IRC log for #asterisk-dev on 20080916

00:12.07*** join/#asterisk-dev tzafrir_home (
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00:13.27tzafrir_homehe're a little quiz: the following patch, when applied to trunk, does not any functional effect. Why?
00:14.19tzafrir_homeis off to bed
00:16.24tzafrir_homethe patch does something very simple: removes a '}' in one place and adds it somewhere else, well below
00:17.29tzafrir_homeand some 700 lines down pri_dchannel()
00:24.15*** join/#asterisk-dev DarkRift (
00:45.58seanbrighttzafrir_home: because chan_dahdi is voodoo
01:33.20seanbrightfile: ping
01:33.58seanbrightactually, nm.  just figured it out.
01:36.30*** join/#asterisk-dev dwayne (i=dwayne@
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02:17.11*** join/#asterisk-dev DarkRift (
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04:18.28fileseanbright: hmm?
04:44.41*** join/#asterisk-dev kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
04:50.41*** part/#asterisk-dev dwayne (i=dwayne@
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11:49.06*** join/#asterisk-dev eferro (n=eferro@
11:50.25*** join/#asterisk-dev freddyk (
11:50.40freddyki have a question related to blind transfer
11:50.54freddykon asterisk 1.6 rc6
11:51.00freddyki have a segmentation fault
11:51.07freddykin ast_bridge_call
11:51.21freddykwith chan->cdr equals to NULL
11:51.27freddykon answering
11:51.38freddykdoes anyone knows about this ?
11:55.05jsmith-awayfreddyk: It's probably worth opening a bug report
11:55.20jsmith-awayfreddyk: Make sure you include the backtrace information so that the developers can track it down
12:03.33eferrowhich is the meaning of acf in acf_channel_read? I copy this function name from chan_iax2 for using in chan_mgcp.c and I'm not sure if the "acf" have sense...
12:11.38*** join/#asterisk-dev kpfleming|laptop (n=kpflemin@asterisk/digium-director-of-software-tech/kpfleming)
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12:15.45*** join/#asterisk-dev caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
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12:36.42*** join/#asterisk-dev ctooley (n=ctooley@
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12:38.36codefreeze-lapfreddyk: already one open
12:39.47elielmvanbaak: the file 'optimze_search.patch' could be removed from the branch isn't it?
13:12.53*** join/#asterisk-dev qdk_ (n=qdk@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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13:23.26elielmvanbaak: we continue having the ESC sequence bug.
13:27.42*** join/#asterisk-dev mog (n=mog@nat/digium/x-63add505d3d87d91)
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13:31.15tzafrir_laptopeliel, what is the different between <priority> and 'hint' (markup-wise)?
13:31.53mvanbaakeliel: yeah, I see it :(
13:32.07tzafrir_laptopthat is: what is the difference between 'foo' and <foo>?
13:32.58eliel<> ---> <replaceable>
13:33.14eliel'' -----> <literal>
13:33.24eliel** -----> <emphasis>
13:33.35snuff-homecodefreeze-lap: refcounter is good.. if only i realised 1/2 hr ago the latest stuff was at the top
13:33.35eliel"" ------> <filename>
13:35.43codefreeze-lapsits back in chair and says... "timing. Hmmmm"
13:43.54*** join/#asterisk-dev JimVanM (
13:44.45snuff-homeand i think that is enough ao2 for tonight.. more concentration required to do properly
13:49.56*** join/#asterisk-dev bbryant (
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13:50.11filenods to JimVanM and bbryant
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14:04.41JimVanMnods back to file
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14:42.36seanbrightcodefreeze-lap: ping
14:42.40*** join/#asterisk-dev mav3rick (
14:44.04mav3rickHi guys. I'm running Asterisk (default compilation options) which handles 5000 calls per day. I have a BIG memory leak : 500mb per day. The dialplan uses a lot of Gosub, return, and Meetme (with ztdummy). I've been having this issue since Asterisk 1.4.7. Any idea ?
14:49.54jsmithmav3rick: You could try turning on DEBUG_MALLOC  and rebuilding Asterisk, then looking at the memory allocations from the CLI and trying to track down which module is leaking
14:50.58mav3rickDEBUG_MALLOC is activated ; /var/log/asterisk/mmlog only have one line ("New session")
14:51.23codefreeze-lapseanbright: here be I
14:51.24mav3rickon the CLI I only have my dialplan (debug = 3, verbose = 3)
14:51.30seanbrightcodefreeze-lap: oh happy day...
14:51.36MuffinMan[new] [Asterisk] CDR/General 0013490: crash in ast_cdr_start, backtraces attached reported by seanbright (Karma: +50.00)
14:51.58seanbrighti'm uploading some backtraces in a moment
14:52.00filemmlog will only tell you when something bad happens, it won't keep writing out memory allocation status when ever something is freed/allocated...
14:52.06filethat would fill up a system fastttt
14:52.50codefreeze-lapseanbright: how does that differ from 13467
14:52.58jsmithmav3rick: There's a cli command to show the memory allocations... just do that from time to time and see what increases
14:53.05MuffinMan[feedback] [Asterisk] CDR/General 0013467: Seg fault 1.6.0 trunk reported by edantie (Karma: +1.25)
14:53.11seanbrightmine is in 1.4
14:53.18codefreeze-lapOK, good enough.
14:53.32mav3rickjsmith: ok got it !
14:54.00mav3rickjsmith: "show memory allocations" dumps a LOT OF ast_variable_new at line 194 of config.c
14:54.11seanbrightcodefreeze-lap: anyway, i saw the crash happened there and i thought of you :)
14:54.16jsmithmav3rick: Cool beans... watch it for a while, and try to track down exactly what's going wrong... then come back and report
14:54.19seanbrightin a good way, i promise.
14:56.44*** join/#asterisk-dev Corydon76-dig (i=blue@pdpc/supporter/bronze/Corydon76-home)
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14:57.39mav3rickafter hundred calls, I have : 30567311 bytes in 533930 allocations in file 'config.c' ... 30Mb from config.c does not seem good, right?
14:58.32seanbrightwell this might be a dupe
14:59.23codefreeze-lapseanbright: no worry. I enjoy closing a bug w/a fix. I *Really* enjoy closing two or more with one fix.
15:05.15seanbrightcodefreeze-lap: ok, well, bt's uploaded.
15:07.35*** join/#asterisk-dev jpeeler (n=jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
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15:11.30*** join/#asterisk-dev Schmooze (
15:18.23tzafrir_laptopdahdi doesn't have any EC that uses MMX, right?
15:29.51kpfleming|laptopmav3rick: no, that's not right
15:31.12mav3rickhow can I debug "more" ? which module is running ast_variable_new ?
15:31.38mav3rickI have autoload=yes in modules.conf, but very few configuration files
15:32.15mav3rickI only have asterisk.conf,extensions.conf,logger.conf,manager.conf,meetme.conf(EMPTY!),modules.conf,rtp.conf,sip.conf,and zapata.conf (EMPTY)
15:33.19tzafrir_laptopmav3rick, can you see which specific allocation is responsible for most of this?
15:33.29*** join/#asterisk-dev outtolunc (
15:34.42mav3rick"memory show allocations" shows: ast_variable_new at line 194 of config.c
15:35.26mav3rick"memory show summary" shows: 37736488 bytes in 659192 allocations in file 'config.c'
15:36.42mav3rickI have to go, I'll be back in one hour or two. If you need me to run some commands (or grab more informations), I'll read the IRC channel
15:39.02kpfleming|laptopthat's all the needed information
15:39.07kpfleming|laptopat least all you will be able to gather
15:44.13*** join/#asterisk-dev putnopvut (n=putnopvu@nat/digium/x-f300c3de9dd467f2)
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15:48.59*** join/#asterisk-dev CunningPike (n=arodgers@
15:53.46*** join/#asterisk-dev Laureano (n=Laureano@
15:57.47*** join/#asterisk-dev kpfleming|laptop (n=kpflemin@asterisk/digium-director-of-software-tech/kpfleming)
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16:05.34Corydon76-digMorning, Kevin
16:06.01Corydon76-digHow's the weather out yonder?
16:06.12russellbhot and dry
16:06.52russellb<DonutPuncher> KPHX at 8:51 (15:51Z): Scattered, 84.2 (29), 30.04in (1014mb), Moderate breeze 11kt ()
16:06.57russellbnot too hot yet, actually
16:17.23fileof course in this room it is freezing
16:18.08outtoluncyou two are in PHX already, sheesh
16:18.23russellblots of decorating to do!
16:18.58outtoluncstill trying to swing by the show on the way back from TX, but with my luck..
16:20.11filewe are decorating.
16:20.38outtolunchanging orange flip-flops from every light?
16:20.50russellbnot quite
16:20.55outtolunc<G> aww
16:21.16russellblots of tiny snowflakes in the shape of asterisks
16:21.26russellball over the ceilings
16:37.21*** join/#asterisk-dev outtolunc (
16:45.32mvanbaakhello all
16:45.42putnopvuthi mvanbaak
16:46.05mvanbaakpacks his swimmingsuit
16:50.11ctooleyhopes it is supposed to still be hot and dry next week.
16:54.05seanbrightit's AZ
16:54.14seanbrightisn't that always the forecast?
16:57.28*** join/#asterisk-dev jameswf-home (
16:58.11mvanbaakhhmm, someone going from O'Hare to PHX ?
16:58.20kpfleming|laptopi'm sure someone is
16:58.43mvanbaaklol kevin
16:59.06russellbi don't know, o'hare is pretty small
16:59.08mvanbaakdidn't expect them to charter a private yet for me no
16:59.28mvanbaakrussellb: yeah. And I'm stuck there for 4 hours and 15 minutes
17:00.04mvanbaakon my return flight I'm going from PHX to Dulles to AMS
17:00.23mvanbaak1 hour 23 minutes in Dulles
17:01.31mvanbaakhhmm, I should stay focussed and not forget my passport when I go out to have a smoke in o'hare
17:02.22mvanbaakcoworker of mine forgot
17:02.31mvanbaakhe missed his plane because of it
17:02.51mvanbaakhe was there with his wife and kids
17:03.06mvanbaaktold his wife: "I'll brb, going out for a smoke"
17:03.40mvanbaakand when he got back he was stopped, and could not get back to his family because his family had his passport and he only had a lighter and a pack of smokes
17:04.18seanbrighttake your boarding pass, too.
17:04.30mvanbaakgood one, thanks
17:04.40mvanbaakbut I'm not there with family
17:04.47mvanbaakso I'll prolly take all my stuff
17:04.52seanbrightgood point
17:09.36*** join/#asterisk-dev mvanbaak_ (n=michiel@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
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17:12.00*** join/#asterisk-dev JunK-Y (
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17:49.59elielmvanbaak: you are traveling for the astricon?
17:51.34mvanbaaknot today
17:51.43mvanbaakbut I will be next monday
17:55.36elielwrite the email to de -dev list :-) so we can get some feedback and continue development
17:57.10JunK-Ymvanbaak: when do you arrive at PHX, on monday?
17:58.05mvanbaakJunK-Y: 19:00
17:58.47JunK-Yim at like 3
17:59.12JunK-Yi was to propose you a ride to the hotel, since the taxi is pretty expensive.
17:59.37elielmvanbaak: where I you from?
17:59.39mvanbaakwell, with some luck someone can pick me up ;)
17:59.47mvanbaakeliel: The Netherlands
18:00.32elielmvanbaak: I though you where from the usa
18:00.51mvanbaaklol, what made you think so ?
18:01.17elielwhich is your main language there (eliel-- in geography)
18:01.58mvanbaakbut english is part of the elementary school here
18:02.06elielmvanbaak: because of your english I though you where from usa
18:02.12mvanbaakand we dont have dutch voiceovers here
18:02.23mvanbaakall movies are in english, with dutch subtitles
18:02.25caio1982mvanbaak: just to compare with the costs I've found... would mind saying the average cost from .nl to usa and back for astricon?
18:02.42JunK-Ycaio1982: are you coming too ?
18:02.49elielhere too, we have english our main movie language, with spanish subtitles
18:02.49mvanbaakcaio1982: plane ticket around 650 euro
18:03.12*** join/#asterisk-dev joetester2 (n=chatzill@
18:03.33mvanbaakcaio1982: I ordered at August 4
18:03.33caio1982JunK-Y: I would love to, but it's about 4k dollars from brazil and back :-(
18:03.41caio1982mvanbaak: oh, pretty cheap
18:04.02mvanbaakcaio1982: if I have to order now the ticket is around 1500 euro
18:04.14caio1982hmm that explains :/
18:04.35caio1982next year i'll try to evaluate the costs 6 months before astricon :)
18:04.48mvanbaakorder in advance and save money
18:04.58*** join/#asterisk-dev Cresl1n (
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18:05.35putnopvutI got really into the olympics a few weeks ago. I considered trying to buy tickets for London four years in advance so I could attend the next games. I don't think airlines let you book that far in advance though.
18:05.49elielhow many developers are signed up to the astridevcon?
18:05.49mvanbaaklol putnopvut
18:06.00fileputnopvut: a year in advance!
18:06.48caio1982i guess you can even try to postpone the booked flight for a couple of times, that would mean, maybe, 2 years or so :P
18:06.54caio1982but, yeah, that's cheating hehe
18:08.06caio1982eliel: i'm curious about that too
18:08.09mvanbaakcaio1982: 676,30 euro to be exact
18:08.44mvanbaak954 us dollars
18:14.51elielthere was an email a long time ago about svn statics, lines of code commited by every developer, and lot more, is that already public?
18:16.07putnopvuteliel: I think that information is viewable with viewvc, but I don't know the URL.
18:16.40elielputnopvut: thanks, I will try to find it
18:17.36Corydon76-digbtw, you might have more success if you search for "statistics"
18:18.08elielCorydon76-dig: heh, my poor english...
18:18.16elielcaio1982: thanks
18:21.50JunK-Ycaio1982: when using option -L with ssh, do you know how to get multiples ports?
18:23.30caio1982JunK-Y: hmm nope
18:23.59JunK-Yi need to get many hostport for 1 tunnel.
18:25.41*** join/#asterisk-dev russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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18:30.16JunK-Yi found it, we can have multiples -L
18:38.35tzafrir_laptopJunK-Y, openvpn
18:39.20JunK-Ymy goal is to do it directly with ssh, no vpn.
18:39.46tzafrir_laptopYou can also add -L and -R at run time
18:40.06tzafrir_laptopby using ~C
18:40.19tzafrir_laptop(with openssh, that is)
18:42.06JunK-Yya, i just didnt know you could use many -L.
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19:08.43kpfleming|laptopyes, openssh tunnels are awesomeness
19:08.51kpfleming|laptopunless you need UDP, of course
19:08.55putnopvutcodefreeze-lap: ping. I'm getting a crash every time I hang up a forwarded call in trunk. It seems to be cdr-related. Details here:
19:09.42putnopvutIf the line-numbers seem a bit off, it's actually because I was using the issue8824 branch, but it's based on trunk.
19:10.35*** join/#asterisk-dev bbryant (
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19:20.16codefreeze-lapputnopvut: I'm in the middle of it now; terrible choices need to be made; well, terrible to me, at least, as I have maintain this: romeo and juliet verses keep coming to mind... a rose, by any other name....
19:20.43codefreeze-lapuh /have maintain/have to maintain/
19:20.45putnopvutokay, I wasn't sure if you knew about that or not. Thanks.
19:26.17filethis is the CDR situation that never ends... it just goes on and on my friend
19:29.12russellbsome systems, started logging without knowing what it was
19:31.21*** join/#asterisk-dev eferro (
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20:04.10lmadsenummm.... I can't load asterisk-addons modules when DONT_OPTIMIZE is enabled in the main asterisk source?
20:04.25lmadsenoops... I'm not in #asterisk, sorry (tab order is wrong)
20:06.26*** join/#asterisk-dev mvanbaak_ (n=michiel@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
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20:10.51seanbrightthe nice part about a crashing asterisk is that you can recompile and install a known-working copy right underneath it
20:11.06seanbrightand the next time it decides to crap it's shorts, the happy version comes up
20:12.21seanbrightthat is all.
20:18.18codefreeze-lapOK, I think I have a line on the CDR crash; I have a fix that works with attended xfers, and I'll test it on a bunch of scenarios. Hmmm, should I expose the community to it yet? Might find snags...
20:20.51russellbcodefreeze-lap: 'tis your job to evaluate the risk :)
20:23.16lmadsenI love exposing to the community
20:25.03russellblmadsen: :-X
20:25.09lmadsenrussellb: heh
20:26.03lmadsenI really need to get a headset
20:26.13codefreeze-lapWell, evaluate I am. zap hookflash assisted 3 way looks good. zap hookflash blind looks good. zap  #blind looks good. sip blind xfer from one zap to another looks good....
20:27.11codefreeze-lapEh, let's expose it.
20:29.37Corydon76-dig"Our code isn't released; it escapes."
20:34.12putnopvutcodefreeze-lap: don't forget to try what I was doing too, a call forward.
20:41.24twistedlmadsen: if you expose to me in AZ I will be forced to cacti you
20:41.49Corydon76-digexposes twisted
20:43.08codefreeze-lapputnopvut: pardon my ignorance... but how would I set up for that? I've got a snom and polycom, and I've never tried that yet with either.
20:43.31putnopvutcodefreeze-lap: is your polycom a 430?
20:43.38codefreeze-lapha, there's a fwd button on that polycom
20:43.44putnopvutyeah, that's the ticket :)
20:43.52codefreeze-lapI've been ignoring it for... well, forever
20:48.31codefreeze-lapOK, after setting *both* lines to fwd to 200, the polycom seems to automatically fwd the call to 200, and I get two CDR's, and..... survive just fine
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20:59.56Cresl1npokes file
21:08.22seanbrightcodefreeze-lap: will this patch apply against 1.4?
21:08.46seanbright(nm, i need to read)
21:10.12codefreeze-lapseanbright: yep
21:10.28seanbrightok, well, it'll need to wait until tonight when i can safely bounce the PBX
21:14.18seanbrightcode samples on wikipedia are GPL'd right?
21:14.34outtoluncpublic domain most likely
21:14.59seanbrightcuz all the code i have submitted to the project comes from wikipedia
21:15.06seanbrightlike... *every* line
21:16.45snuff-homejpeeler: 13493 - he reported all good pretty fast.. :)
21:17.08jpeelersnuff-home: yes sir!
21:17.40snuff-homeis it just me.. or is pj like the new falves?
21:17.45jpeeleri'm glad the parking saga (or that one at least) is over
21:18.04jpeelersnuff-home: not sure yet
21:18.38putnopvutsnuff-home: no way, they're not even close.
21:18.39snuff-homemm well off to work i go..
21:19.14snuff-homebtw self pimpage.. if u want to see ao2 jabber progress my branch can has ;)
21:20.32snuff-homeputnopvut: just in terms of number bugs reported lately
21:29.23lmadsentwisted: ouch!
21:30.39Corydon76-digSo is there a pool in the CodeZone area?
21:30.49lmadsengood question
21:35.10Corydon76-diglmadsen: and more importantly, are you bringing your Speedos?
21:35.28lmadsenI don't own speedos
21:35.32lmadsenjust swim shorts, sorry
21:35.41lmadsenbelieve me... even you wouldn't want to see me in a speedo
21:35.57lmadsenI've developed quite the beer repository
21:36.31Corydon76-digHow about file in speedos?
21:37.19Corydon76-digfile: can we expect to see you in the pool anyway?
21:37.41fileI'm holding a pool party with Tristan *cough*
21:39.39lmadsenI need f00dz sometime s00nz
21:40.25fileswimming attire is NOT optional
21:40.35twistedi don't think it's a pool
21:40.40twistedi think it's pool as in billiards
21:42.06Corydon76-digI'd much rather spend time in a pool
21:42.14twistedthen go for it ;)
21:42.27filetonight might be a pool night
21:44.27Corydon76-digfile: you have Keynote on your laptop?
21:44.34fileI don't have a Mac
21:44.41Corydon76-digOh, I thought you did
21:44.43fileI have a Kubuntu running Acer laptop
21:45.19Corydon76-digGuess I'll be exporting this presentation to PDF for you to look at
21:45.42fileare you putting together the entire thing? O.O
21:46.02Corydon76-digI'm starting on it, at least
21:46.10JuggieCorydon76-dig, openoffice?
21:46.14Corydon76-digI will certainly need your input, though
21:46.31Corydon76-digJuggie: OOo doesn't present well on my laptop
21:46.51Corydon76-digI've attempted it before
21:47.14Juggiewell, woudnt open office load the mac format though
21:47.35Corydon76-digDunno if it will or not, but PDF is a sure bet
21:49.51Juggietrue true
21:50.41fileCorydon76-dig: k
21:51.27fileCorydon76-dig: I will do what I cannnnn
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22:10.05LaureanoDoes the Esc key work for anybody in "make menuselect" (trunk)?
22:12.38JunK-Yits f12
22:13.27LaureanoJunK-Y, F12 saves the changes. I wan't to exit without saving the changes.
22:14.40putnopvutLaureano: it works for me. However, seanbright has added exit buttons now. If you update your trunk checkout, you should see those in the bottom-right part of the screen.
22:15.10LaureanoI will update then putnopvut
22:15.13JunK-Yyes its gonna not save
22:18.34LaureanoUpdated: Now I can see (and use) the red big buttons. But the Esc key ain't working.
22:19.15LaureanoI'm running the console in Gnome's Terminal. I will try in PuTTy.
22:20.13putnopvutComplaints of keys not working properly is what prompted the buttons to be added.
22:20.32LaureanoOh, ok.
22:20.50LaureanoJust for the record: it didn't work in PuTTY (Linux and Windows versions).
22:21.13LaureanoHaving the buttons, It isn't a big issue anyway.
22:23.59snuff-workanyone following the vm world conference by vmware?
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22:43.47putnopvutpunches himself in the face
22:43.54putnopvutwhat the hell is this!
22:44.06putnopvutif (blah) do {} while (0);
22:44.23putnopvutThere are no breaks or continues inside the braces either.
22:44.23russellbit's so you can break out of an if :-D
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22:49.31jpeeleris there any value in increasing the refcount of an object for a particular block of code when you know that the refcount is already at least one and will be decremented at the end?
22:50.06snuff-workin my limited experience only if unlinking..
22:50.32snuff-workbut i could be way wrong.. ao2 isn't my thing yet :)
22:51.49codefreeze-lapHas no-one out there a verification of the cdr-crash patch as per 13467?
22:51.51putnopvutjpeeler: Yeah, there's no real need to up the refcount if you're doing something like passing a refcounted object to a function or something.
22:52.12putnopvutcodefreeze-lap: I can try it since I was having the crashes occur regularly.
22:52.26MuffinMan[feedback] [Asterisk] CDR/General 0013467: Seg fault 1.6.0 trunk reported by edantie (Karma: +1.25)
22:52.40jpeelerputnopvut: thanks
22:52.55codefreeze-lapputnopvut: the patch is for 1.4, but I can present a trunk/1.6.x patch as well
22:53.18putnopvutcodefreeze-lap: oh really? I didn't have the crash occur in 1.4 when I was testing things earlier. Could you make a trunk patch?
22:54.34jpeelersame here, no cdr crashes in 1.4, just in trunk (with parking)
22:55.17codefreeze-lapputnopvut: I just uploaded a trunk patch.
22:55.24putnopvutcodefreeze-lap: thank you
22:55.47codefreeze-lapjpeeler: putnopvut: yes, the bug is the same in 1.4/trunk/1.6.x
22:56.16codefreeze-lapWell, it *should* be.
22:56.23putnopvutwe'll soon see.
22:56.25codefreeze-lapwell, it *had better* be.
22:56.29putnopvutI'm just waiting on phones to register.
22:56.49codefreeze-lapis on pins and needles
22:57.33snuff-workmm.. 13498 with ast_get_enum would i be right saying we could just ditch line 897 since its just array of pointers and we free the internals above that?
22:58.43putnopvutsnuff-work: I think you've misunderstood the problem. It's freeing a NULL pointer that never had memory allocated.
22:59.00putnopvutast_free(context->naptr_rrs) is the line that's the problem.
22:59.25putnopvutThe code isn't really *wrong* per se, since it's fine to free a NULL pointer...
22:59.51snuff-workwell it doesn't.. i thought ast_free just printed that msg and didn't bother?
22:59.56putnopvutcodefreeze-lap: d'oh! It helps if I actually recompile the code.
23:00.18snuff-workmm ignore the 'well it doesn't bit'
23:00.18putnopvutsnuff-work: yeah, essentially that's what happens.
23:01.15putnopvutcodefreeze-lap: call-forwarding seems to work fine. No crashes.
23:01.56codefreeze-lapgets up and removes the sewing kit before sitting back down
23:02.10codefreeze-lapputnopvut: thanks for the feedback.... ANYONE ELSE?
23:02.51jpeelerwith respect to trunk?
23:04.04jpeeleri'm going to update, recompile, and make sure i'm not just confused first
23:06.30jpeelerit does appear to be crashing in ast_cdr_start
23:07.07codefreeze-lapjpeeler: with the patch applied?
23:07.25putnopvutinteresting. My crashes were never occurring in ast_cdr_start.
23:07.30jpeelerum, i think i jumped into this without knowing what's going on
23:07.37jpeelerno patch, where is it?
23:07.52codefreeze-lapon 13467
23:07.55putnopvutActually they were, ignore me.
23:08.19putnopvutLet me clarify. I had crashes occurring in ast_cdr_start, but now they are not occurring.
23:08.19jpeelersorry! let me retry
23:08.40codefreeze-laphey, you guys are really good at getting a guy's circulatory system worked up!
23:09.16putnopvutcodefreeze-lap: a strong cardiovascular system is a good thing :()
23:09.52codefreeze-lapunless it gets blown out along the way!
23:09.56jpeeleri think that does indeed fix the CDR problem
23:10.15codefreeze-lapwipes sweat from brow...
23:10.23jpeelercodefreeze-lap: sorry to get you all worked up
23:10.37codefreeze-lapOK, good, thanks for the feedback. It's OK.
23:11.17jpeelerit is going to be committed soon?
23:11.33codefreeze-lapI'm tempted
23:11.46codefreeze-lapstarts to dance
23:11.55codefreeze-laptries an Irish Jig
23:11.56jpeeleri am working on an old copy to avoid the bug
23:13.00codefreeze-laptries a Rwandan marriage dance, but without the drums, it's just not the same....
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23:20.27codefreeze-lapjpeeler: I had two cdr bugs reopened, blaming them for the 13425 bug; what do you think, were they?
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23:21.43jpeelercodefreeze-lap: were there any CDR fixes committed to 1.4 recently?
23:22.17codefreeze-lapjpeeler: sure, a couple, a couple days ago...
23:22.24jpeelersorry, looking at the bug
23:23.24jpeeleri don't know, he had it narrowed down to the exact revision
23:24.29codefreeze-lapI can see something indirectly affecting... if you find anything I missed or did wrong, give me a shout
23:25.36jpeelerok will do, mdu113 apparently will too if it involves parking
23:31.05seanbrightrussellb: what do you think of using the stateid (from event state) as part of the magic id for 5014?
23:31.57russellbstateid ...
23:32.27russellbthe subscription id?
23:33.05russellbspeak in code!
23:33.09seanbrightit's called stateid i think
23:33.15seanbrightstateid *is* what it's called in the code
23:33.24russellbthe ast_subscription * ?
23:33.27seanbrighti think...
23:33.27russellbnot that
23:33.28seanbrighthold on
23:33.30russellbast_event_sub *
23:33.54fileseanbright: stop confusing me!
23:34.00seanbrightsorry, i was wrong.
23:34.15russellbopens chan_sip
23:34.22seanbrightrussellb: ^^
23:35.25russellbhow would you get said id?
23:35.41russellbah, it's the retval of add ...
23:35.42seanbrightit gets passed to the callback
23:35.51russellbwell, yeah, that's fine
23:36.18seanbrightor that
23:36.18russellbi mean, it just has to be unique, which that is
23:36.19russellband it needs to make it easy to match it up to the extension that is getting picked up
23:36.19seanbrightthe only other issue is i have to add a way to look up extension by id
23:36.24seanbrightwhich does not currently exist
23:36.24russellbi was originally thinking perhaps a pointer value to some subscription info in chan_sip
23:36.43seanbrightright, that is another option
23:36.50seanbrightthe id seemed easier to parse on the way back in
23:37.02russellbwhat would you do with it when it came back in?
23:37.08seanbrightthe id?
23:37.30seanbrightcall a new function in main/pbx.c which iterates through the callbacks looking for it
23:37.40seanbrightoh crap
23:38.11seanbrightok, maybe that won't work.
23:38.21seanbrighti had this all written out in my head last night
23:38.38russellbhm, it might work just fine
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23:38.49russellband that func would give you the exten/context that it is related to
23:38.53russellband then you can do a pickup on that
23:38.55russellbwould work.
23:39.12seanbrightnot sure how to go from an ast_state_cb to the exten/context
23:40.10russellbactually, you'd have to iterate all ast_hints
23:40.21russellband you'll find the ast_state_cb on the hint
23:40.26russellband the hint is the info you want
23:40.38seanbrightthat's not pretty.
23:40.39kpfleming|laptopumm... didn't you supply the ast_state_cb in the first place?
23:40.41russellbi think associating with some subscription info within chan_sip might be more straight forward ..
23:41.01seanbrightcan you sscanf a %p?
23:41.06kpfleming|laptopwhen you do the exten state subscription, there should be a void * or something you get back during the callback
23:41.17seanbrightyeah, a sip_pvt
23:41.31kpfleming|laptopok, so that's where you store the exten/context you originally subscribed to
23:41.47russellbyeah, you should be able to scanf anything you can printf AFAIK
23:42.15seanbrightkpfleming|laptop: in the sip_pvt?
23:42.42kpfleming|laptopor in something attached to it, whichever
23:42.51russellbcertainly it should be stored somewhere
23:42.56russellbi don't know where
23:43.03kpfleming|laptoppoints at the bucket over in the corner
23:43.32seanbrightok, let me think this through.
23:43.43seanbrighti'll do that silently.
23:43.45russellbfound it ... it's stored in exten and context in the sip_pvt
23:44.01russellbso, if you use the pointer address of the sip_pvt that represents the subscription
23:44.13russellbthen bam, you've got what oyu need
23:44.30seanbrightit's almost too easy.
23:44.47seanbrighti feel dirty sscanf'ing a pointer though
23:44.52seanbrightsmells like a security risk
23:45.12kpfleming|laptopwhy would you need to do that?
23:45.40russellbseems like an easy way to have a uniqueid to put in the NOTIFY :)
23:45.49russellband a quick way to get back to the info you need
23:46.04seanbrightbecause i am going to make the pointer to the sip_pvt the 'replaces' value of the INVITE during a pickup
23:46.20russellbi don't care what it is really, we just have to find something that is 1) unique, and 2) makes it easy to find the associated exten/context for the subscription that this pickup is realted to
23:46.23kpfleming|laptopyeah, you can't put that in signaling that comes back from outside
23:46.26kpfleming|laptoptoo risky
23:46.40kpfleming|laptopyou already have a Call-ID that the SUBSCRIBE had
23:46.49russellbhm, that's true
23:46.58kpfleming|laptopjust make another Call-ID with something added on to it
23:46.58russellbthe callid of the subscribe itself ...
23:47.06seanbrightbut the callid that comes in with the notify is not that of the call you want to pickup
23:47.12seanbrighti see
23:47.17russellbPICKUP-<origcallid> or something silly
23:47.29kpfleming|laptopthen search for <origcallid> in your sip_pvt list
23:48.04russellbthat'll do :)
23:48.25putnopvutvery nice, since sip_pvts are keyed on their callids.
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23:48.33seanbrightthe sad part?  either of you could have done it since we've been having this conversation :)
23:48.45seanbrighthell, even putnopvut could have pulled it off!
23:48.52putnopvutlol, no I couldn't.
23:48.58seanbrighttrust me
23:49.01seanbrightyou could've
23:49.12seanbrightthe only other issue is caller id
23:49.26seanbrightwhich is not an easy one, apparently.
23:50.01russellbeffectively not possible
23:50.07russellbso, check!
23:50.19seanbrightit feels wrong to leave out
23:50.24seanbrightbut yeah.
23:50.54russellbi appreciate the attitude :)
23:50.55seanbrightkinda sucks that the picking-up user doesn't know who he is about to talk to
23:50.58russellbbut seriously ... it's just ......
23:51.08russellbwell, they will once they pick it up.
23:51.15russellbonce we have our connected party ID stuff in
23:51.18russellbpoints at putnopvut
23:51.18seanbrightwe just need to pass around a 'source' argument to all the state change functions
23:51.34russellbbut it's not that simple
23:51.34putnopvutrussellb: hi!
23:51.44russellbthere may be numerous callers causing a hint to be in a ringing state
23:51.45seanbrightit's an event
23:51.47russellbwhich one do you use?
23:51.52seanbrightthe last one
23:51.56seanbrightthe first one
23:52.08seanbrightleave it up to the channel driver
23:52.15russellbyou *punt*
23:52.16seanbrightask jesus
23:52.18russellband don't send it at all
23:52.30seanbrightthat is an edge case though
23:52.50seanbright94% of the time, 1 caller will cause the ring
23:53.51seanbrighthell, maybe snom's support that anyway
23:53.58russellbhandling the edge cases is a huge part of what makes asterisk so powerful
23:54.03seanbrighti know you can throw line-id in the notify messages
23:54.18russellbwe will _not_ sacrifice our architecture to make things easier
23:54.27seanbrightit's not about making it easier
23:54.30seanbrightit's about making it more useful
23:54.32kpfleming|laptopwhat is 'line-id'?
23:54.50seanbrightyou can reference specific lines on a UA
23:54.53seanbright(i think)
23:54.54russellbthere's no way to differentiate the common case from the complex ones
23:54.56russellbthere's just not ..
23:55.04kpfleming|laptopwhat is the definition of a 'line'?
23:55.19seanbrightactually, that is a line segment
23:55.30russellba series of line segments
23:55.33kpfleming|laptopon my screen, it's a bunch of colinear line segments
23:55.41seanbrightcolinear.  you win.
23:56.05seanbrightit was in the draft doc for the call-id in notify messages fu
23:56.09seanbrightlet me find it
23:56.27kpfleming|laptopdoesn't matter
23:56.33kpfleming|laptopi don't care about the syntax, i care about the semantics
23:56.44seanbrightpaste bomb
23:56.51kpfleming|laptopwhat is a 'line', in the context of a multi-protocol PBX that can be configured a bazillion different ways
23:58.16seanbrighti guess i get the point.
23:58.18seanbrightno caller id.
23:58.21putnopvutYou know what absolutely bugs the hell out of me in any and all SIP documents?
23:58.30putnopvutThey absolutely do not consider the B2BUA case.
23:58.32seanbrightputnopvut: the SIP part?
23:58.38putnopvutseanbright: essentially :)
23:59.00seanbrighti really should stick to menuselect...
23:59.12seanbrightleave chan_sip to putnopvut
23:59.12kpfleming|laptopeven worse... what happens if one call gets the extension into 'ringing' state, but then 10 seconds a later another call rings another device that is part of the same hint?
23:59.25seanbrightkpfleming|laptop: armageddon!
23:59.41putnopvutheh, don't leave chan_sip to me. I still am a SIP nub, imo.
23:59.43kpfleming|laptopthese are the things that aren't accounted for in things like BLA

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