IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20130924

00:01.53*** join/#arm-netbook keebler_ (
00:02.47keebler_Sitting next to Dale Daughtery, and I can't demo my crap because the TV can't go DOWN to 720p.
00:29.51*** join/#arm-netbook stefanro1 (
01:33.41*** join/#arm-netbook qingluo (~jason@
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04:10.01*** join/#arm-netbook discopig (~discopig@unaffiliated/discopig)
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08:47.00*** join/#arm-netbook focus (
08:52.00*** join/#arm-netbook atiti (~atiti@2001:878:200:1054:e95b:1a30:8f13:fc5)
09:00.12mnemocwhat was the name of amd's? arm board with itx-ish form factor?
09:12.15*** join/#arm-netbook nashpa (
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10:11.25*** join/#arm-netbook akaizen (
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10:46.22arokux1focus, hi there. I need some expert in USB IP cores, do you know one?
10:50.39*** join/#arm-netbook stamina (
10:57.19focusarokux1: though i have dev systems, i m not well up on vhdl at the moment - you can such cores from
10:58.08arokux1focus, nobody from the industry? maybe some irc channes? I need to decipher chinese code.
11:02.00focusoff channel - i contact you
11:24.42*** join/#arm-netbook herdingcat (~huli@
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12:01.23*** join/#arm-netbook keebler (
12:02.34*** join/#arm-netbook hno (~hno@squid/developer/hno)
12:03.22*** join/#arm-netbook Dessimat0r (
12:06.10*** join/#arm-netbook lkcl_ (
12:18.07*** join/#arm-netbook tinti (~tinti@pdpc/supporter/student/tinti)
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14:16.42keeblerLast night was awesome!
14:17.00keeblerlkcl_: You here?
14:29.48arokux1keebler, what was last night? :)
15:05.02*** join/#arm-netbook wingrime (~wingrime@
15:05.31keeblerarokux1: Met Dale Daughtery from Make Zine (founder), and might have sold a few (thousand) EOMA68 + MEBs.
15:06.02keeblerANd an FYI
15:06.04arokux1keebler, cool.
15:06.12keeblerEOMA68-A20 HDMI to VGA Adapter works great.
15:06.55keeblerStill haven't been able to test the MEB VGA card, BUT focus: Analog Devices sent the ADV7125s overnight yesterday, they'll arrive tomorrow
15:07.03keeblerSo we might be able to test the MEB-VGA by tomorrow.
15:07.39keeblerAnd, my Motorola Lapdock arrived yesterday. :)
15:09.18*** join/#arm-netbook gimli (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
15:09.24focuskeebler: great going! Good to know HDMI to VGA adapters work
15:12.16keeblerYup. :) Cost me $45, but it was driving me crazy not being able to use my normal monitor at home.
15:18.29keeblerAlso arokux1 I spoke with some guys last night, and they have a jMicro Port Multiplier that works perfectly in Linux, they're going to buy a few hundred MEBS+EOMA to make a Cluster, we're working together to make a NAS.
15:19.49keeblerI spent 3 hours non-stop talking about the MEB and EOMA initiative... btw, not to sound too critique-ish, spelling out EOMA 100 times gets rather difficult. :)
15:19.58arokux1keebler, interesting. I've also asked one kernel dev about drivers. he said host sata should support such feature for it to work.
15:20.21keeblerSo using a multiplier isn't a problem
15:20.27*** join/#arm-netbook stamina (
15:20.32arokux1keebler, so sunxi SoCs SATA host ports support port multiplication?
15:20.33keeblerThe problem is sourcing one and having it work reliably.
15:22.55keeblerarokux1: From what I understand, it's not the sunxi that has to support it, it's that the kernel has to be built with the drivers to detect the port multiplier, and from what I can tell, the SI3132 can, but it's a crap chip. At any rate, we're working on it. They have a standalone card I'll be able to test.
15:23.52arokux1hm.. I've been told the host SATA port should support multiplication feature too. maybe the info wasn't reliable.
15:28.25WarheadsSEheads up, if the drivers to the PHY (if attached that way) don't have the capability, or the implemented logic core suck, then yes.
15:28.50WarheadsSEYOu have to have the multiplier support code in the platform sata driver on arm, or have it nicely inherited
15:29.15WarheadsSEI know of a few sata implementations that are literally incapable of port multiplication (glares at PLX)
15:30.20arokux1WarheadsSE, why the platform sata driver should be arch dependent?
15:31.14arokux1" YOu have to have the multiplier support code in the platform sata driver on arm"  why on arm?
15:32.44keeblerMan, Motorola does NOT want you taking apart their Lapdocks.
15:33.16arokux1WarheadsSE, (see my last message)
15:34.12WarheadsSEarokux1: I am most familiar with arm, so I located my context of knowledge
15:34.47arokux1WarheadsSE, I see.
15:41.44WarheadsSEgenerally SATA drivers are not platform specific for x86
15:41.58WarheadsSEthey are attached over some bus, and not itegrated into the chip/soc
15:43.02arokux1WarheadsSE, I know nothing about SATA, but EHCI/OHCI isn't arm specific, although on-SoC. you just need to provide a glue to have them running.
15:44.56*** join/#arm-netbook ykchavan (~ychavan@
15:49.54arokux1WarheadsSE, something like this is going on with SATA as I see. this early code should work once all the bugs are found:;a=blob;f=drivers/ata/ahci_sunxi.c;h=9cc4610e35ec7677b15ce081c757d65326ccebef;hb=c2dc48b389cdc8d8aff8cead5d7594ce5bdd272c
16:03.41*** join/#arm-netbook datagutt (~datagutt@unaffiliated/datagutt)
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19:41.37*** join/#arm-netbook gobo (cffdf4d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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23:54.03*** join/#arm-netbook datagutt (~datagutt@unaffiliated/datagutt)
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23:54.03*** join/#arm-netbook focus (
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23:54.03*** join/#arm-netbook Domin (
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