IRC log for #asterisk-bugs on 20080530

10:42.01*** join/#asterisk-bugs DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
12:09.21*** join/#asterisk-bugs shido6 (n=shido6@
12:16.09*** join/#asterisk-bugs russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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12:17.32*** join/#asterisk-bugs caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
13:10.13*** join/#asterisk-bugs DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
13:53.51*** join/#asterisk-bugs lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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13:59.00*** join/#asterisk-bugs putnopvut (n=putnopvu@
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14:15.29*** join/#asterisk-bugs Qwell (i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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14:34.33*** join/#asterisk-bugs fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
14:59.37*** join/#asterisk-bugs jainr (n=jainr@
16:41.51*** join/#asterisk-bugs C4colo (
16:44.18C4coloI'm willing to test t.38 in beta9, can someone point me in the right direction?  I have 1.6-beta9 installed with a basic config, have three atas capable of t.38, two fax machines on analog lines ready to go
16:44.44C4coloI'd also be willing to test some other areas of 1.6 if needed as well
16:46.39C4colois there a doc somewhere with even a rough description of what configuration needs to be enabled?
16:47.17symlinkthere is one option in sip.conf needed, t38pt_udptl=yes
16:47.22symlinkrest is configuration of your ATAs...
16:49.13C4colook, I have that set to yes, and the first ata is registered and I have t.38 set to auto detect (other option is ulaw passthrough)
16:52.56C4colothanks, I'll try some fax calls... I was expecting some hacking of source code or complex and tedious configuration of .conf files =)
16:54.47*** join/#asterisk-bugs UnixDog (
16:57.29*** join/#asterisk-bugs atis_work (n=atis_wor@
16:58.37UnixDogjsmith: hey
16:58.50jsmithHello UnixDog
16:59.34UnixDogyeah they are testing in the lab working on callcenter interface and wont let me touch the machines
16:59.42UnixDogI know the fastest way to test it
17:00.48UnixDogbtw it also happens with polycom directory sip uri dials
17:00.58UnixDoglots to go into for fixiing this
17:01.26UnixDogok phse one
17:01.30jsmithUnixDog: Again, let's start with the simplest case and go from there
17:01.39UnixDogsimple do this
17:01.50UnixDog2 asterisk 1.4.20 boxes
17:02.02UnixDogand have 10 exten 1000 -1010
17:02.05jsmithUnixDog: I've tried it
17:02.07UnixDogon both boxes
17:02.13jsmithUnixDog: And I've had two other people to try it
17:02.28jsmithUnixDog: Which is why I've asked for a SIP trace and CLI output from *your* boxes
17:02.36Qwelland config
17:03.06UnixDogthe only box I have right now is a askozia very basic dialplan
17:03.31UnixDogand I call my fiend box with a exten 1000 and it fails
17:03.44UnixDogeven when calling his ring group of 600
17:03.54UnixDogand it does not show up on his cli
17:04.04UnixDogadn very little output on mine
17:05.32UnixDogI will paste its output
17:05.46jsmithUnixDog: Make sure the verbosity is at least 3 on both sides
17:05.58jsmithUnixDog: And make sure you've got SIP debugging turned on
17:08.10UnixDognothing show up on his cli
17:08.16UnixDogonly on min
17:08.30UnixDogthere is the output
17:11.06UnixDogand he has a exten 1000 on his system
17:11.46symlinkdo you mean he has a user, peer, or friend in sip.conf with a username of 1000?
17:12.11jsmithUnixDog: Based on that post, it appears that you've got an authentication problem, not a bug
17:12.35UnixDogno because if he deletes the exten on his box all calls go threw fine
17:13.13jsmithOk, stick with me here, while I walk through what happened on that trace
17:13.32UnixDogI understand the trace
17:13.41UnixDogbut I am telling you the facts
17:13.43jsmithWell, let's just walk through it for sanity's sake
17:13.52jsmithJust to make sure we're all on the same page
17:14.07jsmithLine 11: Your Polycom 550 dials 22222
17:14.30jsmithLine 44: Asterisk says 'Hey Polycom, you need to authenticate'
17:15.03russellbjsmith: box2 sees 1000 in the From header, so it asks it to authenticate as user 1000, since one exists
17:15.22russellbjsmith: if on box1, there was a peer entry for box2 ...
17:15.25jsmithrussellb: I know that, but I want to step through this so that everyone understands
17:15.29russellband that was used for dialing box2, it could fix it.
17:15.33russellbby allowing you to chante the username
17:16.17jsmithOK... let's continue
17:16.56jsmithLine 61: The Polycom ACKs the 487 response
17:19.47jsmithLine 77: The Polycom tries again
17:21.13jsmithLine 110: Asterisk finds a matching SIP user named [1000]
17:23.12jsmithLine 128 Asterisk replies back to the Polycom saying "OK, I'm trying..."
17:23.28jsmithLine 143: The call finally his the dialplan
17:23.31jsmithUnixDog: With me so far?
17:23.40jsmithSo there's the first leg of the call
17:27.31jsmithLine 144: Asterisk tries to call Local/22222@APPLICATION-MAPPING-226591954483c56528e30f/n
17:27.47jsmith(Sorry for the slow responses... trying to talk on a phone call, cook lunch, and type at the same time)
17:29.00jsmithLine 155: Asterisk sends an INVITE to
17:30.06jsmithLine 192: Asterisk receives a "Proxy Auth Required"
17:30.36jsmithLine 206: Asterisk ACKs the "Proxy Auth" message
17:30.38UnixDogthats because there is a exten on his system on 1000
17:31.27jsmithUnixDog: That shouldn't matter
17:31.38UnixDogit seems to
17:31.45jsmithUnixDog: SIP authentication happens *before* the call ever gets to the dialplan
17:32.17UnixDogthats the local auth
17:32.17jsmithUnixDog: That's one of the fundamentals of Asterisk... calls always come through a channel driver (chan_sip in this case) before hitting the dialplan
17:32.24UnixDogfrom the phone to box a
17:32.32jsmithUnixDog: No
17:32.45UnixDoglook at it
17:32.50jsmithUnixDog: I'm talking about Box2 requiring Box1 to authenticate
17:33.02UnixDogwhen it ask the polycom to auth thats a locl auth
17:33.16jsmithYes, but I'm not talking about that
17:33.24Qwellline 192 is what he's referring to
17:33.26jsmithI'm talking about lines 155, 192, and 206
17:33.53jsmithIn this case, Box1 sends a INVITE to Box2, and get's a 487 back, and then ACKs it
17:34.13C4coloI've had that same issue with extension 100 being on two boxes
17:34.26jsmithIn other words, Box1 has no idea how to authenticate to Box2
17:34.42UnixDoghey c4colo can you give me access to your 2 boxes to get them output
17:34.56C4colobox one could not call box two because it was claiming to be 100 and there was a 100 in the default context
17:34.58UnixDogbut it should not have to auth
17:35.06jsmithUnixDog: But that's not a bug, that's a configuration issue
17:35.14C4coloone is Ryppn's and the other was a temporary xen box I threw together to test SLA
17:35.39UnixDogjsmith is there a way to call you and go over this
17:35.44jsmithUnixDog: Box2 is requiring authentication from Box1, but Box1 doesn't have a username/password to use to authenticate
17:35.51UnixDogI dont think your understanding the full point
17:35.57jsmithUnixDog: Sure... I'll pm you with my phone number
17:36.03jsmithUnixDog: I'd say the same about you ;-)
17:36.09C4colomostly it is caused by the sip users being in the same context that anon sip connections enter
17:36.20Qwelljsmith: grandcentral? :p
17:36.28symlinkC4colo: not... exactly
17:36.31jsmithQwell: No, I'll give him my real number
17:36.48Qwellactually, random and off-topic - is grandcentral
17:36.51C4colowell, that's what caused it on mine, because it was a test box I put everything in [default]
17:37.25C4colosip calls came in there and all users were there so it matched user 100 and asked for auth
17:38.04C4coloalso I think setting a domain on each box would help, if both are using the astersk default it will claim to be in the same domain
17:38.27C4colo100@asterisk is what I think it was using
17:39.33C4coloand both boxes used asterisk as the domain, so it thought they were on the same "network"
17:40.21C4coloI never really worked too hard to clear it up as the box was littterally a throw-away install
17:40.23symlinkC4colo: you are fundamentally correct.
17:41.10C4colofundamentally? am I missing something?
17:41.40symlinkwell, your usage of terms is a little off... and understanding of sip.conf, so some of the stuff you said made it seem as though you were talking about other things...
17:42.18symlinkbut the reason you have in mind is correct
17:43.33C4colohmm, reading back what I said I don't see anything that seems to be incorrect terminology, help me understand what I said incorrectly if you don't mind
17:43.46C4coloI'm a stickler for correct and unambiguous communication
17:43.55symlinkyou create separate entries in sip.conf, they don't all exist in [default]
17:44.25C4coloI put that on each of the users
17:44.30symlinkreally? I thought you put in general instead... so maybe you are off :)
17:46.59C4colo[joe01] : username=joe01 : authname=joe01; callerid=132142134 : secret=hackmepls : context=default : etc
17:47.40symlinkit's rather simple really... chan_sip finds users by looking at the user portion of the From header - which is also used as callerid sometimes... so a call comes in and is matched by that as 6000, it then enters the dialplan unaltered... another system is then dialed... 6000 is placed in the From header as callerid... if that machines has a user entry itself for 6000 it will match and request authentication
17:48.46symlinkso it's best to use RPID to transport callerid/presentation information and either actually do username/pass auth or set it to something bogus that'll probably never match
17:56.38C4coloso to be clear, how would one say that the entire dialplan and all users were in the default context?
17:57.03C4coloI put the dialplan under [default] and all users were defined with context=default ?
17:57.11symlinkthat is fine when you say dialplan :)
17:57.24symlinkI was thinking you were talking about sip.conf
17:59.22C4colowell, technicall I was, I set all of the users to use the default context, the way I think about it is that everything is running under default
18:06.09mvanbaakls -lah symlink
18:29.09UnixDogjsmith: hang up
18:29.17UnixDogI kicked the phone
18:29.22UnixDogand got disconnected
18:29.30jsmithUnixDog: No worries
18:33.28QwellUnixDog: Why'd you kick the poor phone?  No need to be so violent. :)
18:44.18UnixDogok done
18:44.30UnixDogand now to tear asterisk apart
18:45.12symlinkraises eyebrow
18:57.39*** join/#asterisk-bugs atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:06.23UnixDogok I have fixed a macro for asterisk that works with sip uri dialing that seems to work right now thanks to jsmith
19:06.32UnixDogit is just a work around
19:07.20UnixDogbbiab and I will post it
19:58.16*** join/#asterisk-bugs atis_work (n=atis_wor@
20:08.38russellbwonders why a macro was needed
20:08.45russellbit's just a normal sip.conf entry ...
20:16.14seanbrightrussellb: that was a few minutes of spit-balling
20:16.40seanbrightnot sure why i sent that in here, but whatever.
20:17.07russellbheh, no problem
20:17.16russellbbut yeah, we're on the same page
20:17.23russellbi'm not really picky about the format
20:17.58russellbjust that it is expressive enough for all of the information that we want to be able to get (yet to be determined and put into a spec), and in a nice format that various tools can be written easily against
20:18.00seanbrightwill write a script o automatically update voip-info :)
20:18.23seanbrightrussellb: well we can transform xml into anything
20:18.43russellbwe could even write res_documentation that serves up documentation as HTTP via the builtin http server
20:18.44seanbrightrussellb: we can even transform it into... xml!
20:18.52seanbrightrussellb: ohhhh
20:19.07russellbactually ... asterisk 1.6 will by default install the html documentation generated from the tex docs
20:19.16russellbbut it doesn't cover apps/functions/etc
20:19.21russellbbecause there is no way to get the info
20:19.42russellbi'm excited.
20:19.49russellbgo go go go
20:20.04seanbright<arg name="rule" since="1.6.0">
20:20.13seanbright*that* is what excites me
20:20.16seanbrighti need to get out more
20:20.48russellbso when are you moving to AL again?
20:21.42russellbkicks chan_iax2
20:58.49*** join/#asterisk-bugs atis_work (n=atis_wor@
23:20.35*** join/#asterisk-bugs russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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