IRC log for #asterisk-scf-dev on 20110426

01:07.01*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev dms (~Adium@
01:13.35*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev b3nt_pin (~brent@
01:23.44*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev wesphillips (
01:23.47*** part/#asterisk-scf-dev wesphillips (
01:27.12*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev wesphillips1 (
01:51.29*** part/#asterisk-scf-dev wesphillips1 (
07:31.58*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev fanderson (~fanderson@nat/digium/x-jzlxjzevugqxniot)
07:33.28*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev kenhunt (~kenhunt@nat/digium/x-lnretdqeicfudzzq)
11:24.35*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev kpfleming (~kpfleming@asterisk/digium-director-of-software-tech/kpfleming)
11:33.10fandersonIs Canada in the house?
11:33.40fandersonb3nt_pin: ping
11:45.05b3nt_pinfanderson: pong
11:47.14fandersonI actually think I may have tracked down the problem, sort of.
11:47.19fanderson(and I'm sure it's me)
11:47.42fandersonI'm trying to build Ken's route_replica code, and I'm getting a slice2cpp error
11:47.56fanderson"classes derived from unsliceable classes must also be unslicable"
11:48.13fandersonTracking back to the base, I see that it is, in fact, declared as "unsliceable"
11:48.22fandersonAnd the derivative isn't.
11:48.31fandersonI suspect I'm on a wrong branch somewhere.
12:00.39b3nt_pincould be that he has based his branch on an older version of slice or something to that effect
12:01.01b3nt_pins/slice/the slice files/
12:02.25fandersonI'm getting the failure in the ./cmake/init-cmake script.
12:03.12file(that is what happened, if you just put unsliceable in front it'll work fine)
12:03.35fandersonWorks for me. :)
12:04.35fandersonYep, it worked.
12:04.37fandersonmakes a note.
12:50.58*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev wesphillips (
13:09.20*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev leedm777 (~Adium@nat/digium/x-puhdfdcgkqwtkixg)
13:12.57*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev b3nt_pin1 (~brent@
13:15.07*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev icegnome (~blongberg@nat/digium/x-bmxxcgysuxrizbfk)
16:24.13*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev infobot (
16:24.13*** topic/#asterisk-scf-dev is Asterisk SCF: Scalable Communications Framework ( - Development Discussion - Wiki available at
16:24.25b3nt_pinlaments... new construction is so poor these days
16:24.50b3nt_pinthere are so many problems with electrical, siding, door boxes and plumbing.
16:24.54fandersonis in ur release repo, checkin in fixes
16:42.47*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev dms (~Adium@nat/digium/x-horwtieelitltxlh)
16:54.04kpflemingb3nt_pin: bridge_component_test currently fails due to "object adapter `ServiceLocatorLocalAdapter' requires configuration"
16:54.14kpflemingfile: media_rtp_pjmedia_test fails for the same reason
16:54.38filein thy single-build-dir?
16:54.46kpflemingin master and single-build-dir, yes
16:54.56kpflemingif the fix is simple, i'll make it in single-build-dir
16:54.57fileerrr in master even?
16:55.16kpflemingwell, i think service locator got a new object adapter recently
16:55.25kpflemingor i'm misremembering
16:55.35kpfleminglet me try it on master to verify
16:58.56b3nt_pinok, so there's a probem with the test configuration file
16:58.57b3nt_pinone sec
16:59.39b3nt_pinoh I see
16:59.55b3nt_pinit's the configuration of the locator service that's bugged
17:00.36b3nt_pinor fixing rather
17:00.48kpflemingsuspect the fix for media_rtp_pjmedia will be identical
17:02.10b3nt_pinI'll add the entry and push along as well
17:02.25b3nt_pinin the media_rtp_pjmedia, I mean
17:03.08kpfleminganother random thought... instead of using 'default' in our endpoint configs for icebox-based tests, i think we should switch to ''. that should eliminate the windows firewall complaining about connections between test programs.
17:03.27kpflemingwell, really all tests that use ice comms, i guess, not just icebox
17:04.34kpflemingfile: yes, it fails on master identically
17:05.14filethat... is annoying
17:05.47b3nt_pinah, git pull --rebase is so nice
17:06.18b3nt_pinkpfleming: configuration changes pushed
17:08.31kpflemingwell... bridge_component_test still fails, but not for that reason
17:09.04kpflemingthere's so much output generated i can't really tell what is wrong
17:11.23b3nt_pinit is ... verbose
17:11.52b3nt_pinwhich reminds me that we (actually dlee) talked about adding a non-default log level like (trace) that could be enabled
17:12.01b3nt_pinmost of that would fall into that kind of category
17:12.19b3nt_pinif you can catch the logs and throw them my way, I can take a log
17:12.21kpflemingthat would be helpful, yes
17:12.22b3nt_pinor a look
17:12.30kpflemingi'll try
17:13.36kpflemingin your email
17:54.49kpflemingok, the single-build-dir branches now build and run all the tests identically on linux and windows
18:22.50kpflemingnearly all the work in single-build-dir is in AsteriskSCF.cmake itself, so i'm not sure that any of you guys are going to want to spend your time reviewing it. should i create a review for that file, or just go ahead with the merge?
18:25.29fandersonI say merge it.
18:29.47b3nt_pinlet's get on with it
18:30.09kpflemingok, here goes
18:30.32b3nt_pinkpfleming: btw, I think I found out what was going on with those tests... checking results
18:32.43kpflemingbranches are merged locally... running a test build now
18:34.51kpflemingdms: ping
18:35.09dmskpfleming: pong
18:35.40putnopvutException: connection refused
18:35.43kpflemingwhen i push these changes, your bamboo script is no longer going to find the test results files in the places it expects to... do you want to disable the bamboo jobs before i push them?
18:35.56dmsyes please
18:36.02dmsgive me just a minute
18:36.07kpflemingok, i'm ready, so let me knwo when stuff is disabled
18:36.09b3nt_pinkpfleming: test suite change pushed
18:36.58dmskpfleming: done
18:37.15kpflemingok, going to test b3nt_pin's last change and then push
18:38.26kpflemingb3nt_pin: well.. test still fails on my system. weird.
18:39.50kpflemingok, single-build-dir has been pushed. you should all be able to run the unit tests on windows now. enjoy!
18:39.59fileI refuse.
18:40.16putnopvutthrows a tantrum
18:40.32fandersontries his first rebase
18:40.40kpflemingdms: i'll come over and show you how the test results will be different now
18:40.53b3nt_pinfanderson: DON'T PANIC!
18:41.05b3nt_pinonce again steals a file'ism
18:41.35fandersonHow do I know if it worked? No errors?
18:42.00fandersonActually, since it says this at the end, I'm assuming it worked:
18:42.00fandersonFirst, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
18:42.01fandersonApplying: Fixed warning messages
18:42.22fandersonExcellent. :)
18:42.51b3nt_pinto date, git has never wrecked anything on me withough presenting messages that spiked my blood pressure
18:43.10dmsunit test goodness abound
18:43.16fandersonOh believe me, git spiked my blood pressure plenty the first few days.
18:43.51fileb3nt_pin, you were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar when I met you
18:43.52leedm777b3nt_pin: you've obviously never run 'git reset --hard' when you had uncommitted changes
18:44.05fileleedm777, well that's just shooting yourself in the foot
18:44.13b3nt_pinleedm777: fortunately, not on this project
18:44.16kpflemingyou may or may not notice that i even broke up the AsteriskSCF.cmake changes into logically distinct commits. 'git add -p
18:44.19b3nt_pinI did whilst a ZeroC
18:44.21kpfleming'git add -p' FTW
18:44.24filekpfleming, <3 git add -p
18:44.42kpflemingyes, i even had to edit a hunk to split it properly, and it worked perfectly
18:44.54b3nt_pingit is full of goodness, it's only that it is up to us to find it.
18:58.41leedm777in fact, just found 'git push -u'.  <3
19:19.26kpflemingnobody is reporting breakage since my merge. that's good.
19:20.36filejust a small town developer living in a lonely world... she took the midnight data transfer going anywhere...
19:29.30russellbthe more I learn git, the more I feel like it's the vim/emacs of VCS.  I go back to svn and feel like it's gedit.
19:29.52russellbSure, it's better than notepad ... but ...
19:30.59kpflemingstrong words from a vim user
19:31.22kenhunt(says the emacs user)
19:31.38kpfleming(who trolls a lot)
19:36.36russellbI included emacs to be nice, but I didn't really mean it
19:38.33kenhuntnow that's a troll
19:53.35b3nt_pinwas catching up after setting supper to cook and saw the vim/emacs thing. The Eternal war between good and well... good
19:58.04*** part/#asterisk-scf-dev fanderson (~fanderson@nat/digium/x-jzlxjzevugqxniot)
21:01.15*** part/#asterisk-scf-dev wesphillips (
21:29.53*** part/#asterisk-scf-dev icegnome (~blongberg@nat/digium/x-bmxxcgysuxrizbfk)
23:04.25*** join/#asterisk-scf-dev b3nt_pin (~brent@

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