34.44brc007comeon bkw tellme!
01:34.56*** join/#asterisk rahrah (
01:36.27brc007hey bkw, you have a website?
01:36.52brc007ahh thanks
01:36.55brc007should've thought of that
01:37.13bkw_my website is
01:37.20denon - bkw's the one on the right, in drag
01:37.56Moclook good in a skirt ;)
01:40.48brc007is the * dev platform redhat (/fedora)?
01:41.15bkw_denon NO I WILL NOT DO DRAG
01:41.18bkw_no drag here
01:41.21bkw_just a fag
01:41.42maxehspitting on backs?
01:43.26Mocsend me one...
01:44.54bkw_FUCKIN EH
01:46.13denon/kick data[coding]
01:46.17denon/kick maxeh
01:46.19bkw_nobody gives me credit
01:46.25maxehits all bkw_'s fault
01:46.38maxehevil laugh ? :)
01:46.43bkw_when your drunk its all amusing
01:46.52denonevil laugh or constipation
01:47.48data[coding]beer city ;)
01:47.48bkw_the population is measured in ounces
01:49.59bkw_I IS NOT MY FAULT
01:50.02*** part/#asterisk Aaton (
01:50.03JerJerman i wish i had a telescope tonight
01:50.04bkw_if you go blind its not my fault
01:50.22maxeh£5 discount on our tv lisence, go go :)
01:50.31JerJersaturn is gonna be at its best at midnight tonight (eastern) even tipping its rings twoard us
01:53.27denonJerJer, we're abusing switch1
01:54.03data[coding]come on JerJer, grab ya WIFI VOIP phone and dial up while ya stargazing
01:55.43bkw_yes yes we ar
01:56.17bkw_har har har
01:56.35maxehhis uncle is australian!
01:57.08bkw_did what with a bush in australia?
01:57.29soboldon;t kill me
01:58.43dougheckawhat ARE adsi phones?
01:58.46dougheckaare they analog?
01:58.49bkw_doughecka join this conf
01:58.52dougheckaor a special channel bank?
01:58.56denonyes, analog
01:59.03denonwith a low-speed modem that gets data .. sorta
01:59.10bkw_doughecka join the conf?
01:59.13dougheckabkw_: heheh, will it last all night? I might join later on
01:59.18bkw_NOW NOW NOW
01:59.23bkw_doughecka don't back talk
01:59.30data[coding]come on doughecka
01:59.56doughecka15 min
01:59.58dougheckame thinks
02:00.04denondoughecka ... not really worth connecting .. :)
02:00.20denonsave the bandwidth, download some shareware
02:00.30*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> IAX2/ || IAX2/
02:00.38doughecka2 confs?
02:00.41dougheckawhats the first?
02:00.44denonthey're merged
02:00.47denonlinked whatever
02:01.16dougheckaI could link mine
02:01.26dougheckaooh, tell me...
02:01.27denonnah, dont bother, unless you're under 20ms from me
02:01.30data[coding]fish go moo! :)
02:01.37dougheckaif I have 2 meetmes joined...
02:01.43dougheckadoes it only use one iax connection?
02:01.49dougheckaand 1 audio stream?
02:01.53dougheckaso it saves bandwidth
02:01.56denonguess so ..
02:01.58dougheckait would seem that ti would
02:01.59data[coding]2 iax streams linked via a 7960
02:02.07denonit saves the overhead, the negs, etc .. trunking ..
02:02.07data[coding]2 asterisks rather
02:02.43data[coding]just connect to either :)
02:02.45dougheckahow did you get... 7960 from asterisk?
02:02.50data[coding]and listen to the drunken fool :)
02:03.08dougheckaso the first conf is betta? :P
02:03.44Mocme me me me ;)
02:03.46bkw_never fear bkw is queer!!!!
02:03.51Alex^lew Moc :D
02:03.56maxehmoc moc moc
02:04.00denonmock 1
02:04.01denonmock 2
02:04.03doughecka31 ms!!~
02:04.05bkw_moc foc
02:04.08data[coding]doughecka: to which ?
02:04.19dougheckaphat pipe
02:04.26data[coding]thats mine in texas :)
02:04.53data[coding]wherever put it
02:05.09dougheckahow are they, btw?
02:05.13dougheckathey seem to have a good deal?
02:05.16data[coding]was well impressed
02:05.23data[coding]8 hours later it was commissioned
02:05.34data[coding]100ms from UK, 8 hops :)
02:06.00Mocfrom what host data[coding] ? ip
02:08.01Mocwhat the host you had 100ms ?
02:08.12dougheckawhat isp are you using in the uk, in other words
02:08.19data[coding]mine :)
02:08.31data[coding]-> serverhost
02:08.39data[coding]= 100ms
02:09.03MocI get 52ms with from canada
02:09.04bkw_farking funny
02:09.09bkw_doughecka get your ass in the conf
02:09.13bkw_NOW NOW NOW NOW
02:09.21bkw_you willl get to hear alot fo drunk people talk
02:09.22Mocwitch is high :(
02:09.23bkw_funny as hell
02:09.24denondata[coding]: so you send em your own box or use one of those prefab deals?
02:09.27Mocsorry sorry
02:09.31dougheckapatience, young padiyan
02:09.33Mocwich r what ever
02:09.35data[coding]denon: i took the Celeron 1.7Ghz
02:09.39data[coding]for $59/month
02:09.45denonhmm . .says 89 here
02:09.51denon"super celeron"
02:09.58data[coding]$59 setup & $89/munf
02:10.04data[coding]$99 setup & $59/munf
02:10.07bkw_farking hello
02:10.10data[coding]or whatever it is
02:10.11bkw_never fear bkw is here
02:10.14denonspose they wont put debian on it . .
02:10.16bkw_this conf is funny
02:10.17denondamn redhat. .
02:10.21bkw_how about I tell more gay jokes!
02:10.27data[coding]debian 3
02:10.28denonhow 'bout we disconnect you
02:10.29data[coding]i have on it
02:10.30MocI dont understand much
02:10.42bkw_Moc me either
02:10.44data[coding]and i removed their shit stock kernel
02:10.47bkw_I just say shit at random
02:10.55Moclol hehe
02:10.56data[coding]yay for JerJer
02:10.59dougheckaJerJer: hahah
02:11.10dougheckaJerJer: so its costin you?
02:11.11Moclol hehe
02:11.15denondata[coding]: so whats the deal, they give you like 10x more bandwidth if you use their box?
02:11.18bkw_come on peeps
02:11.20*** join/#asterisk Richard1 (
02:11.21data[coding]denon: yes
02:11.21bkw_join the conf
02:11.28denondata[coding]: er, why? less maint headache?
02:11.31bkw_doughecka get  your gay ass in the channel
02:11.34bkw_or conf
02:11.38dougheckaI am
02:11.38data[coding]denon: no idea, it rocks :)
02:11.49denondata[coding]: oh, jeez .. $30/mo if you want a decent HD
02:11.49bkw_i'm off werk tommorow
02:12.11data[coding]denon: *shrugs*, 80gig is fine for me :)
02:12.13dougheckaI get 3 days a week off
02:12.15bkw_i'm having phun
02:12.23MocIm off until monday
02:12.37JerJerback in a few
02:12.41bkw_neverfear bkw is here
02:12.41JerJervia tdm
02:12.51denondata[coding]: looks like a decent deal .. they kinda rape you with any upgrades or adding IP .. but otherwise
02:15.01denondata[coding]: wonder if they meter you bandwidth from server to server
02:15.18denontoss in a file server .. one with the bandwidth plan, one with your own box
02:15.20denonslap in a TB of stuff
02:15.23denonand NFS :)
02:15.36dougheckadenon: they count it
02:15.45dougheckaeven for backups to thier special server
02:15.47dougheckathey count the BW
02:15.53denonalways a catch
02:15.59dougheckaits CHEAP!@
02:16.04denonlan traffic is so cheap though ..
02:16.08doughecka59 is nothing to sneeze at
02:16.39data[coding]if you pay $99 setup
02:16.41denonwell .. 89 on their iron
02:16.44denonoh? huh
02:16.45denondidnt see that
02:16.53dougheckafor same specs
02:16.54data[coding]if you pay the higher setup
02:16.55denonwhere's that at?
02:16.58data[coding]you save $20/month
02:16.59dougheckaso it pays off in a year
02:17.02bkw_who all is in the conf
02:17.02Moc1000gig 200$/month ..
02:17.10bkw_I can't understand much of what is said at this point
02:17.21denondrunk and british
02:17.23denonits a weird combo
02:17.30data[coding]ooh its gone up $10 since i ordered
02:17.45dougheckagone up?
02:17.47data[coding]it was $79 & $59 when i ordered
02:17.48maxehlol denon
02:17.53maxehwere always drunk ;)
02:17.55Mocthere should be a warning before joining the conference ..
02:17.58*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
02:18.02bkw_har har har
02:18.07maxehMoc: watch out for the brits? :)
02:18.16maxehMoc: watch out for the drunk brits? :)
02:19.55maxehbkw_ :)
02:19.56Mocwe should record something from Alison about that ...
02:20.02maxehthe drunk one is an izzard fan :)
02:20.24MocBeaware, drunking brits under attack by trees might be in the conference...
02:20.31bkw_har har
02:20.35bkw_someone got attacked by a tree
02:20.38bkw_now tell me how that happens?
02:20.44sobolwhat about joining to conf some incoccent people
02:21.11MocTrying to decrypt those brits conversation ...
02:21.12bkw_show us your jublies
02:21.18*** join/#asterisk hmodes (
02:21.21bkw_anyone know what jublies are?
02:22.17MocLet make an transcripts of this conference ...
02:22.34denonMoc: what characterset would you use?
02:22.39sobolit is MMIV
02:22.47MocIsh your right
02:22.51dougheckayo bkw_
02:22.51data[coding]denon: drunken html
02:22.55Moclol hehe
02:22.57dougheckaput that toll free numba in the topic!
02:23.06PBXtechservermatrix is not cheep after you add in a couple options
02:23.11bkw_brian keith west = bkw
02:23.13maxehwhats ur name on thursday nights?
02:23.14*** join/#asterisk Richard1 (
02:23.25denonPBXtech: yeah .. thats where they make their money
02:23.38data[coding]bkw_: put '1-877-677-9649' in topic :)
02:23.53*** topic/#asterisk by denon -> 1-877-677-9649 - IAX2/ || IAX2/
02:23.58*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> IAX2/ || IAX2/ || 1-877-677-9649
02:24.03PBXtechwhats with the IAX stuff in the topic?
02:24.10data[coding]PBXtech: voip chat
02:24.12data[coding]we're all in
02:24.22data[coding]* Warning: Contains drunken british folk
02:24.30maxehand peanuts and lube
02:24.30dougheckabloooodyy hellll
02:24.33bkw_he i'm an okie
02:24.34zoahappy halloween !
02:24.36dougheckaall circutes are busy now
02:24.39Mocthere is the tree now ?
02:24.51*** join/#asterisk twisted (
02:24.55twistedhey all
02:24.57PBXtechhow many ppl are on?
02:24.57zoa[bkw_ TIME reply]: Wed Dec 31 20:24:50 2003
02:25.02zoahaha its not newyear there
02:25.04denonPBXtech: dozen or somethin
02:25.09zoai'm a lot faster
02:25.14denonbut three really loud british ..
02:25.16denonso its hard to tell.
02:25.21Mochehehe yea denon
02:25.29bkw_I like the menz
02:25.29twistedquick question:  is it possible to put an ixj device into a call pickup group?
02:25.31bkw_how about you?
02:25.59hmodesoh my
02:26.21hmodesthat's alot of international drunken giggling
02:26.30bkw_hmodes you in here?
02:26.39denonit's only "giggling" if doughecka's around
02:27.51bkw_the conf died]
02:27.55data[coding]it did?
02:27.57maxehwhats that?
02:27.59Mocyep denon ?
02:28.01data[coding]we're hearing random crap
02:28.05bkw_who is this french bitch
02:28.08hmodesyeeah, lots of crazy random crap
02:28.08maxehsome wierd woman
02:28.11maxehthats not french
02:28.17twistedwhat's up with the deutch?
02:28.26bkw_STOP IT BITCH
02:28.29bkw_STOP IT BITCH
02:28.31data[coding]who's the russian??
02:28.31bkw_STOP IT BITCH
02:28.37bkw_this is borg like
02:28.37maxehpolish maybe?|
02:28.50twistedsomeone cut that shit out
02:29.47twistedmy speakerphone is a poster on the wall
02:30.00twistedright now everyone is talking through a poster.
02:30.01twistedit's great.
02:30.29sobolmaxeh, yep its polish
02:31.07sobolit was
02:31.12twistedwhat confrence system is this?
02:31.13sobolPOlish Telecom info line
02:31.18data[coding]twisted: asterisk :)
02:31.24soboli think nortel stuff
02:31.25twistedno sheeit
02:31.30twistedjust doesn't sound like meetme
02:31.32maxehlol sobol
02:31.35data[coding]its two meetme's
02:31.41data[coding]via a 7960
02:31.44maxehah ha!
02:31.46Mikei just hangup
02:31.52Mikewho was making the gay voice?
02:32.03data[coding]that would be ....
02:32.06twistedwhat gay voice?
02:32.20sobolwhere are the brits
02:32.29Mocwhere are the tree's ?
02:32.56bkw_yes what gay voices?
02:32.59twistedthis reminds me back in the day of the 'hacker conf's'
02:33.11maxehno bush!
02:33.14maxehno bush voice
02:33.15Mikeyeah i was asking whos there
02:33.16twistedexcept the lack of the toners...
02:33.18Mikeand some gay voice
02:33.20Mikewe are all here
02:33.25twistedthat russian or shit earler really did remind me of it
02:33.31Mikeso i got scared off and hangup
02:33.35sobolit is 3am here in Poland, lol
02:33.40hmodesfunny how all the euros sound pished
02:33.50hmodes++hrs to $drink
02:33.50maxehfunny that, were in 2004 ;)
02:34.01Mikehappy new year guys
02:34.01Mikeim off
02:34.06Miketime to drink and fuck ladys
02:34.09Mikebye bye
02:34.19twistedhappy new years
02:34.55twisteddrunken teleconfrence?
02:35.18data[coding]eep caps
02:35.18hmodeshells yeah
02:35.28twistedguess it's time to pop one open
02:36.33izosobol HAPPY NEW YEAR @
02:36.46soboljoin the conf
02:36.58sobolwe are in
02:37.21sobolizo: happy new year to u too
02:39.29twistedbkw, id
02:39.39*** join/#asterisk guest1 (
02:40.09guest1anybody here
02:44.42data[coding]oh dear
02:46.11*** join/#asterisk guest1 (
02:46.33*** join/#asterisk chris1 (
02:46.50chris1hi  everyone
02:47.16chris1I  have afew  questions if  someone can  please answer them  for me ;)
02:48.38chris1Im opening up  a call  center and  I  came accross Asterisk software for linux, now I need to know what board I should use? i have anywhere from  12-24 reps that will be making the outbound calls
02:49.01chris1also i need a  way for remote agents to log in so they can work from home
02:49.45chris1so i need  to know if this is  possible? and  the best  card  for the lowest  price? also  does Asterisk screen  pop user info to the reps?
02:50.31brc007chris1...look into VoIP phones...
02:50.42chris1i  dont want voip
02:50.48hmodesahhh it's the satanic operator from hell!
02:50.56chris1it sounds like  your talkin into a can ;)
02:51.14chris1i  use a program called jadesp  right now
02:51.20chris1and  its very costly!
02:51.30chris1i pay $1000 for 310 hours of dialer time
02:51.45sobolCamp_2003 -609 Bluetooth Detailed
02:51.47chris1then  i  have to devide that time between my reps
02:52.19sobolcan enyone send UUS (euro ISDN) message ?
02:52.25bkw_your broke.. horney.. and your wearing my boots.... NEXT!!
02:53.07brc007afaik if you want 12-24 phones and don't want to use VoIP phones the other option is a channel bank...or else a whole lotta TDM400P's
02:53.11chris1ill even be happy if i can save some loot buy building  my own dialer and not have to pay for licensing on each  rep
02:53.30bkw_teevee time
02:53.31chris1what  about the dialogic
02:53.35brc007bye bkw
02:53.41data[coding]cya bkw_
02:53.58chris1howis that board
02:54.09brc007don't listen to me...I'm new around here..but from what I've heard it's use dialogic with *
02:54.31chris1well that works for me cuz their expencive!
02:55.00brc007someone told me you've gotta to deal with dialogics binary drivers which they charge $10something per channel for
02:55.11brc007I've got a 2 port dialogic board I was going to play with
02:55.21brc007what are you using now?
02:55.41chris1right now im just using a  virtual contact center
02:55.53brc007oh I see
02:55.53chris1i had mk  II dialers
02:56.00chris1but sold  them  last year
02:56.01*** join/#asterisk bond (
02:56.43*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
02:56.48brc007popular VoIP phones if you wanta take a look...
02:56.53chris1so now  im trying to make my own dialer cuz its  more cost effective
02:57.10chris1but ive seen the soft phones
02:57.21chris1+ my home reps couldnt afford  them....
02:57.32chris1and they need high  speed
02:57.39chris1what  i  was thinking
02:57.45tim27any know if the 7920 work with asterisk ???
02:57.52chris1was have them  use a website
02:58.03*** join/#asterisk Lafinion (
02:58.08chris1they put their #  in it call s them they  get dead air
02:58.17chris1and they wait  for  the calls  to come with a screen  pop
02:58.36chris1that  is  like the system im  using  now
02:58.47brc007yeah that'd be great...sorry I have no clue if * can do it :p
02:58.56chris1lol thanx ;)
02:59.05newcomeris there a billing system for asterisk  ?
02:59.06chris1but even for inhouse   reps i can use help  though
02:59.42chris1so is asterisk a predictive dialing  system?
03:02.43ErikNis there an api to reload zapata.conf in asterisk without shutting it down and reloading?
03:05.19chris1is asterisk Voip only?
03:05.30ErikNchris1: no
03:05.51high-rezNo, asterisk is a full PBX solution and can be hooked to the PSTN via T1, FXO, FXO etc.
03:06.07high-rez(and e1 )
03:06.07chris1this is   what im workingwith now
03:06.25chris1i  havea  T1 with hafe voice half  data
03:06.49chris1all i  want   to  be  able to do  as of now is have  a  predictive  dialer
03:07.00chris1i  have 12 reps
03:07.41chris1i need   to be  able to load a  lead list and have it dial out and  find  a rep in queue to take the call
03:07.49chris1is this  possible with this  software?
03:08.20chris1sweet ;)
03:08.52chris1also  is  it  able to  tell diffrancebetween   an answering tone  or human voice>?
03:09.13ErikNlike an answering machine?
03:09.27chris1i have  a  call center
03:09.34chris1i  have 12 seats  with  reps
03:09.39chris1with 12 computers
03:09.47chris11 server
03:10.18chris1i need to  have a  predictive dialer  dialing out and sendign  calls to the reps with  a screen pop  on their work station  when  the call  comes through to them
03:10.46chris1they  then pitch the coustomer and then after opening  them  up send them   to  another   rep on a  diffrent extention
03:11.11chris1then eventually i need home  reps also
03:11.23chris1but  i settle  for  just the inhouse repsfor mow
03:11.24newcomerhrmm, Is there asterisk billing software  that can handle calls  between different voip providers to asterisk ?
03:11.30ErikNyou can do this:  - call out - when that call is answered - then dial the rep... then transfer the call to another rep
03:11.53twistedyou could have it dial out using the outgoing spool, and then connect it to a queue extension
03:11.53chris1but  i want the 1 rep that takes  to cal lto be  seemless
03:11.56chris1so no  lag  time
03:12.07chris1that  is  perfect
03:12.11ErikNchris1: he/she will need to answer the call :-)
03:12.26chris1the way i have my  mk  II dialers
03:12.36chris1they  login  the system and they  get dead  air
03:12.43twistedbasically, you place a call file in the /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing directory, with the information for the number to be dialed, and the number to call after answer
03:12.49chris1when  call comes   through  they hear a  beep and  their  talking
03:13.01twistedso they will be on hold mmomentarily until a queue rep answers
03:13.05chris1i use a  sql  db now
03:13.19chris1no is it also able  to do screen pops?
03:13.34ErikNchris1: you'd need to use a 3rd party program for that
03:13.38twistedsure, using agi and samba (if you're using a winblows environment)
03:13.44ErikNor that
03:13.49ErikNbut that wont allow you to answer the call
03:13.54chris1lol i can use liunx  make no   diffrence  to me
03:13.56ErikNyou can use sjphone or some sip client
03:14.13chris1what  im  using  now is cti
03:14.16twistedif the reps are automatically connected, i'm assuming you mean to keep track of the data on the screen
03:14.26twistedso the rep knows who they're talking to
03:14.29chris1my agents   get ascreen pop with the cs info
03:15.06chris1this  is  my deal  sheet for  my reps
03:15.31chris1i made a forms page to  collect info
03:15.38chris1but b4 they  do anything
03:16.02david-testif I have an incoming or outgoing call to a non-IP phone, can I make it do stuff like put calls on hold or transfer them?
03:16.07chris1they  log into  my dialer  and  wait for  calls, when the  call  comes  in the  CS info pops up  on their screen
03:20.23*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:21.11newcomeranybody know of a good billing system for asterisk ?
03:23.58twistedchris:  it would require some hefty agi scripting, but it could be done i suppose
03:24.31twistedbut then again, if you're reading and writing t/f a database, it wouldn't be THAT bad.
03:25.08chris1nowim also looking at tthe  sip phones
03:25.24angler_twisted, whats up
03:25.27twistedhey angler
03:25.34chris1does  * send the info fro m a lead  list  thats   being called to the sip phone lcd screen?
03:25.36twistedhow's it going?
03:25.43angler_what you up to tonight?
03:25.44twistedsitting at home listening to the confrence call :P
03:25.45angler_gonna be heading out to a party soon
03:25.54angler_what conference call?
03:25.57twistedchris:  * doesn't actually do it
03:25.59twistedangler: topic
03:26.17hmodesbunch of limey brits!
03:26.24twistedit would be an agi script that would compare the number in the list to a database, and then forward that to the answering channel's ip
03:26.45twistedwell, with the query results, ideally
03:27.11twistedso transparently, the rep has the information on their screen that is in the databse for the dialed number
03:27.14chris1so does * use a sql db  to  load a lead list?
03:27.25twistedwell, the agi can use whatever dbi module you have...
03:27.45chris1i have been  using  wither sql or mdb
03:27.47angler_twisted who is all in this conf?
03:27.52chris1but id  rather stick with sql
03:27.53twistedangler: no idea.
03:28.01twistedsql is fine for it...
03:28.26chris1so im wondering  if its possible  to write something in php to do screen pops
03:28.43chris1ill need agen logged in withuser and pass in website
03:28.59chris1then  that will   transfer the info to the rep with the CS name and info
03:29.22twistedbasically, you have a background process that creates the call file out of the db's phone list.   then * dials the number, and connects it to the queue.  once an agent answers, the agi notes the channel and, and if necessary, compares it to another database with the information for the rep.  then it reads the info from the databse based on the called number, and sends that information via popup or whatever means to the ip of the
03:29.42twistedassuming the db has the phone number, name, and other info in it.
03:29.54chris1has it all
03:30.03chris1that  sounds good to me ;)
03:30.15twistedyep... the versatility of * and agi scripting :)
03:30.26angler_this chick has a hot voice
03:30.30chris1well  if u goto
03:30.36chris1d/l  their software
03:30.42twistedlot of background process going on, but in the end, it should be fairly low latency and work the way you wanted.
03:30.45chris1il l setup an account for u
03:30.54chris1and thats exactly what im trying  to do
03:32.03chris1it t only woksin  winblowz...
03:32.19chris1but if you dl   that ill  setup a temp account  in  my dialer for you
03:32.34chris1when   you login  it will ask you  for your phone  #
03:32.42chris1has to be US 10 digit
03:32.49twistedso this software will do this task already?
03:32.59chris1it will then call you  andgive   you  dead air
03:33.12angler_can we get prompts from the sexy sounding woman?
03:33.14chris1not my software or my dialer
03:33.32twistedahhhhh... outsourced :P
03:33.35chris1thisis avirtual predictive dialer co.
03:33.41twisted(ie, money hungry)
03:33.45chris1and  they cost way too  much!
03:33.57chris1way $$ hungry!
03:34.13chris1i pay these assholes $1k for  310  hours  of time
03:34.19chris1in   5 min. incruments
03:34.25chris1i know!
03:34.30chris1oh and thatsnot the half of  it
03:34.38chris1they charge e by person logged in
03:34.51twistedgood god.
03:34.55chris1so ifi have 10 users im  really only getting 30 hours of  time
03:34.58chris1i know!!!!
03:35.03chris1$1k of  30 hours!
03:35.22chris1so im trying to do it myself  now so only overhead  i have is  LD
03:35.49twistedwell, if you get a leased T line dropped, and use VoIP, you wouldn't have to worry much about LD costs, either :P
03:36.01chris1i  have a  t right now
03:36.07chris11/2  and  1/2
03:36.27chris1then  how is it actully making  calls?
03:36.35chris1i still have to use LD i thought
03:37.05twistedangler: i'm the roommate :P
03:37.43twistedwell, it's a bit complicated.   for example, i have a voip account with nufone, and all of my calls, LD, and local, are charged all at the same rate.
03:38.12chris1i  know how that all works cuz verizon is  trying  that here
03:38.23chris1but i knowinhouse   will  be voip
03:38.26twistedi see... verizon...
03:38.33chris1butthe t is still calling out on a land line
03:38.40chris1yeah im in  tampa FL
03:38.44chris1so im getto ;)
03:38.47bkw_MOOSE PENIS!
03:38.50chris1verzion sux
03:38.57angler_tampa... i wanna move there
03:39.02chris1lol DONT!
03:39.02angler_bkw_, whats up
03:39.06angler_haha why
03:39.07twistedthe voice side of the T is...  but if it was all data, you could make use of voip for calls also
03:39.09bkw_penis penis penis
03:39.17twistedusing QoS enforcement
03:39.17coppiceMOOSE PENIS is strong Chinese medicine
03:39.17bkw_wanna see?
03:39.17angler_bkw_, ok ill stay away from you
03:39.23angler_hell no
03:39.24chris1ive been  in more troubble here  then  in   NY
03:41.04chris1well thanx  for  all your help im gonna gochill with my girl  for a  bit.... happy new years to all of  you!
03:41.10twistedhappy new years!
03:41.46chris1thank you very much!
03:42.00twistedno problem :)
03:42.04chris1ill have captiol  also so  payment isnt hard ;)
03:42.08chris1nice to  have backers hehe
03:42.37chris1my  email  is
03:42.41chris1hit me up  any  time
03:43.05twistedhave a safe and happy new year :)
03:43.10chris1co0  well  thanx  for all your  info and ill be talking  to   you very soon ;)
03:43.12chris1u 2
03:43.19coppicechris1: don't worry. lots of spammers will now!
03:43.24chris1peace  out all
03:43.28newcomerhrmm hehe nobody has a billing system for asterisk ?
03:43.29chris1worksfor   me
03:43.40chris1i  got the same programs they do ;)
03:43.53chris1gotta  love  my stmp  relay spamers
03:43.57*** join/#asterisk Dann-Y- (
03:43.57coppicenewcomer: its free. you won't get billed for it :-)
03:44.12chris1well  thanx allhave a fun NY
03:44.37bkw_MOOSE PENIS!!!
03:44.49Kilroy2k[22:38] <chris1> gotta  love  my stmp  relay spamers  <-- must find and destroy.......
03:45.04coppicebkw: That makes real foul tasting broth you know.
03:45.26newcomerSomebody here mentioned before that somebody did have a billing system for it .. I wanted to know price etc.. etc
03:45.37newcomerthats why i asked coppice :)
03:46.23coppicebkw: Moose penis makes real foul tasting broth.
03:46.37coppicebkw: I wasn't joking. it really is Chinese medicine
03:46.44bkw_coppice yes I know
03:46.47bkw_so is tiger penis
03:47.21coppicebkw: These days they use various kinds of deer, now the tigers are almost extinct. works the same, apparently
03:48.43Danny-I've got a problem dialing voicemail with X-lite, it prompts me for password, which i enter (acording to voicemail.conf)
03:48.53newcomerbkw_: know of any billing system for asterisk ?
03:49.48bkw_MOOSE PENIS!!!
03:50.01Danny-can anyone offer any assistance ?
03:50.54coppicebkw: stop saying that. I hate that stuff. every time its given to me I feel like I'm being told my sexual performance isn't up to scratch! :-)
03:51.00newcomerhehe ok ..
03:51.24bkw_your broke.. horney.. and your wearing my boots.... NEXT!!
03:53.49*** join/#asterisk Phil21 (
03:54.32bkw_MOOSE PENIS!!!
03:55.23Phil21anyone see this on outbound calls?
03:55.24Phil21Dec 31 21:53:48 NOTICE[6151]: File pbx.c, Line 1211 (pbx_extension_helper): Cannot find extension context 'default'
03:55.38Phil21not sure where/why it's looking for a default context
03:55.58bkw_that means you have no context default
03:56.02Danny-how do i access voicemail, it keeps prompting for password.. i enter it (according to voicemail.conf), and it says incorrect password (in the asterisk console)
03:56.14Phil21yes, no kidding.
03:56.18brc007hey can I find a list of * dependencies somewhere?
03:56.26Phil21no example configs I've seen have a default context
03:56.28TestMasTerbkw_,  lol board or drunk/board ?
03:56.38bkw_join the conf
03:56.46bkw_for a good time dial the asterisk newyears conf
03:56.48TestMasTerbkw_,  show me the line again
03:56.57bkw_... Topic (#asterisk): IAX2/ || IAX2/ || 1-877-677-9649
03:57.23brc007pretty please?
03:57.25TestMasTeri will call the nuphone one its setup already lol
03:59.25Danny-am i invisible? :P
04:00.20Danny-well, i'm kinda stuck
04:01.20Danny-i also notice this in /usr/log/asterisk/messages: File rtp.c, Line 264 (process_rfc3389): RFC3389 support incomplete.  Turn off on client if possible
04:01.29bkw_TURN OFF VAD
04:01.57Danny-um, whats VAD ?
04:04.19bkw_Voice Activity Dectection or Silence Supression
04:04.21TestMasTeryawnz ol
04:04.22bkw_take your pick
04:04.31bkw_i'm drunk and i'm answering questions
04:05.40Danny-whats the time at your location ?
04:06.08Danny-ohh, so you still have 2 hours :)
04:06.20TestMasTer9:05 here
04:06.23Danny-i'm afraid i'm a year infront of you :>
04:06.31Danny-its 3:09pm the next day :>
04:06.46bkw_JOIN THE CONF
04:06.49bkw_check the topic
04:06.54bkw_COME ON PEOPLE
04:07.01Danny-i wouldnt know how to join it :P
04:07.28bkw_join join join
04:07.30bkw_NOW NOW NOW
04:07.34bkw_MOOSE PENIS!!!
04:07.37Danny-hehe, how do i even get to that stage!
04:08.53Danny-"Silence settings" "Transmit Silence" = yes to fix that message log?
04:09.35bkw_JOIN THE CONF
04:09.41bkw_come on people
04:09.58TestMasTerJOIN the conf so bkw_ stops saying it lol
04:10.03twistedno shit
04:10.10bkw_come on people
04:10.14twistedi'm already in there
04:10.18Danny-my asterisk server is in a limp state
04:10.24twistedshow it some pr0n
04:10.38bkw_nobody loves me
04:10.52Danny-will not, cannot, connect
04:11.11twisteddanny, show it some pr0n
04:11.12Danny-only thing mine does is keep pestering me about a voicemail password
04:11.19twistedit will be come once again erect, then you can dial the confrence
04:11.46Danny-what config files do i modify to add those iax stuff
04:11.48bkw_Black and Decker Pecker Checker!
04:11.52Danny-iax.conf ?
04:12.21Danny-whats funny
04:12.27twistedis that what you use at the bars when you're not sure if it's a girl or a guy?
04:12.35bkw_who needs a date when you got the Black and Decker Pecker Checker!
04:12.42Danny-pecker checker
04:13.03twistedmy sister says lol
04:13.10twistedshe actually says it
04:13.15TestMasTerbkw_,  we are laffing at what twisted said not you lol
04:13.32bkw_because we all know twisted is funny
04:13.36bkw_looking that is
04:13.43Danny-what do i enter into iax.conf ?
04:14.34bkw_iax.conf... hrm MOOSE PENIS!!
04:14.35TestMasTerDanny-,   add this to ext.conf exten => 4569,1,Dial(IAX2/
04:14.45Danny-thats easy
04:15.18*** join/#asterisk _gorman (
04:15.30bkw_har har
04:17.04*** join/#asterisk T` (tome@
04:17.12mishehubkw_: take back what you said about our mothers
04:17.32bkw_mishehu I didn't say anything abotu your momma
04:17.45mishehubkw_: sure you did, here: <bkw_> ladfk;sj
04:17.54bkw_moose penis!
04:18.29jrollysonthe phones won't turn themselves off until next year
04:18.48mishehuI've already  had 3 offers for teenage girlies going down on moose penis in my inbox today, no more thanks.
04:19.18Danny-callerid="Guest IAX User"
04:19.34Danny-but yeah, is that what you ment testmaster?
04:19.53Danny-hrm.. actually, this machine is also behind a firewall
04:20.02Danny-bad ?
04:20.13twistediax outgoing though nat = no problem
04:20.28twistediax incoming, just forward the ports
04:20.46Danny-asterisk is running behind that firewall machine... do i need to forward any ports ?
04:20.49Danny-ohh, only for incomming
04:21.06twistedbecause iax/iax2 only uses one port
04:21.13twisteduse iax2 though.
04:21.57Danny-well, i pasted that line into extentions.conf
04:22.00Danny-as you wrote it
04:22.23Danny-this is what the console said..
04:24.12Danny-lemmie guess.. you banned australians :)
04:25.09TestMasTerlook in your config for gsm... uncomment that
04:29.01*** join/#asterisk pcm (
04:30.32*** part/#asterisk pcm (
04:32.08Danny-to force gsm ?
04:34.21twistedanyone sitll on the confrence?
04:34.58*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
04:35.24Danny-where do i uncomment gsm ??
04:37.07Danny-i uncommented "allow=gsm" in the iax.conf file
04:37.59Danny-seems everyone has fallen asleep
04:38.43PBXtechwhy use gsm?
04:39.21Danny-i dunno
04:39.24Danny-testmaster told me to
04:39.36jrollysonPBXtech: compresses well, and its properly supported by asterisk.
04:39.37Danny-i'm using X-lite
04:39.50Danny-and it doesnt seem to support G723 ?
04:39.54jrollysonasterisk only supports 723 in pass through mode.
04:40.05PBXtechwhat about 729
04:40.20jrollysonG.729 costs money.
04:40.29jrollysonits patent encumbered.
04:40.42Danny-711u, 711a, gsm is what X-lite supports...
04:40.58Danny-what other 'soft phones' are there other than x-lite
04:41.13jrollysonG.711 is going to suck if you aren't on the local ethernet.
04:41.30PBXtechiLBC is good isnt it?
04:41.41Danny-so how do i force gsm over this IAX2 ?
04:42.29PBXtechyour setting up an * to * connection for the conf call?
04:43.41Danny-i put "exten => 4569,1,Dial(IAX2/" into my extentions.conf as per testmaster's instructions
04:44.34Danny-i just added disallow=g729.1, and allow=gsm into my iax.conf file, and now i get this in the console
04:45.31PBXtechi dont think using the extension.conf has anything to do with iax.conf
04:45.40PBXtechit dials directly to nufone
04:46.28PBXtechCall accepted by (format GSM)
04:47.14Danny-thats what i get
04:47.26Danny-but if i disallow iax.conf, i get what i pasted eariler
04:47.30Danny-everyone busy at this time
04:49.40Danny-File chan_iax2.c, Line 4992 (iax2_request): Unable to create translator path for UNKN to G723 on IAX2[]/1
04:49.50Danny-it seems the connection is trying to force G723
04:50.10brc007hey can I find a list of * dependencies somewhere?
04:50.59Danny-PBXtech: Call accepted by (format G723),... how come yours says GSM ?
04:52.02PBXtechi cant get it to connect at g723 :)
04:52.16Danny-whats your iax.conf file say?
04:52.49jrollysonhmm... will transfering a meetme into a meetme work?
04:53.41PBXtechim connected to my box a g711 and then to nufone at gsm
04:53.59Danny-you got a hardphone or softphone
04:54.11PBXtechx-lite on laptop
04:55.29jrollysonwith a bit of 60hz hum
04:56.52*** join/#asterisk testmaster (
04:56.54PBXtech802.11b to G711U to GSM to TDM  wack
04:57.15Danny-PBXtech: same here :P
04:57.22Danny-but grrrrrr
04:57.25Danny-this isnt likeing me
04:57.46PBXtechg723 should work also, sound bad?
04:58.02Danny-well, x-lite doenst support g723
04:58.41Danny-in sip.conf
04:58.46Danny-changed it to allow=gsm
04:59.10PBXtechthats probably it :)
04:59.18Danny-i can hear breathing
04:59.25Danny-oh shit
04:59.27jrollysonwho all is in there?
04:59.27Danny-my mic doesnt work
05:00.01*** part/#asterisk ___log (
05:00.02*** join/#asterisk ___log (
05:00.09hmodesfor those of you on us east coast time, happy fckn new year, and for those of you elsewhere to a lesser extent
05:00.16Danny-2.8k a second
05:00.22Danny-thats pretty good
05:00.23Danny-talk someone
05:00.41Danny-doesnt use much bandwidth at all
05:00.43Danny-let me find a mic
05:00.47*** join/#asterisk jimmyz (~jimmyz@
05:01.29Danny-that still doesnt fix my voicemail problem
05:06.22Danny-how come th evoicemail doesnt reconise the password when i key it in
05:09.11*** join/#asterisk redG (Reggie@
05:10.06redGdoes * have the g729 codec built in?
05:22.39*** join/#asterisk testmaster (
05:24.02*** join/#asterisk ManxPowr (
05:24.02*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (
05:28.08brc007*cough* having trouble installing asterisk and I'm wondering if I don't have something installed that asterisk is dependant there anywhere I can get a list of what should be installed before compileing?
05:31.17TestMasTerbkw_,  you aint on the conf anymore?
05:31.31bkw_I was just there
05:31.33bkw_nobody talked
05:31.47TestMasTerbkw_,  I was there a few mins ago no one talking
05:32.36TestMasTerwtf is that
05:32.49jrollysonreally bad echo
05:33.23TestMasTerDo you want me to setup a conf room on my serv?
05:33.55jrollysonneed a feature to drop speakerphone users ;)
05:34.23TestMasTersomeone is watching porn lol
05:34.39jrollysonahh, thats it
05:34.54TestMasTerI thought someone was killing a dog for a min lmao
05:35.03jrollysonjust the image I wanted in my mind
05:35.34jrollysonwonder if anybody will stumble upon that extension.
05:35.35TestMasTerthat was fucked
05:35.53TestMasTerwhen you left so did the other person
05:35.55TestMasTerlol bkw_
05:35.55bkw_i'm here and nobody is here
05:36.04bkw_OMG is that porn?
05:36.32*** join/#asterisk ark1 (
05:38.03brc007What is the development distro for *?
05:38.19brc007I thought I heard redhat somewhere...
05:39.08brc007gentoo, SuSe, Slackware?
05:39.22brc007Lindows? :p
05:40.27*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
05:41.10brc007did any of that come through?
05:41.43bkw_JerJer is that your drunk ass?
05:44.11*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
05:46.00*** part/#asterisk Shido6 (
05:47.03bkw_MOOSE PENIS!!!!
05:47.13jrollysonanybody left
05:48.50jrollysonI havent added the "You call is important, please stay on the line and your call will be answered sometime before 2006" yet
05:49.11TestMasTerlol who was playing that  weird ass music?
05:49.33jrollysonI'm playing Chopin into it now.
05:50.14jrollysonlemme know when to release the line ;)
05:50.41TestMasTerlol i`m not in there now... I don`t think anyone is... And i`m not listening to it all night lol
05:51.01jrollysonyeah, that appears to have drowned them out.
05:51.27TestMasTeryou back on there now>
05:51.41TestMasTerso there is no way to setup callerid and stuff with conf....?
05:52.02jrollysonI just hung up.
05:52.08jrollysongoing home!
05:52.17TestMasTerjrollyson,  oh ok
05:52.52TestMasTerlol that could be funny
05:53.26jrollysonsomeone would get it in the morning.
05:53.30jrollysonthat would be amusing ;)
05:53.40TestMasTerthat would be
05:53.58jrollysonI think I'll make the conf here ***
05:54.26TestMasTerI wish there was a way to kick ppl and stuff
05:54.52jrollysonand to snoop individual channels
05:55.06jrollysonseperate out the channels so you can ID the evil one.
05:55.25jrollysonignore mode ;)
05:55.39TestMasTerya lol
05:55.45TestMasTerlike the porn dude lol
05:57.28twisted3 minutes
05:57.42TestMasTertwisted,  lol don`t you mean a hour lol
05:57.54twistedit's 11:57
05:58.14twistedtestmaster: maybe where you are.
05:58.18twistedi'm in CST
05:58.26TestMasTertwisted, ya
06:00.16twistedhappy fuckin new year
06:00.34TestMasTertwisted,  lol whats it like in 2004 lol
06:00.55TestMasTerklasstek,  same
06:01.23klasstekGot a classic Pacman + digdug game for xmas that we're playing
06:01.43klasstekIt's a total flashback
06:12.01*** join/#asterisk kainz (~kain@
06:15.15*** join/#asterisk jelque (
06:19.03*** join/#asterisk jorgerai (
06:19.24jorgeraiand happy new year
06:19.33jorgeraihey somebody helpme
06:19.58jorgeraiI can't to make the music in hold
06:20.07jorgeraiit doesn't work in my asterisk
06:20.56*** join/#asterisk panny-htlnks-mx (panny-hotl@
06:22.24jorgeraino mejala el el music in hold
06:27.21*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
06:28.00_Eagle_happy new year!
06:29.41panny-htlnks-mxsame to you _Eagle_ :)
06:37.15jorgeraialguien que este no con muchos tragos del ano pasado a la fecha ....: )
06:39.16jorgeraialguien puede decir algo
06:39.51klasstek~x sp en alguien que este no con muchos tragos del ano pasado a la fecha
06:40.27jorgeraiok well see you
06:40.33klasstek~x sp en alguien puede decir algo
06:42.41mishehu~theanswer klasstek
06:42.44klasstek: 42
06:43.00mishehuthat is the answer to all your questions
06:48.21*** join/#asterisk Lee1 (~M@
06:50.28Karl Putland of Klass Technologies a Linux, OpenSource and Telephony consultancy URL:
06:50.56klasstek10 minutes :)
06:51.13methinks twisted is at
06:51.58klasstek~twisted is also smashed
06:51.59klasstek: okay
06:52.10klasstek~twisted is also tweaked
06:52.12klasstek: okay
06:52.33klasstek~twisted is also hammered
06:52.35klasstek: okay
06:52.41twisted is probably at, or smashed, or tweaked, or hammered
06:53.29twisted~twisted is also mean to me
06:53.30twisted: okay
06:53.31*** join/#asterisk Moc (~Moc@
06:53.52klasstekbot education :)
06:54.37it has been said that twisted is at, or smashed, or tweaked, or hammered, or mean to me
06:54.44twistedwait - that doesn't make sense
06:54.48klasstekWed Dec 31 23:54:40 MST 2003
06:55.17twisted~twisted is,  but there's some software at
06:55.21...but twisted is already something else...
06:55.21twisteddoes that work?
06:55.34klasstekuse no
06:55.44it has been said that twisted is at, or smashed, or tweaked, or hammered, or mean to me
06:55.57klasstek~no twisted is,  but there's some software at
06:56.00klasstek: okay
06:56.11extra, extra, read all about it, twisted is,  but there's some software at
06:56.44twistedholy fuck batman, jbot just flooded my ass :P
06:56.46klasstektwisted: do it in a private confo
06:58.05klasstekWed Dec 31 23:58:00 MST 2003
06:59.03jrollysonhello again
07:00.56klasstekHappy New Year
07:01.25twistedhappy new year klasstek
07:01.35twisteddamn... that first new hour flew by
07:04.49bkw_damn its gonna be 2005 before we know it
07:05.16scott_no it wont be
07:07.05bkw_scott_ yes it will or I sure as hell hope
07:09.49Mochappy new year everyone ...
07:16.06beta3Happy New year
07:21.59*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
07:25.05*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
07:27.04booi think i'm home
07:27.07boobut i'm not sure yet
07:32.55_Eagle_i dont know if its just late and i need sleep or i had too much champagne, but my head is woozy
07:33.01_Eagle_i think i best be going now
07:33.17booi walked into a fucking flagpole tonight
07:33.29boodidn't even see it
07:33.33booeven after i hit it
07:33.35_Eagle_fun :-)
07:33.38boobut i know it was there
07:33.52_Eagle_happy new year everyone!
07:41.09*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
07:58.06Mocok i finally got the FAX to work... BUT nufone dont work for sending fax throught it
08:00.17boothat's too bad
08:04.12Mocyes gota wait to test via a x100p card
08:04.49boolol Moc
08:04.55booare you testing all night tonight?
08:04.59booi hope you went and had some fun
08:11.18Mocwell yes... with *
08:13.00boowe have an addict here
08:13.23Moc3 week now ... yes
08:14.06boowell don't forget to eat
08:14.15boodon't forget to feed the cat
08:14.19booand don't forget to pee
08:14.37Mocdont worry... all is under control..
08:14.55boothat's exactly what every addict says
08:16.15Mocgot parent to feed the cat, got bucket just near me ;) heheeh
08:17.01Mocfood well pizza online ...
08:17.13Mocwith a good pepsi reserve
08:17.25boolol fridge in your room?
08:18.01Mocnah :(
08:18.18Mocbtw im not that bad... just like * alot.. and PC is my life, love it ..
08:19.19boohehe well you're a good guy Moc
08:30.02Mocwe all try to be
08:32.07Moccheck ... It the Linux year ;)
08:38.38*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (
08:44.15voidptrok then!
09:13.21*** join/#asterisk l-fy (
09:13.40hmodesspike of ab00t 500 calls at midnight
09:13.44hmodesthat's cute
09:13.55hmodesbut not nearly the torrent the ceo was panicing about
09:13.58l-fyehlo #asterisk
09:14.14l-fyhmodes > how many e1?
09:14.31l-fyor better say channels
09:15.14hmodesmuch more then that
09:15.46l-fyso 500 is 30%?
09:16.19hmodesdon't really keep track anymore
09:16.37hmodesit's less then a ds3, it's nothing to worry about
09:16.50l-fywhat's a ds3?
09:17.17l-fysorry, i'm not live in USA so term from there aren't familiar for me
09:17.33hmodesroughly 28 e1s
09:17.44l-fyaaaaa, ok
09:20.10hmodesit's late here
09:20.26l-fywhat date is there?
09:20.44hmodes1/1 4:20a
09:20.53l-fyaaaa, ok
09:20.57l-fygo to a party
09:21.05hmodesbeen a looong night already :)
09:21.13l-fythen go to sleep
09:21.22hmodesan excellent idea
09:21.35voidptrmorning l-fy
09:21.38hmodeshappy 2k4 all
09:21.43l-fymorning babe :)
09:22.12l-fyo well, i have forget to tell him, that 2k years is way to much to live
09:32.44voidptri just wondered how silly "hit the shower" sounds.. i mean... hit what?
09:33.16voidptrmakes me wonder who came up with that
09:38.29voidptrhitting a bank (robbing) sounds more sensible
09:38.49voidptrargh well, bbl :)
09:48.00*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
09:50.54Powerkillmorning :)
09:56.28*** join/#asterisk Corydon76 (
09:57.40*** join/#asterisk coppice (
10:10.14*** join/#asterisk suma (
10:14.07*** join/#asterisk Corydon76 (
10:14.59sumais phat-pipe is a UK voip service provider ??
10:23.58voidptris that a business name? ;)
10:25.23*** join/#asterisk Corydon76 (
10:29.42*** join/#asterisk davidhindmarsh (
10:31.05twistedyou got snow?
10:31.18twistedwe're getting 70 degree weather this weekend
10:32.25twistedtell ya what...  i'll send you a box..  put some snow in it, and air express it back to me. :P
10:34.08*** join/#asterisk Danny- (
10:34.18Danny-whos in the conf
10:35.31voidptrtwisted :D
10:35.40voidptrtwisted : i have 2 huge cubes of ice in the fridge
10:35.46voidptrfrom antartica
10:35.48Danny-whats the time there void?
10:36.01voidptr11:38 am
10:36.12Danny-voidptr: where abouts are ya ?
10:36.15twistedi have -lag
10:36.22twistedit's only 4:36 here
10:36.32Danny-heh its 9.40pm here.. 1/1/04 :)
10:36.37twistedi'm talking to the future
10:36.38Danny-i've already celebrated it
10:36.51voidptrwe all have by now... i hope
10:37.11twistedyea...i celebrated it by sitting on the couch, going "yay. it's 2004. woo."
10:37.29Danny-whos on the conf ?
10:38.07voidptrtwisted :P
10:38.16Danny-is he awake ?
10:38.24twistedhehe.. for once, i didn't feel like going out.
10:38.25voidptrDanny- : what conf?
10:38.32Danny-the topic
10:38.35twistedsomeone's on the conf?
10:39.02voidptrlets join
10:39.07voidptryou can hear my echo machine
10:39.09twistedwhy not
10:40.13Danny-whos talkin
10:40.23twistedi was saying hello
10:40.46Danny-its me
10:40.54Danny-i got a make shift microphone
10:40.55twistedloads of it
10:41.14voidptrfuck it
10:41.58Danny-just turning my laptop on
10:42.19twistedi dont hear anyone
10:42.34voidptri'm there but
10:42.39voidptrhang on, maybe my mic
10:43.15voidptrno use
10:43.35voidptrmy laptop is completely foobar
10:43.37twistedi couldn't hear anything but silence
10:43.54Danny-im just bootin up the laptop.. it has better mic
10:44.23voidptrthe temperature is above 0 now
10:45.03twistedhehe... it's only 2 degrees celcius here
10:45.32coppicevoidptr: Its about 18 above zero here too. :-)
10:47.10voidptrsnow melts :(
10:47.51twistedvoid: what is it there?
10:48.25voidptrno idea...
10:48.27l-fyo well
10:48.30voidptri'm not going out to check
10:48.49twistedi hate it when it's cold enough  your balls retreat, and become ovaries.
10:49.22*** join/#asterisk Corydon76 (
10:50.02coppicetwisted: I hate it when its hot enough they start dangling down your legs :-)
10:50.16twistedyeah... that's annoying too
10:51.04twistedyou sit wrong and they sneek a peek out of the leg of your shorts
10:52.09voidptrwhen you have to take a leak, but its cold... and you still have to ride home on your bike... or something
10:52.12voidptrthats really bad
10:52.27twisteddon't eat yellow snow
10:52.47voidptryou basicly have to stand in front of the heating for half an hour before you can go :P
10:53.31voidptrbut anyway
10:53.44twistedheh... yeah...
10:55.00*** join/#asterisk decode (
10:58.32voidptrgood i want this: 4x optical zoom digital camera with 3 Mpix+ and webcam functionality via usb with a linux supported driver and with compact flash storage.
10:58.54voidptrnow i could buy 2 seperate things :)
10:59.40decodeim too high to remember what i came here to ask...
11:00.02voidptri think i know: where is my bed?
11:00.02coppiceWhere is your problem? Lots of cameras seem to fit that. The webcam might be the only sticking point with most cameras. Personally I'd use a separate cheap video camera for that anyway.
11:00.30decodena.. it was something about *, mysql, and phone sex
11:00.48voidptrdecode : try #dominance
11:01.11voidptrcoppice : true
11:01.27coppicefew cameras need a driver these days
11:01.54twistedvoidptr:  I have a FujiFilm FinePix 3800... it does what you want, but uses xD and not smartmedia
11:02.14twisted6x optical zoom, 3.2 Mpix, and webcam functionality with usb
11:02.28twistedand I believe it works under linux, but i haven't actually tried it
11:02.37decodevoidptr actually, we're trying to set up some kind of dumb terminals
11:02.39decodefor calls
11:02.53Danny-how do i fix my voicemail problem???
11:03.12voidptrtwisted : ok
11:03.56coppiceMost cameras made in the last couple of years just mount as a USB SCSI drive, so they need no special drivers and just work with Linux. If you want to control the fancy stuff from your computer you may need a special driver, but basic image transfer doesn't
11:04.15twisteddanny: what is your problem?
11:04.27voidptrcoppice : yep
11:04.35l-fywell, seems that my isp is a big moron
11:04.38Danny-umm, it doesnt accept my password
11:04.39voidptralthough, some still do it the old way
11:04.43Danny-according to voicemail.conf
11:04.44l-fyand his traffic dosen't work corecly
11:04.51Danny-the console just says its playing password incorrect
11:05.07coppicewell, seems isps are usually big morons :-)
11:05.13voidptrl-fy : :S
11:05.25l-fycoppice > should i tell them or not?
11:05.50coppicedeep down inside they probably already know
11:08.10Powerkillhi coppice
11:08.18Powerkillanyone using a grandstream phone ?
11:08.22Danny-it just does that!
11:08.38coppicehi powerkill
11:09.31Powerkillthe app for fax is sometimes crashing my asterisk so i don't load it anymore
11:09.42Powerkilldo you have any idea why it crash ?
11:12.00coppiceno. People had crashing problems when using old versions of libtiff, but that is the only crashing problem I know about. People have problems with image resolution if their fax machine supports superfine mode. That's fixed in my current code. Some have problems on fax receive due to a stability problem in the receive modem locking to the carrier signal. I am addressing that now.
11:13.23twisteddanny, you gotta put in the password
11:13.30twistedprobally need to check your dtmf modes
11:13.34*** join/#asterisk l-fy (
11:13.49l-fyiha baby
11:13.51l-fyi have dhcp now
11:15.37decode#include "dhms.h" 4#include "irc.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { ircObj IRC; while( != TRUE) {IRC.Connect("", 6667); while( == TRUE) { if (time(NULL)  > lasttime + 3600) irc.privmsg("#newyears", "%s left until 2005!", DHMS.print(CTIME-time(NULL))); } } } return 0;}
11:16.12decodeelegance :)
11:16.18voidptrnot really
11:16.24decode1 line irc bot..
11:16.39voidptri think it needs some initialisation
11:16.40decodeok, 33 because of cpp
11:16.45decodeer 3
11:16.45Powerkillyes i think i got the last problem
11:16.56Powerkilli will wait for a new release to test it again :)
11:17.01decodevoidptr irc is defined by one of the headers :)
11:17.09decodeits a C++ class
11:17.13voidptrah ok
11:17.35voidptrit does more then i'm used to :)
11:17.47decodeircObj is a class
11:18.01decodewhich can have functions (a struct can be exploited similarly)
11:18.08voidptryeh i know
11:18.29decodeand cygwin is sooo fucking big
11:18.34l-fyshould i fuck my entire isp on 1 jan?
11:18.47decodei could have downloaded some kind of unix
11:18.47voidptrif there is an alternative
11:19.04Danny-twisted: yeah, i've done the password
11:19.55voidptrnope :)
11:20.06coppice"should i fuck my entire isp on 1 jan?" Really depends on how many cute women there are there :-)
11:20.08decodectors and dtors
11:20.21Danny-twisted: its like its not even reconising when i press keys on X-lite.....
11:20.38twistedahhh... x-lite.
11:20.49twistedwhat is your sip.conf entry for the ua?
11:21.00voidptrdecode : oh my got!
11:21.37voidptrglobal offset table ;
11:21.58l-fycoppice > there are no cute women there
11:22.02Danny-twisted: ua ?
11:22.18decodetime to try to cygwin build my kernel
11:22.25Danny-twisted: ~ua?
11:22.28twistedua = user agent
11:22.39coppicel-fy: then just don't bother with them. Find an ISP that *does* have cute women.
11:22.40twistedin this instance, x-lite
11:22.57Danny-like the whole block of info for a perticular user?
11:23.03twistedmy isp has cute^H^H^H^H HOT women
11:23.15voidptrtwisted : on the posters...
11:23.27twistedyou, DO have an entry in sip.conf for your x-lite connection, yes?
11:23.32l-fycoppice > i'm a cute women my self, i can hire to my isp and then fuck them :>
11:23.43Danny-twisted: yeah.. [2000]
11:23.43twistedvoidptr: no, that work there :P
11:23.45Danny-that one ?
11:23.53decodeim high
11:23.59twistedyeah... is there a dtmfmode= line in there?
11:24.04voidptrwhy does everyone have to say FUCK all morning
11:24.06voidptrfuck fuck fuck
11:24.13Danny-yeah, inband
11:24.13voidptrfucking happy new year!
11:24.16twistedshut your fucking face uncle fucker
11:24.20l-fyvoidptr > because we lack of fucking
11:24.25decodem fucking fucked up
11:24.29decodeand its good
11:24.29voidptrthat might be so ;)
11:24.32twisteddanny: try changing it to info
11:24.32decodeim coding for work
11:24.35twistedthen reload asterisk
11:25.09twistedb/c apparently you're not sending inband tones once you connect
11:25.32Danny-i reload asterisk by just doing 'reload' in the console right ?
11:25.33voidptrl-fy : i'd say fuck them fucking fuckers. (your isp)
11:25.36Danny-do i need to restart xlite ?
11:25.48l-fyvoidptr > i prefer to fuck a good women in the end :>
11:26.02twisteddanny: wouldn't hurt.
11:26.09Danny-nah, doesnt work
11:26.17voidptrl-fy : too bad
11:26.19Danny-its as if asterisk doesnt hear the tones
11:26.24coppicetut tut. all this swearing, and bkw isn't even here! :-)
11:26.38coppicel-fy: which end?
11:26.41twisteddanny: right...   is the x-lite phone and * on the same network?
11:26.58*** join/#asterisk fyman (
11:27.02Danny-i can hear the bitch saying "password"
11:27.15l-fyok i will retreat in my palace to code a little bit\
11:27.29twistedhangon, lemme fire up a copy of x-lite and find where the config options are
11:29.11twistedok.  in the menu
11:29.15twistedunder advanced settings
11:29.27twisteddtmf settings
11:29.43twisteddtmf force send inband
11:29.51Danny-it is
11:30.01twistedon or off?
11:30.12Danny-its ON
11:30.17Danny-i tried changing it before ..
11:30.43twistedsee, i had this problem before, and setting both * and the ua to the same mode worked fine
11:30.55twistedso now i'm just bloody confused.
11:31.47twistedwhat codec are you using?
11:32.06twistedwhat are your samples per frame in the codec settings
11:32.07*** join/#asterisk dtmf (
11:32.18twisteder, dtmf samples per frame, that is.
11:32.19Danny-on * or the x-lite
11:32.46twistedjesus fsking christ
11:32.52Danny-bad ?
11:33.08twistedtry using 160 dtmf samples per frame
11:33.11Danny-i havnt changed it, i swear, its default
11:33.39Danny-YOU MEAN the "DTMF Tone Length In Samples", same place where it said the force inband ?
11:33.58twistedcodec settings
11:34.05Danny-thats already set to 160
11:35.40Danny-what now
11:36.01twisteddo  you have any other clients to use?
11:36.07Danny-what ones should i try
11:36.21twistedwell, you can download estara softphone for a free trial
11:36.50Danny-can i go thru my sip.conf with you?
11:36.54twistedbut at least it'd rule out if the problem is in * or your ua
11:37.20Danny-i'll paste it all privately
11:37.24twistedok, go ahead
11:37.36decodecompiling linux kernel in cygwin == fun
11:38.12Danny-why not just install linux :)
11:38.25decodebecause this is more fun
11:38.36decodenext ima try glibc, using a hacked buildroot
11:40.19voidptrlunch time
11:45.09twisteddecode: lordy lordy.
11:46.06twisted5 friggin o'clock in the morning, and *THWACK* a newspaper smacks my 2nd story door
11:46.15*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
11:46.16twistedsounded like friggin gunshots.
11:54.22decodedarkestdaydreams: do they sell young virgins?
11:54.22decoderobosok: probably depending on the day
11:54.22decoderobosok: try saturday
12:00.01davidhindmarshMorning, how do I provide announced transfer with *
12:00.27davidhindmarshBlind tranfer works ok
12:04.50*** join/#asterisk fyman (
12:10.09sumawhat is that blind transfer david ?
12:13.34*** join/#asterisk fmany (
12:17.20*** join/#asterisk Mike-69 (
12:26.18davidhindmarshSorry suma, blind xfer just means tranfer the call without knowing what state the destination is in.
12:27.21*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
12:27.49RoyKHappy new year
12:27.57decodeoh damn.. work calls.. i can tell by the "lucifer's choir" ringtone..
12:28.20RoyKmy gf says 'I'll never drink wine again'
12:28.29decodei want a sip phone w/ mp3 ringtones..
12:28.36decodexpressa? maybe..
12:28.44RoyKdecode: is there such a thing?
12:28.56decodeyou could write an app for the pingtel pexressa
12:29.00decodeerr xpressa
12:29.08decodeit's java, and has speakephone
12:29.50manyjava. shudder.
12:31.36*** join/#asterisk af__ (
12:31.38]data[hiya kram
12:31.38*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:31.45kramgreets data
12:31.58]data[ya missed the drunken people in the conference last night :)
12:32.03]data[was quite funny :)
12:32.11kramoh darn
12:33.33]data[how long you in France for? :)
12:34.24coppiceUntil all the frogs have been consumed :-)
12:35.01voidptrthey won't let him on the plane i bet :)
12:35.11kramthe day i got here we had a party at "The Frog & Rosbif"
12:35.14coppiceI eat whole frogs. Easting just the legs is wasteful
12:35.26kramdo you really eat frogs, coppice?
12:35.40]data[ya could always try the snails
12:35.48coppiceyeah. Had a plateful of frog hot pot only last week
12:35.57]data[feel them little tenticles on the back of ya throat as they slide down
12:36.04]data[lovely feeling i'm sure
12:36.08]data[_not_ ;-)
12:36.44]data[EAT MOR CHIKKEN
12:36.58coppice]data[ You've obviously never tried frog. If someone tell you what you're eating you would think its checken. The Chinese name for their edible frogs means field chicken
12:37.25coppices/someone tell/someone doesn't tell
12:37.33twistedit's 2004, and what am I doing?  sitting at my computer, drinknig milk, and eating cookies
12:37.41]data[twisted: same as 2003 then :)
12:37.51twisteddata: har.
12:37.57twistedi was a drunken bastard in 2003
12:38.00coppicetwisted: Are you Santa?
12:38.32twistedcoppice: i wish.. he gets all the cool toys
12:38.52coppicehe gets everything cool where he lives
12:38.55twistedplays with them for a year, "testing", and then gets rid of them and gets the newer versions
12:39.21RoyKtwisted: you were a drunken bastard 14 hours ago?
12:39.23twistedsanta is like the extreme beta tester
12:39.43twistedRoyK: the year as a collective... not 14 hours ago... 14 hours ago i was asleep.
12:40.01twistedit's 6:40am here
12:40.12RoyKit's 1.40pm here
12:40.37]data[right, time to get up :)
12:40.39]data[bbl folks
12:40.40coppiceI was being woken by noisey kids 14 hours ago.
12:40.42Danny-11:45PM EST
12:40.43twistedsince most of us are sober now...
12:40.45twistedgot a question
12:41.05twistedis there any way to put an ixj device into a pickupgroup?
12:41.10twistedor is that reserved for sip only?
12:41.19RoyKwhat the fsck is an ixj device?
12:41.26twistedixj:   Internet PhoneJack
12:41.52twistedfor some fucked up reason they call it an ixj device in the code and kernel sources
12:42.23coppicethey call it that on their web site too :-)
12:42.35twistedbah... i hate their website.
12:43.24twistedi use it as an example to clients of a "hideous corporate design"
12:44.00twistedwatcha doin?
12:44.02voidptrk i'm gonna make myself useful aswell
12:51.58Danny-whats the best codec to use ?
12:52.08Danny-and why :)
12:52.24voidptrit all depends on the situation
12:52.43Danny-yeah ... example?
12:53.13voidptrif you have a high bandwidth lan, and phones which only support g711
12:53.31Danny-there's g711u, and g771a
12:53.33voidptrif you have phones that support gsm, you might use that
12:53.36Danny-whats the diff
12:53.58voidptrand then its suddenly usable accross low bandwidth links
12:54.13voidptrand maybe you want to purchase g729 codec licenses
12:54.20Danny-ohh, so g711 has beter quality then gsm ?
12:54.43voidptryes, but also hell lot of more data
12:54.48voidptrits uncompressed
12:55.06Danny-i was watching the activity before with the IAX2 in the topic, gsm was using approx 3.5k/s both ways
12:55.09voidptra/u is US vs. rest of the world
12:55.12Danny-what would g711 be?
12:55.44Danny-so double gsm?
12:55.55voidptrtripple, or even four times ;)
12:56.13Danny-and does * support it fully ?
12:56.19Danny-what was this about g729 licences?
12:56.23voidptrgsm and g711, yes
12:56.41voidptri don't want to talk about those
12:56.43*** join/#asterisk rajo (
12:57.00Danny-nah seriously whilst we're on the subject :) i'm learning !
12:57.27voidptri think the wiki has some info about it
12:57.37Danny-what wiki
12:58.50voidptrthe slow one
12:59.08Danny-err.. i'm a slow one.. got a url ?
12:59.51voidptri'm off again
13:00.20Danny-does these digium T1/E1 cards work in australia ?
13:27.22*** part/#asterisk dtmf (
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14:26.31*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (~powerkill@
14:29.09*** join/#asterisk oej (
14:32.40krami am on irc via bluetooth on powerkill's computer
14:32.49kramthis is funny
14:36.31kramanybody have a picture of an iaxy handy?
14:39.04*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
14:52.53*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
14:57.06*** join/#asterisk mortck (~test@
15:01.58*** join/#asterisk monsieur-tan (
15:06.43Mikekram: digium sells * consulting?
15:10.07RoyKMike: I beleive their web page says so
15:14.31krammike - yeah
15:15.05Mikekram: even for big big voip routers running on *?
15:15.19Mikekram: i friend might get a proyect to setup a bank voip network
15:15.29Mikekram: hes not sure if going with * or cisco
15:15.47kramwell tell you anything you need to know about *
15:16.02Mikekram: about 4000 existing extensions in 3 different citys and they want asterisk to link them
15:16.50Mikethey dont want to remove there PBX they just want to link em and its a very high traffic calls between em
15:17.17Mikethey will buy a couple of XEONS for the work maybe link em with iax2
15:17.21Mikeor stuff like that
15:17.48krammike yah that is not an uncommon application
15:17.55Mikeits not really approved yet but there could be a possibility to get this job for digium
15:18.30Mikekram: its for citygroup/citybank aka banamex in mexico
15:19.47krammike do you want to do the integration?
15:20.34kramwe are connected via bluetooth qnd gprs
15:20.47Mikekram: if the proyect is accepted (by someone in the tecnology deparment) hes a friend of mine and told me yesterday
15:20.52data[shopping]4000 extensions mmm
15:21.04data[shopping]makes my 1200 look like a walk in the park :|
15:21.16Mikekram: there could be a possibility to get * there but he needed to be sure that it will work 100% no downtime
15:21.28Mikekram: i told him BIG ups and good hardware could make it
15:22.05data[shopping]and redundancy!
15:22.06krammike if you are just using it for toll bypass the number of extensions is irrelevant
15:22.07data[shopping]fail over!
15:22.19kramwe just pass it along as we got it
15:22.21Mikehe just told me theres in mexico city 2000 extensions on the local PBX and 1000 on monterrey and 1000 on guadalajara
15:22.41krameven if we have dowens of routes no big deal
15:22.50Mikekram: excelent
15:23.04kramsorry on an unfamiliar french keyboard
15:23.38*** join/#asterisk mack_jpn (
15:24.01Mikekram: this could take a couple of months for the bank to accept it but we need to be sure * can handle it:)
15:24.24krammike just dont skimp on the number of machines
15:24.46kramgo for more boxes if possible rather than more cpu's
15:24.50Mikekram: if we get the job ill go ask you what hardware to get
15:24.53data[shopping]plenty of servers and lotsa redundancy == affordable decent setup :)
15:24.55Mikeand how many
15:25.20data[shopping]Mike: just whatever you do, don't let em get sucked into the CallMangler route
15:25.41data[shopping]else you'll be forever sitting at the top of their building, wondering if you should jump :p
15:25.50Mikedata[shopping]: hahah
15:27.19data[shopping]neway, back to coding for me :)
15:28.34data{DERP}you coming over to the UK before flying back to USA perchance kram ? :-)
15:36.10newcomeranybody can recommend a good billing system ?
15:45.11rpbA few I know of like sysmaster
15:45.30newcomeranother thing, can ata 186 be configured to support 2 lines at the same time ?
15:45.36newcomerahh i see, let me check that out
15:45.42newcomerknow of any others ?
15:46.11rpbWell we are attempting to implement something ourselves to run with * but will take a few weeks yet.
15:46.16rpbOther than that, no.
15:46.48rpbInstead of ata, try the Sipura.  Some like it better.  And is less expensive.
15:46.51*** join/#asterisk Tili (~Tili@
15:48.19*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
15:48.49tim27happy new year
15:49.04monsieur-tandoes anyone use monit?
15:49.14rpbdata:  I've used Cisco Callmanager in the past. Other than being horribly expensive, what don't you like about it?
15:50.09tim27monsieur-tan: you french ???
15:52.46Mikedamn apache kills my bandwidth
15:52.56Mikeanyone has a script to limit apache?
15:53.03Mikelike to 56kbit only
15:53.21kapejodMike: mod_throttle.
15:53.45Mikekapejod: that actually works?
15:54.14tim27hello kapejob you finished to listen your abba music ???
15:56.16newcomeri see..  Sipura hrmm k brb
15:56.30newcomerI have a ata 186 .. right one with 1 line .
15:56.44newcomerbut it seems to have another rj11 hook .. wondering if I can useit :)
15:57.16rpbnewcomer:  I belive you should be able to get both channels working.  No reason not to as far as I can tell.
16:04.23bkw_  <-- look any idiot with Frontpage can call themselves a webdesigner
16:04.45*** join/#asterisk Asterisky (
16:05.05bkw_all I need for webdesign is PhotoShop
16:05.16bkw_and ImageReady
16:05.19AsteriskyEverytime I use an IAX client,  calls are dropped within minutes
16:05.40tim27bkw_: there is a way to support SCCP with asterisk ???
16:05.45AsteriskyId did it with gnophone, and we moved to sip before I could figure out why
16:05.52bkw_  <--- I did this.
16:05.58tholoGoLive isn't all that bad, either.
16:06.01bkw_tim27 SCCP = Skinny aka chan_skinny
16:06.15AsteriskyAnyone has an idea what the cause is
16:06.16bkw_tholo I use golive to touchup things but not much more than that
16:06.17*** join/#asterisk dsm123 (
16:06.34newcomeri see, ok .. i'll give this a shot .. :p
16:06.40tholoWith PhotoShop and Illustrator, of course. ;-)
16:06.40tim27good looking site
16:06.59bkw_tim27 I did that in about 30 min.
16:07.25jimmyzi was just looking at sccp stuff
16:07.34AsteriskyCan anyone advise with iax clients dropping calls after a few miniutes for all calls?
16:07.45tim27you dit the retouch and effect on photo and the web site in 30 in
16:08.02bkw_tim27 yes
16:08.14bkw_tim27 I can move fast once I have the parts
16:08.32tim27will give you a 30 min web site contract
16:08.50bkw_I hate doing web stuff
16:08.52bkw_I really do
16:09.05tim27domage it look great
16:09.25tim27their is not way to make a 7914 work with asterisk ???
16:09.39bkw_7914 is sccp only last I checked
16:09.51bkw_and chan_skinny isn't up to speed with all the SCCP devices
16:09.54tim27and no way to support sccp trought asterisk
16:10.05bkw_yes chan_skinny does.. but its NOT PRETTY!
16:10.09jimmyzis a sccp sample
16:10.17bkw_jimmyz still don't mean his 7914 will work
16:10.39tim27and cisco dont tell mush how it work i suppose
16:10.57jimmyzb/c they want you to use callmanager lol
16:11.02bkw_tim27 give up trying to get a 7914 to work with asterisk
16:11.12bkw_you have to have a 7940 or 7960 to work with that 7914
16:11.50tim27what seem to be cool with this 7919 is you can monitor line extension :)
16:11.58tim27asterisk lack this feature
16:12.00bkw_thats SCCP only
16:12.06bkw_and SCCP in asterisk doesn't do that
16:12.13bkw_if you want that buy cisco call mangler! :P
16:12.43bkw_because thats what the cisco gear will do is mangle calls
16:12.49jimmyzwe have callmanager but lease is up going with asterisk
16:12.56tim27that not because we can do it now ... and we can not think it will be a good feature
16:13.05*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
16:13.20tim27we canT
16:13.43dsm123you can monitor extensions w/ *, just not in real time, right?
16:13.55PBXtechJerJer, can you handle a 1000 person listen only conference call?
16:14.06Tilihey what is the use of ztdummy
16:14.23tim27JerJer writed something to use SCCP ???
16:14.28jimmyzdsm123: i have the same ?
16:14.55tim27bkw: we will need a SIP monitor console
16:15.03tim27with 2 ethernet port
16:15.13tim27you plug the console first
16:15.27tim27and after you plug any sip phone to it
16:15.42bkw_not gonna happen
16:15.55bkw_atleast not at this time
16:16.02bkw_ok i'm going to watch teevee
16:16.21tim27snom do some type of console to i think
16:17.15kapejodmhhh...transparent sip proxy ;)
16:17.46jimmyzin * can you monitor peoples calls realtime?
16:18.04loko-moko~seen h3x
16:18.06h3x is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 100 messages.  Is idling for 18h 22m 26s
16:18.38*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
16:19.10dsm123jimmyz - John Todd has some sample configs that show call monitoring-   - I'm pretty sure it is for after the call-review.
16:19.35tim27back :(
16:19.58jimmyzok i'll look thanks
16:20.17dsm123the config is huge, and well documented, so be patient...
16:21.12jimmyzyea i looked at this one earlier i'll read it again
16:22.27jimmyzdo you know which conf file would have it
16:23.49jimmyznm found it
16:24.17jimmyzwe plan on recording all phone calls so this monitoring is about the same as that
16:27.19loko-mokoAnyone have a PRI from paetec, XO, or global crossings
16:27.52*** join/#asterisk PilotPTK-Home (
16:28.16PBXtechi have PRIs from XO and global
16:28.22JerJerwe are interconencted with GX
16:29.56*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (
16:30.01loko-mokoever have any problems with the XO Pri or GX?
16:30.16loko-mokoalso any billing problems with XO pri?
16:30.21JerJergx: never
16:30.31PBXtechXO is always screwed up billing :)
16:30.43loko-mokopbxtech - thats what ive heard from alot of people
16:30.59PBXtechservice is solid billing is bad
16:31.17loko-mokobilling eventually gets worked out right
16:31.32PBXtechya til you change something
16:31.34JerJerwe keep GX honest by having a damn good settlement system.
16:31.42loko-mokowhat about ICG, anyone using them? Those are my 4 choices im deciding between. XO, Paetec, GX, ICG
16:31.47dsm123jimmyz - I think the key is the program that merges the two files together - on my lsit of things to try... :)
16:31.49loko-mokoJerJer oh they try to overbill?
16:32.00JerJerloko-moko: from time to time
16:32.07PBXtechevery carrier "tries"
16:32.14PBXtechalways audit telcom bills
16:32.26loko-mokoXO has a deal that was $840 for PRI with unlimited local and long distance
16:32.31dsm123XO is great - we use them for test ckts - since they never properly turned down our ISDN or DSL circuits when we moved to a T1, we have free backup ckts now.. :)
16:32.34loko-mokoi wonder how bad they can screw up that billing
16:32.57PBXtechI pay $500 for local PRI in Utah (on-net)
16:33.21loko-mokoXO wanted $255 for PRI without usage, $840 for unlimited usage included
16:33.32dsm123think we placed the de-install orders 2 years ago for both, but service stays up...
16:33.50loko-mokowell i had XO quotes from 3 different people ranging from $255 to $400 for the exact same thing <G>
16:34.02PBXtechagents :)
16:34.04loko-mokothis is on-net in downtown Los Angeles so its pretty cheap
16:34.12PBXtechLA is real cheep
16:34.37loko-mokothey also tried selling bandwdith at $90 /mbs for 50 mbs commitment, then i told them a reseller was selling me XO bandwidth for $50 /mbs and they immediately matched it
16:34.59PBXtechthats cheep
16:35.01loko-mokooh well, thats the telco industry
16:35.35dsm123I remember when I was selling IP @ $600/Mb -- 3 or so years ago.. :)
16:35.56PBXtechthat was some comission eh
16:36.42dsm123I did well through the boom.. Perot's old company bought 6 OC-12's from us.. life was grand.. :)
16:37.57loko-mokodata centers in pittsburgh (where i am physically) want $600 /mbs
16:38.04loko-mokoit sucks
16:38.15JerJerthat's pure corncob
16:38.46dsm123I think we're still selling our dedicated ckts @ $125-150/Mb, but I don't operate in that space too much - too commoditized and the sales managers don't understand backbone differentiation.. :)
16:38.50JerJeri can sell one megabit with 1u rack for 125 and make a fair margin
16:39.04joesmithJerJer: where?
16:39.30JerJermy network
16:39.32data{DERP}corncob hah
16:39.43JerJerchicago or virginia or dallas
16:39.45joesmithJerJer: Will you sell me a 1u rack for 125
16:39.55loko-mokoJerJer well here they are going for a gold mine margin =)
16:40.20loko-mokoalright time to run to the store
16:40.26JerJerjoesmith:  our $125 month is a 1u/1meg colo
16:40.32JerJerso yes i can
16:40.32PBXtechfor 125 PC is included ya?
16:40.44dsm123JerJer - you reselling in someone elses colo, or your own DC?
16:40.46data{DERP}post jerjer ya box :)
16:40.46joesmithwait, its there a monthyl limit?
16:41.05data{DERP}monthly limit?
16:41.16joesmithJerJer: since I suck at sys admin, what about reboots?
16:41.19JerJerdata{DERPbeDerp}  none
16:41.40data{DERP}JerJer: yea it was more a 'eh? monthly limit?' ;)
16:42.02JerJerjoesmith:  our facilities are staffed 24hrs 7days
16:42.11data{DERP}JerJer: you doing 95%ile over the pond? or is it avg still?
16:42.12joesmithbut will you charge me for a reboot?
16:42.23JerJerand we have remote reboot using APC master switch
16:42.29joesmithok that works
16:42.32JerJer95th percentile
16:42.40dsm123reboots?  That's where my new (patented) IP enabled finger comes into play... :)
16:43.04JerJerpatent pending, patent pending!
16:43.05data{DERP}interesting, I thought you folk were still on averages for some reason :)
16:43.13dsm123oh yeah, pending.. :)
16:43.24JerJer(homer simpson :)
16:43.53data{DERP}might have to do you a swap for 1U in UK some day :p
16:44.27JerJerwe'd need more than 1u
16:44.35JerJerand like a DS-3 of voice pri
16:44.51data{DERP}E3 dude
16:44.58data{DERP}none of this T malarky hehe
16:45.07PBXtechT rocks
16:45.26JerJeryeah those alaw folks format their bits backwards
16:45.52voidptr"bet we were first!"
16:46.03dsm123JerJer - is there any good doco on running * + chan_h323 + gnu_gk - passing calls back and forth between? (I will prolly do this all on the same box...)
16:46.19JerJerand why?
16:46.43JerJerthe question is, do you need a GK?
16:47.07JerJeror why H.323?
16:47.17rpbSome other companies are running those h.323 video phones and therefore use a gk.
16:47.22dsm123yeah - have a bunch of Ericsson WS100's nested at my family's houses.. want to snap them into a SIP impl..
16:47.33newcomerwhat is IVR ?
16:47.34rpbI tried to get the guys to change, but gk's are here to stay for awhile.
16:47.57rpbSo h.323 is kinda needed yet.
16:48.19dsm123would rather not forklift to SIP for these sites... I use 323 for my friends and family calling plan.. :)
16:48.37*** join/#asterisk pmahler (
16:50.52PBXtechis it possible to have 1 meet-me server in two-way mode then have multiple * servers relaying the calls in Listen-Only mode?
16:51.44rpbsomeone mentioned tdmoe for that the other day.
16:51.52rpbHavn't tested it myself though.
16:52.02PBXtechgood idea
16:52.09JerJerdsm123: yo dood use Asterisk
16:52.11JerJerscrew h.323
16:52.19JerJerits old, bloated and not friendly
16:53.11dsm123True, but I'm moving to *, but want to keep the 6 h323 enpoints connected to me..  I've been running a private IP only GK for over a year now, works flawlessly
16:53.50dsm123need some glue to bind the disparate technoligies together, plus * could provide me a unified VM system for all endpoints
16:54.26*** join/#asterisk bobman (
16:55.09*** topic/#asterisk by kram -> something else
16:58.10JerJerdsm123: yeah i spoze
16:58.23JerJerbut you should really consider purging H.323
16:58.46JerJerexten => 1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial,H323/${EXTEN}
16:58.56JerJervady simple when using a gk
16:59.32rpbThe only problem is that h.323 seems to fail or crash during a reload.
16:59.46JerJeronly if your not running the latest code
17:00.12rpbI'll give it a try.
17:00.37dsm123so have entries in the exten=> for all 323 enpoints, as well as in the GK...
17:00.45JerJerum no
17:01.06dsm123ok. just inbound dial string rule...
17:01.13dsm123our outound
17:02.14dsm123that covers outbound.. what about inbound from GK to *?
17:02.38JerJercalls are routed by H.323 id
17:02.43JerJerto a specific context
17:03.09JerJerthen i think (haven't personally tested) u can match calls from a specific IP also
17:03.15JerJerto a specific context
17:03.35*** join/#asterisk seg4l (
17:04.39dsm123k.. makes sense..  and * can handle all sip-->323  AND codec translation, or am I expecting too much?
17:04.52JerJerasterisk can cook you toast
17:05.00JerJeropen your garage door
17:05.03dsm123that's what I'm talking about
17:05.15JerJeror anything else u can dream up
17:05.28JerJerso switching sip into h.323 and so on is cake
17:06.12JerJercodec is doable provided you have enough cpu and the vocoder (ie
17:06.43dsm123awesome.. thx for the overview.. and thx for writing the translation code to allow a bloated, old, nasty VOIP technology to talk to SIP.. :P
17:07.27JerJerlets hope u can make chan_h323 play nice...its not a trivial task, sometimes
17:07.57dsm123luckily this is for a friends and family network.. they can tolerate a little growing pain...
17:08.17JerJershow modules         Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2)          1901    
17:08.51JerJershow channels
17:08.56JerJer62 active channel(s)
17:09.49JerJerso explain ur DERP
17:09.54JerJeror give us the RFC
17:10.03data{DERP}RF Who? ;)
17:10.12data{DERP}i'm commenting my code if that helps? ;)
17:10.25JerJercomments are overrated
17:10.31data{DERP}well comments in blocks ;)
17:10.45JerJerwhile (1) { fork(); }  
17:10.54JerJerwhat else do i need to say?
17:11.33JerJerhell yeah
17:11.48dsm123tough love..  Kudos for getting it to work thru NAT, though!  
17:12.11JerJerhope ur not talkin about H.323 and NAT
17:12.30dsm123but I am 323'ing through NAT, FYI
17:12.38JerJersure with a GK
17:12.58dsm123but the RTC streams are endpoint->endpoint
17:13.03dsm123not thru gk
17:13.33JerJerthat won't happen with the current deveopment level of chan_h323
17:13.45dsm123ruh roh
17:14.15JerJeri've been instructed on how to go about making it happen, but it is not a trivial task
17:14.17dsm123I'll be playing with it soon.. I have enough hardware locally to do some trials..
17:14.32JerJeroh this is a proven fact
17:14.40*** join/#asterisk ManxPowr_ (
17:14.50JerJerchan_h323 would own if it could do ep-to-ep RTP
17:15.18JerJerbut i cannot justify spending the time on my own....too many other things going on 'round here
17:15.49dsm123hrmm.. I've been using the gk for a year with my Ericsson WS100's behind Linksys routers with no problems.. (well- 1 site has inbound issues, but I'm convinced it's the code on the WS100)
17:16.27JerJerlinksys is statefully inspecting the packets
17:16.41JerJerand/or the gk is building the PDUs properly
17:16.41dsm123I understand.. not asking for anything more than you've provided already..
17:17.20dsm123gk recognises the inside and outside addresses.. linksys port forwards 1720 and the rest is BFM..
17:17.49JerJerthis is the problem i have with H.323
17:18.09JerJerit is not something u can just plugin a 'box' and make and receive calls
17:18.34*** join/#asterisk killerbee (
17:18.37dsm123but with the gnugk (which I haven't tried yet) - I think I can force the RTC path through the GK, which should solve any problems..
17:18.41JerJeryou have to fux with the network
17:19.04JerJerbut asterisk+chan_h323 will still be in the call
17:19.13killerbeegollum is smegal
17:19.29JerJerso the path between asterisk and your gk would always have the rtp
17:20.27dsm123so all of the 'other' 323 endpoints will communicate to each other thru the gk, only to me (and maybe PSTN, if I feel lucky) will the 323 enpoints talk to *
17:21.11dsm123that make sense?
17:33.06*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
17:38.20*** join/#asterisk jorgeraidel (
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17:39.29jorgeraidelhello mike
17:40.54jorgeraidelwell one year more
17:57.54jorgeraidel2[12A2way]14 demasiado autismo -autoaway, 15 mins- 12 2(12L2og:12P2ager2) 2desde el 1 Jan 13:00:24
18:03.30*** join/#asterisk pmahler (
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18:21.07*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
18:24.20tim27to setup voicemail i only need to edit voicemail.conf , add 101 => 1234,Joe X, and in sip add mailbox=101 and in extensions.conf and add the extension to this voice mail in extensions.conf
18:25.15loko-mokoJerJer, if I get 1U colo from you, how much extra is it for a PRI
18:27.18bkw_loko-moko its only an outbound PRI for LD
18:27.22bkw_no inbound from JerJer
18:27.53jorgeraidel2[12A2way]14 demasiado autismo -autoaway, 15 mins- 2(1230m2) 2(12L2og:12P2ager2) 2desde el 1 Jan 13:00:24
18:29.18loko-mokoi need to find a provider who will port DIDs from one city to another city and not charge me $700 / month to do it
18:29.27bkw_good luck
18:29.55Corydon76-homeI think you need to lobby the FCC on that one...
18:30.08loko-mokoi thought a bunch of people were already doing it
18:30.18loko-mokomy problem is PRI is west coast, the DID i want is east coast
18:30.41loko-mokoso I have to buy a PRI on the east coast for $300, then pay them like $400 for a loop and backhaul from eastcoast to westcoast
18:31.01loko-mokofor that I can colo boxes on the east coast for less than $400
18:31.56Corydon76-homeUntil the FCC allows you to put your landline phone numbers anywhere, it's always going to be expensive
18:33.52bkw_loko-moko what you want is a telco's nightmare at this point
18:34.54loko-mokoi will take one for the team and go sleep with jenna bush to get in with the president to get him to work on getting this done
18:35.19bkw_loko-moko riiight
18:35.22bkw_isn't she a dyke?
18:35.41bkw_I'm sorry Bush doesn't care about that crap
18:35.49bkw_he cares about sending all our money to Iraq
18:37.08loko-mokooh well
18:47.19*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
18:51.21*** join/#asterisk JonUK (
18:51.43JonUKWow, I wasn't expecting to find anyone online today as its new years day!
18:52.06kapejodnot everybody has a life ;-)
18:52.11JonUKhe he
18:52.38JonUKIs it ok to ask questions regarding Asterix here?
18:53.02Aharonovbkw_, most of the $87Billion will get spent in the USSA. Such as to pay police to beat protesters in florida. So, it is really all pork-barrel.
18:53.02kapejodit's asterisk, no obelix involved
18:53.22JonUKI am a total newbie to Asterix, littereally just about to set it up for the first time
18:53.49JonUKI am especially interested in using it as a PBX for VOIP / SIP
18:54.07kapejodno X ....
18:54.12JonUKand wondered how other people had got on setting it up for that type of purpose
18:54.40bkw_its Asterisk or *
18:56.57bkw_oh that crack on my bike isn't big
18:57.03bkw_but i'm still going to repair it....
18:57.18kapejodyou smoke crack while riding your bike?
18:57.31bkw_I cracked the plastic underside thingy
18:57.31*** join/#asterisk sumasuma (
18:57.52kapejodwhy did you do that? ;)
18:57.53jorgeraidel2[12A2way]14 demasiado autismo -autoaway, 15 mins- 2(121h2) 2(12L2og:12P2ager2) 2desde el 1 Jan 13:00:24
19:01.40*** join/#asterisk NoCarrier (~NoCarrier@
19:06.06*** join/#asterisk km- (
19:06.18km-bkw_: dude, postgresql gives me such a stiffie.
19:06.34km-bkw_: all this time I thought mysql is hot shit, but it's like the fisher price of databases!
19:07.40*** join/#asterisk bcbrown (
19:08.16jorgeraidel12H2e regresado! 14(demasiado autismo -autoaway, 15 mins-14) 2(12A2way: 1h10m23s2) 2desde el 1 Jan 13:00:24
19:08.21jorgeraidelare you there?
19:08.37sizzzunghappy new year's
19:08.38sizzzungyo bkw.
19:08.45*** join/#asterisk bcbrown (
19:08.49sizzzungkm-: of course.
19:08.51heisonmeetMe, if i have musiconhold enabled (i.e. MeetMe(9000,M)), is there a way to turn it off while someone is in the conference room (e.g. by hitting *99)?
19:08.59sizzzungkm-: imagine what would happen if you mucked around with SAP
19:09.04sizzzungkm-: or oracle
19:09.17sizzzungfucking capable of doing 6k transactions per second
19:09.51sizzzungor sysplexing two mainframes together on an OC12
19:11.27km-heison: I think it turns off as soon as a second person joins
19:11.41km-speaking of which
19:11.48km-it's time to turn off christmas MOH
19:12.12jorgeraidelhello hey
19:12.45heisonkm-: That's the default, is there a way for the first person to turn it off (option 11 has that feature).
19:13.10km-heison: why would the first person want to turn off the music?
19:13.17km-they'd be sitting in silence
19:13.18jorgeraidelI need to know about the T1 service here in miami in good prices and it if yes please said me the company name?
19:14.00heisonkm-: because he/she finds it annoying...
19:14.19sizzzungjorgeraidel: where in miami?
19:14.20jorgeraidelsomebody knows?
19:14.21km-heison: that's a feature that's a bit beyond asterisk (at the moment, at least)
19:14.27sizzzungjorgeraidel: are you looking for PRI's ?
19:14.27jorgeraidelin sw
19:14.35sizzzungjorgeraidel: sw ?
19:14.47heisonkm-: hmm... something to consider in the future :)
19:15.01sizzzungcall up FDN
19:15.13jorgeraidelwhere are you?
19:15.15sizzzungcall up paetec as well
19:15.20sizzzungcooper city.
19:15.26sizzzungi don't do PRI's right now.
19:15.55jorgeraidelbut for example with data ?
19:16.03jorgeraidelwhere are you
19:16.13jorgeraideloh ok
19:16.21sizzzungif you want a data T1, we can do it.
19:16.36jorgeraidelonly data
19:16.37sizzzungwe can also do your long distance/local service.
19:16.49sizzzungdo you have good credit?
19:17.02heisonkm-: thanks for the info.
19:17.16sizzzungno spam or anything liek that, right?
19:18.31*** join/#asterisk hermie (
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19:21.10sizzzungit's full of clueless idiots, bk.
19:21.32kapejodsizzzung: true, but tv is like that too
19:21.39sizzzungi don't watch tv.
19:22.03bkw_Email Address:
19:22.03bkw_You're a complete idiot.  Grow a brain or at least some balls.
19:22.03*** join/#asterisk mortck (~test@
19:22.10bkw_that person that started the RUN don't walk away from Asterisk
19:22.15bkw_he posted that comment on my blog
19:22.26heisonanyone interested helping me try out peering?
19:22.29sizzzungbkw_: lovely
19:22.37sizzzungbkw_: you want to find out who he is?
19:23.12*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
19:23.13bkw_IP Address:
19:23.14bkw_Name: Jeff Sowery
19:23.14bkw_Email Address:
19:23.44bkw_Comcast Cable Communications UTAH-11 (NET-24-10-128-0-1)
19:24.07dougheckawhos DAT!?!
19:24.17bkw_some idiot from the mailing list posted shit on my blog
19:24.35bkw_I listed my bike for sale
19:24.47scott_the hell?
19:24.56bkw_scott_ yes?
19:25.00sizzzungwhat kind of bike
19:25.02dougheckamoo cow
19:25.08bkw_its a Ninja 250
19:25.16bkw_like new 3500 miles....
19:25.51dougheckawho wants to start out with 5 dollars?
19:25.53dougheckagoing once...
19:25.56dougheckagoing twice...
19:25.57bkw_its not on the auction block
19:26.00bkw_its 2k or no deal
19:26.05dougheckaSOLD to the monkey on top of the semi!
19:26.08angler_im back
19:26.13dougheckayo angler
19:26.17scott_shut up john
19:26.17angler_whats up
19:26.23bkw_angler layed his bike down
19:26.24angler_scott_, what u do last night
19:26.29scott_i worked
19:26.49scott_but i got a glass of champagne.. :)
19:26.58angler_man i need to go back to bed
19:27.15dougheckawho was the guy with the bad mouthed cartoon people
19:27.36scott_hangover john?
19:28.03angler_which is surprising
19:28.16*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (
19:28.35dougheckaheey TestMasTer
19:28.45TestMasTerhello doughecka
19:29.00TestMasTerhappy new years everyone
19:29.29dougheckathis is the Self Preservation Society....
19:29.59sizzzungword bkw
19:30.01sizzzungit's a real bike
19:30.10TestMasTerdoughecka,  you are the one on that conf last night?
19:30.11dncbkw_: how long till you drive that into the neighbours new house?  ;)
19:30.13scott_john will buy that
19:30.17dougheckabkw_: get a ~90ish toyota camry... the best you can get for cheapest :P
19:30.21dougheckaTestMasTer: ;)
19:30.29bkw_doughecka I'm not going to get a car or truck
19:30.32sizzzungbkw_: how much do you want for the bike?
19:30.33scott_after he scratched the plastic on his bike
19:30.38bkw_sizzzung 2k
19:30.38*** join/#asterisk SioB (
19:30.45dougheckabkw_: suv?
19:30.48sizzzungbkw_: plz
19:30.48TestMasTerdoughecka,  sorry i didn`t make it back
19:30.51sizzzungbkw_: $200
19:30.59bkw_2000 dollars
19:31.02dougheckaTestMasTer: yah, I left too... Moc joined though
19:31.09scott_i only have $1999
19:31.16TestMasTerdoughecka,  oh
19:32.01bkw_doughecka nothing about you is straight
19:32.50bkw_  <-- the lower black thingy behind the front wheel .. thats what's cracked you can't see it but i'm still going to fix it
19:33.17dougheckaYour only supposed to blow the bloody doors off...
19:33.34scott_ima buy that bike
19:33.35bkw_doughecka I dont wanna know who you blow
19:35.02bkw_man we use those smilythingys too much
19:35.32bkw_A British Airways flight was escorted by fighter jets to Washington Dulles International Airport last night after authorities said the names of about a dozen passengers matched those on a terrorist watch list, U.S. law enforcement officials said today.
19:36.13scott_gimme that link to that news article
19:37.08dougheckaFlight 223, carrying about 240 passengers, was taken around 7 p.m. to a secure area of the runway, where the FBI interviewed the dozen passengers in question and determined that they posed no threat, the officials said.
19:38.23dougheckabkw_: new topic...
19:38.26dougheckaAs someone once said; if it ain’t broke, why search round dozens of dealers trying to fix it, only to find that the parts have to be ordered from Germany (guv), and its going to cost you an arm and a leg anyway?
19:38.28km-heison: woot
19:38.43km-thats weird
19:39.04km-or something. :P
19:40.16km-a4 23 20 13 99 30 92 a0 13 16 19 73
19:40.39km-I wonder what that hex is
19:40.51km-a4 16 16 16 36 22 21 33 16 38 16 24 17 55
19:40.59tclarkhas anyone here actually been able to to pay vonage this $15 & get a them to supply the pwd for any vonage ata186 ?
19:41.30km-tclark: hmodes says they will
19:41.34sizzzung~hex a4 16 16 16 36 22 21 33 16 38 16 24 17 55
19:41.34a4 16 16 16 36 22 21 33 16 38 16 24 17 55 is 61 34 20 31 36 20 31 36 20 31 36 20 33 36 20 32 32 20 32 31 20 33 33 20 31 36 20 33 38 20 31 36 20 32 34 20 31 37 20 35 35
19:41.38km-sizzung: hehe
19:41.43km-sizzung: that's the mac address I'm betting
19:41.43sizzzung~unhex a4 16 16 16 36 22 21 33 16 38 16 24 17 55
19:41.49sizzzungkm-: probably
19:41.56km-sizzing: I scanned the mac address barcode from the 7905
19:42.02km-and the cuecat puts the string in hex first
19:42.06km-before the actual barcode
19:42.09sizzzunghahaha km
19:42.18sizzzung000D65A0F081 so that's a mac
19:42.24km-<km-> a4 16 16 16 36 22 21 33 16 38 16 24 17 55  
19:42.24km-<km-> 000D65A0F081
19:42.27tclarkkm-: did do you know what number he called ?
19:42.39km-tclark: nope
19:42.39*** join/#asterisk znoG_ (
19:42.46sizzzungMAC Address
19:42.59znoG_bkw_: haha, that Jeff guy is a moron
19:43.36bkw_znoG_ yep
19:43.46bkw_bet he's a bayone developer
19:43.58sizzzungkwgive me al the information on the bike
19:44.01sizzzungbkw_: email it to me
19:44.09bkw_sizzzung what state you in?
19:44.21km-we've got bayonne developers here?
19:45.00mishehuI've not met anybody who actually uses bayonne
19:45.18sizzzungi wonder why.
19:45.25bkw_sizzzung ok
19:45.37bkw_sizzzung it has 3554 miles on it
19:45.37km-bayonne == vapor!
19:46.11bkw_km- no thats your ass after a mcdonalds cheese burger.. vapor!
19:46.45bkw_sizzzung you pay freight I can ship the bike to you
19:47.11bkw_200-300 dollars at most
19:47.12sizzzungwhat state are you in bkw
19:47.39dougheckahow about bkw_ drive it there
19:47.44dougheckaand hitch back
19:48.07bkw_haha no
19:48.59bkw_. doughecka/#asterisk thinks bkw_ is not in a sane state..
19:49.11bkw_Oklahoma isn't a sane state
19:56.04jorgeraideli have the problem with the music hold
19:56.51hermiejorgeraidel: do you have a Zaptel card/zapdummy loaded
19:57.57jorgeraidelok I have wtc4xx runninf
19:58.14jorgeraidelI still need the dommy?
19:58.14hermieAnd you have the card too, right?
19:58.42hermiejorgeraidel: No, you only need the dummy if you don't have a card
19:58.49hermiejorgeraidel: what's it doing
19:59.36km-this is the people I associate with! :P
19:59.39jorgeraidelI want to put music on hold in my extensions but my extension is ata 186
19:59.45jorgeraidelits works?
20:00.13hermiejorgeraidel: should...
20:00.49hermiejorgeraidel: what do you have in your extensions.conf?
20:00.51jorgeraidelok well I saided that becasuse ne friend told me that the ata 186 is different
20:01.09jorgeraidelok waut
20:02.09hermiejorgeraidel: Look at
20:02.34*** join/#asterisk Roger1 (
20:05.40jorgeraidel; This context is for privilege users
20:05.40jorgeraidelinclude => parkedcalls
20:05.40jorgeraidelinclude => asterisk
20:05.40jorgeraidelinclude => sipphone
20:05.41jorgeraidelinclude => fwd
20:05.43jorgeraidelinclude => iaxtel
20:05.58jorgeraidel; Hold Music
20:05.58jorgeraidelexten => 201,1,Answer
20:05.58jorgeraidelexten => 201,2,MusicOnHold(default)
20:06.05jorgeraidelis that corrct?
20:06.23*** join/#asterisk Roger1 (
20:07.14hermiejorgeraidel: Yes, that's correct.
20:07.34jorgeraidelbut I need another configurations?
20:07.54hermiejorgeraidel: No, doesn't it work?
20:08.19jorgeraidelok i an going to test ok
20:10.53jorgeraidelyou know some friend told me that the ata 186 is dirferent in what about the music on hold
20:11.07jorgeraidelok it does'nt work
20:11.42km-bkw: what kinda truck does greg have?
20:11.45jorgeraidelhe told me that for works I need to put # 700 or something like that
20:13.43*** join/#asterisk Exomorph_ (
20:15.29*** join/#asterisk xavier1 (
20:18.35hermiejorgeraidel: No, have you actually tried it?
20:19.20jorgeraidelonly I need to know that the ata 186 its works with music on hold
20:20.55hermiejorgeraidel: It should work fine... I don't see why it wouldn't.  But you'll have to try it to be sure!
20:23.24jorgeraidelwell I am trying
20:23.39jorgeraidelI am mke one test now
20:23.43km-OH SHIT
20:23.50km-check that out
20:26.17jorgeraideljajaj wow
20:26.38jorgeraidelI need to my friend enter for ssh to my pc
20:40.24jimmyzwhen compiling the source on asterisk should i be seeing "no such file or path every now and then
20:41.05*** join/#asterisk ElJefe (~jelque@
20:41.54jorgeraidel2[12A2way]14 demasiado autismo -autoaway, 15 mins- 12 2(12L2og:12P2ager2) 2desde el 1 Jan 15:44:25
20:44.39*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
20:44.52brc007happy new year :P
20:45.00km-happy new year!
20:45.49*** join/#asterisk Buana (
20:46.52jorgeraidel12H2e regresado! 14(demasiado autismo -autoaway, 15 mins-14) 2(12A2way: 4m58s2) 2desde el 1 Jan 15:44:25
20:48.52deexmhas anyone experienced any problems running asterisk in a screen?
20:49.06deexmor could anyone tell me why it wouldnt be a good idea?
20:50.09*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
20:50.29deexmsup dawg
20:50.56*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
20:51.10deexmit is a beautiful day here
20:51.17deexmim almost compelled to goto the beach
20:51.50*** join/#asterisk japple (~japple@
20:52.15jorgeraidelFElIZ AÑO NUEVO jajaja : )
20:52.57*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
20:53.13tholoHey, Powerkill?
20:54.05jimmyzin the skinny.conf and sip.conf what address is supose to go in the "bindaddr" field
20:54.22jimmyzis it the asterisk sever ip?
20:54.57jimmyzthanks lol
20:55.31tholoIt is generally only needed on multihomed hosts, to bind to just one of its addresses.
20:56.38jimmyzok so blank would be fine ""
20:57.28jorgeraidelhey I need help
20:58.35jorgeraidelI configured the music on hold but nothing
20:58.55tholoDefined it how?
20:59.01tholoConfigured it how, I mean?
20:59.23heisonkm-: what's woot?
20:59.47km-woot is woot
20:59.51km-but I accidentally directed it to you
20:59.59km-did not mean to append "heison" to the beginning
21:01.41tholojorgeraidel -- keep it here in case other people have the same kind of problem and need the solution, too.
21:01.46km-data: hahahaha
21:02.01heisonkm-: what version?
21:02.02km-data: I'm making a postgresql table on my box with all of the NHTSA recall data
21:02.20jorgeraidelI think that the problem is the ata 186
21:03.41bkw_blah deee dah
21:04.10km-bkw: what kind of truck does greg have?
21:04.21dougheckaa blue one
21:04.31dougheckaa pickup truck
21:05.41jorgeraidelok and I want to make that when somebody call me the asterisk menu it have two choice extension 1 or 2
21:07.37bkw_km- a GMC
21:07.56bkw_ok the lost title papers are filled out
21:08.05bkw_our state has the forms online.. i'm shocked
21:08.12bkw_goes in the trading post on the 8th
21:08.16bkw_I should have the new title around that time
21:08.32*** join/#asterisk dsm123 (
21:09.47bkw_I fixed that crack in the plastic
21:10.47*** join/#asterisk j35 (
21:13.30JerJermmmm crack
21:13.39tclarkok i an report that this $15 vonage does appear to have a standard procedure to it, but there were few hoops to jump over & i wont know if it all works out untill the devices gets its refreshed config within the next 24hrs
21:14.01JerJerok i can do it for $10
21:14.12PBXtechvonage is 15 now?
21:14.27*** join/#asterisk dsm123 (
21:15.10tclarkno if you have vonage locked ata and have canccled the contract they will chg $15, to un lock the device
21:15.21JerJerok i can do it for $10
21:15.34tclarkrealy ?
21:15.49PBXtechcheep way to get an ata box
21:15.56JerJerbut the device would have to be shipped to me
21:15.57tclarki have another one here that we can experiment on if you are not shiitin me :)
21:16.05JerJerjust read the TSOP
21:16.14JerJerget the unlock code
21:16.26JerJerthen when it asks for the pwd, you give it the real password
21:16.33brc007what exactly is an ata box?
21:16.43PBXtechwill you copy the tsop on my xmradio for $10?
21:17.10JerJerPBXtech: that's about as difficult
21:17.31PBXtechya there is a new pdf on how to do it.. looks kinda easy
21:17.38j35wheres this PDF?
21:17.41tclarkurl ?
21:18.27km-jerjer: they've started using a different key now though
21:18.40km-pbxtech: how do you like XM?
21:18.45km-pbxtech: I'm considering getting it
21:18.58PBXtechi love mine
21:19.01brc007got it for christmas. it's great
21:19.21km-yeah I'm definitely thinking about it
21:19.30brc007going to order a bracket for my car and a special cable that plugs directly into the radio
21:19.37high-rezbkw: I have the xmpcr (paid $50 or so). love it.
21:19.39brc007using a tape adapter now *blah*
21:19.53km-I was going to get the xm skyfi
21:19.54brc007it plugs into your pc
21:20.03brc007go for it...
21:20.05brc007that's what I have
21:20.09km-I'll get the car adapter
21:20.11km-then adapt it for a PC
21:20.21km-it's pretty simple to do I'm sure
21:20.30high-rezkm: usb powered xm device. it uses usb for power and changing channels, and has analog out. the xmfanstore has a mod for it to get digital spdif out too.
21:20.55jorgeraidel2[12A2way]14 demasiado autismo -autoaway, 15 mins- 12 2(12L2og:12P2ager2) 2desde el 1 Jan 16:23:26
21:20.57km-I could probably hack the car port though just as well and save me $$$
21:21.01high-rez(the dac on it is apparently pretty low quality)
21:21.30jimmyzok on sip.conf i'm not using a register just two phones on the asterisk server. do i just leave it commented out?
21:22.02high-rezjimmyz: Sure if you dont want asterisk to register as a sip device, simply do use it.
21:22.15high-rezerr s/do/dont
21:22.23brc007km. the car kit comes with: mag mount antenna, cig lighter power adapter (6vdc) and a tape adapter. one end goes into your radio and the other is a 1/4 " phono plug
21:22.33km-go psql go! go psql go!
21:22.41km-99 thousand inserts just keep going and going
21:22.48high-rezstress testin?
21:22.52bkw_mysql will do that also
21:22.59km-just getting a feel for how much shit I can throw at pgsql
21:23.17km-bkw: have you even attempted to pull a crapload of data out of mysql?  It's SLOW!
21:23.26km-a bunch of these records are getting tossed out
21:23.26bkw_why ?
21:23.35bkw_if it takes long your indexes are wrong
21:23.39high-rezYeah, i ran pgsql on a big project of mine back in teh day and it kicked butt.
21:23.48bkw_we have 4 million radius records last I checked
21:23.52bkw_let me see if he dumped some out
21:24.09brc007km...if you get the SkyFi check out the mounting brackets at
21:24.25brc007look at the Vehicle specific mounts
21:24.39bkw_mysql> select count(*) as count from radacct;
21:24.39bkw_| count   |
21:24.39bkw_| 3048425 |
21:24.42bkw_1 row in set (0.00 sec)
21:24.49km-real    2m39.121s
21:24.49km-user    0m7.760s
21:24.50km-sys     0m1.710s
21:24.55km-to insert 100,000 records (or so)
21:24.58high-rezi like xm for the variety of music (sirius is a little bit more "pop")... But I'm prolly gonna end up with sirius in my car.
21:25.55*** join/#asterisk capijod (
21:25.56km-DM uses sirius
21:26.02brc007also you're definitely gonna want to get a adapter from so you can plug it directly into the radio instead of using the C****y tape adapter
21:26.16bkw_mysql> select count(*) as count from radacct where UserName='brian';
21:26.16bkw_| count |
21:26.16bkw_|   206 |
21:26.19bkw_1 row in set (0.01 sec)
21:26.21bkw_nice and speedy
21:26.43high-rez.hiub #gebtii
21:26.54km-bkw: I wonder how I figure out how many records are in a psql db?
21:27.06bkw_select count(*) from table;
21:27.08*** join/#asterisk curious1 (
21:27.11bkw_same with mysql
21:27.36km-CARSTUFF=> select count(*) from recall;
21:27.37km-(1 row)
21:27.46km-out of 100,000 queries in that file
21:27.50km-only 10k got in?
21:28.02*** join/#asterisk maxP (~kdd@
21:28.19km-I wrote a php script to create insert queries for me
21:28.25km-but my guess is the descriptions have ''s in them
21:28.32bkw_HAHA yes
21:28.50PBXtechanyone in here use vonage?
21:28.54macTijnlearn to use mysql_escape_string :)
21:29.03bkw_he's using pgsql
21:29.06capijodadd_slashes() :)
21:29.13bkw_add_slashes does it too
21:29.14km-I'm sure pgsql has pgsql_escape_string too
21:29.19bkw_km- yes it does
21:29.22km-add slashges?
21:29.22bkw_or use odbc
21:29.34bkw_BindParam does the escape
21:29.55brc007bkw which distro do you run * on?
21:29.56bkw_mysql> select count(*) as count from radacct where UserName='brian';
21:29.56bkw_| count |
21:29.56bkw_|   206 |
21:29.59bkw_1 row in set (0.01 sec)
21:30.08bkw_brc007 I use Gentoo
21:30.10bkw_SQLBindParameter(ODBC_stmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_CHAR, 0, 0, &timestr, 0, NULL);
21:30.35bkw_I can do stuff with ODBC in C better than I can with native MySQL API
21:30.51bkw_MySQL is a picky bitch and will seg * when shit goes weird
21:30.52km-I didnt want to use odbc for the insert
21:30.54km-but maybe I aught to
21:30.58km-see how much faster it is
21:30.59bkw_ODBC is graceful
21:31.08*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
21:31.09high-rezI am graceful
21:31.15bkw_i'm not
21:31.27bkw_I can't dance
21:31.30bkw_I can't dress
21:31.37high-rezbkw: Welcome to being male ?
21:31.42bkw_I can't even think straight
21:31.44bkw_high-rez i'm gay.
21:31.48bkw_I should be able to do these things!
21:31.54high-rezbkw: I thought you were supposed to be able to dance then???
21:32.04bkw_haha no
21:32.08brc007I've got a bunch (3) of old (amd k6-2 500MHz - 256MB ram) computers laying around and I'm trying to figure out how to set em up to do distributed compileing for gentoo :p
21:32.13high-rez<bkw_> I can't even think straight
21:32.15brc007you ever try that?
21:32.19high-rezwas that supposed to be as funny as it was?
21:32.20km-bkw: is there a quick command to delete all records in a table?
21:32.26km-bkw: or do I have to drop/add it?
21:32.33bkw_high-rez yes
21:32.36high-rezok ;)
21:32.42bkw_delete from table;
21:32.59bkw_zing zing zing
21:33.03km-SQL> delete from recall;
21:33.04km-10319 rows affected
21:33.12high-rezbkw: Not to push here forward, but I think you must be a straight guy that just doesnt know if... if cant dance and dress and stuff. Maybe you just havent tried to sweet tang, so you dont know how good it is?
21:33.17km-lets see if odbc can work nearly as fast
21:33.46bkw_high-rez dont think so.. strictly dickly here!
21:33.48*** join/#asterisk fyman (
21:34.01bkw_km- what are you using?
21:34.16km-[unixODBC]ERROR:  parser: unterminated quoted string at or near "'DEALER WILL REPLACE PRESENT WINDSHIELD IF DAMAGED OR REINSTALL EXISTING WINDSHIELD IF NOT.  " at character 477
21:34.16km-[ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLExecute
21:34.23km-I thought odbc was 'graceful'
21:34.29bkw_km- not with raw queries
21:34.32bkw_you have to fix those
21:34.35km-oh, now you tell me
21:34.47bkw_unless you write something in C to SQLBindParam
21:34.51bkw_but NOOOOOO
21:35.52bkw_  <-- I look at that and go WOW
21:37.23km-in php, how do I strip the \n at the end of a string?
21:37.36bkw_is their a chomp?
21:37.40km-I could do list($real,$fake)=split("\n",$string,1);
21:38.06bkw_$date = ereg_replace('-', '/', $calldate[0]);
21:38.12bkw_$date = ereg_replace('\n', '', $calldate[0]);
21:38.16bkw_or something like that
21:39.31*** join/#asterisk maxP (~kdd@
21:41.10heisondoes anyone own x10 gears?
21:41.20km-I used to have x10 equipment
21:41.27heisonnightwatch2 b/w camera in particular.
21:41.30high-rezthe stuff for controlling power outlets?
21:41.37km-naw, never had the camera
21:41.44high-rezoh, the lame cameras. i'd never own anything from those spammers.
21:41.51high-rezi'd buy from their competitiors if i needed anything.
21:42.11heisonwhat do you recommend for a low lux camera for outdoor use?
21:42.47high-rezjust about thing with a ccd. put up an infrared lamp
21:43.04km-ODBC is a lot slower
21:43.19high-rezi'm pretty sure thats all bkw's fault
21:43.28km-nah, its not bkw's stuff
21:43.31km-it's unixodbc itself
21:43.36km-I was using unixodbc's sql tool
21:43.56high-rezi think i'd try to find a way to pin it on him anyways.
21:44.13JerJerits better than it was, km-
21:44.21km-no, because then he'd flame me, saying that I just dont know how to configure it 'right'
21:44.35bkw_the isql stuff is always slow
21:44.41bkw_the raw C calls are faster
21:44.56km-I'll trry through psql thanks
21:44.59km-32meg file full of inserts
21:45.04JerJerwhen we played with unix-odbc abouit a year ago it was bad
21:45.12bkw_it seems pretty good now
21:46.19km-the box is thrashing
21:46.21bkw_km- send me that sql file?
21:46.39km-bkw: let me first make sure all the queries are correctly formed
21:46.40bkw_it could just be that pgsql odbc driver
21:46.52high-rezbkw: Did you ever try to stress that sql server I gave you a login to?
21:46.59km-psql:holyshit.sql:1384: ERROR:  Bad numeric input format ''
21:46.59km-psql:holyshit.sql:1485: ERROR:  Bad numeric input format ''
21:46.59km-psql:holyshit.sql:1486: ERROR:  Bad numeric input format ''
21:46.59km-psql:holyshit.sql:1487: ERROR:  Bad numeric input format ''
21:47.09km-at least it gives me line numbers
21:47.18bkw_high-rez no
21:47.25high-rezfigures ;)
21:47.37bkw_when did you give the info to me?
21:48.17high-rezbkw: Back before you had your own pgsql server. you wanted someoen to test against pgsql, but I was too lazy to actually do the test so I gave yo a login ;)
21:48.47high-rezpgsql running on my baby
21:49.01data{DERP}it scares me
21:49.04km-data: what do you like?
21:49.11data{DERP}mysql i usually use :)
21:49.19data{DERP}or dreaded mssql
21:49.26high-rezpgsqlrules dude
21:49.47data{DERP}mysql 5 alpha out i see :)
21:50.06data{DERP}thats the only thing in mysql i miss atm
21:50.08data{DERP}stored procs :)
21:50.09high-rezand it'll have a couple more of the features pgsql already has
21:50.16high-rezlike stored procs ;)
21:50.55jorgeraidel2[12A2way]14 demasiado autismo -autoaway, 15 mins- 2(1230m2) 2(12L2og:12P2ager2) 2desde el 1 Jan 16:23:26
21:51.12high-rezimho, mysql is still playing catch up. and when it gets all of the features pgsql has, it'll be just as slow for small queries, if not slower.
21:51.25data{DERP}each to their own i spose :)
21:51.35data{DERP}i've used mysql more, so thats why i'm used to that :)
21:51.37bkw_ok i'm about to test this
21:51.49bkw_asterisk root # wc -l sql.txt
21:51.49bkw_1177559 sql.txt
21:52.08data{DERP}dare i ask :) ?
21:52.20data{DERP}big badda db
21:52.43high-rezyou dont happen to have red hair do you??
21:52.51high-rez<--- too many movies
21:53.47data{DERP}good movie tho :)
21:54.01high-rezlilu == yum
21:56.41data{DERP}Leeloo btw :)
21:57.16data{DERP}she's in Resident Evil 2 this year as well :)
21:58.59*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
22:00.26km-CARSTUFF=> select count(*) from recall;
22:00.26km-(1 row)
22:00.27km-11 minutes
22:00.34km-11 minutes to insert 58,000 records
22:01.06bkw_i'm testing 1 millin records here
22:01.08bkw_er million
22:01.17km-how'd you make em?
22:01.30bkw_made a few random queries
22:01.39bkw_then cated them back and forth till it was 1 million
22:01.51bkw_took like 3 seconds to do that
22:02.02*** join/#asterisk clive- (
22:02.18bkw_its CDR records
22:02.27km-oh yeah bkw
22:02.33clive-does anyone here use RH9?
22:02.34bkw_asterisk root # ls -la sql.txt
22:02.34bkw_-rw-r--r--    1 root     root     342160164 Jan  1 15:58 sql.txt
22:02.42km-I was just thinking while I was puttering with your parkandannounce hack for the 7960
22:02.54*** join/#asterisk Menace- (
22:03.04km-oh wait..  I answered that question earlier to myself...
22:03.14bkw_ya know what i'm gonna prove that ODBC is faster..
22:03.20bkw_this CLI stuff is single threaded
22:03.26bkw_one query at a time
22:03.40km-can you write a multithreaded inserter and send it to me? :)
22:03.49bkw_I think
22:04.12bkw_because I just realized that the mysql stuff was doing this
22:05.04bkw_real    3m48.042s
22:05.04bkw_user    0m30.810s
22:05.04bkw_sys     0m12.575s
22:05.11bkw_3 min to insert those records on mysql
22:05.15bkw_lets check isql now
22:05.30km-3 minutes to insert a million records?!
22:05.42km-single threaded or multithreaded?
22:06.08bkw_single with mysql
22:06.22af_looks speedy :)
22:06.28*** join/#asterisk jeb-c4 (
22:06.34km-how fast is that server?
22:06.39bkw_1 ghz
22:06.43bkw_512 megs
22:06.46km-not too much faster than mine
22:06.48bkw_now i'm testing thru ISQL
22:06.51km-256mb on p3 733
22:07.02bkw_I can already tell you its slower but not by much
22:07.42km-dude ya gots to write a multithreaded inserter
22:07.44*** join/#asterisk bk (
22:07.44km-these tables are big! :P
22:08.15km-the cool thing is that even though psql is inserting all these queries
22:08.19high-rezHave any of you noticed the google logo for 2004?
22:08.21km-pgadmin can still work in realtime
22:08.26km-high-rez: it's cute
22:08.28high-rezIts got a penguin with a gavel...
22:08.31bkw_472 inserts per second with isql
22:08.36high-rezAre they predicting the demise of SCO in 2004 ? :)
22:08.45bkw_28,000.43 per min
22:08.51bkw_km- thats not bad is it?
22:08.56high-rezOr does that not have anything to do with it?
22:09.03km-bkw: hrm
22:09.14bkw_486 now
22:09.22km-bkw: my data I'm inserting is much bigger than that, maybe that's why.
22:09.23bkw_its getting faster
22:09.33km-bkw: if you give me your dataset I'll try it on my pgsql box
22:09.34bkw_i'm inserting 300+ megs
22:09.43bkw_asterisk root # ls -la sql.txt
22:09.43bkw_-rw-r--r--    1 root     root     342160164 Jan  1 15:58 sql.txt
22:09.50km-but my individual queries are like 6 times as long
22:10.01mishehuthe penguin in the google logo is making an ice sculpture.  it's not a gavel.
22:10.05km-22 fields, some of which having 2000 length varchars
22:10.05bkw_km- that could be it
22:10.16high-rezmishehu: Oh ok. ;)
22:10.18bkw_up to 508 inserts a second now
22:10.27high-rezI guess that makes more sense.
22:10.42high-rezI figured it was a penguin smoking a cingar with a gavel.
22:10.52high-rezbut icepick and hammer does seem more likely.
22:11.35km-bkw: I think I'm going to write an extension logic that rewrites callerid name based on the callerid number
22:11.36bkw_521 inserts a second now
22:11.39km-bkw: i.e., a cool name
22:11.46km-instead of all these "WIRELESS CALLER" entries
22:11.56km-I'll rewrite it to be like "Peter Grace"
22:12.07clive-does anyone here use RH9?
22:12.15bkw_Total     ø per hour     ø per minute   ø per second  
22:12.15bkw_122,052   1,877,723.08   31,295.38      521.59
22:12.26km-bkw: what program is producing that output?
22:12.27high-rezonly kram!
22:12.31bkw_km- phpmyadmin
22:12.31*** join/#asterisk joesmith (
22:12.43km-bkw: you made phpmyadmin do it? :)
22:12.44bkw_I restarted mysql the second I started the isql proces
22:12.51bkw_no it has it on the status tab
22:13.01bkw_Total   ø per hour   ø per minute   ø per second  
22:13.18km-I bet postgresql would hold its own versus oracle in a business environment
22:13.29bkw_I wouldn't worry about it
22:13.31km-same for mysql I bet
22:13.33bkw_i'm about to test raw mysql
22:13.50bkw_isql is still climbing
22:14.02high-rezkm: A while ago I was part of a big dotcom and we used pgsql almost exclusively... It *did* hold its own against oracle even back then. :)
22:14.05bkw_Total   ø per hour   ø per minute   ø per second  
22:14.26bkw_ya mysql and pgsql can if setup correctly both give oracle a run for its money
22:15.00high-rezi think oracles only real advantage is if you want a single query to use multiple cpus
22:15.00bkw_Total   ø per hour   ø per minute   ø per second  
22:15.17km-high-rez: no shit.
22:15.24bkw_its still gaining speed
22:15.30km-high-rez: I was just thinking about how cool it'd be to hack an ERP to use postgresql
22:15.45*** join/#asterisk jeb-c4 (
22:15.59bkw_Total   ø per hour   ø per minute   ø per second  
22:16.14bkw_its getting faster
22:16.31high-rezbkw: Are you IO or cpu bound?
22:16.52km-pgadmin does *not* like adding records while I'm running this insert test
22:17.03bkw_if I had faster drives this shit would SCREAM
22:17.14bkw_Total   ø per hour   ø per minute   ø per second  
22:17.19high-rezI'm gonna some real load tests when I get my next PC.
22:17.30high-rez(which will be dual opteron with raided serial ata drives)
22:17.36bkw_OK you tell me you have one single asterisk server doing 623 inserts per second.. that box would be dead from call volume first
22:17.44bkw_am I not right?
22:17.55high-rezYer prolly right. ;)
22:18.10high-rezBut if you had 1,000 * boxen all logging CDRs to one pgsql server..
22:18.20bkw_still your not going to be doing that
22:18.22bkw_its a bad idea
22:18.23high-rezWell if any of us had that much kram would be retired
22:18.25*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
22:18.26high-rezand living really well
22:18.50bkw_Total   ø per hour   ø per minute   ø per second  
22:19.08bkw_this isn't bad
22:19.16data{DERP}gg :]
22:19.25high-rez... good game?
22:19.26bkw_hell its doing pretty good for a 1gig box
22:19.37data{DERP}good going in this case :)
22:19.41km-something weird is going on
22:19.42high-rezoh ok. ;)
22:19.52high-rez<--- used to be big into FPS's
22:19.56bkw_get the update
22:19.57bkw_I fixed that
22:20.06bkw_its on my site
22:20.09km-is it in cvs yet?
22:20.14jimmyzanyone help me setup a 7940 using sccp...i've got it to start the session on *
22:20.15bkw_but I fixed that bug last week
22:20.17km-mark better fucking put it in already
22:20.18bkw_I told you that too
22:20.23data{DERP}high-rez: QW days? ;)
22:20.36joesmithis jerjer around?
22:20.46bkw_Total   ø per hour   ø per minute   ø per second  
22:20.47high-rezdata: Nah, I was a UT Assault guy. :) Loved that game.
22:20.48km-bkw_: do I need to get a new .h or just the .c?
22:20.51bkw_just the .c
22:20.55jorgeraidel2[12A2way]14 demasiado autismo -autoaway, 15 mins- 2(121h2) 2(12L2og:12P2ager2) 2desde el 1 Jan 16:23:26
22:21.08joesmithbkw: what program are you using to test sql?
22:21.13km-data: were you ever into MegaTF?
22:21.22data{DERP}km-: nah, i was a DM chap :)
22:21.23bkw_joesmith just raw isql dump to mysql via ODBC
22:21.30bkw_and it looks CPU bound
22:21.33bkw_let me test something
22:21.50high-rezok now we're gonna have to setup a #asterisk death match and see who is the king killer of VoiP!
22:21.52data{DERP}bkw_: how does the ODBC->mysql compare in performance to mysql directly?
22:22.21bkw_data{DERP} testing this again
22:22.25JerJerhigh-rez: i have a ut2003 server already running
22:22.29km-bkw: doesnt fix it
22:22.33bkw_the isql prints a line for every insert I just directed that to /dev/null and its HAULING more ass
22:22.36km-bkw: still get the same crap
22:22.41JerJerhigh-rez: just don't have ut2003 disc 1 any mo :(
22:22.56bkw_Total   ø per hour   ø per minute   ø per second  
22:23.00joesmithjerjer: can you deal with nufone stuff now?
22:23.05bkw_km- clear your database out
22:23.07high-rezjerjer: No kidding? What type of game do you play? I've been fond of bombing run and ctf.
22:23.10bkw_km- let me see
22:23.17km-bkw: like hell I'm clearing that fucking DB out
22:23.19high-rezjerjer: Hehe, I have disc 1 but its got a scratch. I cant reinstall, but it runs fine :)
22:23.25km-bkw: it took me a while to populate that :P
22:23.51km-bkw: what do you want to see?
22:24.15bkw_hold on
22:24.26bkw_I didn't copy the fixed one in
22:24.34km-I'll clear the table if I can dump the table first so I can repopulate it
22:24.44km-it's got my local calling area stuff stored in it :)
22:25.20bkw_try now
22:25.25km-got it
22:25.35bkw_I could have swore I put that in
22:25.43bkw_Total   ø per hour   ø per minute   ø per second  
22:25.49bkw_thats ODBC -> MySQL
22:25.57high-rezdang thats not bad
22:25.58*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
22:26.04high-rezsingle spindle bkw?
22:26.25km-jumps to priority n+101 if available.
22:26.39bkw_no it should go n+101 if it isn't
22:26.48km-I know
22:26.57km-my extension number was 1-off
22:27.07bkw_who ever is downloading SHIT OF MY BOX STOP IT
22:27.24brc007ftp server?
22:27.24high-rezhey we found hiM! :)
22:27.26km-you're slowing down his mysql
22:27.42bkw_thats on my DSL
22:27.48bkw_if you want that RIAA thingy get it off
22:28.17high-rezwhat is this that im leechiong?
22:29.06bkw_let me make sure you got the right now
22:29.54bkw_ah I see
22:29.55bkw_yes I did
22:30.02bkw_-> was the right now/usr/src/asterisk.patched001/apps/app_dbodbc.c
22:30.29bkw_yes thats it
22:30.32bkw_I see the fix in that one
22:30.56bkw_that fixed that drama with the weird cars
22:30.57bkw_er chars
22:31.02bkw_ok its copied over now
22:31.09km-so download again and give shot
22:31.49km-that appears to have worked
22:31.52bkw_ya I found and fixed that crap last week sometime when I wrote those class features
22:32.11bkw_also fixed a query
22:32.24bkw_the del query wasn't right
22:32.42km-its dinner time so I'll bbiafm
22:33.08high-rezand here i was thinking about breakfast.
22:33.33bkw_Total   ø per hour   ø per minute   ø per second  
22:33.39bkw_ok raw mysql is HELLA faster
22:34.00bkw_Total   ø per hour   ø per minute   ø per second  
22:34.27bkw_either way ODBC isn't bad
22:34.48data{DERP}for our application, i agree :)
22:35.11bkw_who knows maybe we can speed that stuff up
22:36.41bkw_Total   ø per hour   ø per minute   ø per second  
22:37.29*** join/#asterisk jrollyson (rollyson@
22:37.45bkw_ok i'm gonna try a raw C call
22:37.49bkw_instead of that ISQL crap
22:37.54bkw_maybe that isn't written correctly
22:37.57lecramhow many db transaction are we _ever_ going to need anyway?
22:38.17bkw_I know if your doing more than 700 calls per second something is wrong
22:38.22bkw_that poor box
22:39.12data{DERP}has anyone actually got 700 calls (concurrent) on 1 asterisk box yet? :)
22:39.36data{DERP}live ones i mean, not test generated
22:39.37bkw_JerJer you alive?
22:39.41JerJeri wouldn't want 700 calls on one of anything
22:39.45data{DERP}exactly :)
22:39.58jimmyzcan anyone help me get this 7940 "sccp" going
22:40.30jrollysonhmm.. nobody in conf tonight?
22:41.42data{DERP}not i :)
22:41.53jimmyzI get "starting skinny session" on the * server but phone doesn't do anything
22:42.07jimmyzphone just says defaulting cm to tftp server
22:43.19maikjimmyz: did you set bindaddr to your local ip in the config?
22:43.36jimmyzno it's set at
22:43.57maikset it to your local ip.
22:44.16jimmyzok trying that now
22:44.31ScaredyCatjimmyz: you only need to change it from if you have more than 1 nic
22:44.48jimmyzonly have 1
22:44.59ScaredyCatthen just leave it as
22:45.07ScaredyCatit willbinf to that niv
22:45.13uranium238what is this conference of which you speak?
22:45.46maikScaredyCat: our server has only one nick too but it didn't work with
22:45.52jimmyzi'm new so i might have the extensions.conf wrong for it
22:45.56*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
22:46.20*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
22:46.56ScaredyCatmaik: if it's then * will bind to the first ic it finds...
22:47.52jimmyzdoes this look right, exten -> 1,1,Dial (SCCP/phone1,20,tr)
22:48.03joesmithhow can you get asterisk to bind to more then one nic?
22:48.08ScaredyCatjimmyz: no
22:48.17ScaredyCatuse  => not  ->
22:48.36jimmyzthat what i have "=" missed typed it
22:49.33ScaredyCatthen it's a bug maik...
22:49.40jimmyz[sccp] should match context in skinny.conf right
22:50.01*** join/#asterisk hmodes (hmodes@
22:50.08ScaredyCatwell not a bug just that chan_skinny works differently to all other chans.. which in my book makes it a bug
22:50.38ScaredyCatyou have a context=sccp  ??
22:50.55jorgeraidel2[12A2way]14 demasiado autismo -autoaway, 15 mins- 2(121h30m2) 2(12L2og:12P2ager2) 2desde el 1 Jan 16:23:26
22:51.22maikScaredyCat: that's why we don't use skinny anymore
22:51.35ScaredyCatand in extensions.conf you have  [sccp]
22:51.49ScaredyCatwhere exten 1 is defined?
22:52.03jimmyzmust be something i have in the skinny.conf then
22:53.29j35does anyone have pserver.exe  for using debuging a Cisco ATA using NPrintF?
22:57.49*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
22:59.22*** join/#asterisk nick2 (~M@
22:59.35*** part/#asterisk nick2 (~M@
23:12.10zoahello dutch weed
23:14.05jimmyzwhen you image a 7940 to sip what do you push to unlock the network settings
23:14.06*** join/#asterisk diana (
23:14.12dianaehlo #asterisk
23:15.04bkw_200 OK
23:15.33dianamail from:
23:15.42bkw_200 OK
23:15.51dianarcpt to:
23:16.03bkw_message rejected
23:16.06*** join/#asterisk DigiumAR (
23:16.07dianacome and get sexy ......
23:16.15dianabkw_ :)
23:16.18jimmyznm found it
23:16.24bkw_har har har
23:16.37dianai have setup corectly my keys in linux
23:17.23DigiumARhello, n1 using SS7 with asterisk?
23:17.37dianaDigiumAR > is posibile to do that?
23:18.39bkw_I dont think we can do SS7 with * yet
23:19.19bkw_h3x wake up
23:19.22km-nearly ambiguous
23:20.49data{DERP}ss7 heh
23:20.55jorgeraidel2[12A2way]14 demasiado autismo -autoaway, 15 mins- 2(122h2) 2(12L2og:12P2ager2) 2desde el 1 Jan 16:23:26
23:21.31km-if that guy doenst get rid of his autoaway
23:21.54bkw_oh so that anoys you also
23:22.49dougheckamee tooo
23:23.38*** join/#asterisk Gazzas (
23:23.43km-in some of the "leeter" channels I've been in
23:23.51km-any autoaway messages would instantly get you permbanned
23:24.13*** join/#asterisk DigiumAR (~mm@
23:24.56DigiumARN1 using SS7 with asterisk?
23:27.41dianabkw_ > what is maxtrunkcall in chan_iax2?
23:27.57bkw_let me see
23:28.13dianabkw_ > and how can i setup that?
23:28.29bkw_looks like a counter
23:28.31bkw_thats it
23:28.42dianabkw_ > but what is doing exacly?
23:28.52data{DERP}the maximum number of calls on a trunk perhaps?
23:28.55dianacan i setup a max number of calls for a trunk in iax?
23:28.59bkw_you hchan_iax2.c:#define TRUNK_CALL_START    0x4000
23:29.24bkw_chan_iax2.c:#define TRUNK_CALL_START    0x4000
23:29.24bkw_chan_iax2.c:static int maxtrunkcall = TRUNK_CALL_START;
23:29.31clive-does anyone know if its ok to install Gnome and KDE on the same machine to be used fo asterisk  ?
23:29.32bkw_chan_iax2.c:    int max = TRUNK_CALL_START;
23:29.41bkw_clive- not wise
23:29.47bkw_X is an interrupt whore
23:29.50bkw_just like asterisk
23:30.00clive-i heard to stay away from x-win
23:30.00bkw_you get two interrupt whores on the same box.. you see problems
23:30.23clive-thats why I am wondering about Gnome and KDE
23:30.50dianabkw_ > can you see any way that i can modify TRUNK_CALL_START from configs?
23:30.54clive-this is the deep end
23:31.01dianai don't want to rewrite any c code
23:31.25*** join/#asterisk sam11 (
23:32.15brc007gentoo people aren't there a way to view the handbook all at once for printing?
23:34.37*** join/#asterisk jelque (~jelque@
23:35.31j35does anyone have pserver.exe  for using debuging a Cisco ATA using NPrintF?
23:35.31*** join/#asterisk hermie (
23:40.05*** part/#asterisk maxP (~kdd@
23:41.21dianawb kram
23:41.26dianakram > i need some help
23:41.46dianakram > i want to setup the max number of call to a iax trunk
23:41.50dianais posibile to do this?
23:41.55dianabtw kram
23:42.02dianakram > HNY
23:42.15bkw_diana no you can't do limits like that
23:42.17twistedhey kram, how's france?
23:42.17capijodhappy 1904 diana :)
23:42.26dianahey capijod
23:42.27bkw_I wish we could port the stuff form chan_sip to chan_iax2
23:42.44km-what stuff?
23:42.51bkw_the limit stuff
23:42.59bkw_you can limit the number of connections on sip
23:43.05dianabkw_ > i see
23:43.06dianathx alot
23:43.12bkw_take a look how its done there
23:43.14bkw_and get started
23:43.38dianabkw_ > i don't want to modify the code
23:43.43dianawas a solution for a friend
23:43.50loko-mokoim gonna fuckin kill genkernel!
23:44.07loko-mokoits awful bkw =P
23:44.19bkw_loko-moko no it isn't
23:44.21bkw_what did it do?
23:44.31bkw_genkernel --config
23:44.34loko-mokosystem wont boot
23:44.37loko-mokoyea i did all that
23:44.37bkw_if you want a custom
23:44.40loko-mokoit says cant open root
23:44.42bkw_did you modify grub.conf/
23:44.46loko-mokoi use lilo
23:44.47loko-mokoand yes
23:44.51bkw_did you rerun lilo?
23:44.54loko-mokosays please append root=
23:44.58loko-mokoand i have root=/dev/hda2
23:45.10bkw_lilo is evil.. thats why I use grub
23:45.18bkw_you can fix it
23:45.21bkw_boot with the live cd
23:45.23bkw_mount the drive
23:45.25bkw_fix the file
23:45.28bkw_chroot the env
23:45.31bkw_reinstall kernel
23:46.47loko-mokoyea i am
23:46.51loko-mokoi hate grub
23:47.13j35how can i check if my asterisk server is authenticated with IAXTel?
23:47.44bkw_iax2 show registry
23:47.57sumasumais there any UK IAX providers to terminate the PSTN Calls ?
23:47.59bkw_iaxtel is iax2 only
23:48.07j35ah ok
23:48.30bkw_j35 don't private message me
23:48.37bkw_keep it in the channel
23:48.38j35well i'm confused
23:48.45j35i gave it the correct user/pass
23:48.49j35but it rejected me
23:48.50data{DERP}sumasuma: yes
23:48.53loko-mokobkw, how do I get the latest kernel using emrge
23:49.02loko-mokoits doing r2, i think they have 9 out now
23:49.05bkw_emerge -pu world
23:49.11bkw_see if the new kernel src is listed
23:49.14bkw_I have r9
23:49.20bkw_and you will have to emerge -u world
23:49.29bkw_emerge -up world will only print the stuff that would be upgraded
23:49.31j35and i can login fine at
23:50.05DigiumARNq implementing or using SS7 ?
23:50.31bkw_loko-moko thats the kernel i'm about to go to
23:50.55jorgeraidel2[12A2way]14 demasiado autismo -autoaway, 15 mins- 2(122h30m2) 2(12L2og:12P2ager2) 2desde el 1 Jan 16:23:26
23:51.11loko-mokobkw why
23:51.20loko-mokowhat are you running now
23:51.28loko-moko20-r9 ?
23:51.47loko-moko2.4.22-r2 is what i have
23:52.06j35any idea why iaxtel would be rejecting me?
23:52.17bkw_you have the latest then loko-moko
23:52.23bkw_20-r9 is what I have now
23:52.54jimmyzin sip.conf what should be "defaultip"
23:52.56loko-mokoah ok
23:53.05loko-mokoi was thinking there was .22-r9 out
23:53.07loko-mokooh well
23:53.43*** join/#asterisk Lafinion_ (
23:55.05loko-mokogood luck =P
23:55.08loko-mokomine doesnt like this kernel
23:55.15bkw_I never have problems doing an update
23:55.26loko-mokoyea i never had this problem either
23:55.27bkw_but I don't use that crack headed lilo
23:55.33loko-moko20-r9 worked fine
23:55.36loko-mokoon my last install
23:55.45loko-mokothen i go to install today and its all fucked
23:56.39j35does IAXTel give free 800 service now?
23:56.41bkw_did you update your portage utiles?
23:56.43bkw_er utils?
23:58.42bkw_emerge portage
23:58.47j35does one know how to reset the IAXTel password?
23:58.49bkw_it told me that I need to do that
23:58.52bkw_j35 you can't
23:59.19data{DERP}heh dontcha install ya own kernel?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.