IRC log for #asterisk-dev on 20091008

00:14.49*** join/#asterisk-dev jtodd (i=fn1y88n9@asterisk/community-director-and-tie-dye-shirt-lover/jtodd)
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00:48.21*** join/#asterisk-dev Deeewayne (
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01:33.14*** join/#asterisk-dev ebroad (
02:01.19*** join/#asterisk-dev jtodd (i=rbw3mnza@asterisk/community-director-and-tie-dye-shirt-lover/jtodd)
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02:15.48*** join/#asterisk-dev moy (
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03:17.10*** join/#asterisk-dev pyite (n=pyite@unaffiliated/pyite)
03:39.41*** part/#asterisk-dev ZPertee (
04:35.50ebroadmvanbaak, ping
04:40.03*** join/#asterisk-dev JunK-Y (
05:33.30*** join/#asterisk-dev tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
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06:00.54*** join/#asterisk-dev |Cybex| (
06:20.39mvanbaakjust missed them
07:19.38*** join/#asterisk-dev tamiel (n=tamiel@
07:36.44*** join/#asterisk-dev tzafrir_laptop (
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08:48.10*** join/#asterisk-dev Pazzo (
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09:03.28atis_workoej's reccomendation on using "bugs fixed" to measure stability is so cool :p
09:04.06atis_work100-200: new release, 200-500: somewhat stable, 500-1000: stable :D
09:04.55*** join/#asterisk-dev kazaa_lite (
11:55.31*** join/#asterisk-dev leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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12:50.48seanbrightleifmadsen: you got a google wave invite?  you son of a bitch
12:51.02leifmadsenseanbright: I did :)  it sucks
12:51.09leifmadsenI don't know what people are even going to do with it
12:51.22seanbrightit sucks?
12:51.29seanbrighteff you
12:51.58seanbrightwell when you get more invites i expect one
12:52.02seanbrightor you're off the christmas list
12:52.57leifmadsenI was on the list? cool :)
12:53.09seanbrightwell it can't hurt your chances... that's all i'm saying
13:51.25*** join/#asterisk-dev anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
14:01.44*** join/#asterisk-dev Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
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14:07.07tzafrir_laptopDeeewayne, here?
14:08.00tzafrir_laptopor, FWIW, anyboy else: the topic of #asterisk needs a bit of updating:
14:08.15tzafrir_laptopversions of asterisk, asterisk-addons and libpri
14:09.23Deeewaynetzafrir_laptop, I'm here
14:09.55russellbleifmadsen: ^^^
14:10.16leifmadsentzafrir_laptop: to what?
14:10.38leifmadsendid Matt publish new libpri's again without letting me know? :)
14:10.38Deeewayneleifmadsen, "happy unbirthday file"
14:11.30tzafrir_laptopoh, right. all asterisk "releases" are RCs
14:11.45leifmadsentzafrir_laptop: yes, we don't change the topic for RCs there
14:11.48leifmadsenso I think those are right
14:26.43*** part/#asterisk-dev |Cybex| (
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15:09.32*** join/#asterisk-dev ebroad (n=EB@
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15:16.56ebroadmvanbaak, do you have a minute or two to spare?
15:17.04ebroadchan_skinny question
15:20.58anonymouz666question: In func_volume we have checks for DTMFs * and # to increase/decrease volume... but how to use that...? How do I trigger these DTMFs?
15:21.15mvanbaakjust hit those keys on the ohene
15:21.35anonymouz666mvanbaak: you use it?
15:21.44anonymouz666doesn't seem to work
15:21.49anonymouz666only by dialplan
15:28.55anonymouz666mvanbaak: put ast_log() inside the function to increase the volume and nothing is the function is really not being called
15:38.55ebroadmvanbaak, chan_skinny, line 4344, shouldn't we only be calling ast_rtp_instance_new_source() if we are remotely bridging
15:40.43mvanbaakon a SRCUPDATE we should call it as well
15:41.12*** join/#asterisk-dev CunningPike (n=CunningP@
15:41.16mvanbaak(or the same bug is present in all rtp using modules)
15:41.36ebroadhmm, im getting  a segfault on any inbound call from a sip device to a skinny devic
15:41.48ebroadinstance->engine->newsource is empty
15:54.29mvanbaakI have no problem getting and answering calls that come in over IAX2
15:54.46ebroadhehe, pigs will fly when cisco supports iax2
15:58.35ebroadthe issue only seems to be local, i.e. calls from a trunk or from a softphone on the outside(nat=yes) work fine. it looks like an issue with directmedia
15:58.50mvanbaakITSP <-- IAX2 --> asterisk <-- skinny --> 7960
15:59.24ebroadcheap cordless --> spa-2102 --> asterisk --> 7940(skinny)
15:59.51ebroadill have to wait until i get home to get a backtrace
16:00.08ebroador try to get my wife to try it
16:03.01Corydon76-digYou don't have ssh access?
16:03.11ebroadi don't think the 7940's can do ssh
16:04.09ebroadi have access to my * box, but i need a phone on the local segment to trigger this
16:05.26Corydon76-digDunno, if my production boxes segfault, they always leave behind good cores
16:05.51ebroadi trashed my cores yesterday while i was doing some testing
16:22.35mvanbaakebroad: I never tested that. I dont have any sip devices here at home
16:23.00mvanbaakwell, not connected to my asterisk. I have a couple but they are all connected to my work pbx
16:23.28ebroadim going to see what i can do from the 7940 web interface
16:23.54ebroadthe sip firmware has telnet and a test feature which will simulate key press
16:26.41mvanbaakreprovision the 7940 to make it autoanswer your calls
16:27.25ebroadi was also getting a segfault when directmedia=yes in skinny.conf for the line
16:27.29ebroadon outbound calls only
16:40.15seanbrightwhy does no one sell the power supply with the phone (7960) on ebay?
16:41.09ebroadif you have $200 or so to spare, get a catalyst 3550 pwr
16:41.23seanbright <- not the 7960 i was looking for
16:53.21*** join/#asterisk-dev jetsnoc (n=brian@
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17:07.17mvanbaakmaybe it's the new design for the cisco phones
17:11.08*** join/#asterisk-dev errotan (n=errotan@
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17:27.43ebroadmvanbaak, do you know how to configure auto answer via the SEPmac.cnf.xml file?
17:34.31*** join/#asterisk-dev |Cybex| (n=John@
17:44.13*** join/#asterisk-dev Praise (n=Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
18:17.02*** join/#asterisk-dev atis_work (n=atis_wor@
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18:59.33ebroadmvanbaak, ping
19:00.42filethis is not my terminal window
19:01.07*** join/#asterisk-dev Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
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19:01.09Marquis42file: Look on the bright side, you didn't think it was a window asking for a password.  I've done that. :(
19:02.04ebroadMarquis42, i think we all have, SANS ISC actually had a poll some time back asking if those passwords were ever used
19:02.43Marquis42ebroad: Oh yeah?  At least I'm not alone. :)
19:06.06jsmithHow do we know that file's password isn't "make"?
19:07.20Marquis42I believe a 'zing!' is in order. ;)
19:08.10filemy password is...
19:08.12filenot short.
19:17.22*** join/#asterisk-dev atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:23.13Corydon76-diggains root to file's box with "not short"
19:28.04mvanbaakebroad: pong
19:28.11ebroadgot a backtrace
19:28.25ebroadi used xml push to dial
19:28.29ebroadits pretty cool
19:29.24ebroadmvanbaak,, this is with directmedia=yes under the line config in skinny.conf
19:29.32ebroaddialing a sip peer
19:30.39ebroadin ast_rtp_instance_early_bridge_make_compatible() it looks like glue1->get_codec is null
19:31.41ebroadadding an ast_verbose(codec is %d, glue1->get_codec(c1)) will cause it to segfault on the ast_verbose() statment
19:36.58atis_homerussellb: 15976
19:37.09MuffinMan[closed] [Asterisk] Resources/res_musiconhold 0015976: abort in filestream_destructor / ast_filestream_frame_freed / moh_files_generator reported by atis (Karma: +18.00)
19:37.13atis_homethat's why i started to test that patch
19:37.42atis_homehowever that crash somehow stopped, i'm unsure why
19:37.53russellbmagic, i guess
19:37.59atis_homeit couldb be that i removed res_timing_pthread or stopped using core show channels for debug
19:39.15atis_homei just tested for few times, got few backtraces as i uploaded in 15609 and reverted
19:39.55atis_homebut i still ocassionally get Exceptionally long...
19:39.59atis_homeif it's related at all
19:41.29russellbright, a number of people are seeing that
19:41.32russellbi don't think it's related
19:41.35russellbi need to deal with that next
19:41.59atis_homeis that something serious? possible audio problems?
19:42.35atis_homei just have scheduled 1.6.1 release going production saturday :p
19:47.11russellbi don't know yet
19:52.27atis_homeuhh, you commited it.. i guess i have to test it overnight
19:53.45russellbi think that crash you saw is the sign of a different problem, if you can reproduce it on the latest code so that I can follow line numbers and such, I'll take a look
19:54.44atis_homerussellb: isn't it also going to 1.6?
19:54.46russellbthese bugs are driving me nuts
19:56.03atis_homeperhaps next week.. this week i'm trying to get my 1.6.1 perfectly stable :)
19:56.16atis_homenot to make it crash with your patches :D
20:03.41*** part/#asterisk-dev shido6 (
20:07.46*** join/#asterisk-dev tzafrir_laptop (
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20:09.00atis_homerussellb: oh, could the cause of crash be that ast_closestream in doesn't have AST_SCHED_DEL?
20:09.37russellbprobably not
20:09.39atis_homewhat you commited just didn't merge with
20:09.48russellbthat would be why it didn't merge, anyway, yeah
20:10.28atis_homewell, i'll leave that patch for testing later on vanilla trunk
20:11.14atis_homenow i already have 126kB of patches running :)
20:16.25tzafrir_laptopwould appreciate a response of some sort to
20:17.33kpflemingi doubt you will get one, and you should probably just proceed. the people who are most likely to be able to analyze that post and respond are involved in other projects that are higher priority for them, unfortunately.
20:18.55*** join/#asterisk-dev leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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20:19.36ebroadThe_Boy_Wonder, ping
20:21.19russellbebroad: i pinged first!!!
20:21.23russellb(on another network :-p)
20:21.48ebroadrussellb, hehe, i wanted to ask dave about
20:22.04ebroad4 bytes is 4 bytes :)
20:27.04*** part/#asterisk-dev |Cybex| (n=John@
20:37.03ebroadleifmadsen, ping
20:37.12leifmadsenebroad: pong
20:37.35ebroadwhats the url of the mantis workflow
20:38.04The_Boy_Wonderebroad: hey
20:38.22leifmadsenthe wordflow is under Related Pages
20:38.43ebroadleifmadsen, thanx i got it
20:38.44leifmadsen11th last in the list (near the bottom)
20:39.14ebroadshould we save 4 bytes
20:39.16leifmadsenis reading about the erlang model... weee!
20:39.31The_Boy_Wonderha, sure
20:39.40The_Boy_Wonderits just in one branch
20:40.08ebroadtrue, i guess its technically a feature as well
20:40.31ebroadthough it should backport nicely to 1.6.1 and maybe 1.6.0
20:40.35The_Boy_Wonderyep, i added it into the CHANGES log for 1.6.3
20:40.40ebroadi saw that
20:41.09The_Boy_Wonderit's not very invasive, so you have an argument there
20:41.52ebroadtrue, and it does correct some broken functionality
20:42.05ebroadleifmadsen, i think ill give marshaling a shot
20:42.10leifmadsenebroad: yay!
20:42.29leifmadsenI will get you "the power"
20:42.37The_Boy_Wonderoh nice!
20:42.39leifmadsenfirst... you get the money
20:42.56ebroadleifmadsen, given the amount of mantis entries, you guys could use some help
20:43.04ebroadleifmadsen, ah yes the money
20:43.14The_Boy_Wonderwait, money!?!
20:43.27leifmadsenThe_Boy_Wonder: yes, I'm charging for privileges now
20:43.58leifmadsen1 penny of every bug opened goes to children in Africa
20:43.58ebroadleifmadsen, $25 per patch
20:44.24ebroadi think we have a deal
20:44.56leifmadsenebroad: access updated!
20:45.00leifmadsenlet me know when/if you have any questions
20:45.05ebroadleifmadsen, much appreciated
20:45.07ebroadoh i will
20:45.10leifmadsenebroad: thanks!
20:45.26ebroad"Logged in as: ebroad (Elazar - manager)"
20:45.37The_Boy_Wonderoh SNAP
20:47.20Corydon76-digthought an ebroad was a virtual girlfrined
20:47.52ebroadCorydon76-dig, the broad jokes are very old ;)
20:48.18ebroadthough i seem to have a lot of street namesakes
20:48.27Corydon76-digI'll be here all week.  Try the veal
20:50.13ebroadwho handles chan_spy
20:50.40Corydon76-digWell, file, but file's time is already full
20:50.59filefull of implosions!
20:51.22fileraises eyebrow
20:51.25MuffinMan[new] [Asterisk] Applications/app_chanspy 0016045: crash when spying - was working fine in beta2 reported by bluecrow76 (Karma: +10.00)
20:51.35ebroadthere we go
20:51.39seanbrighteffing chanspy
20:51.41seanbrightjust remove it
20:51.57ebroaddouble free
20:52.04Corydon76-digonly if I can remove chan_sip
20:52.18ebroadif you write chan_sip2
20:52.46Corydon76-digebroad: do you do anything with databases?
20:53.26ebroadCorydon76-dig, i know a thing or two, i work for a medium size shop with a small it dept, so i have to be jack of all trades(master of none)
20:53.58Corydon76-digebroad: do you use database transactions?
20:54.11ebroadwhat platform?
20:54.29ebroadyes, on MS SQL
20:54.45ebroadbasic transactioning though, commit and rollback
20:55.24Corydon76-digOkay, there's an ability to use transactions in 1.6.2 with func_odbc
20:56.09Corydon76-digThis was a request... it's done, but I'm not really sure that the syntax and description make sense or are helpful
20:56.13ebroadwithin the dial plan?
20:56.47ebroadisnt that a little heavy for something that is somewhat time sensitive
20:57.17Corydon76-digSo what I really need is somebody who does that kind of thing to look at the docs and ask the kind of questions that somebody would ask when they're trying to get this to work, so we can be proactive and answer those in the documentation first
20:58.20ebroadarchitecturally its simple though
20:58.36Corydon76-digI've personally always managed without transactions, even accounting systems...
20:58.52ebroadie. insert into table (column) value (value)
20:58.56Corydon76-digbut some people wanted us to support them, so...
20:59.01ebroadif everything goes fine, commit
20:59.08ebroadif something blows up, roll back
20:59.27Corydon76-digRight, that's the idea
20:59.56Corydon76-digSo the questions are twofold... what haven't I documented well, and am I missing anything critical?
21:01.04ebroadforgive my ignorance, where is the func_odbc doc
21:01.07Corydon76-digSo if you looked at the ODBC() dialplan function and you could figure out how to use it with transactions, then all is good
21:01.24Corydon76-digwell, there's func_odbc.conf.sample
21:01.47ebroadim wondering what they are putting in the database at say the beginning of the call that cant be put when the call is done
21:01.52Corydon76-digbut that only specifies queries... the dialplan is where the transactions are built
21:02.34ebroadthe only real reason for transactions is if you believe something might blow up in the middkle
21:02.49Corydon76-digThat's an instance question and I like to leave those to PBX admins
21:03.22ebroadright, but if something is going to blow up in the middle of a call, then you have bigger problems
21:04.01Corydon76-digHeh... the argument you have is, "why would you ever need transactions in the dialplan?"
21:04.20ebroadi want to know why
21:04.24ebroadthat aside
21:04.25Corydon76-digI personally don't, and I guess you don't either
21:04.28ebroadill check out the docs
21:04.50Corydon76-digThank you
21:06.18leifmadsenperhaps thats a good question to ask on the -dev list. Sometimes people request functionality when they themselves don't quite understand why they wouldneed it
21:07.03leifmadsenif we had a usage example, that typically makes things simpler to understand why something is useful, and how best it should be executed
21:07.31ebroadCorydon76-dig, is there an entry in mantis?
21:07.50Corydon76-digebroad: No, because it all resides in res_odbc
21:12.03ebroaddocumentation looks good to me, defaulting forcecommit to yes would be backwards compatible which is good
21:12.28ebroadwhen transactioning is not in use, queries are usually commited immediately
21:12.34ebroaddepending on the server config
21:12.46ebroadso you can pull the ? mark
21:13.14Corydon76-digThe ? mark?
21:13.25ebroadDefault to committing uncommitted transactions?
21:13.41ebroadunless that was an unintended typo
21:13.49Corydon76-digebroad: that's a question for the admin to answer
21:14.20ebroadright, but the average user will expect odbc to commit right away
21:14.45Corydon76-digNo, that's not the autocommit flag
21:14.58Corydon76-digThat's what happens to transactions that aren't explicitly committed
21:15.11ebroadthen i would default it to no
21:16.18Corydon76-digOkay, so I need to clarify that it's NOT the autocommit flag
21:16.57Corydon76-digBasically, any query can happen either within or outside of a transaction... it's the other commands before it which make that determination
21:17.21Corydon76-digIf you start a transaction before a query, and you're using the same DB handle, then the query happens within the transaction
21:17.37Corydon76-digIf not, it's autocommitted right away
21:17.59ebroadon ms sql anything within the begin transaction block will be transactioned
21:18.21Corydon76-digRight, until you commit or rollback, and that's the same here
21:18.34ebroadthat is correct
21:19.00ebroadbegin transaction is sql92 i believe
21:19.32ebroadso all rdbms will never transaction unless you specify it
21:21.28Corydon76-digIn our case, we use the ODBC() function to start a transaction.
21:21.35jsmithebroad: Yes, that's my understanding
21:21.55jsmithebroad: Most RDBMS systems will *only* do transactions if you tell them to
21:22.24Corydon76-digAnd then you use "tx-id" for the commit
21:23.26Corydon76-digThe idea is that you could potentially run parallel transactions, in a single dialplan, if you really wanted to, even on the same database (using different connection handles, though)
21:23.49Corydon76-digerr, in a single call, that is.
21:24.06Corydon76-digWhy you would WANT to, OTOH, isn't really addressed.  Just that you can.
21:24.36ebroadright, but begin transaction will lock the table
21:24.39ebroador query
21:24.58ebroadodbc begin transaction
21:25.16Corydon76-digThere's locks involved, but what they are is backend-defined
21:25.27ebroadif my call with somedude is 20 minutes long
21:25.37ebroadthen the table will be locked for 20 minutes
21:25.52Corydon76-digI don't think that's necessarily true
21:26.32Corydon76-digWhat could happen in the meantime, though, is that somebody else inserts a record that conflicts with your insert, and the commit could fail
21:26.49Corydon76-digbut that all depends upon the level of isolation
21:27.05ebroadi think an insert or update would fail
21:27.23ebroadwhat select returns depends on isolation
21:27.42Corydon76-digThen MS SQL Server does some things differently
21:27.45ebroadyou know, i could see this being used in a realtime billing scenario
21:28.02Corydon76-digWhen I worked with Informix, you could do this, and it would never lock the whole table
21:28.38Corydon76-digjust the longer that you held that transaction, the more possible that some other query could conflict
21:29.00Corydon76-digwhoever commits first is who takes precedence
21:29.07ebroadcorrection, ms sql will lock the row
21:29.25ebroadms sql doesnt do that
21:29.43ebroadi.e. if balance = $8
21:29.53ebroadi lock, update balance to 10
21:30.06Corydon76-digWell, no explicit lock, though
21:30.21Corydon76-digThere ARE locks in Informix, but you need to explicitly request them
21:30.31ebroadyou attempt to  update as well, depending on isolation, your update will fail, since balance = 8 when you started
21:30.48ebroador your update will commit after mine
21:31.26jsmithMany modern RDBMSs use MVCC
21:32.08ebroadwhich makes sense
21:33.46ebroadapparently sql 2005 and later supports mvcc
21:34.15ebroadat that point transactioning is moot
21:35.30ebroaduhg, i don't like skinny
21:47.28*** join/#asterisk-dev telecos (
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22:30.31kazaa_liteare there some restrictions in calling sleep from a codec?
22:30.51kazaa_litei call sleep and my codec hangs up
22:31.17Corydon76-digYou shouldn't ever pause within a codec
22:31.30atis_homerussellb: you still there?
22:31.43Corydon76-digIf you need to wait, return a null_frame
22:32.19kazaa_liteummm.... right
22:32.50kpflemingyeah, codec modules cannot block or sleep
22:33.50Corydon76-digand that's an AST_FRAME_NULL, not NULL
22:34.06russellbatis_home: yup
22:34.10kpflemingactually, there's a global ast_null_frame somewhere
22:34.38Corydon76-digkpfleming: only in some versions, I think
22:34.47atis_homerussellb: i can give you access to our testing server, which constantly has ~120 testing calls for now
22:35.26Corydon76-digAh, 1.4 and forward
22:35.28russellbatis_home: and shows this issue?
22:35.57russellbatis_home: aragon said something about usage of "show channel" in his setup.  Are you using that, too?
22:35.58atis_homei'm right now grepping today's log, that message shows up several times per hour
22:36.07atis_homerussellb: not anymore
22:36.18russellbany sort of CLI or manager activity?
22:36.42atis_homevery low manager, - pause/unpause, and some CLI
22:37.10atis_homeCLI uses only "core show locks" and "core show uptime"
22:37.58russellbyou say several times an hour, roughly how many is several?
22:41.05*** join/#asterisk-dev leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
22:41.05*** mode/#asterisk-dev [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
22:41.38atis_homewell, it's actually every 2-20 minutes
22:41.47atis_homeand if they start coming up, they repeat often
22:41.55atis_homei guess, it depends on load
23:31.46*** join/#asterisk-dev jmls (

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