irclog2html for #asterisk on 20031130

00:00.03Mikeyeah but an e1 here its very very very very expensive
00:00.06illc0mmmbut, in mexico, probably too much
00:00.09illc0mmmyeah. hehe
00:00.10Mike8 pots are really cheap
00:00.26Mikewhat card could hold 8 pots?
00:00.35illc0mmmMike, dont know of any
00:00.45rollysonmike: a T1/E1 card connected to a channel bank
00:00.50Mikeheller: paid to ideot neibors yeah
00:00.52illc0mmmbut a E1/T1 channel bank might be able to do it in reverse?
00:01.08Mikerollyson: a E1 is to expensive
00:01.15illc0mmmno you don't buy an e1
00:01.16Mikehaving 8 pots rj11 is cheaper
00:01.25illc0mmmyou aggragate the pots into a channel bank
00:01.26rollysonmike: you don't buy an e1
00:01.34helleri believe digium is thinking about or making a fxo modules for the tdm400p
00:01.34illc0mmmthen that plugs into the asterisk server's t1 card
00:01.44rollysonpots <-> channel bank <-> e1
00:02.04illc0mmmwell, you can get channel banks pretty cheap on ebay now
00:02.05Mikeok so having the 8pots you plug en in a channel bank
00:02.22lecramusually with rj11 connectors
00:02.23hellerand, if you do that, you'll have 16 lines left over for local extensions.
00:02.49illc0mmmlecram: I thought they used 25 pair cable? like to a 66 or 110 block
00:03.34Mikea good E1 for internet its arround 6k per month
00:03.37Mikea good one
00:03.38illc0mmmhold me, I'm scard
00:03.42Mikeyou could get E1 for less
00:03.56Mike3k maybe a bad E1
00:04.08Mikethe pot its 20dlls a month
00:04.12zoa2E1 ?
00:04.20Mikeeuropean standars kid
00:04.31illc0mmmE at 1
00:04.35illc0mmmEat 1
00:04.38rollysonmike: the E1 would be a crossover from the channel bank to the * box.
00:04.40zoa2i get that for free as long as i put over 250$ traffic a month on them
00:05.09Mikerolly i see
00:05.09rollysonso the telco never sees the T1
00:05.12rollysonerr E1
00:05.16Mikerollyson: how much its a channel bank?
00:05.21illc0mmmwell, if its inside might as well be T1
00:05.23^apathy^zoa2: was it you that mentioned the other day you knew if a CF-IDE adapter would work with the Voiceage g729a codec??
00:05.37illc0mmmMike: from $250 - $1000
00:05.43rollysonprobably $1000 USD or less on ebay
00:05.47Mikei guess its cheaper to get a MBO with 8pci or so
00:06.19zoa2apathy i don't know
00:06.21rollysonmike: channel bank is cheaper than buying a bunch of FXO PCI cards.
00:06.23zoa2but i doubt it :)
00:06.30^apathy^zoa2: ok...bugger
00:06.34SplasPoodexten => 9,1,DISA,1234|local
00:06.37illc0mmmnot to mention less mess
00:06.39^apathy^zoa2: my * box is all scsi =[
00:06.59SplasPoodanyone know why that doesn't prompt me for my password?
00:07.27Mikerollyson: i hopefully never have to play with more than one line:P
00:07.40Mikerollyson: im doing asterisk for my home usage only
00:07.46Mikejust curios
00:07.55illc0mmmit's at $100 now or $400 buy it now. but that's for 24 channels
00:07.58zoa2^apathy^ so what, so is mine
00:08.12zoa2i have 3 scsi asterisk servers
00:08.17^apathy^zoa2: are you using g729?
00:08.19zoa2no problems at all
00:08.27^apathy^zoa2: how?
00:08.43SplasPoodAny of you guys ever setup DISA?
00:08.48zoa2i bought a license
00:08.52zoa2for each server
00:08.57zoa2and that seemed to work just fine
00:09.06^apathy^SplasPood: i tried, a few days ago it prompted but no dialtone afterwards
00:09.29SplasPood^apathy^: heh, mine doesn't prompt, gives me a dialtone, but doesn't seem to go anywhere from there
00:09.47*** join/#asterisk Talento (~talento@
00:09.49^apathy^zoa2: ok. so it doesn't need ide?
00:10.18*** join/#asterisk bobman (
00:10.26rollysonsplaspood: try the password at that dialtone.
00:10.39rollysonmay have to follow with #
00:10.48zoa2it doesnt need ide
00:10.49SplasPoodrollyson: I did, just gave me silence... with or without the '3'
00:10.52SplasPooderm the #
00:10.54rollysonand you'll then get a real dialtone.
00:11.00zoa2but you might have troubles with the license
00:11.00xpasha_homebtw guys anybody have free g729 for asterisk
00:11.01rollysonor should
00:11.05xpasha_homeor g723 at least
00:11.07zoa2as IT SUX !
00:11.20zoa2xpasha_home: it doesnt exist
00:11.23zoa2you need a license
00:11.33xpasha_homeI haev seen g723
00:11.37zoa2there is no such thing as free g729
00:11.39*** part/#asterisk Talento (~talento@
00:11.46xpasha_homeaand what about g723?
00:11.49^apathy^xpasha_home: link?
00:11.58zoa2yes g723.1 exists, pass thru :-p
00:12.19xpasha_homezoa2 what you mean?
00:12.43xpasha_homewhere is it?
00:12.48zoa2read the manual !
00:12.54xpasha_homewhat manual?
00:13.00xpasha_homethere are a lot
00:13.27zoa2g723.1 is only supported in pass thru mode
00:13.38xpasha_homezoa2 what is the mode?
00:14.14^apathy^zoa2: hmm, Digium's site still says "Note: Please do not attempt to use the G.729 code in a SCSI-only system"
00:15.04dantxpasha_home, pass thru
00:15.38xpasha_homebetwen systems working with their own g723?
00:15.45xpasha_homewithout translation I mean
00:16.40dantxpasha_home, e.g. 2 phones using g723 can call each other, but neither can communicate with * using g723
00:17.02zoa2^apathy^ it sometimes gives problems
00:17.17Mikethis guys is a stealer
00:17.31^apathy^zoa2: oh it's not "won't work at all"  more  "works mostly"
00:18.07dantMike, note... 0 bids
00:18.45dantMike, you can only sell something for as much as someone is willing to pay... his bet is on stupid people using ebay
00:20.06xpasha_homedant I see
00:20.17dantthis on the other hand
00:20.20^apathy^zoa2: thanks for clearing that up =]
00:20.43zoa2although maybe i have an ide controller on the mainboard in those servers
00:20.46xpasha_homeanybody tried to make round-robin serial line?
00:20.51dantreasonable price... though no doubt it'll have gone a lot higher before it gets into last day
00:20.52zoa2but i'm sure i don't have non scsi disks
00:20.56xpasha_homefor example I have 5 phones
00:20.57zoa2or ide cdroms
00:21.05Mikethat actually works with *
00:21.05xpasha_homeand whant them with one number
00:21.13illc0mmmMike: That's a good deal
00:21.22Mikeillc0mmm: works? with asterisk?
00:21.32^apathy^zoa2: my understanding is that they use the serial number of the first ide hard drive
00:21.36xpasha_homehow to make asterisk behaviour like it calls phones randlomly
00:21.44^apathy^zoa2: so just having an ide controller wouldn't cut it
00:21.59zoa2ic yes
00:22.03^apathy^zoa2: obviously wrong tho, considering you setup
00:22.10*** join/#asterisk kamtorus (
00:22.14illc0mmmMike: Yeah, you can flash it with SIP firmware
00:22.24illc0mmmMike: But you need to own the license for it. :)
00:22.34xpasha_homebtw I found cause of the problem
00:22.38Mikeillc0mmm: how much the license?
00:22.46Mikeillc0mmm: you have one of those?
00:22.47xpasha_homeit works well with outofband dtmf of asterisk %)
00:22.57xpasha_homei mean cisco phone
00:22.58kamtorushi, i have this error when i try to launch asterisk : []WARNING[1024]: File loader.c, Line 239 (ast_load_resource): cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
00:23.07illc0mmmMike: Yes I do. have a few... But buying them off ebay is frowned upon by Cisco
00:23.14illc0mmmMike: They claim not to support that stuff
00:23.21kamtorusdoeas anyone can help me ?
00:23.40bkw_kamtorus postgres error
00:23.48^apathy^kamtorus: you don't have the Postgres libaries installed
00:23.53bkw_add noload => to modules.conf
00:24.00bkw_^apathy^ yes he does or it woudln't compile
00:24.05bkw_its just in the wrong place
00:24.10kamtorusok, what pgsql library is needed ?
00:24.13^apathy^bkw_: you're assuming he compiled it himself
00:24.46kamtorusapathy yes i've compiled myself
00:24.58^apathy^kamtorus: ok then bkw_ is right =]
00:25.53bkw_oh i'm not laffing at you
00:25.58bkw_i'm laffing at capital one
00:26.00bkw_they are silly
00:26.22^apathy^bkw_: i couldn't stand commercial radio in the UK
00:27.05*** join/#asterisk haxr01 (
00:27.12bkw_they are in india
00:27.27kamtorusbkw it's ok with noload, thanks. what is wrong ? my postgresql installation ?
00:27.34bkw_its on crack
00:27.36haxr01my asterisk is crashing, can anyone offer any assistance
00:27.38^apathy^bkw_: aaah, the disease is spreading ;)
00:28.03bkw_I hungup on the guy at capital one
00:28.11bkw_"What part of NO do you not understand"
00:28.54rollysonargh, where the hell is the admin mode toggle for the snom 200
00:30.36atacommrollyson: what do you mean by toggle? the radio button?
00:31.19rollysonadmin mode was accidently toggled off, now I don't get the toggle to turn it back on.
00:31.43atacommhmm, you mean you are in user mode?
00:31.55rollysonyeah, its in user mode.
00:32.00*** join/#asterisk BSDGuy (
00:32.08atacommnever done that, heh, dont know how to change that.....
00:32.21rollysonI don't know where to find the option to switch back to admin mode on the 200
00:32.33rollysonthe 100 has it right on the menu.
00:32.42atacommwell, i'm pretty use you need to get in with a password dont you?
00:32.47BSDGuyIs there some kind of website or something that contains something like "Asterisk for the compleat idiot"?
00:33.01rollysonatacomm: yeah, you have to have a password. I have that.
00:33.11atacommBSDGuy: not totally, but i have found to be helpful
00:33.27haxr01my asterisk server keeps crashing can anyone offer me some hints
00:33.27BSDGuyI'm interested, but I don't know the terminology, the hardware, the standards, nothing.
00:33.44atacommthen that is definately the page for you to go to
00:33.44Corydon76First, start with a stable Linux distribution.
00:34.06BSDGuythere's little more stable than FreeBSD
00:34.11atacommnot fully, i dont think zaptel is fully ported yet
00:34.24BSDGuyi could find no reference to zaptel
00:34.36BSDGuybut I don't know what zaptel is
00:34.38Corydon76Trust me, I'm a BSD guy... save yourself the trouble and use Linux
00:34.44BSDGuyor why it's important
00:35.40tholoZaptel are drivers for hardware enabling use of traditional telephony equipment (T1's, analog phones etc).
00:35.56BSDGuyI see
00:35.57tholoIn addition, it also gives one relatively important piece of support for Asterisk.
00:36.35tholoThat is accurate timing -- needed to be able to do conferencing, and to do trunking of calls over IAX2 (less network protocol overhead when there are multiple calls).
00:37.27Corydon76Unless you're a BSD hacker like tholo, consider the *BSD port of asterisk to be alpha and unsupported...
00:37.50BSDGuywell, what I want, is just to have 2-4 inbound analog lines that route calls to extensions, offer voicemail, and route to phones over my IP network.
00:38.20BSDGuyneeds to support outbound calls as well
00:38.26Corydon76Pick a Linux distribution, any one, as long as it's not Redhat 9
00:38.48atacommlol, i use RH9, works great
00:38.54tholoThen you really should stick to Linux for now -- even though I ported Asterisk to BSD, I do, as I said, run my production stuff on Linux.
00:38.54BSDGuyI so hate the linux installs I've worked on that it's almost enough for me to not do the project.  
00:39.02mishehuslackware would probably be a good pick
00:39.19rollysonatacomm: even worse, the web interface is crippled while in user mode.
00:39.27Corydon76Using Asterisk on RH9 is like playing roulette with your production services
00:39.27rollysonso I can't do ANYTHING to this phone.
00:39.45SplasPoodI'd suggest debian
00:39.51atacommrollyson: yeah, thats what it sounds like, i've never turned it off before
00:40.00Corydon76Like I said, anything but RH9
00:40.11BSDGuyNow I remember why i like FreeBSD so well :)
00:40.29rollysonatacomm: I've turned it off on a snom 100 before
00:40.39rollysonthat's easy to undo.
00:40.40Corydon76Like there's no wars between Free-, Open-, and Net-  :-P
00:40.40mishehuBSDGuy: Slackware should be relatively similar to BSD...
00:40.46atacommcorydon: i've had no problems with it, it was either RH9 or Suse, because the intel board only had drivers for the two, and well, I wasnt going to plop down money to try Suse without knowing if it would work, so RedHat won, and RedHat works great after it had the correct drivers
00:40.52SplasPoodCorydon76: thats not *exactly* true
00:40.55rollysonthe manual has no mention of the option for the 200 though
00:41.10atacommrollyson: what firmware version?
00:41.19haxr01asterisk keeps crashing can anyone help?
00:41.25bkw_blah timmah
00:41.35BSDGuycory, uhhh, no significant amount of them.
00:41.50rollysonatacomm: 2.02t IIRC
00:42.02SplasPoodI still seem to find asterisk working inconsistently.. even under Linux...  But that may be due to my idiocy
00:42.09tholoThere's less of it than there used to be, certainly.
00:42.20BSDGuyso, is asterisk an application?
00:42.23atacommhmm..i really have no idea, i know they recently changed something regarding it according to their release notes
00:42.33BSDGuyif so, is it available in binary format?
00:42.37tholoYes, but Zaptel is kernel drivers. ;-)
00:42.47SplasPoodBSDGuy: as compared to a state of mind? ;)
00:43.04BSDGuyyou mean I'd have to build a linux kernel?
00:43.14tholoNot really -- development is still happening so fast that running current out of CVS is recommended...
00:43.24tholoNo.  You need to have kernel sources installed, but do not have to build a kernel.
00:43.41tholoLinux uses loadable kernel modules for most of their drivers, including Zaptel.
00:43.51mishehuSplasPood: I have 0.5.0 running for a few months now stabily...  although I have a very light load on the system.
00:43.51SplasPoodBut if you don't have zaptel hardware, there's no sense in compiling the drivers, no?
00:44.12BSDGuywell, I'm freaking confused... because I don't know what hardware does what
00:44.23SplasPoodmishehu: Well me too, I'm just screwing around with it...   I'm sure the problems I have are due to A) Limited docs  and B) limited experience on my part
00:44.25tholoExcept there is a "dummy" driver available to give the needed timing information for doing conferences and trunking, SplasPood...
00:44.27Corydon76Not unless you want to use IAX2 trunking, conferencing, or MOH
00:44.35SplasPoodtholo: really?
00:44.49BSDGuywhat is iax2 trunking?
00:44.52SplasPoodtholo: hrm..  Might that be the cause of some of the problems I'm having?
00:44.54tholoJust needs to be enabled in the Zaptel makefile.
00:44.59Corydon76As long as you have uhci-usb
00:45.06tholoDunno what problems you are having.
00:45.10mishehuBSDGuy: linking asterisk systems together
00:45.18BSDGuyoh, ok, thanks
00:45.26SplasPoodtholo: well just consistency stuff...  Sometimes extentions just hang, channels never drop, things like that
00:45.40Corydon76which channels?
00:45.45SplasPoodSpecifically SIP
00:45.55tholoBSDGuy: IAX2 Trunking is the ability to run two or more conversations over the same UDP stream, so that you don't incur the IP, UDP and IAX overhead for each conversation, but share that overhead between N conversations.
00:46.12Corydon76Who's on the other side of those SIP connections?
00:46.20lecramtholo: has any work been done on getting the zaptel drivers running on bsd?
00:46.24tholoHm, I am not seeing that kind of problems, and I run systems both with and without Zaptel stuff.
00:46.25mishehuSplasPood: most likely a bad config on your part...  I've got a 7960 running flawlessly...
00:46.32mishehuwith the SIP firmware
00:46.38BSDGuyI would not need that
00:47.06thololecram: I dunno -- I don't have any resources for that myself, being busy with a startup, an infant and a toddler... ;-)
00:47.09SplasPoodmishehu: Yea, I'm sure the problem here is me and not asterisk..
00:47.14mishehuI know I had a bitch of a time getting SIP configured properly
00:47.15*** join/#asterisk BSDGuy (
00:47.22BSDGuyI HATE dialup.
00:47.31tholoOh, yeah.  And my rating engine that is up at (which JerJer is so down on).
00:47.40mishehuBSDGuy: I feel your pain.  thankfully, I don't feel your speed.
00:47.53BSDGuyI'll have broadband next week... hopefully
00:48.07tholoOh, and a community site that has not really been announced anywhere yet at ... ;-)
00:48.16SplasPoodHas anyone here ever played with an audiocodes FXO box?  The MP-108 specifically
00:48.44BSDGuyok, someone posted a url to a how-to site... and i lost it when I got disconnected
00:49.04SplasPoodI think thats the best I've fouind
00:50.22BSDGuywell, i'm going to be offering wireless broadband in a rural area... a place where there's lot of summer or part-time residences.  I'd like to offer them the ability to have rudimentary phone communications without having to install or maintain a telephone line... something that's a free, value-added service.
00:51.03Corydon76What, you're installing fiber to the curb?
00:51.06BSDGuylet the customers use a few phone lines as if they were extensions of my business phone lines.
00:51.12Corydon76What, you're not installing fiber to the curb?
00:51.12BSDGuywireless broadband
00:51.13mishehufree, value added, until they make international phone calls.  ;-)
00:51.35BSDGuynaw, that can be blocked
00:52.30BSDGuyjust an incentive for the snowbirds to sign up
00:53.38BSDGuy   won't resolve.
00:54.03Corydon76Whose DNS are you using?
00:54.50lecramwelpje:[~] % host has address
00:55.04Corydon76Well, duh, but who is that?
00:55.24BSDGuy180networks or some such
00:55.36BSDGuythey just sold to someone else
00:55.44Corydon76Setup your own DNS... they're probably caching it incorrectly
00:55.46BSDGuyused to be
00:56.19*** join/#asterisk Stealth_Man (
00:56.33BSDGuyactually, named on my gateway box is configured as my dns for my home network
00:56.51BSDGuybut it just references a few outside nameservers
00:56.55Corydon76You have forwarders set up in your DNS?
00:57.05Corydon76yeah, see, that won't work.
00:57.17Corydon76Try and
00:57.33BSDGuyThis page is used to test the proper operation of the Apache Web server after it has been installed. If you can read this page, it means that the Apache Web server installed at this site is working properly.
00:57.41BSDGuythat's the ip you sent me to
00:57.53SplasPoodBSDGuy: cause they use ip-less virtual hosting
00:57.56Corydon76Well, don't type in IPs
00:57.56SplasPoodsince you gave it an IP
00:57.59SplasPoodit doesnt know which site
00:58.07Corydon76Fix your DNS first
00:59.49lecramI gave you the ip number so you could see what to expect
00:59.59*** join/#asterisk scud (
01:00.09lecramworst case you can put it in your hosts file
01:00.14ciego34a carrier using cisco can provide voip service to * ????
01:01.08SplasPoodciego34: well, asterisk supports MGCP and SIP, so I'd assume so... but I'm not a telephony/asterisk expert
01:01.39ciego34SIP on *... pufff, not too fine
01:01.43*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
01:02.16ciego34i have a lot trouble here with * & sip
01:03.00Mikeciego34: cuanto tiempo llevas usando asterisk?
01:03.19ciego34unos 7 dias
01:03.22BSDGuyip-less virtual hosting sucks
01:03.33ciego34pero todo son problemas
01:03.47tholoThere's not much choice if you can't get IP address space.
01:04.18SplasPoodAs a matter of fact, ARIN won't give IP allocations for "web hosting" unless yer doing SSL
01:04.53tholoI'll happily stop using IP-less virtual hosting if anyone would care to donate a portable /24 ....
01:05.20ciego34after 7 day testing * i think is better pay 5k for used as53XX cisco
01:05.35rollysonno reason not to do ipless vhosting for regular websites.
01:05.44tholoI had one many years ago.  Then I was *stoopid* enuf to give it back to the InterNIC when I moved to California.
01:06.10*** join/#asterisk scud (
01:06.14SplasPoodtholo: I have one someone ... aquired... from a failed dotCommie in canada
01:06.44BSDGuydoes the site work for anyone else besides me?
01:06.47*** join/#asterisk ambassador (
01:06.56SplasPoodBSDGuy: works for me
01:07.37BSDGuyI appear to be blocked from thier dns
01:08.45lecramtholo: just fill out the right forms and you should be able to get space
01:08.49SplasPoodtholo: yea...   I don't actually own this block...  I'm just announcing it for someone and taking 2 /27s from it...    I've tried to buy it off him, but he wont sell
01:09.04SplasPoodiec: not a global /24 tho
01:10.14*** join/#asterisk erik2 (
01:11.55*** join/#asterisk scud_ (
01:12.10*** join/#asterisk Jackhamr (~Jackhamr@
01:12.45illc0mmmAnyone know anything about these little guys?
01:13.59Mikepeople say they listen my voice very far away with rxgain and txgain at 0.0
01:14.53*** join/#asterisk landrocker (
01:15.47lecramMike> people say they listen my voice very far away with rxgain and txgain at
01:16.00lecramMike: Then don't set it to 0.0
01:16.16Mikelecram: if i put it higher i hear echo
01:16.18Mikelots of echo
01:16.34*** join/#asterisk scud (
01:18.45lecramdid you try a different phone?
01:22.44illc0mmmlecram: I'm having echo issues too. But I ran a new line from the demark back to the astrisk box, and used a harris test set as the station and still had echo.
01:22.55illc0mmmecho training helps, but for the first second or two echo is still there.
01:23.28Mikeillc0mmm: your lucky
01:24.00Mikeillc0mmm: with 0.0 i have echo for 1 sec if i put it at 5.0 the echo will go but i will listen like echo once in a while
01:24.17Mikei dont know some calls its less echo
01:24.20Mikesome others its alot more
01:24.26illc0mmmif I call out, I get no echo
01:24.32illc0mmmif I get a call in is the only time I get echo
01:25.18Mikemaybe if i take it away from the ADSL
01:25.22Mikethe echo will goo
01:25.38illc0mmmcould be
01:25.39Mikeyou think that might help?
01:25.40illc0mmmanalog stuck
01:25.45Mikelet me try
01:25.58illc0mmmyeah, try it. I did see some mention of that
01:26.06illc0mmmyou using a line filter?
01:29.14*** join/#asterisk scud (
01:32.56*** join/#asterisk scud_ (
01:33.03*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
01:33.48Powerkillcan asterisk be patch to use it like ser (sip express router) ????
01:34.11Powerkillcause editing the sip.conf for every new user is very boring :(
01:35.46illc0mmmhaha, AOL 9.0 Optimized commercial is pretty funny
01:36.09illc0mmmwith all the CDs in the mail, good thing they're cracking on themselves
01:38.12illc0mmmso POTS -> * -> SIP Softphone = echo
01:39.13hellerunless you turn on echo cancellation.
01:40.34Jackhamrhi...quick voicemail I have to set a 'default
01:40.54Jackhamrbecause the timezones I set in voicemail.conf don't change the time
01:41.20Corydon76Jackhamr:  what do you mean?
01:41.30JackhamrCory: pacific=US/Pacific|'vm-received' 'digits/at' IMp
01:41.30Jackhamreastern=US/Eastern|'vm-received' 'digits/at' IMp
01:41.37Jackhamrhave the same time
01:42.26Corydon76Jackhamr:  they shouldn't
01:42.50Corydon76Not unless someone has been screwing with the zones in /usr/share/zoneinfo
01:43.32Corydon76What times are you getting?  Eastern, Pacific, or GMT?
01:43.36Jackhamrmy voicemail entry for the user is 5002 => 1222,anonymouse,,tz=eastern
01:43.53Corydon76You're missing a ,
01:44.06Jackhamroh?  where at? :)
01:44.16Corydon765002 => 1222,My Name,Email,Pager,Options
01:44.31Corydon76So double that last comma
01:44.34illc0mmmheller: i have to do that in the sip.conf?
01:44.35Jackhamrif the user doesn't have  a pager I could just do ,,
01:44.56JackhamrThat's what i get for RTFM ;)
01:45.06Powerkillsomeone use mgcp here ?
01:45.42JackhamrI'm using skinny
01:45.46Jackhamrworks ok
01:46.55Powerkillno i need someone using mgcp
01:47.00*** join/#asterisk Mike-69 (~mike@
01:47.10Powerkilli don't know how it's authenticating
01:47.46JackhamrI don't think there is an authentication mechanism in mgcp
01:48.04*** join/#asterisk slestak (
01:48.31Corydon76Jackhamr:  do the timezones work now?
01:48.49JackhamrCory: testing...I should hear something in a second.
01:51.31Mikewell if i take the filter off the line
01:51.39Mikethe call will hangup or something
01:51.51Mikeif i put it in another place where theres only the filter and no adsl
01:51.54Mikeseems no echo coming
01:53.25illc0mmmMike,  so two filters kills the echo?
01:53.57JackhamrCory: it works! :) yay
01:53.57illc0mmmmaybe one of the filters is bad?
01:54.11Mikewell the dsl and the phone on the same filter
01:54.13Miketheres echo
01:54.21illc0mmmwell, DSL shouldn't be on a filter
01:54.27illc0mmmthe filter should be on the phone only
01:54.28Mikeputting the phone on a filter that theres no adsl wont do echo
01:54.56illc0mmmokay, so whatever you did you don't have echo any more. hehe
01:55.00Mikeand im doing .5 now
01:55.00Mikeand no echo
01:55.03illc0mmmtold you
01:55.06Mikebefore .5 was death
01:55.17Mikeill try putting it at 1.5
01:55.21illc0mmmI just have to find my echo now
01:57.27Mikewell another friend with a cordless phonecall me
01:57.35Mikebut i can hear VERY VERY VERY little echo with him
01:57.46Mikeand he says volume is low but not that low
01:57.56Mikeso maybe the cordless phone could be making this stuff
01:58.42Mike.5 should be ok tho
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02:04.46ciego34in sip.conf
02:04.46ciego34port = 5060
02:04.46ciego34bindaddr =
02:04.46ciego34disallow = all
02:04.46ciego34allow = ulaw
02:04.48ciego34allow = alaw
02:04.50ciego34allow = gsm
02:04.52ciego34context = incoming
02:04.54ciego34tos = reliability
02:04.56ciego34dtmfmode = rfc2833
02:04.58ciego34inside_net =
02:05.00ciego34inside_mask =
02:05.02ciego34outside_addr =
02:05.04ciego34is ok???
02:07.14rollysonugh.... still haven't gotten out of the damn user mode.
02:10.33*** join/#asterisk landrocker (
02:11.04rollysonAnybody know where in the SNOM 200's menu's I can find the option to go back into Administrator Mode?
02:11.25atacommanyone know how it is the Snom phones retreive settings from the proxy server? (Snom 4S)?  I want to find a way to force some settings upon users of my server, like I can do with Cisco
02:11.48atacommrolly: who did you buy from?
02:12.29atacomm2.02r  snom 200
02:12.40atacommdont know where, but its in there
02:13.11rollysonatacomm: direct from their US distributor I think.
02:13.45rollysonI don't handle purchasing though.
02:15.09ciego34any one can helpme * behin NAT problems
02:15.42*** join/#asterisk mack_jpn (
02:15.42rollysonI think we just ordered 10 more snom200's from ABP though.
02:16.12atacommlol, should have bought through me, lol, ABP isnt supposed to sell direct....i'm going to bitch slap them
02:16.26atacomminteresting......Snom has a how-to for asterisk configuration
02:18.05rollysonatacomm: I think $boss is looking for phones for home VoIP customers.
02:18.17atacommah, as a reseller?
02:18.32rollysoneventually, yeah.\
02:19.20atacommlol, hmm, well for home customers....GS might be better
02:19.42rollysonyeah. looking at those too.
02:19.50illc0mmmHow are the GS phones?
02:19.59atacommdont know, never touched one
02:20.02rollysonour office is being turned into our testing facility.
02:20.10atacommlol, same as ours :)
02:20.14illc0mmmhaha, same here
02:20.24illc0mmmI know I have to get this echo stuff fixed.
02:20.27rollysonillcomm: ok, but make damn sure that the firmware is at least
02:20.31atacommfunny, i had 2 orders today...a saturday on a holiday weekend
02:20.41rollysonor your lan will br fscked
02:20.54rollysonthe GS phones had a little ARP problem.
02:20.55illc0mmmWe'll probably use Cisco phones anyway
02:21.03atacomm1.0.3.81? wow....they use .NET style versioning.....never could figure out why you need such a long version string
02:21.04illc0mmmbecause they look cool
02:23.09rollysonanyway, the early GS firmware revisions are quite effective at killing a LAN.
02:23.19rollysonwe have bridged DSL to the office.
02:23.19illc0mmmlike old Bay switches
02:23.31rollysonand it actually fscked the whole DSLAM
02:23.41rollysonand all the customers on it.
02:23.53illc0mmmwell, another good reason to seperate your VOIP and your LAN
02:24.07illc0mmmeven though that's counter to the convience
02:24.25rollysonwe had to send our telecom engineer down to the central office to flush the arp cache on the DSLAM
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02:24.35illc0mmmthat blows
02:24.38illc0mmmnow, OOB ?
02:24.39rollyson5 times that happened before we figured it out.
02:24.41illc0mmmnow = no
02:24.49rollysonno, its a mile down the road.
02:25.03illc0mmmah, man I had stuff across the street with OOB. :)
02:25.57rollysonwe only do OOB when the stuff is more than 30 minutes away.
02:26.06rollysonits a consumer ISP.
02:26.18illc0mmmwe do it for everything we can, because if I'm at home. it's over an hour. :)
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02:26.42illc0mmmusually though, we use a console server to aggregate them all together.
02:26.46rollysonyeah. well, the owner is 10 minutes from the CO in question too.
02:27.28rollysonand his swipebadge works too ...
02:27.39rollysonI haven't been in the CO yet.
02:27.57rollysonI've seen what we have in our datacenter across the street from the CO though.
02:29.02quid24anybody know what file in the Asterisk source is responsible for Playtones and generation of those tones?
02:29.51illc0mmmokay. I can't seem to get rid of this damn echo
02:30.34illc0mmmEcho training takes care of it about 5 seconds afterwards.
02:31.17Mikeillc0mmm: found your problem?
02:33.58tim27illcOmmm: you have echo with a IP phone trought a FXO ???
02:34.57illc0mmmtim: yeah... well softphone
02:35.18tim27i will receive 3 x101p ... next week
02:35.27tim27hope i will not get echo :(
02:35.39tim27did you played with the tx gain ???
02:35.47tclarkhmmm what do we have here ...:) Nov 25 18:36:18 VERBOSE[8192]: Asterisk TSPI interface listening on port 5039
02:35.47illc0mmmNo, which way should I move it?
02:36.04illc0mmm+ or - ?
02:36.16tim27i'm a newbie... but i saw on mailing list that some people
02:36.18illc0mmmAnd I'm changing this in zapata.conf, right?
02:36.21tim27let me find something...
02:36.26tim27just a min ...
02:36.30illc0mmmyeah, I've looked so much. hehe
02:37.51illc0mmmalso, something else is strange. FXO isn't detecting hangups
02:38.21illc0mmmjust on cell phone stuff, must be a provider issue.
02:38.36illc0mmmFXO sux anyway. :) want digital
02:40.07Miketim27: lol
02:40.09tim27i read something about hang up to...
02:40.19Miketim27: had you played before with this hardware?
02:40.36Mikeeven whats the difference between x100p and x101p
02:40.47tim27not mush i think
02:40.50tim27x100p is a modem
02:40.55tim27if i'm right...
02:41.05bkw_to be honest they are both modems
02:41.15Mikediguim sells 101p?
02:41.23tim27yeah both modem
02:41.24rollysonmodems with better timing ;)
02:41.44tim27i think i will get echo with your card :)
02:41.53tim27seem everybody get it...
02:42.00bkw_I didn't
02:42.11bkw_I only got like 5 seconds till the echo can kicks in
02:42.31bkw_echotraining=yes is fixed.. then it will kick ass
02:42.39quid24Is there any way for Playtones to do modulation between two frequencies?
02:42.39bkw_right now it you can have it pretrain the echo can
02:42.44bkw_but it fucks up dtfm
02:42.49bkw_so I can't use it
02:42.58tim27whta is echotraining ???
02:43.01Mikebkw_: my dtfm wanst fucked
02:43.22tim27bri get echo to ???
02:43.26mack_jpnis X101P  half duplex?
02:43.27bkw_no its digital
02:43.32bkw_mack_jpn no
02:43.45tim27bri card are expensive ???
02:43.58bkw_yes and the standards vary so much you really can't be sure what you get
02:44.03tim27hey bkw , i have 3 x101p to sell...
02:44.03bkw_or what your telco will send you
02:44.13bkw_tim27 funny man
02:44.35Mikewhere are you guys getting the x101p?
02:44.52tim27bkw_ : yes where did you taked thoses card ???
02:45.04bkw_some guy from the mailing list
02:45.12quid24Is there any cards like the X100/X101 that have more than one line in onboard?
02:45.24tim27quid24: you will have to wait
02:45.28tim27that tdm400p
02:45.30tim27support fxo
02:45.40Mikebkw_: 101p is like the ami-96?
02:45.47tim27this way you will be able to get 4 fxo port
02:45.49atacommkram said they are still having troubles with it :(
02:45.49tim27if i'M right
02:46.02Mikebkw_: what ever is called that intel modem
02:46.18tim27i emailed digium... and they told me they can speak about future product...
02:46.22bkw_Mike no the PCI ID's are diffrent
02:46.43tim27bkw_ what the diff between x100p and x101p
02:46.44Mikeoh ok
02:47.51bkw_tim27 not totally sure
02:48.02tim27Mike: are you a newbie, a user, or a veteran of asterisk ???
02:48.13Miketim27: totaly a newbie
02:48.23Miketim27: totally
02:48.35ciego34x101p ???
02:48.53ciego34nothing at digium
02:49.10blitzrageciego34: just look for x100p
02:49.12blitzragesame thing
02:49.36bkw_look at the src of wcfxo if you wanna know about the analog X10XP boards
02:49.38tim27me too :)
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02:50.08tim27i think that bkw_ is a veteran
02:50.10bkw_go find that modem locally
02:50.20ciego34one cuestion, i have a cell fixed terminal, it must be connected to fxo or fxs port??
02:50.54tim27fxs is for extension
02:50.59tim27fxo is for line
02:51.04tim27right ???
02:51.20tim27i'm not sure ciego... i just read this
02:51.31tim27fxo is for your analog phone line
02:51.37blitzragetim27: yes
02:51.38tim27fxs is to connect analog phone
02:51.45tim27that what i understand...
02:51.49blitzragefuck I need food...
02:52.02*** join/#asterisk haxr01 (
02:52.08tim27what you will eat
02:52.21blitzrageugh oh... hax0r in da houz!
02:52.26blitzragetim27: subway maybe :)
02:52.28tim27bkw_ : ciego got echo too...
02:52.31haxr01asterisk server crashing can anyone give me some pointers?
02:52.45tim27sub sub subyway !!!
02:52.55bkw_ciego34 has something fucked up then
02:53.05tim27it' 21h50
02:53.05ciego34but for connect my cell fixed terminal to *
02:53.05ciego34need fxo or fxs
02:53.16tim27what is a cell fixed terminal ???
02:54.55ciego34a cell with rj11 port for connect analog phone
02:55.17tim27bkw_ : what happend if you transfert a call to a mobile phone... , if the phone compagny answer... with a msg like the customer you are trying to reach is not available at the moment, asterisk will handle the call as answered ... ???, it is possible to put a confirmation... like when you answer the mobile you have to press #3 to confirm that you taked the call ...
02:55.47tim27cell = cellular mobile phone ???
02:56.10bkw_not sure
02:56.18bkw_tim27 I use nufone to do that since I have only one line
02:56.35tim27nufone ???
02:56.59tim27oh the voip provider
02:57.21tim27they rent inbound and outgoing termination...
02:58.51ciego34i talking about it     fixed cellular termial
02:59.15illc0mmmciego34: I was thinking of using something like that too...
02:59.57ciego34this is gsm
02:59.57ciego34i´m at europe
03:00.25tim27we have gsm here to
03:00.29ciego34but is a good solution for access to cellular network
03:00.54illc0mmmciego34: is that going to be your only access to PSTN or as a backup?
03:01.15ciego34but need to know if you must connect to fxo or fxs port
03:01.46illc0mmmyou would connect to fxo
03:02.08illc0mmmit acts like PSTN to the terminal device
03:02.38ciego34to access PSTN (cellular network)
03:02.38ciego34must use x100p
03:02.40tclarksee this for cdma same idea
03:02.54bkw_some people are silly
03:03.00bkw_our customers are silly as hell too
03:03.03haxr01is anyone using Fedora?
03:03.05ciego34but have a lot of echo problem
03:03.48daorkhaxr01: IMO theres not much point until FC2 is available
03:04.59haxr01well I would tend to probably agree but I was just wondering, I'm using RH9 and my server is now crashing
03:05.36tclarkhaxr01: do you have the env var set to fotce 2.4 thread model ??
03:06.06haxr01i'm not sure, how would I do that?
03:06.16ciego34tclark> yes, you must access cellular network without pstn to cell cost
03:07.10tclarkin start up script for *,
03:07.18haxr01I've never had problems until today, I updated my glibc and glibc-devel packages along with a few others, now I can start the server and it runs until it gets an incoming call, when the incoming call hangsup it crashes
03:08.05tclarkwell try it might try export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 that as well
03:09.20haxr01what exactly does that do?
03:09.52wwit breaks ps -ax
03:12.56ciego34hi ww
03:12.56ciego34you remeber solve my problems
03:13.05ww:) como esta?
03:13.08ciego34with sip
03:13.37ciego34yo bien
03:13.37ciego34el sip mal
03:13.39*** join/#asterisk adam_gafachi (
03:13.39ciego34puedo llamar a su sip?
03:14.28wwda me un poco de tiempo -- trabajo ahora
03:22.52*** join/#asterisk jtodd2 (~jtodd@
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03:24.35tim27tclark: you there ???
03:25.16tim27when the TDM400P will get ... fxo port... , echo will be less or same thing ???
03:25.21*** join/#asterisk scud (
03:27.03ciego34tdm40 is 4 fxs
03:27.29tim27be it will be possible to put fxo
03:27.32tim27on this card too
03:27.33tim27i think
03:27.36tim27not sure when
03:27.48tim27and the channel seem to be quiet
03:27.51tim27about that
03:28.38tim27maybe there are all gone to party
03:29.23ciego34america dinner time
03:29.54ciego34tdm40 have small modules for each line
03:30.01Miketim27: you should also do that
03:30.22ciego34don´t know about fxo
03:30.48tim27no dinner time here
03:30.53tim27it' s 22h30
03:30.53daorkhmm, i'm going to get an FXO card for my phone line.. I also have ADSL on the same line.. anyone know of a * friendly way to get ADSL and an FXO on the same port?
03:31.00ciego34i buy one, come next tusday
03:31.23daorki also have a cisco 827, not the -4v version though, so no FXO there AFAIK.
03:31.25ciego34you need adsl modem
03:31.41ciego34for adsl connection
03:31.50ciego34and fxo for analog line
03:31.52daorkciego34: yeah, but i'll need an FXO and an ADSL modem, im wanting both on the same port
03:31.55tim27MIke are you a party guy
03:32.20Miketim27: not in this time of the year
03:32.32Miketim27: i have to get 250 plus shipping for a wisip
03:32.42Miketim27: im a student so i dont have 250 dlls now
03:32.56Miketim27: i have about 165 now:P
03:33.05ciego34mike where are you?
03:33.09Mikeim i go party that will lower my budget
03:33.14Mikeciego34: mexico
03:33.40tim27Mike here we got snow
03:33.51Miketim27: cool
03:34.04tim27sunny today ???
03:34.08ciego34not snow yet here, but a big coold
03:34.10Miketim27: we havent get snow since 1997
03:34.24Mikenot really its like 6 C
03:34.33Mikeim in north mexico
03:34.37Mikemonterrey mexico
03:34.42Mike200kms away from usa boarder
03:34.51ciego347 C at Madrid
03:35.04Mikenear laredo texas and mcallen texas
03:36.07tim27just 6C today ???
03:36.23tim27we got around 0C
03:37.08ciego34next week we get 0 C
03:37.16ciego34will go to sky
03:37.48ciego34sky port don´t open yet
03:38.29tim27ciego you got snow in spain ???
03:38.31wwdon't you love it when you upgrade the kernel remotely and the machine is 6000km away and it doesn't come back up?
03:38.35ww-3C here
03:38.57tim27the kernel is frozed
03:39.03tim27that why it dont work
03:39.07ciego34waooo freezed
03:39.09klicTelis anyone experiencing performance issues with redhat 9.0 and IAX based softphones?
03:40.38ciego34ww> realy bad
03:41.55ciego34que es muy malo que no despierte el pc
03:42.34wwyes... very... but in the mean time... what's the problem with sip?
03:42.37ciego34necesita un braso de 6000km para tocar el reset :(
03:43.26ciego34when call sip phone ppl don´t ear me
03:43.41ciego34or i don´t ear ppñ
03:44.04wwhmmm... sounds like nat issue... but worked for us the other day
03:44.41wwquery: sip.conf -- for the cisco. canreinvite=no ? or yes?
03:44.52ciego34my brain is goin kazy
03:45.07ciego34don´t touch any thing
03:45.22wwi know, but i don't remember
03:45.36*** join/#asterisk coppice_ (
03:45.43wwif canreinvite=yes, cisco will try to talk directly -- and that will break nat
03:45.49wwshould be canreinvite=no
03:46.37wwpone canreinvite=no en sip.conf para el cisco....
03:46.50ciego34no canreinvite at my sip
03:46.50ciego34will add now
03:48.05ciego34in [general]  ??
03:48.18wwno, [1001]
03:50.15*** join/#asterisk Carp (
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03:51.33bkw_anyone in here test cisco 7912 or 7905's with SIP Firmware?
03:51.40andudoes anyone know if FWD is having problems ?
03:52.32wwseems to work for me...
03:52.40ciego34ww > you are a master men, was asking all day and no one can tell me "canreinvite=no"
03:53.04ciego34all work ok now....
03:53.05anduww thanks I'm trying their 613 echo test and it dies the moment I connect
03:53.08ww:) de rien mon ami
03:53.16ww... brb
03:53.30ciego34thanks, thanks, millon thanks
03:53.40klicTelcan someone tell me how can I do a conference in *? If I receive a call and want to conference a third person...
03:54.21ciego34ww >when you come madrid call, we´ll make a big party
03:56.23ciego34one more question, if i have 3 extension calling to a 3 sip phones at same time, need 3 fwd account registered ???
03:57.20andurollyson, use the web interface under settings/base
03:57.41andurollyson it will ask for the admin password
03:59.57rollysonok, I put that password in, and nothing happens.
04:02.57rollysondamnit, it didn't take the pw change earlier, thats why
04:03.09rollysonit somehow went back to the default password
04:03.49andurollyson, yes try 0000
04:04.07rollysonI did, that got me in.
04:04.46andurollyson, I had problems setting on the passwd on the 105 but havent tried it on 200 yet
04:04.47tim27x100p and tdm400p fit in the same kind of pci slot ???
04:05.45rollysonandu: I'd only tried it before on the 100
04:06.00rollysonand the admin mode can be entered from the phone itself on the 100
04:07.11*** join/#asterisk _gorman (
04:12.19rollysonNOTICE[6151]: File chan_sip.c, Line 5322 (handle_request): Unknown SIP command 'PUBLISH' from ''
04:12.22ciego34tdm4 card only work in 3.3V pci
04:15.20coppice_te410 only works with 3.3V tdm4 works with 5V
04:15.53ciego34* support g729r8 (cisco notation) codec ???
04:18.12izociego34 : if you buy one
04:18.15izo10$ for channel
04:18.28tclarkklicTel: what channels
04:19.04ciego34i see g729 at yahoo online store
04:19.19tclarkcoppice_: what mother boards have you got in production with te410 ??
04:19.20izociego: aaa sory its g729a but works with cisco g729r8 when set for medium codex compelxity
04:19.23ciego34is for download and easy to install??
04:19.40izothey will send you regitation key
04:20.29ciego34where can read about setup g729 on * ???
04:21.26coppice_tclark: What I use is not what you really want. I use a Tyan 2665, which is a workstation board.  I am using a TE410 for development, not deployment. However, it has been worked hard without trouble.
04:22.02izociego34: search around for g729 binary and there is a readme file
04:22.18coppice_I hear people asking what works with a TE410, but has anyone found a problem yet? I don't know why this keeps coming up. If the PCI socket will take the card, it seems to work OK.
04:23.57tclarkcoppice_: i hear street noice about hung channels, box that wont boot wont take 2 te410's etc
04:24.08tclarknice noise
04:25.38coppice_tclark: well I only use one TE410, but I have an E400P, a TDM400P and an X100P in the same box. I have had just two occations when the box locks up hard while accessing the TDM400. I have had no trouble with the TE410P
04:26.15wasimcoppice_: blue TDM400P or greem?
04:26.23wasimmorning btw
04:26.42tclarkyea I wqs just saying why keep hearing ppl quizing the MB for the TE410's
04:27.00coppice_wasim: blue, with little green daughterboards :-) You are up early for a Sunday. Its still morning there!
04:27.18wasimyeah, the blue ones are much nicer
04:27.18*** join/#asterisk _usam (
04:27.32bkw_blah timmah
04:27.35wasimnah, some inner clock wakes me up a 9:00am on the dot always
04:27.53coppice_wasim: so why have I still had lockups? :-)
04:28.58klicTeltclark: sorry for the delay. an IAX softphone that receives an incoming call on a zap channel, and needs to conference a third party through another zap
04:28.58usam_i have problem with modprobing 2 x100p ..
04:29.05usam_the system just freeze :(
04:29.20tclarkwatsim: Nov 29 20:36:18 VERBOSE[8192]: Asterisk TSPI interface listening on port 5039, i am getting cozy with the evil one :)
04:29.57wasimdaork: it also happens with GSM, the body can tell when a call is coming
04:30.17coppice_daork: My body hates the noise of alarm clocks, so it makes me sleep through them to avoid the annoyance. :-)
04:30.20wasimdaork: i can tell about 80% of the itme the phone is about to ring, its a strong feeling
04:31.00tclarkklick: ok you can flash the line dial, then flash your all together, or # transfer to meet me 1 at a time
04:31.05daorkwasim: i think you may be right..
04:31.08daorkhmm, crazy
04:31.56klicTeltclark: would that allow me to release the line without disconnecting the other two parties?
04:32.38rollysonmy speakers go nuts around my GSM phone prior to a ring
04:33.09usam_any1 running >= 2 x100p?
04:33.16daorkrollyson: yeah, they'll do that.
04:33.34coppice_rollyson: I was just thinking the same. The GSM phone probably makes wasim's brain go nuts (more nuts :-\ )
04:33.36tclarkusing flash
04:33.53wasimno, no, it scramble them up to make more sense
04:34.10wasimfor a temporary short duration
04:34.18wasimthen back to oblivion
04:34.19klicTeltclark: thanks
04:34.27wasimusam_: yep, lots of X100P in one box
04:35.02wasimusam_: 4 is a regular feature
04:35.27usam_wasim: hm.. i haev problem modprbing them .. ideas?
04:35.46wasimusam_: not without specifics
04:35.53wasimusam_: what problem
04:36.10wasimwhee  !!! System uptime: 11 weeks, 7 hours, 21 minutes, 21 seconds
04:36.34usam_wasim: well .. i installed 2 x100p then reconfig the zaptel.conf ..
04:36.43wasimmy first * uptime above 11 wks :)
04:36.45usam_modprobe zaptel
04:36.45usam_works fine
04:37.06wasimthen what's the problem?
04:37.08atacommafter i have * call a phone, if it goes thru, can I have it return to the extension context for post-processing?
04:37.15usam_then, modprobe wcfxo FREEZED the whole system and i had to do a reboot
04:37.39wasimusam_: did you make clean
04:37.54wasimusam_: recent cvs? code? does it freeze on the same code with 1 x100p?
04:38.01usam_wasim: i need to do that too?
04:38.05wasimusam_: did you switch slots?
04:38.12usam_nope it doesnt freeze with 1 x100p
04:38.22wasimusam_: did you try each board individually
04:38.23usam_but with 2 FREEzE  ;-[
04:38.40usam_wasim: ahh.. havent tried that.
04:38.42usam_i will do
04:39.12usam_switched slots, yes ..
04:39.19usam_but i havent tried the new card
04:39.29usam_i mean ONLY the new card alone
04:39.55wasimatacomm: show application Dial
04:40.07wasimatacomm: (g)
04:41.26ciego34any supported fxo card with 3 channels??
04:41.49wasimciego34: voicetronix, but with 4
04:42.01atacommwasim: thanks....hmm ....i am looking for a way to record at the end of the call how long it was....i am looking at using System to execute a script that pushes a value into the database...... i am doing incoming, missed, and outgoing call logs that are web accessable
04:42.21atacommwasim: does g work if either party has hung up?
04:42.32wasimatacomm: it should
04:42.45blitzrageevening everyone
04:42.49daorkwasim: hmm, i'm not so sure.. it says the 'called party'
04:42.49wasimbrb, fix some network cabling
04:43.34daorkatacomm: i am making an app that calls Dial, and every x seconds updates CDR for the call in mysql..
04:44.49daorkhmm, i really should just modify the current CDR things..
04:45.29wasimfixed! :p (bad port)
04:51.36rollysonthere, snom 200 fully working.
04:51.42rollysonthat wasn't too painful
04:52.32atacommrolly: hopwd you fix?
04:53.15rollysonvia the web interface... I thought it was ignoring my password input, turns out it somehow reverted to the default password
04:54.01rollysonI still never found an option on the phone itself to go into admin mode.
04:54.13rollysonthe 100 has it right there in the onscreen menu.
04:54.56*** join/#asterisk landrocker (
04:55.59rollyson*grumble* I get some strange calls around here.
04:57.39rollyson3 minutes and I can close down the phones
04:58.21*** join/#asterisk srinivas (
05:02.00blitzrageholy crap I'm tired
05:02.04blitzrageI should just go to bed now
05:03.23Stealth_Manwasim how is going ?
05:03.34Stealth_Manwhne your iax phone will be ready ??
05:03.34wasim'tis going good
05:03.39wasim'tis ready
05:03.57wasimcool, how many
05:04.05wasimwe're only accepting 1000+ qty orders thiweekend
05:04.22Stealth_Mankidding ?
05:04.24wasimon monday we're back to accepting single units, but only on Mondays
05:04.37wasim:) actually we're going into preproduction
05:04.52wasimso building 20-50 phones by christmas
05:05.05wasimfor demoing
05:05.23Stealth_Mandid you made al ltestings already ?
05:05.32wasimthe hw testing is done
05:05.41Stealth_ManDigium is going to have iax adapter this month too
05:05.50coppice_wasim: for demoing? not for prezzies?
05:05.54wasimfrom now on its all software
05:06.07rollysonI can close my radius console now ;)
05:06.16wasimcoppice_: must be a colloquisn, whats a prezzie?
05:06.32coppice_wasim: present
05:06.55wasimcoppice_: okie, then whats demoing?
05:07.03Stealth_Manso from where are you shipping them ?
05:07.08Stealth_Manpk or china ?
05:07.32wasimStealth_Man: not confirmed
05:08.14Stealth_Manwasim: how can i get for testing ?
05:09.46blitzragewasim: what is the going price on single units when they are available?
05:10.06wasimkram, kram, he's our man, if no one can kill the telecoms, he can!
05:10.13blitzrageall hail kram
05:10.33wasimblitzrage: hopefully $100 or so, depends on a lot of things
05:10.36Stealth_Manhi kram
05:10.40blitzragewasim: that's not too bad
05:10.51blitzragewasim: do you have a picture of the phone?
05:11.15wasimblitzrage: the plastics you mean?
05:11.19blitzragewasim: yah
05:12.04wasimno, too early
05:12.28blitzragewhat is the cheapest way to get someone on sip with a hardware phone, either a sip phone or an adapter, I don't care.  Whatever the cheapest peice of hardware is
05:12.59wasimblitzrage: wait for the iaxy, that's going to be the best bang for the buck
05:13.12rollysonnow, putting a few ILECs out wouldn't hurt my feelings.
05:13.26blitzragewasim: unfortunately I'm not looking for best bang for the buck, I just need lowest price
05:13.44rollysonright now, the grandstream phones and ATAs are probably the cheapest on the market.
05:13.46blitzragewasim: this is not for business, simply for occasional home use by a couple of family members
05:14.01wasimblitzrage: that is the lowest priced, i'd hope, ask kram
05:14.22blitzrageoh, is the iaxy the new iax adapter?
05:14.30blitzragekram: do you happen to have a price on this?
05:14.44blitzrageI don't know
05:14.44bkw_where is kram?
05:14.47Stealth_Maniaxy thing
05:14.51blitzragehe's right there :)
05:14.56wasimiaxy is $100! ?
05:15.04bkw_iaxy where?
05:15.11blitzragethen it's not the cheapest :)
05:15.21blitzragehow much is an ata-186, same as a GS100 ?
05:15.22Stealth_Manit will be around 99$ list price as far as i know from Sales@ digium ..
05:15.29Stealth_Manblitz: no more expensive ...
05:15.31bkw_iaxy how many port is the iaxy?
05:15.33wasimbut it'll still be the your best option
05:15.44wasimbkw_: 1
05:15.45Stealth_Manblitz: take GS phones ...
05:16.45*** join/#asterisk xover (
05:17.30blitzragewell, I guess I'm not going to get any work done tonight.  What I need is a laptop with a wireless card so I don't have to sit here in the office
05:17.44ciego34any iax uk service ????
05:17.49landrockerwho was it that was going to test the X100P in aus?
05:18.07Stealth_Manbkw: are you around ?
05:18.17landrockerknow if it worked?
05:18.44blitzragedoes anyone offer pstn to voip gateways in canada ?
05:19.02wasimblitzrage: you should!
05:19.07Stealth_Manblitza: what do you mean ?
05:19.09blitzragewasim: I know I should! :)
05:19.25Stealth_Mando you need access number in Canada  or what ?
05:19.29blitzrageStealth_Man: I want people on the pstn to be able to call my * box via a landline / cell phone
05:19.45blitzragebut I don't want Bell to come and install a landline phoneline for me
05:19.49Stealth_Manwhy don;t you take x100p card and regular line ?
05:19.58Stealth_Manso you want DID over IP correct ?
05:19.59ciego34i need a uk number for incoming calls
05:20.06blitzragebasically yes
05:20.20blitzrageI move around too much, and don't want to be paying the $100 or whatever for phone line installation each time I move
05:20.20Stealth_Manblitz: we have Toronto DID;s
05:20.35blitzrageStealth_Man: really?  I'm moving to Oakville in January.
05:20.45wwcalluk will map a uk phone number to a fwd number
05:20.48blitzrageStealth_Man: so you could give me a Toronto phone number, and route it over IP then ? or or something like that
05:20.59blitzrageww: yah, I have one of those already :)
05:20.59Stealth_Manyes we can
05:21.18Stealth_Manciego: i can provide you with free UK incoming DID if needed
05:21.46wwStealth_Man really? very useful... i need inbound DID from toronto
05:22.30ww416 or 905?
05:23.07tessier_xover: Let us know how it goes. :)
05:23.25atacommxover: for something like that, I'd say deploy a blade solution for the switching/vm/aa, etc, and stand alone servers for the T1 termination
05:23.52blitzrageI wonder how long until Toronto gets a third area code
05:24.11xoverBut nobody has actually done something like that before? No pretty case studies or white papers to look at?
05:24.26rollysonxover: I'm replacing a Samsung prostar with *
05:24.53rollyson20 phones about to start collecting dust ;)
05:24.56blitzrageww: it's not that bad :)
05:24.57Stealth_Man416 area code
05:24.59blitzrageww: where you from again?
05:25.45blitzrageww: the wierdest thing is going from 10 digit dialing, to going back to your home town which only has 7 digit dialing, but everyone has the same prefix, and only having to give the last 4 numbers of phone (as the rest is implied)
05:26.06blitzrageww: I always say the full area code + number, and people look at me wierd :)
05:27.03coppice_xover: I thought the MD110 was Ericson's high volume ACD. Is it used as a normal PBX as well?
05:27.39xovercoppice_: I have *no* idea. Telephony isn't really my thing.
05:28.34rollyson2780081 external maps to 261 internal.
05:29.00xovercoppice_: I just read John Todd's article on O'Reilly and noted it appeared to make easy all the things that are mysteriously and inexplicably "impossible" on our MD110 (and its support software).
05:29.24coppice_xover: trying to replace an MD110 in a call centre would be fun. The manual makes reference to the Hong Kong Jockey Club, as they had to stretch it for that - a 2000 seat call centre. It was the biggest in the world at the time.
05:29.46ciego34for have 3 incoming sip call at same time from FWD, need 3 sip FWD account ??
05:29.52Mikewhat happends if im using my fxo channel in a call and someone trys to place a call?
05:30.23Stealth_Manok , here is Canada DID info
05:30.29rollysonmike: * notes that the channel is busy and should indicate congestion or fall through to the next step in dialplan.
05:30.37Stealth_ManUS$11.99 a month with 500 free incoming minutes. After that, 1.5 cents a minute incoming
05:31.29xovercoppice_: As best I can tell, we're only using the MD110 for what I -- ignorant that I am -- would term a "PBX", and a fairly simple one at that.
05:31.30coppice_Stealth_Man: I can call Canada from HK for less then 1.5 cents per minute. That's expensive
05:32.03Stealth_Manor 29.99$ unlimited US/Canada/UK plan  with Toronto DID assigned for unlimited incoming/outgoing.
05:32.13rollysonits going to be an adjustment here doing away with a key system.
05:32.22ciego34for 3 incoming sip call at same time from FWD, need 3 sip FWD account ??
05:32.26Stealth_Mancoppice: this is Canadian DID  service, not price for temrination to Canada ...
05:33.15blitzrageStealth_Man: so for $29.99 a month, I have unlimited incoming and outgoing to Canada/US/UK ?
05:33.26coppice_Stealth_Man: I am talking about picking up my HK Telecom phone and dialling Canada. 1.5cents/minute just to receive a call on DID is expensive.
05:34.02ciego34where Stealth_Man????? any link???
05:35.13Stealth_Manblitz: unlimited Toronto incoming , plus unlimited outgoing to UK/US/Canada correct
05:35.28*** join/#asterisk cman (~cman1@
05:35.34Stealth_Mancoppice: HK Telcom price to Canada 1.5 us cents ? are you sure ?
05:35.51blitzrageciego34: no, you can receive multiple calls on the same FWD number.  For instance, 3 people from FWD can call my FWD number, and all 3 can listen to my auto-attendent
05:36.24Stealth_Mancoppiece: even Bell Canada is not offering such prices within country ... :)
05:36.39ciego34thanks, bliz
05:36.44blitzrageStealth_Man: that's a pretty good price.  And no time restrictions I assume
05:36.59coppice_Stealth_Man: Sorry. I works out to about 1.5 cents US. Canadian dollars are a bit lower, arent they?
05:37.24blitzragecoppice_: yah.. $1.00 CDN = $.75 US approx.
05:37.48coppice_So, about 2c/min Canadian
05:38.15Stealth_Manblitz: yes no restrictions, this is residential service ... this is only restriction :) yuo can' reselll it
05:38.27blitzrageStealth_Man: hehe.. no problem :)
05:39.11blitzrageStealth_Man: curious how it registers.  Lets say I want my Asterisk box to register with the DID service... ?
05:39.20Stealth_Mancoppiece: i am confused about HK Tleeocm pricing to Canada ...
05:39.41Stealth_Manblitzra: thanks for Mark, we can have IAX interconnect with you . :)
05:39.44bkw_ok who has messed with a 7912/7905
05:39.58Stealth_ManDecember 1st, official launch of service. so we are close :)
05:40.20blitzrageStealth_Man: awesome!  so I just have a username/password that I setup in my iax.conf and my Dial application then ?
05:40.38rollysonyay, callpark working.
05:41.03Stealth_Manblitrz: yes
05:41.23rollysonneed consultation functionality in agentlogin ;)
05:41.24blitzrageStealth_Man: very nice :)  what happens if say, my internet connection goes down?
05:41.34landrockerouch! why does everyone who chats here type just enough so that it wraps like 1 word! ;)
05:41.35wasimpartee is pareee!
05:41.35Stealth_Manblitza: too bad ;-)
05:42.06blitzrageStealth_Man: I'm just curious what the caller hears if a connection cannot be made.  stutter tone, busy tone, message.. ?
05:42.36blitzragelandrocker: never wraps on my 1600x1200 display :)
05:42.43ciego34exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,SetCallerID("3056756725")
05:42.43ciego34exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial,IAX2/
05:42.55ciego34NOTICE[245776]: File rtp.c, Line 264 (process_rfc3389): RFC3389 support incomplete.  Turn off on client if possible
05:42.57ciego34NOTICE[262161]: File rtp.c, Line 264 (process_rfc3389): RFC3389 support incomplete.  Turn off on client i
05:43.04ciego34what that
05:43.05bkw_turn off VAD
05:43.06wasimturn off vad
05:43.14wasimjinx, black magic
05:43.17ciego34VAD ????
05:43.21bkw_oh god thats like covered on the mailing list 100+ times
05:43.23blitzragejinx, you owe me a beer ;)
05:43.38wasimcome get it
05:44.01blitzrage+ to
05:44.08bkw_your too young to drink
05:44.09Stealth_Manblitzr: we will make voice mail for you in this case for couple additonal $$ if you want ;-)
05:44.13bkw_er you're
05:44.17blitzragebkw_: ummmmm... no I'm not :)
05:44.25wasimnot in canada, is he?
05:44.26bkw_blitzrage how old are you?
05:44.29blitzragebkw_: I'm 22 man
05:44.35blitzragebkw_: I've been drinking for years
05:44.39bkw_OMG I thought you were younger than that
05:44.42blitzragebkw_: legal age is 19 in Canada
05:44.45blitzragebkw_: nope :)
05:45.12blitzragebkw_: how old did you think I was?
05:45.19bkw_19 or so
05:45.53coppice_blitzrage: at my age 19 and 22 seem approx the same:-)
05:46.07bkw_coppice_ is your soft fax stuff working now
05:46.12blitzragecoppice_: :)
05:46.27blitzragecoppice_: at my age, 19 seems much younger :)
05:46.40blitzrageI'll be 23 in January
05:46.49blitzrageeveryone send me a bday present.  Jan. 7th :)
05:47.36Stealth_Manblitza: my birthday is Jan 9th :)
05:47.49blitzrageStealth_Man: really?  that's CrAzY
05:47.54Stealth_Manso if someone will send gift with delay, just forward it to me :)
05:48.02blitzrageStealth_Man: lol.. will do :)
05:48.47blitzrageStealth_Man: do you happen to need any telecommunications technology co-op students for this upcoming summer?  I'll be going into my 3rd co-op term.
05:48.56blitzragebkw_: good idea
05:49.13bkw_i'm gonna do one of those wget | sh things
05:49.13blitzragebkw_: I was going to work on something similer, but haven't had the time.... I need more hours in the day.
05:49.23blitzragebkw_: huh?
05:49.28bkw_I get to a box
05:49.30bkw_I will type
05:49.35bkw_"wget | sh
05:49.44bkw_it will download the script and pipe it to sh
05:49.47bkw_and start the whole thing
05:49.53blitzragebkw_: oh gotcha
05:50.14blitzragebkw_: is it going to autodetect digium hardware?
05:50.28blitzragebkw_: or just ask questions?
05:50.31ciego34NOTICE[262161]: File rtp.c, Line 264 (process_rfc3389): RFC3389 support incomplete.  Turn off on client if possible
05:50.48bkw_its going to ask some questions.. download cvs... apply any patches I need and build/install and everything
05:51.04blitzragebkw_: wicked.  sounds similer to a script I'm working on.
05:51.37bkw_that is if I don't die first
05:51.44blitzragewhy would you die?
05:52.39bkw_I have been sick the past week
05:52.48Stealth_Manbkw: what happned with you ?
05:52.58bkw_or something
05:53.04bkw_chest cold .. not really sure
05:53.06blitzragewhat.. you didn't get your free flu shot?
05:53.07bkw_but I HATE IT
05:53.11blitzrageoh wait.. forgot you're not in Canada :)
05:53.20bkw_no they give them away here too
05:53.30bkw_but its not wise to take a flu shot when your SICK
05:53.40blitzragenah.. I imagine not
05:53.45blitzrageI don't believe in flu shots anyways
05:53.51bkw_they dont work
05:54.10wasimi use a lot of homeopathy
05:54.12bkw_ya know if these nasty ass people would just clean up every now and then we wouldn't have this type of problem.
05:55.01daorkwhere are you bkw?
05:55.16bkw_aka HELL
05:55.38daorkwhys that?
05:57.35atacommhey, that makes sense........bkw is satan
05:57.44bkw_sure is
05:58.06Corydon76The only state in the Union to have a Broadway theme as its state song...
05:58.20atacommthis CVR crap is useless
05:58.31bkw_OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKLAHOMA where the wind comes sweeping down the plains
05:58.49atacomm*CDR crap
05:58.51bkw_hated it
05:58.57bkw_atacomm CDR is fun
05:59.06Corydon76But it prepared you so well, bkw_
05:59.08atacommbkw: its useless, it doesnt have the data i need
05:59.21bkw_atacomm what data do you want?
05:59.34Corydon76Now that you know tons of Broadway songs by heart...
06:00.00atacommbkw: if an incoming call goes thru an AA to get to its final extension, it doesnt show just shows where it came in...... i cant put it into the missed or incoming call lists for that particular extension
06:00.18bkw_silly silly man
06:00.35atacommwhat does that do?
06:00.45bkw_go read
06:00.49bkw_READ BOI READ!!!!!
06:00.50JerJershow application ResetCDR
06:01.17bkw_JerJer what up
06:01.27atacommdoesnt tell em enough to know what the end result will be
06:01.36bkw_then read the code
06:01.44bkw_its not that hard to trace what it does when you read the src
06:01.45atacommdoes it clear the incoming or only the destination?
06:04.20JerJer01show application ResetCDR
06:04.47atacommJerJer: I typed that, all it says it it updates the CDR record, doesnt say whether it does the destination only, or both dest and src
06:06.02cmansample voicemail where?
06:06.10JerJer'before zeroing it out'  is not clear enogh ???
06:07.02JerJervi apps/app_cdr.c
06:07.19atacommCDR stores lots of stuff, all i want is the fucking destination to not be the DID......which doesnt match the real destination......i dont want the entire record (src, etc) to be zeroed hard is it for you to answer a simple question, you always have to dodge it
06:08.21*** join/#asterisk coppice_ (
06:08.38kramhave you tried clearing the keys first
06:09.02atacommkram: who, me?
06:09.43wasimgood beer, eh?
06:10.33ciego34how can see the callerid of a call coming from voicepulse????
06:10.43wasimciego34: in the cdr
06:11.07ciego34you can´t see it in your sip phone??
06:16.36*** part/#asterisk ciego34 (~ciego34@
06:16.42*** join/#asterisk ciego34 (~ciego34@
06:17.54ciego34you can see in your sip phone the callerid of call incoming from voicepulse ???
06:18.37spy007ciego34: name or number? open access or connect?  ??????!!?!!?!?????!!!????
06:19.10ciego34the callerid number of the people calling me
06:20.23ciego34if you call my voicepulse number, 305 675 6725
06:20.56ciego34how to set iax.conf for see your number when you call me
06:21.43ciego34sorry my english, is a vlear question
06:22.27spy007i see it on my X-PRO
06:22.36spy007so it does get sent
06:29.55wasima callgirlshoppe agent whose been working for more than 6 months
06:30.39ciego34wasim any idea??
06:31.18coppice_wasim: it took a lot more work than that before anyone called me a professional. damn, they must be good
06:31.35wasimciego34: no, thankfully i don't have any sip phones
06:32.12wasimcoppice_ (piccgs) ret
06:32.25*** join/#asterisk bigunk (
06:32.56wasimnevermind, it was a very lame attempt
06:33.33coppice_wasim: obscure is the word I would use. too obscure for me. :-)
06:33.40*** part/#asterisk bigunk (
06:34.03blitzrageanyone have the iaxtel number of any call girls?
06:34.52blitzragecman: what's so funny?
06:34.56wasimwe should start a campaign, give your neighborhood call girl an iaxtel number, improve her bottom line
06:35.03coppice_blitzrage: until we have * mobile, I don't think they will want iaxtel nos. :-\
06:35.38blitzragehehe.. ok, gotta go grab something to drink and go to bed
06:35.41blitzrageg'night all
06:35.46coppice_wasim:  just improve her bottom, and her business will improve
06:35.59*** join/#asterisk w0ss (
06:37.13cmananyone leave a voicemail for 1-2 min in my no...
06:37.35cmani wan to test if its working now/....
06:37.45cman800 248 8870
06:37.48cmanplease anyone..
06:38.39ciego34you get my msg???
06:38.46wasimring ring
06:39.03wasimand then deathly silence
06:39.03cmanwasim just test
06:39.13wasimand hungup
06:40.20ciego34blitzrage> any idea on how can see in my sip phone the callerid number from people calling my voicepulse number????
06:41.27rollysonThe person at extension 8870 is unavailable. blah blah blah
06:41.36rollysoncman: worked for me.
06:41.41cmancan u leave a vm?
06:41.54rollysonleft a short one
06:42.08cmanleave a long mesg
06:44.03rollysonyou have an annoying sample of my voice repeating the word testing over and over.
06:44.11rollysonthat work?
06:44.24rollysonor need another?
06:44.36cmanits wokruing
06:44.54cmanthx rolly
06:45.04cmantesting and more testing
06:45.07rollysonok, I won't dump my MOH into it.
06:46.05rollysonsomeone should come up with a STANDARDIZED tone for start of voicemail recording.
06:46.18ciego34any idea on how can see in my sip phone the callerid number from people calling my voicepulse number????
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06:47.09mack_jpniaxtel is down now?
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06:50.11Mikeecho has something to do thats on the same line as the adsl?
06:51.39rollysonok. I'd better go home.
06:51.47wasimmack_jpn: not registered here too
06:52.13coppice_Mike: it can do. ADSL can really upset some phones, even when you have microfilters attached. That keeps altering the echo pattern, and a canceller may not be able to get a stable adaptation to the echo
06:53.09coppice_Mike: especially if you are a long way from the exchange, and the ADSL modem is running at full power.
06:53.41Mikecoppice_: so what can i do?
06:53.49Mikeuse a doble filter?
06:54.13coppice_Make: say "oh bugger" and live with it?
06:55.11coppice_Mike: seriously, using double filters doesn't normally help. The impedances in and out of the filters aren't matched properly, so they don't filter as expected.
06:55.17Mikeseems like a doble filter fix it:P
06:55.25rollysonhow hard would it be to create an app_take_one_call_from_queue  ;)
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06:58.19mack_jpnwasim: ya. me too.  it coundn't make a register to iaxtel sometimes in a couple of day....mmm
06:58.58wasimmack_jpn: it got fixed yesterday, but seems down again
07:00.09Mikea doble filter did help
07:00.17Mikeso adsl lines get echo?
07:00.29coppice_Mike: sometimes. Its luck, though.
07:01.15Mikei like more sip to sip
07:01.18Mikethan sip to zap
07:01.36wasimi like to sip too
07:01.39coppice_Mike: Its not that they get echo. You phone echos. If the far end it trying to echo cancel that, it needs a stable echo pattern to work with. Id the noise from the ADSL signal is upsetting your analogue phone, and making it echo behaviour constantly change the canceller gets screwed.
07:02.06Mikeexactly thats my problem
07:02.09Mikeand whats the solution
07:02.47Mikea doble filter why wouldnt it help?
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07:04.37coppice_Mike: Using double filters doesn't normally help. A passive filter doesn't work in complete isolation. The signals going in and out need to be of the right source and termination impedance for correct operation. That doesn't happen with cascaded microfilters.
07:05.56Mikecoppice_: so what could it help in my case?
07:06.16coppice_Mike: Pot luck!
07:06.25Mikewhy luck?
07:06.30coppice_Mike: don't rely on it as a repeatable cure
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07:07.03Mikeits really annoying
07:07.57Mikelowering the rxgain and txgain help a little
07:07.57coppice_I am far from my exchange. Without microfilters the phones make a terrible noise. With filters the still make some noise. When I use two filters they make more noise than with one.
07:08.00Mikebut the other end
07:08.09Mikesays it listen my voice to far
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07:08.56Mikecoppice_: so you live with it?
07:10.44coppice_Mike: so far I haven't found a real cure. I tried a couple of different makes of filter, hoping some would be better. I had a new modem recently, when the last one went flaky. Nothing seems to change the level of interference much. I guess a much better filter would work, but they don't seem to be available as commercial products.
07:11.03h3xnow you would think... with kewlstart that it would drop line current for Hangup(), not send Congestion
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07:12.37JerJerdumb question: what's the ~best~ way to read from the first line of a file using std C ?  
07:14.16cman anyone who has run this?
07:14.54Mikecoppice_: so we will have to live with it
07:15.42wasimJerJer: getline, fgets?
07:15.55coppice_Mike: you can try bitching to your ISP. A change of modem might help. Are you a long way from the exchange? It doesn't usually happen if you are near, as the power from the modems throttles back.
07:16.53Mikecoppice_: dont know my isp is a monopoly
07:17.08Mikecoppice_: about 15k adsl over my city
07:17.21Mikecoppice_: and more dialup conections
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07:17.34Mikecoppice_: and they are national so i guess they wont listen:)
07:19.07Mikecoppice_: aggresive echo canceler works but if i speak or make noise i cant hear the other party
07:19.46Mikecoppice_: what did help alot was moving it from the filter where the modem is connected
07:19.55Mikecoppice_: to another box with an empty filter
07:20.29coppice_Mike: oh yes, that one often helps a lot. I forgot that. Keep away from the ADSL modem connection
07:20.50h3xDIAX Phone is kind of nifty
07:21.23Mikecoppice_: i didnt knew that before
07:21.34coppice_Mike: My ISP supplied one of those microfilters with two holes - one for the modem and one for a phone. If I plug a phone into that its terrible
07:21.35Mikecoppice_: but it did really help moving it from the same filter as the dsl
07:21.45Mikeyes i got the same
07:22.16wasimh3x: does it do gsm?
07:22.16Mikeok we should tell people about this echo issue
07:22.35Mikei didnt find any info saying this on the dsl and i had it on the same filter as the dsl
07:22.55h3xi believe thats the only codec in it
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07:26.46coppice_Mike: you expect them to say "ADSL is a bit quirky at the best of times. You may well have troubles, unless the exchange is next door. If you do, we are prepared to offer very little help. Live with it, or talk to your local cable modem provider. Have a nice day."?
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07:36.24Mikecoppice_: well atleast you dont loss time:P
07:37.07coppice_Mike: marketing usually believes that honesty is the worst policy.
07:37.51Mikei wouldnt spend 1month reading on asterisk and 500dlls if i knew that
07:37.57Mikenow i kinda love it for sip
07:40.02wasimMike: wait till you meet IAX2
07:40.11h3xcomputers generally suck with analog phone lines of any sort on any device
07:40.12Mikei know iax2 now
07:40.21Mikei have no phones compatible with it
07:40.23Mikei use ixatel
07:40.27h3xisdn rulex
07:40.30Mikeand use iax2 to link with my dads office
07:41.07Mikebut the echo is dissappointing
07:41.26Mikethere should be build in hardware to cancel it maybe it could help
07:41.33h3xthey're working on it
07:41.54h3xwhat's your 10-20 ?
07:43.49h3xhave you got bri isdn there
07:44.08Mikeisdn's are gone since 4 or 5 years now
07:44.10Mikeonly dsl
07:44.28h3xno, isdn is useful for voice
07:44.37h3xmoreso for voice than data
07:44.40Mikenot here
07:44.50Mikemexico has a telco name telmex
07:44.57Mikehas 99% of the customers
07:45.06Mikesame on the internet buissnes with prodigy
07:45.11Mike99% of customers
07:45.18Mikegreat service
07:45.19h3xyeah i know all about telmex
07:45.24Mikecalls are expensive
07:45.26Miketo movils
07:45.38Mikeh3x: live here in mexico?
07:46.05h3xi know all about the politics of telephony dealing with carriers
07:46.19Mikethen you knoe telmex is big
07:46.39jrollysondealing with carriers sucks.
07:46.50jrollysoneven when you ARE a carrier
07:47.18daorkjrollyson: especially when you are a carrier :)
07:47.45h3xtelmex is easy
07:47.56Mikeh3x: why?
07:47.57h3xyou just take the guy out to party and bring lots of hookers and drugs
07:48.02h3xand you have yourself a interconnect agreement
07:48.17h3xthe equivalent of a fcc 214 license
07:49.39wwheh... telmex are crooks
07:49.46wwand they own the sanborns too ;)
07:50.05Mikethey own mexico
07:50.48jrollysondaork: true. sprint has special ways of screwing you when you are a CLEC
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07:52.46wasimww: would that be legal?
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07:53.38wwi don't know
07:54.02daorkjrollyson: we are just a long distance toll provider, but in .nz it takes about a year or 2 to get toll bypass prefixes added to the network, and thats after its been approved.
07:55.54Mikethis is bad
07:56.01Mike0 online people on msn
07:56.03Mikethats bad
07:56.06Mikenever seen that
07:56.15Mikespecially when all your friends are geeks or freaks
07:56.19daorkMike: they are restarting it or something
07:56.29wwreboot microsoft!
07:56.32daorkdidnt you get the messages a few minutes ago
07:56.42Mikewhat message?
07:56.53Mikeim on a linux client i guess they dont like us
07:57.02wasimi got it on amsn
07:57.08daork'down for maintenance starting from 8pm NZDT (which is GMT+13'
07:57.09Mikeim also in amsn
07:57.12Mikedidnt get it
07:57.15daorkwhich is just under an hour ago
07:57.42daorkoh, you may find amsn no longer works, they might be upgrading it to kill off 3rd party clients again
07:57.51Mikedamn damn jeff pulver doesnt want to send me wisip to laredo tx
07:58.03Mikesending it to mexico will pay LOTS of taxes
07:58.07MikeHATE IT
07:58.15Mikei dont want to wait till january
07:58.25Mikeany other wifi sip phone
07:58.29Mikeor iaxtel phone
07:58.52wwthere's the $$$ cisco phone
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07:58.58tessier_BLING BLING
07:59.05Mikeyeah i know that phone is expensive
07:59.12daorkhow much is it?
07:59.18Mikei guess i can do alot of things with 700USD
07:59.22Mikeincluding a bitch for a week
07:59.48Mikei can get some barbie tones some GS ata's a wisip and still get a good bitch for a week
07:59.56Mikeso i wont pay 700USD
08:00.01Mikefor 1 phone
08:00.28daorkthere you go mike, msn is back
08:01.44Mikedaork: yeah thats why i said it was bad 0 onlines
08:02.01Mikeit was kinda scary
08:05.33Mikeso you guys dont know ahy other phone
08:06.15coppice_Mike: some places show WiFi phones on their sites. Whether they really exist is another matter.
08:07.00Mikei saw one yesterday
08:07.05Mikebut no price no store
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08:07.17Mikeim sure theres not other wifi phone under 300
08:07.19Mikethats for sure
08:07.33coppice_The Cisco one has the style and grace of a house brick, so not only price is against it.
08:08.02Mikewell the cisco looks like the old nokias
08:08.17Mikeits kinda cool if i had the 700USD and a good salary i would sure buy it
08:09.33coppice_Mike: When did house bricks become cool (other than in winter in a northern climate)?
08:10.06Mikecoppice_: the thing is it should work nice
08:10.10Mikewisip its a mistery
08:10.38Mikebut i like the idea of a wireless sip or iax since im always in places with wifi
08:10.51Mikei can get more signal on wifi that with my cellphone
08:12.04coppice_Well at least the picture of wisip makes it look like a phone. In real life the Cisco looks like a house brick. weighs like one, too
08:12.13wwyeah... 2.4GHz right beside your brain... great
08:12.31wwdo you know what the resonant frequency of water molecules is?
08:12.56Mikecoppice_: you have one?
08:13.00ww(hint: there's a reason microwave ovens occupy an adjacent frequency band)
08:13.02tessier_The frequency your microwave operates at
08:13.33mishehuww: 2.53GHz I believe
08:13.51coppice_the reason they gave the 2.4GHz band over to this type of thing is it is useless for long distance communication. Too much absorption by the air on damp days.
08:14.07mishehuand if I'm correct, that's scary, since I pulled that out of memory...
08:14.47coppice_Mike: I don;t have one, but I played with one a few weeks ago. Looked like a first generation prototype that would quickly be replaced by something better.
08:15.07Mikecoppice_: it work cool?
08:15.31wwdid you start smelling burnt toast?
08:15.33Mikecoppice_: seen a wisip near?
08:16.09coppice_The office had 7960s and call manager. The brick connected into that and worked.
08:16.38h3xis it possible for h.323 to change codecs in the middle of a call
08:16.46coppice_I haven't seen a wisip. do they really exist as shipping products?
08:16.57coppice_h3x: yes
08:17.14h3xdoes asterisk support that
08:17.15Mikecoppice_: some people had written reviews and jeff pulver told me he had shipped some
08:17.54MikeFrom: Jeff Pulver <>
08:17.54MikeTo: Miguel Cavazos <>
08:17.54MikeCc: Fred Pulver <>
08:17.54MikeSubject: Re: wisip
08:17.54MikeDate: Fri, 28 Nov 2003 08:03:22 -0500 (EST)Hi Miguel,The review was from the first person we gave the phone to. ;-)The firmware is improved.As long as you have an open Wi-Fi Hotspot and want to use it on Free WorldDialup you are in good shape.Best regards, Jeff
08:18.59coppice_h3x: no idea. it has nothing to do with h323 really. Its an RTP thing. An RTP stream can change codecs at any time. You change codecs to do DTMF over RTP, then change codecs back again. I don't know if * supports any other changes.
08:19.14wwMike: do those things take earplug / headset thingys at least?
08:19.23ww(with the requisite RF choke)
08:19.40h3xid like to originate a call as 711 and then change to gsm when it gets bridged up for a transfer
08:19.55Mikeww: check out the review:) the guy who wrote it its kinda funny
08:20.06coppice_first we have the RF cooking my brain. Now it wants to choke me :-)
08:20.15wwwhere's that?
08:20.41Mikethe review?
08:20.50wwcoppice_: 1/r^2 :)
08:20.56wwMike: yeah
08:21.56Mikeno problem
08:24.55coppice_Mike: do you know who makes the wisip?
08:26.29Mikesome chinesse dude
08:26.51coppice_ww: I'm an ex radar guy, so I'm more of a 1/r^4 kind of person :-)
08:27.00wwgood... headphone/mic jack :)
08:27.15coppice_Mike: er, yeah, but which one?
08:27.30Mikecoppice_: let me look the url
08:27.42wwcoppice_ as long as it's away from my head....
08:30.17coppice_ww: WiFi power levels are pretty low. it may be a bad frequency, but the overall effect is probably less than a cellphone (of course, that doesn't mean its safe).
08:30.29coppice_wasim: are you there?
08:30.54Mikeim really disappointed on wifi
08:31.05Mikenever works when you need it its SLOW as hell
08:31.14Miketheres always low signal
08:31.17coppice_Mike: BCM seem to make an interesting range of products
08:31.23wwcoppice_: as long as it is not 1cm from the gray matter...
08:31.35Mikecoppice_: yes they do like OMS
08:32.20Mikealso i ask grandstream guys about a wifi phone and they told me not for now
08:32.26Mikeso dont expect nothing cheap
08:32.37JerJerOrbital Manuvering System
08:32.41wasimcoppice_: sire
08:33.12coppice_wasim: Try
08:33.13coppice_they copied your panasonic lookalike phone :-)
08:34.12voidptrhey wasim
08:34.16coppice_wasim's prototype is in the case from an old Panasonic lookalike analogue phone
08:34.56Mikethis is hell nice
08:35.08wwanybody know of a wifi payphone?
08:35.32wasimhiya voidptr
08:36.41wasimanybody got iaxtel registered?
08:36.58coppice_Mike: It requires a PC to work. seems kind of clunky to me
08:37.55MikeTDM4000 also requires one:)
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08:39.02Mikecoppice_: <Mike> TDM4000 also requires one:)
08:39.26Mikesipura2000 or GS ata could do better with a 20USD cordless
08:42.05wwFrom the GS ata data sheet:
08:42.48wwsupport for layer 2 (802.1q vlan, 802.1p) and layer 3 qos (tos, diffserv, mpls)
08:43.16daorkthats crazy
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08:43.42daorki think their marketing dept just screwed up
08:44.29coppice_daork: why? Its got us talking about GS. Isn't that what marketing depts are supposed to do?
08:44.38daorkcoppice_: :)
08:45.39Mikewierd ibm has nothing on ip phones
08:46.18daorkdid anyone ever find out what their 'open source software' they were baing thier voip infrastructure on was?
08:46.26coppice_Mike: why is that weird. IBM got out of phone making when they dumped rolm.
08:47.15TheFloydoh man
08:47.17TheFloydi remember rolm
08:47.26coppice_Its a PBX maker IBM used to own.
08:47.29TheFloydit was deployed campus wide at SUNY stony brook
08:47.46ciego34i´m waiting for a wisip
08:47.51TheFloydstony brook's answer to broadband in the dorms when i was around there was a 19.2k data connection via the ROLM PBX
08:48.16coppice_All the computer companies had this big convergence thing in the 80's and bought telecoms companies (or the other way around).
08:48.26coppice_They lost a fortune in the process
08:48.39coppice_now convergence is the in thing again.
08:48.48coppice_now much will be lost this time? :-)
08:49.33daorkcoppice_: i dunno, it seems to be working out pretty well so far.. unless telcos come up with something major..
08:49.45Mikeoff to sleep
08:49.49Mikesee ya tomarrow guys
08:50.02coppice_nighty night!
08:50.12coppice_daork: what do you mean?
08:50.39daork'convergence' this time around
08:50.58jrollysoncoppice_: full regulation of voip would kill it.
08:51.10tessier_Data is data. To regulate voip is to regulate the internet.
08:51.39coppice_I still don't see what you mean. Sure everything looks to be moving towards traffic over IP, but will the computer companies make the phones and vice versa?
08:52.11coppice_tessier_: not everywhere sees it like that. many places regulate VoIP
08:53.09JerJerVoIP cannot be regulated
08:53.23coppice_jerjer: why?
08:53.45JerJerthe internet is a peer-to-peer technology
08:53.48daorktechnically its a little difficult, but not impossible
08:54.05JerJerdaork:  its simply udp traffic
08:54.16voidptrok ok, but...
08:54.17daorkJerJer: and?
08:54.19JerJerhow are you goign to determine if its FTP or voice ?
08:54.27coppice_many people in China are looking for proprietary VoIP solutions. They don't want H323 or SIP, as they get filtered at the border.
08:54.30voidptrftp uses udp? :P
08:54.31JerJeror evercrack traffic
08:54.35daorkwell, i dont know about you, but my FTP goes over TCP
08:55.00daorkevercrack haha :)
08:55.01JerJerftp             21/udp
08:55.26daorkthats only because thats what they have reserved.
08:55.36coppice_filtering specific protocols is easy. the only escape is a never ending stream of new protocols, to keep one step ahead of the filters
08:55.39voidptrthey could make a law that makes you break the law if you use some "unregulated" voip termination
08:55.45ciego34udp        0      0 *:5036                  *:*                                
08:55.45ciego34udp        0      0 *:5060                  *:*                                
08:55.45ciego34udp        0      0 *:4569                  *:*                                
08:55.46ciego34udp        0      0 *:2427                  *:*
08:55.51jrollysonI'd expect any "effective" attempt by telcos to kill voip would be to force metered internet service.
08:55.57daorkthere isnt actually FTP running over UDP :)
08:55.59ciego34what on 4569 and 2427????
08:56.09JerJer4539 is iax2
08:56.37coppice_the philipinnes uses a different approach. VoIP is illegal, but their IP services are so slow, you can't use it anyway. Saves all the filtering and policing, eh? :-)
08:56.38JerJerdavidc: ok then  streaming audio or voip
08:56.49JerJeror any online gaming and VoIP
08:56.52ciego34after runing asterisk   4569 and 2427
08:57.44jrollysontraditional telcos know they could be out of buisness in 5 years.
08:58.04wasimearlier, if i can help it
08:58.07daorkblock everything other than 53/udp. gaming can suffer.
08:58.15ciego34traditional telcos must go to ISP
08:58.23JerJerdaork:  then  vi iax.conf  port 53
08:58.38mishehuaaaah yes...  it's soooo much fun to make phone calls from my 7960
08:58.59daorkJerJer: block 53/udp and provide recursive name servers
08:59.18coppice_why? They are still the people who have the local loop and most of the fibre backbone. They don't risk extinction if they adapt properly. The only risk extinction if they are determined to go down kicking and screaming for the status quo (i.e. are luddites)
08:59.22JerJerok then build a ssh tunnel and deal with the xtra latency
08:59.36daorkJerJer: or just run it over tcp...
08:59.44ciego34yes good deal use ssh tunnels
08:59.58voidptror use another ip protocol
08:59.59daorkJerJer: or, block everything and provide proxies
09:00.12jrollysonjerjer: add a random 1-30 second delay to any transmission carrying enough bandwidth to be an effective audio transmission, and a 75% packet loss on all UDP.
09:00.16ciego34if you have fast connections
09:00.29jrollysonthat fucks VoIP ;)
09:00.40daorkjrollyson: yeah, that'll do it
09:00.59h3xthey could just scan udp for stuff that looks like RTP
09:01.02h3xand send a RST
09:01.04daorkjrollyson: and add packet loss to tcp as well, it copes with it, but increases the latency
09:01.13h3xor something
09:01.14JerJerh3x:  that won't have any effect on IAX
09:01.17mishehuhow about running poptop vpn?
09:01.19h3xyeah well
09:01.21ciego34telcom must move to IPS is better for they
09:01.22daorkh3x: a RST in UDP eh :)
09:01.29h3xer yeah i guess that dosent make sense
09:01.31mishehuit's probably not as high latency as ssh encryption tunnel.
09:01.33jrollysonyeah. REQUIRE a minimum latency.
09:01.36TheFloydrst doesn't do anything to udp
09:01.46TheFloydRST only nukes stateful (tcp) connections
09:01.48h3xi mean rst on the control connection
09:01.53TheFloydyou been hanging out with too many strippers there h3x
09:02.00h3xfloyd, what are you doing up at this ungodly east coast hour
09:02.02daorkh3x: not if the control is UDP
09:02.06TheFloydh3x- working
09:02.11voidptrjust hack your linux kernel headers, and make it think udp uses protocol number 50... and that on both sides
09:02.16TheFloydI do graveyards wednesday through saturday night
09:02.18jrollysonand offer low latency point to point charged as a toll telephone call.
09:02.21coppice_jerjer: the thing is you can't stop enthusiasts talking over IP (though you can deter them with stiff penalties). what you can do is make a broadly based, easy to use VoIP network unworkable. you can stop it becoming a real alternative to the existing networks
09:02.30daorkh3x: you probably want an ICMP PORT UNREACHABLE, or similar
09:02.33voidptrthats a 2 minutes flat sollution :)
09:02.49coppice_TheFloyd: Are you a grave robber, or something?
09:03.07TheFloydgraveyard shifts
09:03.15daorkvoidptr: not if ip protocol 50 is blocked
09:03.23voidptrsure, but they wont
09:03.28daorkvoidptr: ipsec would be a bad thing to allow after all
09:03.35voidptrnot really
09:03.43voidptrpeople need to work from home to their work
09:03.54daorkbecause you could just ipsec all your traffic, and not have to fiddle with the kernel headers :)
09:04.06voidptripsec = latency
09:04.13voidptrand requires extra cpu
09:04.16jrollysonvoidptr: enforced latency.
09:04.36voidptrthen i would complain
09:04.38coppice_voidptr: if ipsec = latency, does that mean latency makes things secure? :-)
09:04.42voidptrthat my citric is suddenly slow
09:04.45jrollysonthat would be the single most effective thing that could be done to kill voip.
09:04.53voidptrcoppice_ ? uh
09:05.12voidptrcoppice_ : i would use protocol 50 to replace udp... not bother with ipsec at all
09:05.19daorkvoidptr: so complain, the telco stays alive, and hence doesn't care.
09:05.45daorkvoidptr: he was joking i think :)
09:05.46voidptrdaork : eheheh... not if my 500 employees using their adsl leave
09:06.03daorkvoidptr: and go where? to the other telco who does the same thing?
09:06.09voidptrand next step is to ofcourse clean up their mpls crap
09:06.20voidptrdaork : we have 4 providers for that here
09:06.43daorkvoidptr: who will all happily cooperate to prevent voip catching on..
09:06.48mishehumy vision of the future is...  landlines go the way of the dinosaur.  the local loop provider is nothing more than just that, providing a piece of wire...  and a number of interconnected and open voice systems.  I cannot imagine how they would resolve the problem of emergency services like police, fire, and ambulance...
09:06.48coppice_As I said, enthusiasts can play games, and work around any restrictions placed in their way (apart from a digger chopping through the cables, maybe). However, making a broad VoIP service unworkable by filtering is easy.
09:06.50voidptruhm no
09:06.54voidptr2 already use voip
09:06.55ciego34where to put cdr_mysql.conf for cdr-csv go a mysql db ???
09:07.12voidptr3rd is now making their network ready for it
09:07.18voidptrso you are talking bogus :)
09:07.41jrollysonQoS impairment is the way to make VoIP unworkable.
09:08.07voidptrso people would do everything to bypass that... i know its not good for business
09:08.24voidptrbut they cannot restrict it... technically
09:08.33voidptrwithout hurting other users aswell
09:08.40mishehuaren't there still ways around QoS impairment?
09:08.43daorkvoidptr: they sell voip transit, or they use voip internally to lower thier costs?  and these are telcos who can provide adsl without cooperating with the other telcos?
09:09.07voidptrdaork : both, yes
09:09.12h3xi just donno if its really possible to get the world to use voip
09:09.26mishehuh3x: it will happen at some point in time...
09:09.32h3xoutside of the us, theres a overwhelming percentage of people that still use pulse dial phones
09:09.48jrollysonhmm... any IPv6 hard phones yet?
09:09.55sxpertcoppice_: a few years ago, the incumbent telco here tried to slow down the cable company by physically cutting fibers in hard to reach places
09:09.56wasimnot in pk, 90% use digital
09:09.56mishehuh3x: from what I hear, most of the western world uses DTMF
09:10.11h3xsure it does. but we aren't the majority of the population
09:10.19TheFloydthe problem with providers adding latency and/or dropping UDP
09:10.26TheFloydis most of them have a vested interest in voip
09:10.35TheFloydand already prioritize those packets on their networks
09:10.39wasimofcourse we only have 5% teledensity
09:10.47mishehuh3x: countries like china, if on pulse, can have "border pbxs"
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09:11.00mishehurunning asterisk if they like...  they seem to like open source systems
09:11.04TheFloydi work for a huge CATV company here in NY, and they sell a cablemodem product with 10/1 down/up rates
09:11.11TheFloydand they just rolled out their own VoIP product
09:11.15h3xits not the service providers that have a problem with voip
09:11.16h3xits the government
09:11.23TheFloydso guess what? VoIP is already prioritized on our network here
09:11.27coppice_h3x: actually its mostly the developed countries still use pulse dialing heavily. Most of the world's telephone were installed in the last few years and use DTMF
09:11.31mishehuand all voip routed to china passes thru the "border pbxs" and is routed into their ancient phone network.
09:11.47daorkwasim: the kiwis were playing someone in a cricket game recently (i think it was in pk).. the only way they could get a connection for the kiwi comentators was a very flakey phone line..
09:11.59coppice_mishehu: china's phone system is very modern.
09:12.09jrollysonh3x: most ILECs don't like end users getting ahold of VoIP
09:12.18mishehucoppice_: I was just talking hypothetically, since I have no idea what china's system is like.
09:12.19h3xbut ILECs dont control IP
09:12.20h3xso fuck em'
09:12.27mishehucoppice_: I can only  speak for the US, Canada, and Israel
09:12.46jrollysonh3x: no, but they wield signifigant lobbying power.
09:12.47TheFloydjrollyson- what say do the ILECs have in it?
09:12.51h3xthey can squish voip with lower rates
09:12.59TheFloydall they own is copper
09:13.06daorkcoppice_: yeah, china was deploying voip internally last i heard.
09:13.37jrollysonh3x: VoIP can offer flat rates. They can't squish that without squishing their buisness model.
09:13.46mishehuTheFloyd: "money talks and bullshit walks"...  the incumbents won't change their mode of business without a temper tantrum first...  look at the RIAA, MPAA, etc...
09:13.47h3xsome of them already did
09:13.52coppice_daork: that is a con. Everywhere in China you seen VoIP phone cards on sale. What you get is 64k A-law most of the time. Its a marketing gimmick :-)
09:13.54TheFloydvery true
09:14.01sxpertmishehu: the voice packets first must pass through the great firewall that drops all packets containing "the communist party is evil" and the like
09:14.09h3xif the ILECs didnt, the CLECs did with UNE-P products even.
09:14.18h3xflat rate local and long distance
09:14.29TheFloydyeah, most telcos are offering flat rate products now
09:14.29h3xmci neighborhood for instance
09:14.33TheFloydeven here in new york
09:14.39TheFloydverizon has some sort of flat rate product now too
09:14.42TheFloydi think
09:14.46mishehusxpert: and not to mention "open source is for communists, and anti-american!"
09:14.48h3xmci dosent have to pay recip comp when they originate the call
09:15.01h3xand if you terminate to soemoen else on mci neighborhood it costs them $0
09:15.07daorkcoppice_: i heard from an honest cisco /tech/ im friends with that they are deploying it for backbone stuff mainly.
09:15.16mishehuh3x: it's almost like Sprint ION was, but not as good.
09:15.27h3xION was total bullshit
09:15.28mishehuat least Sprint ION was VoIP.
09:15.33h3xno it was VoATM
09:15.38mishehuoh right.
09:15.46mishehubut not a lot different.
09:15.56h3xthey just did it to stir up shit with the other IXCs
09:15.56mishehuit at least wasn't POTS
09:16.09TheFloydheh I wanted sprint ION
09:16.12mishehuh3x: ION was good though.  until they turned it off.
09:16.14TheFloydi was pissed they canned it
09:16.20h3xwhat we need is ISDN BRI replacement
09:16.22mishehuTheFloyd: you and me alike.
09:16.25h3xuse DSL as the D channel
09:16.33mishehuISDN == it still does nothing...
09:16.49h3xsure it does, you better be usin PRI if you got a T1
09:16.50sxpertdaork: using hyuwei hardware ?
09:16.56TheFloydisdn is still cool
09:17.07h3xISDN is cool, but north america's protocols suck
09:17.07mishehuI had isdn in .il
09:17.14TheFloydif it wasn't disgustingly expensive, I'd have it again
09:17.15h3xwe dont have call deflection like euroisdn
09:17.16jrollysonh3x: ILECs will be less threatened by voip when they abandon pay-per-minute
09:17.22TheFloydand h3x can't seem to get me an isdn line ;)
09:17.31jrollysoncall deflection?
09:17.33coppice_daork: there is a lot of IP bandwidth in China, but still the appearance of huge amounts of VoIP is a marketing thing. They overinstalled fibre (mostly in the south) over the past few years, so they have little need to use VoIP right now. The main marketing thing is to offer cheap long distance calls without screwing their bisiness rates.
09:17.36h3xits only pay per minute with businesses usually
09:17.38h3xresi isnt
09:17.49mishehuI still have my Fritz!PCI card I got from netvision when I converted my line to ISDN.  my first voicemail system I ran was vboxgetty...
09:17.52h3xjrollyson: a 2B transfer
09:17.58h3xbefore the call is answered even
09:18.00h3xif youw ant
09:18.14daorksxpert: is that that fake cisco stuff?
09:18.19h3xHeh, what would rule is to sell euroisdn BRI as a CLEC in the US
09:18.22h3xi wonder if that would work
09:18.33jrollysonahh... can't PRI do that?
09:18.41h3xYes it can, but no one supports it
09:18.45h3xthe switches can do it
09:18.55sxpertdaork: no, it's that perfect clone, up to ios ans command line bugs
09:18.56h3xi sell service for a shitload of facility based CLECs and none of them can provision it
09:18.56mishehuI'm off to sleep.
09:19.28jrollysonh3x: hmm... I wonder if we can get that set up on our switches at work.
09:19.29h3xits really annoying,  customers have to get lines (not trunks) and use flash transfer if they wanna do that sort of thing
09:19.40coppice_HuaWei were the biggest buyer of Cisco equipment in China for projects in their services division. After the troubles with Cisco they are looking for alternatives as fast as they can. Cisco will probably loose out because of this.
09:19.59jrollysonh3x: any idea how to set it up on a coppercom? ;)
09:20.00h3xYeah its a really simple thing to implement but can screw up the billing system if its not set up right
09:20.05daorksxpert: i heard they used copied software..
09:20.07h3xno idea
09:20.34sxpertdaork: whoever told you that lied. they redevelopped from scratch
09:20.52jrollysonh3x: if I could get outside transfers OFF my PRI channels, it would be a GOOD THING(TM)
09:20.59daorksxpert: interesting
09:21.31h3xyeah i couldnt get XO or Xspedius or anybody to do it
09:21.38sxpertdaork: would you expect 3com to allow themselves to be liable for software theft ?
09:21.39coppice_daork: who knows. Cisco had JV stuff going with HuaWer. How much was legally used and how much was not I don't know. I do know Cisco got scared as HuaWei started to export, and tried to smear them. They seem to have settled quietly recently.
09:22.03sxpertdaork: (3com sells hyuwei hardware under their own brand in the US)
09:22.08jrollysonh3x: we have our own switches, that makes life easier.
09:22.24ciego34NOTICE[262160]: File rtp.c, Line 264 (process_rfc3389): RFC3389 support incomplete.  Turn off on client if possible
09:22.29ciego34any solution???
09:22.43sxpertdaork: in fact, they use embedded linux (montavista I think)
09:22.53coppice_Everyone wants to be HuaWei's friend. The when HuaWei starts to get successful they panic.
09:23.31wasimciego34: told you last night too ... turn off VAD
09:24.12voidptron the client
09:24.14sxpertwe have a cisco and a similar huawei on test at work. I'm impressed by the new contender... actually goes twice as fast as cisco :D
09:24.27ciego34was looking at conf files
09:24.38ciego34don´t find any VAD
09:24.51jrollysonciego34: on the client device.
09:25.00coppice_Cisco throughput usually sucks if your configuration has any complexity
09:25.23ciego34on my 7960???
09:25.37sxpertcoppice_: adding a single acl in the cisco, and you got yourself a nice slug
09:25.50ciego34ENABLE VAD NO
09:27.07ciego34my cisco 7960 have ENABLE VAD NO
09:28.01coppice_HuaWei are doing things on a broad front. DWDM fibre, IP networking, GSM and 3G infrastructure. Its amazing they can develop so much at once. Other Chinese companies, like DaTung and ZTE are doing lots of wireless infrastructure, but HuaWei is really broad in its activities.
09:29.39ciego34any idea about this error if my clien have VAD off ???
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09:38.36sxpertcoppice_: with more than a billion chinese, they can put quite a lot of manpower into it (and the chinese are not particularly stupid :)
09:39.07sxpertcoppice_: they are probably smarter on average than americans
09:39.42sxpertcoppice_: for once, they didn't elect bush as their president :)))
09:40.17coppice_its still quite hard to find good capable people in China in any significant numbers. The university system is growing rapidly, but ehere is still a long way to go.
09:40.59sxpertcoppice_: if I judge by the "we launched a man in space in 2 years" thing...
09:41.16coppice_its even harder to keep them. skills shortages mean the good guys stay with a prestige company for a short while to get a tick on a resume and move on.
09:41.33sxpertcoppice_: that's a US mindset
09:42.06h3xisnt there some clever way to use vonage with asterisk these days
09:42.58coppice_the Chinese astronaut went up on a long march rocket derived from the satellite launcher they have used for a number of years. Only the capsule is new.
09:43.46sxpertcoppice_: point taken, however doing the complete capsule in such a short time is a feat in itself
09:44.22sxpertof course, they knew what to expect, so, you may say that it was copying...
09:44.26coppice_they probably didn't. the launched the first one two years ago. who knows when development started.
09:46.26*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (
10:02.20sxpertanyone seen levon recently ?
10:10.29h3xi just had a ruling idea for asterisk
10:10.34h3xadsi script
10:10.51h3xmake it so when you dial 411 (or maybe a softkey), it runs app_411
10:11.02h3xwhich asks you for the name of business or person and zip code
10:11.21h3xlooks it up on the internet, returns results in a scrolling window,  you pick a number and it speed dials it
10:17.04wwyup... and a similar thing in ciscoxml for the 7960
10:19.03h3xthe wap browser idea for adsi wasnt such a bad idea
10:19.13h3xbut that would take forever to implement
10:19.48daorkthat'd be cool
10:20.10h3xcoz then all you gotta do is write wap pages for things like that
10:20.32h3xAt the very least, you should be able to read yer damned email on the phone.
10:21.16h3xWell with marks help i got flash key to work right with the asterisk.adsi residential script but i think
10:21.22h3xits still implemented improperly
10:22.50daorkwhats adsi?
10:22.57h3xanalog display station interface
10:23.06h3xa bellcore spec for analog screen phones
10:23.20h3xcurrently asterisk only supports them with voicemail
10:24.13daorkwhat does that display on the phone?
10:24.21daorkits a text thing is it?
10:24.56h3xthe original idea was to make devices for RBOCs to sell with bundled services
10:25.01h3xbut that just never worked out because of the internet
10:25.19h3xits designed to do a lot of things like phone banking, email access, point of sale
10:25.44h3xthe phones have a lcd display, most of them have 6 soft keys
10:25.47h3xoptional keyboard
10:26.02h3xthe protocol is 3rd generation caller id
10:26.45wwi think they thought people would order pizza with it or sumfin...
10:26.53h3xyou know, that 411 app would take forever to write because i dont think adsi.h has any routines for two way fsk or the dtmf letter encoding scheme decoder
10:27.09h3xshit, web based pizza ordering barely works from anybody
10:27.20h3xthe only one i can get to use right here in vegas is papa johns
10:28.39h3xyou know what would RULE for hotdesking on voip phones is to use proximity cards to detect who is nearby
10:28.45daorkweb based pizza works great in .nz
10:29.28daorkh3x: hmm, unless someone came to visit your desk
10:29.36h3xhah i could use ADSI to run my X10 too
10:29.44daorkor if you had a tech working on your pc
10:29.54daorkwell, maybe the tech thing is a good thing, maybe not
10:31.02h3xlets see.  what else
10:31.09h3xa really simple adsi app would be a parked call viewer
10:31.16h3xmaybe i should write that first.
10:31.37h3xscrollable list of calls that are parked.  their caller id and who parked them
10:34.13JerJeroh what a lovely tea party
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10:36.58coppice_h3x: how about hourly parking fees? :-)
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10:38.31h3xhow about parking tickets
10:38.41h3x"I'm sorry.  Your call was parked in the red zone."
10:38.47h3x^^ allison
10:39.52coppice_"I'm sorry there is no one here right now to collect your call from the call park".
10:49.08daorkJerJer: yeah, thats a classic pic.. is it authentic?
10:49.33tessier_I believe it is.
10:50.21JerJerlooks like it ... someone else just sent me that link
10:51.36daorkI wonder how many people choose "Vacuum tubes", but still pass because they get other questions correct
10:54.58coppice_daork: Aopen have a motherboard with a vacuum tube, so that would be a correct answer :-)
10:55.08daorkcoppice_: thats true actually
10:55.39coppice_daork: I know its true. would I lie? :-)
10:55.39daorki have to say, that really is a marketing gimick for people who fancy themselves as audiophiles
10:56.00daorklol JerJer
10:56.41tessier_Just in general, not as an audiophile
10:56.50tessier_I'm the hottest guy I know.
10:57.51coppice_daork: I think its a marketing gimmick for people who must have something different. audiophiles wouldn't like the computer. Lots of people are doing fancy colour motherboards, but Soltek have the best - totally mauve. mauve board, mauve connectors, mauve everything except the ICs. Look weird, but I bet it appeals to the apopen vacuum tube motherboard buyers
10:58.25tessier_Buying a computer because of its looks is stupid.
10:58.30daorkand it glows blue i think, so bring on the neon lights
10:58.41daorkand better get some water cooling while you are there
10:58.50daorkand lasers
10:58.53daorkand a smoke machine
10:59.50tessier_And chicks with big tits
10:59.54coppice_tessier: looks do matter. its just that some go for really odd looks. Like the computer case with a fish tank on the side
11:00.06tessier_If they would just include a big titty chick with each motherboard they would sell like crazy
11:00.29daorki used to have a mac classic with a fishtank inside it
11:00.33coppice_tessier: see, you agree. looks to matter :-)
11:00.42daorkbut it wasnt exactly a computer anymore :)
11:01.38tessier_coppice_: The looks of the chick, not the computer
11:02.07*** join/#asterisk scud (
11:02.32coppice_tessier: Buying a womanr because of its looks is stupid. :-)
11:03.08daorkand buying a computer because of a womans looks is even stupider :)
11:03.11tessier_Looks are the only reason to get a woman.
11:03.45coppice_tessier: with that attitude you are definitely shallow enough to want a fish tank on the side of your computer. :-\
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11:10.40reseauxhi to ALL
11:10.49reseauxhi kapejod
11:13.11kapejodhi dimitri :)
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11:28.08h3xgastman is so not cross platform
11:30.27coppice_h3x: redo gastman with fltk or wxwindows, or something then. nice of you to volunteer. :-)
11:31.10h3xi hate gui programming
11:31.41coppice_h3x: and yet you volunteer for it. what a public spitited fellow you are :-)
11:31.51coppice_or even spirited
11:31.55h3xits makefile just needs to be fixed
11:32.38wwfeh. * needs autoconf
11:33.01coppice_ww: why?
11:33.25wwneed more meta
11:33.27coppice_ww: is this and S&M thing?
11:34.15h3xyeah gastman dosent even do anything useful anyway
11:35.29wwcoppice_ yeah, m4 with whips and chains
11:47.13usam_coppice_: 22V in HK?
11:47.26usam_220V i mean
11:47.48coppice_usam_: yes
11:47.58usam_coppice_: ok .. thx for the info
11:50.48*** join/#asterisk erik2 (
11:55.32h3xarent many places with 110
11:56.44h3xi recon, that gastman is useless
11:58.44h3xthats fuckin weird
11:59.08h3xyou can right click and originate calls in gastman
11:59.11h3xthat gave me a good ide athough
12:01.23h3xim gonna integrate speed dialing into palm desktop using the manager interface.
12:04.14h3xahhhhhhhh theres an easier way
12:04.36h3xpalm goes to a phone dialer app that does h.323
12:05.13h3xill just make asterisk take the call, hangup, and then dial it up and my desk phone at the same time
12:08.28h3xwhere did everybody go
12:08.54wwstill here...
12:09.01wwunfortunately :-/
12:10.07ww(no reflection on those in the channel... more on my lack of sleep and the slim possibility of fixing that any time soon)
12:16.59*** join/#asterisk tty74 (
12:17.28wwhrmph... sun rising....
12:19.38*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
12:20.31tty74Hi i'd like to know who is the best and flexible software pro linux pbx
12:20.44h3xi think you found it
12:21.30coppice_I used to do yoga. Is that flexible enough? :-)
12:23.42tty74Ok  but the hardware card are only digium?
12:23.46h3xcoppice_: What are you using for billing again
12:24.10h3xtty74: the short answer is, yes, unless you want to use a external voip gateway which is cheaper in high volume stuff
12:24.14h3xor use voip phones
12:24.28h3xand/or use voip telephone service too for that matter
12:24.42*** join/#asterisk RoyK_T (
12:27.05tty74Ok and if i whant to integrate in an existant analog handset and dect cordless when the number is more of 4 fxs port?
12:27.42h3xsure you can use the fxs card
12:27.55h3xif you plan to use a lot of analog lines, get a t1 card and channel bank to break it into 24 lines
12:28.07h3xthe sound quality is much better anyway
12:28.54ManxPowerBTW, do any other vendors have FXS ports in port densities higher than 4 ports without using a channel bank?
12:29.08ManxPowerFXS ports draw a LOT of power when ringing.
12:29.39tty74I've read that if i use a special analog phone it must use fxs is true=
12:30.14FuzzyCatall non-voip phones are going to need fxs ...
12:30.17ManxPowertty74, Any analog phone that will work when pluged into a regular phone line from the telco should work with Asterisk's FXS ports.
12:30.38tty74What is bank to break it into 24 lines?
12:30.53FuzzyCatit's like a hub/switch for phones
12:30.53ManxPowertty74, It's called a channel bank.  
12:31.39FuzzyCatyou can also get fxs -> voip banks, but they are pricey
12:31.49FuzzyCatmind you so are channel banks
12:31.49tty74Where i found it?
12:32.08FuzzyCatebay is your best bet if you are just experimenting...
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12:33.28FuzzyCaterrm, dunno what this one is like but its @ $100 at the moment!!!
12:34.13ManxPowerChannel banks with FXS ports are VERY common.  MANY, MANY companies use them.  They tend to be pretty common on e-bay.  Channel banks with FXO ports are not all that common, and channel banks with a mixture of FXO and FXS ports are also not as common.
12:35.04tty74Ok i whant to try a complete system for test and if all work perfectly create an alternative pbx in the Italian Market
12:35.14coppice_FuzzyCat: gee that DianTel channel bank looks messy inside.
12:35.44FuzzyCatyah... maybe they just brought a case and some circuits and shoved em inside
12:36.19ManxPowertty74, EU people commonly use T-1 channel banks for connecting analog phones to Asterisk.  Since the T-1 connection is only between Asterisk and the channel bank, you don't need an E-1 channel bank.  
12:36.38ManxPowerAnd t-1 channel banks tend to be a lot cheaper than E-1 channel banks.
12:37.07h3xmost of the fxs channelbanks are probably stolen from CLECs on ebay
12:37.12ManxPowerIf you need to connect digital E-1 or EuroISDN into Asterisk, then of course you'll need one of Digium's cards that support E-1 ports.
12:37.20h3xive had my share with the electric screwdriver :P
12:38.23*** join/#asterisk mack_jpn (
12:38.25h3xYou know, it would make sense to write dialogic MSI board support for *
12:38.38h3xbut im not sure if it can detect offhook or not
12:38.56ManxPowerh3x, There are dialogic drivers available.
12:39.38tty74What i do buy for a complete testing to dimostrate my customer that the asterisk pbx works correctly such a commercial (alcatel) pbx
12:40.22coppice_h3x: why would MSI support make sense?
12:40.24wasimbuy him an alien
12:40.28ManxPowertty74, I would but one X100P and one TDM20B
12:40.38h3xum so you get 24 channels of FXS with a board?
12:40.46ManxPowerThe X100P will connect you to the PSTN and the TDM card will connect to the PBX and to phones.
12:41.19coppice_h3x: then you don't know what an MSI board does. There is no audio communication with the PC
12:41.28h3xtty74: depending on the politics of your country, you may want to run things as a service provider model if you can afford to
12:41.38h3xOh yeah, its all scbus.  hm
12:42.39h3xhehehe.  Aculab is releasing "Prosody S" which is software based DSP algos to use with your own VoIP applications
12:42.41h3xthats funny
12:42.47h3xtoo bad all it does so far is playback, record, and dtmf
12:43.01h3xi'd say they are a little behind asterisk
12:43.49coppice_Intel has a package to do on the host what their Dialogic cards so, with all the Dialogic APIs. Its very limited in functionality, though. Odd.
12:44.00tty74There are some web interface for customer to change a simply configuration?
12:45.27*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
12:45.38coppice_I just looked at Prosody S. It does more than you said. It has SIP and H.323
12:45.45h3xactually this may work out well for me so i can use Prosody S to playback sip channels into the boards to do other things
12:46.05h3xThey spent years finally getting a hardware board to do VoIP
12:46.10h3xand now they are going the other way :P
12:46.46wasimhiya michael
12:47.02cypromismorn wasim :)
12:49.38FuzzyCatwell, it would make like a LOT easier if the tdb boards did bus mastering/irq sharing, then you could just fill up a PC with them and hey presto...
12:52.02h3xYeah, but FXS cards need a lot of power to run the talk battery on phones
12:52.09h3xso that would be a limitation at some point i think
12:52.40coppice_FuzzyCat: It would be nicer if the board was bigger, and had more channels on it. Dialogic put 24 channels on one card
12:52.42illc0mmmh3x, just need a larger power supply
12:52.43daorkor do like some video cards have these days and have a HDD/FDD power connector :)
12:53.02illc0mmmdaork: it does have one
12:53.15h3xexternal ps
12:53.41h3xfxs cards are kind of expensive per port.
12:53.43coppice_no external PS. Thats a pain with the Dialogic MSI cards. It isn't needed
12:53.43daorkwhat card is this?
12:54.27daorkoh, right
12:56.11tty74I i want to use an analog fax machine in voip enviroment
12:56.30illc0mmmtty74: you can do that with the tdm400p
12:56.35h3xno you cant
12:56.39h3xunless its G.711 (no compression)
12:56.49illc0mmmtdm400p is analg
12:56.57h3xYes, but if the other side is VoIP
12:57.00h3xit won't work because of the compression
12:57.08h3xasterisk has no T.38 modem support built in
12:57.12h3xyou could hack some shit together
12:57.15coppice_tty74: any kind of modem in a VoIP environment needs to be handled with great causion, and must use G.711 or similar (i.e. no compression)
12:57.24illc0mmmh3x, he said a FAX machine.
12:57.29h3xsuch as using t38modem from h.323
12:57.30illc0mmmHe didn't say emulate a FAX.
12:57.45h3xI know, but if you have a fax machine and call through a voip gateway...
12:57.49lecramemulating a fax is also possible with app_[tr]xfax
12:57.54illc0mmmtty74: you want to plug a FAX machine into a VOIP network?
12:58.09illc0mmmh3x: we dont know what he wants to do, so saying he can't do it isn't a good thing just yet.
12:58.17h3xer. wheres that app
12:58.46illc0mmmstill alpha though
12:58.46h3xi didnt know that was out
12:59.23coppice_the beta is getting better :-)
13:00.01illc0mmmthe beta is almost beta quality. :)
13:00.38coppice_wait till I get to version gamma.0
13:00.50illc0mmmzeta.99 for me
13:00.53illc0mmmor zed
13:00.55illc0mmmnot sure
13:01.17coppice_omega is what you are looking for, I think
13:01.21illc0mmmyour right
13:01.33illc0mmmi r a college student'
13:02.01coppice_you'll learn....... or fail the finals :-\
13:02.19illc0mmmalphabet soup
13:02.22illc0mmmit helps me
13:02.26illc0mmmneed the greek letters though
13:03.23coppice_Hum, there's an idea - Hanzi alphabet soup. Much more variety
13:08.00h3xwould anybody be interested in if i offered a service to do a caller id name lookup (CNAM) over IP
13:08.15h3xand/or LIDB so you can find out the OCN of termination/origination for least cost routing
13:12.40FuzzyCatif you want to use fax then try app_fax...
13:12.55FuzzyCator is it app_tcfax and app_rxfax
13:13.09h3xFuzzyCat: someone was just talking about that
13:13.41FuzzyCatsorry was lounging in the bath
13:13.55lecramno terminal there yet?
13:14.32FuzzyCati did have, made a plynth for my lappy, but I've removed my wireless for the moment
13:16.23*** join/#asterisk haxr01 (
13:17.23FuzzyCatdo those adtran cb's support callerid and diconnect supervision?
13:17.30*** join/#asterisk zwi (~zwi@
13:17.32haxr01when I receive an incoming call, when the caller hangsup, my asterisk server crashes can anyone give me any pointers?
13:17.52FuzzyCatincoming voip call?
13:17.53tty74It possible to integrate an gsm telephone in a asterisk pbx for budget call
13:18.15FuzzyCattty74: get a sim box...
13:18.51tty74Sim box ?
13:19.06haxr01actually the call is incoming from Nufone so yes it would be VOIP, IAX2
13:19.08*** join/#asterisk linuxa (
13:19.24FuzzyCatyeah, it's like a mobile phone without the keypad and screen, you just plug it in
13:20.01tty74and is all integrable in asterisk
13:20.54FuzzyCator if you are in the USA tty74 get oneof those boxes from
13:22.51tty74Ok . And for intergrate dect cordless is pobbile?
13:23.32FuzzyCatyes, i do that now
13:23.55h3xhahaha you know
13:24.05h3xyou could do high cost termination stuff with a shitload of cell sockets
13:24.13h3xin a office located next door to a cell tower
13:24.14*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
13:24.25h3x"alaska and hawaii voip for $.01/min !"
13:24.26h3xor something
13:24.33FuzzyCatI use panasonic DECT phones/base station.. the good thing about them is that a) they can speak FSK callerid b) they understand callerid text from * c) they support MWI
13:24.33Powerkillis there any problem with iaxtel ?
13:24.42*** join/#asterisk edguy3 (
13:25.18lecramh3x: use a gsm gateway
13:25.33mack_jpnPowerkill: iaxtel still downed
13:25.38h3xyeah that would be better, but are there any for north american gsm
13:25.54lecramI would think so, yes
13:25.55FuzzyCatkx-tcd777es is the part no for the base station and 2 phone twinpack tty74
13:26.12PowerkillAnd i'm getting crazy i thought it was a compilation fault in iaxcomm :)
13:26.47tty74Ok thank's a lot
13:27.00FuzzyCatwhat phone you have h3x?
13:28.14FuzzyCatWhat about caller ID?  
13:28.14FuzzyCatCaller ID works with GSM cell phones only at this time. You also need a telephone that supports caller ID to display the incomming numbers. If you do not have a GSM cell phone then the telephone will display CellSocket in the caller ID field.
13:28.16h3xill be damned
13:28.20h3xsuch a thing actually exists
13:28.23FuzzyCatthat suggests gsm is ok
13:28.55usam_FuzzyCat: i cant get the CID from cellsocket ..
13:29.09usam_dont know if its a x100p problem or not..
13:29.18usam_my cellsocket model is 5161N
13:29.44FuzzyCaterrm shouldn't it be plugged into an fxs port ?
13:29.58usam_the cellsocket?
13:30.00Powerkillno the cellsocket have to be plug into the fxo
13:30.03FuzzyCat"currently compatible with all Nokia 51xx and 61xx series cell phones" (for nokia)
13:30.09Powerkillmy callerid work
13:30.16Powerkillwhat gsm are you using ?
13:30.19FuzzyCatwhy the fxo?
13:30.29FuzzyCatit's a phone right?
13:30.33illc0mmm has some options too for fixed wireless
13:30.33usam_Powerkill: 6110
13:30.34Powerkillthe cellsocket provide a line
13:30.49usam_Powerkill: which version are you using?
13:30.56Powerkillusam same issue with my 6110 i got a 5110 and everything is fine now
13:31.02usam_i can get the CID via mgetty but not with asterisk :(
13:31.04FuzzyCatahh ok, so ur not using * to provide the lines...
13:31.18usam_Powerkill: YEAH?
13:31.32usam_then i will buy a 5110 2morrow :)
13:31.36*** part/#asterisk illc0mmm (
13:31.37h3xthat rules
13:31.38Powerkillone sec i will check5161N
13:31.44h3xyou just pop in a shitload of gsm access cards
13:31.50h3xand you got 24 or 30 channels on a t1/e1
13:32.10FuzzyCath3x: cell providers get REALLY shitty about that
13:32.12usam_h3x: 1200U$ is lot of money :)
13:32.20usam_72 lines or something.
13:33.17h3xthats not bad
13:33.35h3xi can get a pile of $99/month unlimited at&t gsm cards
13:33.39usam_big start capital .. ;)
13:33.47h3xand dump my expensive traffic on it
13:34.00RoyK_Th3x: how do you connect that to asterisk?
13:34.06h3xcrossover cable to t1 card
13:34.22RoyK_TI remember asking on the list ages ago... how to connect asterisk to the gsm network
13:34.36usam_gsm channel bank
13:34.36FuzzyCatusam_ so the cell socket has 2 ports, one for fxo and one for fxs ?
13:34.48RoyK_Tusam_: ok :)
13:34.51usam_FuzzyCat: 2 sec .. lemme check
13:35.06Powerkillsomeone here use ser ?
13:35.07usam_AC and 1 LINE OUT
13:35.16usam_not  2 prots on my model
13:35.28FuzzyCatmmm... and the line out is for ur phones to plug into...
13:35.30lecramh3x: there a company in DE that produces a "smarter" gsm gateway...
13:35.41usam_FuzzyCat: yeah
13:35.50h3xYeah, but north america uses a different frequency than everywhere else for gsm
13:35.52RoyK_Tany way to connect a single gsm phone to asterisk?
13:35.54lecramh3x: it takes multiple sim cards per channel, and can be programmed to switch between them
13:36.10usam_RoyK_T: cellsocket...
13:36.37h3xat&t does add-a-line for $9.99/month
13:36.38usam_or Fixed cellular terminal
13:36.56usam_about 1000NOK here in TH
13:37.00usam_cellsocket is not SO stable ..
13:37.37usam_the model i have tesed , the REN is too low, so, aterisk wont detect an incomming call
13:37.49usam_but for out-going it works perfectly
13:37.58h3xmaybe im looking at this wrong
13:38.08h3xi could send off-peak minutes on $29.95/month accounts
13:38.13h3xor something
13:38.19usam_trust me, forget cellsocket ..
13:38.26usam_its just for home use only
13:38.32*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
13:38.32FuzzyCatnot good then
13:38.40usam_when you are using the line, the phone stop charging..
13:38.47RoyK_Tusam_: I haven't found any cellular terminal anywhere ... I saw Siemens had one, but when I dialed them to ask they didn't know
13:38.53FuzzyCatusam_ I only want it for home use
13:38.56usam_nad you know, non-lithium bats gets fucked very quckly
13:39.17usam_RoyK_T: well
13:39.23FuzzyCatuasm_ isn;t that just a feature of Nokia phones...
13:39.24usam_nokia has
13:39.29usam_erricsson has
13:39.42usam_but know name from taiwan is chaper..
13:39.48usam_but the REN suxx
13:40.32usam_im working for gettting a better production from them...
13:40.45usam_the voltage are too low for asterisk to understand its a RING ..
13:40.54usam_they just need to do some recode in their ROMS
13:41.02*** join/#asterisk BastiS (
13:41.06coppice_RoyK_T: usam_ is right about Nokia and Ericsson, but in fact almost anyone making GSM modems makes GSM terminals too.
13:41.53usam_if i get the working model, i will be shipping worldwide ;)
13:42.07usam_but dont hold your breath
13:43.05*** join/#asterisk miller7- (
13:43.43usam_coppice_: im sure you have a lot of those terminals in HK
13:44.03BastiSCan anybody tell if can configure the ISDN-card also as a NT (Network Terminator) or only as a TE (Terminal Endpoint)?
13:44.11coppice_usam_: no. why would we want them here?
13:44.27h3xit would be nice if something went gsm phone network -> voip directly
13:44.29usam_coppice_: dunno .. mine are from TW ..
13:44.34h3xso it dosent need codec translation twice
13:44.38usam_chinese :P
13:44.49BastiSSo you could also connect ISDN phones to asterisk
13:44.49FuzzyCatcoppice_: for gsm -> gsm calls
13:44.55coppice_usam_: they make them, but why would they use them?
13:45.08h3xBastiS: the only ones that can do that are the one kapejod is making and the avm fritz card
13:45.11*** join/#asterisk zigman (~zigman@
13:45.22usam_here, we have 3 big providers..
13:45.29h3xBastiS: but at the end of the day, a voip phone is cheaper any way you look at it unfortunately
13:45.32RoyK_Tcoppice_: modems such as nokiacard can't send audio IIRC. And the swedish Ericsson office (for instance) couldn't help me with a terminal
13:45.35usam_orange is the cheapest in their tariff
13:45.55coppice_FuzzyCat: there are 7M people in HK, and 6M GSM subscribers. Take away the babies, and that means *everyone* has a cell phone. You call a GSM phone from another GSM phone!
13:46.06usam_so, for gsm calls, route it thru the GSM and land-land thru a fixed landline
13:46.27BastiSh3x: you are right but you could also use it to connect a PBX to asterisk
13:46.32h3xi think the worst thing about a gsm t1 gateway would be that you probably cant change the caller id for outbound calls
13:46.56h3xBastiS: if you are gonna do that, i highly recommend just using a t1 card on the pbx and asterisk
13:47.16h3xa quad bri card costs about what a t1 card does on the asterisk side.
13:47.24coppice_RoyK_T: Nokia has a terminal specifically for land line phone use. The cards can do audio, but only as analogue, I think. I don't think you can get at the audio digitally. The Ericsson definitely make terminals. Look at their web site.
13:47.44FuzzyCatyah, that's what it's about coppice_ - for example and Orange -> Orange call works out cheaper than Vodaphone -> orange pstn -> orange
13:48.05BastiSh3x: I have a Siemens Hicom PBX and the t1 cards are kinda expensive there
13:48.33h3xblah.  This valiantcom thing does work with T1s, but it dosent support the north american gsm network
13:49.04coppice_FuzzyCat: here the receiver pays, and pays the same rate whereever the call comes from. Nobody cares about cross network rates. There are intranetworkminutes, but with strings that make them almost useless.
13:49.21h3xaren't bri cards too ?
13:49.23FuzzyCatthe RECEIVER payS?!!
13:49.53h3x"quit calling me, you are running up my bill!"
13:49.57h3xi bet telemarketers are really not popular there
13:50.39RoyK_Tcoppice_: where's this?
13:50.42h3xBastiS: Well i guess you are sort of screwed then... switch it all over to asterisk :)
13:50.56h3xintegration is a huge pain in the ass compared to replacement
13:51.15coppice_FuzzyCat: a peculiarity of HK that came about from practical reasons when cellular started. All land line calls within HK are free. Courtesy phones are everywhere, which cannot make IDD calls. How to you maintain that when you introduce cellular? By receiver pays! It runs against the tide of telecoms charging, but it worked.
13:51.23daorkreciever pays for cellular calls in the US also, correct?
13:51.28BastiSwell  I have several bri cards (we call them S0 here) for the pbx already
13:51.40daorkwell, pstn -> cellular calls
13:52.06h3xalright well ask kapejod if his bri card is available yet
13:52.10h3xive seen prototypes of it
13:52.14RoyK_Tgrr. where's that asterisk FAQ again?
13:52.15BastiSand a bri card for a pc costs about 20 € = 16 $ on ebay
13:52.22coppice_h3x: strangely, telemarketers have only recently become an annoyance here.
13:52.22RoyK_Twhy isn't there a link to it from
13:52.41h3xits on isnt it
13:52.54h3xBastiS: Yes, but most all of them can not be network end of BRI
13:53.02h3xits different electrically
13:53.07BastiSare you talkin about ?
13:53.08h3xeven for S/T
13:53.11RoyK_Th3x: no - different site
13:53.12usam_wow, vonage over 28.8k modem .. WORKS ..
13:53.29h3xBastiS: just email him and ask about his bri boards
13:54.10h3xwow, the first person ive ever seen that got digium's java irc client to work..
13:56.00haxr01does anyone know how to build the ztdummy module?
13:56.24coppice_You need ztdummy for dummies :-)
13:56.53haxr01so where do I find ztdummy for dummies?
13:57.22haxr01I know how to load the module I just don't know how to build it
13:57.58*** join/#asterisk zigman (~zigman@
13:59.09haxr01seriously coppice, how can I build the ztdummy module?
14:01.32Powerkillcoppice_ do you know about issue with RxFax and TxFax sometime when calling h323 party i got a fax line and i'm sure that it's a normal line
14:01.49PowerkillI remove the app_tx and rx call back and get the user
14:01.54Powerkillis it bizarre ?
14:02.48coppice_Powerkill: I have no idea whan it happening. Unless your extensions.conf directs things to those apps, how could they make any difference?
14:02.59RoyK_Thaxr01: why do you want it?
14:04.06haxr01I need it for meetme to work
14:04.53zigmanBastiS,  20¤ = 24 $
14:05.02zigman1 ¤  = 1,20 $
14:05.34RoyK_Thaxr01: uncommented it from the makefile yet?
14:06.04haxr01no I don't think so, which makefile do I do this in?
14:06.36zigmanhaxr01,  what usb controller do you have ?
14:06.45RoyK_Thm. so MeetMe is linux only?
14:07.00haxr01I believe usb-uhci
14:07.11RoyK_Thaxr01: lspci tells you
14:07.13zigmanRoyK_T,  asterisk is linux only for now
14:07.23zigmanso meetme is linux only too ;)
14:07.35zigman* ?#
14:07.38haxr01I don't know if meetme is linux only but I know it requires a timing device
14:07.46zigmanrtcdummy ?
14:08.07zigmanzaptel device ?
14:08.15zigmanhow many do you want ?
14:08.41RoyK_Tar all of them timing devices?
14:08.41zigmanthe digium card don*t work on os x right ?
14:08.56zigmanuse the rtcdummy
14:09.00zigmanor the ztdummy
14:09.15RoyK_Twhere's rtcdummy?
14:09.53RoyK_T~seen kapejod
14:09.55kapejod <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2h 56m 44s ago, saying: 'hi dimitri :)'.
14:13.29BastiSzigman: well, sometime it is hard to calculate (for me) ;-)
14:13.40haxr01zigman so I just change to /usr/src/zaptel and uncomment the ztdummy line in the makefile?
14:18.05zigmanand load it manually
14:18.09zigmanmake install
14:18.14zigmandepmod -a
14:18.20zigmanmodprobe ztdummy
14:18.25zigmanand see what happens
14:18.45zigmanBastiS,  ;)
14:19.09haxr01ok I must have screwed up because I only ran the make install
14:20.56*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
14:21.15haxr01zigman have any idea why my asterisk server might be crashing when I receive incoming calls?
14:25.49haxr01zigman when I try to load ztdummy I'm getting kernel module version mismatches
14:26.26tim27any know good cheap channel bank
14:28.00zigmanuname -a ?
14:28.07zigmanls /usr/src
14:28.44haxr01zigman 2.4.20-18.9
14:29.53*** join/#asterisk bobman (
14:30.04haxr01zigman it seems like I do not have the headers for that one because it is not there
14:30.48haxr01zigman do you think it would be a problem if I upgraded to the latest kernel and put the headers for it in now?
14:31.17*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
14:31.31zigmanhi cypromis
14:31.36cypromisaloha :)
14:31.57zigmanhaxr01,  if you recompile your kernel no
14:32.17zigmanuse a vanilla 2.4.23 kernel
14:32.23zigmanand compile everything again
14:32.24tim27zigman: if i put a channel bank to a t100p... do i will get echo... with my sip phone ???
14:32.28zigmanmake a make clean before
14:33.00zigmantim27,  the echo thing i not really a card thing.. its a sytem thing
14:33.09zigmanyou will get echo with everycard
14:33.18zigmanmore or less depending on the card
14:33.18zoa2not true
14:33.25tim27zigman: i want to setup a small pbx
14:33.26zoa2i've never had echo
14:33.30tim273 fxo
14:33.34zoa2not with isdn
14:33.37tim275-7 fxs
14:33.38haxr01I was just going to install the stock redhat/fedora newest kernel then go in each of the asterisk related directories in /usr/src and do a make clean then make then make install
14:33.40zoa2not with te410p
14:33.47zoa2not with t100p
14:34.03haxr01this was a stock redhat 9 kernel
14:34.08tim27i read on the mailing list and in the channel that many person have echo problem using x100p with sip phone
14:34.14cypromiszoa2: I have a hel of te410p's
14:34.20cypromisand to some destinations I have echo
14:34.21cypromisand to some not
14:34.24zigmanhaxr01,  get the kernel sources as well
14:34.38cypromissame goes for isdn btw
14:34.50haxr01yeah that is what I'm going to do grab the kernel and the kernel sources
14:34.55zigmanzoa2 you wanna bet there is echo in each card.. its just not noticeable on some calls
14:35.12haxr01hold on I'm going to pop them in now
14:35.44tim27cypromis: as x100p is just a modem, it's the reason why so mush people get echo with it ???
14:36.26zigmanthe x100p is a PRI card isn't it ?
14:36.46zoa2ist a stupid modem
14:36.55zigmanahh i mixed that up sorry
14:37.02tim27x100p is a modem to connect fxo phone line
14:37.21cypromistim27: the problem is analog digital conversion
14:37.23tim27zoa2: do you have isdn bri ???
14:37.37cypromisHi void
14:37.49zoa2u have an avm isnd yes
14:38.17tim27cypromis: if i but the analog fxo in a channel bank and connect the bank to a t100p... i will get echo on analog digital conversation ???
14:39.35*** join/#asterisk Stealth_Man (
14:39.53cypromisthere is allways a chance for echo since you ave to take into accpuint the whole call way
14:39.58cypromisnot only one piece of it
14:40.40tim27cypromis: what setup you suggest for 3 lines , 4 fxs, and some sip phone...
14:40.58zigmanput them all together ;)
14:41.03tim27digium do dont card for bri
14:41.17cypromiseither wait the couple of weeks for digium to come out with the hardware echo cancellation inclusive fxo modules on the tdm's
14:41.27cypromisor go with one of the expensive channel banks and a t100p
14:41.27zigmantim no private msg pls
14:41.40zoa2hey he did that here too :)
14:42.12tim27i emailed digium last week...
14:43.25tim27that what i got as answer about echo
14:43.26tim27You may or may not experience echo.  If so, it'll only be on the IP
14:43.27tim27side, and you can try different echo cancelation routines and play
14:43.27tim27with the gain to try and reduce or eliminate it.
14:43.27tim27I cannot give you any information regarding any other FXO devices.
14:44.08zoa2that means try and see
14:44.13tim27i asked about the fxo module ... for the tdm400p, but they say to not give mush info
14:44.24h3xyou know, everybody says Trabas sucks but im gonna install it just to see what it looks like
14:44.34zoa2h3x: good luck
14:44.42zoa2i spent 3 days trying to install it
14:44.43h3xgood luck? heh
14:44.45zoa2and it still didnt work :)
14:44.57coppice_What's Trabas?
14:45.04h3xI seriously am thinking about starting a sourceforge project for a billing system
14:45.12tim27that mean... spend money... and you dont know if it will work
14:45.23zigmantim27 yes
14:45.26zoa2H3x: even the sql files are broken
14:45.27h3xsome piece of shit perl/mysql/apache voip billing system
14:45.30zoa2bad copy
14:46.02zoa2oh and my sql server hates it:)
14:46.09zoa2for not closing connections
14:46.23h3xuh.. thats normal
14:46.29h3xmost applications should leave the connections open
14:46.39tim27cypromis: you have a guess about when the fxo module will be ready ???
14:46.48zoa2yeah but not untill mysql dies on you :)
14:47.12h3xok i get it
14:47.17h3xits not re-using connections like it should
14:48.07h3xThe only problem is if i wrote a billing system
14:48.17h3xi would probably use Pike
14:48.21h3xand not very many people use that
14:48.26cypromistim27: not really
14:48.34h3xso i'll probably be the only developer of it
14:49.03coppice_h3x: So there will be a very small Pike staff, eh? :-)
14:49.04tim27anyway i buyed some x101p from bkw... the better will be to wait... and see
14:49.17h3xthen again most of it really wouldnt have to be written in pike
14:49.26zoa2bkw gives great support
14:49.27h3xthey'd just have stuff embedded in html pages and whatever
14:49.41tim27and the tdm400p will be the same card ???, i mean if i buy now, i will be able to put fxo module on them ...
14:49.42h3xand some hacks to asterisk maybe to do call rating
14:49.57h3xi want to support asterisk cdr's and possibly other sources such as sip proxies
14:50.22h3xand then a module that ftp's out cdr's from your carrier and compares them against your data to do auditing
14:51.40h3xI still think that postgres should be able to do call rating as a stored procedure
14:52.12cypromisit does it fine
14:52.20cypromisbilling rating and invoicing
14:52.25zoa2cypromis you using call rating ?
14:52.26h3xwhat does
14:52.28cypromiseven statistics and ASR calculations
14:52.36h3xyou wrote it or what
14:52.43cypromiszoma2: no I am running a carrier without rating
14:52.47zoa2what is ASR calculations ?
14:52.59cypromisAverage SUccess Rates on a route
14:53.11cypromisso I can do call routing by ASR of the last 2h
14:53.12h3xwould you be willing to contribute anything to a opensource billing project?
14:53.28cypromisnot yet
14:55.45h3xcypromis: are you doing it as triggers, stored procedures, ?
14:56.08cypromisstored procedures
14:56.22cypromisbut we are stopping that project and moving to a j2ee solution
14:58.27cypromish3x: prepayed mutlichannel billing is easier that way
15:04.09*** join/#asterisk reseaux (
15:09.30voidptrthey only java i like is the indonesian island ;)
15:14.01zigmanvoidptr,  good call ;)
15:18.34h3xyou know, i dont really like the GPL license but i think im gonna use it for this project
15:18.53h3xtheres plenty of commerical solutions for billing and letting anybody integrate this defeats the purpose of the project
15:19.00h3xcommercial even
15:24.03izoh3x there is some open source billing
15:24.17izoi dont remeber its name trabase
15:24.21izotrabas or similar
15:24.24h3xI know
15:24.28h3xit sucks we were just talking about it
15:24.35h3xits written in perl
15:24.39h3xdosent do real time call rating
15:28.10h3xhehe im thinking about calling it "Pound"
15:28.15h3xas a complement to "Asterisk"
15:28.25tholoThere is call rating available from
15:28.28h3xor it could be "Hash"
15:28.41tholoIt is relatively early release stilll, but it *is* available.
15:29.30tholoIt also does Least Cost Routing.  Doesn't do prepaid stuff yet, but that is coming.  Same with peak/off-peak rates.
15:30.02h3xwho's is that?
15:30.19zoa2tholo's :)
15:30.30tholoSo far I have written all the code...
15:30.43zoa2and i am doing some testing with it
15:30.49tholoBeen at it for a bit over a week.
15:31.03zoa2but there is no billing included h3x, maybe something for you ? :)
15:31.04tholoWhile you're at it, you might check out too... ;-)
15:31.21h3xWell, since mine is GPL license can i put your code inside of it?
15:31.23tholoRight -- this is just routing and rating, no billing.
15:31.42zoa2h3x: why not work together ?
15:31.46h3xthats what i was thinking
15:31.51zoa2it belongs together
15:31.53tholoIt is available under GPL at the moment, yes.  It will probably be dual-licensed in the long term (like Asterisk).
15:31.56h3xyou can have cvs commit on for this
15:32.06h3xid rather work on the billing system anyway
15:32.16*** join/#asterisk RoyK_T (
15:32.32h3xerrr.. its mysql
15:32.37tholoAnd I'd rather do the routing & rating.
15:32.40tholoYes, so?
15:32.44h3xi guess if its always gpl it dosent matter but you are screwed if you change your license
15:32.59tholoNot if you have a commercial MySQL license.
15:33.13h3xhrm ..  very true. but um
15:33.18h3xasterisk got in trouble for it
15:33.19RoyK_Ttholo: how do you plan the pricing system in trollphone?
15:33.31tholoDigium does not have a commercial license.
15:33.42RoyK_Ttholo: you can use an older MySQL version. That's under GPL
15:33.45tholoCheaper than Telenor.  But not free minutes like Telio.
15:34.49tholoThe current MySQL is under GPL or commercial license -- it has a dual license model.
15:35.02tholoThe old one had LGPL for the client libraries, but they stopped that.
15:37.34h3xthe way you did it is pretty cool as an app in asterisk
15:38.18RoyK_Ttholo: how can they have a dual licence? or how can they change lgpl to something else?
15:38.32RoyK_Tthe old libs are still lgpl and iirc they haven't changed much
15:38.36h3xyou could use unixodbc though
15:39.00h3xsince theres nothing proprietary about mysql you are using
15:40.13RoyK_TI'd choose to use PostgreSQL instead. I don't trust a company that first GPLs its product and then goes back to a more commercial license
15:40.25h3xyeah me too
15:40.42tholoA copyright holder can issue something they own the copyright for under any and all copyrights they wish, as long as they are not encumbered by other licenses.
15:40.56tholoThey never stopped providing a GPL license.
15:41.04tholoThey stopped providing an LGPL license.
15:41.12h3xyou need to have it rate the call's cost and what its sold for seperately
15:41.14h3xfor auditing
15:41.25h3xactually i guess that dosent have to be done in real time
15:41.37RoyK_TGive me _one_ good reason to stick with mysql and not switching to postgres
15:41.47tholoThe sale cost is different, and belongs to a billing solution IMO.
15:41.57zoa2tholo, i disagree
15:42.00h3xmaybe he didnt feel like learning the postgres c api? :)
15:42.23zoa2tholo:  you will catch cheaters and bugs a lot faster like that :)
15:42.31h3xNo, you definately need to be keeping track of what the customer is billed so you can shut them off
15:42.36h3xespecially for prepaid stuff
15:42.43tholoMySQL is faster.  They have started (with 4.1) to provide prepared statements, which will be very important for scalability.  And PgSQL's API frankly sucks.
15:43.02h3xand, so they can look at their billing information online
15:43.04h3xin real time
15:43.33tholoHm, good point.
15:44.08zoa2callshops seem to go insane on trying extensions like 0800##00442342323
15:44.17zoa2to fuck with rating systems
15:44.30zoa2better be sure that you have a way to follow up
15:44.32zoa2in real time
15:44.38h3xit needs to be able to rate calls with lata by class
15:44.41h3xflat rate
15:44.43zoa2if you wait a month you might be broke
15:45.40tholoh3x, lata is pretty much an american thing -- but can be handled by just having different prefix routes.
15:46.23h3xYeah for now.  eventually i'd like to integtate with LIDB lookup because this whole wireless number portability thing is gonna screw up everything.
15:46.45zoa2what is LIDB lookup ?
15:46.51h3xline information database
15:46.58zoa2you have axx to that ?
15:47.06zoa2are belgium numbers also included ?
15:47.17tholoThose are also seperate for each country, typically.
15:47.20*** join/#asterisk easydone (
15:47.21h3xit gives you a bunch of information about NANP (north american number plan)
15:47.38h3xincluding in this case the OCN (operating carrier number) of wherever your call is going to
15:47.41tholoThere is one in Norway already, for instance.  There's been number portability there for a long time already, and not just for cell numbers.
15:47.46zoa2i can't get axx to the belgian numbers :(
15:48.03tholoSuch access is typically not free...
15:48.06h3xwe have to use SS7 TCAP for it but i found a way to get it over IP
15:48.10zoa2you need to pay like 100.000 euro for axx
15:48.15h3xit costs you per querty
15:48.16RoyK_Ttholo: planlegger dere fast avgift per måned sånn som telehor, eller bare trafikkostnader?
15:48.36zoa2telewhore ?
15:48.38zoa2cool :)
15:48.46h3xhaha query i mean
15:49.06tholoRoyK: We plan on charging both a subscription fee and a per minute fee.  Different rates than Telenor, certainly.
15:49.10easydonemust be telenor
15:50.02h3xhave you tried doing LCR with ENUM?
15:50.11tholoNope. :)
15:50.20h3xguess that wouldnt get along with simultaenous call limit though
15:51.30*** join/#asterisk zoa3 (
15:51.42RoyK_Ttholo: why don't you just do it like cypromis and his gang - just charge traffic?
15:52.04RoyK_Ttholo: and then charge a little for a number?
15:52.10h3xNew Projects Pending Review
15:52.15tholoBecause not everyone will have outbound traffic.
15:53.27tholoWe will have a subscription type for people that only have outbound traffic (and no phone number), most likely.
15:55.30h3xsee i was thinking just making a script that kicks out ENUM DNS records
15:55.37RoyK_Ttholo: when do you plan to open up for the average customer?
15:55.40h3xwhenever you need to change them
15:55.46h3xfor the LCR part of it
15:55.57h3xand just having asterisk module rate the call and do the CDR stuff
15:56.09tholoRoyK: Define "average customer"
15:56.19h3xno modification to asterisk would be possible if i use a stored procedure to rate the call afterwards
15:56.25h3xon INSERTs with a trigger
15:56.31h3xthis way i could use a sip proxy too
15:56.35h3xor some other billing source
15:56.48tholoProblem with triggers and stored procedures is that they don't scale very well.
15:56.57RoyK_Ttholo: my mom, for instance
15:57.08h3xIt shouldn't be too bad if its written in C
15:57.20tholoFor consumers it probably will be in Q1'04.
15:57.31tholoTowards the end of Q1.
15:57.37RoyK_Ttholo: what scales better than stored procedures?
15:57.45RoyK_Ttholo: ok
15:57.54tholoCorporate will be pilot customers in December and/or January, full production by February.
15:58.08*** join/#asterisk erik2 (
15:58.22tholoYou implement the calculations in the client end -- that way you don't impact a database server with limited scalability.
15:58.52tholoEven a fully populated Sun E10000 (64 CPUs) running Oracle can only do so much...
15:59.13h3xhaha's ssl certificate expired 11/23
15:59.31sxperttholo: the main problem is that it runs oracle :)
15:59.37tholoAnd I speak from experience here, having maxed such a beast out.
16:00.10tholoThe application was then redesigned to use a more distributed database solution on smaller machines (E4800 machines), without triggers or stored procedures.
16:00.19SplasPoodh3x: hahah
16:00.38h3xwell cypromis said he was already using stored procedures to do billing with postgres
16:00.40tholosxpert: What would you have used, starting 6 years ago?
16:00.49tholoI know.
16:00.53SplasPoodmine says it expires in 2005
16:01.05SplasPoodwhen I load it, I mean
16:01.50sxperttholo: heh
16:04.25h3xheh, i had to write a auction system for a back in the day
16:04.28h3xit was a pain in the ass
16:04.31cypromiswe are movin away from db centric stuff becuase of the scaleability
16:04.49cypromisespecially if you have many many parallel tasks
16:04.49h3xi was maintaining their mess of perl/apache crap whilst rewriting it all with pike/roxen
16:05.21h3xcomputers are cheap these days!
16:05.59tholoBig computers still aren't -- so if you can do more processing on your cheap front-end systems you will keep your cost down and scaleability up.
16:11.53tclarktholo: you are talking biz logic in stores procs dont scale right, inert/update querys as stored procs in my experince do scale bcus the db is keeping those compiled/optimized ??
16:13.13RoyK_Ttholo: do you know any good mysql vs postgresql benchmarks?
16:13.24tholoUp to a certain level -- but when your 64-CPU machine starts running constantly at 90% CPU and not have much I/O, even that may not be a good idea anymore. ;-)
16:13.47tholoBut certainly, insert/update stored procs are not nearly as bad as bizlogic.
16:14.16tholoRoy: I haven't kept links and such around.  Google for it or something.
16:14.31RoyK_Tbut... do you really mean mysql scales as well as oracle?
16:15.07tclarkwell dont you ask the db to do xtra work if you pass in ascii sql text that it then has to compile, i can never see why stored proces for the insert/update quesyr would cause by load ??
16:15.11tholoI don't know that MySQL scales quite as far up on e.g. a 64-CPU machine as Oracle does, yet.
16:15.44tholotclark: That's why / where you need prepared statements, which is one of the new things in MySQL 4.1, and Oracle has had for many years.
16:16.33tholoIt both reduces overhead on the client/server protocol, and reduces the number of parses the server has to do on SQL statements.
16:16.37RoyK_Twhat is 'prepared statements'?
16:16.47h3xtclark: i just replied to your statement regarding the caller id thing
16:16.54h3xits already implemented in another patch
16:16.55h3xfor callback
16:17.27tholoRoyK: A "compiled" statement, so an execution plan is already made.  You just need to bind input/output parameters.
16:17.42RoyK_Ttholo: so basically a tiny stored procedure?
16:17.59tclarkwell you can prep a call to a stored proc as well, are yoiu saying a prep'd query will run just as fast as a prepd call to a stored proc, like for a inerts ?
16:19.01tholotclark: Certainly -- a prepared query would certainly have no more overhead than a stored procedure, and might have less depending on the database implementation.
16:19.16tholoRoyK: Almost, yes.
16:19.34RoyK_Tthen what's different?
16:19.57tholoWell, it is not stored on the server, for one.
16:20.16JerJerstored procedures are still quite demanding on a db
16:20.42RoyK_Tok. so it's a binary pre-compiled query or something?
16:20.46tclarkyea that is my experince in with our order/fee tables for our vertical mkt courier dispatch apps, & we have 10-20M rows in some cust that have been on line for a few yesr
16:20.52RoyK_Tsent by the client, so the client can do the compiling?
16:20.53JerJerso unless your munging data already in a different db, why bother with stored procedures?
16:21.14tclarktholo> tclark: Certainly -- a prepared query would certainly have no more overhead than a stored procedure, and might have less depending on the database implementation
16:21.21RoyK_TJerJer: takes less time to compile/parse etc
16:21.29tclarkJerJer: see above
16:22.12tholoRoyK:  A prepared statement starts out as a standard ASCII SQL statement.
16:22.12tholoYou tell the SQL server to "prepare" it.
16:22.12tholoThen you use it.
16:22.15tholoAnd use it.
16:22.21tholo10.000 times.
16:22.34tholoWithout having to have the database server "recompile" it every time you execute it.
16:22.50tclarksame for stored proc ..
16:23.27tholoExcept a stored procedure will have to be looked up, and will potentially have more overhead.  Depending on the database.
16:23.28JerJeri'm just pointing out that stored proc's are evil
16:23.37tholoSome stored procedures have less overhead than others.
16:23.40JerJer: )
16:23.55RoyK_Ttholo: i c
16:23.56h3xI just dont see how a call rating system that uses a stored proc would have much overhead.
16:23.59tholoHey, wow.  JerJer and I actually agree on something.  Wonderes never cease! :)
16:24.13tholoDepends on how many calls you handle per second.
16:24.14h3xall you have to do is grab X digits from the terminating number
16:24.27h3xselect it from a table for rates
16:24.34tclarkJerJer: i just say its part of the tool kit, there is a right an wrong way to use, & ther are diff between db's yoiu have to evaluate that with some bench marks
16:24.46h3xmultiply it by the duration, figure for min call duration and increments and shove the result in the cost
16:24.52JerJerh3x:  you have to fork a new thread for each stored proc
16:25.02zoa2i don't think you will have scalability issues with mysql for some stupid billing things
16:25.05h3xon postgres?
16:25.13JerJerpostmess is even worse
16:25.20zoa2and even if you have you could still use load balancing and replication
16:26.10tholoWell, when I have a choice in wether to make it scaleable or not, I try to opt for making it scale.  Even if I might not need it.
16:26.22tholoThat way, if I end up needing it, I don't have to redo it.
16:26.50tholoMaking things scaleable is pretty much never a mistake.
16:27.06tclarkyoour biggest killer here any ways is a poolry desiged schema with out the correct indexs for you most common querys
16:27.07tholoNot making it scaleable comes back to bite you relatively often.
16:29.37Connorlooks like Posgress does it too..
16:30.16*** join/#asterisk dw (
16:30.29dwCorydon76: I added a comment to
16:31.16tholoLooks like -- tho you apparently have to use a special SQL syntax instead of just saying the equivalent prepare("select a,b c from d where e=?");
16:35.15*** join/#asterisk Mike-- (
16:36.46ManxPowerI good comprimise is to design a system that can be extended to be scalable, not always setting it up to be scalable.  i.e. Plan for the transition to a system that will scale.
16:37.24ManxPoweri.e. writing a function that may not be fast but is easy to implement, and rewrite it later to be much faster if you need it.
16:37.49ManxPowerOr use a system that could use stored procedures, even if you don't use them right away.
16:39.29tholoThe problem with writing a "temporary" implementation of something is that it all too often becomes permanent.
16:39.45ManxPowertholo, True.
16:39.52Mike--does anyonw know what the latest firmware release on a Cisco 7960 is ?
16:40.08tholoOther than that I don't have any problems with it. :)
16:40.27h3xwell i guess the main thing that needs to be added to your rating engine is to calculate the retail price
16:40.32h3xbased on the billing code
16:40.40tholoAnd peak/off-peak rates.
16:40.42ManxPowerat least with programming a good design will allow you to rewrite the small parts that cause a bottleneck without a lot of trouble.
16:41.00tholoSomeone else kinda promised to add peak/off-peak stuff to it. ;-)
16:41.07tholoManx: Definitely.
16:41.08h3xwhich dosent matter to me since we dont really use it in the US anymore
16:41.19ManxPowerI still don't think cost info should be part of the CDR.
16:41.44h3xof course it should
16:42.00ManxPowerYou have the destination number, the enough info to decide on a route, and the date and time.  You can easily have your billing system deal with cost info.
16:42.14h3xwhat if you want real time billing, or near real time
16:42.15tholoKeeping stats on routes used (and their availability) should perhaps be added, too.
16:42.23h3xhint: calling cards
16:42.33tholoReal-time billing is needed for prepaid, e.g.
16:42.42ManxPowerYou don't include cost info in the httpd logs for customers you bill by the gigabyte, do you?
16:42.59tholoBut you bill those _after the fact_.
16:43.02h3xNo, but its not like its running on a web server
16:43.30h3xits nice to be able to do a simple select query and have it add up the column for say, a single day
16:43.37tholoIf you only ever bill after the fact, and don't need e.g. credit limits, then no, you don't need to do pricing / cost information in your CDR.
16:43.39h3xand compare this against the carrier's bill
16:44.03h3xbut if that was the case you wouldnt need a rating engine :P
16:44.18ManxPowerh3x, easy enough to have a table with route + time ranges + cost / min.
16:44.21tholoDoing rate calculations at that time also buys you not having to do it in batch, which is not very scaleable...
16:44.47ManxPowertholo, I've always thought of batch processing as being more scaleable than real time.
16:45.05h3xYeah i mean, you have to figure out if its on-peak/off-peak, match the country, npa/nxx if its north america- figure out the OCN of the terminating carrier maybe
16:45.26h3xbesides, the customer should be able to go to the web site
16:45.30ManxPoweri.e. the timeclock system doesn't have real time payment info, just employee and time ranges.  The accounting system deals with pay rates.
16:45.36h3xlogin and see current billing information
16:45.53h3xand when their balance hits $0 for instance, it should disable their account.
16:45.59tholoBatch processing is not scaleable, no.
16:46.11tholoIt can often be made to work, but that does not mean it scales.
16:46.20h3xsince tholo cached all this stuff in memory it should be fast anyway right
16:46.28ManxPowertholo, I don't think we'll ever agree on that point.
16:46.38tholoThen we can agree to disagree. ;-)
16:46.51ManxPowertholo, *nod*
16:47.15h3xreal time billing is really important, if you have international calls especially.
16:47.31h3xor if you are doing domestic and some asshole decides to dump all non-RBOC calls on you and they are paying less than you pay
16:47.36h3xon a flat rate plan
16:48.11h3xthat could be a problem for real time billing.  typically you would take >20% non-rboc calls and apply a surcharge to them
16:48.41h3xfor inbound toll free calls in the US, you need to take ANI-II digits and see if theres prison or payphone origination and tack on the surcharge
16:49.14tholoHeh, I don't think the billing portion will be real-time. ;-)  Would've been nice.
16:49.21*** part/#asterisk dw (
16:49.47tclarkwhen is a invoice not an invoice ?
16:50.02h3xwhy not?
16:50.14h3xscrew logging the cost, and make it log the price to the customer instead.
16:50.29h3xor do both
16:50.58tholoA bill is printed & (e-)mailed once a month.
16:51.32h3xI'm not gonna do it that way because ive got people that bill >$10000 per month
16:51.34tclarkstill got batch update
16:51.38cypromistholo: that task is called invoicing
16:51.40tclarkat the cut off
16:52.03ManxPowergetting that much money from a customer would allow you to pay a programmer to implement what you need. 8-)
16:52.06h3xi dont see the point in even sending invoices or having a 'billing cycle' oi
16:52.09h3xif its all online
16:52.22lecramManxPower: only if there's enough margin
16:52.24h3xWell half of it is cost usually so..
16:52.41tclarkh3x: bcus the world revoles around billing cycles, unless you are single handly gonna chg that
16:52.48h3xtheres a lot of monthly recurring costs i have to pay and lots of equipment and crap
16:53.05h3xWhy do you need a billing cycle?
16:53.15h3xA guy deposits money in his account
16:53.26ManxPowerWhat moron puts in a cable TV connection on the opposite side of the room from the television nook?
16:53.29h3xsay, $5000.  the balance is -$5000
16:53.35h3xmakes a call and it adds to the balance
16:53.39ManxPowerh3x, Not everyone does prepaid
16:53.47h3xEven if its not prepaid.
16:53.53cypromiswe do both
16:53.56h3xstart as $0 and run up a bill, pay and it subtracts
16:54.02h3xhave a billing limit
16:54.11h3x$0 for prepay, +$x for non-prepay
16:54.21h3xits the same code either way
16:54.24ManxPowertclark, My new apartment has the cable outlet between a window and the return 1 return air vent into the heating/cooling system.
16:54.25tholoSo, you still need to print invoices.
16:54.31ManxPowerIn a corner
16:54.55h3xwhy the hell would you wanna pay for ink, paper, mailing, envelopes, etc
16:55.02h3xwhen every single customer you have is gonna be on the internet
16:55.09ManxPower52" of space from the vent to the corner and 40" of space from the corner to the edge of the window.  ALL entertainment centers seem to be larger than that.
16:55.12h3xi suppose calling cards is different, but they usually dont get invoices at all
16:55.16tclarkManxPower: was talking about the architects comment :)
16:55.25ManxPowerh3x, I e-mail PDF bills to my customers.
16:55.44h3xyou could do 30 day cycles or whatever simply by querying the CDR by date range and account code
16:55.58tholoBecause companies in some countries really, really want paper invoices for accounting purposes.
16:56.22h3xso send em a 1-2 page summary
16:56.28h3xunless its a short cdr
16:56.52h3xbilling is useless on paper
16:56.54h3xyou cant query it
16:56.59h3xsearch for a particular phone number or something
16:57.04ManxPowerThe IRS likes paper.
16:57.08h3xsee a graph based on whatever parameters you want
16:57.14h3xno, they got e-file :P
16:57.20h3xexcept for corps etc
16:57.45ManxPowerh3x, ultimatly the best of both worlds would be the paper invoice is really just a "report".
16:57.59h3xi think the other problem would be percentage surcharges which would have to be calculated at time of billing
16:58.02ManxPowerh3x, I've never heard of the IRS accepting electronic reciepts.
16:58.10h3xThey do
16:58.24h3xyou can scan the stuff and store it
16:58.36h3xyou can use credit card invoices instead of paper bills
16:58.42ManxPowerh3x, *nod*  But the original was paper.
16:58.51Mike--hia all
16:58.57h3xlike my at&t wireless account lets me turn off paper bills
16:59.10Mike--anyof you guys know how to turn of the faxdetection ?
16:59.17h3xmost of the dedicated LD providers either email your bill, have it online, or send you a CD
16:59.22Mike--is messes up everything   :(
16:59.31h3xManxPower: chainsaw
16:59.51ManxPowerh3x, nuh uh!
16:59.51h3xMike: I dont think it does fax detection unless you have a fax extension
17:00.23tholoManx: Get a couple of big jacks, and make more space. ;-)
17:00.38ManxPowertholo, No, I want my deposit back
17:00.54tholoThat could be a problem, yes... ;-)
17:00.59ManxPowerI think I may just put stuff where I want it and it fits and deal with the cableing mess that will create.
17:02.20SplasPoodIf I don't have any zaptel hardware, but I want the timing interface, isn't there a dummy module?
17:02.38h3xyes but you need usb uhci
17:02.49tholoztdummy -- you have to edit the Makefile, and you must have an uhci USB controller.
17:02.50h3xuncomment ztdummy in the Makefile
17:02.53SplasPoodI have...  Whats the module?
17:02.53h3xjinx !
17:03.04Mike--h3x: yep it does
17:03.05SplasPoodmust've missed that
17:03.34Mike--so I cant hook up a fax and dial out.. Asterisk will take the call and try to route it to a non-existens fax extension :(
17:03.36h3xtholo: what happens if the call cost is 0 by the way
17:04.20ManxPowerMike--, You didn't specify what is happening to your faxes. The exten => fax is for INBOUND faxing, not OUTBOUND faxing
17:05.49SplasPoodNov 30 12:05:36 WARNING[16384]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 5398 (set_config): Ignoring port for now
17:06.41Mike--ManxPower: well my config is PSTN <-> * <-> PABX <-> analog fax
17:07.10ManxPowerSplasPood, ignore that
17:07.18Mike--when I tri to call out with the fax the * will detect the fax cal :(
17:07.31Mike--sort of..
17:07.34ManxPowerMike--, It should not.
17:07.52Mike--well it does.. there is no fax extension ..
17:07.57ManxPowerMike--, Do you have a exten => fax?
17:08.10ManxPowerMike--, What error messages are there?
17:08.19Mike--I've got a Quad E400p one port to the PSTN and one port to the PBX
17:08.30Mike--no exten => fax
17:09.51Mike--this is from the PBX : exten => _.,4,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN})
17:10.10Mike--everything goes to the PSTN ..
17:10.33Mike--or should I  do in some other way ?
17:13.21Mike--does asterisk save the console error msgs somewhere ?
17:14.03h3xthats a bad way to do it
17:14.10*** join/#asterisk macTijn (
17:14.27h3x. does make it take all digits but it could take a while becuase of digit timeout
17:15.44edguy3Any mediatrix users on line?
17:16.10SplasPoodNov 30 12:13:43 WARNING[16384]: File db.c, Line 46 (dbinit): Unable to open Asterisk database
17:16.16SplasPoodanyone know what that one means?
17:17.15h3xprobably a permissions issue
17:17.18RoyK_Twhat is it a timing device does apart from what the kernel alone can do?
17:18.18h3xasterisk needs a high resolution timing source
17:18.33h3xthe system clock can't provide a 1ms clock
17:19.06tholoAnd 1024 Hz (for example) is not good enough -- it must be 1000 Hz.
17:19.07SplasPoodh3x: permissions on what tho
17:19.54h3xanybody had fun with sip proxies
17:20.22RoyK_Th3x: just setup asterisk on my firewall instead. sip -> asterisk -> iax -> asterisk
17:20.45h3xwell i want to use one for when i have a sip carrier and want to resell their network
17:20.51h3xand just pass the RTP directly along to them
17:20.54h3xi dont think asterisk can do that
17:21.08RoyK_Tthen why use asterisk for it?
17:21.16h3xI wouldn't
17:21.33RoyK_Th3x: hehe - use two asterisk boxes :) sip -> * -> iax -> * -> sip
17:21.49h3xNo, i dont see the reason to eat my internet bandwidth when i dont need to
17:22.14h3xall i need is a sip proxy that lets me authenticate, rate, log/bill a call i guess
17:22.21h3xproxy it over to the carrier
17:22.57h3xpartysip, sipd,
17:23.07*** join/#asterisk ^sly^ (
17:23.49bkw_someone give me 400 bucks
17:24.06Mikebkw_: what are you after?
17:24.36bkw_every gets pissy when you use the one that runs my home phones
17:24.57h3xbeen ther edone that
17:25.03bkw_"Why cant I make a phone call"
17:25.07bkw_"Why does it hangup on me"
17:25.12bkw_its really funny
17:25.24h3x"why did all the phones just start ringing"
17:25.27h3x(with no cadence)
17:25.31Mike"that pbx thing doesnt work"
17:25.45h3xand a "OH FUCK ZAPTEL CRASHED" coming out of my mouth in the computer room
17:25.57bkw_h3x I have sip phone all over the house
17:26.18Mikebkw_: barbie tones?
17:26.34h3xYou know, i hate to say it but i really dont see the point of the call routing logic in tholo's code vs. using enum
17:26.54h3xother than the fact that you cant easily do on-off peak without changing the tables
17:27.14h3xDNS queries are really fast anyway
17:28.08Mikehey guys what the normal rxgain and txgain so its the same volume as normal phone land lines?
17:29.05h3xI just donno what to use for authentication though
17:32.47h3xWhy isnt there a
17:33.07h3xbkw_: have you done any unixodbc integration of retrieve*
17:33.10RoyK_Tbecause noone's written it?
17:36.07h3xmore importantly
17:37.02bkw_h3x no
17:37.03bkw_not yet
17:37.25RoyK_Tbkw_: is there such a thing for any dot conf files?
17:37.55bkw_not yet
17:38.03h3xim thinking about writing a dirty call rating system to put in that
17:40.46*** join/#asterisk guest (
17:41.12SplasPoodNov 30 12:41:01 NOTICE[65541]: File chan_iax.c, Line 3861 (socket_read): Rejected connect attempt from, request 'exten=1000;callerid="Cell" <9176629826>;language=en;context=local;username=1156AOA;formats=2;capability=65283;version=1;adsicpe=2'
17:41.26SplasPoodugh...   I wish that were a tad more descriptive
17:41.27guesti want to initiate in this field
17:41.52JerJerSplasPood:  you don't have a type=user with proper settings
17:42.11SplasPoodJerJer: oh..   I have a type=friend
17:42.41guestheeeehooooooooo there is some body here to help me
17:43.19SplasPoodJerJer: I changed it to type=user, and I get the same..
17:43.25guesti have a problem, i want to be initiated in armestik
17:44.07guestasterik, it consist in what please??
17:44.24JerJerSplasPood: then you don't have a proper host or secret line
17:44.28SplasPoodguest: You wish to be inducted to the order of asterisk wizards?
17:44.56guestwhat mean that??
17:45.00guestexplain please
17:45.11SplasPoodJerJer: Heh..   The secrets match and host=
17:45.11SplasPoodguest: I'm screwing with you..
17:45.31Asterisk is a PBX (Private Branch eXchange) and telephony toolkit. URL:
17:45.43guestok, you can give me a hand
17:45.55JerJerSplasPood:  are you register'ing on the other end?  you shouldn't be
17:46.12JerJerwhen/where is the message happening?
17:46.42SplasPoodJerJer: no registration at all...   Both sides have configs in iax.conf for the opposite server...  Call is coming into server A ( and being routed via IAX to server B (where i'm seeing the message)
17:46.44RoyK_Tguest: what do you want to do with *?
17:47.18JerJerSplasPood:   so your doing     IAX2/server_a@server_b   ?
17:47.40JerJerprototype:   IAX2/user@peer
17:47.51JerJerthen on the local machine you need a type=peer with proper information
17:47.56guesti 'm working in dialogic cards , but now i must  use this this new technologie
17:47.59JerJerand the far end needs a type=user with proper information
17:48.03SplasPoodJerJer: yea, user:pass@peer, but that
17:48.03SplasPoodlocal machine?
17:48.31guesttell me, what version of linux we use, red hat or others
17:48.47guesti have no information
17:48.59SplasPoodJerJer: Well the idea is to eventually go back and forth...  Calls routed outside here will go from server B to server A... So shouldn't they both be peers?
17:49.12SplasPoodguest: any version of linux /w kernel 2.4 ...   I'd suggest debian
17:49.32JerJerthen you'll need a type=user on the near end and a type=peer on the far end
17:50.00guestwell, you can transmit me any dcumentation for debutant
17:50.13SplasPoodJerJer: I don't understand why it wouldn't be the same on both ends...   They're both equal in routing..
17:50.37JerJera type=peer is for authenticating calls
17:50.44JerJerstart over
17:50.50JerJera type=user is for authenticating inbound calls
17:50.58JerJera type=peer is for sending calls to another iax endpoint
17:51.28SplasPoodand type=friend is for both, no?
17:51.49JerJertype=friend is EVIL
17:52.17SplasPoodSo if I wanted both servers to pass calls back and forth...   Do I need 2 stanzas in each iax.conf ?
17:52.32JerJerand yes they can be the same name
17:52.45SplasPoodthats semi-retarded IMHO :)
17:52.59*** join/#asterisk guest (
17:53.52RoyK_Twhere's libpq-fe.h?
17:54.04JerJerSplasPood: !?
17:54.11guestkarima here, i'm initiating in this technologie
17:54.42SplasPoodJerJer: well it didn't work... I made 2 copies of each user on both sides, 1 as a peer, the other as a user
17:55.04guesti was working with dialogic cards
17:55.08JerJerSplasPood: its not that simple
17:55.15JerJera type=peer has to have specific information
17:55.26JerJerand a type=user has different requirements
17:55.29SplasPoodwhats the major diff?
17:56.38guestto stating the exploitation , what we must install on linux machines??
17:56.43h3xOk this is really sick but im gonna try this idea for LCR tables.  MyDNS (SQL DNS server with positive and negative caching) -> postgres -> view of naptr's
17:57.22*** join/#asterisk karima (
17:58.22JerJerdish 500 ?
17:58.29karimato start working , what we shoud install in linux machine??
17:58.48JerJerh3x:  why for?
17:58.48h3xthe table view would gather rates by left joining npa/nxx list on ocns and latas, and carrier rate tables
17:58.58h3xmove the decimal place over and make that the priority
17:59.02h3x(the cost)
17:59.05karimaany  answer heeeeeeeeeeeeere
17:59.19karimait's just a simple question?
17:59.33h3xbecause its easier than writing a script that outputs bind zone files probably
18:00.24JerJeri don't run postmess, so i'd just bang out a perl script
18:00.42h3xwell it would work with either mysql or postgres
18:00.57h3xkind of have to use postgres because views suck on mysql i think
18:01.00h3xif they even exist
18:01.26karimaplease  answer my question here??
18:01.54karimawhat we must install in linux machine to start working??
18:02.09Mikekarima: best choise
18:02.21Mikekarima: get your favorite linux flavor
18:02.36karimaand what's il??
18:02.37Mikekarima: redhat, debian, suse what ever distro you like
18:02.49Mikekarima: il?
18:02.55karimawhat ils the best in you idae??
18:03.07Mikekarima: the one you like most
18:03.10h3xit probably dosent support wildcards though
18:03.15JerJerh3x: are your routes going to change that much?
18:03.23karimayou work in what system??
18:03.36JerJeri'm researching TRIP, atm
18:03.51Mikekarima: debian, but if your new to linux please choose another distro
18:04.06Mikekarima: redhat maybe
18:04.07h3xProbably not, but i was thinking of a system that would work with things besides asterisk.
18:04.37karimaok, and what about the soft and the driver??
18:06.34Mikekarima: linux is not windows
18:06.49karimai know that
18:07.16Mikekarima: then you should know linux includes its drivers on its kernel
18:07.18karimabut we have to deal with and soft , no??
18:07.25JerJerh3x:  yeah unforunately the way we have implemented ENUM here is asterisk specific, currently
18:07.30Mikekarima: redhat includes its software
18:07.38Mikekarima: learn about linux before trying asterisk
18:07.54coilbkw_: EAD
18:08.02karimathe card software i mean, like cvox for dialogic cards??
18:08.08Mikebkw_: im on top 20 now:P
18:08.20JerJerkarima: or pay someone to deal with your linux/asterisk skillset
18:08.21Mikebkw_: soon ill kick you to second place
18:08.48karimajer jer tais toi je vous pas adresser la parole ok
18:08.51Mikebkw_: slowly getting there:P you wont even notice when you got your second place
18:09.32coiluranus cancelled
18:10.09bkw_NEVER gonna happy
18:10.43Mikebkw_: if you continue your development stuff it will:)
18:12.08bkw_I still talk alot when i'm doing dev work
18:12.47bkw_7 blitzrage 6779  "bkw_: that's why I could get away with being in porn :)"
18:12.52bkw_blitzrage when did you say that?
18:13.35h3xahahaha im number 12
18:13.40Mike18 denon3393"nobody said anything about cash :)"
18:13.43Mikethats sick
18:13.49h3x34,799 lines ?"!?
18:14.38Mikeh3x: sick people
18:14.55h3xyou know whats really funny
18:14.57h3xkram isnt on the list
18:15.18h3xhes probably got like 50 lines or something
18:15.25bkw_h3x yes I talk alot
18:15.28bkw_can ya tell?
18:16.59Mikebkw_: had you try asterisk on a dsl line?
18:17.09bkw_I use it on DSL daily
18:17.11Mikebkw_: like using the line where the dsl is on?
18:17.17h3xbkw_ spoke a total of 191944 words!
18:17.19Mikebkw_: do you get echo on that line?
18:17.26h3xsee, REAL TIME ACCOUNTING
18:17.29h3xIF A FUCKING BOT CAN DO IT....
18:17.47h3xactually thats probably batch processing
18:17.48dougheckabkw_: hmm, so ilbc uses somewhere around 5 KB/s?
18:17.53Mikebkw_: is it the filter the problem?
18:17.57bkw_doughecka 3.5
18:18.07dougheckathats after all the overhead?
18:18.10bkw_Mike doubt it
18:18.16bkw_doughecka yes
18:18.38bkw_gsm is 4.0 KB/s
18:18.40dougheckaso work fine on dialup then :)
18:18.41Mikebkw_: echo cancel cant stabilize on dsl lines?
18:18.51bkw_Mike that shouldn't matter
18:18.55Mikedoughecka: you counting with RTP?
18:19.04bkw_Mike yes i'm counting rtp
18:19.11JerJerdamit the fun is over :(
18:19.16h3xisnt gsm 13 ?
18:19.19Mikebkw_: well i get the echo cancel then i get it back then it cancel etc and a guy last night told me its the dsl line
18:19.29dougheckaJerJer: lol
18:19.32Mikebkw_: the dsl wont let echo cancellation get stable
18:19.37h3xyou mean bytes eh
18:19.52JerJerdoughecka:   a story finally hit slashdot about torrent files and DNS storage
18:21.06bkw_Mike what does DSL have to do with it
18:21.09bkw_NOTHING AT ALL
18:21.28JerJerit was something that not many ppl really knew about, unless u where quite plugged into the whole bit torent scene
18:21.38h3xthe sad thing is bkw is 2nd in line for the insomniac award
18:21.49bkw_h3x how so?
18:21.53bkw_who's first?
18:21.57h3xwell most of yours is blue
18:22.18h3xaltho thats a percentage
18:22.20bkw_h3x not in my timezone
18:22.31bkw_h3x thats calced on a diffrent timezone than me
18:22.34h3xwhat TZ is this
18:22.43MikeNov 30 00:51:04 <coppice_>      Mike: especially if you are a long way from the exchange, and the ADSL modem is running at full power.
18:22.43MikeNov 30 00:50:08 <coppice_>      Mike: it can do. ADSL can really upset some phones, even when you have microfilters attached. That keeps altering the echo pattern, and a canceller may not be able to get a stable adaptation to the echo
18:23.01MikeNov 30 00:59:34 <coppice_>      Mike: Its not that they get echo. You phone echos. If the far end it trying to echo cancel that, it needs a stable echo pattern to work with. Id the noise from the ADSL signal is upsetting your analogue phone, and making it echo behaviour constantly change the canceller gets screwed.
18:23.40bkw_Mike I don't see that happen
18:24.24bkw_but coppice knows what he's talkina bout
18:24.25MikeNov 30 01:04:12 <coppice_>      Mike: Pot luck!
18:24.25MikeNov 30 01:03:51 <Mike>  coppice_: so what could it help in my case?
18:24.44bkw_dont know what to tell you.. get a better filter
18:25.11h3xohhh sweeeeet
18:25.13Mikehe says also
18:25.19h3xtheres a weather module for asterisk!@
18:25.22Mikeif you live near the exchange you get better chanses
18:25.32MikeNov 30 01:13:51 <coppice_>      Mike: you can try bitching to your ISP. A change of modem might help. Are you a long way from the exchange? It doesn't usually happen if you are near, as the power from the modems throttles back.
18:25.40h3xi can use it for 702-777-TIME
18:25.53SplasPoodSomeone wanna point me to some good docs on linking 2 asterisk servers together over IAX...  The howto on doesn't seem to be right..
18:26.26MikeSplasPood: make both servers register against each other
18:26.53MikeSplasPood: then add the extensions to dial IAX username:password@remoteserver
18:27.07SplasPoodMike: Well they're not dynamic hosts...  I setup 2 entries.. 1 in each iax.conf
18:27.11SplasPoodmike: [asterisk1], [asterisk2] ..
18:27.30MikeSplasPood: i also use dynamic
18:27.36Mikenot dynamic
18:27.54SplasPoodwell I guess I could set them up that way.. but they do both have static ips
18:28.10Mikewe should do a proyect to link all our servers with iax2
18:28.14Mikewould be fun
18:28.19Mikeall the channel conected via iax2
18:28.31MikeSplasPood: i have this on extensions.conf
18:28.32h3xer.  i mean 777-TEMP
18:28.36SplasPoodmy other channel has a bunch of us connected to each other over IPIP tunnels
18:28.49Mike; Exten 108 fourt extension at the office
18:28.49Mikeexten => 109,1,Dial(IAX2/${USERPASS}@${OFIHOST}/109@${CONTEX})
18:29.02Mike${USERPASS} its username:password
18:29.09SplasPoodMike: it's not extentions.conf ...   When a call comes into server A, it gets routed to server B...   On server b's log I see this:
18:29.10*** join/#asterisk bigunk (
18:29.13Mike${OFIHOST} is my ip or host to the office
18:29.20SplasPoodov 30 12:54:10 NOTICE[65541]: File chan_iax.c, Line 3861 (socket_read): Rejected connect attempt from, request 'exten=1000;callerid="Cell" <9176629826>;language=en;context=local;username=1156AOA;formats=2;capability=65283;version=1;adsicpe=2'
18:30.05ciego34mike el * quita el sueño???
18:30.08MikeSplasPood: dunno
18:30.12Mikeciego34: si
18:30.37ciego34yo dormi una horas, ya estoy por aca de nuevo :)
18:30.52ciego34como va tu *??
18:31.11*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
18:31.25Mikeciego34: llevo menos de 1 mes
18:31.40Mikeciego34: ya puedo hacer casi todo lo que quiero hacer con asterisk
18:31.52Mikeciego34: me faltan cosas muy chicas ya por completar
18:33.01ciego34que bien, el mio estubo funcionando mientras dormia y ha funcionado bien :):) por suerte, yo solo tengo lo basico y un poco mas
18:33.16Mikeciego34: cuanto llevas con *
18:33.24ciego34una semana
18:34.07Mikeyo he soñado un par de veces con * este mes
18:34.19Mikeciego34: ya tienes tu x100p?
18:34.59ciego34hoy ni soñe.... si, hace 7 dias
18:35.49Mikedesde que empesaste con * tienes tu x100p? que envidia
18:36.00Mikeyo apenas el jueves tengo mi x100p
18:36.09ciego34mañana me llega una pci FRIZT para conectarme via isdn
18:36.09ciego34y el miercoles la tdm40
18:36.24Mikehe tenido problemas de echo pues tengo la linea del dsl y no deja que entre el echo canceler
18:36.43SplasPoodNov 30 13:34:15 WARNING[65541]: File chan_iax.c, Line 3944 (socket_read): Call rejected by No authority found
18:36.48ciego34es algo que me queda por ver
18:36.49Mikeciego34: almenos tienes dinero para comprar juguetes
18:37.07Mikeciego34: yo he tenido muchos problemas por falta de jueguetes
18:37.22ciego34ya, leo boxkey de dish para tener dinero :P
18:37.23JerJerSplasPood: ok that means you are requesting a context that you do not have authority to use
18:37.36Mikeciego34: has oido de humexico?
18:38.19ciego34estoy en españa, antes cuando estaba en cuba jugaba con las hu
18:38.20Connorhey, talk english!
18:38.53ciego34i come from bed, need some time for start to think in english
18:39.46ciego34mike, cual es la web de humexico ??
18:40.05SplasPoodJerJer: thats odd...   the Dial line is calling context intern, which is what the context= lines in the second server's iax.conf have
18:40.07MikeConnor: english is not my first language, and i can't really make good phrases
18:40.08*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
18:40.20ciego34cuando vivia en cuba los gordos de hu estaban en la frotenram mex-usa y canada-sua
18:40.29doughecka~x es en cuando vivia en cuba los gordos de hu estaban en la frotenram mex-usa y canada-sua
18:40.30SplasPoodJerJer: could it be that the extention doesn't exist?
18:40.49doughecka~x es en estoy en españa, antes cuando estaba en cuba jugaba con las hu
18:41.13Mikedamn bot encryptation its blown:P
18:41.21ciego34thanks, doughecka
18:41.39doughecka~x en es your welcome, speak german?
18:41.57dougheckabecause I dont speak any languenge cept for english
18:42.05Connor~x en es I good greif, Just talk in english!
18:42.10ciego34no.. only spanish an little inglish
18:42.33Mikei had a 2 hour video tape to learn english
18:42.41Mikevery simple language
18:42.52doughecka2 hour?
18:43.02dougheckasheesh, engrish is worse
18:43.03Mikewell i dont have a good spelling or i dont really make sense many times
18:43.04Mikebut yes
18:43.08Mikei had a 2 hours video tape
18:43.10dougheckahopefully you wont learn it
18:43.23doughecka2 hour video tape
18:43.25tz-afkwhat happened to the bot?
18:43.37Mikedoughecka: yes
18:43.39dougheckayea, I can see its not perfect :)
18:43.47Miketzanger: when do you expect your wisip?
18:43.54tzangerMike: no idea
18:43.58tzangeryou'll hear about it here when I get it
18:44.02Mikedoughecka: it aint perfect but it took me 2 hours of my life
18:44.03doughecka~x en es moo cow donkey horse pig
18:44.14dougheckaMike: heh
18:44.27Miketzanger: what country are you in?
18:44.37Connor~x es en cerdo del caballo del burro de la vaca del MOO
18:44.40Mikedoughecka: take a 2 hour tape of spanish lets see who learns more
18:44.52manyheh. nice.
18:45.15Connordouble translations are always funny.
18:45.26tzangerI need to talk to Coppice and find out how difficult it'd be to monitor a modem conversation...  see what my ExpressVu dish is talking to
18:45.27MikeConnor: try a tripple
18:45.32tzangerMike: Canada
18:45.41Connor~x en es pig of the horse of the donkey of the cow of the MOO
18:45.51doughecka~x es de cerdo del caballo del burro de la vaca del MOO
18:46.12dougheckaalot of detail in such a short sentance
18:46.15ciego34hey mike, funny humexico, they don´t let me access from europe, must go to a usa ssh tunnel for see the web
18:46.17Mikeit always gets sooo screw
18:46.27Connor~x es en cerdo del caballo del burro de la vaca del MOO
18:46.28Mikeciego34: really?
18:47.08ciego34es tuya la web?
18:47.18tzanger~x en pl I am using english to polish translation software!
18:47.30Mikeciego34: yo ayude a montarla la primera ves no se nada de dtv o dish pero si algo de linux
18:47.59Connor~x es en  yo ayude a montarla la primera ves no se nada de dtv o dish pero si algo de linux
18:48.04ciego34mike: need to play with dreambox
18:48.16ciego34linux PVR
18:48.18Mikethat translation sucked
18:48.34ConnorWhat did you mean to say Mike ?
18:48.58Mikeeven if the bot takes the 2 hour video tape could do better translation
18:49.15*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
18:49.33many~x de fi jbot ist doof.
18:49.46Mikei helped puting it the first time i dont know anything on dtv or dish but i do know something on linux
18:49.48Connorre-translate  yo ayude a montarla la primera ves no se nada de dtv o dish pero si algo de linux in correct english
18:49.50manywusst ichds doch.
18:50.44Mike<Mike> i helped puting it the first time i dont know anything on dtv or dish but i do know something on linux
18:51.03Mikethats a translation from a 2 hour video course
18:51.14Mikeshall we tell the bot to see the tape?
18:51.31dougheckait doesnt translate
18:51.34*** join/#asterisk jtodd (~jtodd@
18:51.36dougheckait uses altavista bablefish
18:51.41dougheckaYO JTODD!
18:51.47dougheckagreetings and salutations
18:52.14ConnorCorrect tranaslation would be.  I helped put it IN the first time.  I don't know anythong about dtv or dish, but I do know something ABOUT linux.
18:52.14jtoddGood afternoon, doughecka!
18:52.22Mike~x cable
18:52.30jtoddI will probably be appearing and disappearing as I wrestle with this IRC client.
18:53.02MikeConnor: i see you took a longer video course
18:53.03ConnorWhat IRC client you using?
18:53.23MikeConnor: ebay? walt-mart?
18:53.36bkw_jtodd good not *-6-settings... I have needed that for a long time now
18:54.08jtoddYeah, that's ninja secret #193 on the "Secret Cisco Book Of Runes"
18:54.18ConnorMike: Ya, My hole damn life.. English classes sucked
18:54.43MikeConnor: i just learn it last month
18:55.00MikeConnor: had to, reading * mailing list forced me
18:55.15ConnorYou went a lurnet gud. :)
18:55.49_asr_anyone know why i'd get a lot of these when using x-lite/ulaw?
18:55.50_asr_File rtp.c, Line 417 (ast_rtp_read): Unknown RTP codec 72 received
18:55.52JerJerjtodd:  star star pound star star is the Skinny firmware reboot command
18:56.07Mikewell im OFF to eat something
18:56.11jtoddJerJer: Ah, thank you.
18:56.12Mikemaybe some good tacos
18:56.17JerJer_asr_:   sounds like comfort noise
18:56.19Mikebe back in a few
18:56.32ConnorVAD maybe ?
18:56.43JerJervad == 19
18:56.45bkw_~google  Unknown RTP codec 72 received
18:57.14ConnorWho's bot is that anyways?
18:57.15bkw_seems to be covered in google pretty good
18:57.52manytimwho? :)
18:58.10many~seen timriker
18:58.12timriker <> was last seen on IRC in channel #pet, 4d 18h 32m 58s ago, saying: 'later'.
18:58.51ConnorSo, is bug 487 a bug or not bkw?
18:58.54manyugh. dang. the i8x0 driver sucks for nforce2.
18:58.58_asr_yeah, buch of posts with people asking about what it means
18:59.05_asr_i've yet to see any solutions :
18:59.56bkw_Connor no its not a bug.. its working as designed
19:00.08bkw_you can trasfer a call and connect it to an existing parked call
19:00.38ConnorWhy would it anounce the extension is invlaid to the person being transfer instead of the person DOING the transfer?
19:01.08*** join/#asterisk erik2 (
19:01.11bkw_because it answers and their is no call parked on that extension
19:01.15bkw_its doing exactly as it should
19:01.32bkw_now if their was a call parked at 701 it would connect the second call that you transfer to that extension
19:02.08bkw_brb food o'clock
19:02.26ciego34hi, having a problem with voicemail, i receive a msg, delete it, but * is like more msg on spool but none
19:02.33ConnorIf I transfer someone to 701, and 701 doesn't exist, should it not come back and tell ME invalid extension instead of the person I'm transfering?
19:02.36*** join/#asterisk izo (
19:03.01ConnorI don't care if it's doing what it's coded to do, it's bad logic. the person being transfered should never get the IVR prompt.
19:03.55bkw_nope they should
19:04.14bkw_brb I will explain more
19:04.43bkw_the patch on the bug kinda fixes it
19:04.47bkw_haven't tested the newest one
19:05.20h3xone thing im working on for the resident adsi script is a prompt for transfer
19:05.47h3xon inbound calls, you hit the transfer softkey and you can punch in a number and enter, it will do #ext hangup
19:05.55h3xon outbound calls it will flash, ext number, onhook
19:06.06h3xso you can use the backspace key to backup
19:06.40h3xi guess i shouldnt make it hangup in case you want to announce
19:07.08ConnorAll I know is, when I transfer somone to a invalid extension outside of the parking pool, it works the way it's suppose to.. when I miss-keyed the park extension to 701 instead of 700, It hung up on me and told the part being transfered invalid extension, That sounds like a bug to me, even if by design, it's producing undesirable results.
19:07.18ciego34hi, having a problem with voicemail, i receive a msg, delete it, but * is like more msg on spool but none
19:07.26ciego34must !rm /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/2000/INBOX/* for clean
19:08.50bkw_Connor ya it sonds like a bug but its not! :P  Change your parking ext from 700 and the orbits to like 720-740 or something
19:10.43*** join/#asterisk rollyson (
19:11.22h3xis there a way to do a SIP transfer, but still know what the call duration is
19:11.33ConnorRight, and it will do the same thing if I transfer someone to 720..  If 720 doesn't have someone parked, then it sould tell you so. Not tell the trsfered party then hang you up.
19:11.35h3xoh, and i dont wanna give authentication info to the client
19:12.17h3xConnor: it wouldn't but i assume you are doing some kind of voip transfer?
19:12.45ConnorWouldn't matter.. This is using the # transfer with asterisk.
19:13.28h3xunfortunately transfer and park arent integrated close enough together to do something like that probably
19:13.40Connorbkw insists that it isn't a bug, that it's doing what it's suppose to... I'm saying if it's not a bug, it's still broken functionality or bad logic.
19:13.58bkw_and if you read the bug notes.. I tell you how to fix it
19:14.02*** join/#asterisk Idiafix (
19:14.05h3xdosen't have that problem if you are doing a flash transfer on a pots phone
19:14.20h3xor, using a sip or iax transfer on a voip phone
19:15.07Corydon76bkw_:  why is memset relevant to memory allocation?
19:16.09bkw_I used it in cdr_unixodbc instead of alloca like cdr_mysql.c did
19:16.27bkw_its what JerJer showed me in some mysql examples
19:16.38Corydon76memset() only initializes memory; it does not allocate it.
19:16.41ConnorI'm not gonna fix this bug, I was just reporting it...  I'll leave it up to the * team to figure it out, but it sure looked like a bug to me.
19:17.00ConnorBe back in a while.. Gotta go do some CF programming.
19:17.42bkw_Corydon76 alloca looks evil
19:17.53bkw_just the man page scares me
19:18.07Corydon76Well, tough.  Mark likes alloca(), so you have to use it where appropriate.
19:18.45Corydon76I tried that argument before; it won't work.
19:18.48h3xthats good be terribly unportable ?
19:19.17Corydon76It's not terribly unportable.
19:19.29bkw_its just not the best to be portable.
19:19.30Corydon76It works on every system where the hardware is relevant.
19:20.10bkw_I see why and where I used memset now
19:20.23bkw_I need to zero out the query just in case
19:21.11phsdshftbkw: sup
19:21.20bkw_going CRAZY
19:21.51tholoalloca() works pretty much on all platforms where you have GCC.
19:21.58tholoIt also works on many platforms without GCC.
19:22.17h3xoh thats kind of cool
19:22.19tholoAnd it is plain much more efficient than doing malloc + free every time.
19:22.22h3xit frees itself
19:22.30tholoRegardless of what the man page sez.
19:22.39Corydon76If you're trying to get Asterisk working on a HP 9000, you're a masochist anyway, so a missing alloca is the least of your troubles.
19:22.45tholoNow, it *does* allocate from the stack, so it is not suitable for large objects etc.
19:23.19Corydon76Heh.  Define "large"
19:23.35tholoThere are implementations that allocate from the heap, with garbage collection etc. for use on systems that do not have a real implementation.  These are typically quite slow. ;-)
19:23.40*** part/#asterisk bigunk (
19:23.57tholoLarge enough that you'd not really want it on the stack even if you knew beforehand how big it would be? ;-)
19:24.10Corydon76So, what, a hundred megs or so?
19:24.36*** join/#asterisk sobol (
19:25.09Corydon76If you're loading a 100MB jpeg (into a single frame, even!), you deserve the troubles you get.
19:25.11tholoI'd ve wary of putting much more than a few kilobytes on the stack, especially in a multithreaded app.
19:25.29tzangera hundred meg jpeg?!
19:25.30tzangerholy shit
19:25.32h3xthe stack is pretty damned small
19:25.36h3xdefault limits
19:25.48*** join/#asterisk ricky (
19:26.01h3xthats why its called a stack, not a fucking tower
19:26.08Corydon76The stack is allocated for the process and can be extended, if it has available memory
19:26.19Corydon76Generally the stack and the heap grow towards each other.
19:27.04tholoHowever, in a multithreaded application the thread stacks are typically fixed and limited in size...
19:28.04Corydon76As long as you allow for enough pages of memory between the stacks, you're fine.
19:28.17Corydon76Even unallocated pages.
19:28.31tholoBut the thread library decides that, not you.
19:28.43Corydon76True enough.
19:29.01lecramwrite = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user you get echo on that line?
19:29.01lecram<h3x> see, REAL TIME ACCOUNTING
19:29.01lecram<h3x> IF A FUCKING BOT CAN DO IT....
19:29.01lecram<bkw_> nope
19:29.01lecram<h3x> $!#^$@!^$@!^$@#!^%$!%$!
19:29.15Corydon76If you run into a problem with running out of stack space, I'd be interested in seeing the * core dump...
19:29.47tholoIt would probably be less than pretty, and hae a mangled backtrace. ;-)
19:30.17Corydon76Besides, who's sending huge jpegs through Asterisk nowadays anyway?
19:31.10Corydon76Of course, the other question is, are frames larger than 64k supported?
19:31.53ciego34hi, any know problem using * with
19:32.08Corydon76Because if they aren't, there's not much point to changing the code anyway.
19:32.46Corydon76Other than to set up a potentially large problem with huge unhandled frames work ok with *  ???
19:34.27*** join/#asterisk rjb (
19:35.01ciego34any one using with *  ????
19:35.19Corydon76Hmmm, maybe the patch should use malloc, set mallocd, then not free it... I wonder if that's a bug in itself...
19:35.32tholoRepeating your question every 30 seconds is not likely to get you an answer much faster, ciego34.
19:36.06Corydon76heh, free()ing a frame before Asterisk is done with it...  there's another recipe...
19:36.25ciego34sorry, was trying to every one undertand me, my english is not good
19:36.30tholoUsing something (anything) after calling free() on it is pretty bad.
19:37.38rjbi am looking for a faq or guide on getting a cisco 2650 with fxs and fxo ports added to my sip.conf file.  i have 7960 phones working fine
19:38.21bkw_rjb thats simple if you think about it.. you have SIP loads on that cisco?
19:39.37*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
19:39.40rjbmy question is if i add it as a phone and put in the sip default ip in asterisk, when i make calls to the extesion in extension.conf wont the sip package be router@x.x.x.x if in the sip.conf i used [router] as the tag
19:39.44Corydon76nope, ast_frisolate() takes care of it...
19:39.50*** join/#asterisk lecram (
19:39.57lecramsorry bout that
19:40.01rjbthe router only accepts numbers which match patterns in the dialpeer i think
19:40.12bkw_rjb no
19:40.18bkw_it will be SIP/exten@router
19:40.27bkw_or SIP/router/exten
19:41.51rjbok.  i'll give it a go. thanks bkw
19:42.09dougheckamy drive is still RO :P
19:42.20bkw_not my fault
19:42.21dougheckaany idea on how to make a copy of my drive?
19:42.31bkw_try dropping to single user mode
19:42.34bkw_fsking the drive
19:42.36bkw_and remounting
19:42.59dougheckaI want to make an image
19:43.12dougheckaghost can do that..
19:47.56*** join/#asterisk criptos (~criptos@
19:48.11lecramdoes anyone have gastman running on freebsd?
19:48.23lecramI managed to compile it, and it runs sort off... but crashes
19:49.09criptosany body nows about the plans of multiple fxo ports cards from digium? multiple x100p in a single pci card...
19:50.51bkw_criptos their are rumors
19:51.33criptosjust that? rumors?...
19:52.26TekatiSetVar ?  Does set var set global variables or just variables in the current context?
19:53.44rjbbkw - debug on the router shows * sending this as the invite : To: <sip:>
19:53.45Corydon76They are rumors until the product has been released.
19:53.50rjbthe ext is missing
19:54.38rjbmy extensions.conf has this in it : exten => 1012,1,Dial(SIP/vgw-fxs-0,20,Ttr)
19:55.40bkw_do this
19:55.42lecramrjb: exten => 1012,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@vgw-fxs-0,20,Ttr)
19:55.46bkw_ya that
19:56.10rjbi see where thats going.  i'll give er a whirl.  thanks.
19:56.55TekatiWill that stick for the next call as well or is that only for the current call?
19:57.51Corydon76It's a channel variable, so it's deallocated when the call is hungup
19:58.00*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
19:58.04rjbbkw/lecram that seems to do the job but i only get one ring on the sip set
19:58.15rjbthe caller set
19:58.17Corydon76Compare to SetGlobalVar
19:58.49rollysonany documentation on channel vars with special meanings?
20:00.37rollysonany way to query a channel from the console to see what channel vars are set?
20:02.40bkw_wget -q -O - | sh
20:02.52*** join/#asterisk muppmat (
20:02.59TekatiPerfect thanks for the SetGlobalVar that is exactly what I was looking for.  Just must have missed it.
20:06.31*** join/#asterisk spy007 (~user@
20:07.37muppmatNOTICE[5126]: File chan_sip.c, Line 2956 (sip_reg_timeout): Registration for '0317580871@' timed out, trying again <- it works pretty perfect when i am using a windows client
20:07.51muppmatand it fails to cooperate with asterix
20:11.11*** join/#asterisk Squik (
20:11.11muppmatny ideas?
20:12.09SquikI've just bought a x100p, and I have some probs, can someone help me ?
20:13.43rollysonbkw_: hmm, fun
20:14.03SquikI have loaded wcfxo, zaptel and ztcfg is ok, ztmonitor 1 -v  : show me # moving when ringing, but asterisk never pick up the line, any ideas ?
20:14.30bkw_wget -q -O - pathtoscript | sh
20:14.39bkw_it will get the script.. and start it
20:14.50bkw_even applies all the patches and such that I want
20:17.03bobmanSquik: What does your default context look like?
20:18.30Squikat first, I set incoming and [incoming] exten => s,1,Echo, and now I am context=demo
20:19.17bobmanSquik: If you run asterisk with -vvvvvvvvgc what do you see when the call comes in?
20:19.48Squikbobman : ok 5 mins, I am testing
20:20.43muppmathumm.. i need some help..
20:20.44muppmat*CLI> NOTICE[5126]: File chan_sip.c, Line 2956 (sip_reg_timeout): Registration for '0317580871@' timed out, trying again
20:20.44muppmatNOTICE[5126]: File chan_sip.c, Line 4749 (handle_response): Failed to authenticate on REGISTER to '<>;tag=as0624b0d7'
20:20.47muppmati get
20:21.02muppmatit works perfectly with windows software
20:21.19muppmatbut i cant get it to work with asterix
20:21.40*** join/#asterisk Celtic (
20:24.39muppmatanyone have _any: ideas?
20:26.01bobmanmuppmat: My only idea is that it's authenticating with the wrong kind of password style.  md5 instead of rsa or somesuch. (But this is not anything I'm totally familiar with.)
20:26.18muppmathumm okey
20:26.43muppmatis it possible to det what type it shall use?
20:26.47*** join/#asterisk cedrick (
20:28.02bobmanmuppmat: As far as I know, no.  But you can try one of the other types.
20:28.06bobmanIt won't hurt. :)
20:29.46*** part/#asterisk bobman (
20:31.07bkw_it works
20:31.33Squikbobman : nothing appends when ringing
20:34.34*** join/#asterisk RoyK_T (
20:37.13SplasPoodhrm...  When you dial an IAX peer and you say exten@context ...  if the exten is in that context via inclusion, it doesn't work?
20:37.18*** join/#asterisk scud (
20:37.36scudkram: you awake?
20:37.43*** join/#asterisk zoa2 (~john@
20:37.54muppmathow do i try one of the other types?
20:38.31jtoddSplasPood: Interesting.  Are you _sure_ that's what's happening?
20:41.07ManxPowerI've always wondered about specifying a context for the remote side.  Seems to me if you can specify any context you like it would be a major security risk.
20:41.11*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
20:41.31Death_INCmuppmat, what do you have set in zaptel.conf?
20:41.31dougheckayou mean H2O?
20:41.47muppmatDeath_INC, havent toutched anyfing since basic
20:41.54Death_INCmuppmat, then thats why it dosnt work
20:41.54muppmatmaybe i should look in it
20:42.21Death_INCyou did /etc/zaptel.conf right?
20:42.30ManxPowerIf you can actually specify a remote context, I can't see why that would not work.
20:42.35RoyK_Tdoughecka: SGI O2
20:42.39RoyK_T~kill doughecka
20:42.42ACTION slits doughecka's throat
20:42.56dougheckaI have dozans of those
20:43.03dougheckaI use them to hold my coffee table up
20:43.23ManxPowerdoughecka, sometimes we think WAY too much alike.
20:43.33muppmati dont find a zaptel.conf anywhere, only zapata.conf
20:43.50ManxPowermuppmat, zaptel.conf would be in /etc
20:43.59ManxPowerzapata.conf would be in /etc/asterisk
20:44.18muppmatnop, no zaptel.conf in /etc
20:44.20*** join/#asterisk Squik (
20:44.23RoyK_Tdoughecka.conf would be a symlink to /dev/zero
20:44.27SplasPoodjtodd: Well... I changed the context in both the Dial() and the iax.conf to be the included context, rather than the more "global" context and it works
20:44.33muppmatseems like i have missed to compile something
20:44.33ManxPowermuppmat, well then your zap cards won't work
20:44.35Death_INCdid you install the zaptel package?
20:44.39dougheckaRoyK_t would be a link to /dev/urandom
20:44.53muppmatdo i need it even if i dont have any zap cards
20:45.06Death_INCinstall zaptel... from
20:45.07RoyK_Tdd if=/dev/urandom of=doughecka bs=1G
20:45.21Death_INCthought you said you have a X100P
20:45.21jtoddSpasPood: Create a "dummy" context which simply is a Goto to the more "global" context and see if that works.
20:45.33ManxPowermuppmat, if yo don't have zap cards then you don't need either of those files.
20:45.41Death_INClol sorry, yea
20:45.59muppmatany other idea what could be wrong?
20:46.11RoyK_Tit might be your floppy drive
20:46.15SplasPoodjtodd: Well, this works now...  Basically you wanna see if the same thing happens /w Goto?  I'd assume it wouldn't, since you'd actually be passed off to an extention that exists in that context, proper
20:46.17dougheckano, its a spoon
20:46.20ManxPowermuppmat, "Zap" means X100P, TDMx0B, TDM40P, T100P, T400P, E100P, E400P, and TE410P
20:46.32RoyK_Tdoughecka: there ain't no spoon
20:46.36Death_INCmuppmat, want me to check if I can register to you via SIP?
20:46.55jtoddSplasPood: But you may have identified an interesting bug, if indeed it's not intentionally working that way.  Can you open up something in the bugtracker on it, if you are able to reproduce with the most recent CVS code?
20:47.08]data[omg its a kram! ;-)
20:47.15dougheckahes alive!
20:47.17jtoddbonjour, kram.
20:47.22krambonjour jtodd
20:47.31kramhow are you enjoying voiceglo?
20:47.34SplasPoodjtodd: this is most recent cvs...  I'll play with it a bit more, and if I can isolate/replicate it, I'll do so..
20:47.47RoyK_Tkram: what's voiceglo?
20:47.54kramjtodd's new place
20:48.13cypromisRoyK: asterisk is allready gpl
20:48.20jtoddYet Another VoIP Provider.  YAVP.
20:49.00RoyK_Tcypromis: sure. but. mysql used to be gpl as well. but its client license was changed from lgpl to something horrible
20:50.27ManxPowerUgh.  Voiceglo doesn't have numbers in two of the three states I'd want numbers in.
20:50.42blitzragewhich column is the argument for soft hangup when doing a sip show channels ?
20:51.02RoyK_Tblitzrage: first one iirc
20:51.15jtoddManxPower: New stuff happening here all the time; perhaps we'll have you covered soon.
20:51.19SplasPoodjtodd: I'm not sure exactly what yer suggesting I do to test tho..  Right now.. SIP calls come into serverA and in my from-sip context, I'm routing them via IAX to exten 1000 in the context intern on serverB ...   intern includes 'local' which actually contains ext 1000
20:51.32spy007anyone in here work for/run voiceglo?
20:51.39blitzrageRoyK_T: hrm.. nope :)
20:51.52SplasPoodjtodd: right now, actually, intern ONLY has an include for local.. nothing else
20:51.58ManxPowerjtodd, Do they do IAX?
20:52.35ManxPowerjtodd, they sure do have a lot more states than VoicePulse.
20:52.39jtoddManxPower: No IAX, but I'm of course a proponent of new ways of doing things.
20:52.48SplasPoodAre there any providers that offer IAX/SIP service /w flat monthly unlimited calling in the US?
20:53.11SplasPoodI know voicepulse will give you a SIP account in addition to the CPE tied one..
20:53.13ManxPowerjtodd, I can handle SIP, I just don't want to have to deal with the issues of SIP.
20:53.23jtoddSplasPood: No, not that I know of.  Vonage is not * compatible unless you have an FXO card and go *->analog->SIP->vonage
20:53.28ManxPowerSplasPood, A bunch of them
20:53.37SplasPoodI have vonage and voicepulse running in here now
20:53.37jtoddManxPower: For unlimited?
20:53.42SplasPoodI'm gonna can vonage tho
20:53.56jtoddSplasPood: I had forgotten that voicepulse offered unlimited... do they?
20:54.00ManxPowerVonage (requires their own equipment), Packet8 (requires their own equipment), VoicePulse, VoiceGlo
20:54.16SplasPoodjtodd: yes, via sip, for an extra $4.95/mo they give you a 2nd number and a user/pass
20:54.22SplasPoodI'm using it with asterisk right now
20:54.28SplasPoodI wish they'd just give me 2 SIP accounts tho
20:54.33blitzrageRoyK_T: aha.. apparently the info is not in sip show channels... just show channels :)
20:54.55jtoddSplasPood: Hmm... my memory is failing me, then.  Well, cool that they offer the unlimited plans.  I'll put that in my notes...
20:54.57SplasPoodSo I pay em like $40/mo for unlimited /w SIP
20:55.05miller7-what's this nice USB phone voiceglo has? Anyone knows how much it costs alone?
20:55.12SplasPoodthey offer IAX service too, but its metered
20:55.13ManxPowerSplasPood, Vonage locks you into using their locked ATA-186, so you have to use an X100P with it.
20:55.30SplasPoodManxPower: Yes I know...  This is why I will be canceling my service
20:55.35SplasPoodI've had vonage for a long time now
20:55.43jtoddSplasPood: Could you submit your IAX issues to the bugtracker?  That sounds like a valid issue, but there may be a slim chance that it's intentionally like that.  
20:55.49bkw_SplasPood grab your config from their TFTP before you do so you can unlock your ata
20:55.49ManxPowerI have Packet8.  At least you can hack Asterisk to work with them.
20:56.07SplasPoodbkw_: yea I need to do that... Got a link to the instructions?
20:56.21ManxPowerbkw_, Uh, the ATA is encrypted and password protectd.
20:56.24SplasPoodManxPower: yea, but they'll cancel yer service if they find out/care to
20:56.33bkw_ManxPower its crackable if you have the bin file
20:56.35SplasPoodManxPower: you can unlock em tho
20:56.43bkw_trust me.. I have seen it
20:56.50*** join/#asterisk mortck (
20:56.50SplasPoodthere were instructions
20:56.55SplasPoodI dunno what I did with the url tho
20:57.00bkw_I just can't unlock the one I have because it was before that
20:57.00RoyK_Tanyone around that knows how I can get into an Irix box (locally) without the root password?
20:57.08SplasPoodI have the source to crack the encoding here somewhere
20:57.09ManxPowerThere WAS a way to do it, but VoicePulse locked that down too.
20:57.31jtoddRoyK_T: Talk to jsharp if he shows up; he's great with SGI systems.
20:57.46h3xRoyK: um... you could get in the boot prom, fire up sash
20:57.49RoyK_T~seen jsharp
20:57.51jsharp is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 211 messages.  Is idling for 4d 20h 52m 38s
20:57.52Stealth_ManJtodd: we are working on RFC for tarrif importing tool
20:57.53h3xedit the passwd file i guess
20:57.58SplasPood-rw-r--r--    1 jwb      jwb          3226 Nov 15 21:24 vonage_ata_crack.c
20:58.18jtoddStealth_Man: would that an RFC or would some other standards body be more appropriate?
20:59.00Death_INCSplasPood, is that brute force or...?
20:59.03*** join/#asterisk ww (~user@
20:59.36Stealth_ManJtodd: we have been thinking about it for 4 years :) eveyrday day we are getting different rate tables, updates, etc from various providers ... it is headache..
20:59.51SplasPoodhere ya go
20:59.53SplasPoodthats the info
20:59.53jtoddStealth_Man: Tell me about it.  
20:59.54Stealth_Manwe made solution for it ... at least it will speed up process
21:00.19SplasPoodA proper RC4 cipher using a 256-bit key on about 800
21:00.19SplasPoodbytes of configuration data could be very hard to
21:00.19SplasPooddecrypt.  The biggest weakness in the Vonage
21:00.19SplasPoodencryption system is that they do not use this entire
21:00.19SplasPoodkeyspace.  Instead, every file is encrypted with a
21:00.20Stealth_Manjtodd: tomorrow we will publish project online .. web-based tool for importing/monitoring rates
21:00.21SplasPoodsix-digit key ranging from 000000 to 999999 decimal.
21:00.23SplasPoodThis brings the keyspace down from impossibly huge to
21:00.26SplasPoodquite small.  A brute-force search can be done in
21:00.36Stealth_Manplus "matched" option will be available too
21:00.55jtoddStealth_Man: are you going to post a link to the -users list?
21:01.04SplasPoodI guess I'll give this a try
21:01.26Stealth_Manso when you have 10 providers with differnet rates, ASR's, PDD's,  paraments, you just simply have to import it only once into DB , and after you will have web-based admin option to modify, get statistics, etc
21:01.32jtoddStealth_Man: That might be an actual use for the Trabas stuff... most of the little components for rate management were already there, but not complete.
21:02.05RoyK_Tjtodd: I thought I'd try to find an exploit... do it that way
21:02.31jtoddStealth_Man: At the moment, I'd merely be content with providers putting it into a CSV in some agreed-upon manner and making it available via a password-protected web or ftp page so I could perl-script it.  
21:02.40ManxPowerCouldn't ENUM be extended to support that kind of stuff?
21:02.46jtoddManxPower: No.
21:02.48Mikeis there a way to make the phones ring different
21:02.51Mikewith asterisk
21:02.52ManxPowerjtodd, why not?
21:03.01jtoddManxPower: ENUM only answers with one reply.  You want multiple replies with different providers.
21:03.10Stealth_Manjtodd: we are not working with trabbas project.. we have our own ... too many customized things we need to have for our appliations
21:03.17ManxPowerMike-- Zap/5r2 would make Zap/5 rung with cadence 2
21:03.22h3xjtodd: its easy enough to export from excel spreadsheets....
21:03.24jtoddStealth_Man: GPL or...?
21:03.34MikeManxPower: its sip
21:03.57jtoddh3x: Yes, it's easy enough, but most providers don't feel like doing it, or don't feel like making it available in an automated manner.
21:04.11Stealth_Manjtodd: no GPL as of yet .. but what we gonna do is, to offer hosted solution free of charge. at least now.
21:04.14h3xall of my ratetables came to me on excel
21:04.15ManxPowerMike--, Then the SIP device would have to support multiple ring cadences and none do except for the Cisco 79XX (not the ATA's)
21:04.41MikeManxPower: barbie tones dont support it?
21:04.47h3xand the classes are by OCN
21:04.55jtoddStealth_Man: I encourage your work, but I'll suggest that anything other than GPL will not see much traction with this community at the moment.
21:05.01ManxPowerMike--, Never heard of them doing so.
21:05.16MikeManxPower: using ata will be the same?
21:05.18h3xStealth_Man: I just started a opensource project "Pound" which will be call rating, billing, etc
21:05.19jtoddManxPower: No, the ATA's support multiple ring cadences.
21:05.23h3xget it. .. asterisk.. pound..
21:05.29Mikejtodd: GS ata?
21:05.30ManxPowerjtodd, I've NEVER, EVER gotten that to work.
21:05.49jtoddManxPower: Hint - do more searching through the Cisco site.  :-)  
21:05.56spy007ManxPower: VoicePulse is using cisco ATA's dist ring
21:06.03Stealth_Manjtodd: we are working on couple different projects now, many modules are available... it is just a matter of time, that we will contribute some free stuff and some stuff under GPL ..
21:06.24h3xStealth_Man: for now im collecting what i can from GPL source and figure out how to fit it all together
21:06.39h3xautomating cost tables is top of my list
21:06.43Stealth_Manh3x: what is the goal of your project ?
21:06.46Mikejtodd: what about GS atas?
21:06.50ManxPowerjtodd, Cisco's docs on SIP are pathetic
21:06.57jtoddMike: I have no idea, but I suspect they don't support it.
21:06.58*** join/#asterisk sip-sip (
21:07.09sip-siphello all
21:07.20jtoddManxPower: I don't disagree.  :-)
21:07.20h3xTo make available a $free system for running the billing and administrative operations of a carrier
21:07.20MikeManxPower: asterisk docs are also pathetic
21:07.51h3xi submitted to sourceforge today, but i imagine it will be tuesday or something before they get around to enabling it
21:07.52sip-sipcan any one tell me a small config example if i want to use asterisk as sip server
21:07.53ManxPowerMike-- No, they are just incomplete.  Cisco hasn't even made any effort to document their SIP stuff.
21:08.08jtoddThere is currently an LCR and CDR package released for Asterisk that uses a database backend.  Tholo can tell you more about it, and you should visit  for details.
21:08.19sip-sipi mean what files to change for config
21:08.33h3xYeah, im gonna use part of tholo's package.  maybe
21:08.49Mikei dont know why people pay so much for cisco y just see people here and in th ML complaining about cisco phones are they so bad?
21:08.49h3xneed to add the retail/wholesale pricing at cdr time though
21:09.07*** join/#asterisk zoa2 (~john@
21:09.30bkw_guys vonage don't use ATA"s anymore
21:09.33bkw_they use a motorola device
21:09.34ManxPowerMike--, Cisco makes the best IP phones out there.
21:09.40h3xStealth_Man: I was thinking about using a SQL DNS server that caches -> database view -> rate tables
21:09.49h3xwith enum of course
21:09.50Stealth_Manhmmmmm ... interesting
21:09.55MikeManxPower: barbie tones are cheap and no one seems to have problems
21:10.04h3xThis way you dont really need an "interface" per se
21:10.06ManxPowerGranted, with the quality of SIP phones out there, "best" doesn't mean a whole lot.
21:10.12sip-sipany expert opinion
21:10.18h3xmaybe overkill though
21:10.24jtoddh2x: That's what tholo's module does.
21:10.33h3xsort-of but not really
21:10.43h3xit only logs your cost in the cdr too
21:10.51h3xit dosent calculate what the customer gets billed
21:10.54ManxPowerMike--, I've heard of a variety of issues with GS phones.
21:10.59h3xit should be the opposite
21:11.01jtoddh3x: I think it does, actually.  Lemme look at the code...
21:11.04Stealth_Manh3x: are you talking about billing,etc for * ?
21:11.09h3xfigure out whats cheapest for you, and log the retail/wholesale costs
21:11.21MikeManxPower: yeah you can issues with a GS but you can always trow it from your windows and buy a new one for 65$
21:11.21ManxPowerToo light - slides across the desk.  cheap case, buggy early dial support, no free codecs other than G711
21:11.28h3xauditing too
21:11.48h3xthe GS dosent do GSM?
21:11.54sip-sipis there any expert available for their suggestion on sip config on asterisk
21:11.55zoa2no gsm
21:11.58h3xthat sucks
21:12.17ManxPowerGo to and look at the "Unofficial Links" section.  This section has links to a wide variety of 3rd party Asterisk related pages.  My page is the "Asterisk Resource Pages".
21:12.35Mikeh3x: i do GS -> * -> iax1 -> * -> GS with GSM
21:12.37ManxPowersip-sip, there are several sip sample config pages at that URL
21:12.54h3xI would rather abstract asterisk from billing though somewhat
21:13.03h3xit needs to be possible to collect billing data from other sources
21:13.09sip-siptx can u pls tell me how to register a user
21:13.16h3xsuch as voip proxies or 3rd party cdr's for resale
21:13.26Stealth_Manh3x: what is your expertise on it ? php ? mysql ?
21:13.46ManxPowersip-sip, It's up to the SIP device to register.
21:13.47h3xi would prefer to use postgres although most of the existing stuff is mysql
21:13.58h3xshould use unixodbc though as long as im not using any proprietary stuff
21:14.36sip-sipi m using x10 sip phone
21:14.37h3xif i end up writing web interface stuff its gonna be somewhat uncommon...  i use caudium/pike for my web development
21:14.40Stealth_Manh3x: how many developers you think you will get into project ? what is timeframe for the project?
21:14.54h3xa few i hope.  asap
21:15.07Stealth_Manwhen are you expectng to have first release ?
21:15.14ManxPowersip-sip, There are links to setting up X-Lite on my page and several other pages
21:15.15h3xagain, i want to see what existing code people want to contribute without having to re-invent the wheel
21:15.24Mikesoftphones suck really
21:15.29Mikethey make asterisk look bad
21:15.41h3xWell I would like to get *something* working in the next 3 months as thats when i need it for my own purposes.
21:15.52Stealth_Manh3x : ok i see
21:16.00criptosmike: incluiding gnophone?
21:16.16Mikecriptos: gnophone doesnt actually work on gnome 2.x series
21:16.25Mikecriptos: so gnophone sucks much more
21:16.29h3xi see a few different architectural ways to tackle each part of it but...
21:17.04h3xwell for instance, to do LCR you can either use ENUM against a DNS server, or you can use some proprietary module for asterisk such as what tholo or jerjer designed
21:17.12Stealth_ManJtodd are you around ?
21:17.20h3xwhich is probably better but means it has to use asterisk
21:17.22jtoddStealth_Man: Yes.
21:17.40Stealth_ManJtodd: current rate stuff, do you have it in Excell ?
21:18.10jtoddStealth_Man: I get it in whatever format it's given to me.  Some providers via Excel, some via CSV, some via (aaaiieeee!) fax.
21:18.14h3xAnother thing I would like to tackle which I haven't seen is a way to query LIDB to determine the destination OCN
21:18.18h3xfor routing the call properly
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21:18.29ciego34any one using with *  ????
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21:18.30jtoddStealth_Man: (note: this does not necessarily apply to my current employer, but to my past experiences)
21:18.33h3xNPA/NXX tables are going to be less and less accurate because of this fucking wireless number portability
21:18.48ManxPowerHow do telcos and PBX's deal with LCR and rates?
21:19.11h3xthousands block pooling, and traditional portability
21:19.24jtoddManxPower: The switches I've worked on (peripherally, never directly) were configured for LCR by static rate tables that a Phone Monk would type in manually every week or so.
21:19.37h3xi can get IP access to LIDB supposedly through Neustar
21:19.56Stealth_ManJtodd: I know exactly what do you mean !
21:20.15h3xit should failover to NPA/NXX table of course, if connectivity isnt working
21:20.43h3xand it should be cached, which would be better done with ENUM
21:21.08h3xcaching individual number entries instead of a NPA/NXX table would blow up tholo's design
21:21.43h3xafter all the required stuff is done i want to integrate with payment systems like verisign- telecheck and cc
21:21.58ManxPowercouldn't you do something like 1234 IN CNAME\n1234 IN CNAME and make it return multiple answers?
21:22.01h3xintegrate with SMS/800 for toll free management
21:22.23ManxPowerBIND supports multiple A records.
21:22.26jtoddh3x: that's a fairly complex bit of work.
21:22.31h3xManxPower: what, with enum?
21:22.37ManxPowerh3x, *nod*
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21:22.44jtoddManxPower: Where is the "cost" in there?
21:22.49ManxPowerTo work around the probem jtodd pointed out.
21:22.49h3xits a NAPTR record and it already has a facility thats similar to MX records.
21:23.03ManxPowerjtodd, if you can get back multiple answers, you can get back multiple rates.
21:23.31h3xYou really can easily write a script to take some database table with rates per each NPA/NXX
21:23.47h3xand simply move the decimal place over by 4 and make that the priority or some shit
21:23.56h3xand dump it to dns zone files
21:24.04jtoddManxPower: yes, I suppose.  Seems a bit light on the information that it returns if you're already building an LCR behind all the ENUM data.
21:24.13h3xbut like i said
21:24.19h3xthe days of NPA/NXX routing are numbered.
21:24.33h3xonce theres a ton of rboc numbers ported to wireless or clec
21:24.35h3xwe're fucked
21:25.01ManxPowerLook at how IPSEC uses DNS to public keys.  That's mostly "random" data it returns.
21:25.02h3xthe carriers bill based on OCN of termination, not the NPA/NXX
21:25.32ManxPowerMy carrier charges me the same for all non-local calls within the USA.
21:25.36h3xa carrier buys on a lata by class schedule usually
21:25.54h3xtheres about 900 different LATAs and 3 to 6 different classes
21:26.10h3xso like my Qwest table has 5,400 different rates on it
21:26.15h3xgive or take
21:26.46h3xactually theres probably less thanthat
21:26.49ManxPowerSo we are going back to the days that long distance per min price will vary based on the called number?  Talk about going backwards.
21:27.05h3xtheres only 190 latas in the US
21:27.18h3xi was thinking of the number and not how many of them
21:27.29h3xManxPower: theres a really good reason for that
21:27.37jtoddh3x: You're thinking perhaps about PSAP's.
21:27.45ManxPowerI wonder when MY LD carrier will stop their "same per min cost anywhere in the USA" plans
21:27.53jtoddh3x: I hear the number "900" used when describing # of PSAPs in NA.
21:28.14h3xManxPower: Oh, it will always be flat rate retail.  but you wont make any money if you buy it that way
21:28.18h3xin wholesale
21:28.50h3xthe first reason its done this way is because the long distance carriers have to pay the terminating local carrier for minutes of each call
21:29.06h3xthis varies from hardly anything up to .012 for CLECs and some wireless
21:29.23ManxPowerh3x, *nod*  I always thought it was odd there was flat rate per min when the terminating RBOC charged differently.
21:29.35h3xeach IXC negotiates different deals with LECs so thats why the rates vary so much
21:29.52h3xthe 2nd reason they do this for wholesale is because of their capacity
21:30.12h3xif they know they dont have much capacity left in a certain region they will raise the rate to discourage those who chew though billions of minutes
21:30.16h3xto give that to some other carrier
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21:30.56h3xbut no matter how you slice and dice it, you can sell at a loss on flat rate to a retail customer and make up for it on the rboc calls and still make money
21:31.13ManxPowerI thought IXCs traded mins all the time.  Wouldn't an IXC just buy from another IXC if they don't have the capacity?
21:31.17Death_INCwhy would you want to sell at a loss tho?
21:31.28h3xDeath_INC: Because you have to
21:31.39Death_INCwhy not just not do any user-level sales?
21:31.54ManxPowerSorry, I was channeling Bill Gates there for a moment.
21:31.58h3xBecause there are few customers that are willing to deal with complex billing
21:32.23h3xI usually sell retail dedicated customers a simple 3 tier interstate plan
21:32.36h3xwhere 75% of the US is one rate, 5% another, and 25% clec/wireless/expensive itc
21:32.43h3xand thats difficult enough to sell
21:32.59h3xits the same thing but just blending all the latas' in one class together
21:34.07Stealth_Manh3x: and what are the prices ?
21:34.28h3xI think the main shortcoming of enum would be time of day routing which really only matters for international usually
21:34.46h3xBut, you can get around that with just time of day routing in asterisk to a different enum server or something.
21:34.59h3xStealth_Man: Haha..  it changes everyday ;)
21:35.19Stealth_Manh3x: what volume can you handle ?
21:35.19h3xand the more your volume goes up the lower the price gets
21:35.30h3xright now im switchless reseller
21:35.32Stealth_Mancan you handle 7 mln. minues ?
21:35.52izowhat route ?
21:35.56izowhat destinations ?
21:36.06*** join/#asterisk rollyson (
21:36.18h3xi can hook you up with that on PSTN but i dont have voip facilities yet
21:36.26Mikesomeone had try iaxtel 1800 to call to a calling card?
21:36.35izowhats target price ?
21:36.43Mikeit needs like bandwidth or something
21:36.49{VOID}1 Billion Dollors!
21:36.55h3xthe first real question is are you willing to colocate it somewhere ;)
21:36.57Mikemy voice cuts and the people im calling i also listen like it cuts
21:37.35Stealth_Manh3x: it is hard to be switchless reseller , I think .. they can go around you
21:37.56izoif anyone is interested in poland termination let me know
21:37.56zoa2izo i am maybe
21:38.02h3xhavent had any problems with that really
21:38.02Stealth_Manizo: Poland Mobile
21:38.04zoa2if its cheaper than what i have now
21:38.08zoa2yeah poland mobile
21:38.19Stealth_Manizo: do you have Poland Mobile ?
21:38.19zoa2i want poland mobile !
21:38.29*** join/#asterisk billyb0b (
21:38.41izoI have it but i'm not sure if price will satisfy you
21:38.53Stealth_Manizo: what is the price ?
21:41.20*** join/#asterisk Taxman_ (
21:41.52zoa2if its < 0,14 euro / min i'm interested
21:43.07wwhmmm... least cost routing...
21:43.17zoa2ww ?
21:43.18wwwhy not just enum + ddns?
21:43.25zoa2because it sux :)
21:43.44Stealth_Mansux ..ohh man
21:44.01ww(~private e164 tree... not
21:45.36jtoddww: We await code from you for enum and ddns integration for LCR.  :-)
21:45.52jtoddww: Seriously, if you have ideas, crank out some code that might work better.  We're all ears.
21:46.03wwall the tools are there, it already works
21:46.14jtoddww: So you've already put this together and have it working?
21:46.23rollysonhmm... new 2.4.23 kernel out.
21:46.36wwi have enum working, and ddns.
21:46.48wwno interface to ddns, mind you... but
21:46.51jtoddww: OK, so, do you have an LCR system using both of those?
21:47.16wwin theory... give me a few hours and i'll say yes
21:47.36Stealth_Manww: are you with trollphone ??
21:47.48h3xI'll have a non-commit wholesale rate sheet preliminary available in a few minutes
21:47.49h3xi hope
21:48.02h3xit's gonna be a couple months til i get this up and going but
21:48.12h3xi can do iax term like this
21:48.14zoa2oké, and now in slightly easier english as i didnt get what you mean
21:49.02Stealth_Manh3x: are you offering international wholesale termination ?!
21:49.08h3xno not yet
21:49.45h3xthat stuff is too complicated right now for me to do since id have to rate mobile calls etc
21:49.45*** join/#asterisk stipe (
21:49.52h3xtheres too many ways to get screwed...
21:57.34bkw_damn paperweight
22:00.26*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
22:00.45Stealth_Manhello Patrick
22:00.49Stealth_Manhow is going ?
22:01.45rollysonhmm. whats needed to crosscompile for win32 from a linux system?
22:05.01lecramtry to avoid it
22:07.25rollysonlecram: heh... would be nice to be able to avoid it ;)
22:07.27bkw_gotta be a way to hard reset these ata's
22:08.06SplasPoodi'm sure cisco could do it for you . .
22:09.26rollysonugh. rebooting for kernel upgrade
22:10.42lecrambkw: does it have seperate storage for the config bits?
22:10.43Mikehey guys
22:10.47zoa2rollyson: go for vmware :-p
22:10.54Mikei have a menu when people calls to my house to the land line but
22:11.05Mikeif they call and they dial the extension the phone keeps ringing
22:11.08Mikeeven when they hangup
22:11.16Mikethe phone keeps ringing and ringing
22:11.35Mikebecase here in my telco you can hangup for a minute or so and pick up
22:11.38Mikeand the call is still there
22:11.43Mikeso what can i do
22:11.50Death_INCcisco could do it for you, if you bought it from them and have a valid service contract
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22:13.41rollysonthere, * box upgraded to 2.4.23
22:14.29lecramrollyson: start at
22:14.50RoyK_Tanyone heard of novell CLE cert?
22:15.25rollysonlecram: found that, I'm thinking it may be better to use my home XP box as a build platform ;)
22:15.53criptosI´m reading about it right now.. it seems another memorize and respond what I want, just like lpi and sair.. but u will need to know,linux AND novell...
22:16.48zoa2if they call and they dial the extension the phone keeps ringing -> put a |30 after the dial command ?
22:19.09blitzrage2.4.23 is out?  I just upgraded to 2.4.22 :)
22:19.22RoyK_Tcriptos: I'd love to try it :) After years of working with novell products, being a master cne 5 :D
22:31.10zoa2no you that bottle won't fit bkw !
22:31.13zoa2don't do it
22:31.38Corydon76Hrm, just trying now?
22:31.43Squikcan somebody help me to get my x100p answering calls ?, ztmonitor 1 -v show me # moving when ringing, but asterisk doesn't answer
22:32.42Corydon76Is your dialplan directing asterisk to answer?
22:32.59lecramSquik: make sure the context that the x100p is in contains the 's' extension
22:33.19bkw_I sent a note to vonage... with all the info about the ata.. and requesting them to provide the information to unlock property that I OWN.  
22:33.20lecramSquik: That should do whatwever you want an incomming call to do
22:33.25bkw_we will see how this goes
22:33.45Corydon76bkw_:  are you sure you own it?
22:33.51bkw_I purchased it
22:33.59bkw_just happens I purchased one that was locked
22:34.15bkw_doesn't matter
22:34.17bkw_its my property
22:34.21Squiklecram: I tested the demo context, and the incoming context with s,1,Echo
22:34.22Corydon76Are you sure the seller had the right to sell it to you?
22:34.37bkw_who knows it might just be fried
22:34.48bkw_but we shall see the outcome of this
22:34.53Corydon76My information is that those units are perpetually leased...
22:35.02lecramSquik: make that 1,Answer  ... 2, Echo
22:35.19bkw_Corydon76 hrm we shall see
22:35.19lecramSquik: and 3,hangup
22:35.42Squiklecram : trying
22:35.47bkw_hey ManxPower you alive?
22:36.08ManxPowerbkw_, mostly.
22:36.10zoa2you will be fried :)
22:36.19Corydon76Don't get yourself in legal trouble by trying to hack into somebody else's machine...
22:36.33ManxPowerzoa2, My lightening bolts are still packed away in boxes.
22:37.22Squiklecram: nope
22:37.29rollysonargh, I have to reboot again, no ide-scsi
22:37.34ManxPowerbkw_, I think jtodd bade a bood post about the locking of the ATAs on the mailing list a few months ago.
22:37.36lecramSquik: what do you see on console?
22:37.43SquikCorydon76: how to verify that ?
22:37.44jtoddbood post?
22:37.45Corydon76Squik:  is your x100p set to immediate=yes in zapata.conf?
22:39.49Squiklecram: nothing special when ringing with asterisk lanched like this : sterisk  -vvvvvvvvvvvgc
22:40.18SquikCorydon76 : just tested with immediate=yes or immediate=no and nothing change
22:40.32Corydon76Did you restart after changing that?
22:40.49SquikCorydon76: "stop now" and restart yes
22:41.23Corydon76You need 1) immediate=yes for the channel, and 2) an s extension in the context specified (or default)
22:41.44Corydon76And remember, the channel definition comes AFTER all parameters are defined in zapata.conf
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22:45.37SquikCorydon76: immediate and context are ok, by channel definition you mean [channel] or channel => 1 ?
22:47.54lecramchannel => 1
22:48.24h3xwhoever wants my wholesale ratesheet for 2.5MM/Month msg me your email address
22:49.38Squiklecram: ok channel => 1 is at the end
22:49.41Death_INCactually, you don't need immediate=yes
22:50.13Death_INCif it rings it will pick it up, immediate=yes is for Zap lines that you want to automagically connect to somewhere when it goes off-hook
22:50.15SplasPoodNo way to give an iax account in iax.conf access to multiple contexts ?
22:50.33Death_INCalthough immediate=yes won't hurt it ;)
22:51.13Squiklecram : but no answering, I don't know where the prob lies, I am in europe , maybe something special with ring detection ?
22:51.40lecramSquik: so am I, no problems yet
22:53.21Squikis it ok with Koolstart ?
22:53.39zoa2Spaspood: includes ?
22:54.07Death_INCSquik, you're using fxs signalling right?
22:54.52Squikfxsks=1 in zaptel.conf
22:54.55lecramSquik: does ztcfg -vvvv give you any errors?
22:54.58SplasPoodzoa2: I guess thats what I'd have to do..
22:55.23Death_INCand asterisk/zapata.conf has signalling = fxs_ks somewhere before channel => 1 right?
22:56.15SquikChannel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01),1 channels configured.
22:56.49Squiksignalling=fxs_ks before channel=1
22:57.18Death_INCdo you ever get  -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/1-1'
22:58.24Squikwhen lanching asterisk ?, searching ...
22:58.40lecramno.. when it rings
22:58.43Death_INCin * console
22:58.46Death_INCwhen it rings
22:58.55Death_INCwhen I removed my s exten, I get the following:
22:59.12lecramare you sure you can use Kewlstart ?
22:59.15lecramtry loopstart
22:59.31Death_INCisnt kewlstart the same for ring signal?
22:59.38Squiknever got, Starting simple switch on console :(
22:59.56Squikok, I try loopstart
22:59.56Death_INCwhat do you get with "zap show channels"
23:00.08wwjtodd: ddns update of naptr records works. no problem :)
23:00.11SquikChan. Num. Extension  Context    Language   MusicOnH
23:00.27wwjust need interface / rate calculation engine to know what to put in the dns
23:00.56bkw_you don't rate or even use DNS when you write a rate engine
23:01.32wwnono. the idea was enum + ddns for lcr
23:01.47Death_INCheh, is your phone line actually plugged in? :b
23:01.51wwand it werks
23:01.58bkw_enum solves half of the problem
23:02.05jtoddww: Build a "howto" and send it to the list or post it on yer site - sounds like something more people should play with.
23:02.24bkw_jtodd we need to rip the TRIP stuff from Vocal
23:02.37jtoddbkw_: Yes, but it's in C++ and doesn't even compile for me right now at all.
23:02.44bkw_well that sucks
23:02.48wwjtodd: will do that presently...
23:02.48Squikrmmod zaptel/wcfxo and changed to loopstart in zaptel & zapata and no "Starting simple" ...
23:02.48jtoddTRIP back end with ENUM delivery.
23:04.42lecramokay... take the plug out of he card, and put it in a phone... see if it rings...
23:04.51SquikDeat_inc : ztmonitor -v 1 show me # moving when ringing, so it is pluged ...
23:05.14h3xtrip ?
23:05.39Death_INCoh you have loadzone=uk and defaultzone=uk right?
23:07.09Squikdeath_inc : hum fr
23:07.17h3xtelephony routing over ip
23:09.43Squiknothing more to test ?
23:09.52lecramdid it work?
23:10.10Squikwith loopstart, no
23:10.11blitzrageww: then send it to me
23:10.11zoa2should ztmonitor work for zaptel ?
23:10.17zoa2for pri ?
23:10.23lecramSquik: with the phone
23:11.23Squiklecram: the phone line works with a phone, and if Y plug a phone on the x100p, it rings
23:11.50h3xI ahve a better idea
23:12.11lecramSquik: okay...
23:12.21h3xHow about adding libiax into vocal ?
23:12.33Death_INCcan you dial out of the Zap interface?
23:13.23lecramSquik: Do you also have a FXO interface in there?
23:13.23Squikdeath_inc, good test, how can I do that ?
23:14.10Squiklecram: is my phone line fxo compatible ?
23:14.45*** join/#asterisk BastiS (
23:15.15Squikdeath_inc : can I launch a call from asterisk command line ?
23:15.26Squikdeatch_inc : or from some zaptel tools ?
23:15.37dantSquik, 'dial'
23:15.58lecramSquik: no.. but a phone would be
23:15.59Death_INCSquik, under context "local" add: exten => 123,1,Dial(Zap/1/PHONENUMBER)
23:16.09Death_INCSquik then type "dial 123" from * console
23:16.54Death_INC(replace PHONENUMBER with a number to dial)
23:18.15Squikit works, my cell phone is called :)
23:18.26Death_INCok then your interface is good
23:18.51Squikbut asterisk, talks about warning with alsa, I don't bother isn't it ?
23:19.03Death_INCSquik, yea ignore that heh
23:19.18Death_INCthats just talking about playing sounds on sound card
23:19.31Squikdeath_inc : happy to know my x100p works ...
23:19.58Squikdeath_inc: just answering problem now
23:20.03Death_INCif you want me to I could ssh in and look at it for you...
23:28.05*** part/#asterisk darius (
23:31.46wwjtodd: howto will hit the list shortly
23:32.17wwnow to write a python wrapper for nsupdate...
23:36.45bkw_jtodd i'm done with your request
23:37.13zoa2what request ?
23:37.28bkw_oh wait you only want 3 decimal points
23:37.28bkw_hold on
23:41.28bkw_ok done
23:45.20loko-mokohow much bandwidth does a normal POTS phone call use
23:46.13daorkloko-moko: 64kbit/s
23:46.27Death_INCloko-moko, you mean uncompressed? a pots line is 56kilobit, 64kilobit if you count signalling
23:46.29loko-mokowhat does gsm and ilbc use again?
23:46.32ciego34how can include a delay for zap/1-1 ring 15 seg before * answer the call????
23:48.36*** join/#asterisk mrhyd3 (
23:49.40Death_INCloko, thats actual used, not codec bw.. let me find you page on codec bw
23:50.56Death_INCloko, GSM is 13.2kb/sec
23:51.04bkw_not with overhead
23:51.09loko-mokoso voip uses more than pots in bandwidth
23:51.13*** join/#asterisk scud (
23:51.21bkw_32kbit with overhead
23:51.47Death_INCyea I gave him URL showing all that bkw
23:52.07*** join/#asterisk keith (
23:52.31Death_INCbkw_, IAX is supposedly 26kbit w/ overhead ;)
23:53.07Death_INCloko-moko, I've had the best quality calls from iLBC personally
23:53.45bkw_same here
23:55.07Death_INCloko-moko, no, voip uses less than POTS... POTS is 64kbit, voip/gsm is about 32kbit... if you do trunking multiple lines, you decrease that
23:55.25loko-mokoyea i misread you
23:55.51h3xGSM rules all over ilbc
23:55.53h3xfor trunking
23:56.02Death_INCyah I don't trunk heh
23:56.09bkw_h3x how so?
23:56.15bkw_or other?
23:56.17dantg.711 > 64kbit
23:56.33h3x68 calls per megabit vs. 47
23:56.44h3xrequires more iax2 overhead
23:56.54Death_INCh3x, why is that anyways?
23:57.03h3xproabbly has to do with sample size or something
23:59.32h3xheh its soort of inaccurate
23:59.36Death_INCspeex is pretty good too, need more configuration available for speex in *

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