irclog2html for #asterisk on 20031223

00:00.00km-denon: I was beating some guy up for poor english and I spelled it aught
00:00.37angler_km-, sucks when that happens
00:00.42km-yeah you know
00:00.45km-I lost karma for that one
00:00.49km-I was trolled
00:01.05denonman , I cant believe none of you guys had allison record a happy holidays thingy
00:01.35km-kristy made me put christmas music in MOH
00:02.01denonI was thinkin bout it
00:02.10km-anyway, my dsl modem froze earlier..  turns out, it didn't freeze, but it was too hot
00:02.12denonnobody felt like licensing it tho .. so ..
00:02.13km-I blew into it for a couple seconds
00:02.15angler_where is allison with a xmas recording?
00:02.23denonangler: dunno ..
00:02.24km-and it started working again
00:02.26km-bkw: dude, you suck
00:02.28denoncant find one
00:02.36km-bkw: I noticed you're an exim master, but you werent awake this morning when I needed ya!
00:02.37bkw_km- yes very well I might add!
00:02.39yabooanyone using a gs phone
00:02.43bkw_km- sowwy
00:02.47extremisbkw_: how much
00:02.56bkw_extremis hahaaahah
00:03.02bkw_extremis how cute are you?!?!?
00:03.04km-I think he's serious
00:03.11extremisoh, you 2 are joking
00:03.13extremisare you lovers?
00:03.26km-brian: we get that a lot! :P
00:03.32bkw_ya really
00:03.39extremisundercover lovers
00:03.43extremisso, give into the urges
00:03.47km-only way to dispell the myths
00:03.56bkw_km- na.. you can be my sexless lover!
00:04.00extremiskm-: marriage is just a cover for your secret love
00:04.27bkw_haha secret love
00:04.39extremisoops, secrets out
00:04.50bkw_i'm so gay.. I can setoff gaydar 3 states away
00:04.53extremisI now pronouce you husband and husband
00:05.13extremisyou 2 going to make moves liek a person in jail?
00:05.29jetsnow now
00:05.38extremisI kid
00:05.46extremisbut seriously, when are you 2 moving in together?
00:05.56km-my wife and I below the fabulous las vegas sign
00:06.10*** join/#asterisk Sobek (~btatton@
00:06.15km-and yes
00:06.18km-I have slow ass dsl
00:06.18extremiskm-: I'm not saying I doubt you.... I'm just sayin
00:06.34extremis... I doubt you
00:06.39Mikekm-: you got married recently?
00:06.45km-mike: september
00:06.52Mikekm-: first?
00:07.09km-I'm 22, of course it's my first marriage :P
00:07.37Mikedamn im 21 and i dont wanna get married till im 29 or 30
00:07.51{Sean}no shit
00:07.56km-ooh I got some nice pics of the grand canyon too
00:07.58angler_Mike, same here
00:08.02bkw_haha its --disable-gui now on unixodbc ./configure
00:08.09km-this is the grand canyon
00:08.11yaboobkw_ you use a gs phone
00:08.23km-for those of you who are not from america
00:08.26*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (~TestMasTe@
00:08.27km-or are otherwise travellationally impaired
00:08.39extremisor agoriphobic
00:09.35*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-work (
00:09.38Death_INCBTW: if I own a CD, is it legal to play it as music on hold, or do I need some other license... anybody know?
00:10.06km-agoriphobia is being afraid of lots of people isn't it?
00:10.16km-I didnt think it was 'fraid of heights
00:10.17angler_i think it would be illegal cause you are broadcasting it to others
00:10.40Death_INCangler, thats what I was thinking... but heh it's not quite the same as broadcasting
00:10.48jsmithDeath_INC: Not legal... it's considered a broadcast
00:11.00Death_INCaah k thanks
00:11.24km-I've got mad high-rez wedding pics
00:11.24jsmith(You probably wouldn't be prosecuted, but it's still ethically wrong)
00:11.37TestMasTerhrmz i wonder why this isn`t working
00:11.56denon/topic [18:11] <km-> I've got mad high-rez honeymoon pics
00:12.06km-got those too
00:12.07jsmithTestMasTer: 'cuz you're doing it wrong?  (just kidding)
00:12.13denonI dont wanna know
00:12.15km-hey you mentioned it
00:12.44TestMasTerjsmith,  you see anything wrong with this exten => _0XXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/,${EXTEN:1}) ?
00:13.07km-death_inc: yes, playing any music you have bought a cd for is technically illegal for hold music, unless it is considered royalty free public domain
00:13.13TestMasTerwhen it gets to the server all they get is username=usernameusername
00:13.14dantTestMasTer, doesn't look right
00:13.36TestMasTerdant Can you tell me what i did wrong?
00:13.45denonso hey .. is gotoiftime new? or didnt I see it before?
00:13.48carrarYou are connected to 1,803,558 people in your Personal Network, through 90 friends.
00:13.52km-also, just to let you all know in case you were not aware
00:13.53denonIve been doing time-based includes, but they kinda suck
00:14.03km-dial-0-to-operator is the law as well
00:14.03jsmithTestMasTer: Am I wrong, or do you want a / instead of a comma in there...
00:14.14km-i.e., you have to be able to dial 0 to reach an operator on any IVR/auto attendant in the US
00:14.20km-or face fines by the FCC
00:14.32denonkm-: it is?
00:14.35TestMasTerjsmith,  when i try doing it with the / i get Ouch auto pipe error
00:14.40km-every single company you've called
00:14.46km-where you're pissed that you hit 0 and nothing happens
00:14.47denonkm-: no .. not true
00:14.49km-you can report their asses
00:14.51denoner .. oh
00:14.54denonyeah ..
00:15.04jsmithTestMasTer: I don't know what else to tell you then...
00:15.05Death_INCkm-, heh what if you dial 0 and you get a mailbox for an operator? ;)
00:15.06denonI thought you were gonna say they all have it .. and I was gonna say bs .. I know several that dont
00:15.13carrarAsterisk seems to be freezing alot lately and then fails to dialout
00:15.16denonI cant believe thats actually the law..
00:15.19km-death_inc: I think that's ok
00:15.26km-death_inc: as long as it attempts to reach an operator
00:15.33TestMasTerjsmith,  ok i will try that again See if i get the same error one second
00:15.59dantTestMasTer, I'd be tempted to... add the [provider] to sip.conf with username & password... then Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@provider)
00:16.00Death_INCthen my business line was legal heh
00:16.55extremisWhat is the utility I use to adjust my in and out gain?
00:17.10TestMasTerdant i will try that again
00:17.19jsmithextremis: Use a text editor and edit /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf, and then restart asterisk
00:17.20yaboothe ata 188 is http configurable?
00:17.34yaboojust allocate a ip to it and away it should go?
00:17.37extremisjsmith: rather, that helps me determine what values I should use
00:17.39denonextremis: ./ztmonitor 1 -v
00:17.44extremisdenon: thanks
00:17.55denonin the zaptel dir
00:18.00denonsrc dir prolly
00:18.16denonI couldnt get it to work properly though, so dont ask me. :)
00:18.47extremishrm, its not doing anything
00:18.54denonyou're not on a call?
00:18.58extremisI am
00:19.06extremisI tried changing 1 to 4 (the current outgoing channel)
00:19.14denonheeeere tiki tiki tiki tiki..
00:19.22denonc'mon tiki, im not gonna hurt ya ..
00:19.38TestMasTerdant OUCH.... Auto Pipe or something like that, Is the error i get filling my screen
00:19.50denon^C :)
00:20.11TestMasTerdenon,  doesn`t stop it... If you where talking to me
00:20.18denonI was
00:20.19extremiswell I don't think its bad hardware
00:20.34dantTestMasTer, using the stuff I said?
00:20.42denonbkw: so let me know when it replaces cdr_mysql :)
00:20.43TestMasTerdant ya
00:20.53extremishah, so its not bad hardware
00:21.10dantcan you past all but the username&password on that line here?
00:21.10extremisI moved the cards around and the same slot (probably irq problems) is causing the card to get freaky
00:21.21extremisit gets all squelchy and the voice is bursty and chipmonk like
00:21.29extremisbut faster than any chipmunk
00:21.40denonyou hit lspci to see whats really goin on?
00:21.54denonshows cards, IRQs etc
00:21.56extremisoffice-pbx-01 zaptel # lspci
00:21.56extremis-bash: lspci: command not found
00:22.05TestMasTerexten => _0XXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@tplanet)  [tplanet]
00:22.11jsmithextremis: cat /proc/interrupts
00:22.12km-jerjer: you there?
00:22.24denonya, what jsmith said then
00:22.32extremisjsmith: what am I looking for?
00:22.59dantTestMasTer, and the error you're getting with that?
00:23.00jsmithextremis: Two cards sharing the same interrupt...
00:23.17denonextremis: you have a t1xxp or anything?
00:23.21TestMasTerouch.... auto pipe  and then something else, Sorry i can`t remember it all
00:23.23extremisnone show sharing in /proc/interrupts
00:23.31TestMasTerAnd it slows my comp Right down everytime i get it
00:23.34denonextremis: your nic isnt sharing with IDE or somethin right?
00:23.48extremisdenon: it only happens on one wcfxo that I can tell
00:23.56dantTestMasTer, you got a sample line you could paste?
00:23.57extremisI think the one holding irq 11
00:24.09extremisbut I can't tell which slot maps to which interrupt
00:24.18TestMasTerdant,  Let me try to get it, it moves to fast for me to be able to copy it
00:24.20bkw_11 is like IDE isn't it
00:24.21extremisZapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
00:24.21extremisPCI: Found IRQ 7 for device 00:09.0
00:24.21extremisPCI: Sharing IRQ 7 with 00:07.2
00:24.21extremiswcfxo: DAA mode is 'FCC'
00:24.31extremisirq 7 isn't mapped to the slot having the problems
00:24.34extremisbut irq 11 iss
00:24.34denonbkw_: varies
00:25.29extremismy agp card isn't showing up
00:25.32TestMasTerOUCH ....... error while writing audio data : : Broken pipe
00:25.38TestMasTerSorry i said it wrong before
00:25.45extremisand teh slot that has the problem suposidly shares irqs with the agp slot (according to the manual)
00:25.52dantTestMasTer, where are you trying to call from?
00:25.55denonTestMasTer: MOH using mpg123?
00:26.00denonor 321?
00:26.08bkw_that message is normal
00:26.12denonI thought that ouch thing was a MOH thing?
00:26.16bkw_STOP running in -vvvvgc
00:26.22bkw_use safe_asterisk and you won't see it
00:26.57dantrug, sweep, under :)
00:27.01extremisactually, it seems to be doing it with all of them
00:27.02*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
00:28.31extremismaybe its echo cancel
00:28.38TestMasTerbkw_,  running under safe_asterisk do i still get the errors?
00:28.39bkw_what echo can you use?
00:28.46bkw_TestMasTer NO YOU DONT
00:28.46extremisbkw_: ?
00:28.51denonoutta sight, outta mind
00:29.02bkw_asterisk -r once you start safe_asterisk
00:29.05extremisit just happened on zap/3 also
00:29.11extremisso I think its not on the fxo cards
00:29.16denonsafe_asterisk needs some more robusting work methinks
00:29.22denonfew crashes it didnt recover from
00:29.34bkw_I never have crashes
00:29.43denonyou never upgrade :)
00:29.44bkw_unless i'm testing
00:29.48bkw_yes I upgrade
00:29.54denonI havent had any crashes in a while ..
00:29.57bkw_just not production boxes
00:30.03denonthough occasionally I'll see that safe_asterisk recovered one
00:30.07bkw_those are far and few between
00:30.25jrollysonok, running into some outbound wierdness. Right now outgoing long distance calls have to go out our POTS lines via a TA750. Sometime during the process of adjusting echo cancelation, outbound calls via the 750 stopped working. Inbound still works. I tried a buttset on the outbound line, and I hear the DTMF, asterisk breaks dialtone, it takes a very long time for any response to come back, and when it does, I get an operator message that the number can't
00:30.30denonI need to find a better way to monitor * than just monitoring the tcp manager port
00:30.35bkw_asterisk*CLI> show uptime
00:30.35bkw_System uptime: 4 weeks, 1 day, 1 hour, 58 minutes, 11 seconds
00:30.35bkw_Last reload: 1 week, 4 days, 1 hour, 9 minutes, 43 seconds
00:30.38extremismmm snmp
00:30.45extremisasterisk needs snmp plugins
00:30.49denonit has some .. sorta ..
00:30.54*** join/#asterisk Moc (
00:30.54bkw_extremis af_ wrote one
00:30.57denonnot in cvs, but someone was working on one
00:31.02bkw_af_ did it
00:31.04extremisbkw_: where @ wiki?
00:31.10bkw_search bugs.digium
00:31.18denonand paste the url here when you find it :)
00:31.21*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
00:31.30denonthough none of it does any good unless its in cvs methinks
00:31.32extremishah, turned off the echo cancel and the noise stopped
00:31.37Mochi all
00:31.59bkw_extremis what echocan you use?
00:32.06denonbkw: did you say you're sposed to turn down the taps when you enable call training?
00:32.08extremisI commented out the echo cancel
00:32.11extremisand now its doing it again
00:32.18extremistook about 30 seconds to happen
00:32.26bkw_extremis take rx/txgain out
00:32.32extremisbkw_: I did
00:32.39bkw_did you recompile zaptel?
00:33.01bkw_are you restarting *
00:33.04bkw_or doing reload?
00:33.07denonreboot ..
00:33.08extremisI did reload
00:33.15bkw_reload don't do it
00:33.17extremisdo I have tro unload the modules?
00:33.18bkw_you have to restart *
00:33.21TestMasTerbkw_,  When trying to run safe_asterisk i get /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: line 77:  2383 Segmentation fault  (core dumped) asterisk ${ASTARGS} 1>&/dev/${TTY} </dev/${TTY} any ideas?
00:33.25bkw_you can't unload chan_zap
00:33.37bkw_TestMasTer you got other issues then
00:33.38denonrmmod -r wcfxo
00:33.45denonmodprobe wcfxo
00:33.49bkw_if you unload your whole world will crash
00:33.52extremisI have to remove the wcfxo driver also?
00:33.55*** join/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
00:34.11extremisdenon: you forgot ztcfg
00:34.21denonyou dont have to
00:34.31bkw_ztcfg will run when the thing loads
00:34.59denonextremis: check your messages for my fail-proof asterisk restart script :)
00:35.11extremis-:- BitchX: Auto-ignoring denon for 10 minutes [MSG flood]
00:35.27jrollysonbx sucks
00:35.30denonbitch this
00:35.39denonits 15 lines .. I think your pipe can handle it
00:35.47extremishaha, its default
00:37.25km-bkw: best picture ever taken of me
00:37.33denonextremis: - its a hack, but it works for me
00:37.36extremis-:- *!* removed from ignore list
00:38.01bkw_km- think you can make a jpeg
00:38.09extremisso, after rmoving all the echo stuff the noise is going
00:38.13*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (~TestMasTe@
00:38.13extremisbut the echo is real bad
00:38.29denonecho adds depth to an ordinarily boring conversation
00:38.31denonembrace it
00:38.38km-bkw: gimp's being a whore
00:38.42km-bkw: give me a couple
00:38.42bkw_now add back your settings and restart *
00:38.45extremisnevermind, the problem is back
00:38.53extremisnow its making the noise again
00:39.01bkw_km- damn this thing loads slow as hell
00:39.27km-png to jpg sucks
00:39.27km-but there's a pete.jpg
00:39.27extremisI don't know what to do
00:39.29km-I used convert
00:39.42tim27km very slow to download this pic
00:39.54extremishrm, should I remove that?
00:39.55km-root@aeneas:/home/pgrace/public_html# ls -l pete.jpg
00:39.57km--rw-r--r--    1 root     pgrace      32563 Dec 22 19:38 pete.jpg
00:39.58km-probably because half the channel is downloading it
00:39.59denonhehe .. someone slashdotted km-'s photo
00:40.08km-I have a 128kb upstream
00:40.11km-dudes are killin me
00:40.12UnixDawgok this eeor makes no sense
00:40.13bkw_no wonder
00:40.18extremishfm, nope, I'm not using the phonejack stuff
00:40.41extremisany ideas guys?
00:40.45bkw_km- man  wedding picture?
00:40.46tim27when you taked this photos ???
00:40.51km-september 10th
00:40.54km-when I got married
00:41.03UnixDawgthumper# /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: cannot open /dev/2: no such file
00:41.04UnixDawg/usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: 77: Syntax error: Bad fd number
00:41.06tim27whre is the lady
00:41.11TestMasTerdant ok the way you said is working but after a few seconds, it hangs out even after the person starts talking lol
00:41.12UnixDawgok hmm
00:41.19extremisfrom the console how do I tell what the config for echochancel and rxgain...?
00:41.20km-tim27: coming to her soon
00:41.24km-tim27: converting the jpg's to png's
00:41.43tim27will tell you if you made a good choice lol
00:41.53dantTestMasTer, erm... doesn't sound right... but at least it's getting past authentication
00:42.10jtew__wtf!  I connect to my Asterisk server (at a colo) and then dial in... press my extension ... and it goes straight to voicemail for some reason!  
00:42.11UnixDawgok this script sucks
00:42.18TestMasTeryaboo, anyideas on the hang up problem? if not i will play around with it alittle
00:42.24dantjtew__, asterisk -r
00:42.26extremishrm, am I being ignored?
00:42.34dantjtew__, any messages?
00:42.45km-extremis: I dont think you can tell from the console
00:42.47dantextremis, not that I know of
00:43.19extremishrm, wel lmore importantly if its commented out is it default to off?
00:44.04UnixDawghumper# /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: 77: Syntax error: Bad fd number
00:44.35jsmithbkw_: Yup... gotta love SCO
00:44.59jsmithHmmmn... bad link!
00:45.05denonkristy is under construction?
00:45.19jsmithI asked myself the same question!
00:45.32Mocbtw who said BudgeTone 100 sucked ?
00:45.34km-substitute ~pgrace for ~pete
00:45.44denonjsmith: he's building a virtual model .. which he hopes to someday fabricate and marry ..
00:45.57*** join/#asterisk Menace (menace@
00:46.08*** join/#asterisk nords (
00:46.08wsuffdenon: i heard they don't bitch as much
00:46.14wsuffand come w/ a standard off switch
00:46.18jsmithShe's kind of... well... sideways!
00:46.22tim27our site is still under construction ???
00:46.25km-did I not rotate it?
00:46.29jsmithkm-: Nope...
00:46.33km-god dammit
00:46.34denonwell ..
00:46.34TestMasTerthats weird
00:46.35yabooTestMasTer, no idea
00:46.35denonyou might have
00:46.37km-I wonder how many others I forgot
00:46.37denonjust the wrong way
00:46.52denonmaybe if you hadnt rotated it, it'd be ok :)
00:46.59yabooMoc you using the budgetone 100
00:47.08Mocyes yaboo
00:47.09wsuffkm-: aww how cute a couple u 2 must be even sideways
00:47.13km-try now
00:47.20yaboounder asterisk moc
00:47.30denonnow he just wants his model to be horizontal .. honeymoon on the brain
00:47.37extremisweird, * just dropped my call
00:47.38extremisand now:
00:47.50*** join/#asterisk malcolmd2 (
00:48.13angler_whats up malcolmd
00:48.19yabooMoc are you able to download a config to the gs unit
00:48.21extremishrm, major issues with these wcfxo  cards
00:48.40Mocyaboo: I havent tryed it.... HAvent updated the Firmware yet also
00:48.43malcolmd2angler_:  see /notice :)
00:48.46denonextremis: no .. they're solid
00:48.47*** join/#asterisk dougmeredith (
00:48.56extremisdenon: the one I have at home is fine
00:49.05extremisbut these 4 are giving me hell
00:49.14extremisthe machine its in is very much tested and clean hardware
00:49.36MocStealth_Man: do you sell ATA-186 or equivalement type of equipement for * ?
00:50.00km-bbiab! gotta go get this desk for kristy
00:50.03wsuffMoc: geez still spending money like it's going outta style
00:50.20Moclol yea !!  I falled in love with a Phone system !!!
00:51.45*** join/#asterisk crontibs (
00:52.05Stealth_ManMoc: yehh
00:52.20Stealth_ManMoc: depends what else doyou want :))
00:52.49Stealth_ManATA186 is also available
00:53.14crontibsAnyone mind testing my iax number
00:54.01Mocwell BT102 are what ? Analog ?
00:54.12Stealth_Manno dual port Ethernet phones
00:54.23Stealth_Manwhat is the number
00:54.42MocI want to put my parents phone network on my * box ..
00:54.50extremisanyone hear of the hangup problem i just had?
00:54.50Mocso without ip phone itself
00:55.03dantcrontibs, could do...
00:55.23wsuffMoc: with what $$?
00:55.24wsuffheh e
00:55.31Stealth_ManMoc : do you need ata box ?
00:55.39wsuffmy parents would shit if i redid the phone system in the house
00:55.55Moclol ..
00:56.08MocWell It all Cat 5 cable now ..
00:56.17dantcrontibs, but I've killed my iaxtel
00:56.52MocNordx Jack and Nordx punch bar as termination point
00:57.20extremisI guess my problems are unheard of :), or I should check the mailing lists
00:57.26MocStealth_Man: Well ATA yes
00:57.36Stealth_Manwhat is your current pricing on it ?
00:57.47MocHavent searched for any yet
00:57.56Mocwell a few on ebay but that it..
00:58.08Stealth_Manhmmm  how much are they on ebay ?
00:58.13Stealth_ManVonage ATa's ?
00:58.31crontibs17006240093 someone try that
00:58.41crontibswanna make sure my * is connected correctly
00:58.42Mocsure crontibs
00:59.27Mocwrong number sorry
00:59.49Mocring ring
01:01.39MocStealth_Man: Vonage ata ? they sell ATA ?
01:02.11extremisdamnit, its making the noise again
01:02.33Stealth_ManMoc: yehh ... they giving ATA to customers locked one ...
01:02.57Mocha well dont know, they were cisco ata ... dont if they are locked
01:03.37crontibsthanks guys for the test
01:03.52crontibshow well does the sipura work with asterisk
01:04.09extremisnow its grabbed ahold of the line
01:04.14extremiscan't dial out on that channel
01:05.51*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (~TestMasTe@
01:06.05Stealth_Manso who is next to buy Grandstream phone ...
01:06.15MocI want ATA !! :)
01:06.16extremisI think its related to taxin ghte box
01:06.27extremisI started compiling ntp and it happened
01:06.29TekatiI own one of the ATA-286s they work as they should.
01:06.38extremisI hate intermittent problems
01:06.45Stealth_ManMOC: make research for price
01:06.50*** join/#asterisk pigfkr (
01:07.11pigfkrmy shit does not work
01:07.19TekatiDid forward fix their service yet?
01:07.29Mocseem to work here ..
01:07.31pigfkrhell no
01:07.35Moc75$ Canadian
01:07.48MikeTekati: do you have problems with the transfer on ata286?
01:07.51Stealth_ManMoc: better for free
01:07.52TekatiI am trying to register again it has been failing all day.
01:07.55pigfkrI eat monkey shit
01:08.29pigfkrmy balls hurt
01:08.39pigfkrI am almost 16
01:08.40MocStealth_Man: Stop loosing me ... ask price, tell e it free decide ..
01:09.00TekatiMike: Hmm no not that I recall.  I will have to test it tomorrow when I am in front of it again but I am almost positive I have transfered with it just fine.
01:09.06TestMasTeroh dant bkw_ and anyone else thank you for the help
01:09.23TekatiFWD appears to be back up at least I am not getting failed register messages anyway.
01:09.25extremisdoes kewlstart vs loopstart affect this problem?
01:09.32MikeTekati: my ata 286 is the onlyone that doesnt transfer
01:09.32jsmithTestMasTer: Did you get it working...
01:09.34MikeTekati: wonder why
01:09.51TestMasTerjsmith, ya finally
01:10.09jsmithTestMasTer: Cool... what ended up being the problem?
01:10.10TestMasTerjsmith,  thank you also for the help
01:10.20jsmithTestMasTer: No problem... I'm glad I could help out
01:10.28jrollysonwrapuptime isn't being honored here
01:10.47ZX81jrollyson: what is wrapuptime
01:10.52TestMasTerjsmith,  i had the register it like a normal user in sip.conf    and for the exten i had to set it ${EXTEN:1}@planet
01:10.54TekatiMike: We could compare configs if you think that will help.  Do you have a HTML enabled email client?
01:11.06jsmithextremis: I don't mean to sound rude, but asking again and again and again won't help...
01:11.08TestMasTerand after screwwing around with the sip setting alittle finally worked
01:11.24extremisjsmith: yeah...  I have to try soemthing else :)
01:11.25jsmithTestMasTer: Cool... I'm glad you got it working
01:11.45TestMasTerjsmith,  kinda of a crapy service i`m thinking though
01:11.46MikeTekati: i just did a transfer weird it started working hehehe
01:11.52dantTestMasTer, cool :)
01:11.58jsmithextremis: Does it work with just 1 FXO card?  If so, then try with two... etc.  Four might be too many for your particular machine
01:12.01extremisso, whats the diff between fxoks and fxols ?
01:12.03TestMasTerdant your idea worked thanx loads
01:12.05TekatiHehehe.  Well as long as it works I guess that is all that matters.
01:12.10dantTestMasTer, no probs
01:12.11extremisjsmith: too many how?
01:12.22jsmithextremis: KS = LS + remote disconnect supervision
01:12.24TestMasTeranyway bbl
01:12.26MikeTekati: in my callerid i get unknown name and down it the number
01:12.32jsmithextremis: Too many interrupts?
01:12.32MikeTekati: do you get any name?
01:12.38extremisjsmith: remote disconnect supervision?
01:12.58TekatiNope get the same.  They just implemented the CallerID code not long ago so I am sure it will get fixed soon.
01:13.09TekatiAt least the number comes up now though.  Better then nothing.
01:13.31extremisjsmith: well if I were to buy a new mobo what should I get to support 4 cards adequately? I'm tired of messing with this
01:14.07Mikeexten => s,1,Dial(${TRUNK1}/103@asterisk&${TRUNK1}/105@asterisk,90,Tt)
01:14.09ZX81extremis: try turning off onboard sound, printer/com ports etc
01:14.12jsmithextremis: It might... or you might just buy a T100P and an FXO channel bank
01:14.18Mikethis line is ok right? and will let both phones transfer?
01:14.23ZX81extremis: anything that uses an interrupt
01:14.32*** join/#asterisk hmodes (
01:14.34extremisZX81: I did already
01:14.46jsmithextremis: Obviously you're still learning... keep reading and searching the mailing list archives and you'll eventually figure it out...
01:14.47extremisjsmith: well I already paid for these 4 cards
01:15.03ZX81extremis: how many cards you got in there?
01:15.04extremisjsmith: how much is an fxo c hannel bank?
01:15.09jsmithextremis: Did you try it with just three cards to see if that was the problem?
01:15.18extremiszx81 : 4 wcfxo and 1 agp vid and 1 isa ethernet
01:15.20jsmithextremis: Depends...
01:15.27*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~mandimadu@
01:15.29extremisjsmith: takes a while sometimes for it to occur, but I can try
01:15.38TekatiThat ISA ethernet is going to kill you :)
01:15.48jsmithextremis: I don't know what else to tell you... sorry
01:15.52extremisTekati: well if I put in a pci ethernet it starts sharing irqs
01:16.00Mike[ Context 'incoming' created by 'pbx_config' ]
01:16.18extremisand why will that kill me?
01:16.38TekatiYep you only get 4 PCI slots with seperate IRQ's on most motherboard the 5th has to share a IRQ.
01:17.49hmodesarrrgh, ring problem still happening
01:17.59TekatiGet a mobo that has built in ethernet and sound card (if you need one) and make sure the motherboard is compliant with the cards you put in it.  I had to upgrade my mobo just because the TDM40B needed higher compliance for the PCI slot.
01:18.01hmodesi really need to figure out how to fix this
01:18.09extremisso, do you think digium will take these cards back?
01:18.11klasstekFor those looking for an alternative to RedHat's move to pay-to-use I'm going to have a go with WhiteBox available at  I'll have a go and see if * will compile and run and report back later.
01:18.40extremisklasstek: shameless promotion?
01:18.52extremisseems so
01:18.56extremiswhy whitebox
01:18.59klasstekI have no affiliation with them.
01:18.59extremisredhat moved to fedora
01:19.05extremisthats teh free version of redhat now
01:19.10hmodesfedora is shit
01:19.11Mocanyone know of a Canadian VoIP equipement store ?
01:19.13hmodesand it's not redhat
01:19.23hmodesit's just 'guided' by redhat, whatever that means
01:19.31MocTekati: Redhat make more money than expected with the move
01:19.41danthmodes, erm
01:19.59extremisTekati: higher compliance?
01:20.05TekatiOh I am sure they will now but they are going to lose a lot of dedicated RedHat users now.
01:20.06klasstekI have a customer that I need to install linux for on a non * related project.  A little searching around and license reading revealed WhiteBox.
01:20.18hmodesthe folks in raleigh are not the primary/sole contributors to fedora dant
01:20.32Mocyep Im a Redhat 9 user, and wonder what I will do the end of their security update in april
01:20.34tessierI wouldn't deploy oddbal Linux distro's to clients.
01:20.37hmodesit's an open project now, much like debian but with a much less organized...  organization
01:20.42tessierRedHat, Fedora, or Debian.
01:20.53klasstekIt seems to be an unencumbered re-release of the enterprise linux variants from RH
01:20.54extremistessier: gentoo
01:20.56MocI didn't like Debian setup..
01:20.57Tekatiextremis: Yep my motherboard was PCI 2.1 compliant wouldn't you know so I had to upgrade just to get the 2.2 compiance.
01:21.04hmodeswhitebox is just a way of using the gnu loophole to run redhat ES without a license
01:21.04MocRedhat was fast to install
01:21.09hmodeswhich is >>> fedora
01:21.19extremisTekati: heh, so do the wcfxo cards require 2.2?
01:21.20hmodesbecause there's an actual paid qa department to test all the package interactions
01:21.33Mocbut fedora is kind of bad, It the worst version of 'redhat' I saw ..
01:21.38TekatiNope what did you get like the X101P's
01:21.40danthmodes, please differentiate personal opinion from fact
01:21.41MocI couldn't install it on most of my machine
01:21.53extremisTekati: yes, I wish they had a 4 port one
01:22.02MocI get an error at transfering Image to disk ..
01:22.10hmodeswell, based on researching what the hell to do with 600+ redhat 7.3 and 9.0 machines in the next four months, i'm pretty sure that's fact
01:22.18ZX81Moc: fedora works fine for me and all the stuff I need to do - cept the XWindows stuff is a bit dodgy
01:22.19hmodesi could however be wrong
01:22.40TekatiOh great now you are going to cause trouble here.  They have been working on that and are supposed to have it done by the end of the year.  I would also like a 4 port card rather then my two X101P's
01:22.41MocI dont use xwin, my setup is simple, Custom, and the package is the one at the end, Minimal ..
01:23.15danthmodes, this belongs in #fedora more then here anyway... let's keep this channel pure...
01:23.16*** join/#asterisk new_user (
01:23.39Mocwhat is better, Digium TDM400P or a Cisco ATA-186 ?
01:23.44ZX81:-) yeah I heard that fedora doesn't like being installed with minimal
01:23.58ZX81even after you install any packasges you need
01:24.03Mocoh well that it then ..
01:24.05TekatiOh hell no comparison in my book Moc the TDM40B card rules!
01:24.11Mocbut it the only way I install it ..
01:24.12Menaceuse gentoo, once u learn how to install its a breeze to use
01:24.15ZX81there was a post on the mailing list bout it yesterday
01:24.26tessiergentoo is an oddball distro
01:24.33Mocallright then, forget it Stealth_Man, going for a TDM400P  !! hehe
01:24.46*** join/#asterisk fmany (
01:24.50TekatiUh oh now you are going to get me in trouble LOL
01:25.01Moclol ;)
01:25.10TekatiJust make sure your mobo is PCI 2.2 compiant if it is not the TDM card WILL NOT WORK.
01:25.25tessierWhat sort of kb/s will the best freely available voice compression get you?
01:25.36Tekatitdm40b is a TDM400P with 4 modules (4 lines)
01:25.49tessierIs there anything free that will get a call down to 8kb/s?
01:26.02extremisTekati: like the te410p?
01:26.21Menaceis it possible to use * as a simple sip2pstn gateway with one x100p?
01:26.22ZX81tessier: tell me if you find one!
01:26.27TekatiI have a two line cordless plugged in to two of the ports and a fax machine in one of the other ones.  It rocks.  If I get a fax tone on either incoming line it automagically routes it to the fax port.
01:26.28extremisoh, fxs
01:26.41tessierZX81: What is the best freely available? I have heard there are commercial codecs that can do 8kb/s.
01:26.42TekatiManace: oh hell yea.
01:27.00hmodeshelllllz yeah
01:27.11ZX81tessier: dunno I thought commercial only went down to 16
01:27.40MenaceTekati: Im fowarding sip  messages from my sip proxy to * but Im getting usr not found
01:27.55extremisI really hope digium takes these cards back
01:28.14extremisso... where can I find some inexpensive fxo channel banks?
01:28.24ZX81extremis: I'll take them at $5 each
01:28.58ZX81extremis: ok $15 but that's my final offer  :-)
01:29.13ZX81extremis: try adit600
01:29.27extremishow much are the adit600's?
01:29.46ZX81extremis: there are some on ebay for around 5-600
01:30.06extremisI can't convince my boss to buy one
01:30.13extremishe wants me to do this as cheap as possible
01:30.20TekatiHow many ports are on a adit600?
01:31.20TekatiWhat did you search for on eBay I am not finding anything under adit600
01:31.27ZX81adit 600
01:31.32ZX81with space
01:31.39TekatiSmart ass :)
01:31.51TekatiThere is one for 425.00
01:32.05ZX81you can have lots of cards, each with 8xFXO or 8xfxs
01:32.31extremisso, what can be done if my system is being overloaded with too many irqs?
01:32.35Mocif I buy a TDM20B, can I add ports latter on the card ?
01:32.36extremishow do I even tell if that is the case?
01:32.36TekatiNow that is kind of slick.  So with one of those how do you connect it to Asterisk?
01:33.13TekatiMoc: I am not really sure but I could not see why you would not be able to.  They are just modules.
01:34.00MocJust wonder if they sell the modules seperare, and if it would cost less to buy it seperated hhe
01:34.01TekatiI am not sure but they may even be using the TDM400P card with the new FXO modules.  Who knows.  That would be kind of cool.
01:34.23ZX81gotta GO HAPPY XMAS and all that sheit
01:34.46*** part/#asterisk ZX81 (
01:36.36Mocseem to be 60$ each module .. hehe
01:37.52extremishas anyone successfully used 4 X100P's in one sysstem?
01:40.49Mocdoes Digium deliver fast ? and are they currently open ?
01:42.18angler_Moc, extra modules are $75 I believe and yes digium is closed since its 7:45 pm
01:42.39Mocbut I mean, will they be open tomorow
01:44.31Mocallright, will order it and Hope to get it fast ..
01:47.34*** join/#asterisk cybyc (
01:48.27*** join/#asterisk ursenj (
01:48.41ursenjwhat conf file do you conf FXO card??
01:49.20Tekatizapata.conf in /etc/asterisk
01:49.26Tekatiand zaptel.conf in /etc
01:49.34Mocorder places
01:50.04*** join/#asterisk Poemius (~youness@
01:50.20Poemiuslol, cute topic :)
01:51.12Mocoh ok.. that what a channel bank is !!! hehe
01:51.38*** join/#asterisk nords (
01:52.00*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
01:54.40nordsi am having some problems loading a digium TDM400P card.  I am using a PCI 2.2 compliant mobo.  When i try loading the wcfxs module it tells me there is no device.  I see two "tiger jet" devices listed in the proc/pci file.  I am running debian woody with the zaptel source from the site.  Can anyone help me?
01:55.45bkw_tiger jet is X100p
01:55.48bkw_unload wcfxo
01:55.50crontibshas digium comeout with the new moudler X100P
01:55.51bkw_then load wcfxs
01:55.52crontibscard jet
01:55.57bkw_then load wcfxo
01:56.10bkw_crontibs nope
01:57.02nordsok I unloaded the wcfxo card, and tried loading the wcfxs first, but still no go
01:57.35crontibsany good examples on menu system
01:57.44crontibsfor *
01:57.46bkw_crontibs what all do you need?
01:57.55bkw_you have to design and build them
01:58.02extremisso is fxs_ls the best to use with a X100P card on a normal SBC analog line?
01:58.28TekatiExactly. fxs_ks
01:58.38*** join/#asterisk killerbee (
01:58.43extremishrm, odd, ok
01:58.44bkw_SBC may charge higher prices and rip you off.. but their shit works 99.9% of the time like it should.
01:59.01killerbeeyo yo yo .. killerbee is in da house
01:59.08extremisbkw_: I'm actually using Allegience
01:59.10bkw_Tekati you an SBC victim also?
01:59.21bkw_poor poor thing
01:59.32Mocwhat is SBC ?
01:59.49killerbeemoc .. Some Bastard Company
01:59.54TekatiHey at least I finally have unlimited long distance now.  That was a long time coming.
01:59.57bkw_Southwestern Bell, Nevada Bell and may more
02:00.06bkw_SBC == EVIL
02:00.15TekatiYea but it works.
02:00.20bkw_I'm thinking about setting up another line
02:00.28bkw_Tekati let me know if your bill only has 1 charge for LD for both lines
02:00.29Moc:/ ok..
02:01.04TekatiThat is what they promised it would.  My brother and a friend have switched both lines at their houses over and were told the same thing so they better.
02:01.39TekatiThe only thing is, you have to have both lines consolidated on to one bill.
02:01.44TekatiThat was their only condition.
02:01.53bkw_Monthly Price: $20.11
02:01.54bkw_Installation Price: $30.00
02:01.56TekatiWhich I don't care.
02:01.56bkw_for another line
02:02.15TekatiYou know I have had two lines for years now.  I am not sure to be honest.
02:02.23bkw_oh hell I don't care if they are all on the same bill ... I can open up my lines to the NET then.. for friends and family and make it worth my time
02:02.49bkw_wonder if you have to pay for callerid only once
02:03.01bkw_for both lines
02:03.03wsuffi got verizon and they sucks
02:03.04MocG.729 at 8kbits/sec  that nice ..
02:03.13bkw_Moc no ilbc uses less bandwidth
02:03.15bkw_and sounds better
02:03.17bkw_OVER HEAD
02:03.32Mocilbc is free ?
02:03.46MocGSM is 64kbits ?
02:04.09Tekatibkw_: Now that I am not sure.  I have been paying for both lines so that would definetely be a added bonus.
02:04.38ursenjI have a new xp100,. where do I start on getting it configed?
02:04.50bkw_GSM is 13kbit
02:05.00Mocthat nice
02:05.14*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
02:05.30killerbeeursenj.. send it to me,..I'll configure it fer ya
02:05.32Moccould make about 38 GSM channel with my cable modem ..
02:05.37Moc;) hehe
02:06.19bkw_SmartTrunk = PRI
02:06.22bkw_SuperTrunk = CT1
02:06.32bkw_SBC needs to fix that
02:07.25Poemiusdoes anyone know the procedure in getting asterisk to work with a conexant hsf modem?
02:07.30TestMasTerwho would i have to talk to, to get the ok to use Asterisk, Logo?
02:07.34killerbeehumm wonder how much a pri would cost me
02:07.58ursenjTestMasTer, you get the BT101 plying??
02:08.02bkw_Poemius GIVE up
02:08.04tessierTestMasTer: Since asterisk is a gpl project it shoudl be free to use.
02:08.21TestMasTerursenj,  na no flashing
02:08.22bkw_killerbee pri costs me like 3600 bucks /mth
02:08.28bkw_fucking SBC bastards
02:08.35TestMasTertessier,  ok so i don`t have to get the ok from anyone?
02:08.41killerbeebkw_... MOVE
02:08.41Poemiusbkw_ : but I read that conexant works, no?
02:08.42ursenjwerid,. what does the sip debug say,..
02:08.51tessierTestMasTer: I don't see why you would.
02:08.55MocPRI cost 600$/month Canadian
02:09.00killerbeewtf bkw_
02:09.08TestMasTerursenj,  it doesn`t say anything about it
02:09.12TestMasTertessier,  ok thanx for the info
02:09.17nordsI bought the asterisk develpers kit.  I put both cards in the system.  when i do a pci listing both cards look identical, is that right?
02:09.32bkw_Poemius riiight give up now
02:09.32Moc3600$ US for a PRI ... men where do you live ? Woods ?
02:09.39bkw_they backhaul it 110 miles from Tulsa
02:09.41killerbeebkw_. oh yeah... I rembmer LINE CHARGE
02:09.47*** join/#asterisk Carp (
02:09.59Mocoh ok ..
02:10.01killerbeeonly 40 for the service right..
02:10.04ursenjwhat I did was leave a message and then I bounced the BT101 and then when it register to * there shuold be a line that sayes wether it has meassges,.
02:10.33Mocshould the message button on BT101 flash when there is messages ?
02:10.38ursenjmine said it hand none when it really did,.. context was wrong
02:11.03Poemiusbkw : in morocco, it's hard to get digium hardware, I already had trouble getting the developer kit. and I need a second fxo :)... so I'll make an extra effort
02:11.07TestMasTerursenj,  how is your config setup on your phone?
02:11.11killerbeetell ya what bkw_... I'll run two...any put U an * box on the end of one fer ya
02:11.26bkw_Poemius give up with the conexant
02:11.27ursenjbasic,.. nothing special
02:11.35Carpwhat would be the reason for an IP phone with 2 ports? one for an incoming cat5 and one for an outgoing to a computer maybe?
02:11.43Carpi seen one today with 2 ports at triple A
02:12.18TestMasTerursenj,  same here all context is the same, on all three files but still no flash, rebooted asterisk bt100 nothing
02:12.23ursenjTestMasTer, do you have mailbox=####@(mailbox context)
02:12.27TestMasTerbt101 i should say
02:12.27ursenjin the sip.conf
02:12.31TestMasTerursenj,  ya
02:12.34Poemiusbkw: any alternative generic voice modem that may work?
02:13.11TestMasTerursenj,  something i really don`t like about these phones, you have to pick up the line before you can view called and callers
02:13.38ursenjya that sucks,.. but it is 65 bucks
02:13.48Mocthe display of my phone is flashing ..
02:13.51TestMasTerya right lol i paid 150 and some change
02:13.53extremisso the problem doesn't seem to occur with 2 lines
02:14.01extremisI haven't tried 3 yet
02:14.02CarpWhat do you all think the best IP phone is?
02:14.09ursenjMoc,. you have messages,....
02:14.17extremisbut I've only tested for 13 minutes
02:14.26TestMasTerCarp,  i`ve been told cisco
02:14.31MocI thought the message button would flash
02:14.39CarpWhich cisco?
02:14.43Carpwhat model
02:14.44Stealth_ManMOC: whole dialpad is flashing :)
02:14.49killerbeebkw_ ... how many lines U want?
02:14.53UnixDawgnot on grandstream the display flashes
02:15.01MocOnly display flash
02:15.03ursenjTestMasTer, you have a xp100??
02:15.04Stealth_ManUnix: not only display ,diapad too
02:15.11TestMasTerursenj,  ya
02:15.19Mocnope, dialpad is always very LOW red
02:15.24ursenjTestMasTer, were do you config that bad boy?
02:15.30Mocwhy did that but that there ... can't even read number anyway
02:15.33UnixDawgin stealth case he flashes when he gets a msg
02:15.50TestMasTerursenj,  well did you do the make stuff for the zaptel  dir?
02:16.13TestMasTerursenj,  go in to zaptel.conf it should be in /etc/zaptel.conf
02:16.31ursenjIt talks about PRI stuff, but I look  at it again
02:16.45TestMasTerursenj,  and add fxsks=1  #X100P
02:16.55ursenjthat it??
02:17.03Mochow could I made the voicemail to know what mailbox I want to access..
02:17.15MocI mean, so I dont have to dial my mailbox # when I dial VoiceMail
02:17.16TestMasTerand then edit zapata.conf
02:17.48ursenjwhat needs to be in that??,,
02:17.57TestMasTerursenj,  then add group=1  signalling=fxs_ks  ;switchtype = national  channel=>1   ;X100P immediate=yes
02:18.00bkw_these rates are crazy
02:18.00MocSend DTMF:    in-audio     via RTP (RFC2833)     via SIP INFO  
02:18.05Mocwhat should I choice ?
02:18.09TestMasTerwhops don`t worry about switchtype
02:18.12PoemiusMoc: exten => 28,1,VoicemailMain2(${CALLERIDNUM})
02:18.20Mocgreat thanks
02:18.22TestMasTerbkw_,  for longdistance?
02:18.25UnixDawgset a ext for voicemail sith caller id
02:18.47extremisso I keep hearing clicks and pops
02:18.47Poemiusthat's assuming caller ID is set
02:18.56extremisbut when I plug a cordless into the line I can't hear it
02:19.04extremisso I think it might be the X100P cards
02:19.09UnixDawgand then in your grandstream setup have the msg button dial that ext
02:20.42ursenjwhat con I do at the CLI to see if the xp100 is configured right?
02:21.29TestMasTerursenj,  zap channels show iirc
02:21.46TestMasTerwhops zap show channels
02:21.59km-yeah, woot
02:22.02MocWARNING[1217669936]: File pbx.c, Line 1773 (ast_pbx_run): Channel 'SIP/2001-141b' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default', but no invalid handler
02:22.03MocSegmentation fault
02:22.25TestMasTerMoc,  is this happening when someone calls in?
02:22.41ursenjIt doesn;t say anything??
02:22.49MocWell it was an error in my extensions.conf
02:22.57km-hmodes: my wifey :)
02:23.08bkw_A promotional period will begin on October 1, 2003 and end on September 30, 2004 for eligible
02:23.08bkw_business customers who order SmartTrunk service and who commit to a 12-, 24-, 36-, 48-, or
02:23.08bkw_60-month service term.
02:23.11Mocbut I dont think it should have Segmentation fault ..
02:23.18hmodesso lots of hot sex after the shot, right?
02:23.19TestMasTerursenj,  then you need to do modprobe wcfxo ; modprobe zaptel ; ztcfg -v
02:24.06Mocwhen voicemail hangup, the phone make busy signal .. funny
02:24.28bkw_reading the tariff is fun
02:25.25Moclol phone start to flash before the user finish to record the message
02:25.34hmodesdamnit, non-working television BAD
02:25.40killerbeebkw_...why dont I get some pri and teminate it to a * box...colo fer ya
02:25.51ursenjI got: WARNING[16384]: File chan_zap.c, Line 634 (zt_open): Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or address
02:26.50bkw_killerbee how much PRI cost ya?
02:27.15killerbeedunno.. I'm gonna find out...anything is better than...what Ur about to pay
02:28.19extremiswell 2 cards died too
02:28.24extremisI just had to load up the machine a little more
02:28.29bkw_killerbee i'm not going to pay yet
02:28.36bkw_I can get a PRI for 271 with 8 channels
02:28.50extremisthis is the suck
02:29.05killerbeenice.. ya mean ya just cant teminte in Ur bedrroom?
02:29.24Mikeexten => s/101,1,SetCIDName,niceguy <--- what exactly does that do ?
02:29.40bkw_sets the name to niceguy when you get a call from 101
02:30.28Mikebut if i have set it on sip.conf
02:30.46Mikei dont need to add it again right?
02:31.28TestMasTeranyone running grandsteam figured out what error 484 on the phone is
02:31.29Tekaticallerid = "Nice Guy" <101>
02:31.46bkw_484 is incomplete
02:31.48bkw_turn off early dial
02:32.04TekatiWow and he was nice about it!
02:32.05TestMasTerearly dial what file is that in?
02:32.44ursenjTestMasTer, its in the BT101 admin
02:33.14Mikedamn the callerid still says unknown name and then the extension #
02:33.32TekatiMike: Grandstream ATA?
02:33.56TestMasTerursenj,  oh ok
02:33.58MikeTekati: yes
02:34.16MikeTekati: im using 4.30
02:34.23MikeTekati: supports callerid now
02:34.25TekatiMike: Then that is probably the best you are going to get for now.  I think it is a bug in thier software or not implemented yet.
02:34.40TekatiI know I have the same problem here.  Same code too.
02:34.44TekatiNo name just a number.
02:34.46MikeTekati: 4.30 ???
02:34.49km-someone volunteer to read my backflame?
02:34.58wsuffkm-: sure
02:35.03MikeTekati: they didnt realease a new firmware today?
02:35.08TestMasTerursenj,  thats already set to no
02:35.17TekatiI am not sure.
02:35.43MikeTekati: infact sometimes i get NO DATA
02:35.51MikeTekati: some others i get the callerid info
02:36.00TekatiBut never the name right?
02:36.33MikeTekati: never the name thats right
02:36.33TekatiMike: I am glad we at least get the number most of the time now.
02:36.42MikeTekati: me too
02:37.15TekatiMike: Yep I believe that is a GS problem.  I never did call them today about it but I will tomorrow.  Either that or maybe the way Asterisk sends the data but I would imagine that is totally standard.
02:37.36bkw_SBC can bite me
02:37.51TekatiUh oh what now Brian?
02:37.51killerbeebkw_.. U might LIKE that too muc
02:38.29bkw_1051 for PRI 23B+D
02:38.35*** join/#asterisk Connor_ (
02:38.37bkw_CLID and 100 DID block
02:38.43killerbeeTekati...the TOS for SBC says bkw_ must pimp his sistah to me
02:38.55bkw_she's a dyke
02:39.02km-no shit
02:39.31killerbeewhat a family...the I guess U have to PIMP Urself out
02:40.48km-brian and jeremy?
02:41.03killerbeebkw_ dont matter much to me whom U pimp to me..
02:41.06km-homos don't play the hero at convenience store robberies
02:41.19km-brian would be too afraid to break a nail!
02:41.35MocWe should start a VoIP COOPerative ..
02:42.06*** kick/#asterisk [km-!] by bkw_ (autokick for CAPS LOCK)
02:42.17*** join/#asterisk km- (
02:42.24Mocflame who ?
02:42.31km-this dude on asterisk-doc mailing list
02:42.54km-I wrote the response and it is cathartic
02:43.40bkw_  <-- this is where i'm getting my PRI
02:44.11Mocwasn't SBC Evil ???
02:44.27*** part/#asterisk nords (
02:44.41bkw_who said I was getting SBC
02:44.45bkw_i'm just showing the calling area
02:45.03Mocyou keep sending link to SBC ...
02:45.16killerbeetalk about butt fuck
02:45.33km-now it's all clear to me!
02:46.05Moclol ...
02:49.14km-I'm just seething and reading the SCO shit
02:49.42Moclol Im happy sco doing this, make good funny lunch time reading everyday of the week
02:50.09*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
02:50.25hmodesmy roommate is a sco admin
02:50.27hmodespoor bastard
02:50.48TestMasTerbkw_,  is there a dial timeout for * it self as well?
02:50.58km-hmodes: you need to come live with kristy and me
02:51.11km-hmodes: you can sleep on the couch! :P
02:51.30hmodescall me when you get your fibre :)
02:52.09TestMasTeranyone know if there is a dialer time out for *?
02:52.16km-six pull to my apartment
02:52.31killerbeeI'm getting fiber soon
02:53.28killerbeeTHEN ....I run servers for everyone
02:53.35PoemiusI can get x lite to register with asterisk, even to dial out, but when I try to speak, no sound. is there any particuliar codec or particular instruction for sound to work too?
02:53.38hmodesall i want from life is 3mbit sync..  10 would be ideal, but 3mbit would be acceptable
02:53.55malcolmd2hooray for Comcast :D
02:54.15hmodesyeah, i really can't snag stuff on the t3 at work much faster then on cable at home
02:54.21hmodesbut the upstream is fuggin painful
02:54.36TekatiPoemius: disallow=all allow=gsm
02:54.45PoemiusTekati: thanks :)
02:54.49TekatiFor x-lite it seems to work best.
02:54.50TekatiNo problem.
02:55.19JerJermalcolmd2:  have u been informed of a semi-random kernel panic on the TE410Ps?
02:55.43bkw_damn it.. someone send me cash to buy a dell server
02:56.07Mikebkw_: what server are you intrested on?
02:56.23Mikebkw_: dont you spend more money than what you save using voip:P?
02:56.28Poemiustekati: actually, I already have that in there. it's probably something else
02:56.30killerbeebkw_... what the hell good is a server with not pri or bandwidth..
02:56.30km-jerjer: hey dude, ya didn't answer my query
02:56.43malcolmd2JerJer:  noperz
02:56.45km-jerjer: are you deferring for later judgement? :)
02:57.10bkw_killerbee I have to take this in stages
02:57.17hmodesscrew cash, send hookers!
02:57.18bkw_if I can get a server.. I can colo and get the PRI
02:57.28malcolmd2tech support guys haven't alerted me to anything and the box @ work's been stable for months
02:57.32bkw_hmodes hookers only make your pee pee hurt
02:57.53bkw_malcolmd2 send me lots of hardware.. i'm sure I can cause it to fail..
02:58.09bkw_if it can break.. I can usually make it happen
02:58.15malcolmd2har :)  but some people really are a black hole for's really wierd
02:58.17malcolmd2er.. weird
02:58.26JerJerCall Trace:   [<f8a06354>] zt_receive [zaptel] 0x5ac (0xc038be68))
02:58.26JerJer[<f8a3bfea>} t4_receiveprep [wct4xxp] 0x3c6 (0xc038bed8))
02:58.26JerJer[<f89aaab6>] e1000_clean_rx_irq [e100] 0xf6 (0xc038befc))
02:58.26JerJer[<f8a381f1>] t4_interrupt [wct4xxp] 0x131 (0xc038bf28))
02:58.45JerJerno irq sharing
02:59.03malcolmd2hmm....e1000...someone in tech support said someone was having a problem w/ an e1k and a te410...dunno what the results of that were though
02:59.34killerbeebkw_... see this ...
02:59.44killerbeethis means I;m getting fiber next year...]
03:00.00Shido6_Las Vegas
03:00.08wsuffkillerbee: how expensive?
03:00.33km-killerbee: if you live in colorado or new mexico I think I can get comcast to run fiber to you
03:00.45km-killerbee: they're betatesting a sprint-ion like service
03:00.53killerbeekm- ... NJ
03:01.10bkw_malcolmd2 but I don't have stuff crash on me unless I abuse it and try to make it crash
03:01.11*** join/#asterisk bobman (
03:01.30km-half the people in this article listed are our clients
03:01.40km-preformed line, tyco electronics, ADC
03:01.44JerJermalcolmd: would turning on the watchdog do anything to stop/help this?
03:01.56killerbeehm... hook me up.. free rootprompt for U
03:01.56malcolmd2JerJer:  dunno..never messed w/ it.
03:02.05malcolmd2it = watchdog
03:02.22killerbeecapable of transferring data at speeds up to 622 megabits per second to the user and 155 megabits per second to the network
03:02.32km-damn bitches
03:02.37km-gonna make it like ADSL
03:02.54wsuffkm-: get some more bw to your appt
03:03.02bkw_Ethernet over SONET
03:03.09km-wsuff: my uncle is a higher up in the comcast fiber division
03:03.09killerbeekm.. set up the guest bedroom...I;m moving in
03:03.17km-wsuff: he told me, if I wanted fiber, all I had to do was ask
03:03.22wsuffkm-; comcast suts
03:03.32km-F I B E R
03:03.37killerbeekm.....Im asking...
03:03.37wsuffya i know
03:03.46Mocfiber at home would be great ..
03:03.50km-you know, that amazing glass stuff that TRANSFERS DATA AT 6gb/SEC!
03:03.51killerbeetell him I;m Ur Loooooonnnng lost cousin
03:03.55wsuffkm-: so why don't u get it =)
03:04.02km-because he said I had to come up with the CPE
03:04.12km-and I can't afford a nortel demux
03:04.28killerbeeyeah... yeah.. Me,, me....
03:04.30ursenjdoes anyone here know wahat LZ transceviers cost for your fiber??
03:04.35killerbeeI;ll buy it.
03:04.44km-that equipment is like 15k
03:04.50km-here, I'll say this
03:04.57km-if you guys want to get a collection going for my fiber
03:05.01ursenjstarting at 15k
03:05.03km-I'll give free colo for a year! :P
03:05.10km-maybe longer
03:05.16MocHope you dont have a girlfriend km- !! :)
03:05.25km-I have a wife
03:05.26wsuffMoc: wife even worse
03:05.29killerbeeme.. me me... I'll buy it... me me me..
03:05.32ursenja ds3 with a atm drop cost us about 45k
03:05.34MocHaving rackmount in the bedroom isn't a good idea ;)
03:05.41Mocish hee
03:06.02killerbeekm.. where do ya live,... I;ll move next door
03:06.32killerbeeI am next door.....NJ
03:06.35km-seriously if I got 3 rings
03:06.41km-we'd be dropping ethernet to everyone within range
03:07.00Mocbtw km-, ask him fiber but just get like 100mbits fiber, will cost about 1000$ for a transceiver
03:07.01wsuffkillerbee: i'm in nj too =/
03:07.12Shido6_our children wont be greatful of the groundwork we lay here tonight
03:07.20km-dude theres enough space for everyone
03:07.23km-I'll move into the slums
03:07.32km-I'll give the crack dealers websites so they'll protect the house
03:07.37km-moc: 100mbit fiber?
03:07.51Shido6_they'll burn through terabytes of bandwidth and never think twice about sending so much light down the pipe you could shine on the world for days
03:07.52km-moc: $1000 a transceiver!  really?  What about EDFA's?
03:07.56killerbeedont care....I'll pay 20k for that
03:08.08km-killerbee: what, 100mbit to the internet? :)
03:08.26killerbeefor the cpe...
03:08.55km-well I'll let ya know
03:09.01*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
03:09.08km-I'm going to be moving to a house right on the edge of norristown within a year or two
03:09.13km-and it's a duplex
03:09.15hmodesbut, neither my computer nor the internet can sustain 100mbit
03:09.30killerbeeoh I can......
03:09.34km-hmodes of course gets first dibs because he's been my friend since I ran a BBS
03:09.45MocIm soon going to switch job... the other place told me they got 1000mbits internet access..
03:09.51Moccurrent one is 10mbits..
03:10.08hmodesbut..  the internet isn't that fast damnit!
03:10.09wsuffmoc: 10 not enuf for ya
03:10.11JerJerso who's ready to help me put vonage out of business?
03:10.26wsuffJerJer: how u plan on doing that
03:10.32Mocyea... I got server hosted at 100mbits at the other place.. but kind of boring to go there everyday to get data..
03:10.37hmodesJerJer: OOOH!!! me me pick me!
03:10.39killerbeeJerJer..I'm in if ya can port their number for me
03:10.55JerJerkillerbee: what state?
03:11.07km-jerjer: didja finally get national DID?
03:11.30bkw_JerJer got DID's in Tulsa Oklahoma?
03:11.47JerJerbkw_: not yet
03:11.49hmodesthere's a provider that can provide national did?
03:11.56hmodesthat seems un-possible
03:11.59JerJerkillerbee:  should be able to port NK numbers
03:12.23TestMasTerJerJer,  you sell dids?
03:12.24km-jerjer: do you have dids in philly? :P
03:12.33TestMasTeror i should say lease?
03:12.36*** join/#asterisk ManxPowr (
03:12.42wsuffkm-: good idea
03:12.53JerJernk = nj
03:13.09MocBtw JerJer (NuFone) service is great ... IT work in canada ... and sound is good, delay is praticly none ..
03:13.09hmodeswhat the hell is with voip and nj anyway?
03:13.25km-jerjer: 610/635 610/539 484/919 484/368? :)
03:13.29hmodesis it all the cheap coding labor or something?
03:13.34IAXmanwhats delay?
03:13.39Mocwhat is the law about 911 number ?
03:14.12Moclike I got IP PHone with Nufone, but I got to configure 911, is there a DB with list of each area phone number for 911
03:14.16UnixDawgman there has to be a way to get this pbx to work with a ext dsp/v/d/f modem
03:14.31MocUnixDawg: GET A Digium Modem ..
03:14.33atacommhey UD, how goes?
03:14.33km-hunter how sweet would that be
03:14.40Shido6i dont think we wanna touch e911...
03:14.47hmodeswow, it's disturbing i remember that
03:14.53Moc539-7166 is 911 everywhere ?
03:14.55UnixDawgNoc is it ext ?
03:15.02km-moc: no, it was the phone number to my bbs
03:15.09UnixDawgwe dont have drivers for the int on fbsd
03:15.13Moclol hehe stop playing ..
03:15.23UnixDawghey ata
03:15.55Mocha ok
03:16.27UnixDawgbut I have 5 ext rockwell based v d f modems
03:17.10TestMasTeranyone see a problem with thisexten => _011XXXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@tplanet,800,t) ?
03:17.32Mocyes, tplanet
03:17.41Mocok it late, bad jok e..
03:18.20TestMasTerMoc,  i was just wondering about the XXX`s wanted to make sure i formatted them correctly
03:18.25killerbeejerjer.... do you suport callerid with name?
03:18.44TestMasTerbecause i`m not sure if its the gs phone or that code but i keep getting a 484 error with it
03:18.54TestMasTerand i have dial time turned off on the GS config
03:22.04crontibskillerbee what part of nj you from
03:23.31*** join/#asterisk Carp (
03:24.32Carpnot saying that i'm changing over or anything, i'm just there any software for Windows like asterisk?
03:26.37JerJerhell no
03:26.48*** join/#asterisk yaboo (
03:26.51km-call manager
03:27.05CarpI'm asking because I seen a phone server on ebay and it said it had Windows 2000 Server on it
03:27.17km-cisco callmanager runs on win2k I think
03:27.29km-jeremy, correct me
03:27.31MocNortel CallPilot run on NT4
03:28.08JerJerCCM is a joke
03:28.25hmodescisco is a joke
03:28.33hmodesthey should really just stick to data routers
03:28.59CarpThey make a good IP phone
03:29.01km-I've got a cartoon on my wall that was made by juniper
03:29.07hmodes'cause while they've been busy buying smaller companies to have voip shit and load balancing shit and other shit
03:29.10km-it's titled "If Cisco Invented The Wheel"
03:29.14hmodesjuniper is stealing their router niche!
03:29.23km-and it's like this weird ass rock that's got four corners and has branches sticking out and shit
03:29.41hmodesbut their routers were badass!
03:29.44hmodesthey just lost focus
03:30.17km-guys, I hate to leave all of ya
03:30.22hmodesnow they make voip gateways that crash twice a day
03:30.24km-but K promised me a hummer if I put together the desk
03:30.28km-and since I've done the job
03:30.31km-time to get my reward
03:30.47bkw_ok thats ghey
03:30.49hmodesdamn you!
03:31.17hmodesi wish i got my winky licked for doing menial tasks :(
03:31.32yaboohey who's got a gs unit
03:31.37bkw_hmodes you haven't meet me then
03:32.27yabooput in the gs config for auth id and auth passwd my username and secret and asterisk complains it can't login
03:32.49yabooNOTICE[81926]: File chan_sip.c, Line 5369 (handle_request): Registration from '<sip:yaboo@>' failed for ''
03:32.59bkw_show us your sip.conf entry
03:33.05bkw_then we can tell you where its wrong
03:33.06Carpis telemarketing completly legal?
03:33.10Carpits kinda like spam
03:33.27TestMasTerbkw_,  you told me turn off the Dialler time our... I did that but when ever i`m trying to call over seas i get a 484 error  anyideas what i could do ?
03:33.31yaboocontext = sip
03:33.31yaboodtmfmode = rfc2833
03:33.31yaboohost = dynamic
03:33.31yaboomailhost = 121
03:33.32yaboonat = yes
03:33.34yabooport = 5060
03:33.36yaboosecret = yaboo
03:33.38yabootype = friend
03:33.40yaboousername = yaboo
03:33.42yaboo;restrictcid=yes                ; To have the callerid restriced -> sent as ANI
03:34.18bkw_port can go
03:34.20bkw_username can go
03:34.28bkw_mailhost bad
03:34.29bkw_fix that
03:34.31bkw_its mailbox
03:34.44bkw_see that part [phone01]
03:34.45bkw_thats the username
03:34.49bkw_username= does NOTHING
03:35.28yaboooh [phone01] is the username bkw_
03:35.43Mocwithout the [] ;)
03:35.52bkw_moc don't confuse him
03:35.58yabooMoc I gather that
03:36.11Mocsorry he
03:36.15dougheckaand get rid of the [22:34:44] <@bkw_> see that part AND the []
03:36.44bkw_I didn't say that you dumbass
03:37.14yabooyeah it works
03:37.21yabooI owe you guys a drink
03:37.34killerbeeI prefer scotch.. thanks
03:38.07dougheckano no
03:38.11dougheckaits mine money
03:38.27yaboohmm my gs phone is now flashing and the ethernet icon on the gs is one
03:38.40bkw_voicemail maybe?
03:38.49yaboohow do I dial voicemail
03:38.52UnixDawgok we have developed the perfect pbx box
03:39.00dougheckapress voicemail button
03:39.00killerbeecrap.. sombody give jeff a kick in the butt to deliever my wisi
03:39.10UnixDawgnano-itx in a small blue nano-itx case
03:39.17dougheckayou, you, ISIP!
03:39.18yabooon the gs message button I guess
03:39.20bkw_UnixDawg no hardware support
03:39.24killerbeeerr... wisip
03:39.28UnixDawgwith 512 meg ddr
03:39.36bkw_someone find me PRI for cheap
03:39.42dougheckayaboo: though you need to program the button in teh config first
03:39.58yaboocollect: Cannot write ./dfhBN3bOtd003291 (bfcommit, uid=101, gid=101): Permission denied
03:39.59yabooqueueup: cannot create queue temp file ./tfhBN3bOtd003291, uid=101: Permission denied
03:40.02yaboogetting this error
03:40.31UnixDawgwell its ment for voip only
03:40.45killerbeeyaboo... U still running this as a non priviliged user
03:41.10bkw_Yaboo run as root and be done with it
03:41.10yabooas root I'm running asterisk
03:41.27bkw_then who is uid 101?
03:41.42yabooalso Voice Mail UserID: I need to configure in the gs config 121 for my mailbox
03:41.42killerbeeps -ef
03:41.48yaboolooking into 101 uid
03:42.18yaboouid 101 is the smmsp user hmm
03:42.38killerbeethat will be my second scotch plz
03:42.50yabooyeah I'll buy a barrel
03:43.44killerbeeblue label please
03:45.11bkw_blah 1k/mth for PRI
03:45.13bkw_thats fucked up
03:45.34wsuffu tell em bkw
03:46.43killerbeebkw_.. U gotta move...
03:48.33bkw_not an option
03:48.43yabooin the rtp.conf if I set whatever ports there I need to have those open on the firewall to allow the data throu?
03:54.13bkw_those are the rtp ports * will use
03:54.33bkw_I dont' get why we don't have one config... asterisk.conf with an [rtp] section
03:54.42bkw_instead of all these conf files littered in /etc/asterisk/
03:55.59*** join/#asterisk jorgerai (
03:56.11*** join/#asterisk joesmith (
03:59.03yabooanyone got a fwd no. I can call them on to test fwd under asterisk
04:00.10wsuffbkw: no idea
04:00.17yabooMoc no.
04:00.56TestMasTergrrr i don`t like this tplanetworld
04:02.00UnixDawgsoon everyone will be on sip or iax that hardware will not matter
04:02.08UnixDawgthe cards will become useless
04:03.10extremiswhat happens if oss or alsa isn't used on an * box?
04:03.14extremisdoes that cause problems?
04:03.33UnixDawgjust disable the alsa
04:03.41UnixDawgit will not affect the *
04:04.33extremisso doing find / will instantly cause * to flip out and I have to restart it
04:04.40loko_mokoCan 800 numbers be transferred to voicepulse?
04:05.18extremisit locks the fxo channel being used and interaction with the pbx is insane
04:05.34extremisshe flips out repeating thing sover and skipping and going between menus real fast
04:06.13*** join/#asterisk _gorman (
04:06.23joesmithloko_noko: you can trasfer 800s to nufone
04:07.14bkw_you can
04:07.20bkw_joesmith who is your 800 number with now
04:07.40bkw_you want to transfer a number to or from nufone?
04:07.47bkw_you can transfer to nufone I know for a fact
04:07.55joesmithloko_moko asked if you can trasfer them to voicepulse...i said that you can to nufone, but  i don't know about vp
04:08.21JerJerlast i knew voicepulse didn't do toll-free
04:08.43loko_mokoi know you can transfer to nufone, unfortunately nufone doesnt work for me
04:09.10JerJerand why not?
04:09.14loko_mokocuz my cable modem sucks
04:09.18loko_mokoand my dsl is ever worse
04:09.31JerJerthen ur gonna have trouble doing VoIP period.
04:09.33loko_mokoand i cant order speakeasy dsl since its a year contract and im moving in 4 months
04:09.36denonso throw in a few DS-1s
04:09.50JerJercomplain, loudly
04:09.51joesmithyou can trasfer speakeasy if you move with no charge
04:09.53loko_mokojerjer, well right now i run my * box out in LA and it connects to nufone
04:09.57loko_mokoand i connect into *
04:10.01loko_mokosince i have a stable connection there
04:10.11loko_mokothats how i have been using nufone which works fine when I use g729 from me to LA *
04:10.11hmodesloko_moko: if you can eat the disconnect fee for a month they'll credit you
04:10.23JerJersmells like another ISP that has no clue how to peer
04:10.36hmodesspeakeasy is way flexable
04:10.43loko_mokodidnt know that
04:10.43hmodesjust call them and explain the situation
04:10.55hmodes95% chance they'll offer to credit you the disconnect fee when you move
04:11.07hmodesif you get another circuit at your new place on a new 1yr contract
04:11.09loko_mokojerjer do you have plans on ever offering DIDs for cities? I need a LA DID
04:11.20loko_mokohmodes yea well I cant get dsl where i am movign to
04:11.21joesmithjerjer: I need a columbus one
04:11.31loko_mokoonly cable, so thats why i cant do speakeasy, since i cant move it
04:11.33hmodesoh, well in that case you're screwed
04:11.40loko_mokoyou had my hopes up damnit
04:11.43loko_mokotill you said the last part =P
04:11.49hmodeswhy would you move where there is no speakeasy?!?
04:12.33loko_mokocuz during the school yet my apartment is in the city of pittsburgh in the ghetto (surprised they even have dsl / cable, prob just cuz there are 20,000 students living there)
04:12.52loko_mokothe rest of the year i go home (5 miles out of downtown) in the nice golf course areas =P
04:13.07loko_mokoaway from the ghetto where i wake up every morning hoping to see my car outside still
04:13.08hmodeswell free rent is a good enough excuse i guess
04:13.34loko_mokoeventually i want to move to LA / hollywood
04:13.39hmodesi miss not having to pay my way through life
04:13.41loko_mokosince i can get a T1 into the network for around $180
04:13.42hmodesthis shit is expensive
04:13.56wsuffloko_moko: i got a friend who wants to move to la
04:14.06wsuffloko_moko: trying to convince em outta it
04:14.36hmodescali is flat dry and boring
04:14.43bkw_oh fuck SBC
04:14.46hmodesgo to vancouver!  or better yet, don't so it's still nice when I get there
04:14.56wsuffthat applys to most of the west coast
04:14.56wsuffheh e
04:15.10loko_mokowsuff why?
04:15.15wsuffand arnold is an added bonus
04:15.15loko_mokoyes fuck SBC
04:15.26bkw_well shit they WAY over charge for services
04:15.36loko_mokofiber was cut over the weekend leaving me a huge outage thansk to the fucks at SBC who wont fix it
04:15.46wsuffloko_moko: cause i want wanna deal w/ the asshole she used to date that lives in LA
04:15.53wsuffdon't wanna hafta deal
04:16.02loko_mokowhere do you live?
04:16.08loko_mokoim in PA
04:16.15dougheckabloody hell
04:16.25dougheckaits impossible to find info about a cell phone
04:16.25loko_mokoi wanna go to LA for the weather, lifestyle, and all my servers are there
04:16.32dougheckaall these... FREE Ring tones!!
04:16.42loko_mokowhere at ?
04:16.49bkw_anyone have a URL for NPANXX lookup
04:16.53dougheckasearch google :)
04:16.54bkw_I had one but can't find it now
04:22.18TestMasTerCarp,  none i can fine
04:22.31*** join/#asterisk dpeter (
04:23.33TestMasTerfind even
04:23.55CarpI dont think you cant.
04:23.58dpeterwow so many people... I just want to make a SOFTPHONE that is SIP capable with NO ATA ... HARD?(PC+soundcard+microphone)
04:24.11Mocanyone got a working FWD I can test to call ? I got a strange sound using my IP PHone ..
04:24.55Mocdpeter: there is alot of SIP phone software..
04:25.05Mocbut software are never that great so .. better get the real thing
04:26.05dpeterMoc>> seems that a PC (2Gig) could do all the computing.. with a decent soundcard.. no ATA needed.. am i missing something? i understand about hardware doing things well..
04:26.57hmodes<-- 21930
04:27.23dpeteri basically want to take phone calls to a dialable NUMBER while connected to internet. Open Access feature of without hardware!!
04:27.33Mikehey guys im trying to dial from the console to ext 101@asterisk how can i give it a caller id
04:27.39Mikeim trying dial 101@asterisk
04:27.40Mikethat it
04:28.03MocI think I got a problem .. brb
04:28.08hmodesi hear nutton
04:28.41loko_mokoJerJer- how does colo'ing at nufone work? what are the costs and whats included
04:29.13UnixDawgok bed time
04:29.14JerJeryou pay for rackspace and internet
04:29.22JerJerthen if u want a PRI you pay for that too
04:29.30UnixDawgnight kiddies
04:30.26loko_mokoHow much is rackspace, internet, pri, and per minute rates
04:30.37loko_moko1u server
04:31.41JerJerwe have a 1u/1meg colo special for $125 a month
04:31.52hmodesyeeah, so some other jackass happened to call me just then
04:32.10loko_mokoDo I need to get my own PRI or is that something that can be shared with people
04:32.34JerJeryou don't have to have your own PRI
04:32.59hmodesand what ever was still ringing gave no audio
04:33.14loko_mokois there special pricing on the per minute rate?
04:33.23JerJerdepends on volume
04:33.30Poemiushas anyone had difficulties with setting up x-lite? successfully registers, but no audio? is there any specific port that needs to be open except for 5060/8000?
04:33.46bkw_JerJer  you don't have two-way PRI avail?
04:34.05JerJeryou can get toll-frees on our PRIs
04:34.25bkw_man these prices I have for PRI around here are very disapointing
04:34.31loko_mokobkw they sure are
04:34.48loko_mokoi wish i could get incoming 800 service on a PRI without paying for local service
04:34.58Poemiuslol, I am sure you'd be even more disappointed with prices here in morocco :)
04:35.01JerJerthen i'm not gonna depress you with our PRI cost :)
04:35.08bkw_I know
04:35.14bkw_you pay alot less
04:35.16bkw_ALOT less
04:35.26bkw_but thats what happens when you sleep with the clec
04:36.03bkw_I can get PRI for 500 but I have to colo to get that.. so you have to tack on colo costs.. might as well get SBC if i'm gonna do that
04:36.22loko_mokothe cheapest ive been quoted was $250
04:36.27loko_mokoi want $150 =)
04:36.36bkw_Hell I would jump on 250 and HOLD ON TIGHT
04:36.46loko_mokoill rent you rack space then =P
04:36.48bkw_I got 271 for 8 channels for a quote
04:36.58loko_mokoi cant get 8 channels, i have to buy full 24
04:37.00bkw_gotta have local DID's or I don't have a product to sell
04:37.02hmodesbkw_: just colo a box in jersey
04:37.13hmodesthe telcos throw pris around like their confetti
04:37.19wsuffthe evil nj
04:37.21Lafinionhalo, how i can used H323-id in * ?
04:37.27ManxPowrloko_moko, Talk to an LD company, they might be able to do it.
04:37.36bkw_hmodes but I can't get local DID's
04:37.41Lafinionwhere i must add this in extension.conf ?
04:37.48hmodessomeone needs to talk to cogent
04:37.48ManxPowrWe're paying something like 525/month for a 4 channel PRI
04:37.50bkw_I must hae that to have a product to sell around here
04:38.01loko_mokodidnt you see me bitching about them today
04:38.03loko_mokothey called me
04:38.07loko_mokotryign to sell me bandwidth
04:38.17ManxPowrAnd that was the cheapest from any company ILEC's and CLECS
04:38.18loko_moko100 mbs for $3,000 or 10 mbs for $2000
04:38.32loko_mokoI can get 10 mbs of anything, internap, level3, etc for less than 10 mbs of cogent
04:38.58*** join/#asterisk mvand (
04:39.16ManxPowrMaybe they don't want to deal with less than 100 mbs?
04:39.17hmodesif i could have 10mbit of internap for $2k/month i would be filthy stinking rich
04:39.23Mikehey guys i dont have a callerid on my PSTN i dont have the service how can i add on incoming something that sets a callerid like 000 INCOMING CALL
04:39.34CarpI cant fund the min computer requirements on the page for asterisk to run
04:39.38CarpI remember seeing it there somewhere
04:39.50ManxPowrMike, see callerid= in zapata.conf
04:40.05ManxPowrIt's documented in the sample.
04:40.12Carpfound it lol
04:40.15loko_mokoManxpower but who in their right mind would pay for 10 mbs @ $2k? Cogent is marketing this in emails, phone calls, etc
04:40.25loko_mokooh well
04:40.32loko_mokohmodes, where are you located at?
04:40.34ManxPowrloko_moko, Odd.  Maybe their CEO is PT Barnum?
04:40.48ManxPowrAnyway, I have NO idea of those sorts of costs.
04:41.00loko_mokois that PA or Kentucky =P
04:41.00ManxPowrI'll have to learn about colo costs soon, however.
04:41.06hmodesthe former
04:41.14loko_mokowhere in it?
04:41.25loko_mokoim in Pittsburgh
04:41.26*** join/#asterisk rozo (
04:41.31hmodesand i would gladly give cogent $1k for a reliable 3mbit around here
04:41.44loko_mokoyou cant get internap there for $200 / mbs?
04:41.45bkw_I would give my left nut for PRI
04:41.50hmodesif they want to advertise it as 100mbit, and i actually have 100mbit to the cogent customer base and can rape the shit out of it
04:41.57hmodesthat sounds like a voip centrex business plan to me
04:43.18Lafinionanybody know how i can set h323-id ?
04:43.28Kumbangduh what is this
04:43.29bkw_Lafinion just dump h323 and use somethign else
04:43.37KumbangSIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
04:44.05Lafinionbkw_ like sip :) but now must try one call :)
04:47.15Mocwhat codec should I use for GS BT101 phone ?
04:47.22bkw_PRI shoudln't be this expenisve.. it cost them less to install that than it does 23 copper lines
04:47.56hmodesand your neighbor is probably thankful to have a copper pair
04:48.08hmodestsk tsk
04:48.19MocI try to play a call, I seem to hear something and after nothing, but my DIAX softphone get audio just fine
04:48.23Mocplay = place
04:50.52*** join/#asterisk heison (
04:53.01MocWARNING[1226062640]: File codec_gsm.c, Line 136 (gsmtolin_framein): Huh?  A GSM frame that isn't a multiple of 33 or 65 bytes long from RTP (160)?
04:53.22MocI got full load of that
04:53.35JerJercvs update
04:54.06Mocha ok..
04:54.15Shido6my balls swing to the left tho.......
04:54.20Shido6"CVS UPDATE!"
04:58.35*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
04:58.35*** mode/#asterisk [+o angler_] by bkw_
05:00.00*** part/#asterisk ___log (
05:00.02*** join/#asterisk ___log (
05:00.17bkw_omg its funny how much these NBX100 systems cost
05:00.23bkw_and they are SOOOOOOO limited
05:00.40rozoi've replaced 6 of them now, bkw.
05:00.47hmodes'what's that, you'd like to mirror your harddisk?  that'll be $1k then'
05:01.04MocSATA WD Raptor are cheap ..
05:01.07Mocand FAST ..
05:02.12bkw_rozo JerJer and I talked about maybe if we can decode the damn thing writing a channel driver for them phones
05:02.47Mocyea link any Nortel/3Com phone to asterisk ..(Im sure it would be in a breach of some contracts
05:03.12hmodesi think someone should just make an iax phone vaguely between the gs and cisco phones
05:03.39hmodesand then we could just recycle the 3coms for plastic and pcb to make them
05:04.50rozobkw: are you familiar with sytel? they have done just that except they put it in a SIP gateway box.
05:04.56MocI just updated CVS and here again :
05:04.56MocWARNING[1209277232]: File codec_gsm.c, Line 136 (gsmtolin_framein): Huh?  A GSM frame that isn't a multiple of 33 or 65 bytes long from RTP (160)?
05:05.19bkw_rozo you mean they have something to work with 3com phones?
05:06.01rozoyes, you plug the 3COM phones into their gateway and it makes it a IP Phone.
05:06.06rozofully functional.
05:06.34hmodessee why can't people like us get paid money to crack easy things like that
05:06.48yaboowhat ports do I need to open on my firewall for asterisk
05:06.54bkw_rozo you got info on it?
05:07.04*** join/#asterisk jelque (~jelque@
05:07.13bkw_rozo if they did it.. then i'm sure we can do it for *
05:07.16rozobkw: i'll email it to you. i'm on my parents computer
05:07.28bkw_I just gotta get someone to get us some packet traces
05:07.38rozobkw: they make their money selling the boxes, but the boxes (sort of) work with asterisk.
05:07.52bkw_how do they work?
05:07.56rozobkw: i can get you some phones. our PBX telco tech has a stack of phones.
05:08.36bkw_ya I need to get a packet trace of when it registers with the ncp, makes a call and receives a call.
05:08.58bkw_I bet its just some sick twisted SIP type protocol
05:09.02bkw_because the first NBX phones were sip
05:12.25MocWARNING[1226062640]: File codec_gsm.c, Line 136 (gsmtolin_framein): Huh?  A GSM frame that isn't a multiple of 33 or 65 bytes long from RTP (160)? :(
05:12.42bkw_XLITE SUCKS
05:14.12Mocis WARNING[1226062640]: File codec_gsm.c, Line 136 (gsmtolin_framein): Huh?  A GSM frame that isn't a multiple of 33 or 65 bytes long from RTP (160)? a current problem ?
05:14.59wsuffbkw_: note taken
05:15.23wsuffhaven't had any personal problems w/ it besides my  shitty mic and the mad echo
05:15.50bkw_those are problems
05:15.53bkw_bad ones
05:16.20wsuffwell just gotta get a hardware phone and poof they go bye bye
05:16.29wsuffand i'll get new problems =)
05:17.13wsuffanywho bed time
05:17.30wsuffhappy holidays to all and see ya in 2004
05:21.19MocWARNING[1209277232]: File rtp.c, Line 1204 (ast_rtp_bridge): codec0 = 4 is not codec1 = 12, cannot native bridge.
05:23.53*** join/#asterisk maratonc (
05:27.55Kumbangduh why my BT101 really really hard to register to my * server
05:28.01KumbangSIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
05:28.07Kumbangalways come up
05:28.45bkw_show us your sip.conf entry
05:29.09*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
05:29.13KumbangSIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
05:29.25bkw_or your tits
05:29.33bkw_take your pick.. but your sip.conf would be more helpful
05:30.19bkw_username can go
05:30.25*** join/#asterisk Ugly (
05:30.32Kumbangqualify=no      ;supaya tidak registrasi client tidak expire
05:30.46bkw_kill username line
05:30.50bkw_try again
05:32.13MocSegmentation fault
05:32.29Mocwho fucked up the cvs ? I get more error than I did 1 week ago ..
05:32.42Kumbangi've been doing with comment out username, but still my phone hard to register
05:32.43*** part/#asterisk Ugly (
05:33.08Kumbangsip debug showed Proxy authenticated requireq
05:33.23jrollysonMoc: rollback then, see what date in breaks on ;)
05:34.35Mocmight just have to do that :(
05:34.53*** join/#asterisk Vlet (
05:35.39bkw_Moc I get no errors
05:35.41bkw_AT ALL
05:35.45bkw_and i'm running cvs
05:35.52Moc: /
05:36.09bkw_you must have bad hardware or bad luck
05:36.45bkw_Asterisk CVS-12/22/03-23:35:53 built by root@asterisk on a i686 running Linux
05:36.47Mocit all IP ..
05:36.50bkw_and just for shits
05:36.55bkw_no zaptel hardware?
05:37.12bkw_get out of here.. don't come back till you get a clocking src in that box
05:37.27Mocztdummy ;)
05:37.58bkw_get a real clock src
05:38.02bkw_or don't even try
05:38.07*** part/#asterisk Vlet (
05:38.08bkw_ztdummy is not good
05:38.39MocLook, hardware is under it way ..
05:38.52*** join/#asterisk Shodan (
05:39.07bkw_what cvs are you running
05:39.13bkw_and what hardware are you running on?
05:39.20bkw_I must have that magic touch or something
05:39.27bkw_because my shit don't mess up like that
05:39.28Shodanis this a support or dev channel ?
05:39.31Mocbut until then, I find it strange that if you want 1 * for PRI and 4 * for IP phone, that I need to buy a x100p for each machine even if it not plug ..
05:39.51MocI redeleted everything and redownloading cvs again
05:40.21MocCPU is athlon 1.1ghz
05:40.52Mocbtw I havent used ztdummy before also.
05:41.09bkw_well its evil
05:41.16MocI know it exist, but I thought it was just for conference so
05:41.26bkw_more than that.. a few things use it
05:41.50Mocok so I mod the Makefile, compile and modprobe ztdummy I guess
05:42.12Moccvs is slow tonight
05:42.58Shodancan I use a voice modem with asterisk ?
05:43.15bkw_Shodan not very well
05:43.19bkw_good luck
05:43.21MocShodan: get a Digium card
05:43.23bkw_what modem is it?
05:43.55ShodanGnet 56k data/fax/voice , I can get a better one
05:44.38bkw_what does it show up as in linux?
05:44.52Shodanit's external serial
05:45.08Shodanworks fine for data and faxes so far , I was about to try out vgetty
05:45.32bkw_no don't even give it a try
05:45.37bkw_its a waste of time
05:46.00Mocbkw_: got GS Phone, should I use G.728 ?
05:46.13Shodantrying vgetty or trying asterisk on this modem ?
05:46.19*** join/#asterisk Grnd_Wire (
05:46.37bkw_* doesn't support g728
05:46.49bkw_ulaw is about all you can use
05:47.00bkw_rsync rocks me
05:47.20bkw_>>> Updating Portage cache... \
05:47.22Moc723 I mean
05:47.39Shodanit has a 2x 1/8 audio in + out , can I use a sound card with it instead ?
05:47.54bkw_can't use 723 with * either
05:48.02bkw_* can't speak it
05:48.21Mocoh ok can read but not write..
05:48.35Mocshould have said decode, but not encode..
05:48.50bkw_it can't read it
05:48.59bkw_it can only pass thru
05:49.18Mocso Im stuck with ULaw !! :(
05:49.22Stealth_Manbut if you purchaswe G.729 license ..then it will be different story
05:49.41*** join/#asterisk maratonc (
05:49.42Stealth_Manu can have your phone to speak Ulaw with * and from * G729 with provider for example
05:50.11Stealth_Manbkw: if phone will be g.729 and g.729 license will be enabled in *, is it possible to get VM and rest of stuff ?
05:50.18Stealth_Manbased on transcoding .. ?
05:51.55MocStealth_Man: I bought a PCI card from digium for my internal lines instead
05:52.31Stealth_Manam am I correct on transcoding ?
05:52.52Stealth_ManMoc: what do you mean ?
05:53.10Mocwell I talked about buying a ATA-186
05:53.26jrollysonGSM works well.
05:53.30jrollysonbut no * support
05:53.55Moc* doesn't support GSM ?
05:54.09*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (s2r3d1c3y@
05:54.37bkw_Stealth_Man if you ahve g729 on * then yes the phone will be able to get voicemail
05:55.27Stealth_Manbkw : ok .. just wanted to confirm ...
05:55.36Stealth_Manand conferencing, meetme, will work correct?
05:55.44Stealth_Manbecause of internal transcoding ..
05:55.55Shodanso emm , there is nothing to do to get this modem working with asterisk ? , what hardware should I get then (all I want to is receive call , play a greetings , listen for dtmf commands , execute scripts accordingly , play sound (from festival) back to the line )?
05:56.06Stealth_ManShodan: x100p
05:56.11Stealth_Manwe can sell you cheap
05:56.27Mocyou well x100p also.. how much ?
05:56.33atacommStealth: do you never have anything better to do than solicit sales non stop in here?
05:56.52ShodanStealth_Man : how much ?
05:56.55Stealth_Manatacomm: yooo , I made today huge work for taking care of your orders :))
05:56.58Mocatacomm: lol hjehe
05:57.03Stealth_ManShodan: 99$ +s/h
05:57.06Stealth_Manwhere are you located ?
05:57.17atacommstealth: well in the qty i'm sending out i could reduce your load and order direct if you prefer
05:57.27Shodannear Montreal / QC, Canada
05:57.54Stealth_Manatacomm: i will kill you , I told you already
05:58.11Stealth_Manshodan: it gonna take couple businee days to get it delivered to you
05:58.13MocShodan: There should be a MTL Provider of these equipement..
05:58.32Mocwoohoo conference work now..
05:58.36Stealth_Manshouldn't be prob to deliver to you ... like we recently delivered phone to Moc
05:58.36atacommi just go where i'm wanted thats all
05:59.32Shodank , do you have the specs of this card ?
05:59.44Mocyep, they hardly got phone to fit into the FedEx box but .. hehe, it perfect, working and Im happy with it hehe
05:59.51Shodanmaybe a picture too ?
06:00.04Stealth_Manohhh Moc ... Moc ...
06:00.37Mochehe what the box was squezed, but items are fine ;)
06:00.58Stealth_ManShodan: whats your zip code ?
06:01.04ShodanJ0K 2X0
06:01.29Mocdoesnlt look like a valid code postal for quebec ..
06:01.42Mocbut I hardly see the screen hehe
06:02.22Shodanit is my postal code ...
06:02.37Shodanall the others I have ever seen were that format too
06:02.46Stealth_Manmontreal, PQ J0K2X0, Canada
06:03.13Mocmaybe they run out of H8x xxx
06:03.33MocI mean Hxx xxx
06:03.43Stealth_Manhow zip codes are allocated in Canada ?
06:03.55Stealth_Mansame way as in other countries ?
06:03.57Shodanit's near montreal , the actual name of the town is St-Liguori , J0K 2X0 QC Canada
06:04.40MocStealth_Man: Well some time 1 code postal for just 1 compagnie (like the one I shipped to)
06:04.47Shodanno idea how they allocate them
06:04.49Mocbut mostly is street
06:05.03Stealth_Manbecause you have strange street names and allocations :)
06:05.07Stealth_Man1700 name ....
06:05.16Stealth_Manshodan: i pm you total price
06:10.52Death_INCthis is special, all new calls from SIP seem to being redirected to the "fax" extension.... the really amusing part is that I don't even have fax extension set up there, since it's an outgoing call
06:11.12Death_INC* is like, crashing heh
06:11.45JerJeri think there is a false trigger being called
06:12.04JerJeri've noticed debug saying  DTMF digit f recieved
06:12.11JerJerthen it tries to route to the fax exten
06:12.41Death_INCis that more than just SIP then? ... I need to change to old CVS version heh
06:13.47bkw_sleepy time for me
06:14.18MocWARNING[1209277232]: File rtp.c, Line 1204 (ast_rtp_bridge): codec0 = 4 is not codec1 = 12, cannot native bridge.
06:17.42Death_INCJerJer, should I submit bug report on this?
06:18.22Death_INCcdegroot: I dont want to submit one the same time you do heh
06:18.30Death_INCboo hiss, BX's eg: expansion
06:20.13*** join/#asterisk alx_ (~alx@
06:20.38usamauthor of CAPI driver herE?
06:30.04*** join/#asterisk blitzrage_ (
06:32.21*** join/#asterisk usam_ (~alx@
06:33.07*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (
06:33.25glLoadIdentitygunaydin herkese , nasilsiniz ?
06:34.09Stealth_Manmerhaba ?
06:34.33glLoadIdentitynasilsin Stealth_Man ?
06:34.42Stealth_Mannot really
06:35.16glLoadIdentity;) nasilsin => how are you
06:35.39Stealth_Manrest I understood
06:36.45glLoadIdentityit would be great to have a chan_translate in *
06:37.13glLoadIdentityJerJer: real time language translation :)
06:38.09glLoadIdentityah , there must be something about translation of codecs :)
06:38.32glLoadIdentityso , it can be called chan_ltranslate
06:38.46JerJera channel is an interface
06:38.56JerJerasterisk can already transcode between codecs
06:39.29Death_INCinteresting, it seems to only happen on channel Zap-1/1 and not Zap-2/1
06:39.33usam_JerJer: language not technology
06:39.45blitzrageevening all
06:39.47JerJerZap/1 or Zap/2
06:40.03Death_INCJerJer, heh using what it said in eventlog, yes Zap/1 and Zap/2
06:40.08JerJerthe -N is the instance
06:40.15Death_INCer yea, my bad
06:40.39Death_INCanyways when I force it to dial out of Zap/1 it screws up... if I force it on Zap/2 it dosn't send to 'fax'
06:40.44glLoadIdentityJerJer: what about translating languages ? one ep with chinese , and other with turkish can hear the other with own language
06:41.13JerJerthat would be an application
06:41.33usam_glLoadIdentity: i have heard that it exist ..
06:41.50usam_glLoadIdentity: have you got any info about the technology?
06:44.30Death_INCusam and glLoadIdentity, that might be possible if you have some sort of supercomputer, but it's practically impossible
06:45.07glLoadIdentityusam_: i heard that some firms do it in a different way , 2 translators sits between 2 endpoints and translate the languages
06:46.13usam_Need to communicate by voice in another language - in real time,                and reliably? STI's breakthrough Speech-to-Speech Translationb" (S2S)                at last makes it possible. No interpreter needed - so no extra costs,                and no delays.
06:46.46Death_INCusam, I'll believe that when I use it and it actually works.... alot of time translation even depends on how a person says something
06:47.09Death_INCbut they're saying that heh
06:47.19JerJeror if they are using slang vs proper languge
06:48.41Death_INCoh god there was a GIANT dsp.c patch, bet it was somewhere in there
06:48.41usam_sure tht machine canr regonize my voice .. coz im a mix of Thai and norwgian ,.. and my english acent suxx
06:49.05blitzrageJerJer: did you see my FWD of a posting regarding chan_skinny ?
06:49.15blitzrageJerJer: curious if that is anything interesting :)
06:50.30Death_INCsonofabitch, it is somewhere in that 50,000 lines of a giant dsp.c patch heh
06:50.49Death_INCI defined old routines and it fixed it
06:52.05Death_INCblitzrage, I only do that when my gf's around, then I make her fish for them.... most fun when it makes it past my shirt
06:54.06blitzrageDeath_INC:  :)_
06:54.17blitzrageDeath_INC: no g/f this year, trying to save money
06:57.47Stealth_Manblitrage : LOL
06:57.52Stealth_Manok g'night everyone
06:58.07glLoadIdentitygood night
06:58.23*** join/#asterisk Moc (
06:58.28glLoadIdentityiyi geceler
07:00.19Mocare HandyTone ATA-286  good ?
07:03.00JerJerhold out for the IAXy
07:03.17angler_im to iaxy for my hat
07:04.22Mocthey still seem cheap .. 75$
07:04.58Death_INCdoes the IAXy have fax tone detection so it can fall back to ulaw?
07:06.06Mocdonno but I hope they get it soon, and if it cheap, it even better..
07:06.18MocMy friend find the ATA-186 too big ..
07:06.45Death_INCwhats big about it? it's smaller than most cordless bases
07:06.51blitzrageI want my MTV... errr... IAXy!
07:08.11*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:08.33Moche wanted just a little box.. it look more like a DSL Modem
07:08.46JerJerthe IAXy is tiny
07:09.09Shodananyone tried to mix asterisk with amateur radio ?
07:09.20blitzragethe iaxy is this || big :)
07:09.27Death_INCheh cigarette box
07:10.56JerJerShodan: someone has written a repeater controller for asterisk
07:11.42blitzragedamnit.. I gotta set my alarm clock to wake up so I can check an ebay auction :)
07:11.52ShodanI'll try that as soon as I get my license eh neat
07:11.52Death_INCblitzrage, sucker
07:11.57blitzrageDeath_INC: :D
07:12.16blitzragetrying to replace the Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 which I got stolen from me last Monday...
07:12.25blitzragefound one on ebay for pretty cheap.. going to try and win it...
07:12.50Shodanhow good are the grandstream budgetone anyone tried those ?
07:12.51JerJerwho just dialed the conf
07:13.04blitzrageShodan: bkw_ hates them :)
07:13.10blitzrageShodan: others like them...
07:13.20blitzrageJerJer: I didn't.. but I might in a second :)
07:14.42Shodandoes it sound as good as normal phone over a normal not saturated network ?
07:14.58Mocyou got a conf running jer ?
07:15.46Mocallright .. be there in a sec
07:16.08JerJerexten => 4569,1,Dial,IAX2/
07:16.27Mocyep it still cfg here hehe
07:19.50yabooShodan I have and use one and can say the gs phone has things lacking
07:21.05Shodanis it because of quality of sound or some features it's missing ?
07:23.23Shodanmmm what's bad about ulaw ? (apparently the only protocol GS and * are compatible together)
07:26.58yabooShodan, apparently the firmware is buggy and seems to be a work in progress
07:27.21yabooanyone know how I can reset a cisco 7940 to factory default
07:30.56dpeterYABOO>> go to support and they have HELP for LOST PASSWORD CONSOLE
07:31.26dpeterYABOO>> you need physical access and just follow some simple instructions...
07:32.55Shodanis there good (open) software I can use with asterisk instead of a voip phone ?
07:33.12Shodanboth linux and windows
07:36.25yaboodpeter thanks
07:44.46*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
07:45.03miller7good morning to all
07:53.29Kumbangduh my BT101 act weird if put behind NAT, could not register with *
07:56.44*** join/#asterisk techno_wi (
08:08.47*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
08:09.44*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
08:15.01voidptrlets all send our xmas wishes to the asterisk-users list :P
08:16.19yaboowhere can I find the g723.1 codecs
08:16.47Shido6I have them hiding in my pocket -
08:16.48voidptrthey are only commercially available
08:21.59miller7yaboo: itu
08:22.03miller7+ license
08:22.47[Sim]g711 is the only itu codec available in mainstream asterisk i think
08:23.04[Sim](i've not needed anything else so far, but heck :-)
08:23.21miller7but you have to understand that the implementation (and configuration) of g723.1 or any other codec depends on the implementator
08:32.10*** join/#asterisk andreadB (
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08:48.52voidptrgadhafi @ cnn
08:48.59voidptrdirty man ;)
08:55.15miller7monkey with lipstick
08:56.53yaboowhen compiling asterisk do I need to as to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH the directory the asterisk source lies
09:00.19*** join/#asterisk michael1 (
09:00.35michael1anyone here?
09:01.06voidptrnah, kjust 170 idlers
09:02.11JerJerahhh nothing like a 6479 second conference call that cost a total of $0.00
09:03.38*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
09:04.00*** join/#asterisk rajo (
09:04.08voidptrhehe :)
09:05.16michael1I got some questions about astriek
09:05.27JerJerit helps if u ask them
09:05.47michael1Can I use a modem with astriek instead of one of the expensive adapeterS?
09:06.06michael1why not
09:06.20JerJermodems are half duplex and cannot deal with on-hook audio
09:07.01michael1I'm not entire rich and one of those fxo cards are a bit pricy
09:07.56michael1Would I need 2?
09:08.10michael1One for a vonage line and another for the telephone that i want to run the line too?
09:08.13JerJerif u had two fone lines u wanted to connect up
09:08.13voidptrdepends what you want to do
09:08.30JerJerlol @ vonage
09:08.41michael1I dont know here....
09:08.47michael1I haven't decided who to go with for voip
09:09.30michael1th e pstn line...
09:10.00michael1I want to hook FWD into it
09:10.10michael1So people from FWD can call into the box and get the PSTN line
09:11.31michael1would i need another fxo card so i can hook my phone into it
09:11.46JerJerno you need FXS
09:11.52JerJerFXO is station side
09:11.57JerJerFXS is line side
09:12.18michael1bare with me..
09:12.20michael1I'm new too this
09:12.37JerJeryour telephone is an FXO device
09:12.44JerJera modem is an FXO device
09:13.05michael1that cleras things up
09:13.12JerJerthe telephone line on your wall is an FXS port
09:13.40JerJerFXS provides battery and dialtone
09:13.52*** join/#asterisk royk_home (
09:14.00JerJerFXO expects to see the battery and dialtone on the wire
09:14.23JerJerthen to confuse you even more
09:14.30JerJerAn FXS device uses FXO signalling
09:14.36JerJeran FXO device uses FXS signalling
09:15.06*** join/#asterisk michael1 (
09:15.14michael1something messed up
09:15.33michael1how hard is astriek to config?
09:15.38michael1I'm a bit new to linux
09:16.03JerJerfor me :)
09:16.20michael1I'm, a newbie
09:16.55michael1so then.
09:17.01michael1wai a sex
09:17.14michael1tell me which card does what again
09:17.24michael1fxo is  the line going too the phone
09:17.36michael1fxc is the incoming phone line
09:17.46voidptrother way around
09:17.50michael1fxc=pstn lines
09:18.00voidptrdon't confuse yourself
09:18.09*** join/#asterisk royk_home (
09:18.16voidptrfxo = x100p = you connect it to a telco line
09:18.20JerJeryour telco provides you with an FXS line, so you need a FXO device to connect to it
09:18.25voidptrfxs = tdm400p = you connact a phone to it
09:18.28michael1trying not 2
09:18.46voidptr(thats the current situation)
09:19.10michael1any where i can get this stuff cheap
09:19.20voidptrnowhere :P
09:19.32michael1i seen ebay.
09:19.34michael1about half off
09:19.43voidptrno guarantee it works
09:19.44michael1thats nto cheap..
09:19.50JerJersupport Asterisk, after all they give it to you free
09:20.05michael1true true
09:20.18michael1I'm just really short on money
09:20.25michael1I got about $200 to spend
09:21.10voidptrbuy a x100p, and spend the rest of it on a prepaid voip provider via iax2 ;)
09:21.24michael1the reason i like astriek is i can internconnet it to FWD
09:21.34michael1which alot of calls i make is on fwd and the PSTN
09:21.39michael1i'll check them out
09:22.00michael1ok....voidptr whats the website?
09:22.13bondanyone got a list of voip providers around the world ?
09:22.22michael1i wish.....
09:22.41royk_homeperhaps we could contribute one ourself...
09:22.49royk_homemorning, #asterisk, btw
09:23.20michael1are you talking to me royk?
09:24.52michael1How many providerrs can astriek connect too?
09:25.17michael1can it act like a ata-186 and ring all the lines
09:25.21RoyKhow long is a rope?
09:25.43voidptryes yes yes yes
09:26.02michael1how many can i hook up?
09:26.06michael1as many as i can?
09:26.32voidptrand if you have a little more money, you can even command your central heating with your mobile phone :)
09:26.44michael1I don't wnat x10
09:26.53michael1or bulldog...whatever its called
09:26.57michael1sounds good
09:27.08michael1so if someone called my fwd account it would ring all the lines if i wnated too?
09:27.11RoyKs/unlimited/limited by your (hardware|money|space)/
09:27.24michael1I'm hooked
09:27.58michael1whats his name told me i spend my money on 1 x100p then service.....but how do i hook up phones?
09:28.30RoyKmichael1: using IP phones, you just need an ethernet connection
09:28.38RoyK...and that's possibly the cheapest alternative
09:29.07michael1how much are they?
09:29.24*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
09:29.31RoyKfrom $65 and up
09:29.32RoyKfor now
09:29.38RoyKgrandtreams are cheapest
09:29.45michael1where would i find some?
09:29.57RoyK~google grandstream budgetone
09:30.28michael1what features they have?
09:31.00michael1they have speakerphone?
09:31.17RoyKthe usual stuff
09:31.19RoyKnothing more
09:31.33RoyKand they (at least the white model) look like toys
09:31.36michael1they look pretty plain.....
09:31.42michael1but i guess i can't complain
09:31.48RoyKthey're usually called Barbietones in here
09:32.05michael1how would i intergrate ip phones with astriek?
09:32.21RoyKmichael1: RTFM
09:32.41RoyK~handbook 2
09:32.50michael1I can't read the manual if i don't own them
09:32.57michael1I don't want to buy something I can't use
09:33.06michael1I want to get this right the first time...
09:33.33RoyKmichael1: once you know asterisk, hooking up IP phones (with SIP for instance - as gs phones talk SIP) is really easy
09:33.50michael1I don't have mucho dollars and Can't spend it on shipping things back and forth......would be a pain
09:33.52michael1ahh ok
09:33.56RoyKyou just configure the phone, using a browser, to use the pbx at x.x.x.x
09:34.03RoyK~google asterisk handbook draft
09:34.12michael1I know how ethernet and networking workes...I was thikning i would just poin the phones at the pbx
09:34.37michael1thx again
09:34.47michael1putting all of this in a file
09:36.08*** join/#asterisk diana (
09:36.10michael1oohh 3com voip phones
09:36.22dianaztwatch have been publish on asterisk list?
09:36.43michael1does anyone know what the cheapest voip gateway is? like the ata-186
09:37.07michael1maybe that woudn't work...
09:37.09dianamichael1 > welltech
09:37.28michael1as i want to connect a normal phone up ...but i guess i would point the gateway at the pbx
09:38.40michael1sorry for the questions people
09:38.41michael1i'm new...
09:40.14miller7that's what this channel is about, to help and be helped
09:40.20michael1looks like pulver don't like paypal
09:41.00michael1Thx guys
09:41.10voidptrA woman considered sexually promiscuous... slut
09:41.24michael1I wonder how powerfull of a linux box i would need.....
09:41.54miller7not very powerful if you talk about 4 lines
09:42.01miller7ie 4 channels
09:42.05michael1i know
09:42.10michael1i don't htink more then 4
09:42.10voidptra quad xeon should do...
09:42.20michael1f that idea
09:42.29michael1I not paying $500 a processor
09:42.33michael1or $700
09:42.38miller7quad xeon per channel :P
09:42.49michael1yah right
09:42.56michael1that call better not skip or break up or anything
09:44.26michael1so then....
09:44.32michael1if i were to get astriek working..
09:44.51michael1I woudn't need to buy a sipra-100a or whaterver...or ata-186
09:45.48michael1that will save me $120 or so..
09:46.44michael1but wwait a sec
09:46.58michael1I woudn't even need that fxo card then...........
09:47.13michael1since astrike can connect upp to whatever voip carrier i decide to get......
09:47.17michael1or most....
09:48.11michael1am i correct?
09:50.34voidptrif you have a voip provider
09:50.37michael1that saves me evern more money..
09:50.49michael1which i will soon
09:51.09michael1so like when i pick up the phoen when this is all setup do i have to dial like what outside line i want/
09:51.13voidptrlook at the list for the ones that are working
09:51.24voidptrafaik, you can't interconnect with vonage
09:51.33voidptryou need fxo -> ata186 for that
09:51.34michael1i know
09:51.40michael1there jerks and waant you to use there ata
09:51.52michael1i read that on dslreporst mcuh would you want to confiqure my system when i get it?
09:53.04RoyKperhaps you'll want to take a look at Grandstream's ATA286
09:53.32voidptrmichael1 : it depends if i have time :P
09:53.41michael1I think jeff..was selling it wasn't he...
09:54.38michael1I Don't know hwo complicated this is......and I atleast would like to have some backup..
09:56.49*** join/#asterisk timeshift (
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10:00.08michael1someone tell me whta the heck this is
10:00.17michael1is it really a voip phone?
10:00.53*** join/#asterisk srsergio (~srsergio@
10:00.58srsergiomorning all
10:01.44miller7probably this phone should be used with AT&T new voip service
10:02.45michael1iwas like..i'm going to buy it for that pricve..
10:02.49michael1but i guess its not what i thought
10:04.04*** join/#asterisk fmany ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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10:04.04*** mode/#asterisk [+bbb *!*@* *!*carlossan@* *!*NoHost@*] by
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10:04.04*** mode/#asterisk [+bb *!*dan@194.158.*.* *!*] by
10:04.04*** mode/#asterisk [+q sant!*@*] by
10:04.36RoyKbrb. restarting router
10:05.12michael1about 4 million of these on ebay  
10:09.09michael1whats overhead paging?
10:10.02*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
10:10.09zoacool i have one way trunking now :(
10:10.28*** join/#asterisk fyman (
10:11.11*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
10:12.25zoa26.36k  50.00 | 43.59k 465.00 | 25.80k  62.09 | 41.48k 447.05
10:12.31zoalooks like one way trunking to me :(
10:12.43zoahmmz, layout got fuxored up
10:12.57zoaone way: 50pps, other way 450pps
10:13.25fymanwhtat theere
10:13.27michael1I'm new too this software
10:13.33michael1haven't got setup yet even...
10:13.47Shido6what software
10:14.12Shido6what do u want to do with it
10:14.37michael1I want to setup a mini pbx and interconnet with fwd and probaly another voip carrier
10:15.12*** join/#asterisk royk_heim (
10:15.36michael1i'm on the FWD netowrk for now..
10:15.42michael1but i will have a voip carrier soon
10:15.46michael1once i get this linux box
10:16.03michael1shido you can help me setup astriek?
10:16.31Shido6what voip carrier?
10:16.34*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
10:16.42michael1haven't decided yet...
10:16.49michael1do you have msn?
10:17.06michael1hold on 1 sec
10:17.07michael1let me add u
10:20.22zoawhatever you do, stay away from trunking
10:33.42royk_heimAnyone that knows a good security scanner? I need to hack this O2 I just got. Don't have any password :(
10:34.18michael1try all the common passwords?
10:34.22michael1and stuff
10:37.17zoawhat is an O2 ?
10:37.29zoayou should try retina, nessus, iss, etc etc
10:38.37royk_heimzoa: Silicon Graphics O2 :)
10:38.41royk_heim~google sgi o2
10:39.15michael1Has anyone used nuphone before?
10:39.17michael1they any good?
10:39.39high-reznever heard of em
10:39.48high-rezYeah they're cool
10:40.08high-rezmy service is always up, the rates are good (better than anyone else i've used) and the quality kics butt
10:40.10michael1I'm talking with them now...they got a really good reputation.
10:40.16michael1Customer service is great
10:40.33high-rezthe only downside is no local DID. :( But if you can live with 800 only then yer set.
10:41.17michael1no local did?
10:41.19michael1what that
10:41.26high-rezas in local phone #'s
10:41.31high-rezi think they have michigan or something
10:41.51high-rezbut thats it. so if you need a local dial in # and yer not in the area where they have local youre SOL.
10:42.06michael1There too ncie
10:42.41michael1they don't have local numbers everywhere....
10:42.47michael1so what do they do for incoming calls?
10:42.51high-rez800 #
10:42.52michael1giv eyou a 1-800?
10:43.00high-rezyou get billed at the same rate as your outgoing calls which is low.
10:43.46michael1so instead of them giving me a local like vonage. I get a 1-800 from them?
10:44.07michael1your sirious?
10:44.11high-rezor get a local # from somewhere else
10:44.17michael1thats great
10:44.17high-rezwhat area are you in?
10:44.32high-rezhehe, yeah dont know anyone with local #'s in utah :-)
10:44.37michael1a 1-800 number wuold be better since i run abussiness
10:44.47high-rezoh well yer set then
10:44.57michael1i'm going to signup
10:44.58michael1no doubt...
10:45.01high-rezthe quality is GREAT too
10:45.03michael1after i get my equitment
10:45.11michael1I hear that.
10:45.23high-rezlast night I was on the phone with the girl for two hours with a single drop, whihc landed me a date today. :-)
10:45.43high-rezAnd in a way, I have NuFone to thank. Thanks NuFone! :)
10:46.13high-rezwhat equipment are you getting?
10:46.31michael1a linux box
10:46.38michael1and 1-2 ip phones..
10:46.49high-rezsweet. picked out which phones you're going with?
10:47.00michael1something cheap
10:47.04michael1i want the cordless wireles.s....
10:47.37michael1probaly the grandsteam
10:47.40high-rezwell you can always go with an FXS card or DG-104/ATA and hook it up to a normal cordless.
10:47.58high-rez<--- 7960s
10:47.58michael1thats expensive thouhgt..
10:48.02michael1$100 for the card..
10:48.07michael1or $65 for a phone....
10:48.15high-rezyeah, its a pricy option
10:48.20michael1Isn't that the 4 line card?
10:48.29high-rezIt gets you capability to do four lines.
10:48.42high-rezYou have to buy the other modules if you're buying the 1xFXS
10:49.12high-rezBut on the bright side it supports asterisk development. :-)
10:49.34michael1hey...nice for th talk
10:49.37michael1i need to get to bed
10:49.40michael1its 4am here
10:49.41high-rezi hear that
10:49.44high-rez2:46 am here
10:49.47high-rezl8z dude
10:50.02high-rezhome of the Evil M
10:50.06michael1I was close...
10:50.19michael1well i'll talk with you later
10:50.21michael1thx for all the help
10:50.25high-rezno prob l8z
10:50.26michael1its making me feel better about this
10:50.33michael1talk with you later
10:54.11*** join/#asterisk homejod (
10:54.32homejod~frag royk_heim
10:54.35ACTION readies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at royk_heim
10:54.43homejodgotcha, babe.
10:54.50royk_heimI want to hack this O2!
10:55.28high-rezas in BT ?
10:55.34royk_heimas in SGI
10:55.43*** join/#asterisk zono (
10:55.47high-rezhehe  thought you were talking cell stuff :-)
10:55.57homejodroyk_heim: take a big axe and hack it
10:56.06zonosorry from stupid questions
10:56.09royk_heim~kill homejod
10:56.12ACTION slits homejod's throat
10:56.18royk_heimtoo late man
10:56.30homejodnot in my world:
10:56.32homejod[13:40:41]  homejod ducks
10:56.32homejod[13:40:41]  jbot slits homejod's throat
10:56.33zonoWhere I can fund Web interface for Asterisk ?
10:56.48royk_heim* jbot slits homejod's throat
10:56.48zoakape: what was that url for that asterisk nagios perl script ?
10:56.48royk_heim* homejod ducks
10:56.52zonofind sorry
10:57.29homejodzoa: i dont know (about perl stuff)
10:57.44zoabut you wrote it
10:57.48zoayou bastard ç
10:57.51royk_heimzono: you can probably fund asterisk with any credit card you like :D
10:57.58zoaoké, if it wasnt you, then who was it :(
10:58.17high-rezi thought one funded asterisk through the purchase of * stickers
11:04.34*** join/#asterisk mbranca (~matteo@
11:04.37*** join/#asterisk Nix (~root@
11:05.00mbranca~kill root
11:05.05ACTION slits root's throat
11:05.06mbrancamorning all
11:05.14voidptrhey mbranca
11:06.20voidptrmoo :)
11:06.42homejodmorning mbranca :)
11:08.32Nixhow is everyone today?
11:09.59mbrancaciao kapejod
11:11.34Nixhas anyone done much with agents and queues?
11:11.57homejodNix: bkw_ has
11:12.36zoaanthm has
11:12.41zoabkw_ hasnt
11:12.52homejodnot the right time to poke ulaws....
11:12.55zoaanthm is the Qmaster
11:13.14Nixok. thanks
11:14.06NixI need to make asterisk only answer the phone if there is agents+1 or less calls in a queue. other wise it should give busy even if there are free E1 ports
11:14.26Nixanyone have any ideas? it seems like a bit of code modification is needed to do it
11:37.28levonmorning all
11:44.31RoyKbrb. restart X
11:45.04*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
11:45.50*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
11:46.49*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
12:02.20mbrancayeah... asterisk+capi+gsm gateway (isdn2gsm)
12:02.31mbrancareal mobile lcr now
12:02.36*** part/#asterisk zono (
12:09.24*** join/#asterisk geertn (geertn@
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12:12.23geertnI'd like to do sip<->ISDN and I have to choose between a cisco solution (1760/3600) or a digium e1 card. Does asterisk interoperate nicely with a cisco solution? What do you guys recommend?
12:14.33RoyKhow do you mean interoperate? just dial each other?
12:15.16geertnYes, dial to pstn and get calls from the pstn
12:15.39RoyKshouldn't be a problem
12:15.41geertnwould be cisco with some VIC's
12:17.51*** join/#asterisk xpasha_home (
12:21.26voidptrif you can use digium hardware and save yourself from the interop problems of voip ;)
12:21.50levonhiya void
12:22.00Nixhey levon
12:22.05voidptrbrb, lunch
12:22.06levonmerhaba Nix
12:22.24*** join/#asterisk da-man-So (
12:22.30Nixgeertn: Asterisk is more powerfull than cisco but a less well documented :-)
12:22.42Nixpersonally I have both cisco and digium gear
12:22.49levonsame here
12:22.52levonI use cisco for the phones
12:22.59levoneverthing else is digium, though
12:23.00Nixlevon: iyilik abi. sende naber?
12:23.03levon(except some AVMs...)
12:23.17levonIyilik, kardesim, merci.
12:23.17voidptrdoes anyone have analogue phones which have headset, and fsk/clip callerid?
12:23.34levonanalogue? what was that again...
12:23.58levonbye homejod
12:24.01levonthanks, to you too.
12:25.22geertnAlso, I'm not sure that a cisco 1760 with an e1 vwic can connect to a ISDN-15 line.
12:27.23Nixit may struggle :-)
12:28.18geertnDetermining needed cisco hardware is not as easy as it seems:)
12:29.21mbrancablah blah blah yadda yadda
12:29.42levonmbranca, forgotten your pills today? ;)
12:29.52PoemiusHi, does anyone know how to get x-lite working? I read the howto and managed to connect as well as dial out/ get it to ring... but I have no sound. I even tried disallow all except gsm codec ?
12:31.09mbrancalevon, yup
12:31.22geertnPoemius: Maybe a firewall blocks your rtp stream..
12:31.36mbrancaI0m just happy... our 800€ gsm gw is working nice with capi....
12:32.00levonwhat is a gsm gateway exactly, anyway?
12:32.18Poemiusgeertn: thanks :)... any port except 5060 and 8000?
12:32.20mbranca2 gsm lines to 1 isdn bri
12:32.49levonwhat is a gsm line? you mean you can use a mobile phone which connects to your gsm "line" instead of a mobile phone company?
12:33.22levonis that "allowed" or somehow regulated?
12:33.40levonI can imagine this gives problems when everyone just builds gsm gateways at home.
12:33.53*** join/#asterisk oej (
12:33.56geertnPoemius: If you put the allowed port to 8000 in the configuration of the phones... But if you didn;t the standard ports are 16384-32767
12:34.10geertnPoemius: udp ofcourse;)
12:34.51levonmbranca, the least you could do is explain that to me after letting me wait 1h yesterday ;) ;)
12:35.01geertnPoemius: You can try to do an echo test with your asterisk server and check with "sip debug" and /var/log/asterisk/messages what goes wrong
12:35.03*** join/#asterisk Lafinion (
12:35.42Poemiusgeertn: thanks a lot for the help, I will try that
12:35.58geertnPoemius: np
12:37.21ennuyeux7i want to use AGI to do some dbgetting. Is the AGI perl module upto the job or shall I write my own stuff?
12:40.16Nixwrite it.. its easy
12:40.29Nixanyone seen this error?
12:40.32NixDec 23 15:35:37 asterisk-server kernel: wcusb: Error executing control: status=-32
12:40.32NixDec 23 15:35:37 asterisk-server kernel: wcusb: Failed to initialize proslic
12:40.32NixDec 23 15:35:37 asterisk-server kernel: wcusb: Hardware intialization failed.
12:41.00mbrancalevon: no , the gsm gw is a device where you put 2 SIMs and it gives you a standard BRI (so 2 B channels). is like having 2 mobile phones in one device and is allowed
12:41.51mbrancaNix: if the proslic (aka ringer modules) fails, the device is gone...
12:42.25Nixcan it be caused by a config error?
12:44.28RoyKwhat's that?
12:46.11NixI have an E1 card and I want to plug in my wcusb device also
12:46.18Nixit should show up as channel 32 right?
12:46.30Nixchannel 31 being signling for the E1
12:46.52RoyKthese channels are 1-based - right?
12:46.52Nixor do I need a clueby4 to the head?
12:47.04RoyKis the proslic zaptel compliant?
12:47.11NixI am not using the E1. I just installed it
12:47.28Nixthe usb device was happily working on my other server
12:47.41Nixit uses the wcusb driver
12:48.12RoyKwhat sort of drivers do the proslic use?
12:49.29Nixyes. its the USB device that Digium ship in the dev-kit-lite
12:50.01RoyKproslic == wcusb?
12:50.10*** join/#asterisk john___ (~tester@
12:50.11RoyKis the E1 card an e100p?
12:50.22john___hello !
12:50.44NixAhh.. I just realised that 16 should be signalling. maybe that is screwing it up
12:51.39Nixthat should be correct for an E1 right?
12:52.23RoyKand 31'll be your next channel
12:52.47RoyK16 is not the signalling channel, but the D channel. The signalling channel comes in addition to that and is hidden IIRC
12:53.04john___does anyone know if it is possible to use IAX2 with budgetone ?...
12:53.15Nixok. so zapata.conf only sees 30 channels not 31?
12:55.23Nixgrrr.. asterisk is still failing on channel 16.
12:55.43Nixjohn___: budgettone are SIP phones afaik.
12:55.49*** join/#asterisk pierluigi (
12:55.49Nixthey will work with asterisk
12:56.01pierluigihi @ all....
12:56.06RoyKjohn___: they work with asterisk over SIP
12:56.49john___so it is not easy to put a budgetone behind NAT ...
12:57.14pierluigisorry how to set extention to parking/suspend a call with IAX client from #key press??
12:57.45pierluigiand how to resume this call?
12:58.13john___does anyone know CSTA protocol ?
13:03.02geertnvoidptr: I like asterisk but using a cisco removes a single point of failure we can use it and simple change the srv records for our domain to a small backup server
13:03.30geertnvoidptr: referring to your remark a while ago:)
13:04.08*** join/#asterisk Aztecrisk (~youness@
13:04.20john___is there some translations of asterisk vocal messages (demo, ...) in french ?...
13:04.28RoyKjohn___: CSTA? CieSTA?
13:04.55Aztecriskjohn___: if there is any, I'd definitely be interested too :)
13:04.57pierluigisorry how to set extention to parking/suspend a call with IAX client from #key press??
13:05.06pierluigiand how to resume this call?
13:05.17voidptrgeertn : ok...
13:06.22john___CSTA= Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications
13:06.33pierluigisorry how to set extension to parking/suspend a call with IAX client from #key press??
13:06.35*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
13:06.40john___Aztecrisk: Are you French ?
13:08.36*** join/#asterisk gadams666 (~wileyuser@
13:09.55geertnWhat about a web interface for making extensions with voicemail, manage voicemail settings and managing conference rooms. Is that already done (except for vmail.cgi) or do I have to make my own?
13:10.04*** join/#asterisk adamclar (
13:10.13adamclarhello all
13:10.55YoYo^* needs an internationalization team
13:12.52*** join/#asterisk coppice_ (
13:12.54john___i have to go
13:12.56john___bye ;)
13:14.53levonRoyK, you earned yourself a lot of frags with your slappin'.
13:15.10levon... and you'll get what you deserve ;)
13:16.00*** join/#asterisk timeshift (
13:16.30YoYo^has anyone here heard of small?
13:18.51coppice_RoyK: I thought you would appreciate a good slaying?
13:19.03RoyKYoYo^: as in the opposite of 'large'?
13:19.22RoyKcoppice_: nah
13:20.37coppice_YoYo: Is this one of those trick names, like MicroSoft producing only Macro sized products? :-)
13:21.05*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
13:21.24YoYo^coppice, I don't think so
13:21.50YoYo^I'm thinking that it might make a neat way to build plugins for *... as opposed to using AGI
13:21.53coppice_"The Small toolkit for Microsoft Windows in a self-extracting setup, version 2.3.0 (1.794 kBytes; 19 Oct 2003)."  1.7M? I think I was right! :-)
13:22.37coppice_Microsoft used to ship their C compiler on 3 x 360K floppies
13:24.32ToyManmorning all
13:25.18*** join/#asterisk suma (
13:26.50geertnare there any webinterfaces besides astweb and openconfig?
13:35.20*** join/#asterisk diana (
13:40.43Aztecriskyou speak esmtp? :)
13:42.26Aztecrisk250-Pleased to meet you
13:47.54coppice_250-Death to spammers
13:51.13Bonbonany agi guys out there?
13:51.22*** join/#asterisk KillerBee (
13:51.50Bonboni sent a database get command, and the output i get back is: "agi_request:"
13:51.55Bonbonthis is in perl
13:52.03Bonbonhow do I actually get the result of the database get command?
13:52.31NixBonbon: I have done some AGI programming but have not used the database command
13:52.47NixI generally use my own SQL backend to handle data storage :-)
13:52.49Bonbonright. i'm monitoring stdin for the result. Is this wrong?
13:52.57Nixthats correct
13:53.03Bonbonyeah, but it's not worth it for very small db operations
13:53.43coppice_I generally use my own backend for sitting :-)
13:54.05NixI have not even used the database command in asterisk.. where does it actually store the data do you know?
13:54.20Bonbonit stores it in astdb file.
13:54.51Nixhmm.. is that something similar to berkleydb?
13:55.35Nixok. cool
13:56.04*** join/#asterisk Chilled (~x@
13:56.07NixI assume it is persistent between calls? (I didn't see much doco on it anywhere)
13:56.21ChilledHi All
13:56.45NixBonbon: are you actually using the databse command anywhere but in AGI?
13:57.08mbrancaNix: yep
13:57.25BonbonNix: using it in extensions.conf
13:57.35Nixok. I was going to suggest using db1 etc directly from perl but thats not gonna work :-)
13:57.35Bonbonmbranca: you know why my dbget from perl isn't working?
13:58.22NixI am planning on submitting a patch to update the chan_h323 docs. do you think Jeremy will accept it? :-)
13:58.35mbrancafrom AGI or perl in general?
13:59.52Bonboni get: agi_request: when trying to read STDIN, after issuing a dbget
14:00.05Bonbondatabase get
14:01.42mbrancadunno.... never tried that befor
14:02.18Nixhey Chilled
14:02.33dianahi Nix
14:03.24Bonboni reckon that what is returned to stdin doesn't work anymore.
14:04.50Nixsounds plausible
14:05.23Chilledi'v 2 phone lines and two FXO cards i want to use 1 for incoming and one for outgoing i dont wana recieve any call on outgoing line
14:05.42Chilledis ther any method to ignore incoming calls on one channel
14:07.37Nixthere is an option in the zapata.conf i think
14:07.59Chilledhmmmmmmm which one ??
14:08.06Chilledwould u tell Sir/Miss
14:08.34Chilledi didnt c any in manual
14:08.40YoYo^Chilled, just don't Answer() it
14:09.02YoYo^put each channel in it's own context
14:09.06YoYo^answer the one you want, ignore the other
14:09.26Chilledhmmmmmmmmm but how would i know that call is in which channel
14:09.40Chilledi m getting the idea
14:09.45YoYo^or, you could even have * answer with a recording that instructs people to call the other line
14:09.55Chilledok Yoyo
14:10.10YoYo^put Zap/1 in [incoming], put Zap/2 in [outgoing]
14:10.31YoYo^then, in extensions.conf, either leave [outgoing] with no extension, or do the recording thing and hang up on the caller
14:11.33YoYo^and for outbound, dial out line 1, unless it's busy, then dial out line 2
14:14.32ChilledThanx  YOYO
14:14.38Nixyes. thats works
14:14.54Nixsorry Chilled. I am busy working also :-)
14:15.06*** join/#asterisk Carp (
14:16.33CarpI just turned hte monitor to my * box on and its filled with errors and my IP phone doesnt work
14:18.09CarpWARNING[40966]: File chan_sip.conf, Line 398 (__sip_xmit): sip_xmit of 0x8111624 (len 333) to returned -1: Metwork is unreachable
14:24.57mbrancaperhaps that the net is down?
14:25.17Carpno its up
14:25.20Carpits local
14:26.09mbrancayou changed the ip when asterisk was up?
14:26.37CarpI didn't change the IP
14:26.56mbrancarestart *
14:26.58CarpII set the phone up lkie a week ago, and used it everyday just to make sure it was still working, but I didnt check yesterday
14:27.36Carpok, restarted
14:27.43Carpdidnt seem to do anything with the phone though
14:34.38*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
14:36.00tim27any know if i can use other than OEM power supply for 79XX phones, i think it 48 volts
14:37.07coppice_tim27: you can use PoE, which would mean using another power supply :-)
14:38.06tim27coppice_ : i received my phone today and want something fast, as i dont have the original power cube, any PoE will work ???
14:38.34coppice_If you have PoE on your hubs, just plug the phone in
14:39.09tim27coppice_ do you know cheap hub that support PoE
14:39.18voidptrtata people
14:39.25voidptrhave a nice xmas etc
14:39.29dianavoidptr > what?
14:39.37coppice_tim27: Ooooo no. Only pricy ones. :-(
14:39.40dianavoidptr > don't start with xmas
14:39.44dianai'm sick of that
14:39.53voidptrand its just starting :P
14:40.08voidptroh anyway, i'll be back in a bit
14:40.11voidptrgoing home
14:40.18tim27so linksys, dlink , etc... dont do PoE ...  ???
14:40.28voidptrsome products do
14:41.31tim27in canada we always have notting on our shelves lol
14:41.52coppice_linksys, dlink, etc. have little PoE adaptor boxes, to add PoE to single Ethernet connections.
14:42.47tim27maybe radio shack have 48v dc adaptor
14:43.59coppice_$400 for a phone, $150 for software licences, and *still* you need a power adaptor. sucks, eh? :-\
14:44.28tim27that the first phone i buy with notting to plug in outlet
14:45.34tim27the power cube is 65 $ CAN
14:53.35loko_mokothis is a dumb question as im not aware how PRI work... do I need a router for it, or can i plug it direct from provider into the Digium T1 card
14:53.51Nixu dont need a router.
14:54.03Nixnot for voice
14:54.35tzangerloko_moko: PRI doesn't route
14:55.02Nixyou can use an E1 connection for data also, but generally they are used for Voice..
14:55.05loko_mokoanyone know of a cheap MUX? i need to share 1 PRI between 2 * boxes for backup purposes
14:55.33Nixnope. sorry. let me know if you find one though
14:55.46tzangerloko_moko: ebay
14:55.49tzangerthere was one for like $50
14:56.23tzangerone T1 in, two T1 out, it monitored boht the "out" T1s and swapped over if there was an alarm
14:58.02*** join/#asterisk bobman (
15:04.39loko_mokodo you know what kind it was
15:04.45loko_mokoshould i search on mux or is there a better term
15:05.22tzangerloko_moko: I wish I remembered what they called it
15:05.43tim27seem my 7905 will not work for christmas
15:06.10*** join/#asterisk martin (
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15:07.15watahay alguien ahi
15:08.18*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
15:08.48loko_mokoyea all the ones i see are alot more
15:10.09tzangerwhat are yo usearching for that finds them?
15:10.13tzangeri.e. what are your search terms
15:11.38coppice_tim27: is that one of the calender related bugs? :-)
15:12.44*** join/#asterisk Stealth_Man (
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15:28.18tim27anyone found some not OEM power cube for cisco 79XX phones ???
15:29.48*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
15:30.41bobmantim27: Haven't shopped with atacomm before, but he's an active person here.
15:31.32*** join/#asterisk vindex (
15:32.49*** join/#asterisk kitandara (
15:35.06Stealth_Mantim27: he is real person and company, we made business with him
15:36.08*** join/#asterisk jtew__ (
15:36.53jtew__quick... someone IM me some starbucks!
15:39.02*** join/#asterisk mgraves (
15:40.44Connor~seen bkw_
15:40.46bkw_ is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 495 messages.  Is idling for 9h 26m 58s
15:40.55Connor~seen Connor
15:40.55connor is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 6 messages.  Is idling for 0s
15:41.02Connor~seen Connor_
15:41.03connor_ is currently on #asterisk (13h 2m 28s)
15:47.02jtew__~kill connor
15:47.04ACTION slits connor's throat
15:49.28*** join/#asterisk pcm (
15:49.56*** part/#asterisk pcm (
15:50.26Bonbonanyone want 20 x BT-101s, with UK PSUs?
15:50.33Stealth_Manhow much ?
15:50.40Bonbonwhere you based?
15:50.56Bonbonthat's no use man. we supply uk and europe. :-)
15:51.08Stealth_Manwhat the price for Zurich delivery
15:52.07BonbonZurich delivery: £45
15:52.17Stealth_Manand phones price ?
15:52.31Bonbonhow much you wanna pay?
15:52.54Stealth_Manso what;s the price ?
15:53.09Stealth_Manare you representing company ?
15:53.41Bonbon70 euros?
15:54.00Bonbongo on your private chat
15:54.15Stealth_Mani don;t have private chat option in my client
15:54.57Stealth_Man1,737.32 USD
15:55.01Stealth_Manfor 20 phons ?
15:55.31Stealth_Manplus 79.4216$ for shipping  
15:56.07Stealth_Man90$ per phone ...
15:56.15Stealth_Manhow canwe pay ?
15:56.36BonbonStealth: call us.
15:56.41Bonbonbkw: need to ask a question about agi.
15:56.44Stealth_Manwhere BonBon ?
15:56.53Bonbon+44 20 7740 3490
15:57.01Stealth_Manwhat is it ? company ?
15:57.05Stealth_Manwhat;s the name ?
15:57.13jtew__bkw: lkjhgfdsa? /
15:57.43Stealth_ManBonBon: you are ripping off with this price ...
15:57.48ConnorHow can you tell if you Ethernet Card is in full duplex mode ?
15:57.56Stealth_Manconnor : in linux ?
15:58.35Bonbonstealth: not really. we have to bring the stuff over.
15:59.06Stealth_ManBonBon : really ...make it lower price for people around ... don;t just make money  ... think about some of customers
15:59.31vindexConnor: mii-diag
15:59.41Bonbonok, whatever you want
15:59.46Bonbonnow i need help with agi in perl
15:59.52Bonbonwho can help me?
16:05.30YoYooh great... we have a customer in the office
16:05.33YoYo"and another thing..."
16:05.34*** join/#asterisk rot200 (~YO@
16:05.34YoYo"and another thing..."
16:05.35Bonbonconnor: what does that do?
16:07.59tzangerNO MORE AND THEN
16:07.59*** kick/#asterisk [tzanger!] by bkw_ (autokick for CAPS LOCK)
16:08.15bkw_damn it
16:08.50bkw_annoy_kick            [Off]
16:08.53bkw_ya thats off
16:08.57bkw_why is it still doign ti
16:09.10*** join/#asterisk tzanger (
16:09.14tzangerthat's funny
16:09.18tzangerI must have autojoin turned off
16:09.20bkw_OH I SEE
16:09.27bkw_toggle is borked in bitchx
16:09.36Pj_irssi powah
16:09.39AsteriskyIs there a good SDK out there to write softphones and other * clients?
16:10.27tzangerirssi rox muh sox
16:11.10vvenka1how do i load the cdr_postgere module so that the cdrs are written into the database?
16:12.18*** join/#asterisk fyman (
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16:13.28bkw_I wrote some nice instructions
16:15.10bkw_vvenka1 if you are still working on trying to get CDR into sql... its something that takes all of 10 min or less to do.
16:15.48*** join/#asterisk ares (
16:16.03Corydon76-workIt isn't the most efficient, but it does work...
16:16.15loko_mokotzanger, i searched for T1 mux
16:16.33aresi have one question can i use a modem like usrobotic like a FXO card???
16:16.51Corydon76-workares:  In a word, no.
16:17.40bkw_what isn't the most efficient?
16:17.54bkw_You need to check yourself on that one
16:18.02bkw_ODBC is very efficient
16:18.05aresand what  can i  use like a fxo whit out use an expensive diguim fxo card???
16:18.09bkw_in some cases faster than native SQL
16:18.19Corydon76-workNo, ODBC can be 2 to 3 times slower than the native interface
16:18.21bkw_granted I didn't take advantage of any of that in my code
16:18.29bkw_ya it can be
16:18.44Corydon76-workBecause ODBC has to adapt to all interfaces
16:19.12vvenka1i cant get the unixODBC to work. or i'm not sure how to get it to work
16:19.22bkw_you don't have to get it to work
16:19.27bkw_you just have to compile it
16:19.39vvenka1I did.
16:19.41bkw_setup odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini just like the instructions I made say
16:19.47Bonbonwe can't get a perl agi to output the results of a database get op. what could be the problem?
16:19.48bkw_then create you conf file
16:20.00Alw00t - my java iax stack scales to about 1000 simultaneous calls. :)
16:20.05AlWith only 6 threads. :)
16:20.16Corydon76-workBonbon:  how are you trying to output?
16:21.08*** join/#asterisk AtoB (~shahinkha@
16:21.24vvenka1I did create the ini files, but when i try to connect with isql, like isql test, i get a could not SQLconnect
16:21.43bkw_you have to also include the username and password to isql when you do it
16:22.09bkw_isql DSNNAME username password
16:23.00*** join/#asterisk uTx (~user@
16:23.30Corydon76-workAh, those wondrous things that are really difficult to alter...
16:23.52vvenka1well, there is no password for the user, but still it is not connecting
16:23.54bkw_I'm going to overhaul cdr_odbc.c
16:23.59uTxwhat is the command from the CLI to force a call on a Zap T1 card?
16:24.03bkw_vvenka1 is the dsn setup up odbc.ini?
16:24.12Corydon76-workObject databases are great if you never have to change data layout and relationships
16:24.20ennuyeux7after you do a database get bla bla from a perl agi script, how do you get the return value from STDIN?
16:25.00bkw_vvenka1 show us your odbc.ini entry for that data src test
16:26.05vvenka1[MySQL-test]Description     = MySQL ODBC Driver TestingDriver          = MySQLSocket          = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sockServer          = localhostDatabase        = testOption          =#Port           =
16:26.15Bonboncorydon: i don't know how to extract the variable from stdin
16:26.20bkw_then you will isql MySQL-test
16:26.28bkw_the part in [] is the DSN name
16:26.37vvenka1That what i type in.
16:26.48bkw_I see no username in your [MySQL-test]
16:27.06bkw_need to have a username = test in there also
16:27.09bkw_and password =
16:27.14bkw_but leave it blank on the password
16:27.43bkw_accually its User
16:27.46*** join/#asterisk glyph (
16:27.46bkw_and Password
16:28.20Bonboncorydon: i don't seem to get the results of the get operation back.
16:28.26tclarkBonbon: is h323 stable for you now, in current pwlib/ openh323 ?
16:28.31ConnorTalk to me bkw, I wanna put your odbc stuff into a production machine..
16:28.48ennuyeux7Corydon76-work: have same problem as bonbon, what do i need in perl to get the variable from STDIN after the database put?
16:28.52vvenka1okay... i think i need top create a user and grant the permissions. let me see how it goes
16:30.10bkw_that will give you everything you need I think
16:30.41ConnorI've gotten unixODBC and other stuff working on a different machine for a completly different project...
16:30.59bkw_unixODBC is like simpler to work with than I ever dreamed possible
16:31.08bkw_its alos alot more graceful
16:31.44bkw_error conditions are simpler to work with
16:31.59ConnorI got FreeTDS, unixODBC and Perl::ODBC working with SpamAssassin to talk to a MS-SQL backend.
16:32.43bkw_hehe ya
16:32.50bkw_FreeTDS will work with cdr_odbc also
16:33.22Connornod.. So, get unixODBC up, then get FreeTDS up, the get cdr_odbc and stuff installed..
16:33.34ConnorWhat about your ODBCput and ODBCget ?
16:34.22voidptrpom pom
16:36.15*** join/#asterisk alagalah (
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16:37.56*** join/#asterisk crontibs (
16:38.18crontibsAnyone know if Nufone taking orders now?
16:38.40voidptrthey weren't beforE?
16:38.52crontibsi sent email monday
16:38.56crontibsand called there today
16:39.06crontibsno response back
16:39.55bkw_Connor i'm still stress testing that one
16:41.03klasstek~seen JerJer
16:41.05jerjer is currently on #asterisk (11h 11m 56s).  Has said a total of 42 messages.  Is idling for 7h 21m 15s
16:42.12Asterisk is a PBX (Private Branch eXchange) and telephony toolkit. URL:, or 42
16:43.30ennuyeux7anyone want to help me out with a perl agi script problem and get a free budgetone
16:43.50ennuyeux7if you do talk privately on mirc
16:43.59vvenka1This is the error i'm getting:SIP-Martini mysqld # mysql -utest -p9je4f854Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \\g.Your MySQL connection id is 5 to server version: 4.0.16Type 'help;' or '\\h' for help. Type '\\c' to clear the buffer.mysql> \\qByeSIP-Martini mysqld # isql test 9je4f854[ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnectSIP-Martini mysqld #
16:44.14bkw_ITS NOT TEST
16:44.17bkw_its MySQL-test
16:44.21bkw_you called your dsn MySQL-test
16:44.23bkw_not just test
16:44.35bkw_isql MySQL-test test password
16:44.42vvenka1no use, same error
16:44.42bkw_isql MySQL-test User Password
16:44.45Bonbonennuyuex: what's the problem?
16:44.46vvenka1SIP-Martini mysqld # isql MySQL-test 9je4f854[ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnectSIP-Martini mysqld #
16:44.54bkw_I see no userame
16:45.16vvenka1SIP-Martini mysqld # isql MySQL-test test 9je4f854[ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect
16:45.18bkw_isqp dsn username password
16:45.23bkw_let me in your box
16:45.34bkw_I suspect its just an error in your odbc.ini
16:45.38vvenka1just a minute
16:46.16JerJerwho's got a url handy for 7960 tftp config file?  i really don't feel like digging thru crisco's site :(
16:47.00bkw_adjust the number of 0's
16:47.04bkw_but I think thats it
16:47.06*** join/#asterisk oej (
16:47.09JerJeryeah it works
16:47.12JerJerrock on
16:48.48*** join/#asterisk tigris1 (
16:48.50jtew__anyone have problems transferring calls with # in an agent environment?
16:48.51vvenka1Here is the box info:, username: bkw and password seasalt
16:49.18tigris1hi everybody!
16:49.41*** join/#asterisk Moc (
16:54.08MocCan my phone flash from a voicemail system of another system ?
16:56.47*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
16:56.47ConnorI never hear the beep when using app_Record...
16:59.10*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
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17:01.45ennuyeux7anyone want to help me out with a perl agi script problem and get a free budgetone
17:02.51jtew__ennu: what's the prob
17:03.22JerJerbkw_:  what's the three finger salute on these things.... star six settings ?
17:04.19*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
17:04.54MocCan my phone flash when it has voicemail and the voicemail server is another * system ?
17:06.02*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
17:06.05*** join/#asterisk beehive (
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17:07.00UnixDawgnoc if your phone points to it yes
17:07.36JerJeryour other asterisk box will need to know how to contact your fone
17:07.46JerJerand it can set the MWI
17:07.48ConnorIs there a app like app_read that works, except, I can specify the # of digits to collect?
17:08.02JerJerthen u setup the messages_uri up properly so u can check your vmail
17:08.08beehiveWho can advise me on what hardware and software to obtain?  I will be setting up a SIP/VOIP gateway (T1 CAS).
17:08.43bkw_Jerjer ya *+6+settings
17:08.56bkw_it may not work on the firmware you have on the phone.. not totally sure when that was added
17:09.05JerJerahh all at once
17:09.36bkw_beehive we aren't going to do your research for you.  Ask questions and we will answer then if we can.
17:09.39MocJerJer: there should this info goes ?
17:09.51Mocvoice mail, extension, IAX ?
17:09.53bkw_just remember this... GrandStream bad.. Cisco Good.
17:10.33MocGrandStream ok for fun, Cisco Perfect for buisness
17:10.41beehiveOK, just don't know much about digium, and whether or not they have the whole package or if asterisk is a separate entity.  Have a cisco 3750 and can simply plug in the gateway blade.  But that is not as much fun.
17:13.54JerJerbkw_:  this sucks... it looks like this fone wants a password to unlock the config  (**# doesn't cut it)
17:14.53Mocok it sound so easy JerJer ;)
17:16.20bkw_JerJer its in the tftp config
17:16.23bkw_123456 or cisco
17:17.55*** join/#asterisk Jackhamr (
17:18.01Jackhamrgood morning.
17:19.09JerJerhow do you know what kind of fscking day it is?   :P
17:19.22*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
17:19.27Jackhamrok let me take that back.  Greetings.
17:19.29JerJer(quote from We Were Soldiers)
17:19.50AsteriskyI am using a grandstream phone... have been for the last 6 months with *... no problem.  Please, stop demonizing products you don't like.  Just don't use them.
17:19.53Jackhamris your billing system for sale yet Jet?
17:20.02JerJeri dno't have a 'billing system'
17:20.17JerJeri have a rating engine, sure
17:20.18Jackhamrcall accounting
17:20.18scotti have a billing system
17:20.23*** join/#asterisk scr (
17:20.40Jackhamrscott: an * billing system?
17:20.56scotti bill you, and you give me money
17:21.29Jackhamrbkw: I'm done with Grandstream...never again
17:21.35bkw_same here
17:21.40bkw_they cause too much pain
17:21.47Jackhamrfuck their proprietary provisioning system
17:22.00scottgrandstream rocks!@!!!
17:22.06scottdon't diss the gs
17:22.13scrJerJer: did you get the unlock straightened out on the 7960?
17:22.15scottoir you'll get smacked down
17:22.29JerJerscr: no it looks like someone locked this fone down hard
17:23.15scrJerJer: I'm guessing you know, but I had trouble getting a phone unlocked with **# and it turned out I needed to use 'cisco' as the password - just info if it's any help
17:23.33Jackhamrthe default password for cisco sip phones is cisco
17:23.43Jackhamr**# is for MGCP
17:23.50JackhamrSCCP whatever
17:23.58Jackhamrcall manager garbage
17:24.37Shido6_i hate the gs phones
17:25.31JackhamrCiscos are ok...they all have their limitations
17:26.22JackhamrI've had good luck with the sipura box
17:27.31Jackhamrit seems like clients end up hating all IP's easier just to give them a wal mart phone.
17:27.43Mikebkw_: GS support told me the hold and transfer are not implemented yet but that it will work
17:27.50MocJerJer: Should it work, sending the MWI to another asterisk box so it can send it to the SIP Phone ?
17:30.31JerJerscr:  this fone asks for a password when u hit settings
17:30.54Jackhamrjer: cisco phone?
17:31.09JackhamrYou dont have to pick option 9?
17:31.32tim27anyknow if linksys WAPPOE, will work with cisco 79xx phones, it have a splitter to supply 5v, but i suppose that if i only use the injector i will get 48v on the rj45 network cable
17:31.47*** join/#asterisk hmodes (
17:32.16JerJerJackhamr: doesn't sound like it
17:32.33JackhamrJer: hmmm.  :)
17:32.46Jackhamrsuper secret pre-alpha Cisco release? :)
17:33.05uTxquestion regarding the file
17:33.36uTxI created 4 files called,   .. to 4
17:33.56uTxwhen I cp them into the spool directory on 1 and 4 work
17:35.01uTxfile 1 looks like this Channel: Zap/1/15555555555
17:35.37uTxbasicly I want to simulate the hammer
17:36.05uTxany ideas?
17:36.31uTxor is there a way to force a call from the CLI?
17:37.33blitzrageanyone happen to be registered a SNOM 200 with their asterisk box?  If so, I would like to see a sample of your sip.conf
17:39.19jtew__blitzrage: looked in the WIKI at ?  Might be one there
17:39.57bkw_OH ME OH MY
17:40.34jtew__bkw: what did you do?
17:40.54Connorokay, how can I generate a secondary dial tone?
17:41.07uTxno ideas hum
17:41.21bkw_tclark would be proud of me
17:41.30bkw_we only have to prepare the query once now for cdr_odbc
17:41.37bkw_it uses a cached query for each insert
17:41.48bkw_works as expected now
17:42.02bkw_this is just weird
17:42.05jtew__cached prepared statements are outstanding...
17:42.22Connorwrong window bkw
17:42.27bkw_sprintf(sqlcmd,"INSERT INTO cdr "
17:42.27bkw_"duration,billsec,disposition,amaflags,accountcode) "
17:42.28bkw_"VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
17:42.30tclarkat the risk of getting booted ROCK ON BKW
17:42.31bkw_its just weird
17:42.47bkw_tclark I bet its HELLA faster now
17:43.52jtew__bkw: most modern databases have internal caches that make dynamic SQL almost as fast as a prepared statement... so don't be surprised if the boost isnt' that much
17:44.37bkw_ya really
17:44.44bkw_but its more proper
17:44.50bkw_and escapes stuff properly now
17:44.51jtew__totally agree
17:44.59bkw_so I don't have to have my kludge to escape stuff now
17:45.15jtew__bkw: prepared statements prevent SQL injection hacks too
17:45.31Connorokay, once again, how can I generate a secondary dialtone?
17:46.17bkw_jtew__ yes .. thats one goal of doing this
17:46.19bkw_INSERT INTO cdr (calldate,clid,src,dst,dcontext,channel,dstchannel,lastapp,lastdata,duration,billsec,disposition,amaflags,accountcode,uniqueid) VALUES ('2003-12-23 11:45:55','\"Extension\'s 10\" <10>','10','999','default','SIP/10-8ffb','','MusicOnHold','default',1,1,4,3,'123413414','1072201554.26')
17:46.29bkw_see it totally escapes everything automagically
17:46.35bkw_Connor use DISA
17:47.50MocAny docu on having a dedicated Voicemail system with * ( So Message Waiting Indicator show on the phone on the other * box) ?
17:48.02ConnorDoes DISA do any prompting?
17:48.07bkw_JerJer .. Alloca has left cdr_odbc.c
17:48.17JerJerHELL YES!
17:48.23blitzrageConnor: it can ask require a password to get dialtone
17:48.33blitzrageConnor: show application disa from the CLI
17:48.46ConnorI am, I'm asking if it plays any prompts...
17:48.50bkw_JerJer I want this in CVS asap.. let me test it a few more hours.. and I will msg you to commit it
17:48.58Mikewhy was gnophone stop getting developed?
17:49.02blitzrageConnor: ahhh.. not sure... I've always used no-password with it :)
17:49.37blitzragebkw_: all you do is take take take, and you never give :D
17:49.50blitzragebkw_: wow.. that kinda came out totally not how I meant it... LOL
17:50.08*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
17:50.33JerJerbkw_: okie dokie
17:51.00Connorand the answer is.. No.. it doesn't..
17:51.16blitzragehrm.. that's too bad
17:51.26blitzrageConnor: you could create a macro that plays a prompt ?
17:51.44blitzrageat least that's what I'd do... :)
17:51.46Connordoing that already... just will use DISA with no password..
17:51.56blitzrageConnor: ahhh yah.
17:53.57Bonbonwhat's the difference between having a default context with an without autocreatepeer in sip.conf?
17:54.05*** join/#asterisk killerbee (
17:55.02anglerIs anyone using 2-4 x100p's in a machine?
17:55.51JerJeri've got a few with 2 and 3 X100Ps
17:56.13anglerJerJer: can you give me the brand/model of the motherboard
17:56.16blitzrageI won an ebay auction for an sl-5500!  
17:56.35tim27use 2 x100p
17:57.41*** join/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
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17:58.02JerJerangler_: nope...its long gone...out of my control
17:58.02hmodesis there anyway to force dial to ringback even when it thinks it shouldn't?
17:58.08JerJerit was prolly a Asus or MSI
17:58.11hmodesi have a sip channel that's confusing it even with the r option
17:58.50hmodesone ring from dial followed by silence until the party picks up, presumably because of an extra hop
17:59.05jetsjsmith: Do you use soft phones very often?
17:59.12extremisI'm using an abit bh6 at the moment, and I can get 2 cards to freak out (not sharing irqs)
17:59.18jsmithjets: Nope... I don't
17:59.57jetsjsmith: damn, i'm trying to find a good way for people on the road to use SIP soft phones.. but SIP sucks with NAT
18:00.02jets(if there hotel uses nat)
18:00.29jsmithjets: As long as your Asterisk server isn't behind NAT, you should be OK most of the time...
18:00.52YoYoyou could use that iax soft phone thingie
18:01.10jetsjsmith: hrm i did an iptables DNAT to it --- but let me give it a real ip :)
18:01.22jetsYoYo: Iax soft phone? hrmmm that would be excellent
18:01.25YoYodiax I think?
18:01.45jsmithjets: My Asterisk server is on a real IP, and my home network is behind NAT... and I can still take my phone home and use it.
18:02.02jsmithJerJer: Now why are you giggling?
18:02.04jetsjsmith: a 7960 phone?
18:02.08jsmithjets: YEs
18:02.12jetsjsmith: Sweet :)
18:02.18JerJer@ all current IAX softfones
18:02.32jsmithJerJer: I know... I know... :-)
18:02.53YoYodiax is functional, but it's in desperate need of some streamlining
18:03.07YoYoquite clunky
18:03.12jsmithJerJer: That's why I'm waiting for my IAXy... :-)
18:03.24atacommargggg, Fedex delivered my new video card which I overnighted to Don Pablos 2 blocks down the road
18:03.26JerJerim not a fan of the library they all use
18:03.37jetsI will use soft phones all the time
18:03.58jsmithJerJer: Oh really?  I haven't done anything with it.  What's wrong with it?
18:04.02atacommand are saying they cant guarentee they'd get it redelivered today......its like you god damn better deliver it today, otherwise i wouldnt spend 30 fucking dollars on delivery
18:05.20UnixDawgata what are you doing harrassing people again ?
18:05.34JerJeri just don't like how they implemented things
18:05.58*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
18:06.07bkw_someone called my name?
18:06.12UnixDawgbkw go to my room
18:06.13atacommUD: I'm going to kick my delivery guy's ass...... 7767 and 7887 don't even look remotely the same
18:06.28UnixDawgno they dont
18:07.03*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
18:08.53UnixDawgi need to geta areacode to setup a sip server
18:09.17UnixDawgI can do fwd
18:09.25*** join/#asterisk simprix (
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18:10.22*** topic/#asterisk is Less Phony, more Telephony
18:10.25*** join/#asterisk optimus1 (~optimus@
18:10.28optimus1evening all
18:11.12TestMasTerUnixDawg,  there is a company opening selling DIDs the  of the year
18:11.21TestMasTerin Toronto
18:11.35*** join/#asterisk Jackhamr (
18:11.57TestMasTerthe first of the year even
18:12.21UnixDawgwow cool
18:12.33jetsi have the FXS card with the external power connector
18:12.37jetswhat happens if it doesn't get that power?
18:12.41UnixDawgwho I have to get my nmbr
18:12.45TestMasTerya from what i`m told they are opening All of canada by the end of next year
18:13.12TestMasTerI agree, When i know more information i will let you know
18:13.20UnixDawgok thnks
18:14.37YoYojets, you need to connect power to it
18:14.47YoYothe PCI bus doesn't provide enough juice to power the lines
18:14.55YoYoor the ringers?  I ferget the details
18:15.22TestMasTerUnixDawg,  you use a GS phone right?
18:15.50jetsYoYo: My Dell Server doesn't have those power connectors
18:16.10YoYohow do you power your HDDs or CDROM drives?
18:16.18jetsYoYo: It's all scsi and raid and built in
18:16.19UnixDawgyeah I have one
18:16.33TestMasTerDo you know of anyway to add more ringer tones?
18:16.39YoYoweird stuff
18:16.41YoYoyou got a pic?
18:16.56jetsit's a dell 2650
18:17.13YoYoso like how does the power get from the PSU to the rest of the system?  
18:17.16jetsall of the drives use SCA
18:17.26voidptrhehe :)
18:17.30UnixDawgno they are limited to just the one tone. they are working on it in the next firm ware
18:17.31YoYothere should still be a connector to the back of the SCA backplane
18:17.40UnixDawgfrom what they have said
18:17.47*** join/#asterisk sudhir (~sudhir@
18:17.49TestMasTerwell that sucks
18:17.53voidptrjets : you are "fucked"
18:17.57uTxquestion regarding the file
18:18.04uTxanyone use it before
18:18.12jetsguess i'll have to build an FXS server =)
18:18.14sudhirAnyone using Asterisk for conferencing?
18:18.31voidptrjets: try and see if there are any similar connectors though
18:18.41voidptri found something in my compaq i could use for it
18:18.44YoYofloppy power connector?
18:18.47voidptrbut it'll require hacking
18:18.50YoYoyou could splice into that
18:18.55voidptrfloppy is 5v right?
18:19.03YoYofloppy gets 12 and 5
18:19.08voidptrmm kay
18:19.14YoYoall 4 leads
18:20.01UnixDawgtalking to gs right now
18:20.48YoYotoo bad I can't unrack it to apease my curiousity
18:21.02jetsvoidptr: nope the floppy and cdrom are sca too
18:21.03YoYo(dunno if it has extra power leads or not)
18:21.13jetsi found some fan power connectors
18:21.18jetsand some other weird power leads
18:21.21tclarkhey jsmith have you ever seen a a t410 stop generating interupts cat /proc/interrupts looks like  15:          0          XT-PIC  t4xxp
18:21.27YoYojets, call dell =D
18:21.50jetsYoYo: bet they have stuff fto connect to these fan power leads?
18:21.54YoYotell them you need a 12v/5v Molex power lead
18:22.18YoYoi think the fan is 5v only
18:22.23YoYomight work
18:22.35jsmithtclark: Yup... I have...
18:22.37YoYocall digium to find out the actual power requirements (if it needs both 12v and 5v)
18:22.56jsmithtclark: Had to power down the machine and bring it back up...
18:23.41tclarkjs did you find the cause
18:25.11UnixDawgok in the next ver of the firm ware they will support diff ringtones.
18:25.15jetsSO the fan power leads are 5v but i need 12v you think?
18:25.17JerJerlunch time
18:25.25TestMasTerUnixDawg,  did they say when the next will be out?
18:25.35YoYotclark, I had the t410 lock up as well
18:25.43YoYolocked my whole box up
18:25.53YoYoforced me to go buy a masterswitch
18:26.04UnixDawgwell he is sending me somee beta ware now to fix the flash transfer and hold
18:26.17UnixDawgand they will be fixing the caller id also
18:26.33UnixDawgso you can look at who called
18:26.38TestMasTerUnixDawg,  Well if it works good for you, Could you send me a copy or allow me to update from you?
18:26.57TestMasTerUnixDawg,  you can now, Pick up the phone and hite callers
18:27.14tclarkYoYo: did that happend during a reboot of the box or just while it was running taking calls
18:27.23YoYowhile running
18:27.29UnixDawgit only hold 2 nmbrs
18:27.38UnixDawgthe new fix will hold more
18:27.41YoYofortunately, we weren't live yet
18:27.49YoYowas playing one night, everything working fine
18:27.55TestMasTerUnixDawg,  what problem are you having with hold?
18:27.57YoYonext morning, it was locked up tight
18:28.17YoYohadda call the colo to have them power cycle it
18:28.20UnixDawgit hangs up insted of putting them on hold
18:28.24YoYohaven't had a problem since though
18:28.37YoYo$ uptime
18:28.44TestMasTerho really mine works for that same with the transfer but flash doesn`t
18:30.29TestMasTerUnixDawg,  does your conference button work?
18:30.54UnixDawgno aand it wont it is ment for a newer ver of the model that they have not finished
18:31.24TestMasTeroh well i guess in due time
18:32.01UnixDawgthey said in the GS 103or 104 it will be activated
18:32.29UnixDawgI need to get a gs 102
18:32.45Connorwhat will be activated?
18:32.48*** join/#asterisk Exomorph (
18:32.51TestMasTeri have i think the 101 Nasty looking phones lol
18:32.57uTxquestion regarding the file
18:32.58uTxanyone use it before
18:33.07UnixDawgthey are basic phones
18:33.21TestMasTerya but they work for what i need
18:33.30TestMasTerI wanna get my self a cisco phone lol
18:33.36uTxor is there a way to force a call from the CLI?
18:33.59TestMasTerthere was a ebay thing 15-20 phones, for like 3500 or something like that
18:34.01outtoluncuTx, not the CLI, but from the manager interface
18:34.24uTx<outtolunc>  how do i access that?
18:34.30UnixDawgso do I but I am broke and have 1 semester left in collage
18:34.39*** join/#asterisk Nix (~peter@
18:34.49TestMasTerUnixDawg,  what are you going for ?
18:34.52Nixevening all
18:35.06UnixDawgmasters in Digital Communicatios
18:35.22jetsDigium says: It's a 12V
18:35.23outtoluncutx, you start reading...  and
18:35.27UnixDawgall hardware based
18:35.45uTx<outtolunc>  I've read it quickly
18:35.56TestMasTerUnixDawg,  that works. are you here in canada
18:36.02outtoluncread it again, else you wouldn't be asking you question <G>
18:36.08UnixDawgI am in Buffalo NY
18:36.14UnixDawgbut I am canadian
18:36.48TestMasTeroh because i have my masters in diffrent stuff, And for some reason it doesn`t seem to help in canada
18:37.27uTx<outtolunc>  ok
18:37.37bkw_ok this shouldn't have to be done.. but for some reason I have to rebind the params for each query.. why is it loosing this
18:37.37UnixDawgwell my idea is to move home and setup a wireless network and voip
18:38.07Nixhey bkw_
18:38.16TestMasTerUnixDawg,  oh kewl Umm where in canada are you from ?
18:38.45UnixDawgI havce a loft in Toronto but I was born on the Islands in the NWT
18:39.06*** part/#asterisk Jackhamr (
18:39.27TestMasTerUnixDawg,  so you are going to open in islands?
18:39.32TestMasTeror in toronto?
18:39.36*** join/#asterisk ursenj (~ursenj@
18:39.44TestMasTergood day ursenj
18:39.45blitzrage<< moving to Oakville, just outside of Toronto
18:39.50ursenjwhat up
18:40.20TestMasTerursenj,  notta yourself
18:41.41ursenjI have a question,.. I have a IP phone here at work,..behide a PIX,.. I have it registered to my * at home which is behind a Cisco 1605 with FW, but I have the translations done on that for SIP. here is the problem I can;t call from home to work, but I can call work to home??
18:42.43jtew__ursenj: The IP address in teh SIP packet is the internal one probably....
18:43.06ursenjI have NAT=yes in sip.conf
18:43.27ursenjI does get nat out the PIX here,..
18:43.53ursenjWith IP Inspect,..(symmetrical)
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18:44.42bkw_The intelligence, in part, led the government to hike the terror alert level to "high."
18:44.47bkw_oh great
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18:46.31bkw_dont know
18:46.38bkw_I ignore it
18:46.45jsmithIt's orange, I think...
18:46.54jsmithOr maybe it was purple... :-)
18:46.55bkw_no I think orange is elevated
18:47.51tzangerdamn zaptel driver machine hang again
18:47.55tzangerexact same spot too
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18:55.49*** topic/#asterisk is Less Phony, more Telephony
18:56.01Mikekillerbee: you got a sipura?
18:56.52killerbeelooks sweet so far.. no time to play with it yet.... next week
18:57.08jsmithkillerbee: Send it to me, and I'll try it out for you...
18:57.13killerbeeunless bkw_ steals it from me
18:57.20jsmithkillerbee: Besides, you owe me...
18:57.38tzangerkillerbee: bkw won't care, he only uses cisco gear
18:58.17killerbeegot to check my list.. twice...
18:58.35killerbeejsmith.. remind me again why I owe U?
18:58.48jsmithkillerbee: I'll /msg you...
18:59.48killerbeejsmith now I remmber this bottle of scotch has from jsmith on it
19:00.26TestMasTerwith is wisip?
19:01.02otl-pendiat least it wasn't a 'rubber' tree <G>
19:01.39Mikecisco gear sucks to expensive its not worth
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19:05.32TestMasTerkillerbee,  ty
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19:07.47jsmithMike: Yes, it is worth it!
19:08.16jetscisco's ip phones are sooo worth it
19:09.12*** join/#asterisk adam_gafachi (
19:09.46tim27jets, which cisco phone you have
19:11.58tim27got a 7905 this morning
19:12.06tim27buy it from 93 $ us
19:12.13jetsvery cool
19:12.17tim27at this price that better than a grandstream
19:12.40tim27handset have a good weight and seem to be good quality
19:12.46tim27dont have the power cube :*
19:12.52dantsaw a 7960 go on ebay for $150
19:13.06tim27dant: that was cheap
19:13.08tim27very cheap
19:13.18danttim27, I know, I was really pissed that I missed it
19:13.33tim27saw yesterday 7960 with power cube at 273
19:13.37tim27not to bad
19:14.07tim27power cube is 30-40 :(
19:14.32dantnot when you compare it with the alternatives
19:14.44Mikejsmith: cheaper nicer
19:14.52tim27dant: alternative ???
19:15.07dant3550-24-PWR :)
19:15.12jsmithMike: What phone is that?
19:15.50tim27dant did you ever upgraded you phone image ???
19:16.01jsmithMike: Ok... that looks like a power injector... So, what phone is that?
19:16.01tim27any here have 7960 to sell ???
19:16.14danttim27, yep, done an upgrade...
19:16.17jsmithtim27: Nope... I won't sell mine until I can get a 7970...
19:16.31Mikejsmith: dont you see the black little thing on one side of the power generator?
19:16.32tim27jsmith you have money to get a color display
19:16.34dantjsmith, I'll swap mine for a 7970
19:17.01tim27dant : you use the xml capability on your phone ???
19:17.06jsmithtim27: What makes you think I have money?
19:17.09danttim27, not yet
19:17.15jsmithtim27: I use the XML stuff a bunch...
19:17.35Mikejsmith: that setup is done with less than 120 USD
19:17.38tim27jsith dont assume you have many... but i assume you like good phone
19:18.38tim27two error, jsmith, many=money
19:19.03tim27jsmith: so you have a xml server ???
19:19.32jsmithtim27: No, the Cisco phone gets the XML from my web server...
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19:19.58Mikejsmith: get that small ata286 for about 80 on and get the cordless for about 40 in  this is what i call worth cisco gear its not:P
19:20.03andy1does anyone know what PRI stands for?
19:20.19otl-pendiprimary rate interface
19:20.27tim27jsmith: the color display seem to be cool
19:20.27jsmithMike: Yeah, but does it do all the fancy things the Cisco will do?  Ringtones?  Company directory?  Multiple line appearances?
19:20.49jsmithtim27: Yeah... it certainly would be cool... but they're supposed to run like $1000
19:20.58Mikejsmith: my cordless phone has a mem for 100 phones, 5ringtones, callerid, hold key and transfer key
19:21.06Mikejsmith: mute key
19:21.17tim27jsmith: the price of a computer
19:21.19Mikejsmith: its a 2.4 cordless nice range etc
19:21.31jsmithMike: Not too shabby then...
19:21.54Mikejsmith: when the phone gets old or broken ill just unplug it from the small ata and plug a new one
19:22.14tclarkjsmith: can you do this on yur 7960 with *
19:22.37jetstclark: We have done this very thing.
19:23.04jsmithtclark: Doesn't that only work with CallMangler?
19:23.05jetstclark: the SIP firmware has an auto answer feature... and asterisk has a feature to connect calls to a phone #.. so we hav asterisk call these auto-answer extensions and put them in to a meetme conference bridge
19:23.18jsmithtclark: Get the 6.0 firmware and you can do auto-answer
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19:23.45jetstclark: So yes, we have an intercom system
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19:24.07tim27tclark: that run on call manager ???
19:24.28glLoadIdentityhi all , what is the best radius server to use with a quintum gateways ?
19:24.31tim27jets: any 79xx do this ???
19:24.31tclarkso you do it all without any cisco xml cmds ..
19:25.06jsmithtclark: Yes... all without Cisco XML commands
19:25.21jsmithtim27: I know the 7960 and 7940 do... I'm not sure about the other Criscos
19:25.37tim277905 support xml
19:25.37MocAny docu on having a dedicated Voicemail system with * ( So Message Waiting Indicator show on the phone on the other * box) ?
19:25.44tim27dont know if it autoanswer
19:27.00crontibswhere's place online to get ata-286's
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19:27.26jetstim27: ya 79xx w/o XML --
19:27.38jetstim27: I bet the SIP firmware supports autoanswer is it a 2 line phone)
19:28.28tim27jets: will know more when i will try it (waiting for the power cube) it a single line phone that support call waiting...
19:28.42tim27so you are supposed to be able to receive another call...
19:28.52jetstim27: You probably won't have much luck with a paging system on this phone
19:29.11bkw_houston we have a problem
19:29.26jsmithbkw_: What's the problem?
19:29.47bkw_I need some eyes on this
19:29.52bkw_I have it fixed but I want a better fix
19:30.06bkw_ODBC_stmt is global
19:30.16bkw_if I don't rebind the params they get tromped on
19:30.23bkw_I think thats the only way I can do this
19:30.40bkw_the example from Microsoft doesn't show having to do that.. but maybe in this case I have to
19:30.53bkw_this is threaded.. the example from MS wasn't
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19:32.48bkw_dont think I can localize ODBC_stmt
19:35.41otl-pendisee what happens when you don't bind <G>
19:36.56bkw_if you don't bind you get all kinds of weird results
19:37.04bkw_you end up with some sip debug in the CDR records
19:37.09bkw_very strange
19:37.12bkw_but I fix it
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19:38.02otl-pendiif it's getting random data you sure you aren't looking at some list/thread being used as a scratch pad?
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19:38.30bkw_dont know how random data gest into struck ast_cdr
19:38.35bkw_er struct
19:38.38bkw_fuck I can't type today
19:38.50otl-pendiyou type the F word just fine <G>
19:39.19bkw_haha yes
19:39.30bkw_ok I removed the duplication of code
19:39.33bkw_its alot nicer now
19:39.42rot200someone could help me, because tor2 module just stopping to load
19:40.02rot200I'm a litle lost with the error messages :~
19:40.12otl-pendiyou must be the guy from the ML
19:40.39manynow this is an precise description. "the guy from the ML"
19:40.47otl-pendiunknown device dOOd
19:41.45rot200I posted this problem in the list
19:41.45rot200but got no answer
19:42.02otl-pendiactually you did get a reply from steven
19:42.32otl-penditelling you that IS the tor2 card
19:43.25rot200I know that is tor2 card
19:43.44rot200but I still dont know the module does't load
19:43.56rot200ops, why the module
19:44.07otl-pendiwhat is the error you get?
19:44.46rot200asterix:~# modprobe tor2
19:44.46rot200Zapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
19:44.46rot200Detected Tormenta 2 Quad T1/PRI or E1/PRA at 0xfe121800/0xfe121000 irq 7
19:44.46rot200Did not get DONE signal. Short file maybe??
19:44.47rot200Registered Tormenta2 PCI
19:44.49rot200ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: No such device or address (6)
19:44.51rot200/lib/modules/2.4.18/misc/tor2.o: post-install tor2 failed
19:44.53rot200/lib/modules/2.4.18/misc/tor2.o: insmod tor2 failed
19:44.56rot200ops, sorry for the flood
19:45.25otl-pendiare you sure you have the .conf setup correctly?
19:45.27jrollyson2.4.18 is exploitable :(
19:45.52bkw_AH HA
19:46.00bkw_You shouldn't need to reprepare/bind, but, you have at least one local
19:46.00bkw_var bound, timestr, so that can't be used between calls.
19:46.10bkw_timestr just be global
19:46.16bkw_all vars in the query can't be local
19:46.22bkw_or any of them for that matter
19:46.55rot200otl-pendi, what .conf ?
19:47.03voidptrjrollyson : not if its a vendor kernel
19:47.07otl-pendithe zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
19:47.19voidptrwell... possibly not ;)
19:47.37jrollysonyeah, it's a oneline patch
19:47.45rot200yes, cos this machine was running ok
19:48.04rot200in production
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19:49.30otl-pendiwhich also means you haven't checked to confirm they are STILL setup correctly
19:52.30rot200yup. what parameters are crucial to module loading?
19:52.54otl-pendiwho set this asterisk box up for you?
19:53.47bkw_ok here I come valgrind
19:54.52otl-pendior whatever your settings are,
19:55.10rot200I need to configure all spans?  
19:55.17otl-pendithose are teh imporant ones in zaptel.conf
19:55.28rot200my conf is like that:
19:56.09rot200loadzone = us
19:56.11otl-pendii suggest you rrmod -r tor2
19:56.16otl-pendier rmmod
19:56.30otl-pendithen gointo zaptel dir and make clean; make install
19:56.39otl-pendithen libpri make clean; make install
19:56.47otl-pendithen asterisk make clean; make install
19:56.58otl-pendithen just modprobe tor2
19:57.04rot200I've tried this :~
19:57.27rot200rmmod tor2 got segfault
19:57.37otl-pendithen build another box and test the card there
19:57.57rot200done.  the same errors :~
19:58.05otl-pendiif it does the same thing in another FRESHLY built box
19:58.20otl-pendithen i'd say the card got hammered
19:58.24TestMasTerhow can i find out what codec * is using?
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19:59.52rot200otl-pendi, that is my fear.  This is the thrid bad card i got from digium
20:00.19otl-pendithen something else is effecting it
20:00.54ajhHi all
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20:01.18rot200otl-pendi, the bad cards?
20:01.28bkw_AH HA
20:01.31bkw_found a bug in asterisk
20:01.56otl-pendirot200, it would be completely unbeliavble to me that you received 3 bads cards from digium
20:01.59bkw_valgrind rocks my socks
20:02.21otl-pendisomething on your end is most likely effecting the cards
20:02.41bkw_it seems to only happen on the second insert
20:02.43bkw_and never again
20:02.49otl-pendifuncky power, induction on your e1 line, something
20:03.09otl-pendicrappy power supplies in crappy computers <G>
20:03.33rot200otl-pendi, this is possible. But I let digium tech support log in in my boxes, and they said to me the cards are bad
20:04.00zoasomebody with a lot of voip bandwidth shaping on linux ?
20:04.05otl-pendiwell they are certainly 'acting' bad
20:04.11otl-pendibut 3 in a row
20:04.14otl-pendicome on
20:04.17rot200otl-pendi, humm i see
20:04.58otl-pendiwith those odds, you should come over here and buy a lotto ticket <G>
20:05.29rot200otl-pendi, 3 in diferent ships, not the same lot
20:05.34ajhis exten => fax,1,Dial,Zap/x  restricted to the context it is placed in?
20:06.15otl-pendithat's my point <G>
20:06.33rot200all my boxes are dell powe edge 600... this is a good machine. maybe the eletrical instalation of my company
20:06.35Corydon76-workajh:  yes
20:06.47otl-pendii use 600sc's
20:07.09rot200otl-pendi, I use the same
20:07.17ajhCorydon76: thanks, I guess I have screwed up some context includes somewhere
20:07.19otl-pendithen it isn't the box
20:07.47rot200600sc's power suply is pretty good
20:07.56otl-pendicheck building power and see what you can do to check the E1 line for spikes
20:08.41ajhI set this up in  [internal], but my 2 fax machines in [analog] kept getting snagged & redirected.
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20:10.00loko_mokootl how many 600SC do you think i can get into a 42U cabinet
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20:10.18rot200otl-pendi, I'll see what i can check... thanks for the tips
20:10.25otl-pendirot200, put a copy of your dmesg online somewhere i can peek at it
20:10.39rot200I sent to ML
20:10.55otl-pendithe whole thing you hadn't
20:11.07otl-pendii was going to 'compare' it to mine
20:11.12otl-pendithe whole thing
20:11.15TestMasTerdoes * work with G273?
20:11.20TestMasTerand G279
20:11.20rot200ok. just a minute
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20:13.43otl-pendirot200, and a lspci
20:15.36UnixDawgok my phone acts better with the new flash
20:18.18bkw_ok guys
20:18.18bkw_==9493== Thread 13:
20:18.19bkw_==9493== Invalid read of size 1
20:18.19bkw_==9493==    at 0x4001E782: strlen (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
20:18.19bkw_==9493==    by 0x43C6AB67: insert_param (in /usr/lib/
20:18.19bkw_==9493==    by 0x43C6A305: insert_params (in /usr/lib/
20:18.21bkw_==9493==    by 0x43C6AF65: my_SQLExecute (in /usr/lib/
20:18.28bkw_is that a bug in libmyodbc ?
20:19.18UnixDawgbut now when i dial any 1xx ext it defaults to my vm
20:19.36UnixDawgbut it fixed a few things
20:19.46zoatestmaster: RTFM !
20:20.09TestMasTerzoa chill-out wow
20:20.39bkw_oh this isn't fun
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20:21.02zoawhat isnt fun ?
20:22.30bkw_this bug
20:22.34bkw_I can't pin it down
20:22.44levonbkw_ depends. It may also be an invalid parameter which isn't checked properly before handling in the odbc part
20:23.04bkw_levon ya it only happens once
20:23.52glLoadIdentitybkw_: seems to be malloc related , huh ?
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20:26.07otl-pendirot200, i see you have it on int 7
20:26.19otl-pendithat might cause and issue <G>
20:26.43rot200how can I change it?  just for testing
20:26.45otl-pendioops, i am tired
20:26.53crontibshow do i take .wav and convert to .gsm for menus in *
20:27.34otl-pendiirq 7
20:27.53malcolmdcrontibs: sox
20:28.04rot200yup. what irq does your card use?
20:28.04otl-pendiwhat slot is the card in?
20:28.11otl-pendimine irq 5
20:28.16rot200the 32 bit one
20:28.31rot200the white slot
20:28.32otl-pendii've used that, and the first 64, both the same
20:28.44otl-pendiboth grabbed it as irq 5
20:28.53otl-pendii'd reset your bus
20:31.37jsmithatacomm: Share the joy :-)
20:32.14atacommfew more of these and i can strong arm myself in as a Digium they didnt buy digium products, but hey, with the profit i could start to make the $50k /mo min for distributors
20:32.15otl-pendihe can keep the joy, share the profits <G>
20:32.50loko_moko~seen h3x
20:32.55h3x <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 22h 33m 30s ago, saying: 'bbl'.
20:33.09loko_mokowho wants to loan me $5,000 with 10% APR
20:33.18rot200otl-pendi, whatever slot i put the card, lspci shows irq 7
20:33.36otl-pendidid you get into mb bios and reset the bus
20:34.11rot200otl-pendi, nope, i'll do it right now
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20:36.40otl-pendiwhoops, it doesn't have a reset, go into pci irq assignment, and just make it 5
20:40.25rot200otl-pendi, the same error.  I tried slot3, irq5
20:40.37rot200i'll contact digium's tech support
20:40.51otl-pendicheck power sources also
20:41.15rot200otl-pendi, ok
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20:44.49blllis there any way to do pseudo-intercom stuff with 79xx, as in make it auto answer?
20:45.02JerJerinsecurely, sure
20:45.09blllit's just my house
20:45.12blllso that's fine :)
20:45.18JerJerwith the newest firmware
20:46.37blllI'll check it out
20:49.29]data[woo tis teh jerjer
20:49.40]data[any news on iaxy? :)
20:51.30jsmith]data[: Did you get a job on the other side of the company?
20:51.39]data[and not only that!
20:51.46jsmithA raise!
20:52.06jsmithCool... that's great.
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20:52.12loko_mokoDoes anyone have a PRI without local service but still accepting incoming 800 calls?
20:52.13]data[as for the raise, it's being um 'discussed' at board level
20:52.23jsmith]data[: That never hurts!
20:52.44]data[it's only a $15k raise i want :)
20:52.47]data[not that much fs!
20:53.48jsmithHmmn... that's about what I'm looking for!
20:54.18]data[should get it i think :)
20:54.30]data[they're all desperate to keep me at least
20:55.06Jackhamrnever convince yourself that your indepensable.
20:55.08jsmithWow... that's cool...
20:55.27]data[nobody is :)
20:55.32]data[and nobody should be
20:55.40]data[what if i get run over by a bus?
20:55.43]data[things need to go on!
20:55.47Jackhamrdata:  A lot of IT people try to engineer that into their networks
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20:56.01jsmith]data[: That's why I'm doing this whole documentation project in #asterisk-doc
20:56.12ursenj_Stealth_Man, Hey have a question
20:56.15jsmith]data[: So that I'm not indispensable...
20:56.26]data[an admirable goal it is too :)
20:56.35jsmith]data[: So that I can change jobs someday!
20:56.38bkw_ok this is strange
20:56.40JackhamrI had a sys admin that told me that if something should happen to him, the passwords are in a safe deposit box at the bank.  He wouldn't give out passwords
20:56.46]data[if i had time i'd give ya a hand, but i'm just uber busy atm ;(
20:57.02jsmith]data[: I completely understand... you gotta earn that $15K
20:57.18jsmith]data[: Now is that in dollars, or pounds?
20:57.27jsmithbkw_: Still fighting ODBC?
20:57.58]data[$'s :)
20:58.06bkw_ya I got a small bug i'm trying to work out
20:58.08]data[= £8.5k
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20:58.37bkw_I make a call with exten 10.. while still in a call on exten 10.. I pickup exten 15 and make a call and hangup.  Exten 15's cdr records are littered with data from exten 10's cdr
20:58.46klasstekcan someone please traceroute to   I to know where it's dead
20:58.47bkw_such as src,clid,accountcode
20:58.51bkw_but the rest of the values are correct
20:58.58jsmithbkw_: come find me in #asterisk-doc when you've got a second...
20:59.02*** join/#asterisk nocnoc (~cvenegas@
20:59.08Jackhamrklasstek: hold on
20:59.20nocnochi guys... anybody tried MWI with Asterisk?
20:59.24Jackhamrklasstek: it dies on the AT&T network
20:59.27jsmithnocnoc: Yes...
20:59.39nocnocjsmith - Cisco IP phones?
20:59.41*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
20:59.47bkw_and get this
20:59.50malcolmdklasstek: i die @
20:59.58jsmithnocnoc: Yes, with Cisco IP phones
21:00.31ikanyone got asterisk working on freebsd if so any pointers before i try?
21:00.34jsmithklasstek: Me too... the hop after
21:00.44jsmithik: Ask UnixDawg... I think he was working on it
21:00.44lecramik: it works
21:00.59klasstekDon't know how I'm still here but I can't get any new connections going to anything
21:01.03jsmithmalcolmd: Thanks for the stickers...
21:01.10iknice - any known problems or just follow the std install
21:01.14nocnocjsmith - im trying to integrate Cisco Call Manager Express and Asterisk. Cisco's implementation of MWI is a mistery to me. Asterisk takes care of the voicemail and pre-attendant, while the other functions are managed by Call Manager Express. What do you need to setup when trying to do MWI?
21:01.14jsmithklasstek: That stinks...
21:01.29malcolmdjsmith: was hoping you'd get them this week :)
21:01.33lecramno real problems... but you may want to change the Makefile before you install
21:01.57lecramno zap drivers, and no alternate time sources
21:02.08lecramso no meetme, or IAX2 trunking
21:02.15jsmithnocnoc: In your sip.conf, put "mailbox=1234@context" and don't forget the context!
21:02.21ikoh just noticed there is a port for it - sure it wasnt there when i looked on other box
21:02.44lecramik: it's an old version... it works, but the cvs compiles just as well
21:02.56ik0.5.0 in the ports
21:03.13nocnocjsmith - thanks man
21:03.14ikis it best to use cvs then?
21:03.17malcolmdik: you might want to grab a fresh copy from cvs
21:03.28lecramik: grab cvs
21:03.29jsmithnocnoc: No problem... I'm just happy I can help out...
21:04.12ikdont suppose there is a howto :)
21:04.13anglermalcolmd: hows the weather over ther?  :)
21:04.46lecramik: change INSTALL_PREFIX in Makefile before you install :)
21:04.48malcolmdangler:  good; how are things on your side of the office?
21:05.10anglermalcolmd: pretty good i suppose
21:05.41iklecram, will look once i have it downlaoded :)
21:05.43*** mode/#asterisk [+o malcolmd] by angler
21:05.57*** mode/#asterisk [-o malcolmd] by malcolmd
21:07.41jsmithWay to go malcolmd...
21:08.12jsmithangler: So, have you got the prototype IAXys yet?
21:08.26JustinTHas Mark been around today?
21:08.31anglerjsmith: ask malcolmd about the iaxys  :)
21:08.33iklecram, so i need libpri and asterisk from cvs i that right?
21:08.39anglermark is in paris
21:08.42*** part/#asterisk Jackhamr (
21:08.46jsmithmalcolmd: Have you got the IAXy prototypes yet?
21:09.36JustinTAh, yes, that's right. He mentioned a delay of flight or such; had to purchase another ticket due to a cancelled flight.
21:10.01malcolmdthat's right...we don't need no stinking ops
21:10.04JustinTHe and I were discussing IAX encryption. I was curious as to his current brainstorming results.
21:11.23ikwhat is recommended INSTALL_PREFIX ?
21:11.31JerJerthe default
21:11.59ikthe default = nowt
21:12.42iklecram> ik: change INSTALL_PREFIX in Makefile before you install :)
21:12.45lecramik: depends on what you want...
21:13.03lecramik: it you want to keep things seperate then set it to something like /usr/local/asterisk
21:13.36ikthanks  anything else need chaging?
21:13.57lecramthat should be it...
21:14.05lecramdon't forget to use gmake
21:14.51ikso gmake ; gmake install ?
21:15.17lecramik: use && not ;
21:15.21ikand same with libpri ? (or do i not need that) (or should i do that first)
21:15.29JerJerand WTF is gmake ?
21:15.34citatsJerJer: gnu make
21:15.36jsmithJerJer: GNU make
21:15.40JerJermake install is perfectly fine
21:15.46jsmithcitats: Dang it! You always beat me!
21:15.48citatsik: don't bother with libpri, its mostly useless without a zaptel interface
21:15.48otl-pendigknow <G>
21:15.55citatsJerJer: not with bsd where make is not gnu make
21:15.57ikcitats, cheers
21:16.03jsmithJerJer: Not on other flavors of unix
21:16.10JerJerahh, i don't deal with anything but linux
21:16.18michael1Hey all
21:16.31iklooks succesfull
21:16.41citatsjsmith: but you had the proper capitilization in there, and i didnt :)
21:16.52TestMasTeranyone happen to know this error ? NOTICE[-1241723984]: File rtp.c, Line 418 (ast_rtp_read): Unknown RTP codec 19 received
21:16.54jsmithJerJer: Wow!  This is the first time I've taught you something!
21:17.09jsmithcitats: True... it took me an extra half-second to hit the shift key
21:17.20jsmithTestMasTer: Turn off comfort noise on your phone
21:18.05ikhmm except for where has it stuck the binary to run :)
21:18.12TestMasTerjsmith,  i don`t have anything like that,.. that i know of, i`m running a gs phone
21:18.56jsmithTestMasTer: Did you check the mailing list?  I seem to remember RTP codec 19 being comfort noise, but I could be wrong
21:19.08extremismmm VAD
21:19.08lecramjsmith: you're not
21:19.28TestMasTerI did but i didn`t get anything brb let me try again
21:19.43JerJertry disabling CNG
21:19.51ikanyone know where it may have stuck the binary with a INSTALL_PREFIX of /usr/local/asterisk/ ?
21:19.53lecramjsmith: 19 is used for comfort noise, but shouldn't be... it's reserved and shoul dbe sent as (I believe 13?)... detail on the list
21:19.56extremisoooh a new acronym
21:20.03extremisconfort noise generation
21:20.13jsmithlecram: That's what I seem to remember...
21:20.15extremiscute naughty girls
21:20.22extremisdon't turn that off
21:20.32lecramik: /usr/local/asterisk/usr/sbin/asterisk
21:20.34jsmithextremis: Not in front of the children!
21:21.20iklecram, cheers - was looking through the install history :)
21:21.36michael1Anyone know where i can find all the features for nuphone?
21:22.13JerJerno such thing as nuphone
21:22.38tzanger~seen citats
21:22.39citats is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 4 messages.  Is idling for 5m 58s
21:23.28*** join/#asterisk Moc (
21:23.34michael1nufone sorry...
21:23.48iklecram, thanks seems to be working - just need to work out how to set it up for the xten x-lite phone now for a test :)
21:24.18lecramik: check your system load
21:24.54michael1Any astriek act like a voip gateway?
21:25.20michael1like seetup astriek in a datacenter. then have phones around the world point tooo it?
21:26.00iklecram, upto 96% cpu and a load of 0.77
21:26.03voidptrs/datacenter/your home dsl link/
21:26.08voidptrthat works too...
21:26.14lecramik: if it's going up to 1, then you need to add 'noload =>' to modules.conf
21:26.30voidptrlearn regex ;)
21:26.32lecramik: it should be in /usr/local/asterisk/etc/asterisk/
21:27.04*** join/#asterisk Exomorph (
21:27.07iklecram, ok - restarting to see
21:27.35lecramik: or was it
21:27.54ikthat one is still killing CPU will try :)
21:28.33Death_INCwhen you forward an IAX call, will it send the audio data directly from point A to point C or will it go through your *?
21:28.48tzangerDeath_INC: any protocol translations?
21:28.55Death_INCtzanger, assuming not
21:29.08jsmithDeath_INC: Depends on codec translations, and whether or not reinvites are turned on or off
21:29.12iklecram, that looks better running at 0.00% now on running asterisk -vvvvc
21:29.18tzangerjsmith: reinvite is a SIP thing
21:29.22tzangerisn't it?
21:29.24lecramik: :)
21:29.35ikany experience on xten setup ?
21:29.58jsmithtzanger: Well, not totally... IAX re-invites can be turned off
21:30.06tzangerI didn't know that
21:30.17lecramik: yes
21:30.29Mikeexten => s,1,Dial(${TRUNK1}/103@asterisk,90,Tt,&${TRUNK1}/105@asterisk,90,Tt)
21:30.33Mikewhats wrong on that line
21:30.50iklecram, any guides on net to follow - to stop bugging u :)
21:31.23Mikelecram: but i need transfer permissions on the 103
21:32.00Corydon76-workMike:  why don't you try it before asking stupid questions?
21:32.02lecramyou get it on both
21:32.24MikeCorydon76-work: guess your stupid EXTRA comment was not needed
21:32.28Mikelecram: thanx
21:32.42lecramMike: no prob :)
21:33.07lecramik: any of those user entries should work with xten
21:33.28ikthx for help
21:34.08lecramik: and you don't need th equalify
21:34.58*** join/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
21:35.09lecramik: or the nat=yes either :)
21:35.26iki behind a router so will i need it or not?
21:36.18lecramnot if you're testing localy
21:36.37michael1Is everything i need in the astriek tar.gz fiel?
21:36.55ikcan i skip the register bits for FWD as well
21:37.19michael1or do i need to downlaod the other folders also?
21:37.21lecramik: you just need to create a user for yourself
21:38.42ikwhats difference in inband, rfc2833, or info
21:38.56JerJerik: how dtmf gets indicated
21:39.23ikok will have to readup on that :)
21:40.32ikxten uses g711 do i need to allow antyhig?
21:40.36michael1Can antone help me?
21:41.57ikmichael1, i know nothing = but i got it from CVS as that was advised to me
21:42.19malcolmdmichael1: check asterisk out of cvs; instructions available @
21:43.37*** join/#asterisk chrono (
21:45.09Nixhi malcolmd
21:45.35*** part/#asterisk vvenka1 (
21:45.46bkw_man I have so cleaned up cdr_odbc
21:45.56bkw_still this cached query stuff isn't exactly cached
21:46.00bkw_but its more proper now
21:46.01glLoadIdentityehe , Nix , ;)
21:46.09tzangerbkw_: excellent
21:46.15tzangerthank you for your work on this
21:46.40michael1when i install astriek
21:46.45michael1do i need to do it as root?
21:47.06NixglLoadIdentity: naber lan? nasilsin?
21:47.14bkw_tzanger if I try to use a cached query.. I blow holes in memory like mad
21:47.16bkw_its not pretty
21:47.22tzangerbkw_: hahaha
21:47.30bkw_so right now we aren't going to be doing it like that
21:47.35bkw_but I did fix the escape stuff
21:47.35tzangerI think my panicking * server has bad memory, so it's alright to blow holes in it
21:47.49michael1Do i install this as root?
21:47.51UnixDawgwhat is asterisk ? what does it do ? how can I benafitr from using it? whats it;s cost? who do i go to for techinical support? does it come with a users manual that I can understand? how hard is it to setup and configure?
21:48.01bkw_see it was picking what ever out of memory and throwing it into the sql statment
21:48.03michael1its free
21:48.05michael1you got us for support
21:48.10michael1yes it comes with a read me
21:48.13tzangerUnixDawg: bkw supports you for Dell systems
21:48.16michael1i'm currently configing it.....
21:48.20michael1astriek is a pbx system
21:48.30michael1you can open it up to become familiar with it
21:49.42michael1whats that for?
21:49.51JerJerfor you to read
21:49.55JerJerand learn
21:50.02otl-pendiand comprehend <G>
21:50.10UnixDawgpeople do that now days?
21:50.22michael1its pissing me off
21:50.24UnixDawgi thought they learned threw osmosis
21:50.25michael1i'm getting lots of errors
21:50.52chronoquick question, are there a list of commands that can be used in the extensions.conf file
21:51.26tzangerget a room lecram :-)
21:51.34otl-pendichrono, do a 'show applications' on the CLI
21:51.36bkw_michael1 check yourself
21:51.45bkw_those aren't ERRORS
21:51.57lecramtzanger: I did, and guess what... it came with wireless connectivity :)
21:52.01jsmithchrono: Go to and check out the latest version of the book... and see Appendix 3
21:52.09tzangerlecram: ha
21:52.09michael1those are ok?
21:52.42otl-pendithose (the paste you actually did) are compiler flags, the error is before or after that
21:52.53michael1are these also fine?                
21:53.03michael1make[1]: Entering directory `/home/michaell/asterisk-0.5.0/res'
21:53.12michael1it miseed other lines...
21:53.32bkw_have you ever compiled anything?
21:53.34michael1do then its ok if it does all that?
21:53.50michael1yes...but never told it too show me the output....
21:53.50michael1for this reason
21:53.55*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
21:54.02ZX81hi all
21:54.34ZX81Anyone know why my card keeps saying power alarm module 1 - resettiung?
21:54.56michael1..not sure i'm new here..
21:55.13tzangerZX81: what version of the TDM400P do you have?
21:55.16tzangeruse dmesg
21:55.28ZX814 port FXS
21:55.28bkw_michael1 have any linux clue?
21:55.39bkw_type dmesg
21:55.40ZX81with any parameters
21:55.45michael1what do you mean?
21:55.51tzangeryou'll get a shitload of stuff
21:55.56tzangerbut somewhere in there will be the tdm400p info
21:56.00michael1ok ii noticed....
21:56.03ZX81you want version
21:56.17ZX81just arrived today
21:56.21tzangercat /proc/zap/[#] where [#] is probably 1 or 2
21:56.22bkw_oh lord
21:56.28ZX81from digium
21:56.30tzanger# cat /proc/zaptel/2
21:56.30tzangerSpan 2: WCFXS/0 "Wildcard TDM400P REV E/F Board 1"
21:56.35Corydon76-workbkw_:  you called?
21:56.50tzangerI have a Rev F board which has a 12V power connector for powering the modules
21:56.54tzangerI still get the odd power error
21:56.58ZX81yeah mine has a connector
21:57.00tzanger# dmesg
21:57.01tzangerPower alarm on module 1, resetting!
21:57.10ZX81every ten-15 seconds
21:57.12tzangerit causes a click and then it seems to be fine
21:57.15tzangerZX81: hmm
21:57.19tzangerupgrade your power supply?
21:57.24Connoranyone using a handytone?
21:57.26tzangerI dunno -- the TDM400P has issues with 12V power
21:57.27*** join/#asterisk joejack (
21:57.35tzangeryou need a good solid power supply for it or it is unhappy
21:57.47ZX81is there any way to make the phone ring straight away
21:57.52tzangersounds like a design issue to me personally (speaking as an electrical engineer) but anyway
21:58.02tzangerZX81: can't think of one offhand
21:58.29joejackzk81: what do you mean straight away
21:58.36ZX81And is there anyway to stop people who hangup during ringing leaving a message on voicemail when they're not even connected
21:59.00extremisdoes enabling rtc support int he kernel cause timing issues in * ?
21:59.00ZX81joejack: it takes about 5 seconds before it starts rimnging after * has noticed the incoming call
21:59.16michael1am i done
21:59.19michael1i started the program...
21:59.24joejackzx81: disable callerid in the zapata
21:59.26michael1but now got to fiqure out what to do
21:59.28tzangerZX81: you need disconnect supervision
21:59.35tzangerZX81: set your fxo card to use fxsks signalling
21:59.45ZX81instead of fxols
21:59.50ZX81i mean fxsls
21:59.53tzanger(hopefully your telco supports it) -- if not you need to use callprogress=yes I think it's called
21:59.59*** join/#asterisk de-bug1 (
22:00.00tzangerZX81: yes try fxsks instead of fxsls
22:00.27tzangeryou will need to edit both /etc/zaptel.conf and /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
22:00.50tzangerand quit *, unload/reload the zaptel and wcfxo modules
22:01.02tzanger(or just run ztcfg, but I always like completely unloading and reloading the driver)
22:02.06ZX81was already using kewlstart
22:02.28ZX81I have enabled callprogess - anyone know about this?
22:02.49tz-afkZX81: try I think is the URL
22:02.53tz-afkI have to go get my kids
22:02.55extremisanyone know what can be done to reduce the clicks and pops on a low traffic voip network
22:04.07Nixor a bigger buffer
22:04.19lecramor seperate the voip traffic on a different vlan
22:04.31extremisthere isn't anything but the phone and an * server
22:04.36extremisand I hear it alot
22:04.53extremisanyone using an ISA NIC?
22:05.04extremisI was told that 10mb would be enough
22:05.04hmodesthis is getting really annoying
22:06.05Corydon76-workJerJer:  is that a typo in bug #703?  openh323 1.12.2 refuses to compile with pwlib 1.4.11
22:06.08hmodesdoes anyone know of a way to make dial continue ringback after a 183 message?
22:06.26*** join/#asterisk decode1 (
22:06.35bkw_hmodes on X100P?
22:06.39bkw_use progressdetecet
22:06.39Nixextremis: clicks and pops over a LAN??
22:06.43hmodesnay, sip
22:06.57hmodesmy outbound provider doesn't send audio after 183 until the remote party picks up
22:07.08bkw_what provider is that?
22:07.12hmodes* only produces ringback between the 100 and 183
22:07.18UnixDawgok who has a dial wake agi script
22:07.24zoaslightly of topic, what is the best dvd recorder software ?
22:07.24hmodes'undisclosed beta' :)
22:07.27extremisNix: yes
22:08.10UnixDawgI need a dial wake program
22:08.25Nixyou should NEVER need more than 64Kbit (plus a little bit of overhead) per voice call
22:08.40Nixa 10Mbit vlan is headp.. how many calls at once?
22:08.48extremisNix: 1
22:08.48Nixheadp = heaps
22:08.49lecramUnixDawg: like a wakeup call?
22:08.53hmodesi saw something in the user archives about someone having this problem with nufone and ich tho
22:08.58Nixyou have problems
22:08.59hmodespresumably the same thing
22:09.11extremisNix: I already knew that
22:09.13UnixDawgI am setting up a hotel pbx
22:09.18hmodesnever got any feedback other then 'use the r option with dial'
22:09.24UnixDawgand i need dial a wake up call
22:09.27Nixvery strance..
22:09.29lecramUnixDawg: have you looked at call files?
22:09.34citatsNix: yeah like 25% overhead
22:09.49Nixdid you do a tcpdump and see if they packets are out of order or bursty?
22:09.53UnixDawgI know soomeone has a agi script I forget who
22:10.12Nixcitats: yeah.. but not 10Mbit!
22:10.38NixUnixDawg: I do :-)
22:11.00NixI will be releasing it as soon as I get paid for the programming work :-)
22:11.06Nixcan you wait a few weeks?
22:11.34michael1well i got this program running (astriek)
22:11.36michael1but now what?
22:11.37UnixDawgI know some oen else had a agi srcipt that worked also
22:11.51extremisNix: well if I tcpdump on the host, teh echo of the packets back to me over ssh cause more pops/clicks
22:12.35Nixhmm.. is your switch overloaded?
22:12.44bkw_michael1 READ
22:12.48extremisits the only thing on it
22:12.53extremisthe voip box and teh * box
22:12.54extremisI mean
22:12.57extremisthe 7960 and the * box
22:13.10extremisit may just be a horrible NIC
22:13.19extremisalthough all other traffic is fine
22:13.26extremisI did disable all the qos stuff in the kernel
22:13.29lecramextremis: check the duplex and speed settings on the switch
22:13.30Nixyes. are you sharing an IRQ with something?
22:13.57extremislecram: well its an isa card so it only works at 10BaseT Half-Duplex
22:14.05bkw_ISA bad
22:14.09bkw_PCI good
22:14.09extremisNix: no, I've spent the last week fixing that
22:14.10Nixreplace it...
22:14.15bkw_now say that to yourself
22:14.18ConnorPCIX better
22:14.32extremisNix: if I put an PCI nic in there it will share irqs with my X100P cards
22:14.42extremisthats -why- I'm using an ISA nic
22:14.55lecramextremis: does your switch know that?
22:15.03extremislecram: the switch is setup for auto
22:15.10lecramauto is bad
22:15.11extremiswith 0 errors
22:15.21*** join/#asterisk ElJefe (
22:15.33michael1this is confusing...
22:15.34extremislecram: that depends, sometimes its better to hardcode sometimes its better to keep it to auto
22:15.39extremisI've had long discussions with cisco about that
22:15.58lecramare they both on 10 ?
22:16.19lecramtry setting them both to the same speed
22:16.36*** join/#asterisk sphynxsr (~sphynxsr@
22:18.01sphynxsrHello all,  When I leave a voicemail it will only send out as a gsm file. I want it to send out as a wave file. It works on my personal server
22:19.15Nixwav files work with voicemail for me
22:19.41michael1does anytone want to help me config this new install of astriek
22:19.47michael1walk me through it all
22:19.49]data[does anyone use a dvorak keyboard?
22:21.22Nixsorry michael1. I dont have enough time right now. its almost midnight and I have work to finish :-)
22:21.27Nixmaybe someone else can help you
22:22.15michael1can you help me later?
22:22.21bkw_michael1 we won't hold your hand
22:22.44michael1I need some sttarting point her.e...
22:22.50michael1and its all a we bit confusing
22:24.16Corydon76-workTrial and error is a good way to get started.
22:24.29extremishow do you force a nic in linux to be 10BaseT half duplex?
22:24.55extremisnot with ifconfig it seems
22:24.55citatsextremis: if it supports the nic then mii-tool
22:25.10extremisSIOCGMIIPHY on 'eth0' failed: Operation not supported
22:25.21citatssome older nic's require a param to be passed when the module is loaded
22:25.33michael1trial and error...but normally you need some starting point
22:26.23Corydon76-workTry a cookbook approach
22:26.45Corydon76-work~google asterisk cookbook
22:27.09*** join/#asterisk geertn (
22:27.12michael1your kidding?
22:27.16michael1a cookbook for htis program?
22:27.50citatsthat o'reilly link is a good place to start, as well as all of the other asterisk resources
22:29.09michael1i'll start with the drunkcoder
22:29.42Corydon76-workNot that I claim to be a guru, but when you ask a person a question and they give you an answer, it's incredibly rude to question whether or not they're right without first considering their answer.
22:30.39michael1I didn't think they made such a thing....
22:30.43Corydon76-workSeems to be a consistent habit of people who are new to this
22:30.55bkw_Perl has a cookbook
22:31.01TestMasTerI`m using the iax phone i`ve registered a user in the iax.conf   and in extensions i did exten => 123,1,Dial(IAX/user,10,t) anyone see I would keep getting everything is busy?
22:31.03bkw_and so do alot of things
22:31.07extremiscitats: well its an old nic, and the driver isn't compiled as a module
22:31.14extremisNix: you around?
22:31.23ZX81can I get asterisk to record incoming OH323 calls?
22:31.52*** part/#asterisk martin (
22:31.59jsmithZX81: Most likely, no... unless it's going out through a Zap channel
22:32.41ZX81anyone got any ideas how to record a microphone and headset speaker at the same time
22:32.51ZX81(wildly different impedances)
22:32.52*** join/#asterisk Ian_ (~Ian@
22:33.05ZX81like onto a tape recorder or sumfink
22:33.37michael1so that drunk cookbook. Should I dowlonad all of his files and replace them with mine/
22:34.02Corydon76-workWhy not try to understand why it works?
22:34.15zoaZX81: yes you could
22:34.21michael1I'm working on that
22:34.32zoacan I get asterisk to record incoming OH323 calls? --> yes
22:35.01ZX81zoa: how?
22:35.14ZX81zoa: I'm cool using a tape recorder if neccesary
22:35.35ZX81zoa: it just the different volumes and impedances that are the problem
22:35.55ZX81zoa: I could bring in my studio, but it would be excessive
22:36.01tclarkjsmith: have you ever had the te410 stop passing did's (with immediate=no) so ${EXTEN} has no value & looks for the 's' exten in a context in extensions.conf
22:36.30jsmithtclark: Now that I've never seen... but I did have that funky problem last week of Asterisk passing *everything* to the fax extensions...
22:36.41atacommwow, dj just read an announcement on the radio that she has breast cancer at the age of 32
22:37.58tclarkyea, ok just seems these te410s  we just got are mightly flakey missing interupts & then not passing did's
22:38.19jsmithtclark: That's strange... have you talked to kram about them?
22:38.20*** join/#asterisk marco (
22:38.28anthmI see the fax thing
22:38.40anthmlucky for me i have no fax ext or it'd suck more
22:38.57tclarkyea that fax things goes ways if you just set the useolddsp flag in dsp.c
22:39.09michael1wait a sec..
22:39.19michael1is it possible to admin the whole thing from the ssh consol?
22:39.29jsmithmichael1: Yes...
22:39.34tclarkthe new dsp detect stuff is a little hosed
22:39.43michael1i just fiqured that otu
22:39.45jsmithtclark: little?
22:39.54tclarkerr a lot :)
22:40.02michael1i can easily add extensions with that ....sincei can look at examples...a bit better then the raw fiels
22:40.03jsmithThat sounds better...
22:41.49anthmtclark in app_icd_list.c struct icd_list_node is void *payload just a placeholder ?
22:42.05bkw_what is this
22:42.42*** join/#asterisk folsson (
22:42.53anthmbkw that is our new super Q
22:43.01bkw_anthm TALK DAMN IT TALK...
22:43.03bkw_I wanna know
22:43.15jsmithSuper Queues?
22:43.32anthmcodename app_icd
22:43.41*** join/#asterisk ursenj_ (~ursenj@
22:43.43jsmithWhy doesn't any of this get mentioned in the -dev mailing list?
22:43.44anthmIntelligent Call Distributor
22:44.11anthmwell me for one quit all the mailing list after ungratified results after a few months
22:44.18jsmithIntelligent?  Naw... maybe "Interesting Call Distributor"...
22:44.28jsmithWhat makes it "Intelligent"?
22:44.47anthmit went to college
22:44.56anthmand turned around and ran
22:45.00jsmithDid it pass "Signals and Systems"
22:45.20hmodesahh crap, there's no 180
22:45.56hmodesi hate it when i'm dumb
22:46.31anthmit's meant to replace the queue but may end up replacing a few other func too
22:46.38jsmithanthm: You guys are writing documentation for this too, right?  We'll want your documentation in #asterisk-doc
22:47.38anthmyah it's still at a stage where its core foundation but it wil reach a stage where it will have some docs
22:48.41Nixanthm: really
22:48.54michael1this is starting to make a bit more sence
22:49.08NixI was about to start implimenting skill based routing into the queues
22:49.11michael1CAn this program generate text to voice?
22:49.58anthmnix look at bug 549
22:50.01jsmithmichael1: Check out Festival...
22:50.18anthmi hacked app_queue till the room was bloody and decided with tclark to make it from scratch
22:50.27anthmsince we both had similar issues
22:50.28jsmithI see...
22:50.38Nixare you planning on skill based routing?
22:50.38*** join/#asterisk lecram (
22:50.47anthmand then some
22:50.52anthmthe jist is you will have "distributors" who run as threads who maintain 2 lists of calls
22:50.54extremisDoes anyone here use 4 ore more X100P cards in one system without irq sharing?
22:51.10bkw_I have three
22:51.17*** join/#asterisk devel (
22:51.23Nixdo you need any help?
22:51.23anthmand tries endlessly to find 1 call from each list and hasnd it to a bridge
22:51.24bkw_and ROM_man had 5 If I recall
22:51.27extremisbkw_: if you put one more in would it start sharing?
22:51.41bkw_extremis I can't i'm out of 32 big slots
22:51.41anthmhelp is welcomed
22:51.43extremisI need to find a good mobo
22:51.56bkw_Serverworks boards are nice
22:52.03anthmso the diustributor is a living "strategy"
22:52.11extremisbkw_: I have to keep it under $200
22:52.21NixI have a problem maybe you can help me with
22:52.29anthmand it can match agents up with callers
22:52.34NixI do not need skill based routing for another month
22:52.41anthmor map 1 agi against a list of caller
22:52.54anthmor have a call where neither party is on the line
22:53.02anthmand req it to be
22:53.02Nixbut for tomorrow I have to impliment a queue that directly answers an E1
22:53.13anthmand you can control the whole show vial manager calls
22:53.29Nixbut will only answer Number of agents + 1 lines.. any excess lines should give busy..
22:53.31anthmso you cna have external strategy too
22:53.36Nixany idea how to do this?
22:54.08zoanix: i think you can do it without a problem
22:54.12zoawith the anthm patches
22:55.16anthmnix so you want to have 1 call on hold max ?
22:55.33zoabkw_ do you happen to know where the ANSWERED state is set ?
22:55.35anthmbut dynamicly based on the number of agents ?
22:55.46Aharonovis anyone aware of any softphones (i.e. like "kphone") that have the ability to generate DTMF?
22:55.47zoaanthm: yes
22:55.49zoai think so
22:56.08zoait wont be busy though, but you could play a busy and hangup maybe
22:56.20Nixanthm: yes.
22:56.36anthmwell how bout making the limit be 1 ?
22:56.45anthmif an agent is free it will go to him
22:56.53anthmonce its full it will q
22:56.56anthmand after limit of 1 is reached
22:57.01anthmit will move down 1 in the dialplan
22:57.06anthmin ext.conf
22:57.25anthmthat may not require any mod
22:57.27Nixbut I dont want to answer at all if the queue has 1 in it..
22:57.33Nixit must give busy
22:57.41Nixthat is the bit I am stuck on
22:58.26Nixit may be a stupid question.. :-(
22:58.30anthmnot answer at all
22:58.38anthmcan you fake the busy even ?
22:58.49Nixit must not ring though.
22:58.55anthmif q has maxlen of 1 and you are caller 2
22:58.56zoajust give him a congestion tone
22:58.59zoain the dialplan
22:59.00Nixno. it cannot be a fake busy tone.
22:59.11Nixthe calls are routed internationally over ISDN...
22:59.13zoaexten => 5,1,Congestion
22:59.28zoaeuhm make that 1,5,Congestion
22:59.30*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
22:59.35Nixto the call centre.. the call centre must give answer if it has operators or give busy if not
22:59.39UnixDawgok I am having problems
22:59.47zoawe all are UnixDawg :)
22:59.56UnixDawgI changed nothing in my setup execpt for the flash
23:00.00zoaanyone here with some libpri experience ?
23:00.08anthmis that out of scope of the queue tho ?
23:00.13NixCongestion is fast busy though isnt it?
23:00.16anthmis there a way to not answer
23:00.20zoaor maybe just asterisk c experience
23:00.25UnixDawgnow when i dial out i only get 1 min to talk an dit hangs up
23:00.31*** join/#asterisk ^sly^ (~jelque@
23:00.59Nixanthm: the customer is very specific on this issue. it must not ring.. it must give a busy signal on the PRI...
23:01.11hmodesholy crap
23:01.25hmodesi love it when copying a peice of code and placing it somewhere else fixes something
23:01.42anthmis there a func in asterisk to do that in the first place
23:01.57anthmso you tested the congestion app and its not busy enuf ?
23:02.19UnixDawgwhy do I think its the firm ware
23:02.50Nixno. I didnt. I will tomorrow. I dont have my PRI and E1 card here at home :-)
23:03.24anthmif it buys that as really busy
23:03.26anthmthat will solve it
23:03.33anthmyou make q have maxlen=1
23:03.44anthmand next item in the ext call Congestion
23:04.01UnixDawgok this pisses me off
23:04.16anthmI'm pretty sure it will treat the indication for Congestion as real busy signal
23:04.19Nixdoes Congestion provide proper ISDN signalling or just the tones on the line for busy?
23:04.27anthmi think its tones
23:04.34Nixthat is no good :-(
23:04.49anthmwill isdn give up
23:04.56ursenj_Ok quick qeuestion yeall,.. I have a BT101 and I need a lower codec other than ulaw,. and I really don't what to buy g729.  any thoguht,. yes I need to access the VMail so g723 is out..
23:04.56anthmyou can do nothing on the next line
23:05.08anthmthe q wont work and it'll timeout
23:05.56Nixthe problem is that the call centre is in a hunt group of virtual call centres that recieve calls internatiionally.. congestion signal could cause them to drop from the group
23:06.13Nixand it needs to be done digitally.. not with a tone as far as I understand :-(
23:06.13dantNix, how about 'Busy'
23:06.42Nixdant: is there such an app?
23:06.46Nixthanks.. cehcking
23:06.52anthmthere is a Busy
23:08.05Nixthat may do it
23:09.12anthmok from the src
23:09.17Nixthanks for you help guys
23:09.37anthmCongestion and Busy are just front ends to the same func with difft arg
23:10.07anthmand it tries to use actualy signaling
23:10.15anthmand if the channel supports it
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23:10.32anthmit will otherwise it tries tones as last-resort
23:11.14anthmso either will work
23:11.27Nixthats excellet. that will fix my problem
23:11.43zoai think congestion will not pickup the phone
23:11.48dantif ISDN doesn't support congestion though, it would use tone generation?
23:11.53NixI will check out you new app tomorrow re skill based routing
23:11.56zoadant: yes
23:12.17dantzoa, ta, just trying to keep info straight in my head :)
23:12.30zoaanthm: do you maybe know in what variable asterisk stores the 'ANSWERED' state ?
23:12.57zoai'm trying to find out how iax knows when zaptel answered a call
23:13.56anthmzoa not sure
23:14.09anthmzoa via the dialplan ?
23:14.15anthmor in an agi
23:14.39UnixDawgwhat is the generic login for grandstream phones
23:14.42Nixanthm: any plan for a SQL backend?
23:14.52anthmi think all the channels have a state but i don't know if they are exposed to the outside
23:15.11UnixDawgmy password is not working
23:15.23anthmwell the mod we are making aims to handle any call routing
23:15.47anthmso I use some sql backend now but it is all generation of the files + reload so far
23:16.01anthmour new mod will let you do lots of stuff via manager
23:16.11anthmlike add remove mappings queues spool calls etc
23:16.11bkw_hope it runs under valgrind
23:16.40anthmvalgrind will probably crash
23:16.59bkw_I used it to find a bug in cdr_odbc today
23:17.02bkw_boy was that a dandy
23:17.03dantzoa, channel status in agi
23:17.09Nixexcellent.. that is really cool anthm
23:17.24zoadant: i mean in the asterisk c source
23:17.31dantzoa ahhh
23:17.44zoaanthm: maybe in app_dial.c or so
23:18.06zoai want to find out why the cdr says a call was answered on a TE410p if noone picked up the phone
23:18.39bkw_First U.S. mad cow case confirmed
23:18.44bkw_I blame canada!
23:18.51scottblame canada!!!
23:18.54zoathe cow was called BKW later this afternoon
23:19.02dantcan't blame us, we're clear
23:19.04bkw_you saying i'm fat?
23:19.16zoano but you seem to like grass
23:19.18dougheckaonly white with black spots
23:19.35bkw_OMG gateway computers are infected with mad cow..
23:19.42anthmi think chan struct has chan->_state
23:19.43bkw_no wonder they are some fucked up PEECEE's
23:20.12scotti cum blood
23:20.21anthmi've been sad to discover that the managing of channels, calls etc has much less of an api that the apps and whatnot
23:20.26bkw_scott go to the dr. then
23:21.07UnixDawgwhat is going on with *
23:21.14dougheckathese people have tooo much time on thier hands..
23:21.59anthmzoa i have a difft one , I get BUSY in Queue calls for no reason in the logs
23:23.56*** join/#asterisk miguellinux (~miguel@
23:24.22UnixDawgsomething is now wrong
23:24.48UnixDawgi can dialout but it cuts off
23:25.08zoait was AST_STATE_UP
23:25.19zoasomething is terribly wrong with that
23:25.46UnixDawgbut I am on a 3 day old build that was working fine
23:25.54miguellinuxHi, someone knows if this cards works with asterisk?
23:26.07UnixDawgtill i flashed the new flash on my gs phone
23:26.31UnixDawgnow my password does not work
23:26.59UnixDawgwhat is the basic password on a gs
23:27.52UnixDawgok its not working
23:28.00*** join/#asterisk dimmik (~dimmik@
23:28.22Nixgood night guys
23:28.25UnixDawgis there a way to clear the nvm on a gs
23:29.49dimmikUnixDawg: I wanted to this as well, but didn't find a way to do it
23:31.04UnixDawgdo me a favor call gs at 626-956-0260
23:31.13UnixDawgand we can do this together
23:31.21UnixDawgdimik pvt me
23:34.05Death_INCbkw_, the strange part is that the problem seems to only occur going out of one of my two X100P cards (line freezing up)
23:34.22Death_INCbkw_, bug#702
23:38.56UnixDawgok my phone is screwed
23:41.53dimmikI was playing with a cisco 7912. It works fine for internal calls (sip) but when I dial through capi I get this: File channel.c Line 1296 (do_sendigit) Unable to handle DTMF tone 'f' for chanel SIP/...
23:42.03malcolmdthank you polycom...for finally releasing the SIP image for your phone :D
23:42.25dimmikand the line get's disconnected. Any thoughts ?
23:43.37jsmithmalcolmd: They released the SIP firmware?
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23:45.02malcolmdjsmith: yup
23:45.19jsmithmalcolmd: I don't believe it...
23:46.13malcolmdbe aware that in the phonexxx.cfg file that reg.1.address referrs to either user@host or user.... the host part comes into play with reg.1.server.1.address="asteriskip"  ....i don't like reading the manual ;)
23:46.26Death_INCbkw_, I packed up the cisco ATA I was using for SIP (going to canada, giving it to my sister) -- but I can let you in to look at my * if you have a SIP client to call from ;)
23:48.21folssonHi guys!
23:49.12folssonJust grabbed the latest CVS, why won't it compile? Says: ....risk/srv.c:103: undefined reference to `ast_search_dns'....
23:50.17*** join/#asterisk Carp (
23:51.21Carpi had an idea. do you think people would pay to get an 800 number to their house?  like i give them an 800 number and it rings an IP phone at their house or office for like $15 a month, so its prettty much just like a busines phone line
23:52.02jsmithCarp: It'd probably sell, but other VoIP providers are probably already doing that, and just charging you a per-minute rate...
23:52.18bkw_malcolmd what are you talking about?
23:52.29Carpthanks jsmith
23:52.42jsmithbkw_: The Polycom IP500 SIP firmware image
23:52.44dantfolsson, you sure you have the full CVS grabbed?
23:53.03malcolmdbkw_: polycom
23:53.52kramwhats up
23:54.01zoaaha kram
23:54.06jsmithNot much... just writing docs...
23:54.07zoahow's the trip going ?
23:54.14kramso far so good
23:54.22kramjsmith, did you hear from the publisher guy yet?
23:54.29jsmithkram: Yeah, we've been trading emails
23:54.47jsmithkram: The people in #asterisk-doc want me to ask you if we can use some of the text from the handbook
23:55.35jsmithkram: I told them I wouldn't let them use any text or examples from it until I got your permission
23:55.46jsmithbkw_: Did you get the threads stuff fixed?
23:55.58bkw_jsmith yes
23:56.05bkw_but still no cached prepare
23:56.05kramwell, maybe we can come up with something :)
23:56.08jsmithbkw_: Cool...
23:56.23bkw_every single time I try to do that it blows thru memory like mad
23:56.24zoawhat is this fax detection going wild thingie ?
23:56.28jsmithkram: Sounds good!  /msg me when you've got some free time... it doesn't have to be now
23:56.54krami'll be back on ja n5
23:56.56jsmithkram: I appreciate your willingness to work with us
23:57.08jsmithSounds good... I won't be around much until then anyway...
23:57.43jsmithHave a great visit and a Merry Christmas...
23:58.22bkw_IAXy IAXy IAXy
23:58.33jsmithI want one too...
23:59.15folssondant: cvs checkout asterisk
23:59.20*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
23:59.57zoai feel very stupid now

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.