IRC log for #asterisk-bugs on 20101024

01:51.38*** join/#asterisk-bugs Juggie (
01:51.38*** mode/#asterisk-bugs [+o Juggie] by ChanServ
03:35.49*** join/#asterisk-bugs Qwell (~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
03:35.49*** mode/#asterisk-bugs [+o Qwell] by ChanServ
04:58.31Entomologist*** CLOSED (18199) [Channels/chan_sip/General] Not responding to 401 request for authentication when placing outgoing call
04:58.31EntomologistReported by: Orbixx
04:59.16leifmadsenpabelanger: hard core
04:59.28pabelangerjust about to head to bed
04:59.42pabelangercheck for feedback on iax2 patches I did today
04:59.45leifmadsennice nice, I'm trying to decide if I go to bed, or go play music
04:59.49pabelangerI _think_ they are right
08:13.35*** join/#asterisk-bugs Marini (~maringjon@
08:13.46Marinihello i need some help, i desperately need to make a patch on asterisk and i don't know how to do it
08:13.52Marinipatch is here:
08:14.00Marinii want to know the steps to apply this patch
08:14.13Marinii am having asterisk svn branch 1.4
09:20.43*** join/#asterisk-bugs bbryant (
09:20.43*** mode/#asterisk-bugs [+o bbryant] by ChanServ
11:49.22*** join/#asterisk-bugs tzafrir_laptop (
13:58.40*** join/#asterisk-bugs seanbright (~sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
13:58.40*** mode/#asterisk-bugs [+o seanbright] by ChanServ
13:59.31*** join/#asterisk-bugs leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
13:59.31*** mode/#asterisk-bugs [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
14:45.03*** join/#asterisk-bugs jsmith-away (~jsmith@fedora/jsmith)
14:45.03*** mode/#asterisk-bugs [+o jsmith-away] by ChanServ
15:10.30*** join/#asterisk-bugs jsmith-away (~jsmith@fedora/jsmith)
15:10.30*** mode/#asterisk-bugs [+o jsmith-away] by ChanServ
17:09.20*** join/#asterisk-bugs Corydon76-dig (
17:09.20*** mode/#asterisk-bugs [+o Corydon76-dig] by ChanServ
17:15.47*** join/#asterisk-bugs Corydon76-dig (
17:15.47*** mode/#asterisk-bugs [+o Corydon76-dig] by ChanServ
17:22.50*** part/#asterisk-bugs Corydon76-home (
21:41.37*** join/#asterisk-bugs tzafrir_laptop (
22:52.38*** join/#asterisk-bugs Juggie (
22:52.38*** mode/#asterisk-bugs [+o Juggie] by ChanServ
23:00.12*** join/#asterisk-bugs Juggie (
23:00.12*** mode/#asterisk-bugs [+o Juggie] by ChanServ
23:41.50*** join/#asterisk-bugs tzafrir (~tzafrir@
23:52.39*** join/#asterisk-bugs Juggie (
23:52.39*** mode/#asterisk-bugs [+o Juggie] by ChanServ

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