irclog2html for #asterisk on 20031215

00:00.03bkw_blah timmah
00:00.27tim27do we need to put the blah file in ...sounds/fr
00:00.46Poemiustim27: I tried to set the language to french, but all my sounds were off since I had nothing in the fr directory
00:00.47tim27or do we need to name the file blah-fr.gsm and put it in the sounds directory
00:01.27tim27it's supposed to play french file just when you have it in the fr directory... and play the english default when you dont have a file
00:01.29Poemiustiens, je suis pas le seul à essayer de le faire marcher en francais ;)
00:01.45tim27on va pouvoir se mettre a parler en francais lol
00:01.51tim27tu viens de ou
00:02.27Poemiusle seul prob, c que je suis débutant, donc je te serais pas bcp de secours. je suis de casablanca, et toi?
00:02.28tim27tu la mis ou ton setlanguage(fr) ???
00:02.44Poemiusdans zapata je crois
00:02.49tim27moi aussi je suis nouveau
00:02.55Poemiusattends je vais vérifier
00:03.11jtoddAnyone use sipsak for testing?  I get a segmentation fault no matter what I do on RH 9.0
00:03.14Pj_wouw, des francais, la teuf
00:04.06PoemiusI put loadzone=fr / defaultzone=fr in zaptel.conf
00:04.11Poemiusas well as in mailbox conf
00:04.18Poemiusyou can set the language ther
00:04.26Poemiuswahoo, la fiesta :)
00:04.43tim27moi je peux pas faire ca
00:05.03tim27p.q. je veux garder les type de sonneries américaines
00:05.44*** part/#asterisk km- (
00:05.55Poemiustu peux jouer les gsm/ wav de ton choix à n'importe quel moment alors
00:05.56*** join/#asterisk km- (
00:06.04Poemiussans changer la langue
00:06.12tim27moi je pensais que je pouvais mettre sous [general] dans extensions.conf setlanguage(fr) et créer un répertoire fr dans sounds
00:06.30tim27je veux traduire tout les voices prompts d'asterisk en francais
00:06.44tim27avec natural voice
00:06.46bkw_someone send me 200 bucks to build a new server
00:07.13bkw_you don't have to send it all at once.. you can make payments! :P
00:07.14tim27bkw_: i need some info for postal the guy want to know how to ship
00:07.19blitzragebkw_: send me 200 bucks to build a new server!
00:07.39bkw_tim27 I used USPS International from
00:07.50Poemiussend me 200 bucks, :) it does not have to be to build a new server :)
00:08.01PoemiusI'm not very picky :)
00:08.37tim27as i can see we dont put the french voice prompt in sounds/fr
00:08.59tim27but we put voiceprompt-fr.gsm in sounds directory ???
00:09.02Poemiustim27: if it is just for the rings, why dont you put the us rings in the fr directory?
00:09.11bkw_See another server means a dev box.. a dev box means I can fix more shit or write more shite
00:09.30bkw_but you know.. I guess you people don't want me to continue working?
00:09.37Poemiusbkw_ : how about a virtual server
00:09.43tim27yes ...
00:09.50tim27good idea
00:09.57bkw_Poemius no I have to be able to work with it.. diffrent hardware and such
00:10.03bkw_i'm going to try to get a T1 card and such
00:10.10bkw_and maybe something that can emulate a PRI
00:10.40atacommbkw: why not a quad T1 card and loop back? do you need to interface with a non-* peice of equip?
00:10.50tim27dont know if the voicemail use indications setting for language
00:11.18bkw_atacomm i'm goign to have two boxes here soon cross connected via T1 or something.
00:11.25PoemiusI heard connexant can work as cheap fxo :)... which is cool if I can get asterisk to work on my laptop
00:11.34Poemiusdefinitely would work  out a cool demo :)
00:12.53TestMasTerPoemius:  if you figure out how to fix the sip problem could you let me know please
00:13.12PoemiusTestMasTer: it depends, do you have a firewall?
00:13.43PoemiusTestMasTer: if you have a firewall it may be the cause
00:13.57data[Zzz]duh, wondered why: /nick data[Zzz] didnt work
00:13.59TestMasTerPoemius:  i think the problem is that, my windows system are arounded though my linux system with i`m running a nat setup to do taht
00:14.33onixxhi all... anyone had problem with grandstream phone dmtp and voicemail ^
00:14.49TestMasTerPoemius:  Would that give me the problem?
00:14.54PoemiusTestMasTer: so it looks like you have the same problem as me: there is something to do in the iptables. what, I still have no idea
00:15.28TestMasTerhrmz, well if you figure out how to fix it before I do can you please let me know
00:15.47bkw_onixx nope
00:16.08onixxbkw_: it seems they are being somewhat doubled
00:16.24bkw_what dtmfmode you using
00:16.54onixxbkw_: rtp
00:18.11onixxbkw_: should be 2205 / 2205
00:18.16*** join/#asterisk da-man-So_FL (
00:20.42onixxbkw_: no idea ?
00:22.59blitzrageonixx: dtmfmode= rfc2833, inband or info
00:23.22blitzrageonixx: and what codec ?
00:23.38atacommwhats a good way to listen to GSM files on a Windows computer?
00:24.09km-quicktime I think plays gsm files
00:24.10onixxblitzrage: dtmdmode=rfc2833
00:24.35blitzrageonixx: is that exactly what you have?  or dtmfmode=rfc2833
00:24.36onixxand codec is ulaw
00:24.55blitzrageI don't have a GS, so I've never had that problem :)
00:25.05blitzragedamnit.. I really need an x100p device
00:25.18onixxthis is exactly what I have
00:25.20*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
00:25.29onixxI'll try inband
00:25.34atacommnope, winamp cant
00:25.41blitzrageonixx: yah.. inband will work with ulaw (or should)
00:27.33bkw_no info is what you want
00:27.39onixxblitzrage: works with inband !
00:27.40bkw_but it works
00:27.54blitzrageonixx: there you go :)
00:27.59bkw_I don't get why people have this many problems with GS
00:28.08km-maybe because it sucks? :)
00:28.26onixxhehe.. should I try info ?
00:28.35blitzragetry it, see if it works
00:28.44atacommhmm, apparently QuickTime will open it, but the filetype isnt associated
00:29.30atacommi'll have to give people a registery merge, lol
00:29.57onixxokay ! info works... lets go back to rfc2833 now and see what happend
00:30.08km-atacomm: or you could just set asterisk to e-mail the wav's instead
00:30.21km-;allowable foramts
00:30.25km-if you change the order
00:30.30km-the first format is what is e-mailed, always
00:31.06*** join/#asterisk dguisinger (atacomm@
00:31.09bkw_wav49 plays on windows
00:31.17km-wav also plays in winamp
00:31.23bkw_wav is HUGE
00:31.31atacommi know wav is huge, thats why i'm not using
00:31.33blitzrageyah.. wav is like a meg :)
00:31.37onixxblitzrage: inband and info works, rfc2833 does not... I should use info I guess ?
00:31.38bkw_wav49 = gsm with the proper riff header so windows will play it
00:31.42blitzrageuse wav49, it's smaller than gsm :)
00:31.48bkw_onixx use info then
00:31.49*** join/#asterisk dant (
00:32.07Corydon76Well, it is the GSM codec, but it's not the same file format
00:32.33atacommok, hmm, .wav and .WAV  which is wav and which is wav49?
00:32.42Corydon76Well, even neglecting the header, it's not the same file format
00:32.44blitzrage.WAV I believe
00:32.50atacommnever mind, ls -l figures that out,lol
00:32.51blitzrageatacomm: look at the sizes :)
00:32.57atacomm.WAV is the GSM
00:32.58blitzrageexactly :)
00:33.14atacommi'm sorry, i'm going on 4 hours of sleep, very tired
00:33.18Corydon76Therefore, it's aka MS-GSM
00:33.35blitzrageatacomm: me too :)
00:33.55bkw_Corydon76 you want access to change stuff on the bugtracker?
00:33.58atacommhmm...ok, well my app is able to pasrse the message text files...... now i'm going to go home, get something to eat, and build me a protocol for transporting the message list and message audio to my web server
00:34.22blitzragehrm.. there should be a program that you can plug your *.conf files into, and it tells you if everything works.  Like an asterisk simulator! :)
00:34.35bkw_blitzrage its called another box
00:34.37Corydon76bkw_:  I could deal with access, yes
00:34.50blitzragebkw_: bah, we're not all as rich as you
00:34.59km-bkw isn't rich
00:35.03blitzrageI know :)
00:35.06onixxgotta go ! thanks for the help
00:35.09km-he just plays a rich guy in our channel
00:35.22km-bkw and I are both still waiting for TE410P's!
00:35.26km-so all you peeps, get to donating!
00:35.36blitzrageI would settle for an x100p :)
00:35.38atacommno, he just tries to make people beleive they need more boxes, then he can have an excuse for wanting more, and start begging us all
00:35.51Corydon76Heh, I'll have some TE410Ps soon...
00:36.05Corydon76to feed my habit of experimentation...
00:36.06atacommis digium out of them or something?
00:36.07dantI would settle for an X100P that worked with UK CID
00:36.14ErikNanyone here used an Avaya IP Office 400 before?
00:36.19Corydon76No, they're out of the T100Ps
00:36.24km-atacomm: no, but we're out of money
00:36.29atacommyeah i knew that one
00:36.31blitzragewish I could afford a couple of T1 interfaces
00:36.33km-corydon: do you know if they have any T400P's left?, you work for digium?
00:36.44Corydon76km-:  I don't think so
00:36.50bkw_can * emulate PRI from a telco?
00:36.51km-atacomm: no, bkw and I are out of mony
00:36.56blitzrageand me :)
00:36.56atacommoh, lol
00:36.58atacommso am i
00:37.04Corydon76We just upgraded our PBX from a T100P to our last T400P in stock...
00:37.17bkw_corydon send me that T100P then
00:37.33Corydon76Well, it's not really mine...
00:37.43km-just say it fell and broke
00:37.54Corydon76Even if it was, I'd move up from my single X100P at home...
00:38.07km-what, you gonna get a T1 at home? :)
00:38.16Corydon76No, for a channel bank
00:38.26Corydon76So I can have multiple extensions at home
00:38.37km-I've been trying to get digium to lend me a TE410P
00:38.47dantCorydon76, that's what sip is for :)
00:38.50km-just so I can prove how seamless asterisk would be interfacing to our existing phone system
00:38.56km-I told em, I'd only need it a week tops!
00:39.05Corydon76dant:  yeah, you convince your spouse to use a SIP phone
00:39.08km-but they don't lend out hardware
00:39.19km-BOO! :)
00:39.19loko-mokowho wouldnt want to use a cisco 79XX
00:39.22loko-mokowell 7960
00:39.30km-corydon: kristy loves the 7960
00:39.32ErikNwill the x100p ring a phone connected to it in the line jack?
00:39.45bkw_greg is gonna make me buy him a 7960
00:39.54km-bkw: hahaha
00:39.55blitzrageErikN: no
00:40.02Corydon76With the price of a 7960, I could buy a nice channel bank off ebay
00:40.03blitzrageErikN: you need a TDM400P for that.
00:40.15ErikNblitzrage: k :-) thx
00:40.19km-maybe I aught to trade the 7960's for a TE410P!
00:40.26Corydon76Doesn't matter anyway.  We'll have some new channel banks soon anyway
00:40.29km-or just a T400P
00:40.37km-I dont need european standard
00:40.45bkw_7960's are SO WORTH IT
00:40.51bkw_you get alot more than you get with a channel bank
00:40.59km-what sucks though, is that the TE410P needs a special kind of PCI slot
00:41.03km-that I apparently don't have
00:41.11Corydon76Oh?  Does a 7960 now do multiple handsets?
00:41.38km-it does multiple lines.... not necessarily multiple handsets.. :P
00:41.52shkooif you get multiple 7960's, they can. :)
00:41.59Corydon76Sorry, most people couldn't give a crap about all those special buttons... most people never learn how to use all those extra buttons
00:42.14dantouch, major lag there...
00:42.25km-I programmed the messages button to go directly to voicemail without having to log in... kristy likes that :P
00:42.31km-I'm still trying to teach her how to start a meetme
00:42.31dantCorydon76, my spose loves the 7960 almost as much as I do ;)
00:42.33loko-mokoget the 7970 or 7920 =)
00:42.33bkw_km- I did that too
00:42.53loko-moko7920 only $550 on ebay <G>
00:43.02Corydon76My spouse isn't that technically oriented.  He doesn't want to need training to use the phone
00:43.21km-kristy is incredibly patient with me
00:43.36bkw_the 7960 is easy to use
00:43.42bkw_it pretty much walks you thru it
00:43.56dantsoft buttons, ? key etc
00:44.33km-I'm still wondering if I can reprogram the i key
00:44.43danti key?
00:44.47km-the help button
00:44.57Corydon76See, I like my native handsets... no need to login, no need to train... everything just works...
00:45.09bkw_same here with my 7960
00:45.26km-btw, I'm using the switch port on this 7960 and it seems to work just dandy
00:45.28Corydon76And I can replace them for $10 apiece
00:46.33Poemiuswahoo! got sip to work, it was an iptables problem
00:46.42bkw_usually is
00:46.44loko-mokokn- we use the switch port at our office, over 200 cisco 7940/7960 with computers on the switch port
00:46.49loko-mokokm i mean..
00:46.53Corydon76Or $20 if I want to get the special model with speakerphone and other doohickies
00:46.53loko-mokoworks perfect, no problems
00:47.03jtoddWhat version of software are you running on those 7960's?
00:47.23loko-mokorefering to me?
00:47.40jtoddYeah, anyone who is using the switchport (see my comments to the list an hour or so ago)
00:47.40km-whoa something's up with my PC
00:47.42bkw_I want the 3.0 ATA-186 software
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00:47.55loko-mokoi have used 5.3 and 6 with switch, at work we use the call manager
00:48.08loko-mokomy house i used 5.3 /6
00:48.20km-both of my 7960's are using 7
00:48.22km-err 6
00:48.24jtoddgrr..  something is causing this particular 7960 to lose it's mind on a regular basis, and I've swapped everything cisco-related out of the picture.
00:48.39jtoddcrap.  Out of time.
00:48.43bkw_jtodd never had that problem
00:49.55km-bkw: my enum stuff is working 100% now
00:50.03loko-mokois it easy to crack those vonage ata's
00:50.14km-loko: no, pretty hard
00:50.25bkw_why you got one?
00:50.28loko-mokowell if you signup for vonage for a month and cancel, do you keep the ata?
00:50.32loko-mokoor have to send it back
00:50.42bkw_they don't use ata's now
00:50.49loko-mokowhat do they use now
00:50.59bkw_some motorola box
00:52.09ErikNanyone know some good links for /dev/dsp programming?
00:54.26km-man I want to smack digium
00:54.37km-putting an rj45 socket on the TDM400P
00:55.12dantwhat's up with that?
00:55.36bkw_to confuse people
00:55.54bkw_or reuse the same template for the T4XXP boards
00:56.01*** join/#asterisk mgraves (
00:56.12km-I couldn't keep an rj11 plug in the socket
00:56.45Corydon76Uh, why not?
00:56.49danthaving an rj45 port is better for patching and converting
00:57.26km-I don't know, the rj45 plug wasn't really rj45ish, it was not designed right
00:57.26dantmost of our UK socket thingies are RJ45
00:57.26km-the rj11 plugs I tried all kinda jiggled in the plug
00:57.56km-I just got an rj45 run and a 8pin modular converter and converted it that way
00:58.50km-those voicetronix boards are $550
00:59.04bkw_1 RJ45 would have feed all 4 ports
00:59.10km-yeah, isn't it funny
00:59.20bkw_so a rj45 cable to break it out into 4 jacks would have been simpler
00:59.54Corydon76Well, the problem is that not all RJ45 for telephones are wired the same way
01:00.24bkw_no I din't say plug it into the phone
01:00.24Corydon76Sometimes they're wired 43211234, sometimes 33211244
01:00.46bkw_I said break it out into a box that has 4 rj11's on it
01:01.02Corydon76Well, same problem
01:03.25km-you know
01:03.31km-asterisk sucks, I'm going to go get bayonne
01:03.52zigmankm hahahahaha
01:04.29mgraveswhich Voicetronix boards cost $550
01:05.26*** join/#asterisk stees (
01:05.29km-the openvoice 4's or something
01:06.45mgravesthe openswitch6/12 is interesting as its programmable FXS/FXO on a port by port basis
01:07.00mgravesthis is something that Digium, still aspires to.
01:07.19mgravesmy * server will go this direction in a few weeks
01:08.10km-bbiab, wife
01:08.59zigmando the voicetronix card work with * ?
01:09.23mgravesgood question, I'm not sure....they say they support Bayonne
01:10.08mgravesI may be able to wait until the FXO module for the TDM400 is available
01:12.29PoemiusI think I've seen a message to the effect it was supported but not fully supported
01:19.43mgravesAnyone here have * running on Fedora Core 1? I'm just starting that this week.
01:19.51ErikNLOL - anyone play GTA VC?
01:20.08*** join/#asterisk jtew__ (~jtew@
01:20.45ErikNthe intro c64 screen is awesome
01:21.59ErikNis there a nifty gui configurator for asterisk?  
01:22.01*** join/#asterisk Adam (
01:22.15*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (~TestMasTe@
01:23.05blitzrageErikN: << you can try that...
01:23.10blitzrageErikN: but I've never used it
01:23.16ErikNblitzrage: thx
01:23.24blitzragebut basically there is no gui configurator
01:23.51ErikNmaybe I should write a web-based configurator?
01:24.13Adamnickserv not working?
01:24.16*** mode/#asterisk [-o bkw_] by ChanServ
01:24.16*** mode/#asterisk [-o denon] by ChanServ
01:24.21Adamahh it back
01:25.15dantservices restart by the looks of it
01:25.24mgravesa web based config tool would mean that I had to add appache to my * server?
01:25.55mgravesperhaps that has security impact, a local config tool would suffice for me
01:25.55ErikNcould make a httpd server in perl
01:26.03blitzragewell... either way :)
01:26.10ErikNgood point
01:26.21ErikNmaybe have it run on aoother box that you copy the config to *?
01:26.23AdamQ: how do i branch depending on the result of a function
01:27.54Adamusing setvar and gotoif?
01:29.33bkw_oh that was nice
01:31.35tholoHm, now that bkw_ is not op'ed, everyone should start flooding... ;-)
01:35.42*** join/#asterisk njrollyso (~asterisk@
01:36.16rollysonhmm. whats current best practice for 911 calls from remote offices?
01:36.59bkw_rollyson don't allow them
01:37.21JerJer[gone]rollyson:  always have one pots line and route 911 locally
01:38.32rollysonhmm. that means 4 more * boxes.
01:39.00dantyou wanting to only have phones in remote offices?
01:39.29rollysonwe have 4 offices that only have a single person working there.
01:40.04JerJer[gone]if these offices are within the same rate center or possibly LEC you could get DIDs assigned and setup specific addresses for those DIDs, then ensure when 911 gets dialed that callerid is set
01:41.03danthave a pstn put into those offices and stick an analogue phone on the end?
01:41.03rollysonwell, we are a CLEC with our own switching... hmm
01:41.09JerJer[gone]then you shouldn't have a problem at all
01:41.15JerJer[gone]if you are a CLEC, that is
01:41.22JerJer[gone]just hand the call off to the proper PSAP
01:41.32rollysonright now they would just get a number and no other info though.
01:41.38*** join/#asterisk dannie (
01:41.51rollysonuntil now, our switches only took inbound calls
01:41.53JerJer[gone]file the appropriate paprerwork
01:42.01*** join/#asterisk antek (~antek@
01:42.26rollysonthen make sure the outgoing call is routed via the appropriate switch and with the appropriate NXX ?
01:42.49dantI'd be very tempted to still get a seperate analogue line in each location
01:43.05danteven if it is purely for emergency calls
01:43.10JerJer[gone]yeah ie power failure
01:44.14rollysonI guess I need to do knock call off pots line logic too
01:47.21Poemiusjust thought of a 911 solution without an asterisk box... get a DISA on to an ATA type box
01:48.16Adamhow do you revert a cvs update?
01:48.21Poemiusa POTS line can be reached from a central box
01:49.10bkw_no power no ATA
01:49.16km-anyone else having problems with
01:49.22km-both of my sipphone numbers are not registering
01:50.22blitzragekm-: yep.. sipphone is donw
01:50.43km-I see that steve lynn is starting an asterisk telecom company
01:50.48km-yum, competition
01:51.05blitzragesteve lynn ?
01:51.28km-one of the people on asterisk-dev
01:51.34blitzrageI'm not on that list :)
01:51.43km-I was on asterisk-users for a while
01:51.47km-but that was way too high traffic
01:51.56km-so I subscribe to asterisk-dev, where the really interesting stuff is discussed
01:54.13blitzragekm-: yah, I was also thinking of doing that
01:54.23blitzrageI have like 1000 asterisk-users emails that I haven't read
01:54.57km-yeah, who wants to hear a bazillion "MY ASTERISK DOESNT WORK CAN YOU PLZ HELP ME THX 3R33TD|_|D3
01:55.12blitzragemaybe that's why I don't read or post to it anymore :)
01:55.32km-better SNR on asterisk-dev
01:56.15bkw_I only post to -users every now and then
01:56.32km-bkw is Da Man
01:57.28bkw_people are lucky I don't start responding with "You're a fucking idiot." on some of the mailing list posts
01:57.42bkw_see how everyone stuck up for me on the list.. that was SWEET!
01:58.14km-bkw: I haven't read many of your postss
01:58.38bkw_pay attention they are the ones on the list worth reading
02:00.28bkw_man i'm bored
02:00.45bkw_I want new hardware... more servers so I can work on some of these projects i have in mind
02:02.16zigmanbkw i know what that feels like;)
02:04.00blitzragebkw_: what happened when people stuck up for you?  I never read that thread
02:08.39*** join/#asterisk rozo_ (
02:13.40rollysonhmm. why can't the list server be configured to bounce HTML messages?
02:16.14carrarShould delete HTML messages
02:16.30carrarjust silently toss it away
02:18.46*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
02:22.28mgravesanyone here use Zultys hard phones?
02:24.53*** part/#asterisk beta3 (~beta3@beta3.registered.freenode)
02:25.12*** join/#asterisk beta3 (~beta3@beta3.registered.freenode)
02:28.08km-bkw: you know, I hate programming
02:28.16km-I friggin hate it!
02:29.19*** join/#asterisk Moc (
02:29.37bkw_I accually enjoy it at times
02:29.45bkw_depends on what i'm doing
02:30.03bkw_but i'm a freak
02:30.08bkw_now send me cash
02:30.14bkw_and lots of it
02:30.33MocAlot of people around here ... Is asterisk that good ? stable ? and what type of phone can it be use for VoIP ?
02:31.31bkw_yes, yes, and 42
02:32.44bkw_OMG i'm about to smack people.. line up everyone
02:32.50Mocnice ... I was looking to get some  old Meridian 1 system for playing with ... but this seem great..
02:32.51bkw_*SMACK* *SMACK*
02:33.04bkw_Moc yes its KICK ASS
02:33.19MocSo if I got a Nortel VoIP Phone, can I use it with this software ?
02:33.23bkw_wussy? I can bitch slap really well
02:33.30bkw_Moc are they standard sip?
02:33.39bkw_or mgcp
02:33.42bkw_or h323
02:34.20MocIsh let me ...   that the phone
02:34.43Moca i2050, they talk about nortel system but ..
02:35.14bkw_then run far and cast
02:35.30bkw_get cisco 7960, 7940, 7905, 7912 or ATA-186's
02:35.37Mocheu sorry that the SoftPhone ..
02:36.01km-bkw: you know, all this screwing around I've been doing, and here it looks like asterisk-perl has the best manager api :P
02:36.35bkw_I coul dhave told you that
02:36.42rpbwhere do you find asterisk-perl
02:36.44bkw_but does anyone listen to bkw
02:36.45km-I know I know :P
02:36.54Mocfor the phonehardware for the server, (1incoming line) and maybe 2analog for internal stuff... You suguest anything ?
02:37.32rpbah, ok, I already knew that.
02:37.53bkw_ok everyone donate to the get bkw new asterisk hardware
02:38.39rpbbkw:  did you send your resume to that miami guy looking for asterisk people?
02:38.46bkw_no because I can't move
02:39.13km-he wants more education than I have! :P
02:39.14bkw_plus my resume isn't impressive
02:39.22bkw_I have a GED
02:39.26km-besides bkw is holding out for the big bucks with me
02:39.27bkw_thats it
02:39.49bkw_I got kicked out of highschool for being gay(can't prove it) but I did.
02:39.59km-bkw: hey, have you written shit with asterisk-perl's manager interface?
02:40.02bkw_3 months left in my senior year
02:40.11km-bkw: I don't know enough perl to understand this callback stuff -- where do I get the data from the callback?
02:40.15bkw_km- no just did a customer billing wardialer
02:40.20rpbIn this day and age, big deal.
02:40.43bkw_Ya know I bet I have a better understanding of some of this stuff than most people with a degree
02:41.06bkw_but I can't afford to go to school....
02:41.15bkw_I make too much money for assistance.. but I don't make enuf...
02:41.35rpbrock and hard place, eh.
02:41.42bkw_but since my parents disowned me at 18 they counted their income till I was 25
02:41.44bkw_which is stupipd
02:41.46bkw_er stupid
02:41.47*** join/#asterisk Moc (
02:41.58bkw_My parents are in the 250k income range
02:42.29rpbOk, get out that old bootstrap loader and pull your self out!
02:42.58bkw_Ya I really wanna go to the community collage and learn how to use MS Word, Excel and Access
02:43.30bkw_You learn one word processor, spreadsheat, db progie.. you know them all
02:43.40bkw_WP 5.1, Lotus 123 and DBASE
02:43.48bkw_thats what I learned in highschool
02:43.54bkw_did the whole year's worth of work in 3 weeks
02:44.11bkw_played games the rest of the year
02:44.13rpbAlthough I havn't really grown up myself yet, what do you want to do when you grow up?
02:44.24bkw_I want to be happy.
02:44.42bkw_and debt != happy
02:44.47km-brian wants to work for me when he grows up
02:44.47bkw_hence I have NO DEBT!
02:44.50MocWhat hardware should I need for 1 line (connected to TelCo) + 2 internal analog line ?
02:44.50km-I'll be like willy wonka
02:44.57km-and he'll be one of my gay little oompa loompa's
02:45.04*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
02:45.09rpbThere is always pimping.
02:45.11bkw_but i'm not gonna paint my face green and all that
02:45.31km-bkw: hahaha
02:45.48bkw_and I don't do drag
02:45.52km-I wonder how this perl manager interface will help me in my final quest to create a lightboard
02:46.01bkw_not sure
02:46.13bkw_paste me the link to the info
02:46.16km-uniqueid may be the item I am looking for
02:46.48km-bkw: ah, it's pretty simple really -- just keep track of all the newchannel/newstate/newexten's on the manager interface and change the color of little buttons on a program or something
02:47.06MocTDM400P(TDM20B) +  Wildcard X100P ? Would those 2 be a good choice of card ?
02:47.11bkw_Moc yes
02:47.25rpbDo it in Java so next year my company can buy it from you.
02:47.29km-I think the answer is for me to maintain a linked list that has uniqueid's logged
02:47.35Mocok thanks... ebay search time ..
02:47.35km-kinda like astman.c
02:48.00bkw_Moc you won't find them on ebay.. maybe an off brand x100p
02:48.06bkw_but thats about it
02:48.43Mocis a off brand x100p is as good ?
02:51.49km-where's jtew when ya need him
02:52.00bkw_Moc buy from digium and support the project
02:52.06bkw_km- twat do you need?
02:52.10km-his CTI code
02:52.13km-so I could steal portions of it
02:52.29bkw_he has * CTI code?
02:52.35km-he's working on it, yes
02:52.42bkw_how will that work?
02:52.42km-using the manager interface to glean info
02:53.24bkw_jtodd was going to call me
02:54.06km-apparently he doesnt love you! :)
02:54.09Mocthe x100p is like 50$ more from digium ... Not that alot, but converted to Canadian $ is like 200$ ... joking ..
02:54.15*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
02:54.17*** part/#asterisk lucifuge3 (
02:54.25km-sousou has written a .net app that shows callerid in a popup bubble
02:54.28km-however I cant get it to work
02:54.38km-but if he'd just give me the damned source code I could write the app *I* want to write
02:54.43km-and give him the mad props he deserves!
02:54.58km-john friggin todd
02:55.04km-you owe brian a phone call
02:59.45bkw_i'm on the phone with jtodd right now
03:10.43*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
03:10.49*** join/#asterisk Lee1 (~MMM@
03:11.57Mikewhos john brown?
03:13.28*** join/#asterisk Moc (
03:13.43MocWhat is zaptel ? a standard ?
03:21.19km-moc: it's a card interface api
03:21.33km-moc: zapata telephony is an open, DSPless hardware standard for telephony
03:21.40km-moc: all of digium's hardware is zaptel
03:22.23Mocha ok, also do i need hardware to install asterisk ? Or I can install it with not card and add card once I receive it ?
03:22.32Mocfor VoIP only ?
03:23.16Mocha anyway I'll find out soon.. installing it ..
03:23.57MocI wonder if the old 8 port Rightfax card I had at the office might work with this ...
03:24.33km-you do not need zaptel hardware in the box, no
03:26.06*** join/#asterisk MocMoc (
03:26.40*** join/#asterisk anti_ (
03:27.16TestMasTerCan i run SIP.conf and Extensions.conf out of a mysql table, if so anyone know of any doc`s on this becausei haven`t be about to locate any
03:27.34km-sip.conf no
03:27.38km-extensions.conf... sort-of.
03:28.16TestMasTerkm-:  can you define Sort-of?
03:28.37km-well, there's a perl script in the asterisk source tree that you can execute to download the latest extensions from mysql into extensions.conf
03:28.45km-but it's not a direct lookup
03:28.55km-and indeed, that would be slow and not such a good idea for production
03:29.15km-hundreds of callers making mysql requests per the second?  mysql would die a horrible death
03:29.21TestMasTerOk is there any other way i could go about doing this though some kind of database?
03:29.28Mikeany desent linux client for sip?
03:29.30Mikeor iax2
03:29.50km-well, you could use astdb or db_odbc and come up with some spiffy extensions logic to do lookups
03:30.22TestMasTerkm-:  but that sounds like it could be kinda hard todo isn`t it?
03:31.43blitzrageTestMasTer: depends how much database stuff you know I supposed
03:31.56km-depends on how quickly you can pick up the nuances of extensions
03:31.59blitzrageTestMasTer: basically the answer you are looking for "It is not possible" :)
03:32.42km-boo, I dont buy that
03:32.54TestMasTersee what i want is, i`m hiring new people every day and I just want to be able to do the configs though a GUI
03:33.00TestMasTerthats the only reason i`m asking
03:33.02*** join/#asterisk Carp (
03:33.16km-testmaster: yeah, you and everyone else on the planet who's using asterisk
03:33.16blitzragekm-: me neither.. but if he is looking for something "out of the box", the answer is "no" :)
03:33.35blitzrageyou have the sourcecode.. so anything is POSSIBLE :)
03:33.52Carpthere is 10" of snow here and still accumulating :)
03:34.00km-ever since bkw finished db_odbc I've been mulling an idea of how to do extensions magic in odbc
03:34.04km-carp: whereabouts are ya?
03:34.09Carpupstate NY
03:34.11km-carp: we got 3" earlier today then it changed over to rain
03:34.14km-philly here
03:34.30blitzrageTestMasTer: the thing is that anyone who has developed some sort of GUI is pretty much using it for their own business, so it's not released to the public.
03:34.33Carpi live WAY upstate NY lol
03:34.39Carp2 hours north of albany
03:34.48km-far far far
03:35.01km-blitzrage: THAT's the ticket.
03:35.10km-blitzrage: all these people are writing interfaces but not releasing them
03:35.11km-and that sucks balls
03:35.54blitzragebut I guess everyone wants to make a buck, and it does cost money to develop stuff.  Just too bad they are trying to make money off of free software and not contributing back (mass generalization, not everyone does that)
03:36.47km-what I want to write is a shit kicking asterisk manager interface
03:37.00Adami submit general stuff and fixes but they sit in for ages
03:37.08blitzragekm-: I'd love you for that :)
03:37.22blitzrageAdam: yah.. not a lot of people to test patches and stuff though
03:37.24km-adam: there are few people who actually test patches and the like in bugs.*  -- they'll get there ventually
03:37.29TestMasTerblitzrage:  i`m not sure if that comment was, ment about me, But i do end up Spending alot of money for software i use, even the free stuff
03:37.43blitzrageTestMasTer: no, it wasn't directed at anyone
03:37.50AdamI've had a simple patch for australian ringtones in there for like 3 months
03:37.53blitzragein particular :)
03:38.12TestMasTerblitzrage:  ok just wanted to make sure,  because every year i spend alot of money supporting open source software
03:38.13blitzrageAdam: sometimes you just have to keep commenting on stuff... there is so much stuff in there, that things sometimes get forgotten
03:38.24blitzrageTestMasTer: oh sorry, I wasn't trying to imply anything like that :)
03:38.47Adamyea i tried that blitzrage
03:39.05blitzrageAdam: just bother bkw_ until he breaks down and cries :D
03:39.13Adamgot lots of ppl to try it but no one ever posted on
03:39.25Carpi am bored and i dont have any tweaks I can think to do to my current * system
03:39.46Adambut really, I shouldn't have to keep pushing to have my fixes added, it doesn't benefit me
03:39.58blitzrageAdam: true
03:40.24AdamI'm happy to submit them but not spend all this time trying to get other ppl to help
03:40.36*** join/#asterisk T` (
03:41.13blitzrageI think the problem is there isn't a lot of people allowed to commit stuff to cvs.  Since bkw_ has been added to the bugs.* site, a lot more things seem to be moving along, but he is a fairly recent addition to it I believe.
03:41.37MocIs there a web interface to configure Asterisk (and voice mail stuff...) ?
03:41.49blitzrageoh god.. someone add that to the topic :)
03:42.27Adamcvs diff channels/chan_iax2.c | grep "^>"  | wc
03:43.21Carpwhat dir do I have to goto to update CVS?
03:43.35blitzrageCarp: /usr/src/asterisk/make update
03:43.37km-AstMgr looks very very promising
03:43.41km-I need to get VB6 to maintain it
03:43.58blitzrageCarp: or use my script at
03:44.33*** join/#asterisk _AJ (
03:44.46_AJanyone here use Packet8?
03:44.48blitzrageanyone know how to add a "command" to jbot?
03:45.02blitzrageI want to add that gui link by somehow adding a !gui tag or something
03:45.32Carpwho runs jbot?
03:45.34jsharpI think its something like ~gui is <reply> GUI is at
03:45.44blitzragegui is at
03:45.55blitzragewhere can I find gui?
03:46.10jsharp~gui is <reply> GUI is at
03:46.12...but gui is already something else...
03:46.26jsharp~guiclient is <reply> GUI is at
03:46.27jsharp: okay
03:46.38GUI is at
03:46.40GUI is at
03:46.49km-astguiclient is a bunch of fucking perl scripts
03:47.06*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
03:47.13blitzragenever used it.. I prefer the text files
03:47.24blitzrageI don't like gui's in general for the most part
03:47.26km-someone hook me up with visual studio 6
03:47.35blitzragekm-: kazaa ?
03:47.38km-so I can make AstMgr into the application it could be! :)
03:47.53blitzragekm-: but visual studio ?
03:47.54jsharpblitzrage:  Unfortunately, the lack of a GUI is a major holdback point for * users.
03:48.01i heard gui is menus? of other changes?
03:48.16blitzragejsharp: true
03:48.16km-blitzrage: astmgr is in vb
03:48.25blitzrageagain.. never used it :)
03:48.30GUI is at
03:48.32km-it looks useful
03:48.35blitzrage^^^ Carp
03:48.40CarpI know
03:48.47CarpI wanted to see what ~gui was lol
03:49.13Carpi already downloaded it in win32 but am too lazy to download perl on 56k
03:50.31Mocwasn't there supose to be a web interface for looking voicemail ?
03:50.55Adam~porn is <reply> Porn remains one of the largest problems with Open Source Software. Often causing development delays, flooded links and, in extreme cases, disabling programmers ability to type.
03:50.56...but porn is already something else...
03:51.09i heard porn is rather enjoyable
03:51.10Adami hate you jbot
03:51.38jrollysonforget porn
03:51.51jrollysonalamar: forget porn
03:51.52Carpayone have any ideas for me to tweak my * box up a little more? I just offer voicemail on this one
03:52.09jrollysonbah, wrong infobot.
03:52.31jrollysonjbot: forget porn.
03:52.31i didn't have anything called 'porn.', jrollyson
03:52.34jrollysonjbot: forget porn
03:52.34i forgot porn, jrollyson
03:54.11Adam~porn is <reply> Porn remains one of the largest problems with Open Source Software. Often causing development delays, flooded links and, in extreme cases, disabling programmers ability to type.
03:54.12Adam: okay
03:54.17Adamyay :)
03:54.36jrollysonjbot: status
03:54.37Since Wed Nov 19 09:31:28 2003, there have been 213 modifications, 1107 questions, 504 dunnos, 11 morons and 1364 commands.  I have been awake for 25d 18h 23m 8s this session, and currently reference 85770 factoids.  I'm using about 19416 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 21536.13/2066.24 child 3698.83/285.44
03:55.02jrollysonnow, who's infobot is that :)
03:57.36Adam11 morons?
03:57.38*** join/#asterisk _gorman (
04:07.53yaboocan h323 and sip talk to each other under the same server in asterisk
04:07.59*** join/#asterisk pandatan (~jose@
04:08.03yabooe.g. a h323 phone to a sip phone
04:08.06pandatanwhat is asterisk?
04:08.17yaboothe pbx software
04:09.06yabooAdam thanks
04:09.10*** join/#asterisk Carp (
04:09.32yaboowho commercailly is using asterisk?
04:09.44Adamasterisk can connect anything with anything as long as asterisk supports the protocol
04:09.49Carphey, whenever Hangup is executes i get a consecutive clicking noise, any idea's why?
04:10.06Adammost ppl in the channel are commercially using it
04:10.09*** part/#asterisk pandatan (~jose@
04:10.25yaboois there a url detailling who
04:10.38yaboojust need it as a example to pitch to my work
04:11.03yaboobroadsoft seems to be the commercial one here were leaning too
04:11.16*** join/#asterisk Lee1 (~MMM@
04:11.23yaboobut want a open source one to pitch also
04:11.31Adamyou mean a list of companies have it?
04:11.55Carpwhenever Hangup is executes i get a consecutive clicking noise, any idea's why?
04:12.10Adam - might be some info on that site yaboo
04:12.37yabooAdam thanks
04:14.09Carpare there any online asterisk courses?
04:14.32blitzragehehe :)
04:15.03blitzrageCarp: you can also keep an eye on #asterisk-doc and
04:15.19blitzragespeaking of which, I have a couple of things to add to that
04:21.54*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
04:25.16MocDamn I suck, can't get to make a simple IP Phone/extension setup ..
04:26.53zigmanmac yeah you suck :P
04:28.17loko-mokoi wish i could run both sip and whatever call manager needs on the same phone
04:28.24loko-mokorather than having 2- 7960s on my desk
04:28.24Mochehe, There is too much protocols.. I got SJ Labs Phone client... and tryed to follow but ...
04:30.16bkw_loko-moko ship one to me and quit your job
04:33.05*** join/#asterisk cman (~cman1@
04:33.14loko-mokoi havent worked in a month
04:33.18loko-mokoi think im gonna go in tomoorow
04:33.56MocThere is no small howto to make a 2 Extension VoIP PBX ?
04:35.29km-time for bed chieftans
04:35.33km-ttyl all
04:37.19loko-mokoMoc just copy bkw's config files
04:37.30*** join/#asterisk anti_ (
04:37.31loko-mokoim going to sleep
04:37.50blitzrageMoc: the ones on ManxPower's site is pretty good too
04:39.50*** join/#asterisk b0r1qu4 (
04:40.03Mocok looking at 1 doc from about SJphone and SIP
04:40.13bkw_someone call my name?
04:41.41Mochehe working ... damn cool this thing.. got to call the voice mail now ..
04:42.28*** join/#asterisk ursenj (~ursenj@
04:42.57ursenjDoes anyone know if the GS handset has call waiting feature??
04:43.11Mocfucking COOL... !! Sorry ... but it really nice ...
04:44.43jrollysonursenj: afaik it does.
04:45.14MocMan this is so nice ... I can't wait to get my Phone line card... this can really replace any enterprise PBX !!!
04:45.33angler_yea it sure can
04:46.04MocSorry, I just called 8500 and 500 and it so cool..
04:47.26_AJanyone using packet8?
04:47.34_AJand using it with asterisk?
04:48.20ursenjjrollyson: afaik??
04:48.20_AJanyone?  bueller?
04:48.43*** join/#asterisk tom1 (
04:49.40tom1hello :)
04:49.46_AJok... different question... i have two VOIP lines w/ packet 8, both use an ATA, so essentially i have two analog lines... what hardware do i need to set up a calling card type situation.... user dials into a local number, enters whatever, and dials out through the other line?
04:50.19_AJis there a single 2 line card i can buy?
04:51.07tom1AJ, have you looked at phonejack?
04:51.52_AJcan't figure out if it does what i need it to....
04:52.37_AJi know the wildcard x100p will do it, but i'd need two... trying to find a single card solution
04:53.14_AJbasically i need two asterisk support fxo cards, i believe
04:53.32bkw_doesn't exist
04:53.54_AJwhat doesn't exist?
04:53.59_AJa two port card?
04:54.42ursenjneed to x100p or a channel bank
04:54.52_AJwhat's that?
04:54.56bkw_you just need two lines
04:55.00bkw_get two x100p's
04:55.02bkw_I have three in my box
04:55.25ursenjbkw_: what do you do for FXS
04:55.39bkw_they make a 4 port fxs
04:55.42bkw_but I use sip endpoints
04:55.55jsharpAre calling card applications that popular?
04:56.23bkw_I get emails and such about mine like 10 times a week
04:56.29bkw_but mine sucks and I don't plan on fixing it
04:56.41_AJbkw, the wildcard tdm400p 2 port won't do the trick?
04:56.41ursenjthat is what i'm using,.. SIP softclinets,..
04:56.52jsharpMaybe a prepackaged CC package would be useful.
04:57.01jsharpturnkey, rather.
04:57.04bkw_for fxs yes.. but for fxo NO
04:58.38*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
04:58.38tom1AJ have you looked here
04:58.48jsharpquicknet cards suck for * usage.
04:58.53ursenjI have a Moto router with a 2 port fsx card in it. I thinking I might be able to use it??
04:59.19bkw_tom1 good luck
04:59.25bkw_those linejack cards suck ballz
04:59.48_AJtom1,  i don't know if it will do what i want it to.... the docs don't make it real clear
05:00.13jsharp_AJ:  You're trying to call into one Packet8 voip line and then back out the other?
05:00.27cman* RADIUS????
05:00.28*** join/#asterisk timeshift (
05:00.50jsharpSo you just need 2 FXO to each ATA.
05:00.51*** join/#asterisk onixx (
05:01.02_AJjsharp, yes... exactly
05:01.03Adamthere is no * radius, you could write it if you want?
05:01.34jsharpActually, I thought that someone had gotten packet8 working directly with *.
05:01.37bkw_cman you trying to start a fight
05:01.39cmanimpleenting * with RAIUDS
05:01.52_AJthat would be cool...
05:01.57jsharpIts just SIP
05:02.04Adami'll probably implement radius for * in a month or so
05:02.05_AJi've been looking... sure it wasn't vonage or voicepulse?
05:02.26cmanbkw_ why>
05:02.30Adamwhen i make my own calling card crap err i mean software
05:02.50Adam(internal though, not for sale)
05:03.11jsharpwell, voicepulse works directly with * since they support AIX.
05:03.13jsharpEr, IAX.
05:03.23cmani am doing calling card app.. so think i ned radius to impllement
05:03.37onixxanyone know where to buy ata-286 ?
05:03.40_AJunfortunately voicepulse doesn't have a number that's local for me
05:03.55_AJor i'd be all over that...
05:03.58blitzragewow.. I have a huge fro :)
05:04.11jsharpYah, they're limited to east coast exchanges.
05:04.42Adamwell there is no radius for asterisk - you could pay someone or do it yourself
05:05.26tom1I am wanting to interface a digital fax server with asterisk running as an h.323 gateway to route fax over voip.  Has anyone familiar with is and possible reccomend the hardware/software necessary to accomplish it
05:05.46bkw_tom1 t38 modem and hylafax
05:05.56jsharpIf you're building your own CC scripts, then you don't need direct support for RADIUS in *.
05:06.53tom1bkw, who makes t38 modem, do u know how many ports it supports?
05:07.02bkw_how ever man you want
05:07.11bkw_its a software modem by the openh323 peeps
05:07.19bkw_to hylafax its just a standard modem
05:07.39tom1and it suports fax
05:07.43Adamcan you limit the duration of a call?
05:07.48bkw_Adam yes
05:08.10Adami'm thinking calling cards and running out of credit
05:08.46tom1can i find t38 on open 323 site?
05:08.48bkw_you also have to limit concurrent use
05:08.52bkw_and know how to rate the call
05:08.58bkw_and how to calc the correct timeout
05:09.02_AJtom1, that link above will give you the source on t38
05:09.04cmanhey.. how do we record voicemessage?? pressing what??
05:09.06onixx_AJ: chagres seems dead... I left messages there weeks ago...
05:09.12bkw_cman res_monitor
05:09.13onixx_AJ: any other
05:09.15bkw_show application monitor
05:09.16cmanwelcome message
05:09.29Adamooo concurrent use, how do you fix that
05:09.47jsharpIt seems that nobody, including grandstream, is interested in selling grandstream hardware.
05:09.51bkw_Adam I recommend something in C
05:09.55bkw_using the asterisk API
05:09.58h3xyou know
05:10.07h3xan asterisk interface to ldap would be nice
05:10.13h3xfor things like AsteriskRingXP
05:10.28h3xfuck .NET
05:10.29jsharpthat's what I'm trying to accomplish with my PAM stuff.
05:10.31TestMasTeranyone know with X-lite is that working with tcp or udp?
05:10.39jsharpGeneric interface into anything.
05:10.46bkw_TestMasTer udp
05:10.49h3xi guess unixodbc would work too
05:11.02h3xbut what i was thinking is you can sync your plam pilot, outlook, whatever to ldap
05:11.13TestMasTerbkw_:  thanx
05:11.15h3xand use it with asterisk for speed dial, company directory, caller id pop
05:11.47cmanbkw_ appp monitor
05:11.47onixxanyone have tested SIP phones behing a linksys router ? asterisk being at a remote location, not behind NAT
05:12.05*** join/#asterisk Tommmo (~tps@
05:12.15jsharpAs long as its not behind NAT, you shouldn't have a problem.
05:12.16bkw_cman ya Monitor
05:12.34Tommmowhen registering * as a sip client with another asterisk server, i have put a 'register =>' line in sip.conf, is there anything else i need to put in there?
05:12.35h3xMonitor and ZapBarge need to be renamed.  for sure.
05:12.38CarpWhat is hte cheapest /good SIP phone I can get? GS?
05:12.42TestMasTerbkw_:  would you know all the ports i need open to use that because i`m behind a nat firewall
05:12.44onixxjsharp: so the phones can be... but not * ... right ?
05:12.53h3xMonitor should be Record, and ZapBarge should be Monitor
05:13.07*** join/#asterisk spy007 (~user@
05:13.09cmani want to know with what do i press in my hpone set so that i can re=record my voice message..
05:13.30jsharpYou might have problems.  NAT breaks a lot of SIP things.  The best you can do is try.
05:13.40_AJonixx, have you looked at the sipura?
05:13.54onixx_AJ: no... ?
05:14.14h3xthats what sip proxies are for.
05:14.27CarpWhat is hte cheapest /good SIP phone I can get? GS?
05:14.31_AJonixx, what are you using it for?
05:14.48onixx_AJ: sorry.. using what for ;)
05:14.50TestMasTerjsharp:  ?
05:14.59_AJthe ata-286?
05:15.03jsharpNAT is a joke.  SIP is a joke that people keep telling you even though you've said you've heard it.
05:15.38TestMasTerno can`t say i have untill you said it lol
05:15.51onixx_AJ: just trying to install a phone at a remote location, behind a linksys router
05:15.56CarpANyone know where I can get GS phones?
05:16.09onixxCarp: nowhere right now hehe !
05:17.03*** join/#asterisk arabianprince (
05:18.49*** join/#asterisk arabianprince (
05:19.06onixx_AJ: thanks
05:19.24onixx_AJ: seems better than ata-286
05:19.35bkw_FUCK FUCK FUCK
05:19.37bkw_and me with no ops
05:19.39blitzragebkw_: ooooo
05:19.48blitzragebkw_: you'd love to kill this bastard eh? :)
05:19.49bkw_arabianprince FUCK YOU
05:19.50bkw_arabianprince FUCK YOU
05:19.54bkw_arabianprince FUCK YOU
05:19.56bkw_arabianprince FUCK YOU
05:20.00arabianprincekick+ban bkw_ hes flooding
05:20.27*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
05:20.32bkw_is the asshole still here
05:20.42Adami'm still here :p
05:20.42rollergrrlwho spends their time converting that lame picture into text?
05:20.43bkw_fuckign chanserv
05:20.55blitzragewho knows
05:21.03Adamarabianprince is his name
05:21.26bkw_oh well
05:21.47*** join/#asterisk user_ (
05:21.56_AJonixx, it might be overkill if you don't need two ports
05:22.12bkw_arabianprince must have issues
05:22.26jsharpissues, backissues, issues on microfiche...and probably the press.
05:22.30bkw_arabianprince why do you insist on coming in here like daily and acting like a total idiot
05:22.32zigmanrollergrrl,  there are tools for it :P
05:22.41Shido6_because he's a cisco guy
05:22.42user_Does anyone know if gentoo's asterisk package actually works?
05:22.44zigmanbkw_ he is impotent
05:22.50Inv_ArpShido6_: lol
05:22.51rollergrrlzigman: omg that is sad
05:22.52bkw_bet he has a tiny penis
05:22.52*** join/#asterisk jorgerai (
05:23.01*** join/#asterisk dross (dross@dross.registered.freenode)
05:23.04zigmanbkw_,  or none at all :P
05:23.07Inv_Arpuser_: why wouldnt it
05:23.10zigmanuser_,  user asterisk CVS
05:23.12zigmanist better
05:23.16bkw_well I usually have ops but chanserv fucked that up today
05:23.24blitzragego chanops
05:23.32bkw_and kram hasn't fixed auto awps yet
05:23.43ursenj has cheaper GS phones
05:23.43user_is using the CVS less stable?
05:23.58zigmanbkw_, putting someone on the ignore list is just that  easy :P
05:24.05zigmanohh it 6.24 am
05:24.09bkw_I would rather /fuck them
05:24.16drossban arabianprince, hes spamming #java #asterisk #python #fedora #redhat plus several other channels, about linux sux and goatsex
05:24.16jsharpdamn, I love the cisco tac.  Problem:  Bridges lose association and generate "Parent Disassociated" messages.  Their solution?  Turn off the messages.
05:24.16Carpsomeone click buy now
05:24.18zigmani should have gone to bed like 8 hours ago
05:24.22Carpthe cart doesnt work for me
05:24.24jorgeraiplease  i need that somebody can  help me?
05:24.25angler_bkw_, we wont have any of that in here
05:24.35Carpit says my cart is empty when i try to checkout
05:24.36bkw_dross you a freenode op?
05:24.42arabianprinceno but i am
05:24.59drossim trying to get dmwaters on line =)
05:25.12bkw_its always
05:25.13ursenjCarp: look for steath_man sometime,.. he sells them for 65
05:25.16jrollysonhow exactly does this work?
05:25.17bkw_like once a day
05:25.18user_Are there asterisk consultants here than can do full enterprise installations?
05:25.19jrollyson; Define ackcall to require an acknowledgement by '#' when
05:25.19jrollyson; an agent logs in over agentcallpark.  Default is "yes".
05:25.27bkw_user_ define what you need
05:25.50Carp~seen stealth_man
05:25.53stealth_man <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 14h 30m 49s ago, saying: 'you will see messages ...'.
05:25.55*** join/#asterisk jorgerai (
05:26.13jorgeraisombody know about the te410p?
05:26.14jrollysonwhat does ackcall apply to? agentcallbacklogin? agentlogin?
05:26.20ursenjCarp: what did he say
05:26.23jorgeraipci card 4xT1
05:26.32jsharpwhatcha need about the te410?
05:26.52jorgeraiok I am going to buy one for my gateway
05:26.56*** part/#asterisk dross (dross@dross.registered.freenode)
05:26.58Carpursenj: he isn't online
05:27.06tom1where can i find hylafax?
05:27.12ursenjhe will be tomorrow sometime
05:27.38jorgeraibut my friend it have one but he told me that these card only work with voice and no data is true?
05:27.44jorgeraisorry my english ok?
05:27.44jsharpThat's untrue.
05:27.54jsharpThey can handle assorted forms of data.
05:28.31jorgeraisorry I don't undrstand very well
05:28.35jorgeraiyou know my english
05:28.37zigmani need some breakfast
05:28.40jorgeraiis working
05:28.51*** join/#asterisk jsharp (
05:28.53ursenjzigman: what time zone you in
05:29.15jsharpWhat kind of data are you looking to handle?
05:29.37jorgeraiit have  now two T1 in these card te410p but only voice the another 12 chanel  for another gateway
05:30.08jorgeraiok I want one pci card gateway for both
05:30.13jorgeraidata and voice
05:30.37jsharpWhat kind of data is it?  Frame relay?  PPP?  ISDN?
05:30.41zigmanursenj,  GMT+1
05:31.06jorgeraiI think that the te410 p could be that work
05:31.09ursenjcrazy,.. MST 10:30pm dec14
05:31.21jorgeraio pri
05:31.26ursenjzigman: so it dec15 there
05:31.35jsharpyeah, it'll handle PRI.
05:31.39zigmanits dec 15 here ;)
05:31.47zigmanswince 6 hours ;)
05:32.00jsharpBut you can't use it as a dialup modem pool if that's what you're looking for.
05:32.07ursenjso my VISA bill is due in germany but not here yet!
05:32.18jorgeraioh well and them if possible that he didn't know about the configuration of these card
05:33.11zigman4 minutes till breakfast ;)
05:33.20jorgeraino body here speak spanish?
05:33.24*** join/#asterisk root (
05:33.25_AJzigman, what kind of work do you do?
05:33.33ursenjzigman: you on a military bases or sometihng
05:33.51zigmanwhy ?
05:34.01zigmanbread is done in 4 minutes
05:34.02ursenjcounting down breaky like a staff sgt.
05:34.23zigmanthe microwave does that for me
05:34.33zigmani'm just reading what is says
05:34.46ursenjthey make bread makers int the US (lol)
05:34.51ursenjtimer and all
05:34.58zigmani own one
05:35.09zigman_AJ computer consulting
05:35.15ursenjwhat part of germany
05:35.16zigmanwebpages stuff like that
05:35.23*** join/#asterisk jorgerai (
05:35.25zigmanhalle / leipzig
05:35.33ursenjgets cold there
05:36.00_AJGuten tag, wie geht es Ihnen?
05:36.14zigman_AJ gut ;)
05:36.14jorgeraiwell and them I am going to buy the pcai gateway because now I know that these card is working with voice and data thank
05:36.17argoslas tarjetas pueden hacer datos y voz.  qu? clase de datos usted est? intentando utilizar?
05:36.21zigmanursenj,  not really
05:36.23_AJIch spreche nur ein bisschen deutcsh
05:36.33argos:)  gotta love translation sites... :)
05:36.35zigmanlike 3° C in these days
05:36.47jorgeraiqueiro dar termincacion
05:36.48_AJzigman, are you german?
05:36.49zigmanargos,  whatever :P
05:36.52zigman_AJ yes
05:37.03jorgeraipero a traves de otros carrier
05:37.18_AJargos, which cards are you getting?
05:37.21*** join/#asterisk bcbrown (
05:37.38jorgeraisi esa misma
05:37.39argosTDM developer's kit...
05:38.08jorgeraiTe410p but I want to be sure before  I buy it
05:38.12jorgeraiyou know
05:38.19zigmanbreakfast time
05:38.36jorgeraibecasuse my friend tolme that only work to voice
05:38.38*** join/#asterisk Iowa (
05:38.46jorgeraiel no ha podido hacer que trabaje con data
05:38.47_AJargos, very cool...  what are you doing to be doing with it?
05:39.05jorgeraiand is the same card
05:39.16IowaDoes anyone know where to get libiax2?
05:39.40argostrying to get some VoIP stuff hooked into a Merlin Legend PBX
05:39.45jorgeraidon't worry
05:40.27IowaMark told me that was where I could find the source for IAX2
05:41.10yaboowhats a good pci ip to pstn card from digium or any other company
05:41.23jorgeraiI prefer the TE 405p becasuse is 5 volt. but no body have these one
05:41.34Iowaor does anyone happen to know where I could find the source to implement an IAX2 connection
05:41.56jorgeraioh my another question is
05:42.20jsharpThe TE405 isn't available yet.
05:42.42jsharpyaboo: For regular PSTN connection, use the X100P card from Digium.
05:43.03yaboojust plug the phone into the card
05:43.23jsharpIf you want to plug a phone in, you need the TDM400P.
05:43.32jsharpThe X100P goes to a phoneline.  The TDM goes to a phone.
05:43.37jorgeraiif possible that I could bring termination to diferent voip such as cisco,multitech ,ect with the gateway TE410p or I need another  
05:44.30Iowathere is a
05:44.40jorgeraior I will need another software or hardware?
05:44.41Iowagood call
05:45.15jorgeraisomebosy can said me
05:45.17yaboono I wish to plug the phone line into the card and recieve calls and make calls
05:45.29jsharpyaboo:  Then you just need an X100P.
05:45.55MocWhen I dial digit to the voice mail with SJPhone, the asterisk see some digit in double.
05:46.01Mochow can I change that ?
05:46.17h3xdiax > sjphone
05:46.29argosjorgerai: te410p can be used to talk to other voip clients
05:46.55Iowahey _AJ have you implemented any of the IAX stuff through a softclient?
05:47.07h3xargos: what do you wanna use it for with the merlin?
05:47.13jorgeraiok tomorrow I am going to call to the hardware tech that yes but if the another voip is multitech or cisco for example one ata 186
05:47.22Moch3x: diax ?
05:47.23_AJno.... i'm not that far on the learning curve...
05:47.39jorgeraiis working to I can to brin the termination to these
05:48.02*** join/#asterisk Cripon (
05:48.18argosh3x: Merlin 012 POTS ports into *, VoIP over a T1 to a satellite office, then ATA186's on the other end...
05:48.25jsharpjorgerai: The multitechs will work in either H.323 or SIP mode, but not multitech proprietary mode.
05:48.31_AJiowa, been reading way to much about it though... my brain hurts and it's not very organized documentation
05:48.32argosat least, to start with..
05:48.43tom1anyone here with
05:48.45h3xjorgerai: you can do that yeah
05:48.51h3xargos: Well i recommend sticking with something digital
05:48.55jorgeraiok perfect
05:49.01h3xtry using capi bri cards with asterisk
05:49.05h3xplugged into MLX ports on the merlin
05:49.07Mocha ok let me try it then
05:49.12jorgeraiok tomorrow I am going to buy one gateway
05:49.22h3xi personally havent tried it but it should work
05:49.38IowaI implemented IAX on WIN32 but I am trying to implement IAX2 and cannot find the source for the protocol...
05:49.48jsharpThe MLX ports on a merlin are ISDN?
05:49.49jorgeraisomebody know how many days I have to wait for thet card?
05:49.52h3xjsharp: Yes
05:49.59h3xMLX phones are ISDN phones undercover.
05:50.04argosh3x: hmm - hadn't thought of that one...  imagine it would work better...  Now I'm just wondering if Release 3 will handle it..
05:50.12argos(we're a little behind the times)
05:50.24h3xwell the merlin legend was designed for isdn
05:50.32h3xthe phones are S/T BRI ISDN devices
05:50.47Mocdamnit diax doesn't use SIP :(
05:50.49h3xso that you can plug in data BRI equipment to the adjunct port or to the MLX ports directly
05:50.53jorgeraiwow I am very tire
05:51.10jorgeraiwell thank to every body for you hellp
05:51.11h3xyou may need to configure something special for the port but i dont think it matters if its voice
05:51.32h3xjsharp: keep in mind that theres several types of phones and line cards for the merlin..
05:51.49jsharpYah.  I know the merlins quite well.
05:51.58h3xtheres everything from legacy merlin BIS phone support all the way up to TDL cards for Magix phones
05:52.02argosinteresting...  had always thought it worked something like that...  I have 408 GS/LS-MLX cards for the MLX ports
05:52.30h3xbut anyway try out some isdn card that works with kapejod's capi stack for * and let us know...
05:52.42h3xis the satellite office int he same city or close ?
05:53.07argos25 miles or so....  we have a point-to-point T1 between them, Cisco routers on the ends
05:53.24h3xwhy dont you just add/drop some lines to connect two merlins together
05:53.45h3xi suppose losing 64kbs bandwidth for a voice channel sucks but
05:54.06h3xif you upgrade to release 6+, merlin networking is nice
05:54.18argossatellite office only has cheapo POTS phones - no real "system"....  (and only 4 phones to begin with)
05:54.51argossales dude is trying to get me to upgrade to Magix, but I'm not that thrilled with it yet..
05:55.02argosrel 7 upgrade might be possible, though
05:55.09h3xAll you need to upgrade to magix is just buy a CKE4 or CKE5 from ebay
05:55.12h3xand the magix upgrade card
05:55.16h3xyou dont have to ditch any hardware
05:55.20*** join/#asterisk Tommmo (~tps@
05:55.29Tommmocan anyone recommend a 4 port PCI FX-O card ?
05:55.33argoswas told that magix doesn't support BIS phones any more?
05:55.38h3xWell, no it dosent
05:55.47h3xbut bis phones suck anyway
05:55.57angler_Tommmo, there isnt one available yet
05:56.06Tommmowhat about 8 port ?
05:56.12argoshehe - 50+ BIS, 8 MLX...  (and yea, they do suck.  but they are "classic"  :)  )
05:56.20Tommmoangler: i'm just after something more than 1 port
05:56.34angler_there will be a 4 port available hopefully 1st quarter of 04
05:56.43Tommmoand preferably not digium, i have a wildcard X100P and it is terrible
05:56.45Tommmowith echo.
05:57.12angler_well other than digium i dont know
05:57.15h3xwhat would be a really fun project is to make a bri extender with those AVM! fritz cards
05:57.22h3xsince they are the only ones taht can do both network and cpe side bri
05:57.31angler_have you tried to resolve the echo issue?
05:57.35h3xyou could nail up and compress the B channels between the pbx and the phone over the wan
05:57.40h3xand then use hdlc to send the D channel over data
05:57.45*** join/#asterisk Mike (
05:57.52h3xviola, remote MLX phones
05:58.04Tommmoangler_, i have tried, the echo cancellation stuff doesn't really help. I have done a google and it seems many others have the same issue
05:58.09argoshehe - could be an interesting project...
05:58.15Tommmoangler: i have a cisco voice gateway here with an FXO card and it doesn't echo
05:58.26angler_Tommmo, most people habe resolved their echo problems
05:58.39angler_have you tried echo training?
05:59.07argosof course, another aspect of this project is that I want my ext. at work to ring on my desk at home - tired of going into the office every day!
05:59.13angler_try setting echotraing=yes in zapata.conf
05:59.18angler_with newer source
05:59.24Tommmook thanks
05:59.24h3xargos: you can do that with a merlin anyway
05:59.39h3xas long as you get rid of lines that dont have disconnect supervision
05:59.44h3xyou can use follow me or forward
05:59.47angler_echotraining=yes  misspelled it above
05:59.52h3xyou can call in via DISA to set it when you are gone
06:00.07h3xto just call your phone
06:00.07argosyea - remote call forwarding....  use that a bit right now...
06:00.19h3xi wish it just did simultaenous ring
06:00.33h3xactually merlin networking sucks somewhat, it should be more integrated
06:00.38h3xyou cant even remote page
06:01.07h3xall it does is sets up extension groups that are remote
06:01.14h3xhandles vmwi indicators
06:01.16*** join/#asterisk RR (
06:01.19h3xlets you share a voicemail system
06:01.29IowaThanks _AJ
06:01.33Shido6_stupid zaptel.o Error
06:01.48h3xand of course you can use your ARS between pbx's
06:02.18RRHow to register asterisk applications ?
06:02.33Tommmodo the Fritz cards need to have the kernel recompiled to use them?
06:03.16RRanyone can help me  How to register asterisk applications ?
06:04.04jsharpEr, wrong window.
06:04.10argosyea, there are a few things about it that could use some major improvement....  we installed it in 97 to replace an executone SRX system that couldn't handle "3" as the middle digit of the area code in the LCR tables
06:04.29argos(new ohio area code 330)
06:04.36argosonly allowed 0 or 1
06:04.36h3xthats bad
06:05.12RRplz help me  How to register applications in asterisk
06:05.16argosusing that srx system at my side business now - no LCR, but everything else works...
06:05.39h3xunfortunately asterisk has a ways to go before replacing a real PBX completely
06:05.54h3xlike, attendant consoles.  i suppose the excuse is why bother when you have ACD
06:06.11h3xbut lots of people like to have a suck^H^H^Hecretary answer the phone
06:06.26jrollysonh3x: SNOM has something out that could be used as an attendant console.
06:06.33RRh3x :  How to register asterisk applications
06:06.34jrollysonSNOM 220
06:06.36argosyup...  it's getting better, but what the geeks of the world see as important isn't necessarily what the rest of the world thinks is important..
06:07.03*** part/#asterisk _AJ (
06:07.11h3xthats nifty
06:07.15h3xdoes that one have iax in it?
06:07.27jrollysonnot yet that I see.
06:08.18h3xkind of nice that it does GSM
06:10.32*** join/#asterisk RR (
06:12.44h3xwell that phone is cute, but i wonder how DSS indicators work
06:12.52h3xand how difficult it would be to add that to asterisk
06:14.28h3xthe SNOM runs on linuxppc
06:14.54argosthat's one thing I've been looking at - DSS-type things...  everyone likes being able to watch who's on the phone...
06:15.35h3xits difficult to translate technology/dest/... back to extension number though
06:15.46h3xsort of
06:17.07argosand the damn "SA-Voice" channels....  I really hate those - you're in the middle of a meeting, and "*BEEP* Hello?  Hello?"
06:17.24argos(never think of hitting dnd)
06:17.39jrollysonalso, with SIP phones that have multiple call appearances, you'd want to indicate more status codes than just busy/available
06:18.04blitzragelike with ICQ :)
06:18.21h3xi remember when i switched the merlin from key to pbx mode
06:18.25h3xit fucked everybody up
06:18.43h3xi had to start with key mode because everybody was used to a toshiba
06:18.49jrollysonDND, on a call, all call slots full, available.
06:19.07h3xjust have it show them on the screen when they hit the dss key
06:19.15h3xyou know what would bec ool
06:19.20h3xfirst button press = status
06:19.26h3x2nd press = announce/transfer
06:19.36h3xmake more sense than inspct......
06:19.40jrollysonyou'd need available / not available indication at a minimum.
06:20.00h3xhrm all the software source to the snom phone is available on their web site
06:20.17jrollysonh3x: actually, use softkeys for the second action.
06:20.33h3xits quicker to hit the same button a 2nd time
06:20.40h3xwhen you got your fingers there
06:20.45jrollysonok. support both actions.
06:21.00jrollysonthen you can provide alternate actions.
06:21.10h3xsend to vm
06:21.56argosheh - been 7 years now, and people STILL haven't figured out "Feature 56" (send to VM)
06:22.00jrollyson[Whisper] [To VM] [Transfer] [Camp On] [Offer Conference]
06:22.12h3xyou know i never got it to work right
06:22.36argoswhat - f56?
06:22.37h3xand QCC is a fucking joke
06:22.43h3xyou cant redefine ANY buttons
06:23.30tom1anyone know if is there something similar to hylafax that supports voice...somthing that would emulate a dialogic like card?
06:23.49h3xtom1: huh
06:24.36tom1sorry nevermind %)
06:29.59zigmanhehe emulate a hardware card
06:30.59h3xsupposedly you can fax through asterisk by using h323 -> t38modem
06:31.03h3x-> hylafax
06:31.11h3xt38modem is part of openh323
06:31.35h3xobviously you need something uncompressed (pstn or G.711) to the other end
06:31.51zigmant38 only accepts g711
06:32.00h3xof course
06:32.23zigmandoesn'T make sense to compress is to LCP10
06:32.28zigmanor how it that called ?
06:32.30zigmanthe codec
06:32.57h3xaka Mr Roboto ?
06:33.13zigmanwould be fun to see the result :P
06:33.34zigmanit would work... @ one bit per second ;)
06:33.42Mikehey guys do you think this could do a good * server
06:33.46zigmantakes half a year to send a fax
06:33.58zigmansnailmail would be faster
06:35.17zigmanAvailable slots: 2 PCI
06:35.25zigmani wouldn't use it
06:35.54zigmanof course you can... my * box is a pII 400
06:36.03TestMasTerdoes anyone know when using sip with asterisk what port is asterisk looking for a sip connection on
06:36.13Mikezigman: why not?
06:36.30TestMasTeris it 5060? or 5038
06:36.36zigmanMike, cheap hardware = problems
06:36.47Mikezigman: if lindows runs there
06:36.50zigmanget a PIII 800Mhz
06:36.54Mikezigman: means linux will do well
06:36.59zigmanlinux runs on every box
06:37.06zigmanjust a matter of uptime
06:37.11Mikezigman: lindows wouldnt sell shit
06:37.22TestMasTerjsharp:  would someone not be able to telnet it to login, The reason i`m asking is because my server is saying 5060 is open but i can`t get x-lite to connect to it
06:37.22zigmanMike,  you bet they will
06:37.34zigmanits damn cheap
06:37.40jrollysonMike: Its consumer grade hardware.
06:37.41zigmanwhat do you expect
06:37.43Mikezigman: the hardware its certified on lindows
06:37.56jsharpits 5060 UDP, so telnetting to the port wouldn't work.
06:37.57zigmanMike,  that doesn't mean anything
06:38.04Mikeits a cheap computer because its -150 of a windows license
06:38.07argosTestMasTer: netstat -an |grep 5006
06:38.08zigmanit only means it runs on it
06:38.10Mikeplus a -20 works license
06:38.10argoserr, grep 5060
06:38.14jrollysonconsumer grade hardware = ok for those that expect to reboot ocassionally.
06:38.15argosshould say LISTENING
06:38.33argoserr, no it won't.
06:38.33Adamsif jrollyson
06:38.36argosstupid, stupid, stupd
06:38.49Mikethe 350 computer includes windows the +150 are license and i dont even use windows
06:38.53TestMasTerargos:  good day.... And no it doesn`t say listening
06:39.02argosshould show a UDP line that lists port 5060
06:39.04zigmanMike,  don't buy it then
06:39.15Mikei hate having to pay licenses of windows, every time i buy a laptop i have to pay for it and i never use it
06:39.16TestMasTerudp        0      0*
06:39.40zigmanTestMasTer,  -p
06:39.41argosTestMasTer: that's right - it's listening on udp port 5060
06:39.43zigmanshow the programm
06:39.44Mikei think the computer its cheap because theres no need of paying the stupid license
06:39.47Mikeill check the specs
06:40.13zigmanMike, its a cheap cpu, cheap mobo.. SDRAM! !
06:40.15TestMasTerargos: But for some reason remember how i have my internal setup right?
06:40.20zigmanthats like stoneage
06:40.27jrollysonconsumer-grade hardware uses lower quality components. You'll probably find they skimped on the motherboard, powersupply, and case a bit.
06:40.35TestMasTerwell i`m trying with the soft phone and it keeps say port is blocked
06:40.44Mikezigman: what do you recommend?
06:40.53Mikezigman: i was thinking on that or an XBOX with linux
06:40.54zigmanmike get a mobo, cpu, ram and a case
06:41.00jrollysonthat box would be suitable for expermentation.
06:41.07zigmanoff a online shop
06:41.11zigmanbut everthing together
06:41.14zigmanthats what i do
06:41.21jrollysonI wouldn't put it into production though.
06:41.26argosTestMasTer: yup...  could be several things - proxy settings on the soft phone, firewall on the server, etc...
06:41.37Mikejrollyson: the xbox or the lindows PC?
06:41.40zigmanjrollyson,  thats what i told him too
06:41.52zigmandont use an xbox.. no pci slot
06:41.58argos"sip debug" on * may help
06:42.01Mikezigman: theres 4 usbs
06:42.03jsharpugh. * on xbox.
06:42.11jrollysonbulid yourself a nice water cooled P3 or P4
06:42.13zigmanmike so what ?
06:42.18Mikethe game ports are USB you can use U100P
06:42.24zigmanwhere are you going to put the tdms in?
06:42.24TestMasTerargos:  on the server i`ve opened 5060 800 8080 7060 7080 and i`ve set the poxie to
06:42.36Mikei dont use tdms
06:42.41jrollysoncheck reviews on motherboardo.
06:42.42Mikei use sip phones
06:42.50Mikeor sip adapters
06:42.51zigmanand the outgoing line ?
06:42.59Mikezigman: on the USB
06:43.04Mikezigman: the gameports are usbs
06:43.11zigmando whatever you like ;)
06:43.24Mikejrollyson: where can i find good reviews?
06:43.34zigmanmy advice is.. for a production system .. don't use it... for testing .. got fo it
06:43.46zigmanwooot sunrise
06:44.00jrollysonmike: look on overclocking sites
06:44.01zigmantime to go to work ... well i prolly forgot to go to bed :P
06:44.14jrollysonhardware that overclocks well should perform well at normal speeds ;)
06:44.30Mikejrollyson: thats sick:)
06:44.37zigmanno its not
06:44.55argosTestMasTer: terminology might be getting in the way as far as the "proxy"...  is there a "register with" field on the softphone somewhere?
06:45.03Mikemaybe ebay has something desent
06:45.04zigmank guys.. i'm .. need to earn some money
06:45.15TestMasTerargos: not that i have seen
06:45.25TestMasTerargos:  are you running a sip setup?
06:45.28jrollysonoverclocker-friendly hardware has the type of characteristics you want for production servers - good thermal performance, good stability
06:45.57zigmanspeaking of thermal perfomance.. DO NOT GET A _ASROCK_
06:46.01argosTestMasTer: sip everywhere... x-lite's a windoze prog, right?
06:46.07zigmani got a k7vm2
06:46.20zigmanit perfoms okay when the mobo is not in the case
06:46.28TestMasTerargos:  ya
06:46.40zigmani do that ocationally
06:46.57zigmanups... there is snow outside
06:47.09zigmanits SNOWING
06:47.10argosdunno....  my win box is dead right now (surprise), or i'd take a look...
06:47.50TestMasTerargos:  can you tell me how to change the ip address that sip is listening on for connections
06:48.17zigmanTestMasTer, the * box ?
06:48.24argosthere's a "bindaddr=" field in sip.conf
06:48.47argosneeds to be something that is an active interface address on the box, though
06:48.49TestMasTerargos:  can i set that to to listen on both internal and external?
06:49.07argosthat's what mine is set to...
06:49.15blitzrageisn't all interfaces...
06:49.23jsharpYah, it is.
06:52.08TestMasTerhere is another question when i do netstat -l should it not say listening?
06:53.39argosnot for UDP ports...
06:53.48TestMasTeroh ok
06:54.11argosfor udp, "if it's there, it's receiving..."
06:55.13beermeanyone know how to get speex working in sip.conf?
06:55.30TestMasTerargos:  ok
06:55.30blitzrageallow=speex ?
06:56.18beermemy friend said he tried that, and it won't work.. hold on lemme try..
06:57.12blitzragenot totally sure
06:57.14blitzragewas just a guess ;)
07:03.26*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (
07:05.43yaboocan asterisk cluster
07:06.44jrollysonyaboo: there are trunking mechinisms that can be used to build clusters, they take some effort to design a setup though
07:08.51yaboook so asterisk can cluster with a lot of effort
07:15.04wasimyaboo: depends
07:16.17TestMasTersorry zigman i just noticed your comment, what did you mean the box *?
07:16.19yaboowasim as in how
07:16.33zigmanTestMasTer,  never mind
07:16.43TestMasTerzigman:  ok sorry about that
07:17.25wasimyaboo: cluster on what level, what etechnlology, whats the purpose
07:17.49yaboowasim as in reduncancy and scalability?
07:18.36wasimyaboo: yes, you can , with TDMoE, or with dialplan failover, or with a l4 switch
07:18.45wasimyaboo: those are not too difficult
07:18.55yaboobut not by software alone
07:19.26wasimthere is no concept of software alone in this world, all software requires hardware to run on, otherwise its as good as vaporware
07:20.02yaboowasim true
07:20.06wasimyaboo: but dialplan failover is as close to by"software alone" as you'll get , but then you may have some weaknesses
07:20.22wasimyaboo: also, TDMoE can work wonders if you have it setup right
07:20.39rollergrrldoes iax work over nat?
07:21.22wasimrollergrrl: over, under, through
07:22.00jrollysonhow does the damn ion painter work in UT2003
07:22.07wasimrollergrrl: if you're nice to it :) actually IAX is totally NAT friendly
07:22.39rollergrrlyes... but I doubt it's Lori friendly
07:23.13wasimmust be a colloquism, who be Lori?
07:23.34TestMasTerasterisk can run sip skinny   at the same time correct, There wouldn`t be a problemwith my ip phones being on skinnny and the soft phone on sip would there?
07:24.15argosTestMasTer: correct...  * should translate the signalling between them
07:24.23wasimah, rollergrrl, nah, it should be lori friendly too
07:24.36TestMasTerargos:  ok i didn`t think there would be a problem
07:24.49TestMasTerI`ve beenworking at this all day and not gettinng annoyed lol
07:25.02*** join/#asterisk naeem (~heiko_sie@
07:25.13*** part/#asterisk naeem (~heiko_sie@
07:25.17argosthat's one of the beautiful things about asterisk - mixmatch between lots of different protocols...
07:25.32argosheh - patience.....:)
07:25.46TestMasTerargos:  you have used x-lite be4 right?
07:26.00*** join/#asterisk seemore (
07:26.08TestMasTeroh lol well thats no help lol
07:26.55argoslemme try and take a peek....
07:27.06TestMasTerargos:  see the problem i`m having when trying to connect xlite to the asterisk server i get Detected the server is blocked  or something like that
07:29.46*** join/#asterisk cman (~cman1@
07:31.05cmanzap channels not working..... channels=>2-5... eariler i had channels => 3 and now after editing . restarting * lets only call thru ch 3...
07:32.57argosewww... x-lite too graphic-intensive to run over RDP connection....
07:33.30cmanwhy ain't my zap 2-4 -5 not working!
07:33.35cmanrestarting my box now
07:33.54cmanjust worked..phewwwwww
07:34.55argosTestMasTer: shoot me an email reminding me to do so, and i'll check out x-lite w/asterisk tomorrow at work...
07:35.25TestMasTerargos:  could you msg me your addy again
07:37.13rollergrrlwhat's the problem you're having with xlite?
07:38.58argosxchat, xeyes, xdpyinfo, etc..
07:39.46TestMasTerargos:  Would you have time to take a boo at my sip setup i`m wondering if i did something wrong with that
07:39.52seemorewhat cb works best with * ? Carrier access AB1 or Adtran TA 750 ?
07:40.06wasimOMG they blowled aus out!
07:40.50*** part/#asterisk yaboo (
07:46.39*** join/#asterisk Cripon (
07:47.36CriponAnyone know how to unlock a Cisco 7960 with firmware POS3-04-4-00
07:49.17*** join/#asterisk rajo (
07:49.39wasimmorning rajo
07:49.48rajohello wasim
07:50.27rajowhat's new? :)
07:50.44cmanhy wasim.
07:50.56wasimrajo: trying to get iax2 on farfon
07:55.21rajowow! it starts snowing here!
07:55.38CriponIs there any hope of me unlocking this 7960 short of a hammer? :)
07:56.56*** join/#asterisk lele (
07:58.04TestMasTerCripon:  you tryed to call cisco?
08:00.24Criponnah.. Kram just lent me this phone this evening
08:01.07many"unlock" wtf do you want to unlock?
08:01.11CriponHe wants me to write a tftp configuration script that he can put in cvs
08:01.53manya what?
08:01.53CriponI want to get in to change the tftp server, but I ain't got the password.
08:02.16manyyou boot the the phone, it gets dhcp and you tell it by dhcp where the tftp is
08:02.59Criponhmmm. that'll work?
08:03.08wasimthats what we're suing
08:03.11manyit did for me and a lot of users.
08:04.00manywhy did kram choose you for the job again? ;-P
08:04.24Criponhe's a nice guy.. wanted to give me something to do
08:04.31Criponhelp me learn I think
08:06.20*** join/#asterisk Levch (~Levch@
08:11.09jrollysonCripon: donno if this will help, but...
08:15.08CriponI've read that that only works on older firmware
08:15.19CriponI tried it to no avail.. Thanks for the tip though
08:19.32*** join/#asterisk sobol__ (
08:19.47sobol__helo folks
08:20.25CriponI put a option tftp-server-name = "ip"; in my dhcpd.conf and restarted dhcpd.  I then restarted the phone, but it didn't pick up the tftp server's ip from the dhcp server.
08:20.29Criponhello sobol
08:20.49Criponthanks "many" for the dhcpd tip
08:23.07wasimCripon: no, put it in next-servedr
08:23.25wasimrajo: options, someitmes don't get parsed, unless your farfon, in which case it does :P
08:24.05wasimCripon: also, what dhcpd are you running, and ethereal is your friend
08:24.34*** join/#asterisk point (1000@
08:25.27voidptrey sobol
08:25.39voidptrmorn wasim
08:25.41sobolvoidptr: hody
08:26.22sobolvoidptr: what is the weather like in NL
08:26.23*** join/#asterisk xilofonte (~ddddddd@
08:26.34jrollysonhmm. looking at an intertex ix66
08:27.00voidptrhorrible :D
08:30.05fonzaihi guys! anyone having call progress detection (ringing, answer etc.) working on analog lines? currently I'm looking for * compatible fxo hardware supporting polarity reversal.
08:31.19*** join/#asterisk martin13351 (
08:31.20wasimfonzai: x100p supports that for far end disconnect supervision?
08:32.03*** part/#asterisk Kumbang (~mandimadu@
08:32.07*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~mandimadu@
08:32.14*** part/#asterisk martin13351 (
08:32.22fonzaivasim: yes, disconnect supervision works fine for me, too. The problem is I need both answer and disconnect supervision :(
08:32.33wasimfonzai: callprogress=yes in zapta.conf
08:32.38wasimConnor: but ymmv
08:33.09fonzaivasim: I'm living in Europe :(
08:33.35fonzaivasim: That is, callprogress=yes works for US tones only..
08:33.56wasimfonzai: well, i use it in PK
08:34.21jrollysonI thought it worked regardless of country, so long as the right tone zone is set in the zaptel.conf
08:35.20wasimjrollyson:i think there are some hardcoded stuff in dsp.c
08:35.22fonzaijrollyson: ok, I have to test a bit more. This far, I haven't had success..
08:37.25fonzaiwasim: btw, what do you think, should work by changing the hardcoded stuff (tones)?
08:38.10wasimfonzai: perhaps, best ask someone who really know, like coppice or martin
08:38.29wasimfonzai: my analog days are OVER :)
08:38.45jrollysonwasim: mine arent for a while.
08:38.53jrollysonI like my PRI though ;)
08:39.00fonzaiwasim: happy for you! :)
08:39.18jrollysonout-of-band signalling > *
08:39.36fonzaijrollyson: my PRIs work fine, but I need several analog ones for GSM routing purposes :(
08:40.19manycripon: your fon seems to be picky :)
08:45.01Criponmany + wasim: it's Malcolm Davenports phone.. at least that's what the screen says. ;-p, but the phone starts off with the CDP, then get's it's ip, and immediatly tries to get it's configuration from the hardcoded tftp server
08:46.15manymh. then steal its ip? :)
08:46.56Criponthis is such a pain in the arse.. I think I'll go to bed and pester malcolm to give me the password tomorrow
08:50.17wasimyay  ... malcom in the middle!
08:50.30wasimCripon: did you have surgery too?
08:54.39Criponthanks for the help
08:54.44Cripongoing to bed
08:54.48Cripongnight all
08:57.19*** join/#asterisk bobb_ (
08:58.42bobb_ugh i forgot i was root
08:59.36bobb_once a sip phone is registered... what would prevent it from dialing?  I see no ip traffic coming from the phone once it's registered
09:05.41*** join/#asterisk Jonas_Quinn (
09:08.28h3xsome kid called 7774444 and left me a message with a bunch of dtmf tones
09:08.32h3xi guess that makes sense
09:08.40h3xpressing buttons!
09:09.37h3xhaha and then someone called 7773456 and put their phone in the pocket
09:09.50h3xi can hear their conversation with someone
09:11.04*** join/#asterisk _xilofonte (~ddddddd@
09:11.25beermehow do we get speex working?
09:12.25levonmorning all
09:23.40lelemorning levon
09:24.15*** join/#asterisk olivier (
09:28.49sxpert_workmorning all
09:29.06levonmorning lele
09:29.10levonmorning sxpert_work
09:29.52lelemorning sxpert_work
09:30.03sxpert_worklevon, they got saddam but Bin Laden & Omar are still doing wheelings on their moped :)
09:30.30levonsxpert_work, must be microsofts fault. maybe they got the wrong powerpoint presentations ..
09:30.50sxpert_worklevon, lol
09:30.52*** join/#asterisk Poemius (~youness@
09:31.06Poemiusgood morning :)
09:31.50levon2u2, Poemius
09:32.20*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
09:33.41wasimi saw omer at the local shoppe, he was buying bagettes and an issue of hot rods and nitros
09:33.55beermeanyone got speex to work in asterisk?
09:36.08*** join/#asterisk RoyK^ (
09:42.16*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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09:47.08Poemiuspaf! :)
09:47.24*** join/#asterisk siggi (
09:56.32PoincareHow do I set the rxgain/txgain in zapata.conf?
09:56.43Poincarepositive numbers is 'louder'?
09:57.28RoyKPoincare: yep
09:57.32RoyK+3 == +3db
09:57.35*** join/#asterisk yaboo (
09:58.10RoyK3db is normally the level the human ear can distiguish
09:58.10Poincareroyk and then reload or restart *?
09:58.34RoyKPoincare: try reload. I don't know if that helps. if not, try restart
09:58.57PoincareReload doesn't help :-|
10:00.08RoyKrestart when inconvenient
10:00.35PoincareI'm doing it the hard way: stop now :-)
10:01.50PoincareHmmm, is it possible to set the gain on SIP phones?
10:02.25RoyKthink so...
10:03.26RoyKdoesn't look like it
10:03.48RoyKgrepped chan_sip.c for gain, and looked in configs, and nothing
10:05.32PoincareAny clue why calls from the SIP phones get dropped when the other side picks up the phone?
10:06.02PoincareDe SIP keeps getting the ringing tone, the other side gets a busy signal...
10:06.15RoyKprobably because of sun storms... or Krakatoa's revenge...
10:06.55*** join/#asterisk ack (
10:06.57PoincareDamned... I just thought it was Murphy
10:08.40*** join/#asterisk cman (~cman1@
10:09.55*** join/#asterisk renuzit (
10:10.30sudhirNewbie question: How do I start a manager CLI (to be able to record a call, or monitor a call)
10:10.40cman./nick arun
10:10.55arunhi renuzit
10:11.09aruni have a problem
10:11.24aruncan u help me
10:11.46renuzitumm.. i don't think i can
10:11.49arunrenuzit i am talking to u
10:11.57renuzitsince i've never actually installed asterisk
10:12.28renuzitsorry :(
10:12.32sudhirarun, are you having installation probelm
10:14.02sudhirhi Shido6
10:14.57sudhiron asterisk command line, when I issue the command  "show manager command", it replies
10:14.58sudhirNo such command 'show manager command' (type 'help' for help)
10:15.17Shido6_what are you looking to do?
10:15.22levonsudhir: show <tab> and go from there
10:15.26levonshow m<tab> ...
10:15.28levonand so on
10:15.29levon(auto completion)
10:16.19sudhirYes, in auto completion I dont see manager, however on typing help, I do see the command "show manager command"
10:16.40sudhirIn any case, how to get to a manager CLI prompt, to be able to record a call.
10:17.13levonthere is no manager CLI, because its not a CLI but a manager port ;)
10:17.15sudhirI have got my first test setup working now, and want to try out the recording feature
10:17.17levonbut you can have a telnet session
10:17.28sudhiroh, thanks
10:17.51sudhirdoes that mean that I can telnet to that port and issue commands?
10:20.21*** join/#asterisk AtoB (~shahinkha@
10:20.27levonsudhir, yes.
10:29.12*** join/#asterisk xover (
10:33.03*** join/#asterisk renuzit (
10:38.00*** join/#asterisk vindex (
10:42.08levonJust wanted to let you know you were just left a 10979:54 long message (number 151)
10:44.07*** join/#asterisk montag (
10:44.20montaghi everyone, i'm a asterisk newbie.
10:44.53montagtonight i ran my first asterisk based PBX, with only 1 gnophone client and a outbound isdn line :-) Now i've some question
10:45.08montagthere's anyone ??
10:45.15levononly 179 people
10:45.30levon~tell montag about ask2ask
10:46.19*** join/#asterisk skornn (
10:46.20wasimyay ... the pcb got ordered
10:46.36montagi use an old ISA usr sportster isdn card in modem emulation (ttyI0, no capi drivers...), it's possibile to use 2 isdn channel with this configuration ???
10:46.54levonif it maps ttyI1 to the other channel, yes.
10:47.19montagi can use two channel together ???
10:47.22*** join/#asterisk xilofonte_ (~ddddddd@
10:47.26skornnanyone know how to get the speex codec to work?
10:47.55montagi can, with ttyI0 use call progress detection or, at least, see if the called phone have answered ???
10:48.04montagthe route a call to a client...
10:50.44RoyKlevon: how large was that file? 10979:54...?
10:52.22levon0 bytes
10:53.45steeshm... you cats know if I can easily integrate my existing PBX with asterisk
10:54.00steesto run asterisk off an extension of the normal PBX in any way ?
10:54.14wasimstees: analog dumb pbx? Flash / SendDTMF
10:54.34steeshavent a clue
10:54.49steesspose i'll need to research it, although havent a clue about what i'd need to look for
10:55.27wasimplug a PBX extensions into FXO port, and PBX trunks into FXS ports
10:58.55*** join/#asterisk kapejod (
10:59.42kapejodit's bri time today
11:00.18kapejodexperimental drivers are online :)
11:01.17af_hi kapejod
11:01.28levonmeep meep
11:01.34levonre af_
11:01.39af_hi levon
11:01.50af_experimental drivers of...?
11:02.53lelekapejod: GREAT!
11:03.05discordiahi kapejod !
11:03.06lelekapejod: (morning!)
11:03.20kapejodmorning lele
11:03.30kapejodbut beware you might fry your BRI ;)
11:04.24RoyKkapejod: how's the el cheapo HFC PCI driver going?
11:04.39RoyK...I mean - you mentioned it should be finished in a week or so - a few months ago
11:04.53kapejodtime is relative!
11:06.24leleare you moving that fast kapejod?
11:06.37kapejodw00t w00t
11:06.39kapejodsure ;)
11:13.27*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
11:17.20*** join/#asterisk JoeCool (~dcgomes@
11:21.25RoyKkapejod: but - any idea when that driver'll be ready? how's that quad/octo bri going, anyway?
11:21.45*** join/#asterisk Bonbon (~bonbon@
11:22.24wasimyay!, we're in budget for the pcb quote ...
11:22.25kapejodRoyK: there are still some issues with the hfc-pci which i have to resolve.
11:22.52RoyKhow about those quad/octo bri cards?
11:23.07kapejodthe driver is online, the cards are available :)
11:24.34af_kapejod: they use the chan_capi ?
11:24.48kapejodaf_: no, they use zaptel
11:25.54RoyKkapejod: and it's stable?
11:26.03af_how many bri available? 1,2,4?
11:26.42kapejodRoyK: of course it is not stabe yet
11:27.19kapejodaf_: the quadBRI has 4 BRI ports which can be NT or TE
11:27.37af_there is 2bri model also?
11:28.09kapejodno, but there will be a driver for the hfc-pci chipset
11:28.21af_ok, how cost the 4 bri stuff?
11:28.36RoyKcards that'll cost you ¤50 a piece or so
11:28.42kapejodit's 600 euros
11:28.54RoyKfor which one?
11:29.03kapejodfor the quadBRI
11:29.41RoyKthat's good :)
11:29.44af_it's a passive or active card?
11:29.58RoyKI beleive we paid ~6k NOK for our AVM C2
11:30.00RoyKaf_: passive
11:30.01kapejodit's kind of active , but it has no DSPs ;)
11:30.53af_echo cancel?
11:31.14kapejodlike every zaptel device
11:33.38af_kapejod: do yiu deliver in italy?
11:34.08RoyKmy 'restart'... and 'stop'... commands are gone!
11:34.35Poemiusthey escaped or something?
11:36.01*** join/#asterisk xpasha_work (
11:36.05kapejodaf_: we ship worldwide
11:36.55*** join/#asterisk eeee (
11:37.00RoyKscitzokapejod :D
11:37.40*** join/#asterisk zzvox (
11:38.04kapejodRoyK: we ==
11:43.02[Sim]hey kapejod
11:43.12[Sim]whats up with the zapbri and zapquadbri ?
11:43.26kapejodhi mr. [Sim], sir!
11:43.39[Sim]good afternoon :)
11:43.59kapejodexperimental quadbri drivers are online, hfc-pci stuff will follow soon ( i really want that 19" cheese...) ;)
11:44.45RoyKkapejod: EXPN soon
11:44.54wasimi'll chip into the the 19" cheese
11:45.12kapejodRoyK: asap
11:45.44*** join/#asterisk dnc (
11:46.03RoyKkapejod: I thought more like
11:46.06RoyK502 Error: command not implemented
11:46.21kapejodwhatever ;9
11:46.40wasimhfc-pci hfc-pci!
11:46.57Pj_ctulhu ctulhu !
11:54.40sackAnyone has implement a monitoring system for Asterisk ? ( i mean a kind of Big Brother )
11:55.42steesanyone here currently using Asterisk on a live business system ?
11:55.48wasimor, sniff it off the ether!
11:57.12JoeCoolI tough my questions were stupid
11:57.58JoeCoolok, still are
11:59.50*** join/#asterisk mbranca (~matteo@
11:59.52lecramkapejod: will the zapbri driver also supply a time source?
12:00.12mbrancamorning all astguys
12:00.18lelemorn mbranca
12:00.22mbrancaciao lele
12:01.20wasimmonring lecram
12:01.50lelembranca:  in that PRI: error read on xx: error code 500, the xx is not the channel
12:02.21*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
12:02.53kapejodmbranca: morning :) it's bri time
12:04.44mbrancareally really really?
12:05.27*** join/#asterisk _xilofonte (~ddddddd@
12:05.47*** join/#asterisk gadams666 (~wileyuser@
12:07.39mbrancacool... downloading bthem :)
12:08.19kapejodmbranca: i see that...
12:08.42kapejodmbranca: it's still very experimental ;)
12:09.51kapejodlele: better steal a BRI too
12:11.41mbrancaso 0 is all port in NT
12:11.50kapejodno all in te
12:11.56mbrancaoops, yep
12:12.01mbrancaI meant than
12:12.07mbrancaand 16 all in NT
12:12.07kapejodmbranca: make sure you set those "switches" accordingly
12:12.14mbrancaalready done :)
12:12.27kapejod16 would be port 5 in NT
12:12.34mbranca2^4 = 16 :)
12:12.51kapejod1 + 2 + 4 + 8 = 15
12:12.52*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
12:13.10kapejodit's a bitmap
12:13.12mbrancaI know... was only a joke
12:15.21mbranca[root@astro asterisk-core]# patch -p0 --dry-run </root/zapBRI/bri-stuff-0.0.1/zaptel.patch
12:15.21mbrancapatching file zaptel/Makefile
12:15.21mbrancaHunk #1 succeeded at 45 (offset 2 lines).
12:15.21mbrancaHunk #2 FAILED at 60.
12:15.21mbrancaHunk #3 succeeded at 81 (offset 6 lines).
12:15.23mbranca1 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file zaptel/Makefile.rej
12:15.25mbrancapatching file zaptel/zaptel.c
12:15.27mbrancaHunk #1 FAILED at 28.
12:15.29mbrancaHunk #2 succeeded at 4445 (offset 165 lines).
12:15.31mbrancaHunk #4 succeeded at 4531 (offset 165 lines).
12:15.33mbrancaHunk #6 succeeded at 5223 (offset 196 lines).
12:15.35mbranca1 out of 7 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file zaptel/zaptel.c.rej
12:15.37mbrancapatching file zaptel/zaptel.h
12:15.39mbrancaHunk #1 FAILED at 24.
12:15.41mbrancaHunk #2 succeeded at 881 (offset 15 lines).
12:15.43mbrancaHunk #3 succeeded at 1101 (offset 4 lines).
12:15.45mbranca1 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file zaptel/zaptel.h.rej
12:15.51kapejodyeah, i got an email already....
12:16.00kapejodmust update that too latest cvs
12:16.07mbrancaok... manually updating... :)
12:16.26sumacan i monitor calls between two IAX clients without bandwidth burden ?
12:17.12sumakapejod can you plz help
12:17.54wasimsuma: bandeidth burden?
12:19.30sumawasim: IAXC --> *1 ------> *2   Calls to *2 pass through *1. Can *1 knows when the call is terminated without consuming the voice & signalling bandwidth?
12:19.52wasimsuma: signalling
12:19.56sumawasim: or with only signalling
12:20.28sumaI think in IAX both voice & signalling were mixed together. am i right?
12:24.52wasimnah, they both use the same udp port, but its not inband, perse
12:25.59*** join/#asterisk mbranca_ (~matteo@
12:26.09puzzledkapejod: congrats with the first public release!
12:26.11JoeCoolI think he wants to know how to distinguish siganlling packets from voi packtes and multicast only the signalling ones ...
12:27.09voidptrehm, with analogue dect sets... is there a reason why you can or cannot transfer with flash...? (i'm totally clueless about it so...)
12:28.19JoeCoolmaybe a packet filter such as iptables + module can reroute IAX signalling packets ...
12:28.48JoeCoolwrite the module yourself
12:32.12voidptruh? :P
12:32.47voidptruse some nice shaping
12:32.54JoeCoolI was talking to suma
12:33.19puzzledvoidptr: don't see why there should be a problem
12:33.59*** join/#asterisk Merlin83b (
12:37.54kapejodmbranca: i am updating the patches, just a sec....
12:40.10*** join/#asterisk cypromis (
12:42.52voidptrpuzzled : me neither but..., people say it doesn't work ;)
12:48.51YoYoworks for me... zhone cb and a T100P
12:49.15YoYobut using # is faster
12:50.06YoYodunno what dect is though
12:50.31*** join/#asterisk dr_welby|laptop (
12:50.57wasimYoYo: 2.4 ghz or similar digital cordles thingies
12:51.45YoYojust a normal phone like you'd plug into any old POTS line?
12:51.51mbrancakapejod, ok :)
12:52.11mbrancaI'm speaking with a salesman, meanwhile ... :/
12:52.36YoYoahem... friends don't let friends talk with salesmen
12:52.53YoYobut your not my friend, so I'll shut up now
12:52.58voidptrehm, what was just mentioned on the ml about an analogue line being required by law...(for emergency services) is there such a law in europe/holland?
12:54.16YoYoI don't know if it's required.  I know plenty of people who have given up all their land lines in favor of cell phones
12:54.21YoYobut it's a good idea
12:54.57lecramvoidptr: might be a problem in a commercial situation (in an office)
12:55.33*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
12:56.29YoYowe're keeping 2 analog lines, 1 for faxing, 1 for a 'hotline' of sorts.  both are used by our PC techs for testing modems, and also used by * for 911 calls.  one is also used by our alarm system
12:56.30voidptrwell i'm thinking of keeping an analogue phone line at every *
12:56.51YoYoin a normal office, I'd keep 1 analog line for fax and lifeline
12:57.55lecramvoidptr: put a regular phone on it, and mark it clearly.. make sure everyone knows where it is
12:58.24voidptrit depends on the availability of the fxo module...
12:58.34voidptra fax/phone combination...
12:58.41YoYoyou could do that, or just hook * up to it.  route 911 over it
12:58.54YoYoincoming calls go to the fax machine
12:59.05YoYoyou still have the ability to dial 911 from any phone
12:59.19lecramunless the power goes out
12:59.27voidptrwe use cell phones to reach people in case of emergency
12:59.54YoYovoid, does holland not have a 911 (or 911-style) emergency dispatch service?
13:00.36mbrancaring ring
13:00.42voidptrmbranca : cool :P
13:00.44RoyKeuropean standard - 112
13:01.05YoYogood to know in case I ever travel to Europe =D
13:01.06voidptrit was 06-11 like 10 years ago
13:01.17voidptr(in holland)
13:01.26wasimhere its 15
13:01.47*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
13:02.14wasimwhich is silly, coz talking clock is 14
13:02.55voidptrwhat is the talking clock here...
13:03.13voidptri know 118 is the service with speech recog. to call someone
13:03.41wasimso people invariably find 15 is full, cos of lame people dialed the worng dtmf
13:05.06RoyKwasim: you're at GMT+2 or something?
13:06.22*** join/#asterisk beerme (
13:08.02wasimdo i get a cookie?
13:09.09*** join/#asterisk loko_moko (
13:09.53RoyK'wasim wanna cracker'?
13:09.58*** join/#asterisk dinodrac (rollyson@
13:11.14wasimyay ... aid!
13:14.59lecramhow far along is the nda?
13:17.43*** join/#asterisk zono (
13:18.33RoyK~fra Bush
13:18.37RoyK~frag Bush
13:18.39ACTION readies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at Bush
13:18.44*** join/#asterisk h3x0r (
13:18.56RoyK~teleport jbot
13:20.41wasimlecram: the farfon thingy? screw the nda, i've got problems with the pcb people
13:21.05wasimlecram: now it seems i wont get the first test board fo 10 days
13:21.52wasimi know, i know, we lost 10 days in this
13:22.08wasimatleast now we can order the components
13:22.55Bonboncan anyone tell me how you configure a TE410P to deal with data channels?
13:24.19*** join/#asterisk nitram (
13:25.01*** join/#asterisk Levch (~Levch@
13:26.34*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~mandimadu@
13:27.00*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
13:28.09*** join/#asterisk landrocker (
13:29.32sxpert_workRoyK, blue ?
13:29.46RoyKBlue Java
13:29.47landrockerBawls + Java
13:30.56RoyKmy favourite
13:30.57landrockerI do
13:34.12*** join/#asterisk tholo (
13:34.16landrockerI wanna try some of that Pacific Chai
13:36.34*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
13:37.05landrockerhey FC
13:37.32landrockeryou sure?
13:37.49FuzzyCatup and down like a whore's drawers
13:42.45sxpert_workRoyK: This is gonna take a while, we advise you to go on lunch break
13:43.47puzzleddo a quick format then
13:44.47RoyKFORMAT INTERNET: /q /s /u
13:45.15JoeCooldd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/internet
13:46.08RoyKncftpget -R ftp://*
13:46.15RoyKwget -r http://*
13:46.26RoyKbackup's important
13:51.35*** join/#asterisk asdfff (
13:54.10tzangerwow I guess I did a real good job with bug 666 :-)
14:06.42Bonbonanyone know about the bug fix for chan_sip.c for
14:06.42*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
14:06.47Bonbonforget that
14:08.38*** join/#asterisk cypromis (
14:11.46*** join/#asterisk mack_jpn (
14:12.35mack_jpnsipphone downed?
14:14.23*** join/#asterisk DS-UK (
14:15.03*** join/#asterisk coppice_ (
14:16.00wasimhola mr coppice_ sir
14:16.26coppice_wasim: hi mr far-off-fon
14:16.38DS-UKDoes anyone know about whether a certain lucent chip'ed modem will work in linux/with asterisk?
14:16.56*** join/#asterisk deepak (
14:17.03deepakhello sir
14:17.07wasimcoppice_: not so far-off, we got he pcb ordered finally
14:17.24deepaki is anyone there to help me
14:17.38wasim179 odd ... waiting for a chance, deepak
14:17.47DS-UKit's a Hayes modem, but I can't find any details/specs about it anywhere, it's got a Lucent HV90P-T chip
14:17.47coppice_wasim: some people have already got your prototypes ordered. they are ahead of you :-)
14:18.01coppice_wasim: yes. 179 is odd
14:18.28*** join/#asterisk lorenita (~asd@
14:18.33wasimcoppice_: its also my weigh in pounds, how odd
14:18.37deepaki am waiting , hoping  will get you soon
14:18.56lorenitaFile chan_sip.c, Line 464 (retrans_pkt): Maximum retries exceeded on call 3bf5baa639f127080b99cbff7b0d1424@ for seqno 102 (Request)
14:19.03lorenitawhat is it ?
14:20.58lorenitasome can help me
14:21.45wasimcoppice_: its costing me $10 per PCB! bloody highway bandit robbers
14:21.55wasimcoppice_: for these 50 units
14:22.05sxpert_workwasim, lol
14:22.08*** join/#asterisk rot200 (~YO@
14:22.11coppice_wasim: I said use *2* layers, not 22!
14:22.48wasimcoppice_: yeah, you'd figure, but no, stupid monopoly legacy government left over bureaucratic industry
14:23.14coppice_wasim: you are letting the government make them? weird
14:23.59wasimcoppice_: no, no, its a legacyex-govt shop that was privatised
14:24.09wasimcoppice_: but they didn't change their mind set
14:24.13*** join/#asterisk espenHome (
14:24.26espenHomeuhm, i bought a 7960, will it not work without a licence?
14:24.33coppice_wasim: why use them?
14:24.44wasimcoppice_: very limited choice right now
14:26.14wasimcoppice_:  atleast aviation week is on discovery :)
14:26.31*** part/#asterisk DS-UK (
14:27.06learathespenHome: should work
14:27.11learathespenHome: which image/
14:27.19coppice_wasim: I spent 10 years designing bits of planes. I'm bored with them :-\
14:27.36*** join/#asterisk jtodd (~jtodd@
14:27.42wasimcoppice_: me too ... i still do, i have a sig spacewalker 1/3 scale just waiting to be put together
14:27.44learathcoppice_: build me a plane! <Grin>
14:28.11coppice_wasim: I worked on 1/1 scale planes :-\
14:28.24wasimcoppice_: pfft ...
14:28.44coppice_wasim: what do you want? larger than 1/1?
14:29.38learathonly the russians build larger than 1/1
14:29.46wasimcoppice_: actually, noa at this stage, i'll just be happy with a PCB at .20c and a 16x4 LCD that do hanzi at $5 , please
14:30.14coppice_wasim: I think that would be overpaying for the LCD.
14:30.29Pj_like hunikode, but hanzi
14:30.29coppice_learath: what the Han people write
14:30.36learathnot familiar with it
14:32.08coppice_Pj_ Its the Han, not the Hun
14:32.15Pj_oh sorry
14:32.25zonoHi I want to ask what is the difference betwenn oh323 and h323 ?
14:32.58learathone is written by assholes I don't like, one is written by an asshole I like <Grin>
14:34.19coppice_zono: One has problems, and the other has different problems. underneath, they both use the same OpenH323 libraries to do the hard work
14:36.24*** join/#asterisk stst (
14:36.35tzangerlearath: hahahaha
14:36.44tzangercoppice I did good with bug #666 eh?
14:36.52tzangerit's an insidious little bugger
14:37.09lorenitazono the different is in the type of the Drivers.
14:37.26*** join/#asterisk anthm (
14:38.29espenHomei bought a cisco 7690 and it does not work..
14:38.46deepakwasim r u there i am waiting
14:39.15coppice_tzanger: What's bug #666? "When I clicked, a 7 headed dragon rose from the sea, and these 4 weird horsemen appeared"?
14:39.29tzangercoppice_: exactly
14:39.30wasimdeepak: huh?
14:39.39wasimdeepak: just ask, someone will respond
14:39.50coppice_tzanger: even MS don't give you bugs that nasty!
14:41.01deepaki wants to know about fxo card
14:41.13deepakhow he can help me
14:41.49zonoAnd in this case they use differen protocols ????
14:42.02wasimdeepak: the X100P/
14:42.56RoyK'for more information, please dial your social security number, any credit card number and associated information, and wait for further answer'
14:43.29deepakwhat is X100p
14:43.44wasimdeepak: an fxo card
14:43.58wasimdeepak: under products/hardware
14:43.58*** join/#asterisk rajo (
14:44.18deepaki am going to use asterisk software for voip and other functions
14:44.27wasimdeepak: hooray!
14:44.41deepakso , which hardware i hv to  use
14:44.58deepaktell me in some details
14:45.03*** join/#asterisk dnc (
14:45.05wasimdeepak: under products/hardware
14:47.25*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
14:48.36coppice_Royk: bread making?
14:48.51RoyKjust greeting doughecka
14:49.19RoyK~frag doughecka
14:49.23ACTION readies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at doughecka
14:49.30doughecka~meepgun royk_heim
14:49.33ACTION shoots royk_heim with a   anti-quark gun
14:49.37doughecka~meepgun RoyK
14:49.40ACTION shoots RoyK with a magneto-ionized quark gun
14:49.40deepaki wasim i dont know much about hardawre used for that , so plz tell me which hardware i hv to take
14:49.47RoyK~kill doughecka
14:49.49ACTION slits doughecka's throat
14:49.49*** join/#asterisk Pete1 (
14:50.00RoyK~slap doughecka
14:50.13ACTION slaps doughecka, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
14:50.13wasimwheee ... i got the coic for the moduilar ATA
14:50.13learathhmm.  usefull.  robot assassins...
14:50.14doughecka~whaleslap RoyK
14:50.22ACTION slaps RoyK upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
14:50.22wasimwell, atleast confirmation that they will send samples
14:50.22learathwasim: coic?
14:50.22deepakfor full utilization of asterisk
14:50.27coppice_As the great philosopher Shrek once said "Can't we all just get along?"
14:50.37dougheckaits kram
14:50.38wasimlearath: yeah, for connecting to pstn analog
14:50.40dougheckaeverybody freeze!
14:50.48wasimmorning mr spencer
14:51.00learathahh cool
14:51.02RoyKs/doughecka/very small shell script/gm
14:51.04deepaku there wasim
14:51.14wasimdeepak: alledgedly
14:53.45*** join/#asterisk sjoeperd (
14:53.49dougheckaI mean scp
14:54.32espenHomeanybody with experience on cisco 7690 ?
14:54.36espenHome7960 even
14:56.41wasimhmm... "farfon model 69, have IAX with your loved one"
14:56.42*** join/#asterisk dimmik (dimmm@ios3.intranet.GR)
14:57.18*** join/#asterisk Lafinion (
14:57.22dimmikHi everyone. Anyone knows if g723 can be used with * ?
14:57.52wasimdimmik: in pass through mode, until some one comes up with a .so and a license
14:58.25learath(the license is the hard part)
14:58.38coppice_wasim: or a .so and a Jolly Roger flag :-)
14:59.23dimmikso if I put 2 GS phones, will they talk to each other in g723?
14:59.24wasimcoppice_: :)
15:01.15*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
15:01.26espenHomeanybody with experience on cisco 7690 ?
15:01.34espenHomeanybody with experience on cisco 7960 ?
15:04.00gadams666espenHome: what's the question (a little exp with the 7960 here)
15:04.04*** join/#asterisk scottie5 (
15:05.01espenHomegadams666: uhm, i have the phone and it does not work.. uhm..
15:05.10*** part/#asterisk zono (
15:06.16*** join/#asterisk km- (
15:07.17learathwhat we need is a coder in russia putting out all these bullshit "licensed only to 1M$ companies" codecs out in .so form
15:09.37LevchWhy in Russia?
15:09.50km-because in soviet russia....
15:10.02LevchWhy in Soviet Russia?
15:10.18km-it's part of a very, very overplayed joke
15:10.27tzangerkm-: ha
15:10.31km-"In Soviet Russia, the Asterisk Codes You!"
15:10.35km-or whatever
15:10.45tzangerkm-: there is no 'the' in Russian IIRC
15:11.00tzangerIn Soviet Russia, $1M codecs provide YOU!
15:11.46gadams666espenHome: ok, need more info than that. :)
15:12.04*** join/#asterisk xupinet (~xupinet@
15:12.30LevchThanx... I'm russian from Soviet Russia... he...
15:12.54xupinetI have this error: -- SIP/Mireia-59a0 answered H323:27816
15:12.54xupinetERROR[1281047856]: File chan_oh323.c, Line 1433 (oh323_answer): H323:27816: Failed to answer call with token ip$ (timeout).
15:12.54xupinetClearCallThread::ClearCallThread: Object initialized.
15:12.58xupinetERROR[1289440560]: File chan_oh323.c, Line 2311 (setup_h323_connection): XXX NO SUCH CALL REFERENCE!!! XXX
15:13.08xupinetWrapH323Connection::WrapH323Connection: WrapH323Connection deleted.
15:13.11xupinetClearCallThread::ClearCallThread: Object deleted.
15:13.12xupinetsomeone can Help?
15:13.12puzzledxupinet: please don't flood the channel
15:13.30wasimxupinet: bad, bad
15:14.06puzzledxupinet: ask the author of oh323
15:14.17RoyK~meepgun xupinet
15:14.20ACTION shoots xupinet with a hyper-charged anti-quark gun
15:14.46RoyK~kill JoeCool
15:14.49ACTION slits JoeCool's throat
15:14.57*** join/#asterisk bobman (
15:15.12wasimpreemptive, RoyK ?
15:15.44Merlin83bTrying to work this out from searches is getting to me.  We have a * box behind a firewall, so some dnat to forward to it seems like the way to go.  Do I just need to forward port 5060?
15:16.12RoyKsome friends of mine are planning to go to Syria and photograph for a while....
15:16.34RoyKguess they should try to avoid 'Vote Bush' t-skirts...
15:16.55Merlin83bT-skirts?  :-)
15:17.14espenHomegadams666: uhm, i bought the phone without licence.. and i dont know how to do configuaration on it.. it is not possibly to make changes in the Network configuaration for example..
15:18.42puzzledMerlin83b: dnat 5060 and the rtp ports in rtp.conf
15:22.14xupinetok, i have flooded the channel sorry, but I am desesperated,.. someone knows the error?
15:22.25puzzledxupinet: ask the author of oh323
15:23.16gadams666espenHome: depends on what software version you're running. At cisco  there are good docs that explain the operation of the phone
15:23.29dougheckawasim: nya, I sue you
15:23.32dougheckago fish
15:24.13espenHomegadams666: the phone is running firmware version 3.1(MF.G2) does that tell you anything?
15:24.20wasimyes, we should, trout in the upper lakes
15:24.36xupinetpuzzled: and who is the author of oh323?
15:25.03dougheckaI would have to be in pakistan first
15:25.34learathit all depends on how creative wasim is
15:25.39wasimyou're an absconder from law now
15:25.53Merlin83bThanks puzzled.
15:26.23Merlin83bHmm, so every port from 10,000 to 20,000?
15:26.39*** join/#asterisk ursenj (~ursenj@
15:26.56puzzledxupinet: look in the code, search google, search the mailing list. these are obvious sources of info. iirc something with inaccessnetwork(s).com
15:26.58*** join/#asterisk Louis (
15:27.01dougheckaMerlin83b: rtp.conf
15:27.06gadams666srry on con call right now. back in a few
15:27.23Merlin83bdoughecka: Those re the entries for start and end, so do I need to dnat all 10,000 ports to the * box?
15:28.10puzzledMerlin83b: or define a different (smaller) range in rtp.conf and dnat those. dunno if a smaller range has negative side effects
15:28.14dougheckaI think so..
15:28.16dougheckaI dunno
15:28.19dougheckanever tries
15:29.12wasim378 to win, WI vs RSA
15:30.24wasimno, WI to bat, 4th innings
15:30.32wasim100 overs or so, left in the match
15:30.36wasimits going ot be a fun 5th day
15:30.39coppice_wasim: RSA I know, but what kind of encryption is WI?
15:30.47dougheckaright left left up!
15:31.31*** join/#asterisk Sobek (~btatton@
15:31.34ursenjwhat ports do I need open on my firewall to get SIP through
15:32.02*** join/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
15:32.02puzzledursenj: 5060 and the ones in rtp.conf
15:32.03dougheckaand 5040?
15:32.18espenHomeanybody that have the latest software for cisco 7960?
15:32.35*** join/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
15:32.42JoeCoolI think you can keep 5060 open with SYN flag an the others open with SYN flag off
15:33.14dougheckaall them ports
15:33.22wasimsilly protocol
15:33.24Merlin83bHeh, so open the lot :-)
15:33.32puzzledespenHome: get a maintenance contract from cisco (reseller) and then you can download it
15:34.13espenHomewhat would take long time to geet
15:34.19dougheckaa few years
15:34.22dougheckamaybe a decade
15:34.27dougheckasince they have to ..
15:34.33wasimDNA test!
15:34.45wasimyeah, they have to DNA test your phone, for the right code
15:35.08*** join/#asterisk illc0mmm (
15:35.27*** part/#asterisk km- (
15:35.40wasimHHGT* !
15:35.56dougheckaright a order, tripple sign it, loose it, find it, get put into a dump, and have it turn into coal, and burn it... before you get a contract
15:36.30*** join/#asterisk dsfr (
15:36.38illc0mmm~seen stealth_man
15:36.42stealth_man <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 41m 38s ago, saying: 'you will see messages ...'.
15:36.45doughecka~seen santa
15:36.45santa <> was last seen on IRC in channel #picogui, 361d 12h 56m 44s ago, saying: 'file: yeah, but i did it fedex, so it won't show up until april'.
15:38.45kapejodFYI: the experimental bri drivers now compile with latest cvs, however i broke incoming calls ;-)
15:39.25jsmithkapejod: Ahhh... who needs incoming calls?
15:39.31wasima better Zapateller!
15:39.32*** part/#asterisk illc0mmm (
15:40.12doughecka10 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15:40.16kapejodjsmith: well ... better only outgoing calls then no calls at all ;)
15:40.16jsmithwasim: You know that you're now an official contributor of HHGT*... we got your TDMoE stuff added last week
15:40.21jsmithkapejod: Right!
15:40.40wasimjsmith: i'm not particularly proud of that, i'll try to do better
15:41.26*** join/#asterisk YoYo^ (
15:41.58espenHomeanybody with cisco 7960?
15:42.08jtoddespenHome: Yes.
15:42.31voidptrcya ppl.
15:42.34jsmithespenHome: I've got dozens... why?
15:42.39jsmithSee ya voidptr...
15:45.41*** join/#asterisk mgraves (
15:46.46ursenjSO,. my rtp.conf has 10000 to 20000 in it,.. I have to open all those ports to get SIP to work out my firewakk??
15:47.06puzzledkapejod: are the fixed zapBri drivers till at version 0.0.1?
15:47.22Merlin83bI'm working on the same thing, ursenj.  It looks like that.
15:47.36ursenjThat sucks
15:47.39kapejodpuzzled: yup, as always to confuse you :)
15:47.41*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
15:47.49wasimsir nufone!
15:47.53puzzledkapejod: :)
15:47.59kapejodpuzzled: but you will need one of my pretty babies to use them ;)
15:48.12Merlin83bursenj: YOu can make it use less ports from rtp.conf
15:48.21Lafinionhallo all, how i can register endpoint in * ?
15:48.31ursenjbut how many need to be open to work?
15:48.40espenHomejsmith: msg.
15:48.44*** join/#asterisk mpls-eric (
15:49.01Merlin83bursenj: I think it's two per active call.
15:49.28ursenjso ten should handle five connects,. thats plenty.
15:49.43puzzledkapejod: oh, the website says "Soon in a PCI slot near you" so I assumed they are not available yet
15:49.44Merlin83bI think so, yeah.
15:49.49Merlin83bNot sure though!
15:51.02kapejodi might even sell a few of them
15:51.05coppice_broken any yet?
15:51.32puzzledsturdy buggers
15:51.58kapejodpuzzled: i also have a prototype of the power feeding module
15:52.16puzzledkapejod: is that what the green connector is for?
15:52.38*** join/#asterisk miller7 (~none@
15:53.14kapejodpuzzled: the feeding module is designed to feed up to 4 cards
15:53.33miller7hi ppl
15:53.36dougheckalike, punch cards?
15:53.38kapejodhi miller7
15:53.49dougheckabecause the old ones could feed a few thousand
15:53.56miller7hey kapejod
15:54.04kapejoddoughecka: ??
15:54.14puzzledkapejod: wow that is great. so no problems with shared irqs hell?
15:54.15*** join/#asterisk timeshift (
15:55.39coppice_kapejod: why would someone want a bunch of quadBRIs?
15:56.11puzzledcoppice_: because the octoBRIs aren't ready yet :)
15:56.20kapejodright ;)
15:56.35miller7kapejod: you need any tests to be done?
15:56.35kapejodand there are people who like to build real isdn pbxes
15:56.36bkw_man oh man
15:57.20dougheckahey hey hey bkw_
15:57.26puzzledbkw_: wrecked another house?
15:57.28kapejodmiller7: you can already try the experimental driver, but it has a lot of problems since i made it compile with latest cvs .... seems like libpri changed a lot
15:57.46*** join/#asterisk sxpert_work (
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15:58.21miller7kapejod: I don't have the latest CVS but that's not a problem. Do you want me to test specific things? Is it in a state that is somehow usable?
15:59.05kapejodpuzzled: i changed the "Soon in a pci ..."
15:59.24kapejodmiller7: outgoing calls work nicely over here
16:00.25miller7then please point me to the drivers I should get and start testing
16:00.45miller7or is it point them to me? oh well....
16:01.14*** join/#asterisk sudhir_ (~sudhir@
16:01.40miller7thanks wasim
16:04.50dougheckawhats the bri/pri stuff?
16:04.57dougheckais this the stuff for the T1 cards/
16:05.12wasimdoughecka: no, its for zapBRI
16:05.27dougheckawhats that
16:06.28wasimits a quad port BRI PCI card that can kape did
16:06.28dougheckawhat does it plug into? ISDN?
16:06.34coppice_well he tried to zap BRIs by sitting on them. perhaps he should try a hammer now :-)
16:06.46Powerkillwhat that card wasim ?
16:06.47*** join/#asterisk MagicMan (
16:07.00mpls-ericQUESTION: Whats the difference between zapata and zaptel?  I bought about a year ago the TDM demo that was about 150 bucks. Now that SIP phones are common place, I've returned to asterisk and hope to get a system up and running before years end on a production environment. I'm just waiting for my T1 cards, and wanting to play with the old stuff until then.  I'm attempting to track an error loading the zaptel module, "/lib/modules/2.4.20/misc/zapte
16:07.12bkw_mpls-eric you don't need zapata anymore
16:07.34mpls-ericI'm not using it at the moment.
16:07.38bkw_whats the error?
16:07.44mpls-ericStill get the error /lib/modules/2.4.20/misc/zaptel.o: unresolved symbol echo_can_traintap
16:08.22mpls-ericI'm attempting to load the module with "modprobe zaptel"
16:08.34*** join/#asterisk zwi (
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16:09.00bkw_recompile zaptel
16:09.01kapejodPowerkill: it's a 4 port isdn bri card
16:09.24*** join/#asterisk zwi (
16:09.36mpls-ericI tried the cvs yesterday, but the audio path was broken, so I cleaned house and installed from the ftp area. Don't know if that might have anything to do with the problem.
16:10.01bkw_I don't see where people have problems with cvs
16:10.19dougheckaI gave up on debian
16:10.20puzzledbkw_: I have no problems with cvs either
16:10.28dougheckaand mandrake
16:10.35dougheckaso I am gonna go back with redhat
16:10.44dougheckabecause asterisk COMPILED :)
16:10.45puzzleddoughecka: my RH9 with 2.4.20 works fine
16:10.55dougheckamy drive files
16:11.09dougheckaso I though I should switch to something else
16:11.11mpls-ericSIP phones could call each other, but any application that would pay audio would barf and send reorder. calls to sip phones wouldn't have audio.
16:11.16dougheckabut debian just took too long
16:11.17klasstekRH9 works for me
16:11.21dougheckaand mandrake barfed
16:11.28bkw_doughecka you are a freak
16:11.32puzzledhi klasstek
16:11.36bkw_just because something failed you switch distros?
16:11.40klassteksup pus
16:11.47dougheckabkw_: yep
16:12.01wasimzup pus
16:12.09puzzledklasstek: building funky rpms so we can start testing the production boxes
16:12.11mpls-ericAnyone have ideas on the loading of the zaptel module for me to try?
16:12.17dougheckadebian was in the process of changing kernels when it would come back online...
16:12.22wasimmorn klasstek :)
16:12.23bkw_mpls-eric recompile zaptel
16:12.34dougheckago ahead
16:12.48klasstekwup sasim :)
16:13.05JerJeroh sasim, touch my asterisk key
16:13.06*** join/#asterisk mikee (
16:13.23dougheckahey JarJar!! :)
16:13.29mpls-ericComplies fine, Only mention I do see is after about 8 lines, then "zaptel.c:4896: warning: implicit declaration of function `echo_can_traintap'"
16:16.19JoeCoolbored ...
16:16.30*** join/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
16:16.36*** part/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
16:16.49mikeehi.  is it possible to answer a call and play an announcement specific to the incoming channel?  
16:17.12wasimmikee: most certainly
16:17.28mikeedepending on the number dialed, we would like a specific greeting...
16:17.53mikeedo I do this with the 's' extension?
16:17.58JoeCoolthis is easy, uh
16:18.10JoeCoolwhat about the docs ?
16:18.23mikeei looked but didn't find the syntax
16:18.24wasimmikee: no, with the 23456,1,Dosomethingspefic, if that's the DID
16:18.53wasimmikee: where 23456 is what your telco passes you as the number that was dialed
16:19.01mikeeno DID yet, we have POTS lines into a chan bank into a T100P
16:19.40wasimthen you break individual pots into their own context, and s
16:20.15dougheckamy work has a single T1 for phones...
16:20.23dougheckaand we have 2 phone numbers
16:20.35dougheckaone for our office
16:20.42dougheckaand one for another buisness upstairs...
16:21.03dougheckahow does the pbx know what the other person dialed so it knows where to send the call?
16:21.17wasimthe telco passes this info to you
16:21.29dougheckacan * read the info?
16:21.30*** join/#asterisk bravoj (
16:21.38wasimdoughecka: yep
16:21.54*** join/#asterisk anti (
16:22.09dougheckaand then I can route calls?
16:22.12bkw_doughecka when are you going to grow up?
16:22.43wasimdoughecka: yep
16:23.57bkw_doughecka you sure don't act like a little kid.. i'm supprised someone at the age of 12 knows so much about asterisk.
16:27.17ursenjit the RTP.conf ports udp or tcp?
16:27.34dougheckame thinks
16:28.28JoeCooligmp ?
16:28.36ursenjbkw_,what do you think,.
16:28.49dougheckaignamus pig protocol
16:29.44coppice_ursenj: RTP is a UDP protocol. You just can't stream with TCP
16:29.53UnixDawgok what ext mondems does asterisk work with
16:29.58*** join/#asterisk Sobek (~btatton@
16:30.07JoeCoolhmn ?? you can't stream with TCP ? are you nuts ?
16:30.08JerJercoppice_:  well technically you could, but it would suck
16:30.18mikeewasim:  do I set 'context=xyz' for the channels in zapata.conf and then [xyz] in extensions.conf?
16:30.28wasimmikee: oui
16:30.31*** join/#asterisk _mwood_ (
16:30.38UnixDawghmm I wounder if I can get it to work with a few
16:30.51JoeCoolTCP actually IS a streaming protocol ... but it needs ack, so it sucks for real time apps
16:31.02UnixDawginsted of using inter modems
16:31.03dougheckait sucks asterisk!
16:31.04coppice_JerJer: If you never have a retry it will stream. The first retry you hit it will meander
16:31.07UnixDawgor the t100p
16:31.16dougheckaUnixDawg: no! dont try :P
16:31.34UnixDawgI have 5 zoom 56k ext v/d/f modems
16:31.43JerJerhence, it will suck
16:31.51UnixDawgall with the rockwell chipset
16:32.22UnixDawgwell dutch has dispiered and we have no bsd drivers
16:32.54UnixDawghe and his team where working on them
16:33.00bkw_some care to tell this guy to take the crack pipe out his mouth
16:33.41UnixDawgwho ?
16:33.55bkw_2. A device calling Asterisk must send out-of-band DTMF to Asterisk in order to be able to navigate through the IVR menus.
16:34.00bkw_3. The break is that a device not supporting payload 101 for telephone events will never be able to work with Asterisk.
16:34.46bkw_b. I patched rtpPayloadType from rtp.c so that AST_RTP_DTMF be 96 instead of 101 and now my device can work with Asterisk.
16:35.08mikeedoes anyone know the syntax for multiple extensions in the 'mailbox=' line in zapata.conf?  when I receive a voice mail to an extension, i get stutter dialtone on all extensions.  (i'm also experiencing hardware problems with my channel bank.)
16:35.54JerJerMike:  is your mailbox=NNN before all channel => N  defs
16:36.02JerJereverything falls down, remember
16:36.24JerJerie if u set the value it is used until you change it
16:36.40JerJerchannel => 1
16:36.43JerJerchannel => 2
16:36.45mikeei have 'mailbox=61,62,63,...'.  What should NNN be?
16:36.49JerJerwould both have mailbox=100 set
16:37.15mikeewhat is 100?
16:37.26JerJera voicemail box
16:38.31mikeeso I have to set it to a different mailbox before each channel definition...
16:38.56wasimmikee: unless yowant some to share
16:39.25JerJerlike 100 could be a 'support' voice mailbox
16:39.26mikeesounds like excellent advice.  Thx
16:39.39JerJerand both chanel 1 and channel 2 are tech sup reps
16:39.48coppice_You would think someone might have monitored their piggy bank before things got this far out of hand :-)
16:42.13wasimOMG, i'm presenting an ANite billing solution tomorrow :P
16:42.26mikeeis there any advantage in having mailboxes in 'other' rather than 'default'?
16:42.41JerJerwasim: ?
16:43.18JerJermikee:  you can also use contexts to define groups of voicemail boxes
16:43.23wasimjerjer, that screw up was on an anite system
16:43.44JerJerfor say departmental segmentation of voicemail boxes
16:43.53JerJerwasim: hmm ok
16:43.55coppice_wasim: they admit Anite is OK, and the problem is their own stupid fault, so you seem to have a recommendation there :-)
16:44.20*** join/#asterisk jules (~jules@
16:46.59JerJerwhat dumbasses
16:47.12JerJerit is certianly thier own fault
16:48.39Q-At-Workmorning all
16:48.48Q-At-Workor whatever your current timezone says
16:49.28Q-At-Workhas anyone located in Canada, and shipping from Canada got stock on the handytones?
16:49.31Q-At-WorkI need 1
16:50.46tzangerQ-At-Work: hahaha
16:51.45Q-At-Workwell not quite inside, but inside the base
16:52.09Q-At-WorkI have a donor phone/base that died
16:52.21Q-At-WorkI just want wait to attack it with my dremel
16:52.26Q-At-Workwant = cant
16:53.48Q-At-Workits early, brain misfired and typed wait
16:54.21Q-At-Workhahahaha that reminds me... time to change MOH to bing
16:54.24doughecka"walkin in the winter wonderland... BAM!"
16:54.52mishehuQ-At-Work: I hope it core dumps on you
16:55.13mishehuI can't stand that EVERYWHERE I go I have to hear the same damn songs about a make-believe holiday
16:55.19JerJerhmmm  smells like George W. Bush is on OUR side
16:55.20Q-At-Workasterisk is so stable, it never dumps core...
16:55.21JerJermeaning VoIP
16:55.24*** join/#asterisk sobol (
16:55.44mishehuQ-At-Work: the moh can core dump independently of the rest of *
16:55.52Q-At-Workyou figure W understands voip?
16:56.21learathQ-At-Work: I am not convinced that W is potty trained
16:56.26Q-At-Workbe nice :)
16:56.29JerJerW.  just  now made a statement saying that he was for "regulatory relaxation to continue to spur economic growth"
16:56.56Q-At-Workcontrary to popular believe, everything doesnt need to be regulated
16:57.31Q-At-Workerr belief
16:57.31JerJerso he understands that the Internet is a MAJOR factor in the economy
16:57.31jetsYes. The internet MUST be regulated. SO I can wire tap illegaly! Crypto VOIP? WTF? NO!!!!
16:57.31jetsworld denomination!
16:57.44bkw_Crypto VoIP is going to be fun
16:57.55Q-At-WorkI'm already cryptoing my voip
16:57.59Q-At-Workam I a pioneer?
16:58.03bkw_or anal
16:58.06jetshaha ;)
16:58.06Q-At-Workcan I be called an expert?
16:58.21dougheckais ipsec over TCP?
16:58.36dougheckabecause I ran sip over ipsec tunnel... seemed ok
16:58.38learathdoughecka: no, it's over ESP?  (something, not udp or tcp)
16:58.48dougheckauh huh
16:58.52Q-At-WorkI'm running my sips over an ipsec tunnel now, works mint
16:59.09dougheckaso there...
16:59.12Q-At-Workway better than nat :)
16:59.23dougheckawe need a ipsec client on our fones!
16:59.34wasimno tcp, i.e
16:59.38learathgood luck.  nowhere near the horsepower required
16:59.46Q-At-Workuse a deicated ipsec chip
16:59.52Q-At-Workerr dedicated
16:59.56learathQ-At-Work: and double the cost?
17:00.01*** join/#asterisk realboy (~halil@
17:00.10Q-At-Workdamn the costs! encrypt everything!
17:00.16learathit'd be cheaper to up the cpu enough to deal with ipsec
17:00.24Q-At-WorkI would pay double for a phone that had encryption
17:00.25dougheckaa special "encrypto iax phone!!!" talk to your prime minister tap free!
17:00.34realboyanybody here knows, how many days it takes to get g729 from digium
17:00.47realboyi have applied 5 days ago
17:00.47klasstekI used to do ppp over ssh
17:00.48wasimdoughecka: we're doing payload encryption testing too shorlty
17:00.49Q-At-Workassuming its not double the cost of a cisco 7xxx
17:00.59rollergrrlAre there any plans for * ldap support?
17:01.21wasimas soon as I get IAX2 up
17:01.35dougheckawill it be dual protocol?
17:01.40dougheckaincase someone has an older * install
17:01.45dougheckaand doesnt have iax2
17:01.56Q-At-WorkI see crypto phones scaring the governments
17:02.03wasimwell ... lets see, its just software, and size of code
17:02.06Q-At-Workespecially good crypto
17:02.35Q-At-Worknot that it matters they will tap the server the phone registers on
17:03.26wasimwell, with IAX2 soon, hopefully, you'll have to do a man in the middle
17:04.10jrollysonwasim: now add One Time Pad support via CD-RW
17:04.46jrollysonthen you'll get a proper secure telephone ;)
17:06.03wasimi think th efarfon could be modified to do that in 15 minutes
17:06.03tzangerthe ultimate one time pad: a radio station
17:06.52wasimmodified in design, i.e.
17:07.04*** join/#asterisk huats (
17:07.24wasimwe've left a couple of I/O for enterprising souls
17:07.56tzangerwasim: how many is a couple?
17:07.58Merlin83bursenj: 5060 needs to be open, that will allow calls into your network, but not out (kind of backwards, but makes sense when you think about it)
17:08.15tzangerwasim: enough for I2C  :-)
17:08.45wasimyeah, although you can get more but loosing keys or LEDS
17:09.06tzangerwasim: or just use I2C 8-bit port chips to make as many ports as you want
17:09.54wasimtzanger: yeah, but thats adding a chip
17:10.07tzangerwasim: if you could please provide those I/O on a connector with the power supply +UNREG, common, +V (regulated bus power) and maybe the audio tx and rx ... that would kick ass
17:10.17tzangerso an 8 pin header
17:10.50wasimok, i'll check
17:11.18tzangerthat way you have the I/O and audio streams to play with and some power if you can siphon off enough without burdening the existing power supply.  :-)
17:11.37tzangerhell an RJ45 port would be enough but that'd be confusing :-)
17:12.02wasimyeah, two RJ-45 already
17:12.05*** join/#asterisk Spaceboy (furgaw@
17:12.10dougheckamake 3
17:12.22wasim30% support calls, i plugged the cable in, but no network
17:12.33dougheckaoh yea
17:12.36Spaceboyhello,  Can anyone tell me the latest version of Asterisk?
17:12.38dougheckais it gonna have alink light?
17:12.39wasimsilly bot, put it in the port that says eth, not i2c
17:12.56dougheckaSpaceboy: about .00001 seconds ago
17:13.01tzangerwasim: well someone's gonna fuck it up, you know that :-)
17:13.34tzangerespecially with power on there..  :-)
17:13.38wasimtzanger: exactly, so a different port, ALSO, the diagnostic port is NOT accesible withouth unscrewing the bottom panel out
17:14.18wasimpower ... hmm... i have about a 500mA req right now
17:14.32doughecka12 volt?
17:14.35tzangerthe phone takes 500mA??  that is with the backlit displya is it not?
17:14.43dougheckaor is it some retarted voltage like 9 volt?
17:14.56tzangerthat's insane for a phone unless you're counting backlighting and LEDs
17:14.58wasimyou can feed it more, its regualted
17:15.06wasimit'll just create heat
17:15.06dougheckathats just dandy
17:15.14tzangerswitcher or no?
17:15.16dougheckaheat sink on the regulator?
17:15.17tzangerlinear regulator?
17:15.50Merlin83bursenj: Oh dear: Section 1.8 of
17:15.50wasimsimple inline regulator, 5v, 3.3v, 1.5v
17:15.51*** join/#asterisk mpls-eric (
17:16.00tzangerwasim: yes but are they switchers or linear?
17:16.03dougheckaso why is the PS gonna be 9 volt?
17:16.08tzanger3.3 and 1.5 leads me to believe that it's switchers
17:16.14tzangerlike National's Simple Switcher family
17:16.23dougheckaSIMPLE SWITCHER!
17:16.31wasimdoughecka: the 1.3 is fed from the 5
17:16.46wasimdoughecka: no point in having it frop from 15v to 1.5
17:17.03wasimi messed up the first supply like that, and had to put fans on the first two phones
17:17.20tzangerif you're using linear regulators that explains where 80% of that 4.5W is going :-)
17:18.04doughecka3.3 volt is fed from what?
17:18.43tzangerthat was my mistake on my power supply for the starter... linear sucks ass :-(  the switchers are oftentimes cheaper now.  Mind you in my application power wasn't an issue since it was sitting on 575V :-)
17:19.16*** join/#asterisk anti_ (
17:20.09*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:20.09tclark~seen jerjer
17:20.19jerjer is currently on #asterisk (1h 32m 38s).  Has said a total of 156 messages.  Is idling for 22m 39s
17:20.20doughecka~seen santa
17:20.22santa <> was last seen on IRC in channel #picogui, 361d 14h 40m 21s ago, saying: 'file: yeah, but i did it fedex, so it won't show up until april'.
17:20.50outtolunc~seen my wallet
17:20.52i haven't seen 'my wallet', outtolunc
17:21.17tzanger~seen the difference between my ass and a hole in the ground
17:21.19tzanger: i haven't seen 'the difference between my ass and a hole in the ground'
17:22.29tzanger~seen osama bin laden
17:22.30i haven't seen 'osama bin laden', tzanger
17:22.41*** join/#asterisk russT (
17:22.45doughecka~seen satan
17:22.45satan <> was last seen on IRC in channel #openzaurus, 335d 17h 26m 31s ago, saying: 'hello'.
17:22.59tzangerdoes jbot sit in these channels?
17:23.05klasstek~seen god
17:23.05god <> was last seen on IRC in channel #gllug, 158d 2h 35m 2s ago, saying: '1 0wnZ y00'.
17:24.14bkw_Colin Powell has prostate cancer surgery  <-- WHY IS THIS NEWS
17:24.19bkw_like we fucking care
17:24.38jetsbecause of colin powell goes under the knife.....
17:24.41rollergrrlHe has Colin cancer
17:24.46jetsboy oh boy we might loose the 'iraq' war :)
17:24.49wasimgood girl
17:26.31bkw_who here can check CCO and get the 3.0 cisco ata firmware?
17:26.46bkw_it was released today
17:26.48Merlin83bYou, if you pay Cisco for it?
17:26.57bkw_fuck cisco I have paid them plenty
17:27.13Merlin83bHave you paid the for a maintenance contract?
17:27.25bkw_I have in the past....
17:27.43Merlin83bDo you have a current maintenance contract for the hardware you want the new firmware for.
17:27.44bkw_cisco can bite me
17:27.54bkw_Merlin83b no and I don't plan on getting one
17:28.02Merlin83bThen use the firmware you have.
17:28.12bkw_no I will have 3.0 before end of the day
17:28.44wasimhoney, that's cheating though
17:29.06bkw_hell I don't even use the two ATA's I have
17:29.20bkw_its nice to see the new features
17:29.26bkw_g726 is coming to the ATA
17:29.34bkw_* should have that soon
17:29.36*** join/#asterisk costela (~leo@
17:29.41wasimfarfone already does g726! that'd rock
17:29.50bkw_wasim SWEET!
17:29.57wasimoh cool .. i better make sure its nice and spiffy
17:30.04wasimyeah, 32
17:30.10bkw_because -32 is really g721
17:30.36puzzledanyone know if stuff in agi-bin needs +x permissions?
17:30.40wasimit does it on chip, so ...
17:30.49puzzledbkw_: thanks
17:31.02huatsdoes anybody has an idea: I want to redirect all my incoming calls using SIP. But if my extension start with a s, and that I want to use the number dial, the use of ${EXTEN} fails (it uses s)
17:31.05bkw_puzzled * runs as root (bad idea) but it shouldn't
17:31.26rollergrrlbkw_: you have the link to the firmware?
17:31.46bkw_thats the RN
17:31.52costelahey ppl, I've seen a lot of programs that get t audio from a modem line, but how can I put audio _into_ a modem line?
17:32.38bkw_costela speak english please
17:32.42rollergrrlCisco ATA186 Terminal Adapter Software
17:32.42rollergrrl05-APR-2002 There are currently no files on the server for this type  
17:32.42shkoohmm, i only see ata firmware 2.16.2 listed on the download page.
17:32.50rollergrrli don't see it
17:33.05costelabkw_: =]
17:33.19bkw_shkoo today is the release date for 3.0
17:33.39bkw_so I bet its not on the site yet
17:33.48costelabkw_: I wanna get an audio file - for example - and play it on a modem connection... get it?
17:33.56*** join/#asterisk adam_gafachi (
17:33.59bkw_costela why?
17:34.16loko_mokohmm work will pay for 60 % of a computer i buy for personal use. I wonder if i buy  $65,000 dell server if they will over 60 %. then i can ebay the server and make like $30,000 cash
17:34.31bkw_loko_moko doubt it
17:34.36dougheckaloko_moko: hahahahaha
17:34.48loko_mokolol that would be sweet though
17:35.15costelaI'm trying to go the other way around, instead of my server getting calls and emailing me the mp3 (or whatever), I want my server to call me on the cellphone with a message about emails or system status
17:36.05loko_mokocostela that would be cool, let me know if you get it working
17:36.08Q-At-Workcostela: food for thought, how would you know when someone answered the cellphone to play the message
17:36.32loko_mokohave a key word
17:36.50loko_mokowhen it hears "hello" it can start playing
17:37.03Q-At-Workhow would you "hear" "hello"
17:37.09loko_mokothats not my job
17:37.14costelaQ-At-Work: good question, I was thinking about triggering it with any noise !RING
17:37.23Q-At-Worksuch as a busy signal :)
17:37.32bkw_progress detect or PRI can do it
17:37.32loko_mokoill pass the hear hello onto someone else
17:37.44loko_mokothere has to be a way to do it as telemarketeers do it all th etime
17:37.45costelaQ-At-Work: ok, !RING && !BUSY
17:37.59loko_mokoand politicians
17:38.02costelaloko_moko: true
17:38.11Q-At-Workthey use PRI
17:38.16shkoowow, that really sucks. the cisco ftp site limits the sections you can get to now, i'm assuming based on what you have contracts for or something.
17:38.27AlPRI progress detection. Then wait one-to-two seconds and start playing.
17:38.39Q-At-Workthey got tired of having their FTP site raped nightly
17:38.45TestMasTeranyone here had a problem with X-lite saying Decovered Blocked firewall?
17:39.21Q-At-WorkXlite and I dont see eye to eye... i've never been happy with the way it works
17:39.23bkw_New bitaid.exe tool
17:39.36bkw_I hate trying to calc the bit stuff
17:39.44loko_mokois it on the ftp
17:39.53TestMasTerQ-At-Work:  if you don`t mind me asking what do you use for a soft-phone
17:40.00shkooi can't deal with the ata's.  i gave up and got a tdm400.
17:40.32Q-At-WorkTestMasTer: anything iax based works ok... but I prefer harware phones
17:41.41TestMasTerQ-At-Work:  same here but my phones only support skinny atm
17:41.54Q-At-WorkI beleive skinny works, but I've not tried it
17:42.02Q-At-Workerr believe
17:42.53TestMasTerQ-At-Work:  ya skinny works, But it doesn`t work for everything i would like Example Call waiting Hold, Music on hold etc...
17:43.10Q-At-Workgive that URL a rey
17:43.14Q-At-Worka try
17:43.34TestMasTerQ-At-Work:  i will do, thanx`s
17:43.48Q-At-Workdont get me wrong, x-lite sure is neat
17:43.50loko_mokomy cisco FTP access is not limited
17:43.53loko_mokoi can go anywhere
17:43.59espenHomeanybody with cisco 7960 here?
17:45.21dougheckaloko_moko: mind sharing?
17:45.34bkw_don't share
17:45.36*** join/#asterisk darius_ (
17:46.07dougheckais there anyway to mount a ftp server as a dir?
17:46.16darius_Anyone have suggestions as to how I would go about debugging this (It's happening every so many minutes all of a sudden!):
17:46.16darius_asterisk*CLI> /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: line 6: 13977 Segmentation fault      asterisk ${ASTARGS} 1>&/dev/${TTY} </dev/${TTY}
17:46.16darius_Asterisk ended with exit status 139
17:46.16darius_Asterisk exited on signal 11.
17:46.17darius_Automatically restarting Asterisk.
17:46.18Q-At-Workthere used to be.. with midnight commander
17:46.19darius_Asterisk ended with exit status 1
17:46.21darius_Asterisk died with code 1.  Aborting.
17:46.23darius_Disconnected from Asterisk server
17:46.25darius_Executing last minute cleanups
17:46.38dougheckacuz then you could share it out
17:46.49dougheckahow about wget'ing the whole FTP site?
17:46.50bkw_darius_ you need to get a bt on the core file
17:46.54Q-At-Workthat may not be a really good idea :)
17:46.58Corydon76-workdarius_:  allow safe_asterisk to dump a core file and run the debugger on the core file
17:47.29darius_oh boy, I don't know how to do that :)
17:47.47Corydon76-workgdb /usr/sbin/asterisk core.1234
17:48.13Corydon76-worksafe_asterisk moves all cores to /tmp
17:48.31Q-At-Workdoughecka: FTPFS will do what you want
17:48.39*** join/#asterisk argos_ (
17:49.13darius_This GDB was configured as "i386-linux"...
17:49.32darius_oh, I need to run 'asterisk' by itself
17:49.36darius_and wait for a core in /tmp?
17:49.39darius_is that how it works?
17:50.02*** join/#asterisk Moc (
17:50.11MocHi everyone ..
17:50.27loko_mokodougecka, i did wget the whole FTP one night to test my sustained speed
17:50.36loko_mokoi stopped once i downloaded over 100 GB and it still wasnt close to being done
17:50.44loko_moko100 GB for maybe just the IOS directory
17:50.53loko_mokoand there are a lots others
17:50.59dougheckaloko_moko: haha]
17:51.01loko_mokovoice directory i think was 20-30 GB as well
17:53.03loko_mokoi had a nice sustained speed the whole time
17:53.13loko_mokothere is a voice directory for all the ip phone stuff
17:53.16loko_mokocall manager
17:53.20loko_mokojust voice related
17:55.39dougheckaall of the backup tapes
17:55.47dougheckabackups of backup tapes
17:55.58jjanzerbkw_, do you work every day of the week?
17:56.12dougheckajjanzer: wrong
17:56.12*** part/#asterisk gadams666 (~wileyuser@
17:56.16dougheckathe question is
17:56.25dougheckabkw_, do you work?
17:56.34MocIt seem asterisk voicemail got problem, the voicemail answer before stopping the ring generator...
17:56.40Mocis there a way to fix that ?
17:57.42*** join/#asterisk sneak (
17:58.03Q-At-WorkI believe bkw is secrety employed by digium
17:58.04dougheckaput a wait in there
17:58.10sneakcan asterisk and/or digium hardware interface centrex lines and transfer calls offsite and free the incoming lines?
17:58.36sneakour norstar that i'm trying to replace does this
17:59.33*** join/#asterisk mrunix (
18:00.55espenHomeanybody with cisco 7960 here?
18:02.01jjanzerand 7940s
18:06.09Q-At-Workheh, I just told someone "read the kernel howto" and now the kernel howto yields this "The Kernel-HOWTO has been removed for review"
18:08.01*** part/#asterisk Lafinion (
18:08.14*** join/#asterisk Lafinion (
18:11.11*** join/#asterisk sp3cialk (
18:12.08sp3cialkhow is everyone doing today
18:12.28*** join/#asterisk onceNull (
18:12.57bkw_Q-At-Work what do you need to know
18:13.22Q-At-Worknothing, I know how to do it
18:13.28Q-At-WorkI just didnt wanna type it all out for this person :)
18:13.55Q-At-Workfriend of mine who should know better :)
18:14.01sp3cialksomeone gimme a job, im bored.
18:14.02bkw_all you need to know is genkernel --config (if you use gentoo)
18:14.10Q-At-Workwe're slackware junkies
18:14.20Q-At-WorkI'm off my debian kick finally
18:14.29bkw_use gentoo
18:14.33Q-At-Worklike it?
18:14.35bkw_you will NEVER be the same
18:14.43Q-At-WorkI've heard that before...
18:14.48dougheckagood or bad?
18:14.49wasimuse gentoo
18:15.07*** join/#asterisk rainer_home (
18:15.08Q-At-Workk, as I understand gentoo, its a bunch of patches to source? i.e nothing binary?
18:15.09sp3cialkim too lazy to move away from the bsd ports
18:15.10[Sim]I know I'm on thin ice here
18:15.13MocIs it normal that the ring generator keep running for 1 second sometime after voicemail answer (maybe calls also)
18:15.21[Sim]but has anyone ever tried using a modem over G711 channels ?
18:15.29bkw_Q-At-Work you can start at stage 3
18:15.31jjanzergentoo has a binary installer too
18:15.31[Sim](I need a modem for telebanking usage)
18:15.35Q-At-Workg711 should do it
18:15.47Q-At-Workmy fax machine works fine
18:15.53Q-At-Workdunno how fast it goes mind you
18:15.54*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
18:15.56[Sim]yes, well the modem wont hand shake
18:16.06*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
18:16.10Q-At-Worktried turning off 56k?
18:16.20[Sim]yeah, set it to 19k6 :)
18:16.26Q-At-Workit wont work cus of the added A/D
18:16.43[Sim]19k2, sorry :)
18:16.49[Sim]but still no luck :)
18:17.02[Sim]I don't really expect it, but I was curious if anyone ever tried it :)
18:19.52wasimhmm... anyone used tremor?
18:20.05MocCan I do a 6 user conference call ?
18:20.20sp3cialkwhy not
18:20.27MocI tought it was limited to 3 ... great
18:20.32wasimvoidptr: you have!!?
18:21.04[Sim]successfull handshake at 28k8 :)
18:21.12[Sim]now to actually move some data over it :)
18:21.45TestMasTerQ-At-Work:  with that iaxtel phone you told me about will that work with my asterisk setup?
18:22.07Q-At-Workit should, you need to adjust iax.conf
18:22.12Q-At-Workadd a user etc
18:22.39[Sim]hrm, should tweak with hayes commands
18:22.41Q-At-WorkI used it to open close to 20 connections to bkw's * box during stress testing of his queueing code :)
18:22.49Q-At-Workand I use it here single line
18:22.55TestMasTerQ-At-Work:  ok thanx i will try that
18:23.23MocWhat good normal IP phone should be use with asterisk, I've being told several Cisco model are good
18:23.41bkw_where is kram
18:23.42Q-At-Workciscos are nice, us ghetto voip people use grandstreams :)
18:23.49bkw_grandstreams suck
18:23.53bkw_cisco rocks
18:23.57Q-At-Workyes, yes they do
18:24.00Q-At-Workbut they are cheap
18:24.08bkw_not worth 65 bucks
18:24.09jrollysonmoc: snom 100 / 200 are very good, the 220 is probably good too. the grandstream phones work, thats about all that can be said for them.
18:24.13bkw_more like a 25 dollar sip phone
18:24.33Q-At-WorkI'm happy with mine, for what I use em for
18:24.39Q-At-WorkI'd never use them daily
18:24.46bkw_who wants to help crack the GAPS protocol so we can use tftp to config them?
18:24.48TestMasTerQ-At-Work:  i keep getting this error from asterisk about that user NOTICE[81926]: File chan_iax.c, Line 2891 (register_verify): No registration for peer 'dan' (from
18:25.01bkw_its really not a protocol but extra stuff sent in the tftp request
18:25.25Q-At-Workbkw_: one needs to open netcat on the tftp port and watch what GS asks for
18:25.45bkw_its sents mac, firmware version and other goodies
18:25.53Q-At-WorkTestMasTer: theres a hidden menu for registering with your *
18:25.55Q-At-WorkI believe its under "Servers"
18:26.00Mocwhere a good place to buy IP phone then hehe
18:26.16bkw_Moc send me cash and I will tell you
18:26.32Q-At-Workoptions -> directory -> servers
18:26.44Mochey !! ;)
18:27.26MocThe office is moving in 1,2 year, and we currently have a Meridian 1 with 550 2616 phone
18:27.50Mocthey want to switch, and I want to learn IP phone before that happen ..
18:28.19TestMasTerQ-At-Work:  ya i did that but i still get Registeration Failed
18:28.23Bonbonis there any issue with adding parameter settings into sip.conf for personal use? Will asterisk complain about them, or just ignore them?
18:28.42Mocbtw softkey are configured on the phone or in asterisk ?
18:28.47Q-At-Worktry user:pass@asterisk.server.ip/extentodial
18:28.54Q-At-Workin the dial box
18:28.58Q-At-Worksee if that works
18:29.22TestMasTerQ-At-Work:  would you be able to take alook at my iax.conf i setup. And see if i did something wrong?
18:29.49Bonbonis there any issue with adding parameter settings into sip.conf for personal use? Will asterisk complain about them, or just ignore them?
18:30.05bkw_ignore them
18:30.26Bonbonthx bkw
18:30.27*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
18:30.32Q-At-WorkTestMasTer: as a rule, unless I'm contracted to login to someone elses machine I dont do it... however if you paste your relevant sections to me in a private message I'll have a look
18:31.23huatsbon il me dit busy...
18:31.30*** part/#asterisk huats (
18:31.52wasimScaredyCat: we got the new boards under prototype
18:32.07wasimScaredyCat: under process rather
18:32.31MocLOL .... 4.3.3 Routing by Caller ID
18:32.31MocThis example, often known as the ìAnti-Ex Girlfriendî extension,
18:32.31Mocshows how Asterisk can route not only by called number, but by
18:32.31Moccalling number.
18:32.34jrollysonwasim: where do I sign up to beta test this again?
18:33.32Mocthose guys at Digium are funny
18:33.39AlMy Java IAX stack can now resample all the different kinds of wave files (ulaw/alaw/PCM) in mono/stereo at all different sample rates down into ulaw/alaw on the fly. :)
18:33.41jetssilly queers
18:34.16MocHey it written in this :
18:34.20Mocsection 4.3.3
18:35.06AlMy goodness - someone who's in #asterisk who's read the docs! :)
18:35.27Q-At-Workheh, thats a first
18:35.43AlEveryone give Moc a pat on the back. :)
18:36.03*** join/#asterisk suma (
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18:38.58*** join/#asterisk emilio_ (~emilio@
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18:43.36*** join/#asterisk adam_gafachi (
18:44.57*** part/#asterisk adam_gafachi (
18:45.01*** join/#asterisk adam_gafachi (
18:47.41adam_gafachiHey, would anyone like to help me beta test my voip LD service?
18:47.56sp3cialkwhat do u need?
18:48.06blitzrageklasstek: ?
18:48.17blitzragesp3cialk: /join #asterisk-doc
18:48.41adam_gafachiI'm just looking for people to make LD calls from sip or iax or iax2, through my service going to the PSTN in the US..
18:49.05adam_gafachifor free, to help me beta test quality, and the call rating system
18:49.20tclarkhmm thought you were in .au :)
18:49.42adam_gafachitclark: who me? :)
18:49.44*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
18:49.59tclarkyea I guess there is another adam ..
18:50.06jetsHey are digiums boards shipping today?
18:50.12outtoluncif i have time later i'll help
18:50.18Q-At-Workwhat boards
18:50.22Q-At-Work4port fxo?
18:50.31jetsya there quad t1 boards were out
18:50.37jetsand there quad fxs
18:54.58ScaredyCatwasim: cool....
18:55.02blitzragekapejod: you go and fix that layer3 like it needs to be fixed!
18:55.59loko_mokoadam beta test for how long of a period
18:56.12*** join/#asterisk ludo1 (
18:57.48ludo1Hi asteriskers !
18:59.02ludo1We've just remove our old PABX for asterisk + ip phones. It rocks ! Hope * will reach 1.0 ! KUTGW
19:01.35ScaredyCat\bye ludo1
19:03.30blitzrageeveryone join the #asterisk-doc mailing list! :)
19:04.23*** join/#asterisk Iowa (
19:05.41wasimgreatings and salutations fellow Iowan
19:06.22Iowawasim, are you from Iowa?
19:06.24*** join/#asterisk T0MKAT_ (sudsboy@
19:06.41wasimat one point in my life, yes
19:06.45Q-At-WorkI've never used IAX behind a firewall, and I'm trying to help TestMasTer, is there some magic required to make iaxcomm register thru the firewall?
19:06.53T0MKAT_Anybody in the bay area that does installs?
19:06.56IowaI guess you got out....good for you
19:06.58wasimQ-At-Work: no
19:07.09T0MKAT_firewalls suck for SIP
19:07.16Q-At-Workiaxcomm isnt sip :)
19:07.20Q-At-Workits iax :)
19:07.23T0MKAT_You need to use like a simple NAT card
19:07.25dougheckawasim: born there?
19:07.26IowaIs anyone familiar with iaxcomm?
19:07.33T0MKAT_NAT router
19:07.34dougheckanever heard of it
19:08.18Iowaanyone familiar with IAX2?
19:08.26ScaredyCatchicken soup
19:08.30wasimdoughecka: no, lived there for 3 long years
19:08.31IowaI am having one heck of a time with the source
19:09.20*** join/#asterisk gadams666 (~wileyuser@
19:09.29*** join/#asterisk RenTest (
19:09.37Moccan Asterisk be made to record all calls made to an extension (gsm or wav format) ?
19:09.39wasimIowa City!
19:09.59[Sim]hey kram :)
19:10.01dougheckaHO kram!
19:10.02Iowadid you go to Iowa?
19:10.10wasimyep, weeg
19:10.26tholoG'afternoon kraM.
19:10.27*** join/#asterisk klicTel (
19:10.51Iowahey kram do you have any good advice for IAX2 on win32
19:10.58klicTelHi all
19:11.38wasimblitzrage: i havent been subscribed to that list for more than 15 seconds and i'm getting spam
19:11.46*** join/#asterisk wG|bastion666 (~wileyuser@
19:11.48kramsteve kann has been working on it
19:11.59IowaI know
19:12.12klicTelI have a little problem with IAX2 abd conferemcing... I manage to have three party in the same conference, one of the parties being an IRV. But I am unable to send DTMFs to the IVR's menu
19:12.17Iowabut he doesn't have much in the way of win32
19:12.29blitzragewasim: what?!  I never get spam...
19:13.09klicTelany hints anyone?
19:13.34dougheckamee too!
19:13.43T0MAKT~seen outtolunc
19:13.47outtolunc is currently on #asterisk (1h 53m 38s).  Has said a total of 2 messages.  Is idling for 23m 34s
19:14.08T0MAKT.nick T0MKAT
19:15.08*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
19:15.09Iowais there a chat for IAX2?
19:15.10kramit hought he had it building on win32
19:15.17kramthe only thing i can think of is the __attribute__ stuff
19:15.21kramdid you send me an e-mail about that?
19:15.29Iowayes :)
19:15.44Iowahe told me to post a I did....but it is frustrating
19:15.55klicTelI had to remove the --attribute-- in order to compile under win32
19:16.06IowaIt seems like it doesn't want to compile with C
19:16.34Iowawhat about the (_packed_) ?
19:16.37klicTeland some minor other things
19:17.11IowaklicTel: do you use the winphone that comes in the lib?
19:17.48krampacked means the structure has to be exactly that size
19:17.50klicTelIowa: no, our own softphone
19:17.50krami'd google for it
19:17.58kramor if it works, it's fine ;)
19:18.25Iowacould I get a copy of your iax2.h that compiles?
19:19.33klicTelIowa: but with the libiax2
19:19.50[Sim]kram: do you know of anyone that has had luck running (even slow) modem data over g711 ?
19:19.53klicTelI have a MSDEV project that compiles
19:20.09[Sim](I know, its sick, but I am trying some things, just for play)
19:20.32IowaI have libiax2, but it has quite a few error messages for me
19:21.21klicTelIowa message me with an e-mail address and i'll gladly send you my version... it compiles under MSDEV .NET
19:23.43*** join/#asterisk Iowa (
19:24.08klicTelIowa: sent
19:24.39klicTelIowa: if you find any bugs in it you let me know
19:24.52*** join/#asterisk adam_gafachi (
19:25.04Iowaalright...thanks so much
19:25.09Iowado you have a website?
19:25.19tclarkkicktel: are you talking about a ms vc 6 project for the iaxclient iax2 libs ?
19:25.39klicTelcompiled unedr .net
19:26.09klicTeli don't have a website
19:26.14klicTelwell i have a personal one
19:26.23*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
19:27.29ScaredyCatthat was quick
19:29.07Q-At-Workl8z, its lunch time
19:29.10wasimno...  beeer me
19:29.18renuzitomg.. kram signed off
19:29.33wasimthe kick is dead, long live the king!
19:29.37T0MKATlike it was not before?
19:30.12sneakis it possible to transfer calls to another number and release the call from the system using asterisk?  we're doing that currently with centrex lines and a norstar and i'd like to replace the system with asterisk
19:30.12wasimnoo... shit
19:30.16wasimonly 2 left now
19:30.30mbrancapoor wasim...
19:32.31*** join/#asterisk adam_gafachi2 (
19:32.35ScaredyCatget yer fat arse off it
19:32.49ScaredyCatpizza again mbranca> ;)
19:38.01*** join/#asterisk oej (
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19:39.52wasimok, ScaredyCat, shall we order the components then?
19:40.10ScaredyCatwhich componenets?
19:40.16ScaredyCatbig LCDs ?
19:40.25*** join/#asterisk sousou (
19:40.43wasim16x2 is big ?
19:41.02ScaredyCatif you are an ant
19:41.12wasimor a cat :P
19:41.25ScaredyCata very small cat
19:41.36wasimok, a small kitten
19:41.45T0MKATuse VFD instead of LCD
19:41.47ScaredyCatlike a dwarf kitten
19:42.17ScaredyCata dwarf kitten that's been shrunk by 1000%
19:42.30voidptrnow now...
19:42.40wasimbah, my first electrnoic typewrite Sharp was a 16x2 LCD i thin
19:42.56wasimi typed my 5th year report on it
19:43.11dougheckaa watcg
19:43.13ScaredyCatand how long ago was that wasim
19:43.13voidptri only know my 8086
19:43.26wasim20 odd years i'd say
19:43.42ScaredyCatany you still want to use 16x2 20 years on?
19:43.55wasimyes, coppice_ i know 20 is not an odd number :P
19:44.16h3x0rwasim, you have to at least compete with the snom 220
19:44.19*** join/#asterisk kram (
19:44.29dougheckano buttons
19:44.32*** mode/#asterisk [+o kram] by ChanServ
19:44.35dougheckajust a touch screen
19:44.48voidptrgo work at cisco
19:44.49ScaredyCatwasim: use lcdkeys !!
19:44.53h3x0rwasim: You need like, 5 lines for screen pops ?
19:45.01kramload kram_guard.irc
19:45.15kramsomeone wrote me a script
19:45.19krami have to figure out how to load it
19:45.20dougheckahey kram
19:45.22dougheckaop me :P
19:45.24ScaredyCatload kram_attack.ric
19:45.42kramtried that didn't seem to work
19:45.58voidptrit just might not be verbose
19:46.01ScaredyCat\\load alien_invasion_commence.irc
19:46.04dougheckaload kram_into_garbage_chute.irc
19:46.32ScaredyCat/load gun.irc
19:46.41*** join/#asterisk kram (
19:47.02kramokay i think i got it now
19:47.04ScaredyCat/load toaster
19:47.07*** mode/#asterisk [+o kram] by ChanServ
19:47.16kramokay it should be in place
19:47.22ScaredyCat/load a small toad
19:47.28wasimshall we commence the attack then?
19:47.44ScaredyCat/start attack
19:48.06ScaredyCat/enuff slash commands
19:48.29ScaredyCat~kill T0MKAT
19:48.32ACTION slits T0MKAT's throat
19:48.45dougheckaSLASH kram_guardDOTirc
19:48.54doughecka~meepgun kram
19:48.57ACTION shoots kram with a   anti-proton gun
19:49.12ScaredyCat/slash on doughecka
19:49.52ScaredyCat//////////// doughecka
19:49.56*** join/#asterisk espenHome (
19:50.05espenHomein the sipconfig on the cisco 7960,
19:50.11dougheckaespenHome: yep
19:50.13espenHomehow should i write the ip addr?
19:50.15wasimviolence will not get you anywhere, billi
19:50.25espenHome192168000001 ?
19:50.36ScaredyCatespenHome: +6
19:51.19dougheckaseems like a new pbx-in-a-box
19:51.53ScaredyCatdoughecka: is that a very big screen, or a very small box?
19:52.03dougheckavery small box
19:54.37*** join/#asterisk tom1 (
19:54.42eeeewhere can i order ?
19:54.45eeeethis box ?
19:55.02[Sim]looks cute :)
19:55.14[Sim]I want one to carry with me travelling :)
19:55.26dougheckaa TINY IAX boxen!
19:55.33[Sim]yeah :)
19:55.56adam_gafachi2I need beta testers for my voip LD, anyone interested?
19:56.12tom1i am
19:56.27dougheckadoi doi doi
19:56.33dougheckamy IAX box is..
19:56.36dougheckaasterisk box
19:56.37adam_gafachi2shoot me a /msg if you're interested
19:56.38dougheckais down
19:57.26wasimadam_gafachi2: what type of voip LD?
19:57.38T0MKATIt is a Tron tcube
19:57.49adam_gafachi2sip, iax, iax2 => pstn, right now I only have US and canada opened up.
19:57.50T0MKATdunno how practical it is
19:57.59adam_gafachi2I will soon open up additional countries
19:58.01tom1I am trying to create a voice dialing applicaton that will connect through an asterisk gateway using h323.  in order to place the calls through the gateway do i need certain hardware or can it be done with software only?
19:58.22wasimadam_gafachi2: codecs?
19:58.37klicTeldoes anyone knows how to get rid of the tootoo sound heard when joining a meetme conference? I couldn't find the sound file
19:58.58wasimKilroy2k:       'q' -- quiet mode (don't play enter/leave sounds)
19:59.16espenHomei have problems with registering the cisco 7960 on my sipgw.. what could be the problem?
19:59.20MocAnyone for SJPhone working correctly ?
19:59.40Mocfor = got
20:00.03klicTelthanks wasim
20:00.31MocI got it working, but Digit send to asterisk are always double
20:00.44Mocso I can't listen to my voicemail. .
20:01.57adam_gafachi2wasim: ulaw, ilbc  are all I have open right now, soon to include more
20:02.14wasimwhee... ilbc
20:03.18*** join/#asterisk anti (
20:06.22espenHomeany geeks with cisco 7960 here? :)
20:06.49IowaklicTel:  Are you still around?
20:06.50*** join/#asterisk curious1 (
20:08.45*** join/#asterisk IOwa (
20:09.04*** join/#asterisk Iowa (
20:09.35*** join/#asterisk Poemius (~youness@
20:10.06klicTelIowa yes
20:11.39Iowalol...It seems to have cleared up most of the error messages
20:12.17*** join/#asterisk homejod (
20:12.38klicTelIowa: I use it with our softphone around here
20:12.53klicTelso it compiled?
20:12.57Iowathe only ones I get are in iaxclient_lib.c where it complains that event is not a member of iax_event
20:13.05Iowanot entirely
20:13.14Iowahave you had that problem?
20:13.21*** part/#asterisk skeeziks (
20:13.49klicTelyes... I have... let me try to remember what i did...
20:14.23klicTelcan you give me the line number?
20:14.56*** join/#asterisk dimmik (
20:15.01Iowathe first one is line 508
20:16.01*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
20:16.36Iowabut in the definition of iax_event in iax-client.h it doesn't have an event in iax_event
20:17.10Iowashould I use the iax-client that was in libiax instead of libiax2?
20:17.52sobol?info farfon
20:18.28bkw_~info farfon
20:18.39bkw_the bot dead?
20:18.48sobol~info farfon
20:18.52bkw_yet bot is dumb
20:19.11sobolbkw_: what is the site for farfone? or something like htat?
20:19.40tzanger~seen farfon
20:19.45tzanger: i haven't seen 'farfon'
20:19.45klicTelIowa: do you have IAXC_IAX2;LIBIAX defined in the projects properties?
20:19.46tzangerjbot's dead
20:19.48tzangeroop nope
20:19.52tzangerhe's just stupid
20:20.49tzangerjbot farfon is
20:20.52tzanger: okay
20:21.18farfon is, like,
20:21.24Poincareis there a 'sip manual' somewhere?
20:21.49tzangerPoincare: yes, unfortunately it's up the ass of the SIP standard body...  
20:22.07jtoddPoincare: I would suggest "Practical VoIP with Vocal" as a starting point.  It's not about Asterisk, but it's a good SIP primer.
20:23.02Poincarejtodd: it's an online manual/book?
20:23.11jtoddPoincare: It's an O'Reilly book.
20:23.17Poincareok :-)
20:23.26Poincareany experience with SIP and * ?
20:24.29Iowawhere in the properties does it need to be defined?
20:25.30tholoSo when is version 2 of that due, jtodd?
20:25.53jtoddtholo: As soon as O'Reilly gets off their thumbs and publishes it.  They've had it for >2 months, and keep promising "next week, next week"
20:26.18jtoddI haven't had the time to hunt them down and harass them to death.
20:26.34Spaceboygot a question for someone
20:27.06Spaceboygood answer wrong question
20:27.12Spaceboythanks though
20:27.30SpaceboyI am trying to update my asterisk version
20:27.41SpaceboyI did the cvs update
20:27.56SpaceboyI did the make clean ; make install
20:28.12wasimls -l .version
20:28.16Spaceboyand now the version is still the same as it was before I started
20:28.37Spaceboycd ..
20:28.45wasimyou may get rid of that file with extreme prejudice
20:29.31tzangerwasim: heh
20:29.50SpaceboyAsterisk CVS-10/31/03-13:13:37 is my current version
20:30.24*** join/#asterisk chrono75 (
20:31.36Mikehey guys anyone has any idea what other key i can press to transfer insted of #
20:32.01homejodMike: you can press 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 or *
20:32.13homejodjust need to patch * ;)
20:32.31tzangerMike: what's wrong wiht #?
20:33.40Miketzanger: im using a handytone at
20:33.44Mikewith a cordless phone
20:33.50Mikebut i press # and nothing happends
20:33.57tzangergotta love hardcoded shit
20:34.24dougheckapress flash?
20:34.37Mikeyeah insted i tho maybe another key will work fine
20:34.37dougheckaMike: and you enabled it in the dialplan?
20:34.44Mikemaybe its this cordless phone of mine
20:34.59Mikedoughecka: include => parkedcalls you mean?
20:35.16dougheckaits a T or t option
20:35.22Mikeoh yes
20:35.23dougheckaI forget
20:35.29dougheckanever used it
20:35.34PoincareI don't get it... I can call a number from the SIP but when it's answered it keeps giving the dialtone
20:35.51Mikeexten => 103,1,Dial(SIP/103,90,Ttr)
20:36.09Poincareringing tone that is
20:36.14Mikebut this cordless also has a callerid and when incoming calls it just says incoming call
20:36.24Mikeso im thinking the cordless hpone could be the problem tho
20:36.27dougheckaMike: dunno... I never used any of those features?
20:36.32wasimhmmm whats a good place for passives if mousers doens't have em?
20:37.03dougheckaallied electronics
20:37.13dougheckaradio shack
20:37.57*** join/#asterisk kapehome (
20:39.13*** join/#asterisk bobman (
20:43.12ScaredyCatline 147: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
20:43.22chrono75I have a quick question concerning echo between a sip and zap
20:43.47tzangerScaredyCat: ls -l /dev/zap/ctl
20:44.14dougheckachrono75: its the x100p side
20:44.22dougheckato get rid of echo
20:44.25tzangerchrono75: check the wiki for tuning echo cancellation
20:44.28dougheckause bkw_'s [patch
20:44.29UnixDawgput it back in your pants and save it for your loved one
20:44.45bkw_what patch?
20:44.57dougheckayour echo cancle patch
20:44.58Miketzanger: got the wisip now?
20:45.02bkw_kram did that
20:45.06tzangerMike: I'll let you know, ok?
20:45.12Miketzanger: :)
20:45.21dougheckause kram's [patch
20:45.23ScaredyCatcrw-r--r--    1 root     root     196,   0 Dec 15 17:22 /dev/zap/ctl
20:45.29bkw_doughecka its in CVS
20:45.41dougheckaget latest CVS
20:45.50bkw_doughecka you are a goober
20:46.01chrono75thanx, will try
20:46.18UnixDawgman th latest build works alot better
20:46.19bkw_doughecka is that all you can say?
20:46.23UnixDawgon fbsd
20:46.34[Sim]I just logged in on my ssh box through ppp dialup behind a cisco ata186 and an asterisk box with chan_capi
20:46.55doughecka[Sim]: arg
20:47.04dougheckawhy not plug into the jack that the ata is plugged into?
20:47.22TestMasTeranyone here using the Iaxclient, Phone thhe person calls mme he can hear me but i can`tt hear him anyidea what that would be?
20:48.00kapehome[Sim]: congratulations
20:48.00[Sim]dough, no, that is the scenario, but since I try to phase out all the local analog lines and insert voip instead, this is one of those things that still would have to work 'a little' for telebanking and such :-))
20:48.32voidptrnice :)
20:48.33[Sim]so its like: pc with modem -> ata186 -> LAN -> asterisk box -> capi -> pstn
20:49.19kapehome[Sim]: how fast does it go?
20:49.22*** join/#asterisk jgaviria (~jgaviria@
20:49.49[Sim]dunno yet, the connectstring is giving the DCE speed, will check :-)
20:52.34voidptrpom pom
20:52.52voidptrmbranca : fatso!
20:55.24ScaredyCatwhats the 410p device driver called?
20:56.13tzangerTE410P?  probably wct4xxp
20:56.34mbranca~kill all -9
20:56.37ACTION slits all -9's throat
20:56.53ScaredyCatthx voidptr
20:56.58ScaredyCatand u doughecka
20:57.10IowaklicTel : Do you have IAXC_IAX2 defined as a precompiler directive?
20:57.12dougheckain soviet russia, the all kills YOU!
20:57.33jgaviriasorry my keyboard is broken
20:57.41Beavei'll say
20:58.05jgaviriasomebody could tellme, can i use 3X100P and 1 TDM400B in the same * box?
20:58.16wasimjgaviria: sure
20:58.17dougheckaho ho
20:58.50jgaviriawasim: and whats the limit?, for example, can i 4X100P and 2TDM400B?
20:59.00ursenjhow to I get to conlose,..?
20:59.03wasimoh fuck ... min order qty on this one passive is 36,000 pcs
20:59.05dougheckahow slots/irqs do you have?
20:59.07wasimjgaviria: depends
20:59.13dougheckawasim: HAHAHHA
20:59.25ursenjasterisk -c ??
20:59.26voidptrat some point you will run into irq problems...
20:59.39jgaviriahow can i see how many irqs i have?
20:59.49wasimcat /proc/interrupts
20:59.57dougheckacat /proc/interrupts
20:59.59dougheckaI said it first
21:00.05voidptrno you didn't
21:00.08voidptrwasim is lagged
21:00.08dantdoughecka, nope
21:00.13voidptrwith his poor uplink
21:00.21dougheckaactully I copied and pasted wasim
21:00.23wasimand you'll need IO-APIC
21:00.40voidptrwasim : uh
21:00.49wasims/need/may desire
21:00.52IowaklicTel : Should I use the iaxclient from libiax?
21:00.54voidptrk ;)
21:03.40klicTelIowa: Everything needed is in the directory libiax2. Yes IAXC_IAX2 is a precompiler directive
21:03.47dimmikI need some help guys. I want to make snom 200 play with * moh. Snom connects to a server via SIP. Is there anyway to make an extension act as a SIP channel which will map to moh?
21:04.13dougheckaI forgot how though
21:04.29dougheckamy box is dead right now
21:04.32dougheckaso I cant check
21:04.59voidptrwasim : i guess you wont be running out of that item any time soon then...
21:05.07jgaviriawasim: mmm ok, then for example i have the 3,6,7,9,13 free, then i can use 5 cards?
21:05.14wasimvoidptr: no, not at .3$ each
21:05.33dougheckajgaviria: yup... if you have that many slots avalible
21:05.35dougheckaI think
21:05.51dougheckadont blame me if it blows up
21:06.06jgaviriasomebody have used 4 X100P in the same * box?
21:06.06dimmikdoughecka: what can we do to rise the dead?
21:06.21jjanzerdimmik, are you familiar with the necronomicon?
21:06.54dimmikno, but I am familiar with dead pc's :)
21:06.56jets~google necronomicon
21:07.11wasimjgaviria: yep
21:07.11voidptryou watched too much vampire movies? :P
21:07.13jjanzerdimmik, just have a boomstick from s-mart and cut off your hand replacing it with a chainsaw... you'll be fully equipped to handle any situation
21:07.43jjanzerthe evil dead series and army of the dead, rock
21:07.49jets~rot13 wrffr vf n snt
21:07.49jesse is a fag
21:07.56jgaviriawasim: what is the max number of card that you have used in the same * box?
21:08.07bkw_jets how did you know?
21:08.12wasim5 regularly
21:08.37dimmikCan anyone else think of a way to make an extension act as a SIP channel which will map to moh?
21:08.49jetsHey maybe digium shipped my quad t1
21:08.51jgaviriawasim: for example 3 X100P and 2 TDM40B?
21:09.11wasimjgaviria: at times, usually 4 X100P + 1 TDM400P
21:09.24ursenjdoes IAX or SIP work better through a NAT Firewall
21:09.41jetsshe's such a cutie
21:09.49jgaviriawasim: and the TDM400P uses only 1 irq?
21:09.53wasimjgaviria: yep
21:10.32wasimother than 4 componets, the other 15 passive types are ordered
21:10.42wasimerr ... shopping carted
21:10.44dougheckawhats that thing in that photo?
21:10.49dougheckawasim: aghahha
21:10.52jgaviriawasim: thanks!
21:11.13wasimjgaviria: hail *
21:11.20jetsjjanzer: i'd send you pics but you _really_ probably wouldn't want to see them :P{
21:11.23jetsthat was a :P
21:11.23dougheckawhos that?
21:11.43jjanzerdoughecka, my girlfriend
21:12.53dougheckawow, this song...
21:13.00dougheckaI swear a midi note got stuck on :)
21:13.37jjanzerlistening to bad techno?
21:13.45jgaviriawasim: and if i free the usb, im gonna have another irq to use?
21:13.54dougheckajgaviria: possibly
21:13.57dougheckaunless its shared
21:14.03jgaviriaits unshared
21:14.25wasimjgaviria: sure
21:14.51jgaviriagood, and the new cards always use free irqs?, the cards ssearch the free irq to use?
21:14.59wasimjgaviria: depends
21:15.17dougheckafor me I had to move the whole building till it found a free one
21:15.36jgaviriamm ok
21:17.26dimmikdoughecka: when your box is up, can you please check?
21:17.41dougheckait will be up sometime tomorrow :P
21:17.56*** join/#asterisk montag (
21:18.03dougheckaexten => 2226,1,MusicOnHold
21:18.55montaghi, how to verify, with an iax channel that the iax client (gnophone) is not active then send then call to voicemail (without wait timeout...) ?
21:19.15voidptrmontag : normal with dial()
21:19.36voidptrif it isn't registered, it goes to unavailable
21:19.39dimmikdoughecka: I did this, but snom want's to join a SIP extension for moh, so it doesn't work
21:19.54voidptrif it is registered, but not responding, then you are out of luck
21:20.21dimmikthanks anyway. I will keep looking
21:20.24dougheckaask kram, bkw_ ManxPower wasim or anyone else in the channel :)
21:20.41T0MKATAny BayArea folks in here?
21:21.01T0MKAToutto .. you do installs?
21:21.16voidptrmontag : priority of dial +1 (busy) or +101 (unavailable) ... (right folks? i can never remember this myself)
21:21.20outtolunci haven't to date, just dev
21:21.25wasimmontag: chanisavail
21:21.52voidptrwasim : spoiler!
22:56.03*** join/#asterisk jbot (
22:56.03*** topic/#asterisk is The SIP Motto: There's More Than One Standard to Do It
22:59.43*** join/#asterisk jbot (
22:59.43*** topic/#asterisk is The SIP Motto: There's More Than One Standard to Do It
23:00.56royk_heim~kill jbot
23:01.00ACTION slits jbot's throat
23:07.30*** join/#asterisk jbot (
23:07.30*** topic/#asterisk is The SIP Motto: There's More Than One Standard to Do It
23:09.47*** join/#asterisk dimmik (~dimmik@
23:11.01*** join/#asterisk jbot (
23:11.01*** topic/#asterisk is The SIP Motto: There's More Than One Standard to Do It
23:14.23*** join/#asterisk jbot (
23:14.23*** topic/#asterisk is The SIP Motto: There's More Than One Standard to Do It
23:14.37jsmithjbot: seen jsmith?
23:14.39jsmith is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 1 messages.  Is idling for 2s
23:14.43arabeHi all... Any one can help me.. I have the next problem. I have to Motorola Phones (Analog ones) and when a push flash it does not work...  Any idea what can i do ?
23:14.59arabemaybe the time of the flash or i dont know.
23:15.01*** join/#asterisk km- (
23:15.22jsmitharabe: That's probably your best bet... Unfortunately, I don't remember where to change the flash time in the source.
23:16.11arabejsmith i found a constat DEFAULT_FLASHTIME but i have already set it to 100 (the normal is 750) and it still does not work.
23:16.15arabeat zaptel.h
23:19.38*** join/#asterisk chrono75 (
23:20.45chrono75ok, I'm still getting an echo when placing a call from a sip to zap, I updated to the latest version via cvs
23:21.58atacommjsmith: didnt know you could type it that way
23:22.51ursenjanyone here selling GS
23:22.53jsmithatacomm: Yup...
23:23.07jsmithchrono75: Check the mailing list archive... it's been rehashed hundreds of times
23:23.22jsmitharabe: Then you'll probably have to contact Digium support and have them help you
23:23.43*** join/#asterisk onixx (
23:23.54*** join/#asterisk Carp (
23:24.00af_right time to grab a beer
23:24.00CarpHey hey hey
23:24.08Carphow much BW does VoIP use?
23:24.11onixxhi all.. anyone can recommend an * friendly long distance provider for Canada ?
23:24.21sumaCarp: depends upon the codec you use
23:24.48PBXtechare there any * providers in Mexico?
23:24.55*** join/#asterisk adam_gafachi (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.