IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20161116

03:45.28*** join/#arm-netbook isacdaavid (~isacdaavi@
04:12.32*** join/#arm-netbook Kingsquee (
04:36.42*** join/#arm-netbook arkimedes (~arkimedes@
07:28.47*** join/#arm-netbook lkcl (
08:36.44*** join/#arm-netbook leviathanch (
09:19.34*** join/#arm-netbook Putti (~Putti@unaffiliated/putti)
10:02.38*** join/#arm-netbook Dessimat0r_ (
10:49.18*** join/#arm-netbook Dessimat0r (
11:45.43*** join/#arm-netbook yang (yang@freenode/sponsor/fsf.member.yang)
11:48.28yangIs this channel ok to ask questions about Chromebooks, or should I head into another channel ? I am having difficulties booting the USB stick on a c201, should be done with CTRL+U but it only takes me into the normal login ChromeOS window
11:51.49yangI think CTRL+U doesn't react at all
11:52.26yangI didn't enable the DEV mode though
12:16.15*** join/#arm-netbook SirCmpwn (
12:47.06*** join/#arm-netbook Putti (~Putti@unaffiliated/putti)
12:53.23yangnevvermind, solved it
13:09.43*** join/#arm-netbook jn__ (
15:02.51*** join/#arm-netbook arkimedes (~arkimedes@
16:31.45*** join/#arm-netbook arkimedes (
18:44.55*** join/#arm-netbook isacdaavid (~isacdaavi@
19:01.52*** join/#arm-netbook mzpx (~quassel@
20:06.58SPGLuke Leighton master ad67dbe source community_ideas/micro_desktop.mdwn table corrections *;a=commitdiff;h=ad67dbe
20:06.59SPGLuke Leighton master e22583a source community_ideas/laptop_15in/discussion.mdwn another person not understanding what the project is about.  *sigh*. *;a=commitdiff;h=e22583a
20:07.56lkclyang: it's a long story, but no :)
20:08.05lkclyang: it _should_ be... but isn't.  apologies
20:09.00C-Keenlkcl: did I read your reports right, that you are working on the crowdfunding A20 card and the 'next generation' *at*the*same*time* ?
20:12.36lkclC-Keen: yes.  the A20's nearing production so of course.
20:13.14C-Keenlkcl: for the sake of ecological reasons I'd say keep my money for the A10 card and tell me how much more you need for the next one :)
20:13.19lkclC-Keen: otherwise i have nothing to do.  all i do is, pass the gerber files to the factory, they then come back in 2-3 weeks time with a finished board
20:13.40lkclC-Keen: so if i didn't start new designs, i would be sat doing... well... absolutely nothing.
20:13.57lkclC-Keen: the RK3288 board and the S5P6818 one is going to be EXPENSIVE
20:14.05C-Keenlkcl: a tablet design would be awesome *hint*
20:14.13lkcl$36 just in RAM ICs alone for the RK3288.
20:14.20C-Keenlkcl: yeah I have seen the post about it
20:14.38C-KeenRAM is expensive these days
20:14.44lkclC-Keen: well, if you can find a sponsor willing to pay for my time for the eight to twelve months needed to complete the tablet development, you can have a tablet housing
20:15.05lkclC-Keen: 2GB of RAM @ 4x DDR3 8-bit wide is $12.
20:15.28lkclC-Keen: 2GB of RAM @ 2x DDR3 16-bit wide is *** $18 ***
20:15.40C-KeenI'd pitch in my share for a EOMA68 design for a tablet housing
20:16.34lkclC-Keen: cool.... the only thing is, i estimate it'll be about... mmm... $20k total investment required.
20:16.52C-Keenthen we need a couple more people thinking alike :)
20:17.07lkclC-Keen: ideally, sales of the Cards etc. would be enough to cover it, get "bootstrapped"
20:17.36C-Keenlkcl: isn't the current campaign somewhat of a close to 0 (from below) sum game?
20:17.43lkclC-Keen: a big order would do the trick, for sure.
20:18.07lkclC-Keen: correct.  actually, below zero, which is why i want to introduce the high-end Cards.
20:19.03lkclok listen it's 4:18am here so talk at me, i'll leave xchat running and reply tomorrow errr.... i mean in about 8-10 hours, ok?
20:19.20C-Keenhave you been able to introduce the EOMA68 standard to chinese retailers? I bet they would love the concept as well
20:19.30C-Keenlkcl: have a good night
21:16.13*** join/#arm-netbook soloojos (~soloojos@gateway/tor-sasl/soloojos)
21:39.26*** join/#arm-netbook biotim (~biotim@fsf/member/biotim)
22:17.31arossdotmeyea chinese retailers, id be interested to hear about that
22:30.11*** join/#arm-netbook Kingsquee (
22:50.02*** join/#arm-netbook arkimedes (
22:51.06*** join/#arm-netbook nasuga (~nasuga@unaffiliated/nasuga)

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