IRC log for #asterisk-scf-dev on 20120116

01:09.24*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev leedm777 (
02:04.22*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev dms1 (
03:28.32*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev dms1 (
10:08.57*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev Qwell (
10:09.51*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev kenhunt (~kenhunt@nat/digium/x-nxffeiguepswvnnb)
12:39.35*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev kpfleming (~kpfleming@asterisk/digium-director-of-software-tech/kpfleming)
12:44.05*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
13:27.32*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev b3nt_pin (~b3ntpin@
13:35.56*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev wesphillips (
13:55.48*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev leedm777 (~Adium@nat/digium/x-xyhetiszyhoalkpy)
14:17.30*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev dms1 (
14:18.03*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev dms1 (
14:18.49*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev dms1 (
14:48.16*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev icegnome (~blongberg@nat/digium/x-qfvbuywuijcebjun)
14:51.04*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
14:59.39*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev dms1 (
15:13.20*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev vitreous_oculi (~b3ntpin@
16:01.38*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev kpfleming (~kpfleming@asterisk/digium-director-of-software-tech/kpfleming)
16:19.13dms1well, it certainly helps to have a previous set of icebox processes not running if you plan to start another set
16:19.30dms15 minutes I'll never get back
16:19.56*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev malcolmd (~malcolmd@nat/digium/x-edidgosvytxtwoki)
16:19.56*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev malcolmd (~malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
16:20.23*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev Qwell (~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
16:20.41kpflemings/icebox process/asterisk scf service components/
17:19.56*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev jeffg (~jeffg@pdpc/supporter/professional/jeffg)
18:13.15*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev vitreous_oculi (~b3ntpin@
19:11.47*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev b3nt_pin (~b3ntpin@
19:33.39dms1b3nt_pin: ping
19:34.00fileping him harder!
19:34.05b3nt_pinhi.. 1s phone connection is down
19:34.34fileb3nt_pin, you are not having a very good day
19:36.41b3nt_pinno not really
19:42.11b3nt_pinholy cow
19:42.17b3nt_pinI can't link up with vpn
19:42.21b3nt_pinno phone..
19:42.29dms1must be getting some crazy packet loss
19:42.42b3nt_pinmy network apparently is still buggered
19:43.12b3nt_pintrying something else
19:44.37b3nt_pinoh wait
19:59.16*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev vitreous_oculi (~b3ntpin@
20:40.41dms1late lunch . . bbiab
20:43.41*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev file (~file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file)
21:23.16*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev dms1 (
21:33.04*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev b3nt_pin (~b3ntpin@
21:56.40b3nt_pinmy network is fixed
21:56.48b3nt_pinI can even make PHONE CALLS !!!!
21:58.44dms1\ o /
21:58.46filenobody wants to make phone calls
22:08.50kpflemingb3nt_pin: welcome back!
22:16.19*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev leedm777 (
22:17.56*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev vitreous_oculi (~vitreous_@
22:27.47vitreous_oculidms1: how did the failover testing go today?
22:28.28dms1vitreous_oculi: wow . . that's a name
22:28.42vitreous_oculihehe.. it's my slashdot handle
22:28.46dms1I'm right in the middle of it . . give me 5
22:28.53*** part/#asterisk-scf-dev wesphillips (
22:29.30vitreous_oculino biggie... just thought I would check in as this is the first moment I've had today where I was starting to relax on the whole "network go boom" thing.
22:30.57vitreous_oculiI have to take the kids to their music lessons, but I'm hauling my mobile gear with me so I'll be working in the lobby
22:34.20dms1np . . short of it thus far . . most of the replicator configs were missing topic manager proxy info and were generating errors . . easy fix though (not pushed yet) . . had to setup corosync on testsuite-remote-3 and testsuite-remote-4 with a shared ip
22:34.54dms1had to download bria so I could configure more than one endpoint on my softphone too
22:36.03dms1at the moment, something is quirky with the shared ip as I'm not seeing sip traffic hit either of the testsuite remote servers
22:36.40kpflemingtopic manager proxies don't need to be configured any longer, the components are able to discover that themselves now, that's why we took them out of the config files
22:37.07dms1ya, I wasn't sure about that, but the components were complaining about it so I stuck it in there. I'll take it out.
22:37.43dms1several of the other component configs had the topic manager proxy settings set
22:37.43vitreous_oculiwere all of the components complaining or only certain ones... e.g. bridging
22:38.23dms1not sure if it was all of them (I can confirm real quick if you'd like), but it was certainly a few of them
22:38.26dms1likely all
22:42.05kpflemingvitreous_oculi: when you can spare a moment, i have a question for you regarding your ccache-mkshlib branch in the ice integration repo
22:43.08vitreous_oculiI'm about to make the drive to kid's music, but I'll be back online when I get there.
22:43.44fileI doubt kpfleming will be
22:43.45kpflemingprobably not
22:43.58kpflemingthis can wait until tomorrow anyway
23:02.33*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev dms1 (
23:05.40*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev vitreous_oculi (~vitreous_@
23:08.41*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev dms2 (
23:13.25vitreous_oculikpfleming: situated... just pulling down those branches to my notebook
23:15.26fileover a mobile hotspot... brave
23:15.52kpflemingjust wondering sort of ccache install required changing CXX. on our installs ccache is just in the PATH ahead of the actual compiler and no environment variable muckery is required.
23:19.17vitreous_oculiunsure... iirc, the issue was that in our nightly builds, the value of CXX was actually a wrapper ("ccache-c++" or something maybe), so the fix was very much directed at that specific situation.
23:19.35kpflemingok, will investigate tomorrow, thanks.
23:19.41vitreous_oculidms2 can confirm or deny that :)
23:19.56vitreous_oculifile: it was pretty fast actually
23:20.54vitreous_oculiI am not a heavy data user on my phone so I am not overly concerned. I think I have 6GB of data a month with my current plan
23:20.59vitreous_oculiI need to use it more
23:28.10*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev leedm777 (
23:38.57*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev icegnome (
23:54.18*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev vitreous_oculi (~vitreous_@

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