IRC log for #asterisk-dev on 20171115

00:20.50*** part/#asterisk-dev kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-isiumxcmtxqgovjh)
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10:15.02*** join/#asterisk-dev hehol (
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13:40.45gtjosephcoreyfarrell: is there an easy way to test the gcc constructor/destructor patch?
13:45.30tsearleconstructors in C?
13:49.16*** join/#asterisk-dev jkroon__ (~jkroon@
13:58.43tsearlescary times
13:59.47gtjosephThey allow us to do the RAII_VAR thing that does cleanup when a function exits.
14:05.36*** join/#asterisk-dev leedm777 (textual@nat/digium/x-wbyhlkdeogxpcfat)
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14:31.51*** join/#asterisk-dev CELYA_ (~Thunderbi@2a01:e0a:d:1111:28c2:2c0f:e315:bc4b)
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14:45.46seanbrighttsearle: it's a GCC extension
15:15.50*** join/#asterisk-dev kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-hbtdspvybzfblpfg)
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15:30.33coreyfarrellgtjoseph: it's not for RAII_VAR, it's so modules automatically run ast_module_register when they are dlopen'ed.
15:30.50gtjosephyeah i was thinking of "cleanup"
15:31.36coreyfarrellif you're asking about a compiler that doesn't support the constructor/destructor attributes I'm not aware of one.
15:33.53*** join/#asterisk-dev joshelson (~joshelson@2601:282:782:4b79:717e:7fcf:9ef2:e58e)
15:39.09*** join/#asterisk-dev bford (d8cff501@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:43.00gtjosephcoreyfarrell: what made you add then check then?
15:54.56coreyfarrellwe already had a check for the attributes, it just wasn't mandatory from the configure script.
15:59.17*** join/#asterisk-dev rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-iqgrimkyefgmanwz)
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16:15.31coreyfarrellif anyone is interested last night I audited jansson's refcounting (the library, not main/json.c).  json_object_iter_set & its _new variant leak on error, json_pack & variants do the same.  I've submitted a PR for both so hopefully fixed in 2.11.
16:18.59*** join/#asterisk-dev zerohalo (~zerohalo@2601:199:417f:9c3d:d4ce:ccd1:a4f6:832e)
16:35.48*** join/#asterisk-dev NirS (~Nir_S@
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16:36.14NirSGood morning everybody
16:36.33NirSsmall question, are there any recent SPEC files for Asterisk 14/15 ?
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16:41.51coreyfarrellNirS: I'm not aware of any but I can't imagine it'd be too different from 13.
16:42.11NirSwell, that is what I thought as well
16:42.32NirSbut it seems like there seem to be some "gaps" in there
16:44.07coreyfarrellNirS: changes needed to the %files section or other issues?
16:44.32gtjosephfedora's is here...
16:45.30*** join/#asterisk-dev cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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16:46.46NirSwill have a look at that
16:56.53NirSjospeh, I've already looked at that SPEC file before - it is very "opinionated" as to how Asterisk should be installed and built
16:57.01NirSalso, it's not very configurable :-(
16:57.37gtjosephquite true
16:57.51gtjosephwasn't sure what you were looking for
16:59.19NirSwell, I was looking at the one from version 13, which was really nicely done
16:59.26NirSwas fairly modular and maintainable
17:00.34NirSI wanted to create a new one for Asterisk 14, which included some patches (Opus and other stuff) and then write document of "How to add stuff to Asterisk RPM is stay alive after" - but seems my intention of "staying alive" was highly exaggerated
17:01.02coreyfarrellNirS: I could look if you post a gist or pastebin, let me know what problems you are having.
17:01.05*** join/#asterisk-dev leedm777 (textual@nat/digium/x-cjcxnoeddkogcxev)
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17:01.47NirShold on
17:09.08NirSOMG, just got an email from someone in Eastern Europe that uses Asterisk with .... wait for it .... chan_h323 with Asterisk 1.2 .... asking for assistance
17:12.17NirS@coreyfarrell - have a look at, I've pasted the spec file and the output error. Asterisk seems to build correctly, but upon building the actual package seems to fail
17:12.24NirSwould appreciate the input
17:19.17coreyfarrellNirS: start by addressing the 'File not found:' errors at the very end.  those files are not being produced by the build so they need to be removed from the %files section.  search for each filename without the dir because RPM's use variable based prefixes like %{_libdir}
17:21.59coreyfarrellNirS: once you remove those lines and rebuild you might get a different error listing files that were found but unexpected.  those would be modules that are new to 14+, you'll need to add them to one of the %files sections.
17:26.53NirScool, thanks, I'll work on it
17:54.33*** join/#asterisk-dev CELYA_ (
18:19.45*** join/#asterisk-dev JunK-Y (~junky@pdpc/supporter/active/junk-y)
18:29.16NirSok, that did the trick, awesome
18:30.50coreyfarrellNirS: keep in mind 14 is security only now so you probably want to work on the spec for 15.
18:40.12NirSfirst I solve for 14, as 14 is our production
18:40.21NirSthen i'll resolve for 15, the path will be shorter :-)
19:40.20NirSok, looks like on the right path
19:40.54NirSby the time I'm done, we'll have an RPM repository for Kamailio 4.4.6 and Asterisk 14.7.2 with open source opus enabled - all modular
19:55.31coreyfarrellcresl1n: the topic of RPM's made me think, maybe should be taken offline?  the most recent version of asterisk on that site is 13.3.2.
20:02.48cresl1n13.3.2 is the last great version of asterisk
20:03.06cresl1ncoreyfarrell: there have been no releases worth having since then
20:03.26filecresl1n: get back to work you
20:04.15cresl1nfile: aren't you off the clock?
20:04.28fileyes, but doesn't mean I can't tell you to get back to work
20:04.35NirSthinks - it's too early and people are already drunk
20:04.51fileand gtjoseph work early hours
20:04.52cresl1nsends file some snow
20:05.19filereturns to sender
20:05.26NirSescaped the scorching heat in Israel and is currently freezing his a** off in NYC
20:05.46cresl1nDo you feel like that you chose wisely?
20:06.06NirS@cres: trust me, I have
20:06.17cresl1nThat must be some heat
20:06.30NirSthe only does side, the office here doesn't have the same comfort as my console
20:06.41NirSnot enough pixel space and I do miss my chair
20:07.21coreyfarrellNirS: it's almost 50 in NYC.. you can't freeze at 20 degrees above freezing :)
20:10.12cresl1nI could
20:10.17cresl1nI'm used to the alabama heat
20:10.22NirScorey, remember, in Israel, winter is 16 degrees celsius. For us, anything below 10 degrees is considered really cold
20:10.33NirSpersonally, i can easily do -6c, but that's me
20:10.58NirSIn summer, my back yard can easily reach around 46c
20:20.13coreyfarrellfunny.. 16c winter day is a heat wave for us, people would be outside in t-shirts & shorts (walking past to piles of snow). I don't think we've ever hit 46c, that would be a major crisis here.
20:20.44*** join/#asterisk-dev cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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20:46.49*** join/#asterisk-dev tzafrir (
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20:52.58*** join/#asterisk-dev snuff-work (~snuff-wor@
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21:02.51NirScorey, in Israel, 46c in mid summer is considered normal, I think the highest I've encountered with a 52c in the southern parts of Israel next to egypt
21:11.07*** join/#asterisk-dev danielyk (
21:33.59*** join/#asterisk-dev cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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21:40.05coreyfarrellI'm thinking of updating - should I remove reference to 1.8/11 and just start with everything required for v13?
21:42.36coreyfarrellso listing what is required to compile asterisk is obvious, I'm not 100% on what should be added as 'core' libraries.  some of them listed (ical/iksemel/neon/gmime) I wouldn't consider core libraries.
22:30.36*** join/#asterisk-dev cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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