IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20131011

00:53.58*** join/#arm-netbook stefanro1 (
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09:27.46arokux1keebler: PMP availability -- great news!
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14:23.11WarheadsSEwhich one is that on?
14:25.59*** join/#arm-netbook ykchavan (~ychavan@
14:44.00*** join/#arm-netbook Dessimat0r (~Dessimat0@
14:45.51keeblerWarheadsSE: iMX6Quad
14:46.00WarheadsSEoh, great
14:48.25*** join/#arm-netbook ykchavan (~ychavan@
14:50.09keebleriMX7 will come out Q4 of next year, and be a quad Cortex A7
14:50.26buZzQ4 2014?
14:50.29keeblerSo far, with the iMX line they aren't doing the bigLITTLE approach.
14:50.32keeblerbuZz: yes
14:50.35buZzthats a bit late ..
14:50.41keeblerand yes... that's what I said.
14:50.59buZzi cant wait for a allwinner a80 :)
14:51.00keeblerThey put the iMX line on hiatus for almost a year, so they're playing catchup.
14:51.17keeblerbuZz: What happened to A70?
14:51.42buZzno idea, what happened to all the numbers between 31 and 80 ?
14:51.46keeblerTheir 64 bit Arm A53
14:52.12keeblerA51M was supposed to come out this fall (quad A15 w/ MALI gpu)
14:52.12mnemocdon't mix arm cortex names with allwinner names
14:52.13buZzi have never seen heard or read about a 64bit from allwinner
14:52.19keeblermnemoc: I'm not.
14:52.24mnemocbuZz did
14:52.53keeblerbuZz: Then I will be quiet... I thought it was officially announced.
14:53.09buZzi see here; > Early 2015 will see the launch of Allwinner’s first 64bit processors running A53 and A57 architecture.
14:53.19buZzmnemoc: hm?
14:53.37buZzi am waiting for;
14:53.41keeblerbuZz: That's sad. :( They moved the roadmap from what I had.
14:53.54buZzyeah looks like it
14:53.55mnemoc< buZz> i cant wait for a allwinner a80 :) < buZz> no idea, what happened to all the numbers between 31 and 80 ?
14:54.06buZzmnemoc: yeah allwinner A31 is a chipmodel
14:54.07mnemocbuZz: ^----- you are talking about allwinner chips
14:54.10buZzthe quadcore
14:54.25mnemocand keebler is talking about ARM Cortex-A names
14:54.26buZzi didnt know A53 was a cortex chip until just now ;)
14:54.29keeblermnemoc: Now I see the confusion, but he didn't mix names
14:54.49keeblerAnd yes, A53 is Cortex.
14:54.57buZzthank god we have mnemoc to set us straight
14:55.04keeblerTheir A70 was supposed to be based on the A53/A57
14:55.14keeblerDamn allwinner.
14:55.25keeblerYou just HAD to use an A naming convention!
14:55.36mnemocapple too
14:56.17mnemocbut allwinner and arm are equally irrational to name their products
14:56.49keeblerIntersting though, it looks like the A70 was completed replaced by the A80 and they did an entire line-jump
14:57.37mnemoctheir current work is in a 4xA15+4xA7 which seems to be a successor for the A31, so no sata and PVR
14:58.13buZz-is- A80 4xA15 + 4xA7 ?
14:58.14keeblerMy sources said SATA was supposed to be reintroduced.
14:58.31buZzi couldnt find a source that described what was inside the octacore
14:58.35keeblerIt's why they abandoned the A31
14:58.37mnemocA23 is a successor of the A13, craplet centric
14:58.54mnemocbuZz: yes
14:58.58keebler(they being my sources)
14:59.00buZzcool :)
14:59.10mnemocbut A31 is tabletish as A13   .... they swapped the numbers
14:59.18mnemocand A20 is 2xA10
14:59.18buZzi hope it will get sata ...
14:59.35keeblerYeah, the A51m (which is what I was told was now to be what they're calling the A80), was just A15 swapped
14:59.43mnemocso if they have some rationality, A80 should be 8xA10, so mali and sata
15:00.12keeblerBut who the hell knows now.
15:00.37crazedpsycoh good, I'm not the only one who thinks those make no sense
15:00.50mnemocwell... AW people knows.... but they don't want to tell anything about the GPU yet
15:00.51crazedpsycI thought there must be some logic somehow
15:01.01mnemocand considering they already paid for PVR....
15:01.50mnemocI see a sort of patern in A10, A1x, A20, A31 and A23
15:02.01keeblerAnyway, still months before these chips become cost effective.... I'm holding 3 A20-System On Modules SODIMMs in my hand.... flippin sweet.
15:02.08mnemocfollowing that pater A80 should be A10-ish
15:02.54mnemocbut they make way too much emphasis in the tablet oriented goal of A80
15:03.48mnemocif this octa is A31-ish it could be also sun6i, if this octa is A20-ish it could be also sun7i
15:04.07mnemocif they mix sata and pvr, it's a new beast and running out of sunNi numbers
15:07.01buZzmaybe they will move to letters :P
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18:09.56jelly-homesun(.5 + sqrt(3)*j)i
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