irclog2html for #asterisk on 20031216

05:23.04*** join/#asterisk jbot (
05:23.04*** topic/#asterisk is The SIP Motto: There's More Than One Standard to Do It
05:24.00citatsI dunno, I don't pay :) someone I do work for does.  I think monthly updates costs about 2500 and quarterly is like 3500
05:24.14bkw_HOLY FUCK
05:24.21bkw_they really like that info don't they
05:24.52Mocwhat is that so important for ?
05:25.00citatsabout the only thing that i really want that isn't included is local calling area info, which has to be compiled based on the tariffs filed
05:25.43citatsbut local calling area is changing on 2/14 when the fcc ruling gets implemented (at least with sbc) where adjacent rate centers that cross LATAs are local
05:31.37*** join/#asterisk jbot (
05:31.37*** topic/#asterisk is The SIP Motto: There's More Than One Standard to Do It
05:33.02citatsok way OT here, anyone have a clue how much framing and matting pictures costs?
05:34.40TestMasTerDoes it take along time for the phones to update the software, for the cisco 7910, anyone know?
05:35.29citatsTestMasTer: i dunno about a 7910, but a 7960 only takes like 15-20 seconds or so
05:35.57TestMasTercitats:  does the TFTP server have to be on the same box as asterisk?
05:36.10citatsTestMasTer: nope not at all
05:36.48TestMasTerbecause i keep getting on the phone opening ip address then it goes configurating CM then back to opening ip
05:36.54Mikehow much is a cisco firmware???
05:37.14TestMasTerMike:  not sure i got it for free
05:37.23MikeTestMasTer: where?
05:37.31TestMasTermy supplier
05:38.09Mikethe phones are expensibe and if the firmware is more than 20 thats really expensive
05:38.57citatsmost people generally use cisco software illegimately
05:39.18citatsdamn i can't spell tonight
05:40.05TestMasTercitats:  would the phone say if it is downloading or not?   and would it still connect to asterisk well it is downloading?
05:40.38citatsi've never used a 7910 so i dunno
05:41.03TestMasTercitats:  on your phone
05:41.31citatsi couldn't say for sure, its been a while
05:42.04*** join/#asterisk rpb_ (
05:44.07yabooanyone tftp'ing gs phones on boot or hard coding them
05:49.59*** join/#asterisk PI-40 (
05:51.07*** join/#asterisk rpb (
05:55.53bkw_yaboo no way to tftp them unless you pay for GAPS
05:56.03Mocan IP phone itself doesn't have a DN ?
05:56.15citatsbkw_: whats GAPS?  I'm not familiar at all with the gs products
05:56.17MocI mean an IP Phone can Fake his identity
05:56.25bkw_Grandstream Auto Provisioning System
05:56.34bkw_its that "Enhanced" tftp server
05:56.36*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
05:56.39citatsbkw_: some propritary api or something?
05:56.42bkw_its so easy to crack it but I don't have the skilz
05:56.51citatssome encrypted file?
05:56.53bkw_you can crack it if you watch what it sends to the tftp server
05:57.01bkw_no it sends other stuff to the tftp server
05:57.11bkw_mac, firmware version and stuff in the packet
05:57.19bkw_thats how it knows what cfg.txt to send back
05:57.31citatsso its their tftp server software?
05:57.55Mocok sorry can't fake it callerid identity
05:58.13citatscouldn't you just hack some tftp server to just send back the same file no matter what was requested? or is there some other qualification?
05:58.48bkw_oh the format is easy
05:58.55bkw_view the HTML page
05:59.06citatsit grabs an HTML page?
05:59.07bkw_its BLAH=blah&BLAH2=blah
05:59.26bkw_the cfg.txt file is formated like that.. but it has something in the front so the gs will accept it
05:59.29Shido6_how do u compile the modules without dmodversions
06:00.18citatsahhh, so it probably has a hash of the contents with some unknown key
06:00.36bkw_yep bet so
06:01.42citatsif they didn't look like toys i might take on the challenge, but alas they looks like barbiephones
06:01.55*** join/#asterisk rpb (
06:01.57loko_mokoanyone buying up the target gift certs
06:02.02loko_moko$100 gift certs for $72
06:02.18ManxPowerNo but I'll take Park Place
06:02.29citatsloko_moko: can you buy gift certs with gift certs?
06:02.38yaboobkw_ how do you update the firmware then
06:07.11bkw_the firmware will update fine via tftp you can't config it via tftp
06:07.16bkw_which means grandstream is pure shit
06:07.29bkw_and should be ordered to stop making shitty phones or fix it.
06:07.44bkw_and no i'm not too demanding
06:08.06yaboobkw_ you are right
06:08.32bkw_Sipura looks like a good bet
06:08.38bkw_once I get my hands on one we will know for sure
06:09.05bkw_those are the guys that started Komodophone then sold it to cisco
06:09.11bkw_then came along and started Sipura
06:09.23bkw_can someone check to see if CCO has ata186 3.0 firmware
06:09.45yaboois there any plans for diy/build it your ip phones
06:09.52yaboohave a ata188 unit
06:10.13*** join/#asterisk Ol1ver (
06:12.26yaboocool will it work on the ata188
06:12.39carrarsend me your ATA unit and I will try it
06:12.47ManxPowerbkw_, Do you know what the new features of the the ATA 3.0 firmware is?
06:13.20yaboocarrar I'm in australia
06:13.25carrarI'm not
06:13.41yaboobummer :-(
06:14.32Mocis network working rightnow ?
06:18.24*** join/#asterisk argos (
06:19.18yaboobkw_ I gather sipura are making there own handsets
06:20.05bkw_ManxPower yes hold on
06:21.06bkw_I want my hands on that bitaid.exe util
06:21.10bkw_I'm sick of doing those in my head
06:21.19Moc69.73.19.178:5036     mochouinar  <Unregistered>             60  Request Sent
06:21.32bkw_Moc iaxtel?
06:21.36bkw_iaxtel is iax2 only
06:21.41bkw_iax2 show registry
06:21.45bkw_not iax show registry
06:22.03wsuffgrr i can't get my sip to register w/ my ip
06:22.11wsuffany tricks for being behind nat w/ asterisk
06:22.13bkw_carrar you alive?
06:22.15wsufffwd worked fine
06:22.31bkw_wsuff haha what are you trying to do?
06:22.34bkw_double nat?
06:22.44Mocha good ..
06:22.46wsuffwell i got the ports fwded at work
06:22.56bkw_port forwards dont work
06:23.01wsuffand he can reg from there but i can't
06:23.03Mocso 1800 number call should work with it ?
06:23.17wsuffbkw_: at the router level ??
06:23.17bkw_because the rtp sip/rtp stream will have embeded ip address info that gets lost in double nat translation
06:23.30bkw_the router will look at the ip header not whats in it
06:23.37wsuffso how does fwd log me in properly then
06:23.42bkw_er will look at ip header.. but not whats in the packet
06:24.04bkw_* --> NAT -> Internet --> NAT -> *  ?
06:24.10bkw_or even
06:24.12bkw_* --> NAT -> Internet --> NAT -> SIP  ?
06:24.22bkw_those are some nasty combos
06:24.31bkw_someone with the ata 3.0 firmware please show me love
06:24.38bkw_me luv you long time!
06:24.47rollergrrlI have CCO, but can't find the firmware
06:25.03bkw_carrar was just fuckin with us I guess
06:25.34bkw_thats what the release nots say to click once you login
06:25.41rollergrrleither that link is broke
06:25.44rollergrrlor it's just not there
06:25.55rollergrrl05-APR-2002 There are currently no files on the server for this type
06:26.11bkw_I bet cisco is just fuckin with me
06:26.33bkw_I wouldn't put it past cisco to fuck up
06:26.35_asr_rollergrrl: are you the rollergrrl of #inet-access fame?
06:26.43bkw_we have already been thru that asr
06:26.52_asr_sorry, i haven't been following.
06:27.07bkw_asr and I are both #inet-access peeps from way back
06:27.13bkw_YoYo was also
06:27.17rollergrrlhow far back?
06:27.26bkw_too damn far hehe
06:27.46bkw_new list with all the HTML char crap gone
06:28.45*** join/#asterisk dinodrac (~rollyson@
06:28.58*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
06:30.49bkw_updated again
06:32.05bkw_-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       587530 Dec 16 00:30 list2.txt
06:32.13bkw_thats the clean list.. this thing keeps growing
06:34.06bkw_one more regesp for KY
06:34.33Inv_Arpbkw_: using perl?
06:34.57bkw_BG has drama too
06:35.37*** join/#asterisk okrumm (
06:36.03bkw_BG|Bulgaria|YakovtsiBG|Bulgaria|Slatina, Lov.BI|Burundi|Bujumbura|257|21|4
06:36.07bkw_that no look right
06:36.07okrummanybody seen this
06:36.09Mocok 1877 call works..
06:36.29bkw_okrumm ye
06:37.28okrummbkw_ does this webpage belongs to anyone here?
06:37.36bkw_dont think so.. but who knows
06:37.39PI-40I have a spare ATA 186 from Vonage that I am not using anymore, can this be used with asterisk?
06:37.49h3x0rbkw_: So whats that for, you match country and city code or something
06:38.19Mocall telco provider should offer iax!!!
06:38.29h3x0rwhats the last number for
06:38.53klasstek~nicometer h3x0r
06:39.01klasstek~nickometer h3x0r
06:39.02'h3x0r' is 99.860% lame, klasstek
06:39.36okrummdoes exist a web app to administer * ?
06:44.00okrummdoes exist a web app to manage * ?
06:45.55*** join/#asterisk dinodrac (~rollyson@
06:48.25*** join/#asterisk jrollyson (rollyson@
06:49.59okrummhow often do you recomend to update the cvs version of * ?
06:50.13bkw_I do it daily but i'm a bug tracker so I have to stay on top
06:50.18bkw_ok bed time for me
06:50.37okrummi see thanks bkw...
06:50.52okrummyou're in coding * ?
06:53.53argosjust got my tdm400 today - not working, seeing some strange errors...  "Timeout waiting for calibration of module 0"  "Proslic Failed on Second Attempt to Auto Calibrate"
06:53.56argosany clues?
07:19.33levonhello world
07:20.54levonmorning roll
07:20.59levonmorning rollergrrl
07:21.42rollergrrlwhat's up?
07:22.40rollergrrlI hope by 'up' you mean awake ;)
07:22.49levonrollergrrl, business as usual. Enjoying my morning coffee...
07:23.07jrollysonrollergrrl: yes ;)
07:23.23rollergrrlwhere ya at levon?
07:23.35levonyou mean geographically? Hannover/Germany
07:24.35rollergrrlsleep sounds like a good idea
07:24.40rollergrrli wish i could do it
07:25.48levon8:25 am here
07:26.18rollergrrli hate mornings
07:29.11jrollyson2:31 AM here
07:29.21rollergrrl12:31am here
07:29.54citatsyou guys need ntp, your clocks are off
07:30.20rollergrrli was just copying him
07:30.24rollergrrlmine says 12:30
07:30.27citatsno matter what tz your in, its still not :31
07:30.28rollergrrlis that any better?
07:31.00rollergrrlit is 12:31 now
07:33.48jrollysondamnit, I thought I *HAD* NTP
07:34.35jrollysonlast sync 12/12
07:35.17rollergrrlit doesn't like you
07:35.53*** part/#asterisk yaboo (
07:36.06sxpertrollergrrl: morning
07:36.15rollergrrlhey hey
07:36.28rollergrrli guess, technically, it's morning here too
07:37.17sxperttime differences are hard on the body :)
07:37.45rollergrrlyou mean when traveling?
07:38.07sxpertwhen chatting with the rest of the world ;)
07:38.09citatstraveling through time or space?
07:38.18*** part/#asterisk Shido6_ (
07:38.33sxpertcitats: the teleportation-lag ;)
07:38.39rollergrrlinterdimensional travel is hard on the body
07:40.25citatssxpert: they break it up into a 60 minute episode, unless its a movie :)
07:41.15rollergrrlhate to break it to ya sxpert, but start trek is not real life
07:41.26sxpertrollergrrl: ya, ya ;)
07:41.46rollergrrlhehe ;)
07:41.48sxpertcitats: it's really 43 minutes episodes, there's gotta be 17 minutes of commercial
07:41.58levon44, to be exact ;)
07:42.12sxpertlevon: whatever ;)
07:42.12citatssxpert: not
07:42.24rollergrrlsounds like someone downloads the episodes without commercials
07:42.30levonrollergrrl, who says it's not real life?
07:43.18sxpertrollergrrl: it's not real life -- yet !
07:43.28rollergrrllevon: if it were real life... I'd be eating a turkey meal from my replicator right now
07:43.52levonyou don't have a replicator?
07:43.56rollergrrland top it off with hot apple pie and ice cream
07:43.57sxpertrollergrrl: hehe
07:44.21wasimmoonring sxpert citats
07:44.22rollergrrlthen i'll replicate some nice vintage wine
07:50.34*** join/#asterisk draser2 (
07:51.27*** join/#asterisk draser2 (
07:51.41draser2Goodmorning all.
07:51.59draser2anyone awake in here?
07:52.01*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (~TestMasTe@
07:52.06levononly about 170 people, draser2 ;)
07:52.24levonbut good morning to you, too ;)
07:52.26draser2typical data geeks...(myself inclusive)
07:53.39draser2Need some help understanding DIDs (Direct Inward DIaling) and if they can be used in colaboration of ADSL instead of PRI(T1)...Anyone have some knowledge in this area?
07:55.00sxpertlevon: I'm happy, I finally solved parts of the D-BUS puzzle ;)))
07:56.10draser2I was thinking it would be nice to save on the ISDN line costs, since most already have an Internet Data line like ADSL,  Why can't telcos just convert packets of DID into TCP packets fro Asterisk to administrate?
07:57.31levonsxpert, D-BUS?
07:57.53argosshort answer - they could (at least, technically speaking.)  but there are some technical "problems" to work through, and they wouldn't be thrilled about cutting out a big money-maker...
07:58.20draser2ha, ya thats what I was thinking.
07:58.37draser2But at least you confirmed its not an option yet.
07:59.25draser2ok bed time dor me, night all.  thanks
07:59.38TestMasTernite draser2
07:59.49draser2cn't evem spell  no mre
07:59.59*** part/#asterisk draser2 (
08:00.18TestMasTerevening argos
08:00.24argosgood evening....
08:00.31TestMasTerhows it going tonight
08:00.59argosugh - brain=toast..  :)  got my digium cards today, so been playing with them a bit...
08:01.14TestMasTerwaiting for mine to show up
08:01.31argoswhat'd you order?
08:01.42levonsxpert: sounds interesting. For what / with what do you use it?
08:01.45TestMasTerjust the analog one the x100p atm
08:01.56levonsxpert: home automation again? ;)
08:02.05sxpertlevon: for navsys, instead of my own crappy sockets hacks
08:02.07argosyea - that's the "useful" one..
08:02.18argosmoderately easy to get going...
08:02.23TestMasTerya i thought it would give me something to learn with
08:02.43*** join/#asterisk royk_home (
08:02.55TestMasTerAnd i`m  thinking  i might get some SIP phones being this Cisco phone don`t really what to update lol
08:03.23argoshehe...  avoid the grandstreams, from what I've heard...
08:03.35TestMasTerya i`ve been hearing alot about them
08:03.39*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
08:03.43argosothers can be found for reasonable $$$
08:03.45sxpertlevon: code went from 500 or so lines to less than 100 :)
08:03.58TestMasTerITs weird i have the tftp port open and stuff,  but this pos don`t wanna update
08:04.02sxpertlevon: also, removes all the threads crap
08:04.17levonsxpert: hehe, true. a nice library solves a lot of coding and problems. ;)
08:04.50argoshad some problems getting my ATA186's to update via tftp - finally broke down and use the windows "brute force" method that cisco offers
08:05.27Mocargos: I just bought a GrandStreams, didnt get it yet, but for the price, im sure it resonable.. not a cisco, but fonctional for learning and home usage
08:06.01argosMoc: I'm picky... :)
08:06.19MocIm picky also, but at 65$ for a VoIP phone that doesn't look to bad, it good
08:06.20TestMasTerargos:  you just use the ata`s ?
08:06.42argosata186 and cisco 7960, so far...
08:07.00TestMasTerhave you updated the firmware on the 7960?
08:07.08argosMoc: almost ordered one myself, so I don't think THAT badly of them.. :)
08:07.41argosyea - had v2.somethingSkinny on it when I got it - upgraded to v3.somethingSIP
08:08.10TestMasTerargos:  when upgrading does it show on the phone its downloading or something like that?
08:08.40Mocares_: look good :
08:08.53argosthere's some sort of indication on it - think it says something on the display, and the backlit buttons in the corner do something..
08:09.18TestMasTerok i figured it would say something..
08:09.30argosthink i still have the setup around - lemme check
08:10.47argosyea - had to set up a couple files on the tftp server - OS79XX.TXT and P0S3-03-2-00.bin
08:11.11*** join/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
08:11.15TestMasTerhrmz i wonder if that would be around the same for the 7919
08:11.19TestMasTereek 7910
08:11.19Nixhi guys
08:11.44argosiirc, the phone looks for OS79XX.TXT when it boots - contents are the fw version it should be running..  if it's not what's loaded, it updates from the POS file...
08:11.45Nixis anyone here running gnophone?
08:11.50argosshould be the same, I believe
08:14.07TestMasTerargos:  i don`t know  i am going to go find some other doc`s i think,   Because The tftp port shows open, But when i try to connect to them locally it just times out so i figure there has to be something wrong
08:14.32Nix~/tmp/gnophone> autoconf error: possibly undefined macro: AM_CONFIG_HEADER
08:14.51argosmake sure you turn tftp logging on in inetd.conf - helps a bunch
08:14.54levonguen aydin, Nix.
08:15.27TestMasTerargos:  this is all i`m seeing Dec 16 01:11:39 Gateway in.tftpd[15207]: cannot bind to local socket: Address already in use  And i`m starting to think its because my isp has be on dynamic Static,
08:15.37TestMasTerso i need to use the dhcp client
08:17.15argoscheck man page of in.tftpd - you may want to add "-a " option into your inetd.conf to lock it to a particular ip addr
08:17.29argosshould get around your isp's goofyness
08:17.37Nixlevon: naber lan
08:17.42argos(don't forget to restart inetd)
08:18.19Nixhas anyone managed to compile gnophone cvs?
08:18.20TestMasTerargos:  hrmz I would look at the man pages, But for some reason i aint got any for it
08:20.47levonnix: iyilik, lan ;)
08:20.56argoshehe - the network prog man pages can be named different things...  in.tftpd, tftpd, etc...
08:21.12levonnix: look for other bootstrap scripts
08:21.13wasimapropros tftp
08:21.23levon~frag royk_home
08:21.26ACTION readies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at royk_home
08:21.32voidptrmorning ppl
08:21.40wasimjbot is back!
08:21.42wasim: have you tried ?
08:21.42argos-a [address][:port]   - bind to a specific address/port
08:21.42levonmorning void ;)
08:21.57TestMasTerargos:  ok that works thanx
08:22.13argosand throw in a couple -v's...  increase debugging
08:22.42TestMasTerargos:  ok
08:22.47*** join/#asterisk arun (~cman1@
08:23.14cman~seen JerJer
08:23.16jerjer is currently on #asterisk
08:23.39cmanis there a linux IRC??
08:23.46*** join/#asterisk miller7 (none@
08:23.55wasimcman: huh?
08:24.10cmani need some hlp in configuring linux as NAT
08:24.10miller7morning ppl
08:24.26wasimcman: get an iptables howto
08:24.30levongood morning, miller7
08:24.37miller7hey levon
08:24.39voidptrhey miller
08:24.40cmani hav 2 pulbic IP... want to use one for * box and one for Netgear
08:24.48discordiamorning @ all
08:25.02levonGuten Morgen, discordia
08:25.21discordiaschönen guten morgen :)
08:25.45argosbuenos nachos...  lots of meat and beans.. :)
08:26.25royk_homecman: /j #netfilter
08:30.48Nixlevon: what do you mean bootstrap scripts?
08:31.03*** join/#asterisk anti_ (
08:31.28argosugh - 4613 new spam msgs in the last two days...
08:31.57royk_homeapt-get install spamassassin
08:32.23argosthat's what I'm using...  they get filtered into a "JunkMail" IMAP folder
08:33.01cmandoes * work if i turn on iptables?
08:33.19miller7argos: 2045 in the last 14 hours here :P
08:33.28royk_homecman: RTFFAQ :)
08:33.31argosmiller7: not bad.. :)
08:33.39miller7argos: wanna compete? :D
08:33.40royk_homecman: if you're using the NAT box with *, it's no problem
08:34.20royk_homecman: but if the * box is behind NAT, most protocols (all, in fact, except IAX) get problems through NAT because of RTP
08:34.49argosnat is evil....  necessary, but evil...
08:35.25royk_homeargos: let's just hope the world will get over to ipv6 soon
08:35.57argosi'm ready for it...  a good chunk of my infrastructure is running ipv6 now...
08:36.13royk_homeme too
08:36.25royk_homebut my ISP doesn't wanna play with me
08:37.12argoshelps to be your own isp.. :)  actually have a couple of my dialup clients running ipv6 now..
08:39.05royk_home~frag argos
08:39.08ACTION readies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at argos
08:40.54*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
08:41.08brc007can't believe how many people are always in here
08:41.28wasimbrc007: bots mostly
08:41.37wasimlike bkw_
08:41.45argosand wasim
08:41.55miller7only jbot is human here
08:42.03brc007anyway...just wondering what is the most used distro is on ya'alls * boxes
08:42.40brc007trying to decide which one to's betwen debian, mandrake, and maybe gentoo...
08:42.56wasimbrc007: but, use whichever you;re most comfortable with
08:43.29brc007I tried to install debian a few months ago and I screwed up the install and never tried again...wish it had a bit more friendly (gui) installer
08:43.40brc007and I've used mandrake back at 8.0
08:43.45Nixbkw_: are you around?
08:44.08miller7brc007: then you haven't used gentoo install yet :P
08:44.13brc007other then that I've been using knoppix on a few old laptops to mess around with
08:44.17argosgui is only good when referring to cooking....  :)
08:44.38royk_homebrc007: debian rules
08:44.48miller7yeah, real men install linux using cryptic commands :)
08:44.55brc007yeah...I'm sort of leaning toward debian
08:45.00royk_homebrc007:  although I've started to like gentoo a lot also :)
08:45.25brc007hell I should just install all three and see what I like I suppose
08:45.42wasimbrc007: like bkw_ said, once you've used gentoo you'll be changed for ever
08:45.53brc007hadn't heard that
08:45.58royk_homedebian works
08:46.03wasimbrc007: out bots come up with good things to say like that
08:46.06royk_homeI use that on all productional servers
08:46.23argosdl'd gentoo yesterday - gonna try it out tomorrow if I get a chance...
08:46.26brc007I get the impression that debian is more stable then gentoo
08:46.50brc007k argos...I'll tryn pop in tomorrow and see what you think
08:48.11argosanywho, off to bed...  later....
08:49.10brc007I have a dual p3 600 with 4 18 gb scsi drives that I could use to try all three...only problem is the scsi card/drives don't play nice with gentoo's aic7xxx driver on the livecd..iirc I got it working by manually modprobeing it...however EVERY TIME I did make_fs_ (replace fs with favorite fs...I tried reiser and ext2/3) it would hang
08:49.50brc007anyidea if there's a new live cd out? maybe it has newer drivers
08:50.04brc007the sarge netinstaller cd worked fine
09:00.38Nixcan anyone explain to me how the monitor command in Manager works?
09:01.43*** join/#asterisk timeshift (
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09:04.52discordiahi kapehome ...
09:05.02NixWOW. thats cool!!!
09:05.12NixWARNING[114696]: File chan_sip.c, Line 428 (__sip_xmit): sip_xmit of 0x80e4c5c (len 372) to returned -1: Bad file descriptor
09:05.13NixWARNING[114696]: File chan_sip.c, Line 428 (__sip_xmit): sip_xmit of 0x80e4df4 (len 402) to returned -1: Bad file descriptor
09:06.36*** join/#asterisk mbranca (~matteo@
09:06.42cmanhow do i list my network cards?
09:07.02kapehomemorning mbranca :)
09:07.20landrocker_cman: ifconfig -a
09:07.24landrocker_I think
09:07.28landrocker_dmesg could also work
09:07.37landrocker_grep it for eth if you are using linux
09:08.01Mikewho's FWD# 55555?
09:08.15mbrancamorning kapehome
09:08.21mbrancano TE works here :(
09:08.25wasimMike: its a round-robin of various fwd test number volunteers
09:09.37Mikesomeone said
09:09.44Mikehi someone there?
09:09.47Mikeand i got scared
09:09.53Mikei was expecting a machine
09:10.21Mikei heard fwd giving out free calls
09:12.09voidptrstupid callcenter shite without echo cancelling
09:12.35*** join/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
09:15.20cmanhow do i add my new network card. the list does not show my card in netconfigurator
09:17.18wasimcman: #linux or #yourdistro and stop using silly configurators
09:17.46wasimcman: mostly, dmesg, lspci, lsmod, ifconfig should get you there
09:18.03wasimcman: yore not on some very exotic hw are you?
09:22.18NixYaST2 does everything :-)
09:23.00NixI am joking of course there are reasons to use the command you mention.. but usually they should not be necessary
09:23.21kapehomeyast2 rocks :)
09:25.24NixIs anyone running a Asterisk based call centre here?
09:25.50NixI am designing a 300 seat Digium based call centre.. any tips would be appreciated
09:26.03wasimuse IAX
09:26.12kapehomeuse the eeks phone
09:26.35kapehomehardware iax phone
09:26.38Nixthey will be 300 linux diskless workstations with softphones
09:27.02wasimNix: good, get some good development done on gnophone
09:27.17Nixhord phones are not appropriate for a call centre.. too difficult to integrate with the software
09:27.27NixI can't even compile gnophone..
09:27.48kapehomewith * integrating hard phones into applications is very easy
09:27.50Nixand the rpm install hangs the terminal when I run gnophone
09:27.54kapehomewe got the manager interface
09:28.07Nixanyway the customer has no wish for hard phones.. waste of money
09:28.32wasimNix: it should compile, i use it now and then
09:28.36Nixthe already have 600 seats with hardphones.. the new site will have no hardphones
09:28.55Nixgnophone even fails when I run autoconf
09:29.16kapehomeuse iaxcomm then
09:29.33brc007nix just curious.. what distro are you planning on using?
09:29.46NixSuSE 9.0
09:29.55NixI always use SuSE
09:30.24ceesI used to use SuSE until they stopped sending me the complementary developer's copy ;-)
09:30.41Nixheh. I am one of SuSE's best customers. I think I have installed > 5000 SuSE machines in the last 4 years since I switches form RedHat and Slackware
09:30.50sxpert_workcees, well, mebbe Novell will send then
09:31.04ceesI'm happy with Debian nowadays, no need ;-)
09:31.12Nixyeah. I used to get comp copies also
09:31.19cees(more happy than I ever was with SuSE, BTW)
09:31.34NixI will stick with SuSE for business use..
09:31.50Nixwhat is iaxcomm?
09:32.02Nixgnophone fails with
09:32.09Nix~/tmp/gnophone> autoconf error: possibly undefined macro: AM_CONFIG_HEADER
09:33.32*** join/#asterisk lele (
09:33.57Nixkapehome: what is iaxcomm?
09:34.15wasimNix: 152 hits on google
09:36.00Nixyeah. but as there was a recommendation on the channel I would like to know why :-)
09:36.20Nixit looks cool btw
09:36.25wasimwhy != what :P
09:37.17Nixyeah. correct, but it was a precursor to why :-)
09:37.54wasimbecause it uses a newer library iirc
09:37.59*** join/#asterisk cman (~cman1@
09:38.07NixIt does not appear to have web capabilities like gnophone..
09:38.10wasimand perhaps it'll compile where gnophone is failing
09:38.17wasimnic, its just a matter of embedd mozilla
09:38.26voidptris there some change
09:38.30voidptrin iax vs iax2
09:38.48Nixis it QT? I can't tell from the screenshots
09:38.50voidptrwhen i call a remote * unauthenticated... it doesn't work?
09:39.39Nixactaully it looks gnomish.. og well.. downloading
09:39.50Nixthanks kapehome
09:39.55voidptrRx-Frame Retry[No] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 000 Type: IAX     Subclass: NEW
09:40.03voidptrTx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX     Subclass: AUTHREQ
09:40.07voidptrRx-Frame Retry[No] -- OSeqno: 001 ISeqno: 000 Type: IAX     Subclass: HANGUP
09:40.30voidptrTx-Frame Retry[-01] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 002 Type: IAX     Subclass: ACK
09:40.34voidptrRx-Frame Retry[No] -- OSeqno: 002 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX     Subclass: AUTHREP
09:40.58wasimRX HANGUP?
09:41.29wasimvoidptr: try auth=none
09:44.38*** join/#asterisk oxygen (~marco@
09:44.43oxygenHi all !!!
09:46.25arunhey help  me on asterisk configuration
09:46.26oxygenI've this problem with my asterisk (isdn card): I call a number like 191 (telecom italia) and not answer was detect the phone ring and go to time out... any ideas??
09:46.44arunany kind person please help me
09:46.46Nixiaxcomm is locking on me also
09:46.48wasimdon't you touch that lovely protocol
09:47.01Nixwould it be because I am running asterisk on the same box?
09:47.03wasimarun: what happened?
09:47.50arunwasim:i want to configure asterisk such that it allows users with valid account only
09:48.53wasimNix: probably
09:49.03wasimarun: too obscure, what kind of users? IAX?
09:49.05*** join/#asterisk montag (
09:49.17wasimarun: and whats stopping you from doing that?
09:49.20oxygenanother problem is when i call a number and secretary transfer my call to an intern number, the line go down..
09:49.41Nixgrrr... why doesn't it fail gracefully :-(
09:49.51montaganyone can explay me why this don't work ???
09:49.53montagexten => 584386968,1,Dial(IAX/igor|10)
09:49.53montagexten => 584386968,2,Voicemail(igor)
09:49.53montagexten => 584386968,102,Voicemail(igor)
09:49.57arunwasim:i want to distribute pin to users and have their accounting
09:50.25NixI am going to compile the cvs version.
09:50.49oxygenhelp me please !!!
09:50.50Nixwhat libs do i need.. WX of course..
09:52.39oxygenI've this problem with my asterisk (isdn card): I call a number like 191 (telecom italia) and not answer was detect the phone ring and go to time out... any ideas??
09:52.42oxygenanother problem is when i call a number and secretary transfer my call to an intern number, the line go down..
09:53.08arunwasim:can't u help me?
09:53.25wasimarun: i don't see the problem
09:53.35arunhow to do that
09:54.20wasimarun: AGI? or show application authenticate
09:58.24wasimarun: lookit how bkw_  calling card example work
09:58.39wasimarun: its simple, little perl, mysqldb, voila
09:58.49voidptrwasim : hum, wierd... thanx
09:59.01voidptrnow my zap is foobar
10:01.11arunwasim:what u mean by bkw_
10:02.42arunwasim: is it some programming language?
10:02.52wasimarun: no its a bot
10:02.57*** join/#asterisk baxel (
10:03.11arunwasim: what u mean by bot
10:03.28wasimarun: its an abbreviation of robot
10:03.46arunwasim:plz don't mind i am new to this world
10:04.20wasimarun != cman ?
10:05.03wasimhmm, yeah != or yeah == ?
10:05.15arunyeah !=
10:05.47wasim14:41 -!- cman is now known as arun
10:05.49baxelhi all i'm trying to register two Cisco 7940 SIP Phones on my asterisk server, but sip show peers shows always a status of UNKNOWN... User&PW are the same on sip.conf and tftp boot file... any hints?
10:05.56wasimsomething smellycat here
10:05.56aruni am not cman i am his fren
10:06.23wasimhey, cool, welcome friend
10:06.38arunwe work in the same company
10:07.34*** join/#asterisk Tekati (
10:07.49aruncman handed the asterisk stuffs to me and now its my responsibility to implement asterisk in my company
10:08.21arunwould u b my fren
10:08.27Nixlevon. are you around?
10:09.18arunwasim where lost?
10:10.36arunwasim: r u there
10:10.40oxygenanyone help me please...
10:10.56arunoxygen: what happened
10:11.06oxygenI've this problem with my asterisk (isdn card): I call a number like 191 (telecom italia) and not answer was detect the phone ring and go to time out... any ideas??
10:11.09oxygenanother problem is when i call a number and secretary transfer my call to an intern number, the line go down..
10:11.39oxygenEveryone is busy at this time
10:11.51arunoxygen: it happens some times
10:11.59*** join/#asterisk sumasuma (
10:12.10oxygenalways with some number
10:12.13*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
10:12.44kapehomemorning zoa
10:12.47arunoxy: u need to change the configurations
10:13.10zoameurning you all
10:13.11oxygenwhat in configurations?
10:13.25oxygeni have isdn card
10:13.34oxygenand ata 186
10:13.40oxygeni use sip protocol
10:15.03arunoxy: tell me in detail about ur configurations
10:15.21oxygenok in private.
10:15.53*** join/#asterisk diana (
10:15.56kapehomemorning diana :))
10:16.04dianakapehome > see you in aachen
10:16.09voidptri had some wierd option behind my dial string on the source server
10:16.13voidptrthats why the hangup
10:16.56*** join/#asterisk mbranca (~matteo@
10:17.46zoadid somebody give that snmp thingie a try ?
10:18.11zoa~seen kram
10:18.15kram is currently on #asterisk
10:18.19Powerkilli have a agi problem
10:18.20zoa~lastspoke kram
10:20.21wasimzoa: jbot was recently reincarnated, i don't thikn it has any clue as to the current status
10:21.30dianazoa > snmp is dificult to implement
10:22.29zoathere is a module for it on the mailinglist
10:22.39zoabut its not very clear what you can monitor with it
10:23.36RoyK~heard kram
10:23.37RoyK~kill jbot
10:23.40ACTION slits jbot's throat
10:23.45wasimzoa: i thik a basic mib for zap is there
10:24.02steeshow can I have no passwords on voice mailboxes ?
10:24.17steesdon't want it to even ask me for one
10:24.54kapehomes as in skip
10:25.20blitzragewho is up and is familier with ChangeMonitor?
10:25.32blitzragesomeone do a show application changemonitor and tell me if that description has errors in it
10:25.43blitzrageI think it may be incomplete
10:26.51RoyKdiana: :)
10:26.51zoawhat is changemonitor ?
10:27.17zoawasim: what do you mean ? i don't understand mib (except if thats men in black)
10:28.29diana~kill RoyK
10:28.31ACTION slits RoyK's throat
10:29.45blitzrageso I guess no one knows what changemonitor is eh? :)
10:30.20kapehomeChanges monitoring filename of a channel. Has no effect if the channel is not monitored
10:30.21kapehomeThe option string may contain the following:
10:30.53wasim~show application ChangeMonitor
10:31.03wasimwe need jbot patched into an * box
10:31.12wasimso it can do silly stuff like that
10:31.17kapehomei mean, this is pretty clear ....
10:32.13zoabut what would it do ?
10:32.25zoachanging the filename on the fly ?
10:32.26RoyKkapehome: done with that HFC PCI driver yet?
10:32.30kapehomea scenario would be where you want to record the calls and associate them with the called extension
10:32.34zoabut my filename is already channel based
10:32.35kapehomezoa: yes
10:32.36blitzragekapehome: I know.. but I would think it should be ChangeMonitor(filename_base):  ?
10:33.15blitzrageor in DocBook:  <function>ChangeMonitor(<replaceable>filename_base</replaceable>)</function> ?
10:33.27*** join/#asterisk choanix (
10:33.29lelekapehome: first call with zapbri :)
10:33.54blitzragekapehome: if that is right, then the description in asterisk is wrong (if it is to follow the same format as the other applications)
10:34.19RoyK0 9-17 * * *         echo "What's status for that HFC PCI Zaptel driver yet" | mail -s "Driver status?"
10:34.30*** part/#asterisk choanix (
10:34.52blitzrageroyk: lol
10:35.20blitzrageI love it
10:35.53h3x0rif you did that
10:35.58h3x0ryou'd probably get on CAUCE
10:39.02kapehomelele: :-)
10:39.10kapehomeso it actually does something?
10:40.52*** join/#asterisk wilane (~user@
10:42.27Powerkillhow can i log the dial command from an agi in a specific cdr entry
10:43.05zigmando it manually
10:43.10zigmanfrom the agi
10:43.15zigmanthe a db
10:43.49sumasumazigman: will it not do automatically ?
10:43.54*** join/#asterisk mbranca_ (~matteo@
10:44.02FlatcatI think my maths is all screwed up
10:44.03zigmanonly all cdr ' s to the same db
10:44.09zigmanFlatcat,  why is that
10:44.12zigman1+1 = 3
10:44.20sumasumais it only in the extensions ?
10:44.31lelekapehome: yes, it does it one time only after a restart but it's something :)
10:45.19wilaneIs there any known issue with intel8x0 and chan_alsa segfault?
10:45.24FuzzyCatzigman: how many chans on a quad e1
10:45.41wasim120 bchans
10:45.47wasim4 dchans
10:45.55FuzzyCatso how did I end up with 130
10:46.13FuzzyCat130 channels configured.
10:46.15kapehomebecause you have 1 extra chan on each e1 that is not used
10:46.32RoyKwasim: what codec are you running?
10:46.34wasimyeah, 2 dchans on each e1
10:46.55FuzzyCatso the next should be 33
10:46.59RoyKis the dchan always #16?
10:47.43RoyK/kick FuzzyCat flood
10:47.52*** join/#asterisk PoinRoad (
10:47.57FuzzyCat/kick royk for fun
10:48.28sxpert_workFuzzyCat, there's only one dchan on an E1, ts-0 is only used for sync and errors (4 bits)
10:49.09cypromisFuzzyCat: wrong maths
10:49.28cypromisdchan= last dchannel + 31
10:50.57sumasumaif dchan=16 and dchan=114, is  16 = 114 ??
10:51.51RoyKso dchan is
10:52.31sumasumayes, at the end RoyK = 0 ;)
10:52.36sxpert_workit's an arithmetic suite of initial value 16 and reason (is that the english word) 31 ;)
10:53.33wilane0x41966adf in snd_pcm_hw_param_set_near (pcm=0x80e20c0, params=0xbfffeffc,
10:53.33wilane786             unsigned int best = *val, saved_min;
10:53.37lelemorning mbranca
10:56.42*** join/#asterisk srsergio (~srsergio@
10:56.46srsergiohi all
10:56.54kapehomehi srsergio
10:57.02wasimRoyK: what codec?
10:57.27wasimsorry lagged on the link, and lagged in the brain
10:58.33RoyKwasim: just wondered what codec you're using
10:59.08RoyK...with 120 D chans, you'll need some horse power to transcode that
10:59.56wasim120 d's? no, no ... that'd be a kickass box
11:00.24kapehomethat would be a dual xeon 2.4 if you want to do ilbc
11:00.31wasimsomoene should make a little web app that does a zaptel.conf
11:00.48kapehomewasim: i had to do a zaptel.conf for an 8 E1 box!!
11:00.52kapehomethat was fun ;)
11:00.56wasimkapehome: 120 Ds! that's synonymous with 120 E1
11:01.22kapehomei read "B chans"
11:01.25wasimi'd say one of those alpha boxes cypromis is alway on with thei 72 PCI busses
11:01.36RoyKI meant B chans
11:01.39kapehomesee? :)
11:02.03wasima dual proc xeon can do 120 chans iLBC like kape said
11:02.28RoyKwasim: k
11:02.45blitzragehrm.. I made a FWD webapp in PHP.. maybe I should make a zaptel.conf one :)
11:02.49kapehomeRoyK: want one ? ;)
11:03.22RoyKkapehome: I really want that HFC PCI driver :)
11:03.25wasimrock on blitzrage
11:03.37blitzragewasim: I already have way to much on the go for a bit :)
11:03.47*** join/#asterisk _Tekati_ (
11:03.47blitzragegoing to bed now
11:03.56Pj_Life's too hard
11:04.02Pj_I wanna go back to bed :/
11:04.18blitzrageI've just got home from work.. it's 6am
11:04.39*** join/#asterisk mbranca_ (~matteo@
11:04.50blitzragewow.. everyone is waking up, and I'm just going to bed :)
11:04.58blitzrageback in like... 7-9 hours.
11:05.03kapehomewb mbranca_
11:05.11Pj_it's 12:00 here, but I was still drinking alcohol 3 hours ago
11:05.23Pj_and now at work trying to pretend to be a serious worker :/
11:05.32kapehomePj_: sounds like a good breakfast ;)
11:05.57Pj_actually it's because I was finishing the night
11:06.12Pj_so it sounds more like I had 2 hours sleep :)
11:06.34kapehomeyou can sleep when you are old...
11:07.23*** join/#asterisk Tekati (
11:07.43Pj_still, I don't think the mint tea with gin was a good idea
11:08.02Pj_and if I remember well I had whisky, gin and vodka equally yesterday
11:08.18Pj_but the first part of my sentence is not a sound basis for reflexion :)
11:09.35*** join/#asterisk Merlin83b (
11:09.38voidptrudp really works
11:09.54voidptrover wirelss, and the connecting disconnecting all the time
11:11.10wasimroaming iax!
11:11.45voidptri wonder what the max timeout time is...
11:11.49voidptrwill test in a few...
11:17.05Bonbonis the module the way to access the asterisk manager, or should we just be using raw socket programming?
11:17.31*** join/#asterisk ennuyeux7 (~ennuyeux7@
11:18.16wasimBonbon: use whatever you fancy, both will work
11:18.22wasimBonbon: make sure you use \r\n
11:18.40wasimBonbon: asterisk-perl has manager in it too , me think
11:19.22Bonbonwasim: thx
11:19.39*** join/#asterisk Logan (
11:19.58*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
11:20.08Bonbonwasim: what's happening with the phones?
11:20.29wasimin preproduction as we speak
11:20.33wasimbloody long procfess though
11:21.52wasim10 days to first baord, then we check and approve it
11:22.32wasim2 weeks for the rest of the baords, hopefully, we'll get them piecemeal and send them for mounting
11:22.51wasimand i'm POSITIVE some fuckup is gonna happen in the components reaching this country
11:23.07Bonbondon't say that. :-)
11:23.17wasimit always does
11:23.24dougheckawhy not move to china/us?
11:23.34wasimus, i moved out of
11:23.42wasimchina, way to many people already
11:23.48wasimnow, nz, that's an option
11:24.10dougheckaeven worse...
11:24.27doughecka(oh yea. your passives sank on the boat getting here...
11:26.25voidptri can't get it to time out
11:32.17Bonbonwasim: which part of pk you at?
11:32.44af_moin all
11:32.55wasimBonbon: islamabad
11:34.58*** join/#asterisk Logan (
11:35.01*** join/#asterisk mbranca_ (~matteo@
11:35.44voidptrcaller id on my dect
11:36.32wasimyou know what you sit out in summer and bbq on
11:36.34voidptryeah that wireless thing that doesn't wifi :P
11:36.49Bonbonwasim: you do any contracted dev work?
11:37.22wasimBonbon: sure, hw or sw?
11:38.14wasimBonbon: we've got a very good hw design house, embedded
11:47.53*** join/#asterisk JoeCool (~dcgomes@
11:51.41*** join/#asterisk miller7 (none@
11:52.33dougheckahe just replied back... he over slept :)
11:56.00doughecka400 bucks
11:56.09dougheckaincludes a head set too
11:57.25wasimwhee ... very nice
11:57.59wasimbut $400!
11:58.12dougheckabut I know of a better
11:58.19dougheckaand cheaper Fone
12:00.19wasimwhee ... nice
12:01.19*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
12:01.37dougheckaits a got modem
12:01.39zoahit me one more time !
12:02.35zoahaha :)
12:02.48zoathis is the answering machine of zoa
12:02.51zoaplease stop bugging me
12:02.54wasimwheee  ... 250E is for $129
12:03.03miller7it's so annoying that manufacturing companies try to earn from selling minutes too...
12:03.05wasimerr ... 200E (SOLDOUT)
12:03.09miller7it's so pathetic IMO
12:03.50dougheckaTransmission Protocol:TCP/IP, UDP/IP, ITU-TV.34
12:04.14wasimman a 20x2 LCD is puny
12:04.23Pj_puni puni poemi
12:05.05*** join/#asterisk cypromis (
12:07.41dougheckanet2phone protocol
12:07.45dougheckais that sip?
12:09.06wasimh323 me thnks
12:09.16dougheckadoh doh doh
12:09.21dougheckaoh well
12:09.24dougheckaits a cool idea
12:09.28dougheckait dials out to the net
12:09.34dougheckathen makes the voip call
12:09.58Powerkillwasim did you worte agi script ?
12:10.38miller7with ISDN you can even receive calls without being connected, using the D channel for signalling "incoming call, get online"
12:10.42wasimPowerkill: which one?
12:11.22Powerkilli talk generally
12:11.41wasimPowerkill: at times, under severe duress
12:12.05dougheckamiller7: I hear that in EU you can send messages to each other, if both people have some sort of software
12:12.09dougheckauses D channel too
12:12.11PowerkillI'm making a call in my agi script the problem is that i want that this call will be in the cdr logs
12:12.26miller7doughecka: I don't know anyone who uses that
12:12.32kapehomedoughecka: UUS, user to user signalling
12:12.47Powerkilland the thing is that the call is in the cdr as agi state and the dial state disappear
12:12.48kapehomeunfortunately german telecom disabled that totally in .de :(
12:13.03wasimPowerkill: use dialplan to do it
12:13.11dougheckawill farfon support that?
12:13.14kapehomethat 's why they have to use crappy analog fsk for sensing sms into the pstn
12:13.21Powerkillwhat do you mean ?
12:14.36Powerkillin the agi i'm using $AGI->exec('Dial',"SIP/00$number@bigserver||Hr');
12:15.06wasimPowerkill: send it out to a diadialplan that does the dial
12:16.46dougheckawe need that display
12:17.15wasimno, you need a plain simple easy to use phone
12:17.53DeadDawgi think i could use that phone, plus a plain and simple phone
12:18.10miller7can someone call me using GSM to this number please? 17004249702
12:18.34dougheckadoes FWD have a iaxtel gateway?
12:19.23dougheckaif the gateway works
12:19.26dougheckait didnt work for me
12:20.09miller7ok, it works :) thanks wasim
12:20.16RoyKdoes anyone know where I can find the redhat kernel patches?
12:20.33miller7wasim: and the sound was quite nice too!
12:20.54miller7hey was it eeks? :)
12:20.58wasimGSM half rate is not too bad
12:21.21RoyKwasim: half rate - 6.5kbps?
12:21.37wasimmiller7: no, that was through a TDM40B
12:21.41wasimRoyK: no, 13 kbps
12:21.55RoyKthat half rate?
12:22.03zoaroyk: the fedora kernel patches ?
12:22.04RoyKI thought 13kbps was the normal GSM
12:22.09RoyKzoa: yeah
12:22.14zoai want them too
12:22.14RoyK...or redhat
12:22.17zoadon't have em either
12:22.23zoathey look cool for dual xeons
12:22.27RoyKredhat can't hide them without breaking the gpl...
12:22.39zoajust download the complete source ?
12:22.58RoyKzoa: the important point is, IMO, that they include Ingo's O(1) scheduler
12:23.10zoai tried to include that thingie myself
12:23.13zoabut it didnt work
12:23.21RoyK...although you may run 2.6, then
12:23.28zoayeah but i need zaptel :(
12:23.33RoyKworking on that
12:23.50zoareally ?
12:23.54zoathat would be very cool
12:23.59zoato have it working on 2.6
12:24.00RoyKI found the patch from the ml
12:24.08zoathats not for the TE410p :(
12:24.08RoyK...and did a little more
12:24.33RoyKi know
12:24.39*** join/#asterisk lorenita (
12:24.41RoyKbut I want to move it a little further
12:30.12Powerkillwasim how can i do that ?
12:39.44*** join/#asterisk sousou (
12:40.21FuzzyCatandyone got any ideas on /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz
12:40.30RoyKapt-get install libz
12:40.36RoyKor zlib
12:40.41RoyKor whatever it's called
12:41.09FuzzyCatzlib.. ahh yes
12:43.59*** join/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
12:44.33wasimgood morning utah!
12:45.09wasimoui, agent smith's hq
12:45.42jsmithwasim: Good morning!
12:45.58jsmith(5:45am here... good isn't quite the word I'd use for it)
12:46.08wasimright, apologies
12:46.40jsmithNo, that's OK... I'm at work, so I'll just ignore the time :-)
12:49.28FuzzyCatlazy goit
12:49.39jsmithHey now!
13:04.33RoyK seems to have a few points
13:10.52*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
13:11.20voidptrfsk caller id phones also sync time via dtmf?
13:11.37voidptr*somehow*? ;)
13:12.00jsmithvoidptr: Oh really?!?
13:12.05af_hi to all
13:12.11jsmithHowdy af_
13:13.23dheckaman_patch us in
13:13.28dheckaman_listen only
13:13.47jsmithIt's on a phone company's conference line
13:13.59voidptrjsmith : i dunno, i saw it happen, and i'm impressed that they actually made something out of nothing :P
13:14.11jsmithvoidptr: Wow...
13:14.35jsmithvoidptr: They sync the time on DTMF, and not something in the FSK?
13:15.02jsmitharg, as in pirates?
13:15.24jsmithdheckaman_: No way!  There's no "listen-only" mode...
13:15.39dheckaman_we have a mute button
13:16.18*** join/#asterisk sousou (
13:17.09*** join/#asterisk sousou (
13:17.19kapehomesousou: send me an email
13:17.31sxpert_workdheckaman_, do you have a "talk only" button for telemarketters (so that they don't hear the other side saying that they don't want to hear them ?)
13:18.19wasimyou could meetme us in jsmith
13:19.03*** join/#asterisk zono (
13:20.18wasimin monitor only mode, and redirect your etension to that
13:20.37sousouAny manager API experts around. I'm confused by the Originate action
13:21.05wasimnot an expert by any definition, but i've maanged to get it to work at time
13:21.36zonohi I have a big problem with Asterisk (oH323)  what setup a will made in gnugk.ini ?
13:21.42sousouI may be wanting to do something impossible
13:22.39sousouI want to dial a number and connect the call to an extension
13:22.39jsmithWow... the phone companies actually got it right this time...
13:23.02jsmithThe secret is to make changes at 6:00am when their brains are still half-working, I guess
13:23.49sxpert_workjsmith, no, they didn't have their first shot at that time
13:24.21zonoHelp me please
13:25.27jsmithsxpert_work: Right!
13:25.49jsmithzono: Sorry, I'd love to help you, but I know nothing about gnugk...
13:26.43zonognugk is the Gatekeeper :-(((
13:27.16lorenitazono, what do you need ?
13:28.45dheckaman_and email each piece to a family member!
13:28.52zonoOK I have a task to made the Asterisk work with oH323 and Netmeeting but i don't now how setup the Gatekeeper and oH323.conf :-(
13:29.27zonoWith SIP and IAX all work properli :-(
13:29.39dheckaman_whats a good cheap single processor mobo that works great with *?
13:30.14dheckaman_real cheap
13:30.26lorenitaok,, put that
13:31.20lorenitathat is in OH323.conf
13:31.45lorenitanow, you have conf the Gnugk ?
13:32.17dheckaman_whats a good chipset for *?
13:32.33zonono I have a .ini fail
13:32.39dheckaman_bbq or pizza?
13:32.49wasimSour Cream and Hashish
13:33.10dheckaman_so pentium 4 chip?
13:33.16voidptrjsmith : i have no idea what either are...
13:33.21dheckaman_or do I want to use athlon XP chip again..
13:33.30voidptrwell dtmf yes... fsk... no clue
13:33.32*** join/#asterisk Lafinion (
13:33.50voidptr(don't want to know)
13:34.21jsmithvoidptr: Ever listened to two modems handshaking?  Think of that as FSK.  (It's probably not, but FSK should sound something like that)
13:34.49dheckaman_FSK is a tone shifting way of sending data, me thinks
13:34.59dheckaman_its used alot for hamradio
13:35.05jsmithvoidptr: If you were to listen to the line when a call came in, you'd hear the caller-id come across as a "hiss" of FSK
13:35.12jsmithdheckaman_: Exactly!
13:35.14dheckaman_works great for HF long distant stuff
13:35.22dheckaman_almost as good as RTTY
13:35.40dheckaman_ASUS mobos are ok?
13:35.44jsmithdheckaman_: Yes.
13:35.46dheckaman_jsmith: sad
13:35.58dheckaman_wasim: hey, send me a QSL card!
13:36.07wasimyeh, pk is hot territory
13:36.16jsmithdheckaman_: KD5HKJ... it's not that I don't remember it... it's that I get it confused with my wife's, father-in-law's, etc.
13:36.25jsmithwasim: I want one too!
13:36.33dheckaman_just email us a image
13:36.36dheckaman_and I can print it out
13:36.59jsmithQSL cards via email... what is this world coming to?!?
13:37.15RoyK~frag USA
13:37.18ACTION readies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at USA
13:37.28voidptrjsmith : i see
13:37.46[/.] slashdot
13:37.48sxpert_work~slashdot USA
13:38.03dheckaman_~no, /. is <reply> see slashdot
13:38.21[jsmith] Yeah, twothree of those tangerine Altoids and a bottle of "Live Wire" Mt. Dew... now that's what I call the breakfast of champions!
13:38.31[neo] 100% beef
13:38.39jsmithAt least it knows what I like for breakfast
13:38.52[hibernate] at
13:38.52dheckaman_~meepgun jsmith
13:38.54ACTION shoots jsmith with a charged pseudoquark gun
13:39.11jsmith~whaleslap dheckaman_
13:39.14ACTION slaps dheckaman_ upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
13:39.26jsmithOK, now for the real test...
13:39.32jsmith~lart jbot
13:40.53dheckaman_jsmith: what mobo do you use?
13:41.16jsmithdheckaman_: My favorites are the Asus and Tyan brands... but I use a bunch of SuperMicros in my 1U servers
13:41.20*** join/#asterisk zono (
13:41.30jsmithdheckaman_: Why?
13:41.35dheckaman_I am looking for a CHEAP mobo/cpu combination..
13:41.42jsmithHow cheap?
13:41.46dheckaman_since my boss took my * server to install XP on
13:41.49dheckaman_around 100
13:41.55dheckaman_125 max :)
13:42.10dheckaman_unless I can talk him into getting a 1u server
13:42.22dheckaman_here are ASUS mobos for 29 bucks
13:42.25dheckaman_they are just sold out
13:42.35sxpert_workdheckaman_, via epia neremiah ;)
13:42.38wasimi'd talk to the boss and ask him whats so important about XP
13:42.41jsmithLook at the SuperMicro SuperServer 5013 line... 1U, 14" deep, and pretty quiet
13:42.52dheckaman_wasim: new employee, he needs a computer :(
13:43.00dheckaman_jsmith: how much?
13:43.07wasimdheckaman_: i'd go BoFH on new employee
13:44.20wasimor better give him voidptr P1
13:44.46dheckaman_hes on a terminal client right now
13:45.03dheckaman_kram: what do YOU think?
13:45.07kramabout what?
13:45.18dheckaman_whats a good cheap mobo
13:45.20dheckaman_for *
13:45.27silug and should only cost about $100 shipped
13:45.30kramno clue, malcolmd might know when he gets in
13:45.36wasimmorning * master
13:45.53RoyKkram: looked any more into 2.6?
13:46.06*** join/#asterisk KillerBee (
13:46.16dheckaman_silug: yea, thats the chip I had before
13:46.18dheckaman_worked ok
13:46.40dheckaman_no heat sink
13:46.44kramroyk: not yet
13:46.47krami don't have it on a box yet
13:46.51*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
13:46.53silugthey have those cheap too.  :)
13:46.56dheckaman_there ya go
13:47.14dheckaman_chaintech any good?
13:47.31silugwho knows?  :)
13:47.51silugyou didn't ask for good...  you asked for <$100.  :)
13:48.25silugseriously, it's not a bad chipset, so it should be fine.
13:48.41siluggenerally i avoid the ultra-cheap boards, but when you are on a budget...
13:49.10RoyKyou can have an account on a test box here, if you like
13:50.48dheckaman_I have a x100p
13:50.52dheckaman_and a local line
13:50.56dheckaman_and a nufone account
13:51.03dheckaman_and 2 budgetones
13:51.20dheckaman_too bad VMWARE doesnt support, ehm, x100p cards
13:52.04dheckaman_ECS ok?
14:11.11*** join/#asterisk costas (
14:11.14dheckaman_is celeron PIII based processors ok with *?
14:12.09*** join/#asterisk psyrcat (
14:12.30*** join/#asterisk miller7 (none@
14:13.09dheckaman_how about the pentium 4 based one?
14:13.18Mocanyone configured iconnecthere with * ?
14:13.19dheckaman_whats the diference?
14:13.24*** join/#asterisk bobman (
14:13.36dheckaman_besides the ungodly small amount of cache
14:13.43Mocthey will both work, just the p4 can take more load than a p3
14:14.20Moceven at same frequency, p4 is alittle faster
14:15.42RoyK10 PRINT "HI"
14:15.42RoyK20 GOTO 10
14:15.54dheckaman_ASRock mobos are good/bad?
14:16.16dheckaman_chipset is Intel 845D
14:16.42dheckaman_I added a mobo and cpu to my shopping cart
14:16.53dheckaman_and it ended up to be 100 bucks
14:17.02mishehuDictionary entry ->   Endless loop:  see loop, endless.   Loop, endless:  see endless loop
14:17.02*** join/#asterisk srinivas (~srinivas@
14:17.05dheckaman_free shipping too
14:17.10*** join/#asterisk srinivas_ (~srinivas@
14:17.44jsmithdheckaman_: I've never heard of them... and when it comes to mobos, you *never* want to use a no-name mobo
14:18.01dheckaman_what about the chipset?
14:18.01*** part/#asterisk srinivas_ (~srinivas@
14:18.05dheckaman_ever hear of it?
14:18.42mishehuand for the record:  a p3 can handle more load than p4 up through 2.0 ghz on average.
14:18.42jsmithYes... it's fine.
14:18.55dheckaman_mishehu: eh?
14:19.01Pj_mishehu: why ?
14:19.13mishehuit's not really until now with the 2.4Ghz p4 do they *truely* outperform
14:19.17dheckaman_so I should go with the PIII based celeron rather than the PIIII based one?
14:19.40mishehudheckaman_: celery belongs in your salad and soup, not in your computer
14:19.50dheckaman_unless I get talked out of it
14:19.52Pj_mishehu: why ?
14:20.03mishehuPj_: I'm just speaking from experience.
14:20.21mishehudheckaman_: get a full-blown p4.
14:20.54mishehuyeah, jsmith agrees too
14:21.21dheckaman_92 bucks!!
14:21.29dheckaman_and thats without a heatsink/fan
14:21.42dheckaman_celly is like, 52
14:22.25jsmithdheckaman_: If your boss stole your machine, he should pony up for a decent replacement!
14:22.45dheckaman_the old one was a athlon XP 2000+
14:22.52dheckaman_1.6ish ghz
14:23.05dheckaman_so, what would the intel equivalent be?
14:23.15dheckaman_well, he paided for the original one
14:24.54*** join/#asterisk srinivas_ (~srinivas@
14:25.53*** join/#asterisk srinivas__ (~srinivas@
14:26.31mishehudheckaman_: get an AMD instead of a celery
14:29.14dheckaman_well, that was my original plan
14:29.44mishehuor get a p4 2.4 or greater
14:29.50mishehuone with 800mhz FSB
14:29.52dheckaman_but then the price rises
14:30.40mishehubut you can probably get a nice asus or gigabyte motherboard with a p4 2.6 or 2.8ghz 800FSB for about $200 to $250, and then whatever ram costs you.
14:30.54mishehuperhaps it's not even that expensive, I've not shopped in a couple months.
14:31.04dheckaman_thats alot of horsepower... for only a test server
14:31.45mishehuwhat other machines do you have that you can use instead and have the new one as your workstation?
14:31.46dheckaman_68 bucks for a XP 2000+ (with heatsink)
14:31.57dheckaman_mishehu: hahahahah
14:32.11sxpert_workdheckaman_, heatsink or freezer ?
14:32.21mishehuyou know, I run * on a celery that I got for free...  but it's a celery 416 Mhz
14:32.22*** join/#asterisk tholo (
14:32.29dheckaman_the one that comes with the cpu
14:33.01dheckaman_hey JerJer
14:33.12dheckaman_what mobos/chipsets are good for *?
14:33.14dheckaman_and cheap
14:33.32dheckaman_well, all I need is a mobo and cpu
14:33.35JerJerdual hyperthreaded xeon
14:33.36dheckaman_not a whole freakin server
14:33.53dheckaman_cheapest dell server is...
14:33.55mishehuJerJer: not dual, quad
14:33.59JerJeri don't do low end, sorry
14:34.04dheckaman_OCTO XEON!
14:34.13JerJermishehu: GooglePlex Xeon
14:34.22dheckaman_imagin a beowulf cluster of those
14:34.25mishehuOcto Pus(sy?)
14:34.25*** join/#asterisk Merlin83b (
14:34.35*** join/#asterisk srinivas (~srinivas@
14:34.50mishehuJerJer: no, Google.comPlex AMD-FX51 64 bit
14:35.12mishehualright, time to go to work...
14:36.05JerJerok   Googol Xeon
14:39.32JerJerdheckaman_:  what are you planning to do with this lower end mobo and proc?
14:39.58*** join/#asterisk Logan (
14:40.06JerJerany will work, unless ur going for a TE410P
14:40.20dheckaman_a test server...
14:40.22dheckaman_like I had before
14:40.50JerJerso then pick one
14:40.59JerJerI have test boxes that are AMD K6-2's
14:41.40JerJerhell and VIA C3
14:41.50JerJerso asterisk will run on pretty much anything
14:42.10dheckaman_but I dont want to be underpowered
14:42.13dheckaman_for ilbc and stuff
14:42.26dheckaman_but this will be 1 users, maybe 2 at the max
14:42.56*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
14:45.54dheckaman_how about 500 mhz?
14:45.58dheckaman_pentium III
14:46.08RoyKPentium 0
14:46.12dheckaman_how many users will that support, at, say, ilbc and a x100p
14:46.19*** join/#asterisk Tekati (
14:47.18dheckaman_I allready have linux installed
14:48.31sxpert_workdheckaman_'s server has crashed
14:49.48*** part/#asterisk zono (
14:50.41*** join/#asterisk zono (
14:51.07tzangeranother * crash
14:51.09tzangerhardlock the kernel
14:51.20jsmithtzanger: Not cool!
14:51.32JerJerRedHat 9?
14:51.32tzangerthis is the second one in 7 days
14:51.36tzangerSlackware 9
14:51.37wsuffshit happens =)
14:51.39wasimanybody got pyst handy, sf seems to be down
14:54.23tzangerI bet it crashed in the zaptel interrupt handler again
14:54.29tzangerthat's where it crashed last time
14:54.51wsuffSystem uptime: 8 hours, 56 minutes, 54 seconds
14:54.59wsuffso far so good
14:55.44tzangercrahsed in the _exact_ same spot
14:55.49tzangercall trace is identical
14:56.14*** join/#asterisk Stealth_Man (
14:59.34tzangerTrace; e00548d8 <[zaptel]process_timers+38/50>
14:59.34tzangerTrace; e004fe2c <[zaptel]zt_receive+6c/f10>
14:59.34tzangerTrace; e007d820 <[wct1xxp]t1xxp_receiveprep+190/360>
14:59.34tzangerTrace; e007c942 <[wct1xxp]t1xxp_interrupt+1b2/1f0>
14:59.34tzangerTrace; c013aa40 <__block_prepare_write+1d0/330>
14:59.36tzangerTrace; c011a12d <qm_refs+13d/190>
14:59.39tzangerTrace; c010a2a8 <do_IRQ+68/b0>
14:59.41tzangerTrace; c010ca48 <call_do_IRQ+5/d>
14:59.43tzangerTrace; c012c8c2 <do_generic_file_write+252/3e0>
14:59.46tzangerTrace; c012cd53 <generic_file_write+103/120>
14:59.49tzangerTrace; c01610b2 <ext3_file_write+22/c0>
14:59.51tzangerexact same trace
14:59.54tzangerthat's freaky
14:59.56tzangerI wonder if my channel bank's fucked up again too
15:00.13dheckaman_tzanger: NO!
15:00.17dheckaman_its a Feature!
15:00.33jsmithtzanger: If it's consitant like that, talk Mark into ssh'ing into your box and fixing the problem in zaptel!
15:01.07tzangerjsmith: true enough
15:01.12tzangerit's twice now in a week
15:01.17tzangerhang on the channel bank's hoope
15:01.20tzangerer hooped
15:01.25tzangerfast busy
15:01.27*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
15:01.37dheckaman_do you have to manually reboot *?
15:01.38jsmithYoYo: Not in front of the kids!
15:02.14YoYodunno why 3 FXS ports, but hey...
15:02.18tzangerdheckaman_: the box was hung
15:02.26YoYooh yeah I do... home, work, and fax
15:02.45tclarktzanger: low life mb ?
15:03.40tzangertclark: it's not the best in the world, but it's certainly not the worst, either
15:04.03tzangerI'd say middle of the road AMD Duron1300 mobo
15:04.06tclarkis it under load when this dumps ..
15:04.08lorenitaany luck with RADIUS for Asterisk ?
15:04.10tzangertclark: no
15:04.15tzangertclark: this box is mostly idle
15:04.45tzangerabout the only weird thing I can say about the box is that it does run a user-mode-linux session (not for *, for something else)
15:05.30tclarkcertainly alomost never see zaptel coring
15:05.53tclarkin fact have never seen it , congrats you are first i have seen :)
15:06.11tzangerwell it certainly takes the machine out at the knees
15:06.22*** part/#asterisk zono (
15:06.24tzangerit fuxors my channel bank too, I have to power-cycle the CB
15:09.38*** join/#asterisk zwi (~zwi@
15:10.27*** join/#asterisk zono (
15:13.12JerJerlorenita:  it would be the worst possible solution for Asterisk
15:13.21*** join/#asterisk ursenj (~ursenj@
15:13.42thololorenita: According to JerJer and bkw_ anyways...
15:13.54JerJerRADIUS is for authenticating Dialup users not VoIP
15:14.04JerJereven sysmaster says that
15:14.27tzangerJerJer: RADIUS is for many things
15:14.34JerJerum no
15:14.47JerJerand Wirelss access
15:14.55JerJerwhich are all the same thing
15:14.59JerJerVoIp is totally different
15:15.09tzangersounds like generic user authentication to me
15:15.17JerJerum no
15:15.18lorenitaJerJer,, all standard Voip are based in Radius..
15:15.19JerJernot even close
15:15.27lorenitaare for Dialup or not is a reality
15:15.38JerJerlorenita: if cisco jumps off a bridge are you gona also?
15:15.57JerJerRADIUS is a lazy developer solution to VoIP billing
15:16.08wsuffJerJer: ya don't got much to lose besides college debt
15:16.28wsuffjumping off a bridge sounds like fun
15:16.31JerJeri dropped out of college to start my THIRD isp
15:16.49tzangerJerJer: regardless of your opinion of RADIUS for VOIP user auth it's gonna get used
15:16.49JerJerall of my expereince is real world
15:16.49wsuffwhat happened to the first 2
15:17.04JerJerand my hatred of RADIUS and VoIP is from first hand expereince
15:17.11lorenitaJerjer.. is your Opinion sir.. Only your Opionon about RADIUS
15:17.11JerJersold them for massive profits
15:17.22tzangerJerJer: why is RADIUS and VOIP auth *any* different from RADIUS and dialup/dsl/wireless auth?
15:17.25tzangerauth is auth
15:17.29lorenitaall the people are wrong because used RADIUS
15:17.29JerJertzanger: no it is not
15:17.31tzangeruser/pass -> you pass, or not allowed
15:17.47wsufftzanger: still better methods based on what u are trying to do
15:17.47tzangerJerJer: can you explain the difference please?
15:17.50JerJerit is certianly not that simple
15:17.51tzangerI ma genuinely interested
15:18.29JerJerRADIUS is a unneeded layer of complication and failure in VoIP
15:18.42tzangerJerJer: despite that
15:18.54tzangerwhat is the difference in auth between VOIP and dialup?
15:18.57JerJerso u want it to be complicated
15:19.01JerJerand u want it to fail ?! ?! ?!? !? ?!
15:19.03*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
15:19.15tzangerJerJer: no, I want a single point of authentication.  Not DB here, RAIDUS there and tokens somewhere else
15:19.18tzangerONE POIUNT
15:19.21tzangerer ONE POINT
15:19.31tzangerI didn't know I spoke French :-)
15:19.34JerJeryour begging for massive failure
15:19.50tzangerJerJer: howso?  How is auth by RADIUS gonna give me massive failure where auth by db won't?
15:19.53*** join/#asterisk anthm (
15:20.13dheckaman_the desk
15:20.21tzangerif the DB is down, all authentication will fail.  same if I'm authenticating off of radius
15:20.26wsuffcleanup in aisle 5
15:20.27JerJernot only do you have to keep your RADIUS server online you have to keep your backend to RADIUS online...this is usally a database
15:20.37tzanger_YES_ it is an extra layer.  I agree with that.  However it's not some mythical time-bomb
15:20.47JerJeroh but it is
15:20.59tzangerJerJer: RADIUS server *is* the database server in many cases.  
15:21.15JerJerabsotively wrong
15:21.16wsuffirc is so much fun
15:21.22dheckaman_wsuff: like, yea
15:21.25tzangerI mean jesus fuck I run a 15k-user dialup ISP with a RADIUS server and it's not blowing up, how the hell is authenticating VOIP suddenly so much different?!
15:21.35JerJerdialup is a whole different ballgame
15:21.39tzangerHOW SO
15:21.42tzangerPlease explain it
15:22.08tzangerdon't say "RADIUS will eat your children" give me concrete examples of how it is so blindingly wrong that it you should hang up your keyboard if you ever attempt it?
15:22.18sxpert_workdheckaman_, click, boom
15:22.19JerJereach one of your dialup customers only sends ONE radius request for authentication when they log in
15:22.24dheckaman_tzanger: it ate my children... <sniff>
15:22.26tzangerJerJer: ok
15:22.30JerJerwe have wholesale customers that have an ENTIRE DS-3 of calls at us
15:22.45JerJerso thats how many radius requests a second?
15:22.47JerJeryou do the math
15:22.50tzangerJerJer: and I have a half dozen DS3s of PSTN ports for dialup
15:22.55JerJerand that's just one cusotmer
15:23.00*** join/#asterisk klicTel (
15:23.04JerJerbut you get one request per customer
15:23.10JerJerVoIP would be many per call
15:23.20tzangerJerJer: I am still not following.  you get ONE RADIUS request per call.  You get ONE RADIUS request per dial-up auth... looks pretty much identical to me
15:23.23tzangermany per call?
15:23.26tzangerI'm not following
15:23.35JerJeru gota look up how much they got in their account
15:23.43JerJerthen u gota optionally prompt them
15:23.50JerJerfor how much is left
15:23.57JerJeror how long this call can last
15:23.57tzangerJerJer: same with dialup -- are they allowed on, how much time do they have left...  same thing..
15:24.02JerJerum no
15:24.08JerJeryou simply set a timer on dialup
15:24.24tzangerJerJer: why not on VOIP?
15:24.35JerJerhighly more complicated
15:24.44JerJeryou get a username and pass from a dialup user
15:25.00tzangerdon't follow... if you're doing calling card style with prompting and shit then I could see your point but if you're doing straight billing it's really no different
15:25.01JerJerVoIP has to do SOOOOOOOOO much more
15:25.08JerJeroh but it is
15:25.22JerJerdeploy a radius based system and you'll find out
15:25.45tzangerI intend to actually :-)
15:26.08JerJerthen i'll buy all your gear at your fire sale
15:26.15tzangerI found a lot of the time the RADIUS server was the key...  cistron and freeradius and all of them blow goats.  I've been running with GNU-RADIUSd for years now and it's been solid
15:26.40JerJerRADIUS was created for Dialup type authentication
15:26.50JerJerand it does absolutely get the job done there
15:27.01JerJerbut it will dramatically fail you on VoIP
15:27.01tzangerwhich as far as I can see is pretty much identical to basic VOIP auth
15:27.13JerJerlook harder
15:27.28tzangerJerJer: have you seen it fail?  got some concrete examples (with specific rad servers and backend dbs) ?
15:27.44JerJeryes, why do you think i'm so pissed off at it ?
15:27.58JerJerits a kludge
15:28.30JerJerI don't have the time to defend my hatred of Radius
15:28.49JerJerunless you plan on paying my consulting fee, that is
15:29.21tzangerJerJer: I will try deploying it and if (when, according to you) it fails I will give you full bragging rights...  ok?
15:29.40tzangerJerJer will have first shot at the "I told you so" game.  :-)
15:29.51JerJerjust don't come whining back to me bail you out of your mess
15:30.14tzangerI'm not saying you're wrong (yet), but I am saying that you haven't been able to give me some concrete examples of failure and _why_... just a blind hatred of it.
15:30.35tzangerI won't -- if RAD auth fails I will switch over to something else but at least I'll have a documented case of failure then :-)
15:30.38JerJerbecause we blew almost a half a million dollars
15:30.49tzangerhow did you manage to blow a half mil on rad auth??
15:31.10tzangerperhaps my deployment will be much smaller...  I'm doing business VOIP -- I'm a one man show
15:31.22JerJertrying diferent radius servers and support contracts and training
15:31.26tzangernot quite in the same league as yourself but it's a starting point anyway
15:31.32*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
15:31.32tzangerJerJer: wow that's nasty
15:31.54zoatzanger, did you file a bug report ?
15:32.04tzangerzoa: on the zaptel crash?
15:32.05tzangernot yet
15:32.07JerJerwe tried the GPL radius servers, they failed misrably
15:32.15JerJerwe then went with Steelbelted RADIUS
15:32.32JerJerit worked a whole lot better than the GPL ones, but it still sucked
15:32.42tzangerI hated all the free radius servers with exception to gnu-radiusd...  it is just rock-fucking-solid and will interface to postgres without blinking...  none of that mysql crap
15:33.03JerJerpostmess is too slow
15:33.26*** join/#asterisk anti_ (
15:33.30Pj_several flat file
15:33.31dheckaman_my box has been up for 74 days...
15:33.34dheckaman_Pj_: yea
15:33.36dheckaman_user names
15:33.38Pj_so if you loose one it breaks everrything
15:33.48dheckaman_I get it
15:33.49Pj_that's logical separation
15:33.58dheckaman_randomly seperate it
15:34.12Pj_Maybe even randomly split columns
15:34.22dheckaman_for stability issues
15:34.22Pj_like username in several files
15:34.29Pj_and passwords and credit in another
15:34.36Pj_with the date in another one
15:34.44Pj_(well, each in several files)
15:34.47dheckaman_how about an A file.. a B file... so all the A's in one file.. all the Bs in another file...
15:34.57Pj_and if they have a different format incompatible between them, it's better
15:35.11tzangerJerJer: postgress is too slow compared to what?  It's been proven time and time gaain it blows Mysql out of the water
15:35.41Pj_dheckaman_: I got the perfect thing
15:35.44tzangerin terms of speed and reliability, not to mention raw features
15:35.45Pj_ONE file per entry
15:35.50dheckaman_yeS YES
15:35.54JerJertzanger: again, not in our testing
15:35.54Pj_binary format
15:36.05dheckaman_for encryption
15:36.14dheckaman_then ZIP it
15:36.20Pj_but in a way there is no way to read it easily
15:36.34oxygenhi all
15:36.44dheckaman_greetings and salutions
15:36.44JerJertzanger: we are not just some fly by night operation that is looking to make a quick buck here
15:36.52tzangerJerJer: did you actually give postgres some memory or did you leave everything at the defaults?
15:36.53dheckaman_JerJer: no? :)
15:37.00oxygenI've this problem with my asterisk (isdn card): I call a number like 191 (telecom italia) and not answer was detect the phone ring and go to time out... any ideas??
15:37.07oxygenanother problem is when i call a number and secretary transfer my call to an intern number, the line go down..
15:37.08tzangerin my testing postgres *flies* when tuned
15:37.14oxygenhelp me please
15:37.31zoaanybody using Monitoring ?
15:37.31jsmithAnd no, I'm not a database newbie either...
15:37.34zoai have a problem muxing
15:37.41jsmithzoa: We all do...
15:37.41zoamost of the time muxing doesnt seem to work
15:38.07zoajsmith: how do you mux it ?
15:38.07JerJertzanger:  i had an alleged postgress 'expert' do the setup and deployment and I did a rpm -ivh MySQL*.rpm on mysql
15:38.19jsmithzoa: Soxmix...
15:38.36JerJerhe fuxed with that postmess box for almost a month trying to 'tweak' it
15:38.38jsmithzoa: But the streams don't match up exactly, due to the way the app was written... It's a hack for now
15:38.43zoai tried ecasound and its not doing it very well :(
15:38.43tzangerJerJer: you're running your business off of mysql?  you must _love_ restoring from backups
15:38.45Pj_everybody buy Microsoft SQL Server it kicks asses
15:39.00JerJertzanger: REPLICATION  
15:39.04JerJerscrew backups
15:39.21JerJerI have entire mysql tables being replicated to a DVD+R
15:39.21Pj_oh wait, I think you can't buy it anymore with the new license scheme, you can only rent it :)
15:39.21tzangerJerJer: yeah, it'll replicate the corruption across all your servers.  :-)
15:39.28UnixDawgPJ your on drugs again
15:39.39sxpert_workJerJer, I am a "so called postgresql expert" and I installed fedora on the box ;)
15:40.04Pj_UnixDawg: no... just haven't recovered yet :)
15:40.52JerJerer  i have entire mysql databases being replicated to a DVD+R
15:40.54dheckaman_I dont need libpri do I ?;'
15:41.00JerJerdo you?
15:41.15dheckaman_well, I only have a x100p
15:41.24JerJeryou answered your own question then
15:41.36dheckaman_THanks SOO much ;)
15:41.51JerJerunless your leet enough to make PRI work on FXO
15:42.07dheckaman_that would be a cool trick
15:42.27dheckaman_shutdown -r now
15:42.50zoahey you !
15:42.51dheckaman_~jtodd is <reply> eh?
15:42.52dheckaman_: okay
15:42.55zoagimme your site :)
15:43.16zoajups thats the one allright
15:43.19zoayou passed the test !
15:43.32sxpert_workdheckaman_'s server has *poofed* into thin air
15:43.40*** join/#asterisk tclark (
15:45.49*** join/#asterisk Serp (serp@
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15:46.01zoajtodd, where can i find your muxing perl script ?
15:46.19Serphi all
15:46.54Serpdoes anyone know if IAXTel is still playing up or is it working ok at the minute?
15:47.44bkw_it works fine
15:47.47bkw_its iax2 only now
15:47.48UnixDawg~seen dutch
15:47.50i haven't seen 'dutch', UnixDawg
15:47.51bkw_iax2 show registry
15:47.59UnixDawg~seen dutch_
15:48.00dutch_ <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 21d 5h 13m 53s ago, saying: 'so even'.
15:48.12Serpah excellent, thanks bkw_
15:48.34Serpstill not getting anywhere with it though :(
15:49.42Serpalso having a problem with FWD where it's just giving hundreds of "unable to forward frame"s when you call a *1800 number
15:51.19bkw_are you behind nat
15:51.32SerpI have one side NAT and one side public
15:51.37Serpit says it's registering on the public IP
15:51.50bkw_is * behind nat?
15:52.19Serpyeah sorry that's the * box is that config, I'm on private side of the NAT
15:52.48jtoddzoa: I don't know what you mean by "muxing perl script".
15:53.04jtoddzoa: I'm not a perl weenie, so I suspect you're perhaps mis-remembering who wrote such a script.
15:53.47*** join/#asterisk mortck (
15:55.18zoajsmith's fault :)
15:55.29zoaanyone else with a perl muxing script ?
15:55.56Serpbkw_: * box has 2 NICs, 1 public, 1 private, iax2 show registry shows public IP registered
15:56.08zoalooks like bkw_ made something like that
15:57.12*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
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15:59.27Serphi :)
15:59.59Serpbkw_: fixed IAXtel now, was a 2 missing off of the extensions.conf - think someone needs to update :)
16:02.13klicTelhi all
16:02.35Serphi klicTel
16:04.13*** join/#asterisk adam_gafachi (
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16:05.21huatsI have pb with OH323, does anybody can help me a bit ? I am a total newbe
16:05.54bkw_Serp good luck
16:06.21*** join/#asterisk Moc (
16:06.33anthmzoa here is one
16:06.49anthmzoa derived from that one you are talking about that was floating around
16:07.18Serpbkw_: thanks :) Still can't work out the *1800 problem with FWD tho, I noticed jtodd had similar problems in April with IAX2
16:07.34JerJerhuats:  exactly which H.323 channel driver are you using?
16:07.42FuzzyCatcypromis: you bout?
16:07.55huatsJerJer:  asterisk-oh323
16:07.59zoaanthm: thnx
16:08.06MocIf 1 have 1 * with a SIP on internet, can a I setup a another * at work that when I call 91877xxxxxx it will go throught the * at home ?
16:08.09JerJerhuats: can't help you there...good luck
16:08.13MocSerp: Work fine here
16:08.21FuzzyCatJerJer: have you used multiple 410ps in a single box?
16:08.30huatsJerJer: But I dont mind using another one
16:08.35jsmithMoc: Only if you set it up that way :-)
16:08.48FuzzyCatdo you just need a single timing source or one per card?
16:09.03MocJerJer: Hey someone told me to talk to you about getting a 1877 # using IAX protocol ?
16:09.27JerJerwe can do toll-free numbers, sure
16:09.55Mocjsmith: Well, so far the way I see it, it I call a number, I get a tone and I can dial another number, but I want want that, I want it to be transparent
16:10.03JerJerFuzzyCat:   just increase the timing number  
16:10.11MocJerJer: Can the 1877 be call from canada ?
16:10.30huatsJerJer: my issue is quite simple: I have a E400P connected to an E1 and I want to place all the call that I receive from it in h323
16:10.41Mocor do you have 514 area code ? Montreal ? hehe
16:10.44JerJerMoc: its stupid expensive with our current solution
16:10.48jsmithMoc: There are several ways to do it... just keep searching until you learn the way that works best for you
16:14.50*** join/#asterisk montag (
16:15.22MocYea I got one with Iconnecthere but dont work from canada..
16:15.31MocI email them and they say it should work ...
16:15.41SerpMoc: I get tons of "Unable to forward frame"s
16:15.49*** join/#asterisk Coolhp (
16:16.37Mocone thing I had to change is put AIX2 instead of IAX in extensions.conf
16:16.56SerpFWD is going over SIP tho?
16:17.47Mocdonno im using IAX
16:17.57Serpthe normal ones like the 612, 613 etc work, but using the *1800 etc don't work
16:18.04CoolhpMoc : FWD is SIP only.
16:18.09pattiejabkw_, morning
16:18.24Mocbah use instead then ..
16:18.34CoolhpMoc : You might want to try NuFone... they'll give you so cool service and cheap rates :-)
16:18.49bkw_Version: v3.0.0 atasip (Build 031210A)
16:19.00MocCoolhp: Waiting for the reply ;)
16:19.14pattiejabkw_, have you run into a problem where (using softphones) the transmission of your audio pretty much works all the time (i.e., the other party can always hear you), but sometimes the receiving audio stream (that you hear) doesn't work or cuts out for the rest of a call?
16:19.40pattiejaI've been having this happen to me lately on and off (probably close to 5 - 10% of calls)
16:19.51pattiejaand it seems to happen no matter which client I'm using
16:19.56CoolhpMoc : What reply ?
16:20.15MocI emailed Nufone yesterday
16:20.18pattiejawhen it does happen on certain clients, they usually report some audio pipe broken thingy on /dev/dsp or similar
16:20.23bkw_pattieja I don't use softphones
16:20.31pattiejabkw_, I thought you had tested some?
16:21.53*** join/#asterisk jules (~jules@
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16:22.53CoolhpMoc : Ah... good stuff... I know NuFone pretty well... NuFone Rocks !!! :-)
16:22.57IVRprogrAnyone here know of an IVR app generator for Digium ?
16:23.31bkw_#               non-zero = profile from TFTP server is encrypted with this
16:23.31bkw_#                          key using the stronger RC4 encryption algorithm.
16:23.32bkw_#                          This profile is ata<mac>.x.
16:23.39bkw_vonage has been using this
16:23.54*** join/#asterisk martin2 (
16:24.23jsmithIVRprogr: Why not just write them yourself in extensions.conf?
16:24.27MocI got it running with iconnecthere but support suck so far ... they dont care much
16:24.30jsmithIVRprogr: It isn't difficult
16:24.41Mocso if Nufone is better hehe great ...
16:24.49CoolhpMoc : PM me your email address.
16:25.18bkw_#               6 = G.726-32kbps
16:25.27IVRprogrjsmith: what difficulties are involved doing this?
16:25.30Serpthanks guys, talk later
16:25.47wsuffgotta bounce later all
16:26.12jsmithIVRprogr: It's really pretty simple... just make sure you understand contexts (what they are and what they do) or it will never make sense
16:26.40Serpbtw, I want to order one of the 4 port TE410Ps, is there a lead time on them or are they pretty freely available?
16:27.14jsmithSerp: They should be pretty freely available... if not, let me know and I can get you one in a hurry
16:27.29IVRprogrjsmith: can a Asterisk callflow be control via a database(entries)?
16:27.45Serpjsmith: great, thanks =)  do you have any experience of using them with the rhino channel banks?
16:28.58jsmithIVRprogr: Yes... of course!
16:29.10jsmithSerp: Nope... I use Carrier Access channel banks...
16:29.56FuzzyCatyay 248 channels configured.
16:30.14wasimhey, thats the right math
16:30.21wasimnot 260 :P
16:30.27*** join/#asterisk Horshack] (
16:30.44wasimnow, make one E1 call the other, and run ilbc
16:30.47FuzzyCathey, it config'd 260... (maybe they're onus chans :P )
16:31.18Serpjsmith: ok thanks :)
16:31.27wasimcome one, lets do a procc test on 240 ilbc :) please...
16:31.46FuzzyCatno time for that wasim...
16:31.57wasimserpentine loop them,
16:32.59wasimyou didn't cross loop the e1s before leaving?
16:36.11bkw_ok bitaid rocks
16:37.40jsmithWhat's bitaid?
16:38.11*** join/#asterisk davidc (david@
16:39.18Horshack]anyone have any experience with featdmf?
16:44.19Horshack]it's a CAS protocol
16:44.23Horshack]Feature Group D
16:44.26Horshack]MF signaling
16:44.32Horshack]for Operator and Emergency trunks
16:44.46Horshack]I have an * box connected to a GLComm DCOSS running Feature Group D
16:44.58Horshack]everytime I answer the phone on the GLComm box, * hangs up
16:45.02Horshack]and I'm not sure why
16:47.32*** join/#asterisk BigBroth (
16:47.47Mocto link 2 * box I need to setup IAX peer connection ?
16:48.11BigBrothWhats the best wat to set Asterisk up to make calles to FWD.PULVER.COM addresses?
16:48.25jsmithMoc: Yes, exactly...
16:48.28BigBrothWhe I try and made calls I get 404 NOT ON MY WATCH errors
16:49.15jsmithBigBroth: Then you don't have asterisk setup correctly... Check the mailing list archives or the Wiki... that question has been asked hundreds of times
16:49.29BigBrothI can connect to my * Box from the internet and contact the echo server but when I then try ad connect to the FWD echo server (613) I get the errors
16:50.38FuzzyCatdid you register with fwd in sip.conf?
16:53.18wasimMoc: well, one side would be a peer, the other side user
16:54.34Mocthat nice :
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17:12.08MocNOTICE[1142135600]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 4301 (socket_read): Rejected connect attempt from
17:12.24*** join/#asterisk kevin1 (
17:12.43Mocwhy ?? hehe
17:13.33Mocboth network * link but timeout !!!
17:14.17Mocthey are both registred
17:14.34*** join/#asterisk buju1 (
17:14.41Mocbut says unregistred in iax2 show registry
17:14.57Mocis 1 need to be peer and the other one need to be friend ?
17:15.00voidptrpom pom
17:17.26*** join/#asterisk dtroy (
17:17.34huatsanybody is using oh323 ?
17:17.42lorenitayes Huats
17:18.15dtroyHow do you use the pbx_wilcalu autodialer?  can't find any examples.
17:19.26huatslorenita: I am trying to catch all the incoming calls to * and to send them to another IP...
17:19.55huatslorenita: can you send me one of your extension that uses oh323 ?
17:20.20huatslorenita: I dont understand why the zap interface is used
17:20.27buju1No audio between phones..Can someone help me ?
17:20.31huatsI can PM you my email
17:21.04dtroybuju1, check your codecs.  what type of phones?
17:21.18bkw_bitaid is the bomb
17:21.24buju1using the x-lite soft phone from
17:21.40dtroywhat's bitaid?
17:21.54dtroybuju1, sometimes there are problems with gsm codec.
17:22.02dtroyplay with disallow statements in sip.conf
17:22.07Merlin83bbuju1: I'm guessing you folllowed the toturial at onlamp - make sure you follow the first comment and remove the allow/disallow from sip.conf
17:22.35buju1yep..that's the tutorial
17:22.35Mochow do I set authority ? (Call rejected by No authority found)
17:22.35bkw_LIKE OMG
17:22.49Merlin83bComment out the allow line, buju1.
17:23.29bkw_supervised transfers kinda work with 3.0
17:23.37bkw_you can transfer the call with flash dial exten
17:23.47bkw_when you hangup it will ring back the person
17:23.54jsmithbkw_: So what's bitaid?
17:23.56dtroypretty cool.
17:23.56*** join/#asterisk fyman (
17:24.05bkw_it helps calc those stupid bitmasks for the ata
17:24.13jsmithbkw_: I see...
17:24.57dtroyanybody tried the 6.0 7960 firmware?
17:25.03dtroyis it worth pursuing?
17:25.07bkw_been running since like 2 seconds after it was released
17:25.10buju1OK. I did that and gave * the reload command...trying the phones now
17:25.57dtroyothers hope that about the 7960 firmware too.
17:27.10bkw_nothing to see here... MOVE ALONG!
17:27.24jsmithdtroy: Yes, I've got it on my phones...
17:27.45jsmithdtroy: It's worth playing with, but like jtodd wrote in his email to the mailing list, it has security problems
17:28.05*** join/#asterisk tom1 (
17:28.18bkw_just don't use the intercom feature
17:28.30blitzragebkw_: lol
17:28.43buju1thanks dtroy..the sound is working now.
17:29.20tom1can i use an asterisk server instead of a cisco 53XX as a gateway to my voip clearinghouse?
17:30.21blitzragebkw_: can you do a 'show applications changemonitor' on your * CLI and tell me if that description is right ?
17:30.34wasimtom1: oui
17:30.43bkw_1.This setting enables the call-waiting hang-up alert feature, which alerts call-waiting users that an active call is still on hold once the user has hung up from another call. The phone will continue to ring until the party on hold has hung up.
17:30.54bkw_muhahah I like
17:31.06blitzragebkw_: mainly the ChangeMonitor line.  I "think" it should be ChangeMonitor(filename_base) and not just ChangeMonitor ... ?
17:31.08bkw_blitzrage ya here in a few
17:31.16blitzragebkw_: np, whenever you have a moment
17:32.35wasimalmost 7 hours blitzrage
17:32.53slackerdoes anyone have a 'factory defaults' atadefault.cfg for that 186?
17:33.03blitzragewasim: yah.. that was how long I slept for.. and in that time I woke up and had a S/S/S
17:34.47slackeri just got it unlocked from vonage and I don't have a handset avail at present
17:35.45tom1wasim:  thanks.  Also if I am using asterisk and the h.323 protocol to transfer voice, will i need to use hardware like the wildcard sereis or can it be done purely with software
17:36.40wasimtom1: well, you need wildcard to interface to TDM, so if youre purely IP, then you wont'
17:38.25MocHow do I set authority ? (Call rejected by No authority found) (extension I try to call is in the right context !!!)
17:38.54dtroydtroy's 7960 is innocently upgrading now...
17:39.54jsmithdtroy: Lemme know what you think... I really like the 6.0 firmware myself
17:40.20malcolmdyeah..i've had about 3 cisco phones innocently fail when trying to upgrade, too. ;P
17:40.21jsmithMoc: Wrong context, or bad iax.conf, or maybe you forgot to reload iax.conf
17:40.34jsmithmalcolmd: You still didn't get them upgraded?
17:40.45malcolmdjsmith: i had to downgrade them because of failed upgrades :D
17:40.57jsmithMoc: Sounds to me like your peer/friend isn't set up correctly
17:41.01malcolmdno matter..only issue w/ old firmware is spotty dtmf
17:41.08jsmithmalcolmd: Send them to me and I'll fix them :-)
17:41.26bkw_callreturn on the ata's work
17:41.29Mocthey are both peer .. might be the prob
17:41.32jsmithbkw_: That's scary!
17:41.38bkw_call transfers work
17:41.42bkw_call forwarding works
17:41.51malcolmdbkw_: new firmware?
17:41.51bkw_call forwarding no answer works
17:42.07bkw_call transfers are bit diffrent but both blind and supervised work
17:42.11malcolmdbkw_: what ver?
17:42.34*** part/#asterisk huats (
17:42.52malcolmdbkw_: does 3.0 still have the undocumented g726 support?
17:43.01jsmithmalcolmd: I think it's documented now
17:43.06Mocjsmith: it all configured for the context=default
17:43.08bkw_yes its documented now
17:43.17Mocthe extension is configured in context default
17:43.20dtroy7960 upgrade went just fine; seems to be working nicely w/better dtmf.
17:43.37dtroywill play more with it later, gotta run right now.
17:43.41malcolmdjsmith + bkw_ :   ahh
17:43.46MocI do reload on each side each time
17:44.04Mocand iax.conf 1 is type=friend other is type=peer
17:44.13bkw_nothign to see here.. move along
17:44.57bkw_its like when you do a blind or supervised transfer it rings once.. hangsup.. then rings back
17:44.59bkw_strange but it works
17:46.22Mocjsmith: do I need to set the context in the register => line  ?
17:46.50jsmithMoc: I don't use register lines with IAX... they're not needed if you do things correctly with peers
17:46.59Mocoh ..
17:50.07Mocok.. let flush those register then ..
17:50.20*** join/#asterisk netwind (
17:50.29netwindhi guys
17:50.41netwinddoes * works with cisco call manager ?
17:50.57netwindwhen i call to ohphone it works
17:51.11netwindwhen call to * - nothing hearing
17:51.22netwindi use h.323
17:52.24jsmithnetwind: I "can" work, if you set it up correctly... setting it up correctly might be a pain, depending on your level of expertise
17:52.48carrarh323 is evil, free yourself from satan's grasp
17:53.28netwindbut...ccm works only with h.323 as external trunks
17:53.39carrarso dump ccm
17:53.51Mocsame thing :(
17:53.59netwindbut it works with ohphone !
17:54.09bkw_carrar I totally agree
17:54.10netwindohphone emulate gateway
17:54.19netwindas asterisk
17:54.38netwindworks fine with u-law
17:55.27Mocjsmith: and your extensions.conf, do you use Dial(IAX@/user:password@ip/${EXTEN:1}@default) ?
17:59.05Mocor do you make a TRUNK ?
17:59.20bkw_OMG /dev.xml on the ata is all xml baby
18:02.47netwindhmm..but skinny ? does * works only as controller or gateway ?
18:03.46*** join/#asterisk Sobek (~btatton@
18:04.25tzangerbug 676 is my kernel panic
18:04.34Moci hate * now .. damn No authority found !!!
18:04.45jsmithMoc: Mine says something like Dial(IAX2/user@box/6000@mycontext)
18:05.11Mocyes good idea, let try a direct extention call ..
18:07.27netwindccm h.323 message :-- remoteIpAddress:
18:08.01netwindJerJer: are you write h.323 driver ?
18:08.20pattiejabkw_, did you get to talk to kram about the gain and echo cancelling interaction?  did he recommend anything?
18:09.05Mocnope still nothing..
18:09.54bkw_pattieja han've had time
18:10.13pattiejabkw_, k
18:14.35Mocis time sync between * servers important ?
18:15.03Moc:(  ok
18:15.06carrarnice to have accurate billing CDR's with matching times
18:15.37Mochehe yea for that, Im just trying to call from 2 * machine
18:16.12Mocand I get : No authority found (everything is in context=default)
18:18.50jsmithMoc: Then you've still got something terribly wrong with your iax.conf file... either you're denying access by IP address, or the username isn't setup correctly, or someting
18:19.25Mocboth side need the same username ?
18:19.38Mocok perfect
18:19.57jsmithBut if box A is calling box B, then box A should use the username that's defined on box B
18:21.37Mocjsmith: If I use md5, do
18:21.48Mocdo i need to specify it in my Dial ?
18:22.07jsmithMoc: Get it working without a password first, then move to a clear-text password, and then after all that is working, worry about md5
18:22.24jsmithMoc: Get a simple configuration working, *then* make it complicated
18:23.00Mocya right..
18:23.55MocI used this to help me out with it ..
18:25.02atacommarggg.......i just spent 10 minutes arguing with someone on the phone that the WiSIP phone is not available......and he kept saying, well, I want one unit, just one to test....and i'm like i'm sorry, the FCC wont let them in the country, I cant help you.......felt like hanging up on him, lol....i mean god, there was nothing i could do and he kept trying to talk me into helping him
18:27.15Mocnothing... put plaintext and I still get no authority ..
18:27.55rollergrrlwhat happens if you order one from the web?
18:28.49KillerBeeata... will you ship to canada?
18:29.02atacommlol, he just called again
18:29.05Mocatacomm: yea canada ?
18:29.06carrarWhats illegal about wiSIP?
18:29.13atacommMoc: I can't get them at all
18:29.17Mocha hehe
18:29.27atacommcarrar: FCC blocked import....probably interference issues
18:29.43atacommroller: I tell them they either hav eto wait until february or cancel
18:29.45KillerBeesweet.. canada
18:30.24atacommlol, he just called back and was you said you have to order 100 units at a time to work with the mfg, whos the mfg......and i'm like i dont know, i've never actually received a pulver......  he still wont be able to get the units into the US....arggggg
18:31.22carraranything is possible
18:31.48carrarSo why don't they fix the WiSIP phone
18:31.55carraror are they doing that?
18:31.58KillerBeesweet... but 250? ouch
18:32.05atacommcarrar....i think they are fiing them
18:32.09KillerBeewho wants to trade a 7960 for a wisip?
18:32.28atacommbetter priced than a 7920.....
18:32.45KillerBeecomon someone trade....
18:32.50KillerBeeI want one
18:33.02KillerBeejust call me bkw
18:33.09atacommi'd rather have a 7920, but i'm not willing to buy one to find out if the SCCP support in Asterisk is any good  ;)
18:33.44KillerBeeso ata give send me a wisip and I will send U a 7960.. they support sccp
18:34.33atacommKiller: thats not the issue, Cisco has a wireless phone ($700) that only does SCCP .... i'm not willing to buy the phone to test if it works or not :)
18:35.13jsmithatacomm: Just make sure you get the re-numbering right, and that Asterisk doesn't try to write another voicemail in there while you're renumbering :-)
18:35.51atacommalways sucks when the server is looping expecting another read and the client side does a disconnect, lol
18:36.11atacommoh well, i'll multithread it and build a thread to monitor the socket status.
18:36.19Mocjsmith: on machine A the host= is the IP of Machine B ?
18:36.35jsmithMoc: Yes
18:37.14atacommjsmith: lol....yeah, i've been thinking about that....i'm not sure if its much of an issue or not.... what happens if there is a numbering gap?  does asterisk work with all files in the directory, or just the ones that are in order?
18:37.32atacommmy code for example will pull back all .txt files and parse them
18:38.24*** join/#asterisk fyman (
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18:39.48bkw_do people not read
18:39.50bkw_jesus christ
18:39.53jsmithatacomm: Asterisk craps out...
18:39.56jsmithbkw_: What now...
18:40.10bkw_that has some good info
18:40.33Connoranyone have a alison prompt for "Please enter you account code and then press #" ?
18:40.44atacommjsmith: arggg, stupid design... how do i put a lock on * to stop it from doing something while i rename the files?
18:40.49Connoror account number...
18:41.01jsmithatacomm: That's the million dollar question!
18:41.10*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
18:41.16atacommwhen you say craps out, what do you mean
18:41.41carrarthe next step would be to fi it
18:42.01jsmithatacomm: I've seen Asterisk segfault... I've seen Asterisk leave voicemails that you can't listen to through the VoiceMail2 app...
18:42.09carraror upgrade your 486 * box to a p4
18:42.28tzangercarrar: I've got a P200MMX doing 1FXS and 1FXO with no worries :-)  Just can't do iLBC
18:43.14carrarDell 400SC boxes work nicely
18:43.33carrarand when they are on sale they are cheap
18:43.46atacommjsmith: ever file a bug on the issue?
18:44.04jsmithatacomm: Nope... just went on with life
18:44.21jsmithatacomm: If I reported every wart and blemish with Asterisk, both bkw_ and kram would shoot me dead
18:45.19wasimnew design sketch farfon :
18:45.29wasimfeedback appreciated
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18:48.32bkw_these ata's have alot of new goodies
18:48.35bkw_KillerBee you alive?
18:48.47atacommbkw: do you know who worked on vm2?
18:49.09bkw_many why?
18:49.13blitzragewasim: I would prefer no translucency.  Also make sure the handset is super comfortable with a good weight
18:49.23blitzragewasim: just my .02 CDN
18:49.36wasimblitzrage: zero translunacy?
18:49.52blitzragewasim: yah.. I've always thought electronics with any sort of translucency looked cheap
18:49.52atacommbkw: because jsmith says it crashes if there is a gap in the file numbering....... which would be a problem, my web interface allows you to delete and it will renumber....but if * begins to record a new msg, i dont want it to segfault
18:50.15wasimblitzrage: how about replacable skins :)
18:50.21blitzragewasim: that would be a cool idea :)
18:50.27wasimblitzrage: choose your color
18:50.35wasimblitzrage: have red decor, here you go, etc, etc
18:50.49blitzragewasim: I kind of like the idea of some sort rubberized sides on it though
18:51.05wasimyeah, it'll and the plastic is lightweight, forgiving sort
18:51.11blitzragewasim: if you do have anything that is translucent.. make sure it's like a frosted plastic
18:51.27illc0mmmwasim: too late to pre-order demo unit?
18:51.48wasimillc0mmm: demo unit won't have this plastic
18:51.52illc0mmmyeah, I know.
18:52.05illc0mmmbut they won't be stupid looking, right? :)
18:52.20illc0mmmjust want the functionality
18:52.21wasimnot more stupid that the current contendant
18:52.42wasimcoz, i think th ecurrent one is ok
18:52.58miller7what's the idea behind the upper light? visual indicator when ringing?
18:52.59illc0mmmyou have a link, haven't seen the current one?
18:53.09wasimmiller7: yeah
18:53.23miller7can it be switched off?
18:53.26blitzragewasim: I would be hesitant to place that wheel right beside the buttons.  Users may hit it when dialing accidently.
18:53.39wasimmiller7: certainly
18:53.43blitzrageI would place above or below (prefer above)
18:53.47wasimmiller7: you can have it blink morse if you like too
18:53.52atacommbkw: what do you think?  its something that should get fixed me thinks, but without crashing my server (which i really dont want to do) i cant verify if he is right or not
18:54.03blitzragewasim: I think i prefer it beside the screen
18:54.09wasimblitzrage: up?
18:54.21miller7what does translucent mean?
18:54.25illc0mmmblitzrage: same here
18:54.29blitzragemiller7: sort-of see through
18:54.33miller7noooooo :)
18:55.08blitzragemiller7: :)
18:55.10miller7CeBIT shows :)
18:55.20blitzragemiller7: note my comments above about the translucency :)
18:55.47miller7I think the curves etc makes it nice (2nd pic)
18:56.06miller7if the colour is mat and not like GS then it will be nicer too
18:56.07blitzragewasim: what kind of market would you be targeting with this casing?  End-user, corporate ?
18:56.17wasimyeah, this is just hte 2nd sketch, this i shome user
18:56.19blitzragemiller7: agreed.  NOT shiny!
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18:56.25illc0mmmyeah, matte finish for sure
18:56.35illc0mmmwasim: I would think, apple like for the plastics
18:56.41blitzragewasim: if home/end-user, then I like this phone and I want one!
18:56.43illc0mmmwasim: I like the design
18:57.04wasimblitzrage: the corp version would be more professiona type, but have similar design characteristc
18:57.20blitzragewasim: right.  I could see that.  More square for a corp version then eh?
18:57.25miller7I am not too sure about the wheel too. Perhaps it would break easily or not work nice. Buttons might be best? dunno
18:57.45blitzragemiller7: not a bad suggestion.  Like a rubber button.
18:58.01illc0mmmmiller7: wheel mice?
18:58.03blitzragemake the button hour-glass shaped
18:58.26miller7also under farfon is a button to activate speaker?
18:58.26wasimup down rocket button?
18:58.33wasimmiller7: yeah
18:58.34blitzragewheels tend to get clogged with food stuffs with a home user
18:58.39miller7wasim: very nice
18:58.48blitzragewasim: yah.. rocker button, hourglass shaped, rubberized.
18:58.57wasimmaybe two buttons, one speaker / DND
18:59.02illc0mmmwasim: you know, a barebones kit might sell too...
18:59.07miller7it's difficult to clean wheels too. It will seem very dirty after some months
18:59.12illc0mmmwasim: I'm thinking of nerdy type people
18:59.18illc0mmmlike me. :)
18:59.59wasimyeah, break open the farfon, and do what you want
19:00.02blitzragewasim: yah.. a DND button would be very handy
19:00.18illc0mmmwasim: lol
19:00.18outtoluncit's called a hammer
19:00.31blitzragebrb.. need food
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19:01.03miller7rubber material on the sides will make it look pretty comfortable and soft in touch as well
19:01.59wasimyep, AND ScaredyCat will hug me for this, production version may have a graphic LCD
19:02.09wasimi just ofund out we may have a ncadidate lcd
19:02.31illc0mmmwasim: where do you go to get plastics made?
19:03.08wasimillc0mmm: prolly close to where i have the board made
19:03.20blitzragedamnit.. only a single 3 cheese mini-pizza in the freezer..
19:04.04wasimillc0mmm: what do you recommend?
19:04.22miller7wasim: when do you think this phone can be in production?
19:04.30miller7something like end feb?
19:05.46illc0mmmwasim: Oh, I was asking. I have no idea. hehe
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19:06.06wasimmiller7: earlier if its urgent, but yeah, feb is what i've got planned
19:06.09illc0mmmwasim: I googled, prototypes are expensive. like $2500
19:06.13illc0mmmfor $25
19:06.20illc0mmmso I guess $100/ea for proto isn't too bad
19:06.32wasimthat's $100/key
19:06.39illc0mmmoh yeah
19:06.46illc0mmmhaha, didnt think of it that way
19:06.48illc0mmmbuy your right
19:06.59illc0mmmbuy = but'
19:07.21illc0mmmi dont know enough about that industry
19:07.30wasimi can get a plastic made for this if you'll don't mind paying an extra $20
19:07.41wasimcoz the mould is about $1000
19:07.50illc0mmmyou have to really be sure, huh
19:08.11illc0mmmI wonder if there are stock parts for some of that, like keys?
19:08.35wasimno, we'd still use a donor phone for those
19:08.38UnixDawgwhat phone
19:08.49illc0mmmI'm just thinking production. dont mind me. :)
19:08.53wasimwell, not really, i guess i could do a key mould too...
19:09.06illc0mmmif it was wood or metal I could make them. :)
19:09.07wasimwell, prototype as close to production is better, if we can do the mould, then why not?
19:10.07illc0mmmhere you go:,.htm
19:10.12UnixDawgsip or iax phone
19:10.28wasimUnixDawg: iax
19:10.30illc0mmmI say just make it out of titanium and be done with it. :)
19:10.37illc0mmmmatch a G5
19:11.13UnixDawgwhat will be the cost
19:11.19UnixDawgin the end unit
19:11.27bkw_I HATE SBC
19:11.32bkw_and their 26.95/mth DSL
19:11.37bkw_FUCK THEM
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19:11.54miller7bkw_: are they females?
19:12.15bkw_I don't care.. I wish something would erase SBC from existance
19:12.25bkw_they started a price war on DSL
19:12.29bkw_and we aren't getting involved
19:12.34wasimUnixDawg: in the end, $20 retail
19:12.48bkw_"But sbc is 26.95 and your 39.95/mth"
19:12.55wasimUnixDawg: for the foreseeable future starting @ $100 and going down
19:12.55miller7wasim: in the end of the world? :)
19:12.55blitzragewasim: what?  seriously only $20 retail ?
19:13.06UnixDawgahh ok
19:13.07wasimblitzrage: yeah, 500k units gets you to that price mark
19:13.07blitzragewasim: that's pretty good
19:13.11miller7bkw_: well, that's the only answer you can tell
19:13.14blitzragewasim: very nice
19:13.16UnixDawgI cant wait to see this unit
19:13.29UnixDawgreplace grandstream sip phones
19:13.32illc0mmmI really like the concept art
19:13.36bkw_miller7 I tell them to think about the 3500-5000 people that got a pink slip at SBC because of the low ball DSL prices.
19:13.46bkw_merry christmas mother fucker!
19:13.51bkw_YOU'RE FIRED!
19:13.58bkw_oh well
19:14.08illc0mmmSBC sux neway
19:14.14wasimUnixDawg: joking, there are lots of pics on the site
19:14.15illc0mmmthey should be happy
19:14.23*** join/#asterisk canada (
19:14.37wasimhmm... sbc, haven;t seen bicster lately
19:14.40wasim~seen bicster
19:14.44bicster <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 14d 19h 39m 9s ago, saying: 'thanks again denon'.
19:14.44UnixDawgphone companies are going to loose out as more people move to cable and fiber and iax/sip phones
19:14.51illc0mmm1st prize, a cadalic, anyone want to see second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives, thrid prize is your fired!
19:14.52UnixDawgwhats the url
19:16.10miller7well, after first stage I think we should all consider putting a combined larger buy so that we can get lower pricing. Because $100 x 100 units = 250 units x $40
19:16.19miller7perhaps this is something to think about
19:17.02UnixDawgwill it be wall montable
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19:17.26UnixDawgor is it like the gs phone has the screw holes but no lip on the handset
19:17.36UnixDawgto hang it up
19:18.15blitzragewasim: I would prefer some sort of base that you can remove to make it either sit flat on the wall, or raise it up 15 degrees for placement on a desk.
19:18.46wasimhow about a base that has the holes, and that'll make it flat on the wall?
19:19.05wasimhow many put it on a wall vs the desk? 50/50?
19:19.15blitzragewasim: yah.. that sounds right
19:19.27UnixDawglike the merlin phones
19:19.28blitzragewasim: I think either way are pretty common
19:19.47wasimbut all this requires design engineering! which i can't/haven't catered for at this stage
19:20.04blitzragethe base on my NT phone detaches and you rotate it 180 degrees, and put it back on to switch from desk to wall
19:20.06wasimi've spoken to atleast one design school to make an ongoing project
19:20.32wasimblitzrage: right, i've seen that
19:20.40UnixDawgdoes it have all the buttons the gs phone has
19:20.46blitzrageI liked that design.. but some people might struggle with it
19:20.56blitzrageUnixDawg: didn't you look at the pictures ?
19:21.30wasimi think less buttons personally, lets have a more intuitive interface
19:21.40wasimsince we have * on the other side
19:21.41blitzrageprogrammable buttons!
19:21.47wasimand COMPLETE communciation between the two
19:21.54wasimso butoons that change, right
19:21.59blitzragewhat if we don't have * ?
19:22.08wasimno, this is an * client
19:22.18wasimyou can't run it without
19:24.09blitzrageahhhh ok
19:25.28UnixDawgwell I have made a ip based * server from a mini-itx mb and a case and a 512 meg hd
19:25.50UnixDawgsmall ver of fbsd and *
19:25.53ErikNsimple q:  I have _XXXX,1,Voicemail(u${EXTEN:1})   and voice mail gets kicked off with Voicemail(uXXXX) ? I thought it was supposed to be the number I dialed (like 8001) ?
19:26.01puzzledUnixDawg: fanless?
19:26.03UnixDawgsorry nano itx mb
19:26.12illc0mmmUnixDawg: I'd like to see a combination of m0n0wall and * with a web interface
19:26.13illc0mmmthat would rock
19:26.36blitzrageErikN: the way you have it.. if you dial 8001, it goes to voicemail 800
19:26.39illc0mmmmake a nice little small office appliance
19:26.46blitzrageErikN: ${EXTEN:1} - the :1 removes the first digit
19:26.50UnixDawgright now it uses pgsql
19:26.51blitzrageErikN: make that 001 :)
19:26.58ErikNblitzrage: yeah - ok so once I fixed that... :-)
19:26.59blitzragemany:  :)
19:27.03UnixDawgand I think qwwe can build a interface
19:27.05blitzrageErikN: looks fine after that
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19:27.14ErikNblitzrage: hmmm...
19:27.15UnixDawgand install apache
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19:27.58ErikNblitzrage: make that - it trys to goto voicemail(u_XXXX)
19:28.00UnixDawgI just built the unit to get * off my main box
19:28.01ajhbkw_: I see some posts on bugs about  transfer & voicemail on zap channels.  Are you working on this?
19:28.06loko_mokoDoes anyone have a PRI in los angeles?
19:28.18blitzrageErikN: no it doesn't.. the _ just means it is going to pattern match
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19:28.38blitzrageErikN: that does't get passed to the voicemail app
19:29.04ErikNblitzrage: here is what the console says:     -- Executing VoiceMail("SIP/4002-b1d9", "u_XXXX") in new stack
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19:29.17blitzrageErikN: hrm... that's very wierd...
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19:29.25JerJerErikN:  then you have _XXXX in your extensions.conf like that
19:29.48ErikNJerJer: this is what I have in ext.conf: exten => _XXXX,9,Voicemail(u${EXTEN})           ; send to x100 vm
19:30.09UnixDawgI want to design a mb like the nano itx but have it to allow plug on uits
19:30.21Looking for the elusive BishopChicken.
19:30.28anglerWish one of the Digium devs. happy birthday at exten 6211
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19:30.32UnixDawglike the x100p and the fxp ports
19:31.28UnixDawgand remove video and other un needed ports
19:33.24UnixDawgbut for now a mini itx or nano itx will have to do
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19:33.44yeboh3x: i hear you have good PRI pricing?
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19:38.20UnixDawgI like the nano itx due to the fact the parallel and serial ports have been removed
19:44.10ajhbkw_: are you around?
19:44.13*** join/#asterisk hey (~me@
19:45.53heyis 10/100 enough for a production system?...or is Gigabit necessary?
19:45.56wasimi love bbc food at christmas time
19:46.18wasimhey: 15-16 kbps will get you on a single IAX+LPC10 channel
19:46.30wasimbleh, get you by
19:46.32heyi can't use IAX for this particular setup
19:46.45wasimwhy heaven not?
19:46.48heywasim:  gotsta use h.323 and sip
19:46.53wasimhey: eww
19:47.07heywasim: because in the real world people have requirements handed down by the powers that be
19:47.10danthey, you can use gsm with sip, could run that over a dialup
19:47.18wasimhey: * makes you a power that be
19:47.27heyi was more wondering about the nic
19:47.35heythe pipe will be plenty fat
19:47.54heyi'll be running 30 - 60 cps
19:48.06danthey, how many concurrent calls are you planning to service and with what codec?
19:48.19heydant: 30-60
19:48.32wasimcodec? g729?
19:48.36heydant: 729A and 723
19:49.10dantat that rate, using G711, you would use under 7mbit
19:49.14heyby my math, it doesn't seem that Gigabit is needed
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19:49.40heyjust wondering if actual practive has shown otherwise
19:49.44dant60 calls at 110kbit/s each = 6.6mbit
19:49.54heyk bits or kbytes?
19:50.02dantfor g711 with all the overhead
19:50.03blitzragebits I'm sure
19:50.20blitzragebytes would be REDICULOUS :)
19:50.31jetsya no shit
19:50.37dantthink about the sound quality tho :)
19:50.38jetswe could be streaming video at that point
19:50.56wasimhey, noooo!! you need a 10g etherenet then there appears absolutely no reason that a Gigabit NIC is neccessary for a high MOS in a production environment running 30-60 cps using G.729/G.723
19:51.05dantjets, dvd only runs up to about 12mbit/s doesn't it?
19:51.24hey10 g really?!! you are an idiot
19:51.36wasimyes, confirmed many a time
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19:51.47heywasim: thank you for your professionalism
19:52.10jetsI'm waiting for terabit nics.
19:52.14jetswith there MTU still at 1500
19:52.20wasimsorry, gentler kinder #asterisk
19:52.28dant10gig ethernet would definitely ensure low latency on the link at least :)
19:52.30*** join/#asterisk Lafinion (
19:53.02dantjets, think terabit bandwidth of voice traffic, how many packets!?
19:55.25outtolunchell i still have a 10base2 segment in my house
19:55.31bkw_shoot him
19:55.39bkw_outtolunc thats evil
19:55.59outtoluncwhy, my 802.11b is 10meg only
19:56.01dantI've got a T connector on my desk
19:56.28JerJerouttolunc: more like 4-5meg user
19:56.31outtolunci also have 100baset stuff
19:56.48outtoluncthis is just 1 segment in my house <G>
19:58.54bkw_I will drag my ehternet cable around before I go wireless
19:58.58*** join/#asterisk sudhir (~sudhir@
19:59.03bkw_the cable can get me farther than 802.11b can
19:59.21sudhirAnyone using conferencing feature of asterisk?
19:59.56bkw_thats like asking if we are on planet earth!
20:00.06wasimno, we're on planet *
20:00.19outtolunci still have about 450' on a spool of rg58 <G>
20:00.20sudhirHow is it? If I need the ability to be able to conference upto a max of 96 lines, with quad T1 card, is it possible
20:00.35bkw_96 at ONCE
20:00.37bkw_are you mad man
20:00.45sudhirI mean, what kind of hardware should I look for
20:00.48bkw_that would be white noise.. and borg like
20:01.01wasimsudhir: get a te410p
20:01.35sudhirI know about t410p, but to be able to mix that many channels, one needs massive processing power
20:02.02wasimin a single conference?
20:03.01gadams666anyone having problems with nufone WORLD context? showing 500ms response time right now
20:03.08sudhirI was thinking about some kind of arbitration, ie. detect the sound level, and then mix a limited number of channels.
20:03.11gadams666NAPNA 45ms
20:04.13sudhirLet me put the question this way, what is the max number of channels that I can realistically mix in a single conference
20:04.45sudhirAssuming a good processro, say dual Xeon PC with good amount of cache
20:07.50*** join/#asterisk Nix (Nix@
20:07.56Nixhi guys
20:08.37*** join/#asterisk BigBroth (
20:08.57Nixis anyone here doing any IAX development work?
20:11.49UnixDawgdepends on what type of development you inquiring on
20:13.01NixI have to make a call centre client for Asterisk
20:13.31NixI need to build a 300 seat call centre with customised softphones by Jan 1 :-)
20:13.59BigBrothSorry folks if this is a repeat.  I am having trouble connecting fully with FWD.  I can call my number from another and person calling me can hear me but I can not hear them.  Any ideas.  I have read the Wiki and various configs but am stuck
20:14.01*** join/#asterisk dslx (
20:14.46*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
20:15.05BigBrothIs anybody on
20:15.10wasim~kill ScaredyCat
20:15.18ACTION slits ScaredyCat's throat
20:15.18ZX81what do I modprobe for with a TDM400P?
20:15.43jsmithmodprobe wcfxs, i guess
20:15.51jsmithhello dslx
20:15.59wasimhey, those E1's up? can we call, need to test max # of channels you can get ina  conference
20:16.05Nixis there any doco on IAX anywhere?
20:16.11wasimNix: cvs
20:16.16jsmithNix: Very little... read the source!
20:16.30ScaredyCat248 channels and nothing on....
20:16.46*** join/#asterisk darius_ (
20:16.47*** join/#asterisk BigBroth (
20:16.50*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (~TestMasTe@
20:17.10dslxnewbie here, installed *, any recomendations for a 4 FX0 install?  Testing X100 but I have some echo
20:17.13Nixyes. thats what I figured
20:17.28NixDoes IAX have presence notification like SIP?
20:17.55wasimok, i'll jsut do it on IAX
20:17.56NixI need to be able to set a client to "on cigarette break" or "at the toilet" etc..
20:18.03wasimbut thats not a real test
20:18.14wasims/real/duplicative of sudhirs env
20:18.28BigBrothAslo when I make a call out to the FWD echo server I get the first sylable reply before it goes silent. Any ideas please
20:20.26*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
20:23.42BigBrothCan somebody call me on to test my setup please
20:24.52DeadDawgBigBroth: i can hear you
20:25.01BigBrothI can not hear you.
20:25.09DeadDawgmy mic as sending out voice, i watched the meter
20:25.28BigBrothAny idea why mine cant hear you?
20:25.39DeadDawgsound output problem?
20:25.43DeadDawgcould be router/firewall config problem
20:25.47BigBrothWhats your number and I will try and call you
20:26.28DeadDawghmmm, thats weird.
20:26.45*** join/#asterisk Bicster (
20:26.50BigBrothWhat ports need to be open on the firewall (its the same box that the * server is on)
20:27.11BigBrothI can call my own echo server from the inside ok
20:27.26DeadDawgi havent implemented * yet, so i do not have an answer for ya
20:27.41DeadDawgyour echo server works, but FWD echo doesnt? :\
20:27.55BigBrothCan you try callig me again to see if the echo server works ok please
20:28.06BigBrothit will put you straight to it
20:28.14heysip+nat == security for me
20:28.22DeadDawgdoesnt answer.
20:28.49Bicsterprobably not as secure as you think
20:28.56heybut a hellish road to security
20:29.14DeadDawgBigBroth: doesnt work, i couldnt hear a reply.
20:29.18jetsya how do most people handle a sip soft phone -- aka my ceo on the road uses a tmobile hotspot behind sip?
20:29.23jetsbut my * sip isn't firewalled
20:29.25BigBrothOK thansk
20:29.27DeadDawgcan i call sum1 else to make sure im ok? lol
20:29.30heywell, i've pretty confident in our admins...they are all govt cleared and whatnot
20:29.36DeadDawgany have a FWD nubmer i can try :\
20:29.48BigBrothits the fwd rcho server
20:29.49Bicsterhmm, I just realized I've been using * for a year now
20:29.49DeadDawgecho :(
20:30.03jsmithBicster: Is that all?  Are you sure?
20:30.15Bicsteryes, I first signed onto this channel last December..time flies
20:30.16DeadDawgyeah, works for me .
20:30.22jsmithBicster: I swear you were using it before me, and I've been using it almost 18 months...
20:30.38BigBrothDoes asterisk need any TCP ports opening/
20:30.43heyi'm 7.25102 years old
20:30.47BicsterBigBroth: no
20:31.33Bicsterjsmith: glad to "see a friendly face" though ... I haven't been hanging around here much for the last several months
20:32.04jsmithBicster: I know... what have you been up to?
20:32.09wasimlol, i love playing iwth *
20:32.25Bicsterjsmith: got married, been hacking on a new xbox
20:32.31Bicsterwasim: how's the phone project?
20:32.32jsmithBicster: Better use a 10-gauge then...
20:32.46*** join/#asterisk hcqm (~hcqm@
20:32.52hcqmhi all!
20:34.02Bicsterhas anyone updated from cvs today?
20:34.17Bicsterdoes it work? ;)
20:34.31Mocbtw jsmith: I got it work, but got to make it better (had to make both side host=dynamic,type=friend ..
20:34.45hcqmI'm getting this
20:34.46hcqmUnable to create channel of type 'IAX'
20:34.53jsmithMoc: I'm glad to hear you got it working...
20:34.57*** join/#asterisk mortck (
20:35.05hcqmwhen calling to DIAX096B on NAT
20:35.06wasim*CLI> show conferences
20:35.06wasimConf Num    Parties          Activity
20:35.06wasim22             0111          00:03:46
20:35.25Bicsterthat's a big conference :)
20:35.28wasimeww... load shot up on the athlon
20:35.56hcqmbut the problem is the same i had on the previous release
20:36.12hcqmI've posted on the list, but no response
20:36.48Mocjsmith: I wanted to thanks you .. hehe
20:36.50jsmithhcqm: Do you have loaded...
20:37.06hcqmjsmith: yes
20:37.07Mocyour the only one or so to have ansered me ;)
20:37.19jsmithMoc: No problem... I'm glad I can help out... If you're feeling generous, help out in #asterisk-doc or paypal a buck or two
20:37.48*** part/#asterisk hey (~me@
20:38.03jsmithhcqm: I'm not sure what else to tell you... obviously it's having problems creating an IAX channel... is the IAX port in use by another process?  Are you running asterisk as root?
20:39.05jetsMoc: Or buy lots of digium hardware (yay!)
20:41.14Mocjets: maybe once I play with x100p I'll look for a 2 port analog card
20:44.11slackeranybody have the cfgfmt.c file from the ATA package?
20:45.11hcqmjsmith: root user ok, and port no. is commented out on iax.conf
20:45.37jsmithhcqm: If port number is commented out, then you'll probably have to use IAX2 and not IAX
20:45.43jsmithhcqm: Does IAX2 work for you?
20:46.22*** join/#asterisk argos_ (
20:47.28*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
20:48.17hcqmjsmith: I use DIAX096B (iax2 checked)
20:48.36*** join/#asterisk Elchbulle (
20:48.46hcqmjsmith: I'll try to use iax (IAX2 unchecked)
20:48.56*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
20:49.41hcqmjsmith: CU later.. thanks.
20:50.22*** join/#asterisk dtroy1 (
20:52.30dtroy1anybody have any experience with wilcalu autodialer?
20:52.43DeadDawgBigBroth: awesome :)
20:53.41*** join/#asterisk theroute (
20:54.17jsmithdtroy1: No, most people use the method
20:54.45UnixDawgwhat method
20:54.47dtroy1yeah, am looking at using both for various things.
20:55.00jsmithLook in the asterisk source, you'll see a file called
20:55.01dtroy1for making outbound calls using pbx_spool.c module.
20:55.16dtroy1i am talking about automating autodial using the wilcalu module.
20:55.25jsmithChange it to meet your needs, copy it to /var/spool/outgoing (or whatever that is...) and it'll dial
20:55.47dtroy1just am curious what the intended differences were between wilcalu and pbx_spool
20:58.14SobekChannel: Zap/g2/<yourphone>
20:58.14SobekMaxRetries: 2
20:58.14SobekRetryTime: 60
20:58.14SobekWaitTime: 30
20:58.14SobekCallerID: Yo Man It's Me
20:58.17SobekContext: SLCMainMenu
20:58.19SobekExtension: 5001
20:58.19*** join/#asterisk KilroyWRK (KilroyWRK@
20:58.21SobekPriority: 1
20:59.01SobekThat will call an outside line and when they answer connect them to an internal extension (music on hold with the UofU) fight song.
20:59.17dtroy1url for ata 3.0 software?
20:59.47*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
21:00.19wasimouch ... did you see the revised sketch?
21:00.27ZX81I have 5 channels showing up in ztcfg but none in asterisk
21:00.32wasimoh, was that hug for, or the graphic lcd?
21:00.50ScaredyCatzx81 /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
21:00.59ScaredyCatyes wasim
21:01.07ZX81dont have one
21:01.15ScaredyCatyou need one zx81
21:01.25ZX81the sheet that it came with had it twinked out
21:01.27UnixDawgwhat is safe_asterisk for
21:01.27*** join/#asterisk fyman (
21:01.36ZX81should i reinstall linux?
21:01.38UnixDawgI have not go it to work right on fbsd
21:01.40ZX81and start again?
21:01.52ScaredyCatUnixDawg: restarts * if it fails
21:01.58ZX81or can I just get the cvs thingy of it
21:01.59ScaredyCatZX81: no
21:02.06ScaredyCatcvs update ..
21:02.25UnixDawgI will have to work on it for fbsd and see if I can fix it
21:02.39ScaredyCatif you want some sample files do a 'make samples' - back up you old files
21:02.51*** join/#asterisk theroute (
21:03.24ScaredyCatZX81: what version of * are you using?
21:04.07*** join/#asterisk simprix (
21:04.11wasimerr ... /me ducks
21:04.23ScaredyCat* = asterisk
21:04.37ScaredyCatfrom cvs ?
21:04.38ZX81just got it from cvs now
21:04.55ZX81cvs update zapata doesn't work
21:04.56simprixI have a vonage account and i have the little box that vonage sends me to convert into a normal phone line if i got a fx0 card could i plug that in and be able to make calls
21:05.01ScaredyCatok, backup your /etc/zaptel.conf and your /etc/asterisk/ dir
21:05.04ZX81should i do checkout
21:05.13ScaredyCatbackup your /etc/zaptel.conf and your /etc/asterisk/ dir
21:05.27ScaredyCatthen go to /usr/src/asterisk and do :
21:05.32ScaredyCatmake samples
21:05.42UnixDawgI still have to get the fax workingon fbsd also
21:05.43simprixjets thanks would i have to do anything funny
21:05.54UnixDawgthen we will be better off
21:06.01simprixdoes asterisk have auto attendent
21:06.05jetssimprix: no just configure * for it.
21:06.16jetssimprix: yes, it does some "IVR" scripting
21:06.18ScaredyCatnow look in /etc/asterisk/ ZX81
21:06.21simprixok thanks
21:06.26jetsand you can make calls out to databases, etc.
21:06.34ZX81yup what for
21:06.45ScaredyCatfor the zapata.conf
21:07.22ScaredyCatok... copy the backup up /etc/zaptel.conf back to zaptel.conf .. then edit zapata.conf
21:08.27ZX81are the channell numbers 0 based or 1 based
21:08.35ZX81ie is the first 0 or 1
21:10.47*** part/#asterisk ZX81 (
21:10.49FuzzyCatfirst is 1
21:11.21FuzzyCatnot even a thank you eh
21:12.10ScaredyCattypical eg FuzzyCat
21:12.15outtoluncis it friday yet?
21:12.23ScaredyCatget back to work
21:13.27ScaredyCatnot much testing going on there methinks ;)
21:13.40wasimor testing the irc script
21:14.00ScaredyCat/load dodgy_script.irc
21:14.01*** join/#asterisk Chaos (~ccouncil@
21:14.18*** join/#asterisk stipe (
21:14.19wasim02:12 < ScaredyCat> no
21:14.19wasim02:12 < outtolunc> damn
21:14.19wasim02:12 < ScaredyCat> get back to work
21:14.22wasim02:13  * kram is away - testing - Your msgs will be saved.
21:14.24wasim02:13  * kram has returned.
21:14.27wasim02:13 < ScaredyCat> not much testing going on there methinks ;)
21:14.29wasim02:13 < wasim> or testing the irc script
21:14.32*** part/#asterisk stipe (
21:14.32wasim02:13 < ScaredyCat> lol
21:14.34wasim02:14 < ScaredyCat> /load dodgy_script.irc
21:14.37wasimaw fuck... sorry
21:14.42wasimi knew it did that
21:14.51ScaredyCat* ScaredyCat slaps wasim
21:16.00Nixkram. u here?
21:17.20sxpertNix:  nope :)
21:18.40ManxPowerWARNING[16384]: File loader.c, Line 239 (ast_load_resource): /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_moh_stop
21:18.45*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
21:18.58ScaredyCatManxPower: aliens
21:19.33*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
21:20.13ZX81I uncommented the 4 lines in zapata.conf but still have nothing showing up in show channels in asterisk
21:20.19*** join/#asterisk {Sean} (
21:20.35*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
21:20.39{Sean}that's kind a like woot
21:20.41{Sean}only one key off
21:20.48*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (~FryGuy@
21:20.54{Sean}oh well
21:20.59ZX81Does anyone know much about asterisk
21:21.06ZX81no channels
21:21.10klasstek~nickometer ZX81
21:21.10'ZX81' is 39.000% lame, klasstek
21:21.11ZX81really basic probably
21:21.17JerJerno i know nothing about asterisk
21:21.21Mikehey guys whats wrong on this line
21:21.21ZX81had it for abou 15 years
21:21.22Mikeexten => .8[0-4]XXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK2}/${EXTEN}@outbound,90,Tt)
21:21.33MikeScaredyCat: yes?
21:21.33ScaredyCatyou need a _
21:21.39ScaredyCatbefore the .
21:21.45MikeScaredyCat: the _ will ignore the 8 ?
21:21.51JerJerperiod makes no sense there
21:21.58ScaredyCatwell yes
21:22.05ScaredyCatbut why the . then
21:22.40ScaredyCatchange . for _
21:22.43ZX81scardeycat: still no channels
21:22.54Mike-- Called 1/3006186
21:22.56ScaredyCatthen u can dial 80,81,82,83,84 + XXXXXXX
21:22.57Mikeit did ignore the 8
21:23.02Mikei dont want the 8 to be ignored
21:23.07ScaredyCatit whont
21:23.08UnixDawgok now I will have to build a mini linux pbx
21:23.15Mikeit did ignore the 8
21:23.30Mikeexten => _8[0-4]XXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK2}/${EXTEN}@outbound,90,Tt
21:23.33ScaredyCatexten => _8[0-4]XXXXXXXX,1,blah blah
21:23.39Mike8 is ignored
21:23.47Mikeill dial again and ill show you
21:24.12ROM_ManCan ne1 tell me how to Dial an "*" in a Dial statement?
21:24.14UnixDawgexten:1 should ignore the 8
21:24.25ScaredyCatnot ignore UnixDawg
21:24.29ROM_Manexten => *69,1,Dial,Zap/3/w*69|60   <--- doesn't seem to work
21:24.33ScaredyCathe dont want it ignored
21:24.56Mikei want to dial 83006186
21:25.04ManxPowerROM_Man, Are you SURE the call came in on Zap/3?
21:25.05Mikeand i just see 3006186
21:25.18ROM_Manoutgoing call and yes
21:25.38ScaredyCatROM_Man: more w's
21:25.43ROM_Manwhen I do a zapbarge so i can hear what asterisk is doing I hear MANY digits being dialed
21:25.58ZX81I uncommented the lines in zapata.conf
21:26.08ScaredyCatMike: do you have an ignorepat=> in that section ?
21:26.29ROM_Manseems asterisk is not handling the w*69 correctly
21:26.43ScaredyCatROM_Man: .....
21:26.47ScaredyCatadd more w's
21:27.16ScaredyCatlonger pause before trying
21:27.28klasstekignorepat should only affect the playback of dialtone
21:27.54ROM_ManScaredyCat: I will but that won't help that asterisk is treating the * as a wildcardand dialing more then just 2 digits. seems like it doubles the number each call or something
21:28.14Corydon76-workEach w in the Dial Zap line is exactly half a second of wait.
21:28.19ZX81Do you think there is anyone here in New Zealand who would be able to help me?
21:28.38ScaredyCatBruce Barton
21:28.49ZX81r u for real?
21:28.55Corydon76-workInteresting question.  It assumes you can be helped.
21:28.56ScaredyCathe is
21:29.16ZX81how would I go about contacting him?
21:29.29ScaredyCatuse a spirit guide...
21:29.47ScaredyCatdamn, didn;t work
21:30.09Corydon76-workYou use a cheeseburger as a spirit guide?
21:30.37ROM_Manseems like a bug report is in order. The "*" seems to cause a "doubling of digits dialed each time I do it.. 1st call 4 digits (should be only 2) 2nd call, 8 digits dialed and so on....
21:30.39ScaredyCatsimprix commanded an exit, i thought i'd try for a cheese burger
21:30.50Corydon76-workDon't explain it; it makes it less funny.
21:31.07ScaredyCati know, but you are an ameriican :P
21:31.09cypromisMikeL u sure you don't have stripMSD=1 in zapata.conf ?
21:31.26ScaredyCatyeah, what cypromis said :)
21:31.28ZX81the problem is that I just bought the devkit and my boss is on my case and I'm not getting any further and digium is in the US and are asleep while I am awake...I just want to get one in one out working no SIP nothing just 1 in 1 out
21:33.12ZX81ok I'll go through them ok...does anyone know if the default signalling is sweet for New Zealand
21:33.35ScaredyCatdefault signalling for nz is sheep
21:33.44ZX81more cows than sheep here now
21:33.52ScaredyCatand we're gonna whoop yer asses in the rugby too >:)
21:33.59ZX81where r u from?
21:34.32ZX81our coach sucked
21:34.33ScaredyCatwhinging nz/au's
21:34.44ZX81and we had 5 injured players playing
21:34.57ZX81out of 15
21:35.00ScaredyCatyou had 15 injured players.
21:35.26ZX81at least our kicker doesn't look as retarded as jonny wilkinson while kicking
21:36.01ScaredyCatno, but then if he did look as retarded - he might actually make some of the kicks
21:36.02*** part/#asterisk ZX81 (
21:36.10*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
21:36.21ZX81he had a broken foot
21:36.28*** join/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
21:36.35ScaredyCatyeah, and the rest of the team had broken nails
21:36.52ZX81at least they're all below 50
21:37.00ZX81we'll thrash you next time
21:37.09ScaredyCaton saturday...
21:37.17ScaredyCatwe'll stuff u full of sheep
21:37.26ZX81ah the barbarians...not really nz
21:37.34ZX81nz players playing in uk
21:37.41ZX81all the ones we didn't want
21:37.54ScaredyCathahaha, all the good ones that left
21:37.57ZX81I should hope you can beat them
21:38.04ScaredyCatwith a stick
21:38.10ZX81they're all like 50
21:38.25ZX81you have no wilkinson tho
21:38.30ScaredyCataint that the average age ... for an nz player
21:38.38ZX81more like 15
21:39.34ScaredyCatno that's sheep per night ;)
21:39.53ScaredyCatanyho... back to qork
21:39.55*** join/#asterisk david (
21:40.00ZX81sweet l8r
21:40.08*** part/#asterisk ZX81 (
21:44.15SobekMust rebuild nvidia modules.. :-(
21:44.48*** join/#asterisk _GiGi_ (
21:47.32brc007scaredycat... isn't working fore me...
21:47.52*** join/#asterisk Sobek (~btatton@
21:48.20jsmith~lart Sobek
21:50.49*** join/#asterisk adam_gafachi (
21:51.07SobekBack off or I'll start swinging my clue X 4 :-)
21:51.52SobekQuote from the Boss: I didn't say it was your fault. I said I was going to blame it on you.
21:53.30Sobekjbot's just a tad violent... :-)
21:53.40jsmith~kill Sobek
21:53.43ACTION slits Sobek's throat
21:53.47wasimjbot is a wuss
21:53.48i don't know, wasim
21:54.06wasimyes, you are, wussbot
21:54.06MocDamn no news fron NuFone !! :(
21:54.25atacomm:) i got my login from Sipura today to access their site
21:54.28*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
21:54.32jsmith~whaleslap sobek
21:54.35ACTION slaps sobek upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
21:54.59ZX81ztcfg shows channels but zap show channels shows nothing
21:55.05ZX81brc007 no
21:55.14ZX81too much sip stuff
21:55.14wasimjust a lackey for all the wussys here, doing their dirty work, no credit to yourself, you are a disgrace to bots
21:55.24ZX81i just want pabx
21:55.27jsmithZX81: Then your zapata.conf is bad
21:55.37jsmithwasim: Amen!
21:57.55ZX81it's just the sample one with lines uncommented
21:58.00ScaredyCatbrc007: 3 w's
21:58.57brc007man...I feel stupid
21:59.22ZX81signalling=fxo_ks  ... callerid=greenphone ... channel => 1
21:59.47ZX81what is bad about it?
21:59.56*** join/#asterisk russT (
21:59.57dheckaman_SuperMicro SuperServer 5013
21:59.57ScaredyCatyou should have seen me at 2 am this morning, trying to work out why the src rpm for linux was a load of patches...
22:00.19*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
22:00.22dheckaman_is that the x100p?
22:00.47ZX81fxo_ks for internal lines fxs_ks for external?
22:00.49atacommlol, god, now you have to worry about WiFi roaming charges now that TMobile and iPass are working together
22:01.08ZX81everything the same
22:01.17ZX81except for I don't want SIP
22:01.31ZX81and it says coming soon extensions.conf
22:01.36dheckaman_whats the modprobe command for x100p?
22:01.57ScaredyCatalienprobe anux
22:02.34ZX81ScardeyCat: that crack seems to be kicking in well 4 u
22:02.48ScaredyCati need it.... its all that keeps me going
22:03.05*** join/#asterisk fyman (
22:04.39ZX81is there a way I can make ztcfg details go to zapata.conf
22:05.10ScaredyCatZX81: what card have you got?
22:05.24ZX81X100p and TDM400p
22:05.41ScaredyCatright... how many ports on the 400p ?
22:05.52ZX81I modprobed them in the wrong order but just swapped the order...
22:05.58ZX814 holes 1 light
22:06.11ZX81so i dunno
22:06.15ScaredyCatso 1 module fitted...
22:06.15ZX81it's the devkit
22:06.21ScaredyCatok.. 1 sec
22:06.27ZX81i set up 5 in total
22:06.54ScaredyCatin zaptel.conf
22:07.04ScaredyCatin zapata.conf
22:07.10puzzledcrack? where?
22:07.26ScaredyCati used it all, gae the rest to martin
22:07.37ZX81zapata or zaptel
22:08.05ScaredyCatthose 2 lines in zaptel..
22:08.15ScaredyCatthe folloign in zapata
22:08.31ScaredyCatcontext=bell ; context in extensions.conf for incoming calls
22:09.20*** join/#asterisk Carp (
22:09.25ScaredyCatcallerid="My phone" <12344>
22:09.47Since Tue Dec 16 05:27:07 2003, there have been 16 modifications, 41 questions, 31 dunnos, 0 morons and 44 commands.  I have been awake for 16h 42m 39s this session, and currently reference 85786 factoids.  I'm using about 15200 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 377.59/76.31 child 105.09/6.73
22:09.56ScaredyCatstick a contect=home before the channel=2
22:10.12ZX81contect or contact
22:10.27wasimbah, i was able to maintain 80 people in a conference on an athlon 2200 with the load at .7
22:10.42wasimgoing to 100 killed it
22:10.56ZX81still nufink
22:11.13wasimbut that's still great.. these were iax2/ulaw
22:11.15ScaredyCatZX81: you need to RESTART * not reload
22:11.20*** join/#asterisk fyman (
22:11.37ZX81you mean type restart in asterisk console?
22:11.49ScaredyCatrestart now
22:12.01ZX81restart pc?
22:12.07a number with quite a few digits...
22:12.10ScaredyCatrestart now
22:12.19ScaredyCatin the asterisk cli
22:12.41ZX81cleanly exiting
22:12.53ScaredyCatnow do:
22:12.57ScaredyCatasterisk -r
22:13.12ZX81unable to connect to remote asterisk
22:13.30Sobek/etc/init.d/asterisk restart
22:13.31ScaredyCatok, so youll need to start it again..
22:13.35Sobekasterisk -vvvvvvr
22:14.09bkw_SOMEONE SHOOT ME
22:14.16ZX81none of those commands work
22:14.20Sobek~kill bkw_
22:14.22ACTION slits bkw_'s throat
22:14.22*** join/#asterisk shawn (
22:14.27ZX81shall I restart the box?
22:14.36dheckaman_how do I use wget to pull files off a ftp server?
22:14.37SobekDidn't have a gun bkw_ :-)
22:14.39*** join/#asterisk klicTel (
22:14.40jets~kill bkw_
22:14.43ACTION slits bkw_'s throat
22:14.50dheckaman_it doesnt seem to support user/pass
22:14.53ZX81~kill ZX81
22:14.56ACTION slits ZX81's throat
22:14.58klasstek~kill jbot
22:15.01ACTION slits jbot's throat
22:15.09klicTelHi all
22:15.19shawnwhat are you guys doing about outgoing long distance?  Setting up my own asterisk box doesn't get me flat rate long distance
22:15.24ZX81how do I restart it?
22:15.30klicTelI have a little IAX2 question
22:15.36ScaredyCat~kill kill them, kill them all
22:15.38ACTION slits kill them, kill them all's throat
22:16.05klicTelhow do you stop the registre refresh from the softphone?
22:16.12wasimshawn: nufone
22:16.14jsmithLook! It's "The Return of the Kram"...
22:16.23ErikNis there anyway to make dial() run an AGI script when the user answers?
22:16.23wasimshawn: or voicepulse
22:16.26ScaredyCatklicTel: shut down the applicaiton
22:16.29wasimshawn: or etc, etc
22:16.38jsmithErikN: Yes...
22:16.40Looking for the elusive BishopChicken.
22:16.50ScaredyCatjsmith: no
22:16.56ErikNjsmith: using A()?
22:17.04wasimjsmith: himself, me thinks
22:17.11klicTelScaryCat: you mean iaxc_shutdown?
22:17.28ZX81ScardeyCat: I could just restart
22:17.33jsmithErikN: Sorry... I was wrong... didn't read your entire question...
22:17.37ScaredyCatzx81 ...
22:17.52jets~kill yurmoms
22:17.55ACTION slits yurmoms's throat
22:17.55ScaredyCatare you of the console? or on a ssh session
22:18.01ZX81su -
22:18.10ScaredyCatok, try :
22:18.10wasimErikN: not dial, but can
22:18.28ZX81lots of segfaults
22:18.38ZX81line 77
22:18.44ErikNwasim: what is ?
22:18.49ZX81core dumped
22:18.53ScaredyCatError: alien invasion detectd
22:18.58ZX81a million time
22:19.00ZX81a million times
22:19.08ZX81should I control C it
22:19.19ScaredyCatyeah kill it...
22:19.23wasimErikN: less /usr/src/asterisk/
22:19.31ZX81won't stop
22:19.34ScaredyCatkill them all
22:19.55ZX81can't get to that console anymore
22:19.57wasimthat was a good song
22:20.10dheckaman_~kill jbot is <action> kills $who
22:20.16ACTION slits jbot is <action> kills $who's throat
22:20.16dheckaman_~kill jbot
22:20.22ACTION slits jbot's throat
22:20.22dheckaman_bloody monkey
22:20.34wasimyou or the bot?
22:21.01ZX81restarting - pc not usable
22:21.05ZX81yback in a sec
22:21.14ScaredyCatwho restarted the pc
22:21.16dheckaman_I cant get my config files off my snapserver...
22:21.24ZX81cant use ctrl alt 2 either
22:21.45klasstek~nickometer #asterisk
22:21.47Nickometer list for #asterisk (13 shown; 20 total): TestMasTer (99.83%) ;; s3g4l (99.22%) ;; da-man-So_FL (97.79%) ;; ROM_Man (75%) ;; ReG-Hexer (61%) ;; Sp3ciaL_K (51%) ;; knight- (45%) ;; brc007, spy007 (44%) ;; ZX81 (39%) ;; Lunatic-|, Merlin83b (38%) ;; uranium238 (34%) ;; Corydon76-home, Corydon76-work, Ol1ver, h3x, s3gal (31%) ;; DXManiac, IVRprogr, PBXtech (27%).
22:21.48dheckaman_its mget * right?
22:22.09ZX81what is nickometer
22:22.20klasstek~nickometer ZX81
22:22.20'ZX81' is 39.000% lame, klasstek
22:22.20ScaredyCatDick Barton
22:22.26ZX81yah yah
22:22.29ScaredyCatspecial agent
22:22.37jsmith~nickometer sobek
22:22.37'sobek' is 0.000% lame, jsmith
22:22.39ZX81had it for 15 years...not about to change it now
22:22.43jsmith~nickometer jsmith
22:22.43'jsmith' is 0.000% lame, jsmith
22:22.59dheckaman_~nickometer wasim
22:22.59'wasim' is 0.000% lame, dheckaman_
22:23.07klasstekTestMasTer is currently the lamest
22:23.17ScaredyCatlameass mofo
22:23.30klasstek~karma kram
22:23.30kram has neutral karma
22:23.46ScaredyCat~karma chamelon
22:23.46chamelon has neutral karma
22:24.03ScaredyCatok, so I can;t spell.. but it was still funny
22:24.03klasstekI don't think anyone's adjusted karmas yet
22:24.08jsmith~karma jsmith
22:24.08jsmith has neutral karma
22:24.11jsmith~karma kram
22:24.11kram has neutral karma
22:24.17jsmithNo karma!
22:24.29jsmith~karma kram
22:24.29kram has neutral karma
22:24.31jsmith~karma jsmith
22:24.31jsmith has neutral karma
22:24.40Carp~karma carp
22:24.40carp has neutral karma
22:24.55ScaredyCat~karma klasstek
22:24.55klasstek has neutral karma
22:24.56ZX81NO ISA tormenta card found at d00000
22:25.05ZX81when starting asterisk
22:25.13ScaredyCat~karma klasstek
22:25.13klasstek has karma of 1
22:25.25ScaredyCatonly 1 tho!
22:25.36ScaredyCat~karma klasstek
22:25.36klasstek has karma of 1
22:25.50*** join/#asterisk killerbee (
22:26.03ZX81now it's dead
22:26.06ScaredyCatperhaps it's only 1 karma point per user....
22:26.16*** join/#asterisk mortck (
22:26.30Mocdamn, could had have a BT101 for 39$+shipping..
22:26.32ZX81says No ISA Tormenta card found at d0000
22:26.46ZX81when i run astewrisk
22:27.01ScaredyCatbugs bunny!
22:27.25ScaredyCatok, ignore those errors for the mo... not important
22:27.36ScaredyCatcan u run zttool
22:27.49ScaredyCatin the /usr/src/asterisk dir
22:28.31ZX81same tormenta msg then unable to open /dev/zap/ctl
22:28.42ZX81no such device
22:28.49ScaredyCatdid you modprobe ?
22:29.02ScaredyCatafter the reboot
22:29.06ZX81not since restart after safe thingy
22:29.10ScaredyCatyou have to do it on each reboot
22:29.14ZX81ah ok
22:29.24ScaredyCatget the orger right
22:29.48ZX81so first wcfxo?
22:29.56ZX81then wcfxs?
22:30.29ZX81ZTChanconfig failed on chan 1 - invalid argument
22:30.34ScaredyCatyou need to do that on each reboot, before * starts...
22:30.35ZX81did you forget./..
22:31.16ZX81di you forget that fxs interfaces are configurted with fxo signalling and fxo with fxs?
22:31.20ZX81it says
22:31.31ZX81found the x101p card first tho
22:31.48ZX81should I restart again
22:31.49ScaredyCatfound that.. ok... so it;s the 400p it;s not happy wiht..
22:32.13klasstekwhat does zttool show?
22:32.32ScaredyCathow many aliens there are...
22:32.45ScaredyCat... or the state of your cards...
22:32.52ZX811 of each card
22:32.53klasstekI meant for him
22:32.54ZX81alarms ok
22:33.08ScaredyCatfor both cards
22:33.15ScaredyCatklasstek: hehehehe
22:33.33ZX81both cards gave that msg about signalling
22:33.44ZX81is the order in zapata maybe wrong?
22:35.18ZX81shutdown -r 0
22:35.27JerJerreboot -n
22:35.40ZX81same thing?
22:36.00JerJerlol no
22:36.06ZX81should I modprobe the fxo 1st
22:36.10JerJerreboot -n is the next best thing to a three finger salute
22:36.19JerJerie reboot right fscking now
22:36.24ZX81nice n clean then
22:37.04ZX81its been like 6 or 7 years since I last used linux
22:37.15JerJerthe basics are still the same
22:37.48ZX81just my pot addled brain
22:38.42div_i think ive got one of those
22:38.43ursenjany one ran * on a Soekris
22:38.56ScaredyCatSoekris  ?
22:39.29ursenjno a Soekris,.. all on board CPU, like PC104
22:39.36ZX81div_: |-)
22:39.40malcolmdsomeone was talking about running Asterisk on a Soekris
22:39.44malcolmdmaybe on the mailinglist
22:39.59ScaredyCatoh, ok...
22:40.01ursenjCF for HDD,.. to MINIpci slots,.
22:41.02ursenjI have some applcation for * but I but they are like going to the moon.  hate to have moving parts that break
22:41.43div_hm a kiwi
22:41.55ScaredyCatyou are sending * to the moon?
22:42.02wasimursenj: on the euro-space trip?
22:42.06ZX81ScaredyCat: getting there swapped cannel confs and it now displays it
22:42.14ZX81<- KIWI
22:42.19ursenjno,.. I have some locations that a very remote,.
22:42.54ZX81when I pick up the phone I get a weird dial tone...what now
22:43.25ZX81if I press 9 it goes beep beep beep etc
22:43.49ZX81or anything else
22:43.53rumour has it, kiwi is A framework for Python applications with graphical user interfaces.   URL:
22:44.12ZX81KIWI is a New Zealander
22:45.42it has been said that python is Available at    Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. It is often compared to Tcl, Perl, Scheme or Java.
22:46.19ZX81only shows home no extension no language no music onh
22:46.42Moccan an IP phone (Cisco ATA.. be use for Modem connection ?)
22:47.09jsmithMoc: No...
22:47.26klasstekBeter yet... why?
22:48.06ZX81ScaredyCat: I don't get any messages printed when I dial the phone number that it is connected to
22:48.09MocBank sync
22:48.29ZX81but if I use the fxs line it says simpleswitch hanmgup etc
22:48.47Mocso you can't connect any modem to a asterisk ?
22:49.03ZX81cannot find extension context home
22:49.09ConnorQuestion guys.. How do you do hunting with SIP? I've got a PRI, and I want to hunt 4 lines (the PRI is coming in via Cisco Gateway)
22:49.14ZX81does that go in extensions
22:49.17jsmithMoc: VoIP is almost always too lossy for modem communications
22:49.39Mocok so this is a problem :(
22:49.47h3xConnor: Um. hunt the pri for a line or hunt sip ... ?
22:50.16Connorhunt sip, PRI has DID's
22:50.39h3xbut you are calling out towards the cisco ?:
22:50.46ScaredyCatZX81: you need a [home] context that dials your phone....
22:51.16ConnorInbound via PRI to the cisco.. SIP from cisco to *, then out to Cisco ATA's
22:51.43Moccan Wildcard TDM400P can accept modem ?
22:51.43*** join/#asterisk yaboo (
22:52.19Stealth_ManMoc: how is going ?
22:52.46Mochi good, found a bt101 at 39$ but good ;)
22:53.01Stealth_ManMoc: make checkout please at iconnecthere...
22:53.09Stealth_Mani wanbt you to see final price for the phone
22:53.18Stealth_Manit will come to 100$
22:53.36Stealth_Manyour phones on the FedEx Ground truck ...
22:53.46Stealth_Manwe put 0 cost samples ..
22:53.52Stealth_Manshouldn;t be any problem for you
22:54.06*** join/#asterisk T` (
22:54.08Stealth_Manhopefully with customs :)
22:55.15*** join/#asterisk JoeUser (
22:55.34Nixdoes anyone have any experience with jabber?
22:55.41Stealth_ManMoc: did they sent you tracking number ?
22:56.12MocStealth_Man: I hate iconnecthere, Im not gonna buy a phone from them ...
22:56.29yaboocan the cisco 76xx series of ip phones do sip?
22:56.33h3xstees: if they are barbietones you could say "childrens toys"
22:56.36h3xstealth even
22:56.43h3xMaybe thats why they are made to look that way
22:56.45MocI tryed the 1877 number,  so far yes it work, but can't receive call from canada, and they dont reply my email anymore !!!
22:57.02Stealth_Manthey don't like you Moc :))
22:57.09Stealth_Manor you have no luck :))
22:57.12h3xMoc: Now theres an idea. someone should start a US toll free forwarding service from canada
22:57.14MocI know, damn kanuck I guess ..
22:57.18h3xlike what they have in the carribbean
22:57.31Stealth_Manh3X: go ahead and make it :)
22:57.39h3xyou'd make money on both ends of it
22:57.49h3xrecip compensation + charging the caller
22:57.51Stealth_Manh3x: i can help you with money sharing
22:57.54MocI got space to do it, but dont see how the time I would spend on this would be profitable for me
22:58.04h3xyou're in canada huh
22:58.07Stealth_ManMoc: ahh ?
22:58.11*** join/#asterisk russT (
22:58.22Stealth_Man~seen Carp
22:58.25carp is currently on #asterisk (49m 5s).  Has said a total of 4 messages.  Is idling for 33m 39s
22:59.25klasstekiaxtel allows 800 access doesn't it
23:00.07Stealth_Manyes it does
23:00.30MocI got boxs and friend doing Data center stuff .. So got free hosting rightnow ..
23:00.31Nixsleep time.
23:00.34Nixbye guys
23:01.01Mocbut, contacting Bell, get 1877 number, get clients, get T1 from bell .... argh... contracts ..
23:01.27MocWould be fun... but ..
23:01.28ZX81SaredyCat: cheers working on it now...will let you know
23:02.05Mocjust the t1 card for the asterisk isn't cheap...
23:02.46Mocmy big problem with asterisk is Modem... what if I need a modem line !!!
23:03.10Mocgot to get an external 1FL line !! at $$ ..
23:03.38Mocwhat if I have a digital Modem pool witch use a T1
23:03.44ZX81SaredyCat: what would be the dial string for a normal phone
23:04.01Moccan I route the outside T1 call to my digital modem pool ?!!
23:04.29ZX81i.e. dial(XXX/XXX,20,tr) ?
23:05.05ZX81ScaredyCat: what would be the dial string for a normal phone
23:05.11ConnorOKay, no one answered me.. How do I do hunting with SIP?
23:05.14ConnorInbound via PRI to the cisco.. SIP from cisco to *, then out to Cisco ATA's
23:05.45ZX81i.e it's not an SIP phone
23:06.30Mociconnecthere is bulshiting me ... !!!!&^&*^$%# Im sure it one of the stupid compagnie with no refund
23:07.04Mocgota go home now .. cya
23:07.12TestMasTeranyone know the top of there head what the command is to create a voicemail box, if not i will go download the man
23:07.58TestMasTerZebble:  thanx
23:08.09Zebbleshould be in the asterisk source directory
23:08.23*** join/#asterisk kapejod (
23:09.52killerbeeanyone get the sip 3.oh for ata yet?
23:10.03*** join/#asterisk adkk (
23:10.15ROM_Man~seen bkw
23:10.23bkw <~bkw@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 13d 1h 1m 18s ago, saying: 'bkw_: guess once why I've it ?'.
23:10.24Zebblekillerbee: is it supposed to be better?
23:10.35killerbeezebble... ya
23:10.55Zebblecouldn't be much worse I guess
23:11.01klasstekmy patch to addmailbox never made it in :(
23:11.06killerbeesupport for g726
23:11.18klasstekI'll have to dig it up again and put it on bugs...
23:12.46Zebblekillerbee:  VMWI  woohoo!
23:12.59killerbeezebble... told ya
23:13.00UnixDawgwhat patch addmailbox is just a script
23:13.07killerbeemight actually be some fun
23:13.24Zebblejust wish * would supoprt G726.  should be soon i think
23:13.35klasstekUnixDawg: because it's dumb that it doesn't take commandline args
23:13.44killerbeeSimple Traversal of UDP through NAT (STUN) support.
23:14.00ZebbleSTUN is a good idea...  Not required with * though.
23:14.38UnixDawglike what it is a command line script
23:15.33*** join/#asterisk espenHome (
23:15.47UnixDawgall it does is make the vmail box and add the 2 basic .gsm files
23:15.51espenHomewhat preffered voice codec for cisco 7960 ~ asterisk?
23:15.57espenHomewhats the
23:16.09UnixDawgthats all addmailbox is for
23:16.34klasstekUnixDawg: It was a simple change to allow "addmailbox 1234 mycontext"  It just makes it more useful
23:19.30ZX81if I plug a phone into the phone socket on the FXO card it rings non stop
23:19.33ZX81any ideas
23:20.11ZX81is that the signalling?
23:20.39div_..the phone rings? eh?
23:20.56div_is that possible?
23:20.56ZX81yeah non stop
23:21.01ZX81riiinnnnnnnnnggggg forever
23:21.58*** join/#asterisk km- (
23:23.24*** join/#asterisk nitram (
23:23.30jsmithhowdy km-
23:24.33km-what's new?
23:26.53bkw_3.0 ata firmware
23:28.09km-dude hasn't shipped my 7905's yet it appears
23:30.25ZX81what is exten s
23:30.38blllanyone have a good vendor for about 4-5 7960's (without power)?
23:30.43*** join/#asterisk ambassador (
23:30.47blllhaven't been having the best luck lately
23:30.56km-the /whois bllll
23:31.05Miketheres also echo on FXS devices or just FXO include echo?
23:31.07km-ah not the same guy I knew before
23:31.16blllsomeone else had my name? :)
23:31.33km-blll: yeah, a long long time ago.  Probably around '96
23:31.50*** join/#asterisk rickythebastard (
23:32.00km-I think there's a bunch of different people who sell 7960's here
23:32.17blllwell, if someone here sells 7960's, /msg me for some business :)
23:32.22rickythebastardWhat's a 7960?
23:32.33km-cisco IP phone
23:32.36blllif they sell power injectors too, an added bonus
23:32.51km-global technology solutions sells them on ebay often enough
23:32.57km-they're the people I get mine from too
23:34.25blllkm: do they have a web site?
23:34.42blllif I can avoid ebay, that would be best
23:35.02km-well, you could just buy them from cisco :)
23:35.33blllfor that price, they might as well be gold plated
23:35.46rickythebastardWhat's an IP phone?
23:35.47*** join/#asterisk joako (
23:35.58km-rickythebastard: do you even know what asterisk is? :)
23:36.06blllI think he's a bot
23:36.10*** join/#asterisk adam_gafachi (
23:37.55rollysonQuestion, when adding members to a queue with AddQueueMember, app_queue tries to send phones with multiple line appearances multiple calls, how do I stop this WITHOUT setting incominglimit
23:38.24rollysonie, I want a situation where a queue member can only get one ACD call.
23:39.06rollysonthey still need to be able to get other calls though.
23:39.17rickythebastardNo I don't know what asterick is.
23:39.20km-rollyson: why are you adding their line appearances into the queue?
23:39.28rickythebastardThe name looked interesting, so I joined.
23:39.42km-rickythebastard: it's an open source, voice over IP enabled software PBX for linux
23:39.56km-rickythebastard: essentially, it's a phone system for businesses
23:40.05*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
23:40.54rollysonkm- I'm using addqueuemember to add them, rather than agentlogin because of an administrative requirement that the phones actually ring rather than beeping ;)
23:41.05JoeUserHello, has anyone used Asterisk for multi-party conferencing? Is the quality good?
23:41.20rickythebastardOh cool.
23:41.21km-rollyson: yes, but, why are you adding all of the line appearances via addqueue?
23:41.29km-joeuser: if you've got a T1, yes
23:41.38km-joeuser: if you've got fast ethernet for voip, then yes as well
23:41.57km-hosting a meetme on DSL with only voip clients is bad, though :)
23:42.05rollysonkm: I'm only adding the SIP channel. However, app_queue apparently checks to see if the line is completely busy.
23:42.37rollysonon the SNOM 200 phones, its not busy until you have all 5 lights lit.
23:42.41km-rollyson: I can't imagine asterisk magically finding the other provisioned lines off of a phone.
23:42.47km-I see what you're saying
23:42.48JoeUserHow is the echo cancelling done for conferencing done? Is it cpu intensive?
23:43.05km-it's not that it's learning all the numbers that line has
23:43.09rollysonthey are multiple call appearances of the same line.
23:43.11km-it's that the phone keeps getting calls
23:43.26km-I think you can set somewhere how many calls you can have incoming, but I think it's a phone setting
23:43.28km-not an asterisk setting
23:43.41rollysonwe want it to keep getting calls, we don't want it to keep getting them from *queue*
23:43.43km-joeuser: I don't believe so.  I don't run large conferences though
23:44.04izohey guys do you know anything about dsp code change in latest cvs ?
23:44.07km-rollyson: well, there's not much you can do about that then, unless you ignore all the other lights and let someone else in the queue get it?
23:44.29km-or does it not ring through to the other lines
23:44.36rollysonkm-: it won't offer to anybody else unless you use a ringall strategy
23:45.04km-I think your only recourse is to limit the amount of calls to 1 call at a time
23:45.15km-because unless your sip phone responds back that it's busy
23:45.19km-it'll keep getting those calls
23:45.29atacommMr've got message
23:45.41rollysoncan't it keep track of how many came from app_queue ?
23:46.20km-rollyson: you're asking asterisk to do something that it doesn't really need to do, though, in my opinion
23:46.37km-can't you provision more than one line with a snom200?
23:46.47km-why not have a "normal" extension and then the queue-only extension
23:46.50rollysonkm- hmm. maybe.
23:46.56km-and make the queue-only provisioned line come back busy
23:46.57km-if possible
23:47.02km-or have both come back busy after 1 call
23:47.08km-but at least that way you can get normal calls or queue calls
23:47.32rollysonimho, app_queue should be what's deciding the line is busy
23:47.46af_hi all
23:47.49rollysonif app_queue is already using that channel, it should know the line is busy.
23:47.52km-how will it know the line is busy?  by keeping track of all the queue members?
23:48.13rollysonkm-: its handling the queue, it should know what it sent where...
23:48.17km-but that's not how sip works, though -- sip is designed to allow a seemingly infinite amount of calls to the same address
23:48.35km-well, if you go on and file it as a feature request
23:48.38km-maybe someone will look into it
23:49.10km-however, there are a lot of people that do call centers here who dont have this problem, so maybe there's a third solution we have not yet deduced from our discussion
23:49.40anthmhow bout agent+callback login
23:50.10km-I've heard of that but never fiddled with it
23:51.01anthmcallbacklogin lets you use the sip to log in as an agent then enter an ext # at a certian context that it dials to reach that agent
23:51.17anthmony 1 call would go there then
23:51.33jsmithkm-: Ok, are they really all optional?
23:51.45jsmithkm-: See my point?
23:51.50anthmhere is the only way uit works
23:52.00km-my guess is it uses the same options as AgentLogin
23:52.07km-which is 's'
23:52.13anthmcallback is you context
23:52.21anthm1234 may be mapped to your sip home
23:52.22rollysonagentcallbacklogin only takes one call?
23:52.26ZX81when I press 9 to get a line * says simple swith 'Zap/2-1' then Hungup'Zap/2-1'
23:52.28anthmso you provide 1234 as the ext
23:52.34*** part/#asterisk kapejod (
23:53.24anthmexten => 1111,1,AgentCallbackLogin(|@callback)
23:53.28anthmthe sip phone dials 1111
23:53.33anthmit asks login and pass
23:53.36anthmthen ext
23:53.38anthmyou say 1234
23:53.49anthmassumng you set up 1234 in the context called "callback"
23:53.55anthmto call your sip address
23:54.23jsmithI think I see... so the @context is required?
23:54.42ZX81when I press 9 to get a line * says simple swith 'Zap/2-1' then Hungup'Zap/2-1'
23:54.44jsmithJust to clarify... AgentCallbackLogin() without @context will *NOT* work, correct?
23:54.48km-ah that rocks
23:54.51km-lets make a queue
23:54.53anthmneeds | too
23:55.29*** join/#asterisk Zebble (~Zebble@
23:55.35km-holy shit that's sweet!
23:55.43km-but, how do you log the agent out
23:55.57anthmenter no location
23:56.09anthmjust hit ound as the ext and it logs you off
23:56.28km-that's fucking sweeeeet
23:56.35*** join/#asterisk Iowa (
23:57.38ZX81when I press 9 to get a line * says simple swith 'Zap/2-1' then Hungup'Zap/2-1'
23:57.55jsmithZX81: Repeating yourself doesn't help us answer your question...
23:58.05anthmanother goofier way would be make a special queue with max occupants of 1
23:58.23anthmand add a Local ext to the real q
23:58.31anthmmember => Local/1234
23:58.39anthmwhere 1234 dials the other q
23:59.19anthmwho has SIP/yourphone as the only member
23:59.36km-anthm: I love that shit

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.