IRC log for #asterisk-doc on 20100105

01:10.40*** join/#asterisk-doc seanbright (n=sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
01:16.29*** join/#asterisk-doc blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:16.29*** join/#asterisk-doc DarkFlib ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:16.29*** mode/#asterisk-doc [+o blitzrage] by
02:16.13*** join/#asterisk-doc corretico (n=laguilar@
02:23.19*** join/#asterisk-doc corretico__ (n=laguilar@
03:00.30*** join/#asterisk-doc corretico__ (n=laguilar@
03:01.02*** join/#asterisk-doc corretico (n=laguilar@
07:41.44*** join/#asterisk-doc oej (
08:15.46*** join/#asterisk-doc oej (
09:10.34*** join/#asterisk-doc oej (
12:44.59*** join/#asterisk-doc corretico_ (n=laguilar@
13:13.15*** join/#asterisk-doc leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
13:13.15*** mode/#asterisk-doc [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
17:23.23*** join/#asterisk-doc oej (
17:54.15*** join/#asterisk-doc corretico (n=laguilar@
18:10.18seanbrightso is there no way to just block dialplan execution waiting for a digit, and then continuing when the digit is pressed?
18:10.21*** join/#asterisk-doc corretico_ (n=laguilar@
18:10.45seanbrightexten => 1234,n,WaitForDigitAndThenJustGoToTheNextPriority()
18:11.04seanbrightit's probably something simple that i am not thinking of
18:15.35jsmithseanbright: Read()?
18:16.11seanbrightthat requires #
18:16.16seanbrighti think?
18:16.37seanbrightnope!  thank you sir.
18:16.49jsmithseanbright: You're most welcome...
19:34.53*** join/#asterisk-doc oej (
20:06.43*** join/#asterisk-doc oej (
20:52.49leifmadsenjsmith: can you think of a good way of injecting a beep onto a call every X number of seconds when a call is being recorded?
20:52.59leifmadsenasterisk 1.4
20:53.40leifmadsenoh good, whisper mode does exist with ChanSpy
20:54.12leifmadsenok... so now to see if there is a way I can attach some channels together to playback a looping file or something...
21:31.16leifmadsenheh, actually I think the L() option will work way easier :)
23:39.15*** join/#asterisk-doc snuff-home2 (

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