irclog2html for #asterisk on 20031228

00:02.28*** join/#asterisk curious (
00:11.23denonYoYo: yeah .. I agree .. XLR on a soundcard is the wrong thing to do ..
00:11.31denonyou should go optical .. then have the XLR terminate into your mixer <G>
00:11.38curiousanyone here?
00:12.18curiouscan anyone help with a sip problem?
00:12.27bkw_we can try
00:12.29bkw_post your problem
00:13.25*** join/#asterisk Cybo (
00:13.55curiousWe can call the sip phone by extension but the sip phone cannot call another extension
00:14.19bkw_sounds like a nat issue
00:14.20bkw_got nat?
00:15.16curiousyes... nat on both ends
00:17.50dougheckabut alas, I cannot, because wasim is taking his own swcheet time
00:19.14curiouswe have applied the patch from bug #0000104
00:19.21lecramdeploy a * box to the remote location and use IAX.. replace it with farfon when it's ready :)
00:19.40curiousthe sip phone registers fine
00:20.11curiousand the sip phone can be called and everything works
00:20.30curiousthe sip phone just cant call another extension
00:23.25curiousI am looking forward to the FarFon...  but I need to make this work now.
00:25.00curiousAny ideas?
00:31.41*** part/#asterisk denon (
00:31.45lecramanyone ever seen anything like this: X101P in system
00:31.46*** join/#asterisk denon (
00:32.03lecramwhile there is no activity on the pots line
00:34.15*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
00:35.19miller7is Jean-Denis here?
00:35.22Powerkillhi all :)
00:35.33miller7hi Powerkill
00:42.18Powerkillany SIP protocol expert ?
00:45.56*** join/#asterisk SioB (
00:46.37denonPowerkill: just ask, if someone knows, they'll answer
00:48.13miller7bye people, I'm off to bed
01:05.14*** join/#asterisk chadaaa (
01:06.57chadaaaHello Im working on setting up a asterisk server that will our outbound calls to my local area..Does anyone have any good guides I could read?
01:07.14*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by bkw_
01:07.22dougheckaop me
01:08.09MocMocwhat is the mysql CDR web viewer ?
01:08.15MocMocI saw that somewhere
01:09.06chadaaaIm new to linux as well..What version would any of you suggest I get to work with asterisk?
01:09.12dougheckaredhat 9
01:09.14MocMocchadaaa: well just setup your routing for local area to pass throught your ZapTel device
01:09.16dougheckaworks out of the box
01:09.26MocMocyes Redhat 9 is fine
01:10.17MocMocbest RH 9 install is, Custom, and when it ask you for package, select at the one, only Minimum  (all others package will become gray)
01:10.36chadaaaok..I'll install redhat then..So I'm going to have just 1 outgoing analog line..Just need Redhat, asterisk, and zaptel?
01:10.41MocMocand once it install, you can use this to install asterisk and update security on your redhat
01:10.43booPeople should be using Gentoo
01:10.51dougheckachadaaa: yep
01:10.56dougheckaboo: bah
01:11.00MocMocboo: Ive looked at Gentoo, and didnt like the website ;)
01:11.03dougheckaits too complicated for new people
01:11.07Mikeboo: fred flinstone shoould be using gentoo
01:11.14Mikeboo: jetsons use debian
01:11.32MocMocyes kind of ..
01:11.48MocMocan FXO device that work wish asterisk (x100p device)
01:11.49boodo a /list and tell me what the most popular channel is
01:12.05chadaaaDon't know that much about linux..How hard is it to install the software?
01:12.15MocMocif there is so much ppl there, must be a bugy distro ;)
01:12.30MocMocredhat 9 is so easy..
01:12.36booAs is gentoo
01:12.54MocMocThere is like 3 different gentoo package ..
01:13.14MocMocdifferent step or what ever you want to call it ..
01:13.14chadaaaIs there any freeware like asterisk that would work with windows??
01:13.23boothen stick with your redhat, moc
01:13.28boowe don't need you
01:13.33MocMocchadaaa: it not about freeware... it about opensource..
01:13.47chadaaaor opensource? :)
01:14.16MocMocboo: Ive heard good thing about Gentoo, just never had much change to play with it ..
01:14.29user_gentoo is the best distro for those in the know
01:14.46user_all the newbies stick with redhat
01:14.51MocMocI like start with a minimal install, and install just what I need, and gentoo might be what Im looking for but .. donno
01:15.08booI was just giving you shit MocMoc
01:16.05MocMocchadaaa: Get linux man... RH 9 install is really easy, and look really good..
01:16.17MocMocget a book or something... or follow some howto..
01:16.22booredhat is good for newbies
01:16.34MocMocand is also powerfull for buisness boo ;)
01:17.01chadaaaIm sure I can get redhat installed..Just not sure how to install software to work in it
01:17.18booget apt-get
01:17.41mizzieRH is shite
01:17.46mizzieget freebsd
01:17.56MocMocI used freebsd for a while, and I got bored ..
01:18.15mizziebut suse and RH are for the unchallenged
01:18.18MocMocIt nice.. and clean.. but boring ;)
01:18.51mizziefreebsd 5.1 is nice
01:18.59mizzieworks for me
01:19.25MocMocYes it work number one, but I dont know, I just think Linux is more fun.. and interesting
01:19.47mizziethen try something different
01:19.51mizziefor a change
01:19.57MocMocFreeBSD, it to stable for me ..
01:20.08MocMocYou practicly forget about the box ..
01:20.24lecramMocMoc: run -current on your laptop
01:20.44MocMocSorry, no linux/bsd or what ever on my laptop.. not until it ready ..
01:20.58MocMocLast time it fucked up my battery
01:21.46MocMocI must say Knoppix did impress me on the desktop..
01:21.54boouse win95, it rocks
01:22.07dougheckaSkyOS rox
01:22.13MocMocOS9 rock..
01:22.29MocMocif anyone remember that
01:22.30booAmigaOS damnit
01:22.46mizziesorry but freebsd is the best....cept for you morons who use GUI RH and suse
01:22.56MocMocboo: where to download Gentoo ISO (Small install)
01:22.57dougheckamandrake rox
01:22.59mizzieget using something else alreasy
01:23.05mizzielike debian
01:23.08chadaaaThanks MocMoc..Going to put a RH9 machine together .  Will a 40 gig hard drive work for everything I need it to do?
01:23.18blitzrageMocMoc: ?
01:23.21MocMocI didnt like MP with FreeBSD, wasn't really ready in 4.5
01:23.25dougheckaI run it on a 4 gig drive
01:23.28dougheckano prob
01:23.55MocMoccouldn't each cpu in them
01:24.08chadaaahow much memory and bandwidth will it take for the the 1 line?
01:24.27MocMocchadaaa: depend of the codec
01:24.45booMocMoc: the cd is a live cd like knoppix
01:25.14chadaaaNot sure yet..I want it to work with netmeeting and SIP phones
01:25.34chadaaawhat ever sounds the best
01:26.04MocMocbiggest is 64kbits I guess ..
01:26.30MocMocboo: But I dont want live CD, I want to install it as a server !!
01:26.42booand you use the live cd to do that
01:26.42chadaaaok thanks..
01:26.53MocMocbut GSM is 13kbits
01:27.01MocMoclowest I saw is that 8kbits
01:27.43MocMocbtw 64kbits is 8kbytes/sec, and 13kbits is 1.625kbytes/sec
01:27.53MocMocalways + IP overhead
01:28.20*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
01:28.27MocMocHi there JerJer
01:29.09boolol gotta love that
01:29.26MocMocallright, downloading
01:29.31MocMoc82kb/sec :(
01:29.43boonot too bad
01:29.56JerJerbut not that good
01:30.40MocMocyes, gota install Download Accelerator.. Ha laptop.. brb
01:30.49Cybocan someone please help me with setting up a phone in sip.conf? :(
01:31.04*** join/#asterisk Moc (
01:33.21MocMocCybo: ask your questions
01:35.26Cybookay, well, i do not have a FXO card or ip phone or anything. im trying to setup an asterisk server connected to FWD just to test with using a softphone
01:35.41Cyboso far i think ive setup the sip connection, but im trying to figure out how to add the phone in sip.conf
01:35.45Cybothe phone being a softphone
01:35.54MocMocWell I havent had much chanse with FWD, seem down for me ..
01:36.08MocMocI use IAXTel instead
01:36.35MocMocbut use both if you can..
01:36.37Cyboahh ok.
01:36.40MocMocSIP phone is easy
01:36.48Cyboeek, i just messed it up
01:36.51Cyboim not used to using vi
01:36.56Cyboand X crashes on this box
01:37.01MocMocuse pico maybe
01:37.05MocMocif you have it
01:37.09lecramMocMoc: FWD is up
01:37.11booor nano
01:37.22MocMoclecram: ok, had problem with it the last 2 days
01:37.39Cybonever mind, fixed...
01:37.49Cyboyeah, FWD was giving me issues when using Xlite
01:38.05Cyboso ill setup both, but for now, im trying to figure out what to put in the [phone1] section
01:38.27MocMoceasy type is friend, and it about it ..
01:39.27Cybowhat is the username and secret for when using a softphone?
01:39.40MocMocthe want you configure into your softphone
01:39.54*** part/#asterisk angom (~angom@
01:40.38MocMocsearch Google for asterisk and the softphone program, im sure you will find the exact info to setitup
01:40.44Cybohmm ok thanks then
01:40.54Cyboim getting used to working in a CLI ;)
01:41.08Cyboone more thing
01:41.09Cyboregister =>
01:41.19Cybois that right? for connecting to FWD?
01:41.31MocMocGuess, but I got /2001 at the end
01:41.37Cybooops, forgot about that
01:41.45MocMocso if someone call me from FWD it call extension 2001
01:41.54Cyboahh ok
01:41.56Cyboill add that stuff then
01:42.52*** join/#asterisk adkk (
01:43.41MocMocnp, I use DIAX as softphone, had one SIP working, but
01:43.50MocMoci couldn't dial my voicemail..
01:44.08MocMocgot a TDM400 card and a BudgeTone phone now
01:44.38Cybothats cool
01:44.48Cyboim thinking of picking up one of the single-fxo digium cards
01:44.59MocMocyes I got 2 ordered..
01:45.12Cybothe BudgeTone looks like a good ip phone
01:45.19MocMocwell good.. i would say good..
01:45.29MocMocLet say functional ip phone..
01:45.51MocMoclike rightnow my BudgeTone doesnt seem to work
01:46.24MocMocyep doesn't work :(
01:47.15MocMocsomeone is comming with an IAX VoIP Phone.. witch can be promising, if it doesn't look like the prototype hehe
01:47.21Cybohmm, im behind a NAT, do i need to add something extra to my sip.conf?
01:47.30MocMocish probably ..
01:47.42MocMocnat=yes ? I dont know, all my asterisk is direct on internet
01:47.58zoahey yo
01:48.04Cyboahh ok..
01:48.16MocMoczoa: whitch yo ?
01:48.29zoayo yo
01:48.39MocMocWho's the yo ?
01:50.39zoamocmoc is asking weird questions if you ask me
01:54.37MocMochey .. you said hey yo...
01:54.54loko-mokolovely, rails from $160, rails from ebay (Same exact thing from dell) $15.50
01:55.14MocMoclol rails cost alot .. from Maker..
01:55.27JerJersounds like someone at dell was charging the corncob fee
01:55.35loko-mokoim going by the dell web site fee
01:55.41loko-mokowhen you add rails to a purchase
01:55.57loko-mokothey want $250 for 2650 rails - i paid $44 on ebay for 2 sets of them
01:56.20zoathose rails are a real scam
01:56.23zoaits just not normal
01:56.30zoalike rails for some scsi harddisks
01:56.35zoaits like just some plastic
01:56.40zoaand they cost a fortune from hp
01:56.57zoai could have em designed and manufactured for that price
01:57.24zoadell makes a lot of profit from small things
01:57.30zoathe servers are good prices
01:57.38zoabut they charge you a lot for shipping
01:57.48zoaas if they ship only your server overseas :-p
01:58.02zoaeverbody knows they ship em in containers or so
01:58.07zoawhole bunch of them
01:58.33zoacool, somebody needed to attack the pope
01:58.49zoaand in saudi they found 2 small airplanes ready to attack a big airplan
01:58.57zoaworld is doing great :)
01:59.15zoai'm just waiting for them to target brussels
02:06.40Connor_anyone know anything about cisco 30VIP phones? Do they do sip?
02:09.36*** join/#asterisk segment (
02:10.07bkw_this asshat on ebay seems to have shipped my cisco AP's to Jacksonville Florida
02:11.03bkw_well first he says he ships firstclass mail
02:11.08Connor_Hey, bkw, you know anything about the VIP 30 Cisco phone?
02:11.08bkw_then emails me a tracking number
02:11.18bkw_Connor_ yes they are old and they are SCCP
02:11.31bkw_Shipped to:   JACKSONVILLE, FL, US  
02:11.32Connor_Do they not have a SIP image?
02:11.37bkw_Connor_ nope
02:11.40bkw_use chan_skinny
02:12.04*** part/#asterisk segment (
02:12.28Connor_how Stable is chan_skinny?
02:12.47Cyboanyone know what dtmfmode Xlite uses? :(
02:13.17Cyboid run a search, but im using all 6 tty's. ;)
02:14.01bkw_Cybo then make more
02:14.06bkw_in /etc/inittab
02:14.17bkw_xlite also sucks on dtmf
02:14.27Cybohmm, so maybe SJ Phone?
02:14.48Cyboso which win client do i use?
02:14.54bkw_Windows Messenger works
02:15.12bkw_so far i'm more pleased with it than I am anything else on windows
02:15.13Cybodoes messenger have dtmf though?
02:15.21bkw_I have a nice dialpad here too
02:15.37Cybook, so what dtmfmode would i use for messenger?
02:16.05Cyboone more thing
02:16.19Cybois there any special commands i need to add in sip.conf if im behind NAT?
02:16.37bkw_on each peer that is behind nat
02:16.37Cybok thanks...
02:16.40bkw_then cross your ringers
02:16.42bkw_is * behind nat?
02:16.47bkw_and is the client behind nat?
02:16.55bkw_kiss your ass goodbye then
02:16.58bkw_BAD COMBO look at bug number 104
02:17.33Cybodoesnt load in lynx :(
02:20.30bkw_I have seen people wanna kill while trying to setup a double NAT asterisk
02:20.42Cybodouble NAT?
02:20.48Cyboeek, that would hurt.
02:20.55Cybomy setup is like this...
02:21.10Cybointernet - NAT/Router - * - clients.
02:21.20Cybo* and clients are on the same LAN behind the NAT
02:23.26bkw_oh then no issues
02:23.59Cyboyou scared me for a bit :P
02:24.09Cyboso just NAT=yes then?
02:24.11bkw_oh you can make it around double nat also its just not pretty
02:24.16bkw_no nat then
02:24.19bkw_doesn't matter
02:24.21Cyboahh ok
02:24.24Cybothanks :)
02:24.26bkw_if not nat between asterisk and the clients then no nat
02:24.31bkw_still doesn't hurt to add it
02:24.50Cybothe phone1 defaultip is just the ip on the LAN the softphone will be used from?
02:25.18Cybolike, 192.168.2.xx
02:25.19bkw_don't use defaultip
02:25.22bkw_use host=dynamic
02:25.37Cyboahh ok
02:25.40Cyboand type is friend?
02:25.59bkw_this is what I use for Windows Messenger
02:26.10bkw_then restart *
02:26.13bkw_reload don't cause it to work right.. must restart
02:26.46bkw_context is the context you want tha tphone to have access to
02:26.47Cyboat the top, in [general]. i put context=invalidcalls
02:26.55bkw_thats fine
02:26.58Cyboahh ok
02:27.03Cyboand in the phone, atm, its set to sip
02:27.03bkw_but you want these people to haveaccess to ther context's
02:27.26bkw_lovely bet your using jtodds most confusing example on the planet
02:27.41Cyboerm, "Guide to Asterisk"
02:27.49Cyboor getting started
02:27.50Cyboone of those
02:28.02Cybohi Rob
02:28.40loko-mokoAnyone using a dell powerconnect switch? is it another brand with dell's name on it or does dell do all the software for it
02:28.54Cyboatm im using
02:28.59Cybodtmfmode=inband ; Choices are inband, rfc2833, or info
02:29.01Cybomailbox=1000 ; Mailbox for message waiting indicator
02:29.05Cybocallerid="Cybo" <1000>
02:29.18Rob--anyone know how long fwd signups should take at the moment? I've not received an email, but I can login on the website. I can't register with asterisk and I don't know if it's because I'm not signed up yet, or if it's my configuration
02:29.31bkw_password= in mine are invalid... becaue password isn't a config option
02:29.45bkw_Rob-- behind nat?
02:29.45Cyboyeah, its secret= right?
02:29.50bkw_Cybo yes
02:29.54Cyboheh okk
02:29.59bkw_but with Windows Messenger you have to use insecure=yes
02:30.00bkw_and no secret
02:30.14bkw_shouldn't be a problem if your all behind nat
02:30.20bkw_Rob-- got nat?
02:30.30Cybowhy is messenger > xlite?
02:30.48Cyboits just that the client comp, people frequently use msg 5.0...
02:30.59Rob--I'm not behind nat.
02:32.03Rob--I can dial fwd numbers, it's just the registration that's failing.
02:32.32CyboRob--: yep, theres been a big backup recently, it can take up to an hour, or even more
02:32.51Rob--it's been a couple of hours now.
02:33.07Cybomy friend who just signed up was getting login errors also
02:33.22Rob--once it's registered, will the free calls to pstn work from asterisk?
02:33.57CyboFWD doesnt allow the PSTN calls to go from asterisk
02:34.00Rob--what if I change the user-agent header?
02:34.07Cybogive it a shot ;)
02:34.39Rob--I will. I take it that is hard coded in the source?
02:34.51Cyboi am not sure.
02:36.44CyboVoicemailMain is the parameter for extensions.conf forwarding right?
02:40.12Cyboexten => 1,1,Dial(SIP/phone1,20,tr)
02:40.12Cyboexten => 1000,1,Dial(SIP/phone1&SIP/phone2,20,tr)
02:40.18Cybothats the bottom of my extensions.conf
02:40.24Cyboso i think im set to give this a test :)
02:41.22MocMocCybo: Did what bkw_ said and worked for me with MSN
02:41.59Cyboahh ok..
02:42.22Cyboletme run downstairs now...
02:44.41*** join/#asterisk Lee1 (~M@
02:47.23MocMocIt too cool.
02:47.33Cyboi got a login timeout with xten
02:47.44Cyboi cant test with messenger, because i think id have to uninstall v5
02:48.20Cyboit didnt even appear in the asterisk debug screen
02:49.52bkw_haha time and temp is fucked up
02:49.56bkw_it says its 102 outside
02:49.57bkw_HOT DOG
02:50.03bkw_time to break open the pool
02:51.32Cybodtmfmode=inband ; Choices are inband, rfc2833, or info
02:51.34Cybomailbox=1000 ; Mailbox for message waiting indicator
02:51.38Cybocallerid="Cybo" <1000>
02:52.00Cyboany ideas?
02:52.18Cybothats the phone i added in sip.conf
02:52.24Cyboand i tried connecting with xlite
02:52.53MocMocanyone use ?
02:54.16Cybonot I.
02:55.42loko-mokoAnyone offering voip services and would like to partner to exchange DIDs? I have Los Angeles
02:58.41loko-mokomocmoc, that looks nice, especially for DIDs
03:00.12MocMocloko-moko: yes.. they have MTL DID..
03:00.35MocMoccost is standards
03:00.43MocMocI just tryed and it work
03:01.45MocMocthe Demo account has 90second calls
03:03.02loko-mokoalthough for 4 cent a minute for inbound its cheaper to establish my own presence here
03:04.00MocMocyep, but they provide it..
03:04.34MocMoccost alot to get lines in a city.. T1 isn't cheap so it regulat phone plus equipement
03:05.47loko-mokoim just saying for my use on what im doing, its much more cost effiecent to get my own pri
03:05.53MocMocSegmentation fault
03:06.55MocMocyes depend of the usage
03:10.00MocMocSegmentation fault
03:10.59MocMocOTICE[1133742896]: File chan_sip.c, Line 2991 (sip_reg_timeout): Registration for '91781@' timed out, trying again
03:10.59MocMocNOTICE[1133742896]: File chan_sip.c, Line 2991 (sip_reg_timeout): Registration for '91781@' timed out, trying again
03:10.59MocMocSegmentation fault
03:11.19*** join/#asterisk Cybo (
03:12.40MocMocjust called them, and they dont provide 514... yet .. :(
03:12.50loko-mokois that MTL?
03:15.34MocMocWARNING[1217669936]: File rtp.c, Line 1204 (ast_rtp_bridge): codec0 = 4 is not codec1 = 12, cannot native bridge.
03:18.02Rob--Hi nocnoc. Sorry about that, I just wanted to test FWD and no-one was answering 55555:)
03:18.27MocMoclol hehe allright no prob, Im surprise FWD work actually hehe
03:18.39MocMocI had problem with them the last 2 days, to register
03:18.47Cybonot working for me :/
03:18.52Cybocall timeout 408.
03:19.40Rob--I'm trying to get the free calls, because I've got relatives in australia
03:20.14MocMocha yes cost alot
03:20.27MocMocwell FWD is good, is also good
03:20.36MocMocdepend of the hardware/software you have
03:21.31CyboMoc: is your * server public? or do you keep it private?
03:22.05MocMocwell public.. ppl can call me.. but except that it private
03:22.15Cyboahh ok
03:22.24Cyboso all inbound calls from FWD get routed to an extension?
03:23.16MocMocYes well it supose to get to a message giving you different option (havent setup FWD for it)
03:23.32Cyboahh ok cool
03:23.43Cyboi need to order a FXO card i think
03:23.56MocMocCybo: yep..
03:24.03Cybomaybe a Wildcard X100P
03:24.04MocMocDigium ship fast if you want it fast..
03:24.10MocMocyep that the one ..
03:24.32Cybowhats the best online guide to follow when setting up asterisk?
03:24.33MocMocmaybe I'll make a public *, but what does a public * does ? :)
03:24.49Cyboallow for IAXTEL and FWD calls, and maybe PSTN calls?
03:25.21MocMocwell give the info on their site, FWD, not sure, there was a site with full * install include redhat 9 screen shot
03:25.38MocMocPSTN, depend how you want it.  I got a 1800# with NuFone
03:25.57Cyboyeah, FWD has been giving me alot of problems
03:25.59Cybowith timeouts and stuff
03:26.28MocMocFWD is kind of loaded these day.. after holyday, it will get better I guess
03:27.12MocMocanyway, I love my 1800#, it work actually... It strange to get a phone number from internet
03:27.21*** join/#asterisk jeeth (
03:27.51Cybohow do you use it?
03:27.55jeethhello every body
03:28.03MocMochi jeeth
03:28.21jeethat present * supports how many sip users ?
03:28.28MocMocCybo: Well ppl call, get option to reach me, they select one and it call me ;)
03:28.38Cyboahh thats cool then
03:28.47MocMocjeeth: I guess it only limited by the hardware
03:28.47Cyboand NuPhone offers this?
03:29.08MocMocyes, well my * is doing all the job..
03:29.24Cyboahh i see
03:29.27MocMocNuFone just make the route for the call to my * box
03:29.31jeethMoc: my doubt is in sip.conf how many users can be pushed
03:29.31Cyboand how much does a 1800# cost?
03:29.49MocMocCybo: cost me currently 2.9cent/min
03:29.58Cyboahh ok
03:30.13MocMocjeeth: Well, if you have a 1gig Text file, that might cause problem ..
03:30.38MocMocI dont know exactly, others might be able to answer you on this one, but it more a matter of Hardware than software I guess
03:30.52jeethok.. is there any way that this file will load dynamically when ever i pust one user without restarting the *
03:31.16MocMocyou can type reload in asterisk console to reload the config file
03:31.32MocMocso no call will be interupted
03:31.42jeethhow to do that usin a cron job?
03:31.52MocMocyou can use the manager port function..
03:32.27MocMoccheck here for a simple PHP code to reload config :
03:32.47*** join/#asterisk zen (
03:33.37MocMocSo you can make perl or what ever to do it...
03:33.37jeethis there any way to use mysql in place of all conf files?
03:33.37MocMocmaybe there is a signal that asterisk answer by a reload, but I dont know
03:33.37*** join/#asterisk Epitaph (
03:33.37MocMocjeeth: I think someone tryed that, not sure thought
03:33.48MocMocsearch Google for asterisk and mysql
03:33.58*** join/#asterisk MocMoc (
03:34.23jeethty moc
03:34.31MocMocnp men
03:37.16jeethmoc do you have any  idea on DID ?
03:37.16jeethhow to work with *
03:37.29MocMocwell DID..  kind of easy I guess, if user call that DID, send to xxxx Extension
03:37.35jeeth is providing DID's at free of cost
03:38.12jeethohh... mm
03:39.20jeethhow to define a did to a user?
03:39.29MocMocwell it like configuring a phone number
03:40.53MocMocwell that not really real phone number I guess
03:41.25jeethi think it is just assigning a user with on unique number
03:41.50MocMocyep, like IAXTel (witch is 1700#
03:42.43MocMocNot real PSTN number :(
03:42.52MocMochehe no surprise
03:43.21*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
03:45.09jeethyeah there are not PSTN number , but one can other sip user using a DID
03:46.05jeeththere is little bit info on DID
03:46.40MocMocyep sound right..
03:46.50MocMocAnyway NuFone offer them..
03:47.06MocMocOthers also... but so far it the best Ive found, and work in Canada
03:51.07*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:54.16*** join/#asterisk okrumm (
04:08.29*** join/#asterisk Kilroy (Kilroy@
04:08.39bkw_doughecka you alive?
04:11.36*** join/#asterisk _gorman (
04:13.23*** part/#asterisk okrumm (
04:14.15coppicebkw: doughecka isn't alive. he's one of the undead, like most of the vampires who spend the night on this channel :-)
04:14.45bkw_coppice did you read about all the fax drama with the new DSP goodies?
04:15.32bkw_check it out
04:16.22UnixDogman I hate this voicepulse wont let me set 7 digit dialing
04:16.34UnixDogyou have to use 11 digit dialing
04:17.43UnixDogcoppice when is your new ver of your faxware do out
04:18.08coppiceI have a time allocation problem at the moment.
04:18.11UnixDogI need the new spandsplib you use
04:18.24UnixDogto port it to fbsd
04:19.11MocMocfaxware ?
04:20.01coppicebkw: so what is all the fax drama? Someone changed one thing and it broke something else. that's normal in the business, ain't it? The important thing is I didn't do it :-)
04:21.05bkw_hehe so true
04:21.49UnixDogI just wnat to get the fax addin to work on fbsd
04:21.50*** join/#asterisk Igor__ (
04:22.16UnixDogbut was told by some one coppice had been rewriting it and to wait
04:23.21MocMocIs there a faxware for Asterisk ?
04:23.37UnixDogBKW do you know who has a callwake agi script
04:24.07UnixDogI need it for a hotel
04:24.21UnixDogis there a website with all the add-ons yet
04:24.29coppiceI have been changing spandsp a lot. however. its in the details of the fax algorithms. If you find the porting issues for the current spandsp, and feed them back to me, they will go into the next release. Since it does nothing directly with the system porting is likely to be confined to some header file and typing issues.
04:26.31UnixDogI will finish working on the current span dsp
04:26.43UnixDogbut what the site to get the faxware again
04:26.51UnixDogI need the rx and tx files
04:27.11UnixDog.c and .h
04:28.35coppicewell really
04:31.25bkw_ok i'm here
04:31.37bkw_Igor__ care if we run under valgrind ?
04:33.15Igor__quick question: do i need a g.729 licences if i have voice prompts in gsm format and i'm placing calls through H.323 protocol using g.729?
04:33.16UnixDoggot em
04:33.57bkw_Igor__ yes
04:34.24bkw_anytime any translation is needed you need the codec lic.
04:34.37bkw_Igor__ care to let me look at your box so we can pin down your problem?
04:35.03coppicebkw: so I need a codec licence to translate the docs into Chinese? :-)
04:35.51bkw_coppice ok smart ass
04:35.59Igor__bkw_ i have 70 open channels right now...
04:36.21Igor__bkw_ do you need to have an access to the box?
04:36.29bkw_Igor__ you need valgrind installed
04:36.33bkw_and need to compile asterisk to use it
04:36.43bkw_via make valgrind in /usr/src/asterisk
04:37.14bkw_Igor__ you have a hardware issue and thats what we need to make sure of.  Nobody has 9 crashes totally random ones at that in 24 hours
04:37.38bkw_many of us including me have boxes with weeks worth of uptime
04:37.43Igor__bkw_ thank you very much for your help
04:38.02Igor__i'll recompile right now
04:38.08bkw_you did get my attention when you opened 9 bugs
04:38.10bkw_all in a row
04:38.22bkw_you know how to use valgrind?
04:38.33Igor__bkw_ no
04:39.32bkw_you have valgrind installed I suspect?
04:39.59bkw_this I suspect is a production box
04:40.35Igor__yes, it's a production box, but i don't know anything about valgrind
04:40.55bkw_its a memory debugger
04:41.01MocMocwhat was the FAX Software ?
04:41.10bkw_we can start asterisk under valgrind and watch it
04:41.30bkw_is this box ever have dead time?
04:43.36Igor__yes, from 11 till 14 EST we have no more than 4-5 calls
04:43.49coppiceMocMoc: there is a software fax modem at, but its a work in progress. It kind of works, but the next revision will be much more complete. I'm trying to find the time to experiment with a replacement for one part of the data pump algorithm which is not sufficiently stable. After that is done, I think it will be a fairly solid product
04:43.59bkw_Igor__ this is when we will need to restart * and start it under debug
04:44.01bkw_and watch it
04:44.25bkw_I have a strange feeling you have memory issues or some other hardware issue
04:44.55Igor__bkw_ i have 2 boxes, on both of them i have problems
04:45.32Igor__bkw_ hardware are different
04:45.41bkw_now thats strange
04:45.48bkw_what cards?
04:45.51bkw_same card in both?
04:45.59Igor__yes, TE410P
04:46.02bkw_what are the specs on both boxes?
04:46.17bkw_were they built the same day?
04:46.17Igor__dual AMP 2.4, 512MB
04:46.26bkw_same supplier?
04:46.46coppiceIgor: which motherboard, and which RAM
04:46.55bkw_yep that was my next question
04:47.05bkw_and did the ram come from the same place?
04:47.25bkw_I think coppice has to agree with me on this.. your crashes are very strange
04:47.46bkw_also you are running RH9 right?
04:48.00Igor__no, Gigabyte GA-7DPXDW-P (raid disabled), micron
04:48.04coppicebkw: I'm glad you agree its strange, and not a natural consequence of using Athlon MPs :-)
04:48.23coppiceIgor: is the micron registered or unregistered RAM
04:48.36bkw_coppice that could be it
04:48.50bkw_Igor__ have you tried export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1
04:49.00Igor__on the second one: msi k7d
04:49.05MocMocis there a FAX Software that work with asterisk ?
04:49.22bkw_cross your fingers.. and hang on for the ride!
04:49.50Igor__unregistered RAM (gigabyte mb supports it)
04:50.11MocMocbkw_: I've look but is there something in particular to look at ?
04:50.21coppiceMocMoc: I just told you. its a work in progress. People have tried what I have released with varying success. Generally send is fine, but receive is flaky. The next revision should be pretty solid.
04:50.37MocMocha ok I see it now..
04:50.40Igor__bkw_ no, i didn't try export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL, should i?
04:50.42MocMocWell I'll try it and see
04:50.48bkw_Igor__ yes try it before you start *
04:51.15YoYo^stupid question, but why is voicemail using root@localhost.localdomain as the envelope sender?
04:51.21YoYo^or is that some sendmail thing that I need to fix?
04:51.29bkw_check /etc/hosts
04:51.31Igor__bkw_ ok, nice, i got a new crash...
04:51.47bkw_Igor__ what was the bt
04:51.49bkw_post it here
04:52.45bkw_YoYo^ I started working out 3 days ago.. and started a diet
04:52.53YoYo^hrrm... this box has no FQDN... it's on a dynamic IP
04:52.59YoYo^fuck it
04:53.19YoYo^I'll just do without voicemail until I have time to rip sendmail off of here and put in a more reasonable MTA
04:53.29bkw_exim is my bitch
04:53.30YoYo^bkw, you're not the only one
04:53.32coppiceMocMoc: grab the stuff in  Put the app_*.c files in your * apps directly and use the Makefile.patch to patch the makefile in your * apps directory. Build the spandsp library (you may need to add the tif*.h header files to your system).
04:53.44YoYo^I /so/ want to cd /usr/ports/mail/exim && make install
04:53.48coppicekick that man off. he typed in upper case!
04:54.00bkw_YoYo on gentoo I do "emerge exim"
04:54.08bkw_coppice thats turned off
04:54.19Igor__#0  0x41eacb09 in MyH323Connection::CreateRealTimeLogicalChannel(H323Capability
04:54.19Igor__const&, H323Channel::Directions, unsigned, H245_H2250LogicalChannelParameters co
04:54.19Igor__nst*) (this=0x829b220, capability=@0x8287e90, dir=IsReceiver, sessionID=1)
04:54.19Igor__#1  0x479ca20f in H323RealTimeCapability::CreateChannel(H323Connection&, H323Cha
04:54.20Igor__nnel::Directions, unsigned, H245_H2250LogicalChannelParameters const*) const ()
04:54.24Igor__#2  0x479add43 in H323Connection::OpenLogicalChannel(H323Capability const&, unsi
04:54.26Igor__gned, H323Channel::Directions) ()
04:54.33YoYo^bkw, gentoo is still linux though
04:54.35bkw_well thats h323 related for sure
04:54.41bkw_YoYo its not as evil as most..
04:54.44YoYo^stupid stupid leenoox
04:54.53bkw_and if I have to run linux.. I would rather use it.. its more freebsdish
04:54.53YoYo^bkw, I bet it still has that ipchairs shit
04:54.55YoYo^or iprope
04:54.57YoYo^or whatever
04:54.59coppiceI remember when most terminals only supported upper case, so we used that all day long. :-\
04:55.11bkw_YoYo no I didn't install nor compile that
04:55.25bkw_genkernel --config is my new best friend
04:55.34bkw_JerJer WAKE UP!!!
04:55.48bkw_Igor__ using asterisk-oh323 or chan_h323?
04:56.01YoYo^ok, time to hang some foam to kill the sound in my office
04:56.14bkw_YoYo pictures of super models don't count!
04:56.16Igor__bkw_ chan_h323
04:56.25bkw_ok we need to kick JerJer
04:56.29*** join/#asterisk bond (
04:56.35bkw_any reason why you didn't follow instructions on its installation?
04:57.21bkw_asterisk*CLI> show uptime
04:57.21bkw_System uptime: 4 weeks, 6 days, 6 hours, 24 minutes, 58 seconds
04:57.21bkw_Last reload: 2 weeks, 2 days, 5 hours, 36 minutes, 30 seconds
04:57.24bkw_and thats the box
04:57.52bkw_asterisk has done a better job at being our phone system than that crackheaded lucent partners ACS bullshit
04:57.55bkw_we paid way too much for
04:59.45Igor__bkw_ i have a gnugk on this box; asterisk much more important, i'll recompile using those versions
04:59.57bkw_gnugk running?
05:00.01*** part/#asterisk ___log (
05:00.02*** join/#asterisk ___log (
05:00.12rpbgnugk/chan_h323  crashes my system
05:00.19rpbhad to turn gnugk off
05:00.26Igor__bkw_ yes, on the another ip
05:00.37bkw_was about to say gnugk is crap
05:00.41bkw_pure crap
05:00.47bkw_and that could be the root of Igor__'s issues
05:00.50Igor__bkw_ second box is clean
05:00.51bkw_who knows
05:01.11UnixDogwow adelphia is making a sunday tech call
05:01.15bkw_unregistered RAM in a production box isn't a very good idea
05:01.24bkw_UnixDog wooooo
05:01.28UnixDogdont knowwhat they are going to fix
05:01.41UnixDogI am getting wrong audio on whrng channels
05:01.44bkw_UnixDog its really the FBI they are installing a device to sniff network traffic
05:01.48UnixDogbut I have no cable box
05:01.56bkw_UnixDog you stole cable?
05:01.57Igor__bkw_ should i run asterisk using "valgrind --gdb-attach=yes --suppressions=valgrind-RedHat-8.0.supp asterisk -vvv" ?
05:02.14Igor__bkw_ i have 75 open channels right now
05:02.16bkw_its ./asterisk -vvvgc
05:02.21bkw_you can't do it now then
05:02.33bkw_you will have to stop asterisk
05:02.37bkw_then start it in debug
05:03.03Igor__bkw_ and then wait for crashing?
05:03.05bkw_no that .supp file is for RH8
05:03.14bkw_Igor__ you will see memory leaks as they happen
05:03.18bkw_and see whats going on
05:03.34Igor__bkw_ i have rh 9.0; what about number of sim. calls?
05:03.36bkw_just do C if it asks to attach gdb when loading codec_adpcm
05:03.47bkw_Igor__ shouldn't matter
05:05.11UnixDogI pay 60 bucks a month
05:06.05bkw_I got accused of theiving cable
05:06.17bkw_I wouldn't take cox cable if they gave the shit to me
05:06.40bkw_I told that guy at my door he can remove the cable from the back of my house
05:07.08bkw_i'm going to start sending them a bill that cable puts pressure on my house and could damage it
05:07.36UnixDogI have adelphia
05:08.17bkw_ya we know those people are crooks
05:08.17UnixDogI wont use verizon to restrictive for phone and dsl
05:08.37bkw_ah look rat killer
05:08.41Igor__bkw_ FATAL: in suppressions file: `valgrind-RedHat-8.0.supp': syntax error on: PThread
05:08.45UnixDogthe fmaily was the new owners have put alot more back in it to rehab the name
05:09.40UnixDogbut I get good service inet wise
05:09.53UnixDogbut to get inet you have to get basic cable
05:10.02UnixDogmost cable copanies are that way now
05:10.21UnixDogjust like getting dsl you have to have a cactive phone line
05:10.30bkw_Igor__ don't use it.. its for RH8 only
05:10.40bkw_UnixDog SBC does that shit also
05:10.56bkw_ok lookds like 160 GB is the sweet spot for Hard drives
05:10.58Igor__bkw_ how should i run it?
05:10.58*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
05:11.15UnixDogall do it
05:11.48hermieDespite all my rage, I'm still just a rat in a cage.
05:12.04UnixDogbut with cable and voicepulse my phonebill is still cheaper everymonth then if i had cable adn phone
05:12.33bkw_valgrind --gdb-attach=yes ./asterisk -vvvgc
05:12.39bkw_you must do that from /usr/src/asterisk
05:12.56bkw_160 gb drives are 69 cents per GB
05:13.12bkw_300GB drives are 95 cents per gb
05:13.44Igor__bkw_ ==14802== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
05:13.44Igor__==14802==    at 0x4031814C: _IO_vfprintf_internal (in /lib/
05:13.44Igor__==14802==    by 0x403394A3: _IO_vsnprintf (in /lib/
05:13.44Igor__==14802==    by 0x40321393: __snprintf (in /lib/
05:13.44Igor__==14802==    by 0x425042A0: ??? (chan_sip.c:2521)
05:13.46Igor__==14802== Thread 27:
05:13.48Igor__==14802== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
05:13.50Igor__==14802==    at 0x425046A2: ??? (chan_sip.c:2586)
05:13.52Igor__==14802==    by 0x424FE7D1: ??? (chan_sip.c:2629)
05:13.54Igor__==14802==    by 0x4250F306: ??? (chan_sip.c:1171)
05:13.56Igor__==14802==    by 0x805CBAF: ast_answer (channel.c:715)
05:14.00Igor__==14802== Thread 27:
05:14.01bkw_those are nomarl on the first call
05:14.02Igor__==14802== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
05:14.04Igor__==14802==    at 0x425046A8: ??? (chan_sip.c:2586)
05:14.06Igor__==14802==    by 0x424FE7D1: ??? (chan_sip.c:2629)
05:14.08Igor__==14802==    by 0x4250F306: ??? (chan_sip.c:1171)
05:14.08bkw_you should only see that once.. I see those all te time
05:14.10Igor__==14802==    by 0x805CBAF: ast_answer (channel.c:715)
05:14.12Igor__is it ok?
05:14.22bkw_usually during the first call is when I see it
05:14.23*** join/#asterisk fyman (
05:14.37bkw_704 bucks for 1 TB
05:17.09Igor__==14828== valgrind's KLUDGED call to: pthread_cond_destroy
05:17.09Igor__==14828== Thread 23:
05:17.09Igor__==14828== pthread_mutex_unlock: mutex is not locked
05:17.09Igor__==14828==    at 0x40235C70: __pthread_mutex_unlock (vg_libpthread.c:993)
05:17.10Igor__==14828==    by 0x4545CD6E: PSemaphore::~PSemaphore() (in /usr/local/lib/
05:17.12Igor__==14828==    by 0x454403BB: PChannel::~PChannel() (in /usr/local/lib/
05:17.14Igor__==14828==    by 0x454234BC: PSocket::~PSocket() (in /usr/local/lib/
05:17.16Igor__==14828== valgrind's KLUDGED call to: pthread_cond_destroy
05:17.20Igor__==14828== Thread 23:
05:17.22Igor__==14828== pthread_mutex_unlock: mutex is not locked
05:17.24Igor__==14828==    at 0x40235C70: __pthread_mutex_unlock (vg_libpthread.c:993)
05:17.26Igor__==14828==    by 0x4545CD6E: PSemaphore::~PSemaphore() (in /usr/local/lib/
05:17.27bkw_sounds like an h323 issue fuckin up
05:17.28Igor__==14828==    by 0x454403C9: PChannel::~PChannel() (in /usr/local/lib/
05:17.30Igor__==14828==    by 0x454234BC: PSocket::~PSocket() (in /usr/local/lib/
05:17.50Igor__i'll run on the secon box too
05:18.20_Eagle_they have 300 gig drives now?
05:18.22*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (
05:18.28bkw__Eagle_ yes have for some time now
05:18.41bkw_i'm going to buy 4 160 gig drives
05:18.54bkw_then an ata raid card.. then build a network file server
05:19.20*** join/#asterisk ManxPowr (
05:19.22_Eagle_ive heard ide raid sucks... very unreliable, etc...
05:19.27_Eagle_have you tried it before?
05:19.32bkw_yes we use it
05:19.37Igor__bkw_ WARNING[23]: File chan_zap.c, Line 4098 (ss_thread): Got a non-Feature Group D input on channel 5.  Assuming E&M Wink instead
05:19.38bkw_its been good to us
05:20.01bkw_Igor__ what do you have in zaptel.conf
05:20.03bkw_for those spans
05:20.03Igor__bkw_ sometime i'm receiving this too...
05:20.22bkw_sounds like you are trying to use feature group d on a CT1 that doesn't support it maybe?
05:21.08_Eagle_bkw:  what ide raid cards do you use?  and how many drives do they support?
05:21.39bkw_Igor__ hrm ok what do you have for signalling in zapata.conf
05:21.49bkw__Eagle_ we use the dual in mirror mode only
05:21.52bkw_on windows boxes
05:22.18_Eagle_the problems i heard were with raid 5 with ide drives
05:23.05bkw_Igor__ try em_w
05:23.13bkw_featd you sure you have that?
05:23.20Igor__bkw_ i'm receiving it _sometimes_
05:23.31bkw_its not importaint.. its just a warning
05:23.40bkw__Eagle_ ya i just wanna make one big ass drive
05:23.44bkw_I don't care if it fails
05:23.49Kilroy3ware IDE raid runs great
05:23.50bkw_its just for network storage..
05:24.05Igor__bkw_ ==14828== valgrind's KLUDGED call to: sem_destroy
05:24.05Igor__==14828== valgrind's KLUDGED call to: sem_destroy
05:24.09Kilroybut the support for Promise cards in linux isn't there quite yet
05:25.07*** join/#asterisk michaell (
05:25.10Igor__bkw_ it's important, because i'm getting wrong extension
05:25.14michaellsup all
05:25.22bkw_Igor__ then I would use em_W
05:25.32Igor__bkw_ for example: Unknown extension '4028xxxx*718xxxxxx*' in context 'non' requested
05:25.36michaellbkw    what kind of ip phone you think i shuold et?
05:25.50UnixDogwhat type of funding do you have
05:26.00michaellabout $150
05:26.00UnixDogthen we can answer that question
05:26.08michaelli can probaly pull the budget
05:26.22bkw_michaell nothing less than a cisco
05:26.28bkw_7905 in your case
05:26.31bkw_it should fall within that
05:26.42michaellwhat features it have?
05:27.39_Eagle_it would be nice if cisco 7960's were cheaper
05:27.50_Eagle_or those new ones.. what are those again...  7970?
05:27.50michaellwhat features they have?
05:27.56michaellwhat ring tones?
05:28.04bkw_michaell go read..
05:28.18bkw_Igor__ I suspect h323 is the root of your problem.. any reason you are using it?
05:28.55_Eagle_it would be easier to sell businesses on the idea of replacing their phone systems with ip phones if the phones weren't $500+ each
05:29.08bkw__Eagle_ exactly
05:29.14bkw_cisco needs to get with it
05:29.18bkw_they are about to be left in the dirt
05:29.21*** join/#asterisk fyman (
05:29.33michaellbkw what about ring tones??
05:29.55_Eagle_yeah, funny thing is, they would increase their sales exponentially if they could lower the price and still keep some profit in there
05:30.10bkw_michaell don't know
05:30.29UnixDogI cant find a image of the 7905
05:30.34bkw__Eagle_ ya really
05:30.38bkw_hold on
05:30.46_Eagle_funny, but my business has become a little like that
05:30.53Igor__bkw_ i'm using h.323 for outgoing calls; what channel driver is more stable?
05:31.07bkw_Igor__ what equipment are you speaking to?
05:31.25_Eagle_i cant sell a $19.95 dialup internet account to save my life anymore
05:31.34UnixDog175 not cheap
05:31.38_Eagle_i'm considering starting a new service at $9.95
05:31.42Igor__bkw_ softswitches: gnugk, tangerine; cisco 5300
05:31.43bkw_UnixDog I didn't say buy it there
05:31.51michaellwill anyone buy this for me?
05:31.51_Eagle_and i think sales would start growing again
05:32.07_Eagle_make it up on volume... ya know....
05:32.13bkw_Igor__ ok why aren't you talking to the lines with *?
05:32.19_Eagle_people want cheaper services
05:32.21bkw_* is more stable than this h.323 kludge
05:32.36UnixDogwell I am waiting for the iax phone to come out
05:32.43UnixDogI want to see and test it
05:32.43_Eagle_problem is, it would be like starting over... and i'm not sure i want to start over again...  the first time was bad enough :-)
05:32.58Igor__bkw_ i'm using h323 for int'l calls
05:33.05bkw_Igor__ ah ok
05:33.07UnixDogok I got a beta of the flash for the gs today
05:33.12bkw_Igor__ your provider doesn't support SIP?
05:33.27UnixDogthus far the only thing not working now is the conf button
05:33.34michaell-eagale= you starting a voip service?
05:33.38Igor__bkw_ most of them not
05:33.55bkw_Igor__ hrm evil h323
05:34.04_Eagle_michael:  not currently, no...  but who knows down the road
05:34.05bkw_I wouldn't use it if I didn't have too either...
05:34.07UnixDogand the callerid onhook review needs fixing
05:34.15michaelleagle oh ok
05:34.28Igor__bkw_ should i try asterisk-oh323?
05:34.30UnixDogwhat is a good sip phone for about 125
05:34.41bkw_Igor__ coudln't hurt but I still feel your system isn't stable
05:34.54bkw_all those crashes were all random with very strange bt's
05:35.23bkw_RH9 doesn't have a good history on dual proc boxes either
05:35.33*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
05:35.55Igor__bkw_ sorry, on the first box i have slackware
05:36.27_Eagle_seems like everyone is doing this virtual pbx thing with asterisk and voip
05:36.29bkw_and its a dual athlon MP also?
05:36.33UnixDogbkw what is a good phone for 125 ?
05:36.37Igor__bkw_ what is the _most_stable_ cvs version?
05:36.45bkw_Igor__ what are you running?
05:36.46_Eagle_ive seen like 10 people say they're gonna do it
05:36.50Igor__bkw_ yes, both of them are dual
05:37.01michaelleagle: grand steam is?
05:37.01Igor__bkw_ cvs 12/15/03
05:37.20_Eagle_michael:  what?
05:37.25michaellneverm ind..
05:37.33bkw_oh Igor__ update
05:37.35UnixDogI have a gs
05:37.47michaellAnoyne know of a wireless ip phone? other then the expensive cisco?
05:38.08bkw_Igor__ I think their was a chan_h323 issue.. not too sure since that date.. worth a shot to update
05:38.27bkw_and recompile pwlib and openh323 with teh version listed in the readme..
05:38.44_Eagle_i'm waiting for "success stories" from people doing the virtual pbx thing for businesses over the internet, when the customer just has a DSL line or other broadband via a different ISP
05:38.58_Eagle_if that ever becomes successful, then I'd strongly consider it
05:39.02Igor__bkw_ is the current cvs _most_stable_? i'm ready to replace all equipment to get uptime at least 2 weeks...
05:39.30bkw_Igor__ I see no issues with 12/15
05:39.41bkw_but their has been some shake up with chan_h323..
05:39.51bkw_but those MP proc boards bug me
05:40.15bkw_i'm running asterisk on a 450 P2 at work.. its the one with the almost 6 weeks of uptime
05:40.30bkw_got another on a quad xeon running over a week
05:40.43bkw_vvenka1 kill those anoying messages
05:40.54bkw_here.. away.. every 10 min is very anoying! :P
05:41.20YoYo^anyone (besides bkw) wanna give some critiqe on a recording?
05:41.31bkw_why not me?
05:41.35YoYo^ok fine... you do it
05:42.01YoYo^866.477.5638.  dial 9 when it answers to hear the test recording
05:42.40*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
05:42.45Igor__bkw_ what eqipment should i use for for TE410P if i'll not use g.729 code?
05:42.54michaellyo yo want me to give it a try?
05:43.05MocMoccan't call using IAXTel 1800 call
05:43.15YoYo^I just want to know if it's too loud/quiet/clipped/whatever
05:43.26michaelldialing ring
05:43.30YoYo^I'm still hearing echo/reverb/distortion, but I dunno
05:43.51michaellthe beep it makes is horrible
05:43.51_Eagle_does that number spell something?
05:43.58MocMocyour 1800 is very limited YoYo
05:44.00YoYo^you gotta dial 9 when the first attandant answers
05:44.01bkw_Igor__ you in the US?
05:44.07Igor__yes, NY
05:44.10michaellwhen i first call its a little bit wierd since it has no options
05:44.13YoYo^mocmoc, how so?
05:44.20michaellthen the next menu sounds a bit quite
05:44.26michaellthen the next person that speaks is LOUD
05:44.27MocMocCan't call using IAXTel, can't call from home phone in Canada
05:44.35YoYo^if iaxtel can't deliver a call to an 866 number, then IAXTel is borked
05:44.46MocMocgota reroute my stuff thought nufone now
05:45.10YoYo^michaell, do it again... you never got to the right context
05:45.10michaelli calle with fwd now
05:45.17YoYo^dial 9 after the first answer
05:45.27michaelli press 9
05:45.33michaelland it says please select a extnesion
05:45.35michaellkeeps doing it
05:45.43YoYo^ok, then you're in the right one
05:45.52michaellits suppost to repeat
05:46.05YoYo^no... the first one says "our office is currently closed"
05:46.11YoYo^dial 9, and you get to the daytime context
05:46.13michaellthat consufing
05:46.21YoYo^it's just a test setup
05:46.28YoYo^I don't have any test numbers I can easily use
05:46.34MocMocwtf, doesnt work from NuFone neither !!!
05:46.50michaelli was talkign to him a sec
05:46.52michaellhe just left
05:47.01YoYo^mocmoc, what are you getting when you try to call from either iaxtel or nufone?
05:47.03michaellnufone dude went to go out shopping or something
05:47.18MocMocsome english girl msg saying that my call cannot be compleated
05:47.27MocMocplease try again
05:47.31YoYo^so, michaell, the recording with the extensions and options and all that... how'd it sound in general?
05:47.41michaellleme call agian
05:48.00michaellits a bit quite
05:48.04YoYo^now dial 9
05:48.08YoYo^too late
05:48.11michaellit won't
05:48.14michaelldial 9
05:48.18bkw_Igor__ I would get dell
05:48.24YoYo^it will...  but you only have like 4 seconds to do so
05:48.35michaelli pressed all the buttons
05:48.45michaellit got mad or something
05:48.52michaellstarted telling me to record a message
05:49.04YoYo^ugh... hold on, lemme reconrfigure this so it's less confusing
05:49.14YoYo^dun think any customers will call while I'm working on it
05:49.38michaellhope not
05:49.41_Eagle_eh.. what the hell, hold on ill try it too
05:50.14Igor__bkw_ processor? is p4 3MGh enough?
05:50.15YoYo^ok, there ya go... just dial 866.477.5638
05:50.24YoYo^some of the options work... some don't
05:50.41MocMocsame thing doesnt work here ..
05:50.43_Eagle_dont need to dial 9 now?
05:50.48bkw_Igor__ yes
05:50.56YoYo^dont' care about that stuff yet... I'm just trying to get a handle on recording the files on a PC instead of with a phone
05:51.05YoYo^don't dial anything michaell
05:51.20*** join/#asterisk anti (
05:51.23YoYo^though a 9 will loop it
05:51.26bkw_YoYo its ounds fine
05:51.40michaelloh a customer rep
05:51.46YoYo^no discernable echoing?  doesn't sound like I'm in a cave?
05:51.52michaellnot really
05:51.55michaelljust a bit low audio
05:52.15YoYo^michaell?  low volume?
05:52.22bkw_no sounds fine to me
05:52.24Igor__i'm sorry, how to convert voice prompts from GSM to g.729?
05:52.26michaelli have mine cranked
05:52.30bkw_and i'm on a cellphone
05:52.39michaellme 2
05:52.39YoYo^see why I asked?  because everyone's phone is different
05:52.59michaelli coudn't hear at first so i tunred up the volume
05:53.09michaellthen all of a sudden it got really loud when it told me to record a message
05:53.19_Eagle_yoyo:  i just called it...
05:53.35_Eagle_yoyo:  there's echo/distortion in parts of your message
05:53.36YoYo^michaell, the autoattendant was recorded using my PC
05:53.43YoYo^the VM greeting was recorded with a phone
05:53.51_Eagle_yoyo:  and before it goto to "press 2" it hung up on me
05:53.51michaelloh god...
05:53.52michaellhold no
05:54.40_Eagle_calling again
05:54.42booI think it sounds too boring
05:54.46boospice it up a bit
05:54.52Igor__bkw_ btw, it looks like i have a hardware issue on the first box: when i have more than 35 sound becomes chopped
05:54.57boostand up
05:54.59boouse your hands
05:55.09MocMocYoYo: it work using IAXTel now !! Strange ..
05:55.11bkw_Igor__ ya its hardware drama worth getting better hardware
05:55.18_Eagle_that time was slighly better, and i heard the whole message
05:55.24YoYo^lesse... at the moment, I have a plugged up nose, and I'm dog-ass tired
05:55.40michaellyo yo: lol
05:55.41MocMocrecording stop at, you may dial it
05:55.43_Eagle_yoyo:  i can detect a slight distortion at the beginning and end of certain words... bery slight, but i noticed
05:55.45bkw_Igor__ I have had excellent luck with all of dell's hardware .. granted you pay a bit more for it.. but its worth it.
05:56.03michaellanyone know wheere i can get pro menus recorded?
05:56.32YoYo^that, or you can also call one of your local radio stations
05:56.36bkw_or just contact allison directly
05:56.47YoYo^either they can do voice work, or refer you to someone in your area that does
05:57.03michaellit ocmes up with a login page
05:57.14YoYo^it's adequate, clear, and all that... but nothing to brag about
05:57.19YoYo^(not that I have room to talk)
05:57.52bkw_god damn internet
05:57.52_Eagle_yoyo:  this for your isp business?  or just testing for something bigger down the road?
05:58.01MocMocmy GS phone work for 1 minutes, and after that it stop
05:58.09YoYo^eagle, for myself now
05:59.03YoYo^for starters, I'm going to have basic info available on the phone, including help for DUN error codes.
05:59.20bkw_YoYo good ides
05:59.21booMocMoc: you need to enter the key to unlock it
05:59.24YoYo^eventually, I'm going to work on an AGI script to allow users to check their account balance
05:59.28booMocMoc: it's a shareware phone
05:59.41bkw_YoYo I did ours in C
05:59.46bkw_just gotta finish it up
05:59.48YoYo^also going to have it be able to retrieve radius usage information, including self-help for connection problems (as seen from our side)
05:59.55MocMocwtf ?? shareware phone ?
06:00.00boolol i'm jk
06:00.25michaellso ..............Astriek can't read text to voice or whatever?
06:00.40boonot asterisk directly
06:00.43YoYo^using festival, yes
06:00.44boobut you can do it
06:00.48YoYo^but that's not what I'm talking about
06:00.58YoYo^my dialup equipment spits out numeric codes
06:01.01michaellme?  hell no
06:01.13YoYo^which tells me why a call didn't connect or was disconnected
06:01.16bkw_press 3 to hear your last disconnect reason
06:01.27YoYo^and I can relay that information to the customer using pre-recorded files
06:02.05coppice{presses 3} "you were excessively boring!"
06:02.06_Eagle_"The reason for you last disconnect was USER-IS-AN-IDIOT"
06:02.16YoYo^we use it now from a staff-only web page, and it allows us to immediately identify which customers are lying to us
06:02.33michaellIt would be funny to have customers listen too that
06:03.29michaellthanks boo
06:03.35michaellI still haven't setup astriek yet
06:03.39YoYo^ok, who went into my automated help thingie?
06:03.39michaellcan't fiqure it out
06:03.45*** join/#asterisk segal (~segal@
06:03.57_Eagle_"The reason for you last disconnect was YOU ARE A DEADBEAT AND FORGOT TO PAY YOUR MINIMUM CREDIT CARD PAYMENT"
06:04.18_Eagle_not me
06:04.21michaelleagle:  makes me laugh
06:04.23_Eagle_i hung up a long time ago
06:04.58coppice"based on your previous responses you have been allocated to a suitable agent". ring. ring. ring. "Good morning. happy baby kindergarten. How may I help you?"
06:05.29michaellhappy baby? yah right
06:05.33michaellall fighting...
06:06.07MocMocYoYo: My phone Crash when I call your 1866 #
06:06.22YoYo^oh, the funnest thing I'm going to do, is load up a database with my access numbers and all the NPANXX's that can call them
06:06.41coppiceOK. "Good morning. Babies In Strife Kindergarten. How may I help you?"
06:06.47YoYo^"to find a local dialup access number, please enter your area code and the first 3 digits of your phone number"
06:06.52MocMocim not joking,  it really crash my BT Phone
06:06.58_Eagle_<lowercase female voice, uppercase rude, loud, male voice>  "thank you for checking your account balance.  your last payment was late, so we will be assessing a small LARGE LATE FEE to your account.  If you have questions, please call us at NO NUMBER AVAILABLE.  Goodbye"
06:07.06YoYo^mocmoc, sorry, I can't help ya
06:07.18_Eagle_yoyo:  did my caller id show up as 248-724-something ??
06:07.19MocMoclol I know, it strange
06:07.30_Eagle_yoyo:  or are you in michigan too?
06:08.07YoYo^also had a 2486504700
06:08.23_Eagle_ok,,  the 2486504700 was me
06:08.31YoYo^and an 801688 number?
06:08.35YoYo^someone here in TN?
06:08.46michaella 801 area code?
06:08.48_Eagle_the 2487240700 must be someone else here in michigan
06:09.08michaellyoyo: a 801 area code?
06:09.14YoYo^michaell, yeah... TN
06:09.14_Eagle_my pontiac numbers through the CLEC i use are 248-724-xxxx
06:09.27michaellI am a 801-404
06:09.35michaellwhen i called earlyer
06:10.17_Eagle_i wonder who has 248-724-0700
06:10.27_Eagle_i think i'll call it :-)
06:11.02michaellfound on dsl reporst
06:11.59michaellthat company has the same number
06:12.02_Eagle_248-724-0700 must be the caller id that gets reported from nufone
06:12.21_Eagle_i know jer uses the same clec i use
06:12.27_Eagle_so that must be one of his numbers
06:12.32*** join/#asterisk jelque (
06:12.48_Eagle_although i dont know why he wasted a good number like that on something like this
06:13.01bkw_he has plenty to waste
06:13.13_Eagle_bkw:  not really
06:13.26bkw_um yes he does
06:13.35bkw_he sleeps with the clec
06:13.40_Eagle_bkw:  this clec only has 1000 blocks in many areas
06:13.42bkw_if you sleep with the clec you get what you want
06:13.51_Eagle_so that leaves 10 xxx-xx00 numbers available
06:13.55michaellbkw: oh man..
06:14.04_Eagle_if you want to have the same number in every rate center, that is
06:14.30bkw_michaell what?
06:14.40_Eagle_now pontiac has a 10,000 block... so there's 100 xxx-xx00 numbers there, but if he uses 0700 then that means x700 is not available in any of the 1000 block areas
06:14.41bkw_pwlib is such a kludge
06:14.54michaellbkw: sleeping with the clec
06:14.57_Eagle_so basically, he used one of the 10 available state-wide 00 numbers
06:15.00bkw_michaell not literally
06:15.01coppiceopenh323 is all a kludge
06:15.21bkw_coppice so true
06:17.09bkw_ok why the fuck would openh323 need ffmpeg installed
06:17.12bkw_fucking idiot crackheads
06:18.06*** join/#asterisk bwz (
06:20.36_Eagle_what's citats web site where has has the asterisk/perl/agi module?
06:21.08bkw_use google boy
06:25.00bkw_never fear bkw is here
06:25.14michaellmost of the time
06:26.20bkw_ok the moment of truth
06:26.30bkw_we are about to find out if chan_h323 will now work on gentoo
06:26.32bootruth or date
06:26.41bkw_but the bloat of h323 is taking forever to compile
06:26.59boothat works too :)
06:27.03bkw_boo dare
06:27.07bkw_I mean truth
06:27.19booI don't think either are appropriate for this channel
06:28.02michaellbkw is the mod
06:28.05michaellhe says what goes
06:28.15bkw_boo you haven't been in here long then
06:28.17michaellif he says it, it must go
06:28.18bkw_we talk about it ALL!
06:28.31bkw_#asterisk after dark
06:28.32booyeah I saw something about your MIC earlier
06:28.34YoYo^ok... I can't do this shit tonight... damned nose won't clear up
06:28.57michaellyo yo : get those really strong cough drops eat 2-3 ff them
06:28.59bkw_YoYo good drugs
06:29.26boothey squirt salt water up their noses
06:30.12michaellever heard of siline?
06:30.28boosame thing
06:30.38michaelli know
06:30.42bkw_OMG openh323 is still going
06:30.44bkw_EVIL THING
06:30.44michaellput lots of salt
06:30.51*** join/#asterisk jdg (~chatzilla@
06:30.52boodid you emerge it?
06:31.42michaelli'm out of it tonight
06:31.48bkw_out of what?
06:32.03michaelloh dear god
06:32.04bkw_tripple D battries?
06:32.12bkw_ya baby ya
06:32.14bkw_I like it that way
06:32.20bkw_don't get me started
06:32.28michaellbkw: type  !down
06:32.47boobkw_: he just needs a new necklace
06:32.50YoYo^bkw, maybe you need to go wake up greg
06:32.56bkw_YoYo no
06:33.04bkw_he's watchin football
06:33.06bkw_or he was
06:33.06michaellgreg from nufone?
06:33.12bkw_greg my boyfriend
06:33.23bkw_i'm sure Shido6 wouldn't like that association
06:33.32boowhat? you're taken?
06:33.38bkw_boo yes
06:33.48boogood for you
06:33.50boobad for us
06:33.53bkw_almost 9 years
06:33.59booholy shit
06:34.09bkw_better than most straight folks
06:34.12boowrite a book!
06:34.26bkw_rule 1.. "IGNORE the petty bullshit."
06:34.39bkw_rule 2.. "IGNORE him when he's bitchy!"
06:34.45bkw_life is grand if you follow those two rules
06:35.22boomaybe that'll take me past the 3 month mark
06:35.30bkw_boo haha really?
06:36.35booand you're younger than me too... I must really be doing something wrong
06:37.07bkw_michaell so your one of those eh?
06:37.44bkw_boo michaell likes to watch
06:38.03booLet's put on a good show then
06:38.05michaellywhy can't you go down?
06:38.48boothe question is michaell, why can't you just go down?
06:40.05*** join/#asterisk Johnathan (
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07:02.21*** join/#asterisk michaell (
07:02.48bkw_oh he's back
07:02.58bkw_had to go take care of soemthing?
07:03.13michaellI got mad and stormed off
07:03.20_Eagle_damn it
07:03.30JohnathanYour so stupid michaell
07:03.32YoYo^which 'it' are we damning?
07:04.04_Eagle_for some reason, the agi command CHANNEL STATUS is returning an extra <cr> or <lf> with the result=
07:04.05michaellWhatever john
07:04.09_Eagle_yet the other agi commands dont
07:04.18JohnathanMY NAME IS'NT JOHN
07:04.30michaellit isn't?
07:04.32bkw__Eagle_ chomp it
07:04.44_Eagle_i do
07:04.44bkw__Eagle_ using perl?
07:04.53_Eagle_i have a chomp line in there
07:04.59bkw_does chomp fix it? try chop
07:05.01_Eagle_hmm..  let me check something
07:05.11bkw_chop and chomp do almost the same thing but not quite
07:05.32_Eagle_i cant use chop...  or ill lose the result for all the others agi commands
07:05.43_Eagle_the only agi command it does this on is CHANNEL STATUS
07:05.48_Eagle_everything else works fine
07:05.56michaellI chopped up some onions for dinne
07:06.16bkw__Eagle_ go fix it
07:06.59bkw__Eagle_ I don't see it in the code
07:07.24_Eagle_well, for some reason channel status doesnt work, but everything else does
07:07.54_Eagle_when i added a debug print statement, it adds a cr/lf after the 200 result=6
07:07.54bkw_maybe its broken
07:08.13bkw_yep thats what it shows
07:08.27bkw_how are you calling channel status
07:08.42bkw_channelstatus ${CHANNEL} or null?
07:09.02_Eagle_wait a sec
07:09.12bkw_you call null yous askin for it
07:09.13_Eagle_it still doesnt work, but that cr/lf wasnt the problem
07:09.27bkw_whats the problem?
07:09.38_Eagle_i dunno yet
07:09.44_Eagle_but i was reading the wrong variable
07:09.49_Eagle_in my print staterment
07:09.52bkw_AGI sucks
07:09.53bkw_learn C
07:10.04_Eagle_but still, the problem is it doesnt work
07:10.08_Eagle_i call it like this:
07:10.33bkw_are you flushing your buffer?
07:10.39_Eagle_what buffer?
07:10.55bkw_ok apparently not
07:10.58bkw_$| = 1;
07:11.04bkw_you have that at the top of your AGI?
07:11.22bkw_if not add it
07:11.35bkw_perl buffers unless you tell it otherwise
07:11.44bkw_buffers are bad
07:11.45_Eagle_its there
07:11.49bkw_ok kewl
07:11.59bkw_but why aren't you using Asterisk::AGI makes this stuff easy
07:13.07bkw_chop and chomp.. oh boy some people will never learn
07:13.15bkw_this twit is using chop where he should be using chomp
07:13.19bkw_chop does exactly that
07:13.29bkw_off the char goes
07:13.34bkw_chomp will be more nice about it
07:14.05_Eagle_i dont want to use someone elses code unless i have to
07:14.10bkw_This is a slightly safer version of chop.
07:14.19bkw_yes chomp is nice
07:14.21_Eagle_ive verified the cr/lf thing wasn't the problem
07:14.26bkw__Eagle_ its a perl modules
07:14.29bkw__Eagle_ its a perl module
07:14.29_Eagle_it went away now that i did it right
07:14.35bkw_trust me worth using
07:14.56bkw_citats wrote it
07:15.12_Eagle_its just another thing i'd have to install on every server
07:15.28_Eagle_plus i dont want to become dependent on it in case he stops supporting it someday
07:15.29bkw_OH LORD
07:15.48bkw_ok you better stop using anything then
07:16.00bkw_and asterisk
07:16.03bkw_and gcc
07:16.06bkw_what if they are not supporte
07:16.12bkw_bad way of thinking
07:16.18jrollysonmodules are the way to go, and once something makes it into CPAN, its not going to disapear ;)
07:16.26_Eagle_you know, you can be really fucking annoying if you try to be :-)
07:16.42_Eagle_i dont give a shit what the reason is
07:16.42bkw__Eagle_ sowwy
07:16.56_Eagle_plain and simple, for this project, i'm not using the module
07:17.03jrollysonif for some reason Asterisk::AGI stops being maintained, it would be easier to take up maintainance of it yourself.
07:17.19_Eagle_i dont care if using the module gives me an orgasm, i'm still not going to use it tonight
07:17.20jrollysonwell, easier than reinventing the wheel.
07:17.42_Eagle_i just want to do this one simple little thing with my own code
07:18.00_Eagle_maybe ill start using the module next week... but tonight, i want to use my own code
07:18.47bkw_B E A U tiful
07:19.13_Eagle_maybe i'm looking at this the wrong way
07:19.18_Eagle_my perl skills are a bit rusty
07:19.41bkw_and the survey says....
07:19.46bkw_SHOW ME HATEFUL!
07:19.55bkw_fav will and grace line
07:20.12_Eagle_should be true if $answer is not 6, right?
07:20.41bkw_is it a int or a string?
07:21.09_Eagle_good question...  i thought i converted it, but let me double check that
07:21.14bkw_try ne
07:21.22bkw_perl can play nice games with your head on that part
07:34.07_Eagle_i found it
07:34.15_Eagle_its been so long since i played with agi
07:35.20_Eagle_i forgot WAIT FOR DIGIT returns a number representing the ascii version of the digit pressed, and not a number representing the decimal ofthe digit
07:35.20_Eagle_so i was getting "49" instead of "1"
07:35.36_Eagle_so i had written my original function, months ago, to do a chr() on that number
07:35.56_Eagle_so when it returned "6" from another command, i was doing a chr() on it that i shouldnt have been doing
07:36.20_Eagle_took out the chr, then multipled *1 to turn it into a digit, and it works
07:42.20_Eagle_ok, cool
07:42.24_Eagle_looks good now
07:42.29_Eagle_my conference is back up
07:42.39_Eagle_well, time for bed
07:42.42_Eagle_bye folks!
07:42.46_Eagle_thanks for the help
07:58.00michaellI need something to do
07:59.36wasimfind me low-cost rtl8019as
08:00.27michaellwhat hta
08:00.33coppicewasim: what did you have in mind? searching through landfills?
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08:33.37voidptri got this gadget
08:34.40voidptrits like a double measuring tape with 2 rj11's and 3m of cable... with 2 springs in the middle to roll it back up
08:35.17voidptrtoo bad its just 4 wire, and not twisted pair... although that would have been slightly more difficult to manufacture ;)
08:36.07wasimribbon tape twisted wire ... hmmm
08:36.16coppicevoidptr: its the in thing from China. They are doing various cables in that form
08:37.40voidptri see :)
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08:38.44coppicevoidptr: the walkman type headphones like that are really neat. the trouble is they sound real bad!
08:39.21voidptryeah true
08:40.10voidptri pinched it in my analogue phone... and well it worked
08:40.29voidptrcan't say if it was worse then before :P
08:42.25voidptrno important new emails
08:42.39voidptrno shocking news
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09:01.37MocDamnit forget it ... Gentoo is way too long to install !!!
09:04.39voidptrnot if you take stage3
09:04.49MocEven stage 3 is too long ..
09:04.57voidptrthen you are slow
09:05.10Moctake 15 min to install RH9 and dl & compile asterisk from scratch
09:05.13voidptror your cpu ;)
09:05.37voidptryah but rh is a piece of shit put together
09:05.52MocWell it work
09:06.00voidptrno it doesn't :P
09:07.50voidptrit does take longer
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09:08.04voidptrbut not that long once you are used to it
09:08.41voidptrand you can install your custom kernel during install
09:09.23MocI hate compiling kernels !! Never saw the point of it, put everything as module and voila, just load the module you want ;)
09:09.45michaellhow do you compile a kernal?
09:09.46voidptrprobably because you don't know the interesting patches out there :)
09:09.52michaellnever had to do that before
09:10.11Mocvoidptr: your right, I dont know the patches..
09:10.27MocI know gentoo just patch like 2000 file of my kernel ..
09:10.56voidptri hate vendor kernels... even the gentoo one
09:11.27MocWhy ? I mean everything work
09:11.33voidptrbloated :)
09:13.11Mocok.. well I like to have a good distro that install fast and smart.. With a good way to make package
09:13.29MocSo system can be reinstall and replicated easily and Fast
09:14.18voidptrghost :P
09:14.34michaellanyone want to setup astriek for free?
09:14.58*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
09:15.18Mocmichaell: you
09:15.36Mocif your using redhat 9, you can look at
09:15.40michaelli can't fiqure it out
09:16.02Mocmy personal rh9 custom->minimal package, install script
09:16.08michaellwhats the script for?
09:16.31michaellbut i want someone to config it for me
09:16.42michaelli got lost in the extensions file and i give up
09:16.44MocIt install apt tool, update all RPMS of the system, get necesarry rpm for asterisk, get the cvs for asterisk and compile it
09:17.03michaelli need one to config it for me
09:17.05Moclook by default, it already configured..
09:17.11coppicethe script is for a movie where super-kram save the telecoms world :-)
09:17.23Mikemichaell: i gave you a config file that was made for you if you cant really figure it out your dead
09:17.35MikeMoc: i made a config for him
09:17.55Mocmake samples in asterisk source dir will put sample config in /etc/asterisk
09:18.07michaelli was using them
09:18.13Mocif you start asterisk like that, you will have a working asterisk server, with demo and stuff activated
09:19.39Mocmichaell: you have zaptel hardware ?
09:19.57Mocto bad then
09:20.11michaellwhatever that is
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09:20.34MocFXO, FXS card or PRI card from Digium
09:20.51michaelli'm gong to get a fso and fsx card soon..
09:21.02michaellbut rigth now i'm not getting anywhere with this software
09:21.20michaelli coudn't get it too work with the demo fiels
09:21.21michaellthe other day
09:22.13Moclook, without touching anything, just make samples and you start asterisk
09:22.17Mocit should be working..
09:22.31Mocafter that you need to connect a phone Software or hardware..
09:22.35michaellwon't i have to setup a sip user?
09:22.45MocEasyest is DIAX (SIP caused me SO MUCH problems)
09:23.07michaelllet me go redo the samles
09:24.15michaellok i made samples
09:24.49michaellnow waht?
09:25.58MocIAX softphone is easiest
09:26.55MikeMoc: any softphone for linux?
09:26.57Mikethat works?
09:27.24coppiceIf you use DIAX, I'd suggest sticking with IAX (rather than IAX2) until the stuff I fixed yesterday in iaxclient works its way into DIAX.
09:27.43Mikecoppice: works under linux?
09:27.55MocMike: Never tryed linux client
09:27.58voidptrdiax is windows :)
09:28.08Mikewho uses windows anyway:)
09:28.16coppiceNo DIAX only runs under Windoze. I think its written in VB6 :-\
09:28.25voidptrit is ;)
09:28.29michaelli'm even more lost now
09:28.46Moccoppice: being using IAX2 all the time for 2 week, and it seem fine ..
09:29.04voidptrbasicly i dont care, aslong as people make nice clients :P
09:29.35coppiceMoc: I fixed some real killer bugs yesterday that make IAX2 support in iaxclient nearly useless.
09:29.57MikeMoc: that shit doesnt work on new gnome libs
09:30.04michaellI'M LOST
09:30.13coppiceMoc: I thought gnophone hadn't changed on ages, and didn't support IAX2
09:30.13MikeTotal Call Seconds: 384760 (106h 52m 40s)
09:30.13MikeTotal Billing Seconds: 359904 (99h 58m 24s)
09:30.40MocI dont know, just the only thing I saw about IAX softphone in linux, never downloaded it .. hehe
09:31.02Moc99h ish hehe
09:31.22Mike99h 58m
09:31.25Mikeoff savings
09:31.25Moclol michaell
09:31.38Mochehe sorry
09:31.50michaellI haven't made any progress with this software
09:31.54coppicemichaell: if you are a windows user DIAX with IAX support seems to do the job.
09:31.55coppiceIf you use Linux, iaxcomm with IAX does the job.
09:31.57coppiceNext week I expect my bug fixes to work their way though, and maybe DIAX and iaxcomm will work OK with IAX2 as well
09:33.54michaellI'm just giving up
09:34.01michaellsomeone is gong to get paid to set this up
09:34.05michaelli can't fiqure it out
09:34.19michaelland i'm not making any progress succedding
09:34.22michaellits mroe failure
09:34.48Moclol ..
09:35.07Mocmake samples ; asterisk
09:35.13michaelli did
09:35.14Mocthat it you got a VoIP server up..
09:35.52Mocif you want to use softphone, get DIAX.  Uncomment [marko] from the iax.conf and reload the config of asterisk, and use marko info to log using DIAX
09:36.09michaelli'm a moron for 1
09:36.12Moconce you done that, you can call your Voicemail (extention 8500)
09:36.14michaelli'm trying to connect too it
09:36.16michaelland its not even on
09:36.22MikeMoc: thats a very complicated step uncommenting lines
09:37.03MocMike: your right, let make a patch instead
09:38.11MikeMoc: :)
09:38.16Mocmichaell: if asterisk got problem to load, check in /var/log/asterisk for error messages
09:38.26michaelli didn't turn it on
09:39.08michaelloh fuck
09:39.10michaelli got it working
09:39.11michaelli hope
09:40.42MocDamn Gentoo.. still compile the kernel ..
09:40.58michaellmother fucker
09:41.02michaellstupid xlite
09:41.05michaellis having a fucking cow
09:41.26Mocluky you, you got alot of beef
09:41.42michaellNOTICE[1116957488]: File chan_iax.c, Line 3628 (socket_read): Rejected connect attempt from, request 'exten=101;callerid=000000000;dnid=101;username=myname;formats=2;version=1;'
09:42.38Mikemichaell: get a propietary pbx
09:42.48Mikemichaell: you can get some on ebay for 200usd
09:42.52michaelli know
09:42.59michaellIT dosent' offer voicemail
09:43.06michaelland offfer call transfers
09:43.12Mikemichaell: buy phones that have voicemail on them
09:43.14Mocget a 3com VoIP then
09:43.20Mocwebpage to configure it
09:43.33michaelli know
09:43.47Mikemichaell: asterisk sucks its for kiddos
09:43.52Mikemichaell: buy a real pbx
09:44.02Mikemichaell: stop making your life a pain
09:44.14michaellmy life is arleady a distater
09:44.22michaellI need to get a phone line
09:44.26michaellmulti lines for a fact
09:44.30Mikeim not a terapist but
09:44.37michaellthen i need to have music and voicemial
09:44.40Mikei can recommend you to get a propietary pbx
09:44.43michaelland some other things
09:44.44Miketo make your life easier
09:44.54michaellthat dos=etn' make my budget any better
09:45.20michaelli've got about $200 for this whole thing
09:45.34michaelli can't spend it all on a pbx
09:45.45Mocyou wont get far if you multiple lines ..
09:45.52Moc100$ for a x100p card ..
09:46.04michaelli got a friend
09:46.07michaellthats getting em for cheaper
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09:46.21Mocwell you surly wont have any more support from me ...
09:46.27Moccheaper mean clone from ebay
09:46.28Mikemichaell: asterisk only works with X100P and it costs $100USD
09:46.56Mocmean no support from Digium... Mean no support to Asterisk..
09:46.58michaellits the actuall x100p
09:47.02Mikemichaell: so * is no longer your option
09:47.07michaellwhy not?
09:47.57michaellyour saying thati  got a friend that got the cards from digium that i shoudn't use them since there cheaper
09:48.07michaellSomeone had to make up for the cost some wheres among the lines
09:48.44Mocif you dont buy it from Digium, you dont support asterisk, it the way I see it ...
09:48.57michaellthe way i see it is
09:49.14michaellIf i buy them from someone else that got a couple for a bussiness then selling htem for cheaper i'm still supporting them
09:49.20michaellthey payed there $100 a card
09:49.32michaellso i still support them if i buy it off this other dude
09:50.04michaellso what your telling me is that he stole them
09:50.10MocThen ask your friend to help you setup your pbx
09:50.18michaellhe had someone else
09:50.39michaellHe payed for them which means they got there money for develepment and such
09:51.01michaellThe way i picture this is. If I get something for free or cheaper i can't call for support
09:51.11michaellumm no.. The world dosne't go around like that.
09:51.46michaellI get lots of things cheaper
09:52.09michaellEver heard of if you work for a company get things discounted?
09:54.13Mikeyou ever heard that when you read books you get the knowledge of alot of people? if then go read asterisk draft book and the documents try the wiki also
09:54.29michaellI'm using the draft boook
09:54.39michaelllooked at the winki or whatever but the draft was more helpfull
09:54.44MocLook, im telling you, if it legimate hardware from digium, get support from them to install the card.  To configure the pbx, well I tryed to point you to the right place, but from the error you gave me earlyer it seem you havent follow the step I gave you.  Like I said you might want to ask your friend to setup the card and pbx himself and maybe physical install help is what you need.
09:54.48Mikemichaell: that should be enought
09:55.52michaellit is ligit
09:55.57michaelland it did come from digium
09:56.13michaellthey just dont' need it so ther selling it too me for cheaper so its just not sitting arond and i could use it
09:56.39Mikeits a different story now
09:58.03*** join/#asterisk Dallas (
09:58.13Moc is a very step by step asterisk install
09:58.29michaellbandwidth was excenneded
09:58.29Mocif you get bandwidth limit exceded, get the cache from google
09:59.09michaelli tryed that
09:59.17michaelli got too the part abour programing the phones
09:59.21michaellbut then i just got lost
09:59.57michaellwhen you go to phone1 and then call 2
10:00.19michaellDon't have 2 phones...and i coudn't even connect up too the server i set this up with...
10:00.48Moccall 8500 (voicemail from demo cfg of samples install
10:01.10michaellhow do i call that if i can't even connect
10:01.33Mikeim off to sleep guys see you tomarrow
10:01.37Mikemichaell: good luck
10:01.57michaellmike: thats what i wnat is luck but i'm not getting far
10:01.59michaellthx for the help
10:02.18MocLook, earlyer I gave you the easy setup, using DIAX, try that, it the easyest thing you could do, uncomment few line, use the good login/pass in DIAX and dial 8500...
10:02.53michaellwhere i uncomment the lines again?
10:03.22Mikemichaell: your just willing someone else makes the job for you, and your budget is to low to even pay hardware expenses if i was you ill go look some cheap pbx at ebay
10:03.23MocLet all go sleep.. it 5h am here, and I wanted to go sleep since 3h am .. going to be a short day :(
10:03.30Mikesee you guys
10:04.14michaellI'm just trying to understand the concepts here and how things work
10:04.35Mocextentions.conf is extensions config
10:04.38Mocsip is sip config
10:04.39michaelli know
10:04.41michaelli know that
10:04.46Mociax config is iax config..
10:04.46michaelli got sip.conf configed
10:04.53michaellbut then extensions.conf i got list
10:05.08Mocuse the default..
10:05.14Mocget DIAX up
10:05.23Mocand try different call and see how it does ...
10:05.27Mocdemo have nice sample
10:05.32Mocand learn from them
10:05.39Mocdial away, it free
10:06.11michaellits telling me call rejecteed by remote
10:06.24Mocyou havent well CFG your DIAX user/pass ..
10:06.40michaelli need to do taht in diax or the server config?
10:07.07Mocboth need to have the same information, so change one or the other, it up to you..
10:07.19michaellsee i'm getting somewhere
10:07.21Mocbut at the moment, change client side... it easier
10:07.32michaelllet me go get the info
10:07.58Mocwell like I said it 5h AM here.. get some sleep and will talk again tomorow
10:08.14michaella quicky
10:08.20michaellwhere do i get the info to setup the client?
10:08.35michaellas the file down wehre marko is theres nothinga bout users or anything
10:09.02Mocebd oif file
10:09.15Mocend of file
10:09.32michaellno username
10:09.37michaellonly a password
10:09.54Mocwell add it ;l
10:10.31michaelloh freak
10:10.36michaelli'll fiqure soemnting out
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10:29.27TestMasTereveryone sleeping
10:29.50michaellwhat the hell happepnd
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11:05.57mbrancamorning all
11:06.10michaellits night here
11:06.12michaellwait 4am
11:06.13michaelloh no
11:06.40mbrancaso early monrning :)
11:08.33mbrancaso, well, time for lunch here
11:08.35mbrancasee ya later
11:08.43michaelltime for bed...
11:09.26JerJeryep, time for bed
11:13.33RoyK12.13 CET
11:13.45RoyKjust woke up
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11:37.47miller7hello ppl
11:38.19miller7heyho void
11:42.04voidptrtime for lunch
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12:19.45voidptrmoo wasim
12:20.07voidptrhey you retrieved the phone :P
12:20.19wasimyeah, working on it
12:20.40voidptr*rain* *rain* *rain*
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12:30.22wasimi now pronounce you man and splitsville
12:32.17voidptri've got these fucked up feelings...
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12:46.17wasimok, the new phone donor is on, this has some new buttons etc
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12:46.43testmastermorning wasim
12:47.07voidptrwasim : the new board came in or?
12:48.00wasimvoidptr: yeah, it came in, we're checking to make sure its okay, they rerouted somethings
12:48.08wasimvoidptr: theres a pic of it on the site
12:48.23voidptryou should do some rerouting too
12:48.34voidptrespecially to my bank account
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12:50.28voidptrwasim : oh my god
12:53.04jcangood morning.
12:53.43jcan**NEWBIE**  I have been searching for documentation on how to have asterisk act as a h323 gateway
12:53.47jcanbut haven
12:53.58jcanfound any....can i get some pointers pls?
12:54.04jcan(i.e to docs)
12:54.32Powerkilljcan look in channels/h323 dirs
12:54.56wasimunder asterisk, also under docuemntation
12:55.00Powerkillsomeone know how in sip protocol i can calculate the duration of a call ?
12:56.26PowerkillI know we have to calc the diff between the ACK and the BYE message but if not BYE msg have been receive what can i do ?
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12:58.06wasimdammt Kilroy2k
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13:20.13Tilikapejod: the DynextenDB works for everything not just chan_capi ?
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13:30.46discordiamorning kapejod ... hope you had a good christmas :)
13:31.12kapejodwell..."same procedures as every year" ;)
13:31.42kapejodTili: i think andio extended it to work with other things too
13:36.14*** join/#asterisk sxpert (
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13:37.06Powerkillso any sip expert ?
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13:40.27zoakram back in paris ?
13:40.34zoaback from paris ?
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14:09.00ach75bonjour !
14:10.24*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
14:10.49sxpertach75: salut
14:11.13ach75wch !
14:11.20ach75bien ou koi
14:11.56sxpertach75: dans quel arrondissement tu est ?
14:12.01sxpert-t :D
14:13.24ach7520 è
14:13.25*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
14:13.34sxpertach75: oki
14:13.43ach75et toi .?
14:13.57ach75ou la la !!!
14:14.11ach75fait tres froid ches toi
14:14.26sxpertach75: alors, comme ca on veut faire de la concurrence a France Telepomme ?
14:14.47sxpertbah, je suis au chaud, avec mon chauffage nucleaire a fond :D
14:14.51*** join/#asterisk suma (
14:15.12sumai want to register through asterisk and receive calls through SER
14:15.43sumacan anyone help me how can i do id ?
14:15.44ach75moi fe suis ches free !!! le top
14:15.49sumacan anyone help me how can i do it ?
14:16.45ach75freebox !!!!! tros cool
14:16.47Corydon76-homeI don't know how to do it, but it might be listed at
14:17.20sumaCorydon76: it will receive calls only on the registered post right ?
14:17.29sumaCorydon76: it will receive calls only on the registered port right ?
14:17.44sumaI checked the documentation on
14:17.54sumabut could not helped me
14:18.40ach75pas de parisiènes ! ici
14:18.57*** join/#asterisk kainz_ (
14:19.05Corydon76-homesuma:  Again, I have no idea.
14:22.51sxpertach75: bah, je suis chez nerim, parce que je peux pas avoir de freebox (pas degrouppe encore)
14:28.31ach75domage !!!
14:28.45ach75mais vraiment tres bien !!!
14:28.51ach75sur paris
14:29.19ach75teste bande passante 3 meg ! lol
14:29.42[Sim]hi guys
14:29.48ach75avec la tèlè + tel local gratuits
14:30.28ach75je suis vitte pati de ches noos !!!!!
14:30.55ach75qui est une vrai merde !!!
14:32.24ach75c calme ici
14:33.51[Sim]thats because many people may not be able to read french around here :)
14:35.02Corydon76-homeYeah, and it's more out of ignorance than pride for their own culture
14:35.14Corydon76-homespeaking personally, of course
14:36.03kapejodsame goes for the native-english speakers in here ;-) only us non-natives are good guys ;-)
14:36.11daviddoes anyone use iconnecthere/deltathree?
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14:37.11Corydon76-homeSome of us native English speakers can be good guys
14:37.27[Sim]we won't hold you personally responsible :)
14:37.45[Sim](probably ;)
14:37.58Corydon76-homeI may be a citizen of the new American Empire, but that doesn't mean I have to like it
14:38.48Corydon76-homeespecially I don't care for Emperor Bush
14:41.28sxpertach75: I was with Noos a year ago (I was one of the beta testers), yet, they started treating us like shit... I left when they left me stranded without net access for 5 days
14:41.44sxpertCorydon76-home: lol "emperor bush II" :DDD
14:43.23Corydon76-homeNah, the previous Bush wasn't an Emperor.  The American Empire only started in 2000, when Emperor Bush subverted the electoral process
14:43.56Corydon76-homeOr would you prefer "Banana Republic of America"?
14:46.04*** join/#asterisk RoyK_T (
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14:49.03Lafinionanybody know any voip monitor - analyzer ? (not expansive, i want try use demo ver.)
14:52.32*** part/#asterisk ach75 (
14:52.47slackerlafinion - have you checked ethereal?
14:52.57[Sim]hey voidptr
14:53.01[Sim]hows life ?
14:53.02Lafinionyes but
14:53.07slackerif you are looking for packet dumps, it's your stuff
14:53.18slackerif you want to listen to calls etc, you'd need something different
14:53.25Lafinionbut ethernet not have plugin sip , onlu h323
14:53.32Lafinioni need
14:53.40slackerethereal can decode sip
14:53.41Lafinionmonitoring packiet loos
14:53.46Lafiniondelay, jitte
14:53.56voidptr[Sim] : pretty good, you? :)
14:54.30Lafinionslacker i will try again this etherreal.
14:59.20RoyK~frag wasim and kapejod
14:59.23ACTION readies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at wasim and kapejod
14:59.48Lafinionslacker but U dont know where i can find any other soft - i need know jitter, delay etc etc. in ethereal is not. ?
15:00.02kapejodRoyK: :-P
15:00.27RoyKkapejod: any news for el cheapo hfc pci drivers?
15:00.33[Sim]voidptr: too bad you couldnt make it yesterday
15:00.57kapejodRoyK: nope, /me had a lazy xmas
15:02.49[Sim]tsk :)
15:06.37voidptr[Sim] : i could have.. considering i basicly did jackshit yesterday
15:07.20voidptrbut well :P
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15:08.13voidptr[Sim] : any fun goods available there? :)
15:19.47*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
15:21.12[Sim]nah, I didnt go in for shopping, we just sat down for a drink :)
15:22.11voidptrand watch other people scavange? :P
15:23.26[Sim]heh :)
15:23.44[Sim]actually dnc and greg did some shopping before I arrived
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15:34.15testkkAnyone offering an installation service?
15:34.42booSure... lots of us
15:35.42testkkThat sound great.
15:36.04testkkRight now i am working with TEDAS. It is based on Win.
15:36.44testkkI am located in Germany and I ahve nearby no idea about a linux installation.
15:37.02*** join/#asterisk usam (~alx@
15:37.17testkkI need a test environment for two ISDN lines.
15:37.36testkkH323 and H450 as well as SIP should be working.
15:37.53booWell... I'm in the US... it'd probably be cheaper if you found someone in .de
15:38.23RoyKwhat the fsck is that?
15:38.55voidptrRoyK : have to url of your bart google picture handy?
15:39.04testkkH 450 ... is a stack being in conjunction to H 323 for Call forwarding, ...
15:39.10RoyK~castrate voidptr
15:39.13voidptr: say AAAAAAAAAAAARRGGH!
15:45.48rajotestkk: what exactly do you wanna do/know?
15:47.28testkkI am developing a dealer management system for car dealers in europe. Therefore I am testing some phone wares like VOIP...
15:48.24espenHomeanyone got some scripts for asterisk using mrtg?
15:48.27testkkI need someone getting a new server to run with linux, .. should be a remote job. AND somone who installs asterisk
15:50.08voidptror you travel to someone who has it already setup first? ;)
15:50.12*** join/#asterisk zwi (~zwi@
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15:53.22testkkI couldn´ t find any board about asterisk in Germany , ... therefore I am trying it this way.
15:53.24Corydon76-homeJust install Mandrake 9.1
15:54.07testkkMandrake 9.1 okay, ...
15:54.18testkkI have to buy it or is there a source in the net?
15:54.19Corydon76-homeor try a reseller
15:54.46testkkFor the config I will definitely try to find a pro.
15:55.49voidptrthere are some asterisk people based in germany
15:55.58testkkYou know who?
15:56.43testkkyou a mailadress?
15:57.52voidptrsee ;)
15:58.26testkkOkay, mail is on the way.   Great service here. Is there anywhere I can find a board?
15:59.08voidptrlike forum?
16:02.46*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
16:03.06kapejodtestkk: no mail here yet.
16:03.36testkkgive it a couple seconds and it will appear...
16:04.28*** join/#asterisk point (~litw@
16:04.37kapejodhi mbranca :)
16:05.15pointhello kapejod, mbranca, voidptr ... :)
16:05.33kapejodtestkk: one advice, stay away from h.323!
16:05.43mbranca~kill h323
16:05.46ACTION slits h323's throat
16:05.47kapejodhi point
16:07.52pointkapejod, yeah you are right - almost all chrashes on my box - h323 ...
16:07.54testkki know, but right now I only have a component for H 323. SIP is in developement. No code change will be required. Thus first I will test H 323
16:08.54kapejodok, have it the h323 way then. i am sorry but i wont be able to help you.
16:09.15testkkAsterisk doesn´ t support H 323
16:09.33tim27how everyone handle call to theirs mobile phone, when you are not are your desk, you bridge two line to make outgoing call to you mobile ???
16:09.42kapejodit does support h323.
16:09.49kapejodbut i do not.
16:10.43kapejodtim27: forward it using a voip carrier
16:10.57testkkOh, okay, ... nevertheless thanks for your help.  
16:10.58voidptrtestkk : you will probably hear the same thing from every person in here so... :)
16:11.11kapejodh323 is broken by design
16:11.29blitzragesip ain't much better :)
16:11.30blitzrageuse iax :)
16:11.40kapejodblitzrage: i totally agree :)
16:11.47kapejodbut sip is slightly better
16:11.54blitzrageof course.. whoever doesn't... doesn't know iax :)
16:12.01tim27kapejob: that what i was thinking doing, like using iconnect... but if my mobile phone compagny answer the phone with a recorded msg like the customer you try to reach is not availaible... asterisk will think the line is answered
16:12.05blitzragekapejod: slightly... still NAT problems out the wazoo though
16:12.25blitzragebut we all know that :0
16:12.27kapejodtim27: then iconnect sucks badly
16:12.35[Sim]it would be nice to have some _decent_ documentation on iax widely available so adotion by third party hardware developers ( I know a few) could use it
16:12.43kapejodinband call progress shouldnt be considers as answering
16:12.44[Sim]like an rfc or something :)
16:12.51tim27kapejod: you mean iconnect service is not good ???
16:13.14blitzrageI've heard good things about nufone.. but never used it
16:13.35kapejodif they consider inband call progress as answered then they are ripping you off.
16:13.48voidptri've hear good things about microsoft! :P
16:13.55blitzragewelp... gotta go out and get the parts to mount a satellite dish
16:14.00blitzragevoidptr: me too :)
16:14.12kapejodM$ rocks :)
16:14.23RoyK~kill kapejod
16:14.26ACTION slits kapejod's throat
16:14.26voidptrblitzrage : traitor! :P
16:14.37blitzragevoidptr: but it's cool.. I'm using them in Linux :)
16:15.14blitzrageI would love a Mac running OSX if I could afford the bloody thing
16:15.19AharonovSim, an internet drafts would indeed be a good idea for IAX.
16:15.22tim27if i have a voicemail on my mobile phone... it the voice mail on the phone that will answer, not the asterisk voice mail ... i can program my mobile phone to transfert on busy and transfert on no answer... there is a way to handle a unique voice mail with transfert on no answer and return the call to the asterisk box... and with the caller id ... asterisk will know that the call come back again ... and then transfert it to voicemail ???
16:15.27blitzrageOS/2 r0x0rz :)
16:15.56kapejodM$ M$ M$
16:16.02mbrancanuke nuke nuke
16:16.07[Sim]tim27: no, because most telco's will offer the original callerid when they redirect the call
16:16.13Aharonovtim27, GSM actually provides several additional "call forward on X", but newer phones don't offer it anymore.
16:16.29blitzrageI'm a h4x0r because I use l33t-sp34k! :)
16:16.29RoyKblitzrage: did you see that article on /. about G5 benchmarked vs AMD Opteron?
16:16.36[Sim]it could be done if your telco tells you with some parameters that the call was diverted from your cellphone, but I dont think asterisk can support that yet
16:16.50kapejod[Sim]: chan_capi could do that ;)
16:16.54blitzrageRoyK: briefly.. didn't read the article.. I try to avoid slashdot for the most part now :)  I read mostly now
16:17.05[Sim]kapejod: cool, how ?
16:17.09tim27sim: i know it will be the original caller id... but can i setup asterisk to transfert this call when it come back for the second time in a delay of 1 minutes ???
16:17.20kapejod[Sim]: watch out for 0x74 INFO_INDs
16:17.28[Sim]tim27: uhm, yes, you could probably do that
16:17.38[Sim]kapejod: is the info captured in a variable or something ?
16:17.42blitzrageokie.. back later
16:18.06kapejod[Sim]: not really, if the "redirected from" number is provided i set ${EXTEN} to that
16:18.13RoyKblitzrage: the referred article concluded that the G5 beat the AMD system in everything, except photoshop (?), and was ~15% cheaper
16:18.41blitzrageRoyK: yah.. but 15% cheaper on a $4000 system doesn't help me any :)
16:18.45RoyKmbranca: what do you wanna know?
16:18.49RoyKblitzrage: hehe
16:19.08blitzrageRoyK: either way.. I can't afford $4000 :)  I bought my last AMD 1800 for $500.. and that has to last me a while
16:19.53[Sim]kapejod: ehm, but I use my inbounds to distinguish inbound numbers (${EXTEN})
16:20.05[Sim]so either it doesnt work for me like that, or my telco doesnt send me the info
16:20.56kapejod[Sim]: probably, and it also takes a while (about a sec) until the 0x74 hits your box
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16:22.24[Sim]ah, in that case its already hopped to the next conext probably
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16:22.28blitzrageI really need to make a script that does that for my automatically :)
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16:22.30tim27welcome all back
16:22.30voidptrfree paris hilton footage!
16:23.28kapejod[Sim]: i probably put that info into ${RDNIS}
16:24.35[Sim]would be nice, yes :)
16:24.35[Sim]I'd be very much interested in seeing if that would work
16:24.35[Sim]then again
16:24.35voidptri wonder how this is done by us...
16:24.36[Sim]I'd also like to have it in zaptel :)
16:25.26[Sim]what, voidptr ?
16:25.26kapejod[Sim]: no problemo
16:25.26voidptrthe mobiles with voicemail
16:25.26voidptrthat are being used in "twinning"
16:25.26kapejodbut it all takes time ;)
16:26.10[Sim]yes, but time is limited :P
16:26.36*** join/#asterisk scott (
16:27.01voidptri broke my nail
16:28.47tim27when i call sip from sip and i put call on hold... i dont ear music on hold..., i can hear it if i speak in the handset of the phone, but like one sec after this i dont ear it anymore, and i got the rtp.c , (process_rfc3389)
16:33.38tim27any got a idea
16:38.45wasimyeah, turn off vad
16:40.09voidptrwasim !
16:46.23wasimtim27: vad is silence supression
16:47.43tim27i saw on that was silence suppression, but do i need it ???, this have something in relation to echo, and how i can turn it off on 7905 phone
16:51.32Corydon76-homeTurn off silence suppression, if possilbe
16:52.59kapejodhow can silence be suppressed? ;-)
16:53.25RoyK~kill wasim
16:53.27ACTION slits wasim's throat
16:53.55wasimbah, i was just proving the point
16:54.55wasim~surpress royk
16:55.05RoyK~castrate wasim
16:55.10wasim: say AAAAAAAAAAAARRGGH!
16:55.11RoyK~frag wasim
16:55.17ACTION readies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at wasim
16:57.38loko_mokoIS anyone using ICG Communications?
16:59.48kapejodmorning bkw_
17:01.10loko_moko~seen h3x
17:01.12h3x <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 10h 4m 16s ago, saying: 'thats what i should have been doing tongith'.
17:01.30loko_mokoonline via cell, nice
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17:04.13bkw_tim27 nope I dont know how
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17:08.58RoyKbAD DOG!
17:11.12UnixDogwho is bad dog I see no bad dog
17:11.13bkw_time to kill SBC
17:11.20bkw_customer changes phone number 4 months ago
17:11.36bkw_number gets assigned to new customer finally... previous customers DSL is gone
17:13.38marcus-man, i have to recommend these cheapo dell rackmount servers
17:13.44marcus-they rock
17:14.01bobmanmarcus-: What models?
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17:14.11marcus-the poweredge 650
17:15.28bobmanLooks pretty good.  Why do you recommend them (other than the rocking)?
17:16.30RoyKmarcus-: build your own!
17:16.47marcus-building your own sucks
17:17.07RoyK~slap marcus-
17:17.10ACTION slaps marcus-, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
17:17.29marcus-i've built plenty of my own
17:17.39RoyKmarcus-: it's a LOT better than buying the dlink shite. you need to buy fscking dlink RAM then
17:17.48RoyK...which cost <<2
17:18.00marcus-uh dell doesnt require you to buy their ram
17:18.01bobmanRoyK: Wake up!
17:18.12RoyKthey do on the newer machines
17:18.22marcus-i got 1u p4 2.4ghz for $750
17:18.39RoyKthat's fscking cheap
17:18.44RoyKthat's dell???+
17:18.48marcus-no shit, sherlock
17:18.53bkw_RoyK what are you smokin?
17:18.53RoyKis that with ht or not?
17:18.57marcus-with 3yr onsite warranty
17:19.03marcus-no HT
17:19.27marcus-bios serial console
17:19.28*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
17:19.29marcus-dual gig
17:19.44bobmanmarcus-: How'd you get it that low?
17:19.44marcus-easy linux access to all of the hardware monitoring stuff
17:19.49bkw_I would go to dell's website but it seems I can't
17:19.52marcus-bobman; waited for some stupid sale
17:19.58marcus-they have them all the time
17:20.20bkw_ya they change that shit daily
17:20.26marcus-i'm gonna get a bunch more of them the next time a good sale comes around
17:20.27marcus-i got three this time
17:20.34marcus-they are nice little boxes
17:20.43bkw_marcus- send me one
17:20.44marcus-perfect for remote datacenters that i will never see
17:20.57marcus-bk; send me $1000
17:21.06bkw_you just said you paid 750 for em
17:21.56bkw_HAHA the wizard of OZ comercial music is Moby.. thats a new one to me
17:22.24marcus-it'll be cool when server mfgs finally stop bothering to include floppy/cdrom drives
17:22.39marcus-and support booting from flash usb devices, i guess
17:22.45blitzrageI like having a floppy drive in my computer
17:22.47blitzrageand a cdrom
17:22.51bkw_me too
17:22.54marcus-i think its unecessary for servers
17:22.58marcus-wastes space and money
17:23.01blitzrageI think it's necessary
17:23.05bkw_USB key drives are kill
17:23.07bkw_er killer
17:23.11marcus-yeah they are
17:23.18marcus-floppies in servers == pointless
17:23.19bkw_I want a 2 gig unit
17:23.23marcus-unless you have stupid bios issues to deal with
17:23.25bkw_marcus- no it isn't
17:23.28marcus-(*cough* PC bullshit)
17:23.34bkw_marcus- nice place to put a tripwire database
17:23.35blitzragefloppy drives are a best when you can't get into the system any other way
17:23.42blitzragebkw_: not a bad idea :)
17:23.49bkw_or in my case slipwire
17:23.53bkw_slipwire is simpler to use
17:23.59blitzragemake the floppy read only.
17:24.01marcus-blitz; its best if the system doesnt require a floppy as a last resort
17:24.10bkw_blitzrage but you have to make sure it doesn't try to boot off the floopy
17:24.15bkw_er floppy
17:24.20blitzragebkw_: yah.. you can disable that in the bios thouse
17:24.23bkw_otherwise a reboot gets that nasty error
17:24.26bkw_blitzrage yep
17:24.30marcus-theres plenty of things you can do with tripwire dbs
17:24.30blitzragebkw_: yah.. that'd be no good :)
17:24.40marcus-that dont require floppies
17:24.44bkw_me luvs tripwire
17:24.49marcus-and besides, why not just use a usb keychain for that?
17:25.21bkw_marcus- reliability
17:25.28marcus-wtf d00d
17:25.34marcus-floppies are notoriously unreliable
17:25.34bkw_but to think about it.. USB and Floppy would be about the same
17:26.19marcus-how can an unsealed rotating magnetic drive mechanism possibly be considered as reliable as a solid state flash device?
17:26.21marcus-you're on crack
17:26.35bkw_those solidstate flash things don't last forever
17:26.44*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
17:26.51blitzragethey have a maximum number of writes
17:26.55marcus-they last a hell of a lot longer than floppies
17:27.19marcus-you shouldnt be writing to your tripwire dbs all that much
17:27.23tim27do use voicepulse do we need a us address ???
17:27.28marcus-tim; no
17:27.33marcus-all you need is a cc
17:27.57bkw_marcus- but see a USB drive hangin off the front of your server in a datacenter will be gone in no time
17:28.09marcus-lock your cabinets :P
17:28.18tim27you pay by credit card ... and they invoice to anywhere ???
17:28.22marcus-and i still think its silly to use floppies/usb keychains/whatever for your tripwire dbs
17:28.31marcus-tim; they dont invoice anywhere.  they just take your cc#
17:28.47marcus-they email you the invoice
17:28.59blitzragemarcus-: haha.. I was just going to say that (about the invoice)
17:29.41*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
17:31.43voidptrthis is wonderful
17:31.48bkw_voidptr what sup?
17:32.05voidptrnot much
17:32.15voidptrdesigning something in my mind
17:32.44voidptri bet i'm missing something which makes it shit in practice
17:34.14*** join/#asterisk RoyK_T (
17:37.36Mochi everyone
17:38.28tclarkheyya mark any comment on these te410's that stop generrating interrupts bug 707
17:39.46*** join/#asterisk FatboyFitz (~mirc@
17:39.51kramtclark: i have been on vacation not bug tracking
17:40.14kramin any case i've been working on new firmware for TE4XXP
17:40.58FatboyFitzI am having a problem with * not reliably interpreting the '3' key on one of my phones - is there a setting I can tweak?
17:41.49voidptronly the 3?
17:42.02voidptri bet it has dirt under that key ;)
17:42.10FatboyFitzThat is the most noticeable - probably 95% of the time.
17:42.11MocFatboyFitz: Well I had this with some softphone,
17:42.23MocI've being told to put dtmfmode=inband in my sip config for the phone
17:42.33Mocmaybe that will help you out
17:42.46FatboyFitzBTW, worked fine when connected to the phone companies line. It is a plantronics headset phone.
17:43.56Mocyou got a T1 Phone ? :)
17:44.16FatboyFitzSometimes it registers the '3' more than once, but usually it ignores it.
17:44.39wasimFatboyFitz: try relaxdtmf=yes
17:44.58FatboyFitzMoc: I do have a Cisco 7960, but this is a plain old redular phone that I am having the problem with.
17:45.14FatboyFitzwasim: in which file?
17:45.17MocFatboyFitz: I had this problem with Softphone, doubling of number with SIP phone... ppl told me to set dtmfmode=inband in my sip for the phone you could try that
17:45.34MocFatboyFitz: you have what a ATA-186 ?
17:46.13FatboyFitzIt is a Plantronics CT10
17:46.20FatboyFitzNot a SIP phone
17:46.32Mocbut how do you connect it to * ?
17:46.36MocTDM400 card ?
17:46.46FatboyFitzUsing a channel bank and the 100 card from digium
17:46.47Mocor a T1 channel banks
17:47.05FatboyFitzIt is a Cactus Lite channel bank
17:47.09Mocha ... ok I currently can't afford that setup to play with
17:47.36FatboyFitzGot it on ebay - total cost was about 700 for the card from digium and the bank - I splurged
17:47.58Mocthat seem like a good deal
17:48.29FatboyFitzThe card costs the most - if you watch ebay, you will see low priced used channel banks periodically
17:48.58MocIm not really good for ebay ...
17:49.18MocDont trust most of the ppl there ... I always think there a trap
17:49.18tclarkCactus Lite == CAC Adit 600 ?
17:51.04FatboyFitzYes - I think the Cactus Lite was an early rev of that. When I asked for a manual for it, they sent me the Adit 600 manual and it seems to be accurate.
17:51.17*** join/#asterisk hermie (
17:51.49FatboyFitzMoc: I always try to email the seller to get a better sense of the person - still YMMV
17:52.09tclarkthats a very good channel bank , never had any issues with cant beleive you got the bank for (700-500) $200
17:53.33MocI thought a channel bank was to convert T1 to Analog lines ?
17:54.07tclarkit is, that will prolly cose around 300-400
17:54.08FatboyFitzThat's what I remeber it as (It may have been 250 but not much more) - It has 2 T1 interfaces, 16 fxs and 8 fxo
17:54.56tclarkFatboyFitz: thats worth at least 500-900, the fxo card will go 250-400 alone
17:55.19FatboyFitzAnd the seller was nice enough to throw in a 50 row 66-punch-down block with it, gratis
17:56.16FatboyFitzWell, one of the FXO channels seems to be hosed now - if I plug in a phone line to it, it takes it off hook immediately, but the other 7 seem to work fine
17:57.32FatboyFitzThe relaxdtmf=yes seems to have fixed the problem - Thanks!
17:57.36MocIP routing built in ? Im lost with those channel bank
17:57.39tclarkFatboyFitz: you can call CAC any pay 175/year for a "5-8 spare in the air" on used CAC gear
17:58.15FatboyFitztclark: You lost me - what is "5-8 spare in the air"
17:58.48tclarkits CAC name for 5 day a week 8 hours , warranty replacment program
17:59.30FatboyFitzMoc: My limited knowledge may be off, but the 24 channels on a T1 can be split into data or voice channels in any combo. The IP routing is to facilitate use of the data channels.
17:59.51FatboyFitztclark: Yeah, but it's already busted - I don't think they would let me in now ;-)
18:00.01tclarkthey dont know that :)
18:00.05MocOk sound nice ...
18:00.47Moccan setup a 24 analog phone office with about 1000$ + PC + X100p card (Still hoping FCC Release FXO module for TDM400 !!!)
18:00.55tclarkmacTijn: vina are a real pain, they dont stand behind used gear, youll have to pay that much again for support for its passwd locked for example
18:01.07FatboyFitztclark: Believe me when I tell you that you are evil - evil absolute! ;^D
18:01.17Moclol ok thanks for the hint tclark
18:01.51Mocseem better :
18:03.09FatboyFitzMoc: You want one with both fxs and fxo - one is for connecting the phone companies lines, the other for connecting your internal phones.
18:03.46MocHa ok thought channel bank was only FXS..
18:04.25*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (~TestMasTe@
18:04.46FatboyFitzThey can be configured in many ways. If you only have the one phone line, then you can get a single fxo card, and go with an all fxs channel bank.
18:05.36voidptrwhy do people shout in the subjects of email :
18:05.54FatboyFitzSo that you know to delete them without even reading them
18:06.15MocFatboyFitz: my spam processor deleted them for me ;)
18:06.40FatboyFitzI need to train my SpamAssassin setup so it works better
18:06.50MocOk my big question, can I make an Ip phone act like a meridian (2616) Phone.
18:07.48Mocbah already asked and answer was no...
18:10.02*** join/#asterisk criptos (
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18:16.04dougheckaCOOL WEBSITE -->
18:21.00Mocsure doughecka
18:21.06Cybogot slashdotted earlier :/
18:23.52MocVoice/Data communication is soo cool..
18:24.07MocI think Im gona switch job
18:26.26voidptrits quite interesting
18:26.52MocCan't really have PRI line at home :(
18:29.07Mocis it real asterisk on Dual processor isn't a good idea ?
18:29.19Mocs/real/true that
18:29.26voidptrsome people say so... other people have no problems with it
18:31.36[Sim]the biggest point AFAIK is that debugging/troubleshooting with dual proc systems is much harder
18:31.41MocWell I got problem in single CPU.. so I guess it normal it crash in dual also.
18:31.53[Sim]so if you want a box for production then you should be fine :)
18:31.54zoawhat problem do you have moc ?
18:32.18MocThe other day, I couldn't get asterisk started for more than 4 minutes, always crashed during load..
18:32.26Mocafter 5 try, well it work
18:32.54Mocalso alot of time, when I exit from the console (from asterisk -vvvr) asterisk shutdown with me
18:33.04Mocstuffs like that
18:33.46blllmoc: just get a bunch of BRIs
18:34.07voidptr[Sim] : i would think it doesn't mind... threads are just hell to debug in general :)
18:34.11Moclike this : usg1*CLI> reload
18:34.11MocDisconnected from Asterisk server
18:34.11MocExecuting last minute cleanups
18:34.26voidptrbut what i was referring to is more crashes on smp
18:34.32voidptrbut maybe its just on athlon mp :P
18:35.52Moclike now,
18:35.53Mocusg1*CLI> reload
18:35.58Mocdoesn't reload anymore ..
18:36.05Mocall kind of problem like that
18:36.39Mocand asterisk is frozen.. can't do nothing..
18:36.45Mocno dial tone on TDM400 card ..
18:36.51Moceven stop now dont work
18:36.59Mocusg1*CLI> stop now
18:38.25zoamoc: try to reconnect
18:38.28zoaand reload again
18:38.40zoathat also happens on a restart gracefully sometimes
18:38.51zoaif it doenst, run gdb on it
18:38.54zoasee where it hangs
18:40.00Rob--anyone else here having luck signing up to fwd? It's been nearly 24 hours now, and I haven't received an email.
18:40.43Moczoa: well just did something, reload asterisk alot of time closely, and asterisk shutdown
18:42.11Moczoa: seem to only work in asterisk -vvvr
18:42.21MocI tryed it in asterisk -vvvc and it was fine
18:42.22MocBroken pipe
18:42.31Mocat less it reproductible ;)
18:43.04hermieat least some of you use OSS in business, right?
18:44.09*** join/#asterisk Cybo (
18:44.55criptoshermie yes, why?
18:45.22hermiethere's some free software out there that I can't find for the life of me
18:46.18hermieI know it exists... it was an application that allowed you to export product data to customers in different formats
18:47.00Mocafter like 10,25 reload, asterisk shutdown
18:49.55bkw_I can't take my cellphone number with me
18:50.09bkw_I pay that fucking number portability fee
18:50.26bkw_only the top 100 markets can do that until may sometime
18:51.56*** part/#asterisk miller7 (
18:52.32TestMasTerquestion, I`ve got music on hold working, But when the other person pick`s up, i can`t hear him talking if I remove the "m" from his sip line and replace it with a "t" its fine
18:52.41TestMasTerany ideas?
18:53.19bkw_no clue
18:54.03TestMasTerok thanx anyway
18:55.49dougheckabkw_: cell phone sux
18:55.51*** join/#asterisk kainz (
18:57.35zoawhere do i set that freaky dtmf detection option ?
18:57.47zoafor when you have problems recognizing dtmf ?
18:58.07dougheckaI never have problems with dtmf
18:58.15dougheckalatest cvs/no busy detect?
18:58.22zoano no
18:58.27zoai have problems with some phones
18:58.32zoaand i know there is a setting
18:58.36zoajust don't know which file
18:58.39dougheckathe inband/outband/info mode
18:58.41zoai want to try it out
18:58.44zoathats not it
18:58.50zoazaptel dtmf
18:58.52dougheckabkw_: whoopdedo
18:58.54*** join/#asterisk Cybo (
18:59.14dougheckaI never ever have problems with dtmf through zaptel
19:01.21MocProgram received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
19:01.21Moc[Switching to Thread 1125350192 (LWP 792)]
19:01.21Moc0x420743b0 in _int_malloc () from /lib/tls/
19:01.25Mocthat doesn't tell me much
19:02.01bkw_Moc yes it does
19:02.11bkw_seems to be a memory issue in a malloc
19:02.13Connor_Bad Memory
19:02.31bkw_could be
19:02.32Connor_have you tried to compile your kernel yet?
19:02.38voidptrbad memory, or just pointer corruption
19:02.44Connor_That's the BEST test I know of for memory...
19:02.57voidptrmemtest86? :P
19:02.58Mochow can I know what function call that malloc ?
19:03.12Mocvoidptr: ECC ram
19:03.31voidptrwhy talking to me with that?
19:03.36Connor_ECC is just another name for Parity Ram..
19:03.45Connor_Nothing New, can still be bad ram.
19:04.04voidptrMoc : did you happen to have gentoo livecd?
19:04.20MocI already run mem86 btw ..
19:04.28voidptrand, nothing?
19:04.30Mocram seem fine...
19:04.35Mocdidnt do the 25hours check
19:04.42Mocbut it seem fine
19:04.45Connor_Compile your linux kernel.
19:05.11MocI bet more on a problem with asterisk when calling the malloc
19:05.14Connor_if it compiles, you shouldn't have any hardware problems with cpu or memory.
19:05.34bkw_MOc I bet not
19:05.34MocIt compile fine (I had to to get my VPN setup)
19:05.57Moclet me try on another hardware then ..
19:06.00voidptrConnor: i can compile a kernel without a sig11 on bad ram ;)
19:06.34Connor_Moc, you using ztdummy by chance?
19:06.37voidptrkernel compile is a pretty flawed test.. should only be used as indication when something goes wrong
19:07.07MocConnor: nope got a TDM400 inside
19:07.22Moccrashed also on another system
19:07.37Connor_you tried make clean on * src ?
19:07.39bkw_run under valgrind
19:07.56bkw_some people just have bad luck
19:08.06MocConnor: Ive being compiling practicly everyday for the last 2 week heeh
19:08.38bkw_Moc valgrind
19:08.41bkw_need I say more
19:09.24Mocwhat is valgrind ?
19:09.36Mocok downloading
19:10.47Mocbut can't with gdb know what file/function called the malloc ?
19:10.57bkw_silly silly man
19:11.01bkw_valgrind is realtime
19:11.08bkw_you can see things unfold
19:11.11Mocok ok ..
19:11.18bkw_very very helpful
19:11.23voidptrMoc : did you try backtrace?
19:11.30bkw_yes he did
19:11.34bkw_its a malloc issue
19:11.56Mocnope voidptr, i just looked very quickly at gdb info
19:12.09Mocit just what it showed me when asterisk segment fauted
19:12.37bkw_doughecka thats Michael Jacksons moto
19:12.51bkw_Moc gdb will give you the bt... just type bt
19:14.46*** join/#asterisk km- (
19:15.22bkw_ho ho ho
19:15.24bkw_its kem
19:15.25bkw_er km-
19:15.33km-kim! AGAIN!
19:15.36bkw_I have lost 4 pounds
19:16.05dougheckaI ate all of mine
19:16.14MocProgram received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
19:16.14Moc[Switching to Thread 1133742896 (LWP 4982)]
19:16.14Moc0x41c1ebc0 in transmit_register (r=0x8131c78, cmd=0x41c37d46 "REGISTER",
19:16.16bkw_doughecka all of what?
19:16.17Moc3069                    snprintf(from, sizeof(from), "<sip:%s@%s>;tag=as%08x", r->username, r->hostname, p->tag);
19:16.24km-my wife also got me a bag of reeses
19:16.25km-bad wife
19:16.32bkw_Moc take that register line out of the sip.conf
19:16.42bkw_you have a problem with it
19:17.12km-I just got done watching triple x
19:17.18km-that movie is absolutely amusing
19:17.36MocI get different each time I make it crash
19:17.37km-vin diesel needs to win an award for "Silliest Bad Ass"
19:17.51dougheckakm-: mind emailing a copy of it to me?
19:18.11km-sorry buddy, with all of my computer power it'd still take me 3 days to divx it for ya :)
19:18.19km-that's what blockbuster is for :)
19:18.24dantMoc, really makes me think there's just something shagged on your machine rather than *
19:18.36bkw_Moc if its diffrent every time you crash you have memory or other hardware related issues
19:18.52bkw_dant I totally agree.. its hardware related
19:19.32bkw_Vin Diesel is hawt!
19:19.32Mocbkw_: Generally when I had those problem with other software of mine, is problem with thread or pointer that get out of it define maximum
19:19.50bkw_Moc what distro you running on?
19:20.03bkw_DING DING DING
19:20.06bkw_RH9 has issues
19:20.15dougheckaI ran it fine on my box
19:20.18dougheckawith a zap card
19:20.23dougheckaI AM running it fine
19:20.24bkw_export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1
19:20.28bkw_Moc try that
19:20.31dougheckaI never had to do that
19:20.45bkw_doughecka some people say it fixes their RH9 drama
19:20.52dougheckawhat drama?
19:21.04dougheckaits been totaly flawless on my RH9 box
19:21.21bkw_doughecka your like me.. I don't have drama
19:21.27bkw_but for some reason people have issues
19:21.29Moc*CLI> reloadKilled
19:21.29Moc[root@usg2 root]#
19:21.38dantI've been using FC1 for a while, which has all the same mods and more over RH9 without problems... it all just works... but some people have a skill of making things break...
19:21.50dougheckayour running it as root?!?!
19:21.52bkw_dant ya really
19:21.55Moctesting as root
19:21.59dougheckano wonder you have issues
19:21.59bkw_doughecka it runs as root
19:22.09dougheckabkw_: arg, you spoiled it
19:22.10bkw_doughecka you idiot.. I run mine as root
19:22.19bkw_doughecka you are full of shit.. sorry
19:22.24bkw_couldn't let you get away with it again
19:22.33dougheckaso what about my hidden trojen in asterisk?
19:22.50bkw_doughecka we don't need your used condoms
19:23.03dantdoughecka, I wondered why my * box was generating 4Mb/s of traffic with no calls :)
19:23.05Mocmaybe my gentoo install from yesterday is soon finish... might tryed it on that
19:23.08dougheckadant: doh
19:23.17bkw_Moc gentoo is the bomb
19:23.19dougheckahah, cool...
19:23.28bkw_its the best linux disto I have found.
19:23.41Mockind of long to install thought
19:23.46voidptrthank god i actually took the configs of those cisco switches... my god..
19:23.48dougheckaleft kazaa running over night... downloaded all sorts of stuff.. things now have 9 min left, instead of 140 days
19:23.50Corydon76-homeYou must not have found Mandrake, then
19:23.51bkw_Moc you can doa  stage 3 install in like 40 min
19:23.56dougheckavoidptr: like yah
19:24.05dougheckaCorydon76-work: indeed
19:24.27bkw_Corydon mandrake is just a redhat knock off
19:24.36Mocbkw_: I got use to a 10min to install linux ;)
19:24.51dougheckataking 3 weeks to install gentoo sux
19:24.55bkw_I like my 4 min BSD installs
19:24.58Corydon76-homeNo, it started out as a RedHat knockoff... but it is quite another beast these days
19:25.04Mocyes BSD was fast also ..
19:25.05dougheckanow debian... I couldnt get my asterisk to compile
19:25.12MocMinimal FreeBSD was quick..
19:25.16dougheckaBSD is DED!
19:25.23bkw_no it isn't
19:25.25bkw_BSD is the shit
19:25.31bkw_and * needs hardware support on BSD
19:25.58bkw_doughecka if you did.. you would be in heaven
19:25.59dougheckaI do have BSD/OS or something
19:26.11bkw_but i'm falling in love with gentoo faster
19:26.15Corydon76-homeOdd how people have been talking about hardware support for BSD for over 2 years, yet it hasn't happened yet.
19:26.24bkw_Corydon exactly
19:26.39bkw_hell I said the same thing about unixODBC also..
19:26.52bkw_who knows.. maybe one night I will crank out a kernel driver for freebsd
19:26.55MocI liked bsd, but Liked to beable to keep my install secure using automatic update
19:26.59dougheckaI found it!
19:26.59km-bkw: odbc and device drivers are two totally seperate animals :)
19:27.06bkw_km exactly
19:27.16dougheckaBSD/OS Eval Software
19:27.29dougheckawill run for 3 months
19:27.33dougheckabefore it needs a licence
19:27.38Corydon76-homeHey, bkw_ wants to be known as a guy who writes drivers, more power to him
19:27.49bkw_not really
19:28.15bkw_i'm know as the guy that wrote the software to allow * to talk to MSSQL
19:28.32doughecka1:30 min left!
19:28.59dougheckaI have a .net Tshirt!
19:29.00bkw_EWWWW NO
19:29.05bkw_get that evil MS cert away from me
19:29.13bkw_my boss said he would cut my pay if I got a MCSE
19:29.20bkw_but he would pay for my Cisco certs
19:29.24dougheckaare you your own boss?
19:29.54zoa --> bkw, eat your heart out
19:30.06dougheckabloody hell
19:30.13dougheckait allready finished downloading anyway
19:30.33bkw_zoa haha
19:30.43km-you guys are all living large
19:30.46km-but do you have a microsoft ID badge?
19:30.48km-mmm hmmm
19:30.52dougheckaa card
19:31.00dougheckaits got a neat hologram on it
19:31.11MocMine is an implant
19:31.18km-the microsoft company store rules
19:31.22Cybobkw: you going for a CCNA?
19:31.22km-visual studio .net was like $60
19:31.30Corydon76-homeI think I'd rather eat chunky sawdust than get a Microsoft ID badge
19:31.33bkw_Cybo dont know why I would
19:31.34dougheckaI wish I could go for a CCNA
19:31.40bkw_Cybo I already know more than a CCNA would
19:31.41km-bah, microsoft isn't that bad
19:31.47Cyboyeah, but it can be nice to have
19:31.53Cybobut experience always > certificate
19:32.02Corydon76-homeWhere have you been?  Microsoft is the epitome of evil
19:32.12dougheckaout of 200 clients that my work manages... 1 of them have a unix box, and we cant touch it...
19:32.17km-oh, I forgot to go to that bigotry meeting! :)
19:32.19doughecka(that was fun too...)
19:32.43dougheckahere was a cool problem....
19:32.52dougheckaok, unix box, we cant touch it...
19:33.10dougheckawe can ping it on all the network
19:33.17dougheckabut the gateway cant ping it
19:33.25bkw_eat your heart out
19:33.31dougheckaand people outside on another vpn cant ping it
19:33.37km-I apparently am outmanned and outgunned here!
19:34.03km-btw, are any of you guys going to linuxworld this year?
19:34.05dougheckathe network has 2 gateways. one is a ATM gateway
19:34.18dougheckait was pingable from the ATM gateway...
19:34.35Corydon76-homeProbably not.
19:34.36dougheckaoh yea, and the whole network was a mess... each computer was on its own subnet
19:35.35dougheckamakes it hard to find out where the frickin PC is
19:35.35Corydon76-homeAt least, not until our hardware product is close to market.
19:35.35km-your hardware product? :)
19:35.41Corydon76-homeChannel bank that fits in a 5.25" drive bay.
19:35.52km-well now that's interesting
19:36.04km-still needs a t1 to interface to?
19:36.09dougheckafound out the unix box was pointed at the wrong gateway, and had a bad subnet.. thus, only half of the network could reach it
19:36.14Corydon76-homeFor the time being, yes
19:36.41dougheckatook us all day to figure it out
19:36.41km-how you gonna fit 24 fxs/fxo ports on a 5.25 enclosure?
19:36.45dougheckaover the phone
19:36.52dougheckasince the vpn wasnt able to ping it
19:36.54km-I take it running pairs out of rj45
19:37.09Corydon76-homeProbably not going to be a harmonica
19:37.14zoahow much will it cost ?
19:37.27tclarkkm-: there is a amp 50 on the front of the drive rbay :)
19:37.27Corydon76-homeIt's still being worked out
19:37.53zoaapprox ?
19:37.53Corydon76-homeYep, probably Amp 50 to a punchdown block
19:38.15Corydon76-homeWe'll announce to the list when we have a price figure
19:38.40km-oh, so a centronics type plug?
19:38.44km-that's cool
19:39.05Corydon76-homeAt a certain point, it's trivial whether we use a C50 plug or take up 2 5.25" bays for plugs
19:39.21km-that's kinda cool
19:39.22tclarkeach port will be fxo or fxs ?
19:39.29km-I take it it's going to cost a whole bunch
19:39.33Corydon76-homeGroupable by 4, but yes
19:40.01tclarkand how about some echo cans ?
19:40.11Corydon76-homePreliminary guess, but above $500 and below $3000
19:40.34Corydon76-hometclark:  we're looking at it
19:40.53*** join/#asterisk oej2 (
19:41.09Corydon76-homeI can't be definite about a price without being surely wrong.
19:42.36tclarkbe kinda cool if the t1 interface did not require a zaptel 500 t1 card as well, then you'd realy have sumfin unique
19:42.36Mochey my Gentoo install actually seem to be working
19:43.15Corydon76-homeNo, we're looking to complement Digium, not compete with Digium at this time.
19:44.39segaltclark: but it will be cool if Digium looks at something like that.
19:45.09MocDigium could make alot more hardware than they currently do, but 1 big problem is to APPROVE these device !!1
19:45.26*** join/#asterisk sobol (
19:46.16voidptrhey sobol
19:46.58sobolvoidptr: helo
19:47.12sobolvoidptr: how are things?
19:47.21voidptrpretty fine :)
19:47.31sobolvoidptr: good
19:47.50sobolvoidptr: ok, but could be better :-)
19:48.07voidptryeah same here though
19:48.57sobolwhat * is doing in paris :->
19:49.21voidptrwhat do you mean?
19:49.45sobolis there meeting or what ?
19:49.50voidptrthere was
19:49.56tclarkCorydon76-home: or instead of echo can look at how CAC implement waht they call dynamic impedance matching on the ADIt 600's
19:55.12Mikebkw_: like the idea that i told you?
19:56.50zoawho is making the hardware now ?
19:56.52rpbAnyone know of other IRC channels for voip, ...
19:56.58zoazapatatelephony ? or digium ?
19:57.18vvenka1Whats the difference between asterisk and safe_asterisk?
19:57.34zoasafe_asterisk is a wrapper
19:57.40zoathat will restart asterisk on shutdown
19:57.43dougheckalike whats on a baby ruth
19:57.49zoaor coredump
19:57.53zoaor crash
19:57.57zoawhatever you prefer
19:58.07vvenka1oh... thats good. thanks
19:58.35zoathats 1$ mr
19:58.46zoapaypal it to bkw
19:58.49bkw_Mike what size hd?
19:59.09zoaand especially, what idea ?
19:59.50zoa"you 2 getting back together"-idea?
20:00.36zoaor the lets go to the parking lot again idea, where disksize meant em di*ksize ?
20:00.46scott_Sub Total:  $8,076,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00  
20:00.55zoathats cool scott
20:00.59zoapaypal it to me
20:01.04zoaill count it for you
20:01.10zoascott must be nigerian
20:01.32zoaor congolese
20:01.44zoathose guys always want to give me a shitload of money
20:02.13scott_Microsoft VBScript runtime  error '800a0006'
20:02.13scott_Overflow: '[number: 2.3E+94]'
20:02.16scott_haha, i broke it
20:04.32JerJertha'ts what you get for running vbscript
20:04.49zoayou broke it, you pay it
20:05.42bkw_JerJer can you apply bug 727 to cvs please
20:05.59bkw_small makefile fix for cdr_odbc
20:07.07scott_im not running it
20:07.10scott_some online shopping store is
20:07.43bkw_scott_ you mean atacomm?
20:08.21zoa@comm ? :)
20:09.43zoabkw will get very mad :)
20:09.49bkw_vvenka1 damn you
20:12.06*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
20:14.11zoawhy ?
20:14.18bkw_I don't trust them
20:14.27Connor_neither do I.
20:14.27bkw_they run hot
20:14.32bkw_suck juice
20:14.40bkw_I just don't want them in a production env
20:14.58bkw_I'm not knocking them.... for desktops
20:15.10bkw_vvenka1 STOP THAT
20:15.17bkw_here/away/here/away... very anoying
20:15.19zoaonly kram is allowed to do that :)
20:15.33bkw_and kram doesn't do it 10 times in a row
20:15.38zoavvenka: you should start telling us what music you are listening to
20:18.12JerJerbkw_:  Bug 727 finnally applied
20:18.28*** join/#asterisk tangel_ (tangel@
20:19.22tangelis there recommended getting started documentation?
20:19.31Mikebkw_: no HD
20:19.36Mikebkw_: CDROM
20:19.38bkw_  <-- thats funny
20:19.50Mikebkw_: 20USD the cdrom drive .50 for a cdr
20:19.51bkw_JerJer thanks
20:20.36bkw_and that bug is already open
20:21.11bkw_but 657
20:21.13bkw_er bug
20:21.26Mikebkw_: what do you think
20:21.37Mikebkw_: running the hole thing on a cdrom
20:21.49Mikebkw_: no filesystem corruption nor HD broken
20:22.00Mikeincreses its security also
20:22.17JerJercvs is has been really slow for me lately :(
20:22.32bkw_Mike how do you change any settings.. or store voicemail?
20:23.06vvenka1sorry guys, i was busy.. who should i give 1$ now?
20:23.10JerJeryhow about that that new thin air drive?
20:23.11dantwell, for the settings at least
20:23.12Mikebkw_: if the client wants any changes calls you and tells you i want an extra extension you charge him 50bucks and send him via ups a new cdrom with his updates
20:23.21Mikebkw_: he takes the old cdrom and put in the new one
20:23.27Mikebkw_: or you send him the .iso
20:23.28dantMike, erm...
20:23.30JerJerwholy corncob batman
20:23.41Mikebkw_: you store voicemail on a usb memory?
20:23.52Mikebkw_: 512mb for 35hours on voicemail?
20:23.54rpbrun the config files off a floppy
20:24.08JerJerhow about writing the asterisk pipe and pid file ?
20:24.48dant128mb compactflash would do for all but VM
20:25.07Rob--Has anyone here got an fwd account I could borrow? I'm trying to register, but it's not working.
20:25.09bkw_dant 128 is alot of voicemail in gsm format
20:25.14MikeJerJer: theres distros/patches to make linux distro run on a cdrom
20:25.18bkw_Rob-- fwd is hozed
20:25.32bkw_Mike its just cheaper to smack in a HD with no CD
20:25.40JerJerMike: sure, for read-only operations
20:25.40dantbkw_, aye, but, wouldn't like to shove that many potential writes through a flash card
20:25.49JerJeror takes half of your ram for a ramdrive
20:25.58bkw_dant me either
20:25.59Mikebkw_: but less secure theres data corruption or hd gets broken
20:26.09JerJerbkw_: i agree
20:26.12bkw_Mike its called a journalized file system
20:26.13Rob--that's a bugger. I wanted to call someone in australia
20:26.19JerJeri've got many boxes out there with just HDs
20:26.23JerJerkeep good backups
20:26.27Mikebkw_: jornaling wont help all the time
20:26.39Mikebkw_: ive seen EXT3 and reiserf with data corruption
20:26.49Mikebkw_: ive never seen a cdrom with data corruption
20:26.50bkw_Mike you are doing it wrong then
20:26.58Mikebkw_: not really
20:27.06bkw_reiserfs is rock solid
20:27.07vvenka1sorry about the away/here/there message. i'm using kopete and it was sending those messages when ever i move my stupid mouse. i disabled it now.
20:27.18bkw_vvenka1 hehe thanks! :P
20:27.21Mikebkw_: not true
20:27.25dougheckame niether
20:27.25bkw_Mike I can unplug the box
20:27.28bkw_panic the kernel
20:27.34dougheckanever ever had problems burning cds
20:27.34bkw_or what ever I wish and its solid
20:27.36dougheckaor DVDs
20:28.08bkw_no they just don't last long
20:28.13bkw_CD-R's aren't long lasting
20:28.27bkw_Mike if people are the wreckless with servers they don't need them
20:28.44JerJeryeah, we've found u can get about 11 rewrites on a RW and not start expericing bad blocks on re-formats
20:28.58Mikebkw_: 5 years in use
20:29.06Mikebkw_: i guess in 5years maybe ill be dead so
20:29.10Mikebkw_: i can give it a try
20:29.22dantMike, use an HDD... just mount / & /etc read only and have /var & /tmp writable... if you need to make changes, remount /etc writable...
20:29.24SplasPoodbkw_: you ever have any luck unlocking that ATA from vonage?
20:29.37tangelwould asterisk seg fault if i don't have a soundcard (e.g. /dev/dsp) ?
20:29.43tangel(i'm running fbsd)
20:29.50Mikedant: the box could get compromised that way
20:30.10JerJerSplasPood: its not all that hard
20:30.19JerJerif u got the right equipment    :)
20:30.29SplasPoodWhat equipment is that? ;)
20:30.53SplasPoodhow'd I guess
20:31.00blllhuhuhuh, I've got the right equipment
20:31.03SplasPoodHow much does one of those go for?
20:31.12dougheckajtag interface you can build yourself, I believe
20:31.26JerJeryeah not all that much, if u do it right
20:31.58oej2tangel: Soundcard is not required at all. Go ahead.
20:32.49oej2tangel: read
20:33.09SplasPoodare all JTAGs equal?
20:33.30extra, extra, read all about it, jtag is a method of reflashing bricked devices. it stands for "joint test access group", if joshua_ remembers correctly. the method used is called "boundary scan" over a parallel port. it works by sending commands to twiddle individual pins on the CPU. LART JTAG info can be found at .
20:33.55SplasPoodyea, thats the page I'm lookin at
20:36.11JerJerso JTAG is the how
20:36.15JerJersee the mailing list for the where
20:36.17JerJergood luck
20:37.06bkw_no they are all random
20:38.12zoanew people should get a message from the bot
20:38.17zoathat points them to a FAQ
20:38.26zoaif they ask a question that is already on it
20:38.32bkw_hehe ya really
20:38.33zoathey should be put naked
20:38.39zoafor the entire chan to see
20:39.04zoareading the same questions over and over again
20:39.08zoais bad for my eyes
20:39.12bkw_same here
20:39.13zoawe should send them a bill
20:39.25dougheckahear hear
20:39.29zoai prefer to masturbate and get bad eyes then :)
20:39.45zoalook, sexpert is alive
20:39.49dougheckaits in perl
20:39.52bkw_doughecka get with it
20:40.03dougheckano I dont
20:40.04sxpertzoa: I feel insulted
20:40.09zoahehe :)
20:40.12zoano need to be insulted
20:40.14dantchanserv could do it?
20:40.25dougheckadats the bot
20:40.57zoa:::I have a red sign on my door. It says "If this sign is blue, you're moving too fast.
20:43.55Mikehow can i make it to simulate tone???
20:44.34Mikeyes like i got a pbx at office a panasonic pbx
20:44.47Mikei have extension 17 and i plug it to asterisk
20:45.00JerJershow application SendDTMF
20:45.08Mikei want to dial the extension on the other phones and asterisk to answer and say dial the number now and then give dial tone
20:45.15zoahehe, mike, we are not psychic, we can't know what you mean without the full explication :)
20:45.28JerJershow application PlayTone
20:45.49zoawhat exactly do you want to do ?
20:45.54zoaah sorry
20:46.02zoadisa yes
20:46.26JerJerdo you realy need DISA?
20:46.34zoanopez you don't
20:46.40zoayou could play a tone in the background
20:46.45sxpertDISA, as in Defense Information Security Agency ?
20:46.53zoawould playtone allow you to type numbers at the same time jerjer ?
20:46.59zoai'm not sure about that
20:48.06JerJeru gota be smarter than what your working on
20:48.31zoahehe jups
20:48.57PBXtechplay jeopardy music
20:48.59zoa1 point awarded to mike for not asking a stupid question :)
20:49.14zoatop scorers: Mike (1points)
20:50.12*** join/#asterisk ManxPowr_ (
20:52.17PBXtechhow do you time the call and kick a someone off that has ben talking over an hour?
20:53.04dantPBXtech, 3,Background,1hr_long_silence... 4,Hangup ;)
20:53.43Mikezoa: you suck
20:54.27bkw_PBXtech its called absolutetimeout
20:56.57bkw_PowerEdge 650
20:56.57bkw_Price does not include $100 Mail In Rebate.
20:57.18bkw_PowerEdge 650
20:57.18bkw_From $899
20:57.18bkw_Now from
20:57.18bkw_Price does not include $100 Mail In Rebate.
20:57.21Mikeexten => s,1,Answer
20:57.21Mikeexten => s,2,Wait(1)
20:57.21Mikeexten => s,3,Playback(/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/${SOUNDS}/g)
20:57.21Mikeexten => s,4,PlayTones(dial)
20:57.33Mikethat made it but when i start dialing i can still hear the tone
20:57.34Mikethat sucks
20:59.27bkw_use DISA
21:00.04Mikewhat do you mean with DISA?
21:01.07bkw_exten => s,5,DISA
21:01.18bkw_show applications DISA
21:01.22bkw_show application DISA
21:01.36bkw_xample: exten => s,1,DISA,no-password|local
21:03.17SplasPoodJerJer: I've searched the mailing list, I can't find anything about JTAG
21:03.37bkw_who said it was on the mailing list
21:03.56SplasPoodJerJer, I thought
21:04.05SplasPood15:37 < JerJer> see the mailing list for the where
21:06.17bkw_search the whole net
21:06.22bkw_not just the mailing list
21:07.01*** join/#asterisk sobol (
21:08.21PBXtechbkw, can I use absolutetimeout 58min play msg then 60min disconnect?
21:08.31[Sim]has anyone written a localization patch for DISA, by the way ?
21:08.33bkw_The responses you have provided indicate that your symptoms may be consistent with Adult ADD. It may be beneficial for you to talk with your healthcare professional about an evaluation.
21:08.38[Sim]I don't like that ugly US dialtone :-)
21:08.39bkw_PBXtech no
21:08.52PBXtechits just for the disconnect huh
21:09.09bkw_[Sim] live with it
21:09.12bkw_I have too
21:09.12PBXtechknow how to play the msg?
21:09.17bkw_PBXtech yes
21:09.41oejIs there any way to trace that the hangup was an absolutetimeout?
21:09.54bkw_its called when_tohangup
21:09.59oejbkw: Yes. but which two commands?
21:10.35bkw_60 min 2 min warning play file
21:10.39bkw_but the question is how to do that
21:10.46PBXtechthat would be cool
21:10.57bkw_its just rude to just hangup
21:11.02oejWhat do you do with the call while playing, park it?
21:11.25PBXtechhow do i time the msg today?
21:11.34oejif we could catch absolutetimeout instead of hangup, we could programme it logically.
21:11.36bkw_oej just interrupt it
21:11.40*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
21:12.07oejreturn parked extension in ${ABSOLUTEPARK}
21:12.17bkw_int ast_check_hangup(struct ast_channel *chan)
21:12.19oejthen we could do whatever we want and reconnect
21:12.30bkw_oej don't think... you make things too complicated
21:12.33oejnot just play a ´sound file.
21:12.57oejmaybe, but a generic solution could be longlasting :-)
21:13.08PBXtechwhere is absolutetimeout written in the code?
21:13.18bkw_if (chan->whentohangup > myt) return 0;
21:13.30bkw_but what you want is in channel.c
21:13.33bkw_or maybe rtp.c
21:13.46PBXtechwhat is rtp.c for
21:17.35*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
21:17.39oejthe hangup seems to be in pbx.c - pbx_builtin_atimeout
21:17.57oejSorry pbx_builtin_atimeout is the function called from the application
21:19.09bkw_but ast_check_hangup is where its checked
21:19.16bkw_so that would be the best point to do the check
21:19.36bkw_the pbx_builtin_atimeout would be the best place to parse in the needed info such as file to play and warning time
21:20.41oejJust found ast_check_hangup in channel.c... I just wonder how to play a file. This is obviously where you would break for the sound file.
21:21.33oejDo we do that somewhere else? Break into a call and add more audio? Only meetme...
21:24.07SplasPoodbkw_: I can find info about JTAG, but not jtag as it relates to the ata186
21:24.23oejFound this in channel.c:
21:24.24oej/* Okay, ulaw is used by all telephony equipment, so start with it */
21:24.36oejSilly Europeans :-)
21:25.21carrarThey are silly
21:25.49carrarsilly stuff
21:26.10carrarthey talk funny too
21:27.18*** join/#asterisk davetroy (
21:27.40oejCarrar: Wait till you see Swedish phone plugs... :-)
21:27.45davetroyare bkw or jtodd on right now?
21:27.58oejNot as bad as English power plugs though
21:28.01carrarthe 4 prongers?
21:28.22oejfour with one extra in the middle...
21:28.36carraryeah thats some good high tech stuff
21:29.02carrarcan double as a 220vac outlet ;)
21:29.32carrar3 phase no less
21:31.13tangelis the fbsd port known to be working?
21:31.35davetroyanybody having any problems with dtmf in cvs from last week or so?
21:32.27bkw_yes as in i'm here
21:32.33bkw_davetroy no issues with DTMF
21:33.42tangelSegmentation fault (core dumped)
21:33.49tangelshould this make me think the problem is in codec_mp3?
21:33.59bkw_codec_mp3 is gone
21:34.18bkw_unless you really need it
21:34.20bkw_but its gone
21:34.24bkw_its namespace is gone also
21:34.28tim27bkw_ can i use 7905, and 7960 for paging/intercom ???
21:34.36tangeldefault confs need updating then? ..asterisk.conf?
21:34.55davetroybkw having a really weird problem with dtmf/7960's...
21:34.56tangel..or do i need to rebuild?
21:35.00*** join/#asterisk biepwok (
21:35.01bkw_davetroy im' not
21:35.09bkw_tangel yes recheck out and rebuild asterisk
21:35.20bkw_davetroy wanna help with a project really fast?
21:35.26davetroysince last cvs > 1224 (last I did it).
21:35.41bkw_dave what dtmf mode are you using?
21:35.46davetroyI have 7960's set to dtmf inband
21:35.58bkw_use rfc2833
21:36.04bkw_I have no issues
21:36.09bkw_what codec are you using?
21:36.17blitzrageif it's not ulaw.. it won't work
21:36.20davetroyok, gladly -- what config are you using in SIPDefault.cnf?
21:36.26davetroyI am using 711u.
21:36.39blitzragecontinue talking to bkw_.. he's SMRT!
21:36.44davetroyanyway it worked with cvs builds through 11/09.
21:36.57bkw_dave let me see
21:37.03davetroyjust a question of compatibility between phones/voicemail/carriers, etc.
21:37.12davetroyand with current cvs i can't get it to work straight.
21:37.29davetroynow I am getting weird digits, like 'f' showing up when i try to talk dtmf inband from 7960 to app_voicemail.
21:37.33davetroycrazy stuff.
21:37.42bkw_dtmf_inband: 1
21:37.42bkw_dtmf_outofband: avt
21:37.42bkw_dtmf_db_level: 3
21:37.43bkw_I have that
21:37.48bkw_then in sip.conf I have rfc2833 set
21:37.52bkw_not one problem here
21:38.07davetroyok, so you are allowing inband but also specifying rfc2833.
21:38.12davetroylet me try that and see what happens... hang on.
21:38.22bkw_yes it uses what it can negociate
21:38.22TestMasTerya whoo i finally got rfc2833 working correctly
21:38.44bkw_er negotiate
21:38.55bkw_i'm having one of those days
21:39.14bkw_davetroy then the phone should use what * tells it to use
21:39.18davetroywhat do you know about the cisco dtmf_avt_payload param?
21:39.34bkw_juse use avt its like number 101
21:39.50*** join/#asterisk dimmik (
21:40.03bkw_# Out of band DTMF Settings (none-disable, avt-avt enable (default), avt_always - always avt )
21:40.03bkw_dtmf_outofband: avt
21:40.13davetroyi don't have that parameter defined right now, should it be?
21:40.26davetroyi have tried with and without. ok.
21:40.40davetroyand 101 is an ok value?
21:40.49bkw_use exactly what i pasted
21:40.53bkw_dtmf_inband: 1
21:40.56bkw_dtmf_outofband: avt
21:40.58bkw_dtmf_db_level: 3
21:41.07bkw_then set dtmfmode=rfc2833 in sip.conf
21:41.16davetroyno, I have that. was talking about the dtmf_avt_payload: 101 param
21:42.04bkw_oh I didn't set that
21:42.07bkw_but you can
21:42.17bkw_dtmf_avt_payload: 101           ; Default 101
21:42.23bkw_yep thats the default
21:43.31*** join/#asterisk bobo (
21:45.14tangelis cvs known to work in fbsd? aescrypt is carping
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21:48.13bkw_comment out the aes stuff in the makefile
21:48.15bkw_its not used yest
21:48.16bkw_er yet
21:48.22bkw_and yes its known to fuckup some platforms
21:48.24bkw_the files are hozed
21:50.04tangelis the project fairly active?
21:51.45bkw_what project?
21:52.27Corydon76-homeThere isn't just one project which is on topic for this channel
21:52.57bkw_is tangel speaking of the AES stuff or asterisk as a whole
21:53.02bkw_AES was just added 12/25
21:53.25tangelasterisk as a whole
21:53.38bkw_yes its a very active project
21:53.50Corydon76-homeYou aren't on the mailing list, are you?  You'd think twice about asking that question.
21:54.15tangelwould anyone recommend hardware for freebsd that is suitable for home/small office use?
21:54.19Corydon76-homeDuring the work week, there's typically >100 messages per day
21:54.22[e1] the European T1 CEPT standard digital channel and it operates at 2.048 Mbps..  Also used in australia
21:54.25bkw_tangel don't use FreeBSD for *
21:54.30bkw_its not fully supported
21:54.35tangelit looks like i should probably build a linux machine
21:54.46TestMasTeranyone know how many did`s a e1 can handle?
21:54.47bkw_if you expect hardware support you need linux
21:55.02bkw_TestMasTer as many as you can get the telco to give you
21:55.19TestMasTerbkw_,  oh there is no standard like a t1?
21:55.31bkw_DID's aren't linked to channels
21:55.31davetroyok, dtmf seems to be behaving better now...
21:55.52bkw_E1 has 32 channels isn't it?
21:55.55bkw_or is it 31
21:56.07bkw_T1 has 24
21:56.12Corydon76-homeE1 has 30 usable channels
21:56.14davetroyvoicemail dtmf is working right, and I set my carrier to use "info"
21:56.22davetroyrfc2833 didn't seem to work at all
21:56.23bkw_E1 has two D channels doesn't it?
21:56.26davetroyand inband didn't either.
21:56.31Corydon76-home2 channels used for signalling, yes
21:56.52bkw_Channelized E1 is 32 useable eh?
21:57.11Corydon76-homeNo, 30 usable
21:57.17voidptrdefine usable ;)
21:57.27Corydon76-homeusable for voice
21:57.34davetroyit's 30 channels total, if one D channel then it's 29.
21:57.44davetroyif no d channel, it's 30.
21:57.46bkw_I didn't say ISDN
21:57.49bkw_I said channelized
21:58.01davetroye1 is 30 channels, not 32.
21:58.01voidptri've never seen a d channel limiting it to 29
21:58.02bkw_E1 is 32 channels
21:58.08bkw_no 32 channels
21:58.08voidptrits 32
21:58.18bkw_2 D if using ISDN
21:58.19voidptr30 b, 1 d, 1 ... timing
21:58.23bkw_I was saying 32 if it was channelized
21:58.35Corydon76-homeI believe the 2 channels used for signalling are not optional
21:58.46Corydon76-homeaccording to the E1 standard
21:58.50voidptralso correct
21:58.52davetroyyeah, not sure now that we're into it... i always thought it was a fixed 30
21:58.59bkw_So an E1 can only be ISDN?
21:59.02davetroyso maybe the 2 are fixed for signalling.
21:59.10Corydon76-homeSo if you use those 2 other channels for voice, it's technically not E1 anymore
21:59.17PBXtechi thought E1 = 30B and 2D
21:59.24bkw_it is
21:59.30voidptrbut only 1 gets used for d
21:59.32bkw_but a T1 can be 23B+1D
21:59.35voidptrthe otehr is...
21:59.43voidptrunused or so
21:59.43PBXtechno 2D channels for E1
21:59.53bkw_or a Channelized T1 can be 24 with RBS
22:00.01bkw_no channelized option for E1?
22:00.03voidptr1-15, 17-31... and 16 d
22:00.19PBXtech16 an 32 ya
22:00.31voidptrnot 32... atleast not here
22:00.44bkw_maybe they use it for backup
22:00.44voidptratleast, you can config it... but doesn't get used
22:00.46davetroyanybody know the difference between rfc2833 and 'info' dtmf modes?
22:00.50*** part/#asterisk bobo (
22:00.50Corydon76-homeMaybe it's considered to be channel 0, not 32
22:00.58PBXtechlemme go get my telcom dictonary
22:00.59bkw_Corydon good point
22:01.25Corydon76-homeand therefore, not specifically allocatable
22:02.14*** join/#asterisk ChrisDE (
22:02.15PBXtechawe 0 and 16 is D
22:03.14voidptrit depends how your system counts ;)
22:03.15ChrisDEhi, found out something regarding sip/firewall/nat
22:03.34PBXtecheuro wack heh
22:03.58ChrisDEI saw that some of you complained about a connection hanging up after 6 seconds when dialed in a vpn
22:04.04ChrisDEanyone knows what I mean?
22:04.27bkw_davetroy wanna help with this AbsoluteTimeout warning thing we are workin on?
22:04.40davetroypossibly.. what is it?
22:04.45*** join/#asterisk jelque (
22:05.32ChrisDEThis problem only occurs if you have a vpn ip address of the same network as the local network!
22:05.42bkw_we ant to play a file at say 2 min before the timeout happens
22:06.43davetroyyeah, that's probably pretty easy.  if you grab the 'play_file' (I think that's the name) routine from the app_queue mods I've done and throw that in there, it would probably do it perfectly.
22:06.50Corydon76-homebkw_:  it's easy, just a matter of coding it
22:06.58davetroyjust a question of throwing the event at the right time, etc.
22:07.03bkw_yes but everything I try fucks up
22:07.11Corydon76-homeabsolutetimeout in the code is specified as a specific unixtime when the timeout should occur
22:07.29davetroyso subtract x number of seconds from that and fire your file then.
22:07.41davetroylemme look at the source.
22:08.05Corydon76-homedavetroy:  search for atimeout
22:08.31davetroywhich is the sourcefile for it?
22:09.00davetroyI thought it'd be in apps.
22:09.20oejdavetroy: channel.c and pbx.c
22:09.21bkw_then whentohangup in channel.c
22:09.37davetroyah, ok.
22:09.56Corydon76-homewhentohangup is a property of the channel
22:10.51davetroyok, so channel.c is where the timeout/checking actually happens, and pbx.c probably calls channel.c with an absolutetimeout parameter?
22:10.58*** join/#asterisk Moc (
22:11.00Corydon76-homeI'd add two more data elements to the channel.  the warning time and the file to play
22:11.12davetroyso the mods that need to happen in pbx.c are probably primarily for passing the parameter(s)?
22:11.56Corydon76-homeActually, I'd have it set in the Dial() and checked inside that loop, as well
22:12.16Corydon76-homebut you could also make a separate application
22:13.34davetroyOne thing i notice is that other apps need to have some awareness of 'whentohangup' too, so that could be an issue.
22:13.54dimmikDoes anyone knows the tftp site for barbietone beta firmwares?
22:14.08oejabsolutetimeout() is separate app today... bkw wanted to add two options to it. We could add the data to the structure in the same function in pbx.c
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22:14.33oejdimmik: It's everywhere in the mail archives...
22:14.34Corydon76-homeYes, but I'm suggesting a completely separate field.  That way, it can be unlinked
22:14.49bkw_do whats best
22:15.01dimmikoej: I will have a look. Thanks
22:15.05Corydon76-homeMaybe it needs to be a linked list, so you can have multiple warnings
22:15.06oejCorydon: what do you mean with "unlinked"
22:15.22Corydon76-homeoej:  we're talking about something different
22:15.59oejCorydon: Now whe're talking... I wanted a special exit on an absolutetimeout, so we could play files or do something else in extensions.conf... bkw wanted a quick hack. He's coding, I'm just talking...
22:16.48Corydon76-homeMaybe it needs to be a linked list off the channel structure, number of seconds to atimeout and file to play
22:17.07TestMasTerbkw_,  is odbc supported now with * for billing and the sip/extension config??
22:17.53Corydon76-homebut we need to make sure that we don't schedule two announcements for the same time... and no two announcements overlap in time
22:17.55bkw_TestMasTer no
22:17.59bkw_just cdr_odbc
22:18.19oejcorydon: right.
22:18.20davetroyI made a quick mod to channel.c that *should* play a file called "oneminuteleft" 60 sec before hangup.
22:18.33davetroyPatch is available here:
22:18.34Corydon76-homeAnd then there's the question:  does the time the announcement plays count as time against the caller?
22:18.38davetroysee what it does.
22:18.40TestMasTerbkw_,  oh ok... is there going to be support for sip and extension... to work thought odbc or postgres?
22:19.03bkw_davetroy let me test this
22:19.21davetroyyeah, see what it does.  if it works, then we can work out where to pass the params, etc.
22:19.42oejdavetroy: play_file - to caller or callee or both?
22:19.45Corydon76-homeNeeds to be a little more flexible, but I agree with the basic approach
22:20.25davetroybeats me, honestly.  I suppose it's probably the caller only since they are the channel against whom the absolute timeout is applied.
22:20.30davetroyit's based on a channel only.
22:20.47bkw_thats broken
22:20.49bkw_very broken
22:21.34davetroywhat did it do?
22:22.12bkw_asterisk was blocking
22:22.20bkw_also need to flag it so it knows its played the file
22:22.23Corydon76-homeYou need to check if whentohangup is not 0, first
22:22.42davetroythat's already being done two lines up.
22:22.46davetroythe blocking part I believe
22:22.52davetroyand the check to see if already played makes sense
22:23.28Corydon76-homeYeah, linked list... and delete it from the list after it's played
22:23.29bkw_I see no return 0
22:24.30JerJerand why hardcode the filename?
22:25.14bkw_JerJer its just a start
22:26.25bkw_25 or more pounds
22:26.34tangelok.. i can register ok with x-lite but when i dial 1000 i get:
22:26.41tangelDec 28 17:22:36 NOTICE[137370624]: File pbx.c, Line 1211 (pbx_extension_helper): Cannot find extension context 'sip'
22:26.50bkw_context= in sip.conf is wrong
22:26.57bkw_and you have no [sip] context in extensions.conf
22:27.05tangeldefault is wrong?
22:27.11tangeli thought it would do the demo welcome stuff
22:27.44CyboFWD is going really fast now
22:27.51bkw_do have have a context=sip line in sip.conf?
22:27.57Cybosince the PSTN has been disabled, suddenly all the newcommers arent using it anymore
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22:28.10JerJerCybo: typcial
22:28.21bkw_people like free
22:28.42tangelno.. it says 'default' all over the config files
22:28.54bkw_tangel apparently not
22:29.03bkw_restart *
22:29.03tangelcontext = default               ; Default for incoming calls
22:29.13bkw_under the device what do you have?
22:30.06*** join/#asterisk bwz (
22:30.12tangeli see.. it is working now
22:30.16tangelthanks for all the help
22:30.25dougheckaCybo: disabled?
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22:31.50davetroyI am doing two things at once right now, but looking at the code, the trouble may be related to ast_check_hangup vs. ast_check_hangup_locked
22:32.04davetroysince the _locked version blocks.
22:33.03Corydon76-homeAnd no recursive locks, either
22:33.27davetroymay be that you can't do an announcement there in that way.
22:33.56davetroyperhaps it needs to be called as a separate, non-locked routine when ast_check_hangup is called.
22:34.33bkw_ie in rtp.c
22:35.11oejis rtp.c used for zap calls -or - isdn?
22:35.27oej(I did not mention modem channels :-)
22:35.57bkw_so we have to do this in channel.c or there abouts
22:36.15bkw_hey maybe unlock the thing..then lock it back.. haha
22:36.49oejwhy not check corydon's suggestion - something in dial()?
22:37.41davetroyIs dial the only place you need to play a warning announcement?
22:38.00davetroyI'd think you'd want it to be played anytime AbsoluteTimeout is applicable really.
22:38.11bkw_yep only when absolutetimeout is set
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22:38.14davetroyAnd don't most things support AbsoluteTimeout?
22:38.24bkw_everything does
22:38.27oejThe quick fix is to have an announcement when dialing out over PSTN, for billing reminders in prepaid.
22:38.40bkw_oej thats lame
22:38.50bkw_and defeats the purpose of this
22:38.51oejThe long term fix is to be able to do things in many channels for different reasons
22:38.53bkw_I want to see it happen
22:39.03bkw_just to prove * can do it all
22:39.07davetroyyeah, so you really want to do it in channel.c realistically, but the way the checks are done it seems hard.
22:39.26davetroyyeah i agree with you bkw.
22:39.31Corydon76-homeYeah, but I think the only time you'd really want the announcement is in the middle of a bridged call
22:39.56davetroyi am trying to remodel my bathroom right now... lemme go think on this and see if I can make some traction on it later.
22:39.57oejCorydon: yes, a bridged call
22:40.05Corydon76-homeOtherwise you're just navigating menus
22:40.11oejI'm watching star trek...
22:40.54MocSeem * crash where there is somesort of IAX authentification at the same time of a reload
22:40.58tangelany recommended hardware that works in fbsd?
22:41.09Mocany dinner time.. gonna test more latter
22:41.15Corydon76-hometangel:  NO
22:41.19JerJerMoc: without a backtrace its speculation
22:41.27tangeli thought just zaptel etc doesnt
22:41.35davetroyanother thought would be to do it in channel.c in something like wait_for_digit
22:41.37JerJertangel: u gota write a driver
22:41.41davetroywhich may not have any need to be locked.
22:41.47davetroybut that's possibly a bit dodgy.
22:41.53oejtangel: What hardware are you looking for: Motherboards or phone devices?
22:41.58Corydon76-homeWell, Zaptel encapsulates all the hardware that's compatible
22:42.04tangelwhat hardware would people most like to see work in fbsd?
22:42.09tangelsomething that works as a pots bridge
22:42.21Corydon76-homeOtherwise you're talking about remote device
22:42.35oejtangel: at this time, use a channel bank or ata:s
22:42.37Corydon76-homefbsd works fine as a VoIP-only bridge
22:42.52oejtangel: or port zapata drivers to current freebsd.
22:43.07JerJerzapata is no longer used in asterisk
22:43.55oejrewrite: modify zapata to current zaptel :-)
22:44.18Corydon76-homezapata is incorporated into Asterisk
22:44.54oejI'm using FreeBSD as SIP-iax2 bridge, works fine. The other server runs Linux with digium interfaces.
22:45.16oejWhat we need on freebsd is an Asterisk timer...
22:45.38Corydon76-homeBeware, though, if you've never written a driver, it's not likely to be an easy task.
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22:46.31oejhear, hear. A statement to remember... I had over 100 people listen to Alan Cox on Linux device driver development in a conference I arranged. If two of them understood, I'm amazed...
22:47.38Corydon76-homeAnd our local FreeBSD maintainer suggested that if you attempt a port, that it's easier to completely rewrite the driver than attempt to port Linux code.
22:50.09oejCorydon's statement now documented on
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22:51.20JerJerpage is not Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional!
22:53.23oejjerjer: I've asked Jim to remove all those buttons at the bottom of the page :-)
22:54.01oejAny suggestions on sites to index for my voip-search engine?
22:54.28Corydon76-homekram:  do you have a suggestion on where to put 1-minute, 5-minute absolutetimeout warning announcements?
22:54.56Corydon76-homeWell, arbitrary limits
22:54.56JerJermake it run-time configurable
22:55.21Corydon76-homeYes, I agree... but an example needed to be given
22:55.32bkw_yep I think kram can point us in the right direction
22:55.43bkw_because its just rude to hangup
22:56.22MocJerJer: I've summited different trace, but it all different, seem like a memory or thread problem before, that corrupt something, and at 1 point it crash
22:57.46MocI removed all my IAX setup and it seem stable on reload
22:58.00bkw_MOc you opened that bug on reloads?
22:58.08bkw_I was gonna say noload chan_iax
22:58.16Mocmochouinard (Moc)
22:58.33bkw_since chan_iax2 is good and stable
22:58.35*** part/#asterisk Buana (
22:58.37Mocsorry I havent checked other posts
22:58.56JerJermight be a good time for nufone to start forcing ppl to iax2 :)
22:59.21bkw_JerJer I would start just in case! :)
22:59.25Corydon76-homeYes, but I think Moc has a point.  Active channels probably need to be linked to a particular dialplan... so on a reload, the old dialplan is not deallocated until all channels started with that dialplan exit
23:00.28Corydon76-homeAnd better locking probably needs to happen around deallocation of dependent channel structures
23:01.04Corydon76-homei.e. the peer and user lists
23:01.44Mocas soon I add the register => to my home * box and do alot of reload it crash
23:02.17bkw_don't do them right in a row
23:02.33Corydon76-homeI wonder if it might be using a channel structure that has been deallocated after a reload, then reallocated for some other purpose...
23:03.23bkw_ChrisDE_ that isn't a but with asterisk.. its a bug in your network setup
23:03.37Corydon76-homeBut I'll have to go through the code to lock down the specific problem there
23:03.59bkw_because the local and remote networks are the same address space... your xlite or phone is sending to the local address instead of the remote address of asterisk because the networks are the same.
23:04.09Corydon76-homeChrisDE_:  please don't private message individual maintainers
23:04.37bkw_  <--- this isn't a bug in asterisk
23:06.19Corydon76-homeyep, sure isn't
23:06.26JerJerclose it
23:07.17bkw_ChrisDE_ common sense would tell you thats a local network issue and not anything to do with asterisk
23:07.31bkw_the packets aren't making it back off your network to the remote asterisk server
23:08.21bkw_Its like this.. if you put cake on two tables.. one 1000 ft away.. and one 10 ft away.  the fat kid is going for the cake on the table 10ft away.
23:08.26ChrisDE_Why did asterisk establish a connection?
23:08.38bkw_only half of the connection was established
23:08.44bkw_your phone couldn't ack
23:08.54bkw_so it gives up after a few seconds.
23:09.08bkw_the packets saying "Hey we picked this up" never made it back to the remote asterisk server.
23:09.40bkw_and since voip uses UDP it doesn't have to have ack's on those.. it just starts shoving them down the pipe in hopes they make it to the other side.
23:09.56bkw_you may accually hear the remote end because of that.
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23:10.08Mocas soon I add the register => to my home * box and do alot of reload it crash
23:10.11Mocsorry .
23:10.33ChrisDE_ok... I only googled for this sip error message and found lots of other people having this problem - and now as I know that the problem isn't a codec problem I thought that I will have to report this :-)
23:10.38JerJerMoc: then u have some other problems
23:10.59Corydon76-homeActually, it might work if your VPN is configured as a bridge, rather than as a router
23:11.06JerJeri've been reloading boxes for months without notcing anything like this
23:11.27Corydon76-homeJerJer:  he's doing tons of reload's at once
23:12.01Corydon76-homeProbably because he's auto-generating entries
23:12.18JerJerthe wrong way
23:12.37JerJernufone's config is ran thru a database
23:12.41Corydon76-homeYou're right, but Asterisk shouldn't crash when you do that.
23:13.24Corydon76-homeIt could start eating memory, or queue up the reloads, but it shouldn't crash.
23:14.11JerJerlike i said, i've got a automated provisioning system that issues reloads and i've never had a crash like this
23:14.18Corydon76-homeMaybe reload needs a mutex lock
23:14.22*** part/#asterisk ChrisDE_ (
23:14.59bkw_doing alot of reloads in a row is crazy
23:15.09JerJerasterisk won't let another reload happen if one is still running
23:15.23bkw_i'm doing alot of them in a row
23:15.25blitzrageI find it locks up my asterisk if I do too man
23:15.26bkw_no crashes yet
23:15.39bkw_haha but boys we have a deadlock
23:15.52bkw_asterisk*CLI> reload
23:15.53bkw_The previous reload command didn't finish yet
23:16.14bkw_see what it does
23:16.18bkw_no crashes here
23:16.22bkw_did like 60 right in a row
23:16.24bkw_over and over and over
23:16.26blitzrageoooo... maybe it's been somewhat fixed now :)
23:16.29bkw_up + enter
23:16.38blitzragethis a few weeks ago I did multiple reloads
23:16.38bkw_just as fast as I could do it
23:16.42lecrameeyore*CLI> reload
23:16.42lecramDisconnected from Asterisk server
23:16.42lecramExecuting last minute cleanups
23:16.53lecramI can get it to crash...
23:16.57Mocyes I got this also
23:17.05JerJerlecram: run a backtrace
23:18.06bkw_I can get it to block for a few
23:18.23Mocbkw_: using -vvvr ?
23:19.10Corydon76-homeWouldn't it be insidious if it only crashed without debug symbols?
23:19.17Mocbecause if you run safe_asterisk, asterisk main process will crash, asterisk -vvvr might connect to new process
23:19.46lecramwhere does linux leave it's core files?
23:20.00Corydon76-homeIf you're running safe_asterisk, they're in /tmp
23:20.02oej95% cpu while reloading 1200 extensions... but no crash.
23:20.07Corydon76-homeOtherwise, they're in the current directory
23:20.19JerJerlecram: wherever you told it to put them
23:20.27JerJeror the current pwd
23:20.37Corydon76-homeLook in /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3 if you have MOH running
23:20.42bkw_its a major issue
23:20.43bkw_#0  0x40163dae in _int_free () from /lib/
23:20.43bkw_#1  0x40162bec in free () from /lib/
23:20.43bkw_#2  0x0806994b in __ast_context_destroy (con=0x0, registrar=0x405d698d "pbx_config", lock=1) at pbx.c:4029
23:20.43bkw_#3  0x08069a90 in ast_context_destroy (con=0xffffffff, registrar=0xffffffff <Address 0xffffffff out of bounds>) at pbx.c:4101
23:20.44bkw_#4  0x405d2e2a in reload () at pbx_config.c:1692
23:20.49lecramrefault ulimit sucks
23:20.50bkw_need some locking
23:21.23bkw_Moc from now on just say the bug number
23:21.25bkw_we know how to find it
23:21.29MocIve put a few traceback
23:21.44Mocsorry again bkw
23:21.48bkw_no problem
23:21.54bkw_someone has to tell you so you learn! :)
23:22.13bkw_does that thing use any locks?
23:22.34bkw_or if you issue more than one will it block? or will each thread start reloading till you get multiple threads doing it?
23:23.06Corydon76-homeYep, loader.c has a reloadlock
23:23.23Corydon76-homeOnly one can succeed at once
23:23.36lecram#0  0x4010ea3b in free () from /lib/
23:23.37lecram(gdb) backtrace
23:23.37lecram#0  0x4010ea3b in free () from /lib/
23:23.37lecram#1  0x080887e6 in ast_unregister_indication_country (country=0x0)
23:23.37lecram#2  0x401ddecc in reload () at res_indications.c:388
23:23.39lecram#3  0x08055674 in ast_module_reload () at loader.c:169
23:24.42Mocbut what I found strange, is that it crash more if an IAX connected is attempted
23:24.45Mocat the same time..
23:24.52Mocmaybe when IAX config table is changed ?
23:25.19Mocthe memory where IAX config is changed, but IAX thread that check it isn't updated
23:25.24Corydon76-homeI'm guessing we probably need to be using the usecount more in each module.
23:25.29Moc(Im not * code expert)
23:25.53Corydon76-homeDoes the usecount prevent a reload, though?
23:25.59Corydon76-homeIt probably doesn't.
23:26.12bkw_no it doesn't
23:26.19bkw_because cdr_odbc can reload even when connected
23:26.21bkw_and it shouldn't
23:26.43bkw_shouldn't do that
23:27.04Corydon76-homeAll it does is execute the module's reload routine
23:27.05bkw_maybe the apps involved in the reload are not behaving correctly?
23:27.23Corydon76-homeSo that reload routine needs to be a little more careful
23:28.21Corydon76-homeProbably to spawn a separate thread to do the dealloc when all threads are not using the old structures
23:28.26MocI guess anything that can change the config of anything should lock those requesting it until it has being changed
23:28.54Corydon76-homeYou can't really schedule it, because you don't know when the channel will go away
23:29.54Corydon76-homeFortunately, only a few modules will probably need such fine-grained deallocation.
23:31.46Corydon76-homeAnd you have to spawn that thread, because you'll otherwise block all modules from reloading until your one particular module is done waiting
23:33.00Corydon76-homeMay even want a shared read lock to prevent a new reload from happening before all the old threads are dead
23:33.14MocCorydon76-home: Would doing all that also fix the problem with sometime you exit from a -r it stop now instead ?
23:33.37Corydon76-homeMoc:  rephrase, please
23:33.59Mocsorry, Sometime when you exit from asterisk -vvvr, it make asterisk shutdown
23:34.19Corydon76-homeMoc:  I don't know why that would occur
23:34.30*** part/#asterisk km- (
23:34.33blitzragethat has never occured for me
23:34.42Moc<lecram> eeyore*CLI> reload
23:34.42Moc<lecram> eeyore*CLI>
23:34.42Moc<lecram> Disconnected from Asterisk server
23:34.42Moc<lecram> Executing last minute cleanups
23:34.59Corydon76-homeThat's a reload, not a remote quit
23:35.01Mocthat was on a reload, but it happen for me on a exit
23:35.14Corydon76-homeIf you have the backtrace, I'd love to see it
23:35.27MocThat one is harder to recreate ..
23:35.55MocBut I will try to reproduice it
23:35.55Corydon76-homeWithout knowing the cause, I can't say for sure what would fix it
23:35.55tangelis 'ser' any good?
23:36.27lecramtangel: as what?
23:36.35tangelasterisk i suppose
23:36.40Corydon76-homeHrm.  Do we need an #asterisk-dev to keep the user questions out of development discussions?
23:37.04lecramtangel: it's a different beast entirely
23:37.40tangelit seems much more basic but it claims to be high-performance high-scalability
23:37.41MocCorydon76-home: Question, what would happen if I do a RELOAD, and an IAX connection is requested ? IAX thread try to get info about the iax.conf witch is loaded, but what happen if reload (or any memory change to it) change the IAX setting, does it free it and create a new pointer ?
23:38.16Corydon76-homeMoc:  yes, it does
23:38.18Corydon76-homeIt frees all current lists, then loads the lists again from iax.conf
23:38.34Mocso if both happen at the same time, IAX thread will have big problem accesing IAX.conf config into the memory ?
23:38.41Corydon76-homeSo there's a portion of time when the list does not exist.
23:39.01Mocjust not exist, or the pointer point to the wrong place
23:39.20Corydon76-homeIn fact, I think there's even a portion of time when the global list pointer points to deallocated memory.
23:39.20Mocto freed memory
23:40.18Moc(I've done C programming and I know how pointer and THREADS can cause problems..)
23:40.30Mocbut Im not good ennuf for doing asterisk * .. I might cause more bugs so ..
23:41.06MocCorydon76-home: It just that It seem I had more crash when I had IAX connection than when I havent
23:42.09Corydon76-homeNope, it's locked correctly.  Only the user list disappears for a time
23:42.22Corydon76-homeThe peer list is retained.
23:42.33Mocwhat about register =>
23:43.15MocI know active connection shouldn't be affected.
23:43.33MocBut does he do reauthentification each x second ?
23:46.16MocAnyway im sure you know more * than I do .. so .. Just wanted to help
23:47.12Corydon76-homeYep, registrations are also deallocated for a time... but I don't think that should be a problem
23:48.51MocShould it be made like, create a new pointer, put new info in it, change old pointer to new poinger, free old pointer.  Isn't that way better?
23:49.24MocI might not be clear .. But Instead of erasing the old config right away. .
23:49.26Mocwb kram
23:51.32MocCorydon76-home: did I make sence ? (My native language is french)
23:51.42krammoc: thanks
23:54.41*** join/#asterisk RoyK_T (
23:54.49MocGuys, If I got Tone problem with my TDM400 card, might it be * problem or it more a hardware/driver problem ?
23:54.57MocLike the
23:55.10Shido6did u set the country coke?
23:55.26JerJercoke is usually the same in all countries :)
23:55.36MocDialing tone isnt correct the first second, sound kind  of jearky and after that it sound good
23:55.42*** join/#asterisk haighis (
23:56.12JerJermoc then set zaptel to your county
23:56.27MocCanada !! it the same as US
23:56.47Corydon76-homeMoc:  you made sense.  I'm just reading code.
23:56.48MocI think
23:57.04Mocwoohoo hehe ok thanks Corydon76
23:59.25Rob--Is there any way of tricking fwd in to recognising asterisk as another sip phone? I've tried changing the user-agent header, but it doesn't work.

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