IRC log for #asterisk-dev on 20180709

16:51.17*** join/#asterisk-dev infobot (ibot@
16:51.17*** topic/#asterisk-dev is Asterisk Development Discussion -=- -=- Tier 2 and 3.14159265 support is in #asterisk -=- Check out our blog! -=- Follow on Twitter at @AsteriskDev
17:00.24scgm11_and what about AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR I cant find where is defined
17:01.19fileit doesn't exist anymore, it was replaced... 5+ years ago... with something ast_format_slin which is a pointer to a media format
17:03.53scgm11_ok great
17:22.11*** join/#asterisk-dev hehol (
20:36.33*** join/#asterisk-dev CELYA_1 (
20:56.57*** join/#asterisk-dev scgm11_ (
22:49.02Kobazanyone have any patches for building dahdi against kernel 4.16 ?
23:00.53Kobazlooks like we have some patches
23:01.01jpsharpNot to ask the obvious, but do you have dahdi hardware that you need the drivers for?
23:01.11Kobazjpsharp: doesn't matter in this case
23:01.16Kobazusing it for timing
23:05.13jpsharpuses timerfd
23:06.34Kobazi think i'm hitting performance issues with pthread
23:06.53Kobazhad to emergency upgrade a box and we're on a newer kernel and dahdi's not building
23:07.12Kobazi have no idea what's going on yet, but kernel version, and timing pthread are the major differences
23:11.05rmudgettpthread is the last choice for timing.  timerfd is the first choice for timing
23:12.08*** part/#asterisk-dev kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-qpgomsrmqgydsmxo)
23:14.17Kobazswitched to timerfd
23:14.21Kobazgoing to do some performance testing here
23:18.21jpsharpIt's all we use on our 400+ Asterisk instances.

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