IRC log for #asterisk-dev on 20100502

01:36.52*** join/#asterisk-dev eliel (~eliels@
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01:50.01*** join/#asterisk-dev tzafrir (
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02:15.06*** join/#asterisk-dev pabelanger_ (
07:18.00*** join/#asterisk-dev tzafrir (
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12:12.32*** join/#asterisk-dev drachenfels2 (~king@
12:13.13drachenfels2anyone about today
12:18.30tzafririnfobot, tell drachenfels2 about ask
12:18.59tzafrirdrachenfels2, I suppose rob is not here
12:24.46*** join/#asterisk-dev kpfleming (~kpfleming@asterisk/digium-director-of-software-tech/kpfleming)
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12:36.33kpflemingCorydon76-dig: how are things up your way right now? we've just got a large amount of wind, no rain
12:49.52snuff-homemorning kp
12:53.20kpfleminghow is your sunday evening?
12:54.49snuff-homenot bad.. got a cat for lap warmer
12:57.20snuff-homeso anyone have fun stuff planned for the sunday?
12:57.43kpflemingour plans are to avoid the damaging winds and 6" of rain that are expected
12:58.15fileI plan on mowing my lawn
12:58.25snuff-homeah.. more storms..
12:58.58kpflemingyes, nashville to the north of us had major flooding yesterday
12:59.19snuff-homemm.. mowing lawns.. depends how much there is to count if its 'fun' in any sense..
13:00.26kpflemingfile: youtube videos work on my laptop now after the reinstall
13:00.37filekpfleming: ooh yay
13:03.50kpflemingand i could swear my laptop feels dramatically more responsive
13:03.58kpflemingi don't know how that could be true, but it sure feels that way
13:05.08drachenfels2I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem with the scheduler which might be related to a number of bugs. Does anyone know what the correct behaviour of the scheduler should be. With DUMP_SCHDULER turned on, I'm seeing entried like this: [May  2 04:12:42] DEBUG[7327] sched.c: |3044 | 0x241e19        | 0xc618410       | -000019 : 481171 |
13:05.18drachenfels2i.e. run 19 seconds ago..?
13:05.27snuff-homeits funny how OS re-installs make it 'feel' like that ;)
13:06.02drachenfels2why on earth would the schduler not be running this task?
13:06.04kpflemingyeah, i used to experience that all the time with Windows, but this is Ubuntu
13:06.29snuff-homenewer version of ubuntu?
13:06.32snuff-home10.04 lts?
13:08.44drachenfels2Looking at the code, I can see that the task schduler is using calls to ast_tvnow(), is this accurate enough?
13:10.44drachenfels2I can think of various things that might cause tasks to not run, e.g. running ntpd on the server could cause schduler to mess up, if running in Virtual env, this could cause problems as well.
13:11.01kpflemingsnuff-home: yep
13:11.28kpflemingdrachenfels2: ast_tvnow() returns time in milliseconds... accuracy should not be an issue
13:11.59drachenfels2but ast_tvnow is making a call to gettimeofday
13:12.18kpflemingit could be that the thread that is supposed to watching that scheduler queue is no longer running, or is blocked, or something, so nothing is checking the list that includes that scheduler item
13:12.20drachenfels2which means that if the clock on the computer moves around too much, it would completely mess up the schduler code
13:12.28kpflemingthat is correct
13:12.39snuff-homewell.. 9.10 wasn't exactly super stable / fast... intel video driver saga...
13:12.58kpflemingi have wanted to replace that with a tick counter for a long time... but at least it could be switched to CLOCK_MONOTONIC, which would avoid the issue
13:13.06kpflemingsnuff-home: 9.10 was very good for me, never had any serious issues
13:13.47snuff-homethey did concentrate on boot speed in 10.04.. my fav linux related news site.. :)
13:15.14drachenfels2I was just about to suggest a monotonic clock
13:15.39kpflemingyes, unfortunately there arent any truly portable monotonic clock sources
13:16.29kpflemingbut there is one on Linux, which is a start at least, and i'm sure other platforms have something similar
13:17.12kpflemingwell, actually CLOCK_MONOTONIC is part of Posix Realtime, so maybe it's more widely supported than i thought
13:17.34drachenfels2During the times that the timer is going negative on some of the scheduled items, I can see multiple calls to run the queue, but they items don't seem to be getting executed...
13:18.32drachenfels2So the queue item should be getting run, but it's not...
13:19.45drachenfels2I can't see any locks that would prevent it running.
13:19.47kpflemingkeep in mind that there is not just one scheduler queue
13:19.59kpflemingmany modules have one
13:20.37kpflemingso you have to look at the 'context' value of the entry to know which module created it, assuming you have tracked the context pointers created by the various modules
13:25.48snuff-homehas anyone played with new virtualbox 3.2 beta?
13:29.10drachenfels2hmm, ok, didn't realise this.
13:46.26drachenfels2The problem I'm trying to troubleshoot is that for some reason, a few extensions qualifies just stop.. and don't restart until the box receives a register from the device again.
13:49.00kpflemingyou mean device qualify... there is no extension qualify
13:49.37kpflemingthat could indicate that the registration has expired, and so chan_sip has intentionally 'forgotten' where the device is located
13:49.45drachenfels2yes, device qualify
13:50.42kpflemingif you do a 'sip show peer' that peer while it is in that state, does it show a remote IP/port number for the peer?
13:50.47drachenfels2but the queue items i've been talking about going negative, are for the device qualify scheduled items
13:51.08drachenfels2no it says unknown
13:51.26kpflemingwell, it can't send a quality to a peer that it doesn't have an address for
13:51.39kpflemingso the scheduler item you are seeing is probably a leftover that should have been removed
13:53.04kpflemingand now i need to eat breakfast and read the newspaper... good luck :-)
13:55.34filelawn mowing completed, at least the parts I can mow without potentially losing my feet
14:18.02drachenfels2Right, I can see that the sip_queue is running
14:18.04drachenfels2[May  2 15:11:13] DEBUG[23318] sched.c: =============================================================
14:18.05drachenfels2[May  2 15:11:13] DEBUG[23318] sched.c: |ID    Callback          Data              Time  (sec:ms)   |
14:18.05drachenfels2[May  2 15:11:13] DEBUG[23318] sched.c: +-----+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
14:18.05drachenfels2[May  2 15:11:13] DEBUG[23318] sched.c: |1448 | 0x1afe19        | 0xb751a380      | -000027 : 589093 |
14:18.15drachenfels2[May  2 15:11:13] NOTICE[23318] chan_sip.c: chan_sip: running sip queue
14:18.15drachenfels2[May  2 15:11:13] DEBUG[23318] sched.c: ast_sched_runq(&con->schedq_ht:)
14:18.15drachenfels2[May  2 15:11:13] DEBUG[23318] sched.c: time of callback id:1448 1272809473:357302
14:18.15drachenfels2[May  2 15:11:13] DEBUG[23318] sched.c: end time of callback id:1448 1272809473:357342
14:18.15drachenfels2[May  2 15:11:13] DEBUG[23318] sched.c: END ast_sched_runq()
14:18.53drachenfels2[May  2 15:11:12] NOTICE[23318] chan_sip.c: chan_sip: running sip queue
14:18.54drachenfels2[May  2 15:11:12] DEBUG[23318] sched.c: END ast_sched_runq()
14:19.19drachenfels2But why didn't the item get run on the call at 15:11:12 ?
14:23.38kpfleminglook at the time in the entry
14:23.45kpfleming-27 seconds plus 589093 milliseconds
14:23.58kpfleming589093 milliseconds is 589 seconds
14:24.37kpflemingif that's accurate, the scheduler entry is not due to run for a long time
14:25.11kpflemingnow... the time in the scheduler entry should have been normalized so it wouldn't look like that, but the result is the same either way
14:26.00drachenfels2but it does, ay 15:11:13
14:26.06drachenfels2ay =at
14:26.21kpflemingumm... that's not what i was talking about
14:26.42kpflemingthe Time column in the scheduler entry shows when it is due to be run
14:28.34drachenfels2with you on that, the time entry is in seconds and micro seconds
14:28.50drachenfels2not milliseconds
14:29.04kpflemingahh... it should be labeled as 'us' then
14:29.12kpflemingthat's a but
14:29.34kpflemingso... i have no explanation for you then
14:29.44kpflemingyou might be best to bring this up tomorrow, when there will be a lot more developers around
14:31.28drachenfels2k, thanks for your help
15:16.03*** join/#asterisk-dev atis_work (~atis_work@
15:56.50Corydon76-digkpfleming: Yesterday, we had more rain than is normal for the entire summer
15:57.10kpflemingyeah, i saw the pictures on facebook
15:58.06Corydon76-digOh, and as for the closest named creek... Mill Creek... records go back to the 1930s
15:58.30Corydon76-digThe level now IS the record
16:00.14kpflemingwe have been told to prepare for major rain here too, but nothing so far
16:03.00Corydon76-digA group of amateur photos of the floods in TN
16:09.37*** join/#asterisk-dev drachenfels (~king@
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19:36.13*** join/#asterisk-dev atis_work (~atis_work@
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22:31.34*** join/#asterisk-dev jameswf (~james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
22:34.00*** join/#asterisk-dev frawd (~francois@
22:35.49*** join/#asterisk-dev CoderForLife (
22:42.01*** join/#asterisk-dev JT (~j@unaffiliated/jt)

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