irclog2html for #asterisk on 20031207

00:00.02bkw_km- strange
00:00.06km-yoyo: there aren't enough people in here to abuse that. :)
00:00.07bkw_I will smack kram when he gets in here
00:00.29YoYokm, I know... which requires more encouragement =D
00:00.30bkw_km- but voicemail is working?
00:00.33km-what's the cdr table name?
00:00.38km-bkw: yep, it's working fine that I renamed the table
00:00.49bkw_ok need to be a bit more graceful about that then
00:01.05bkw_it doesn't do that on mysql.. wonder why pgsql is freaking out
00:01.15YoYook fine
00:01.26NewBieyou want people to call that number?
00:01.50bkw_YoYo you testing the queue
00:02.02km-that is odd.
00:02.05YoYoalready tested
00:02.08YoYoI wanted to abuse it
00:02.14bkw_OMG thats sweet
00:02.22bkw_lets see if it upps the holdtime
00:02.37cypromisusers is a reserved word in sql 92
00:02.51bkw_need to fix that
00:03.09km-bkw: cdr_odbc dies somewhere else if I load it manually from the console
00:05.07km-bkw: the segfault is definitely happening somewhere deep in
00:05.17bkw_DAMN that sucks
00:05.20km-bkw: are you on debian?
00:05.29km-maybe that's why
00:05.34bkw_recompile unixodbc from src
00:05.38km-maybe debian's unixodbc sucks
00:07.22*** join/#asterisk tessier__ (
00:12.59*** part/#asterisk Buana (
00:13.26bkw_HAHA I burnt water
00:13.32bkw_anyone here burn water before?
00:13.45YoYobkw, you're a serious dumbass sometimes
00:13.46bkw_I forgot about ti .. boiled away..
00:14.19Mikeyou mean he sometimes isnt one
00:14.49YoYoanyone know of a "you are caller number" gsm file?
00:15.31bkw_on jtodds website
00:15.38bkw_the two for or orginal patch are there
00:17.59YoYoisn't it loligo something?
00:18.06YoYoor lolipop?
00:18.36km-yoyo: are you using bkw's queue app?
00:18.48YoYofound it
00:18.55*** join/#asterisk miller7 (~none@
00:18.59YoYokm, I was using _my_ queue patch
00:19.11YoYonow I think I'm going to use anthm's
00:19.18km-I haven't seen anthm's
00:19.28*** join/#asterisk bobman (
00:19.30YoYokm: actually, I should say that I was using bkw and my queue patch
00:19.34YoYo(we worked on that together)
00:19.41miller7llo ppl
00:19.43bkw_YoYo we both did that patch
00:19.50bkw_doh you said it
00:19.51bkw_damn lag
00:20.02bkw_man i'm hungry
00:20.06bkw_leave me alone!
00:20.34bkw_nitpick it
00:20.41bkw_and see what all I can do to get app_directory ready also
00:22.26YoYoah, much better sound
00:23.00km-bkw: its too bad cdr_odbc is misbehavin
00:23.13bkw_its not cdr_odbc
00:23.17bkw_mine is working fine
00:23.24bkw_I suspsect its an issue with unixodbc
00:23.28bkw_what version you have?
00:23.35YoYooh yeah... bkw, you ready to test this against mssql?
00:23.47bkw_I already know cdr_odbc talks to mssql
00:24.04YoYothat's not what I meant, and you know it =D
00:24.09bkw_i'm gonna take a break.. eat
00:24.15bkw_and come back and do some more work on it
00:24.15YoYobah... you're no fun at all
00:24.26YoYoI think I'll order me a pizza
00:24.38km-astpbx1:/usr/lib/asterisk/modules# odbcinst --version
00:24.38km-unixODBC 2.2.4
00:24.50km-what do you have bkw
00:26.04atacommso how do i map the MWI on my phones (Snom/Cisco) to Asterisk VM2?
00:26.47km-atacomm: the line is mailbox=vmnum@context
00:28.22atacommkm: thanks
00:31.41PoincareI have 2 gnophones 'connected' to *, when I call either one of them via the console everything is ok, but when I call from gnohone to gnophone it won't work...
00:31.49PoincareSounds interupted
00:33.36PoincareCall's from gnophone to the telco are ok and calls from telco to gnophone also...
00:37.33bkw_ok ok bak
00:38.52km-bkw: I'm compiling 2.2.7 now
00:39.12bkw_lots of tiny fixes from 2.2.6 to 2.2.7 even
00:40.18bkw_Updating Portage cache
00:41.57bkw_ah bummer no 2.2.7 yet.. but it came out last week
00:41.59bkw_oh well
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00:46.44bkw_thats all the changes I did that kram didn't applyyet
00:47.01km-thats ok I'm having a hell of a time getting the currently new compiled unixodbc shit to interface
00:47.07km-my odbcinst.ini file needs to be changed
00:47.18km-but I dont know where the file is
00:47.22km-updatedb'ing now
00:47.27bkw_ah ok
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00:47.38bkw_I have a feeling that will correct the drama
00:48.04bkw_drama is bad
00:48.04km-thats weird
00:48.12km-did they just rehash services?
00:48.52bkw_dont know
00:48.58*** part/#asterisk Shido6_ (
00:50.07bkw_works like a charm
00:50.15bkw_> cdr_odbc: Query Successful!
00:50.22bkw_> vm_odbc: ODBC Query Successful!
00:50.28bkw_oh I'm gonna chagne that
00:51.10km-yep bkw, it appears to have fixed both problems
00:51.36bkw_so its all working now eh?
00:51.44km-appears to be so!
00:52.08km-vmwi doesnt seem to be updating though
00:52.09bkw_now have to make note of that
00:52.13bkw_lets see
00:52.29bkw_lets go thru this.. leave yourself a message
00:52.32bkw_ans show me the message path
00:53.09bkw_AH HA
00:53.10bkw_I see it
00:53.23bkw_-> /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail//10/INBOX/msg0000
00:53.26bkw_its loosing the context
00:53.32km-I was just about to say that
00:53.44bkw_I fixed that once.. but in my wisdome I think I broke it again
00:53.53bkw_hold on and I will show you a fix
00:54.08bkw_mine had it because I based mine on mysql
00:54.40*** join/#asterisk Landrocker (
00:55.44km-WARNING[16384]: File cdr_odbc.c, Line 276 (odbc_load_module): cdr_odbc: Logging uniqueid
00:55.49km-what does logging the uniqueid give me?
00:56.48bkw_the unique id of the call
00:57.02marcus-ok hrm
00:57.12marcus-so you can get PCI FXO cards for $9.00 new
00:57.20marcus-$4 extra for 2-3day fedex
00:57.20bkw_-- x=0, open writing:  /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/10/INBOX/msg0000
00:57.28dantmarcus-, yeah?
00:57.56marcus-i havent tried it yet myself, but supposedly they appear as x100ps
00:58.05marcus-i have one sitting on my desk right now, i'll try it tomorrow maybe
00:58.19bkw_haha good luck
00:59.41km-bkw: yup, it works!
01:00.24bkw_good deal
01:00.30bkw_so all the drama has gone away
01:00.33bkw_context issues fixed
01:00.37km-appears to be so
01:00.42bkw_shhh mysql and pgsql suffer from those still! :)
01:01.18bkw_goodie goodie goodie
01:01.41Corydon76Jeez, bkw_, do you while away the day on IRC?
01:01.44km-just answered my own damned question
01:01.51bkw_km- hahaha
01:02.04bkw_km- stop pgsql and login to voicemail
01:02.12km-wont work?
01:02.19km-if it cant find the voicemail numbers I cant login to vm
01:03.10bkw_I know but atleast it doesn't CORE! :)
01:03.39km-bkw: it cores on me if I restart asterisk with no postgres running
01:03.47bkw_yes same here
01:03.50bkw_was just about to say
01:03.52bkw_I have to fix that
01:04.02bkw_you and I are running along the same path tonight
01:04.31km-behold, the jam session
01:04.42km-can anyone explain to me the idea of amaflags
01:04.42bkw_I'm not totally sure how to fix that
01:04.46km-and what they do for me
01:04.59bkw_I wonder if the other sql vm stuff suffers the same
01:05.21*** join/#asterisk rpb (
01:05.56km-I wonder how stable postgresql is
01:06.08bkw_should be pretty stable
01:06.35bkw_well we will see how well vm_odbc runs for a few more days before I even think about asking it to be included
01:06.37Mikethe less register time the better?
01:06.41km-dare I try odbcdbput/odbcdbget?
01:06.51Mike4.24 GS firmware now supports DSL direct connection
01:06.53Mikethis is good
01:07.41ManxPowerSo you can now plug your GS phone directly into your DSL phone line witout a modem?????
01:07.48km-I could make old PC's into asterisk FXO banks
01:08.35ManxPowerIf you can't then it's not DSL it's Ethernet.
01:08.44bkw_km- not yet.. odbcX stuff isn't nitpicked yet
01:08.52km-bkw: hrm.
01:09.17bkw_the put/get/del/deltree stuff is very new
01:09.42bkw_km- does the verbose output look normal when doing voicemail?
01:09.57km-verbose output?
01:10.03km-i.e., set verbose 5 thgen try the voicemail?
01:10.33km-looks fine to me...
01:11.05km-time for some christmas claymation and hot choco
01:11.46Mikeok guys this is weird
01:11.57Mikeanother extension outside of my lan calls my extension
01:12.03Mikeand we can talk
01:12.11Mikeif i call that extension the extension answers
01:12.18Mikeand we CANT talk
01:12.25Mikei try nat=yes and nat=no
01:12.45Mikewith nat=yes the extension out of my lan wont even be able to call my extension
01:12.54Mikenat=no will let it call but
01:12.59Mikenone will let me call and talk
01:13.02Mikeany ideas?
01:21.38*** join/#asterisk rpb_ (
01:21.58citatsbkw_: just looked at your new odbc cdr patch and it looks like you haven't fixed the gapping security hole yet
01:23.13*** join/#asterisk ReG-Hexer (~tmnut@
01:23.13*** join/#asterisk rpb_ (
01:24.02atacommhmm....question about Directory
01:25.19atacommwhere does it execute the dial of the extension once found?  the context passed is the Voicemail context.... (without it it doesnt find any extensions and goes to fast busy) putting the VM context in it lists the extensions, but it then goes fast busy when I attempt to connect to that extension
01:26.05atacomm...or do i have it backwards?
01:28.18*** join/#asterisk rpb (
01:29.27bkw_citats tell me what you are speaking about
01:31.31*** join/#asterisk rpb (
01:34.39bkw_citats if you are fuckin with me.. i'm gonna hurt you
01:34.49bkw_my cdr_odbc stuff is based on pgsql and mysql
01:34.53bkw_and doesn't differ much
01:35.16marcus-so i wonder what the chances are of a 133mhz pentium being able to handle a single voice channel
01:35.18atacommso bkw, your obdc code that you generated for vm, directory, etc.... does that require a fixed db layout?
01:35.40bkw_atacomm not really
01:35.52bkw_i'm not done with that part yet
01:35.58bkw_i'm trying to figure out what citats is talking about
01:36.21atacommbkw: what does it require schema wise? or am i better off just generating conf files from my db and reloading on occasion like i am now?
01:36.42bkw_thats the layout
01:36.48wwreload == memory leak... for now
01:36.48atacommalso, Directory doesnt work with vm contexts does it? kinda dumb, vm2 gets updated and directory doesnt
01:36.55doughecka"Perhaps I should just go to the barter system. "I'll give you this cow for that rack mounted server.""
01:36.59atacommww: what?
01:37.16marcus-atacomm; its definately worth considering the arguement that it sucks to have your phone system rely on a sql server to work at all
01:37.29bkw_ww on what?
01:37.33marcus-s/phone system/production system/
01:37.47atacommmarcus: true....which would be good that i generate files from SQL and leave them on the server....
01:37.55marcus-atacomm; yeah, perhaps
01:38.07atacommmarcus: although i'm sure the files will update and reload * several times an hour, lol...what a pain
01:38.20marcus-yeah it depends on the size of your dataset, etc.
01:38.40atacommmarcus: designed to operate hundreds of companies heh
01:38.47MikeDisconnected from Asterisk server
01:38.47MikeExecuting last minute cleanups
01:38.47MikeAsterisk cleanly ending (0).
01:38.52bkw_OMG  people
01:38.52Mikedies when a call gets hangup
01:39.48atacommanyone know a work around for Directory then if it doesnt work in a multi-company mode?  i'd rewrite the code but i have no linux programming experience and i'd prefer not to learn the inners of CVS, make, gcc, etc
01:39.54dantmarcus-, multiple resilient sql servers with multiple resilient call servers with mul.... etc is likely more reliable than 1 box running everything on an ata disk that whines a lot :)
01:40.28atacommlol, but having a disk resident copy is always faster for realtime execution
01:40.50antidant: agreed, we have two E5500's running Oracle that have only have had a total of 30 minutes of downtime in the last 3 years.
01:41.20antiI wish more things I run would have that kind of reliability.
01:42.23bkw_citats you asshole.. you fuckin with me?
01:42.38dantdoughecka, I've seen a winbox that's been up nearly two years
01:42.53marcus-oh i'm plenty familiar with running big clustered oracle boxes
01:43.01antidoughecka: yeah I run 7 openbsd boxes and a number of linux boxes too. they're not less reliable, but as far as dbs go.
01:43.04dougheckadant: yea, all my servers are wedged up so they dont fall down too
01:43.06dantdoughecka, though the reason I was looking at it was because it had become unusable
01:43.15marcus-i'm not saying that flat files derived from sql are the best way to go for all situations
01:43.21marcus-just pointing out that they have their benefits
01:43.21antidoughecka: not that I'm a fan of oracle. its bloated, slow and monolithic, did I mention bloated?
01:44.11marcus-did you mention expensive?
01:44.27antitack that on too.. and all that and it doesn't even support LIMIT x OFFSET y syntax...ugh
01:44.44antimakes writing a paging system a royal pain in the ass.
01:45.05antiFor the cost and size of oracle I should just be able to look at it and have it return a result set.
01:45.46marcus-hrm this isnt even a pentium
01:46.05Mikecvs if fucked
01:46.22zigmanMike,  no its not :P
01:46.32zigmani did a co 10 mins ago
01:46.36Mikei just download it compile it
01:46.39bkw_Asterisk CVS-12/06/03-17:25:46 built by root@asterisk on a i686 running Linux
01:46.40Mikei make a call hangup and crashes
01:46.41bkw_i'm running it
01:47.26zigmanAsterisk CVS-12/07/03-02:18:55
01:47.31zigmanits 2:47 now
01:47.33marcus-has anyone ever seen that thing?
01:47.39Mikeif i didnt update
01:47.43Mikezaptel and libpri
01:47.50Mikecould this be fucking up my asterisk
01:48.03zigmanMike,  when was you last * update ?
01:48.08marcus-533mhz cpu, adsl, 100mbit ether, two minipci slots, two fxs ports, and a 4 port switch
01:48.14Mike10minutes ago
01:48.15marcus-on a small embedded board
01:48.19Mikebut zaptel and libpri
01:48.21Mikeabout 3weeks
01:48.27Mikemaybe more
01:49.40zigmanupdate them too
01:49.46zigmanmarcus-,  looks nice
01:50.11marcus-yeah i'd like to see more suggestions that it is open-source friendly
01:51.24*** join/#asterisk mack_jpn (
01:51.33zigmananti i think zaptel won't be officially for 2.6 until 2.6 comes out
01:51.44zigmanwhich won't be before xmas i guess
01:51.50doughecka"all I want for christmas is my zaptel drivers on 2.6!
01:52.21antizigman: I can't imagine why not, the amount of code changes between test10, 11 and final are going to be trivial at best. Why not have it at least working, and people testing it before hand.
01:52.30bkw_its on 2.6
01:52.34bkw_read the damn mailing list people
01:52.44antiWhich one, dev or users?
01:53.58antiHmm I was unaware, how long? about 2 or maybe 3 weeks ago I attempted to compile it with 2.6
01:54.29bkw_their was a post today
01:54.57antioh you made it sound like its been announced for weeks.
01:56.18indiami have MySQL-devel installed and when i compile asterisk it is not compiling module, can anyone point me what should i do to use mysql for storing cdrs
01:56.18Mikemy asterisk dies on the hangup
01:56.20Mikethat sucks
01:56.34zigmanindiam,  odbc
01:56.59zigmanbkw zaptel is not on 2.6 ( not everything) .. and yes i read the damn ml
01:57.11zigmanyou are talkin about prima donna ?
01:57.15zigmanaren't you ?
01:57.18bkw_zigman dont think so
01:57.43bkw_Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2003 14:06:23 +0000
01:57.43bkw_From: Tristan 'Minty' Colgate <>
01:57.55bkw_I requested him to post his work
01:59.11zigmani don't remeber all his mail.. but didn't he say that some parts ( tor something) didn't work out ?
01:59.19bkw_he said it was working
01:59.26zigmanand the makefiles must be rewriten
01:59.41zigmanbecause of the module thingy
02:00.02antiWell if thats all I can patch that in an ebuild and up the new zaptel to portage.
02:00.11indiamzigman: can you help me whcih module of odbc i need to install ?
02:00.19bkw_indiam install unixodbc
02:00.20antiI'll have to do that tonight. Thats all thats been keeping me from switching to 2.6. If its almost there I can get the rest, but last time I checked it wasn't almost there :)
02:01.59zigmanA few of the modules (the torisa and tor2 ones come to mind), don;t build at
02:01.59zigmanall. The others will build but...
02:02.12zigmanthats a quote from him
02:02.39zigman1. makefiles, with 2.6 you can't get away with using the old makefile to build
02:02.39zigmanthe kernel modules,
02:03.00zigmanso i wasn't as wrong as you mad eme look like
02:03.02hermiewhat alarms can the Wildcard cards have?
02:03.05antiWell, I'll work on that this evening. If I have some luck I'll post an ebuild to the ml for those using gentoo, plus just the patches themselves for those who aren't englightened. ;)
02:03.09bkw_zigman give it time
02:03.15bkw_it will all compile and be fine
02:03.20bkw_its moving really fast
02:03.30zigmani know
02:03.42bkw_i'm trying to get his work so I can maybe help
02:03.46zigmanall i said was that it doesnt work right yet
02:04.29zigmananti,  :P yeah like gentoo is THE thing :P
02:04.39bkw_ya I love gentoo
02:04.46zigmani use LFS
02:04.51zigmanpretty much the same
02:05.07bkw_zigman sorry I over looked that part about some stuff not working.. I just read it was kinda working :P
02:05.08zigmanexecpt the dependency stuff
02:05.24zigmanbkw never mind
02:05.39bkw_never mind what?
02:06.16zigmanthat you overlook something
02:06.34zigmandamn it
02:06.36bkw_hehe ok
02:06.46zigmandamn keyboard
02:06.48bkw_I see the part about it working and got all excited
02:09.21*** join/#asterisk Tommmo (~tps@
02:10.00Tommmois it possible to have an intercom function on asterisk, with an external speaker/amplifier connected to the asterisk server's soundcar?
02:10.59*** join/#asterisk fyman (
02:11.41Criponanything is possible Tommmo
02:11.49zigmanits * ;)
02:12.21Tommmofigured as much. been searching but can't find much :)
02:12.41Mikehangup kills asterisk
02:13.23zigmanmike YOU MUST be doing something wrong
02:14.06zigman* is working like a charm here since i used a avm fritz card instead of an eicon
02:14.12zigmanwhich didn't work right
02:16.19CriponMoney is an object, what's your sip phone of choice?
02:17.55zigmangrandstream :P
02:18.27Mikezigman: any ideas on what can i be doing wrong?
02:18.39zigmanMike,  no
02:20.07Criponzigman: grandstream :P means you like them? or not?
02:20.33zigmannever used them
02:20.38zigmannever had one
02:20.45zigmanyou said money is an object
02:21.02zigmanthe grandstreams are the cheapest
02:21.06Criponis you had 300 per phone, what would you buy?
02:22.36Criponhow much are the grandstreams?
02:22.39ManxPowerCisco 7940 would be good and you can usually find them on EBay
02:22.45ManxPowerGrandstreams are $60.
02:22.59hermieCripon: the nice ones are $75
02:23.09ManxPowerUsed Cisco 7940's should be around $300 on eBay
02:23.16ManxPowerhermie, There are nice Grandstreams?
02:23.18CriponI need all new phones
02:23.21Cripon25 of them
02:23.34CriponI have a snom 200 here for testing, it is very nice
02:23.37hermieManxPower: the ones with the ethernet passthru
02:23.40Tommmoanyone used chan_oss ?
02:23.46Tommmoand know the format for extensions.conf
02:24.02ManxPowerhermie, Ah. 10 megabit
02:24.27indiamwhile compiling unixodbc it is asking for x includes
02:24.45hermieManxPower: Yeah, well.  They would be perfect if they were 100Mbs, but for that cheap, what can you do?
02:24.52cypromisfor the gui qt odbc setup shit
02:25.00indiami'm not using gui
02:25.04ManxPowerTommmo, Dial(Console/1)
02:25.26ManxPowerTommmo, We use it for overhead paging.
02:25.26TommmoManxPower: thanks. is there somewhere I define the soundcard device?
02:25.33Tommmoyeah that's exactly what im after
02:25.39indiamcypromis: i'm just using only console mode
02:25.44ManxPoweross.conf.  You need to have sound working before you try making it work with asterisk.
02:25.52Tommmook thanks
02:25.54ManxPowerMake sure you can play a sound file using the OS utilities
02:25.55indiamcypromis: do i still ineed to install x package ?
02:27.16Criponwhere would one recommend I buy new sip phones?
02:27.42carrarTHE INTERNET!!!
02:27.48TommmoCripon, there are often "lots" of new phones going on ebay
02:27.53Tommmoie. cancelled orders etc
02:27.53carrarYou can find it on EBAY!
02:28.27Criponanyone have an internet retailer to suggest?
02:29.08ManxPowerCripon, the Cisco 7940 and 7960 SIP phones are the best SIP phones on the market.  ZIP, SNOM, and a few others are slightly less expensive, but also less well tested with Asterisk.
02:29.32Criponexcellent ManxPower strikes again
02:29.40km-hey bkw
02:29.48XVOIPor ;-)
02:29.56km-bkw_: weirdest shit just happened dude
02:29.58ManxPowerI'd look at SNOM and the ZIP phones.
02:30.04km-bkw_: I was on the phone with my bro, and the call cuts out (like how kristy says)
02:30.04bkw_DEBUG 736 <-- thats the max a cdr record can be
02:30.20km-bkw_: but I redial his number, and I'm reconnected to him...
02:30.29bkw_km- strange
02:30.32km-bkw_: but the weird thing is, Zap/1, even though it "hungup"
02:30.35bkw_wonder if * is flippin out
02:30.36km-bkw_: wasn't really hungup...
02:30.40ManxPowerkm-, Turn off callprogress=
02:30.43km-bkw_: he said he heard the system dial really quickly
02:30.46bkw_ya callprogress can do it
02:31.09ManxPowerbusydetect can too I think, but not as often and there are settings to make it easier.
02:31.09km-I dont have callprogress turned on
02:31.13km-I do have busydetect though
02:31.24bkw_try turning on callprogress too
02:31.25ManxPowerbkw_, TRY TALKING LOUD, that seems to trigger it.
02:31.31bkw_ManxPower did
02:31.40km-what's the worst that'll happen if I turn off busydetect?
02:31.43ManxPowerkm-, try busycount=5 or 7 or something like that
02:31.50km-I have busycount=4
02:32.02bkw_it shoudln't be doing that
02:32.03ManxPowerkm-, you should always turn off busydetect and callprogress if you are getting random hangups
02:32.08ManxPowerI NEVER run with either of those.
02:32.37km-I've disabled busydetect
02:32.42km-what will happen if a busy happens?
02:32.46km-will the phone not realize it's busy?
02:32.53ManxPowerNew 7940's are only $309 new
02:32.58km-I guess I dont have a clue what busydetect does
02:33.04*** join/#asterisk s3g4L (~segal@
02:33.22ManxPowerkm-, busydetect will jump to pri + 101 if it detects a busy signal on the FXO port.
02:33.37ManxPowerSince callers can hear the busy signal it's not a terribly useful feature
02:34.04km-well fuck that
02:34.15km-I hope that corrects the random hangup issue
02:34.20km-that'll make kristy quite happy if it does
02:36.23Celticis IAXTEL taking registrations ok at the moment ? iax show registry shows requests but isn't reg'd
02:38.26km-iaxtel has my registrations online
02:41.57bkw_citats i'm gonna hurt you
02:42.05bkw_REALLY BAD
02:42.36Celticwhy is IAXTEL so goddam flaky
02:42.42bkw_struct ast_cdr *cdr  <-- can be a max of 736
02:44.07citatsbkw_: too bad it uses variables that aren't in an ast_cdr to generate that string
02:44.36ManxPowerbkw_, There isn't some kind of MAX_CDR define?  Just use that if so, then if it's changed in the future you don't have to woryy about it
02:45.31km-celtic: iaxtel is behaving for me...
02:45.56km-celtic: want me to call a number to confirm its working for you?
02:46.17Celticnah - it just says request sent on two different registrations
02:46.27CelticAll other iax reg's are fine
02:46.38CelticIAXTEL is wierd - probs come and go
02:49.00XVOIPHopefully  Kram will agree, so we can provide IAX2/SIP to FWD
02:49.05km-I'm going to have to recompile php with postgres support if I want to use php for this box
02:49.33ManxPowerYou can't convince FWD to install a local Asterisk server?
02:49.48XVOIPI have made already peering with FWD and SipPhone
02:49.51XVOIPvia SIP
02:49.58XVOIPplus we have * installed on our facility
02:50.03km-we had peering to FWD as well?
02:50.08km-kram didn't seem to like supplying it
02:50.19XVOIPso I offered kram, that we will take care about this bridge IAXTEL /FWD
02:50.24ManxPowerkm-, yes, you could dial FWD numbers from IAXtel
02:50.51XVOIPkram wants to have clean IAX2/IAXTEL
02:51.09ManxPowerI still think all these VoIP providers need to get togather and a unified numbering space.
02:51.19XVOIPManxPower : this is for sure ...
02:51.40bkw_citats everything I put in SQL is in cdr
02:51.58ManxPowerArea code 500 is reserved for special services, start using that and allocate exchanges to the various VOIP-only providers
02:52.01bkw_timstr is the only thing thats not in the cdr structure
02:52.27XVOIPManx: special agreement needs to be signed I think  with NANPA ...
02:53.10ManxPowerXVOIP, That will take years.  If we have a well run numbering plan we have a better chance of getting it approved
02:53.30zigmanbkw ;)
02:53.48XVOIPManx: I don;t think FWD will re-number it's network so easy ... same with SIPPHone ...
02:54.12ManxPowerXVOIP, I didn't say it was going to be easy.  But at least FWD uses short numbers
02:54.12*** join/#asterisk GotX (
02:54.28XVOIPsoon numbers will be 6 digit numbers ...
02:54.33XVOIPthey are close to 100K already
02:54.52ManxPowerXVOIP, I wonder how many of their accounts have been used in the last 90 days
02:55.05km-lord knows I hardly ever use my fwd account
02:55.08km-I dont have anybody to call.
02:55.13bkw_you can call me
02:55.21bkw_if it even works
02:55.24*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~mandimadu@
02:55.24km-bkw: yeah, but we've got IAX2 links to each other :P
02:55.28ManxPowerkm-, You would if all the VoIP providers had peering agreements
02:55.47km-bkw: yeah, we aught to just make our bed and link our asterisk systems together full time, in bat-phone mode ;)
02:55.50bkw_app_db.c is A FUCKING MESS
02:55.55bkw_total crap
02:56.03ManxPowerbkw_, Do is app_disa
02:56.05XVOIPManx: we are moving in this direction ... at least  FWD and Sipphone are very cooperative ... and allowing peering ..
02:56.10bkw_Do is?
02:56.16bkw_the code formating is brain dead
02:56.21ManxPowerXVOIP, That's a start, but without a unified numbering plan.....
02:56.52km-I have a more, self-amused idea
02:56.56km-I dont know if it'd even work
02:56.58*** part/#asterisk GotX (
02:57.07XVOIPManx: we've been thinking about it .. and this is still udner discussion, I think at one point we all together have to meet and make decision about renumbering ...
02:57.10km-but why don't major voip providers go to the ITU and ask for a country code?
02:57.14ManxPowerIAXTel: 700-555-1212, FWD: 123456, SIPPhone: 12345678, CIPE: 81034, etc all to call the same person.
02:57.20Mikei upgraded my system
02:57.22XVOIPManx: ))
02:57.29Mikeput the old backup config files i used before on asterisk
02:57.34Mikeand doing a hangup on asterisk
02:57.37Mikewill kill it
02:57.39ManxPowerWith a unified numbering plan you can just say VOIP: 500-555-1212 PSTN: 213-555-1212
02:57.54XVOIPManx: I agree about 500 ... area  code ..
02:58.06ManxPowerAnd once VoIP and PSTN are linked you can just go with one number
02:58.07XVOIPkm: there is 87010 I think code which is allocated to IP
02:58.33XVOIPManx: I think biggest problem is someone wants to make money ... like ENUM stuff ..
02:59.01km-yeah, lets just use enum and we can make the problem go away! :)
02:59.10XVOIPkm: how ?:)
02:59.30km-well, by using people's PSTN numbers in an enum database, we've effectively created that 1 calling number
02:59.49km-all we have to do is hack asterisk to have a preferred method of contact via ENUM (I think the enum standard already has that priority crap in it)
02:59.55XVOIPkm: untill everything  will be in place .. at least 5 years is needed I think
03:00.16km-bkw and I have working enum configs now
03:00.24km-all we need to do is just make it easily accessable to the masses
03:00.40XVOIPkm: I know ...
03:00.57km-what will soon become openenum
03:01.08km-once we get our asses in gear!
03:01.23*** join/#asterisk lucifuge3 (
03:01.38km-rock on fellow philadelphian
03:01.55lucifuge3Who's in Ivyland?
03:02.01km-lucifuge: that's right near conshohocken, right?
03:02.07lucifuge3Not quite....
03:02.07km-lucifuge: you are, judging by your dns
03:02.09lucifuge3but close
03:02.15lucifuge3Yeah....I'm in New Hope
03:02.17km-lucifuge: I'm from norristown
03:02.28km-ahhh, gaytown :P
03:03.13km-xvoip: anyway, getting enum working would be the answer, in my eyes at least
03:03.24*** part/#asterisk glyph (
03:03.26km-xvoip: the magical "one number" will be key
03:03.34*** join/#asterisk curious1 (
03:03.39lucifuge3Yep...we're all on fire up here ;)
03:04.14km-hahaha, good shopping though
03:04.43km-lucifuge: how much snow did you guys get by the river?  We've got like 8-10 up in montco
03:05.03lucifuge3About 7 or 8 here
03:05.19lucifuge3Yeah...not too bad
03:06.00km-202 was a mess yesterday so I took the backroads through chester county and I was passing people left and right who couldn't make it up the hills...  I really understood the true power of 4wd at that point
03:06.21lucifuge3Yeesh...somebody slammin my * box from
03:06.31lucifuge3that can't be's in the BOGON list
03:06.47lucifuge3Yeah...IP addresses that arent' really assigned
03:06.57lucifuge3it's on the IANA reserved list
03:07.00km-yoyo: yeah, I noticed the hard way that it was screwing up my DTMF recognition AND callerid
03:07.05km-lucifuge: it's comcast, man...
03:07.15lucifuge3Oh....ths * box sure isn't on comcast
03:07.19lucifuge3that's just my home box
03:07.20YoYokm, I'm at 1.5 all the way around... both POTS and PRI
03:07.22km-lucifuge: ahhh
03:07.26YoYoand it sounds /so/ much better
03:07.36km-yoyo: ah, I need like 12+ to make zap/1 audible
03:07.43Celticdumbassed gnophone registration gives out passwords with @ symbol embedded...
03:07.52km-lucifuge: where do you work that gets to have an asterisk box? :)
03:07.53YoYokm, then you have other problems
03:08.17YoYokm, I'm going to have an * box @ home next week
03:08.19km-yoyo: yeah, I think I've got crappy lines in this apartment
03:08.40km-yoyo: I've had asterisk in production here at home for over 6 months now
03:08.42lucifuge3km - I own the company
03:08.45YoYoonly tricky thing, will be figuring out how to do nat on linux
03:08.47km-lucifuge: nice!
03:08.49lucifuge3Well...for not.
03:08.52lucifuge3now, that is
03:09.05lucifuge3we have a conditional merger deal on the table (whoo hoo!)
03:09.15km-lucifuge: I'm working on starting a business in our area utilizing asterisk
03:09.30lucifuge3I'm in managed security, but * makes a kick ass NOC phone system
03:09.46km-asterisk makes kick ass just about everything :)
03:10.28lucifuge3Don't we all?
03:10.30km-maybe I'll get one of those cisco wireless phones
03:11.02km-lucifuge: so far I'm the only person I know who has a 7960 in their living room ;)
03:11.14YoYowireless is kewlio
03:11.20lucifuge3Hate to tell you but.....well, you can already guess
03:11.25YoYodunno about those cisco phones though... looks like a cell phone
03:11.37km-lucifuge: well, at least we're at the cusp of technology!
03:11.42YoYoand the one thing that I hate about cell phones, is that they're too fucking small and way too light
03:11.50lucifuge3Yeah...if the displays were only backlit....<gron>
03:12.16YoYobut it gets me to the front porch and deck in the back, so it's all good
03:12.18km-anyone here have a wisip?
03:12.29km-its the new wireless phone from pulver
03:13.49km-ah, they say they're not selling it yet, because it's not fcc certified
03:14.34km-bkw_: I got something for you to work on!
03:14.43km-bkw_: operator consoles have line-in-use lights....
03:14.57km-bkw_: we have to find a way to make that data happen to the 7960 operator board.. :)
03:15.35*** join/#asterisk adker1 (
03:16.49YoYokm, that would be slick
03:17.11YoYobut, for small offices, I want everyone to be able to see which lines are in use
03:17.57YoYoI think it would eminently cool to hack something like a Lucent Partner system so we could use it's phones w/asterisk
03:18.08bkw_that would be neat
03:18.13bkw_but would it be worth it?
03:18.39YoYoI think so
03:18.43km-more than worth it
03:18.53km-our operators at work rely on it to tell them when people are on the line
03:19.02YoYothe one thing I don't like about *, is the lack of feature phones
03:19.06kimo_sabeYoYo: eww, not a partner ;)
03:19.11lucifuge3OK...I apologize in advance.....but doesn anyone know what this crap means or where I should start looking?
03:19.12lucifuge3WARNING[114696]: File chan_sip.c, Line 428 (__sip_xmit): sip_xmit of 0x80ea814
03:19.19YoYokimo: ok, then comdial phones
03:19.21YoYodoesn't matter
03:19.21lucifuge3(len 872) to returned -1: Invalid argument
03:19.50km-lucifuge: simple
03:19.56YoYoI think partner would be easiest, because the interface is close to POTS (partner is one of very few PBX systems that you can use a standard phone with)
03:19.57km-lucifuge: you do not have a user= line in your sip.conf
03:20.01km-or rather
03:20.08km-or a host=dynamic
03:20.14Mikeok fixed my problem
03:20.21YoYoMike, good, now fix my problem
03:20.24km-but I think it's the missing type line thats causing your woes
03:20.40bkw_I haven't broken it yet
03:21.11lucifuge3The only changes I made (adding INOC-DBA) I've commented out to make sure that wasn't it....and its still happening.  I must have missed something
03:21.49YoYook, what other kewlio patches should I check out?
03:21.51*** join/#asterisk bde (
03:22.03kimo_sabeYoYo: aside from my bias agains't Lucent Partners that would be kinda could, if you could figure out their signaling.  And figure out the extra pair
03:22.09bdecan anyone point me to a good tutorial on how to set up call queues?
03:22.28YoYoKimo: I think it uses line2 for power and signaling
03:22.29bkw_oh me oh my
03:22.34lucifuge3I used the one on the voip-info wiki and got them going without too much trouble.
03:22.34YoYodunno how the fuck the signaling works though
03:22.54YoYowould have to get an electronics person to rip up a system
03:23.11*** join/#asterisk blaisen1 (
03:23.16bdelucifuge3: can you tell me the website?
03:23.45blaisen1anyone successfully using asterisk with FreeWorldDialup's tollfree gateway?  it stopped working for me a couple weeks ago
03:24.20bkw_app_db.c code formating is HOZED THE FUCK UP
03:24.21km-I wonder who would be willing to donate a 7914 for us to test with
03:24.35bkw_I like being able to tell when an if and else end and start
03:24.54*** join/#asterisk seth1 (
03:25.06bdelucifuge3: i think i looked there before but when i login as an agent through SJPhone asterisk seems to hang up on me
03:25.28lucifuge3Oh...I didn't set up agents....just queues
03:25.35lucifuge3(didn't get that far yet ;) )
03:25.43kimo_sabeYoYo: right. But do any of the line interfaces support driving a second pair
03:26.08bdelucifuge3: how did you get it to ring people or know when there is a call in the queue so that i can pick up?
03:26.23blaisen1anyone using the grandstream handytone?
03:26.42lucifuge3I set it up in queues.con, I believe....hang on
03:26.54bkw_wooo wooo the end of the queue definition in queues.conf, I have a line for each phone that is (always) a member, like this:
03:27.28lucifuge3member => SIP/235
03:27.28lucifuge3member => SIP/223
03:28.03atacomm-- Playing 'dir-intro' (language 'en')
03:28.15bdeahh i see
03:28.18bkw_atacomm put some debug in there
03:28.28bdewould you mind messaging me your whole context so i can adapt it?
03:28.34atacommbkw:? what type of debug?
03:28.59bkw_ast_verbose("blah %s",somevar); as an example
03:29.39atacomm? i wouldnt know where to put it....all i know is when i press 1 to confirm, it hangup instead of connecting
03:29.51*** join/#asterisk SladeAKT (
03:32.02km-atacomm: directory uses the voicemail.conf file to find voicemail extensions
03:32.15km-atacomm: so, if your voicemail box number is not the same as your extension number, then it will in fact hang up
03:32.18lucifuge3km- I don't know what I did, but I commented out some more stuff, reloaded *, then took the comments back out and everything works.  What a day.
03:32.28km-lucifuge: hahaha, it happens
03:32.41lucifuge3I'm sure it was something stupid I inadvertantly fixed
03:32.51km-yeah, your problem has happened to me many times before
03:32.58km-where I've screwed up a sip username
03:33.12km-and it resolves the extension as a decimal number to a dotted quad
03:33.20*** join/#asterisk navfam1 (
03:35.08bkw_w00t reload works now
03:35.28CelticHow do you tell a registration to use iax 2 in iax.conf ?
03:35.30YoYoanyone poke around in asterisk.c enough to help me figure out how to get it to recognize an EOF?
03:35.46YoYobkw reloaded... watch out guys, he's ready to go!
03:36.13bkw_it wasn't reconnecting to the dsn after reload for some odd reason
03:36.21bkw_so I had to realloc the env then connect
03:36.23km-bkw: db_odbc is not fully done yet, is it?
03:36.29bkw_km- getting there
03:36.56CelticHow do you tell a registration to use iax 2 in iax.conf ?
03:37.03km-celtic: it just does...
03:37.07bkw_ya it just does
03:37.21bkw_km- tell me what you think
03:37.29km-bkw_: it's ready for me to play with?
03:37.34*** join/#asterisk seth1 (
03:37.35Celticso if I have a status for an IAXTEL reg where it has hostname:5036 is it tryinging iax or iax2 ?
03:37.46km-5036 is iax1 I think
03:37.54km-4536 is iax2 right?
03:37.55km-or something
03:38.11Celticyeah - so it will fail on iax 'cos only iax2 is working
03:38.16km-celtic: my system connects to both iax2 and iax
03:38.21Celticbut can I tell it to only try iax 2 ?
03:38.24km-celtic: but I see iax is down, like you said
03:38.26bkw_km- you can play if you like
03:38.35bkw_let me make you a diff of all the stuff you need
03:38.38km-celtic: the request sent is ok..  Just change all dials from IAX/ to IAX2/ in your dialplan
03:38.40bkw_and the structure of the db
03:38.51km-bkw: yay!
03:39.26Celtickm: but if the reg fails inbound calls will fail.....
03:40.09km-not if your iax2 connection is there
03:40.14indiami have MySQL-devel, X Includes installed and when i compile asterisk it is not compiling module, can anyone point me what should i do to use mysql for storing cdrs
03:40.30Celtichmm - need sleep - look at this 2mro
03:41.08bkw_km- get that
03:41.30bkw_and that
03:41.33YoYoif [autoattend] includes [office] and [office] includes [outgoing], will callers be able to access extensions in [outgoing] ?
03:41.33km-got it
03:41.47bkw_YoYo might..
03:41.59indiambkw: i installed odbc still i could not get when i compile asterisk
03:42.30km-bkw: and I need an odbc.conf -- does it follow the same as cdr_odbc?
03:42.49bkw_ya hold on
03:44.27bkw_indiam you won't get
03:44.31bkw_now you need to install myodbc
03:44.35bkw_then configure cdr_odbc
03:44.58*** join/#asterisk adker (
03:45.15bkw_indiam that has ALOT more info
03:45.24bkw_km- just setup cdr_odbc today also it looks like FWD toll free is down.  Anybody else confirm that?
03:45.53bkw_FWD can suck my nads
03:46.02lucifuge3Yeah...well, it's free toll free
03:46.41bkw_hehe you can call via my gateway if you like
03:46.53bkw_exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/${EXTEN})
03:46.54bkw_give it a try
03:47.02bkw_even calls LD numbers for free
03:47.19lucifuge3Hmmm...that doens't seem to be healthy for you.
03:47.24bkw_yes it does
03:47.33lucifuge3Who's terminating it fo free?
03:47.40bkw_I have my cellphone jacked into a cellsocket
03:47.45bkw_hoookedup to my asterisk box
03:47.57bkw_bitches won't let me out of my contract
03:47.58bkw_I will show them
03:48.03bkw_10k min/mth
03:48.11lucifuge3Thanks, but you don't want my call traffic ;)
03:48.11bkw_how long will it take for them to let me out then
03:48.24lucifuge3My guys could monopolize about 5 lines a day, no problem
03:48.42bkw_I thought about getting another one and hooking it up
03:48.47bkw_and maxing it out also
03:48.50bkw_i'm evil
03:48.56lucifuge3not a bad idea
03:49.09lucifuge3mige be cheaper than sip term depengin on usage patterns
03:49.49bkw_it works pretty good too
03:49.53bkw_nice and loud..
03:49.57lucifuge3Why in the hell would NuFone now terminate my toll free calls?  I'm willing to PAY for them to be terminated as a backup.
03:50.11bkw_nufone does 800
03:50.16bkw_voicepulse does it for free too
03:50.19bkw_hint hint
03:50.20lucifuge3Then I must have it screwed up
03:50.25lucifuge3OK..there's my backup
03:50.27bkw_go thro 10 bucks in and rape em for 800 traffic
03:50.34lucifuge3sounds like a plan
03:50.58lucifuge3iaxtel sucks too
03:51.09lucifuge3tried using them but it's way too not always working
03:51.46curious1Does * require any hardware from Digium inorder to be used for voip only?  (iax soft phones only)
03:52.16lucifuge3you might have nightmares getting a working timing source for conference calling, but other than that it's fully functional
03:52.30bkw_iax2 works better with zap doesn't it?
03:52.50lucifuge3I never had ztdummy working, and have been using NuFone without problems
03:52.55citatsbkw_: IAX2 trunking requires zap timing, but thats it
03:52.59lucifuge3Got some Digium junk and put it difference
03:53.05lucifuge3so I don't know.
03:53.09bkw_ya thats it
03:53.15bkw_thats what I have to work on
03:53.23curious1Any clues as to why I would be getting a message stating 'No ISA tormenta card found at D00000' ?
03:53.41bkw_citats you read that?'re trying to load zaptel modules and you have no digium hardware probably
03:53.54bkw_makes me think mark did something in the cdr area to keep it from happening
03:54.27lucifuge3curious...where are you seeing that message?
03:54.30lucifuge3on boot?
03:54.38bkw_curious1 you can ignore it
03:54.46bkw_check /etc/modules.conf or something
03:55.08curious1I get it when trying to call from one iax2 soft phone to another
03:55.19bkw_km- wow what?
03:55.24bkw_it works?
03:55.30citatsbkw_: mark patched cvs quietly for cdr_mysql.c when he was notified by @stake
03:55.31km-bkw_: I'm logged into atacomm's box trying to fix his directory problem
03:55.37km-bkw_: weirdest shit I've ever seen from asterisk
03:55.52bkw_citats let me look at how it takes care of it
03:56.12*** join/#asterisk CDeath_IN (
03:56.14km-I thought maybe it was because directory was trying to instantiate the macro, so I tried a dumb extension and it still hungup
03:56.58bkw_I see nothing special in cdr_mysql
03:57.09curious1Can/should I put a noload in modules.conf to prevent this or is it not a problem?
03:57.10bkw_other than the escape stuff and odbc does that during the query perpare
03:57.27bkw_um /etc/modules.conf is kernel modules
03:57.44bkw_the install of zaptel might have put somethign in it
03:57.45bkw_check it
03:57.59*** join/#asterisk gtsib (gtsib@
03:58.04SladeAKTcurious1, do you have a zapata.conf in your /etc/asterisk?
03:58.04*** part/#asterisk gtsib (gtsib@
03:59.46km-there's a modules.conf in /etc/asterisk as well
03:59.58km-that's how I kept your buggy odbc from crashing my asterisk earlier ;)
04:00.43SladeAKTif you don't have any zap devices, rename or delete it, and just touch an empty file there
04:01.09bkw_BUGGY haha
04:01.13bkw_more like buggy unixodbc
04:01.21citatsdamn I hate CatOS
04:01.28km-bkw: :P
04:01.30atacommbkw: must be your code
04:01.45km-nah nah nah, only I'm allowed to harass bkw for coding :P
04:02.01curious1SladeAKT: Would this be causing problems with iax2 soft phone to iax2 soft phone calls?
04:02.47SladeAKTcurious1, directly, probably not, indirectly maybe, what was your error?
04:03.11*** join/#asterisk hermie (
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04:03.44lucifuge3bkw - nice...that was easy.  let the voicepulse raping begin.
04:03.55bkw_haha :)
04:04.10indiamwhy is it so compplicated to install mysql for asterisk, i installed mysql server, client package, unix odbc and i have problem with myodbc it is asking for qt & other stuffs and extends it is list very long, is it all really needed for mysql access why so compicated ?
04:04.26spy007lucifuge: hey! i'd like to join in :b haha what's the deal with 800#s?
04:04.30atacommis there an IAX client for Windows?
04:04.43*** join/#asterisk gerrynjr (
04:04.45citatsatacomm: there are a few of them around
04:04.46km-there are a bunch
04:04.52gerrynjrhello.. just stumbled on this site
04:05.05citatsof course all of them are works in progress
04:05.06gerrynjrlooking to make some PBX's for a friend's company
04:05.08JerJercitats: imho, none of them are all that good
04:05.19km-diax is pretty good
04:05.21gerrynjrwhy are these t1 cards required?
04:05.23atacommgerrynjr: then you've come to the right place
04:05.36gerrynjrcan't you pop in a few gigabit cards?
04:05.37lucifuge3spy07: VoicePule connect terminates toll free for free over iax
04:05.37km-gerrynjr: they're required if you're going to terminate a T1 at the location
04:05.50lucifuge3get a pay as you go account, put in $10, and never dial anything other than toll free
04:05.52citatsJerJer: yeah, the two I've seen weren't that great... i still haven't checked out the one that was announced recently
04:05.54gerrynjrkm-: ah, so if you have two separate locations, linked via t1?
04:06.04km-gerrynjr: no, if you have voice service coming down a T1
04:06.06JerJerTeleistic terminates toll-free over iax
04:06.07atacommgerrynjr: T1 is used for voice, not just data
04:06.09km-gerrynjr: T1's aren't just data
04:06.12citatslucifuge3: your not raping them then... your actually making them money
04:06.19gerrynjrkm-: ah.. ok
04:06.27lucifuge3ciats: I have no idea how, but that's fine too
04:06.29km-gerrynjr: T1's are 24 voice or data channels
04:06.32gerrynjrkm-: anyway.. the idea is that most calls are going to be made in house...
04:06.46citatsJerJer: you mean telesthetic
04:06.47km-gerrynjr: with regular phones or IP telephones?
04:06.54JerJercitats: yeah something like that
04:06.56gerrynjrkm-: Ip teles in house
04:07.00curious1I now have just an empty zapata.conf file and I still get the message...
04:07.06km-gerrynjr: what brand are you guys thinking of going with?
04:07.08citatsJerJer: i was on the phone with john for like 2 hours a few days ago when i had a ds3 down
04:07.14gerrynjrkm-: however.. there are 5 or so people that need to get out to the real phone...
04:07.18gerrynjrkm-: cisco ATM
04:07.19JerJercitats:  suckage
04:07.26km-gerrynjr: nice choice, but expensive
04:07.26*** join/#asterisk ayrnieu (~julian@
04:07.30gerrynjrkm-: I can get some decent prices
04:07.32km-gerrynjr: do the 5 people need to be on the phone at once?
04:07.34JerJeri rapp with john quite a bit
04:07.46citatsmy condolences... sometimes it can be quite painful :)
04:07.50gerrynjrkm-: they *might* end up doing so
04:08.06gerrynjrthe ability to do so would be good
04:08.11km-gerrynjr: are the 5 lines all regular telephone lines into the location or are they delivered via a T1?
04:08.24gerrynjrthey will probably be regular land lines
04:08.35km-some people have regular phone lines coming in, i.e., five seperate pairs of copper
04:08.46km-other places have their phone lines coming in via T1
04:08.59JerJercitats:  naaa...John and I learn from each others exepertise
04:09.00atacommalthough 5 lines over T1 arent very cost effective....
04:09.01km-then, you'll need 5 FXO interface cards
04:09.07gerrynjrkm-: I was looking to coding the switching of calls myself.. but then i saw your project...
04:09.16YoYoif I dial IAX2 to another * box, which dials out using a PRI, can the extension on the first * box know if the line was busy or unavailable?
04:09.28citatsJerJer: don't let him hear you say that :), he will never admit to not knowing something :)
04:09.29km-gerrynjr: yeah, you'd be coding for a long time to get anywhere near where asterisk is now :)
04:09.35gerrynjrkm-: the ability to call inter-protocol is a great feature
04:09.45km-atacomm: I'm still thinking about your directory problem....
04:09.51citatsJerJer: i think the shortest call i've ever been on with him is like 35 minutes.... and that was for a quick question
04:09.52km-atacomm: don't think I've given up on you yet! :)
04:10.01atacommkm: ok, great, lol, so am i , rofl
04:10.19gerrynjrkm-: hell, i could build my own pc helpdesk in house w/ this!
04:10.37JerJercitats:    ours would be up in the hours.... i can never have a quick call when talkin with john
04:11.18citatsJerJer: there are no quick calls with john... back when he was at coast i hated going out to the switch because he was always there and it took a whole afternoon to get away :)
04:11.30km-atacomm: I'm a little confused how your box is shooting directly to director
04:11.50atacommkm: what do you mean?
04:11.59km-whern I call your DID
04:11.59curious1Can someone give me an example of the correct settings in extensions.conf and iax.conf for use with the diax soft phones?
04:12.03km-it goes directly to the directory
04:12.08km-I think it has something to do with privacymanager
04:12.15km-but my callerid is being resolved correctly
04:12.17atacommkm: yeah, i remapped it for the test....since i'm at home
04:12.20JerJercitats:  lol  yep
04:12.40atacommkm: it drops into incomming, then gets mapped to atacomm_blocked, which looks at caller id, then maps to atacomm_dialplan
04:13.06km-oh I see
04:13.48*** join/#asterisk _gorman (
04:13.53atacommif a customer decides they want privacymanager on, or telezap, or even list upto 20 CID blocks, it goes in their _blocked context
04:14.20km-atacomm: I just told asterisk to restart but it doesnt appear to have restarted
04:14.55km-atacomm: I'm getting fast busy on that phone number now
04:15.02km-atacomm: that number is one of your t1 did's right?
04:15.08atacommi was having an issue with safe_asterisk after upgrading earlier today
04:15.16km-thats weird
04:15.24km-dont know why there's suddenly a fast busy condition
04:15.33km-the T1 just kicked into gear
04:15.59gerrynjrkm-: hmmm, can't I just use a regular modem?
04:16.03km-WARNING[1234379840]: File pbx.c, Line 1773 (ast_pbx_run): Channel 'Zap/1-1' sent into invalid extension '1001' in context 'atacomm', but no invalid handler
04:16.14km-gerrynjr: no, unfortunately, only certain kinds of modems can be fxo
04:16.36atacommkm: vm context is atacomm, context for the extension is atacomm_dialplan
04:16.45km-atacomm: your voicemail extension must match your extension context?
04:16.59km-I thought directory() inherited whichever context it was in.
04:17.06atacommthats what bkw said
04:17.11bkw_tis easy to fix with a dummy context and wildcard match with a goto
04:17.31km-The  context  argument  is  required,  and
04:17.31km-specifies  the  context  in  which to interpret the extensions.
04:17.34bkw_ok let me say "it should be easy to fix"
04:18.05atacommhmm... so it assumes the extensions context and the voicemail context to be the same?
04:18.16km-just a second
04:18.26*** part/#asterisk ayrnieu (~julian@
04:18.40km-it in fact appears to be the case
04:18.43bkw_make sense
04:18.48bkw_er makes sense
04:18.51bkw_but then it doesn't
04:19.02*** join/#asterisk nitram (
04:19.03atacommlol, it should just execute in the current context...grr, lol
04:19.09km-I'm not fully convinced though.
04:19.15km-lemme login to work and check
04:19.19SladeAKTDoes anyone here know the format of voicepulse's call detail records?
04:19.25atacommkm: hold on, let me change something
04:19.37*** join/#asterisk Coolhp (
04:19.46CoolhpGood evening all !
04:19.54curious1Anyone using the DIAX soft phone?
04:19.56spy007SladeAKT: i think the last three columns are minutes, cost, rate (off the top of my head)
04:20.00km-THats how my fucking directory works!
04:20.07km-exten => 7,1,Directory(rttx-vm)
04:20.14km-include => rttx-vm-day|8:30-17:30|mon-fri
04:20.14km-include => rttx-vm-night
04:20.23km-the extensions in rttx-vm
04:20.28km-exist in both rttx-vm-day and rttx-vm-night
04:20.33km-thats why it works
04:20.36CoolhpAnyone here using the firmware on budgetones ?
04:20.51gerrynjrkm-: 100 bucks for a 2 phoneline Vo/Ip cisco box
04:21.06km-gerrynjr: you mean, an ata-186?
04:21.13atacommkm: I just added a [atacomm] context that jumpts to [atacomm_dialplan].....
04:21.17atacommgoing to try again
04:21.22km-atacomm: dont goto
04:21.23km-atacomm: include
04:21.30bkw_ya include would be simpler
04:21.36km-atacomm: using include will make it happen
04:21.54gerrynjrkm-: yeah
04:22.01atacommi'm not going to build the dialplan twice, heh
04:22.06gerrynjrkm-: good price?
04:22.12Coolhpbkw_ : You've got some budgetones right ?
04:22.20bkw_4.17 here
04:22.20km-gerrynjr: yeah, but the ata-186 isn't really becoming for professional phone services
04:22.34km-atacomm: I'm going to restart your asterisk instance
04:22.39km-atacomm: mainly so I can detach from this console
04:22.49Coolhpbkw_ any idea of how I could downgrader from to ?
04:23.02bkw_point it at
04:23.08bkw_it will downgrade to 4.17
04:23.11bkw_which is what I run
04:23.17atacommkmL i just renamed atacomm_dialplan to atacomm to see what happens
04:23.19km-atacomm: restart the asterisk system yourself
04:23.20*** join/#asterisk anti (
04:23.29km-or rather the asterisk program
04:23.38km-I can't remember how to start asterisk without starting the console
04:23.55Coolhpbkw_ Awesome !! Do you mind if I take a snapshop of your files in order to put them on my tftp ?
04:23.59km-I start asterisk in a screen so I can connect from anywhere
04:24.03bkw_Coolhp go for it
04:24.15bkw_asterisk -r does that km-
04:24.26bkw_tail -f /var/log/asterisk/messages if you want more detail
04:24.37Coolhpbkw_ Have you tried 4.24 ? If so, have you experienced anything funky ?
04:24.53bkw_not gonna break it.. it works
04:24.54atacommkm: it works now that the context was renamed to match the vm context
04:25.01JerJerwe need a patch so that -r shows warning, notice and debug messages
04:25.08bkw_JerJer their is one
04:25.12bkw_its on bugs
04:25.21JerJerhmm i didn't see it
04:25.27bkw_its in piss yellow! haha
04:25.41bkw_km- toyed with app_dbodbc.c?
04:25.50km-bkw: not yet, haven't had a use for it at the moment
04:26.02bkw_I have no use for it either
04:26.07bkw_I just wrote it
04:26.08JerJerbkw_:  maybe tomrrow, i'll bang out a calling card app using it
04:26.17bkw_I have no use for any of the stuff I have written
04:26.27bkw_JerJer ok
04:26.29km-bkw: maybe I'll write that dynamic extensions handling shit just for you!
04:26.37bkw_haha like I need it
04:26.45bkw_i'm doing this stuff because I enjoy it
04:26.52bkw_sick isn't it
04:26.54km-I need a good app for putting data into pgsql
04:27.00km-pgadmin 3 is good
04:27.01bkw_what kind of data?
04:27.05bkw_ah ok
04:27.06citatskm-: perl :)
04:27.09bkw_that windows progie works well
04:27.17bkw_since i'm a pgsql noob
04:27.25Coolhpbkw_ : Would you mind giving me a list of the files that the BT is going to download from you TFTP ?
04:27.37bkw_Coolhp point it at your tftp
04:27.40bkw_watch for the errors
04:27.47bkw_then get those files from mine
04:27.49Coolhpbkw_ Thanks :-)
04:28.00bkw_i'm too lazy to look
04:29.07SladeAKTi've got asterisk -r open on a background window and it keeps beeping at me (every min or two) any way to shut it up? (I think it's when diax reregisters)
04:30.09km-need you to do some more for dbodbc
04:30.13km-database get 1
04:30.25km-the "database" command should be cloned or something
04:30.31JerJerSladeAKT: just press enter
04:30.36JerJermake sure the CLI> shows
04:30.40bkw_km- why? select at the psql cli doesn't work?
04:30.51km-why use select when you can do it at the cli!
04:31.06SladeAKToh... ok
04:31.13bkw_I haven't put much thought into that
04:31.18bkw_km- it might happen
04:31.19atacommbkw: shouldnt directory be given a second optional parameter to work with a specific vm context and specific extensions.conf context?
04:31.31SladeAKThad it got behind? a bunch of stuff dumped to the screen when i did that
04:31.32km-maybe i'll hack app_directory
04:32.04atacommkm: while your at it, remove the legacy greet.wav load.... bkw and i found it was in there today and shouldnt have been left
04:32.18bkw_ya the check for the old format stuff can go now
04:32.45km-remove the legacy greeting?
04:33.38km-I'll check it
04:34.04atacommkm: effectively, if you have a user 1000 in both a context, and in default context in voicemail.conf, and only the default person recorded a greeting, their greeting will be its a bug that its left
04:34.48*** join/#asterisk joako (
04:38.16shawnwhat's wrong with ata-186?
04:39.01bkw_odbc is rocking my clock
04:41.36shawnanyone tried vonage?
04:41.56*** join/#asterisk kmfbg (
04:42.11JerJerthey force you to use their ata
04:42.38km-almost ready to test
04:42.46km-just have to figure out how I'm going to do this last bit of string mangling
04:42.51shawnthe ata 186?
04:44.08*** join/#asterisk coppice_ (
04:45.20coppice_A Kinder, Friendlier #asterisk Hum. I think we are already awfully friendly. Maybe we fell down on the kinder part :-\
04:45.39km-hey man, how's fax doing
04:47.04coppice_I'm working on a little bug in the V27ter scrambler. Then I need some more testing with real fax machines. I hope this evening to let something escape.
04:47.43JerJerI have a pretty damn old fax machine here
04:47.49YoYough!  I think I'm going to have to go to the office tomorrow to play with the new dialplan :(
04:47.55JerJeruses that shity fax paper
04:48.02YoYoignorepat doesn't work on SIP extensions for some reason
04:48.27JerJera SIP device?   no it won't
04:49.12coppice_most fax machines use the shitty paper. plain paper machines were still small volume until just last year. Then they became super cheap - but the ink isn't, so they are still expensive to use.
04:49.15curious1Anyone have any clues as to why an iax2 soft phone to iax2 soft phone call disconnects after about a minute?
04:49.15bkw_YoYo it won't work
04:49.21bkw_because the sipphone provides dialtone
04:49.27denonoff topic, but any fbsd guys that care to look at an issues im havin?
04:49.41bkw_ya guys help denon out.. he has a dandy one
04:49.41denon(/kernel: (da0:bt0:0:0:0): CCB 0xca993340 - timed out) - and the system hard locks
04:49.46YoYoso I can't test without physically being in my office
04:49.50YoYooh well
04:49.52JerJerthat is, unless da sip phone is smart enough to be told not to stop the dialtone
04:50.17JerJercoppice_:   yep they got ya by the family jewels
04:50.57coppice_denon: any BSD guys here would be absolutely delighted to help with any problems you may have. This is the kind and friendly channel. Me, I know nothing about BSD :-(
04:51.06YoYowhat device is bt0?
04:51.32denon/kernel: bt0: <Buslogic Multi-Master SCSI Host Adapter> port 0x1060-0x107f mem 0xfd000000-0xfd00001f irq 9
04:51.42denonits actually a vmware virtual machine
04:51.47denonits been running fine for months
04:52.08denonnot much load, but its kinda important
04:52.41YoYowell, it definately sounds like a media problem
04:52.48YoYobut if it's vmware, then I don't have the first clue
04:52.58denonyeah, I dunno how I could fix the file ..
04:53.01denonfsck seems to think its ok
04:53.14YoYowhat's the host OS?
04:53.44denonthink that box is a quad xeon
04:53.52denonsmall raid5 array
04:53.58YoYoI really dunno man.  sorry
04:54.21denonI spose I could maybe make another virtual disk ..
04:54.25denonmount that .. move the install .
04:54.30denonI dunno how that would work
04:54.51denonI thought about doing a vmware defrag .. but I dunno how long it'd have to be down for that
04:55.04denon(hoping the defrag would mess around with the file enough to find/fix a problem
04:56.39denonthis thing's gonna wake me up, I just know it
05:00.10km-you know
05:00.13km-I program, day in and day out
05:00.19km-why is it I can never get asterisk modules to behave
05:00.45YoYobecause Mark's logic isn't quite normal?
05:00.51km-hhahaha maybe
05:01.15denonbleeding edge ..
05:01.22denonwhat * needs is a bandaid :)
05:01.47km-what I'm trying to do would be so easy in c++ or even vb
05:01.57YoYoI'm sitting here racking my brain trying to figure out how, in a single context, I can have call forwarding to an outside number, but not allow callers to dial an outside number
05:01.59km-but because this whole damned lot is pointers
05:02.08atacommkm: ah yes, why i love .net
05:02.13km-and my abilities to deal with pointers blows
05:02.20km-I'm throwing something here
05:03.15SladeAKTcurious1, i've seen it happen, but i don't really know why. try notransfer=yes in the iax extensions
05:04.46denonso no ideas on the freebsd thing?
05:05.03YoYodenon: try #freebsdhelp here or on efnet
05:05.21YoYoconfirm that it's a hardware/controller error
05:05.24denonI spose ... seems like those chans are pretty painful if ya dont know anyone tho..
05:05.28YoYoif so, then you'll need to take it up with vmware
05:05.35denonthe whole newbie skepticism thing to overcome
05:05.55YoYoquad xeon...
05:06.04YoYowith hyper threading/
05:06.50denonyes, but vmware gsx only shows each OS one cpu afaik
05:06.58denonits been running fine for months
05:06.58indiamif I have two extensions  exten => 13455,1,Dial(SIP/12345)  exten => _X.,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) <-- and If I dial 13455 will it dial first or second match ?
05:09.02indiamI guess it will dial the first one, is it not ?
05:09.05km-atacomm: I'm getting too tired to fuck with this thing much more
05:09.10SladeAKTthey still disconnect for me, after a minute or so, i get the "event for a non-existant session"
05:09.11km-atacomm: maybe I can pick it up again tomorrow
05:09.21atacommkm: whats the issue?
05:09.31km-oh, it's just the way the directory module behaves
05:09.36denonYoYo: channels seems dead here :\
05:09.53km-it seems to just randomly die
05:10.02km-sometimes it segfaults, sometimes it quits
05:10.05km-very weird stuff to be sure
05:10.09atacommkm: hmm....well it had to be where you changed code
05:10.17km-well, of course it is
05:10.30km-what I'm saying is is it's midnight and my concentration is waning :)
05:10.31atacommkm: have you done a if (ptr==null) to check for a null pointer?
05:11.01km-the strchr/strsep calls themselves are causing random weirdness it seems
05:11.07km-but I'll worry about it tomorrow, like I said
05:11.18km-if it's important enough for you to have it now, you'll code it yourself :P
05:11.32atacommkm: not that important, lol, having it tomorrow would be fine
05:11.37km-good evening gents :)
05:11.44curious1That is what I am getting here.  The wierd thing is that I can do something like an echo test and it will not disconnect.
05:11.45atacommgoodevening, thanks for your help
05:12.42SladeAKTcurious1, it will go on and if i dial into a Meetme
05:13.04SladeAKTer, on and on...
05:13.36curious1I wonder if it is a problem with DIAX?
05:14.07SladeAKThave you tried iaxcomm?
05:16.19curious1I tried it earler today...  I had a problem, but I cant remember what it was.  Does it work better for you?
05:17.28SladeAKTi was having some trouble with not being able to dial iax extensions, so i put it away...
05:17.58SladeAKTbut i read some stuff in the mailing list that said it should be fixed now, so i pulled down a cvs-current night before last
05:18.07SladeAKTi've only tested with diax since then
05:19.05SladeAKTi still am having trouble with diax not always responding to me dialing it from another pc
05:23.50SladeAKTi've just opened a call from iaxcomm to diax... waiting...
05:24.22SladeAKTand click it hung up....
05:24.51SladeAKTit seems to have happened from the diax side first... i'm going to try a iaxcomm to iaxcomm call
05:26.23SladeAKThaving to pull down new version at remote pc...
05:26.28bkw_man that didn't work
05:27.52curious1I am using the iaxcomm version dated 11/29 and it doesn't seem to dial iax extensions...
05:31.51SladeAKTi'm running win-current, i think it's recent, 11/29 or better... when did you cvs update last?
05:31.51SladeAKTi just started another call...
05:31.52curious1I believe I am running the win-current...  I did not do a cvs update.
05:31.52SladeAKTi mean for *, how old is your copy?
05:32.24SladeAKTit hung up again... this time, i got an error in the window i hadn't seen before...
05:32.43SladeAKTi guess its time to start figuring out how to read the iax debug...
05:33.18SladeAKTbut that'll be for tomorrow...
05:37.59YoYois this page written in anti-IE code?
05:37.59YoYoit's blank :(
05:38.00bkw_loads for me
05:38.00scottlaods for me11
05:38.01curious1load for me also
05:38.01bkw_take the crack pipe away from your lips
05:38.01bkw_or IE's lips
05:38.06bkw_thats what I should be saying
05:38.46scottmy friends are stupid, they thought that this "atropine" was morphine...
05:39.08curious1Are there any other iax soft phones?  (other than diax and iaxcomm)
05:40.47bkw_scott you need new friends haha
05:40.50jtewcurious1: both of those have issues.... you might want to try a SIP one like X-Lite
05:41.06bkw_diax works better than xlite
05:41.40YoYooh nice... crashed iaxcomm with just 1 click
05:42.31bkw_DIAX works for me
05:42.34bkw_works well too
05:42.40jrollysonsuggestions for keeping extensions.conf from becoming unmanageably large?
05:42.45curious1diax works great for the first 50 or so seconds... then it disconnects
05:42.53bkw_jrollyson #include
05:43.18curious1SladeAKT was having the same problem with diax...
05:43.26bkw_I haven't
05:43.30bkw_never had that problem here
05:43.55jrollysonbkw_: is there a way to include every file in a directory?
05:44.02bkw_jrollyson ouch
05:44.08curious1bkw_: are you calling another diax?
05:44.13bkw_curious1 nope
05:44.34bkw_jrollyson a small shell script could be made to do that for you
05:45.06curious1That is when it seems to disconnect.  Any thoughts...
05:45.11jrollysonbkw_: a makefile is what I'm pondering right now.
05:46.03bkw_thats how I would do it
05:46.32bkw_thats a pretty sweet idea
05:46.46bkw_but I don't have enuf extensions to make that worth while
05:46.56jrollysonthat also makes semi-automated provisioning via scripts somewhat practical
05:47.44jrollysonI also have the operational requirement that extensions should be able to be added by someone with no * knowledge
05:51.48jrollysonso a makefile seems to be the most practical, until such time that a database interface is available.
05:54.47joakoI just figured it out, someone needs to write chan_bluetooth
05:55.27jrollysonsounds fun ;)
05:55.37kimo_sabejoako: so you can use a BT headset if you're close to the * server?
05:55.48jrollysonbut limited usefulness
05:56.02jrollysonBT range is very short
05:57.05joakono, some people were discussing how to connect a gsm phone with asterisk, IMO bluetooth would be the best option because I am not aware of a product that will do GSM voice to a computer
05:57.21bkw_you do have a point
05:57.33bkw_I could pile a box of GSM phones next to the * server and boom.. lines
05:57.45izothere are isdn to gsm gateways
05:57.51izoand analog to gsm gateway
05:57.58izoisdn2gsm is about 150$
05:58.03izo2 sism
05:58.05YoYohrrm... no audio with diax
05:58.14bkw_YoYo only supports GSM
05:58.14joakoDo you have a link?
05:58.18jrollysonizo: URL?
05:58.35izosearch for gsm gateways
05:58.43izobut they are pricy audio at all
05:58.57YoYomy sound is completely dead
05:59.13YoYoguess one of these stupid programs killed my sound card
05:59.19joakobut with bluetooth everything is already there, the new BMW's use bluetooth phones and you can dial without touching the phone
05:59.25YoYobbl... going to run updates and reboot
05:59.35*** join/#asterisk phsdshft (
06:00.40bkw_jrollyson with pri you can do that
06:00.47bkw_just ask YoYo
06:01.10bkw_then enable # transfers.. and the person on the mobile can transfer back to the office
06:01.38jrollysonI'd love to start a phone on my home line, bump it over to my mobile, then drop it over to my work phone when I get to work.
06:01.46citatsso what protocol/layer does a bluetooth headset operate with?
06:02.02bkw_jrollyson can be done
06:02.10joakoum... bluetooth
06:02.24bkw_jrollyson just have to say Hold on.. #transfer that badboy
06:02.27bkw_and they would never know
06:03.07jrollysonbkw_: hmm. if I routed everything to a * box set up to provide followme services
06:03.19bkw_it would work like a charm
06:03.39jrollysonI think I'm going to have to play.
06:03.50phsdshft<Offtopic>I just got apache to load its virtualhost conf from a mysql db</Offtopic> heh
06:03.54citatsjoako: no shit, but whats it using L2CAP, RCOMM, etc?
06:04.18kimo_sabecitats: SCO
06:04.18jpayneanyone seen jmb-ct recently?
06:04.29citatskimo_sabe: thanks
06:04.32jrollysonwe have capacity for 80PRIs IIRC, I'm sure we won't miss a couple channels.
06:04.39bkw_jpayne I talked to him like lastweek
06:04.44bkw_he just got out of the hospital
06:05.13bkw_and he had to fire like half his staff because they didn't do their job while he was in the hospital
06:05.21bkw_FUN FUN FUN
06:05.34jpaynebut in the meantime... :(
06:05.41bkw_poor guy is catching hell right now
06:05.54jpayneand i hate to add to it
06:06.09jpaynedoesn't help that i'm out $$$
06:06.22bkw_can you not get him on th ephone?
06:06.34bkw_I got him on MSN like 3 days ago
06:06.36jpaynesee above re not wanting to add to it
06:06.46jrollysonwe just got a pingtel phone in for testing ;)
06:06.47bkw_no ride his ass
06:07.09jpaynei guess i should get iaxtel :)
06:10.22bkw_that price is crazy
06:10.27bkw_7960's are cheaper
06:10.46jrollysonwe'll be getting stuck with GS stuff.
06:10.58jrollyson$bigboss is getting the pingtel
06:11.04jrollysonits a NICE phone though.
06:13.11jrollysonhmm. set up a DHCP relay agent, or configure static IPs?
06:17.13coppice_vim seems to fall over editing a 400MB log file. Darn.
06:17.39Death_INCbkw_, bleh I'm making all the code for the web interface from scratch... I don't like my old code well enough... still working on making it handle logins and sessions heh
06:18.39bkw_I did app_dbodbc.c today
06:18.58Death_INCbkw_, do you know anybody that's good at making pretty HTML? :b .... I SUCK at that, but its easy for somebody else to update the HTML stuff without even seeing the code
06:19.09bkw_make it functional
06:19.13bkw_we can pretty it up later
06:19.15Death_INCof course
06:19.37bkw_I can do pretty html when I wanna
06:19.45bkw_its one of those.. I have to nitpick it like mad
06:21.25*** join/#asterisk mack_jpn (
06:21.27jrollysonbkw: got url for app_dbodbc yet?
06:22.17mack_jpnJerjer: present here now? Could you please tell me...
06:23.41bkw_~google bkw
06:23.49*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
06:24.25YoYosomeone test w/me?  866.477.5638 x 11
06:24.30bkw_BKW, Inc. is a World Leader in Pipeline Technology and Equipment
06:24.30jrollyson~google spam
06:24.35bkw_HAHA thats funny in so many ways
06:24.57h3x~google porn
06:24.59bkw_er pipeline
06:25.12YoYo~google troy settle
06:25.18bkw_~google sbc sucks
06:26.43bkw_COME ON EBAY
06:29.25YoYohrrm.. diax is half-way impressive
06:30.36h3xbut which half
06:30.49h3xthe half thats half done, or the half that sucks
06:31.00h3xit dosent have call apperances
06:31.02YoYohalf of each half
06:31.04h3xit dosent even have a hold key
06:31.40joakocan you dial from the keyboard? Last time I tried it didnt work...
06:31.47YoYoyeah, I dialed from kb I think
06:32.00coppice_is diax binary only?
06:32.38YoYodial and IVR input all from KB
06:33.35YoYonot sure how to hang up with keyboard though
06:36.02h3xi just cant buy shit in the computer stores anymore
06:36.14h3xmail order is like half or a third as much
06:37.03coppice_h3x: you can get it at garden centres, but they call it manure :-)
06:37.22h3xha ha ha
06:38.49bkw_evil evil evil
06:38.59h3xif you wrote it
06:39.01h3xits a feature
06:39.02h3xnot a bug
06:39.12bkw_no its a bug
06:39.20h3xits a bug when you are dissing someone elses code
06:40.52bkw_well I will have to fix this
06:41.19coppice_bkw: when its your own code you have to "enhance its functionality"
06:41.39kramcoppice: i was looking for you...
06:41.41kramyou have just a sec?
06:42.06kramthere has been some desire to detect CLIP callerid
06:42.12kramwhich is basically DTMF while on hook
06:42.23coppice_and the nipponese variety too
06:43.31krambut the existing DTMF detector doesn't seem to work for it, or at least didn't seem to find anything
06:43.47kramdo you think we need to have an uber relaxed mode when working on hook?
06:45.02coppice_I was wondering why you don't do more versions of CLI. The UK variety for example. You don't need to detect reversal if you run the detector continuously while on hook. You only need to run an energy detector, whihc takes little CPU.
06:45.03coppice_As for the DTMF on hook. I don't know why it doesn't work, but I doubt relaxing it is the answer.
06:46.19coppice_I think the DTMF CLIP system does something odd. I think they apply a weak loop while the DTMF passes through.
06:47.27kramso should we start with UK version?
06:47.36coppice_I'm not sure. I might be wrong.
06:48.43coppice_The UK and NTT ones are easy. UK is similar to the US. You just need to detect the start of the FSK and fire up the demod. NTT use a totally different message format. I implemented it a few weeks ago, but I haven't got around to testing it.
06:49.26kramthat's cool :)
06:49.53coppice_How were you testing CLIP? On a live line, or by simulation?
06:50.30kramon a live line
06:50.41coppice_with an X100P?
06:53.40coppice_I'll see if I can set up a test with an X100P and something else to feed it here. I'll experiment. I guess the X100P's audio path must work OK on hook, or CLI would never work.
06:54.09kramyes of course
06:54.15kramalthough i don't think it can detect polarity reversal
06:54.20kramso this will be a very CPU intensive operation
06:54.38kramespecially since our demod is not as efficient as the kind of code you write :)
06:57.49coppice_It need not be very CPU intensive. The V.23 modem in spandsp is probably better and faster than the one you use now. All you need to run in the background is a simple energy detector, which takes very little computer power. You can start the V.23 or Bell 202 receiver when you see some energy. There is lots of preamble time in which to get it started. With DTMF CLI I think the DTMF rx needs to run all the time. That isn't too CPU heavy,
06:58.58*** join/#asterisk argos (
06:59.29argosgood morning....
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07:09.59Death_INCcoppice_, have you gotten TxFAX or RxFAX to actually transfer a fax?
07:11.36coppice_Death_INC: The version I released a month ago sent and received several rolls of FAX paper before I released it. The one I am testing right now fixes a number of things, works better on bad lines, and add V27Ter for faxing at 2400 amd 4800 bps. I think I just have a couple more bugs to fix.
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07:21.29Death_INCcoppice_, interesting... I tried to fax to it from directly connected fax machine as well as from my cell phone and it always errored out
07:22.41Death_INCnever tried TxFAX heh, none of my fax machines do remote retrevial... probably could have it connect via a .call file tho
07:25.58bkw_ok I fixed cdr_odbc.c
07:26.02bkw_has escapestring routines now
07:26.14bkw_DEBUG:\"Extension\'s 10\" <10>
07:29.25bkw_I ripped off the routine from pgsql haha
07:48.03Death_INCarg, forgot whats URL that has software fax/modem? (need bookmark heh)
07:49.15*** join/#asterisk miller7 (~none@
07:51.14Death_INChahaha I had the favorite, just forgot what it was :b
07:51.50Death_INCshoot, not updated versions heh
07:51.59Death_INCany idea why it dosn't work for me?
07:52.47coppice_Death_INC: wait for the next version (yeah, that what they all say, I know :-) )
07:56.14coppice_jrollyson: you have to wait 15 years for the patents to run out!
07:57.41jrollysoncoppice_: ugh, v92 is patent encumbered?
07:58.04coppice_jolly: the arctic is icy?
07:59.03jrollysonoh well. forget replacing the RAS devices.
08:03.34*** join/#asterisk [1]okrumm (
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08:17.55indiamcan i use the fxo card provided by digium with windows ?
08:19.02coppice_indiam: no. it self destructs if you boot windows :-)
08:19.25indiamself destructs ?
08:19.41jrollysonindiam: theres a small amount of C4 inside one of the chips.
08:19.42coppice_OK, it just whins and moans
08:21.00indiamC4 ?
08:21.43indiami can see the requirements is linux, but is there any company developing for windows for that pci card ?
08:22.24jrollysonindiam: plastic explosive.
08:23.49indiami have on more doubt,
08:24.00indiamcan i put asterisk into a hardware
08:24.40indiamrather than having a noisy computer
08:24.50jrollysonthere are a few appliance-oriented systems that can run linux and asterisk
08:25.07jrollysonI'm using a shuttle pc at work for *
08:25.19jrollysonvery quiet, and runs cool
08:25.45indiami just want to take a box with asterisk inside and compact
08:25.55indiamcan you shoot me any links
08:25.57jrollysonshuttle is pretty small.
08:26.40*** part/#asterisk piken (
08:28.33indiamoh no
08:28.42indiami just look like a router box
08:28.54indiam*i just want to have it like as a router box
08:29.10jrollysonhmm. 1U case then.
08:29.44indiamwhere i can install and configure asterisk on that box and i just install with a power supply and a ethernet cable to make it to work and configure remotely
08:30.13indiam1U ?
08:30.16jrollyson(first promising link from google)
08:31.04*** join/#asterisk a (
08:31.14jrollysonabout 1.5 inch, rackmount.
08:31.24indiamWeight: 20lbs
08:31.46jrollysonthats the same form factor as a cisco 2600
08:32.10coppice_1U = 1.75"
08:32.19indiambut too heavy right
08:32.24indiam10lbs is too much
08:32.36jrollysonyou wanted something the size of a router ;)
08:32.54coppice_indiam: that must be a darned weak rack you are trying to put it in. :-)
08:33.24indiami have a router which weights only 250g which has all routing functionalities with a built in browser
08:33.40indiamit is from intertex
08:34.18coppice_Ah, but its over 250g when you are the PSU on the wall socket :-)
08:34.47indiamgm voidptr
08:37.13indiambut i'm not very much satisfied with the weight which the rackmount has
08:37.44jrollysonrackmount hardware can be a good thing in certian enviroments.
08:37.49*** join/#asterisk award|weg (
08:38.06coppice_indiam: I can understand major concerns about size, but why are you so worried about the weight? Is this for airborne use, or something? :-)
08:39.08indiami just want to have a low cost fxo device with asterisk enabled within the hardware
08:42.41*** join/#asterisk oej (
08:44.59indiamhow about running a Virtual PC and running linux on windows ?
08:45.16*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~mandimadu@
08:45.24voidptrfarfon lives! :P
08:45.29voidptrfrankenstein 2
08:45.46coppice_but not the farfon web site :-\
08:46.12indiamwill digium cards work when i run in that way ?
08:46.35voidptrcoppice_ : yeah
08:47.07voidptrindiam : nope.
08:47.14oejindiam: I think you will get lousy sound quality with that setup. Asterisk is very sensitive on interrupts and timings. Virtual PC emulation will give you problems.
08:48.04indiami c
08:48.58jrollysontimings in particular.
08:49.37jrollysonT1 may lose sync under that setup.
08:53.18*** part/#asterisk a (
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08:54.03*** join/#asterisk JETS (
08:57.52coppice_JETS: someone of the mailing list got huffy about our attitudes. :-(
08:58.17coppice_JETS: he took our jolly jesting as abuse.
08:58.59JETSeccentric geeks are pretty huffy these days though
08:59.02JETSmaybe its the economy :P
08:59.14indiamwhat is the main difference between iax and sip ?
08:59.35coppice_JETS: yeah. he thought we were too economical with assistance :-\
08:59.44voidptriax = good, sip = bad
08:59.51jrollysoniax is designed for connecting asterisk systems.
08:59.52indiamoops ....
08:59.59jrollysonso its suitable for trunking
09:00.03*** join/#asterisk quoc (
09:00.05atacommanyway to prevent * from hanging up if it does not find the audio file specified by Background() ?
09:00.18indiamnot suitable for end users ?
09:00.20atacommor maybe a way to test to see if the file exists?
09:00.24coppice_voidptr: mummy taught me to sip is good, but to gulp and guzzle is bad
09:00.25voidptrindiam : it is
09:00.40voidptrif there are good phones for it...
09:00.53indiamwhat makes the difference between sip and iax
09:01.10*** join/#asterisk wasim (
09:01.14indiamdoes it do anything different or just the same?
09:01.16voidptrudp, single 'socket'
09:01.26voidptrmaking it work behind nat
09:01.35coppice_wasim: don't advertise sites that don't work.
09:01.57atacommguys, anyway to test to see that an audio file exists before i attempt to play it?
09:02.00wasimoh you got the mail
09:02.09wasimi didn't .. funny
09:02.14coppice_wasim: whoops, soory, kinder and friendlier. Hey wasim, I noticed your site isn't behaving quite right!
09:02.15wasimsite not working?
09:02.26voidptryeah, since days
09:02.35coppice_wasim: eeks..... blank page. farfon..... blank page
09:02.41jrollysonwasim : I'd be interested in playing with your new toy.
09:02.59wasimwhats a resolv show on that?
09:04.07wasimthat's right ...
09:04.19*** join/#asterisk rainer_home (
09:05.12wasimcan you get to or or
09:05.39voidptr16 (  189.913 ms  190.180 ms  189.467 ms
09:05.40voidptr17 (  192.298 ms  193.248 ms  189.334 ms
09:05.52voidptrtelnet 80
09:06.22voidptrall same shit ;)
09:06.42wasimhmm ... my isp must have screwed up
09:06.47coppice_wasim: I do get a response from, but it gives a blank page <- works
09:07.20wasimcoppice: you can telnet to port 80 on eeks
09:07.40voidptr19 packets transmitted, 6 packets received, 68% packet loss
09:07.40voidptrround-trip min/avg/max = 190.6/193.2/201.0 ms
09:07.49coppice_wasim: I can telnet, and I can browse. I just get a blank page when I browse
09:08.03wasimthats the good link, voidprt
09:08.29atacommis there a way to use the System command to see if a file exists from *?
09:08.38coppice_68% packet loss would be excellent for the Philipinnes :-)
09:09.31wasimhmm... this is not good, i can't irc, my websites are not accessible from outside, i haven't got my own mail i sent to the ML
09:09.45wasimi've been JINXed
09:11.21citatswasim: is your isp?  i dont get any data for and
09:11.22wasimbut the phone works :)
09:12.39indiamhi will snom 100 works as iax client ?
09:12.44wasimcitats: thats no t good
09:18.40wasimnot good, not good at all
09:21.40citatsi think that ns1's name server is hosed, and ns2 probably wasnt setup right
09:22.15citatsthey are returning NXDOMAIN for lookups of or
09:23.04citatsthe nameservers return the right info for but not their own stuff
09:27.42wasimi'm more concerned on why you can't reach my port 80, they've screwed up their cache
09:29.28wasimboy jirc sucks compared to irssi :P
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09:33.08wasimcoppice_: we did some workings on 10k volumes and $20 is very possible ex-factory
09:33.47coppice_wasim: now you have the right attutude :-)
09:33.56*** join/#asterisk Splatski (
09:34.00coppice_wasim: What do you think a GS costs them?
09:34.38wasimcoppice_: less, i'd venture
09:36.59coppice_wasim: do you know what is inside a GS?
09:37.12wasimcoppice_: nope
09:38.19wasim<- didn't want to get tainted
09:38.51wasimi've never even seen one
09:40.23coppice_wasim: Since almost all phones use one of a few TI chips, there isn't a lot or relevant tainting you can get by looking at their hardware.
09:41.59wasimcoppice_: oh, btw, we lost another LED
09:42.07wasimcoppice: 25 keys, 3 LEDs
09:42.20wasimcoppice: we needed an IO for watchdog
09:42.39coppice_wasim: Why can't you get rid of all the LEDs and used LCD segs?
09:43.22wasimcoppice_:people want LED at two placees, MWI and speaker/mute
09:43.33wasimcoppice: and ringtone/callwaiting
09:43.52coppice_wasim: money wasting wimps :-)
09:44.18wasimcoppice: but i agree, one thing we're experimenting with is backlight flashing color to indicate instead of separate LED
09:44.50coppice_wasim: sounds awful. People will love it :-)
09:45.01wasimcoppice: bingo!
09:46.14wasimi guess it should be taken as a good sign that the website is not accesible
09:46.30wasimwhen little things go wrong, big ones don't
09:47.29wasimand maybe that's why i've been klined on irc also
09:49.28wasimthey prolly forwarded my port 80 to some stupid winblows box
09:49.45wasimaaargh ... and asad is in kabul
09:49.54JETSxmasSongs = "TheDevil";
09:50.19wasimselling "teleban"
09:50.35*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
09:50.57JETSopensource is against the digital millenium act :P
09:51.33coppice_You mean the Digital Massive Corporations Act I assume
09:51.57JETSsco sucks.
09:52.19JETSi can't believe they've earned 7.2 million off of their "Linux liscensing program"
09:52.20coppice_so do vacuum cleaners
09:52.46tessier_MS probably bought a very expensive license to keep SCO afloat.
09:52.57Death_INCsomebody is sueing them for selling things they have no right to sell I hope/
09:53.28wasimso do callgirlshoppeagents
09:56.03Death_INC <-- when they lose their stupid case in court, that's going to put them out of business from the lawsuits for violations of GPL
09:56.39Death_INCroyk_home, lol
09:56.55coppice_Deatch_INC: Whether they win or loose they are out of business. Nobody would ever trust them enough to do business with them
09:58.50Death_INCif they made 7.5 mil off gullible users, they could keep making money if they win
09:58.56Death_INCbut I can't see that happening
09:59.49JETSwell they are selling this license to say "You are licensing the part of code they stole." -- so when the lawsuit fails, i'm sure they will legally have to give that money back to their 'customers'
10:00.07wasimcustomer being microsoft prolly
10:00.58coppice_Death_INC: They haven't amde a cent from gullible users. That 7.2M came from somewhere else. Somce companies are mismanaged enough to pay any bill presented to them. However, these were not bills. A concious decision to may would be needed. Its hard enought to get companies to pay when the real owe you. Who is going to pay on a speculative basis?
10:01.01royk_homewell. now when the court have given them 30 days to come up with evidence, it cuts the waiting a lot
10:01.51coppice_royk_home: not really. That case is still about contracts. the copyright things will drag on for ages.
10:10.41wasimlol, i just got that thing about "friendlier and nicer"
10:11.08coppice_wasim: about bloody time too!
10:14.16wasimya know, we still dont have plastics for the preprod
10:14.44coppice_wasim: then you need string and sealing wax :-)
10:15.37wasimglue gun galore
10:16.07wasimwe're not in the 70's anymore, string and sealing wax ... pfft, glue and duct tape, i say
10:16.27coppice_wasim: I thought duct tape was *very* 70s
10:16.43wasimdunno, we didn't have duct tape in pk in the 70s
10:16.58coppice_I wonder what percentage of duct tape actually gets used on ducts
10:17.35*** join/#asterisk anti (
10:18.00wasimok, try now
10:18.12wasimstupid layer 4 bypass not there
10:18.48wasimis it up? did it work? whats it gots in pocketeses?
10:18.56coppice_I see a non-painasonic phone, and carnations. must be the wrong site!
10:19.07wasimits a potential GE donot
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10:23.14Splatskican someone tell me if asterisk can detect an incoming fax and divert it to an extention that has a fax machine sitting on it?
10:24.54bevinsIs there an option to turn on/off the stutter tone to let you know you have voicemail ?
10:25.18bevinsSplatski:yes it can
10:26.26Splatskicool, then it's definately what I'm after, any special hardware needed for the incoming line?
10:27.17bevinsyou need an x100P card and if you need extensions you need a tdm400 card
10:27.56Splatskicool, so just the standard stuff
10:28.08bevinsx100P = fxo for pstn, tdm400 = fxs extensions....
10:29.19Splatskiyeah, I've been reading the site and looking at the hardware.. just haven't seen something that said it would or wouldn't do it yet
10:29.51bevinstheres an example on Manx's site... that has the way to do it
10:29.59bevins~google fnords
10:31.17bevinsexten => fax,1,Goto(22,1)
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10:31.56pierluigihi @ all
10:31.58bevinsSplatski: thats what you need to do. it detects a fax and sends it to ext 22
10:32.56pierluigihow to use wmix ??? i receive an error "unable to open display (null)"
10:33.07pierluigiit's normal?
10:34.07pierluigii want mixing reg-out-wav and reg-in.wav....
10:34.42voidptrfinally i'm starting to relax
10:35.25bevinspierluigi: use soxmix.... its a part of sox.
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11:16.34bevinswasup wasim
11:19.27wasimfarfon on my brain
11:19.43wasimits gonna bea  feat to get em out by end-year
11:21.22jrollysonfeature request ;)
11:21.48jrollysonability to lock ringer volume within a specified range.
11:23.43wasimthat should be very doable
11:23.48jrollysonshould make an app_farfon for * to be able to reset configuration in the phone too.
11:24.04wasimwe're using an IE in IAX for that
11:24.31jrollysonI can see uses for callcenter enviroment
11:24.41jrollysonagent logs in, agent prefs load
11:24.52wasimthe ringtone in itself can be sent down the line too
11:24.55jrollysonagent logs out, default prefs load
11:24.59wasimjrollyson: very doable
11:25.07bevinsIs there any value added if I connect * to a cisco cat 2950 ip phone port?
11:25.58*** join/#asterisk franck (~franck@
11:26.28franckHi all
11:26.34bevinsother than priority
11:27.05franckHow do you interface astrisk to a phone system? 4 FXS port on a card seems low?
11:27.22jrollysonfranck: T1 or E1 card and a channel bank.
11:28.05franckWhat is a channel bank?
11:28.27franckI have a krone patch panel... How do I connect?
11:28.28jrollysonwasim: I'd also be interested in an IAX overhead paging system, with several audio outputs.
11:28.36wasimlike a blood bank, but for channels
11:28.50franckurl please...
11:29.03wasimjrollyson: define serveral audio outputs
11:29.15jrollysonwasim: line level audio
11:29.21jrollysonmaybe 4 channels
11:29.47wasimjrollyson: sound card, one of those 6 channel surround things, will give you 12 line outs
11:29.57jrollysonamplified would be good but not required.
11:31.11wasimbut you can use the farfon in paging mode
11:31.29jrollysonI'm assuming you intend to offer diffrent models eventually?
11:32.06dianahi RoyK
11:32.28dianahi royk_home
11:32.57wasimjrollyson: i know voidptr was working one
11:33.17wasimhi diana
11:33.49bevinsjrollyson: I thought I saw one from cisco...
11:34.29jrollysonbevins: in the 100-1000 line range that a hotel application would need?
11:34.55jrollysondirect station selection and LCD status indicator on all those lines
11:45.25coppice_jrollyson: doesn't every modern hotel have an attendant panel with a thousand push buttons?
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12:33.03royk_homehi monsieur
12:33.10bevinsconfig t
12:33.23monsieurhi royk
12:33.31monsieurhow's thingz?
12:34.09monsieurroyk: do you know agi
12:37.05monsieuris there a way that i can trace the call made from an agi to the billing record?
12:38.07dianamonsieur > you can setup the account
12:41.12monsieurso like a different account code for each call?
12:42.07monsieurbecause I want to determine the length of each call from agi once completed.
12:52.56*** join/#asterisk Asterlogy (~asterlog@
12:55.27dianamonsieur > you can use i think agi to find how long a call was taken
12:55.38dianabut better write a c application for what you need
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13:31.29royk_homeI haven't got any mail from the ml since last night
13:31.36royk_homeany problems with it?
13:32.16*** part/#asterisk Buana (
13:39.49*** join/#asterisk BobE (
13:41.01BobEWith Asterix is there any network of nodes available that one can connect to to gateway through to pstn networks in other countries?  Like FWD used to be?
13:41.23*** join/#asterisk BobE1 (
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13:50.04monsieurhow do I checkout one file from a certain date?
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14:03.26royk_homemonsieur: cvs update -D bladdi
14:04.39monsieurare you familiar with this c call:  ast_channel_setwhentohangup
14:06.27*** join/#asterisk ricky (
14:06.43Splatskiif you have 2 pstn lines coming into asterisk and a 1300 number that will goto both can asterisk work out which number was called? as that would mean there are 3 phone numbers that could be dialed to get to the same place 2 of which the calling party pays for the 3rd one though the receiving end pays for..
14:14.37rickyhi,  i am getting make update error in asterisk directory
14:14.45rickythe errors says something like :
14:15.43rickyit is possible that you first compiled asterisk and unrecognized '> request
14:16.13rickythen zaptel thus'
14:16.54rickycvs update: dying gasp from unexpected?
14:17.03rickyanyone knows what's going on?
14:27.25*** join/#asterisk Xvoip_Man (
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14:41.22rickyit is possible that you first compiled asterisk and unrecognized '> request
14:41.51rickyany clue?
14:45.32*** join/#asterisk haighis (
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14:47.34royk_homeI haven't got any mail from the mailing list(s) since last night. any problems with it?
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14:48.00h3xSplasPood: what you are talking about is DNIS, and you need ISDN of some sort to do that
14:48.07h3xi mean splatski
14:49.21haighisroyk_home: i have been getting email from the user mailing list...
14:49.54royk_homehm. can you just try to email me as a test?
14:50.20rickyme too have been getting mails :-)
14:50.44h3xthat dude left
14:50.45haighisi just sent a test email
14:51.19rickyanyone out there has any clue on my CVS update problems??? please help
14:54.04royk_homehaighis: ...and you got the reply?
14:54.36haighisi got it
15:05.10YoYoroyk, we took a secret vote and decided that you were no longer welcome on the mailing list
15:05.52YoYowe've been trying to organize a similar vote for IRC, but since 90% of the participants are idle at any given time, it's been difficult
15:06.20cypromisYoYo: he is not the worst bitcher
15:07.49YoYoseriously though... there's been plenty of mail to the list
15:08.05YoYoroyk, check your maillogs... see if there be anything funky
15:10.44*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
15:11.22haighisregarding VoiceXML integration with * I found publixvoicexml on the asterisk wiki. publixvoicexml uses openvxi. publicvoicexml runs with CAPI 2.0 compliant hardware.. ie. AVM b1 or AVM fritz..
15:11.50*** part/#asterisk Buana (
15:12.29haighisnow * has a CAPI channel...does anyone know if the two could be integrated?
15:13.33haighisthis sounds very interesting!
15:14.53*** join/#asterisk john (
15:14.57johnhello !
15:15.44johni have a problem: I've installed 2 xlite clients on 2 pc's under windows. I have an asterisk server. i've done some configurations on this asterisk server in files extensions.conf and sip.conf.
15:15.51johnI have some mailboxes
15:16.15johnWhen i call one mailboxe from one of my two xlite clients
15:16.22*** join/#asterisk lecram (
15:16.23johnit works fine, i can leave a message
15:16.40johni can read this voice-mail from the second xlite client.
15:17.11johnBut when i call one xlite from the other, i can see the call is ringing, but there is no dialog possible :(
15:17.31johndoes anyone have the same problem ?
15:21.24h3xtheres a few reasons that can happen
15:21.26h3xcodec mis-match
15:21.34h3xboth xlites behind firewall and asterisk outside
15:21.44h3xone xlite on either side
15:22.03cypromisyeah sometimes it's more xpain than xlite
15:22.23h3xits sip's fault
15:23.55john2yes, i see a codec error...
15:24.13john2"chan_sip.c: .... No compatible codecs !"
15:24.28john2but i don t understand: Why does it work when i call my mail box ?...
15:25.22royk_homejohn2: what do you try to dial out to?
15:25.49h3xtheres a codec in common between asterisk and xlite
15:25.53h3xwhen you call xlite -> xlite
15:25.59h3xboth xlites need to have the same codec available
15:26.09h3xtechnically it could translate but...
15:27.35*** join/#asterisk nbougues (
15:27.48john2does anyone have ever try to dial bettwen 2 xlites ?
15:28.32h3xare you dialing through asterisk
15:29.00john2no, i am dialing from xlite
15:29.38h3xno i mean do you have asterisk set up to take the call in and dial the other xlite
15:29.47monsieurroyk: how can I checkout just one file from an old cvs?
15:30.41john2h3x: i have put something in extension.conf
15:31.03john2wait a minute, i don t remember exactly what i put !
15:31.34john2exten => 101,1,Dial(SIP/julien,20,s)
15:31.38john2(for example)
15:32.06john2and i have this in sip.conf :
15:33.19john2h3x: have i made i mistake in those configuration files ?
15:34.16[Sim]ggday ppl
15:34.27royk_homeanyone that has an idea why asterisk-(user|dev) has completely stopped sending anything to me?
15:34.41YoYonot a clue... did you check your mail logs?
15:35.33john2h3x: any idea ?
15:35.41royk_homeyeah. and haighis just sent me an email. and I checked the subscribtion
15:41.26royk_homeother mailing lists work
15:42.07h3xthis is weird
15:42.18royk_home...and the asterisk list server doesn't send me my password
15:42.25h3xif i have an 'i' extension in a context, and a DNIS isn't matched
15:42.26royk_home(just tried to see if it could reach me)
15:42.34h3xit does this anyway
15:42.48h3xbut when i dial the extension from a phone
15:43.00h3xit does it right
15:43.06royk_homeYoYo: any idea how to debug this?
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15:48.42john2what are the codecs compatible with SIP ?
15:49.00JerJerall of them
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15:56.56kramsup jerjer
15:57.21kramyou should be in starwards
15:57.30JerJerjust studying bkw's app_odbc
15:57.38ManxPowerh3x, exten => i may not be included with an include =>
15:57.57kramis that the thing with dbput/dbget?
15:58.25krami don't especially like the idea of those being separated
15:58.41krami'd prefer that it be a compile, or preferably runtime option to configure the db access.
15:58.56royk_homekram: any idea why I haven't received any mail from the list since yesterday? I've got a lot of mail from other places all over the globe
15:59.00royk_homebut not from asterisk
15:59.11h3xim not using include
15:59.17h3xits in the context that the call originates in
15:59.32h3xwhen theres no dnis match from my pri
15:59.34royk_homeI tried to check my subscribsion, and 'email me my password' but not even that came through
15:59.36h3xit just terminates the call
15:59.43JerJerkram:  yeah it does make sense
15:59.44h3xeven though i have an 'i' extension
16:00.11h3xif i use a goto or something from anotehr context it works
16:00.14h3xe.g. when dialing from inside
16:00.22krami do'nt know, i'm still getting e-mails
16:00.26kramis it possible you have a filter?
16:01.56royk_homekram: haven't changed anything
16:02.05royk_homekram: and all other mail comes through
16:02.50JerJerfamous last words
16:03.19ManxPowerI found out that the asterisk-perl mailing list comes from an address that one of the DUL's think is a dynamic ip address so it blocks all mail on that mailing list.
16:03.43ManxPowerRoyK, are you using any RBLs?
16:04.31john2is there a SIP client under Linux, which work with asterisk ?
16:06.11royk_homejohn2: asterisk :)
16:06.24royk_homeManxPower: which IP is this?
16:06.31ManxPowerI don't know.
16:06.41ManxPowerRoyK, check your postfix logs 8-)
16:10.41*** join/#asterisk kly (
16:11.22john2arf, i don t understand, i can make a call bettween asterisk console and xlite, but not bettween 2 xlites ! grrr !
16:11.28john2hello kly
16:11.37klyhello john2
16:11.56ManxPowerjohn2, Are all the devices on the same LAN?
16:12.12john2No, but it is not NAT, but 2 networks
16:12.28royk_homefuck. something's pretty fscked with the ml
16:12.33ManxPowerjohn2, then it's prolly a codec issue.  
16:12.37klyi'm having a problem with g729a may be anybody can help me with that..?
16:12.51ManxPowerin [general] do a disallow=all and then allow=gsm or allow=ulaw
16:13.00royk_homeall bloody mail comes through, except nothing from asterisk lists
16:13.02john2ManxPower:  i ve done this ...
16:13.03ManxPowerkly, have you bought a G729 license?
16:13.14royk_homeit never reaches my mail server. or my secondary mx
16:13.30klyManxPower : nop
16:13.54ManxPowerkly, then Asterisk will not be able to do anything with G729 packets other than forward them to another VoIP endpoint.
16:13.56royk_homeWho is running the mailing lists?
16:14.03YoYoroyk: you've grepped your logs for the IP address that mail should be coming from?
16:14.28john2i have to go!
16:14.29YoYodo you have a seperate reject log?
16:14.30john2bye ;)
16:14.40klyManxPower : i use fwd to dial out 1-800 # - and i think their provider sends all 800 calls in g729
16:14.42YoYoalso be sure to check any DNSBL that you may be using
16:15.16ManxPowerkly, put disallow=all and allow=gsm in your [general] section of your sip.conf and restart asterisk
16:16.07ManxPowerI personally thing g729 and g723 should not be allowed with an allow=all or by default, I think you should be forced to explicitly allow them.
16:16.13klyManxPower: still does not work - sam thing - it can't create bridge between g729a and gsm
16:16.27ManxPowerkly, did you stop and start Asterisk?
16:17.21ManxPowerkly, FWD 800 will allow G729, but I don't believe it forces you to use it unless Asterisk claims it can.
16:17.41curious1Is Dan Toma on here?
16:17.48klyManxPower: it does force me - (ast_set_read_format): Unable to find a path from G729A to GSM
16:18.18JerJerthat smells like a disallow/allow problem
16:18.19ManxPowerkly, Asterisk is claiming to suppoty G729 when it sets up the call.
16:18.33ManxPowerkly, LOTS of people use FWD 800 without g729
16:18.54bdedoes anyone know if it's possible to set a timeout on a queue so that it goes to a voicemail after the timeout?
16:18.56ManxPowerkly, what are your allow= and disallow= lines in sip.conf?
16:19.24klyManxPower: disallow=all allow=gsm
16:19.36ManxPowerkly, no other allow or disallow lines?
16:19.47ManxPowerYou are sure Asterisk successfully stoped and restarted.  
16:19.53klyManxPower: i did not have problem connecting the phone directly to FWD - but with * - it complaines
16:20.04klyManxPower : yes - no problem
16:20.11ManxPowerkly, A hard phone?
16:20.23klyManxPower: yup - 7960
16:20.41ManxPoweradd an allow=ulaw as well then.  The Cisco does not support gsm
16:21.01ManxPowerlooks like the PHONE is forcing g729
16:21.25klyManxPower: the phone set to g711alaw ili ulaw not to g729 -
16:21.26JerJerbut ur asterisk should passthru 729 without trouble, if its allow'd
16:21.55ManxPowerkly, Well, that appears not to be working.
16:21.59klyJerJer: may be other setup is not correct
16:22.02*** join/#asterisk john (
16:22.19ManxPowerkly, if the FWD 800 had problems others would be unable to use it.
16:22.25royk_homeYoYo: no. same log.
16:22.29JerJertrust me its not the other end
16:22.35royk_homeYoYo: but nothing there
16:22.56JerJeri've been logged into the actual box that facilitates it
16:23.01klyManxPower: hmm...
16:23.12klyManxPower : do you use FWD for 800 calls as well?
16:23.19ManxPowerkly, Gads no.
16:23.52klyManxPower : I did not have any issues with iconnect if i reconfigure to use 800 via iconnect peer
16:23.53*** join/#asterisk dpb9cpu (
16:23.59ManxPowerI don't see the point in using a free service when I can route calls over my much more reliable non-free IAX provider's network.
16:24.10klyManxPower : which one?
16:24.19ManxPowerkly, NuFone
16:24.30ManxPower(or PSTN)
16:24.48ManxPower(or one of my Asterisk boxes with a bunch of PRI channels)
16:25.56klyManxPower : what are Mich DIDs?
16:26.05ManxPowerkly, telephone numbers in Michican
16:26.15klyManxPower :)
16:26.43klyManxPower : thanks anyway
16:26.58ManxPowerkly, Trust me, your problems are a local config issue.
16:27.55klyManxPower: i still think its asterisk - i don't have this issue if I force my phone to use g729 and i put allow=g729 in sip.conf on the first place right after disallow=all
16:28.14royk_homeManxPower: any idea what this might be?
16:28.20klyManxPower : in this setup no conversion between g729 and other codecs take place
16:28.31royk_homeManxPower: I've doublechecked all filters etc
16:28.39royk_homeManxPower: and all logs
16:29.02royk_homeManxPower: and there's no log entry about asterisk since last night
16:29.15ManxPowerkly, You will NEVER EVER get calls between different codecs without a G729 license for Asterisk
16:29.31klyManxPower : how much is the license?
16:29.38royk_homeManxPower: and no email arrives when I press 'email me my password'
16:29.56ManxPowerkly, $10/channel.  The company that holds the patents for G729 are assholes
16:30.11*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (
16:30.14klyManxPower : it sounds like it :))
16:30.47ManxPowerkly, Digium convinced them to make a codec for Asterisk, but it's buggy and is keyed to the hardware of the system it's running on.
16:31.29klyManxPower, but asterisk has format file for g729
16:31.36ManxPowerNot Digium's fault, but it still sucks.
16:31.43klyI .c
16:31.46ManxPowerkly, That is for PASSTHRU only.
16:31.53Corydon76Not even keyed to the hardware, it's keyed to the filesystem...
16:32.02JerJerfile format is different
16:32.06ManxPowerAsterisk can forward G729 from one device to another, but cannot do anything other than that without a G729 license.
16:32.20JerJeryou can play G729 encoded files without a G.729 Vocoder
16:32.22klyManxPower, sux
16:32.42ManxPowerkly, Blame the patent system
16:33.00JerJerblame it on the patent holders and all the moron hardware developers that actualy paid big money for some mathmatics
16:33.26klyJerJer: o)
16:33.28YoYono, blame the greedy corporate lawyers that have nothing but fear and hatred for open source and open standards
16:33.33[Sim]just wait for hardphones with speex support or something :)
16:34.03royk_homekram: I just don't get any more email from you
16:35.31haighisroyk_home: still not getting emails..did you get my reply ?
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16:51.40krami assume you guys are still getting e-mails from the list?
16:51.52Corydon76I am
16:52.49cypromisme too
16:55.16h3xcant we get rid of line numbers in dialplan
16:55.19h3xand use labels or something
16:55.26h3xlike gotos in assembly
16:55.29haighisi am getting emails
16:55.51ManxPowerh3x, I think a modules extensions.conf parser would be GREAT, then you could just plug in a parser of your choice
16:56.01h3xthat would be nice
16:56.06ManxPowermodules == modular
16:56.23h3xhow about all the conf files for that matteer
16:56.30bkw_ManxPower its called config.c
16:56.48h3xi suppose line numbers are a good thing when stored in a database though
16:57.01ManxPowerbkw_, no, a modulat parser would be called
16:57.15ManxPowerSilly bkw_!
16:59.09*** join/#asterisk many (
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17:01.14mojimboHey guys, I can't remember where to find the cdr_mysql files now.  Did they move them ?
17:04.11curious1Are there any IAX or IAX2 hard phones available?
17:04.11haighisthey are in asterisk-addons
17:05.01haighiscurious1: there was a post on asterisk-users about a IAX hard phone that is in development. but not out in commercial as of yet
17:05.09mojimboI can't seem to find the asterisk-addons in the latest distribution.  Is it somewhere else on the ftp site ?
17:05.35haighisyou have to checkout asterisk-addons separately...
17:05.41haighischeckout asterisk-addons
17:06.06curious1Was it going to be from Digium or from someone else?
17:06.29haighiscurious1: i would read the post..are you on the list?
17:06.33haighisnot from digium.
17:07.19curious1Not on the list yet...  I will check the archives.  Thank you
17:07.41haighisno problem
17:07.42*** join/#asterisk bobman (
17:09.03mojimbothanks haighis.  Got it.  
17:10.36mojimboDoes anyone know if there is a way to allow DISA calls only from specific pstn numbers per caller id ?
17:11.43haighisyou could use gotoif...
17:12.20mojimboin my extensions file ?  like 1,disa ....  2,gotoif
17:12.32*** join/#asterisk dinodrac (rollyson@
17:12.47haighismojimbo: yes, correct
17:13.09mojimbocool.  thanks dude.  I hadn't thought of that.  You are a big help.  Just trying to lock down security on disa.
17:13.32*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (~FryGuy@
17:14.12haighismojimbo: what if you used a password to allow access to DISA?
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17:16.58haighismojimbo: see this link...explains how to setup with a password
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17:17.28haighisfull-pathname-of-passcode-file|"My Phone" <(234) 123-4567>
17:18.41*** join/#asterisk anti (
17:19.41mojimboI've read this in the helpfile, but I didn't understand if the "My Phone" <(234) 123-4567> meant it was simply changing the caller Id shown, or if it was locking access down to this single number.
17:20.19haighismojimbo: this is specifying callerid for the user outgoing
17:20.24haighisbkw_ blah what?
17:20.27*** join/#asterisk denon ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:21.38mojimboSo if I used a flat password file, and this syntax, would it only allow only calls from this caller id ?
17:22.07bkw_I broke cdr_odbc in cvs.. one line.. locl instead of lock haha
17:22.16bkw_funny how 1 char can blow it up
17:22.47haighismojimbo: no
17:22.56bkw_oh well I did fix some problems with it
17:24.17mojimbothat's what I thought.  I like the gotoif idea.  We are going to sell voip long distance to a clec that will probably try to abuse the system.
17:24.59haighisi see..
17:25.21haighishate the abusers
17:26.00mojimbothat's the truth.  This is supposed to be only for residential customers, but they already were trying to use it at their clec to make long distance collection calls.
17:27.31*** join/#asterisk citats ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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17:29.41monsieurif I set trunk=yes for a certain peer entry and the remote end doesn't support it,then should that cause any problems?
17:29.46h3xmojimbo: what are you trying to do with the caller id thing exactly
17:29.56citatsmojimbo: look at the anti ex-girlfriend example in the handbook it shows how callerid can be used to manipulate calls
17:30.14bkw_citats yo yo yo what up?
17:30.46citatsbkw_: same ole same ole... i should probably do something productive today
17:31.15bkw_I did
17:31.28*** join/#asterisk wasim (~wasim@
17:31.48bkw_I hate it.. I was dreaming about how to fix this cdr_odbc drama.. woke up and fixed it
17:31.59bkw_I hate when I dream in code
17:32.31monsieurbkw: what's the easiest way to get the duration of a call while in extensions.conf?
17:32.39h3xi must admit i never have that problem
17:32.43bkw_monsieur dont think you can
17:33.02bkw_monsieur check ${TIMESTAMP}
17:33.18monsieurwell, i could use dbput at the beginning and end of a dial command.
17:33.23bkw_set a var.. then at the end of the call.. you can do some math on it with an AGI
17:33.31monsieurha ha. beat you to it.
17:33.32bkw_you can't do anything after dial
17:33.46monsieuryeah, sure you can. What about the "h" extension
17:33.53bkw_not reliable
17:33.56h3xbkw_: any ideas on my invalid extension problem
17:34.07mojimboI'm just trying to lock down access to disa, to only allow calls from the pstn number that we specify.  This will prevent the user from giving out a simple # and password for access to their friends.
17:34.08monsieurshit we use that
17:34.09bkw_monsieur park a call.. and see if h runs.. it won't
17:34.10h3xbefore i submit to bugs.
17:34.26bkw_h3x you have exten => i,1,blah
17:34.28h3xi guess you wouldnt know since you dont have a t1 or anything with dids huh
17:34.38h3xYeah, it works fine if i actually dial an invalid extension
17:34.43h3xlike from a pots phone or whatever
17:34.48bkw_I know why
17:34.50h3xbut if its DNIS of a call coming in
17:34.55h3xit dosent work
17:34.59bkw_show me your i exten
17:35.02bkw_the full thing
17:35.10h3xi just did a i,1,Playback(soundfile)
17:35.17bkw_oh ok hold on
17:35.36h3xverbose says when i dial in from outside that the extension dosent exist and terminating call
17:35.38bkw_throw an answer befreo that
17:35.49bkw_priority 1 answer
17:35.54bkw_priority 2 playback
17:35.56bkw_give it a shot
17:36.12h3xit really shouldnt matter on isdn but ill tr yit
17:36.18bkw_ya it will
17:36.23bkw_if * hasn't answered the channel
17:36.27bkw_it can't throw anything down it
17:36.30bkw_or shouldn't be able to
17:36.38h3xbut you can
17:36.48h3xplaying audio on an unanswered channel is OK with isdn
17:36.58h3xyou just cant hear the other side yet
17:37.18monsieurbkw: how about monitoring a call from outside of extensions.conf. Is that possible?
17:37.28citatsbkw_: with a PRI you can actually send audio before a call is answered but if you dont answer within the length of a timer then it will disconnect
17:37.40h3xcitats: or it will force supervision
17:37.42bkw_h3x it working now?
17:37.54citatsh3x: it all depends on the equip
17:37.56h3xbkw_: no thats if i use my phone in the default context
17:38.05h3xand 1XXX matches and uses goto
17:38.06bkw_zap show channels
17:38.18bkw_what context are those channels in?
17:38.25h3xwardialer*CLI> zap show channels
17:38.25h3xChan. Num. Extension  Context    Language   MusicOnH
17:38.32h3xwhich channels
17:38.40h3xthats my pri
17:38.44h3xwhy is 1111 on channel 2
17:38.50*** join/#asterisk trout_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:38.52h3xlast used dnis ?
17:38.57bkw_dont know.. strange
17:39.11h3xthose are my phones....
17:39.15citatsbecause zap show channels was never fully implemented
17:40.29*** part/#asterisk mojimbo (~dleblanc@
17:40.56wasimguys a 16x2 LCD will have to do
17:41.42doughecka~spell anguise
17:41.46possible spellings for anguise: an guise an-guise Angus anguish anguishes Angie Angy's anise Ange's angers Analise anywise Angie's agues anguished
17:41.46wasimheh ... a 16x4 is 400% more
17:42.08dougheckathen do proceed
17:42.29dougheckabut make a i2c touch screen LCD that hooks up beside it ;)
17:42.47atacommanyone know of a way to detect if an audio file exists from within Asterisk?  Using BackGround hangs up the f*ckn call if it doesn't find the audiofile......
17:43.06h3xwasim: fuck the display.  Put a SVGA connector on it
17:43.12dougheckah3x: hahahahah
17:43.32h3xthe equivalent of "type in traffic" when you have 100 DIDs
17:44.06h3xYou see, what i'm trying to do with the 'i' extension is "Thank you for calling carrier one.  If you are interested in purchasing local business service with this telephone number press 1 now"
17:44.22citatshow about an external lcd display that can attach to the phone...
17:44.22h3xi would have got that guy if i had this working :P
17:44.34citatswasim: got some extra io pins on that board?
17:44.36h3xcitats: thats basically what i said
17:44.53dougheckacitats: thats what I meant
17:45.05h3xwasim: Why dont you find some device thats got a big display thats available in large surplus quantites and rip it out and stick it in your phone
17:45.05citatsh3x: SVGA is bad, but something like a matrix orbital display would be fine
17:45.06wasimcitats: yep
17:45.08dougheckai2c is a cool serial protocol
17:45.12dougheckaserial I think
17:45.39dougheckait can do bridging
17:45.39dougheckalike firewire
17:45.50dougheckaits amazing stuff, my basic stamps can speak it
17:46.17dougheckawasim: in the future, could you make a basic phone that does not have a handset or lcd?
17:46.18h3xi asked for a basic stamp kit for xmas
17:46.20wasimwhy do you want a console in the first place on the phone? why not have a PC?
17:46.31dougheckah3x: dey be kewl
17:46.31wasimdoughecka: the DECT/PHS won't
17:46.37dougheckawasim: arg :)
17:46.42h3xalthough i would rather have a stock PIC probably
17:47.20dougheckah3x: indeed, PIC can talk it, just a matter of programming it
17:47.40manydect with asterisk?
17:47.42h3xwell im sure theres drop in libraries for all that shit
17:47.49*** join/#asterisk ElJefe (~jelque@
17:47.55citatswasim: there are some scenarios that having a PC is not practical.  think about a hotel lobby phone or some other scenario where you dont wan to give to much access/info to the user but enough to say allow them to page through a directory
17:47.56dougheckah3x: indeed
17:48.02wasimmany: dect with IAX
17:48.15manyhow does that work?
17:48.23dougheckadect the halls with lots of jolly
17:48.37doughecka~dict dect
17:48.51ACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
17:49.06many~dect = Digital European Cordless Telecommunications (telecommunication) [source: V.E.R.A.]
17:49.08wasimPHS with zebra roaming, thats the goal
17:49.20doughecka~dect is <reply> Digital European Cordless Telecommunications (telecommunication) [source: V.E.R.A.]
17:49.23okay, doughecka
17:49.23*** join/#asterisk scud (
17:49.31manyah :-)
17:49.34wasimas long as benjk is financing that r&d portion :)
17:49.56doughecka~many $1 is <action> beats $1 with many a stick
17:49.58doughecka: okay
17:50.02scudfor all you that like asstricks heres a phone for you
17:50.07doughecka~many wasim
17:50.12ACTION beats wasim with many a stick
17:50.15many~many foughecka
17:50.20ACTION beats foughecka with many a stick
17:50.25dougheckaok, brb
17:50.27manythat should read doughecka :)
17:50.31dougheckawasim: send me one :P
17:50.32citats~many himself
17:50.37ACTION beats himself with many a stick
17:50.46doughecka~particle of the day
17:50.48ionized positrino
17:51.02blitzragenow I must eat.. it's been almost 2 days
17:51.02doughecka~literal particle of the day
17:51.03particle of the day is <reply> (hyper-charged|charged|super-inverse|inverse|excited|magneto-ionized|ionized| | )( flux | anti-| pseudo| | )(neutron|meson|neutrino|quark|proton|electron|tachyon|graviton|photon|positrino)
17:51.05citatsparticle of the day, wtf :)
17:51.16blitzragethat's funny
17:51.31wasimvery cool, the only thing remaining on my shopping list is now the passives and the RTL
17:51.56doughecka~shoot $1 is <action> shoots $1 with a (hyper-charged|charged|super-inverse|inverse|excited|magneto-ionized|ionized| | )( flux | anti-| pseudo| | )(neutron|meson|neutrino|quark|proton|electron|tachyon|graviton|photon|positrino) gun
17:51.58ACTION shoots $1 is <action> shoots $1 with a super-inverse neutrino gun in the head.
17:52.03dougheckabloody hell
17:52.38wasimany suggestion on a 3 port switchport?
17:52.39doughecka~meepgun wasim
17:52.44ACTION shoots wasim with a   meson gun
17:52.48dougheckadlink makes a great 5 port switch
17:52.58wasimno silly, a switchport ont he phone
17:53.05dougheckakinda big, but it does automatic port flipping
17:53.14wasimi'm thinking of a kenden
17:53.44dougheckawasim: well, find one that has auto port flipping, so when I stick a crossover into it, it automatically switches it around so its non crossover, and visa versa
17:53.51citatswasim: kendin
17:53.59wasimwasim: now micrel
17:54.06wasimhehe, silly me
17:54.11citatswasim: talking to yourself :)
17:54.34wasimsee what embedded development can do to you
17:54.39citatsooh fujitsu has a 12 port 10Gbps ethernet switch IC :)
17:56.51dougheckaOH OH OH
17:56.53dougheckaput that in
17:57.10dougheckahey look, its a 12 port 10 Gbps ethernet switch
17:57.23dougheckait does iax voip too, btw
17:57.24citatslooks like quite a few people are making ethernet switching ICs
17:57.47tclarkwasim: how many of the 50 preproduction units are allocated  no far
17:58.06dougheckano farfones for you, tclark
17:58.28*** part/#asterisk mjh (
17:58.37wasimtclark: 15~
17:58.42citatsVIA makes a 8 10/100 or 2 10/100/1000 thernet switch controller
17:58.43h3xmaybe you can allow passthru when the power is down on the phone
17:58.53[Sim]whats the latest status on those iaxy boxes mark has been showing around ?
17:58.55dougheckawasim: how much?
17:59.00tclark~jbot slit munge and sit on doughecka
17:59.32citats[Sim]: last word I heard (earlier this week) from greg was they are supposed to be shipping before xmas
17:59.50[Sim]price range any idea ?
17:59.57JerJer100 billion dollars
18:00.00wasimdoughecka: <EUR100
18:00.04wasimmorning jerjer
18:00.28*** part/#asterisk haighis (
18:00.32doughecka~convert 100 EUR to dollars
18:00.51[Sim]about 80 bucks ;-)
18:00.59dougheckaI would order one
18:01.03[Sim]my mistake
18:01.08dougheckaif I didnt just buy a car :)
18:01.09[Sim]back and forth calculation :)
18:01.42MSpinwasim: very cool news:)  bringing up new hardware is always fun...once it finally works:)
18:02.05wasimMSpin: :)
18:02.31h3xwasim: I think you should make the world's most expensive phone ever
18:03.10wasimactually, we've got an option on a mould, i just may do that
18:03.19wasimerr ... mold even
18:03.45*** join/#asterisk scr ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:03.48denonmoldy cases?
18:07.04citatsoooh the marvell chip has automatic crossover support
18:07.51*** join/#asterisk km- (
18:07.56MSpinoh, I *love* auto crossover
18:08.13km-anyone else having problems with FWD this morning?
18:08.14bkw_most dsl bridges do that too
18:08.21bkw_km- fwd is a problem
18:08.29*** join/#asterisk mizzie (
18:08.32km-registrations aren't being acknowledged
18:08.35*** join/#asterisk glyph (
18:09.01bkw_km- I fixed a major issue with cdr_odbc
18:09.07km-bkw: oh?
18:09.09bkw_just letting ya know
18:09.11km-bkw: what's the major issue
18:09.26bkw_some data provided by cdr coudl cause the query to fail
18:09.36bkw_exten => 123,1,NoOp,\
18:09.44wasimi wish micrel would have responded, i'd have put it in the preprod
18:10.11bkw_but it doesn't with pgsql or mysql
18:10.14km-bkw_: sucks.
18:10.20bkw_so I added an escape_string routine
18:10.21km-bkw: is it in latest cvs?
18:10.31bkw_ya but latest cvs has one small issue
18:10.42bkw_locl on line 91 needs to be changed to lock
18:10.45bkw_thats it
18:10.47bkw_I can't spell
18:12.10dougheckawasim: thats what I was saying: auto crossover :)
18:12.18dougheckaauto ethernet flip :P
18:12.28bkw_doughecka some guys have that too.. its called a 6 pack of beer
18:13.07doughecka~meepgun bkw_
18:13.09ACTION shoots bkw_ with a ionized quark gun
18:13.21km-my linux router is fucked
18:13.22doughecka~meepgun km-
18:13.25ACTION shoots km- with a excited pseudophoton gun
18:13.37dougheckakm-: mine has been great
18:13.46km-apparently libc6 is all weirded out
18:13.47dougheckaeven if the power goes out, it still works great
18:13.49km-ls is crashing
18:13.51km-ps is crashing
18:13.53km-apt-get update doesnt work
18:14.01dougheckabad drive
18:14.03dougheckabad ram
18:14.04*** join/#asterisk jrb (
18:14.04dougheckacheck ram
18:14.08dougheckaI bets thats whats wrong
18:14.11km-its an older box
18:14.18km-could be
18:14.49km-that would kinda suck since I have no hot spares
18:15.09km-nope, everything else is in use
18:15.14km-this sucker uses pc100 dimm's
18:15.32dougheckathats the standard stuff
18:15.48km-SIMMs (single inline memory modules) used to be the standard
18:15.53km-then D (dual) took over the market
18:15.55dougheckanow its DDR
18:16.09km-I dont know if it's ram or not
18:16.13km-it might just be a tanking harddisk
18:16.20dougheckarun the ram checker
18:16.31km-eh, later I'll boot into memtest86
18:16.59*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
18:17.42cypromishi duncan
18:17.53km-I am duncan mcleoud from the clan mcleoud!
18:19.20[Sim]hey dunc
18:19.28dnc1690 emails to download - im betting 1500 of them are asterisk related
18:19.45[Sim]for ***'s sake, get a procmail filter or something :)
18:20.15dnchehe delete everything before it arrives... that way i look like i read it... but actually i dont have to deal with it :)
18:20.49atacommhey km
18:21.17dougheckaI just port scanned a aol proxy
18:21.26dougheckabloody lusers
18:21.33dougheckaget a real isp
18:21.38km-atacomm: howdy!
18:22.25atacommkm: hows it going?  i've got a new item on my wishlist, lol, a way to detect wither a sound file exists and branch acordingly.... maybe someday, lol
18:22.43bkw_AGI not enuf?
18:22.46km-atacomm: not my play there :)
18:22.50dnci think bkw needs attention
18:22.56km-atacomm: I just committed to fixing your (blindingly easy) directory problem :P
18:23.01bkw_km- you test app_dbodbc.c yet?
18:23.02dncwhoa, brian... you got ops....
18:23.10*** join/#asterisk jrb (
18:23.11km-bkw: no, trying to fix app_directory for atacomm
18:23.16atacommkm: lol, thank you thank you
18:23.16bkw_ah ok
18:23.21bkw_dnc I have yet to use my powers
18:23.26bkw_for good or evil.
18:23.31bkw_so everyone is safe...
18:23.41bkw_except for doughecka
18:23.43dncits ok, we know that you'll only use them for evil...
18:23.56dougheckahave you?
18:23.57atacommbkw: AGI may work, but i dont want to use it....all i'm trying to avoid is Asterisk hanging up the call if a stupid sound file doesnt exist when you use Background()
18:23.58bkw_well after pages and pages of FUCKYOU the other day
18:24.07bkw_I said I needed ops.. kram gave it up... and here we are today
18:24.27dougheckahe needs to op me too
18:24.37dougheckabecause I am here early in the mornin, when bkw_ aint
18:25.18bkw_doughecka maybe
18:25.30bkw_we shall see how it goes over the next week or so
18:25.34dougheckauh huh ;)
18:28.19atacommactually, what would be nice actually is if there was an extension "e" .... which would be executed if an error, such as a sound file not existing, or a goto destination not existing occurs......would provide a way to handle the call in that case
18:28.35atacommdifferent than h, as you may want to recover, not hang up
18:31.30*** join/#asterisk Buana (
18:32.16dougheckaI want bug 666
18:32.39km-atacomm: hey dude, since you wanted this mod
18:32.52km-atacomm: if the user doesn't specify the second argument, should it be assumed that both contexts are to be the same?
18:32.56h3xthey dont look sequential
18:33.00atacommkm: i would assume so, yes
18:33.13bkw_ok Savage Garden is SOOOOO Gay
18:33.22atacommkm: it would keep compatibility with existing installs
18:36.43*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (
18:36.57glLoadIdentityhi all
18:37.02bkw_ok why is the world so intrested in making my penis bigger... I get too many "MAKE IT BIGGER" emails.
18:37.52h3xyour penis can never get too big
18:38.13bkw_at this rate.. it will be MILES long
18:38.20cypromishmmm, when all your blood moves in it
18:38.23cypromisyou will fallover
18:38.31bkw_hard to manage that.. but THANK god they also wanna sell me a bigger house
18:38.41bkw_oh and bigger boobs too
18:38.52cypromisinteresting combi for you ?
18:39.18h3xpeople actually spam for houses?
18:39.19bkw_Brian West, Make your brests bigger
18:39.24bkw_JESUS christ can they not filter that
18:39.35bkw_h3x mortgages
18:39.37*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:40.52oejbkw: I reopened the Enum bug, as you saw. I just contributed some comments to the code,
18:41.00oejbkw: no change in logic.
18:41.29km-bkw: hey dude, I think we aught to hack vm_odbc support into directory
18:41.30bkw_I set it back to new
18:41.39bkw_km- its already done
18:41.52km-bkw: ah crap, you mean I'm hacking this shit and I dont have the latest cvs
18:42.12bkw_its not in cvs yet
18:42.15bkw_but its already done
18:42.32bkw_i'm not happy with it
18:42.33km-I just finished app_directory (I think) but now I'm cleaning up the help text
18:42.42atacommkm: thats great
18:42.52atacommkm: thank you thank you thank you
18:42.58km-atacomm: no worries
18:43.01bkw_I am so not happy with that..... the guy that wrote pgsql app directory didn't do a very good job from what I can see
18:43.08bkw_NO MATCH.. GOODBYE
18:43.10km-atacomm: I broke down and just used a strtok..  I hate having to reinvent the wheel
18:43.17bkw_strtok isn't thread safe
18:43.23bkw_BAD BAD BAD
18:43.26km-bkw_: It's not?
18:43.28bkw_use strsep
18:43.37km-strsep is the crap that kept crashing
18:43.39km-oh well
18:43.42km-back to my test app
18:43.47bkw_or sscanf
18:44.19oejbkw: What about strchr? Used it in senddtmf..
18:44.32bkw_sscanf(chan, "%d-%d", &start, &finish)
18:44.33km-why is it that strtok has to suck
18:44.36km-it's so damned easy!
18:44.47km-bkw: whoa, I've never thought of that before!
18:44.55bkw_thats just an example
18:45.04km-that makes that shit way too easy
18:45.31UnixDawgok what is going on here
18:45.53km-unixdawg: brian is schooling me on being threadsafe!
18:46.05km-whoa thats interesting
18:46.11km-sscanf isn't nearly as protected
18:46.27bkw_strtok_r <-- is also used in asterisk
18:46.28km-using input data THISIS|ALOTOFCRAP with sscanf of "%s|%s" seems to work
18:47.18UnixDawgI have to sit down and reread  * manual
18:47.25UnixDawgand get back to it
18:47.43km-actually doesnt work
18:47.47km-bkw: strtok_r is thread safe?
18:47.48bkw_km- I wouldnt know that strtok isn't treadsafe.. bug thats what was used on the first dring patch on bug 504
18:47.53bkw_km- not sure
18:47.54UnixDawgI have been ot the loop this last 2 weeks with moving and settling into my new home
18:48.41UnixDawgits so weird to be living alone after living with dorm mates
18:48.49UnixDawgthe place is so empty
18:49.20km-which they  may  select  by name. The  list  of  names  and  extensions  is
18:49.20km-discovered from voicemail.conf. The voicemail context argument is required,  and
18:49.20km-specifies the voicemail context that the user is queried from. Extension context
18:49.21km-is the context in which the extension will be executed.  If this is not supplied,
18:49.23km-it is assumed that the voicemail context is also the extension context.  Returns
18:49.25km-0 unless the user hangs up. It  also sets up the channel on exit to enter the
18:49.27km-extension the user selected.
18:49.33km-wrong paste
18:49.37km-strtok_r is threadsafe
18:49.55*** join/#asterisk learath ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:49.58*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
18:50.01bkw_but i'm gonna tell you.. kram will say use something else..strsep or sscanf
18:50.03MSpinall of the _r functions are TS
18:50.26bkw_MSpin good to know that :)
18:50.32MSpinbkw_: :)
18:50.35km-I've tried five ways from sunday to get strsep working
18:50.39km-and it segfaults (even my test program)
18:50.44km-which has nothing to do with asterisk
18:50.55km-it's bad medicine :)
18:50.58bkw_family = strsep (&argv, "/");
18:51.02bkw_keytree = strsep (&argv, "\0");
18:51.05bkw_that seems easy
18:51.09*** join/#asterisk rozo (
18:51.36bkw_File: apps/app_dbodbc.c
18:52.31oejAnyone that use gtxconsole or kdeconsole?
18:52.55*** part/#asterisk Buana (
18:52.56km-bkw: given tmp is a char [256];, context = strsep(tmp,"|"); should work, shouldn't it?
18:53.13bkw_context = strsep(&tmp,"|");
18:53.19UnixDawg~seen dutch_
18:53.21dutch_ <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 12d 8h 19m 14s ago, saying: 'so even'.
18:53.21km-tried referencing it
18:53.23km-still segfaults
18:53.42bkw_I know why
18:53.48km-I'm going to strcpy tmp into a pointer
18:53.49bkw_char *tmp[256];
18:53.52km-and see whether or not that affects
18:53.52bkw_context = strsep(&tmp,"|");
18:54.16bkw_char *tmp;
18:54.18bkw_that might work too
18:54.29km-yeah but then my strncpy is not so behaved
18:54.43bkw_but using alloca to allocate the memory for it
18:54.51bkw_look at app_db.c
18:54.59bkw_its fugly code.. but you can see how its done
18:55.12km-Ah there we go
18:55.47*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
18:56.22bkw_try it
18:56.31bkw_remember to free(tmo);
18:56.33bkw_er tmp
18:56.55blitzragewhen did #asterisk get friendly ?
18:57.03bkw_your like the 100th perrson to say that
18:57.22blitzragethere you go :)
18:57.36blitzragephew.. went out for the 12 bars of xmas last night.. I drank so much beer
18:58.05bkw_beer is bad
18:58.10blitzragebeer is good
18:58.20bkw_when you are old and fat.. don't say I didn't tell ya so
18:58.27blitzrageI won't ever be fat :)
18:58.37bkw_trust me
18:58.44dougheckaI have a high metabolism
18:58.45bkw_you will gain
18:58.58bkw_i'm 195 now
18:58.59blitzragewell, I start working out again in January, so hopefully I do gain weight :)
18:59.03bkw_I was 185
18:59.14blitzragewow.. you gained like... a whole 10 lbs ;)
18:59.17bkw_i'm about 25lbs over weight
18:59.19bkw_not bad
18:59.20dougheckagetting into the programmers wieght
18:59.25bkw_but its going to wrong way
18:59.45blitzragedid everyone update their software this weekend.. messenger and empirepoker both had new apps
18:59.45bkw_w00t it loads.. that makes it more stable
19:01.33bkw_w00t my back quit hurting
19:01.45dougheckajust now?
19:01.47bkw_and if I hear one comment about it.. i'm gonna smack you
19:02.04dougheckahah, I am saved, I said it before you said that
19:02.05dougheckaso there
19:02.24bkw_"if you would just stay off your back so much.. then it wouldn't hurt!"
19:02.29bkw_ok there we have that over with
19:02.41bkw_km- DAMN how tall are you?
19:02.46km-6 foot
19:02.53bkw_oh you about right then eh?
19:02.59km-yeah, I'm a little pudgy
19:03.35km-I dont know if data is null-terminated
19:03.41dougheckathis as a rail
19:03.51km-WARNING[262161]: File app_directory.c, Line 249 (directory_exec): context = fierymoonRecW
19:03.51km-WARNING[262161]: File app_directory.c, Line 250 (directory_exec): to_context = (null)
19:03.51km-WARNING[262161]: File app_directory.c, Line 256 (directory_exec): to_context *NOW* = fierymoonRecW
19:03.56km-I passed (fierymoon)
19:04.01km-but it's getting crap at the end
19:04.03*** join/#asterisk slick1 (
19:05.24bkw_is it in tmp?
19:05.34bkw_\0 terminated?
19:05.43km-I dont think so at least
19:06.01km-strncpy doesn't null terminate
19:06.04bkw_data is the full thing
19:06.10bkw_you have to strsep that don't ya?
19:06.29km-I'm copying data into tmp because I wasn't sure if mangling data would cause problems elsewhere
19:07.19bkw_strlen(data) + 1
19:07.33km-I did it a lil different
19:07.47bkw_strlen is excluding the string terminator char \0
19:07.50bkw_so you need to +1
19:07.52km-and that appeared to work
19:07.57bkw_+1 does the same thing
19:08.11km-+1 is a cleaner implementation
19:08.17bkw_I would say so
19:08.40bkw_C Pocket Ref is very handy in these cases! :)
19:08.53bkw_mine stays open to the string functions
19:08.58bkw_because perl has ruined me
19:09.05bkw_TOTALLY ruined me
19:09.11atacommi absolutely hate C string functions
19:09.19bkw_I understand it now
19:09.27bkw_you have to realize that STRINGS DO NOT EXIST
19:09.32bkw_just arrays of char's
19:09.44voidptri need some brainwave -> asm converter :D
19:09.51bkw_voidptr me too
19:09.53*** join/#asterisk ^sly^ (
19:09.54atacommbut its still a mess, easier to screw up
19:09.55km-there we go
19:10.00bkw_km- that work ?
19:10.39km-WARNING[278545]: File pbx.c, Line 1773 (ast_pbx_run): Channel 'SIP/1002-524b' sent into invalid extension '3002' in context 'crapola', but no invalid handler
19:10.42*** join/#asterisk lichen_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:10.56km-and it's backwards compatible
19:11.00km-if you put only the one argument in
19:11.07km-it copies the first argument into the second argument
19:11.10bkw_we love that kind of stuff
19:11.13*** join/#asterisk curious1 (
19:11.22km-now the only problem is making this damned help text look nice
19:11.30atacommkm: lol
19:11.46km-dude, you have no idea how stupidly the helptexts are rendered
19:12.02bkw_yes I do
19:12.53bkw_i'm so giddy
19:14.37]data[__that damned bkw_ is cloning me
19:14.45bkw_how so?
19:14.51km-atacomm: lemme just rewrite this help text and I'll submit the patch to bugs*
19:14.52bkw_i'm not ralieon
19:15.02atacommkm: sounds great
19:15.08]data[__19:09 < km-> I'm copying data into tmp because I wasn't sure if mangling data would cause problems elsewhere
19:15.11]data[__no mangling data :{
19:15.24bkw_we fixed him up
19:15.30]data[__k ta
19:15.33bkw_and I think he learned something in the process
19:15.33km-brian saved me life :)
19:15.44]data[__[just wondered why me irc client was flashing :]]
19:15.49km-"NOW I KNOW!" "And knowing's half the battle!"
19:15.59bkw_kram told me that today also
19:16.45bkw_i'm pure evil
19:17.01bkw_that is accually usefule
19:17.04bkw_er useful
19:18.16doughecka~spell bkw_
19:18.19possible spellings for bkw_: Bk bk kW kw bow BMW BTW bake bike blew blow KB Kb
19:18.51voidptr~spell voidptr
19:18.52possible spellings for voidptr: voided Piotr diopter vitro DPT VDT dpt podiatry vapidity voluptuary voodooed vapid votary voted adopter diopters victory toiletry Dept Petr dept vapidly woodlot adopt Pietra Pietro tiptoe adapter adepter output spidery vestry viaduct
19:19.39km-looks like we're good
19:19.49voidptrlooks like?
19:19.51voidptrwe are!
19:20.02bkw_ok tiptoe
19:20.09km-bkw_: dude
19:20.15doughecka~x es en Pietra
19:20.17km-bkw_: what do you do if you want an ast_log only to be logged if verbose 5?
19:20.30bkw_if(option_verbose > 5)
19:20.46bkw_if(option_verbose > 3)
19:20.49bkw_ya thats right
19:20.52bkw_but you set it to 4
19:21.01bkw_one number below the verbose level you want
19:21.15bkw_so 4 if you want it to show up at 5
19:22.00*** join/#asterisk cloudly (
19:22.20km-submitting the bug
19:22.24*** join/#asterisk anistone (
19:22.27km-bkw: you gonna test me patch? :)
19:22.27bkw_we don't ahve bugs
19:22.30bkw_we have features
19:22.36bkw_km- I can try here in a few
19:22.45bkw_but my CVS is so shot to hell with my odbc work its not even funny
19:22.54bkw_my next goal is res_odbc.c
19:23.02bkw_a global odbc connection that any application can use
19:23.10bkw_without having to know anything about odbc
19:23.35cypromisbkw_: which version of unixodbc are u using ?
19:23.35bkw_I might use some has stuff anthm did to return values or something.. but not totally sure yet
19:23.38cypromison gentoo :
19:23.52cypromiscdr_odbc.c:91: `odbc_locl' undeclared (first use in this function)
19:23.55*** join/#asterisk Mike-69 (
19:23.58bkw_change that th lock
19:24.05bkw_its a bug in CVS I can't fuckign spell
19:24.22Mikei hate it
19:24.29Mikeevery time i log in someone has my nick
19:24.32bkw_cypromis it will compile after that... I asked JerJer to fix that really fast
19:24.33bkw_its one char
19:25.04Mikebkw_: im worried why cant you hear me on iaxtel?
19:25.16cypromisit did :)
19:25.18bkw_cypromis JerJer just fixed my spelling error
19:25.36km-atacomm: apply that patch and you should be all set....
19:26.21Mikewhat the hell uses flash
19:26.36Mikeflash plugin for mozilla is propietary
19:26.38Mikethat sucks
19:26.57Mikesomeone should kill people disigning flash sites
19:27.01ManxPowerflash is propietary.
19:27.09bkw_I love just static images
19:27.15bkw_flash is for monkies
19:27.23Mikeyes when the only thing you have at office house and school is linux flash sites suck
19:27.25Mikereally suck
19:27.26bkw_at some level isn't everything proprietary?
19:27.29ManxPowerFlash impresses the marketing droids
19:27.40ManxPowerAnd I suspect that's the goal of Nufone's flash web site
19:27.58MikeManxPower: well i guess nufone clients mostly use linux
19:28.08km-bkw: one question
19:28.15Mikebkw_: well if its GPL atleast the license protects the software
19:28.22km-bkw: my program searches for | to delimit data -- what if people use commas?
19:28.23Mikebkw_: so i dont care whos copyright
19:28.32Mikei care for the software thats protected
19:29.12Mikewhats better voicepulse or nufone?
19:29.18Mikevoicepulse atleast doesnt use flash
19:29.22km-WARNING[278545]: File app_directory.c, Line 250 (directory_exec): context = fierymoon,crapola
19:29.22km-WARNING[278545]: File app_directory.c, Line 251 (directory_exec): to_context = (null)
19:29.22km-WARNING[278545]: File app_directory.c, Line 257 (directory_exec): to_context *NOW* = fierymoon,crapola
19:29.23km-ah hah
19:30.12km-now I gotta do more patching
19:30.20Mikehey guys anyone knows how can i make it so when i call to the land line it doesnt take 7 seconds to start ringing
19:30.27Mikesip to zap 1 takes
19:30.32Mike7 seconds for a call
19:30.37Mikethat sucks really bad
19:30.42km-mike: what's your extension for land line?
19:30.57Mikekm im trying for example 9 83004715
19:31.04Mikeim on a sip trying to call
19:31.08Mikea normal line
19:31.08km-mike: yes, yes, but what's your EXTENSION look like.
19:31.10Mikeon my city
19:31.16km-your exten => line
19:31.16Mikelet me look
19:32.17Mikeexten => _98[0134]XXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1},90,Tt)
19:33.12km-why that takes a while I do not know
19:33.30Mikewell if i dial from my sip it takes like 7 seconds
19:33.39Mikei guess if i have to call 911 ill be dead by the time
19:33.45Mikethe phone starts riging
19:33.46km-if you do it from another zap channel does it take as long?
19:33.49Mikeand someone picks up
19:33.51Mikeat the other end
19:34.05Mikei just have 1 zap channel
19:34.05km-my guess is that your sip phone is not transmitting the digits as it receives them
19:34.07km-7960's do that
19:34.15km-you have to hit the "dial" button to get an immediate dial
19:34.17Mikei have a barbie tone
19:36.35km-bkw: how do you parse your args?
19:36.54km-bkw: what if a user got silly and used a comma first then a pipe second in their argument list?
19:37.10km-mike: I've never used a budgettone so I can't tell you how to configure your phone to send the number sooner
19:37.32km-mike: I know there's a way to tell the 7960's to keep sending the number digit by digit
19:37.39Mikekm-: you rich?
19:37.56atacommkm: you could replace all commas with a | before parsing
19:37.58km-no, I don't consider myself rich :)
19:38.17km-atacomm: is there a function that'll do that quickly?
19:38.26km-mike: I've gotten my 7960's through helping people like you :)
19:38.31atacomma 3 line forloop will :)
19:38.39km-atacomm: I know, but mark will beat me for that.
19:39.52km-I didn't really want to do that ;)
19:39.56atacommyup, thats what i'm talkin about, rofl
19:40.24atacommi cant remember my c string commands..... in .NET its just string.Replace(',','|')
19:40.31km-yeah I know
19:40.34km-god bless .net
19:40.50atacommkm: lol, no one likes that my UI for * is built in ASP.NET, hehehe
19:41.21km-atacomm: you know, if I had a choice I wouldn't develop for windows at all, but I don't have a choice, so I'm very happy that microsoft has come up with a system that makes programming that much easier.
19:41.39km-and that's what I tell people when they piss on me for developing in vb and .net
19:41.40Mikekm-: with what did you start?
19:41.46Mikekm-: when you started testing asterisk?
19:42.00km-mike: I bought the asterisk developers kit that had 1 FXO and 1 FXS, and I hooked a regular phone to the FXS line
19:42.08atacommkm: with my web UI, i actually have several .NET helpter apps running under Mono on Linux to rewrite configuration files
19:42.12km-mike: x-lite for SIP
19:42.40km-in fact, a lot of the reasons why x-lite works nicely with asterisk is because I kept bitching at Xten and they finally started fixing shit ;P
19:42.46km-more like, I bitched at Xten and asterisk
19:42.58km-but you know, they're not here to defend themselves! :P
19:43.07Mikelol well never tryed xlite
19:43.10km-atacomm: there's another problem here....
19:43.11Mikeseen people using it yes
19:43.17km-atacomm: what if a user puts more than the two arguments in...
19:43.21Mikebut why dont you bitch at them so they can port it at linux
19:43.34Mikei could use it if theres was a linux release
19:43.38Mikeunder GPL ofcourse
19:43.40km-mike: you've never written a windows app before, have ya?  Then attempted to port that to another OS? :)
19:43.57Mikekm-: well if its C there shouldnt be a problem
19:44.00Mikeor python
19:44.08km-oh boy
19:44.10Mikebut if they are using a toy linux visualbasic
19:44.17Mikethey have problems
19:44.19km-nope, they've written it nicely in MFC
19:44.22cypromisc + wxwindows
19:44.24cypromis6 months
19:44.26atacommkm: well...hmm, you could always take the 3rd parameter as the destination priority :P
19:44.33km-atacomm: hahaha
19:44.41km-I fucking hate this application
19:44.44km-I want it to go away
19:44.51cypromislot's of cig's and things thrown in anger at the wall
19:44.54cypromisand you have a 3 os app
19:45.16*** join/#asterisk |-zoa-| (~john@
19:45.56atacommkm: actually, i was reading thru the bugs....someone submitted a patch that let you force it to go to a particular person's secretary even through it listed their extension, by putting say 100/101 in voicemail.... 101 would be where to route.....  i think what would be better is in voicemail line options (at the end), directorylist=yes|no, directoryforward=101
19:46.34km-atacomm: you'd better give me a discount on the cisco wireless phone
19:46.34*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (
19:46.37km-atacomm: :P
19:46.39Mikesomeone here setup
19:46.52km-what YOU THINK I'M KIDDING?! :P
19:47.17atacommwell, if i'm even able to get has been really hard for me to get lately, damn gray market being unpredictable on supplies
19:47.43km-atacomm: the patch in works, it just doesn't have error checking on the arguments.  If I make it smarter with the arguments, then I'm going to sully this app something fierce
19:48.06atacommkm: lol, what?
19:48.08km-so just remember to seperate your contexts with | and you'll be fine :P
19:48.32km-is it time for the eagles game yet
19:48.45atacommvikings are actually winning, wont last for long
19:49.57*** join/#asterisk ElJefe (~jelque@
19:50.18*** join/#asterisk adker (
19:50.32*** join/#asterisk bobman (
19:50.48km-eagles up 17-10 3rd quarter with 9:30 to play
19:53.06km-maybe I'll write a new app for the 7960 to get sports scores
19:54.16km-hey, you laugh, but peeps like that kind of stuff
19:54.19km-more services the better
19:54.37|-zoa-|anyone in here using trunking ?
19:54.55atacommi wish i knew how to do cisco xml apps
19:54.56oejNO, there's no FreeBSD timer... :-(
19:55.18oejWould love to use trunking...
19:55.50km-I've got a couple cxml apps written
19:56.27*** join/#asterisk JETS (
19:56.33Mikewhat does switch => do?
19:57.02oejMike: Move the extension processing to another Asterisk server
19:57.04voidptryou can redirect a context or extension to some remote server
19:59.11km-I wonder if there's a converter for wap to cxml
20:00.40km-atacomm: you know, your store comes up as a google advertisement when I searched for cisco 7960 WML
20:06.34*** join/#asterisk ^sly^ (
20:07.32km-Hey! That's the WiSip!
20:07.54Mikeyeah like 200USD more than what it costs
20:07.57Mikeat pulverinovations
20:08.14cypromisbut probably with real delivery
20:08.39km-they're legal in foreign countries
20:08.43km-just not in the US yet
20:09.03Mikeim in mexico
20:09.07Mikeeverything is legal here
20:09.17cypromisI'm in poland
20:09.20cypromisnothing is legal here
20:09.22km-ah, well, grab a wisip and an enchilada and have yourself a gay-old-asterisk fiesta!
20:09.23Mikebut no one sells phones here not even barbie tones
20:09.26Mikeso it sucks
20:09.35cypromishere you can buy whatever you want
20:09.55Mikecypromis: buy me a girl
20:10.17*** join/#asterisk joako (
20:10.23cypromisMike: do it yourself
20:10.26bkw_ok me back
20:10.34cypromisnot that tricky around here ...
20:11.01km-I'd like to buy a polish teenager please!
20:11.12cypromisbut probably also one of the best places to loose your teeth fast
20:11.26km-well that's good, she doesnt need teeth for what she'll be doing!
20:12.15km-I dont even know if there are any females in this channel anyway
20:12.17*** join/#asterisk cypricus_rev (
20:12.31JETSplenty of gay bois tho :P
20:12.39bkw_who's gay?
20:12.47km-yeah man, what the hell is up with linux, telephony and homosexuality
20:12.48*** join/#asterisk extremis (
20:13.02cypricus_revHi people I'm always see this message when connect 2 x-lites: Unknown RTP codec 72 received. What this mean ??
20:13.04cypricus_revThanks !!
20:13.05km-jets: you guys just love talking on the phone so damned much!
20:13.11extremisAnyone know of a good place to buy an ata-186 for cheap (other than ebay)?
20:13.12cypricus_revSomeone can help ?
20:13.23bkw_extremis I have one I will sell you for 30 bucks
20:13.36bkw_its locked..but I leave that up to you to fix
20:13.42extremisis it unlockable?
20:13.54cypromisnot by bkw_
20:13.59km-not unless you're pretty good
20:14.01bkw_I gave up war dialing
20:14.08JETSya.. gay bois want cheaper rates so we go with VOIP! :)\
20:14.08km-bkw doesnt believe he's pretty good
20:14.10km-jets: hahaha
20:14.15extremisbkw: I need one that is unlocked
20:14.26bkw_JETS hahahaha
20:14.41bkw_er high school
20:14.53km-hey, it's the right of the gay man to seek lower rates on his phonebill!
20:14.57*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by kram
20:15.02extremisso, do you guy s recommend a vendor for this stuff?
20:15.06km-kram: ooh, share the love! :P
20:15.06extremisrather, a reseller
20:15.06cypricus_revAnyone know what means the Unknown RTP codec 72 received error ?? Hello ??
20:15.15cypromisextremis: cisco ?
20:15.24krami guess i stepped in on an interesting conversation
20:15.24extremiscypromis: I don't want to pay cisco prices
20:15.26km-cypricus: it means, that asterisk received an unknown RTP codec, 72.
20:15.33*** join/#asterisk quid24 (
20:15.33joakowhy not sipura instead?
20:15.42cypromisor any other shit like that
20:15.48extremiscypromis: you aren't being of much help to me
20:15.55quid24hmm... can someone answer a quick question about CVS for me?
20:16.03cypromisI simply don't buy cisco
20:16.06bkw_quid24 shoot
20:16.08cypromismakes life much easier
20:16.08voidptrextremis : real help you get charged for ;)
20:16.16cypricus_revOk 72 ? What means this ??
20:16.36km-cypricus: good question!
20:16.40quid24bkw:  I'm just a CVS novice, but I did an update... is there a command to roll back my Asterisk Source back to a set from a couple weeks ago?
20:16.42extremisso... I'm SOL?
20:17.09km-voidptr knows how it works
20:17.13km-we all gotta put food on the table
20:17.21km-or buy new velour jumpsuits
20:17.24km-in JETS case
20:17.56cypricus_revI search alot, everyone ask but none has the answer ... How can i fix Unknown RTP codec 72 received errors ??
20:18.19joakoset asterisk to be less verbose?
20:18.21voidptrquid24 : something like -d "2 weeks ago"
20:18.22cypromisswitch of VAD on the box that is sending you voice
20:18.32cypromisand the message should siappear
20:18.47quid24void:  can you help me with the exact command line? :)
20:18.59cypromisI think this one will be the top answer on the FAQ for our customers
20:19.07voidptrgoogle for it, i don't know
20:19.27cypromiscvs -z3 co -d "2 weeks ago" bla.c
20:19.50extremisis annyone here using 7960's and having reports of low volume by the party on the other end of a 7960 call and echo by the party on the 7960?
20:20.05km-extremis: two 7960's?
20:20.06extremisthis has been plaguing me for qite some time
20:20.10extremiskm-: no
20:20.12km-extremis: or a 7960 and a zap channel?
20:20.23quid24cypromis:  Thanks.  Is there a command to checkout the whole Asterisk source, rather than file by file?
20:20.24extremis7960 -> * -> PSTN -> other party
20:20.29km-extremis: ok
20:20.31cypromiscvs -z3 co -d "2 weeks ago" asterisk
20:20.34km-extremis: there are a couple things you need to know
20:20.48km-extremis: first of all, the 7960's will produce echo all by themselves if the volume is up 100% on the phone...
20:20.59km-extremis: so make sure your volume is not up more than about 75-80% on the phones.
20:21.06cypromisextremis: play with the echo cancellation settings and the tx and rx signalratio in zapata.conf
20:21.08km-extremis: also, set echotraining=yes in your zapata.conf file
20:21.17quid24okay thanks
20:21.24km-extremis: and lastly, use ztmonitor to help find a good audio level with txgain/rxgain settings
20:21.31cypricus_revI'm using a VPN Tunnel (pptp) to connect both x-lites. With normal mode without tunnel i dont receive the error.
20:21.45km-extremis: with a proper splash of all three, your echo problems will go away
20:21.52voidptrpptp, *eeeeeks*
20:21.57km-extremis: AND the low volume issue will also go away
20:22.06cypricus_revYep i know, just a fast test
20:22.06extremisis ztmonitor self explanatory?
20:22.17km-extremis: ztmonitor 1 -v to check zap/1
20:22.56km-astpbx1:/usr/src/pbx/zaptel# ./ztmonitor 1 -v
20:22.56km-Rx ##################################Tx
20:23.07km-I guess I've got some pretty crazy ambient noise on my lines
20:23.20krampeter: where are you located?
20:23.21bkw_if th eline is on hook thats normal
20:23.31km-kram: outskirts of philadlephia, Norristown to be exact.
20:23.54kramheh i'll be coming through philly in december
20:24.03km-bkw_: ah really, someone said in here the other day that doing the ztmonitor on a closed channel would show "ambient noise"
20:24.05extremisheh, ztmonitor is part of what packager?
20:24.11km-bkw: like a dumbass, I believed it
20:24.17km-kram: rock on, we'll have to do dinner
20:24.20Corydon76Ah, Norristown... I know where that is...
20:24.28km-kram: what cool shit are you doing up in philly? :)
20:24.41km-corydon: yeah man, you were from quakertown right?
20:24.57kramcatching a plane to paris
20:25.07km-ah, fun
20:25.13extremisI don't have ztmonitor
20:25.14km-philadelphia international smells bad
20:25.21km-extremis: it's in the zaptel cvs
20:25.39JETSWhat is ztmonitor?
20:25.41extremishrm I have the zaptel cvs
20:25.56km-jets: it's a program that visualizes the audio levels on a line
20:26.06extremisI'll update
20:26.34km-santakram, can you help me? :P
20:26.50km-I've been a very good boy this year
20:27.03*** topic/#asterisk by kram -> <km-> santrakram, can you help me? :P
20:27.17km-kram: I e-mailed greg about getting a loaner TE410 and he said that I could buy it and then return it within 30 days for a refund
20:27.22km-kram: I thought that was kind of amusing
20:27.34km-cashflow hogs! :P
20:27.54km-someone's trying to pad their bottom line... ;>
20:28.05bkw_pad something but I doubt its the bottom line
20:28.08JETSthe books have to look good the last quarter :)
20:28.13km-jets: amen :P
20:28.56extremisdoes anyone have any sample configs for 7960's + * for call transfering?
20:29.06extremisand call forwarding (from the phone)
20:29.06km-extremis: like what?
20:29.17extremiswell like hit this button on the 7960 to transfer
20:29.18bkw_extremis just press more.. blind transfer... then target
20:29.19extremisenter the extension
20:29.29extremiswhat about call forwarding
20:29.31km-yeah, I wish blindxfer was on the first row of keys
20:29.42km-extremis: sip firmware v6 has a cfwdall button
20:29.44bkw_oh soon we LA is going to make us rename "blind transfer" to "unattended transfer"
20:29.54blitzrageanyone have a cheap tdm400p card?
20:30.06bkw_its master/slave.. SO FUCK OFF LA!
20:30.06extremiskm-: v6?
20:30.19km-extremis: the latest sip firmware from cisco
20:31.20extremisI'm running: P0S3-05-3-00 right now
20:31.38JETS3 6 0 is available
20:31.54JETSbut it also adds a mechanism to verify its a cisco firmware...
20:32.00JETS(They must have had problems with a rogue firmware?)
20:32.01extremishow would you call transfer or forward from a phone attached to an ata-186?
20:32.13bkw_extremis show application dial
20:32.19JETSextremis: the hook flash
20:32.19bkw_T or t option
20:32.35extremisis that an ata-186 config or somethhing in * ?
20:32.43bkw_zoa ya know thats a good idea.. when can we expect your patch to allow that?
20:32.50extremisI love seeing sample configs they help alot
20:32.59JETSwell like you would do three way calling with your telco, the 'flash button' or doing your own hook flash
20:33.20km-bkw: bug 504 huh?
20:33.35bkw_distintive ring patch for chan_zap
20:33.40bkw_works like a charm
20:33.57bkw_I have two extra numbers on my line... ordered them to test that patch.. gonna keep em..
20:34.01km-that's sweet
20:34.12bkw_4.00/mth... and I can have two numbers to play with.. HELL YA
20:34.37km-I want to get one of those wisips so I can sit in a starbucks and get my voip on
20:35.12JETSIt's a $1.50 to add a toll free (800) did on our t1 at work
20:35.15JETSI ordered 5 extras
20:35.34zoafor those that want to know
20:35.59zoai estimate a dual xeon 3.0 to be able to handle 80 ilbc calls that are being terminated on a TE410p
20:36.12zoaincoming with iax2
20:36.36zoathat is when a lot of calls are being made / hungup at the same time
20:36.44bkw_evil telemarkters
20:37.08zoaif you have less calls being setup i estimate the maximum to be a lot higher
20:37.22km-well that's good to know..  all I need now is the te410p
20:37.22zoabkw_ how do you know those are telemarketeers ?
20:37.30bkw_zoa no callerid
20:37.41bkw_I just shuttle them off to lala land
20:37.42zoaah and if you use kernel > 2.4.20
20:37.46zoayou can do max 30 calls :)
20:37.53bkw_plus the is those two new numbers for distintive ring
20:37.56bkw_they get alot of calls
20:38.00cypromiszoa ?
20:38.03km-zoa: 2.4.20 is worse?
20:38.11zoa2.4.20 is better
20:38.13cypromiswe have many more calls on 2.4.23
20:38.18zoa2.4.21 has problems with dual xeons
20:38.26zoa22 too
20:38.27zoa23 too
20:38.30cypromishmmm not here
20:38.44zoaso i patched 2.4.20 instead of upgrading to 2.4.23
20:38.45cypromisand we have quite a lot of dual xeons
20:38.57zoait seems to be a know problem as i found a lot of similar problems on google
20:39.04zoaand i'm using an all intel setup
20:39.26zoacypromis: are you using hyperthreading ?
20:39.35zoait seems to be a lot faster with hyperthreading :)
20:39.50cypromisand we use exclusively intel boards
20:39.54zoaah and 2.6.0 should be able to handle even more hyperthreading
20:40.00cypromisI know
20:40.04cypromisbut no zaptel for 2.6 yet
20:40.09zoayupez :(
20:40.14km-app_directory.c: In function `directory_exec':
20:40.14km-app_directory.c:255: error: `option_verbose' undeclared (first use in this function)
20:40.14km-app_directory.c:255: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
20:40.14km-app_directory.c:255: error: for each function it appears in.)
20:40.25zoacypromis me too
20:40.29zoa7501 i think
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20:40.41zoaSE7501WV2 i think
20:41.17cypromisI have no lue which ones we have
20:41.23cypromiswe have tyan GX15 barebones
20:41.25cypromisand some other servers
20:41.26bkw_#include <asterisk/logger.h>
20:41.38cypromisso tyan intel chipset shit
20:41.42bkw_km- strange
20:41.43cypromisand intel 75 blabla boards
20:41.47cypromisthose boards are bloody huge
20:43.05extremisdoes hyperthreading help at all if you are only using 1 process that sucks up all the cpu?
20:43.33zoaand a dual setup won't help either
20:43.38cypromisbut that rarely happens in voip gateways with many many channels :)))
20:44.57zoauntill one process hangs than you have a problem
20:44.57km-bkw: just updated the bugnote
20:45.11wwok. have autoconf
20:45.25wwanybody care to give it a try? i could use some feedback
20:45.43bkw_km- ok
20:46.06wwnoteably detection for h323 doesn't work yet. other than that it should be ok
20:46.24km-I wonder if there will ever be DSP's on the T1 cards
20:46.44zoait would be cool :)
20:46.52joakoand expensive
20:47.00bkw_ya expensive
20:47.02bkw_I NEED FOOD
20:47.07km-why so expensive?
20:47.12km-aren't DSP's in all sorts of household items
20:47.20km-sound cards, mp3 players?
20:47.30sxpertkm-: not really
20:47.32wweat! eat!
20:47.40extremiscall forwarding with the 7960 was super easy
20:47.40sxpertmost of those have an arm-based asic
20:47.41zoayes but not things that can decode 120 channels at the same time
20:47.58km-haha, do TDM on the dsp!
20:48.09km-1 channel at a time, every millionth nanosecond or whatever
20:48.10sxpertkm-: the whole concept of the zaptel cards is to have NO dsp
20:48.43km-time division multiplexing
20:49.02km-same stuff that a T1 does, cept a different spin on it
20:49.52sxpertdsps are eeeevil
20:50.01bkw_software is FLEXABLE
20:50.23km-need much processor to do processing though
20:50.28extremisso now to figure out call transfer
20:50.43km-so, the tormenta 2 card, revision B, is essentially the 1 port T1 card, right?
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20:50.51sxpertkm-: yeah, what would the P4 5Ghz for if you don't use it's power ?
20:51.09atacommkm: works thanks.... although there is a second problem....which was there before, but it seems not to get the keypresses right half the time.....and when it does, it sometimes says only one or two of the digits outload instead of all of them..... ideas?
20:53.15km-atacomm: sounds like a problem with your dtmf recognition
20:53.19*** join/#asterisk ElJefe (
20:54.05atacommkm: what about the playback issue where it sometimes only plays one or two of the digit sounds back?  even the console says Playing(Digit1) and doesnt show attempts to play the other 3 digits, lol, its just weird
20:54.34km-that's because it didn't detect the digit that you're looking for?
20:55.08atacommno, thats after it recognized the extension of only read 1 back, and then said press 1 to connect, * to disconnect
20:56.12km-that is weird
20:56.25km-not sure why, but, you said it happened to you before this patch as well right
20:56.44km-to my knowledge, I havent heard anyone else say anything about this bug, so there's got to be something else at play there
20:57.26atacommlol, its always me
20:57.38km-I just had a question for ya
20:57.59km-atacomm: damn straight, you're a user!  The problem is always the user! :P
21:01.01km-I wouldnt mind a T1 and a channel bank
21:01.06bkw_me either
21:01.21km-bkw_: we need to start charging for support so we can get more hardware toys
21:02.00bkw_I do
21:02.13km-well dammit I should start too hehe
21:03.45Mikebkw_: whats the name of your module?
21:03.46atacommkm: lol, dont like bettering the project?
21:04.39bkw_atacomm I better the hell out of it
21:04.42km-atacomm: dude, I love bettering the project, but the project doesnt love bettering me
21:04.53km-atacomm: it sucks that developers have to buy the digium hardware
21:05.01bkw_see all that ODBC stuff with my name ALL over it
21:05.02km-I can't even get a T1 card lent to me for a week without paying
21:05.05atacommkm: at full price?
21:05.15km-yeah, at full price
21:05.39atacommcould become a commitments to get te the 15% discount
21:05.39bkw_no atacomm need to give me a 7960 for all the help
21:05.51bkw_15% JESUS
21:05.52bkw_thats not much
21:05.56km-yeah it sucks
21:05.59atacommbkw: what help? you always leave me hanging, roflmao
21:06.10atacommbkw: exactly, 15% off is not much, it sucks
21:06.24km-I e-mailed them about becoming a reseller
21:06.24bkw_atacomm I have helped you.. but you string me along.. and I have paying gigs
21:06.52km-and they said they weren't giving out reseller contracts anymore that instead I should contact particular hardware vendor resellers
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21:06.58km-that they failed to mention to me as well
21:07.09atacommreally? they said that?!?
21:07.32atacommwell, they did gain a bunch of resellers....i bet a lot of them dont sell to anyone but themselves
21:07.37km-wow, it's totally quiet in here once I shut off the as/400
21:07.46bkw_aka the noise maker
21:07.53km-yeah hehe
21:08.12bkw_USR TotalControls are the same way
21:08.13km-atacomm: yeah, it pisses me off...  I'm trying to start a business
21:08.22Xvoip_Manheh .. strange ... i though Digium supports developers ...
21:08.31km-atacomm: but how can I make money off of this if I can't becmoe a reseller? :P
21:08.44Xvoip_Mankm: Did Greg told you about it ?
21:08.44km-xvoip: digium supports the developers that work for them, for sure
21:09.02bkw_km- support
21:09.02atacommkm: lol, well if you buy alot....i could get bumped to the next level with digium and get you a good price :P
21:09.02km-atacomm: hahaha
21:09.02*** join/#asterisk slestak (
21:09.02Xvoip_Manany ideas, how many developers works for Digium ??
21:09.20atacommlike 2 probably
21:09.23km-these problems are probably not digium's fault
21:09.28km-its not like they're making mad cash
21:09.36km-they need to put food on the table just like everyone else
21:09.55Xvoip_Manof course they need ... but main develpers should be supported I think ...
21:09.58Xvoip_Manfor exmaple BKW ...
21:10.26km-bkw is jsut trying to look good so I'll hire him, and pay him to do what he does :P
21:10.31quid24xvoip:  you run
21:10.34atacommyup... lol, bkw, if you had helped me get setup a month ago i'd be in a great position to send you, now i've had a PRI for a full month without it being used, which isn't a good fiscal situation
21:11.10XVOIPquid: i have relation with yes ..
21:11.26XVOIPkm: are you launching new service provider ?
21:11.31atacommxvoip: not for long :P  if i dont get those phones I take XVOIP
21:11.54km-xvoip: it's not one of my immediate interests, no...  I'm going to be offering small businesses some solutions based on asterisk
21:11.55XVOIPatacomm: when you will pay ... from this moment you can start counting ... :)
21:12.14XVOIPkm: this is smart.. Asterisk is powerfull..
21:12.18atacommXVOIP: do you expect those phones to arrive on Monday?
21:12.36XVOIPatacomm: they are seating on FedEx location in NY ...
21:12.37quid24xvoip:  are they testing PSTN right now?  Saw a post in their forums... but there wasn't much detial
21:13.01XVOIPquid: all tests are done. from Monday commercial testing will take place.
21:13.19quid24okay, cause I PMed the admin about being a tester... never received anything back
21:13.33XVOIPhmmm strange ..
21:13.40XVOIPwhen it was ?
21:13.45atacommkm: i've got a deal with ABP, i'm going to port my service provider web ui to a small pbx web ui....and target both Asterisk and Snom 4S with it...then ABP is going to sell it :)
21:13.49quid24hmm, maybe 2 weeks ago
21:14.00km-atacomm: what's ABP?
21:14.08km-atacomm: can I see this cool stuff you show? :)
21:14.14extremisheh make install in zaptel doesn't install ztmonitor
21:14.18atacommkm: distributor for Snom (sole distributor for Americas)
21:14.27km-extremis: it's in the directory, doesnt install, nope.
21:14.33km-atacomm: ah.
21:14.35atacommkm: in a couple days, working out some kinks and problems today
21:14.42km-I'm thinking of writing a php interface to asterisk
21:14.49XVOIPatacomm: common. release code, we wil ltake it
21:14.54km-for managing users/voicemail/sip/iax all that crap
21:15.02km-not as much openconf
21:15.06km-but more like, realtime editing
21:15.07atacommkm: its tied into a database for service provider... i plan on rewriting the internals to use XML for local storage for a small business PBX
21:15.20extremiskm-: maybe you'll overcome whatever has kept everyone else from following through
21:15.32atacommyou know, i still think it should be users.conf, and theings like protocols=SIP,IAX,H323 for each user
21:15.33km-extremis: everyone starts it, but never finishes it
21:15.46extremisquite irritating
21:15.48km-extremis: difference is, if it's the key to me making money
21:15.51km-extremis: then it'll get done
21:16.00extremiskm-: so, is it the key yet?
21:16.04extremisand for how long will it be the key?
21:16.18atacommkm: so true, i have to finish mine because its the only way i'll make $ on the service....and scaling it down fills a nitch and can make me money to pay bills ... lol
21:16.21km-no, the key right now is getting capital to start my business
21:16.32extremisahhh, good luck, we just went through that
21:16.39km-I dont even need that much
21:16.41km-less than $5k
21:16.48extremiswell we raised much more
21:16.58oejatacomm: Good structure. users with groups, password and pincode for voicemail
21:17.01extremis(I don't do voice stuff for work)
21:17.05km-you hang out here long enough and you get connections from all sorts of people who are more than happy to give you discounts :)
21:17.18atacommoej: yeah, but getting people to accept that big of a patch would be a nightmare
21:17.36extremiskm-: well it seems have I have build another * box so I guess I will
21:17.36km-that'd break everyone's existing configs
21:17.49XVOIPoej: ... please put on normla bandwidth and make dns resolving man ... please no more ADSL links .. :)
21:17.50atacommkm: could make it look for both, heh
21:18.01oejatacomm: I think BKWs work is a good platform. We could sneak in some patches here and there...
21:18.16oejXVOIP: it's not my server, not my decision... Sorry. I've tried.
21:18.17quid24Has anyone played with that indications.c patch that allows you to create modulated tones?
21:18.44oejXVOIP: What problem do you have with DNS, thought that was resolved?
21:18.46XVOIPoej: hold on ... who is running ??? not you ???
21:18.55km-maybe I'll just grow some balls and apply for a poweredge through business lease
21:19.08*** join/#asterisk Kauser_Aunty (NightRani@
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21:19.17oejXVOIP: I'm just contributing a bit, quite a lot, but it's not my domain or server.
21:19.26XVOIPooomy god ...
21:19.33XVOIPoej: I thought you are owner ....
21:20.00oejXVOIP: No, James owns the server and wants it on the ADSL... New server launched this weekend, so it should be faster now.
21:20.21Kauser_Auntyi have a question about connecting custom hardware line card(s) with ASTERISK. can any one help ?
21:20.29cypromison ADSL ????
21:20.44XVOIPI can;t resolve even domain name .... unbelivable
21:21.05oejYes, ADSL :-) Guess he didn't expect me to fill the Wiki with stuff...
21:21.24XVOIPoej: who is James ?
21:21.28oejThe domain name resolves fine, we sorted that out. Some people had problems with firewalls and internal caches...
21:21.45XVOIP[root@portal new]# mtr
21:21.45XVOIPmtr: Host name lookup failure
21:21.52oejXVOIP: Don't know. He knows a lot about packet cable it seems. Never met him.
21:22.09XVOIPoej : shell I ask you to contribute to :))
21:22.41oej...and what's cooking on that domain?
21:22.50Kauser_Auntyas part of a final yea project, i have to design a small PBX with a computer and custom line card hardware. Can Asterisk be used with an analog line card that i design ?
21:23.04km-hmm, dell will lease at $118 a month
21:23.07cypromisif you write a channel driver
21:23.20XVOIPoej: it will be info about voip :))) but thing is it will be on high speed backbone ... and will be worldwide acceptable ...
21:24.11km-kauser: like cypromis says, if you write your own channel driver to interface with the hardware, you can certainly use it
21:27.04*** join/#asterisk tom26be (
21:27.33tom26begood evening
21:28.25tom26beanyone here who uses the avm C2 or C4 with asterisk?
21:28.47cypromisand the nly person that can help you is offline
21:29.16*** join/#asterisk af_ (
21:29.19XVOIPcypromis , are you bac already ?
21:29.26tom26beso all the rest is sleeping?
21:29.31tom26behi Xvoip
21:29.35cypromisXVOIP: yeah arrived lst night
21:29.44XVOIPhello Tom
21:29.45cypromismove is done, all stuff is in amsterdam
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21:30.11XVOIPcypromis: so when are you bring your stuff to our Swiss office ?
21:30.18cypromisgimme a week
21:30.27cypromisthis week is hardcore billing test :)
21:31.07XVOIPcypromis : you have time until tomorrow morning 9AM New York time ... to send me wire transfer paper please ... I am in prob here ..
21:31.16*** join/#asterisk BustyGurya (NightRani@
21:31.19tom26beI'm just starting with asterisk... going to use asterisk for thesis in highschool (last year)
21:31.50XVOIPcypromis: but funds on the way  ,correct?
21:32.04tom26beI'm still in the first phase = buying the hardware... :/ Don't know exactly what to buy...
21:32.22XVOIPtom: do you have IP Phones
21:32.54tom26bexvoip I have one cisco ATA186 (had it a few months already), but I will buy a few more
21:33.13tom26bexvoip which one do you recommend?
21:33.15tom26bethe snom?
21:33.38tom26begrandstream is the cheapest right?
21:33.39XVOIPcypromis: when can I purchase from you service ?  launch it man ..
21:33.48XVOIPtom: yes GS phones are cheapest  ones
21:34.07cypromisbeta phase is till end of next week
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21:34.13cypromisI am not launching beta stuff
21:34.15XVOIPtom: if you need some GS phones, ask me :)
21:34.16cypromisat least never again lol
21:34.34tom26bexvoip where are you from?
21:34.50XVOIPNew York
21:35.06tom26beI'm from Belgium
21:35.18zoahey me too tom
21:35.29zoatom: where do you live?
21:35.44tom26bezoa ah :)) I'm in Zaventem right now (office), but I live in Strombeek-Bever. You?
21:35.55zoaso you study at the vub ?
21:36.16tom26bezoa no, I study in Leuven (GroepT)
21:36.25zoai used to study there
21:36.37tom26bezoa what did you study there?
21:36.49zoamainly how to get up way too early
21:36.49tom26bezoa I'm in the last year telecommunication
21:36.52zoai didnt like it :)
21:36.57zoanever passed the first year
21:37.21zoatom, part of the time i live in the diestsestraat
21:37.26*** join/#asterisk jelque (~jelque@
21:37.35zoai have a live setup of a lot of asterisk servers
21:37.42zoai probably can help you out a lot :)
21:37.51tom26bezoa cool :)
21:38.24tom26bezoa so what do you use these servers for?
21:39.51tom26bezoa I'm gonna install mirc here...
21:40.04tom26bezoa this java client doesn't support the irc commands
21:40.09tom26beso I can't message you
21:40.28wwzoa: you have anything running solaris or irix?
21:41.13wwhmmm... because in theory...
21:43.19km-bkw_: weird, I restored libc6 from a backup and my gateway is back up to snuff.
21:43.25km-bkw_: I bet it is bad ram or a bad drive...
21:43.49*** join/#asterisk rootdotbe (rootdotbe@
21:43.58rootdotbeok this is better
21:44.06rootdotbezoa it's Tom here
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21:46.42rootdotbexvoip how much do you ask for the GS phone?
21:47.42rootdotbeIs that including shipping?
21:48.04XVOIPwhat is your zip ?
21:48.27rootdotbexvoip I'm from Belgium, so I better find a distributor here
21:48.50XVOIPyes ...
21:49.01XVOIPyou need 1 unit correct?
21:49.33rootdotbexvoip I need a few, maybe 4 or 5
21:49.48rootdotbexvoip you're talking about the Grandstream BudgeTone 101 ?
21:49.54XVOIPyes BT101
21:50.08rootdotbebecause I see here:
21:50.08rootdotbeNew Special Price: $39.00
21:50.08rootdotbeLowest cost IP Phone on the market
21:50.24rootdotbeso 65$ seems a bit high...
21:50.27XVOIPgo take it from Iconnect :)
21:50.31XVOIPno problem
21:50.35XVOIPgo and try to buy at 39$ ....
21:50.43XVOIPit is advertisement ... try to buy
21:50.44km-eagles kicked dallas's ass
21:51.02km-rootdotbe: where BT101 for $39?
21:51.12XVOIProotdotbe: retail price for BT101 is 75$  ...
21:51.40XVOIPIconnect is asking you to open account for 100$ [purchase time] , so you can get price for phone ...
21:51.59XVOIPnow multiple by many phones you need 5 ? ok x5 =500$ at least
21:52.02XVOIPgo ahead ;-))
21:52.28rootdotbexvoip I didn't know you can't buy their phone without the account
21:53.01rootdotbexvoip so what's your price for 5 BT101's
21:53.32XVOIPif you will take 20+_ then we can make discount
21:54.01XVOIPshipping via Express Mail will be around 65$
21:54.41rootdotbexvoip I'm gonna check out your website... to see what other services you offer...
21:54.55XVOIPtomorrow I can get exact info about shipping
21:55.01*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
21:55.02km-iconnethere charges an accessory activation fee?
21:55.23XVOIPkm :) hehe ... man it is multi-billion company .. of course they will charge for everyhting ...
21:55.49km-way too much dough
21:55.58km-how does iconnecthere compare with vonage?
21:56.02rootdotbexvoip ok, I'll send you my e-mail address
21:56.08XVOIPDeltaThree is one of leading voip company's
21:57.04XVOIProotdotbe: ok , i will emai lyou exact shipping cost tomorrow
21:57.16rootdotbexvoip ok thanks
21:57.22XVOIPno prob.
21:57.24km-I've heard someone say that vonage will hunt you down if you connect via asteriks
21:57.32XVOIPwe don't make money on shipping ;-)
21:57.41XVOIPkm: why is that ???
21:58.06km-they want you to use the ata-186
21:58.14Death_INCiconnectthere has retarded rates too
21:58.52XVOIPthaks god , we don;t ask people to use "our" equipmnet :)
21:58.56Death_INCif you do *, just use or
21:59.13Death_INCboth better than vonage
21:59.23km-nufone better than vonage???
21:59.37km-I can't imagine that
21:59.48cypromisquality wise for sure
21:59.51cypromissupport wise as well
22:00.03km-I can barely keep one call without having it popping in and out
22:00.07km-even on a half T1
22:00.13km-and using ilbc
22:00.13cypromisyou or nufone ?
22:00.14XVOIPkm:with nufone ?
22:00.17km-with nufone
22:00.24cypromisstill same question
22:00.27Death_INCkm-, I've never had a problem
22:00.37cypromisyou or nufone can't keep the call ?
22:00.41km-cypromis: with my box at work connecting to nufone's chicago servers
22:00.43Death_INCI use iLBC and I only have ADSL
22:00.44km-it's not that it cant keep the call
22:00.48km-it's just that the call pops in and out
22:00.50Death_INCworked fine even with ulaw
22:00.59km-sometimes there are periods of unnatural quiet where I can't hear the remote party
22:01.04Death_INCyea, my quality is just like hard line so far
22:01.33*** join/#asterisk carrar (
22:01.35Death_INCkm, and you dont have those problems with other providers?
22:01.43km-I haven't tried any other providers
22:02.10Death_INCtry --- it's free just pay $10 for minutes
22:02.17km-wake up
22:02.46km-I'm going to call him
22:02.50wwhmm... 100% packet loss...
22:03.30Death_INCXVOIP, do you sell anything other than the grandstream?
22:03.53bkw_what what what?
22:03.53XVOIPDeath: you mean hardware ?
22:04.07tholobkw broke it.
22:04.16Death_INCXVOIP, yea
22:04.31XVOIPsipura will be very soon
22:06.29Death_INChmm that dosn't look too bad either
22:06.52*** join/#asterisk jelque (
22:10.00atacommhmm....why doesnt Voicemail let you play back your greeting after recording it so you know whether or not you want to record it again?
22:11.32km-hey, anyone here got an unlocked ata-186
22:11.32rootdotbeanyone here who can comment on ENUM?
22:11.42rootdotbeusefull and when/how to use?
22:11.43km-and can tell me what the field is in the config file for the password?
22:13.21wwwhen i dial, it looks in enum to see where the call should go. if it's local or does not exist, it continues as usual
22:13.41wwcan do distributed call forwarding that way (LNP anyone?), among other things
22:16.33antibkw_: I thought you said at least some of zaptel worked, I can't even get zaptel.c to properly compile because it references a lot of devfs stuff thats been stripped from 2.6
22:16.55antisince devfs is depreciated in favor of udev
22:17.05bkw_patch is on the mailing list
22:20.21antibkw_: Do you have it working?
22:20.50*** join/#asterisk DXManiac (
22:21.20antioh okay, well then. The patch doesn't work, doesn't modify anything dealing with devfs anyway. The patch patches okay, but doesn't fix the 2.6 issues.
22:21.38antiJust seems to properly add the irqreturn_t and constants but thats it.
22:21.42rootdotbeww thanks for the info. Is enum widely used?
22:22.48wwnot really. mostly one uses a private enum tree, although there has been some talk of an openenum
22:22.54wwforget though
22:23.30cypromisldap ?
22:23.35cypromisldap is nice :)
22:23.42cypromismany ldap admins are stupid tho
22:23.46wwcare to write app_ldaplookup?
22:24.32rootdotbeww yeah, because I never will see anything in the tree delegated to me :)
22:25.03bkw_I have thought about making the openenum an internet only space
22:26.07wwwhat frightens me is man-in-the-middle attacks with a public enum though... and similar sorts of things
22:26.21wwhave to be very careful with public routing information sources
22:30.05rootdotbeww so how to go around this problem? So some kind of registry needs to be started
22:30.30rootdotbeww like a registry for domainnames, but then for enum trees and subtrees?
22:30.54wwi'm not sure
22:31.06rootdotbeww where all parties involved are known, have a clear identity?
22:34.34*** part/#asterisk illc0mmm (
22:37.12*** join/#asterisk Coolhp (
22:37.32*** part/#asterisk BustyGurya (NightRani@
22:37.59Coolhpbkw : Would you happen to have tried G729 between your Budgetone and * ?
22:38.57Coolhpbkw : How does G729 work on asterisk. I know I have to buy licenses for it... but is it just a buy and download type of thing ?
22:39.21*** part/#asterisk RichA (
22:39.35Coolhpbkw : 10$ a pop if I remember well... Is it hard to install ?
22:39.43Death_INCCoolhp, you enter the code that you get in an email and it contacts a server to verify, then enables the number of licenses you bought
22:40.01CoolhpExcelent... Thank you !
22:40.15loko_mokodo they ever plan to make it useable in the real world of raid =)
22:40.21Death_INCif your hardware dramatically changes, you'll have to re-register... you can do it 3 times before you'd have to talk to them
22:40.25bkw_loko_moko I think
22:40.37bkw_Death_INC its linked to a file and inode
22:40.44bkw_if that changes it has to be re-registered
22:40.54CoolhpDoes it work with X-Lite or X-Pro ?
22:40.59bkw_dont know
22:40.59loko_mokodeath_inc are you the same person as from #systalk  / dhs / ml
22:41.08Death_INCloko_moko, yea
22:41.29loko_mokoare you still doing work for them?
22:41.30tessier__loko_moko: is your name a play on moco loco?
22:41.48Death_INCloko_moko, well... I still have access to DHS but I havn't done much in a long time...  I saw manger and otl here
22:41.54tessier__Ok, because moco loco means "crazy booger" in Spanish. :)
22:42.02tessier__I once saw someone else with that nickname on IRC>
22:42.26CoolhpIs there any difference between G729 and G729a ?
22:42.31wwwow. is the makefile for libgsm ever borked
22:42.32Death_INCloko moko is some kinda food I think, I dont eat it tho
22:42.36Death_INCkinda like plate lunch?
22:42.36tessier__Coolhp: Yeah, an "a"
22:42.40loko_mokodeath- yea otl got me into it, menger is playing with it as well
22:42.51cypromisCoolhp: go to ITU site and check what annex A for g729 is
22:43.39loko_mokowilliam comes here as well sometimes, but i dont like him anymore
22:43.58Death_INClol, wxw is interesting
22:44.05loko_mokowhy is that
22:44.08loko_mokothis outta be good
22:44.20Death_INCno I mean, he's .... different
22:44.25loko_mokooh he sure is
22:44.27bkw_this atat picksup dtmf really easy out of the air
22:44.34bkw_er s/atat/ata/
22:47.07YoYo^kewlio... DISA working... meetme working... now I just gotta ask my employee people if they want to dial 9+ or just have straight 10 digit dialing
22:47.07Death_INCheh I just bought a cheap ata182, because I looked up the datasheet I thought was the 182 on then I realized its not the 182 I was looking at, and cisco has JACK on it
22:47.10Death_INCdoes it work ok?
22:52.22*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
22:58.06Death_INCI need to try DISA again, it wasn't working very well for what I wanted last time I tried it heh
22:59.24rootdotbewhy is the snom so expensive? Ok, I believe it's a very good phone
22:59.26bkw_DISA is nice
22:59.30bkw_snom sucks ballz
22:59.32rootdotbeand it's nice to have linux inside :)
22:59.43rootdotbebut nobody will buy it at that price
22:59.53rootdotbewell, at least, not SO many people
23:00.17rootdotbe$249 compared to a $65 GS...
23:04.33*** join/#asterisk mortck (
23:04.57loko_mokocisco 7960 =)
23:05.06loko_mokoat like $300-$500
23:05.37sxpertthat's *expensive*...
23:07.04*** join/#asterisk erubright (~erubright@
23:07.22mishehummmmmm 7960
23:07.30mishehuit's sooooo worth it though
23:07.38sxpertcisco is super-expensive
23:07.55bkw_but it works
23:08.01bkw_and works WELL
23:08.19bkw_the IAXy will blow the ATA away I hope
23:08.32km-what's IAXy?
23:08.38sxpertbkw_: what's that ?
23:09.35loko_mokoi agree the 7960 is definitely worth it
23:10.43YoYo^Death, disa didn't work for me either
23:10.52YoYo^so I put Authenticate() first, then DISA with no password
23:10.57YoYo^seems to work
23:11.56YoYo^ok, enough puttering around.  time to go back home
23:14.22*** join/#asterisk TheFloyd (
23:15.07*** join/#asterisk jtew (
23:18.43rootdotbekm- I only know IAX, it's inter-asteris eXchange. I don't know what IAXy is though
23:19.00km-bkw explained it to me
23:19.27rootdotbebkw can you also explain it to me ? :)
23:20.29bkw_explain what?
23:20.39bkw_thing 1 port
23:20.43bkw_er think 1 port
23:20.47rootdotbewhat IAXy is...
23:20.59bkw_1 port FXS
23:22.14rootdotbeI'm very new to all this. Even haven't found the difference between FXS and FXO
23:22.25XVOIProotdotbe : it is simple
23:22.26rootdotbejust started on all of this
23:22.43XVOIPIAXy : is a voip gateway/adapter with 1 voice port
23:22.52XVOIPsupports IAX protocol to communicate with Asterisk
23:22.56km-Why did they make it only 1 port?
23:23.10km-you'd think they'd know us better
23:23.12XVOIPall other phones, like Grandstream or somehtign else supports H323/SIP, etc
23:23.17km-like 6 or 7 fxs's :)
23:23.40rootdotbexvoip so it doesn't really use SIP, but some Asterisk-only protocol?
23:23.47bkw_km- service prviders want 1 port
23:23.47bkw_look at all the wasted vonage ports
23:23.47bkw_they finally started using them
23:24.10km-rootdotbe: IAX2 is asterisk-only at the moment, but it's an open source protocol that's superior to SIP and H323
23:24.11XVOIProotdotbe: yes, and this is why it is cool :)
23:24.12Simon_caxvoip: does somebody make/sell these?
23:24.23cypromisit's superior for endusers
23:24.30bkw_its superior for alot of stuff
23:24.32XVOIPsimon: Digium ... should be this Decmeber available ...
23:24.36cypromisfor carriers it lacks the possibility of splitting payload and siganlling
23:24.48km-cypromis: you can do this in SIP?
23:24.56cypromisit also lacks the possibility of setting framesizes for codecs
23:24.58cypromisand so on
23:25.00cypromisyes you can
23:25.04XVOIPIAXy: is excellent for carriers to ... I can immediately offer unlimited IAX plans to market ...
23:25.09cypromisnot that I favour SIP
23:25.35km-I'd love to get a whole passel of those IAXy's
23:25.38km-I hope they're very small devices
23:25.47Simon_caxvoip: cool.  fxs only or an fxo ver?  I'l like a remote dialtone box smaller then a pc w/ an x100p...
23:26.05XVOIPsimon: fxs unit
23:26.35rootdotbecypromis which one lacks the possibility of splitting payload and signalling? IAX2 or SIP?
23:27.25wwwhat does IAXy run? uclinux? or?
23:27.49km-that'd be neat
23:29.36rootdotbecypromis I want to offer a VoIP solution, but I don't want that all voice traffic passes through my network of course. As much as possible between the two devices. This is possible with SIP right? As long as the firewall/network setup is OK. Can it be done with IAX2 also?
23:30.05bkw_IAXy works better with nat
23:30.09bkw_or should
23:30.16cypromisit can't be done
23:30.18cypromisyet ...
23:30.25km-IAX2 is amazing
23:30.26cypromiswith iax
23:30.34*** join/#asterisk adk656 (
23:30.43km-nufone calls my box, via IAX2
23:30.45rootdotbecypromis but with SIP it can be done right?
23:30.50km-I tell my extension to dial something else through IAX
23:30.54cypromisbut SIP suxx in other parts
23:30.54wwiax2 will do that with proper setup -- it can transfer the calls
23:30.55km-nufone takes the call back completely
23:31.02cypromisso either get a hell of bandwidth and use iax2
23:31.02*** join/#asterisk dustyk (
23:31.06cypromisor use SIP and suffer
23:31.06km-it never touches my bandwidth again
23:31.07wwso client devices talk directly to each other
23:31.21cypromiskm-: yah but you cannot bill it :)
23:31.37cypromisit's completely gone from your system
23:31.42cypromisso for a carrier it is nonsense
23:31.42km-that's not my problem, that's jeremy's
23:31.46km-he'll send me the bill :)
23:31.57km-same goes for if it was me
23:32.18km-even though the call would go to a subscribers box, then get transferred, the call would still be "destinated" at my box
23:32.19wwnot so bad... carriers charge for call setup and pstn termination... ip is ip
23:32.22km-so I'd get cdr records for it
23:33.07wwok, 0.5.3B is out at
23:33.14wwminor fixes + km's voicemail patch
23:33.29XVOIPww: what is 0.5.3B doing ?
23:33.38km-ww: you mean my directory patch?
23:33.44wwit is an unofficial testing release
23:33.48wwkm- yes
23:33.59wwit has autoconf and other goodies. check the changelog
23:34.09dantww, you got the url right?
23:34.50wwd'oh... sorry
23:35.02blitzragewhat is 0.5.3B ?
23:35.29blitzragewhat does it do different?
23:35.39blitzragejust to test your own patches ww ?
23:35.44Mikebkw_: found a bug on your program
23:35.52ww<ww> it has autoconf and other goodies. check the changelog
23:35.54Mikebkw_: if the module is not loaded it makes asterisk crash
23:36.04Mikebkw_: thats why my asterisk was crashing the hell out
23:36.14blitzrageaha :)
23:36.18km-thats also the case if the database isn't open in the first place
23:36.19ww(right now patches are km's directory patch, sip+nat, syslog and distinctive ring)
23:36.19Mikewhen doing a hanging up
23:36.22km-i.e., postgres isn't started
23:36.26Mikeit doesnt find the module
23:36.50wwbut the most important thing i'd like people to test is the build process with autoconf
23:37.01wwit works for me but...
23:37.47km-you can do triggers in postgres?
23:38.28*** join/#asterisk adks (
23:38.38citatskm-: yep
23:38.47davidI'm trying to compile h323 support into asterisk, but I'm seeing a lot of errors - Is there a tutorial/howto/docs somewhere? I think I have the right libs/dev packages installed
23:39.01km-citats: you could damn near write yourself an ERP package using postgres
23:41.13XVOIPww:*-testing, what exactly itis ? * with some patches ?
23:42.01blitzragethere really should be a testing and stable branch with asterisk
23:42.15blitzrageI heard they were working on it in the cvs tree.. but haven't seen it happen yet
23:45.36rootdotbe]data[ drunk?
23:45.51]data[__nah not really only had a cpl
23:46.22blitzragea couple 40's?
23:46.35rootdotbea couple of quadruple whiskeys or something :)
23:48.28rootdotbexvoip what linux distri do you run Asterisk on?
23:48.45XVOIPRedHat 9.0
23:49.07*** join/#asterisk dobey (
23:49.34rootdotbeI use Redhat 9 on all my linux servers, but now that they will split up things and get more commercial...
23:49.51rootdotbeI really don't know what's the best thing to do now...
23:49.54atacommi use RH 9 as well
23:50.04XVOIPatacomm: waz up ?
23:50.09XVOIPwill we make you working or not ?
23:50.16atacommroot: Fedora is basically RH9.....they have already gone thru beta and have released a final build of the first version
23:50.28atacommwhats that? whos gonna buy me beers?
23:50.32atacommhey XVOIP
23:50.58atacommXVOIP: i just sent km some shots of my UI  :P
23:51.24XVOIPatacomm: sent it to me ..yooo
23:51.28atacommdobey: web ui for my service
23:51.40atacommXVOIP: i will...eventually....when you send me my phones :P
23:51.43XVOIP~bomb atacomm
23:51.46ACTION drops a humongous exploding nuke on atacomm
23:51.56XVOIPwhen you will pay, I will send them
23:51.59km-~meepgun XVOIP
23:52.02ACTION shoots XVOIP with a magneto-ionized meson gun
23:52.02atacommrofl, i didnt know of that one
23:52.04ACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
23:52.41atacommXVOIP is nearly as reliable as JMB
23:52.49*** join/#asterisk Tili (~Tili@
23:52.50XVOIPatacomm: I will kill you now
23:52.54bkw_JMB has really disappointed me
23:53.05XVOIPbkw: you too ???
23:53.07atacommJMB still isnt responding well to me
23:53.18atacommno more business for him
23:53.20bkw_I wonder if he died or something
23:53.30wwXVOIP -- yes, * with patches and autoconf
23:53.33atacommbkw: nope, but he can come up with excuses like you wouldnt beleive
23:53.44wwblitzrage: i agree completely, should have testing and stable branches in cvs
23:53.56XVOIPone of my customers in US have got phone ... which JMB sent ...
23:53.59blitzragehrm.. I want to build asterisk for my PDA :)
23:54.04XVOIPanother guy in AU is stil lwating :(((
23:54.12km-haha asterisk on a PDA?
23:54.16atacommXVOIP: i am still waiting
23:54.20wwblitzrage -- if you set up a cross compiler, you can try to build it
23:54.32blitzrageww: yah I know... :)
23:54.38blitzrageit's so tempting to try
23:54.39km-without zaptel cards though :(
23:54.42ww./configure --host=arm-unknown-linux
23:54.48XVOIPatacomm: Phones whcih we  ordered through GS are in New York , at FedEx facility, they just couldnt deliver them on Friday because of  fucking snow
23:54.54blitzrageit's a Sharp Zaurus 5500
23:55.05XVOIPit is snow all around ..
23:55.05atacommXVOIP: I know, i just like reaming you out over it
23:55.16km-it was only 10 inches
23:55.20XVOIPatacomm:I told you I will kill you
23:55.26atacommXVOIP: I live in MN....we have snow all the time and can drive around
23:55.37blitzrageI live in Canada
23:55.37dobeythankfully, dominos apparently delivers
23:55.42blitzragewe have snow all year round
23:55.43km-one call does it all
23:55.54km-atacomm!  where's my fucking e-mail douchebag! :P
23:56.17atacommkm: i dont know, off in la la land where GIF files get scanned for viruses i suppose
23:56.25km-sending me PORN again
23:56.30Mikeif a friend of FWD is talking to me why can i transfer it to a landline call
23:56.42Mikelike #9xxxxxxxxxxxx#
23:56.43atacommna, thats what Kazaa is for
23:56.53XVOIPatacomm wtf , send me screenshots
23:57.01atacomm...and what those new Cisco color phones are for
23:57.26atacommspeaking of which, how do i throw a pic on these phones?
23:57.49Simon_caAre there other options for sip "secrets" then cleartext in sip.conf?
23:58.05atacommXVOIP: i told you... :P   lol, km helped me out, roflmao.....i love causing you much mental anguish
23:58.20maikSimon_ca: you can use md5-hashes
23:58.20atacommwoohoo, automatic hunt group generation works
23:58.32XVOIP~meepgun atacomm
23:58.35ACTION shoots atacomm with a super-inverse electron gun
23:58.45atacomm~shield me
23:58.51tclarkdobey: if you like perl goto,grep the perl modules the check out the * manager wrappers
23:59.00atacommdoh, damn jbot...never there for you when you need him
23:59.25dobeytclark: i was thinking C or C#, i want to write some things to integrate notification of voicemail and calls and such with gnome
23:59.33km-xvoip: is the xvoip network free?
23:59.54tclarkjust connect to the manager port direct then

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