IRC log for #asterisk-dev on 20130503

00:37.15*** join/#asterisk-dev snuff-work (~snuffy@
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07:38.22oejMorning folks
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14:10.24*** join/#asterisk-dev kharwell (~kharwell@nat/digium/x-bhzyprxrkaeckkrv)
14:12.50*** join/#asterisk-dev RadJackson (
14:12.51RadJacksonHello , i make some automatic phonecalls , by placing ".call" files into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing folder, every minute asterisk launch one file, only 30% of the calls works, the other 70% displays an error message saying  pbx_spool.c: Call failed to go through, reason (3) Remote end Ringing / devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP- XXX
14:12.53*** join/#asterisk-dev italorossi (~italoross@
14:13.15QwellRadJackson: Your question would be better answered in #asterisk.
14:13.30RadJacksonOk thank you.
14:21.34mjordanleedm777: opticron: I think our decision to make all channels suffixed is going to have a lot of annoying event changes
14:22.02leedm777mjordan: example?
14:24.03mjordanChanSpyStart/Stop, DialBegin/End, Transfer events, Pickup
14:24.38mjordanas it turns out, I'm not sure that the channel will ever be suffixed. Originally, the suffix occurred during Bridge events, but those have been superceded by BridgeEnter/BridgeLeave, which only list a single channel
14:24.56mjordanNow, I'm not sure when we'll have multiple channels in an event that is not role based
14:25.01mjordanand all of the role based events use a prefix
14:25.15mjordanthis feels like a bad specification decision that was admittedly written by me
14:25.55leedm777shame on you
14:26.18mjordanI know
14:26.32mjordanI'm writing up the ChangeLog and "ChannelSpyer" looks okay, but "ChannelUniqueidSpyer" is annoying
14:26.43mjordanSpyerChannel, SpyerChannelUniqueid, etc.
14:26.56mjordanof course, suffix might be easier to parse as opposed to read... blech
14:27.25leedm777nah, the name wouldn't matter to parsing.
14:27.43mjordantrue, endswith is just as easy as beginswith
14:28.00mjordanit feels like a pointless syntax change
14:28.13leedm777and I do hate pointless changes...
14:28.14mjordanand I'd have a hard time defending it at this point
14:29.05mjordanI can picture it now. "Pipes to commas we understand. But why'd you switch all the names around???"
14:29.18filecause it's Friday
14:29.23Qwelland there are bagels
14:29.28leedm777I know we have some events that suffix channel and uniqueid...
14:29.39leedm777but I think they all suffix with integers (channel1, channel2)
14:30.09mjordanleedm777, which ones?
14:30.15leedm777trying to remember
14:30.47mjordanIt was Bridge in 11
14:30.52mjordanbut that's now gone the way of the DoDo
14:30.52leedm777and Park in 11
14:30.56mjordan(poor silly bird)
14:31.28leedm777At the time, those were the events we were looking at
14:31.53leedm777and we were like "all these events are suffixed with numbers, let's suffix events with role names instead"
14:31.55mjordanBridge isn't a problem. Park usually has roles
14:32.09mjordanI remember, I think I was wrong :-P
14:32.18leedm777oh, you're right
14:32.20mjordanthe numbered events have gone away, and now we're changing more than we're keeping
14:32.27leedm777I'm looking at the park actions
14:32.51*** join/#asterisk-dev pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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14:33.20mjordanIt's trivial to switch to prefix... but I figure we may as well make the decision now, as I want to go update the spec today
14:33.36leedm777I'm fine with changing 12 to prefix if that makes for less churn.
14:33.40mjordanI think it will
14:33.53leedm777then DO IT!
14:33.54mjordanchecks to see if we have a quorum
14:34.01mjordanseconds the motion
14:34.23leedm777I see what you did there.
15:27.57*** join/#asterisk-dev saghul_ (
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16:21.04*** join/#asterisk-dev saghul_ (
16:45.52mjordanprotip: when running tests, make sure you don't already have Asterisk running.
17:35.43opticronvery important
17:36.28opticronthe most annoying one for me was when valgrind had gone off into the weeds and wasn't attached to any terminal, but still had asterisk running in the background somewhere
17:37.46seanbrightis there a minimum version of gcc that we require to build asterisk?
17:37.50seanbrighttrunk, specifically
17:38.58seanbrightthe README says 3.0
17:39.26mjordaneek. That's older than I think we test with
17:39.46mjordan4.2.4 is probably the oldest we test with
17:39.58seanbright3.0 was released on june 18, 2001
17:40.12seanbrightjust needed to get past the 2.95 hump
17:40.13mjordan12 years isn't exactly new :-)
17:42.04fileuses bleeding edge
17:42.32fileRichard hangs on to the old for dear life, I surge ahead!
17:42.48seanbrightlooks like the cleanup attribute wasn't added until at least 3.3
17:44.03Qwellmjordan: 4.1.2
17:44.39Corydon76-workI wish we could get rid of support for 4.1.  There's a rather nasty bug in that version as it relates to alias support
17:45.02QwellCorydon76-work: el5 goes EOL in like a year
17:45.27Corydon76-workGood riddance
17:46.14Qwellheh, nevermind
17:46.18Qwell2017-03-31 (End of Production 3 / End of Regular Life Cycle)
17:46.21Corydon76-workThere's quite a bit of cleanup in the alias support that will be possible once we lose that version
17:46.24QwellQ1 2014 (End of Production 2)
17:47.36Corydon76-workAlternatively, we compile and release RPMs for that version that use a later compiler... and when people complain about official support, we point them to the official rpms
17:48.32Corydon76-workoptional_api was delayed for a full release, specifically due to that issue
17:51.54mjordanI don't think we'll drop RAII_VAR at any point. That cat is *way* out of the bag.
17:53.32Corydon76-workIf Apple would add constructor priorities in their version of gcc, that would solve a longstanding bug.
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17:54.03Corydon76-workA bug that manifests on BSD-derived operating systems, only
17:55.18Corydon76-workI'm back-and-forth about whether we want to support OS X officially or not
17:56.02mjordanAt this point, if we add an OS to the 'official support list', there needs to be someone who's willing to step up to the plate and fix compatibility bugs
17:56.39mjordanBSD, anything Solaris based, and sometimes OS X suffer from a lack of a throat to throttle when things break
17:56.51Corydon76-workI would love to have support for it, but Apple doesn't make it easy, doing things like deprecating POSIX interfaces.
17:56.51Qwellmjordan: Corydon76-work said he'd support cygwin.
17:57.11mjordanQwell: owch man. Owch.
17:57.53Corydon76-workQwell:  I'll support it with a tower of ice cubes at the equator
17:58.04mjordanMOAR ICE
17:58.55Corydon76-workNew rule, though... whenever we drop support for an architecture, we have to yell, "Jenga!"
18:17.05seanbrightsupport for the cleanup attribute was added in gcc 3.4.0
18:17.42seanbright/maybe/ 3.3.1, but i doubt it
18:20.13seanbrightsure enough, i am wrong
18:20.47seanbrighti'm as surprised as the rest of you
18:21.21Corydon76-workI'm never surprised when you're wrong.
18:21.22seanbright3.3.1 - that is our minimum version
18:21.23mjordanseanbright: sorry :-\
18:21.58mjordanonce you start using RAII_VAR, you'll never go back to your old compiler :-)
18:22.13seanbrighti'm on a fairly new compiler
18:22.29seanbrightjust thinking about adding something that will use a newer feature of gcc (ifunc attribute)
18:22.55Corydon76-workmjordan: what if my old compiler is a 16-bit compiler that runs on an Apple IIgs?
18:23.20mjordanuhm. hm. I'm sure gcc accepts patches
18:23.35seanbrightand it looks like 4.0.0 may be the minimum version that supports ifunc
18:23.38seanbrightoh well
18:23.47Corydon76-workI doubt Mike Westerfield is still accepting patches for ORCA/C.
18:24.33seanbrightannd it's ELF only anyway.  fails all around.
18:26.46leedm777mentions clang, just because
19:00.29*** join/#asterisk-dev saghul_ (
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19:45.09wedhornmjordan: ping
19:50.39*** join/#asterisk-dev leedm777 (~leedm777@nat/digium/x-frhyxhhwzyuihwrc)
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20:05.31*** join/#asterisk-dev saghul_ (
20:20.37*** join/#asterisk-dev Devon_ (~Devon_@
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21:50.50mjordanwedhorn: pong (sorry for the late reply)
21:51.25mjordanalso: leedm777: currently the CDR/CEL manager backends directly access AMI. I'm pondering whether pushing that over Stasis-Core is worthwhile, since CDR/CEL engines will already be generating their information over Stasis-Core
21:51.37mjordanit feels round-about-ish to re-generate it into Stasis-Core at that point
21:52.03wedhornmjordan: no worries
21:52.19wedhornr2393 seems to have turned into a philosophical debate about the direction asterisk is heading in terms of running stuff through the dialplan
21:52.35wedhornany chance of some guidance
21:52.58mjordanI haven't really looked at it yet - I can over the weekend if that's okay
21:53.31wedhornthat'd be great, been going around for a while now anyway
21:58.07*** join/#asterisk-dev kharwell (~kharwell@nat/digium/x-fjgxfpueazkzaeaq)
21:59.30leedm777mjordan: I agree. Having something that's feeding off stasis event to generate more stasis events just for the purpose of converting those to AMI events. ew.
22:26.34*** part/#asterisk-dev kharwell (~kharwell@nat/digium/x-fjgxfpueazkzaeaq)
22:59.47*** part/#asterisk-dev mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-lzkhnwwwvnvyrmpc)

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