irclog2html for #asterisk-doc on 20061013

00:15.45blitzragejsmith: you're on late tonight
00:16.10jsmithTrying to get some AJAX done for this client.
00:16.18blitzrageahhhh, good ol' ajax...
00:16.21blitzragewhat you building?
00:17.01jsmithAJAX-ified Queue Status page.
00:17.06blitzrageoooooo, neato!
00:17.11blitzrageLouie wants to buy it too :)
00:17.19jsmithYeah... auto-updates, etc.
00:17.35jsmithMock-up at
00:17.42jsmith(css doesn't yet work for IE)
00:17.57blitzrageyah, using FF (Linux)
00:18.28jsmithYeah, just threw that out there in case any lurkers were checking it out as well
00:19.00blitzrageahhhh gotcha
00:19.23blitzragewell, I think I'll build in all these mini star code features. I bet I can get them all done in like 2 hours
00:19.36blitzragethat'll make the list look better
00:20.31blitzrageMike sent that to us today -- it looks REALLY cool
00:20.51blitzrageI'd like to see how the backend handle it -- but apparently they used it for the Python Cookbook
00:53.26jsmithOh, the star code stuff should be easy -- just look at Lab 13
01:20.20blitzrageyah -- its just stuff I have to add to [standard_features]
01:20.29blitzrageI've just been avoiding it trying to get the more complex stuff done
01:21.18blitzragenow that I've got initial versions of huntgroups and queues done, I can get those done and out of the way, then finish up the other two major features. Once those are done (hopefully sooner rather than later), then I can implement recording, trunk group counters, or DISA
01:21.46blitzragenot having to write this stuff in PHP to generate the code is SOOOOO much faster :)
05:27.15*** join/#asterisk-doc DanTMG (
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13:06.25*** join/#asterisk-doc trelane (n=trelane@unaffiliated/trelane)
13:31.09*** join/#asterisk-doc jsmith (
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13:38.29*** join/#asterisk-doc blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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13:38.49blitzragejsmith: !!!
13:39.02jsmithMorning blitzrage
13:39.04blitzragethanks so much for making app_read with &'s. That came in super useful last night.
13:39.12jsmithHow's your leaves doing?
13:39.26jsmithblitzrage: Cool -- did it ever get stuck in 1.4?
13:39.32jsmithOr did you just apply my patch?
13:39.35blitzrageThey were up 6-3 last night, ended up losing 7-6 in the shootout... grrrrrr
13:39.47blitzragejsmith: I just applied the patch to 1.2.
13:39.53jsmith"The Leaves Fell... from the tree"
13:39.53blitzrageThat should go into SVNcommunity
13:40.03jsmithYup, it should.
13:40.16blitzrageI replied to the bug saying so too :)
13:40.28jsmithOr, it should go in our playground, once we get a playground.
13:40.41blitzrageboth actually :)
13:41.01blitzrageits an independent app, so its prime candidate for SVNcommunity
13:41.43jsmithNo it's not...
13:41.55jsmithIt's an addition to app_read.
13:42.09blitzragewell, if you patched app_read.c and put your patched version of app_read.c on SVNcommunity, it is :)
13:42.13jsmith(And, to be honest, affects more than just app_read)
13:42.26jsmithIt affects a core function, used by all kinds of different apps.
13:42.26blitzrageoh really? I thought it only touched one file?
13:42.34jsmithTwo files.
13:42.39jsmithBut the core change isn't in app_read.
13:42.47jsmithThe only change in app_read is the documentation
13:43.02blitzrageah gotcha. Hrmmm... will have to ask Corydon the best way to approach that.
13:43.25blitzrageI'd like to see SVNcommunity used more for this type of thing (backporting relatively safe features that don't touch too much)
13:43.39blitzragemuch like app_stack and func_odbc
13:44.30jsmithWell, when we have a playground, we can make all kinds of things like that for 1.2, 1.4, etc.
13:45.23blitzrageyep, that'll be very cool
13:45.42blitzragewhen we get that, are we going to be able to setup our own branches?
13:46.32blitzrageif we get that before astricon we might be able to write up a document for using the new svn merging system for developers... if thats something we deem to be useful
13:46.50blitzragemy goal is to try and write a bunch of docs in the code zone at astricon
13:48.14blitzragedid you know that FWD on the dialplan is 393, and DND is 363?
13:48.23*** join/#asterisk-doc alerios (n=alerios@
13:48.47blitzrageso my FWD and DND activate/deactivate are *3931/*3930 and *3631/*3630
13:49.01blitzragemade it easier for me to remember last night than *73 which just seems random
13:50.03jsmithYes, we'd be able to make our own branches, etc.
13:50.08jsmithThat's the whole goal
14:11.14jsmith~onjoin _default Alric Hey, your g726 problem got solved yesterday
14:11.14jbotjsmith: ok
14:23.48blitzrage~onjoin _default Alric Hey, your g729 problem got solved yesterday. Update your bug!
14:23.48jbotblitzrage: ok
14:25.13jsmithIn case you can't tell, I love onjoin
14:26.46blitzrageyah, very handy
16:24.47blitzrageoh yay, I get to start working with CDRs in Asterisk! :)
17:36.34*** join/#asterisk-doc jsmith (
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17:46.40blitzragejsmith: can I ask you a stupid question?
17:46.54blitzragehow can I make it so voicemail skips playing any greeting at all and just plays a ton?
17:47.07jsmithThe "s" option.
17:47.15blitzrageI just used it... still played unavail msg
17:47.32blitzrageyep, thats what I did
17:47.48jsmithShouldn't have played the unavailable message, unless you did:
17:47.48blitzrageexcept Voicemail(101@pbx&102@pbx,s)
17:48.00jsmithWeird... that should work.
17:48.07jsmithSounds like a bug to me.
17:48.08blitzrageI'd think so :)
18:25.11*** join/#asterisk-doc ToTo (
20:06.29*** join/#asterisk-doc alerios (n=alerios@
20:18.29blitzragehrmmm... how the heck do I mount an NFS partition?
20:18.33blitzrageWonder what I'm doing wrong
20:18.53blitzragemount -t nfs mars:/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail
20:19.13blitzragesetup the permissions on mars in /etc/exports, restart nfslock and nfs services...
20:29.41jsmithAnything in /var/log/messages on mars?
20:29.47jsmithFirewall on mars blocking it?
20:30.49*** join/#asterisk-doc Alric (
20:31.07jsmithAlric: Your g726 bug got fixed.
20:31.28AlricWow, cool.
20:31.50jsmithsomething with Asterisk sending multiple ptimes in SDP, when it's only allowed to send one
20:32.02AlricWell, cool.
20:32.14AlricSo do I get karma? :)
20:32.18AlricOr is that just for /fixing/ bugs?
20:32.52jsmithNot sure... I think you get at least 1 point for reporting it.
20:33.47AlricHooked it up to my PBX here via an ATA, and it just works.
20:33.55AlricThats /amazing/ :)
20:37.04jsmithAlric: Revision 44972 should have solved your problem.  Test, report, and earn karma!
20:37.21AlricI don't know how to check out specific revisions :(
20:37.57Alricman svn wasn't too helpful.
20:38.10jsmithDon't -- just check out the latest from the 1.4 branch
20:38.25jsmithsvn co asterisk-1.4-branch
20:38.35AlricWait, branch?
20:38.40AlricI did: svn checkout asterisk
20:38.55jsmithDo you want trunk or the latest 1.4 branch?
20:39.02AlricI thought they were the same?
20:39.03jsmithThe fix got applied to both.
20:39.11jsmith1.4 got branched at beta2.
20:39.16AlricSo they already got branched.
20:39.20jsmithTrunk gets broken, 1.4 gets fixed.
20:46.17AlricClose that bug!
20:47.57jsmithBug number?
21:00.05jsmithAlready closed
21:00.32Alric.5 karma :)
21:07.59blitzragew00t :)
21:08.34blitzragejsmith: heh, I see you suggested firewall earlier. I found it independently, but it was a firewall blocked on the client side :)
21:36.03*** join/#asterisk-doc alerios (n=alerios@
23:25.59blitzragejsmith: think you might be able to find some time this weekend to help me setup my website again?

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