irclog2html for #asterisk-doc on 20050602

00:20.05jsmithblitzrage: So, how's life?  I haven't heard much from either you or Jim lately...
00:52.24blitzragefor MD5 secrets, the docs say that both ends still require access to the plaintext password - is that true? And if so, why? I'd think the one end could just generate the MD5 hash and then send it to the other end and never tell them what the password is
00:52.57jsmithI would sure think so...
00:53.27jsmith... but it all depends on how it has been implemented.
00:53.57jsmithIf it's done right, the md5 hash doesn't get transmitted across the wire, or it's just the same as a plaintext password.
00:55.36blitzragewell thats what happens afaik
00:55.54blitzragebecause once you make the hash, you can't get the password back out of it
00:56.21jsmithBut if you transmit the md5 hash in plain text, it's just as good as a password.
00:56.24jsmithSee what I'm saying?
00:57.06blitzrageyep, but that must be what it does though
00:57.11jsmithI don't think so.
00:57.18blitzragewell what else is it transmitting then?
00:57.22jsmithI think it uses a challenge/response system.
00:58.11jsmithAlice says "take your password, add the word "tomorrow" to the end, and then generate the hash.  Did you get a52fbc1a?"
00:58.35blitzrageyou specify the hash in the sip.conf/iax.conf file with md5secret though
00:59.07blitzrageecho -n "<username>:<realm>:<secret>" | md5sum
00:59.21jsmithThen how do both sides "have access to the password"?
00:59.39jsmithUnless they meant both sides must have access to the md5 checksum.
00:59.54blitzrageI think so
01:00.13jsmithAsk Kram or Olle... heck, even drumkilla probably knows.
01:00.22blitzrageits just so you don't have plaintext passwords in your sip.conf from what I can tell - but I'm not entirely sure what the advantages are
01:02.11jsmithThere are none, if the md5 hash is passed in plain text, which I'm sure it must not be.
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