IRC log for #asterisk-dev on 20140724

00:10.37TazzNZhey guys - my google skills is letting me down - is a dash (-) valid in a SIP URI ?
00:14.26snuff-workappears so
00:14.52TazzNZthat is what I though - thanks - issue is somewhere else then :)
00:15.20coreyfarrellTazzNZ: I think you're looking for rfc2396
00:15.38coreyfarrellif you are interested in the rules for URI's
00:16.24TazzNZthanks coreyfarrell
00:35.17*** join/#asterisk-dev Fwny (~potato@
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07:44.34oejMorning folks
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12:56.01vassiluxhi, I try to use dial API to dial  from my application(C module). How  I can connect my incomming channel to the new answered chanel from ast_dial_answered_steal.
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13:16.09vassiluxI use an other option pbx_exec with Dial application , it works but I need the calle channel states and callbacl of Dial API looks ok for me.
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13:24.21filevassilux, what version of Asterisk?
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13:25.14seanbrightgood morrow friends
13:25.48fileseanbright, bananas.
13:26.04vassiluxastersik 11
13:26.24seanbrightyou must be looking for #astersik-dev then
13:26.31seanbrightthis is #asterisk-dev
13:26.52dms1file: +o ?
13:27.19fileyou can either use the bridging API in bridging.h, or ast_bridge_call API call from features.h
13:28.12vassiluxok thank file , will try it
13:28.14leifmadsenif someone sees mjordan before me, tell him I was looking for him
13:28.24fileleifmadsen, no
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13:38.19filemjordan, that leifmadsen wants you
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13:45.25mjordanleifmadsen: what's up? :-)
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13:53.26leifmadsenmjordan: nothing important, shot you a privmsg. Respond when you have a second if you don't mind.
13:58.59vassiluxfile thank for your help it works :-)
13:59.21filevassilux, nifty
14:00.49filemjordan, yesterday (I think) when you were asking about getting local IP... what was that for?
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14:27.20mjordanfile: both the PJSIP CHANNEL function and the RTCP work want to get the local IP address for reporting stuff & things
14:27.28mjordanif you bind to, that's what you get back from those functions
14:27.31filethat's what I thought
14:27.31mjordanwhich is less than useful
14:27.42mjordannot as big of a deal for the CHANNEL function
14:27.55mjordanbut for RTCP events, you could conceivably have lots of servers sending RTCP information to "something"
14:28.18filethere's even a pj_enum_ip_interface for getting alllll of 'em
14:28.28mjordanthat'd be useful for the PJSIP related ones
14:28.35mjordanfor the RTCP one, I can just use the function Mark pointed out
14:28.46newtonrmjordan, Oh yeah, the raw core and extra english sounds are 320MB tarred up.  (In re: to conversation yesterday about providing the raw sounds)
14:29.10filebetter than I expected
14:30.08newtonrif we don't want to do anything permanently, I could just throw them up on drop-box for the two people that want it.
14:31.33mjordannewtonr: If that works for them, that'd be perfect
14:32.00mjordanI'd rather not go through a whole lot of craziness in setting up a public repo - mostly because they aren't public, and I'm not sure what all the implications are of doing that. Probably none, but this is a pretty rare request.
14:32.55skrustyafternoon guys. has anything specific changed in ARI in 12.4.0? The reason i ask is when i list apps, my simpleconf is listed, but when i cann stasis(simpleconf) it says that the application isn't registered.
14:33.03skrustyam i missing something here, or just being plain stupid? :)
14:33.12newtonrmjordan, aye
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14:33.19mjordanskrusty: do you have a websocket connected?
14:33.37mjordanthat's odd. I haven't seen that happen...
14:33.40skrustyand ari "applications" lists my application
14:33.47skrusty"name": "simpleconf",
14:34.00skrustyStasis app 'simpleconf' not registered
14:34.18mjordanthat occurs when a channel tries to go into the Stasis dialplan application?
14:35.09skrustyim not even using my c# framework (as it happened there too) but just connecting a websocket
14:35.11mjordanthat doesn't make much sense. The HTTP command and the dialplan app are actually hitting the same ao2 container.
14:35.56skrustygetting the app list via swagger ui
14:36.14sgalarneauwonder if swagger ui is caching that?
14:36.45skrustyjust called it via wget :)
14:36.45mjordanskrusty: how did your websocket connect? PB that?
14:36.45skrustysame result
14:36.45skrustywill do
14:38.05skrustyim just using a websocket client i've used many times ( for testing
14:39.00skrustyi get the same when using AsterNET.ARI - that uses WebSocket4NET
14:39.36mjordanI can't reproduce it here
14:39.42skrustyi upgraded the install from 12.2 i think to 12.4 - could this be a config issue?
14:40.24mjordanalso, every ARI test should be failing like crazy...
14:40.34sgalarneauI just killed my WebSocket connection locally and the application name is still being returned by ARI
14:40.59mjordanit should support a re-connect
14:41.13skrustyari show status show's user count as 1
14:41.22mjordanonce a websocket connection is made at all, it generally is 'okay' with whatever happens. It will just get angry that you have nothing available to get the events.
14:41.24skrustyi assume that means conneced apps?
14:41.35mjordanno, that's your ARI users configured in ari.conf
14:41.41skrustyoh sorry
14:42.01skrustyis there a way from the console to show connections?
14:42.07skrustyws connections that is
14:42.45mjordanI don't think so.
14:42.49skrustyboo :)
14:43.00skrustyi might just try a fresh install then
14:43.03mjordanYou can take a look at the enabled URIs via http show status, but that's about it
14:43.16skrustyyeah, ari and ws are enabled
14:44.27sgalarneaulooks like you get and error that the stasis app is not active is the web socket connection dies, not that the app is not found
14:46.01skrustythere used to be an output at the console saying a stasis app has connected/started (iirc)
14:46.04skrustyi don't see that
14:46.12skrustyam i right in thinking that?
14:46.47mjordanI still get that
14:46.50sgalarneaume too
14:47.08filesame here
14:47.10sgalarneauverbose level perhaps?
14:48.41fileer, have you confirmed you are connecting to the same Asterisk instance?
14:49.02sgalarneauwithout verbose on it doesn't output that for me
14:49.46skrustyjsut checked, yes - same instance ;)
14:50.11skrustyverbose is set high (255 no idea what max verbose level is)
14:50.40skrustyis confused
14:50.45skrustyi mgiht just try a fresh install
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15:19.39skrustyi think i've found it, looks like one of the ari modules wont load and causing issues.
15:20.23sgalarneauyou probably have app voicemail loaded, but that shouldn't cause the issue you were describing
15:21.34sgalarneauno, app_voicemail is not loaded?
15:22.04skrustyno, i was agreeing with you
15:22.27sgalarneauah ok
15:23.19skrustyright, got it working
15:23.32skrustyand no, i've no idea what fixed it :/
15:23.46skrustyi did configs from make samples, made normal changes and it all worked
15:24.47opticronthis could probably use some more reviewing for anyone interested in stasis funness
15:26.31putnopvutopticron: I must be kind of dense. I'm not finding the function that gets the stasis_app from the stasis_app_control struct.
15:27.51opticronit's called control_app
15:28.02opticronin control.h, iirc
15:28.10putnopvutopticron: I figured it out. svn up got it.
15:28.23putnopvutApparently that's something pretty new :)
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15:32.50skrustyfile: just testing out the talk detection, seem to work well
15:55.06mjordanjust as an FYI, we have lots of reviews with Ship Its! out there. If you have commit access and a review is shipped, let's get try to get them committed today
16:14.44Qwellmjordan: PING!  Can I get a reviewboard exemption for my patch?
16:14.59Qwellpretty trivial.  I can commit/merge
16:15.33seanbrightlefteris zafiris?
16:17.39QwellPS, it's addons, so you can just say yes without clicking the link.
16:44.22mjordanQwell: Ship It!
16:44.30mjordanand I did look at the issue and the patch ;-)
16:44.43QwellYou didn't look at the patch!  I haven't posted it anywhere. :p
16:44.51Qwellit's just s/FAILURE/DECLINE/ though
16:45.08mjordanI looked at the patch on the issue...
16:45.15Qwellthat's already committed
16:45.19Qwellthat's what caused this mess
16:45.34mjordanlovely. I just took a glance and saw it was swapping out return values
16:45.50QwellI was specifically pointing out the comment by Lefteris
16:46.08mjordanFAILURE really isn't an option.
16:46.39Qwellfwiw, I might also push for a regression release...
16:46.54Qwelleasy workaround, and it's addons, but...
16:51.29mjordanIt is addons.
16:51.35mjordanThat's kind of a hard sell
16:51.49Qwellsvn st
16:52.14Qwellonly push very lightly then :D  I don't care much.
16:52.23QwellWe're fixing our RPMs either way.
17:31.34JuggieQwell: ping
17:31.40QwellJuggie: pong
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18:27.44coreyfarrellmjordan: ping from
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19:55.01opticronputnopvut, yep, that code definitely works properly for masquerading out of Stasis()
19:56.38TazzNZsup all
20:01.26opticronrmudgett, I'm on my way out, but I've encountered an issue where I need a fixup operation on the wrong channel in a masquerade. Basically, a local channel is being masqueraded into a channel that's in stasis (but not stasis-bridged)
20:01.41opticronany ideas on how one might accomplish that operation?
20:02.09opticronwould I need to add a reverse fixup datastore callback to match the chan_fixup callback?
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