IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20160726

00:35.59*** join/#arm-netbook OmegaPhil (~kvirc@
00:35.59*** join/#arm-netbook OmegaPhil (~kvirc@fsf/member/OmegaPhil)
08:48.09*** join/#arm-netbook orly_owl (~david@unaffiliated/orly-owl/x-3167833)
09:01.16*** join/#arm-netbook ganbold (~ganbold@
11:02.10*** join/#arm-netbook announ (~announ@
11:22.45*** join/#arm-netbook M-jon (jonterracr@gateway/shell/
14:15.40*** join/#arm-netbook willdye (
15:42.06*** join/#arm-netbook lkcl (~lkcl@
21:10.35*** join/#arm-netbook announ (~announ@
21:54.47*** join/#arm-netbook Not_Jesus (~Not_Jesus@
21:55.07Not_Jesuseoma68\Libre Tea people really make it difficult to find them
21:55.21Not_Jesusim suprised they dont have a jazzy website like pocketCHIP and some nice branding
21:55.28Not_Jesuscant find a twitter for it even
21:55.35Not_Jesusonly website is
21:55.59Not_Jesusgreat comic strip but geez the site looks like its from the 90s
21:56.28Not_Jesusthe libre tea is so forward thinking and revolutionary but there isnt branding that shows that
21:56.39Not_Jesusso hard to find anything about it other than links to the crowdsupply
22:27.01lkclNot_Jesus: i'm a software libre developer, and there are zero (0) other additional people full-time helping out.  everybody is volunteers, and has been for the past 5 years.
22:28.38lkclNot_Jesus: also, being a software libre developer has certain ethical implications.  the only reason i maintain a facebook account is because i have clients for whom facebook is absolutely essential for their business
22:29.12lkclNot_Jesus: also, as an extremely busy software libre developer who has been focussing on getting designs ready, i do not have spare additional time or resources for marketing.
22:29.56lkclNot_Jesus: i have time to do 100% focus on getting the designs and EOMA68 ready... or i have time to 100% focus on marketing.... but not both.  both are full-time jobs.
22:30.17lkclNot_Jesus: so, if you'd like to help with one of those tasks, please do
22:30.35*** join/#arm-netbook isacdaavid (~isaac@
22:33.32Not_Jesuslkcl, i get the not using facebook, i love libre tehc
22:33.45Not_Jesusbut twitter is good for projects like this
22:33.51Not_Jesusa nice website is too
22:33.59Not_Jesusespecially for when doing a crowdfunding event
22:34.09Not_JesuspocketCHIP does great with all those
22:34.14Not_Jesusand its libre
22:34.32Not_Jesusim just saying this because i love the idea for libre tea and want it to be very succesful
22:39.59lkclNot_Jesus: they have lots of funding, i know the people behind the CHIP.
22:40.25lkclNot_Jesus: i have time either to do a nice website, or i have time to do the designs - i don't have time for both
22:41.16lkclNot_Jesus: the current web site is a means by which i may make notes, use it as a big TODO list and so on.  it's stored in a git repository which i can manage and push.
22:41.41lkclNot_Jesus: if there was even one extra person working full-time on this, they could do all the things that you are saying should be done
22:41.47Not_Jesuswhat do the volunteers work on?
22:41.58lkclNot_Jesus: but we do not have even 5% of an additional full-time person
22:42.09Not_Jesusalso how much of it is created?
22:42.21lkclNot_Jesus: they do what they want to and what they have time to do.
22:42.47lkclNot_Jesus: sorry, what is "it"?
22:42.58lkclsorry, i don't follow
22:43.07Not_Jesusthe eoma68
22:43.49lkclNot_Jesus: 100% of the eoma68 computer card, laptop, and micro-desktop units.  those are the complex ones.
22:44.17Not_Jesusyou already have working ones?
22:44.18lkclNot_Jesus: the only ones that haven't been created are the two (incredibly simple) additions of the break-out board and pass-through card
22:44.29lkclNot_Jesus: yes, of course - otherwise i would not have gone to launch.
22:44.31Not_Jesuspass through course?
22:44.36*** part/#arm-netbook pseudomind (
22:44.42Not_Jesushow many are created?
22:44.52lkclNot_Jesus: the videos can be seen online on youtube, searching for "eoma68"
22:45.22lkclNot_Jesus: do you mean "how many of each prototype in each device category were made?"
22:45.57lkclNot_Jesus: 5 EOMA68-A20 computer cards were made - i only have one left that works, as the others were damaged during the prototyping of the laptop's PCBs
22:46.39Not_Jesusim interested in working on a site for the project
22:46.42lkclNot_Jesus: 5 Micro-Desktop units were made - only two of those left are working (one is with crowd supply, the other i use for demos)
22:47.04lkclNot_Jesus: the laptop PCBs i assembled myself on a budget - there is only one set
22:47.07lkclNot_Jesus: great!
22:47.34Not_Jesusare you the founder of the project as well?
22:48.13lkclNot_Jesus: it could do with a big reorg
22:48.16lkclNot_Jesus: yes.
22:48.20Not_Jesusare their any design principles or chosen colors for the Libre Tea?
22:48.34Not_Jesusany branding stuff
22:49.04Not_Jesuslkcl, what operating system is planned to be installed by default?
22:49.36lkclNot_Jesus: there are 4 available and tested
22:49.51lkclNot_Jesus: FreeBSD is also on the TODO list, as is SUGAR (from OLPC)
22:51.55lkclNot_Jesus: btw one of the reasons for the current web site design is because it is recognised instantly and immediately by software libre developers.
22:53.10lkclNot_Jesus: the CHIP team are **NOT** cognizant of libre software development or why it's important: i know who they are, and i know that they are interested in financially exploiting the low cost of the Allwinner R8, first, foremost and near-exclusively
22:54.21Not_Jesuscould you send me media i could use for the site?
22:56.34lkclNot_Jesus: everything's checked into a git repository: if you send me an ssh public key i can give you direct access to it, and you can pull everything (the entire site source code)
22:58.24Not_Jesusok check pm
22:58.38Not_Jesusalso could you use your eoma68 and test on it?
22:59.11Not_Jesusits a distributed file hosting like ipfs with an email replacement\irc replacement ready and lots of new things
23:14.24lkclNot_Jesus: cool.  do you have a cubieboard2 or any other ARM-based embedded board?
23:15.35Not_Jesusnot yet
23:15.54Not_Jesusi order a CHIP and will be ordering a Libre Tea
23:16.00Not_Jesusi ordered*
23:16.16lkclNot_Jesus: reason i ask is, any board that has an ARM processor you can use to test
23:16.19lkclNot_Jesus: cool!
23:16.46lkclNot_Jesus: i'd be interested to know if the Allwinner R8 has a proper full GPL software stack down to the bedrock.
23:18.54lkclNot_Jesus: hmmmm.... is a decentralised distributed database, right?  soo.... i could drop any "data" into it that i wanted, right?
23:19.25lkclNot_Jesus: reason i ask is, have you heard of Bob Podolski and his book, "Flourish"?
23:19.34Not_Jesusyeah you could
23:19.35Not_Jesusand no i havnt
23:25.10lkclok, Bob Podolski is the advocate behind "Organised Anarchy" - decentralised guidelines on how to self-organise in an expandable fashion might be the missing framework which allows contracts to be declared (and stored, and digitally-signed) between people
23:28.45lkclNot_Jesus: you're the developer behind right?  for what i do, i would need a "signing" option that also refuses to accept "encrypted" incoming connections
23:28.56Not_Jesusno im not the developer of
23:28.58Not_Jesusthufir is
23:29.02Not_Jesuson #morphis
23:29.08Not_Jesusi help him with stuff
23:30.04lkclthufir: ahhh yeah i've heard of him.
23:30.16lkclcan't remember where, but i've encountered him

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