IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20150429

06:55.26*** join/#arm-netbook infobot (
06:55.26*** topic/#arm-netbook is arm-netbook: Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - EOMA68 spec - ML - Logs or - For Allwinner/sunxi discussions prefer #linux-sunxi - iMX6 Card - Flying Squirrel - Allwinner A10/A20 Card -
07:11.36*** join/#arm-netbook varibull (
07:13.19*** join/#arm-netbook rjt (
07:27.49*** join/#arm-netbook robertz (
07:30.21*** join/#arm-netbook fossxplorer (~fossxplor@unaffiliated/fossxplorer)
08:03.53*** join/#arm-netbook LinuxBot (~LinuxBot@
08:14.12*** join/#arm-netbook varibull (
08:33.06*** join/#arm-netbook fredy (
09:04.48*** join/#arm-netbook nicksydney (~quassel@
09:35.36*** join/#arm-netbook traeak (
10:15.08*** join/#arm-netbook yang (yang@freenode/sponsor/fsf.member.yang)
12:02.10*** join/#arm-netbook traeak (
12:07.20*** join/#arm-netbook domidumont (dodu@nat/hp/x-zdmovgxicuazohhc)
12:09.49*** join/#arm-netbook lorbus (
12:13.28lorbusHello, has anyone heard of Raxa's Rabbit IO open hardware standard? How does it compare to EOMA-68 and EOMA-200?
12:15.11buZz0 google hits
12:15.27buZzdid you mean
12:17.24buZzThe Rabbit standard reuses the 204 pin edge connector used on ddr3 so-dimm modules as it’s primary interface.
12:17.43buZzbut yeah, seems similar
12:18.13buZzgreat that they say fuckyou to existing effort and reinvent the wheel AGAIN
12:18.20buZzvery raspberry pi of them
12:19.49lorbusbut its much more similar to EOMA-200 than EOMA-68, isnt it? And there is absolutely no products using the EOMA-200 or are there?
12:20.25lorbusI'm not looking to promote them, I'm, just rtying to figurie out what standard to use for my project
12:21.50lorbusQuestion is does the rabbit io have any advantages over EOMA
12:21.54buZzi dont think there is a EOMA product at all
12:22.02buZzrabbit doesnt have PCIe
12:22.05buZzdoes it?
12:23.48buZzyeah single lane
12:23.57buZzEOMA does up to 4 lanes
12:24.32buZzalso EOMA can have two SD card interfaces, rabbit just a single one
12:24.52lorbusThank you. Thats a good answer. Now I know I'll use EOMA
12:25.06buZz:) yay
12:25.10buZzwhat are you making?
12:25.46lorbusOne more thing: Will there be any way to use an EOMA-68 SoM on EOMA-200 boards, with some kind of adapter board?
12:27.34lorbusCurrently only setting up ideas :D but I'm looking for a topic for my Bachelor Thesis, something like a NAS/Router, possibly using multiple SoMs.
12:32.51*** join/#arm-netbook ssvb (~ssvb@
12:34.05lorbusanything on the EOMA-68 SoM to EOMA-200 boars adapter?
12:34.16*** part/#arm-netbook lorbus (
12:35.18*** join/#arm-netbook lorbus (
12:38.27buZzdont think this channel is most authorative on it
12:38.33buZznor do i know any other channel
12:38.44buZzafaik most EOMA work is done by non-irc ppl
12:40.56*** join/#arm-netbook yang (yang@freenode/sponsor/fsf.member.yang)
12:42.09lorbushm thanks anyway. Its just I find the rhombus-tech website annoyingly hard to use.
12:42.31lorbuswhy is it not hosted on anyway?
12:56.52SPG master ee8cdd7 rhombus index/discussion.mdwn IRC Chat *;a=commitdiff;h=ee8cdd7
13:09.45buZzelinux isnt related :)
13:13.24lorbusso its all done by rhombus? good to know.
13:15.38*** join/#arm-netbook fredy (
13:16.26lorbusdoes anyone know where to get schematics of the Improv board by Aseigo that never made it to production?
13:16.55lorbusthe makeplaylive website is down..
13:19.34lorbusor recent schematics of the micro desktop board? or are the ones here still timely?
13:23.59lorbusor do rhombus make and sell the microdesktop board already?
13:35.55*** join/#arm-netbook varibull (
13:58.35*** part/#arm-netbook traeak (
15:00.51*** join/#arm-netbook lorbus (
15:09.23arossdotmelorbus, msg luke
15:09.47arossdotmelkcl_, see above
15:09.49lorbushow do i do that?
15:10.09arossdotmeemail or wait for him is look at his irc notifications
15:10.27arossdotmelkcl is his nick
15:11.35arossdotmeis his email on the website?
15:12.29arossdotmeor if your on the mailing list search for lkcl and your’ll get his email that way
15:20.34lorbusthanks, i wrote him via irc for now.
16:02.31*** join/#arm-netbook domidumont (dodu@nat/hp/x-treuqpklocdroafv)
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19:44.26*** join/#arm-netbook lorbus (
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23:12.35*** join/#arm-netbook funnel (~funnel@unaffiliated/espiral)

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