IRC log for #asterisk-doc on 20080525

01:44.56*** join/#asterisk-doc joat (
01:54.12joatthis the channel for the cookbook too?
12:38.18*** join/#asterisk-doc ctooley (n=ctooley@
13:27.33*** join/#asterisk-doc jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
13:27.33*** topic/#asterisk-doc is Welcome to the Asterisk Documentation Project / Idle Chat, a subsidiary of telcomjoshleifvoxmartenterprisesinc --=-- Asterisk: The Future of Telephony: ISBN13: 9780596514051 --==-- 2nd Edition of TFoT now shipping! --> --==-- blitzrage: at the rate I'm (not) thinkin' this morning, I'm afraid to do any work
14:52.49*** join/#asterisk-doc jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
14:52.49*** topic/#asterisk-doc is Welcome to the Asterisk Documentation Project / Idle Chat, a subsidiary of telcomjoshleifvoxmartenterprisesinc --=-- Asterisk: The Future of Telephony: ISBN13: 9780596514051 --==-- 2nd Edition of TFoT now shipping! --> --==-- blitzrage: at the rate I'm (not) thinkin' this morning, I'm afraid to do any work
15:22.34lmadsenjoat: yeppers!
15:55.57*** join/#asterisk-doc ctooley (n=ctooley@
16:35.31joatlmadsen: thanks!
18:38.37*** join/#asterisk-doc ctooley (n=ctooley@

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