irclog2html for #asterisk on 20031221

00:00.20Rob--analogue phone connected to s100u, but \i don't think it would make any difference.  The x100p seams to detect the ring for a few seconds after it stops.
00:02.24Rob--I'm in the uk btw.
00:04.00dantRob--, you got a multimeter to hand?
00:05.47Rob--not a very good one.
00:06.04blitzrageanyone using a SNOM 200 w/ * ?  I could use an example sip.conf
00:07.43dantRob--, would be interesting to know if the line voltage took a couple of seconds to revert after the ringing stopped
00:12.23Rob--I don't know. The other analogue phone connected directly to the line stops ringing straight away.
00:14.34dantthey are running off the ringing on the line though
00:14.52*** join/#asterisk timeshift (
00:15.31dantas * is generating a call based on the fact that you have incoming ringing, how should it know that the caller hung up and that it should drop the internal call?
00:15.47dantshould it wait for voltage reversal?
00:16.07dantshould it wait for a timeout from the last ring to occur so it knows?
00:16.30dantI'm guessing it works based on the line voltage
00:17.10Rob--it looks like it's waiting for a timeout, but the timeout is rather long.  Should there be a voltage reversal on the line?
00:18.00dantiirc there is a voltage reversal before the ringing starts, then reverts back afterwards
00:18.38JerJermorning girls
00:19.10Rob--It seams to be very sensitive, as if I pick up the analogue phone on the line and blow in to it, the x100p detects it as a ring.  I don't think that would be anywhere near ring voltage.
00:19.39Shido6i know u can increase the voltage on those things but can u decrease it?
00:19.53Shido6what did you eat Rob?
00:19.54JerJervoltage ?!
00:20.27RichARob: add callprogress=no in zapata.conf and it won't listen for thos sounds
00:20.34UnixDawgok who pissed dutch off
00:20.51UnixDawgI need the bsd drivers he had been working on
00:21.15UnixDawgbut its been almosta 1/2 a month since he has logged on
00:21.27dant~seen dutch
00:21.31dutch <~dutch@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 12h 17m 14s ago, saying: 'hmmm'.
00:21.55Rob--I've already turned off call progress, but I think it only makes a difference for outgoing calls anyway.
00:22.23RichARob: I had the same problem, and it worked for me.
00:22.45Shido6ztcfg -vv
00:23.01Rob--hmm, it doesn't seam to work for me.
00:23.35ciego34any one from Digium here????
00:25.08JerJerwhy u need someone from digium?
00:26.23ciego34for buy a digium card
00:27.19Rob--grrrr! Why can't we all just have isdn lines! Analogue signalling was designed for old phones with a physical bell in them and sucks for anything else.
00:27.32TestMasTeranyone here get the Message waiting indicating working for the GS phone?
00:28.58*** join/#asterisk Moc (~Moc@
00:29.23ciego34Wildcard E100P
00:30.48dantciego34, but you wouldn't buy it over irc...
00:31.24JerJeryeah most def
00:31.25UnixDawgyou mean when the light flashes
00:31.33ciego34only talk about it with Digium people
00:31.37TestMasTerUnixDawg,  ya
00:31.43UnixDawgi get it
00:31.58TestMasTerUnixDawg,  What all did you do to get it to work?
00:32.01JerJerciego34: what's to talk about?  you give them $595 plus shipping and they send you the card
00:32.08TestMasTerBecause i can`t figure out the problem with it
00:32.09UnixDawg~kill bkw
00:32.12ACTION slits bkw's throat
00:32.46UnixDawgjust put it in the vmail.conf and the lines in the sip.conf
00:32.58bkw_exten => h == PURE EVIL if you want to do any type of billing.
00:33.00UnixDawgand extensions.conf
00:33.58UnixDawgnothing special
00:34.02JerJerbkw_: yessir
00:34.06*** join/#asterisk wsuff[afk] (
00:34.11TestMasTerUnixDawg,  ok what i did is setup context to back [default] in extensions.conf and voicemail.conf and in sip i did mailbox=10@default   with context=default   Is that correct?
00:35.52TestMasTerUnixDawg, is that correct?
00:37.01UnixDawgmailbox=111     ; Mailbox for message waiting indicator
00:38.20UnixDawgin sip.conf
00:38.48TestMasTerOk i changed that, Everything else is right... right?
00:40.01UnixDawgsounds right
00:40.25TestMasTerok Did you have to do anything to the GS phone`s config ?
00:42.23TestMasTerWeird, it doesn`t wanna work for me
00:42.48UnixDawgdid you reload
00:42.57TestMasTerUnixDawg,  ya
00:43.13TestMasTerumm on the gs phone what do you have the dtmf payload set to 101?
00:43.58UnixDawgI left mine default
00:44.50TestMasTerok thanx UnixDawg i will go play with this some more
00:45.32Mike  <-- this actually works with *?
00:46.03bkw_that has nothing to do with asterisk
00:46.33Mikei cant still understand how it works
00:48.07UnixDawg~kill jbot
00:48.10ACTION slits jbot's throat
00:48.40bkw_it converts fxs to fxo
00:48.42bkw_or vice versa
00:49.59blitzragebkw_: in GotoIfTime, the angle brackets around the variables are not needed, correct?
00:50.10bkw_not sure enver used it
00:50.17blitzragebkw_: ok thanks.
00:50.47Shido6it works...... sorta
00:51.49blitzrageanyone here use GotoIfTime ?
00:53.52*** join/#asterisk Lafinion (
00:54.56Lafinionhallo all :)
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01:00.31blitzrageROOOT has landed!
01:00.33Corydon76-homeYeah, I use GotoIfTime
01:00.46Corydon76-homeHell, I wrote it
01:00.55blitzrageCorydon76-home: ok... do the time/month/etc... variable require < > around the variable name?
01:01.12JerJertake that, beeetch
01:01.19Corydon76-homeNo, that's to indicate what's there, and not a literal "month"
01:01.48blitzrageCorydon76-home: ok great!  Will go and fix that in the doc project.
01:01.59Corydon76-homei.e. "jan-dec" not "month"
01:02.31Corydon76-homeCompare my new CLI app in bug # 690... show voicemail users for <context>
01:03.29Corydon76-homeSo you'd do:  show voicemail users for default  or  show voicemail users for other  and not  show voicemail users for context
01:04.04Corydon76-homeMake sense?
01:04.57ciego34any one with good rates to cuba???
01:09.06Mikewasim: you got a phone store?
01:10.59*** join/#asterisk ursenj (
01:11.41ursenjis there a good doc on all of the optinons for the conf files in *,  if so where does one find them
01:12.44Corydon76-homeIn /usr/src/asterisk/configs
01:13.35JerJervi channels/chan.sip.c
01:13.39JerJervi channels/chan_iax2.c
01:13.47JerJerand so on
01:13.49Corydon76-homeWhen I added zonemessages to voicemail.conf, for example, that's where I added all the options
01:14.01Stealth_Manciego :
01:14.13Stealth_Manwhat do you call good rates to Cuba ?:)
01:14.32MikeStealth_Man: you selling sipuras 2000?
01:14.40ursenjjerjer: thanks,.. I look at them
01:14.41Corydon76-homeThe sample configuration files are quite verbose in their comments, and that's where you should look
01:14.50Stealth_Manwe can take preorders ... they are still coming to us .. not in stock yet
01:15.05MikeStealth_Man: i saw you got em in 99?
01:15.20Stealth_Manlike promo price ...
01:15.25Stealth_Manregular 105$
01:15.33ursenjCorydon76-home: does the examples have all of the options described
01:15.47ursenjI have looked at them
01:16.07Stealth_Manursenj : how is things are going on ?
01:16.27ursenjgood,.. still getting familar with * the BT101 are working out great
01:17.02ursenjStealth_man: they don;t have message indictors on them do they
01:17.36Stealth_Manyes they do ...
01:17.38Stealth_Manfor sure
01:18.05ursenjoh,,.. I haven't descovered where or how
01:18.14Stealth_ManTestMaster has same issue
01:18.20Stealth_Manwhat is your sip.conf ?
01:18.50Stealth_Mantestmaster: any luck ?
01:18.52ursenjvary basic,  I'm still trying to get a could understanding of all of the options in the sip.conf
01:19.03ursenjcould = good
01:19.25ursenjwhat option defines the message indictor
01:19.33ursenjin the sip.conf
01:20.17ursenjok,.. I think I have that but I look,,,.
01:20.44Stealth_Mantake a look
01:21.51*** join/#asterisk mortck (
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01:23.28ursenjStealth_Man, I have mailbox= in my sip.conf correctly set?? intrestring
01:23.46Stealth_Manvmail.conf ?
01:23.55ursenjsorry watching TV and typeing,...
01:24.16Stealth_Mandon;t watch it ;-)
01:24.44ursenjI have the mailbox= set,.. But it doenst work
01:24.53JerJerfriends are evil
01:24.57TestMasTerStealth_Man,  none
01:25.06Stealth_Manwtf ,,, should be working ...
01:25.11TestMasTeri`m trying all the mailboxs and try again
01:25.22Shido6whats in the [general] context
01:25.24ursenjwhat firmware should I have
01:27.12ursenjany thoughts from anyone?? who has used the BT101
01:27.21Shido6oh man
01:27.31Shido6did u login to your budgetones web page
01:27.32Shido6and set that up
01:27.54Shido6outbound proxy needs to point to your * box ip
01:28.08Shido6sip user id must match your id in sip.conf
01:28.18Shido6Preferred Vocoder:
01:28.18Shido6(in listed order
01:28.36Shido6must be set as in general or in your specific user settings in sip.conf
01:28.52Shido6Voice Mail UserID = voicemailmain2 app extension
01:29.10Shido6if u are using rfc for dtmf
01:29.11Shido6set it
01:29.12Shido6via RTP (RFC2833)  
01:29.26Shido6NTP Server:     (URI or IP address)  
01:29.35Shido6set that if you want your bt to display correct time
01:29.42Shido6click on update
01:29.45Shido6then reboot
01:29.48Shido6then try again
01:30.16ursenjShido6, I have everything else,.. but not the outbond proxy,.. what does that accomplise
01:30.23Shido6issue a reload on asterisk if u edit things in sip.conf - ( im paranoid so I stop and restart ) I sometimes change codec info in iax.conf whenever i am in sip.conf tho......
01:30.27JerJerdamn Shido6 is going for the record
01:30.42Shido6um........ - if u dont set the outbound proxy how do you plan on making calls?
01:30.56Shido6think b4 u ask :)
01:31.07*** join/#asterisk CarlosSantanaCla (
01:31.08ursenjI have the SIP server set,..
01:31.16Shido6wrong one
01:31.17Shido6wont work
01:31.24bkw_Shido6 GO MAN GO.. ZING ZING ZING
01:31.26Shido6sip server should be blank
01:31.29*** kick/#asterisk [CarlosSantanaCla!] by bkw_ (Yo momma so fat the highway patrol made her wear "Caution! Wide Turn")
01:31.29*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*carlossan@*] by bkw_
01:31.29*** mode/#asterisk [+b CarlosSantanaCla!*] by bkw_
01:31.30Shido6use outbound proxy
01:31.41Stealth_Manit maybe a case !!!!
01:31.45Stealth_Manoutbound proxy !
01:31.58Shido6Early Dial:    No      
01:32.02ursenjleave sip server blank??
01:32.26Shido6u can use the # key after the number to send it to * or u can sit there and wait till it times out after enter digits it will push the call through IF your extensions.conf is properly set
01:32.27TestMasTerStealth_Man,  its set to my * server
01:32.35*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*@*] by bkw_
01:32.36Shido6Use # as Dial Key:    No      Yes (if set to Yes, "#" will function as the "(Re-)Dial" key)  
01:32.50Shido6set to yes...... I do , I dial all kinds of long ass numbers
01:33.01bkw_we shouldn't have this problem again.
01:33.03Shido6local SIP port:     5060
01:33.09Shido6local RTP port:      5004
01:33.15Shido6Use random port:    No      Yes  
01:33.15Shido6NAT Traversal:    No  
01:33.19Shido6random port
01:33.21*** join/#asterisk DBordello (
01:33.45ursenjShido6, so sip server is blank??
01:33.54Shido6yes ursenj SIP server is BLANK
01:33.56Shido6nothing in it
01:33.58Shido6zilch, nada
01:35.24Shido6your bt is going to act stupid when u get another call while you're on one call
01:35.41ursenjwhat do you mean
01:35.44Shido6it will ring and ring and ring unless you specify how long u want it to ring in your extensions.conf
01:36.07Shido6its annoying unless u say - DAMNIT stop ringing after 20 seconds and dump the other caller to vmail - and play busy mesg
01:36.13Shido6but you CAN use the flash button
01:36.28ursenjwill you here a tone in the ear peice
01:36.35Shido6its worse than that
01:36.48Shido6the whole thing comes to life and its a LOUD annoying ringing tone
01:36.55Shido6cant wait till they send us ring.bin files
01:37.18ursenjcan the BT101
01:37.20Shido6dont try to access the bt while you're on it
01:37.32Shido6u can only access the config tool if you are not on the phone
01:37.45Shido6the bt101 can conference
01:37.47Shido6with meetme
01:37.51Shido6not via the conference button yet
01:38.00Shido6hold works
01:38.06TestMasTerShido6,  mine is weird then i can be on the phone and i can still access
01:38.09Shido6but make sure your music on hold functions with your box
01:38.19Shido6otherwise the calling party will hear whales
01:38.23Shido6yes..... whales
01:38.33Shido6your mp3s will sound like friggin whales underwater
01:38.37Shido6in heat
01:39.11Shido6im running Software Version:    Program--    Bootloader--    HTML--  
01:39.20ursenjit sounds like Shido6 its the man with the barbietone
01:39.46Shido6Barbietones suck - but ppl will always use them because there's nothing else so damn cheap just remember - you get what you pay for
01:39.58Shido6so expect to reboot once a week
01:40.23ursenjya,.. but hey it is waht is letting me play with VOIP for under 200 dollars
01:40.43TestMasTerShido6, umm  after you can done with the message thing, Could you help me update this firmware, i`ve been trying but its not allowing me
01:40.56Shido6firmware on what
01:41.02Shido6run solarwinds tftp server
01:41.08Shido6its simple to setup
01:41.14ursenjor punkin
01:41.17Shido6unless ur running a complete linux house like us
01:41.30*** mode/#asterisk [-b CarlosSantanaCla!*] by bkw_
01:41.30TestMasTerShido6,  my tftp server is all setup just for some reason the phone won`t update it
01:41.39Shido6u need to specify where to look
01:41.41TestMasTerI am i dislike windows
01:41.48Stealth_Manwhy you need to play with early versions of firmware ...
01:42.04Shido6look towards the bottom
01:42.04Shido6TFTP Server:    . . .  (for remote software upgrade and configuration
01:42.16Shido6plugin your tftp server info there
01:42.18Shido6when u reboot
01:42.20TestMasTerya i added the ip address in there And it still hasn`t updated
01:42.23Shido6it will look there
01:42.25Shido6and go..... kewl
01:42.34Shido6new personality to load
01:43.15TestMasTerok umm, is there any names these files need to be set to like the Sip one, because i know with cisco i need to set the back address
01:43.57MikeShido6: why not use 4.30?
01:44.03MikeShido6: new firmware of GS
01:44.25Shido6havent switched to new firmware problems mode today
01:44.34Shido6maybe tomorrow
01:44.59MikeShido6: GS phones are ok they just need to find someone who codes their firmware
01:45.01TestMasTerShido6,  for someone that doesn`t know about the firmware is it smart to update or leave it alone?
01:45.08Shido6its hard to tell ppl on the phone when ur closing , "Sorry I had to drop the call on you - I had to reboot my cheap ass budgetone cuz Im running a new firmware. "
01:45.14MikeShido6: someone that knows what its doing
01:45.23Stealth_Manbut still GS still works fine ...
01:45.28Stealth_Manand its good that they are cheap
01:45.35Stealth_Manand let people play around
01:45.42Shido6my phone rings 382 times a day
01:45.47Shido6I make over 673 calls per day
01:45.53Stealth_Manvia GS ?
01:45.54Shido6its not "fine" for me
01:46.01Shido6it works - yes but not "fine"
01:46.13DBordelloWhat phones are nice and cheap?
01:46.13JerJeryeah i could show u his bill :P
01:46.15Stealth_Manshido : in such volume of calls, you better get Cisco phone ..
01:46.21Stealth_ManGrandstream Phones
01:46.25Shido6Im switching to a 7960 as soon as I can get a hold of fedex and ask where the frog is my package..
01:46.25MikeShido6: if you made all those calls i think a GOOD phone will pay itself in a couple of days
01:46.28Stealth_Manare chepaest 65$
01:46.5265USD /phone  email to
01:47.07Shido6Ineed a new hardrive for the damn vmail , too
01:47.12blitzragewhat is the cheapest Cisco phone ?
01:47.14ursenjanyone here using 4 firmware on the GS??
01:47.19ursenjver 4
01:47.31Mikeursenj: i think we all are
01:47.42TestMasTerShido6,  Anyway with the vm prob i did everything you said for ursenj todo and The phone still doesn`t show and signs of a message Awaiting
01:47.43Shido6get a 7905 if u cant afford the 7960
01:47.52ursenjoh,.. I think mine is still 1.4
01:47.59blitzrageShido6: yah.. can't afford a 7960 (or really even a 7905...)
01:48.08ursenjwhat ever comes out of the box
01:48.15Shido6can I access your phone via linux - [lynx] ?
01:48.16DBordelloOn a side note, does anybody know what goes in the User part of SIP URL and Host part of SIP URL in kphone for using FWD?
01:48.28TestMasTerShido6,  ya
01:48.45TestMasTerShido6,  mind if a msg you a sec to give you the info
01:48.49Shido6privmsg me ur login info and I can screenu in so u can watch what I do - take notes so get a notebook
01:49.43ursenjthe grandstream web pase has like 1.0.3??
01:49.52DBordellocan I watch if there is no sensitive information on it? :)
01:49.58Stealth_Mandon'y play with firmware
01:50.01Stealth_Manstop it ...
01:50.30Mikeblitzrage: im looking for an option for my xmas present
01:50.35Mikeblitzrage: i still cant make a choise
01:50.48Mikeblitzrage: 7960, sipura2000 or wisip
01:50.53blitzrageI haven't bought any phones or anything....
01:51.04Mikenow that my dad gave me money i dont know what to buy
01:51.45Shido6Mike save your cash
01:51.56Shido6the best retirement plan is the one you save for right now.
01:52.07ursenjsounds good Shido6
01:52.08Shido6let your customers pay for your gear
01:52.45Stealth_Manexactly !
01:52.52MikeShido6: i dont have any customers
01:52.53blitzrageif you have customers ;)
01:52.55Stealth_ManMike:keep money
01:53.09ursenjdrop in a mutal fund
01:53.14Stealth_Manyou will buy later something good
01:53.15klassteksomeones hosed the list
01:53.20MikeShido6: no body belives here on voip
01:53.32MikeShido6: so i have to buy toys to experiment
01:53.32klasstekI just got a bounce that should have gone to the list owner
01:54.51Mikeits not moral to have a xmas without a present
01:54.52Shido6get a noise cancelling mic then
01:54.54Shido68 bucks
01:55.02Shido6run sjphone if u have a decent sound card
01:55.06Shido6or xlite
01:55.13ursenjxlite sucks
01:55.22Shido6or friggin msn - nevermind dont run msn.. i cant believe is said that
01:55.29blitzrageI like xlite
01:55.38ursenjSLAP Shido6
01:55.43Mikei wish xlite worked on linux
01:55.49Mikei dont have any computer running windows
01:55.51blitzrageMike: it does with Wine
01:55.52TestMasTerblitzrage,  You get a lot of echo with it?
01:55.57blitzrageTestMasTer: nope
01:55.59Mikeblitzrage: does it work good?
01:56.05ursenjsjphone works better
01:56.08TestMasTerhrmz i did couldn`t kill it
01:56.14ursenjeasier to configure also
01:56.16blitzrageMike: not sure.. it works... don't use softphones :)
01:56.28Shido6run gnophone then
01:56.33DBordelloMike, i agree
01:56.44Mikegnophone its not being develop long time ago
01:56.49DBordelloi am fighting with linphone (which segfaults) and can't get the settings for kphone right
01:56.54Mikewell sometimes i go with my laptop to some other places i need a phone
01:56.57Shido6if u absolutely must then get a gs or WAIT and call greg vance
01:57.00Shido6to get an IAXy
01:57.14Shido6shit by now the list maybe done
01:57.24Mikei have several GS phones now
01:57.35JerJerim' sorry
01:57.41ursenjShido6, what is IAXy
01:57.47Shido6run screen -x
01:57.53Stealth_ManMike: why do you need so many
01:58.15MikeStealth_Man: im trying to move my house to *
01:58.21Mikebut people wont acept it
01:58.27Stealth_ManMike: I see
01:58.31Stealth_Mandon;t tell them it is VOIP
01:58.42ursenjJerJer, bad link
01:58.51data[Zzz]what is that gizmo Mr JerJer ?
01:59.08data[Zzz]a hardware IAX device?
01:59.10data[Zzz]can it be so?
01:59.34data[Zzz]uclinux or summit?
01:59.48data[Zzz]JerJerOS :O
01:59.56data[Zzz]oh dear :)
01:59.56JerJerits his baby
02:00.04ursenjJerJer, were can one buy it
02:00.04MikeStealth_Man: i learn that now
02:00.13JerJerit runs on a 8-bit microcontroller
02:00.13Stealth_ManMike :)
02:00.23JerJerdata[Zzz]: you can't
02:00.35MikeStealth_Man: i guess you also had that problem
02:00.42ursenjlets make under 50$ sound good?
02:00.45data[Zzz]anyway, Zzz time, LOTR made me sleep :)
02:00.48data[Zzz]<- Gone
02:00.48Stealth_ManMike: not really :)
02:01.26*** join/#asterisk coppice_ (
02:01.50coppice_who has used iaxcomm?
02:02.08MikeStealth_Man: imagine your a Student with low budget and your buying all your house sip phones and FXO for asterisk and servers and switches
02:02.23Stealth_ManMike: you are crazy student :)))
02:02.28MikeStealth_Man: and then they go why when i stop speaking i hear nothing in the line did it drop off?
02:02.32TestMasTerholy Shit does he ever know what he is doing lol
02:02.37MikeStealth_Man: well i want to learn
02:02.45Stealth_Mannot in this way ...
02:02.45MikeStealth_Man: all my budget was gone 500USD
02:02.49Stealth_Manthink before do ..
02:04.25Stealth_Manbut Mike I think you will have success
02:04.53JerJerhell u cann't get a good BJ for $500
02:05.25coppice_JerJer: then outsource them to Asia :-)
02:06.08Shido6call me 31337
02:06.13*** join/#asterisk pancho (
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02:08.12Stealth_Mantestmaster: have you figure out problem with  message indicator ??
02:08.55ursenjStealth_Man, I haven;t yet,.. I tried what Shido6 sayed, but still not doing its thing
02:09.25Stealth_Manbecause i am using same phone and same settings ...
02:09.43ursenjdo you have a SIP server addrss?? Shido6 sayes no
02:11.49Stealth_Mani have in both places
02:13.21ursenjwhere is the message indictor on the phone
02:13.45Stealth_Manmy phone is blinking when VM is awaiting
02:14.24ursenjJerJer, in what way would I be upseting the Shido6
02:14.43JerJerjust a warning
02:15.09Shido6dont answer
02:15.13ursenjJerJer, I guess I don;t understand why I'm being warned,  
02:15.35TestMasTerShido6,  i`m not
02:15.40ursenjStealth_Man, what blinks??
02:15.42JerJerits IRC yo
02:15.51Stealth_Manwhole phone ...
02:16.32ursenjthat very light, hard to see red led
02:17.11Shido6dont answer
02:17.14Shido6wait 20 seconds
02:17.17TestMasTeri aint
02:17.18Shido6watch voicemail kick in
02:17.30TestMasTerShido6,  what is that vm2?
02:17.41Shido6WHAT THE FROG
02:17.55Shido6allison smith just stopped caressing my ears
02:17.56*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (
02:18.00Shido6lets try again.....
02:18.38*** join/#asterisk klicTel (
02:18.41TestMasTerShido6,  the way you are flying thought the configs i`m getting you are one of the builders or something?
02:18.50klicTelhi all
02:18.55Shido6im an astmaster in training
02:19.01Shido6young padawan learner of jerjer
02:19.15TestMasTeroh ok, Well all i can say is Wow
02:19.16ursenjno friging VM indistor
02:19.35JerJeryes, grashopper, your kung-fu is strong, but not strong enough
02:19.44klicTeli have a little question... when is it usefull/necessary to specify the 'p's option when starting *?
02:19.45*** join/#asterisk mack_jpn (
02:19.57TestMasTerJerJer,  lol
02:19.59ursenjI ate grasshoper for lunch
02:20.16ursenjneeds garlic
02:20.16JerJerI ate a pig for dinner
02:20.20*** join/#asterisk beta3 (~dan@beta3.registered.freenode)
02:20.52*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (nick@
02:20.57ursenjok,.. this sucks,.. I'm done for the night,.. time to watch a moive
02:21.26_Eagle_damn its cold
02:21.32JerJermeat tastest like murder and muder tastes pretty goddamn good
02:21.49mack_jpnhi does anyone knows grandstream's cnf.txt format?
02:21.49coppice_doughecka: Just one clam? Light meal, huh?
02:21.54Shido6ok dangit
02:21.56JerJer_Eagle_: try driving north a few hours
02:22.00Shido6u see the friggin light now?
02:22.11Shido6testmaster is close to tastemaster and Im in love with the food network
02:22.13JerJeris there a voicemail?
02:22.13Shido6give it time testmaster
02:22.16dougheckaclam chowder
02:22.22JerJerare you using some other context than default ?
02:22.25_Eagle_jer:  no thanks, i'm cold enuff as it is
02:22.38dougheckaand bacon.. and potatoes... and all sort of good feeling stuff
02:22.38JerJerand i live on a lil lake
02:23.00dougheckaJerJer: I live on land
02:23.11ursenjok I have to ask what is the average age here???
02:23.30_Eagle_mental or physical?
02:23.32dougheckaJarJar is right
02:23.40ursenjbecasue they only way I would get calms potats and all that good shit is if I made or my mom did
02:23.58dougheckamy dad made it
02:24.11dougheckabut mom makes good stuff too
02:25.04ursenjkinda funning,..
02:25.29ursenjany,.. testmaster has the young grasshoper Shido6 fix ther VM inidactor for ya
02:25.42_Eagle_actually, i'm physically quite old, mentally i'm a baby, and people tell me i still look like i'm 16
02:25.50_Eagle_so i'm all over the map here
02:26.03*** join/#asterisk kainz (~kain@
02:26.20wsuff[afk]_Eagle_: the chick i'm trying to get w/ looks 15
02:26.24wsuff[afk]yet she's 21
02:26.43ursenjage is really only defined to how many times you get to piss in the night
02:26.54wsuff[afk]doughecka: don't have it online anymore
02:27.05coppice_I thought that was related to beer intake.
02:27.06JerJerfamous last words
02:27.13dougheckawsuff[afk]: bah
02:27.16dougheckayour no fun
02:27.21_Eagle_wsuff:  problem is, you'll get dirty looks from people if they think you're dating a 15 yr old
02:27.36wsuff[afk]_Eagle_: there is bigger problems than that
02:28.09ursenjit doesn't matter how good looking a lady is SOMEwhere in there is a guy who can stand her!!
02:28.46coppice_A friend's wife is in her early thirties, but looks like a teenager. She's a high school teacher, and just seems to blend in with the kids. Weird
02:29.15dougheckawe all are
02:29.26ursenjcoppice_, don;t look,.. just save you money and run!! (buy voip shit, and computers)
02:30.03bkw_doughecka whats up
02:30.27*** join/#asterisk Mike (
02:30.36dougheckabkw_: ceiling
02:30.44Mikewinex startx xlite but the mic and audio doesnt work
02:30.45coppice_The few times I dated a girl half my age I didn't get dirty looks. I got jealous looks. Its quite fun to watch people's faces. :-)
02:30.46wsuff[afk]doughecka: pm
02:30.48bkw_kram needs to remove BYEXTENSION crap
02:30.53ursenjanyway,.. lets not devert to far from why were are here.  Get my VM indicator working on my BT101
02:31.19JerJeranyone giving odds on how many responses that lame email generates?
02:31.40_Eagle_well, legally the only way to date someone half your age would be if you're 36 or older
02:31.42bkw_JerJer I responded with "Don't use BYEXTENSION use ${EXTEN}
02:31.46_Eagle_i'm not quite there yet
02:32.02JerJerme to, sorta :)
02:32.12JerJeri was nicer, i think
02:32.19bkw_you calling me a bitch?
02:32.29bkw_wait i'm acting like that customer I fired
02:32.51ursenjhere is a question,.. why are we all here on are comupters and not with all of these women you guys are BS about?!! Hmmmm
02:32.58bkw_I don't feel I had an attitude.. until the end.. what do you think?
02:33.38_Eagle_i dont know any women
02:33.56coppice_ursenj: There are twi cute women with me right now. One is 6, the other a little closer to my own age. :-)
02:34.20bkw_Folder: asterisk-users  Message 19 of 13,128 NEW
02:34.22_Eagle_coppice:  ah.. the other one is 7, eh?
02:34.47bkw_JerJer when did you stop doing 800 outbound?
02:34.54ursenjcoppice_, that is a good thing,.. the on close to my age is yelling at me to go to bed
02:34.58JerJerbkw_: we haven't
02:35.10bkw_I coudln't get it to work
02:35.12dougheckabkw_: nya! :P
02:35.20bkw_maybe cellnone blocks out of state calls to that number
02:36.01_Eagle_its only 9:30 on a saturday... bedtime is weeks away
02:36.03bkw_I went and got some rum and coke.. and my boyfriend is like "You been drinking?"
02:36.06Mikemy GS is not taking my changes
02:36.07Mikeweird shit
02:36.11bkw_like its something fucking major.. GOD DAMN HIM
02:36.57_Eagle_bkw is gay?
02:36.57bkw_um yes
02:36.59bkw_you must not pay attention.. haha
02:37.01_Eagle_THAT explains it
02:37.06blitzrageyah.. that's old news :)
02:37.10bkw_explains what?
02:37.19bkw_blitzrage cellone took that 69 cent charge for that call to canada off
02:37.22JerJerbkw_: toll-free works here using switch-1
02:37.30blitzragebkw_: woohoo!
02:37.34blitzragebkw_: how did you manage that ?
02:37.37bkw_JerJer it might be that number I called not allowing out of state
02:37.44blitzragebkw_: because it's not supposed to call Canada right ?
02:37.44bkw_blitzrage told em I didn't make the call.. which wasn't a lie
02:37.45_Eagle_some stuff you said a few months ago
02:37.46JerJersend an in state ANI
02:37.50blitzragebkw_: true true :)
02:37.53dougheckaNo match for "MOOSEBLUBBER.COM".
02:37.58dougheckagotta get that
02:38.00bkw_JerJer AH yes
02:38.17blitzragemy name .com/.net/.org isn't registered...
02:38.20blitzrageI should get it..
02:38.30dougheckaall 3
02:38.35blitzragecan't afford even one of them :)
02:38.51ursenjTestMasTer, get the Barbietone working??
02:38.52dougheckaNo match for "AVACADOPUDDING.COM".
02:39.04TestMasTerursenj,  not yet
02:39.08blitzrageI like mooseblubber :)
02:39.11bkw_who has it?
02:39.24bkw_No match for "GRANDSTREAMSUCKS.COM".
02:39.25dougheckanot taken
02:39.25ursenjTestMasTer, I'm still friging with my,.. no luck
02:39.31ursenjmy mine
02:40.05Shido6your box
02:40.08Shido6is crapping out on debug
02:40.18Shido6call 8500
02:40.20JerJernuke it
02:40.21*** join/#asterisk ares (
02:40.28Shido6what the heck is this? :)
02:40.57Shido6lets see what ur running here
02:41.10Shido6ITS A CELERON!
02:41.19bkw_There are a total of 15 rates, with 3 egress routes.
02:41.21Shido6128k Cache?!?!
02:41.28Shido6no excuse for mwi tho
02:41.29bkw_Celeron isn't bad
02:41.30Shido6but MAN
02:41.38bkw_anything over 800mhz isn't bad
02:41.42JerJerbkw_: asterisk likes cache
02:41.46ursenjI run a celery 700
02:41.47Shido6its 500 ish celeron
02:41.48dougheckawho doesnt?
02:41.53bkw_Shido6 ok thats crap
02:41.53dougheckaI like cache
02:41.57dougheckaof both kinds
02:41.59_Eagle_brb... phone
02:42.01bkw_I LIKE CASH!
02:42.02aressomeone have some document,tutorial or something about asterisk and voip???? thanks
02:42.03*** part/#asterisk _Eagle_ (nick@
02:42.10dougheckaI said it first!
02:42.14JerJerares:  use the source, luke
02:42.21JerJerstreatch out your feelings
02:42.25bkw_the source is the best place to learn
02:42.33bkw_return to the source
02:42.38dougheckabloody hell, my connection sounds soo crappy it aint funny
02:42.38JerJerwrite a chanel driver
02:42.41bkw_COME ON NEO
02:42.54blitzragesome of us are working on a document.. but it's not done yet
02:42.59dougheckasounds like I am talking underwater on a nextel phone
02:43.04dougheckawith a tower 20 miles away
02:43.05bkw_nexttime phone
02:43.06ursenjisn't the source where bad programs go??
02:43.08klicTelwhen is it usefull/necessary to specify the 'p's option when starting *?
02:43.09JerJerahh LPC-10
02:43.20dougheckaJerJer: no...
02:43.24bkw_LPC-10 when you don't want it to sound like its accually you.
02:43.27dougheckaso I guess GSM
02:43.32bkw_LPC-10 you can't hear a pin drop
02:43.43bkw_LPC-10 better than sprint PCS
02:43.47JerJerdoughecka: my next choice
02:43.54JerJerits VB, what do you expect?
02:44.09bkw_I think smoke signals are better than sprint PCS
02:44.19bkw_less dropped calls with smoke signals
02:44.41dougheckaoh my, I love it when I breath out and my ribs crack
02:44.51dougheckaits like I havent been breathing in the past 2 days
02:44.53bkw_doughecka you need to go see the dr.
02:45.04ursenjShido6, does the backlight flash when you have a message (bt101)
02:45.12bkw_Ok Dr. BKW is in.. turn your head and cough!
02:45.36bkw_doughecka you know that turns me on!
02:45.37bkw_stop it
02:45.41JerJerhey big dig opened up
02:45.46dougheckaJerJer: bah
02:45.48Shido6yes my backlit screens blinks AND my red lights blink with the new firmware
02:45.50dougheckathats sooo 3 hours old
02:45.54Shido6with my firmware
02:46.02Shido6im going offline for testmaster - brb
02:46.20ursenjShido6, what firmware are you running?
02:46.27dougheckaiaxcomm is ~better
02:46.37dougheckabut still is worse than a zaptel connection
02:47.04coppice_iaxcomm is better than what? Sprint PCS?
02:47.20dougheckain audio quality
02:47.42*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
02:47.49coppice_dougchecka: odd. they use the same underlying stuff to do the audio
02:47.55dougheckahey, my ribs cracked again
02:47.59Mike250 USD for a ata 186 is a good deal?
02:48.07Stealth_Manare you kidding ???
02:48.08JerJerum no
02:48.13JerJerput the crack pipe down
02:48.16dougheckamaybe its because its IAX -> * -> nufone conference room
02:48.25coppice_dougchecka: iaxcomm is horribly buggy. I spent yesterday starting to make it less so. :-)
02:48.26JerJerthat is unless ur paying me $250 for one
02:48.28ursenjMike, EBAY man
02:48.38Mikewell its already in mexico
02:48.40Stealth_Man150$ maximum
02:48.47Mikei dont have to pay shipping plus taxas etc
02:48.48dougheckacoppice_: you made iaxcomm?
02:48.57dougheckaPLUS taxes?
02:49.10Mikei pay 110% for incoming products from usa
02:49.24Mikelets say y buy a product of 50 dlls i will pay like 55 for taxas
02:49.26JerJerso then have someone ship it with a $0 value
02:49.46dougheckaI crashed iaxcomm
02:49.47JerJerit is, after all, christmas time
02:49.51dougheckaJerJer: true
02:49.57bkw_no they still make you pay
02:50.03coppice_dougchecka: its not my software, but I need something that works well, and has source so I can start adding special features to it. First step is to get the basic iaxcomm to work well.
02:50.15bkw_I have shipped stuff to canada before.. no matter what they tax it
02:50.17ursenjhow do they know what is in the box?
02:50.27bkw_but if you lie and they catch you...
02:50.32bkw_BYE BYE
02:50.53Mikenow mexico makes that so we buy mexican products
02:50.53bkw_you are falsifying US customs documentation
02:51.04blitzrageFree Trade my ASS
02:51.06Mikeso money stays in mexico i think its a stupid thing
02:51.11blitzragemaybe free for the US...
02:51.16Mikeblitzrage: yes
02:51.21Mikeblitzrage: usa always wins
02:51.22blitzragefuckers :)
02:51.28JerJeryes, yes we do
02:51.32coppice_blitzrage: I've no wish to freely trade your ass :-)
02:51.43blitzragecoppice_: :)
02:51.47bkw_someone said ass?
02:51.47Mikeblitzrage: i dont have nothing with usa people they just look like barbies to white to nice
02:51.52Mikeblitzrage: its ok on girls but on boys?
02:52.03blitzrageMike: US... nice ?
02:52.08blitzragenope :)
02:52.12blitzragebkw_: lol
02:52.24Mikeblitzrage: i mean the raise
02:52.32bkw_its all coming back to me now
02:52.34Mikeblitzrage: people
02:52.35bkw_poor Jerjer
02:52.39bkw_did I scare him off
02:52.46blitzragewho DON'T you scare off? :)
02:53.02coppice_Mike: that doesn't sound like the US. have you mixed it up with some other place?
02:53.27Mikecoppice_: i just imagine that when i think on people on usa they are all barbies looking
02:53.46Mikebut i dont hate em
02:53.47*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
02:54.00Mikethey give us good bandwidth to our contry
02:54.06coppice_Mike: except the black ones. And the Asians. And the .....
02:54.09Shido6_it was pulling down the firmware
02:54.11Shido6_what happened?
02:54.21TestMasTerShido6 i haven`t touched it
02:54.31Mikecoppice_: i mean the ones that look like barbies blonde white really cute stuff you know
02:54.32TestMasTerI went to get a coffee and noticed it rebooting
02:54.41Shido6_rebooting again then......
02:55.11Mikebut back again for the ata
02:55.15yaboohi all to get asterisk to register with FWD do I need to config the lines register in sip.conf?
02:55.20Mikefor an ata here in mexico
02:55.23Shido6_the connection is reset by remote side
02:55.25Mikewith no shipping or extra tax
02:55.36*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
02:55.50TestMasTerShido6 No clue not touching the phone at all
02:55.55Mikebut once again i can take the bus and in 2 hours im in mcallen texas or laredo texas
02:56.01Mikei could ask for a supura2000
02:56.02Shido6_do u get MWI
02:56.07Shido6_no blinking?
02:56.12TestMasTerNo nothing
02:56.18Shido6_run asterisk
02:56.43Mikeyesterday i was on the matrix like the real world and a mall and i visit a radio shack
02:56.52Mikehow nice is to buy stuff and get it in that second
02:57.01Mikedidnt remember last time i didnt order things from the net
02:57.16TestMasTerShido6 did you just reboot the phone again?
02:57.57TestMasTerShido6 is this normal  Maximum retries exceeded on call 7f0413196a823d1d2674431b6ddf8a6c@ for seqno 102 (Request)
02:59.00Shido6_ok your phone is updated
02:59.12Shido6_switching back to the safety of me firewall.....
02:59.29ursenjShido6_, What firmware or you using??
02:59.31yaboois it just udp port 5060 I need to allow throu my firewall to get asterisk working?
02:59.49TestMasTerShido6 let me know when you get back ok i got a question for you
03:00.00ursenjyaboo, an the rtp.conf
03:00.27blitzrageyaboo: the rtp ports for voice for SIP too
03:01.21yaboothanks ursenj and blitzrage
03:01.55ursenjyou can prun down that rtp.conf port range if you want
03:02.35blitzrageyah.. I dropped mine to just 100 ports.. and it's probably still way too big
03:02.41ursenjTestMasTer, what firmware are you guys using
03:02.54ursenjblitzrage, i'm using only 20
03:02.54TestMasTerursenj,   Program--    Bootloader--    HTML--
03:03.08*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
03:03.44ursenjTestMasTer, I have, where does one get the new stuff
03:03.46TestMasTerShido6 you seen my phone downloading the firmware?
03:03.58TestMasTerursenj,  not sure yet
03:04.15TestMasTerShido6 How can i watch that, Because i got my other phones i got to try to update
03:04.27Shido6get vnc
03:04.29*** join/#asterisk rollyson (~asterisk@
03:04.37rollysongood evening
03:04.47Shido6but I am not liable for what you see on the screen when u connect to me
03:05.02TestMasTerShido6 lol ok
03:05.10TestMasTerLots of pron lol
03:05.23Shido6dont touch anything on my desktop because I have am the one with the red phone they call to nuke entire continents
03:05.41TestMasTerShido6 lol
03:06.11ursenjShido6 where do I get the new firmware for the BT101 (don;t mean to be pesky, just losing my mind with this BT101!!)
03:06.59JerJerum grandstream?
03:07.20UnixDawghis firmware is not the problem
03:07.29UnixDawgthe grandstreams work fine
03:07.35ursenjJerJer, it has like 1.0.3, I have,.. they are using .20 I think
03:07.59Shido6bye shido!
03:08.03ursenjShido6, give it man,. were
03:08.10Shido6rent is due
03:08.11TestMasTerShido6,  Ok when ever you are ready
03:08.21Shido6donate to the cause :)
03:08.29Shido6u got vnc testmaster?
03:08.39ursenjShido6, your casue??? :)
03:08.45Shido6cause im broke
03:09.05ursenjShido6, sounds like you work for GS :))
03:09.24Shido6spent all my money on dual xeons - so Im nibbling on the pins for the gold
03:09.29Shido6gold tastes good
03:09.40*** join/#asterisk Hubguru (
03:10.05ursenjShido6, nuts man,.. just order an extra at work like I did :)) now i have a PE 2650 to play with
03:10.24rollysonhmm. having trouble making calls.
03:10.38ursenjcalled it a DEV box,....
03:11.59ursenjI have only installed 16 of them last month,.. THey will need the 16th sooner or later, but for now it is a playground
03:12.26Shido6i have a box here that needs to go out when they pay shipping
03:12.42Shido6tempted to use it for my DVD on demand voice activated shit
03:13.01Shido6i am obsessed with all-in-winder type cards
03:13.05Shido6and home theater gear
03:13.25ursenj2x2.8 Xeons 4gb ram,. 2x36 15k's and to Emulex HBA's on a CX400 with over 4 gbit of data flow to a 200 gb raid 5
03:13.37yabooin sip.conf I do not need to register a proxy if the asterisk server sits on the box that is connected directly to the net?
03:14.04yabooor is there another type other than peer I need
03:14.11UnixDawg`kill internet
03:14.15Shido6I feel like im in a star wars movie...... "there's....... too many of them"  (newbies)
03:14.15ursenjya,. just installed the SAN last month!! a must have if you have 150K of cash laying around
03:14.30UnixDawg~kill internet
03:14.33ACTION slits internet's throat
03:14.35wsuff[afk]that's alot of $$$
03:15.06ursenjya,.. 3 year 4 hour support,. 2 ter of space and 2 16 port Silkworms (2 gbit broacades)
03:15.40ursenjMake the DB's scream!!
03:16.13Mikei think i just fuck up the firmware on my GS
03:16.16Mikeits broken
03:16.55ursenjTestMasTer, did the new firmware fix the BT101
03:17.26TestMasTerursenj,  not yet
03:17.37wsuff[afk]km-: drink enuf?
03:17.43ursenjgood to know,.. I just might leave mine alone,..
03:18.10UnixDawgthe gandsteam workfine with the the ver they come with
03:18.34ursenjUnixDawg, the VM indicator isn;t working right for me??
03:18.38TestMasTerUnixDawg,  For some reason mine isn`t working correctly
03:18.39UnixDawgthe come with a beta where if you flash it . it goes backwards to the last stable ver
03:18.44NinjaEive got your vm indicator, its in my pants
03:18.56UnixDawgyou must not have it setup right
03:19.17TestMasTerUnixDawg,  Shido6 just went over my config
03:19.18UnixDawgthe firm ware works fine
03:19.34TestMasTerand it still isn`t working
03:19.39ursenjI belive ya
03:20.30TestMasTerya Shido6
03:20.43Shido6i dont overstand why your box wont emit mwi
03:21.19TestMasTerShido6,  not a clue  wonder if upgrading the box would help out
03:21.20ursenjAHH my laptop battery is dieing!!! and the PS is in the other room where the wife is,.. she have forgettn about me,..the questions is do I go get and risk getting cought or just take defeat and go to bed! :)))
03:21.55JerJerShido6: does asterisk know how to contact his fone?
03:22.02JerJerdo u see the MWI message in sip debug?
03:22.06JerJerwhere is it going?
03:22.17InterLoperanyone know why I would be getting echo on outbound calls from my voip provider?
03:22.39JerJerInterLoper:  are you on a softphone or X100P ?
03:22.48ursenjInterLoper, turn down the radio :))
03:22.57InterLoperno hardware in the box
03:23.04InterLoperI'm using a Sipura
03:23.15InterLoperto an asterisk box, then to the provider
03:23.39InterLoperone provider has echo, the other has none
03:23.59JerJerso either the sipura is causing echo or your provider is using shitty circuits to terminate your call
03:24.14yaboofor a grandstream phone in sip.conf what do I set the dtmfmode too?
03:24.14ursenjshitty circuits
03:24.26ursenjyaboo, rfc2388
03:24.31InterLoperno echo
03:24.33yabooursenj thanks
03:24.42InterLopernufone, iconnecthere both lots of echo
03:25.38JerJerthen its your device
03:25.43JerJerwe don't have echo on our network
03:25.56InterLoperdoesn't make sense that it's the device, it works fine with voicepulse
03:25.59InterLoper"our network"?
03:26.11JerJerNuFone is mine
03:26.15wsuff[afk]jerjer = nufone
03:26.25wsuff[afk]w00t i spelled it right for a change
03:26.26InterLoperoh, heh, then of course you'd say it doesn't have echo ;)
03:26.28ursenjthats going on the sticjy note:)))
03:26.51JerJergive me a number, i'll call it
03:26.58JerJerand we'll let others call it
03:27.04bkw_asterisk*CLI> rates status
03:27.04bkw_There are a total of 1570 rates, with 4 egress routes.
03:27.05km-nufone does not have echo problems
03:27.05JerJerthen we will see
03:27.10km-we use nufone in production
03:27.14km-it's not nufone's problem :P
03:27.18bkw_nufone doesn't have echo AT ALL
03:27.29JerJerthank ye
03:27.51JerJerbkw_: you enhancing my rating engine for me?
03:28.07bkw_no i'm playing with tholo's
03:28.11bkw_I don't quite get it
03:28.25JerJeri don't think he does either
03:28.43bkw_I do have to admit he's gone one up on you on this keeping the rates in memory
03:28.44*** join/#asterisk ursenj (
03:28.57ursenjbattey died,..
03:29.14bkw_but I still have alot of questions to ask him
03:29.58ursenjUnixDawg, anything special you have to do in the sip.conf for the BT101 mwi to work??
03:30.07ursenjI have mailbox=
03:30.27UnixDawgthats what I have
03:30.40ursenjand the BT101,.. anything special there
03:32.04ursenjJerJer,  I think you were on something in the sip debug.  what is the command to start the debug in the console??
03:32.14JerJeryou just typed it
03:33.07ursenjI ve live in a cisco world, * CLI is very similar but sometimes it drive me nuts!
03:33.27*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
03:33.27NinjaEive got your nuts, theyre in my pants
03:33.45*** join/#asterisk phsdshft (
03:34.19UnixDawghow do you check to see if your sip phone authed with *
03:34.23UnixDawgsip show
03:34.41phsdshftHmm.. Is the FXO/FXS card from digium still a ways off?
03:35.58UnixDawgsip show registry and what else
03:35.59TestMasTerUnixDawg,  sip show users
03:36.12blitzrageCLI> help
03:38.13ursenjOK,.. I have a VM on x 2000 and there is a new VM in the system for that x. but when I register the BT101 sip debug shows
03:38.15ursenjMessages-Waiting: no
03:38.15ursenjVoicemail: 0/0
03:39.16Stealth_Mandid you setuped vmail.conf ??
03:39.46ursenjya,. I think I did it right,..
03:39.49UnixDawg1 you all are creating the vm boxes with the script right
03:39.53Stealth_Mani think not
03:40.34doughecka* adds the mailboxes automatically
03:40.40Stealth_Manshow here your /etc/asterisk/vmail.conf
03:40.56Stealth_Manit is not problem with GS phone, it's prob with config
03:41.05Stealth_Mansip debug just showed to you that you have prob
03:41.26UnixDawgI was told to use addmailbox for the first time you setup * to create the vmboxes in /var/spool
03:41.36ursenjStealth_Man, I knew you would jump back in anf defend the BT101,.:))
03:41.50Stealth_Manunix: it was in voicemail , in vm2 it is automaticaly
03:41.59Stealth_Manursenj: because it is reallity :)
03:42.30UnixDawgand vm2 replaced vm so
03:42.48Stealth_Manyoo, ursenj
03:42.53Stealth_Manbring it here vmail.conf
03:42.59ursenjsorry ,. hold on
03:43.00rollysonany reason vm is still around? z)
03:43.17UnixDawgyes vm2 moved to vm
03:43.31UnixDawgand vm2 is now where they work on vm3
03:43.40Stealth_Manactually vociemail.conf
03:43.52ursenjok ,not good with grep,  what is the command to grep out the comments??
03:43.58Stealth_Man0 => 1010,operator
03:43.58Stealth_Man900 => 1234,Sales Department
03:43.58Stealth_Man901 => 1234,TechSupport Dept
03:43.58Stealth_Man902 => 1234,Billing Department
03:43.59Stealth_Man7000 => 7000,GSPhone1,,attach=yes
03:44.01Stealth_Man7001 => 7001,ATA,,attach=yes
03:44.03Stealth_Man7003 => 7003,GSPhone2,, attach=yes
03:44.05Stealth_Manshoud be something like this
03:44.07Stealth_Manin the end of file
03:44.25Stealth_Manso it will even email you your VM message :)
03:44.44dougheckaor better yet, email it to Stealth_Man  :P
03:45.27ursenj; format: password, name, email address for attached voicemail msgs
03:45.29ursenj2000 => 4321,John Whorfin,
03:45.31ursenj2001 => 8383,Sidney Zweibel,
03:45.37ursenj2002 => 1122,Joshua Ursenbach
03:45.59ursenjvary simple conf,.. I got form Jtodd webpage I think
03:46.52Stealth_Manand what is your sip.conf ?
03:47.06UnixDawg2000 => 1234, god,
03:47.11bkw_NO SPACES
03:47.12bkw_NO SPACES
03:47.21dougheckaNO SPACES
03:47.28Stealth_ManNO SPACES
03:47.35bkw_no take that and write it backwards on your forhead
03:47.36km-bkw: ztmonitor isn't showing me the vu meter anymore....  Did someone take that out?
03:47.43bkw_do this ztmonitor 1 -v
03:47.50Stealth_Manthanks bkw finnaly came here
03:47.51km-astpbx1:/usr/src/pbx/zaptel# ./ztmonitor 1 -v
03:47.59km-but no vu meter
03:48.03bkw_km- strange
03:48.12km-the channels are up and asterisk is up
03:48.16km-I just tried recompiling it too
03:48.37UnixDawgdutch needs to wake his ass up
03:48.52ursenjStealth_Man, I have a very new install,..what is the dif in vm2 and vm
03:49.09Stealth_Manvm1 is history
03:49.18UnixDawgvm2 is no longer used we use VM
03:49.18bkw_MOTHER FUCKER 17 page config
03:49.25bkw_me has 6 pt font too
03:49.43ursenjso,.. how do I tell what VM i'm running??
03:50.00bkw_ursenj their is only 1 voicemail now
03:50.02Stealth_Manursenj: now by default there is only vm2=vm
03:50.10UnixDawgin Extensions.conf use VOICEMAIL AND NOT VOICEMAIL2
03:50.11Stealth_Manursenj: are you sure you have VM ???
03:50.20ursenjok,.. good, just got confused for a second
03:50.26Stealth_Mandid you left voice message to ext 2001?
03:50.46ursenjStealth_Man, ya,.. I can get into it and check and stuff
03:51.28UnixDawgI am going to bed good night
03:51.36Stealth_Manbye stranger
03:51.50UnixDawgnight crazy man
03:51.50Stealth_Manursenj: i think you are missing something at some point ...
03:51.59ursenjYa no shir
03:52.06dougheckaStealth_Man: so you think MOOSEBLUBBER.COM is good?
03:52.22TestMasTerthanx for the help UnixDawg
03:52.29TestMasTerand Shido6 thank you for the help
03:52.34Stealth_Mandoug: where is your client ??
03:52.39ursenjTestMasTer, you get it going??
03:52.50coppice_doughecka: no. too much cholesterol
03:53.04km-bkw: can you paste me what your VU meter looks like?  I'm writing documentation for echo cancellation
03:53.11km-bkw: and I need a figure of the vu meter to illustrate
03:53.34bkw_ya hold on
03:53.48bkw_haha mine is doing the same thing
03:54.00km-isn't that friggin weird
03:54.17km-revision 1.6
03:54.17km-date: 2003/08/29 20:33:43;  author: martinp;  state: Exp;  lines: +12 -9
03:54.17km-Allow to save to a file even when there is no active sound card
03:54.21km-it hasnt been edited in ages
03:54.33ursenjShido6, when i debuged the sip i had a line that said
03:54.33bkw_wonder if other stuff that it hooks into has
03:54.37ursenjMessages-Waiting: no
03:54.37ursenjVoicemail: 0/0
03:54.45ursenjbut,.. there was a message??
03:55.39km-eh I'll wing it
03:55.48km-bkw: want to submit a bug for it or should I?
03:55.56bkw_go for it
03:56.01bkw_im' trying to whip a config into shape
03:58.02Stealth_Mancan we ask you for a minute please
03:58.05Stealth_Manreally simple
03:58.11Stealth_Manbut it looks like we are stocked here
03:58.25Stealth_Manhey ursenj
03:58.32Stealth_Manstill around ?
03:58.56ursenjStealth_Man, yo
03:59.01Stealth_Manursenj : is looking to get notification for voice mail on his GS phone ...
03:59.15Stealth_Manwe checked his config for sip.conf and voicemail.conf
03:59.20Stealth_Manand still his phone not blinking ...
03:59.27Stealth_Mancan you suggest something
03:59.38Stealth_Manbut please we all know that GS barbitones are shit
03:59.46NinjaEive got your suggestion, its IN MY PANTS
03:59.55ursenjsip debug sayes no messages
04:00.01Stealth_Manhold on
04:00.05Stealth_Manhe is gone
04:00.12*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
04:00.18*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by denon
04:00.47bkw_FUCK man I just flooded poor Shido6
04:00.50NinjaEi am funnay
04:00.52Stealth_Manit's like rebooot :)
04:00.59Stealth_Man* bkw_ has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
04:01.10bkw_I forgot I had 17 pages in my clipboard
04:01.14Stealth_Manlisten Brian, mr. Brain :)
04:01.26Stealth_Manwhat can we do with ursenj situation on voice mail ?
04:01.32bkw_what is it doing again?
04:01.34Stealth_Manhe is getting no notification on barbitone ...
04:01.42Stealth_Manhe is leaving vm on *
04:01.46bkw_take a ballbat to the barbietone
04:01.54bkw_what context?
04:01.58ursenjsip debug sayes
04:01.59ursenjMessages-Waiting: no
04:02.00ursenjVoicemail: 0/0
04:02.00bkw_what is his voicemail.conf context?
04:02.06Stealth_Mancopy/paste here
04:02.12Corydon76-homeBetcha he isn't using the same context as in voicemail.conf
04:02.16bkw_me too
04:02.19Stealth_Manextensions.conf (part for your extension 2001)
04:02.27bkw_then your sip.conf entry
04:02.35bkw_its mailbox@context
04:02.36Stealth_Manursunj !!
04:02.39ursenjgood call i'm a dumb ass
04:02.49bkw_no just new
04:02.51TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  and bkw_ i am.. and i`m still having the same problem as ursenj
04:03.12bkw_TestMasTer in sip.conf you have to do mailbox=exten@contextinvoicemail.conf
04:03.17bkw_otherwise it won't work
04:03.31bkw_if you count to 3.. bend over.. and pull your head out.. it will all make sense
04:03.41Corydon76-homeand while you're at it, don't repeat contexts.  That doesn't work.
04:04.04Stealth_Manursenj : you need to add local
04:04.10TestMasTerlol bkw_ i wish , but all the contexts on sip voicemail and extensions.conf Are all the same context for the vm section
04:04.12Stealth_Manas you defined in yourvoicemail
04:04.17Stealth_Manheh ?
04:04.59ursenjhold on
04:05.03Corydon76-homeLook in voicemail.conf.  You'll find that you can define vm boxes in multiple contexts
04:06.00TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  ok but atm i have them all default
04:06.18Corydon76-homeYeah, so do I...
04:06.19*** join/#asterisk _gorman (
04:06.36TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  and i still can`t get a flash out of it
04:06.56ursenjso in the sip.conf mailbos=2000@local
04:07.07Corydon76-homebox, but yes
04:07.14bkw_but spell mailbox right
04:07.33bkw_man i'm about to cry
04:07.37bkw_this config is really making me sick
04:08.34ursenjTestMasTer, reload,. ITWORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
04:08.46TestMasTerursenj,  hrmz, its not for me
04:09.06*** join/#asterisk kimo_sabe (
04:09.10Corydon76-homeActually, a reboot of the BT might be necessary
04:09.19TestMasTerok let me try that again
04:09.19ursenjI didn't need top
04:09.28yaboohi all trying to setup up asterisk and getting this error
04:09.31yabooNOTICE[81926]: File pbx.c, Line 1211 (pbx_extension_helper): Cannot find extension context 'sip'
04:09.34yabooany ideas
04:09.40Stealth_Mancongratulations ursenj
04:09.55wsuff[afk]Stealth_Man: my time for your attention =)
04:09.57Stealth_Manyabooo: look int oyuor extensions.conf
04:09.59Corydon76-homeyaboo:  you've defined context=sip and you have no sip context in extensions.conf
04:10.02ursenjonly toke 3 fucking hours and 6 cokes
04:10.19Stealth_Manursenj :))) sometimes very simple thing is very difficult
04:10.26Stealth_Manbut we have here some ASTMASTERS
04:10.30ursenjbkw_, you iz the man
04:10.31Stealth_Manthis is why this project is alive !
04:10.38yaboook Corydon76- I need to add context=sip in extension.conf?
04:10.49Stealth_Manand it's really one more time shows that people are really  nice around ! great
04:10.51Stealth_Manthanks BKW
04:10.56Corydon76-homeyaboo:  more likely, you need to use context=default in sip.conf
04:11.02TestMasTerfrom sip.conf mailbox=10@default from voicemail.conf [default]  10 => 449,Tech
04:11.24Stealth_Mantestmaster ???
04:11.33TestMasTerStealth_Man,  i`m still having the same problem
04:11.48Corydon76-homeyaboo:  in extensions.conf, what appears in the square brackets is the context:  e.g.  [default]
04:11.58ursenja free round of drinks for everyone thanks guy, Stealth_Man TestMasTer Shido6 bkw_
04:12.14yabooinclude=demo Corydon76-home
04:12.15TestMasTerursenj,  i never did anything
04:12.33bkw_i'm already drinking
04:12.34ursenjTestMasTer, you answer when I asked,,..
04:12.36*** join/#asterisk atacomm (atacomm@
04:12.38bkw_I was drinking friday at noon also
04:12.39Corydon76-homeyaboo:  No, I'm saying to you:  CHANGE your sip.conf
04:12.41yabooerase default and it will use the [sip] at the bottom of my extensions.conf
04:12.52yaboocontext=sip correct
04:13.05yaboounder each phone setting
04:13.07TestMasTerStealth_Man,  can i msg you a second?
04:13.08Corydon76-homeFind that line and change it to context=default
04:13.15Stealth_Manwsuff: sorry I am little bit busy , but i will send you info by Monday for sure
04:13.20Stealth_ManTestMAster: go ahead
04:13.25Stealth_Manlet's make you happy too ;-)
04:14.45Corydon76-homebkw_:  does oej have a page on the wiki for sending people to configure their BTs? ... section Grandstream
04:15.59bkw_Corydon76 not sure.. I can tell most people how to configure their Grandstream products.
04:16.06bkw_it requires matches and lighter fluid
04:16.17Stealth_Manbkw: i think you hate it and don;t have a enough time :)
04:18.06yabooCorydon76-home, I have context=sip under general and under each phone definition but still getting the error
04:18.42yabooNOTICE[81926]: File pbx.c, Line 1211 (pbx_extension_helper): Cannot find extension context 'sip'
04:19.18ursenjwho do I turn sip debug off
04:19.32bkw_no grandstream needs to fix their shit of go away
04:19.46Stealth_Manursenj sip no debug i think
04:19.46bkw_mine works fine.. but i'm dealing with crap assocaited with their shitty products right now
04:19.49Stealth_Manor leave console
04:20.02Stealth_Manbkw: we will make them doing good products ...
04:20.06Stealth_Mana matter of time
04:21.50*** join/#asterisk Aharonov (
04:26.10Stealth_Manphsd: 5 MBPS wireless stuff ? 5.8 Ghz ?
04:26.43*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
04:26.53phsdshft5.7 ghz
04:27.28phsdshft~6 mbps real world throughput per AP (the real canopy units have 60 degree panel antennas)
04:28.15Stealth_Manit is nice ...
04:31.55phsdshftyou use it also?
04:32.54*** join/#asterisk RichA (
04:33.29bkw_JerJer you alive?
04:34.19Mikeanyone has a wifi600 or wisip in stock?
04:34.53RichAbkw: regarding the email on the ivr x3000 question... what determines the limitation as to how many keypresses can be handled while executing a "Background()"?
04:36.04Stealth_Manbkw: one more victim here for voice mail notification :)
04:36.09Stealth_Mantestmaster ...
04:36.18Stealth_Mani looks like crazy even
04:36.25Stealth_Manyooo testmaster
04:36.36yabooNOTICE[81926]: File pbx.c, Line 1211 (pbx_extension_helper): Cannot find extension context 'sip'
04:36.44Stealth_ManBKW: your audience is required for 1 more minute plz
04:36.46yaboois there a resolution to this error
04:36.48Stealth_Mancan you ?
04:36.56Stealth_Manyaboo: reboot asterisk
04:37.05yaboodone that to now avail
04:37.06RichAbkw: depends on what?
04:38.22bkw_RichA what * can match
04:38.30bkw_if it can match more than 1 digit it will
04:38.39bkw_thats what digit timeout is for
04:39.27bkw_if you have say 1 and your digittimeout is like 5 seconds.. you press 1.. it will wait 5 seconds before it trys to match unless you keep entering digits
04:39.53RichAbkw: okay, but digittimeout=5 and exactly as soon as the "3" is pressed, it bails out.
04:39.57*** join/#asterisk MocMoc (~Moc@
04:40.05bkw_what is responsetime set to?
04:40.23bkw_raise the responsetime to like 40
04:40.47RichAbkw: I don't have a responsetime in extensions.conf; guess I should have?
04:40.57bkw_DING DING DING
04:41.01bkw_thats your problem
04:41.17bkw_falling through a series of priorities for a channel in which the user may
04:41.18bkw_begin typing an extension.  If the user does not type an extension in this
04:41.18bkw_amount of time, control will pass to the 't' extension if  it  exists, and
04:41.18bkw_if not the call would be terminated.  Always returns 0.
04:41.59RichAbkw: opps, I do have a responetimeout set to 10.
04:42.16MocMocnormal that Congestion doesn't make a fast busy signal ?
04:42.43*** join/#asterisk cripito (
04:43.06cripitoanyone tried to compile zaptel in a sunsparc?
04:43.30cripitozaptel.o: ELF file zaptel.o not for this architecture i am getting this error.. any ideas?
04:43.55coppice_A sunsparc running Linux or Slowlaris?
04:44.05cripitolinux aurora....
04:44.19cripitoasterisk is already running
04:44.48cripitoi can build the modules of zapel but needs to be a.out instead of ELF
04:45.18coppice_I don't know of anyone doing this, but the chances of it working are reasonable. If you get that message it sounds like you have an old zaptel.o compiled elsewhere. Delete it so it gets rebuilt, and try again.
04:45.49cripitoyeap.. the old zaptel.o compiled...
04:46.04cripitoi just doit for a long time...
04:46.26cripitoi just need that instead build the zaptel.o in ELF format in a.out...
04:46.30cripitoany suggestion?
04:48.00bkw_RichA jack it up
04:48.25RichAbkw: okay, will go try.
04:48.38bkw_RichA that count down starts from the time its called
04:48.47bkw_so by the time you listen to the intro.. woop time UP
04:48.54cripitocoppice.. looks like more a CFLAGS or something...
04:49.11TestMasTerbkw_,  Are you busy atm?
04:49.26RichAbkw: that's highly likely since the msg is about 10 sec. Will try. Thanks.
04:49.32bkw_yes very busy
04:49.57TestMasTerok then i won`t ask right now
04:50.22coppice_cripito: If aurora is based on RH 7.2 files should all build in ELF format.
04:50.53yaboois there a list of all the packages needed by asterisk somewhere
04:51.12yabooduring compile it cannot find ringtone.h
04:51.25*** part/#asterisk RichA (
04:51.47cripitoyeap aurora is based RH 7.2
04:52.07*** join/#asterisk seemore (
04:52.31cripitoat least they say that.. and i fact i found lot of similarity in everything...
04:52.35cripitoeven in the kernel.
04:52.46*** join/#asterisk mikebailey (
04:53.23cripitoi have 2.4.20-2.31sparc without any problem
04:53.35cripitoand this is the only small ......
04:54.33rollysonhmm ... does digium have CVSWeb up anywhere?
04:55.05cripitocoppice the problem is that all build perfect.
04:55.17cripitobut when you try to insmod then you get the error
05:00.02*** part/#asterisk ___log (
05:00.02*** join/#asterisk ___log (
05:00.21coppice_cripito: is it just zaptel.o, or dot he other modules - tor tor2 wcfxs etc. - do the same?
05:01.48yaboothink I got my asterisk working
05:02.01yabooanyone can allow me to dail them to test please
05:02.08cripitoall the modules
05:02.18yabooe.g. a fwd number I can dial :-)
05:02.29TestMasTerquestion when creating a vm account Do i need to do it with addmailbox, the reason i ask is because it put it in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail    But when voicemail.conf does its just it puts in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/
05:02.48TestMasTeryaboo,  i have no fwd accounts setup other wise i would let ya
05:03.00yaboobummer thanks TestMasTer
05:03.19TestMasTeryaboo,  Do you have to pay for the fwd accounts?
05:03.54TestMasTerwhere do i get one from
05:03.59coppice_cripito: if they don't work that probably isn't suprising, since I don't think they have ever been tested on a Sun. They shouldn't give architecture errors, though. Odd.
05:04.17yaboowould love asterisk working on a sun boxen
05:04.29cripitojumm something interested
05:04.33cripitozaptel.o:     file format elf32-sparc
05:04.35TestMasTerhey yaboo Do you have your phones flashing when there is a voicemail?
05:05.31yabooI guess so
05:05.32cripitobut when you make a uname -m you get sparc64
05:05.39yaboohaven't got that far yet
05:05.51yaboocripito does asterisk compile on solaris
05:06.07yaboozaptel I don't think is need because it supports the pci hardware
05:07.15cripitoyaboo... i don't have solaris.. i have just linux in a sun
05:07.46cripitobut for some weird reason is taking elf32sparc64
05:07.50TestMasTeryaboo,  Do you have your fwd extension config handy? if not i will figure it out
05:07.58coppice_yaboo: a Sun with PCI should be able to run the Zaptel cards, but I don't think anyone has tested/debugged the drivers on any 64 bit machine
05:07.58cripitosorry elf32sparc
05:08.35cripitowell is the card are pci 3.3 v standard... must run without any problem...
05:08.45cripitoof course if i can build the modules :D
05:09.10coppice_cripito: expect more trouble than just building them. :-)
05:09.29cripitoyeap.. i known ;) but the first step is the important one right?
05:09.33yaboocoppice I don't have any hardware and if it compiled but as a software pbx I would be happy
05:10.08cripitothe asterisk compiled almost perfect... i just get problem with the codecs...
05:10.26coppice_yaboo: from what criptio is saying, it should like you wish can come true.
05:11.55cripitoyeap the asterisk... lpc10 ....and a problem with the mp3.. everything else astter install gsm was perfect
05:13.29*** join/#asterisk lefo (
05:14.03cripitocoppice the zaptel is build in a elf32sparc
05:14.23cripitothe modules can be that way...needs to be at least elf64sparc
05:14.39cripitoany suggestion in how i can change the arquitecture?
05:15.00cripitoa CFLAGS that i am missing?
05:15.26coppice_cripito: never having used Linux on sparc, I can't really help. I did a little with * on an Alpha, and most of it seemed OK. My Alpha is very old, and only runs at 233MHz. It would never be up to running the Zaptel hardware, so I never tried.
05:16.04kimo_sabecripito: uh, compile with -m64?
05:16.48cripitoi trid
05:16.50cripitoi try
05:17.04cripitoone secod
05:17.06cripito1 sec
05:17.15cripitolets try m64 and -mv8
05:18.24yaboogot my asterisk half working
05:18.44yabooseems I can dial people, they can hear me, but I can't hear then
05:18.55yabooalso my callerid comes up with my nat number
05:19.19cripito(Requires v9|v9a|v9b; requested architecture is sparclite.
05:20.28*** join/#asterisk twisted (
05:20.30Mikeany provider that gives 1800 numberts?
05:20.30twistedhey all
05:20.41twistedMike: NuFone gives 877 numbers
05:20.45twistedtoll free if that's what you need
05:20.54kimo_sabecripito: ultra is v9
05:21.04Mikepacket8 was giving but i cant find em on there website
05:21.07twistedanywho... anyone know why the System() command would stop executing the dialplan and hangup the channel?
05:22.19twistedi thought the application being run was returning a bad exit code, but even with the priority of n+101 it still would just hang up the channel and discontinue the dialplan
05:22.28cripitoyeap... kimo_sabe
05:22.59twisteder thwaps.. not thwart
05:23.15MikeStealth_Man: you give 1800 numbers?
05:25.58cripito1 min
05:26.19Mikesomeone notice how awful nufone page is
05:26.31Mikeflash +cant find where to sign in etc
05:27.47yaboook can't dial phone to phone on a network getting a error of
05:27.48yabooFile pbx.c, Line 1173 (pbx_extension_helper): No application 'Dial ' for extension (sip, 1002, 1)
05:27.55yabooany hints please :-)
05:28.33kimo_sabeyaboo: note the space
05:28.35bkw_linked lists are kickin my ass
05:28.52bkw_maybe this book isn't explaining it like I need
05:29.09yabookimo_sabe, space>
05:31.27coppice_bkw: .... for it is written that books are not to be trusted. :-)
05:35.13kimo_sabeyaboo: yes, there's a space between Dial and the end of the quote
05:37.34yabookimo_sabe, thanks got a new error
05:37.36yabooWARNING[81926]: File chan_sip.c, Line 2359 (__transmit_response): Unable to determine sequence number from ''
05:40.01kimo_sabeyaboo: hmm, no idea
05:44.21km-bkw: the ztmonitor VU meter bug
05:48.53TestMasTeranyone here running Festival? or i think it was called IVR?
05:49.16*** join/#asterisk argos (
05:51.23TestMasTergood evening argos
05:51.43yabooWARNING[81926]: File chan_sip.c, Line 464 (retrans_pkt): Maximum retries exceeded on call for seqno 102 (Request)
05:51.47coppice_TestMasTer: Festival is a TTS package, not an IVR
05:51.53yabooanyone know what this error means
05:53.48TestMasTercoppice_,  i seen something saying about the IVR with asterisk, But i can`t remember where i seen it
05:54.14coppice_TestMasTer: people do build IVRs with Asterisk
05:54.42coppice_TestMasTer: they may even use Festival to speak out the prompts
05:54.53TestMasTerare they all that hard to setup?
05:54.53argosTestMasTer: greetings
05:55.06TestMasTerargos,  hows it going today?
05:55.14coppice_TestMasTer: How long is a piece of string?
05:55.27TestMasTernot overly long,
05:55.29argosnot sure yet...:)
05:55.34argosso far, so good
05:55.59TestMasTercoppice_,  i`m not totaly sure
05:56.04TestMasTerargos,  Good to hear
05:56.16coppice_TestMasTer: weil, if your IVR is not overly complex, maybe you wouldn't consider its implementation too hard.
05:56.48TestMasTercoppice_,  oh, ok so i would have to create the ivr myself, Is that correct
05:57.35coppice_TestMasTer: have you ever seen two IVRs that look alike? You can script one using the * tools, but each one needs some real work
05:58.23TestMasTercoppice_,  ok i don`t think i really know enuff about * to do that
05:58.46Corydon76-homecoppice_:  real work?  I can set them up in my sleep...
05:58.56coppice_TestMasTer: life's for learning
05:59.24TestMasTercoppice_,  Ya i agree, but i`m yet to find any real doc`s on it
05:59.29coppice_Corydon76-home: then its a pretty simple one, eh? :-)
05:59.32TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  how much a hour lol
06:00.12coppice_Corydon76-home: and do you charge the same rate when you are sleeping? :-)
06:00.23twistedanyone know how to force a result code change from a shell script?
06:00.26TestMasTerlol coppice_ thats what i was wondering
06:00.51atacomm...hmm, interesting......Stealth tells me his company is 250 people strong..yet Dun and Bradstreet doesnt know they exist
06:01.03twistedor know how to write a "wrapper" that would always fool the system into thinking that the returned result was 0 and not -1?
06:01.17TestMasTercoppice_,  do you happen to know of any doc`s that have been wrote to do this kind of setup
06:01.38coppice_No, but that doesn't mean there are none
06:03.18TestMasTercoppice_,  ya i know I don`t think that have been wrote yet, iirc what jsmith said
06:03.27Corydon76-homeHeh, you want IVR?
06:04.37hmodesoy mybleh
06:08.55*** join/#asterisk xeet2 (
06:09.27xeet2whats the best voip phone out there?  (that works well with *, using sip) other than cisco
06:10.50yabooduring compile is complains I am missing codecs, where can I download the codecs includes from?
06:12.01cripitowell a change...
06:12.29cripitowhen i compile th8e modules.. (only the modules)  depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.20-2.3sparc/misc/tor2.o
06:12.36cripitothat is something better
06:13.01coppice_cripito: much better. now don't insmod  - modprobe instead
06:13.46loko_mokoxeet2, cisco =P
06:13.55loko_mokoxeet2, sorry, thats all I use
06:14.16loko_mokoi guess if you dont want cisco, its grandstream
06:15.36cripitomodprobe: Can't locate module zaptel.o..... :) and when you try to insmod.. :P well i don't think will have enough time to copy all the errors here
06:16.51coppice_criptio: did you install the modules? modprobe will expect to find it in the install location.
06:17.52cripitoyeap... iu make a make install
06:18.22Corydon76-homexeet2:  the IAXy is also a great VoIP phone.  Unfortunately, not yet available to the general public.
06:18.38coppice_Then your error seems to indicate it is not installed in the right place
06:18.42cripitocoppice.. when i do a modeprobe zaptel :) sorry about the .o
06:18.49cripitothen i get lot of errors
06:19.07coppice_is IAXy a phone? I thought it was just an FXS adaptor
06:19.44Corydon76-homeIt is
06:19.53cripitolet me try something with the kernel
06:19.55cripito1 src
06:19.58Corydon76-homebut the adapter output is Ethernet
06:20.49coppice_well, he asked about phones, so I think something like the not yet available far-away-fon is more in line with his requirement :-)
06:21.59Corydon76-homeWould somebody puh-leeze comment on bug # 690?
06:23.16Corydon76-homeLike "nice" or "unnecessary" or something?
06:26.11wasimsorry, just woke up and only have 3 components left to order on the farfon
06:27.06coppice_wasim: its Sunday. Go back to sleep and order them tomorrow.
06:27.48coppice_wasim: someone asked a few minutes ago for the best VoIP phone in the world. Do you have any idea what that might be? :-)
06:27.58Mikesomeone here has a voicepulse number?
06:28.18wasimmr coppice_ sir, do you have any recommendations for a low cost alternative to a Lumex 16x4 LCD LCM-S01604
06:28.25wasimcoppice_: farfon!!
06:28.39wasimonce it makes it past vaporware stage, i.e.
06:29.01wasims/replacement/drop in replacement
06:29.03yaboogetting this error in asterisk
06:29.05yabooWARNING[294928]: File pbx.c, Line 1829 (ast_pbx_run): Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'sip'
06:29.08yabooany ideas
06:29.19wasimput a t,1,blah in [sip]
06:29.26coppice_wasim: 16x4 bad. 128*32 much better. :-)
06:29.41kimo_sabeyaboo: define a "t" rule. "exten => t,1,Hangup" for example
06:29.45wasimcoppice_: we're getting a 128x64 for the production
06:30.21coppice_wasim: that's more like it. IAX-ZhongWenBaan here we come! :-)
06:30.30wasimcoppice_: sanity overcame the 2c saving frenzy you instilled, and we realized most of our captive market isaround this region
06:30.41wasimwell, not captive, targeted, potential
06:31.03yabookimo_sabe, thanks
06:31.07coppice_wasim: I didn't try to instill functionality cutting. That's your own doing.
06:31.37wasimwimps, i think you used the word
06:31.47wasimyeah, definitely, wimps it was :)
06:31.48yabookimbo under sip in extension.conf or part of the exten for each phone
06:32.06kimo_sabeyaboo: under sip in extension.conf
06:33.00coppice_wasim: only pay for what the customer can see as functionality. 4-layer boards fail that test. Even for an engineer looking inside they offer no functionality. I obviously screwed up as a teacher :-\
06:33.31wasimah, right, this si the same track ive been following, that the customer is gonna see a large LCD and that becomes a "key differentiator"
06:35.04wasimno, but the wimps was definitely in the 16x2 context, doesn't make much sense to call the user a wimp for wanting a 4 layer board
06:35.26wasimjust like, i've been insisting on a larger RAM allocation, not because we need it, but because the "wimps" can download multiple ring tones etc, etc
06:35.59yaboowhat ports on my firewall do I need to open other than udp 5060 to allow sip calls throu
06:36.04wasimits not good to call customers wimps also, i've learnt that too
06:36.36coppice_wasim: do you realise the money DoCoMo make from ringtones. thats better business than the talking phase of the calls!
06:36.46Corydon76-homewasim:  how about PEBKAC?
06:37.06Corydon76-homeor user equals ID ten T ?
06:37.13coppice_wasim: calling customers wimps is OK - providing its not within their earshot. :-)
06:37.52wasimCorydon76-home: PEBPAE (phone and ear)
06:37.58Mikesomeone here has a voicepulse number?
06:38.21Corydon76-homewasim:  uh, that doesn't make any sense...
06:38.50wasimProblem Exists Between Phone And Ear
06:38.58wasimuh, right
06:39.09Corydon76-homewasim:  Phone and Chair, maybe
06:39.12wasimphone and chair!
06:40.33wasimok, back to more important discussions, where would i find RTL8019AS (55qty) quickly
06:41.08wasimand I'm in dire need of a good soth-east-asian component sourcing place
06:41.18coppice_wasim: sorry. I only know the RTL8019AS that runs slowly!
06:42.06coppice_wasim: so are we south east asians. finding stuff can be a pain
06:42.14kimo_sabewasim: eww, why?
06:42.25wasimcoppice_: yeh, i've been trying to get Micrel to send me th Kenden KS8993 remember, but that'll have to wait till march
06:42.38wasimkimo_sabe: eww on the RTL or ewwo nthe south-east-asian?
06:43.02kimo_sabewasim: eww on the 8019, that's the old ISA 10M chip, right?
06:43.11cripitonot.. coppice... that unresolve errors continue no matter what i do
06:43.33wasimkimo_sabe: well, the bus doesn't matter, but, yeah, it was usually found on ISA boards, NE2000 knock-offs
06:44.12wasimkimo_sabe: i need it for my phones ethernet connectivity
06:46.02coppice_wasim: aren't you supposed to be offering 100M?
06:46.28wasimcoppice_: production, hon, once the KS8993 land
06:46.35wasimcoppice_: two 100M ports
06:46.56wasimcoppice_: but the current board will be single 10M
06:47.03coppice_wasim: but in the meantime you re limiting yourself to lower bit rate codecs, right? :-)
06:47.04yabooseem to have a problem in asterisk where I can dial people on the fwd system but I cannot hear them speaking back to me, any idas :-)
06:48.16wasimcoppice_: yeah, only LPC-10
06:48.40coppice_wasim: do you mean LPC-10M?
06:49.04wasimcoppice_: whee .. right LPC-10M
06:50.00*** join/#asterisk rjt (
06:50.51hmodesit's amazing how many 7960s i've seen with loose rj45 jacks
06:51.07km-my two units are fine
06:51.13Mikeanyone can help me out with a voicepulse number for incoming?
06:51.18hmodesyeah, like if you nudge the phone it goes 'ethernet disconnected'
06:51.35hmodesmine has a toothpick wedged in with the cable to keep the jack from wiggling :)
06:52.18hmodeshooray for shady hacks
06:52.18km-that's like me with the damned TDM400P
06:52.29km-I had to use cat5 out of the plug
06:52.38km-because the rj11 plug wiggled too much
06:52.59rjtIf we have 5 incoming analog lines, it seems we need five Wildcard x100p card.  Is there a better way?
06:53.19km-rjt: if you have enough money, getting a TE410P and a channel bank may be worthwhile
06:53.28km-rjt: that way you'll have upgradeability if you do get a T1
06:53.28rjtThe TDM400P is only for internal lines, correct?
06:53.36km-rjt: right, it's an FXS interface
06:53.38hmodesor a cheapo voip gateway
06:53.51hmodesi seem to recall someone makes a fairly inexpensive 4 porter
06:54.03km-rjt: if you're willing to wait a couple months, I know digium is making FXO modules for the TDM400P
06:54.10hmodesbut then you get the wonders of codec suck
06:54.19km-hmodes: 4 port FXO?
06:54.24rjtWe don't have a T1, but what is an E1?
06:54.24km-hmodes: for "cheap"?
06:54.36km-rjt: E1 is the european/international version of T1
06:55.06hmodeswell, cheap compared to a 410 and a channel bank if you're only going to use a couple lines
06:55.13km-yeah, true
06:55.20hmodesbut i guess a channel bank that swings both ways would be far more useful
06:55.31Shido6now that kinda sounds funny
06:55.31km-yeah, that's what I was thinking
06:55.34rjtOk, so if i only have analog lines, how would the TE410P help?
06:55.43km-rjt: the channel bank is the key
06:55.50km-rjt: the TE410P is for hooking into the channel bank
06:56.08km-rjt: channel banks convert fxo/fxs lines into T1 signalling, which you then send over a T1 crossover to the TE410P
06:56.27rjtThe channel bank is like a bridge then?
06:56.31Shido6or u can talk to a cell tower with a cellular channel bank :)
06:56.36km-pretty much
06:56.40Corydon76-homeNo, the channel bank is a multiplexor
06:56.40km-shido: they make those? :)
06:56.49Shido6got one pop up in australia
06:56.53km-that's interesting
06:56.56km-what do you do with them?
06:57.01km-originate calls or receive calls?
06:57.04Shido6its using the te410p for both data and voice
06:57.08Shido61 port for frame relay
06:57.12Shido61 port for the channel bank
06:57.30Shido6took 4 days to configure but we got it up
06:57.57km-I talked to my uncle today, he's a higher up in the fiber division of comcast
06:58.18km-he said he'd be willing to "accidentally" put a six-pull into my house
06:59.13Mikeanyone has a voicepulse number??? i need a little help with inbound
06:59.16km-hmodes: oh yeah baby, oh yeah.
06:59.18hmodestell him i love him long time?
06:59.19km-hmodes: you're moving in huh? :)
06:59.32TestMasTerAnyone know of any Sip type phones, that will work off the website?
06:59.34km-hmodes: he said whatever bandwidth I wanted, all I'd have to do is provide the CPE
06:59.52km-hmodes: he said that he could make comcast "accidentally" put me down for a lower cost bandwidth :)
07:00.01hmodeswouldn't someone like, notice?
07:00.20hmodesoh right, huge megaconglomerate
07:00.21km-do you SERIOUSLY think I'd utilize 18gb/sec?
07:00.24phsdshftHmm... So, does anyone know of any fairly cheap adtran atlas alternatives that can do high port density FXS ports?
07:00.27hmodesi know i would!
07:00.28Mikecan i add something like register =>\101
07:00.36Mikeso it goes to exten 101?
07:00.45km-mike: if it's sip, yes
07:00.48km-mike: if IAX, no
07:00.59Mikekm-: how do i send via iax to some exten?
07:01.15Mikekm-: i got a voicepulse number but i cant send it to some extension or context for autoanswering
07:01.17km-mike: and Mark said he'd castrate me if I wrote the contact number support in
07:01.22km-mike: sure you can
07:01.34km-mike: in the user field of the voicepulse account
07:01.38km-you specify the context there
07:01.43Mikekm-: i did
07:01.49Mikekm-: then on the extensions.conf i have
07:02.01Mikeexten => 9542126729,1,Goto(humexico,s,1)
07:02.01Mikeexten => 19542126729,1,Goto(humexico,s,1)
07:02.09Mikeand its not getting there
07:02.19km-what's the error message on the asterisk screen?
07:02.31Mikeits not reaching it
07:02.36Mikei have 2 voicepulse accounts
07:02.48Mikeboth are getting register one if for outbound and the other inbound
07:03.06km-mike: you'll have to catch me when I'm not falling asleep
07:03.23km-hmodes: if I get the fiber, I'll let ya know when I've got a spare room for you to rent
07:03.39km-hmodes: of course you know the bulk of the DWDM'd channels would be voice for my fledgling asterisk business! :)
07:03.54Mikekm-: i can give you the iax.conf and the extensions.conf so you can check it real fast
07:04.04Mikekm-: i follow the examples on the wiki
07:04.12km-my eyes are watering
07:06.40*** join/#asterisk cripon (
07:07.11criponhey.. will someone call my iaxtel #?  7008594508
07:07.22coppice_DWDM - there's a wonderful name that obviously came from the marketing dept.! :-)
07:07.33km-coppice: Dense Wave Division Multiplexing
07:07.50km-coppice: by sending multiple wavelengths of light down a single fiber, you can send lots more info in the line
07:08.05coppice_km-: duh. I know that. but the dense implies something good, when its really living with a drawback :-)
07:08.23hmodesi'd be fine with just the one ;p
07:08.44km-what would we do with 18gb/sec?
07:08.54hmodesmirror the internet?
07:08.56km-it's not like it's that useful -- everywhere else on the internet is lagged
07:08.59coppice_km- really HDTV?
07:09.14km-so yahoo pops up before you requested it
07:09.15km-SO WHAT
07:09.22wasimyay Cripon
07:09.32hmodesjust think of how fast you could get porn
07:09.44hmodesALL the porn
07:09.49hmodesthat has ever been
07:10.14wasimCWDM is actually a better proposition for metro and stuff, much less costly
07:10.16hmodesand then you start a porn site
07:10.20hmodesand retire a millionare
07:10.31coppice_today 18GB sounds like a lot. next year you might find everyone has it :-)
07:10.44rollergrrlhmodes measures wealth by the amount of porn he has
07:10.59hmodesnono, see, i could care less about the porn
07:11.02hmodesbut porn == money
07:11.08rollergrrlexactly my point
07:11.10hmodesand while i could care less about the money too, i'm lazy
07:11.16Criponwasim: thanks for calling.. I'm trying to ensure that my iaxy will be able to call in while I'm on vacation
07:11.24km-me, as a retired porngod I'm indifferent to porn
07:11.28CriponI should say, the iaxy kram lent me.. not mine
07:11.29km-porn had its hayday on the internet
07:11.35km-now it's all 2.95$ for 3 days
07:11.37wasimyou lucky boy!
07:11.40km-and not worth buying
07:11.52hmodesthat's why god gave us newsgroups
07:12.08km-that's what dirty pete's used to serve up
07:12.14km-nntp scoured porn
07:12.21Criponwasim: thanks again
07:12.52hmodeswhat it all really comes down to is a fucking hate waking up when i want to be sleeping to go work for someone else
07:13.01km-hmodes: hahaha, amen
07:13.03hmodesand porn seems like the easiest way to not do that
07:13.05wasimman, i can't use USBID, its a $500 minimum per line
07:13.07hmodesstep 1 - collect porn
07:13.09hmodesstep 3 - profit
07:13.12wasimi don't want $500 worth of RTL8019
07:13.23rollergrrlwhat about step 2?
07:13.26Criponhmodes: there's so much damn porn out there.. how do you make money doing it?
07:13.30rollergrrlstep 2 - wanky wanky
07:13.33hmodesthat's where the miracle happens
07:13.43hmodesyou could put it that way too, sure
07:14.18hmodesCripon: aol exists soley to provide a customer base for porn sites
07:14.23*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
07:14.29hmodesand there are _alot_ of stupid aol users
07:14.58km-wanky wanky
07:15.01wasimargos: yeah, that option is there, but nooo
07:15.11wasimargos: time consuming, and risky
07:15.13km-OH GOD
07:15.16km-away with the sound effects
07:15.37km-roller: the worst part is, I know hmodes personally
07:15.44km-so I've actually got a good mental picture of this operation
07:15.51hmodesoh hush, you love it
07:15.54rollergrrlso you know it to be true
07:16.06zigmanwasim what does realtek want for one chip ?
07:16.09zigmanlike 1$ or so ?
07:16.25km-hmodes: dude, we've Got to do chinese buffet soon!!!
07:16.25argoswasim: been there, done that.. not a lot of fun
07:17.32wasimzigman: no clue, but yeah, around that in volume i'd say
07:18.04coppice_wasim: I doubt it. Its probably pricy. End of lifers always are!
07:18.14km-hmodes, rollergrrl, blitz, bkw, etc, etc, etc
07:18.18km-my loving friends and cohorts
07:18.28km-it's time for me to sleep so I'll be bidding adieu
07:18.36blitzrageg'night even
07:18.36km-and taking my encompassing ego with me! :P
07:18.55zigmanyou can get a nic for 4 $
07:18.56km-"Good Eeevening!"  <in one of those creepy vincent price tones>
07:19.00*** part/#asterisk km- (
07:19.07zigmanso the chip shouldn't be that expensive
07:19.09Criponhmodes: do you already do porn?  because, to be honest.. I love porn.. and I have never paid for it
07:19.11zigmanbtw what do you need ?
07:19.15zigmanthe chip ?
07:19.29Criponhmodes: but it seems liek there's so much, I can only check a couple of sites a day
07:19.52Criponhmodes: I guess it's all about your margin.
07:20.56hmodesusenet usenet usenet
07:21.11hmodessupposedly there is some magnificent bittorrent pr0n site these days, but i have yet to find it
07:21.36hmodesbut i mean i don't have any porn or anything..  that's just what people tell me.
07:21.38hmodesi swear.
07:22.30coppice_hmodes: get out of here, you pious weirdo :-)
07:23.00Shido6when I look at new digium gear its like looking at porn
07:23.04Shido6when I get a new xeon in the mail
07:23.13NinjaEi've got your digium gear, its IN MY PANTS
07:23.26hmodesfeh, i'm not _that_ evil
07:23.34hmodesbesides, he asked
07:24.59*** join/#asterisk Exomorph (
07:25.53argoswasim: hmm - i vaguely remember an 8051 or AVR site that had the 8019 for sale...  digging through my bookmarks...
07:29.10TestMasTerquestion with netmeeting, will it work with SIP anyone know?
07:29.38argosTestMasTer: pretty sure it's h323 only
07:29.47Mikecan i install asterisk without installing zaptel at all?
07:30.31TestMasTerargos,  Dang lol,  Do you know of any scripts or anything that will Enable my site for SIP?
07:31.05Criponbecause he's santa wasim?
07:31.16hmodesTestMasTer: pulver has a beta click2connect-type sip thingy
07:31.29hmodesit supposedly isn't quite done and doesn't like not-ie
07:31.52argosTestMasTer: not really..:)
07:32.13TestMasTerhmodes, oh ok still alittle waiting
07:32.17TestMasTerargos,  ty anyway
07:32.25argosbiggest problem is that there really isn't a "standard" for that kind of thing yet..
07:32.44TestMasTerargos,  ya i know,
07:33.08TestMasTerand there is no way of getting asterisk to work with oh, other then programming, is there?
07:36.06blitzrageI'm going to bed.. but if anyone has ANY documentation they have wrote (or are going to write) and would like it added to the asterisk documentation project, then please join #asterisk-doc and give me some of your information.  Thanks.
07:36.08argoswell, it supports openh323, but i haven't gotten it to work yet...  of course, only tried for about 5 minutes...
07:36.23hmodesahh, here it is
07:36.26wasimgnite blitzrage
07:36.35blitzrageg'night wasim!
07:36.38hmodesfeh, h323 is cake
07:36.40blitzragewasim: thanks for contributing!
07:36.41hmodesjust use cvs :)
07:36.43TestMasTerargos,  Ok hrmz, well i guess i found my new task lol
07:36.48hmodesin the meantime, i found this fwd thingy
07:37.08TestMasTerhmodes,  thanx i will take a boo at that
07:37.13argosshould be able to put h323 into * and have netmeeting talk to it..
07:37.26hmodesdoesn't seem to work with the default ie6 activex trust settings tho
07:38.40TestMasTerargos,  Well i was told about a netmeeting script that can be placed, on a website that will work off the website, that will do the Voip stuff to my office extensions
07:39.05hmodeswhat's the point?  do the people accessing the site have microphones?
07:39.27*** join/#asterisk adkk (
07:39.36hmodes'cause i generally suspect the percentage of internet users with active working mics or headsets is still negligable enough that click2connect things are pretty pointless
07:39.37TestMasTerThere is no way to really tell, The only thing i could do is set it up and see what happens
07:40.05hmodesthe real money is in having a button that makes your callcenter call someone
07:40.10hmodesat least until voip is much more pervasive
07:40.15argossounds reasonable...  i imagine that MS has some sort of "netmeeting:" URL syntax that will trigger IE to start up NM
07:40.19TestMasTerhmodes,  ya but would you rather pay longdistances, or just beable to call the office of of that
07:41.00kimo_sabehmodes: doesn't it already support sip:// URIs?
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07:41.03TestMasTerargos,  i would think so there is for everything else lol
07:41.07hmodesif it'll get me a customer i'll gladly pay the $.50 to tell them how great my company is for 15mins
07:41.20miller7hello everyone
07:41.21hmodesshit most e-cos spend $40+ per customer on acquisition
07:41.30hmodesa couple minutes of long distance is quite literally pennies
07:41.45TestMasTerhmodes,  but i`m not really thinking of a selling point, i`m just thinking easyer access
07:42.30hmodesyeah, i mean it's a fuggin great idea in theory
07:42.38hmodesjust not particularly practically useful yet
07:42.52hmodesi worked for a late 90s company who's gig was voip and click2call via netmeeting
07:43.00hmodeswe spent $5mil, and realized it was a complete waste of time
07:43.16*** join/#asterisk anti_ (
07:43.29TestMasTerhmodes, Ya but doing to research keeps me not so bored lol
07:43.36wasimwow, imagine if we could dump $m into digium and * development
07:43.57hmodesvery true
07:44.15hmodeswasim: seriously..  'if i ran the zoo' things would have been very, very different
07:44.20hmodesstupid MBA executives
07:44.50hmodesthat and no matter how many times i went on the 'umm, guys, h323 sucks at nat' rant, they never listened
07:44.54wasimhmodes: yeah, i konw, we burnt like a $100m back in early 90's with sprint competing with MCI and ATT on silly dialup ISP services
07:45.22hmodesit's downright ridiculous how much money just gets thrown in to giant furnaces of stupidity
07:47.49Shido6the monkeys need to play craps with something
07:47.56hmodesit occurs to me it's a damn shame msn fucked up their venture in to sip with messenger
07:48.39hmodesknowing everyone running xp had a sip client that could be called with a url would have been quite nice
07:49.24TestMasTerhmodes,  did i see that right, msn supports SIP?
07:49.33blitzrageTestMasTer: older versions did
07:49.42blitzrageTestMasTer: like Messenger 4.6 and 4.7
07:49.46hmodesi think it's back in 6.x
07:49.59hmodesbut it was lacking in 5, which is just enough of a wrench in the works to make it worthless
07:50.01*** join/#asterisk _mike_ (
07:50.03blitzragehrm.. wierd.  I use gaim now :)
07:50.14*** join/#asterisk H1TLER (
07:50.28TestMasTerisn`t msn going pay anyway
07:50.41hmodeswhat the fuck is that
07:51.00argosonly the drifting moron...
07:51.18coppice_from the symbol I guess its a Buddist :-)
07:51.34H1TLERargos: which of those above are you?
07:51.53argossomehow, I kinda doubt that the words "No Commies" ever came out of Hitler's mouth...
07:51.55Criponlol hitler.  what a fucking loser.
07:52.00TestMasTerhmodes,  Do you know the syntex was, for the sip to interact with msn, from a clict on the website?
07:52.14hmodeshrmm, now i remember why i preffer being in channels i'm opped in
07:52.16_mike_argos what makes you think that?
07:52.32argoshe spoke German... :)
07:53.06H1TLERargos: which of those above are you?
07:54.03TestMasTerhmodes,  just so you know.... MSN Messenger 5.0 and 6.0 does not support SIP, only 4.6 and 4.7
07:54.16TestMasTerto bad,
07:54.19hmodeses lieget sie liebeschafe auf der hand!
07:54.20H1TLERwhat now, thinking of something witty to say, to avoid answering the question, nigger?
07:54.29NinjaEwhat is SIP anyway
07:54.36hmodesi could have sworn they put it back in at some point ts
07:54.37NinjaEniggers are stinky
07:54.54H1TLERniggers smell like animals
07:55.12H1TLERthey _are_ animals
07:55.16TestMasTerhmodes,  is there any other software that is auto install on to windows, That you configure would support sip...
07:55.28H1TLERniggers are talking chimps
07:55.42miller7H1TLER: you are boring
07:55.48TestMasTeri agree
07:55.56hmodesand i have no idea what the syntax is, i was mostly assuming the capable versions had some hook to ie
07:56.04H1TLERif you compare them to chimps you will notice that they are a lot more similar to them than to humans
07:56.06hmodesbecause after all, microsoft is the devil like that
07:56.10notoriousEive got your syntax, its in my pants
07:56.25miller7H1TLER: we'ver heard you, everyone here agrees with you, now please leave us
07:56.26hmodesbest you could do is ask people to install xlite :(
07:56.33TestMasTernotoriousE,  really Wow that is a small syntex layout
07:56.43notoriousEwhat is SIP
07:56.47H1TLERmiller7: no, I'm here to stay
07:56.51notoriousEtell me before i punch you in the face
07:57.01Criponignore rules
07:57.03TestMasTerlol i wasn`t talking SIP lol
07:57.08Shido6thats what ignore is for
07:57.09miller7H1TLER: ok, as you wish. Just please remain on the topic and don't say irrelevant things
07:57.19notoriousEi will punch you in the face if you dont tell me what SIP is
07:57.26H1TLERand what will you do if I don't?
07:57.27TestMasTernotoriousE,  just so you know i was just kidding around with you lol
07:57.27hmodeshooray for /ignore
07:57.33coppice_SIP is somewhat less than guzzle
07:57.37jrollysoncould somebody wake up and set a few +q entries?
07:57.42TestMasTerand then type What is sip lol
07:57.47notoriousEno you were serious and you must be punched in the face
07:57.56notoriousEwhy dont i just go to then
07:58.06hmodesif you don't know what sip is, you probably shouldn't be here
07:58.13notoriousEi would have to guess Secure Internet Protocol
07:58.14TestMasTerlol go for it
07:58.15notoriousEbut im prolly wrong
07:58.21Shido6S = Session
07:58.23Shido6not secure
07:58.28Shido6I is not for internet
07:58.29notoriousESession INternet Protocol?
07:58.34hmodeshint: you're wrong
07:58.38notoriousESession INcest Protocol?
07:58.55Shido6Session Initiation Protocol
07:59.08miller7Short for Session Initiated Protocol, or Session Initiation Protocol, a signaling protocol for Internet conferencing, telephony, presence, events notification and instant messaging. The protocol initiates call setup, routing, authentication and other feature messages to endpoints within an IP domain.
07:59.13jrollysonignore is your friend.
07:59.16notoriousEdammit anyone have the 3rd disc for Returk Of the King
07:59.27notoriousEi have 1 2 and 4
07:59.49H1TLERjrollyson: too bad you don't have any other friends. spending saturday night on irc - how pathethic
07:59.50hmodesas if everyone who is a criminal has the same release as you
07:59.55Shido6which one do u want
08:00.00hmodesand who the fuck bothers with shitty camjobs anyway?
08:00.07notoriousEwell the Logistic release in the only good copy out there
08:00.15notoriousEhmodes this release looks nice
08:00.15argosumm, you're on irc too, you idiot
08:00.27Shido6dvd, screener, theater bootleg version, telesync. vcd, or just a big friggin tar file u can pull down at a gig/sec
08:00.29H1TLERi have a broken leg, bitch!
08:00.40hmodesoh god damnit
08:00.50H1TLERotherwise i'd be getting pissed, and shag teenage girls
08:00.52notoriousEi need the logistic ts version
08:01.23Shido6go have fun
08:02.55notoriousEim not a retard i just dont like queues
08:03.07notoriousEthe 3rd disc wont go thru on any bot
08:03.58hmodesdid i part #asterisk and join some other bizarro-universe channel while i wasn't paying attention or something?
08:04.19loko_mokocan anyone give me a temp. shell on a linux box
08:04.24loko_mokoi need to use traceroute and ping
08:04.27hmodesor do llamas just assume asterisk == anything from white power to warez?
08:04.42miller7loko_moko: tell me what you want and I'll do it for you in my box
08:04.46hmodesstart -> run -> ping; tracert
08:05.01loko_mokomiller7 i need to diagnose
08:05.11loko_mokohmodes thats sucks when u need it to keep running
08:05.30loko_mokoi got one
08:05.33loko_mokogot one server back up
08:05.33miller7I see. Then I cannot help :)
08:05.40loko_mokoi got one of the servers back up
08:05.42loko_mokoso im good
08:05.54hmodesback to sexylosers
08:09.44MocMocDo each IP Phone need to be manualy configured (each key) or the server send the key configuration to the phone ?
08:11.28hmodespretty much any decent phone pulls configs from a tftp serber
08:11.56MocMocallright ..
08:15.10*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
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08:28.06*** join/#asterisk cman (~cman1@
08:28.58cmani am getting hannel 3 flashed to another channel...
08:29.04cmanan a irritating sound
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08:31.49argosyippee..  he's gone...
08:32.07TestMasTerargos,  do you write any books for asterisk?
08:33.11argosheh - way too new at it to be doing that...  but I have been keeping a lot of notes about how I have figured out some things - will probably become a web page in the near future
08:34.40argosthere's a lot of "stupid gotchas" that Joe User will run into that aren't documented very well...
08:35.33hmodeslike everything that isn't in the example configs?
08:35.35TestMasTersee thats what i was think i might write some stuff about the problems i have had that might help some one else out
08:37.01argoshmodes: yea - that stuff!
08:38.37argosi'll put up a web page for it if you feel like writing anything up..
08:39.32hmodesfeh, lack of documentation is a good thing
08:39.35hmodesit keeps the stupids away
08:40.38argosmy biggest complaint right now is the * debugging stuff - it's cryptic, at best...  
08:40.42hmodesi dunno, i generally assume if someone has a working linux box and they can manage to compile something that has -O6 in its makefile, they should be able to scour maillist archives like the rest of us
08:41.01hmodesyeeeeah, i'm thinking with each passing day that i need to make sip debug not suck
08:41.20hmodesit would be nice to be able to dump messages from a single peer/friend instead of just..  everything
08:41.38hmodes'cause with all my devices set to 60sec registrations, it's near impossible to get anything useful without alot of filtering
08:42.03argosand make it a little more readable - throw in some "---------------" lines to separate sections, etc...
08:42.17hmodesi still haven't had the motivation to track down muh ringback problem
08:43.34argosgetting tired of running tcpdump to get more info about sip than what * delivers itself...
08:44.00argos(yea, I know... "patches are welcome"...)
08:44.10hmodesfuck that, i'm lazy
08:44.27coppice_argos: use Ethereal. It will decode the SIP frames
08:45.03argoscoppice_: that's actually what i use...  
08:45.32argosold habits die hard... :)
08:45.45TestMasTeranyway bbl
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10:07.07coppice_RoyK: I can watch snow falling tonight :-)
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10:45.19voidptrI am free at last!
10:45.24royk_homeall pointer should be allowed to be free
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10:46.49voidptrSo... i've thought about this for a while.. and can't figure it out: Should i make * push data to a central location... or make the central location retrieve data from all the *'s...
10:48.11voidptrretrieving via manager interface... or pushing out using some extra thread
10:48.51voidptrretrieving has an extra spof
10:49.23voidptrpushing needs hacks deeper into *
10:49.52royk_homeWhat's the best p2p client for linux to use when looking for nice classic music (anitra's dance by edward grieg)
10:49.58royk_home...or whatever I'm looking for
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10:55.27royk_homevoidptr: I'd say  setting up a syslog-like push thread would be nice
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11:08.22voidptrsomeone should clean up the cvs
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11:19.26voidptrhorrible storm
11:22.32yaboohi all got a weird problem, with asterisk I can recieve calls from fwd and voice travels both ends but if I initiate the call the reciever can hear me but I cannot hear the recievers voice
11:22.52yaboomy gs unit is behind a nat system, and the asterisk is on a public ip
11:23.48voidptri guess its a common problem :)
11:24.41yabooand is there a fix :-)
11:24.50voidptrtried searching the mailinglist for similar problems
11:25.22voidptri've seen it mentioned multiple times, just never bothered to read them...
11:26.52*** join/#asterisk Mike--- (
11:27.32Mike---hi all
11:27.32Mike---anybody awake ?
11:28.46Mike---what do I have to do to make * compile in a debian ?
11:28.54Mike---on a debian,even
11:29.09voidptrhum install some -dev packages
11:29.30voidptrreadline, openssl... and probably some other stuff aswell
11:29.33voidptrbrb lunch
11:29.42Mike---lunch ? hm..
11:29.44Mike---oh yeah .. it's lunchtime
11:29.54Mike---maybe some breaskfast then ..  *thinking*
11:32.50Mike---anybody that have problems installing * on debian ? (woody)
11:32.52*** join/#asterisk notoriousE (
11:33.36lecramno problems yet
11:33.50Mike---I think I miss some packages..
11:33.58Mike---but I'm not sure what..
11:34.17Mike---probably some kernel source.. But I think I installed them
11:34.28Mike---or maybe I missed somwthing
11:34.39Mike---/usr/src/linux/include/linux/module.h:19: linux/modversions.h: No such file or directory
11:34.45lecramjust make sure that the kernel you have running is the same as the source you have in place
11:34.49Mike---looks like I missed something at least
11:35.04Mike---Just installaed a fresh debian box
11:35.05lecramdid you simlink the source dir to linux ?
11:36.52Mike---where should the file modversion.h be ?
11:36.52lecramah... let me guess.. that happens when compiling zaptel?
11:37.09lecramcheck the KINCLUDES line in the Makefile
11:37.35Mike---/usr/src/linux-2.4/include ]
11:37.57Mike---make: *** [zaptel.o] Error 1
11:37.59Mike---uhm. what now
11:39.28*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~mandimadu@
11:41.31Mike---where should the file modverions.h be ?
11:41.51lecramjust tried it with a fresh cvs checkout
11:41.51Mike---still gets the same error.. hm
11:42.23Mike---I checked out the about 2 hrs ago
11:42.23Mike---fresh debian install .. hm .
11:42.30Mike---I wonder what I forgot
11:43.28*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
11:43.34lecramcheck the symlink from linux-something to linux in /usr/src
11:43.49Mike---lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     src            20 Dec 21 10:42 linux -> kernel-source-2.2.20
11:45.35Mike---/usr/src/linux/include/linux/module.h:19: linux/modversions.h: No such file or directory
11:45.58Mike---anf the /usr/src/linux/include/linux/module.h  says :#   include <linux/modversions.h> on row 19
11:46.06lecramlook at the gcc command that was issued
11:46.18lecramand see if it should have been able to find it
11:46.38Mike---hey.. wrong path in the gcc command
11:46.45Mike---byt I thought I changed that
11:47.39Mike---still same error
11:48.18Mike---In file included from zaptel.c:41:
11:48.32Mike---/usr/src/linux/include/linux/module.h:19: linux/modversions.h: No such file or directory
11:48.41Mike---I guess I dont have the file ?
11:48.58Mike---is that a part of the kernel source ?
11:49.03lecramit should be in the kernel tree
11:49.10Mike---I thought I did apt-get the source.. or is it some other package I need ?
11:49.46lecramit should take care of any dependencies for you
11:49.58Mike---cant find the modversion-h file
11:50.07Mike---wich path ?
11:50.18Mike---/usr/src/linux/linux ?
11:50.21Mike---there or ?
11:51.00magerjust do a 'make update-modverfile' in the linux directory
11:52.48Mike---make: *** No rule to make target `update-modverfile'.  Stop.
11:53.29*** join/#asterisk dimmik (
11:55.57lecramtry "locate modversions.h"
11:57.14Mike---dont think that database is built yet
11:57.29lecramthen build it :)
11:57.43Mike---updating it now
11:57.43lecramshouldn't take to long
12:00.45voidptryou need to extract the kernel source of your running kernel in /usr/src... and then link linux -> linux-2.4.x in that directory
12:01.06voidptrbut this is only for compiling zaptel stuff
12:01.10voidptrdo you need it?
12:01.20Mike---I need the ztdummy
12:01.38Mike---and I want to be able to use my E400P cards
12:02.10voidptrdo you run a debian kernel, or?
12:02.10Mike---voidptr and how do I do that in debian ?  I thought the apt-get install kernel source would do it ?
12:02.24voidptrno idea, i don't run debian kernels
12:02.27voidptrthey are horrible
12:02.40Mike---maybe I should take another dist
12:02.47voidptrmake your own kernel
12:02.48Mike---what is preferable ?
12:03.56voidptrpaste me your uname -a
12:04.44Mike---Linux pbx 2.2.20-idepci #1 Sat Apr 20 12:45:19 EST 2002 i686 unknown
12:05.13voidptrapt-get install kernel-source-2.2.20
12:05.36Mike---Sorry, kernel-source-2.2.20 is already the newest version.
12:06.14voidptryou'll need 2.4 for zaptel anyway
12:06.44Mike---shouldn't it be easy to upgrade on a debian
12:06.59voidptrbut do you really want to?
12:07.08Mike---why not ?`
12:07.26Mike---I just installed the box.. it's supposed to be a dedicated *
12:07.39Mike---gonna apt-get 2.4 then
12:07.49zoaapt-get update
12:07.51zoaapt-get upgrade
12:08.07voidptrthat wont put 2.4 on it ;)
12:08.23voidptrFuzzyCat !
12:08.26FuzzyCathow stable is cvs version...
12:08.33FuzzyCathey voidptr
12:08.40voidptryesterday someone complained about sip problems
12:09.20FuzzyCat\;/ <--- me drowning
12:09.33voidptri'm having severe code readability issues
12:09.38voidptrok :)
12:09.44miller7FuzzyCat: regarding yesterday's installation?
12:09.52FuzzyCatmiller7: yes
12:10.12miller7do you need any assistance with anything? (testing, helping)?
12:10.49FuzzyCatwell I'm looking for a stable working version from cvs, so i need a date :D
12:11.34miller7what kind of problems you experience?
12:12.20FuzzyCatCant do a reload on the install at all it hangs.
12:12.23voidptr"come watch free paris hilton footage"
12:12.38FuzzyCatafter about 10 mins * stops rereging phones.
12:13.34FuzzyCati'm getting hanging channels too
12:14.07miller7how many phones there are? what is their registration interval?
12:14.36miller7after how many phones the locking appears?
12:14.45*** join/#asterisk BigBroth (
12:15.11FuzzyCatthere are only 10 phones reging atm... on is here with me...
12:15.22FuzzyCatinterval is standard 3600
12:15.34BigBrothCan Asterisk be configured to use STUN when sending calls to FWD?
12:15.41srinivas_can someone help me wth loading mysql module for *?
12:15.59miller7all these phones are the same, right?
12:16.07miller7have you tested with other SIP phones?
12:16.28FuzzyCatii have a cisco at my end too
12:16.49miller7* hangs even if no calls have passed through it?
12:17.42miller7if you set one phone + one cisco, same thing happens?
12:18.04miller7if you set only the cisco phone, does it happen? :P
12:18.22miller7hehe bloody phones. They are to blame! ;)
12:18.31miller7have you changed anything on the source code?
12:18.37miller7running any strange applications?
12:18.41miller7or something?
12:19.21FuzzyCatI'm looking at that... one of my collegues appears to have added a timestamp patch to the logger code
12:19.55miller7also, you don't have any DNS issues, do you?
12:20.12srinivas_ANYONE with mysql working with asterisk?
12:20.28srinivas_please help with loading the module....
12:20.29miller7srinivas_: you mean cdr-mysql?
12:20.50miller7ok. Never used it. But what error you get?
12:21.19miller7FuzzyCat: I guess you should just load a plain * version and see what happens
12:21.22srinivas_how do I load the module into * when it starts? I compiled the module.. but the documentation says... "Include the module in your modules.conf"
12:21.35miller7hold on
12:21.42miller7let me find the source code and help you
12:21.51srinivas_miller7: ok thanks you
12:22.00FuzzyCatmiller7: just about to try that.. just wanted to find a stable cvs version
12:22.00srinivas_*thank you
12:22.40miller7what are the steps you perform to compile and install cdr-mysql?
12:23.18srinivas_I did a cvs get from asterisk-addons
12:23.24srinivas_and then make; make install
12:23.33srinivas_make clean; make install
12:23.46miller7so you have the cdr_addon_mysql.o at /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ ?
12:24.00srinivas_let me check...
12:24.56srinivas_its in there....
12:25.11miller7and what is the error again?
12:26.28srinivas_well I dont see any records in cdr table in mysql
12:26.43miller7that's another story... you said it didn't load before?
12:26.46srinivas_when I put the name in modules.conf
12:27.03srinivas_I thought the module did not load...
12:28.00miller7well, when you reload *, does it tell you that this module is loaded?
12:28.12miller7try starting asterisk like this: asterisk -vvvvvc or something
12:28.13srinivas_[] => (MySQL CDR Backend)
12:28.14srinivas_WARNING[8192]: File config.c, Line 537 (cfg_process): parse error: No category context for line 14 of cdr_mysql.conf
12:28.14srinivas_WARNING[8192]: File cdr_addon_mysql.c, Line 192 (my_load_module): Unable to load config for mysql CDR's: cdr_mysql.conf
12:28.19srinivas_thats what I get for an error
12:29.26srinivas_I got this error when I loaded asterisk with vvvvvvvvgc option
12:29.49miller7well, you have to see how to set this config file
12:30.26miller7so I think all is ok for you so far
12:30.32srinivas_are there any successful configs that worked?
12:30.38srinivas_any website?
12:30.44miller7I don't know. I have never even compiled this module :)
12:33.21srinivas_ok.. no problem...
12:33.24srinivas_got it to work now..
12:33.27srinivas_thanks anyway..
12:33.45srinivas_I just did not specify the configs properly..
12:33.53srinivas_thank you dimmik and miller7
12:34.12miller7no prob
12:34.49dimmiksrinivas_: This link has also a php script to look @ mysql cdr records
12:36.10srinivas_ya... thank you for the link.. later when I looked... I did what this page said..
12:36.20srinivas_but the AstCDR is what Im getting to now...
12:36.25srinivas_thank you dimmik
12:36.53dimmikit works. I've tried it
12:37.05zoawhat works ?
12:37.15srinivas_hey dimmik.. the website doesn't seem to work now...
12:37.28srinivas_Resolving failed: Host not found.
12:37.34dimmikphp script for * cdr_mysql
12:37.42zoaurl ?
12:37.46dimmiktry sourceforge
12:38.07srinivas_ok... let me see....
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12:51.16martin13351hello, is someone here from germany
12:51.43martin13351i see ;-)
12:54.51srinivas_got the script and got it to work... it looks good...
12:55.24srinivas_dimmik.... is there any billing software that works with CDRs and gets us the call rate to a specific network like Nufone?
12:56.14discordiawhats up martin13351 ... i am from ger
13:00.19dimmiksrinivas_: I dont know, sorry
13:01.21srinivas_dimmik: np
13:01.35srinivas_thanks and bye for now... gtg...
13:01.47martin13351hi discordia, i want to know how it is possible to fax without isdn
13:02.31martin13351if it..
13:03.06discordiahmmmm dont really know martin13351
13:04.27*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
13:08.52*** join/#asterisk capijod (
13:10.05miller7hey capijod
13:10.11capijodhi miller7
13:10.15miller7it's noon to you but oh well :)
13:10.40martin13351hi, its afternoon
13:10.44capijodmorning = point of time when going to bed + 8 hours;
13:12.01martin13351sounds good
13:12.17miller7put it on cvs too so the rest of the community can get a bite
13:29.15*** join/#asterisk killerbee (
14:08.08killerbeemmmmm Charlize theron
14:19.51*** join/#asterisk Stealth_Man (
14:22.30*** join/#asterisk diana (
14:23.29Stealth_Manmorning all
14:23.47Stealth_Manhow is going ?
14:23.51dianamy friend have write ztwatch a monitoring tool for zaptel
14:23.58Stealth_Manone more lady on #asterisk ?
14:23.58dianawhere should him send it?
14:24.09dianaStealth_Man > you are young?
14:24.15dianai mean on #asterisk
14:24.30Stealth_Manwhat do you mean ?
14:24.39Stealth_Manhow am i on #asterisk ?
14:25.05miller7Stealth_Man: if you are new in this channel I think she asks?
14:25.20royk_homediana's more like a veteran :)
14:25.24dianamiller7 > thx
14:25.28dianaroyk_home > hi man
14:25.32dianahow are you?
14:25.34Stealth_Manooo my god
14:25.36royk_homefine :)
14:25.44dianaroyk_home > where should i post ztwatch
14:26.03royk_homediana: under feature requests, AFAIK
14:26.12dianaStealth_Man > some of us use to make software not spend time on irc
14:26.22dianaroyk_home > man is already writen
14:26.38dianadamn english
14:26.44Stealth_Mandiana: your friend is making software ?
14:26.46royk_homebut to get it into cvs, you gotta post it there anyway
14:26.48dianai have send on asterisk-dev
14:27.00cypromisStealth_Man: i THINK SHE IS LONGER IN #ASTERISK THAN YOU ARE IN nyc
14:27.00*** kick/#asterisk [cypromis!] by bkw_ (autokick for CAPS LOCK)
14:27.04dianai 'm not subscribe
14:27.14*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
14:27.19dianahi Mike :)
14:27.32royk_homediana: ...and you'll probably get yelled at for not posting it on the bugs site instead
14:27.32cypromisbkw_: stop kicking SQL editing people
14:27.35Stealth_Mancypromis : it's ok ...
14:27.35dianasorry, here is quite cold
14:27.42*** part/#asterisk Frank (Frank@
14:27.52cypromisdiana: dracula country ?
14:28.01dianaand my english stincks normaly when is cold even more
14:28.02royk_homediana: it's been snowing here all day, so don't complain
14:28.02Stealth_ManI never saw her before and I jsut asked .... and let's stop making story from this .
14:28.21dianacypromis > i like much more to think about Romania as my country not dracula country
14:28.38*** join/#asterisk Excellent (Frank@
14:29.47dianaStealth_Man > they just teasing you because you have call me a women, and this is kind like "you hate women and you make diference between women and men"
14:29.50Excellenthow hard is it to do asterisk ? i am not a unix / linux person
14:29.57dianawe prefer to call ourself ppl
14:30.00Excellenthow hard is it to configure it ?
14:30.10miller7Excellent: have you ever installed linux?
14:30.12dianaExcellent > what's your background?
14:30.33dianaExcellent > and what you gonna do with asterisk?
14:30.44Stealth_Mandiana: I can start teasing them too .. but I am not like them ;-)
14:30.46dianaExcellent > i mean why are you using asterisk
14:30.46Excellentjust and end user.
14:30.57Excellenti do voice over ip,
14:31.08dianaExcellent > what kind of voip?
14:31.09Stealth_ManExcellent : what are you doing ?
14:31.11royk_homeStealth_Man: careful, man...
14:31.18dianaExcellent > what kind of equipments?
14:31.31dianaroyk_home > stop kick him
14:31.33Excellentam i in the right place ?
14:31.43royk_homediana: me?
14:31.44dianawhat the fuck is htcpcp?
14:31.49dianaExcellent > yes
14:31.59royk_homediana: rfc2324
14:32.01Excellentso what da ya think ?
14:32.02Stealth_ManExcellent : are you Cisco driven ?
14:32.10Excellentnot yet...
14:32.11dianaroyk_home > let me google
14:32.18Excellenti have done some work with opehn323
14:32.22Excellentusing pstngw and openphone
14:32.27Stealth_Manexcellent: hmmmm ok ..
14:32.35Excellenti am just trying to do something different.
14:32.42dianaExcellent > what voip protocol do you prefer?
14:32.51dianaExcellent > try asterisk and bayonne
14:32.58Stealth_Manh323loooks like
14:33.01dianaboth are open source, and are kind of diferent
14:33.02royk_homeExcellent: then asterisk is nice :) we're using SIP and MGCP at work.
14:33.14Stealth_Manplus new protocol .. IAX
14:33.16royk_homeStealth_Man: h323 is quite messy compared to the others
14:33.23dianaroyk_home > i will kick you ass, 'cauze mgcp from asterisk suxx
14:33.33Excellentok, i try to do the same thing. setup a few phones in different places and communicate with my offices.
14:33.35royk_homeStealth_Man: IAX is rather cool :)
14:33.42Excellentsomething simple.
14:33.43dianaroyk_home > not really, just that h323 stink all the time
14:33.47royk_homediana: Works for me (tm)
14:33.52dianafuck, so cold
14:33.54Excellentbut i dont have much knowledge for linux
14:34.01dianaroyk_home > i don't get dialtone all the time
14:34.01Stealth_Manroyk: we have network h323 based .... and this is what most of providers are using .. for inter-carrier interconnect
14:34.02royk_homediana: what exactly is 'cold'?
14:34.08royk_homediana: huh?
14:34.24royk_homediana: we've been using it for almost a year
14:34.33royk_homewith the shitty dlink dph-100's
14:34.33dianaStealth_Man > this is why most of the carriers suxx
14:34.48dianaroyk_home > heeeeeeeeeeeelp, is not working perfect with maxim
14:34.53royk_home* has been stable, but the phones suck big time
14:34.58dianahow expensive is dlink?
14:34.58Stealth_Mandiana: and this is why you can make long distance calls ...
14:35.06Excellent<diana> so ow long do you think it will take me to setup ?
14:35.13dianaStealth_Man > i prefer tdm is much more stable
14:35.19royk_homediana: don't remember - but stay away from them. they suck
14:35.23dianaExcellent > depend on what you want to do
14:35.31dianahow expensive is dlink?
14:35.31royk_homeeven grandstream barbietones are better
14:35.31dianahow expensive is dlink?
14:35.33Stealth_Mandiana: preference is one thing, price of solution is different ..heh
14:35.38royk_home?150 or something
14:35.53royk_home...but they've come up with an el-cheapo SIP phone now - DPH-80 or something
14:35.57dianaStealth_Man > yes, this is why h323 is killing the poor guys that is using that shit
14:36.00Excellentjust normal stuff..setup a sip phone (softphone) and hopoff to the psnt lines
14:36.03royk_homeshould be sub ?100
14:36.11royk_homebut I don't know the exact price
14:36.14dianaStealth_Man > i'm working as a developer director at a carrier
14:36.34dianai should kill my self now
14:36.40dianaor start learing some english
14:36.56Stealth_Manwhat exactly are you doing ?
14:36.58royk_homelearning, perhaps :)
14:37.03Excellent<diana> I am learning.
14:37.29Stealth_Manbusiness development ?
14:37.35Excellentthe other thing i want to do is be able to work with mac os x ( and experiment if anything can be done )
14:37.59Stealth_Manor programming ?/development ?
14:37.59dianabussines development
14:37.59Excellenti just have fun with this stuff
14:38.13dianai'm pussing the edges by installing strange equipments
14:38.19dianaand is really working
14:38.29Stealth_Mandiana: so you are responsible for new business opporunities ahh ? and business relations with new carriers ?
14:38.30dianai have the most ceapes masines
14:38.31Excellent<Diana> so is it hard ? what is the first move? download the asterisk stuff..any tips on how to configure it and start learning ?
14:38.50Excellentmandrake ?
14:39.09dianaStealth_Man > i care much more about developing new equipment
14:39.13Excellentpstngw and ophone are pretty straight forward.
14:39.13dianareinventing them
14:39.24Stealth_ManExcellent : on Red Hat you can isntall Asterisk in 10 minutes
14:39.27dianaExcellent > whatever you want, i have an asterisk with 8 e1 on gentoo
14:39.40dianaStealth_Man > linux is linux, dosen't matter what name have
14:39.41Stealth_Manlater you will spend some time for configuring your box ... but it is not so difficult at all
14:40.01Excellent<stealth_man> talking to me ?
14:40.15Stealth_Mandiana: sometimes it makes difference .... for drivers, etc ..
14:40.18Excellentdo i need a board to do all this or can i just start without the board
14:40.28Stealth_Manyou mean some card ?
14:40.31dianaExcellent > anyway, you should go to download section on, and do all they say there
14:40.33dianais wasy
14:40.46Excellentalrighty !!!!
14:40.52Excellentso it will work also in mac os x?
14:40.55dianaStealth_Man > no, that is not true, you should see how well, a gentoo kernel work on mandrake
14:41.08dianamandrake is a nice distro but his kernel suxx big time
14:41.16Excellentredhat is 9.1 is better ?
14:41.23dianaExcellent > mac os X is not Linux is BSD
14:41.24Excellentok, cause i have it on a laptop
14:41.24Stealth_ManDiana: i am not going to argue with you .
14:41.36*** join/#asterisk Exomorph (
14:41.36dianaStealth_Man > i'm to smart for that
14:41.48Excellentso, all i need now is download asterisk'
14:41.54Stealth_Mandiana: yes . you already demonstrated it ..
14:41.57Excellentno fxo or fxs boards
14:42.02dianaExcellent > yes, and install how is said on download page
14:42.11dianaStealth_Man > or not :>
14:42.17Stealth_ManExcellet: depends what is needed ..
14:42.52dianaStealth_Man > if i'm not making fun of me who will do that job?
14:43.18dianamy brain is freezing
14:43.29Stealth_Mandiana: get you warn shower
14:43.38royk_homediana: what does * say when you pick up the phone?
14:43.41Excellent<stealth_man> for now, i want to be able to hopoff to the pstn lines and receive calls via pstn a route them a PC softclient (netmeeting or the like)
14:43.45royk_homeon those MGCP phones?
14:43.46dianaStealth_Man >  i already using the heat from my laptop
14:44.00Stealth_Mandiana: you have no heating ?
14:44.02dianaroyk_home > the problem is that i don't get the tone from time to time
14:44.04Excellenti have also quicknet boards (linejacks) maybe those suckerswill work
14:44.08dianaStealth_Man > not enought
14:44.11Excellentwho nnows
14:44.19Stealth_ManExcellent: if yu want to get PSTN access, of course you need FXO interface
14:44.33ExcellentQuicknet sucky boards ok ?
14:44.34royk_homediana: from time to time? meaning it works _sometimes_ but not _all_ time time?
14:44.43dianaStealth_Man > Excellent already have quicknet
14:44.51dianaroyk_home > bingooooooooooooooo
14:45.21Stealth_ManExcellent: Quicknet should be workingwith Asterisk
14:45.24royk_homelike 'works most of the time and then suddenly hang' and no dialtone, and you have to reboot the phone?
14:45.41Excellent<royk_home> talking to me
14:45.41dianai don't have to reboot, it just start to work after an while
14:45.46royk_homediana: ?
14:45.50royk_homeExcellent: no - diana
14:46.19Excellentalright friends..i think it is time to rock'n roll with asterisk !!!
14:46.29dianaExcellent > try
14:46.40Excellenti will....
14:46.40dianaroyk_home > i will start the tests with that phone
14:46.46dianaroyk_home > what do you think?
14:46.49Excellentwill see what happens
14:46.53dianaroyk_home > can you folow me?
14:47.05royk_homediana: did you see my q above? "like 'works most of the time and then suddenly hang' and no dialtone, and you have to reboot the phone?"
14:47.13Excellentall of you guys are always here ?
14:47.21dianai don't have to reboot, it just start to work after an while
14:47.31dianaroyk_home> i don't have to reboot, it just start to work after an while
14:47.51*** join/#asterisk zoa (
14:51.53*** join/#asterisk sobol (
14:55.15dianawhy is so silence?
14:55.40cypromispolish telco entered the room
14:55.45cypromisso everybody shutup
14:56.49sobolOK, everything is being recorded
15:09.26*** join/#asterisk cypricus_rev (
15:10.10cypricus_revHi people, i wanna but a sip hardphone , like Snow or GrandStream. What is the best phone to buy to use with * and at same time has a good price ?
15:10.50dantcypricus_rev, define 'good price'
15:11.17dutch_anyone know why GS--(SIP)-->*--(IAX)-->* gives double digits with DTMF (like 11 instead of 1) knowing that the GS/SIP is set to dtmfmode=rfc2833 ??
15:11.39cypromisdutch_: change the dtmfmode to info
15:11.50cypricus_revCheap price ..
15:11.53dutch_that works always ?
15:12.00cypromisat least with mine
15:12.13miller7cypricus_rev: grandstream are the least expensive of all SIP hardware available
15:12.13Stealth_Mandutch: put sip info
15:12.24cypricus_revPut relaxdtfm=yes
15:12.25dantcypricus_rev, $200 a good price in your mind?
15:12.29dutch_ok, that's two out of ;)  Must be the solution ;)
15:12.34cypricus_revThis works for me.
15:13.02cypricus_revNope thats now a good price ..
15:14.12cypromisrelaxdtmf is for TDM
15:14.14cypromisnot for sip
15:14.35*** join/#asterisk martin13351 (
15:14.48cypricus_revhmmm, strange because when i put in sip my problem stop . (Just say what i did and works for me).
15:16.27killerbeeget up
15:17.13*** join/#asterisk timeshift (
15:17.34FuzzyCathas anyone experienced probs with * dieing if someone hangs up during an agi script?
15:18.09cypromisthe only point where I had * dying was when in a very crazy accident it got 120 call setups in the same second
15:18.13cypricus_revSnow phones support GSM codec ?
15:18.38FuzzyCatmmm... this is really odd...
15:18.42af_hu cypromis, was you asking if the snmp stuff works with current cvs?
15:18.58FuzzyCatif * is the one to hang up it's ok, if the caller hands up * dies
15:19.33miller7FuzzyCat: are you using FPC?
15:19.37af_cypromis: the current release it works for sure
15:19.38FuzzyCatno, this is perl
15:19.56cypromisu just fixed my monitoring :)
15:20.07miller7ok, cause with FPC the forked process does not quit in one case
15:20.11af_oh, wait to see if any useful vars
15:20.18af_it's a work in progress
15:20.30FuzzyCatmiller7: make sure you define a callback routine to exit..
15:20.37af_and works with an old snmp agent
15:20.40miller7that's what I am talking about :)
15:20.49zoasome nice chick playing tennis atm
15:20.50miller7I will tell you in priv
15:20.59cypromisaf_ I just need it for a LVS prioject
15:21.07cypromisto creat a * agent that checks the amount of current calls per *
15:21.08FuzzyCatk, can you email me, I've gotta sort this prob out Mi
15:22.46af_cypromis: the current call it's a tough stuff to do
15:22.53af_current calls
15:23.00cypromisI know
15:23.06cypromisthat was why I was asking :)
15:23.41af_it's not snmp related the difficulty
15:23.54FuzzyCatit's easy
15:24.08FuzzyCatmatch the bridged calls
15:24.14FuzzyCatdivide them by 2
15:24.23FuzzyCatadd non matched calls
15:24.27FuzzyCat= total calls
15:24.54FuzzyCatif i can do it on an embedded device then you can surely do it on a PC!
15:25.05af_is that easy?
15:25.43af_I can do that I guess
15:25.50*** join/#asterisk point (~litw@
15:26.09cypricus_revLet's connect 2 GrandStream just for this.
15:26.49Stealth_Mang729 will eat 24 kbps
15:27.27Stealth_Man2 gs how are you going to conenct ?
15:27.30cypricus_revYep I'm just asking the people to see all their visions too .
15:28.01Stealth_Mananyone alive to answer cypricus questions ?
15:28.05cypricus_revBoth GrandStream will connect over a Dial-Up connection to a * server . Just for demonstration purposes.
15:28.19Stealth_Manover dialup ... hmmm
15:28.30Stealth_Manhow physically are you going to do it ?
15:28.37Stealth_ManGS has no modem to place dialup call
15:28.42af_cypromis: you will have soon then :)
15:29.03cypromismerci bien
15:29.18cypricus_revBoth Grandstream will connect behind a dialup server. into Internet. Using 2 lines to the *
15:29.18af_it's on todo list for 0.4
15:29.22*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (
15:29.26*** join/#asterisk data[Zzz1 (~data@
15:29.35af_with iax channles and sip
15:29.43*** join/#asterisk mortck (
15:29.48af_and net-snmp 5.1
15:30.43af_FuzzyCat: did you compile againts ulibc?
15:30.55cypromisI need to do a setup where we have 20 - 30 * boxes for transcoding of codecs
15:31.51cypromisand want to balance the load between based on a script that check for the amount of channels
15:31.55cypricus_revIt's a simple diagram. I have 2 GrandStream both using 2 different lines to call. (Connected to Internet), they then will connect to a * server. With this i can see the quality using G.729 codec and GrandStream . Because if with a Dial Up connection remains good with a large connection it will be better .
15:31.56cypromiswith linuxvirtualserver
15:32.20af_I see cypromis
15:32.24af_good stuff
15:33.11af_tha mount of channles it's on actual mib
15:33.13cypricus_revI Have a partner that don't belive in the quality of this stuff, then i will show using the poor that i still can have the best ! :)
15:34.23*** join/#asterisk data[Zzz] (~data@
15:34.48*** join/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
15:40.11Nixhi guys
15:46.50*** join/#asterisk easydone (
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15:47.37*** part/#asterisk easydone (
15:57.13*** join/#asterisk zwi (~zwi@
16:00.58*** join/#asterisk anti_ (
16:02.14Nixanyone have any suggestions as to whether I should turn manager.c into a jabber client or whether I should write some glue to suck from manager into jabber?
16:02.29zoawhat do you want to do with jabber ?
16:03.04zoawhy would you do that with jabber ?
16:03.42JerJer01why would you do that with jabber ?
16:03.43*** kick/#asterisk [JerJer!] by bkw_ (autokick for mirc color)
16:03.45Nixthere needs to me a messaging system as having several hundred clients connecting to manager and trying to parse that shit themselves doesn't scale real well
16:03.51*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
16:04.01JerJerok bkw your auto kick shit is getting old
16:04.04zoahaha jer jer
16:04.10zoaBKw, stop it
16:04.13glLoadIdentityhehehe :)
16:04.32Nixhi glLoadIdentity? nasil gidiyor?
16:04.50glLoadIdentityNix: hi , iyi , senden ?
16:04.55JerJerFirst off, I'm not using MIRC
16:05.01JerJersecond I did not use color
16:05.52klasstekJerJer: Your text is black on that line though
16:06.09*** part/#asterisk zwi (~zwi@
16:06.11NixglLoadIdentity: fena de?il. çali?yorum :-(
16:06.14JerJeri copied and pasted zoa's
16:06.50klasstekdunno then but it is black.  Looks like an empty line until I highlight it
16:07.02zoayeah, and i didnt use colors either
16:07.09zoabkw has weird scripts
16:07.24klasstekI aggree is autokick shit is annoying
16:07.38klasstek~cbf bkw_
16:07.40ACTION smacks bkw_ up side the head with a clue-by-4
16:08.14zoahuh ?
16:10.03JerJerso lets try this again
16:10.11JerJernix:  why do you want o use jabber for this?
16:10.44RoyKYummy. My gf makes krumkake :)
16:10.53Nixlet me explain this in the channel so I dont have to do it by priv message to multiple ppl
16:11.09Nixthere needs to be a messaging system to handle communication between "smart" softphones and asterisk
16:11.10zoashoot !
16:11.21RoyK~frag zoa
16:11.24ACTION readies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at zoa
16:11.41JerJeri've never heard any Voip phone supporting jabber crap
16:11.49Nixin a large call centre when you surpass a few hundred soft clients and a couple of asterisk servers it gets kinda complicated
16:12.02zoanix i don't get it
16:12.14JerJerits only complicated if you dont' implement it properly
16:12.18zoai think an asterisk CTI would be better
16:12.23zoakram, get back to paris !
16:12.24dianawb kram
16:12.24NixI want to develop something similar to
16:12.25zoano work for you
16:12.30zoanot today !
16:12.47JerJerIt is called TAPI
16:12.52JerJernot jabber
16:13.15JerJerwe prolly need a first party TAPI control and a third party TAPI control
16:13.18JerJeri spoze
16:13.20NixJerJer: OK. explain how you can have multiple asterisk servers and hundreds of clients on softphones who can all graphically see the queues and the status of the other agents just by implimenting asterisk "properly" :-)
16:13.38*** join/#asterisk xpasha_home (
16:13.39zoanix: that is different
16:13.40JerJeryou plan on compensating me for my time?
16:13.45zoathere is a perl script that does that
16:13.48zoafloating around
16:14.01zoabut its not working because the manager interface starts flooding it
16:14.07zoawith messages it doesnt want :)
16:14.17zoai think its better to patch that
16:14.18dianakram > man i have a word with you
16:14.18dianakram > did you receive my message with ztwatch?
16:14.27zoathan to implement a jabber thingie
16:14.34JerJerzoa: then don't send those messages to that user
16:14.34Nixthe manager intterface is a bit "messy" for this type of thing. there needs to be a proper message queue
16:15.13Nixonce you have more than one asterisk server it becomes critical
16:15.16capijodjust use one manager connection for monitoring and another one for interacting ....
16:15.21zoamaybe make some module that opens a port for queues ?
16:15.23capijodnot at all
16:15.33zoacapijod: that doesnt work
16:15.41capijodzoa: i do that.
16:15.45JerJerNix: again, you do not understand the whole idea here
16:15.45zoasomething is going wrong with the manager interface
16:15.52zoahuh ?
16:15.52capijodand it works
16:16.10zoatry doing iax2 show channels from perl to the manager interface
16:16.14zoaif the server is loaded
16:16.16Mikesomeone has a voicepulse # ? im trying to make inbound to play a record
16:16.18capijodwhat for??
16:16.23zoait maybe will work 1 in 5 times
16:16.24capijodi trace every channel
16:16.32NixJerJer: then please explain it too me :-)
16:16.32JerJerzoa: it works here also man
16:16.34capijodi dont use CLI commands
16:16.41zoajerjer: from withing perl ?
16:16.45zoai tried several things
16:16.47zoanever worked
16:16.56zoait only worked when there were only a few calls
16:17.01JerJerNix: what's my modivation to directly put money in your pocket?
16:17.10JerJerI use perl
16:17.16NixI have a client using CIC. I need to impliment the same thing with asterisk. Digium says it will need changes to the server.. If you know better please inform me.
16:17.26zoajerjer: plain sockets thingie
16:17.32zoaor that manager interface thingie ?
16:17.45JerJerTCP port 5038
16:17.54capijodNix: if you cannot do it yourself, pay someone (jerjer) who can ....
16:17.55zoayeah i know that :)
16:18.14zoabut do you use that asterisk::manager or so ?
16:18.35Nixcapijod: erm. yes. At the moment I am in negiations with Digium to impliment some and I am about to hire 3 extra programmers to do the rest..
16:19.02capijodNix: so many people? sounds a bit too complicated. ;)
16:19.23JerJeryeah really
16:19.52Nixyes. it is complicated
16:20.20JerJernot really
16:20.27Nixbut not too complicated. this is their requirements :-)
16:21.22Nixwell as there is currently no softclient for asterisk that can do this, it does need to be written :-)
16:23.16capijodi guess there are quite a few apps that can do this already, but no GPLed ones ;)
16:23.44JerJernix: make up your mind... do you want to interface with that CIC software or you want something different that does the same thing
16:23.48Nixif there are commercial apps I would love to know. any urls?
16:24.38NixJerJer: I never said I wanted to interface with CIC. I said I wanted to impliment a similar system. the customer already has a large CIC deployment. they want to roll out a new location with asterisk
16:26.33Nixhas anyone implimented a skill based routing ACD module for *? I couldn't find anything on google
16:28.12capijodNix: come to the tutorial day of the OS telephony summit ;)
16:28.30NixIn Turkey? :-)
16:28.45capijodin .de
16:29.20Nixoh. that one. I wanted to come as some of my friends are speaking but I cant make it :-(
16:29.30RoyKcapijod: where is it?
16:29.40capijodRoyK: near Aachen
16:29.51RoyKcapijod: er. which is ... ?
16:30.06capijodNix: too bad ;) i could have talked a bit about the manager interface
16:30.14capijodRoyK: where .de, .nl and .be meet
16:30.58RoyKk ... eh - so straight south of Essen or a little west as well?
16:31.29capijodRoyK: somewhere in the west ;)
16:32.58RoyKcapijod: ah - right west of bonn?
16:33.21capijodyeah, and a little north i guess
16:33.35capijodRoyK: it's in Geilenkirchen, to be correct
16:35.28dianahey capijod
16:37.55capijodhi diana :)
16:38.22voidptrcapijod : which day was best to come?
16:38.34voidptrfor talking/meeting?
16:38.43sumacan anyone guide me how can i resolve  Request to schedule in the past?!?! notice ?
16:38.43sumai never requested anything to schedule in the past :)
16:38.43sumabut asterisk says like that
16:38.52capijodvoidptr: monday is conference and tuesday tutorials
16:39.13voidptrsuma : low cpu machine?
16:39.23capijodvoidptr: but monday is probably good
16:39.54miller7suma: are you the one with the same problem about 10 days ago?
16:40.42sumamiller7: i got in between lot of problems, i'm not sure how many days
16:41.02sumamiller7: i got this error before also, but no solution yet for that
16:41.26miller7I see. You have a new machine, lots of ram etc etc, right? No VMWare or anything running
16:41.47sumaI was trying to use Musiconhold
16:42.00sumait says like this
16:42.01sumaNOTICE[49156]: File res_musiconhold.c, Line 258 (monmp3thread): Request to schedule in the past?!?!
16:42.28sumabut I get this notice few other items, i really want to understand where I'm missing the timing
16:42.48sumaMy system is 64MB RAM
16:42.59sumai use it only for asterisk
16:44.55*** join/#asterisk cman (~chandra@
16:45.14sumayes c
16:45.27cmanwhy am i gettting double digits sometimes when i dial numbers thru *>>>>
16:45.40sumadouble digits ??
16:45.42cmanhow do i remove this from happening?
16:46.03cmanif i press 52436 eg it gets like 522436
16:46.13cmanor 5524436
16:46.14sumamight be the problem with your phone
16:46.22sumabuy a new phone :)
16:46.25cmanno not all phones are bad..
16:46.34cmani have grandstream and normal phones
16:46.53Corydon76-homeChange your dtmfmode
16:47.00cmanits the problem with * i guess...
16:47.02Corydon76-homeDon't send DTMF inband on the phone
16:47.05cmandtmf to what?
16:47.14cmanits set to rfc2833
16:47.23cmanis that it...
16:47.33Corydon76-homeIs it set that way in the phone config?
16:47.36cmanits rfc.. i can remember
16:47.50cmanyeah in grandstream
16:48.24cmanany idea
16:48.29sumahave you tried with softphone cman ?
16:48.32Corydon76-homebecause you can set it to do both, but you shouldn't
16:48.47cmansoftphone is ok
16:49.29Corydon76-homeAre you using the current stable firmware of the GS or are you using a beta?
16:50.02cmandon't know about that...
16:50.10cmanits grandstream panaphone
16:50.20cmanblue in color
16:50.32Corydon76-homeOh, I haven't used that phone... only the budgetone 101
16:50.54cmanoh yeah.. its budget tone...
16:51.00cmanforgot the name...
16:51.08cmanpanaphone is the other normal phone
16:51.20cmani am not in my office right now.. so
16:51.20Corydon76-homeIt says the name on the top of the phone
16:51.59cmansame thing happened when i dialed numbers with the disa application
16:52.12cmanall the phones shoulodn't be bad...
16:53.39sumacman: i really want to help you, but I have not faced such problem yet when i tested till now with asterisk, so i'm not sure where will the problem is
16:54.28cmani am too surprised.. this didn't happen earlier..
16:54.45sumacman: did you try to rebuild asterisk ?
16:55.16cmanit started or rather... i noticed this happening once i did the disa app...
16:55.16cmanconstantly dialing wrong numbers..
16:55.16cmanyes  a couple of times
16:55.49cmani'll do that tomm too.. to see
16:55.49cmanis there something like dialing time period.... detection
16:55.58cmandialing intervalll
16:56.05cmanor something
16:57.37sumacman: i'm not sure
16:58.14sumamiller7: is there is any solution to  NOTICE[49156]: File res_musiconhold.c, Line 258 (monmp3thread): Request to schedule in the past?!?!
16:58.24*** join/#asterisk vvenka1 (
16:58.45sumaor what should i do to avoid getting this notice
16:59.30cmananother problem...
17:00.02cmani get channel 3 (thats zap 3) flashed to another channel and i get a beeeeeeeeeeeeeppp irrirating noise..
17:00.12cmananyone encountered this?
17:01.06cmanthats when hang up ... and it happens sometimes
17:01.52*** join/#asterisk sclark (
17:01.58*** join/#asterisk BigBroth (
17:02.07*** join/#asterisk sclark (
17:02.47BigBrothHas anybody managed to make a call via FWD.PULVER.COM free US/Canada gateway from asterisk yet.  I get a error message saying I have to connect direct.
17:04.34TekatiBigBroth: Apparently you can not from Asterisk.  Someone here yesterday said that they are not allowing any hops on that service.  That way you can't direct your call center traffic over that line type of thing.
17:05.03TekatiI have done it from a softphone and it does work though.
17:05.10TekatiJust not from *.
17:05.56BigBrothHmm OK . Time to reconfigure my IP Phone
17:10.53loko_mokoanyone have an opinions on XO or Mzima bandwidth?
17:13.31sclarkXO what is that ?
17:13.50loko_mokotelecom company
17:13.59loko_mokoprovides data and voice bandwidth
17:14.41sclarkic 'Not Just talk' ;)
17:22.47loko_mokoneed some data to connect that talk to the internet =)
17:22.51*** join/#asterisk jsmith (
17:23.10Mikesomeone can tell me where is this area code from (954)
17:23.44loko_mokoft lauderdale i believe
17:23.48loko_mokobut you may want to check on it
17:24.03loko_mokowhere what
17:24.08Mikewhere do i check
17:24.23loko_mokohmm i dunno
17:24.24MikeYour order is for:
17:24.25Mike1 phone number(s) in 954 - 212 - Hollywood
17:24.25MikeYour phone number(s) are:
17:24.25Mike1) (954) 212-6729
17:24.28loko_mokosearch for area code lookup
17:24.30Mikeis it hollywood?
17:24.35loko_mokoits hollywood florida
17:24.38loko_mokothats right
17:24.44loko_mokocause thats where my car dealer was
17:24.47loko_mokoand he was 954
17:24.51loko_moko(im in pennsylvania)
17:25.09Mikeanyone knows if i can keep the number from voicepulse for a long time or each month they change it?
17:25.20loko_mokothey change it each month?!?!?!
17:25.24loko_mokoor did you just say that
17:25.42Mikei just got it yesterday i really dont know
17:25.50loko_mokoi never used them
17:25.54loko_mokoi would think it would stay the same
17:26.00loko_mokowhat good is a number that changes every month
17:26.43dougheckahollywood florida is where my mother was born :)
17:29.45sumaHave anyone used Image transmission application in asterisk and which channel supports it ?
17:31.49loko_mokodont leave without me!
17:32.08*** topic/#asterisk by kram -> Asterisk Party in Paris, 1:00 p.m. Dec 22 Frog & Rosbif
17:32.27blitzragetoo bad it's on the other side of the world.
17:32.36blitzrageWhen is the North American Asterisk Conference? :)
17:32.48blitzragewhich I think should be held in Toronto, ON, Canada.... :)
17:36.42jsmithI think the Conference ought to be somewhere close to me, so I can come!
17:37.31scottit should be in hsv,al, where digium is located
17:38.24Corydon76-homeOr in Birmingham or Nashville, the two closest large cities
17:38.52JerJerFNC just reported that the person that turned in Saddam was a member of his own Baath party
17:39.04JerJerand a long time trusted person
17:39.33Corydon76-homeBig surprise, there.  Everybody has a price, as the pessimists say.
17:39.42JerJer25 million USD
17:40.06JerJerCorydon76-home:  yeah Nashville works
17:40.15JerJerbut PhreakNIc is always there
17:40.33JerJerI think Las Vegas would be a good spot
17:40.45JerJeryou can always find cheap trips out there
17:40.50Corydon76-homeThat's true... let's see how many Asterisk sessions we can hold next year at PN8
17:41.11JerJerand we can find a local casino to host us cheap, if we have a gambling night on our offical itneary : )
17:41.17Corydon76-homeThink about turning PN8 into a largely Asterisk conference... ;-)
17:41.30angler_JerJer, you going to interzone in atlanta?
17:41.47JerJerangler: maybe... how much does it cost?
17:42.05angler_not sure... hotel and there might be a fee to get in
17:44.04Corydon76-homeInterzone 3 will probably be about the same cost as PN7
17:44.18Corydon76-homeIt's held by the same loose organization...
17:44.39*** join/#asterisk sjoeperd (
17:45.27JerJergot URL?
17:45.34JerJergoogle isn't helping me :(
17:46.07Corydon76-homeyeah, with a zero
17:46.17JerJerSetec astronomy
17:46.20JerJerhell yes!
17:47.35Corydon76-homeSince we're doing business in Atlanta, I'll talk to our guy about sponsoring IZ3
17:52.55dougheckahow about it being in louisville KY
17:52.59dougheckaits central
17:53.10dougheckapeople from chigago can drive down
17:53.25dougheckaand people from alabama can drive up
17:53.31dougheckaand people from LA can fly
17:55.44*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (
18:08.55*** join/#asterisk amal (
18:10.01amalest ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui peut m'aider
18:10.44RoyKaner ikke et ord. jeg spiser bare litt krumkaker...
18:11.02manyna das finde ich aber auch.
18:12.27glLoadIdentityben de bisii anlamadim
18:13.18glLoadIdentitycan somebody call 94021 from pulver ?
18:14.35*** join/#asterisk amal (
18:17.29TekatiglLoad*: It is unreadable what ever it is trying to say.
18:17.31*** part/#asterisk _mike_ (
18:18.01*** join/#asterisk Grnd_Wure (
18:18.15Grnd_WureGood morning guys
18:18.22glLoadIdentityTekati: thanx , it says NOTICE[15376]: File sched.c, Line 218 (sched_settime): Request to schedule in the past?!?!
18:19.09dougheckabloody hell
18:19.20*** join/#asterisk adam_gafachi (
18:19.22dougheckagoto the main site and click it
18:19.27glLoadIdentityi need to setup a softphone , i dont have any device to test
18:22.28*** join/#asterisk DaM1 (
18:23.19*** join/#asterisk DaMNeD (
18:23.27DaMNeDhi every1
18:23.57DaMNeDsome1 alive?
18:24.31*** join/#asterisk sclark (
18:26.34JerJernobody but us bots here
18:26.52DaMNeDI can see that
18:27.12DaMNeDwas wondering about asterisk hardware support
18:27.47DaMNeDmeans I could use any isdn pci card as a T0 line?
18:28.00JerJernot ~any~
18:28.09JerJeri'm sure there are crap cards out there
18:28.11DaMNeDany card supported by isdn4linux
18:28.14DaMNeDI meant
18:28.25JerJermaybe....i don't do BRI
18:28.36voidptrDaMNeD : basicly, yes
18:28.43JerJeri'm ulaw phreak
18:28.47DaMNeDvoidptr thx
18:28.52DaMNeDJerJer =)
18:29.05RoyKDaMNeD: you can run on i4l, but zaptel or capi is a lot better
18:29.08voidptrDaMNeD : the thing is... modem_i4l isn't top quality :)
18:29.29RoyKDaMNeD: i4l generally has a lot more problems with echo etc
18:29.29DaMNeDand I was wondering
18:29.44JerJeri know that much, get a CAPI capible card and talk to the capi god
18:29.50DaMNeDFxS ports are only available through digium hardware?
18:30.01DaMNeDok ok
18:30.04RoyKJerJer: huh?
18:30.08DaMNeDjust getting some infos :p
18:30.16RoyKJerJer: you can't be serious
18:30.18JerJerdigum sells FXS prots
18:30.22DaMNeD<- selling cisco solutions
18:30.29voidptror some of the sip based fxs things
18:30.32RoyKJerJer: they do so, but they aren't they only one on the planet doing so
18:30.34*** join/#asterisk JoeSmith (
18:30.43JerJerand your problem is?
18:30.57DaMNeDRoyK in fact I was wondering which hardware cards are supported by asterisk
18:31.05DaMNeDI mean if it's only the one listed on the site
18:31.09JerJerthis is an asterisk channel, so the ONLY hardware anyone SHOULD be running is hardware built by Digium
18:31.14DaMNeDor if there are any other
18:31.21RoyKJerJer: stop it, please
18:31.24DaMNeDwell asterisk is opensource
18:31.28RoyKJerJer: CAPI hardware works fine
18:31.34JerJerISDN is not FXS
18:31.56RoyKright. but then, I beleive there are zaptel 'copies' that work with the same drivers
18:32.04JoeSmithI think what JerJer is trying to say, is that we need to support the people that make asterisk posible, and the easist way to do that is by using digium hardware
18:32.13*** kick/#asterisk [JerJer!] by bkw_ (autokick for CAPS LOCK)
18:32.14RoyKalthough mark won't support you using them, they might as well work
18:32.20*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
18:32.21DaMNeDI am totally agree with you ppl
18:32.24JerJeris what i'm trying to say
18:32.24doughecka(autokick for CAPS LOCK)
18:32.26DaMNeDI was just wondering
18:32.34DaMNeDestimating costs
18:32.41DaMNeDcould be interresting to replace some clients stuff
18:32.45DaMNeDsome old shitty pabx
18:32.49DaMNeDwith asterisk
18:32.57JerJerDaMNeD: and i'm not upset with you...  royk is just royk
18:32.59voidptrDaMNeD : 1/3rd of normal costs... or more ;)
18:33.05DaMNeDto integrate it with cisco solutions
18:33.09DaMNeDbut I must test it
18:33.11RoyKDaMNeD: I guess with asterisk, a PRI and IP phones will cut costs
18:33.16DaMNeDso wondering
18:33.27JoeSmithscrew the PRI just go with VOIP
18:33.31DaMNeDRoyK the prob is I must sell cisco solution too
18:33.34JoeSmithPRI are expensive
18:33.39DaMNeDelse Cisco won't love me anymore
18:33.44JerJerwho cares?
18:33.44RoyKJoeSmith: it is?
18:34.08DaMNeDand how do you connect to PSTN then?
18:34.22JoeSmithUsing VOIP, you can use, or voicepulse
18:34.45JoeSmithlet the VOIP provider, worry about the interface to the PSTN
18:34.52JerJerhell yeah
18:34.58DaMNeDdepends where u are located no?
18:35.05JoeSmith2.9 cents a min on 800 numbers (incomming)
18:35.08JerJerget a good internet connection
18:35.15JerJerlike abovenet
18:35.17JoeSmithand 8 bucks a month for DIDs
18:35.19DaMNeDwell may working for us
18:35.21DaMNeDnot in eu
18:35.21JerJeror Level3
18:35.25loko_mokoPRI are cheap
18:35.27bkw_where is km
18:35.28JerJerok Global Crossing
18:35.30loko_mokodepending where you are
18:35.36DaMNeDI'm in fr
18:35.36bkw_oh well its fixed now
18:35.40JerJeror connect with hotlinks
18:35.59loko_mokoim dropping level3
18:36.01loko_mokoi think they suck
18:36.13loko_moko80-100 ms ping to it
18:36.22JerJerping what?
18:36.22loko_mokowhereas others are like 30-40
18:36.28loko_mokofrom me to my servers on level3
18:36.29DaMNeDvoip provider offer here is small
18:36.38JerJerloko_moko: then your provider sucks
18:36.48loko_mokoits level3
18:36.51JerJertell em to do their own BGP and learn how to peer
18:36.57UnixDawgBKW_ debug BKW
18:36.58JerJerum no
18:37.04DaMNeDhmm and asterisk h323 mod is working fine?
18:37.06loko_mokoim going from east coast to west coast
18:37.13DaMNeDor better with sip?
18:37.16JerJerDaMNeD: SIP
18:37.22JerJereven better would be IAX2
18:37.25loko_mokoi think im switching to XO
18:37.41JerJeryou know they are bankrupt, right?
18:37.48JerJerand closing faciltiies
18:37.52loko_mokoisnt everyone bankrupt
18:38.10DaMNeDJerJer must find something I can integrate into a cisco environment
18:38.11JerJerthey may have filed for protection under the law
18:38.13loko_mokoim in the main carrier center of LA
18:38.16DaMNeDso SIP or H323 would be fine
18:38.18JoeSmithon a cisco 7960 that you need to be stable, would you use SIP or skinny?  I have the SIP v6 firmware on there now, but I can't even find the Skinny firmware....should I stop looking or is it stable?
18:38.27loko_mokolooking at verio, mzima as well
18:38.37JerJerSkinny still needs lots of luvin'
18:38.43JerJerchan_skinny that is
18:39.02JerJerDaMNeD:  they will operate yes, but that's all
18:39.58JerJerDaMNeD: also, don't plan on chan_h323 interoping with Crisco Call Manager, with the current implemenation
18:40.18DaMNeDok JerJer
18:41.17JerJerlunch time
18:41.43JoeSmithI need a way to run AgentCallbackLogin(AgentNo[|@context]) from a shell script?
18:42.15Grnd_WureDoes anyone have a FAQ I can take a look at that deals with compilation problems? I'm getting errors, and I don't know where to start.. :/
18:43.05*** join/#asterisk SquareRt (
18:43.23zoawhat errors ?
18:43.27SquareRtwhat does....
18:43.29SquareRtDEBUG[49156]: File res_musiconhold.c, Line 283 (monmp3thread): Read 106 bytes of audio while expecting 640
18:43.35JerJerJoeSmith: try looking at the asterisk manager
18:43.40Grnd_Wurezoa: Let me start the compile again, and I'll tell ya..
18:43.51zoaSquareRt: pick another mp3 file
18:44.06SquareRtzoa... weird... I am using sample_hold.mp3
18:44.15SquareRtthe one that came with it
18:44.42zoajust try another one
18:44.43zoamaybe it will help
18:44.50zoadunno if  you need a timing device for that
18:44.50SquareRtgimme a sec
18:44.58SquareRtI am using zaprtc
18:45.06Grnd_Wurezoa: It would appear most of my problems are being caused because my kernel header files, and other include stuff aren't being found..
18:45.44JoeSmithwhat distribuiton are you running
18:45.47Grnd_Wurezoa: I've got the kernel source extracted to /usr/src/linux-2.2.xx
18:46.04Grnd_WureMandrake 9.2 - It's a clean install, specifically so I can play with asterisk
18:46.17SquareRtDEBUG[49156]: File res_musiconhold.c, Line 283 (monmp3thread): Read 106 bytes of audio while expecting 640
18:46.20SquareRtWarning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!
18:46.20SquareRtjust like before
18:46.26*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:46.35SquareRt(this time I put delectric - you run your mouth in there)
18:46.42Grnd_Wureoops.. It's a 2.4.xx kernel - sorry :)
18:47.31*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
18:48.08SquareRtzoa: any other advice
18:48.33Powerkillsomeone have the last firmware for the ata 186 ?
18:48.55glLoadIdentitycan i use linphone and * on the same box ?
18:51.03SquareRtwould someone see what the get on extensions 2000 and 94006 at and tell me if the first gives MOH and if the latter gives a speaking clock, and if it sounds okay or not.... that would really be useful
18:52.16dantSquareRt, you registered with iaxtel?
18:52.30SquareRtnot that I know of, why?
18:52.45dantSquareRt, would just make it much easier for people to help you test these things
18:53.02dantyou'd get an iaxtel number that could be dialled in to
18:53.29SquareRtdant... is that from an asterisk phone or from PSTN?
18:54.22dantyou're * box would be connected to iaxtel, then other people, like those in this channel that are also connected to iaxtel would be able to call you... iaxtel isn't connected to pstn...
18:54.43loko_mokohow does iaxtel call 800 numbers?
18:54.53dantloko_moko, it doesn't anymore does it?
18:54.59loko_mokohmm i dunno
18:55.04loko_mokoi will need to test it
18:55.09loko_mokoand change my extensions.conf if it doesnt
18:56.30Grnd_WureCan someone give me any hints on where my include files are supposed to live. I'm being told that it can't find .h files that I suspect are kernel headers, and they're on the drive.. just not sure where I need symlinks, etc..
18:56.34loko_mokoseems to still work
18:56.45loko_mokoi was able to ring my cell phone thru iaxtel over the 800 number
18:57.06SquareRtdant.... how do I tell if the zaprtc timing source is being used? I get really stuttery speaking clock
18:57.07dantloko_moko, ahh well... cool... :)
18:57.30dantSquareRt, you using a digium card in the box?
18:57.48SquareRtI'm using zaprtc to generate a timing signal from the RTC
18:58.02SquareRt(because tzdummy doesn't support my type of usb controller)
18:58.04dantSquareRt, not tried that... just use ztdummy
18:58.09dantahh bugger
18:58.21dantyou got the module loaded?
18:58.36SquareRt(I used make load to modprobe and set it up)
18:58.48dantshould get used then... not sure how you'd test it mind...
18:58.59SquareRthow do I tell if asterisk knows if it (or in a future, hypothetical situation, ztdummy) is there?
18:59.18SquareRtwill it mention something in the logs?
18:59.40SquareRtModule                  Size  Used by    Tainted: PF
18:59.40SquareRtzaprtc                 10364   1
18:59.40SquareRtzaptel                180096   4  [zaprtc]
19:00.26dantztdummy                 2516   0  (unused)
19:00.26dantzaptel                178144   2  [ztdummy]
19:01.08SquareRtwhat does your zapata.conf file say?
19:01.17SquareRtor zaptel or whatever it's called
19:02.44dantall default
19:07.47SquareRtwhen I load asterisk, near the beginning I get....
19:07.49SquareRtDEBUG[16384]: File loader.c, Line 352 (load_modules): Loading module
19:07.52SquareRt.DEBUG[16384]: File config.c, Line 712 (__ast_load): Parsing /etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf
19:07.55SquareRtWarning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!
19:07.59SquareRtwhy would it mention flexibel rate so early?
19:08.59SquareRtDEBUG[49156]: File res_musiconhold.c, Line 283 (monmp3thread): Read 106 bytes of audio while expecting 640
19:09.21SquareRt(oh... and what's "DEBUG[426004]: File channel.c, Line 1463 (ast_set_write_format): Set channel OSS/dsp to write format SLINR" mean?)
19:13.35dantSquareRt, flexi is mentioned there because that's where it checks the available music?
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19:13.45dantSquareRt, you using the console as an ext?
19:16.14SquareRtyeah.... why?
19:17.08glLoadIdentityoh , i need oss to use chan_oss , its great ;)
19:17.24Grnd_Wurean someone tell me why I'm having such a hard time with this zaptel compile? jebuz..
19:19.01dantGrnd_Wure, what's wrong?
19:19.19dantSquareRt, not sure about the OSS message
19:20.48Grnd_Wuredant: I'm having problems with header files.. Apparently zaptel is linking to header files it shouldn't be - which are in /usr/include/linux - and it should be pointing at my /usr/src/ directory..
19:21.13glLoadIdentityGrnd_Wure: try to change the paths
19:21.14JoeSmithso ln -s
19:21.49Grnd_WureI know that's the answer - but I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, so this is alot more complicated than it has to be.. grr.. I'm ready to install OpenBSD and try and install asterisk on that. :/
19:22.23Grnd_WureI shouldn't say I have no idea.. I know how to modify the makefiles, etc.. I just don't know why I should have to..
19:22.31JoeSmithtry fudora
19:22.38JoeSmithit worked out of the box for me
19:23.09Grnd_WureHAHAHA.. Fedora - I just got it..
19:23.56dantGrnd_Wure, what have you got in /usr/src ?
19:24.02dantdirectory wise
19:24.19Grnd_WureJoeSmith: Will I need all three disks, or can I get away with just the first?
19:24.21Grnd_Wuredant: checking
19:24.49Grnd_Wuredrwxr-xr-x   20 root     root         4096 Dec 21 06:06 asterisk-0.5.0/
19:25.04Grnd_Wurelrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           13 Dec 21 05:50 linux -> linux-2.4.22//
19:25.10Grnd_Wuredrwxr-xr-x   15 573      573          4096 Dec 21 06:13 linux-2.4.22/
19:25.15JoeSmithyou will need at least 2 disks cause you will  have to have the devel pacs
19:25.24JoeSmithand my guess is disk 3
19:25.24Grnd_WureJoe: So disk 1 and 2 ?
19:25.27JoeSmithas well
19:25.34Grnd_Wureagh.. I haven't used Linux in over two years..
19:25.42JoeSmithbut you can do a network install if your internet connection is fast enough
19:25.45Grnd_WureOpenBSD is so small.. :/
19:25.45dantGrnd_Wure, you need linux-2.4 -> linux-2.4.22 aswell...
19:25.57Grnd_Wuredant: oh? ok --
19:26.12dantGrnd_Wure, then the zaptel makefile will find the kernel-source
19:26.30dantKINCLUDES=$(shell if [ -d /usr/src/linux-2.4/include ]; then echo /usr/src/linux-2.4/include ; else echo /usr/src/linux/include ; fi)
19:26.36Grnd_Wuredant: yeah - I saw that conditional..
19:26.53danton redhat boxen that's the default link
19:27.34Grnd_Wuredant: I was unaware.. The last time I actually used Linux/compiled a kernel, it was 2.2.14 ---
19:27.40dantahh :)
19:27.58Grnd_Wuredant: When I started needing a DVD to install it - I stopped..
19:28.50dantyou don't need a DVD :) can just make it easier, especially on some of the fatter distros
19:29.17Grnd_WureDo you know if you can launch a network install from a CD-Rom for Fedora?
19:30.02dantthere's a boot.iso image
19:30.37*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
19:30.38Grnd_Wureok - and that has as many disks as necessary to get it going..
19:31.07Powerkillhow can i allow all sip traffic coming from a specific ip ?
19:31.12Grnd_WureI have no interest in learning this development stuff.. I just want to play with asterisk - and I've spent so much time already trying to compile some damn libraries..
19:32.32dantGrnd_Wure, you have grabbed the latest CVS yep?
19:33.06Grnd_Wurethen I went to the tarball when I was having annoying problems..
19:33.16Grnd_WureShould I be compiling off of CVS no matter what, once I get this working?
19:34.04dantwell... at the moment, I'd say so, yeah... I think there's work underway to split the CVS into a stable and dev branch and get 1.0 released... but for now, CVS is your best bet
19:37.01Grnd_WureNow to find a mirror list for Fedora
19:38.15Grnd_Wurehrm.. I see RH changed their directory layout on the CD/servers..
19:38.41dantnot a lot :)
19:41.01Grnd_Wureyeah.. I figured it out..
19:43.48*** join/#asterisk km- (
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20:00.19Mikeguys anyone has an idea what can i do when inbound calls come in the normal phones ring first 2 times then the asterisk phones ring but if i answer th phone on the normal phone asterisk phones keep ringing two more times even when i picked the call
20:01.42tholoYeah -- don't answer outside of *...
20:02.00tholoThere's no way for * to detect that happening -- it can only see that it does not ring anymore.
20:04.06nitramyay... i just managed to install the asterisk demo system and called it with a normal phone via my avm isdn card :)
20:04.36km-you can do DID's through ISDN, can't ya?
20:04.58Grnd_WureYou only get two phone numbers.. :)
20:05.12nitramkm-: oh my... i just started playing around with *... what's DID?
20:05.13km-you only get two channels
20:05.18Grnd_WurePresuming you're talking about BRI
20:05.22km-yeah, BRI
20:05.47km-nitram: it was more a question for the people in-the-know in this channel -- DID means Direct Inward Dialing -- you have the ability to assign certain phones to ring based on what number the calling party enters
20:06.06nitramah... ok..
20:06.11km-With ISDN DID, the company gets a four (4) digit telephone number with the remaining four digit left for the company to assign to her internal extensions.Example, TKL’s ISDN DID number is 3203 XXXX. The four X’s form the internal extensions. The main number is 32032000.
20:08.18nitramah well... back to read handbook-draft...
20:09.42Mikeguys anyone has an idea what can i do when inbound calls come in the normal phones ring first 2 times then the asterisk phones ring but if i answer th phone on the normal phone asterisk phones keep ringing two more times even when i picked the call
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20:17.02ScaredyCatbkw_: ?????
20:18.04nitrammhm.. .sometimes the demo-lady stutters, and exactly when that happens i get "File sched.c, Line 209 (sched_settime): Request to schedule in the past?!?!". is this a known issue here? the hits on google don't really help me...
20:18.59Mikeanyone has sipura2000 instock?
20:19.55ScaredyCatanyone running cvs from 17th?
20:22.39oejnitram: What system are you running on? I get that on FreeBSD. Haven't got a clue why.
20:23.10nitramoej: i am running debian unstable, 2.4.23
20:23.36nitramoej: could this be related to irq issues with the avm isdn card?
20:26.25nitramquoting the webpage for the hardware requirements for the capi devkit: "+ 1 free PCI slot, that does not share an IRQ"
20:29.39ScaredyCatcan anyone list get the 'view bugs' list ?
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20:30.34nitrammhm.. obviously, i am not the only one asking this question
20:34.37seemoreanyone using h323 with asterisk ?
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21:13.00bkw_someone called my name?
21:13.18tholoNo -- who would make such a mistake?
21:13.19killerbeeme tooo about 8 hours ago.. lol
21:13.21tholoOh, the cat...
21:13.36Powerkillhi all
21:13.38killerbeewanted U get Ur azz outta bed
21:13.38voidptri'm calling you name in my nightmares
21:14.05ScaredyCatI'm getting crashes if the caller hangs up when running AGI scripts...
21:14.12Powerkillbkw_ how can i allow all sip connection from a specific ip without user/password auth ?
21:14.17atacommbkw: say, i came into the office, my cisco phone showed all lines with x's thru them, and i tried calling in thru my DID and * said I was busy......couldnt figure out what was wrong, powered off the phone and back on, and it worked fine.......any ideas?  nice to know the phone is a reliable pile of crap
21:15.36hmodesi've only ever seen them loose registration when it's the software or network's fault
21:15.55hmodesrandom rebooting is a whole different issue filled with misery and anger however
21:16.07atacommif its the network's fault, they should reregister without needing a reboot right?
21:16.21atacommi mean, my computer was communicating just fine
21:16.29hmodesat the next interval after the network stops sucking, yes
21:16.31bkw_atacomm not sure.. thats strange
21:16.42voidptran alpha particle hit your phone... i'm sure
21:16.44atacommits on 60 second registration, so it shouldnt stay very long
21:17.00*** join/#asterisk linuxa (
21:17.10bkw_ScaredyCat what bug?
21:17.16hmodesi haven't been able to register mine with any recent cvs, dunno what's up with that
21:19.25atacommAsterisk Party in Paris Hilton, 12:00 p.m Dec 22
21:19.46ScaredyCatoh bkw...
21:20.08ScaredyCatanother one too.... (i think you mentioned this one b4)
21:20.59ScaredyCatgo into voicemail, totally empty mailbox... menu options read 3 times without a break and then hangup
21:23.18Corydon76-homeatacomm:  you're dating her?
21:25.29*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (
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21:30.30atacommCorydon:, but i cant imagine its too hard, i mean she screwed a loser 12 years older than her, i must have a chance
21:30.51*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
21:31.38atacommShido: i found a video card for my monitor issue
21:31.58atacommShido: Asus makes one, $102 on pricewatch, dual DVI
21:32.36*** join/#asterisk Taxman (
21:33.16Shido6_ASUS is the only way to go for me
21:33.29Shido6_P4P800s all over the house here
21:33.53atacommShido: unfortunately i wanted to take 2 weeks while my partner is out of town to see if i want to buy his LCD off him.....if I shell out $100 for the video card I'm pretty much commiting myself to it, lol
21:36.24loko_mokoanyone upgraded to 4 port T1 cards and have any single port cards they want to resell?
21:39.47*** join/#asterisk miller7 (~none@
21:40.30]data[mmm beer
21:43.47*** join/#asterisk realboy (~halil@
21:43.54realboyhi all
21:44.03realboyhave a weird problem
21:44.17realboydoes anyone tried g729 bridging in SIP
21:45.13realboyi have recognized that when a call bridged in asterisk with g729, one channel start to make latency upto 10 seconds
21:45.30realboywhen you bridge g723 calls, there is no problem
21:45.38realboyonly g729 has this problem
21:45.51realboyi have tried with ata186 and mediatrix 1104 units
21:46.03*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (
21:46.03realboywith CiscoAS5300
21:46.56realboydoes anyone came accros same problem
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22:07.42UnixDawg* needs a web interface
22:07.50JerJerwrite one
22:08.10scottfra shizzle
22:08.22kapehomebut no jabber please ;)
22:08.37sxpertjabber rulez
22:09.07kapehomenot for managing * ....
22:09.33UnixDawgwell I have yet to see the gtk interface
22:09.48*** join/#asterisk EAMedia (~don@
22:09.58UnixDawgor any other interface other the CLI
22:10.42*** join/#asterisk Death_INC (
22:10.48UnixDawganyone ever get the ktk interface to work
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22:11.46Death_INCheh wtf WARNING[1217669936]: File rtp.c, Line 934 (ast_rtp_raw_write): Not sure about timestamp format for codec format ADPCM
22:11.46Death_INCWARNING[1217669936]: File rtp.c, Line 1069 (ast_rtp_write): Not sure about sending format ADPCM packets
22:13.46TekatiIs there a bug open for when a call comes in with the latest CVS it picks up and immediatly sends it to the fax extension?  All I did was update * and that happens now.
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22:28.14Death_INCboo hiss, SIP dosn't support ADPCM
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22:48.19bkw_Death_INC ADPCM eh.. isn't that g726ish...
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22:58.41Excellentanyone tried asterisk with Knoppix ?
23:01.08sclarkexecellent: yup installed knoppix 3.2 to hd
23:01.22rollysonargh. why am I suddenly having signaling problems again
23:01.36Excellent<sclark> did it work ok ?
23:03.06sclarkjust like the guys says to the guy on the 8th floor as he falls from the 10 story buildinh when asked 'how does it go' so far so good ..
23:04.09sclarkits just debian pkging anyways ..
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23:15.16rollysonit shouldn't be hanging up there.
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23:21.15Carpis there ever any asterisk gathersings in NY?
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23:30.37Tekatirollyson are you still around?
23:31.04jrollysonyeah, found a typo in my extensions.conf
23:31.16TekatiOh cool so problem solved?
23:31.38jrollysonnow I just have to figure out the OUTBOUND problem, which is what I was originally concerned with.
23:32.40jrollysoncalls come in fine via the channel bank, but ever since we adjusted the echo cancelation, they won't go out.
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23:33.50TestMasTeranyone hereusing xlite?
23:34.15TestMasTerblitzrage,  you are using x-lite right?
23:34.28blitzrageTestMasTer: no.. I don't use softphones
23:34.43TestMasTeroh i thought it was you telling me about hrmz ok
23:35.06miller7TestMasTer: I used it for tests
23:35.10miller7what do you need?
23:35.13loko_mokoseen h3x
23:35.17loko_moko~seen h3x
23:35.25h3x <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 1h 36m ago, saying: 'bbl'.
23:35.33TestMasTermiller7,  i can call a extension fine from it, but when i try calling the xlite i get nothing
23:36.40TestMasTersorry i screwed that up,,, calling xlite is fine..  but calling from xlite to another extension i get nothing,
23:36.40miller7well, depending on the build you can get probems with it
23:37.26TestMasTeroh ok
23:37.26miller7have you installed latest version?
23:37.36TestMasTerya i just downloaded it yesterday
23:38.18TestMasTerthere is nothing diffrent i would have to setup in my sip.conf to enable someone to use a sip phone right?
23:38.26miller7I would recommend against it. To my pc it stopped working just for no reason
23:38.29TestMasTeror i should say  a softphone
23:38.46jrollysongrumble. why can't I call out over the channelbank anymore
23:38.47TestMasTerok what soft phone do you recommend?
23:39.10miller7I had nice experience with
23:39.24TestMasTermiller7,  ok thanx i will try that
23:39.57miller7btw, no softphone is nice. That is the rule :)
23:41.13TestMasTermiller7,  oh i understand that but i just wanted to play around with them in case someone had a problem i could help resolve it
23:41.37miller7then eyepmedia's app won't be necessary. you have to ask for a demo too
23:41.44miller7it's not publicly available
23:41.59TestMasTerya just noticed that lol,  
23:42.08TestMasTeri`m trying to think of some other common ones
23:42.44*** join/#asterisk jbot (
23:42.44*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk Party in Paris, 1:00 p.m. Dec 22 Frog & Rosbif
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23:43.36Franciscoanyone here ?
23:43.51Franciscowhats up shido6_?
23:44.02Franciscoohhh well..
23:44.16TestMasTermiller7,  do you know of any other sip phones if not i will do some searching
23:44.19*** join/#asterisk Francisco (
23:44.39miller7well I have tested some but not any that I loved
23:44.53miller7I have even tested siemens' sip app :)
23:45.15TestMasTerok have you tested anything works for send/rec
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23:46.05Franciscorocking !
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23:46.21miller7TestMasTer: what do you mean? I cannot understand
23:46.31jrollysonok. * appears to be dialing via the channel bank before it actually has a dialtone.
23:46.38jrollysonsuggestions for fixing that?
23:46.52TestMasTersorry, i was wondering if you have tested any free ones that work for sending and receiving phone calls
23:47.06*** part/#asterisk Carp (
23:47.35miller7TestMasTer: no, not free ones. Codecs and SIP stacks cost
23:47.47miller7Try searching for IAX/IAX2 ones
23:48.09TestMasTermiller7,  ya i`ve already used them, They aint to bad
23:54.23*** join/#asterisk seemore (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.