irclog2html for #asterisk on 20031124

00:00.07rickyi did exactly as the script generated but seems like i can not go through?
00:00.19blitzragericky: what do you mean?
00:00.22pinodoes anyone have a minute to spare and call me on iax?
00:00.24rickyi keep getting message as user you are tyring to reach is currnetly offline
00:00.28pinoiaxtel, sorry
00:00.30rickyhow do i know if my box is registered
00:00.42heyi c u
00:00.44rickyi can not see any message on console/cli
00:01.01blitzragericky: from asterisk CLI, try 'sip show registry'
00:01.01bkw_iax show registry
00:01.06bkw_sip show registry
00:01.50rickyso i am registered
00:01.55rickymy number is 84411
00:02.00rickyanyone wants to dial
00:02.42RajuI have setup Asterisk to answer the PSTN line by reading the callerid number. For this I have exten => s/_234567890,1,Answer... this works for this specific phone number 234567890. How do I make Asterisk answer two different callerid's?
00:03.48rickyblitzrage,even though i am registered, i can not receive any calls :-(
00:04.07rickywhy? any idea, my fwd# registered with * box is 84411
00:04.07blitzragericky: are you behind a firewall or NAT?
00:04.14bkw_Raju you don't need the _ in it
00:04.20blitzragericky: that's why
00:04.21rickybut i have dmz open of my * box
00:04.29bkw_ricky doesn't matter
00:04.35blitzragericky: if you are behind NAT.. still doesn't work
00:04.36rickyi can not even reach it within local n/w
00:04.54rickyi am trying that extn with xlite on my lappy
00:04.54RajuThanks but any idea how to answer the second callerid number?
00:05.59*** join/#asterisk Adam (
00:06.46bkw_Raju create another one
00:07.11bkw_you can have 100 s/number extensions if they are all diffrent
00:07.19bkw_so when sister calls.. you can hangup on her
00:07.30bkw_and when mom calls.. you can let it go to voicemail
00:09.08rickyi am getting real bad quality on IAX
00:09.10Rajuso do I have multiple extnesions in the same context or different context? i.e. can i have exten => s/phone0,1,Answer   exten => s/phone1,2,Answer???
00:09.13rickyi wonder why?
00:09.17tholoTry not to reveal your entire calling plan, bkw_?
00:10.19Dbitter1Is there a way to change the call-park-timeout value? RTFM + google == no...
00:10.22*** join/#asterisk capijod (
00:10.56capijodhi there
00:11.33RichADbitter1: yes, set parkingtime => 300 (seconds) in parking.conf
00:11.39illc0mmmDbitter1: isn't that parkingtime in parking.cnf?
00:11.57bkw_you guys jump him before I got a chance
00:12.09bkw_so the smack was for Dbitter1
00:13.01jsmithbkw_: Who made you the designated "Newbie LARTer"
00:13.05jsmithbkw_: :-)
00:14.03capijodFYI: SuSE 9.0 is now available on the SuSE ftp and mirrors :-)
00:14.15capijoda.k.a. Novell Linux 9.0 ;)
00:14.55bkw_Novell is doing that just to piss sco off
00:14.57RajuThanks understand the syntax is s/so/no/s what do the so and no and the second s mean
00:15.11bkw_Raju ignore it.. my fingers go s happy
00:15.38capijodbkw_: i agree, and i love novell for that ;)
00:15.43bkw_me too
00:15.53*** join/#asterisk B0gkA (
00:16.04B0gkAHello every 1
00:16.22bkw_wtf provides rlog
00:16.48capijodjsmith: did you stop and give them a hug? ;)
00:17.13B0gkAkram : wb
00:17.19kramthanks bogka
00:17.21B0gkAjsmith what was the urgency?
00:17.31B0gkAto drive over to Novell ?
00:17.36jsmithcapijod: Naw...
00:18.13*** join/#asterisk snewpy (
00:18.30jsmithB0gkA: No, I was just driving by, and because of a certain in-state-rivalry football game, along with some terrible drivers and a little snow... I got stuck in traffic on the freeway right next to their office
00:18.43B0gkAjsmith : oooohhhh hehehehe i.c.
00:18.49capijodjsmith: shame on you!
00:19.06jsmithcapijod: Don't worry... I have a bunch of friends that work there :-)
00:19.18capijodjsmith: ok :)
00:19.41B0gkAhope I am on the right channel.
00:19.51bkw_B0gkA we won't do much hand holding
00:19.52capijodB0gkA: yes you are
00:20.05bkw_butyes we will help if you put in effort
00:20.07B0gkAbkw : no dont need hand holding or anything holding for that matter :)
00:20.14bkw_bummer! :P
00:20.15B0gkAbkw : thats what I was lookin for
00:20.18B0gkACapijod : danke...
00:20.30capijodB0gkA: bitte gern.
00:20.32bkw_goodie.. so many people blow in here and expect us to just set it all up for them
00:20.53illc0mmmHey, I was playing with AGI, anyone get weather.agi to work?
00:21.02B0gkAI have been working on some projects... rolling out Cizco gear
00:21.13B0gkACall Manager/Unity and all o that
00:21.22illc0mmmyour talking NT now
00:21.23illc0mmmget out!
00:21.28B0gkApersonally I think Cisco stuff is too bulky and running on the WRONG platform
00:21.41illc0mmmNot to mention $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$4
00:21.47B0gkAyes indeed.
00:21.53B0gkAneedless to mention bugs.
00:21.55*** join/#asterisk scud (
00:22.00B0gkAat any rate.
00:22.02illc0mmmhow about that Cisco Proliant?
00:22.15bkw_the only thing good about cisco is the 7960's
00:22.17bkw_LOVE EM
00:22.19illc0mmmlove how they painted it cisco colors
00:22.20bkw_work great with *
00:22.25illc0mmmtheir routers are acceptable
00:22.25B0gkAme being a linux fan.. (been since the very first distro of slack).
00:22.28illc0mmmswitches are okay
00:22.36illc0mmmIP Phones, so so...
00:22.40B0gkAfigured lets see what i need to learn about Asterisk.
00:22.44illc0mmmFirewalls are trash
00:22.45bkw_but cisco CM sucks balls
00:22.47scottbkw_: gimme a cisco 7960
00:22.50illc0mmmbig time
00:22.52bkw_scott no
00:22.55B0gkACisco dont make firewalls.
00:22.58scotthow much are they
00:23.04B0gkAthe PIGS device you are talking about is a NAT device.
00:23.06bkw_yes they do
00:23.07illc0mmmPIX != firewall
00:23.12B0gkAnot a firewall
00:23.12illc0mmmPIX = crap
00:23.18bkw_the PIX is a firewall isn't it?
00:23.23B0gkAbkw not by FAR
00:23.27illc0mmmthey market it was a firewall
00:23.34bkw_thats it
00:23.39B0gkAand M$ markets windoooze as a reliable OS
00:23.41illc0mmmWant a real firewall get a Fortinet or Netscreen or Sidewinder
00:23.49illc0mmmmaybe Checkpoint
00:23.53bkw_who needs those?
00:23.55B0gkALinux/Ipchains or Checkpoint.
00:23.55bkw_just secure your shit
00:24.00illc0mmmfirewalls are for bitches
00:24.08illc0mmmreal men are unprotected! :)
00:24.11B0gkAdanielq actually PIGS are okay to manage..
00:24.12bkw_importaint shit shouldn't be on the net anyway
00:24.21illc0mmmlike PBXs and what not. hehe
00:24.30bkw_no those are ok
00:24.42B0gkAdanielq and needless to mention firewall devices sending their "security logs" over SYSLOG (udp) says a lot about "security"
00:24.44danielqB0gkA: sure, one or two....our sales ppl keep selling 'em to ppl as a panacea to security =(
00:25.06illc0mmmI dealt with a PIX 520 and 515 for a few years
00:25.07B0gkAdanielq actually a bit of perling can go long ways when managing these PIGS>
00:25.09illc0mmmhated it with a passion
00:25.21B0gkAat any rate.
00:25.30illc0mmmoofffff topic big time
00:25.35B0gkAjess indeed.
00:25.38illc0mmmSo, weather.agi... anyone use?
00:28.10danielqwhere does RDNIS get set?
00:28.27bkw_RDNIS is set during a callforward
00:28.32bkw_its the number that did the redirect
00:28.39Mikehmm a GS calling another GS extension after one ring the call gets hangup any ideas?
00:28.52danielqi've got calls coming in via H323 from a Cisco Callmanager
00:28.58danielqthey were redirected there
00:28.58*** join/#asterisk capijod (
00:29.08bkw_1. blow up CM
00:29.15bkw_2. Format that damn box..
00:29.17danielqwould love to
00:29.18bkw_3. install linux
00:29.21bkw_4. install asterisk
00:29.24bkw_problem solved
00:29.26B0gkAbkw : :)
00:29.30danielqbut the directors might get a bit hissy
00:29.37scottinstall mplayer for pron first
00:29.39bkw_bend the director over and do him dry
00:29.50danielqsee, i'm trying to be a bit more subtle...first Asterisk as VM and conf server
00:29.52bkw_I would get fired if I worled there
00:29.55illc0mmmdude, those boxes could run Asterisk pretty well
00:29.57RichAillc0mmm: Eric runs it at 700-923-3645 x2101 (option 23 for festival)
00:29.59danielqthen as a trunk for other stuff
00:30.02illc0mmmthey are at least dual PIIIs right?
00:30.09danielqthen I put an * box in our remote offices
00:30.25B0gkAdaniel : good approach
00:30.30B0gkAto win over corporate clients
00:30.34B0gkAwe must start from inside.
00:30.37B0gkAbrute force will not work
00:30.42B0gkA1 site at a time.
00:30.44B0gkAwill work.
00:30.45illc0mmmRichA: I can't reach him, can you?
00:30.50capijodi love to install suse over an adsl link ;)
00:30.57bkw_I think * should bitch when talking to a CCM box.... ast_verobse( VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "RAPE! RAPE! RAPE!\n");
00:31.14scotti saw a funny shirt today, it says:
00:31.27bkw_pigs fly! where is my check?
00:31.32danielq"help! help! I'm being oppressed"
00:31.33illc0mmmbkw_: how about " Just made another CCM my bitch! "
00:31.35scottrm -rf /home/$LUSERS
00:32.02RichAillc0mmm: nope, must be off line
00:32.10illc0mmmcool, making sure it wasn't me
00:32.30B0gkAfind / |perl -ne 'chop; next unless /lusers/i; unlink;";
00:32.31illc0mmmwas trying to set it up, but it's barfing (bringing down * too) saying can't open /tmp/blahblahblah for reading
00:32.42B0gkAwrong end of quote
00:33.18illc0mmmOkay, next trick. Soft fax...
00:33.26RichAillc0mmm: he's got a festival and cepstral demo (not bad)
00:33.27bkw_Hard Fax?
00:33.40scotti wanna get a coil shirt
00:33.55illc0mmmThere was a software fax put into CVS, saw it on the list but didn't see anything else about configuring it
00:33.58illc0mmmthis was a while ago?
00:34.10illc0mmmwiki talks just about forwarding a fax
00:34.30bkw_no their wasn't
00:34.39bkw_its not going into CVS till its stable
00:34.43bkw_its VERY VERY VERY VERY alpha
00:34.52illc0mmmah, very well then. Must of misread the post
00:35.13illc0mmmthat was during my, holy crap this thing is cool, investigation
00:35.40bkw_scotty dear.... been sipin on that dirty bong water again?
00:35.54scotti wish
00:36.05blitzrageuse vodka for bong water, then sieve it until it's clear again, then drink it :)
00:36.22danielqhmm, so can RDNIS be set by other channels?  like H323?
00:36.31illc0mmmI'll just take some Johnny Walker black.
00:36.42illc0mmmless the pot and bong water
00:36.53bkw_danielq RDNIS only gets set on inbound from the telco if the call was redirected from another number to your trunk group or what ever
00:37.20danta mate got a chilli vodka last xmas, decided to see if it smelt of chilli, accidentally snorted it... his nose was streaming for hours... serious pain... very funny tho ;)
00:37.23bkw_thats how places like callwave know your voicemailbox number when you forward your line to their 800 number
00:37.31danielqok...could I fake it?  I've got calls being redirected on the CCM to * via h323
00:37.51bkw_chan_h323 and CCM wont play
00:37.56danielqbkw_: that's exactly what I'm trying to do
00:38.00bkw_or are you using asterisk-oh323?
00:38.01danielqbkw_: i'm using oh323
00:38.08bkw_oh good luck
00:38.11bkw_EVIL THING
00:38.11danielqbkw_: i can call in fine
00:38.13*** part/#asterisk danielq (
00:38.16bkw_oh ya
00:38.19bkw_outbound WILL NEVER WORK
00:38.22*** join/#asterisk danielq (
00:38.26scottyour mom will never work
00:38.37danielqoops...ctrl-w doesn't do what i was expecting
00:38.48bkw_outbound WILL NEVER WORK
00:38.49blitzragegoddamn internet...
00:38.53danielqbkw_: chan_oh323 is working like a charm
00:39.00bkw_but outbound isn't right?
00:39.07danielqbkw_: aaah, haven't tried outbound yet ;)
00:39.18bkw_if I recall one does.. one doesn't
00:39.24danielqbkw_: this box is just for VM and conf at the mo'
00:39.29bkw_if outbound works.. the call will last exactly 10 seconds and cut you off
00:39.59*** join/#asterisk scud (
00:41.09bkw_trust me.. CCM and I had a nice fight.  It won.  I deleted it.
00:41.26illc0mmmthe worst of everything
00:41.32illc0mmmWindows 2000 + MSSQL
00:41.47illc0mmm+ Cisco's poor software engineering
00:42.07danielqbkw_: we've got half the company running off CCM, they might notice if I deleted it =)
00:42.25bkw_not if you plan it correctly
00:42.31danielqillc0mmm: they bought Allegro (i think it was them) to get it and renamed it
00:42.35scottyay, i think i updated gnome :)
00:42.55illc0mmmlike I said
00:42.59danielqbkw_: small steps, small steps ;)
00:43.03illc0mmmSame thing with Cisco Network Registrar
00:43.12illc0mmmworst DNS server in the world
00:43.21bkw_no w2k dns is worse
00:43.27illc0mmmI dont know
00:43.37illc0mmmmy old company, we switched to W2K from CNR
00:43.39illc0mmmit was better
00:43.46illc0mmmthough, I prefer MyDNS
00:43.49illc0mmmthat rocks!
00:43.55bkw_sure does
00:43.57bkw_love it
00:44.08illc0mmmI only have 40 domains on it, but it runs good
00:44.13bkw_does it support naptr records yet?
00:44.29bkw_must not be an ENUM person yet
00:44.55illc0mmmthats for * ?
00:45.21bkw_not just for *
00:45.28bkw_cisco can use it to.. as well as other stuff
00:46.00illc0mmmRFC-2915, gotcha
00:46.31illc0mmmis that the same as SRV ?
00:46.39bkw_I think they are similar
00:46.41bkw_* supports both
00:46.43*** join/#asterisk scud (
00:46.48illc0mmmyeah, MyDNS     does SRV
00:46.55bkw_but no NAPTR
00:47.03bkw_if it supported NAPTR it would rock
00:47.25citats_checkout powerdns... handles naptr and is very flexible
00:47.51danielqi think we're looking at using powerdns here at work
00:47.59bkw_doesn't that cost $$$$
00:48.03citats_bkw_: nope
00:48.17illc0mmmCurrently MyDNS supports A, AAAA, CNAME, HINFO, MX, NS, PTR, SRV, TXT
00:48.27illc0mmmbut wouldn't take much to modify it I'm sure
00:50.19illc0mmmbkw_: you know where that software fax modem is?
00:53.05sobol_\quit sleeep time
00:53.37puzzledillc0mmm: iirc
00:53.55illc0mmmdoes that speak about astrisk?
00:54.02l-fywb kram
00:54.03illc0mmmlooks more generic about just emulating it
00:54.08*** join/#asterisk adam_gafachi (
00:54.18puzzledillc0mmm: i'm not familiar with it
00:54.32illc0mmmnever mind
00:54.38illc0mmmI'm a big dumb animal
00:55.20*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
00:56.50bkw_60 min is knocking porn
00:57.11*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
00:57.12danielqhaven't heard of that type of porn b4 :)
00:57.22tholoPorn sites are probably still one of the biggest colo customers...
00:57.39JerJermmmm porn
00:57.46danielqnot here in Oz, it's illegal
00:57.51danielqnot to say it doesn't happen
00:57.59bkw_oh that sstupid
00:58.05illc0mmmYou ever look at
00:58.14illc0mmmthey are all from Oz
00:58.36*** join/#asterisk scud_ (
00:58.55danielqthe cams might be, but the sites not
00:59.12bkw_oh lord.. you can't regulate porn
00:59.21tholoImportant distinction. ;-)
00:59.42tholoHey, don't knock it.  Next they'll want to try to regulate VoIP...
00:59.48illc0mmmi see
00:59.53JerJeryou can't regulate da internet
01:00.35danielqmost of our politicians don't know how to spell it ;)
01:00.50jsmithMost politicians think they invented it!
01:02.05tholoThat doesn't mean there isn't some stoopid politicians or whatever that want to try...
01:06.57Mikecalle69*CLI> dial 101@asterisk
01:07.04Mikei get that and my phone is not busy
01:07.10Mikeits well pluged etc
01:07.27illc0mmmMike: what does "sip show peers" show ?
01:08.13Mikeit doesnt show my phone extension
01:10.50*** join/#asterisk Blaxthos (
01:11.18*** join/#asterisk cybyc (
01:11.40blitzrageyay.. CTCP VERSION!
01:11.55illc0mmmMike: doesn't sound like your SIP phone is registered
01:12.06Mikeillc0mmm: i know that weird thing
01:12.17Mikeit was working
01:12.17illc0mmmwhat does your SIP.CONF look like?
01:12.28illc0mmmtry restarting your SIP phone
01:12.34illc0mmmhappened to me too
01:12.36Mikei notice because iax wasnt getting to it
01:12.40Mikelet me do so
01:13.05illc0mmmMXC is so funny, no matter how many re-runs I see I always laugh
01:13.09Mikeok now it registers again its working back
01:13.12Mikelet me see iax
01:13.27illc0mmmMike, what SIP you using?
01:13.51Mikethat good thing of this phones is i got one for free
01:13.58tz-afkSIP is teh shit
01:14.15illc0mmmYeah the GS phones seem cheap
01:14.20illc0mmmbut they are the right price
01:14.28tz-afkthe grandstreams work remarkably well though
01:14.34tz-afkit's just the case that's cheap
01:14.44Mikei got one for 0USD
01:14.46illc0mmmI'd like to find a sub $100 phone that doesn't look like it's from my kid's room
01:15.17Mikeillc0mmm: they look ok
01:15.39tz-afkillc0mmm: hahahaha
01:16.04Mikebkw_: well im not ganna pay 400usb more for a phone that does exactly the same but in black
01:16.16marcus-when is digium gonna have a card that you can mix/match fxs and fxo daughterboards on
01:16.34blitzragemarcus-: early 2004 from what I saw today
01:16.36tz-afkmarcus-: they have that with the TDM400P, they are having some troubles with the FXO modules though
01:16.40blitzragemarcus-: assuming no problems
01:16.56tz-afkblitzrage: that's what they said when they announced it coming out in late September 2003...
01:17.11blitzragetz-afk: I saw kram say early 2004 earlier today.
01:17.17high-rezMike: An ebay channel bank and a T100P will do what you want now though...
01:17.24MikeIAX2 really sucks
01:17.25tz-afkcool, hopefully they figured out whatever was causing them grief
01:17.32blitzrageMike: no it doesn't
01:17.33tz-afkMike: blow me...  find me a better protocol
01:17.47jsmithMike: Why do you think IAX2 sucks?
01:17.48tz-afkSIP sucks, h323 was design by committee...  IAX2 kicks some serious ass
01:17.50Mikehigh-rez: what can a T100p do?
01:17.54krammike: explain to me why iax2 really sucks, if you would please
01:17.59krami'm very eager to hear
01:18.02tz-afkMike: it's a T1 card -> 24 channels of analogue goodness
01:18.05jsmithMike: I use it everyday... for about a million minutes a month of calls
01:18.20Mikekram: it works every once in a while then stops working without moving any config file
01:18.34JerJerMike: so you blame it on a protocol?
01:18.36tz-afkMike: operator error
01:18.38kramwell at worst that is an implementation concern
01:18.41MikeJerJer: sip doesnt do so
01:18.59krambut usually its something like "Well I didn't change anything"
01:19.09kramand then "well, i made that little change, but ti shouldn't have made a difference"
01:19.26Mikekram: i didnt change anything im about to change it
01:19.28Mikefor SIP
01:19.47ROM_Mankram: is it possible the VMWI signal is still not quite in spec?
01:19.57kramrom: not likely, why?
01:20.03kramdoes it miss or something?
01:20.11ROM_Manwell, one phone works perfect...
01:20.33ROM_Manthe uniden doesnt light the LED unless I go off hook then on hock
01:20.39*** join/#asterisk Stealth_Man (
01:20.47ROM_Manor restart asterisk
01:20.47bkw_maybe it doesn't support that method
01:20.49kramrom: hrm...
01:20.54bkw_oh nm then
01:20.55high-rezand since you're here.. Kram: Is it possible to get channel passthrough on t100/t400p's? :) (so that I can say pass through channels 1-4 on span 1 to channels 5-8 on span 2). :)
01:21.07ROM_Manbkw: LED comes on if I restart asterisk thou
01:21.12JerJerhigh-rez: that's DACS
01:21.25ROM_ManI suppose it could be the phone
01:21.27jsmithJerJer: Oh, is that what DACS is?
01:21.35ROM_Manbrand new too
01:21.45JerJeri think so
01:22.15marcus-anyone know about welltech products?
01:22.18JerJerno ..its  something switch... stby
01:22.19l-fymarcus- > me
01:22.20marcus-theres a 4 port fxo sip gateway..
01:22.26Mikekram: what do you see wrong in this line
01:22.28Mikeexten => 101,1,Dial(IAX2/${USERPASS}@${HHOST}/101@${CONTEX})
01:22.32l-fymarcus- > i have test that gateway
01:22.35kramlet me try a change
01:22.39krami'll need login info again
01:22.40marcus-how well does it work?
01:22.43l-fymarcus- > is not working g729 with asterisk
01:22.54Mikebkw_: in my globals i have something for that
01:22.58ROM_Manpassword is still same
01:23.03high-rezand HHOST
01:23.03bkw_but you have CONTEX
01:23.07l-fymarcus- > i have the same opinion
01:23.10Mikei have in globals
01:23.12bkw_but its CONTEXT
01:23.14ROM_ManLED turns OFF without going off hook
01:23.18*** join/#asterisk scott (
01:23.19JerJerDigital Access Cross-Connect Switch
01:23.20Mikebkw_: its a variable dude
01:23.28bkw_I know but you should name them correctly
01:23.28ROM_Manfor instance if I delete message from another extension
01:23.31kramalso, you can use ztmonitor to hear the vmwi go out
01:23.40Mikebkw_: that wont make a difference
01:23.54Mikeuserpass have username:password in globals
01:23.59Mikejust what i have for the registry
01:24.07high-rezwell, is it possible to get DACS capability in * (or zaptel rather it seems)? :)
01:24.17kramyes, it's in, high-rez
01:24.22kramfor clear channel
01:24.49JerJerModified Files:
01:24.50JerJerLog Message:
01:24.50JerJerAdd DACS functionality to zaptel for cross connecting channels
01:24.52Mikebkw_: ill msg you the exec that contains the variables result as in console
01:24.59JerJer10/30/03 5:50 PM
01:25.07l-fymarcus- > otherwise that welltech is ok
01:25.11l-fyand is pretty cheap
01:25.22bkw_mike check iax debug
01:25.24bkw_or iax2 debug
01:25.28Mikebkw_: let me see
01:25.30bkw_you got something messed up
01:25.35marcus-l-fy; what codec does it work with? 711?
01:26.02ROM_Mankram: password is the same as before. bb in 5 minutes
01:26.13l-fymarcus- > yes
01:26.16bkw_marcus- you don't use codecs on DACS
01:26.30bkw_oh nm
01:26.33bkw_your talkin about somethign else
01:26.37marcus-uh huh
01:27.05*** join/#asterisk marcus (
01:27.11high-rezso that passes through 1-24 to 48+ ?
01:27.20Mikebkw_: again ill msg you the debug i cant see the error
01:27.56bkw_Mike the other end of the box
01:28.00bkw_not the box thats calling
01:28.04bkw_the box thats receving the call
01:28.47JerJerdo i smell a RTFM bomb?
01:28.47high-rezhmm, someone needs to make a logger.conf option to spam bkw
01:29.08Mikebkw_: i cant see a warning or an error on the other end
01:29.14bkw_I will submit a patch to take it out if you do
01:29.22bkw_Mike iax2 debug?
01:29.26JerJerMike: are you looking at the whole picture?
01:29.26Mikebkw_: yes
01:29.30bkw_did you turn iax2 debug on the remote box on
01:29.37Mikebkw_: yes
01:29.39bkw_got a firewall
01:29.47bkw_if so check it
01:29.49Mikei got the firewall open those ports
01:29.53bkw_what ports?
01:29.54bkw_iax2 ports?
01:29.57Mike4569 and 5036
01:30.02MikeUDP + TCP
01:30.06bkw_its just udp
01:30.18bkw_mike I still thnk you got something messed up
01:30.27tz-afk4569 is IAX2, 5036 is IAX
01:30.45Miketz-afk: i open both to make sure
01:31.03Mikebkw_: i can show you my conf i have recheck them
01:31.06Mikeseveral times now
01:31.09Mikeit works sometimes
01:31.13Mikeand sometimes i doesnt work
01:31.20bkw_sorry thats not *
01:31.22bkw_or iax2
01:31.25bkw_you got network drama
01:31.40tz-afk"network drama"  hahaha
01:31.48*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
01:31.50Mikebkw_: i would be worth spending 1min to see the config file
01:32.13bkw_not tonight
01:32.24blitzrageI have network drama going on right now
01:32.34bkw_blitzrage fix Mike's config
01:32.46blitzrageMike: don't /msg it to me
01:32.54Mikeblitzrage: ill msg you the url
01:32.55blitzrageMike: email leif @ hacklocalhost dot com
01:33.03Mikeiax and extensions?
01:33.04zoayeah mike, just msg him your debugging :)
01:33.32high-rezok, next question. whats the diff between sethdlc and sethdlc-new? :)
01:34.22Mikeblitzrage: sent
01:35.11high-rezack, zaptel doesn't build (with ZAPATA_NET defined on 2.4.20) cvs from like 2 mins ago.
01:36.26l-fyso what high-rez ?
01:36.49high-rezso what? kinda makes it hard to upgrade if its broken.
01:37.57Mikeblitzrage: got the emails?
01:38.59blitzrageMike: yah.. it's going to be a bit though, I'm working on a lot of stuff right now.
01:39.08blitzrageMike: I'll take a quick look at it now though
01:39.22blitzragebtw: what is the problem? :)
01:39.44Mikeblitzrage: dialing from office to my house wont work or sometimes it will some others it wont
01:39.54Mikeblitzrage: calling from house to office seems to work always
01:40.07Mikeblitzrage: on iax2
01:40.27blitzrageok, I got 2 emails from root, and 3 from System Admin, which is which?
01:40.38Mikeroot is office
01:40.44Mikehouse is system admin
01:43.33*** part/#asterisk EagleRed (
01:48.01blitzragehrm... I don't seem to see anything that sticks out to me.. other than that your variable naming etc.. is a little wierd
01:48.17blitzrageI would have split USERNAME and PASSWORD into different variable names, and not in the same one
01:48.26blitzragenot sure if that affects anything or not
01:48.40Mikeits not
01:48.43Mikeim checking the log
01:48.46Mikeits AUTH
01:48.57Mikeblitzrage: wanna see sip.conf?
01:49.15blitzrageMike: I don't think that will affect anything if you are having IAX troubles
01:49.27blitzrageunless you have your phones setup wrong with sip.conf
01:49.43Mikeblitzrage: im dialing 050 from house to office works
01:49.51blitzrageMike: ok
01:49.54Mikeim dialing from office at 101 sip phone of my room and it doesnt
01:50.07blitzrage101.. checking extensions.conf
01:50.10JerJerMike: are you running both ends in -vvvgc with debug turned on in logger.conf ?
01:50.32MikeJerJer: -vvvvvgc
01:50.42JerJerand debug in logger.conf?
01:50.52Mikewhats logger.conf?
01:51.17Mikei see
01:51.22Mikeyes logger seems ok
01:51.24blitzrageI have to go and install Linux on this desktop now.  I'll be back in a bit.
01:54.02mrhyd3bkw: u alive?
01:54.02JerJerMike: not if debug isn't in there
01:54.36bkw_mrhyd3 whats wrong?
01:55.03MikeJerJer: i can active debug manually
01:55.10MikeJerJer: iax2 debug
01:55.13Mikeor no debug
01:56.05l-fyhow do i add a user in mysql?
01:56.18kapejodl-fy: use phpMyAdmin :)
01:56.33bkw_you use mysql_setpermission
01:56.38bkw_no use mysql_setpermission
01:56.40bkw_its better
01:56.47bkw_its a nice script
01:57.22bkw_phpMyAdmin is for weenies
01:57.39l-fykapejod > ok, maybe next time
01:57.44l-fythx bkw_
01:57.48kapejodbkw_: yes i know. i am a weenie ;)
01:58.20*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
01:58.26dougheckaanyone use OpenNMS?
01:58.27bkw_never fear DNC is here
01:58.37bkw_doughecka read the README
01:58.43dncim famous
01:58.50dougheckaI am using the default name/pass
01:58.53dougheckabut it dont work
01:59.00l-fyyes you are kapejod :)
01:59.08l-fykapejod > but i still love you :)
01:59.15kapejodl-fy: thanks sweetheart ;)
01:59.43*** join/#asterisk cybyc (
01:59.48bkw_doughecka you still have a gag reflex?
02:00.06dougheckawe know
02:00.20*** join/#asterisk mack_jpn (
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02:00.59illc0mmmMusic on hold
02:01.05illc0mmmam I dumb or just retarded?
02:01.11l-fyillc0mmm > that is really stupid
02:01.13illc0mmmI see mpg321 running
02:01.22illc0mmmbut not hearing anything
02:01.25tholoThen you have the wrong software installed.
02:01.25dougheckalike, doi!
02:01.27l-fyillc0mmm > you need mpg123 not mpg321
02:01.35illc0mmmyeah, they both supposedly work
02:01.40dougheckano they dont
02:01.40l-fynot really
02:01.47illc0mmmdamn. okay
02:01.48dougheckampg123456789 works
02:02.05l-fybut mpg987654321 dosen't work
02:02.19illc0mmmare you serious about mpg321?
02:02.24kapejodwhat about mpg123456789ABCDEF?
02:02.38l-fykapejod > that one rulez
02:02.45l-fyillc0mmm > of course :)
02:04.34illc0mmmokay. Running MPG123 and it's not working either
02:04.59illc0mmmthis is the line it's running: mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -b 2048 -f 8192 sample-hold.mp3
02:05.04illc0mmmbut no errors in log. :(
02:05.06l-fyillc0mmm > is hating you
02:06.50illc0mmmit works on the external line
02:06.54illc0mmmbut not the internal lines
02:07.13illc0mmmI made an extension for MOH and it still didnt work from inside
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02:14.30JerJerif anyone cares the Science channel has the solar eclipse live from antarctia
02:14.44dougheckatoo bad I dont have cable
02:14.46dougheckaor satellite
02:14.53dougheckaor tv for that matter
02:14.57dougheckaweb cast?
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02:15.06dougheckabtw how do I apply a patch?
02:15.16*** part/#asterisk Shido6_ (
02:16.31jsmithdoughecka: with the "patch" utility... :-)
02:16.40dougheckayea, but it gave an error
02:16.49doughecka[root@localhost etc]# patch diff /var/tomcat4/conf/server.xml
02:16.49dougheckapatch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input.
02:16.54*** part/#asterisk UnixDawg (
02:17.12jsmithtry both "patch -p0 foo" and "patch -p1 foo"
02:17.40dougheckapatch diff /var/tomcat4/conf/server.xml
02:17.42dougheckathats what I did
02:17.55illc0mmmstupid digital cable box is screwed
02:18.35illc0mmmokay, got MOH to work
02:18.49illc0mmmbut it sounds like silence detection is canceling it out a bit
02:18.54JerJerdoughecka:  hell the scicence channels or even discovery's website has nothing about it
02:18.55illc0mmmor maybe echo cancelation?
02:18.56JerJerhow odd
02:19.17dougheckaOH! its actully A GIANT SPACE SHIP!
02:19.20JerJerbut on the channel they are talking like this is live like right now
02:20.10dougheckawho thought using xml for configuration files should be shot
02:20.14illc0mmmXML rules
02:20.19bkw_no it doesn't
02:20.20dougheckanot for configs
02:20.24illc0mmmnot for configs
02:20.30illc0mmmthat's called a fad
02:20.38dougheckaits stupid
02:20.44illc0mmmoh, I can use XML ! woohoo
02:24.34heywhy xml, not good for config...needless complexity?
02:24.36dougheckaand now it dont talk to postgresql
02:26.23dougheckaFATAL:  IDENT authentication failed for user "postgres"
02:31.57kram'ello :)
02:32.10danielqcan you set RDNIS from a VoIP channel?
02:32.45bkw_danielq I don't think you understand what RDNIS is
02:32.56bkw_DNIS and RDNIS are diffrent
02:33.01danielqbkw_: that's a distinct possibility
02:33.13bkw_${DNID}         Dialed Number Identifier
02:33.13bkw_${RDNIS}        Redirected Dial Number ID Service
02:33.23danielqyup, read README.variables
02:35.13JerJerman alloca:    The  alloca function is machine and compiler dependent. On many systems
02:36.23danielqso a call redirected to * on a h323 channel would have DNIS set to the number the end station called or the number it got redirected to?
02:36.48bkw_RDNIS would be the number that did the redirecting extension 1001 calls 1005 on our CCM but it's busy, CCM redirects to 5559999 on the * box
02:38.23danielq${EXTEN} would be 5559999, ${CALLERIDNUM} = 1001 and ${RDNIS} = 1005 ??
02:38.51*** join/#asterisk Lafinion (
02:39.21citats_RDNIS stuff in * is basically receive only... your telco has to send the q931 element over
02:39.26heyanybody know of any scripts that will htmlize the asterisk logs?
02:40.41kapejodIE 0x74 :)
02:40.46danielqcitats_: ok...h323 uses q931, so in theory I could be receving it
02:41.11zoatry this: echo "<html><body>" > index.html; cat "messages >> index.html ; echo "</body></html>" >> index.html
02:41.30danielqkapejod: thanks
02:41.40tzangerdoes anyone know why recent CVS seems to answer the phone and hang up again on my TDM400P?  At the end of any call I make, I get
02:41.59zoatzanger: ive seen that before too
02:42.06zoais it repeating endlessly ?K
02:42.15tzangerdoesn't seem to affect it, but I just noticed it
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02:42.25tzangerzoa: no just the once after every call
02:42.48*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
02:42.52tzanger~seen citats
02:42.54citats <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 8h 38m 32s ago, saying: 'zoa: yeah, or auto-negotiation didnt negotiate... it should display some advertised modes'.
02:43.05tzangerhow were the perogies, blitzrage?
02:43.25blitzragetzanger, actually, I ended up eating pizza that my dad brought home :)
02:45.56*** join/#asterisk jsmith (
02:46.07danielqhmm, just made a call (got redir'd) can't see IE 0x74, but I can see the original number in a h221NonStandard part of the PDU
02:46.48kapejoddanielq: Information Element 0x74 is the q.931 thingie...
02:47.21*** join/#asterisk Celtic (
02:47.22Mikeblitzrage: wb, you on rh now?
02:47.32blitzrageMike: yeppers
02:47.51Mikeblitzrage: care to give me a little help?
02:48.12blitzrageMike: well, not sure what I can help with right now.  I'm supposed to be working on some documentation
02:49.28illc0mmmokay, what am I doing wrong? File res_musiconhold.c, Line 303 (moh0_exec): Unable to start music on hold (class '')
02:49.39illc0mmmon channel SIP/phone1-c4d5
02:49.53danielqkapejod: yeah, i've got chan_oh323 set to debug 9, it's dumping the q931 pdu's
02:50.23bkw_illc0mmm setup your musiconhold.conf
02:50.40illc0mmmI think I know what I did
02:50.47illc0mmmI didn't make a default class
02:50.51illc0mmmand I didn't specify one
02:50.53danielqkapejod: just googled h221, it's for vendor specific data...looks like CCM is putting the RDNIS in there =(
02:51.02ManxPowerdanielq, any reason you are not using the h323 driver that comes with Asterisk
02:51.20bkw_illc0mmm that will do it
02:51.46danielqManxPower: it apparently doesn't work with Cisco Callmanager, which is what I have to interface with
02:51.57bkw_Cisco Callmanager sucks
02:51.58kapejoddanielq: CCM is evil :(
02:52.14illc0mmmCCM is for bitches and hos
02:52.14danielqthere's an echo in here ;P
02:52.28bkw_or stupid people that dont know better
02:52.30ManxPowerdanielq, Uh, I think the guy that wrote chan_h323 uses CC<
02:52.34ManxPowerCCM, even
02:52.37danielqillc0mmm: i'll pass that on to my director, who installed it ;)
02:52.37bkw_if I could bitch smack every cisco exec.. I would
02:52.48illc0mmmyou do that
02:52.55bkw_ManxPower no JerJer doesn't use CCM
02:52.55illc0mmmI quit working at a company that uses CCM
02:53.07danielqManxPower: that'd be Jeremy and I've emailed him about it. it doesn't work well with CCM anymore
02:53.10illc0mmmi said, its them or me
02:53.10Mikeanyone know why one of the phones i have outside the lan thats behind nat and yes it has nat=yes it call any extension and it rings only once then it gets hangup?
02:53.15illc0mmmlol, j/k
02:53.17ManxPowerbkw_, I thought he had a CCM somewhere.  That's how he made chan_skinny
02:53.41bkw_he might have access to it.. but I doubt he uses it
02:53.58danielqManxPower: i think he's got clients that insist on using it
02:54.05ManxPowerMike, Sounds like a classic double-NAT or reinvite problem
02:54.16ManxPowerMike, search the mailing list archives
02:54.38bkw_ManxPower he is going SIP => * => * => SIP
02:54.47bkw_IAX is all thats goign thru nat.. or thats how I understand it
02:56.48*** join/#asterisk jets (
02:57.00Mikeno this is not the iax2 link
02:57.13Mikethis is my girl over sip shes over nat conecting to my server thats not in nat
02:57.17Mikeone ring and it hangs up
02:57.26Mikeif i pick before that ring i can answer the call
02:57.38Mikeif i call here theres no problem the phone rings and rings
02:57.40Mikeno problem
02:57.43Mikeshe answers ok
02:58.03Mikebut could it be all this because i updated cvs today?
02:58.15*** join/#asterisk juice (
03:03.15danielqkapejod: have you got a good reference for IE's in q931?
03:04.56kapejoddanielq: only for euroisdn, although many IEs are alike ... see ETS 300 102-1 at
03:05.47danielqkapejod: thanks
03:06.15kapejodde rien.
03:06.31danielqkapejod: found something promising on the openh323 mailing list, looks like there might be a patch to extract the Cisco stuff
03:06.51kapejoddanielq: dont talk h323 to me! ;)
03:07.10danielqsorry =]
03:08.42*** join/#asterisk jesusx (~mmarin@
03:08.54Mikewhats the argument Ttr
03:09.19kapejodfake ring indication, transfers for everybody
03:10.00ManxPowerMike, show application dial
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03:14.22Mikeweird this cvs seems to have a bug
03:14.39blitzrageMike: document and report to then
03:15.50espenz*early* *zz*
03:17.11bkw_Please verify the bug before you post it
03:17.17bkw_All too often is not a bug..
03:18.59*** join/#asterisk fyman (
03:19.02illc0mmmlike when I posted a bug because I didn't know how to use tar
03:19.13Mikebkw_: thats why i never post em
03:19.29Mikeeven im updating cvs maybe its working now
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03:23.32Mikeexten => 101,1,Dial(SIP/101,30,Ttr)
03:23.37Mikeif i put the arguments
03:23.50Mikemy girl can just ring once the phone
03:23.52Mikeif i take em
03:23.56Mikethe phone rings
03:23.59Mikealot of times
03:24.03Mikebroken cvs?
03:24.35bkw_cvs is fine
03:24.44Mikebkw_: cvs about 1 hr
03:24.45blitzrageI have no problems with it
03:25.07blitzrageMike: I haven't seen anything go into CVS that could break it.. just minor stuff over the last day or so
03:25.16Mikewell if i add those arguments wont work
03:25.17illc0mmmare their any hardphones out there that have a builtin switch like the cisco phones?
03:25.42Mikeillc0mmm: maybe 3com
03:25.45bkw_Mike I think you have your setup fucked up
03:25.52bkw_you have exten 100 and 101 right?
03:26.04Mike101 and 102
03:26.17bkw_SIP/101 => * => IAX2 => * SIP/102
03:26.19anduillc0mmm, yes snom 105/200
03:26.21bkw_thats how you have it right?
03:26.39illc0mmmandu: thanks, just saw that
03:26.49Mikeno iax2 is not working im doing sip to my girl and thats SIP/101 => * =>102
03:27.08bkw_got nat in the mix?
03:27.14Mikeyes but i have
03:27.15Mikethe option
03:27.22bkw_is * behind nat?
03:27.28Mikeno ofcourse not
03:27.28blitzrageSIP and NAT do NOT work
03:27.30Mikeim not that sick
03:27.39bkw_blitzrage yes they do
03:27.45bkw_just not very well with grandstreams
03:27.48bkw_if at all
03:27.52bkw_my cisco gear does great with NAT
03:28.01blitzrageI thought * did not work with SIP behind NAT
03:28.03bkw_but then again not all NAT is the same
03:28.14bkw_if * is behind nat then no
03:28.18bkw_but if * is on a public IP
03:28.21blitzragethat's what I menat :)
03:28.33Mikewho so sick to do asterisk behind a natted box
03:28.34bkw_and the sip end point is behind nat with good nat router.. then the endpoint will work
03:28.44bkw_Mike people try it
03:28.58blitzrageI think it makes sense to be ABLE to put * behind NAT
03:29.00Mikebkw_: thats sick mind
03:29.31Mikeblitzrage: unless your using it internal yes
03:29.38Mike5 phones in a small office
03:29.43Mike1 zap interface
03:29.44Mikecould be
03:30.23Mikebut if your trying to link to * servers and share the zap interfaces over them you should be very sick to try it and know how iptables work
03:31.28Simon_caDoes the X100P have any support from multi-distintive ring (smart ring) detection?
03:31.47bkw_hold up
03:31.50ManxPowerWow!  kram has submited a bunch of updates to CVS tonight
03:32.01bkw_Simon_ca hold on
03:32.08ManxPowerSimon_ca, someone is working on that, ask on the mailing list or search the archives
03:32.10bkw_bug 504 on
03:32.13blitzragebkw_: is that what you are working on right now? :)
03:32.46Mikecould it be the same linking the 2 asterisk box
03:32.48Mikeusing SIP?
03:33.01ManxPowerMike, No!
03:33.06Mikewhy not
03:33.30ManxPowerMike, IAX is VERY NAT and firewall friendly.  SIP is not.  SIP does things (actually RTP does things) that do NOT work easily with NAT.
03:33.53MikeManxPower: my asterisk servers are not behind nat
03:34.09MikeManxPower: could it be an option to use sip?
03:34.35ManxPowerMike, SIP clients behind NAT can be an issue too, but nat=yes does help with MOST of them.
03:35.32ManxPowerMike, a few months someone tried using SIP instead of IAX to like two Asterisk servers.  I don't think he ever got it to work.  The issues may or mat not be resolved now.
03:35.40ManxPowerlike == link
03:36.09Mikeand whats the difference btw iax and iax2?
03:36.26*** join/#asterisk coil (
03:37.23mrgobyNov 23 15:29:06 WARNING[81926]: File chan_sip.c, Line 1364 (sip_new): Unable to allocate channel structure
03:37.23mrgobyNov 23 15:29:06 NOTICE[81926]: File chan_sip.c, Line 5049 (handle_request): Unable to create/find channel
03:37.25ManxPowerMike, transfers, trunking
03:37.29mrgobyanyone ever seen these?
03:37.51anduDoes anyone know why I get registration failed with * and 7960? (It doesn't always happen)
03:38.06bkw_andu show me yoru sip.conf entry for the 7960
03:38.19andubkw_, one sec
03:38.20bkw_what firmware you running on the 7960?
03:38.37andubkw_, 5.3.0
03:38.47bkw_config from tftp?
03:39.55mrgobyi had just finally DONE IT, gotten SIP traffic through a NAT to an internal * , when i go to show it off, i get these errors
03:40.15mrgobyi swear it was workin this mornin !
03:40.37bkw_repeat after me.... NAT IS SATAN
03:40.52mrgobyNAT appears in SATAN
03:41.00bkw_was just about to point that out
03:41.03mrgobyi should have known
03:41.23mrgobyNAT AS SATAN
03:41.44bkw_andu 1 inband is bad.. use rfc2833
03:41.47ManxPowerSo does SANTA for that matter
03:41.59andubkw_, okay thanks
03:42.00bkw_SANTA = SATAN
03:42.10bkw_andu but other than that it looks fine
03:42.28mrgobyhold on there bkw_ SATAN brings me presents every year...he couldn't be that bad....wait
03:42.28bkw_see move one letter.. we all worshiped SATAN all our lives..
03:42.32ManxPowerbkw_, the FIRST patch I'mm gonna write after my move is one that prints big wanring messages if a call uses a comressed codec and inband dtmf
03:42.48andubkw_, registration doesn't always fail but right now it started to fail more often than not
03:42.48bkw_ManxPower ya really we need that
03:42.56bkw_andu upgrade to 6.0
03:43.10*** join/#asterisk Lysium (
03:43.37andubkw_, ok I'll try that
03:43.39mrgobyandu , maybe check the registration times for the global environment ??
03:43.42andubkw_, thanks
03:44.00anduI have them at 3600
03:44.31ManxPowerandu, Is the SIP device behind NAT?
03:44.42bkw_move reg down to like 60 seconds
03:44.42andueverithing is on public IP
03:44.43bkw_for testing
03:44.46anduincluding the phones
03:45.09bkw_it all works
03:45.13bkw_wrong window
03:45.33mrgobyso does anyone know what those errors up there mean ??
03:45.43bkw_1 learn to read
03:45.59bkw_WARNING and NOTICE don't mean its an error
03:46.10bkw_2. look at the code
03:46.18bkw_try to understand what its doing at those lines
03:46.57mrgobybut that means i have to take my C manual out from underneath my TV
03:47.03mrgobyit will be all crooked
03:47.03bkw_not really
03:47.12bkw_code isn't that hard to read
03:47.32bkw_its helped me understand alot of things when I didn't understand something
03:48.10*** join/#asterisk cman (~arun@
03:48.25bkw_russian C ?  is all the code in russian?
03:49.57andubkw_, is it normal to get lots of dsp warnings when using g729?
03:50.15bkw_dont know.. I don't run in debug.. it just works
03:50.27andume either I just start it with -c
03:50.35bkw_no no no
03:50.38bkw_start it with safe_asterisk
03:50.42bkw_then asterisk -r to connect
03:50.44coilyour mom bkw_
03:50.44anduoops sorry
03:51.07anduwell that's my other problem -r nolonger works after installing g729
03:51.18bkw_andu then you didn't do it right
03:51.25bkw_you have to start asterisk with safe_asterisk
03:51.31bkw_then asterisk -r to connect to it
03:51.51andubkw_, k let me try that again before i claim something supid
03:52.07*** join/#asterisk swirlnets (
03:52.12bkw_also start once with asterisk -vvvvgc to see what it does
03:52.24bkw_then stop now.. then safe_asterisk
03:53.10anduokay doing it now
03:55.46ManxPowerandu, g729 requires a TTY for some stupid reason.  safe_asterisk makes sure the TTY is availabe
03:56.36blitzragehas anyone generated PDFs from DocBook in Linux?
03:57.57anduManxPower, thanks
03:58.28anduthat got rid of the dsp warning
04:01.44bkw_damn it
04:01.48bkw_i'm a freakin snot factory today
04:02.11bkw_oh screw you boi
04:02.17bkw_nm I don't want what you got!
04:02.26coili got nothing
04:02.27*** join/#asterisk Ceren_ (
04:03.03coilawww D:
04:03.07coili feel so loved
04:03.24bkw_you know we love you
04:03.45coilno you don't
04:03.52*** part/#asterisk hey (~me@
04:04.22coilhi hey
04:04.23coilhey hi
04:04.35bkw_ho ho
04:04.37bkw_hum hum
04:04.45Corydon76-homeWe would love you if you'd just bend over for a sec...
04:08.35bkw_kram kram he's our man....
04:08.45coilif he can't do it, nobody can!
04:14.10bkw_never fear bkw is here
04:14.25kramsup sean
04:16.19*** join/#asterisk cman (~arun@
04:19.14*** join/#asterisk frag (
04:19.51cmanwhy can't i login to my linux box....???after hitting the same login and password for 3 times then only it logins
04:20.08cmancan't understand
04:20.10mrhyd3how do I add a 1 to a dial string?
04:20.15mrhyd3Unable to install FrontPage Extensions. Please try again or contact support.
04:20.29mrhyd3sorry, wrong paste
04:20.48blitzragefrontpage extensions suck :)
04:21.02mrhyd3i know...customer of mine :(
04:21.10blitzragedamn customers
04:21.17blitzragewow, I have way too much stuff all running at once right now :)
04:21.58blitzragerecompiling a kernel, updating yum and up2date :)
04:22.06blitzrageI guess it's not really THAT much...
04:22.06bkw_up2date sucks
04:22.22*** part/#asterisk frag (
04:22.33blitzrageyah well, gotta live with what you got ;)
04:23.02bkw_gentoo gentoo gentoo
04:23.04blitzragewoohoo!  my internet speed looks like it's back to normal
04:23.10dougheckausing redhat :P
04:23.16blitzragebkw_: I agree.  I just didn't want to spend the time installing it :)
04:23.24bkw_all you need is bash
04:23.34blitzragebkw_: this is not a server, it's a desktop/
04:23.44blitzrageif it was a server, I would agree
04:23.46bkw_bash could hold you over for a bit
04:23.52bkw_till it was done atleast
04:23.54blitzragenot my parents though :)
04:23.54bkw_you lazy ass
04:23.58Corydon76-homeSo what's with the CVS error on the mailing list?
04:24.06bkw_COrydon76 I don't know.. I was like WTF
04:24.18bkw_sounds like a -user found their way into -dev
04:24.43bkw_oh that one
04:24.46bkw_jesus who knows
04:26.02bkw_oh lord
04:26.41JerJerhe proolly didn't delete and re-checkout from the cvs changes
04:27.10*** join/#asterisk _gorman (
04:27.15bkw_thats what it looks like
04:29.10andulooks like i get the same registration problem with snom phones as well
04:30.07bkw_sounds like hardware problems
04:31.24Mikeguess ppl on mailing list having problems with tonight cvs
04:31.41anduI've tested the phones with a SIP proxy and they work fine
04:31.57anduany idea ? bkw_ have you seen this before?
04:32.31ManxPowerandu, only with old versions of Asterisk or old verisons of firmware on the phone or with NAT
04:32.33bkw_mike I'm not having a problem with CVS
04:32.54JerJerif there's grass on the infield, play ball
04:33.22blitzrageno way.. it's only 11:30pm
04:33.26anduI use * CVS, SNOM has the latest fw, cisco however only 5.3 and no nat
04:34.28bkw_JerJer that sounds kinda sexual.
04:35.35ManxPowerandu, I dunno what the problem is then.
04:35.47JerJeri'm watching "How High" right now
04:35.58ManxPowerJerJer, What's it about?
04:36.20anduManxPower, thanks
04:36.53JerJerManxPower: Method Man and Redman are in it
04:37.00Corydon76-homeAn inquisitive secondary school, of course
04:37.23ManxPowerJerJer, Oh.  Prolly not my cup of tea then
04:37.42JerJerits pretty times
04:37.42Corydon76-homeSee the sequels, Who High and What High
04:37.59cmanNAT issues
04:38.11blitzrageJerJer: I JUST watched that move last weekend.  Pretty funny.
04:38.18cman* behind NAT.. can't register to nufone account
04:38.27blitzrageJerJer: if you like that sort of movie :)
04:39.08ManxPowercman, Are you forwarding the right IAX ports?
04:39.21ManxPowerAnyway, I doubt it has anything to do with NAT
04:40.30cmanwhich ports?? i  can call with voicepulse account
04:41.12ManxPowercman, I don't recall actually.  look in iax.conf for the iax port
04:41.14*** join/#asterisk T0MKAT (
04:41.30ManxPowerfor iax2 it's 4569
04:41.39JerJer5038 for iax 1
04:42.08ManxPowerBut since IAX doesn't have problems with NAT it's prolly some other problem
04:42.59cmanwhy isnt't my oll free no working then
04:43.18cmanport=5036 in iax.conf
04:43.31JerJercman: because you are not registering with my system
04:43.32ManxPowerHave you tried calling tech support?
04:52.02sizzzunghouse of
04:52.04sizzzungjealous lovahs
05:08.19espenzwhere could i get
05:10.14*** join/#asterisk spy007 (~user@
05:13.36mrgobyJerJer: what is a good reference for the manager API ?
05:16.17JerJercd /path/to/asterisk/doc &&  ls -l
05:16.25JerJervi manager.txt
05:16.36mrgobythat kinda day for me
05:17.06JerJerenable=yes manger.conf
05:17.10JerJeradd a user
05:17.20JerJerthen telnet 5038
05:17.24JerJeraction: login
05:17.31JerJerusername: your_username
05:17.35JerJersecret: your_secret
05:17.41JerJer<enter again>
05:17.52JerJerthen make calls on that asterisk box
05:18.05mrgobyyou seem familiar with this process JerJe:
05:18.11JerJerthen while the call is in progress do a
05:18.14JerJeraction: status
05:18.17JerJer<empty line>
05:18.32JerJeri've wrote countless apps using the manager interface
05:19.24mrgobygod....the brownout here is soooo bad....  lights flickering slowly fade, slowly brighten, my poooor defensless servers
05:20.06JerJerwith line conditioning
05:20.16blitzragenah, they break more things than the power ever did
05:20.18bkw_lots of UPS's
05:22.40mrhyd3bkw: how do you get your intercom to come up on the 7960?
05:22.49bkw_you have to specify a line to be the intercom
05:22.53bkw_it makes it autoanswer
05:22.58bkw_under settings
05:23.12bkw_SEttings, 6, 8
05:23.32JerJerbe very very afraid of the intercom features
05:23.37bkw_yes do
05:24.02bkw_it doesn't auth so anyone can point at your intercom and bug your office
05:24.12bkw_wish it would beep or something before autoanswer
05:25.20mrhyd3it says line one....not sure I understand
05:26.02bkw_you select the line you want to be the autoanswer line
05:26.10bkw_ok bed time
05:29.16mrhyd3It only gives me the option of line 1
05:31.01*** join/#asterisk clive- (
05:37.42h3xliebert ups' rule all over apc
05:41.00*** join/#asterisk phsdshft (
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06:03.22espenzWARNING[213006]: File channel.c, Line 1594 (ast_request): No channel type registered for 'i4l'
06:03.22espenzNOTICE[213006]: File app_dial.c, Line 499 (dial_exec): Unable to create channel of type 'i4l'
06:03.27espenzwhat is the problem really?
06:12.49espenzi dont have the, where could I find it?
06:20.06ManxPowerespenz, on a link off the Asterisk Documentation page.  I think it's called Kapejod's Page
06:20.29Lafinionhalo, how much kb is codec729 with setup and how much codec723r53 with setup ?
06:21.22ManxPowerLafinion, Asterisk does not support r53 as far as I know.  G729 is about 8K plus IP overhead (which is a lot on non-trunked calls)
06:21.33ManxPowerLafinion, You need a G729 license, of course.
06:21.41LafinionManxPower i dont said it :)
06:21.48Lafinioni only know how much
06:21.52h3xdocs say you get 100 calls in 1 meg
06:21.53Lafiniondont ask
06:21.56h3xwith 729
06:22.03h3xso thats like 10k ?
06:22.21Lafinionh3x but this is only udp
06:22.23ManxPowerh3x, that assues trunking, of course
06:22.29h3xtrunking rules!
06:22.38ManxPowerI hate laptop keyboards
06:22.46blitzrageanyone want to test my * install/update script in a bit?
06:22.48Lafinionand dont know how much is setip
06:23.18blitzrageManxPower: you just have to type more delicately :)
06:24.05LafinionManxPower 729 is 8kilo + howmuch kilo setup - you know ?
06:24.07ManxPowerblitzrage, Everything is packed away.  I'm sitting on the floor with the laptop on a low endtable.  I suppose that might have something to do with it.
06:24.18blitzrageManxPower: haha.. perhaps :)
06:24.30Lafinionabout 10kilo ?
06:24.38ManxPowerLafinion, a 64K codec takes 80K with UDP overhead.  So subtract 64 from 80 and you have a rough idea of what the oferhead is
06:25.01Lafinioni see
06:25.38Lafinionso all about 24 kilo with 729 example
06:25.44ManxPowertrunking will DRASTICALY recuce the overhead, of course
06:26.29LafinionGSM codec is a better nearly 729 ? (dont include payment for 729)
06:26.48Lafinionis smaller from 729
06:27.39anduManxPower, if you don't mind could you elaborate a bit about the trunking and *
06:28.18blitzrageanyone need to do an * install or update from CVS?  I would like a couple people to test this little script out.
06:28.49andublitzrage, I can teset it out
06:29.03blitzrageandu: wicked.  Give me a couple mins to post it to my website for download.
06:29.13andublitzrage, sure
06:29.20ManxPowerandu, Normally VoIP protocols send one voice packet per UDP packet.  The IP and UDP overhead adds up.  With IAX2 trunking of there are multiple calls going between the same two servers Asterisk will put multiple voice packets in a UDP packet.  That can drastically recude overhead.
06:30.29anduManxPower, thanks I must of missed some of your comments as I was under the impression you were talking about SIP :P
06:30.57ManxPoweri.e. take 20 ms of voice (8k on G729) put it in a UDP packet (16k) and send it.  Or, with trunking, put 20 ms of voice from each of 5 calls in progress between the same two places (8k * 5) wrap it in a UDP packet (16k) and send it.
06:31.18ManxPowerandu, SIP does not have the concept of trunking.  It's an IAX2 only thing.
06:32.01ManxPowerkram should patent the idea.
06:32.05anduthat's what I though but who know * already does lots ;)
06:32.15ManxPowerThen he can charge $30,000 to VoiceAge for licensing it.
06:32.59anduManxPower, what ver of * are you using if you don't mind me asking ?
06:33.10ManxPowerandu, CVS as of about a month ago
06:33.23anduoh does it work okay ?
06:33.36anduI'm having this nasty problem with my CVS
06:33.55anduI have the worst sound quality possible
06:34.21anduwhen doig sip/sip or sip/zap
06:34.38anduis this something known ?
06:34.42ManxPowerandu, I try to avoid SIP, but yes, it seems to work fine.
06:35.12anduhmm then it must be me .. but can't understand what I do wrong
06:35.13*** part/#asterisk Adam_ (
06:35.58anduwish I had a choice but i'm stuck with sip
06:37.32andunot even MoH plays right
06:38.51blitzragewhat kind of machien?
06:39.11ManxPowerandu, Silence supression and Comfort Noise on the SIP client could cause audio issues
06:39.50andup3 @1000
06:40.07anduManxPower, true but it only happens with remote clients
06:40.43ManxPowerCould it be a bandwidth issue?
06:41.02anduand I know I have the bandwidth beacause the same setup but thru a sip proxy I get crystal clear sound even with ulaw
06:41.25andualso 0.5 sounds alo better than cvs
06:41.40anduthe MoH on 0.5 and overall quality is far better
06:41.43ManxPowerUsing a cheap router.  Some people think those can cause issues if they can't handle lots of tiny packets
06:41.47*** join/#asterisk mrgoby (
06:42.07ManxPoweri.e. cablemodems with a couple of calls
06:42.10mrgobywhat are valid values for dnid ??  how are they determined??
06:42.36mrgobyfor a sip call for instance
06:43.02ManxPowerDNID?  i.e. Dialed numner?
06:43.16mrgobyis this a stupid question?
06:43.17ManxPowerIt's part of the SIP setup message it is generated by the UA ?
06:43.37*** join/#asterisk Tekati (
06:43.40anduyes right now I'm testing from home over my cable but it works fine if I use the proxy
06:43.56anduand it still doesn't explai the huge diff between 0.5 and cvs
06:43.56ManxPowerWell, the UA tells Asterisk the number it wants to dial and Asterisk handles it from there.
06:44.29ManxPowerandu, There were a bunch of updates over the last 24 hrs.  You might want to let CVS settle down a little before trying again.
06:44.36blitzrageandu: ok.
06:44.38mrgobywell, my problem is that dnid is returning a null value i believe....  i wanted to figure out why
06:44.47blitzrageandu: it's the last link
06:44.53ManxPowerYou mean ${DNID}?
06:44.58anduManxPower, will do
06:45.04andublitzrage, d/l now
06:45.06clive-andu what do you mean by 0.5 ?
06:45.14anduver 0.5.0
06:45.18anduthe one on ftp
06:45.22blitzragever 0.5.0 is sooooo old
06:45.35anduI know but it works better than cvs
06:46.12ManxPowermrgoby, DNID may be a PRI only concept.
06:46.24ManxPowerchan->exten is what you are looking for, I think.
06:46.40blitzrageandu: that's the one.  save it to your drive, and chmod it 700 maybe by switching these two ???
06:46.54blitzrageandu: you have to run it as root
06:46.58andublitzrage, k let's see how it performs :P
06:47.05blitzrageandu: yes.. lets :)
06:47.13ManxPowerandu, You may be the onlly person on the planet that has better SIP experience with 0.50 than CVS
06:47.43ManxPowermrgoby, exten will always be set to something.
06:47.58mrgobyok....i'll give er a go.....
06:48.47ManxPowerIf it's set to "s" then no destination number was received
06:49.17mrgobygotcha.....s is default
06:51.25anduManxPower, I know
06:51.38anduManxPower, and it's driving me crazy
06:51.48anduManxPower, I've been at it for the past 3 days
06:51.53anduManxPower, and nothing
06:52.56andublitzrage, does it touch init.d?
06:53.23blitzrageandu: it might try at some point to restart the asterisk server, but if the file doesn't exist, it will stop and restart asterisk using a different command.
06:53.32blitzrageandu: but it doesn't write to init.d at all
06:53.42andublitzrage, great
06:53.51andublitzrage, it's compiling now
06:54.02andublitzrage, i like this script
06:54.09blitzrageandu: thanks :)
06:54.26andublitzrage, maybe it's smart enough to fix my SIP ... lol
06:54.28blitzrageandu: it works on my machine pretty good.  As long as you are using bash, there SHOULDN'T be any problems :)
06:54.35blitzrageandu: lol.. I'm sure it's not :)
06:55.05blitzrageandu: at some point I may add the options of it trying to automatically install digium hardware (probably just X100P and TDM400P at first)
06:55.23blitzragethere is some comments in there about that, but I haven't added any of the code to it yet.
06:55.44anduyes I'm using bash but I asked you about the init.d because I might have a different format for it than you
06:55.46blitzrageit's not the prettiest code, but it seems to work alright for my purposes :)
06:55.50anduyes I saw it
06:55.55anduto be written later :P
06:56.16blitzrageandu: yah, no problem.  It should work on pretty much any machine since it pretty much just does it's thing in /usr/src/
06:56.38andualmost done
06:56.48blitzrageandu: which command did you use?  install or update ?
06:57.05anduinstall I've removed all my stuff from/usr/src
06:57.09blitzrageahhh gotcha
06:57.15blitzragethe script will do that for you as well :)
06:57.19anduk done
06:57.28anduwork perfect
06:57.47andunow let's try sip
06:58.06blitzragethe thing is that I think it assumes that there are already working .conf files.  I need to do a check to make sure it doesn't try to start asterisk if there is no .conf files.
06:58.27blitzrageoh wait.. no it doesn't.  Nice.
06:58.43blitzrageonly the update command tries to restart asterisk.
06:59.01espenzroot@pbx:~# capiinfo
06:59.01espenzcapi not installed - Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
06:59.03anduyeah I just found that out
06:59.05espenzanybody had that problem?
06:59.07anduI tried a -r
06:59.13blitzrageI should maybe put some code in there to check to make sure someone doesn't run the update command and it tries to start asterisk without any .conf files (not that it would hurt anything.. but might as well try to make it as dummy proof as possible ;))
06:59.53anduyou know what they say do that and someone will make a better dummy :)
07:00.05blitzragefor sure
07:00.18blitzrageandu: can you try running the script as NOT root?
07:00.22blitzragemake sure it gives you a warning or something
07:00.35andudo you want me to remove the root checks ?
07:00.46blitzrageyah... you got it
07:01.33anduguess what
07:01.40blitzrageandu: whats that?
07:01.48anduI got SIP
07:01.53blitzrageandu: no way! :)
07:01.57*** join/#asterisk T`` (
07:02.10blitzragemy script is king! :)
07:02.15anduwell at leas the MoH works better
07:02.19*** join/#asterisk hey (~me@
07:02.20blitzragehaha.. nice.
07:02.30blitzragehey: hey
07:02.57andumaybe some stuff was left behind in my cvs tree with all the updates
07:03.24anduhey :P
07:03.24heygotta problem with chan_h323
07:03.49blitzrageandu: maybe.. who knows.  Basically it just runs the same commands that I would run manually.
07:04.09blitzrageandu: that's why I made it.  If you need to update from CVS, the _asterisk-update update command should do that for you as well.
07:04.16heyit is not loadable and tail -f messages yields Nov 24 02:03:32 WARNING[507924]: File loader.c, Line 232 (ast_load_resource): /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/chan_h323: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
07:04.41heyeven though /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ exists
07:04.50anduyeah I used to the the equiv of update so far but now I've actually removed the folder
07:05.04heyany advice is appreciated...i'm goin to keep working on it
07:05.14anduhey are you sure you have it compiled?
07:05.23danielqhey: ldd /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
07:05.32anducan assterisk access(read) the file?
07:05.35heyi just make clean install in the h.323 src dir
07:06.01anduhey hes do what danielq sugested
07:06.04hey[root@buenoBox modules]# ldd /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
07:06.09anduyou might have missing dependencies
07:06.29blitzragehey: it's usually bad form to flood the room with no warning...
07:07.03blitzragetis ok.   I don't usually mind.. but some people do :)
07:07.53heyi just dunno...the file is there, all looks ok
07:08.35anduhey that looks fine to me
07:09.23danielqhey: you've got pwlib and oh323 in /usr/src/*  are they in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH or /etc/
07:09.39heylet me see here
07:10.09danielqhey: cos if they're only in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, you'll need to set it in your /etc/init.d/asterisk (or whatever)
07:10.11andublitzrage, I can't belive this it really works
07:10.20blitzrageandu: what.. the SIP?
07:10.46anduyeah the qualityis great .. untill now I couldn't even run the echo test
07:10.52blitzragehaha.. awesome
07:10.58blitzrageandu: you got FWD setup?
07:11.07blitzrageor iaxtel?
07:11.17heydanielq: they are in /etc/
07:11.21anduit's a brand new machine I'm setting up
07:11.28danielqhey: cool, have you run ldconfig?
07:11.29blitzrageandu: ahhh.. go register for a FWD account.. then check this out:
07:11.57heydo in need to run ldconfig in rc.local or something
07:12.07heyto make sure all is well at boot
07:12.33blitzrageandu: if you get that setup in the next few mins.. I can give you a call!
07:12.50danielqhey: nah, just when you change /etc/
07:12.52anduhey no if you run it once it is enough was already in there
07:13.12andublitzrage, what does that form do ?
07:13.31blitzrageandu: it creates a sip.conf and extensions.conf file for you so that FWD will work
07:13.36danielqhey: perms on ok?  can the user that runs asterisk read the file?
07:14.10blitzrageandu: just plug in the information, and it'll create the files for you.  copy them to your asterisk box, and FWD will (should) work.
07:14.27andublitzrage, oh I see that's great
07:14.35blitzrageandu: if you have other extension stuff setup, you might have to edit it a bit, but will give you the basic layout / format anyways.
07:14.46blitzrageandu: I'm not a programmer... but I'm trying to learn :)
07:14.58anduyeah my * config is a mess right now anyway
07:15.24blitzrageandu: I should maybe post my .confs file to my website at some point...
07:15.54heyperms ok
07:17.06blitzrageman... slashdot must have the worst website design ever
07:17.19blitzragestop using Times New Roman for god's sake
07:17.27blitzrageit's so hard to read
07:18.43mrgobyhey:  have you tried to restart asterisk, or unload and then reload it ?\
07:19.29heymrgoby: yes, i have tried reloading it
07:20.16blitzrageoh asterisk, you came and you brought me a turkey, on my day away from worky...
07:20.55espenzi have problems with running capi on a eicon diva 2.0 pro card?
07:21.00espenzany tips?
07:22.14mrgobygnight all
07:22.30espenz3. the passive Eicons (those without the word "server" in the name) have no
07:22.30espenzecho cancelation and not even a capi driver (so you're stuck with i4l).
07:23.56heyit just keeps outputting that the lib isn't there
07:24.53*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
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07:27.00heyshow modules show chan_h323  == 0
07:27.58*** join/#asterisk xero (
07:28.00heyi can dial an extension from console and it says that it is answered, but i don't receive the call in my h.323 client
07:29.37andublitzrage, well have to do that call some other time I'm dead tired now
07:29.47blitzrageandu: no problem.. I'm around all the time.
07:30.10blitzrageandu: just /msg or email me.. or you can actually call my FWD number at 18924 anytime.. it's got an auto-attendent
07:30.13anduyeah and I got your number too :P
07:30.21anduyeah I just foud it
07:30.34blitzragehave a good sleep
07:30.47anduthanks see you around
07:31.39heyshow i try and explicitly load chan_h323 in modules.conf?
07:36.04blitzragedoop a doopa doo... waiting for my new kernel to compile...
07:36.59*** join/#asterisk MSpin (
07:41.31blitzrageg'night all
07:43.07*** join/#asterisk pARTYANML (partyanml@
08:12.29*** join/#asterisk cypromis (
08:16.11*** join/#asterisk sobol__ (
08:17.47jets~seen jets
08:17.48jets is currently on #asterisk (5h 21m).  Has said a total of 2 messages.  Is idling for 1s
08:17.57jets~last jets
08:18.07*** join/#asterisk Mike-- (
08:18.14Mike--hi all
08:18.19jetsHey mike
08:18.23jets!last jets
08:18.36Mike--what does this mean ?
08:18.38Mike--! Unknown IE 76 (Unknown Information Element)
08:19.21jetsI don't know
08:19.57puzzledMike-- search the list. iirc it's nothing to worry about
08:31.06*** join/#asterisk mbranca (~matteo@
08:31.58Mike--I wonder why I cant register with iax.. hm...
08:32.03Mike--I get a reject
08:38.18voidptryeah, its openbsd
08:38.24*** join/#asterisk FlowerPower (
08:38.43FlowerPowerhellou piples
08:40.04habbando i need a sound card to use ISDN with *?
08:40.26sobol__habban: not at all
08:40.38habbanql :)
08:40.51sobolhabban: what ISDN do you have?
08:41.06habbanElsa PCI Microlink
08:41.40sobolhmm, if there are capi 2.0 for it you could use chan_capi
08:42.08jetsjust kidding voidptr :P
08:42.10habbanyep but not sure if it supports it
08:42.41habbandocs says that there r not to many passive cards that supports Capi 2
08:42.41sobolthen you are in i4l world
08:42.44jets~rot13 vonage is gay
08:42.44ibantr vf tnl
08:42.52jets~rot13 ibantr vf tnl
08:42.52vonage is gay
08:42.59*** join/#asterisk vindex (
08:43.18habbanany other possibilities? any other channels?
08:43.40puzzledhabban: get an AVM Fritz! PCI card or Eicon Diva Server card
08:43.53jets~rot13 ibantr vf sbe cnafvrf
08:43.53vonage is for pansies
08:43.56espenzlet me say it like this:
08:44.02habbanim gettin a bit confused - asterisk site says 'every i4l supported card is ok with *'
08:44.04espenzdont use any other cards than avm fritz
08:44.15espenzlook at me I bought the eicon diva 2.0 pro
08:44.21espenzand the capi will not work
08:44.37puzzledespenz: you should have read the docs. only the *Server* cards sport capi with *
08:44.44vindexespenz : the diva pro does _not_ support capi!
08:44.45espenzpuzzled: I should.
08:44.50habbani bought elsa and cant afford any other for now
08:44.52espenzvindex: uh, yes it does.
08:44.56espenzbut not in linux.
08:45.05puzzledhabban: yes, i4l cards are supported. ou just have to live with a lot of echo
08:45.07vindexduh , same thing
08:45.18espenzvindex: :P
08:45.31espenzhow much does a server card cost?
08:45.38espenzdiva that is
08:45.46habbanno way to workaround it?
08:45.46puzzledabout 1000 euros
08:45.53habbanforget it
08:45.55puzzledhabban: no
08:46.01vindexthe 1BRI is cheaper
08:46.20puzzledbought mine for 150 euros :)
08:47.13puzzlednot new, sort of local ebay site in .nl. found it after searching for months for an affordable one
08:47.30habbanand how much is AVM Fritz?
08:47.42vindexno moving parts, so as good as new ;)
08:47.49puzzledhabban: roughtly about 120 euros
08:48.08Mike--why do I get call rejected, no authority found,, when trying to call IAX .. hm
08:48.21Mike--I cant find the error.. all the user data exists..
08:48.42espenzit costs 800 NOK
08:48.55espenz100 dollar
08:49.01puzzledvindex: yeah, it works fine but it took quite some time to figure out how to make the kernel + diva patches work
08:49.19habbanand as what sort of device should i configure Elsa card?
08:49.20espenzdoes the festival support the norwegian language?
08:49.27puzzledhabban: i4l
08:49.41puzzledespenz: no idea
08:49.45puzzledespenz: check their website
08:49.47habbanand is that zapata.conf?
08:49.57sobolhabban: no
08:50.05puzzledhabban: modem.conf I guess
08:50.08Mike--espenz: If you find a Swedish language, I'm interessted :)
08:50.22espenzMike, swedish is sweet.
08:50.41espenz*thinking of swedish girls*
08:50.57Mike--I've got one at home :)
08:51.16espenzhvor i Sverige kommer du fra?
08:51.20habbangotto take a look at the draft. thx sobol and puzzled:)
08:51.32espenzhar en halvbror i Borås
08:51.34puzzledhabban: no problem. good luck
08:52.02Mike--Stockholm, fast just nu sitter jag i Holland och jobbar med en Asterisk :)
08:52.05sobolhabban: you welcome
08:52.18puzzledespenz: you have a halfbrother in boras?
08:52.29habbanill need it at my boss-meeting when i`ll have to tell him: 'echo is ql, diddnt you know that?' ;)
08:52.37puzzledhmm, swedish is not that difficult then
08:52.50espenzpuzzled: uhm
08:52.54espenzthats norwegian
08:53.06habbanthx again guys and bye for now
08:53.13espenzJeg heter Espen og kommer fra Norge.
08:53.18espenzMy name is Espen and comes from Norway.
08:53.28Mike--akkurat :)
08:53.37Mike--og well.. I need more coffee
08:53.57puzzledor something close
08:54.01sobolespenz: Mam na imie Espen i pochodze z Norwegi // in Polish
08:54.04espenzwhat is tag?
08:54.16puzzledno idea but the swedish girls loved it
08:55.05voidptrUhhuh. NMI received. Dazed and confused, but trying to continue
08:55.05voidptrYou probably have a hardware problem with your RAM chips
08:55.14voidptrhardware problem?
08:55.29puzzledmorning voidptr
08:55.46h3xthe hell
08:55.50voidptrcan someone tell me what the zaptel watchdog is?
08:55.59voidptrwhat does it do and when? :P
08:56.00h3xwhy is there a g723.1 codec in the screen shot of asterisk
08:56.11puzzledh3x: which screenshot?
08:57.10*** join/#asterisk _usam (
09:05.12*** join/#asterisk Chilled (
09:05.42h3xa lot of shit has changed...
09:11.08voidptrte410p cannot be used as isdn2 (BRI) device right?
09:12.12vindexit's a PRI card
09:13.08Mike--The mailinglist didn't cover that error ( Unknown information element)
09:13.17Mike--anybody else know what that is?
09:13.44voidptrvindex : yeah but, i see something about national isdn2
09:15.57*** join/#asterisk mack_jpn (
09:18.25cypromisvoidptr: talk to kapejod about BRI
09:18.44*** join/#asterisk Chilled (~x@
09:18.52ChilledHi ALL
09:18.56voidptrsure, but you never know, if i could use this te410p for bri aswell it would be cool :P
09:20.45cypromisthat would be a damn expensive quad bri
09:21.26cypromisMike--: the message indicates that you have a message from the other side that has not yet been implemented in libpri
09:21.30Chilledi m new to ISDN and after playing with FXO cards now switiching to Zaptel's PRI card
09:21.57cypromisChilled: which one ?
09:21.59cypromise100p ?
09:22.01cypromiste410p ?
09:22.03cypromise400p ?
09:22.14voidptrcypromis : still ... i have those few extra ports already :P
09:22.17h3xbri is totally electrically different than pri (t1/e1)
09:22.29voidptrit is?
09:22.33h3xof course it is
09:22.39voidptri wouldn't know
09:22.50h3xpri isdn is just a new signalling type for t1/e1
09:22.56voidptri would think a mux of 2 64kb channels :)
09:23.02voidptrand isdn30 is just 32 :P
09:23.04h3xbri is a new electrical specification for 144kbps on a single copper pair from the telco
09:23.13cypromisvoidptr: 2 * 64k + 1 * 16
09:23.20h3xand then a 2 pair spec for s/t interface bus for *multiple* telephone devices
09:23.21Chilledi know about ISDN PRi
09:23.53h3xyou use a NT-1 to convert 1 pair U interface from telco to 2 pair S/T interface
09:24.00Chilledbut would some 1 help me or give me the link from where i can get the Zaptel's setting for te410p
09:24.07h3xwell anyway
09:24.16h3xit has nothing to do with t1s
09:24.33h3xthe d channel protocol is similar, thats about it
09:25.25ChilledHello Is there any answer of my query ??
09:26.14cypromisChilled: => documentation
09:26.37h3xsounds like an anti-itch cream
09:37.34*** join/#asterisk Muckl (
09:41.26*** join/#asterisk RoyK_T (
09:43.01Mike--hi roy
09:43.11*** join/#asterisk Tekati (
09:47.35*** join/#asterisk diana (
09:48.26dianahi RoyK_T
09:49.08l-fy:) RoyK_T
09:54.25puzzledRoyK_T: congrats
09:56.51Pj___RoyK_T: the end is near, don't worry
10:14.36*** join/#asterisk tristan2 (~tristan@
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10:21.40*** join/#asterisk lele (
10:22.39*** join/#asterisk FlowerPower (
10:22.55habbanh ello
10:23.29habbanI need some feedback on isdn again
10:23.52habbanIma neebie in ISDN and still learn, so
10:24.56habbando i use ppp interface to support *, i dont think so. but if not then what :)?
10:27.02habbanit was too Lame i suppose, or my lag is huge :)
10:28.18habbanr u there?
10:28.35*** join/#asterisk detten2 (~john@
10:35.44voidptrthe fool talks, the wise man smiles
10:36.15*** join/#asterisk arun_ (~arun@
10:38.13detten2heu heu
10:38.14*** join/#asterisk Nix (Nix@
10:41.15puzzledcypromis: slap a nice gui together. should keep you busy for a while :)
10:41.18voidptrhelp me :P
10:42.52voidptrhas something changed in recent *
10:43.00puzzledoff course
10:43.01voidptri dont have a zaptel.conf, only zapata
10:43.51puzzledI just built cvs (including make samples) and don't have zaptel.conf either
10:44.11voidptri don't like these changes ;)
10:44.30voidptri fear production use :P
10:44.42voidptroh well, everyone waits for 1.0
10:45.19puzzledmorning grandpa
10:45.23cypromispuzzled: it's not about work
10:45.27cypromismore about my moving shit
10:45.38cypromisthere is n lack of work ...
10:46.01lelemorn cypromis, all
10:46.43cypromismorn lele
10:46.54voidptrif the mode on tdm400p
10:47.01voidptris close to the bracket
10:47.06voidptrwhich port is that?
10:47.16voidptrthe one to the pci slot, or side?
10:47.39voidptrI'm pretty disappointed that I didn't get any * stickers with my cards
10:48.12*** join/#asterisk snewpy__ (
10:50.00Nixmornin guys
10:52.52voidptranyone got a clue from hamburg? arrive at hamburg central station, how do you get to the airport from there?
10:53.13RoyKget a taxi?
10:53.59cypromiswhich airport ?
10:54.07cypromisthe ryanair one is quite far from hamburg
10:54.11voidptruhhh :)
10:54.13cypromishamburg airport is close
10:54.41voidptrthe main one yes
10:57.31discordiavoidptr: arrive with train ?
10:58.24discordiaand when ? i could look at "deutsche bahn"
10:58.28voidptris it possible to go by train further to...
10:58.31voidptrthe airport
10:58.43voidptrif you please :)
10:58.45discordiasure 1 moment
11:05.44cypromisU can either take the S-Bahn S1 or the underground U1
11:05.52cypromisboth go to the airport from the main train station
11:07.23RoyKWhat does the S in S-Bahn stand for?
11:07.38cypromisthe underground station is called Fuhlsbuettel Nord
11:07.56cypromisroughly 20 minutes
11:08.03cypromisS = Stadt
11:08.11voidptrcypromis : at the main station or airport?
11:08.50cypromisI meant the trvellling time from the main station to the airport
11:08.53cypromistake the undergound
11:09.15voidptroki :)
11:09.16cypromisdirection Ochesenzoll or Norderstedt-Mitte
11:09.23cypromisu get tickets at the orange machines there
11:09.28cypromisrpcie is 2.20 EUR
11:09.44discordiai think he could take the express-bus from central station. its driving directly to the airport, isnt it?
11:10.14cypromisbut it depends what time of the day
11:10.21cypromisunderground does not depend on traffic :)
11:10.27voidptrthe bus is crappy, if you have a lot of bags
11:10.36discordiaare you living in hamburg ?
11:10.37cypromiszoa: it's just another language if you speak a couple more ..
11:10.43*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (~powerkill@
11:10.44cypromisI live in London and in Warsaw
11:10.45zoahehe no its not
11:10.53zoai speak dutch, it prolly sounds the same
11:11.01discordianot really
11:11.04zoabut i really really hate german :)
11:11.13cypromisI speak german polish russian english and some bits and peices of some other languages
11:11.14zoawoher geht der bus ?
11:11.15cypromisand german
11:11.18cypromisis just another language
11:11.25Powerkillsomeone use agidial patch ?
11:11.26voidptrwo ist der bahnhof!?
11:11.28discordiazoa: good try :)
11:11.41zoaich bin neue here
11:11.41discordia"einen kaffee bitte"
11:11.49zoavolltanken bitten !
11:11.52Powerkillcypromis i can teach you french hebrew and arabic :)
11:12.20zoai speak english french, dutch i understand some german and i am trying to learn bulgarian
11:12.32zoaand i used to understand latin
11:12.46PowerkillAlors comme tu comprend le francais
11:12.46zoabut all i can remember is cave canem !
11:12.51Powerkillet le latin aussi
11:12.55RoyKzoa: Carpe Bibum
11:13.12discordiaid est ad vomendum ... hmmm im speaking java,c,perl,etc ;)
11:13.16zoahehe :)
11:13.24PowerkillBonam dominam en multas encilas in villa videmus
11:13.40cypromisPowerkill: french not required
11:13.47*** part/#asterisk l-fy (
11:13.50cypromishebrew I forgot 2 days after the barmitzwah
11:13.51zoaveni vidi bibi parti brossi bissi trissi
11:13.54cypromisbut arabic would be nice :))
11:14.04Powerkillcypromis you are jewish
11:14.10zoaveni vidi bibi party dormi brossi bissi trissi parti :)
11:14.19Nixhmmm.. I think my wife knows a bit of arabic
11:14.22cypromisPowerkill: yeah that was quite easy to guess, wasn;t it ?
11:14.25Nixalot of my friends speak it :-)
11:14.36zoai came i saw i partied i slept, i failed  i failed again and i quit :)
11:14.43cypromisPowerkill: where is that house with the nice women ?
11:15.26zoawhich explains my complete student life :)
11:16.34voidptrbad response from proxy - HTTP/1.1 502 Proxy Error ( The specified Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) port is not allowed. ISA Server is not configured to allow SSL requests from this port. Most Web browsers use port 443 for SSL requests.  )
11:16.38cypromisanyway I think I should learn arabic :)
11:16.55voidptrcypromis : i should too, this country is already 50% turkish/maroc
11:17.11cypromisvoidptr: I have far too many middle east customers and arabic friends
11:17.22cypromisurdu and arabic would be really practial here
11:17.25cypromishindu as well
11:18.02discordiawhats with esperanto ?
11:18.11discordiathen you have them all together
11:18.13cypromisdiscordia: not in use
11:18.26cypromisand it is absolutely useless since nobody speaks it
11:18.55RoyKcarrier grade?
11:19.04cypromisI hate this keyboard, will never get used to it
11:19.13RoyKwhat the fsck is that?
11:19.21cypromismonta vista and suse have carrier grade linux versions
11:19.33cypromisdiscordia: there are milions of books about taxes
11:19.38cypromis90% are in german
11:20.26zoai want to learn bulgarian, only for the ladies :)
11:20.49cypromisbetter learn ukrainian than
11:21.31sobolzoa: orpolishsdds
11:21.56NixBulgarian is similar to Turkish
11:22.02cypromisand get some advise on keeping your liver in good shapre
11:22.03Nixand the ladies are similar :-)
11:22.07cypromisyou'll need it there ...
11:22.23cdegroot<RoyK> carrier grade?
11:22.54Nixcypromis: I think you will find the carrier grade stuff revs alot slower, like every 2 years..
11:23.06Nixcarriers don't like doing upgrades every 6 months...
11:23.30Powerkillsorry i wasn't here
11:23.44Powerkillcypromis wich house with the nice women ?
11:24.07voidptrthey like to be vulnerable to public known exploits :P
11:25.31cypromisNix: not really
11:25.38cypromisand there are a couple of interesting features there
11:26.40*** join/#asterisk snewpy ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:28.19*** join/#asterisk Bonbon (~bonbon@
11:28.46Bonbonif someone has a ping time to our voip gateway of 630ms then will voip work at all?
11:29.28voidptrit will if its not too variable
11:29.36voidptrbut its not perfect
11:29.52Bonbonok, what are the effects likely to be? delay?
11:30.26cypromisBonbon: se mtr to analyse the packet loss
11:30.27voidptryes, but maybe also effects in relation to jitter buffer
11:30.37cypromisif there is packetloss you will have drops and that will suck really
11:31.20Bonbonah, ok. So what's the best way of analysing packet loss?
11:32.04Nixuse mtr
11:32.34Nixvoip is bearable up to 800ms as long as the jitter is not more than 30ms
11:32.51Nix800ms is the absolute maximum though..
11:32.58Nixless than 700 is better
11:33.06Bonbonah. So what sort of values do you use with the jitterbuffer?
11:33.40cypromisdepeds on the protocol and the jitterbuffer implementation
11:34.00Bonbonfor instance in IAX, we use:
11:34.15Bonbonbut i'm not sure what the optimal values are.
11:34.41Bonbonwe have experienced huge delays for servers located 8 hops away, with a ping of 3ms
11:35.18cypromis8 hops and 3ms
11:35.22cypromisswitch jitterbuffer off
11:35.24Nixwhy would you want a jitter buffer of 500ms if the servers are only 3ms away??
11:35.38Nixyou should have a jitter buffer of 10ms..
11:35.55BonbonNix: which setting?
11:37.15Bonbonso if we get crap audio and there is no packet loss, and we have a fast connection, then what could it be down to?
11:38.23cypromisis it * to *
11:38.27cypromissame version on both sides ?
11:38.40cypromisenough capacity on the net
11:38.46cypromisenough cpu power ?
11:39.04Bonbonboth telehouse
11:39.08Bonbonboth * to *
11:39.13Bonboni have twin zeon
11:39.24Bonbonsame version of *?
11:39.27Bonbonnot sure
11:40.33cypromisinside telhouse ?
11:40.35cypromisu using alaw ?
11:43.03Bonbonwe cut down the delay by using the jitterbuffer settings I stated above
11:43.17Bonboni'll check with the telco.
11:44.02cypromiswith the telco ?
11:44.19cypromisI mean inside telehouse afaik you could interconnect the two racks with virtually no cost
11:44.26cypromisso why would you have 8 hops anyway ?
11:44.34Bonbontelco is a bit dodgy
11:44.51cypromisthan the sound is probably a problem on their side
11:46.10Bonbonwe're gonna use E1 directly
11:46.19*** join/#asterisk scud (
11:46.22Bonbonwe shouldn't get ANY dropout
11:46.24Bonbonbut we do
11:47.48Bonbonbut how do we go about "tuning" maxjitterbuffer and maxexcessbuffer?
11:52.01snewpy__has anyone actually used chan_vpb? :)
11:52.18*** join/#asterisk pino (
11:57.01*** join/#asterisk Tekati (
11:57.02pinoRoyK: a friend of mine always drinks lots of milk the day after a birthday party (his own or someone else's) ... ;)
11:57.42RoyKdoes anyone know where I can find woody r2?
11:58.57*** join/#asterisk espenz (
11:59.05pinonot before comes back up, i'm afraid :(
11:59.14espenzfinally bought soundcard ;-)
11:59.46discordiahi espenz
12:00.01espenzhello my friend ;-)
12:02.49RoyKpino: what happened to that?
12:03.06RoyK~seen kapejod
12:03.07kapejod is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 53 messages.  Is idling for 8h 53m 48s
12:03.36pinoRoyK: I don't know, to tell the truth.
12:04.00puzzledRoyK: on cd?
12:04.57RoyKpuzzled: I need an ISO image
12:06.03pinoRoyK: there is no r2 official ISO yet, afaik
12:06.59puzzledRoyK: get r1 images and do an update
12:08.34kapejodhi RoyK
12:08.47*** join/#asterisk scud (
12:08.51kapejodRoyK: btw, suse 9.0 is now online
12:12.44kapejodget that
12:12.45kapejodboot that
12:13.11kapejodyou can even burn that on a cd if you are unable to boot from pxe ;)
12:13.22RoyKis that the CD or DVD?
12:13.43kapejoda 22mb iso for net installing
12:13.48RoyKok :)
12:14.48RoyKargh. 10kb/s 8(
12:17.17kapejodyeah, everybody is installing it now ;)
12:17.29mbrancaciao kapejod
12:17.38kapejodhi mbranca :)
12:17.55discordiahi there ...
12:17.58mbrancakapejod, did you tried to run * on that 22mb install?
12:18.03*** part/#asterisk gadams666 (~wileyuser@
12:18.07*** join/#asterisk coppice_ (~Steve@
12:18.27kapejodmbranca: that is just the suse net installer
12:18.33kapejodi run * on a 28mb image
12:18.48kapejodsuse of course
12:18.55RoyK...but I can call that number from my cell phone
12:19.18RoyKand it's only that number
12:19.23RoyKcan anyone help?
12:19.26kapejodthen dont call that number :)
12:20.09kapejod~kill RoyK
12:20.15ACTION slits RoyK's throat
12:20.24kapejodthankies mr. jbot, sir!
12:20.29RoyKbut - how can I debug this?
12:20.34RoyKI'm trying to call my ISP
12:20.39kapejoddid you ever hear about pri debug....
12:20.43kapejodprobably not
12:20.56coppice_once your throat is slit, debugging tends to get harder :-)
12:21.16kapejodcoppice_: for some people it doesnt matter ;-)
12:22.14RoyKI tried to enable debugging, and then it works :P
12:22.18mbrancapri debug is for q931 speakers ...
12:22.55kapejodmbranca: you mean ets 300 102-1 :)
12:23.08coppice_doesn't everyone speak Q.931?
12:23.13kapejodnobody needs q.931 ;)
12:23.38coppice_actually you need Q.931 to make sense of the ETSI specs.
12:23.41RoyKwhat's Q.931?
12:23.54kapejodcoppice_: nope.
12:23.55coppice_The sequel to Q.930
12:24.12RoyKwhich is...
12:24.27coppice_I seem to remember the ETSI specs don't specify everything, and refer to Q.931 in places.
12:24.27ManxPowerRoyK, The PRI ISDN Spec
12:24.36ManxPowermore or less
12:25.07kapejodcoppice_: at least my edition of ets 300 102-1 is perfectly understandable without having a q.931 spec
12:25.12coppice_I'm sure when I helped add CTR4 to libpri I had to get the Q.931 doc to sort a couple of issue out.
12:25.21kapejodManxPower: not only PRI, it's BRI too :)
12:25.39ManxPowerI stand corrected
12:25.58RoyK~kill ManxPower
12:26.05ACTION slits ManxPower's throat
12:26.21coppice_~kill jbot
12:26.31ACTION slits jbot's throat
12:32.34*** join/#asterisk scud (
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12:49.14*** part/#asterisk cman (~arun@
12:54.31*** join/#asterisk xupinet (~xupinet@
12:55.10xupinethi all, to make a call from the asterisk cli i have to type Dial 031548 haven't I?
12:55.38xupinetwell that's what i am doing and asterisk says No such command Dial!
12:55.55xupinetsomeone has the asnwer?
12:56.13puzzledload oss or also module in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
12:56.16ManxPowerIt won't work if you don't have chan_oss installed i.e. a console phone.  chan_alsa works too
12:57.12*** join/#asterisk jaycard (
12:57.19jaycardhello all
12:58.03jaycardanyone using digital t1 w/voice trunking on asterisk?
12:58.46*** join/#asterisk scud (
13:00.52*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
13:03.31*** join/#asterisk scud (
13:03.34*** join/#asterisk Celtic (
13:03.40xupinetin modules.conf I have noload=> and load=>
13:03.44xupinetbut it is still no working
13:04.08RoyKerr msg?
13:04.20xupinetNo such command 'Dial"
13:05.12CelticCan anybody tell me what format the Dial command is if DIAX is registered as (say) "DIAX1"?
13:06.03espenzWARNING[32771]: File chan_modem.c, Line 617 (do_monitor): select return -1: Interrupted system call
13:06.03espenzNOTICE[229391]: File app_mp3.c, Line 80 (timed_read): Selected timed out/errored out with 0
13:06.05RoyKno such command dial???
13:06.08espenzwhy do i always get that message?
13:06.16xupinetManxPower: how can I now if I have installed chan_oss?
13:06.33RoyKxupinet: no such command dial???
13:06.39RoyKyou can't dial from the console
13:06.51xupinetRoyK: I have already done that
13:07.08RoyKxupinet: how?
13:07.47xupinetRoyK: I wrote Dial and the number and it usually works, but, now I don't know why, that doesn't work now
13:08.10*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
13:08.15xupinetAnd now, the command autoanswer doesn't exist neither
13:08.16RoyKpbx*CLI> dial
13:08.16RoyKNo such command 'dial' (type 'help' for help)
13:08.16*** join/#asterisk flashpoint86 (
13:08.45xupinetRoyK: Yes I know!!!, that's the problem i have,
13:08.55xupinetRoyK: but before it has worked
13:09.03RoyKkapejod? puzzled? ManxPower? any idea what xupinet is talking about? that there should have been a 'dial' command on the console?
13:09.04*** join/#asterisk scud (
13:09.23puzzledRoyK: yes, there can be and you can dial from the console
13:09.30flashpoint86i am new to mIRC
13:09.44puzzledflashpoint86: maybe you should go to #mirc then
13:09.45RoyKpuzzled: does that come with chan_oss or something?
13:09.45flashpoint86and i dont have the slightest clue what i am doing :S
13:09.50puzzledRoyK: yes
13:09.55RoyKflashpoint86: not mIRC - IRC
13:10.09puzzledxupinet: what did you change that is no longer works
13:10.44RoyKxupinet: show modules
13:10.50RoyKand check if you can see chan_oss there          OSS Console Channel Driver               0
13:11.43ManxPowerRoyK, There is only a dial command ad the console if you have a console phone setup
13:12.01puzzledxupinet: check /etc/asterisk/oss.conf
13:12.10*** join/#asterisk kapejod (
13:12.22znoGkapejod: awake?
13:12.31snewpy__is there any echo cancellor in * that will help softphones?
13:12.41xupinetpuzzled: what must i do?
13:12.57puzzledxupinet: no idea. I don't use it
13:13.24xupinetWARNING[1074435232]: File chan_oss.c, Line 423 (soundcard_init): Unable to open /dev/dsp: Resource temporarily unavailable
13:13.42xupinetwhen i start asterisk i have this error
13:13.43*** part/#asterisk flashpoint86 (
13:14.02RoyKxupinet: it means what it says
13:14.08puzzledxupinet: don't use sound in X cause it will block access to /dev/dsp
13:14.09RoyKhave you read the error message yet?
13:14.29RoyKpuzzled: or use alsa :)
13:14.37puzzledxupinet: actually, don't use X and * at the same time
13:14.53puzzledor even better, get a superduper dedicated * box :)
13:15.17xupinetI am not using X
13:15.29xupinetI am only using asterisk
13:15.30puzzledthen stop using Windows!
13:15.41Pj___just stop !
13:15.41xupineti am using linux!
13:15.58puzzledxupinet: something is 0wning /dev/dsp. find out what it is. it has nothing to do with *
13:16.12Pj_xupinet: lsof | grep /dev/dsp
13:16.21Pj_and if you don't have lsof, install it :P
13:16.41xupineti have done lsof.... and nothing
13:17.17discordiais your soundcard working on a normal console xupinet ?
13:17.59Pj_xupinet: you don't a /dev/dsp
13:18.01cdegrootanyone has experienced problems with * dropping connections and becoming unresponsive?
13:18.03Pj_install a soundcard
13:18.20puzzledcdegroot: on my ultra crappy GS all the time :)
13:18.29puzzledcdegroot: and core dumps when reloading too much
13:19.09cdegrootthis is with DIAX, but I'm not sure whether DIAX is at fault, or the Fritz! card (have had problems there as well), or *...
13:19.18espenzasterisk: pcm.c:5486: snd_pcm_sw_params_set_silence_threshold: Assertion `val < pcm->buffer_size' failed.
13:19.27espenzwhat can i do?
13:20.06xupinetwhat i don't understand is that a month ago it was working ok, i haven't use asterisk for a month, and now it doesn't work!
13:20.16RoyKxupinet: try to play a sound file
13:20.24RoyKxupinet: upgraded the kernel lately?
13:20.41discordiaor lost a module ? lsmod ?!?
13:20.41xupinetRoyK: yes
13:21.21RoyK...and forgotten to compile in support for the sound card? perhaps?
13:21.40RoyKxupinet: /server && /j #kernelnewbies
13:22.43*** join/#asterisk scud (
13:22.54RoyK~kill scud
13:22.57ACTION slits scud's throat
13:23.06*** join/#asterisk ant_wood (
13:23.10RoyK'welcome to #asterisk' :)
13:23.27puzzledyour friendly neighbourhood channel
13:23.53ant_woodMorning All :-)
13:24.01ant_woodGMT + 10 here
13:24.06*** join/#asterisk Nicolas (
13:24.12ant_woodAny CAPI gods around?
13:24.24xupinetRoyK: linux detects my soundcard
13:24.31kapejodant_wood: capi is dead
13:24.42puzzledlong live capi
13:24.44NicolasHi all
13:24.54*** join/#asterisk davidhindmarsh (
13:24.59ant_woodkapejod: in my case it is :-)
13:25.01coppice_GMT+10 would be about 11:25PM. A bit late for morning, eh?
13:25.20kapejodant_wood: what did you do?
13:25.31ant_woodOops GMT +10 , plus Dayligt savvings
13:25.49ant_woodkapejod: I followed all the readmes and the the installs to the letter
13:26.13ant_woodkapejod: I got modem_i4l to work on the other card
13:26.24ant_woodkapejod I have 2 AVM Fritz!cards
13:26.50lelekapejod: uh? when did capi die?
13:27.00NicolasAre Digium site and lists down?
13:27.14jaycardanyone using digital t1 with their asterisk?
13:27.36ant_woodNicolas: not for me, I just used their site to log on to IRC via java
13:27.49ant_woodjaycard: lots of people, myself NOT included
13:27.54kapejodlele: few days ago ;)
13:28.43ant_woodkapejod:whic part of capi died? Standards group?
13:28.45jaycardits possible to use with the t100p card with external router if all your calls are terminating inside asterisk?
13:28.57kapejodant_wood: the whole concept
13:29.01jaycardi meant without external router
13:29.26lelekapejod: and has already been replaced? :)
13:29.40ant_woodjaycard: From memory I think that it is possible
13:29.41kapejodlele: unfortunately not ;)
13:29.45NicolasThanks ant_wood
13:29.50kapejodlele: but chan_modem_i4l rocks ;)
13:30.00ant_woodkapejod: who/what killed it?
13:30.25discordiakapejod: dont scare the people ;)
13:30.26kapejodprobably jbot
13:30.33kapejod~kill capi
13:30.36ACTION slits capi's throat
13:30.36ant_woodkapejod: which part? chan_capi
13:30.40kapejod~kill chan_capi
13:30.43ACTION slits chan_capi's throat
13:30.51ant_wood~kill jbot
13:30.53ACTION slits jbot's throat
13:31.05ant_wood~fix capi
13:31.12ant_wood~resurrect capi
13:31.22lelekapejod: oh yes i remember how nice chan_modem_i4l was :)
13:31.23ant_woodWe can rebuild him...
13:31.30ant_wood...we have the technology
13:31.38RoyKkapejod: stopping chan_capi support?
13:31.43coppice_... but why would you want to use it :-)
13:31.50kapejodRoyK: nope.
13:31.50ant_wood(apologies to 70s American TV)
13:32.11coppice_nobody should apologise to that crap!
13:32.43ant_woodchan_modem_i4l is very exciting when all you have used before is chan_sip
13:33.03cdegrootI'm looking at a stack trace of a hanging * - looks like IAX threads are all in pthread_sigsuspend() called from pthread_wait_for_restart_signal()
13:33.19cdegrootcould that be caused by broken IAX I/O (we're using DIAX here, might well have some bugs)
13:34.31puzzledcdegroot: recently Mark committed a an IAX deadlock fix to cvs. How recent is your *?
13:35.00cdegrootI grabbed CVS yesterday and did make; make upgrade - so I should be up-to-date...
13:35.13puzzledok, you should have it then
13:35.28cdegrootI'll try to do a full rebuild
13:35.34Nicolasgosh, digium site is completly down for me. Am I the only one?
13:35.37illc0mmmcdegroot: shouldn't you do a make clean first?
13:35.47cdegrootwell, depends of course :-).
13:36.04ant_woodkapejod: chan_capi just doesn't seem to notice me ringing in, despite lots of good signs (capiinfo, kcapi)
13:36.07illc0mmmdigium is up for me
13:36.24kapejodant_wood: asterisk -vvvvvc, capi debug
13:36.39discordiaant_wood: have you set your MSNs in capi.conf ?
13:36.42puzzledant_wood: did you put in the incomingmsn number in capi.conf so chan_capi knows when to pick up?
13:36.42cdegrootif all makefiles/dependencies are correct, then 'cvs upd; make; make upgrade' should bring you up-to-date. But I noticed that this doesn't bump up the version number, which always leaves me unsure whether I actually have the new version running.
13:36.48illc0mmmanyone here use ISDN, and have it working?
13:36.49ant_woodno output when I call in
13:36.53kapejodant_wood: incomingmsn=* takes everything
13:36.58cdegrootillc0mmm: yes
13:37.05cdegrootBRI, that is
13:37.05illc0mmmcdegroot: you use DID?
13:37.06puzzledillc0mmm: yes
13:37.07ant_woodII have incomingmsn=*
13:38.02illc0mmmanyone with ISDN use DID?
13:38.13kapejodillc0mmm: that works too
13:38.20cdegrootillc0mmm: yes
13:38.31cdegrootjust use the MSN as extension number.
13:38.38illc0mmmCool, who's your provider? I was just looking around for something.
13:38.39kapejodant_wood: that is not capi ;)
13:38.53illc0mmmwanted to know prices, etc...
13:39.36cdegrootillc0mmm: I'm in .NL so I'm not sure that info applies to you :-)
13:39.44ant_woodkapejod: what is the difference between CAPI msn and i4l MSN?
13:39.58illc0mmmcdegroot: yeah, you probably get a good price on it over there too
13:40.38cdegrootant_wood: try them both :-). Most notable difference is a LOT less echo.
13:41.05cdegrootdifference between 'fun to play with' and 'actually usable'...
13:41.32ant_woodcdegroot: most noticable difference here is 'I got it to work' and 'I haven't yet...' :-)
13:41.52ant_woodcdegroot: No echo on my mobile phone, but I heard that too
13:42.29cdegrootant_wood: well, I played with i4l and then immediately went out and bought a second-hand Fritz!PCI card. Made a huge difference. But yes, ISDN <-> GSM doesn't seem to have echo problems, I noticed that as well.
13:42.34ant_woodcdegroot: I'd like to use capi, I just tried i4l because I ran into some brick walls with CAPI
13:42.55cdegrootwhich ones?
13:43.04kapejodbtw, pino is adding the speex EC to chan_capi :)
13:43.23*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
13:43.53coppice_what speex EC?
13:44.06puzzledkapejod: nice
13:44.07discordiaa codec
13:44.09ant_woodcdegroot: well, compiled and installed OK, asterisk loads the channel, I just can't seem to tie it to the phone lines - so no incoming calls, or outgoing,
13:44.39puzzledant_wood: do you load the proper kernel modules in the right order?
13:44.43kapejoddiscordia: not speex, just the EC from speex
13:45.00cdegrootah - Echo Cancellation.
13:45.04coppice_The last time I looked Speex didn't have an EC.
13:45.04cdegrootnow I get it :-)
13:45.10discordiaah ok
13:45.30kapejodcoppice_: dont know....but i have a patch here that says speex_ec.h ;)
13:46.24coppice_I just looked through the speex docs and I can't see mention of an EC. I can't think why there would be one in a codec package.
13:48.27ant_woodpuzzled: possibly not, I have (order of lsmod): fcpci, capi, capifs, kernelcapi, capiutil, hisax_fcpcipnp, hisax_isac, hisax, isdn, isa-pnp, ppp_deflate, zlib_deflate, bsd_comp, ppp_async, ppp_generic, slhc, nfs
13:49.55cdegrootplease unload all the hisax stuff - I don't think it's healthy to have I4L and CAPI running at the same time (on the same card?)
13:50.02ant_woodIs the fcpci in the kernel now (2.4.22)? Not that I used it
13:50.38coppice_Actually, you can't do EC in chan_capi. It would have to go into the kernel to get the timing locked down. Mark has the same issues with EC in zaptel.
13:50.38ant_woodcdegroot: I have 2 cards, separate interupts, but I'll give it another go
13:51.05discordiaant_wood: i only have capidrv fcpci capi capifs kernelcapi and capiutil as modules
13:51.08discordiaand it works
13:51.45cdegrootm2 (plus zaptel/zaprtc, but that's a different story)
13:51.48kapejodyou dont need capidrv
13:52.18discordiagood to know
13:52.23kapejodthat is just i4l on top of capi
13:52.33kapejodso you can use chan_modem with your capi card ;)
13:53.16Bonbonanyone use g729?
13:54.12cdegrootI'm playing with it, Bonbon
13:54.16discordiaso long
13:55.11zoai am
13:55.19zoai did a lot of g729 in the past
13:55.53Bonbonthere are do versions of on the ftp site
13:56.04zoa2 versions you mean ?
13:56.53illc0mmmanyone have a 1700 number I can ring>
13:57.11RoyKI keep pressing alt+q to quit stuff. I'm getting hurt by using that fscking mac
13:57.33Bonbonzoa: yeah
13:57.33*** join/#asterisk jtodd (~jtodd@
13:58.44Bonboni presume that we get the one out of new_codec_binary
13:59.18zoaboth suck anyway
13:59.26cdegrootso, I'm now certain that I'm running latest CVS. On to the next hang...
13:59.30espenzWARNING[49156]: File chan_oss.c, Line 232 (sound_thread): Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable
13:59.36espenzwhy? the sound works fint.. outside.
13:59.58kapejodespenz: try the patch on my website in the downloads dir
14:00.04illc0mmmespenz: is something holding the device open?
14:00.11espenzillc0mmm, nope
14:00.14espenzkapejod, adress?
14:00.20kapejod!info kapejod
14:00.27espenz!info kapejod
14:00.29kapejodwhere is that bot???
14:01.13espenzyou patch is for capi..
14:01.34Bonbonzoa: we've been using g729 for a while. Seems OK.
14:01.41espenzi found :)
14:02.03Bonbonzoa: /usr/src/codec_g729b/Registration: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/sr
14:02.03Bonbonc/codec_g729b/Registration: unsupported version 768 of Verneed record
14:02.04espenzkapejod: how do i patch it?
14:02.23RoyKLinux Kernel 2.6.0-test10 Released :)
14:02.23ant_woodOK I have fixed my modules: now lspci has  fcpci, capi, capifs, kernelcapi, capiutil, ppp_deflate, zlib_deflate, bsd_comp, ppp_async, ppp_generic, slhc, nfs, ...
14:04.04zoaBonbon: never seen that before
14:04.15zoabut that registration binary is very very very fucked
14:05.35*** join/#asterisk Mudley (
14:05.56ant_woodSame result: capi debug gives no output
14:07.01Bonbonzoa: it's ok. i downloaded ascii by mistake
14:07.43kapejodzoa: besides being very very fucked, it's probably also not very very legal ;)
14:08.05MudleyWhen SIP/cs001 calls SIP/cs002 is it possible to redirect this call from SIP/cs001 -> SIP/cs003 with manager before the call is picked up ??
14:08.58espenznow i only get WARNING[49156]: File chan_oss.c, Line 232 (sound_thread): Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable
14:09.01espenzany tips?
14:09.10espenzit is NOT unavalibe
14:11.51Bonbonif you get 2 g729 licenses then what happens when you try and make the 3rd call?
14:12.05zoait hangsup
14:13.42*** join/#asterisk usam (
14:14.33ant_woodcdegroot: how does /proc/interupts change as you get a CAPI call?
14:14.35cdegrootant_wood: capiinfo?
14:14.41Bonbonhooray, we have the handytones in stock now.
14:14.58ant_woodContr1: 2 B channels total, 2 B channels free.
14:15.00cdegrootsec, i'll test
14:15.46cdegrootit already bumps up by quite a lot if I just lift up another ISDN phone and start to dial...
14:16.12ant_woodOn incoming, I get no change
14:16.37MudleyNobody ?  When SIP/cs001 calls SIP/cs002 is it possible to redirect this call from SIP/cs001 -> SIP/cs003 with manager before the call is picked up ????
14:17.33*** join/#asterisk raulfragoso (
14:19.50ant_woodOn Outgoing (failed - noone is available DISCONNECT_IND REASON 0x3301) jumps up from 197517 to  202523
14:19.56*** join/#asterisk zwi (~chris@
14:20.39cdegrootant_wood: strange. I just lifted by analog phone (which is connected through a regular PBX to my ISDN bus), dialed '0' for an outside line, and it went from 796761956 to 796762279
14:20.39ant_woodcdegroot: an ISDN phone is something else on the S BUS?
14:20.49cdegrootI'll give another try with my GSM, one moment.
14:22.01ant_woodkapejod: what should my MSN be for chan_capi if it is 0292999183&L* for modem_i4l?
14:22.14ant_woodcdegroot: cheers
14:22.22kapejodwhat does that &L* do?
14:22.41ant_woodI don't know, I copied it from google :-)
14:23.01kapejodthen ask google about capi too
14:23.54cdegrootkapejod: it's probably some attachment to the AT string to set the MSN through /dev/tty
14:24.15ant_woodkapejod: OK, I guess I had just asked google about CAPI and Asterisk, lets see what google says about CAPI all by itself
14:24.41[Sim]hi guys
14:24.42kapejod~google for capi and asterisk
14:25.06kapejodw00t ;)
14:25.21tholoHow exceedingly odd...
14:25.27[Sim]cdegroot: do you think the echotest-prompts could be translated to dutch ? :)
14:25.31tholo~google for zapbri
14:25.53cdegroothey - just had that problem again that the Fritz!card becomes unresponsive after an aborted call - during that time interrupts on the card were going up like mad...
14:26.28cdegrootSimon_ca: why?
14:26.29*** join/#asterisk orange (
14:26.40cdegrootsorry, that should've been [Sim]
14:27.31ant_woodkapejod: I already read all 38 asterisk AND capi
14:27.40ant_woodbefore I resorted to IRC
14:27.50dougheckabloody raindeer, its snowing
14:27.56zoa[SIM]: you dutch ?
14:28.01cdegrootant_wood: that the interrupt count isn't going up suggests that something is rotten at the capi level.
14:28.08[Sim]zoa: jup
14:28.13RoyKdoughecka: raindeer's good
14:28.24zoalike in dutch dutch or belgian dutch ? :)
14:28.25dougheckathe Other Deer Meat
14:28.32ant_woodcdegroot: any debug path?
14:28.34[Sim]dutch dutch :)
14:28.40dougheckabork bork
14:28.48zoaooh, i'm sorry for you :)
14:28.58cdegrootant_wood: there's this command to set debugging at the kernel level...
14:29.57cdegrootyou've got both controllers attached to the same S bus?
14:30.31ant_woodcdegroot: no, 2 BRI connections, 2 NT boxes
14:30.51cdegrootand you're sure you've got the correct one activated under capi?
14:31.10cdegroot(just starting with the beginning: "are all cables connected?" ;-))
14:31.50*** join/#asterisk cman (~chandra@
14:32.08Mudleyzoa: Belgium dutch ?
14:32.10ant_woodcdegroot: pretty much: all the cables are connected (maybe I have a bad cable), the other card works undef ISDN4Linux
14:32.32cdegrootyes, but are you sure that capi is talking to the correct card?
14:32.36cmananyone has installe cdr_mysql??
14:32.52cdegrootcman: nope, cdr_pgsql :-)
14:33.12ant_woodcdegroot: I've tried msns which should work on either card
14:33.20coppice_why does the taste of reindeer keep comming up on the channel? Is this the Santa channel, or something :-\
14:33.28cmani found cdr_addon_mysql.c file that i hope stored cdr data to mysql
14:33.35zoahey michael
14:33.41zoajups, gij redelijk belgisch precies :)
14:33.44cdegrootnext step probably is to use avmcapictrl to set everything to the highest possible level of debugging
14:34.11cmananyone has done this succesfuly
14:34.55ant_woodcdegroot: I'm giving that a go
14:35.04Mudleyzoa: indeed (Ieper) Hoe ben je betrokken bij asterisk ?
14:35.12cdegrootavmcapictrl trace 1 full
14:35.28zoaieper ? <-- ardooie
14:35.48cdegrootif I do that and call, I get a gigantic amount of debuggin info - cannot miss :-)
14:36.06ant_woodcdegroot: That's exactly what I typed, but I looked at man :-)
14:37.58ant_woodOK, I get nothing
14:38.05cdegrootant_wood: I even get output if I dial a number that */capi isn't configured for
14:38.06ant_woodon in inbound call
14:38.14cdegroothardware problem, therefore.
14:38.19cdegrootyou tested on both buses?
14:38.28ant_woodcdegroot: I get something once a minute
14:38.40ant_woodcdegroot: and if I try to dial out
14:38.49ant_woodcdegroot: I'm hoping it's the cable
14:39.05ant_woodcdgroot: But the whole setup is at work, 15 miles away
14:39.05cdegrootEither that, or the interrupt isn't configured properly.
14:39.09*** join/#asterisk pcobbaert (
14:39.10cdegrootah :-)
14:39.34*** join/#asterisk Tekati (
14:39.35ant_woodcdegroot: I'll try and load the module onto the other card...
14:40.43sackcman : i'm using and is working fine ;-)
14:43.08ant_woodcdegroot: the IRQ I've be on is 10
14:43.12*** join/#asterisk bob_ (~cin@
14:43.20ant_woodcdgroot: the other card was on 12
14:46.35Bonbonzoa: was there something about not being able to use g729 with h323?
14:50.15*** join/#asterisk ant_wood (
14:52.13*** join/#asterisk olivier (
14:53.13cmananyone used xlite/?? have echo problems??
14:57.43*** join/#asterisk ssokol (
14:58.01cdegrootant_wood: any luck?
14:59.40*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
15:00.53ant_woodcdegroot: compiled f2pci
15:01.04ant_woodcdegroot: insmod irq=12 didn't work
15:01.43orangeanyone have gnophone up and working?
15:01.51MudleyWhen SIP/cs001 calls SIP/cs002 is it possible to redirect this call from SIP/cs001 -> SIP/cs003 with manager before the call is picked up ??
15:02.20orangeI'd like to test a gnophone <--> gnophone link
15:03.20RoyKdoes that work?
15:04.05*** join/#asterisk FlowerPower (
15:04.33habbanls asterisk
15:04.42habbanping every1
15:04.52habbani mean hello :)
15:05.07dougheckaI did a /ping #asterisk
15:05.31doughecka[10:05:18] *** CTCP PING reply from cman: 25 seconds
15:05.31zigmankinder :P
15:05.32habbanI came across ISDN configuration files and have some questions about that
15:05.44doughecka[10:05:22] *** CTCP CLOAK: Ignoring CTCP PING request from RoyK.
15:06.08espenzwhat in kernel is soundcore?
15:06.11espenzi need to choose it
15:06.32Pj_then do choose it
15:06.40RoyKsoundcore isn't a menuconfig choice. it's just 'sound'
15:09.00habbando i need some kind of pppd configuration in order to co-work it with asterisk?
15:09.04*** join/#asterisk bobman (
15:09.22habbanping :)
15:10.28cmanping habban
15:10.29zoaWARNING[9226]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5581 (zt_pri_error): PRI: Read on 141 failed: Unknown error 500
15:10.29zoaPRI got event: 6
15:10.30*** join/#asterisk jamie (
15:10.31ant_woodcdegroot: sorry, I built a f1.5pci and a f2pci :-)
15:10.33zoawhat does this mean ?
15:10.47zoais this due to the watchdog setting in the zaptel makefile ?
15:11.01tholozoa: Any messages in "dmesg | tail"?
15:11.46zoacleopatra:~# dmesg | tail
15:11.46zoaGot interrupt, status = 00000001
15:11.46zoaGot interrupt, status = 00000002
15:11.49zoaGot interrupt, status = 00000001
15:11.53zoaGot interrupt, status = 00000002
15:11.57zoaGot interrupt, status = 00000001
15:12.11ant_woodcdegroot: cool, f2pci loaded, lets see what happens
15:12.16cdegrootzoa: please don't flood the channel
15:12.18tholoSo no errors or warnings...  Dunno then.
15:13.22tholoI've only seen that kind of error from TE410P in conjunction with either a missed interrupt or HDLC overrun message on the console (in dmesg).
15:14.13ant_woodcdegroot: Yay! It works!
15:14.30ant_woodcdegroot: now to work out what the problem is with the other one!
15:14.34cdegrootgood. So probably a good old cable problem :-)
15:14.45ant_woodcdegroot: brand new cable
15:14.53cdegrootI rest my case ;-)
15:15.00cdegrootI like cables that are old and trusty...
15:15.21ant_woodcdegroot: I'll have to work it out on friday, or get someone else to swap them
15:15.43habbanany ISDNexpert here?
15:16.03ant_woodcdegroot: Thank you very much for your patience and help
15:16.10[Sim]nope, we're all out of ISDNexperts
15:16.13cdegroothabban: just ask your question before we go into a debate on what constitutes an ISDN expert :-)
15:16.18[Sim]hope to get some new on stock next week
15:16.32tholozoa: It also looks like the ZAPTEL_WATCHDOG stuff is actually only implemented for wcfx{o,s}
15:16.59habbando i need to configure pppd to make it work with *?
15:17.41RoyKdon't think so
15:17.55RoyKAFAIK ppp is only needed if you want ZapRAS
15:18.25tholoAnd I think I saw somewhere that you needed some patches for pppd to work with ZapRAS too...
15:18.32[Sim]zaptel may refuse to build out of the box if your kernel doesnt know about ppp
15:18.40RoyKtholo: they're on digium's site
15:19.08tholo[Sim]: The PPP option is off by default in the zaptel Makefile now (it was changed recently).
15:20.56habbanok forget ZapRAS - shall i have some interface configured with ifconfig or shall i deal with ttyI
15:22.02[Sim]tholo: ah okay
15:22.06[Sim]thats nice :)
15:24.01habbani need to configure modem.conf ( elsa microlink PCI ), ubt im lame in ISDN. Dunno what to do first
15:24.23habbanalready have HiSax as module
15:24.43habbandont know even how can i test if it works
15:25.33habbani ve read at, that i dont need isdnctrl
15:26.19cdegroothabban: there are example configs out there on the Net, have you looked at them?
15:27.10illc0mmmhey, what's a good way to troubleshoot echo with * + SIP?
15:27.42illc0mmmthe SIP phone and * are connected via 100Mbit ethernet, dialing out on PSTN (analog)
15:28.04RoyKtholo: how's trollphone going?
15:28.33habbanthey use /dev/ttyI ->. that`s the thing I hardly use ( or at least dont know that ) -> do i need to configure them somehow? they exist in a system
15:28.49habbani think that i`ll just try to run all this
15:29.03cmanwho sang leaving on a jet plane?
15:30.06[Sim]is anyone else having this weird issue with inbound zap to iax2 calls using iaxComm or DIAX ?
15:30.30zoasim what issue ?
15:30.50*** part/#asterisk raulfragoso (
15:31.36krammorning all
15:31.53tholoMorning kraM
15:32.00RoyKmorn kram
15:32.02[Sim]if I call in from a PRI and direct it to a registered IAX2 client (either iaxComm or DIAX, doesnt matter)
15:32.02habbancdegroot: i`ve read ttyI man but gave me no hint
15:32.04tholoRoyK: It's moving forward.
15:32.13[Sim]then it complains about bad or incomplete voice packets
15:32.14RoyKtholo: when will you beat telenor?
15:32.22[Sim]and there is no sound on either side
15:32.32zoasim: no i havent seen this before
15:32.32[Sim]if I call out from the IAX client to Zap, it works fine
15:32.35krammorning tholo
15:32.42[Sim]hi kram :)
15:32.43zoabut i recall seeing something on the mailinglist about this
15:32.50cdegroothabban: just try it.
15:32.59[Sim]yeah, that would be me - but so far I havent seen a solution :-P
15:33.05zoaah k :)
15:33.36tholoRoyK: We beat on Telenor all the time. ;-)
15:33.54habbancdegroot: your right .) thx`n` bye
15:36.02*** join/#asterisk ant_wood1 (
15:36.56ant_wood1Thanks to cdegroot, kapejod, et al. for helping me get it together, I will whack it onto the wiki
15:37.59ant_wood1Goodbye to all, it's 2:30am here
15:38.40espenzsterisk: pcm.c:5486: snd_pcm_sw_params_set_silence_threshold: Assertion `val < pcm->buffer_size' failed.
15:38.42espenzwhat is wrong?
15:40.39espenzhow could i update from the last cvs?
15:46.52*** join/#asterisk anthm (
15:47.48*** join/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
15:49.28cman800 248 8870 can anyone dial this no? i want to test if thats working??
15:50.08JerJercman: it would if you were registred to our system
15:50.39cmanhi JerJer
15:51.11cmandid u get my mail?
15:52.43*** join/#asterisk curious1 (
15:53.08*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (~powerkill@
15:53.18cmancan utell me if i have done anything wrong
15:53.34cmani am not using firewall now so its not a firewall issue
15:53.52*** join/#asterisk tristan2 (~tristan@
15:54.48JerJercman: i still do not see a registration
15:55.05cmandid uget my mail/??
15:55.44JerJertype=friend is evil
15:55.59espenzJerJer: How do I update the with cvs on asterisk?
15:56.09JerJercvs update
15:56.21espenzcvs update: warning: skipping invalid entry in password file at line 1
15:56.22cmani have no type=friend
15:56.29cmanand type=user
15:57.06espenzJerJer.. :/
15:58.13PowerkillJerJer you are here ?
16:02.32tz-afk~seen citats
16:02.34citats <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 21h 58m 11s ago, saying: 'zoa: yeah, or auto-negotiation didnt negotiate... it should display some advertised modes'.
16:05.54zoaomg, my pri is giving zillions of errors :(
16:05.56espenzcould anybody help me updating with cvs?
16:06.52bkw_mak eupdate
16:07.13bkw_espenz its on the website
16:07.17espenzim reading
16:07.25espenzbut i get a message..
16:08.33bkw_espenz what is the message?
16:08.37espenzroot@pbx:~/asterisk-0.5.0# make update
16:08.38espenzNot CVS
16:08.48espenzSimply execute these commands: > export
16:08.48espenz> cd /usr/src
16:08.49espenz> cvs login (password is anoncvs)
16:08.52espenzand this dont work either
16:08.52jsmithespenz: Go follow the instructions I pointed you to
16:09.06jsmithespenz: What's the error?
16:09.53illc0mmmhey, does 1-800-my-ani-is still work?
16:10.26espenzroot@pbx:~/asterisk-0.5.0# export
16:10.26espenzroot@pbx:~/asterisk-0.5.0# cvs login
16:10.26espenzLogging in to
16:10.26espenzCVS password:
16:10.26espenzroot@pbx:~/asterisk-0.5.0# cvs checkout -D "1 month ago" asterisk
16:10.27espenzcvs checkout: cannot open CVS/Entries for reading: No such file or directory
16:10.29espenzcvs [checkout aborted]: no repository
16:10.54bkw_espenz current cvs is fine
16:11.03bkw_rm -rf asterisk-0.5.0
16:11.05bkw_cd /usr/src
16:11.11bkw_cvs co zaptel asterisk
16:11.31tholoYou cannot do "cvs update" or "make update" from an FTP release...
16:11.32*** join/#asterisk [Barney] ([
16:11.53espenzits working now ;-)
16:11.57tholoYou have to do fresh checkouts.
16:12.04bkw_it usually does when you follow the instructions
16:17.12UnixDawggzwrite is just a way of incripting data in a flatfile right
16:17.39UnixDawgcant type this sucks
16:18.27zoahmmz, my TE410p required a reboot again :)
16:18.53Powerkillzoa you have problem with your te410p ?
16:19.19Mikesomeone knows why if i add arguments ,30,Ttr to an extension other phones only ring once
16:21.00*** join/#asterisk zwi (
16:21.43Mikeevery time i update cvs i loss features HEHE
16:21.59zoawell, i had errors in /var/log/asterisk/messages
16:22.02zoalike zillions of them
16:22.14zoaand the voice was disturbed
16:22.18zoawas trembling
16:22.36bkw_zoa what?
16:23.47UnixDawgok I have to rewrite a whole data layout .
16:23.51UnixDawgthis sucks
16:24.20UnixDawgI want to move to a db and away from platfiles
16:24.54RoyKthen just do it :)
16:24.57RoyKit's done in 10 minutes
16:26.43zoabkw i'm still looking at the messages file
16:26.56bkw_it usually has alot of stuff
16:27.04bkw_its the stuff you see when you run in -vvvvvvvvvgc
16:27.52*** join/#asterisk tristan2 (~tristan@
16:28.09juhashas anybody had any problems with te410p and external line sync?
16:30.30zoaNov 13 10:56:19 WARNING[9226]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5581 (zt_pri_error): PRI: R
16:30.30zoaead on 137 failed: Unknown error 500
16:30.30zoaNov 13 10:56:19 WARNING[13326]: File chan_zap.c, Line 4597 (handle_init_event):
16:30.30zoaDetected alarm on channel 1: Red Alarm
16:30.34espenzchan_zap.c:4820: `ZT_ONHOOKTRANSFER' undeclared (first use in this function)
16:30.34espenzmake[1]: *** [chan_zap.o] Error 1
16:30.34espenzmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk/channels'
16:30.34espenzmake: *** [subdirs] Error 1
16:30.46JerJerespenz: update your zaptel
16:30.49espenzi have never had trouble with installing
16:30.56espenzi dont use zaptel!
16:30.58JerJerdo i smell a RTFM bomb?
16:31.45UnixDawgok now that * works better I am happy
16:31.47jsmithespenz: It's not going to hurt you to download/install zaptel...
16:31.58UnixDawgbut now to pack and move
16:31.59espenzwell, ok
16:31.59zoaNov 13 11:49:09 NOTICE[13326]: File chan_zap.c, Line 4592 (handle_init_event): A
16:32.00zoalarm cleared on channel 31
16:32.00zoaNov 13 11:49:14 WARNING[9226]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5581 (zt_pri_error): PRI: R
16:32.00zoaead on 137 failed: Unknown error 500
16:32.00zoaNov 13 11:49:14 WARNING[13326]: File chan_zap.c, Line 4597 (handle_init_event):
16:32.00zoaDetected alarm on channel 1: Yellow Alarm
16:32.03zoais this cool or whatg
16:32.07zoai got all colors today :)
16:32.10tholoAnd it'd only give that error if you already have an old version installed...
16:32.36*** join/#asterisk cman_ (~chandra@
16:33.16JerJerespenz: you must have zaptel installed or chan_zap wouuldn't get built
16:33.41JerJertclark: while your in there add all the debug messages to -r
16:34.21JerJerdebug, warning and notice acutally
16:34.37zoaNov 18 15:32:10 WARNING[925719]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 2297 (iax2_send): Out of
16:34.41zoawhat could this be ?
16:34.59JerJer01Out of trunk data space on call number 16396, dropping
16:35.07kramzoa: not getting interrupts maybe?
16:35.11tclarkyea looking at the *netconsole in asterisk.c
16:35.27zoakram : my problem with the errors got resolved after a reboot
16:35.46*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
16:35.48zoashould i enable the watchdog ? or is that not applicable for TE410p ?
16:35.58Mikekram: since i updated my cvs if i add the arguments ,30,Ttr to my extension SIP to SIP my phone just rings once then asterisk hangs up the call
16:36.03data[away]woo it's an awake kram :]
16:36.09krammore or less :)
16:36.54*** join/#asterisk jamie (
16:38.15JerJerwholy sheeet   someone acutally responded to an abuse@whatever  email and really cutt of the offending spammer
16:38.42*** join/#asterisk anthm (
16:40.37*** join/#asterisk anthm (
16:41.45*** join/#asterisk BigBroth (
16:42.01BigBrothHello there
16:42.14zoachannel 1 to 31 is that always span 1 ?
16:42.24zoaor could that also be span 2 ?
16:42.28zoaor 3 or 4 ?
16:42.45Mikesomeone has any asterisk tree about 2weeks old?
16:43.20jsmithMike: You can check out a 2 week old version from CVS... I think it's "cvs -z3 co -d "2 weeks ago" asterisk"
16:43.35jsmithzoa: It all depends on zaptel.conf
16:44.06tz-afkI've forgotten how to set up the auto attendant on this meridian system
16:45.09zoaaha anthm
16:45.46jrollysonanthm: sounds fun... now if I could do callbacks that way ;)
16:46.26anthmyep that's the idea
16:46.33*** part/#asterisk [Barney] ([
16:46.33*** join/#asterisk [Barney] ([
16:46.43*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
16:46.50anthmfwd call to agi with args as to what local ext leads to the q
16:46.55anthmagi asks yo uto say your name
16:46.56kapejodhi mr. mbranca, sir! :)
16:46.58anthmsaves the file
16:47.01mbrancaciao kapejod
16:47.26jrollysonanthm: nice :)
16:47.35anthmgenerates spool file with the correct dial ext to get to outbound call to the user ant the name of the file with his name in it
16:47.49anthmwhich causes the call to wait on hold in a q
16:47.59anthmwhen the q hands the call to the agent
16:48.07anthmthe rest of the pollf ile is the path to another agi
16:48.13jrollysonand the call doesn't go out until an agent is ready?
16:48.16BigBrothHello,  I am trying to set up a new pbx for a betting shop and what to know what is the best way to record conversations based on the incoming phone number (our betting lines)
16:48.17anthmwhich plays you the guys name and a warning its a callback
16:48.21anthmthen dials the guy
16:49.47jrollysonanthm: so I'll be able to do, "If you prefer not to hold, please press one and your call will be returned as soon as an agent is available."
16:50.14jrollysonshould work well with ANI ;)
16:50.18anthmyah "please say your name at the beep"
16:50.49*** join/#asterisk keith_ (
16:51.02*** join/#asterisk BigBroth (
16:51.22jrollysonanthm: got any documentation on this setup (ie, webpage with info?)
16:52.12anthmjust discovered it 3 min ago
16:52.22jrollysonok ;)
16:52.45Mikewould it be a good idea using the stable code of asterisk?
16:53.08*** join/#asterisk Mike--- (
16:53.12bkw_cvs is stable
16:53.23*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
16:53.23bkw_Mike you just don't have enuf skillz yet to trouble shoot your config issues
16:53.42Mike---hi all
16:53.45*** join/#asterisk Zebble (~Zebble@
16:53.51Mikebkw_: i know thats why i want to go to stable
16:53.59bkw_you aren't listening
16:54.00Mikebkw_: atleast i wont be thinking its the cvs problem
16:54.05Mike---what's the best way to be sure that * is running ?  I mean if it fails.. så it starts again ?
16:54.06bkw_cvs is stable
16:54.14bkw_works fine
16:54.20bkw_I have it on two boxes
16:54.22Mikebkw_: and why is no release?
16:54.23bkw_its fine
16:54.25ROM_Mansame here
16:54.29cmanwho sang leaving ona jet plane??
16:54.45zoaa lot of people try to kill me now
16:55.01bkw_Mike its you Mike issue... not a cvs issue.
16:55.22Mikebkw_: how long it took you to learn trouble shoot asterisk?
16:55.55bkw_Mike a week.
16:56.02Mikebkw_: then im to slow
16:56.29bkw_no i'm just fast!
16:56.53Mikei think this is my 3 week and im still doing the same stuff as the first day:/
16:57.32Mikeill go read a bit more
16:57.48bkw_if at the end of today.. you still have issues.. allow me ssh to both boxes...
16:58.06Mikebkw_: i will
16:58.11Mikebkw_: ill try it again
16:59.36*** join/#asterisk klicTel (
17:00.30dougheckawee, my 120 gig arrived
17:00.36espenzWARNING[98311]: File res_musiconhold.c, Line 414 (moh_alloc): No class: demo
17:00.38espenzwhat is fail?
17:00.42zoaanonyone in here familiar with avavay skill based Q's ?
17:00.55espenzwhere could i make the class?
17:02.14*** part/#asterisk cman (~chandra@
17:03.29klicTelhi all
17:05.06klicTeldoes any of you guys use redhat 9.0 with SMP and a TE410P card?
17:05.33JerJerklicTel:  yes
17:06.24klicTelHi JerJer... that's what we have here, and every one in a while the whole server just freeezes... can't even telnet onto it
17:06.38klicTelJerJer: do you boot SMP kernel?
17:06.42JerJerhave u enabled SMP in the approprate spots?
17:06.46JerJerof course
17:07.10klicTelJerJer: appropriate spot meaning compiling zaptel with SMP?
17:07.59klicTelyes i did uncomment it in the Makefile... we can't run 3 days without restarting
17:08.05Mike---how is the best way to start a * from boot ? and make sure that it is running ?
17:08.19klicTelMIe: add it in /etc/rc.local
17:08.26JerJerklicTel: sounds like you have bigger problems
17:08.41JerJeri've got one RH9 box that has been running for like 2 months now
17:08.46Mike---but if it fails (eg. segementaion fault)  will it restart ?
17:09.11klicTelJerJer: did you recompile the kernel?
17:09.22Mikebkw_: found the problem
17:09.33bkw_Mike I knew you would
17:09.38bkw_Mike what was it?
17:09.42Mikebkw_: i was trying using dial from asterisk console
17:09.47Mikeand it never came in
17:09.49JerJerklicTel:  no, stock rh kernel
17:09.52Mikei told someone in the office to use
17:09.55bkw_I was gonna recommend against that
17:09.56Mikexlite and work
17:10.01Mikebut when i use dial at my house
17:10.05Miketo the office it works
17:10.22klicTelJerJer: do you mind giving me the motherboard model/BIOS and stuff?
17:10.28Mikei do dial 102@asterisk
17:10.39Mikethat asterisk is my context containing my IAX2 entry
17:10.52Mikeand works but
17:10.56Mikeif i try on the office console
17:11.02Mikedial 101@oficina
17:11.08Mikeoficina is the context
17:11.09bkw_oh damn I see how to write my own CDR juarez now
17:11.13Mikeit wont ring my phone
17:11.43JerJerklicTel:  dell
17:12.29illc0mmmwhat's with atacomm's store?
17:12.36klicTelJerJer: i'm sure there is more then that
17:13.06data[away]oh i just love log messages like this ->
17:13.06data[away]NOTICE[16399]: File chan_iax2.c, Line 1781 (iax2_read): I should never be called!
17:13.17data[away]makes me chuckle
17:19.26*** join/#asterisk curious1 (
17:20.18*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:21.05Mike---ok.. hm .. how do I make sure that Asterisk is running I mean if it fails on a segmentation fault or something  how do I start it 1 second later ?
17:22.19bkw_use safe_asterisk
17:22.47bkw_safe_asterisk is a wrapper script like mysql uses mysqld_safe
17:23.12helleror look into daemontools.
17:24.26*** join/#asterisk rusty (
17:26.13*** join/#asterisk diana (
17:26.24mbrancawondering if I can put asterisk+mysql+apache onto a redhat sysadmin cd....
17:27.38espenzhow can I set up the volume on music on hold?
17:28.13Powerkillbkw_ are you here ?
17:28.31tclarkbkw_: there is a linkering seg fault in chan_local in current cvs see denons bug 561 & my bug 570 ..
17:28.32*** join/#asterisk point (~litw@
17:28.58mbrancaespenz: 2 ways: using quietmp3 or plain mp3 in musiconhold.conf
17:29.19mbrancaespenz: or encode again you mp3s rasing the volume
17:29.26mbranca~seen bkw
17:29.30i haven't seen 'bkw', mbranca
17:29.35mbranca~seen bkw_
17:29.36bkw_ is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 1651 messages.  Is idling for 6m 49s
17:30.13mbranca~seen jbot
17:30.16jbot is currently on #ipaq (5d 7h 51m 42s) #pet (5d 7h 51m 42s) #gct (5d 7h 51m 42s) #asterisk (5d 7h 51m 42s) #debian-bots (5d 7h 51m 42s) #botpark (5d 7h 51m 42s) #storm (5d 7h 51m 42s) #magnia (5d 7h 51m 42s) #kiss (5d 7h 51m 42s) #tacobeam (5d 7h 51m 42s).  Has said a total of 2 messages.  Is idling for 5d 7h 23m 11s
17:30.21mbrancaeh eh
17:30.54diana~seen jbot
17:30.55jbot is currently on #ipaq (5d 7h 52m 21s) #pet (5d 7h 52m 21s) #gct (5d 7h 52m 21s) #asterisk (5d 7h 52m 21s) #debian-bots (5d 7h 52m 21s) #botpark (5d 7h 52m 21s) #storm (5d 7h 52m 21s) #magnia (5d 7h 52m 21s) #kiss (5d 7h 52m 21s) #tacobeam (5d 7h 52m 21s).  Has said a total of 2 messages.  Is idling for 5d 7h 23m 50s
17:31.09dianajbot > you are stupid
17:31.38many~seen many so many!
17:31.39many: i haven't seen 'many so many!'
17:31.56zigman~seen zigman
17:31.57aok <> was last seen on IRC in channel, 11d 10h 39m 32s ago, saying: ''.
17:32.07zigmanwhatever :P
17:32.18many~seen many
17:32.19many is currently on #asterisk (4d 17h 6m 53s).  Has said a total of 37 messages.  Is idling for 1s
17:32.29manydoh. i say too much.
17:32.42jsmith~seen jsmith
17:32.42jsmith is currently on #asterisk (1h 44m 54s).  Has said a total of 6 messages.  Is idling for 0s
17:32.50cypromis~smith cypromis
17:32.54jsmithHmmmn... only 6 messages...
17:32.55*** join/#asterisk sobol (
17:32.56jsmithcypromis: Huh?
17:32.57cypromis~sen cypromis
17:33.05cypromis~seen cypromis
17:33.05cypromis is currently on #asterisk (9h 20m 36s).  Has said a total of 99 messages.  Is idling for 0s
17:33.16Powerkill~seen Powerkill
17:33.17powerkill is currently on #asterisk (1h 40m 9s).  Has said a total of 4 messages.  Is idling for 1s
17:33.17cypromisslep that is
17:33.23cypromisand a different keyboard
17:33.56jsmithouttolunc: It's about time you stopped partying and dragged yourself into work!
17:34.02sobolwelcome once again
17:34.11*** join/#asterisk simprix (
17:35.02*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
17:35.11outtoluncactually been sick for a few weeks now, and it's taking a toll, so not so much on the partying
17:35.25jsmithAhh... that sucks...
17:35.47dougheckamy new drive aint showin up :P
17:35.47jsmithIt's all about "Aleve Sinus and Headache"...
17:36.02jsmithdoughecka: Sure... first you say its there, then it's not there... make up your mind
17:36.14outtolunci'll try that tonight.. this stuff i'm taking now isn't doing crap
17:36.19dougheckaah, silly xp has a bloody wizard for installing a new drive!
17:37.29dougheckaI set it to the classic theme
17:37.32cypromisnot using evms ?
17:37.32dougheckaso it looks like 2000
17:37.34jsmithdoughecka: And it's probably an NTFS partition...
17:37.38cypromiswho needs partitions
17:37.46*** join/#asterisk HeeD (
17:37.49jsmithPartitions are for wimps!
17:37.59*** join/#asterisk marrandy (~marrandy@
17:38.13outtoluncgonna write your own int14 driver
17:38.27HeeDwho here as problems with * and fwd 411 or fwd 800 not working?
17:38.32dougheckano, I just keep 20 indian people in my basement remembering numbers!
17:38.52HeeDI thought the latest cvs fixed my fwd 411, but I think now it is after installing the g729a codec.
17:39.11dougheckafwd has nothing to do with g729a, or any codecs :)
17:39.27HeeDdoug I know, but it always uses g729a when I dial 411 on FWD thru *
17:39.56HeeDI just removed the codec from the modules dir and it stopped working
17:40.59*** join/#asterisk jamie_ (
17:41.46dougheckaand it stopped working?
17:41.51HeeDI am make fwd connect directly with xlite and use gsm or whatever and 411 works, but when I connect to FWD using my * server, for some reason it dont work
17:41.53dougheckatrying forcing GSM
17:41.55dougheckaor ulaw
17:42.06HeeDbut it started working after I installed the commercial g729a codec
17:42.35HeeDI tried forcing codecs for fwd, but it still used that one when I dial 411 or their 1-800 service on fwd (ie. *1800....)
17:42.56HeeDif I do a reflector test (613) it uses ULAW for example
17:43.10cypromishmmm openhrer 1.12.2 fixes some stuff
17:43.11HeeDI am telling this by doing: sip show channels  
17:43.16cypromish323 that is
17:43.16bkw_ya I see g729 when I dial 411 also
17:43.36bkw_cypromis thats funny
17:43.43bkw_h.rer protocol.. something new?
17:44.01HeeDI know for a fact that 411 don't require g729, but for some reason when goin thru * it forces it, and if you don't have the codec it wont work
17:44.20bkw_HeeD no it doesn't
17:44.20cypromistold you I can't get used to this compaq keyboard
17:44.26JerJercypromis:  1.12.2 does work with chan_h323, but I haven't tested it nowhere as throughly as the recomended versions
17:44.52cypromis1.12.0 was ok
17:44.58cypromisalthough somtimes some problems
17:45.07cypromis1.12.2 seems to clean out some noise problems I had
17:45.10cypromisbut don't ask me why
17:45.17JerJernot possible
17:45.35espenzwhy is some part of playback crappy?
17:45.38*** join/#asterisk Zebble (~Zebble@
17:45.42JerJerthe rtp is totaly dealt with by asterisk not open h323
17:45.43espenzschr.. a little
17:45.53JerJerunless your running that other crappy H.323 driver, that is
17:45.56cypromisI know
17:46.02dianaJerJer > you suxx
17:46.03cypromisstop bitching man
17:46.27JerJerwho's bitching?  you don't want to see me in bitch mode
17:46.31cypromisthe rtp is dealt with by * rtp
17:46.33cypromisbut still
17:46.38manyis that some i-flame-you bot?
17:46.46doughecka~whaleslap many
17:46.49ACTION slaps many upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
17:46.49cypromismany: yep
17:47.06dougheckamy pleasure
17:47.21manyand it hadnt any better things to say? 8)
17:47.40ACTION farts.
17:48.07manyi wonder wether one must be some kind of botfan to administer asterisk :-P
17:48.30hmm... eeks is
17:48.31dougheckaits very helpfull
17:48.39doughecka~x de en spielkind
17:49.00manylousy translation :-P
17:49.11doughecka~x en de play child
17:49.27*** join/#asterisk d4ve (
17:49.35cypromisstill louse
17:49.53manyits a word-to-word translation, no senseful translation. imho.
17:50.00dougheckaI got a spam... GET INTERNET ACCESS WITH COMPUSERVE!
17:50.04*** part/#asterisk d4ve (
17:50.11cypromiscompusmurf ?
17:50.17manythats what we need! :)
17:50.22dougheckaI mean, who IS compuserve?
17:50.33dougheckaI have never used them
17:50.39cypromismaybe your mailserver has some flashbacks ?
17:50.54HeeDcompuserve is still around ?
17:51.05dougheckathey are making spam more clever
17:51.20doughecka2 Ways to Enl'arge ure D`I:C*K
17:51.32dougheckaand yet, mozilla still caught it
17:52.15rustyDoesn't AOL own compuserve now?
17:52.16*** join/#asterisk raulfragoso (
17:52.22bkw_rusty for years now they have
17:53.55carrarrusty, AOL sold what customers they couldn't keep to mindspring and sold the network to worldcom
17:54.02zoadoughecka: it is
17:54.35dougheckahmm, its complaining about usb devices
17:54.48rustyI got a spam the other day...their offer is cheaper than earthlink and they give you more web site.
17:55.03dougheckaand I need either of those for....
17:55.25dougheckabwuahahaha, and my own domain too, so I dont need no stinkin webspace :)
17:55.45rustyI have a broadband connection as well - but I also have an earthlink account
17:55.53dougheckayea, who doesnt?
17:56.03rustySo that if I decide to tell comcast to take their bandwidth and shove it, I still have a connection.
17:56.37dougheckahmm, bbl, seeing if ghost will cooperate
17:58.55*** part/#asterisk raulfragoso (
17:59.04cdegrootkapejod: how's the NT1 mode business going? I'm dying to put my ISTEC behind * :-)
18:00.58rustyis there a GUI front-end for asterisk?
18:01.10dougheckaSTOP ASKING
18:01.29*** join/#asterisk tristan2 (~tristan@
18:01.39zoabkw bkw bkw
18:02.01rustywhat's preferable...a local app, or a web-based GUI?
18:02.30dougheckarusty: webbased
18:02.37dougheckabecause many people dont have access to the console
18:02.41cdegrootrusty: LOCAL, don't listen to doughecka!
18:02.58cdegrootSeriously: I think a Windoze configuration app would be best to make * accepted.
18:03.07zoaa web based gui
18:03.07bkw_I don't think so
18:03.09zoawould be best
18:03.15rustyI've been toying with the idea
18:03.19zoano shit
18:03.24zoawindoze config app
18:03.27cdegrootYes, you want that blonde secretary with the big eyes to be able to do limited configuration work.
18:03.28zoawhy would you do that ?
18:03.45cdegrootI've even started work on it (ok, platform-independent).
18:03.48cdegrootI'm off, gotta go.
18:03.52cdegroothave a nice discussion :-)
18:03.57zoacdegroot: if you make sure she can't, she will need to call you
18:04.04zoaand then you get to date he
18:04.11zoai have it all figured out è
18:04.37rustyI think web-based would be better I guess
18:05.30rustymakes remote administration easy
18:05.52*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
18:07.26rustyman moving companies can be vicious
18:07.32ManxPowerThey have everything I own.  Better to be safe han sorry.
18:08.22rustyWe had a story here locally where a woman's stuff was being held hostage because the moving company doubled their original estimate (or somesuch)
18:08.51bkw_I would so SUE
18:08.56bkw_they can't hold her property
18:09.00bkw_they are breaking the law
18:09.15hellerbut in the meantime, what's she gonna live with?
18:09.15ManxPowerThat's why I did NOT go with Cheapskate Movers and instead went with Allied Van Lines even though they were several hundred more.
18:09.24rustybkw_ yeah, but between now and then, she's up a creek
18:09.35dougheckaManxPower: I would just rent a truck and move it my self
18:09.48ManxPowerdoughecka, I did that once.  Never again.
18:10.00dougheckalazy lazy lazy :P
18:10.04ManxPowerdoughecka, Yup!
18:10.45rustyone thing i might consider is moving most of the stuff myself, but if I had one or two things that were really heavy, I might have someone else do that (piano, anyone?)
18:12.16ManxPowerrusty, I've always moved myself except for the last move.  It was a breeze and I'll never move myself again unless I can't afford to pay someone to do it.
18:12.32troutI use ABF UPack.
18:13.45*** join/#asterisk jets ( :P
18:14.36dougheckaerr, make it a p
18:15.56zoaAre you curious how your latest code runs on a 4-way 64bit Opteron system? Now you can find out using the latest addition to's compile Farm.
18:16.12*** join/#asterisk jalal_za (
18:16.38bkw_well get with it
18:16.41bkw_compile away
18:19.46mbrancahowdy kram
18:20.26voidptrevening *
18:20.28jsmithkram: Thanks for setting up the -doc list... I appreciate it
18:20.36kramno prob jsmith
18:20.52dougheckakram: mornin
18:21.05voidptrmbranca :)
18:21.11mbrancaboot: kernel-2.4.22 init=/usr/sbin/asterisk
18:21.13mbrancaeh eh
18:21.27voidptryou might first need to mount your rootfs rw :P
18:21.35mbrancawondering if it works...
18:21.39mbrancaeh eh, of course
18:21.40voidptrit could work
18:21.44krammorning dougheka
18:22.08voidptrbut i would still like to have a wrapper which does some sanity checks
18:22.11voidptron filesystems etc
18:22.33voidptrnetworking is a good one too
18:22.57mbrancavoidptr: so is better to go with a standard init... eh eh
18:23.17voidptrseems sensible yes :)
18:23.27lecramso just replace rc
18:23.54*** join/#asterisk clarity3650 (
18:23.58voidptri have my custom rc
18:24.07*** join/#asterisk tristan2 (~tristan@
18:26.33*** join/#asterisk torment0r|wk| (~someone@
18:31.18mbranca~seen wasim
18:31.19wasim <~wasim@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 4d 2h 11m 53s ago, saying: 'eww'.
18:33.07*** join/#asterisk Zebble_ (~Zebble@
18:33.12cypromis~seen dutch_
18:33.12dutch_ is currently on #asterisk (2d 3h 52m 53s)
18:35.05jtoddI love Digium's hold music.  (Blondie - Telephone)
18:36.43*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
18:36.45jsmithHey izo...
18:39.18mbrancatelephone is from blondie?
18:39.29*** join/#asterisk jrondeau (
18:39.47izoheya jsmith :-)
18:40.00jrondeauis there anyone here that can help me with asterisk?
18:40.08izojrondeau shoot your question
18:40.43jrondeaucan you make accept a TCP/IP connect that can be used to direct asterisk to place calls and bridge them together?
18:41.27krami think you're looking for the management interface
18:41.54jrondeauI have the management program, just need the interface, i geuss you are right
18:42.18jrondeaucan it be done?
18:42.42izojrondeau : yes
18:42.46JerJerjrollyson:   see manager.conf
18:42.50izojrondeau : there is managment interface
18:42.52JerJerenable it  and create a user
18:42.54*** join/#asterisk dant (
18:43.00JerJerthen telnet 5038
18:43.02JerJerthen type
18:43.05JerJeraction: login
18:43.14JerJerusername: <your username>
18:43.18JerJersecret: < your secret>
18:43.21JerJer<empty line>
18:43.22jrondeauI dont know anything about the how to use asterisk, i dont own one yet
18:43.25JerJerthen make calls
18:43.33TekatiHas anyone noticed if you do a restart when convenient and the system is not ready to restart that you can no longer issue console commands unless you quit and start the console again?
18:43.52mbrancaTekati: yep
18:43.59jrondeaujerjer can you call me?
18:44.02JerJerTekati: that's expected
18:44.03jrondeauor me you?
18:44.14TekatiReally?  Why is that?
18:44.55TekatiIf I want to issue the command so that the next time all the users are off the system I still want to be able to monitor and issue commands on the console.  So that does not make sense.
18:45.04*** join/#asterisk Exomorph (
18:45.05mbrancadunno really. perhaps cause asterisk doesn't accept anything till the reload...
18:45.10mbrancaTekati: *nods*
18:45.25jrondeaujerjer still around?
18:46.11jrondeaucan we speak on the phone?
18:46.12JerJeri'm just a fig newton of your imgationation
18:46.34ExomorphHmmm anyone mind sending me a sample iax debug output?  need it to compare some stuff I'm working on.
18:48.35zoajrondeau: i'm having the same hallucinations you have, maybe we could start a self aid group ?
18:49.02mbrancaso he can't speak by phone...
18:49.06zoasomebody should add festival to that bot
18:49.29*** join/#asterisk data[away] (~data@
18:49.43HeeDhas anyone heard of people lookin for open asterisk boxes on net and makin calls on em?
18:49.59zoanot  yet
18:50.01HeeDI jsut realized my * box was wide-open and anyone could make calls heh
18:50.04jsmithHeeD: Nope... but not a bad idea...
18:50.13*** join/#asterisk Marlow (~marlow@3ffe:200:1:155:0:0:0:2)
18:50.38HeeDsomeoen told me that I should but a fake/useless context= as last line in sip.conf or people still could connect even though the secret didnt match... just tried and was correct
18:50.55jrondeaucan someone please help me?
18:51.13izojrondeau : whats your problem ?
18:51.22*** join/#asterisk miller7- (
18:51.36jrondeauI need to know how I can connect to asterisk with a TCP/IP connect and direct it's actions
18:51.37HeeDeven thought I had error loggin in with xlite, I still could make calls etc. and was able to even dial out my POTS lines heh.
18:51.38miller7-Hello people
18:52.00izojrondeau: YES YOU CAN read mailing list and search managment interface
18:52.09izojrondeau: there is also perl module for doint it
18:52.10*** join/#asterisk clarity_ (
18:52.29jrondeauI am willing to pay good money for this help
18:52.40izowe can help you for free
18:52.59kramjrondeau: then call digium if you want to pay money :)
18:52.59jrondeaui dont know the software at all would rather pay someone
18:53.17carrarpay me
18:53.20carrarfly me there
18:53.26carrarI require hookers also
18:53.27jrondeaucall me and I will
18:53.27izopick me,.. pick me ... ;-)
18:53.30mbrancajrondeau: yep, support digium and buy some support hours
18:53.32kramwhere are you loated, jrondeau?
18:53.58HeeDwhat is the management program?
18:54.19jrondeaumy dialer
18:54.23TekatiWhat usefulness is it for like show channels to give me SIP/2005-79c4 instead of SIP/2005 ???
18:54.57*** join/#asterisk Mike-- (
18:55.01Mike--hi all
18:55.09MarlowJerJer : you here ?
18:55.09mbrancaTekati: cause SIP/2005 could have multiple istances
18:55.27jrondeauwho me?
18:55.57Mike--is it possible to use the cdr mysql thingie when I have the sql server on another machine ?
18:55.58TekatiAh okay so it is a unique number of some sort then?
18:56.05izoMike : yes
18:56.08kramjrondeau: you can call malcolm davenport, +1-256-428-6252 and ask to setup a support contract
18:56.15mbrancaTekati: yep
18:56.18jrondeaui have
18:56.23Mike--do I have to have mysql installed on the local (Asterisk machine) machine ?
18:56.30jsmithMike--: No
18:57.06Mike--when I tried to compile the cdr addon .. I did get some errors
18:57.18Mike--should I ignore them ?
18:57.26zoayou need some dev files
18:57.32mbrancado you have mysql-devel packages?
18:57.33zoabut not an installed mysql server
18:58.04Mike--mbranca .. nope no sql on the local machine
18:58.14Mike--it's a RH9
18:58.43JerJerMike--:  intsall it then
18:58.53*** join/#asterisk jerkface (~me@
18:58.55Mike--lemme se if I can find a rpm for that
18:58.56mbrancafor compiling you need -devel packages
18:59.07mbrancaMike--: is mysql-devel , I think
18:59.15JerJeryou relise if your net connection goes down, using cdr_mysql, you will loose cdrs
18:59.23MarlowJerJer : are the versions of pwlib and open h.323 still the required ones or are newer ones ok ?
18:59.23lecramquestion: can a group span multiple * servers for outgoing calls?
18:59.32JerJerMarlow: read the README
18:59.57MarlowJerJer : that's the one i'm looking at ..
19:00.00mbrancalecram: why not
19:00.27lecrammbranca: what would the syntax be?
19:00.32MarlowJerJer : :o) .. problem is .. as i know open h.323 you probably want exactly that version, which you are mentioning ..
19:01.01MarlowJerJer : which would tell me to downgrade my devel's ..
19:01.15MarlowJerJer: i just wanted a no or a yes on that ...
19:01.19*** part/#asterisk Exomorph (
19:01.33mbrancalecram: depends on your setup. could be a complex setup
19:01.55zoamarlow: check i think i saw some patch, but i'm not sure
19:02.31*** join/#asterisk rainer_home (
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19:02.54Marlowzoa: nah .. i downgrade first ... ain't that bad ..
19:02.56lecrammbranca: I know... I was just doing some thinking on scalability... I can sse the incoming lines scale quite well.. it's the outgoing side that would seem to be the problem
19:04.02*** join/#asterisk hey (~me@
19:05.22mbrancalecram: again, depends on how you intend with scaling 'outgoing' . like adding 100+ users? or adding some more outgoing lines?
19:05.42lecramsay 4 quad boards per server, for 10 servers
19:06.45mbrancasolutions can be (but not exaustive...)... put N users per server and then to switch=> statements to move between users on different server
19:07.25mbrancaall users on the same box, you can dial using IAX2 to other servers with quad boards on them
19:08.04lecramyes, but how far could you take that before you get noticable lag in connecting?
19:08.24mbranca100 mbits lan could have lot of users on it
19:08.32mbrancathen move to a gigabit lan...
19:09.00zoayou will need a very big amout of users to go over 100mbit
19:09.09mbrancaa lot....
19:09.12zoabut after several hundred users your switches will go dead
19:09.20*** join/#asterisk bobman (
19:09.20zoaif its cheap stuff
19:09.25voidptrwith cisco yes
19:09.28lecramyeah, but how fast does IAX2 return the message that it has no available lines?
19:09.35zoaits not the bandwidth, its the amount of packets/s
19:09.55zoavoidptr: how do you mean with cisco ?
19:10.10voidptr<zoa> but after several hundred users your switches will go dead
19:10.20mbrancalecram: I have instant iax2 messages back on a low-end adsl connection...
19:11.05mbrancazoa: with poe^
19:11.12voidptryou could also buy some other companies' switches... and have better performance, less features.. (but those break anyway)
19:11.18zoayou are not happy with cisco switches ?
19:11.33zoa3com has the same prices
19:11.36zoahmmz, hp
19:11.36voidptrif they cause mass outage while they are redundant
19:11.49jrondeauI just heard that there may be some issues with using this software on a large scale, this true?
19:12.01zoaah, fick even more problems to worry about
19:12.03cypromisho large would you like it ?
19:12.08voidptrjrondeau : define large
19:12.09zoajrondeau: depends on how large and what combinations
19:12.24mbrancajrondeau: yep, when you must serve 100k+ users on the same box
19:12.25jrondeauI would like to put 1 to 2 quad port cards per server
19:12.26zoajerjer is doing fine
19:12.39voidptrzoa : to cisco people it seems pretty nice, to open source people its very restricting
19:12.58mbrancajrondeau: that's not a problem.
19:13.27jrondeauok, thanks, I have talked to the people at digium, but I am not getting a very good response from them
19:13.36voidptrbusy busy :)
19:13.45jrondeauI just need some simple answers and know how
19:13.56JerJerjrondeau: then you are not asking the right questions
19:13.59izojrondeau : well there may be some problem in bigger load
19:14.05dantjrondeau, have you tried slipping them twenties before each question?
19:14.12voidptris there an echo herE?
19:14.13izojrondeau : sometimes asterisk crashes
19:14.16jrondeauI offered thousands
19:14.22voidptrhey: fine.
19:14.23mbrancaizo: when?
19:14.28jrondeaudoes  no one want to make money
19:14.31JerJeroffering and acutally paying are two seprate things
19:14.39izombranca: once a week
19:14.41mbrancaJerJer: lol
19:14.43jrondeauI pash cash up front
19:14.44izombranca : on isdn
19:14.58jrondeauto anyone who can fullfill a small request
19:15.00mbrancaizo: never here.
19:15.11JerJerizo: i've got asterisk boxen that have been running for like 6 months without fail
19:15.31izombranca and JerJer no offecnce but if it doenst crash for you it doesnt mean that it desnt crashes at all
19:15.53mbrancajrondeau: send me an email, I'll respond to you tomorrow, from the office. if it will take too much time from me, I'll charge my consultancy rates :)
19:16.01mbrancaizo: of course
19:16.18JerJerizo:  then offer some debug to fix your crash instead of just complaining about it
19:16.18mbrancaizo: capi?
19:16.37*** join/#asterisk Marlow_ (
19:16.40jrondeaumbranca can we talk on the phone for just a few minutes today I really need some fast direct
19:16.53izombranca : no libpri
19:17.19JerJerizo:  lol  we have lots of TxxP cards and libpri hasn't failed us here
19:17.30mbrancajrondeau: I'm @ home now...
19:17.36zoasame here
19:17.39jrondeauso am i
19:17.40zoaits quite good
19:17.50zoai had some problems, but i'm still quite satisfied
19:17.50jrondeauwould you like my number?
19:18.08bkw_ya thats one thing that ticks me off is people report bugs.. then fail to backup the bug with any sort of info or bt output to help locate the bug
19:18.09izoJerJer : how many switches do you have there ? I have Lucent 5ESS , Alcatel 4400 and Siemens
19:18.10voidptri've had no problems ... yet
19:18.17mbrancajrondeau: I mean.... I'm a bit busy with family. I prefer to do office work from the office :)
19:18.20voidptrbut it doesn't work either :P
19:18.30lecramjrondeau: what do you need help with?
19:19.07izoJerJer : and I'm not complaining I just dont agree that asterisk is plug and play software
19:19.10jrondeausimple things, just need a few answers, easier by phone
19:19.15JerJerizo: who ever said it was?
19:19.23JerJerbut it doesn't crash weekly
19:19.28JerJeror even monthly
19:19.29izofor you
19:19.32izofor me it does
19:19.37JerJerfor my over 200 machines
19:19.40JerJerrunning asterisk
19:19.44zoajerjer: that depends, i've had some issues :)
19:20.05mbrancaJerJer: 200 machines 8-)
19:21.01*** join/#asterisk jamie (
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19:23.13izodoes anyone here know a place where used telecom equipment may be found ?
19:23.25izolike ebay but more specialized
19:24.22sobolizo: i have some really old exchanges :-) like pentacontas if u wont
19:25.28*** join/#asterisk _ReG-Hexer (~tmnut@
19:25.43izoi need to find used aurora duet isdn tester
19:26.35*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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19:27.00mbrancasomeone plugged off the wrong cable
19:27.05outtoluncyou trip over that cord again <G>
19:27.14mbrancawasn't me!
19:27.15*** join/#asterisk JerJer ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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19:30.29*** mode/#asterisk [+bb *!*dan@194.158.*.* *!*] by
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19:30.35*** join/#asterisk Blaxthos (
19:30.35*** join/#asterisk pbxtech (e7b4l8h6z@
19:31.06bkw_I LOVE VOIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19:31.09*** join/#asterisk miller212 (
19:31.18helleris that legal in the state you live in?
19:31.23Marlowbkw_ : ehh .. are that news ?
19:31.26mbrancahere yes
19:32.05*** join/#asterisk xeno42 (
19:32.11mbrancaheller: in your state isn't legal?^
19:32.21dncScaredyCat: dont make me violate the UN...
19:32.32hellerloving voip? nope, police arrest you if you try.
19:32.40dncyee haw
19:32.49mbrancaheller: you kidding?
19:33.49dnchere the telco just pulls your cables and wont plug them back in again even if a judge orders them too
19:34.26heller[to mbranca]: of course I'm kidding.
19:34.42mbrancammmh... don't be so brutal...
19:35.22i heard voip is Voice over IP
19:35.22cypromisdnc: still better than 5 years of jail in belarus
19:35.46helleryou heard wrong.
19:35.50ScaredyCatshut it jbot
19:35.52dnccypromis: hehe.... that can be reduced to a slight slap on the wrist if you pay a few thousand dollars :)
19:35.55ScaredyCat~kill jbot
19:35.58ACTION slits jbot's throat
19:36.21dant~PI * 2
19:36.33*** join/#asterisk Trayeisback393 (
19:37.00Trayeisback393Hey guys im new to IRC how would i go about finding a chanell oon police scanners? im using trillian
19:37.03dnchmmm, whats the serbian for keyboard?
19:37.48dnctastature in case anyone was interested
19:38.04dantTrayeisback393, type /part #asterisk
19:38.24mbrancaTrayeisback393: go to /dev/null
19:38.35mbrancadant: lol
19:38.56mbrancaTrayeisback393: this channel is monitored by police...
19:39.00mbrancayou're done
19:39.07Trayeisback393jack ass
19:39.21Trayeisback393i said i was NEW , not dumb
19:39.40dantTrayeisback393, type /server search "police scanners"
19:39.46muppmat~channel bank
19:39.54Trayeisback393in the chat window?
19:39.57ScaredyCatTrayeisback393: then y r u using trillian
19:39.57muppmat*heads for google*
19:40.03mbrancaTrayeisback393: this is freenode, a server for opensource projects. how do you expect to find such things on this server?????
19:40.31Trayeisback393i see
19:40.56ScaredyCatTrayeisback393: try /disco
19:41.32Trayeisback393were would i go about finding various types of IRC Servers
19:42.02mbrancaat least.
19:42.25Trayeisback393ty scared
19:42.38mbrancagod bless the man who made the ignore function ....
19:42.44Bonboncan anyone supply me with a spanish pstn --> sip number?
19:42.45*** join/#asterisk d4ve (
19:43.07ScaredyCatBonbon: i can supply u a spanish pstn number...
19:43.17Bonbonspanish to IP?
19:43.29*** part/#asterisk Trayeisback393 (
19:43.31ScaredyCatbut I don;t know who'll answer when u ring it ...
19:43.51Bonbonvery funny man
19:43.56Bonboni'm in stitches
19:43.58Bonbonha ha
19:44.05mbranca~kill ScaredyCat
19:44.08ACTION slits ScaredyCat's throat
19:44.13mbrancathanks jbot
19:44.14tzangerSwedish to IP would be funny too...  
19:44.57tzanger"und den ve taaaake-eh de heeedeer und ve spitz it oooout-eh heeeere, bork bork bork!"
19:45.15dncbork bork bork
19:45.19Bonboncome on, i'll give an 0845 number in exchange.
19:45.34ScaredyCathere we have de boom boom, und here we have de chicky
19:45.52tzangerwhat's an 0845?
19:46.11mbrancaanyone ever made an lcdproc module for asterisk???
19:46.13ScaredyCatit's a non -geographical number in the uk
19:46.27mbrancaI have a 20x4 lcd in the dust...
19:46.28ScaredyCatmbranca: I'm making a remote one...
19:46.42mbrancaScaredyCat: with lcdproc?
19:46.44tzangermbranca: I have a 20x4 VFD display somewhere around here
19:46.50ScaredyCatno... mbranca
19:47.52tzangerNoritake made some neat shit
19:48.05ScaredyCatyeah.. I'm just looking at their site...
19:48.05tzangerI wanted one of their APA VFDs but they are PRICEY
19:50.01zoasuppose i needed to do 25 million minutes a month could i that with asterisk ?
19:50.07zoano pbx functions needed
19:50.10zoajust switching
19:50.34*** join/#asterisk cfo (~cfo@
19:50.39zoaor would it be less expensive to do that with something else ?
19:50.52zoacalls come in by E1, i route em to another E1
19:51.15zigmanahhh bug
19:51.20zigmani found a bug
19:51.28zigmani think ;)
19:51.34mbrancaScaredyCat: and what 'bout crystalfontz?
19:51.40zigmanN = 1..9 or 2..9 ?
19:52.09jrollysonN is 2-9 I think.
19:52.14ScaredyCatmbranca: yeah, but they're xpensive too... especially in NL .. their distributer here is marking up by at least 80%
19:52.25mbrancaah... little bastards
19:52.36ScaredyCatN = 2-9
19:52.40mbrancaScaredyCat: parallel or serial ones?
19:52.53tzanger~seen citats
19:52.56citats <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 1h 48m 34s ago, saying: 'zoa: yeah, or auto-negotiation didnt negotiate... it should display some advertised modes'.
19:52.56ScaredyCatparallel ones are much cheaper mbranca...
19:53.59ScaredyCatjust a higher pin count
19:54.00zigmana friend of mine got 17001076789 that phone number
19:54.13zigmanall iax exten are _17XXNXX
19:54.20zigmanwhere that N is a 1 here
19:54.30blitzragezigman: yah.. I've seen that happen before
19:54.31zigmanso its not an _official_ ?!? iaxnumber
19:54.37blitzragezigman: yah.. it is
19:54.41zigmanohh okay
19:54.42mbrancaScaredyCat: yep... I was going to buy one of these... a blue 20x2 parallel is 45€ here...
19:54.51mbrancapretty expensive :/
19:54.54ScaredyCatzigman: I keep telling em but they just ignore me
19:54.55zigmanso everybody needs to change the extensions
19:55.02blitzragezigman: I just edited my extensions.conf to be 17XXXXX
19:55.08zigmani did too
19:55.13zigmanbut its _wrong_ :P
19:55.26ScaredyCatthat euros mbranca?
19:55.32mbrancaScaredyCat: yep
19:55.48ScaredyCatyou know what the controller is? hitachi?
19:56.00bkw_ok whats up now
19:56.02zigmanmmh can someone try to call me and say something
19:56.10zigmani don't heare anything
19:56.11mbrancaI think yes. they're the crystalfontz ones
19:56.21*** join/#asterisk erubright (~erubright@
19:58.26*** join/#asterisk gorman (
19:58.41gormanhi #?
19:58.54rainer_homeho gorman :)
19:59.13mbrancaScaredyCat: these one are for 45 euros here in italy
19:59.19gormanhi rainer: found my fed-ex recipe this day... cards are on the way :-))
20:00.02rainer_homegorman: coool :)
20:00.14rainer_homegorman: e100p?
20:00.26gormanrainer: yup :-)
20:00.46ScaredyCatty mbranca
20:00.48gormanrainer: hope i will get it tomorrow... s2m will come this week, and than its getting funny :-))
20:01.30rainer_homegorman: *hehe* believe it. we've installed our te410p this week too. quite cool. works like a charm
20:02.09gormanrainer: ok, that gives me hope :-)))
20:02.23*** join/#asterisk lubo (
20:02.26rainer_homegorman: :)
20:10.16*** join/#asterisk stipe81 (
20:11.06*** join/#asterisk klicTel (
20:11.11klicTelHi all
20:14.13*** join/#asterisk wasim (~wasim@
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20:14.55wasimhiya voidptr
20:15.07wasimi'm not klined anymore :)
20:15.08voidptrwassup ;)
20:15.23wasimsome silly open proxy open on my host
20:15.44voidptrnext time ask for a relay host :P
20:15.53wasimbut, we did a geographically diverse farfon test
20:16.01voidptri c
20:16.04wasimits working now about 500 km from its birth place
20:16.07voidptrwebsite down
20:16.21dougheckaYO wasim!!!
20:16.25dougheckawhere you beeen?
20:16.42dougheckaoh, klined :)
20:16.43mbrancapoor wasim... has benn klined...
20:16.55dougheckabrb, installing firewire 800 card in the G4
20:17.26wasimlecram: preproduction by dec, production 1Q04
20:17.52dougheckaat 75 bucks USD?
20:18.52lecramtaking preorders yet?
20:19.14wasimlecram: once we get the quotes, unfortunately, we've just hit holiday season, so everything is closed for the week
20:19.26klicTelI have a little question about cvs updates... Can I just update the zaptel package? or I should always go for the whole thing?
20:20.07wasimklicTel: you can update zaptel only, if you like
20:20.18dougheckabut it MAY brake something :P
20:20.25kapejodanybody here wanting to make some euros/pounds/dollars with a bit of C++ gui tweaking /msg me :)
20:20.37klicTeldoughecka: I hope you're joking
20:21.49lecramdoughecka: that's silly... updating anything may break things...
20:22.44dougheckaok, it WILL brake something
20:23.03klicTeldoughecka: you sound certain
20:23.27[Sim]anyone here whos been playing with the iax2 plugin for ethereal ?
20:23.29dougheckano, because I dont know anything
20:23.39dougheckaask bkw_ he can attest to that
20:24.11klicTelbkw_: updating only zaptel will break *... true of false?
20:25.00bkw_if nothing major has changed then it "shouldn't"
20:25.07bkw_but then again.. its always wise to update both
20:25.21klicTelboth meaning EVERYTHING?
20:25.40dougheckain all caps
20:26.25bkw_but doughecka is full of shit sometimes..
20:26.27*** join/#asterisk wasim (nobody@
20:27.03dougheckahi Nobody!
20:27.17wasimhi doughecka
20:28.03dougheckaROOOOOOOOT has landed!
20:29.25dougheckawell, I cloned my drive
20:29.30dougheckabut the old one still is there
20:29.35dougheckathus the pagefile is there too
20:30.55[Sim]anyone who can tell me what a decent tethereal command line would be to get iax2 debug sniffs ? :-)
20:32.33JerJertcpdump -s0 -x
20:32.42JerJerudp port 4569
20:32.47JerJer(on the end)
20:35.43erubrightI have been google searching thru the Asterisk archives trying to determine whether the machine running Asterisk needs to have a sound card installed.  Does anyone know?
20:36.05wasimerubright: not necessary
20:36.06lecramit does not
20:36.09jsmitherubright: No, it's not necessary
20:36.23*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
20:36.30erubrightthanks to all for the info
20:38.02voidptrkram : ey! where are my ast strickers!
20:38.15voidptrstickers even
20:38.15wasimwhy do people send silly test messages to the ML?
20:38.36*** join/#asterisk decode (
20:38.39voidptrwasim : same reason as they cross post on multiple lists... ignorance
20:38.46kram<voidptr> stickers even
20:38.46decodewhat's the going price to have your gf's vocal cords removed?
20:39.01voidptrkram : i bought a te410p
20:39.05voidptrand no stickers :P
20:39.10krami don't know
20:39.14krami would complain
20:39.20kramwhere are you located? ;)
20:39.48voidptrvia reseller though
20:39.59decodereseller kept ur stickers :P~
20:40.00mbrancaso it's a reseller fault!
20:40.00wasimah, that's the cause
20:40.01JerJervoidptr: that's your problem
20:40.02decodei'd bitch n gripe
20:40.11mbrancathey stole your stickers!
20:40.46voidptri'll call em tomorrow, that they can come and pick up their hardware! I'll just order somewhere i get some true merchandise ;)
20:42.20decodebbl, *sighs* gotta go find a new mobo
20:42.30decodeheh need lots of 3.3v pci slots..
20:42.37mbrancavoidptr: I have a real digium shirts ....
20:42.39*** join/#asterisk nburger (
20:42.47voidptrooooh :(
20:43.02wasimhey, what's color, mbranca ?
20:43.02decodei want a digium shirt :)
20:43.03mbranca2 or 3 of them
20:43.09mbrancawasim: beige
20:43.37mbrancaI'll send one for a farfone :)
20:43.50*** join/#asterisk jgaviria (~jgaviria@
20:43.58mbrancawith 1 sticker and 2 digium screwdrivers...
20:44.03wasimi was supposed to send digium a whole bunch of shirts from pk, but the exported backed out on me
20:44.06dncScaredyCat isnt worth a digium shirt
20:44.07outtolunci don't see a T link on the merchandise page
20:44.15voidptrand pokes "Astmaster" in it
20:44.34jgaviriahi... i have two x100p but any detect the remote hangup? what can i do to solve this?
20:44.51wasimjgaviria: put busydetect
20:44.52ScaredyCatshout at it
20:45.18jgaviriawasim: busy detect where?
20:45.42wasimjgaviria: zapata.conf
20:46.18jgaviriawasim: and in this way, the x100p could detect the remote hang?
20:46.32wasimjgaviria: yeah, or you could just shout at it, and try that method
20:47.22jgaviriawasim: thanks im gonna probe this
20:47.26ScaredyCatnot just x100p's - hardware in general
20:48.45jgaviriaanother question, i have a delay (like 200msg) when im talking, how can i solve this?
20:49.24wasimjgaviria: shouldn't have a delay on just zaptel, is some voip in the mix?
20:49.44wasimkram: that absolute timeref is in REGACK ?
20:49.52jgaviriawasim: yep i have
20:50.03tholoTalke sooner?
20:50.29bkw_tholo really?
20:50.36bkw_tholo got time?
20:50.44jgaviriawasim:  how can i reduce the delay, im using voip
20:50.50tholoWell, he should (obviously) start talking 200 ms[g] earlier. ;-)
20:51.02tholoYeah -- it is 3:50pm EST.
20:52.03bkw_ok I got to ask this
20:52.33bkw_what do you guys think about having three branches of asterisk... RELEASE, STABLE, CURRENT?
20:52.39ErikNcan anyone here answer some gpl questions related to *?
20:53.08Connor-I think it's a good think bkw
20:53.22tholoWell -- I don't see that there is much of a difference between RELEASE and STABLE.  And we already have CURRENT... ;-)
20:53.25*** join/#asterisk Zapa (
20:53.25wasimstable != release?
20:53.36ErikNmy company wants to put its codec in a module and make it availible for purchase - like digium does with the G.729 codec... can we do this and still be legal?
20:53.37kramsure to "i can answer some gpl questions"
20:53.41tholoI mean, RELEASE will just be a point on a STABLE branch.
20:53.42ScaredyCatbkw_: how about Release , Pretend stable, sort of stable and hahaha
20:54.01Connor-How about RELEASE, STABLE, DEVEL?
20:54.02bkw_stable in freebsd isn't release
20:54.30rainer_homeSTABLE, TESTING, UNSTABLE ?
20:54.35wasimwell, stable for you might not be stable for me
20:54.47tholoSTABLE is typically the *branch*, while RELEASE is typically a spefic *version* on a STABLE branch.
20:54.53ScaredyCatstable, barn and field
20:55.00ErikNkram: my company wants to put its codec in a module and make it availible for purchase - like digium does with the G.729 codec... can we do this and still be legal?
20:55.07ZapaHi im newbie are digium hardware compatible with AMD and Biostart motherboards
20:55.11Connor-DEVEL can be CSV, stable could be stuff from devel ported over to RELEASE that are known to be stable and working
20:55.12rainer_homebier, korn, schnaps ;)
20:55.23bkw_oh god.. I stired it up didn't I
20:55.51tholoThat is basically what I was going to try to push kraM into doing, starting with 1.0... ;-)
20:56.10tholoOr do for him -- whichever he'd prefer, really.
20:56.11bkw_my idea was to have DEVEL/CURRENT have everything ... basicaly where we apply patches for testing.
20:56.16Marlowrainer_home : wir sind hier doch nicht in der lokalen Wirtschaft ..
20:56.29Marlowrainer_home : ?!
20:56.37rainer_homeMarlow: nicht??? hab manchmal den eindruck ;)
20:56.37atacommanything new? new release yet?
20:56.40tholoCURRENT would basically just be the trunk, yes.
20:56.44Connor-bingo bkw, the stable is were those new things go once they've been tested and are up to snuff.
20:57.05Connor-and when enough bugs and new things are fixed, a new release happens.
20:57.18rainer_homeMarlow: von wo bist du?
20:57.19ErikNkram: that make sense?
20:57.20wasimZapa: sure AMD works, i've got about 10 boxes with * / zap on AMD/Gigabyte
20:57.29kramerikn: i didn't see your question
20:57.45Marlowrainer_home : eheh ... aus dem hohen Norden ...
20:57.54Connor-kram: <ErikN> kram: my company wants to put its codec in a module and make it availible for purchase - like digium does with the G.729 codec... can we do this and still be legal?
20:58.08Marlowrainer_home : aber nördlich der Grenze ..
20:58.09kapejodrainer_home: beware, he's a viking ;)
20:58.17ErikNConnor-: thanks :-)
20:58.24ErikNkram: sorry :-) see Connor-'s post
20:58.28rainer_homekapejod: no fear of: making holiday in norway often :)
20:58.30Marlowkapejod : jep ... i know about beer :)
20:58.30wasimErikN: what codec ? :)
20:58.31kramerikn: you would have to perchase a license from digium to do so
20:58.41ErikNwasim: our SymPhone codec - we do VoIP
20:58.47Marlowrainer_home : to expensive ..
20:58.47kapejodrainer_home: me too!
20:58.47JerJerConnor/ ErikN:  you hav eto purchase non-gpl licenses from Digium
20:59.01rainer_homeMarlow: not if you know some people there ;)
20:59.01Zapathatks <wasim>
20:59.04Zapathanks <wasim>
20:59.05Marlowrainer_home : i prefer Denmark ... home sweet home...
20:59.13Marlowrainer_home : i know :)
20:59.38kapejodMarlow: and not if you smuggle all the beer from .de ;)
20:59.40Connor-ErikN, what codec you talk'n bout?
20:59.55Marlowkapejod : no need anymore .. they lowered the taxes ..
21:00.03Marlowkapejod : to raise the tax income ..
21:00.21kapejodMarlow: it's still freaking expensive compared to .de
21:00.23*** join/#asterisk raulfragoso (
21:00.28*** part/#asterisk raulfragoso (
21:00.40Marlowkapejod : but here in Sweden, where i live now, smuggling is a good thing ..
21:00.54wasimErikN: no details on the codec there
21:01.02*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
21:01.30kapejodMarlow: i remember a shop near the norwegian border ... mainly pron, cigarettes, alcohol and gasoline ;)
21:01.44Marlowkapejod : trust me .. a box of beer goes for easily above 25 eur ... and that would be can's
21:01.58Marlowkapejod : ehh .... yes ... but pron is not allowed in Norway ..
21:02.04ErikNbrb.. afk
21:02.06wasimwow, that's more expensive that PK
21:02.10Marlowkapejod : in denmark you find it right beside the cartoons ..
21:02.39Marlowwasim : alcohol above 3,5% is only sold in stately owned shops in Sweden ..
21:03.00kapejodMarlow: i know, i have been to denmark at least once a year since i was born.
21:03.03tholoHow stately.
21:03.11Mikewhats diax?
21:03.16ScaredyCatvoidptr: yeah, but when you mix it with whiskey you end up in court
21:03.22kapejodhowever, i dont speak danish at all ;-)
21:03.23Mikeis it better than iax2?
21:03.29ScaredyCatdonkey IAX
21:03.34wasimMike: its an iax client
21:03.34Marlowtholo : only one branch and the state owns that .. nobody else is permitted to sell alcohol beyond 3,5%
21:03.44mbrancaMike, yep , is IAX3 , demo preview
21:03.49Marlowtholo : beer and cider up to 3,5% you can get in the supermarked ..
21:03.55Mikeiax client? software client?
21:03.59Mikelinux client?
21:03.59voidptrScaredyCat :)
21:04.04kramwhat's iax3?
21:04.15tholoMarlow: I know exactly how it works -- I'm Norwegian.  But you meant "state owned", not "stately owned"...
21:04.17mbrancakram: a joke :)
21:04.23krambetter be!
21:04.24Marlowtholo : and of course in bars, pubs, hotels you can get everything ..
21:04.24Mikegnophone is dead so iaxtel
21:04.24ErikNkram: you work @ digium?
21:04.27mbrancaMike: win32 client
21:04.35Mikembranca: ok
21:04.38wasimgnophone is not dead!
21:04.51Marlowtholo : whatever :o) .. english is not my native tongue  ...
21:04.56Mikeafter a year with no release
21:05.07Mikeand not compiling with actual gnome
21:05.13Mikedead for me
21:05.19tholoMIne either, Marlow.
21:05.21kramgnophone needs to be ported to libphonecore
21:05.21Marlowtholo : we don't have that problem in Denmark .. there it just was the pricing .. and that's getting better ..
21:05.22Mikeand iaxtel not even the html pages working now
21:05.39Mikekram: no one is coding gnophone now
21:05.41zigmando the snom phones still use ldap for adressbook ?
21:05.54kramlibiaxphone or whatever
21:06.10Marlowtholo : no ... but when i get tired, my dictionary get's worse :p
21:06.20kramthat's it
21:07.06[Sim]iaxclient without a dash works better
21:07.09zigmankram the iax extens in iax.conf are extern _17XXNXXXXXX but there are numbers with 170010
21:07.26wasimthey are two separate projects?
21:07.34*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
21:07.38zigmansomeone should either switch the numbers or the iax.conf.sample in cvsa
21:07.48[Sim]dunno but gives a nice 404
21:08.00tim27hello everyone...
21:08.01wasimkram: should iaxtel give out numbers beginning with 1 ?
21:08.12zigmanwasim it does
21:08.24wasimzigman: i know, its a bug bkw and i were tracking
21:08.35tim27any use x-lite sip soft phone with asterisk ???
21:08.51zigmanisn't that just a matter of sql thing ?
21:09.35*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
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21:10.12wasimzigman: hopefully
21:10.34dougheckabloody stupid thing
21:11.21Connor-zingman, been fixed in CVS
21:13.00tim27i use two x-lite sip phone... with asterisk... i'm able to call each others... i'm also able to hear the recorded voice of the voice mail, but i'm not able to speak on phone or leave msg... i got a no voice error from asterisk... and the phone hang up...
21:14.27tim27who got a clue
21:14.53*** join/#asterisk bobman (
21:16.36bkw_ya you took mine you ass!
21:16.40Marlowjsmith : about what ?
21:17.21UnixDawgclue they give clues
21:17.26UnixDawgno one told me
21:17.47outtolunc  man, i had this idea <G>
21:17.47UnixDawgwhere do you purchase a clue
21:17.53UnixDawgI need 3 or 4
21:18.17UnixDawg* has a problem
21:18.24h3x<---yes, i really do a lot of work on * all day, all night. i need a life.
21:18.26jsmithUnixDawg: Just one?
21:18.26UnixDawgif you use * and voip
21:18.37MarlowUnixDawg : that would be ?
21:18.58UnixDawgand you dial a busy # ir rings like its ringing the nmbr it does not make a busy tone
21:19.15bkw_that made no sense
21:19.31UnixDawgok I dial my friends jim house tight now
21:19.46wasimmy friend jim and glass, beam, i.e.
21:19.53UnixDawghe os on the phone but the line keeps rining like he is not picking up
21:20.17UnixDawgbut I should be getting a busy tone
21:20.56jsmithUnixDawg: What kind of phone does he have?  Analog phone, Voip hard or soft phone, asterisk server, etc?
21:21.08UnixDawganalog line
21:21.27wasimUnixDawg: do you have a |r in your dial string?
21:21.51JerJerthat would be a NO
21:21.56*** join/#asterisk Apple_vie (
21:22.27Apple_viehas anybody experience with the conferencing things?
21:22.40Apple_vieI have not found much on this topic with google ....
21:22.42UnixDawgwhere in the body would you pu tit
21:22.48wasimApple_vie: meetme
21:22.55UnixDawgin the extensions file
21:23.02wasimUnixDawg: show application dial
21:23.11wasimUnixDawg: but, i doubt that's the issue
21:24.51UnixDawgdial has nothing to do with it  . drom what I see
21:25.14Apple_viehow many cpu-resources (or something like that) do i need, to make a
21:25.14tim27who used or use X-lite soft phone...
21:25.25Apple_viefull T1 with meetme?
21:26.22bkw_OK PEOPLE.. who wants to test bug 500 out?
21:26.37UnixDawgI think the company I have the pstn threw is not setup right
21:27.34wasimUnixDawg: possible, but not very probable
21:27.40tzangerI think bug 500 should be expanded to say that the CLI requires you to type out (or tab-complete) the entire command, even if it's unambiguous
21:27.45wasimUnixDawg: unless its SBC
21:27.53wasimwhere is uncle bic these days?
21:27.56tzangersh trans should be valid
21:27.59tzangerfor example
21:28.13UnixDawgVoicep[ulse is my pstn
21:28.21UnixDawgvia iax
21:28.26tzangerI haven't had any issues with voicepulse
21:28.29bkw_tzanger so you want cisco ish shorthand @ cli?
21:28.35tzangerbkw_: amen
21:28.45tzangerI might try to add the patch... it doesn't seem like it'd be that hard
21:28.54tzangerbasically you're taking from the tab completion :-)
21:29.23UnixDawgwell when I dial a busy nmbr on my end it rings like its rining the line . I dont get a busy tone I hvae veraafied this by calling with my hard line
21:29.25Mikemaxexpirey=3600; Max length of incoming registration we allow
21:29.28Mikeis that ok?
21:29.40jsmithMike: Sure...
21:29.42Mikethats for sip.conf
21:30.00*** join/#asterisk nburger (
21:30.02jsmithUnixDawg: Does he have call-waiting on his line?
21:31.12Mikeiaxtel back alive
21:31.27tzangerhey wasim
21:31.29tzangerhow's eeks
21:31.39Mikeyes nov 20 i couldnt complete my registration
21:31.44Mikehtml to log in was
21:31.45Mikenot there
21:31.55Mikeand there was problems to find a login page
21:31.56wasimtzanger: doing well, its gone on a trip for a week
21:31.58*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
21:32.00*** part/#asterisk Apple_vie (
21:32.05tzangerthat's what I read
21:32.09wasimtzanger: got gsm working, now working on iax2
21:32.12tzangeryou didn't ask for my address though :-(
21:32.22tzangerwasim: do you think it has enough horsepower to do ILBC?
21:32.32wasimtzanger: yes, it should be able to iLBC
21:32.37wasimtzanger: the question is which iLBC
21:32.41decodeeeks? :)
21:32.45UnixDawgok this sucks
21:32.59wasimtzanger: GiPS has a kick ass implementation in assembly that'll work without any issues, but that costs $$$
21:33.28tzangerhow much is licensing?
21:33.45wasimtzanger: we could do our own fixed point implementation in C, but would have to optimize that to work within the 20MIPS window we have
21:33.57UnixDawgok I just confirmed it
21:34.08UnixDawgI took my hard line off line
21:34.11UnixDawgand dialed it
21:34.14wasimtzanger: well, its a one time fee, not royalty per unit or anything like that
21:34.25UnixDawginsted of getting as bust tone it rings
21:34.26tzangerwhat's the one-time fee?
21:34.26rozois there an option for the 7960's to receive more than two calls at once? I have a company with a front desk that needs to be able to handle more than two calls at once.
21:34.52*** part/#asterisk decode (
21:35.21wasimtzanger: which is not too bad, but that's still a hefty sum
21:35.42Mikebkw_: how much expiricy did you setup in your GS
21:35.48lecramwasim: how much?
21:35.49jsmithrozo: The newer firmware support up to 6 concurrent calls, I think
21:35.50ManxPowerrozo, I think the 7960 suports up to 6 lines
21:35.51Mikebkw_: and how much in asterisk
21:36.01bkw_60 seconds
21:36.04UnixDawgthis sucks
21:36.11Mikeand asterisk?
21:36.23rozoi'm running the 7960 with firmware 6 and it will only take two calls at once. The third call goes to voicemail immediatly.
21:36.25UnixDawgI cant tell if this is a bug or whjat because no one seems to understand
21:36.26bkw_you don't se it
21:36.31Mikebkw_: i think you mean minutes
21:36.36bkw_rozo yes 2 per line
21:37.00jsmithrozo: If I remember correctly, you have to set all 6 lines to the same registration information
21:37.01rozobkw_: so I can add more calls by configuring all 6 lines on the cisco?
21:37.16jsmithrozo: Read the release notes on the 6.0 firmware
21:37.17UnixDawgBKW what does this sound like to you
21:37.23rozookay. will do.
21:37.57UnixDawgI take my landline off the hook making it go busy
21:38.17UnixDawgI then dial it threw * and * rings like its rining the line. I should be getting a busy tone
21:39.01UnixDawgany in put
21:39.21bkw_rozo the phone will only do 6 calls total
21:39.23bkw_thats IT
21:39.27ManxPowerSounds like you should call your telco if your landline has problems
21:39.42ManxPowerbkw_, Even with the expansion modules?
21:39.42rozo6 is fine
21:39.43UnixDawgn its not the land line
21:39.50UnixDawgmanpower its *
21:39.54bkw_ManxPower the expansion modules dont work with sip firmware
21:39.56UnixDawgit seems
21:40.16ManxPowerUnixDawgI take my landline off the hook making it go busy
21:40.25ManxPowerlooks like it's a landline to me.
21:40.34UnixDawgthis was the test
21:40.46UnixDawgyour not listening
21:41.08ManxPowerWhat is the problem, UnixDawg ?
21:41.33UnixDawgwhen I call my friends house in MIch
21:41.43UnixDawgand he is on line.
21:41.51wasimcan't wait till IAX becomes the GUT of the VOIP world, and we can say goodbye to SIP/323 and friends
21:41.57UnixDawg* rings my end like its rining threw
21:42.11UnixDawginsted of saying the line is busy
21:42.23ManxPowerUnixDawg, Do you have the "r" option on your dial command?
21:42.28UnixDawgjust to confirm this I took my home line off the hook
21:42.28*** join/#asterisk astusr (
21:44.22ManxPowerNo, if you have the "r" optionon the dial command it will cause that.  What IS the Dial command you are using.  Copy and paste it from your config
21:44.32UnixDawgm,an power that was as to keep the in pvt
21:44.43UnixDawgI did
21:44.51UnixDawgyou have it in the pvt window
21:44.59ManxPowerI do not do private conversions except for very unusual issues
21:45.00UnixDawgthats my iax outgoing
21:45.12ManxPowerWell paste it again, I closed the provate window
21:46.04ManxPowerLooks like you should complain to VoicePulse then.
21:46.22wasimor just use nufone
21:46.32ManxPowerBut if you paste the console output of the Dial we can be sure.
21:46.41UnixDawgI dont have a nufone account
21:46.53bkw_Open one
21:47.06UnixDawgthe staff at nufone have never returned my email or mt attemp to get service
21:47.06illc0mmmWhat advise can anyone offer in clearing up ECHO on a SIP Softphone?
21:47.07*** join/#asterisk daryl (
21:47.18bkw_SIP to what?
21:47.21wasimUnixDawg: meet jerjer
21:47.32ManxPowerillc0mmm, Fix the analog line -)
21:47.33illc0mmmSIP to Zaptel FXS
21:47.41spy007UnixDawg: well, did you email them first?  or are you just asking in here first?
21:47.46bkw_yep fix the analog part
21:47.46UnixDawgI have chatted jerjer
21:47.46UnixDawgand greg
21:47.59UnixDawgno I emailed them
21:48.05illc0mmmbkw_: What should I look for?
21:48.13ManxPowerUnixDawg, But if you paste the console output of the Dial we can be sure.
21:48.15UnixDawga month ago
21:48.18bkw_illc0mmm crosswiredness?
21:48.25bkw_diffrent phone
21:48.36wasimturn off the speakerphone?
21:48.56spy007UnixDawg: i was referring to the problem you're having now
21:49.01*** join/#asterisk stipe81 (
21:49.02illc0mmmokay. I'll play with it... If this was SIP to T1/ISDN I wouldn't be having the same problems? Or desn't matter?
21:49.12illc0mmmdesn't = doesn't
21:49.18ManxPowerillc0mmm, The far end might still have echo
21:49.32UnixDawgConnected to Asterisk CVS-11/24/03-10:15:20 currently running on thumper (pid = 19399)
21:49.41illc0mmmi get echo on everything. the echo cancellation does a pretty good job on clearing it up, but it's still there a little
21:49.41ManxPowerBut there's really nothing you can do about that except play with the echocans
21:49.48illc0mmmnot good enough for an end user yet. :(
21:49.52UnixDawgand it rings but I know the line is busy because he is in chat with me on the net
21:50.12kapejodanother voicepulse account for us?
21:50.19ManxPowerUnixDawg, Looks like VoicePulse is giving you a ring indication even though the line is busy.  Bitch at them aboutl
21:50.25UnixDawgI will
21:50.47ManxPowerUnixDawg, If you set up your iax.conf properly you can avoid pasteing account and password stuff.
21:50.52wasimdoes voicepulse do 1900 numbers?
21:50.53kapejod*calling irak now*
21:50.58illc0mmmI just called a bunch of 900 numbers. woohooo
21:51.00spy007UnixDawg: what's your dial statement from extensions.conf?
21:51.02ManxPowerOh be nice peiople.
21:51.17*** join/#asterisk Hsem (
21:51.20illc0mmmoh don't dial 806 or whatever that spam email is, hehe
21:51.20UnixDawgI have to work on it
21:51.21ManxPowerspy007, He doesn't have "r".  Voicepulse seems to have the "r"
21:51.23bkw_I love the news.... erack.. irak.. eyerock
21:51.24wasimillc0mmm: meetme!!
21:51.31kapejodhmmm...they even do ulaw ... nice for sending some spam faxes ;)
21:51.43illc0mmmwasim: whats your iaxtel # ? hehe
21:51.53mbrancaexten => bush,1,Dial(Saddam)
21:52.12ManxPowerBTW, my IAXTel and interactive services system is offline for a few days.
21:52.27kapejodwhat's the number for the international space station? anybody?
21:52.42wasimwe should give the ISS an iaxtel account
21:52.45mbrancakapejod: I have the number for the MIR
21:52.49UnixDawgmanx did not know you had one
21:52.50ManxPowerIt's 42, of course
21:52.57kapejodmbranca: you had....
21:53.00zigmanmbranca,  crash :P
21:53.07illc0mmmand 42/6 = 7
21:53.09mbrancakapejod: yep, that's true
21:53.19kapejodthe person at extension MIR is currently unavailable
21:53.24ManxPowerUnixDawg, It was at the bottom of every e-mail I sent out for like a month.  It's also  on my webpage, which I've referred hundreds of people to on the channel.
21:53.54mbrancakapejod: lol
21:54.22mbrancakapejod: btw, I contacted MIR (when was UP) with my ham radio rig... was cool :)
21:54.41Mikehey guys is it better to have a big registration time or a short?
21:54.45*** part/#asterisk Celtic (
21:54.57tzangermbranca: my dad had talked to the space shuttle way back in the early 80s
21:55.26mbrancatzanger: that super cool... eh , I was too young
21:55.28mbrancakapejod: lol
21:55.43tzangerI thought it was Challenger but I don't remember for sure... it certainly wasn't the launch that destroyed it
21:55.56kapejodtzanger: better not! ;)
21:56.12tzangerhahaha  "Hmm well it seems you guys are busy... I better go... <whistles>
21:56.32mbrancathe ham name for the mir was R0MIR
21:56.39mbrancatzanger: lol
21:56.42mbrancaeh eh
21:58.34UnixDawgwell my email client crashed and other then that I was blind to it sorry
21:58.42*** join/#asterisk stonefly (
21:59.08*** join/#asterisk marrandy (~marrandy@
21:59.25marrandyHello everyone
21:59.36bkw_who here wants to try app_perl out?
21:59.50UnixDawgexten => 501,1,Dial(IAX2/
21:59.50UnixDawgexten => 501,2,Hangup
21:59.58tholoI am sure anthm would do that for you, bkw....
22:00.09UnixDawgI have to figure why I can dial it but everyone from outside cant get in
22:00.10bkw_haha he wrote it
22:00.22tholoI know. ;-)
22:02.31*** join/#asterisk Tekati (
22:03.15marrandyquick quesion - is there a short-list of commands/codes all on one page that can be printed out e.g. DND (Do Not Disturb) on = *78, off = *79 ???
22:03.22*** join/#asterisk ssokol (
22:03.58marrandyor whatever.  Everything I have come across has a long description
22:05.40manymarrandy: channels/mgcp.c
22:05.56manymarrandy: channels/chan_mgcp.c even.
22:06.35marrandyI don't mean just those codes specifically, but a 1-3 line quick description with options of all the commands
22:12.31bkw_anthm you have hacked it up
22:12.36bkw_fix app_campon for me?
22:12.44bkw_or did you do the dynamic thing we talked about
22:13.14*** join/#asterisk ssokol ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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22:14.08*** join/#asterisk andu (~andu@
22:15.25Mikewhats canada code?
22:15.59*** join/#asterisk Lafinion (
22:16.43denonis there one?
22:16.49denonwell .. from the US, dont need one ..
22:17.55anthmbkw_ the dynamic
22:18.30anthmbkw_ same thing as campon but much more customizable
22:28.52*** join/#asterisk NirS (~nirs@
22:28.58NirShey all
22:29.02NirSanyone seen JerJer around ?
22:29.47Connor-~seen JerJer
22:29.51jerjer is currently on #asterisk (3h 2m 37s).  Has said a total of 6 messages.  Is idling for 1h 8m
22:30.12NirSany one has an idea if chan_h323 can support H245 tunneling ?
22:30.59izoit can
22:31.05NirShow do I enable it ?
22:31.10izodefault is on i think
22:32.06ScaredyCatEgg Fu Yong
22:32.34bkw_Asterisk Fu Yong?
22:33.19ScaredyCatit's all grey in NL
22:33.46*** join/#asterisk erubright (~erubright@
22:33.53*** join/#asterisk Q-At-Work (
22:34.12bkw_Q-At-Work ltns
22:34.15Q-At-Work... from deep in the depths I have returned :)
22:34.32Q-At-Workholy crap real life sucks :)
22:34.33*** join/#asterisk jgaviria (~jgaviria@
22:34.44Q-At-Workdid I miss anything ground breaking?
22:34.55Q-At-Worksuch as... FXO's for the TDM cards?
22:35.27ScaredyCatyou missed the toilet
22:35.29Q-At-Workor superduper echo cans for the X101's?
22:35.53Q-At-WorkI see on the mailing list someone got a portmaster working with * and PRI
22:36.04Q-At-Workthats good news... I'd like to do the same
22:36.22Q-At-Worknow I need to find a discount on the quad t1 card, or a pair of singles :)
22:37.38jgaviriahi.... my x100p dont detect remote hangup (after the voicemail for example) could somebody helpme?
22:37.57bkw_not sure its the x100p's fault
22:38.47bkw_ls, gs or ks signalling?
22:39.20cypromisjgaviria, whwere are you located ?
22:39.30Q-At-Worknothing new in the * world?!?
22:39.33jgaviriacypromis: im in colombia
22:39.34ScaredyCatjgaviria: ....
22:39.44Q-At-Workor did everyone put me *back* on ignore :)
22:39.46ScaredyCatin zapata.conf
22:39.51*** join/#asterisk denon (
22:40.03ScaredyCatthen restart asterisk... (not reload - RESTART)
22:40.11ScaredyCatQ-At-Work: yes..
22:40.18ScaredyCatwe're ignoring you...
22:40.25ScaredyCatyou missed the message..
22:40.28Q-At-WorkI love the abuse
22:40.30ScaredyCatcos you weren;t here
22:40.38jgaviriai have my * already with 1 and 7
22:40.53*** join/#asterisk Jackhamr (
22:41.06Jackhamrhi ho.
22:41.15bkw_Jackhamr yo yo yo
22:41.21Jackhamrwhat up b.
22:41.23ScaredyCatmmm, one of the 7 has returned
22:41.52JackhamrOne of the 7? :)
22:42.16jgaviriathere exists some kind of silence detection?
22:42.18Jackhamryo b...what's skinny support looking like these days.
22:42.53bkw_not sure
22:43.16Jackhamryou not jiggy wit it?
22:43.22ScaredyCatone of the 7 dwarfs
22:43.30ScaredyCat<Jackhamr> hi ho.
22:43.44Jackhamrlast time i tried skinny it crashed the server
22:44.00Q-At-Workis anything horribly broken in todays CVS? :)
22:45.49bkw_Q-At-Work nope
22:45.50JackhamrI'm still on 11/10 cvs and lovin it.
22:46.58Q-At-WorkAsterisk CVS-07/18/03-15:29:58 built by root <<-- thats wrong
22:47.15Q-At-Worksomething tells me I have a hosed cvs
22:47.29bkw_blow the cvs tree away
22:47.31bkw_and re check it out
22:47.35bkw_and use make update
22:47.37bkw_not cvs update
22:47.43Q-At-Workmake update?
22:47.48bkw_cd /usr/src/asterisk && make update
22:47.54bkw_make update has been there for ages
22:48.18*** join/#asterisk daork (~daork@
22:48.35daorkcan anyone recommend an isdn bri card?
22:48.45bkw_Asterisk CVS-11/24/03-16:48:14 built by root@asterisk on a i686 running Linux
22:48.45zigmaneicon diva
22:48.53bkw_eicon diva work in the US?
22:49.33daorki actualy want it to work in newzealand, im not sure what the deal is with that
22:50.21*** join/#asterisk sp3cialk (
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22:51.59sp3cialkwhere can I find good info on IAX?
22:52.21max_hi all in the chan!!:)
22:53.38max_can U help Us with a initial configuration of asterisk?
22:53.46max_please :..((
22:54.01bkw_max_ for $$ I can.. or you can put forth effort and read and learn
22:54.10bkw_and we can answer questions
22:55.21max_We just configure a FXO and FXS interfaces...
22:55.26Q-At-WorkI however only charge $, but I'm only here 1 week out of 4
22:55.55max_bkw_, I offer U a my Sex NUture!!;-PP
22:56.13Q-At-Worknobody wants that...
22:56.28Q-At-WorkI stand corrected
22:56.37Q-At-Workbkw_ likes odd stuff
22:56.56sp3cialkyou rawk bkw
22:59.17*** join/#asterisk joseph (
22:59.28Connor-here, what was the bug # for the new patch to make sip work like other channels in extensions.conf file.. I can't find it now.
23:00.05bkw_connor- hold on
23:00.19josephIs anyone using Avaya 4600 series ip phones?
23:00.41Q-At-Workhas anyone tried "echotraining" with the 101's?
23:00.52bkw_Q-At-Work yes.. it breaks dtmf right now
23:01.04bkw_well not really breaks
23:01.08bkw_but it makes it unreliable
23:01.11illc0mmmDTMF is overated
23:01.24Q-At-WorkI'm partial to whistling dtmf...
23:01.44Q-At-Workand I'd give my left nut for a pair of FXO's for the TDM card...
23:02.08hellerhmmm. is it a good sized nut?
23:02.32Q-At-Workthe left one? I already used it... but its ok... looks good in jeans I'm told
23:03.39Connor-You find that bug # bkw ?
23:03.51Q-At-WorkI side tracked him with talk of nuts :)
23:04.27hellerok. I might consider that exchange. . .
23:06.52zoahow long should failover take ?
23:06.54outtolunc560 ?
23:06.58zoawith IAX ?
23:07.10zoaas in if server one is down
23:07.20zoahow long would it need to take to go to server 2 ?
23:08.28dnczoa: with mine, it tries the first server - and for whatever reason if it fails it tries the next server.  90% of the time the number is busy, and immediately tries again on the next server - as it doesnt have to timeout a busy response.  
23:09.15dncid like a way for it to reject busy and not retry as its a bit pointless... and only jump to the next dial statement if the dial fails (rather than completes but doesnt connect for busy, unavailable, unreachable etc...)
23:09.22zoame too
23:09.48zoaif someone doesnt pickup, will it also retry dialing ?
23:10.02*** part/#asterisk Jackhamr (
23:10.06dncyeah unfortuantely
23:10.28dncstilll someone hardly ever not picks up, in comparison to the number of times i get busy
23:10.33zoait takes 40 seconds for asterisk to notice that my primary server is down
23:10.42zoaand to try the second server
23:12.03dncwhats your dial statement for it ?
23:12.37zoaexten => 1,1,Dial(IAX2/server1
23:12.49zoanot good ? :)
23:13.24zoathe +101 is only for busy no ?
23:13.24zoaor am i terribly wrong ?
23:13.29dncim not sure
23:21.57zoa3 19:29:05 cleopatra kernel: Got interrupt, status = 00000001
23:21.57zoaNov 23 19:29:05 cleopatra kernel: Pre-interrupt
23:21.57zoaNov 23 19:29:05 cleopatra kernel: Got interrupt, status = 00000002
23:22.05zoaany idea what this might mean ?
23:22.20zoasomething in asterisk is flooding my disk
23:22.50cypromisput inputasd
23:22.59zoawhat is that ?
23:23.16zoasome ftp command ? :)
23:23.20cypromisput in modules.conf options wct4xxp debug=0
23:23.30zoaits a te410p
23:23.46cypromisI know :)
23:24.39zoajust "options wct4xxp debug=0" on any line in modules.conf ?
23:24.43Q-At-Workmust feed, I'm goin home... should be back tomorrow *fair warning*
23:31.28*** join/#asterisk Rave (~chatzilla@
23:41.45*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
23:42.41*** join/#asterisk Coolhp (
23:43.09CoolhpGood day all !
23:43.24CoolhpI have a slight issue installing an X100P that I've never had before
23:43.56CoolhpWhen I modprobe wcfxo, I get a /lib/modules/2.4.20-8/misc/wcfxo.o: init_module: No such device
23:44.52lecramdid you modprobe zaptel ?
23:44.52CoolhpIf I look in log/message , I have a line that states : wcfxo: Out of space to write register 06 with e0
23:45.03CoolhpYup.. I did.
23:46.40CoolhpOk... It looks like I might have to move the card around.
23:46.44CoolhpGoing to try that.
23:53.00*** join/#asterisk pwpolo (
23:54.09*** join/#asterisk jrondeau (
23:54.21klicTelI just downloaded and installed the new redhat 9 kernel-smp... and now I just can;t 'make install' zaptel anymore
23:55.10klicTelany hints?
23:55.13jsmithklicTel: Do a "make clean", then make sure you've turned on the SMP flag in the zaptel Makefile, and then do a "make install"
23:55.38klicTeljsmith: i did all that 7 times already without any success
23:55.49klicTeldepmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.20-20.9smp/misc/wcusb.o
23:55.49klicTeldepmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.20-20.9smp/misc/zaptel.o
23:55.49klicTeldepmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.20-20.9smp/misc/ztd-eth.o
23:56.01jsmithklicTel: I don't know what else to tell you then... sorry...
23:56.11jsmithklicTel: Are you running the new kernel, or still the old one?
23:56.22klicTeli booted with the new one
23:57.04jsmithHmmmn... and you got the source for the new kernel as well?
23:57.45klicTeljsmith: aha... I just downloaded it... and an trying to figure out what to do with it
23:58.02klicTeli did rpm -U on it
23:58.19Corydon76-workYou probably don't want to even be using RH9 with an SMP kernel... see the ML for some of the fun problems you could be having...
23:58.24zoasomebody got a windows application that can print c source in color ?
23:58.44Corydon76-workzoa:  print?  or just view?
23:58.51zoaprint to a printer
23:59.03Corydon76-workNo, sorry
23:59.14klicTeljsmith: do you think I have to recompile it?
23:59.16Corydon76-worka2ps might print in color, though.
23:59.51bkw_Corydon did you see permit/deny is in chan_sip now
23:59.53jsmithklicTel: I'm not sure...

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.