IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20180408

01:12.24*** join/#arm-netbook Gamayun_ (~Gamayun@
01:47.44*** join/#arm-netbook Gamayun (~Gamayun@
02:48.11*** join/#arm-netbook isacdaavid (
04:04.49*** join/#arm-netbook Gamayun_ (~Gamayun@
05:36.15*** join/#arm-netbook Gamayun_ (~Gamayun@
05:50.34*** join/#arm-netbook rhoever (~rhoever@
05:51.39rhoever@search phiolosophy
07:23.47*** join/#arm-netbook BenG83 (
07:46.08*** join/#arm-netbook focus (
08:36.08*** join/#arm-netbook focus (
08:42.44*** join/#arm-netbook focus (
08:44.16*** join/#arm-netbook OmegaPhil (~kvirc@fsf/member/OmegaPhil)
08:49.58*** join/#arm-netbook OmegaPhil (~kvirc@fsf/member/OmegaPhil)
09:05.17*** join/#arm-netbook focus (
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10:36.49*** join/#arm-netbook robgriff444 (~robert@
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12:10.19*** join/#arm-netbook oh2ftg (
13:34.04*** join/#arm-netbook oaken-source (
14:48.44*** join/#arm-netbook BenG83 (
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16:57.50*** join/#arm-netbook isacdaavid (
19:15.20*** join/#arm-netbook Necrosporus (~Necrospor@unaffiliated/necrosporus)
19:16.09NecrosporusWhat do you think about laptops based on wm8505 wm8650 wm8850 and so on?
19:16.21NecrosporusAlso what is the latest chip from them?
19:16.41NecrosporusI know about wm8850 but it's pretty old by now
19:20.05NecrosporusAlso do anybody own laptops with them still?
19:20.06buZzthey are hell
19:20.19buZzsupercheap though
19:20.27NecrosporusbuZz, do you have laptop with them?
19:20.29buZzyou can pick those netbooks up used for like 10-20 euros
19:20.33buZzwe have one at the hackerspace
19:20.42buZztakes 4 minutes to boot Windows CE :P
19:20.47NecrosporusWhat is a hackerspace?
19:20.59buZzHackerspaces are community-operated physical places, where people share their interest in tinkering with technology, meet and work on their projects, and learn from each other.
19:21.04NecrosporusbuZz, I guess it boots android somewhat faster
19:21.09buZzdoubt it
19:21.18NecrosporusPhysical place?
19:21.19buZzandroid has way higher requirements
19:21.26buZzyes, not virtual
19:21.35buZzyou cant have laptops at virtual spaces, obviously :P
19:21.42NecrosporusIn what country is it?
19:21.49buZzthey are in all countries
19:21.55buZzours is in wageningen, netherlands
19:22.32buZzactually, i think those wm8xxx chips arent even ARM
19:22.35buZzthey're MIPS
19:22.55NecrosporusI'm pretty sure they are ARM
19:23.44buZzah, indeed , ARM9
19:23.48NecrosporusbuZz, you are mixing them upp with jz*
19:23.49buZzso ARMv4 , i guess?
19:23.51buZzpretty old
19:23.58NecrosporusI guess it's ARMv5 though
19:24.13NecrosporusDo you know how to test that?
19:24.15buZzok, so will require a lot of compiling to get to work ;)
19:24.23buZzread the datasheet? :D
19:24.50NecrosporusWhere do you buy used arm netbooks?
19:25.06buZzebay etc
19:25.08Necrosporusaliexpress has no laptops with wm chips anymore seems
19:25.52NecrosporusAlright, so what ARM based laptop would you recomend nowadays?
19:26.04Necrosporuswm8* are probably not produced anymore
19:26.11buZzzipit z2
19:26.22NecrosporusPandora is even older than those arm laptops
19:26.29buZzbut a way faster cpu
19:26.43buZzand more ram, more storage, better interfaces
19:27.07buZzthose wm8505 laptops seems to typically have 128MB ram, and a 300mhz cpu
19:27.53NecrosporusZipit Z2 has intel PXA, it's really ancient
19:28.00buZzbut insanely cute
19:28.04buZzand runs mainline linux
19:28.24NecrosporusbuZz, wm8650 have 256M ram and 800MHz CPU and usually 2-4G nvram
19:28.41buZzok. so still poor
19:28.52Necrosporuswm8850 is faster
19:28.56buZzARMv5 at 800mhz is lightyears slower than 1Ghz ARMv7
19:30.17buZzah, pandora has 512MB ram, took a while to find
19:30.21buZzpyra will have 4GB ram
19:30.39NecrosporusWM8850 one core Cortex-A9, not sure what ARMv... it is, 512 RAM
19:30.41buZzalso, pyra allows cpu upgrades
19:30.48buZzcortex a9 is armv7
19:31.20NecrosporusSo, wm8850 should be as fast as pandora
19:32.15buZzwell kinda doubt that, probably doesnt have NEON or GPU acceleration :)
19:32.48buZzTI chips are really quite good
19:34.17NecrosporusBut 8850 is about 5 years newer
19:34.20buZzbenefit of pyra & pandora is mostly that they have a huge community building optimized software for it
19:34.29buZzdoesnt mean shit really :P
19:34.34NecrosporusThere is also GPD win though
19:34.39buZzwhich is not ARM
19:34.43Necrosporusit has copied Pandora design
19:34.49Necrosporusthere is GPD android
19:34.55Necrosporusnot sure what CPU it has
19:34.55buZzthere is x86 android yes
19:36.38buZzsome atom
21:20.10*** join/#arm-netbook focus (
21:21.09*** join/#arm-netbook focus_ (

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