IRC log for #asterisk-dev on 20080910

00:09.19*** join/#asterisk-dev anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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08:02.14wedhornmvanbaak: ping
08:07.56wedhornjust wondering if you've had a play with the latest skinny patch
08:08.47mvanbaakI have been busy buying a house
08:09.03wedhornthought you said you bought one last weekend ;)
08:09.17wedhorntoo much other stuff, not enough asterisk
08:14.44mvanbaakI bought it last friday, but now the paperwork starts to flow.
08:15.08wedhorncan't the missus do that stuff ???
08:15.43mvanbaakI'm already giving her most of the tasks
08:15.57mvanbaakif only there were 72 hours in a day
08:16.08wedhornyeah, I know what you mean
08:17.28*** join/#asterisk-dev tzafrir_laptop (
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08:53.31agxtzafrir_laptop, sorry i miss the announce email about latest dadhi+bristuff release; where i can find it?
08:54.57tzafrir_laptopnote that it is not the "current"
08:55.05tzafrir_laptopit's still under testing
08:55.33agxtzafrir_laptop, fine :) np its for my mISDN=>zap patch :)
08:55.55tzafrir_laptopthe patch itself is mainly;h=refs/heads/bristuff-part-dahdi-all
09:00.31*** join/#asterisk-dev agx ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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10:25.29tzafrir_laptopsafe_asterisk uses files under /tmp insecurely
10:25.52tzafrir_laptoptry: grep /tmp path/to/safe_asterisk
10:26.05tzafrir_laptopalternative: /var/spool/asterisk
10:55.08*** join/#asterisk-dev fabled (
11:13.05JunK-Ytzafrir_laptop: why its "insecure" ?
11:14.27tzafrir_laptoppredictable file names in /tmp .
11:15.25tzafrir_laptopThe problem might be unlinking an existing file (which might be a symlink to somewhere) or not unlinking it and writing on that symlink
11:16.07tzafrir_laptopthis is generally a local attack. A relatively low-risk attack, but still best be avoided
11:16.21tzafrir_laptopAsterisk has writable directories
11:17.09tzafrir_laptopalso, as that grep would show you, there is a variable defined for that directory. But it is not really used. Or not used for all the places
12:05.47snuff-hometzafrir_laptop: u deal with chan_dundi ? or mainly just zap/dahdi?
12:14.25JunK-Ytzafrir_laptop: i agree that /tmp should be at least a variable.
12:19.50*** join/#asterisk-dev lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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12:58.26tzafrir_laptophas the svn repository been rebuilt in the recent few days?
12:59.29tzafrir_laptop'git svn rebase --fetch-all' for asterisk suddenly seems to fetch the whole repository. I have no idea  why this happens suddenly
13:00.08tzafrir_laptop(naturally that may also be a git bug or a local behaviour bug )
13:00.31tzafrir_laptopsnuff-home, mainly dahdi/zaptel. but do ask
13:00.47*** join/#asterisk-dev DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
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13:16.22snuff-homejust bug reported..
13:16.22MuffinMan[new] [Asterisk] Channels/chan_dahdi 0013443: rc5: chan_dahdi doesn't recognize TDM400P channels reported by seandarcy (Karma: neutral)
13:25.02*** join/#asterisk-dev codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
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13:25.19snuff-homeello murf
13:26.20codefreeze-lapsnuff-home: hello there!
13:29.25snuff-homei made my conv of res_jabber to ao2.. now to test :)
13:46.23*** join/#asterisk-dev moy (n=moy@nat/ibm/x-9bda797d2401c82a)
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14:14.04codefreeze-laprussellb: I have not looked at the code that gets used for memory allocation when DEBUG_MALLOC gets used... what is it doing?
14:14.22russellbguess you should look at it :-p
14:14.23russellbj/k ..
14:14.33russellbit just wraps malloc/free and friends.
14:14.47russellband while something is alloc'd but not free'd, it's in the list
14:15.10codefreeze-lapSo, it uses the underlying normal memory allocation underneath?
14:15.40russellbif you have a leak, and it's _not_ in there, that means it's an allocation done by something not built with this stuff (3rd party libs for example can not show up)
14:15.44russellbyes, it does
14:15.52russellbevery call to ast_malloc() is still a single malloc underneath
14:15.57russellbno fancy pooling going on
14:17.02codefreeze-lapJust to be sure: it's not an implementation of malloc, just a front end
14:19.44filecodefreeze-lap: why?
14:25.05codefreeze-lapfile: well, day before yesterday, with the dead-channel fix, I watched Federico's process grow from 200 meg to 650 meg over the course of a day. But yesterday, with asterisk compiled with DEBUG_MALLOC, I started at 323 meg (after 4 hours of runtime)/ rss at 51 meg, and ten hours later, it's exactly the same. Whether it grew in size between and receeded again, I did not record. I did 7 memory show allocation operations, and carefully compared the re
14:28.48*** join/#asterisk-dev joetester2 (n=chatzill@
14:29.44Corydon76-digcodefreeze-lap: it's impossible for Linux processes to recede in memory size
14:31.48codefreeze-lapOK, never knew for certain. Never saw it, either.
14:40.55*** join/#asterisk-dev mog (n=mog@nat/digium/x-0450ef8917014d78)
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14:55.23*** join/#asterisk-dev anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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15:11.56codefreeze-lapOK, agreed with Federico; we are going to do one more test; we let the current DEBUG_MALLOC compiled version run till tonight, then we recompile without any debug, and run for a few days, and see if asterisk reaches the same equilibrium. If it does, good. If it does not, well, uh-oh!
15:14.14kpflemingMALLOC_DEBUG, not DEBUG_MALLOC
15:14.47codefreeze-lapforgive me, I get things a little tangled at times.
15:17.26kpflemingno worries, just wanted to make sure any archives of this channel had the right info :-)
15:18.05*** join/#asterisk-dev putnopvut (n=putnopvu@nat/digium/x-8a9c6f5181611d73)
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15:32.35*** join/#asterisk-dev dominic1 (n=dob@
15:34.05dominic1Can anybody tell me how I can get the callerid of a channel if I get the hangup event in the manager interface? I need to get the callerid(num).
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15:42.45dominic1anybody there?
15:43.04Qwelldominic1: that isn't really a development question
15:43.18dominic1oh sorry
15:43.30Qwellthough I suspect that once the channel is hung up, you can't
15:43.33dominic1I thought I will possibilty have to add a function to channel.h
15:43.48dominic1but don't know what and where
15:43.51Qwellyou'll need to store the info you need before you get the hangup event, and then match it up yourself
15:44.51dominic1Is it correct that the h extension isn't executed if I get a temporarily not available from a sipdevice?
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15:58.27JunK-YI think you can, if you only modify the event Hangup, since we already have the channel name
16:01.07dominic1Where is the event generated?
16:01.25Qwellchannel.c, ast_hangup()
16:08.16*** join/#asterisk-dev panerai_go (
16:10.17panerai_goHi, I need to listen to other people conversation in realtime ( no need to talk there). How can I do this?
16:11.19putnopvutpanerai_go: this channel is for discussion of Asterisk development. Head over to #asterisk and I'll help you out.
16:11.41panerai_go:putnopvut just realized, sorry
16:17.02*** join/#asterisk-dev shazaum (
16:17.28shazaummalcolmd, y0 man
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16:29.11seanbrightmvanbaak: does openbsd have tr?
16:29.31seanbrightactually, i can do it with sed... nm
16:30.15Qwellman page has no CONFORMS section, and it's from GNU coreutils
16:31.54seanbrightsed will work i s'pose
16:32.14Qwelltr is silly anyways
16:32.48Corydon76-digYes, OpenBSD has tr
16:33.26Corydon76-digIt's POSIX:
16:33.45seanbrightoh... super
16:35.14Corydon76-dig~google for tr
16:46.03*** join/#asterisk-dev jtodd (
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16:48.56shazaumthere patch for memory leak?
16:49.01Corydon76-digYay, jtodd!
16:49.26Corydon76-digplays tt-hangup at jtodd
16:56.48*** join/#asterisk-dev nicox (
16:59.45russellbCorydon76-dig: sounds released?
16:59.53russellbthose souds are quite awesome.
17:00.23Qwelldid she do those herself randomly?
17:00.30Corydon76-digYes, she did
17:00.37QwellAllison is awesome
17:00.47Corydon76-digWell, I provided the text, but she added the special effects
17:00.52russellbshe is sillllllly
17:00.53Corydon76-digand the fake french accent
17:01.56Corydon76-digAllison said she thought those would probably haunt her for awhile
17:06.42denonheh, I love endusers ..
17:06.49denonI'm having an argument with a "tech"
17:07.09denonwho's telling me that, with voip, you can magically get toll-free numbers for free
17:07.09denonbut he's also claiming no per-minute charges
17:07.22dominic1can I get the callerid of a channel with chan->callerid?
17:07.24denonand I'm trying to explain to him that 1) that has nothing to do with voip, and 2) you always pay per minute, no matter how you get it
17:07.32Corydon76-digdenon: only if the provider fails to bill him
17:07.48denonCorydon76-dig: he swears up and down that it's somehow magical with voip
17:07.59denonI'm tempted to ask him for his toll-free, and send a rack of dialers at it
17:08.04denonleave them connected for a few days
17:08.04Qwelldenon: better than somebody at ISP support telling you that there are 1028 bytes in a bit.
17:08.35denonQwell: wow, really? that changes the whole scope of 64-bit computing ..
17:09.03Qwellmy brother was sitting in the same room, and I started to go off on the guy...  even HE understood why it was stupid
17:09.22denonkinda makes you wonder why we bothered to ditch 16-bit
17:09.53Corydon76-digI rather enjoyed 16-bit registers with 24-bit addressing
17:10.23Qwelldenon: if you look closely, you can see 3 things wrong with that statement...
17:10.27denonwhat's worse others on the forum are agreeing with him
17:10.44denonthere's no point in me arguging this crap with him
17:10.54denonhe's the same guy that was recommending trixbox
17:10.57denonhe's obviously stupid.
17:11.22denonQwell: heh, yeah .. bit dragged down by this forum, missed the humor :)
17:13.30*** join/#asterisk-dev jeffg (i=PHfeDmRy@pdpc/supporter/active/jeffg)
17:13.48dominic1I added chan->callerid to the manager_event in ast_hangup in channel.c. When compiling I get channel.c:1502: error: ‘struct ast_channel’ has no member named ‘callerid’
17:14.18dominic1Where will I have to add the callerid? Any ideas?
17:15.25Corydon76-digHave you bothered looking in include/asterisk/channel.h ?
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17:18.56dominic1ehm okay... found chan->cid.cid_num
17:22.19Corydon76-digThere ya go
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18:34.49dominic1yeah added the callerId to the hangupevent and it works wonderful
18:34.53dominic1I am so happy
18:34.57dominic1thank you all very much!
18:39.23seanbrightif someone could find me a newt application that doesn't use F-keys, i'm all for changing the key bindings
18:39.32seanbright(in menuselect)
18:40.59Corydon76-digseanbright: if you check out zttool, you'll find that if you add buttons, you can tab to them
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18:53.23seanbrightCorydon76-dig: ah.  gotcha.  i'll do that.
18:59.56jsmith-teachingseanbright: zttool or astman
19:00.52seanbrightjsmith-teaching: k
19:01.21seanbrighti was thinking you guys wanted the same bindings as curses menuselect, which is not possible in newt from what i understand
19:01.28seanbrightadding buttons isn't a huge deal
19:10.26Corydon76-digRight, but the buttons will allow you to avoid the use of function keys
19:11.01*** join/#asterisk-dev wacky__ (n=root@nat/digium/x-748fd19b6d300274)
19:11.44seanbrighti got that.
19:13.23*** join/#asterisk-dev Xaviertoor (
19:16.17wacky__is the AEL2 developer around ?
19:17.15Corydon76-digwacky__: why don't you ask your question first?
19:18.11wacky__just wondering if it's possible to append "macro-" or something for the macro [name] {} definitions in AEL2 ...
19:18.32wacky__because the output extensions.conf format shows no distinctions between normal contexts and subs (or macros)
19:18.35Corydon76-digWhere, in 1.6?
19:18.38wacky__in 1.6
19:18.53Corydon76-digIn 1.6, AEL2 no longer uses Macro for subroutines
19:19.03Corydon76-digIt uses Gosub
19:19.18wacky__it uses normal contexts.. but before could always tell a context was in fact a macro.. it started with 'macro-' ..
19:19.42wacky__but now, you can't tell..
19:19.43Corydon76-digGosub contexts all end with Return
19:22.35wacky__true.. ok.. thanks
19:24.11*** join/#asterisk-dev Porks (n=Porks@unaffiliated/porks)
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19:30.02*** join/#asterisk-dev Laureano (n=Laureano@
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19:45.03Qwellhas anybody seen dahdi create /dev/dahdictl instead of /dev/dahdi/ctl ?
19:45.17Qwellthat's happening on this VM I'm running..
19:45.45Qwelldahdi-linux rc3..  I wonder if that's been fixed
19:47.31Qwellhmm..  ifneq (,$(wildcard $(DESTDIR)/etc/udev/rules.d))
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19:52.52Qwelldahdi.rules gets installed sometimes (if you've created the udev dir in DESTDIR) from dahdi-linux, and xpp.rules gets installed always from dahdi-tools
19:54.02tzafrir_laptopQwell, you want to avoid the need for those rules? call the device "dahdi!ctl"
19:54.11tzafrir_laptopudev will create it in a subdirectory
19:54.52Qwelljust trying to get around the inconsistency for now
19:55.17Qwelleither both sets of rules should be installed by dahdi-linux, or both should be installed by dahdi-tools
19:55.19tzafrir_laptopthose udev rules, except the permissions line, are really not needed
19:55.35tzafrir_laptopand the permissions line belongs in dahdi-tools, indeed
19:56.15tzafrir_laptopThis is supported as of udev 0.17
19:56.25Qwellbuild_tools/genudevrules is in both dahdi-linux and dahdi-tools
19:57.09tzafrir_laptopBTW: genudevrules should probably also be shot in dahdi: it is a workaround for incompatibility at around udev 0.53
19:57.24tzafrir_laptopany idea what distro carries it?
19:57.35Qwellcarries what?
19:57.43tzafrir_laptopudev <= 0.53
19:57.47Qwelloh, no idea
19:57.52tzafrir_laptop(that can build dahdi)
19:58.08Qwellprobably none, since dahdi requires 2.6, no?
19:58.47tzafrir_laptopoops: centos seems to have udev 0.39
19:58.51tzafrir_laptoptoo bad
19:59.26tzafrir_laptopkernel 2.6.9 is supported especially for it in dahdi
20:00.21tzafrir_laptopright. It seems to still use '=' rather than '=='
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20:01.03jsmith-teachingwaves to jtodd
20:01.15tzafrir_laptopwell, at least it is still well over 0.17
20:03.53tzafrir_laptopThe changelog of the debian udev package beginv with 0.019, at 2004
20:04.16tzafrir_laptopso I think we don't have to care about 0.017
20:05.00*** part/#asterisk-dev Porks (n=Porks@unaffiliated/porks)
20:05.39Qwellso we have...  linux/build_utils/genudevrules, tools/build_utils/genudevrules, and tools/dahdi.rules
20:07.10tzafrir_laptopbasically apply the change from
20:07.23tzafrir_laptopand then we can greatly reduce the udev rules
20:07.46tzafrir_laptopand anyway, leave just the rules in tools
20:07.55tzafrir_laptop(two unrelated changes)
20:08.04tzafrir_laptopthat's my vote, anyway
20:10.54Qwelltzafrir_laptop: you mentioned something about the init script looping the other day?
20:11.08QwellI was getting a loop too, and I think this whole thing is the cause
20:11.39Qwellsince /dev/dahdi/ would never exist after loading dahdi.ko
20:11.51tzafrir_laptopif you don't have dahdi support on the system
20:12.30tzafrir_laptopmy version is in
20:12.48tzafrir_laptopthe loop was added as a workaround for, well
20:13.06tzafrir_laptopthe buggy version of udev in centos 4 :-(
20:13.21tzafrir_laptop(originally added, that is)
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20:14.26tzafrir_laptopcan we please, please please kill the support for 2.6.9? ;-)
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20:18.23lmadsentzafrir_laptop: yes!
20:18.42lmadsenI think that was recently discussed that nothing below 2.6.9 would be supported...
20:18.48lmadsen+1 from me
20:19.10tzafrir_laptoplmadsen, below it: no. But it is still supported
20:20.04lmadsentzafrir_laptop: I think supporting anything over 4 years old is just a bad idea in general... so I still agree with you. Support for > 2.6.9 then :)
20:20.13lmadsenand not >=
20:20.23codefreeze-lapfile, another epic tale in the story of dead channels. I've got another "situation" on falves11's server. It's at 1.9 G, with 6150 channels and climbing; in ACK or BYE ... I've traced one of the ACK channels
20:20.51nicox_anybody knows if channel releasing is supported with asterisk1.6.0-rc6?
20:20.52Qwelllmadsen: rhel4 uses 2.6.9 :p
20:22.06nicox_did anybody tried channel releasing?
20:27.49filecodefreeze-lap: history = good
20:28.25denon"uh, we dont actually support using our voip services with Asterisk .. "
20:28.30denonthat's fine, just give me the sip info
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20:29.26nicox_anyone any idea?
20:36.23codefreeze-lapfile: except: for every channel I've tried it on so far, I get "no history".... oh, wait, hit the jackpot
20:37.39codefreeze-lapfile: it's in the mail
20:38.43codefreeze-lapThis seems like some strange list of different ways to make Asterisk choke by saying "go away"
20:44.10filecodefreeze-lap: in meeting...
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21:32.01Mikeonlineis there any specification for the asterisk slinear implementation?
21:33.06putnopvutMikeonline: I know of no specs really. It's 8Khz, 16bit audio though. Not sure what else you need.
21:33.37Mikeonlinemaybe any page from digium or any standard which informs about
21:33.48Mikeonlinei need a reference for "What is slinear"
21:34.09putnopvutI see. I don't know of anything handy. :(
21:34.17putnopvutHas Google not helped in that regard?
21:34.22Mikeonlineno :(
21:34.39Mikeonlinedo you know anything about the encoding?
21:35.15Mikeonlinesigned linear sound like raw data
21:35.49putnopvutMikeonline: it pretty much is. It's what is used for translation between different formats. Format A -> SLIN -> Format B.
21:36.18putnopvutIn fact, the format_sln.c file in Asterisk describes it as RAW SLINEAR Format.
21:36.39putnopvutYeah, it's definitely raw data
21:37.21Corydon76-diguncompressed PCM data
21:38.27Corydon76-digThe only thing less compressed is sln16
21:38.59Mikeonlinehm do you have any source for the encoding settings used? 8Khz 16bit..?
21:39.24Corydon76-digsingle channel
21:39.30Corydon76-digbut yes, that's it
21:39.53Corydon76-digand to be clear, 8000Hz
21:39.54Mikeonlinewhere did you get this information from?
21:40.27Mikeonlinecan you give me a bibtex citation for the right memory address ;)
21:40.47Corydon76-digMy memory, not computer memory
21:40.58Mikeonlineyes ..
21:41.06Mikeonlinemaybe ;)
21:41.25Corydon76-dig"...uses holographic memory, so chronologic erasure would not work..."
21:41.27Mikeonlinebut i dont think this reference would be accepted
21:42.04Mikeonlinemaybe i just reference to the sourcecode hmm
21:42.28Corydon76-digWhy is it so important that you have a source to point to?
21:42.37russellbthere isn't really any source
21:42.49russellbthis is just basic audio processing stuff common to all applications that process audio
21:43.06Corydon76-digIt's kind of like asking for documentary evidence that the sky is blue
21:43.11russellb16-bit samples ... 8000 kHz sample rate
21:43.20russellbthere is nothing else to say, document, or refer to
21:43.40russellbit just ... is
21:43.55Mikeonlineyes but i cant write this without giving a reference :(
21:44.00russellbwrite what?
21:44.04Mikeonlinethe paper
21:44.09denonhomework help here?
21:44.12denongood grief
21:44.16russellbdenon: guess so :)
21:44.22denonas bad as ##c :)
21:44.31russellbMikeonline: honestly, if you need more than that, you have some research to do on the fundamentals of audio processing...
21:44.34Mikeonlinei bet this would come
21:44.46denonMikeonline: make up a website, paste it in .. reference that
21:44.47russellbwhich is far beyond the scope of the help you'll get here
21:44.51Corydon76-digMikeonline: you can quote me
21:45.18denon"some guy on irc said.."
21:45.19Corydon76-digRight from the mouth of a developer.  Can't get any more official than that, can it? ;)
21:45.40russellbshakes his head at Qwell
21:45.44denondon't mention #asterisk-dev anywhere
21:45.48MikeonlineCorydon76-dig: are you someone from digium?
21:45.49denonwe get enough strays in here as it is
21:45.53Qwellrussellb: what? :p
21:46.05Corydon76-digMikeonline: yeah, I'm one of the senior core developers
21:46.19Mikeonlinebut i think i cant refer to a nickname ;)
21:46.29russellbGeorge Jetson is his name
21:46.32Corydon76-digMikeonline: I've been working on Asterisk longer than Russell or Kevin
21:46.43Corydon76-digbut not quite as long as Mark
21:47.01russellbwas working on it before mark
21:47.07denonMark still working on it though? :)
21:47.09putnopvutStop saying Mark!
21:47.13putnopvutI get a beep when you do that!
21:47.18Mikeonlinedidnt mark start asterisk? :P
21:47.24russellbdenon: depends how you define "working on it"
21:47.30russellbdenon: he still does special projects
21:47.31Corydon76-digSynchronize watches... 3 2 1 Mark
21:47.34denonrussellb: vi foo.c :)
21:47.46russellbbut he isn't doing day to day bug fixing and such :)
21:48.01russellbthat faded once kevin got hired in 2005 ...
21:48.03Corydon76-digMikeonline: more than one Mark.
21:48.12Corydon76-digHilarity ensues when you say Mark in here.
21:48.16MikeonlineMark Spencer? is there any other one
21:48.20denonrussellb: kicking and screaming, as I recall
21:48.23russellbputnopvut is a different mark
21:48.27russellbdenon: pretty much
21:48.39denonthat was 05? doesnt seem so long ago
21:48.43denonI would have said a year
21:48.47russellbdenon: i know .. time has flown by
21:48.55filevery very fast
21:48.56russellbdenon: kevin became full time mid 2005
21:49.05Corydon76-digstarted working on Asterisk in 2002
21:49.10russellb2004 here.
21:49.11denonI remember setting the topic as a congrats
21:49.15denonjust didnt seem so long
21:49.19putnopvutCorydon76-dig: when did you get commit access?
21:49.32russellbhmm ... not sure if it was until we got to svn
21:49.33Corydon76-digputnopvut: um, 2006, maybe?
21:49.39russellbnot many people had commit before svn days
21:49.44russellbalmost everything went through mark
21:49.44Corydon76-digEarly 2007, perhaps
21:49.55Corydon76-digrussellb: yeah, and what a JOY that was
21:50.04russellbit was fine, it just didn't scale :)
21:50.20putnopvutHoly poop, it's almost 5 already.
21:50.22russellbsvn switch was november 2006, btw
21:50.30Corydon76-digMark, didja put this in yet?  Mark didja put this in yet?  Mark, didja put this in yet?
21:50.31russellbwait, nov. 2005
21:50.55russellbif you watch the code swarm video, you can see how commit activity went up once we did that :)
21:51.06Corydon76-digOkay, so it was early 2006 when I got SVN commit
21:51.32denonyou guys are making me feel old
21:51.34denonknock it off
21:51.38russellbyou are old
21:51.43Mikeonlinei think you all need a developer team page ;)
21:51.44russellbactually, i have no idea how old you are.
21:51.48russellbMikeonline: probably
21:51.51Corydon76-digdenon: how old are you, anyway?
21:51.51denonold enough to know better, I spose
21:51.59russellbbut depending on how you define "developer", it's as many as 500 people
21:52.02denonwoot! got my motorola details
21:52.33Corydon76-digWhy do we need a developer team page?  We all know each other already...
21:53.03putnopvutIt depends on what you mean by "know"
21:53.23fileI don't know any of you!
21:53.24putnopvutI've never met mvanbaak or seanbright, but I talk to them on IRC almost every day.
21:53.24Corydon76-digputnopvut: I don't "know" any of the other developers in THAT way.  Yet.
21:53.27MikeonlineCorydon76-dig: you could show the "commit allowed" date ;)
21:53.47putnopvutCorydon76-dig: none of them?! ;)
21:53.54Corydon76-digputnopvut: not even Mark
21:54.02putnopvutokay, wasn't suggesting that...
21:54.18russellbhas gotten around the developer circle pretty well
21:54.19Corydon76-digputnopvut: "know", in the Biblical sense
21:54.20russellbmeeting people, that is
21:54.53russellband the conversation dies.
21:55.09putnopvutGood, I can get back to work.
21:55.27Corydon76-digputnopvut: you never know.  That might change at Astricon
21:55.38putnopvutbest of luck to you
21:56.08Corydon76-digHow would you like to be on the #asterisk-dev section of the SexChart?
21:56.16russellbCorydon76-dig: looks like you got commit right when we started with svn ...
21:56.22filedanger danger danger
21:56.49Corydon76-digrussellb: I thought it waited until something like 2 months later
21:57.10Corydon76-digNovember 16th is when we released 1.2, and that was on CVS
21:57.30Corydon76-digIt wasn't until the new year, I thought, that we got SVN certs
21:57.46russellbnot according to svn logs anyway ...
21:58.10russellbCorydon76-dig: lol, according to ohloh, your primary language is shell script
21:58.22Corydon76-digHeh, that was good
22:00.06Corydon76-digSo how do I change my description on that page?
22:00.09filecodefreeze-lap: I do not know why it is doing that
22:02.07Mikeonlinethx btw to Corydon76-dig, putnopvut, russellb
22:04.57russellbCorydon76-dig: create an account, and then say that "tilghman" is you
22:05.32putnopvutooh, I'm on page one of the contributors page now. Cool!
22:07.11Corydon76-digrussellb: ah
22:09.39putnopvutlol, seanbright's primary language is autoconf according to ohloh
22:12.55Corydon76-digAnybody think it's notably creepy to have people you've never met "following" you?
22:13.18putnopvutfollowing you in what way?
22:13.25putnopvutLike on Twitter or somethign?
22:13.31Corydon76-digon any of the social networking sites
22:13.40Corydon76-digyeah, like Twitter or ohloh
22:13.48russellbheh, it is a bit ...
22:14.09putnopvutIt's not that creepy to me.
22:15.21Corydon76-digI enjoy my notoriety more than any celebrity status, I guess
22:16.25putnopvutHmm, my rank puts me in the top 10% on ohloh. Cool.
22:17.53*** join/#asterisk-dev DarkRift (
22:18.24Qwellputnopvut: where do you see that?
22:18.48putnopvutOn my page, where it shows who has given you kudos and to whom you've given kudos.
22:18.59putnopvutIt's right above that, it'll tell your rank.
22:19.18russellbI'm in the top 1%, w00t!
22:21.25Corydon76-digI'm "not yet ranked"
22:21.36russellbbecause you just created the account, i guess
22:21.43putnopvutAre ranks based on kudos?
22:21.44Corydon76-digSo did Qwell
22:21.47russellbit probably recalculates every night or something
22:26.38Qwellmy commits are going to go way up if I add aadk as an enlistment...
22:27.07putnopvutMan, bring up ohloh in here and just watch the kudos pour in :)
22:30.28Mikeonlinegood night everyone
22:31.30Corydon76-digIs it night already?
22:31.57Mikeonlineyes it is
22:32.00Mikeonlinetime me
22:32.12snuff-workmm.. what was the page that has all those svn stats?
22:33.00snuff-workthere was a digium one with like hotspot of the code n stuff
22:33.11russellboh, yeah ...
22:33.20russellbi think
22:33.34snuff-workyep :)
22:33.59snuff-workmm getting near 600k of code pretty nice
22:35.00russellbhmm, yes.  more code bloat == better !
22:35.14snuff-worki wouldn't say its all bloat ;)
22:35.56snuff-workwhat was the spike of 50k lines in sept 06
22:36.14russellbadding configure script
22:36.23russellband related build system changes
22:46.49snuff-worksmall q.. i ran configure.. detected i make.. but when i ldd it says its missing..
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23:47.15seanbrightheh... my "primary language" is autoconf according to ohloh
23:48.28*** join/#asterisk-dev moy (n=moy@

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