IRC log for #asterisk-bugs on 20090601

04:59.32*** join/#asterisk-bugs oej (
06:29.34*** join/#asterisk-bugs oej (
08:07.50*** join/#asterisk-bugs mvanbaak (n=michiel@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
08:20.12*** join/#asterisk-bugs oej (
10:21.46*** join/#asterisk-bugs |Cybex| (n=John@
10:38.54*** join/#asterisk-bugs tzafrir_laptop (
11:00.04*** join/#asterisk-bugs Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
11:07.45*** join/#asterisk-bugs caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
11:30.31*** join/#asterisk-bugs leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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11:31.21*** join/#asterisk-bugs smps (n=smps@
11:56.39*** join/#asterisk-bugs telecos (
12:06.15*** join/#asterisk-bugs smps (n=smps@
12:09.55*** join/#asterisk-bugs eliel (n=eliels@
12:40.25*** join/#asterisk-bugs Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
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13:14.15*** join/#asterisk-bugs Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
13:31.29Entomologist*** CLOSED (15239) [Channels/chan_sip/Subscriptions] invalid SIP/NOTIFY header (Multiple values in single-value header Event and Content-Type)
13:31.29EntomologistReported by: pj  Karma: 9.5
13:39.46*** join/#asterisk-bugs eliel_ (n=eliels@
13:44.43*** join/#asterisk-bugs putnopvut (n=putnopvu@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
13:44.43*** mode/#asterisk-bugs [+o putnopvut] by ChanServ
13:53.01leifmadsenfor anyone who wants to review some patches and commit them, there are several issues now in the Ready for Review state
14:31.13*** join/#asterisk-bugs eliel (n=eliels@
14:32.02seanbrightcan anyone confirm based on the BTs on 15192 that it is memory corruption?
14:32.08MuffinMan[feedback] [Asterisk] Channels/chan_local 0015192: segfault in local_devicestate() in chan_local.c reported by caspy (Karma: +8.75)
14:32.30seanbrightthe address of 'lp' in the second 2 BTs are what makes me think that
14:32.38seanbrightlp = (struct local_pvt *) 0xf0
14:33.45eliel0xf0 looks like a valid adresss in a PIC 16F84 :-P
14:34.00seanbrightoh.  well that's clearly the issue then.
14:34.39putnopvutI think valgrind is the way to go on that one.
14:35.05seanbrightthanks for the confirm.
14:35.29seanbrightleifmadsen: re 15189
14:35.43seanbrightrussellb wants me to use Corydon76-dig's approach
14:35.45MuffinMan[confirmed] [Asterisk] Core/PBX 0015189: [patch] #exec script can't access manager on first asterisk load reported by p_lindheimer (Karma: +3.00)
14:35.50leifmadsenseanbright: i was just looking at that :)
14:35.51seanbrighti just haven't had a change to code it up yet.
14:35.56seanbrightyeah i kno w:)
14:35.56leifmadsenseanbright: gotcha
14:36.08leifmadsenoh, because I changed the status :)
14:36.26seanbrighti'll knock it out by this time tomorrow.  just need to put together a decent test.
14:36.34seanbrightit's really not even a fix for 15189
14:36.45leifmadsenok coolio
14:36.45seanbrightit's more a different fix for 13778
14:36.51seanbrightbut will get to it.
14:37.23leifmadsenrussellb: I'd like your vote on whether 15189 is a blocker for 1.6.2? I can put out -rc1, and then we could put out -rc2 before the full 1.6.2 release
14:37.50seanbrightthat shouldn't affect > 1.4 that i know of
14:37.58seanbrightbut i am not russellb
14:38.25*** join/#asterisk-bugs jpeeler (n=jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
14:38.55leifmadsenI need socks... it's freezing in here
14:39.59seanbrightactually that's a lie
14:40.07seanbrighthe merged that up to trunk and beyond
14:42.24*** join/#asterisk-bugs caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
14:47.58smpshi ppl, i get some strange things with ami
14:48.24smpsfor example its working with microsoft dialer.exe and tapi if all trunks are working well
14:48.53smpsbut if it should fail over thru another trunk , i get hangup on dialer/tapi but asterisk make call thru the trunks
14:49.18smpsand when call is established ,  i answer it on another end , and then it gets disconnected ...
14:51.32smpsbasically same thing as described here:
14:51.36smpsups err
14:51.53smps"Annoyingly, the Manager API doesn't seem to return 'Busy' at all - instead just giving back a Hangup with no result codes. "
14:57.23leifmadsensmps: if you have the same issue there, then please try and provide the information requested and attach it as a file to the issue so it can be moved forward
14:58.08smpsleifmadsen, i did wrong paste , i am not having this issue :
14:58.33smpsleifmadsen, my issue is as described here :
14:58.43smpsleifmadsen, from Joel Rowbottom
14:58.46leifmadsensmps: that is not an up to date reference
14:59.06leifmadsenits last update was 2005
14:59.09smpsleifmadsen, but i am experiencing same issue with 1.4.25
14:59.48leifmadsenthen you will need to file an issue report with specifics of what is happening, and how to recreate the issue. Additionally, if the system is crashing, then provide the backtrace.
15:00.28smpsleifmadsen, for example when i get something like this from provider: "*SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden, no minutes left*"
15:00.44leifmadsenthat is not an asterisk issue
15:00.51smpsleifmadsen, asterisk goes to next failover trunk , but ami sends hangup to tapi client ...
15:01.13leifmadsenlike I said, you'll need to file an issue on the issue tracker in order to have it addressed
15:01.22leifmadsenalternatively, you can use the asterisk-users mailing list
15:01.25filethis does all depend on how exactly it is being done... if using a Local channel then the actual outgoing channel to that trunk would get hungup
15:01.30filebut the Local channel would not
15:01.41fileit would create yet another outgoing channel
15:01.46fileall depends...
15:01.59smpsfile, it creates another channel , but local channel gets hangup
15:02.44smpsill file an issue on issue tracker
15:05.07*** join/#asterisk-bugs smps (n=smps@
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15:08.31*** join/#asterisk-bugs Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
15:08.31*** mode/#asterisk-bugs [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
16:35.14*** join/#asterisk-bugs bbryant (
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17:32.30*** join/#asterisk-bugs caio1982_ (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
18:42.42*** join/#asterisk-bugs oej (
19:42.59MuffinMan[feedback] [Asterisk] Addons/res_config_mysql 0015241: Realtime IAX2 crash reported by mkezys (Karma: neutral)
19:43.05MuffinMan[feedback] [Asterisk] Channels/chan_sip/General 0015213: asterisk lock in sipsock_read for several seconds and drop sip packets reported by schmidts (Karma: neutral)
19:43.11MuffinMan[new] [Asterisk] PBX/pbx_realtime 0015231: SIP Realtime qualify goes crazy till Asterisk crash reported by mkezys (Karma: neutral)
20:03.03*** join/#asterisk-bugs leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
20:03.03*** mode/#asterisk-bugs [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
20:07.08Entomologist*** CLOSED (14759) [Resources/res_musiconhold] [patch] Asterisk commands "moh reload" or "reload" causes MOH not to work properly
20:07.08EntomologistAssigned to: tilghman
20:07.08EntomologistReported by: lidocaineus  Karma: 0
20:33.53Entomologist*** CLOSED (15025) [Functions/func_math] [patch] Functions INC and DEC
20:33.53EntomologistAssigned to: tilghman
20:33.53EntomologistReported by: greenfieldtech  Karma: 16.25
20:35.11*** join/#asterisk-bugs leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
20:35.11*** mode/#asterisk-bugs [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
21:17.27Entomologist*** CLOSED (15235) [Addons/chan_mobile] [patch] Make chan_mobile signal progress when the mobile phone has accepted the dialed number
21:17.27EntomologistAssigned to: mnicholson
21:17.27EntomologistReported by: Artem  Karma: 0

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