IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20161003

00:02.08*** join/#arm-netbook orly_owl (~david@unaffiliated/orly-owl/x-3167833)
00:41.33ericxduIf I remember right, a few years ago I was usually able to do I.e. or and get a better site
01:33.33arossdotme-planbstill can
01:36.14ericxduarossdotme-planb: good
01:48.59*** join/#arm-netbook arossdotme (
02:32.45ericxduI'll be trying different combinations of js/nojs mobile/notmobile
02:34.29ericxduI'm tempted to start a maillist thread about coping with ~1Ghz on different systems
02:35.36ericxduI got my beaglebone black set up this weekend, end I've been fiddling with Parabola on my netbook
03:13.44*** join/#arm-netbook arkimedes (~arkimedes@
05:32.57*** join/#arm-netbook mm|Bot (
05:33.11*** join/#arm-netbook mm|Bot (~modelmoti@unaffiliated/modelmotion)
07:12.23*** join/#arm-netbook diego_r (
08:31.17*** join/#arm-netbook lkcl (~lkcl@
09:09.13*** join/#arm-netbook ob-sed (~obesd@unaffiliated/obesd)
10:24.16*** join/#arm-netbook stamina (
11:44.39*** join/#arm-netbook Putti (~Putti@unaffiliated/putti)
13:01.01*** join/#arm-netbook lkcl (~lkcl@
14:02.18*** join/#arm-netbook buZz (
14:38.57jfred[m]Yeah, you don't notice much until you're on low-end machines, but most web applications are heavy as heck
15:49.37jellythe compilers and the code dun care much for your tiny cache sizes and meager memory bw
15:53.25*** join/#arm-netbook leviathanch (
16:02.20*** join/#arm-netbook arkimedes (~arkimedes@
18:34.13*** join/#arm-netbook isacdaavid (~isaac@
22:02.50*** join/#arm-netbook arkimedes (~arkimedes@
22:32.54*** join/#arm-netbook arkimedes_ (~arkimedes@
23:17.43*** join/#arm-netbook arkimedes (~arkimedes@

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