IRC log for #asterisk-dev on 20100817

00:08.19*** join/#asterisk-dev bklang (~bklang@
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08:07.38jamespassHey Corydon76-lap - you there?
08:07.59jamespassYou answered my question last night, but I want to expand a little.
08:08.32jamespasswhat did you mean by they are exported generally, record the call and you should see??
08:08.57jamespassWhat we need is to 'hide' the dtmf from the called party
08:09.03jamespassbut the system needs to see it.
08:09.10jamespasslet me give a scenario...
08:09.19jamespassthe caller calls and talks to the called party
08:09.42jamespassthe called party asks the user to verify his pin
08:09.49tzafrirjamespass, maybe he's still awake, but I suspect he'll be here in five hours or so
08:09.51jamespassthe caller types the pin in by DTMF
08:10.06jamespass(Can anyone else help maybe?)
08:10.43jamespassbut the system doesn't play the DTMF to the called party, but instead is able to store it in a variable/output to a db or some other method
08:10.58jamespassI'm pretty sure this isn't possible currently.
08:11.09jamespassCan someone confirm?
08:11.36jamespassI guess it's a dial() application question.
08:11.50tzafrirjamespass, not really
08:12.08jamespassnot really possible?
08:12.13tzafrirDial is used to establish a bridge. Which version of Asterisk is it?
08:12.28jamespassActually I don't care - we can implement it on anything
08:12.38jamespass1.6 pref.
08:14.00tzafrir( . Fine ;-)
08:14.34jamespassso if it isn't dial that I would look to implement this then where?
08:15.12tzafrirDial basically connects two channels together ("bridges" them)
08:15.31jamespassso the dtmf is in the channel driver?
08:15.41tzafrirI suspect so
08:16.11jamespassouch - that makes it more complex because we would need to deal with it in chan_dhadi and chan_sip
08:16.37jamespassor actually just chan_sip because we could intercept it in on the extension side.....
08:16.47jamespass..thinking out loud!...
08:19.17tzafrirJust a stupid thought: transfer the caller to a "authenticasion" extension temporarily?
08:20.05jamespasscould do, but if the called party is a queue agent it would be difficult to bring the call back.
08:20.23jamespass'intercepting' the DTMF is far preferable.
08:21.03jamespasswho wrote chan_sip - maybe i need to have a dialogue with them
08:22.38tzafrirmany people wrote chan_sip.
08:22.42tzafrir$ wc channels/chan_sip.c
08:23.17jamespassyeah sure - there must be a maintainer
08:23.26tzafrirI suppose they love dialogs ;-)
08:24.19tzafriranother thing to think at first:
08:25.01tzafrirhow do you mark the beginning of such one-sided capturing of DTMFs?
08:25.07jamespassyeah i know
08:25.11tzafrirWhere do those DTMFs go?
08:25.21jamespassthey can go out via the AMI
08:25.45jamespasswe wouldn't want to mark the beginning
08:25.50tzafrirThat means a complex state machine
08:25.55jamespassall dtmf should be supressed to the called party
08:26.28tzafrirYou'd have to implement a listener that keeps track of all such calls
08:27.34jamespassthat's not such a nightmare though
08:28.20tzafrirDo caller and calle have to talk with each other at time of authentication?
08:34.56jamespasswe just have a process that logs into the AMI, keeps a track of the cal
08:35.00jamespassyes they do
08:46.28jamespassis it possible do you think?
08:48.12tzafrirIIRC digit events are already logged into the manager (or can be easily made to)
08:48.55tzafrirBut you want to avoid them from being played to the callee under some circumstances
08:49.54*** join/#asterisk-dev lftsy (
08:54.59jamespassah - if i remember correctly!!
08:55.13jamespasslet me test
09:00.37jamespassI saw this from voipinfo...
09:00.38jamespassWhen Asterisk is handling a call and needs to listen to that call, e.g. to monitor it for DTMF transfer tones, Asterisk will detect and rebuild all DTMF tones on that call
09:01.01jamespasssurely we can supress the rebuild portion simply enough?
09:10.43*** join/#asterisk-dev newasterx (dasdasdsad@
09:16.18*** join/#asterisk-dev sgimeno (~chatzilla@
09:17.57newasterxwhy i can not sent text message using SIPCon1  as textphone/softphone while voice is very clear
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13:32.05*** join/#asterisk-dev Marquis42 (
13:47.54sruffelltzafrir:  If the dahdi_device/span/channels are fully formed before the KOBJ_CHANGE is sent....that should remove the need for the "user_ready" attributes/wait_queues.  Does that make sense to you or are you using it for something else too?
13:49.13tzafrirthe "user_ready" attribute was intended to coordinate with other scripts. Specifically: how can you tell that all spans are ready?
13:49.51sruffellI was thinking that dahdi_cfg could have an option for it to wait for either a timeout, or for all spans that it's been told about to be present.
13:50.25tzafrirHow does that work with dynamic spans?
13:50.53sruffellit could be an extra "configure and wait"..?
13:51.28sruffellso all the *other* spans are configured in parallel, then the init script could configure any dynamic spans and then wait for a time for all the other spans that should be there.
13:55.03sruffellalso...I don't think this conflicts with anything you're doing....but even leaving the door open for keeping span/channel numbers settable by dahdi_cfg I won't be able to ensure there is any relation between the minor number and the channel number.  since it has to be assigned before the KOBJ_CHANGE.
13:55.49sruffellit didn't look like there was any set relation in your branch on that front either...
13:56.14sruffell..since all the channels aren't under the DAHDI / Zaptel major number.
13:56.40*** join/#asterisk-dev The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
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13:58.59*** join/#asterisk-dev eliel (~eliels@
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14:28.07*** join/#asterisk-dev crowb4r (~JKLOBUCAR@
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14:34.52tzafrirsruffell, is there any working example I could test?
14:36.26tzafrirWhen exactly is a KOBJ_CHANGE event sent? Isn't it the same as the 'online' event explicitly sent from the span device in the sysfs branch?
14:39.57sruffellahh...I mispoke...KOBJ_ONLINE is what I meant, not KOBJ_CHANGE.
14:41.39sruffellas for an's not fit for human consumption, but all the gory edits are at  I started down the path of removing the global _chans list, but that's been quite involved and I don't want to get that tied up into the default case of first come first serve span numbering.
14:42.49tzafrirone thing that can go towards the goal of removing that list is reduce its usage, though
14:43.23*** join/#asterisk-dev anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
14:43.29tzafrirspecifically, it should be possible not to use it in almost all system calls
14:44.08sruffellyeah..that's done on that's still not moved out of the spanno assignment path...and conferencing seems to make assumptions about it.
14:44.22sruffelllike I said...not really in a form for review..but feel free to see what's there.
15:22.42*** join/#asterisk-dev kpfleming (~kpfleming@asterisk/digium-director-of-software-tech/kpfleming)
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15:31.30*** join/#asterisk-dev marv (
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17:50.28seanbrightgood times.
17:52.56*** join/#asterisk-dev CoderForLife (
17:55.19kpflemingseanbright: lolzerz
18:20.41seanbrightso whats everyone doing today?
18:20.44seanbrightasterisk dev'ing?
18:25.19kpflemingwriting a new relational SQL database in POSIX shell
18:26.16pabelangerdrinking a Barq's root beer
18:33.27*** join/#asterisk-dev TheDavidFactor (
18:33.28Kobazwaiting on hold for adtran tech support
18:33.35Kobazand writing some last minute code for an install tomorrow
18:33.48seanbrightso will FORMAT2 cause the RFC to get updated?
18:35.26Kobazand trying to figure out why music on hold gets some nasty corruption in 1.6.2
18:36.39putnopvutI saw the mailing list post about that. Weird looking stuff indeed.
18:36.41russellbseanbright: we have a number of other additions that need to get into a standards doc
18:36.56kpflemingRFCs don't get updated
18:36.59russellbseanbright: and it's actually a new RFC that is a set of additions to the old one, not an update of the old one
18:37.27kpflemingbut FORMAT2 would not cause the entire RFC to be obsoleted... it's just a set of new IEs
18:37.37kpflemingjust like the CALLTOKEN stuff
18:37.40seanbrighti just got 5456 printed and bound
18:37.45seanbrightso i can read it in the library
18:37.46kpflemingit doesn't change the protocl
18:38.09Qwellseanbright: you mean restroom, don't you?
18:38.27Qwellknew it.
18:38.34seanbrighti know.  i'm transparent.
18:38.40fileit's true.
18:38.47kpflemings/in the library/while watching chick movies'
18:39.34seanbrightis the new rfc still in process?
18:39.52kpflemingwhat new RFC?
18:40.07seanbrightsomeone misspoke
18:40.10seanbrightor i misread
18:40.20kpflemingwe have plans to produce some. nothing serious has been done yet.
18:40.28kpflemingthere are three or four needed, for various things.
18:42.12filenever enough time!
18:42.50seanbrightvery true.
18:43.55*** join/#asterisk-dev miguel3239 (
19:20.57tzafrirsruffell, still here?
19:21.07sruffellyes sir
19:50.01*** join/#asterisk-dev anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
20:40.25*** join/#asterisk-dev mpe (
21:48.25*** join/#asterisk-dev guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
21:53.04*** join/#asterisk-dev hehol (

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