IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20160904

00:48.32*** join/#arm-netbook tuliom (
01:00.23*** join/#arm-netbook tuliom (
01:25.32*** join/#arm-netbook tuliom (
01:48.00*** join/#arm-netbook xcasex (~case@unaffiliated/xcasex)
02:34.55*** join/#arm-netbook biotim (~biotim@fsf/member/biotim)
02:49.57*** join/#arm-netbook dyoung-away (
02:50.02*** join/#arm-netbook dyoung (dyoung@nasadmin/dyoung)
04:28.55ericxdu_lkcl, Aww hope that doesn't mean you'd reject any style improvements. I'm tech saavy and a style that doesn't scale all the way down is an itch I'd like to scratch
04:29.32ericxdu_On the other hand...
04:30.09ericxdu_I could just take it up with ikiwiki and leave ya alone. :-P
04:31.11ericxdu_if I want to be scratching itches
04:48.05*** join/#arm-netbook isacdaavid (~isaac@
04:54.11*** join/#arm-netbook _whitelogger (
04:55.58ericxdu_I don't want to intrude
06:58.25*** join/#arm-netbook ganbold (~ganbold@
08:31.37*** join/#arm-netbook Putti (~Putti@unaffiliated/putti)
08:56.08*** join/#arm-netbook jezza (~jezza@2001:984:c8e0:1:262f:1e2c:c739:4db1)
09:20.44*** join/#arm-netbook _laco (
10:06.37*** join/#arm-netbook OmegaPhil (~kvirc@
10:06.37*** join/#arm-netbook OmegaPhil (~kvirc@fsf/member/OmegaPhil)
10:07.34*** join/#arm-netbook jezza (~jezza@
11:52.52*** join/#arm-netbook shymega (
13:16.45*** join/#arm-netbook ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
13:16.45*** mode/#arm-netbook [+o ChanServ] by
15:15.22lkclericxdu_: no feel free - you can do a git clone of the wiki and test them out, then send me a "git format-patch" set.
15:17.03*** join/#arm-netbook tuliom (
16:09.06*** join/#arm-netbook biotim (~biotim@fsf/member/biotim)
18:11.19ericxdu_lkcl, Thx
18:18.46lkclericxdu_: keep in touch, let me know how you get on
20:07.04xcasexsteev: really?
20:15.09*** join/#arm-netbook shymega (
20:22.29*** join/#arm-netbook mm|Bot (
20:22.29*** join/#arm-netbook mm|Bot (~modelmoti@unaffiliated/modelmotion)
20:48.51*** join/#arm-netbook stamina (
21:29.15*** join/#arm-netbook tuliom (
22:31.34*** join/#arm-netbook tuliom (
22:37.03SPGsampablokuper@96da1bca66886cc9d0f016271bfd4f146f18e3ff master 474e6e7 source community_ideas/clamshell_microlaptop.mdwn Fix links *;a=commitdiff;h=474e6e7
23:02.52*** join/#arm-netbook oh2ftg (
23:06.39*** join/#arm-netbook ssvb (
23:52.54*** join/#arm-netbook desttinghim (~desttingh@

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