IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20131013

00:13.00*** join/#arm-netbook akaizen (
00:29.52*** join/#arm-netbook ZetaNeta (~zetaneta@unaffiliated/zetaneta)
00:43.51keeblertheborger: What WM?
00:45.02keeblerWindow Manager?
00:45.17theborgeri am in the process of reinstalling now. for XFCE
00:45.45theborgeri installed LXDE it was ok.
00:46.26keeblerIt's the default I install on machine where people want something familiar, not used to Linux, but don't have a lot of resources.
00:46.34keeblerPersonally though, I use Fluxbox.
00:47.07keeblerI'm more about speed and hotkeys than flashy UI.
00:47.37WarheadsSEI just haven't taken the time to learn one of these tiling WMs, or anything else.
00:47.47WarheadsSEI know my way around KDE pretty fast.
00:47.48keeblerAlthough, some could say Fluxbox IS Flashy UI. ;) It sure is pretty to me.
00:47.56theborgeri had a cubieboard plugged into one of those moto laptop docks.
00:48.02theborgerthis thing is a monster compaired to that
00:48.10WarheadsSEHeh, yeah
00:48.16keeblertheborger: Heh, I've got the lapdock 500
00:48.17WarheadsSEDual A15 vs single A8
00:48.22keeblerplugged into my EOMA-A20
00:48.41keeblerWhat has the dual A15?
00:49.07theborgerkeebler: it was nice. but a little slow sometimes
00:49.11theborgerthis thing is peppy
00:49.34theborgernow to get me a quad arm netbook :)
00:49.34keeblertheborger: What was? (the Cubieboard A10?)
00:49.46theborgerkeebler: yea
00:49.50keeblerAh, yeah.
00:50.08theborgerit was way better then the Pi though
00:50.35theborgersold the cubieboard for double what i bought it for
00:50.35keeblerrPI ARMv6 @ 700mhz, vs ARMv7 @ 1200mhz
00:50.45*** join/#arm-netbook Dessimat0r (
00:50.50keeblerWhat are you using now?
00:51.04theborgerkeebler: samsung chromebook :)
00:51.30*** join/#arm-netbook stefanro1 (
00:51.52WarheadsSEARMv7, cortex-A15, w/ vfpv4+neon, et al
00:52.03WarheadsSEdual 1.4?Ghz
00:52.04keeblerI've got 3 A20-SoM chips all running various flavors, plus my 2 EOMA-A20s. I'd say, depending on how you configure your WM and Networking Interfaces, they can be pretty peppy... BUT, not as fast as the Exynos 5
00:53.12theborgeri got another sd card here, probley stick arch on that one. see how it is
00:53.24keeblerCan't stand booting off SD. :/
00:53.39keeblerboottime sped up 5seconds booting from NAND.
00:53.48keebler(15second from power to desktop)
00:56.17keeblertheborger: This is what I'm running right now. :)
00:56.46keeblerWe're building some security centric devices around it.
00:57.13theborgerthat looks like an Olimex board
00:57.19keeblerNope. :)
00:57.39keeblerPredates most of Olimex's Allwinner products.
00:57.42theborgerwhat are the A20 specs
00:58.00keeblerDual Cortex A7 at 1.2ghz
01:01.37theborgerthat is a nice board
01:22.21ssvbkeebler: 1.2ghz is higher than the safe limit of overclocking for a10/a20 chips, many of them can't run so fast
01:24.05*** join/#arm-netbook DEAT_ (
01:24.39ssvbkeebler: the nominal speed for a10 is 1008mhz, and for a20 it is either 912mhz or 960mhz
01:27.36crazedpsyceh? is that just without cooling, or unrelated?
01:30.32WarheadsSEcould be a destabilization not related to heat
02:03.20theborgernow i have no sound
02:03.26theborgerit is unmuted in alsamixer
02:52.01*** join/#arm-netbook focus_it (
03:08.35theborgerhum yea sound is borked
03:34.05*** join/#arm-netbook ganbold_ (~Ganbold@
05:33.25*** join/#arm-netbook ganbold_ (~Ganbold@
06:11.30keeblerssvb: The nominal-default speed for the A20 is set to 912mhz at 1.4v, iirc. However, it can be run at 1008mhz with relative ease and saftey, and I do believe the Mele M5 is running it at the full 1.2ghz?
06:12.38keeblerThat said I'm less concerned with Mhz, and more concerned with the GMAC interface. I've yet to see ANYONE employ 10/100/1000 ethernet using the GMAC PHY.
06:13.05keeblerWell, I can't say anyone, I know of one company doing it, but they haven't released the stuff yet.
06:16.59keeblerIt seems Olimex is having the same problems the other company is with gmac, not to mention the iMX6's Gbit PHY suffers from a similar issue of limited throughput
08:11.20*** join/#arm-netbook wingrime (~wingrime@
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10:26.39*** join/#arm-netbook hht (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/hg-5/x-8664886)
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11:54.34*** join/#arm-netbook tzafrir (
11:55.02tzafrirhi, someone gave me a nice metal case for a raspberry pi (but not the board itself).
11:55.17tzafrirThe case has holes carved specifically for the pi.
11:55.38tzafrirI'd like to use that case (for various reasons). But I prefer a different board.
11:56.05tzafrirAny idea if there's a better board physically compatible with the rpi?
12:01.15wumpussolidrun has development boards (carrier one) which are almost physically compatible with the rpi, IIRC there is only a small difference in the size/position of the usb
12:01.17*** join/#arm-netbook hht (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/hg-5/x-8664886)
12:13.23*** join/#arm-netbook dyoung (dyoung@nasadmin/dyoung)
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12:58.42SPGlkcl master 91e1d00 rhombus community_ideas/kde_tablet/news/2nd_revision_Camera_Status.html * add camera status report *;a=commitdiff;h=91e1d00
12:58.42SPGlkcl master 6c54ab0 rhombus * Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// *;a=commitdiff;h=6c54ab0
13:01.44*** join/#arm-netbook Dessimat0r (
13:11.37SPGlkcl master 095c4d2 rhombus community_ideas/kde_tablet/pcb.mdwn * status report update *;a=commitdiff;h=095c4d2
13:12.41theborgeri am still having an issue with sound in crouton.
13:12.46theborgerno idea what is going on here
13:15.07*** join/#arm-netbook popolon (~popolon@2a01:e35:2e1e:a6c0:f66d:4ff:fe63:ab69)
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14:03.11*** join/#arm-netbook cubie (~cubie@
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14:31.20theborgeranyone some help with sound issues? i really can not find the problem
15:14.25*** join/#arm-netbook wingrime (~wingrime@
15:17.11theborgerrunning aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav  outputs sound
15:17.20theborgerwhat in the heck am i missing
15:18.57*** join/#arm-netbook fredy (
15:29.54tzafrirwumpus, could you provide a link? I could not find those dev-boards on
15:41.39*** join/#arm-netbook tuliom (~tuliom@2001:1291:200:8528:1e6f:65ff:fe48:945b)
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17:02.19*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah|noPC (~ibrah@
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17:31.58theborgerWarheadsSE: you around yet?
17:33.59theborgerinstall arch
17:34.01theborgerbut no X
17:34.07theborgeris that not installed by default?
17:35.34WarheadsSEone of those things about arch
17:37.54theborgerWarheadsSE: for the love of me i can not get sound working in ubuntu
17:38.21theborgerif i run aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav  it outputs sound
17:38.36theborgerbut can not get any sound from firefox etc
17:39.47WarheadsSEOkay, weill I suppose it is not poointg at the right place.
17:39.56WarheadsSEAre the outputs proprly unmuted?
17:42.20theborgeras far as i know
17:45.24WarheadsSEThen I can't say much other than it is likely that FF is not configured to output to the right sink
18:57.09*** join/#arm-netbook gimli (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
18:58.54*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah|noPC (~ibrah@
19:09.05*** join/#arm-netbook akaizen (
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19:40.41*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah|noPC (~ibrah@
20:26.18*** join/#arm-netbook stamina (
20:28.02*** join/#arm-netbook WarheadsSE (
20:34.30*** join/#arm-netbook fragmint (
20:44.38*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah (~ibrah@
21:00.31*** join/#arm-netbook cubie (~cubie@
21:08.40*** join/#arm-netbook stamina (
21:09.14*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah|noPC (~ibrah@
21:11.05*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah (~ibrah@
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21:52.18*** join/#arm-netbook akaizen (
21:53.00*** join/#arm-netbook akaizen (
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23:07.03*** join/#arm-netbook tuliom (~tuliom@2001:1291:200:8528:1e6f:65ff:fe48:945b)

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