IRC log for #asterisk-dev on 20190724

00:20.40*** join/#asterisk-dev infobot (
00:20.40*** topic/#asterisk-dev is Take the March 2019 Asterisk User Survey! -- Asterisk Development Discussion -=- -=- Tier 2 and 3.14159265 support is in #asterisk -=- Check out our blog! -=- Follow on Twitter at @AsteriskDev
06:27.43*** join/#asterisk-dev pchero_work (~pchero@
06:39.37*** join/#asterisk-dev CELYA_ (~Thunderbi@2a01:e0a:d:1111:b749:768d:ed77:7c9a)
09:30.38*** join/#asterisk-dev hehol (
09:35.05*** join/#asterisk-dev CELYA_ (
09:56.52*** join/#asterisk-dev jkroon (
10:34.55*** join/#asterisk-dev CELYA_ (
11:13.42*** join/#asterisk-dev CELYA_1 (~Thunderbi@2a01:e0a:d:1111:b749:768d:ed77:7c9a)
13:22.20*** join/#asterisk-dev bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
13:22.20*** mode/#asterisk-dev [+o bford] by ChanServ
13:24.22*** join/#asterisk-dev AsteriskRoss (
13:42.07*** join/#asterisk-dev jkroon (
14:22.06*** join/#asterisk-dev kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
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15:06.46*** join/#asterisk-dev jkroon (~jkroon@
16:48.45*** join/#asterisk-dev spatel (
16:48.55spatelI am trying to do this..
16:48.58spatelbrowser --- WSS (SDP with SAVPF) ---> OpenSIPS ---- SIP (SDP with SAVPF) ---->Asterisk
16:49.25spatelbut asterisk rejecting SAVPF SDP header
16:49.37spatelhow should i handle this senario
16:50.53fileAsterisk would need to be configured for it, or you'd need to use an intermediary to de-WebRTCify it
16:54.45*** join/#asterisk-dev pchero_work (
17:30.22*** join/#asterisk-dev jkroon (~jkroon@
18:09.52spatelfile: how do i tell asterisk to de-WebRTCify ?
18:10.01fileyou configure it for WebRTC.
18:10.47filethe websocket portion isn't needed, but
18:11.10spateli have configured opensips for webRTC, asterisk is for media (example: all SIP client register on opensips and when they call their call go through asterisk and asterisk does RTP handling)
18:11.40fileif your proxy is not touching media, then Asterisk still has to be configured for WebRTC
18:11.51fileWebRTC uses SAVPF/ICE/DTLS for media
18:12.22spatelNow my client want to configured WebRTC so i have enabled webRTC on opensips and when i am making calls between webRTC and SIP phone, getting error from asterisk reject SAVPF SDP header
18:12.57spatelYou are saying i can just enable WebRTC on asterisk side and it will handle SAVPF SDP right?
18:13.14fileif Asterisk is configured for WebRTC properly then it will negotiate and allow media to flow.
18:13.41spatelhmmm! even opensips in front of asterisk right?
18:13.59spatellet me give it a try...
18:14.00fileas I said, if your proxy is not touching media then Asterisk still has to be configured for WebRTC
18:14.12filesignaling is only one part.
18:14.53spatelfile: yes opensips is just dumb proxy for signaling, its not touching media..
18:33.23spatelfile: so to enable webRTC all i need enable transport=udp,wss in  sip.conf  right?
18:39.26seanbrightread the 'PJSIP Endpoint, AOR and Auth' section on the page that he sent
18:39.51seanbrightyou _don't_ need WSS as a transport because asterisk will just be speaking UDP to your proxy
18:45.04spatelseanbright: reading...
18:51.01fileI don't remember the sip.conf options
18:54.31seanbrightsip.conf? what's that?
18:54.59spatelseanbright:  - this is what it looks now
18:55.19spatelin pjsip.conf
18:55.54seanbrighti think i have a config i can share
18:56.09spatelthat would be good
18:58.16seanbrightthat is all you should need for the endpoint config
18:58.30seanbrightyour aor and identify sections look fine
18:58.40spatelhmm should i remove all my [opensips] blocks?
18:58.52seanbrightyour aor and identify sections look fine
18:59.04seanbrightjust change the endpoint one to what i pasted
18:59.11seanbrightleave the others as-is
18:59.24fileyou'll also need a transport... if you haven't configured the rest of PJSIP
18:59.30seanbrightwell yeah
18:59.46spatelok let me give you other section of file..
19:01.09spatelseanbright: here is the other section in pjsip
19:01.57seanbrightlooks fine, but you'll probably need to tweak things as you test
19:02.14seanbright#asterisk would be a better venue for this discussion, however
19:02.38seanbrightthere are more resources there that can help
19:09.28fileno soup for you
19:11.16seanbrightYOU'RE WELCOME
19:59.53*** join/#asterisk-dev spatel (
20:00.10spatelseanbright: sorry i got disconnected from IRC
20:16.35*** join/#asterisk-dev pchero_work (
20:21.50seanbrightno sweat
21:14.09seanbrighthave i brought this up before?
21:15.28fileit's either WIP or Draft
21:15.32filecan't have both workflows
21:15.37seanbrighti did: git review -D 13
21:15.42seanbrightand got that message
21:16.15fileif we disable WIP support we can have draft workflow again... unless they've removed it
21:16.29seanbrighti see now
21:16.45seanbrightmisunderstood your original reply

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