irclog2html for #asterisk-doc on 20060221

01:26.53*** join/#asterisk-doc Cool_One (
01:29.23Cool_Onedoes anyone have time for a question
02:10.45*** part/#asterisk-doc Cool_One (
11:49.15*** join/#asterisk-doc AlexLee (n=AlexLee@
11:49.19AlexLeeHelp!!!two questions,  first one is which Perl file works when I click the button:"you have made changes- when finished, click here to allpy them"?secondly, which file runs for the rules for inserting information into database when adding a nex Iax extension No.?anyone can help??????????????
11:54.22AlexLeeanyone can help???
17:35.12*** join/#asterisk-doc ToTo (
18:12.20*** join/#asterisk-doc ToTo (
18:47.56*** join/#asterisk-doc Alric (
20:24.39*** join/#asterisk-doc Goral95 (
21:53.00*** join/#asterisk-doc XnoN (n=xnon@
21:53.26XnoNanybody can help me? anybody speak spanish?
21:54.07AlricSorry, no Spanish :(
21:55.21XnoNi have already installed asterisk in my server with debian sarge
21:55.37XnoNbut i dont know how i can used or configured
21:55.54XnoNsorry my english isnt so good!
21:56.22XnoNwhere i can find docs in spanish!???
21:56.50AlricI don't know.  There may be Spanish docs somewhere, but I'm unaware of them.
21:57.52XnoNok Alric thanx anyway ok?
21:58.46*** part/#asterisk-doc XnoN (n=xnon@
22:08.12*** join/#asterisk-doc dhthomas (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.