IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20170103

01:48.03*** join/#arm-netbook Kingsquee (
03:02.55*** join/#arm-netbook ssvb (
03:35.07*** join/#arm-netbook ssvb (
04:07.58*** join/#arm-netbook isacdaavid (~isacdaavi@
07:31.01ericxduOkay I was able to watch some video on my bbb using mplayer instead of vlc
07:31.22ericxduMan client choice is really important on a low end system like this
07:34.16C-Keenmpv is one of the more popular successors of mplayer
07:42.41*** join/#arm-netbook leviathanch (
08:04.41ericxduC-Keen: oh good to know
08:04.47ericxduI have heard talk of it
08:17.43*** join/#arm-netbook aV_V (~aV_V@
09:08.54*** join/#arm-netbook leviathanch (
11:55.56*** join/#arm-netbook soloojos (~soloojos@gateway/tor-sasl/soloojos)
12:19.33*** join/#arm-netbook _whitelogger_ (
12:19.44*** join/#arm-netbook Turl (~Turl@cyanogenmod/maintainer/Turl)
12:21.19*** join/#arm-netbook Tsutsukakushi (~Tsutsukak@
13:48.33*** join/#arm-netbook harrow (
15:10.57*** join/#arm-netbook aV_V (~aV_V@
16:48.24*** join/#arm-netbook arkimedes (~arkimedes@
16:57.17*** join/#arm-netbook leviathanch (
17:30.16*** join/#arm-netbook ericxdu (
18:27.33strawberyargonericxdu, bbb? beagle board? :/
19:36.04*** join/#arm-netbook _whitelogger (
19:36.40*** join/#arm-netbook biotim (~biotim@fsf/member/biotim)
19:36.44*** join/#arm-netbook Turl (~Turl@cyanogenmod/maintainer/Turl)
20:53.27ericxdustrawberyargon: Yeah Beaglebone Black
20:54.08ericxduI'm learning to use a "good enough" computer before I get my eoma68 card
21:18.38jfred[m]BeagleBone Black
21:18.39jfred[m](I assume)
21:33.52strawberyargonheh cool
21:38.08strawberyargongot the prev beagle, meaning to learn about setting up build env so i can install freedombbone on mine or via tor http://2tp3f6vtvhkqpuc6.onion/
21:42.01strawberyargonhmm what other nicknames could we have for card? cus then maybe equliverant fun names like freedombone might be possible for eoma68 cards that have a fun picture/image to go with them... or i guess if eoma standards have a mascot like gnu and tux then you get names of projects like tuxkart....tuxpaint.... etc :)
21:59.41ericxdustrawberyargon: I have a vague idea that EOMA68 could have a mascot called Yeoman
22:02.34ericxdustrawberyargon: but I see what you're driving at. BBB and RPi have interesting names that can be derived from
22:02.52ericxduretropie, berryboot, freedombone,
22:03.24ericxduSo EOMA68 needs a little something....
22:04.31ericxdujfred[m]: Yes, that is it
22:06.04strawberyargonthat use words that are familiar and work for creating a cute fun character
22:08.09jfred[m]hmm, I should try using one of my little ARM-devices on a more regular basis
22:08.56jfred[m]trouble is I don't currently have any with a screen/battery
22:10.21ericxdujfred[m]: I'm using mine with a portable 15" monitor I had for gaming
22:10.55ericxdujfred[m]: of course not everyone has that stuff just laying around
22:11.25jfred[m]haha yeah
22:11.26jfred[m]I kinda wish I'd gotten a lapdock at some point
22:12.13ericxdustrawberyargon: nothing obvious comes to mind. We (the community) could decide on something arbitrary
22:12.34ericxduThe eoma68 weasel :-)
22:13.05ericxduOr... what was a famous royal pet?
22:14.15ericxdujfred[m]: if only EOMA68 laptop housings and passthru cards were already on the market
22:14.28jfred[m]indeed :)
22:14.42jfred[m]but then I'd just be using the A20 card ;)
22:14.58ericxduI would've loved a pass-thru laptop instead of this giant suitcase thing for gaming and computing
22:16.47ericxdustrawberyargon: Maybe something that has larval/etc stages of life like a caterpillar
22:17.13ericxduWould make sense given the transformative nature of housings
22:19.12strawberyargonhmm like the kids caterpillar book... what was the name of it... its about a caterpiller and eats this and that and turns into colourful butterfly?
22:22.12ericxduThe Hungry Caterpiller
22:22.35jfred[m]of course an A20 isn't likely to be great for gaming, I think (esp. without the proprietary graphics drivers)
22:23.44strawberyargonar, yea you know the one :)
22:26.12strawberyargonthe <something> eoma68 card. There is a hungery eoma68 card.... first it pops into a laptop.... then though and into a games console.... then into the tv for playback of big buck bunny.... etc
22:26.32strawberyargonhmm heh :()
22:27.18ericxduWe're onto something perhaps :-D
22:27.48strawberyargonEomater (terminator?)
22:27.57ericxdujfred[m]: well I'd use the pass-thru card with a game console or something
22:28.01strawberyargonericxdu, yea :)
22:28.06jfred[m]ahh, fair
22:28.52strawberyargonEomaerpiller? Eomiller Miller? Omiller? card = piller?
22:29.09strawberyargoncar = pillar
22:29.21ericxduEomapiller hmmm
22:29.22strawberyargonpillar of your computing, holding it up
22:29.40strawberyargoncard = pillar
22:30.25strawberyargonlol fair use the story and replace it with eomapiller XD
22:30.45ericxduHehe okay
22:30.45ericxduI like it
22:30.48ericxduSo far
22:38.06strawberyargonneed some drawing next...
22:46.29ericxduI hope it pans out. EOMA68 doesn't roll off the tongue
22:47.15ericxduI feel its more of a "powered by" name, and needs a friendlier face in front
23:18.00*** join/#arm-netbook tuliom (~tuliom@
23:40.04*** join/#arm-netbook TorC (~TorC@fsf/member/TorC)
23:55.37*** join/#arm-netbook isacdaavid (~isacdaavi@

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