IRC log for #asterisk-bugs on 20080206

02:17.12*** join/#asterisk-bugs miguel3239 (
05:54.37*** join/#asterisk-bugs lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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10:15.03jmlsbe warned. I'm on a "oldest bug" hunt ..
10:28.01mvanbaakbtw, most uses of ast_verbose are gone now in the code
10:56.50sx|lappyjmls: the answer is 42 !!
10:58.05jmlsdammit, after all those years of looking, someone else finds it
13:30.33lmadsendoh... guess this means I have to work on a new patch for 11349
13:40.36lmadsenmvanbaak: sorry, I didn't get into the audit last night, I got distracted, then ended up working on something else. I do have it all compiled though and am going to try and do some of it now.
13:40.50lmadsenI was trying to compile as many modules as possible in order to find things I didn't find first time around
13:41.21lmadsenI'm also trying to think of the best way to keep the documentation. I'm tempted to do it in docbook
13:43.48lmadsenok, I think just audit first, then documentation later
13:52.19mvanbaak:) no problem lmadsen
13:53.01lmadsenheh, I gotta stop typing out loud :)
14:02.17lmadsenhrmmm... that's weird...
14:02.19lmadsenLoading zaptel hardware modules: ztdummy.
14:02.19lmadsenRunning ztcfg:  ioctl(ZT_LOADZONE) failed: Invalid argument
14:02.20lmadsenNotice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
14:02.20lmadsenline 233: Unable to register tone zone 'us'
14:13.27lmadsenmvanbaak: do you think it'd be possible to use some sort of colouring on the tab completion to show the commands that are deprecated?
14:14.00mvanbaakon the CLI or in the documentation ?
14:14.04lmadsenthe CLI
14:14.29lmadsenhrmmm... what about an option in asterisk.conf to not show the deprecated commands?
14:14.55lmadsenor, nodepcli=yes
14:19.46mvanbaakwhy ?
14:19.51mvanbaakppl will get confused
14:20.21mvanbaakI think the whole step to first deprecate commands and remove them in the next version is so ppl see the warning
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14:20.46mvanbaakand if they are used to use tab completion and all of a sudden that wont work anymore we scare them
14:22.07lmadsenmvanbaak: right, but for those of us who already do know how to use the CLI (or are trying to break our habits of old CLI commands) it'd be useful to not see the deprecated commands at all
14:22.24lmadsenthen you are forced into using only the new syntax
14:22.35lmadsen(forced by choice)
14:23.30lmadsenjust my opinion :)
14:23.36mvanbaakI think it can be done and I think there's already something like that in place
14:23.55lmadsenI'm up to the 2nd layer of 'local' so far
14:24.15mvanbaakand all is good ?
14:24.52lmadsenlooks good so far :)  but I haven't started putting in notes or marking things in the tree as deprecated, etc...
14:25.04lmadsenjust getting it all written down into the tree, then the actual audit will start
14:25.46mvanbaakahha, now i can understand why you want the nodepcli :)
14:26.55lmadsenwhat I'm going to have to do is try running every command and making sure that the depcrecation warnings pop up too
14:31.51mvanbaakI did put the ', .deprecate_cmd = &cli....._deprecated)' on every new function
14:31.54mvanbaakso it should do it
14:41.01*** join/#asterisk-bugs putnopvut (n=putnopvu@
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14:53.25lmadsenmvanbaak: I'm going to mark commands that I think should be changed with a #. Those marked with * are just notes that they are deprecated for documentation
14:53.49lmadsenstrike that... I have a different way I'm gonna do it :)
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15:06.45MuffinMan[feedback] [Asterisk] Channels/chan_oss 0011425: Dailstatus says NOANSWER even if i pick the call reported by naveenpalani
15:06.50putnopvutSounds like this can be closed.
15:07.29filelemme see here...
15:07.55jmlshey! I was just about to close that one ;)
15:07.59fileI agree
15:29.35filegood golly
15:29.38filejmls: did you get fired or something?
15:34.08fileI'm going through issues and you are at the bottom of 'em all
15:58.00fileputnopvut: you rock for taking 10072
15:58.46putnopvutWhy thanks.
15:58.58fileputnopvut: now the real trick... can you also roll?
15:59.48putnopvutOnly on Thursdays :(
16:10.54lmadsenmvanbaak: are we really gonna deprecated all the 'show' commands?
16:11.30lmadsenoh nevermind...
16:11.37lmadsenseems there is only "show parkedcalls" when I hit tab
16:11.59lmadsenguess they got deprecated in 1.4
16:18.24mvanbaakmust be
16:19.47lmadsenmvanbaak: ALMOST DONE!
16:20.00lmadsenup to 'r'
16:25.23lmadsenonly found a few issues
16:25.32lmadsenI think like 4 or 5
16:25.41mvanbaakthat's cool
16:25.45mvanbaakI can fix them later today
16:26.01lmadsenok seriously... how the hell do I get off the pulver mailing lists? I've unsubscribed at least a dozen time
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16:26.09mvanbaakwife's not home tonight, so i have all the time to myself
16:26.17lmadsensweet -- hopefully won't take too long
16:26.25mvanbaaknah, dont think so
16:28.54putnopvutlmadsen: are you referring to the one advertizing the "premier" open source communications event?
16:30.10lmadsenpossibly... I haven't opened it yet. I just saw the notice popup
16:30.10Qwelllmadsen: when you unsubscribe, you just unsubscribe to that email, so they'll never resend it
16:30.22lmadsenQwell: ya, that's kinda what I was starting to think
16:30.42lmadsen"oh, well you unsubscribed from that mailing list, but we create new lists each time we send out an email"
16:34.37mvanbaak"our membership database is chattr +a (append only)
16:37.35mvanbaakI'll be back later, going home and going to grab some food
16:37.57mvanbaaklmadsen: let's see if we can get this thing done today
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18:34.35mvanbaaklmadsen: gimme a call when you have feedback
18:36.27lmadsenmvanbaak: will do! let me see if I can't sneak in some more time to finish this up...
18:38.35mvanbaakgheh, my svngpg script is working great
18:42.16lmadsenw00t! almost done!
18:42.21lmadsenup to 'unistim'
18:42.28lmadsen4 to go
18:42.35mvanbaakhurray !
18:46.13mvanbaakgreat job
18:47.23lmadsenmvanbaak: attached
18:48.05lmadsencli_tree_2.txt, what?!
18:48.24mvanbaakhow to read this
18:48.44lmadsenlook for (change)
18:48.54lmadsenthose are the "bugs" -- the rest are just how it's setup
18:48.56mvanbaakael debug is not done ???
18:49.13lmadsenit is -- (deprecated) is just a note
18:49.20lmadsenfor anyone else who might be reading this
18:49.27mvanbaakael set debug I mean
18:49.43lmadsenahhh correct then
18:49.51codefreezemvanbaak: no, didn't feel like I needed to implement that.
18:50.14lmadsencodefreeze: blasphemy!
18:50.24codefreezemvanbaak: ael2 is so diff. from AEL 1, that that kind of debug info is not relevant.
18:50.42lmadsenAEL2 is self healing code
18:50.47lmadsenif you write something wrong, it fixes it for you
18:50.55lmadsenso there is no need to debug anything
18:51.20mvanbaakcodefreeze: there's an interesting bug about aelparse
18:51.31codefreezethere is?
18:51.58lmadsenmvanbaak: let me know when you get those fixed, then we can post something to -dev I guess
18:52.07MuffinMan[assigned] [Asterisk] Utilities/aelparse 0011937: AelParse dump separates command parameters with pipes, that are not accepted by 1.6 reported by atis
18:52.07lmadsenmake sure no one else sees anything I missed
18:52.33mvanbaakaelparse in trunk dumps it with escaped comma ;)
18:52.51codefreezemvanbaak: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.....  (did you hear the rise and fall of tone on that?)
18:53.04mvanbaakloud and clear
18:53.38mvanbaaklmadsen: there's no 'ael set debug on'
18:53.55lmadsenmvanbaak: that's what I saw... just the off
18:54.02lmadsenand without off, it turns it on
18:54.07lmadsenbut you should need to say 'on'
18:54.11lmadsen(to be consistant)
18:54.21mvanbaakhuh ?
18:54.27lmadsenthere is:
18:54.29lmadsenael set debug off
18:54.32lmadsenael set debug
18:54.33lmadsenit should be
18:54.40lmadsenael set debug <on|off>
18:54.42mvanbaak*CLI> ael set debug
18:54.42mvanbaakNo such command 'ael set debug' (type 'help' for help)
18:54.58lmadsenlet me try something
18:55.01mvanbaakyou have to pick one of the categories you want to debug
18:55.05mvanbaakthere is no 'on'
18:55.23codefreezedon'tcha just have to love that sort of situation?
18:55.48lmadsen*CLI> ael set debug
18:55.48lmadsenNo such command 'ael set debug' (type 'help' for help)
18:55.48lmadsen*CLI> ael set debug on
18:55.48lmadsenNo such command 'ael set debug' (type 'help' for help)
18:55.48lmadsen*CLI> ael set debug off
18:56.04lmadsenI missed a layer
18:56.05mvanbaaklmadsen: you do: ael set debug contexts
18:56.05lmadsenmy bad
18:56.24mvanbaakand off is to cancel that
18:56.44mvanbaakthere is no general debug stuff in ael, you have to specify _what_ you want to debug
18:57.17lmadsenaye... I didn't go deep enough I guess :)
18:57.34mvanbaaksame as 'core set verbose'
18:57.40mvanbaakyou have to pick a level
18:58.36mvanbaakgheh, those 'shown twice' errors cannot be fixed
18:58.52mvanbaakit's because there are 2 functions being deprecated by new ones
19:09.51Corydon76-diglmadsen: remind me when you scheduled testing on 9279 again?
19:10.53lmadsenCorydon76-dig: last week I think :)  that was the TIMEOUT() stuff right?
19:11.07lmadsenI had updated to latest trunk, but didn't get the patch applied. I promise to do it today.
19:11.07Corydon76-digNo, that's the Adaptive for cdr_pgsql
19:11.25lmadsenoh.... ya, I don't think I scheduled time for that one because it's a bit more involved...
19:11.30Corydon76-digbut thanks for reminding me to remind you to test that patch, too
19:12.25Corydon76-digtimeouts would be 10540
19:14.12mvanbaakow hurray
19:14.29mvanbaakinstalled libiksemel-dev and now make is doing a full compile of everything
19:23.11lmadsenhahaha... I just got a call from someone using asterisk doing telemarketing
19:25.02lmadsenand it was highly latent too... -- offering me new rates on my phone calls to (somewhere I couldn't understand).  I like to tell those people I run a phone company and don't need a new carrier :)
19:25.42lmadsenI was also trying to tell her that, "hey! you're running asterisk!  that's the system I do implementations with"... then she would continue on in her script... she had no idea how to reply, so I eventually just hung up because it wasn't fun anymore
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19:43.46Corydon76-diglmadsen: I like telling telephone telemarketers that all of my calls are free anyway, as I work for a telephone company
19:44.15Corydon76-digThey don't have much to say after that
19:44.38Corydon76-digIt's not quite true, but it gets them off the phone
19:45.06lmadsenCorydon76-dig: ya, I say the same thing
19:46.20mvanbaakalias givm='gvim'
19:47.16putnopvutgivm hell!
19:50.04mvanbaakI keep typing it wrong
19:53.53mvanbaaklmadsen: I think I'm there
19:54.23lmadsenmvanbaak: w00t!
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20:13.00lmadsenmvanbaak: hrmmmmm.... so should we post to the -dev list first to update everyone about it with a last chance to comment?
20:17.57mvanbaakwe can do that
20:18.09mvanbaakI posted it after the first round of changes, and no reply yet
20:19.44mvanbaaksomeone should just fold it into trunk I guess
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21:14.58lmadsenI'm sold
21:15.14lmadsenand maybe 1.6.0-beta3
21:19.33d1masqwell: just to clarify, do you need anytheng else from me for 0011796 ?
21:19.38d1mas(hello all)
23:03.53lmadsenhey :)
23:12.50Corydon76-digmaple syrup

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