irclog2html for #asterisk on 20031217

00:00.07km-anthm: now all queueing needs is a 30 second audio break-in that does the default "we're sorry, all callers are still busy"
00:00.38anthmyou can pick a list of sound files to break in
00:00.38km-did you also happen to provide average wait time and such
00:00.44anthmand a specia announce_pos
00:00.53km-bkw was working on that  but never gave me a patch
00:00.57anthmmagic filename that plays position and wait
00:01.15km-where are the patches :)
00:02.12anthmrequires my named args patch too
00:02.21rollysonagentcallbacklogin works exactly how I want.
00:03.22bkw_km- my patch is on there too somewhere
00:03.37bkw_rollyson ya that stuff rocks
00:05.00rollysonwhich patch do I want ;)
00:07.08anthmasthash.? from 12-01 need nuking
00:07.11rollysonok, how to I agent callback logout ;)
00:07.11*** join/#asterisk mpls-eric (
00:07.23anthmrepeat login
00:07.31anthmhit # as the location
00:07.36anthmno ext
00:12.01bkw_mention to this specific situation. My CVS version is quite old, but I would
00:12.01bkw_rather update it by a specific patch than to replace it entirely by a new one.
00:13.40blllanthm: you worked for cylynx?
00:14.06blllwe used to outsource some of our online support to cylynx
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00:17.25mpls-ericHello, I've just run into something weird and still need to figure out if this is an issue with my asterisk installation, or the Budgetone-101 telephone.  It appears that calls will fail from SIP extentions if the number is more than 10 digits in lenght.  I tried the example config where I would dial 9 plus the 10 digit number but I'd get error 404 from the phone.  If I removed the 9 and only looked for 10 digit numbers before picking the Zap/1 ch
00:18.57bkw_show us your extensions.conf entry
00:19.01bkw_for the 9 prefix
00:19.03mpls-ericAnyone online now with the Budgetone-101 phones? must be down the street from me
00:19.25bkw_then I can give you some matches and lighter fluid and you can tourch that shitty phone
00:19.41atacommSound Choice Internet?
00:19.43mpls-ericI bought the phone from you, got 4 of them, on Thursday
00:19.46atacommthought so
00:20.05yaboobkw_ if grandstream is crap what do you recommend?
00:20.06mpls-ericIt's working, just can't get >10 digit dialing to work
00:20.26mpls-ericSound quality is just fine,  ringer sound sucks though
00:21.00atacommeric: fyi, i expect my Snom 200s to arrive Thursday
00:21.11bkw_yaboo cisco ata's on the low end and 7905's for feature phones
00:21.34yaboobkw_ and with speaker phone features you recommend then?
00:21.42mpls-ericOK, Here's the extensions.conf.... I've been editing it over and over, so it's changed a few times.
00:21.44mpls-eric#exten => _9NXXXXXX,1,StripMSD,1
00:21.44mpls-eric#exten => _NXXXXXX,2,Dial,Zap/1/BYEXTENSION
00:21.44mpls-ericexten => _NXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial,Zap/1/1BYEXTENSION
00:21.44mpls-ericexten => _1NXXXXXXXXX,2,Dial,Zap/1/BYEXTENSION
00:21.45km-bkw: you wont mind if I love anthm's queue patch, will ya? :)
00:21.53bkw_mpls-eric you DORK
00:21.56bkw_don't use BYEXTENSION
00:22.02JerJermpls-eric:  NOOOOOO
00:22.05atacommlol, bkw, be nice
00:22.06mpls-ericCame from the examples
00:22.08yaboobkw_ cisco I like but the 7940 is expensive in australia and the lowest end with speaker phone
00:22.09JerJerBYEXTENSION is deprecated
00:22.22Stealth_Manand also XXXXXXXXX put dot after ...
00:22.24km-someone needs to get an updated copy of asterisk
00:22.35yaboobkw_ grandstream may be cheap and crap but its the cheapest with speaker phone
00:22.46atacommStealth: No....i've had problems with . at the end of pattern matching when you want to route calls multiple ways
00:22.47bkw_yaboo ya but they are quirky as shit
00:23.06yaboobkw_ so I should just buy a 7940 instead
00:23.14bkw_I think we all need to converge on grandstreams headquarters and take matters into our own hands
00:23.15Stealth_Manatacommm: but  he is stucked now with 10X ... only 10 digits will be accepted ... don;t you seeit ?
00:23.17bkw_hostile take over.
00:23.19yaboobkw_ will the 76xx series cisco's do sip
00:23.29mpls-ericOK, retested, still same problem.
00:23.30Stealth_Manbkw: they are in China ;-)
00:23.34bkw_yaboo 7905,7912,740 and 7960 yes
00:23.35yabooif so I can get those cheap second hand
00:23.38Stealth_Manunless you like Chinees food :)
00:23.47bkw_yaboo 7910s can't
00:23.58yaboobkw_ speaker or sip
00:24.06bkw_can't do sip
00:24.16*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (~TestMasTe@
00:24.19atacommit should be _9NXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(ZAP/1/${EXTEN:1:11}) shouldnt it?
00:24.25bkw_just ask TestMasTer  about his 7910 fun
00:24.30yabooso bkw_ my low end entry phone for me is a cisco 7940 with the features I want
00:24.33bkw_atacomm thats overkill
00:24.49TestMasTerbkw_:  lol don`t ask TestMasTer He is ordering a new phone and sending this POS back
00:24.49bkw__9NXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(ZAP/1/${EXTEN:1:11}) <-- why 1:11?
00:24.58yaboothe 7904/5 and 7910 can't do speaker phone as far as I know
00:25.09bkw_yaboo they can do oneway speaker
00:25.12bkw_monitor only
00:25.16TestMasTeryaboo:  as they can
00:25.22bkw_and leave it to cisco to fuck that up
00:25.24atacommbkw: strips the 9 out in a single command
00:25.34yaboobkw_ what about polycomm
00:25.34bkw_that does too
00:25.35TestMasTerbkw_:  the 7910 i`m using i can talk and listen over speeker phone
00:25.54bkw_7910 is SCCP only
00:26.09TestMasTeryaboo:  Skinny
00:26.20yabooskinny as in sorry don't understand
00:26.25TestMasTeryaboo:  and good luck updating the firmware
00:26.45yaboook TestMasTer and bkw_ seems I need to buy 7940's then
00:27.03TestMasTerbkw_:  the hand book on asterisk site, Is the had advance Exten As i can get right?
00:27.03bkw_if its not too much more get7960's
00:27.23yaboohmm if I can get one second hand then then I'll be ok
00:27.26bkw_TestMasTer what?
00:27.31km-anthm: dude, your queue stuff sounds incredibly, incredibly complex
00:27.38km-reading the bugnotes makes my head spin!
00:27.39atacommyou know those 4 buttons on the 7960 must cost cisco an extra 30 cents to put on.....
00:27.41km-what the hell is dynaqueue
00:27.46bkw_atacomm ya really
00:28.04yaboobkw_ didn't answer my question if the 76xx series of cisco phones can do sip
00:28.14bkw_yaboo some can some can't
00:28.14atacommi want to be in the business of ripping people off.....i'd actually have a real nice car then.....
00:28.26TestMasTerbkw_:  i`m trying to figure out if someone calls ext 666, it will do the Voice mail thing, and if they want the operator they can just punch in the num, And it will transfer them.
00:28.29yaboobkw_ which model should I look for then
00:28.49bkw_i'm about to be in the business of charging up my credit card and charging it back on the vendor
00:28.53yabooin 76xx
00:29.07km-bkw: beh
00:29.10bkw_7940 or 7960 can do sip
00:29.15bkw_7905 and 7912 can do sip
00:29.19mpls-ericOK, I found this in a debug if it helps any, Looking for 16519990999 in home
00:29.19mpls-ericTransmitting (no NAT):
00:29.19mpls-ericSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
00:29.23km-bkw: can we get anthm's patches into cvs?  How much money do I have to bribe mark with? :)
00:29.35bkw_km- it will never make it
00:29.39bkw_no matter how much you pay
00:29.46bkw_the agents and queues stuff is getting totally redone
00:29.51km-why wouldn't we want to make queues better
00:29.51bkw_the current setup had too many issues
00:29.53JerJermpls-eric: it just answered your question for you...Not Found
00:29.57bkw_km- deadlocks
00:30.02km-when will the new shit be done? :P
00:30.14JerJerchan_deadlock and app_noq
00:30.15km-will it have all these spiffy features like timing announcements and 30 second break-ins
00:30.22bkw_JerJer got it right
00:30.38km-This is that ACD stuff right?
00:30.41km-where is the code
00:31.05bkw_I think tclark or denon is working on it
00:31.12mpls-ericIt's in there, it seems to only match entries less than 11 digits long.  Is this a limit in asterisk?
00:31.37bkw_show us your extensions.conf totally.. upload it somewhere
00:31.43bkw_so we can show you the error
00:31.55atacommkm: wait, whats this you are doing? with breakins?
00:32.12km-atacomm: bkw and I were talking about how the queue application is going to be all redone
00:32.27km-atacomm: I was whining that our rudimentary queue stuff sucks :P
00:32.45km-woot dinner's ready
00:32.47bkw_if I was told right the new queue stuff will fucking own
00:32.47km-slop sloppy joe
00:32.49atacommkm: i've been looking for a way to provide my customers with a choice of MoH "channels"....for both queues and holding, but i'd like a way for their announcements to break in from time to time that are their own, not part of a collection of music that we store
00:33.05km-atacomm: it'll be a part of the new queues apparently..
00:33.13km-bkw: yeah man, tell tclark/denon to get their asses in gear!
00:33.47bkw_you two mother fuckers need jesus....
00:34.00atacommkm: well, what i mean is, i need the announcements to come from one company's context, and the MoH from our core context...if ya know what i mean, not nessecarly contexts, but stored seperately and specifiable per queue
00:34.06JerJerkm-: motivate him
00:34.14mpls-ericOK, if I use the '.' instead of the 'X' so that the lenght is less than 10, Asterisk works!  Seems asterisk will not make a match longer than 10 digits... Hmmmm
00:34.40*** join/#asterisk killerbee (
00:34.46bkw_killerbee yo yo yo
00:34.53bkw_show me love
00:35.07rollysonhmm. can I have agents without a password?
00:35.12km-jerjer: heh
00:35.22km-jerjer: I need to know how to motivate them :)
00:35.38km-jerjer: have you done business with that chick at GTS?  She looks cute
00:35.46bkw_km- get the kneepads
00:35.51bkw_i'm sure that will do the trick
00:35.59km-bkw: no, no, no!  That's for YOU.
00:36.02JerJercold hard cash usually greases the wheels
00:36.17km-jerjer: global technology solutions
00:36.28km-you know, jon putnam
00:36.36bkw_I have done business with him
00:36.39bkw_I got my 7960 from him
00:36.46km-the sales chick on the site looks cute
00:36.55km-I was wondering if I should start calling her for 7960's instead :)
00:37.11TestMasTeranyone know when     *  Extension Cookbook is going to be finshed?
00:37.21JerJerkm-: i've always just delt with jon putnam directly
00:37.34bkw_TestMasTer letme get my salt and pepper and we be cookin with extensions.conf
00:37.47km-asterisk extensions cookbook huh
00:37.49TestMasTerbkw_:  lol
00:37.52km-we need to write a book brian!
00:37.55km-we'll make money that way
00:38.25rollysonargh, it won't let me log off!
00:38.32km-Zen and the art of trying to keep asterisk running!
00:38.32bkw_don't enter an extensions
00:38.58km-rolly: instead of an extension, hit #
00:39.56km-we aught to backdoor queue so that if we ever call a company that uses asterisk we can hit like *12345 and have it automatically make us 1st in line
00:40.15bkw_serves them right for not reading the code
00:40.30bkw_no make it a config option
00:40.30bkw_so you can hand out priority codes to customers
00:40.33km-no more waiting on hold for an hour with PECO!
00:40.36bkw_or sales locations
00:40.48ZX81does this dial 9: exten => _9X.,1,Dial,Zap/1/${EXTEN}
00:41.07bkw_why are you doing it like that?
00:41.10km-zx81: that will make your phone dial "9whatever"
00:41.25ZX81how do i make it just dial whatever
00:41.30bkw_exten => _9X.,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1})
00:41.47ZX81isnt that the same
00:41.58bkw_look close
00:42.11km-${EXTEN:1} says "give all of extension except for the first digit"
00:42.38*** join/#asterisk ursenj (
00:43.42ZX81bkw_: thanks a million dude - that had been bothering me for hours!
00:43.57km-bkw to the rescue!
00:44.18bkw_never fear bkw the astmaster is here
00:44.34bkw_"give all of extension except for the first digit"  <-- um ok
00:44.39bkw_thats so wrong on so many levels
00:44.48km-oh shut up you assmaster
00:44.56km-"Strip first digit from ${EXTEN}"
00:45.23km-How's that?
00:45.31km-I need to put something on
00:45.31wsuffbkw_; i thought u were kidding lmao
00:46.03bkw_wsuff nope i'm the astmaster
00:46.06bkw_or an astmaster
00:46.09bkw_the astmaster is kram
00:46.25wsuffbkw_: ya u seem to know your shit =)
00:46.36bkw_thank you
00:46.39klasstek~karma bkw_
00:46.39bkw_ has karma of 1
00:46.52wsuffbkw_: but i'm beyond  help even from the astmaster
00:46.56bkw_woooo +1 for me.. do I get a cookie
00:47.00*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~mandimadu@
00:47.02bkw_wsuff whats wrong/
00:47.17klasstekmight as well use it if we got it
00:47.19klasstek~karma bkw_
00:47.19bkw_ has karma of 1
00:47.26wsuffnat here nat there can't reg sip connection
00:47.33bkw_hint externip
00:47.40bkw_and patch 104 on
00:48.09km-who runs jobt?
00:48.11wsuffwell my network is wacky here
00:48.25bkw_km- I think dougheckaboi does
00:48.25km-I actually wrote some of the infobot source
00:48.30klasstek~karma jbot
00:48.30jbot has neutral karma
00:48.39km-I wrote code to let infobot's teach each other their databases
00:48.51klasstek~karma jbot
00:48.51jbot has karma of -1
00:48.54bkw_ok so you wrote the STD code
00:48.58bkw_so infobos could fuck
00:49.08km-also wrote some file serving code
00:49.20km-but kevin didn't like either mod so he threw em out
00:51.26bkw_klasstek you doob
00:51.44km-what's a doob? :)
00:51.45bkw_klasstek you do realize addmailbox isn't needed anymore
00:52.13klasstekno I guess I didn't
00:52.14puzzledbkw_: how do those directories get created then?
00:52.44km-it does it automagically!
00:53.06bkw_yes app_voicemail has a routine called invent_message
00:53.12bkw_and it will mkdir if needbe
00:53.25klasstekit was something that I'd submitted back in april
00:53.26puzzledbkw_: nice one. thanks :)
00:53.38bkw_klasstek killah
00:53.50bkw_ya some people might still use it.. but its not really needed :)
00:54.15wsuffbkw_: will give it a shot later this wk
00:54.41klasstekaddmailbox came up today and that change had never made it in so I thought I'd go ahead and get it in
00:54.43therouteI have no SetMusicOnHold,default set in my extensions.conf but calling party still gets musiconhold when I put them on hold by pressing the hold button on 7960 any idea how to make hold be silence or not default class
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00:57.50TestMasTertheroute:  thats kinda funny you want to remove the music and i want to add it lol
00:58.51bkw_theroute it uses it no matter what
01:01.39km-anyone else want a margarita? :)
01:01.50wsuffkm-: sure why not
01:01.50bkw_ok I need some help here.. Anyone that can test patches on that are acknowledged(yellow) please do.
01:02.01bkw_and post comments
01:02.04bkw_if it worked
01:02.05bkw_or not worked
01:02.13bkw_or if it blew up your dog.. or what ever it does
01:02.20km-sorry dude, not going to be in any position to test in about ten mins
01:02.25km-I'm going to margaritaville!
01:02.33wsuffbkw_: would love to but i'm under the gun w/ my own deadlines b4 the holiday
01:02.34bkw_and you didn't invite me.. you bitch
01:02.45bkw_you do realize I code better when drunk
01:02.48*** join/#asterisk Moc (
01:02.52Pj_and stoned
01:02.58bkw_never done drugs
01:03.15Pj_No I mean when ppl are throwing rocks at you
01:03.17Mocsame here, no drugs, or smoked ..
01:03.43km-you guys are all way too straightedge
01:03.47Mocbtw I just got in, what you guys where talking about ?
01:04.04wsuffMoc: getting stoned
01:04.07wsuffdrunk etc
01:04.07km-usually on my birthday
01:04.09wsufffun stuff
01:04.19km-well, when I smoke pot my mind is fried for like a week afterwards
01:04.24km-so I try to only do it once a year
01:04.28km-otherwise I'd not be able to function
01:04.42Moccomputers is my drug..
01:04.45wsuffkm-: i know people who hit it regularly don't ask me how
01:04.55wsuffand still function
01:05.03Moccost more than the real thing !! ;)
01:05.13km-yeah, my friend used to do it constantly
01:05.28km-I think it affects me for a week because I only do it once a year
01:05.32km-that way my body's tolerance is down
01:05.35wsuffmight be
01:05.43wsuffalcohol kicks my ass cause i don't drink
01:05.49km-however, if I keep making margaritas like this
01:05.55km-I'll be impenetrable to alcohol
01:05.56wsuffbut i know people that can just keep going
01:06.03Mocdrug really kill the brain, it easy to tell ppl who took alot ..
01:06.10bkw_wsuff you Walker Haddock
01:06.57bkw_whats your name?
01:07.13wsuffwhois and see for yourself
01:07.24*** join/#asterisk espenHome (
01:07.37bkw_ok good your not wXw otherwise I would have kicked your ass out of this channel. haha
01:07.49wsuffnah wsuff comes from my real name
01:07.59wsuffi got dos'd on my efnet for my old nick
01:08.01wsuffso i changed
01:08.09wsuffdamn script kiddies
01:08.39km-dont you hate those damned kids
01:08.45wsuffhell ya
01:08.49km-I remmeber when my nickname was important to me
01:08.57wsuffi used to be Deadeye
01:09.06wsuffbut i got nuked by some warez kiddies for it
01:09.13wsuffi gave up fighting it
01:09.33wsuffbut that was common on efnet
01:09.40wsuffegging nicks to hold names
01:09.43wsuffcrazy shit
01:09.53km-wsuff: so you're a dj?
01:10.10wsuffand have nick nick_ and nick__ so they so they would cycle for the names
01:10.14wsuffkm-: actually no
01:10.28wsuffjust a hobby i picked up working w/ an inet station
01:10.28km-doughecka is my hero!
01:10.36wsuffonce i left i started
01:10.41wsufftired of politics
01:10.54wsuffand people who are computer stupid but think they are hot shit
01:11.02km-oh god I cant believe I installed itunes
01:11.12Mockm-: Crazy bastard ..
01:11.18km-man that thing comes up like a dinosaur chasing some dude in jurassic park
01:11.33Mochehe ...
01:11.35km-it definitely affects the karma of my computing session
01:11.37bkw_doughecka is a a gay boi
01:11.44km-the afterhours dj track is pretty sweet
01:11.50dougheckaitunes rox
01:11.52bkw_haha yes
01:12.11wsuffkm- used to be mine
01:12.16killerbeehey.. is the zup file....the upgraded software?
01:12.17wsufflong story
01:12.23bkw_I have never seen so many faggots lie and fraud like this
01:12.25wsuffanywho i got work to do
01:12.29bkw_we just had a charge back
01:12.40bkw_husband is pissed his wife is a lesbian
01:12.40wsuffbkw_: what ya sell
01:13.13km-bkw: you own pridemania?!
01:13.13bkw_wife orders
01:13.17bkw_cvv2 matches
01:13.23bkw_yes me and my bf own it
01:13.34bkw_address on the complaint is the address we shipped to
01:13.44km-oh boy
01:13.57espenHomei have a old firmware to cisco 7960, bought it..  pos3000202
01:13.59bkw_so i faxed in the stuff to dispute it
01:14.03km-bkw: you gonna score me a rainbow flag static clinger?
01:14.04espenHomeanybody that could send me the newest?
01:14.12km-bkw: I want to put it on my brother's aztek to make fun of him
01:14.19bkw_km- your bro gay?
01:14.27km-no, but he drives a pontiac aztek
01:14.28bkw_espenHome you need more than just the newest
01:14.36bkw_assteks are fugly
01:14.38km-which automatically makes he, who has 4 children, pretty damned gay
01:14.57MocI want witch 1 male symbole !!!
01:15.10Mocwitch plus
01:15.32km-hey those rainbow keychains are kinda cool
01:15.35wsuffi just want my pbx shit to work
01:15.42espenHomebkw: I also whould like to telnet the phone
01:15.42bkw_I just jacked up our flat rate shipping to 5.95 and we are shipping everything signature required
01:15.43wsuffso i can tell the phone company to fuck off
01:16.18bkw_wsuff I wish I could tell the telco to fuck off
01:16.20km-wsuff: worry not, we'll help you! :)
01:16.32MocVoIP over GPRS is working ok ?
01:16.33bkw_externip and bug note 104 will help
01:16.43JerJerbkw_: what's holding u back?
01:16.48wsuffya i just gotta have time to mess w/ it
01:16.53bkw_JerJer I have to have phone to have DSL
01:17.00wsuff3 papers due tomorrow
01:17.04Moclol yea DSL ... hehe
01:17.08km-wait since when are smileys and 69's gay?
01:17.09bkw_they suck ballz
01:17.15wsuffbkw: i got cable and comcast sucks too
01:17.16bkw_km- they aren't
01:17.19wsuffcan't win
01:17.22Mocim too far to get DSL..
01:17.30km-wsuff: btw, your afterhours track rocks, who the fuck is this?
01:17.33MocIm between 2 switch !!
01:17.38km-ahh LRCN
01:17.41wsuffkm-: lrcn yes
01:17.48km-never heard of them
01:17.49wsuffkm-: he spins on as well
01:17.57Mocanyone got VoIP over GPRS ?
01:18.00km-its awesome
01:18.29wsuffkm-: i got his new set he did on di if u want
01:18.38km-wsuff: sure, I'd love it
01:18.44km-wsuff: if you've got it on ftp or something
01:18.50km-wsuff: this is music I'd actually pay for
01:18.58wsuffkm-: record label being whores made him take it down
01:19.05*** join/#asterisk jewel (~Andre_Sch@
01:19.08km-oh, is this really out?
01:19.11km-because I'll buy it for real
01:19.13bkw_music and pay.. watch out RIAA is about to come in
01:19.33MocI dont care to pay artist, just not the RIAA ..
01:19.43km-this guy actually knows how music works
01:20.08bkw_Moc same here
01:20.33bkw_southpark did a good job knocking the record companies and downloading music
01:22.10bkw_ok dudes.. they put GWB on teevee
01:22.55km-CLARK '04
01:22.56MocI mean today, you dont need 100,000$ equipement to record an album ..
01:23.32bkw_RIAA and fuck off
01:23.36bkw_SCO can burn and rot in hell
01:23.43bkw_MPAA can really bite me
01:23.46bkw_over priced DVD's
01:23.52bkw_9.95 is a good dvd price point
01:23.58bkw_and 5.95 is a good CD price point
01:23.59MocI buy alot of DVD, because 15$ for a 2hours movie(video/audio) plus extra feature, you get alot for your money compare to a CD.  And a movie cost alot more to make ..
01:24.08ZX81Does anyone know if you can get the other modules on the TDM400p enabled or whether you just have to buy more cards?
01:24.24bkw_ZX81 you order the modules
01:24.27km-zx81: you order more modules
01:24.33bkw_km- haha gmta
01:24.36Mocwell bkw,for me DVD is different ..
01:24.42km-bkw: beer! :P
01:24.42ZX81do they cost less than a card?
01:24.45km-zx81: much less
01:24.48km-zx81: like $75 a module
01:25.01MocI can't make really a good DVD movie from my home... but I can make a good CD album from my home..
01:25.02ZX81do they just plug in?
01:25.13km-oh man I am getting toasted
01:25.44bkw_stay on irc so we can laff and point and get in on th efun
01:25.47MocOne thing I hate about DVD, is that they will release HDDVD and they will rereleases all the movie I bought...
01:26.06bkw_Moc dvd is pretty high res already isn't it?
01:26.11bkw_more than most tv's can display
01:26.51Mocyes yes it not bad, but I got HDTV on my sat receiver, and it really nice ..
01:26.51bkw_i'm getting a SuperDish and teevee package from dishnetwork next year sometime
01:26.59bkw_DirecTV around here sucks.. we aren' in a NRTC area and not under national DirecTV
01:27.11bkw_so we pay higher prices
01:27.13bkw_fucking asshats
01:27.13ZX81wish I were toasted - working hard
01:27.14MocDirecTV got Sunday Tickets
01:27.26*** join/#asterisk Om3gAnGeL (
01:27.31JerJerwhite hats, black hats and ass hats
01:27.32bkw_DishNetwork paid for Sunday Ticket for DirecTV
01:27.43bkw_600 million merger breakup fee
01:27.49MocDish dont have Sunday Ticket
01:28.10bkw_no but the merger greakup fee in Jan paid to DirecTV paid for the Sunday Ticket
01:28.15bkw_for DirecTV
01:28.24Mocha ok
01:28.27bkw_er breakup
01:28.32bkw_you get what i'm saying
01:28.47MocAny, Im in canada, so I dont get those ..
01:29.09Connor_ow do I do hunting with SIP?
01:29.26Connor_Inbound via PRI to the cisco.. SIP from cisco to *, then out to Cisco ATA's
01:29.34bkw_ok when are these people going to learn that DRM will always fail
01:29.51bkw_Connor use app_queue or such to do hunting
01:30.09bkw_U.S. Spam Law to Take Effect Jan. 1
01:30.23ZX81if I hookflash does that effectively put someone on hold?
01:30.25Mocbah, spammer will get server in australia or something ...
01:30.30Mocwont change much ..
01:30.32Mocor canada ..
01:30.55bkw_Armed with a tough new anti-spam law, federal agents can begin hitting illegal spammers with heavy fines in 2004.
01:31.00wsuffmoc: or hack servers like they do now
01:31.07Mocehhe yea also ..
01:31.08bkw_dont matter
01:31.17Connor_how do I do that bkw?
01:31.19bkw_email is already fucked up
01:31.29bkw_Connor search the mailing list over queues
01:31.50Mocbut, spam a produit from a hacked server.  I personally woulnd't want my product show that way...
01:31.54ZX81how do I test music on hold
01:32.20bkw_exten => 999,1,MusicOnHold(classhere)
01:32.24bkw_dial 999
01:32.31bkw_replace classhere with yoru hold class
01:33.10ZX81how do I put someone on hold then? hookflash then 999?
01:33.50bkw_use call parking
01:33.54bkw_and # transfers
01:34.15bkw_ok i'm going to go watch teevee
01:35.40*** join/#asterisk UdontKnow (udontknow@udontknow.staff.freenode)
01:36.27km-wow, way too much tequila in this margarita
01:36.58ZX81music on hold doesn't work...though i seem to remember something about the mp3 module in RH being dead and I am using fedora
01:37.11ZX81NE1 know anything bout this?
01:37.52*** join/#asterisk carrar (
01:39.38killerbeehow the hell do I get into the main menu for the ata?
01:39.47km-Use the force!
01:40.14killerbeecrap.. to the manual then,,,,
01:42.22wsuffZX81: do u have mpg123 installed?
01:44.02km-ricky really is a bastard
01:44.18km-udontknow: was that your funnybusiness!
01:45.39therouteI am seeing intermittent musiconhold and I am getting the following message "(monmp3thread): Request to schedule in the past?!?!" anyone have any input on this?
01:45.59km-theroute: did you recently run ntpdate or have ntpd running on your box?
01:46.02ZX81wsuff: dunno
01:46.08ZX81wsuff: how do I checl
01:46.11km-theroute: whenever I adjust the time on my box it starts complaining like that
01:47.37therouteI have rdate in cron
01:47.46km-it may have updated your PC clock?
01:48.01ZX81wsuff: you still here?
01:48.38killerbeeVersion: v3.0.0 atasip (Build 031210A)
01:48.40ZX81anyone else know how to check for mpg123?
01:50.44km-winamp 5 has a TV tuner?
01:50.56km-that'd fall under the category of "FUCKING SWEET!"
01:51.25killerbeewonder what that deos
01:52.31*** join/#asterisk landrocker_ (
01:53.50*** join/#asterisk Carp (
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01:55.41klasstekmmmm fajitas with chipotle lime chicken and grilled peppers and onions
01:56.03*** join/#asterisk xover (
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01:56.03*** mode/#asterisk [+bbb *!*globalthr@* *!*shane@* *!*tofubar@*] by
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01:56.56*** join/#asterisk Chaos (~ccouncil@
01:56.56*** mode/#asterisk [+bbb *!* *!*dan@194.158.*.* *!*tofubar@*] by
01:56.56*** mode/#asterisk [+bb *!*shane@* *!*globalthr@*] by
01:56.56*** mode/#asterisk [+q sant!*@*] by
01:58.00JerJerkm-:  tv tuner?!
01:58.18af_hey, what's up?
01:58.23af_hi JerJer
02:01.02CarpJerJer: 1-800-766-6707 still isn't turned up lol
02:01.31km-that's silly
02:02.17af_could I do 1-800 usa numbers via iaxtel?
02:02.29af_I mean toll free
02:02.42angler_wonder where winamp 4 went
02:04.35km-jerjer: apparently not really a tv tuner
02:04.39km-jerjer: it's internet tv is there a program to rip cd to mp3 in commandline format? also do I have to do any specific encoding?  p.S. the CD is my band (C)Me
02:05.23af_jack is ncurses, and is good
02:05.48ZX81ok then...what is chan_h323
02:05.55ZX81where do i get it
02:06.19*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
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02:06.56af_he leaved quick
02:07.43Mocaf_:  you can call 1800 phone number using iaxtel
02:07.52af_oh good
02:08.02MocIm using it rightnow ..
02:08.10af_there is any way this stuff is documented?
02:08.17af_any place I mean
02:08.31af_I love read stuffs :)
02:08.55klasstek~seen JerJer
02:08.58jerjer is currently on #asterisk (7h 27m 48s).  Has said a total of 25 messages.  Is idling for 10m 25s
02:09.17af_~seen af_
02:09.17af_ is currently on #asterisk (13m 14s).  Has said a total of 12 messages.  Is idling for 0s
02:09.49af_nice bot
02:09.52Moc~seen moc
02:09.53moc is currently on #asterisk (1h 7m 5s).  Has said a total of 35 messages.  Is idling for 1s
02:10.06MocDamn I got a big mouth ..
02:11.10killerbeeYou cannot recover a forgotten password unless you reset the entire configuration of the Cisco ATA
02:11.34klasstek~seen klasstek
02:11.35klasstek is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 40 messages.  Is idling for 1s
02:11.47klasstek~seen bkw_
02:11.48bkw_ is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 336 messages.  Is idling for 37m 32s
02:12.12klasstekMoc: you got nothin' on bkw_
02:12.21Mochehe yep ..
02:12.26killerbeeThis parameter specifies an encryption key that is stronger than the key specified with the EncryptKey parameter. This stronger key is used to encrypt the Cisco ATA configuration file on the TFTP server.
02:12.42Carp~seen stealth_man
02:12.43stealth_man is currently on #asterisk (11h 16m 29s).  Has said a total of 24 messages.  Is idling for 1h 49m 5s
02:12.51Carp~seen dsfgfdgsd
02:12.52Carp: i haven't seen 'dsfgfdgsd'
02:13.06Moc~seen MocMoc
02:13.06i haven't seen 'mocmoc', Moc
02:13.07klasstek~kill jbot
02:13.09ACTION slits jbot's throat
02:13.10af_ok I find that
02:13.29Mocanyway * is cool...
02:13.46klasstekThat's why we're here
02:14.01MocWell I had to say it again hehe
02:14.17klasstekI remember the days of 5 emails a day on the list and less than 80 users in #asterisk
02:15.00Carpis it hard to setup an IP phone with asterisk?
02:15.04CarpJust as an extension
02:15.05Mocyou know, when I saw this project a while back, I told myself, bah this can't be true .. you HAVE to have something like Nortel to be that good ..
02:15.31MocI looked at it back Sunday when speaking with my brother, and damn, it great ...
02:16.24klasstekI've been following it for at least a couple of years now
02:16.27MocThey just spend 130000$ to upgrade their Nortel system, wohoo, they got a free IP card for it, 10000$ bonus
02:16.54Mocfor about 150 line
02:17.13Mocbtw im using CND ..
02:17.16klasstek130k for an upgrade
02:17.28Mocyep, cost less since they took the old hardware ..
02:17.55Mocthey got an Meridian 1 Option 11C I think now ..
02:18.11Mocwith a CallPilot Voicemail..
02:18.23Mocrunning WinNT 4
02:18.46CarpAny answers for my Q about IP phones?
02:18.59MocCarp: nope...
02:19.10Mocwell the SoftPhone is easy..
02:19.17wsuffcarp: shouldn't be too hard w/ some reading
02:19.19Mochavent got an actual IP phone,
02:20.10MocCarp: good site :
02:20.17Mocconfusing sometime, and really slow ..
02:20.22af_Moc, thanks, it works, and real good!
02:20.40Mocyes it amazing,
02:22.22loko_mokoi think we spent around 150 to 200 K at working upgrading to the cisco call manager with 7960s/7940s and around 250 phones
02:22.32loko_mokowork not working
02:24.11*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (chotaire@
02:25.59loko_mokohas anyone used the cisco IP phone? is it sip compatiable or any good
02:26.01CarpHas anyone setup an intercom on asterisk?
02:26.04loko_mokoarg cisco software phone
02:26.56af_Moc, thanks a lot that will be good for my testing my stuffs free
02:31.23*** join/#asterisk Lucho (
02:31.48LuchoDoes anyone know where can I find a list of available variables in asterisk??
02:32.47Luchoor any way to save aditional data to the mysql cdr logging??
02:32.59Luchofor example the callid in the agi script
02:33.48killerbee<EncryptKeyEx value="0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
02:34.12km-nice seed
02:34.33killerbeeyeaouc.. merstien prime.. or whatever the hell its called
02:34.48Luchoany ideas??
02:43.36bkw_Lucho is a dork
02:49.56*** join/#asterisk Hasch (
02:51.09km-night guys
02:51.19HaschAnyone knows what DAA is?
02:51.26HaschNot much familiar with PBX
02:51.31*** part/#asterisk km- (
02:52.18*** join/#asterisk espenHome (
02:53.50Carpbkw_: Have you setup an intercom with asterisk?
03:00.03*** join/#asterisk RageMax (
03:00.45RageMaxcan someone help me out with this error I keep getting?
03:00.45RageMaxDec 16 22:00:04 WARNING[131081]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 453 (iax_error_output): Ignoring unknown information element 'Unknown IE' (31) of length 4
03:01.02JerJercvs update
03:08.52*** join/#asterisk yaboo (
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03:24.37*** join/#asterisk Carp (
03:25.00Carp~seen stealth_man
03:25.03stealth_man <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3h 1m 25s ago, saying: 'unless you like Chinees food :)'.
03:25.38*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
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03:28.54onixxhi all, anyone had a solution for voicemail.cgi and permissions... I looked on the mailing list of it seems a little flaky...
03:31.42*** join/#asterisk Flatcat (
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03:46.49rollysonhow do I forceably log off an agent from the console?
03:49.27JerJeri don't think u can
03:49.41rollysonwell, I found a bug then
03:52.16rollysonmissed a digit in my logout sequence, now when I try to log out it tells me I'm already logged on.
03:52.23rollysonagentcallbacklogin even
03:52.55rollysonso I can't escape :P
03:54.07rollysoncan't just restart now anymore
03:54.24rollysonI turned our tech support lines over to * a few minutes ago ;)
03:54.35*** join/#asterisk Clif (
03:54.36rollysonso we are officially live ;)
03:55.04bkw_oh fuck it all
03:55.10*** join/#asterisk fyman (
03:55.24bkw_everyone will stop buying music .. then the record companies will get some dumb tax put on our paychecks because of it.
03:55.27angler_onixx, just do a make webvmail  i think thats it
03:55.37angler_bkw_, thats probably true
03:55.44bkw_ya just do make webvmail if yout rust the installer to do what it should
03:55.54bkw_but if your stuff is in diffrent locations don't do it
03:56.11bkw_I stopped buying music just because what RIAA is doing
03:56.19bkw_and I tell everyone that I know about it and to stop buying
03:56.35bkw_if CDs were 4.95 each it wouldn't be an issue
03:56.44onixxbkw_: that will fix the permissions for the new messages
03:56.50bkw_onixx no
03:56.59bkw_chown root:bin vmail.cgi
03:57.03bkw_chmod 4755 vmail.cgi
03:57.12bkw_then it really won't matter
03:57.39bkw_or chmod +s vmail.cgi
03:57.41bkw_I can't reacall
03:57.44bkw_both do it I think
03:57.58bkw_you do realize it takes all of 2 seconds on google to find that info
03:58.04angler_bkw_, see anything good on tv?
03:58.20onixxbkw_: well something must have changed recently because not too long ago I had the thing going but the messages created by app_voicemail were read only by root
03:59.04bkw_onixx no its always been that way
03:59.13bkw_if you change roots umask then it won't be a problem
03:59.30bkw_you know how much shit you can fuck up with a umask set to 077
03:59.40bkw_NEVER install perl with it set to 077
04:00.00rollysonAgent Login / Logout Proceedure
04:00.00rollysonTo login:
04:00.00rollysonDial **1 and press send.
04:00.00rollysonEnter your agent number when prompted and press #
04:00.00rollysonTo logout:
04:00.01rollysonDial **0 and press send.
04:00.03rollysonEnter your agent number when prompted and press # TWICE.
04:00.05rollysonYour agent number is ____________________
04:00.13bkw_its ok
04:00.24bkw_your allowed one of those in your life time.. you just cashed in
04:00.34onixxbkw_: well I'll try that... a lot of people on the mailing lists seemed to have to change app_voicemail to create files with 0777
04:01.00bkw_onixx it should use umask to do that
04:01.04*** join/#asterisk _gorman (
04:01.11bkw_whats your umask?
04:01.41onixxbkw_: how do I find out ? sorry ...
04:01.52danttype 'umask'
04:02.28bkw_asterisk Cust5 # ls -la /var/www/localhost/cgi-bin/vmail.cgi
04:02.28bkw_-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     root        24395 Nov  9 20:34 /var/www/localhost/cgi-bin/vmail.cgi
04:02.39bkw_your vmail.cgi must run as root
04:02.45bkw_so chmod +s it
04:02.53bkw_if your perl won't let that happen recompile it
04:03.05bkw_the above works for me
04:04.34onixxok... just did
04:04.34onixx-rwsr-sr-x    1 root     root        24617 Nov  9 16:10 vmail.cgi*
04:04.54Shido6_did I tell you , I got hdlc up the other day
04:05.09Shido6_made 8 calls through the frame relay since
04:06.13bkw_is that good or bad?
04:06.55bkw_ok i'm going to write a defrag routine to defrag the voicemail box when you login
04:07.04bkw_wonder how much time that will suckup
04:11.01bkw_onixx search app_voicemail for 0700 and change to 0777
04:11.45onixxbkw_: do I really need to do that... I just did the +s thing and it seems to work ...
04:14.24bkw_ok if +s works then run with it
04:15.31bkw_and I guess expire_mailbox
04:16.30*** join/#asterisk Chaos (~ccouncil@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:16.30*** mode/#asterisk [+bbb *!* *!*dan@194.158.*.* *!*tofubar@*] by
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04:20.35*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
04:20.44*** join/#asterisk tmoertel_moz_ (
04:20.57ZX81to buy more modules for the TDM400P where would I go?
04:21.35ZX81like it's got 4 sockets buy only 1 is lit up
04:23.47*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
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04:26.22rollysonok. I'm working now I think
04:28.55rollysonlot to work on still. and a lot of training to do.
04:29.15rollysonbilling is not going to like having the key system taken away
04:32.08onixxstill 0022
04:34.19*** join/#asterisk kimo_sabe (
04:34.38kimo_sabeso close with this Cisco uBR924....
04:35.08onixxthen default drwxr-xr-x    4 root     root         4096 Dec 16 23:16 default/
04:35.26onixxthen my main extension drwxr-xr-x    4 root     root         4096 Dec 16 23:24 2205/
04:35.33bkw_muhahahahhahah almost done
04:36.59*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (~TestMasTe@
04:37.29rollysonwell, I've built my PBX, now I guess I get stuck with calls from it ;)
04:37.44rollysonhelldesk sucks
04:38.59kimo_saberollyson: the price of success :)
04:42.31*** join/#asterisk Stealth_Man (
04:43.33*** join/#asterisk onixx (
04:43.33rollyson2 abandons already.
04:43.51rollyson16 seconds for one, 48 for another.
04:44.04*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
04:44.16rollysonDamn impatient people.
04:44.30rollysonMessing up my stats! How dare they!
04:48.06kimo_saberollyson: messing up? That's a remarkably call resolution time. You're to be commended :)
04:50.12onixx10397 root      20   0  2068 2068 1100 R 26.3  3.3   0:00.84 perl5.6.1
04:50.12onixx10398 root      20   0  1848 1848 1084 R 18.5  3.0   0:00.59 perl5.6.1
04:50.12onixx10399 root      20   0  1576 1576 1084 R 13.2  2.5   0:00.42 perl5.6.1
04:50.12onixx10400 root      20   0  1452 1452 1068 R  9.4  2.3   0:00.30 perl5.6.1
04:53.34*** join/#asterisk fmany (
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05:05.27*** join/#asterisk tom1 (
05:06.40tom1is anyone familiar with the microsoft SIP API that ships with winXP and it compatiblity with asterisks implementation of SIP?
05:07.46kimo_sabetom1: well, presumably Messenger uses it, and it's known to work
05:09.02tom1kimo: Messenger does use it, so you are familiar with it's ability to work with asterisk?
05:10.21tom1we are considering building a multithreaded client based on the MS API to connect through asterisk and terminate through a VoIP clearinghouse
05:10.49kimo_sabetom1: I've seen the how-tos. I don't really have a Windows machine to test it with
05:14.03tom1kimo: ic  ok...thanks
05:15.44tom1kimo: do you remember where you saw the how tos?
05:17.15*** join/#asterisk ursenj (
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05:17.57kimo_sabetom1: linked off the Wiki, I think
05:18.29tom1kimo: wiki?
05:23.45kimo_sabetom1: or, just off of Digium's links:
05:27.34*** join/#asterisk trogs (
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05:33.29kimo_sabewoot! It works. It was the Cisco's fault!
05:35.31kimo_sabeworks calling in from the PSTN even :)
05:35.35*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
05:36.04ZX81ne1 know where I can get the three remaining modules on my fxs card?
05:36.17ZX81i.e. there are 4 sockets but only 1 light and module
05:37.39ZX81ne1 here?
05:38.09*** part/#asterisk ZX81 (
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05:41.29*** join/#asterisk Cripon (
05:41.36Criponhey everyone
05:42.55ajhhey Cripon
05:43.19CriponI have a te405p.  port 1 on the card is connected to a t1 that connects to an annex office.  Port 2 is connected to a adtran 750.  will this work in my zaptel?
05:43.42Criponhey ajh
05:45.04*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
05:46.07ajhCripon:should work I think
05:46.35CriponI have my fingers crossed that the 405 will work
05:47.25ajhwhy do you doubt the 405?
05:47.43Criponit doesn't work in some instances Mark said
05:48.08Criponand I don't have a 3.3V pci
05:49.15sumasumai'm having problem in receiving fax to asterisk
05:49.25ajhSupposedly the 3.3v cards all have 5v also,but
05:49.29*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
05:49.37sumasumaNOTICE[278543]: File rtp.c, Line 418 (ast_rtp_read): Unknown RTP codec 100 received
05:49.51Criponman, fax is getting talked up on the mailing list
05:49.52ajhI saw that for some of the low end Dell's that this isn't the cas
05:50.26Criponthe 410p won't do 5v only
05:50.33sumasumathanks cripon
05:50.49ZX81has anyone compiled the openh323 libraries on a pc with 128mb ram
05:51.07ZX81apparently i'm supposed to do make in debug mode?
05:51.48CriponZX01: are you using the latest release of Oh323?
05:52.09ZX81~under fedora
05:52.39rollysonhmm I think I eventually need to order a devkit for home
05:52.47Criponsumasuma: google?
05:52.54wsuffrollyson: was thinking the same thing
05:53.06CriponI have one, don't get light
05:53.13Criponget the tdm card
05:53.21Cripons100u is nearly garbage
05:53.28rollysonI have an almost production system at work.
05:53.33rollysonwith a T400P
05:53.59rollysononce its production, it can't be a toy anymore ;)
05:54.10Criponperhaps they'll make an dev kit iaxy.. I have an iaxy device that mark lent me, and it is very very cool.
05:54.12rollysonI need something to test stuff on.
05:54.29wsuffrollyson: i hear ya i gotta do a rollout early next yr
05:54.38wsuffto link my home office and the real office
05:54.45rollysonwsuff: I'm 2 days behind on rollout here.
05:54.58wsuffrollyson: could be worse =)
05:55.10klasstek~cbf bkw_
05:55.16smacks bkw_ up side the head with a clue-by-4
05:55.22wsuffrollyson: you could be a broke ass college student oh ya that's me =)
05:55.32bkw_why did you do that
05:55.34rollysondidn't have the audio files ready.
05:55.56rollysonwsuff: just as bad, I'm a broke tech support agent.
05:56.05wsuffrollyson: doubt it
05:56.15wsuffrollyson: 8/hr on weekends is pretty bad
05:56.25Corydon76-homeWhy did you do that?  I'm melting, melting, melting away... :-P
05:56.33rollysonI get 40, but I don't get to keep much of it.
05:57.13wsuffya my whole paycheck for the last 2 wks = my devkit
05:57.22bkw_now who's ready to rummmmmmble
05:57.42wsuffbkw_: u will probably kick my ass u already thought i was some other dude
05:58.06bkw_wsuff I verify before smashing someone into bits
05:58.20wsuffwhat a relief
05:58.24rollysonok. I have to get this damn autoattendant finished
05:58.57ajhbkw_:I saw some posts from you on
05:59.06ajhTranfer/vmail bug
05:59.22ajhany pointers as to where to start?
05:59.31bkw_its not sending a hangup after the transfer is handed off
05:59.44bkw_it should hang up on the the person doing the transfer
05:59.55bkw_# transfers were doing it before also.. but that was fixed
06:00.00bkw_its a zap bug
06:00.01ajhI see
06:00.08bkw_chop chop now zap that bug
06:00.22ajhyeah right
06:00.58bkw_hehe no rush
06:01.06ajhdid you do the fix on # transfer?
06:01.07ZX81how do I create new voice prompts?
06:01.07Corydon76-homebkw_:  You catch Queer Eye tonight?
06:01.19bkw_oh yes qeye was sweet
06:01.24bkw_ajh kram fix0red it
06:01.56ZX81you know like welcome to xxxx press 1 for
06:02.16bkw_so break your features into smaller bite sized chunks
06:02.39ZX81I.E. is there a linux based program which will make the GSM or whatever files?
06:03.03bkw_sox infile.wav -c 1 -r 8000 outfile.gsm
06:03.10ZX81bkw_ sweet
06:03.20ZX81bkw_: cheers
06:03.24bkw_and queers!
06:03.26kimo_sabeah good old internet. Tucson, Phoenix, Vegas, Palo Alto, Oakland, Phoenix, Tucson: 70ms, and good latency for a VoIP call :)
06:03.28bkw_fun fun fun
06:04.04ZX81bkw_: you know anything about compiling OpenH.323 in debug mode?
06:04.29bkw_NO NO NO
06:04.35kimo_sabebkw_: hahaha
06:04.57bkw_wsuff good touch good touch
06:05.10wsuffbkw_: and no we aint doing it like they do on the discovery channel =)
06:05.20bkw_darn.. why not?
06:05.46bkw_I have a bf should that matter?
06:06.28wsuffdepends who u ask
06:06.32wsuffto some people no
06:06.42bkw_ <<< atacomm that might come in handy
06:07.07espenHomebrian west :P
06:07.08bkw_and if you talk nice to me I might slurp that off once a month
06:07.26bkw_espenHome yes dear
06:07.37atacommi wouldnt know what to do with it
06:07.48bkw_atacomm I bet you say that alot!
06:07.58bkw_sex for dummies helps want me to buy you a copy?
06:08.03bkw_espenHome you know who I am?  
06:08.10bkw_fullname on irc is evil evil evil
06:08.53bkw_ya needs to be integrated into vmail.cgi
06:09.01bkw_so when you login it defrags your mailbox
06:09.12bkw_and voicemailmain isn't bitchy about skiped messages
06:09.18*** join/#asterisk anti (
06:09.24bkw_espenHome did you need something?
06:10.20atacommbkw: was that directed at me?
06:11.24*** part/#asterisk trogs (
06:13.11rollysonok. back to live operation.
06:16.14rollergrrlI think I understand bkw_ now
06:17.15klasstek~cbf rollergrrl
06:17.18ACTION smacks rollergrrl up side the head with a clue-by-4
06:18.28klasstek~mla faxing
06:18.31try seach "google faxing"
06:18.37klasstekgoogle faxing
06:18.54klasstek~google faxing
06:19.12atacomm~kill klasstek
06:19.15ACTION slits klasstek's throat
06:20.21rollergrrlall I was gonna say is
06:20.27klasstektrying to put in some useful things too
06:20.28rollergrrlbkw_ likes it when boys talk nice to him
06:20.52klasstekmla will spit out a string to search the mailing list archives
06:21.04klasstek~mla atacomm
06:21.07try "~google atacomm"
06:21.13klasstek~google atacomm
06:21.25mishehu~fart is <action> farts in $1's general direction
06:21.26...but fart is already something else...
06:21.34mishehu~literal fart
06:21.35fart is <action> farts.
06:21.46mishehu~forget fart
06:21.46i forgot fart, mishehu
06:21.50mishehu~fart is <action> farts in $1's general direction
06:21.51okay, mishehu
06:22.41klasstek~fart mishehu
06:23.17mishehu~fart klasstek
06:23.28mishehumaybe it doesn't like the $1's
06:23.34mishehu~literal fart
06:23.36fart is <action> farts in $1's general direction
06:23.47mishehu~forget fart
06:23.48i forgot fart, mishehu
06:23.49klasstek~fart mishehu
06:23.52ACTION farts in mishehu's general direction
06:23.59mishehu~fart is <action> farts in $1's general direction
06:24.02ACTION farts in is <action> farts in $1's general direction's general direction
06:24.02klasstek~no fart $1 is <action> farts in $1's general direction
06:24.03i already had it that way, klasstek
06:24.21klasstek~fart mishehu
06:24.23ACTION farts in mishehu's general direction
06:24.29mishehunow it works...  *shrug*
06:24.50klasstek~rtfm mishehu
06:24.53ACTION tosses mishehu a 50lb unix manual
06:24.58klasstek~rtfm mishehu
06:25.01ACTION tells mishehu to RTFM
06:25.05mishehuoh I missed something, should have been ~fart $1 is...
06:25.14mishehu~meepgun klasstek
06:25.19ACTION shoots klasstek with a   neutron gun
06:25.29bkw_~fuck you
06:25.35bkw_bet that bot doesn't know how to fuck
06:25.41klasstekprofanity filters
06:25.43rollysonrecomendations for hold music?
06:25.55bkw_put em to sleep before they get there
06:25.56mishehu~fuck $1 is <action> humps $1's leg in public
06:25.58okay, mishehu
06:26.03mishehu~fuck bkw_
06:26.06ACTION humps bkw_'s leg in public
06:26.13bkw_education of the bot
06:26.23mishehusex education for the bot
06:26.31rollysonbkw: whats involved in licensing newer stuff?
06:29.35mishehuwell, dead in here tonight...  how odd
06:30.48mishehuusually still active...   did I eat too much garlic tonight?
06:37.36ZX81can i use the phone socket on the x100p as a pbx line?
06:38.07ZX81i.e. FXS
06:38.26ZX81yes/no/maybe so
06:38.43ZX81what time is it in the USA?
06:38.50DeadDawg1:38am EST
06:38.57ZX81:-) aha
06:38.58DeadDawg(ontario, canada)
06:39.10ZX81that'll be why noone answers my calls!
06:40.07rollyson$331 a year for a license from BMI
06:51.05bkw_night all
06:52.40*** join/#asterisk jelque (
06:55.37rollysonhmm... *looking through BMI catalog* that license seems like a good idea for us ;)
07:05.17*** join/#asterisk royk_home (
07:06.20espenHomei get this message:
07:06.20espenHome-- Got SIP response 484 "Address Incomplete" back from
07:06.25espenHomewhat could be wrong?
07:06.59rollergrrldial 911
07:07.31royk_homeor 112
07:09.47espenHomeuh, why?
07:23.30wasimnite bkw_
07:27.51*** part/#asterisk Shido6_ (
07:30.23*** join/#asterisk timeshift (
07:30.34rollyson9999 => 1234,Dumping Ground,
07:32.17*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
07:35.57atacomm9999 => 1234,Dumping Ground,
07:37.06rollysonwe currently use voicemail on the phones in the bathroom and breakroom for that
07:37.20atacommFor support on Digium products, Press 1....
07:37.56atacommthis IBM commercial with a kid being linux is weird
07:38.16ZX81how do I make an incoming call over VOIP go to the phone number?
07:38.35ZX81Like from netmeeting using * as a gateway addy
07:42.21sxpertatacomm: yeah
07:44.22ZX81how do I make an incoming call over VOIP go to the phone number?
07:44.23ZX81Like from netmeeting using * as a gateway addy
07:44.25*** join/#asterisk Chaos (~ccouncil@
07:47.27zoamarkster still on vacation ?
07:48.25*** join/#asterisk Moc (
07:50.01Mochi all
07:53.03Mochate that... can't sleep again ... !!!!
07:55.20discordiaoh cool ... just read about the "Free Software/Open Source-Telephony-Summit 2004" in Germyna :)
07:55.35discordiais someone from here there ?
07:55.45discordialol germyna ... germany ;)
07:55.53MocCanada here ..
07:56.07ajhTexas here...
07:56.56royk_homeNorway here
07:57.26*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
07:57.43*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
07:57.50discordiaoh ...
07:57.51miller7g'morning everyone
07:58.08Shido6_uh huh, uh huh u got the right stuff baybah
07:58.19discordiathen no one will come and here kapejod ...
07:59.07discordiaoh fsck ... it is early ;)
07:59.17royk_home9:00 CET
07:59.32discordiasuch a great english from me :)
07:59.41Moc3:00 EST !! :(
08:03.40Mocim going to get water
08:03.58discordiaoh my god .... coffee is nearly ready ;)
08:08.22Mocquestion, if my WAN is limited to 10 IAX call, how can I make that asterisk wont go higher than that ?
08:08.35ZX81how do I use voip to call a number using * - i.e. and * dials 12345 and connects it to the incoming voip call
08:10.09Mochehe donno
08:11.15*** join/#asterisk tholo (
08:12.32Mocroyk_home: Thanks, I think I should search before asking here ;)
08:13.28Mocis there a search page on ?
08:13.42royk_homeMoc: google :)
08:13.46wasimMoc: google
08:13.59royk_homemorn wasim :)
08:14.12carrarZapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
08:14.12carrarPCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 00:09.0
08:14.12carrarFramer: DS21552, Revision: 3 (T1)
08:14.12carrarFound a Wildcard: Digium Wildcard T100P T1/PRI
08:14.12carrardivert: not allocating divert_blk for non-ethernet device hdlc0
08:14.13carrarRegistered tone zone 0 (United States / North America)
08:14.15carrarUsing ESF/B8ZS coding/framing
08:14.17carrarCalling startup (flags is 4099)
08:14.42royk_home~frag carrar
08:14.47ACTION readies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at carrar
08:14.47Mochehe thanks ..
08:15.03carrarbeen trying to get this stupid T1/HDLC to work
08:15.12carrarusing the digium card
08:15.30Mocyou luky ppl who got those T1 to play with ..
08:16.03Mocwould love to play with DID and T1s on *
08:16.22MocGot 4 T1 at work ... OH WAIT !!! MAN ...
08:16.36*** join/#asterisk glyph (
08:16.54Mocgot 1 T1 just for the VideoConference, I could plug myself on one for the night.. but gota get the hardware.. ish expensive..
08:17.20Moccan the T1 interface be use only to get and send call on a TelCo system
08:17.34Mocor for example, I got a digital 56k digital pool that work with a T1
08:18.17MocCan my * connected to the telco via the T1 and offer also line to take from the digital modem pool !!!
08:19.48Mocok easier question, can I use my old Zoltrix voice modem with * ? hehe
08:20.05ajhroyk_home: All your base are belong to us!
08:21.15*** join/#asterisk point (1000@
08:27.35*** join/#asterisk zono (
08:33.27ajhroyk_home: have you ever seen the All your Base stuff?
08:35.06*** join/#asterisk yaboo (
08:35.20rollysonAll your phone calls are belong to us! would be more appropriate here
08:36.57ajhnite all
08:37.18ajhyou have no chance - make your time!!
08:37.46rollysonhmm. I never put the standard security banner on my * box.
08:38.35*** part/#asterisk ajh (
08:39.18discordiawould someone give me a test call ??
08:42.21Mocdont seem to work
08:42.38rollysondonno if its my config (never tried it) or your setup but I get
08:43.06discordiahmm i need to have a look at it ...
08:43.17rollysonI need to test outbound though ;)
08:44.04Mocor you can call 1800 number
08:44.50rollysonthat number doesn't work
08:44.57rollysonI didn't set up right apparently.
08:45.04rollysonI think inbound works though
08:45.24rollyson17002402335 (but it will probably just tell you to go away at this time of night)
08:45.59Moclittle holding music ..
08:47.01Moclol that explain it ..
08:47.11Mocdamn * is cool !!!!
08:47.30rollyson1202         (Josh) available at '201@mhc-extensions' (musiconhold is 'nomusic')
08:47.54Mocwonder if I can receive from 1700 number.. seem im only connected to IAXTEL !!!
08:48.36rollysonexten => s,1,Queue(tech|t),t
08:49.07rollysonand apparently I never routed that through the day/night selector lol
08:49.24rollysonnot that any customers would be calling via IAXTEL ;)
08:49.40Moclol yea but hey .. never take a chances ..
08:49.58rollysonthey could be queued for a while
08:50.18rollysonlike, until 7:30 am
08:50.36Mocman our pbx system dont support queue ...
08:51.02Moccould cust like 20000$ to get the I dont recall what module to do that !!!
08:51.16rollysonwe are actually implementing * to get queues.
08:51.19rollysonthis is an ISP ;)
08:51.23*** join/#asterisk denon (
08:51.23*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by bkw_
08:51.30Mocha cool
08:51.46rollysonwe have other plans for * very soon though ;)
08:51.54Mocproblem with these system are inbound phonelines..
08:52.15Mocis 1700 number is iaxtel ?
08:52.23Mocor it another service ?
08:53.36rollysoninbound lines are less of a problem when the cost of a PRI is the cost of running a cable across the room.
08:54.00rollysonwhich will be the case for what we are building soon ;)
08:54.07Mocbut I can't really get 1 at home to play with .. that what I mean hehe
08:55.12rollysonwhen getting to your own voicemail, is there something you can press to be prompted for pass?
08:55.22discordiacan you please try again ?? 17005831550
08:56.14discordiadont get this ...
08:56.18discordiaim registered
08:56.36discordiaand i have a number, can login at
08:57.13Moclet me see..
08:57.50discordiawhat do you want to see ?
08:58.15Moctry calling 17003977838 again
08:58.31discordiame ?
08:58.58discordiai get a tone
08:59.29discordiabut ...
09:00.04Mocdid you configure your extensions.conf for iaxtel like this :
09:01.04Mochia RoyK
09:01.26discordiajo Moc and registration is working
09:02.37Mocsorry .. ok I use
09:02.46Mocvia sip for the 1700 incoming
09:03.07discordiathat could it be ...
09:04.17Moci think they are the one offering the 1700
09:06.30MocI hate that, got a 1877 number, but work only in the US !!!
09:06.40discordiawhy this ?
09:07.01Mocwhy what ?
09:07.32discordiawhy is it working only in US ?
09:07.37Mocdonno ...
09:07.58Mocit something about the US48 service class ...
09:08.18Mocit really suck, 20$ lost ..
09:09.24Mocbut it cool, I can receive normal phone call directly to my * server hehe
09:10.10Mocbut not from anyone I know, or even myself ..
09:11.26Mocanyway x100p card would arrive in 1 week..
09:11.33discordiaoh yeah
09:11.37discordiathats great isnt it
09:11.54discordiasomeone got an iaxtel number which i can test ?
09:12.50rollysonI think my setup is still broken with outbound
09:13.49discordiahmmm Moc, now i got these errors: WARNING[13325]: File app_dial.c, Line 320 (wait_for_answer): Unable to forward voice
09:13.49discordiaWARNING[13325]: File app_dial.c, Line 320 (wait_for_answer): Unable to forward voice
09:13.55rollysonyeah. broken on my end
09:14.26Mocwell your starting to make me wonder if it broken on my end .. hehe
09:14.38rollysonargh, its trying to use IAX1
09:14.46rollysonwtf is it doing that for
09:15.24Moci can call for sure..
09:16.09Mocdo you get the unregistred or unavailable message ?
09:18.40discordiaonly "No one is available to answer at this time"
09:19.54rollysonchange all references to IAX to IAX2 in your dialplan
09:20.39rollysonand it MIGHT work.
09:23.31*** join/#asterisk UdontKnow (udontknow@udontknow.staff.freenode) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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09:23.31*** mode/#asterisk [+q sant!*@*] by
09:23.37*** join/#asterisk Logan ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:23.37*** join/#asterisk jpayne (~jpayne@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:23.37*** join/#asterisk Poincare ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:23.37*** mode/#asterisk [+bbb *!*globalthr@* *!*shane@* *!*tofubar@*] by
09:23.37*** mode/#asterisk [+bb *!*dan@194.158.*.* *!*] by
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09:23.37rollysonhmm, moc, you allowing GSM from IAXtel ?
09:23.55*** join/#asterisk denon ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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09:24.46rollysondiscordia: 17002402335
09:24.55discordiaah ool
09:25.27discordiaIM DIALING
09:25.28rollysonI should be reachable I think.
09:26.06discordiathis doesnt work ...
09:26.08discordiasame error
09:26.54rollysonyou are sending regular IAX
09:27.12rollysons/IAX/IAX2/ in your extensions.con
09:27.27rollysonthere was a mess on the list about it the last few days.
09:27.36rollysoniaxtel only supports IAX2 now.
09:28.04discordiaill give it a try
09:28.44discordiaand again
09:30.15Mocrollyson: how did you setup incoming from 1700 ? put register => in iax.conf and 2000 is the extension that will ring ?
09:31.53rollysonlemme look
09:32.45rollysonregister =>
09:33.06rollysonthen I made a context
09:33.11rollysonwith a s extension
09:34.01rollysonexten => s,1,Queue(tech|t),t
09:34.48Mocallright I'll try that right away
09:35.50rollyson2003-12-17 04:28:50 "Daniel Heinzen" <7005831550> 7005831550 201 mhc-extensions Local/201@mhc-extensions-d48c,2 SIP/201-5e07 Dial sip/201 4 0 ANSWERED 3  
09:35.50rollyson2003-12-17 04:31:39 "Daniel Heinzen" <7005831550> 7005831550 s iaxtel-in IAX2[iaxtel@]/2 Agent/1202 Queue tech|t 173 167 ANSWERED 3  
09:36.44Mocperfect hehe it work now ..
09:36.49Mocthanks ..
09:37.04discordiarollyson: ahh you are fwding to SIP im doing this to my normal phone via ISDN ;)
09:37.06rollysonnp, I'm still learning the stuff too ;)
09:37.25Mocit so cool..
09:37.37MocCan I receive multiple 1700 call at the same time ?
09:37.40MocI guess so hehe
09:37.47rollysonI have SIP , IAX , PRI and POTS lines at this point.
09:38.30Mocgot SIP(1877 incoming) IAX (connect betweek home, work, brother and 1800/1700 outgoing)
09:38.32Mocthat it
09:39.07rollysonby the time I get done, I'll probably figure out a way to use every concieveable channel type ;)
09:39.34discordiame 2
09:39.37rollysonunfortunately, ISDN isn't as widely deployed here.
09:39.46rollysonor we'd have much fewer support calls.
09:40.02blitzrageisn't ISDN crazy expensive here ?
09:40.13blitzrage(I assume you mean North America)
09:40.15rollysonin the US, its come down some.
09:40.28*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
09:40.30blitzragehow much is it, and for what speed ?
09:40.35rollysonI can get BRI for $40USD now supposedly.
09:40.54MocBRI ? 1 channel ?
09:41.05rollyson2B 1D
09:41.09blitzragereally?  and what kind of bandwidth do you get with BRI (I honestly know nothing about any of these other ways of getting the internet :))
09:41.35discordiapuh i think internet with BRI isnt so good
09:41.36MocI know T1, but it about it ..
09:42.02rollysonA North American BRI has 2 bearer channels. A North American PRI has 23 bearer channels.
09:42.12rollysonPRI lines are still insanely expensive.
09:42.12blitzragebut I mean, if someone was to have an ISDN, or BRI line or whatever, what would you use it for mostly?  Just phone calls ?
09:42.29rollysonblitz: voice and data at the same time.
09:42.43Mocrollyson: btw depend for PRI, you need 1 D channel for PRI, but if you have 3 PRI, you can have only 1 D channel
09:42.53rollyson64Kbit or 128Kbit depending on if the voice channel was in use.
09:42.56blitzragerollyson: I realize that :)  but I mean, you wouldn't serve up web pages to a desktop computer over ISDN
09:42.56Mocso 2x24 channel + 1x23 channel
09:43.08blitzragebut you could.
09:43.29rollysonwe have a few customers in areas where DSL is not an option choosing ISDN
09:43.31Mocpri is .. about 700$ CND/month here
09:43.46rollysonmost of them stick with dialup.
09:43.58rollysonwhich means we get the support nightmare of dialup.
09:44.20rollysonanalog lines were never meant to do what people expect them to do.
09:44.43rollysonhow would the connection speed be on a analog dialup.
09:44.43Mocrollyson: you got digital modem pool right ?
09:45.31rollysonmodem <-> channel bank <-> * <-> PRI <-> digital switch <-> PRI <-> AS5300
09:45.38blitzrageahhhhh... it is all so much more clear now
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09:45.58rollysontheres only one A/D there.
09:46.00Mocnice, that what I wanted to know if * supported that ..
09:46.22rollysonand the line length of the analog side would only be about 20 feet.
09:46.32discordiarollyson: could you try to call me?
09:46.47Mocwe currently have modem <-> (3xT1) <-> Meridian 1 <- T1 -> Digital modem pool
09:47.26blitzragewow.. good page:
09:47.37Mocdoing 56k dialup services for our users
09:48.09rollysonI need to build a * box @ home
09:48.21discordia-- CAPI[contr1/17]/0 is making progress passing it to IAX2[iaxtel@]/2
09:48.30Mochehe it great, link via internet .. got work phone at home ..
09:48.45discordiajust like this ^^
09:48.51rollysonmoc: as of 2 days ago I had that.
09:49.03*** join/#asterisk Zer0Linux (~marco@
09:49.08Zer0LinuxHi all !!
09:49.17zoahi all
09:49.20Mocyea but more fun with 1 box at home
09:49.28*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (
09:49.28rollysonmox: iaxcomm
09:49.46Mocyep nice blitzrage
09:49.58Zer0Linuxhave you test asterisk with sip, ata186 and isdn card???
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09:50.28rollysonI'm tempted to have single FXO * boxes deployed to all our remote offices to capture their calls.
09:51.04MocI ordered a x100p for my home ;)
09:51.39Zer0LinuxI have astersik installed with 3 isdn card... sip and ata 186 and i have very much problems
09:52.20rollysonwhat would be cool would be to have a dual TE410P box at the datacenter.
09:52.28rollyson7PRIs to the switch.
09:52.35rollyson1 PRI to the office
09:52.52rollysonand hold calls in queue at the datacenter side
09:53.01rollysonsend them over when an agent is ready.
09:53.05Moc1pri to the office... ? why ? IP phone ?
09:53.20rollysonput a * box here.
09:53.44rollysonerr, LEAVE the existing * box here.
09:53.58rollysonwe have the office PRI actually.
09:54.35rollysondry copper + line powered HDSL units from adtran
09:54.37Moclook you got 6PRI to Telco network..
09:54.46Mocbut what the PRI to the office doing ?
09:55.11rollysonuse one PRI to send the calls out of the queue to agents.
09:55.22rollysonand 7 PRIs to queue them up.
09:55.41rollysonI think we have around 80 PRI ports free on our switch.
09:55.52rollysonjust a matter of plugging them in.
09:56.20discordiathats amazing
09:56.28Mocagents use what kind of phone ?
09:56.40rollysonSNOM 200 or Barbietone
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09:57.00rollysonright now though our IP bandwidth is limited by the DSL
09:57.28discordiahow many calls can you make via DSL ?
09:57.29Mocso they are IP ?, so why a PRI, since they are connect directly to * ?
09:57.31rollysonalthough bruce seems to come up with T1 lines and DSL lines out of thin air.
09:57.58rollysonmoc: there is a * box here, a PRI has better QoS than IP ;)
09:58.26rollysonIP gets oversaturated and gets garbled
09:58.28Mocbut your phone are IP ?
09:58.44rollysonPRI gets oversaturated and goes busy ;)
09:58.47MocPhone IP rule, make seperate VLan
09:59.18Mocbtw how much was a BRI ?
09:59.54rollysonphones <=> local * <=> PRI <=> remote * <=> PRI <=> coppercom <=> IMT <=> sprint
10:00.24Mocand can a BRI be connected to asterisk ?
10:00.37Mocha ok, so your helpdesk is offsite of your servers
10:00.57rollysonBRI is standard consumer ISDN, so chan_capi would presumably work ;)
10:01.13rollysonyeah, helldesk is a mile from the datacenter.
10:01.25MocI mean, BRI is 2 channel + 1 d channel
10:01.33Mocso we can put DID on a BRI right ?
10:01.41Mocha that explain it ..
10:02.26discordiaohh chan_capi ... i love to hear that
10:02.30Mochere cost more to have a site-to-site PRI than have a PRI dirrectly to the office ..
10:02.46rollysonright now its phones <=> local * <=> PRI <=> coppercom <=> IMT <=> sprint
10:02.53rollysonwe are a CLEC though.
10:03.07rollysonwe just order dry copper and use our own switch.
10:03.51rollysonthe whole reason we have our own switching was to reduce the cost of operating our digital modem pools.
10:04.12rollysonrather than pay $$$$$$$$$ for the number of PRIs we need, we can use IMTs  ;)
10:04.44rollysonand our datacenter is across the street from the sprint CO.
10:04.45*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
10:04.56Mocwonder if I could get a BRI at home 2 line is nice ...
10:05.18rollysonmoc: 2 lines that dynamically allocate between data and voice ;)
10:05.19Mocand DID support, that what I want.. having multiple DID number
10:05.37*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
10:06.38Mocwell I just want voice.. Why would I want to have data ?
10:06.45ScaredyCat:o no STOMP ?
10:07.56Mocwhat PCI card I need to get a BRI ?
10:08.37jrollysonnot sure, quite a few out there.
10:08.47Mocfor asterisk hehe
10:08.55ceesFritz!PCI (cheap), AVM B1 (better), Eicon Diva (best). Or if you're adventurous a HFC card with kapejod's fresh zapbri stuff
10:10.22MocFor fun home use ?
10:11.10*** join/#asterisk martin13351 (
10:11.22Mocdo i need 3 card for 1 BRI hehe
10:11.22discordiaget a AVM Fritz i would say
10:11.38rollysonwhich of those are compatable with US ISDN ?
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10:11.52discordiaargl ... US ISDN i forgot
10:11.55sudhirHi all
10:12.28sudhirI have a simple question about extensions file.
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10:13.22Mocso Fritz work with US ISDN (canada ?)
10:13.31rollysonoh, the other reason an ISP would want to be a LEC
10:13.46rollysoneasier to build a superpop archetecture
10:13.56discordiai am not sure
10:13.58sudhirI have a T1 card and 24 extensions. Say 4001 to 4024. At present, my extensions.conf contains lines like  
10:13.58sudhirexten => 4001,1,Dial(Zap/1,5)   ; Ring for 20 seconds
10:14.07sudhirexten => 4002,1,Dial(Zap/2,5)   ; Ring for 20 seconds
10:14.12sudhirexten => 4003,1,Dial(Zap/3,5)   ; Ring for 20 seconds
10:14.27Mocno voicemail sudhir ?
10:14.45rollysonmoc: this is for outbound?
10:14.50rollysonor internal{
10:15.12Mocrollyson: connect to Telco and get DID from them...
10:15.28sudhiris there a way to Of course, voice mails, but I have ommitted them here. My question is there a better way to write the extensions file so that last 2 digits of extension maps to channel
10:16.38rollysonexten => _400X,1,Dial(Zap/${EXTEN:3})
10:16.51rollysonexten => _401X,1,Dial(Zap/${EXTEN:2})
10:16.51sudhirWhen someone dials from outside, I get 10 digits, and there again I have duplicated lines
10:16.55rollysonexten => _402X,1,Dial(Zap/${EXTEN:2})
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10:16.58rollysonI think.
10:17.08Mocrollyson: look good
10:17.24rollyson3 lines instead of 24 ;)
10:17.55sudhirAh, I get it. ${EXTEN:3} means drop the first 3 digits?
10:18.05rollysonsudhir: a channelized T1 is a messy way to get DID.
10:18.49Mocmake on of your channel a D channel and let * deal with load
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10:19.02rollysonI have up trying, and told our switch guys fuck the 24th channel and give me a PRI
10:19.16huatsStill nobody to help me a bit with oh323 pbs ?
10:19.35Mocdont know oh323 sorry
10:19.47huatsMoc: thanks anyway
10:19.51zoawhat probz ?
10:20.03Moca normal ISDN line is a BRI ? I mean im confuse with all those thing ..
10:20.07rollysonChannelized T1s are only good for tieing in to channel banks.
10:20.22Mocthere is 64ISDN, 128ISDN, 256ISDN ..
10:21.01rollysonMoc: North American ISDN comes in two flavors. BRI - basic rate isdn 2 64Kbit B channels one D channel
10:21.03huatsI'd like that asterisk act like a gateway: accept call (like 00XXXX) and "pass" this call to another computer. It is quite simple I think
10:21.16huatsbut can't figure out how ?
10:21.27rollysonand PRI - primary rate ISDN - 23 64Kbit B channels and one D channel.
10:21.46Mocso If I want a 256ISDN, I need 2 BRI ?
10:21.55rollysonI'm told european ISDN is offered in a wider array of configurations.
10:22.06Mocim in canada
10:22.23Mocanyway, will check with my phone compagnie ..
10:22.30Mocwonder how much it cost
10:22.35rollysonIf they offer 256ISDN they probably mean 4 B channels and 1 D channel.
10:22.57rollysona B channel can be used for a single voice call, or to carry 64Kbit of data.
10:23.28rollysonmost consumer ISDN equipment is intended for data use, and idles the channels in data mode.
10:23.54rollysonand then drops those channels to make or recieve calls.
10:24.25Mochow much cost your BRI ?
10:24.47huatscan somebody can explain me what is a gatekeeper ?
10:24.58Mocnext time I see BRI and PRI I'll think more about 24isdn than a T1...
10:25.58Mocwell 24 for PRI, 2+1D BRi
10:32.36*** join/#asterisk sxpert_work (
10:33.16sudhirrollyson: I have a question. In my test setup, I have T1 card, and a channel bank connected to that. I have setup dial plans (internal context) with extensions, and everything works fine.
10:34.25Mocno price :(
10:34.58sudhirI plan to get another T1 card that will go to PSTN. Are you saying that I will have difficulty getting the DID from PSTN side?
10:39.31wasimhuats: its a person usualyly big and armed witha tick sitting outside the gate, and checks who is coming in and going out etc
10:40.13rollyson(well 53K )
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10:52.13zonohi someone is use Gnuck Gatekeeper ?
10:52.31huatswasim: lol
10:52.42huatswasim: may be you have another definition ?
10:52.56huatszono: can you explain me a bit what is a gatekeeper ?
10:53.50RoyKzono: gnuck? not gnugk?
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10:55.44zonosorry in fact this is   "gnugk"
10:57.09zonoThe gatekeeper is needed if you want to use h323  protocol
10:57.13RoyKI've set it up once, but I gave up...
10:57.47huatszono: Indeed I am asking questoins about h323
10:57.56huatszono: may be you can help me
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10:59.55ScaredyCatpictures of yourself don't count
11:00.06huatszono: I have a running asterisk, connected to the PSTN. And I want all the calls to be passed to another machine, using h323. What do I need to declare as a gatekeeper ?
11:00.34theroute1ztdummy question: I have loaded the module but do I have to do anything in zaptel.conf  or zapata.conf?
11:01.58discordia~seen kapejod
11:01.59kapejod <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 18h 52m 58s ago, saying: 'Powerkill: it's a 4 port isdn bri card'.
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11:04.57discordiaouch! got a Segmentation fault from *
11:06.52wasimtheroute1: shouldn't
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11:07.21wasimScaredyCat: :)
11:07.55theroute1ztdummy shows unused when I do a lsmod and I am having trouble with MOH
11:12.29ScaredyCatdoes sip.conf support md5 for passwords ?
11:21.31rollysonwhats the data option for the Dial command?
11:21.34rollysonwhich letter?
11:25.01*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
11:26.02af_moin all
11:31.54RoyKScaredyCat: that was 168 gigs of .nl porn for VoD
11:33.32discordiaRoyk VoD == Video on demand ?!?
11:33.40discordiamade with * ?
11:33.57discordiabut cool
11:34.01discordiavideolan ?
11:34.06RoyKour own
11:38.07*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
11:40.17rollysonwell, I can't get a modem connect
11:40.35rollysonbut my usr sportster v92 reports a SNR of 38 !
11:41.08rollyson42 on that try
11:41.41rollysonwhat the hell is preventing a modem connect?
12:01.52lelecurious that in 3 lines there's "universe, the problem", and the right answer, 42 :)
12:07.27*** join/#asterisk Chilled (Chacha@
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12:12.11Chilledhi Tili
12:12.13Chilledh r u ??
12:12.23*** join/#asterisk Serp (serp@
12:12.36Serphi :)
12:12.48Tilihow are you?
12:12.56Serpfrustrated by CAPI :)
12:13.09TiliChilled: Do I know you?
12:13.28Serpanyone got any experience with the new version of kapejod's chan_capi?
12:17.18Chilledr u faizan
12:18.29ChilledSerp:when did this new ver came ??
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12:18.45Serpthe 0.3.0 ver?
12:21.45Serpumm not entirely sure, not on his site at the mo
12:21.49SerpI just grabbed it last night
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12:26.10dheckaman_its not loading extentions.conf
12:26.23dheckaman_cat extentions.conf
12:26.34dheckaman_that shows all my dialplan
12:26.51dheckaman_but asterisk shows an empty dialplan
12:26.54dheckaman_is latest CVS working?
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12:33.35arunhi there
12:34.10Serpdheckaman_: it's extensions.conf not extentions.conf
12:39.26dheckaman_thats better
12:40.09Serpyus :)
12:40.17*** join/#asterisk timeshift (
12:40.44Serp!seen kapejod
12:41.31dheckaman_~seen santa
12:41.33santa <> was last seen on IRC in channel #picogui, 363d 10h 1m 32s ago, saying: 'file: yeah, but i did it fedex, so it won't show up until april'.
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12:49.51Pj_~seen kapejod
12:49.51kapejod <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 20h 40m 50s ago, saying: 'Powerkill: it's a 4 port isdn bri card'.
12:50.11dheckaman_~kapejod is <reply> see seen kapejod
12:50.14okay, dheckaman_
12:50.14Pj_I wanted to ask him exactly that
12:50.23kapejod <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 20h 41m 22s ago, saying: 'Powerkill: it's a 4 port isdn bri card'.
12:50.47Serpthx :)
12:51.21Serpanyone else know anything about the capi stuff?
12:51.52ceesSerp: a bit. wat's up
12:52.46leleSerp: what's your problem?
12:55.42pointSerp: just it works ... :)
12:56.13*** join/#asterisk anoosh (~anoosh@
12:58.49anooshhey all
13:00.54anooshi'm setting up an asterisk box for a company with 50 sip stations, i'm going with grandstream. i was wondering if anybody has any suggestions, does grandstream have any negative points?
13:03.54leleanoosh: i'm not happy with GS phones at all
13:06.47leleanoosh: we are completely dropping them in favour of 7905, it's more expensive, it apparently has less features but customers are happy...
13:11.20dheckaman_grandstreams are good for testing
13:12.22Serpnever mind found the prob :)
13:12.37Serpnever edit capi.conf whilst in CLI mode
13:12.52Serpcos when it spools stuff up and overwrites it screws it up ;)
13:13.14Serpcees: thanks anyway tho :)
13:13.16*** join/#asterisk david-wk (
13:18.09anooshsorry, i was away
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13:18.29anooshlele: 7905 ?
13:18.37anooshcould you please explain a bit more about GS problems
13:19.22leleanoosh: cisco 7905
13:20.07dheckaman_when I make a phone cable
13:20.16dheckaman_should I flip the pins
13:20.17dheckaman_or not
13:20.35Pj_To flip or not to flip
13:20.39Pj_that is the question...
13:20.53Pj_whether it's nobler in the mind to take arms against
13:21.03Pj_(ok ok)
13:21.16*** part/#asterisk martin13351 (
13:21.24leleanoosh: the customers say they get "asleep", phone is free and ready, but doesn't ring when called.. or sometimes the audio goes up unidirectional
13:22.15anooshlele: wow, that's major. are we sure these problems aren't caused by *?
13:22.33lelejust changing them with 7905 fixes the problems
13:22.49lelebut i coudln't observe it directly
13:23.34dheckaman_lele: never had those problems
13:23.42dheckaman_sounds like firewall/nat
13:23.52leledheckaman_: no it's on LAN
13:25.15anooshlele: how much does 7905 cost
13:25.39leleanoosh: here, it's about 1.5x the price of a GS
13:25.46*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
13:26.02wasimhail *
13:26.05*** join/#asterisk netwind (
13:26.09leleanoosh: i'm not suggesting you go with the cisco, try the GS before...
13:26.43dheckaman_wasim: what do I enable to just turn on echo cancel... echocanel=yes?
13:27.14RoyK...that's zaptel?
13:27.24wasimdheckaman_: in zapata.conf
13:27.49dheckaman_when I copied my conf files off
13:27.53dheckaman_I forgot my sound files
13:28.33wasimhehehe  ... i've been caught with that before
13:28.51dheckaman_I still have it on a drive
13:29.09dheckaman_the read only drive
13:29.26dheckaman_no, this one
13:29.26wasimnow you see it, now you dot
13:29.41wasimi swiped it
13:29.45wasimswapped it even
13:30.02dheckaman_uh huh
13:30.15wasimsee that red dot on the top left corner
13:30.20wasimthat's the wrong drive!
13:30.59*** join/#asterisk lorenita (~asd@
13:31.04netwindwhen some channel do native bridging it call special asterisk function ?
13:31.15lorenitaguys can help me with this
13:31.16lorenitaWARNING[1125329600]: File chan_sip.c, Line 464 (retrans_pkt): Maximum retries exceeded on call 149ab0b81c9b2da625c2167c1c986dda@ for seqno 102 (Request)
13:31.19netwindi think here is bug in h.323
13:31.51dheckaman_netwind: h.323 IS a bug
13:32.23netwinddheckaman_: say it to other manufacter
13:32.40dheckaman_h.323 can die
13:32.43dheckaman_its dead
13:32.49dheckaman_but it need to be cremated
13:32.49netwindi agree
13:33.00dheckaman_and then scattered in the wind
13:33.02dheckaman_and then nuked
13:33.14dheckaman_and then swepted up and thrown away
13:33.34wasimhail IAX!
13:33.34dheckaman_aaaahhhh meeeeeeeennnnnnn
13:33.34netwindbut ohphone works
13:33.34voidptrdheckaman_ ;)
13:33.36netwindand asterisk not
13:35.07*** join/#asterisk dimmik (dimmm@ios3.intranet.GR)
13:36.19leleuh? is it possible to delete the na/busy/greet message in voicemail and revert to the default announce?
13:36.27steesif i compile asterisk & zaptel with one x100p card in
13:36.30steesthen later add 2 more
13:36.34wasimlele: cp
13:36.38steesdo i need to recompile to get it to see them ?
13:36.48*** join/#asterisk rasdf (~anoosh@
13:36.52dimmikHi all. I need some help with snom 200 & * MOH. Anyone knows how to make this work?
13:37.00lelewasim: from the phone? :)
13:37.06netwindredyead surround...
13:37.28anoosh2i was d/c'ed
13:37.36wasimlele: system()!
13:38.13anoosh2lele: did you answer the last thing i said, cuz i was d/c'ed i didnt get it
13:38.17*** join/#asterisk KillerBee (
13:38.23lelewasim: well it's definitely a feature to implement in voicemail
13:38.50*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
13:39.11leleanoosh2: the price for a 7905 here is about 1.5x that of a GS. but i would suggest you try the GS before, you might not have the same problems i had
13:39.16*** join/#asterisk tholo (
13:40.13anoosh2lele: of course, but thanks for sharing ur thought. while we're at it, any other known sip phones that work alright and dont cost too much people?
13:40.28dheckaman_stees: no
13:40.33dheckaman_you could add a T1 card
13:40.35dheckaman_no recompile
13:40.40dheckaman_unless you change kernels
13:40.45dheckaman_which you should have to do anyway
13:40.53leleanoosh2: mmh no, i didn't try anything else cheap enough
13:41.01netwindhmm...when h.323 send OpenLogicalChannel message, is port manadatory or only recomendation?
13:41.28netwindit seems cisco send medai data port in OpenLogicalChannelAck
13:41.46netwindbut * send to port specified in OpenLogicalChannel
13:41.52netwindis it right?
13:41.52steesdheckaman_: cool.. seems to work
13:42.00steessaw a red alarm in zttool
13:42.02steesand thought!?
13:42.08steesthen realised there was no line plugged in
13:43.03zonoWhere I can find the H323 Reference ?
13:44.46Alzono: you pay money for it.
13:45.08AlOr you look at the OpenH323 source.
13:45.08anoosh2hmm, i'm using a $10 modem instead of x100p and it's working fine. why would you pay $100 for the same hardware, does the x100p actually have any features that my $10 winmodem lacks?
13:45.23Alzono: ITU should sell it for some small amount.
13:45.35zonoI search just for OpenH323  Reference :)
13:45.46wasimanoosh2: yes
13:46.03wasimanoosh2: blessings
13:46.06Alzono: read
13:47.09anoosh2i thought GPL means you already have blessing
13:48.47*** join/#asterisk zwi (
13:50.16dimmikanoosh2: which is that 10$ modem that can be used instead of x100p?
13:50.26dheckaman_anoosh: I got my x100p for 50 bucks
13:50.46Pj_anoosh2: to support digium, and partly pay for asterisk development
13:51.08Pj_and usually cheap modem hardware "works", but are not very reliable in a professional setup
13:52.06*** join/#asterisk jtodd (~jtodd@
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13:52.36anoosh2dimmik: you can buy it on the net
13:52.40anoosh2let me find the url
13:54.30anoosh2you can get the $10 modem at
13:54.59anoosh2ur welcome
13:54.59discordiawhich chan are you using with this modem ?
13:57.48*** join/#asterisk YoYo^ (gunk@
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13:58.36discordiabut how to map a rs232 seriel port to a fxo channel ?
13:58.58*** join/#asterisk tholo (
13:58.59YoYo^*CHEER*  I'm getting my cards today!
13:59.49dheckaman_playing cards?
13:59.53anoosh2serial port?!
14:00.12dheckaman_discordia: dont even think you can
14:00.22dheckaman_lots of code hacking
14:00.25discordiathought of
14:00.27YoYo^fxs and fxo cards
14:00.54sumasumacan you please help how can i bring into asterisk conference, like i want to dail to them and invite them to conference
14:01.28dheckaman_dial them, then forward them to meetme
14:02.55sumasumaforward ?
14:03.41sumasumaI dial with the dial app
14:03.51sumasumaDial(SIP/user: blah )
14:03.58dheckaman_what are you using to call another user?
14:04.40sumasumaand ATA 186
14:04.54dheckaman_I dont know how to exactly transfer with diax
14:04.59dheckaman_ask the rest of the channel though..
14:05.06dheckaman_DIAX is an iax client, not sip
14:05.10dheckaman_ata 186...
14:05.13dheckaman_is sip
14:05.18sumasumayes dheck
14:05.27dheckaman_so iax calls sip, then transfer to meetme?
14:05.48sumasumathere is no problem in dialling
14:05.56sumasumai dunno how to join the calls
14:06.05sumasumais it like this
14:06.29sumasumai mean continiously ?
14:06.41dheckaman_and you want to talk from one user to another?
14:06.43anoosh2oh here's a question for those who are more experienced with sip phones on *: is it true that many features of * are not implemented for use on SIP stations? e.g. call forwarding, call waiting, do not disturb, immediate mode, etc?
14:07.01dheckaman_anoosh2: dunno, send me a phone and I can try :)
14:07.04dheckaman_sumasuma: ah
14:07.05anoosh2i mean they only work on zaptel stations and not sip
14:07.08sumasumai want to intiate the conference from asterisk
14:07.15dheckaman_FROM asterisk?
14:07.26dheckaman_cant each user call the conference?
14:07.36dheckaman_or, do it by transfering...
14:07.39sumasumanot really
14:07.55sumasumaeveryone is at PSTN
14:07.56dheckaman_IAX calls SIP... talks... transfers to meetme...
14:08.00dheckaman_hang up
14:08.03dheckaman_dial meetme
14:08.05dheckaman_and talk
14:08.23sumasumayes dhec
14:08.32sumasumai'm confused how to actually configure
14:08.40dheckaman_me too
14:08.45dheckaman_I dont know how to setup transfer
14:08.46dheckaman_its simple
14:08.49dheckaman_just dont know how
14:09.00dheckaman_ask someone else, they should know, most people show up later
14:09.11sumasumathanks dheck
14:10.08anooshdheckaman_: do you know the answer to my q
14:10.18sumasumaalso is there a way that i can intiate the call between two sip users rather than they calling ?
14:10.30dheckaman_anoosh: hmm, call waiting.. I dunno...
14:10.45dheckaman_sumasuma: maybe, I dont know that either, though it sounds possible
14:10.55dheckaman_with something like queues or something
14:11.08sumasumai c
14:11.23sumasumathanks dheck i will dig into asterisk
14:11.42sumasumai want to configure for wakeupcall
14:12.04*** join/#asterisk omar (
14:12.34omarGm !
14:12.38dheckaman_that might be possible
14:12.55UnixDawgits is but you need a agi script
14:13.19UnixDawgI have it some where
14:14.57omarI am looking to build a High Density GW with Digium new board.  Can the borad be configured for FXO only ?
14:15.05sumasumaUnixDawg: can it be done with AGI ??
14:15.46dheckaman_omar: GW?
14:15.53dheckaman_and what digium new board?
14:16.04MocGota go to work... bbl
14:16.14UnixDawgthere is a call back script
14:16.19UnixDawgI have to find it
14:16.26omarGM dh
14:16.35*** join/#asterisk martin13351 (
14:17.27YoYo^UnixDawg, you get X100P or TDM400 working on FreeBSD yet?
14:18.16YoYo^that would be good too
14:18.26dheckaman_omar: the 4 port FXS device?
14:18.55YoYo^oh wait... I have a TiVo... too late to keep a linux-free home ;(
14:18.57YoYo^oh well
14:19.11omarno, the 4T1 total of 96 ports.  The price is about $1,500
14:19.17wasimall your homes are belong to us
14:19.19dheckaman_that one
14:19.26dheckaman_the 4 port T1
14:19.38YoYo^yeah, but I wasn't talking about the 4 port T1 card
14:19.39dheckaman_I think you can configure anything you want
14:19.44YoYo^I was talking about the 4 port FXS card
14:19.45dheckaman_any combination
14:19.56omarAny body who have accomplished it?
14:20.01dheckaman_omar is talking about the 4 port T1
14:20.02YoYo^accomplished what?
14:20.12dheckaman_life... the universe... and everything?
14:20.26omarYoyo, build a GW for traffic termantion VoIP
14:20.36YoYo^GW?  Great Wall?
14:20.45YoYo^great wall of termination?
14:20.49dheckaman_life? Yes! the universe? YES! and everything? YES YES!
14:20.55*** join/#asterisk adam_gafachi (
14:20.58omarVoice Gateway
14:21.07YoYo^not sure what a voice gateway is
14:21.38YoYo^the other one, which is in my office, does voicemail, autoattend, etc...
14:22.21omarI am looking to replace a Cisco AS5300 GW with a Digium box configured as FXO only
14:22.54omarI am not looking to use it as a PBX
14:22.56YoYo^but if you ask about making it talk to a gate keeper, you need to go watch Ghost Buster's again
14:23.02*** join/#asterisk wsuff (
14:23.29omarso, it is not possible from your view point
14:23.43YoYo^omar: the first * box I described is exactly what you're describing.  it just sits between the PSTN and my PBX
14:24.18YoYo^there's a T400 in it, 1 PRI configured to my Lucnet TNT, which is in turn connected to the PSTN with 20+ PRI
14:24.27omarI will be making talk to a SOft Switch
14:24.37YoYo^it routes calls via IAX to my other * box, which serves as a PBX
14:24.50omarI see
14:25.00YoYo^it doesn't really matter what * is talking to on the PSTN side
14:25.17omarI will have to play with it.  Just that $1500 to test may not be very smart move to make
14:25.19YoYo^5E, Tekalec, TNT, APX, CVX, DMS, etc...
14:25.35YoYo^omar: then buy the $500 single span card first
14:25.41UnixDawganosh ?
14:25.56UnixDawgwhy you sending me plank files
14:26.04YoYo^omar: and if all fails, send the card to a cooperative FreeBSD kernel haxor so he/she can write drivers =D
14:26.13dheckaman_or me
14:26.19dheckaman_and I can ebay it
14:26.24dheckaman_and get your money back..
14:26.25wsuffheh he
14:26.31YoYo^no, don't send it to dheckaman, he won't use it for productive use
14:26.40dheckaman_sure I will
14:26.46omarI will try with the Dev Kit that I already purchased.  My main question is "Has anybody do it yet "?
14:26.48dheckaman_I will interface it into my OC3
14:26.53wsuffEBAY is productive
14:27.06YoYo^I wish I could afford to drop the $$ necessary to get the drivers ported over to FreeBSD
14:27.37wsuffYoYo^: ya i hear ya might have to colo a linux box just to run asterisk
14:27.38YoYo^maybe I need to post to freebsd-hackers and find a volunteer, then see if kram would be so kind as to lend him/her the cards long enough to get stuff developed
14:28.30omarI will get in touch with Digium for a 60 days money back in case that it does not work
14:28.38dheckaman_omar: indeed
14:28.38RoyKYoYo^: why do you want this?
14:28.43dheckaman_YoYo^: hmm
14:28.46RoyKYoYo^: afraid of SCO?
14:28.47YoYo^what would be 'l33t, is if that did happen, then we talked Kram into putting the drivers under a dual license (GPL & BSD), which would allow the drivers to be commited to FreeBSD
14:28.53dheckaman_wont that luser need a T1 to plug it into?
14:29.04YoYo^which would be much more better than the way you have to load them for leenoox
14:29.22YoYo^RoyK: no, I'm not afraid of SCO
14:29.25YoYo^also not afraid of linux
14:29.35RoyKthen what's the prob?
14:29.56YoYo^I like FBSD better
14:30.15YoYo^always have... since linux 0.99 and FreeBSD 1.something
14:30.16wsuffRoyK: my only problem is a current don't own a linux box w/ the proper connectivity to build my PBX network
14:30.57YoYo^wsuff, yeah, I had to learn the basics of linux all over again to get * running
14:31.26wsuffYoYo^: ya my RS server is RH 7.2 and i hate it
14:31.28YoYo^fortunately, I have plenty of room for it all
14:31.32RoyKbut still - looking at all sorts of benchmarks etc, porting the digium drivers to linux 2.6 is far more important than to bsd
14:31.38RoyK...and far simpler
14:31.46wsuffYoYo^: rackshack/ev1servers
14:32.07wsuffYoYo^: i'm sure u heard of that budget dserver place
14:32.30wsufftrying to get out but $$$ while in college is tight
14:33.51YoYo^yeah, I'm familiar with rackshack
14:35.09YoYo^and plenty of space on my rack
14:35.26wsuffYoYo^: gimme some =)
14:35.36wsuffcan't hurt to ask
14:35.38dheckaman_me too!!
14:35.45dheckaman_12.50 a month
14:35.48dheckaman_1u of space
14:35.50wsuffwas thinking of getting a 10mbit at HE
14:35.53dheckaman_unlimited BW
14:36.14wsuffor just have a friend hide some boxes at work
14:36.36wsuffall this big companies like cable providers and shit
14:36.43wsuffw/ bandwidth up the ass
14:36.53YoYo^I'm trying to work a deal with another ISP that's next to me, and if it works, we're probably going to be subleasing space at around $50/U or so
14:37.07*** join/#asterisk Citadel ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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14:37.10dheckaman_YoYo^: nice
14:37.12*** join/#asterisk [Sim] ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:37.20wsuffYoYo: coo
14:37.20*** join/#asterisk Takapa ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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14:37.24dheckaman_my local ISP can get me it for 65 bucks for 1u
14:37.24*** join/#asterisk ReG-Hexer (~tmnut@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:37.27dheckaman_and 20 gb/mo
14:37.44*** join/#asterisk angler ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:37.45wsuffi'll take my dserver w/ 1000gigs a month for 60 for now
14:37.48YoYo^dheckaman: their own facilities, or is that a sublet from a colo center?
14:37.58dheckaman_their own
14:38.05*** join/#asterisk danielq ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:38.08YoYo^that's too high and not enough
14:38.18dheckaman_but its local
14:38.26dheckaman_so I can go hug it if I need to
14:38.28wsuffdheckaman_: that only goes so far
14:38.59wsuffsentimental value dheckaman_?
14:39.05dheckaman_or I could get a dedicated box for 120 bucks /mo, and like 150 gb/mo
14:39.09dheckaman_not my own server...
14:39.13dheckaman_like, 80 gig drive...
14:39.19wsuffthat's still expensive
14:39.32dheckaman_but then I dont need to buy a server
14:39.39YoYo^we pay $300 per rack + $15/amp (2x30amp), so like $1200 per rack, which is about $34/U (after we put UPSes in place)
14:39.55YoYo^then we have to bring in bandwidth :/
14:40.09YoYo^oh wait... if it's all servers, I dun need 60 amps =D
14:40.46*** join/#asterisk anoosh (~anoosh@
14:41.14YoYo^ugh... I just want my damned FXS cards to come in
14:41.22YoYo^get my VOIP shit @ home fixed up
14:43.14YoYo^ok, time load up the shotgun and go fedex hunting
14:44.10*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
14:44.14YoYo^actually, the digium shop said "allow 24 to 48 hours for processing"
14:44.27YoYo^so yesterday, I'm thinking 48 hours.. that means it'll ship on thursday
14:44.34YoYo^so I ordered nextday shipping
14:44.40YoYo^so I could get it on Friday
14:44.52YoYo^but no... not 48 hour processing... more like 48 minute processing
14:45.23YoYo^but that's ok, because the rest of my parts, which are coming from CA were shipped out on Monday via 3-day, and they're arriving today as well
14:45.39YoYo^so I get my home * box 2 days early, which is good
14:45.44*** join/#asterisk erubright (~erubright@
14:51.38lelestupid cisco... the 7905 if you set the DND is forwarding the call to the voicemail number (8500)
14:52.27tholoUhh...  What did you expect to happen?
14:53.13lelethis way the caller gets the voicemailmain prompt!
14:53.45*** join/#asterisk KillerBee (
14:54.47YoYo^lele, then you need to fix your extension logic
14:55.54*** join/#asterisk anthm (
14:56.10YoYo^just the man I've been wanting to talk to for 2 weeks now!
14:56.17YoYo^(too lazy to email)
14:56.17leleYoYo^: what do you suggest? i should detect if the call is a redirect and forward it to voicemail instead of voicemailmain? how?
14:57.05YoYo^lele, if you have 1,Dial(), then 2 should be VoiceMail(uXXX) and 102 should be VoiceMail(bXXX)
14:57.08YoYo^(or vis-versa)
14:57.40YoYo^anthm, I can't figure out what you did to AddQueueMember() so that an agent can be dynamically added as a secondary agent
14:57.46leleYoYo^: yes i know that, but the 7905 when you set the DND is sending back a "302 Moved to 8500"
14:58.17YoYo^lele: it should send an unavailable
14:58.30YoYo^sounds like your cisco is misconfigured then
14:58.30leleit doesn't
14:58.50leleYoYo^: it looks like a "feature" to me...
14:59.10YoYo^well, I don't have any fancy phones
14:59.32YoYo^so I do a *78 to set DND and *79 to remove it
14:59.35leleprobably on their super-mega system they use the same number for listening the VM and for leaving messages
14:59.37YoYo^and take care of it in extension logic
14:59.38anthmhmm addqueuemember as in the dynamic one ?
14:59.51YoYo^anthm, yes
15:00.16YoYo^we don't use static agents
15:00.26YoYo^also, I'm not sure I understand the priority thing...
15:00.32leleYoYo^: i would like to do the same but since the phone has the function for it, somebody is already using and complaining :(
15:00.35YoYo^as for the skillmask, I'm not using that at all
15:00.36dheckaman_YoYo^: how do you do the * things?
15:00.39dheckaman_doesnt work for me
15:00.42dheckaman_I am on sip phone
15:01.01YoYo^dheckaman: some work, some don't with my ATA
15:01.12dheckaman_do I have to enable something?
15:01.22dheckaman_because turning on DND would be cool
15:01.29YoYo^I also have this:  exten => _11XX.,Goto(*${EXTEN:2})
15:01.44YoYo^so if the * doesn't work, I use 11 instead
15:01.53YoYo^very similar to how vertical services work on a class-5
15:02.10dheckaman_and NO ECHO!!
15:02.24YoYo^we get echo when calling to some wire centers... sucks ass
15:02.35dheckaman_the new echo cancle thing works great
15:02.59YoYo^new echo can?
15:03.01leleYoYo^: the ATA can set the forward internally with *xx*nnnn# provided you set the CallCmd properly
15:03.59Chilleddheck:the new echo cancle thing works great?? (Capi/Zaptel???
15:05.08*** join/#asterisk KillerBee (
15:09.22YoYo^now that would be truely elite
15:11.16leleahybody has a suggestion on how to detect if the 8500 has been dialled to listen the VM or it has been hit because a sip redirect?
15:11.21Pj_include my phone in the spec list and I'm in
15:12.19YoYo^wonder how much something like that would cost
15:13.30YoYo^lele, hang around for a while until BKW gets here.  he may have a solution to your problem
15:13.35YoYo^he's a cisco-whore wannabe
15:13.46data[c0dink]no slagging off cisco-whores
15:13.47leleYoYo^: lol!
15:14.20ManxPowerI think the correct term is "Cisco Adult Entertainer"
15:14.42dheckaman_heeey ManxPower
15:14.42YoYo^so, who's going to be around tonight to help me get my leenoox box configured for PPPoE, DHCP, and NAT?
15:14.52dheckaman_YoYo^: #ipcop
15:14.57dheckaman_get setup in 15 min
15:15.02dheckaman_after download of CD
15:15.23dheckaman_its supports pppoe I think
15:15.44YoYo^ok, does it also include all the crap I need to run *?
15:16.10dheckaman_run * on the firewall?
15:16.15YoYo^I already have RH9 updated to fedora
15:16.27dheckaman_run * on the firewall?
15:16.29YoYo^dheckaman: one box to rule them all
15:16.35YoYo^this is for home use
15:16.42dheckaman_first, * might have issues with 2 nics
15:16.46YoYo^it's either that, or I keep using ICS on my windoze box
15:16.51atacommFedora stable?
15:16.57YoYo^atacomm, yeah
15:17.02dheckaman_mornin atacomm
15:17.05YoYo^yum update
15:17.06atacommtrying to figure out if i should stick to RH9 on * boxes or move them to Fedora
15:17.06YoYo^or some shit
15:17.15atacommmornin dheckaman
15:17.24dheckaman_fedora, I hear, its tons faster than RH9
15:17.27dheckaman_but its got...
15:17.33dheckaman_some issues...
15:17.38YoYo^I can't figure out how the hell to get up2date to run without registering on the RHN
15:17.41dheckaman_YoYo^: ipcop supports PPPoE :P
15:17.42dheckaman_hey kram!
15:17.49dheckaman_I love the new echo cancel!! :P
15:17.59YoYo^dheckaman, why would * have issues with 2 NICs?
15:18.10atacommi've got two nics on mine
15:18.29YoYo^all I want, is 2 nics, 1 X100P, and 1 TDM30P
15:18.32dheckaman_YoYo^: all ipcop needs is an old box with 2 nics... presto, firewall w/ ipsec VPN, blah blah
15:18.53dheckaman_and a second PC for *
15:18.57YoYo^dheckaman, overkill for a home user
15:19.02YoYo^thanks though
15:19.04dheckaman_works great for me
15:19.12*** join/#asterisk diegows (~diegows@
15:19.23YoYo^look, I'm going to have enough issues with 2 PCs in my home office
15:19.24YoYo^don't need 3
15:19.32dheckaman_hide it
15:19.34YoYo^though I could be like BKW and get a rack to keep everything on
15:19.38dheckaman_get an old pentium
15:19.46dheckaman_2 old ISA nics...
15:20.09dheckaman_and you have a NICE nat/firewall/vpn gateway/kitchensink
15:20.45YoYo^can it differentiate between VPN traffic and general internet traffic?
15:20.57*** join/#asterisk Moc (
15:21.50dheckaman_so I can ping..
15:22.01dheckaman_and it would ping my work
15:22.01diegowssorry, i do this question the last week but i can't solve the problem
15:22.06dheckaman_vpns are wonderfull
15:22.16data[c0dink]vpns suck
15:22.25diegowshow can i insert a delay between 2 numbers in Dial app
15:22.43dheckaman_show application wait
15:22.47data[c0dink]p wasnt it? for pause?
15:22.51dheckaman_Mornin JarJar!
15:22.58dheckaman_between 2 numbers?
15:22.58diegowsyes, a pause
15:23.00dheckaman_I dunno
15:23.07data[c0dink]i'd guess
15:23.10YoYo^normally, you'd think a comma would do it
15:23.13data[c0dink]but i'm probably tottally wrong
15:23.18diegowssomething like 9[pause]222333
15:23.29YoYo^222333?  who's number is that?
15:23.31*** join/#asterisk deeno (deeno@
15:23.37*** join/#asterisk dmulc (
15:23.57dmulcHi, are dialogic drivers for asterisk still proprietary?
15:24.04dheckaman_stupid grandstream
15:24.10dheckaman_keeps dropping digits as I dial them
15:24.14YoYo^stupid dheckaman for buying a $70 SIP phone
15:24.47deenodoes anyone know? if i am only planning to use voicemail feature of the *, is it required for me to install the boards?
15:24.59dheckaman_deeno: no
15:25.03diegows222333, is an example
15:25.11dheckaman_JerJer: nufone having problems?
15:25.22YoYo^diegows, so that's not a valid number?
15:25.33deenodheckman: are u saying teh voicemail is played using local files? is it mpg, or mp3?
15:25.34*** join/#asterisk xpasha_work (
15:25.42erubrightdiegows: I think you insert a W in the dial.  One w = .5 secs
15:25.45dheckaman_voicemail is GSM
15:25.51YoYo^deeno: wav, wav49, gsm
15:25.51dheckaman_all the recordings and etc
15:25.56dheckaman_or wav
15:26.21diegowsYoYo^: i need Dial(Zap/1/9[pause]222333/)
15:26.27data[c0dink]dheckaman_: This is a service announcement, on behalf of JerJer - Nufone is turning off the old switch-1 today, reload j00r asterisk b0x3n to get it to change IP
15:26.33diegowsi have a x100p
15:26.35dmulcDialogic support?  anyone know anything about this?
15:26.35*** join/#asterisk dtroylog (
15:26.39dheckaman_I never got it
15:26.41YoYo^diegows: but if 222333 isn't a real number, why would you need to dial it?
15:26.52deenodheckman/yoyo: so wav over SIP is possible?
15:27.15macTijnwhy would you do that ? :)
15:27.24dheckaman_data[c0dink]: whats the new switch called?
15:27.29dheckaman_what do I change?
15:27.50deenoi have cisco ata, sending to a cisco gateway.. and whenever there is ring no answer, i want to push them directly to * for voicemail.
15:27.53diegowsYoYo^: 222333 may be a real number is argentian pstn
15:27.55data[c0dink] is teh new ip
15:28.09data[c0dink]same name, new ip
15:28.19deenois that gonna work?
15:29.03YoYo^hrrm, I dun see anything usefull in app_dial.c
15:29.10data[c0dink]dheckaman_: This is a service announcement [on behalf of JerJer]: Nufone is turning off the old switch-1 today, reload j00r asterisk b0x3n to pick up its new of of
15:29.14data[c0dink]much bettah
15:29.49dheckaman_I just did
15:29.58deenodheckman: i have cisco ata, sending to a cisco gateway.. and whenever there is no ringanswer for a period of let's say 10seconds, i will forward them to * for voicemail.. is that doable?
15:30.11diegowserubright: thanks, w works!!
15:30.27dheckaman_deeno: dunno, I am only an intern
15:31.06YoYo^quick browse of chan_zap.c didn't turn up anything either
15:31.25dheckaman_data[c0dink]: still not working
15:31.29dheckaman_I changed all my ips
15:31.38deenodheckaman: thx
15:34.49YoYo^data, so if I do nothing, my nufone shit will stop working completely?
15:35.04YoYo^is that why jer sent me a copule emails in the last copule months?
15:35.14YoYo^damn... I can't type couple
15:35.20data[c0dink]if you havent restarted asterisk recently then asterisk will have cached the old ip yes
15:35.26dheckaman_I havnt got any emails
15:35.37YoYo^data, hell, I don't even think I'm registering at all with nufone at the moment
15:35.45YoYo^hell, I don't even know if I know what my nufone number is =D
15:36.22dheckaman_me too
15:36.28wsuffso i can close my net2phone and kall8 accs
15:36.31dheckaman_data[c0dink]: still dont work for me
15:36.31data[c0dink]wsuff: easy, /msg JerJer $$$
15:37.00*** join/#asterisk dtroylog (
15:37.02dheckaman_I paypaled jerjer 10 bucks
15:37.07dheckaman_and I got a 1-866 number
15:37.12dheckaman_and termination
15:37.25data[c0dink]whats a 866 number? that like my 877 number but different?
15:37.31dheckaman_like a 800 number
15:37.34data[c0dink]ah k
15:37.37dheckaman_same thing
15:37.38data[c0dink]all teh same
15:37.48dheckaman_why cant I work
15:37.55dheckaman_data[c0dink]: what are you registering to?
15:37.58YoYo^because you're a lazy bastard?
15:38.20dheckaman_why cant I get nufone working
15:38.32wsuffdheckaman_: cause it hates u =)
15:38.48deenoanybody here? who can answer my question regarding voicemail over sip?
15:38.58dheckaman_voicemail over sip works great
15:39.04dheckaman_no cards needed
15:39.20*** join/#asterisk mrRegev (mrRegev@
15:39.25data[c0dink]i register
15:39.38dheckaman_same here
15:39.49deenodhekaman: did u test it directly from ata to *?
15:39.51dheckaman_and what about the nufone entry?
15:40.01dheckaman_deeno: no, I dont have one of those
15:40.05dheckaman_but it shouldnt matter
15:40.56deenodhekaman: ok.. one more question, how easy is it to install * without boards for the first time, and then upgrade it with cards for pbx functionality?
15:41.18*** join/#asterisk Spaceboy (furgaw@
15:41.42dheckaman_takes about 5 min
15:41.46dheckaman_if nothing goes wrong
15:41.51mrRegevhi everybody, can u recommend a good way to start developing AGI?
15:41.58dheckaman_and then adding all the config files
15:42.05dheckaman_for actully making calls
15:43.49KillerBeewho is going to give me a wisip phone?
15:44.05*** join/#asterisk habban (
15:44.32dheckaman_KillerBee: who is going to give ME one
15:44.39KillerBee...  I just noticed that they are NOT shipping till jan
15:44.47Pj_Don't ask who is going to YOU one
15:44.48KillerBeeno xmas gift for me....
15:44.54Pj_Ask what you can give to me
15:44.58wsuffdheckaman_: i'll give u 1 if u give me 1
15:45.11*** part/#asterisk habban (
15:45.15KillerBeeI WANT ONE NOW>>>>
15:45.31KillerBeedamn.. they are not shipping ...yet
15:45.56KillerBeelet me call jeff.. C if he can release them early... xmas presents
15:46.19dtroyanybody tried to make the symbol 802.11 sccp phone work?
15:46.19AlTalking of things not shipping, does anyone know when in heck the TE405Ps will actually be ready?
15:47.23KillerBeedont worry... in about 4 weeks
15:49.17AlYeah, pretty much...
15:49.59AlDon't get me wrong, I want them to test 'em properly, but it's getting quite silly, now.
15:50.03data[c0dink]damn cold :/
15:50.09AlWe needed them eight weeks ago.
15:50.18data[c0dink]wos the 405P's ?
15:50.24AlAnd we really really needed them four weeks ago.
15:50.34Al5V version of a TE410P.
15:50.42data[c0dink]oh right
15:50.48kramal: i'm working on it right now
15:50.48data[c0dink]it's mister kram
15:50.51AlFor non-xeon boxen, basically.
15:50.55AlAhha. Excellent. :)
15:51.28Alkram: I trust you more than the sales guys. :) How long do you reckon? :)
15:51.50wsuffdata[c0dink]: that's a classic
15:53.31dheckaman_I can call nufone..
15:53.36wsuffirc tends to kill that
15:53.51wsuffi can see dead people
15:53.52dheckaman_but outgoing failes
15:54.00YoYo^wait... it says that I have to power down the PC?  WTF?
15:54.05YoYo^OMG, this is complicated!
15:54.07kramAl: i don't know how long
15:54.12dheckaman_YoYo^: hahahahah
15:54.13kramas soon as i fix this buffering issue
15:54.17dheckaman_kram: moo
15:54.37Alkram: OK, thanks.
15:54.51*** join/#asterisk dnc (
15:55.00YoYo^kram, are these directions correct?  Do I really have to unplug the PC from it's main AC power supply?
15:55.05AlBTW, I've now got wave file playback working on my Java IAX2 stack.
15:55.24wsuffYoYo^: don't wanna frie the card
15:55.53YoYo^wsuff: actually, I don't care
15:55.54data[c0dink]you got iax2 working in Java?
15:56.03YoYo^because the FedEX guy didn't wait for a signature
15:56.11YoYo^"what package?  I didn't get no stinking package!"
15:56.22AlIt's not production-ready yet, but it's getting there.
15:56.33kramyoyo: what directions?
15:56.43wsuffYoYo^: get the shotgun and  hunt em down
15:56.45YoYo^kram, with the TDM400P I just got
15:56.59YoYo^says some nonsense about turning the power off and unplugging the PC
15:57.15data[c0dink]so you dont go electriciting yaself ;)
15:57.30wsuffya for your safety
15:57.40anthmYo, YoYo, merry xmas
15:57.42kramyoyo: you should most assuredly turn off the power
15:58.06anthmimplements secondary dynamic
15:58.15dheckaman_YoYo^: its a conspirisy!!
15:58.31dheckaman_data[c0dink]: outgoing still dont work
15:58.41YoYo^oh!  the card is a very pretty shade of blue
15:58.44data[c0dink]dheckaman_: aww
15:58.47YoYo^almost a shame to hide it inside a PC chassis
15:59.01dheckaman_YoYo^: bah
15:59.05dheckaman_get a big window
15:59.20dheckaman_data[c0dink]: how is your nufone entrys like in iax.conf
15:59.35data[c0dink]are you putting @WORLD on the end of your dialstring
15:59.44YoYo^interesting design.  any reason to use RJ45/48 jacks, but not wire all 4 with all 4 lines?
15:59.46dheckaman_should I?
15:59.50data[c0dink]or NANPA wasnt it?
15:59.58dheckaman_could you email me the info?
16:00.03YoYo^ok... I gotta stop picking and go take a shower and get my ass to work
16:00.39wsuffgood idea yoyo
16:00.48data[c0dink]exten => _001.,1,Dial(IAX2/user:pass@nufone/${EXTEN:2}@WORLD||rC)
16:01.42dheckaman_whats the ||rC?
16:02.06YoYo^ring and reset call detail
16:02.25data[c0dink]the @WORLD is the important bit
16:02.50dheckaman_do I need the pass?
16:02.55dheckaman_I didnt have it before
16:03.39dheckaman_same thing
16:03.57wsuffdheckaman_: just not ment to be
16:04.58data[c0dink]well what does your asterisk say
16:06.19Bonbonis there a command like dbShow which allows you to retrieve all values for a specific family?
16:07.11dheckaman_and it rings
16:07.13dheckaman_on my end
16:07.59Bonbonhow would I retrieve all values under a specific db tree in agi? Would I use the "database show" command?
16:08.48*** join/#asterisk ennuyeux7 (~ennuyeux7@
16:11.23MocDamnit ... 100$ for an ISDN Line here :(
16:12.10atacommhmm, those sipuras are smaller in person
16:12.36dheckaman_atacomm: send me one
16:12.46dheckaman_please??? :P
16:12.48atacommi've only got 5....i get 5 more in 2 weeks
16:12.58dheckaman_send me 5 then
16:13.12atacommthen i'm hoping to have enough interest to order about 50.... i've got a pre-order price on my website for $99 to try to get some interest
16:13.27dheckaman_99 aint bad
16:13.29dheckaman_2 line?
16:13.31dheckaman_or one?
16:13.46atacommyeah, 2 line.......everyone else sells for $110-120
16:14.01*** join/#asterisk extremis (
16:14.02KillerBeeatacomm.. can ya send me a wisip before xmas?
16:14.12extremisHas anyone gotten asterisk working in fedora?
16:14.20atacommkillerbee: i cant get them in the country while the FCC doesnt approve it
16:14.33wsuffatacomm: what's your site
16:14.35KillerBeeI know but can U ship one to canada b4 xmas?
16:14.46atacommi dont have any
16:14.49KillerBeeI will ship to my parents...
16:15.20dheckaman_JerJer[roadtrip]: where to??!
16:15.22dheckaman_and JerJer[roadtrip]
16:15.28dheckaman_I am having problems
16:15.34dheckaman_with my nufone
16:16.23klassteknufone works for me
16:16.36dheckaman_incoming works
16:16.39dheckaman_no outgoing
16:16.40atacommmy price will go back up in february after it becomes a normal item for me....our reseller price for our resellers is $95, so a $99 sale isnt too bad :)
16:16.44KillerBeeatacomm.. none in stock
16:17.38klasstekboth directions are working
16:17.51atacommkb: of the wisip, i have no idea when we will ever see them
16:18.19YoYo^hey, would warantee cover this TDM400P if I smacked it really good with a sledge hammer?
16:18.47*** part/#asterisk mrRegev (mrRegev@
16:20.33*** join/#asterisk jelque (
16:21.39wsuffsledge hammer
16:21.41wsuffdoubt it
16:21.44dtroyanybody using * with enum?
16:22.34dheckaman_dtroy: sorta
16:22.38dheckaman_someone here
16:22.41dheckaman_ask around
16:23.09dtroybkw is using enum?
16:23.16KillerBeeIf I woke him up... he's gonna be cranky
16:23.28dtroyJust wondering... I have an associate who is developing a similar service
16:23.43dtroyand I told him I'd check into what was necessary to put hooks to support it into *.
16:24.03dtroyshould be fairly straightforward.
16:24.15*** join/#asterisk InterLoper (
16:24.35dtroyhow do you enable enum in *?
16:24.44dtroyI see enum.conf showing the tld to use, but not sure how you turn it on.
16:25.41dheckaman_show application enum
16:29.03wsuffdtroy: is a overview of enum in asterisk by ripe
16:29.25wsuffgotta add enum lookups to your extention methods
16:31.25dtroywsuff: thanks
16:31.31dheckaman_dtroy: someone has a nice pretty gui all setup on a web site
16:31.41dheckaman_you just punch in your phone number
16:31.44dheckaman_and it adds you to the lis
16:31.51dtroyany idea where that is?
16:31.53dheckaman_and then you put something in enum
16:32.00dheckaman_dont have the link on me
16:32.04bkw_never fear bkw is here
16:32.32bkw_what is wrong now?
16:32.40dheckaman_dtroy: enum
16:32.46dheckaman_bkw_: enum
16:32.55extremiszaptel.c:641: error: `current' undeclared (first use in this function)
16:33.09bkw_extremis check your symlink
16:33.13bkw_for the linux src
16:33.15wsuff|goneisn't enum handled by
16:33.20dheckaman_bkw_: oh yea, and my outgoing nufone is broke
16:33.22dheckaman_incoming works
16:33.37extremisits going to /usr/src/linux
16:33.38bkw_extremis WRONG
16:33.45bkw_dheckaman_ mine works fine
16:33.45extremisbkw: eh?
16:33.59bkw_its hould be /usr/src/linux linked to /usr/src/linux-version
16:34.08bkw_and make menuconfig
16:34.10bkw_save the config
16:34.12bkw_make dep
16:34.16bkw_then compile zaptel
16:34.23dheckaman_bkw_: mind emailing my your nufone entrys from iax.conf and extensions.conf? with the passwords removed... ;)
16:34.40extremisfuck menuconfig, oldconfig
16:34.53bkw_dheckaman_ no
16:34.57extremisbkw: thanks
16:35.00dheckaman_you dont mind?
16:35.04bkw_dheckaman_ you bitch
16:35.22bkw_jj will get the h00kup for you
16:35.25dheckaman_jerjer is on a trip
16:35.33Corydon76-work~fuck dheckaman_
16:35.35ACTION humps dheckaman_'s leg in public
16:35.51_mwood_in Redhat /usr/src/linux-2.4 linked to /usr/src/linux-version works fine
16:35.52dheckaman_~forget fuck $1
16:35.53dheckaman_: i didn't have anything called 'fuck $1 '
16:36.04*** join/#asterisk HenryTB (
16:37.00bkw_dheckaman_ they are on the way
16:37.12bkw_the address you sent me
16:37.17dheckaman_uh huh
16:37.19bkw_~fuck dheckaman_
16:37.22ACTION humps dheckaman_'s leg in public
16:37.24wsuff|gonethe wizard of oz
16:37.31wsuff|goneoff to see the wizard =)
16:37.55dheckaman_weeeere... OFF to see the wizard! the wonderfull wizard of OZ!
16:38.13bkw_are you a friend of Dorothy's?
16:39.05wsuff|gonetodo is da shiznit
16:39.21bkw_no i'm the shiznit
16:39.39wsuff|gonei always thought it was to do
16:39.41wsuff|gonenot to to
16:39.46Mikeis asterisk being port some day to another OS
16:39.52Mikefreebsd netbsd openbsd?
16:39.56extremismmm openbsd
16:40.02wsuff|goneMike: some point probably
16:40.16wsuff|gonewhen is anyone's guess
16:40.17extremisI'd be more than happy to shoot my linux box
16:40.25extremismike: wanna help port it?
16:40.52Mikei have no idea on coding
16:40.57Mikeim just a newbie user
16:41.03extremisyeah, I'm not so good at coding
16:41.06extremisI can hack up code
16:41.29citatsasterisk should run on most of the *BSDs now, what most people want is the zaptel modules ported over
16:41.33Mikei like linux alot but theres many servers already working on freebsd
16:41.50*** mode/#asterisk [+o angler] by bkw_
16:42.00dheckaman_OP me too!
16:42.07wsuff|goneya asterisk is in the freebsd ports tree
16:42.19wsuff|gonedunno bout hardware support though
16:42.26*** mode/#asterisk [+o _mwood_] by angler
16:42.44dmulcDoes anyone know how much a license for the Dialogic drivers for asterisk is?
16:42.44citatswsuff|gone: there is no zaptel support on any of the BSDs yet
16:43.24wsuff|gonecitats: ah i was just gonna deploy it on linux for now anyway =)
16:43.28wsuff|goneeasier =)
16:43.32netwindppl does skinny support gateways ? or only endpoints?
16:44.42netwindcan asterisk be registered in cisco call manager any other way that h.323 ?
16:45.13pplreg'd nick too
16:46.08bkw_about to get a nick flood kick
16:46.43dtroyso how do you register a us enum phone number?
16:46.53dtroyand what is to keep somebody from registering someone else's phone number?
16:47.18Mikesomeone has talk to jeff pulver this days?
16:50.34jtodddtroy: there is no way currently to register an enum number in the nanp
16:51.00jtodddtroy: the non-profit company to regulate such issues is in process.  FCC should be making some decisions soon.
16:51.29Mikejtodd: you have a wisip right?
16:51.52jtodddtroy: regulation for phone number transfer into enum is most likely going to work the same way number portability will.  In other words: tedious and paperwork driven.
16:52.16jtodddtroy: fears are that ENUM will be restricted to FCC-regulated bodies.  NANP unclear.
16:52.21jtoddmike: yes.
16:52.27*** part/#asterisk diegows (~diegows@
16:52.29dtroygotcha; so right now the only way enum is effective for us users is when calling countries which have active enum registries, and you happen to be calling someone that's registered.
16:52.38jtodddtroy: yes.  
16:52.47Mikejtodd: i looking for one i got your review but
16:53.02Mikejtodd: you say theres alot of bad stuff on it and jeff said the firmware its ok now
16:53.15HenryTBI'm looking for a company to connect my * with unlimited US/Canada unlimited
16:53.19jtodddtroy: shortly the +878 country code (non-geographic) should actually start to become truly organized.  Expect something June/July that may, hopefully, allow registrations in +878
16:53.22HenryTBDo U know some?
16:53.32jtoddmike: those were not my words, but close.
16:53.37Mikejtodd: my school has wireless in the campus big high bandwidth the problem is they have an SSID
16:53.52Mikein linux i have to add an extra line
16:53.58jtoddmike: one of the bad features is that my software is broken in such a way that I cannot upgrade to the newest code.
16:54.02InterLoperHenryTB, nobody is gonna let you use * for unlimited calling
16:54.16*** part/#asterisk martin13351 (
16:54.19Mike/sbin/iwconfig eth1 essid "sis"
16:54.31Mikewill i have to do something wierd on wisip for it to work?
16:54.37InterLoperBut you could use or
16:54.38HenryTBPrepaid I found VoicePulse and Nufone
16:55.05dtroyjtodd: thanks.
16:55.19Mikejtodd: why is it broken?
16:55.21dtroythat's a great overview.
16:55.29HenryTBInterLoper: How come Vonage have this plan?
16:55.30jtoddmike: if I knew, I'd fix it.
16:55.43jtodddtroy: ENUM is slow going; lots of bureaucracy.
16:55.45af_hi jtodd
16:55.47Mikejtodd: my question is if they use an essid do i have to do something or the phone makes it itself?
16:55.55InterLoperHenryTB: Vonage doesn't have a plan that lets you use *
16:56.06jtoddmike: yes, you will need to program the ssid into the device manually through the keypad.
16:56.11Mikejtodd: does it need alot of signal? to work?
16:56.18jtoddmike: seems to work for me.
16:56.20jtoddMeeting time.
16:56.21Mikejtodd: everytime or just once?
16:56.26jtodd-afkmost times
16:56.30HenryTBInterLoper: I know... I have Vonage home
16:57.10InterLoperI use for my * box and regular voicepulse for another line
16:58.34HenryTBInterLoper: I use Iconnect on my * box
16:58.43bkw_Iconnect sucks ballz
16:58.59HenryTBOn my * is ok
16:59.01InterLoperHenryTB: I used to use iconnect but the audio quality was horrible and half the calls didn't go through
16:59.25InterLoperI much prefer native IAX2 like voicepulse or nufone
16:59.32bkw_me too
17:00.00HenryTBI'm trying o contact Jer but is "on the road" :)
17:00.16lelebkw_: somebody told me youre a cisco expert... may sumbit you a problem?
17:02.23*** join/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
17:02.25KillerBeelele go ahead and tell us Ur problems
17:02.43*** join/#asterisk danielq ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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17:02.43*** mode/#asterisk [+bbb *!*globalthr@* *!*shane@* *!*tofubar@*] by
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17:03.32*** join/#asterisk martin2 (
17:03.53Nixhey guys
17:04.14leleKillerBee: problem with the 7905: if you set the VoiceMailNumber in the 7905 and it is busy, or set to DND, it sends a 302 Redirect to the Voice Mail number (which is 8500), so the caller heard the VoiceMailMain prompt
17:04.28zoa~seen kram
17:04.32kram is currently on #asterisk (7h 40m 35s).  Has said a total of 6 messages.  Is idling for 1h 6m 50s
17:06.12leleKillerBee: explaining better: the 7905 is using the same config parameter for the number to dial when listening to voicemail messages, and for the number to forward the call when busy/not available
17:06.19KillerBeelele.. and the problem is?
17:06.36*** join/#asterisk skinney (
17:06.57leleKillerBee: so if you call a busy 7905 you get the voicemailmain prompt for mailbox number
17:07.29KillerBeelele.. I'm guessing U want to direct the bust to a particular mailbox?
17:07.52mod6im getting a segfault when starting up asterisk for the first time.  I have gdb core backtraces and other output info.  Can someone help point me in the right direction to getting this fixed?
17:08.19mod6i didn't know where else to turn. tia.
17:08.25leleKillerBee: either to a particular # or just want the 7905 to answer a "4xx busy"  or "4xx not available" instead of "302 forward to 8500"
17:09.05dtroyatacomm any decent fxo gateways similar to the sipura?
17:09.19dtroyhave the mediatrix 8 port gw but hate it.
17:09.38dtroythe digium fxo pots cards have been spotty and would prefer an external gw.
17:09.38af_ehm, what sipura is?
17:09.49KillerBeelele ..use pegassist
17:09.49KillerBeeUPDATE tbPageData SET pageDataTitle = 'Confirm Your Registration' WHERE pageDataCode='R50'
17:09.49KillerBeeINSERT into tbPageActionType (pageActionTypeName) VALUES ('MD Sent')
17:10.04KillerBeewrong clipboard...
17:10.05dtroywrong window?
17:10.11atacommdtroy: sipura is coming out with one soon
17:10.13leleKillerBee: pegassist?
17:10.18zoahey why is everybody getting ops in here but me ? :)
17:10.26af_ho zoa
17:10.26KillerBeelele.. forget that
17:10.31KillerBeelele I mean this
17:10.33KillerBeeexten => s,1,AGI,calleridnamelookup.agi
17:10.33KillerBeeexten => s,2,Dial(sip/5101,15)
17:10.33KillerBeeexten => s,3,Voicemail(u5101)
17:10.36dtroyatacomm: cool.
17:10.40bkw_dtroy spotty
17:10.46bkw_and wtf is dtroylog
17:10.49KillerBeesee exten > s,3
17:10.54zoabkw, do you know when kram might get back ?
17:10.59bkw_zoa nope
17:11.05zoai'm looking for him for over 1 week now :)
17:11.11bkw_zoa same here
17:11.14dtroyi am logging via dtroylog
17:11.21bkw_dtroy why?
17:11.23zoayou also need a probe ? :)
17:11.36dtroyso i can archive discussion, search for stuff, etc.
17:11.47bkw_i'm about to start kicking out double nick's
17:11.53dtroythere is actually a lot of decent stuff said here, between the joking around...
17:11.54bkw_call it something else besides dtroylog
17:12.02dtroyok, any suggestions?
17:12.12zoayes DzeSPY
17:12.18bkw_yes that will work
17:12.24bkw_because nick completion gets all fucked up
17:12.42dtroyoh, ok.
17:13.02wsuff|gonewhat a group here
17:13.07*** kick/#asterisk [KillerBee!] by bkw_ (bkw_)
17:13.16bkw_muhahahah kicked him in the nutz
17:13.17*** join/#asterisk KillerBee (
17:13.27bkw_sorry I coudln't resist
17:13.31wsuff|goneheh e
17:13.38KillerBeeyea.. I knew THAT was comming
17:13.44*** join/#asterisk ReG-Hexer (~tmnut@
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17:13.58wsuff|gonecan i take a quick poll
17:14.34wsuff|gonedo u think we evolved from apes or were created? (ya i know it has jack shit to do w/ pbx linux or anything but that's college for ya)
17:14.42bkw_we evolved
17:14.56wsuff|gonei gotta argue that in an hr
17:15.01af_I don't know
17:15.02bkw_i'm sorry their is no god.. god was a man just like us.
17:15.05wsuff|gonefucking reasoning class
17:15.23wsuff|gonemy answer is i don't give a fuck we are here so lets move on
17:15.25dheckaman_uh oh
17:15.29mod6ok, maybe an easier question for you all.  Is the freebsd port (, it is tagged in the /ports tree as RELEASE_5_2_0 (yes, i realize thats not out yet.), but I'm running 5.2-CURRENT, which should be compat with that port version...but im still having problems.  The is asterisk supposed to work at all at this point on FreeBSD?
17:16.01dheckaman_mod6: r u kidin?
17:16.08mod6haha. ok.
17:16.13mod6i think thats all i needed to know.
17:16.16*** join/#asterisk fdsadfsafasdf (
17:16.23dheckaman_I dunno
17:16.27dheckaman_some people have gotten it to work
17:16.31mod6(so just go back to linux and suck on it?)
17:16.33wsuff|gonemod6: cvsup the ports tree and it it should install
17:16.45dheckaman_mod6: yea
17:16.51mod6im running '-rHEAD' port version.
17:16.53dheckaman_since BSD doesnt support the hardware yet
17:16.58wsuff|gonemod6: just u won't have zaptel support as far as i know and i dunno what other shortcomings
17:17.06mod6lemme do something. i'll post URL's to the out put i've gotten, and GDB core traces.
17:17.06wsuff|gonebut the software itself should load
17:17.27wsuff|gonei'm not gonna shave today
17:17.32wsuff|goneto prove the point we are apes
17:17.48wsuff|gonemod6: cool domain
17:18.10*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
17:18.55wsuff|goneseems the mp3 codec was last it loaded
17:19.36af_I am thinking to offer toll free number in italy anyone interested?
17:19.43dheckaman_can I get caller ID from nufone?
17:19.46*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:19.58mod6the first URL is the gdb core crap, the first is the asterisk output -- showing the segfault...
17:19.59wsuff|goneaf_: why italy?
17:20.06af_I mean dialing
17:20.07mod6<wsuff|gone> seems the mp3 codec was last it loaded
17:20.12af_dialing to toll free number
17:20.20af_well, I am italian
17:20.28dheckaman_af_: free?
17:20.39mod6oh! duh. i suppose i need to compile in the PCM driver 'eh ;)
17:20.40af_I have three lines
17:20.52dtroydial a us toll free number and have it ring in italy, or dial an italian toll free number and have it ring anywhere.
17:20.57af_so can react to a bit of traffic
17:21.15af_dtroy: not sure to understood
17:21.38dtroywhat are you offering, a us toll free number or an italian toll free number?
17:21.43wsuff|goneaf_: we are just trying understand what u are trying to do and we aren't grasping it
17:21.49af_ah ok
17:22.15af_I am thinking to offere the capability to dial to italian toll free numbers
17:22.35wsuff|goneok that makes more sense now
17:22.40af_just like iaxtel offers us toll free number
17:22.44wsuff|gonebut i don't have anyone in italy to call
17:22.48Nixanyone here feel like doing some contract asterisk programming work?
17:22.59dtroynix: what do you need done?
17:23.02dheckaman_so we can call the italy M$ phone number?
17:23.10af_sure dheckaman_
17:23.17dtroyhow do you say MS sucks in italian?
17:23.19dheckaman_how about incoming?
17:23.24NixI need to integrate "presence" into asterisk.
17:23.30af_M$ fa schifo
17:23.38dheckaman_~x en it MS sucks
17:23.38Nixspecifically into the agent and queues system
17:23.45dtroywhat sort of presence info?  for what size community?
17:24.43NixI would settle for someone hacking jabberd onto the side of asterisk, but if anyone is up to the challenge if modifying core asterisk and chan_sip to support SIMPLE that would be better :-)
17:25.04dtroynix: interesting ideas.
17:25.05Nix300+ seats.. for a call centre
17:25.24wsuff|goneNix: very interesting
17:25.30NixI am building a call centre app to mimic Alcatel
17:25.53Nixthe softphone client needs to be able to see the status of all other agents in the call centre
17:26.10dheckaman_so type=user is outgoing?
17:26.17NixClient is going to be in QT
17:26.19wsuff|goneNix: jabber could handle that easy
17:26.32*** join/#asterisk adam_gafachi (
17:26.34Nixyes. jabber can handle it. it needs to be integrated with asterisk though
17:26.46Merlin83bNix: Free or non-free sw?
17:27.10Nixso the the jabber status shows "On Call" or "Toilet" or "Outbound Call" or "Lunch 10min left"
17:27.19wsuff|goneNix: don't see why cause sip login to asterisk and connect to jabber server as long as the clients can reead data from there
17:27.47*** join/#asterisk pointer (
17:27.47bkw_YO YO YO
17:27.49NixMerlin83b: some of both. the asterisk server side stuff will be GPL the client I plan on keep the right to
17:27.52bkw_Nix wasabi?
17:27.59Nixbkw_: ?
17:28.09bkw_Client server.. what are you working on?
17:28.14bkw_did you write something and not tell me about it?
17:28.14*** join/#asterisk russT (
17:28.16dheckaman_WASABI POPS!
17:28.43Nixbkw_: Big project. 300 seat call centre. needs to be operation by Jan 1... yep.. no sleep for me
17:28.50bkw_FUN FUN FUN
17:28.53bkw_share the love boy
17:29.01wsuff|goneNix: tight deadline
17:29.02fdsadfsafasdfNix: Guao,...
17:29.12fdsadfsafasdfNix: For 2005?
17:29.18Nixread back bkw_ I am looking for help and I am prepared to pay, but it is a serious project..
17:29.27Nixno mate. 14 days..
17:29.41dheckaman_its X-mas that soon?
17:29.50dheckaman_1 more week
17:29.52bkw_klasstek thanks for working that mgcp bug.. I couldn't see an issue with it either.
17:30.07jtodd-afkNix: You're just using SIP?
17:30.15Nixbkw_: Not saying you are not professional btw.. Just stating that this cannot drag out.
17:30.55bkw_jtodd 1 word... g729 SUCKS
17:30.55jtoddbkw_: I've had good luck with g.729, myself.
17:30.55jtoddOother than the licensing schemes.
17:30.55bkw_us it on SMP boxes?
17:31.03*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
17:31.03dheckaman_Wasabi Pop Tarts! Write Kellogs today!
17:31.16Nixjtodd: I don't care what VoIP protocol.
17:31.35*** join/#asterisk voidptr (
17:31.38Nixthe cleanest way would be SIP + SIMPLE integrated to the core of asterisk but that will take too long.
17:31.50Nixhence I think it will be H323 + Jabber
17:32.13pattiejadheckaman_: ewww
17:32.14dheckaman_h323 = bad
17:32.25pattiejadheckaman_: wasabi pop tarts?
17:32.27dheckaman_h323 = buggy
17:32.38af_all b
17:32.44Nixas I have already a QT h323 softphone, its just a matter of adding jabber
17:33.04Nixh323 = useful for its job. I dont have time to argue that though
17:33.19Nixmy design will alow the VoIP protocol to be replaced..
17:33.19dheckaman_this is all on linux?
17:33.37dheckaman_they have iax softphones
17:33.41Nixbut the clients will be QT and therefore runnable on windows if the need arrises
17:33.49klasstekbkw_: Sure...  I was just browsing around bugs
17:33.50Nixthe first 300 clients will be linux htough
17:33.56*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
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17:34.53bkw_I just love when someon screams bug.. and its not a bug
17:35.22wsuff|gonein the univac
17:35.39dheckaman_anyone have one of those?
17:35.44dheckaman_we have one
17:35.54KillerBeeI keep spiders inside my server.... keeps the kids out
17:36.03dheckaman_its a noisy thing, but it says DATAVAC on the side
17:36.35af_gee, I am tired
17:36.41dheckaman_gee whiz
17:36.52af_soon go out to get a glass of wine
17:36.57dheckaman_golly gee chet, they are shooting at us!
17:37.16leleKillerBee: are you still there? sorry had a long phone call
17:38.29*** join/#asterisk rainer_home (
17:38.43Nixis Digium's PBX down?
17:38.48leleKillerBee: i'm posting my problem to the users list, maybe i can explain it better
17:39.20KillerBeenaw.. it's easy to fix
17:39.25dheckaman_ONE BUG ONE!
17:39.49outtolunclittle heads 'peekin' over the rim
17:40.16leleKillerBee: yep
17:40.23KillerBeeeasy to fix...
17:40.27KillerBeepm me
17:40.39KillerBeedont let bkw_ know what were up to...
17:40.51Nixouttolunc: it will be scrollable of course
17:41.01Nixhave u used Alcatel's call centre app?
17:41.14leleKillerBee: not THAT easy, i know about the extension logic, the problem is that the phone sends out a SIP 302 answer which makes the pbx to forward the call....
17:41.55outtoluncdamn he knows how to kill a good laugh
17:42.39outtolunc300 'toilets' (imagine a small toilet icon) <G>
17:42.55bkw_anyone have a script we can use for call completion/
17:42.57outtoluncall flushin randomly <G>
17:43.12Nixbkw_: maybe.. wait a few min
17:43.18bkw_I wanna send a call thru the * box every 5 min and test to see if it works
17:43.27bkw_if it doesn't.. I want it to let me know
17:44.39Nixbkw_: thats easy..
17:44.58Nixanyone from digium here? I am getting voicemail :-(
17:45.10*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (~TestMasTe@
17:45.11wsuff|goneNix: don't think so
17:45.12bkw_just about everyone besides me that has ops is with digium
17:45.24wsuff|gonealive anyway
17:46.19KillerBeenix...I think they be drinking @ the xmas party
17:46.53af_xmas soon
17:47.04af_I have no tree here
17:47.49mod6ahh, you dont' need a tree.
17:48.24outtoluncjust put a candy cane on your tux
17:48.31af_no tux
17:48.38outtoluncbuy one quick <G>
17:49.09af_jsut started to play with jffnms today
17:49.11bkw_Prase google... Let google lead you.... Amen
17:49.12outtoluncmy gf went nuts this year, bought like 3 FO trees (3' or less)
17:49.16af_cacti yesterday
17:49.25outtoluncgave 2 away, 1 for office here
17:50.59Corydon76-workouttolunc:  FO?
17:51.36Corydon76-workWe got a shaped rosemary bush instead of a tree...
17:51.43fdsadfsafasdfNix: What kind of server you have for project?
17:52.09Nixfdsadfsafasdf: nothing yet. I haven't specced them
17:52.27Nixwe will probably run 6-8 dual processor boxes I guess in total
17:52.33TestMasTerAnyone know where i can find a howto for the digium x100o
17:53.03dheckaman_page 2432443
17:53.06outtoluncfibre optic
17:53.12jtoddTestMasTer: Yes, but @#(@#% O'Reilly hasn't published the article yet.
17:53.12dheckaman_section 3
17:53.17Nixanyone know how stable Asterisk is on Opteron processors?
17:53.29zoanix: i might even not work
17:53.32af_hi jtodd, how are you doing?
17:53.34zoai don't think it works
17:53.55zoaNix: i do have some dual xeons running
17:54.00Nixwell SuSE said they got it to compile
17:54.10jtoddaf_: Doing?  I'm not sure.  I haven't had time to think about it.  Or to eat.  Or much of anything.
17:54.11Nixbut they have not load tested it
17:54.14zoayeah but not the zaptel prolly
17:54.21zoaasterisk itself will compile
17:54.34af_jtodd: yous sounds busy
17:54.34zoai load tested it on a dual xeon
17:54.42Nixhow was it?
17:54.50KillerBeeNEW autocompliing software from IBM....
17:54.50zoain the beginning: BAD
17:54.51KillerBeeself healing too
17:54.52zoanow its better
17:54.56KillerBeepixy dust
17:55.07NixWe will have up to 300 seats.. could be 600 or so incomming channels
17:55.10zoawhat do you want to use it for ?
17:55.17Nixcall centre :-)
17:55.18zoaincoming as what ?
17:55.23zoai am running
17:55.28zoait in a callcentre too
17:56.05TestMasTerjtodd,  lol i just want to make sure i configure the hardware right thats all
17:56.09af_zoa: did you try the snmp stuff?
17:56.11Nixwell initially we will have Zaptel channels comming into asterisk in one city then going via IAX to another city
17:56.19Nix300 agents at the other city..
17:56.23jtoddTestMasTer: send me your email address.
17:56.31Nixalso extra traffic comming internationally via VoIP
17:56.40bkw_lalal Fun with C on the next Oprah
17:56.41zoayou seem to have the same setup i have
18:03.26Corydon76-workjtodd:  thanks for the referral...
18:03.47jtoddCorydon: My pleasure.  
18:03.52fdsadfsafasdfNix: For January, u need have all the implementation? o just the project in paper??
18:04.04Niximplimentation of 20 clients
18:04.33Corydon76-workjtodd:  I checked out the publisher's history, though... the management ran a previous publisher into the ground...
18:04.55jtoddcorydon: Hm.  Well, get a big retainer.  :-)
18:05.25Corydon76-workI'd rather write for O'Reilly, anyway
18:05.40jtoddcorydon: and a contract clause that says any insolvency before publication (or no publication within 5 months) results in immediate transferral of rights to the author
18:06.00jtoddCorydon: as would I, but they've been very unclear on their intentions and seem clueless about VoIP after several discussions.
18:06.19jtoddLots of "yeah, that's cool!" comments, but no understanding of the mammoth market for such a book, or at least no decisions.
18:06.31Corydon76-workAh, well, I don't want to write about VoIP anyway
18:06.36jtoddThough I have not appealed to Tim yet.  Too late, anyway - my job is currently 120% of my time.
18:08.53*** join/#asterisk timeshift (
18:08.57*** join/#asterisk ReG-Hexer (~tmnut@
18:12.30dheckaman_nufone doesnt work for outgoing or incoming now
18:12.54TestMasTerIf anyone has time, i load the mod`s for digium x100p  card and i get 0 channels configured, does that mean there is a problem with the moduals?
18:13.11dheckaman_it means you didnt configure it
18:13.18dheckaman_or the card isnt detected right
18:14.12TestMasTerdheckaman_,  is there anyway i can find out if the card is detected right? other then attempting to dial
18:14.23Corydon76-workjtodd:  well, you could appeal to Tim on behalf of me... ;-)
18:14.26fdsadfsafasdfanyone have cisco ATA?
18:14.37dheckaman_cat /proc/interrupts
18:14.41dheckaman_see if it shows up
18:14.51dheckaman_see if its in there
18:14.55dheckaman_it should show up as a modem
18:14.57dheckaman_or something
18:15.22*** join/#asterisk realboy (~halil@
18:15.28realboyhi all
18:17.56Corydon76-workHey, it's a real boy.  As opposed to a fake boy...
18:19.03UnixDawgor a TomBoy
18:21.29dheckaman_the answer
18:21.30fdsadfsafasdfwasim: just?? :D
18:21.33dheckaman_hey wasim
18:21.41dheckaman_is your iaxtel numba still workin?
18:22.21wasimdheckaman_: yep
18:22.40dheckaman_what is it?
18:22.49fdsadfsafasdfwasim: do u have the image files?????
18:22.58wasimfdsadfsafasdf: !
18:23.28dheckaman_wasim: iaxtel must be down then
18:23.47wasimdheckaman_: i just called myself
18:24.02dheckaman_what are you registering to?
18:25.03wasim69.73.19.178:4569     wasimbaig         60  Registered
18:25.04dheckaman_nufone outgoing dont work either
18:25.39wasimnufone works
18:25.56fdsadfsafasdfwasim: yes,. the signaling-protocol image,...
18:25.59dheckaman_how about calling me
18:26.07wasimdheckaman_: are you registered?
18:26.21wasimfdsadfsafasdf: for?
18:26.35fdsadfsafasdfSIP & h323
18:26.44wasimfdsadfsafasdf: eww
18:26.49*** join/#asterisk bobman (
18:26.50wasimfdsadfsafasdf: & eww
18:27.24Corydon76-workdheckaman_:  are you using IAX or IAX2 with IAXtel?
18:27.32fdsadfsafasdfwasim: ?
18:27.50dheckaman_I am unregistered
18:27.50Corydon76-workThat'd be why it doesn't work.  Try using IAX2
18:28.13Corydon76-workSee the mailing list.  IAX was turned off in favor of IAX2
18:28.23wasimiax is resting in peace
18:28.37dheckaman_how do I tell it to register using iax2
18:28.51Corydon76-workSame register line.
18:29.05Corydon76-workJust use IAX2 in the replacement line in extensions.conf
18:29.55dheckaman_2820628  -- Executing SetCallerID("SIP/2001-8d07", "17005552222") in new stack
18:29.58Corydon76-workI wonder if perhaps chan_iax should be modified to use iax1.conf
18:30.15dheckaman_thats supposed to be user:pass
18:30.45dheckaman_tis working
18:31.11*** join/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
18:31.13Corydon76-workWho's the 700-282-0628?
18:31.36Nixwhats the deal with digium. I cant get though. is their OBX down??
18:31.38Corydon76-workAnd you're at 555-2222?
18:32.19Corydon76-workYou set it up for a conference?
18:32.19dheckaman_who was dat?
18:32.27dheckaman_I need to rerecord my menus
18:32.44Corydon76-workWell, that's easy enough...
18:33.12dheckaman_and convert them
18:33.15dheckaman_I have the sounds
18:33.22dheckaman_its just on a RO hard drive
18:33.45*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
18:34.01dheckaman_mbranca: af_ is from italy :P
18:34.12mbrancadheckaman_: I know :)
18:34.13dheckaman_he wants to setup a italian toll free gateway
18:35.15mbrancainteresting... wondering how is going to do it...
18:35.27mbrancawith cisco gateway perhaps
18:35.30mbrancaeh eh
18:35.54dheckaman_will that work with a x100p?
18:36.39mbrancayup, if you have CID on it
18:36.52dheckaman_I dont have CID
18:36.56dheckaman_can I hard code the number in?
18:37.02mbrancaand adjust this line
18:37.03mbrancafputs($cf,"Channel: CAPI/".$agi["extension"].":".$agi["callerid"]."\n");
18:37.17mbrancafputs($cf,"Channel: ZAP/1/".$agi["callerid"]."\n");
18:37.36mbrancayep, just substitue $agi['callerid'] with your own number
18:37.55mbranca(and assuming that X100P is on zap/1, for my example)
18:38.07TestMasTerif anyone has time could they tell me how to fix this or point me to some doc`s about this problem ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22)
18:38.07TestMasTerDid you forget that FXS interfaces are configured with FXO signalling
18:38.07TestMasTerand that FXO interfaces use FXS signalling?
18:38.20mbrancadheckaman_: but you should do some authentication also...
18:38.57mbrancasince in the dialplan the callback is exec'ed only if the incoming CID mets some requirementsù
18:38.58mbrancaexten => 1234/016066666,1,Wait,1
18:39.02*** join/#asterisk ReG-Hexer (~tmnut@
18:39.08mbrancaworks only for 0160blah
18:40.05dheckaman_so I want to change that to my cell
18:40.25dheckaman_fputs($cf,"Channel: ZAP/1/".$agi[1231234]."\n");
18:40.29dheckaman_like that?
18:40.40mbranca$agi is an array
18:40.53dheckaman_so how do I hard code it
18:40.53mbrancafputs($cf,"Channel: ZAP/1/1231234\n")
18:41.02mbrancalearn php :)
18:41.25mbrancaand in the dialplan
18:41.28mbrancawhat do you do?
18:42.24dheckaman_change capi to zap/1/@1234:b?
18:42.50dheckaman_no wait
18:43.12mbrancacapi is just another channel driver
18:43.17mbrancayou should do
18:43.40*** join/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
18:43.43mbrancaexten => s,1,Dial,Zap/1
18:43.44mbrancaexten => s,2,Hangup
18:44.03mbrancaso it will callback you and dials Zap/1, giving you a dialtone
18:44.16dheckaman_I see
18:44.20dheckaman_so this capiin...
18:44.32dheckaman_exten => 1234/016066666,1,Wait,1
18:44.40dheckaman_I should change the number
18:45.00dheckaman_I dont have CID
18:45.07dheckaman_just get rid of it?
18:45.31mbrancayep, get rid of it
18:45.49mbrancabut everyone calling into your pbx and dialling 1234 will get callback :)
18:45.54mbrancaadd something like
18:45.56*** join/#asterisk hey (~me@
18:46.01dheckaman_I have protection
18:46.12dheckaman_I can put it behind my auth
18:46.12mbrancaexten => 1234,1,Authenticate(94984293856984)
18:46.49heyanybody know of an Active-X IAX client??
18:46.59mbrancadheckaman_: yep
18:47.05mbrancahey: yep
18:47.12dheckaman_hey yep
18:47.14heyi saw that as a future feature for diax
18:47.20dheckaman_mbranca: you do?
18:47.26dheckaman_I dont remember one
18:47.37dheckaman_I remember the FWD active-x thing
18:48.30heyit lists Active-X as a future feature
18:48.45mbrancathere's a iax active X
18:48.50heymbranca: do you have a link
18:48.50mbrancabut needs some work :)
18:49.01heyi dont' need hardly any functionality
18:49.03mbrancais pretty cpu intensive
18:49.32heymbranca & dheckman: is this the only one you know of?
18:49.52*** join/#asterisk jelque (~jelque@
18:49.55mbrancahey yep
18:50.01heybettern nutn
18:50.36heywell i sent an email to Dante telling him i would help out with the Active-X implementation, so we'll see
18:50.48Nixhey there
18:51.02heyhey there yourself
18:51.20*** join/#asterisk Art (
18:52.34dheckaman_I know why
18:52.48*** join/#asterisk linuxa (
18:53.44Nixanyone know where the cvs for iaxclient is kept?
18:54.18dheckaman_I WOULD have said "on a cvs server..."
18:54.32Nixahh.. found it
18:54.55Nixwhy did i think it wasnt there.. musta been on of the other IAX clients I had in mind that didnt have a public cvs
18:55.15*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (~TestMasTe@
18:55.24bkw_i'm having a bad day
18:55.28dheckaman_no kidding
18:55.36*** join/#asterisk diegows (~diegows@
18:55.44dheckaman_DIE COWS!
18:56.00diegowswhat library i need for compile 723.1 codec?
18:56.19mbrancaI just learned that Ettore Perazzoli died...
18:56.57dheckaman_only for a few years
18:56.59dheckaman_who is that
18:57.44*** join/#asterisk zwi (~zwi@
18:58.21mbrancadheckaman_: one of the biggest, old-dated GNOME developer... since version 1.0 and he made also evolution... was 29
18:58.33tholo~seen kapejod
18:58.38kapejod <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 2h 49m 36s ago, saying: 'Powerkill: it's a 4 port isdn bri card'.
18:59.07mbrancatholo: testing zapBRI
18:59.15mbrancadheckaman_: 10 december, don't know how
18:59.18dheckaman_~seen tholo
18:59.18tholo is currently on #asterisk (5h 20s).  Has said a total of 4 messages.  Is idling for 45s
18:59.29*** join/#asterisk illc0mmm (
18:59.45illc0mmmHey, is it possible to use voiceglo w/ * ?
18:59.56Nixahh.. I was right
19:00.12NixI was looking for the CVS or source for iaxComm.
19:01.56TestMasTerloading a x100p card when ever i do ztcfg -v i get ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22)  Can anyone tell me how to fix this?
19:02.16illc0mmmyou load the kernel modules yet?
19:02.42diegowsi want to compile g723.1 codec
19:03.00TestMasTerillc0mmm,  i did modprobe wcfxo ; modprobe zaptel then i did the ztcfg -v
19:03.08diegowswhat's the library that i need?
19:04.16bkw_BABY BABY
19:04.26TestMasTerillc0mmm,  is that correct?
19:04.27bkw_diegows g723.1 doesn't exist for asterisk
19:04.36mbrancaonly passthrough
19:05.14diegowsand codec_g723_1.c ?
19:05.21illc0mmmbkw_ cant you pay for it tho?
19:05.57zoayou can't
19:06.01Nixbah. I am an idiot. I need to sleep
19:06.08zoaits hard to pay for something that doesnt exist :)
19:06.49illc0mmmOh, I thought there was a commercial version ?
19:06.50diegowsbkw_: what about codec_g723_1.c ?
19:07.05illc0mmmFrom digium?
19:07.38illc0mmmI mean, it's some $$$$$$$ but hey
19:07.44*** join/#asterisk ajh (
19:08.19mbrancano, g723 isn't available, cause copyright holders with speak to you only if you plan to buy 100k+ licenses...
19:08.44mbrancause g729 (10 bucks for channel)
19:08.50mbrancaor better ilbc / speex
19:08.53mbrancaillc0mmm: nods
19:09.01illc0mmmah, sorry thats what I was thinking of.
19:09.14illc0mmmsorry, Im tired
19:09.22illc0mmmbut g666 is the bomb! haha
19:09.59diegows10 bucks = 10kbit or 10 dollares?
19:10.04diegows10 bucks = 10kbit or 10 dollars?
19:10.11zoa= 10 dollars
19:10.37illc0mmmso, yeah. voiceglo + asterisk?
19:10.44diegowsand what codec is for low bandwith and free?
19:10.47mbrancaeven italian peoples know that 10 bucks = 10 dollars :)
19:10.50illc0mmmi thought I saw someone doing it, but cant find the post
19:12.25*** join/#asterisk zwi (~zwi@
19:12.49*** join/#asterisk adam_gafachi (
19:15.15mbrancathat's amazing :)
19:15.30mbrancaa lot of green icons on xchat
19:16.15*** join/#asterisk simprix (
19:16.48simprixcan someone point me to some docs for making a voip gateway with pstn and sip
19:19.00simprixKillerBee: where is it on the site is it in the handbook
19:19.10Documentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc
19:22.19anthmdoes this look familiar to anyone ?
19:22.23dheckaman_my my my
19:22.31anthmits going on 2 years old and I got that issue myself just now
19:22.40anthmdont see any more info on it
19:22.56ManxPowerSounds like a burnt out ring generator on the channel bank.
19:23.29*** join/#asterisk Tili (~Tili@
19:23.34dheckaman_no! its...
19:24.25*** join/#asterisk jelque (~jelque@
19:24.42dheckaman_(user brain not connected)
19:24.48*** join/#asterisk YoYo- (
19:25.11YoYo-omg... some french dude jacked my nick :(
19:25.16YoYo-omg omg omg omg
19:25.53YoYo-uhm, ok, I'm over that
19:26.06YoYo-now, how do I know which ports are which when loading fxs and fxo cards?
19:29.50*** part/#asterisk illc0mmm (
19:29.53heyanybody know of a commercial ASR engine that works with asterisk with minimum configuration?
19:29.55*** join/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
19:29.56heyyeah right
19:30.14heyASR = auto speech recognition       sorry
19:30.29KillerBeehey festivale..
19:30.48heythats text to speech  tts
19:30.49KillerBeeor is it festival
19:30.50heynot asr
19:31.00heybut tx anyway
19:32.28dheckaman_hey: sorta
19:32.36dheckaman_I dunno
19:32.41dheckaman_I think someone was doin it
19:35.07heyanybody working with Sphinx???
19:35.31heyi've seen people talking about a voice xml implementation on the dev list so i'm wondering what engine they may be using
19:35.43jsmithhey: I'm pretty sure they're using Sphinx
19:36.02dheckaman_hey, I am pretty sure its for horses
19:36.06*** part/#asterisk jelque (~jelque@
19:36.10heyhey now
19:37.16YoYo-ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22)
19:37.16YoYo-Did you forget that FXS interfaces are configured with FXO signalling
19:37.16YoYo-and that FXO interfaces use FXS signalling?
19:37.39YoYo-how do I know which channels zaptel is using for which ports on which card?
19:37.59ManxPowergenerally in zaptel.conf I think.
19:38.17Corydon76-workThey're configured in order of the kernel drivers loaded
19:38.58Corydon76-workIf you have multiple of the same card in a machine, they're configured in the PCI bus order
19:40.27Corydon76-workTE4xxP and TDM400P cards are configured with the port furthest away from the motherboard first.
19:40.59Corydon76-worki.e. from the top of the card down
19:41.00dheckaman_my outbound nufone still dont work
19:41.07dheckaman_and incoming nufone sounds crappy
19:41.28dheckaman_like its using Mr Roboto
19:41.41Corydon76-workUsing LPC10?
19:42.36*** join/#asterisk tempo_99 (
19:44.22*** part/#asterisk simprix (
19:44.30Corydon76-workdheckaman_:  machine specs?  bandwidth specs?
19:44.37*** part/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
19:44.51dheckaman_its a 500 mhz box
19:45.03dheckaman_one ilbc connection
19:45.26dheckaman_press 3
19:45.45*** join/#asterisk beta3 (
19:48.10*** part/#asterisk beta3 (~beta3@beta3.registered.freenode)
19:48.10*** join/#asterisk beta3 (~beta3@beta3.registered.freenode)
19:52.58ZX81how do I allow a tcp connection to dial out using oh323
19:53.30Mochow much cost an ISDN line in the States ?
19:54.05*** join/#asterisk pointer (
19:54.09*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
19:57.12*** join/#asterisk IronHelixz (
19:57.54*** part/#asterisk KillerBee (
20:00.45*** join/#asterisk JerJer[noc] (~jj@
20:03.15JerJer[noc]meep meep
20:05.43Nixhi Jer :-)
20:06.10Nixhows your day going? Mine is struggling :-(
20:06.12NixWARNING[16384]: File loader.c, Line 312 (ast_load_resource): load_module failed, returning 4
20:06.13NixSegmentation fault
20:06.33Nixtrying to track down why..
20:06.36klasstek~meepgun JerJer[noc]
20:06.38ACTION shoots JerJer[noc] with a excited proton gun
20:08.08JerJer[noc]use CVS code
20:09.09dheckaman_hey JerJer[!
20:09.17dheckaman_my nufone dont work
20:09.40YoYo-anyone know of a KVM that can do DVI and VGA?
20:09.43Mocmy iconnecthere dont work, and really support suck ...
20:09.54YoYo-dheckaman, thank you so much for spamming over me
20:09.57YoYo-anyone know of a KVM that can do DVI and VGA?
20:10.18MocDVI KVM... dont know
20:10.24dheckaman_YoYo-: haha
20:10.39dheckaman_just get a DVI -> VGA adaptor
20:10.49dheckaman_and then a VGA -> DVI adaptor
20:10.57YoYo-dheckaman: no way I want to go back to VGA
20:11.02YoYo-but, my monitor has dual inputs
20:11.20YoYo-so I guess a regular KVM will be fine, just use it for keyboard and mouse
20:11.27YoYo-and change the monitor from A to B
20:11.29dheckaman_and switch back and forth on the monitor
20:11.43dheckaman_till you want 3 computers
20:11.51MocCan I make * Use a shoutcast stream as MusiconHold ? ;)
20:12.19dheckaman_Moc: well
20:12.19YoYo-Moc: sure... and when you get it working, be sure to submit a patch to
20:12.27dheckaman_YoYo-: haha
20:12.34dheckaman_Moc: sorta worked for me...
20:12.37dheckaman_cept when you hung up
20:12.42dheckaman_asterisk crashed
20:12.47Mocish hehe
20:13.01MocI should start looking at * code and see if I can do something..
20:13.15dheckaman_dont look at * code... look at
20:13.24dheckaman_and fix all the other bugs
20:13.27dheckaman_before making new ones
20:15.49*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
20:15.56Mocsome of the request are easy to do..
20:16.25dheckaman_no feature requests!
20:17.07Mocoh hehe most of them are more protocol stuff..
20:17.14dheckaman_uh huh
20:17.17dheckaman_fix fix
20:17.27cypromiswow the op channel of the month
20:17.29*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
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20:17.50dheckaman_OP ME!
20:18.12*** join/#asterisk Sobek (~btatton@
20:21.12Powerkillhi :)
20:21.43MocWould be nice to have a more complex Conference system
20:22.23Mocand support Video Conference system bridge
20:22.24Powerkillwhen call is busy it's going to +101 ? even if the dial have been done from an agi script ?
20:23.40klasstekyou can override context, extension and priorty when exiting the agi script
20:24.20Powerkillyes but i'm not exiting from the agi when dialing i'm dialing in the agi
20:24.31NixJerJer: WHAT cvs code
20:25.00Nixyou explicitly say that u should use openh323 1.11.7 in the README and any other version does not compile
20:25.11Nixof course I am using asterisk cvs...
20:26.05klasstekdial from agi is just a wrapper around dial.  It alters the priorities if busy.  If you don't want to go to +101 then set it to something else before you exit.
20:26.10PowerkillNix i manage to compile with the last one too
20:27.12NixOpenH323 1.12.0?
20:29.26*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
20:29.37YoYo-what a day... lost 2 customers to cable, had 3 switch from AOL
20:29.58JerJer[noc]Nix: read the readme again
20:30.22Nixyep. u told me that before and reading it again does not help :-)
20:30.40Nixgotta sleep..
20:30.40JerJer[noc]show me where i tell you to use 1.11.7 in the readme
20:30.54JerJer[noc]cvs up
20:31.00JerJer[noc]things change
20:31.05JerJer[noc]quite often, in fact
20:31.11Nixthat is current CVS
20:31.14JerJer[noc]keep reading
20:31.21JerJer[noc]does that say YOU MUST USE?
20:31.47Nixwell current openh323 cvs does not work
20:31.57Nixit does.. asterisk does not compile against it though
20:32.03JerJer[noc]then fix it
20:32.03JerJer[noc]your a big boy
20:32.16NixI am going home now. its 10:30 I will try again tomorrow
20:33.43*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
20:34.02Powerkillwhat is the best way to call from agi i want to be able to see the call in a new cdr log entry
20:34.38data[c0dink]jerjer has a noc?
20:35.05PowerkillNix i'm using openh323-v1.11.7.tgz in production but i manage to compile the 1.12.0 in testing conf
20:35.07JerJer[noc]jerjer has many NOCs actually
20:35.18JerJer[noc]1.12.0 has many issues
20:36.15data[c0dink]many nocs
20:37.30*** join/#asterisk hobbes (
20:38.17JerJer[noc]the house is setup as a test lab and network monitoring NOC, sure
20:38.39*** join/#asterisk simprix (
20:38.40JerJer[noc]but i'm in a real facility currently, Equinix Chicago
20:39.09data[c0dink]ah chicago
20:39.16data[c0dink]that explains the extra latency :)
20:39.55*** join/#asterisk dedd (
20:40.46data[c0dink]not just yet tho :)
20:40.57dedddamn data still here
20:41.07*** join/#asterisk stipe (
20:41.36deddcan't reach my win32 from vnc from college
20:41.39deddonly my linux box
20:41.40ZX81how do I allow a tcp connection to dial out using oh323
20:41.57TestMasTerif anyone isn`t to busy can they tell me if i did this correct ?  exten => _9XXXXXXXXX,1,StripMSD,1 exten => _NXXXXXXXXX,Dial(Zap/g1/1)
20:42.00TestMasTerif anyone isn`t to busy can they tell me if i did this correct ?  exten => _9XXXXXXXXX,1,StripMSD,1 exten => _NXXXXXXXXX,Dial(Zap/g1/1)
20:43.04scrTestMasTer: you probably want Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN})
20:43.19data[c0dink]and 2 lines?
20:43.27JerJer[noc]if you have group=1 in zapata.conf
20:44.56data[c0dink]surely {$EXTEN:1} will do the same as StripMSD,1 anyway
20:45.12data[c0dink]or has my brain got confused with all these bloody structs and linked lists
20:45.39*** join/#asterisk timeshift_ (
20:45.43ZX81exten:1 will do it
20:46.08*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
20:46.09data[c0dink]hah, thx for pause then, :-) - thought i'd gone nuts then ;-)
20:46.36*** join/#asterisk Dan (
20:47.13pattiejathere went my laptop rebooting again after using the USB headset through the OSS emulation layer for ALSA
20:47.19JerJer[noc]lunch time
20:47.25data[c0dink]hf JerJer[noc]
20:47.27*** join/#asterisk Dan- (
20:47.57dedddata[c0dink]: let em eat =)
20:48.48Dan-anyone have a moment to help w/install of a digium card?
20:49.31deddDan: don't u work there?
20:49.46Dan-heh,   wrong dan
20:50.38deddok that proves i'm going crazy
20:50.44Dan-actually, need a little guidance with IRQ change ....
20:51.22deddpull the rest of the cards til the digium card plays nice?
20:53.05Dan-this is the only PCI in it.....    BIOS is set to AUTO,    but during RH9 bootup it doesn't see IRQ for it....   not sure about modiftying the lilo.conf to use:  pci=biosirq
20:53.39*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
20:54.08ConnorOKay, Someone wanna tell me how to do hunting with SIP? I can do it with just extentions, but, dang, for every line I add, it grows expentinally..
20:58.51pattiejaDan-: what type of card is it
20:59.12*** join/#asterisk Carp (
20:59.30Carpi just got my first IP phone and I want to set it up as an extension on asterisk
20:59.33Carpcan someone help me?
21:00.30deddcarp: should be rather easy just follow the countless conf examples for adding sip and extentions
21:02.24ajhCarp: what kind of IP phone?
21:02.57loko_mokoseen j3x
21:03.00loko_mokoseen h3x
21:03.06loko_moko~seen h3x
21:03.10h3x is currently on #asterisk (11h 39m 13s)
21:03.59UnixDawg~seen jbot
21:04.00jbot is currently on #ipaq (1d 15h 14m 22s) #pet (1d 15h 14m 22s) #gct (1d 15h 14m 22s) #asterisk (1d 15h 14m 22s) #debian-bots (1d 15h 14m 22s) #botpark (1d 15h 14m 22s) #storm (1d 15h 14m 22s) #magnia (1d 15h 14m 22s) #kiss (1d 15h 14m 22s) #tacobeam (1d 15h 14m 22s).  Has said a total of 17 messages.  Is idling for 1d 15h 15m 2s
21:04.12Carpajh: Its a Grandstream BudgeTone
21:05.11ajhCarp: That is SIp,Set up sip.conf with an entry for the phone
21:05.37ajhand the make an extension that dials it in extensions.conf
21:05.44ajhand beware the NAT
21:06.02heygood source of info
21:06.03UnixDawgbut you also have to login to the phone an set it up
21:06.10hobbeshi all
21:06.28CarpI dont really understnad what NAT is
21:06.32hobbeshow do I "flash hook" when the phone has no hook ?
21:06.53Carphow do I know the IP of the phone?
21:07.01CarpNo directions or anything
21:08.36*** join/#asterisk rtomson_work (~rtomson@
21:08.47hobbesmy phone is wireless, so the method to hook is to push a button which completely closes the channel
21:08.56hobbesI don't have a way to flash hook
21:09.50*** join/#asterisk renuzit (
21:09.59adam_gafachicarp: you can use the menu key to get it
21:10.08hobbesand to a larger extent, where can I fond all the combinations to use redirection, transfert, on hold,...
21:10.12JerJer[noc]mmm General Tso's Chicken
21:10.17adam_gafachii think you press menu and it starts on 1, press it like 8 more times and you should see the IP if any it got from dhcp
21:10.20ConnorAnyone know of a good Multiport version of a ATA? More then 2 or 4 ports?
21:10.20Carpadam: that just says DHCP ON
21:10.31adam_gafachicarp: yeah, keep going
21:10.47adam_gafachipress menu a few more times
21:10.58hobbesConnor : channel bank + T1
21:11.19Connorhobbes, with what? a * box?
21:11.24adam_gafachiso it didnt get a lease... do you have a dhcp server running on that segment?
21:11.33hobbesConnor : yep
21:11.40*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
21:11.51ConnorThat's over kill for the application..
21:12.10CarpI have DHCP running on my main server
21:12.20hobbesConnor: depends on the number of lines you want to put on the network
21:13.15adam_gafachiCarp: is it on the same ethernet segment?  ie, there is only ethernet between the phone and the dhcp server?
21:13.21sumasumai want to intiate conference from asterisk, can anyone guide me a bit on that please. Like calling every user and joining the users
21:14.03Carpadam: I plugged hte IP phone into my switch
21:14.54CarpI'll be right back, 5 minutes...sorry.
21:19.29*** join/#asterisk adkk (
21:21.54renuzitanyone know about file locking in linux?
21:22.02renuzit#redhat isn't any help
21:22.12suma#linux ?
21:24.49Moclsof to see a list
21:28.00*** join/#asterisk Carp (
21:28.14Carpadam:  I have the phone plugged into my switch
21:30.17*** join/#asterisk Stealth_Man (
21:33.31wsuff|goneanthm: whatever u can afford =)
21:33.48DeadDawgmmm, P2B-DS
21:34.35DeadDawgCUR4X is nice though.
21:34.35DeadDawgasus of course :D
21:35.09atacommI should be able to do a ULAW fax no?
21:35.38Carpcan someone help me setup an IP phone?
21:35.40atacommfax connects, then scans the fax, but in the end I get a communications error
21:35.49anthmso dual 410's run ok on 1 cpu ?
21:36.48deddisp dns servers died again
21:36.54data[c0dink]run ya own then :)
21:37.04atacommanthm: wouldnt count on it
21:37.15wsuff|gonedata[c0dink]: smartass
21:40.52*** join/#asterisk wsuff (
21:40.55*** join/#asterisk zwi (
21:41.12Carphas anyone ever setup a grandstream IP phone?
21:41.36CarpI cant get an IP on it
21:43.11PoincareCarp: I have
21:43.53*** part/#asterisk zwi (
21:45.19Carpcan u help me?
21:45.52Stealth_ManCarp i will help you
21:46.41Stealth_Manatacomm: did you get sipura's ?
21:46.45atacommStealth: can't get fax passthru with G711u to work
21:46.47Stealth_Mansend me
21:46.50atacommStealth: of course i did
21:47.10wsuffsomeone gimme a ns server
21:47.12atacommget that check?
21:47.31Stealth_Manno check
21:47.44wsuffdant: ip?
21:47.52atacommlol, god damnit........i want to show i'm no criminal, rofl
21:47.54wsuffmy isp ns took a shit so i can't go anywhere it seems
21:48.01dantwsuff, ;)
21:48.18dantwsuff        3600    IN      A
21:48.28wsuffonly cached or ips work
21:48.31*** join/#asterisk JohnA (
21:48.35atacommanyone have experience with Fax over G711?
21:48.39Stealth_Manatacomm: I trust you . i will wait ...
21:48.52UnixDawgman I shovled snow only to have a 2nd storm come threw and burry me back up
21:49.01*** join/#asterisk ursenj (~ursenj@
21:49.10wsuffi think the rain and shit fucked up my cable company again
21:49.47DeadDawgUnixDawg: i ahte when that happens
21:50.03DeadDawghad that happen too me three times in a row last year
21:50.11ursenjWhat do I need to do to get a BT101 from One loaction, go over the Internet to my *
21:50.28DeadDawga miricle
21:50.40*** join/#asterisk mihai (
21:50.46UnixDawgand all the places that deliver food normaly are not delivering right now til it lets up some
21:50.52ursenjI have 5046 open on my Firewall were the * server is and tp.conf ports also
21:51.07UnixDawgpoint it to your * ip
21:51.30ursenjthat it,.. ? what abotu the Outbond SIP proxy,.. is that the same as the * server
21:52.17wsuffUnixDawg: where u at?
21:52.33*** join/#asterisk S3p10N (
21:52.35UnixDawgwuffalo NY
21:52.45UnixDawgnow called snow central
21:52.46tempo_99Does * have sip proxy and registrar functionality?
21:52.49wsuffUnixDawg: ah just rain in NJ
21:52.59S3p10NAny one can help for PBX software ?
21:53.25UnixDawgget ASTERISK
21:53.29S3p10Ni will buy pikatechnology telephone card for some project
21:53.41UnixDawgand then we might be able to help you
21:53.47S3p10Ni dont know asterisk to work this card ?
21:53.53JerJer[noc]s3p10n don't bother, support asterisk buy Digium hardware
21:54.40*** join/#asterisk xxxxxx (
21:55.02UnixDawgman I wish I could get ahold of dutch
21:55.06S3p10NWhat the card dast it work ?
21:55.12UnixDawgsome oen pissed him off
21:55.18ursenjStealth_Man: yo
21:55.23Stealth_Mango pm please
21:55.24UnixDawgI need the fbsd drivers he was working on
21:56.12JohnAACK!  Anyway, quick question.  I have an asterisk server in this office. I want to route all calls (except local) to another Asterisk server using IAX.
21:56.25JerJer[noc]JohnA: then do it
21:57.29JohnAI have a section in the other server (asterisk-west) for this server in the iax.conf, but whenever I try to connect, the asterisk-west server says rejected connection attempt.
21:57.43JerJer[noc]you need a type=user
21:57.53S3p10NIs asterisk support mysql ?
21:58.31S3p10N<JerJer[noc]> Are you answer me ?
21:58.31royk_homeany european here?
21:58.58UnixDawgyes it supports mysql and pgsql
21:59.10S3p10Nok thank : )
21:59.19UnixDawgS3 you need to read the web site
21:59.24dantand excel with bkw's code...
21:59.43UnixDawgexecl really wow
21:59.43wsuffRTW =) Read the Website =)
21:59.52JerJer[noc]UnixDawg: technically any ODBC compliant datasource
22:00.05Powerkillhow do i send busy tone when sip phone is busy ?
22:00.10UnixDawgthat means it might workwith kspead
22:01.01*** join/#asterisk dimmik__ (
22:01.33denonso does anyone have some good sample code for the best way to do call recording? and what utils work best
22:01.34*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
22:01.39denonevery time I ask, someone's got ideas for a better way to do it
22:02.00*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (~TestMasTe@
22:02.16wsuffdoesn't asterisk already have the power to do call record
22:02.23denonyeah, but you need to mux stuff etc
22:02.31royk_homedenon: isn't that app_monitor?
22:02.57denonbut you have to mux the incoming and outgoing ..
22:03.28Shido6_e1s have a single dchannel?
22:04.01wsuffdenon: i think there is a few mux scripts around
22:04.28denonwsuff: nod .. im lookin for what's considered the best of the breed ;)
22:04.31TestMasTerwith sip Do i have to assign a ip address to the account information.
22:05.13wsuffdenon: nod
22:05.39*** join/#asterisk mod6 (
22:05.53royk_homedenon: do you really love the denon sound?
22:06.06UnixDawgI need 3 more grandstream units
22:06.15UnixDawgwish I could find some used units for cheap
22:06.45denondenon makes an OK amp
22:06.58denonIve had this nick for over a decade ..
22:07.00denonits just stuck is all
22:07.27royk_homedenon sucks
22:07.27royk_hometoo much base
22:07.43royk_homenot playing straight
22:07.43denonit's all in the EQ
22:08.00royk_homedenon: I have a Marantz system. no EQ. no point. It's exact
22:08.11denonthat's impossible, you have environmental variables ..
22:08.29wsuffoh come on kids lets all get along
22:08.32denonEQ doesn't exist only to control the source and equipment, but to control the reaction to the room, viewers, etc
22:08.47ursenjDoes * double as a STUN server..
22:08.49JohnAHmm... still getting NOTICE[180236]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 4301 (socket_read): Rejected connect attempt message.
22:10.19mod6hello all.
22:10.21denonanyway .. so does anyone have some decent recording script samples?
22:10.45mod6i finally did get asterisk running on 5.2-CURRENT FreeBSD. but i had to comment out this in modules.conf:
22:11.15*** join/#asterisk curious1 (
22:11.17wsuffmod6: cool
22:11.19mod6is that going to be an issue, unless i really watned users to be able to use mp3s?
22:11.56*** join/#asterisk fmany (
22:11.59mod6err, rather, i had to put that line in that file. heh.
22:12.45*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
22:12.49Looking for the elusive BishopChicken.
22:12.58zoa~seen kram
22:13.01kram is currently on #asterisk (12h 49m 4s).  Has said a total of 6 messages.  Is idling for 6h 15m 19s
22:13.13royk_home~kill zoa
22:13.16ACTION slits zoa's throat
22:13.45well, carp is a smelly little fish
22:14.00zoalets curse kram !
22:14.05zoaany other digium folks around ?
22:16.51dimmik__snom site lists 2 firmwares for snom 200 that are not available Anyone knows if these are available somewhere?
22:18.03Stealth_Manklasstek : <klasstek> ~carp
22:18.03Stealth_Man<jbot> well, carp is a smelly little fish
22:19.37zoawell, hobbes is a big fat typo
22:19.51zoait should have been hobbit
22:20.10TestMasTeris there anyone here using Grandstream Phones?
22:20.12hobbesksss kssss
22:20.23hobbes~kill zoa
22:20.29ACTION slits zoa's throat
22:20.35royk_home~kill hobbes
22:20.38ACTION slits hobbes's throat
22:20.43royk_home~frag hobbes
22:20.45ACTION readies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at hobbes
22:20.50blllman, everyone is out of 7960's...
22:20.55blllanyone here sell cisco phones?
22:21.01hobbeshey cool
22:23.33mod6ok, anyway, thx for the help.
22:24.3665USD /phone  email to
22:24.55denonStealth_Man: that with the 2nd eth port?
22:24.59denoncourse its only 10mbps, kinda useless
22:25.12Stealth_Mandenon: this model 101 1xport box
22:25.32denonId bet a little 3/4-port ethernet switch would be pretty cheap
22:25.56denonwonder if it could be had from a decent vendor for under 20 bucks
22:26.02denonwould be worth doing that rather than a second cable run
22:26.25atacommanyone ever do Fax over G711?
22:26.39*** join/#asterisk tmoertel_moz (
22:27.40zoadenon: they are old
22:27.51zoayou no longer need them
22:27.52DeadDawgcan sum1 call 11432 pleasE?
22:28.14zoadenon: there is no more need for synching
22:28.20zoaso all you need to do is mux em
22:28.28zoawith a system call
22:29.37denonzoa: ah .. have a sample of the system call I'd need?
22:30.11denonI know there are good ways to do it now .. I just havent seen how people are doin it :)
22:32.21FryGuyis there a guide to how much processor speed I need in a * box? what exactly is it doing ?
22:33.01denonStealth_Man: you mean
22:33.16denonasterisk monitors a spool directory .. is a request for an action ..
22:33.22denondrop that file in there, and it'll do whatever the file says to do
22:33.30Shido6_any gsm gateway users [ with e1 ]
22:33.35denonsimilar to how an MTA handles a spool file
22:33.54atacommsorry Stealth, out of Sipuras
22:34.05Stealth_Manatacomm: you supposed to leave one for me
22:34.05atacommgone in a flash
22:34.20Stealth_Mandenon: thanks request for action .. hmm interesting ..
22:34.24atacommrofl, well, i sold 3, i have one in use (if i can get faxing to work), and i have one in box for a demo unit
22:34.35denonStealth_Man: its pretty much the coolest way to make your pbx do stuff VERY easily ..
22:34.51denonno socket coding etc for the management interface
22:34.57Stealth_Manatacomm: you prmissed me one unit ...
22:35.11atacommlol, i have 5 more coming
22:35.27atacommdue around the 30th
22:35.33denonhow much are the sipuras? and what are they? fxs?
22:35.35atacommbut i get several requests a day...
22:35.40atacommdual fxs, $99
22:35.49denonah .. I'll wait for the IAXy ;)
22:35.56Stealth_Manatacomm: didn't i told you to dont drop price ?!!
22:36.06atacommlol, now if only i can get my damn fax to work over this thing
22:36.08Stealth_Mandenon: I am waiting on IAXy's long time
22:36.20atacommStealth: i'm under cutting the, doesnt hurt me none, lol
22:36.37atacommNufone should buy a bunch *hint hint*
22:37.01DeadDawgwhen im calling FWD through *, i only hear the FWD number pick up for a second, then the audio i recieve cuts out, ... any idea?
22:37.15Stealth_ManDead: I think codec problem
22:37.17DeadDawgi think it may be a codec problem, but setting to only alaw, ulaw, or gsm did not make it work
22:37.48DeadDawgdisallow=all; allow=gsm or allow=alaw or allow=ulaw
22:37.49denonman, googling the listserv is a pita
22:37.50DeadDawgnone worked :(
22:39.52Stealth_Mani have them i nstock
22:40.00atacommthought you didnt
22:40.03Mochehe I know Stealth_Man would answer to suck a call
22:40.11Mocsuck = such !! sorry
22:40.43Stealth_Manatacomm: 2 people on this channel already got htere phones
22:40.49MocStealth_Man: Should I have received some email confirmation or tracking number for my order ?
22:40.50Stealth_Manshipped as promised immediately and on time
22:41.13Stealth_ManMoc: yes, you supposed to have email from with tracking number
22:41.22Mocnothing :(
22:41.25atacommi said nothing about trust of you, i said you dont trust me
22:41.45*** join/#asterisk killerbee (
22:41.45fdsadfsafasdfanyone have cisco ATA?
22:41.55Stealth_ManMoc: I will follow up now on your tracking number ... i am not in the office :(
22:42.04Stealth_Manfd: you want to buy ?
22:42.19DeadDawghmmm, well any idea how to fix my 'codec' problem, allowing or disallowing different codecs doesnt fix it :\
22:42.20fdsadfsafasdfstees: nop thx
22:42.39Stealth_ManDead: what is inside sip.conf ?
22:42.43denonhmm .. maybe I should just shoot a note to the list .. I'm sure there's at least a hundred people doing call recording now
22:42.43DeadDawgi receiver audio from the FWD number for a split second, then it dies
22:42.45Stealth_Manwhat device do you use to palce calls ?
22:43.29Stealth_Manohhh xlite
22:43.38DeadDawguse sjphone instead?
22:43.48steesfdsadfsafasdf: eh?
22:44.04steesah... talking to Stealth_Man  again
22:45.37zoahold on
22:46.20DeadDawgno workaround for xlite?
22:47.24*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
22:49.15ManxPowertry canreinvite=no
22:50.08DeadDawgur good
22:50.11DeadDawgworks now :)
22:51.20Stealth_Manohh ManxPower the man
22:52.04DeadDawgany1 care to try calling 11432 for me?
22:54.26wsuffdeaddawg: 404 not found
22:54.41DeadDawgcan i try calling u?
22:55.17*** join/#asterisk okrumm (
22:55.44DeadDawgcouldnt hear you :(
22:55.49wsuffya had it muted
22:55.51wsuffcall me back
22:56.45wsuffnow to config my asterisk
22:57.01DeadDawgtis what im working on
22:57.09wsuffjust installed it
22:57.13wsuffplaying w/ the demos
22:59.25CarpCan someone help me setup an IP phone?
22:59.56ScaredyCatyes, in all likelyhood they could
23:00.02CarpI will try first
23:01.48Carpin SIP.conf i dont have to specify an IP if the phone?
23:02.20zoaput it as host=dynamic
23:02.20Carpwhat is nat=1?
23:02.31zoaphone is behind natting firewall
23:02.45CarpI'm not, so I set that to 0?
23:03.36*** join/#asterisk buju1 (
23:04.13TestMasTeris this correct? exten => 10,1,Dail(SIP/techdpt@,20,tr)
23:04.20jetsAwayhell ya
23:04.33Carpdo I have to set context = ? I want them to be able to dial any extension
23:04.41dantTestMasTer, doesn't look right
23:05.08TestMasTerwhops other then the type`o i just noticed
23:06.37Carpok, i edited sip.conf and extensions.conf
23:06.42Carpand reloaded *
23:06.57buju1just started with * an need help..followed tutorial for * on onlamp and calls between x-lite softphones work. Now I need to add an extension so that sip phones can call a real phone using the X100P card. Can anyone help me with the configuration of extensions.conf?
23:06.59Carpnow how to I get the phone to work with it? I pick up hte phone and dial an extension and nothing happens
23:07.05Carpso I assume asterisk doesnt notice its there
23:07.48CarpI need to set SIP Server: in my phone config to the IP of my * box?
23:08.03dantCarp, might help :)
23:09.10Carpdo I have to set user or anything?
23:09.35*** kick/#asterisk [zoa!] by bkw_ (autokick for CAPS LOCK)
23:09.45*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
23:09.50zoagoddamn you bkw_
23:09.53zoapervert !
23:10.12zoaturn of your leeto mIRC haxoring scripts :-p
23:10.14killerbeezoa so where are the backdors?
23:10.19CarpI dont have an SIP username?
23:10.26zoaask denon
23:10.30CarpI am just trying to dial extrensions on it with my * box
23:10.31zoahe found one on my system :)
23:10.40Corydon76-workThe nice thing about open source is that such myths are easily debunked
23:10.44zoaits the fbi or ALIENS !!!
23:11.05klasstekagi record with format wav49 doesn't like to playback using streamfile.  Any ideas?
23:11.29denonokrumm: dont msg me
23:11.36okrummsorry denon
23:12.03Corydon76-workIt's definitely aliens... and zoa is one...
23:12.04dantCarp, your phone needs to register on the * box... it should also likely authenticate on the * box... for this, you'll need to specify username & secret
23:12.16okrummi was really wondering if you really find backdoors on * cause it should be a very important security issue?
23:12.34zoaeverybody start messaging denon
23:12.49Carpdant: Do I put that in sip.conf?
23:12.57denonokrumm: you're going to have to buy the complete source licenses in order for me to give you the backdoors
23:13.16denonjust paypal me $50 and we'll talk
23:13.28zoawe will even build you a custom backdoor
23:13.29dantCarp, what have you put in your sip.conf for the station? msg direct rather than mass paste to the channel
23:13.30zoajust for you
23:13.43zoacarp: feel free to flood denon also :)
23:13.51zoahe likes that
23:13.59zoai just know it
23:14.06okrummso you're saying there are backdoors and obviosly can compromise any system...
23:14.13*** join/#asterisk Dan (
23:15.17*** join/#asterisk voipDan (
23:15.39denonokrumm: well, we dont actually release the details of the backdoors to the public
23:15.49okrummi see...
23:15.49denononly the people who need to get into other pbxs
23:15.56denonits a very secure password, 6 digits long
23:15.56okrummthanks for the tip
23:16.00denonI think it has some numbers in it too
23:16.24denonoh, nope, it doesnt -- it's just a single word. I forgot.
23:16.28okrummwell the real problem would be that this six lenght password gets to get knon
23:16.42denonoh, it wont .. we're not going to tell anyone
23:17.00okrummwell you will for $$$
23:17.12killerbeetry 123456
23:17.17okrummeverybody will $$$
23:17.18denonyeah .. but anyone willing to pay $50 is probably pretty honest ..
23:17.22dantgrep -R backdoor /usr/src/asterisk/
23:18.55zoai could resell the pw for $49
23:19.00zoajust don't tell denon
23:19.10zoaits plaintext
23:19.14zoaso you could even sniff it
23:19.18zoaif you get lucky to get a visit
23:19.32denonwe usually only use it in the middle of the night though . .
23:19.41buju1I followed tutorial on onlamp for  * and all the SIP phones work. I need to add an extension so that the x-lite phones can call a real phone using an X100P card. Can someone help me?
23:19.46denonmost people arent as smart as us, and dont leave sniffers running at night. ha. ha.!!
23:19.58zoafuck em all
23:20.09okrummsmart :/ well....
23:20.13zoatoo bad most people don't have a lot of E1's we can have some fun with :(
23:20.24dimmik__Is there something link an outlook connector so that sip calls can be initiated by the PC and then be transfered to a hardware phone?
23:20.28Shido6_how many do you need zoa?
23:20.47dimmik__link = like
23:20.57zoagimme your ip and i'll see if you have enough
23:22.35*** join/#asterisk km- (
23:22.39km-bkw: dude they came
23:24.12zoathe aliens ?
23:24.58zoanot again !
23:26.09km-no, my order of 7905's
23:32.24buju1help anyone
23:32.33denonaw man .. pita to delete a filename that starts with a -
23:34.07km-I wonder what  SEP image is
23:34.17atacommSEP is the SCCP config file
23:34.27atacommi've always wondered why its SEP...
23:34.28lecramSomeone Else's Problem
23:34.47lecramsee also "The hitchhiker's guide to the net"
23:35.20km-atacomm: do you have a sample config file for a 7905?
23:35.22km-maybve I aught to RTFM
23:35.30km-since this box does actually have paperwork!!
23:35.35atacommkm: nope, only SIP config for 7960
23:37.16*** part/#asterisk martin2 (
23:37.43CarpI cant get my SIP phone to register with *!! :(
23:37.52Stealth_Mansend me sip.conf
23:37.56Stealth_Manand extensions.conf
23:38.16km-hahaha sweet!
23:38.20km-7905 has a web config interface
23:38.24buju1can someone help me with X100P card?
23:38.34dantkm, only in the skinny image?
23:38.48km-ah maybe
23:38.56km-dant: do you have the skinny phones?
23:39.10km-dant: I need a SEP config file, I want to play with skinny
23:39.22dantkm-, I've got a 7960, it had a web interface under the skinny image, telnet under SIP
23:39.46dant# cat SEPDefault.cnf
23:39.46dant# Default config file
23:39.57danteasy as that ;)
23:40.00km-dant: really!
23:40.09km-it wants it in xml format though for some odd reason
23:40.22dantkm-, well, needed XMLDefault.cnf.xml too
23:40.26denonman .. zoa gave me a nice little soxmix script for call recording ..
23:40.32denonbut now I cant get the silly thing to mix .
23:40.36km-denon: are you the dude working on ACD?
23:40.45dantkm-, I'll pm that to you
23:40.49km-you're the man
23:40.50denonnot that I know of
23:41.46dantkm-, simple as that
23:43.15km-dant: how is skinny support in asterisk?
23:43.19km-have you fiddled with it much?
23:43.36denonhah .. got it.
23:43.45denonhe must have forgotten to paste the last line of his perl
23:44.14dantkm-, it worked... that's about it, only used it for a couple of days until my smartnet came through
23:46.12tempo_99hey all
23:46.36tempo_99Is asterisk a SIP registrar?
23:46.45tempo_99or what exactly is it?
23:46.58denonheh .. silly linux .. thinks somethin is mounted that I dont see mounted ..
23:47.14danttempo_99, you read what it says on the website?
23:47.32tempo_99can you please redirect me to the website please?
23:48.01tempo_99thank you
23:48.06km-Dec 17 18:47:57 aeneas tftpd[375]: tftpd: trying to get file: SEP000D65A0EC8F.cnf.xml
23:48.06km-Dec 17 18:47:57 aeneas tftpd[375]: tftpd: serving file from /tftpboot
23:48.06km-Dec 17 18:47:57 aeneas tftpd[375]: tftpd: read: Connection refused
23:48.10km-that's new and exciting
23:48.44dantkm-, check the file perms?
23:49.01tempo_99so is asterisk a client?
23:49.20danttempo_99, from line 3 on that site... Asterisk is a complete PBX in software.
23:49.38tempo_99What does PBX stand for?
23:49.54dantPrivate Branch eXchange
23:50.38sizzzungphuck brother xavier
23:51.08bkw_km- thats SCCP firmware
23:51.13bkw_what phone is that?
23:51.29tempo_99Does it handle phone calls as a registrar also?
23:51.54bkw_SIP registrar thats so fucked
23:52.14km-bkw_: I was wanting to play with skinny while I had it :)
23:52.21km-bkw: I got the 7905's in
23:52.28tempo_99so I have to think of asterisk as basically the thing you call into at the office?
23:52.33klasstekagi record with format wav49 doesn't like to playback using streamfile.  Any ideas?
23:52.47danttempo_99, yep
23:53.07klasstekdetails were sent to the list but I haven't seen my messages yet
23:53.22km-bkw: these are really brand new units
23:53.26km-still smell like plastic
23:53.47bkw_ah ok
23:53.54bkw_let me see if I can help ya out
23:54.13tempo_99dant: what is a reccomended registrar to use it with?
23:55.11tempo_99is that a company?
23:55.12klasstekcvs stat for formats and for apps/app_agi.c are current
23:55.40tempo_99Im just looking for the software
23:55.52Stealth_Mantempo: what is your goal, why do you need software and for what ?!
23:56.02Asterisk is a PBX (Private Branch eXchange) and telephony toolkit. URL:, or 42
23:56.16tempo_99Stealth_Man: trying to build my own home SIP setup
23:56.27Documentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc
23:56.34tempo_99which will dial to local phone lines if I call in from far away over the internet
23:56.38Stealth_Mantempo: why sip ? tell me me about your needs
23:56.42wsuffnap time
23:57.07danttempo_99, asterisk can do all that, using SIP or not
23:57.44*** join/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
23:57.45tempo_99Stealth_Man: Im not in control of anything or any reason why, I was just told to research asterisk, and what it has to do with SIP
23:58.02Stealth_Mantempo: who told you to make it ?
23:58.09tempo_99My Dad
23:58.16wsufftempo_99: hah ha
23:59.14tempo_99so what does everybody use as their local registrar
23:59.27tempo_99IAXtel is not what we want from the looks of it
23:59.29bkw_1. get that registrar crap ou to fyour head
23:59.43Stealth_Mantempo: you need Asterisk
23:59.47Stealth_Manthats it
23:59.58Stealth_Mancouple softphones

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.