irclog2html for #asterisk on 20031127

00:00.00wwtry it. i bet it works
00:00.04Adam_i bet it doesn't
00:00.05blitzrageif double NAT works... booyah
00:00.14Adam_unless you forward ports
00:00.47wwAdam_: you have to forward ports anyways if you want to place a call Internet -> NAT -> *
00:00.59tz-afkit'd be nice if FWD used IAX
00:01.03blitzrageI don't mind forwarding ports if it actaully works :)
00:01.12wwthe point is, it uses the correct address in Contact header and RTP session description
00:01.31Adam_ahh, how's it do that? stun, manual conf?
00:01.51blitzrageadam_: check that out
00:01.53wwmanual conf -- inside_net and mask, outside_addr
00:02.15Adam_ah, cheap way :p
00:02.27blitzragejust saw that apparently it can be merged into CVS, just wondering how it works, and what functionality it provides
00:02.47blitzragebasically long question short:  does it allow * to be NAT'd now?
00:03.09Adam_yes, you manually set what your external ip address is
00:04.10wwremember canreinvite=no on the phones though
00:04.39ww(i.e. my 7960 beside the * behind NAT is not configured for NAT at all)
00:05.19blitzrageok, that's cool.  But can it call/receieve calls from another SIP phone, which is also behind NAT?
00:06.16blitzragevery cool
00:06.41blitzrageww: do you happen to have packet trace of such a connection being established?
00:07.02blitzragebetween the * box and the remote NAT'd SIP phone.
00:07.06wwi can make one...
00:07.12wwyou have a remote nat'd sip phone?
00:07.18blitzrageww: no :)
00:07.42blitzrageI could potentially have one in a little bit though if I re-did my network :)
00:09.04blitzrageI have a TDM20B card that I may move over to my main machine now that it's running Linux.  Then I can compile Asterisk on it and setup my * box here.  I could then take my PII 233 and format and reinstall it to be a FW/NAT box and place my desktop behind it.
00:09.17wwtry calling when you do
00:10.07blitzrageww: side note:  do you know of any softphones which will accept that format of address, so that if I was to click on it, it would automatically try to call?
00:10.11bkw_anthm sorry about that! :/
00:10.22blitzrageI don't typically use softphones, but just curious
00:10.25wwit should go: whatever --> fwd --> NAT --> * --> 7960
00:10.32wwnot sure, neither do i...
00:11.07blitzrageww: wicked.  OK, I think I am going to start the network conversion over.  Might be a little bit.  Do I have a time limit as to when I can call?
00:11.28blitzragebkw_: weeee!
00:11.28bkw_i'm on an evil mission boi
00:11.30wwhacking on some of af_'s snmp stuff... will be around for a while
00:11.36blitzrageww: wicked.
00:11.54blitzrageman, sounds like everyone is doing way more important stuff than I tonight.  Gotta learn to program better!
00:12.07bkw_blitzrage if I can.. anyone can
00:12.24bkw_I made my fair share of em
00:12.32blitzragebkw_: yah, just gotta learn some syntax... I think I have the logic part down pretty good.
00:13.08blitzrageany suggestions on linux distro's to use for a firewall/NAT machine?  That's all that computer is going to do.
00:13.22tessierblitzrage: It makes absolutely no difference whatsoever.
00:13.38blitzragetessier: I know.  I'm just looking for something quick and simple to slap on that machine
00:13.39tessierEveryone gets so hung up on the distro thing.
00:13.48tessierblitzrage: What Linux distro have you used most?
00:14.04blitzragetessier: RedHat, but I just want something that doesn't require me to create my own iptables script
00:14.14blitzragetessier: I might just throw ClarkConnect back on there.
00:14.41bkw_ooh shit the hard part I have already written
00:14.42Connor~seen outtolunch
00:14.44i haven't seen 'outtolunch', Connor
00:14.46Connor~seen outtolunc
00:14.46outtolunc is currently on #asterisk (7h 4m 3s).  Has said a total of 74 messages.  Is idling for 27m 50s
00:14.52tzanger~seen citats
00:14.52citats <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 4d 6h 10m 30s ago, saying: 'zoa: yeah, or auto-negotiation didnt negotiate... it should display some advertised modes'.
00:15.34sizzzungwho can i step on now
00:15.39*** join/#asterisk jonathan (
00:16.36bkw_ok wtf is app_sql_odbc?
00:16.38*** join/#asterisk okrumm (~okrumm@
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00:17.41ConnorNote: Please do not attempt to use the G.729 code in a SCSI-only system. We are currently working with VoiceAge to correct this issue.
00:18.03bkw_I am not gonna say a word
00:18.17illc0mmmSCSI only system?
00:18.20illc0mmmThat's a weird bug
00:18.51ConnorThey tie the damn registration into the Harddrive.. and a IDE only at that.
00:19.12blitzragegotta love it
00:19.12bkw_voiceage is full of shit
00:19.27illc0mmmsee, they cripple their product because they are retarded
00:19.39illc0mmmI hate license keys like that
00:19.40danielqso you could 'hypothetically' write the ide equiv of ztdummy
00:20.02illc0mmmyeah, you could. And probably bypass the thing altogether.
00:20.26Connor~seen zoa
00:20.29zoa is currently on #asterisk (1h 19m 2s).  Has said a total of 3 messages.  Is idling for 1h 17m 49s
00:20.52ConnorHey, Zoa, Wake up!
00:22.08blitzrageI love 200KB/s downloads
00:22.18ConnorI was under the impression you couldn't use it on RAID systems, SCSI was fine...
00:23.07Stealth_ManConnor :))) Note: Please do not attempt to use the G.729 code in a SCSI-only system. We are currently working with VoiceAge to correct this issue.
00:23.10Stealth_Manwhat is this ?:))
00:24.27blitzrageso, who's got an extra set of crimpers they can send me? :)
00:27.42*** part/#asterisk tc-afk (
00:27.52illc0mmmI can fax you some
00:28.07illc0mmmget a tiny blade screwdriver and a hammer
00:28.45illc0mmmit might work
00:28.51illc0mmmthough it'll take a few hours
00:29.30*** join/#asterisk scud (
00:30.37ConnorYea, I found that on the page stealth_man
00:31.02Stealth_Manunbelivable :)))
00:31.08Stealth_Manohhh man that is crazy
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00:37.02bkw_ok how do you setup pgsql voicemail
00:37.05bkw_what are the config options?
00:37.09bkw_I see no examples
00:38.54bkw_nm found it
00:41.09bkw_ok this wasn't made to be very generic now was it
00:44.11*** join/#asterisk MagicMan (
00:46.57*** join/#asterisk Simon_ca (
00:47.21blitzrageugh oh.. running out of blank CDs...
00:47.53*** join/#asterisk testing (
00:48.56blitzragehehe.. hoochie
00:51.32Simon_caIs there a trick to get flash hook transer on an xp100 to work?  I've tried Flash and Dial but get an "unable to create channel error"
00:51.34*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
00:51.40bkw_show application Flash
00:51.43UnixDawgok we have * on Alpha
00:51.51UnixDawg21265/dual 600
00:51.56blitzragehuh.. I thought I lost my second RH9 disk.. I just found it in another computer :)
00:52.03*** join/#asterisk testing2 (
00:52.12wwcoolness! with zap hardware?
00:52.30*** join/#asterisk voipmania (
00:52.40UnixDawgthis rocks now if dutch would get the hardware drivers out I am ready to build a pbx system
00:52.41Simon_cabkw: I can flash the channel, but then dial seems to fail
00:52.55voipmaniai m a newbie
00:53.06*** join/#asterisk Celtic (
00:53.11voipmaniacan i use asterisk on redhat 7.2
00:53.15UnixDawgI plan to buy a few digium cards asI make the money
00:53.25wwvoipmania you don't want to...
00:53.43blitzrageI use it on redhat 9 without any problems
00:53.44wwif you must use redhat, at least use a reasonably recent version...
00:53.52blitzrageI'd say 7.3 min
00:54.01blitzragebut I've never used it on 7.3
00:54.08voipmaniaand one more thing that bothers me alot
00:54.36voipmaniathat programs on asterisk like IVR or tts is any thing available precompiled
00:54.41voipmaniaor opensorse
00:54.46voipmaniai m not a programmer
00:55.08blitzragevoipmania: well, I wrote a little script which will install asterisk for you from CVS, but it won't configure it for you.
00:55.27blitzragevoipmania: would still need to learn how to make configuration files.
00:55.40voipmaniai'll configure files
00:55.55wwvoimania: but you can do all sorts of ivr stuff, and tts works with festival
00:55.56voipmaniabut i dont know what functionalities come from config
00:56.07voipmaniaand what functions neeed programming / scripts
00:56.38wwvoipmania: the line between config and scripts is a bit blurry when it comes to the dialplan...
00:56.51Simon_catts (w/ festival) required the most work to get it to compiled and integrated - IMHO. Asterisk itself was very straight forward.
00:57.08blitzrageoh yah.. compiling and installing * is easy :)
00:57.12blitzrageit's after that... :)
00:57.27Simon_cabkw_: Do you have flash hook transfer working by chance?
00:57.53voipmaniatx i'll try it on redhat 9.0
00:59.57Simon_cawrote a 1 line agi today that queries yahoo for the nasdaq quote and tts' it
01:00.06illc0mmmSimon_ca: cool
01:00.08voipmaniais there any graphical interface for IVR configuation
01:00.08blitzragevery cool :)
01:00.11Simon_cacurious to see how complex of an agi I can write in 1 line... :)
01:00.17blitzragevoipmania: there is no graphical interface. :)
01:00.20blitzragepretty much
01:00.21illc0mmmit's perl man
01:00.43illc0mmmSimon_ca: check
01:00.53Simon_caIn shell script even... perl would have works as well...
01:00.54blitzrageback in a bit.
01:01.10illc0mmmwhat, with awk or something?
01:01.27Simon_calynx -dump "^IXIC&f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&e=.csv" | awk -F, '{print "EXEC Festival \"From Yahoo finance, Nas Dack is " $2 ", delta is " $5"\""}'
01:03.42danielqblitzrage: you up for testing iaxtel again?
01:07.00Simon_caillc0mm: hadn't seen perlmonks, thanks. not a bad site
01:08.51*** join/#asterisk jtodd2 (~jtodd@
01:18.38JerJeranyone else notice that crazy email to the asterisk-cvs list?
01:18.44izoI did
01:18.47izowas it a wirus ?
01:18.57JerJeri'm thinking so
01:19.11JerJerbut its odd
01:20.31*** join/#asterisk fortyhex (
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01:23.42jtoddDoes the -cvs list allow posts from non-subscribed members?  Very strange.
01:25.42jtoddwoo woo!  syslog logging!
01:25.46bkw_oh ya
01:25.52bkw_that was added today
01:28.23*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
01:28.37wwjust a nit: facility should not be hardcoded...
01:29.03blitzrageok, firewall up and desktop behind NAT
01:29.07blitzragenow I have to move some hardware and compile *
01:29.40*** join/#asterisk erik2 (
01:31.05ww/usr/include/sys/syslog.h:55: warning: `LOG_WARNING' redefined
01:31.05wwinclude/asterisk/logger.h:62: warning: this is the location of the previous definition
01:31.46bkw_ww you got syslog
01:33.22wwand they're not defined the same way even...
01:33.58*** join/#asterisk Lafinion (
01:34.24bkw_ok anyone else have drama with the syslog option that was just added today?
01:35.26bkw_Nov 26 19:35:16 asterisk asterisk_pbx[18361]: Nov 26 19:35:16 DEBUG[196621]: File chan_sip.c, Line 4745 (handle_response):
01:35.45wwfor i in `find /usr/src/asterisk -name '*.[ch]'`; do < $i sed /LOG_WARNING/AST_LOG_WARNING/g > foo; mv foo $i; done
01:36.06wwetc. etc.
01:36.27bkw_where is that?
01:37.03wwi just typed it. problem is internal asterisk #defines collide with well known <sys/syslog.h> #defines
01:37.15bkw_didn't on mine
01:37.19Lafinionbkw_ do U know whats going on ..... WARNING[16384]: File loader.c, Line 358 (load_modules): Loading module failed!
01:37.21Lafinionfind / -iname chan_h323*
01:37.40bkw_asterisk -vvvvvgc
01:37.41bkw_and read that
01:37.43JerJerLafinion:  -vvvgc  with debug in logger.conf
01:37.43bkw_it will tell you
01:37.52bkw_ya what he said
01:38.00bkw_thats the first step when shit breaks
01:38.03bkw_take note
01:38.10wwbkw_ what does 'grep LOG_WARNING /usr/include/sys/syslog.h' say for you?
01:38.30wwfor me it is #define LOG_WARNING 4
01:38.59wwi am amazed syslog works at all for you ;)
01:39.04bkw_it does
01:39.05wwwhere is LOG_WARNING defined?
01:39.37bkw_well that needs to be fixed
01:39.46wwin particluar:
01:39.49wwww@obelisk:~/src/asterisk$ grep LOG_WARNING /usr/include/sys/syslog.h
01:39.49ww#define LOG_WARNING     4       /* warning conditions */
01:40.08wwww@obelisk:~/src/asterisk$ grep LOG_WARNING include/asterisk/logger.h
01:40.08ww#define LOG_WARNING 3, _A_
01:40.15wwand similarly for the other ones...
01:40.18bkw_it works
01:40.23bkw_but look very close
01:40.24bkw_Nov 26 19:40:00 asterisk asterisk_pbx[18395]: Nov 26 19:40:00 DEBUG[229390]: File chan_zap.c, Line 2714 (zt_handle_event):
01:40.28bkw_double time stamped
01:40.53Lafinioneno my * tell that can load module becouse chanh323 is absent ... not true
01:41.03Lafinionhe is in modules
01:41.14bkw_what else does it say
01:41.16bkw_gotta say more
01:42.36Lafinionheh i must do still
01:42.38Lafinionexport PWLIBDIR
01:42.38Lafinionexport OPENH323DIR
01:42.39Lafinionexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH
01:42.47tzangerwith app_dial: if I dial multiple extensions, only one is connected .. i.e. I can't conference with just dial
01:42.49Lafinionand than loading ok
01:43.48JerJerLafinion:  those ALWAYS have to be in your execution envrionment
01:44.11JerJerread the README
01:46.36LafinionJerJer ok :)
01:50.11wwbkw_ syslog works, it just gets the priorities wrong...
01:50.23wwmaybe in logger.h
01:50.32ww#define AST_LOG_WARNING LOG_WARNING, _A_
01:50.45wwand include syslog.h first...
01:51.19bkw_ww we need to fix it...
01:51.28bkw_I will thump anthm here in a few
01:51.40ww~seen anthm
01:51.41anthm <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1h 54m 4s ago, saying: 'bkw_ so what were you saying about cdr odbc?'.
01:54.32bkw_you dont seem..........
01:54.37bkw_ya know what
01:54.47bkw_it looks like app_voicemail don't link right when using pgsql or mysql
01:56.43blitzragetzanger: alias for a 2 port version of the tdm400p card
01:56.57*** join/#asterisk kimo_sabe (
01:56.59blitzrageso tdm10b, 20b, 30b and 40b
01:57.14wwsyslog is hardcoded to use syslog(LOG_INFO...
01:58.34tzangerww: that needs to change
01:58.34blitzrageok.. reboot time.  Must install hardware.  Damn non-hot swappable PCI slots :)
01:58.47tzangerblitzrage: :-)
01:58.56blitzragea doop doop doop
01:59.38ConnorBeen doing some research etc and a local company is doing VoDSL .. How different is that vs VoIP with DSL ?
02:00.11wwas in VoATM to the CPE? different story entierly
02:00.38voipmaniais there any digium hardware which work on regualr pci slot
02:00.39ConnorI guess so..
02:00.41tzangerww: it's not _that_ terribly different now...
02:00.56tzangeryou're still packetizing the voice, just into (much) smaller packets
02:01.00ConnorThis company is giving 384k worth of access and up 4 lines for $200.00 a month
02:01.28ww384k Data or 384k= (data+voice)?
02:01.40ConnorJust data
02:01.47Connordunno how much they have for the voice
02:02.19wwif those are canadian dollars it's not bad
02:04.41Connorno.. us
02:05.06ConnorI'm just wondering if we can do the same....
02:05.16ConnorWe provide ADSL (1.5x256)
02:05.27Connorvia Bellsouth Wholsale via ATM
02:06.01ConnorWe use a cisco 827-4V, us g729, and Tos/Qos it...
02:06.52Connor40 circuits on 384 using compression? *boggle*
02:07.19wwsure, you can do it depends on your pricepoint on the voice PRI for PSTN interconnect from the ILEC though... and how much you oversubscribe...
02:07.54wwi doubt it.
02:08.05Connor$650 for PRI to our NOC, $350 to our POP, $33.00 a month for the DSL circuit.
02:08.05wwyou could do that with gsm if there were no atm overhead...
02:09.18*** join/#asterisk quoc (
02:09.20ww40 circuits, that is...
02:09.29wwbut all that's theory...
02:09.34wwbetter voip
02:09.48ConnorThat's crazy.. I have problems with 1 using Ulaw on my 1.5x256
02:10.03Connorit studders hard when I check my email
02:10.14wwyou've got  other problems then...
02:10.27wwmust use diffserv with small links like that
02:10.43Connorsmall links ?
02:10.51daorkor some other form of QoS
02:11.19*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
02:11.20wwdaork ${generic_packet_classification_and_prioritization}
02:11.22Connorwas going to try g729, will have to wait till I get a IDE drive in the server.
02:11.29daorkww :)
02:11.49tzangerConnor: you mean I can't use g729a in an all-scsi system??
02:11.49wwintellectual property is fraud!
02:12.00ConnorHow could I handle the 911 deal?
02:12.08tzangerwhat of it?
02:12.09ConnorI would be porting thier phone #'s to my PRI's..
02:12.09wwyou can't
02:12.21danielqwonder if a compactflash card in an ide adapter would work....
02:12.27tzangerdanielq: probably
02:12.29wwunless you do PoDSL ;)
02:12.39ConnorPoDSL ?
02:12.45wwPower over DSL ;)
02:13.00tzangerI thought PoDSL was like 384/128  :-)
02:13.04daorkwell, phone lines have 50v on them..
02:13.11tzangerwhy can't you do 911 on PRI?
02:13.15tzangermy telco seems to say you can
02:13.24wwyou can, pri not the problem
02:13.25ConnorThey'll have 1 line from Bellsouth, the line we provide the DSL on.
02:13.26tzangerww: 20mA loop current
02:13.31wwlifeline service is the problem
02:13.37tzangerww: I'm confused
02:13.43wwthe customer's phones can't go down when there is a power outage
02:13.57ConnorBattery Backup??
02:14.04tzangerww: that's what UPSes are for.  I mean shit what do they do when their exisiting KSU's power supply blows?
02:14.08bkw_ldd apps/
02:14.10wwtry to get the FCC to certify it
02:14.25wwor the CRTC for that matter
02:14.26tzangerww: can't be that different than modern KSUs
02:14.36Connorwell, we program thier pbx to use the PSTN line that the DSL comes in on for 911
02:14.43ConnorKey System Unit
02:14.58ConnorI.E. thier phone system.
02:15.00tzangermodern KSUs are pretty much PCs... hell some callcenter meridian ones _are_ PCs running OS/2 IIRC
02:15.02danielqbkw_: first cut or is it working?
02:15.18tzangerww: not attacking you, just playing devil's advocate
02:15.52bkw_danielq just trying to get the bitch to link right
02:15.56ConnorSo, we give them 5 lines, with 384 data...  Costs us $33.00 for the dsl and $35.00 or so for a Bellsouth line...
02:15.57wwtzanger: no worries... i just know that the issues in that area are more regulatory than technical
02:15.58bkw_i'm testing the connect routines righ now
02:16.06tzangerww: agreed.  100%
02:16.23tzangerI'm just trying to figure out what makes a modern KSU or PBX safer than a * box on decent hardware
02:16.38Connornothing tzanger
02:16.44wwthe rubber stamp, i think
02:17.40ConnorSo, this doable?
02:17.48tzangerI am planning on purchasing a PRI and selling "burstable" PSTN lines to companies... I have several which are quite interested right now... instead of paying for 8 lines, they'd pay for a "CIR" of 3 and burst up to whatever's available
02:18.14Connortzanger, that's overselling... :)
02:18.21tzangerConnor: of course.  
02:18.27wwtzanger: what NPA?
02:18.37ConnorSell the 8 lines at a cheaper price and don't tell them your overselling
02:18.54tzangerConnor: nah, I will be honest with them...  they already get their internet though me
02:19.05wwhmmm... a pity it's not 416...
02:19.36tzangerthey buy the guaranteed three at $60/mo or so and the burstable at $25/mo or something and then their usage data helps them move their CIR around
02:19.45tzangerww: agreed.  I might be able to get 416 soon though
02:19.55tzangerI am hoping for 905 up in Hamilton too
02:20.13Connorokay, so here is another question..
02:21.00Connorwe've got 2 t1's going between our NOC and our downtown POP... We're using MLPPP on the 2 t1's with a cisco.. it costs us around $350.00 for pri's downtown..
02:21.04tzangerBell's already told me I can assign addresses however I feel to the DIDs, and ditto for 911 addressing, and that I can set the CID on outgoing so that 911/CID works correctly
02:21.07Connorand $650 for pri's at our NOC.
02:21.40ConnorI want to maintain at least 1 pri at the NOC because that PRI gets me LATA wide free LD..
02:22.02tzangerww where are you located?
02:22.08wwtzanger: well that's unusually cooperative of them...
02:22.25wwTORIX ;)
02:22.26Connorthe ones downtown are normal calling area...  My concern is, the load on the 2 T1's and doing the voice over them as they're shared with our data stuff for our terminal servers
02:23.14tzangerww: yes, but I made sure I asked the questions in the context of one business with numerous offices, not numerous businesses..  I'm sure I'll get told to stop reselling lines if they found out, but then I'll just tell the businesses they ahve to buy ONE PSTN line for their office and I'm now selling "second line service" which is FAR less restrictive
02:23.17*** join/#asterisk Simon_ca (
02:23.24bkw_oh lord love this
02:23.36ConnorShould I use seperate T1's or just add another to up me to 4.5Mb?
02:23.36tzangerbkw_: you've still got major wood over that unixODBC thing eh?
02:23.54*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
02:23.55tzangerConnor: can't you get a LAN extension?  you're in teh same city for chrissakes
02:24.04*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
02:24.27ConnorLAN extension ?
02:24.39blitzragea doop doop doop
02:24.49Connoryou mean remote FX ?
02:25.00CelticConnor:A native IP interconnect at > 1.54mb
02:25.05ares_what's a good SIP phone for windows?   and for linux?
02:25.20bkw_tzanger just now doing the unixodbc vociemail routines
02:25.27tzanger>> 1.54mbps, like usually 10mbps
02:25.35tzangerbkw_: you're a good man
02:25.36ConnorI could do a t3... which would be over $12,000.00 a month.
02:25.43Connorbecause it has to go over fibre.
02:25.53illc0mmm12k mo for a t3?
02:26.14ConnorPtp T3 (well, I'll have a OC3 sonnet ring really)
02:26.16CelticConnor:They may have something between T1 and T3 but probably sold by a different dept under diff name etc etc
02:26.19illc0mmmWe had a burstable T3 from MCI, we locked it down at 3M but we could go all the way to 45 for about 1500/mo
02:26.39ConnorLocal loop in bellsouth area KILLS us.
02:26.39illc0mmmConnor: What about dark fiber?
02:26.47illc0mmmwhere are you located?
02:26.51ConnorKnoxville, TN
02:26.53ares_1500/mo you're kidding...
02:26.56illc0mmmin the city?
02:27.10ares_so how much should i be expecting to get a T1/PRI for... ( reasonably )
02:27.18ConnorDark Fibre would be nice, but, probably would have to pay right-away to get it into the CLEC where our PRI's are at
02:27.20illc0mmmI wouldn't be surprised if your cable company or utility company has dark fiber.
02:27.40illc0mmmI know it was pretty cheap for us when we did it. cheaper than 4 T1s
02:27.45illc0mmmI'll just say that
02:27.56illc0mmmthe campus was spread out for a few miles
02:28.09illc0mmmmost of the run was aerial cable though, yuk
02:28.15CelticConnor:Talk to the ISP section and make like you want to connect to LAns together and see what they come up with
02:28.20ConnorWe're about 12 miles though...
02:28.25ares_The telco recommended MTI or XO
02:28.43danielqblitzrage: interested in another iaxtel test?
02:28.54ConnorBellsouth will sell Frame Realy with 0cir, 25%cir and I don't want that... Clear channel...
02:29.01illc0mmmConnor: Yeah, I don't know... I know Time Warner had us on ATM for a while, 100Mbit or something like that and it was a few grand
02:29.12blitzragedanielq: shortly.  I just moved my tdm400p to my other computer.  Have to recompile asterisk and move over some .conf files from the old * server.
02:29.17CelticConnor:No problem - many RBOCs have LAN interconnect products that are cheaper than their traditional leased lines
02:29.21danielqblitzrage: righto
02:29.24atacommrofl, my business partner decided to go for this xbox giveaway that he got a win notice of today.......after he enters his credit card number into the site for shipping, i check the web and do some, it was a fraudulent site
02:29.25blitzragedanielq: so right now.. Im VOIP-less :)
02:29.42ConnorI hate Bellsouth....
02:29.50illc0mmmthey are evil
02:29.59illc0mmmI still want to know why I can't get a DSL line with out dial-tone
02:30.04Connoranyway...  just say I Mux a few T1's together... better to keep them seperate, or throw them all together?
02:30.15ares_are you guys familiar wtih MTI or XO as T1/PRI providers
02:30.19Connorwith my Data T1's ?
02:30.21illc0mmmXO is good
02:30.29blitzrageok, what the hell.  Anyone know why I have to hit Âī twice to get a compound word on my RH9/Gnome desktop box? (such as canÂīt, doesnÂīt, etc... if I hit it once.. it tries something funky and beeps at me :))
02:30.37illc0mmmXO usually has some good deals, like virtually unlimited DID
02:30.40ares_do you know the price? i know what to negotiate for...
02:31.02Celticblitzrage: because it is in ENglish International mode
02:31.06illc0mmmoh, I'm not sure off the top of my head
02:31.11illc0mmmI can check for you
02:31.16blitzrageCeltic: aha!  youÂīre right! :)
02:31.35illc0mmmI seem to remember it being around $400, but I could be wrong.
02:31.46ares_will do do that? i'd be so grateful.
02:31.51ares_$400. that cheap?
02:32.01blitzragewoohoo! )
02:32.09blitzragecan't doesn't wouldn't
02:32.10illc0mmmThat's in Tampa / Saint Petersburg though
02:32.14ares_what about setup cost?
02:32.17blitzrageCeltic: haha.. thanx
02:32.19ares_okay..i'll note of that..thanks
02:32.23illc0mmmnot sure, I have to check with my telecom guy
02:32.47illc0mmmYou still have to wait for the LEC to do everything
02:32.52illc0mmmthey usually take twice as long
02:32.54Celticblitzrage: no prob - the one that really throws me is Dvorak.... ;-)
02:32.55ares_what's LEC ?
02:33.01blitzrageCeltic: lol
02:33.11blitzrageCeltic: I've just stayed away from that
02:33.14illc0mmmlocal exchange carrier
02:33.27ares_is that for the phone line itself?
02:33.47illc0mmmXO would be a cLEC I guess?
02:33.51ares_do i have to deal with it.. or XO does it fo rme?
02:33.55illc0mmmXO does
02:34.06illc0mmmbut the LEC usually drags their feet because they can
02:34.11illc0mmmjust to piss you and XO off
02:34.13ConnorMy boss has a device that will let me mux up to 8 T1's ..  I think it would work better than using my cisco's with MLPPP but, I have to get another one for the other end.
02:34.25ares_what's the cost am i looking at to setup?
02:34.30illc0mmmConnor: definatly
02:34.42illc0mmmares_: you just need one T1 for voice?
02:35.11illc0mmmHmm, it's been a while since I've spec'd this stuff out. local loop charge is the variable.
02:35.19ares_i'll have Data line from the datacenter ..
02:35.23illc0mmmthat can get expensive depending on how far your from the CO
02:35.42illc0mmmthey have to qualify the line usually, I think it's mostly BS now days but they still charge you for it
02:35.59illc0mmm95% of that crap they can do remotely
02:36.05illc0mmmwhere are you located?
02:36.07ares_a ballpark range would work...
02:36.09ares_Phoenix, AZ
02:36.21illc0mmmit could be anywhere from a couple hundred to a couple thousand
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02:36.25ConnorHey, since they will have a Line from Bell, This would be "second line service" right ??
02:36.30illc0mmmdo you know how far from the CO you are?
02:36.40ares_i'll pulling into an already established datacenter..they pull their lines from all over the places...
02:36.52illc0mmmhell they might already have stuff on site then.
02:36.57illc0mmmmay be nothing
02:37.07illc0mmmthey're probably on sonnet
02:37.14ares_i don't think they're that big
02:37.26illc0mmmwe had sonnet and it was just for our company
02:37.39illc0mmm2000 employees
02:37.50illc0mmmbut we had like 20 t1/s
02:37.53ares_that's a good size...
02:38.03illc0mmmyeah, but a data center would have at least that much
02:38.16illc0mmmis it a co-location type place?
02:38.27ares_a T1 for every 100 employeses.heh
02:38.33ares_yea.. colo...
02:38.38illc0mmmheheh, a lot of point to point, that was corporate
02:39.12illc0mmmstarted out as frame relay, yuk, moved to t1 point to point, then to ATM, then we created our own ATM network
02:39.35illc0mmmCisco IGX, cool stuff. but over priced
02:39.58ares_nice.  that stuff is so beyond me.. .. i started reading T1 specs stuff..i still don't have a complete idea of it..
02:40.04danielqillc0mmm: it's that green paint they use ;)
02:40.09illc0mmmYeah, haha
02:40.25illc0mmmit's like mined in a remote mountian in the congo or something
02:40.44illc0mmmares_: trust me, digital service is easier to work with than analog
02:41.03illc0mmmonce you install your first one, you'll see how easy it is. it's usally down to the signalling and clock stuff
02:41.24illc0mmmwhich seems to be the opposite of how you order it
02:41.38ares_a T1 that is.
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02:43.54illc0mmmso who was talking about the CIR stuff for phone service?
02:44.09danielqbkw_: cdr_unixodbc is working
02:45.11ares_is that on the CVS?
02:48.35bkw_danielq yes I know it works! :)
02:48.42bkw_but its good you got it working for you
02:48.50bkw_can you make notes that might make it simpler to setup for others?
02:49.05bkw_in about an hour I migh thave this odbc vm stuff done
02:49.11bkw_almost done with the bulk of it righ tnow
02:49.51illc0mmmODBC voice mail, is that to make the voice mail config in SQL database?
02:50.41illc0mmmvery well then
02:50.42bkw_it already has mysql and pgsql
02:50.50illc0mmmnice, im a slacker
02:50.53bkw_but odbc is more generalized and can pretty much connect to anything
02:50.59bkw_if it has a driver
02:51.01illc0mmmlike M$SQL
02:51.09illc0mmmso it can be unreliable like CCM
02:51.11bkw_cdr_unixodbc already connects to MSSQL
02:51.13ares_wish they had that in the first place...they HAD TO TAKE MYSQL out
02:51.20ares_so it forced me to use Postgres
02:51.23blitzrageholy crap.. * compiles SOOO much faster on my AMD 1800XP :)
02:51.26illc0mmmnow all we need is bluescreens
02:51.30illc0mmmcan we make that happen?
02:51.30bkw_ares_ you can now use cdr_unixodbc
02:51.37bkw_ares_ if more people test it.. then it can go in CVS
02:51.39bkw_and everyone is happy
02:51.53illc0mmmares_: pgsql is better, just harder to use
02:52.05ares_it's faster right?
02:52.06bkw_but I do feel like a dirty dirty whore... * can speak to MSSQL... blah
02:52.21illc0mmmjust a dirty dirty whore?
02:52.22ares_i read it from some tests done on it..
02:52.23zigmanthats just sick :)
02:52.30zigmanbkw ;)(
02:52.40illc0mmmI feel much like a filthy dirty whore
02:52.48bkw_ares_ yes... so far we know text, mysql, pgsql, mssql and db2 work with it
02:53.07illc0mmmwhat about dbase I ? hehe
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02:53.30ares_k, i'll test it when i can for fun. i'd probably use postgres directly anyways..
02:54.04illc0mmmhas anyone devleoped a * appliance yet?
02:54.17ares_like a packaged server?
02:54.24illc0mmmplug and play?
02:54.25zigmanbkw_,  are you only storing the voicemail config stuff in sql or everything.. like the messages too ?
02:54.35ares_not that i know of...
02:54.45illc0mmmthink there would be a market for it?
02:54.48zigmanillc0mmm,  * is not plug and play
02:54.52bkw_just the config
02:54.55illc0mmmzigman: not yet
02:55.06bkw_just the config for NOW!
02:55.07zigmanif you can't configure it.. you prolly should be running one ;)
02:55.07ares_i'm more concerned with the damn laws for at the moment...
02:55.13zigmanbkw_, okay
02:55.18bkw_but give me time! :)
02:55.28zigmanwould make sense to store the message too though
02:55.29illc0mmmzigman: that's the wrong attitude! :)
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02:55.41ares_i thought the installlation for asterisk was pretty went pretty smoothly..
02:55.54illc0mmmit's easy to install
02:55.55zigmanillc0mmm,  no.. if you cant work with it .. its wrong to have it running ( as of now)
02:55.59illc0mmmbut configuring isn't
02:56.06illc0mmmit's in the GPL
02:56.08ares_also the hardware was easy...  heck. it's easier than freakin' compiling the kernel..
02:56.21illc0mmm" If you can't confgure this you are violating the terms of this license to use it"
02:56.29zigmanares_, now try to configuring ;)
02:56.30illc0mmmwow, it's actually in there, holy crap
02:56.43zigmanreally ?
02:56.52zigmansucker :P
02:56.56bkw_woops took me a while..i think i got the hang of it..
02:57.01illc0mmmzigman: I was thinking more like SOHO type appliance
02:57.09zigmani know
02:57.24zigmanbut than you really need to know whats going on in case of failures
02:57.31illc0mmmbut really, it's most useful with T1
02:57.44zigmannot with isdn yet ;)
02:57.45illc0mmmwell I mean, easy enough for your basic IT geek to install
02:57.54illc0mmmyeah, what's ISDN support like?
02:57.57ares_that's where the big bucks in Linux --- support.
02:58.05zigmandailing fine
02:58.15ares_personally i wouldn't follow that's so hard..
02:58.19illc0mmmyou can do DID for ISDN, right?
02:58.19ares_ASP is the way to go..
02:58.29illc0mmmares_: agree with you 100%
02:58.34zigmaneverything works for dialing out
02:58.40zigmanand dialing in
02:58.45illc0mmmwe do almost everything as ASP
02:58.49zigmanjust no way to connect isdn phones to * yet
02:58.57illc0mmmISDN phones?
02:59.08illc0mmmTerminal adapters?
02:59.08zigmanisdn phones
02:59.18illc0mmmwhy would you want to?
02:59.25ares_actually actually use it? it's so expensive just for the line..
02:59.31illc0mmmwould * bridge that gap?
02:59.52ares_actually  = anyone.
02:59.55illc0mmmares_: Sprint, you can get the ISDN for $90 and then $20 /trunk
03:00.05zigmanares_, isdn ?
03:00.08illc0mmmbusiness class analog is almost $80
03:00.18illc0mmmI dont pay for it so I dont know. :)
03:00.19zigmana month ?
03:00.24illc0mmmno a day
03:00.27illc0mmmhaah yeah, a month
03:00.31zigmanisdn is like 30$ here
03:00.36blitzrageisdn has always seemed rediculously expensive for you get to me... but what the hell do I know :)
03:00.37illc0mmmzig, where?
03:00.44zigmaneven less
03:00.49illc0mmmeveryone has cheap ISDN 'cept for US
03:00.56illc0mmmbastards! :)
03:00.59zigmanhehe ;)
03:01.00ares_yea :)
03:01.06zigmananalog is like 15$ here
03:01.12blitzrageI need ps/2 cable extensions for my mouse and keyboard.. damnit
03:01.14illc0mmmkill me please
03:01.30zigmanbut there is no such think like free local area calls
03:01.41blitzragealso sounds like I need to replace some fans
03:01.45illc0mmmOkay, so does anyone know why I can not get a DSL line with out dial tone. I don't want it, and I dont think I should have to pay for it
03:01.58illc0mmmzigman: ahh, that's where they get you
03:02.00ares_yea.. same here..
03:02.03illc0mmmI can call national for free
03:02.09ares_actually i use dialtone for asterisk now.hhehe
03:02.10blitzrageillc0mmm: and that's the reason :)
03:02.20tzangerillc0mmm: what happens if you order it and then cancel the pSTN?
03:02.30illc0mmmthey kill your DSL too
03:02.33ares_believe that happenned to be a few times...
03:02.46illc0mmmalthough. My mom had AOL broadband, and canceled it and they kep the DSL active on accident
03:03.04illc0mmmThe damn analog port is more expensive than the DSL port
03:03.31illc0mmmand you dont even need the analog port. it amazes me they can get away with this crap.
03:05.05illc0mmmWhat are everyones thoughts on storing all of storing all of * config in SQL?
03:05.18illc0mmmstoring all or storing all of ?
03:05.31danielqillc0mmm: it'd be easier to make a web/gui config app that way
03:05.32ares_dynamic is nice if you're having a service that manages dynamic voicemail accounts...
03:05.34illc0mmmdamn, need to stop dringing
03:05.49ares_voicemail is just an example..
03:05.57illc0mmmdanielq: well, I'm thinking that but also redundancy/ replication
03:06.11ares_i have an account for my 1800 on's kinda cool.. you can create menus...voicemail's so cool.
03:06.12illc0mmmhonestly, the core config really shouldn't change that much
03:06.27danielqillc0mmm: yup, need that for bigger installs
03:06.38ares_i wonder if hotmail uses SQL for their mail..
03:06.47ares_probably does huh
03:06.57illc0mmmsome bastardized exchange thing I'm sure
03:07.08illc0mmmnah, couldn't be
03:07.12illc0mmmit's not down near enough
03:07.35ares_it's amazing how good their uptime is...i'm like jealous...
03:07.45illc0mmmwell, when you have about 2000 servers
03:07.57ares_some people main accounts don't work...they're like send to my hotmail.
03:08.20ares_i refuse to get an account with them though... not like i need one.
03:08.37blitzrageI had a hotmail account before it was MS
03:08.44blitzrageonly reason I have one :)
03:08.51illc0mmmsame here, when they were running BSD
03:09.10blitzrageit's sad that I have more contacts in my MSN than on my ICQ list, and I've had ICQ for years.
03:09.16ares_i thought they switched back to BSD
03:09.23illc0mmmhaha, they might have
03:09.31illc0mmmi know they had problems when converting
03:09.45illc0mmmnah, I'm sure they are on windows now. they have a whole white paper on their conversion from BSD
03:09.52ares_yea...i had icq in the old # is only at 9393805  ...
03:10.14blitzrageares_: you still use icq?
03:10.15illc0mmmI think maybe their front end servers are windows
03:10.19blitzrageares_: 3445119 here
03:10.26dougheckamy number is 23392 ;)
03:10.27ares_if you do a search on MSN...on "windows linux" , they got all these articles on how to convert Linux to Windows. lol
03:10.28illc0mmmmine is 666 it's crazy
03:10.43kimo_sabeares_: hehe
03:10.46illc0mmmares_: yeah, like anyone would do that
03:11.18blitzragedoughecka: serious?
03:11.32ares_i still use it...i just switched to linux.....i'm using gaim that merged my MSN, AIm, and ICQ together...
03:11.40blitzrageares_: diddo! :)
03:11.44Adam_trillian > gaim
03:11.47blitzragedoughecka: do you have ICQ or MSN?  if so, msg me
03:12.02dougheckaboth, though msn doesnt work, since they changed the protocol
03:12.15ares_i got so pisses off and siwtched to linux......cause my Outlook started sending out worms to my customers..... i found out when i started getting failure notice...( wtf i didn't send that )
03:12.17blitzragedoughecka: what do you mean doesn't work?  I'm on MSN right now in GAIM
03:12.21ares_pisses = piss.
03:12.27dougheckatrillian has patches
03:12.36blitzragebah @ trillian :)
03:12.38dougheckabut it breaks my client
03:12.44ares_then my IE got messed up by millions of's ridiculous..
03:12.45dougheckabecause I didnt pay for it
03:13.10ares_can't believe MS software runs are you suppose to prevent it..
03:13.39jtoddMS software _is_ a virus.
03:13.52dougheckableh, could someone help me setup a one of them dns thingys?
03:13.58Adam_i've never had a virus, i don't use any virus scanning software and i use outlook express
03:14.11dougheckamozilla rox
03:14.13dougheckathe box
03:14.14blitzragegaleon here
03:14.15dougheckain sox
03:14.29Adam_don't run execs, it's quite simple
03:14.31dougheckadoes not sux
03:14.36ares_i didn't have one for like 4 yrs and i didn't even have scanner...i always thought i knew what i was doing...til it suprised me one day..
03:14.59blitzrageI never run virus scanners on my windows desktop.....
03:15.06blitzragebut I've been bit a couple times
03:15.12dougheckaares_: hah, I just dont use outlook, cept at work, where there IS anti virus
03:15.18dougheckaI dont run it
03:15.27blitzragemost of the time I'm good though.... but I switched back (yes, back) to a linux desktop like 3 days ago :)
03:15.36illc0mmmI use fortinet firewall,
03:15.37dougheckahmm, does anyone know how to make a dns file thingy for dns?
03:15.38ares_i'm with Linux & Mac OSX now.hehe
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03:15.45illc0mmmscans viruses on the network before it gets to your pc
03:15.49illc0mmmit's pretty sweet
03:15.54blitzrageI'd like a Mac if I could afford one
03:15.55dougheckacosts money
03:16.02ares_blitzrage : high five.    i just switched 3 days ago too
03:16.11blitzrageares_: lol!  nice moves :)
03:16.19dougheckaI just switched to mandrake at work
03:16.20dougheckafrom redhat
03:16.21Adam_just use mailscanner and strip execs
03:16.25dougheckaactully its my dads
03:16.28blitzragedoughecka: so you didn't switch anything then :)
03:16.31dougheckaillc0mmm: oh my, I have a freind :P
03:16.39dougheckahes got a G5 MAXED out
03:16.40ares_i got my P4 compiled with SMP..and some hyperthreading's showing as 2 processors. it's so's one of the reasons i didn't switch earlier..
03:16.46dougheckaand 4 23 inch LCD displays
03:16.49blitzrageI have dual 21" CRT's.. does that count? :)
03:16.53doughecka2 for work, 2 for home
03:16.58dougheckathe G5 is for home ;)
03:17.00illc0mmmdoughecka: holy crap
03:17.05dougheckahes also got 2 500 gb firewire drives
03:17.09ares_redhat has gone to crap too.
03:17.09dougheckaand 2 Xservs
03:17.16illc0mmmhes a mac freak
03:17.18dougheckaand a ipod
03:17.19Adam_imagine the cost..
03:17.25dougheckahes got a basement FULL of macs
03:17.27illc0mmmthat's a years salary
03:17.32dougheckafor you
03:17.40dougheckahis work paid for it
03:17.40illc0mmmshit, that's like $150K
03:17.42blitzrageI like gentoo, but didn't want to spend the time to install it the other day
03:17.52illc0mmmyeah, gentoo is getting old
03:17.58illc0mmmthe novelty has worn off for me
03:18.01dougheckaillc0mmm: a G5 maxed out with 2 23 lcds is 13k
03:18.02illc0mmmI like the idea
03:18.21illc0mmmyeah, I tend to over exaggggerate
03:18.27ares_I'm with Debian, 100% free. it's really nice.
03:18.27dougheckaok, I cant figure this bind thing out...
03:18.37ares_setup is not the easiest thing in the world.
03:18.44Adam_just shits me that i need to emerge simple stuff
03:18.47dougheckaI got me a thing at :)
03:18.58dougheckabut I cant figure out this domain thing
03:20.00dougheckait rox the boxors in soxs
03:20.09dougheckamultimedia jukebox
03:20.15dougheckaplays movies and stuff
03:20.15illc0mmmyeah, I'm thinking about a phatbox
03:20.18dougheckaits l33t
03:20.34illc0mmmIt will connect the factory cd changer wiring in my bmw
03:20.52illc0mmmyou ever see an aftermarket cd player in a bmw
03:20.55illc0mmmlooks like crap
03:21.06illc0mmmthey do that shit on purpose
03:21.22illc0mmm760i man, it's tough
03:21.32illc0mmmj/k, only a 325
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03:21.45dougheckaYO JERJER!
03:21.51dougheckahail JerJer!
03:22.36blitzrageahhh.. much better
03:23.03illc0mmmhate that
03:23.25illc0mmmhelp, policy of truth, who is the artist?
03:23.29illc0mmmI'm blocked
03:23.35dougheckain soviet russia, the case buzzes YOU!!!
03:24.21illc0mmmdepeche mode
03:24.22illc0mmmthank you
03:24.30illc0mmmis this what old age is like?
03:25.07dougheckaits got great ping time
03:25.25illc0mmmits like the server is right here
03:25.26illc0mmmoh, it is
03:25.45illc0mmmoh, i found out that our servers were in the same data center as
03:25.50illc0mmm2ms rtt
03:25.53illc0mmmwhoo hooo!
03:26.02dougheckaquick quick, hack into it!
03:26.08illc0mmmthey have a shit load of servers
03:26.11illc0mmmabout 15 racks
03:26.23illc0mmmI have a picture of them. hehe
03:26.30illc0mmmwhen they were building them
03:26.36illc0mmmit's in alpharetta, ga
03:26.47blitzragelego rocks
03:26.48illc0mmmyeah, i feel special
03:27.02illc0mmmi had to be alone with myself afterwards
03:27.16dougheckanslint: name referenced without other records:
03:27.47illc0mmmdoughecka: when a domain name and an IP address love each other very much....
03:27.49dougheckais there a page that can automatically build it for me?
03:28.25blitzragelol @ illc0mmm
03:28.27dougheckanslint: .//tmp/heckaman.geek.1069974:34 bad "a" record ip addr ""
03:28.33zigmananyone has a valid enum entry ?
03:29.05dougheckait took it
03:30.16illc0mmmso many mp3s
03:30.31dougheckaand a rio
03:30.35illc0mmmi get tird of just looking through them
03:30.37dougheckafor when I care about jolts
03:30.45illc0mmmyeah, I have one in my suburban. :)
03:31.08illc0mmmbut, I really need like an ipod or something
03:31.18illc0mmmi just cant make myself buy one
03:31.25illc0mmmiriver makes a good mp3 cd player
03:31.27dougheckaget a archos
03:31.42illc0mmmsamsung has a napster player or whatever
03:31.47illc0mmmsupposedly better than ipod
03:31.56illc0mmmand it will act as an external HD
03:32.05dougheckaipod will too
03:32.09illc0mmmvery well then
03:32.12dougheckaarchos acts as an external drive
03:32.15dougheckausb 2
03:32.17dougheckaor firewire
03:32.19illc0mmmwell, the samsung has a cool cat logo on it
03:32.30illc0mmmwhat do you have to say about that?
03:32.34illc0mmmyeah, i thought so
03:32.42dougheckamine has the paint peeling off it!
03:33.25illc0mmmim going through withdrawls, I've not played vice city in almost 3 days
03:34.04*** join/#asterisk bubba (
03:34.19*** part/#asterisk illc0mmm (
03:34.27*** join/#asterisk illc0mmm (
03:41.10dougheckalets get asterisk.geek
03:53.25atacommanyone here expert in trademark law?
03:54.05Connorwhats the regulatory stuff with regards to "second line service?"
04:00.11*** join/#asterisk andu (~andu@
04:00.52dougheckahello, how are you today?
04:01.55andudoughecka, I'm good .. checking out what's new in CVS
04:04.13anduwhat are the min. requirements for a * box ?
04:04.16dougheckastupid ISP, they dont have the .geek TLD setup right
04:04.24dougheckaso all emails bounce
04:04.56Connoratacomm, did the guy call you direct or have a lawyar call you?
04:05.25*** join/#asterisk _gorman (
04:05.44bkw_w00t i'm on the home streach
04:05.49dougheckauh oh
04:06.21dougheckaanyone have a smtp server I can connect to to send an email to a .geek domain? :)
04:06.28*** join/#asterisk illc0mmm (
04:08.47dougheckaor is there anyway for me the send the email directly?
04:11.55*** join/#asterisk PaulO (
04:12.11*** join/#asterisk wayan- (~wayan@
04:15.21blitzragedoughecka: couldn't you tell your email client to send it with sendmail?
04:15.25blitzrageor are you using a Winders desktop?
04:16.18PaulOanyone have a pointer to a reference on how to set up line monitoring, I'd like to implement a small call for my company, and want to be able to have supervisors monitor an extension ala the big call center packages.... googleing hasn't produced too much yet
04:18.08danielqdoughecka: almost no ISPs support the alternate tld's
04:19.30dougheckablitzrage: winders
04:19.38blitzragedoughecka: ahhh.. nevermind then :)
04:19.59blitzragewhat?  it's only 11:20pm
04:20.05dougheckaI just used telnet ;)
04:20.08dougheckato send it
04:20.54*** join/#asterisk cman (~arun@
04:21.12andublitzrage, how are you?
04:21.15cmanmorning guys
04:21.42blitzrageandu: pretty good.  yourself?
04:21.42cmananyone call 1 800 248 8870 from land phones
04:22.08andublitzrage, I'm still trying to fix my SIP problems
04:22.09Stealth_Mancman , why ?
04:22.15blitzrageandu: oh yah?
04:22.20cmantesting i its working!
04:22.25cmanhi blizrage
04:23.04blitzragecman: hey
04:23.43cmanwho was calling!!
04:23.45anducman, it rings but that's about it
04:23.52cman231 972..
04:23.58*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
04:24.23cman701 839.. whos number??
04:24.38PaulOmine, it picked up and clicked....
04:24.56cmanokay okay... its working now!!
04:24.56blitzragehehe.. oops.. can't load if I don't have it compiled...
04:25.09*** part/#asterisk pcm (
04:25.29blitzrageall hail kram
04:25.30cmanokay okay....
04:25.34cmanhi kram
04:25.46anduhello kram
04:25.57kramwhats up?
04:26.03blitzragenuttin that should be
04:26.39cmani made my nuFone aopunt work! thats all... big success sine 4 days
04:27.10blitzrageman.. I really should go through and not load all these modules that I don't use :)
04:28.52blitzragehrm... Logfile Warning: Unknown keyword '' at line -1 of logger.conf
04:29.31blitzrage~seen ww
04:29.32ww <~user@PARC.STYX.ORG> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2h 7m 7s ago, saying: 'TORIX ;)'.
04:30.16coilhi mark
04:30.29cmanhey where was the debug thing?? which config file?
04:30.38kramhey coil :)
04:30.44kramwhat's shakin bud?
04:30.57coilexecpt for the fact i have to work on saturday
04:31.00coilso no airsoft for me
04:31.05coilreally pisses me off
04:31.08kramthat sucks :(
04:31.19krami know how much you were looking forward to it
04:31.23blitzragecoil: at least you have to work.  I got laid off for two days (maybe 3)
04:32.07coilyou can have my job
04:32.13juiceis this a ood buy?
04:32.13coili don't want it anymore
04:32.15juicegood buy
04:33.19cmanhow do i get rid of DEBUG in *?? i forgot the file name to change that line
04:34.07Connorhey kram, how hard would it be to modify chan_sip.c to make GS phones do supervised transfers?
04:34.52blitzragejuice: I don't believe those are X100P's.  You probably wouldn't be supporting Digium at all, and not sure if they will actually work.
04:35.30*** join/#asterisk voipmania (
04:36.17voipmaniacan anyone tell me what file need to be edited if i dont have digium hardware
04:37.35blitzragethis kinda sucks.. as of January... I'm not going to have my TDM400P anymore
04:37.45blitzrageI will have to give it back to the school, and I can't afford to buy another one.
04:37.57blitzrageunless they let me keep using it of course
04:38.28Connorwhy do you have it for blitz?
04:38.47blitzrageI'm doing testing and research for the school during my co-op term
04:39.05blitzrageschool apparently bought 20 TDM20B's on my recommendation :)
04:41.08learathDamn.  that's alot of cards
04:41.50blitzrageyeppers :)
04:41.58blitzrageand that doesn't even put one in every computer in the classroom
04:42.09blitzragethat's only 2 / 3's
04:42.46juiceI have a laptop
04:42.53juiceif I wanted to use voice over ip could I?
04:43.03juiceand what would the cost be for the hardware
04:43.18blitzragejuice: sure.. either use a softphone, or I think the S100U is a USB device
04:43.59blitzragejuice: you can use VoIP without hardware, you just can't use all the features of asterisk without at least an X100P
04:44.12blitzragelike meetme conference and MOH I believe.
04:44.28juicewell I thought you had to have a 100 dollar piece
04:44.32juiceto hook up the phone
04:44.41juiceis what I gatherted from phreaknic
04:44.56juicea cordless phone
04:44.57blitzragejuice: oh, if you want to use an analog phone.. you need a TDM400P card, not an X100P
04:45.08blitzrageX100P is for attaching to a phone line
04:45.20juicewell what ways can I do voice over Ip?
04:45.42juicewithout a analog phone how else could I
04:45.47blitzragejuice: that's a bad way of forming that question.  You can do VoIP with a microphone and headphones with a softphone if you want
04:46.02blitzragejuice: forget my first statement, you did word it right :)
04:46.16blitzragejuice: you using windows or linux for your desktop?
04:46.24juiceI'm in slak 9.1
04:46.28juicedon't run windows
04:46.43blitzragejuice: ok, so you could use gnophone or DIAX I think
04:46.51blitzrageI haven't actually used a softphone on linux yet
04:47.06blitzrageif you want to use an analog handset though.. you need a TDM400P
04:47.51*** join/#asterisk illc0mmm (
04:48.05bkw_ok two more routines to write
04:48.13illc0mmmhey, is SIP pretty much usless over dialup?
04:48.17cmanbkw_ whats it all about?
04:48.37juiceblitzrage: not that I am lazy but I got 50 things going on and never get time to read up
04:48.45juicehow long would it take me to get it going
04:48.55juicevoice over ip doing the way you mentioned
04:49.10blitzragejuice: with a softphone?  probably like 30 minutes :)
04:49.14juicewith gnophone and DIAX
04:49.22juiceyou be on for a while?
04:49.34voipmaniai have setup asterisk with samples
04:49.41bkw_yes unixodbc-vm-routines.h
04:49.45blitzragejuice: sure
04:49.45voipmaniacan u tell me how to test it without hardware
04:49.52juiceI will bb in a few
04:49.54blitzragelol @ bkw_
04:50.02juiceI gotta eat a tony's pizza
04:50.08juiceand I am also monitoring 11 servers
04:50.21juiceand trying to do webpage updates
04:50.29voipmaniai havnt edited the file for dummy as i dont know which file is it
04:50.31blitzrageI need food too
04:50.33blitzrageI'm so hungry
04:50.36blitzrageOOOO OOOO OOOO!
04:50.40blitzrageI got a free Subway sub!
04:50.44blitzragedamnit.. they are probably closed now
04:50.58blitzragebetter go and check.. maybe they are open until 12.. it's 10 to
04:52.19coilsubway is so good
04:52.43illc0mmmsubway is nastyness
04:52.51illc0mmmwhats with the smell at that place?
04:53.03coilsmells like fresh oven baked bread
04:53.08illc0mmmand ass
04:55.12bkw_but getting it working is my goal now
04:55.34juiceblitzrage: I need gnophone asterisk and whatelse
04:55.52juiceI got the first 2 files
05:03.36blitzrageI would have made it to if I could have found my wallet and keys sooner
05:03.45blitzragejuice: you should only need gnophone... asterisk is unrelated
05:03.58blitzrageunless you are trying to connect gnophone to asterisk :)
05:06.31*** join/#asterisk {VOID} (
05:06.34bkw_it works
05:06.34bkw_its all done
05:06.41blitzrageI can't believe I missed subway by 3 minutes
05:06.48bkw_blitzrage you suck thats why
05:06.52blitzragenow I have to go and make my own damn food
05:06.59blitzragebkw_: that's a job left best for you :D
05:07.08bkw_you know it
05:07.20blitzragewell... I don't KNOW anything :)
05:07.30bkw_learn C
05:07.35blitzragedamnit.. good call
05:07.51blitzragebkw_: why am I learning C again?  So I can be your prank... err... test monkey?
05:07.59bkw_in the time you have been reading.. I have learned it.. coded cdr_unixodbc and the unixodbc_vm stuff for asterisk
05:08.15blitzragebkw_: yah, but you could code before.  I've never programmed before :)
05:09.18blitzrageso it takes me a bit longer :)
05:09.26blitzragesend me your code, I want to look at it.
05:09.33blitzrageor the link to the bug
05:09.47blitzrageactually nevermind.. I'll find it my damn self
05:12.01JerJerok its offical
05:12.07JerJersomeone is spamming the asterisk-cvs list
05:12.23blitzrageJerJer: yah.. I thought I noticed a wierd post with an attachment today
05:12.33JerJeranother crazy message just showed up
05:12.54JerJerDu Hast
05:12.58blitzrageI like Rammstein
05:13.05{VOID}Me too
05:13.13blitzragetoo bad I don't understand a bloody thing they are saying :)
05:13.43{VOID}I don't know most of it, I've used babelfish to translate lyric sites.
05:14.29{VOID}but the lyrics translated sound odd, heh. but I get the general idea of the song.
05:14.50blitzrageyou ever listen to powerman 5000?
05:14.56juiceokay blitzrage
05:14.57cman~seen JerJer
05:14.59jerjer is currently on #asterisk (1h 53m 23s).  Has said a total of 4 messages.  Is idling for 2m 5s
05:15.00{VOID}not as much as I should.
05:15.04blitzragecman: ummm.. he's right there
05:15.06juiceI got asterisk on cmd line
05:15.09juiceI did the make samples
05:15.17mishehuI'm not at home now so I can't have fun with my 7960...
05:15.17blitzrage{VOID}: I was just wondering if I should download an album and give it a shot :)
05:15.30high-rezmish: What a shame.
05:15.34high-rezAfter all that work.
05:15.34juicehey {VOID}
05:15.35{VOID}you should Powerman 5000 kicks ass.
05:15.43*** join/#asterisk Exomorph_ (
05:15.43{VOID}hi juice
05:16.08juiceokay blitzrage if me and {VOID} wanna make a call to each other
05:16.14juicedo we just need gnophone
05:16.20juiceor will we need asterisk too
05:16.52blitzragejuice: just gnophone.  You may both have to be setup on something like FreeWorld Dialup so you can actually "call" each other.
05:17.00blitzrageI'm honestly not sure.. I've NEVER used gnophone :)
05:17.00{VOID}gnophone... I hope that g doesn't mean it's a gnome app.
05:17.12high-rezit does mean its a gnome (or gtk) app I think...
05:17.25*** join/#asterisk spy007 (~user@
05:17.38{VOID}I have no gui on my linux box, heh.
05:17.42{VOID}not at the second.
05:18.03blitzrage{VOID}: not sure if there is a CLI VoIP client.. I don't think  there is.
05:18.07high-rezwell you can always use asterisk (for its console features), but its overkill for making a simple call...
05:18.41mishehuhigh-rez: well, I'm at my gf's right now, so I can have fun of another sort
05:19.16{VOID}brb, gunna switch hard drives so I do have a gui.
05:19.31bkw_switching harddrives..... so ghetto
05:19.35high-rezmish: "You can only imagine where it goes from here." "He fixes the cable?"
05:20.15{VOID}hey, can anyone remember what those open wireless boxes are called that are supposed to be like a huge network of wireless boxes.
05:20.16mishehuhigh-rez: "vagina!  vagina vagina vagina!"
05:20.23high-rezmish: lol
05:20.43mishehu"hey, I know that guy.  he's a nihilist"
05:20.57{VOID}mesh network!
05:23.50high-rezbkw: To replace voicemail.conf ??
05:24.12bkw_just the routines like mysql and pgsql
05:24.12high-rezcause that wouldda kicked butt. :)
05:24.33bkw_well hell let me take this one step at a time
05:24.41bkw_JESUS christ.. haha :P
05:26.03JerJerdid somebody call me?
05:26.56cmanJerJer... my NuFone is working!!
05:27.14cmani didn't call u
05:27.17bkw_that happens when you dont put <> around your secret
05:28.03cmanwhy is that my voicemail just hangs up when i start recording...
05:28.59bkw_using CVS?
05:29.13{VOID}Maybe it doesn't like to hear your voice?
05:29.17cmani have my 11 digit no in voicemail.. whats the name limit??
05:29.26cmanwhile adding mailbox
05:31.06*** join/#asterisk marcus- (
05:32.34blitzragehrm.. ok, I've never done this.  I want to merge in a patch from bugs.digium.  How do I accomplish this task? :)
05:33.30bkw_HAHA I found a bug in all the sql routines for voicemail
05:41.10cmanvoicemail hangs up....
05:41.34JerJerbut that's channel specific data
05:41.36cmanJerJer... u know what happening here
05:41.53cmani can't record voicemail
05:42.41cmanno audio available on IAX2[NuFone@]/4?? getting this message!
05:43.08bkw_ok fixed that
05:43.19Mikegnomemeeting works with *
05:43.44bkw_if context lets strcp it to retval->context else strcpy default into retval->context
05:44.39*** join/#asterisk maik_ (
05:44.59*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
05:45.07JerJercman:  duno... i've seen quite a few calls to your number
05:46.00cmanyes i successfully made calls.
05:46.08JerJermaking calls has nothing to do with receiving calls
05:47.29bkw_danielq you alive?
05:48.59cmanvoice mail is coming.. but when i start recording ... it jus hangs up saying "no audio available on IAX2[NuFone@]/4??"
05:49.25cmanthis suldn't have happened i guess
05:49.32JerJernever seen that b4
05:49.43wasimnope, something on your end ... iptables up cman ?
05:49.57wasimmorning JerJer, bkw_
05:50.11blitzragewasim: blah!
05:50.14bkw_wasim wasabi!
05:50.26bkw_blitzrage unixodbc-vm goodies are done
05:50.27cmanhow to check iptables up
05:50.34bkw_iptables --list
05:50.38blitzragebkw_: niiice :)  to bad I have no use for it really :)
05:50.45wasimrecouping, i saw my ex any mom's place yesterday, and that  really messed my mind up
05:50.48*** join/#asterisk dutch_ (
05:52.03blitzragecan ?
05:52.10bkw_dont hink
05:52.12bkw_er think
05:52.16blitzrageok.. trying ;)
05:52.40bkw_thats the best way to know
05:54.47blitzragedamnit.. I can never remember this for some reason.  5060, RTP ports, and IAX ports are all TCP right?
05:55.18blitzrageok, that always makes sense to me, since it's realtime... but I swear something was TCP
05:55.40blitzragemaybe I've just fallen off my rocker one too many times
05:55.51bkw_or your mommie droped you on your head
05:55.58blitzragevery possible
05:56.46bkw_TUSSIN here I come... haha
05:56.46andublitzrage, some phoes support tcp transport as well maybe that's where you saw it
05:56.49bkw_i'm sick of being sick
05:57.13coilbkw_: gimme some robo
05:57.50coili wanna trip
05:58.04bkw_um freak!
05:58.18coilim kidding
05:58.27bkw_no your not
06:01.59*** join/#asterisk T0MKAT (
06:02.24*** join/#asterisk plugh (
06:05.11bkw_we wont findout till we grow... well I dont know if all thats true..
06:05.26bkw_I got you babe!
06:05.31bkw_enuf cher
06:05.42*** join/#asterisk fyman (
06:05.48coili know i'm lost, please let me suffer in silence
06:05.49blitzrageboo cher
06:05.59bkw_cher is good stuff
06:06.08blitzrageummm.. yah....
06:06.20coili said enough, please let me hide from the ghost for a while
06:06.51blitzragedamnit.. where is ww when you need him :)
06:07.14bkw_blitzrage you know you secretly love cher....
06:07.19coili don't
06:07.20bkw_and you secretly lust after me
06:07.26bkw_so dont hide it
06:07.40coilsodomy and lust
06:07.41krambk, don't make me banish you #asstricks with corydon
06:07.46cmanany one has NuFone account and have had voicemaill problems??? i can' record voicemails... it just hangs up
06:07.46coilprinciples of lust
06:07.50bkw_haha i'm just kidding with him
06:08.25blitzrageI don't care.. bkw_ could never get me anyways :)
06:08.30cmantheres nothing in the inbpox
06:08.47coilher ghost in the fog
06:08.50bkw_and to think I only crashed * twice doing the voicemail thing
06:08.59bkw_got it stuck in a while once too
06:09.29bkw_if i could turn back time...
06:09.39bkw_ok damn it.. that bitch cher is stuck in my head
06:09.40coiltime for the best song ever
06:09.57wasimto be a rock and not to roll
06:10.10bkw_daft punk mixes
06:10.12blitzragethats deep
06:10.17coili'm waiting in my cold cell, when the bell begins to chime, reflecting on my past life, and it dosn't have much time...
06:10.37blitzragejesus christ why don't you come and open my eyes and blind me with your light
06:10.40coilcuz at five o clock, they take me to the gallows pole, the sands of time for me are running low...
06:10.59coilrunning low....
06:11.01bkw_we need more bug fixer upper people
06:11.58bkw_I want to get an automatic paintball gun
06:12.32bkw_why not glue ?
06:12.36bkw_you have to think boi
06:12.41bkw_thts the best
06:12.50coilthe teacher can't spell
06:12.56coilnor type
06:13.04coilim going to bed, heh...
06:13.05bkw_don't get me started boi
06:13.11bkw_HOLY SHIT its 12 already
06:13.17coilfra shizzle
06:13.21coiltoo late
06:13.33bkw_I didn't realize that
06:13.41blitzrage1:15am here
06:13.57bkw_started @ around 7 on the unixodbc stuff for voicemail and just lost track of time
06:14.34blitzragehrm... can't seem to get my * box registered from behind nat
06:14.42blitzrageww said he did it though
06:14.52wasimit should
06:15.16blitzrageyah, I'm not sure if it's my firewall or asterisk as I've not used this FW distro before
06:15.42wasimiptables -L -n
06:16.43rozoodbc for voicemail?
06:16.52rozoso all the voicemail info is stored in a db?
06:17.09high-rezhey rozo
06:17.09bkw_rozo just like the mysql and pgsql plugins do
06:17.32bkw_I don't know whats got into me the past few days
06:17.38bkw_I have been craking on unixODBC like a mad man
06:17.39rozohey high-rez
06:17.42rozobkw_: nice.
06:18.32bkw_as long as unixodbc stays lgpl .. no drama.. w00t!
06:19.11cmanmaxmessage=180 is 180 secs??
06:19.25bkw_thats not bad
06:19.38bkw_you can lower it.. because I have customers that love to leave really really long voicemails
06:19.49bkw_they ramble on and on and on and on and on
06:19.52bkw_its really silly
06:20.02bkw_30-60 seconds is usually plenty
06:20.15blitzrageI have a bad habit of doing that :)
06:20.24bkw_I just don't leave voicemail
06:20.32bkw_I sound stupid on voicemail
06:20.43bkw_TMI TMI TMI
06:20.44kramthat was tmi
06:20.48krammuch better
06:22.53bkw_I have like 30 remixes of this one song
06:22.57bkw_and they all sounds just about the same
06:23.10bkw_You don't need to emerge from nothing.. you don't need tear away.
06:23.23*** part/#asterisk wayan- (~wayan@
06:24.05bkw_I shoudl really write an odbc util to addmailboxes to the db
06:24.50blitzrageanyone have any clue why xmms would play through an mp3 file super fast as a user?  but not as root?
06:25.05wasimblitzrage: different mp3 paths?
06:25.05Exomorph_Nite everyone.
06:27.04blitzragewasim: just read something about it just trying to output to a wav stream.. gotta check some settings
06:28.08blitzrageit was trying to output to a diskwriter
06:28.15blitzragenot actually play the file.
06:33.26ares_do you use teh default playlist plugin? ..i don't like it too much :\  ..hard to find songs
06:34.59ares_Itunes is pretty nice..oh well.
06:35.05ares_how is it going with ODBC ?
06:35.28bkw_voicemail has unixodbc goodness now
06:35.42bkw_cdr_unixodbc is looking excellent
06:36.08bkw_I still think we need an abstraction layer for unixODBC in asterisk
06:36.23ares_i see.
06:36.26bkw_but i'm dreaming
06:36.28bkw_for now that is
06:36.46bkw_* has forced me to learn C
06:36.52bkw_and i'm really enjoying it
06:36.56ares_C is good.
06:36.59bkw_asterisk made me its bitch
06:37.42bkw_I have done more work on * than any other project
06:37.53ares_Trying to interpret Dan Bernstein 's Qmail i found that pretty hard..he didn't use standard char or int..he created his damn atom and primitive variables..
06:37.54bkw_and its useful stuff.. not just bullshit crap
06:38.12bkw_ya I hear his code is freaky
06:38.24bkw_blah blah blah
06:38.28bkw_yes you have a kewl domain
06:38.28ares_guy is insane
06:38.32bkw_ya really
06:38.53bkw_ok next.. make sure we have no sql injection issue
06:39.20Mikeim getting my x100p now
06:39.32bkw_ares_ you don't know what SQL injection is?
06:39.40Mikecan i put a normal phone on the place for the phone?
06:39.45Mikeand make it ring also?
06:39.53Mikebesides my extension?
06:40.03Mikemy extension and the analog phone attach to it
06:40.18bkw_its not an FXS device
06:40.22bkw_and can't generate dialtone
06:40.33ares_i'm not famaliar with the term.. let's see..
06:41.04bkw_I don't see how someones going to do an injection attack on * via the CDR but hell its worth watching out for.
06:41.28wasimbkw_: :)
06:41.58bkw_I think their was an injection issue with * not too long ago
06:42.04bkw_but I still dont see HOW ..
06:42.52bkw_i'm really really really not tired
06:43.00bkw_today has gone by really really fast
06:43.04bkw_thats why I start to code on *
06:43.07bkw_it goes by faster
06:44.04*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj- (
06:46.36bkw_ok teevee time
06:46.42ares_ooooh injection. okay.
06:46.58bkw_took ya long enuf! :P
06:49.00danielqbkw_: how goes your unixodbc jihad?
06:51.40jrollysonbkw: injection via caller id maybe? ;)
06:52.31danielqi had my gnomemeeting caller id set to Satan while i was testing....forgot it was there and called someone...
06:54.03*** join/#asterisk Levch (~Levch@
06:56.44danielqanyone know if you can get * to send an RTP stream to a given IP:PORT
06:58.19jrollysondanielq: hmm... my * box is authoritative for the CID name values on outgoing calls, that would be bad if I did that.
06:58.51ares_blitzrage..what's worthwhile you've seen so far on 2.6
06:59.18blitzrageares_: not sure.. haven't been keeping up with it.  Mostly just want to see if I can compile it and run it.  Maybe see if it runs any faster...
06:59.25blitzragethat's about it... this is just a desktop/play machine
07:01.53wasim <- some 2.6 features
07:02.51danielqjrollyson: this was an internal call, so not quite as bad =]
07:06.26jrollysondanielq: I'd be afraid I'd call a customer like that ;)
07:06.26ares_i got Hyperthreading to work on my p4 shows as 2 runs so fast!!!
07:09.08JerJerares_:  be very afraid
07:09.38JerJerthe kernel doesn't know how to disgunish between a real processor and the virtual proc
07:10.04JerJerits not going to be as much of a problem on a single hyperthreaded box
07:10.11JerJerbut dual hyperthreaded it can get messy
07:10.28ares_The new 2.6 has Hyperthreading.....i'm afraid to compile it though..i finally got the setup i want now... :\
07:10.32danielqyeah, we had probs with massive context switching with a dual p4 xeon with HT enabled
07:10.45ares_hmm.. maybe just try as second kernel to test..
07:14.22*** join/#asterisk One (
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07:24.23blitzrageares_: I just have another option in my grub.conf.  I can just go back to a working kernel if the 2.6.x doesn't work :)
07:24.39blitzrageares_: I have 2.4.20-8 (RH9) and upgraded to 2.4.22 last night.  Works great so far.
07:28.29ares_what about 2.6?
07:28.39ares_i still use the old lilo.hehe
07:30.00blitzrageares_: ahhh.. can't remember how to setup lilo :)
07:30.05blitzrageJerJer: ?
07:31.09wasimblitzrage: switch to grub, its more fun
07:32.28wasimbut make sure you mkbootdisk before
07:32.32wasimjust in case
07:32.51blitzragewasim: I am using grub :)
07:32.51*** part/#asterisk Shido6_ (
07:33.12wasimsilly me
07:33.30blitzragehaha :)
07:42.38*** join/#asterisk lele (
07:45.47JerJerhell yeah!
07:46.25carrarLet me hear you say YEAH!!
07:46.31carrarJerJer is raising the ROOF!!!
07:46.34JerJerhow about a hell yeah
07:46.44carrarHELL YEAH!!
07:46.49JerJerthe switch-2 system now routes calls using ENUM
07:47.12carrarI wanna it to route based on my GPS coords to the nears land line
07:47.26carrarcan you do that?
07:47.31carrarjust write a little API to do that!!
07:47.43carrarI am about to move!
07:53.29JerJerlooks like i'm gonna have to build a patch to submit
07:53.59JerJerhad to tweak app_enumlookup.c to make things work better
07:54.15wasimand billy boy
07:55.38Tilisalam wasim
07:57.59*** join/#asterisk cman (~arun@
07:58.07wasimeid mubarak tili
07:58.16*** join/#asterisk darkknight (
07:58.19cmaneid mubarak wasim
07:58.24*** join/#asterisk Teeli1 (~Tili@
07:58.26wasimand to you cman :)
07:58.30darkknighthi guys
07:58.33darkknighteid mubarak
07:59.31monsieurit looks like the codec priority selection in sip.conf is broke
08:00.14monsieurmy phone is only set to negotiate g729
08:00.28monsieuryet alaw is negotiated
08:00.41monsieurunless i put allow=g729 as the first codec in sip.conf
08:00.48monsieurthis isn't right
08:01.26monsieuranyone else seen this?
08:05.48JerJerdamnit,  so close but so far away
08:06.08JerJeri'm beating on ENUM here
08:06.47JerJerif G.729 is the first priority on the remote ep, it will get picked
08:07.10monsieurthat's what I would have thought
08:07.36monsieurI have setup my endpoint only to talk g729
08:07.55monsieurdoing a show channels shows codec 8 being selected
08:08.13monsieurif i do disallow=all, allow=g729, allow=alaw
08:08.16monsieurthen it's fine
08:08.25monsieurshow channel xxxxx shows 256 as expected
08:08.35JerJerah alw
08:09.20monsieurc=IN IP4
08:09.20monsieurt=0 0
08:09.20monsieurm=audio 35034 RTP/AVP 18
08:09.20monsieura=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
08:09.27monsieurthat's from endpoint
08:09.38monsieurso it's ONLY displaying g729 capability, right.
08:10.00voidptrmorningggg *land
08:10.15monsieur* is showing:
08:10.16monsieura=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
08:10.16monsieura=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
08:10.16monsieura=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
08:10.16monsieura=rtpmap:97 iLBC/8000
08:10.16monsieura=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000
08:10.22monsieurwhich is as expected as well
08:12.23monsieuryet, show channel SIP/xxxxxx shows:
08:12.24monsieurNativeFormat: 8
08:12.50blitzragephew!  Just checked my OSAP info.. and looks like they are going to almost pay for all of my tuition for the next semester
08:12.55blitzragewell.. not pay for it... loan me the money
08:13.03monsieurJerJer: what do you think?
08:16.01JerJeri think i'm tired
08:16.48*** join/#asterisk mbranca (~matteo@
08:17.12lelemorning mbranca
08:17.17cypromismorning mbranca
08:17.30monsieurlogging as a bug
08:17.45*** join/#asterisk rajo_ (
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08:18.11*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
08:18.35Mikebkw_: alive?
08:18.55JerJermonsieur: sounds like a plan
08:19.12monsieurthere's already a bug there with what I think is a similar problem
08:21.37blitzrageMike: I think he went to bed
08:21.44blitzrageor to watch TV.. something like that
08:21.53*** join/#asterisk tristan2 (~tristan@
08:23.05monsieurbug #0000576
08:23.54Mikesomeone has any good zapata.conf
08:27.22Mikeoutbound calls im trying this
08:27.25Mikeexten => _9.,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1},90,Tt)
08:28.40blitzrageMike: try this site:
08:31.21MikeNov 27 02:42:03 WARNING[16384]: File loader.c, Line 400 (load_modules): Loading module failed!
08:31.21MikeNov 27 02:42:03 WARNING[16384]: File loader.c, Line 305 (ast_load_resource): load_module failed, returning -1
08:31.21MikeNov 27 02:42:03 ERROR[16384]: File chan_zap.c, Line 6948 (load_module): Unable to register channel '1'
08:31.29Mikei have loaded zaptel and wcfxo
08:31.44JerJerztcfg -v
08:32.41Mikecalle69:/var/log/asterisk# ztcfg -v
08:32.41MikeZaptel Configuration
08:32.43Mike0 channels configured.
08:32.45blitzrageJerJer's a cowboy
08:32.51MikeNotice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
08:32.53Mikeline 131: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
08:33.03JerJerMike--: you've got config file problems
08:33.15JerJerblitzrage:  hell yeah...  a damn happy one
08:33.23blitzragewhy are you so happy?
08:33.30cypromishe managed to make enum work correctly
08:33.39cypromisjust scroll back
08:33.39blitzragesign me up! :)
08:33.41cypromisand it's clear
08:33.57JerJerbut its how we've deployed ENUM that makes it so killer
08:34.21JerJertrade secret
08:34.29blitzrageI didn't care that much anyways
08:35.27Mikeok working now
08:36.21*** join/#asterisk _usam (
08:36.26JerJerblitzrage:  i've implemented enum into our back end of switch-1
08:36.57blitzrageoooo.. sounds interesting.
08:37.03blitzrageso what does that accomplish?
08:37.07blitzragepretend I'm stupid :)
08:37.13blitzrage(hard stretch eh?)
08:37.25JerJervery simple extensions.conf file
08:37.39JerJerbut very very flexable routing config
08:37.51cypromisrdbms => dns => *
08:38.02cypromisclean nice and easy
08:38.04cypromisenum rocks
08:38.14Mikei hear eco
08:38.19Mikeand im using the ecocancelation
08:38.23JerJerno rdbms here
08:38.28cypromiswhich one are u using ?
08:38.31blitzragehrm.. I have so much to learn
08:38.50cypromisin the zaptel makefile
08:38.53blitzrageah well.. I'm 22 years young :)
08:38.55cypromiswhich one did you selected ?
08:40.09Mikeblitzrage: if i have this echocancel=yes
08:40.15Mikehow can i eliminate the eco
08:40.59blitzragenot sure.. I've never had echo problems... have never turned it on.
08:41.10blitzrageMike: I think you are thinking I'm a wizard :)
08:41.12cypromisu never turned the echo on ?
08:41.23Mikeblitzrage: your ahead from me:)
08:41.24blitzragecypromis: smart ass :)
08:41.33blitzrageMike: yah.. not that far ahead :)
08:41.37Mikecypromis: you know how can i eminate eco
08:42.22cypromisyou have to select the right echo canceller in the Makefile of zaptel
08:42.32cypromisand if it is a x101p which I think it is
08:42.41cypromisthan I would also use the agressive surpression options
08:42.48cypromisif you still get echo
08:42.57cypromischeck the polarity on your telco plug wire
08:43.04cypromisif than there is still too much echo
08:43.10Mikeso i have to edit
08:43.10cypromisplay with the txgain and rxgain settings
08:43.11Mikethe make file
08:43.15cypromisif than still echo
08:43.20cypromisur out of luck
08:43.22Mikeok i will play first with txgain and rxgain
08:45.45cypromiscan I run gigabit ehternet via cat-6 wiring ?
08:47.59denonyou can run gig on cat5e
08:55.56bhoeneisJerJer: I was told you know something about connecting * to a Cisco callmanager, chan_skinny and stuff...
08:56.52Mike3.0 was better
08:56.57Mikebut still i can listen a little
08:57.01Mikeany ideas?
08:57.04Mike0.0 ??
08:57.21*** join/#asterisk sam_mogh (
08:57.40cypromisok getting cat6 than
08:57.46cypromisMike: tried 1.0 and 1.0 ?
08:58.01Mikei tryed 1.5 and 3.0
08:58.33cypromisdid you at least searched the ML for the gain settings ?
08:58.51Miketheres where i took the 3.0
08:59.59Mikesome others say 0.8 will do it
09:04.47*** join/#asterisk abjorklu (~abjorklu@
09:06.17*** join/#asterisk ww (~user@
09:07.12ww~seen bkw_
09:07.13bkw_ is currently on #asterisk (2d 13h 36m 45s).  Has said a total of 1587 messages.  Is idling for 2h 20m 15s
09:08.17denon~seen denon
09:08.17denon is currently on #asterisk (9h 56m 41s).  Has said a total of 2 messages.  Is idling for 0s
09:08.29denonguess thats since midnight
09:13.48ares_~seen ares_
09:13.48ares_ is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 94 messages.  Is idling for 0s
09:16.29*** join/#asterisk cman (~arun@
09:16.32cypromis~seen cypromis
09:16.32cypromis is currently on #asterisk (13h 44m 12s).  Has said a total of 49 messages.  Is idling for 0s
09:16.50cmanok tell me what is duratin and billsec in CDR????
09:16.50cypromisbkw talks too much
09:18.16wwso who wants /working/ syslog support?
09:18.59wwwell... me too actually...
09:19.49*** part/#asterisk ares_ (
09:21.00wwif ((gettimeofday() == now) && exists(syslog_support)) curl_fetch(bug_587/asterisk-syslog.diff.gz);
09:21.00bhoeneisJerJer: Can chan_skinny talk to 79xx phones which are installed with the CCM image?
09:21.04*** join/#asterisk Muckl (
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09:33.58*** join/#asterisk cman1 (~cman1@
09:36.31ReG-Hexeranyone can tell me how to switch calls from 1 asterisk server to another?
09:36.47wwumm... switch =>
09:37.05ReG-Hexerswitch => anotherserversname ?
09:37.26wwactually switch => Technology/Data
09:37.36wwas in switch => IAX2/otherserver
09:38.57*** join/#asterisk quoc (
09:40.08ReG-HexerI get things like
09:40.22ReG-HexerCalling TBD using options 'exxten=TBD...
09:41.03wwwho is TBD?
09:41.22tessierTheodore Benjamin Dover
09:41.31tessieraka Ted Ben Dover
09:42.10ReG-Hexeris not really helping much in extensions.conf part
09:42.26ReG-Hexerleft right, i dont know what's that =)
09:44.34wwleft is the server on the left, right is the server on the right it looks like
09:46.46wwbut that doc's not very clear...
09:47.37wwif you have two servers, A, B, just make an IAX2 peer
09:47.55wwand tell each which extensions live on the other one
09:48.03wwthat's it.
09:48.58ReG-Hexersay for example
09:49.15ReG-Hexeri auth at A server, i dialed 600000
09:49.24ReG-Hexerand 600000 should be routed through b
09:49.34ReG-Hexermy extension.conf should be
09:50.08ReG-Hexerexten => _600000,1,Goto, ?@#
09:50.15wwexten => 600000,1,Dial(IAX2/B)
09:50.16ReG-Hexerswitch => IAX/B
09:50.26wwor switch
09:50.35*** join/#asterisk tristan2 (~tristan@
09:50.36ReG-Hexerswitch, how to use it
09:50.44wwswitch is for a default -- ifyou don't have anylocal extensions that match
09:50.52wwthe dialed number, it forwards the call
09:51.25wwsame idea as a default gateway in ip routing
09:52.21*** join/#asterisk snewpy_ (
09:53.40cman1who knows whats the differene between duration and billsec in CDRs????
09:53.51tessierWho knows what those are?
09:54.23cman1who know what how and where those things whateva
09:55.00wwthey can be different when you reset cdr i think
09:56.37wwno... i lied... resetcdr resets both
09:57.17lelemmmh it looks that today's cvs breaks sip transfers
09:57.31*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (~powerkill@
09:58.44wwcman1: next time use the source
09:59.08leleyes it does break hold/transfer :(
09:59.10PowerkillThe ip10s is very kool only bug it's mgcp
09:59.25Powerkillmgcp don't have auth and is not well supported in asterisk
10:10.42*** join/#asterisk sobol__ (
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10:15.32cypromisneostrada loosers
10:23.37*** join/#asterisk honree (
10:24.04honreeanyone used asterisk with grandstream ata-286?
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10:34.53Powerkillsomeone know about facilities
10:35.43cypromiswhat kind of facilities ?
10:36.32Powerkillreceiving the surtaxed number
10:39.44Bonbondoes anyone have a fully populated zapata.conf file for te410p?
10:39.57Bonboni.e. all channels
10:42.07*** part/#asterisk abjorklu (~abjorklu@
10:46.10Pj_I begin to work at 11 :D
10:53.00lelecypromis: not here, Telecom Italia workers go home at 3pm :)
10:53.12Powerkillsomeone knows how to use pridump and what does it do ?
10:53.27cypromisdoes that keepthem from starting at 12 ?
10:53.59lelecypromis: this prevents US from starting at 12 :)
10:54.37sobolcypromis: that is not true :-)
10:55.01PowerkillThe "pridump" program does precisely this. It's part of libpri, not part
10:55.01Powerkillof Asterisk itself. You can turn on PRI debugging, though, with Asterisk,
10:55.01Powerkilltoo if you want to see how Asterisk talks to other equipment.
10:59.05*** join/#asterisk cman1 (~cman1@
10:59.24*** join/#asterisk _4cheeze_ (
11:00.05cman1can u guys now ping
11:00.21cypromispacketsize 1g ?
11:00.37*** join/#asterisk huats (
11:01.13kn0rki--- ping statistics ---
11:01.13kn0rki3 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
11:02.30cman1this is kind o interestin
11:03.05cman1an anyone call me?? and ater the first ring just hang up urself
11:03.29cman1i am getting the call is answered in CDR even if the call is acually now
11:04.23cman1i am having difficulty in finding where the call has actually been made or the caller had hung up beore answering
11:08.18*** join/#asterisk BigBroth (
11:09.37h3xmaybe you have answer immediate turned on
11:10.57cman1how do i change /truncate float to int in PHP? if anyone knows
11:11.11kn0rkiwhat i need to do call over isdn from a H323 client?
11:11.36Bonbondoes anyone know if callerid on x100p works in denmark / netherlands?
11:12.09cman1i have immediate=no
11:12.13h3xcman1: the other thing that can affect call supervision is your dialplan
11:12.26h3xif you do anything that expects audio such as dtmf detection or recording something or whatever
11:12.29h3xits gonna answer()
11:12.48h3xdisa also answers
11:14.09cman1i think it has noting to do with zapata.. as i am using NuFone for incoming calls not PSTN..
11:14.27cman1where do i change the aboce thing if it exists in iax.con maybe..
11:18.17h3xincoming or outgoing calls are answered?
11:18.43cman1i am working with incoming only for now...
11:19.30BigBrothHas anybody written a manager client for windows yet?
11:19.46cypromismanager client ?
11:19.47cman1when the caller calls... it rings here.. the caller then hangs up before i lift the could i say from CDR that tis call has not been made.. i see in CDR that the call is ANSWERED for XX ses
11:20.05cypromisu are a victim of network latency
11:20.12cypromisshitty but true
11:20.19denonBigBroth: no .. there are maybe 2 dozen half-ass attempts, but nobody's finished one
11:21.02denoneveryone has lots of enthusiasm for the project..
11:21.05denongets started ..
11:21.14denonthen gets distracted .. and it dies
11:21.32cman1any solutions for me??
11:21.35denonspeaking of dying, im goin to bed
11:21.43cypromiscman1: don't use voip
11:22.57*** join/#asterisk scud (
11:26.13_4cheeze_cman1, round()
11:26.46cman1ok.. i got (int)(3.0454443)
11:26.52cman1thx anyways.
11:27.15_4cheeze_actually round will round up to 4 if it was 3.6
11:30.38cman1oh i needed int... like changing secs to mins... 72 sec = 1 min 12 secs so (int)(72/60) gives me 1 only...i it was greater than 1.5 then i only need 1 not 12
11:32.59Pj_cman1: don't use int, use ceil() floor() round()... those are defined behaviors
11:33.02Powerkillanyone use a mgcp phone ?
11:36.22FuzzyCatanyone know which app_ contains the generic commands, like 'show channels' ?
11:36.55*** join/#asterisk rajo (
11:39.20wasimFuzzyCat: cli.c ?
11:42.47BonbonPowerkill: we want to, as there is a wider range of phones to use.
11:42.56Bonbonthe swissvoice one is reported to work
11:47.33FuzzyCatthere's no call count is there...
11:48.09*** join/#asterisk many (
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11:50.52wasimFuzzyCat: numchans?
11:55.14wasimdamn right
11:55.30FuzzyCatthat's the number of channels.... not the number of calls
11:56.32FuzzyCatsome calls use 2 chans eg call to fred in australia and some use 1 eg call to voicemail
11:58.28puzzledFuzzyCat: cheap, very cheap :)
12:01.14*** join/#asterisk cman1_ (~cman1@
12:06.44honreehi, anyone used asterisk with grandstream ata-286?
12:08.30wasimyou know if we swapped the n and the r it'd make a great callerid for the callgirl shoppe
12:09.18*** join/#asterisk damien__ (
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12:11.08FuzzyCatBridged Call
12:12.36cman1make a call 1 800 248 8870 thru ur land phones
12:12.42cman1testing please
12:15.40mbrancasee ya
12:17.42snewpy_is there a way to conditionally rewrite the caller id on an incoming call based on the ip address of the caller?
12:18.26snewpy_(a sip call, in particular)
12:19.02wasimsnewpy_: i'm sure there is more than one way to skin a cat
12:20.15cman1good nite everyone
12:21.33*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
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12:30.28wasimsnewpy_: basically, you can rewrite the called id using SetCallerID
12:30.45wasimsnewpy_: the only thing left is to get the IP of the caller into a ${VAR} and set that
12:31.36wasimsnewpy_: or you can use dbget / setcallerid once you've got the ip
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12:34.31snewpy_wasim: okay, i'll play around with that.. thank you
12:35.12*** join/#asterisk asterisk-Bulgari (~asterisk-@
12:35.50asterisk-Bulgarisomebody familiar with h323 configuration and asterisk
12:37.05*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (~powerkill@
12:37.17asterisk-BulgariERROR[16384]: File chan_h323.c, Line 1748 (load_module): Gatekeeper registration failed.
12:38.09asterisk-BulgariERROR: [h323_set_gk] No Endpoint, this is bad!
12:38.09asterisk-BulgariERROR[16384]: File chan_h323.c, Line 1325 (h323_gk_cycle): Gatekeeper registration failed.
12:38.09asterisk-BulgariSegmentation fault
12:38.20asterisk-Bulgariany ideas ?
12:38.27dwbug :)
12:38.47asterisk-Bulgarii think is not
12:39.48asterisk-Bulgarii wannt to register to the gatekkeper with the folowing information
12:41.10asterisk-Bulgariuserid 1234
12:42.54damien__asterisk-Bulgari: use the alternate oh323 driver from, it works well
12:43.28asterisk-Bulgariok , and how to unload other h323
12:44.34cypromisin modules.conf
12:44.41cypromisnoload =>
12:51.25*** join/#asterisk angelgabriel (
12:55.50angelgabrielI've just found out, that it's possible to connect two astrix boxes ....
12:56.04angelgabrielwhy would someone do this?
12:56.54wasimto connect two asterisk boxes togerther obviously
12:57.10dwangelgabriel: inter-pbx call routing, etc.
12:57.33cypromiswhy would anybdy want to call anybody that is on a different pbx
12:57.42cypromisisn't it enough to only call people on your own pbx ?
12:57.42asterisk-Bulgariast_323 is the alternate driver ?
12:57.43dwcypromis: to save money by not using the PSTN? :)
12:57.58dwcypromis: consider:
12:58.07cypromisdw: I have 28 * boxes
12:58.10cypromisno worries
12:58.15cypromisthey call each other constantly :)
12:58.20dwahah :)
12:58.27dwtroll! good. i go dance now. nice tune :))
12:58.52dwgreh. others in teh office. i shall go and smoke instead
12:59.08damien__the h323 channel driver doesn't support call hold and blind transfer from ip phones, does the sip channel support them?
13:00.33damien__so it detects that a hold has been requested and plays the musiconhold asterisk-Bulgari?
13:02.03angelgabrielcypromis: 28 BOXES!?!?!?
13:03.13cypromiswant me to recount them ?
13:03.16asterisk-Bulgaridw is the , the oh driver ?
13:03.33cypromiswill do that if you pay the flight tickets
13:03.53damien__asterisk-Bulgari: chan_oh323
13:04.28bhoeneisCould anyone give me some hint what the 'chan_skinny' does / what it can be used for?
13:04.55cdegrootit's a new protocol (Cisco, I think)
13:06.59*** join/#asterisk tristan2 (~tristan@
13:07.43asterisk-Bulgariwhat is the module for: alternate oh323 driver from
13:08.08dwcypromis: do you use any sort of centralised management for all dem boxen, or is it all hand-done? im in desperate search of a nice frontend to * so that my asshole colleagues can admin too
13:08.30cypromisit's in beta testing now
13:08.34cypromiswe will be selling it
13:08.41*** part/#asterisk sjoep465 (
13:08.41dwooh, what's in beta? :)
13:08.44cypromisbut it's huge
13:09.33cypromisdw: carier backend
13:09.54dwah :[
13:10.17dwfuckit. i need to get this out of the way today, and it sadly is looking like swyxware rather than asterisk
13:10.20cypromisI'm a carrier so what did you expect ?
13:10.26asterisk-Bulgariplease help me: which is the module  for: alternate oh323 driver from
13:10.56bhoeneisskiny is this cisco protocol and chan_skinny connects somehow to it...I am trying to figure out whether I can use chan_skinny to solve my problem...
13:11.46asterisk-Bulgari<damien__> asterisk-Bulgari: use the alternate oh323 driver from, it works well
13:11.46asterisk-Bulgari<asterisk-Bulgari> ok , and how to unload other h323
13:11.46asterisk-Bulgari<cypromis> in modules.conf
13:11.46asterisk-Bulgari<cypromis> noload =>
13:12.16cypromisthere is
13:12.22cypromisand there is
13:12.38cypromisand as long as I am not typing black on black background
13:12.44cypromisI think that this is quite easy to get
13:13.03dwcypromis: i think he wants you to come to his office and install it..
13:13.04_4cheeze_is gnophone always this buggy?
13:13.13dw(and make him a cup of tea while you're at it ;)
13:13.28_4cheeze_trying to open 4 connections instead of 1
13:13.32_4cheeze_and stuff
13:13.45cypromisdw: no problem
13:13.46asterisk-Bulgari:) soory , but the names are similar
13:13.52cypromis2k EUR per day
13:13.54dwcypromis: tree dollah!
13:13.55cypromisplus expenses
13:13.58cypromispayed up front
13:13.58dwah. 2k eur dollah!
13:14.19cypromisah have to hire somebody for that time to run the carrier
13:14.28asterisk-Bulgariheh , mi price in bulgaria as 200$ per month !
13:14.50dwasterisk-Bulgari: yes, but things are much cheaper in bulgaria aren't they :)
13:15.50asterisk-Bulgariyes they are , but not so cheaper :))
13:16.34asterisk-Bulgari1month work = 600beers
13:17.08cypromisespecially thn in london
13:19.00*** join/#asterisk josa (
13:19.52angelgabrielWhat is an example of a linux telephony interface??
13:21.45wasimif such a beast exists
13:22.03wasimunless you mean the stuff in the kernel, in which case depends on the kernel
13:23.20Pj_angelgabriel: quicknet linejack and phonejack basically
13:24.42asterisk-Bulgari<cypromis> my frend :) please little help - i wannt to register a gk with asterisk but cannot :(
13:25.32*** join/#asterisk Zinco (
13:25.43asterisk-Bulgariin oh323.conf -> gatekeeper=
13:26.20asterisk-Bulgariin extensions.conf -> exten => 100,1,Dial,H323/02703697@
13:31.21Pj_shitty integrated cards
13:31.40angelgabrielPj_: What would you recommend?
13:31.53Pj_depends on your needs
13:32.04Pj_basically hardware sold on
13:32.06puzzledangelgabriel: get a card from digium
13:33.19*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg_ (
13:33.32cypromisasterisk-Bulgari, I don't use gatekeepers
13:33.34UnixDawg_happy american Thanksgiving
13:33.43angelgabrielwhy does everyone recommend digium .. ?
13:34.06UnixDawg_he did most the original footwork and deved the hardware
13:34.17puzzledangelgabriel: because they are the lead developer of asterisk and by buying their cards you support the conitnued development of asterisk
13:34.52asterisk-Bulgari*CLI>     -- Executing Dial("SIP/250-041f", "H323/02703697@") in new stack
13:34.52asterisk-BulgariWARNING[311316]: File channel.c, Line 1644 (ast_request): No channel type registered for 'H323'
13:34.52asterisk-BulgariNOTICE[311316]: File app_dial.c, Line 518 (dial_exec): Unable to create channel of type 'H323'
13:34.52asterisk-BulgariWARNING[311316]: File pbx.c, Line 1816 (ast_pbx_run): Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'default'
13:37.56*** join/#asterisk bevins (
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13:38.34angelgabrielIs anyone in here familiar with the Panasonic KXT 308? How can I develop an * system around that, or similar hardware?
13:39.01bevinsCan I register asterisk connection to fWD as an extension directly, or I have no choice and have to go through iaxtel?
13:39.08^apathy^asterisk-Bulgari: you have to use OH323/ instead of H323/ if you're using chan_oh323
13:39.29asterisk-Bulgari<^apathy^> 10x man :)
13:39.58^apathy^asterisk-Bulgari: np, had the same issue a few days ago
13:40.48wasimbevins: directly
13:42.07wasimor something like that, i hardly ever do sip
13:42.13Pj_Any NAS / SAN expert in the room ?
13:42.57bevinscool thanks wasim
13:42.57*** join/#asterisk T0MKAT (
13:43.24^apathy^Pj_: not an expert but we've got 3 at work
13:43.57Pj_^apathy^: I'm looking for something to have a distributed storage with redundancy like raid5...
13:44.25Pj_I've seen features like caching work files on laptop and resynch, etc, and raid1 emulation, but no raid5 :/
13:44.43Pj_(other than raid 5 over network block device)
13:45.05^apathy^Pj_: how much you wanna spend ;)
13:45.18^apathy^Pj_: SAN repl will do it
13:45.34^apathy^yeah gfs, but if you're serious buy it
13:45.47cypromissistina does perfect support
13:47.38Bonbonhas ANYONE got a spanish number that they can divert to a uk landline or to voip?
13:48.21Pj_^apathy^: basically it's for home use... right now I have raid5 over 3 120g disks
13:48.34^apathy^Pj_: oh right...
13:48.39Pj_and I have like 5 other disks I would like to use in another machine
13:49.10^apathy^Pj_: do you really want the hassle of a distributd fs for a home setup?
13:49.13*** join/#asterisk cman (~chandra@
13:49.16^apathy^i just use nfs
13:49.17Pj_And I would like to have the whole in one big filesystem, with just enough redundancy not to fear _one_ hd failure
13:49.34Pj_but I want the hassle, plus redundancy ;)
13:49.38cmando u anything here?
13:49.39^apathy^have raid5 on both boxes
13:49.58^apathy^pick one as master and mount the other on it, then export the master to your other boxes
13:50.10Pj_[b]{2} a geek |[^2]b
13:50.18cmanhi apathy
13:50.23^apathy^hey cman
13:50.54Pj_^apathy^: yeah but it's not very flexible because I have to have one standard partition size (or two, but no more)
13:51.22^apathy^Pj_: nah, just have one md and put LVM on it
13:51.29cmanhow can i determine whether my call has ben answered or not?? i see all ANSWERED even if it is actually not... just ringing the phone also records ANSWERED in my CDR!
13:52.16Pj_^apathy^: doesn't change the fact that each partition's size must be the same
13:52.24Pj_it just allow me to add another disk
13:52.31Zincohow can i had wav file so that when i user is called the voicemail will answer with his voice to leave a message?
13:52.36leleanybody using SIP with current CVS?
13:52.37Pj_but the new disk has to be of the same size as the others
13:52.42^apathy^Pj_: have you got differing size disks?
13:52.43cmananother one is my voicemail isn't recording voices (using NuFone).. problem with * to *??
13:53.00Pj_^apathy^: I have like 2x40, 2x80 and a 30
13:53.03Pj_something like this
13:53.17^apathy^Zinco: there's an option inside the voicemail menus to record new messages
13:53.30^apathy^Pj_: aah, i have a similar issue
13:53.31Pj_on my current raid array partition size is 100Gb, so...
13:53.42*** join/#asterisk michael3 (
13:53.58michael3Hi all,
13:54.08^apathy^you can do crazy stuff like, stripe the 2x40 to make an 80, then raid5 the '3' 80's
13:54.14^apathy^Pj_: but it's not worth it
13:54.38Pj_yeah but stripe means I don't respect my condition number 1: survive through a one disk failure
13:55.18Pj_I wonder if I could not hack something in the network block driver
13:55.43michael3Can anyone tell me if / how faxes can be handled by asterisk?
13:55.45Pj_hmm, no :)
13:56.35michael3is that 'no' on the fax question?
13:56.38cypromissearch the mailing list :)
13:56.51Powerkillsomeone use mgcp ?
13:57.04^apathy^Pj_: you can do raid5 with nbd...latency would suck tho
13:57.15michael3OK. just found where to search.
13:57.25cypromis~seen puzzled
13:57.26puzzled is currently on #asterisk (3d 15h 14m 36s).  Has said a total of 84 messages.  Is idling for 23m 9s
13:57.41cman~seen JerJer
13:57.41jerjer is currently on #asterisk (10h 36m 5s).  Has said a total of 47 messages.  Is idling for 4h 39m 51s
13:58.06Pj_^apathy^: still not enough, since nbd will only allow me to access the devices.... (partition size must be the same)
13:58.16michael3~seen michael3
13:58.17michael3 is currently on #asterisk (4m 35s).  Has said a total of 6 messages.  Is idling for 1s
13:58.35cman~seen cman
13:58.35cman is currently on #asterisk (9m 22s).  Has said a total of 6 messages.  Is idling for 0s
13:58.43^apathy^Pj_: well, my decision was to just say screw it and the extra disks are sitting on a shelf =]
13:58.50cmanbye everyone
13:58.57Pj_It's weird, I have a feeling there's no solution for this, when my problem doesn't seem so exotic :)
13:59.12Pj_^apathy^: they are right now... but it's worth 300+ gb
13:59.23^apathy^Pj_: it's not that it's exotic....there's just no _easy_ answer
13:59.23Pj_and I filled my 240gb :/
13:59.28af_what is the best way to produce a patch file?
13:59.38Pj_^apathy^: no, I'm ready to go through anything
13:59.42^apathy^Pj_: well no it's's only 300Gb if you stripe/linear it together ;)
13:59.46*** part/#asterisk cman (~chandra@
13:59.53Pj_but there is no existing solutions that allow me to do that
13:59.53*** join/#asterisk boroti (
14:00.23Pj_^apathy^: true, but with raid 5 I only loose one disk, and I already counted it in my currrent 3x120Gb raid5 setup :PPPPP
14:00.37Pj_:PP (a bit more)
14:00.45cypromisu should have 4 disks for raid5
14:00.51cypromis3 disks is too risky
14:01.33^apathy^cypromis: how is 4 any better than 3? unless you're doing 3 + a hot spare
14:01.48*** join/#asterisk boroti (
14:02.06Pj_actually 4 disks is riskier than three if you don't set it up this way
14:02.07cypromisthat is the point
14:02.10Pj_ok :)
14:02.21Pj_(the truth reveled)
14:02.27Pj_it's only divxs and mp3s
14:02.41Pj_err, dvd backups and cd-I-own ripped
14:02.50^apathy^there's a guy on the Mythtv mailing list with a 1TB array and a 200 disk DVD changer
14:02.51Pj_So I think raid 5 without spare is enough :D
14:02.55^apathy^it's all movies and mp3's
14:03.54^apathy^Pj_: just remembered there's a development distributed filesystem......srsfs??? saw it on kerneltraffic i think
14:04.36Pj_I heard that name already
14:04.41Pj_lemme check
14:04.54*** part/#asterisk boroti (
14:06.18tzanger~seen citats
14:06.19citats <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 4d 20h 1m 57s ago, saying: 'zoa: yeah, or auto-negotiation didnt negotiate... it should display some advertised modes'.
14:06.32Pj_can't find it
14:06.42Pj_was it from students of a computer science school ?
14:07.42^apathy^can't remember
14:11.05damien__how many cards do I need if I want Asterisk to be able to receive *and* give calls relayed by a proprietary PBX?
14:11.26*** join/#asterisk zoa2 (
14:12.08zoa2what is the use of the zaptel watchdog ?
14:12.16zoa2could it cause problems to enable it ?
14:12.17wasimdamien__: depends on how the proprietary PBX can talk to you on?
14:12.34damien__wasim: problem is that I don't know, what are the typical cases?
14:13.17wasimdamien__: fxo, fxs, e&m, bri, pri, t1, e1, sip, h323
14:13.40wasimdamien__: and whole bunch of proprietary ones
14:13.45damien__mmh ok
14:13.59Powerkillzoa you told me that you are using mgcp ?
14:14.01tzangerI have yet to find a good description of E&M signalling...  I mean wink-start, loop-start, polarity-reversal (kewlstart)...  I got all of them
14:14.05tzangerwtf is E&M
14:14.11wasimear and mouth
14:14.14tzangerwell duh
14:14.21tzangerI mean how is it signalled
14:14.40wasimi'm sure coppice knows
14:14.44tzangerprobably :-)
14:14.59tzangerCAS T1s (in Canada) use E&M immediate-start
14:15.14tzanger(robbed-bit signalling)
14:15.18damien__wasim: if it has fxs outputs, it means I can plug phones in it, and that I need an FXO card on Asterisk?
14:15.20wasimi've used e&m with nortel equipment
14:15.26wasimdamien__: yep
14:15.32tzangerFXS port = plug a phone or phone device into it.
14:15.42tzangerFXO port = it *is* a phone device, plug a PSTN line into it
14:16.09tzangerFXO = plug into telcO
14:16.15wasimor a pbx extension, i.e. anything with dialtone on it
14:16.21damien__and if it has an FXS output, I plug it to a FXO card into asterisk, but I guess it won't happen
14:16.26tzangerwell yes... anything that will generate a ring signal
14:16.47tzangerFXO = takes a ring signal
14:16.50tzangerFXS = generates a ring signal
14:16.51damien__sorry I meant the reverse
14:16.56wasimwhat won't happen?
14:18.07wasimwith dumb pbx's i usually plug the trunks into TDM400 ports, and a couple of extensions into X100P
14:18.18tzangermind you...  I've blown up FXS cards before by plugging htem into a PSTN...  I am really happy with the protection of the CB1 FXS ports -- they didn't blow or even seem to degrade :-)
14:18.22damien__wasim: having FXO output on the proprietary PBX
14:18.33tzangerwasim: yup
14:18.37wasimdamien__: what makes it proprietary
14:18.52damien__wasim: s/proprietary/commercial
14:18.53tzangerand I far far recommend using the PBX's PRI card if it's got one and plugging that into a T100P or TE410P
14:18.58damien__wasim: sorry for the confusion :)
14:19.08tzangerI forgot the TE410s are 3.3v...  I need to check and see if my PCI backplane system is 3.3V capable
14:19.30wasimtzanger: the new 5v are coming soon
14:20.39UnixDawgltr kids
14:20.50angelgabrieldoes anyone have an online diagrams of thier current setup??
14:24.32*** join/#asterisk maik (
14:25.30tzangerwasim: yeah... so are the TDM400P FXO modules...  I'd rather base a design on existing equipment :-)
14:26.16*** join/#asterisk stief (
14:26.19stiefhi all
14:26.47cypromisman this is becoming a dutch channel during alaw hours
14:26.57tzangercypromis: huh?
14:27.10cypromischeck how many people have a .nl :)
14:27.23cypromisu will be shcked
14:27.28tzangerwhat are "alaw hours" ?
14:27.38wasimtzanger: yeah, i'm still hurting on that
14:27.44tzangerme too wasim
14:28.04cypromisin this channel most people split alaw from ulaw land
14:28.13cypromisso just check the time connected with that :)
14:29.01zoa2all those damn dutch people
14:29.05zoa2voip must be sooo cheap :)
14:29.32damien__wasim: basically except for FXO/FXS where I need just the reverse type of card, for the rest I just need the same card on Asterisk and on the commercial PABX?
14:29.40stiefcypromis: invasion perhaps ? :)
14:29.46wasimdamien__: huh?
14:29.51wasimdamien__: what else is there?
14:30.04wasimdamien__: oh, the signalling types, depends
14:30.18damien__wasim: yes, is there some doc about that?
14:30.18zoa2damn i'm still a bit drunk
14:30.36stiefthe price of those asterisk cards went up alot haven't they ?
14:30.45wasimdamien__: check
14:30.47zoa2i found a place where they served baileys in a coke glass
14:30.54wasimdamien__: they might have some links, not sure, google
14:31.15*** join/#asterisk [mortck] (
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14:32.28tzangerzoa2: that's a lot of bailey's
14:32.47zoa2yeah for 1,5 euro
14:33.03zoa2i think that guy was as drunk as i was a couple of hours later :)
14:33.03tzangerso that's like CDN$2
14:33.05tzangerthat's cheap!
14:33.42huatsdoes anybody can explain me a bit what's the deal with g729 licence ?
14:33.58zoa2yeah it sux
14:34.02zoa2what do you want to know ?
14:34.03*** join/#asterisk mortck (
14:34.05wasimhuats: its sucks big floppy donkey dick
14:34.19zoa2it doesnt work on some scsi systems
14:34.25zoa2it stops working sometimes
14:34.43wasimbut the word on the street is that they maybe revisiting their licensing
14:35.41tzangertheir licensing is fine, it's the license enforcement that sucks ass.  don't make me brand it to the PC.  I'll pay the licensing just fine but if my server blows up I want those licenses transferable.
14:36.11zoa2especially if it sometimes takes up to a week to get a new one
14:36.33zoa2and i already lost 3 licenses due to something going wrong :(
14:37.10huatszoa2: I was just asking, cause I've seen pb with their licence
14:37.21huatsSo I wont try to get one ...
14:37.51zoa2nah, its a quite good codec
14:37.58zoa2just try with 3 licenses or so
14:38.00wasimright, agreed, the licensing enforcement
14:38.14zoa2and backup your server !
14:38.55Pj_on raid5 ?
14:39.53tzangerzoa2: that doesn't mean shit if they're using the drive serial #s
14:41.44*** join/#asterisk klicTel (
14:42.05damien__wasim: the guy tells me it is an old central with 50 output lines on which they can plug analog or ISDN standard phones => FXS outputs?
14:43.14^apathy^tzanger: does it just read the hdd s/n ?
14:43.25wasimwhee ... get octoBRI
14:43.35*** join/#asterisk rajo (
14:43.50tzanger^apathy^: nobody knows what precisely they're looking at.  It's a combination of things, IDE subsystem being one of them.  That's a problem since my one server's SCSI-based
14:44.04^apathy^tzanger: so's mine
14:44.12wasimdamien__: ask em if they can do an e1
14:44.31^apathy^tzanger: i can get a compactflash to ide converter for $38AUD
14:44.45damien__wasim: what do you mean?
14:45.01^apathy^tzanger: that'll actually fit in the 2RU case i'm using...whereas an ide drive won't (unless i use a laptop drive)
14:45.03tzanger^apathy^: yeah I have a numberof them (I sell CF-based firewalls) but that's beside the point
14:45.05damien__wasim: if they can output PRI or if they are connected to a PRI or?
14:45.19wasimdamien__: connect via pri
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14:45.42^apathy^tzanger: so it won't accept an ide converter?
14:45.43damien__wasim: ok asking...
14:45.55wasimdamien__: if so, you maybe able to just plug it into a digium card
14:45.55tzanger^apathy^: I don't know, I have no g729a licenses
14:46.12damien__wasim: the problem is taht they want to keep the old PABX too
14:46.26^apathy^tzanger: sorry misread when i paged up
14:46.26wasimdamien__: who are they?
14:46.48damien__wasim: the company where a friend is working
14:47.02damien__wasim: I proposed asterisk there, but they don't know what their current PABX is using
14:47.10damien__wasim: so that's a bit difficult :)
14:47.22tzangerdamien__: are you replacing the PABX or just supplying it with lines?
14:47.24zoa2tzanger: i know exactly what it does
14:47.42tzangerzoa2: yeah?  care to enlighten us?
14:47.44*** join/#asterisk diana (
14:47.58sacki want to notice everyone that after to make a lot of test with X-lite, the build 1.088 doesn't work fine however the build 1.079 works fine :-)
14:48.01damien__tzanger: they just want me to keep the PABX, but add 2 asterisk servers connected via IAX because one of the offices has internet but no phone lines
14:48.16damien__tzanger: so my idea was to redirect calls to that second office to Asterisk
14:48.31tzangerdamien__: ok so use a pair of TDM400Ps with FXS modules, or buy a PRI card (preferred) for the PABX and a T100P for each * box
14:49.38*** join/#asterisk Clarity (
14:49.58damien__tzanger: ok I have to think because I'm lost in all the names, signalling protocols and cards
14:50.04Clarityhey guys...
14:50.26tzangerdamien__: I am doing this currently
14:50.47tzangerdamien__: add 'x' trunk lines to your PBX.  Either with a PRI or analog trunk card.
14:51.08damien__tzanger: I don't know if their PBX can be "upgraded"
14:51.10tzangerdamien__: now, if you added them via a PRI card, buy a T100P for * and connect the two.  Now you have 23 trunk lines going directly to *.
14:51.31tzangerdamien__: if you did it with an analog trunk card, buy TDM400P wit henough FXS modules to satisfy your requirements.
14:51.33Claritymy * setup with i4l is behaving strangely  - i've just set it up, and for a while outgoing calls were going out ok, but now i get a really bad echo back - is this something to do with i4l drivers?
14:51.35tzangerdamien__: do the same on the other side.
14:51.50damien__tzanger: if I put a T100P in *, it supposes that their PBX can output PRI
14:51.55damien__tzanger: Im not sure of that
14:52.00tzangerdamien__: now program your PBX to use the new trunk lines either via least-cost-routing or with dial pools (I use dial pools on my Meridian system)
14:52.22tzangerdamien__: of course.  that's why I said either buy a PRI trunk card for hte PBX, or an analog trunk card for hte PBX
14:52.52wasimhail *
14:53.25^apathy^zoa2: so will the g729a stuff work with a CF-IDE card?
14:53.26tzangerI am currently using an analog trunk card, giving me four more incoming lines.  these four lines are connected to * and I have several system speed dials set to pick up one of those lines now to dial instead of the normal dial pool
14:53.27discordiaand hail eris :)
14:54.14cdegroothail eris!
14:54.37tzangerdamien__: what PABX do you have right now?
14:54.50damien__tzanger: they have a "Belgacom IS 80"
14:54.54damien__tzanger: and no doc
14:54.58discordiakeep the lasagna flying cdegroot :)
14:55.18tzangerdamien__: well contact the company then and enquire about trunk cards (digital and analog) -- how many concurrent calls do you want to go through *?
14:55.18damien__tzanger: the only thing they are able to tell me is that they have 50 lines in output in which they can plug normal analog or ISDN phones
14:55.33tzangerdamien__: that is extensions, not incoming lines
14:56.04tzangertheir phone system can handle 50 extensions, analog or ISDN... is that what they're saying?  Or it can handle 50 INCOMING lines, analog or ISDN?
14:56.30wasimor 50 lines, but only 10 can talk at the same time
14:56.38wasimthats fun when you figure that out
14:56.43tzangerwasim: ew
14:56.51damien__tzanger: no idea I have to ask
14:57.20tzangerdamien__: you need to answer those questions first....  most importantly how many concurrent calls to * do you require...  if it's only a few use analog since it's far cheaper
14:57.44damien__only 4 apparently
14:58.16damien__but if they have 50 analog/isdn lines in output, is it possible taht those outputs are something else than FXS?
14:58.16wasimget a tdm40b or 4 x100p or wait for the fxo modules like the rest of the sorry sobs us
14:58.46tzangerdamien__: that's a question for the PBX...  
14:58.49wasimthe isdn intrigues me, you might actually be able to get kapejod to give you a solution
14:59.43wasimusing zapBRI
14:59.44damien__tzanger: they are unable to answer and repeat me the same thing "we have 50 lines going out, there can't be so many standard possible"
14:59.54damien__ok one more thing
14:59.59tzangerdamien__: well until you can get some better answers we can't help you much more
15:00.00damien__they have a few ISDN output
15:00.02wasimgoing out? where. to the users, or to the PSTN?
15:00.06damien__and a few analog output
15:00.11damien__wasim: to normal phones
15:00.22wasimdamien__: normal phone like an extension?
15:00.37wasimdamien__: there is no normality in this channel, btw
15:00.44damien__wasim: yes, each plugged analog phone has a different number
15:00.52wasimdamien__: so, its an fxs
15:01.03wasimdamien__: likely, atleast
15:01.12damien__wasim: ok
15:01.15dianawasim: man
15:01.25dianawasim: how much it will cost your phone?
15:01.52damien__wasim: so I need 4 FXO ports
15:01.57damien__wasim: on *
15:02.07tzangerFXS, no??
15:02.15tzangeris he not providing trunk lines to the PABX?
15:02.44damien__tzanger: he is providing FXS outputs most likely, so I thought I needed FXO cards on * side
15:02.52wasimdiana: depends on the volumes, inititally atleast 100
15:03.01dianawasim: for 30
15:03.10dianawasim: and i need a test phone
15:03.15tzangerdamien__: are you providing trunk lines for the PABX or are you setting up four extensions
15:03.27wasimdiana: that you shall, m'lady
15:03.29tzangerdamien__: you don't have your needs nailed down.  it's going ot be confusing until yo uget that figured out
15:03.41tzangerI suggest you stop right now and nail down exactly what you want to do
15:03.43dianawasim: how can i get a test phone?
15:03.54dianawasim: you are very far
15:04.08damien__tzanger: I know what I want to do, I just explain it badly
15:04.15wasimyes, unfortunately, i'm sure we could have come to an arrangement
15:04.35wasimbtw, the phone is gonna be on public display, monday
15:04.41wasimif anyone wants a look see
15:04.47tzangerdamien__: ok so draw it out...  when an * call comes in, do you want it to appear like any other phone line to the phone system?  or as an extension?
15:04.52dianawasim: in which country?
15:04.57wasimdiana: isloo, pk
15:05.04damien__tzanger: the PABX will redirect 4 numbers to4 lines, those 4 lines will be plugged into an * server, which will communicate over the net to as second * server, which will have IP phones connected to it for the 4 inital numbers
15:05.38tzangerdamien__: so in other words those four * ports are going to look like regular extensions to the PABX, not phone lines, correct?
15:05.55damien__tzanger: for me it is the same
15:05.58tzangere.g. extension #801 -> * port 1, #802, * port 2 ?
15:06.03damien__tzanger: yes
15:06.30tzangerok.  second question: are the existing extensions regular phones or are they proprietary digital telephones?
15:06.40damien__extension 801 of PABX -> Asterisk 1 -> Asterisk 2 -> IP phone1
15:06.50damien__tzanger: regular phones
15:07.05damien__(analog or ISDN, they have both)
15:07.22tzangerwasim's right, you need four FXO ports.  there are no BRI ports for * at this time, unless you want to screw with i4l
15:07.31damien__so I can take 4 analog outputs and plug them into 4 asterisk FXO cards, right?
15:07.44damien__ok understood
15:07.45tzangerso you're looking at 4 X101Ps or a T100P and an FXO channel bank
15:07.51huatsI have a pri connected to a e100p... what is the way in extension.conf to tell asterisk to use any of the avalaible line to zap dial  ?
15:08.09tzangeryes that is correct -- you take four regular old analog outputs and plug them into 4 asterisk X101P cards
15:08.44damien__" or a T100P and an FXO channel bank "
15:08.53tzangernow you'll probably want to program * to work in immediate mode so that when an FXO port rings, it picks it up and dials the remote * server
15:08.57damien__the FXO channel bank being in the original PABX?
15:09.07damien__tzanger: yes I planned to do that
15:09.28tzangerdamien__: no -- something like an Adit 600 with FXO cards in it -- channel banks take a T1 and break them out into analog ports (FXO or FXS)
15:09.28wasimhuats: dial(zap/1)
15:09.47tzangerI like using channel banks becuase they're far better quality for echo cancel than X101Ps
15:09.54huatswasim: it will use any of the 31 channels ?
15:10.07wasimhuats: setup groups, zap/g1
15:10.20tclarkany gdb gods around here today ??, i want to know after i attach to a runnig process How i can dump all the mutex locks that are held by all the running threads
15:10.20tzangeryou're looking at USD$500 for the T100P and another USD$700 for an Adit600 with FXO cards (if you can find it)
15:10.31huatswasim: ok thanks
15:10.36damien__tzanger: Im a bit puzzled by that last thing
15:11.08damien__tzanger: in the second case, what should I plug in the * server? A channel bank?
15:11.55damien__anyway the first solution is cheaper, Ill go for that one :)
15:13.19tzangerdamien__: yeah try the X101Ps first
15:13.55tclarkso i take the deafing silence as that fact we have NO gdb GODS here :)
15:14.19tzangertclark: what's up?
15:14.21damien__tzanger: problem is if they want to add lines, I will have to add X100P cards and I'm limited by the number of pci ports
15:14.26tzangernot a gdb _god_ but I have used it a bit
15:14.31tzangerdamien__: yes
15:14.40tzangerdamien__: that's another reason why I like channel banks and T1 cards
15:14.51tzangerT1 = 24 phone lines -> channel bank breaks it out to 24 analog ports
15:14.56tzangerone PCI card
15:15.14tzangerand if you need more than that, you can add another T100P but I would recommend the TE410Ps -- 4 T1/E1 ports in 1 PCI card
15:15.14tclarkok i have deadlock fscking * box, i can attach to it i can see all the threads, I want to see whicj thread has this one mutex lock
15:15.25damien__tzanger: but in that case I need to add hardware to the PABX or not?
15:15.25tzangertclark: hmm
15:15.36tzangerdamien__: no not at all -- you are still wiring regular analog ports up
15:15.51tzangertclark: anything useful under the threads help?
15:16.03damien__tzanger: oh ok, so I put 1 T1/E1 card into asterisk
15:16.04tzangerthe channel bank converts from T1<-->analog (FXS or FXO, depending on the CB)
15:16.15damien__tzanger: and where is the channel bank placed?
15:16.18tzangerAdit600 can handle two T1s
15:16.30tzanger* T100P <--> Adit600 <--> analog lines
15:16.33*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
15:16.41tzangerthe link between T100P and Adit600 is T1
15:16.47tzangerthe link between Adit600 and PABX is all analog lines
15:16.53damien__ah I see
15:17.00damien__and Adit600 is the channel bank
15:17.04tzangerdamien__: yes
15:17.06tzangera damned good one too
15:17.17damien__I will look for the price
15:17.23wasim~seen Sarah_Emm
15:17.24wasim: i haven't seen 'sarah_emm'
15:17.24tzangersmall, can handle two T1s (48 ports) software programmable gains, etc
15:17.26damien__seems more appropriate
15:17.38wasimman... just one girl, l-fy left
15:17.39diana^seen sex
15:17.58tzangerremember you're adding more ocst though... X101P = USD$100.  T100P = USD$500 + channel bank (around USD$700)
15:18.04tzanger~seen a clue in this channel
15:18.05tzanger: i haven't seen 'a clue in this channel'
15:18.06l-fy^seen sex
15:18.12l-fy^seen g-spot
15:18.16l-fydamn it damn it
15:18.21tclark(gdb) threads help
15:18.22tclarkUndefined command: "threads".  Try "help".
15:18.26tzangerhelp threads
15:18.31damien__tzanger: for europe I need E100P, no?
15:18.40damien__tclark: threads apply all bt
15:18.55l-fydamien__: in which country are you/
15:19.02tclarkdone that yea that does not show the mutex locks
15:19.04tzangerdamien__: if you're not connecting to the telco you can use whatever you want.  I thnk T1 channel banks are more common but not sure
15:19.13damien__l-fy: Belgium
15:19.26tclarki want to see all mutex locks being help by all threads
15:19.27l-fydamien__: you need E100P or E400P or TE400P
15:19.27tzangertclark: are mutex locks not software-specific?  ie. you need to ask pth which thread has the lock?
15:19.38wasimwe shoulda bought digium a turkey for thanksgiving!
15:19.47damien__trout: yes you are right, I just need to support the same protocol than the Adit600
15:19.47l-fywasim: why?
15:19.53*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
15:19.57wasiml-fy: to make merry
15:19.57tzangerl-fy: no he doesn't... only if he's connecting to an E1 provider.  If he's got a T1 channel bank, he needs a T1 card.  If he's got an E1 channel bank, he needs an E1 card..
15:20.01damien__sorry it was for tzanger
15:20.08RoyKour SHDSL line's been down since yesterday 09:05!!!
15:20.16RoyKand now it's 16:20
15:20.18l-fytzanger: that for sure
15:20.27dougheckaMerry Christmas!!!
15:20.27dougheckamarry thanksgivin
15:20.35wasimmorning dough
15:20.38dougheckahey wasim
15:20.46*** join/#asterisk geertn (~geertn@
15:20.47wasimanybody have a good cdr analyzer for * made?
15:20.49tclarkyea well they are s/w specfic, but ther must be a stack of them hiding out, bcus from the bt i dont see who could of had this lock that is killing me
15:20.53l-fywasim: no
15:20.59tzangerE1 gives you 30 ports, not 24 which is why I think that T1 channel banks are more common...  Amp D50 connectors/cable won't give you enough pairs for E1
15:21.01l-fywasim: i have start writing that
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15:21.21tzangertclark: I think you're looking for a pth expert, not a gdb expert...  
15:21.32tzanger* uses pth does it not?
15:21.33geertnanybody knows how to let a cisco 7960 authenticate with another realm then the proxyserver address?
15:21.47damien__tzanger: fine, thanks a lot for the great help !!!
15:21.57tclarkyea but gdb should be able to see into that no ?
15:22.05tzangerdamien__: no problem.  personally I prefer to put * on the trunk side of a PBX but whatever you need to do to make it work, right...  :-)
15:22.21tzangertclark: yes but you need to have the knowledge of the threading library to ask the right questions of gdb
15:22.29*** join/#asterisk Powerkil_ (~powerkill@
15:22.48tzangerie if pth has a thread_with_lock(lockname) function, gdb can just run that for you but you need to know about the call
15:22.58tzangertclark: what were you doing to deadlock * anyway?
15:23.18tclarkthe usual q's and agents :(
15:23.36tzangerI've asked a guy I know who's a genius with gdb, we'll see what he says
15:23.57tclarkis in the cube nxt to you :)
15:24.07damien__tzanger: it would be far easier indeed, but they don't want to do that :(
15:25.09damien__tzanger: and for outgoing calls, I guess I just need to send them with the good caller ID through the T1 card to not puzzle the original PABX?
15:26.00tclarklike if i could just get a list of the gdb threadid's with a list of the locks they are holding as aopposed to the bt trace that just show who trying to to what, bcus the who ever had the lock does not show in the bt trace
15:26.22tclarkthat i can see :)
15:27.19damien__tclark: just type "threads apply all bt"
15:27.32damien__tclark: you will immediately see if there is a deadlock
15:27.40tclarkagain that does not easily show who is holding the deadlock
15:27.49tclarkI KNOW there is a deadlock
15:28.07JerJerchicken neck?
15:28.22dougheckaturkey neck, thats what he meant
15:28.32dougheckawhy are you all on irc, and not eating turkey?
15:28.50damien__tclark: it should show you 2 pthread_mutex_lock
15:29.13damien__tclark: I know no other solution and I'm always using that method to fix deadlocks in my code ;)
15:29.20JerJerWho's goin' chicken hunting?   Wezzz goin chicken huntin
15:29.39*** join/#asterisk point (1000@
15:29.40dougheckamy boss went sqirral huntin
15:29.40JerJerold schewl ICP
15:29.49dougheckagot him a big one
15:29.53JerJerInsane Clown Possie
15:30.07wasimi wanna turkey, my cook is on holiday too
15:30.25dougheckaI can mail you one
15:30.30dougheckain exchange for a farfone ;)
15:30.35*** join/#asterisk easydone (
15:30.36dougheckaits a smoke turkey :)
15:30.52wasimyeah, i know what its been smoking with you around
15:32.59bhoeneisJerJer: I am still trying to figure out the secrets of chan_skinny. Could shortly explain you how / what for one can use it?
15:33.22dougheckaA 1-centimeter object moving with a relative speed of 17,000 kilometers/hour would deliver as much energy as a small hand grenade.
15:33.28dougheckaI want one of them
15:34.54wasimok, anybody have pointers for a cdr analyzer for * logs
15:35.08zoa2i wanna fok on the table !
15:35.30Clarityhmm, noone with i4l experience here? (heh, seems one needs to ask here every half hours before someone notices... ;-) )
15:35.38zoa2not me
15:35.44l-fyClarity: ask kapejod
15:35.44zoa2ask the ml ?
15:36.20dougheckamonkey leader
15:37.25bhoeneiscdegroot: Thanks for the URL...
15:37.47Clarityheh, kapejod is power napping...
15:38.13bhoeneiscdegroot: But I am trying to figure out the capabilities of Asterisk and mod_skinny
15:38.31Zincowhen asterisk is installed does it automatically creates a database called asterisk?
15:43.25Pj_Zinco: no
15:43.25Pj_but there's a sql script to do it
15:49.18*** join/#asterisk Laern (~Administr@
15:52.40LaernHello ...
15:53.18Zincook thanks
15:54.15Laernanyone there, who can help me in choosing right hardware for my pbx requirement?
15:54.45Pj_Laern: tell your requirements on the channel
15:54.50Pj_ppl will eventually answer
15:54.57Pj_and everyone will learn from the answers
15:55.00LaernThank you Pj.
15:55.05Pj_(and correct them maybe ;)
15:56.42Laernwe need to conncet 12 anlog lines from 3 telco service provider to various parts of the office ... approx 60 extensions.
15:57.52LaernWhat Digium card we need to purchase for this purpose? is there any need to buy extra hardware apart from digium card?
15:58.34bhoeneisIs chan_skinny written for connecting * with CISCO 79xx phone or with its Cisco call manager or whatelse?
16:00.11Laernsome where on the net i read that... i need to use a MUX or Channel bank to multiplex the anlog lines into a T1 or E1... so that i can connect to the Digium card... Is it correct(looks correct for me) .... if so is that MUX or Channel box?
16:00.36LaernBTW .. Currently we are using Simens HiCom.
16:02.44Pj_(too big for me)
16:02.48Pj_(sorry ;)
16:02.52tzangerLaern: channel bank
16:03.30Laernit's O.K Pj...
16:03.39tzangerprobably a pair of Adit600 FXSes (two dual-T1, one 24FXS, the other 12FXS/12FXO)
16:03.49Laerntzanger: do you mean i need a channel bank?
16:03.50tzangerand a TE410P
16:04.04tzangerLaern: you'll need two adit600s (they can support two T1s each), or four single-span channel banks
16:05.19Laernam from india... here we will get only analog lines.... how to covert these bunch of analog lines into T1 so that adit600s will work for me? dumb question? sorry
16:06.51tzangerLaern: that is what a channel bank does -- it converts analogue lines to T1
16:07.42cypromisthere is PRI/BRI everything in india
16:07.44tzangerso you get a four-span T1 card (TE410P, warning needs 3.3V PCI bus!) and plug those four spans into two Adit600s, or four single-span channel banks
16:08.53*** join/#asterisk jgaviria (~jgaviria@
16:09.09LaernO.K. i will conver the in coming analog lines into one T1 and conncet it to  TE410P .... what about the 60 extensions? how to connect these lines to the  *system?
16:09.58LaernCypromis: you may be correct... in my place currently there is not PRI. i dont know what is BRI...
16:10.09*** join/#asterisk sobol (
16:10.30damien__Laern: BRI is normal ISDN able to accept 2 calls at the same time
16:10.57Laerndarnien: thanks for the info.
16:11.15damien__Laern: Im learning too ;)
16:12.07dwdamien__: hmm.. do digium sell cards suitable for 3 incoming bri? (6 b-chans total). i was under the impression i had to buy some active isdn cards
16:12.26tzangerLaern: that's coverd
16:12.34tzangerfour T1s = 96 lines
16:12.52tzangerso three T1s for FXS (your extansions) = 3*24 = 72 extensions
16:13.22tzangerone T1 for FXO (incoming lines) = 24 trunk lines
16:13.31tzangeryou could use three T1s for everything if you had no need for expansion
16:13.38cypromisLearn: we have them in Delhi that is why I know
16:13.42tzanger2.5T1 for FXS = 60 lines
16:13.50tzanger0.5T1 for FXO = 12 lines
16:13.57tzangerand then you have one spare T1 for whatever
16:14.02damien__dw: I think you have 2 buy 3 cards , not sure though
16:14.12dwi think so too.
16:14.15Laerntzanger: so the adit600 will have configurable FXS and FXO ... is it correct?
16:14.49tzangerLaern: yes, you configure ports in groups of 8: either FXS or FXO
16:15.05tzangerhmm groups of eight means you'd need four T1s not 3 to satisfy your requirements sorry
16:15.20tzangerit's a hardware module: 8-port FXS or 8-port FXO card
16:15.27tzangerthe Adit600 can take 6 cards in any combination
16:16.31Laerntzanger: Thanks for your info. I will google the web with this to try to understand. Thank you.
16:18.25tzangerLaern: you can use Carrier Access Channel Bank I and IIs too but I'd only use them for FXS, not FXO (no far-end disconnect detection) -- they also seem to echo a little more but it's still acceptable and they're a little cheaper too
16:18.55tzangerLaern: a TE410P is (IIRC) USD$1500, and the Adit600 is about USD$500 for 24FXS, about $700 for 24FXO
16:18.57Celticdw:Digium don't sell BRI cards
16:18.59tzangerthese are all ebay prices
16:19.49Celticdw: Somebody is working on a quad BRI though
16:22.15*** join/#asterisk SquareRt (~genesis@
16:23.14SquareRtI seem to have a problem getting MusicOnHold to work
16:23.33SquareRt've been trying everything I could think of for the past three days lol
16:23.43SquareRti have zaprtc running
16:24.13SquareRtand I get a debug message saying got 104 bytes from mpg123, was expecting 640
16:24.20SquareRt(yes, it's the _real_ mpg123)
16:24.32SquareRtdebian unstable non-free
16:26.04dwCeltic: thanks.. 'working on' aint good enough atm :)
16:26.07dwneed it for january :p
16:26.39klicTelI have a little question abot zapBarge... once in zapBarge, is there a way to detect that the channel being listened to got hung up?
16:26.40SquareRtwhat does "Warning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!" mean?
16:26.48tzangerSquareRt: don't use VBR
16:26.52dwi'm trying to find a cheap voip conferecing phone and i'm failing to do so. i'm looking at analogue phones now, and wondering if it is possible to purchase a VoIP<->analogue converter for only one or two stations, and where from. Help? :)
16:27.22SquareRttzanger: it's the default sample-hold.mp3
16:27.44SquareRtDEBUG[49156]: File res_musiconhold.c, Line 283 (monmp3thread): Read 1066 bytes of audio while expecting 1600
16:27.55Mikei heard alot of echo
16:28.05tzangerSquareRt: not sure.. I've never used MoH
16:28.12SquareRtoh, and I seem to get jitter on the 'lines'
16:28.34SquareRtwhen I type dial 1000 after a minute it seems to have stuttering audio
16:30.40Mikesomeone can tell me what can i do about echo on X100p?
16:31.06tzangerMike: read the mailing lists
16:31.08tzangerMike: google
16:31.13tzangerMike: read the wikis
16:31.22tzangerMike: there are SHITLOADS of info on it, please do some research
16:33.08Celticdw: multiple AVM Fritz then ?
16:34.30wasimyeah, go read that cisco paper
16:34.40wasimerr... Mike :)
16:34.58*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
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16:35.48*** join/#asterisk Levch (~Levch@
16:36.24LevchHello, can * use pulse dialing to the trunk?
16:36.51tzangerLevch: good question...  :-)
16:36.54Mikewasim: you have any tip?
16:36.57tzangerlet me consult the * manual
16:37.36tzangernothing in show application dial
16:38.18wasimMike: read the cisco paper on echo referred very recently on the ML
16:38.30Mikegot the URL
16:38.39wasimno, go search
16:38.58*** join/#asterisk sousou (
16:41.02LevchWhat does "flash" mean in zapata.conf ?
16:41.05easydoneanybody: how's kapejod doing with his quad-bri's ??
16:41.05damien__ok cu all !
16:41.11Mikethe echo canceler is for each country?
16:42.07LevchDoes "flash" change # (flash-hook) behavior ?
16:42.08Bonbonguys, how can I tell if the channel i'm dialling out on is up on the destination end?
16:42.14Bonboni'm using a te410p
16:42.18*** join/#asterisk Smuj (
16:42.18easydonewasim: when can i user your iax-phone
16:42.54SmujAnyone else getting timeouts registering to iaxtel, or is it just me again?
16:42.59wasimeasydone: the only working version is 500 km from me
16:43.21easydonewasim: you got a working version?
16:43.40wasimeasydone: two! well, one + 2 half working ones
16:43.46*** join/#asterisk raulfragoso (
16:44.16easydonewasim: tell me more, tell me more (or do you have a weblog)
16:44.45wasimplease do register
16:45.01SmujAnyone? timing out right now?
16:45.13*** part/#asterisk raulfragoso (
16:46.20Bonbonguys, if I get a disconnection request on pri as soon as I make the call then what could be the problem?
16:47.20lecramwasim: would you consider building one with a 4x4 keypad?
16:47.35wasimonly in the landrover version
16:48.11wasimSmuj: yep, iaxtel not registering
16:48.42lecramit would be nice to get A-D on the keypad byb default as well#
16:48.53Clarityhmm, i have one more question: when i place outgoing calls using i4l the caller doesn't get any notification of what is happening until the person at the other end picks up - is there any way to have a ringing sound played while it is ringing?
16:49.01wasimwell, all the buttons are programmable
16:49.17wasimA,B,C,D ?
16:50.26lecramyeah, they go on the right side of the keypad... teh freqs should be in any decent DTMF description
16:50.38*** join/#asterisk dustyk (
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16:53.45wasimbut why?
16:53.54*** join/#asterisk gcc__ (
16:54.04Mikewasim: i started reading it but i think its not what im looking for
16:54.20gcc__hi all, does anyone know if it's possible to set the length of audio data which Asterisk sends in a SIP packet?
16:54.20*** join/#asterisk T0MKAT (
16:54.33Mikewasim: my echo problems are like the first 15-30seconds call then it gets less echo but not gone at all
16:55.13wasimMike: that means your echo canceller is working, you should be thankful
16:55.31Mikewasim: what do i do about the first 15-30seconds on echo
16:55.37dustykHello all, I am wondering about visual call management. Is anyone working on this or is there something allready done.
16:55.37wasimMike: don't talk
16:55.44wasimactually, no, that wouldn't work either
16:56.38dwCeltic: thanks, thats what i was recommended
16:56.41Mikewasim: your not joking? theres nothing to be done?
16:57.55Bonbonhow do I turn pri debug off?
16:58.08zoa2pri no debug span 1
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17:00.35lecramwasim: I use 'em, and up to now have used a modified handdialer to generate them... would be nice to get them directly on the phone :)
17:01.10wasimlecram: well, theres the standard 3x4, plus speaker, dnd/mute
17:01.19wasimlecram: the rest are up for grabs
17:01.25wasimlecram: there also a up/down scroll
17:01.40wasimlecram: and possible a couple on the LCD for soft menu display
17:01.54easydonewasim: congrats for getting eeks to do the things he does !
17:02.01wasimlecram: but that still leaves pleanty from the total 25
17:02.12wasimeasydone: yeh, i just helped, hank did all the brain work
17:02.34wasimshe! a voip phone is a she! :P
17:02.39easydonewasim: congratulate him too !
17:02.55wasimeasydone: yeh, he's 500 km road testing the sob
17:03.14easydonewsaim: a wireless eeks?
17:03.20wasimeasydone: we were going to do a ip-fw through gprs
17:03.31wasimeasydone: but that didn't work too well
17:05.29easydonehow can you tell a voip-phone is female?
17:05.42wasimcause all the connectors on it are female
17:06.07easydoneyeah, then he must be a she
17:06.22wasimfemale rj-45, female 1/8", female rj-11 for the headset, female power
17:06.30wasimand its bitchy
17:07.10easydoneobviously she doesn't always do want you want her to
17:07.27*** join/#asterisk Stealth_Man (
17:08.35*** part/#asterisk Laern (~Administr@
17:08.41bevinsDigium is closed today?
17:08.57wasimits thanksgiving, most of ulaw land is closed
17:09.13BonbonNO WAYYYYYYYYY
17:09.20Bonbonthat's why our order is help up
17:09.39easydone!info digium
17:09.41bevinsI have a bad tdm400 module...I need a rma....digium tech support can deal with that? or who do I speak with?
17:09.41dustykMost people don't work on Friday either
17:09.51wasimbevins: gvance at
17:10.33bevinswats that?  ^
17:10.38wasimand e
17:10.47easydonewasim: do you know how kapejod is doing with his quads?
17:11.51*** join/#asterisk tristan2 (~tristan@
17:13.05wasimi think he's doing very well
17:13.27wasimbevins: actually, you may also mail support
17:15.39Mikewasim: its very annoying to have 30secs of BIG echo
17:17.51wasimMike: it is, isn't it?
17:18.08Mikewasim: are you making fun of me?
17:18.16*** join/#asterisk raulfragoso (
17:18.19wasimMike: not at all, i'm agreeing with you
17:18.30*** part/#asterisk raulfragoso (
17:19.06Mikewasim: ok
17:20.48*** join/#asterisk rainer_home (
17:21.17klicTelI have a little question abot zapBarge... once in zapBarge, is there a way to detect that the channel being listened to got a hung up?
17:23.34bkw_Exomorph_ your a dead man
17:30.04Mikebkw_: can you help me with my problem? echo 30seconds?
17:31.20*** join/#asterisk point (~litw@
17:31.36blitzragemorning everyone
17:31.46pointhi there
17:31.57blitzragebkw_: what did Exomorph_ do? :)
17:33.05bkw_submited a patch that broke something
17:33.14blitzrageno good :)
17:33.21bkw_thats ok.. I was going to keep an eye on it for a few days to make sure it didn't
17:33.26bkw_but it does
17:33.36*** part/#asterisk huats (
17:33.40blitzrageI love spam!
17:34.43Mikeblitzrage: if there was no spam you wouldnt feel so loved would ya?
17:34.53blitzragefried spam is actually pretty good
17:37.25*** join/#asterisk Growler (~growler@
17:37.39Exomorph_Anyone here using the hold button on a sip phone, and using the latest CVS version of asterisk?
17:37.58blitzrageExomorph_: you're in trouble :)
17:38.18Exomorph_LOL   I'm hiding. ;)
17:39.15Exomorph_bkw_: Hey now...   I didn't break anything... Its their code that doesn't work right. ;)
17:39.23GrowlerI'm having wonderful fun with SIP and the current CVS
17:39.40Exomorph_Growler: Whats your problem?
17:40.00Growlertrying to dial anything from a sip client doesn't work at all
17:40.24Growlerget a load of 407 Proxy Auth Required messages being lobbed about, and then a max retries exceeded
17:41.09Exomorph_What client you using?
17:42.20GrowlerGrandstream BugeTone-100's
17:42.21Growlerthey were working on a previous CVS build
17:43.29Exomorph_Ok... Can you give me some debuging output?   either ethereal or a tcpdump -s0 would be best, but a sip debug will work as well.
17:43.36wasimFuzzyCat: i though you wanted a 256x256
17:43.50wasimFuzzyCat: color, backlit
17:43.54wasimFuzzyCat: touchscreen
17:44.38FuzzyCatI do, but I'm being a little more realistic :D
17:44.54Exomorph_Growler: let me know when you have that and I'll get you to email it to me.
17:45.13bkw_Exomorph_ that patch broke hold
17:45.14FuzzyCatthey are 21.50 and 15.50 RETAIL ... I bet you could pick them up for about 12 in quantity...
17:45.43Exomorph_bkw_: Like I noted above, its the clients fault, they don't conform to the RFC's. ;)
17:45.48wasimFuzzyCat: get specs on how it talks
17:45.59FuzzyCatif you go for the non backlit one... then you should perhaps consider mounting the phone like cisco 79xx's .. more upright
17:46.06wasimFuzzyCat: i'll ask if we can plug it in easily
17:46.10wasimFuzzyCat: you can do side lighting
17:46.24bkw_Exomorph_ your saying my Cisco 7960 isn't RFC
17:46.53FuzzyCatwasim: blue side lighting please :D
17:47.17wasimblue on green? that might not look very nice
17:47.22Exomorph_bkw_: YUP! ;)    I'm looking into it.  THat field has to be filled out.
17:47.52FuzzyCatyou could try EL foil too wasim
17:47.54bkw_Exomorph_ can you find the relevant portions of the RFC that state that?
17:48.18FuzzyCatwasim: blue sure beats green :D
17:48.24GrowlerExomorph_: will that do or would you prefer me to play with tcpdump?
17:48.47bkw_Exomorph_ we need to fix it right if we are going to fix it
17:48.50wasimFuzzyCat: we'll cross that bridge when we get to it
17:48.57leleExomorph_: i didn't have the time to dig it, but it seems to me you are replacing the Contact: field everytime a INVITE is received
17:49.03Exomorph_bkw_: Of course we have to fix it right!
17:49.06wasimhappy holidays kram
17:50.06Exomorph_Growler, Hold one second, I have it up, but to many people bitching at me right now. :)   Haven't had time to look at it.
17:50.13bkw_just proves white men can't grow corn!
17:50.27FuzzyCatwasim: just wanted you to know that I haven't given up on the big lcd :D
17:51.12FuzzyCatand if you feel like going insane...
17:51.18Exomorph_lele: Kinda, At that point in the sip code, We don't have the users name, so we can't build a contact field.  So what I do is copy it from the message that was recieved.
17:51.38Exomorph_lele: It should work just find, but I'm looking into why not.
17:51.44wasimFuzzyCat: this EL thing could be doable, but its expensive too
17:51.48*** join/#asterisk bhoeneis (
17:52.39wasimFuzzyCat: yeh, we saw this one before :) ya'll wanna do a $300 farfon?
17:52.49leleExomorph_: but the OK response to the INVITE generated by the hold key has a different Contact: with your patch or not
17:53.10bkw_wasim if its like the criso sure
17:53.15kramexomorph_: i think your patch was aslightly wrong
17:53.16FuzzyCatno that screen is excessive wasim....
17:53.21kramit seems to have broken hold for bkw
17:53.24Exomorph_lele: Can you generate two debugs for me?  One with and one without the patch?
17:53.31kramso i've committed what i *think* is the right way
17:53.32Exomorph_kram: I'm working on it... :)
17:53.32wasimno, its not, it doesn't have touchscreen or color :P
17:53.38kramcan you take a peek at what i just commited?
17:53.51FuzzyCatwasim: that's not excessive, that's ideal!
17:53.52Exomorph_kram: Ok.  Doing that right now.
17:54.13FuzzyCatcolour touchscreen .... mmmmmmm
17:54.13bkw_KRAM KRAM he's the man.
17:54.19bkw_colour.. thats funny
17:54.21krambk, did it fix?
17:54.27bkw_kram testing now
17:54.35krambkw is to slow
17:54.42bkw_no cvs is
17:54.48bkw_slow slow cvs
17:54.50*** join/#asterisk sousou (
17:55.02blitzrageall hail kram
17:55.24kramwe should colo cvs :)
17:55.35bkw_seems to be
17:55.47Exomorph_kram: I can help you with that if you want.  (I work at an ISP with so much bandwidth, its stupid.
17:55.49bkw_what did you do?
17:55.52blitzragebkw_: it's your connection
17:55.59bkw_blitzrage I doubt it
17:55.59blitzragebkw_: you're having network problems
17:56.07bkw_blitzrage I am THE ISP
17:56.11blitzragebkw_: I know :)
17:56.12GrowlerExomorph_: this seems to be related to hold problems - hitting hold on one of the sip clients during a call causes it to do the same thing
17:56.14gcc__hiya kram =)
17:56.18blitzragebkw_: I'm just teasing :)
17:56.20krammaybe we can setup CVS mirrors
17:56.30Exomorph_Growler: Ya.
17:56.31bkw_Growler cvs update its fixed
17:57.05bkw_who wants to test unixodbc voicemail goodness?
17:57.43bkw_can you have readonly var's in C?
17:57.58bkw_I wanna build a query for cdr_unixodbc from the config file
17:58.20bkw_const ah yes...
17:58.29blitzragebkw_: even *I* knew that one :)
17:58.32Exomorph_kram: That doesn't generate the proper contact tho... It does generate a contact, but without the user field filled in.
17:58.36bkw_I recall reading it now
17:58.44blitzrageyah.. crazy all the stuff you gotta remember
17:58.47bkw_blitzrage if you know soooo mcuh code something
17:58.56af_bkw_: now tha snmp stuff patch and compiles cleanly
17:59.06bkw_af_ zero compile warnings?
17:59.10blitzragebkw_: I don't know so much.  I just knew that :)
17:59.14blitzragebkw_: what do you want me to code / fix ?
17:59.17bkw_blitzrage haha ok
17:59.17af_bkw_: I guess so
17:59.38bkw_af_ can you show output of an snmpwalk?
17:59.50af_sure bkw, but it's very long
17:59.54bkw_I wanna see the possibilities of it
17:59.58bkw_long is good
18:00.03bkw_more stuff to rrdtool
18:00.11gcc__anyone know if the default 20ms frame size can be changed?
18:00.24af_enterprises.digium.asterisk.astConf.astAxPid.0 = 29805
18:00.24af_enterprises.digium.asterisk.astConf.astConfigDir.0 = /etc/asterisk
18:00.24af_enterprises.digium.asterisk.astConf.astConfigFile.0 =
18:00.24af_enterprises.digium.asterisk.astConf.astModuleDir.0 = /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
18:00.24af_enterprises.digium.asterisk.astConf.astSpoolDir.0 = /var/spool/asterisk
18:00.25af_enterprises.digium.asterisk.astConf.astVarDir.0 = /var/lib/asterisk
18:00.27af_enterprises.digium.asterisk.astConf.astLogDir.0 = /var/log/asterisk
18:00.29af_enterprises.digium.asterisk.astConf.astAgiDir.0 = /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
18:00.31af_enterprises.digium.asterisk.astConf.astDb.0 = /var/lib/asterisk/astdb
18:00.33af_enterprises.digium.asterisk.astConf.astKeyDir.0 = /var/lib/asterisk/keys
18:00.35af_enterprises.digium.asterisk.astConf.astPidFile.0 = /var/run/
18:00.39af_enterprises.digium.asterisk.astConf.astSocket.0 = /var/run/asterisk.ctl
18:00.41af_enterprises.digium.asterisk.astConf.astRunDir.0 = /var/run
18:00.43af_enterprises.digium.asterisk.astChannels.astChannelsNumber.0 = Counter32: 0
18:00.45af_enterprises.digium.asterisk.astModules.astModulesNumber.0 = Counter32: 98
18:00.47af_that's for an small example, you can see modules, apps, and channels
18:00.50GrowlerExomorph_: well that fixed hold, but I've got new errors for dialing (well actualy a lack of errors, but a lack of working too) :)
18:00.57wasimwhee ... snmp!
18:01.05ScaredyCatmm.... af_ how about number of calls
18:01.11bkw_call counter
18:01.16Exomorph_Growler: Thats because the Contact isn't being filled out correctly at all.
18:01.23af_no you have not in the mib right now, ScaredyCat
18:01.30Exomorph_Growler: which my patch attempted to fix. :)
18:01.37af_is there a call counter in the code?
18:01.42blitzrageww: you around?
18:01.49bkw_lets add one
18:01.53ScaredyCatbut you can 'calculate' it
18:02.03af_if someone write a call counter, I can put in the mib
18:02.13ScaredyCatI do it on my monitor atm
18:02.30bkw_I think snmp for * is a good thing
18:02.31af_calculate in which way?
18:02.48ScaredyCatparse the output from a show channels
18:02.59bkw_um thats no accurate
18:03.03af_number of channles is in the mib
18:03.16ScaredyCatbkw_: in what way?
18:03.17wasimwouldn't the EL inverter cause further EMI and so close to the board?
18:03.18Exomorph_bkw_: that patch that Kram did breaks things on a few clients agian.  I don't think its producing a correct contact field.  Checking now tho.
18:03.25bkw_af_ can you issue hangup of a channel via SNMP?
18:03.25af_show channels is in the mib, too
18:03.32ScaredyCatwasim: all inverters do
18:03.38af_no bkw_, right now is a read-only mib
18:03.47bkw_oh well
18:03.59af_just three tables
18:04.05bkw_can't have our cake and eat it too... ya we can... its cake what else we gonna do with it?
18:04.18af_but from monday I'll work on it
18:04.19bkw_ScaredyCat yes?
18:04.39ScaredyCat<ScaredyCat> parse the output from a show channels
18:04.39ScaredyCat<bkw_> um thats no accurate
18:04.39ScaredyCat<bkw_> s/no/not/
18:04.39ScaredyCat<af_> number of channles is in the mib
18:04.39ScaredyCat<ScaredyCat> bkw_: in what way?
18:04.59bkw_i'm talking total calls
18:05.02bkw_not just whats in progress
18:05.05af_if you have any ideas for stuffs, email at, or in the * ml
18:05.36ScaredyCatshow chans shows current chans in use
18:05.43af_gastman shows it, bkw_?
18:06.04wasimright, and uniq the chan_desc to get numcalls
18:06.08ScaredyCatfor every 'bridged' call there are 2 entries
18:06.28ScaredyCatfor a call to a local ivr you get one
18:06.31kramso, bkw
18:06.33kramdid it work?
18:06.39ScaredyCat(local ivr or exten)
18:06.48Exomorph_kram: It breaks what I fixed, but it fixed what I broke. :(
18:06.49bkw_kram seems to work fine now
18:07.03kramexo: is there still no contact going back out?
18:07.16af_why MAX_RETRANS 5 in chan_sip.c ?
18:07.18Exomorph_kram: Growler has the same problem as what I have with the original chan_sip.c
18:07.18bkw_sip debug plz
18:07.31af_I have a call hanged for that
18:07.38af_hanged up
18:07.44Exomorph_bkw_: I'm getting the debug output... Just hold on you :)
18:08.28bkw_kram I think the pgsql routines need to be in an include file and not in app_voicemail... similar to what mysql and unixodbc does.  what do you think?
18:08.36Exomorph_Ummmm I have a diffrent problem... Now I'm getting an Unauthorized message back.
18:10.18leleExomorph_: do you need the debug output from me or did you find another source?
18:10.29*** join/#asterisk quoc (
18:10.39Exomorph_lele: I think I have what I need for now...
18:11.10leleExomorph_: ok, let me know if you need something
18:11.15Exomorph_lele: just stay around as I'm gonna get you to test a change.
18:11.23leleof course
18:11.45Exomorph_lele: The new cvs makes things work that was working before, but causes what I was trying to fix to break. :)
18:11.51Exomorph_kram: YOu around?
18:12.13leleExomorph_: i noticed that...
18:13.05*** join/#asterisk voipmania (
18:13.37voipmaniacan any one tell me how to test asterisk after u done installation
18:13.48voipmaniaspecially if u dont have hardware from digium
18:13.54bkw_!info xlite
18:14.02bkw_please tell me the bot is alive
18:14.10many~seen bkw_
18:14.12bkw_ is currently on #asterisk (2d 22h 43m 44s).  Has said a total of 1645 messages.  Is idling for 10s
18:14.15voipmaniai mean i have not change the file form dummy
18:14.17manyit is.
18:14.27bkw_many not that bot
18:14.30bkw_we had two bots
18:14.35manyoh :)
18:14.41bkw_~inf o xlite
18:14.43bkw_~info xlite
18:14.43manyjbot has no define for xlite 8-/
18:15.00bkw_jbot is stupid
18:15.10bkw_[jbot(] Updating debian files... please wait.
18:15.28bkw_wonder if we can DoS the bot
18:15.36bkw_everyone do ~info xlite
18:15.41many~info xlite
18:15.52Exomorph_bkw_: I have a patch that I want you to try in a second, if you can for me?
18:15.56many19:15 <jbot> Package 'xlite' does not exist.
18:16.10voipmania~info xlite
18:16.11blitzragebkw_: the AiNFO bot is gone.
18:16.31bkw_Exomorph_ ya sure
18:16.34blitzrageit ain't so.... but it is.
18:16.39blitzrage~seen ww
18:16.40ww is currently on #asterisk (9h 10m 23s).  Has said a total of 26 messages.  Is idling for 8h 17m 54s
18:16.47blitzragedamnit! :)
18:17.43coil - the hsv2600 crew :)
18:19.24ScaredyCatnot touched up picture that either
18:21.18bkw_my lord...
18:21.35coilim on the far left
18:21.37coiltop row
18:21.58bkw_the tall blue one?
18:22.16bkw_no that can't be you
18:22.23bkw_PROVE it
18:22.48bkw_show me other pictures of you
18:23.08ScaredyCatbkw_ is after pr0n again
18:23.13coilmy mom hid them all
18:23.30Exomorph_lele: you around?
18:23.41ScaredyCatyes, round and chubby
18:24.42*** join/#asterisk Smuj (
18:24.46SmujHey hey hey.
18:25.02SmujAnyone else getting timeouts from iaxtel?
18:25.25bkw_HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
18:25.25bkw_12:25:16 ERROR 404: Not Found.
18:25.31bkw_Exomorph_ valid url please
18:25.44coillynx :)
18:25.54Exomorph_let me check...
18:26.01bkw_Connecting to[]:80... connected.
18:26.01bkw_HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
18:26.05bkw_wget doesn't like that
18:26.21Exomorph_Do it agian... I didn't save the file. :)
18:26.30SmujAnyone?  iaxtel?  broke-ass?
18:26.42ScaredyCatbroke Smuj
18:26.58SmujOk, thanks ScaredyCat.
18:26.59bkw_ya i got it
18:27.17SmujAnyone got experience with voicepulse?
18:27.34bkw_patch: **** malformed patch at line 15: sizeof(p->our_contact) - 1);
18:28.10ScaredyCatis that another bkw patch then? ;)
18:28.25bkw_patch its whats for dinner!
18:28.30coili love you
18:28.30Exomorph_bkw_: Kram's patch produces this: "Contact: <sip:@>" with no username. :(
18:28.57wasimbush is in eyerack?
18:29.00bkw_coil the other other white meat!
18:29.07bkw_wasim when isn't it?
18:29.18ScaredyCatwasim: not any more...
18:29.24Exomorph_bkw_: It compiled on my side...
18:29.30bkw_I can't even get it to patch
18:29.40ScaredyCathe prolly waved remotely
18:29.48bkw_Exomorph_ you did a copy and paste
18:29.57*** join/#asterisk voipmania (
18:29.58bkw_and line wrap
18:30.01coilboards of canada
18:30.19Exomorph_bkw_: Bah!   Forgot about that... web server is on a differnt machine.
18:30.27Exomorph_bkw_: had to copy/paste.
18:30.40bkw_no scp?
18:30.47bkw_scp is your friend
18:30.49bkw_embrace it.
18:30.51bkw_use it.
18:30.52bkw_love it.
18:31.06voipmaniacan any one help me
18:31.14Exomorph_bkw_: Not between those two machines...  I'd have to scp it to another box then to that web box.   Tis nasty.
18:31.21ScaredyCatget a room you two
18:31.22bkw_voipmania we can only help those that wish to help themselves!
18:31.23blitzragescp sux0rz
18:31.30bkw_blitzrage no it don't
18:31.31coilyou sux0rz
18:31.40voipmaniathats cool
18:31.42blitzrage:)  I'm just trying to be difficult
18:31.48bkw_voipmania whats the problem?
18:31.51voipmaniai m ready to help my self
18:31.59voipmaniathats why im  here
18:32.06bkw_~google onlamp asterisk
18:32.07ScaredyCatblitzrage helps himself,every night
18:32.07voipmaniai installed *
18:32.11voipmaniawith out hardware
18:32.22voipmaniai dont know if i need to change any file for that
18:32.23bkw_voipmania try that
18:32.40coil~google stfu
18:32.43blitzrageScaredyCat: :)
18:32.57Exomorph_Here's a question I didn't ask yesterday for that new asterisk box I'm building...  How much ram should I be looking at?  Say for 70 to 80 concurrent g729 calls?
18:32.58coil - bkw_ try that
18:33.09voipmaniaand is there a way to check if its working fine my installation
18:33.11blitzrageso when can I get my * tshirt?
18:33.14ScaredyCat~google smack the shit outta coil n bkw_
18:33.19bkw_Exomorph_ not ram.. but CPU
18:34.06coilshit, theres flying unicorns
18:34.25Exomorph_bkw_: I have dual 3.2ghz xeon's  That won't be a problem. :)   But just curious as to ram requirements.  512mb good enough?
18:34.36bkw_Exomorph_ ram is cheap
18:34.37bkw_MAX IT OUT!
18:34.49ScaredyCatnot official though... at least, its the old logo
18:35.16bkw_smack them
18:35.30coilthose suck
18:35.44ScaredyCatso does bkw_
18:35.50bkw_yes and your point?
18:35.52Exomorph_bkw_, try that new patch... it has the tabs in it.
18:35.53ScaredyCatarf arf
18:35.56blitzrageewww.. no good :)
18:35.58coili suck
18:36.05ScaredyCatmake ur own then blitzrage
18:36.10ScaredyCateasy enuff
18:36.18blitzrageScaredyCat: true enough :)
18:36.25blitzrageI need to clean my desk
18:36.30blitzrageit's meeeeessssssyyyyy
18:36.32coili need to clean my pants
18:36.42ScaredyCatand while ur at it make one for bkw_ ( asstricks)
18:36.44bkw_I wanna see "Ma Bell beats her kids..." on  t-shirt
18:36.49blitzrageI like that one
18:37.02ScaredyCatcoil: turn them inside out
18:37.04blitzrageI wish I knew someone who did silk screen
18:37.09Exomorph_bkw_, So your saying I should max this box's ram out?   At 12gb of ram?   Ummm I don't think so! :)
18:37.13blitzrageI actually have a good on how to do silk screen.
18:37.23bkw_Exomorph_ HAHAAHHAHAAHHAHA well put a gig in it atleast
18:37.26blitzrage2GB's is decent... I guess
18:37.42ScaredyCat~google how to do silk screen
18:37.45bkw_I recall when 2gig was a good hard drive size
18:37.55blitzrageI still have a 2.1GB HD in my P100
18:38.06blitzrageok.. internet going down.
18:38.09blitzrageback in a bit.
18:38.40coil~google where to find good head
18:39.05bkw_asterisk src # patch -p0 < /root/chan_sip.c.diff.1
18:39.06bkw_patching file asterisk/channels/chan_sip.c
18:39.06bkw_patch: **** malformed patch at line 15: sizeof(p->our_contact) - 1);
18:39.06ScaredyCat~kill coil
18:39.10ACTION slits coil's throat
18:39.12bkw_Exomorph_ its broekn
18:39.35bkw_OMG if you don't know how to give good head.. you need to be shot!
18:39.42bkw_NEXT TOPIC!
18:40.00bkw_Exomorph_ it won't appy
18:40.01coilbkw_: teach me how
18:40.02bkw_er apply
18:40.07bkw_coil um no.
18:41.22ScaredyCat:O more like
18:42.13Exomorph_bkw_: Your probably not ignoring the first few lines of the patch... Its a cvs diff -u output not a straight diff -u output.
18:42.33Exomorph_bkw_: Here I'll remove the lines for you and you can d/l the patch agian.
18:42.45bkw_just do a normal patch
18:43.01Exomorph_it is a normal patch. :)
18:43.11Exomorph_d/l that one and try it.
18:44.02bkw_patching file asterisk/channels/chan_sip.c
18:44.02bkw_Hunk #1 FAILED at 5058.
18:44.02bkw_Hunk #2 FAILED at 5279.
18:44.02bkw_2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file asterisk/channels/chan_sip.c.rej
18:44.14bkw_its still wrapping lines around
18:44.55Exomorph_LOL   Stupid thing...
18:45.16Exomorph_Saved it in a diffrent editor that decided to line wrap the stupid thing.
18:45.31bkw_ya know I can put these lines in by hand
18:45.55bkw_I have lost intrest in it... blah
18:46.10*** join/#asterisk jammy (
18:46.17Exomorph_hehe Well, I need to send this off to someone else so it needs to be done right. :)
18:46.22jammyhello room
18:46.48Exomorph_bkw_, there... this one will work.
18:46.52bkw_Exomorph_ post it on the bug on bugs
18:46.57bkw_the one lele opened
18:47.08Exomorph_Exomorph_: I will if and when all this works.
18:47.12jammyguys can I ask u a question?
18:47.25Exomorph_jammy, Ummmm Sure.
18:47.26wasimdidn't you just?
18:47.31bkw_ya really
18:47.40coilyay ayay
18:48.16jammywhen am new to asterisk, I just installed it, when i try to register to it with my cisco ATA I get an erroe that says....
18:48.32jammyproxy authentication required
18:48.34coileverything you do is a balloon
18:48.37bkw_ok sip.conf entry?
18:48.42bkw_what does your entry look like?
18:48.59bkw_Exomorph_ I will try that in a few
18:49.15jammyhumm, I set it according to teh docs, 1 sec let me tell u
18:49.22ScaredyCatwhere;s the changelog again?
18:49.56Exomorph_Growler: you around?
18:50.00bkw_you can also use rcs2log to get it
18:51.01Exomorph_Ok... who else was having the problems with sip after they patched to the latest cvs?
18:51.27bkw_jammy docs
18:51.36bkw_did someone write some docs for asterisk?
18:52.03ScaredyCatwhere's the incoming/outgoing limit entries in the changelog
18:52.03jammy;nat=yes                        ; This phone may be natted
18:52.04bkw_thats a good start
18:52.08jammycanreinvite=no                  ; Cisco poops on reinvite sometimes
18:52.09Exomorph_We're in the process of writting them. :)   *points at the Asterisk-Doc project*
18:52.10jammyqualify=200                     ; Qualify peer is no more than 200ms away
18:52.19ScaredyCatbkw_: #asterisk-doc
18:52.19bkw_ok that username = can go
18:52.23jammythere bkw
18:52.53bkw_the cisco and blah on the uid0 and pwd0
18:53.12bkw_the ip of your asterisk server in outbound proxy and gworproxy
18:53.28bkw_ww whoa cowboy.. don't wave that thing around here.
18:54.17jammyok thats it?
18:54.40wwso sip brkoen now?
18:55.09bkw_sip isn't broken
18:55.18coilScaredyCat: loser
18:55.34bkw_Exomorph_ that works
18:55.44bkw_I can put a call on hold.. and pick it back up
18:55.49ScaredyCatcoil: homo
18:55.49bkw_which is good(tm)
18:56.02bkw_ScaredyCat its just "mo" for short
18:56.08Exomorph_ww: Yes it is... But its back to the way it worked before, but I have a patch to fix it up nicely.
18:56.12ScaredyCatbkw_: is 408 really fixed?
18:56.26bkw_what is 408?
18:56.49bkw_I think it is.. kram said he applied it
18:57.39ScaredyCatonly for sip tho?
18:57.44ScaredyCatnot iax?
18:57.54Exomorph_Ok... I just need lele and Growler to try this patch out. :)
18:57.56wasimyou should give up smoking
18:58.12wasimcigs, tobacco ones, i.e.
18:58.31ScaredyCatwasim: it's my only vice
18:58.39wasimno, you're a violent sob too
18:59.06ScaredyCatthat's not a vice...
18:59.13bkw_strcpy(regval->pager, "");
18:59.16bkw_thats valid isn't it?
18:59.16ScaredyCat...thats a character trait
18:59.33tzangerdoes anyone have a fairly robust extension macro that includes voicemail?
18:59.56wasimScaredyCat is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 82 times.
19:00.31coilin a beautiful place out in the countr
19:01.04bkw_haha retval
19:02.15*** join/#asterisk T0MKAT (
19:02.50bkw_knowing fedex and UPS I wouldn't put it past em
19:03.23bkw_I wonder if I can move the message file and such to sql
19:03.34bkw_and enumerate the voicemail message list from sql
19:03.36bkw_instead of the file sstem
19:03.38bkw_er system
19:03.44wwhmmm... what broked sip?
19:03.49bkw_Exomorph_ did
19:03.58wwbkw_ why use sql for things the file system is good for?
19:04.12bkw_ww the voicemail will be saved on disk
19:04.13wwbkw_ not as if anyone's allowed to have 10000000 voicemails
19:04.15ScaredyCatups suck, their drivers always claim to have tried to deliver but no-one was at home... I usually phone and tell em it's bollock, and they make the driver deliver it... but nothing...
19:04.26bkw_but the info about the message.txt file will be put in sql also
19:04.26wwbkw_ so the disk already has an index...
19:04.33bkw_no the disk doesn't
19:04.36Exomorph_I fixed chan_sip...  but it broke other sip phones that are broken to begin with. ;)
19:04.40wasimmy stuff has been stuck at customs for a week now
19:04.47wwbkw_ yes it does: readdir(...
19:04.51ScaredyCatyour drugs wasim?
19:05.05coildrugs rox
19:05.05bkw_ww its not very clueful then
19:05.07leleExomorph_: not to put it all on you but i have 4 different brand phones and you broke them all :)
19:05.22bkw_lele get him
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19:05.37Exomorph_lele: hehe I know, I was joking.  I did break the hold part, but fixed the initial call invite.
19:05.40gormanre #?
19:05.43wasimno, silly cat, we normally EXPORT it
19:05.59ScaredyCatin iax phones wasim?
19:06.07wasims&h charges
19:06.09wwbut sql == more moving parts
19:06.19ScaredyCatsmack and heroin charges?
19:06.19wwshould be careful of overusing...
19:06.47wwand filesystem lookups are inexpensive...
19:07.00ww... for some things
19:07.13wwlot cheaper than heroin
19:07.15bkw_ww then its fine like it is then
19:07.24bkw_someone else said it would be nice to have more in sql
19:07.25wasimanybody have a desoldering station that's not expensive they recommend?
19:07.27bkw_but I don't agree
19:07.41wwimo yes. fine like it is
19:07.41*** join/#asterisk voipmania (
19:07.56wwexcept perhaps for authentication type stuff
19:07.58gcc__later all
19:08.09wwwhich should be centralized... but that's not only for voicemail
19:08.10bkw_asterisk*CLI> load
19:08.24ScaredyCatanyone know how to do DIY plastic cases ?
19:09.26bkw_its possible now
19:09.30bkw_thats fucking scary
19:09.33wwlook what you've done!
19:09.40bkw_I know
19:09.52bkw_just think of the flexability now
19:09.58wasimgod, i can just imagine the ML now
19:10.30manywhat authentications are there beside rsa for IAX2?
19:10.49voidptryeah, and nothing
19:10.57bkw_WIDE THE FUCK OPEN!
19:11.06voidptrlike goatse?
19:11.14bkw_man my code is like spread out
19:11.21bkw_I like lots of space
19:11.57*** join/#asterisk stief (
19:11.58stiefhi all
19:12.02manyHAH: works! great :-)))
19:17.00Exomorph_bkw_: Your going to write up some docs for your odbc stuff right?
19:17.06sousouanyone running capi on Mandrake here?
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19:17.12Exomorph_bkw_: and send them into the doc project... right?
19:17.26bkw_Exomorph_ I already started
19:17.34bkw_I put basic stuff in the wiki already for cdr_unixodbc
19:17.36tzangerI'm #11 on that list
19:17.37Exomorph_bkw_: :)   Just making sure.
19:17.42stiefif asterisk -r  work, does that mean the hardware also works ? or is there a way to test if everything is working good ?
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19:18.16bkw_stief um no
19:18.28bkw_love my comment
19:18.28stiefbkw_: heheeh okee :) i'll continue to RTFM :)
19:19.37tzangerwhat is asterisk-ng?
19:20.21Exomorph_bkw_: Can you get kram to apply that patch I posted for the broken sip stuff?   It works for myself, you and lele with his 5 diffrent devices.  So all is good.
19:21.10wwExomorph_: where is your patch?
19:21.23wwtzanger asterisk+ipv6?
19:21.30bkw_jammy please keep i tin the channel
19:22.30leleonly 4 devices: cisco, Siemens, grandstream, pingtel :)
19:22.48Exomorph_Opps. :)
19:22.52bkw_I need input
19:23.00bkw_the use of goto in C
19:23.03Exomorph_ww: Please let me know what device and if that patch works.
19:23.07bkw_I used it in my unixodbc-vm stuff
19:23.11Exomorph_ACK!!!  NO GOTO's!!!!
19:23.20bkw_what evah
19:23.27wwthat is not the right way... but there is more to it
19:23.29bkw_its better than duplicating the same code 6 times
19:23.34Growlergoto is acceptable rarely
19:23.56wwunless we're coding in basic now...
19:24.00Growlerhowever that doesn't rule out times that it is acceptable
19:24.05bkw_tell me a better way
19:24.27wwExomorph_: the build_contact routine is a bit broken
19:24.38Exomorph_ww: Oh?
19:24.48bkw_  <--- tell me if thats acceptable usage of goto?
19:24.48*** join/#asterisk stipe (
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19:25.09sousouI'll ask again in desperation. Anyone using ISDN4Linux capi driver for Fritz on Mandrake 9.2?
19:25.19indiamhi friends
19:25.32*** join/#asterisk stipe (
19:25.34wwthe real question is -- why p->exten == "" there?
19:25.50ScaredyCatIngestion: Toxic (contains methanol)
19:25.50ScaredyCatSkin Contact: Can cause dermatitis
19:25.50ScaredyCatInhalation: Central nervous system depression.
19:25.50ScaredyCatEye Contact: Will irritate, can cause blindness
19:25.57*** part/#asterisk stipe (
19:26.14indiami need a help on asterisk
19:26.19indiamcan anyone help me plz
19:26.41bkw_indiam speak
19:26.59indiamwhich OS is best to install asterisk ?
19:27.06Exomorph_bkw_: why don't you create either a new function that does that at the end, or make a compiler macro that does what you want.
19:27.08indiamRedhat or debian ?
19:27.22bkw_Exomorph_ good job.. thats the input I want
19:27.45Exomorph_ww: Thats what I was trying to figure out, spent a good 5 hours trying to track it down and gave up on it.
19:27.53indiambecoz, the server which requested is Redhat 9.0
19:27.57indiamthey gave me Debian GNU/Linux 3.0
19:28.07bkw_do not use FH9
19:28.16wwExomorph_ oh... my chan_sip.c has diverged... AGAIN
19:28.17bkw_its more like Fucked Hat 9
19:28.17manyindiam: they know whats good for you.
19:28.17indiamif you could suggest me which is best
19:28.37bkw_indiam RH8, gentoo, debian all seem fine
19:28.40sobolbkw_, i couldn't agree with u more
19:28.42ww104 104 104 104 104 104
19:28.50Exomorph_indiam: use RedHat Fedora...
19:29.02wwthe sip patch that makes NAT work
19:29.15wwi keep having to do ugly manual pullups
19:29.16bkw_does it work?
19:29.20indiamIS Debian/Linux is good for me for asterisk ?
19:29.24Exomorph_ww: whats this?   chan_sip.c had diverged? how?
19:29.28manyindiam: yes.
19:29.33indiamthanks friends
19:29.42manyi use asterisk on three debian boxes now.
19:29.49indiamreally many
19:29.55indiamthat is too much ;)
19:29.56many(home, one internal and one external at work)
19:29.58bkw_GENTOO GENTOO...
19:30.02wwExomorph_ see bug id 104. there's a patch against version 1.249 of chan_sip.c
19:30.15manygentoo is for people with too much time 8)
19:30.15wwi don't have the code your patch is against because...
19:30.17indiamyou have three wife ;)
19:30.36indiamthanks for all your help friends
19:30.42bkw_many you can do stage3 installs
19:30.49wwi can't follow CVS because NAT is borken
19:30.50manyand how do i upgrade?
19:30.58Exomorph_ww: Let me take a look.
19:31.00manyright. ;-)
19:31.01Growlerbkw_: I'll agree with many on this ;)
19:31.01wwbkw_: slakware + pkgsrc :)
19:31.13bkw_gentoo does really good on upgrades
19:31.19bkw_I would rather compile it on the box
19:31.19tclarkbkw_: did not fond always to cache the sql prep stnt with the odbc libs ??
19:31.20Exomorph_ww: can you apply my patch by hand?  its only two lines that you need..  the if and the copy.
19:31.20Growlerwhile I use Gentoo on my desktop the x86's in the server farm are Debian
19:31.23bkw_than use binary crap
19:31.31manyits no crap, infact.
19:31.38wwExomorph_ but the surrounding lines aren't there in my chan_sip.c
19:31.40bkw_tclark what?
19:32.08tclarkic in that code you still using sql string on each call, not just passing parms to the prepd stmts
19:32.08bkw_I wanna test the cache prepair in cdr_unixodbc
19:32.09wwsomething changed between 1.249 and 1.256 that makes your patch necessary...
19:32.33bkw_set prepaired = 1
19:32.44bkw_then skip over that every time and call SQLExecute
19:32.47bkw_and see if it plays nice
19:32.57Growlerlele: what version of the Grandstream firmware are you running?
19:33.00Exomorph_ww: let me look. :)
19:33.05many~seen kapejod
19:33.08kapejod <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 22h 39m 2s ago, saying: 'bkw_: that would be very expensive!'.
19:33.27manyanyone using chan_capi?
19:33.42bkw_tclark let me see really fast if that works
19:34.10jammybkw, i get the same thing, proxy auth required
19:34.26tclarkbkw_: can you also chg to BLOCK not FEATURE hehe maybe deadlock * boxs are nice feature
19:35.56bkw_ok hol don
19:37.03bkw_tclark you broke it
19:37.05Exomorph_ww: give me a sec and I'll see if I can pull up the changes for the ata-nat stuff for you.
19:38.25bkw_tclark the sql query will have to be prepaired every time
19:38.32bkw_the prepair does any escaping if need be
19:38.53bkw_so if we don't call prepair every time.. we can't escape the new query
19:39.27klicTelI have a little question about zapBarge... once in zapBarge, is there a way to detect that the channel being listened to got a hung up?
19:40.18tclarkhmm: must be a way i do that in the ms odbc world, guess i need to play, cant beleive then req sql stmt prep from str on very call that be fsckd implmenation never scales
19:40.46bkw_the prepair escapes the query if it needs to be...
19:40.50*** join/#asterisk david (
19:40.56bkw_not sure what hit that takes
19:41.03bkw_who knows it might do something internally to cache it
19:41.17bkw_but the docs for unixODBC are worse than *'s
19:41.52tclarkdoubt it be nice if there was a std store proc lang accross dbs
19:42.08indiamthanks friends
19:42.16tclarkbut odbs *should* do it for you..
19:42.29indiamwhen i say cvs on my debian system, it is saying command not found
19:42.51indiammay i know where can i get the cvs app for debian
19:42.58tclarkaptget cvs
19:43.00wwapt-get install cvs
19:43.28indiamwhich one aptget cvs or apt-get install cvs ?
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19:44.01indiamthanks ww -- worldwide wife ;)
19:44.27indiamsorry i'm newbie, sorry for the intrusion
19:44.37tclarkapt-get install cvs
19:44.48indiamthanks friends
19:44.58wwno intrusion on public irc !
19:45.32bkw_SQLPrepare  Yes  Yes  ISO 92  Prepares an SQL statement for later execution.  
19:45.46blitzrageww: you have your * behind NAT with your patch right?
19:46.09indiamwhat a wonder !!! Really debian is great
19:46.31indiamand ww tclark too
19:46.40wwmodulo the fscking isp who changed the address range without morning and caused me to spend all night changing nameservers and rebuilding tunnels... it should work
19:46.50wwerr... warning
19:48.23indiami just want to use the SIP functionality in asterisk, can I just use asterisk module alone and leave the zaptel & libpri
19:49.25Exomorph_indiam: you need to compile and install zaptel and libpri, but you don't need to have them running.
19:49.37Exomorph_afaik at least
19:49.52wwunless you want conferences...
19:50.27bevinswhy do you need to compile libpri? I don't need it so I didn't compile it...
19:50.31tclarkdoesnt cvs moh reg a zap timing src still ??
19:50.53bkw_it can work without it
19:50.57bkw_but it might not sound right
19:51.24tclarkbevins: there were function  dependency at one pt
19:51.41indiamso there is no problem in installing zaptel or libpri without a ISDN card
19:51.59indiamthanks friends
19:52.00bevinstclark; now thats out?
19:52.14ww(just don't load the kernel modules for hardware that isn't there)
19:52.46tclarkat one pt zap used to bark bcus of od some lib pri calls not sure if it still does i always do zaptel, libpri, & *
19:52.58*** join/#asterisk Zebble (~Zebble@
19:53.46bevinsah ok.... Thats been fixed because I just compile * and zaptel and it doesn't complain.
19:54.28*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
19:54.54bevinsIs there a list of options for each conf file? I am writing a user interface for configuring cards and extensions.
19:55.16blitzragebevins: yah.. in /usr/src/asterisk/configs
19:55.30blitzrageManxPower: how did the move go?
19:56.12ManxPowerblitzrage, I'm unpacking and setting stuff up.
19:56.25ManxPowerThe only major problem is that the cable guy never showed up on Wed
19:56.33indiami have got an error
19:56.42blitzrageManxPower: now THAT's annoying
19:56.47indiamwhile compiling asterisk, /usr/include/linux/module.h:21: linux/modversions.h: No such file or directory
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19:57.00ManxPowerSo it'll be friday or monday before I get cable tv and internet
19:57.02zoa2indiam: get your kernel sources
19:57.13indiamit seems linux sources were not available
19:57.19bkw_ManxPower kick the cable guys ass
19:57.23bkw_unless he's cute...
19:57.24bevinsblitzrage: thats just the sample configs....  I'm looking for documentation on conf files and their available options
19:57.32ManxPowerYa know the only cable company I ever had before was Cox Cable and I NEVER even THOUGHT about getting Direct TV before I moved into a Mediacom area
19:57.34indiamzoa2: how will i get get  in debian
19:57.55blitzragebevins: ummm.. yah.... in the sample conf files it lists all the options and an explanation as far as I know
19:57.55zoa2apt-cache search kernel
19:58.00ManxPowerBut I can get DSL here and I kow someone at a local ISP that does DSL....
19:58.09blitzrageManxPower: well there you go :)
19:58.09tzangeris PCI 2.2 a 3.3V specification?
19:58.11blitzragefree dsl! :)
19:58.30zoa2is it possible that 1 span of a TE410p breaks?
19:58.31bevinsblitzrage:ah! so I gues I will compile a workable list myself...:-)
19:58.31pinoindiam: apt-get install kernel-source-2.4.22 (w/ unstable)
19:58.34zoa2and the others keep working ?
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19:58.46blitzrageww: for your patch.. the only configuration I need to do is add the externip=x.x.x.x in sip.conf?
19:58.56blitzragebevins: yeppers :)
19:59.17wwno, externip is removed by my patch. it is borken by design
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19:59.26indiamzoa2: i got a list of packages moving up
19:59.32wwuse inside_net, inside_mask and outside_addr
19:59.38ManxPowerdamn Netscapebrowser/email/cat
20:00.01indiamzoa2:  apt-get install kernel-source-2.4.22  will this help me to install the right sources ?
20:00.03ww(the first two should really be inside_net/mask but i haven't done the parsing code for that...)
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20:00.53ww(should be something like  pow(2, atoi(mask))-1 but overflow issues...
20:01.03tzangerzoa2: that's not cool
20:01.31wwblitzrage: to recap: <ww> use inside_net, inside_mask and outside_addr
20:02.23blitzrageww: and where do those addresses go?
20:02.29wwbut be careful -- there apparently have been questionable changes to chan_sip.c since cversion 1.249
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20:02.40blitzrageww: oh ok.  gotcha.
20:02.42tzangerPCI 2.2 spec _required_ 3.3V power be made available
20:02.49tzangerPCI 2.1 3.3V was optional
20:02.56JerJerWTF  Duba is in Bagdad
20:03.09blitzrageww: can outside_addr be ?
20:03.13JerJerGeorge W is in IRAQ
20:03.18blitzrageww: wicked.
20:03.27bkw_OH FUCK
20:03.28blitzrageww: will give it a shot.
20:03.29bkw_thats not good
20:03.36voidptrach, that chicken shit didn't dare to announce his visit!
20:03.42bevinstzanger: not all pci 2.2 boards will work though....
20:03.44blitzragebkw_: sure it is.. maybe he'll get shot :)
20:04.00tzangerbevins: why is that
20:04.22bevinsdepejnds on the mobo manufacturer.
20:04.26bkw_they flew airforce 1 into iraq
20:04.38bkw_thats fucking crazy
20:04.44bkw_not very responsible
20:04.50tzangerbevins: any idea what the problem is?  TE410P is a 3.3V card, and PCI2.2 requires 3.3V at the card connector
20:05.02wwit's true, the bbc says "Bush makes secret visit to Iraq
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20:06.07wwA menu for the dinner had even been made public, the Associated Press reported.
20:06.41bevinstzanger: does yopur mobo support it?
20:06.52ww(that's for the dinner dubya was supposed to have been eating with his wife in texas)
20:06.59tzangerbevins: the mobo I am looking at is PCI2.2 compliant, that's all it says
20:07.06bevinsWhat I am saying is just because its pci 2.2 doesn't mean a 3.3 vlot card will work
20:07.09tzangerI'd have to power it up, locate the V33 pins and verify it :-)
20:07.29tzangerbevins: what is the hangup then, do you know?  It can't be 3.3v since 3.3v is required to be PCI2.2 compliant
20:07.58blitzrageguess he's already out of baghdad
20:08.46pinoguys, was that REALLY him?
20:09.00pinoi saw that on the news, but he had an unusal smart look in his eyes.
20:09.10dariusyeah, that wouldn't be him then
20:10.46scudbite me
20:10.54blitzrageThanksgiving was like a month ao
20:11.05dariusheh, I am American
20:11.17blitzragedamn americans are always late :)
20:11.26scudblitzrage: where you from?
20:12.22scudwhat is a canadian thanksgiving like?
20:12.54tzangerturkey, beer, football... same as american, just eralier
20:12.59zoa2stuffed chicken
20:13.50blitzragejust better
20:13.58scudwhats the significance of the date, it being earlier?
20:14.02dariusdon't make us bomb you
20:14.12blitzragedarius: bah.. you couldn't get us all.. we're too spread out :)
20:14.24blitzragewe got LOTS of land :)
20:14.36dariusso are the terrorists... but that won't deter us from trying
20:14.41blitzrageof course not
20:14.46bevinsand lots of mountains to hide under
20:15.30rot200anyone from digium could help me?
20:15.44scudrot200: digium is closed for the holidays
20:15.48blitzragerot200: what.. the rest of us not good enough? :)
20:16.05scudrot200: everyone in the channel work at digium......we all live in huntsville al
20:16.18scudrot200: but since we're geeks we irc during social (family) events
20:16.21bevinson the same street
20:16.42rot200blitzrage, it's a sales question :-)
20:17.09scudask the question
20:17.37scudi'll say yes but i'll have to put a 75% markup on it
20:17.44rot200scud, hehehe
20:18.23rot200scud, my company has ordered four g729 licenses
20:18.40blitzragerot200: ahh :)
20:18.42rot200but didnt get any response yet
20:18.42tzangerbevins: aside from 3.3V power issues, why else would a TE410P not work on a PCI2.2 system?
20:18.58blitzrageww: you around?
20:19.46blitzrage~seen ww
20:19.49ww is currently on #asterisk (1h 1m 41s).  Has said a total of 38 messages.  Is idling for 12m 57s
20:20.00blitzragehe'll be back then.... I hope :)
20:20.23bevinstzanger: I'm not familiar with the TE410P hardware.... I just meant tomake a point that the pci specs says to be pci 2.2. compliant it must have the 3.3volt rail on the connector.  Some mobo manufacturers still don't provide it and still claim pci 2.2 compliant.
20:20.53Exomorph_anyone know if Digium is going to release their cards as pci-x ?
20:21.30tzangerbevins: ok that's what I needed to hear.  :-)  Thank you.
20:21.30bevinsSo short of pulling out your Fluke voltmete and checking the connector I can't answer your question
20:21.35tzangerbevins: that's exactly what I am going to do
20:22.31tzangerbevins: I had a similar problem with GVC internal PnP modems -- they violated PnP spec by giving all modems the same serial # (not -1) which meant you couldn't put more than one in a system.  I broke out my soldering iron and my chip programmer and gave them all serial # -1 and it worked. :-)
20:22.36tzangerExomorph_: heh
20:23.15tzangerI might have to build a little 5V -> 3.3V regulator for the TE410 if 3.3V isn't present
20:23.26bevinstzanger: you could allways solder a wire on the 3.3volt pin of the card to a voltage devider of your making on a 5 volt pin on the power supply to apply power to the card.
20:23.43bevinsI don't know if Digium supports this behavior though...:-)
20:23.44tzangervoltage divider would work but that's ghastly in terms of power consumption
20:23.51tzangera little buck regulator would do nicely
20:24.22bevinsthat works too.
20:24.31blitzrageww: hrm... still doesn't seem to work.
20:24.45blitzrageww: can't get the * box to register with any SIP proxies.
20:25.18blitzragegotta go and clean the house.  back in a bit.
20:25.42bevinsIAX works great behing NAT... I thought I would have a problem with it....first shot it came right up.
20:26.00blitzrageoh yah.. IAX works great :)
20:26.17bevinsits pretty fast too.
20:26.43scudits fast like butter
20:26.44blitzrageit's definately the more advanced protocol
20:26.59bevinswhat does the trunk=yes do? keep the connection up between * boxes?
20:27.12wwtick tick tick
20:27.21wwkinda like TDMoIP
20:28.02*** join/#asterisk Jackhamr (~Jackhamr@
20:28.15*** join/#asterisk data[away] (~data@
20:28.19ww~seen blitzrage
20:28.20blitzrage is currently on #asterisk (28m 4s).  Has said a total of 29 messages.  Is idling for 1m 36s
20:28.45wwno register? hmmm
20:29.04wwwhat does 'sip debug' do?
20:30.00*** join/#asterisk stief_ (
20:30.05davidhey - I've noticed a few people selling 'replica' FXO cards on ebay. Do those things even work?
20:30.42stief_in which config file do i define my analog asterisk hardware device ?
20:31.10davidstief_: zaptel.conf, I believe
20:31.30tzangerwith the PCI 'notch' toward the front of hte MB (i.e. away form the back panel) is that 5V or 3.3V PCI?
20:32.09stief_david thanks, btw do i need a sound card in order to get things working ?
20:32.28tzangerok - key at front = 5V.  key at back = 3.3V
20:32.36davidstief_: not that I know of
20:32.53*** join/#asterisk testhest (
20:32.58davidstief_: your pbx system shouldn't need a sound card
20:39.00*** join/#asterisk hmcgregor (
20:39.16Exomorph_bkw_: Hey... just to let you know, bug 588 is patch and the fix is on bugs.
20:40.09bevinstzanger: two keys =3.3 64 bit
20:40.10hmcgregorDoes anyone know if Asterisk can provide BRI service?
20:40.26tzangerbevins: not necessarily -- two keys on the regular 'short' connector = universal slot
20:41.16bevinsdid you check your slot?
20:42.47tzangerbevins: it's at home right now
20:43.16tzangerpin 22 on the righthand side (looking at the mobo with the back of the mobo away from you) is +3.3V
20:43.28tzangersame with 27 on RHS
20:43.38JerJerthe damn media is falling over themselves with this surpise visit
20:43.40tzangerIOV is 20 on LHS -- that can be 5V or 3V
20:43.42blitzrageww: I'm back
20:43.43stief_with the default setup (make samples) for which hardware is zaptel configued ? i orderd that analog phone jack, but in asterisk -9, doing set verbose 9, then calling to my device doesn't output anything
20:44.06Jackhamrhey guys, did you do an update to find out that most of the files had checksum errors?
20:44.33tzanger10RHS, 20LHS, 59 LHS/RHS -- all IOV.  
20:44.51wwbr: ok... so what's happening with your sip registrations?
20:44.55bevinsthere is many 3.3 pins
20:44.56tzangerack 16 RHS too
20:45.09tzangerbevins: those are the IOV pins -- any PCI card must be able to handle 3.3V/5V on them
20:45.15blitzrageww: my Contact line:  Contact: <sip:1000@>
20:45.16tzangerthe 3.3V PS pins are ..
20:45.29blitzrageshouldn't the :0 actually be a :5060 ?
20:45.45wwyes it should
20:45.55wwwhat version of chan_sip.c do you have?
20:45.56blitzragehrm.. I'm running CVS from Nov 26
20:46.08wwcvs status chan_sip.c
20:46.43tzanger22RHS, 26LHS, 28RHS, 31LHS, 33RHS, 36LHS, 39RHS, 41LHS, 43LHS, 45RHS, 53RHS, 54LHS
20:47.37tzangerso now I guess the question is that on the TE410P is it keyed 3V only or will it fit into 5V slots?
20:47.57tzangerI have a 5V slot, but it claims to be PCI2.2 compliant so I will see if it's got 3.3V on the pins it should
20:48.03blitzrageww: Working revision: 1.255, Repository revision: 1.256
20:48.27bevinsIt fits in 5 volt slots, I'm pretty sure
20:48.34tzangerbevins: not from the pic on digium's site
20:48.42wwhmmm... i suggest delete it, then 'cvs update -r1.249 chan_sip.c' then apply the patch
20:48.52blitzrageww: ok, I'll give it a shot.
20:48.58bevinsDigium has docs on it?
20:48.59tzanger  <-- 3.3V keyed
20:49.12wwthere's been some strangeness with building the contact header as Exomorph_ will tell you
20:49.45tzangerI can saw out the key but that is not something I'd want to do on a $1500 PCI card
20:50.06bevinsI wouldn't do that either...:-)
20:50.15tzangeroh well
20:50.21tzangerthis mobo's out of the question
20:50.24tzangerI'll check the backplane system
20:50.27bevinsI have a board with 5 volt slots downstairs...I'll go check
20:50.29tzangersee if it's got 3.3V PCI slots
20:50.39tzangerbevins: do you have a TE410P there?
20:51.58blitzrageww: recompiling now
20:51.59bevinsIt won't fit in it
20:52.23bevinsunless you use a dremel and notch out the key...:-)
20:52.38blitzragethat couldn't be good :)
20:52.44wwbr: weird... i am actually using v 1.255 after my update and it is working...
20:52.49tzangerblitzrage: well as I said up earlier, I don't want to do that to a USD$1500 board
20:52.54bevinsthen you could make a clock out of your card....:-)
20:52.58blitzragetzanger: yah.. me niether ;)
20:53.19blitzrageww: how do you patch it?  I may be patching it with a wrong command or somethign :)
20:53.23blitzrage<< not a programmer :)
20:53.51wwcd asterisk/channels ; patch -p0 < /where/ever/patch
20:55.20bevinsanyone have schematics for a module on a tdm400....I have a module that has no dial tone
20:55.29*** join/#asterisk zoa2 (
20:55.32blitzrageww: then a make clean ; make install in ./asterisk ?
20:56.08wwyou don't even have to do that. just 'make' and it will rebuild,
20:56.24wwstop asterisk, cp channels/ /usr/lib/asterisk/modules, start asterisk
20:56.47tzangerso... unless that mobo has NO keys in it... I can't use it :-)
20:57.11Exomorph_PSTN fall back, two analog ports, it will bring the PSTN call in if someone calls.
20:57.14blitzrageww: Contact: <sip:1000@>
20:57.41blitzragepretty much anything with a port number on the end is :0 instead of :5060
20:58.16blitzrageother than that.. it looks like it's working :)
20:58.35blitzragestop now
20:58.39blitzragedamnit! :)  wrong window
20:58.56wwport number specified in sip.conf?
20:59.39stiefis the handbook-draft also a beginners book ? are only for developers ?
21:00.17wwhas anyone been hacking silence suppression stuff or anything
21:00.29wwthat might have introduced fuzzy sound on a sip extension recently?
21:01.13blitzrageww: hehe.. ok.. I guess I forget to have a port=5060 in there :)  doesn't look to be registering still though unfortunately.
21:01.15Exomorph_ww: Not that I know of.
21:01.25blitzrageat least there is a :5060 on the ends of the addresses now though
21:01.35wware you seeing the replies?
21:02.09blitzrageno.  also.. Contact: <sip:1000@ipaddress>  << there should be a :5060 on there ?
21:02.16blitzragejust the REGISTER's
21:02.23wwExomorph_ weird.. i'm on a very fuzzy call sip --> pstn right now... strange
21:02.41wwbr: the 5060 is the default so is notreally required. should be fine
21:03.11wwif you're not seeing the responses... do you see them on the outside interface of the firewall?
21:03.19blitzragegoing to check
21:03.22wwmaybe the firewall is eating them...
21:03.48blitzrageww: hrm.. shoudln't be.  I have ports 5060 and 10000:10100 open, as well as forwarded to the internal machine.
21:04.16blitzrageboth TCP and UDP for now.  I'm pretty sure it's UDP, but for some reason, I remember having to have something forwarded as TCP to work.. I can't remember from before.
21:04.44wwdon't think so. nothing that i know of actually implements sip signalling over tcp yet
21:04.59daorkww: cisco does iirc
21:05.00blitzrageyah.. didn't think so
21:05.33daorkapparently some sip providers only support sip/tcp.
21:05.44tzangersip/tcp.. isn't that a contradiction in terms?
21:05.49wwreally? who?
21:05.53daorktzanger: how so?
21:05.58wwtzanger: no
21:06.01daorkww: duno, read this on ml archives
21:06.29blitzragehow do I limit tcpdump to report only packets on port 5060?
21:06.45blitzragenever used it before :)  sheesh.. so much to learn :)
21:06.45daorkblitzrage: <tcpdumpline> port 5060
21:06.46wwtcpdump -n -i eth0 port 5060
21:06.57blitzrageeasy enough :)
21:07.19daorkblitzrage: man tcpdump, and look under 'expression'.  theres a bunch of stuff there
21:07.34blitzragedaork: yah.. I was in there.. but didn't see anything.. must have been skimming too fast
21:07.40wwif you like reading bnf grammars ;)
21:07.54*** join/#asterisk Al (
21:07.58Al'lo peeps.
21:07.59daorklike 'host <hostname or ip>' is useful alot
21:08.04tzangerdaork / ww: doesn't TCP add overhead to VOIP that is mostly useless?
21:08.24daorktzanger: sip isnt a streaming protocol, so it doesnt matter
21:08.26wwno, it is used just for the signalling. voice traffic is still udp/rtp
21:08.49AlJust to let people know that my Ethereal plugin is pretty much there. It now decomposes CODEC stuff properly. Check out:
21:09.21blitzrageww: tcpdump port 5060, shows nothing on the NAT box...
21:09.29daorkww: be nice if multicast was widely deployed.
21:10.10stiefwith the X100P you only have 1 channel right ?
21:10.13daorkww: its not as simple as 'turn it on' though :)
21:10.19Alww: multicast has nasty issues with lots of routers/switches.
21:10.29Mikestief: yes
21:10.33Mikestief: and a little echo
21:10.39tzangerMike: hahaha
21:11.00daorkww: yes, it is.
21:11.12daorkww: for instance, how do you bill it?
21:11.13stiefMike: so Zap/1-1  ? :)
21:11.25Mikeyeah but it sucks
21:11.42stiefMike: what Zap ? or the X100P ?
21:11.46Mikei just got one here first 30 seconds echo is not really good
21:11.56wwdaork: billing not so hard -- port utilization
21:12.03blitzrageww: hrm.. I get this: > icmp: udp port 5060 unreachable [tos 0xd0]
21:12.11stiefMike: i'm trying to get X100P to work acctually :)
21:12.19Mikestief: thats simple
21:12.21stiefMike: never worked with asterisk before, so i'm just skimming throught the confi gfiles
21:12.21Mikeload the modules
21:12.23wwdaork: and on big peerings, don't bill the multicast
21:12.26Mikezaptel en wcfxo
21:12.28Exomorph_OMG!!!  WHen they say "HOT AND SPICY" they really mean SPICY!
21:12.31Mikemodprobe zaptel
21:12.34Mikemodprobe wcfxo
21:12.42tzangerExomorph_: ha
21:12.50Mikethen configure your /etc/zap...
21:12.50wwblitzrage: that's your firewall telling that port 5060 is not open
21:12.56Mikeand /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
21:12.59blitzrageww: grrr....
21:13.03blitzragethat's wierd.
21:13.22coilyour weird
21:13.23stiefMike: great! :) din't know there where kernel modules involved as wel :)
21:13.34daorkww: so you receive once, and each of your customers receiving the stream pay? thats hardly fair, what motivation do they have to set it up if everything is streamed unicast?
21:13.34Mikestief: yeah 2 of em
21:13.40Mikezaptel and wcfxo
21:14.11stiefMike: cool, and default ? when i dial to the card, do i get a demo or something ? :)
21:14.19blitzrageww: vewwy wierd.... it SHOULD be.. I told the firewall to open ports 5060 on the firewall, and forward ports 5060 to the internal computer.. will have to play around with the damn server some more I guess.
21:14.29Mikestief: well dial a real number
21:14.41Mikeignorepat => 9
21:14.41Mikeexten => _98[134]XXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1},90,Tt)
21:14.41Mikeexten => _98[134]XXXXXX,2,Congestion
21:14.43Mikei use that
21:14.46wwdaork: you could do some fancy math -- stream_bw / group_membership taking into account time and funny integrals and stuff
21:15.07Exomorph_ouchy...  that was way to hot.
21:15.15wwbut easier just to bill customers for port utilization -- perhaps at a reduced rate for mc packets
21:15.19stiefMike wel i use a internal analog telephone central, so i just dial # 2 and that's the line where my x100p is connected on
21:15.22daorkww: so you now have to track who is recieving which streams..
21:15.31stiefMike: let me copy those 4 lines :)
21:15.45wwdaork: heh netflow :/
21:16.03Mikestief: thats for outbound calls im still on the part of incoming calls
21:16.10Mikejust got my card like 12hours ago
21:16.19wwdaork: but i agree it's not really practicable. that's why i said simple utilization
21:16.28daorkww: :)
21:17.16stiefMike: i ment incoming calls as well, don't wanna get into outgoing calls now
21:17.29daorkww: for mcast to get wide uptake, it has to be worthwhile for the recipient of a stream. and unless you can provide differentiation here, well, its not worthwhile :)
21:17.40Mikestief: ill read about it now
21:17.49wwbesides the isps should like it: customers are billed for traffic as usual, and they get a bonus by replicating the stream in their network and only paying for it once
21:18.06daorkww: for netflow to work, you'd have to monitor every customer's port. good luck with that :)
21:18.18wwbut the customers get that automagically when they /send/ data to a group
21:18.30stiefMike: but when my hardware is configured like you just told, i can see incoming calls right ? like, channel1 ringing ?
21:18.36daorkww: sure, but the customers wont use it, because they have to set it up
21:19.14Mikestief: dont think so i just have been playing a few minutes with my X100p
21:19.17wwdaork: but they won't even bother setting it up because the provider's networks won't support it
21:19.25stiefMike okee :)
21:19.34daorkww: also, on the fly allocation of mcast groups for voice conversations could be difficult. there was talk about this stuff some time ago, but i havnt heard of it since
21:19.37stiefMike: btw there isn't much to config in /etc/zaptel.conf right ?
21:20.12wwdaork: yes, rat/vat style random group/port doesn't scale very nicely
21:20.14daorkww: so, chicken and the egg, and management says 'which makes us more money, setting up service X, or setting up multicast which noone uses at the moment'
21:20.33wwdaork: did i mention that we need ipv6 too?
21:20.36*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
21:20.38daorkand so you dont get time for the project
21:20.41daorkww: :)
21:21.06daorkww: funny you should mention that.. im working on getting .nz v6 widely enabled.
21:21.12MikeManxPower: one question i copy from you the config on Zap channel i get an echo for about the first 15-30 secs what can i do?
21:21.34klicTelI have a little question about zapBarge... once in zapBarge, is there a way to detect that the channel i'm listening to got a hung up?
21:21.41ManxPowermike: I don't know.  I never get echo
21:22.04wwdaork: hmmm... there was another guy working on that there as well iirc
21:22.10daorkww: and, we dont 'need' ipv6
21:22.16daorkww: what was his name?
21:22.18*** join/#asterisk Lafinion_ (
21:22.24Mikeif im in mexico i load mx zone?
21:22.24ww'need'? what's 'need'? ;)
21:22.30wwjoe abley
21:22.33stiefMike: afther loading those kernel modules, doing asterisk -r   Unable to connect to remote asterisk, sounds good, at least something has changed now :D
21:22.34daorkww: ah yep
21:22.38daorkww: you know joe?
21:23.00wwyeah, we've chatted a few times, and had set up some tunnels a while back
21:23.10wwvery clueful chap
21:23.44daorkww: yep. i have his old job fyi. well, theres been a few inbetween :)
21:24.32wwsmall world
21:24.33Mikehow do i clean the cache
21:24.46Lafinionhalo , i forget link to website where i find how install mysql in * .. can someone remember it ?
21:25.01*** join/#asterisk blitzrage_ (
21:25.09wwblitzrage: how you doing with that firewall?
21:25.32*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
21:25.39blitzrage_working on it.. may have found the problem :)
21:25.47YoYois * CVS stable today?
21:26.09davidI'm trying to compile asterisk on Debian - what is mach-o/dyld.h provided by?
21:26.59daorkww: the .nz internet community is pretty damn small. i've had a beer with most people in it.
21:27.29Zebbledavid:  libgcj
21:27.39wwdaork: :
21:28.29blitzrage_ok.. I really don't get why I am getting port unreachable.. it SHOULD be forwarding the ports
21:28.29tzangerbevins: go stand in the corner!
21:28.31davidZebble: is that stuff coumented anywhere?
21:28.35blitzrage_oh SHIT!
21:28.37tzangerbevins: use strict and taint mode are the ONLY ways to use Perl
21:28.38wwdaork: but joe is in london ontario these days i think...
21:28.40blitzrage_wait.. got an idea
21:29.00Zebbleanother Canadian...
21:29.01tzangerabout 1hr from London
21:29.06Zebbleme 2
21:29.08tzanger40min from Kitchener
21:29.13tzanger1.5hrs from YYZ
21:29.29blitzrageYYZ?  isn't that zippers?
21:29.30daorkww: yep he is. still runs some random stuff down here though.  contracts to old employers, and ISC has an f.root down here too
21:29.37tzangerZippers, Ontario :-)
21:29.44tzangerYYZ = Pearson Int'l
21:29.49blitzrageahhh :)
21:30.08tzanger<-- lives where Hwys 23 and 86 meet
21:30.35blitzragew00t w00t
21:30.45wwok. survey since there are so many southern ontarians here
21:30.51wwhow many hops to
21:30.54davidZebble: ok, well, that didn't work
21:31.20tzanger7 hops to (I took off my local FW and my router)
21:31.21blitzrageww: 18
21:31.45blitzragebevins: DSL?
21:31.55blitzragebevins: ahh
21:31.58YoYoYYZ sux ass
21:32.09tzangeryup 7 hops
21:32.12bkw_YoYo what did you need?
21:32.20blitzragea bunch of those hops are within the same dsl network though...
21:32.22YoYojust wanted to say hi 'n stuff
21:32.33bkw_YoYo you see my latest work?
21:32.38blitzragegoes to NewYork, then Chicago, then Toronto, then torix :)
21:32.39YoYoI heards about it
21:32.44tzangerWAT1.ALTER.NET -> TOR2.ALTER.NET -> -> ->
21:32.58YoYohave you played with david's boxcar doohikey?
21:33.06bkw_YoYo no not yet
21:33.07daorkfyi, im 22 hops from .nz :)
21:33.14blitzrageww: can I call you via FWD?
21:33.14YoYoyou wanna? in toront?
21:33.21YoYoor are you doing the turkey thing?
21:33.30wwblitzrage: i don't know, can you?
21:33.30Mikebkw_: dude what can i do with a 15-30 sec echo how can i eliminate it?
21:33.35blitzrageww: I think I can :)
21:33.35tzangerand I'm also 7 hops from my GT colo to
21:33.49bkw_mike not much
21:33.58blitzrageww: I just need your number, then we'll see if I have two way voice
21:34.02wwdaork: :)
21:34.04Mikebkw_: why not?
21:34.15YoYo15 second echo?
21:34.20wwuse 75821
21:34.22YoYoWTF?  you say something, then hear yourself 15 seconds later?
21:34.25YoYothat's FUNKY
21:34.29MikeYoYo: first 15 to 30 seconds i listen echo
21:34.31ww6 hops here
21:34.36tzangerGT peers in TO to shawcable it looks like...  whatever 656.59.191.30 is
21:34.36bkw_sip to x100p might have like a bit of echo
21:34.39YoYoyeah, you can fix that
21:34.44bkw_mike talk.. if you talk the echo cancel will train faster
21:34.45YoYoget a hardware echo can
21:34.55bkw_or use agressive echo cancel
21:34.57Mikebkw_: it gains expirience?
21:35.04bkw_look at the Makefile in zaptel
21:35.06YoYomike: on a per call basis
21:35.17Mikebkw_: i prefer trying agressive echo cancel
21:35.22Mikebkw_: what do i have to change
21:35.32tzangermaybe this T1's not so shitty after all
21:35.35tzangerseems to stay in Canada too
21:35.46YoYocanada rox
21:35.51bkw_Mike read the file
21:35.52blitzrageCanada does r0x
21:36.04Mikebkw_: is it recommended
21:36.19blitzrageYoYo: a good one ;)
21:36.22tzangerI'm almost there... Field Applications Engineer
21:36.26YoYoblitz: haha
21:36.34blitzrageI'm still in school.. not there (yet)
21:36.39YoYono, I'm just wondering what kind of jobs are available that I'd qualify for
21:36.48YoYoand I gotta wonder how hard immigration would be
21:37.01Mikeits not a good idea searching for echo on the make file
21:37.31tzangerhmm Bell HSE people are about 16 hops to
21:37.43tzangershaw cable people are 7 hops
21:37.58wwwhat about unixodbc_query?
21:38.03Mike# Pick your echo canceller: MARK2, MARK3, STEVE, or STEVE2 :)
21:38.11Mikewhats the best?
21:38.17bkw_ww what do you want that to do?
21:38.23bkw_just exec a query
21:38.34bkw_N+1 on success, N+101 on failure
21:38.42wwput arbitrary queries in extensions.conf ;)
21:38.46wwsee app_pgsql
21:38.52bkw_yes I seen it
21:39.00bkw_so we need app_unixodbc
21:39.28bkw_what does app_pgsql do
21:39.29voidptrwhats up with all those completely retarded folks on the ml
21:39.42bkw_and where can I get it?
21:39.54blitzragewoohoo... * behind NAT with SIP! :)
21:40.04bkw_blitzrage what patch?
21:40.06Mikebkw_: is it a good idea to use aggressive echo cancelation?
21:40.08bkw_post feedback on it please
21:40.11blitzragebkw_: 104
21:40.13blitzragebkw_: already done
21:40.19bkw_Mike its there to test.. TRY IT
21:40.57bkw_ya you get alot of calls don't ya
21:41.25bkw_can you take 300 calls?
21:41.30blitzrageI doubt it :)
21:41.59blitzrageI have 40KB/s of incoming bandwidth.. :)
21:41.59Mikebkw_: works AWESOME!!!!
21:45.06blitzragecan you scp a directory?
21:45.20blitzrageahhh. -r :)
21:45.35blitzrageI really need to get in the habit of man <whatever> FIRST :)
21:45.39blitzragedaork: thanks man :)
21:45.56daorkor <whatever> -h
21:45.59blitzragesometimes I like to race to see if someone in IRC knows before man does :)
21:46.31daorkshould race irc and googld
21:46.34daorkshould race irc and google
21:47.39bkw_~google wins
21:48.03*** join/#asterisk sousou (
21:49.30cypromisbetter not
21:49.35cypromisafter tons of indian food ...
21:50.25blitzrageIAX is TCP or UDP?
21:50.36blitzragedamnit.. this should be working then :)
21:50.52blitzragethis is funny.. SIP works behind NAT, but IAX doesn't right now :)
21:51.16Mikebkw_: the agressive works
21:51.36cypromissure it does
21:51.53cypromiswhere there any developments on MEC3 ?
21:51.54Mikecypromis: you also using it?
21:52.03cypromisyeah on tdm40b
21:53.18voidptrnite folks
21:53.25blitzrageg'night voidptr
21:53.55*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
21:54.27cypromisn8 man
21:54.43cypromisanybody using anything else than mec2 on te410p ?
21:55.06Jackhamrhi gang.
21:55.19Jackhamrhas anyone seen any problems with Grandstreams sending calls to today's CVS?
21:56.05Jackhamri can do incoming but no outgoing
21:56.17stiefall of a sudden i'm getting  ERROR[16384]: File asterisk.c, Line 1346 (main): Unable to connect to remote asterisk, i recompiled drivers , still get this error when launching  aterisk -r
21:58.33manymaybe your should start asterisk first.
21:59.56stiefmany: it din't complain before, when doing asterisk -c i get lot's of error message
22:00.08*** join/#asterisk ciego34 (~ciego34@
22:00.22manyyou read them? you fixed them?
22:00.28manywhat does ps aux say?
22:00.44stiefmany: i fixed the one that complained about config files, not the once that complain about .c files
22:00.44*** join/#asterisk Zebble_ (~Zebble@
22:01.04manymaybe you should try a higher debugginglevel
22:01.09manyasterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvc
22:01.23stiefmany: with ps i verified that there isn't any asterisk process running allready
22:01.37stiefmany: ok let my try taht debugging
22:01.41manyasterisk just reattaches you to the console
22:01.45manyasterisk -r
22:01.48manyi mean.
22:01.53manyit does not start asterisk
22:02.00stiefmany: owww, whoops, thanks :)
22:02.48manyanyway, asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvc shouldnt return you to the console, if it doesnt, then something is wrong and you should dig into it.
22:02.56manyif it does.
22:03.12cdegrootkram: did you see my pvt msgs re the deadlocks?
22:03.27stiefmany: just get's me into the *CLI>
22:03.39manyit is running then.
22:03.45many(and should be working)
22:04.19manybecause this is the asterisk console (i meant things like bash with console before)
22:04.35manyor rather, lets call it asterisk CLI.
22:04.46manyso the terminology is a bit more clear =)
22:04.58stiefmany:  hehehe :)
22:05.13manylike, you can now type things like sip show peers
22:05.21manywhich should show you registered sip peers.
22:05.38many(tab expansion works)
22:06.16stiefmany: well i haven't really started doing anything usefull *yet* just got my x100p
22:07.45manyow. lucky one.
22:07.48stiefmany: thanks for the info though :)
22:08.04stiefmany: sip ?
22:08.30manysession initiation protocol, one of the VoIP Protocols.
22:08.45stiefmany: ow you just use normal modem hardware ?
22:09.12manywe have cisco sip phones as clients and one isdn p2p card for calling out into the pstn
22:09.16manyand two asterisks work as pbx.
22:09.56manyso the ciscos talk ip and asterisk is acting as pbx and gateway into the pstn
22:10.22stiefmany: sounds really cool :D
22:13.18blitzragehow fucking bizarre.. my * box won't register to iaxtel.
22:13.39blitzrageports 5036 and 4569 are open on the firewall, and port forwarded to the internal machine
22:14.11manyconnecting our two asterisks through DNAT (portforwarding) worked with 4569/UDP only.
22:14.41blitzrageyah.. neither one registers.. going to try and track down the problem
22:15.57blitzragewell.. mom is bring home mcdumps, so I better go and clean the house.
22:15.58blitzrageback in a bit
22:16.21*** join/#asterisk halfwit (
22:16.57blitzragewierd.. I don't see anything being blocked in the packets...
22:17.01Jackhamrugh...every call out of the BT-100 returns a 484.
22:17.05*** join/#asterisk kapejod (
22:17.33blitzrageevening kapejod
22:18.02blitzrageanyone have FWD setup that can make a quick test call?
22:18.13blitzrageor any SIP proxy actually... I have 4 of them :)
22:18.17kapejodhi blitz
22:18.24manyhi kapejod
22:18.32kapejodhi many
22:19.16*** join/#asterisk wijnand (
22:19.21wijnandgood evening
22:20.41manymh, i have one stupid question left. currently, i have a setup for isdn_in which has exten => _${MSN}XX,1,Goto(foo,${EXTEN:6},1);; and i wonder wether theres an way to leave away the ${MSN} and having chan_capi match anyway.  this would ease up configuring contexts a bit
22:21.41kapejodwhere is ${MSN} supposed to come from??
22:22.17manyits the actual msn.  though i think you could even define it in the global section of extensions.conf and reuse it later *thinks*
22:23.08manylike, capi.conf says: incomingmsn=12345 (which *is* the msn) and in exten.conf i match up _12345XX,1,Goto()
22:23.11wijnanddoes someone have a guide here on how to setup asterisk with multiple ISDN cards for as well as incoming as outgoing calls ?
22:23.18many(i shortened the example a bit)
22:24.13*** join/#asterisk cool (
22:24.27ManxPowermany, I don't thin you can have variables in the extension number part.
22:24.27coolhey there?
22:24.39manyah. okay.
22:24.48ManxPowerWhicj sucks, I know.
22:25.02manyit doesnt hurt me.  yet.  =)
22:25.17coolhmmm can some one talk to me :p ?
22:25.41manyseufz. :)
22:26.28coolHAPPY  THANKSGIVING!!! :)
22:27.04manyich moechte nicht jedesmal die MSN mit in die exten => zeile reinklopfen.  lass ich die MSN in der exten => zeile weg, dann haut mir das modul einen fehler um die ohren, iirc.
22:27.38cooli guess you're saying i'm cool, and the greatest in the world
22:27.53manynot at all :)
22:28.20manykapejod never understands what iam trying to say in english, so i try to explain it in german which is kapejods and mine native language =)
22:28.33kapejodmany: exten => _X.,1,DoesWhatYouWant
22:28.46manyhrm. iam stupid then.
22:28.50manynot that it makes me wonder.
22:28.57kapejodthat's why you are here ;)
22:29.04manyprobably 8->
22:30.26manybut anyway, i also spent half an hour finding out that devices= has to be the last line within one device section in capi.conf
22:30.43kapejodyou could easily tell that from the sample config
22:34.30manyisnt 0.3 the latest version?
22:35.12manyjust because its used last in the sample.conf doesnt mean its logical that it MUST be the last element in the relevant section.
22:35.51manyits logical to you because you wrote everything, but it isnt necessarily logical to L.User 8-)
22:37.06kapejodi never said that anybody should use it ;)
22:37.15manyright =)
22:37.41manyi didnt complain anyway.  ichwolltsnurmalsoerwaehnen. :)
22:38.26kapejoddasliegtimaugedesbetrachters ;)
22:39.52ciego34hi all, need help with add SIP account to my *, any one can helpme????
22:40.40bkw_and thats how I feel
22:42.13ciego34NOTICE[229391]: File chan_sip.c, Line 4741 (handle_response): Failed to authenticate on REGISTER to '<>;tag=as15e7813e'
22:42.13ciego34any idea???
22:42.28bkw_behind nat?
22:44.10*** join/#asterisk Jonas_Quinn (
22:44.23ciego34behing smoothwall express 2.0 deltic
22:44.51Jonas_QuinnAnyone using HFC-chipset card in NT-mode?
22:45.03kapejodJonas_Quinn: not yet ;)
22:45.19Jonas_QuinnUhm......... this is a darn long week..... ;)
22:45.23ciego34foward 5060, 5036 and 10000:20000 ports to my * ip
22:47.28*** join/#asterisk jgaviria (~jgaviria@
22:49.37ciego34bkw_>  behin nat with Port Forwarding
22:49.37ciego34TCP ALL 5060 5060  
22:49.37ciego34TCP ALL 5036 5036  
22:49.37ciego34TCP ALL 10000:20000 N/A
22:49.55Jonas_QuinnKapejod.... how is developing goin'??
22:50.24ciego34register =>
22:50.24ciego34type = friend
22:50.24ciego34secret = xxxxxx      
22:50.24ciego34username = 78114
22:50.25ciego34host =
22:50.27blitzrageciego34: you need to apply a patch to asterisk to get NAT to work
22:50.39ciego34what patch????
22:50.39manynice password.
22:50.40bkw_ciego34 it wont work unless you apply bug 104 patch
22:50.55blitzrageciego34: and it does work with that patch.  I just got it to work tonight.
22:51.16ciego34where can download?? where can read about???
22:51.28*** part/#asterisk kapejod (
22:51.37blitzragebug #104
22:52.18jgaviriahi.... could somebody helpme... i have delay when im talking in some softphones with some pcs, in other words, i hear my own voice like 400msg after i talk... im using x-lite.... but this problem only happens in some pcs
22:52.31ciego34thanl, let try
22:52.46*** join/#asterisk raulfragoso (
22:52.49*** part/#asterisk raulfragoso (
22:55.23ciego34donīt look easy
22:56.52indiamcan anyone help me
22:57.00indiami want to compile asterisk
22:57.16blitzrageciego34: sure it is.  I'll help you in a few minutes.
22:57.26indiamit gives me /usr/include/linux/proc_fs.h:193: warning: `create_proc_read_entry' declared `static' but never defined
22:57.32indiamthis error
22:58.04indiamcan anyone help me plz
22:58.12bkw_is that phillip2 dork in here?
22:58.55indiambkw: can you help me plz
22:59.13*** part/#asterisk hmcgregor (
23:02.22ciego34have a client here ;)
23:02.49ciego34donīt know how to aply 104 patch
23:03.15blitzragegive me a couple mins.. I just need to test it to make sure it works on the latest CVS, then I will tell you exactly how to set it up
23:04.11ciego34can wait here
23:04.53blitzragefor now, you need to add some options to sip.conf
23:05.26ciego34before apply pach??
23:05.29blitzrageinside_net=<internal ip>
23:05.41blitzrageinside_mask=<internet subnet mask>
23:05.57bkw_ya know i'm sick of people that open bugs that aren't bugs but them just being stupid
23:05.59blitzrageoutside_addr=<external address, you can use FQDN's here>
23:06.06blitzragebkw_: lol
23:06.24bkw_yes I hate stupid people
23:06.39YoYonot sure how to rewrite extensions.conf for his analog phones :/
23:06.40bkw_if you dont know something it doesn't make you stupid.. what makes you stupid is you ask before you try to look it up.
23:06.52bkw_YoYo you on asterisk 100% now?
23:06.57YoYoworking on it
23:07.20YoYono turning back... I already pulled all the old wiring and have this about 1/2 way wired up
23:07.55YoYoexcept that port 12 is dead on my channelbank (broken wire), so I'm mapping 9 to 12, which actually kinda fucks up my macro :(
23:08.09YoYono, wait... maybe not
23:08.49YoYoextension logic brings me much pain :(
23:10.32*** topic/#asterisk by kram -> gobble gobble
23:10.42kramyoyo how so?
23:10.53blitzrageYoYo: nah.. it's easy once you get it :)
23:13.00YoYokram: because I haven't looked at it in like 3 months
23:13.24YoYoactually, I'm just getting myself in trouble by mapping extensions to physical interfaces
23:13.30*** join/#asterisk Nixenator (Nix@
23:13.33YoYothat's ok though... I'm working through it
23:13.42kramthat's "just" dial :)
23:13.43*** join/#asterisk Jackhamr (~Jackhamr@
23:13.51kramremember you can do "show application dial"
23:13.55kramyou know what would be really handy though...
23:14.02kramblitz: you feel like making some congributions?
23:14.19kramcontributions i mean
23:14.52NixenatorHi guys
23:15.09blitzragekram: like what?
23:15.43tclarkgobble gobble ??
23:17.02*** join/#asterisk One (
23:20.06kramstuff for extensions.con fsamples
23:20.22tclarkYoYo: curious with that engenious 920 do you get more echo than other analog phones when connect to fxo ports ??
23:20.53blitzragekram: ahhh.. sure thing
23:20.59kramhere's how to dial SIP
23:21.01kraman example for H323
23:21.02kramfor IAX2
23:21.04krametc etc
23:21.16tclarkkram: thought this might be a day off for ya:
23:21.25blitzragekram: I can do that.
23:21.37kramokay cool
23:21.42blitzrageI can't do H323 or MGCP as I haven't played with either.
23:21.54blitzrageI'll do what I can though
23:23.35blitzragekram: bug #104 can probably be merged to CVS.  Works great for me with latest CVS from 5 mins ago.
23:24.13AlDoes most of the signalling stuff to set up calls, ACK packets, send full header packets reliably, etc.
23:24.22AlNow all I need to do is pull out the audio streams.
23:24.34halfwiti got a quick question... i am recieving calls from a b2bua via sip into *, the b2bua my pstn call comes in from takes my ani and appends a bunch of junk on it which then gets displayed on my 7960. what is the best way to go about hacking the backside garbage off?
23:25.13Alhalfwit: you can set the callerid - there's an application to do it.
23:25.21kramyou'll just have to ask
23:25.27kramblitz: i'm confident you can come up with examples for all
23:26.05halfwiti tried using that by the sip uri comes in npanxxxxxx-gdsafdsfjdsafj@IPADDR and it uses the whole section in front of the at side
23:26.20Alhalfwit: from the command line in *, show application SetCallerID
23:26.41*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
23:26.54bevinsHow do I check if some option is placed on an ext. like dnd....I tried zap channel 2, I don't see anything abnormal. When dial ext. it goes directly to voicemail
23:27.21bevinsI don't have dnd.
23:27.30halfwitbut the caller id is on an inbound call and needs to be gleaned from the originating number, which is a non-asterisk number how do i change NPANXXXXXX-fdsafdsa to just NPANXXXXXX to set the called id with that app ?
23:27.52blitzragekram: might be a good excuse to learn those :)
23:28.10halfwiti.e. i tried this
23:28.11halfwitexten => s,1,SetCIDNum(${CALLERIDNUM}:10)
23:28.11halfwitexten => s,2,Dial(SIP/${ARG1},20)
23:28.11halfwitexten => s,3,Voicemail(u${ARG2})
23:28.11halfwitexten => s,4,Hangup
23:28.12halfwitexten => s,103,Voicemail(b${ARG2})
23:28.14halfwitexten => s,104,Hangup
23:29.51halfwitExecuting SetCIDNum("SIP/-0815bae8", "NPANXXXXXX-sjfdsa-kau00icu0hrib:10") in new stack
23:31.58AlHmmm. Obvs. you could fork an AGI script that did it for you, but that's rather nasty. :(
23:32.50*** join/#asterisk Adam_ (~Adam@
23:32.58halfwitthat's basically what i was wondering, if it were possible with regexp type suff
23:33.13YoYohalfwit: the first 10 digits are correct?
23:33.17danielqblitzrage: i can help with oh323 examples
23:33.20YoYoif so, then recheck your variable
23:33.30YoYoyou're not doing the :10 right
23:33.38YoYooh wait...
23:33.48YoYoor some such shit
23:34.05halfwithmmm international numbers would be clipped by a static solution
23:34.10YoYoyour :10 was out fo the {}, even inside, you're telling it to drop the first 10 digits
23:34.35YoYonanpa is good 'nuff for me
23:34.35halfwit; )
23:34.49halfwitgotta run to dinner thanks for the help
23:35.12YoYothere are like no restraunts open here :(
23:35.17YoYoI get a TV Dinner when I get home
23:36.56*** join/#asterisk Simon_ca (
23:37.30Simon_caanyone have their asterisk integrated with a cisco 5XXX?
23:40.13*** join/#asterisk jammy (
23:40.29JerJersure, but why?
23:45.43Simon_cajerjer: try to wrap my head around what I would need to do w/ my 5800 to set it up as a gateway.   config for PSTN->SIP routing is not obvious.
23:46.11*** join/#asterisk data[away] (~data@
23:47.10YoYook, how does transferring work on an analog phone (zhone channel bank).  I tried flash and #, but in both cases, * dropped the call when I hung up
23:50.19YoYonm... hadda wait for digit timeout
23:52.11ciego34how to update to Repository revision: 1.258   /usr/cvsroot/asterisk/channels/chan_sip.c,v  ???
23:53.56blitzrageciego34: you just need to do a basic update for asterisk
23:54.15blitzrage is a script I wrote which will do it for you
23:54.48blitzragechmod 700 and run as root
23:55.02blitzrageciego34: report any problems you have with it to me.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.