IRC log for #asterisk-dev on 20171012

00:00.59*** join/#asterisk-dev leedm777 (~textual@2604:2d80:8404:8011:c01:4dce:b102:6c39)
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01:07.11coreyfarrellgtjoseph: I just created a ticket for re-implementing jenkins REF_DEBUG tests and assigned it to you.  if you don't want it feel free to unassign yourself.
01:07.47gtjosephno problem
01:09.28coreyfarrellmy guess is as-is about 45% of tests/channels/pjsip would pass.. asterisk still needs a couple patches before we can get higher success.
01:10.36coreyfarrellBTW I think the shutdown delay might have to be 33 seconds (timer_t1 * 64 + 1 second).  I tried reducing t1 but that caused some tests to fail.
02:36.53*** join/#asterisk-dev elcontrastador (
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11:54.22tsearlegood afternoon all!
12:04.20gtjosephhey tsearle!
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14:47.53coreyfarrellfile: if the sorcery or named_locks reviews fail jenkins I'd prefer we investigate / regate.  I don't mind that you skipped regate for the ao2_weakproxy_find, that hasn't effected anything yet.
14:48.26fileI look at the failures, there's certain ones that continually bounce and fail
14:48.58filebut if you want to lead on that go ahead
14:52.41coreyfarrellif a chan_sip test fails I'll ask you to skip, but for any pjsip test I'll regate.
15:17.19coreyfarrellfile: has a failure unrelated to the patch being tested, but it was a segfault in tests/channels/pjsip/publish/asterisk_event_devicestate.
15:18.10coreyfarrellI'll open a JIRA ticket for that, do you want to +2 the change since it can't have anything to do with that failure?
15:19.31fileThat's due to the system shutting down
15:19.50fileYour clean up the world at shutdown changes have caused a lot of that
15:19.56fileFrom months ago
15:20.38fileI'm walking down the street so can't touch it right now
15:33.48*** join/#asterisk-dev AsteriskRoss (259d3426@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:39.15AsteriskRossHi All, I've been looking into the issue ASTERISK-27230, I think it has to do with realtime endpoints being removed from the database and the tasks persisting and the trying to access the endpoint data, which is no longer there
15:41.00coreyfarrellI suspect the shutdown failures are due to other leaks happening.  unfortunately that test failed on my system last night (it didn't get any matching AMI events) so I'm not sure if it leaks when the test actually runs.
15:42.16coreyfarrellfile: about the changes to clean up the world, are you talking about months ago when I tried to get res_pjsip to shutdown?  or something I did to the asterisk core?
15:42.44fileI believe changes when you tried to get res_pjsip to shutdown, but I don't recall precisely
15:44.08coreyfarrellso if that was a problem before a couple days ago then it isn't the cause.. the circular loop between res_pjsip and res_pjsip_session prevented the module_unload from ever running.
15:44.45fileit's too long ago for me to remember
15:47.58AsteriskRossWhen tasks are fired, do they require a valid contact? At present we do not remove any contacts from the sorcery cache, so in theory the task could see the contact and then act on it even though the endpoint has been removed. The contact should however expire based on the standard timers
15:50.13filetasks keep references to things underneath so they can't go away, and the backtraces you've provided don't show anything like that - the backtraces show a PJSIP timer being executed that has been destroyed
15:51.39AsteriskRossOh, that's not good
15:52.21AsteriskRossThe task appears to return but asterisk crashes when accessing ret = std->fail;
15:52.35filenone of the backtraces on the issue show anything like that
15:53.25AsteriskRossok, that's whats on line res_pjsip.c:4207
15:54.53filethat doesn't actually match with the backtrace, fyi
15:55.22fileline 4207 in the backtrace is in the monitor_thread_exec function
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15:58.15AsteriskRossIt looks like i was looking at the latest commits and not the one that is running, your correct of course.
15:59.02AsteriskRossIf the task has been destroyed, what could make it run?
15:59.12fileit's not a task
15:59.14fileit's a PJSIP timer
15:59.54fileit was scheduled to execute at some time, but was seemingly destroyed already when it ran
16:00.03filewhat the timer was for, why it wasn't removed, dunno
16:00.19filewell - based on the function it executed you can tell what it was for, it was a transaction timer
16:00.34file(at least in some of them)
16:01.10AsteriskRossok, its causing multiple asterisk servers to crash multiple times a day. is there anything I can do to gather more information and get the issue resolved?
16:02.17fileadding more information wouldn't alter getting the issue resolved, unless you found interest from someone to actively work on it or hired someone
16:03.29AsteriskRossI'm happy to offer a bounty
16:03.57filethe process for offering a bounty is on the wiki
16:04.46AsteriskRossThank you for your help, I've updated the issue tracker. Fingers crossed I can find someone to work on it!
16:08.47seanbrightkharwell: re: 6670
16:09.22seanbrightwell, maybe i understand
16:09.41seanbrightsession->save_from_hdr is the pre-anonymized URI?
16:09.58seanbrightand i assume somewhere we copy that back?
16:10.01seanbrighton rx?
16:11.26kharwellI don't think it gets copied back. If I recall it's used later for pai stuff
16:14.29fileseanbright: *cough* I just abandoned DUNDi IPv6
16:22.13kharwellfile: should the other patches in a similar situation (>=1 month with findings and no response) also be abandoned?
16:22.39fileyes, unless they're small findings and we want to just do the change
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16:27.10kharwell6307 sounds easy enough (just a blurb in CHANGES) if we're all fine with no test
16:28.57gtjosephseanbright: do you think you'll be able to spend any time on the ephemeral patch in the next few days?  We're gonna be cutting rc1's for all 3 branches in the next few day.
16:29.24fileI'd rather we try to not cram even more stuff into these releases
16:29.47kharwellya hoping to do the rc1 either later today or tomorrow at the latest
16:30.14fileto provide context: 13.17.0 tagged July 12th
16:30.22filethat's... awhile ago...
16:30.24gtjosephok, was just trying to get a feel
16:30.51gtjosephsince the patches were already up
16:30.56filewe'll hopefully be back on track so it won't take as long for stuff to trickle in
16:31.33filedreams the dreams
16:47.26seanbrightgtjoseph: today? no. the next few days? probs.
16:47.52gtjosephok, will have to wait for next go around then.
17:23.43rmudgettwonders if and should be squashed together or not since they logically should be the same change. is an arbitrary extraction to try to shrink the larger review.
17:24.31rmudgettgtjoseph: file: Opinion? ^^
17:27.05gtjosephi think they're fine.  6766 has 6766 as its parent so no sense in messing with them.
17:27.16gtjosephoops 6766 has 6765
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17:52.19seanbrightohhh, cdr optimizations <3
17:58.34rmudgettI didn't get as much as I thought adding the new party b keyed container.  I got more by not setting the stringfields and fixing the dnid, callingsubaddr, and calledsubaddr CDR variables.
17:59.50coreyfarrellrmudgett: are those patches not in a series?  gerrit saying they conflict.
18:00.12rmudgettThey are in a series.
18:01.34rmudgettI've been dribbling out the other CDR patches I didn't want in the series all week. :)
18:54.33JunK-Yin ast_rtp_read(), if we pass the if block `if (ast_rtp_instance_get_bridged(instance) && !bridge_p2p_rtp_write(instance, rtpheader, res, hdrlen)) {` is that what is considered as transcoding, since the local bridge can't happen?
18:55.14fileno, transcoding does not happen within res_rtp_asterisk
18:55.30filep2p bridging is just an internal optimization to reduce the amount that the packet is touched
18:56.06JunK-Yand that optimization appeared in *-11?
18:56.22fileI don't recall how long ago, but maybe
18:59.37rmudgettIt was in v1.4 maybe earlier.
19:00.15rmudgettThat is the local bridge.
19:01.25rmudgettFor RTP, you can have frames going through the core, locally bridged in RTP code, or remotely bridged between devices.
19:01.51rmudgettThe remote bridge is direct media.
19:04.03rmudgettOnly the core transcodes media to other codecs.
19:04.05JunK-Yyes, i got that part. im looking at the optimization (local bridge)
19:04.33JunK-Ywhats the path from ast_rtp_read() to the transcoding?
19:05.26fileframes are read using ast_read, which calls into the channel driver, which calls into RTP to read a frame, before ast_read returns it can transcode the returned media into a different format
19:05.49filesame goes for ast_write, it can transcode before passing it to the channel driver
19:09.59seanbrightrmudgett: what are the specs of your slow test box?
19:11.13rmudgettIts a 10 year old Dell Vostro 200.
19:14.34rmudgett2 cores, 1G ram.  don't remember clock, kubundu 10.4
19:14.54seanbrightgood deal
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19:33.03JunK-Yfile: thanks.
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23:30.24*** part/#asterisk-dev kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-umihnmruxvsasgyh)

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