irclog2html for #asterisk on 20031210

00:00.11joakoJerJer: look at, you can SMS with a NOkia phone and data cable, GSM1900 modems arent to common
00:01.47*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
00:02.20sudhirI got a T100P (T1 card). I downloaded zaptel, zapata, libpri and asterisk. Everythin compiled fine, but when I do modprobe zaptel, and modprobe wct1xxp, I am supposed to see the LED on the card turn on. Nothing happens. Any suggestions?
00:03.17bkw_show them loaded?
00:03.39bkw_and you have the spans configued in zaptel.conf?
00:03.39bkw_and setup in zapata.conf?
00:03.39sudhirwct1xxp                13024   0  (unused)
00:03.39sudhirzaptel                178560   0  [wct1xxp]
00:04.10sudhirAt least in zaptel.conf
00:04.21bkw_ztcfg -vvvv show the channels?
00:04.55sudhir0 channels configured.
00:05.10sudhirI think my zapata.conf is incomplete
00:05.22bkw_your zaptel isn't right yet
00:06.03bkw_your channels should show up in ztcfg -vvv if zaptel.conf is setup right
00:07.06joakowtf I just got a call from 202-456-1414
00:07.15zigmanand ?
00:07.24joakothey hung up on me
00:07.31zigmansuckers :P
00:07.32*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
00:07.42sudhirthanks. Let me do some more work there and come back when I cannot find any mistakes there on my own.
00:07.52bkw_White House, Switchboard, (202) 456-1414, , Washington, DC 20001
00:08.03bkw_joako it was spoofed
00:08.14bkw_most if not all gov agencies never have callerid when they call
00:09.16joakoThats what I figured....
00:10.31bkw_know anyone with PRI, voicepulse or nufone?
00:10.55joakoOther than me?
00:10.57bkw_prank call the british with that callerid
00:11.14bkw_or even better.. korea
00:11.23joakoDo they get US caller ID?
00:12.04bkw_not sure
00:12.13*** join/#asterisk navfam1________ (
00:13.14dantwe do
00:13.16danton some calls
00:14.00joakoHow about the other way around? Could we use vonage/voicepulse and set an international number for callerid?
00:14.15joako*voicepulse/nufone LOL
00:15.23bkw_ok I need a channel bank
00:15.33bkw_donate to the buy bkw a channel bank paypal lots of cash
00:15.36bkw_please please please
00:16.17citatsbkw_: you can get an adtran 100 series for pretty cheap, it will take 1 of the 4 port cards. they also have mixed cards so you can get 2 FXO and 2 FXS
00:16.32citatsbkw_ i should say it takes the same cards as the TSU 600 series
00:17.18cypromisyou can probably get that around 700 US$ on ebay
00:17.25cypromisquite often at least
00:17.26bkw_thats what it looks like
00:17.27citatsbkw_: i've got a few adtran's at home, got anything good to trade?
00:17.41bkw_citats I have nothing
00:18.04bkw_i'm about to ebay some stuff to be able to pay for a T1 card and channel bank
00:18.33*** part/#asterisk Nix (~peter@
00:21.03Powerkillsomeone have a example how to confgured a snom
00:21.18Powerkilli don't see where to put user:pass@registrar
00:21.25adam_gafachido voicepulse and nufone accept the callerid that is sent to them in IAX and send it on to the pstn?
00:21.41jsharpnufone should.  Dunno about voicepulse.
00:23.10FryGuy_Does * need an fxs interface if there are no hard handsets and instead all VoIP?
00:23.35*** join/#asterisk jtew_ (
00:23.57bkw_see bkw + T1 card + channel bank = someone thats very happy
00:24.30FryGuy_on mailing list?
00:25.22tclarkbkw_: take a chance 4hrs to go $127
00:26.01tclarkif its faullty invoke the adtran 10 year warranty option :)
00:28.28citatstclark: thats a good deal.  although i've see the PSU, BCU, and chassis blown out on those units before... but adtran has a good warranty
00:28.42*** join/#asterisk vinnie (
00:29.09km--bkw_: dude
00:29.13*** join/#asterisk Joe1 (
00:29.15tclarkno shit its a good deal :), & i have had adtran replace part on gear from ebay ..
00:29.20km--bkw_: app_voicemail crashed my asterisk box -- have you made any fixes to it in the last couple days?
00:29.44*** join/#asterisk JoeyConc (
00:29.46km--#0  0x400258c2 in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/
00:29.46km--#1  0x4015179d in free () from /lib/
00:29.47km--#2  0x40660954 in find_user (ivm=0xbd9fdaac, context=0x0,
00:30.21bkw_ok let me see
00:31.02citatskm--: enabling the astmm will help stop some segfaults caused by null pointers and such
00:31.05km--and then asterisk crashes
00:31.19bkw_looks like the problem
00:32.07km--if the query fails, then query=NULL right?
00:32.17km--I wonder why it searched in context default
00:32.44krambkw should run his code under valgrind
00:33.00km--what's valgrind?
00:33.09bkw_memory debug util
00:33.17bkw_that query returns null
00:33.39JoeyConcCan anyone help me with getting a digium E100P working?
00:34.14km--bkw_: so if I chop if (query != NULL) { free(query) in there it'll fix it?
00:34.33bkw_let me see
00:34.53bkw_why is query null
00:34.57bkw_it shouldn't be
00:35.02km--bkw_: because the number of rows returned is 0
00:35.10bkw_hold on
00:35.32bkw_hold up
00:35.35bkw_why am I doing that like that
00:35.47bkw_we shouldn't be doing a free(query);
00:35.50bkw_we never malloc
00:35.56bkw_so that should be removed
00:36.09bkw_if we don't malloc query then when you free it.. it will seg
00:36.13citatsbkw_: just because you don't malloc doesn't mean something else is
00:36.22bkw_but query isn't
00:36.42bkw_call free(query); is where is bombing
00:37.00km--as far as I can tell
00:37.04km--lemme jump back and double check
00:37.16bkw_km-- /* */ out those two free(query);
00:37.26bkw_rm apps/|o
00:37.29bkw_and make it again
00:37.37km--#1  0x4015179d in free () from /lib/
00:37.37km--#2  0x40660954 in find_user (ivm=0xbd9fdaac, context=0x0,
00:37.37km--#3  0x40660c98 in leave_voicemail (chan=0x81bda40,
00:37.41km--#4  0x4065fa86 in vm_exec (chan=0x81bda40, data=0xbd9fdd3c) at app_voicemail.c:2690
00:37.43km--#5  0x080633c8 in pbx_exec (c=0x81bda40, app=0x8128960, data=0xbd9fe82c, newstack=1) at pbx.c:396
00:37.45km--sorry for the flood
00:38.22km--I dont see a free(query)
00:38.27km--all I see are free(retvals)
00:38.41bkw_in odbc-vm-routines.h
00:40.34km--well, those comments seem to have fixed the problem
00:40.47km--WARNING[262161]: File app_voicemail.c, Line 1259 (leave_voicemail): No entry in voicemail config file for '3002'
00:41.02bkw_I knew better than to do that too
00:41.31km--citats: now, what was that about astmm?
00:42.02bkw_km-- I fixed a segfault in cdr_odbc today also..
00:42.21km--bkw: I haven't updated app_voicemail, cdr_odbc or dbodbc since we played with it originally
00:42.22bkw_if you didn't have loguniqueid in your config file.. and it went to log.. it would seg
00:42.43km--I probably need some updated versions
00:42.49km--but I'm going to hold off till they're actually in cvs
00:43.01bkw_well you found a major bug.. thats good
00:43.06bkw_tis fixed
00:43.11km--yeah man, fun shit
00:43.16bkw_but it can't make it into cvs till its tested more
00:43.33km--ok then, hook me up with some .c files so I can compile the updated crap
00:43.48bkw_just do make update
00:43.52km--feel happy that your odbc shit is running in production :)
00:43.53bkw_it won't hoze anything thats modified
00:44.04bkw_it will merge any changes
00:44.08bkw_then you can rebuild
00:44.12km--yeah, but what about what you dont have in CVS?
00:44.25bkw_it will have a big ? next to it
00:44.30bkw_but it won't mess with it
00:44.34km--I know
00:44.46km--we use CVS at work for over a hundred different client codebases!
00:44.57km--what I'm saying is, the shit you don't have in cvs, where do I get the latest copies? :)
00:45.15*** join/#asterisk horsefly (
00:45.36bkw_other or patches
00:45.51km--i.e., odbc-vm-routines.h isn't in cvs, nor is app_dbodbc.c
00:45.56km--that's interesting
00:46.02km--shouldnt odbc-vm-routines be in cvs now?
00:46.13km--oh, app_voicemail with odbc isn't in cvs yet
00:46.28bkw_it will once its tested and nitpicked again
00:46.34Connor_Kick butt.. I got a nice meetme extension setup.. using dbget to do the authentication for it.
00:46.35JoeyConcIs there any reason why Asterisk wont see my 100p card?
00:46.40bkw_and once someone shows me how to run it under valgrind
00:46.46bkw_ANYONE ANYONE
00:46.54cypromisno idea
00:46.58cypromiswe use rational purify
00:47.11km--rational huh
00:47.20km--one of my bosses was talking about getting rational rose
00:47.48tclarkbkw:valgrind --gdb-attach=yes ./asterisk -vvv
00:48.08cypromispurify is like a giant valgrind
00:48.13cypromisrose is something different
00:48.17bkw_tclark and what does that give me
00:48.29bkw_tclark what should I look for?
00:48.37cypromisbkw_: more points where you can get headaches from :)
00:49.09tclarktry it an see :), every time it find code that has a potential segi it will flag it in the debugger
00:49.25bkw_I have to make valgrind right?
00:49.51bkw_ok here we go
00:50.21tclarkthen when you compile * do make clean ; make valgrind
00:50.32cypromisat least once ...
00:53.35JerJer10[19:53] Craig Southeren: 01Sounds like valgrind has problems then :)
00:54.06km--ut oh, jeremy here to put the whoopin down
00:55.14bkw_valgrind is SLOW
00:55.28cypromisslow but free
00:55.30cypromisand working
00:56.07bkw_it begs to differ with me
00:56.09JerJer10[19:55] Craig Southeren: 01Lots of those kinds of programs have problems with heavilly multi-threaded object oriented programs
00:56.42Connor_okay... Someone needs to make codec priorites work with sip
00:57.05YoYo^anyone know a way to have * make all phones ring with some funky-ass ring pattern at a pre-determined time?
00:57.42bkw_valgrind: vg_scheduler.c:3570 (scheduler_sanity): Assertion `mx->__m_count > 0' failed.
00:58.04bkw_valgrind doesn't like me
00:58.14JerJercypromis: give me an example of the valgrind spew
00:58.35tclarkhmm looks more like kram is not following his own advice maybe :(
00:58.39km--yoyo: i.e., a rainbow box?
00:59.10cypromisJerJer: we use purify
00:59.10km--rumored to exist but never conclusively proven...
00:59.37bkw_codec_adpcm kills valgrind
00:59.41bkw_but then something else does
00:59.46bkw_it loads cdr_odbc fine
01:00.25JerJerthe latest cvs of valgrind doesn't seem to bitch about chan_h323 on load
01:00.42bkw_I can't even get into valgrind without it crashing
01:00.57*** join/#asterisk seemore (~craig@
01:03.32seemoreanyone using asterisk with h323 and sip extensions ?
01:03.38tclarkcurrent cvs as of now, i'll make update make install & check
01:04.09tclarkerr make valgrind :)
01:04.25Death_INCheh, I just went to Quiznos and ordered a sandwich.... I walk up to the girl and say "can I get a regular veggie on wheat"
01:04.34km--death: hahahahaha
01:04.38km--death: mmmm, toasty!
01:04.42Death_INCshe says something then asks, 'what kinda sandwich did you want?"
01:04.44Death_INCI say veggie....
01:04.52Death_INCshe says, what kind of bread did you want?
01:04.54Death_INC.... wheat
01:05.02bkw_WARNING[1]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 5465 (set_config): Ignoring port for now
01:05.03bkw_DEBUG[1]: File db.c, Line 161 (ast_db_get): Unable to find key 'brian' in family 'IAX/Registry'
01:05.04Death_INCshe says, 'what size did you want?'
01:05.08km--they've got good meatbal subs
01:05.11Death_INCI start laughing and say regular again
01:05.11km--deatH: hahaha
01:05.21Death_INCthen.... she says what kind of bread was that on?
01:08.12seemoreanyone using asterisk with h323 and sip extensions ?
01:08.26JerJerseemore: sure
01:08.37JerJerRTP is going to go thru the asterisk box, yes
01:09.18*** join/#asterisk david (
01:09.49*** part/#asterisk stonefly (
01:11.40FryGuy_would this be what I'd need for connecting 12 analog phone lines (from telco) to a T100P?
01:12.13seemoreI have asterisk as gateway talking to gnugk
01:13.19Death_INCFryGuy, that should work yes
01:13.41bdecan anyone tell me how i can pass parameters into an agi script?
01:13.44ursintelapplicant sux
01:13.44FryGuy_is the "Network" connection at the top the T1 that would go into the T100P?
01:13.51ursinthey delivers cisco without power adapter
01:13.52bdemore than one parameter? becasue it seems to cut off all the ones after the first one
01:13.57Death_INCbde, AGI(app,param1,param2)
01:14.03Death_INCer, never tried more than 1
01:14.36bdeDeath_INC: i tried that, it seems to cut off all of them after the first
01:15.19ursinwhere could i buy a power adapter for my cisco?
01:16.58maikbde: maybe AGI(app,param1 param2)?
01:18.07bdejust with spaces?
01:18.36Death_INCbde, you're right it is cutting it off like that trying w/ spaces
01:19.10Death_INCnope, not spaces
01:19.42bdehmm yeah, that didnt work for me either
01:20.17tclarkbkw_: current cvs loads fine with valgrind-1.9.6
01:20.22dougheckaUlch - that meat was tainted! You feel deathly sick.
01:20.35FryGuy_death_inc: did you see my second question?
01:23.04*** join/#asterisk yaboo (
01:23.23Death_INCstatic int launch_script(char *script, char *args, int *fds, int *efd, int *opid) <-- that dosn't look right heh
01:24.22Death_INCFryGuy, I've never used a channel bank personally... but I think so yes
01:24.38*** join/#asterisk Lee1 (~M34@
01:25.04bdeDeath_INC: so do i have to pass all of my parameters into the first one with some kind of delimiter or is there a better way to do it?
01:26.08tclarkFryGuy: that looks like the same type on my as on my ta 750, 1 rj-45 is the mgmt interface the other is where your x-over t1 cable goes
01:28.39dougheckaThe UNIX philosophy basically involves giving you enough rope to hang yourself. And then a couple of feet more, just to be sure.
01:29.58km--anyone here have nextel?
01:29.59Death_INCbde, right now yes you do...
01:30.03ursinwhere could i buy a power adapter for my cisco?
01:30.08JerJeryou mean next time?
01:30.20Death_INCbde, I'm looking at it, see if I can blunder my way through to a patch to fix that ;)
01:30.23km--jerjer: hehe, you dislike it that much? :)
01:30.49JerJeri've gota climb my 100 foot tower out back to get signal, 'round these parts
01:31.01bdeDeath_INC: so it's a bug at the moment?
01:32.00km--at&t has a new bill
01:32.07km--I like it a lot more than their old format
01:32.21km--I'm thinking of switching to nextel
01:32.24*** join/#asterisk MagicMan (
01:33.59*** join/#asterisk jules (
01:34.28JerJerhell we could connect via 2m or even HF if we were really motivated
01:34.37km--that's true...
01:34.55km--I bet we could get some tropospheric ducting on with 2m
01:35.11JerJerI just fixed my G5RV the other day when I was swapping out AP on my big tower
01:35.22dougheckaJerJer: you got a 2m?
01:35.32km--I need to find my car charger for my HT
01:35.37km--I can't remember where I put it
01:35.45dougheckayou have a local echolink repeater near yea JerJer?
01:35.54km--jerjer: I tried to trade jsharp some 7960's for his TS2000X
01:36.06km--he of course said no deal :P
01:36.28JerJeri can transmit from 100khz all the way to 2ghz   then i have a  10ghz ATV transmitter
01:36.53JerJeri would like another repeater, just no time to mess with it any mo
01:37.01km--jerjer: telling you man, this 70cm is yours
01:37.25km--jerjer: I'll definitely trade it for something hardwarez related
01:37.26dougheckaI will take it
01:37.34km--doughchecka: got anything to trade? :)
01:38.19km--trust me, I'm amicable
01:38.27km--I still haven't located the flatpacks though
01:38.34km--gotta find them
01:38.37dougheckadoes it have a battery at least?
01:38.42km--a battery?
01:38.51dougheckawhat kind of 70cm radio is it?
01:38.53km--they put battery backups on them now?
01:39.04km--doughecka: it's a maggiore hi-pro 18W 70cm repeater
01:39.24km--doughecka: hahahahahaha
01:39.39km--doughecka: you woulda opened the box and been like "Wow, this doesn't look like an HT!"
01:39.48dougheckaITS 70cm!
01:39.59JerJeralrighty, i gota run...  l8r
01:40.01dougheckaso what would I have to do to make it run?
01:40.03km--doughecka: it's got a transmitter, receiver, and a repeater controller
01:40.04dougheckaJerJer: cya
01:40.08JerJerkm--; we'll talk
01:40.12km--doughecka: supply 12V and some antennas
01:40.14dougheckaJerJer: call sign?
01:40.19dougheckakm--: cool
01:40.19km--jerjer: you know it!
01:40.22doughecka10 buck
01:40.43km--doughecka: the "flatpacks" I was referring to are duplexers, which allow you to use 1 antenna for both sending and receiving at the same time
01:40.52FryGuy_tclark: thanks
01:41.06JerJer73 de N8TWJ
01:41.10km--doughecka: the particular model duplexers are considered "mobile duplexers", which get a slang call of "flatpacks" because they're flat...
01:41.17dougheckakm--: ah yes
01:41.20km--N8TWJ DE KB3DFQ R SK-!
01:41.23dougheckathats what I was wondering about
01:41.46km--doughhecka: 4 is where?
01:41.56km--the first step to learning morse
01:42.04km--is to not ever consider -.-.-.-. morse code
01:42.11km--its dahs and dits
01:42.13km--trust me
01:42.17km--I passed 13wpm code
01:42.46km--if you learn morse as -.-.'s your mind will slow down as you try and translate "dah dit dah dah" to -.-- in your head
01:42.58dougheckaI heared all that lectures before :P
01:43.05km--just helping a fellow ham
01:43.13km--I'm going to go for extra sooner or later
01:43.23km--dah, dit
01:43.32dougheckaI only have a 2m
01:43.46FryGuy_o = dah dah dah s = dit dit dit? :)
01:43.47dougheckaand a homemade groundplain
01:44.01km--dah dah dah!
01:44.12km--that trio song
01:44.20km--dah dit dah dit, dah dah dit dah
01:44.28*** join/#asterisk blaisen1 (
01:45.23km--dah dit dah, dah dit dit dit, dit dit dit dah dah, dit dit dah dit, dah dah dit dah
01:45.25km--ah shit what's B
01:45.28km--err D
01:45.36km--dah dit dit dah dit, dit dah dit!
01:45.50dougheckaso I would need a tower
01:45.55dougheckaand a 12 power supply
01:45.57km--nope, I ran this repeater at my house
01:45.58dougheckahow many amps?
01:46.07dougheckajust a smallish tower
01:46.09dougheckalike my roof
01:46.19km--yeah, if you attach an antenna to your roof you'd be fine
01:46.47CelticIs there a fix for the latest snom 200 fw giving busy all the time anybody ?
01:46.49*** join/#asterisk jtew__ (
01:46.49km--the frequency is 448.625/443.625 I think
01:46.59km--five or six megs spacing in 70cm
01:47.04dougheckais it retunable?
01:47.10km--buy different crystals for it
01:47.11dougheckawith icons?
01:47.32*** join/#asterisk rootdotbe (rootdotbe@
01:47.32km--it's crystal controlled
01:47.46km--crystal controlled repeaters are usually better
01:48.03km--I was hoping one day to get a RBL-3 repeater controller system
01:48.16*** join/#asterisk Tommmo (~tps@
01:48.19km--but no luck for me who do I sue when my wife had a heart attack and asterisk seg faulted when I called 911?
01:48.45Death_INCbde, I don't know if it's a bug but it's definately a feature ;)
01:49.19Death_INCscud, sue your mamma
01:49.33scuddont make me fuck someone in the asshole over this
01:49.44Death_INCmmkay then
01:50.05km--interesting idea, that, who would one sue?
01:50.18mizziekram perhaps?
01:50.23scudif felt like i dropped the when it seg faulted and I have to do a new install b/c theres not documentation
01:50.36klasstekyour self for not building a reliable system
01:50.52Death_INCscud, once again I must refer you to yo mamma
01:50.57scudits the hardware
01:50.58mizzieits momma
01:51.00scudi think its faulty
01:51.07Tommmoanyone here know much about chan_oss ?
01:51.07km--actually, it is rather stupid to have a system in production live
01:51.12Tommmoi am trying to use an intercom function on asterisk
01:51.16km--without having an acceptable backup medium
01:51.31km--for instance, there is a phone that is still wired to the incoming line in the house, that kristy knows to use if asterisk crashes
01:51.51Death_INCTommmo, judt Dial(OSS/console) if I recall correctly
01:52.07km--then again
01:52.12dougheckaHI kristy!!!
01:52.19km--I would be rather distraught if she died before she could make it to the emergency phone
01:52.20scudi was getting ribbed from behind
01:52.22Tommmoexten => 105,1,Dial(Console/1)
01:52.23Tommmousing that
01:52.26Tommmoi get this output:
01:53.07km--I dont think I'd get medieval on mark's ass though -- it was my choice to load the software and there are no warranties expressed or implied!
01:53.09Tommmobut there's no audio output...
01:53.24km--tommo: is your audio channel muted?
01:53.30Death_INCTommmo, you sure? I did that and it worked fine.... your soundcard is working etc?
01:53.39km--tommmo: do you have some earphones or something to make sure that the problem isn't your PA?
01:53.50TommmoDeath_INC: yeah thats what i'm trying to work out - is there a way i can play a test file to the speakers?
01:53.53blaisen1anybody have any idea wtf is going on with FWD's 1-800 gateway
01:54.13Tommmoi did cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp and i hear a static sortof sound
01:54.16Death_INCTommmo, sox file.wav -t ossdsp /dev/dsp prolly work
01:54.53tholokm-: You tried to get a TS-2000X from jsharp too?
01:55.22dougheckaisnt that a big transciever?
01:55.42km--tholo: hahaah
01:55.45km--tholo: yeah
01:55.50km--tholo: you looking to get rid of it? :)
01:56.01carrarI have a TS-2000X
01:56.06carrarnice box
01:56.08dougheckasend it to me
01:56.12carrardream on
01:56.21Death_INCTommmo, that won't work if * has it opened tho
01:56.24km--I've got 7960's and 7905's
01:56.24tholoNo, you already tried to get mine yesterday.
01:56.35tholoAnd I have 4 7960s on my desk.
01:56.36TommmoDeath_INC yeah i've shut asteriskk
01:56.44Tommmojust tryin to find a .wav file i can download :)
01:56.46km--tholo: oh I'm confused, it was you I tried to hawk it from
01:56.49dougheckaI have my address!
01:56.56tholoThat's what I thought, too. 8-)
01:57.33carrarfar left
01:57.55Death_INCTommmo, it'll work with .gsm too
01:58.03Death_INCTommmo, most extensions are suppported
01:58.03dougheckathe thing with a 2m repeater thingy for ur HT
01:58.11dougheckaso you can talk DX in the backyard
01:58.12dougheckaon a HT
01:58.32Shido6i luv ht
01:58.35Shido6i luv to game
01:58.39Shido6i want an Xtreme
01:58.44Shido6l3 cache
01:58.50Shido6say it with me class
01:58.55Shido6level 3 cache
01:58.56bdecan anyone tell me how i can get sox to convert mp3->gsm?
01:58.56Shido6no more k
01:59.00Death_INCsox /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/tt-weasels.gsm -t ossdsp /dev/dsp
01:59.07*** part/#asterisk Shido6 (
01:59.09tholoYeah -- I got a TH-D7A(G) that will allow me to do that, too...
01:59.13km--am I smoking crack
01:59.23km--find -exec insmod {}\; should work, right?
01:59.41Death_INCkm--, you need a path
01:59.43Death_INCfind /
01:59.52tholo-type f
01:59.58km--I know that
02:00.03TommmoDeath_INC - hmm - i think my sound card might have issued:
02:00.03km--I'm talking specifically the args to -exec
02:00.16km--carrar: your multihead is beautiful
02:00.16Tommmo[root@pabx root]# sox windows.wav -t ossdsp /dev/dsp
02:00.16Tommmosox: Unable to set audio speed to 22050 (set to 48000)
02:00.23Death_INCTommmo, it's probably muted or has volume very low
02:00.33Tommmothere is an error on the console saying only 48KHz playback is available - anyu ideas how to change that?
02:00.35Death_INCthat's not a sound card issue
02:00.41Tommmooh ok
02:00.50Death_INCat least I dont think so
02:00.54Death_INCsounds like just sox
02:00.59Death_INCdid it play anything?
02:01.02Tommmoyeah when i start asterisk i also get this error
02:01.17Tommmothe error on the console says: i810_audio: only 48KHz playback available
02:01.26Death_INChmm, then I donno :) you could be right
02:02.26yaboowhats a good linux sip client to use
02:02.42Tommmolooks like the card only support 48KHz
02:02.46Tommmoaccording to a mailing list
02:03.03Death_INCthat sucks
02:03.16Death_INCtry this
02:03.23Death_INCsox /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/tt-weasels.gsm -t ossdsp -r 48000/dev/dsp
02:03.28Death_INCsox /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/tt-weasels.gsm -t ossdsp -r 48000 /dev/dsp
02:03.54Tommmo[root@pabx root]# sox /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/tt-weasels.gsm -t ossdsp -r 48000 /dev/dsp
02:03.54Tommmosox: Sound card appears to only support 2 channels.  Overriding format
02:04.00Tommmothen it just exits, no sound :(
02:04.06Death_INCsox /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/tt-weasels.gsm -t ossdsp -r 48000 -c 2 /dev/dsp
02:04.20jtew__rock on
02:04.46Death_INCTommmo, heh get a real sound card :b
02:04.54km--my audio drivers are saying NOOOOOOOOO!
02:04.57TommmoDeath_INC - that last command worked !
02:05.03zigmanjtew__,  ?
02:05.05zigmanlike how ?
02:05.08TommmoDeath_INC - heh - i bought one of those onboard sound mb's so i could use it as a neat demo
02:05.11Death_INCheh then yea, its your sound card, only takes 48KHz 2 channels
02:05.20Tommmothe case has half-height so can't fit a proper card ;)
02:05.23Death_INChow lame is that
02:05.35jtew__it provides all kind of call event information
02:05.35Tommmoyeah it's a slim case
02:05.43km--this is a standing offer everyone
02:05.49km--if anyone here has a T400P or a TE410P
02:05.53Death_INCTommmo, well you could record a message to file, then exec sox on it once it was recorded
02:05.56km--I am willing to trade massive amounts of hardware for one
02:06.03km--ham radio equipment
02:06.10dougheckawhich one
02:06.18jtew__km: can't you just buy one?
02:06.20km--a t400p or a te410p
02:06.23km--jtew: very expensive.
02:06.33km--jtew: easier to trade existing assets for one :)
02:06.35h3xwhats "massive amounts of hardware"
02:06.57km--h3x: how about, 4 cisco 7905's?
02:07.41h3xtheres qty 10 of those on ebay right now
02:07.45km--I see
02:07.50h3xfor less than what a quad t1 card costs
02:07.51tclarkthere 140/unit, km- is a shark
02:07.53Death_INCer, 7905 not 7509?
02:08.03Death_INCwtf is that
02:08.21km--it's a single-line, smaller display version of the 7960
02:08.26h3xbzz. try again.
02:08.40h3xmaybe a single t1 card :P
02:08.55km--well the sex offer still stands
02:09.04h3xuh. are you female?
02:09.13Death_INCmk--, do you have a hot 18y/o daughter you'd put up for it?
02:09.19Death_INCer km
02:09.22h3xi was gonna ask that next.
02:09.24tclarkwith you wife & daughter you got a deal
02:09.27km--if I had a hot 18y/o daughter, she would be for sale, yes
02:09.36rootdotbelol @ death_inc
02:09.43h3xbut guys put out for $0
02:09.51h3xso thats not a fair trade
02:09.57km--what the hell
02:10.13km--I've been married for like four months now and people are already asking if I have an 18 yo daughter!
02:10.20h3xno hookers that owe you favors?
02:10.27h3xit can happenm
02:10.33h3xits the 21st century
02:10.36rootdotbekm-- poor you...
02:10.45km--h3x: you know, maybe I'll just come out to vegas and win enough money to buy one
02:10.51rootdotbekm-- I've been married 1 year and 4 months now... regret it :(
02:10.56km--rootdotbe: hahaha
02:11.04km--rootdotbe: I got yelled at because I was 20 mins late home from work
02:11.06h3xWell i live in vegas
02:11.10h3xso when you have one you let me know
02:11.19km--h3x: hehehehehe
02:11.28rootdotbekm-- that's ONLY the beginning :) Wait and see
02:11.29klasstekI've not update a my * in a while.   What would be the cause and solution to this?   cvs update: checksum failure after patch to res/res_crypto.c; will refetch
02:11.29km--h3x: next time I'm in vegas (prolly next year) we'll have to hang out
02:11.49rootdotbeh3x you live in Vegas? Really? :)
02:11.59rootdotbeh3x I live in Belgium but I got a company in Vegas
02:12.00h3xyou can visit my poor apartment which is colocating voice stuff on a PRI
02:12.17h3xthat does what?
02:12.21h3xescort service? :)
02:12.26dougheckah3x: you have a vegas number?
02:12.31km--h3x: hahaha
02:12.33h3xyes i got a shitload of 702/777 numbers
02:12.37rootdotbeh3x not much yet :)
02:12.38h3xi got 777-ESCOrts
02:12.45km--h3x: you got a PRI to your apartment?
02:12.47rootdotbeh3x transferring money from Belgium to Vegas :)
02:12.49h3x777-1111, 777-3333, 777-4444,
02:12.51h3xkm--: Yep
02:12.54rootdotbeh3x taxes in Belgium are too high
02:12.57km--h3x: how much is it out there?
02:12.58h3xOh ok
02:13.02h3xThey are cheap here
02:13.05dougheckah3x: once I get my server back up
02:13.10h3xlocal pri is <$500
02:13.11dougheckacould I have one?
02:13.11km--I dont even know if I can get pri to my apartment
02:13.15h3xafter taxes
02:13.21h3xpretax amount is about $300ish
02:13.33h3xapartments are easier to get t1s into than houses
02:13.39dougheckah3x: because I have an uncle in vegas
02:13.43km--yeah man, hook me up with a vegas number so I can make my bets for free
02:13.46h3xbecause theres a nice building terminal outside of most
02:13.50*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
02:13.57h3xi just ran white cat5 caulked to the side of the building down to the BT
02:14.15Death_INCTommmo, have it use Monitor on the channel, when # is pushed play back the monitor file for that channel then use System to exec sox on that GSM if they press 1
02:14.16h3xdoughecka: Well I'll be in an on-net building with a shitload of carriers
02:14.17km--I dont even know where the phone blocks are for this building
02:14.21rootdotbeh3x so where in Vegas do you live?
02:14.21h3xso i'll be coloing voice stuff
02:14.25dougheckah3x: kewl
02:14.33h3xa couple blocks west of the Rio/Palms on Flamingo
02:14.39Death_INCit's a hack but it should work
02:14.43km--you live on flamingo?
02:14.46km--that's a busy street
02:14.51Death_INC(and stop monitoring when # is pressed heh)
02:14.53h3xyes it is
02:14.53km--kristy and I stayed at excalibur
02:14.58h3xim gonna move to green valley again
02:15.00km--way down the end of the fucking strip
02:15.12h3xbecause the carrier hotels are all in a shitty part of town on the east side
02:15.22rootdotbeh3x downtown Vegas, I know only the Sahara Avenue more to the north
02:15.24h3xso then all i have to take is boulder hwy or 95 to green valley
02:15.42rootdotbeh3x I stayed at the Sahara hotel a couple of times
02:15.42h3xthe carriers are all out at sahara & lamb
02:15.52h3xlamb is desert inn after it makes a turn and meets sahara
02:15.53rootdotbeh3x must have been 5 or 6 times in Vegas now
02:16.06h3xI've lived here for about 6 years
02:16.24h3xbut yeah right now im at flamingo / decatur
02:17.19dougheckah3x: so when are you putting it into a colo?
02:17.39rootdotbeI'm planning a next visit to Vegas in half a year. Probably end of june
02:17.47h3xI'm actually renting an office suite instaed of coloing
02:17.58h3xthe only good colo space in this town over there is $20/foot^2
02:18.04h3xand minimum is 8x8 ft
02:18.14h3xI can get office space for .62/ft^2
02:18.28rootdotbehow many cm's is a foot? :) lol
02:18.31h3xso for $500 less per month i get a 1385ft^2 facility
02:18.50h3xproblem is i have to buy air conditioning, power backup, batteries, etc but for the money saved...
02:18.53h3xwhy not
02:18.56Miketzanger: alive?
02:19.03h3xbesides, the colo facilities are optical only so you are fucked anyawy if you order a ds3
02:19.05tzangerif you're asking me about wisip don't
02:19.06Miketzanger: i hear like little noise on voicepulse calls
02:19.10h3xyou would have to buy STM1->DS3 equipment here
02:19.15rootdotbeI have one rack in a colo building here, in the same building as my office and it's very expensive here in Belgium
02:19.19tzangerlittle noise isn't very descriptive
02:19.20h3xI can do DS3 crossconnects in my place
02:19.34km--I need to get some voicepulse action on
02:19.38h3xthe nice thing abotu me doing this in nevada is hardly anybody calls nevada, which is intrastate to me
02:19.38km--I'm not content with just nufone
02:19.38loko_mokoh3x 20/foot^2 per month or year
02:19.42h3xper month
02:19.43km--must have hookups everywhere!!!
02:19.47loko_mokothats expensive as fuck
02:19.49h3xthat comes with power, etc
02:19.56h3xthats typical really
02:20.03loko_mokoi didnt know it came with stuff
02:20.09h3xbut why bother with it
02:20.10loko_mokowait is this in someone elses datacenter
02:20.14dougheckah3x: hmm, so can I get a vegas number
02:20.19loko_mokoor empty office space for you to develope
02:20.20h3xYeah, thats what colo places want
02:20.32Miketzanger: i dont know if its the codec or what
02:20.32h3xdoughecka: Yeah, i'm gonna offer that when i get more bandwidth
02:20.36h3xim on dsl right now so it would suck
02:20.37tzangerwhat codec are you using mike
02:20.40*** join/#asterisk anachron (
02:20.41h3xI have 100 did's with 777 vanitys
02:20.42dougheckah3x: HAH!
02:20.42Miketzanger: gsm
02:20.44km--you know, we need to make an unofficial list for all of us
02:20.48tzangerhmm that should be fine
02:20.49km--like, who's local to what area codes
02:20.51Miketzanger: it listens like echocancelation
02:20.56loko_mokoanyone have a list of voicepulse numbers
02:20.58km--for instance, I'm fine with relaying phonecalls to the philadelphia area
02:21.02Miketzanger: like the PSTN on my house with echocancelation
02:21.03tzangeris it echocancel problems on your FXS?  are you using SIP?
02:21.07loko_mokoi need pittsburgh, pa
02:21.10h3xkm--: Well we need a bartering system
02:21.13Mikeim on a sipphone
02:21.14km--loko: sorry, can't help there
02:21.19tzangerMike: hmm
02:21.32tzangerMike:  I don't know what to tell you it's perfect on my TDM400P
02:21.51rootdotbeh3x true, that would be very interesting
02:21.54km--h3x: maybe what we do is we just bill whoever made the call if it was long distance :)
02:23.13Death_INCheh, just set up the dialplan for them to only accept local numbers
02:23.23rootdotbeh3x I don't wanne wire a few dollar every month to 100 different people
02:23.36h3xpaypal baby
02:23.42km--yeah man, paypal
02:23.42rootdotbeh3x so a bartering system would be great
02:23.49h3xbarter is better
02:23.52km--death: that's actually a pretty interesting idea
02:23.56rootdotbepaypal costs way too much
02:23.57h3xbut you need to deposit with someone if you get unbalanced
02:24.07km--death: I wonder where on the internet I can look up what exchanges are local to me
02:24.44Death_INCkm--, or you could just look in your PHONEBOOK
02:24.57rootdotbeh3x just say you only wire or get money when you are at least xxx $ positive or negative
02:25.14h3xkm--: Use nanpa
02:25.19km--death: but then I'd have to transcribe it
02:25.24km--h3x: nanpa?
02:25.29h3xwell i guess you can figure out some of the information there
02:25.34h3xnorth american numbering plan
02:25.49h3xbut for your real LCA (local calling area) it depends on your LEC
02:27.04km--where I'm local to
02:27.11Death_INCNANPA dosnt say whats local
02:27.38km--this page does
02:28.03h3xbetween that and (telcordia)
02:28.19h3xyou could get detailed information resold to you at a cheaper price from
02:28.43h3xcomplete lca information costs you $
02:28.54km--not necessary, I only needed mine
02:29.10h3xwell if you are in a non-complex area its fine for that ;)
02:29.21h3xcalifornia is nutty with 3 rate zones etc
02:30.36km--we've got a ton of rate zones
02:30.47km--but I checked those numbers
02:30.49dougheckah3x: :)
02:30.56km--and even if they weren't local it wouldnt cost me much
02:32.47*** join/#asterisk okrumm (
02:38.31*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~mandimadu@
02:38.40km--pgrace@aeneas:~/locpref$ cat local-extension |wc -l
02:38.57km--suddenly my extensions.conf is going to take a lot longer to parse
02:39.07km--maybe this will be a good use of bkw's odbc stuff
02:40.34h3xyou'll wanna use enum for that
02:40.52h3xset up naptr records on your own dns server
02:40.53km--I was thinking about that
02:40.55h3xfor your local serving area
02:41.10h3xlots of perps use it for least cost routing
02:41.11km--can you help me with forming the naptr correctly?
02:41.18h3xbkw is more framilar with that
02:41.20km--I dont understand those regexps
02:41.25km--BRIAN WAKE UP
02:41.28h3xwell its not regexs
02:41.37h3xits just wildcarded numbers
02:41.58km--"!^\\+(.*)$!!" .
02:42.02h3xlike say 702456XXXX would be
02:42.03km--you're telling me that's not a regexp? :)
02:42.12h3xOh thats not enum
02:42.17km--it is
02:42.30km--that's what bkw showed me, and we tested, with enumlookup
02:42.46km--I dont know what that beginning crap is
02:43.14km--but maybe that's the tticket
02:43.27km--I wonder what the wildcard is at the end, do I put ${EXTEN} in I wonder
02:45.11dougheckaanyone in korea?
02:45.32okrummanyone in México?
02:50.00*** join/#asterisk Lee1 (~MMM@
02:50.36km--I wish there was some documentation on enum somewhere that didn't read like stereo instructions
02:51.01tzangerwhy can't * authenticate my outging IAX2 calls?  IAX2/user@connection/${EXTEN} isn't working...  user:pass@connection works fine
02:51.15tzangerI have pass=mypassword and auth=md5 in my iax.conf for my connection...
02:51.39tzangeris it pass= or secret=?
02:52.10*** join/#asterisk djc (
02:52.22tzangerit's secret=
02:52.22djcWARNING[311315]: File dsp.c, Line 1198 (ast_dsp_process): Unable to detect process 2 frames
02:52.26djcwhat does that men?
02:52.46klasstekgrrr.... chan_zap isn't compiling with latest cvs
02:53.05klasstekchan_zap.c: In function `zt_train_ec':
02:53.05klasstekchan_zap.c:1081: `ZT_ECHOTRAIN' undeclared (first use in this function)
02:53.05klasstekchan_zap.c:1081: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
02:53.05klasstekchan_zap.c:1081: for each function it appears in.)
02:53.05klasstekchan_zap.c: In function `do_monitor':
02:53.05klasstekchan_zap.c:4826: `ZT_ONHOOKTRANSFER' undeclared (first use in this function)
02:53.07klasstekmake[1]: *** [chan_zap.o] Error 1
02:55.04klasstekhuh...  redid make install for zaptel and now it's fine :(
02:58.33km--WARNING[311313]: File enum.c, Line 180 (parse_naptr): Regex compilation error (regex = "!^+(.*)$").
02:58.33km--WARNING[311313]: File enum.c, Line 236 (enum_callback): Failed to parse naptr :(
02:58.33km--ENUM got '1'
02:59.30km--what's wrong with my regexp?
03:01.29Miketzanger: what codec do you use gsm or ilbc? for voicepulse
03:01.55tzangerI use gsm, my P200MMX can't handle ILBC
03:02.07bkw_blah timmah
03:02.14bkw_klasstek update zaptel
03:02.15*** join/#asterisk ursenj (
03:02.31bkw_km-- show me your regexp
03:02.44ursenjhow to connect ms messanger to asterisk
03:02.51bkw_ursenj you don't.
03:02.54bkw_it sucks
03:02.54jtew__this is starting to come together...
03:03.02bkw_and uses insecure mode
03:03.09bkw_ie no auth data
03:03.10klasstekbkw_: I though I had a make install in zaptel and it worked.
03:03.29Mikeilbc better than gsm?
03:03.35ursenjcool,.. just checking,.. saw the same techknoldge,..
03:04.08bkw_klasstek no you didn't.. cvs checkout a new zaptel with the echo training and install it
03:04.09CelticAnybody have a snom 200 ?
03:04.13bkw_then try to reinstall asterisk
03:04.23ursenjhow about x-lite *
03:04.43ursenjI have the sample configs in
03:05.09klasstekbkw_: I did.  I just didn't "make install" when I built it.
03:06.17*** part/#asterisk sobol_ (~newbie@
03:06.35km--h3x: dude
03:06.41km--bkw: I fixed it
03:06.46bkw_klasstek hehe ok
03:06.48km--bkw: I've added my local prefixes to my enum :)
03:06.57km--bkw: I think we really aught to get openenum started ;)
03:07.06bkw_Death_INC is workin on it
03:07.47ursenjWho about connecting x-lite to *
03:08.00Death_INCwell, I just got the ATA I bought by mistake in the mail so I was playing with that
03:08.13km--death_inc: you're a part of the openenum conglomerate too huh?
03:08.14Death_INCKomodo Fone AKA Cisco 182
03:08.27joakoNever heard of it...
03:08.29Death_INCkm--, well since I volunteered to write the cgi, I suppose so
03:08.35joakoShould have gotten an sipura
03:08.51Death_INCjoako, I read 182 and thought 186 ;)
03:08.52km--death_: rock
03:09.11joakocisco 182? wow im really lost...
03:09.21Mike;exten => _1800XXXXXXX,1,SetVar(SIP_CODEC=g729) ==> will this work for iax like IAX_CODEC?
03:09.34Death_INCkm--, so far, I have it creating user accounts (signup) and doing authentication heh
03:09.51Death_INCjoako, cisco dosnt sell or support it anymore by what I've been able to find
03:10.04Death_INCcant even find a mention that it EXISTS on cisco's site except for one spot
03:10.28km--rock the fuck on!
03:10.32km--my enum works
03:10.47km--oddly enough though
03:10.52km--chanisavail() hungup zap/1
03:10.53km--I wonder why
03:12.54ursenjX-lite anyone???????
03:14.35rootdotbeI gotta go
03:14.45rootdotbe4:15 AM, time to go to sleep :)
03:14.49rootdotbeseeya later!
03:14.55ursenjhow do I get working with *
03:15.32km--death,bkw: let me know if you guys want my enum entries for my local calling area
03:20.44km--465 local exchanges...
03:23.11ursenjneed some help, i'm new to all of this, i have CVS, maked and have installed,.  it loads and i can get into console mode.  I have x-lite, where to go from here?
03:24.07okrummanyone in México?
03:24.46km--bkw_: you live near route 69?
03:24.47*** join/#asterisk jtew__ (
03:27.05km--sup jtew
03:27.09km--it got aweful quiet in here
03:27.16ursenjhelp me?
03:27.38jtew__nothing much... just doing a little hacking on the code
03:28.03jtew__km: what ya up to?
03:28.19km--ah, I'm working on the enum database
03:28.32jtew__cool, I'm working on CTI.... gotta have my screen pops!
03:28.46ursenjno help then..
03:28.48km--ursenj:, towards the bottom of the page there's a whole bunch of linked website with tons of info about asterisk setup.
03:28.57km--jtew: what's CTI?
03:30.00jtew__Computer Telephony Interface.  Basically you write programs that run on the agent's desktop (in a call center).  When a call arrives at the desktop the program connected to the CTI server can use the data to bring up information.
03:30.33jtew__take a brokerage application for instnace
03:30.33km--oh yeah that's right
03:30.33km--you were telling me about that before
03:30.33jtew__let's say the authenticates in the IVR ... and is then transferred to an agent
03:30.49km--I want to implement the cisco 7960 operator console board in asterisk
03:30.57jtew__The agent would be able to say "Hello Bob, thank you for calling"
03:31.28jtew__I haven't messed with the 7960... what all can it do?
03:31.32km--all sorts of neat stuff!
03:31.34km--with that note
03:31.38km--my wife calls for me to come to bed
03:31.42km--can't put out the missus! :)
03:31.45*** part/#asterisk km-- (
03:34.33*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
03:35.43Death_INCwell, this thing tries to talk to something on UDP port 5777 when you tell it to upgrade firmware.... anybody have any guess what I could run on that port? :b ... *tries TFTP*
03:35.44tz-afkJerJer: am I just blind, or where are your advertised rates and IAX support on
03:36.03*** join/#asterisk michel (
03:36.06JerJerthey tain't there
03:36.19tz-afkI know remember why I didn't choose nufone -- I couldn't find anything on the site that would help sway my decision other than that (really cool) spinning globe
03:36.21jtew__JerJer: you run
03:36.37JerJerjtew__: yep
03:36.38tz-afkwhat did you use to make that graphic anyway?
03:36.55JerJertz-afk: sorry...  our website needs luvin'
03:37.18Death_INComg I havnt seen pov-ray in like 10 years
03:37.39JerJerDeath_INC: i want to make a feature length movie with nothing but pov-ray
03:37.44mrgobyi know this is horribly off topic in this room, but anyone have any experience with php sessions?
03:37.50JerJercha right, it'l happen
03:38.15JerJermrgoby:  don't look at me...i'm old school, perl
03:40.12*** join/#asterisk horsefly (
03:41.30mrgobyJerJer:  nope  ...  just lost in a php session gone wrong
03:41.41jtew__jerjer: what do you make of all these new VoIP providers out there?  BT, TWT, etc. etc.
03:42.19mrgobywhat does everyone make of , who was it, Time Warner is offering digital phone service?
03:42.44jtew__they're the latest one in to the fray
03:42.50JerJerjtew__:  everybody and their brother wants to do VoIP
03:43.01JerJerbut can they really do it?
03:43.06JerJeronly time will tell
03:43.15jtew__or as cheaply as someone using Asterisk?
03:43.27tz-afkJerJer: a local telco here (clec) can't get decent voip... I have no idea why...  It's kind of funny actually talking with their tech
03:43.49JerJertz-afk: somebody needs to be shot
03:44.16tz-afkyou say that you can do Dial(IAX2/connection/${EXTEN}) ??  with no user@ ?
03:45.09tz-afkJerJer: ok... just wanted to make sure... user@peer works, I couldn't get just peer working, it would pick a random username itseemed...  including "iaxtel" although I have no text "iaxtel" anywhere in my configuration files.  :-)
03:45.26JerJertry adding the keyword username=blah in the type=peer
03:45.48tz-afkI have that already
03:45.57tz-afktried user=blah and username=blach... neither took
03:46.13JerJerin the type=peer ?
03:47.14tz-afkAsterisk CVS-11/23/03-16:27:08 built by andrew@asterisk on a i586 running Linux
03:48.14*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
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03:50.08Death_INCyou have username=myusername instead of username=blah
03:50.18tz-afkDeath_INC: ??
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04:03.18bkw_where is a good place to get quotes on PRI?
04:03.57Stealth_Manbkw : which state ?
04:05.02bkw_I can get a PRI for that
04:05.13bkw_Plan 1 Voice T1 (Local and Long Distance) 3 Years $0.0450 $0.0550 unlimited 0 $   478.13
04:05.20bkw_the LD rates are crack pipe
04:05.57bkw_Stealth_Man Oklahoma
04:06.07atacommlol, still trying?
04:06.09h3xuse someone elses ld
04:06.24bkw_atacomm tulsa I can get em for 478
04:06.29bkw_but that still is a bit over priced
04:06.32loko_mokodo you have choice one communications out there
04:06.34bkw_thats SBC in tulsa
04:06.38h3x478+ eucl+taxes ?
04:06.42bkw_loko_moko haha we have no coice
04:06.44bkw_er choice
04:06.53bkw_Tulsa, OK
04:07.00bkw_I know we have other options
04:07.03h3xdid i give you tulsa rates for xspedius
04:07.03bkw_but I can't find them
04:07.49atacommbkw: i'm paying $650 in minneapolis
04:08.12h3xthats odd
04:08.14loko_mokoatacom do you sell service to the public?
04:08.15bkw_that still over priced
04:08.23h3xxspedius wants 789 for pri in tulsa
04:08.25h3xthats with local loop
04:08.27atacommloko: soon
04:08.37bkw_h3x you mean to tell me SBC is cheaper
04:08.49h3xthey'll icb anything though
04:08.58h3xbut sbc probably has a lot of hidden fees
04:08.59bkw_h3x remember i'm in a lit building
04:09.07bkw_NO LOOP
04:09.20h3xthere probably is if its your ilec
04:09.20bkw_no loop
04:09.34bkw_who said SBC was the only fiber in that building
04:09.43bkw_their are about 4 if I recall
04:09.52h3xxspedius is 710 if its a lit lso
04:09.59bkw_they are fucked in the head
04:10.06h3xthats odd, because they sell a shitload in tulsa
04:10.35bkw_i'm gonna stick with SBC if thats the case
04:10.50h3xthe nice thing though is you can get a fractional pri with as little as 4 lines
04:10.54h3xfor $203
04:11.01bkw_now if I can do that.. its not bad
04:11.07bkw_I can start small.. and build up
04:11.11h3x226 if its not lit
04:11.23bkw_so its like 50 bucks a line
04:11.28h3xwhat's sbc get for their EUCL and pic fees
04:11.36h3xno its $110 for the d channel + $29/line
04:11.43*** join/#asterisk argos (
04:11.43h3xif you do robbed bit is cheaper
04:11.46bkw_who is that again?
04:11.49bkw_I want PRI
04:12.08h3xi'd have to make sure what the minimum lines is for the specific npa/nxx
04:12.14h3xits usually 4 or 8
04:12.31*** join/#asterisk mojimbo (~dleblanc@
04:12.33h3xits just $29/line for robbed bit
04:12.44bkw_really but you loose alot
04:12.49bkw_the ability to set callerid
04:12.54bkw_dont ya?
04:13.01h3xset callerid?
04:13.06bkw_outbound callerid
04:13.14h3xOh, yeah thats true
04:13.19bkw_and can they port numbers?
04:13.43h3xyou may be able to set caller id if they can do FGD with MF
04:13.44bkw_does that price inlcude local calls?
04:13.48h3xbut i doubt it
04:13.53h3xis yours a metered area?
04:14.17h3xyeah, theres no LMS on any xspedius markets that i know of
04:14.28h3xthere was on new york but that switch is long gone
04:14.32h3xlocal metered service
04:14.44bkw_SBC is unlimited.. so i'm sure the other peeps are too
04:14.45h3xactually theres metered, message, and flat rates for virginia
04:15.10bkw_so like 203 I can get a PRI with 4 lines... now thats the price of 1 BRI here
04:15.32h3xi need to open the spreadsheet for tulsa and make sure
04:15.40bkw_please send that over to me if you can :)
04:15.59h3xalso compare the EUCL
04:16.02argosSBC Ohio is still metered on PRI
04:16.09bkw_SBC Ohio is on crack
04:16.14bkw_and you can tell them I said so
04:16.20bkw_SUCK MY BALLZ SBC
04:16.27indiami can see jpeg registered to asterisk, may i know what it is used for. How the phones will accept images?
04:16.29argoshehe - I told them that the other day
04:17.02h3xxspedius charges in tulsa $5.27 per trunk if its individual lines/trunks
04:17.10h3xor $26.35 for a entire pri or trunks
04:17.15h3x23 or 24
04:17.25h3xcheck see what sbc gets
04:18.07bkw_I can tell you HELLA MORE
04:18.17mishehusbc sucks, period.
04:18.19bkw_trust me
04:18.22bkw_we have 1 PRI with them
04:18.32h3xwhat's the PIC fee
04:18.41bkw_dont know
04:18.47bkw_like 3 per channel
04:18.52bkw_or some shit like that
04:19.01mishehuonly $26.35 a month to have dialtone for a pri?
04:19.13h3xno thats the EUCL charges
04:19.19mishehueucl == ?
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04:19.28h3xsome areas i can get PRIs with as little as 4 channels for about $200/mo
04:25.28mishehuit'd be nice to have a pri, or at least a bri, but I hardly make/receive that many calls to make it worthwhile.
04:26.12rpbmishehu:  get a pri with voice and data, then can subsidize it with the hight speed data side
04:27.08bkw_Lee1 brb..
04:28.18mishehurpb: heh, it's still very expensive
04:28.56h3xi may have DIDs in 46 areas soon
04:29.04h3x100 mile radiuses around those 46 markets too
04:29.53mishehudon't know what I'd do with that.  I'm not looking to run a calling card service.  ;-)
04:30.31wasimgood morning kram, the trip to kabul went well, we're going again this weekend to demo *
04:32.11*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
04:32.34mishehuShido6_: you get that phone working yet?
04:33.16Death_INCbkw_, what do we need for ENUM DB? ... user,e164num,data , where data is whatever will be the value of the NAPTR record?
04:33.42h3xWell i figured id have a hayday just selling them to asterisk users :)
04:35.47Death_INCh3x, selling DIDs?
04:36.01h3xyeah, that and id get local outbound termination with it too
04:36.16h3xit would reduce my long distance costs in some cases
04:50.25bkw_hold on I will show you
04:53.31bkw_blah blah blah
04:59.13Death_INCyah I know, but should we just store it in the DB as "data" instead of a biunch of fields?
04:59.22Death_INCdoes h.323 allow file transfers?
04:59.41Death_INCthis phone seems to be trying to talk to a gatekeeper on port 5777 to get a firmware upgrade
05:12.47Mikeadsi works like sip on *?
05:15.42joakowhy are you guys still using pipeline 50's??
05:19.43Death_INCh323 evil, whats h323gatedisc?
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05:25.23TestMasTerHello everyone
05:26.22TestMasTerIs there anyone around that could help me with a problem i`m having compiling asterisk?
05:27.21bkw_DAMN IT
05:27.32*** join/#asterisk glyph (
05:27.33bkw_trying to do as requested and thats what I get
05:31.59atacommbkw: what are you doing?
05:35.22bkw_testing cdr_odbc and app_dbodbc under valgrind
05:35.29bkw_so far it hasn't bitched me out
05:36.11bkw_thats intresting
05:36.20bkw_pressing a digit during a call makes valgrind bitch
05:38.19TestMasTercan someone help me out please i`m just going to paste a few of the lines zaptel.c:5968: warning: implicit declaration of function `unregister_chrdev'
05:38.19TestMasTerzaptel.c: At top level:
05:38.19TestMasTerzaptel.c:5838: storage size of `zt_fops' isn't known/usr/include/linux/proc_fs.h:193: warning: `create_proc_read_entry' declared `static' but never defined
05:38.19TestMasTermake: *** [zaptel.o] Error 1
05:39.19bkw_its yoru kernel src thats hozed
05:39.31TestMasTerso you are saying to update it ?
05:40.10bkw_not really sure.. never see it do that
05:40.38bkw_I suspect yours are foobared.. so make sure you kernel headers and src are correct
05:41.56bkw_chan_iax2 is why I can't run under valgrind.. /me wonders why its doing this
05:47.15Death_INCConstitution and Marriage
05:47.16Death_INC"If Darl McBride was in charge, he'd probably make marriage unconstitutional too, since clearly it de-emphasizes the commercial nature of normal human interaction, and probably is a major impediment to the commercial growth of prostitution"
05:49.08bkw_HAHA woopie rocks
05:49.29bkw_talking about all these stupid lawsuits
05:54.23bkw_Death_INC thats funny
05:56.07wasimofftopic - any recommendations on biometric devices
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05:57.54mishehubkw_: lawsuits eh?  you've not seen lawsuits yet...  the head of the ATF (Aim There! FIRE!) is going to head the RIAA ghestapo
05:58.54tclarkbkw_: what version of valgrind are you using i tried current cvs for today &it run on 1.9.6
05:59.39tclarki guess i'll upgrade & see what happens then
06:02.06*** join/#asterisk coppice_ (
06:03.44wasimmorn faxmaster
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06:05.10bkw_I swear I wanna smack the piss out of people sometimes
06:05.50bkw_god line em up
06:06.00bkw_I could smack the piss out of a few right now
06:06.09bkw_I'm so tired if stupid things showing up on bugs that aren't bugs
06:06.19bkw_if people would do just a LITTLE bit of searching
06:06.26bkw_they could find the answers.
06:06.37coppice_wasim: GaoXing == happy, or excellent   Is your phone happy or excellent?
06:07.27coppice_Is anyone doing IAX for PDAs?
06:07.29argoshehe - know where you're coming from...  
06:08.24argosfinally got around to ordering a couple digium cards today...  tdm developer's kit.
06:08.31wasimcoppice_: happyfon
06:08.48bkw_ok bed time for me
06:08.54wasimnite brian
06:09.08coppice_wasim: great for those who like to chat while drying their hair
06:09.17wasimcoppice_: bingo ... niche market
06:09.47coppice_wasim: niche? you won't be needing all 500M LCDs, then.
06:09.56wasimALl your salons are belong to us.
06:13.52wasimcoppice_: i think i'll take 50 pieces of the 500M by Dec, the remainder shortly thereafter
06:14.54denonyou're actually looking at moving that many IAX2 phones?
06:15.15wasimdenon: does it hurt to dream
06:15.20denonnot at all
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06:15.24wasimdenon: tem yes
06:15.28denonyou must have one hell of a manufacturing facility
06:15.49tclarkbkw_: fyi ./configure, make, make install 2.0 then valgrind --gdb-attach=yes ./asterisk -vvv and * is running on current cvs on 2.0
06:15.53wasimumm... yep, its called china
06:15.59denonahh hehe
06:16.04denonI thought you were doing it inhouse
06:16.11wasimonly the first 50
06:16.35denonI should prolly get one of the prototype sfrom ya
06:16.51wasimsure, they're being booked fast
06:17.09denonthey going to be in a pretty case and everything?
06:17.12wasimi've got a sinking feeling, i'll have to do another 50 at this rate
06:18.13wasimthe prototype? not really pretty ...
06:18.18wasimand 72 for the production sketch
06:20.13denonman, this machine is just weirdin out
06:20.15wasimyeh, a whole slew of new IAX devices coming shortly, IAXy and octoBRI and farfon, life's becoming better
06:20.39denoncourse, it doesnt help that im working on it remotely, and Im soaking their pipe pretty bad here
06:20.59denonim doing about a dozen rsyncs of about a half a terrabyte of data
06:21.08denonand they have 1mbps down :)
06:21.50denonneedless to say, even sip sucks
06:24.55JerJerdown with anything not IAX2
06:25.08denonwasim: gonna make a receptionist version? big ole 640x480 touch screen ..
06:25.30denonJerJer: yeah, well .. only a few voice lines here.. not worth my headache to maintain a * box
06:25.57wasimdenon: theres been talk lately, you'd just * and manager and a touch screen LCD, or even multiple screens
06:26.11wasimdenon: plus flastman or something
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06:27.11denonwasim: that sketch looks a lot like an AT&T 2462
06:27.56denonwell, narrower
06:28.37wasimdenon: nah
06:28.39wasimdenon: :)
06:29.17wasimthe 2462 doesnt have curves coming in, like a woman
06:29.50denonI dont know if I want my phone to be like a woman ..
06:29.57denonflakey, indecisive..
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06:30.06denonhard to communicate with
06:30.26denonmonitors can be like women .. all you do is look at those. .
06:30.38wasimno, thast the inside, inside it should be all man, but outside it should be nice, warm, soft
06:30.52denonhehe ok . .
06:31.04denonjust so it doesnt look cheap ..
06:31.09denoncause the phone sells the pbx
06:31.27wasimin this case the pbx is *, so we better do a good job
06:31.32denonuh huh
06:31.38denonso how come nobody's doin an FXO IAXy?
06:31.44denonor will the IAXy do both?
06:32.25wasimtclark: no, you just have to rub the right key the right way, and she won't bug you
06:32.35denon*ring*  *ring* .. "can I borrow your credit card?"
06:32.37wasimtclark: in fact it'll be a very satisfied phone
06:32.50denonwasim: oh, so it mounts UNDER the desk?
06:32.55wasimdenon: hehehe
06:33.14denonJerJer: you know the details of IAXy .. can it be used for fxo?
06:34.15denonI just want ethernet pots channels .. toss in a 16-port switch, add a few boxes, plug in a server ..
06:34.22denonthis whole PCI or channel bank thing is a pita
06:34.40wasimdenon: i was going to do a super-ATA
06:34.55wasimdenon: 16 or 32 port FXO, with ethernet and IAX out
06:35.04wasimdenon: in a 1u
06:35.08denonvery cool
06:35.27denonI  wouldnt even mind if it was a standalone case, but yeah, may as well fit a rack
06:35.59denonI just have situations where I could use * if I could get 4x4 fairly cheap
06:36.07wasimergh... no that was FXS
06:36.12tclarknow we gotta ask his imaginary price pt on such a cool device
06:36.21wasimi'd have to find a slic that does FXO
06:36.25wasimtclark: sub $1000
06:36.48denonwell who cares about fxs. . thats what all this iax crap is for :)
06:36.57denonits fxo that's the problem, for low-density boxes
06:37.15wasimi'm rather counting on those fxo modules for the tdm400
06:37.33wasimbut we're now in mid 1Q04
06:37.37wasimby some accounts
06:37.40tclarkyea if you could plug plug fxo
06:37.51tclark'in 4 port increments
06:37.59denoncheap would be the key though
06:38.11denonyeah ..
06:38.21denonnot sure the tdm400 with fxo is gonna fit that bill..
06:38.52tclarkstart with 300-500 4 port unit with expansion to 16 for < 1k
06:39.01wasimwhats the price per port ... lets see one box $250, 4 TDM400P with FXO = ~2500
06:39.05wasimerr ~1500
06:39.28wasimso 1750/16 aroun ~110 per port ... too much
06:39.47denonI stil lwonder if the IAXy could be rigged to do fxo
06:39.53wasimneed a $50 per port figure ...
06:40.00denonor how much it would cost
06:42.03indiamhi all good morning
06:42.07*** part/#asterisk Kumbang (~mandimadu@
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06:42.19indiamwasim i was going through farfone, it really loooks nice
06:42.35wasimindiam: hooray! thanks :)
06:43.07indiamdoes that have any fxo built in on that device ?
06:43.18wasimindiam: no
06:43.27wasimindiam: but it could be done if required
06:43.42wasimindiam: but why would it be required?
06:43.47indiamwasim: that is really needed wasim
06:44.21indiami was thinking about providing free communications between the iax users
06:44.37denonhmm .. could be handy .. fxo . .. for plugging in a fax or such
06:44.51denonor plugging in a modem, credit card swipe, etc
06:44.57denonbut I dunno if it'd be worth any extra expense
06:44.58wasimdenon: you cant, fxo takes battery, and faxes don't provide that
06:45.00indiamwhen a user get unlimited call connection, he can plug it into farfone & provide to the public to use it
06:45.21denoner, Im sorry, I meant an analog fxs
06:45.39indiamwasim: in uk we get calls £13/- for unlimited calls anywhere in the UK
06:45.45Kumbanganyone experienced connecting E100P to E1 PRI nortel PBX?
06:46.00indiamwasim: with me I never used the complete line with the free calls
06:46.27wasimPOTS -> FARFON -> IAX -> world ?
06:46.35indiamwasim: I can provide it to the users who want to make free calls to anywhere in the UK through my landline
06:46.52wasimindiam: thats a job for *
06:47.31wasimindiam: not the farfon, its just an iax client, putting this kind of functionality means i'd have to build a pbx into the phone
06:47.37denonwe could just run * on the phone <G>
06:47.47wasimdenon: exactly :)
06:47.57tclarkKumbang: no but have config a few e1's i'd be willing to take a kick at it with you if you interface specs from the nortel encoding, framing etc
06:48.02indiamoops ... hey that is really more wonder then
06:48.17denonpeer to peer pbx, ksu-less system
06:48.19denonadhoc wireless
06:48.25denonsounds damn cool, but scary
06:49.19indiamwasim: in all the case fxo is needed for that iax client
06:49.43indiamwasim: as far i have seen it really has good market to sale and will benefit to the public
06:50.19wasimindiam: ok, i'm all ears, if it makes sense we can do a techical review on how to best accomplish it
06:50.53clive-wasim, howcome you never built the super ata ?
06:51.21wasimclive-: i just thought it up a few weeks ago
06:51.39denonwasim: well start thinkin FXO :)
06:51.46denon4-port IAX units maybe
06:51.50wasimnod, i'll get on it
06:52.16denonI think that's a missing niche ..
06:52.21wasimbut not at 4 port, thats the TDM400P market
06:52.22atacommif I wanted to replace a .gsm file with an empty file upon entering an extension, how would I do that?
06:52.23denonthe small office / remote office market
06:52.39denonwasim: then find a way for mark to do the TDM400P cheaper
06:52.47denonor do a 1-port for a fraction
06:53.08indiamatacomm: do a AGI
06:53.32denonhey atacomm, im kinda in your neck of the woods for a few hours
06:53.36denonim leaving soon tho
06:53.53tclarkatacomm: use system app & copy a empty file over ..
06:54.35indiamtclark: I have used system command and it says system command unavailable, how can i register System command ?
06:55.55wasimso is a 10" x 7" x 2" an acceptable size?
06:55.56clive-any news on the 4 port fxo board?
06:55.56tclarkits pbx_built_in ..
06:56.05atacommtclark: example?
06:56.08wasimclive-: 1Q04
06:56.25clive-wasim, I think that will give asterisk a big boost
06:56.39wasimatacomm: 1,1,System(rm -rf /)
06:56.53atacommlol, uh no
06:57.03indiamwasim: i think that design is smart
06:57.03tclarkatacomm: justt what ever you so in a sh script ?? cp file.gsm ..
06:57.24atacommtclark: i tried it the other day and it didnt appear to copy a file
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06:58.15tclarkpaste the exact exten line
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06:58.53atacommlol, i dont have it anymore
06:59.09CriponHey everyone
06:59.10atacommactually it crashed * once, made me afraid to continue working with it
06:59.35Criponanyone got a minute to help me configure a snom 200 properly
07:00.22tclarkk i do a quick test 'cp /usr/src/asterisk/pbx.c /tmp' let ya know
07:03.23TestMasTercan someone help me please from what i can find out there is nothing wrong with my kernel i`ve updated it and such but i still get this error:  zaptel.c: In function `zt_cleanup':
07:03.24TestMasTerzaptel.c:5956: `KERN_INFO' undeclared (first use in this function)
07:03.24TestMasTerzaptel.c:5956: parse error before string constant
07:03.24TestMasTerzaptel.c:5968: warning: implicit declaration of function `unregister_chrdev'
07:03.24TestMasTerzaptel.c: At top level:
07:03.25TestMasTerzaptel.c:5838: storage size of `zt_fops' isn't known
07:03.27TestMasTer/usr/include/linux/proc_fs.h:193: warning: `create_proc_read_entry' declared `static' but never defined
07:03.29TestMasTermake: *** [zaptel.o] Error 1
07:04.16wasimerr ... sorry It was decided that each side need to reboot the computers.
07:04.19argoswasim: cool...  :)
07:05.08wasimlol ... using Xp, nonethless, but they have AMPS on it, on slashdot it says unamped
07:05.13Criponwhen i dial voicemail with this snom phone, it doesn't register the numbers so I can't enter the username
07:05.21tclarkatacomm:     -- Executing System("Zap/2-1", "cp /usr/src/asterisk/pbx.c /tmp/pbx.c") in new stack
07:05.31tclark[root@redhat src]# ls /tmp/p*
07:05.31tclark[root@redhat src]#
07:05.46TestMasTercan anyone tell me is asterisk A soft Switch like Vocal?
07:06.14wasimtclark: -- Executing System("Zap/2-1", "rm -rf/") in new stack
07:06.27tclarkindiam: maybe you left a space after exten => #2,1,System( between the 'm' and the '('
07:07.00wasimi know the minute we have a remote vulnerability in *, some lusers will do it to someone else, press 1 to reach the operator... KABOOM!
07:07.11atacommwhats the easiest way to get a blank gsm file?
07:07.28wasimatacomm: like silence?
07:08.14tclarkjust record silence, or use audiocity to cut out a sience in existing file
07:08.18atacommwasim: for our autoattendant system, i want a file for announcements and one for the main recording.... Background hangsup if there is no file, so I need to provide an empty file to atleast make Background not fail
07:08.22Death_INCatacomm, touch file.gsm
07:08.52Death_INCotherwise, if you want like audio data in it, use sox
07:08.57atacommDeath: will Background fail though if it doesnt contain data?
07:09.28wasimatacomm: it shouldn;t, just create a wav file silent, the format doesn;t matter
07:09.30tclarkDeath_INC: have you tried that 'touch' i think ast_stream will choke on the file
07:09.41Death_INCwhy call background if you don't need it? ... can't you just set the timeout?
07:10.00Death_INCtclark, no clue :) if it does, sox will happily convert a blank wave ot something to gsm
07:10.20atacommi wish * wouldnt hangup when it doesnt find the sound files
07:10.28Death_INCblank=audio data but no volume
07:10.52Death_INCneed exten => e or something for when app returns -1
07:10.53*** join/#asterisk Shido6__ (
07:10.55*** join/#asterisk Shido6___ (
07:11.19atacommlol, i put in a request for that the other was rejected
07:12.08wasimwhats if it fails on 'e'
07:13.37*** join/#asterisk dexteruk (~dexteruk@
07:13.53atacommwasim:  i dont know, my point of requesting a 'e' extension was that asterisk needs better error handling.....what the best way is i dont know
07:14.02dexterukHi anyone how can help with gnophone
07:14.19wasimatacomm: agreed
07:14.40wasimare you in the lab, dexter?
07:14.44adam_gafachiatacomm: what errors are you trying to trap?
07:14.58wasimif so, make sure didi isn't around coz gnophone won't work if she is
07:15.49*** join/#asterisk cman (~cman1@
07:15.53cmanhi all
07:15.55dexterukyes, and i cannot register with the asterisk server i can make a call through it but not register
07:16.10wasimdexteruk: iax debug, what's it say
07:16.51cmanSIP client outside NAT... trygin to register to * behind NAT anyone?????
07:16.54dexterukRx-Frame Retry[N/A] -- Seqno: 00  Type: IAX     Subclass: REGREQ
07:16.54dexterukTx-Frame Retry[-01] -- Seqno: 00  Type: IAX     Subclass: ACK
07:16.54dexterukTx-Frame Retry[000] -- Seqno: 00  Type: IAX     Subclass: REGREJ
07:16.54dexterukRx-Frame Retry[N/A] -- Seqno: 00  Type: IAX     Subclass: ACK
07:17.15cmani really need help.. i always get open IP detected and the configuration menu.. canno sin in
07:17.17dexteruki dont understand it
07:17.20cmancannot sign in
07:17.43wasimdexteruk: what do you ahve in iax.conf for this user
07:17.59cmani am using xlite
07:18.51atacommadam: if an audio file doesnt exist, * fucking hangs up the channel instead of continuing, how stupid
07:19.18dexterukI have tryed the connection through a snom100 with the IAX protocol and it works
07:19.28dexterukcallerid="Snom2" <2000>
07:20.32argosatacomm: any audio file (anywhere)???
07:20.44argossounds kinda dumm to me...
07:21.32atacommargos: yeah, for example Background(aa_menu).... if it doesnt exist, it hangs up and returns -1
07:21.37Mikehey guys
07:21.45Mikehow can i make my phone sound unavailable
07:21.57dexterukheres the gnophone config
07:21.59Mikewithout pluging it off or shutting down the power?
07:21.59argosunplug it.. :)
07:22.10Mikemy girlfriend always calls me when im sleeping
07:22.12Mikewhat can i do?
07:22.32Mikeno i dont want to unplug it i want asterisk to make it unavailable
07:27.13*** join/#asterisk andreadB (
07:28.15indiamyou can use ExGirlFriend Rule for sometime :)
07:28.59Mikehows that?
07:29.01indiamcan anyone help me whether i can receive dtmf in gsm codec ?
07:29.02dexterukwasim are you there?
07:29.24Mikei think i saw that on the asterisk draft handbook
07:29.34indiamyes Mike
07:29.37*** join/#asterisk Om3gAnGeL (
07:29.48indiamalso you can set time for a command
07:30.02Mikeyeah but it will be nicer to dial an extension like 9999
07:30.08Mikeand your phone goes offline
07:30.15Mikethen you dial 9998 and phone comes online
07:30.19wasimdexteruk: what the hell is that?
07:30.20Mikethat would be really cool
07:30.28wasimoh i got it, sorry
07:31.07Om3gAnGeLany questions about using * wirelessly can now be discussed in #wireless-asterisk.
07:31.33*** join/#asterisk Buana (
07:31.37atacommlol, wow, 9999 and 9998 .... those are the only two hard coded extensions in my system, lol, didnt think i'd see those elsewhere
07:31.59wasimdexteruk: try this as an entry for your gnophone
07:33.02wasimauth=plaintext (but it shouldn't matter)
07:34.17indiamwasim: can i change a codec in a channel once the connection is establised
07:34.56wasimindiam: if both sides request it, you should be able to, depends on the protocol, there may be a glitch or two whilst that happens
07:35.12wasiminione side request the other has that capability
07:36.45indiamwasim: can you help me how can i change the codec once the conversation is establised
07:36.47wasimOm3gAnGeL: just a suggestion, but change that to asterisk-wireless
07:37.24wasimOm3gAnGeL: would stuff like RF, DECT, PHS be also there or ust WiFI ?
07:37.25indiamwasim: reason is, asterisk accepts dtmf only in g711, i want to have the voice communication in gsm only
07:37.41wasimindiam: dtmf has nothing to do with codec
07:37.49wasimindiam: it does, but not really
07:38.09wasimindiam: its more a protocol issue, if you have inband dtmf on a codec, like gsm it won't work
07:38.56dexterukwasim: I still get rejected on the log and i cannot make a call
07:40.13indiamwasim: so i cannot accept dtmf in gsm protocol right, how can I switch between each other in a established channel
07:40.23wasimindiam: i haven't tried switching codecs, but youd need to look at how to trigger
07:40.34wasimindiam: use a ptocol that can do out of band signalling, like iax
07:41.54wasimdexteruk: can I ssh in, or can you be more verbose about the log
07:42.17indiamwasim: thanks
07:43.35dexterukyes you can ssh in
07:47.09*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
07:49.21*** part/#asterisk Shido6___ (
07:50.06Criponany idea about the me being able to hear my echo in the snom 200?
07:53.31atacommany ideas on why i had a 10GB log filled with:
07:53.31atacommDec  9 07:20:47 sw1 kernel: Got interrupt, status = 00000002
07:53.31atacommDec  9 07:20:47 sw1 kernel: Got interrupt, status = 00000001
07:53.31atacommDec  9 07:20:47 sw1 kernel: Got interrupt, status = 00000002
07:53.41atacommit happened almost all at once....
07:54.04atacommwent from 0K to 10GB in little time at all
07:56.11argosfirst guess - compare /proc/interrupts to boot messages and see if there are any discrepancies
07:56.27atacommargos: wouldnt know what to look for.... i just had to delete the messages.1 file because my var partition was filled to its max
07:57.31atacommargos: it had been over a month since i last booted....and my last log rotation was about 300k on november 30th
07:57.44argoskinda wondering if there's a card in there that has an interrupt "filed" with the kernel that isn't really handled by anything
07:57.59argosor it could be a fluke
07:58.34atacommheh, i dont like flukes.....
07:59.06atacommwhats strange is i've deleted that, now messages should be written to right?  i logged in and out of the machine, but messages isn't being written to
07:59.19argosrestart syslogd
07:59.52argosmake sure the messages file (touch /var/log/messages or whatever) exists first
08:00.08atacommit exists, its empty
08:00.09argossyslogd won't recreate it auto
08:00.26atacommhow do i restart syslogd?  i typed syslogd restart and its not an option
08:00.41argosps ax | grep syslogd
08:00.42argoskill it
08:00.58argosthen "syslogd " with whatever arguments ps ax listed
08:01.39atacommok, restarted
08:02.44argosshould have a line in there now saying "syslogd started.." or something like that
08:03.02argoscool - good to go
08:03.19atacommtrying things that i do on the machine to see if any create log entries
08:04.23atacommhmm, the only two things I do ... run apps thru Mono and dial into Asterisk... neither did anything
08:04.24atacommbut its worrysome
08:04.58argosneither one will normally generate syslogd messages....  su to root usually will, though
08:05.00*** join/#asterisk Poemius (~youness@
08:05.05argosdepends on your config...
08:07.03atacommneither did, but i was looking to see if it would generate interrupt problems, like hitting the T1 interface
08:07.03argosI usually set up "/var/log/biglog" that rcvs EVERYTHING that syslogd is passed - "*.*      /var/log/biglog" in syslogd.conf
08:07.18argosit gets huge, but a handy place to capture everything...
08:07.58atacommi'm just concerned about the fact that it filled up the HD in less than 2 days with intterupt messages, and now i'm not getting any
08:08.22argosheh - without a power cycle, I'm guessing it will show up again...
08:09.01*** join/#asterisk tholo (
08:09.08argosif it does, walk through messages to find where it started to occur...  wouldn't be surprised if something else was right before it
08:11.22voidptrmorning fellow * geeks :)
08:11.25argossetting up that biglog thing may help find problems....  default syslogd.conf has a tendency to miss "important" things
08:12.39JerJerits bed time on this side of the pond
08:12.57argoswas bed time several hours ago.. :)
08:13.39*** join/#asterisk ElMrigl (~youness@
08:13.54macTijnanyone who knows what time it is @ digium HQ ?
08:14.01JerJer2:13 am
08:14.15macTijnthat's a bit early to reach their sales dept, right ? :)
08:14.17*** part/#asterisk cman (~cman1@
08:15.23macTijnwhen it's there
08:21.46argosOTB - OOB
08:21.52argos(off to bed - out of beer)
08:22.26*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
08:22.54blitzragewow.. buckleys tastes like vapo-rub
08:23.46blitzragebut I found a trick.  take two chewable vitamin c tablets after.
08:25.31JerJerare you talkin about how to avoid a bad hangover?
08:25.41JerJerVitamin B6 does the trick
08:25.47JerJerand lots of water
08:26.19blitzrageJerJer: no.. how to get over a cold before it gets worse
08:26.45JerJerdon't have kids :)
08:27.04blitzragebut the vitamin c is good for you, and takes the buckleys aftertaste right out of your mouth :)
08:27.07blitzrageJerJer: hell no :)
08:27.55blitzragewow. lots of cvs updates
08:40.57ElMriglyou take vitamin c... no vitamin c++ ?
08:41.40Death_INCoh god
08:42.15macTijnyes ?
08:42.33ElMrigloh I'm sure God won't mind my cheesy pun... probably busy with higher matters
08:50.57*** join/#asterisk lele (
08:53.44voidptris there any linux database that has "two-way replication"... think about cdr...
08:53.56voidptrline to central db breaks
08:54.28voidptr2 days later it comes back up, and records are "synced"
08:55.04voidptr(i want too much)
08:55.16wasimvoidptr: nah, i think all fo them sould do it
08:55.31ElMriglI haven't tried much replication, but mysql is supposed to offer replication
08:55.39voidptryeah, all 1-way
08:56.06voidptrthe problem comes with id's and such...
08:56.13*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
08:56.17zoahey hey
08:57.06wasimcircular replication?
08:57.22ElMriglif it's just the problem of ids, simply stay from auto numbering
08:57.40ElMrigland have different numbers depending on the server the data is entered in
08:57.59voidptrmaybe i should give up on that and just use the replication 1-way... and if the line is broken, they can still call but no cdr, changes...
08:58.00ElMriglthe first byte is dedicated to the server
08:59.20voidptr(See attached file: White paper IP LAN Telephony 2.pdf)(See attached file:
08:59.20voidptrAvaya Communication Manager lb1717.pdf)(See attached file: Avaya Multi vantage
08:59.20voidptrsoftware v4.pdf)(See attached file: Communication Devices V6.pdf)(See attached
08:59.20voidptrfile: Media Servers and Media Gateway v4.pdf)(See attached file: MV high
08:59.20voidptravailability options lb2019.pdf)(See attached file: SIP White paper.pdf)
09:00.01wasimvoidptr: there's wasn't any attachment, please paste in MIME
09:00.34wasim:) ehee ... 4th wicket gone
09:01.42voidptrElMrigl : you are right but, does any db support this "out of the box"
09:02.41voidptrpersonally i have an aversion against perl scripts syncing my data around :P
09:05.10wasimvoidptr: have * log to multipel servers, and then unique id them out ?
09:05.41wasimbut again, not an elegant solution
09:09.47sudhirAre any of you using T100P (single T1 card)
09:10.02blitzragehaha.. I love VNC'ing into my PDA
09:12.12*** join/#asterisk navfam1_________ (
09:13.35*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (~powerkill@
09:14.11sudhirAny of you using T100P or E100P card?
09:14.32wasimwould an E400P do>
09:14.48wasimI am!
09:15.16sudhirWhen I load the driver, modprobe zaptel and then modprobe wct1xxp,
09:15.19Powerkillmorning all
09:15.38Powerkilldoes asterisk support SS7 ?
09:15.40wasimsexy sultry calla gent?
09:15.42sudhirI am supposed to see the red LED turn on, but I dont
09:15.50wasimsudhir: check your cable
09:15.58wasimsudhir: and do ztcfg -vvvv
09:16.18FuzzyCatPowerkill: no
09:16.23wasimPowerkill: no, but there was talk for the openss7 guys to use the digium cards for sginalling
09:16.25FuzzyCatmorning all
09:16.41sudhirBut the faq says that the red LED should come on even when the channel bank is not connected
09:16.50wasimyou rang, yesterday, sire?
09:17.12FuzzyCaterrm, yeah, trying to remember what I wanted...
09:18.06wasimmust be the farfon, nobody wants to talk to poor wasim about anything else, especially cricket
09:18.22FuzzyCatdid you complete any prototypes...
09:18.58FuzzyCatmore pictures ??
09:19.12wasimyep, in the design section
09:19.29wasimtry, it may work now
09:19.31*** join/#asterisk Levch (~Levch@
09:19.33FuzzyCatsudhir: it should 'pulse' in a sex way
09:20.06FuzzyCatit works...
09:20.21FuzzyCatbut where is the stuff man....
09:20.42LevchHello, why when i'm using disallow=all allow=g729 nothing works. With gsm - all is ok. Thank you.
09:20.44Powerkillkool you think it will work
09:20.45wasimthe cook smoked it all up
09:20.58FuzzyCat is busted
09:21.09lecramthe whole site is
09:21.09Powerkillcause i can order a E1 with SS7 signalling
09:21.15*** join/#asterisk mbranca (~matteo@
09:21.24wasimerp... fixing, no vhost entry for www
09:21.39Powerkillsomeone here use a snom 200 ?
09:21.53blitzragePowerkill: do you have one ?
09:22.08lecramFuzzyCat: just because you can, does not mean you should :)
09:22.29PowerkillI have one and i don't know why i didn't manage to register to asterisk
09:22.33wasimyou should NOT get the convergence website at
09:22.57FuzzyCatthat's better wasim
09:22.58PowerkillI manage to use the swissvoice mgcp with asterisk the ata 186 (sip)
09:23.09blitzragePowerkill: sorry I don't have one, so I probably can't help you, but when you do manage to get it working, can you let me know, as I'd like to see your config setup in sip.conf etc...
09:23.13Powerkilland i need to make the snom 200 work
09:23.23wasimbyt i need input on t=72
09:23.51Powerkillno pb blitzrage
09:23.52wasimlemme go get some more pics up
09:23.57blitzragePowerkill: thanks!
09:24.35lecramFuzzyCat: only a small one? :)
09:24.44mbranca~kill all
09:24.48ACTION slits all's throat
09:25.26mbrancamorning guys & girls :)
09:26.01lecramwasim: what external connections is it going to have?
09:26.15mbrancaethernet & power?
09:27.15*** join/#asterisk Nix (Nix@
09:27.17FuzzyCatlecram: it's all i have to hand...
09:27.36FuzzyCatmbranca: + coffee interface
09:27.50mbrancaoops... I forgot, sorry :)
09:27.56lelemorning mbranca
09:27.59mbrancacoffee over iAX2 ... a new proto
09:28.03mbrancaciao lele! come va?
09:28.13*** join/#asterisk sudhir (
09:28.18sudhirhi all
09:28.29leleandrebbe bene, non fossi sommerso dalle cose da fare, e li?
09:30.16Powerkillany snom user ?
09:31.01mbrancalele, idem... siamo a natale e ci sono un sacco di cose da finire.... in più ho gli esami in università... bah
09:31.42sudhirWasim, before doing ztcfg, when I load the driver for my T100P card, isnt the red LED supposed to light up?
09:31.57lelembranca: wouldn't be time for italian indication tones to be included in zaptel, i'm getting tired of applying the patch :)
09:32.46mbrancasudhir, no. it powerups when you do ztcfg (supposing to have proper zaptel.conf).... and really zrcfg is done on module loading
09:33.48mbrancalele, mmmh... yep... did you post it to the bugtracker? I was thinking to patch also say.c for enabling language=it and fix some digits prompts
09:34.16wasimsudhir: no
09:34.31*** part/#asterisk Buana (
09:34.55wasimlecram: rj-45, dc 9v in, handset in (rj-14), headset (rj-14), headset (1/8" jacks)
09:35.15lelembranca: yesterday i did some work on the date stuff in say.c for language=it, but i'm not finished with it yet
09:35.19sudhirafter loading the module, I see messages like  
09:35.19sudhirPCI: Found IRQ 10 for device 00:0f.0
09:35.19sudhirPCI: Sharing IRQ 10 with 00:03.0
09:35.19sudhirPCI: Sharing IRQ 10 with 00:07.2
09:35.19sudhirFramer: DS21552, Revision: 3 (T1)
09:35.20sudhirFound a Wildcard: Digium Wildcard T100P T1/PRI etc.
09:35.51*** part/#asterisk Shido6__ (
09:36.00lecramwasim: how hard would it be to include an expansion port to support added buttons?
09:36.05sudhirmy zaptel.conf is  span=1,0,0,esf,b8zs
09:36.44wasimhmm... we have an i2c port, are added buttons really required, we've got 25 already
09:36.59sudhirand zapata.conf file is the following
09:36.59sudhirchannel => 1-24
09:37.00FuzzyCatmore wasim
09:37.02wasimbut the i2c is being used to talk between the dsp and the codec
09:37.04FuzzyCatwe want more
09:37.05lecramnot on the chinese phone :)
09:37.19wasimlecram: that's the prototype, the production will have 25 :)
09:38.08wasimi was going to go out today to find another donor phone with more buttons, but will do it tomorrow now
09:38.09FuzzyCatthat clips to the side of the phone...
09:38.24lecramthat might be a bit harder
09:38.29FuzzyCathow much are you spending on a donor wasim?
09:38.49wasimanything upto $10 i'd say
09:39.03wasimthis one was $5
09:39.21wasimbut we need to replace the speaker
09:39.48wasimits not like i'm concerned about financial margin on 50 units, ya know
09:40.40wasimbesides, i expect to offer the inital purchasers of the preproduction units a very hefty discount once the production line rolls out
09:41.43*** join/#asterisk bronze (
09:42.17wasimyes, very nice, how many qty does he have ?
09:42.43FuzzyCaterrm, 1
09:42.45wasimofcourse, we have the wooden, and the old rotary phone casing too to do
09:45.31FuzzyCat7x M7208 (5 grey, 2 chameleon)
09:45.31FuzzyCat2x M7310 (1 black, 1 grey)
09:45.31FuzzyCat2x M7100N (grey)
09:45.31FuzzyCat1x M7208N (black)
09:45.59wasimsee the problem is we need a hone that we can descipher the keypad for
09:46.12wasimone thats got a single matrix
09:48.21lecramnice :)
09:48.40sudhirwasim, will you please spend a few minutes to take a look on my zaptel.conf and zapata.conf files
09:49.20wasimsudhir: i'm just on my way out, i'd love to though
09:49.29sudhirI have cut them down to bare minimum, here they are. zaptel.conf :
09:49.58sudhirAnd zapata.conf:
09:49.59sudhirchannel => 1-24
09:51.20sudhirMy channel bank is powered, and even after doing ztcfg -vvv, I dont see any LED on my T100P turn on
09:51.45*** join/#asterisk Lafinion (
09:51.56wasimsomething not right, why would have fxs signalling on a T1?
09:52.02wasimthats for the cb side to handle, right
09:52.28sudhirThats what I read in one of the faqs, as I have connected my T1 to channel bank
09:52.30wasimbut i don't know anything about T1s
09:52.45sudhirsame as E1s
09:52.57wasimthen its bchan=1-24 etc
09:53.18wasimcoz thats how we do our E1, bchan 1-15, 17-31 dhcn=16
09:54.00sudhirlet me try that too. But the FAQ specifically said to use fxoks, if connected to channel bank
09:54.35wasimfollow the FAQ then, never believe wasim, he's nuts
09:55.42sudhirDesperate times makes one a sucker :-)
09:56.18sudhirare you in UK?
09:57.15sudhirthanks wasim. will do some more experimentation. bye
10:03.48mbrancawhy *8 doesn't work on sip
10:05.05mbrancaworks, but the other phone keeps ringing
10:13.40*** join/#asterisk Powerkil_ (~powerkill@
10:15.16Powerkil_who use stun server ?
10:18.06*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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10:20.06*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
10:20.42blitzragePowerkil_: for what?
10:26.50Powerkil_fo using with the snom
10:26.58Powerkil_i manage to register to asterisk
10:27.07Powerkil_using the snom and stun
10:27.07blitzrageoh yah ?
10:27.16Powerkil_but i get a sip error on debug console
10:27.28blitzragewhy stun?  is it because of NAT ?
10:27.47blitzrageI would hope/think you don't need any other software
10:28.03*** join/#asterisk SMERSH (
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10:28.06Powerkil_method not allow
10:28.14Powerkil_yes i have nat
10:28.52Powerkil_SIP/2.0 405 Method Not Allowed
10:29.43blitzragehave you tried the patch in bug #104 on ?
10:30.05Powerkil_no what that ?
10:30.15blitzragea NAT patch
10:30.37blitzrageI posted to the mailing list how to use it.  Search for it
10:30.41blitzragewith google
10:31.06Powerkil_i'm on it
10:31.14Powerkil_but it's not a nat problem
10:31.37blitzrageoh ok
10:32.27*** join/#asterisk vindex (
10:32.43Powerkil_i got the line
10:32.48Powerkil_and got registered
10:38.22*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
10:41.05*** join/#asterisk pierluigi (
10:41.13pierluigiHi @ all...
10:41.24pierluigihow is possible set in extentions to play a intro until dial not answer??
10:42.17pierluigiplease Help me....
10:42.54zoawhat do you mean ?
10:43.00blitzragepierluigi: show application dial -- option 'm'
10:43.12zoablitzrage: i think he means something else
10:43.18blitzragezoa: I don't think he does :)
10:43.30pierluigithank's... i try now....
10:43.39blitzragezoa: if I understand right.. I think that'll work
10:44.19blitzrageok.. really gotta go to bed now
10:45.45pierluigiyou know how is possible set flag "presentation"? because my telco ask me this flag for mobile or international outcalling
10:46.33pierluigii have a te410p with E1 setting PRI_CPE Euroisdn
10:51.36puzzleddoes asterisk-addons need asterisk source to build or is the stuff in /usr/include/asterisk sufficient?
10:55.33zoa<pierluigi> --> SetCallerID
10:57.10pierluigibut SetCallerID is only for my number? my telco ask a presetation flag value as "national" or "international" or "subscribe" or "unknow"
10:57.37zoayou cannot set that
10:57.41zoai mean
10:57.47zoaits just a way of formatting
10:57.57zoayou have to tell em that you want to use international eg
10:58.09zoaand set it accordingly in your zapata.conf
10:59.12pierluigiis not simple.... i am a novice in this world
10:59.34pierluigiand i sorry for my bad english but i am italian....
10:59.50*** join/#asterisk Landrocker (
11:01.31Pj_I'm trying to sign up to voicepulse connect
11:01.52Pj_And they're asking for an US phone number (which I don't have), and it is _required_
11:02.01Pj_Anyone had this problem ?
11:02.18Pj_(and I can't find a damn email adress to contact them)
11:02.58Pj_(ok, found email, still... ;)
11:03.07*** join/#asterisk Landrocker (
11:04.50muppmat|sleepa sip proxy with as many features as possible. free and open source
11:04.53muppmat|sleepare there any?
11:05.13FuzzyCatser muppmat
11:05.25*** join/#asterisk Waldek (
11:05.32Waldekhello :)
11:05.48FuzzyCatlo Waldek
11:06.24WaldekI've got a problem with X100, it doesn't catch busy tone.... and channel doesn't hangup... :(
11:06.28muppmatFuzzyCat, thx
11:06.33Waldekanyone could help?
11:06.50WaldekFuzzyCat: :)
11:07.15FuzzyCatWaldek: use
11:07.48FuzzyCatyou'll need to restart asterisk .. (not reload, restart)
11:08.02Waldekbusycount? hm...
11:08.06Waldeki'll try thx
11:08.27cypromisalso make sure that you did not get delayed disconnect from TP SA on your line
11:09.03FuzzyCatall your busycount are belong to us
11:09.28Waldekit isn't TP S.A. I use Siemens2Phone
11:09.46mbrancaand I wonder why busycount isn't documented yet...
11:09.52mbrancabkw_, you here?
11:11.23Waldekand I think that I have wrong tonezone
11:11.37Waldekbecause it didn't catch
11:12.28levonmorning folks
11:14.19dheckaman_In soviet russia the busy counts YOU!
11:15.57dheckaman_-1, Flamebait
11:17.21dheckaman_+5, Funny
11:17.35dheckaman_indiam: that was unfunny
11:17.36indiamcan anyone help me how can i monitor a call and end the call after a desired time
11:18.02dheckaman_stop watch and a wire clipper
11:18.16dheckaman_most of the know-it-alls come it later in the day
11:19.10macTijnis it just TelAppliant or is the 5v TE405P for sale ?
11:19.25FuzzyCatindiam: use AbsoluteTimeout(seconds)
11:20.35indiamHow do i know whether the call is answered or not? I want to make that once the call is answered
11:21.20indiamthanks Fuzzycat
11:22.21indiamCan you help me how can i monitor, whether a call is answered or hanged up
11:23.13levonthanks, FuzzyCat, was just about to get some ;)
11:23.54FuzzyCatindiam: there is no way to tell.. but if you are monitoring and the call hangs up then the monitoring stops
11:24.18FuzzyCatbbi 10
11:24.37mbrancate405p ? mmmh
11:24.48mbrancalevon, do you know anything on te405p?
11:25.16levondidn't cross my hands yet, no.
11:25.49macTijnit's for sale at the url I pasted
11:25.58macTijnwith a pic of the TE410P
11:26.21mbrancayep... but I don't see anything on digium site
11:26.40macTijnand since it's too early there, I can't call them
11:27.11indiamfuzzycat: i want to bill my customers based on the calls they make, can you give me a idea how can i know the start and atleast the hangup of the call ?
11:27.24dheckaman_macTijn: bah
11:27.27dheckaman_tis not early
11:27.31dheckaman_its only 6:30
11:27.37macTijn12:30 here :)
11:28.12puzzledindiam: check cdr_csv file and read the * handbook draft V2
11:28.13macTijnwhere is Digium's office ?
11:28.18macTijnwhat timezone ?
11:28.21puzzledsweet Alabama iirc
11:28.23Pj_indiam: billsec, and you can insert a "reset CDR" in your dialplan at the beginning of their call
11:28.35Pj_and you can listen to puzzled too
11:29.16indiamthanks all
11:29.56macTijnI think it differs 6 hours with CET
11:30.11macTijndaaaamn it
11:33.36wasimmacTijn: there are p4 boards available too
11:33.50macTijnwasim: I only found one supermicro
11:34.01macTijnand it has only 1 3.3v slot
11:34.01dheckaman_HEY WASIM!
11:34.13macTijnI need at least 2
11:34.25dheckaman_get 2 mobos
11:34.33macTijntoo expensive
11:34.40macTijneveryone wants low-budget
11:34.51macTijnI would have if I had the money for it :)
11:34.52dheckaman_sue someone
11:34.54dheckaman_get money
11:35.04dheckaman_sue intel
11:35.07dheckaman_or SCO
11:35.08macTijnriiight :)
11:35.11macTijnsco is a good one
11:35.18macTijnour current IVR is sco
11:35.32macTijnand I pulled out all my hairs out because of that
11:35.48macTijnI should sue them vor irreversable mental damage
11:35.52macTijnand physical too
11:35.58dheckaman_ok. have to install antivirus on a computer remotely..
11:35.59wasimand spiritual
11:36.10macTijndheck: wintendo ?
11:36.13dheckaman_I dont know the password
11:36.15wasimdheckaman_: ssh, ./configure, make install
11:36.19dheckaman_har har
11:36.25macTijninstall cygwin and SSH :)
11:36.39macTijnyou have rdp ?
11:36.42dheckaman_I would need access to the desktop too
11:37.02macTijntry tsclient or rdesktop
11:37.07dheckaman_and VNC isnt installed
11:37.13macTijnif remote assistance is turned on it should work
11:37.14dheckaman_no, XP home doesnt have a terminal server
11:37.24macTijnyes it does :)
11:37.25dheckaman_they would need to initiat it
11:37.30dheckaman_well ok
11:37.30*** part/#asterisk Shido6 (
11:37.32dheckaman_it does
11:37.41dheckaman_but home wont let any old bum log in
11:37.56macTijnsucks to be you man :)
11:38.37macTijnsend them a pro ce by snailmail
11:38.47macTijnand let them install that
11:38.53macTijnor whatever :)
11:39.00wasimi have the best solution
11:39.02wasimburn it
11:39.08wasimno more virus problem
11:39.09macTijnwasim: excellent :>
11:39.18dheckaman_its too early for the client to be there
11:39.27dheckaman_so I am "hosered"
11:39.30macTijnand afterwards, install some luser-proof linux
11:39.37macTijnlike redhat or fedora
11:39.44dheckaman_I tried pushing dameware out
11:39.51dheckaman_but I dont know de pass werd
11:40.21macTijnwe're going to run our callcenter here on linux
11:40.37macTijnreally cool :)
11:40.40macTijnall XP now
11:40.53*** join/#asterisk cypromis_ (~michael@
11:40.54macTijnwith around 150 licenses
11:41.08macTijnand that's why I have to work low-budget now :)
11:41.23macTijnUNIX_SV odialam1 4.2MP 2.1.3 i386 x86at
11:41.40macTijn(that's SCO, ppl)
11:42.10dheckaman_I found a ISP using SCO mail server
11:44.34wasimnew pics on
11:46.24dheckaman_its pretty nice...
11:46.28dheckaman_needs buttons
11:46.31dheckaman_and LCD
11:46.34dheckaman_and lights
11:46.41dheckaman_and a firewire port
11:47.06wasimit has an LCD already
11:47.55macTijndheck: get a PC :)
11:48.04wasimwe cut it above the white patch
11:48.07wasimmacTijn: exactly
11:48.34macTijnwasim: it's an IP-phone, I presume ?
11:48.44macTijnand the casing used to be a normal phone ?
11:48.48wasimmacTijn: yep, homemade completely
11:48.57dheckaman_its going to be a food mixer
11:49.03macTijnwasim: the print too ?
11:49.09macTijndheck: don't get smart on me ;)
11:49.09mbrancaand a coffee dispenser
11:49.12wasimthe ethernet won't stick out in the preproduction version
11:49.14dheckaman_yea yea
11:49.43macTijnwasim: you etched the print too ?
11:49.56dheckaman_with a cold ice pick
11:50.00dheckaman_really hard
11:50.14wasimmacTijn: no, we got that done at the local shop, and the DSP+codec+RTL mounting
11:50.54macTijntotal costs ?
11:51.30dheckaman_2 dollah
11:51.37wasimso far, or once we get into production?
11:51.59macTijnjust for a proto type
11:52.10wasim$100 or roundabout
11:52.35macTijnthat's less than a cisco :)
11:52.57wasimdesoldering the rtl was fun
11:53.00*** join/#asterisk Zer0Linux (
11:53.00dheckaman_wasim: all I would like is not to have the phone look goofy
11:53.03dheckaman_like the GS
11:53.06Zer0LinuxHi all !!!
11:53.20dheckaman_oh dear
11:53.21Zer0LinuxCan you help me with asterisk??
11:53.28muppmatwasim, does that actully work yet?
11:53.45wasimmuppmat:we've got three working units
11:54.01puzzledZer0Linux: have you read the handbook, searched the mailinglist and google?
11:54.01dheckaman_and 13 non-working units
11:54.14Zer0Linuxyes !!
11:55.17puzzledZer0Linux: never ask *if* you can ask. just ask. if people know the answer, they prolly will tell you
11:55.40Zer0Linuxmy asterisk go well but during the dialog, the comunication stop and other persone at phone with me listen an english voice speak !!! why??
11:55.52muppmatwasim, have any idea about how $ it will be in production?
11:56.03wasimmuppmat: depends on the qyt
11:56.10puzzledZer0Linux: I do nt understand your question
11:56.18wasimmuppmat: i have a fairly good idea at different qty marks
11:56.48mbrancawasim, 50pieces?
11:57.01wasim75ish hopefully
11:57.08mbrancathat's good
11:57.19muppmatand at about 500?
11:57.46Zer0Linuxduring the telephone call it stop all and other people listen an englis voice that speak .... why?
11:57.54dheckaman_knock off around 1000 dollars?
11:58.08dheckaman_Zer0Linux: what does * say?
11:58.40wasimmuppmat: similar, the 50 will be part of a minimum order of 1000 units
11:59.00dheckaman_its problebly you messed it all up
11:59.19wasimmuppmat: its >1000 that we get a price break, at 10k we should be doing sub 50
11:59.33wasimmuppmat: at 100k units we're talking 30 or even less
11:59.51mbrancawasim, what I haven't understood till now... call transfer will be in the farfon?
11:59.53dheckaman_make 100k of them!!
12:01.06wasimi'm sure i could cut the price even lower, sub 20 would be nice
12:02.11wasimits funny how component prices drop once you're talking more than 10k units
12:02.11puzzledwasim: at $20 World Domination will be yours :)
12:02.29wasimofcourse, none of this includes marketing, support, fail units or anything, just a techie talking
12:02.50dheckaman_stupid techies
12:03.00muppmatwasim yep
12:03.48wasimbut who needs marketing at $20 :)
12:07.39wasimmbranca: sorry, call transfer?
12:07.52mbrancayep... blind or supervised
12:08.25wasimmbranca: you can do that through IAX right
12:09.05mbrancammmh... I mean, passing the call from my farfon to another extension :) without using hacks like tT in the dial command
12:09.09mbrancalike flash
12:09.40mishehuwhat's farfon?
12:09.46i guess eeks is
12:09.49dheckaman_~farfone is <Reply> see eeks
12:09.51dheckaman_: okay
12:10.06mbrancawasim, k
12:10.15wasimmbranca: it'll work natively
12:10.36dheckaman_~no, eeks is <reply>
12:10.59mbrancanever digged into iax transfer methods.... didn't know that it can do supervised transfers and so on...
12:10.59wasimno e
12:12.03FuzzyCatwhaere are the new piccies?
12:12.13wasimFuzzyCat: same place
12:12.30wasimmishehu: its a silly project i got conned into doing my cypromis
12:13.20wasim~no, eeks <reply>
12:13.42wasim~no, eeks is <reply>
12:13.43FuzzyCatyah, found em just as I said 'can't find em'
12:13.58wasimFuzzyCat: slap the bot for me would ya
12:14.10FuzzyCat~kill jbot
12:14.12ACTION slits jbot's throat
12:14.15FuzzyCatwill that do?
12:14.32wasimthe ethernet won't stick out in the prerpoduction version, this is the old board
12:14.37dheckaman_~jbot forget eeks
12:14.38i forgot eeks, dheckaman_
12:14.38FuzzyCathmmm.. that eth connector sticks out a bit...
12:14.43dheckaman_~jbot forget farfone
12:14.43i forgot farfone, dheckaman_
12:14.54dheckaman_~farfone is
12:14.55dheckaman_: okay
12:15.01dheckaman_~eeks is <reply> see farfone
12:15.03dheckaman_: okay
12:15.26FuzzyCatwasim: what are the 2 'missing' chips?
12:15.29lecram~jbot forget farfone
12:15.30i forgot farfone, lecram
12:15.30dheckaman_~dancingpig is <reply> see farfone
12:15.33okay, dheckaman_
12:15.42dheckaman_~farfone is <reply>
12:15.43dheckaman_: okay
12:16.13wasimflasg and data ram
12:16.21lecramwasim: are there still plans to implement SIP ?
12:16.26wasimflash eve, we figures out a way to do memeory bank switching
12:16.39dheckaman_lecram: DOI!
12:16.41wasimlecram: negative :)
12:17.11wasimso don't need flash, or data ram, just use one chip
12:17.18dheckaman_maybe h232 though
12:17.58FuzzyCatkewlies wasim
12:18.29wasimthe two slots next to the power, will have spk/mic head 1/8" hopefully
12:18.40FuzzyCat~zoa is <reply>a muppet
12:18.41FuzzyCat: okay
12:18.51a muppet
12:19.17FuzzyCat~jbot forget zoa
12:19.17i forgot zoa, FuzzyCat
12:19.31wasimso, on the pcb we have the DSP and the RTL, an IO, codec, dataram, two crystals, a reset
12:19.32dheckaman_~lalalala is <action> kicks zoa
12:19.33okay, dheckaman_
12:19.38ACTION kicks zoa
12:19.42FuzzyCat~zoa is <action>slaps zoa about a bit
12:19.43FuzzyCat: okay
12:19.43*** join/#asterisk wG|bastion666 (~wileyuser@
12:20.04FuzzyCat~jbot forget zoa
12:20.05FuzzyCat: i forgot zoa
12:20.10FuzzyCat~zoa is <action>slaps zoa about a bit for $who
12:20.12okay, FuzzyCat
12:20.13*** join/#asterisk zwi (
12:20.21ACTION slaps zoa about a bit for fuzzycat
12:20.25wasimand about a hundred passives, connected for power, serial, keybad, speaker, mic
12:20.41wasimmaybe not 100, about 60
12:21.03FuzzyCatis this just a single sided board?
12:21.24wasimsingle mounting, dual sided
12:22.12mishehumy gawd, could that pic on be any worse?
12:22.24wasimbut the preprod board will have two rests, ethernet on board
12:22.31*** join/#asterisk zwi (
12:22.42wasimmishehu: you missed the early days, my photography has improved a lot
12:22.55FuzzyCatone hell of a lot :D
12:22.59mishehuwasim: in concept it sounds like a good idea...  though I don't know what SIP packs into its protocol that IAX doesn't.
12:23.19wasim8 additional bytes
12:23.46mishehuwasim: I think it's more of an equipment issue...  the camera looks very low resolution, like a webcam took the pic
12:23.57wasimremember the old fuzzy ones... those were great
12:24.16wasimmishehu: it is, its takes one every 15 seconds, there are lots of other pictures in the forum
12:24.41mishehuwasim: well, 8 additional bytes can be significant, depending on what it does with those 8 additional bytes
12:26.15wasimtiddly squat
12:26.52wasimor is that diddly squat?
12:27.25mishehuwasim: well I'm sure it's not just output from /dev/zero or random...  what does it keep in those 8 additional bytes?
12:27.30mishehudiddly squat
12:27.55mishehucuz IAX is 4 bytes, then that means SIP's header is 12 bytes
12:28.02dheckaman_mishehu: answered your own question
12:28.07FuzzyCatanyone got any news on the FXO modules ?
12:28.15dheckaman_NEW FLASH!
12:28.24mishehudheckaman_: I didn't, I was telling him the appropriate way to say it
12:28.24dheckaman_FXO MODULES AINT HERE YET!
12:28.30dheckaman_mishehu: :P
12:28.43*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
12:28.49wasimbut, they will fit the TDM400P board
12:30.00FuzzyCatahh good.. thanks wasim...
12:30.25wasimyea, i need like 50 modules right now (acutally back in september)
12:31.12FuzzyCathow many 400p's can you get in a box?
12:31.54wasim4-5? i have 4 i can test if you like
12:32.17wasimactually, shouldn't matter as long as you have IRQ and slots
12:32.43wasimand not sharing ITQ between zap devices
12:32.47FuzzyCatmm... well would be kewl to test wasim... methinks you could put together a lil * channelbank
12:33.02FuzzyCatyou work for V too royk?
12:33.07mishehuRoyK: was it in the form of java?
12:33.28mishehuRoyK: oh, ms exchange was my second guess
12:34.07mishehuRoyK: is that exchange 5.5, 2k or 2003?  (And wtf would you use exchange anyway?  heh)
12:34.30RoyKso - to forward an email to an external address, you need to add the external address to your addressbook (in AD) as a contact, then waaaait, and then add the contact as the forward
12:34.43RoyKmishehu: we're using exchange because I'm not in charge of that
12:34.53mishehuRoyK: *shiver*
12:35.17mishehuRoyK: using sendmail .forward and qmail .qmail- files are so  much quicker and more effecient
12:35.48mishehuRoyK: oh, not to mention that after you set up the forwarding, you have to hide the contact from the global addressbook so you don't pollute it.
12:36.03mishehuheh, good thing I got my iron undies on...  
12:37.43mishehuI never got the logic behind exchange...  it's overly complicated for what it does, and whats the whole idiotic idea of storing everything in one huge monolithic file?  that way, if the file gets corrupted, everybody's email is gone?
12:38.00dheckaman_mishehu: yep
12:38.02dheckaman_its great
12:38.07dheckaman_more money for us computer folk
12:38.16dheckaman_who go around fixing peoples backups and stuff
12:38.29mishehudheckaman_: I would rather not spend all-nighters trying to recover a fallen exchange server.
12:38.38dheckaman_oh, sorry about your email, they are GONE!
12:38.46dheckaman_mishehu: we dont
12:39.14dheckaman_we say though, would that be exchange 2000, or 2003?
12:39.41Pj_imap changed my life :P
12:39.43mishehuand I've had to do it before.  former boss of mine had a GREAT idea of running exchange 2000 in a vmware session on a quad proc server, but vmware utilitizes only one processer per instance, and it's slow as shit.
12:39.54wasimvoicemail needs to go into IMAP
12:41.25mishehuinstead of getting the 5 person office weened off of exchange, he refused to let me install qmail+courier imap...  and now that they're 25 people at that same office, I can't get them off of exchange even though he's not my boss anymore...
12:41.38dheckaman_mishehu: hmm
12:41.42dheckaman_get vmware gsx
12:41.45dheckaman_or esx
12:41.53dheckaman_supports like 2 processors per machine
12:41.55dheckaman_or something
12:42.07gadams666hate to say it, but I actually like Exchange. :P
12:42.23wasimmake sure i order the components today, otherwise we'll miss the christmas date
12:42.23mishehudheckaman_: uhm...  he was doing this the..  err...  YO HO HO AND A BOTTLE OF RUM way...  if you catch my drift...
12:42.39Pj_gadams666: compared to qmail+courier ?
12:42.48mishehugadams666: you've obviously never had to use ESEUTIL
12:43.06dheckaman_I have about 50ish drones running exchange
12:43.19mishehugadams666: or had to use ADSI edit to manually edit the ldap database for ADS...
12:43.37gadams666mishehu: once a quarter or so to compact mailboxes. but with a 100 users in 4 locations, it ain't so bad
12:44.15gadams666now at home, postfix+courier is the way forward
12:44.20mishehuwhen exchange 2k first came out, its installer didn't set half of the ADS entries required, and then you had to manaully do it for it to even function remotely properly.
12:44.48mishehugadams666: postfix I hear is good.  I'm just partial to qmail.  heh.
12:44.48*** join/#asterisk jalsot (
12:45.09gadams666my biggest exhcange complaint is the way it deals with the webstore bit for public folders. no end to the permissions problems tween exchange and the underlying NTFS file system
12:45.49gadams666mishehu: used to do qmail. but I always needed about 7,00,000 days to come back up to speed between installs
12:46.02gadams666all 6 of my brain cells would complain!
12:46.14mishehugadams666: personally, I think the design is all retarded...  all the groupware functions should be part of a sql database, and the emails should be individual boxes...
12:46.38mishehuheh, I've done too many qmail installs I guess, takes me all of...   20 minutes...
12:46.50mishehuthat's between daemontools and all.
12:47.06gadams666mishehu: sorta like how exchange does it? :P j/k - it would be nice if they got rid of the damend EDBs
12:47.06RoyK-ChanServ- [#123] This channel is on clonebot autokline. You will be banned from freenode automatically if you stay. Please leave the channel right away!
12:47.29dheckaman_channel #123?
12:47.36gadams666sick'em RoyK!
12:48.38*** join/#asterisk petar (
12:48.57mishehualright, I'm going back to sleep.
12:52.21*** join/#asterisk dcgomes (
12:54.13dcgomeshi ?
12:54.50dcgomeshello dead people ?
13:00.01*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
13:00.35zoaits not true
13:01.44RoyK~kill dcgomes
13:01.53ACTION slits dcgomes's throat
13:02.41dcgomesnaughty bot
13:03.18RoyKis there such a thing as a soft fax modem around?
13:03.33RoyKI don't like the way app_[tr]xfax doesn't work
13:03.51dcgomesdon't know any
13:04.48dcgomeshey, how do a IAX user registered at my PBX in the local context calls the OSS console ?
13:05.04*** join/#asterisk horsefly (
13:05.05zoa~kill royco
13:05.10ACTION slits royco's throat
13:05.33RoyK~kill zoa
13:05.42ACTION slits zoa's throat
13:05.46zoa2that was close :)
13:05.47dcgomesanyone ?
13:06.33dcgomesnobody helps me =(
13:07.52dcgomes"No IRC commands suported." ... fine ...
13:08.29dcgomesyes ?
13:08.30mbrancaexten => blah,1,Dial(console/dsp)
13:09.05dcgomeshm ... thanks
13:09.22dcgomesby the way, blah is the number, right ?
13:10.03zoanot necessarily
13:10.09zoait could also be blah
13:11.49zoazoa uses dcgomes as a human shield
13:11.52zoaeat that
13:16.06mbranca~kill RoyK
13:16.09ACTION slits RoyK's throat
13:16.18mbrancaeh eh
13:16.19dcgomeshow someone dial "blah" from DIAX ?
13:16.40RoyKdcgomes: forget it. it's normally the number
13:16.47*** join/#asterisk clive- (
13:16.50mbrancadcgomes, use numbers then
13:17.14*** join/#asterisk coppice_ (
13:18.07dcgomesAsterisk & friends have one of the worse docummentation from all the GPL World ... pretty hard sometimes ...
13:19.08*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
13:19.16mbrancais a way to keep lamers away :)
13:19.18Pj_dcgomes: then you are already writing a FAQ with the question you just got answered ?
13:19.26mbrancaPj_, lol
13:19.37dcgomesmaybe so
13:20.13dcgomesmaybe I write a CT for Dummies, because people have the bad habbit of complicate simple stuff
13:21.17Pj_I'll be looking forward to that url then :)
13:21.48dcgomesmbraca: Everybody was a newbie , lamer, whatever you call it, someday.  You know it better than me, if you are so old aged.
13:22.39coppice_Hum. Computer Tomography for dummies. :-)
13:23.23Pj_newbie is far different from lamer
13:23.42Pj_And asking questions whose answer is clearly indicated in the manual is Bad
13:23.48dcgomesnope, Cooking Turkeys for Dummies
13:24.32dcgomesoh, yeah, when I find the right manual I'll read it
13:24.42Pj_In the places I work, if I one ask a question that can be looked up on the internet in less than a minute, he must stick a post-it on his forehead written "RTFM" or "I shall not ask stupid questions again"
13:25.03Pj_(and I was not talking about your question in particular :P)
13:25.43dcgomesIn the place I work, who asks a question that can be looked up on the Internet is answered, teached and will learn to go alone next time.
13:25.51dcgomesNot masacrated.
13:26.35mbranca~kill dcgomes
13:26.38ACTION slits dcgomes's throat
13:26.52coppice_There's a great Bart Simpson picture somewhere on the internet, where is is writing 100 times on a blackboard "I must not ask stupid questions before consulting Google".
13:28.36Pj_dcgomes: well, giving the value of everyone's time, I find it a good compromise
13:28.36Pj_And since we're all developpers, not knowing how to use google is a real shame
13:28.36Pj_dcgomes: this system doesn't prevent people to ask questions... it just makes them search by themselves before
13:28.46Pj_if they can't find it, then they have nothing to fear
13:29.09*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (
13:29.12dcgomeshm, interesting
13:29.17glLoadIdentityhi all
13:30.16mbrancaciao glLoadIdentity
13:30.31dcgomesdo you know how does google file system works ? hmm, I've read the paper. I know google enough. You guys have a bad habbit of judge people without know them.
13:31.38zoathis is a DIAX question
13:31.57dcgomesdon't say it ..
13:32.11zoaif i was a DIAX user and i knew the answer to your question
13:32.13zoai'd say it
13:32.15zoabut i don't :)
13:32.15dcgomeswas just curiosity
13:32.23zoathere is a trick for xlite however
13:32.29zoaand sjphone can do it without trick
13:32.32dcgomesI can even talk about my dog here ...
13:33.29Pj_dcgomes: you have a bad habit of thinking everything said on this channel is directed to you
13:33.40mbrancaanyone ever know if php can manage db1 ?
13:33.42dcgomeseverybody have bad habits
13:34.03zoayes how is your dog ?
13:34.10Pj_I used "they" everywhere, and even if I'm sorry for being born in a non-english speaking country, if I remember my classes well, it doesn't mean "you"
13:34.28Pj_But hey, I'm gonna cross-check with google, you never know
13:34.31dcgomesmy dog is fine, she's cute ... =P
13:34.51dcgomesI speak portuguese, my english sucks
13:35.06zoaquanta costa dhiere :)
13:35.22zoaor something
13:35.33zoacan ... not ... re ... member
13:35.58mbrancaany idea on how to interface from web to asterisk db1 file?
13:37.21gadams666good morning all. any folks knowledgable about telco costs in the Manchester (UK) area?
13:39.38RoyKgadams666: like 'how much does BT cost'?
13:40.15gadams666more like, what options do I have for ISDN PRI or regular old E1 circuits (and costs) :)
13:40.19dheckaman_Ue sei o portugues!
13:40.27dcgomesbeleza, joe
13:40.36RoyKnei. jeg snakker ikke portugisisk
13:40.45gadams666looking to outfit our office there, but my experience is only US centric
13:41.51dcgomesfind this at google so : vah tomah no toba
13:42.10cypromisgadams666: check if kingston communications are in manchester area
13:42.18cypromisthey are cheaper and have better quality service than BT
13:42.24macTijnanyone who has experiences with asterisk as a call recorder in a Lucent phone env ?
13:42.26Pj_~google vah tomah no toba
13:42.38RoyKhow can I send sms over the d chan?
13:43.06gadams666cypromis: I shall do so. thanks. then we can hook up with you folks for LD services :)
13:43.21dheckaman_~x en es moo cow
13:43.24cypromisany time
13:45.48dcgomesI barely can wait for my WCE100P  ...
13:46.02RoyK~google miserable failure
13:46.50dheckaman_whats that?
13:47.05mbranca~google db1 php
13:47.48dcgomestry a perl module at
13:47.49RoyKdheckaman_: check that first link... or try to google for 'miserable failure' and hit 'I'm feeling lucky'
13:48.08macTijn~google Lucent 8410D asterisk
13:48.17mbrancadcgomes, I must learn perl so :(
13:48.27*** join/#asterisk cel-drag (
13:48.41macTijnno one with * in a lucent-env ? :(
13:49.19dcgomesperl is cool, easy ...
13:49.25dcgomeshave a lot of modules
13:49.39macTijnanyone who knows of a media converter from {T,E}1 to station sockets then... ?
13:49.48macTijn(for Lucent phones)
13:49.49mbrancadcgomes, I know. I did some perl hacks, but never had the time to learn it... perhaps is time to do
13:50.48dcgomesmacTijn, I work for Lucent and know nothing about it, hehehehehe
13:51.18gadams666cypromis: hehe, just spoke to the office mangler in Batley. She used to work for Kingston and her hubby still does.
13:51.30macTijndcgomes: I need this, seriously
13:51.42dcgomesI'm serious
13:52.01dcgomesgo at the site
13:52.03dcgomessearch there
13:52.50dcgomestry google too
13:53.33RoyKanyone that uses snom around here?
13:53.35macTijnwhatever dude
13:53.37RoyKwith automatic update?
13:55.32dcgomeswhere can I find the detailed doc about extensions ?
13:56.07dcgomescool, so I have to guess ?
13:57.08dcgomeswell, out for lunch
13:58.17levondcgomes, look at the asterisk handbook v1. there's so much on extensions in there...
14:04.12*** join/#asterisk lorenita (~asd@
14:04.28dheckaman_latest cvs is stable?
14:04.54coppice_like stable manure? :-)
14:05.06RoyKdheckaman_: as stable as any windows version I've ever run
14:05.13dheckaman_ok doke
14:09.39*** join/#asterisk swirlnets (
14:14.58coppice_RoyK: on the phone my wiife and my mother in law sound exactly the same. I can relate to this one :-)
14:16.25*** join/#asterisk sobol (~sobol@
14:20.24macTijncoppice: oops :)
14:21.05*** join/#asterisk vindex (
14:23.12*** join/#asterisk bobman (
14:27.53*** join/#asterisk voidptr (
14:29.04voidptri can't figure this one out guys:
14:29.18voidptrwhen you forward your phone to another phone number
14:30.04voidptrwhen someone calls you, do you want it to forward the call to the person who used followme because he is working somewhere else?
14:30.16voidptri can think of situations with yes... and no...
14:30.30*** join/#asterisk Selda- (~tauss@
14:31.32RoyKvoidptr: wtf is followme?
14:31.40voidptrhot desk...
14:32.01RoyKwhere's this?
14:32.15RoyKpbx:/usr/src/asterisk# find|grep foll
14:32.24RoyKwhat does it do?
14:32.40voidptruse google ;)
14:33.01RoyK~google followme
14:33.54Waldekhello :>
14:33.55RoyKvoidptr: app_followme?
14:34.00RoyKWaldek: EHLO
14:34.07Waldekhow to find out codecs during the call
14:34.16voidptrnah, odbc & db logic
14:34.39RoyKvoidptr: where's this?
14:34.50voidptrin development
14:34.54voidptryou can buy it if you want
14:35.22*** join/#asterisk Stealth_Man (
14:35.45voidptrsorry, i'm purchasing a commercial license from digium :P
14:36.14*** join/#asterisk glyph (
14:40.51tzangerwhat good is a quad T1 card for an Adit600??
14:40.55tzangerthat's a lot of add-drop I guess
14:41.27tzangerbuy a single 8-port FXO card for $425, or buy an entire loaded Adit600 with 1FXO for $1000...  hard decision...
14:42.48RoyKtzanger: with a quad T1 card, you can initiate up to 48 calls to yourself. think about that! It'd be wonderful!
14:47.37*** join/#asterisk zono (
14:50.58*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
14:52.48tzangerRoyK: hahahaha
14:53.08tzangerquad t1 would be 96 calls but yeah
14:55.18*** join/#asterisk anthm (
14:55.57Mikerelaxdtmf=yes works on a context of sip.conf?
15:01.14mbrancaMike, nope.
15:01.33mbrancasince dtmf are sent via messages , not audio
15:01.43mbrancaexcept for inband, I think
15:03.47voidptrmbranca : help me ;(
15:05.03mbrancawhat's happening?
15:05.31voidptrhow do other pbx's do forwards?
15:05.36voidptrlike cisco, nortel, avaya...
15:05.54voidptryou forward to another number.. but can you also forward to a specific phone?
15:06.14voidptrlike... what happens if the person you forwarded to... does a hotdesk on some other phone
15:07.05voidptrsome person has 2 jobs... 2 days she is my secretary... 3 days she works for finances at some other desk... she hotdesks her number on the other desk
15:07.23voidptrand still gets my forwarded calls... that she doesn't want when she works for finances
15:08.00mbrancammh, how did you set up forwarding?
15:08.43voidptr(i have like no idea how much conflicts i'm going to cause with *'s own *-codes)
15:09.00tzangervoidptr: patch * to get rid of those hardwired *codes... I hate them too
15:09.15tzangerthey should be in the dialplan, not hardwired in the source
15:09.17voidptrwell, the only useful thing is call pickup...
15:09.19tzangerI logged a bug to that effect too
15:09.27steeshello... I have an 0870 number in the UK with telappliant, they're mapping that to
15:09.33steesand on that box i want to get calls
15:09.34voidptrsince that is something accross multiple threads (right?)
15:09.37steesbut i get this when i make a call:
15:09.38steesDEBUG[1116957488]: File chan_sip.c, Line 5091 (handle_request): Check for res for
15:09.41steesDEBUG[1116957488]: File chan_sip.c, Line 974 (find_user):  is not a local user
15:09.45steesany ideas anybody!?
15:09.47steesDEBUG[1116957488]: File chan_sip.c, Line 567 (__sip_ack): Stopping retransmission on '125d3af35c2b47fa3c12143f53397ab2@' of Response 102: Not Found
15:09.48Mikeusing a T100p and a channel bank has the same echo problems as the X100p?
15:09.58tzangerMike: depends on the channel bank
15:10.10Miketzanger: a regular one
15:10.13mbrancavoidptr, u used same * hardcoded codes?
15:10.22voidptrno, i use nothing right now
15:10.33mbrancaah, okie
15:10.33tzangermy CBI FXO ports are a little echoey but not bad (echocancel=32 I think) -- I don't have an FXO port for the Adit600 so I can't tell for sure
15:10.33Miketzanger: i mean the echo problems are mostly for x100p right?
15:10.44voidptri'm making database designs, notes, hacking code etc etc
15:10.52tzangerMike: more or less yes... seems that the problem is mostly for FXO not FXS in general
15:11.04tzangermy TDM400P is non-echoey, nor are the CBI's FXS ports nor the Adit600's FXS ports
15:11.40Mikehow much is a regular channel bank lets say for 8 FXS
15:11.49tzangerdefine "regualr channel bank"
15:11.52voidptrbecause i have a "good" idea in theory... just the forwarding bothers me... and noone knows... (i know a forward should be to another number)... but sometimes people want forwards to another phone... or (maybe more useful in this case) a group
15:11.59mbrancahonestly, is the phone that must set 'forward incoming calls to another phone'. so the secretary just enable forward when she needs, and disable when isn't needed
15:12.15mbrancabut a phone is always a number
15:12.15tzangerfor FXS you can buy the cheaper Carrier Access Channel Bank I or IIs...  I don't recommend them for FXO since neither have far-end disconnect, despite what their marketing literature says
15:12.17Miketzanger: non expensive
15:12.20mbrancawhat's the prob?
15:12.28*** join/#asterisk adam_gafachi (
15:12.32voidptrmbranca : my phones are channels... not number :)
15:12.41Miketzanger: i had bought now 8 phones for my house and im thinking on achannel bank for my office sip phones are $$
15:12.41tzangerMike: for FXS get a Carrier Access Channel Bank I or II.  Adit600 is very nice (and smaller) but more expensive
15:12.45mbrancaNo_Carrier, they're number
15:12.54mbrancaNo_Carrier, they're numbers
15:12.59tzangerif it's only 8 lines that is kind of wasting a channel bank...  why not two TDM400Ps?
15:12.59Miketzanger: i need a channel bank arround 300 - 400 USD
15:13.01*** join/#asterisk Bonbon (~bonbon@
15:13.04tzangerMike: you can get that
15:13.07tzangercheck ebay
15:13.11mbrancadamn nick autocompletion
15:13.22mbrancaI meant, why they're channels?
15:13.26voidptrthe numbers are something for dialplan and caller*id
15:13.36voidptryou "call" a channel...
15:13.36Mikea channel bank for FXO is more expensive right?
15:13.48voidptri have phones that have no real number...
15:13.57mbrancavoidptr, of course. then your forward must dial something in the dialplan
15:13.59voidptrthey belong to noone...
15:14.04mbrancayou must abstract from channeks
15:14.10voidptryes yes
15:14.11tzangerMike: yes FXO ports are nasty-expensive for some reason (they're simpler electronically which makes it strange)
15:14.13Miketzanger: i would never use a T400p
15:14.23tzangernot a T400P, a TDM400P -- quad FXS card
15:14.28tzangertwo of them makes 8 FXS ports
15:14.36Mikesorry i meant that
15:14.40voidptrthe thing is... numbers are not fixed to some channel
15:14.41Mikei will never use one of those
15:14.45tzangermind you I think the cost is about the same as a T100P and a channel bank, and the channel bank has WAY more expansion
15:14.52voidptrand neither to just 1 *
15:14.52Mikethey depend on a computer to be alive
15:14.57voidptrthey can be anywhere...
15:14.58tzangerMike: yeah so?
15:15.02Mikemy GS is stand alone just power and a lan port
15:15.12tzangerMike: if you're plugging it in to *, * is a computer and needs to be alive to make anything work
15:15.13Miketzanger: i dont trust a TDM400
15:15.15mbrancammh, getting the point
15:15.25Miketzanger: you can be using FWD
15:15.34tzangerMike: ?
15:15.39Miketzanger: not nesesary
15:15.46mbrancabut if on another server, you dunno what channel is
15:15.53Miketzanger: i have 2 asterisk servers and some sip phones directly to FWD
15:16.09tzangerMike: yeah and?
15:16.11*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
15:16.18tzangerhow is a channel bank saving your bacon here?
15:16.20voidptrmbranca : yes, but the other server knows the channel when you give it the extension you want to reach
15:16.21Miketzanger: i dont like the idea of the phone being dead when the computer dies
15:16.34tzangerMike: if you have 8 FXS cards it will rely on a computer
15:16.36Miketzanger: i could change it to FWD in any time for GS
15:16.37tzangerer FXS ports
15:16.37Mikefor example
15:16.45voidptrthe central db which is replicated to all *'s contains all registrations of voip and zap...
15:16.46tzangerMike: you don't use a channel bank for SIP devices
15:16.55tzangeryou're talking two completely different scenarios
15:17.00Mikei know
15:17.07tzangerif you're using FXS ports you need a computer somewhere to get it on the PSTN
15:17.16tzangerif you're using SIP then that's another matter entirely
15:17.22tzangeryou still need your router to be alive
15:17.22mbrancavoidptr, what db is? db1 or mysql/pgsql ?
15:17.25tzangerand your provider
15:17.32tzangerit's all the same in terms of risk as far as I'm concerned
15:17.38Mikeim saying i trust more SIP even when your right the
15:17.40Mikechannel bank
15:17.43Mikerequiers a pc
15:17.51tzangerMike: that's funny, I _hate_ SIP, I avoid it at all costs
15:18.02Miketzanger: why?
15:18.04tzangerSIP requires a computer too -- the computer you're talking to
15:18.19Mikeand a linksys router:)
15:18.23tzangeryou are just saying you trust your SIP provider (FWD) to have  better uptime than you which I find laughable
15:18.29Mikea 5 dll calling card?
15:18.30tzangerMike: because it's a fucking horrendous protocol.
15:19.09*** join/#asterisk lorenita (~asd@
15:19.11Miketzanger: so you prefer FXS devices?
15:19.21lorenitahi to all
15:19.34lorenitajerjer sir.. are you there ?
15:20.05tzangerMike: yes and no.  SIP phones are nice and featureful.  I don't like retooling my entire network to support them though.  FXS ports and ADSI phones (to me) are the way to go for any larger deployment or any retrofit.  and for trunking or peering I use IAX2
15:20.35*** join/#asterisk zoa3 (~john@
15:20.46MikeADSI is not finished tho?
15:20.49tzangerSIP phones are expensive and require network upgrades and cable retrofits if you're upgrading
15:20.57lorenitaI are installing in other machine *.. and send call from Ata 186 with SIp to h323 routes .. but the audio no is clean..
15:20.57*** join/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
15:21.05tzangerMike: it's finished enough for 95% of what I need.  I hope to dig in a little and finish it off for call parking and so on
15:21.06lorenitahow one buble
15:21.16tzangerthe phones are a FUCKLOAD cheaper, too
15:21.19lorenitawhat can be ?
15:21.27tzangerwhy put all the brains in the phone when you already have all the brains you need in *
15:21.30Miketzanger: but not the T100p and channel banks
15:21.50dheckaman_blitzrage: ya there?
15:21.53tzangermy mentor has a saying "never design something to be smarter than it has to be.  It will use the excess to fuck you"
15:22.07tzangerMike: Yes, using either T100P or TE410P and channel banks
15:22.39Miketzanger: they are not cheaper than sipphones
15:22.46tzangerdamn right they are
15:22.46Miketzanger: t100p and channel banks
15:22.56tzangerBT101 is a gay-ass looking device with many problems for business use
15:23.15tzangerT100P and channel bank gives me 24 FXS ports for under $1000, and the phones are about $70 each
15:23.35tzangerthat $1000 investment pays itself off easily in lack of hassle and headache
15:23.39tzangerManxPower: ?  :-)
15:23.46tzangerDo you have this tattoo on your ass?   :-)
15:23.54Miketrue ture
15:24.00ManxPowertzanger, I share your opinions about SIP and the GS phones.
15:24.10Mikei belive now
15:24.10dcgomesback from hell ...
15:24.38tzangerthe GS phones are _great_ for fucking around with, they are actually solid and pretty reliable, but they look ohrrible, no headset, no wall mount, display is useless, no custom ringtones, no softbuttons...
15:24.52tzangeryou want a cheap VOIP phone for your house, GS is the way to go
15:25.00tzangerbut I am waiting for the FarFon myself
15:25.05tzangerit looks very good
15:25.35Mike125$ each
15:25.50tzangerwhat the farfon?  that's tentative pricing but yeah I think so
15:26.52glLoadIdentityi remember something about chan_skinny  support in * , any info about that ?
15:27.11Powerkil_someone use ser ?
15:27.16Mikechanging a little
15:27.24Mikeanyone of you guys have tryed those USB phones?
15:27.28dcgomesis it better read * handbook 1 or the draft 2 ?
15:27.29Mikedo they work on linux?
15:27.34Mikei can see phones under 20
15:27.49Mikedcgomes: wont hurt if your read both
15:28.05dcgomeshm, maybe they're conflitant ? =D
15:28.35dcgomesI'll read both
15:28.36*** part/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
15:28.41dcgomesby the way
15:30.01Miketzanger: check out this one
15:30.04*** join/#asterisk jerkface (~me@
15:30.12dcgomesI 'm thinking in a scenario where I have * with an WCE100P plugegd into an E1 and 4 IAX softphones, my goal is to have a manually operated PBX
15:30.44tzangeryeah I've seen those USB phones, neve rused them
15:30.48tzangeron the phone
15:31.03dcgomesso, when there's an incomming call from E1, I'd like to park the call, then some operator would pick it up and switch with the user's desired channel
15:31.16dcgomesthe 4 IAX phones are the operator's
15:31.44dcgomesis this possible ? I'm thiinking to use that perl GUI client to * ...
15:31.48*** join/#asterisk sack (
15:32.04*** join/#asterisk mrhyd3 (
15:32.21mrhyd3somone help me out on a problem w/ extensions?
15:32.30mrhyd3seems simple, maybe im missing something
15:33.13dcgomesno comments about my scenario ?
15:33.23dcgomesgonna suicide
15:33.49dcgomesaAaAAarGh !
15:40.51mrhyd3I have a problem w/ a macro dial
15:41.10dcgomesyeah, they suck
15:41.20mrhyd3exten => s,6,Playback(this-call-may-be)    ;
15:41.20mrhyd3exten => s,7,Playback(monitored)    ;
15:41.20mrhyd3exten => s,8,Macro(oneline,${JOE})
15:41.35mrhyd3what happens is, it will dial, then just hangup....
15:41.41mrhyd3after 10 secs
15:41.51mrhyd3the macro works if you dial the extension directly
15:42.03*** join/#asterisk scud (
15:42.26mrhyd3thats what happens when they press one....and it goes thru
15:43.15mrhyd3this is entire contect
15:43.18mrhyd3exten => s,1,Ringing                                    ; Make them comfortable with 2 seconds of ringb$
15:43.18mrhyd3exten => s,2,Wait,2
15:43.18mrhyd3exten => s,3,Playback(busy-pls-hold)    ;
15:43.18mrhyd3exten => s,4,Wait,2
15:43.20mrhyd3exten => s,5,Playback(for-quality-purposes)
15:43.22mrhyd3exten => s,6,Playback(this-call-may-be)    ;
15:43.24mrhyd3exten => s,7,Playback(monitored)    ;
15:43.26mrhyd3exten => s,8,Macro(oneline,${JOE})
15:43.37dcgomesthis log is when you call directly to the extension ?
15:44.17mrhyd3say I was to call in and just dial 5000 directly instead of going thru sales menu it works fine and goes to VM if no answer
15:44.34mrhyd3no, that log is thru the sales context menu
15:45.01dcgomesAnd you want to call that extension wihtout call the voicemenu ?
15:45.13mrhyd3exten => s,1,Dial(${ARG1},10,t)
15:45.14mrhyd3exten => s,2,Voicemail(u${MACRO_EXTEN})
15:45.14mrhyd3exten => s,3,Hangup
15:45.14mrhyd3exten => s,102,Voicemail(b${MACRO_EXTEN})
15:45.14mrhyd3exten => s,103,Hangup
15:45.20mrhyd3thats the oneline macro
15:45.53dcgomesis the ARG passed correctly ?
15:45.54mrhyd3and if you dial 5000 directly, this is the exten for it
15:45.54mrhyd3exten => 5000,1,Macro(oneline,${JOE})
15:46.17mrhyd3wonder if I found a bug?
15:46.20ScaredyCatwhat's joe defined as?
15:46.20dcgomesI'm lost, wats the problem ?
15:46.22Simon_macro_extension will be\set wrong...
15:46.40Simon_use goto 5000 in sales...
15:46.44ScaredyCat${JOE}  even
15:47.02dcgomesyeah, goto might work fine
15:47.13Simon_i assume joe is a uri
15:47.15mrhyd3k, lemme try it
15:48.03indiamdo i need to install Asterisk::Perl Module or does it comes default with asterisk ?
15:48.28Simon_i have a sipphone macro so that arg1 is just the ext (no proto) so i can pass arg1 ro vmail...
15:48.37ScaredyCatyou need to install it indiam
15:49.23ScaredyCatwell, you could just pass ${EXTEN} as arg2
15:49.42Simon_that works too :)
15:50.09ScaredyCatbut MACRO_EXTEN should be the exten dialed too
15:50.37Simon_which is "s" in his sales context...
15:51.05ScaredyCatahh, try ${DNIS} then
15:51.55ScaredyCathey [Sim] where have you been?
15:52.10[Sim]bah :)
15:52.11ScaredyCatexcept here :D
15:52.12Simon_that would be pstn number, not the sales guy's ext for vmail
15:52.16[Sim]true enough
15:52.19[Sim]whats up?
15:52.37ScaredyCatDNID (not DNIS
15:53.59mrhyd3exten => s,8,Goto(${JOE})
15:54.04mrhyd3the Goto bombs out
15:54.09bkw_no priority
15:54.15bkw_exten => s,8,Goto(${JOE},1)
15:54.37bkw_oh and no context if its outside the current cotext
15:54.43bkw_exten => s,8,Goto(someothercontext|${JOE},1)
15:55.16mrhyd3bkw, that was the problem
15:56.17*** join/#asterisk joseph (
15:56.44Simon_what is joe?   uri or ext?
15:57.44mrhyd3JOE = JOE=SIP/5000@5000
15:58.19bkw_why the SIP/5000@5000
15:58.27Corydon76-workjoe is an editor, isn't it?
15:58.42mrhyd3exten => s,1,Dial(${ARG1},10,t)
15:58.42mrhyd3exten => s,2,Voicemail(u${MACRO_EXTEN})  
15:58.42mrhyd3exten => s,3,Hangup
15:58.42mrhyd3exten => s,102,Voicemail(b${MACRO_EXTEN})
15:58.44mrhyd3exten => s,103,Hangup
15:58.59bkw_but why the 500@500
15:59.04bkw_er 5000@5000
15:59.08bkw_what is that?
15:59.32mrhyd3saw two other examples
15:59.34bkw_why do you have 5000@5000<<<--- and voicemail isn't a good answer
15:59.39jtoddCorydon: Yes, joe is an editor.
15:59.45dheckaman_didnt blitzrage have a special script that would automatically download and install asterisk?
15:59.52bkw_dheckaman_ I do
15:59.54Simon_dial needs Sip/5000, vmail needs just 5000
15:59.56dheckaman_bkw_: ah
16:00.05dheckaman_is it up on ur site?
16:00.08bkw_dheckaman_ nope
16:00.12jtoddAnd it looks like in the above variable statements, Joe is a recursive fellow, as well.  :-)
16:00.19dheckaman_can I have it?
16:00.34bkw_dheckaman_ here in a few
16:00.43bkw_mrhyd3 what is joe's exten?
16:00.56bkw_you are doing this all WRONG
16:01.02Simon_mryd3, are all users of the oneline macro sip?
16:01.21bkw_exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/${ARG1},10,t)
16:01.30bkw_exten => s,2,Voicemail(u${ARG1})
16:01.39bkw_exten => s,102,Voicemail(b${ARG1})
16:01.51bkw_simple as pie
16:02.02dheckaman_cold apple pie
16:02.06dheckaman_with whipped cream
16:02.11dheckaman_and a spoon
16:03.32*** join/#asterisk marrandy (~marrandy@
16:03.41Simon_myhyd: like bkw said, change your oneline macro and then the goto ${joe} will work..
16:04.12marrandyhello :-)
16:04.40*** join/#asterisk janvidar (~janvidar@
16:04.49marrandyAre snom's the best phones ?  Where is the best place in the US to get them from ?
16:05.38marrandybest = capability in use with asterisk plus value for money.  Yes, it's relative.
16:05.39dheckaman_snoms are not the best phones
16:05.44dheckaman_cisco 7960s are
16:06.03dheckaman_ONLY 399 at your nearest cisco dump!
16:06.07marrandyThere about $399 aren't they ?
16:06.09ScaredyCatlatest snom firmware update actually makes the snoms usable
16:06.34marrandydheckaman: boy, your fats, beat me to it
16:06.41marrandyfats = fast
16:07.19*** join/#asterisk wana_start_hosti (
16:08.01Corydon76-workI dunno... the mere fact that they're more expensive than a human clone means the Cisco phones aren't the best.
16:08.23*** join/#asterisk jtew__ (
16:08.23wana_start_hostidosI got a few questions
16:08.33marrandyAnyone have any buttons working on the grandstreams ?
16:08.37wana_start_hostineeding someone who is looking to start a hosting company?!
16:08.52wana_start_hostianyone in here
16:09.03marrandyJust the seals
16:09.22wana_start_hostijtew__  easy:P
16:09.33dheckaman_wana_start_hosti: like what kind\ of hosting?
16:09.51wana_start_hostiMm host websites, irc servers, anything really
16:09.58dheckaman_and what
16:10.00dheckaman_does this
16:10.02dheckaman_have to do
16:10.07dheckaman_with asterisk and voip?
16:10.08wana_start_hostiI know thats my next question:P
16:10.12Corydon76-workbkw_:  a kick, please
16:10.23wana_start_hostiNo I have another question
16:10.55wana_start_hostiI need to get that auto answer thing working on my ip fone thing, know the one that dose Press 1 not to contact customer services ect ect!
16:11.23wana_start_hostiKnow what  mean
16:11.30wana_start_hosti*know what I mean
16:11.52dheckaman_what pbx?
16:12.02tclarkip fone thing == * ?
16:12.11wana_start_hostimmmm yes I use freeworlddialup
16:12.28dheckaman_do you even have  asterisk pbx?
16:12.28bkw_what did I miss?
16:12.33dheckaman_bkw_: OT
16:12.34wana_start_hostiI have it
16:12.58wana_start_hostiand I heard there was a config or somthing you could edit, to do such things as this^^
16:13.09dheckaman_good luck
16:13.15bkw_Corydon76-work kick who?
16:13.28wana_start_hostiok thanks
16:13.54dheckaman_this can of air is pretty cold
16:15.13bkw_dont turn it upside down dumb ass
16:15.31bkw_sprays what?
16:15.59*** part/#asterisk wana_start_hosti (
16:16.09dheckaman_can O air
16:16.35dheckaman_so you have dat script?
16:17.14mrhyd3quick one
16:17.15mrhyd3echo "Password: anoncvs"cvs login
16:17.15mrhyd3cd /usr/src
16:17.15mrhyd3#mkdir asterisk
16:17.16mrhyd3#cd asterisk
16:17.19mrhyd3cvs checkout zapata zaptel libpri asterisk
16:17.24bkw_dheckaman_ do this
16:17.57bkw_wget -q -O - | sh  (besure to rm -rf libpri, zaptel and asterisk)
16:18.05*** join/#asterisk h3x (
16:18.12bkw_mrhyd3 mine works faster!
16:18.33h3xI've got an idea.  I think I'm gonna sell off-peak capacity
16:18.44dheckaman_wget command not found
16:18.49dheckaman_stupid retarted OS
16:18.50bkw_no wget
16:18.54bkw_MAN how do you live
16:18.56h3xmost of my customers only use it 14-18 hours a day
16:19.00dheckaman_just installed it
16:19.02h3xso its all sittin around at night
16:19.05dheckaman_1 hour ago
16:20.51Bonboncan anyone help me with an asterisk crash problem?
16:21.04bkw_got bt?
16:21.06tzangerBonbon: wear a seat belt?  ;-)
16:21.17Bonbonseems related to h323
16:21.20*** part/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
16:21.20bkw_Bonbon first few lines
16:21.23Bonbonshall I dump here:
16:21.30Bonbon#0  0x48cb9258 in PASN_OctetString::SetValue(PBYTEArray const&) ()
16:21.30Bonbon#1  0x48ca7cc3 in PASN_OctetString::EncodeSubType(PASN_Object const&) ()
16:21.30Bonbon#2  0x495454ea in H323Connection::MonitorCallStatus() ()
16:21.32Bonbon#3  0x4953c9ab in H323Connection::SendSignalSetup(PString const&, H323TransportA
16:21.34Bonbonddress const&) () from /root/openh323/lib/
16:21.35h3xeverybody takes a dump here
16:21.38mrhyd3bkw, dunno...seems slow to me
16:21.53Bonbon#4  0x495479ec in H225CallThread::Main() ()
16:21.53Bonbon#5  0x48e13d30 in PThread::PX_ThreadStart(void*) ()
16:21.53Bonbon#6  0x4003a881 in pthread_detach () from /lib/i686/
16:21.58marrandyI've done a 'make update' recently, but show version = Asterisk CVS-10/24/03-09:55:23  -  Is that correct ???
16:22.09bkw_maratonc nop
16:22.17bkw_Bonbon its h323 related
16:22.31dheckaman_hey cool
16:22.35dheckaman_its downloading agi
16:22.36dheckaman_and apps
16:22.37dheckaman_and stuff
16:23.01bkw_dheckaman_ using mine?
16:23.02Bonbonoh nooooooooooo
16:23.46Bonbonbkw: * doesn't pass through ACCOUNTCODE variables when receiving a sip request from a remote proxy. Any ideas?
16:24.13JerJerBonbon: its not gona
16:24.20JerJeraccountcode is not a SIP dealy
16:24.37marrandyI've done a 'make update' recently, but show version = Asterisk
16:24.51marrandyWhy is it so old ?
16:25.09BonbonJerJer: well it's fine when a registered phone calls through *
16:25.57JerJernot accountcode
16:26.03bkw_maratonc blow away your cvs checkout and start again
16:26.25JerJeraccount code is an asterisk specific value
16:26.55marrandyAlso did a make clean  cvs -z3 update -d rm -f .version  but it still shows the old CVS date
16:27.13dheckaman_make[1]: *** [res_crypto.o] Error 1
16:27.13dheckaman_make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk/res'
16:27.13dheckaman_make: *** [subdirs] Error 1
16:27.39mrhyd3dheackman, my script would have worked :)
16:28.19tzangerI think I need to optimize my jitter buffer a little
16:28.34dheckaman_latest CVS is broke?
16:28.35*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
16:28.44tzangerright now I have
16:29.04tzangeractually question
16:29.17tzangerjitterbuffer=no is COMMENTED OUT... is the default to ENABLE jitter buffer or not?
16:29.29tzangeri.e. with no "jitterbuffer" command in iax.conf, is jitter buffer enabled?
16:29.37BonbonJerJer: yes, true, but the proxied request goes through the normal sip.conf authentication. I thought that the variables would get pushed through to *.
16:30.33JerJernot SIP
16:30.46dheckaman_bkw_: cvs is broke?
16:30.57mrhyd3dheckaman: trying it now
16:30.57JerJerIAX2 ~maybe~
16:31.03JerJerbut why?
16:31.05bkw_dheckaman_ nope
16:31.19BonbonJerJer: so anyway of receiving anything about the user into extensions.conf? (apart from CALLERIDNUM)
16:31.22tzangerouch i32ms jitter
16:31.26tzangerer 132ms
16:31.30dheckaman_bkw_: dont work for me
16:31.37bkw_dheckaman_ dont knwo what to tell ya
16:31.39bkw_works fine here
16:31.51bkw_did you blow away your asterisk,zaptel and libpri
16:32.02dheckaman_this is a fresh OS
16:32.07dheckaman_nothing else on the box
16:32.53JerJerBonbon:  I think u need to study harder
16:33.13gadams666hmmm, speaking of jitter, nufone is a little... jittery today
16:33.41lorenitaWARNING[1167272000]: File chan_oss.c, Line 268 (sound_thread): Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable
16:33.44lorenitawhat is ?
16:34.23dheckaman_make[1]: *** [res_crypto.o] Error 1
16:35.22mrhyd3gadams: seems ok w/ me
16:35.23ManxPowerlorenita, It means 1) you don't have permission to open /dev/dsp 2) another application has the sound device open or 3) you don't have the OS sound drivers loaded.
16:35.36JerJergadams666: gota be your network...i'm on a 4 person conf call using switch-1 on my crapy DSL
16:37.13gadams666not my network but prolly something between us and you all.  I think the MCI gods are mad at me today
16:37.21steeswhere in * do specify the SIP user if im calling ?
16:37.37tzangerbell's here to install my residental line at the office :-)
16:38.08lorenitathank you MANXPOWER
16:38.13mrhyd3dheckaman: mines compiled and ready to go
16:38.39h3xits really bad when youve memorized your credit card number, exp, AND the CVV2 code.
16:38.40dheckaman_so whats with this?
16:38.46gadams666JerJer: any word when you'll be able to accept CC for payment?
16:38.56Simon_tzanger: that would be the oppisite of working at home ;)
16:39.03gadams666h3x: what's that Visa number... :)
16:39.11dheckaman_just tell paypal to pull some money from the CC
16:39.30gadams666h3x: I'll give ya extra points if you know the track1/track2 data
16:39.30dheckaman_res_crypto.c:517: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
16:40.10tzangerSimon_: well kind of...  I didn't want to lose my number I had for 12 years so I moved it to the ocmpany I work for so when they move to the PRI -> TE410P I can get it on a DID
16:40.23mrhyd3is cvs code good today?
16:40.38dheckaman_not for me
16:40.43mrhyd3i know u couldnt answer :)
16:41.14h3xgadams666: I actually have a card swipe reader on my keybaord but its broken
16:41.25h3xgot it from a state auction. Guess they used it for POS
16:41.56mrhyd3no need, we do all transactions over web
16:41.59dheckaman_POS computers
16:42.06h3xthat too
16:42.06gadams666I work for an acquirer. too much cc information in my head. I want to charge the associations for it sucks ass
16:42.13mrhyd3man, i cant spell today
16:42.15h3xtheir shit is so insecure
16:42.22h3xthey gave me a login on their MAIN BILLING COMPUTER
16:42.25h3xrunning BSD/OS
16:42.31h3xit had RPC services running on it
16:42.37h3xat first i thought it was a honey pot but it wasnt
16:42.52mrhyd3u sure about that?
16:42.59h3xyeah, if you have web hosting with them they give you a shell on the https:// server that runs all their clients%!#^#$!
16:43.25h3xi hope they've fixed all that shit by now
16:43.51mrhyd3   you're talking about them?
16:43.58gadams666paymentech is doing some good thing
16:44.34h3xfuck all that shit
16:44.38h3xits all about verisign yo
16:44.44h3xsignio rules
16:44.46mrhyd3oh, screw them
16:44.52h3xthey do everything
16:44.55h3xthe API rules
16:44.59mrhyd3and screw everything too
16:44.59h3xeven telecheck
16:45.49*** join/#asterisk sudhir (~sudhir@
16:46.32gadams666what's verisigns merchant discount rates?
16:46.39bkw_too much
16:46.43sudhirHas anyone used asterisk as a predictive dialer?
16:46.46gadams666and, do they charge a bundle for chargeback management?
16:47.10*** join/#asterisk jtew__ (
16:47.13mrhyd3damn this thingm, my X100P keeps dropping calls
16:47.31jtew__mrhyd3: my X100P did that on me about a half dozen times yesterday
16:47.34jtew__really sucks
16:47.46mrhyd3my old lady is getting pissed
16:47.51sudhirCan someone give me some hint on how to use asterisk as a predictive dialer?
16:47.55jtew__PayFlow Pro blows
16:48.01bkw_got progressdetect on?
16:48.01jtew__and they're overpriced!
16:48.19h3xit aint that bad
16:48.24jtew__ is the absolutely best and cheapest way to start taking credit cards
16:48.25h3xthey dont fuck you over on the %
16:49.02gadams666I dont see the discount rate listed
16:49.09jtew__h3x: are you lower than 2.09%?
16:49.21h3xwhat about amex
16:49.26mrhyd3i have 1.7%
16:49.31gadams666amex screws everyone over
16:49.37jtew__amex does screw everyone
16:49.55gadams666mrhyd3: that's pretty damned good. only 15bps over standard interchange
16:49.55h3xverisign transaction fee is $.10 over 1000 transactions
16:50.00mrhyd3w/ a $10 month fee
16:50.27h3xbut the question is
16:50.35h3xew, ?
16:50.39gadams666and the biggie is: what reserves do they put in place is fucking terrible
16:50.53h3xthey LOST $5000 of my customers money once
16:51.03mrhyd3we have someone else, but use
16:51.13h3xthey disabled all the accounts over christmas season 2000 that had any non-alphanumeric characters in the password for 5 days
16:51.18mrhyd3h3x, ive never had a problem w/ them
16:51.20h3xbecause they did a software upgrade and left for holiday
16:51.24bkw_h3x its not that happened too has too many hands in the pot
16:51.33bkw_thats the problem
16:51.46h3xbesides, i need to take ACH with telecheck
16:51.47jtew__just my $0.02
16:51.55jsharpI'm happy with freeauthnet myself.
16:51.59jtew__h3x: than verisign is the only player w/ telecheck
16:52.02h3xand i would never ever trust to do transactions >$10000
16:52.08gadams666eChecks the way forward for that market.
16:52.17jtew__bkw: they reseller and merchant accounts with low fees and no startup costs
16:52.57h3xit dont matter if the fees are low if you cant trust the books
16:53.02bkw_we had to give DNA samples to be able to do checks
16:53.06h3xwe had problems with them on every single account
16:53.15bkw_the paperwork was insane
16:53.20bkw_had to fill it out 3 times triplicate? :P
16:53.43mrhyd3h3x : are we talkig about the same company? cause man, i never exp. any problems w/ them at all
16:54.04gadams666how is on international tx?
16:54.46h3xyes, they did adult billing for me once upon a time
16:54.58h3xccbill is the one i was thinking of with the security problems though
16:55.09mrhyd3jesus, after update my X100P keeps hanging up on me
16:55.17h3xccbill/ are the biggest bunch of idiots
16:55.24h3xthey use rsh between their machines as ROOT
16:55.28h3xto admin your colo box
16:55.28bkw_mrhyd3 is progressdetect on?
16:55.31h3xwith no password
16:55.35gadams666that they are.
16:55.58h3xthe sysadmin from south africa is a goofball and claims he invented the internet in .za
16:56.02mrhyd3bkw: lemme check
16:56.17marrandybkw_:  Thanks   -   Asterisk CVS-12/10/03-11:49:50
16:56.21h3xhe set up the first uucp host back in the 70s or something and now hes the god of the net
16:56.23mrhyd3bkw: no
16:56.36tzangercan dialplan contexts be numeric?
16:56.38tzangeri.e. [12345]
16:56.39bkw_turn it off
16:57.09mrhyd3k, reload
16:57.21sudhirHi bkw, can you give me some hint on using asterisk as a predictive dialer?
16:57.36bkw_I shoot telemarkters on site
16:57.38sudhirthanks :-)
16:57.40bkw_er sight
16:57.54bkw_but hint.. search the mailing list
16:58.02dheckaman_so current CVS doesnt work?
16:58.07h3xnah we just Zapateller
16:58.13citatsbkw_: i guess if they were coming on site, then they wouldn't be telemarketers... they would be door to door salesmen :)
16:58.17marrandy<dheckaman_> mandrake  -  I am testing on Mandrake v8.1 - It works fine
16:58.19dheckaman_res_crypto.c:519: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
16:58.20h3xplaying Zapateller on no ANI has helped a lot.. heh
16:58.26gadams666I just use an older CVS release. Then no calls come in. :)
16:58.32bkw_dheckaman_ you no got openssl devel
16:58.33h3xcitats: true....
16:58.40dheckaman_zaptel doesnt work either
16:58.50dheckaman_zaptel.c:129: error: syntax error before "config_must_be_included_before_module"
16:58.56gadams666zapateller is your friend.
16:59.02bkw_dheckaman_ your distro is hozed
16:59.23mrhyd3dheackaman: running incorrect kernel w/ source?
16:59.36dheckaman_mandrake 9.2
16:59.37citatsdheckaman_: you must not be using cvs.... that line doesn't show up in zaptel.c in cvs
16:59.48dheckaman_this is cvs
16:59.54dheckaman_its what his script pulled down
16:59.56mrhyd3bkw and his script ;)
16:59.56bkw_yep its cvs
17:00.03h3xAnyway, verisign payflow dosent charge a % of your transactions, thats up to what you negotiate with your bank
17:00.04bkw_it pulled from cvs
17:00.08bkw_he fucked it up
17:00.10sudhirActually, there are other needs of predictivie dialer. Actually the use of word predictive pissed people off. My application is for a doctors office where they have remind everyone a day before the appointment, and to give a human face to it, they want the secretary to tell people instead of a recorded message.
17:00.16dheckaman_bkw_: YOUR script
17:00.32mrhyd3dheackaman: script worked for me tho :)
17:00.33h3xsudhir: So call everybody, play a mesasge and tell them to press 1 to confirm that they heard it
17:00.44h3xthat would be called an autodialer not predictive dialer
17:00.53h3xpredictive dialers mean they run a call center with agents in them
17:00.54jsharpThat's not really a predictive dialer, then.
17:01.01jsharpyah, what h3x said.
17:01.08sudhirOk, autodialer it is then
17:01.10h3xand they have to predict when to make more calls on the fly based on how many agents are idle
17:01.30sudhirNovices like me have to be educated in proper terminology :-)
17:01.30marrandycsorry...typo, I'm using 9.1
17:01.56h3xyou dont need all that fancy garbage if its just a couple secretaries either
17:02.13h3xjust have it dial the phone for them and let them hit * between calls to continue
17:02.18marrandycheck that yoyu have the kernel devs and the correct kernel.  I once had a problem and the installed kernel was different thatn the kernel-dev
17:02.56marrandyNever did figure out why, just replaced it with the correct kernel source
17:03.28sudhirSometimes, the nurse has to call about the test results and after calling the patient, it will be nice if they can be connected to the nurse instead of hearing an announcemnet
17:03.55h3xso give your nurses DIDs
17:03.59*** join/#asterisk zwi (~zwi@
17:04.04marrandyThat's agi, it's in the diocs
17:04.15marrandydiocs = docs\
17:04.40tzangerDial("Zap/17-1", "IAX2/benshaw@ak_home/")  why is the friend ak_home saying there is no such context when I'm giving it a default ocntext that exists?
17:05.08sudhirthanks, I will check the agi documentation
17:05.12mrhyd3zap still dying
17:05.12Corydon76-workProbably because you haven't allowed that context in iax.conf
17:05.15mishehu*young daughter answers the phone*  This is the Gynecologist's automated system calling for <Name of Mother>.  The pap smear test shows you have a high and irregular blah blah blah.  Please press one if you understood...
17:05.29tzangerthere we go
17:05.31tzangerneeded to have /s
17:05.35mishehuThat is what would be stupid about automated systems
17:09.33*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:10.31*** join/#asterisk horsefly (
17:10.50tzangerbkw_: that's not how it ws DESIGNED to work... ot pick a RANDOM username if none was given?
17:11.01tzangerhow about ERRORING at least  :-)
17:11.15bkw_tzanger you sure?
17:11.19*** join/#asterisk Shaneful (
17:11.32tzangerbkw_: you can thin kof a reason it picks a random uername?
17:11.35tzangerer username?
17:12.44mrhyd3wow, X100P is broke
17:12.46mrhyd3in CVS
17:12.50bkw_no it isn't
17:12.56bkw_mrhyd3 mine works fine
17:12.59bkw_your card is fucked
17:13.07mrhyd3my phone answers and it hangs up
17:13.10dheckaman_its a feature
17:13.16mrhyd3it worked before the CVS update
17:13.20*** join/#asterisk djc (
17:13.34JerJeryep, smells like a feature to me
17:13.56dheckaman_zaptel.c:129: error: syntax error before "config_must_be_included_before_module"
17:15.56mrhyd3can I just go back and cvs backdate for zaptel say 2 weeks?
17:16.19JerJermrhyd3: why not diagnose the real problem?
17:16.30JerJeri'm running this mornings cvs here with no trouble
17:16.33mrhyd3I dont have time right now, I have to get it up
17:16.38mrhyd3w/ a X100P?
17:16.59Corydon76-workdheckaman_:  wrong kernel headers
17:17.09dheckaman_Corydon76: oh?
17:17.15dheckaman_what do I do about it?
17:17.34mrhyd3ill reboot the machine....
17:17.38Corydon76-workInstall the package with the kernel headers for your running kernel
17:17.38bkw_mrhyd3 get some viagra for that x100p?
17:18.17mrhyd3it was working till I CVS'd it....atleast sub-par....about 4-6 drops aday..but wont stay on for 3 secs...
17:18.26*** join/#asterisk russT (
17:18.33mrhyd3it gets to answer and then hangs up
17:19.48mrhyd3[root@pbx root]# modprobe wcfxo
17:19.55mrhyd3Dec 10 12:19:38 pbx kernel: Zapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
17:19.55mrhyd3Dec 10 12:19:38 pbx kernel: PCI: Found IRQ 10 for device 00:0e.0
17:19.55mrhyd3Dec 10 12:19:38 pbx kernel: wcfxo: DAA mode is 'FCC'
17:19.55mrhyd3Dec 10 12:19:38 pbx kernel: Found a Wildcard FXO: Wildcard X101P
17:19.55mrhyd3Dec 10 12:19:39 pbx kernel: Registered tone zone 0 (United States / North America)
17:19.57mrhyd3good right
17:20.19tzangerzap destroy channel completely removes it from *?
17:21.15mrhyd3just hung up
17:21.44bkw_mrhyd3 your on crack
17:21.46bkw_mine is working fine
17:21.54bkw_Asterisk CVS-12/10/03-11:17:59 built by root@asterisk on a i686 running Linux
17:22.21zoamine is not working for trunking :)
17:23.13tzangerwhat's the difference bweteen restart gracefully and conviently?
17:23.33tzangerconviently is 0 call volume, but what's gracefully then?
17:25.17zoai dont know, both hang my asterisk server :)
17:25.40mrhyd3== Spawn extension (inbound-analog, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'Zap/1-1'
17:25.40mrhyd3NOTICE[1150520624]: File chan_sip.c, Line 4675 (handle_response): Peer '3100' is now TOO LAGGED!
17:25.41mrhyd3NOTICE[1150520624]: File chan_sip.c, Line 4670 (handle_response): Peer '3100' is now REACHABLE!
17:28.46voidptrwhat ever :)
17:29.38levonmeep meep
17:30.22voidptrdinner time.
17:31.04*** join/#asterisk rot200 (~YO@
17:31.53rot200could anyone help me on a PRI question
17:32.09[Sim]who knows, give it a shot :-)
17:33.10*** join/#asterisk reseaux (
17:33.15reseauxhi to all!!
17:33.53levongood evening, reseaux
17:33.58reseauxhi levon!!
17:34.16rot200the cli gets flooded with "== D-Channel on span 1 up", and i can't make calls
17:35.04reseauxlevon: i have restore my * box and now i have strage trouble with agi!! :-( can you give me some help?
17:35.38methinks ask2ask is people who ask if they may ask a question which is a question itself. So why don't ask your real question in the first place? ;-)
17:35.38[Sim]rot200: is the span giving signals ? (if you have libnewt you can compile and use zttool)
17:35.47mrhyd3WARNING[1272323376]: File pbx.c, Line 1829 (ast_pbx_run): Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'inbound-analog'
17:36.16levonreseaux, just state your exact problem, someone might answer if he knows the answer.
17:36.44rot200zttool shows 'Internally clocked'
17:36.46jtew__damn, this hangup problem on the X100P is really getting annoying... what was the final resolution?
17:37.03[Sim]rot: is that what its supposed to be ?
17:37.04mrhyd3jtew: mine is worse now
17:37.16mrhyd3i cant call in, it just hangs up
17:37.22jtew__I'm planning on call forwarding this line to a voicepulse # anyways since it has free LD
17:37.28jtew__f'ing voice modem!
17:37.35rot200and no alarms
17:37.48reseauxthanks levon: .. simple ... seems my AGI write in php dont start and * go on in the extension
17:37.49mrhyd3i was getting drops during the day...but after the update, i cant get it to pickup
17:38.08[Sim]rot: whats it connected to ?
17:38.34reseauxlevon: usualy this script works well but after i reinstall my machine seems dont work anymore..
17:38.41mrhyd3WARNING[1116949808]: File res_musiconhold.c, Line 165 (spawn_mp3): Found no files in '/var/lib/asterisk'
17:38.41mrhyd3WARNING[1116949808]: File res_musiconhold.c, Line 227 (monmp3thread): unable to spawn mp3player
17:39.48mrhyd3anyone know why mp3player is trying to spawn now?
17:40.06levonreseaux, check if a basic AGI script runs
17:40.17levonreseaux, if it does, it must be your php script.
17:40.42levonalso check that all required php libraries are installed, reseaux
17:40.42dantmrhyd3, you have music on hold?
17:41.02levonreseaux, for a test, just run your script from the shell and pipe something in
17:41.33reseauxlevon:i dont think... i have try is the same... from console scritp work..
17:42.36reseauxlevon:i set in my php scritp a debug flag but i dont see anything...
17:42.40levondunno then, reseaux. I recommend to increase verbosity level then and look what * tells you when it runs that script
17:43.23mrhyd3JerJer, u there?
17:44.46levonreseaux, make a sample/test script and test that first.
17:44.59levonthen go from there
17:45.10reseauxok i retry it...thanks
17:47.13mrhyd3im backing off the cvs update
17:47.32*** join/#asterisk orien (
17:47.39dheckaman_DEC the balls with clouds of SCO! falalalalaalalalalaa!
17:48.02dheckaman_Soon we will be burning MS! fallalalalalalal
17:48.06bkw_and whats McBride gonne get for xmas?
17:48.49dheckaman_ooh, wierd
17:48.56dheckaman_ok, I ssh into my server..
17:48.58dheckaman_and I run a app
17:49.03dheckaman_I didnt know it needed X
17:49.05*** join/#asterisk rainer_home (
17:49.09dheckaman_and I dont have X installed on server
17:49.17dheckaman_when it magically appears on my workstation
17:50.50marrandy<dheckaman_>: did you check your kernel version, kernel-source version etc. ?
17:51.11dheckaman_should I?
17:53.51*** join/#asterisk Nix (Nix@
17:53.57bkw_mrhyd3 its your card.. or somethign else.. my three x100P's are fine
17:54.11dheckaman_bkw_: ho ho ho
17:54.18bkw_no angler is the ho ho ho
17:54.27dheckaman_oh oh oh
17:54.35NixHi Guys
17:54.54mrhyd3bkw: then why did it work before...i have the server in a locked cabinet
17:55.04mrhyd3so i havent touched it
17:56.17reseauxlevon: sometime im stupid monkey :-)
17:56.45levonhehe, everyone has his moments of stupidity every now and then ;)
17:56.52reseauxlevon:do you remeber the option to start * from different location like from /home/asterisk...
17:57.45reseauxyes :-) asterisk -vvvc --prefix=/home/asterisk is right?
17:57.58levonerm, no, compilation time IIRC.
17:58.31levonbut that runtime option would be very useful, indeed.
17:58.49orienCan anyone point me to where I can find some documentation on the agi interface?
17:59.05reseauxlevon:i use this option many time but now i cant remember...
17:59.36levonnaber, Nix ;)
18:01.00*** join/#asterisk argos_ (
18:01.10Nixlevon: iyilik abi. senden naber? napiyorsun?
18:01.32Nixorien: what sort of info are you looking for?
18:01.46levonNix, iyilik canim. Cok da calisma var ;)
18:02.25orienNix: examples of use, "functions" etc.  All i've found in my source tree so far is the test suite.  Which doesn't tell me how anything works.
18:03.13*** join/#asterisk adam_gafachi (
18:03.28dheckaman_still wont compile
18:03.56dheckaman_where do I get a kernel header rpm?
18:04.13blitzragerpmfind ?
18:04.18levonfrom your distribution's web site?
18:04.26blitzragethat makes even more sense :)
18:04.33blitzragethe CD that your OS is on? :)
18:04.52zoaI HATE IT !
18:04.56dheckaman_I dont see it
18:05.33zoajust updated cvs, trunking still not working
18:05.45blitzragedheckaman_: what OS ?
18:05.52dheckaman_mandrake 9.2
18:05.52zoaand some months ago it worked just fine
18:06.00zoascxgk3*CLI> iax2 trunk debug
18:06.00zoaIAX2 Trunk Debug Requested
18:06.01blitzragedheckaman_: search for kernel-sources I believe
18:06.11marrandydheckaman_>:  uname -a
18:06.36adam_gafachi~seen zebble
18:06.43zebble <~Zebble@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 10h 33m 8s ago, saying: 'IAX doesn't use RTP, which I think canreinvite is specifically for...  Not sure what else you could do though.'.
18:06.51marrandydheckaman_>: rpm -qa | grep kernel
18:07.02zoabkw, you here ?
18:07.07reseauxsomeone remeber how to star * from different path?
18:07.17blitzragehuh ?
18:07.36bkw_tclark did you run under valgrind 2.0.0 ?
18:08.02marrandydheckaman_>:  copy and paste the output from  'uname -a'
18:08.05bkw_anyone else wanna try 2.0.0
18:08.11zoawhat is valgrind ?
18:08.32zoamemory debugger
18:08.35zoabkw_ like ?
18:08.36marrandydheckaman_>: copy and paste the output from  'rpm -qa | grep kernel'
18:08.54zoagdb like ?
18:08.54voidptrvalgrind is awesome... but sometimes very annoying :P
18:09.01*** join/#asterisk Mike9 (~Snak@
18:09.02dheckaman_Linux localhost 2.4.22-10mdk #1 Thu Sep 18 12:30:58 CEST 2003 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux
18:09.09dheckaman_rpm -qa | grep kernel
18:09.14zoais it like that Memsleuth thingie on windows to detect memory leaks ?
18:09.17voidptrdheckaman_ : get me a shell on your machine :P
18:09.23marrandySo your installed kernel is  2.4.22-10mdk
18:09.25bkw_voidptr I can't get asterisk to start under valgrind 2.0.0 unless I noload
18:09.31zoabkw, could you do a "iax2 show peers" for me once?
18:09.34zoashit shit
18:09.35orienNix: thanks a bunch
18:09.36zoai meant
18:09.36voidptrbkw_ : aha
18:09.42zoaIAX2 trunk debug
18:09.45voidptrbkw_ : bad :(
18:09.56bkw_I was testing cdr_odbc for bugs.. and app_dbodbc they tested out fine
18:10.04voidptrsweet :)
18:10.07bkw_but for some ooooooooooooooood reason bitches
18:10.15Mike9i can't hear anything played back from the asterisk box on my sip phone.. any ideas? using ulaw
18:10.36voidptrbkw_ : will app odbc stuff be in cvs?
18:10.57bkw_voidptr not sure.. i'm goign to try to merge it with the regular dbget/put/del/deltree stuff
18:11.03bkw_so you can flip it on and off from a config file
18:11.13bkw_so it only registers one app one time.
18:11.15marrandywhere's the results from the rpm query ?
18:12.19bkw_I need to write the cli tools for it also
18:12.23bkw_so its totally transparent
18:14.03*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
18:14.13mbrancaat home, finally :)
18:14.57pattiejaanybody know what this means (coming from X-Lite):
18:15.00pattiejaDec 10 12:11:40 NOTICE[213005]: File rtp.c, Line 263 (process_rfc3389): RFC3389 support incomplete.  Turn off on client if possible
18:15.04*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
18:15.06bkw_turn off vad
18:15.07tzangerwhat's the difference bweteen restart gracefully and conviently?
18:15.09marrandydheckaman_>:  What's the problem ?
18:15.19pattiejabkw_: voice activated dialing?
18:15.26mrhyd3CVS is screwed up, i just backed off 3 weeks from CVS and everything is working perfectly
18:15.28zoasilence detection
18:15.36zoavoice activity detection
18:16.34pattiejabkw_: zoa: I've got Advanced Settings -> Silence Settings -> Transmit Silence : Yes already set
18:16.49pattiejais there something somewhere else that needs to be changed?
18:17.12Mike9is cvs currently broken?
18:17.27pattiejaMike9: I wouldn't doubt it
18:17.32dheckaman_zaptel wont compile
18:17.33pattiejaMike9: regarding what?
18:17.38loko_mokoAnyone know the IP of a vonage gateway?
18:17.58marrandydheckaman_>: why haven't you answered the question ?
18:18.06ManxPowerloko_moko, Uh, why does it matter?  Vonage locks out 3rd party SIP clients
18:18.09Mike9in that i can't hear any playback from the asterisk box. (greetings, vm)
18:18.09dheckaman_I was on the phone :)
18:18.14dheckaman_lemme scroll up
18:18.28pattiejaI'm also getting all the registration attempts from X-Lite failing for some reason.  It didn't used to do that.
18:18.30loko_mokoManxPower - I just want to see what type of connection I have to them. And no other VOIP providers work for me
18:18.38dheckaman_arg, well, its downloading source
18:18.47pattiejaI've specified host and defaultip as the same IP address for a 'peer' sip.conf entry
18:18.49dheckaman_the kernel source
18:18.50marrandywhere's the results from the rpm query ?
18:18.53dheckaman_maybe that will fix it
18:18.58tclarkbkw_: fyi ./configure, make, make install 2.0 then valgrind --gdb-attach=yes ./asterisk -vvv and * is running on current cvs on 2.0
18:19.28ManxPowerloko_moko, Trust me, Vonage will not work with Asterisk except by plugging their locked ATA into an Asterisk FXO port.
18:19.31marrandyNo maybe's about it.  We still want to see the output from rpm -qa | grep kernel
18:20.54dheckaman_off phone
18:21.09zoa<pattieja> I'm also getting all the registration attempts from X-Lite failing for some reason.  It didn't used to do that. --> change your ip once
18:21.48marrandykernel-   -  That's different than you uname
18:22.02dheckaman_that bad?
18:22.24dheckaman_ITS 111%!
18:22.29*** join/#asterisk sobol_ (~newbie@
18:22.30ScaredyCatno... 10349% bad
18:22.36dheckaman_beat yea
18:22.51ScaredyCaterrm. 10349% > 111%
18:24.00marrandyProbably not.  When the kernel-source is downloaded/installed. Give us the  rpm query result again
18:25.55Mike9does timing from the pri card still work if it's not configured?
18:26.13zoawhat do you think ?
18:26.35Mike9not for use of the pri card... lol.. for asterisk to get timing off of
18:26.35zoacan you drive home in your car while your car doesnt leave the garage ?
18:26.44zoais it loaded ?
18:26.47dheckaman_gotta run
18:26.53zoathen it will work :)
18:27.28Mike9my brain is fried in trying to figure out this damn no-playback-sound problem
18:28.17ScaredyCataliens Mike9
18:28.35jsharpDon't the T1/E1 cards disable interrupts if there aren't any spans active/configureD?
18:28.35Mike9lol.. somethin
18:32.06Mike9when does /etc/zaptel.conf get read?
18:32.13jsharpwhen you run ztcfg
18:33.40Mike9thanks... guess I'm just retarded.. lol
18:34.43tzangerwhat does 'inkeys' mean in iax.conf?
18:34.58Mike93 days on this fuckin thing and that's all it was.. lmao
18:35.03bkw_ya thats KICK ASS
18:35.57Mike9not only am I a member...............
18:36.04jsharpYou just configured a span?
18:36.12SaxgodNot only are you a member, but you get ops.
18:36.22sxpertMike9: you're the founding member ;)
18:36.25Mike9jsarp.. yep.. PRI isn't due in till tomorrow, so i aven't bothered
18:37.18jsharpThere needs to be something * to say "Hey! I see a zaptel device for timing, but I'm not getting anything from it".
18:37.34jsharpThat's bit me in the ass more times than I care to count.
18:37.41ScaredyCatyou need a small bolivian child in your * box
18:38.03SaxgodDon't we all, though?
18:38.03Mike9jsharp.. where might there be docs on that card and it's config?? that may be useful here the next couple days too..
18:38.26voidptrok, who has an idea on an ultra cheap 1u pentium 4 boxen/barebones? :)
18:38.44ScaredyCatultra cheap?
18:38.45voidptrpreferably somewhere in western europe ;)
18:38.50ScaredyCathow cheap is that?
18:38.53Q-At-Workultracheap and 1u :)
18:39.03zoai bought one for 700 euro this week
18:39.05voidptryeah, i bet someone can make them :P
18:39.06zoawith raid0
18:39.11blitzrageis there a way to tell the Dial app to ring a phone a certain number of times, as opposed to a timed limit ?
18:39.33ScaredyCatdivide the time by 4
18:39.38tzangerblitzrage: just divide the time by 4
18:39.48*** join/#asterisk dsfr (
18:39.49blitzragetzanger: no, but it doesn't work like that :)
18:39.53Q-At-Workon my machine 20 = 5.5 rings
18:39.59blitzragetzanger: I seem to get different amounts of ring each time
18:40.04tzangerblitzrage: odd
18:40.16blitzragetzanger: quite :)
18:40.17Q-At-Workblitzrage: do you mean ring in the ear, or ring on the phone
18:40.31blitzrageScaredyCat: shutup
18:40.39voidptrzoa : like what exactly?
18:40.56ScaredyCathehe zoa is sooo like whoaaa!!
18:41.00bkw_humps ScaredyCat's leg?
18:41.09blitzragenah... that's you :)
18:41.14bkw_no no no
18:41.25bkw_I recall you doing it last
18:41.40blitzrageI don't remember.... but hey, if you say so
18:41.55ScaredyCatpah! I actually have to move ... ciggies in other room
18:41.57tzangerScaredyCat: you need this instead:
18:42.05bkw_ya know what my favorite thing in the world is...?
18:42.28bkw_no 6-pack fags
18:43.05blitzrageaha.. I know why it looks like it's ringing too many times at the CLI... I have r2 on the channel, and it shows a Zap/2-1 is ringing for each half of the ring
18:43.08bkw_not fags as in cigarettes
18:43.18bkw_straight men that turn gay after a 6 pack
18:43.28tzangerbkw_: ?
18:43.30Q-At-WorkI quit drinkin too
18:43.35Om3gAnGeLlmao @ bkw_
18:43.43bkw_aka 6pack fag
18:43.49blitzrageoh god
18:43.58Q-At-Worknow if bkw is cute enough, I might have 3-4 beers :)
18:44.34mrhyd3lol, beat ya to it
18:44.36blitzrageI didn't think I was...
18:44.42blitzragemrhyd3: but I had to type more
18:51.32*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
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18:53.43Q-At-Workhas anyone got an "applet" I can stick on a webpage for my mother to hit "call Mark" (thats me) that uses iax(1|2) ?  xten started one... but it vanished
18:54.31Q-At-Workhrmm but it wasnt iax
18:54.35ScaredyCatthat used sip
18:54.37ScaredyCatand fwd
18:55.04*** join/#asterisk stees_ (
18:55.43YoYo^Q, grab iaxlib or whatever for windoze and make an activex control out of it
18:55.50YoYo^plug it into a web page and you're good to go
18:55.54Q-At-Workyou assume I have windows compilers
18:55.59bkw_xten has a websip phone
18:56.15bkw_Q-At-Work you a mark too?
18:56.23mbrancaQ-At-Work: there's a activeX iax client on
18:56.46mbrancabut is pretty uncomplete and no more developed
18:57.04voidptroh :)
18:57.12zoawatch out !!!!
18:57.37zoarun Q-At-Work, RUN!
18:57.48Om3gAnGeLany questions about using * wirelessly can now be discussed in #wireless-asterisk.
18:58.11voidptri've already used it wirelessly once ;)
18:58.12ScaredyCatsorrt wrong link
18:58.21jsharpCan I run * on my Treo 300?
18:58.21zoasorrt ?
18:58.28voidptrrunning on my laptop, with pcmcia wireless card ... :P
18:58.38voidptrmobile pbx is cool... but well... nothing different :)
18:58.40Q-At-Workbkw one day when I'm divorced and alone, I promise I'll give you a call :)
18:58.44*** join/#asterisk Tili (~Tili@
18:58.52voidptrQ-At-Work : :D
18:58.55Q-At-Workits sip tho
18:59.29Q-At-WorkI cant imagine getting sip working with my mom... iax2 is much better :)
18:59.35Q-At-Workshes behind nat
19:03.44*** join/#asterisk zwi (
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19:06.46*** join/#asterisk FlatCat (
19:07.32bkw_muhahhaha sco is so fucked
19:08.57jsharpWhat shit are they pulling now?
19:09.42bkw_just in case someone missed it
19:10.00atacommlol, SCO has got to be the nicest company around, they have everyones interests in mind :P
19:10.30jsharpSCO may be fucked, but the guys selling stock by pump & dump are making a killing.
19:11.20loko_mokoDoes the voiceage free developer g729 codec work on scsi raid?
19:11.27jsharpTypical suit mentality...rape a company and drive it into the ground for short term financial gain.
19:12.48*** join/#asterisk Ariel (
19:13.44SaxgodYeah, I've been tempted to buy and dump, or even short it into the ground, but I'm too lazy.
19:14.00SaxgodI'll settle for the money I made on the LNUX IPO.
19:15.03bkw_-1.16 (7.41%)
19:15.16bkw_SCO is going down faster than a whore in huge grants back seat
19:16.05bkw_OMG I should be really offended by this.. but I can't stop laffing
19:17.02FlatCathuge grant? you know something we don;t?
19:17.23bkw_you don't recall the incident with him and that hooker?
19:17.35FlatCathugh grant...
19:17.41bkw_ya that
19:17.45bkw_sorry I can't spell today
19:17.49Om3gAnGeLi believe that he was referring to the fact that u calle him huge
19:18.15bkw_haha i'm not paying attention
19:18.21Bonbondoes anyone know how to send one of the DDIs on a BRI as callerid using capi?
19:19.02*** join/#asterisk spy007 (~user@
19:20.40jsharpsomeone should slap hugh grant repeatedly...If you're boinking Elizabeth Hurley, why in gods name would you go chasing after skanky ho ass.
19:21.06mrhyd3caude she isnt that good lookin?
19:21.10bkw_hey its an upgrade
19:21.12Om3gAnGeLmen r stupid...we know this
19:21.19bkw_Om3gAnGeL you a man?
19:21.42bkw_no straight men that think with their dicks are stupid
19:21.49Om3gAnGeLbut im gay, there ya go
19:21.58bkw_I knew it
19:22.06*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:22.21jsharpThat'd be like going after Rosanne Barr while you're shacked up with Julianne Moore.
19:22.46mrhyd3both are nasty, so i can see it
19:23.18mrhyd3now if it was JLO.....well
19:23.35jsharpShe's so overrated.
19:23.38bkw_JLO and BEN
19:23.50bkw_its really MATT and BEN but they can't say that in public
19:24.05Om3gAnGeLlol @ bkw-
19:24.07mrhyd3JLO is my babe
19:24.24Om3gAnGeLJLO had my baby... :)
19:24.36bkw_well hell am I the only one that can see Matt and Ben were made for eachother
19:24.52Om3gAnGeLi dunno, matt is a little superficial, ben seems more laid back to me
19:25.00Om3gAnGeLnow matt and marky mark
19:25.03Om3gAnGeLthat is a different story
19:25.13bkw_Matt does seem to be the more fem type
19:25.35jsharpMatt's the bottom in that relationship.
19:25.40mrhyd3why are we talking about this??
19:25.49Om3gAnGeLwhy not?
19:26.01Om3gAnGeLno one is discussing technical issues...
19:26.19bkw_what kind of nick is Om3gAnGeL
19:26.31jsharpcause we're going to use * to disguise our callerids and obscenely call all of our star fantasies.
19:26.38mrhyd3omega angel?
19:26.48Om3gAnGeLits from a book i was reading...supposedly the judicator of all things after the world ends...
19:26.49bkw_ah i'm a bit slow today
19:27.00zigmanhi bkw
19:27.05bkw_zigman yo yo yo
19:27.06zigmani know what i fogot
19:27.21zigmanto disable caching when the file is not set
19:27.32bkw_ya thats a good one
19:27.40zigmanwant me to do it ?
19:27.42bkw_similar mistake I made with the loguniqueid =NULL drama
19:27.45bkw_zigman ya
19:28.42bkw_HO HO HO
19:28.59bkw_angler = HO HO HO
19:30.52Om3gAnGeLwho here has seen matrix revolutions?
19:31.09Om3gAnGeLwondering whether it was worth the time and bandwidth to download it
19:31.14sxpertOm3gAnGeL: me, don't go, save the money
19:31.22sxpertit totally sucks
19:31.35lecramget "kill bill" instead
19:31.37Om3gAnGeLi was hoping that it would at least be worth downloading
19:33.06FlatCatkill bill... hahahahhahaha drivel... shite...
19:33.42sxpertyeah, kill bill is totally crap too
19:34.01lecram*Shrug* To each his/her own
19:34.09zigmanOm3gAnGeL,  i liked Matrix revolutions
19:34.09Om3gAnGeLwell damn
19:34.15zigmani liked the first 2 parts too
19:34.16zigmanso ;)
19:35.07Q-At-WorkI have matrix freak friends that loved part 3, so depending on your love for it
19:35.15Om3gAnGeLanywho ive got to clean for the party tonight...
19:35.17Q-At-WorkI thought it was ok...
19:35.21bkw_Bad Boys 2 was good
19:35.31Q-At-WorkI bought that yesterday, gunna watch it tonite
19:39.39tzangerhopefully I can get unloaded copper out 4km from the city
19:40.14*** join/#asterisk Exomorph_ (
19:40.34Q-At-Worktzanger: and what would you use that for? :)
19:40.47tzangerQ-At-Work: SDSL to my house, of course
19:40.58Q-At-Workwhat telco
19:40.58tzangerI moved, my old circuit worked great for 2mbps full duplex
19:41.01tzangerBell Canada
19:41.06Q-At-Workthey do it for you?
19:41.11Q-At-Worktelus wont :(
19:41.11tzangerdo what for me
19:41.18Q-At-Worksell you dry pairs
19:41.23ArielI have a question about general phones.  Is there any samples of ADSI code for the 452/390?
19:41.58tzangercall them up and say "I'd like to place an installation order for an LDDS circuit, originating address X, terminating address Y, bill to Z.  Install date now + 8 days (minimum wait)"
19:42.12Q-At-Worknever heard it called that
19:42.21tzangerLDDS = unloaded copper pair, guaranteed for 9600 baud only
19:42.26Q-At-WorkI can ditch my wireless setup
19:42.34Q-At-WorkI'm 2-3 blocks from the office
19:42.40tzangerClass A signal channel = alarm circuit = voice class circuit
19:42.46Q-At-Workwhat kinda costs
19:42.58tzangerQ-At-Work: yeah but what is the path between your office and your house going through the CO?
19:43.12Q-At-Workit goes thru a remote
19:43.12tzangerthey do NOT like doing stub runs and often out-and-out refuse unless you get friendly with the tech
19:43.31Q-At-Workthe remote for my whole area is outside my building
19:43.31tzanger$140 installation charge, billing is by mileage (haven't got that number yet)
19:43.36bkw_can't get alarm circuits here
19:43.40tzangerI think it's $x + 0.40 per kilometer
19:43.46Q-At-Workthats cheap
19:43.51bkw_SBC only sells if your an alarm company
19:43.57Q-At-Workpairgains for modems?
19:44.06citatsbkw_: so say your an alarm company
19:44.14bkw_citats hehe I wish
19:44.27bkw_my luck the wires won't run anything but 9600
19:44.28Q-At-WorkI got robbed 5 days ago... Im monitoring from home :)
19:44.44tzangerMegaBit Modem 300S was what I used but I'm not happy with them.  Xpeed x320s are VERY nice. Flowpoint 2200s look like Fisher Price toys but they get the best range in any back-to-back setup I've tried
19:45.32tzangerI'm doing back-to-back with 300s right now but will be using that until we get the DSLAM moved (CM150) and then use Xpeed x320.  DSLAM gives at least 33% better distance than any back-to-back I've used
19:45.34Q-At-Workmany years ago, there was a guy from a site with "odessa" in the name that gave a nice how-to on that
19:45.57Q-At-Workthats it
19:46.23tzangerI've been doing this for years
19:46.28tzangerprobably two dozen circuits all over town
19:46.34citatsMarlon somehting was his name... i bought some wireless gear from him before
19:46.57tzangerI am keeping this circuit (assuming it works) until the summer when I put up at 75' tower and do wireless
19:47.30citatsi've been having fun playing with the LocustWorld mesh linux distro.... uses AODV for the mesh
19:47.32tzangertelus won't give you unloaded copper pairs?  that is very unusual and I'd almost push it
19:47.35tzangerseems illegal too
19:47.48tzangercitats: I've not gotten into that yet, it's been on my todo list
19:47.59Q-At-Workone of the local ISP's was using them for DSL
19:48.00tzangerI'll be doing a 30km wireless link soon
19:48.02lecramtzanger: Have you ever looked at Telindus modems?
19:48.07Q-At-Worktelus got their panties in a bunch
19:48.08tzangerlecram: never heard of them
19:48.17Q-At-Worktoo bad the ISP went under
19:48.33Q-At-Workthey were the only non-telus owned dslam provider in the city
19:48.39lecramHave a look next time your looking for a xDSL sollution
19:49.06Q-At-Workmight see if I can ebay a pair of modems
19:49.09Q-At-Workthen bitch hard at telus
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19:50.35tzangerlecram: can you get them in north america?
19:51.06*** join/#asterisk shkoo (
19:51.32tzangerI have a pair of HDSL CPEs too but no CO end to drive them (that and I'd need a four-wire circuit for them too
19:51.47lecramGood question... I just checked, and they don't have an office in the US
19:52.21tzangerlecram: I buy everything off of ebay... channel banks, access servers, modems, DSLAMs, M13s, you name it
19:52.27lecramIt would surprise me very much if they wouldn't ship though
19:52.57tzangerI've probably bought over US$100k off of ebay over the years... tons and tons of AS5248s and now I'm selling them all again since we use MaxTNTs now (also bought off of ebay)
19:53.43*** join/#asterisk Nix (~peter@
19:53.58citatsits generally much cheaper to buy two of something on ebay, then it is to buy one new with service contracts and stuff
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19:54.45*** join/#asterisk DoCSiS (
19:54.51DoCSiShello :)
19:55.12*** join/#asterisk __dubbaluga__ (
19:55.15DoCSiSwow, this room is bigger than i expected
19:55.32marcus-yeah we just got it enlarged
19:55.58Q-At-Worktzanger: anything special you need to do to the dsl modem to make it go back to back?
19:55.59*** join/#asterisk Tili (~Tili@
19:57.09Q-At-Workmrhyd3: not intentionaly :)
19:57.23mrhyd3a customer of mine somehome unassociated EXE in Windows
19:57.23Nixany cisco guys here?
19:57.23tzangerQ-At-Work: only sdsl modems work back to back, and even then only certain ones
19:57.25mrhyd3when it boots up, h gets nothing
19:57.28mrhyd3Nix: here
19:57.33FlatCatcisco guys? paahh!!
19:57.48tzangerI have personal experience with Flowpoint 2200, Xpeed x320 and x310 (usb) and ADC megabit modem 300s
19:58.04tzangerthe latter seem to get in an odd state after a few billion packets and stop passing traffic.  power cycle and they're fine again
19:58.32jsharpI've done it with a Netopia SDSL modem at one end and a Netopia R7100 at the customer end.
19:58.35mrhyd3Nix: whats your Q?
19:58.47Q-At-Workwould the 2210 do it? I see 4 on ebay right now
19:59.12Nixdoes anyone have the Cisco lockScript program for Linux? I need to create some authenticated TCL scripts and I don't have a sun box around to run the solaris version I have :-(
19:59.13tzanger2210 is just a 2200 is it not?  like cisco 2600 is the model and 2610/2620/2611 etc are the variants
19:59.22NixI am writing cisco IVR..
19:59.33Q-At-Workfor the money, I'm gunna try and snag these
19:59.42Q-At-Workif they suck, I'll relist em :)
19:59.43Nixnot related to asterisk I know but I am desperate.. these ciscos do talk to my asterisk box though :-D
20:00.18tzangerQ-At-Work: yup... I'm relisting my Channel Bank 1 (12fxs/12fxo) since I just bought a second loaded adit600 (40fxs/8fxo)
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20:00.48cypromishad problems with the CAC ?
20:00.54tzangernot problems so much
20:00.56optimus1question, in MeetMe application do i need special gsm file or something for the |M to work (play sound on the room)
20:00.59tzangerthey work well enough and are VERY good for FXS
20:01.07tzangerCAC also makes the Adit600, you realize...  :-)
20:01.22tzangerthe CB1 and CB2 FXO ports don't seem to support far-end disconnect... sucks ass
20:02.50tzangerthe CB1 works great otherwise
20:05.32*** join/#asterisk af_ (
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20:07.11DoCSiSi just received my 2 pci card Dev kit from digium... is it possible to house them in different machine and use VoIP... (i.e. i want the phones in a different building [connected via ethernet] from the telco line)
20:07.21jsharpits always nice when someone randomly emails you their CC information after seeing an auction on ebay and says "You have 1 listed.  Send me 10."
20:07.33jsharpDoCSiS: Absolutely.
20:09.06tzangerwhen does Dial() return?
20:09.17tzangeri.e. if I say s,1,Dial(blah/blah/blah)
20:09.21tzangerthen s,2,Hangup
20:09.30tzangerwill that work correctly (i.e. force a hangup after the call is complete)
20:09.57*** join/#asterisk Ares (
20:10.18Q-At-Workisnt s,2 only called if the first dial fails?
20:10.36jsharpDial returns if the timeout in the Dial string timesout.  It drops to extension "h" if the remote party hangs up.
20:10.39*** join/#asterisk mikee (
20:10.48tzangerjsharp: ahh okay
20:10.49Q-At-Workthats the one
20:10.50tzangerQ-At-Work: not sure :-)
20:11.03Q-At-Workbrain only half working today
20:11.07Q-At-Workwell 25%
20:11.12mikeecan't get stutter dialtone to work for message waiting...
20:11.14*** join/#asterisk EAMedia (~don@
20:11.22sxpertQ-At-Work: lol
20:11.27tzangerok what's the difference beteen Hangup and SoftHangup ?
20:11.38Corydon76-workmikee:  are you using Zap devices?
20:11.52DoCSiSok, anyone know of a good place to start reading about a setup with the cards in two different computers? :)
20:12.12mikeea T100P to an Adtran 750 to the telephones
20:12.22Corydon76-workdocsis: works fine
20:12.25tzangerI am trying to faciliate working around this CB1 for now (until my FXO adit600 comes) -- basically I want to force the line to hang up after I hang up ... so would just having an h,1,Hangup work for that?
20:12.35Corydon76-workdocsis:  you just need to use a crossover cable
20:12.53DoCSiSCorydon76: do i install the software on both computers?
20:12.59tzangerbasically Zap/17 is my PSTN line...  it comes into the context that rings my remote * box
20:13.01Corydon76-workmikee:  how are you specifying your mailbox in zapata.conf?
20:13.09Corydon76-workdocsis:  yes
20:13.38DoCSiSCorydon76: then is linking the two of them a matter of config files?
20:13.46Corydon76-workDoCSiS:  yes
20:14.05Corydon76-workmikee:  are you using the default context in voicemail.conf for your voicemail?
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20:15.07mikeeno, 'other' context.  should I use 'default'?
20:15.33Corydon76-workmikee:  then specify in zapata.conf:  mailbox=61@other
20:15.49Corydon76-workand restart Asterisk
20:16.24mikeehow do i specify multiple mailboxes?  each on a separate line?
20:16.37Corydon76-workDoCSiS:  and make sure you're using a T1 crossover, not Ethernet crossover
20:16.55Corydon76-workmikee:  comma-separated, I think.
20:17.26DoCSiSCorydon76: mmm... i have the dev kit
20:17.38jsharpDoCSiS isn't using T1s.
20:17.49DoCSiSi think it just has FXO
20:18.37Corydon76-workAh, then just make sure that you're connecting FXO to FXS, not FXO to FXO
20:18.49optimus1ANYONE for meetme application ?
20:18.58optimus1how can i play a music on hold on it ?
20:19.17DoCSiSCorydon76: mm... i'm gonna connect the FXO to the POTS line... correct?
20:19.19*** join/#asterisk royk_home (
20:19.19Corydon76-workoptimus1:  why would you want to do that?
20:19.23Corydon76-workDoCSiS:  yes
20:19.26FlatCatpush your hold button
20:19.42DoCSiSand then i'm gonna plug my phone into the TDM card
20:19.56DoCSiSand then the two computers will talk via ethernet/ip/ whatever
20:20.09DoCSiSgot it
20:20.20jsharpBear left.  Right, frog.
20:20.26DoCSiSRight - B - A - Select - Start
20:20.36DoCSiSyay for old nintendo cheat codes
20:20.59Corydon76-workLDA ($0000,X)
20:21.19mikeeCorydon76:  Works!  Thanks for your help!
20:21.19tzangerwhat does 'inkeys' configure in iax.conf?
20:21.39Corydon76-worktzanger:  IIRC, RSA authentication
20:21.41voidptrthe public rsa keys for *'s that register with you?
20:22.13tzangerso you inkeys specifies what, a directory for valid public keys or a list of filenames or something?
20:22.35voidptrno idea, haven't bothered with it :)
20:22.40jsharpits a list of filenames
20:22.41high-rezHas anyone had a problem getting zaptel compield with zapta_net defined ?
20:23.06jsharpPublic keys are named /var/lib/asterisk/keys/<name>.pub  while private keys are named /var/lib/asterisk/keys/<name>.key
20:23.47jsharpso if you have inkeys=key1:key2:key3, the system would use /var/lib/asterisk/keys/ and
20:24.16optimus1Corydon76-work : i want that the first user will be hearing a music until further parners attend the room
20:24.41citatsoptimus1: use the 'M' option to meetme
20:24.50optimus1citats : wont work
20:24.59citatsoptimus1: eh?
20:25.09optimus1citats : i thought maybe there is certain file i need to verify exists or something
20:25.15optimus1other option do work though
20:25.42optimus1citats : i use the "MeetMe (#roomNumber|M)
20:25.53optimus1citats : nothing happens, the first user hears nothing.
20:26.00citatsoptimus1: looking at the code it looks like it only works with the default music on hold, but you should be able to set that with SetMusicOnHold
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20:26.53optimus1citats : what parameter can be given to the setMusicOnHold ?
20:27.10citatsoptimus1: type 'show application SetMusicOnHold' to see
20:27.53optimus1citats : already did friend, just dont exactly understand what a class meand in an * context, sorry.
20:28.11high-rezok, theres a bug in zaptel for sure. it assumes they're we're using the new hdlc interface if kernel ver is 2.4.20+ but the new interface wasn't introduced until 2.4.21 (with some patches so likely isnt in the kernel till 2.4.22..)... right ?
20:28.23Corydon76-workoptimus1:  look at musiconhold.conf
20:28.50Corydon76-workeach specified line is a separate moh class
20:29.10optimus1Thanks, mind my meetme ignorance. Thanks citats,Coryd~
20:30.54*** join/#asterisk Nix (~peter@
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20:33.11*** join/#asterisk ajh (
20:33.54newb1024hello everyone :-) sorry I'm new here, my company is getting ready to deploy asterisk and I have a few questions about it, I suppose this is the place to ask :-)
20:35.11jsharpnewb1024: Go right ahead.
20:35.57newb1024we are planning to order a T1 with xx # of voice channels and plug it into the Digium WT100P T1 Zaptel Card
20:36.39jsharpDoable so far.
20:36.40newb1024can we plug it in directly or do we have to get a channel bank / TDM MUX and hook analog PSTN lines to it ?
20:36.53jsharpYou can plug it in directly.
20:36.59jsharpNo need for a channel bank.
20:37.08newb1024thats awesome :-D
20:37.15newb1024I wasn't sure
20:37.51newb1024thank you kindly :-)
20:38.03jsharpNo problem.
20:38.25*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
20:38.44mbrancahi astmasters
20:38.51jsharpciao mbranca.
20:39.00mbrancaciao jsharp
20:39.51renuzitso yeah..
20:40.06mbrancaso wow
20:40.23renuzitso asterisk can't be setup like a public service like sendmail, correct?
20:41.04renuzitcuz it would be cool if you could send voice mails like emails
20:41.10ajhHello all
20:41.52mbrancarenuzit: asterisk can sends voicemails messages attached to an email
20:42.31Corydon76-workoptimus1:  ask in the channel, don't private
20:43.00bkw_mbranca I need hostnames for that subdomain.. can't have NS pointing at ip's
20:43.01mbrancarenuzit: 'ring ring' -> no answer -> go to voicemail -> record voicemail -> send an alert email to recipient + wav attached
20:43.03renuzitso like, does that mean you can call someone @ an email address?
20:43.15mbrancabkw_: ,
20:43.19royk_home~kill mbranca
20:43.21ACTION slits mbranca's throat
20:43.35mbrancabtw, now my subdomain works
20:43.41Corydon76-workso like, wow man, like this is some really wacky weed, dude
20:43.45bkw_mbranca ok
20:43.47*** join/#asterisk sack (
20:45.15mbrancabkw_: ehrm... sorry... it works cause I'm using those dns as primary & slave. for another client it doesn't work :)
20:45.22royk_home~kill bkw_
20:45.28ACTION slits bkw_'s throat
20:45.28royk_home~kill sack
20:45.34ACTION slits sack's throat
20:45.34royk_home~kill Corydon76-work
20:45.40ACTION slits Corydon76-work's throat
20:45.41royk_homekill'em all!
20:45.57mbrancarenuzit: you can leave voicemail to a user and let asterisk send that message along with wav file
20:46.42ajhI'm having alot of 'unable to create channel of type zap' messages in my log. Is that normal for ringing multiple zap channels/ext. ?
20:48.04mbrancaajh: I saw that happening in the same situation.
20:48.17mbrancadunno if is normal or not, but never was a problem
20:48.33tclarkdo you also see == Everyone is busy at this time
20:48.48ajhtclark: no
20:49.01tzangeris the jitter buffer enabled by default (iax.conf) ??  i.e. if I have jitterbuffer=no COMMENTED OUT, is it enabled?  or do I have to specify it to be turned on?
20:49.49jsharpIts enabled by default.
20:49.53citatstzanger: looks like use_jitterbuffer defaults to 1
20:50.05tzangercitats: ok
20:50.19tzangerI was just asked whether I wanted my LDDS (unloaded copper) circuit full or half duplex
20:50.35tzangerI asked her what the wires had to do with that she siad it was just what she was asked to ask
20:50.52tzangerI mean if I put full duplex equipment on then it'll be full duplex... it has nothing to do with the copper pair...
20:50.57tzangerit's no extra cost for full so I said full.
20:51.05citatstzanger: if they are asking questions like that I would think they are going to be doing some line conditioning or something
20:51.23jsharpIt might be the difference between 2 wire & 4 wire.
20:51.24tzanger8 billing units at $22 + 7 x $3.30 means my loop id $45/mo... ouch.
20:51.43tzangerjsharp: nope, there are 2 wire full duplex and 4 wire full duplex...  LDDS is supposed to be unconditioned, unloaded copper
20:51.55tzangerfull duplex 4 wire is 2x the cost of half duplex 4 wire
20:53.24tclarkajh: that interting bcus the only place ic that msg is here
20:53.50tclarkast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Unable to create channel of type '%s'\n", tech);
20:53.50tclarkif (chan->cdr)
20:54.38ajhtclark: let me check right quik...
20:55.06tclarkunless you are using app_q ..
20:56.52ajhtclark: no app_q
20:57.06*** join/#asterisk stonefly (
20:57.17ajhi am ringing 2 line analog phones and multiple phones
20:57.43ajhI checked and no 'everyone is busy'
20:58.57ajhjust Notice file app_dial.c line 502 (dial_exec) unable to create channel of type zap
20:59.18jsharpTry Zap
20:59.41jsharpdial app is case sensitive, i believe.
21:00.08ajhthat was just a typo
21:01.13ajhI just wanted to verify that this is telling me that one of the lines that were rung were busy or some such
21:02.49ajhMy receptionist is answering alot of hangup calls and says that calls are being disconnected on transfer
21:03.09ajhI wanted to make sure that the 2 weren't related if possible
21:05.05Q-At-Workdoes anyone remember how to send a # when you have # transfers enabled?
21:05.25Q-At-Worksome crazy voicemail system wont let me leave a message until I hit # :)
21:06.33jensdhow do i get asterisk to do codec negotiating? (with sip)
21:06.45ajhI remember some one said it will work if you hit # twice
21:07.04ajhbut you have to listen to the transfer message
21:07.29*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (
21:07.37glLoadIdentityhi all
21:07.43Q-At-Workah ok
21:07.47Q-At-WorkI'll give that a shot
21:07.55stoneflyajh, if you
21:08.27stoneflyajh, check out, there is a patch, so that you can use ## to send a # when you have transfers enabled
21:08.31citatshahaha, thats funny
21:08.34citatsfrom the mailing list:
21:08.34citatsif you never click the
21:08.35citatsconsole mouse, gnome is not consuming any cpu resource,
21:09.33ajhstonefly: must have missed that one ... thanks
21:09.45stoneflyajh, n.p.
21:12.21ajhShould I be using callprogress=yes on rbs channels?
21:12.39FuzzyCatanyone give me a city name in florida?
21:13.07jsharpst petersberg
21:13.14citatsFuzzyCat: Titusville
21:13.18jsharpajh: No.
21:13.20*** topic/#asterisk by kram -> Asterisk makes freeX magazine in Germany
21:13.43FuzzyCatermm.. a big, well known one...
21:13.50citatsFuzzyCat: Orlando
21:14.00ajhjsharp: it kinda seems like I'm getting false hangups
21:14.28jsharpdisable callprogress.   You only need that if you're using a non-digitially signalled line.
21:14.29ajhFuzyCat: Tampa
21:14.57FuzzyCatarrgghh none of them are in my phone...
21:15.00FuzzyCatmore more...
21:15.08argos_fort lauderdale
21:15.25FuzzyCatnope :(
21:15.29citatsFuzzyCat: Daytona Beach
21:15.33jsharpKey West
21:15.50FuzzyCatnope and nope
21:15.58citatsMiami, Tampa, and Orlando are some of the biggest cities in FL
21:16.03ajhjsharp: its currently disabled
21:16.49ajhThe strange thing is that when I ask the receptionist
21:16.53FuzzyCatok, different tack, what timezone?
21:16.53jsharpDo you have busydetect enabled?
21:16.59citatsFuzzyCat: EST
21:17.00jsharpFL is in Eastern
21:17.16ajhshe says that she doesn't get angry customers
21:17.27ajhsaying you hung up on me
21:17.45jensdanyone knows if codec allow/disallow works on per user basis with sip? (doesnt seem to with my config :-S)
21:17.52ajhjsharp: no busydetect
21:17.55FuzzyCatok, so is anyone in FL ?
21:18.19citatsFuzzyCat: not right now but I was earlier this year
21:19.08citatsi've got some gear down in tampa, what do you need?
21:19.16ajhI know someone in FLA
21:19.18FuzzyCatI'm just trying to figure out what time it is there..
21:19.32FuzzyCatahh thanks
21:19.50citatsntp rox
21:20.42jsharpHeh.  And I'm not even synced apparently.
21:21.02citatsI want ntp on my car clock, that thing seems to drift about a minute a month
21:21.08jsharpFind a car clock that can receive WWVB signals.
21:21.58citatsheh, i think it would be cheaper to buy one of the in dash mp3 players that run linux and get ntp running on it
21:22.11Q-At-Workin dash linux?
21:22.19jsharpYah, but what would you ntp sync to?
21:22.24Q-At-Workwifi :)
21:22.41citatsjsharp: either the wireless network at home or work, or the laptop that i frequently have in my car
21:22.49citatshell i'll hook my gps up to it :)
21:22.51jsharpOr get a GPS receiver that spits out NMEA sentences.
21:22.52tzangercitats: you mean the one you get stolen?  :-)
21:22.53jsharpThere ya go.
21:23.03*** join/#asterisk HenryTB (
21:23.04Q-At-Workare there any codecs that will allow voice to go over 14.4k modem?
21:23.12Q-At-Workand still be semi inteligable :)
21:23.24citatstzanger: heh, i got a new one now... a bit of an upgrade... and another big bonus, the batteries actually hold a charge
21:23.28HenryTBThe guys from IConnect/DeltaThree have some problems?
21:23.36tzangercitats: that is always a good thing
21:23.38tzangerI really like this T30
21:23.54tzangerthe only thing that's wonky is the modem but I have really not given it a good solid shot
21:23.57jsharpI wish I could get my watch to spit out NMEA.
21:24.03HenryTBIf I call my Iconnect Phone # will tell me "all circuits are busy"
21:24.11citatsjsharp: port gpsd to watch os :)
21:24.13*** join/#asterisk jorgerai (
21:24.22citatstzanger: whats a modem for? :)
21:24.36tzangerjsharp: hahaha...  I hate digital watches myself... I got a timex i-series (rotating face to set the alarm) -- my only requirements were analog, second hand and alarm
21:24.53tzangercitats: when I'm up in Chibougamou, Quebec in -30oC freezing my nuts off
21:25.10jsharpI'm not a watch person myself, but I had to have the GPS watch for the geek value. -- that's wehre I was last week (not as far north as chibougamou but close)
21:25.16citatstzanger: can't you use IP over Penguin up there or something? :)
21:25.31jorgeraiciego34 is you there?
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21:25.49Q-At-Workwho makes good 2.4ghz amps?
21:25.56Q-At-Work1-3 watts
21:26.11jsharpwhat he said.
21:26.12outtoluncer teltronics
21:26.14citatsQ-At-Work: I've heard from some people that YDI are great, but I know a handful that have had a few bad ones
21:26.35citatsouttolunc: you were right the first time, its teletronics
21:27.11outtolunci was right the first time <G>
21:27.27outtoluncyeah, so many named like that over the years
21:27.32tzangercitats: yeah but I never carry enough fish
21:28.37citatstzanger: sounds like this calls for a rude goldberg solution.... helicopter drops fish to you, you feed to penguins to transport IP packets :)
21:28.41outtoluncPPPoF <G>
21:28.52*** part/#asterisk Nix (~peter@
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21:30.47tzangercitats: :-)
21:30.49Q-At-Workcus I should be able to go 400(meters) without amplification on wifi with a nice 24db grid parabolic no?
21:30.58jsharphell yah.
21:30.58Q-At-Workthe amp was my last ditch effort :)
21:31.17Q-At-Workwonder if the driven element isnt hosed
21:31.26outtoluncumm 400meters thru a forest no <G>
21:31.30Q-At-WorkI inherited some wifi gear
21:31.32tzangercitats: my wiring closet's cleaned out... now I need that 5V TE410 :-)
21:31.34jsharpping - 12 penguins transmitted, 10 penguins receieved, 9% penguin loss.
21:31.37tzangerdamn voicepulse is giving me fast busies today
21:31.38Q-At-Workno, this is over top of condos
21:31.41wasimhey good work tholo on the cvs release thingie
21:31.43Q-At-WorkI can see the station I'm aiming for
21:31.45citatstzanger: soon :)
21:31.47outtoluncthen yeah
21:31.59tzangeror rather they are hanging up on me and I'm generating fast busy :-)
21:32.13jsharpRotate your driven element 90 degrees.  Make sure your polarization is the same.
21:32.30jsharpOtherwise you're looking at an immediate 30-60db loss.
21:32.39tzangerthe number I am calling throuvh voicepulse is busy... so they hang up on me?!
21:33.04*** join/#asterisk sobol (~sobol@
21:33.11tzangernope it is saying it's busy
21:33.32tzangerdoes Dial() jump to x+101 if it was busy?
21:33.38Q-At-Workwonder if thats not it... I assumed everything was vertical polarized
21:33.49tzangerso x+101 is busy() then instead of congestion :-)
21:34.13voidptrpom pom
21:34.57tzangeris it wise to have an absolutetimeout in my voicepulse dialplan?
21:35.40*** join/#asterisk hurryandwait (
21:35.47hurryandwaithi everyone
21:36.06jsharptzanger: It'll hang up an outgoing call after AbsoluteTimeout expires.
21:36.36hurryandwaitI have a SNOM phone. When the phone first registers is tigves the following message to Asterisk
21:36.43hurryandwaitNOTICE[1125329728]: File chan_sip.c, Line 5386 (handle_request): Unknown SIP command 'PUBLISH' from ''
21:36.57hurryandwaitWhat is this PUBLISH command?
21:37.19tzangerjsharp: yeah I know... seems like a bad idea ... I think I had it in there just to make sure I didn't keep a line open for an ungodly anmount of time
21:37.51hurryandwaitAny help is appreciated
21:38.42*** part/#asterisk martin13351 (
21:41.24tzangerhurryandwait: is it working?
21:41.51citatsargh fucking ds3
21:42.32tzangerwhat's wrong with it citats
21:43.20citatsbouncing because the carrier's cac mux is hosed or something
21:44.00citatsyeah, tis no good
21:44.22ajhhurryandwait: there was a thread on the mailing list about  recently.
21:44.53ajhapparently publish and subscribe are not yet implemented in *
21:53.29Q-At-Workor do "bleh" cost more
21:54.52outtolunchaha buy a vowel eh <G>
21:55.44*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
21:56.13mbrancabkw_: you here?
21:57.02tzangerouttolunc: :-)
21:58.40newb1024when running voice over T1 to a digium Wildcard T100P is it better to use Robbed Bit Signalling or Primary Rate ISDN
21:58.50jsharpPRI.  You get more features.
21:59.57bkw_ya PRI
22:00.06bkw_but usually you can get RBS cheaper
22:00.22newb1024so grab say 12 channels for PRI and maybe use the other 12 for data
22:00.32jsharpYup. That woudl work.
22:00.58jsharpThat'd give you 11 channels of voice, 1 control channel for the PRI, and 12 for data.
22:01.25mbrancapoor T1 ... only 24 chans :)
22:01.47newb1024I was reading up on RBS, is it true the signal quality may be lower when the robbed bit is used for signaling ?
22:02.08jsharpyou wouldn't really be able to tell.
22:03.11*** join/#asterisk jules (~jules@
22:03.23mbrancajsharp: correct me if I'm wrong: but using RBS means that one bit on each channel is used for signalling, right?
22:03.58bkw_haha just had a customer trying to download 36 megs of email no a 26400 connection
22:04.02bkw_BOY would that have been fun
22:04.13newb1024oh gosh that's CRAZY
22:04.16Q-At-Workhahah I see it every day
22:04.25bkw_reminds me of the dancing babies
22:04.27Q-At-Work"my friend on cable sent me a joke"
22:05.17Q-At-Workmbranca: been there
22:05.18jsharpmbranca: it swipes a few bits out of every few frames.  the number depends on if you're using SF or ESF framing.
22:06.01Q-At-WorkI wore out the relay in my old yeasu radio doing exactly that
22:06.03outtoluncand if you are toggling A and or AB bits
22:06.14newb1024would u recommend using some channels just for incoming voice and some only for outgoing calls ?
22:06.34jsharpProvision them all for both incoming and outgoing.
22:07.02jsharpOtherwise you'll end up tying up one group and having a bunch of channels that you could be using sitting idle.
22:07.07ajhjust make sure that you start at opposite ends
22:07.12mbrancaQ-At-Work: ax25, eh?
22:07.36mbrancajsharp: thanks, I didn't ever used RBS... so now is more clear
22:07.49newb1024thanks :-) will do (bidirectional)
22:08.07Q-At-WorkI still have my TNC :)
22:08.28Q-At-Workits fibreglass taped to the top of the old radio
22:08.40jsharpMine's still running as a NET/ROM node and APRS receiver.
22:08.41Q-At-Workon top of it, is my 12 volt power supply
22:08.45mbrancaQ-At-Work: TNC... I used homemade baycom!
22:08.55Q-At-WorkI got a kantronics for xmas that year
22:09.08mbrancaeh tnc... was to pricey for me
22:09.25jsharpHell, now you just need a radio and PC with a sound card.
22:09.33denonanyone running current cvs? (is it stable?)
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22:09.56mbrancajsharp: *nods* and you can do 9k6 with it :)
22:10.30jsharpEventually, you'll just need the PC and a DSP card.  No radio needed.
22:10.37Q-At-WorkI've been getting odd call backs on my x101's, someone will call, hangup and the x101 wont hang up... and I get 120 minutes of "the number you have dialed... BEEP BEEP" in voice mail
22:10.41mbrancaQ-At-Work: did you do only pure ax25 with ham bbs or also tcp/ip over ax25 (at 1200 was a pain... but worked)
22:10.48Q-At-WorkI did both
22:10.59Q-At-Workwe ran jnos
22:11.32mbrancaI had an IP for
22:11.42Q-At-Workone of the locals VE6KIK had a gateway for the real net
22:12.12mbrancagood, old times :)
22:12.14Q-At-WorkI was like... 16 years old
22:12.25Q-At-Workradios and computers were my life :)
22:12.34newb1024do you guys think a Barton 2500 (1.83GHz) with 512MB RAM will be able to run * in a 12x24 or 24x96 config  12 to 24 IN/OUT channels and 24-96 SIP phones ?
22:12.36jsharpyah, but those "old timer" networks like that sure are damn bullet proof.
22:12.43Q-At-Workits a wonder I wound up married with a daughter :)
22:12.59ManxPowerWhat is this?    -- Moving call from channel 1 to channel 2
22:13.10mbrancabtw... time to reboot
22:13.14mbrancasee ya in 5 mins
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22:13.30krammbranca: how old are you???
22:13.42raju1hello all
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22:14.11jsharpQ-At-Work:  I wonder about that samething with myself.
22:14.18data[Zzz]ere kram quicky question as my brain is fried after being stuck in london for 2 days, does zaptel support sweden? a m8 just bought a wcfxo and gets a 'no such tone zone se' ;-(
22:14.36*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
22:14.38raju1Is there anyone who can help me in configuring asterisk to talk to
22:14.49kramdata: not afaik
22:14.53kramhave him not use the se tone zone
22:15.06*** join/#asterisk Seth1 (
22:15.09data[Zzz]just use us ?
22:15.35raju1any asterisk expert here
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22:21.07ManxPowerSo nobody knows what this means?    -- Moving call from channel 1 to channel 2
22:25.30Q-At-WorkManxPower: I've never seen it
22:25.47Q-At-Workand I'd hazard a guess that its got something to do with PRI?
22:26.45tclarkif you have n number IAX2 soft clients behind a single FW/NAT at NAT_IP,
22:26.46tclarkeach of these register to a public * svr, now i want DIAL(IAX2/UserName?@NAT_IP) from the * Public IP svr
22:26.46tclarkwhat opts do you have
22:26.55Q-At-WorkI've grepped the source, and don't see it
22:27.53tclark1) make soft clients listen on different udp ports & port fwd at fw to each client
22:27.54Q-At-Workwhat if... email was delivered as voice mail from the beginning of the internet...
22:27.54tclark2) some neat statefull fw
22:27.54tclark3) some magic in IAX2 ??
22:27.54tclark4) forget it put a local * box to register to softclients & redir a single udp, turn on trunking
22:27.54tclark5) others ??
22:28.19jsharptclark:  I'd recomment 4.
22:28.26lecramtclark: have the * servers behind the NAT register
22:29.15tclarkyea just wonder if i missed a lower cost opt
22:29.47lecramif the remote * boxen register, and use trunking, then it should also work (i think)
22:30.59jsharpBut if you wanna use trunking, then you gotta stick a zaptel device in both * servers.
22:31.14lecramor use ztdummy
22:31.22jsharpIf it works.
22:31.23lecramor any other valid zap timer
22:31.33*** join/#asterisk curious (
22:32.47lecramlike ztrtc
22:32.59tclarkthere a couple of different use cases here, but says like when the iax hard phone is out & yiou got a snall remote offices behind a single NAT
22:34.10tclarkthe idea is not to have to put a * box everywhere, so igues sthe geeting each iax device to listen on diff udp ports & redir work out best & sacling up you go to opt 4
22:34.39lecramcan * do IAX to different ports?
22:35.34lecrammight be easier to set up a vpn between te offices, and route the internal address space
22:35.36tclarki gotta check the soft client but no tech reaon why not, I better make sure wasims phone allows it ...
22:36.11tclarkdont always want the level of effort to get vpns up
22:36.25lecramor find an old laptop that will run ztrtc, and * :)
22:37.07tclarktoo hit and miss, & again not realy wanting to mgmt another * box
22:37.51newb1024couldn't you setup an SSH tunnel ?
22:38.09Q-At-WorkI run a pair of linksys VPN ipsec boxes
22:38.16Q-At-Worktook literally 2 minutes to install
22:38.28Q-At-Workall my nat nightmares went away
22:39.04lecramoh... if you deploy a remote * box, then you don't _need_ trunking
22:39.42tclarklecram: yea you would  if you scale to that of having a * at the remote
22:40.03lecramhow many users would there be?
22:40.18wasimyeah, if you have * on the remote end, and more than 4 odd users, you'd want trunking
22:40.20tclarkuse case is 3-50
22:40.44lecramset up a vpn
22:41.28lecrambesides... the dialplan of the remote * box isn't going to be complex.. a switch to the central office is all you'd need
22:41.30tclarkwasim: will you phones listen on alternate ports like here can each be behind a NAT & redir to say 3 diff UDP ports for the IAX2 traffic ?
22:42.35lecramtranslate it back to the right port
22:42.44lecramthe trick would be to get * to send on alternate ports
22:43.35jjanzerah finally finished my hold time patch, submitted as bug 656
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22:45.05wasimtclark: it won't need to, your NAT should handle that
22:45.14tclarklecramL does IAX2 just go withe flow, when a client registers doesnt IAX2 neogociate the UDP ports
22:45.38tclarkwassim: what happend if 5 iax phones behind a single NAT
22:45.48wasimtclark: then you have 5 happy users
22:46.02Q-At-Workgood answer
22:46.27Q-At-Workcant the iaxphone be made small enough to fit into a shoe
22:46.41lecramwasim: won't they get confused?
22:48.26tclarkwasim: i am missing sunfin here, if i call IAX2/fred@NATIP then IAX2/mary@NATIP & only thos 2 phones behind the NATIP i nned those on different udp ports so i can redir the correct UDP port to the correct phone
22:48.33wasimlecram: why would they?
22:48.33wasimQ-At-Work: what's your shoe size?
22:48.33lecrambecause they all appear to have the same IP number?
22:48.34wasimlecram: to who? the public server? that's fine
22:48.50Q-At-Work11 ish
22:49.44tclarkwasim: ??
22:49.52wasimhmm... 11 would be difficult
22:49.56jsharpIf they're registered, then you don't dial @NATIP.
22:50.00wasimits a 6" x 4" board
22:50.38ManxPowerGenerally the NAT router will change the source port of the outgoing connection so it will still work.
22:50.45tclarkbut that registration would still need to be a different UDP ports
22:51.11wasimtclark: nah, thats for the NAT to change
22:52.24jsharpIt Just Works(tm).  Here at home behind NAT, my main * box is registered with NuFone & Voicepulse while my desktop is registered with a test * server in Maryland.  Inbound calls get routed to the right box without a problem.
22:52.28tclarkyea but an inbound call does not have state on simple NAT box's even if it registered
22:52.42ManxPowerYou can prolly not set ANY port forwarding and use qualify=60 in the [happyiaxpeer] entry to make the NAT mappings not time out, then just have the phones register with the remote server.
22:52.52wasimi guess in an 11WWWWW we could fit it in
22:53.15tclarkManxPower: ok that is maybe it
22:53.16zigmantopc ?
22:53.21zigmantopic ?
22:53.22wasimare you a Get Smart fan?
22:53.23ManxPowertclark, since IAX doesn't do RTP you should not need any NAT state other than the same as for the registration and qualify-
22:53.55wasimhail *! hail iax! hail common sense!
22:54.02tclarkyea it is the registraion need to keep it open all the time
22:54.07Q-At-Workno, I've jut always wanted a shoe phone :)
22:54.29wasimtclark: nah, registry just to make sure you're current, so it doesn't send you a call, and youve logged off
22:54.52ManxPowerqualify= should keep packets flowing often enough to keep the NAT working
22:55.42lecramfarfon: it should just work (tm)
22:55.48jsharpNo should.
22:56.42ajhwasim: Any idea when Fafon will be ready for public consumption?
22:57.44Q-At-Workwhats the cost for the beta version
22:58.36wasimajh: end-dec
22:58.48wasimQ-At-Work: $100 hopefully
22:58.58ManxPowerI NEVER do port forwarding for any of my ATA-186's behind NAT.
22:59.09ManxPowerincoming calls work just fine, but I use qualify=
23:03.26lecram$, or euro ? :)
23:04.05*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
23:05.08wasimlecram: arent' they almost at par
23:05.26lecramnot quite...
23:05.40lecramthe euro is at 1.22$, and gowing up...
23:05.51lecramgoing even
23:08.01*** part/#asterisk ajh (
23:09.08wasimwell .. the ulaw are in trouble them
23:09.08lecramif one gets into trouble, then the other can not be far behind....
23:09.12wasim*cough* a 240x128 graphic LCD is 120$
23:09.39lecramhihi :)
23:09.55ScaredyCatyou're getting them from the wrong place then wasim
23:10.32outtoluncwasim, just mount 4 of those 1x16's i found yesterday for $2.30/ea <G>
23:10.32wasimwhats a good place for passives? farnell?
23:10.44wasimouttolunc: i'd need 4 I/O for that
23:10.54lecram1280x1024 touchscreen as operator console? (with option of adding multiple :P
23:11.00outtolunc(i was joking anyway)
23:11.32wasimlecram: yeah, but not on the farfon, do it on * and flastman
23:11.57wasimlecram: pcs are cheaper that way, and simple, and more easily managed, than specific hw devices
23:12.11Q-At-Workwhy is it never easy to do somethign under windows
23:12.26*** join/#asterisk phroo (
23:13.06wasimhere we go again...
23:13.50Q-At-Workbut theres a $65 savings!
23:13.55Q-At-Workyou GOTTA buy it now
23:13.56phroowhen i hook up my Wildcard X101P to the phone line, theres no dialtone in the other phones. anyone got some pointers so i could RTFM? (i'm in sweden)
23:14.08wasimphroo: what other phones?
23:14.13Q-At-Workother phones?
23:14.24phroothe other analog phones
23:14.25lecram6.3"  Epson  EG9013FNZ1  640 x 480   CCFL  20,000 +  $29/ea, $20/1K
23:14.28phrooie my normal phone
23:15.14phrooor could the card be DOA?
23:16.26Q-At-Worknormally the POTS line plugs into the x101, and the phone plugs into a TDM card
23:16.36Q-At-Workwhere are you plugging your phones in
23:17.37ScaredyCat5 for $99
23:17.38*** join/#asterisk JohnA (
23:17.38wasimgetting the data sheet, good find
23:17.38phroowasim: when i hook the x101p card to the pstn line all my other phones goes silent, ie no dialtone
23:17.39phrooif i remove the rj11 from the x101p card, all works again
23:18.08lecramtime for sleep... take care...
23:18.52Q-At-Workphroo: you've tried changing the cable to the x101 just in case its bunk right?
23:18.53phrooQ-At-Work: i tried plugging in my pots phone into the PHONE contact of the x101p, but it doesn't get any dialtone either
23:18.57wasimg'nite lecram
23:19.08phrooQ-At-Work: yupp, this is the third cable :p
23:19.13Q-At-Workok :)
23:19.26phrooand it works with a pots phone
23:19.42Q-At-Workanything weird about your setup?
23:19.47Q-At-Worklike a 300 year old fax machine
23:20.02Q-At-Workor, 20 phones on the same line kinda stuff?
23:20.58JohnAHey guys.  Long time listener, first time caller. :-)  Has anyone been experiencing an issue with an x101p dropping outbound calls?  I haven't had a single issue with my voicepulse connect line, but my x100p drops calls very often.
23:21.12wasimphroo: its on the center two pinis right, your POTS
23:21.12wasimerr pins, even :)
23:21.35Q-At-WorkJohnA: you have busydetect and callprogress turned on?
23:21.47phrooQ-At-Work: got a fax, 1 phone and 1 dect
23:22.15Q-At-Workwhats a dect
23:22.27phrooa wireless phone
23:22.31phroodigital d:o
23:22.37atacommso is the Sipura a popular product?
23:22.43wasimScaredyCat: i've sent it to hank for checking, if we can, we will definetly give it due consideration
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23:23.11wasimScaredyCat: but on the surface it looks doable
23:23.27Q-At-Workdo you have a multimeter you can test the pins with? :)
23:23.33ScaredyCatyay wasim
23:23.47ScaredyCatouttolunc: feck that matrix orbital lcds are tooo expensive
23:24.07Q-At-Workphroo: did you get the card from digium/reseller?
23:24.23outtoluncbut it's nice to see the diff kinds in one page <G>
23:24.41phrooQ-At-Work: yupp, got it from lipex in .uk
23:24.53ScaredyCatSamsung UG24U01WGHT3A 240x320 240 x 320 Transflective positive Graphic EL Backlit FSTN Touch Screen Included, New Pull - 3" PDA Touchscreen LCD
23:25.00phrooerr, ie from a reseller :p
23:25.25Q-At-Workdo you have electronic skills?
23:25.40Q-At-Worki.e can you use a multimeter to check for a short on the 2 middle pins of the jack
23:26.05Q-At-Workor, pull the card from the machine, and plug it in to the line
23:26.09Q-At-Workit should pass thru pots
23:26.11phrooQ-At-Work: if i can get my hand on a multimeter, yeah
23:26.11wasimScaredyCat: i was just looking at the one too
23:26.55wasimeww .. parallel
23:26.55phrooQ-At-Work: ie remove the x101p card, plug it in?
23:26.55phrooand check if pots works?
23:27.04Q-At-Workthat what I'd do first
23:27.16phroosounds reasonable
23:27.23Q-At-Workgo wall -> x101 (line) x101(phone) -> pots phone
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23:27.53phrooQ-At-Work: and it should be a normal 2 pair coppar cable with 2 male rj11's?
23:28.19Q-At-WorkI use 4 pair, but 2 will work as long as you use the middle 2 pins on the rj11
23:28.46phrooie no twisting pin 2 and 3?
23:28.46phroofrom wall to x101p
23:29.34Q-At-Workhome time for me, I should be around later tho
23:29.52phrooQ-At-Work: i have a spare card, so i just tried it
23:29.55ScaredyCatwasim! wasim!
23:30.15phrooQ-At-Work: wall -> x101p == all other phones dead
23:30.23phrooif i unplug, all works
23:30.32tz-afkthat's a cute little LCD
23:30.41tz-afkId' prefer a nice noritake VFD :-)
23:30.43*** join/#asterisk km-- (
23:30.49Q-At-Workneed someone with .uk experience
23:30.52tz-afkthey're a little pricey for the APA version though
23:30.54wasimbut its not touchscreen
23:31.00Q-At-Workbbl, I gotta run before wife kills me
23:31.11ScaredyCatwasim: no, but it's colour!
23:31.13km--bkw: dude, enum rocks!
23:31.21wasimphroo: your lines are swapped, i'm pretty sure
23:31.41phroowasim: ie using wrong pins?
23:31.47tz-afktouchscreen on a display that small is really not that useful IMO
23:31.51phrooor 2/3 swapped?
23:31.54wasimphroo: they need to be on the center two pins
23:32.11phroowasim: i'll check that
23:32.13ScaredyCat~kill tz-afk
23:32.16ACTION slits tz-afk's throat
23:32.31zigman~kill jbot
23:32.34ACTION slits jbot's throat
23:32.43zigmanstupid bot *G*
23:33.16tz-afkyou can set her on me ANY TIME
23:33.43wasimok, i've sent that to hank also, i have a feeling we're going to be redesigning this weekend :)
23:34.02ScaredyCatkeep busy, keep busy :)
23:34.06wasimbut coppice usually bangs sense into me in the morning
23:34.55*** join/#asterisk dimmik (
23:34.57ScaredyCatI think the Samsung
23:35.11tz-afk1:13 contrast ratio is not that great, especially in an office environment with lots of ambient light
23:35.46*** join/#asterisk vinnie (
23:38.05indiamhi kram, i have a problem receiving dtmf in gsm mode
23:38.07vinniewhat are the protocols people are most likely to use for enum?
23:38.12vinnieiax2 and sip you'd say?
23:38.19kramno in-band dtmf with gsm
23:38.36indiami set dtmfmode=rfc
23:39.09ScaredyCatjust rfc  ???
23:39.13indiami set dtmfmode=rfc2833
23:40.07indiamscaredycat, what is the difference between inband & out of band ?
23:41.04tz-afkinband = in the audio stream  out of band = in the control stream
23:41.20ScaredyCatif your in a band you make music and $$$ if your out of a band your prolly poor :P
23:41.31tz-afkScaredyCat: actually that's the othe rway around...  
23:41.33wasimand alien band is a group of mexicans playing at the wedding
23:42.24indiamwhen i say allow=gsm only and dtmfmode=rfc2833 then asterisk hangs up the call
23:42.38wasimyeah, but inband has groupies
23:42.42tz-afkindiam: did you say disallow=all, allow=gsm?
23:42.47tz-afkwasim: very true
23:42.48wasimwhich is THE reason to be inband
23:42.50*** join/#asterisk sack (
23:42.56indiamyes i did that tz-afk
23:43.05tz-afkindiam: what are you trying to talk with?
23:43.10jsharpmmmm band-aids
23:43.33dncjsharp: lol
23:43.41ScaredyCatfeed the woooorrrlld
23:44.13ScaredyCatprolly b4 your time
23:44.21indiamtz-afk: i want to get a extension from the dialling user and dial as per the extension
23:44.37tz-afkindiam: again, what are you talking to?
23:44.42tz-afki.e. * to what
23:45.14indiamtz-afk: yes SIP Client --> * ( My Machine)  --> * ( GSM )( my telecom provider)
23:45.23tz-afkwho is your telecom provider?
23:45.28tz-afkjesus give me details don't piss around
23:45.37tz-afkthis is my THIRD TIME asking you what it is your trying to communicate to
23:46.07tz-afkfuck... people want help yet they don't give any relevant data
23:46.30tz-afk"so yeah like I want to get * to work with gsm but my dtmf don't work.  I can't get dtmf recognized by my provider" -- that gives ZERO useful information
23:46.57dimmikis anyone using chan_capi?
23:47.29leledimmik: me
23:47.50*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
23:47.52indiamtz-afk: here is the scenerio,  a user calls to my server and dials a pstn number and i forward the call to my telecom provider and he routes the call
23:48.20tz-afkindiam: ok, so far so good.  who is your provider, and what protocol are you using to talk to them.  IAX, IAX2, SIP, H323, what?
23:48.21dimmiklele: Do you know of any way to map an incoming call to say MSN xxxyyy to extention yyy
23:48.40indiamAll are SIP
23:48.51tz-afkugh ok.  who is the provider...  
23:48.58tz-afkfor the fifth time asking
23:49.06indiamone of my friend doing with asterisk
23:49.32tz-afkok so you're doing *<-->* with SIP.  not my cup of tea but ok
23:49.41indiamyes tz-afk
23:49.45cypromisnot a good idea
23:49.59cypromisbetter use iax
23:50.03cypromisbetween *'s
23:50.03tz-afkrfc2833 should work.  inband DTMF will not work with any codec but the noncompressed ones (ulaw/alaw/slinear) -- voice codecs totally ruin DTMF
23:50.14indiambut my customers they have only SIP phones
23:50.15tz-afkSIP is an abomination
23:50.17cypromistrust me I send quite a lot between *'s
23:50.21cypromisand SIP is a major pain
23:50.23tz-afkindiam: your customers do not need IAX
23:50.36indiamotherwise i need to forward rtp signals right ?
23:50.46cypromiscustomers connect to your * with SIP
23:50.47tz-afkyour * box and your friends will be doing protocol conversion but that is so low processor use that it's not even worth considering
23:51.02bkw_go to and test anything in yellow
23:51.02cypromisyeah you can roughly do 5k channels on a dual xeon
23:51.08tz-afkbasically customer < SIP > * < IAX2 > *
23:51.57bkw_if you have a major, block or crash bugs open on please update or provide feedback
23:52.09ScaredyCaterrm, protocol conversion hit on the cpu IS important tz-afk.... especially if you are doing ulaw/alaw to g729!!
23:52.24tz-afkScaredyCat: that's codec conversion, not protocol conversion
23:52.41tz-afkScaredyCat: I said SIP<-->IAX2, not ulaw<-->ilbc
23:52.56indiami will try again now will give you feedback
23:53.04ScaredyCatyeah, i noticed after i'd typed it... but since i'd made the effort to type it all I wasn;t going to delete it :)
23:53.14phroowasim: you was right, it's not blocking the other phones after i switched cabling in the outlet to match the 2 middle pins
23:53.20tz-afkindiam: SIP is a horrible protocol, only second on the nasty list to h323
23:53.30ScaredyCator mgcp
23:53.44*** join/#asterisk yaboo (
23:54.03JerJerdown with anything that is not iax2
23:54.32tz-afkdiax and farfon are the future of * :-)
23:54.36*** join/#asterisk bdolljr (
23:54.39*** part/#asterisk JerJer (
23:54.47*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
23:55.50jjanzeri think that's yaba-daba-doo
23:56.41tz-afktime to ge tthe kids some dinner
23:57.17JerJeryeah, i gota drop the kids off at the pool
23:58.44*** part/#asterisk sobol_ (~newbie@
23:59.13bkw_GOD DAMN IT
23:59.16bkw_I hate spyware
23:59.32bkw_I'm about ready to start calling the feds and bitching

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.