IRC log for #asterisk-dev on 20171214

00:12.35*** join/#asterisk-dev CELYA_ (~Thunderbi@
00:14.36*** part/#asterisk-dev kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-zqihomlaobzmsthj)
01:20.35*** join/#asterisk-dev infobot (
01:20.35*** topic/#asterisk-dev is Asterisk Development Discussion -=- -=- Tier 2 and 3.14159265 support is in #asterisk -=- Check out our blog! -=- Follow on Twitter at @AsteriskDev
02:34.43*** join/#asterisk-dev ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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02:36.26*** join/#asterisk-dev tzafrir (
02:36.26*** join/#asterisk-dev Deeewayne (
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02:53.00*** join/#asterisk-dev CELYA_ (~Thunderbi@
05:35.17*** join/#asterisk-dev CELYA_ (~Thunderbi@
07:57.05*** join/#asterisk-dev tsearle (~tsearle@
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08:12.38*** join/#asterisk-dev tzafrir (
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08:25.18*** join/#asterisk-dev pchero_work (~pchero@
09:01.48*** join/#asterisk-dev hehol (
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12:45.44*** join/#asterisk-dev hehol (
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14:52.16*** join/#asterisk-dev bford (d8cff501@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:01.17*** join/#asterisk-dev kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-slcxsxonyyonvupq)
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15:54.39*** join/#asterisk-dev cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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16:20.01seanbrightcan any of you digium folk confirm or deny the existance/availability of an IAX2 peer @
16:20.21seanbrightfrom the [demo] peer in iax.conf
16:25.07*** join/#asterisk-dev mvanbaak (~mvanbaak@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
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16:25.43mvanbaakGood afternoon all
16:26.00seanbrightwell look what the cat dragged in
16:26.21seanbrighthey there buddy
16:26.33mvanbaakhey hey bro. Hows life nowedays ?
16:26.40seanbrightpretty ok. you?
16:26.42mvanbaakdamn, been way way way too long
16:26.55seanbrightyes indeed
16:26.58mvanbaakgood good
16:27.14mvanbaakbeen some very interesting years
16:27.44mvanbaaktrying to get back to some old habits ;-)
16:27.50mvanbaaklike typing code
16:29.06mvanbaakbe back later. train arrived and I'm hungry.
16:29.27gtjoseph@seanbright: highly unlikely.
16:29.27*** part/#asterisk-dev mvanbaak (~mvanbaak@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
16:32.30seanbrightgtjoseph: WFM
16:33.01gtjosephclarify please
16:34.26seanbrightgtjoseph: sorry, got knocked off
16:34.34seanbrighti meant that your response worked for me
16:34.40gtjosephah, ok :)
16:34.43seanbrightpoor choice of words
16:35.06gtjosephi thought you meant you could connect to IAX2 at that address. :)
16:38.28seanbrightright. my bad.
17:24.55*** join/#asterisk-dev Worldexe (~Worldexe@
17:29.38*** join/#asterisk-dev pchero (~pchero@
17:49.01*** join/#asterisk-dev CELYA_ (
18:02.45*** join/#asterisk-dev mvanbaak (~mvanbaak@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
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18:03.11mvanbaakright, so I'm back on freenode, and my client is configured
18:03.13mvanbaakhello all
18:09.42seanbrightyou picked a quiet day to make your triumphant return
18:09.50mvanbaakI noticed
18:10.13mvanbaakmaybe I should leave, and wait for you to tell me when the channel is active ;-)
18:10.34mvanbaakor maybe they just dont want to talk to me anymore
18:13.29mvanbaakI see file is still alive as well
18:13.46fileunless I'm a ghost!
18:14.10mvanbaakYou're partner in crime as well? Sorry but forgot the name of the doggy
18:15.18fileyes, Zoe
18:15.58mvanbaakZoe indeed :) cool
18:16.21mvanbaakthinking about getting back to asterisk development \o/
18:16.59mvanbaaknow that we've settled down and don't plan to leave this appartment in the next coming months
18:17.55mvanbaakwill be a shock I think. last time was 1.4 era
18:18.33seanbrightmvanbaak: nothing has changed
18:18.47mvanbaakgood whehehe
18:19.05mvanbaakSo I can send in all them local changes
18:19.22filewell, everything goes through code review now
18:19.40mvanbaakyeah, I remember. Reviewboard
18:19.59mvanbaakwell, that's new. It used to be reviewboard
18:20.01seanbrightwe switch from C to Rust
18:20.24seanbrightactually, that's not true... it's a hybrid of the two called Crust
18:20.57seanbrightis joking
18:22.20mvanbaaknot Go? damn
18:22.29seanbrightkicks mvanbaak
18:24.39mvanbaakopen gerrit, see a lot of items with the name seanbright
18:24.44mvanbaakI could have known that
18:44.54seanbrighti take care of the low hanging fruit
18:50.52coreyfarrellI normally wouldn't ask this but does anyone know what the plan is for timing of next releases?  mainly interested because of the audiohook.c crash and all of the recent security fixes are missing the fix
18:53.14fileI put it in queue, so hopefully soon
18:53.31filethe security releases have interfered
18:59.44*** join/#asterisk-dev CELYA_ (
19:07.07coreyfarrellon JIRA if I "request feedback" on tickets that have already been opened is that enough for the automated process to close it in 2 weeks if no response?
19:11.54fileshould be
19:35.28*** join/#asterisk-dev rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-hsrgbzymfcegzuof)
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19:49.17*** join/#asterisk-dev CELYA_ (
19:53.49rmudgettfile: For the video stream learning patch.  Why should the change be mentioned in CHANGES?  It isn't something under user control.  Also what comment block in rtp.conf.sample were you referring that needs updating?
19:54.12fileI know it's not, but I think it's a behavior change that people should be made aware of
19:54.16fileand the comment block about strictrtp
19:54.26fileI think specifying the behavior there is worthwhile
19:54.50rmudgettThe current comment block is accurate.
19:55.32rmudgettI can expand upon it though
20:27.46rmudgettfile: This description seem good to you?
20:28.14fileuse yo
20:32.18gtjosephcoreyfarrell: in current 15, i'm getting a lot of bad tab completions.     "help acl <tab>" shows the same tab completion as if you just hit <tab> at the cli promot.
20:32.27gtjosephhappening other places as well
20:34.09coreyfarrellgtjoseph: I'll check it out once I'm done eating
20:34.16gtjosephsorry :)
20:39.04coreyfarrellgtjoseph: it's fine, I knew what I was getting into when I decided to rewrite completion handling.  looking into it now.
20:40.26gtjosephit was interrupting food i was sorry about :)
20:58.18coreyfarrellgtjoseph: I can confirm that "help acl <tab>" is broken.. can you confirm that "core show help acl <tab>" is not broken?
21:00.33gtjosephi think "help <anything>" is broken
21:01.46coreyfarrellpossibly everything defined by res_clialiases is broken
21:07.12coreyfarrellgtjoseph: awesome news - it's not my fault!  res_clialiases CLI completion was broken in the revision before I started work on CLI completion.
21:07.21coreyfarrelli'll still look into it though
21:11.09*** join/#asterisk-dev tzafrir (
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21:32.58coreyfarrellgtjoseph: fix is on gerrit
22:04.08*** part/#asterisk-dev kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-slcxsxonyyonvupq)
22:05.12*** join/#asterisk-dev kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-kvkcvtaebmhsxduu)
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22:08.52*** join/#asterisk-dev CELYA_ (
22:13.11coreyfarrelldoes anyone know of dahdi rpm's for centos7?  I won't actually be running it, I just need something so I can run static analysis on dahdi related stuff in asterisk.
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